#it just gives it — for the moment — less places to go
lazyjellyfish300 · 2 days
Kento's Birthday Weekend 🖤🧁
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Emo!Kento Nanami x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: You and Kento are in college for the summer semester. He has nobody to celebrate his 20th birthday with except you. :( Your solution is a beach getaway for the weekend!
Word count: 7.9k wtfff 😭
A/N: once again heavily inspired and influenced by the amazing @actuallysaiyan 🖤 Also happy birthday to our man 🖤😭 IM SO SORRY MY LAUVV! better late than never right? I love him your honor! My longest fic I've ever written 💀 special thanks to @ominouslywritinginmyhead for the HCs on Japanese bands for Kento 🫶🏽
You could feel the collective sighs of relief leave the cramped and overheated testing center at the university as your peers finished up their work, a wave of satisfaction that seemed to avoid all but you and Kento who were still working through the accounting portion of the exam. 
Fuck fuck fuck c'mon focus....
You bounced your leg nervously, trying to see if Kento was already finished with his test in your peripheral vision without bringing so much attention to yourself that one of the aides would think you were cheating. But, you could barely tell so you just gave up. 
You were slightly stressed since this was the final exam before the weekend, and you needed to see Kento one more time before you drove out to the coast to go meet your parents who were flying in, knowing his birthday was happening at the same time. 
Kento finishes his exam at last, and gets up, walking out of the testing center. Shit. 
You do your best to get your thoughts in order since you needed to get through this no matter what before you could see him. 
Kento walks outside, sitting on a bench close to the door. He was hoping deep down he'd be able to see you too. 
He didn't want to admit to it because it was rather embarrassing and a little pathetic, but he actually didn't have any plans for his birthday, having been separated from his parents ever since he started his sorcerer training, keeping ample distance for their safety, and his own. 
And, you were unfortunately his only friend. His only true friend he's made in years. And the only girl he's had raw, real feelings for. He was hoping you didn't have plans and maybe you could do something together so the day wouldn't feel so lonely.
Since 17 after losing Yu and being away from his parents, each birthday was painful and so he did his best to just treat it like any other day. 
But, for once, he thought maybe this year, turning 20 could feel a little happier now that you were in his life. 
"Kento-kun!!" Your voice brings him out of his thoughts, and he can't help but grin hugely at the sight of you running up to him. God, you were cute.
He felt butterflies all over when he saw you panting and doing a little sprint even though he literally wasn't going anywhere. 
"Wait!" You tried to catch your breath, using his shoulders to steady yourself. 
"Slow down, speed racer..." He teases shyly, trying to stifle a shiver at your unexpected touch. 
"I could say the same to you! You left me in there for dead!" You place your hands on your knees for a moment. "Those last questions were a fucking beast. I don't know how you did them so quick." 
Kento just shrugs. "I dunno, they weren't as bad as the essay questions in my opinion." 
"Yeah yeah yeah, you genius you." You wave him off, turning to dig in your tote bag. Kento's mouth turned upwards into a humble smile at your teasing. 
"I needed to give you this, for your early birthday present. Don't worry, this isn't all of it. I have the rest at my dorm and I was gonna get you something this weekend on my trip, too." 
Kento's eyes widen a little at the origami paper frog you give him, with a couple of custom chibi stickers that look just like him and you wearing little birthday party hats. 
"Oh, wow, thank you..." He smiles warmly at you. "These are fantastic. They even look like us, huh?" Kento sticks them to his notebook with a hum, admiring the sight.
You beam, your heart doing a little skip when he immediately puts them on his notebook, as though he couldn't wait to show them off immediately. 
Kento's face falls a bit, going back to your earlier statement. "So... you're going on a trip this weekend?" 
You sigh. "Yeah...my parents are flying in out of town so I'm driving to the coast to meet up with them. I'm sorry..."
"Oh..." Kento tries his best to hide his utter disappointment but it shows all over his face. "Right, yeah, okay. Of course. I hope you have fun..." 
You scrunch your nose in concern. "Wait, what are you doing this weekend? I thought you had plans since it's your birthday, right? Weren't you going to see your parents?" 
"No, I wasn't...." Kento replied. "I haven't seen my parents in quite a while. And so I was- I mean, I, I hoped that you were..." 
You feel your heart shatter. "Wait! Kento-kun?! You're gonna be alone on your birthday?!" 
"Hey, it's no biggie." Kento shakes his head, doing his best to put a smile on his face for you. "Seriously, don't worry about it, your folks come first. You definitely need to go see them." 
"Noooo the fuck I don't! Not without you! You're coming with me!!" 
Kento scoffs, a little surprised but slightly amused at your interjection. "Really?" 
"Yes really!!! Are you kidding me?! You're not fucking spending your birthday alone you hear me??" 
Kento blushes, feeling a little bad. The last thing he wanted to do was burden you or pull the pity card as his way of crashing what was supposed to be a weekend of bonding with your parents.
"I don't wanna impose. Really, I'll survive, it's just a stupid birthday." 
Your face twists in sadness at his comment. Why did this pure, beautiful soul who was easily better than 99% of the guys on campus, or the entire male population for that matter in literally every single way, really believe his birthday wasn't worth celebrating?
Oh no, you're not having it. 
"Don't you ever fucking say that again." 
Kento's eyebrows raise a little, a little surprised by your scolding tone. Sure, out of the two of you, you certainly were the more fiery one, but he didn't expect such a strong statement from you, especially towards him. 
"Your birthday is a big deal. Everyone deserves to be celebrated on their birthday. We're gonna celebrate this weekend, you're gonna come with me to the coast, and we're gonna have a goddamn blast together whether you fucking like it or not." 
Kento feels his heart utterly melt at your words. But, he still can't help but feel like he's butting in. Especially now that he was meeting your parents which intimidated him quite a bit. 
You continue, "I really don't wanna make the four hour drive by myself. Besides, my parents have been dying to meet you anyway so it all works out." 
"Wait, wha-? You told them about me?"
Kento can't tell if he feels honored or completely mortified that your parents know about him, wondering what you've told them. 
"Of course they do! My mom already loves you. My dad can be a jerk but he's like that to everyone so don't worry." 
"Well, that's...reassuring..." Kento's voice tapers off, soon nothing but gratitude and warmth fill his heart for you. 
"Hey." You place your hand on his shoulder. "Look at me. We're gonna have fun. Okay?" 
Kento can't hold back his smile. "Okay...thank you. Really." 
"Of course, Ken. You deserve it. I'm actually stoked now that you're coming!" 
"Me too...so, what time should I meet you? I mean, when were you planning on leaving and all that?" 
You think for a moment. "I'm leaving tomorrow. It's a four hour drive so we should probably get an early start so we can have more time. Then we'll stay Saturday night and drive home Sunday. I was gonna stay with my parents in their hotel room but we can figure it out as we go." 
Kento nods, his stomach doing a little flip when he realizes this will be the first time you've spent the night together somewhere. His mind briefly flashes with those thoughts.
It wasn't a secret that you both had tons of tension built up between you, hovering in an odd space between "just friends" and something more, but he dismisses it quickly, turning his attention back to you. 
"Yeah, of course. Sounds great to me." He grins. 
"Perfect, make sure you pack tonight and I'll come pick you up at 6:30 tomorrow morning." 
Kento raises an eyebrow. "That's quite early. You sure you can handle that?" 
"Psssh of course I can, are you kidding me! It's your birthday weekend. I wouldn't be late for the world." 
"Alright." Kento lightly smirks, already knowing you're setting yourself up for failure, but your determination was quite adorable. "See you tomorrow." 
At nearly 8:30 am, Kento is sitting with his feet on his coffee table with his duffle bag next to him on the couch, watching Naruto passively until his phone buzzes with a text from you. 
Kento just chuckles, figures. He saw this coming a mile away. It was physically impossible for you to go anywhere without being fashionably late. Your morning classes were the rare exception since your scholarship depended on it. But, knowing he had a weekend dedicated to his birthday that was going to be spent with you made it completely worth it. 
You pull into the parking lot of his dorm, drumming the steering wheel as you wait for him to come out, your hearts flutter simultaneously when you lock eyes on one another.
Kento looked just as cute and shy as ever, and he thought you looked absolutely gorgeous in your tank top and ripped jean shorts with simple flip flops, sunglasses on your face. 
You smile, giving the passenger seat a pat with your hand, welcoming him aboard. He throws his duffle in the backseat and buckles in. You notice he's still wearing his skinny jeans and black MCR hoodie, despite the warm weather. It was impractical, but it was him. And you adored everything about him. 
"Happy Birthday!!" You lean over, bringing two large gift bags from the backseat filled with plushies, pins, new clothes, along with some books he's wanted to read with two black balloons attached that you got from the party store last minute. 
Kento feels like a little kid again. He hadn't received presents in so long. "Oh wow...thank you so much." He hesitates, "Why don't we open them together later on when we get there?" 
"You sure?" 
"Yeah, I'm positive. I wanna wait and be surprised." 
"Okey dokey." 
Kento snorts as you deck the balloons with your fist, banishing them to the backseat so you can focus on driving. 
As you drive, Kento looks over at you, a little nervous when he feels the car start to swerve. He realizes you're trying to study the directions you printed out from MapQuest and drive at the same time. He decides not to say anything, but when the car jerks sharply again, he knows that he needs to do something. 
"Why don't we pull over? Let me drive." 
"No, no, I got it, promise," you hum, jerking the wheel yet again, this time nearly giving Kento a heart attack. 
"Pull over now." He says, his voice panicked. You look over at Kento, a little alarmed and puzzled at his reaction. You don't want to upset him further so you do as he says. He gets out immediately, walking to the driver's seat and demoting you to passenger princess. 
He shakes his head, adjusting the seat and mirrors to his liking and buckling his seatbelt. "You just handle the directions, alright?" 
"Aye aye, captain." 
Kento chuckles, letting air blow out of his lips. "Seriously, you are a maniac behind the wheel. We almost crashed like four times." 
"But did you die?"
Kento rolls his eyes. "Not funny. Just leave the driving to me, alright." He notices your gas tank. "Geez, you didn't put any gas in this thing." 
"Oh, oops." 
"Oops is right." Kento switches lanes on the highway, getting off at an exit and pulling into the first konbini he sees. 
"Ooh! Let's get some snacks for the road." 
Kento nods, perking up a little bit at that. He wasn't opposed to some treats, considering it was his birthday and seemed like the perfect way to kick off this road trip. 
You may have gone a little bit overboard. You grab a breakfast sandwich, two of your favorite drinks, a bottled water, some mochi, chips, and your favorite candies. 
Kento does the same, also getting a hot breakfast sandwich and a water to keep hydrated, as well as a coffee and energy drink. He reaches for his wallet in his back pocket but you cut in. 
"Nope! Birthday boy doesn't get to pay." 
Kento shakes his head profusely as his cheeks heat up. "No, no way." 
But it's too late, the cashier takes your credit card instead. 
Kento groans, trying to hide his face in shame. He was brought up to believe the guy should always pay for things. It wasn't like he didn't have the money. Unbeknownst to you, his father worked in finance and was quite well off, sending him money whenever he needed. It did feel nice to be spoiled by you today, but the guilt was hard to ignore. 
"Thank you...I guess that's fine. But seriously, let me cover things next time. I can afford it, honestly. Don't waste your money on me." He says humbly as you both walk back to your car with your stash of snacks. 
"Just get me back on my birthday." You wink at him and his cheeks turn pink. Oh, you had a point. You've no idea what you're in for if that's the case. He's already thinking of ways to spoil you when the time comes as he starts the car. 
The rest of the car ride is pleasant and scenic, your feet resting on the dash, handing him a gummy bear every so often as you two talk and eat your road trip snacks. 
The topics range from TV shows, anime, your gripes about college and adulthood in general, pausing every so often to point to some cows on the side of the road or a billboard you thought was cool. 
This beats everything. Kento thinks. Who knew something as simple as watching you point excitedly at something you drove past could make him feel like he was falling for you even harder than he already was.  
"We need music." You state at one point, reaching for Kento's iPod that lay in the center console to plug into the aux. He had one of those fancy iPod touches that you always wanted. You click your tongue as you select the last song he was listening to: Tsubasa. by Alice Nine. Kento's cheeks turn into a tomato and before he can protest, you're already turning up the volume. 
"Wait, I like this!" 
Kento's eyes ping pong between you and the road as you bob your head, playing invisible drums with your index fingers as you move to the beat. 
Somehow you've managed endear yourself even more to him. 
"If you like this, you should also try listening to the GazettE." He offers bashfully. 
You smile as you hand him his iPod, letting him play you a song by them he thinks you'll like as he starts to lay an infodump on you about Japanese emo bands, bringing you up to speed on all his favorites since you were unfamiliar. 
You nod and listen. In all honesty, at some points while he was speaking you can't help but get distracted by the rose in his cheeks, the sound of his voice, his blonde bangs that hung in his face with a few strands tucked messily behind his right ear. 
He might just be your favorite person on the whole planet. If the car crashed right now, having it happen while letting him rave to you about music would be a wonderful way to go. 
You binge listen to one of the albums, rolling the windows down, letting the wind blow and afternoon  sunshine wash over you, giving you that sense of freedom and bliss that could only come from blasting your favorite tunes on a road trip with your best friend in the heart of summer. 
3OH!3, We the Kings, Fall Out Boy, Paramore, and Three Days Grace are also on his playlist, and you lose it completely each time, declaring "This is my shit!" to each song that starts playing. Kento laughs at your adorable inability to commit to just one, knowing he feels the same. 
Soon, the coastal town comes into view, both of your tailbones sighing in relief as you step out of your cramped car, stretching and becoming aquainted with the buzzing beach destination you'll be staying in for the next several hours. 
"Well, what now?" You ask him. 
Kento shrugs, twitching his lips in contemplation. "Dunno, why don't you lead the way?" 
"It's your birthday, Ken, you decide!" 
"I've never been here before, silly. I have no clue where to start." 
"Alright alright...umm, let's see what these gift shops are all about." 
Kento hangs the parking pass in the windows and you both begin walking into town. 
The air is humid and pleasant. The town is alight with tourists. Light reggae tunes are playing from shop windows that had all kinds of ocean themed knick knacks and hand woven items for sale, the clinking sounds of plates and glasses mixed with muddied chatter coming from the patio restaurants and bars, patrons already getting their buzz on in the late afternoon in the spirit of a summertime weekend. 
It's hot, but the gentle breeze is cool enough to make it tolerable. You can't help but close your eyes and take a deep whiff as you walk alongside Kento, the lingering salt from the sea finding its way into your veins. Being oceanside was truly something magical.
Kento feels the same, completely infatuated by this busy little coastal town, not having visited the beach since he was very young, a slight pang of nostalgia in his chest as he settles into the tropical atmosphere around him, finally peeling off his dark hoodie and letting the moist air soak in his skin on his lean frame. 
He looks at you when you aren't watching and somehow the spontaneity and carefree feeling of paradise was making him really want to touch you and get closer. He once again painfully suppresses the thought and tries keep the heat in his cheeks under control. 
You spent the afternoon wandering in and out of the gift shops, buying little things for Kento behind his back when he's not looking to surprise him later. You check your bank account and you feel your pockets burning. 
You may have gone overboard and almost used up the entire last paycheck you got from your part time barista job, but dammit, spoiling Kento on his birthday was a completely valid excuse. 
It's almost time for dinner, and the heat has gotten to you both, and frozen yogurt sounds like a good solution. 
You both enter the shop, the cool AC a most welcome change from the humidity as you both sigh in relief, that lovely smell of vanilla signature to sweet shops invading your nostrils. It's a self serve yogurt bar. Kento gets his cup and wanders over to the flavor menu, gravitating towards the pina colada and mango flavors.
He notices you're taking longer. He walks over to you, wondering what possible adorable little dilemma you were agonizing dramatically over this time. 
"Do I want a fruity flavor, or something really rich and sweet like chocolate? I can't decide Ken, this is so hard." 
"Just get em both." He suggests simply with a shrug of his shoulders as he dishes up a healthy serving of Piña Colada yogurt. 
"Or, hear me out, you get fruity and I get rich and sweet and we share them both?"
"Hmm, alright." 
He adds mango, raspberry, and pineapple flavors to his cup, along with diced kiwi and strawberry on top with little blue raspberry flavored bobas. 
"Don't be shy, add some more." You come up behind him and plop another ridiculous helping of bobas on top of his already overflowing froyo.
"Jesus, want to have at least a little yogurt with my boba..." Kento shakes his head. 
You could be a pest, but the best kind of pest. 
You both sit outside under an umbrella at a table. Kento samples your sea salt caramel, cake batter, and chocolate yogurt concoction sprinkled in candy bar pieces and he feels like he almost got diabetes from the first scoop alone. 
You just laugh at him and you both continue to eat and share the yogurt, chatting and enjoying each other's company. 
When you told your parents that Kento was coming with, they(your mom especially) were more than understanding and ecstatic about meeting your mystery friend that you always said glowing things about, allowing you to book your own hotel room separately so you could spend more time together. 
You both walk into your room, eyes widening when you notice the suite is much more luxurious than you were anticipating, originally under the impression that you booked a standard room.
It was welcoming and spacious, flooding with natural light coming from the thin, billowing beige curtains. There were cream colored linens on just one king sized bed, a flat screen TV, kitchenette, a long sage green velvet bench at the foot of the bed with decorative pillows, a silver tray with a bottle of champagne on ice and chocolate covered strawberries, as well as a master bathroom with an ivory tub and waterfall showerhead. 
You feel his eyes on you as you set your suitcase near your side of the bed, the air suddenly thick with mutual, unspoken desire. 
You're all alone, in a lavish suite together with the beach just outside. 
Kento feels a little bit courageous, slowly walking up behind you. You feel his breath on your neck and you take a step back, only to gently collide with his chest at your back. 
You sigh and immediately press your body against his, eyes rolling back in your head when he starts softly, and messily kissing your neck, letting his hands run up, and down your arms, leaving pathways of goosebumps. 
You turn around, reaching up to wrap your arms around him, pressing your foreheads tenderly together. Kento closes his eyes, his heart racing with the calmly building temptation in his veins, allowing his hips to press and gently hump against your body, his growing erection evident in his jeans. You pant heavily, causing your mind to spin. 
You notice the clock on the wall, realizing you both need to hurry up if you want to make the dinner reservation with your parents. 
"Ken...baby, nnngghhh.....oh....oh shit, it's 5, we....we better get ready, Ken..." 
Kento groans a little, moving his face to bury it against your neck for a moment before he moves his gaze back up, inhaling slowly and looking down at you affectionately with those eyes of dark amber before he exhales, calming his extinguished fire. "Okay." 
Kento already hates his outfit as he looks himself over in the mirror, despite looking just as handsome as ever. He was donning a white short sleeved button up shirt and some khaki shorts and vans, nothing at all like his preferred style except for the shoes, but he knew he needed to give a good first impression to your parents. 
But when you come out of the bathroom, he looks like he's died and gone to heaven, witnessing a real life angel before him. 
You wore a colorful strapless maxi dress perfect for the tropical occasion, the top of it allowing your breasts to sit prettily, hugging and kissing your curves in all the right places as his eyes raked over your body.
You feel a deep warmth in your face as you smile brightly back at him with the glow of your freshly done makeup and your hair that fell perfectly. 
"You're....you're so beautiful." He says softly. 
"Aw Ken, thank you. You're so sweet. You look handsome." 
Kento blushes and messes with his shirt collar, suddenly feeling self-conscious and inadequate next to you. "I-the....the shirt is a disaster..." He sighs. 
You raise your eyebrows. He couldn't be more devastatingly incorrect. He looked perfect. He covered up with long sleeve shirts and hoodies so often that you didn't realize he was actually a little muscular underneath, the way the button up shirt held against his frame. 
He was thin, but his forearms and his biceps bulged a little with lean muscle. With his long wavy blonde hair he wore straight and how it fell against his cheeks and his gorgeous puppy brown eyes, he looked like he nailed every definition you could conjure up in your mind of the perfect boyfriend.
"Stop. You're perfect." You say simply, giving him that reassuring smile that always made him feel weak the instant he saw it. 
His eyes remain fixed on you as you walk towards the hotel door, until he follows you out. 
As you and Kento walk towards the restaurant side by side, your dress flowing around you, your sandles on the cobblestones, Kento's hand brushes against yours. 
"S-Sorry...." He stammers, trying to quickly move it out of the way. 
But you seize it fully, a warmth flooding your cheeks when you feel the rough pattern of his skin, weaving his long fingers in between yours, feeling his palm that was slightly clammy, but you could care less. 
"Don't be, you can hold my hand whenever you want, Ken." 
Kento's heart could burst out of his chest, a flock of butterflies joining in his internal pressure cooker of nervousness when you don't even let go of his hand as you approach your parents sitting at a table in the back of the restaurant, keeping your hands clasped together like you were boyfriend and girlfriend for months. 
You greet your parents happily. Your dad immediately starts talking off Kento's ear. Your mom leans over, whispering discreetly to you. "I like him already." 
Throughout dinner, you notice Kento's leg bouncing occasionally out of restlessness, so you gently place your hand on top of it under the table to silently reassure him.
His nervous energy doesn't go unnoticed, but he's extremely polite, calling your father sir, and your mother ma'am, thanking them for allowing him to join you this weekend, and answering your dad's endless questions patiently, keeping his voice steady and slow as he thought carefully about his answers. 
The first meeting couldn't have gone better, as you two walked out of the restaurant with plans to meet up for brunch tomorrow, your mom calling after you,
"Have fun kiddos, be safe! Happy birthday, Kento! It was so lovely to meet you!" 
"You as well, ma'am. Thank you." 
Your hand finds his again and you sigh deeply, laying your head on his shoulder as you two walk towards the boardwalk, sunlight disappearing rapidly below the horizon, bathing the sky in a deep blue that felt so sensual with the pleasant evening temperatures.
"You're so sweet, Ken. Thank you for meeting them." 
"You're welcome." Kento says, smiling down at you, pulling you a little closer protectively as you walk, giving you a kiss on the head. "They were very kind. It's nice to see where you came from." 
You hold him even tighter, nodding towards the bar. "You didn't even touch your drink at dinner, wanna do some shots with me?" 
Kento blushes. "Yeah, I was too scared to tell your dad the whiskey was too strong for me." 
"Aww Ken!" You shake your head. "Sometimes you are way too sweet for your own good. You don't have to make my dad like you or think you're all macho you know?" 
Kento smiles, rubbing your shoulder before he allows you to walk in front of him, entering the bar.
 "I know I don't have to, but I want him to like me. Having your parents like me is important to me." 
This guy, I swear. You think to yourself as you feel your pupils turn to hearts. 
You both down a couple shots of tequila, your knees touching each other as you sit at the bar, laughing loudly as Kento murmurs softly in your ear, allowing the tips of his fingers to constantly brush up against some part of your body, your thigh, the small of your back, your elbow. 
Soon, you're stumbling back into the summer air double fisting strawberry daiquiris, much more suited to Kento's tastes, giggling together like time is infinite and any worries you had prior to this weekend were non existent. 
"Ken, honey look! He's so cute!!" 
You point to a stuffed dragon with a speckled belly and colors that resembled a dragonfruit hanging in the window of the Whack-a-Mole kiosk in the carnival games area of the boardwalk. 
Kento's heart flutters at you calling him honey.
"You want it?" I'll win it for you." 
"Awh, Ken, you don't wanna win something for yourself?" 
Kento smiles adoringly at you, nudging you with his hip. 
"We'll split custody, how about that?"
"Ooh yes please!" 
"Alright, hold my drinks, beautiful." 
You cheer him on as he plays the game, stealing intermittent sips from his drinks while you watch. He's hitting each one with precision and quickness, despite being a little tipsy. 
Who knew watching Kento hit mechanical moles with a rubber mallet could be so sexy. 
You walk away with your new fuschia dragon named Barry tucked in your arms and Kento's arm wrapped around your waist. 
The rest of the boardwalk is a blast. You two ride the Ferris wheel, the bumper cars, the gondola from one end to the other, even the roller coaster.
Kento doesn't take his hands off you the entire time, cradling you in his arms like you'd break outside of them. It feels like a proper Saturday night in the summertime and the best day you've had in a while.
For Kento, it's the best birthday he's ever had in his entire life. 
You're standing ankle deep in the water at the beach, Kento's helping you hold your dress out of the way so it doesn't get soaked by the foamy waves that glide then recede over your pairs of feet, letting your toes sink in the muddied sand. 
The sky is completely swallowed by darkness, save for a few scattered stars. The air is gentle and inviting, the mood more intimate now as Kento holds you on the beach, your bodies so suggestively pressed together. 
There's a dance party on the beach a few feet away, but you and Kento decided to have a dance of your own in private under the moonlight instead. You can still hear the music clearly. The DJ played banger after banger, mostly upbeat and popular music that played on the radio. 
"You know, I think this is the best birthday I've ever had in my entire life..." Kento says softly in your ear. 
"Aww, Kenny. I'm so so happy to hear that. You deserve it, seriously. You need to start actually believing you deserve good things, Kento. You need to give yourself more credit." 
Kento stares down at you with love stricken eyes. You were just so fucking good to him. These feelings he's been carrying around now for months are about to completely spill out of him. 
He's been in love with you for a while now and tonight might put him over the edge. It just has to be the right time to tell you.  
But then, a slow song comes on. Kento grins when he immediately recognized it. It's one of his favorites, and it's actually a song he's associated with you for a very long time. 
You go breathless as Kento scoops you in his arms, keeping your dress bunched up on his fingers he's holding against your waist, slow dancing with you in the water. 
Your eyes remain locked on each other. Kento gives you a sweet smile, running his finger along the shadow on your cheek before he pulls you into his chest, his lips pressed softly against your ear as he gently sings you the lyrics. 
       We watch the season pull up its own stakes
And catch the last weekend of the last week
Before the gold and the
glimmer have been replaced
Another sun soaked season fades away
You have stolen my heart
You have stolen my heart
You melt against him, hugging him even tighter. Realizing he's letting the song speak for him, you try so hard to not let the tears build as you sway with him and he continues to softly sing to you. 
Invitation-only grand farewells
Crash the best one of the best ones
Clear liquor and cloudy eyed
Too early to say goodnight
You have stolen my heart
You have stolen my heart
I watch you spin around in your highest heels
You are the best one, of the best ones....
You begin to cry, Kento raises his thumb to your cheeks, catching your tears with the soft pad, angling your chin up to look at him. 
You have stolen my heart...
He gently mumbles before he leans in, capturing your breath with his lips in the most tender first kiss. You two stay frozen like that for a moment, his hand pressing down on the nape of your neck so he can kiss you a little harder. 
You slowly open your lips against him and he takes that as a cue to gently prod his tongue into your mouth. You let him immediately, the kiss escalating into something deeper and more passionate. 
You're becoming bewitched by the sweet flavor of his mouth, the tang of the strawberry alcohol from earlier leaving the most delicious taste on his tongue.
You taste just as good to him. Just as sweet, and soft. But so intoxicating. Kento feels his knees get weak when you moan softly, as you continue kissing him passionately underneath the dark ocean sky as the waves along the shore lapped around you. 
You feel his hands start to explore your sides, a tad more adventurous before, softly squeezing your ribcage, sliding teasingly up and down your body, his thumbs barely grazing the bottom of your tits. He tilts his head, chasing your lips, panting as he feels your fingers softly comb through his hair. 
"I want you..." He whispers as you two pause for a moment, tracing your bottom lip with his thumb, those tawny eyes of his fixated on it. 
He groans when you slowly tilt your head, the wetness of your lips smearing his thumb, allowing him to softly drag it down, making you look even more sexy and tempting than you already do. 
"Yeah, sweetheart? You wanna go back to the hotel so we can end your birthday right?" 
Kento blushes, taking your face in his hands, "Yes please..."
"Okay baby..." You lean in, kissing him once briefly, then again but a little longer this time, softly nipping his bottom lip before you whisper in his mouth. 
"Carry me back and I'm all yours." 
The door barely clicks shut before you grab Kento by his shirt, his whole body shivering with nerves and adrenaline as you kiss him intensely. He groans when your tongue finds its way into his mouth again, letting his tangle and roll against yours, bringing his hands to cup your face so he can focus on kissing you deeply. 
You feel your stomach flip when he seized your bottom lip in his teeth, having slowly built more confidence in his abilities after kissing you so many times. 
He backs you against the wall, your heads following one another. Kento watches you through barely peeking eyelids as you kiss, trying to concentrate on what makes you feel good, what makes you moan and sigh into his mouth. Then, he wills himself to close his eyes completely, softly grunting as his lips smack sensually against yours, tongues sliding deeply into one another's mouth. 
"Ken, wait..." 
"Mmmyeah....?" Ken's high off this moment, addicted to the way your lips feel on his, but he stops, his breathing heavy as he tries to reclaim his oxygen. "You okay?" 
"I'm fantastic..." You whisper softly, rubbing your nose against his. "I just remembered I should give you your cake before I forget." 
A short time later, you're sharing a big slice of the chocolate cake you ordered from the grocery store for Kento, a design with Jake and Finn from Adventure Time laying underneath a tree. Kind of like you and him. 
You're naked, only clad in his baggy Bright Eyes band t-shirt and some boyshort panties, laying on your stomach on the bed with Kento while you eat the birthday cake and the chocolate covered strawberries, washing it down with some champagne. 
Kento's eyes roam over your figure once again, staring at your ass, your plump cheeks peeking out scantily in your skimpy underwear. You take notice of his wandering eyes, winking at him before bringing a frosting covered finger to your lips, slowly licking it off. 
"Had enough staring, sweetheart?" 
He sets his champagne glass on the nightstand before pouncing on you, you let out a squeal, giggling then sighing when you feel his full body weight slowly cage you underneath him. 
His breath hitches as he feels you hook one of your legs around his hip and he pauses, gazing down at your features and running the back of his knuckles up and down your face, those brown eyes of his sucking you in. 
You take notice of the very tiny gold flecks peppered in his irises. He's a little nervous for what's about to happen. You were a bit more experienced, and he had only been with one girl when he was about 16, only for her to dump him and claim that her interest in him was only a cruel joke. 
"Do you still wanna have sex....?" You ask softly, checking in. 
Kento's heart hammers in his chest but he nods. "Y-yeah, of course I do."
"We don't have to, if you're not ready, baby..." 
"I am ready. I promise. God you have no idea..." He lets out a small scoff, shaking his head. "It's, it's just I'm a little nervous. I've only done this once..." 
You nod slowly understanding. "I understand, honey. I can guide you, yeah?" 
Kento swallows, the lust in his eyes a little more cloudy now, the tone in his voice gets a little more low and husky. "Y-yeah....just show me what to do..." 
"Touch me, baby..." You whisper, biting your lip. 
Kento's eyes droop, not expecting you to sound so hot when you said that. "W-where do you want me to touch you..." 
Kento groans when you bring his hands to your breasts, letting out a breathy fuckk when he squeezes them for the first time. 
"Be gentle..." 
"I will, I promise...." 
You stare at him with lust crazed eyes, melting underneath him, arching your back when his hands disappear underneath your shirt, his fingers finding the buds of your nipples. 
"Like that..." he whispers, his mouth watering as he feels the buds grow hard and pointy in his hands. 
"Just like that..." You affirm, throwing your head back against the pillow. "Kento.... mhhhhnn....fuck..." 
"God...." He pulls his shirt you're wearing up, leaning down and taking your left breast in his mouth, earning a passionate cry from you. 
Kento realizes he might be developing an oral fixation as soon as he gets a taste of your breasts. His eyes rolling back a little bit as the ridges of his tongue flatten and massage against your buds leaving them bumpy and hard. He notices your moans turn into wines with the more time he spends focused specifically on your nipples, letting his tongue swirl in infinite loops around the circle, rolling and suckling and very very gently tugging them with his teeth. 
Kento's palm gives your breast one more squeeze before it trails down your body, his fingers sliding underneath the waistband of your panties, his middle and index finger teasing your pussy, collecting your leaking arousal and wetting them without dipping into your soaked heat just yet. 
"Fuck...Kento..." You already feel like you're gonna lose it when he starts curling and scissoring his fingers while his mouth continues to dribble and slobber on your breasts, the lewd sounds of your squelching pussy around his long fingers starting to fill your eardrums. 
Kento moans in return, and he feels you gush even more as a result, the sound of his arousal driving you crazy. 
"Kento...fuck me sweetheart...." 
You don't need to tell him twice before he strips down completely and you remove your underwear, keeping his shirt on at his insistence. The idea of him fucking you while wearing something of his was something he found quite hot. 
Your eyes soak in the beautiful sight of him naked on top of you for the first time, positioning himself over you, making sure you're tucked in nicely against the pillows and comfortable before he begins.
He smears a generous squirt of lube all over his cock, you feel your pussy throb at his length, the light pink skin of his tip all shiny with lube as it dripped down his shaft, the noise wet and sloppy as he pumped his cock in preparation. 
You grip the pillows behind you, spreading your legs for him. 
Kento groans, his bedroom eyes mesmerized by the sight of you all laid out for him that's he's only dreamed of millions of times. 
Both of your jaws slowly fall open when he begins to slide his cock inside, the slow stretch spreading your tight walls over his generous length. 
Kento kisses your forehead before he starts to thrust with his cock halfway inside you, carefully pumping into you at a gentle pace to get you slowly adjusted to him, trying so hard not to focus on just how heavenly your pussy feels or else he'd cum immediately. 
"Let me know if this feels good...." 
You moan, squeezing your thighs tighter around him when you feel his veiny cock drag against the walls of your warm cunt. His cock stretched you out so good unlike any other man's. You could come undone from the sheer blissful feeling of Kento being deep inside of you like this alone.
Now that you both had a taste of it, you're fucking addicted. 
"It feels fucking incredible. You feel incredible baby...I love your body.... I was craving you so badly all day... " You whine underneath him. 
Kento groans loudly, bringing his face even closer to yours, holding your face with one hand and your thigh in his other as he began to increase the pace, "R-Really....?"
"Really handsome... " You purr sweetly, brushing your nose against his. 
Kento blows air rapidly out of his mouth, face painted in blush despite being balls deep inside you "I'm handsome?"
"You're so fucking handsome..." You whisper, raking your fingers lovingly through his hair as he fucks you in languid strokes. 
"You have the cutest smile...I love how protected and comfortable I feel around you, I love your eyes, I love how you look at me, how you fuck me...I love your hands, I love your arms...I love every inch of you..." 
The euphoria washes over him with every word you speak, his breaths weighing heavier and heavier as he constantly surpasses the limit on how turned on he thought he could feel by another person. He's under your spell, your soul entangling itself in his. He can barely speak now as he's passionately fucking you with everything he can. 
"God....God you....you're unbelievable...I  love you so much. This is the best night of my life, you hear me? I feel so special, being with you like this makes me feel so special..."
"Ohhh Ken... Baby I fucking love you..."
Kento harshly kisses you, his balls smacking against your skin and your muffled moans the only audible sounds for a moment, railing you into the mattress. 
"Godddd, baby.....fuck, I'm.... I can't..."
"It's okay sweetheart...cum for me...."
"You sure..."
"I'm sure, I'm so sure. Cum inside me baby..I wanna have you so deep inside me..."
Your face contorts in pleasure as Kento moves your legs higher, now thrusting into you in mating press, his cock hitting just right with equal parts pain and pleasure, stimulating your clit with every delicious thrust of his hips. 
"Fuck...fuck I fuckin love you...I love-i love....."
He crashes his lips against yours, kissing you deeply, gasping into your mouth as he unloads his cum inside you, both your foreheads coated in a healthy layer of sweat. He looks down where you are still connected, slowly gathering any cum that's leaked out and stuffing it back in with a couple shallow thrusts. 
"F-fuck t-that was....fuck..." 
"Shhhh, it's alright..." You coo softly, panting in your afterglow. 
Kento chuckles, kissing you before mumbling, "I-I want every birthday to be just like this..." 
Your eyes soften, stroking his hair as you remain tangled together for several peaceful moments. "How about every day?" You suggest with a smile. 
"Fuck, even better..." Kento nuzzles his face into your neck. "Thank you, thank you so much..." 
"No need to thank me, sweetheart. I just wanna make you happy." 
"You always make me happy. God you have no idea how much..." Kento holds you tightly. "You're mine from now on...all mine." 
You feel your heart explode, whispering back to him shortly before you both pass out in the tousled sheets. "All yours, baby. Sleep tight..." 
The rest of the night is mellow and passionate. You and Kento sleep peacefully until 4 am, the fire briefly rekindled when he awoke, groaning at the feeling of your naked body against his, sleepily fucking you slow and deep from the side as he held your thighs open while gently swirling your clit with his thumb until you came all over him. 
In the morning, you both sleep in quite late, all the pleasure willing both your bodies to relish in the extra rest. 
You and Kento make use of the shower one more time before you have to check out, scrambling around at the last minute because you sucked his cock so good in the shower that he had to spend some time back between your thighs, only before you ended up fucking again, your breaths fogging up the glass with your forearms resting against it while Kento groped your tits, his other hand holding your hip steady as he fucked you from behind in the steamy shower. 
But, as you pack up and get into the car, driving to meet your parents for brunch and as you hold hands under the table, things between you have definitely changed a lot, but only for the better as your hands and your eyes never leave one another. 
Driving home with your new boyfriend Kento Nanami, wrapped up in his hoodie with his hand on your thigh with his playlist he created just for you playing on the aux, just the beginning to this tender love that brought you together all because of a simple beach. Sun shining brightly in the July backdrop. You would never be out of his sight after that. 
@1-900-venusluvs @thatone-writer
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minimomoe · 3 days
How to Train your Demon
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Pairing: trueform! Sukuna x Fem Reader
Summary: Life has all kinds of wins and losses. You don't know which category to put your new demon husband in though.
Tags: MDNI!, red string of fate trope, true form sukuna, librarian reader, soul mates, reincarnation, accidental summoning, love at first sight (buti it's one-sided (until it's not)), Sukuna is demon, but he's v much in love, smut and stuff eventually i guess....
Part: I. II.
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Rule no.2: Assert Dominance
“I do not see why I cannot accompany you,” Sukuna grumbled behind you. 
“I don’t see how you can,” you said, equally peeved. 
After forcing Sukuna to clean up the pieces of your alarm clock, you informed him that he could not come with you to work. You tried to be as firm as possible, but it was hard to stand your ground when he was nearly touching your ceiling in height and three times your size in width. 
“I won’t be able to explain why you’re there with me,” you reasoned. Or more accurately, you can’t take Sukuna out anywhere with his looks. Four eyes, four arms, the height of an Amazonian warrior and insatiable bloodlust wafting off of him. He was like a giant hellhound, eagerly protecting you from any harm, but the only thing that irked him were your electrical devices. You had to lunge for your phone the moment you heard it ringing so that he wouldn’t destroy it when your mother called. 
“You’re staying home, that is final.” 
Sukuna glared down at you. “I won’t allow it.” 
“I wasn’t asking,” you shot back. “You’re going to stay here and Cleo will be in charge.”
“That is a cat. I will eat it.” 
You lifted Cleo off of the floor, holding her close to your chest. “You wouldn’t dare!”
Sukuna saw how apprehensive the statement made you and sucked his teeth. You claimed that you had no memory of him, yet he remembers going through similar situations just like this one hundreds of years ago. Constantly going on expeditions without him to unknown lands and new cultures. Wanting to leave him behind with your strange pets. He would have his servant Uruame follow you around at the very least, but Sukuna has not been able to find him in this world yet. 
“I will refrain from consuming the cat,” Sukuna conceded. “Do you have a guard that will follow you?”
“Something like that,” you muttered incoherently. He looked sincere when he said that he’d leave Cleo alone. For whatever reason, he really couldn’t have you stay anything less than pleasant with you. You looked at your finger again to see if the string that he had mentioned was attached. It must be a demon thing, as you still couldn’t find anything. 
“I will give you the rundown of some stuff in the house before I go. I don’t know if you need to use the bathroom, but use the one over here, not in my bedroom. Do not mess with the A/C. You can watch TV, but try not to have the volume too high, that scares Cleo. There’s food in the fridge. I’m pescatarian so it might not be your preference. I’ll try to buy you some clothes when I come back,” you explained. You turned around back to Sukuna who had deeply knitted brows. 
“A/C? Fridge? I am unaccustomed with such terms.”
You blinked at him. Of course he didn’t know what more than half of the stuff in your home was. You were sure that the lightbulb was created well after he was born. 
“Okay, um… don’t touch anything. Stay away from the windows and… protect this place while I’m gone. Can you do that for me?” 
Sukuna’s face lit up. It wasn’t a full on smile, but you asking him to do something for your benefit pleased him. His tummy mouth was more expressive than him, giving you a canine display of teeth that you took as a grin. He nodded, and you gave him an awkward pat on his arm as thanks. 
“Today I won’t be working as long, so it will only be a couple of hours. I’m trusting you, okay? Please, please, please don’t touch anything,” you repeated. You locked the door with Sukuna in your house. It didn’t feel like the safest thing to do, but you had no choice. You needed to get the grimoire back and you wouldn’t even allow Sukuna to walk across your front yard. All you could do is pray that the universe would cut you some slack. 
The universe, however, had other plans that did not include giving you any kind of slack. The grimoire you placed in the back room last night was very much missing. 
“Hey Jess?” You called out. You were two seconds away from dropping down to your knees and crying out in anguish if you couldn’t find that book. “Jess!”
“Yeah, what’s up?” Your coworker held onto the door frame as she peeked into the room. 
“Last night I put a book here. It’s not that large, just a little bit bigger than my palm, black leather and needed to dry because the spine was damaged. It also has some Japanese characters inscribed on the front. Do you know who might’ve taken it?”
“Hmmm,” she hummed, drumming her long fingernails on the metal doorway. “Oh, Suguru is also here today. I’m not saying that he took it, but I did see him go back here to get something when we opened.” 
You were already out of the door and heading to the computer stations to find Suguru before Jess could finish her sentence. You couldn’t let anybody else have that book. Not even the one person at your job that made you want to bang your head against the wall after every syllable that left his mouth. 
“Suguru,” you said stiffly. He looked up at you with a child beside him, teaching her how to use a learning program. In your rush you didn’t even see the little girl before. The man gave you a bored look, waiting for you to speak. “I need to talk with you in private,” you hissed, going straight to an empty study room. He followed, apologizing to the kid and closed the door behind you. 
“Look, I just need the book that I left here last night. Jess said that she saw you in the backroom this morning, so if you have that black journal, I really need it back.” 
Suguru stared at you with an annoying glint in his purple eyes. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Suguru you don’t understand. I need that book,” you urged. 
“I’m sure you do,” he hummed. “But I don’t have it… anymore.” 
All the color drained from your face. “What. Do. You. Mean?”
“I mean I saw an interesting book and I wanted to have it professionally looked at. Don’t worry, it will be back in a few days. I just don’t think we can put something like that on the shelves.” 
You sank into an empty chair beside the table. You massaged your temples, trying your best not to break down in front of your least favorite coworker. There was no guarantee that you could send Sukuna back to where he came from with the book, but now your only plan was postponed. 
“You’re right, we can’t put that on the shelves. I just wish you told me that you were looking into it,” you sniffed. “It wasn’t yours to take.”
“You didn’t put a note on it.” 
“Fuck you.”
“I’m sure you want to.” Suguru left you in the room by yourself with your thoughts. You held onto the hope that you’d have the book with you tomorrow, but it didn’t make you feel all too much better. Instead you did what would actually make you feel more in control, and it was to make a plan. Gather as much information on Japanese spirituality that you could, the older the better, and see if anything could link you back to Sukuna. It was all that you could do now. You walked out of the study room with lighter spirits than what you walked in with, only for Jess to hand you your ringing phone. 
“This is the third time it’s buzzing,” she said, giving you a slightly concerned look. 
The contact was your neighbor who had occasionally watched Cleo when you went on trips. She only called for emergencies since she sees you in person all the time, so a call during normal working hours must mean trouble. 
“Ms. Kelly, hi,” you started. 
“Yes, darling, I just wanted to let you know that the mailman went up to your front door to drop off a package. I know, it doesn’t seem like much but… well, he hasn’t come back out. I know this because it’s been 10 minutes and his truck is still in front of your house. I almost called the police but I wanted to let you know first.” 
“Do not call the police!” You shouted. You got a couple of hard stares from patrons and a child passing by shushed you. You apologized and ran into the bathroom stalls. “I’ll be there shortly. Thank you for letting me know,” you whispered. 
“No problem, honeybun. Just be careful.”
You rushed out of the bathroom and told the rest of your team that you would have to leave early at the front desk. 
Jess’ eyes were wide with worry while Suguru couldn’t care less. “Is everything okay?”
“Uhhh Cleo needs to go to emergency care right now,” you lied. “I’m sorry, but I really have to go.” 
“No it’s fine, we got it here,” she assured you. “Take care of your baby. I hope it's nothing serious.”
“Thanks Jess. Bye.” 
You drove like a bat out of hell to get back home. You completely forgot about something as simple as a package being delivered and how a mailman is going to knock on your door, not knowing of the horrors inside of your home. Just as Ms. Kelly said, the shipping truck was still in front of your driveway running, with nobody inside of it. You twisted your front door that was no longer unlocked and found your mailman laying out on your couch and Sukuna watching over him with Cleo perched on his shoulder. Her white tail swished behind his back when he turned to greet you in the house with a genuine smile. His teeth were still far too sharp for it not to be unsettling, but he seemed happy to see you. 
“My wife has returned. I protected your domain just as you asked.” 
“Is he–is he dead?” You whispered. Your heart was beating a million miles a minute at the scene. There was no way you could hide this or explain to authorities. 
Well Ms. Kelly could be your alibi, but it still wouldn’t rid you of the freak that stood in your living room. 
“He shouldn’t be. I didn’t use any strength when I struck him.” 
Sukuna poked the unresponsive mailman. Suddenly he coughed and you jumped back. You hunched over, resting your hands on your knees and took big gulps of air to shove through your lungs. Relief has never felt sweeter. “You were upset when I mentioned eating this little one earlier,” he said while petting Cleo. She traitorously purred at his touch. “I decided to spare this man’s life and let you decide his fate.” 
You peered up at Sukuna who now had Cleo in his arms, scratching her stomach. He was awaiting your next orders while your cat rolled around in his hands. Sukuna was proud of himself, waiting for you to voice praise, and all you could do was sigh. At the end of the day, your house was murder free. 
“Thank you, Sukuna, for not killing him. Once he wakes up, we’re letting him go and we’ll have some rules to discuss." You smoothed the wrinkles in your forehead flat with your palm. This was going to be your life now. Micromanaging a demon. Flying to the moon might’ve been easier with less stress. 
“Your appetite for blood has decreased,” he concluded with a touch of disappointment. “What happened to your creative punishments for trespassers?”
“Mailmen are not trespassers.”
“I sense that you are upset. Did I offend you?” Sukuna was so close to you it felt claustrophobic. He had so much body mass he felt inescapable and he crowded around you looking for an answer. You stared him down with as much solemnity that you could muster up when speaking to him.
“Promise me that you’ll never open the door again, even if you hear something. And promise me that you’ll never kill anybody."
“I cannot possibly–”
You dug your finger in his chest. “Promise!” 
Sukuna regarded the tone of your voice. You were ordering him, something he did not like, but beneath the hardened exterior he could feel that you were frightened, another thing he did not like. Gaining your favor was the most important goal for him at the moment, so he unenthusiastically accepted your terms. 
Oh the things he did out of love. 
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Thanks for reading loves!! lemme know what ya think xx
Part: I. II.
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actiniumwrites · 19 hours
love amidst loss
synopsis: in the height of the moment, you nearly die and they can’t deal with the thought of losing you
characters: baizhu, scaramouche, kazuha, and cyno x gn!reader (separately)
warnings: hurt/comfort, angst to fluff, near death accidents, not proofread (sorry)
notes: uh so i wrote this a while ago and didn’t finish it up until recently, so sorry of this contains some errors or if any of the game lore has changed or been updated and doesn’t match what i wrote :) lyney was also supposed to be in this but i gave up on his part…sorry 😭
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“Qiqi. Bandages, now!” Baizhu yells desperately. Your heart rate was lowering by the second, while his was rising exponentially.
Qiqi slowly passes the small bin of various bandages to the doctor, “Yes, Dr. Baizhu.”
He can feel his hands shaking, tremoring as they work as fast as they can to close up all your wounds. Even throughout all his strange adventures and experiments attempting to achieve immortality, he’s never felt more afraid and anxious than in this moment. He could care less about hurting himself, but you? You meant the world to him.
“Baizhu…?” your eyes flutter open weakly while your elbows move behind you to sit up. A speedy hand pushes you back down in an instant.
“No, don’t,” Baizhu says, his heart beating out of his chest at the sight of your consciousness, “you shouldn’t be awake right now. I haven’t finished operating.”
Your hands feel fragile and your breathing is weak, but somehow you’re able to reach into your pocket and pull out a small bottle. It’s halfway full and a gentle lavender in color. It’s the concoction he had given you a while ago, in case of emergencies — an elixir of sorts.
“What about this?” you drop it into his hands. He shivers against your touch. What if this is the last time he’ll get to feel it?
Baizhu adjusts his glasses, analyzing the bottle in this hand, “Is this…? You still have this?”
You nod gently, careful not to move too much, “I saved what was left of it. I know you said you couldn’t make anymore, so I used it sparingly. Is it enough?”
Baizhu quickly prepares a bowl and some other ingredients to mix it with, “Yes, of course. I’ll make it worth a thousand lives over, I promise.”
A tender smile pulls at your lips while life beats back into your heart. Baizhu sighs of relief, resting his elbow against the edge of your bed with his pinky outstretched, “Please don’t scare me like that again.”
Your pinky wraps weakly around his, “Promise.”
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“What’s going to happen to them?” Scaramouche presses, leaning by the side of the bed Nahida had prepared for you.
Eagerly, he places his hand in yours with a tight so grip you’d think he was scared. And he is. Scaramouche is terrified out of his mind. “You idiot,” he mumbles against your hand, “why would you jump into danger for me?”
Your eyes are shut tightly and your skin is so cold. He hates the way it feels like he’s going to lose you at any second, despite Nahida reassuring him countless times he wouldn’t. He still has so much love to give you. And god, what if he never gets to admit that to you? To finally say that he loves you out loud?
His eyebrows furrow and his lips fall into a sad frown. Amidst it all, a weak tone that he can’t be bothered to disguise falls from his mouth, “Please just tell me they’ll be okay?”
Nahida fights the urge to smile as she stands by the doorway of the room, ready to leave and give you both space. She nods firmly, “I promise you they’ll be okay. You have nothing to worry about.”
He nods back silently, loosening his grip a bit on your hand but not quite letting you go. And as soon as the archon slips away from the room, a small and vulnerable, “I love you,” falls from his lips.
And he swears he feels your hand grip his back a little tighter when he does.
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“Man, I drank wayyyy too much,” Kazuha slurs his words as he eyes begin to droop shut. You push his shoulder lightly to keep him conscious, a small laugh echoes amidst the waves of the ocean.
You feel it too — the buzz of the alcohol. The entire crew of the Alcor had been celebrating all night with big lights, tons of food, and an endless supply of drinks. Kazuha and you had already had more than enough, and it wasn’t until Beidou forced you guys to sit out for awhile that you realized just how much you had drank.
As you both sit on the edge of the boat with your legs dangling over the edge, Kazuha nudges you back. Only, it’s a little too forceful and you aren’t sober enough to stop yourself from sliding off. Desperately you reach for the wooden rails, but it isn’t enough to save you as you fall into the icy water below with a terrifying scream.
The water thrashes around you as you so eagerly attempt to stay afloat despite your lack of swimming skills. “Kazuha!” you scream before the water enters your mouth and begins to send you under.
In an instant he dives in, both of you now sobered up and well aware of the fact that a moment of fun had just turned darkly serious. All he can think about his how stupid he was for forgetting you can’t swim that well and that he shouldn’t have pushed you, even if it was a joke.
Kazuha finds you quickly and pulls you up fast. By the time he does, the rest of the crew joins around and helps you both back up and onto the boat.
His heart pounds a million miles per second as he watches you painfully cough out a bunch of water. Your skin is freezing to the touch and there are even a few small tears in your eyes.
“Hey,” Kazuha moves to hold your hand tightly, not only to comfort you, but also himself, “you’re okay, you’re okay. I’ve got you.”
You only nod and lean back against the wood of the boat. He joins you quickly and you take it as a sign to rest your head against him. Gentle, but deep breathes leave his chest periodically and he can’t help but feel shaky all over. Kazuha had lost so many people in his life, and he’d have no idea what to do with himself if he lost you too.
“You won’t,” you whisper against his chest.
“Huh? Did I say that out loud?” Kazuha’s bright red eyes widen as they turn towards your resting figure.
You smile gently, “No, but I know what you’re thinking. You won’t lose me. I won’t let you.”
Kazuha hums contently to himself. He wouldn’t let himself lose you either.
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“Is it just me or does something seem off?” you pause quickly, halting your footsteps at the slightest rumble of the complex structure you and Cyno had wandered into. You draw your sword quickly while Cyno swings his polearm from around his back.
His garnet eyes dart around the various hallways and statues, scowling as he comes to a realization, “It must’ve been those eremites we ran into earlier. I should have known they weren’t just ‘camping out.’”
Neither of you move as the structure continues to shake. Panicked, your arm grabs onto his as your eyes widen, “What do we do? If we don’t get out of here in time, this whole thing is gonna collapse!”
“Calm down!” Cyno shouts over the crashing sounds of rocks and statues slamming against the floor, “I’ll get us out of here!”
Within seconds later, a giant head of a statue falls from above and crashes just feet away. It happens so fast you lose your balance, feet stumbling as your arm slams against the wall. Suddenly, the panel you’re standing on slides away and sends you flying downward.
“No!” Cyno yells desperately, grabbing your arm just in time before you can fall hundreds of feet to your death.
Your hand barely holds on as you gasp, “I can’t hold on, Cyno! I’m sorry. Oh god, I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to touch anything.”
His eyes widen in fear as you continue to speak. It’s the most scared you’ve ever seen him, but he can’t let you die. Not yet. “Don’t let go, please!” His arms hurt as he struggles to hold on, just barely keeping his balance against the sand covered floor, “I’m not going to let you fall.”
“I’m sorry,” you continue to apologize, eyes welling with panicked tears. Despite it sounding like a confession before death, you continue to hold on as best you can.
As if the dendro archon could hear both your pleas, the shaking stops suddenly. Cyno’s head shoots up and his arm grips your hand even tighter. With all the strength he can possibly muster, he pulls you up to safety.
Unable to comprehend what just happened, you quietly sob and fall against his chest. Cyno doesn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around you as tightly as possible. Afraid that if he didn’t, you’d fall again and he’d lose you for good.
“Are you…are you alright?” He mumbles against the crook of your neck.
You nod silently in response, “I’m okay.”
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rxzennia · 1 day
oral sex
✎𓂃 in the case of aventurine giving | m! reader
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it’s taking everything in you to stay still. aventurine has you spread out in bed, his mouth around your dick and his hands on your thighs. your back is arched into the mattress and you’re trying your best to not whimper, but there really isn’t much you can do when he’s got your hips held down firmly.
“w-wait, babe, wait,” you hiss, shuddering and twitching so beautifully under him, “not there, it feels weird…”
“weird?” aventurine repeats slowly, lifting his head and staring up at you with hazy eyes. “how weird?”
you inhale sharply; your precum is all over his tongue and slowly dripping from his parted lips. he’s so adorable like this, panting and dazed as he goes down on you. such a shame that you’d promised to let him do all the work tonight, because all you’re itching to do is to shove him down onto the bed and fuck his tight throat.
aeons, he’s such a sight that you almost missed the question entirely. “good weird. c’mon, back to work.” you caress his cheek with one hand, gently trying to coax him back to giving you the head of your life. “you’re doing so well, give me more.”
you don’t need to tell him twice. aventurine doesn’t hesitate to lick and tease around your tip, his tongue digging carefully into your slit and feeling the veins on the side, until he slowly lowers his mouth and deepthroats you.
“oh, oh, aven,” you moan, physically restraining yourself from grabbing his head and doing whatever you want. “mm, that’s good,” you sigh loudly as your hips buck involuntarily, “you feel so good, i don’t think i can-”
“shh, you can,” aventurine coos, moving one hand to play with your balls as he bobs his head, “be good for me, hm? you promised.”
so pretty.
your boyfriend is so fucking pretty. your cock bulging in his throat every time he takes it all the way, his swollen lips covered in saliva and precum, his face colored a dark pink as tears bead at his eyes, and his own arousal straining against his pants…
you want to mess him up. 
“you,” aventurine stutters when he feels you get bigger in his mouth, “you, hngh, why’d you-”
“sorry, baby,” you say between gritted teeth. you’re about to lose it; you sit up and carefully slip your hands into his hair, and you hold him in place as you thrust into his mouth. “ah, your mouth is so warm,” you groan, tugging lightly at his hair while you move, “i can’t help it, you feel too damn good.”
the way you bite your bottom lip as you move is so intoxicating, the way your skin glistens with sweat as you pick up the pace and abuse his throat, aventurine can’t think anymore. like a possessed man, he seeks out your thick cock in his mouth, your taste, your body, and your affection. 
“ah, augh, hngh, please,” aventurine gags, with how rough you’re going, but he absolutely loves it. “harder, fuck me harder.” his words come out muffled, slurping and swirling his tongue like he just can’t get enough of your liquids. “please, please, i need, i…”
“oh, you need it?” your soft smile twists into a smirk, your grip tightening ever so slightly in his hair. “what do you need?” you’re feeling mischievous; you pull him off of you and take some time admiring his teary eyes, messy lips, and the sticky semi-clear liquid dripping down his chin. “aeons, you’re absolutely divine,” you say as you swipe away the beading tears with your thumbs, “tell me, baby. tell me and i’ll give it to you.”
“i need to taste you,” aventurine whines, a cute sound of annoyance when he doesn’t feel your cock between his lips, “i want your cum down my throat. please?” he adds, as if that would make you tease him less, “please?”
you stare at your lovely boyfriend, almost gasping at how desperate he is. you’ve gotten him all hot and bothered before, but it’s rare that he gets so needy for you. your hands slide down his face and you caress him gently, until you decide to slip your hands into his hair once more and shove him down your throbbing cock the exact moment you thrust upwards. 
“attaboy, that’s it,” you purr, holding aventurine’s head firmly as you take a moment to revel in the snug velvet of his mouth. “mm, that’s it, good boy, is this what you want?” 
“gah-eugh, hngh, mmf! y-yes!” he chokes, but he refuses to tap out. he allows you to push past his gag reflex and make him cry with each and every motion of yours. “i, i, augh, yes, i love it.” he ruts his hips harder, grinding against nothing as he sobs and moans, “aah, i can’t help myself… you’re so big!”
“like being called a good boy, huh?” you chuckle; aventurine likes to act tough, but whenever you give him what he likes, he melts into such a pretty puddle for you. “good boy, rinnie, you’re such a good boy,” you breath out between pleasured moans, “i’m, i’m close, oh, i’m going to come inside,” you ramble, your hips stuttering as you struggle to keep up the pace, “can i? rinnie, please, can i?”
he nods, his hands groping all over your thighs, your ass, all while he tries his very best to work harder for your cum in his mouth. he absolutely adores this sight, you’re drowning in feelings only he can give you, and you’re enjoying it so much that you can’t help but whimper for him.
“yes, yes, do it,” aventurine chokes out around your cock, his fingers gliding along your arched back. “do it, c’mon, lemme taste you…”
you keen sharply, bucking your hips one last time and grabbing onto your boyfriend’s head tightly. “fuck, i can’t, i can’t, baby, aah–” your thrusts become sporadic as you twitch helplessly, hot cum shooting straight down aventurine’s throat as you keep grinding yourself against his face– “oh, oh, that’s so good, fuck, rinnie, you’re so good, you’re doing so well.”
“hn, hmf, mh?” aventurine moans at how much you’re pouring into him, but he isn’t complaining, he swallows with practiced ease before he slowly eases off of you, a strand of milky white dangling from his lips. “bleh… you came so much…” he pants, crawling up the bed and laying down on top of you, “your turn to take care of me, you bastard.”
you laugh heartily, your hands are already reaching for the drawer on the nightstand. “of course, just sit back and relax,” you whisper, giving your sweet lover a kiss on his cheek. “we have the entire night still in front of us.”
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amayalul · 3 days
trusty old handycam
dad!schlatt x fem reader
warnings: toothrotting fluff <3
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it was a quiet, sunny afternoon when schlatt found himself in the backyard with your kids, holding his "new" 90s sony handycam he bought and has been fixated on the past couple of weeks.
"another camera?? you have like 5 other cameras you don't even use honey...."
"I know, I know. but listen... this one is different-"
you were slightly annoyed when he told you he bought yet another one. however, his explanation managed to sway your opinion.
claiming how this camera was soooo much better than his last one. the lack of a viewfinder ensuring he would be 'completely immersed in the moment'.
the fact that he even took that into account was incredibly sweet. it reminded you exactly why you fell in love with him in the first place.
his consideration, his thoughtfulness...
since he bought the camera, he brought it everywhere with him to capture every precious moment with your 3 kiddos.
right now, he sat on a lawn chair on the porch as he adjusted the settings for his camera. the kids messed around in the open field, playing games like tag, hide and go seek, sometimes even hide and go seek tag.
just as he finished fixing up the camera, your youngest daughter runs up to him.
"daddy! wanna see me do a cartwheel?"
slightly worried the 4 year old might land on her head, he reluctantly agreed.
"sure! but hold on sweets-" he picked up his camera, pressing record. if she was gonna fail, might as well record it and save it to laugh at later.
"alright buttercup- go ahead, show us what you got."
she raises her hands way above her head, a strong sense of determination and focus on her face. she launches forward, her palms go straight down into the grass, her feet following her form in the air in a weird... jump kick? from one side to her other.
none the less, she tried her best and absolutely killed it... at least in the eyes of schlatt.
"that was absolutely spectacular! beautifully executed. 11/10."
hearing her little giggles at schlatt's praise, she runs up and gives him a big hug. after giving her head a small peck, he sends her back out to play with her older siblings.
schlatt continued to record the sweet moment between all your kids playing in the yard. everyone yelling, screaming, and running around.
he also captured their sweet smiles and giggles, zooming in on each of their faces as the warmth of the afternoon sun washed over them.
there's no words to describe how he felt in that moment. looking at his kids thinking about how he helped create them, the big open grass field of a yard he remembered you so, so badly wanted.
sat in his lap, cradling your swollen belly. you exchanged tender words and promises.
"i want a big old farmhouse with a porch that wraps around the whole house."
"really?" he chuckles, "what else do you want toots?" he smiles, kissing the top of your head.
"and it HAS to come with a backyard with the biggest open grass field, where our kids can play and run around in.... or else i don't want it."
"that's all?"
"I'll see what I can do."
a month later, he comes home from a morning away holding a new set of keys.
"what's this?" you point to the set of keys he held.
"yeah, i know what keys look like dumbass. keys to what?'
"our new house." he smirks.
he chuckled, remembering that memory and the look on your face when he told you.
snapping out of his daze, he looked around at the beautiful farmhouse with the wooden porch, the grass field, and most of all, your most precious creations.
the screen door swings open and out you walk, holding a platter of all kinds of fruits. schlatt points the camera at you as you set the plate down on the glass table outside.
"ah there she is, my beautiful wife, mother of my children. where have you been huh?" you laugh at his words.
"why are you so sappy all of a sudden? i was cutting up some fruit hun."
"no reason, just missed that pretty face of yours." he stretched out a hand, pulling you in by your waist. you leaned down and gave what was supposed to be a quick kiss. instead, he pulled you onto his lap, deepening it. the camera now turned towards you both.
"mommy!!" the kids all run up the porch, breaking you apart from the kiss, "we found a worm!"
you cringed as your son held a handful of dirt up to you, and sure enough, there was a worm squirming around in it. schlatt laughed, knowing how squeamish you got around small creatures.
"oh! that's really cool sweetheart... how about we put mr. worm back where we found him?"
"uh.... i forgot where we found him."
"see i told you to remember where!" your eldest daughter interjected.
"that's okay, we'll find him a new home."
"can you hold him mommy?" he tries to hand you the pile of dirt.
"uhm.... how about you hold him and I'll help you find a good spot to put him? how does that sound?"
"okay!" the kids all race down the wooden steps and out back into the field. you got up from schlatt's lap and trailed behind them.
he laughed at your reluctance to hold it yet still cared about the damn thing enough to find it a good habitable home for the worm to live happily ever after.
a/n: I cannot get enough of dad!schlatt I need him so bad fjfjdjdjsks 😭😭 also took some inspo from a chuckle sammy episode as well as the notebook with the whole "I want a white house w/ blue shutters" scene.
(if u saw me repost this u didn't)
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memento-rory · 13 hours
If possible may you please do more Schlatt x Ted’s partner!reader?
i would be delighted to :) find the first part here.
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schlatt tries to be normal with you. he tries so fuckin’ hard, because he never wants you to look at him the way you did when you asked if he hated you ever again. he had never realized how his actions would impact you, only worried about how he’d be impacted.
so, he tries. he’s not very good at it — he’s either too quiet, just barely acknowledging the things you say to him, or too chatty, overcompensating for how not normal he’s being. it’s a fuckin’ nightmare, honestly, but he does it.
it’s a few more agonizing months before ted’s talk of you dies down. he’s mentioning you less and less, and you’re not joining him for events or meetups or parties as often. when asked, ted just says you’re busy, but schlatt can tell he’s lying. he’s always been good at reading ted.
you find yourself talking to schlatt a lot more often now that your relationship with ted circles the drain. (the two of you are trying to make it work, but you’re kidding yourselves.) schlatt’s much more receptive than a few months ago. he sends you messages out of the blue, completely unprompted, and it’s rare that you’re texting him first anymore. saw this and thought of you. hey, have you ever seen this movie? i’m bored, wanna hop on minecraft or somethin’?
about two weeks later, you and ted call it quits. it was inevitable, really. there’s no bad blood, the two of you splitting pretty amicably, promising to remain friends through tears. of course it hurts — you loved ted, truly. he was a good boyfriend (until he wasn’t, you suppose) and it’s a big change. you have to find somewhere else to live, and while ted says you’re free to stay at his place until you find something, it feels a little weird while the breakup is still fresh, and you have no idea how long it will take before you find another place.
that night, schlatt hits you up to play something with him, but you politely decline, saying you’re just not feeling up for it tonight. your phone rings just moments later.
“you okay?” schlatt’s voice comes through your phone speaker.
“yeah, i’m good,” you tell him, though the crack in your voice betrays you. realizing there’s no use pretending, you just let it all come out, trying to stay quiet so ted doesn’t hear you from the other room. you tell schlatt about the breakup and how you need to find somewhere else to be asap.
“you can come stay with me.” schlatt suggests, before he can stop it. in truth, he knows it’s so fucking selfish and more for his own benefit than yours, and it makes him feel a little sick. here you are hurting, and all he can think is, here’s my chance.
“really?” you ask, biting your lip in contemplation. sure, he lives in new york, but you work from home anyway, so it’s not like it would matter if you just up and left LA. it could be a good change of scenery.
schlatt should say no. he should say, “no, (y/n), i’m sorry. i shouldn’t have offered.” but he knows he can’t. it was shitty to offer in the first place, but it would be even shittier to go back on his offer.
“yeah,” schlatt responds instead, silently cursing himself, “could be fun. and we could find ya somethin’ up here, some cute lil apartment or somethin’.”
“okay.” you nod slowly, still weighing the option. it’s so spontaneous, something you’d usually give a little more thought, but as you hear ted padding around the place you used to call home, you decide to take schlatt up on his offer. “okay, yeah. when do you want me?”
now. forever. schlatt finds himself thinking. “how fast can you get packed?”
“i’m already halfway done.” you tell him. you’ve been slowly getting your stuff together for the last few hours.
“how long d’ya think it’ll take you to finish?”
“maybe a day, maybe less.”
“i’ll hire some movers to come get your stuff in two days and book ya a flight.”
“schlatt, no. i can move my own stuff. i’ll just rent a u-haul.”
“just lemme do somethin’ nice for ya, would ya, angel?” the pet name falls from his lips so fast that he doesn’t even register he’s said it. you feel your face heat up.
you’re already letting me live with you, you want to say, but you know there’s no arguing with him.
“fine,” you concede, “i’ll see you in a few days.”
“…thanks, schlatt. this really means a lot to me, you know.”
“just trynna help out a friend.” schlatt responds.
helping out a friend is the farthest thing from what he’s doing, but maybe if he says it enough, he’ll believe it.
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starry-eyes-love · 3 days
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Starry's Thoughts
Self Care with Starry: Self Love
Self-love is just as important in life as being intimate with another human being. We must make time to explore ourselves slowly, touch ourselves most intimately, and find the mental release we crave. This is the place where we can explore our own fantasies. A guide to Self Love by your fantasy dream person.
"You get me in this fantasy baby. So what are you gonna do? I know what I want, I wanna fuck you."
Set the mood. Turn down the lights and put on music that relaxes you and makes you feel sexy. Sexuality is healthy and is something that you must celebrate for yourself. You are strong, desirable, and a beautiful sexual being. It's okay to feel passion and raw sexuality in these private moments, in the moments where you can live in your fantasies. I am giving you permission to live in a fantasy of your choosing.
Start with simple, slow breaths. As you take slow breaths, I want you to gently trace your fingertips lightly across your skin. Allow yourself to live in a fantasy of having the person you want so badly in front of you. They are watching you, wanting to see you bring yourself to the depths of intense pleasure. Now, slowly start to touch yourself while you hear their voice in your head;
"You're so beautiful, you know that. You know how turned on I'm getting by watching you do this? Please, baby, don't stop."
Trace your fingers across yourself. Move down your stomach, down your hips, take it down to your knees, and then slowly work your way back up the inside of your thighs.
"That's it, baby, spread those legs a little wider for me. Let me see you."
Move your hand slowly underneath your pants and edge yourself. This isn't about getting there fast to the finish line, so don't rush. Take it slow, tease yourself, and work yourself up in pleasure. Feel how good it feels to touch yourself slowly, intimately. Imagine it is your fantasy person doing it, that they are there and slowly using their hands and mouth on you.
"Fuck baby, I want you so bad like this. All worked up, keep going."
Take yourself to the edge and then back off. Do this a few times; it will make everything at the end that much more enjoyable. Allow yourself to get to the point of throbbing, of begging for release.
"Keep going, baby, don't stop until I tell you to cum. I want you to be a squirming mess.
Remember, you need this time. You need to touch yourself and live within your fantasy like this. This is for you. Give yourself permission to let go and live in this moment. Feel how good the pleasure feels and how much your breath picks up wanting it. Start touching yourself faster.
"That's it, baby, there you go. Now slowly start to fuck yourself. Make yourself feel good. I want to watch, and I'll touch myself, too."
This moment, these touches, this time; it's all yours. Live in your fantasy; allow it to consume your thoughts and senses.
"That's it, go a little faster now. You're doing so good. I'm so fucking turned on by you. Are you close yet? "
You have that fantasy person in front of you right now. It doesn't matter if you can have them in real life. This is your fantasy right now, and you get to have them. There is no fear of judgment or punishment or of them knowing or thinking less of you. They want you so badly and are so turned on by you pleasuring yourself. So listen to what they have to say. Give in to the pleasure, and achieve your high.
"You are so beautiful when you fuck yourself like that. Got me so turned on that I'm practically throbbing. I need this. I need you. Now, be good and listen closely. I'm only gonna say this once. Fucking come for me, right now."
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daisyofwaterdeep · 23 hours
Can I request headcanons for Rolan to be persuaded by GN Tav/Reader to take a day off because he overworked himself & he accidentally confessed to them?
In this scenario, the reader is Rolan's secretary ~( ̄▽ ̄)~ Rolan / GN!Reader
-Rolan is passed out at his desk, a near empty bottle of Arabellan Dry beside him.
-You're used to caring for him when he's like this--guiding him to bed and tucking him in, placing a jug of water and herbs useful for hangovers on his bedside table, setting out clothes for the next day so he has one less thing to worry about
-Sometimes when he's like this, he'll mumble soft thank you's and sorry's and other things you can't quite hear. You just pat him and tell him to go to sleep
-But this time, he says something that you very clearly hear.
-He brings his hand up to your cheek, his eyes half-lidded and sliding further closed as sleep threatens to take him
-"Gods, how I love you..."
-You think about it for days. You're not sure if it was an actual declaration of love, or just strongly worded appreciation for what you do for him.
-Even if you're not sure, it's clear that he puts a lot of trust in you. He listens to you, and accepts your care when it's offered.
-Up until this point, you've let him run things as he saw fit--in essence, you've let him run himself into the ground. For the longest time you didn't think it was your place to speak out, but seeing how exhausted and stressed he is, how little time he has for himself, you decide it's time to step in.
-You quietly adjust his appointments until everything is in order, and then future lessons and meetings that come in are purposely not scheduled on certain days. Eventually, you have it to where he has no obligations on his calendar on two days of every week.
-When his first day off comes up, Rolan is already out of bed and dressed when you enter his room. As he fusses with tying up his hair, he asks for the day's itinerary.
-He completely freezes when you tell him that there's nothing on his schedule.
-"Surely there's been an error."
-You assure them that there's no error, and it's then that you tell him about what you've been up to.
-His face is slack as you speak, and you're not sure if he's upset with you or not.
-Rolan is quiet for a few moments, looking as if he's processing the fact that he truly has nothing to do today. The idea of free time is absolutely foreign to him. He stops tying up his hair, letting the full length of it remain down.
-"Well, it's unexpected, but certainly appreciated." Rolan removes his intricate silver shoulder plate as he speaks, "This gives me time to answer some pressing correspondence--"
-Of course the workaholic Rolan would try to use his free time for more work, but you planned ahead. You stop him mid sentence and inform him that you've already scheduled ample time tomorrow for him to respond to letters.
-Rolan looks befuddled, his mouth pulled into an uncertain frown.
-"Please," You say to him, voice soft but still very much stern, "You need to take some time for yourself."
-The tension between Rolan's brows eases and he sighs-- it's a sound of defeat, but there's a note of relief in the exhale as well.
-"If it's already been arranged, then I suppose..." He trails off for a moment before meeting your eyes, "You're taking the day off as well, then?"
-You begin to say that you still have work to do, but now it's Rolan who cuts you off.
-"Nonsense. I'm not lounging around while you take care of my affairs." He raises an eyebrow, almost like a challenge. "If I have the day off, then so do you."
-You're not sure if it's a manipulation tactic to get you to allow him to work today, or if he's trying to look out for your health as well. Either way, your answer is all too clear.
-"Alright," You say simply, "Then we both have the day off."
-"Good." Rolan squares his shoulders and you see the muscle in his jaw flex as he stares at you for a silent, tense moment. "Then you're free tonight."
-The question (comment?) throws you completely off guard. You blink, not quite sure what to make of his words. "Yes, I suppose I am."
-Rolan's head tilts back just the slightest and you see his nostrils flare as he inhales sharply, holds it, then lets his words tumble out on the exhale.
-"Let's have dinner together."
-Your heart is hammering as you replay the words again and again in your head, wondering if you've misheard him. But you definitely didn't. Rolan just asked you out on a date.
-"I..." You fight the butterflies in your stomach back with a nervous swallow. "I would like that."
-Rolan perks up at your answer, and you swear he seems lighter, as if a huge weight has been lifted from him. And are his cheeks rosier than usual?
-"Wonderful. I'll see you back here at dusk." He inclines his head politely before meeting your eyes once again, a smile pulling his lips. "Let's be sure to enjoy our day off to the fullest."
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xoxochb · 1 day
⋆·˚ ༘ * they nicknamed her ‘the bolter’
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warnings: the ending is rushed, I ran out of inspo 😭
pairing: connor stoll x daughter of hades
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connor stoll was notorious for torturing campers and pulling silly pranks. unfortunately you were one of the many campers that he had bothered by his stunts
it started back when you first got to camp and you were assigned to cabin eleven since you had been unclaimed. a peaceful evening, book open in your hands and the room was silent- rare for this cabin specially, but most campers had been at the campfire. you didn’t go along because it would have been awkward to sit by yourself so you stayed back, the silence was much needed anyways
things were never silent at camp half-blood though. the moment you were enjoying was interrupted by the younger stoll standing beside your bed (staring into your soul may I add)
you close your book and look up at him “do you need something?”
he stays silent, cheeks turning red by the second. the next you know his lips are on yours, this kids a total creep! when he pulls away he gives you one last glance before bolting out of the cabin
what the hell was that? you still don’t know to this day. but he hasn’t mentioned it since it happened so you decide not to bring it up
that was the first time he pulled a stunt on you, and after that it was relentless. however the pranks he would pull would always be much less intense than the ones you had seen around, simple things.
your book wouldn’t be in the same place you left it, notes pretending you had a stalker (you knew his handwriting though, he doesn’t fool you here), scaring you everytime you left the cabin, you once even woke up with a pile of dirt under your blanket, but that was nothing compared to the misery he would put everyone else in. so why does he go easy on you?
you wanted to talk to him for once, maybe have an interaction where you weren’t being pranked, that was the only time he spoke to you, never anytime else. why? you don’t know! this idiot won’t talk to you!
you got claimed months later by hades and moved out of cabin eleven to thirteen. after that you talked to him even less, occasionally you would sit at hermes table to have small conversations with him but you never got much words out of him unless it was a stutter or a simple ‘yes or ‘no’
today you were blessed with the opportunity to be the victim of his next prank. walking out of your cabin you got a bucket of black paint poured on you, you swear all your lives flashed before your eyes
you stand shocked, attempting to wipe the paint out from your eyes and when you opened them you see a half blurry connor in front of you
“I hate you” you hissed
connor’s frowns, a hint of guilt in his eyes. he hands you a towel before bolting yet again, he seems to do this every time, always leaving you after a prank
you pout and fight the tears begging to leave your eyes. you walk back in your cabin and clean off, three showers it took to remove the dark color. when you were finished you went to tonight’s campfire. you spot connor sitting alone and you take a seat beside him
“I’m sorry” he mutters “I’m really sorry”
you sigh “why did you do it?”
“It was on a dare, the kiss, travis made me. it slipped out that I liked you and he wouldn’t let it go. then he told me that the only way to get your attention and I don’t know, I thought it would work. I’ve never dated anyone before, I’ve never even liked anyone else before so I just followed whatever he said. I hated pulling those pranks on you, all of them, even if it was nothing, I don’t like seeing you upset, especially when I’m the reason for it. I really like you though, like really like you, and I want you to know that. It’s okay if you hate me, I would hate me too, I’m not trying to make you pity me, I just want you to know that I love you and you deserved an explanation”
he looks up at you for the first time tonight, and you prepare yourself for your next action. you take the side of his face and pull him in for a kiss- this time not on a dare, and you cherish every moment of it. perhaps the pranks had been worth it
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boredsupergirl · 19 hours
They as your lovers
Summary: Scenarios where you cheat on your boyfriend with them
Warnings: sex without a condom, infidelity, oral (receiving), gun kink, power play
Ran He entered your house once your boyfriend had left for work. The moment he crossed the threshold of the door, he lunged towards you and kissed you deeply. He was in the mood, he had just left one of Tenjiku's meetings and you quickly took off his uniform, revealing his muscled torso. You couldn't wait to go to the room, so he simply threw you on the couch. “I hope he doesn't get here before then, honey” He said, before inserting two fingers into your entrance, making you moan quickly. You couldn't answer him, he only listened to your moans and delighted in them. He did so by maintaining a brutal rhythm so much that you couldn't even process your thoughts well and what was happening. You hadn't even realized when he entered you without warning without a condom, you tried to say something, but he immediately covered your mouth. You rolled your eyes because you couldn't take the rhythm he was doing it with too well. “It would be nice for him to see you like this right now, wouldn't it, darling?
Rindou Both of you were in a nightclub, you were relaxed because you weren't expecting your boyfriend there at that moment. So you were next to Rindou feeling his hand on your thigh, caressing lightly. You looked around and decided to sit on his lap, he could have made you retract with just that look he gave you, but this time you didn't, you just kept giving little kisses on his neck, leaving hickeys that were too noticeable. He didn't resist anymore. The marked neck was never a problem for him, less when people knew what places he went to. He took you tightly by the waist and laid you down on the expensive silk sofa of the club. You could see how everyone pretended not to understand and did not look you directly in the eyes. It was Rindou Haitani, no one was going to dare to say anything to him, no one would dare to tell your boyfriend that you were with him. Anyway, everyone would know who would win. “You seem to be feeling naughty today, don’t you?” He asked, unzipping your dress. “Always,” you replied, pulling him closer to you.
Sanzu You were up against his car, sitting on your knees in front of him. If you had a boyfriend, that poor boy already knew it. Well, he wasn’t discreet at all when he had you. Sanzu pulled the gun out of his pants and pointed it straight at your head. You unzipped his pants, putting his member inside your mouth, it was so messy that you could see saliva dripping from your lip. You felt him press the barrel to your forehead and knew you had little time to make him cum before he got completely bored of you. Once you felt his messy breathing, you were able to relax knowing he would release all of his seed into your mouth. When he released his full load, you noticed how you needed your own release as well. However, they weren’t there for that. “God, you’re such a good bitch,” he praised you through his sighs. You just stood there waiting for his next command. “Get up already,” he ordered you sharply. "Don't you see that your boyfriend could see you" Your heart tightened. He was mocking you. Everyone already knew the truth. “Oh come on,” he continued to mock you. “You couldn’t leave me if you wanted to. He was right.
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moseslikellamas · 2 days
♱𖣂 Redfork Menace ♱𖣂 pt.3
Benjicot Blackwood x Bracken!OC
Summary - Shanda has made her preparations as good as can be, now she ventures back out into the ceaseless storm to find and bait the Blackwood heir into a trap.
Warnings - fem!reader, suspense, mentions of violence, adult language, liberties taken with weapon mechanics.
Word count - 2.5k
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I’ve returned briefly!! Unfortunately even on this day of independence, I have work agony. So enjoy this wild cliffhanger. Ive altered a map of the riverlands taken from https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Red_Fork just to give an idea of where the conflict is taking place. I took the book descriptions into account when placing the castles. The green area outlined is the borderlands. I also didn’t have time to edit sry.
Martyn stood in front of Shanda, frowning. “I don’t think it’s a good plan.” He said finally.
“Duh, Martyn. We don’t have time for a good plan.” She rolled her eyes.
But her brother held firm. “Sorry, I meant it’s not even a passable plan.”
She pitched herself back on her bed groaning. They’d been at it for hours and every plan seemed flawed.
“You can’t let him get his hands on you again.” Martyns' gaze was hard. “I mean it, Shan. They don’t call him bloody ben for nothing.” The latest reports on the heir of Raventree insisted he could crush a man's head with his hands like a melon.
Shanda got up and began to pace, feeling like the frantic wind beating against her window. It was desperate to get in, and her to get out.
“I told you, I didn’t know it was him. And how could I? Once I realized who he was, I exclusively used evasive maneuvers. He caught me by surprise, that won’t happen again. Trust me.”
No one was more bitter about being caught than she was. Even if he had been a random guard, it was an insult that he’d ever gotten close enough to touch her. Shanda prided herself on her ability to slip through life mostly unseen. She put on the show well enough when required but she lived in the moments between walls. With the rush of her heart heavy in her head while she garnered the most precious resource, secrets. It was the only thing she had a real and true patience for. She could lie in wait for days unaffected, ready at a moment's notice. That is, given its worth her time. Plenty of people knew a profusion of particulars, the problem came in deciding which particulars mattered. Currently, and for so many years it's hard to keep count honestly, it’s been Blackwood information. Nasty business is secret dealing though unfortunately and she would always prefer hearing it firsthand.
“Take the bow, set up a snare in the copse, and for the love of the seven don’t let him sneak up on you.”
Martyn had taken up residence on her bed, lounging without a care as he prepared her to sneak into “neutral” territory.
According to the latest edict passed down from Riverrun, a league was to separate the two lands. The borderlands was more or less two and a half leagues. Because of this there was still continued, heated debate over the real border of the two lands. The copse was smack in the middle of the two opposing sides. It was as truly neutral as it could between the two houses. And considering she’d just rolled around in a mud fight last night, it wasn’t exactly being recognized as such.
“You’re quick enough to evade him but you suck at hunting.” Now laying upside down, Martyn was fiddling with the tassel attached to the bed hanging. “I don’t know the borderlands like you, so I can’t think up a misdirection for you but that’s your best shot at snaring him.”
The current plan included some iteration of her being seen, a subsequent chase and ideally, a Blackwood trussed up. They didn’t have a good backup plan though so in the event that failed she’d book it home or find a good hiding spot to wait it out. And there were so many ways it could go wrong. Martyn had bribed another guard to switch shifts with him, in case she got stuck out longer than expected. The mainest objective of tonight was to find and bring the dagger she’d borrowed home or else the armory was going to start asking question they couldn’t answer. Not truthfully or without a raging argument anyway.
“Use your anonymity to your advantage, sow dissent around the other houses. They’ll be fine combing everyone in the riverlands.”
Shanda wasn’t listening to her brothers well meant advice anymore though. She’d reached the stage of anticipation where her brain was moving too quickly for conversation. She was too busy mapping out the planned course of action. She didn’t want to get anywhere near the guards, but with the bow she wouldn’t have to.
“I’ve got to go. I’ll be late as it is. Remember if you get stuck out there, the story is -“
“I went to the Redfork before dawn, I passed you and said something about the mourning ceremony. Everyone will be uncomfortable enough to leave it at that. I remember.”
The river cut through the borderlands but it was finicky. Sometimes high enough to require a bridge passing but that meant locating a bridge. That was too time consuming, Shanda planned to take a pole to vault over it instead. She couldn’t even remember passing the river on her flight home last night, she must’ve taken the bridge though as it was pouring rain. The sky had yet to let up in its continued assault. Though it wasn’t as suffocating as it had been, it was constant. For hours it had been consistently falling, a relentless pattering that seemed to morph into a dull droning inside her head. It was a quiet roar eroding what was left of her sanity.
Shanda strapped the bow to her back and pulled her hood up. This time she’d taken pains to cover herself more effectively. Her hair was bound up and hidden, covered by a piece of black fabric pinned in place. She wanted to cover her face as well but with the rain that was an impossibility. She had settled instead on smearing her face with a handful of mud. It would help hide her features if nothing else. She elected to wear the ruined cloak. Having hastily sewn the slash back up, it sat a bit awkwardly with the missing fabric but she knew it would be soaked and clinging to her soon anyway. Tied around her waist was the rope she needed to set the snare, it was thin and she had heaps of it. She wouldn’t run out of materials tonight.
Gazing around her room she only just now realized Martyn had departed. She crossed to the window and gazed out at the sky, black clouds continued to roll in obscuring any moonlight. She turned her attention to the guard tower, where a glint of steel signaled she was clear to leave. Crossing her room quickly, she slipped out the door and down the hall. The only sound was the distant rush of rain and the crackle of torch flames as she snuck down the stairs, past the main hall guards and into the kitchens. A sack of fat trimmings sat on the floor waiting for her and she scooped it up before storing it in her bag. The riverlands were always full of wolves. Day or night, rain or shine, the riverlands had a wolf problem. And Shanda hoped to use that to her advantage if everything went to shit. What better way to throw off the all mighty warrior than have a wolf attack him?
Once outside she didn’t breathe until she was safely outside of the keep walls and in the tall grass again. She stopped and ripped up several wild onions, and stuffed them inside her bag to hopefully hide the smell of meat until she wanted it to be smelled. She was already soaked when the first strike of lightning hit. It was close enough she could smell it and feel the heat of it on her skin. Unphased she began smearing her face in mud, covering both hands as well. Then she got to work.
The walk this time was spent carefully surveying the land around her. Hiding up a tree or in a fox den was out of the question. She couldn’t risk anywhere that might trap her, instead she considered the way the land moved. Which areas had slopes or holes. Where the mud was softest and which weeds were tangled together. This portion of the borderlands would be her last stand and before she continued on, she set what would be the last trap of the night. If they chased her this far it meant things had gone astronomically wrong. She pulled the heavy claw trap out and carefully pulled the metal sides apart before setting it in the shallow hollow. Then she spent a while weaving strands of grass together to conceal the trap. It would snap an ankle pretty cleanly with the spikes sawed down.
Crouched in the grass she made a mental note of where she placed the trap and sent a prayer to the warrior that she didn’t fall into it herself. Then she set off towards the small collection of trees on her side of the Redfork. The first snare she set was at the opening of the trees. This was the weakest point in her mind. The odds that she remembered exactly where to exit were slim to none. But it didn’t hurt to have something near the boundary between grass and trees. From there she spent more than an hour setting various snares around her side of the river before crossing and placing just a few on the other side. If this dispute became known she didn’t want to give the Blackwoods much ammo to accuse them of starting it. She could justify a few snares. Since technically this was neutral land, there was no reason she couldn’t place as many as she liked.
At last came the part she’d been waiting for. She walked slowly through the last of the trees. Crouched low and silent, she pulled the bow off of her back and notched an arrow. She crept forward for a while, keeping only to the right. She wanted to confront the heir something terrible but it was most important she not return to the same post twice. If she visited more than four posts without seeing him, she’d hang it up and try again later. But she didn’t think that would be an issue. If he’d been telling the truth last night, they were already looking for her right now. It shouldn’t have but it made her feel light and giddy to imagine a score of idiot Blackwood guards confused and aggravated, searching for her. She shook the jitters out of her hands and took a deep breath, pulling the bow taunt as she approached the first post of the night.
Still concealed within the trees she couldn’t hear the guards' conversation over the pounding rain. The wind was low and not doing anything for her now. She could see three of them, posted under a hastily erected canopy that was doing little to keep them dry. She scanned their faces briefly, making sure to keep an eye on her surroundings while she did. She wasn’t likely to be the only one making plans to obtain information. She pushed down her rising excitement once she confirmed Benjicot was not among these guards. Releasing the tension on her bow she walked on.
It wasn’t until the very last post she checked that she found him. Of course, she thought ruefully. They would want her as far out as they could conceivably believe to lure her. It didn’t matter to her, she could play along. And she knew they were playing once she spotted him. The fourth post was a crumbling ruin which immediately made her wary. A physical structure provided cover and ample opportunity to hide resources. It made the post more unpredictable and easy to defend. She didn’t want him to defend, she wanted him to run.
As she worked her eyes up the crumbling ruin her sense of forbidding rose, bow pulled taunt she aimed up and up scouting for guards. There were none until she reached the top of a half broken stone wall and found the Blackwood heir staring right at her.
It all happened very quickly then, she loosened the first arrow, striking just beside him and he jumped off of the stone wall. It shocked her so much she nearly slipped in the mud as she began to run backwards, sending several more arrows at him. The wall had been several feet high and he hadn’t even paused when he touched the ground.
“Holy Mother. Agh.” She muttered under her breath watching him rapidly approach her position.
He was fast. Much faster than she was anticipating and he’d been waiting for her the asshole. She slung the bow back over her shoulder and took off in a dead sprint. There were no taunts thrown this time, just the sound of her sure breath as she vaulted over turned logs and gnarled roots. She was mid way over a recently down tree when he tackled her from behind. He was moving so quickly when he hit her that they both soared over the tree, tumbling to the ground together.
The struggle on the ground was aggressive, as they wrestled sliding in the forest undergrowth. She was lucky he hadn’t landed on top of her and she was able to slide her legs out from under him before he could make a grab for her. She quickly stood using her hands and knees but a hand wrapped around her ankle jerking her down. Clawing forward she kicked her free foot back at him striking his shoulder before he locked that leg down as well. Grunting she twisted around and socked him in the eye as hard as she could. His hold was tenuous in the rain but loosened further when a laugh burst out of him at the punch.
She was up and running in an instant. She felt like a blur as she led him up to the river. She vaulted over it without even trying to trigger a trap on his side. He was fucking quick and she didn’t want to give me an opportunity to down her again. Having the pole gave her the head start advantage she needed to get in position. When she saw him come barreling through the trees it didn’t take her long to lead him into the first snare. The rope pulled taut around his foot, sending him sprawling as it snapped.
She would’ve groaned at the sight if she weren’t panting hard, sliding through the mud working to find the next trap. The problem with running in the dark in a torrential downpour is it's incredibly difficult to see, and in that it becomes impossible to identify where you’ve been. So when the next snare triggered and she tripped it was a hard fall. She knew how to undo the snares and had just gotten it off as Benjicot slammed into her.
“Son of a - ah!”
This time he’d yanked the bow off of her back immediately slamming her head onto the ground, water and mud rushing up to choke her. Before yanking her arms back behind her, shoulders drawn back from the force, while his knees pinned the back of her legs down. The cold metal of her own knife pressed against her neck, with rain running in rivulets down it into her cloak.
“Caught you.”
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strawwritesfic · 2 days
Joel x Female!Amputee!Reader: (Don't) Hold Your Breath [Ch. 2]
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Summary: You’ve made a lot of monumental mistakes in your life. Cutting your arm off isn’t even at the top of the list. Now you’re about to learn a lot of life lessons at the hands of your savior and her brute of a guardian–and they’re not about to let you learn them the easy way either.
Challenge: "#32 in His Rulebook" by Edible Heart Monster on Lunaescence Archives
Rating/Warnings/Tags: M (post-The Last of Us; excessive swearing; sexual references; violence against children; infected children; references to abortion; references to cannibalism; references to starvation; references to riots; implied domestic abuse; implied grooming; implied sexual relationship between an adult and a minor; death of a parent; violence; gore; blood; gun use; ableism; amputee!Reader; enemies to lovers; not canon compliant)
Pairings: Joel/Female!Reader; Tommy/Maria; Reader/Male!OC; Ellie & Reader; Ellie & Joel; Ellie & Maria & Tommy
Tag List: @imaginesfire
Master List (with important note!)
Rule #2: Try not to get yourself hurt
Something startled you from your sleep long after your second fainting spell. Maybe it was the chill night air, since autumn was approaching. Maybe it was some survival instinct reminding you that you were alone in the middle of the woods.
Maybe it was Ellie, staring at you through the dark.
Even long after your eyes flashed open, she watched, as though staring wasn’t fucking rude even in a post-apocalyptic hell. You stared straight back, a frown tugging your lips down ever so slightly. It might have taken a minute, but your last memories were definitely resurfacing—and you were feeling considerably less warm and fuzzy toward being forcibly removed from that shack, which was saying something since you hadn’t wanted to leave in the first place.
“Are you awake?” she asked, ages later. “Or just dead?”
“What the fuck does it matter?”
Ellie’s eyes rolled up toward the sky. Given your position lying mostly on your back, you had a decent view of the same group of boughs. Then she said: “If you’re dead, you can’t keep watch.”
A quick mental assessment of things told you that you really weren’t feeling much better than you had been during your last bout of consciousness. In fact, you might have felt worse. Was this even the same damn night? How long had you been out? It didn’t matter because you were still exhausted. Ellie apparently took your silence as quiet rebellion because her voice drifted toward you again:
“What, you lose an arm and suddenly you can’t keep watch? Man, Joel was right. You are fucking useless.”
“I’m more useful than you, brat,” you snapped, bristling instantly.
What the fuck were you doing alone in the woods with a preteen anyhow? She’d had a gun when she’d met you, but you sure as hell hadn’t seen her use it. Kids didn’t last in times like that. No one was going to be fool enough to actually teach her how to defend herself. You let yourself get attached to breakable things like children, and pretty soon you were curled up somewhere dying of heartache instead of fungus.
“Oh, really,” Ellie stated in a tone so thick with sarcasm you could have used it as a broth. “Well, this useless little kid is the one that got you all the way here, the one that fixed your arm, and the one that’s been keeping you alive since you joined our party.”
You glowered at her stonily through the darkness. As if this were some stupid video game where people joined up voluntarily to complete simple tasks and share the rewards. Slowly, her dark eyebrows rose, nearly disappearing into her messy hairline.
“You’re welcome,” she prompted you.
“You abducted me,” you pointed out.
“And saved your fucking life. You weren’t going to make it there for a day if Joel and I hadn’t come along.”
You’d give Ellie a thank you if and when it turned out going with her and her dad wasn’t the biggest damn mistake you’d made in your life. For the moment, you were content to just narrow your eyes in her direction. It occurred to you that you had lost serious ground in dealing with the little brat. You might not have been Joel’s age, but you were still an adult, and her constant lip pissed you off fast. Apparently sensing your mood, Ellie’s face slackened bit by bit, then she leaned forward to do something with the ground in front of her.
“None of the adults in my life ever say thank you,” she muttered. “Fucking sucks.”
“You should watch your language,” you said in a half-hearted attempt to sound like an authority figure. Ellie snorted.
“I’d like to see you try to make me.”
Your eyes narrowed still further at Ellie’s tone. She did not sound the least beat worried about you strangling her to death. A moment later, she plucked something up from beside her, then tossed it so that it landed right beside you in the dirt. After a moment of blinking, you recognized the object as your pistol.
“Go ahead,” she said. “Make me. I got you a new magazine. Again, you’re welcome.”
Who the fuck was this girl? She had nearly as bad a mouth as you did; she hung around some huge-ass dude with a hair-trigger temper; and on top of all of that, she seemed genuinely concerned about your welfare.
Before picking up your gun, you frowned and pushed yourself into as much of a sitting position as you could manage. That was definitely your pistol. Ellie seemed content that you weren’t going to shoot her and fell silent, looking about the surrounding forest. It set you more at edge than usual to be sitting there without a fire. It made sense not to have one, since not all the infected were blind. The worst you could get in the dark was a stalker, and normally those came alone. Better a single stalker than a hoard of runners, especially after that last battle you’d had with them.
As though the spirit of your long-gone arm remembered that, too, a twinge of pain shot up it. You winced involuntarily and even made to grip it with your other hand. Embarrassed, you refused to look at Ellie; you tried to pass the motion off as you wanting to take a look at your stump. Your bandages and Ellie’s shirt had disappeared to be replaced by snow-white bandages that looked practically brand-new.
“Yeah, I got you fresh wrapping, too,” she said.
It was getting more and more difficult not to thank her. You might not have valued companionship much, but you valued your life quite a bit. But you weren’t quite ready to soften up yet.
“How the hell did you find these?” you asked.
“We brought them,” Ellie said casually, nodding at something behind you before continuing, “Had to get back to the horses first, though.”
“The ho—” You twisted around. Sure enough, two horses stood stamping occasionally, roped to a pair of trees. The effort of the movement had you back on your back again, much to your growing chagrin. Fucking blood loss! Ellie, however, seemed entirely unconcerned. As though your question had actually made some sense, she nodded to herself, then added:
“You’re lucky. Normally, we just ride my horse, but Tommy hasn’t been out in a while and asked Joel to take Shadowfax. We couldn’t have got you here with just one.”
“Thank you ever so much.”
“You know, it doesn’t count if you’re sarcastic. You’re kind of a bitch.”
“Give it a few years. You’ll get there.”
“Probably.” Ellie grinned. “Maria’s a bitch, too. I guess I like ‘em that way.”
That name sounded familiar to you for whatever reason. It took your brain a few minutes to remember that scrap of information: Maria was going to let Joel and Ellie waltz in the front gate with you because she liked Ellie.
“How far away is your settlement if you need to take a pair of horses?”
She shrugged. “’Bout three days.”
“And you’re self-sustaining?”
“I said self-governing. We’ll get to the self-sustained shit later. For now, we’ve still got to scavenge and hunt, and doing it too close to base draws attention.”
“They let a kid scavenge this far out?”
“Hey,” she said sharply. “I am not a kid. I’m fifteen, and Joel and I are the best team Jackson’s got.” Ellie paused. “Well, we come back alive, at least.”
What a time to be alive. They’d said that about Oreos back before all the infected shit. It seemed to bear more significance now. If someone had told you fifteen years ago someone would be trying to establish some sort of democracy in hell, you’d have shot them before they turned further. Still, didn’t sound like this “Jackson” had things down to a fine science yet.
“Why don’t you just eat the horses?”
“We just don’t." Ellie pointed at you with the knife in her hand. “You even look at Callus Two with intent to harm him, and I’ll slit your fucking throat right here.”
Getting threatened by a fucking kid was getting fucking old fucking fast. If you had had any energy, you would have taken her by the collar and shook her until she agreed to stop with the theatrics. Once you got back on your feet, you were going to have to make sure she knew who was boss. For the time being, though, you only had enough juice to say, “Sure, kid.”
“My name is Ellie.”
Again, you sat up and looked pointedly at the dark lump on her other side that you assumed to be Joel. He must have been some goddamn idiot to trust leaving her the watch. What the fuck was she supposed to do if you got attacked? For that matter, what the fuck were you supposed to do?
“He calls you kid,” you said.
“Yeah, well, Joel gets special privileges. You don’t.”
“Wasn’t asking for ‘em.”
“Speaking of special privileges,” Ellie said as she got to her feet. “Your special privilege of skipping watch is over. Hope you’re ready. Got your pistol?” She didn’t wait for you to answer. “I don’t know why you need it. That’s not even your writing hand, is it?”
Shit. How had she already noticed that? If you couldn’t even get a teenager to take you seriously, what hope did you have for after you ditched this lot? You shifted and wrapped your hand more tightly around your gun. Maybe if you just kept your voice level.
“Yes, it is.”
That was a no go. Ellie scoffed. She walked toward you until she stood above you, then dug a scrap of paper out of her pocket and placed it on a rock by your knees. “Prove it.” She took your gun and handed you the remains of a scraped-up pencil. “Go on. Write your name down for me.”
If anything would give you away, it was a writing test. If she had asked you to shoot something, at least you could have claimed shock as an excuse for shoddy aim. Although Ellie had already clearly caught you, you still scowled. “What if I don’t want to give you my name?”
“Then write my name down,” Ellie said in what was clearly an exasperated tone.
You stared at the paper for a long minute, then tossed the pencil back at Ellie with a sound of disgust. Lucky for her, she caught it; that shit was hard to come by. Unfortunately, she did the catching with a smug grin before reaching down to pluck her paper up again.
“If you want me to just flat out say I can’t keep watch—”
“Oh, you’re still keeping watch, bitch.” She grinned around the word. Clearly, you’d received a new nickname, one you were definitely not thrilled about. You could feel yourself bristling again, but Ellie cut off any protests by kneeling and reaching her knife out toward you. “Here.”
“I just wanted to make double sure you couldn’t use a gun. If you can’t even write your name, you probably can’t aim, right? I’d rather not give Joel the satisfaction of having our guest shoot my eye out.”
With a tremendous sigh, you took Ellie’s knife. It wasn’t as though you weren’t used to difficult watches, and it would be somewhat rude to expect to be skipped out on. You’d been a harder taskmaster than Ellie had, back before you’d lost an arm. It was probably best to set a good example. Sensing your surrender, Ellie’s grin widened. Then she turned about and settled herself down next to Joel. Before you could even begin properly watching, however, Ellie’s voice sounded again:
“Don’t you dare run off with that. I don’t know if you’ve heard the rumors about a crazy old man and his teenage companion slaughtering everyone they run into, but that’s me and Joel. We’ll catch up to you.”
“A knife?” Couldn’t you find this shit all over? She was apparently a hunter. Must have been a pretty shitty one if she had to track people down to recover a knife.
“It means a lot to me,” Ellie said in a groggy voice.
You snorted, but it wasn’t as though you were getting anywhere fast anyway. Stealing a horse would only leave tracks that would make you easier to follow. Unfortunately, it seemed like you were stuck with the kid and her dad until you got used to being one handed.
“Fine,” you grumbled.
Ellie’s sleepy laughter momentarily filled the air. “Just wake us up if you hear anything,” she murmured. “Try not to get yourself hurt.”
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skyfallslayer · 2 days
Should We Stay or Should We Go? || Chapter Four
-A ST Rewrite Feat. Steve Harrington x Henderson!OFC-
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🎲Summary: Refusing to believe that the kids are dead, Joyce tries to connect with her son and Steph. The boys give Eleven a makeover in order to connect with their loved ones. Hopper turns up his detective game. Steve has a slight breakdown, while Nancy and Jonathan form an unlikely alliance.
🎲Pairings: Will x Platonic!OFC; Dustin x Sister!OC; Slow burn! Steve x Henderson!OFC (Ex-bestfriends to Lovers); Slow burn! Byler
🎲Rating: Teen-Mature
🎲Word Count: 13,951
🎲Date: 7/4/24
🎲Warnings: Angst; Heavy Language & Dialogue; References To Broken Friendship; Mental Strain/Breaking Down; Talks of Mental Health Issues; Bullying of All Kinds; Physical Fighting; Lying; "Death"; Crying; Talks of Corpses; Heavy Alcohol Consumption; Unwanted Touching; Suggestive Dialogue; One Comment About Being A Pedo; The Byers Family's Mental Strain; Hopper Being a Great Cop & A Total Mess; Dustin Being a Gangster & A Total Mess; Jessica & Charles Harrington's A+ Parenting; Steve's 'Asshole Era'; Steve's Emotional Damage. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK
(And let me know if I missed anything)
🎲A/N: Happy 4th, everyone! What a better way to celebrate then with an angsty fic? Heads up, this does contain less of us being in the Upside Down, and there's a reference to Hopper's childhood with Joyce and Claudia. There's also a bit of a mystery surrounding Steph and Dustin's father, so keep that part buried in your mind for future chapters. Also... there's a bit of a cameo in here I think everyone will enjoy :)
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Nancy couldn’t believe what she was hearing. The view of the quarry on the TV made her feel sick. She wants to change the station but she can’t – none of her family can’t because the news is so shocking. It wasn’t until her little brother came home, tears streaming down his face and running into their mother’s arms for comfort, that she realized it was all real. 
After a few minutes of gathering her strength, she manages to slip into the kitchen to grab the phone, dialing a number close to heart. She wipes the corner of her eyes, trying to put up a good front before the call. She has to be the strong one here, especially since–
Then the other lined beeps followed by a voice that says, 
[ ‘Sorry, the number you are trying to reach is currently unavailable. Please try again later, or leave a message after the tone, and hang up when you’re finished.’ ]
“Shit.” She whispers, and waits for the beep again. “Steve, it’s Nancy, it’s…” She sighs. “Listen, I just want to make sure you’re okay. Just give me a call back, please.”
She hangs up, taking a moment to think. Whether he admits or not, she knows he still cares in some way for Stephanie. And he’s not going to be in the best state if he’s seen the news.
Not even thinking twice about this sudden thought, Nancy grabs her car keys out of the bowl, ignoring when her parents asked her a question and leaves out the front door. 
She just has to know if he’s okay.
That’s it.
That’s all she needs to know and do.
Will was… mentally, physically, emotionally exhausted. Heavy on the latter. They thought they were finally doing well, they thought they were finally going to get an answer –a way to get back– but every time they tried, they get back to square one. 
The beast that had no face, its growls could send shivers down their spines and curse their souls, kept finding them. But how? It had no eyes, no nose, no ears, just a mouth hidden its folds; How could such a thing keep finding them? And that voice…
The voice was new. And for some reason it scared him more than the beast.
I know what you’re doing. 
What does that mean? Could the monster actually speak? Was someone else in this place with them? Did someone or something not want to escape? What is it? What is the answer? What can they do?
He doesn’t know who slowed down first, but they eventually stopped somewhere in the trees. Will was taking in the cold, dirty air, a tickle was blooming in his throat while doing so. He felt like he was on the verge of getting sick, probably the temperatures doing, but didn’t want to express his concerns. They had other problems to worry about.
“What are we going to do?” He asked, unaware of the older girl’s swaying moments and gaze going distant. “Do we go back? Do we try another place? But that’ll probably be a waste right? But can really go back with that–”
“I’m s-sorry…” She whispers that it turned into a small pant. It was enough for him to turn around and question:
“Why?” He manages to spill out before her body drops like a stack of dominos. “Stephanie!!” He lunged forward, his tiny body was only good enough to cradle her head. “No… No…” 
He starts ripping everything on her away, the shotgun, her backpack, and holding her sleeping head in her lap. He knew this would have happened sometime soon, especially when she admitted earlier that she hasn’t slept since getting stuck here, too worried about his safety rather than her own, and now look where that’s gotten her. 
“Steph… come on. W-Wake up. Pl-Please…” Will pleads, lightly tapping her cheek. “Come on. You can’t do this to me now… w-why is this happening n-now?!”
Stranded in the woods, a monster lurking somewhere in the dark. 
What was a twelve year old boy going to be able to do? It’s not like he can carry her and all their belongings somewhere, right?
He couldn’t help but start crying, like a child scared of the creature under his bed, and started holding the teenager close like she was his lifeline.
“♪ C-Come o-on and l-let me know ♪”  He whispers, face pressed against hers. “♪ Sh-Should I-I stay or should I g-go? Should I-I stay or should I go now? If I g-go th-there will be trouble. If I stay it will be double– ♪” 
He sobs, shaking. “St-Stephanie…”
Telling a family about their loved one was never easy, especially since the deceased were from families he knew personally growing up. He still spoke carefully though after him and his men looked around the house just in case they missed something. He spoke softly, not wanting to hurt her anymore than she probably is.
“A trooper found something in the, uh… water that’s at the Quarry. Our working theory right now is that Stephanie… crashed her car, and they... made their way over the Quarry and, uh… accidentally fell in. The earth must have given way.” Hopper explains, but he can tell she’s not listening (at least not fully). “Joyce? Joyce? Do you understand what I’m saying?
“N-No…” She trembles, in denial. “Whoever you found… is not my boy. It’s not Will.”
“Joyce.” He says, reaching out to touch her shoulder, which she shrugged off. 
“No, you don’t understand. I talked to him… a half hour ago.” She sniffles, and tries to remember every detail. “He was... He was here. He was... He was talking with these.” She gestures to the lights. “Him and Stephanie. Th-They both were here.”
“Talking?” Hopper asked, his composure breaking. It was like looking in the mirror for him. He remembers the denial, the pain of losing a child of his own.
“Uh-huh. One blink for yes, two for no. And... And, uh…” She then points to the alphabet wall. “And then I made this so they could talk to me. ‘Cause they were hiding… from that... that thing.”
“The thing that came out of the wall? The thing that chased you?”
“Mom, come on, please.” Jonathan begs, heart breaking for his own mother. “You’ve gotta stop this.”
“No, maybe they’re… It’s after them!” She snaps, grabbing onto her son for his support, both physically and emotionally. “They’re in danger. We have to find Them! We—”
“What exactly was this thing? It was some kind of animal, you said?” Hopper asked, as she shook her head.
“Uh, no, it was… It was almost... human, but it wasn’t. It… It had these long arms and... it didn’t have a face.”
“It didn’t have a face?” His gaze meets the teenager’s, and he silently tells him to leave. Jonathan does, running off somewhere to cry himself. “Joyce–”
“It didn’t have a face…”
“Joyce, listen to me.” He helps her sit down on the couch, and he kneels before her. “Listen to me.” He starts getting teary eyed too. “After Sarah… I saw her, too. And I heard her. I didn’t know what was real. And then I figured out that it was in my mind. And I had to pack all that away. Otherwise, I was gonna fall down a hole… that I couldn’t get out of.”
“No, you’re... you’re talking about grief.” She shakes her head again. “This is different.”
“I’m just saying that you–” 
“No, I-I know what y-you’re saying, Hop. I sw-swear to you, I-I know what I saw. And I’m n-not crazy.”
“I’m not saying that you’re crazy.”
“N-No... You are. And I understand, but… God, I…” She sobs. “I need you to believe me. Please.” She then whispers, “Please.”
“Listen…” He takes her hands into his own. “I think you should go down to the morgue tomorrow and see him for yourself. It’ll give you the answers that you need. But tonight–”
“Oh, God…”
“-I want you to try to get some sleep, if you can.”
“Sl-Sleep?” She asks him, and he nods. She couldn’t comprehend this, couldn’t understand why he won’t believe her. She thought she could trust him, they’ve known each other through thick and thin and he’s just going to forget about all that? That’s…
That’s bullshit.
She shakes her head, pushing his hands away. “I’m not crazy. I know what I saw. And no one, I mean NO ONE, is going to change my mind.”
Hopper’s expression deepens. “Joyce–”
“Get out of my house.” She spats, and leaves the room. 
The black BMW pulled onto Cornwallis Road and drove towards the destination he still has in the back of his head. The radio was up, a song that was setting the mood, or matching it more likely. 
[ ♪ If you leave me now
You’ll take away the biggest part of me
Ooh, no, baby, please don’t go ♪ ]
His hands regripped the wheel, trying not to cry again.
[ ♪ And if you leave me now
You’ll take away the very heart of me
Ooh, no, baby, please don’t go
Ooh, girl, I just want you to stay ♪ ]
He starts to slow, parking off to the side, a curb across the street where he needed to be. 
[ ♪ A love like ours is love that’s hard to find
How could we let it slip away? ♪ ]
He saw the lights were on, he saw her brother’s bike in the grass and her mother’s car in the driveway. He knows they’re both home, but did they know the news like he did? 
[ ♪ We’ve come too far to leave it all behind
How could we end it all this way?
When tomorrow comes and we;ll both regret
The things we said today ♪ ]
Steve swallows, debating whether or not he should go up there. Will Stephanie’s mom remember him at all? Will her little brother Dustin tackle him as soon as he remembers their history? But despite their shaky past, he still owes the family his condolences, right? 
But just as he was about to get out of the car, he perked up at the sound of sirens coming down the road, and could see the blue and red lights flashing in the night sky. 
Huh. Maybe they didn’t know. Yet even after the swarm arrived in front of the Henderson home, Steve couldn’t help but stay and wait.
Claudia was hysterical, probably more than Joyce was; Yet, she was also more accepting about their theory. Hopper repeated it again, the mother was sitting down with her youngest on the couch. “A trooper found something in the water that’s at the Quarry. Our working theory right now is that Stephanie crashed her car, and they made their way over the Quarry and, uh… accidentally fell in. The earth must have given way.” 
Claudia sobbed into her handkerchief. “Oh, my poor baby. Poor Will.” 
“I’m so sorry.” He frowns, his face softens again too. “I know this is going to sound hard, but can you come down to–”
“That’s bullshit.” Dustin interrupted, finally speaking. His face was still puffy and his eyes were red. From being a complete mess earlier, he now looks like he was full of rage.
Hopper blinks, confused. “What?”
“That’s a bullshit theory!” He yells, jolting up.
“Dustin!” Claudia scolds.
“What? It is!” He points to himself. “M-My sister is smarter than that! Will’s smarter than that! It doesn’t matter if they were being chased, they wouldn’t have fallen into the Quarry!” 
“Dustin!” She says again, and then looks at the other adult. “Chief, I’m sorry.”
“No, I understand.” Hopper replies, accepting the apology. Now it was his turn to look at the kid, treading water carefully. “Look, Son–”
“Don’t call me that!” Dustin says, shaking his head.
“Then where’s the shotgun?!” He replies, making Hopper’s heart sink (He didn’t even think about that). “Huh? You found their bodies, then where’s the gun? And why did they take the gun in the first place? What made them run off the road? Who was chasing them? You aren’t answering any of the obvious fucking questions–”
“Dustin!” Claudia yells, grabbing her son by his wrist. “Show some respect.”
“Fuck, respect.” Dustin pulls himself free. “He ain’t doing his job.” And then he storms out of the room, his mother calling out his name and apologizing once again.
“No, don’t be.” Hopper reassures. “He just lost his only sister. I understand.”
She nods slowly. “Okay. What were we saying before he interrupted?”
“Just, in the morning, if you can, come down to the morgue to verify Stephanie’s body. I’ll already be there with Joyce and her son.” 
“O-Okay. I can do that.” She takes a shaky breath. “Hopper?”
“Thank you… for trying to bring her home these past few days.”
His eyes widened slightly, not really expecting that kind of reaction. He was honestly stunned and felt like a failure again. “Claudia–”
“No. Don’t.” She takes his hand, giving a gentle squeeze. “I’ve known you since middle school, I know how your mind thinks sometimes. So please don’t feel guilty. I know you were giving it your all to find these kids. Even though… I-It was… a t-terrible outcome, you still found my daughter. You still brought her home.” Another squeeze. “So thank you. James.”
Hopper was speechless, ending up just giving her a nod and a promise to see her tomorrow. As he steps outside, he swallows the urge to start crying again.
“You going to be okay, Chief?” Callahan asked, meeting him halfway down the driveway.
“I’ll be fine.” Hopper replies, a half-lie. “I just need to…” He trails off when he sees a certain someone across the way. What is he doing here?
Callahan follows his gaze, confused. “Hey, isn’t that the Harrington boy?”
“Wrap everything up. I’ll meet you at the station.” Hopper leaves him behind and starts walking towards his target. 
“I was going to pay my condolences but I saw you guys pull in.” Steve says, leaving against the driver door with a sad expression.
“Kind of creepy for someone who says they aren’t friends anymore.” Hopper pokes, hands on his hips – all business again.
“Just because we’re not friends, doesn’t mean I’m an asshole. I mean, this house was practically my second home growing up.” It kind of hurts to say that. He looks down, can’t even look the man in the eye while asking this question, “So is it true?”
“Yeah.” Hopper says, sadly. “It is. I… saw the bodies myself.”
Steve shifted his weight around, his chest feeling tight. “Do…” What is it even saying? “Do they look real?”
The police chief reverted back to the same look he was giving Joyce earlier, slight pity but also disbelief. “For Christ’s Sake. Not you too.” What was with all this in denial? “Look, son, I–”
“Are you going to be there at the morgue?” 
Well that was a weird question. “Yes. I will be.” Hopper pauses. “Why?”
Steve shifted again, this time looking the adult in the eye. “‘Cause… there’s probably going to be something on… her body that her family’s not going to be able to explain. It’s…” He sighs. What am I even doing? She’s… gone. The Chief saw her body. This is all real it’s–
“Son?” Hopper said, getting a hum. “Continue? What do you mean about her family not going to be able to explain?”
He swallows, and stands straighter. “When we were kids, there was a… a bit of an accident, something we weren’t supposed to do, so we kept it a secret from our parents. However, it left us with a scar each.” He rolls up his sleeve, showing a huge pink gash on his left bicep. “Hers is on her left shoulder, close to her neck. I just thought when her mother sees her body you can explain the situation to her.”
His blue eyes rake over the scar, thinking. “You said it was a scar?” Hopper asked, getting a nod. “You know scars tend to fade over some time.”
“I know. But hers was much deeper than mine.” Steve pulls his sleeve back down. “If mine’s still here, I’m pretty sure hers is too.”
He takes a minute to process this. “Okay.” This was still leaving a weird feeling in his chest. “I’ll keep that in mind.” He has to, but how the fuck is he going to explain the still secretive accident to Claudia? He sighs. “Aren’t you going in?”
Steve shook his head. “Probably not.” His sad eyes fell on the house. “How distraught are they?”
“Her mother’s a mess, but is accepting, can’t say the same thing for her brother. If looks could kill, he would have.”
“Gotcha. I’ll just…” He swallows, eyes starting to sting again. “Say my condolences at the funeral.” Steve opens his door up, not making eye contact with the adult. “‘Night, Chief.”
“Hey.” Hopper says, stopping the door from being closed. But as soon as their gazes locked, his brain went to a halt. What else could he say? “Nevermind. Get home safe, ‘Kay?”
The teenager nods, letting his door be closed before pulling away. Hopper’s not sure why but…
He feels like he’s missing something here.
Dustin was curled up in a ball on his bed. He was hugging a pillow tightly, tears quietly rolling down his face. He didn’t think he had anymore tears left in him, but they just kept on coming. 
His sister is dead.
If he didn’t see her body himself, he wouldn’t believe it. 
No more nights of bothering her to watch some cheesy movies.
No more waking up fighting over the bathroom and eating breakfast together.
No more friendly, stupid banters about cryptids.
No more listening to her about customers driving her up the wall.
No more could he slip under the covers with her when a nightmare overtakes him.
No more could he wait by the front door for her so they could go to school.
No more of… anything. It was just him and his mother now. Just him and his mother to make ends meet. 
He choked on the memories, gripping the pillow tighter. “Phanie…” 
The sound of static makes him jolt upright. Heart skipping a beat, he realizes it was coming from his bag. He groans, a mixture of frustration and sadness. He wasn’t in the mood for anyone right now, not even his friends. He just wanted to grieve in peace until at least morning.
He wiggles his walkie talkie out, pulling the antenna all the way up and pressing the button. “Look, guys, please leave me alone. I don’t want to talk right now. Okay?”
He lets go of the button, waiting for a reply that was nothing more than static came, followed by–
[ ♪–on and let me know ♪ ] 
He drops the walkie like it was made of fire and practically jumps a few feet back. The static was loud, but you couldn’t miss that voice. That voice coming from the speaker sounded a lot like–
[ ♪ Should I stay or should I go? 
Should I stay or should I go now? 
Should I stay or should I go now? 
If I go there will be trouble 
If I stay it will be double– ♪ ]
He heard a sob, and a whisper of,
[ St-Stephanie… ]
Dustin’s eyes widened with realization. There’s no way he could miss that. He almost felt like crying again. 
Nancy’s knuckles knocked on the door thrice, before trying the doorbell. She crossed her arms when the wind blew harder, wishing she had enough time to grab a sweater or something before she left. She tries the door again after silence, this time the door springs open. She’s met with a woman who was taller than her, dark locks a complete mess, face flushed red. 
She batted her eyes at the girl while clinging to the door. “May I help you?”
“Uh… is, uh, St-Steve home?” Nancy asked, trying to keep her gaze up high on the woman that was clearly wearing just a bra and panties.
“Steven?” She hissed, defensively. “Who’s asking?”
“I’m… Nancy, his girlfriend.” She recognizes the voice. “I think we spoke on the phone–”
“OH! NANCY! Yes! The Wheeler, girl. Yes, I remember. Awe…” Jessica Harrington reached up and pinched her cheek. “You’re just as adorable as I imagine.”
“Um, t-thanks. Uh–” Nancy wouldn’t be lying if she wasn’t already feeling uncomfortable. “Is this a bad time? I can come back–”
“No, no, no. Never. Never, dearie.” She said, practically dragging the teenager inside. “Come in, Steven should be back any minute now.” She shuts the door, head turning in another direction. “Charles, are your pants on? Our son’s girlfriend is here.” She smiles. “So how did you two meet? Are you in the same class?”
“So you’re our son’s lover?” Charles Harrington slurred out as he came literally stumbling into the hallway. Face as red as a tomato, hair disheveled and missing his shirt. “I never understand why Steven decided to hide you. You seem so nice.”
“Uh, thank– thank you.” Nancy said, hiding the urge to scrunch up her nose at his alcoholic breath. “Look, if he isn’t here, I’ll catch him in the morning–”
“Nonsense. You should stay.” Jessica urges. “It’ll be nice to get to know you.”
“Yes. Please–” His hand comes up to the girl’s shoulder. “Come sit with us.”
Nancy, this time, visibly shuddered. “I–”
“Get your hand off her, Dad.” Steve’s voice echoed out as he entered through the back door. His face seemed calm, but nobody could miss the fear in his eyes and the anger that was making his hands into fists. 
“Steven!” His mother exclaimed, all bubbly. “We were just getting to know your girlfriend.”
Steve gets between them, pulling Nancy close and away. “Mom, please, put a robe on. Dad, a shirt.” 
“Yeah, son.” His father said, his hand coming around and grabbing a firm hold of the front of his child’s sweater. “How come we weren’t informed about this news, hmm? How could you do this to me and your mother?”
A bead of sweat rolled down Steve’s face, as he started pushing his girlfriend towards the door subtly. “Um, well, Dad–”
“You better have a good explanation.”
“Yeah, Steven.” Jessica said, her hand finding his forearm. “What gives?”
“‘Cause we-we’ve only been dating for a week.” Steve spits out the lie.
Nancy flashes him a look of confusion. “A week?”
“Yeah.” He gives a look now, hoping she gets it. “A week, Nancy.” He then sees the realization in her eyes.
“Yes.” She smiles and chuckles. “Well, it’s a week and a half, actually..”
“Oh, you and your technicality.” He smiles too, hand reaching back to the door knob. “That’s what won me over in math class. Uh, Listen, Mom, Dad, uh, we’ll have to plan a proper dinner out so you get to know Nancy. Okay?”
“Sure she doesn’t want to stay over for a bit?” His mother asked, with a look he didn’t like. “We don’t mind.”
“I know you don’t. But it is a school night, and it’s late. We also got uh, uh, a huge test tomorrow. So we should get some rest, you know?”
She frowns. “Awe. Okay. We can definitely plan a date.”
“Perfect! We can talk about it later, uh–” Steve opens the door and manages to get out his parents’ holds. “Just going to walk her back to her car.”
“Like a proper gentleman.” She smiles again, and gaze trails to the Wheeler. “You definitely scored with my son.”
“Oh, for sure. I agree.” Nancy said, getting forced outside.
“Be right back.” Steve replies, stepping out too and shutting the door.
“Steve– Hey!” He grabs her hands and strings her along quickly; She felt like they were sprinting down the driveway. “Steve?” She tests out his name as he takes a look back at his house before picking up the speed. “Steve! Talk to me! What is–”
“Don’t come to my house.” He blurts out the moment they are in front of her car. 
She blinks. “What?”
“Don’t…” He exhales. “Don’t come to my house. At least at night. ‘Cause my parents like to… party, or…” He groans. “Actually, don’t come to my house alone. When my parents are here, make sure you only come when I’m there or I’m with you, alright? Do you understand?”
No, she certainly does not. “Steve, what do you mean? Why don’t you–”
“Did my mom say anything?”
Another blink. “What?”
“Did my dad do anything? Like… h-how uncomfortable were you? B-Be honest, Nance.”
“Steve, I don’t…” She trails off when she finally sees him whole. He seemed so… distraught. And she knows it’s probably not just about the sour news of Stephanie. For some reason, he’s scared of her going into his house. “Steve.” She tries again, softer. “What’s going on? Are your parents hur–”
“Why are you here, Nancy?”
She frowns, worriedly. “I was just wondering if you heard the news?”
Steve looks down at his feet. “About Will and Stephanie?”
“Yeah.” He swallows. “I-I heard…”
Nancy gently cups his face. She could see the corner of his eyes were red and irritated. Crying. Steve must have been crying. “Are you okay?”
Steve stayed quiet, building up the courage to speak – to make it sound confident. “Yeah. I’m fine. It just… caught me off guard.”
“You sure? You can talk to me. I’m not going to–”
“How’s your brother?”
She bites her lip. “Mike’s… really upset. I mean who wouldn’t be when it’s your friend.”
Steve hums. “Maybe you should go back. Check in on him.”
“But, Steve–”
“I appreciate you coming over and making sure that I’m okay.” A bittersweet look blooms on his face. “Really. Your compassion is one of the things I love about you. But I think you should go home to your family. They’re probably wondering where you’re at.”
She shakes her head. “Steve–”
“As for my parents, forget about tonight. I’ll… I promise I’ll explain them to you one day, but for now, just forget you ever met them. Okay?”
She gave in, not wanting to argue. “Okay.”
“Thanks.” He gives her a quick kiss, and pulls away. “See you tomorrow.”
“Night…” Her blue eyes trail him as he heads inside, a feeling of dread in the pit of her stomach. Was he going to be alright? Should she call someone? Should she–
A twinge snapped behind her.
She turns around, the sound coming from the woods. She squinted and took a small step – a shadow moved across the bushes – tall, lanky… no face– What?
She heard the shadow shift around again, and then swore she heard a growl coming from it. Paling instantly, Nancy took small steps back towards her car, feeling around for the handle. Once she grasps it she gets in, hands tightly on the steering wheel. Swallowing, she takes one look back over her shoulder, the shadow to have disappeared into the beyond. 
A thing with no face.
What the hell is happening to Hawkins? 
He didn’t want to get his hopes up, but he couldn’t help himself! He knows what he heard, he knows that was Will. He couldn’t sleep the rest of the night, his mind in overdrive on what and why and how this was even possible. But sometime in the night, an idea hit him hard. 
The next morning, he made sure his mother was okay, and fit enough to go to the morgue. She already told him the night before that he should stay home, playing the kid card on him. Usually, he would have been upset at this statement, but this time he decided it was time to hold his tongue. As soon as Dustin saw the car leave, he wastes no time to pop open his walkie talkie antenna, tuning into a certain channel. 
“Lucas, do you copy?” He said, waiting. He was met with static, but he just knows his friend is nearby and listening (His friends are never far away from their source of communication). “Lucas, come on, I know you’re there! This is urgent.”
“I’m serious. I’m not gonna stop until you answer.”
Nothing again. 
“Lucas. Lucas! Lucas, Lucas, Lucas, Lucas, Lucas, Lucas, Lucas, Lucas, Lucas, Lucas, Lucas, Lucas–”
[ ‘Go away, Dustin. I’m not in the mood, all right? Over and out.’ ]
“No, not ‘out’. I’m not messing around, okay?” He starts pacing around his living room. “This is about Will and my sister. Over.”
[ ‘What about them? You mean about their funeral? Over.’ ]
“No, not their funeral. Fuck their funeral!”
[ ‘W-What?’ ]
“Just get over to my place, stat. And tell Mike to bring Eleven too.”
[ ‘Eleven? Why? She’s the reason–’ ]
“JUST DO IT! OKAY!” He yells, face red, open hand in a fist. “Over and out!”
[ ‘Dustin–’ ]
Dustin pushes the antenna down and shuts the device off. He knows Lucas will listen, even if he thinks he’s lost his mind, he’ll still listen. His eyes fall on a family picture on one of the side tables, his heart skipping a beat.
“Don’t worry, guys. We’re going to find you no matter where you are.”
Meanwhile, down at the Coroner’s office, Hopper waited impatiently for… what? Half an hour now? He sighs. “What’s taking so long?”
“Well, everything’s been a bit chaotic around here without Gary.” The receptionist, Patty said, upset as well.
Hopper perks up at this news. “Without Gary?” That doesn’t make sense. “Where’s Gary?”
“Well, I thought you knew. Those men from State, they... they sent Gary home last night.”
“So who did the autopsy?”
“Someone from State.” 
Someone from State? I mean, the crime scene made sense, but the autopsy? Why would they send someone to an autopsy? On two kids no less? He wanted to ask more questions, but that’s when the oldest child of the Byers’ family came out looking sick to his stomach.
Hopper can tell he was trying to hold it all together the best he could. Poor kid. 
“How’s your mom doing?” He asked, after a while of silence. 
Jonathan sniffled, head still hanging low. “I don’t know.” He whispers.
“How long’s this stuff been going on? With the lights and, uh… Will and the thing in the wall?”
“Since the first phone call, I guess.” A sob. “You know, she’s had anxiety problems… in the past. But this… I don’t know.” He exhales shakily. “I’m worried it could be…” He shakes his head. “Ugh, I don’t know. She’ll be okay. We’ll be okay. My mom… she’s tough.”
“Yeah, she is.” Hopper said, getting a chuckle out of the kid. He then placed a firm hand on his shoulder to get his attention. “Hey. She is.”
That got Jonathan to cheer up for just a second before it crashed down again. Joyce came storming out, the coroner following behind with a clipboard asking her to sign; Which she’s flat out refusing.
“I don’t know what you think that thing is in there, but that is not my son!” She shouted, waving him off.
“Joyce, wait a second.” Hopper said, standing.
“No!” She snapped, and hustled out the door, Jonathan following right behind. As soon as she leaves, it was like a chain reaction, because Claudia just arrived. 
She already had a hand covering her mouth at the sight of seeing Joyce. “I-I… I don’t know if I can do this.”
“Hey, hey–” Hopper comes over reassuringly. “Hey, Claudia. It’s okay. I know it’s hard, but it is necessary.” He sees her closing her eyes to steady herself. “Would you like me to come in?” She nods. “‘Kay. Let’s go. Come on.”
He walks her to the back, telling the coroner who they’re here for, and was left waiting for him to get the body. 
“I don’t know how to thank you, James. You’ve always seemed to help my family when we’re in a rut.” Claudia said, trying to hold it together. 
“Just doing my job.” He replies, with a warm smile.
“Still.” She looks up at him fondly. “I don’t think I appreciated you enough when you helped put Walter away.”
Walter. He remembers her shitty husband very clearly.
He nods. “Well, if it wasn’t for that anonymous tip, I wouldn’t have been able to have done that.”
She hums. “Yes, the tip.” She sighs. “I wonder who has the guts to do that.”
Yeah, he always wondered who the tipper was too. 
“You ready, Ma’am?” The coroner asked, after wheeling on the table.
Claudia nods, her hands squeezing together. “Yes.” She inhales. “Show me.”
He does so, and she holds back the urge to cry again upon seeing her daughter’s body. She couldn’t help but wonder why God would take such a beautiful girl.
“Oh, god… that’s her.” She mutters, biting her lip.
As Hopper was able to keep his composure, he was suddenly hit with a memory like a speeding truck. He almost completely forgot about what the Steve Harrington kid told him last night.
“When we were kids, there was a… a bit of an accident, something we weren’t supposed to do, so we kept it a secret from our parents. However, it left us with a scar each.” He rolls up his sleeve, showing a huge pink gash on his left bicep. “Hers is on her left shoulder, close to her neck. I just thought when her mother sees her body you can explain the situation to her.”
The scar. Of course! How could he forget? His lips tugged into a frown, and began with, “Claudia, there’s…”
Wait a minute. 
His gaze went straight for where the boy told him the scar would be but there was…
He blinked and looked on the other shoulder just to be sure but there was nothing either. If Steve’s scarred, then hers should have been, right?
“Chief?” Claudia said, pulling him out of his trance. “Did you say something?”
His eyes glance at her and then back at the body before shaking his head. “No.” Then back at her. “Never mind.”
Steve was late to school the first time in a while. His clothes looked a bit sloppy, his hair did too, and he was practically dragging his backpack on the floor with only its handle. He had managed to avoid the girlfriend talk this morning with his parents since they were both hungover and still in bed. He’s not really sure how he’ll handle it later (If they actually remember Nancy that is). 
He took his time moving through the halls, trying to straighten up his posture, to put up somewhat of a nice expression. What would Tommy and Carol say? Would they belittle him? Ignore him? Pretend that the death of a school student didn’t exist? And what about Nancy? Will she say anything? Will she ignore him too?
He frowns, the intercom buzzing above.
// Attention students, there will be an assembly to honor Stephanie Henderson in the gymnasium 10am. Do not go to second period. Classes shall resume afterwards. //
An assembly? For Stephanie? How many people will actually go? How many people would actually be respectful? She wasn’t exactly miss popular.
He shakes his head. Don’t even think that, Harrington. It’ll be fine. It’ll be…
He trails off as soon as he rounded the corner. He didn’t need super sight to know what it was. For some reason instead of leaping towards it like he should be, he was slow, sick by the sight. Someone, probably more than one, had vandalized her locker. Someone had spray painted, egged, beat the living hell out of it with either a bat or a crowbar, all because she was what? The weird girl? The girl who was nerdy? The girl who likes stuff only guys like? The girl who’s vocabulary is like a sailor? 
The girl who doesn’t fit in unless it’s with the “freaks”?
With disgust, Steve pulled off the missing poster of her. Someone had scribbled horns, covered the eyes, and called her a freak in bright red. How could someone with a heart do this to the one of the kindest girls he’s ever met?
He crushed the paper in his hand, before opening up the locker, some belonging falling out. He sighs, dropping his bag before deciding to tidy this up. Maybe he should bring her family her things so they don’t have to see this mess?
“Hey, shouldn’t you be in class?” A teacher, Mrs. Trebecky said, hands on her hips.
Steve glances over at her, his look telling it all. “I’m just trying to clean it up.” Her eyes trail over, finally seeing what he was talking about. Yet he didn’t care if he got scolded or got detention for skipping class, this was more important. But to his surprise, there was a key suddenly dangling in his face.
“There’s a storage closet around the corner. Use whatever you need.” She replies, and he takes it. “I have to prepare the gym for the assembly, but if you need something else, feel free to come get me.”
Steve clenches the key close as she leaves, a warm feeling blooming in his chest. At least she wasn’t mad. 
He starts walking to where she said it was, only to spot another odd sighting. There was a boy (who looked oddly familiar to him) leaning against the wall right by the door – the same door that was actually opened. Raising an eyebrow and slowing his pace, he didn’t know what to think or even say before the boy saw him coming. It was like a match had been lit under his feet, the boy jerked up so quickly, and threw the door open even wider.
“We’ve been spotted! We gotta go!” He shouted and took off. 
Steve then watched as two other teenagers came running out, faster than anyone on the football team. What the hell is that all about?
But he chose to ignore it, opening the door fully, nearly clashing with some else that was left behind in the group. The person seemed startled to see him, taking a small step back and growing a bit paler. It didn’t take the King of highschool to realize who this is – the person with brown curls tucked back in small ponytail, with a wardrobe that reminded him of Stephanie – The person was know another than:
Eddie Munson.
Well now he knows why he looks scared. Steve nearly cringes and cusses at himself out loud for what he’s done in the past. What the fuck is wrong with me?
Instead, he kept his blank expression and started moving around him. “Didn’t mean to startle you, Munson.” He replies, looking over all the cleaning supplies on the shelf.
“It’s…” Eddie begins, still tense, but confused by how simple and nice Steve sounded. “Fine. Um… Wh-What brings you here? N-Need something?”
“Relax, I’m not here to cause any trouble.” Man, how many people has he hurt with his new personality? “I was going to clean up a vandalized locker.”
Eddie perks up, even more confused. “The Henderson girl’s locker?”
“That’s… surprising.”
“Yeah. I guess.” Steve frowns, sparing a glance. That’s when he notices he’s holding a few sponges and a bucket. “Oh. Were… were you going to clean?”
“Um–” Eddie breaks his gaze. “M-Me and my boys saw it on our way in, thought we would clean it up. Hope I don’t get in trouble for picking the lock.” He ends with a quiet, nervous chuckle which honestly fueled the other boy’s guilt.
“Is that so?”
“Well… W-we do know what it’s like to have our lockers destroyed by the… ‘perfectionists’.” 
Perfectionists, fuck. Steve swallows and mentally strangles himself. What have I done?
He exhales quietly, and starts gathering things. “You should go.”
Eddie’s distant gaze snapped right back at him. “What?”
“I’ll take care of it.” Steve says, not looking at him. “I know you’ve been trying to graduate.”
“Go.” Steve pressures. “Don’t…” Why was this so hard? “Don’t fall behind. Especially in Kaminsky’s class. He’s a hardass if you don’t listen and study.” 
Eddie was speechless. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing, couldn’t believe it was coming from the legend of the school himself (Guess there was a first time for everything, right?) “You sure? Doesn’t… Doesn’t the King of Hawkins High want to keep his good grades up?”
“I don’t care anymore.” Steve replies quickly, surprising the other teen again, but it was the truth. He could care less about all this right now. “Frankly, I didn’t want to even be here today, so…” 
He didn’t say anymore, instead he tried holding whatever he could in his arms. Silently, and luckily he noticed it in the corner of his eye, he saw Munson holding up the bucket as an offer. He takes it and thanks him. He loads it up and makes his way to leave, but stops in the doorway. 
“You know she liked your band.” Steve blurts out, getting another puzzled stare. “Uh, Fia, she– wait.” Fia. He almost forgot about his little nickname for her. It makes his stomach roll into knots as he tries again. “S-Sorry, Stephanie… really liked your band. She went to your show a few years back. Uh, the Lover’s Lake one. She is– w-was definitely a metal head.”
That seemed to surprise him a lot, because Eddie actually perks up with joy this time. There even was a smile tugging on his lips. 
“She’s seen Corroded Coffin?” He asked, intrigued. 
“Yeah. She really liked that opening song of yours.” 
“‘To Love a Monster’?” 
Steve nods, still remembering that day so clearly, still remembering the day he showed her the tickets. “She sang it for weeks afterwards. It was… funny. Cute– Awesome! It was awesome.”
Eddie gave him another look, one he couldn’t quite place. “That’s… amazing. I never knew that. Most of our fans are just people from our neighbourhoods.”
“Yeah.” He nods again, feeling his eye starting to sting. “Just thought I’d let you know that since you… offered to clean up her locker.” He swallows once more, and he tries to leave, but his conscience gets the best of him. It’s now or never, Harrington.
Looking like a kicked puppy, he faces him again. “I’m sorry.” Steve says, honestly. “I’m really, really sorry for everything I’ve done. I know I haven’t been the most pleasant with you and your– your bandmates, and I realize that I’m an asshole. A real fucking asshole, so– um…” He didn’t have to forgive him, he just wanted to get it out there. “I don’t need forgiveness, but at least accept it.”
Steve didn’t even wait for his answer, didn’t wait for a change on his face, and just left to finish what needed to be done.
Meanwhile, Eddie watches him leave just as his friends come running back, worriedness on their features.
“What did he do? Do we need to report him?” Gareth asked, scaredly.
“No, he…” Eddie still couldn’t believe the last few minutes even happened. “He apologized.” He looks over at them. “For being a dick.”
“And then he said that Henderson girl went to our Lover’s Lake concert a few years back.” That response got his friends muttering amongst themselves. 
“She did?” 
“How would Harrington know that, though? All our tickets are limited.” Jeff asked.
Eddie’s eyes widened. “They were friends.”
Dustin snuck his friends in from the back, immediately rambling last night’s situation. Of course he got looks of concern, and sentences of reassurance before he shook them all off and showed them. They sat around on his bedroom floor, fiddling with the walkie. It was faint, and it certainly wasn’t the song he heard last night, but he could tell by the mumbling words that it was in fact Will.
“We keep losing the signal, but you heard it, right?” Dustin said, looking between them.
“Yeah, I heard a baby.” Lucas said, looking at his friend like he had three heads.
Dustin looks offended. “A baby?”
He rolls his eyes. “Dustin, you obviously tapped into a baby monitor. It’s probably one of your neighbours.”
“Uh, did that sound like a baby to you? That was Will!” 
“Lucas, you don’t understand. He spoke last night. Words! He was singing that weird song he loves. And he even said my sister’s name.”
“Oh, well, if the of you heard your sister’s name, then I guess–”
“Are you sure you’re on the right channel?” Mike asked, genuinely invested in this.
A small smile blooms on Dustin’s face. Finally! At least someone believed him. “I don’t think it’s about that. I think, somehow, I was channeling him.”
“Like... like Professor X.”
He nods eagerly. “Yeah.” 
“Are you actually believing this crap?” Lucas asked, staring at Mike like he was the weird one here.
“I don’t know, I mean… Do you remember when Will fell off his bike and broke his finger? He sounded a lot like that.”
“Oh, my god.” Lucas groans “Did you guys not see what I saw? They pulled Will’s body out of the water. They pulled Stephanie’s body out of the water too. They’re dead!”
“Well, maybe it’s their ghost. Maybe they’re haunting us.” Mike replies.
“It’s not their ghost.” Dustin said, shaking his head. 
“So how do you know that?” Lucas pushes.
“I just do!”
“Then what was in that water?”
“I don’t know!” Dustin shoots to his feet. “All I know is Will is alive. Will is alive! If he’s alive, then there’s a good chance Stephanie is too. They’re out there somewhere. All we have to do is find them. And I know for fact…” He points at Eleven. “She’s the key.” He frowns, and looks her way (Guilt on his face). “I’m sorry for how I reacted last night. I swear I wasn’t mad at you, just the situation. But I know you’re really our only shot at finding them. Please forgive me.”
It took a second, but Eleven nods and smiles with understanding, lifting the weight of the boy’s shoulders. 
“Well…” Mike begins, stopping him from handing over the walkie. “If you want her to somehow channel them, this isn’t gonna work. We need to get El to a stronger radio. Like, Mr. Clarke’s Heathkit ham shack.”
Dustin perks up. “That’ll totally work!”
“The Heathkit’s at school.” Lucas butts in. “There is no way we’re gonna get the weirdo in there without anyone noticing. I mean…” He gestures. “Look at her.”
But the Henderson brushed him off. “Don’t worry about that. I have an idea.” And then they busted into his sister’s room. “You might have to roll up the pant legs and/or sleeves, but Phanie’s stuff should be able to fit you just fine.”
“Uh, no offense to Stephanie–” Lucas begins, watching him rummage through his sister’s drawers. “But she’s not exactly the definition of girly-girl.”
“So? Look, we just want to get El inside the school. Mike, go to my mom’s room and grab some of her makeup. Lucas, head to the basement, I think we might have some wigs left over from a couple Halloweens. Go!”
They scatter, and Dustin continues grabbing what he can and lays it out on the bed. “Here.” He tells the girl. “Try a couple outfits on. See what fits.”
El takes a moment to look at them, mesmerized. “Pretty?” She asks, puzzled.
“Yeah.” He smiles. “We’re going to make you look pretty. Or at least prettier.”
She bats an eye. “Prettier?” 
“Yeah. They say, ‘Beauty is in the eye of the beholder’. Just because someone doesn’t think you’re pretty, doesn’t mean everyone else does.” It seemed to get her spirits up just as the other boys arrived with the stuff.
“Got the makeup.” Mike said, holding the pile in his arms.
“And I found a wig. Hopefully this works.” Lucas says, holding it up.
“Perfect.” Dustin gives the thumbs up. “Let’s do light on the makeup, and let’s put a braid in the wig.” After their tasks, the boys waited outside the door for her to change.
“Is that really the best wig you could have found?” Mike said, after a few moments of silence. 
“What’s wrong with the wig?” Lucas asked, offended.
“Don’t you remember? That was the wig Steph used to dress up as a clown.”
“It’s not that orange, Mike.” Dustin said, Lucas agreeing.
“It’s orange.”
“Dude, come on–”
The door opens, and El steps out to reveal the outfit she picked. It happened to be a Mötley Crüe band tee that was tucked into some jeans, a red and black plaid button up as a jacket and some converse; Her wig was in a neat braid and was accompanied with a headband.
“Wow.” Mike said, staring.
“It’s like my sister has a prodigy.” Dustin said, grinning. “Grunge girl, 2.0.”
“How do you feel?”
Eleven looks herself up and down before smiling at herself. “Pretty.”
It was pretty awkward to sit outside the cafeteria doors waiting to be called in and questioned by police. Nancy was the first to be called in, the first to have a parent actually show up to observe. It felt weird, and she could feel her mother’s eyes watching her closely.
“This argument you and Barbara had? What exactly was it about?” Powell asked, after reading over his notes.
Nancy gives a half-shrug. “It wasn’t really an argument. Barb just wanted to leave. I didn’t, so, I… I told her to just go home.”
“Then what?”
“Then I went upstairs to put on some dry clothes.”
“And the next day, you went back and…” Callahan reads over his notes too. “Saw a bear, you’re thinking?
“I don’t know what it was, but… I think…” She frowns. “I think maybe it took Barb. You need to check behind Steve’s house— 
“We did. There’s nothing there. There’s no sign of a bear.”
“And no car.” Powell adds.
She blinks, confused. “What?”
“Look.” Callahan sighs. “We figured that Barbara came back last night and then she took off, went somewhere else. Has she ever talked to you about running off? Leaving town, maybe?”
“No. No, Barb wouldn’t do that, ever.” Nancy assures.
“She wasn’t maybe upset about the fact that you were spending time with this boy?” Powell glances down again. “Uh, Steve Harrington?
“What? No!”
“Maybe she was jealous because she saw you go up to Steve’s room?”
“It wasn’t like that.”
“Like what?”
“Steve and me, we’re... we’re just friends. We... we just talked.”
“Just talked?” Callahan gives her a look.
She bites the inside of her cheek. “Yeah. Just talked.” She wanted to say something else until the door opened, showing off to another officer.
“Hey–” He said, thumb jerking over his shoulder. “The Hagan and Perkins kids, they’re parents aren’t coming, they refuse for us to talk to their kids. Harrington’s parents said they’re too busy with work to come, but have given us permission to talk to their son.”
Powell sighs, looking over his partner who shrugged. “Alright. Send them home. Except Harrington, have him come in. You–” He looks at Nancy. “You’re dismissed.”
“So, Gary, tell me about these troopers that brought in the kids.” Hopper asked, after settling Hawkins local coroner down. He told him to come down to the station, offering him a cup of joe as he tries to get a few things straightened out. He still finds this whole… State taking over everything is a bit odd.
“It was about six of ’em, I’d say.” Gary replies, with a nod.
“They’re all Staties?”
“Yes, sir. Never seen that many troopers come with two bodies before.”
“They told you that they were gonna take care of the autopsy, huh?”
“Yeah. Claimed jurisdiction. Kicked me out. Well, it all seemed a bit over the top to me, considering…” He looked a bit nervous about this. 
“Considering what?” Hopper asked, suspicious. 
“Considering this was Will Byers and Stephanie Henderson and not John F. Kennedy.”
So this wasn’t just weird to me? Great. His eyes catch something on the tv, making him stand up. “Thanks for stopping by, Gary.”
“Sure thing.”
Hopper tunes everything else out as he turns up the volume, listening as a state trooper talks to the reporter about the incident. 
< -let the people know that, uh, the troopers are on duty and you should be safe, because we think this is just an isolated incident. >
< State trooper David O’Bannon, thank you so much for your help. >
< Thank you, sir. >
O’Bannon. Gary. Staties. Hawkins Lab. Hopper’s frown deepens. What does this all mean?
And that’s when Jim came up with another question that he needed to answer. Something that’s been nagging him since yesterday. So that’s how he found himself at Hawkins High School. He had to swerve around the teens leaving the gymnasium from Stephanie’s assembly, and just hoped that his guys were still in the cafeteria questioning some suspects. Well… hopefully the one he really wanted to talk to was still there.
“Oh, hey Chief.” Callahan calls out, just as Hopper bursts through the doors.
Hopper’s gaze trails to the teen in questioning – and thank god it was the person he was looking for. With a serious look he storms over, completely ignoring everything and everyone else.
“We just got done with–”
“I need you to give me the room for a second.” Hopper blurts out, the two officers staring. “Now.” Callahan and Powell waste no time to get up and leave, the whole place growing silent immediately. 
Steve glances between the door and the police Chief, confused. “Is there a problem?”
Without saying anything, Hopper reaches over and lifts Steve’s left arm sleeve, seeing the scar again. Blinking, and kicking his senses into high gear, the teenager pulls his arm away – the officer looking like he was scared. 
“Dude, what the fu–”
“How long ago was that?” Hopper asks, practically fidgeting in his seat. 
“I’m sorry?”
“How long ago did you get the scar?”
“Um, I…” Steve pauses to think. When did he get it? “Three… three years ago? Maybe longer?”
“And you said both your injuries were deep? Especially Stephanie’s?” 
“Yeah.” He nods, suspiciously. “What’s going on?”
Hopper suddenly is overcome with worriedness, causing him to look around and lowers his voice. “Listen to what I’m about to say, ‘cause I’m only going to say it once. Understood?” He waits for the teenager to nod again before going. “Good.”
He takes a deep breath. “Look, her mother’s a mess, hysterical. And her brother is just… angry. I want to ask them stuff, but I think it’ll be an emotionally… fusing answer. They’re not going to be able to give me something basic. So what I’m trying to say is, I don’t care what happened between the two of you, but be honest. How well did you know this girl?”
And Steve, of course, doesn’t lie (he too wants to know what the hell’s going on). “Pretty well, I like to think. I mean we were tied at the hip since the age of five. We never really went anywhere without each other.” He frowns, scared. “You’re kind of making me nervous. What’s going on?”
Hopper looks around again, getting closer. “Just answer my questions. How likely was it for Stephanie to pick up Will that night when she saw him stranded?”
“Highly.” Steve says, truthfully. “She loves her brother’s friends.”
“How likely was it for her to protect him from whatever was chasing them?”
“Highly. That’s the kind of person she is. Putting herself before others.”
With each answer, Hopper’s heart picks up. “How likely was it for her to take a weapon if she felt like she was in danger?”
“She’s not exactly a violent person, but… if she was in danger, she’s smart enough to arm herself.”
“How much is she familiar with the woods around here?”
“Only certain areas she really knows like the back of her hand.”
“What about the Quarry?” 
“The Quarry?” Steve said, fond memories coming in. “That used to be our spot when we were kids. We know the ends and out of it pretty well.”
Now Hopper feels destroyed. He was half expecting this answer but still. It wasn’t easy to accept. “So… hypothetically speaking, if she was being chased in the direction of the Quarry, how likely would she have fallen in?”
Steve gets taken aback, his heart sinking. “Unlikely. She always knew where she was going.” He was oblivious to the way the Chief suddenly looked. “So it wasn’t the news making a theory? Stephanie and Will actually fell into the Quarry?”
“Fuck.” Hopper says, standing up and starts leaving.
Steve gets up as well, following. “I still don’t understand what’s–”
“Listen to me–” He stops the teen in his place, pointing, and spitting his next sentence out like venom. “This conversation never happened. Understood?”
Steve just nods, scared to talk back as the Police Chief finally left with the answer he was worried about – while Harrington was also left with a question that was now answered. 
“Okay, remember, if anyone sees us, look sad.” Mike says, as they entered the school. Right on cue, someone came on the PA, which is the perfect cover up for them.
// Attention students, there will be an assembly to honor Will Byers in the gymnasium now. Do not go to fourth period. //
“It’s locked.”
“What?” Lucas said, brushing by Mike to try the door.
“Hey, do you think you can open it? With your powers?” Dustin asked, hopefully. But before anything could be resolved, their teacher just so happened to appear around the corner. 
“Boys?” Mr. Clarke said, startling them. “Assembly’s about to start.”
“We know. We’re just, you know…” Mike trails over, pretending to be sad. 
“Upset.” Lucas finishes.
“Y-Yeah, d-definitely upset.” Dustin adds.
“We need some alone time.”
“To cry.”
“Yeah, listen… I get it. I do. I know how hard this is, but let’s just be there for Will, huh? And then…” Mr. Clarke fishes his keys out of his pocket, tossing them over. “The Heathkit is all yours for the rest of the day. What do you say?” The boys smiled and nodded eagerly. “I don’t believe we’ve met. What’s your name?”
El’s eyes widened, and stutters, “Eleven–”
“Eleanor!” Mike corrects. “She’s my, uh–”
“Cousin.” Lucas says.
“Second cousin.” Dustin blurts out. 
“She’s here for Will and Stephanie’s funeral.” Mike finishes. 
Mr. Clarke frowns, bittersweetly. “Ah, well, welcome to Hawkins Middle, Eleanor. I wish you were here under better circumstances.”
“Thank you.” She says.
“Uh, where are you from exactly?”
“Bad place–”
“Sweden!” Dustin shouts.
“I have a lot of Swedish family.” Mike explains. 
“She hates it there.”
“Cold!” Lucas adds, smiling nervously.
Mr. Clarke nods, deciding to just go along with this. “Shall we?”
“Yep!” They said, running along.
“You lied to the police!” Karen snapped at her daughter as they entered the house.
“I didn’t lie!” Nancy shouted back, about to head for her room.
“How naive do you think I am!? You and Steve were just talking?”
The teenager gritted her teeth, stopping on the stairs. “We did just talk! Okay? I found out Steve used to know Dustin’s sister, and we talked about it! Is that what you want to know? Huh? It doesn’t matter!”
“It does matter!” Her mother shouts back.
“No!” Nancy scoffs. “It is all bullshit! It has nothing to do with Barb and she’s missing. And something terrible happened to her. I know it. I know it! And no one is listening to me!” She storms off towards her room, her mother shouting her name repeatedly. “Just leave me alone!”
And then her door slams shut.
Listening to the principal speak, the boys realized he probably was the only one who actually cares. The rest of the school, the students, looked like they were completely lost and not interested in listening to this. 
“Look at these fakers.” Mike mutters, irritated. 
“They probably didn’t even know his name till today.” Lucas scoffed.
The boys continued to survey the area, they heard the two school bullies laughing. Troy and James were laughing and mocking what the principal was saying about their friend Will, completely berating him. The Boys glared, all while Eleven put two and two together. 
“Mouth breather.” She says, remembering what Mike told her who was responsible for the gash on his chin.
He was actually surprised she remembered, and continued to try to ignore their laughing. But when assembly finally ended, Mike couldn’t hold back his anger any more.
“Hey! Hey! Hey, Troy! You... you think this is funny?” 
Troy stopped and scoffed. “What’d you say, Wheeler?”
“I-I saw you guys laughing over there.” Mike said, oblivious to the audience he was getting. “And I think that’s a real messed up thing to do.”
“Didn’t you listen to the counselor, Wheeler?” James said, smiling. “Grief shows itself in funny ways.”
Mike balled his hands into fists, and ready to snap; Just as Dustin steps up to the plate.
“What did I say yesterday? You keep my sister’s and Will’s name out of your mouths.” He replies.
“So what, Henderson?” Troy shrugged. “Besides, what’s there to be sad about, anyway? Will’s in fairyland now, right? Flying around with all the other little fairies. All happy and gay– and your sister… well… I didn’t take her to be a pedo for your little friend.”
Dustin’s face morphed into one of a killer. “You–”
“Asshole!” Mike shouted, and shoved their bully to the floor. Immediately, their audiences gasp in shock. 
Troy groaned, and stood up, charging up his fist. “You’re dead, Wheeler! Dead!”
But before he could release it, his whole body froze. Everyone stared in confusion, even Troy didn’t know what was going on. Then…
A student started laughing. 
“Dude, Troy peed himself.”
And the giggles broke out because everyone’s eyes were on his pants. Sure enough, there was a stain appearing and running down his pant leg.
“Holy shit!” Dustin said, his gaze looking back to El. She flashes the boys a cocky look before wiping the blood from her nose.
“Hey! What’s going on here?” The principal shouted as he entered the room.
“Shit! Let’s go!” 
Jonathan was surprised to see her at the Funeral home, interrupting his shopping (Although, seeing all these coffins and trying to find one for his little brother, maybe it was best to take a break). To his disbelief, she asked him to see his collection of photos from Steve’s backyard.
Of course, now he was nervous. Did she change her mind about protecting him the other day? Was she going to rat him out to the police after all? But instead, she carefully looked through them, until she found one he took of Barb. 
“That’s it.” Nancy said, putting on the weird distorted blur behind her friend. “W-What is that?”
He takes it from her hands, studying it hard. “It looks like it could be some kind of perspective distortion, but I wasn’t using the wide angle.” He frowns, uncertain. “I don’t know. It’s weird.
“And you’re sure you didn’t see anyone else out there?”
“No. And she was there one second and then, um… gone. I figured she bolted.”
She sighs. “The cops think that she ran away. But they don’t know Barb. And I went back to Steve’s… and I thought I… saw something. Some… weird man or… I don’t know what it was.” She glances over at him, realizing what she was doing. “Oh, god. I’m sorry. I... I shouldn’t have come here today. I’m…” She grabs her purse and stands up. “I’m so sorry.”
Jonathan right there and then decided to bite the bullet. His mind wandered back to when the police came over to tell him and his mother what happened to Will. “What’d he look like?
She stops a few steps away, turning around. “What?”
“This man you saw in the woods. What’d he look like?”
“I don’t know.” She knows she is going to sound crazy when she tells him this. “It was almost like he… he didn’t have–”
“Didn’t have a face?”
Nancy stares at him, a bit freaked out. “How did you know that?”
Jonathan suddenly shakes his head, running a hand through his locks. “Shit…”
“Shit.” He stands up, guilt on his face. “I think I fucked up.” 
None of this made sense.
Steve had parked his car off the road and had walked a path he knew like the back of his hand. He found himself soon standing above the Quarry, a view of where the crime scene had happened. It was still tapped off and there were two cop cars still sitting there, observing. He frowns, and his brain starts going into overdrive. 
None of this made sense. 
She crashes her car not far from the boy’s house, they both run and somehow end up with a shotgun. But the police are saying they ended up in the Quarry, probably being chased but…
It doesn’t make any sense. The Byers house does face the road that takes you to the Quarry, but there’s no logical way that they would follow the road like that. If the theory was true, and they did run back to the house, they would more likely would have run through the front door, and out the back if someone was chasing them; Which means–
They would have ended up going into the woods, not the direction of the Quarry. And you wouldn’t make that harsh right turn unless the chaser was making you do that. No…
If someone was chasing you, the human reaction is to keep running straight until you find somewhere or someone safe. 
And if they did get pulled in the direction, there’s no way they would have just fallen in. Steph knows that place too well, and even though they were driven to the edge, wouldn’t the smart thing to do is use the shotgun on your chaser?
His mind wanders back to the conversation with the police chief. He seemed so spooked after he told him the truth. And what was the worried reaction after looking at his scar again? Unless…
Did… Steve nearly choked on the thought. Did her body not have the scar?
But if it didn’t have the scar then…
He gasps.
“Do…” What is it even saying? “Do they look real?”
The police chief reverted back to the same look he was giving Joyce earlier, slight pity but also disbelief. “For Christ’s Sake. Not you too.” 
Not you too? What does that even mean? Did Stephanie’s mother have doubts too? Did Will’s mother have doubts? Was he really doubting the whole situation from the beginning as well?
But his mind kept going back to Hopper and him just an hour ago.
 “I still don’t understand what’s–”
“Listen to me–” He stops the teen in his place, pointing, and spitting his next sentence out like venom. “This conversation never happened. Understood?”
Oh, god.
Steve couldn’t even believe what he was considering doing next.
Hopper sat in street clothes at a bar, a shit eating grin on his face, a cigarette in hand, and he was keeping a close eye on the man sitting next to him who was currently watching a football game on the tv. He chuckles, getting the bartender’s attention. 
“Another, please. And another for my, uh, friend here.”
“Oh, thanks, man. Appreciate it.” The guy, a Statie, named David said. 
“Yeah, that’s all right. I’m, uh... I’m celebrating. My daughter, she won the spelling bee today.”
“Is that right?”
“Yeah, that’s right.” Hopper said, chuckling. “‘Odontalgia’. That was the word. You know what it means?” He gets a ‘no’ for an answer. “It’s a fancy name for a toothache.” His grin grows. “Yeah, she’s smart. She’s real smart. Don’t know where she gets it from. I’ve been tryin’ to figure that out for years.”
“Your daughter, she got a name?”
Hopper’s brain short circuited for a second. “What?”
“Your daughter? What’s her name?”
He swallowed the lump in his throat. “Sarah. Her name’s Sarah.”
David grabs his bottle and holds it up. “To Sarah.” He said, and they clink their glasses. The police chief finally had the hook in place.
Hopper takes a sip, and turns up his acting skills. “I recognize you. Are you famous or somethin’?”
“Uh, you might have seen me on TV, I, uh... I found those kids.”
Gotcha, asshole. Hopper nods. “So, you on that case or what?”
“I just saw the kids on patrol, you know? Dumb luck.”
“So that Quarry, that’s, uh… that’s state-run, where they found those kids, huh?”
Hopper starts laughing quietly. “Yeah, well, that’s funny. ’Cause, you know, I know for a fact that it’s run by the Sattler Company. Frank Sattler? Decent guy, still got a couple operational quarries up in Roane.
David starts looking preoccupied. “Is that right?”
“Yeah. That’s right.” He starts glaring. “So why are you lying to me, man?”
“What’s your problem, bud?” David snaps.
“I don’t have a problem. I’m just a concerned citizen.”
“Yeah? Well, stick your nose someplace else. Those kids are dead. End of story.” He stands up and throws some money on the counter. “Thanks for ruining the game, dick.”
Hopper shakes his head, almost pitying the guy. If only he had just been honest and open with him, he wouldn’t have to get his ass beaten. 
Kind of like right now. 
He had dragged the man behind the building, striking him multiple times to bruise his cheeks, and open wounds under his eyes and nose.
“Okay…” Hopper pins him to the wall. “Let’s try this one more time.” He grabs the man by the chin, squeezing. “Who told you to be out there? What were you doing out there?” He watched for an answer, and when he wasn’t getting any, he dialed back his fist.
“I don’t know!” David shouts. “I don’t know. They… they just told me to call it in and not let anybody get too close.
“Get close to what?!”
“The bodies.”
The bodies? Why? Hopper huffs and squeezes tighter. “Who do you work for? The NSA? Hawkins Lab?” He catches David’s gaze falling behind him and looks, spotting a black car in the distance. “Who is that?”
“You’re gonna get us both killed.”
“Who is that? Hey! Hey!” Hopper takes off, pulling out his gun. But to no avail, the car was already off. And so was the Statie in question. He looked around, gripping his hair. “Fuck…”
What the fuck is going on?!
Will didn’t know what to do. Stephanie had passed out, and is still passed out after all this time. He had a blanket draped over her, and propped her head up against her backpack. He didn’t know if she was coming down with something either or not because the temperature was making his hands feel numb even with the gloves on.
What can he do? The only thought that crossed his mind was going back to his house and trying to contact his mother. But the problem with that is, is he’ll have to leave Steph behind. There’s no way he can carry her back, no way he can drag her back either without collapsing himself, and then what? The monster comes and gets them while they’re unconscious? 
Heck, no!
But… that means the first option is the only logical way to do this.
Will decides to lighten his load, only taking the shotgun with him and scrambles to find something to write on. He still had his school notebook in his bag and wrote a quick message on one of the pages.
Then he placed it right next to her head. He hopes she doesn’t freak out too badly before and after reading the note, and hopes when they do reconnect she won’t scold him (She’ll probably will, but he can have hopes). 
He looks down at her one more time before retracing his steps back home. 
“Come on.” Mike ushered them inside the room, closing it shut and showing El where to sit by the radio.
“Now what?” Dustin asked, almost nervously. 
“She’ll find them. Right, El?”
El nods and closes her eyes as Mike starts turning the radio on. Almost immediately she locked onto something, a muffled voice coming through. The boys, minus Lucas, perked up at this with joy.
“She’s doing it.” Dustin said, smiling. 
“She’s finding them!” Mike says, nearly jumping with joy. 
“This is crazy.”
“Calm down. She just closed her eyes.” Lucas said, and right on cue, almost a way of telling him not to underestimate her, the light above them shattered and went out.
The boys gasped and huddled closer. Then that’s when they heard something else come through other than static. There was the sound of something banging. Banging on what? They couldn’t pinpoint what it was.
“What is that?” Dustin asked, confused, but they continued to listen for anything else.
Meanwhile, on the other side of town, Joyce was blasting her youngest favorite song, hoping to get some communication again. She practically begged whatever higher force there was to get her to talk to her son again.
Then the banging came.
She immediately stops the music, listening. She slowly walks over to the wall where she saw the faceless thing last night, and puts her ear to it.
|| Mom? ||
She gasps, hands pressing against the wall like she could grab him. “Will?”
|| M-Mom? ||
The boys took a step back in shock.
They heard him. 
They actually heard him. 
“No freaking way!” Lucas said, and everyone began shouting his name.
|| Mom... || 
“Will!” Joyce yells, her heart hurting at the sound of her baby boy crying. 
|| Please… ||
“Will! Will!” She starts banging on the wall, and clawing at the wall paper.
|| Mom!!!! ||
“Will! I’m here! I’m here!” She manages to snag the corner of the paper and begins peeling it off. “Oh, God…”
|| Mom!!!! ||
“Will!” Mike shouts.
“Will, it’s us! Are you there?” Lucas says, getting closer to the radio.
“Can you hear us? We’re here!” Dustin asks, getting close too. They can hear him, even if it’s a bit distorted, so why can’t he hear them? “Will? Hello?! Will!”
|| H-Hel-lo? M-Mom? ||
“Why can’t he hear us?” Lucas asked, worriedly. 
“I don’t know!” Mike yells, scared. “Will!”
“Baby…” Joyce cries as the wallpaper came down, and revealed a weird color bubble on her wall. She wasn’t even going to question it when she finally saw movement behind it. 
|| Mom?! || 
“Oh, God. Will!” She could cry. “Oh, thank God. Baby… Will…”
|| Mom… || 
She could hear something growling from the other side, and could barely make out her son’s scared face. 
|| Mom, it’s coming! ||
“Tell me where you are!” Joyce said, banging on the bubble. “How do I get to you?!”
The boys stared, completely afraid for their friend because he sounded like he was going to break at any moment. And that weird growling wasn’t helping the situation either. Where the heck was he?
|| I-It’s like ho-home, but it’s s-so dark… It’s so da-rk and empty. An–d-d it’s cold! A-And Step-hanie’s passed out! ||
Mike gasps and looks at Dustin. “She is with him.”
“Jesus…” The Henderson said, covering his mouth with his hand.
|| I do-n’t kn-know what t-to do! Mo-m? M-m-mom! || 
“Listen to me!” Joyce said, with all the might of her voice. “I swear I’m gonna get to you, okay? But right now, I need you to hide. I need you to get Stephanie and hide!”
|| Mom, please! ||
“No, no, listen! Listen, I…” Her heart skips a beat when the growling gets louder. “I will find you both, but you have to run now! Run! Run!”
Then the radio bursts up into flames, immediately setting off the fire alarms. Dustin kicked himself in high gear, running over to the extinguisher and pulling the pin. 
“El, are you okay?” Mike asked, after the fire was put out. But the young girl stared at him, and you can clearly tell she wasn’t here. “Can you move?”
“Shit! Blood, Mike!” Lucas points out, as the red liquid gushes out of her nose immensely. 
“Jeez! Help her up!” 
“And you’re…” Nancy questions as he watches him fiddle around with the machine in the room engulfed in red light.
“Brightening. Enlarging.” He explains.
“Did your mom say anything else? Like, um, where it might have gone to, or…”
“No, just that it came out of the wall.” Jonathan sighs as he finishes with the machine before carefully placing the photo into the water.
“How long does this take?”
“Not long.”
She nods, fiddling with her hand. “Have you been… doing this a while?”
He blinks. “What?”
“Photography?” She clarifies, and he shrugs.
“Yeah.” He gives her a nervous look. “I guess I’d rather observe people than, you know… Talk to them. I know. It’s weird.”
“No!” She shakes her head.
“No, it is.” He chuckles, and grins. “It’s just, sometimes… people don’t really say what they’re really thinking. But you capture the right moment… it says more.”
“What was I saying?” Nancy asked, a smile creeping up in her face.
“When you took my picture.”
He frowns. “I shouldn’t have taken that.” He looks away. “I’m, uh… I’m sorry. It’s just–”
“That’s it.” She said, getting his attention. “That’s what I saw.”
Jonathan gasps quietly at the sight of it, a disgusting, tall figure that didn’t have a face. “My mom… I thought she was crazy ’cause she said… that’s not Will’s body. That he’s alive.”
“And if he’s alive–”
“Then Barbara.”
Steve couldn’t believe he even had this thought, but he finds himself pulling into the parking lot of the Coroner’s office. He sat there with the engine off, rethinking everything.
“Oh my god…” His forehead touched the steering wheel. “What am I doing?” But he gets out anyway, heading inside and turning on his charm to hide his nerves. “Hello, Ma’am!”
Patty pulls the phone away from her ear. “Hey, uh, can I help you?”
“Oh, uh, my brother, I think he left something behind. I‘m sure it’s still on the seat. If you don’t mind me looking, that is.”
“Oh, well…”
“Please?” He begs, and shows her the doe eyes. Well, they worked because she told him he can go ahead. “Thank you. I’ll just be a minute.”
And now it was now or never.
Steve strolls through the hallway, spotting, to his surprise, a cop sitting on a chair by the door he needed to get in (Guess he’ll question this situation later). “Hey, I love that book.” He says, the cop springing to his feet “It’s a nasty mutt.”
“Hey, you can’t be back here.”
“Yeah, I know, but I just got off the line with uh… you know.”
“Know what?”
“You…” Smacks lips. “Okay. I’m sorry.”
And that’s when Steve decks him the side of the head, before sending another punch to the jaw that renders him unconscious. He still can’t believe what he’s doing, even after snatching the keys from the guy’s belt. He looks around worriedly as he unlocks the door to head inside. His nerves were being shot through the roof as he arrived at the freezers, and with a shaky hand he started opening the doors up, reading the name tags that were tied on the deceased’s toes.
When he found Stephanie’s he nearly vomited. And when he finally pulled back the sheet he nearly fainted.
Ever since their friendship ended the only time he’s only ever seen her was when they would pass by each other in school, and that wasn’t very often. But this…
This is different. This is sick. This is violating. 
It hurt to see how pale she was, those bright blue eyes of her closed, her brown locks brushed back from her face.
He swallows and looks away. What the fuck am I doing?
He takes a deep breath, and pulls the sheet back more, stopping before it shows off her chest. He still had the courtesy to not see her naked, not like this anyhow. It wouldn’t be right. But when he finally took the rest of her in, his heart got stuck in his throat.
The scar… on her shoulder was…
That doesn’t… what? Steve knows this isn’t right. He remembers the incident so clearly, he remembers the scar they both promise to hide from their families. So if he had his still, then where was hers? Is this what was spooking the police chief? 
Now it made sense why Hopper was asking those questions to him. He must have seen Stephanie’s body without the scar and wanted to ask how long ago it was. 
Now it all made sense. 
Steve, without even realizing, had reached down to touch the spot where the scar should be. His brown orbs widened at the touch. For being a deceased body it was–
Completely dry.
Now, he might not be the most book smart person despite keeping his grades up for his parents sake, but even he remembers his science teacher explaining the stages of a dead body. Something about the body puffing up and releasing fluids. So why is it dry? And secondly, if Steph’s mother showed up for the autopsy, then where’s the incision marks?
“Do…” What is it even saying? “Do they look real?”
Steve shuts his eyes again, another shaky breath as he takes out his knife from his back pocket, flicking it open. He has to know, he has to know if his doubts are real. He starts by putting the tip on her shoulder, before stopping.
But what if he’s wrong? What if this is really her? 
He groaned, every kind of emotion was coming through. What if I’m wrong and I just butchered my first friend? 
He sighs. Well…
He’s not going to know until he tries.
“Fuck.” He whispers, before digging the tip into her shoulder. Cringing at the sound of the skin breaking. He continues until he gets to the end of the collarbone, and puts the knife aside. 
It was the moment of truth as he slowly digs his hand into the cut, half expecting for his hand to touch bone or get drenched in a vein but…
Steve might as well be as pale as this corpse as soon as touched something that shouldn’t be in there. Scaredly, he pulled the substance out. 
It was cotton. Stuffing that was used in pillows or children’s toys.
He didn’t know whether to be happy he was right, or upset that he was. He still almost couldn’t believe it. 
“What the fuck?” He manages to say before he hears the door behind him open wider. Out of instinct, he grabs his knife and spins around, expecting the receptionist or even that cop he knocked out to be there, but not him.
Jim Hopper was staring back at him, out of uniform and looking surprised to see him here too (That’s probably why his gun was out). Both of them didn’t say anything, and the adult’s eyes shifted to the table behind him. Jim hustles over, Steve sidestepping quickly – I mean he’s caught red handed anyway. 
And that’s when Jim saw what Steve saw.
That’s when they both realized…
Something’s going on.
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floral-hex · 26 days
ayyyyyyy I set up an appointment for medication this Friday (telemedicine but whatever) and I get to see my former therapist again later this month. I’m kind of excited. More than kind of. Little sad, but I’m lonely and want to talk to someone. He’s a real cool dude. I’m a little worried to trauma dump the last 6 months on him, but whatever, it beats sitting there for an hour feeling like I’m wasting his time and struggling to think of things to say. dang dang dang, I’m excited.
#I’m excited to tell him about my mom’s transplant. less so to mention all my dark moments since we last spoke.#ok so I gotta wait a week for antidepressants and then a couple of weeks for them to take effect#that’s a lot of waiting#especially with how rough I’ve been these last couple of weeks#I probably have more appointments I should schedule but we’ll see#I’ve only been able to sleep sitting up#like the dang elephantman#something about laying down freaks me out#it’s uncomfortable and not very restful and just thinking about sleep gives me anxiety#brains are fucky#oof… now it’s setting in. I’ve got an appointment but it’s 5 days away#5 days of… this. anxiety and distraction and my sick brain#this is my fault#well… no. yes. I don’t want to COMPLETELY beat myself up for it#I should have been managing my mental health better instead of waiting until I spiraled out#I should have been managing my health better in general!#this isn’t sexy to say but I hate my body. I’ve run it down. and it’s going to be so much harder getting back to something semi healthy#but I’m trying now 😕 so maybe that’ll count for something#I’ve been realizing that I really really miss going to the gym late at night#that’s what I need now. been doing these little drives at night to distract myself but having an actual place to go would be much better#BUT! too expensive. need to work and make some money. not excited for that but I needs it. I neeeeeeds money. for burgers. and distractions#this is too rambly. I’m sorry. I thought about counseling and got too excited to talk and talk#I talk too much#you can ignore this#text
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no usual post this week, just wanted to say that this last Sunday was actually the tenth anniversary of me finishing A Tale of Two Cities for the first time — and that although (due to a variety of life circumstances) I regrettably didn’t have anything prepared to post for this specific day and anniversary, I’m so grateful that after a full decade now, I still find such joy and now community in continuing to engage in a social context with this book that has had such a profound impact on my life — and the lives of all of us reading this here — in so many ways.
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Basically, thank you all for being here with me! Can’t wait to keep celebrating our collective appreciation for the novel through my work here on this blog!
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
#there should be a word for when youre talking around the tightness of tears#speaking against something that hurts#laughing specifically to undermine the seriousness of the statements youre voicing#the worst of both worlds. help me help me hahaha im not even joking hahaha but listen to the lies in my tone. dont focus on the words.#i want plausible deniability. but also i want u to understand my pain and give it a voice. speak it into existence because i cant say it#but if u do i might cry. that sounds hard that sounds like a lot. i kno i know. shut up. keep talking. do u think i dont feel it? i do#but if i split myself in two i can watch myself and suddenly it becomes funny. im not sure why. but i have a bad habbit of laughting at#inappropriate moments. because if its not funny then its just sad and what am i supposed to do with that?#i dunno. thats all to say my dad called bc i was looking at housing stuff and i was explaining some of the stuff im doing rn#and thats hard to talk abt without crying bc ive always been a cry bby but i didnt. and i love my parents theyre great#but they dont understand bc i havent told them all of it bc theres nothing they can do so y make them worry. and idk i also think they#think im less competent than i am. and part of that is just bc im their kid. part of that is bc there r things thst most ppl can do but i#struggle with. but its also not fun to hear: oh yeah i was surprised by how professional u sounded. or i think ur mom found u those#connections. when no. i did that. i made those things happen. i promise i can do things sometimes. but sometimes i cant. i dunno its just#it is what it is. whatever. decisions to b made. do i room with roommates for lower rent#or do i take an expensive place for a year for a single room? i dont want roommates but ill take them#i mean all the single places r like 950 at the very lowest without any utilities or anything but most r well over 1000 and like on a grad#student salary? i think not. not without losing money on net. i can deal with roommates. i have in the past. i wont b able to relax ever#but its fine. ya kno#just annoying. hah my dads sage advice was ah dont let it overwhelm u. go exercise. bc hes an endurance runner guy#and im like bro when i get home i have 1.5 hrs of daylight. but alas hes right. i do gotta run out my angers and its not enough#ugh. one more week. itll work out. and eventually ill walk into a counselors office like bro i just want u to tell me whether or not i have#0cd bc whatever the fuck it is that makes me do these things is absolutely destroying me. name the beast 0cd or 0cpd. tell me what box#i fit into. not that it matters but i feel like i cant complain until someone else rubber stamps me. actually then ill probably just obsess#abt how. actually. theyre wrong. ay fun times#i gotta shake shake shake my sillies out. and wiggle my waggles away. bc i never could let my kids songs go haha#unrelated
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