#it kills me to not be scrolling through the tags but I don’t wanna sway my writing
I don’t care if you ship jargyle or not you have to admit that he did wonders for Jonathan. This is really the first season where we have seen Jonathan behave as a teenager and I enjoyed seeing him outside of caregiver.
And it’s a huge part of my skate au that I am writing. I feel like there is so much to explore with Jonathan’s growth. To see him make more friends and be young and dumb for once.
I’ve been avoiding being on here too much while writing. This piece is very special to me and it’s been great to kinda build onto Argyle as a character without too much influence from the fandom.
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parkersharthook · 4 years
We’ve Only Just Begun
Peter Parker x reader
Warnings: bad words, crack fluff
2.5k+ words
Reference TikToks: kiss my best friend challenge & rich best friend check
series masterlist
“Peter I’m bored.”
“Hi bored, I’m Peter.” Peter looked to you with a small smirk
“I know, I did just address you. Also, never say that joke to me every again if you wanna keep dating.”
“ooh, harsh crowd.” Peter laughed.
“babyyyy I’m bored. It’s summer vacation, I should not be this bored.”
“y/n, you’re distracting my intern.” Your dad snipped quickly, elbows deep into some kind of machinery. You weren’t really sure what they were working, having gotten very uninterested once they started. “He’s helping me right now; do you want me to lose an arm?”
You rolled your eyes and spun around in the chair, “dad you always take him.”
“hey, you get him every day during the school year. Summer is my time.”
Peter looked between the father and daughter with a brow raised, “are you two seriously fighting over me right now?”
“well I wouldn’t have to fight over my boyfriend with my dad if Harley was here right now. That selfish idiot left and now you’re the only wonder boy to entertain my dad.”
Tony scoffed and held out his hand, wordlessly asking Peter for some tool. Peter handed it over immediately before turning his head back, “where did Harley go?”
“I don’t know, he just said he was leaving and walked out.”
“maybe he’s got a hot date.”
You huffed and slouched in the seat, narrowing your eyes at Peter. “makes one of us.”
Tony laughed and twisted slightly to give you a wink, “sorry honey but that was the deal. I let your boyfriend stay here if he helps me out.”
You rolled your eyes so hard Peter was concerned you’d see your brain, “oh puh-lease, you wanted Peter here just as much as I did. Either for Spidey stuff or normal nerd stuff, you’re just using this as an excuse.”
“fine but at least I’m not complaining about him sneaking into your room every night.” Peter sputtered, his face going instantly red and almost dropping whatever mechanic was in his hand.
“oh Mr. stark, i- we don’t- it’s not-“
“relax kid, if I was going to crucify you I’d have already done it.” Tony spun to face you, “now can you please go bother someone else. If you really want to spend time with Peter you’ll let us finish this.”
You huffed and left the lab as Peter blew you a quick kiss causing you flip him off jokingly. This is not what you wanted when you wished for your boyfriend to get along with your dad.
It had been a few hours and you were still bored. You had promptly gone to your room after leaving the lab and gone on tiktok, you’re absolute favorite way to waste time but now you were bored again. And you missed Peter, especially after a stupid trend kept popping up on your fyp of people kissing their “best friends” making you realize you weren’t kissing your very kissable boyfriend right now.
As if he could read your thoughts, Peter waltzed into your bedroom and immediately shucked his shirt off to wipe his face and hands.
“well hello to you too stud.” You said, biting your lip and very obviously ogling his toned body.
Peter laughed as he threw his oil stained shirt into the hamper and went to grab another from the dresser. You pouted, “why are you putting a new one on? You look fine without it.”
“because it’s the middle of the day and anyone could come looking for us and I am not about to be killed by any of the avengers because I’m corrupting their ‘little princess’”. Peter said as he put the new shirt on and flopped next to you, his chin now resting on his hand as he looked up at you.
“ugh they need to get over themselves and realize that we’re adults who’ve been dating for three years and basically already live together.”
Peter shrugged, his empty hand rubbing against your bare leg casually. “you’re always going to be the little girl they watched grow up.” He laughed at your pout and squeezed your thigh, “what have you been up to? Cured your boredom?”
“No.” you huffed, “just been scrolling on tiktok. Kinda want to start making them, could be fun.”
“what would you make?”
You shrugged, immediately struck with a great idea. “I don’t know whatever the trends on. I’m gonna put the tv on, don’t move.”
You shimmied out of bed, setting your phone up as discreetly as possible and turning on your tv. You started the video and moved back to the bed. You knew the trend was to kiss a best friend but you thought it would still be fun with Peter, plus you are best friends… you’re just also already dating. So not cheating, just a loophole.
Peter was still on his stomach, hand supporting his face, as he scrolled aimlessly through Instagram. And with you sitting against your headboard, it looked friendly enough. You waited for the right time before sliding down so you were laying next to him, practically under him. He looked up at you and smiled and for a second you were worried that he was gonna go ahead and kiss you but luckily he waited just long enough where you could initiate it in time with the song. You surged forward, hand immediately coming to weave into his curls to pull him closer.
Peter was obviously not expecting you to kiss him so aggressively so he fell slightly before catching himself on one arm that was now positioned next to your head, the other going to hold your hip. Now you really were under him.
You got lost in kissing him for a few moments when you realized the video was probably done and detached your lips. You giggled as Peter chased your lips, eyes still mostly closed. You slid out from beneath him and walked over to your phone.
“wha- where are you going?” Peter pouted, running his hands through his messy curls. You bit your thumb nail slightly as you rewatched the video, it was cute. “did you take a video of that?”
You nodded and showed him, watching a goofy smile stretch onto his face as he looked up at you, “so when you said you were gonna start filming TikToks you meant immediately.”
You shrugged and sat next to him, “no but the opportunity presented itself.”
You quickly captioned the video ‘sooo I kissed my bsf’ and tagged Peter’s account before posting it and throwing your phone to the side.
Peter kissed your bare shoulder, “is this gonna become a regular thing?”
You giggled and shrugged, “I don’t know. Guess you’ll have to wait and see.” Peter groaned, grabbing you around the middle and falling back onto the bed, pulling you down with him.
It was a few days later when you opened tiktok again, surprised to see your video had racked up 600 thousand likes and over 5 million views. You were surprised to see that it had gone semi-viral and yet no one recognized you. Not that you had your legal name in your username and you definitely weren’t as famous as your dad and family, but you weren’t hidden away either. Honestly though, this was kinda nice to just be another twenty-one year old on tiktok, posting stupid videos for fun.
You went to the comments immediately to see what people were saying and laughed at some of the funnier ones. You noticed that even MJ had commented.
Usera: aw so cute *blocked*
Userb: ms girl… he’s been waiting for this
Userc: no way best friends kiss like that
everythingbagel: “bsf” yeah fucking right y/n
⇲ begginstrips: hehe love you mj
You went back to your fyp and scrolled through a bit before you ran into stassie baby’s video of her showing off Kylie’s car collection with the audio saying, ‘rich best friend check’. You quickly sent the video to Peter, who was currently at lunch with Harry and Ned.
y/n: wanna do this when you get back?
Peter: lol sure seems funny
it was a few more hours before Peter got back to the compound, him easily finding you curled into the couch watching How To Train Your Dragons. You smiled as he dropped a kiss to your forehead, “this movie again?”
“it’s one of the best movies ever made,” you sassed back, “so yes, this movie again.”
He leaned down over the back of the couch smiling into your face before giving you another quick succession of kisses. “wanna film that tiktok?”
You checked the time before nodded, languidly stretching your body and standing up. “where should we start it?”
And that’s how Wanda found you and Peter at 3 am, videoing rando fancy stuff around the compound, you strutting and swaying your hips dramatically. Wanda followed Peter around, who was filming, laughing at your antics and giving you tips on what to include. The three of you got so loud, that Tony eventually woke up to investigate what the three of you were up to… as it was usually not great.
“are you sure we can film this? I don’t reveal any state secrets.” Peter whispered not so well.
“what state secrets are we revealing?” you whirled around to see your father, one brow raised and a hip cocked to the side.
“good entrance, very dramatic dad.” You said with a laugh, “and there aren’t any state secrets being revealed.”
“what are you filming?”
“A tiktok.”
Tony rolled his eyes, “I’m not even gonna pretend to know what that is. Anyways go to bed, you guys are being loud.”
“yeah, yeah. We’re just finishing up.” You watched your dad walked away before turning back to Peter and Wanda, “let’s go film in front of one of his suits.”
Peter had posted the photo to his account and captioned it: “@begginstrips is my sugar momma ;)” before promptly throwing his phone to the floor and passing out next to you in bed.
It was 10 in the morning – which was far too early as you and Peter had only fallen asleep at 4 am – when MJ started calling you and didn’t stop until you literally rolled out of bed onto the floor to pick up.
“what the fuck m? it is too fucking early.”
“you’re all over the news.”
You paled, “what?” Everything you ever did wrong very quickly flashed through your eyes, your mind scrambling to remember what was caught on camera.
“yeah your tiktok went viral. People are freaking out.” You sagged in relief.
“Jesus mj you can’t just say that shit for it to be tiktok.” A pause, “wait which tiktok?”
“the one Peter posted of his ‘rich best friend’ and you walking around the compound.”
You let out a quick laugh, “oh ok. That’s not that bad.”
“also can we talk about this whole best friend schtick you and Peter have going on tiktok? What the fuck?”
You chuckled slightly before crawling back into bed, your heart now beating at a normal pace. “the first one was just a trend so I lied to follow it and then it was just the sound. Also he is my best friend, he’s just also my boyfriend.”
MJ scoffed, “rude. I’m your best friend.”
“right, right. Sorry.” Peter grumbled slightly as he buried his head into your hip. You gently carded your fingers through his curls, “do you know why it’s all over the news?”
“apparently people didn’t know you existed? I don’t know, just thought that you might want a warning in case your dad got angry.”
“well I appreciate it, regardless of the fact that you basically gave me a heart attack and woke me up at butt fuck.”
“it’s 10 am, get over yourself and have a cup of coffee. Anyways, lunch tomorrow?”
You yawned, “sure sounds good. Wanna invite betty?”
“she’s still in Hawaii with her family, they’re coming back this weekend.”
“right, ok. Let me know what time you wanna go.”
“will do. Love you bitch.”
You smiled into the phone and yawned again, “love you bitch.” You hung up and tossed your phone to the floor, rubbing your eyes harshly.
Peter barely opened his eyes as he looked up at you, “what was that about?”
“apparently we’re famous.” You replied as you reached over his body to grab his phone.
Peter snuggled deeper into your body, wrapping his arms around your leg and laying his head in your lap. You rested against the headboard, one hand still playing with his curls and one now scrolling to Peter’s tiktok.
You blanched as you saw the video had gotten over 6 million likes and 45 million views overnight. And according to the comments, people were very confused.
User1: ummm is that the avengers compound or am I tripping?
User2: so we’re all just finding out tony stark has a child rn?
User3: mmmm something don’t add up here?
You sighed as turned the phone off, rubbing your eyes again. A headache was quickly setting in. You leaned down to press a chaste kiss to Peter’s cheek before slowly working your way out of his grasp.
He whined, “baby where are you going? It’s early.”
“I have to go talk to my dad about this but you keep sleeping babe.”
He rolled over to face you as you walked towards your closet. “are you sure? I can come with you.”
“no, it’s ok baby. I really don’t think it’ll be a big deal.”
It was slightly a bigger deal than you realized. Pepper was now talking you through ‘making sure SI had a good image on social media’ while your dad smirked in a corner.
Pepper stroked your arm, “this isn’t bad press or anything. You’ll just have to be careful going into the future. And you know that with being a Stark, you’re gonna have a lot of eyes on you and probably a lot of criticism.” She sighed, “we’ve done a good job shielding you from the press for this long but it might be a lot.”
You smiled at her softly. Pepper really had always been like a mom to you and now that her and your dad were officially married, it was even more true. “Yeah I know. I’m honestly not too worried.” You turned to your dad, “did you know people didn’t know I existed?”
Tony shrugged, “Doesn’t surprise me. I have almost every record of you sealed from the public for your safety and you never were one for the spotlight.” He walked over and dropped a kiss onto your forehead, “never show my suits on your clock app again.”
You rolled your eyes and stuck your tongue out at him, “for someone who owns a company based on new and cutting edge technology, you sure are out of touch.”
He gasped, a hand pressed to his heart. “how dare you, my own daughter.”
Pepper laughed softly, “she’s not wrong. Anyways, post whatever you want to your personal account. You’re an adult, so we trust you just be careful. I don’t want to see you getting hurt.”
You kissed her cheek before standing and stretching out your back. “don’t worry, I already have a plan for my next video.”
“god help us.” Tony muttered.
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hollanderfangirl · 4 years
can i get a blurb based off “Radha” from SOTY???? and it’s between the reader harry and sam
Omg bro I was hoping someone would send a love triangle sorta thing😂 Lol I'm not sure if this is what you wanted but here we go
You were enjoying yourself among the bright colours of the decorations and people laughing and yelling at the wedding. All of your family, along with the Hollands were there, it was your sister who was getting married after all. Well you should have been happy, and you were, no doubt but there was a little problem. Your cousins had been flirting with the Hollands ever since you all reached the venue, and needless to say they were quite enjoying it.
But you lost it when you saw Harry helping your cousin with her dupatta. It wasn't like he didn't know. She was teaching him about all the wedding traditions and rituals, which you had already told him about at least a hundred times. You tried to ignore it, you weren't a person who would get jealous easily. Oh I'll tell him once we get back to London. I'll show him who he's dealing with.
Sam came up to you when he saw you all alone, just mindlessly scrolling through your phone. You had known Sam ever since you knew Harry. When you and Harry started dating, you had sensed that he liked you. But you shrugged it off, because you were Harry's girlfriend and besides Sam was already seeing someone. But still, he was like your best friend and you could always talk to him about anything.
"So do I have to ask you what's wrong?" he had a blue kurta on, just like the rest of the boys. They all looked so good and hot in them, and you wondered how Harry would look at your own wedding. Well if there was ever going to be one.
"Don't you see? Don't you see him with that idiotic girl over there?" you sigh.
"Well she was just showing him her mehendi"
"Damn it Sam! You don't know"
"Y/n you know he's just joking around, you'll have him wrapped around your finger once we get back," he chuckles.
"Ah I know but...hey Sam, will you dance with me tonight?"
"Yeah sure I-"
"No like..um..maybe like we can get a little touchy or flirty"
"Y/n what the hell!"
"Think about it, Harry can never handle it that his twin was hitting on me, he'll be pissed off!"
"You're gonna get me killed"
You had thought of giving up the idea, you felt it was too cruel. Harry was just being a dick, and you knew he would realise it soon. But in the meantime, you thought of having a little fun.
He ignored you on the dance floor, dancing with the other girls. Why am I not surprised? So you went over to Sam and wrapped your arms around him, swaying your body to the music.
"Y/n...just, maybe not this much," he gently tries to push you away.
"Oh come on! Is he thinking about me? No"
This continued for a while and for a brief moment, you had forgotten about Harry, you forgot why you were even doing this. You just saw Sam and his soft eyes, and you were immersed. You could have kept going on like this, if Harry didn't come and push you both aggressively apart.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing mate?!"
"Harry calm down," Sam tried to tell him.
"No you need to fucking calm down"
"Harry shut up, okay? Do you really not see what you're doing? You ignored me all day. And even now you're doing the same. I was all alone and you know who came to me? Sam! Your brother was there for me but you were not"
You run away from the room, out in the open. You were crying but you weren't sure why. Harry came behind you, putting his hand on your shoulder.
"I'm sorry, babe"
"Yeah sorry doesn't cut it"
"Look I just got excited with all this new stuff ok? You were busy with all the rituals, I didn't want to disturb you. It's not what it looks like"
"Oh really?"
"Yes, and your cousin is really clingy. I don't wanna be rude but- she just is"
"Yeah," you smile. "She is"
"Now," he lends you his hand. "May I have this dance?"
"You may"
Later than night, Sam was sitting on the terrace, watching you both take a walk along the garden.
"You really loved her, didn't you?" Tom asked him.
"I did," he says smiling. "I still do, Harry is an idiot, you know. He doesn't realise how lucky he is"
"Wait a damn second..you still love her? Oh my god I'm telling Harry, this is gonna be good," he starts to sprint off towards you both, laughing with Sam running behind him screaming "Don't you dare, Tom!"
@mischiefmanaged011 @perspectiveparker @justanothermarvelmaniac @thisetaernallove @halfblood-princess-505 @spidey-reids-2003 @peterspideysstuff @hollands-weasley @tombob2005 @tommysparker @god-knows-what-am-i-doing @parkerpeter24
(I'm only tagging desis in this lmao)
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xopheliasunflowerx · 4 years
Playful Games (Jervis Tetch Imagine) {Requested}
Summary: Jervis Tetch loves annoying/teasing the hell outta you. Then things turn serious.
25: You piss me off. I sometimes wanna kill you, but I’m in love with you.
83: You’re so tall, it’s fucking annoying.
37: Did you just throw underwear at the lounge?
Pairing: Jervis Tetch x Reader
Fandom: Gotham
Tag: @idkamlazy
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Jervis Tetch, the most annoying childish man you’ve ever known. He’s known to love his obsession with Alice in Wonderland, also known as the clingiest man alive. He clings to you, all the time. He’s obsessed with you, maybe a little too much. But you love it, you can’t deny that. You love that man to death, even if he’s the most annoying person you know.
You lay on the old couch watching TV, scrolling through the channels finding something entertaining. The flashing lights change colours in the background, different noises echoing through you.
The next thing you know, you see a flash of red almost hitting your face. A cool breeze flies by you, you feel your hair swaying away due to the disturbance in the air. You turn around seeing what it was, you find a pair of red underwear, the soft cotton and hard strap lingers in your fingers.
You turn around to face the child man himself, a devilish smirk reaches his plump lips.
“Did you just throw your underwear at the lounge?” You ask confusingly at him, he giggles as he stares at you.
“I was trying to aim at you, but clearly a miss if you insist.” He smiles playfully at you.
You shake your head at the child man, throwing the underwear back at him. A hard core miss, he laughs as you groan loudly.
“You piss me off. I sometimes wanna kill you, but I’m in love with you.” You say as you sit up on the lounge with a small smile on your lips. He chuckles at you as he walks over towards you, him towering over you.
“You are truely the most beautiful flower to ever gloom.” He says sweetly to you leaning over to kiss your forehead.
“You’re so tall, it’s fucking annoying.” You exclaim.
Jervis frowns playfully, a pout enters his lower lip. “You declined my compliment to a hurtful insult. But, it was not my idea that you shall be so small as a tear drop.” He smirks making you frown. He bops your nose as he chuckles loudly making you roll your eyes.
You playfully smack him as he yelps and then laughs at you. Then he takes advantage and starts tickling you, you begin to laugh uncontrollably, screaming loudly with a smile.
Then he kisses your lips as he quickly gets up and runs away from you. You stay there without realising what happened, when you do you yell as you grab his underwear from earlier and you run towards him.
You screamed as you charge towards him. Then finally you find him but you stop. He stood in the room, still and upset. You drop the underwear as you walk towards him, worryingly.
“Jervis?” You ask.
“It’s my sister. She’s in Gotham City.” He responds to you, silently.
Your eyes widen, his sister?! You thought she was dead, well you were hoping she was. You never liked her, hated her with a passion. Jervis always talked proudly and lovingly about her, making you feel insecure. She’s perfect and has Jervis’s heart that you desire so much. Anger fills your bones and fires up your blood, so much hatred filled your veins.
“Alice?” You say calmly. “She’s alive?” You say as you run your fingers against the desk, tracing your fingers over the pattern. “I thought she died.”
“Impossible!” Jervis yells at you, scaring you. “She always has her ways of escaping from my grasp. Perhaps, I shall go greet her? I miss her so dearly.” He says as he looks down, making you concern about him.
“You- you can’t go to Gotham! It’s a nut town! And it’s on the other side of the state! Jervis-“
He grabs you by the neck as he lifts you up from the floorboards. You stare into his dark eyes, turning sinister and evil. He tightens his grip on your neck, making it hard for you to breathe.
“I do not care about how much ruckus that city corrupts! All I care about is getting my sister back. You know the power she possesses, imagine the chaos that city will get if I don’t get her back.” He says as you begin to turn pale, your E/C orbs look like they’re about to pop any second.
Jervis then let’s go as you drop to the ground, coughing loudly as you regain your breath.
Jervis kneels down towards you, looking directly at you with a hard stare. He then lifts your chin up softly as you meet his dark eyes.
“You can either stand with me, or get out of my way.” He whispers aggressively as he roughly moves his fingers away from you. Then he begins to walk in the opposite direction down the dark hallway.
Then he freezes. “Please pack your bags, Y/N. We will be leaving soon.”
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vanne-whump · 3 years
Lost in London. Part One : Pit Tickets
BTHB: Locked in a Trunk @badthingshappenbingo
Tags: @no-whump-on-main
OCs: Halden Gallows-Gerwig, Isaac Alcartez, Kay Edwards
Content: Abduction, Threat of a Mass Shooting, Gun Violence, Bullet Wound, Claustrophobia, Prayers, MINOR WHUMP (Kay is 17).
The scent of sweat and spilled alcohol submerged the room, warm bodies pressed up against one another as music blared through the speakers. Stale air had settled into the venue hours ago.
Kay’s attention was on the stage — energetic performers taking his focus away from the jostling of people around him. An arm went around his waist and he leaned into it in relief. Had the noise not been so overpowering, he would have told Halden that he had been starting to get worried.
Music faded in and out as the songs changed, often flowing into one another. Right up until the encore.
Halden decided he wanted a last drink, yelling something about the bar into Kay’s ear before he slipped away into the writhing crowd. He left a silhouette of a kiss on Kay’s cheek but Halden was gone. Out of sight but certainly not out of mind.
All through the encore, Kay glanced around, seeing only strangers. Claustrophobia began to dawn on him, chest tightening as the music silenced. He swayed slightly, suddenly unsteady. The floor felt like it might fall out from under his feet as the lights brightened. Everyone around him was illuminated, and Halden wasn’t there.
Panic began to set in and Kay started to push his way through the crowd, weaving between indecisive guests. Nothing.
He was sure Halden had said he was going to the bar! Could he have misheard? It was so loud and overpowering and... A firm grip on Kay’s wrist.
Kay spun around and jerked his arm away. The hard expression that met him was anything but inviting. It wasn’t Halden staring him down. Kay opened his mouth to protest — apologise for getting in this guy’s way. But he didn’t get the chance.
“Need to talk,” the man leaned forward, tobacco-scented breath brushing against the side of Kay’s face.
All Kay could do was step back, between breaks in the crowd. The stranger matched his every step.
“Why?” He had to meet the claim with scepticism, having backed himself against the stage barrier.
“Because, if you don’t hear me out, you’re not the only one I’ll shoot,” was the response Kay was graced with. “Semis average out at about thirty-five rounds a minute. This place is packed. Wanna risk it?”
The smile accompanying the words made his stomach churn. The absolute disconnect from the actions he was insinuating. Kay couldn’t risk it.
“It’s got to do with Halden?” He asked, forcing out the question. The momentary wait was agonising.
“You’ll find out,” he was told sharply, “Now move. Fire exit, fifteen feet to our left.”
His hand on Kay’s lower back made him freeze until his common sense could take over. Now, the crowd was starting to disperse but Halden seemed to have vanished. Probably waiting for Kay outside.
“Do I get your name?” Kay asked dryly, through unevenly measured breaths. “Rudeness won’t get you past first base.”
And Kay did as instructed, slipping through the fire exit into a desolate alley lined with dumpsters and broken glass. The moment the door closed behind them, a new type of chill overtook Kay. Sharp evening city air.
“My fiancé is waiting for me,” Kay did all he could to make it sound like a viable threat. It was anything but.
“This isn’t about your fiancé,” Kay’s companion snapped back. “We clear on that for a start?”
“I guess,” Kay fumbled. He’d played his only card too soon. “Can you please tell me what this is about?”
“I’ll tell you what you need to know, and that is that my name is Isaac and you’ll do everything I say or I’ll kill you. Am I clear?”
Kay’s eyes flickered to where he could now see a gun holster on Isaac’s hip and then back up to his expression. Ice cold and deadpan. Instead of his instinct to snap something sarcastic back, Kay only managed a nod.
Isaac hummed in what seemed like approval as Kay took several steps backwards, glass scraping under his shoes as he put some distance between himself and Isaac. He froze in place as soon as Isaac met his eyes.
“Five minutes. A dark green car will reverse from the road. You will be silent. No fuss. As long as you follow my instructions to the letter, you’ll make it to the location alive.”
“I understand,” Kay couldn’t manage anything above a whisper.
Waiting for the car was agony. The best option must be to cause a commotion. Yell — make a break for it. But what had Isaac said? Thirty-five rounds a minute. It was too much risk. Far too much. The street nearby was still packed with other guests still milling around.
If Kay ran, or made any fuss at all, it wasn’t only himself that he was putting at risk. It would be everyone else here too. Kay wasn’t that selfish.
He kept his gaze on the opening of the alley, waiting for the vehicle Isaac had promised. Meanwhile, Isaac was scrolling on his phone, completely ignoring Kay. He must know that Kay was already utterly under his control.
Red taillights jerked Kay’s attention back to the reality. Wordlessly, Isaac used the muzzle of his gun to point towards the car. When Kay didn’t move, Isaac lost patience in the blink of an eye.
Kay didn’t even hear the shot before he felt it. A red-hot poker in his thigh. Blood soaked into his jeans as he stumbled forward — a strangled cry stuck in his throat as he stared down the barrel of the gun. One hand, slick with blood, the other clean, raised in a surrender to Isaac.
“Move,” Isaac hissed. “Do you think I want you dead before we get there?”
“No — no — I’m — I’m going,” Kay hadn’t even realised he was on the floor, gravel sticking to his hands — his clothes. Everywhere as his blood dripped to the ground.
The world spun as he stood, bearing no weight on his right leg.
“Where?” he choked out, stumbling forward, palm flat on the trunk of the car.
“Open it.”
Kay fumbled to open the trunk, stomach dropping as he spotted the clear plastic lining.
He was going to die here.
“Okay,” Kay exhaled, “Don’t — don’t hurt anyone else. Please?” His voice quivered, laced with pain.
Isaac didn’t respond, only slamming the trunk closed after Kay’s head hit the plastic.
Condensation rose on the sheeting as Kay gasped out quiet prayers. Words he hadn’t uttered in years, words that brought him no comfort. He spoke into the dark, whispering to an unseen entity.
Even surrounded by darkness, Kay did everything he could to hold back tears — to cry silently as he tried to ignore the pain. Ignore the way his hands stuck to the plastic while he did everything he could to stop the bleeding. But he couldn’t press hard enough to make a difference.
He weakly pushed against the roof of the trunk. As expected, it didn’t move. If anything, it felt as though it came closer. Pressing in on the air Kay was breathing. Smothering him. Pushing deeply into his chest.
The panic became overwhelming. Kay slammed a loosely balled fist upwards. And again. And again.
He let out a sharp cry as he realised how little he was doing. It was serving no purpose. Several consecutive sobs as he pulled at the neckline of his shirt, gasping for breaths that weren’t there.
The prayers had long since fallen silent when light finally shone into the trunk. Kay was curled in on himself, one hand half-heartedly over his wound, the other covering his head. Hiding sobs. Hiding the gut-wrenching terror.
The expectation of a second shot.
One that wouldn’t leave him any more breaths.
But it didn’t come.
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isobel-thorm · 4 years
Ship Song Meme
Tagged by @faithchel​ and I think @shellibisshe​ and one other person but I can’t see who else bc TUMBLR IS BROKEN AND I CAN’T SCROLL DOWN THE ACTIVITY FEED ONCE ITS SORTED. 
Tagging: @risenlucifer​ @raisinghellinotherworlds​ @geronimo-11​ @amistrio​ @himbopaulie​ @jmcolt​ uwu
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(This is basically a redo from ages ago but I have twenty new peeps and Nemeses is their anthem that I just discovered two weeks ago. Anyway there are a few that didn’t make the cut so their ship playlist is here, fic playlist that has a few more plot specific ones here.)
Nemeses - Jonathan Coulton
Could it be that you need me to keep you out, to run you faster //  Promise me you'll let me be the one, the worst of all your enemies //  Being a brilliant man going to great expense devising a master plan doesn't make much sense unless you find the one you're destined to destroy // Now that you're here I don't seem that crazy do I? //  Maybe it's just as well it's better you don't see the way I'm running just to keep your back in view 
I Can’t Decide - The Scissor Sisters
Don't wanna be a bad guy // I'm just a loner baby and now you've gotten in my way //  I can't decide whether you should live or die //  Oh, I could throw you in the lake or feed you poisoned birthday cake I won't deny I'm gonna miss you when you're gone  
If I Never See Your Face Again - Maroon 5
Now as the summer fades, I let you slip away //  You say I'm not your type, but I can make you sway //  I'd let you be if you put down your blazing gun //  Now you've gone somewhere else, far away I don't know if I will find you //  But you feel my breath, on your neck Can't believe I'm right behind you //  Cause you keep me coming back for more // and I feel a little better than I did before And if I never see your face again, I don't mind ‘cause we gone much further than I thought we'd get tonight
Maybe You’re Not the Worst Thing Ever - Galavant Cast
You're frigid and demanding I shudder at your call //  Whenever you come near me my flesh begins to crawl // But sometimes, there are moments I'm not repelled at all  // Worse than lice or plague but truth be told you're growing on me just like mold // And though you’re so annoying so easy to despise // although there’s something scary behind your cold dead eyes // and though I’ll never like you it’s nice to realize maybe you’re not the worst thing ever
Bad Things - Jace Everett
When you came in, the air went out and every shadow filled up with doubt //  I don't know who you think you are but before the night is through I wanna do bad things with you 
Problem - Natalia Kills
Sweat dripping down your chest thinking 'bout your tattooed knuckles on my thigh boy Cold //  I'm your dream girl this is real love // But you know what they say about me, that girl is a problem //  Don't you wanna claim my body like a vandal? // Don't you wanna save this Dirty little damsel?
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thicahgase7 · 4 years
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Tagging: @agust-june @pamebear @seunieshine @atinybang @aeoygi @jamiesenshi @griff-jin-dor004
Song: Me Necesita- CNCO & PRETTYMUCH
A/N: despite the gif and getting a lil handsy, nothing else happens so don't get ur hopes up😂 but I hope u guys enjoy☺ I had fun writing this
You quickly shot his best friend a text, letting him know that: yes, you got your boyfriend’s favorite food and yes, you guys were gonna hang out with him tomorrow. He had sent you a text earlier that your dedicated boyfriend hadn’t left the studio after group practice. You both contemplated on going together to drag his ass home but decided it was best for you to do it yourself.
So it wasn’t too surprising when you looked through the glass door, finding him swaying his hips into a quick-slow grind move before stopping, pausing the music to crouch down and hold his head in his hands. Your brows furrowed as you checked the time once more, he worked way too hard and you had a feeling that he hasn’t eaten anything since he’s been here.
“Aish!” You snapped your eyes back to see him kicking the air in frustration, staring at himself in the mirror wall for a second before resuming the song again and redoing the routine. You loved how determined he was but you really just wished the idiot would take a second to actually rest. With that thought, you opened the door, causing him to spin around in shock.
“Let me guess: you’ve been here since four, haven’t you?” He goes to stop the music, picking up his phone and throwing you a nervous smile when he sees the time.
“No-no…” Shaking your head, you strut over to where he is and place everything down, ignoring how he watches you in anticipation. You toss him a pointed look as you lean on the mirror wall, crossing your arms while he takes slow steps towards you.
“And have you eaten anything since then?” Again, he smiles shyly as he looks down, your feet facing each other with just a few inches apart. When he finally looks up, he’s grinning, probably to charm you out of being annoyed with him. But, yea, that’s not gonna work.
“Does a bag of chips count?” You sigh, hanging your head because, your boyfriend is such a dummy and you sometimes wonder how he functioned before you came along.
“Haaaa...... alright well, I brought food for us and we’re gonna eat now before it gets cold.” He sticks his lip out in a pout, his hands reaching out to rest of your forearms while he slouches a bit.
“No, but babeeee,” he whines, “let me work on my dance for a bit more? I almost have it!” He pulls back and claps his hands together, shooting you the sad puppy look. He knew it was your weakness and you could feel yourself rethink your decision. You mean, it would only be a few minutes, right? Wait, no, he needs to eat! You shake your head, turning around to avoid looking at his face anymore before you could change your mind.
“No, you haven’t eaten anything since you practiced with the others. That was five hours ago!” He groans, suddenly feeling his hands on your waist as he pulls you into him. He rests his head on your shoulder while you quickly glance at the mirror, seeing him pout at you.
“Fineeee, but I still wanna practice for a bit. Please?” Leaning into his body more while thinking... oo this stupid man. Suddenly, you think of an idea and grin, turning around to face him.
“Okay, I guess you don’t mind me going ahead to eat then? Practice as much as you want.” He doesn’t even try to hide his joy, picking you up and twirling you both around, giving you a quick peck on the lips when he lets go.
“You’re the best!” Rolling your eyes, you walk over to the food so you can open the containers. You can see his mouth hang open when you lift the flap to reveal the food. “Is that bulgogi?! And HUHHHH YOU DIDN’T!” You laugh at his excitement, showing him the other container. Oh he’s gonna love you, you just know it. “KIMBAP!” You just shake your head, the smile never leaving your face while he does a lil dance for the food. Quickly getting out the chopsticks, you hit his hand when he reaches for the food. He looks at you in mild hurt and confusion as you continue to smile at him.
“Ah ah ahhh, Yugi, you wanted to practice a bit more.” Glaring at you, he puffs up his face and you try not to laugh so you shove a piece of bulgogi in your mouth, not noticing how he watches with laser- eye focus. You moan at the taste of the meat, enjoying the flavors as he begins to cross his arms. Nothing is said for a few seconds as both of you to stare at each other: you with your mouth full and him with a glare that could prove that looks could kill. But unsurprisingly, he broke first.
“Babeeee,” he drops to the floor and crawls over to you, “come onnn.” You casually look over at him, making sure not to break your poker face but with him up close, you find yourself gonna break soon.
“Are you gonna eat now?” He nods, staring at the food hopefully. “Does that mean you’re not gonna practice and we can go home after this?” He scrunches up his face before sighing, hanging his head.
“You don’t play fair.” You hum, taking a piece of kimbap and showing him your chubby cheeks. Groaning, he lays down on the floor and sulks. Swallowing your food, you chuckle.
“So? What’s it gonna be? Better hurry, this food is banging.” With a huff, he sits up and snatches the kimbap you begone to pick up, shoving it in his mouth. He’s such a child sometimes but you love him anyways.
“Let’s just eat so we can go home...” You grin, handing him some chopsticks and moving the food closer between you and him. He shakes his head, confusing you on what he was gonna say. “But after you dance with me? Please?” You eye him up and down, judging to see how serious he was. He knew you didn’t like dancing, at least, not in public. But if he would go home after this, then what’s the harm, right?
“That’s it? Just one dance and you’ll come eat and go home?” He nods, placing both of your chopsticks down before getting up and sticking his hand out for you. You hated dancing in public but Yugyeom would always tell you how good you were at it, the others agreeing at the one time they all caught you vibing with a song. No one would see, right? You toss a glance at the door to make sure no one was there. Everybody would be too focused in their own dance rooms to come in and see you both dancing. Plus, you knew he wasn’t gonna budge from this. Might as well agree to this..
“I promise we’ll leave after we eat! I’ll even- hey- I'll even do the dishes for a week.” Ooo that did sound tempting. You absolutely HATED doing the dishes. Cooking? No problem. But dishes? Blech, disgusting. Placing your hand in his, he helps you up.
“Make it a week and a half and you got a deal.” You could see the spark in his eyes when as he nodded excitedly, turning over to the speakers and scrolling through his phone. Quickly looking down at your outfit, you were glad you choose some yoga pants and a crop top hoodie with a sports bra underneath. You almost feel like you planned this outfit on purpose for this but really, you just grabbed whatever clothes was near you at the time.
“Deal. I have the prefect song! And you can’t ask what it is!” You tilt your head to the side, resting a hand on your hip as you watch him still looking for the song. You couldn’t stop the smile from your lips when you saw the goofy grin on his face through the mirror.
“Can I at least know the artist?” He sighs exaggeratedly, glancing over to you and leaning back a lil to show how bothered he was from the question.
“Fine, if you must know: its from that band CNCO and PRETTYMUCH.” You raise an eyebrow.
“I know at least one of those artists.” He shushes you with one hand, looking back at his phone before letting out a yelp.
“Awesome, hear it is.” He tsks, glancing back between the spot next to you and the phone. “Ahh, I can probably make it, right? Wait- you know what?- whatever, let’s do this.” Fiddling with the phone a bit longer, he quickly puts it down and races over to you, almost tripping in the process.
“Jesus, Gyeomie, you’re gonna-“ He grabs your waist, standing behind you and shaking his head to silence you. You really wonder what song is gonna play at this point.
“It’s gonna start soon. Follow my lead.” Before you can question him, the music starts: a small voice saying something in the distance before the singers start:
PRETTYMUCH {4 beats}
Yugyeom starts to sway and you follow suit, his hands never leaving your waist as you both go along with the beat.
CNCO {2 beats}
You both sway for a second longer before he reaches for your hand and spins you around, making you face him and pulling you even closer to him. Your breathes mingle together while both of you look down, following the move of your legs.
Tu juego me sube y me baja como te conviene {8 beats}
You let your body slowly roll on his while letting him hold you up, his eyes never leaving your face as he stares in pure fascination. You step away from him, letting your fingers run along the skin of his arm as you clasped into his hand, posing before spinning back into him.
A mí se me nota que quiero lo mismo que quieres {7 beats}
When you spin back into him, he dips you low to the floor then snaps back up. Having your back facing him, you drag yourself down his body, your hands feeling the fabric slide while you finally reach to his stomach.
Yeah, you're looking so rude, looking at me (Yeah) {4 beats}
You continue to sway as you slowly get up, letting your ass grind up his leg and rest on his crotch. You hear him gasp as your movements and you can’t help but grin, the satisfaction of beating him at his own game. It’s short lived, however, when he suddenly puts his hands on top of your thighs, pushing you more into him and guiding your hips into his.
Baby, that rude girl thang, work, work it on me {5 beats}
His lips ghost over your neck while your hand lifts to run through his slightly sweaty hair. You could care less about the sweat at the moment. Right now, you just wanted to dance, to tease him with your moves. You kinda hated how much you were starting to get into it.
Cerquita en donde pueda oírte y hacer que te quedes (Yeah) {8 beats}
His hands swept up your torso, your skin on fire while he helped you slip out your hoodie, revealing your sports bra. Quickly facing him, you notice the passion in his eyes with the hint of something dangerous, making you to shiver in excitement. Okay, fuck wanting to mess with him, you just want him.
Oh me, oh my God {4 beats}
Placing your hand on his cheek, you hook your legs around his hips and swing your upper body around as he holds the small of your back, his fingers slightly digging into your skin.
I give my best, you deserve it {4 beats}
He shimmeys as you come back up, still holding you up and twirling you around before putting you down. He looks to you for permission, for what, you don’t know but nod anyways.
Oh me, oh my God {4 beats}
Walking away from you, he struts a few steps ahead and you watch as he goes off in his own lil world: his limbs moving to each beat with such fluidity that you stare in awe.
'Cause you got me countin' the ways {4 beats}
You’re so glad that he’s found his passion before meeting you because he really knows how to work his body and you honestly couldn’t imagine him doing anything else.
(Uno) She want that {2 beats}
He spins around to you, smirking as he takes a step towards you to the beat of the bass and reaching his hand out for you. But he suddenly drops to the ground.
(Dos) I give that {2 beats}
He pulls his iconic grind-on-me move and you laugh, him tearing it up with his hip grinding to the floor, his body moving around while continuing. God, the things he could do to you.
(Tres) She come back, me necesita {4 beats}
You were so tempted to stop and kiss him right now but you held back, not wanting to stop him as he’s really feeling the music. But as he hip thrusts up in the air, eyes beckoning to you, you quickly join him on the floor. Climbing over him, he grinds against you before you shake your head, giving him a quick peak on the lips and pulling both of you up. He laughs and yanks you into his arms.
No longer paying attention to the words of the song, you both just dance: making up moves that happen to fit the mood and beat of the bass. Your bodies intertwine and twist, hands roaming freely and hips swinging around. The thought of anyone seeing you guys wasn’t anywhere in your mind as you just focused on him: how his fingers ran across your skin, his breathe on your neck, the smile that never left his lips. He had to be thinking of the same thing as his moves would switch between gentle and rough but his eyes were the same: crinkled in mischievous joy, but joy nonetheless.
At some point though, he misjudged his step and tripped, bringing you down with him. Groaning once you landed on the floor, you tossed him a lazy glare as he grinned. You really couldn’t be too mad at him, he was just a dork so as you stared at each other, you guys couldn’t resist laughing.
“Gyeomie, you’re such a klutz.” He raises his eyebrow at you, still laughing.
“Says the one who spazzes out when they’re startled.” You roll your eyes, giggling while he rests his hand on your hip.
“Yea yea yea...” Sighing, you suddenly realize something. Lifting your head, you look at the speakers, Yugyeom following you with his eyes in confusion.
“What?” You point a finger up, tilting your head. The music playing was different, now it was some Chris Brown song.
“The song’s done.” He listens for a second and smiles.
“Yea, I guess you’re right. Wanna go for another round?” You tsk at him, getting up and picking up your hoodie he tossed aside.
“No, a deal’s a deal. Go eat now.” He sighs, pouting while rolling over to his stomach and crossing his arms.
“Hmph, fine. But can you feed me?” Dragging the food over, you laugh.
“Sure, but that just means I’m eating most of this and giving you bits.” Staring each other down, you refuse to be the one to lose the contest. Luckily for you, he breaks and sits up, sticking his hand out. Ah-ha, You: 2 Him: 0.
“Hand me the chopsticks.” Grinning, you give him the utensils and open up the food again. You sigh happily as you notice the bulgogi isn't cold.
“Yes, it’s still warm. Ugh, I'm so glad or else we would’ve had problems. I remember the last time I got this from that same restaurant, it was cold and boy, did I raise hell. Anyways, dig in Gyeomie. ” You pick up the kimpap and put it in your mouth. Looking up, you finally notice him just watching, the biggest smile on his dopey face. You smile in confusion as you try to swallow the food down. “What?” He grins, shaking his head.
“Nothing, I just love you” he says before mumbling to himself, “this would've been the best time to propose if only the jewelry shop didn’t mess up the ring size.” You choke at that last part, startling him as you start to cough. Panicking, he grabs a water bottle and hands it to you. “Here, drink!”
Grabbing the bottle, you rush to open it and down some water, hoping it would help wash down the food but your mind was somewhere else. You could feel your cheeks burning as you began to calm down, his hands rubbing your back. You give him a thumbs up to let him know you’re okay as you grab his arm.
“What did you say? Ring size?” His eyes widen before laughing nervously, looking away quickly and scratching at the back of his head.
“What? I didn’t say that!” You shake your head, squeezing his arm to make him look at you.
“Yugyeom, are you planning to propose to me?” His opens his mouth then closes it, gaping like a fish for a bit. Just as you were gonna ask again, he bolts up, grabbing his stuff and picks up the other food container. He doesn’t make eye contact the whole time.
“Ha-what?! N-no. Hey, you know what?! I think we should eat this at home. Come on!” Walking out the door, you’re stunned as you stare after him. He was gonna propose to you? He wants to marry you? You feel your heart swell at the thought of marrying him before suddenly realizing he dodged the question. Gathering the rest of the food and your belongings, you rush out the door. He’s not getting away that easy!
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noot-nugget · 6 years
Unpopular opinion: I don't give a shit about any of the non-Paradise people's wellbeings.
I've scrolled through almost every single snk spoilers tags ever since we enter Reiner Braun's side of the map post time skip and those were the worse months of my life as a snk reader.
Imagine waiting a month to in the end reading more about new characters you have no emotional attachments to. Like I completely understand why we got those chapters and why they exist and you know, essentially it is Isayama's story and we are to just try our best to cope with what the author gives us. I understand the whole "there're always two sides of the same coin" concept, if we are to move forward we must know what's like from the other side and why they attacked from the first place. Still my feelings remain unchanged, none of those "Reiner took the children out for ice cream" or "Reiner's mommy/daddy issues" or "They were being brainwashed by Marley" or how hot the characters look can justify what they did to Paradise.
I see many people were angry at Eren for killing civilians and children when the SC invaded Marley, like part of me understand your moral stand point that you shouldn't subject others to the same cruelty you received, or else the hatred cycle goes on and on, but then the other part of me was yelling KARMA on the top of her lungs seeing Eren wreck Tyber's ass. They created the current Eren. They died knowing Paradise was Paradise, a years behind, isolated, clueless island inhabit by people who have gone on for so long thinking they were on their own to survive within those walls. They died knowing/celebrating about more sufferings to come for Paradise. They went on years and years, training their people to kill helpless people caged in side 3 goddamn walls.
Paradise knew nothing of why they must suffer Titans. I don't give a fuck about what their ancestors did and even if this was to be revealed in the future, I'm sure my support on whatever Eren is doing at the moment won't change. This child's entire childhood/innocence were robbed from him the moment the Warriors destroyed Maria. He lost so much yet gained so little and still lost what little he had left. Paradise suffered losing half of their population, innocent/clueless people, and yall are gonna sit here trying to make me sympathize with one massacre Eren brought upon them??? Whether Marley and non-Paradise Eldians deserved Eren's wrath or not, they needed that whooping from Eren. They've gone on for so long as the bullies and what Eren did, while morally questionable in today's standards, woke them up. I wanna see more of Eren, I wanna see what Marley did have pushed him to become what he is today. I wanna see him fuck shit up and none of this Gabi/Falco developments or change of heart can sway me from feeling satisfied seeing them suffered. Eren and the 104th children suffered enough, their parents and ancestors have suffered enough, it's time to return the favor.
P/S: Despite what I expressed above, I don't hate any of the characters, like I'm over here lusting for Zeke and sucking up all the headcanons I can find. I feel bad for Gabi and Falco, being beaten up by Niccolo. In fact, no children should have gone through what they have. No children anywhere should but this is fiction. AoT being fictional allow me to have the revenge I see fit. In real life, I would do it right by showing kindness and mercy to my wrong-doers, hoping for a non violent approach to peace and change of heart. BUT this is fiction, and I will continue to enjoy seeing Eren getting back at non-Paradises.
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