#it is the kind of fandom weirdness that I miss
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delicateperspective · 2 days ago
I really appreciate this post because it touches on something I’ve experienced firsthand. I’ll admit, I was hesitant to engage with the fandom for a long time. I didn’t get involved with the online discourse until I finally broke down and made this Tumblr, and even now, I actively avoid Twitter and Reddit because it’s just… a lot.
When I first started digging into things, I had so many questions and doubts. At first, I’d see clips and “proof” that were taken way out of context, and once I tracked down the full interviews or videos, I realized some of those moments weren’t as strong as they were made out to be. But in doing that, I’d stumble across other things that didn’t make sense in the official narrative. And that’s how it started for me—a little doubt here, a little curiosity there.
For a while, my brain was doing mental gymnastics, trying to make sense of everything. I thought, “Okay, so Harry was obviously really into Louis, but maybe it wasn’t reciprocated.” Then I’d see videos of Louis being so overly fond of Harry that it completely blew that out of the water. Next, I thought, “Well, maybe they were just best friends who looked at each other like that,” but then came the overtly sexual moments that made that impossible to believe. Finally, I thought, “Okay, maybe it was just a band thing and it’s over now.” But then the solo lyrics started matching up so much that I couldn’t ignore it.
At every step of that journey, I could have stopped. I could have stayed at any one of those stages and convinced myself that was the answer. And honestly? Without some weird hyperfocus and a natural tendency to question everything, I probably would have stopped.
But here’s the thing: interacting with the Larrie fandom was initially terrifying. There wasn’t anyone to guide me through the journey or help me connect the dots I was missing. Instead, I came across people saying things like, “If you don’t believe they’re together now, then you’re not a Larrie,” or, “If you believe Louis is a father, you don’t belong here.” That kind of attitude doesn’t help anyone—it just makes curious people back off entirely. It discourages people from learning, from asking questions, or from engaging in a way that lets them discover more.
And that’s where we, as a fandom, need to do better. We have to be open to letting people question things, to debunking our own “proofs,” and to occasionally being wrong. Otherwise, we’re not a fandom built on open discourse and communication—we’re a cult with “requirements.” And that’s exactly what the mainstream narrative needs us to be. They rely on us miscommunicating, taking things out of context, and looking like fools so they can have their big “gotcha” moment where they say, “See? They were crazy all along.”
Between that, the small percentage of overly invasive fans, the hate we all get from the press or solos, and Louis’ denials, it’s no wonder people are overwhelmed. It’s easier to just walk away and let your theories simmer quietly in your brain. You gaslight yourself into believing whatever explanation makes the most sense because that’s what we’re fed.
Honestly? If I’d been just a little less questioning of the media or a little less willing to dig deeper, I wouldn’t be here now. I would’ve stayed on the sidelines, convinced myself it wasn’t worth it, and never gotten to see the full picture.
So yeah, I agree with you—this fandom needs more support and curiosity, more room for respectful questioning, and less division. We need to be able to talk and share without tearing each other down. At the end of the day, no one (except the two of them) has all the answers, but we can at least respect each other’s journeys and help each other along the way. 💙
I feel like one of the shittiest things as of late is how many little corners of the larrie fandom there is, and how we all aren’t together because “they broke up” or “I believe in Larry but he’s got a kid” or “I believe larry was a thing but ___ cheated on ___ because of this song lyric that I interpret” or whatever other “hot take” that is constantly posted loudly on Twitter. don’t get me wrong, im always up for a healthy and respectful debate, but everyone’s trying to create new theories and it’s exhausting. like cmon team… we’re just an easy target if we divide our already small (but strong) community into even smaller parts.
back in the day you were either an anti or a larrie, or in the far smaller world of neutrals or another pairing (back then there defs wasn’t as many folks in those categories as now). and sure, people still had some wild takes, but we’d usually talk about it no matter how ridiculous it was. we were curious. we wanted to learn and hear from each other. the support was there and it just doesn’t exist on twitter, and that’s where the vast majority of newer fans set up shop, because it’s a bigger platform than tumblr these days.
if you’re curious about more to do with larry or know people who are, bring them over. we have a million masterposts, blogs who’ve been here for years, a wealth of industry and legal knowledge. but for the love of god, make sure to be respectful of each other. this Twitter bullshit I’ve been seeing recently is disgusting
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anqelbean · 8 months ago
I love love love reading fics from older fandoms because WOW these fandom elders knew their shit!! Weird shit, fun shit, crack shit, disgusting shit, yum yum yum, you guys were fed so well
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dustyspines · 7 months ago
favorite thing about scorbus?
they genuinely legitimately like each other
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scribefindegil · 3 months ago
Concept: series of fics where I make characters from as many different medias as possible go to the University of Iowa and do research in the fandom archives
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dcbutinamrev · 4 months ago
Does anyone in the Outsiders fandom 18+ want to rp with me on discord? If so, please feel free to dm me or ask me. I’m always down to rp with someone in this fandom. 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
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i-mybrunettelady · 4 months ago
I am suffering from Needy Bitch Disease with a comorbidity of I Don't Want to Annoy People w/ OCs disorder
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pixelatedraindrops · 4 days ago
Having all this sick content on my feed makes me so happy, even though I cannot provide much myself at the moment (college is a bitch)
Thank you to the gifters for making my timeline look beautiful again 🥰💕
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solitaireships · 3 months ago
Just saw a really good video talking about how the fandom tends to ignore the way that Jayce is clearly written with him being a brown Latino man in mind and talking about the inherent racism of people acting like a thing he helped to create is all actually the product of a white man and treating Jayce as a big dumb himbo is a take that is also the product of racism. Maybe we are finally healing
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trophyposting · 1 year ago
this is an extremely unpopular opinion in the osc and like everywhere actually but i hate it when people excessively hate on "mean" characters. like especially when the characters are otherwise well-written and they just hate them because they did some bad shit. its legitimately so annoying
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aerithisms · 11 months ago
i have got to be so real and honest with you all i am going to be sad forever if rwby never gets finished. "it's just a show" "it's not even that good" i don't CARE i've spent a decade growing up with it and it's so special to me :(
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juminhandfs · 7 months ago
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I'm forcing myself to come back to this blog before next semester starts (which if I'm lucky is going to be the last 🙏, that's the reason I left the blog abandoned for so long)
Loving Jumin is a 24/7 job after all 😅, and all the discourse surrounding The Ssum was distracting 😅 (and I definitely want to be around with the approach of Jumin's Birthday 👀)
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mauv-the-bluest-cat-ever · 2 months ago
after learning more about shitstorm that happened in 2019 hermitblr i now may understand why several people in fandom blocked me lol
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copia · 8 months ago
How did you get so lucky to claim @/copia
I’m actually mind blown that username was available 🤯
i have no idea 😭😭 it used to belong to an empty sideblog so i tried it whilst checking some ghovie urls (like yours!!) just in case that blog was gone. and here we are. it's worth trying these things even if you think it's extremely unlikely
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pokimoko · 3 months ago
5, 10, 20, and 25 for fic in review ask thing!!!
5. What ships captured your heart?
I am a gen writer through and through, so it's a very rare thing to see me writing a ship-focused fic. That said, I really enjoyed the pairing of Karlach and Astarion this year, though I wouldn't say I shipped them necessarily in a romantic sense. The fic I wrote that had them together had their relationship tagged '(it's fairly ambigious; is it romantic? queerplatonic? platonic? yes), (the love and devotion is there regardless)' which I think basically sums up how I view them (and also how aromantic I am about shipping 😅).
I also liked Billford, but in a strictly 'oh yeah they're super divorced, they are never getting back together' kind of way. Not sure if that counts as shipping, but hey, it's definitely counts as something.
10. What fic was the most satisfying to write?
I would have to say either 'The Poetics of Space' (Gravity Falls) or 'On Waxen Wings We Soar, In Spite of Inevitable Ends' (Baldur's Gate 3). They were the two fics I was the most happiest with this year, not only regarding the quality of the writing itself and the themes they explored (the constance of change not only in the world but also ourselves, and finding joy in and making peace with the time you have left), but also how they tied everything together in their conclusions. Both of them equally made me feel a 'wow..I did that' feeling of accomplishment when I finished them, so yeah, they both were absolutely the most satisfying to write.
20. Share your funniest line.
Being more of angst-based writer kinda limits my collection of comedic lines (even my more comedic story this year was extremely angsty), but there was one line I wrote this year that got a couple comments about it making the reader laugh, so I'll go with that one (because if two people found it funny, surely it must be, right):
“You try fixing an interdimensional portal for thirty years without learning physics," (Stanley) said. "I know what quarks are now. Do you know how much I hate knowing what quarks are.”
25. How did you recharge between fics?
Usually I'd spend the first few days after finishing a fic trying to figure out the what the heck to do with the spare time I had previously allocated to writing said fic, and then once I figured that out (and had yet to be overcome with the urge to write something else), I'd probably watch a TV show, read a book, play video games, and do some art. I'm boring like that.
Send me a number!
#ask#ask game#writer ask game#writing stuff#fanfic stuff#thanks for the numbers/questions friend!#and sorry for the slight delay in answering! my day was a bit busier than i expected#here's some extra stuff for each question because tags allow for more silly additions:#i'm weird in that my favourite ships are those that don't kiss on the lips/have on-screen sex. and not in a will-they-won't-they kind of wa#just...love expressed in a way that can't be easily catergorised by the oft black-and-white fandom view of romantic-or-platonic#why's it gotta be one or the other. can't it be one AND the other. can't it be neither. can't it be anything you want it to be?#which is to say i'm super hecking aroace and man QPRs are cool aren't they?#my basis for satisfying fic: the themes i myself wrote to be emotional turned on me and made *me* emotional. in a good way#and also if someone loves it enough to make fanart about it which did happen with 'on waxen wings'.#a lot of my comedic lines in my *actually* comedic fic were only funny because of set up in the paragraphs leading up to them#so alas they didn't fit the bill. but shoutout to my socialist ducks. you will always be funny to me#the recharge question is funny because for me my relationship with writing and my free time essentially sums up to this:#me when i'm writing: arggh so much writing. when i finish this I'll have more time to catch up on i want to watch/play/read/listen to#me when i'm not writing: ...i miss writing :( *proceeds to not catch up on most of things i wanted to watch/play/read/listen to*#and that's it! thanks again for the ask! :D
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suffarustuffaru · 1 year ago
Just wanted to say thank you for the ottosuba posting you've done lately. The English speaking fandom is absolutely barren with Otto content, let alone ottosuba content. So to have someone as awesome about it as you post via Tumblr posts, fanfic, fanart, etc. on a good(-ish) website like Tumblr is like finding a diamond in the rough. Anyhow, looking forward to any future ottosuba content from you!
anon you made my day fr these are very high compliments T^T <3 i appreciate it a lot pfft a part of me is always like "I CANT REVEAL HOW MUCH MY BRAIN IS ROTTING OVER THESE CHARACTERS..." bc i get a little embarassed a little shy bc what if i am posting the same things too much...??? but then i simultaneously go "lol my blog my rules anyway im gonna make a gazillion billion content *clicks post*" which is how all the otto and ottosuba content gets churned out alsdflj. especially bc - like you said - the english speaking fandom is a BARREN DESERT when it comes to otto and ottosuba content T^TT ive been thinking about it lately bc they seem to be a lot more popular in the japanese speaking fandom i think, but theres next to Nothing with the english speaking fandom :o interesting difference there.
but regardless :o yeah i keep making otto and ottosuba content bc i am in Desperate need of it... its a desert and i gotta feed myself too HAH theyve always been interesting to me but in the years ive been into rezero that Interest has skyrocketed bc of all the interesting developments pfft (and also the lack of english fancontent for them HAH). i just think theyre so underrated in the english fandom.... thank you for liking my stuff anon <3 :DD
#ask#also you made me remember that ive been otto(suba) posting in like so many mediums lajdfljsl#i ended up sneaking a bit of meta into these tags oops aljsdfljsf but.#also i just think otto and ottosubas feralness is super interesting and my taste in characters totally isnt predictable (i say this as a p#five shuake fan also. cries.) but also like. people in the english speaking side of the fandom dismiss otto a lot which is interesting to m#like its u know that typical fandom tendency to sometimes only see characters for how they look on the surface. and its also interesting b#ive also been seeing a few people like. almost kind of miss how toxic ottos being in arc 8??? and also ottos general. subaru obsession#things yeah. like why do people miss this stuff??? he literally says his reason for being / existence is to oppose subaru??? what sane#person does that lajdslfjsldfj what sane person is so ride or die theyd rather leave a whole country + their bffs daughter figure to die??#what sane person manipulates all their friends in order to save them??? understandable motive but literally insane lajsdlfjsld#yeah so anyway im super curious on why english vs japanese fandom have different attitudes towards otto and ottosuba HAH#being an emilia otto AND astrea fan is so weird bc people are so kind with the astreas usually and then being an emilia fan means suffering#through all the sexism and then being an otto fan is just going “YOU GUYS WERE FOOLED BY HIS SOFT BOY AESTHETICS???” and begging people to#remember that he cares about subaru. but that goes for many emilia camp members treatment in fanon.#and also yeah being a fan of almost any character in this fandom is suffering i think alsjdfljsd#granted i was also fooled by the soft boy aesthetics but that was way back when okay. i know now. hes my silly fucked up little guy now HAH
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kkujo · 2 years ago
bruabba and fugio are good ships however 80% of the people who post about them are annoying about it. like. same with jotakak and kakyoin stans actually. the way ppl obsess over them and water it down until it's so uwuified and far removed from the source that the characters are just bland and boring. idk where i was going with this
#don't get me wrong i enjoy all 3 ships and i like kakyoin and i like part 5#but the way these things get treated in the fandom is so annoying it's genuinely so annoying#unfortunately a lot of part 5 stans just completely get the characterisation wrong#like bruno isn't an uwu softboy mommy 😭😭😭😭 yes he's a parental figure but he's also like really unhinged and traumatised.#he's a good person but he's fucked up why are we making him into a bland uwu cinnamon roll#same w fugo and giorno.... they both have severe trauma & fugo has anger issues and giorno can be manipulative and cold etc etc#so it's so weird to me when ppl see them as like cutesy softboys DOES THIS MAKE SENSE#also people misunderstand giorno as boring or too similar to jonathan but the whole point is he's a mix of jonathan and dio...#yes he's kind but he will also do almost anything to achieve his goals even if it means people die#he's actually a really interesting character with different layers but people miss it 😭#< obviously it's fine to draw/write cutesy stuff and not focus on character analysis. sometimes u just gotta make it fluffy#but i swear it's like 90% of the content for some of these characters#kakyoin especially holy shit. the like. feminization of kakyoin in the fandom is literally gross at times#when ppl turn him into like a twinky little femboy... come on be so real have you SEEN him#especially when ppl hc him as trans masc and then draw him hyper feminine.... when in canon he's rlly masculine.... guys ☹#<like obviously trans men can be feminine but when ppl make a masculine character super feminine bc of a trans hc. that's. weird
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