#it literally looks bruised šŸ˜£ feels bruised too
harmonizewithechoes Ā· 2 years
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sttoru Ā· 10 months
Hi. āœŒļø I'm writing this as I'm feeling very low, so I'm sorry if it doesn't really make sense, but I've been struggling with my body image lately. šŸ˜“šŸ˜“
Tw: body image struggles, sadness, negativity, bullying, mentions of being underweight.
For some unknown reason, I've been feeling very unsatisfied with the way I look. I've been struggling to accept my face and body. I used to feel like this when I was like, twelve or something, and then it got better, but, sometimes, like now, I get hit by so many insecurities... šŸ„²
The beauty standard, for women, where I live is to be curvy (because people love having something to grab).
And I never cared about that until I started going to school and my classmates would talk behind my back about how I was way too thin, way too flat, way too boney, too underweight. About how nobody would ever want me. Saying that my skin was too ugly (because I have freckles and I'm always covered in bruises, my skin is very thin, so it's easy to be marked), that nobody would like to hold me because it would be like hugging a pile of hard uncomfortable bones and then they'd point out "imperfections" that I never even noticed - my stretch marks around my thighs, my asymmetrical nose, my uneven knees, my dimples, my big front teeth, etc.
Having your body trashed by others is so hurtful, even when it isn't directed to me. šŸ˜£ Why are these people judging other people on the way they look? In such a superficial way? They didn't choose to be born this way. They are just. There. Trying to live their lives naturally. Why does it bother people so much the way you look? And then they make you hate yourself too, because no one likes having their "flaws" and insecurities called out and made fun of. And the worst part of it: if someone else has the same "flaws" as you, you won't think it looks that bad on them. šŸ˜
Growing up was hard, and I grew to, not love, but accept myself as me. Still, those words linger in the back of my mind. Those are the things I keep on thinking about before falling asleep, while shopping for clothes, while eating, while staring at the mirror. I hate that their words are affecting me until now. I hate feeling so miserable about how I look. Do you have any advice on how to love yourself? On how to heal better from years of receiving hate?
I hope you have a great day and I hope I'm not bothering you. šŸ˜…
hellloo! sorry for the late response, i was quite busy :< iā€™m also very sorry to hear that you feel like that and i surely hope that what iā€™m going to say helps you somehow. in any kind of way, hopefully.
if your struggles get unbearable, please contact nearby (mental) health care services or friends. remember that thereā€™s always someone out there who care for you for who you are <
first of all, no one deserves to go through such a thing. itā€™s horrible ā€” that people call others out on things they can barely have any influence on, like how someone looks. never ever should anybody comment on another onesā€™ looks. shouldnā€™t ever be considered okay.
unfortunately, nowadays itā€™s like its normal. i see it every day, people and especially women getting trashed by thousands of unwanted comments from both men and women about their body. being too fat, being too skinny, being too dark skinned, having stretch marks : itā€™s literally impossible to be a woman, like america ferrera said in the barbie movie (saying the latter assuming you are a woman or identify as one). people will always feel like criticising someone elseā€™s body or face, no matter what you change or try.
thereā€™s lots of reasons for that; some just like to project, others tend to focus too much on the beauty standards that are institutionalised into their brains due to all kinds of social media platforms. you also have some people who love to hate because they want to feel better about themselves; aka insecurities. if they see someone who they think is less attractive than them, they tend to instantly downgrade them to make themselves feel better. it sucks ā€” really does. but that says a lot about them as a person (trash LOL).
so those people who said all of those horrible things to you when you were young, probably did it due to one of the reasons stated above. and let me tell you, all reasons stated above do NOT justify their harsh words. itā€™s childish and immature to say all those words to you ā€” theyā€™re immature and need therapy themselves to grow out of that mindset of needing to bring other people down.
thus i can promise you that the right (mature) people do NOT care about how you look. the healthy & healed people who learnt that harsh words can easily influence anotherā€™s mind for years on end, do not ever trash you for your looks or insecurities. EVER. nor do people who actually realise just how harmful beauty standards are to the average human.
itā€™s unfortunate that those werenā€™t the people who were around you during your childhood and iā€™m sorry for that.
iā€™m sure youā€™re just fine. i hope you meet people who love you for who you are, people who love you inside and out no matter what or how you look. there are people out there that iā€™m sure youā€™ll meet one day whom will help you heal those open wounds from your past.
but, you canā€™t just sit around and wait on those people to come heal you. at the end of the day, itā€™s your body, your life, your thoughts. itā€™s tough to heal alone ā€” but thatā€™s a good start. slowly starting to learn to love yourself again will bring you all the peace you need.
itā€™s not a quick journey, believe me. itā€™s gonna be tough, you are going to slip and fall, but remember that your future is in your hands. not in the validation or words of others: your future is yours and so is your life.
my advice on how to love yourself after all those draining years is to spend more time with yourself. i know it sounds harsh, but getting to know your mind and self can put yourself at complete ease. what can you do to improve your understanding of yourself?
- keep a journal. donā€™t have to write in it every day, but each time you want to vent ā€” write in it. if you feel too lazy to write, let off your steam in your notes app. or too lazy to type? talk out loud to yourself or voice record it.
- reflect on your journal. think about your feelings ā€” ask why? questions. search for the possible problems behind your feelings. dissect those problems and search for possible solutions.
example: you feel sad again, because of your remembrance of what others had said to you in the past -> accept the situation; understand why you feel the way you feel -> think of those people and realise and accept that theyā€™re in the past and youā€™re living in the future (as impossible and harsh as that sounds)
your future is in your hands ā€” your future is something that you can CHANGE. the past is unchanging, you canā€™t undo what they said. you canā€™t undo the experiences. once again, as harsh as that sounds. accepting and moving on is a life long process which starts with teaching yourself exactly that.
a fresh new start = a fresh new chapter in your life. in your future. your present.
- learn to live in the present. againnnn, sounds impossible, but it takes time to accept this. you cannot undo what has happened nor can you undo that it has influenced you. thatā€™s why people HEAL: you heal from your wounds, you donā€™t undo them. why? because you canā€™t undo them. you get hurt and accept the pain and the fact you got hurt. then you can start the process of healing, which you can only do if you move forward.
try your best to not hang in the past and focus on the present and future which lays in your hands.
- whenever you think back to whom or what hurt you, consider the value of it for your personal growth. is it negative? think about it if needed, accept it, nod, shrug and ultimately leave it behind because it will not help you personally in the future; you have no need for that stuff that will only get in the way of your journey to love yourself.
think about it for as long as you need, but make sure the thoughts get left behind. if you do not accept and do not stop thinking about those negative things, they will stick for the rest of your life and only make it more unbearable. (i call it the TAM method: ā€˜think, accept, move onā€™)
i know it sounds impossible, but trust me, it works once you get used to it.
of course, it doesnā€™t always work. and it is not bad to sometimes be unable to, itā€™s a looooong progress and journey, but as long as you keep doing what i said above ā€” it will eventually come to you naturally. (i hope.)
- self care days! or mental health days, they call it. take some days for yourself, where you do your favorite things and just try to relax the best you can. example; take a walk with some music on, draw, watch your comfort series etc. etc. to get your mood up!! do this weekly. i do it on fridays after school/work because thatā€™s when i feel best. but its always up to you to choose when to do them (can just be whnever you need a break from life).
lastly, i recommend (if you are able to afford it) to see a therapist or psychologist. they can give you the necessary tools and advice to help with your problems properly. it can also help if you talk it out with someone.
iā€™m always here to listen more to you. always here to help. my dms are also open and i will try to respond asap. remember that beauty standards do not define you for who you are: everyoneā€™s unique, special and beautiful in their own way.
i myself may not love myself or accept myself fully yet, but the more i realise why other people say or do hurtful things, the more i accept that life is always going to be that way. there are always going to be people who criticise you no matter what. itā€™s a harsh world we live in ā€” a harsh industry with lots of people whom havenā€™t healed or have gotten out of their institutionalised toxic mindsets. mind you; some never do.
thatā€™s why associating yourself with such individuals will only bring you down. learn to disassociate yourself from them and that includes anything theyā€™ve said to you ā€” leave them to rot away in their own unbearable and toxic thoughts. live your life. itā€™s yours and no one can change or lead it for you. not their words nor their actions can change your present and future; only if you choose to allow them to.
focusing on yourself and wanting to love yourself and grow as a person gives you autonomy and authority about your own life. take that path and remember that it takes time to heal & accept yourself <3
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jinkicake Ā· 2 years
Sigh, tighnari despite my best efforts has wormed his way into my heart and your thing didnā€™t helpšŸ¤§ I am not immune to assholes unfortunately. IK he would oh so subtly but weird plants around for me to eat like oh nooo how on earth did that get there??? Sigh its an Aphrodisiac so unfortunately I have to rail youšŸ™„ like heā€™s so annoying but also 5ā€4 so he shouldnā€™t get to cocky. He just has the vibe of someone who knows exactly what theyā€™re doing you think your just hanging out w him for the day but by the morning when your picking your clothes up off the floor you realize he had it planned all along, alike of course were not far away enough from people so i can fuck you out of your mind, why would you even think that!?šŸ˜£ motherfucker would destroy you and not feel bad at all, like your gunna be in a sex pollen situation thereā€™s no getting around it itā€™s just gunna happen and when it does he completely loses all rational thought, heā€™s this is near a popular trail but who cares when heā€™s balls deep inside you? Will regain consciousness looking like you were hit by a train, bruises and bite marks everywhere, hair a mess and he has the audacity to be like ā€œ Iā€™m gunna patch you upā€ I HATE HIM!! Only way I will feel better is if I can suck him off while heā€™s tied to a hair unable to move; would like to see him squirming bc I refuse to let him get the upper hand ever, feels like most sex w him is like argument or angry bc heā€™s constantly testing the patience of everyone in his vicinity
omggg why were you refusing tighnari in the first place??? LMFAOOOOO nawr literally he is so sassy and so snide, i love it. There's just something abt mean guys, ya know?
okay.... you didnt have to bring up his height. you did that to hurt me, didn't you? he's my short king and oddly enough i feel like his height gives him a reason to be so rude LOL
but, yes, yes, yandere!tighnari is crazy and would drug you w an aphrodisiac just so then he gets to fuck you! i love it..... he'd be so obsessive, i want it!
His brain is so big, he's canonically smart so like he'd def know how to get into your pants without you even realizing it.... tbh talking about shitty!tighnari kinda makes me want him even more than if we were talking about nice!tighnari.... hmmm
NAURRR SEE FOR ALL THE REASONS YOUD HATE HIM, I LOVE HIMMMM like him being a complete dick and using you for his own pleasure time and time again makes him more appealing like??? yes tighnari i will help you get through any sex pollen or aphrodisiac or h34t that you encounter!!! i feel like if you tied tighnari down to a chair, he'd be a bitch and break his way out of the restraints hehehe ohmgeeeeee frustrated tighnari holding you down and fucking you with no hesitation, too good!!!!
i am currently jotting down angry sex w tighnari into my thoughts..... argument turns into sex... disagreement turns into tighnari cock..... hmmm yeah, that's perfect!!!!
it's kinda funny how much i enjoy fictional yandere and shitty!men topics bc if a m*n ever dared to treat me in a similar way irl i would not hesitate to k!ll him LOL
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plussizeficchick Ā· 2 years
So since your doing commissions for your birthday. I was wondering if I could get a fic with Sukuna and chubby reader. Mainly because you released that headcannon and that's all I've been thinking aboutšŸ˜ And if possible can it have something to do with exhibitionism. I definitely feel like Sukuna would be into thatšŸ˜ Eveything else is up to youšŸ„°
Omgg friend, I really hope you enjoy thisšŸ˜£For real, I may make a second part to thisšŸ˜—
Adore Youā”‚Sukuna x Chubby! Reader feat. Gojo Satoru
warnings: smut(oral fem!receiving, breeding, implied threesome, exhibitionsim)slightly soft Sukuna
Ryomen Sukuna was a lot of things.
Heā€™s selfish, cold-hearted, sadistic. He doesnā€™t have much regard for the way he makes people feel.
But never with you.
With you, Sukuna could never be those things. You brought out a side of him that he thought heā€™d long buried, nestled deep in the crevices of the back of his mind.
He adored you.
He adored the way you gazed up at him with stars in your eyes, like he wasnā€™t some cursed being known for taking lives at the snap of his fingers.
He adored the way you clung to him, never wanting to stray too far, always keeping a hand on some part of him. Like the idea of you two ever being apart was too much to bear.
He especially adored the way you let him fuck you. Treating your plump body as if it was a ragdoll, tossing and twisting your body in ways you never thought possible, pounding your poor cunt into oblivion with his massive cock. He always leaves you worse for wear, lips bruised from his harsh kisses, eyes wet with tears of overstimulation, yet you still look at him like heā€™s hung the moon in the sky.
He adores you.
And as someone who knows the signs of adoration, he knows heā€™s not the only one.
Gojo Satoru is a confident individual, knows heā€™s strong and has looks to match, his bright, blue eyes able to captivate the attention of anyone.Ā 
Heā€™s a catch. Point. Blank. Period.
And as someone whoā€™s a catch, he can sense when someone else is one too.
Thatā€™s why when you, Yuujiā€™s older friend from his old school pops up at Jujutsu Tech, heā€™s immediately smitten.
Cute, round, chubby cheeks that he just wanted to squeeze and kiss. Squishy, jiggly, thighs that he just wanted to nibble on. Sparkling, doe-eyes that he could just stare into for ages and never get bored.Ā Ā 
You captivated him.
Unfortunately for Gojo, he was always busy, needing to travel to deal with some of the more heavier special grade curses. In the time that Gojo spent away from Jujutsu Tech, you had gotten closer to Sukuna. You were already in close proximity because of your friendship with Yuuji, but it wasnā€™t until you were all put in a compromising position that youā€™d felt something other than lust for the curse.
A special grade curse had somehow made it onto school grounds and you were present at the time of attack. You had been in the bathroom when you had felt the building shake and against your better judgment, you stepped out. Just as youā€™d rounded a corner, you felt a sharp pain in your leg causing you to collapse. You turn to look at the assailant but come to find the grotesque face of a special grade curse.Ā 
You let out a blood-curdling scream and the next few moments pass you in a blur. You arenā€™t sure where he came from, but in a flash, Sukuna has you cradled in his arms, the curse laying dead a few feet away from you as a tender look crosses his face, and he gently asks, ā€œAre you alright?ā€ You barely manage a nod before heā€™s looking down at your leg. He looks back up at you and itā€™s hard for you to read his expression. ā€œDonā€™t scare me like that again.ā€ He grunts before carrying you to Yuujiā€™s room.
That day, you and Sukuna had gotten better ā€œacquaintedā€ and ever since then, Sukuna had made it blatantly known that you were his. He made sure you were always around Yuuji so he could keep an eye on you, both literally and figuratively, and even managed to convince the brat to let him have more time with you.
Which leads you to where you are now, grinding your clothed cunt against Sukunaā€™s thigh as he mouths at your neck, nipping and sucking harshly at your sensitive spots. You gasp at the feeling, your clit throbbing against your panties. ā€œSweet girl, you have no idea what you do to me, hmm?ā€ Sukuna coos against your lips. His hands are everywhere, grabbing at your exposed flesh. Heā€™d already left both of your clothes in a heap by the door, so the skin on skin contact was adding to the fire burning in your stomach.Ā 
You shake your head at his question, too caught up in the way his large hands groped at your chest, squishing the balls of fat and watching it puff out between his fingers. He spits on your nipple before running a thumb over the wet bud, pinching it between his thumb and forefinger. ā€œThatā€™s alright, sweetheart. Iā€™ll take care of everything.ā€ He murmured, pushing you to lay on your back.
You fall against the mattress softly, Sukuna laying himself on top of you. ā€œOpen up for me, baby.ā€ He tugs at your panties, pulling the thin piece of material away from your center. He holds the fabric up before taking a glance at you to make sure youā€™re watching as he suddenly shoves your panties against his nose, inhaling your scent. He groans as the smell engulfs his senses, the scent of your arousal causing his cock to stir against your thigh.Ā 
You whine at the sight, bucking your hips upwards in an attempt to get him where you needed him most. ā€œā€˜Kuna, please. Need you.ā€ You mewl, opening your thick thighs wider so he can get a better view of your slick cunt.Ā 
He throws the garment away haphazardly, the sight of your cunt proving to be much more interesting. He spreads your pussy lips open before running his long tongue from your hole up to your clit. You jolt at the feeling before relaxing into his hold, carding your fingers through his hair as he mouths at your pussy.
Heā€™s so messy with it, it's all drool and tongue and it sounds so obscene, the way he slurps up your juices. It doesnā€™t take much longer for you to cum with a shout, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as he keeps going, practically sucking the soul out of your body.
It isnā€™t until he feels you pushing his head away that Sukuna comes up for air, his breathing heavy and chin glistening with your cum. He gives you a sly grin before slithering his way up your frame, grabbing your chin to pull you in for the dirtiest kiss youā€™ve ever had. Itā€™s all spit, tongue and teeth and you can taste yourself in his mouth and it's that which makes your clit throb, the need to be filled the only thought running through your mind.
Clearly having the same idea, Sukuna maneuvers your body to where you are on all fours with him behind you, running his hands along your sides. ā€œYou look so good for me, baby. Looked so good cumming for me. You can take more, right? Youā€™re my good girl?ā€ He asked, rubbing his cock through your slick folds. You canā€™t help but grind your pussy against his length, the tip hitting your clit just right. ā€œI asked you a question, brat.ā€ He says before landing a harsh spank to your cheek. You yelp at the pain, but as soon as it comes the feeling fades and youā€™re left with a pleasurable stinging sensation. ā€œAh! Yes! ā€˜m your good girl. Please!ā€ You beg, needing to feel him inside you.Ā 
He leans over you, giving you a harsh nip on your ear, ā€œThatā€™s fucking right.ā€ He grunts before pushing himself in to the hilt. You groan at the stretch, clenching your pussy around his cock. ā€œFuck, baby. You gotta open up. Gotta let me in that pussy, yeah?ā€ He cooed, moving one of his hands down to toy with your clit. You cry out at the feeling, fucking your hips back onto his cock. The sight is absolutely sinful, the rolls of fat rippling in time with his harsh thrusts, your cunt creaming on his dick, the beads of sweat accumulating on your lower back that Sukuna just wanted to lap up. Fuck the things you do to him.
It isnā€™t until he feels a certain sorcererā€™s presence that Sukunaā€™s reminded of his mission. ā€œLouder, baby. I want everyone to know whoā€™s making you feel good.ā€ Sukuna mutters into your ear as he grinds his dick deliciously into your lower stomach. ā€œā€˜kuna ā€˜m gonna cum. Can I cum, please?ā€ You pleaded, your orgasm burning in the pit of your stomach. ā€œHold it.ā€ He ordered, flicking your clit in between his fingers. ā€œCanā€™t! I canā€™t!ā€ You whine, the pit in your stomach getting bigger and bigger. ā€œI said, ā€œhold it.ā€ā€ He growled, pulling you into a rough kiss. He bites at your bottom lip hard and you're almost certain heā€™s drawn blood before heā€™s pulling away. ā€œCum for me. Soak my fucking cock, baby.ā€ And itā€™s with those words that youā€™re cumming on his cock, your pussy tightening on his length as you sing his praises. He continues his vicious thrusts into your soaked cunt. ā€œFuck yeahhh, thatā€™s it, baby. Thatā€™s a good girl.ā€ He rasps, thrusting once, twice before filling your abused cunt with his seed.Ā 
He slowly pulls out his spent cock, a rush of cum escaping your gaping hole as you slump against the bed.Ā 
ā€œSo, silly little sorcerer. You enjoy the show?ā€Ā 
Ā Your head snaps upwards to see who Sukuna is talking to, only to come face to face with Gojo Satoru. You rush to cover yourself, but then you're stopped by Sukuna.
ā€œI did. You mind sharing?ā€
Taglist: @xogabbiexoĀ @pervysenpaixĀ @dabilovesmeĀ @sintiva @blkchxrryblyssĀ @tenyaiidasslutĀ @luna-indigoduh @bookwormsenpaiĀ @bl--ankhaeji @thicksimpxĀ @namjoonswifeyy @nasty-quillzĀ @haikyutiehoeĀ @musicisme333
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