#it is still hot and it makes me angery
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Unrestrained summer fun
#sarjakuva#comic#original comic#mundane happiness#ressi ressi ressi#in english#it is still hot and it makes me angery#never bring a gamer to a watergun fight#also a bit of a heads-up. Imma dip for the entire August bc my health is taking a nosedive and that is also making me angery#so like. toodeloo for now
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Out of Sight
Violet Bridgerton X Fem!Reader 🔞
💜 As one of her handmaids, you've always had a soft spot for Lady Bridgerton. It isn't until one day that she calls for you to stay back to you realise that these feelings are requited. 💜
WC: 1.5k+ words
masterlist • read on ao3 • request
A/N: I feed myself 🫡 this is the first work on this blog so I hope y'all enjoy! Nothing particularly explicit yet but I'm sure we'll get there 😄
Violet Bridgerton is most beautiful woman you've ever lain eyes upon. The thought crosses your mind every morning as you wake and assist the lady of the house. You can't help but steal glances as you lace up her corset or do her hair.
Sometimes she will catch your eye in the mirror and her smile makes your heart skip a beat.
She's wonderful and gorgeous and ever so kind.
Today, however, feels a little different. The air is warm and Violet is agitated. She won't stay still. Your fingers brush the back of her neck and she flinches as if scorched by blazing coals. You try to apologise but she's already moving away, turning towards the open window, half dressed.
"Leave me," she says briskly.
And you, like the all the others, dip your head in respect and turn toward the door.
"Except (Y/N)." Her addition catches you by surprise. "You... stay."
You turn back around, quickly hiding your surprise at her singling you out. The other servants leave the room, a few with some odd side glances at you, and then the room is empty except the two of you. Silence echoes between you, broken only by the sound of her heavy breathing.
"Lady Bridgerton? Are you most alright?"
This isn't like her. Something is off, you can tell.
Violet doesn't say anything but continues to stare out the window. With the sunlight gracing her cheeks and a gentle breeze blowing her hair, she's a vision in the early morning. You swallow nervously.
"Come," Violet finally says, completely ignoring your concern. "Stand with me."
You obediently cross the room to stand beside your lady. You curiously peer out the window into the gardens of the Bridgerton household. It's a beautiful place, truly, positively glowing in the sun. But more specifically, your gaze falls upon an unsuspecting couple.
A maid and a footman, it looks like, walking through the foliage together. They're laughing, hand in hand. Stealing a moment alone.
"My lady...?" you glance towards her.
It isn't a question exactly but a prompt. She doesn't seem angery. And yet she burns next to you as if alight.
You can't quite read her expression but you can feel the tension starting to rise. You are several feet apart and yet it feels like you are inches apart. The air is warm and it isn't the morning sun.
When she finally turns to meet your gaze, your face is red hot.
"(Y/N)..." she says softly.
You love how she says your name with such a gentle, affectionate tone. She looks at you with burning eyes.
"Yes, my lady?" you breathe.
She looks back down at the couple and you watch as they steal a kiss under the shade of a tree. Quick, fleeting, and yet it feels like it lasts a lifetime. What is happening here? Why has she asked you stay and watch with her? You don't know but you don't want to break the moment.
"Come closer."
You can't deny her. You close the distance but yet it doesn't feel like enough. She says nothing until you stand side by side with her. A slight lean and your arms would brush. But that's a boundary you yourself cannot cross, no matter how much you want to. It wouldn't do to act so familiar with the lady of the house.
"Is it wrong?" Violet asks.
"Is what wrong, Lady Bridgerton?"
Violet gestures below to where the couple have disappeared together. You can only imagine what they're getting up to together, hidden in the garden, out of prying eyes. Stealing kisses where people cannot see, maybe more. You don't understand her question or what she wants you to say.
Or maybe you do, but you can't say it.
"It's been a while since Ed-Edmund..." Her eyes close when she says his name. "And at first, I... I never believed I would desire another as I did him."
Anything you want or could say catches in your throat as you peek a look at her. To your utter surprise, she's staring right at you. You turn away from the window and in towards her, face burning.
"Never would I have thought myself familiar enough to find those feelings again. I thought it died with him," she continues. "What man would be close enough to the widow of a household to create such desire within me?"
She's standing unbearably close to you. And she shifts forward, this time intentionally entering your space. The windowsill presses against your back but you can only feel her. She isn't touching you yet but you can feel her presence as if she's right against you. Warmth bursts in your chest and spreads through your entire body. It would be so easy to extend a hand and close the gap.
But it isn't your move to make.
She looks at you with dark eyes and parted lips.
"A man... no, not quite." It isn't quite directed at you but more at herself as if she's trying to understand it. "But... someone who spends every waking moment with you, who takes care of you, who understands and looks when she thinks I do not see."
"My lady-" Your head is spinning. "I-I... I hope I did not offend. I swear, I... You are so beautiful. I only look... because I cannot look away."
And she smiles.
"Oh, (Y/N). Please..."
You watch as she raises her hand and as if in slow motion, she touches your cheek. She has the soft hands of a noble with gentle fingertips and a warm palm. She brushes your cheek.
"I see you looking," she murmurs. "because I am looking back."
When she leans in, you don't stop her because you don't want to stop her. She catches your mouth with her own in a heated kiss and everything shatters around you. She breathes you in like fresh air. And you cannot help yourself.
With the physical barrier broken between you, you take the front of her dress and pull her against you. You collide in a kiss of pure want, burning and hot, soft lips giving way to a slip of tongue, hands finding their way into your hair. She kisses you like a woman parched.
"The window," you gasp against her lips, and she understands what you mean.
You two cannot be seen like this together, regardless of the desires of the lady of the house. So she catches your wrist and tugs you back into the room, managing not to break the kiss. You stumble together back out of the sunlight and into the shelter of her room. Hands tug at your waist. Guide you back. Until her bed is beside you.
Do you understand what is happening? Not exactly but you can't stop.
You kiss and kiss her until the air has been stolen from your lungs. Kissing Violet Bridgerton is a dream come reality and it is dizzying.
You two fall onto the bed in each other's arms and the sheets are a soft cushion underneath. When you finally pull away for air, she lies underneath you, panting.
"My lady... I..."
"Violet. When we are alone," she breathes.
"Violet..." Such familiarity, it's scandalous. Saying her name makes your heart skip a beat because it tells you exactly what she wants.
You kiss her neck, the underside of her jaw, along her exposed collarbone. You breathe in her scent, taste her skin, and it only leaves you wanting more.
Your hands touch her lightly and you lean back. "La- Violet. May I?"
She nods breathlessly.
You have dressed her many mornings and undressed her those nights. It's only too easy for you to help her out of the fancy clothes of nobles. You have seen her in states of undress countless times but this time is vividly different. She lies sprawled between pillows for you and you alone. No one else but her late husband will have seen her like this but you. That idea is dizzying. But viciously hot.
She helps you out of your simpler clothes and then her hands are on you. Shy touches over your bare arms, up your back, as if she doesn't dare to touch you anywhere else. Or she doesn't know how.
Despite the desire painted all over her face, she hesitates still. And you know you'll have to be the one to move forward.
"Violet," you murmurs. "It's alright, you can touch me..."
You bring her hand to your chest and she gasps. The way she blushes is beautiful. But with your encouragement, she touches you with more confidence. Her eyes brighten when you moan. You dip down and kiss her again.
It's slow and exploratory, the two of you taking the time to become acquainted with each other's bodies. You find she's sensitive and shy with making noise. It just makes her moaning even better. She likes when you let your nails lightly scrape against her scalp, press into her back, the very feeling of being touched and desired.
She like when you say her name into her ear, be it a needy whisper or a seductive murmur. It would be rare for a lady for the ton to be called by her given name, after all. But you say it over and over in breathless want.
Surely the rest of the household must be wondering where Lady Bridgerton is; it isn't like her rise late. But the two of you could hardly care, not as you're lost in each other.
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I made a drawing box. send me scarecrows.
I'll share drawings you make under a cut!
oh that is damn adorable. he's so round!!!
LMAO good. take it easy with the weed, buddy
what a sweetie! thank you! love the lil bows!
18-4-2024: oops, I didn't realize clearing the cookies would remove my access to the drawing box so :'D I had to remake it. I apologize for any inconvenience.
ohhh! what a cutie, thank you!!
ohhh I only just saw this! such round cheeks, so cute. thank youuuu
oop haven't checked this in a hot minute and omg!
goofy noodle arms, so good
not a scarecrow but a still welcome kitty friend
this guy's edgy!! nice
oh! a friend with a butterfly!! thank youuu
22-5-2024: ok last hurrah before the site gets shut down, rip
look at this smiling fellow! thank you!
oooh that 1986 anime version of Scarecrow! so cute.
awww it's Wedge! thank you, it's so nice to see people draw them!
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When the Heating System Breaks
Despite Shinra being a muilt billion dollar business the heating system for the SOLDER floor breaks on what just so happens that to be the coldest day of the year.
Lazard is the first person to really feel the chill since he is not enhanced. Only compounded by the fact that his office has window that isn’t making his situation any warmer. On top of that he didn’t bother to bring a coat today because he toke the completely underground and completely insulated subway.
Angeal can hear the director’s teeth chattering as he walks by and his office, enchanced hearing you know. So Angeal peaks in (Angeal is still in a sleeveless top) and sees Lazard trying to work while freezing. Angeal is a good, honourable person who would not let another go cold if he can help it. So Angeal goes back to his room and gets is warmest sweat shirt and brings it to Lazard.
Lazard knowing Angeal is a good person who probably dosen’t haven any alt tier motives, accepts.
For a few hours, everything is fine, until the SOIlDERS start feeling the chill. Zack, remembering cold winters cuddled up with his family and their dogs during in front of the fire place descides the best course of action is to drag the blankets off as many beds as he can find and then bring all those blankets to the break room. The break room has no fire place but it dose have a bunch of comfy couches(thank Lazard for those).
The first one to join Zack in the break room is Genesis who came looking for his blankets. He storms in all angery and literally sparking, Zack realizes he has found his fire place. Thanks to some combat, a lot of negotiation and a promise to let Genesis play his audio copy of Loveless: Read by the Broadway cast, Zack convinces Genesis to stick around.
When Rouche sees this paradise in the break room he decides in that moment to dedicate the next 30 minutes of his life to run around the 1-2 solider floors to get as many people safe and warm as possible. Most people who come join the break room nest bring their own blankets and pillows, soon the whole room has been consumed by soft, warm and cuddly things.
When Angeal walks in to see this, he smiles and goes to make his famous hot chocolate.
Sephiroth had a similar idea but only with Genesis, Angeal and Zack instead of everyone but he can’t find them. So he is kinda sad when he goes to round them up, pillow and a bunch of his sweaters in hand and all of them being nowhere on sight or seemingly anywhere in their floor. In fact, no one seems to be anywhere in the SOILDER floors which is worrying. But thankfully he hears the sound of chatter and Loveless like a call form a Siren and finds the break room.
When Sephiroth joins in be isn’t really comfortable being so near so many people, so he carves out a small nook for himself in the corner of the room with only Genesis, Zack and Angeal allowed in. (Sephiroth gives Gen,Angl and Zack all one of his hoodies because he read on the web that hoodies form male friends are extremely warm and cozy. Especially if they come form a tall male friend)
Zack very dramatically declares that he needs to go find Cloud and dramatically opens the door, pretends to be buffered by winds before slowly walking into the hall.
The infantry still has heating but that doesn’t stop Zack form grabbing Cloud and dragging him back to the break room with him. Cloud realizes he is stuck here and join’s Sephiroth’s quite corner.
Angeal remebers Lazard an un-enhanced person who might me dead because of the cold(there was no chance of Lazard dying). When Angeal shows up Lazard is napping and Angeal thinks he might be dead and because Lazard is the only director SOILDER universally likes he kinda panics. Angeal picks him up which wakes up Lazard.
L: What are you doing?!?
A: Saving you! Good to see you are alive
L: why won’t I be?
A: you nearly froze to death??
L: I did not
A: …
L: can you just pick up my laptop before you drag me off to where ever you are planning to take me?
Angeal comes back with Lazard who he then wraps and blankets, gives hot chocolate and places in the middle of the SOILDERs. Lazard just roles with it and continues his work.
Later Rufus comes looking for Lazard because he thinks his secret brother might enjoy working in a warm office rather then this cold hell. He looks around and is rather concerned to see no one on the Soilder floor so he calls the Turks.
It takes five minutes to find the break room, Reno manages to take a few photos before he is noticed and chased out. Ten minutes later the heat returns and they all clean up the break room before heading back to their rooms. Expect for Cloud, Genesis, Angeal and Zack who Sephiroth brings to his room to order take out.
It appeared that the the failure of the heating system caused the Soilders to pool their resources and make a Base of operations within the break room. They used specific skills like Commander Rhpadous’e fire materia control to heat the room. They defended the base form any attacks and even brought in non-SOILDERS for support. Genral Sephiroth even joined although he allows Fair to take the lead, clearly a form of training.
Vice President Shinra:
Before you do this again alert me, it would have been nice to develop better relationships with Director Lazard.
Turk Reno:
Lovely to see. they were like Owls. Like to see this again.
Professor Hojo:
I will ensure Sephiroth is not in the building next time this happens. Gifting iteams of clothing is a sigh of developing relationships. Also I demand somone get me somone of Commander Hewley’s hot chocolate.
Lazard looks up form the PDA he ‘borrowed’ form President Shinra’s desk. He wonders if he could kill them all the with poisoned hot chocolate.
#ff14#crisis core#lazard deusericus#sephiroth#genesis rhapsodos#angeal hewley#zack fair#cloud strife#rufus shinra
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ok wow people care about my jamie tartt lyric symbolism in kyoto by phoebe bridgers way more than i thought so buckle up buttercups
"i dont forgive you, but please dont hold me too it"
jamie is angry at his dad, he's resentful, we know this from the scene with his mother's boots, "i actually fucking hated that", he's past the point of realisation that his dad is a prick. but he is still far from the point of being stable enough to do somehting about that. he gets sent back to man city and suddenly his father is back in his life, his father who tries to make jamie feel bad for who is is, who he is becoming, what he is doing, what he isn't doing. in the end, jamie is always the one who feels bad for trying to distance himself from his father. he really can't be held to his anger because he is always being manipulated into guilt.
we see it in the finally shot of him and his dad. his is expected to forgive and forget by others, be the bigger person, be the good son. he is pushed into this role by people like ted who don't understand the severity of his situation (even we the audience only know snippets and assumptions, verbal abuse, very likely physical abuse, sexual abuse with amsterdam). in the end, jamie doesn't want to forgive, he wants to craddle his anger and keep his safety, but he is never allowed to do this by others.
"to tell me you're getting sober and you wrote me a letter, but I don't have to read it"
i think this is part of that guilt that jamie has about trying to distance from his father, because as of the final season he is seemingly sobering up and by social standards imporving. but jamie, who grew up with this angery and drunken man, knows that everthing doesn't stop when the glasses are only filled with water. it is important to note that james tartt snr is an angry and drunk man, he is not an angry drunk, his abuse is not the direct result of his alcoholism, though that might worsen it in the moment. right now, his father is playing the role of 'superdad' in everyone else's eyes, he's trying to improve. once again jamie is left in a state of guilt and assumption that he must forgive his father. he shouldn't have to, he should be allowed to distance himself, but in a culture ruled by forgiveness he is stuck.
jamie doesn't have to read the letter, he doesn't have to pick up the payphone, he doesn't have to visit his father. but with the advice everyone has given him about forgiveness, what choice does he really have. a person who has never had stable male role models in his life will not suddenly ignore what is being said by the role models he now has.
"i'm going to kill you, if you don't beat me to it"
this is essentially jamie's inner dialouge. or rather, what he wishes he could say. he knows he wouldn't ever be able to say it so his face. he also knows that eventually his father will die, either of alcoholism or not, and either with jamie still wrapped arond his finger or free. he knows which he'd rather, but he also knows which is more likely.
this lyric also screams roy on jamie's behalf. after wembely and amsterdam, roy probably has one of the clearest understandings of what james tartt snr is like, and he also (begrudgingly) cares about jamie. roy can be an anger man, but not like jamie's dad is. roy gets mad and he wants to protect jamie, he wants to take away everthing his father had ever said to him. he wants to climb out of jamie's childhood poster and fix it all. he can't though. roy gets mad and promises violence. he promises violence in the name of protection. and jamie deserves that.
"25 felt like flying"
jamie is a young hot fit footballer, he's ontop of his game, one of the leaugues tops scorers. he is 25 and he is flying. but within the song this also means 25mph, a slow speed, felt like flying. with his father even the slow and safe suddenly feels dangerous. 25mph is dangerous. jamie's life is dangerous with his father around.
guess i lied, i'm a liar
the stress of being a victim who physically can fight back. jamie is physically stronger than his dad, escpeccialy drunk, but that doesn't matter. so sometimes jamie sees himself as a liar, letting it all happen to him. this is obviously not true, but, it's what jamie believes.
but he also knows he's a lair about forgiveness. he wants to forgive because that is what others want him to do, but deepdown its not what he wants. he just wants freedom and safety. two things his father has denied him. so yeah, jamie lies about wanting forgiveness. and he wishes someone would see through him and realise what he really needs is distance while he still has the urge to run.
thank you to @antitheticallyargumentative @jamietarttdodododododo and @fanficfanattic for hyping me up to write this because it was good to get out into the world
#jamie tartt#ted lasso#roy kent#tw abuse#jamie tartt as quotes#jamie as quotes#jamie tartt as songs#kyoto#phoebe bridgers#sobbing anyway
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Inspired by fistsofcarnage's post found here:
I decided to share my own opinion on the Tekken 8 base roster while we wait for its release!


A more detailed ranking:
1. Nina Williams - My Queen since c. 2005
2. Jun Kazama - I really really missed her
3. Lili - Crazy rich girl? Love it
4. Zafina - Weird spider / scarecrow / praying mantis Egyptian lady? Of course I love her
5. Azucena Milagros Ortiz Castillo - La Reina del cafe is looking GREAT
6. Jin Kazama - Him and Hwoarang have been my main "men allowed on the upper tiers" for a while now
7. Ling Xiaoyu - My love for Xiao is a relatively more recent development but she's a queen alright
8. Hwoarang - Angery kick boi. You love to see it
Love (?) Is a strong word to describe my feelings for the following but I like them alright and maybe even played as them in past Tekken games
9. King - I mean it's king
10. Shaheen - A huge downgrade over his Tekken 7 design, still cool
11. Asuka Kazama - Asuka had tons of potential for me but her one-sided rivalry with Lili and them being positioned as the main female rivalry of the series for a while now (I wonder if it has anything to do with them being teenagers~) has kinda damaged her characterisation a bit for me. She's kinda there for Lili to have something to play with nowadays rather than being her own character. I still like her but nowhere near the amount I liked her in her Tekken 5 era.
12. Steve Fox - Steve is cool. He's okay.
13. Lee Chaolan - This is such a weird redesign... Lee is so extra and fun but I can't stand the new look.
14. Yoshimitsu - Yoshimitsu is Yoshimitsu
15. Reina - Kinda basic but cute
16. Leo Kliesen - Kinda basic but cute
17. Lars - Kinda basic
Neutral / Dislike - My phone and also Tumblr only had an orange-y yellow marker so I merged these two together
18. Victor Chevalier - French James Bond Ninja Noctis Samurai looks kinda cool
19. Raven - I liked Master Raven more
20. Claudio Serafino - I liked him back when he was revealed but he ultimately became too forgettable for me
21. Devil Jin - Edgier Jin. Whatevs
22. Alisa Bosconovitch - Sex slave robot modelled after an old man's dead teenage daughter that a middle-aged man has the hots for will never not be creepy
23. Leroy Smith - Meh
24. Kuma - Even bigger meh, and I'm also still mad that both him and the other fucking bear keep taking up TWO slots but Christie being playable alongside Eddy in Tekken 7 was such a ludicrous idea for Namco
25. Marshall Law - I liked his Tekken 4 / 5 moustached look more. Him gulping all the fucking steroids in the world between Tekken 7 and 8 was not a wise choice
26. Panda - Read Kuma's entry. She's lower than him because she looks weirder now and I think both look weird when they put clothes on them but she looks weirder this time
27. Kazuya Mishima - Too boring
28. Bryan Fury - Too ugly, boring and loud
29. Paul Phoenix - Too ugly and boring, and also he looks his worst in this redesign
30. Sergei Dragunov - Too boring and ugly but at least he's fun to play with
31. Feng Wei - Too ugly and loud
32. Jack-8 - It's a JACK unit... All these redesigns and upgraded models and Jane still hasn't figured out how to not make him look fucking ridiculous
I'm still missing Anna Williams, Christie Montero and (mum) Kunimitsu. I hope Anna at least fucking makes it as Christie is probably gonna be left out in favour of Eddy again and since they introduced a younger, cutesier and more boring version of Kunimitsu in the form of her daughter I don't think we're ever seeing her again.
I wouldn't mind seeing Katarina return either, Miguel's chest is always nice to look at and I'm DEFINITELY on the Lucky Chloe did nothing wrong camp! I also think that over the years I've grown more fond of Forest than Marshall but unless his dad's liver stops working from all the extra steroids he took I don't see him making it back until the next Tag Tournament
#tekken#tekken 8#Nina Williams#Jun Kazama#Lili#Zafina#Azucena Milagros Ortiz Castillo#Jin Kazama#Ling Xiaoyu#Hwoarang#King#Shaheen#Asuka Kazama#Steve Fox#Lee Chaolan#Yoshimitsu#Reina#Leo Kliesen#Lars Alexandersson#Victor Chevalier#Raven#Claudio Serafino#Devil Jin#Alisa Bosconovitch#Leroy Smith#Kuma#Marshall Law#Video Games#Gaming#Fighting Games
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blorbo bingo of all the cornetto main boys go (aka shaun ed nicholas danny gary and andy)
HEYO!!💫✨Thanks so much for the ask!!! 😁😁😁
These guys get green because, in my mind, mint green simply matches their vibes. Sorry Cornetto color theme

Unfortunately, no blorbingo for Shaun. I like him for reasons that aren't on this graph :( However, the characters from this movie aren't as Special to me as the others, so I'm not too surprised. I gave him unapologetic mary sue because I find it hilarious how the story circles around him instead of the "heroes" of the apocalypse. ps he's in desperate need of therapy not because he's in "desperate" need, but because I really want this guy to get some practice & advice in regards to self-reflection.

Ed has fewer than Shaun, but I'm legit fond of him!! The reasons aren't on this graph...but the reasons are: I like that Ed will make effort for Shaun even tho Ed doesn't often put effort into anything. I also like that Ed has nothing but positive vibes for his friends. Also he is simply Goofball and i find that endearing.
Ed gets fish love me, women fear me because I can imagine that on one of his shirts.

THIS IS UNREPRESENTATIVE OF HOW MUCH I LOVE NICHOLAS!! I literally love this fella so much. However, all of the things I love about him (his angst, his affection, his morality, etc) are rather subtle and don't really show up on this graph. Just know that Angel is my special guy ✨
He gets a muse sent by the gods because he is so badass yet highly moral, + he's a secret softie who is legit so wholesome...angel <3

Danny is simply such a sweetie. I gave him started out as a joke character because I've never thought too much about his core values, strengths, or flaws, which are often the parts of a character that make me love them...but I think if I rewatch Hot Fuzz I'll like him a lot more.
These guys get red instead of Shaun of the Dead because Gary & Andy simply have more violence inside them 😌

I already went into more detail about Gary here but...big surprise. I love him :) double blorbingo for the boy.
I forgot to add it to Ed & Nicholas but, yeah, I think most of these characters need therapy...But uh. "Gary is in desperate need of therapy" is basically one of the main messages of TWE sjgfasjksgjs. They could all benefit from therapy, but Gary's the one who legit "desperately" needs it.
He's my very special Angst Machine and he helped me thru some moments so... <3 shoutout to King Gay <3

Andy has himself a little too together to check many of the boxes...but the man still needs therapy. Sir I love you but you have anger + communication issues...and you're clearly willing to work on them so...please sir u deserve guidance <3
That being said. Shoutout to the angery crowd, we love characters who may be feral.
#blood and ice cream#shaun of the dead#shaun sotd#ed sotd#hot fuzz#nicholas angel#danny butterman#the world's end#andy knightley#gary king#pyra speaks#albossharuland
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hc dump (mostly botw)
some of these are imagine your otp things i found on tumblr btw!! or inspired by them at least! not all ideas here are entirely mine... but mostly they are originals ^^ feel free to be inspired by these :>
most of the ones that refer to zelda and Link as they/thems are from imagine your otp prompts!
help Zelda subtly flirting and Link taking a moment to realize she's flirting and then just being like 'ᵒʰ'
post calamity Link is blunt and honest about being in love with zelda and she gets so flustered about it
wheras pre-calamity link is flustered and shy about anything LIKE flirting
Headcannon that Link got the master sword and almost immediately named it Fi (he never told anyone though.) he just sort of felt that that was what it was meant to be called. Like how i hc he knows Saria's song but not how he knows it or where it came from.
mxmtoon’s ‘Better than u’ is If revali was a song
revali is gay for link you cant convince me otherwise
link is oblivious to this fact though (really only urbosa notices lmao)
hc that Zelda bought a kalimba once bc she thought it was cool & it looked pretty and Link thought it was really neat so he tried to play it & he played saria's song on it pErfectly and he has no idea how (but sarias song is weird and at this point he just sort of accepts it) and he teaches himself Zelda's Lullaby bc he knows its important to her somehow & she wakes up while he’s playing once & shes so touched and every now and then when shes feeling down he'll play the kalimba for her.
and when she cant sleep he always plays zelda's lullaby and it always helps
o v e r p r o t e c t i v e Link because he has anxiety... Link with ptsd... Skyward Sword Link having extreme self esteem issues after the whole thing with Impa... Link but he has ISSUES
but seriously im obSESSED with Skyward sword link having major self esteem issues after the whole thing w/ impa
and then after the events of the game Zelda helps him get over it!!!!!!!
ok hc that they each remember every single (accidental or purposeful) time they flirted w eachother if it was accidental they usuall y realize it between like a minute and a week later but they p much always realize it also they really hope that the other doesnt remember bc that would be EMBARRASING and (getting into possible au territory here bc i STILL DONT KNOW IF THEY HAD TIME TO CATCH U P POST CALAMITY >:( STILL ANGERY ABUOT THAT LIKW WHEN IS BOTW 2 GONA COEM OUT ND HAND ME THE TASTY LORE) post-calam link talks abt p much ALL of those moments when he tells zelda what he remembers and shes like 'wtf he remembres that skndnvbdvtlghtfw'
like when they call the other cute or hot or say sometging sappy
omg he also tells Zelda abt how Urbosa kept teasing him abt her and shes like 'LMAO THATS WHY YOU TOLD ME TO MAKE HER STOP GIVING U DARES' (bc urbosa always dared him to kiss zelda or tell her he loved her or something stupid likr that bc urbosa 10000% shipped them so like shut up im 109% right)
i love Zelda and Urbosa's relationship so much... Urbosa is likr a very cool aunt but also a mother figure but also a best friend to Zelda and her callig Zelda little bird bc thats what zelds' mother called her before she died...when i think about it sassy muscle woman is so sad she probably tells Zelda about her mother bc Urbosa and Zelda's mom were like. besties or whatever before Zelds' mom died also the cutscene where Urbosa is sitting with Zelda and Zelda is fallen asleep and Urbosa tells link to make sure she stays safe... muscle woman makes me feel sad
but also shes sassy and funny!!! immediately after the heartfelt moment where she told link to take care of zelda or whatever she said i dont remember exactly, she wakes zelda up by making thunder in the distance and then laughs at Zelda lmfao
You know she told him he was slaying in that outfit
Zelda canonically never saw him in it but i want to know what her reaction would be shed probably like laugh and tell him he looked cute and then hed be all embarrassed like o///o but also inside hed be so happy like OMG OMG OMG SHE THINKS IM CUTE dOES SHE REALLY MEAN iT
Link is able to play Sarias song on any instrument even if he doesnt know how to play the instrument at all. just instinctually
like he'll play sarias song perfectly anf then not be able to make a decent note come out lmao
but he taught himself how to play the kalimba because. he likes it
OK SO they're in a carraige anf some Yiga attacked it anf while he was fighting they hurt him and almos t got to Zelda so he shook as all hell (and also ADRENALIN E RUSH his body doesnt realize theyre safe and done fighting yet. probably bc he doesnt quite beleive that lmao-) and he just needs some chill. ᴮᵘᵗ ʰᵉ ᵖʳᵒᵖᵃᵇˡʸ ⁿᵉᵉᵈˢ ˢᵒᵐᵉ ˢˡᵉᵉᵖ So Zelda's sitting next to him anf after a few minutes of watching him sort of freakinf out and beig all jittery and fidgety (also he keeps touching the master sword bc. i hvae a hc that it comforts him. Fi sword Fi sword) Zelds just reaches over and pulls him closer to her and puts her hands over his ears anf tells him to chill out like "hey. you're alright. we're both ok. you need to calm down... and maybe take a nap." anf he starts breathinf more slowly and he stops fidgeting anf eventualy he closes his eyes and he falls asleep anf leans his head on Zelds' shoulder He wakes up when they get near the castle but he doesnt sit up until just before the (whatever u call the dude that opens the door for important ppl) opens the door. Anf he doesnt tell her btu hes really grateful for her helpinf him calm down bc the few times before whne he got like that (whne he was younger, before he became tge appointed knight) hed just had to wait for it to go away
childhood trauma go brrr
ok so Post-calam link is telling zelda abt dreams he remembers (from pre-calam) and hes like 'im pretty sure i dreamed we were gonna get married, and then i woke myself up because i didnt think you could ever want to.' and shes like '..why wouldnt i?' and he just shrugs anf moves closer to her and leans his head on her shoulder
lmfao precalam link would have been an absolute blushinf MESS if shed said shit like that back then
first time they were riding in a carraige together, Link sat between Zelda and Urbosa instead of between Zelda and King Rhoam or standing on the other side of the carraige, and Urbosa assumed it was because he didnt trust her (which she was not pleased about bc shes very close to zelda anf always has been and shes probably one of the people you could trust the MOST) but after a while she notices that he's actually just uncomfortable with the King. But still wants to be with Zelda. Urbosa definitely feels better abt it after that bc. he trusts her more than the actual king of hyrule
Ganon giving Link horrifying and super exadgerated nightmares about him (Ganon) dying in horrifying ways because when he died is a good song and i like lemon demon. also maybe about alt timeline links dying?
also?? 'when he died an endless age of untold nightmares would be nigh, and the blood would make the seas run red.' sounds suspiciously like what Demise said when SSLink killed him... also the bit abt the drawing of the clown with the date on the back could be a drawing by young Link (oot)
Link knows morse code and occasionally says things by tapping the wall or floor or a table. he's usually saying things to zelda although she doesnt know morse code (which he is well aware of) and thinks hes just fidgeting. He usually says stuff like 'i love you' or 'you look pretty' because he's too shy to say them aloud.
Urbosa taught herself morse code (about a month or so before the calamity) because she realized that that's what he was doing and when she figured out what he was doing she was like 'awwwwwwwwww!!!!!!' and she didn't tell anyone (including him) that she knew what he was saying.
post-calamity, he's probably retained this habit although he usually does it without thinking and when he notices that he's doing it he'll just say whatever it was out loud. Eventually he'd tell Zelda about it and try to teach her morse code so that whenever he starts doing it she knows what he's saying
also whenever someone else is tapping the table or kicking or something he just hears it as 'E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E' or random letters which sometimes annoys him and sometimes he thinks its hilarious
by the way i had this headcannon that without his memories fully intact Link acts different and talks more and i much more confident and comfortable and i found out IT’S ACTUALLY CANNON. MY HEADCANNON IS CANONICAL HELP-- and there is no way i could have seen that information before and just forgotten that i’d seen it because the only place i’ve ever heard about it is in one loz video that quoted something in an official book which i have never read any of the contents of (I WANNA BUY IT SO BAD THO)
ok i was just thinking and the first thought Link had when he woke in the shrine of resurection was probably just 'what' or something along the lines of it. i mean. how would YOU react if a weird disembodied voice woke you from a nice sleep?
his last thought as he passed out before he was taken there can go one of 2 directions. 'well, fuck' or 'i failed'
i dont like the second one
ok revali hc: Link makes a mug of warm milk and leaves it on the counter and when he comes back after like an hour its empty and hes like >> 'w e r i d' and the next night he decides to make another one anf leave it on purpose this time anf its empty again and the third night he watches from the doorway and it was revali drinking the milk and now every time revali is at the castle Link (at the same time every night) makes him a mug of milk and leaves it out for birdman because he is a good person. OH And when Link gets hurt while Revali is at the castle, Revali goes for his mug of milk anf its not there and he realizes it was Link making it and he gets a little bit gayer inside.
Ravioli is such a dick smh Link stop beinf nice to him
Link just laying on Zelda's floor staring at her and when she decides to stare back, after like 10 seconds he just sticks his hands out in her direction like '..i can haz hug' And this is completely normal anf she just goes over and pulls him up and drags him over and sits down at her desk again with Link just sitting next to her chair w his head on her leg or something anf she rubs his head while she works. like 80% of the reason he does it is bc hes too tired/lazy to get up but he still wants affection and the rest of the reason is a mix between 'i dont want to force my company on her if she doesnt want me there' and 'will she still do that thing if i do this'
Zelda says 'You're very tiresome, you know..' And Link just makes a confused face and says under his breath '...im not tired' and Zelda bursts out laughing- /srs this isnt joking like a lot of my ‘headcannons’ are this is a legitimate headcannon
CHILD!!!!!!!!!!!!! Link!! and child Mipha! litle tiny fish girl zoomin around pretending to be an ambulance (i know there arent any ambulances but fuck you maybe theres carraiges with sirens) she notices he’s hurt and runs over anf fixes his scratch or his bruise or whatever w/ her magic and then she s just like 'wee woo wee woo' and runs around the kingdom some more looking for anyone else hurt (but keeping an eye on Link and mostly staying nearby him)
i love child link and mipha,,,
(zelink is still better tho sorry fishwife)
zelda calling link goblin/gremlin as like an affectionate little nickname
hekp zelda stroking the back of links hand anf its kinda numb so its that weirdly pleasant soft and knid of tickly feeling and hes just like O//--//O
slightly weird one imo but i absolutely *love it* anyways so fuck you
ok but link stretching like a cat and zelda being so amused by it. i love this
Imagine Zelds buying some mistletoe, hanging it up in their house, and then trying with increasingly less subtlety as time goes on to get Link underneath it so they can steal a kiss, while Link remains blissfully oblivious, and somehow manages to miss all of Zelds’s hints.
would be later in their relationship obvi
Link has gone through some form of major trauma and abuse while Zelda wasn’t able to help. Months after Link is safe again, they continue to have nightmares and flashbacks to the event and find it hard to trust people anymore. Zelds is heartbroken but slowly helps Link learn to love again and be themself.
my hc about him having awful self esteem :0
After a long day, Link sleepily crawls into bed with Zelda, who is absorbed in a book. Link lays their head on Zelda’s shoulder, and occasionally reads a page of Zelds’ book while lapsing into a deep sleep. Once Zelds finds out Link is asleep, they gently lay Link down, cover them, and turn out the light.
Zelds sitting cross-legged on the couch with a pile of bows and hair ties in their lap, messing with Link’s hair, while Link is sitting on the floor, laughing at Zelds’s antics.
Link is in a bad mood and is mumbling a list of things they don’t like about themself under their breath. Zelds notices and chimes in with a way longer list of things they like/love about Link.
ok so i added more to this and also did it once with each of them because it’s just?? good
ok so first one hed be like whispering to himself and curled up or something by himself and Zelda finds him and hears what hes saying and softly starts listing the good things about him and she hugs him and then i cry because AAAAAAAAAAAAA /pos
Zelda is in a bad mood and is mumbling a list of things they don’t like about themself under their breath. Link notices and chimes in with a way longer list of things they like/love about Zelds.
second one, Zelda is working feverishly and whispering problems and she just sort of spirals into problems and things she doesnt like about herSELF and how her powers arent working and whats gonna happen if she cant pull herself together and figure out whats wrong and Link is there but she sort of forgets and the first thing he says is related to whatever she's just said (saying its wrong) and then shes like 'wait hes here i forgot and he slowly starts listing other things and eventually hes just quickly and steadily listing things he likes about her and after like 3 or 4 minutes she just pulls him up into a hug and he cuts off like '!!!' but when hes stops being startled he just relaxes and enjoys the hug and he doesnt realize but Zelds........REALLY needed that. like. he knows she needed it but she REALLY needed that she was losing it
child link & mipha one!!!! Link has scars on their back/shoulders/arms (prob from fighting, being clumsy, animals, random stuff) One day Link has their back exposed, and Mipha gives their shoulder a kiss. When Link asks what Mipha is doing, Mipha replies “no one has ever kissed them better before, so I’m doing it now.”
the children </3
but zelink is better sorry mipha
Zelda is up late at night, trying to figure something out or studying, when Link comes up from behind them with a cup of tea, gives them a hug, and tells them good night.
i'm! sobbing!
Zelda learns a bit of kalimba music offers to teach Link how to play, unaware that Link is already a fairly talented kalimba player himself. Link accepts so he has an excuse to spend time with Zelds but gets discovered one day when Zelda wakes up to him playing Saria's song and then Zelda's lullaby
also it was piano in the prompt thing but i edited it bc it was too perfect
Link wakes up in the middle of the night, shaking, breathing heavily, maybe even crying. Zelds wakes up as well, immediately knows what is happening and starts cuddling Link.
Link just chilling out or pouting or something likr that and just sitting somewhere, and Zelda coming along and seeing him and just randomly deciding to give him a hug and he's surprised (hes usually the one bothering her for attention or hugging her randomly) but ofc he enjoys it and when she lets go hes like 'what did i miss?' and she just chuckles and says 'nothing.' and he gives her a second shorter hug and decides to go take a nap.
the nap has no significance to the hc he just takes naps a lot
OMG Link has a little mini garden thing in a clearing in some woods near the castle with like 4 plants that he just found next to eachother and one that he moved (just random little wildflowers) and he takes care of them for at least like 15 minutes every day (unless something important is happening) and Zelda notices him leaving to go take care of them one day and shes like 'wher e is he goinf' because he hasnt told anyone and she sees him gardening and just sits down (he has his back to her anf hes not paying attention bc hes focused on the flowers) anf he turns around anf goes and shes like 'ᵗʰᵉʸ'ʳᵉ ᵛᵉʳʸ ᵇᵉᵃᵘᵗᶦᶠᵘˡ' and Link just goes
and he finishes gardening and they walk home together
BONUS, next time Link gets badly hurt or sick she's getting ready to leave and links like 'where are you going?' and shes like 'im gonna go check on your garden' and hes like 'oh make sure you dont water joans too much' and shes like 'what????' and he goes 'oh thats the orange and blue one' and then he starts telling her about all his plants and their names and internally shes like 'omg this is so cute' and she listens to him talk for like 40 minutes about his plants (he probably has like 7 or something by then) and then he gets tired and shes like 'go to sleep little goblin' and he does and she does her best to take care of the plants how he does. They dont die or anything they end up being ok that time and every time that he gets confined to bed (or stays in her room resting which is much more common) for more than 2 days she'll go check on his garden and water it.
also the extra stuff is longer than the actual hc. what
Zelda is having a really tough/exhausting/just generally bad day. Link can tell just by looking at them, so when Zelds is busy with their work/activity, Link runs and gets Zelds nice smelling things like flowers and stuff, a blanket, and a mug of milk (he doesnt know how to make anything else lmao). Link shows up like “I know you’ve had a bad day and it’s part of my job to make sure you’re okay” and Zelds just sorta stands there like “how did I get so lucky.”
and probably gives him a hug
Link and Zelda go to a bookstore and Link has *no* interest in books and stuff but he pretends he cares and tries to show interest. He's mostly just really happy to see Zelds enjoying herself.
i’m probably gonna do a second one of these with writing prompts and stuff!! i have 2 channels in my discord server for headcannons and writing prompts and stuff but i get carried away with my headcannons a lot and end up making them super long so some of these probably belong in the prompts/writing one instead... (looking at ths gardening one specifically lmao) but!! im lazy! :D hope you liked reading this, and hopefully the misspelling isnt TOO bad lmao. ..................this is so long help
#fluff#headcannons#headcanons#zelink#botw#skyward sword#legend of zelda#loz#breath of the wild#link#zelda
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The Thief and the Tinker, Part 4: Circles and Cycles
part 3
Part 4
Viren: *smirks and plinks Runaan's coin to Ethari*
Ethari, furious: You throw another Moonshadow at me and I'm gonna lose it.
Circles and Cycles
Angst rating: 8/10
Back to Ethari, because we're not done with him yet. Ethari is soft, but he isn't weak. He won't be a willing pawn for Viren. He loves Runaan to the point of invention, and his devotion is more constant than the moon itself. He'll agree to do what Viren says, and he'll be Very Sad. But his spirit is in no way broken. Viren bribing him with the coins containing his family will only have the opposite effect. It'll give Ethari something to fight for.
We could get Focused Chaos Ethari. We could get Angery Trickster Ethari. We could get Rules, What Rules? Ethari. Let him try to steal the coins, try to break them, try to kill Viren, and be stymied at every turn, until he settles and seems cowed. And then all he does is craft his way out of the problem.
What if we are gifted with Iron Man Elf Ethari, who pretends to build a fake Key for Viren, but meanwhile he's really building a coinbuster with whatever he can get his hands on - primal stones, magically imbued gemstones, stolen artifacts, his own arcanum, his own reputation as the Master Craftsman of the Silvergrove. He'll use almost - almost - anything, to stop Viren and free his family.
Ethari may have to choose between those two things, though. And he's a hero, deep down, just like his family, just like his daughter. If he has to choose, he'll choose to stop Viren and save Xadia. He'll pay the same price as his family has if he must.
He'd let Viren think he was motivated purely by wanting his family back, but Ethari is far too steeped in the illusion and sacrifice for that to be all there is to his motives. It's a so-close-and-yet-so-far thing, how he and Viren almost embody the same ideals. Almost. Ethari would take one look at Viren, who just burnt down his whole Forest, he'd see the biggest threat in Xadia, and he'd say anything to get a chance to stop this juggernaut of destruction from getting his hands on whatever that ultimate power really is, locked behind that missing key. If he has to abandon his people and bawl his eyes out to convince Viren he's in, then he will.
And Viren wouldn't make it easy for him. He knows clever when he sees it. He went through all this trouble to persuade Ethari to work with him. He would need to keep Ethari as off-balance as possible to ensure that he keeps working as he should.
Angsty jewelry, anyone?
Viren giving Ethari his husband in pendant form to remind him what he's working for, when Viren and Ethari both know full well that only dark magic can open the hellcoins. Ethari wearing another pendant of his love, except it's not a metaphor this time. It's literally his love, in a coin around his neck.
Viren would love making Ethari stay close to him of his own free will if he ever hoped to free Runaan. Making people bind themselves to you is a big power flex. Remember that TDP stream future-season teaser note about Bait being in a creepy restraint in a future season?
This card is written on in all-caps, so that really could be "Bait" or "bait," or--knowing this show--both. Viren's been using Runaan as bait for Ethari all along. Putting his coin in a dark magic pendant casing for Ethari to wear would be a great parallel for that. Oh god. Oh man.
Maybe he'll stab the coin's scary casing right through that circle on Ethari's chest, right over his heart, make that Iron Man reference really obvious. Ethari also losing his shirt at some point, for angsty Viren-related reasons? It's more likely than you think. I mean... Ethari is literally involved in both forms of forging at this point. Shirt's gotta come off for uhhhh work reasons. And because he's hot. Because of all the forging. Mmhmm. I mean how else are we finally going to discover what his markings look like this is research I swear
I mentioned that I liked god-tier villains, right? Yeah, this is amazing. I haven't wanted to die and ascend over an idea for quite a while, but Ethari vs Viren in a drawn-out battle of wills would kill me in the best way. Especially since, while it looks like they're essentially fighting for who gets Runaan, they're truly fighting a much larger battle with much higher stakes. They're fighting for the future itself. It's an epic struggle between the Narrative of Strength and the Narrative of Love. And we've seen what happens, over and over, when the Narrative of Strength gets to call the shots.

On a meta note: If Ruthari's story arc isn't a love letter from one trauma survivor to another, and on a broader scope to all survivors who see it, I don't know what is. Sometimes life just chews us up and spits us out and we can't stop it and it breaks us. But sometimes we can reach out and grasp the chance to help each other, even after that, even when it hurts a lot, because we know what it means to be loved, and to love, and to want a safer future for each other and for people we'll never meet. The future is worth standing together for, helping each other back up for, fighting side by side for, even if you can't see how it'll end, or even how to begin. We are stronger together, and sometimes we need to fight for our "together" before we can fight for anything else. And that's worth it, every time.
This is glorious, it's beautiful, it's tragic, it's amazing, it makes me want to dance, it makes me want to scream into the void, it makes me want to slap someone with a semi truck. No, someone specific, don't worry, and he super deserves it.
Because Ethari is going to win. He was always going to win. He's soft, and he's clever, and he hasn't forgotten what love means. It's what he's fighting for. Not power, not control. Love. He doesn't want to dictate Runaan's future or anyone else's. He just wants his husband--and everyone else--to have one at all.
So he's going to win.
What thwarting Viren looks like, I couldn't possibly guess. TDP is no stranger to angst, so there will probably be a high cost involved in outwitting the dark mage. Maybe not everyone can be rescued from the coins. Maybe Ethari will lose his life, or his soul, or his vision, or something else really angsty. Viren could even kill him and resurrect him as a smoky craftsman, or a zombie craftsman, or something equally biddable but horrible. The only thing I'm sure of is that Ethari would never willingly make a working Key of Aaravos Ethari as long as there's a chance Viren could possess it. But I do believe that if he gets the right opportunity while he's busy saving the world from Viren's dark intentions, he'll break his husband's hellcoin open somehow and set him free, even if he has to smile at the devil to do it.
Ethari understands the difference between "you can" and "therefore you should." He might sacrifice his own world to save his husband, but he'd never sacrifice someone else's world. That's one of the Moonshadow cultural limits I've noticed: they accept boundaries when it comes to other people's autonomous rights, especially regarding life and death.
These limits could get pushed. Ethari will be under great duress and emotional strain if he goes through this kind of interaction with Viren. And maybe he will choose some dark things. Everyone else has. But I'm placing all my eggs in the basket labeled "Saved By Love." Either I'm right, or I'll get the best angst omelets in the universe. And I do love omelets. A villain invented them, you know. ;)
Another support for Ethari not making the key for Viren: the real Key exists!

Callum has it right now. The plot doesn't need Ethari's key (yet? ever?), but it does need Ethari to learn what he's made of, to stand up for something, or against something, or both at once. And once he learns what he will and won't do and the universe has rewarded his discovery with the return of his beloved husband then Ethari will be ready to take on whatever else the plot has in mind for him.
Depending on the plan, all of these events could happen in S4, as a setup for even bigger things to follow. Viren's wishes can be thwarted here and the show's overall tension will only continue to rise. It would let Ethari flex yes pls his skills so we know who he is, it would show how driven Viren can be for a long-term goal, it would let Claudia saunter further downwards, it would reveal some human/Moonshadow history, and it would resolve the seasons-long tension regarding Runaan's fate, allowing for the cycle of speculation, feels, angst, and Ruthari fanart to begin again. ;) Viren would need to find another way to pursue his long-term goal. And Callum's Key will get a little more clarity on just how important it is to the fate of the world - which will make everything he does, and everyone he talks to, and anyone who knows what he's carrying, intensely important.
Nyx is gonna steal it isn't she, omg chaos birb
To Viren, Ethari was a main course, meant to be devoured and consumed in his lifelong quest for something that will finally satisfy. But to Ethari, Viren was just empty calories to be passed over in favor of ordering his perennial favorite dish, one more time.
Once Ethari escapes Viren's clutches with as much of his family as he can rescue, Viren may turn back to looking for the real Key, especially if someone's seen it recently. Hunting a kid probably seems easier than hunting a full-grown Moonshadow craftsman who just outsmarted him. okay so maybe Nyx stealing it would be a good thing and save Callum's life

Ethari could go on to help repair the Sunforge, or rebuild the Moonhenge, or work on constructing Moonshadow villages in Katolis if he hasn't been ghosted for abandoning everyone after the forest fire. He might build magical devices for any number of reasons, to help all kinds of characters. Hopefully, wherever he goes, he'll have Runaan with him, in some way, for at least a little while. Cycles be like, and I feel like Runaan will not want to remain still for long, for whatever reason. Does he need revenge, atonement, justice, a new body, to find Rayla, to find Ezran? He'll be back in action as soon as he can, I think.
Okay, but, I'm so soft at the thought of a scene where Runaan and Ethari come before King Ezran. The husbands tried to save their people Runaan's way, the old way, and it only continued to endanger them. Following the cycle, as Moonshadows do, was the wrong move. But the son of the last human Runaan killed reached out with mercy and broke a thousand years of suffering and sorrow and hatred. Ezran did what Runaan couldn't: he saved the Moonshadow elves from total destruction. And that, more than anything else in the world, could soften one very broody assassin's heart toward humans again.
What would Runaan do, if his heart truly changed toward humans? What would he say to Ezran? I could see him struggling for a long moment before dropping to one knee to pledge his heart as he once had to do before the Dragon Throne. He doesn't know any other way but to serve. Ezran, reading the whole room and everyone's feelings before he tells Runaan that No, we don't do that here. That he's free, and free means free. No chains, no oaths. Just trust and friendship. He should get to make his own decisions for a change, even though that can be hard and scary sometimes. Runaan being genuinely scared, because that's too much freedom. But he's not alone. He has Ethari, and Ezran, and Rayla, and Callum, and their people, and their allies. And no matter what else happens, the people of Katolis - elven and human - will find a way forward. Together.

part 5
#tdp#tdp theory#tdp speculation#tdp parallels#tdp angst#heavy angst#viren#ethari#runaan#moonshadow elves#hopepunk#ezran#runaan's super getting a tart of jelly tm
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WoW for the fandom ask game
This is the sweetest bud thank you !! :D Okay here we go:
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most):
This one is really difficult bc I mostly have a three-way tie going on between Renathal, Nathanos, and Illidan's over the top ass, like. I am rotating one of them slowly and pensively in my mind at all times. My heart wants to say Nathanos, who I have felt very fondly for the for eons and centuries bc he's just so?? he's SO gruff and angery that it goes all the way around the circle and comes out as endearing, at least for me.
That being said Renathal had me like publicly acting up for months, and my heart still hurts for him over Denathrius' betrayal and the 99% of the time thankless job he had immediately afterwards of trying to reunify and revitalize Revendreth (which is still my fave zone in Shadowlands bar none).
Generally hot as Illidan is I mostly just feel like, inordinately angry and sad about everything he had to go through (even if he did make ~half of the problems for himself). Plus we love a single father, especially one with like 1500 adopted half-demonic children.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped):
For effect pls picture me T-Posing on top of Bwonsamdi, who is somehow both unbearably attractive and the scrunkliest weirdest little man I have ever seen. Honorable mention goes to Ara'lon (but only his in-game model is scrunkly, the cinematic Ara'lon is the prettiest baby in all the wilds).
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave):
Okay okay so hear me out.....Breka Grimaxe from the weird little Exile's Reach tutorial zone. Do I know she's a throw-away NPC that's just there to give you tutorials about your starting skills? Yes. Do I care that this is the case? Nope! She was a good mom and she was gruff yet supportive, grizzled hot lady that could kill you but wouldn't energy, like?? I understand her whole purpose is to get you through that area and then drop you off at daycare Orgrimmar, but I still wish she had gotten a fun lil tie-in to the rest of the story.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week):
This is gonna seem weird bc you can technically see him like...whenever you want, but Polemarch Adrestes? He's another one that starts off kinda gruff and rankled about you but warms up a bit with time and I have such a soft spot for the guy. He's not quite obscure enough to technically count for this but I'm putting him here bc getting his attention is made to be such a big deal and then he just kind of gives you quests sometimes and is just a guy.
Honorable mention bc she's not a character but listen BLANCHY!!! Or any of the cool like world spawn mount critters, I only ever caught glimpses of them occasionally but please know I would be INSUFFERABLE talking about them to my family for the whole rest of the day every time. I just get jazzed about stuff like that, it's still one of my fave bits of the game.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave):
You wanna catch me crying in the club, doing Runas' questline broke my heart, even on the like third or fourth playthrough when I KNEW what was coming. He was really trying so hard, even at the end, and I just. :( He is my poor lil meow meow, I just wish there was some other way for that questline to go.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason):
Ready for some controversial picks? Genn Greymane and Malfurion lmfao like. Genn makes me insane which I know doesn't make a ton of sense given that he's a gruff, grumpy old man, but he's racist and obnoxious, and he stopped Sylvanas from getting that fucking lantern and set in motion a sequence of events that led to me personally having to set foot in Torghast, my ultimate detested.
Malfurion because oh my gOD HE IS INSUFFERABLE. HE'S SO PRETENTIOUS, self-important pompous ASShat if I WANTED to hang out with some stick in the mud graduate professor I would have GONE TO GRADUATE SCHOOL. He trophy wife'd Tyrande which gives me endless endless migraines, he was terrible to Illidan, and I am going to feed him head first into the horse plinko. He and Genn can duke it out for the worst most tepid takes for all eternity.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell):
Denny's already in superhell (even though I love him lmfao), and so is Sargeras and Gul'dan and like. That is one of the high points of this game is generally speaking the Big Bads do go directly to superhell once they're no longer narratively relevant. The only one off the top of my head that I can think of that is still kicking around is Odyn. Who is as bad and irresponsible of a father in this as he is in most stories.
Thank you so much again for the ask buddy this was a lot of fun!!!
#as always you are the best c:#tho I'm sorry if I dunked on anyone that's your favie#ask games#ask#answered#mysdrym
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This morning I was having a fight (sorta) with my mom. She told us last night that she wants to go to the grave today since all souls day is coming up. But I originally had plans set to hang out today in the afternoon or evening. Tbh it isn't a point of concern since it's like morning/early afternoon.
But then my mom wanted to go get flowers and do arranging at the cemetery itself (we're visiting at least 3 diff people there, so imagine the amount of time that's gonna take).
So I was like ??? It's afternoon Malaysia is hot af why do this and how much time it's gonna take and all that.
My mom then said, "if you don't wanna go, then don't go." The thing is, I didn't say I don't wanna go. And even if I don't wanna go, my mom is just passive aggressive af and will make a lot of complaints later, saying that i don't have any conscience and filial piety towards my own dad and all that.
Anyways, I was angery and so I said I'm gonna go out to get some stuffs and will take an hour or so, but my mom as usual made noise. I said, "I dare say when I get back y'all won't still leave cuz that's how much time y'all will take."
So I went to get food and coffee. And my mood is much better.
Conclusion: Don't talk to me until I've had my coffee.
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Not gonna lie, but I’m kinda curious about that aforementioned character playlists. . .
oh HELL yes my time has COME
so i really like making character playlists when i’m bored because it helps me get a feel for the character? and sometimes it’s just a lot of fun to put a song in there that doesn’t necessarily match and try to come up with a justification for it, you know? when i make playlists, some of the songs match them entirely, while some just give off a vibe with their genre or specific tune, others match because of the title, and some just have really good lyrics or a good line or two. sometimes i just add in a song i think they’d like to listen to! really, there’s not a lot of strict method between choosing songs, and i don’t stick to one specific type of music for any given playlist!
i have playlists for all seven brothers and solomon right now. the other nowdateables....i don’t have enough of a grasp on them right now to make a playlist for them? so they’re still upcoming. each playlist is subject to little tweaks, like adding or removing the occasional song, but most of the playlists are finished! The only two that might change the most are Beelzebub’s and Satan’s. Beel’s has the least songs and they’re all revolving around food and eating (at least the titles are) but i just......i don’t know his character well enough to branch out from that yet. Satan’s feels like I just shoved all of the songs i liked by fall out boy in a playlist and called it a day, so I’ll be reworking that one and tailoring it more to him instead of making it more like “hehe angery boy angy”
i am planning to make cute little playlist edits to properly introduce the playlists, but i can go ahead and give you a little intro to the playlists right now!
and you can find all of my playlists right here! (spotify - might make them on youtube later!) ((double note: a few playlists had a couple kpop songs on them and recently some sort of deal with spotify expired so if you see gaps in the playlists, that’s why! feel free to ask what was there if you’re curious bc i think i remember? let’s hope anyway))
Solomon’s is half a love letter (the beginning being a lot of love songs/songs meant to be sung to another person) and half a character playlist lol. His is the newest and it might be my favorite, but I don’t know if that’s because he’s my favorite or because of the songs. Probably both?
Favorite additions: Willow by Taylor Swift and Meet Me In The Woods by Lord Huron. Church by Aly & AJ is up there, too.
Lucifer’s is one where a lot of my decisions came from song title and vibe over actual content, but I still think a lot of it worked! His is the one with the most allusions to their angel days because he just...he’s the one who reminds me of it the most? He’s got a lot of songs titled “Halo” or “Oh My Dear Lord” or “Devil’s Den” and I’m not 100% sure why alksjlksdf. His is also the only one with his character song in it (though I’m probably gonna add Belphie’s into his) because those are the one’s I feel fit the vibes I already had in the playlists when the songs came out lol
Favorite Additions: The Lovers Dancing by Innerpartysystem, Saints by Echos, and Bubble by Danny Blu (Mr.Kitty Remix).
Mammon’s has a lot of those songs that are like “haha i’m so rich and I’ve got chicks for days” while also having a lot of songs that are like “dance till we’re the last ones standing and it’s just you and me.” I feel like that kind of wanting the MC to himself fits without being too....eh? I don’t know? Too Much? He also has a lot of high-energy pop/house/edm/whatever because (especially after his character song came out) I feel like that’s what fits him!
Favorite Additions: Collide by Breathe Carolina, Inseparable by The Jonas Brothers, Big Plans by Why Don’t We.
Levi’s was the first one I made!! Although funnily enough I don’t have a lot to say about it? The music here is probably some of the most varied (or maybe i’m just making it up in my mind) and the songs range from “this describes levi” to “this describes being self conscious” to “this is about breaking out of the friend zone” to “pretty sure this song was popular in AMVs and nightcore” LOL but i think it ended up with being a really good playlist WITHOUT relying solely on like. anime OPs and EDs and vocaloid and stuff like that.
Favorite Additions: They Say You Won’t Come Back by Breathe Carolina, Just a Friend To You by Meghan Trainor, and Doubt by Twenty One Pilots.
Again, I’m not sure if my choices for him were genius or stupid but man did i make them. A lot of the beginning songs were me just trying to get a /feel/ for him because I’m still working out the balance between wrath and the rest of his personality so...subject to change but maybe not? Maybe I’ll just add a few less angry songs...but I still think what I have right now is good! I wouldn’t show you otherwise!
Favorite Additions: Look What You Made Me Do by Taylor Swift, Duality by Set It Off, and Anti-Gravity by RUNAGROUND.
Asmo’s playlist feels like one you’d put on while getting ready to go out with The Girls if you know what I mean? It does deal heavily with like. partying and songs about sex but it’s not gross? I don’t know how to explain it without it sounding that way lol. It’s not ALL sex and partying but I wanted a playlist that sounded like the color pink without just being bubblegum pop. I don’t know, I think it works lol
Favorite Additions: BFF by Slayyyter and Ayesha Erotica, Death By Sex by Kim Petras, queen of broken hearts by blackbear
This is the one I have the least to say about 👉👈😔 no beel disrespect I just have a hard time reading his personality and, at least as far as I’ve gotten, the story kinda puts him on the backburner. but! i’m pretty happy with the songs i did end up choosing, even if they almost all have titles regarding food alskdfjdk
Favorite Additions: Eat Your Heart Out by WALK THE MOON and Starving by Hailee Steinfeld
This one!! For the longest time this one used to be my favorite because it has the barest semblance of character development? It doesn’t have a story or anything and the order is all coincidence BUT i feel like if you at least go in expecting this, maybe you’ll get a sense of feeling him slowly change his attitudes towards MC and fall in love? maybe? I don’t know maybe I just really like belphie alkdsf
Favorite Additions: HOLD ME TIGHT OR DON’T by Fall Out Boy, Please Don’t Say by Breathe Carolina, hot girl bummer by blackbear
and these are my playlists!! Like I said, I’m hoping to make cute edits so I can make posts about them but maybe that won’t even happen and I’ll just scream about them into the void one day lol feel free to let me know what you think and give me any suggestions (especially for beel!!) no hard feelings if i don’t put in any suggested songs though, i may ask for help but I’m also Extremely Picky aksdfds
#asked and answered#chatter#lucifer#mammon#leviathan#satan#asmodeus#beelzebub#belphegor#solomon#playlists#was gonna put this in the main tags but no#this feels more like a sleepover question than an advertisement for my playlists LAKSDJFDK#and that's a good thing! im just rambling to myself rn#avlian#asks
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Dirty Deeds (Done Dirt Cheap) - Part 11
Summary: Sam inherits Steve Roger's crime empire after a handful of his men betray and kill him. The rest of the crime world, sensing an opening, go after Sam and the territories he's inherited from Steve. Thankfully, Steve left him a number, someone to call if he ever needs help. Someone, Steve claimed, he can trust. But can Sam really trust a mercenary with that much blood on his name? And that many knives in his pockets.
WARNINGS: (there will eventually be all of these things) blood, violence, murder, shooting, stabbing, sex, blood play , food related things: malnutrition, feeding, blow jobs, bathing/washing, chronic pain.
18+ Content: Make Good Choices Kids <3
Sam was going crazy. Cooped up in this fucking house. And sure, the house was big, really big. There was a fucking bowling alley downstairs for fucks sake. But he'd been stuck here. Not able to leave. And his skin was starting to itch. He'd been Steve's eyes in the neighborhood, always out in the streets, mingling. He was a people person. And now he was stuck inside, with only a handful of people. His only visitor an annoying mercenary with an insubordinate streak a mile fucking long.
Sam rubbed as his temple and stood up, pausing, not sure exactly where he was intending to go. He flexed his hand, the bruise there staining his knuckles. He sighed and moved around his desk, walking out the door and down the hall. He might as well get in his daily laps while he was sitting around doing nothing. He trotted down the flight of stairs behind the kitchen, down to the pool. A bowling alley, an Olympic size swimming pool, what more could he want.
He changed in the locker room and dove in. Swimming lap after lap as he tried to calm his racing throughts. He just wanted everything to go back to the way it was before. Steve in charge. Him making the rounds to the businesses, chatting with all their friends and contacts. He paused to take a breath, holding onto the edge of the pool. He'd sent people to check on them, to make sure they were okay after everything.
A few of them had already been taken by other families. They'd whispered their apologies in back allies and then scurried away, in fear for their livelihoods and their familes no doubt. Sam needed this plan to go smoothly. He needed this shit to end. So he could lay some ground work and get his people back. He still didn't trust Bucky. Not really. He was efficient. And he was loyal. But he was loyal to Steve. And Sam wasn't Steve. Never would be.
He pushed off the wall and dove under again, letting the water move agaisnt his skin as he swam, thinking about how easy it had been to corral them all. Steve had watermarks in his desk, watermarks from all the other families. It was easier to manipulate people when they thought someone else was doing it. He'd sent letters. To each family. From each other. Requesting a gathering, to make plans. Plans to get rid of that unworthy inheritor that had been given Steve's empire.
He smiled to himself as he swam. The best thing about letters like that, was that no one responded to them. Not ever. They never wanted to leave more of a trail than they had to.
Sam swam a few more laps and then lay back in the water. Staring at the ceiling as his heartrate slowed. He sighed deeply and then climbed out of the pool, grabbing his towel and patting at his face. His phone buzzed against the concrete floor. Sam looked down and saw his sisters name lighting up his phone, his stomach twisted. He draped his towel over his shoulders and grabbed his phone, sliding his finger across the screen and pressing it too his ear.
"Unbelievable." Sarah's voice says, and he can hear the anger through the phone.
"I'm fine Sarah." He sighs.
"You're fine? Oh you're fine! Praise be! He's fine everyone! Sam Wilson is fine!" The dramatics make him smile though he knows she's angry.
"I am fine. You got my text didn't you?" Sam asks, and starts pacing.
"Yes. I got your text. 'I'm okay. Don't worry.' That text? That you sent me as I watched them carry body after body out of that goddforsaken house." She nearly growled. Sam grimaced.
"Yeah. That text." He said.
"Yeah. I got that text." She said, her voice low.
"Look, I'm sorry okay? I know I should have called. It's just- things have been a little crazy here." He sighs, his feet moving him back and forth across the floor. He rubs at the back of his neck.
"People have been watching me. I can't even leave this fucking house! And I didn't wanna risk calling you. Okay?" He asks, pleading with his sister. He knows she's never agreed with what he does, but she never fully disowned him. They talk once a month. A monthly phone call is what she gives him, and he takes it. He hears her take a deep breath and let it out, can see her trying to get herself under control.
"But you're okay? Really?" She asks, sounding more concerned than angery now.
"Yes. Mostly. I will be. I- you don't like to hear about it. But I'll be fine soon." He says, trying not say anything she doesn't want to hear.
"Okay. But Sam. Something ever happens like that again. You call me." She says, the anger is back, but it's... different. Familial. Sam smiles into the phone.
"Yes Ma'am." He says, and Sarah laughs, easing the tension in Sam's shoulders.
"How are the boys?" Sam asks, crossing his free arm over his chest.
"They're great. They're at school right now. But they told me to tell you hi before they left. Cass wanted me to tell you he got first at the science fair. And AJ won a writing competition, got his poem in the town newspaper and everything." She chuckles, Sam can see her shaking her head, but he hears the pride in her voice, and feels it swelling in his own chest.
"That's amazing. Tell them I'm proud. Of both of them." He says, and he knows he sounds sad.
"I will. Of course I will." Sarah says.
"You're doing great with them." He says after a moment. And she laughs again.
"I know." She says.
"But thank you." And he hears the smile again.
"You won't be able to come visit for Christmas will you?" She asks, sadness tinting her voice now. Sam closes his eyes, lets his head fall back. It's the only time he sees them in person all year.
"No. I don't think so. There's... too much, going on. I wouldn't feel safe." He says, shaking his head, wishing he could reach out and touch her, hug her. He misses them all so much.
"Okay. I just needed to know so I could tell the boys. I already kind of assumed. Mentioned you might not be able to make it." She says, and he hears her sniffle. Feels his throat burning.
"Tell them I'm sorry. I just-" he takes a deep breath, trying to force his throat to open.
"I need to know you're safe. All of you. I can't risk it." He says.
"I know. Sam I know that. Don't think I don't know what you do for this family. I may not agree with everything you do. But I know you're a good man. You always have been." She's quick to reasure him. Sam feels that ever present stab of guilt.
"Sarah." He says.
"I'm sorry. For everything. I'm just- I'm just so sorry." Sam says, as the burning in his eyes runs over, hot tears dripping down his face.
"I know baby brother. We're all just out here trying to survive." She says. Sam smiles, their parents words sounding so right echoing through her.
"Yeah. Some days are just harder than others." He continues the well worn conversations.
"Alway were." She says, and he can hear her smiling again.
"Always will be." Sam finishes, both of them laughing now. Sam hears footsteps behind him and wipes at his face before turning around. He sees Torres standing by the door. The kids gives him a little wave and then steps back outside. Sam sighs.
"I know that tone." She cuts him off.
"You gotta go." She says.
"I gotta go." He agrees, his head dropping a bit as his fingers fiddle with his towel.
"I miss you Sam. Please take care of yourself." She says, sniffling again.
"I will. I promise. You give those boys my love." He says, wiping at his eyes again.
"I will. Talk to you soon baby brother. I love you." She says, her voice almost a whisper.
"I love you too Sarah." He says, sighing as the line clicks. He takes a deep breath, kneels by the pool to splash water on his face before patting it dry again. He grabs his clothes and heads for the door Torres had popped in and out of. He's standing right outside when Sam pushes through it.
"She doin okay?" Torres asks, his voice soft. Sam nods, his lips curving just a little.
"She's good."
"Good." Torres nods.
"Helen visited the bakery today. Jimmy said the other familes have been sending people in. They trashed the store front last night. She said he looked scared." Torres says, back to business as they begin walking down the hall. Sam thinks for a second, nods.
"Let's give him some protection. We can afford leaving a few people there with him. Send Maria with a couple guys. She can pick who, she's knows her people. They can figure out what works best and then she can come back here." Sam says, another sigh escaping him.
"Will do." Torres nods, his hands going into his pockets, something he only ever does in the house, Sam had noticed. His relaxed decorum never showing around others.
"Jimmy's been loyal. And he's a good man. He deserves to feel safe." Sam says, stopping in front of his room. Torres nods again and then smiles when he looks at Sam.
"Plus he makes like, the best bread we've ever eaten." He says, licking his lips. Sam chuckled, glad for the small joke.
"Yeah his breads fucking amazing." Sam agrees, letting himself smile for awhile longer.
"I'll go tell Maria. Help her get some things together." He says, stepping away.
"Torres." Sam calls, stopping him.
"I want you to send Helen to the warehouse. Have her scope it out. She can take a few people with her too, get it done faster." Sam says, scratching at his scalp. Torres nods again.
"Have her put up some cameras too. Small ones." Sam says then, quietly.
"Cameras. You still don't trust him?" Torres asks.
"This isn't about trust, necessarily. I just wanna see-" Sam cuts off. What is it exactly he wants to see? He's not sure.
"I just need to see that it's done." He says, brow furrowed. Torres looks at him, his eyes moving over Sam's face. The kid is so observant Sam's a bit worried about what he might see.
"Live feed cameras then?" Is all he asks. Sam's eyes jump to his face, a smirk forming as he looks at the kid.
"Yes. I think live feed cameras are an excellent idea." Sam says, inclining his head. Torres mirrors him and takes a step backward before turning to go.
"I'll have Maria bring us back some bread as well." He calls over his shoulder, making Sam laugh again as he steps into his dark bedroom. He leans against the door in the dark, not sure that spying on Bucky Barnes is the best idea he's ever had. But he's curious. And Sam knows what people say about curiosity, what everyone says, but they always forget that second part.
Sam needs to this ended. Or probably started. Like this would ever really end things. But he needs to send them all a fucking message. He needs the satisfaction this will bring. He needs these fucking familes to know that Sam Wilson is not someone to be fucking trifled with.
#sambucky#winter falcon#sambucky fic#winter falcon fic#dirty deeds part 11#sambucky mob au#DD(DDC)#DD#my writing
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Yandere Warlock!Monoma x insecure witch!reader
Warnings: dark themes, yandere, suggestive themes, hinted dubcon scenario, light violence
A/N: THIS WAS RUSHED AS HECK. Like when I say that, the story just moves along really fast and I’m hhhh sorry about it. This is the first thing I’ve ever written for Monoma though! Fun stuff! Also ahhhh I’m not loving the way the reader reacts to how Monoma treats her. I’m so used to writing the reader with a hint of ANGERY BASTARD inside but I figured that if she’s insecure, and wack enough to fix a love potion for someone, this might be natural for someone like her?? Idk dood. I love magic and I am a newt.
“Tell me you love me…”
You’d spent so much of your time yearning for Neito Monoma, wondering if he’d ever give you the time of day. It was wild and unexpected of you to crush so hard for someone as arrogant as that warlock; usually types that constantly had to one up everybody irked the living hell out of you, especially since you were too modest by nature, too nervous to ever give yourself any credit when you’d excel, but Monoma paid you a few compliments here and there. He smiled at you during passing periods and even told you he liked the way you cast your spells. You thought that maybe he was this way with all the other witches, even so, he made you feel less obscure, visible to even a stronger caster such as him. You had no idea that he’d reciprocate your feelings, at least, until it was too late.
It was a simple potion, you couldn’t even call it a love potion. Sure, you may have added some reagents that had similar properties one would put in a love potion, but it wasn’t supposed to be for “love.” You just wanted to be more recognized by him. And woof, after you’d slipped that potion into his morning pumpkin juice, you were for sure recognized.
Things started out fine. You had stumbled upon Monoma in the school gardens, a place he rarely studied but it was one of your main haunts. He was sifting through flowers, making an eclectic bouquet full of different varieties of your flora friends. When he’d caught you staring at him, he gave you a bashful smile that nearly melted your heart.
“I was hoping this would be a surprise,” he said, tying a black ribbon around the bouquet that made the various colors of each petal pop out more. He held the bouquet out to to you and when you took it, his long warm fingers lingered of yours. Clear blue eyes scanned your face, lingering on your lips before you brought the bouquet to your nose to take in the sweetened aroma. “The prettiest flowers for the prettiest girl.”
After that, you spent so much more time with Monoma. He seemed pretty normal to you other than how often you caught him staring at you from across the classroom. He’d leave you cute little notes, if you could call them notes; honestly, they were a bit more like sonnets than anything, and he’d bring you nice gifts and pay you sweet compliments. He made you feel special. You had never known that someone who spent most of his time boasting about his power and shutting everyone else down had such a way with words! He was nearly the perfect boyfriend.
Until he started to get a little more creative with his gift giving. You’d find roses left on your pillow when you returned back to your dorm room after a hard day’s work. Warlocks weren’t permitted to enter the witch’s dorms but somehow Monoma figured out a way past certain enchantments. You thought it was cute that he was willing to break some rules for you. After you told him that you were interested in brewing a certain master level potion that required fairies blood, a super rare rageant that not even Aizawa, your potion’s professor, could get his hands on, Monoma came to you with a box full of four vials of fairies blood. That was a bit excessive. The potion only called for a tiny bit.
Monoma grew more violent towards other warlocks in your life as well. He’d hexed your best friend, Hanta Sero, giving him octopus arms after Sero carelessly threw his arm around your shoulders in the main hall, right in front of Monoma and sometime after Kaminari asked you what you saw in your new, probably too invested boyfriend, Kami’s lips were seen sewn shut for about four hours until a professor figured out how to reverse the curse. Kaminari never told you how it happened, but after everyone who was supposed to be your friend started avoiding you, you kinda figured you knew what was going on.
On top of everything else, he was advancing on your hardcore. You enjoyed the attention, in fact, you craved it, but you weren’t ready to go all the way with him and he was beginning to get really pushy. When you didn’t do whatever he wanted, he’d get frustrated, accusatory, he’d make you feel guilty about things you never did! Claiming that you weren’t faithful to him seemed like his favorite thing to do and the only way to get him to stop was for him to use a strange truth spell on you, one that you were always afraid would work so you’d tell him about the potion you slipped him, though the questions he asked never lead to that. Once he was satisfied with your answers, he’d litter your neck and body in hickeys, little bruising love marks to make sure that if you weren’t committed enough, everyone else knew that you belonged to him.
So you knew you had to confront him.
Walking up the steps of the astronomy tower, your shared secret spot with Monoma, the place you’d use to make out amongst other things without being caught by any school faculty, you gripped the note you’d written out for Monoma tightly in your trembling hands, trying to steady your breath. You knew what you’d done and you had to admit to Monoma that you were responsible for how he was acting. Aizawa always said that you shouldn’t mess around with love when it came to magic. You didn’t think you were when you’d made that potion, but deep down, you knew what you were going for. This was your stupid mistake and you had to right your wrongs. You shoved the note in your pocket and opened the astronomy room door.
Monoma was already there, standing by the extravagant telescope, tapping his foot impatiently. “You’re late,” he said, hands latching onto your hips immediately. “I was beginning to think that I was going to have to fetch you.”
Instantly, he yanked you close so your body pressed flush up against his, and he turned so your back was against the wall. His body felt… warmer than usual.
“I missed you,” he murmured, nuzzling into your neck. Almost instantly his tongue slid out and he licked a strip up your neck to your ear, making you shudder against him. “Don’t make me wait for you again, angel. I can’t stand not seeing you.”
He squeezed your hips before trailing a hand up to the edge of your shirt, thumb gently caressing the skin underneath. “How are you?” He asked, playfulling toying with the elasticity of your skirt.
“Um- I’m okay,” you stammered, catching his hand in yours that only made him smirk as he brought the back of your wrist to his lips.
“Just okay?” He lifted a brow, brushing his lips across your skin. “Better now that I’m here?” He closed his eyes and breathed you in. “Oh!...” you took in another long whiff. “You got a new perfume…”
He brought your arms to hang around his neck, keeping your gaze locked into his. You wondered if he could tell just how guilty you were just by looking at you. “Did my sweet girl have a bad day?”
“I’ve just been… a little stressed, is all.”
“Mmmm, I can tell,” he mused, “lucky for you, I know the perfect way of relieving tension.”
You bit your lip, dreading the blood that undoubtedly rushed to your face. Even if Monoma wasn’t all there, he still made your heart jump, especially when he got himself riled up.
“Sound nice?” He smirked, leaning closer back to your face. “I’ll be gentle. You know I only want to take care of you, right?”
“Neito,” you began, turning your head away from his cool, mint scented breath. “N-not right now…”
He scoffed. It was too easy to aggravate him and pissing him off was a dangerous game to play. He never… forced you to do anything you didn’t want to, but he was not above throwing fits. “Then why don’t you tell me what’s going on with you? Honestly Y/N, you’ve been acting strange for weeks, and if you don’t want me to show you just how much I love you, then you might as well come out and tell me who you’ve been fucking already.”
“Neito!” You shot him an incredulous look. “I haven’t been sleeping with anybody! You know I’m a-!”
“Who is it? You can tell me,” he cut over you, not bothering to hear you out. “You know I’ll always forgive you, but I want to know what filth has been tarnishing what’s mine.”
“Nobody, Neito! I’ve never had sex!”
“Was it Todoroki? I saw him talking to you after your Charms class.”
“He was lending me notes! I missed classes because I was with you!” Jesus, you hadn’t even seen Monoma after you had charms, he was like some kind of obsessive ninja.
“It better not have been that trash, Katsuki Bakugou! He’s been eyeing you since the moment he saw that you were with me. I bet he can’t stand seeing me have something that he doesn’t!”
“You’re not listening to me!” You cried, moving your hands from his back to gently cup his face. You watched as his eyes went from feral and angry to soft and loving as you drew your thumbs across his lips, trying to ease him back to his senses. “Neito, nobody’s been talking to me… even if they were, I’d let them know there’s only one guy for me. I… really liked you, Neito. I liked you enough that I did something very wrong and it has hurt you and for that, I’m sorry. ”
“Hurt me?” He didn’t understand.
“I spiked your drink with a love potion. I thought it would just make you notice me, but now everything is wrong!”
The pregnant pause between you and Monoma was nearly deafening. He lifted his hand to neatly place over yours, his body hot. His eyes searched yours, seeming to register what you were saying. But his eyes lied.
“Liked?” His hands tightened over yours. “As in past tense?”
“That’s not the point and not really what I meant-!”
“Oh, darling, don’t be cute with me right now. I’m thinking!”
You only realized how hard you were shaking when he pulled away from you to let you breathe. Monoma ran his fingers through his hair, messing up its usually neat style. He let out an exaggerated sigh and began to pace. You brought the note out of your pocket. If he couldn’t understand your words, maybe it’d make more sense to him if he’d read them?
You reached out for his shoulders, he tensed at your tender touch for a moment before relaxing against you. You hugged him from behind, burying your face into his back and held the note out in front of him. “Please read it,” you asked, muffled by his blazer.
Gingerly, he took the note out of your hand. He read it over; it basically said all that you had done, when you did it, and why you did it. You noticed his back growing damp and you only realize that you were crying when he turned to face you, with an unreadable expression.
Monoma’s thumb found your cheek and he wiped away an escapee tear you hadn’t intended to let him see. He sighed and watched your lips part, a natural, possible submissive instinct you’d picked up since you started dating the warlock. “I love you, Y/N,” he muttered, trailing his warm, now shaking fingers down to your chin. “I love you so much, it hurts.”
“I-I know.” You forced yourself to speak even though your skin was nearly vibrating from anxiety. “And-“ you gulped “-It’s all my fault. But I’m going to fix this, Neito. You won’t have to hurt… anymore.”
Monoma’s hand found your neck, his touch tentative and gentle at first until his fingers wrapped around you and he started to squeeze.
“You know?” He demanded, his face inching closer towards yours. “If you know how much pain I’m going through, then why the hell are you trying to push me away? Why don’t you ever say you love me back? Why is my angel lying to me?!”
“I’m not,” you squeaked back, pulling on his arm but that only encouraged him to back you up against the wall again.
“I’m going to make you tell me who’s making you say these things to me and then I’m going to have you watch as I strap them to a chair and set them on fire!”
“N-no, Neito,” you choked out as he began to raise you against the wall. The corner of your eyes started to blacken as you stared into the raging blue irises of the crazed blonde.
“I’ve done so much for you, Y/N, and I’ve asked so little in return!” He scoffed at the pathetic, reddened face you were making. You didn’t think you could hold on much longer. “Tell me who it is, Y/N. Tell me who it is or I swear I’ll kill every last warlock, hell, every last caster in this whole goddamn school!”
“Aizawa!” You cried out, noting the shifting black figure across the tower windows.
Monoma blinked, registering who you had named. He was silent for a moment, not noticing the older warlock muttering an incantation behind him.
“Filthy slut,” Monoma finally seethed. “You like older men, then? I bet he gets a kick out of that, taking advantage of something so pure-“ he dropped you to the floor “-so fragile.”
Tears were streaming down your face. You couldn’t manage to look at him and didn’t dare look at Aizawa while he was preparing a spell without Monoma noticing.
“I bet you call him daddy before he makes you choke on his cock, huh?” Monoma grabbed a fistful of your hair, forcing you to look up at him. “Once I rid the world of him, I’ll make you do everything you've done to him to me. I’ll be your daddy then, and you’ll be my dirty. little. princess.” He laughed dryly, yanking your head closer to his crotch. “But why wait until then when I have my pretty angel on her knees all ready for me?”
“That won’t be happening.” Aizawa’s low voice sounded across the room. Before Monoma could even turn, Aizawa muttered something in Latin and your boyfriend’s arms were magically bound together and he fell to his knees beside you.
You grabbed Monoma before he could topple over onto the floor, hugging him tightly, whispering ‘I’m sorry’s’ over and over again. Monoma looked at you incredulously before thrashing around in your embrace as Aizawa approached the two of you.
“Obsessive and violent behavior, attempted assault on a student,” Aizawa sighed. “This is exactly why you don’t screw around with love magic, little witch.”
You wiped at your wet face, looking up to your teacher. “You knew?”
“Of course I did.”
“Then why,” you sniffed, looking apologetically bac to Monoma leering next to you, “why didn’t you do something sooner?”
“We have to from our mistakes by facing the consequences,” he said as if your situation were so simple. A potion vial appeared in his hand. “Now it's time to take care of your mistake. Step back.”
You looked to Monoma who had his lip curled up at your teacher. His eyes flicked to you. “Don’t you dare.”
“I’m sorry,” you whispered before scooching away from the writhing warlock.
“Stay away from me!” Monoma snarled at Aizawa as he got a bit closer.
“You need to drink this,” Aizawa said to him, “it’s going to cure you of your ailments.”
“Lying pig!” Monoma all but screeched at your teacher. It burned you to see him this way. This was all your fault, all your fault. “You just want her for yourself!”
Monoma’s eyes once again found yours as he pleaded, “angel don’t do this to me. You love me right? I love you… tell me you love me baby, just this once— KEEP YOUR HOBO HANDS OFF OF ME!”
Monoma kicked his legs up, nearly knocking the vial out of Aizawa’s hands. Your teacher sighed, “at this rate, it might be better to just knock him out.”
“I dare you to try,” the blonde growled.
“Neito, please,” you silently begged, “this is only going to help you.”
Monoma answered you with feral noises, he was practical foaming at the mouth, being over dramatic and kicking himself away from his threat, even while Aizawa backed off and waited for your go ahead.
“If you do this for me-“ you inhaled, heart beating rapidly against your chest “-I’ll do anything and everything you want.” Though, you were sure that after this, Monoma would want nothing to do with you. “I promise you, Neito, anything.”
Monoma scowled at you. “You promise?” He asked. “Anything?”
Another tear fell to your cheek. You nodded.
He finally let up. He stopped his squirming and Aizawa could finally get close to him. Monoma didn’t fail to warn Aizawa that he was going to “be the end of him,” before Aizawa popped the vial into his mouth, and Monoma drained it dry, all while keeping his glare on you.
Minutes passed. You stayed on the floor, allowing silent tears to roll off your face while Aizawa stood cross armed, watching the motionless Monoma intently. Finally, Monoma groaned, squeezing his eyes shut.
“How are you feeling?” Inquired Aizawa.
“I…” Monoma winced. “My head feels like it’s splitting in half…”
“That’s to be expected.”
Guilt hung on your shoulders. Still, you managed to reach out to Monoma’s legs. His eyes opened, he looked right at you, then down to the floor, crossing his legs closer in to himself.
“You should probably go,” Aizawa said to you.
You never wanted this. You never wanted Monoma to be hurt, never wanted him to be obsessive or possessive, never wanted to feel how did you now. You just wanted him to recognize you so you did something vile to him and now you had to live with your guilt and your shame. Now you had to live with Monoma hating you. And you carried your guilt all the way home, using it to cry yourself to sleep.
You didn’t go to school the next day. You would have to face your problems sooner or later but after the night you had, you couldn’t face Monoma or Aizawa or anybody else who would without a doubt know about the heinous act you pulled.
You went into town, trying your hardest to forget about who you were, but whenever you saw a couple holding hands or simply exchanging glances, your heart stung. You managed to split Monoma’s head in half while you simultaneously ripped your heart to shreds. It was what you deserved.
Your legs felt heavy as you crawled into bed. You hardly had enough energy to kick your sheets over your body. You thought you just about drained yourself of all of your tears, but when your head hit the pillow, they came rushing back to you. You could only hide for so long. You were going to have to go to school tomorrow.
Sleep crept its way into your bedroom all the while another force snuck its way in. You were busy having a dream of being forced into a cauldron, when a heavy weight was pushed onto your torso. Your eyes snapped open and you found yourself face to face with Neito Monoma.
“I didn’t mean to wake you,” he said, a sickly sweet smile crawling across his face. “You were so still, so… perfect… Did you know you talk when you sleep?”
“Monom-!” Before you could get his full name out, Monoma’s lips locked into yours. He moaned as he kissed you, fingers wrapping around your wrists and bringing them up above your head. He took your breath away, but it wasn’t all that uninvited. You had missed him.
He pulled away, sighing as he took in your flustered physique. His body pressed down harder on you and you were finding your breathing to be a bit strained. He was crushing you.
“I waited for you today,” he mused, peppering kisses down your collarbone. “It seems I’m always waiting for you…”
“What… are you doing here?”
“I’m hurt you even have to ask,” he chuckled sarcastically. “Don’t you remember the promise you made me before making me drink that poison?”
You promised him you’d do anything he wanted. “But the potion was supposed to change you back…”
“It didn’t work,” he said thoughtlessly while his hand slid down to palm you breast.
“W-wait!” You grasped his hand but his merely pushed your arm back down, pulling his knees up to hold your sides tightly.
He glowered down at you. “What I mean to say is, the first potion you slipped me didn’t work.” He smirked. “Do you think that I’m so much of a fool that I couldn’t tell that a drink of mine had been spiked? I was insulted at first, of course, but your actions did give me incentive to pursue you. I’ve always had these feelings for my little angel, and soon, you will too.”
In one swift motion, Monoma held both of your hands back with one of his, while the other pressed glass against your lips. Cold liquid was forced down your throat. Panicking, you swallowed, making Monoma grin and coo, “good girl.”
You coughed when he pulled the vial away from you. He hushed you and kissed your forehead. “Things will be better this way,” he whispered as your body began to shake. “You’ll see me just as I see you. We just have to wait a few minutes.”
Your head spun and it felt like your body was sinking into your bed. Your mind was clouding over and there was nothing you could do about Monoma’s wet, hot, hungry kisses across your body. But in a matter of minutes, just like he said, it wasn’t of any negative concern. Your head, along with your heart, was changing.
“Neito,” you sighed his name and leaned up against your bed.
Monoma placed a tender kiss on your stomach before looking up at you with the most dazzling and brilliant blue eyes. You lifted your hand out to him and he wove his fingers through yours.
“Is my angel ready to make good on her promise?” He asked. You nodded and he grinned, crawling up your bed to level his head with yours. “Then let’s start with one simple request,” he said before brushing his lips against yours.
“Tell me you love me.”
TAGS FOR EVERYTHING (NOT SPICY): @ayeputita @yandere-inamorata @dee-madwriter @unboundbnha @rizamendoza808, @rubycubix @smbody-stole-mycar-radio @zellllyyyy @sarcastictextstuck @kpanime @captain-sin-allmight-queen @psionicsnow @wickedlewicked @ghost-of-todoroki @kattariapenn @im-an-adult-sometimes @bnhya @local-senpai @eggpienutbuttercroissant @usernamekate94 @reyvenclaww @hi-ho-and-hello @rubyred-imagines
#bnha x reader#bnha#bnha imagine#bnha reader insert#reader insert#boku no hero academia#my hero academia#mha#monoma x reader#neito monoma x reader#monoma neito x reader#tw yandere#tw dubcon#yandere male#yandere!monoma#yandere!monoma x reader#neito monoma#monoma#yandere
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while i will concede that there is very little that bioware could do/have done to make me like him, what would have made scourge endlessly less intolerable in his return, at least for me, is if bioware had managed to find some other mysterious route to show Him Feeling An Emotion outside of ‘being a pissbaby’ and ‘(still) horny on main for the jk’
like. we already know from vanilla he is angery and violent. that has been his characterisation since he showed up in dk’s profic, never mind in vanilla. oh, there’s that one conversation his fans love to quote where he waxes about not being able to remember the colour of his first love’s eyes or someshit but we don’t know anything about this hypothetical love other than the fact they hypothetically existed (and for that matter if they even existed, or if he’s just a 300 year old incel), and at no other stage does he show signs of emotions other than variations on Big Mad
and while it’s not exactly out of character for bioware to refuse to give their characters actual development and growth, it’s still irritating, not least because of the way bioware fandom keeps tripping over themselves to pat bioware on the back for ‘great characters’
but before this becomes a general bioware gripe,
‘so appo what would you have done exactly’ idk man! the kira n scourge debacle is Mandatory story rather than a sidequest so there’s no reason the rest of the cast and the storylines can’t get woven in somehow.
maybe republic side, scourge gets strongarmed into helping distribute supplies to the refugees when general fish and gnost-dural rock up, and he’s grumbling at first about mollycoddling them but overhears how grateful they are or finds a story about how they lost their homeworld a little too #relateable and surprise bitch, you have emotions now remember
maybe there’s an alliance open mic night kira drags him to in the name of ‘if i have to suffer so do you’ and he ends up laughing his ass off at even the most terrible jokes because holy shit things are?? funny??? humour????
it’s a giant cliché but perhaps he just?? goes for a walk one evening after a long day of getting nowhere to clear his head, and [quest justification] kira has Concerns because he’s gone longer than usual, so the player is sent to find him and they stumble over him just. watching the sunset, overwhelmed by the ephemeral beauty of life - not for the first time, no, but it just all still feels so new after three centuries of nothing he can’t help but sit and (for all it shames him to admit this - and that, the player can tell him, later, is the toxicity of sith teachings talking) weep
hell maybe if they are both unromanced, he can be found clumsily trying to flirt with lana banana because, well, she’s a ds sith who left the empire, he’s a ds sith who left the empire, and wow she’s pretty how did i never notice how pretty people are?? [disgusted kira noises]
show him finding?? joy?? and sadness??? and struggling with them??? because for the first time in as long as he can remember he can feel something other than anger and loneliness and what do i even do with all these emotions?????
but instead we just get a Standard Issue Star Wars Pissbaby which is all the worse because unlike anakin and kaleron at least in tfa he’s also being presented as an improvement on when he wasn’t a pissbaby, both because he ‘feels emotions now’ and because he’s romanceable now and nothing quite says hot like an angry pissbaby destroying other people’s belongings in a fit of rage am i right
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Looking at 325... where we enter HARD MODE!
Future Worange here and sorry... I saw the last page scrolling the other day, havent check the tag since then but I kinda know the punchline, how we get there though? TIME TO FIND OUT!
Time for presentation and BULLSHIT! Introducing yourself has nothing to do with how many years have you been in school. If you’re anxious that’s NOT GONNA HELP!
Also is Najimi replacing Not!Oda (Kometani I think?) in the 4th wall corner? Probaby fitting
Is the cover like a tradition? Will find out eventually when year 2 starts for Past Worange... Najimi... Yoda you are not.
Have we... EVER got any focus on the teacher of the class? That feels new for this, even with my gaps in knowledge. Regardless? I’m rooting for Miwa-san... okay we’re the punchline?
No depressing punchline thankfully, just Najimi asserting their dominance as the class extrovert... acceptable
(well... we ARE having Najimi focus in a way, are you people happy now? xD)
First we get Muzuka SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII... oh my fucking god (its nice when you get the pun inmediatly you know?) So basically a contrarian? Interesting (yeah the pun is difficult but the exchange feels more contrarian)
Machi Omokawa: she cute... and either adorable or have the hots for the teacher... what?
Ogya Hafuru: ... okay then... dude with pacifier speaking in baby... I’m trying to make the LEAST amount of Vtuber jokes but then you have THIS BULLSHIT! xD NEXT!
Kyono koto: Seems someone nice... yet kinda old timey? Joke probably lost in translation since no clue what old kyoto people would be like
Fuki-kun: EUGENE! ... hopefully he is just clumsy not, destructive to himself and others
Lilly Sukida: no I don’t know her who she? *watches closely* oh a NakaNaka x Yamai shipper? General is that you?
Kyara Nanoda: ... peko *stands up and leaves*
Najimi: embrace their chaos, there is no escape...
okay actually maybe absolute silence IS the escape cause the class isnt even looking their way while we have not rapid fire shots!
Kire-san: angery
Omokawa: still standing
Bosa-san: buffering
... poor dude who gave you that name? ODA!!!!
Yuka Shiroki: Gyaru, and yes this has been the most normal so far... damn (also I have questions in my head but can’t elaborate until Past Worange meets HER officially)
The teacher is in distress over the whole class of weirdos... to an extent I can agree... but there’s always some saving grace I suposse?
Also announcing her goal? Nice
Also announcing her boyfriend? Double Nice
Oh so THAT’S Emoyama! Only heard legends of her... gonna be fun
Oh hey Tadano’s introduction, simple and average... until he obviously mentions he is dating Komi...
The more things change, the more stay the same... damn xD
And Najimi instantly trying to capitilize for Komi’s friendship... however everyone ignored them? Which is weird... until you realize the truth
Class 1... is the class with all the students who didnt make any friends?
or perhaps... a setup, we shall see
Overall an interesting chapter and a very important setup for this year
Year 1: idolitrized Komi, that while it mellowed out eventually never went away
Year 2: While I dont know it all, seems it was the class that bond as family and was a great place where Komi made friends naturally
Year 3: WE BEGIN HARD MODE (not my joke, saw it in the spoiled image I got, probably General?)
The question is WHY put Tadano, Najimi and Komi in that class? Maybe to stir up the communication problems of everyone? Yes I’m trying to actually get logic from a slice of life romantic comedy manga... LEAVE ME BE!
See you... actually in a couple hours for the NEXT chapter :D
#komi san wa komyushou desu#komi san can't communicate#future worange from beyond mountain 302#chapter 325#worangetraveler-multiverseguide
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