#it is kind of interesting how the games seem to differ in his usage
quibbs126 · 20 days
You know with the two new updates in Ovenbreak and Kingdom respectfully, it feels like Wind Archer’s in joint custody
Spends Ovenbreak with his mom, and Kingdom with his dad
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mac-tirs · 8 days
the usage of different types of english in elden ring
most human/tarnished NPCs we meet, like rogier, ansbach, and nepheli, use late modern english:
"a sorcerer, as you might have guessed. i'm looking for a little something, here in the castle. when i'm not hotfooting it from the troops, that is." - rogier, first meeting "general radahn. a pleasure to see you, after all this time. but those remains do not belong to you." - ansbach, upon summon for PCR
but older demigods like messmer, ranni, and morgott use early modern english:
"thou'rt tarnished, it seemeth. mother, wouldst thou truly lordship sanction, in one so bereft of light? yet… my purpose standeth unchanged." - messmer, pre-battle cutscene "thou needst not indulge them unduly, but they too wish to appraise thy worth. it hath been a passing long time since a newcomer entered my service, after all." - ranni, after agreeing to serve her
then there are the younger demigods, like miquella, malenia, and potentially melina, who use a later variant of modern english, similar to the tarnished NPCs we speak to:
"if we honour our part of the vow, promise me you'll be my consort. i'll make the world a gentler place." - miquella, post-PCR cutscene "the scarlet bloom flowers once more. you will witness true horror. now, rot!" - malenia, phase 2 transition cutscene
finally, the hornsent NPCs like the hornsent, hornsent grandam, and the hornsent spirits such as the one outside the whipping hut, who use late middle english similar to the english found in shakespeare's sonnets:
"fie, another? ... then, as that woman would surely say, we are in our purposes well aligned. but understand. your kind are not forgiven. the erdtree is my people's enemy. by marika long betray'd, set aflame." - hornsent, first meeting "all your resentment lingers yet... the raw stuff from which i shall surely forge a curse. upon the dastard messmer's head. upon marika's children each and all." - scorched ruins hornsent spirit
i find it interesting how different the usage of english is in the game, and i feel that it can be a hint on how to properly date an individual's occupation in the lands between/land of shadow. the hornsent, being a people much older than many in the lands between, use the most archaic version of english, while the tarnished and younger demigods use a form of english more closely related to our own in the current period. older demigods (and marika herself, as heard from melina's recounts of marika's spoken echoes) use a form of english more closely related to the period of transition from middle english to early modern english.
additionally, another interesting thing to me: mohg is almost certainly nearly the same age as morgott (since they're referred to as twins), yet he speaks a little differently compared to morgott:
"tarnished, thou'rt but a fool." - morgott, post-battle dialogue "dearest miquella. you must abide alone a while." - mohg, pre-battle cutscene
this makes me wonder if it's possible that, assuming that miquella's verbiage is indicative of his younger age in comparison to the older demigods (aka the demigods born before the marika/radagon union), miquella's charm altered mohg's perception enough to also alter his manner of speaking and carrying himself in some way. if his pursuit of finery (dressing in embroidered robes and handling himself with poise, juxtaposing his bestial growls and strength) was mainly done in an effort to fit into miquella's ideal of a consort. of course, mohg could just be as vain as he seems to be all on his own accord, but i find that it's interesting to entertain the idea that even his current state of being was due to miquella's charm.
i'd love to hear what others think about this. i'm not very learned when it comes to english (it's not really my first language), but i find this all very cool to think about.
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yuurei20 · 4 months
This is a little bit of a weird long question lol
I'm more asking your opinion about it haha
I'm trying to think on it - is Idia an Otaku because that's the setting the game is for (Japanese audience) and those are the signifiers that a Japanese audience would recognize as "nerd", or is he just an Otaku in general and would still be a "Weeb/Anime nerd" if the original audience was American/otherwise western.
Like - what I mean is in American pop culture, the "Weeb/Anime fan" is kind of a subset of nerd. Like none of the characters from "the big bang theory" (to my knowledge) are "weebs", they aren't our most generic image of a nerd. If a character/person is a "Weeb" it usually means they have a specific interest in Japanese media, and this doesn't necessarily correlate to other "nerdy" things.
Because in America/Western settings, Japanese fandom culture is foreign (thus me using Weeb instead of Otaku though plenty of people call themselves Otaku rather than weeb), so the implications of Idia being a Weeb is somewhat different - he's no longer a "generic nerdy character", but something a tad more specific.
So like - how there's beansfest or the use of honorifics or how the unique magic works with pronunciation - that usage of Japanese culture and language to express what Yana is trying to do, but it isn't necessarily meant to be Japanese in universe, because NRC is distinctly not set in Japan or even the Twst equivalent of Japan
Basically to sum up my rambly question - do you think Idia is supposed to be a "Nerd" in general or is he supposed to be an "Otaku"?
Tldr, would Idia be buying "comic books" in the EN localization or would it still be "Manga"
How exactly is our dear Idia the Nerdy foil to Hercules's Jock lmao
Hello hello!! Thank you for this question! ^^
Is there a word that can encompass both, in English? 👀
I think this connects to how the word "otaku" in Japanese seems to be different from the word "otaku" as it has been adopted by English, so this might be confusing 💦 But I will do my best!
I found an excerpt from a book called "Otaku Marketing" that provides an explanation of "otaku"'s original meaning, summarized here:
The basic definition of an 'otaku' is someone with a particular obsession who devotes an extreme amount of time and money to that interest and possesses deep knowledge and imagination regarding it. The term can be viewed negatively, describing a person who is immersed in subcultures that are difficult for the general public to understand, and who lacks communication skills. These days it has become more generally accepted with a meaning similar to "enthusiast" or "fan", and its usage has diversified, including terms like "health otaku" that contrast with the negative connotation, but the original image of otaku as being obsessively dedicated, introverted, and intense remains. Examples of otaku include military enthusiasts, railway enthusiasts, Johnny's Entertainment enthusiasts, Gundam enthusiasts, Hanshin Tiger enthusiasts, etc.
This is very much Idia ^^ There are many traits associated with otaku that we see in him, from his stutter to how quickly he speaks when excited, self depreciation combined with contradictory pride, net slang--even the manner in which he laughs and the personal pronoun that he uses.
In English it seems that, as you say, the Japanese-language concept of "otaku" has been separated into "nerd" and "weeb."
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Idia is interested in things like puzzles, board games, horror movies with practical effects and Halloween, which might not be the first thing that comes to mind when an English-speaker hears the word "otaku" and may push him more into the "nerd" category.
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Idia mentions reading manga and watching anime, but is this just because the game is being developed in the same country that produces those things?
Is this a case of Idia not being fully localized, and an American-developed Twst would have made him interested in American comic books and cartoons to suit its home audience, as you say?
I agree that NRC does not seem to be set in Japan or even a Twst-Japan-equivalent, but that might be exactly the point: Idia is interested in media from another country, and that is where things get interesting!
It seems that a Twst-Japan equivalent exists, and Idia is a big fan of their pop culture 👀
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Sam mentions branches of his Mystery shop that exist in the "East," introducing things from real-world-Japan culture in the New Years events.
How canonical the New Year's events are meant to be is a little vague, especially because everyone (except Azul, Jade, Floyd and Scarabia) go home for New Year's in the main story--a point that is integral to the plot of Book 4.
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But even if New Years is meant to be a fun little spin-off with no real connection to the culture of the actual universe, we also have a vignette where Idia explains what ninja are to Silver, saying that "they live in a far eastern country," and mentioning things like "shuriken," "fireball jutsu" and "samurai."
If there is another word in English that encompasses both "weeb" and "nerd" together, then I think that might be it! If it must be one or the other...I am not sure!
I have seen EN players who missed the Harveston event insisting that Idia doesn't actually like anime, just movies and video games, so it seems to be a divisive subject on EN.
Idia's interest in the pop culture from this unnamed country in the East is definitely not his defining personality trait, being only one of the many facets of who he is ^^
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How to express this in English seems more complex than one may think!
Is it inaccurate to describe Idia as a "weeb" because of the depth of his interest in locally-produced board games and movies that have nothing to do with Twst-Japan-equivalent-media? If he is referred to as a "nerd," will there be friction because of lines like, "an anime can be so good it's literally life-changing"? Are the two groups mutually exclusive in English?
I am not sure I have an answer :> Would be most grateful for any opinions and ideas!
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four-loose-screws · 1 year
Hello there, I’ve been playing a lot of Engage lately and I’ve been really enjoying it a lot. I’m writing in to ask you on what your general stance is on the whole discourse that has surrounded how certain S-Supports were translated. As for me, after reading a couple of them through, both the original versions and the localization, I personally don’t see that much a difference or disconnect between the two. While yes it can be argued that the localization did toned down a couple in a few cases, but even still I don’t think the general tone is really lost and in most cases it seems the only real notable difference is the usage of some select words in place of others which in a couple of cases might skewed into something that seems more platonic, but the rest of the conversation still seems to generally be pretty direct with how it’s translated. I also feel that even the original Japanese conversations generally speaking don’t feel nearly as romantic as they’ve been in previous games which has given me the impression that relationships in general are just simply greatly downplayed in Engage, and while that’s definitely apparent in a few other areas of the game I’ve definitely noticed it a lot through those conversations. It should be worth noting that I encountered the original Japanese conversations through Google Translate as well as other people’s own translations, and even with Google Translate I was still able to see what the initial tone of the dialogue was generally supposed to be and personally speaking didn’t think to was all that different from the official localization (minus a couple of choice words). I do think it’s worth noting that the wake-up events generally are more romantic than the conversations, or at least have more direct implications of it which I thought was interesting. However even with all of that, I would like to hear your opinion on all of this, from someone who is a speaker of Japanese, to get a further perspective on all of this. Thank you for reading this admittedly super long question as well as all the hard work you do for this community, hope everything is going well for you.
Hi and thanks for the support! :) Things have been a wild ride for me for a while now, but in an alright kind of way.
I chunked this out into 3 parts, because my brain gets lost in a whirlwind if I don't chunk up my writings.
Pt. 1 - Opinion Time!
My own personal opinion, in its own tiny little vacuum, is that I don't really care what changes a localization makes, for the most part. I see some changes as unfortunate - like those that put in pop culture or meme jokes that won't age well, in a game not already dating itself on purpose. But I don't have reason to become emotionally invested when I can look up and read the Japanese in my free time, analyze the differences between JP and localization in my free time, and use my blog to share those findings to those who don't know both languages.
The downside is I'm not available to blog like I used to be, but there's always been other people out there who know Jp./Eng. and are filling in the gaps. It's not a fun time to be subjected to the "LOCALIZATION STUPID, LOCALIZATION TEAM YOU SHOULD FEEL BAD" tone you sometimes see, but sifting through good and junk information is how research has always worked.
Now, to add on some nuance, because the world is a complex place and simplicity is a rarity. I think that it is very very valid to mourn what is lost because localization teams are trying to sell a product to a different audience, and simply cannot commit to trying to directly convey the exact same experience the JP version offered.
Not everyone is going to see the positives of localization as worth the cost. I love seeing FE spread to people I never imagined it would, because localization teams work hard to make the text engaging for non-JP audiences.
But media preservation is important too. Heck, I'm basically devoting my entire life to preservation by translating a collection of 20-30 year old novels! It's perfectly valid to value preservation of media over maximum outreach (and the big profits that come with it).
Also, just because I feel like pointing it out, I don't see localization as censorship. I feel like censorship is much more violent - a group in power trying to entirely eliminate media that does not fit their agenda for the purpose of control, etc. It's not like Treehouse is going around the internet, trying to remove and hide any record of the JP script or anything - they're just trying to guess what will sell the game outside of Japan, and protect Nintendo's brand. Nintendo could stop fan JP vs. localization analyzers at any point, but they don't, our content is all still out there for those who want to know more about the JP versions.
Pt. 2 - Talking directly about Engage & the S support conversations
Now, as for the conversations themselves!
My initial impression - Wow, the localization of these S supports compared to the Awakening days, is so different I'd think Engage was from a different franchise entirely! (For those who didn't play Awakening - the localization entirely rewrote some lines in many S supports - particularly many of the CG image quotes, in which each character says their final romantic words to Robin.)
Depending on the exact conversation, Engage's localization takes slightly different approaches towards making conversations with child & teen characters more platonic. Framme's support changes 'partner' to 'ally.' Meanwhile, Anna's support changes 'partner' to clearly mean 'business partner.' Clanne says "all I think about is you" in JP vs. "all I think about is helping you more," to shift the focus from implied romance, to keeping his relationship with Alear strictly as a master / guardian relationship.
For characters over 18, their conversations were not altered to remove romantic implications.
And, that's about the extent of it. Anon, you are exactly right in the summary Google Translate helped give you - the localized conversations always follow the original Japanese, save for toning down any lines w/ under 18 characters, that originally felt more romantic than platonic.
There is one huge sign that even the JP version wasn't as serious about committing to every S support being romantic, though - the CGs. Every character under 18 wears the ring on their middle finger instead of the wedding ring finger. Now, one could argue that the CGs are only that way because the artist was told to focus on the NA / international release, and I think that is a very valid possibility, but... many of the characters of all ages don't even wear the Pact Ring at all, and just hold on to it in their CG. And then there's the fact that the emblem rings are all worn on the wedding ring finger, when no one in the game has a romantic relationship with an emblem, so... yeah. I still don't think we're meant to read too hard into what wearing any ring on any finger means in this game.
I don't see any reason to do a deep analysis on any of the conversations, the changes are really that simple. But, as I always say, if anyone ever wants to see specific conversation(s) translated, then just send an ask my way! Straight translations tend to take less time than answering questions because I don't have to organize my personal thoughts, so they tend to be addressed the fastest!
Pt. 3 - Talking about Engage's romantic aspects in general (or lack thereof)
Overall, it is pretty easy to pick up on the sense that the devs weren't as interested in the romantic features of FE this time around - and in fact as I was writing all this out, I found a dev interview that briefly confirms the development of the game centered around Alear and the Emblem mechanics. The wake-up events might have been written as a middle ground to balance between those who wanted more romance, while taking focus overall off of the romance, but I've seen no sign of that being true in dev interviews.
Fire Emblem is Fire Emblem, and each FE game is always a grab bag of "What's coming back?" So it was always inevitable that even the romantic aspects would be toned down at some point, despite them being so present and essential to the popularity of three whole games in a row (Awakening, Fates, and Three Houses). I'm a long time fan, who knows that's how FE operates, so I enjoy it. But understandably every game will cause some controversy with those who aren't used to, or don't like, the rapid changes.
To me, as a fan since the GBA/GC days, Engage feels kind of like a fun return to GBA form, where supports always felt like a roulette wheel. Which relationships would read romantic? Platonic? Would the relationship seem platonic in the A support, then the characters get married in the ending card anyway? Would family or platonic pairs get an ending card? Who knew!
That being said, make no mistake!! Engage leans as hard as ever into FE's main overarching theme about bonds - that bonds are strength, and the glue that carries all FE protagonists to victory! There's just not as much of a focus on the romantic bonds this time around. In true FE form, you never know when the devs are going to dump, or at least shift focus away from, previous features.
I think I've gotten all I had on my mind typed out now - but anyone can feel free to follow up the conversation if you want in another ask!
(Note for full context: I read through about 10-15 or so of the S / Ring Supports before starting my reply to this ask, picking out some of the youngest characters, as well as a random sampling of others for balance. ...I didn't even try to read them all, I could only handle so many of essentially the same conversation in a row, before my head started spinning, ha ha.)
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nitrochiralfan · 1 year
Slow Damage name analysis: Towa
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I did a post on the Slow Damage character names before. This post is an in-depth analysis of what the names mean for the characters.
The name meaning of Slow Damage may not be important on the surface but take an in-depth look at it, it does.  Japanese culture is full of symbolism, tradition, and cultural nuances. When it comes to choosing names you need to pay attention to the context of how the names are used. When choosing a Japanese name it's important to know the context of how kanji are used in Japanese. Looking at the cultural nuances of the names reveals it does say a lot about the character in ways you wouldn’t notice. It's about the subtlety in names and needs to be seen.
I am not an expert on Japanese culture so I'll give a disclaimer since I have limited knowledge of it. Feel free to add your input to this.
Let's take a nose dive into the name with the game's main protagonist Towa.
The name "Towa" is a nickname that is revealed in the short story,
it came from “daredemo towazu” meaning "to sleep with anyone.” This is an insult to his promiscuity, which later turned into the name he uses. Towa himself doesn’t care what he is called. He kind of stuck with it since he hated being called by his other name. He doesn't want to be stuck with the name his mother chose for him as a way to own his autonomy. The word usage of Towa comes up again but it is used differently.
Towa's real name is Haruto Sakuragi ( 悠斗 桜木)
Haru (悠)
“Haru,悠” means “permanence, much far, distant, long time, leisure, quiet, calm, composed, far-off, boundless, endless, eternal”
The meaning in the kanji sums up Towas personality in that he comes off to other people as cold, apathetic and distant with both himself and others. He is quiet and calm, completely stoic, never reacting in distressing situations. He blends in the background and fading in it he is closed off and in the dark about his past and himself. If you look at the narration of the game he is not much of a character because of how he acts in the story he is put on the sideline as a side character in the routes not having any focus giving it to the love interests. The meaning “permanence” refers to how he is locked in a permanent self-destructive state by his mother.
The kanji for “悠” is used in Japanese “悠々自適” meaning "living a life of leisure with dignity; living quietly and comfortably free from worldly cares;"
This infers Towa lives a hedonistic lifestyle and seems unconcerned about what would happen to himself.
“To,斗” means "a unit of liquid measure.” It's used for the used in the “Big Dipper from a star constellation, ladle.” something you used to pour in like a ladle.
It refers to the hourglass mechanic in the psychology segments and Maya's words to Towa.
"相手の望みを叶えれば叶えるほど、心が自らこちらへ流れてくるわ。 砂時計のようにね”
"Grant their wishes and their hearts will flow to you... like an hourglass.”
In Japan, children are named after their parent's expectations of what their child should be. Towa’s given name references a certain idea that his mother wanted from him. The reason why she gave him Haruto as a name references what she thought of her son. Maya treated Towa like property to shape and mold into the image she wants disregarding her son's will like the sand in the hourglass. Maya wanted to convert her son to her image that she believes is the best version of him she thought she was doing it in Towa’s best interest but it was her own.  
In the end, it is revealed that she harbored warped love towards her son but is unable to love and form connections due to how broken she is as a human. which resulted in her feeling distant from her son citing she feels far away from him
二度と届かない あなたはずっと so far away It will never reach you again, you’re always so far away
遠く響くあの日のララバイ 愛しさが今戻ったとしても 二度と届かない あなたはずっと so far away Resounding from the distance, the lullaby of that day Even if the love returned now It will never reach you again, you’re always so far away
though she loved Towa, she was never able to connect with her son in her last moments.
Haru is a Japanese homophone of spring referencing the month Towa is born. Spring is associated with light, and warmth. Towa was locked in a permanent winter by his mother but in the end, he finally lets the warmth of spring thaw his frozen heart.
Towa lets the light in by letting others in opening himself up accepts compassion and kindness. Towa is surrounded by people who genuinely look out for his well-being and see what life can offer him. He finally sees the world for what it is and enjoys living. If you think back to how he is introduced, Towa does change a lot in the true end compared with when he was first introduced. the name represents the transition Towa's character goes through in the game. Towa achieves happiness in a way Maya couldn’t see with his love interests.
Another example of the change is seen in the use of Towa,
Towa ni naru shinzou kiretsu no umi
A heart beating for eternity, a sea full of cracks
despite it being an insult that people choose for him. Towa transforms it into someone beautiful in the song. It changes from being a derogatory term to using a word change in eternity. This shows the peak of Towas character development.
Sakuragi (桜木)
“Sakura” means “桜, cherry blossom” and “Gi” means “木, tree” When put together it's spelled “cherry blossom tree”.
Cherry blossoms are the flower of spring in Japanese culture and have prominent symbolism to them. Cherry blossoms are symbolic of ethereality, transience, renewal, death, rebirth, and new beginnings. They are short-lived flowers that only bloom for an amount of time because of their short life spans in Buddhist philosophy. Cherry blossoms are fragile and known for being gentle, delicate flowers. cherry blossoms imply everyone can change anytime change themselves teaches them about happiness
The cherry blossom symbolism has a lot to do with Towa, referring to Towa's hedonistic lifestyle and apathetic demeanor, apathetic to living and not caring if he lives or dies. People compare Towa to a walking corpse close to death day by day that can fall dead any moment.
Towa's surname is Sakuragi meaning cherry blossom tree which references the history associated with it.
In ancient times it has been believed that trees are inhabited by gods. gods came down and inhabited cherry blossom trees. When cherry blossoms bloomed it was a sign that god came down. The basis of hanami is to leave offerings of rice and sake to the kami inside the trees which people believed inhibited cherry blossoms. Towas name means cherry blossom tree might not be far-fetched since the whole god inhibits cherry blossoms; it foreshadowed sakakis plan for Towa used as a vessel to hold Maya's spirit for the second coming.
The last thing to say is the cherry blossom symbolism notes Towa’s character, Towa finally gets a new life after a cold winter and rejects and moves on from Maya's influence. Gets to experience a new beginning since he gets rid of his last name and finally lives Towa gets well-deserved closure with his past, sees what life has to offer and loves himself.
Towa’s name goes through numerous transitions in the game that correlate to his character development
Towas character goes through a transition in the game and his name references that.
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purplekoop · 6 months
So Marvel Rivals, that's an interesting surprise from nowhere! A new hero shooter with emphasis on the "Hero", but with a 6v6 format... huh. Interesting.
I'd do a full breakdown of everything shown so far but that feels like a job for someone with a usable computer. For now I'll just give my quick thoughts as a fan of both the genre and the IP.
On the Marvel side of things there's a good bit to be excited for already, with an interesting roster of picks already. Got a lot of obvious staples along plenty of choices that don't feel like cheap MCU tie-ins. Glad there's already a few X-men in, and genuinely very happy to see some characters I've literally never heard of. Again this mostly feels great because of how the MCU dominance has been overtly a hindrance to games like Marvel vs Capcom Infinite, where if a character didn't have a movie already out or in the works then they had a fat chance of getting in, even for series staples like Doctor Doom and literally any X-men characters.
On the gameplay side I can't say too much on the finer details, but it looks like individual characters bring a lot of interesting mechanics to the game. Doctor Strange can make portals, Hulk has his iconic leap and even has a transformation mechanic where he seems to need to spend some time as Banner before he can do the real work, and Loki has some sort of copycat technique. So... teleporting teammates, leaping and getting angry, duplication... yeah maybe these aren't as unique as they sound when tied to characters with a history of using those abilities outside of games.
There does also seem to be some sort of unique "team up" mechanic, like Hulk can lend Iron Man some gamma energy to power up his big laser blasts, or Rocket can scamper onto Groot's back in classic fashion. Not sure if these are unique interactions based on specific synergies, or if it's a more modular system, like first example coming to mind, Kirby Star Allies. Either has some balance or mechanical concerns, but it certainly sounds interesting.
The third person camera is also unique for a hero shooter, which makes me anticipate a less aim-intensive game and one more about movement, ability usage, and team play. Definitely a fair choice given the cast, plus I imagine it's compelling to actually see the iconic character you're controlling.
Now a big point I wanna address:
Will this be the Overwatch killer??
...no, probably not, sorry.
I think regardless of how much this game succeeds or OW2 fails, I don't think it's going to be much of a competition. Not as in Overwatch is gonna curb stomp it, but I just don't see the two games butting heads that much. Marvel Rivals seems to be going in its own direction with the finer details, even something as simple as first versus third person camera seems to inform pretty sweeping differences.
Plus, in the past I think calling any game the "killer" of the previous big thing in the genre. Looking to Overwatch specifically, people tried to call it the TF2 killer, which... I mean TF2 kinda killed itself trying to be like Overwatch, so bad example, but even with Valve's shortsighted incompetence TF2 never totally died, it's still got a solid playerbase and plenty of fans in spite of its rough post-2016 history, and with Overwatch existing completely fine alongside it. And "Overwatch killers" have come in the past, but never really meant much to OW besides some players deciding they preferred the other game more. Apex and Valorant are more just other subgenres with a "Hero" twist and not quite the same kind of game as OW, but Paladins was undoubtedly trying to fill that more specific niche. And... it didn't totally fail. No seriously, any game that still has its fans and active players, however few, is worth respect in my book.
I think that's the beauty of it, that multiple teams are willing and able to make their own approach to the same concept! That's how we get interesting new ideas, and move the subgenre forward in cool ways! To be blunt, ideally for me OW2 AND Marvel Rivals go on to coexist and both be great! If people prefer one over the other then that's fantastic, but the fact multiple options exist with their own ideas and approaches is so cool to me.
It's like with a similar subgenre developing over the past few years: platform fighters, or "Smash clones" for the outdated term. In the release downtime after the three most recent Smash games, we saw more and more teams try their hand at that uniquely accessible and interesting subgenre of fighting games, and it's been so exciting to see progress over time. We saw a good number of indie attempts after Smash 4, but after Ultimate we've been seeing bigger and bolder teams take serious attempts at a quality contender to challenge Smash. And while each new one garnering the title of "Smash Killer" is more and more of a meme, we're now seeing games that genuinely reach that level of polish and quality. Rivals of Aether 2 is personally the one I'm SO excited about in this respect. But I also can't help but think of the one platform fighter in recent memory that genuinely did Fail, at least in temporary dramatic fashion:
Yes, the hellish concept of a free to play fighting game, which prided itself on its grind culture. Now the utterly bizarre mess that is/was/will be Multiversus is sort of a unique disaster, but I can't help but imagine the worst for Marvel Rivals just because it shares that dreaded "f2p" label. Maybe it won't be too bad, but considering early screenshots imply characters need to be unlocked makes me assume the worst.
Frankly my biggest hope, however unlikely it is, is that these two games pressure each other to fix their individual shortcomings. Have OW2 Season 10 making heroes free make Marvel want to do the same, and have Marvel's 6v6 format make OW2 bite the bullet and revert to the same to fix its otherwise impossible to solve balance mess.
...no that's a lie, my biggest hope is actually that Wasp makes it in as a support and gets a skin based on her Earth's Mightiest Heroes look. Or better yet make that the basis for her default design, the designs are another promising point for this game so I have hope they can recognize quality.
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greentrickster · 2 years
yuu1412  Although now I gotta wonder: did Miku get Binghe into gaming? Did he find fanfiction? Did he have pokemon or adventure ships???
(question asked on AO3)
YES, she did, of course she did, you’re so incredibly right, argh, how did I not realize before that she’s the one who started all this! She’s the one who got him playing Pokemon Go, they’re both on Team Valor and, while Binghe is there, they rule their local gym (Tatsu doesn’t play and Masa is Team Instinct because he liked the gym leader’s style (I wonder why (stares at Masa’s hair))). Binghe’s enchanted by Pokemon purely because “OMG, Shizun would love this, Shizun thinks monsters are so cool, he would love a world where you get to tame and battle with monsters, I must share this with him as best I can!!!”
He does this by basically becoming a walking pokedex of pokeknowledge, watching an impressive amount of the anime, and also making his Pokemon Go avatar based on Shen Qingqiu instead of himself (partially so there can be at least one world where Shizun gets to experience this, partially so that, you know. He can be the one helping Shizun become the very best, like no one ever was, because Shizun deserves it-!!!). Pokemon Go tends to be the pokegame he plays the most, though I’m going to say he watches Miku play Legends Arceus a lot, because he finds the story both intriguing and relatable (in a way). Miku lets him play her save file from time to time to go shiney hunting, because Binghe has the best luck with shinies (I wonder why).
I think this might actually be the first thing that Binghe and Miku really connect over - he has a hard time figuring her out at first, just because she acts so differently from anyone he’s ever met before, in a lot of ways he doesn’t expect. Like, she doesn’t seem bothered by Binghe spending time with Tatsu-sensei? At all? Binghe’s only got eyes for Shizun, but it’s like she’s not even worried Binghe might try and steal Tatsu-sensei from her or something? And why is she okay with Tatsu-sensei spending time with Binghe when he could be spending it with her? And why is she being so seemingly friendly with Binghe? What’s her ulterior motive? What does she want from him???
Miku: I don’t want anything from you. Tatsu likes you and he could use some more friends - and you look like you could too.
Binghe: (nods politely, then spends as many points as he dares when he’s alone that night trying to get some explanations for what the heck’s going on)
Because, thinking about it, Miku’s going to, just by being herself, be a good example of how to be in a healthy relationship, same as Tatsu is. Yeah, they’re a slightly odd couple, but they’re happy together and comfortable in themselves, and, bless him, Binghe needs that in his life.
I think Binghe also gets into Animal Crossing in a big way. Fighting games just aren’t as interesting to him when he’s, you know, actually been the one doing all the cool fighting stuff, kind of a step down, but Animal Crossing? That’s such a Binghe game, making a beautiful home and island that you have complete control over? 10/10, he’s going to think of it wistfully from time to time when he eventually returns to his world.
As for fanfiction and shipping... hmmm... I don’t think he does, he’s engaged enough with web novels, the library, and other such things that he never manages to stumble across it. He does discover YouTube, however, and ends up watching a lot of self-help videos. Masa taught him the important things for internet usage: search functions, where to find the p*rn and h*nt*i, and how to pirate (Miku’s the one who helped him find the webnovels). With no knowledge to even conceptualize things like AO3, deviantart, or tumblr, Binghe just doesn’t stumble across them. And, frankly, that’s probably for the best, I adore fanfic, obviously I do, but the world does not need Binghe discovering The Tropes, that could-
...gods, this boy’s too smart, he’d probably use the trope knowledge he gained via fanfiction to try and get himself into Scenarios to get Shizun to notice and/or sex him.
Except then he gets home and discovers his stupid Heavenly Demon Blood makes him immune to basically Everything, sorry Binghe, gonna still have to ask for what you want in bed. Not that he lets this stop him entirely.
Side note, Shen Yuan starts actively avoiding anything potentially thorny, because his wonderful but accident-prone disciple keeps tripping into them and getting his clothes ruined, Binghe, please, think of all the pure and delicate maidens whose hearts you’re going to break by exposing them to your perfect everything-!!! ...though it is a little odd that it never seems to happen when he’s wearing his apron. Weird. Oh well, at least Binghe heals quick thanks to his demonic heritage...
Binghe, still in his latest ruined set of robes, flopped on the floor of Sha Hualing’s lab: Why won’t Shizun notice me???
Sha Hualing, barely paying attention: You wear too many clothes.
Binghe, still face-down on the floor: No, I thought about that, but Shizun’s more the sort to be into a tantalizing, unexpected glimpse of what’s usually hidden than seeing everything all the time. It’s more intriguing.
Sha Hualing: Humans are weird.
Binghe: You’re weird!
Sha Hualing, to Mobei-jun who’s sitting against the far wall: Why did you help him get in here again, I have a deadline for getting this sword done, you know!
Mobei-jun: ...
Sha Hualing: I don’t speak ice cube you-!
Binghe: Liu Mingyan’s human, you know.
Sha Hualing: ...
Sha Hualing, setting tools aside: So tell me more about these weird human fetishes.
...so yeah, Binghe can have a little exposure to fanfiction, as a treat. Because it could be funny.
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themelodicenigma · 2 years
I know lots of fans want to see the light vs darkness dichotomy be challenged in KH. But I'm more interested in seeing the simplistic message of "May my heart be my guiding key" be called into question. I want to see characters wonder whether their hearts can and have misguided them at any point, and see a character disregard what they feel, for the greater good. I think the follow your heart theme is cliche but I don't see fans critique it as much. Thoughts?
Ahh, that's an interesting point. I do believe we have a bit of that (and variations), but it's just that terminology (light + darkness + heart) makes it seem all over the place in execution. Haha
The way I see it, most characters are technically letting their hearts be their "guide", but the KH series puts it in relative terms of the heart being the car, where light and darkness are the fuel + navigational systems. Where they say "light/darkness make this person do X", you could also substitute that for "their heart led them to do this". By the amount of light and darkness within their hearts, we see characters making decisions by this and affected by those forces in different ways—e.g. hearts corrupted by darkness, thus leading to misguided decisions. Both Roxas and Xion make decisions for the greater good despite it being a disadvantage to them, but because of their being, it's not exactly put into a "not following their heart" phrasing. So as you point out, it's not really often put into that term/phrase of ALL decision making, and instead "following your heart" or "letting it be your guide" is seen as an ultimate positive thing, without the: "my heart says this, but I need to make another decision".
For example, like with Riku, who is probably the poster child of the series of being misguided and making wrong decisions, and then changing from that. His whole thing was about figuring out the nature of light and darkness within him—he's like THE representative of this duality. Yet, a summation of a part of his development had designated him becoming "more like Sora" and just following his heart, as opposed to trying to meet a certain ideal self. Kind of a "heart vs mind" sort of thing, I suppose.
I feel like the question is, if Riku's understanding of light and darkness within his heart (and how it influenced him) is truly a separate thing from the impact of what he believes comes from "following his heart". I don't think the game puts it plainly, but there's a lot of a mix of the three terms (light, darkness, heart) in how the characters speak, to where these lines can be understood to overlap. Since his heart has found that balance and piece of light and darkness—is the way he is now still the result of him "following his heart", now?
Maybe. Lol
But that's my additive point—the game makes it seem like that the result of this will always produce good results, based on its usage, but has it? Really? Was Xehanort not following his heart? Was Riku, in his past actions, not doing the same? Terra? Were they or were they not affected by what was going on INSIDE of their hearts at the time (which in this case, KH gauges it on the idea of light and darkness within the heart)? Eraqus, too. It's reasonable to surmise that him "following his heart" produced the conflict he faced with his decisions + feelings. Killing Ven and Terra was for his perception of the "greater good", and he must've believed that in his heart, but within is heart was also the feelings/emotions that conflicted with this act. Was it "heart vs mind", or was it really just his heart?
Either he was following his heart, which was conflicted. Or, he was following a conviction for his perceived good—something separate from what his heart was telling him.
It's not well defined, I think, at that point. Lol
I'm with you though. It'd be nice to get that bit of a character doing something they really believed in, only to then realize it's not for the best, and to make the active decision to go against their heart—for it to be in terms of THAT specific phrasing/terminology. But I think there are some definite points in character developments that we can look at that retain these things.
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cyanocoraxx · 2 years
isopraxis (ao3 link)
(aka silver sonic II & mecha sonic are neurodivergent and minors)
"morning, mecha. uh, i think there's something wrong with me."
mecha turned their head to look at silver - taking their words as a cue to scan him - and sat back in their chair, a gesture learned from their organic companions. as they did, the blanket over their ears (to block out noise, although they could easily just tune down their auditory sensors) fell to the ground in a heap beside them.
“please elaborate.” mecha responded flatly.
“something’s wrong with my head. i don’t know how to explain it.” silver tried again, sounding more urgent - frustrated, even - this time.
mecha scanned over silver’s frame one more time. the exact same results pinged back, with the differences only ranging from 0.01% to 0.02%. nothing abnormal. "please elaborate. i do not understand. your system status is fully functional. your CPU is clocking at 59% usage and your memory is running at 83% capacity. these are typical readings for you. have you run a diagnostic? perhaps it is an issue that i cannot pinpoint externally."
silver shook his head and pulled up a chair to join his sibling. "no no, it's not that, M. well, it kind of is - i don't know. the diagnostics don’t tell me shit." within seconds of taking his seat, silver's left leg was already bouncing up and down with nervous energy. he fidgeted with his hands. he had been doing that a lot lately, mecha had noticed.
"you can cease those behaviors at any time. why do you not?" mecha queried, shifting forward a little to show their interest. another cue picked up from the organics around them that they otherwise would have never learned.
"that's the thing! it feels like i can't. if i don't, i feel like i'm gonna go crazy." silver explained hurriedly. he added slight rocking to the mix as well. "it seems to help, but... why? i hate saying it but... i’m a robot. what does a robot get out of this?”
mecha took pause, tilting her head in thought. "in the nonverbal dictionary by david givens, a rocking action such as the one you currently display stimulates the vestibular senses and is therefore soothing. it is primitive but effective. you possess a vestibular system that keeps you oriented in combat, thus you benefit from it despite lacking an organic frame."
silver nodded slowly. "uh huh. so...it makes me feel something, and that's why it helps me." he too took pause for a second. "but... when i feel like this, i can't work. i can't do anything. i can't play my favourite games or watch my favourite shows because i just, like, zone out. i can't pick up a single word in a book. i interrupt everyone else when they talk and it annoys them. it makes me feel useless, M. everyone else is working so hard to keep this place nice for us all and i'm just... sitting here, being crazy. i feel crazy."
to silver, his CPU felt like a machine constantly making white noise. it was as if someone had placed static in his mind and let it sit there for hours. he wanted to make the noise stop. then he could be useful again. he hated to let his family down like this over and over. it felt wrong. he felt wrong. like something was wrong with his programming, or processing unit, or something. it drove him mad not knowing what to do with it.
mecha considered this thoughtfully. "i too display some of the behaviors you are currently showing. does that make me useless, brother?"
"no, of course not! you're smart, you always know what to do- wait, you do? i mean, i've seen you do it, but i don't know how much you do it when you're alone." silver replied curiously, tilting his head ever so slightly in interest.
mecha nodded. "i gain very little from stimulating my own version of tactile receptors, if you will, for i have none. i cannot feel pressure, heat, cold, or pain. however, i am able to detect vibration, like many predatory species can. i depend on this ability to re-centre myself in combat as well as to navigate my newfound emotional catalogue. do not forget, all beings unconsciously touch their own frames in times of heightened emotion in order to comfort, relieve, or release stress. it is a natural response, but primarily an organic one. i suppose this gives both of us some organic qualities, psychologically."
"huh..." silver moved to sit on the floor, finding it more comfortable - and feeling much less like he had to mask his behaviours in front of his older brother. "is that why i see you pacing sometimes? or why i see neo tapping his fingers on his arms when he's annoyed?"
"precisely." mecha replied, a small glow coming to their visor in affirmation. "due to the nature of our programming, each of us reflects the nature of our organic counterpart in some way. this does not make us useless. it makes us flawed, and flaws make us more alive - if you wish to deem it as such."
"is there a name for this, then?" silver asked, curious. he gestured to his entire frame, and then his brother's in turn. "you know. this... whatever it is. or do we name it ourselves? i think the-blue-hedgehog-itis sounds quaint."
"your current status could be framed as something called executive dysfunction. there is no outer stimulus that is stopping you from making progress in what you wish to do. the stimulus is internal. think of it as a blockade caused by your psychological state. it is passive. you cannot consciously decide to execute that function - hence, why it is named executive dysfunction." mecha replied matter-of-factly. "it can be likened to a form of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, if you wish to name it."
"robot adhd." silver fidgeted with his fingers as he mulled on that label. "i mean, it works...”
mecha nodded in agreement. "indeed. likewise, by organic standards, i display neurodivergent behaviours of my own. for example, i am merely adopting this position in speaking to you because i have learned that it is socially appropriate. the degree of orientation between a speaker and the listener is measured in the coronal plane. we show agreement by aligning our upper bodies with the second party. in a group setting, most people will stand with their bodies oriented towards the individual they most respect. if i did not know this, and did not know that it matters to you, i would not display this behaviour voluntarily. i would be more comfortable standing away from the other person to avoid visual contact. i find close proximity... overwhelming. i only truly accept close proximity to two other units - yourself and neo. otherwise, i am merely mirroring what i have observed in others to adhere to social norms."
"you're not a people person, is what you're saying," silver replied with a small smile, "and we all know that. but we all know you try, and that's what matters."
"i suppose it can be taken as such. however, i do not mean disrespect or harm by my mannerisms. they are simply behaviours that are ingrained into my processor specifically." mecha noted, moving to sit in front of his brother on the floor - and silver noticed the slight tremor in his brother's hand as he moved it to lever himself out of his seat. "with sentience comes room for flaws. look around you, silver. the other machines in our home likely display their own variations of neurodivergent behaviour. we are not made to emulate the perfect mind. we were created to fulfill a task, which was to end a life. we are bound to experience mis-wirings, glitches, and divergences along the way as we fail to fulfill that task. we are adapting to a world that we were not designed to exist in."
"right... but, uh, what do i do then?" silver asked, frowning a little in thought. "am i supposed to want it to go away? why me, anyway? is my wiring just fucked up or something?”
"take it as it comes." mecha advised, reaching over to place a shaky hand on her brother's shoulder. "you are flawed, as am i. it is not the end of the world. and, much akin to how the world is ever-changing, your psychological state changes along with it. this conversation, however, has renewed my interest in your condition. i shall endeavour to research how you can best adapt to it."
"adapt? and not overcome?" silver asked, sounding worried. his optics fixed on mecha's gaze as if to look for any sign that she was joking.
"affirmative. adapt." mecha repeated themselves. "this is not something that you should attempt to destroy. rather, it is a state of being that you will carry with you - and to destroy your own state of being is violence against yourself." in line with its words, mecha leaned forward and pressed its forehead to silver's affectionately. "you are performing optimally despite this. do not doubt yourself."
silver's smile returned instantly. noticing this, mecha's visor brightened to a warm glow, smiling back at him. one of the few things that made mecha "happy" was seeing their brother happy. they wanted silver to be happy all the time, if the world would allow it. with a small, subtle purr of their engine, mecha gathered silver into their arms and let him sprawl in their lap. silver reached up and playfully batted mecha's nose with a little laugh.
"you're a weirdo, M." silver told his brother with a grin.
"as are you." mecha agreed, replying with a scrub of their brother's head with their knuckles. oops, that left a few superficial scratches in his paint. no matter, he would repair those later. but rather than worry about that, mecha leaned back against the wall and let their brother act as a sort of weird little weighted blanket. no, they couldn't feel the pressure, but the subtle vibration of silver's own engine was enough to keep them sated. "are your concerns adequately addressed?"
"yeah. thank you, you're the best."
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procrastinationau · 10 months
What are Jack’s thoughts on each of the active Wu and their potential applications at this point?
So I hadn't really sat down and written this out before and it ended up being a fun little exercise, so thanks for the suggestion!
These are in no particular order, and I'm sticking it below a cut because it's a long list. I will also say before I begin that Jack's interest in the Wu was purely utilitarian at the start but it's shifting now that he's taking Showdowns more seriously and is looking for Wu that have combat advantages and not just neat features he can use to make cooler robots. He's getting more and more interested in the Wu themselves and how their powers work, not just how he can make them work for him. Also, Jack doesn't want to recreate the Wu or figure out how their powers work so much as he wants to study their properties and use them to his advantage. In fact, the more mystical/supernatural Wu probably frustrate him since there's no logic or reason to how they function.
anyway let's go
Two-Ton Tunic: He skipped this one when it activated and isn’t particularly interested in it in general, it doesn’t seem useful to him either as something he could use in a showdown or as something he could use for his own projects.
Eye of Dashi: His white whale, the reason he started going after the Wu to begin with. He mostly wants it to fuel the projects/experiments he wasn’t to try that are too costly/need more energy than he can realistically generate. It has combat/Showdown applications too, but he’s much more interested in how he can use it to power his own projects. I will say that at this point in the game he’s…not exactly losing interest in the Eye, but it’s no longer the only thing keeping him in the game; he’s starting to see the appeal of other Wu and the benefit to entering/winning Showdowns.
Tangle Web Comb: Is still grouchy about losing his first Showdown to Toshiro because of this one. Thinks the hair is kind of gross. Doesn’t really see any benefit to it/usage for it, which is probably good because he’d struggle with maintaining the focus needed to use it.
Sapphire Dragon: Skipped this one; Wuya couldn’t tell him what it was or what it did and he couldn’t be bothered. Has no idea what happened with it at the Temple. Even if he did, would deem it too dangerous to mess with.
Jetbootsu: His current favorite. Likes them a lot more than his old helipack because they look cooler, they’re silent, and they’re way more precise. Not really interested in using them for his inventions, he just uses them to fly around because flying is fun.
Ring of Nine Dragons: Won this one in a Showdown against Omi. Was really excited at first because the idea of having a bunch of clones of himself sounded really useful, but this excitement was quickly stymied once he realized the Ring’s catch (that it divides you.weakens you the more clones you make). Is determined to keep experimenting with it until he can find some way around the division. He’s pretty proud of himself for figuring out that it can duplicate any Wu the user is holding when they activate it, but that’s not that useful because the Wu get divided along with the user. 
Fist of Tebigong: Won this one in the Showdown against Omi. The first Wu he got that has any real combat applications, which means it’s one he tries to always bring on Wu hunts in case he gets into a Showdown. He’s run a bunch of tests with it and by that I mean he used it to punch a lot of different materials to see what would happen.  No real plans for it, but he does think it’d be useful to test different materials for durability before he uses them in his inventions. 
Changing Chopsticks: Picked these up because he figured they’d be useful when working on small, delicate components, and so far that’s mostly what he’s used them for. Since the Showdown with Toshiro he’s been testing them to figure out if they have any benefits for combat/Showdowns, but so far all he’s found is that they’re good for softening the impact of a fall if you use them to shrink in midair.
Sword of the Storm: Didn’t really know it existed until Rai showed up. Not much I can say here that I didn’t say in the fic already; he thinks it’d be a good Showdown Wu and it’s pretty interesting, but not one he’s actively trying to get. Especially since it’s clearly Rai’s favorite and he doesn’t want to get on his bad side. 
Golden Tiger Claws: Skipped these when they went active, because at the time he didn’t think he’d need them. Does think the teleportation thing is very cool, but he’s able to get around well enough using his own resources so this one isn’t a high priority for him. He’d love to try some experiments with it though, test its limits, see how precise it can get with location, if there’s a distance limit, what happens if you try to go somewhere that doesn’t exist, etc.
Mantis Flip Coin: He doesn’t really get this one and doesn’t really care to study it or try using it for his inventions. It’s a coin that makes you jump good. Sure? Who needs it, he has the Jetbootsu.
Helmet Of Jong: Thought it sounded dumb when it went active, not interested in it. He doesn’t need eyes in the back of his head, he can just build himself goggles with a rear camera feed if he wants that.
Falcons Eye: This one he thinks could have useful applications but he already has scanning/imaging tech that functions well enough that he doesn’t really need it. He won’t pass it up if he gets the opportunity, but he’s not actively trying to get it.
Third Arm Sash: One of the few early Wu he did grab. He thought it was pretty useful to have an extra limb, even if it doesn’t have the dexterity or fine motor skills he needs for engineering. Would like to practice more with it so see if that’s something he could develop with practice. Kind of bummed that he lost it to the Tohomikos.
Shroud of Shadows: He thinks this one’s really neat and is curious about it, which is why he went after it when it activated. Hasn’t had the chance to try it out yet.
Monkey Staff: I’ve discussed his attitude towards the Monkey Staff before. He was interested in it at first and is somewhat curious about it, but it’s not really appealing to him and he’s not going to try and get it. If he did get it, he probably wouldn’t use it (but he might do things like give it to a Yes-Bot and see if it turns it into a monkey). 
Serpent’s Tail: Jack’s big takeaway from this one was the revelation that Wu can be/are sentient (remember, he doesn’t know about the Sapphire Dragon, so he didn’t already know this). He’s not sure how to process this. Can they be reasoned with? If he asks the Ring of Nine Dragons really nicely will it do what he wants it to???? Would probably be more concerned about where it went if he didn’t have RJ to worry about.
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atsumuahh · 3 years
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“ SECRET LOVER ” dreamwastaken
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characters !
dreamwastaken, wilbur’s twin!reader, technoblade, philza, tommyinnit, wilbur soot, karl, sapnap, georgenotfound, drista, tubbo.
summary !
when reader chooses the dsmp high everything seems to be great, but things gets complicated when her brand new crush turns out to be her oldest brother’s rival. it gets even more complicated when he asks her out.
warnings !
swear words, usage of dream’s real name
notes !
dream as a football team captain rent free in my head... and i’m also sorry that it took me so long to write… its almost 3k words and not proofread!
taglist !
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it was easy to assume that you had been in your brothers’ shadows. techno, wilbur and tommy were talented, football players with great, great achievements. the only thing you wanted was a big change in your life, so when you graduated from the middle school and it came up to making a big decision on choosing high school, you chose the dsmp high – school located an hour away from your house.
you remember your first day at school. the day started awfully. tommy woke you up with a loud yell at – as you rightly guessed – wilbur, who stole his phone and texted to his crush. it turned out that you had twenty minutes left to get ready and leave for bus and not be late. well... you were late on the bus, but thankfully your dad promised he’ll drop you off at school.
phil couldn’t be more proud of you. for real, he knew how hard it was for you to choose different school from techno, wilbur and tommy (everyone know he’ll go after his brothers). you were miserable through your whole middle school, because no one ever noticed you as your own person, only as wilbur’s twin sister, techno’s younger sibling or the only sister of tommy. it cause you to slowly losing yourself and becoming a female version of your brothers. so when you spoke to him about the idea of the dsmp high, he couldn’t get happier.
fortunately, dad dropped you off fifteen minutes before your first period started. wandering around the new school, looking for people you had classes with. you looked at your phone and accidentally bumped into a tall, dirty blonde guy with painted nails and purple sweater.
“oh no- i’m so sorry!” he spoke kind of afraid he might hurt you. “you alright?” a worried ask left his mouth as he put a hand on your shoulder.
it turned out that his name is karl and you took same classes as him. well in fact the boy seemed to be pretty nice, chill and funny. you two were on your way to the biology class and jokes were in the air. you felt so delightful that you messaged wilbur and techno a small text saying you just made your first friend. as no one responded you hid your phone.
“don’t worry, bestie.” he beamed at you. “i’ll meet you with my other friends, if that’s okay. they’ll love you and you won’t have to worry about making ones!” karl whispered into your ear and you couldn’t hide a soft smile that formed on your face.
as he said, he did. it was your lunch pause so he led you to the cafeteria. the idea of sitting at the table with people you didn’t know was.. terrifying but at the same time, so exiting. you felt like your heart skipped a beat when a guy called dream showed up with his best friends george and sapnp.
he was so handsome that you couldn’t take your eyes off him. looking at him was just so pleasing that you were kinda mad that he was karl’s friend so you couldn’t really sigh over him. surprisingly, he turned out to be a nice guy as well. you expected dream to be a completely jerk and an arsehole, but well you started to feel like you’d fall for him.
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well… you were right. you fell for clay so deeply that just being around him was… stressing you out. he always cared about you, through your whole freshman year he was so cute and it was hard not to fall.
sophomore year started in a very… unexpected way. you hadn’t seen your friends in weeks, because you have lived so far away, but it didn’t make your brand new friends group to fall apart. you wouldn’t be so surprised if they organized a meet after classes but… well it was a meet, but only with clay. in a shortcut – he took you on a date.
“i missed you so much, y/n/n” he smiled as he shyly took your hand and intertwined your fingers with his. a small, timid smile formed on your blushed face. “fuck… i like you, i have a huge ass crush on you, okay? i-i just don’t wanna mess up our friendship… so please tell me if you don’t feel same” clay spoke with shaking voice, not giving you a sight.
maybe it was the adrenaline that boosted you up, or your inner self just wanted to do it, but as his confession ended, your lips gentlt pressed his. clay was… well shocked is a good word, clay was shocked, but he pulled you in even closer and that’s how you ended up making out in the park.
you were thrilled to the gills and you almost told your brothers about clay. almost, because you heard techno’s talking about a match against the dsmp high. well it wouldn’t be such a big thing if you hadn’t heard dream, and well oh well. words weren’t too nice.
“hi… are you free?” you said softly, sitting on your bed. you were frightened – what if they don’t like each other? what if… wilbur and tommy also don’t like him? “you know techno, right? technoblade minecraft?” a quiet ask left your mouth as you sat under the tree in your yard.
“yes, unfortunately.” his response made you thought that you had annoyed him. “wait, why you’re asking? did he hurt you or something?” dream didn’t let you answer as he added i’m gon’ kill him under his breathe.
“noo, don’t worry” you clutched your head and sighed. “he’s… my brother, older brother, actually”. silence between you two were clearly killing you, but you couldn’t be one to break it. he had to say something.
“oh my fuck” you heard his shocked voice and chuckled in response. “it doesn’t matter. you’re the one i fell in love with, not he. i know you’re worried, but everything will be alright.”.
“i hope so” his laughter calmed you. “i’ll call you later so we can fall asleep on call okay? dinner’s ready”.
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”it’s kinda forbidden love, isn’t it?” george laughed as he wrapped his arm around you with a cute smile. brown haired boy was waiting along with you at your whole friends’ group. “y’know… techno is your brother and also a rival of your boyfriend… it’s exciting”.
you almost gasped at his words. it felt so silly and people would probably find it meaningless, but you couldn’t hide a smile that appeared on your face. he didn’t say techno’s sister like everyone from the middle school would say, george said that he’s your brother.
“as long as i love her, nothing else really matters to me” clay’s voice was so sweet that you almost melted under it. he was right, there’s no reason to overthink – you love him and it’s the only thing that matters.
“yeah, you should definitely tell him that at the match on saturday.” oh my fucking god, a match. the elimination match between the dsmp high and the lmanburg high. you were completely between a rock and a hard place.
“fuck, i forgot about it.” wrapping his arms around your body, dream felt how stressed you began to get. he also felt when your body unwittingly started to shake. “he’ll hate me, so will wilbur and tommy.”
“aren’t they already hating you? like- you barely talk to them at home, so… what’s the problem?” sapnap asked shrugging. well, he was right – techno lost his interest in talking to you and unfortunately wilbur and tommy took their cue from him, and the only person you had talked to was your dad.
“you’re coming to our match, right?” karl asked with a nervous smile forming on his face. it was his first match ever on the team – you couldn’t not be there. “it doesn’t who will you cheer for, just be there, okay?”
“karl, of course i will be there” you smiled at him, trying to hide your increasing stress that almost made you pass out. “please win this, okay? it’d be too hard to look at your miserable faces.”
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tommy had always been your favorite of them all. as a child he wouldn’t let you go and sometimes it was obviously burdensome, but you loved it. you loved how he cared and now you missed it. he wanted, but he couldn’t talk to you, techno and wilbur would be pissed if he did.
he wondered about telling you how well he made friends in high school along with tubbo. about all of the funny jokes he made. he just wanted to be a teenager that shares cool memories with his older sister, but for now his brothers were too proud to apologize.
“wil, are you sure we should do that?” he asked, uneasiness appearing on his pale face. he genuinely missed his big sister that always helped him with his homework, with choosing cool outfits to impress girls, helped him, when he argued with tubbo. “she looks so miserable. even dad is worried!”
“we have nothing to do with her miserableness. she left us first. now, she can go and fuck herself” wilbur had never acted lke that before, so surprised tommy just frowned at him and shook his head in hopelessness. something was off and he would like to know what. to repair it.
his stomach rambled and it was time for a snack. tommy was about to came in, but he heard a bit of a conversation between philza and his only daughter.
“yeah, they do kinda hate me” she shrugged, not letting her tears fall. “uhm… clay proposed that i could stay at his. you know, dad. until… they start talking to me again.” long sigh left her mouth as she clutched her head in hands, right before he noticed tears. tommy couldn’t do more, so he got back to his room not letting anyone in later that evening.
it’d be a lie if someone said that tommy wasn’t stressed out. his first game was in a few minutes and his sister was nowhere to be found. “she has better things to do, i disappointed her - i shouldn’t be so shocked.”
when he saw her, he felt relieved. she was there to support him in his first game in high school ever, but as he watched her, slowly drifting away, looking for someone different in the crowd of people, he was hurt.
“i can’t believe you really choose to avoid the affection from dream for today, because your brothers are here. you should fuck them three” sapnap laughed, looking over your shoulder at tommy. “two. he looks hurt as well as you.” you know he was, but he didn’t do anything because the pressure techno and wilbur put on him, was killing him inside.
“y/n you came!” karl cried out, running towards you and sapnap. he hugged you tight and smiled softly, giggling noiselessly. “did y/n’s brothers saw it? i was literally her ride.”
“excuse me, you did that on purpose?” george laughed, shaking his head in disbelief. you joined him, but you stopped when you saw tommy’s upset, frightened face. it wasn’t only karl’s first game – it was tommy’s as well.
“i gotta talk to him” you sighed exhausted of the whole drama around you and your brothers. or just around you, wilbur and techno. your little brother had nothing to do with it. “tommy, hi” you started a bit nervous, feeling the tension betweet you two. and firstly, you thought he will just go away, but you gasped as he hugged you tight.
“i missed you so much” he whispered so anyone could hear but you. soft smile showed up on his face, making it way more brighter. “thanks for coming here, i know it’s rought between you and wil. he’s kinda mad but everything will be fine, i know that.” you wrapped arms around his torso and smiled widely.
“you’ve got this, okay tommy?” you brushed his hair. in response you got a growl and loud laugh after. “if you win or if you lose, it doesn’t matter, because i will still love you, but i’ve gotta go back to my friends.” you beamed and left tommy as soon as you saw wilbur storming towards you.
me: can’t wait to see you on the field :)
you felt like melting, when dream looked at you with his happy, excited face. you were so proud of him – he was the captain of the school football team and it was known that he has a sport scholarship. despite your brothers’ presence, you planned to show clay some support and you painted a medium #21 on your black, denim jacket.
clay: can’t wait to see you on my bed, right next to the trophy i’ll get as a captain.
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he hadn’t lie. you sat on his messy bed, in his messy bedroom, talking to his younger sister drista. she was adorably bewitching. she was a bit younger than tommy, but thankfully she wasn’t as loud as him. you laughed after hearing her awful joke.
“so… you’re living here by now?” she asked curiously, frowning. her eyes scanning your, now, blushed face, waiting on the answer. “please, i cannot stand his my-girlfriend-lives-so-far-and-i-can’t-sneak-into-her-room-and-kiss.” she rolled her eyes, but smile widely.
“oh, yeah.” you blushed even harder as she laughed at your already blushed face. “i’m just worried if he’s okay with us hiding, you know? i mean– he could be with someone else, someone… someone better.”
drista didn’t know what to say and you knew she didn’t have to. you were scared – because of your situation that had place in middle school – he will just leave your for someone better, someone prettier, smarter, cuter.
unfortunately for you, clay had heard your every single word. he coughed, letting drista know that she should go. girl smiled at you before leaving you two alone. him, standing in front of you with only his sweatpants on. “y/n” he started as he got closer.
“i- i- can not tell i know how you feel or how you should feel. and-and i genuinely do not care about anyone else but you. i love you, okay dumbass?” he sat as close as possible and beamed softly.
“you won’t replace me?” the whole thing between you and clay was terrifying you so much. is he lying about his feelings? is he really in love with you? or maybe you’re just a bet? you almost shook your head as the thoughts began to overwhelm you.
he wouldn’t do that. and if he would, some of his friends (yours as well) would kill him. you couldn’t be more happier at the moment. your boyfriend had just told you that he loves you for the very first time, you made amazing friends that would kill for you and vice versa, but there was one thing you had to fix. the relationship with techno and wilbur.
“i could never replace you, love”.
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“you sure you wanna do it?” clay asked, gently rubbing your thigh with his thumb, sitting in the front seat of his car. you were about to tell your whole family that clay dream is your boyfriend. the guy your older brother claimed to hate. lots of fun, right?
you nodded unsure, getting out of the car. it was your first time seeing your brothers in over a month and – boy, oh boy – you were terrified. did they miss you? did they even notice you were gone? you wished they did. you weren’t even able to ring the doorbell, because tommy opened the door with a huge grin.
“i’ve been waiting for you.” he confessed, closing you in a tight hug. he let you off as soon as he noticed smiled dream standing right behind you. “and who are you, mister?” suspicious question left tommy’s mouth.
“i’m y/n’s boyfriend, clay” dream beamed at tommy as he let you in. shock finding their way onto his face was… quite hilarious. he mumbled something under his breathe, but you couldn’t catch it.
as soon as you got onto the dining room, you saw wilbur, techno and dad setting the table. tommy coughed, couldn’t hide his happiness. his sister is back and he can’t let her go ever again.
“hi…” you started, your voice getting shaky. “i wanted to explain some things and it’d be a pleasure if you would accept my new boyfriend, especially technoblade.” dream took your sweaty with nervousness hand to calm you. he knew it was tough for you, knowing that him and techno are rivals. “this is clay and i know you know him, and you’re not on the good terms, but please just… finally talk to me, because i miss both of you and i’d love to have either my brothers and boyfriend close as possible.” you finished glancing at techno and wilbur.
“y/n, i’m just sad you didn’t want to go to same school with me. you had never told me why, we were inseparable and everything changed within days.” wilbur was first to answer you. his dejected voice made you crying. you missed him, his voice, his advices, his presence around you. “everytime i woke up, you were already running on the bus and we didn’t have a chance to talk.”
“i- you- you’re right. i should’ve told you why did i choose the dsmp high. i did, because i began to lose myself, everyone saw me only as your sister and i started to think that i do not matter anymore. i had to change it and i had to show everyone that i’m not just yours and techno’s sister, but i’m my own persona.” wil stood up and got closer to you. your tears convinced him that you weren’t lying and he felt bad that he didn’t realize it sooner. “i’m so sorry”.
“no- no, i’m also sorry. i’m the one that should apologizing. you were just choosing your own path and i was mad at you, because of that. ‘m sorry y/n/n.” you smiled through tears and hugged him as tight as you only could.
“there’s no much drama between us” techno chuckled quietly, watching you and wilbur cuddling. “i already knew what’s going on between you two at the match. i just took wil’s side.” he shrugged and you laughed, shaking your head in disbelief. “well, it doesn’t mean i like you” he claimed glaring at your boyfriend. “i can tolerate you as long as you’ll treat y/n the best you can, otherwise i’ll kill you”.
“i agree and so does tommy” your twin added, looking dream dead in the eyes.
“maybe we’ll stop the death threats here and start eating?” your dad proposed with a cheerful smile. his kids were finally getting along again, he couldn’t be more proud or happier than at the moment.
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“it went so well” you whispered delighted. you were snuggling with dream on your bed, some time after the dinner ended. phil suggested that he could stay for the night, so they can get to know him better.
tommy was thrilled to the bones about the fact that now, he has a new friend, older than him, and also a captain of the football team, so he could teach him how to play better. wil was… well wil. he made sure that dream didn’t have any wrong intentions and techno just couldn’t care less if you were happy with him. he even suggested that they should bury the hatchet and move on.
“i haven’t said that to anyone yet, but i love you” you said, almost skipping a bit when he held your head and gently kissed you.
“well, you already know that i’m head over heels in love with you. and it won’t ever change” he said and kissed you one more time.
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joonsdragoneyes · 3 years
We’re live [Gamer!Jungkook x Reader][M]
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Pairing: Jungkook x female!reader
Warnings: Smut, profanity, semi-public sex, protected sex (reader is on birth control), mentions of reader needing reading glasses, oral m receiving, drooling, handjobs, orgasms male and female, f and m orgasm denial/edging, big dicks, body worship (kinda), tattoos/piercing's, mentions of sex in other locations, minor hair pulling, mentions of disapproving families/hiding things from parents, mentions/descriptions of reader having a large chest, reader is kind of bratty, usage of the word cock, voice kink if you squint
Genre: Smut, some angst, streamer/youtuber au, college au if you turn on a blacklight
Word count: 4.7k
Summary: You and Jungkook have been living together for a little over a year now, a big decision after your previous several years of dating. He, of course, brought his job with him- a full gaming set up, which you happily let him set up in a spare room. Your boyfriend was a pro-gamer. This job usually kept him busy, his focus on his screen rather than you for a majority of the day. You normally didn’t mind this at all, since you were usually out during that time anyway. Today, however, was different. You were home, attempting to study as he worked in order to give him the space he needed. Except, you were missing him in a way you hadn’t in a while, and the only way to get rid of this frustration would be to get him away from his work. 
{A/N: This work is completely unedited, so apologies for any typos.}
You could hear him yelling through the door.
The laptop sitting in front of you was beginning to dim from lack of use, the loud shouts from the room a bit down the hall further ruining your already destroyed concentration. Your glasses slid down your face as you lifted, the feeling causing you to pull them off. Flopping tiredly against the back of the chair, you took one final look at the multiple windows you had open on the screen as the screen finally went black, leaving you with nothing but your reflection on the screen. Your hair was messily tied back, strands and chunks falling around everywhere from where they escaped from your hair tie. You looked away from the sight of your own face, burying your face in your hands as your elbows came to rest on the shiny, hardwood table; you slamming the device shut as your hand lowered, your fingers pulling the skin down along with it. You sighed in frustration, letting your head flop back against the chair as you slid down, your butt now hanging off of the seat.
His voice practically bounced off the walls, each full-concentration shout of sudden frustration ringing through the house. Each time caught your attention, snatching you quickly from your exhausted daze. He seemed to be having fun in-between moments of what you assumed was either interacting with the chat or moments where it sounded like he lost- or rather, almost lost. You could already hear him coming out in a few hours, bragging about he remained undefeated in a game you couldn't remember the name of, a large, bright grin present on his face, his own pulled back hair messily sprawled in every possible direction.
You sometimes watched his streams and videos while you worked, at least you used to. It always ruined your concentration when you did, as it was now, but they were admittedly entertaining. He never knew you did, you showed little interest in his job, and you'd rather keep it that way.
Sitting up, you lifted your hands to adjust the straps dangling uncomfortably down your shoulders, adjusting the rest of your top in the process, pulling it up from where it slid down, at this point revealing almost everything. It appeared to have shrunk given how tight it was and how easily it slid down, but it wasn't like it would be anything your boyfriend hadn't seen before in the instance you failed to notice and flashed him. The tank top you had on usually did well with covering everything, but knowing that lately, for some reason, it wasn't, made you frown. It was comfortable and nice to wear around the house; you just felt irritated adjusting it constantly.
You stood up, moving toward the various loud sounds coming from the room. The door clicked as you turned the knob, pushing the large wooden object open, the many lights strung on the walls greeting you as you stepped inside the large room. The whiteboard he had hanging on the wall was full of writing and multiple expressive doodles- a few piles on the floor from a few other random activities. It was dark aside from the many lights hanging from the walls and ceiling, your boyfriend well illuminated by the glow from the multiple monitors sprawled in front of him.
Turning to face him fully, you closed the door behind you, leaning against it for a moment as you paused. He hadn't noticed you yet. You felt odd about walking in like this. You had never interrupted him while he was working unless he needed something, in which case he usually just came to get you. You honestly didn't even know if any of his fanbase knew he was in a relationship at all-; you both usually just kept to yourselves. Aside from him eventually coming upstairs to meet you in bed to sleep, coming out to eat, or the occasional 'date'- which was just running errands together or him coming with you to watch a movie you were pretty much already leaving for- you both didn't really spend a lot of time together. At least you hadn't recently.
The sight of his wide eyes and pouty expression made your heart melt, and you couldn't help but smile. He was sitting in his much-bigger-than-him gaming chair, his legs crossed with his knees near his chest as he leaned forward, his expression serious despite the generally cute nature of everything else about him. His way too big shirt swallowed him easily, and it was only at this moment that you realized he had borrowed one of your hair-ties. The pale purple band was more than familiar, and there it was, tightly holding his long black hair neatly in place.
"Jungkook-" You started as you moved close, his head instantly lifting in order to meet you, his serious expression quickly growing soft. He seemed a little confused seeing you in here but still happy about it nonetheless.
You suddenly panicked slightly, watching the screen nervously in the hope you didn't appear in the camera too much, mostly attempting to keep your face out of frame. Gently, you leaned against the back of the chair, his teeth quickly appearing in a wide, excited grin. "Do you need anything?" He asked, his bright, wide eyes meeting yours. You could feel the excitement radiating from him, his lips and cheeks pink in the light from the lamp as he spoke. "Just missed you." You admitted, crossing your arms against the back of the chair as you leaned slightly forward.
The chat on one of the monitors suddenly sped up, you noticing it from the corner of your eyes. A loud mix of emotes and words in all caps filled the screen, zooming by before you could read any of them. You watched Jungkook slide his headphones off, letting them rest on his neck as his legs uncrossed, his socked feet flopping against the carpet. "Here, you can sit with me and watch." He chirped, quickly pausing whatever game he was playing and scooting over to make as much room as he could. You shook your head.
"No, I..." You trailed off, pouting a bit as you lift your arms, moving your hands around your face in a way you hoped emphasized your unwillingness to be on camera. You knew they could see your body just fine, but you were on your computer all day and hadn't slept well, so showing your face was definitely out of the equation. Jungkook simply let his head fall slightly to the side in confusion, letting out a small "But you look fine.".
You pouted, watching as he quickly stood up, the chair rocking slightly as he slid out of it. "Here, I know just the thing." He quickly shuffled near the back of the room and over to the closet doors, pulling them open. You watched quietly as he began to shuffle through a box, the already present pout on your face growing stronger. You recognized that box. That box was from your senior prom. You already knew what he was looking for.
He quickly pulled out a black mask, the very one you had worn years ago. Why he had kept it this long, you didn't know, but you still found yourself sighing as you realized it would still work. You didn't really want to remember that masquerade themed prom, especially considering neither you nor Jungkook had fun during a majority of it. It had its moments, but you had hoped you wouldn't have to go near that specific costume again.
"Sorry, it's all I've got." He whispered, gently placing it in your not-very-eagerly awaiting hands. Taking a deep breath, you slid the mask onto your face as Jungkook scoot past, flopping once again into the large chair, his voice loudly sounding as he began to interact with the apparently very excited chat.
Once again adjusting your top, you moved over to where your boyfriend was sitting, plopping down next to him as one of his muscular arms wrapped around your waist as you settled against him, your thighs touching. You shuffled, wrapping your arm around his waist as well, your legs bouncing from where they hung off the seat as Jungkook pulled the chair forward. You felt the tension in your crossed legs relax as you realized you'd only be seen from slightly above your waist.
His hand slid around you, grabbing onto the controller resting on his thighs. Your arms flopped to the side, resting against your boyfriend's thighs in an attempt to keep them out of the way. Your fingers gripped tightly onto his sweatpants, your head coming to rest gently on his shoulder. Jungkook grinned, his teeth shining through his lips the more comfortable you became.
You could feel his voice vibrating against you as he spoke, the sound making you feel warm inside, a soft tingle running from your head to your thighs. "What're you playing?" You questioned, leaning against his strong shoulder, enjoying his warmth. His face slowly contorted slightly in thought, a pout forming on his lips as he noticeably racked his brain for the answer. "Astrotech." He finally responded, his expression moving quickly back to the way it was, his cheeks noticeably a bit pink.
Various loud booms and screeches flooded from the headphones around his neck, which he had turned up for you to hear. You didn't know what was going on it, but the sight of him expertly doing whatever objectives or maneuvering the obstacles in the game was somewhat fascinating to you.
He suddenly squirmed under you as you adjusted yourself, the sudden movement surprising until you realized your hand had just accidentally rubbed along his thigh in the process. Your lips pressed together in thought, realizing just how sensitive he seemed to be. Deciding to see if that was truly why, you cautiously ran your hand along his thighs, feeling him once again squirm under you. The barely audible groan of protest as you slightly ruined his concentration made something in your brain just click.
You knew why you were so distracted earlier.
Slowly, your hand moved along his leg before sliding inwards towards the warmth where they met. Before he could squirm again, you gave a soft squeeze to his strong thighs, enjoying the slightly surprised noise that escaped. He seemed annoyed that you were attempting to distract him, but his lack of any indication for you to stop or any sort of 'no' from him gave you the willingness to continue.
Your hands moved further up, sliding along the space between his legs and up towards his stomach. He had stopped moving aside from the slight tremble of his thighs as you made your way along. His legs slightly parted, allowing you to continue on your way, the outline of the package you were searching for soon starting to appear in his sweat pants. You licked your lips gently, tracing the outline with your fingers, enjoying the sighs you heard from his weak attempts to keep quiet.
"Alright, well, I guess I'll see you when you're done." You suddenly spoke. "I just came to visit because I missed you, but you seem pretty busy with work." You added, pulling your hand away as you stood, sliding out of the chair as you moved quickly towards the door. Thoughts ran through your brain as your hand grabbed the doorknob, opening it before gently shutting it immediately after. You turned to look at your boyfriend still sat behind you, biting your bottom lip in thought.
Slowly and quietly, you dropped down to your knees, crawling on the ground over to the desk as you swiftly slid under it. Leaning forward, you grabbed the tops of his pants, slowly pulling them down as you felt your eyes grow wide at the sight. You had seen it before, but it was still a pleasant surprise each time.
Your hands moved along his legs, swiftly grabbing the still mostly soft length, pumping them quickly as Jungkook once again squirmed under you, his legs spreading. You could feel him continuously growing under you as you moved, the sight and feeling causing your thighs to tingle.
Licking your lips, you moved forward, licking the tip of his eagerly awaiting cock, listening as he tried to stifle a pleased hum. Before he could fully react, you took the full length in your mouth before sliding down, bobbing your head with vigor, enjoying the soft noises that escaped as a result of your movements. Your hands continued to slide quickly, making up for what you couldn't reach.
Your boyfriend sighed above you, doing his very best to act as normal as he possibly could. The soft clicking and tapping from his controller continued, you only drooling as your head continued to lower, taking in as much of the steadily hardening length as you possibly could. Pawing at him for the bit you had the chance to seemed to work, not quite in the way you had hoped, but you were fixing that just fine. A soft slurp sounded as you suddenly lifted your head, the noise causing you to pause as you hoped no one had heard the sinful action going on under the desk. The conversation between him and the on-going chat seemed to be normal despite his occasional deep sighs. His fingers ran through your hair, giving a slight tug as you continued, closing your eyes as you attempted to savor the moment- still being careful to make as little noise as possible.
A sharp tug to your thick hair pulled you upwards, your breasts practically in his lap as your arms lifted, grabbing onto his thick black hoodie in an attempt to keep yourself steady. You hummed a bit in surprise, the action causing his strong hands to increase their grip on you as your head only continued to bob. He was gasping now. Loud pings and sound effects rang from the screen from what you assumed was possibly the hundredth donation of the night. You increased your speed, enjoying the strong but more gentle tug that followed with each movement of your salivating mouth.
You were only wondering how he was managing to hide this so well.
Your gaze slowly moved upwards, checking his expression. His face was flushed, his teeth on display as he bit his lower lip in a last attempt to keep quiet. His expression was otherwise unchanged aside from his noticeably dilated pupils, his face still stern with concentration.
With a loud pop, you finally pulled away, quickly using your knuckles to wipe away the strand of saliva that followed. Swiftly pulling his pants back up, you shuffled from under the desk and over to the door. That would be enough for now. After all, you didn't actually want to get caught.
You could feel him watching you as you stood up and quietly opened the door. How upset he was that you didn't finish could be felt from where you stood, but you knew he'd get you back later. He always did. It didn't matter if you just ate his food or if you pulled a small prank, he always got you back, and this time you could say you looked forward to it.
The door flew open with a loud bang, you jumping with surprise at the sound, nearly dropping your phone in the process. Your head lifted to meet the sight of your boyfriend standing in the doorway, his hair messy as he loomed over you. "What was that about?" He questioned, his eyes darting to take in your form.
"What was what about?"
"You know what."
You felt your cheeks warm but decided to continue pretending you didn't have a clue what he meant. "No, Jungkook, I don't know what."
His lips pressed together, his eyes narrowing. He stepped forward, closing the door behind him, a soft click sounding as he slowly locked it. You watched quietly, biting your lip as you knew what would happen next. He wasn't usually this quiet.
"Thankfully, I was able to continue normally without much issue." He plopped on the bed next to you, the weight of his larger form causing the mattress to sink under him. The force was almost enough to cause you to slide along with it.
"But you must think I'm a fool if you think you'll get away with sneaking under the desk like that."
By then, he had leaned close, his voice low as he spoke. His tattoos could be seen poking from under the dropped neck of his shirt, your eyes slipping down the closer he leaned. You flopped forward, your gaze meeting his as your hands came to rest on top of his own. "And what are you gonna do about it?" You teased. This wouldn't at all be your first time with each other, and it certainly wouldn't be the last.
"You're not even ready. I could hear you taking care of it yourself before you came up; you're not as quiet as you think."
His hand lifted quietly, curling under your chin as he held your head still. "Alright, smartie, what're you gonna do about that?"
"You're usually the horndog in this situation. What am I gonna do about it?"
You were suddenly shoved against the bed below, the thick blanket warm under your body. He placed a soft kiss on your lips, his hair draping around his face as he leaned over you. "You'll have to wait to find out, huh?"
"Damn, you must really be upset." You teased without even a second of hesitation. "Man, I really wonder what you'll do. Oh, how long must I wait? Forever? Years; Centuries of waiting just to punished in the end! Just end me, as waiting is its own punishment." You whined dramatically under him, your arms lifting as your hand sprawled against your forehead, your eyes closing as your head flopped back in exasperation against the mattress below.
Jungkook laughed. "No, you won't have to wait very long. You know I wouldn't do that to you." He grinned, his teeth bright and shiny behind his lips. "Remember when we were younger, and I still lived with my parents, and you came over to study?" He asked, his noticeably strong hands trailing over your body, their attention quickly focused on your chest. You opened your mouth to speak, only to get interrupted as he continued.
"We waited until they left to run some errands, and we decided to try and be super quick." He paused to laugh to himself, you barely listening as you bit your lip, your nipples beginning to poke through the fabric his hands continued to glide over. "We started getting way too loud near the end and almost got caught because we didn't hear them pull in. The only reason we were able to clean up and everything was because you happened to finish before they walked in and could hear what we were doing. Man, what an adrenaline rush that one minute was as we scrambled around listening to them slowly come up the stairs."
By then, you were moaning under him, the fabric rough against your extremely sensitive chest. His strong fingers continued running along, teasing the hardened nubs as he moved on with another story, seemingly unaware of what he was doing. His hands snuck under your shirt, his hands warm as he grabbed as much of your breasts in his large hands as he could. "Sorry, I was talking." He apologized, taking the moment before you responded to swiftly yank your shirt over your head.
In your moment of distraction, you had become so hot and bothered that you hadn’t even noticed how long he had been rambling. You could hardly hear his reminiscing over your increasingly more desperate moans. The feeling of the cold air hitting your already erect nipples made you squirm slightly, you only coming back to reality to a soft warmth on your neck. Your hands lifted, gripping with white knuckles tightly onto his thick hoodie.
You lowered your gaze, the sight of his face resting on your chest greeting you. His hair messily covered his eyes, the deep brown underneath shining in the light of your bedroom. His lips were pressed softly together into a pout, his tattooed arms lifted to lay across your shoulders, wrapping under your head. “You’re not paying attention!” He whined, continuing to pout as he shuffled to lean over you, the mattress squeaking ever so slightly as his knees rested on the bed.
He paused to pull the thick fabric free from his body, letting it thump to the ground as he leaned over you once again, the thick ink on his arms dancing as his muscles flexed in the process. Your eyes widened as his face approached yours, your noses quickly touching, the pout still present. “You didn’t hear my story.” He whined again, softer this time, the shine still present in his wide eyes despite the shadow he was casting over you. “You weren’t even listening.”
“Honey, you were rambling.” You responded, hoping he couldn’t feel your racing heart. He flopped down, his hips straddling your own as he sat up, his strong arms causing the bed to sink in as he continued to lean over you, your thighs tingling at the slight bounce that followed as he grew comfortable on your hips. 
“I was telling a story.”
He lowered himself, his lips coming into contact with your own, your hands lifting to grab on the thin white t-shirt that remained. His teeth ran softly over your lips as he pulled away, his hands once again moving to slide under your head. Your thighs burned and tingled with each movement he made. 
You were beginning to sweat as you continued gripping him tightly, your hips wiggling to wrap your legs around him. His lips once again moved into a pout, the shine is his eyes disappearing as his head came to rest on your chest once again. He definitely felt you move.
His legs slid around you, his knees moving under your hips to lift them up, pressing his now noticeably tight sweatpants against your shorts. He once again lowered to kiss you, more gentle this time as his hands lowered to remove his sweat pants, leaving nothing between you but your shorts- which already barely covered anything. Your own hands lowered, grabbing onto the hard length poking between your legs, pumping slowly as he sighed into the kiss. Your shoulders ached as his hands pressed against your shoulders, pressing you into the mattress. You sped up your wrist movements, listening as he groaned into the continued kiss.
Suddenly, his hands shot down, levering your legs open and lifting his hips to practically rip your shorts free of your body as he finally broke the kiss. His legs slipped off the bed and onto the floor with a loud thud, swiftly yanking you close to the edge. His fully flexed arms caged you in, his lips coming into contact with your exposed neck, his breathing soft and warm against your skin. 
“Roll over.” He huffed, moving to kiss along your chest and shoulders. His face was now a soft pink, lifting to watch you intently as you rolled onto your stomach, letting out a noise of surprise as you were yanked yet further off of the bed, your feet now touching the floor. Kisses once again returned to your neck, an occasional moment of cold causing you to shiver with delight as his tongue traced over your warm skin with each mark he left behind. Your still erect nipples dragged softly over the sheets under you, the cool mixture of the sheets and his tongue piercing causing you to moan loudly under him.
Your face slammed softly against the mattress below, his strong arms pressing against your shoulders to hold you in place, your hips lifting in the process. Of all the times you’ve done this, he wasn’t usually this rough, but you’d be lying if you said it wasn’t exciting. 
“Fu-” You moaned, burying your face in the mattress at the stretch that followed. “-ck.” Your hands gripped onto the sheets, the feeling of his teeth and tongue reaching every inch of your neck making you whimper. He had always been taller, but it wasn’t until now that you realized just how much stronger- and bigger than you he was. You could hardly move with the grip he had on your shoulders, your head the only thing able to move freely. He had you where he wanted you, and it’d probably be a while before he’d free you.
Each thrust ruined your hopes of being quiet, drool beginning to fall from your lips as he continued- each thrust more intense than the last. Your eyes were soon rolled back, your mouth open as saliva dripped from your parted lips, the sharp tugs to your hair adding to the overall ache. Your legs, hips and shoulders were growing more pained with each lewd slam into you, each second bringing you closer to the edge. You were silent, the ache taking your breath away, a loud gasp escaping as he freed your shoulders, yanking you upright by your hair.
His arms wrapped under your chest, freeing you from the bed entirely as he held you in place, your arms contorting behind you to hold onto his now moist t-shirt. You were trembling, your chest burning as you gasped for air. “Jungkook...” You managed, your voice hoarse as your head flopped backwards against his muscular shoulders. You could feel the mess you were already making in your excitement, awaiting the finish you were mere seconds away from, only to groan as you felt him stop, your chest bouncing as he adjusted you. 
“No...” You whined in complaint, taking the time to catch your breath only to catch yourself moaning with each exhale. You continued shaking as he kissed along the back of your shoulders. “Don’t stop...” You continued, wiggling your legs slightly to get him to continue. He groaned with your wiggles, grabbing your thighs to keep you in place. “Stop moving.” His voice was soft and gentle, your head rolling around on his shoulder as he placed another kiss on your aching neck.
“You’re so pretty.” He complimented, letting you fall forward with your hands hitting the mattress, his arms firmly gripping your thighs to stop your hips from moving from their position. The little eyeliner you had on had started to run, your hands gripping the sheets in anticipation as you wondered what about you with messy makeup was pretty.
You cried out, your voice still hoarse as the edge approached faster than before. After a minute you were trembling under him again, the ache returning as you tipped closer and closer to the edge. You were reduced to a shaking, squealing, moaning mess in a little over a minute, your legs struggling to hold onto him as they shook. 
Your face once again slammed into the mattress, a loud groan felt against your back as his hips sputtered slightly, his large hands grabbing onto your hair once again as he attempted to keep himself steady as he finally tipped over the edge. His breaths were rough and quick against your back, you too busy attempting to catch your own breath to notice his hands had lowered. 
You gasped, pleasure coursing through you once again as his fingers moved with renewed vigor. “Ju-Jungkoo-” You pleaded, struggling to even get his name out as his strong hands made quick work of your clit, you finally reaching your release with a sudden, violent shake. He pulled away, the emptiness that followed allowing you to fully fall against the bed, your legs weak as you attempted to stand. His arms wrapped around you, gently laying you down. 
“Too much?” He questioned, taking in your exhausted form, his voice dripping with concern. His eyes widened slightly at the black smeared along your cheeks, pouting as he gently wiped it off, not seeming to notice his still wet fingers. “Too much.” He lowered to place a gentle kiss on your forehead, running his fingers through your messy hair. “Definitely too much.”
[A/N: Sorry that this came out so much later than I promised. Hopefully it was worth the wait.]
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knchins · 4 years
Manager’s Special - Seijoh 4
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Summary: Being the manager of Seijoh University's boy's volleyball team meant filling their every need. But can you satisfy all four seniors at the same time or will you break trying?
Pairing: Oikawa x Fem!Reader x Iwa x Mattsun x Makki
Rating: E+
Word Count: 5.3k
Warnings:  Degradation/Humiliation, Oral sex (giving/receiving), Vaginal Sex, Anal Sex, Double Penetration, Triple? Penetration (I technically don't view this as triple but some might), Squirting, Vaginal/Anal fingering, Unprotected sex, Gangbang (obvs), Blindfold usage, Spit (just a little), A smidgen of dubcon if you squint, Overstimulation, Mindbreak??, Aftercare, and Oikawa being a total Asshole
Notes: This is completely self indulgent and I don’t apologize for it one bit.
 Since earning the head manager position of Seijoh University’s boys volleyball team, you had learned to keep a tight schedule. It could be very hard work at times, but honestly it was very rewarding and the experience was worth the late nights and early mornings. It was an honored title that many girls strived for year after year. You had been merely an assistant your first two years of college and now, finally, your tenacity had paid off. You were number one and with it you held a whole new set of responsibilities.
 Because while you did the duties of a normal manager, at Aoba Johsai, female managers also held a very...important role. They were in charge of making sure all of the senior players kept their head in the game and stayed at the pique of physical fitness. This meant that you were in charge of making sure all of their needs were met.
 Every. Single. One.
 And you had quickly found that the four seniors you were in charge of satiating this year were particularly hungry for one thing and one thing only. You.
 Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Hanamaki, and Matsukawa all had their own unique interests and tastes. They fought for your affection, sometimes making you feel pulled into four different directions at once. It got so bad that they had to roll die to see who could have you first. There were prime time slots in your schedule, after all, and everyone wanted to be the one to hold it. Weekends were especially cut throat among them and it was finally decided on an even rotation. Oikawa, since he was the captain, got the first weekend. Mattsun was second. Iwaizumi third, and lastly Hanamaki. You never had a moment to yourself it seemed like. The core four took up the entirety of your free time.
 But you knew what the job demands were before you took it. You agreed to this. If only you had known how draining it would be. You couldn’t have imagined the sexual appetites of athletes being this overwhelming. If only there was time to recuperate. Time and time again they worked you to tears. Multiple times a week you’d be left overstimulated and so incredibly full of cum. But none of that could have prepared you for what they had in mind for this particular Saturday.
 Makki was supposed to come over to your apartment alone that evening. You had the scene set the way you knew he liked it. Lights dim with a plethora of candles scattered across the bedroom. There was chilled sparkling water set on the bedside and a new bottle of lube. You had taken time to shower, scrubbing every inch of you clean for him. After drying yourself off, fixing your hair and putting on light natural looking makeup, you stepped into a nice little sheer white baby-doll nightie with nothing but a sea foam green thong underneath.
 After a look-over in your floor length mirror, you smiled with satisfaction. Makki was the gentlest of the four and usually he pampered a little more afterwards. It was the only time you get any semblance of rest. Maybe you could convince him to go easy on you too. Take things slow. He was the easiest to reason with and you had been looking forward to this all week.
 There was a knock at your front door and immediately you were thrown off. Each player had a unique knock to them, and what you just heard wasn’t Makki’s. It was the captain’s. Holding back a groan you padded to the door and looked through the peephole, seeing all four seniors gathered in the hallway.
 Confusion washed over you as you unlocked the door and slowly opened it. Oikawa looked particularly proud of himself, something that had your thighs clenching out of sheer habit. “Oikawa-san? Did something happen?”
 Iwaizumi forced the door open, making you take a step back as all four men walked in, putting down their things in the entryway before Hanamaki closed the door. They deposited their shoes at the doorway before Oikawa gave you some sort of answer. “I hate to do this to you, Cutie, I really do, but there’s something your Captain wants you to do for him.”
 His eyes scoured every inch of your body, making you suddenly feel incredibly self conscious. His tongue swiped over his lips, his facial expression absolutely predatory. Your cunt was already aching at the thought of him pounding into you. “W-What is it?” You asked, crossing your arms over your chest.
 Oikawa began to circle around you as you noticed the others begin to slip off their shirts. You swallowed thickly, unable to look away from the sheer amount of tone muscle present before you now. You began to chew on your bottom lip, the taste of your lip gloss crawling onto your tongue. “We decided that we all want a turn with you tonight.” He said, stopping behind you and putting his hands on your hips. He pulled you back to him and you could feel his half-hard cock rutting into your ass as he leaned to speak in your ear. “They don’t think you can handle it, but I can.”
 He pressed a kiss just under your ear, teeth grazing the skin there as you felt the flimsy fabric of the thong dampen with your arousal. All four of them? At once? Your head span as you tried to conceive it, but the captain’s cock grinding into your ass was almost too distracting. He knew exactly what he was doing and you hated him for it. “I don’t think I- Ah!” He bit at your pulse point and you felt her knees begin to tremble from the sheer anticipation of him being inside you.
 One of his beautiful hands moved to push up the lightweight fabric of the baby-doll, his index finger finding your clit expertly and pressing into you with just the right amount of force that had you keening back against him. “Don’t you want to prove them right, my little manager? What happened to all of that ambition?”
 Three pairs of eyes were devouring you as Oikawa continued to press kisses into your throat. They all looked so starving. So      needy    . Who were you to deny your team? Your body was for their taking, that was what you had wanted since you were a freshman right? And now, with Oikawa’s fingers working over your swelling clit, mouth taking claim to your neck, you have no drive to tell them no. There was no chance of you resisting them. You sank into Oikawa’s hold and he knew instantly that you were admitting defeat. You’d take on all four of them, even if it broke you.
 Oikawa dragged you into the bedroom, his right hand never leaving its spot between your legs. When he finally released you, he pushed you gently onto the bed so that he could take off his shirt. The other three came into the room, Makki had already stepped out of his pants and as in nothing but his socks and boxer briefs.
 You turned onto your back, looking absolutely doe-eyed at the large men before you. Again you kept your legs pressed together, rubbing slightly to try and create some kind of friction that would lighten the ache in your core. Out of the corner of your eye you noticed Iwa pull something out of your top drawer, and again you swallowed as you knew there could only be one thing he’d be looking for in there. The black silk blindfold you kept stashed away.
 “Hajime, please,” You cooed softly, feeling fear bubble in your abdomen at being blinded. He ignored your quiet plea, knowing that there wasn’t nearly enough fight behind it to be an actual revocation of consent. He came closer to you, making it easier for you to see the outline of his erection in his pants as he covered your eyes with the cloth and tied it around the back of your head.
 “Good thinking, Iwa-chan!” Oikawa chirped as he took off his pants. “Let’s play a game then, shall we, Manager-san?” He asked, glancing at the other guys. “If you can guess whose dick is in your pretty little mouth then you can get a reward. How does that sound?”
 His irritating voice did nothing but ignite your desires even further. You were pretty certain you knew each of them well enough by now to be able to tell the difference between the four. Besides, Oikawa always held to his word and rewards with him often meant a very intense orgasm.
 You felt a hand grab you by the shoulder and by the softness of it, you assumed it was Oikawa’s. His hands were always the most meticulously kept out of all of them. He forced you to your knees and your mouth opened as you presented your tongue to whoever was first in line.
 Mattsun decided to take initiative, his cock already out as he stroked it. He stepped up to you, guiding the tip into your warm, beckoning mouth. He clenched his teeth together to keep from making any sort of sound that may give him away. Although, he already had a disadvantage. Mattsun was the biggest lengthwise and second only to Iwa when it came to girth.
 He was unable to stop himself from sliding as much in as he possibly could, his tip rubbing the back of your throat as his hand pressed onto the top of your head. His hips rocked slowly, pulling him out a fraction before rutting back in. You swirled your tongue around him, suckling lightly (though it was enough to finally pull a groan from him). You were about to reach up and grab onto his scrotum when Oikawa stopped you. “No touching, Cutie.” He chided and you put your hand back down.
 After a minute of you attempting to work him over without the help of your hands, he pulled from you completely. Oikawa asked you who it was as you were unable to stop yourself from coughing with newfound freedom. After you had collected yourself, you finally answered him with a small smile. “Issei.” You said happily, knowing you were right.
 “Good job.” Mattsun breathed out as he stroked his length to keep it from going soft. “Maybe that was too easy for you, doll.” You shook your head, trying to deny that it wasn’t easy for you to figure it out. None of them believed you.
 The next cock to enter your mouth was slimmer and you quickly narrowed it down to either Makki or Oikawa. They were almost identical, though there was one difference that would give it away. One of them had a small scar at the base of their penis where they had a shaving accident in high school.
 You greedily took him in, drool spilling over your lips and down your chin as your tongue searched every centimeter for the small white line of tissue. You tried to mask what you were doing by sucking and moaning at the small thrusts, the pubic hair at the base ticking your nose as he forced his tip to your throat. He suddenly pulled out, afraid that he wouldn’t be able to restrain himself any longer if he didn’t. “Takahiro.” You said before Oikawa could ask.
 Makki let out a small laugh. “I guess you know me too well, huh?” He asked, not expecting you to actually answer. You smiled, reaching up to rid your chin of the spit that had made its way down it. Though you were somewhat positive that it would be replaced very quickly.
 “Alright, princess, so no one gets left out you’ll do Iwa-chan and I at the same time.” Oikawa said and a small frown formed on your lips. There was no way      both     of them would fit inside of your mouth. How were you supposed to do this without your hands?
 Iwa huffed, obviously not wanting to share your mouth with his best friend but nevertheless not objecting to it. They both stepped before you. “Can I at least use my hands this time, Captain?” You asked, head tilted upwards as if you were looking up at them.
 “Yes, you can use your hands this time.” Oikawa said back, placing a delicate hand on top of your head to rub it soothingly. You were doing such a good job for him and he was making note to make sure you knew that next time you were alone together.
 Again you opened your mouth wide. Oikawa nodded to Iwa who gave a shallow thrust into your mouth. Your hand searched up the leg of the person to your left, finding the shaft of his penis and stroking it. The telltale ribbing of a small scar at the base of it. The same scar you had been searching for when you were blowing Hanamaki. Not only that but Iwa’s girth gave him away. Oikawa was slender and pretty, Iwa was thick and veiny. Telling the two apart was almost like night and day.
 You bobbed your head, keeping the same pace with your hand giving them both a moment to enjoy the sensation before switching sides. You kept one hand on the base of each cock, making it easier to switch quickly between the two. When you had finally set what you thought was the perfect rhythm, a steady hand stopped you. “Who is who?” Oikawa asked in a chipper voice, never one to be upset when his dick was getting serviced.
 “Tooru-kun, you’re on the left.” You said, “Hajime is on the right.”
 Oikawa chuckled, “Wow, what a good little manager you are. You know us all so well. Are you ready for your reward?” You nodded your head enthusiastically. “Alright, get up and lay back on the bed we’re going to take good care of you.
 He grabbed your hand, helping you to your feet and guiding you to the bed where you laid down. He wasted no time in reaching up and grabbing the thin elastic of your thing and sliding it down your legs, enjoying the sight of the middle sticking to your slick folds for a moment before pulling free.
 Mattsun took position to your right, Makki your left, and Iwa was hovering over you, grabbing either of your thighs and spreading them. His calloused hands felt like a stark contrast from Oikawa’s, a feeling that made you shiver and clench around nothing. The blindfold was taken from your eyes at once by Makki.
 Tooru lowered his face to your core, giving you a nice slow cat lick up your slit that had you quaking in Iwa’s grasp. Mattsun forced the top of your babydoll down, freeing your breasts from the see-through material. He ran a thumb over your right nipple while Makki began to kiss along the swell of your left breast.
 Your brain was in overdrive at all the different sensations going on. Oikawa’s tongue pressing into your folds, Iwa’s mouth peppering kisses along your thighs as he held them apart. Matsukawa’s fingers massaging your breast firmly while Hanamaki is sucking hickies into your other one. There was just too much going on, you felt like you were going to short circuit already. Every inch of you was quivering with delight.
 Oikawa latched onto your clit like a leech, sucking so roughly that he pulled a loud moan straight from your throat. Your hips bucked, kegels flexing as you nearly creamed then and there. Iwa bit into your thigh, the pain ripping through your leg. You cried out, trying to squirm out of his grasp but it was of no use. He was stronger than you by a long shot and there was no way you could possibly overpower all four of them at once.
 “T-Toru p-p-p-please!” You cried, tears filling your eyes as Mattsun’s mouth replaced his hand. You just needed something, anything, inside you. You didn’t really care what at this point.
 He removed his mouth from you, a lewd popping sound came as a result. He knew exactly what you wanted, a lecherous smile on his wet lips. “You gonna beg me princess?”
 Your reply came in a whimper, Mattsun’s teeth grazed one nipple as Makki was sucking on your other one, tongue swirling as if he were attacking your clit instead. “I-I need yo-you inside.” You pleaded with him, the desperate need to have your pussy filled growing even more. “Your fin-fingers. Ah!” You tossed your head back as Iwa licked at your clit now. It was hard to concentrate on anything, especially getting the words you wanted out.
 Oikawa was extremely proud of the sight before him. Iwa’s sideways position gave him enough room to slip in two fingers into your throbbing cunt, The long, slender digits going in gently and deeply. “My, my, Manager-san. My fingers are waterlogged in this cute pussy of yours. Are you that desperate to get off?”
 You were unable to respond, too busy concentrating on grinding your hips against Hajime’s mouth and his fingers at the same time. Oikawa pulled his fingers out before inserting them back in, they slid with ease due to the amount of slick that had accumulated between your legs. Your eyes were rolling back, body jerking beneath the three boys that were hovering over you. All coherent thoughts were gone as the team captain because to thoroughly fuck you with his fingers, his vice captain’s tongue tracing fast shapes around your sensitive clit. That along with the two mouths on your chest had you crying and cumming in no time at all.
 Oikawa pulled his soaked fingers from you, inserting them into his mouth to clean them off with his tongue. He savored the taste of your cum, giving a small hum of appreciation at both the taste and the sight of you panting and teary-eyed. “Is our little cum dumpster okay? We haven’t even filled you up yet.”
 The sarcasm of his voice and sudden removal of Iwaizumi’s grip had your legs slamming shut, not wanting anyone to see how turned on you still were. How much you still needed them to satisfy you. The slutty desperation making your heart pound even harder within your chest. How much more of this relentless teasing could you take before breaking completely? You had no idea. “Fill...Fill me up, Captain.” You said between heavy breaths, eyes glossy with saline and want.
 He laughed, “Makki, tonight is supposed to be your night. You can choose what order we go in.” At least Oikawa could be fair when it came to his teammates. Too bad he wasn’t when it came to you.
 Hanamaki thought about it for a moment. “We should switch halves. Mattsun and I will fuck her while you two can have her hands and mouth.” He brushed your hair back, a small smile on his face. “I know she can take it.”
 He maneuvered himself so he was laying next to you so you could climb on top of him. Your teeth sank into your lip again as you positioned his tip at your entrance, slowly lowering yourself down. You couldn’t stop the moan from seeping out between your lips in the process of finally feeling completed. Makki pulled you down by your arm so your chest was against his.
 You hadn’t noticed Mattsun get up and grab the bottle of lube. He generously coated two fingers as he got behind you. He watched as Makki’s dick spread your lips apart, his dick disappearing inside of you in slow shallow thrusts. His own cock was throbbing painfully at this point, begging for release.
 Instead of touching himself, he inserted his two fingers into your ass. You let out a hiss of pain, the muscles burning at the sudden stretch. Hanamaki was whispering sweet things into your ear to help distract you, telling you how good you were doing for him. How amazing your soft pussy felt wrapped around him so tightly while Iwa was positioning himself at your head, stroking his cock is a slow languid motion.
 Oikawa had grabbed his phone and was now recording. He enjoyed nothing better than humiliating you by filming you in compromising positions. Most of the nights alone with him involved some sort of video equipment. Despite being hard and dripping precum onto your carpet, he seemed to totally ignore his erection and focus only on getting the perfect shot of you pleasuring his team.
 Mattsun continued to prep your ass, feeling your muscles beginning to relax around him. Makki kept his rhythm light, not wanting to jostle you around too much while his friend was getting you ready. His hands were on your waist, holding you still as you whimpered. He was being so gentle, too gentle. That wasn’t what you wanted. You were craving Mattsun’s brute force, the little whimpers coming from you only proving how ready you were.
 “Don’t leave her waiting, Mattsun.” Oikawa said. “She wants you to fuck her ass, can’t you see how much she needs it? Little cumslut can’t get off to just Makki treating her like a princess”
 Mattsun tutted, removing his fingers so that he could lube up his cock. Again he watched you take in every inch of Hanamaki like such a good little girl. He spit on your ass, letting it slide down your crack as he pressed his tip into your anus. Hanamaki was still as his friend pushed into you, leaving delicate kisses along your jawline.
 He let out a loud groan as his balls came into contact with your perineum. You fluttered around both of them, taking the moment to adjust to having two dicks inside of you instead of just one. And Mattsun was so big you thought he might rip you apart.
 Iwa was growing impatient, he pressed his tip against your lips and your tongue darted out to taste his precum. He grabbed a fistful of your hair as you opened her mouth fully for him. Makki and Mattsun still weren’t moving yet, simply enjoying the feeling of your body heat warming up their cocks.
 You tried to move your hips to feel something, anything. The neediness growing ever wilder within you. Oikawa watched with great delight, enjoying the muffled torture sounds coming from your mouth as you sucked on Iwa’s dick. “You want them to move, sweetheart?” He asked in a sickly sweet voice that was definitely anything but sincere.
 You whined loudly, despite your mouth being full. You attempted to nod your head but it was slight due to not wanting to hurt Iwa by accident though your teeth did graze him and he gave a warning tug on your locks. You looked up at him with an apologetic expression, gargling out a sorry that wasn’t really comprehensible.
 “You heard her, Matsukawa.” Makki said, his once sweet voice going sly. “She wants us to move.”
 Mattsun laughed darkly as he pulled back slowly before jerking his hips forward, roughly slapping into you. Searing heat and pain caused tears to once again spring to your eyes as Hanamaki began to move in sync with him with an almost equal amount of force. It took a moment for them to stop fumbling awkwardly with one another, trying to find a going pace that worked to both of their advantages. Once they found it though, it was nothing but bliss. Both your pussy and ass being fucked simultaneously while your mouth was stuff full had your eyes rolling back and drool slipping down your chin again.
 “Fuck it’s so tight.” Mattsun moaned, smacking your ass with a harsh slap before rubbing the area. “Why have you never let me fuck your ass before? You’ll be lucky if I ever use that used up pussy again.” He growled at you, making the welling tears finally fall down your face. They dripped down onto Makki, though he didn’t mind much at all.
 Iwa was forcing more and more of himself down your throat, gagging and choking you in the process until you could barely breathe. He was taking the liberty to fuck your mouth, allowing you to simply be another hole for his pleasure instead of an active participate in getting him off.
 Oikawa grabbed one of your hands and wrapped it around his dick. He knew you wouldn’t be able to stroke him due to your fucked out state of stupidity. He moved your hand for you, keeping it steady as he bounced his hips against your grip. “I get that ass next.” He said, “Iwa-chan, you can have Makki’s hole. I want her so full of cum that she won’t stop leaking for a week.”
 Makki increased his pace, forcing Mattsun to do so as well. The two dicks rubbing inside of you have a fast knot tightening in your lower abdomen. The thing that finally did you over was Makki reaching between the two of you and teasing your clit with the pads of his fingers. You were screaming around Iwa, eyes shut tight as you came for a second time, both holes spasming around your partners, pulling moans from them as you sucked them in more. It was enough to drive Makki to his peak as well, releasing inside of your cunt while Mattsun thrusted wildly, the sounds of his balls slapping against you was the loudest thing in the room at the moment. It only ceased when he finally came, pumping your ass so full of semen that it seeped out around his base.
 Iwa pulled his dick from your mouth and throat, allowing you to gasp and sob. You were already so incredibly overstimulated, you couldn’t imagine having to go yet another round. But you knew your captain and vice captain wanted to get off too. Oikawa’s dream of making you the sluttiest little cum dumpster in all of Japan was quickly coming true.
 Mattsun pulled out of you, enjoying the view one last time before stepping back and disappearing into the bathroom to clean up. Iwa moved to the side, ready to fuck you senseless again with growing impatience. Makki took one last breath, gave you one last sweet kiss, before slipping out from under you.
 Oikawa handed his phone to Makki so he could continue to film while he positioned himself under you. With Iwa’s help he had you sitting up and turned around so that your back was to him. “I think Mattsun lubed you up enough, Manager-san, don’t you think?” He asked, tip probing your dripping ass before suddenly dipping into you without warning. You cried out, almost not believing just how easily he slid right in. Since he was a bit smaller than Mattsun, it didn’t hurt at all for him to be inside all at once. The former had stretched you out too thoroughly.
 Iwa also wasted zero time in plugging you up, stopping anymore of Makki’s cum from escaping you. You were still crying and shaking, too overstimulated to say anything that made sense. Unlike Mattsun and Makki, they didn’t need time to sync up into a nice rhythm. They both went in hard and fast, almost competing with one another on who could be the most brutal.
 Oikawa’s hands were on your breasts, pulling at your nipples, “What a good girl, taking your captain and vice captain like this.” He said, holding back his own moans as he whispered into your ear. “Our little good luck charm. My cute little slut, you’ll do anything I ask of you won’t you?”
 Your answer was a strangled moan, throat still sore from Iwa’s previous abuse. You could tell Oikawa was struggling not to cum. Whenever he got too excited he had the tendency to lose control.
 Once again Iwa had a bruising grip on your thighs, keeping them nice and spread so he could easily see his handiwork, watching you take his thick cock as if it were nothing. The squelching sounds you were making had you feeling incredibly embarrassed, the way the previous boys’ cum had acted as lubricant for the two new ones. Oikawa and Iwa were pumping in and out effortlessly, working you over once again.
 “Iwa-chan, but your thumb on her clit, I bet she’ll squirt all over us if you do that.” Oikawa said, nipping at your ear as he tugged on your nipples again. Iwa reached down, pressing his thumb against the engorged bud and rubbing in fast tight circles. Your back arched, more sobs erupting as you felt another overwhelmingly powerful orgasm rip through you. You couldn’t stop the release of ejaculate as it squirted out of you, showering all three of you in the process, though Iwa got the brunt of it.
 Oikawa was laughing harshly, “Fuck princess, you’re just so goddamn dirty aren’t you? You like being stuffed like this? Will you ever be satisfied with just one again?” You shook, collapsed on top of him, unable to make any sound or even think straight. Your walls were still fluttering around him, hips jerking in tune with their thrusts. Iwa’s nails dragged across your skin, the pain not even enough to cause you to yelp like you normally would. A few pumps later and he was adding to the mess with his own cum, the warm liquid filling your pussy so beautifully for him as he pulled out.
 “Best for last.” Oikawa hissed, Flipping over so he could ravage you at a whole new angle. You couldn’t even hold yourself up, he had to do it for you as he rammed into you over and over. He wasn’t holding back anymore, hell you didn’t even know he      was     holding back before. He chased his own high, hitting his peak and pumping you full of even more white creamy liquid.
 He pulled out and gently laid your hips down onto the bed. You cried into the sheets, still feeling jerky from your own string of orgasms. It was over? Finally? You couldn’t believe that you had actually survived all four of them at once.
 Oikawa and Iwa began to clean themselves up as Makki put his captain’s phone away and went to pamper you with kisses. He turned you on to your back and spread your legs just enough so he could clean you up the best he could. Parts of the bed were soaked unfortunately, but Mattsun brought a clean towel to lay down over the puddles, moving you so that you were on top of the towel instead of the wetness.
 “Don’t forget, Makki, make sure she’s up tomorrow for practice.” Oikawa said in that sing-song voice of him. “Maybe we can have a round two in the equipment room.”
 You whimpered in protest as Hanamaki held you close to him. “He’s joking, love, don’t worry.” He whispered to you softly, knowing you were too outdone to do it again so soon.
 Iwa punched his shoulder roughly, “leave her alone, asshole.” He said threateningly, coming over to plant a light kiss on your forehead. “If you can’t come tomorrow, don’t stress it.” He said quietly enough that the only other person to hear him was Makki. He straightened up before shooting a glare at Oikawa.
 Oikawa frowned a bit at him before walking over to you. “Good job, princess. I knew you could do it. You made your captain so proud tonight.” He cooed softly, petting your head. “I’ll call you in the morning to check on you.” He placed a kiss identical to Iwa’s onto your forehead. “Makki is going to take good care of you tonight.” He assured before standing up once more. “Let’s go, Iwa-chan. I’m hungry.”
 The two started bickering as they left. Mattsun cleaned up around the room a little more before, wishing you a farewell before leaving. Hanamaki continued to whisper to you about how amazing you were and how thankful he was for letting them do this. He didn’t stop until you finally lost your battle with sleep, cuddled up next to him and clinging to him for safety.
 And the next day you definitely didn’t show up to practice.
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devinescribe · 3 years
[ Heathers ]
Niragi Suguru × Reader
It's mainly Niragi, but there's a lot going on, so for some background: You are a theater kid. But, you have to be intimidating in the games.
This is funny? But also kind of cringe😆
You hummed, walking towards your favorite room at the Beach after your patrol. It was late at night, and most people were sleeping, partying, or militants on patrol. No one else except Hatter really went there, so you assumed tonight would be no different.
You opened the side door softly, entering the room, and flicking on the lights. It echoed in the room, and you smiled. It was the last bit of normalcy left in your life.
A few days ago, Hatter had taken you here, and shown you the theater inside the hotel. It reminded you of when you were in your theater program back in high school, so you found yourself constantly going back.
"I wonder what I should do this time? Be More Chill? Hamilton? Dear Eva- Heathers!" You thought outloud, reading through sheet music. You smiled, remembering the musical, and laughed at the thought of when you guys did it back in high school. You had played Heather Duke, and honestly enjoyed it. Although, the girl who played Veronica was incredibly rude, and actually got sick the day before the performance. Karma, the greatest and baddest bitch of all.
You hummed to yourself, cleaning up the backstage area. It hadn't been in usage, so it was dusty, and it needed some cleaning. You picked up a broom, and began to sweep.
Niragi hadn't been planning on doing anything after his patrols. He thought he would just head back to his room. But something was urging him to head to the place he found. It was a theater area at the back of the Beach. It seemed no one else had found it, so he was pretty ecstatic about it. He didn't do theater, but he knew a few kids who did. They found it fun. All he liked doing was games. Although a couple kids had invited him to try it out once, as they caught him singing. Apparently, they thought he sounded good. Embarrassed, and not looking for anymore reasons for anyone to target him, he refused. The theater was quiet, far away from everyone. Soundproof. Although, he will never reveal how he found that out. Plus, the way he found out was gone now, so he didn't have to worry about anything.
When he walked in, he noticed the lights were on. 'I must've left the lights on last time,' he thought as he sat behind the second curtain that hid the backstage passage. He folded his knees up to his chest, kind of hard because of his long legs, but that was a him problem. He'd figure it out later.
He closed his eyes, leaning his head back on the wall. Although he never did theater, he did like a couple musicals. He knew about 3 all the way through. Other than that, if he had been a theater kid, he'd be a disappointing one. One musical he did like, however, was Heathers. The soundtrack was pretty nice, and he thought JD and Veronica's relationship was interesting. No one would hear if he just sang quietly. Even if he was singing loudly, the room was sound proof and no one knew about it, so what does it matter?
He questioned himself too much. Every thought, every move he made, he had to second guess it. But he was so tired, he just quietly sang a song to himself.
"I am damaged... far too damaged...
But you’re not beyond repair. Stick around here, make things better... ‘Cause you beat me fair and square. Please stand back now,"
"Little further. Don’t know what this thing will do. Hope you’ll miss me... Wish you’d kiss me... Then you’d know I worship you... I’ll trade my life for yours,"
"Oh my God -" you sang. He jumped, grabbing his gun. "It's me, (Y/N). Can I sit besides you? Can you keep singing? Please?" You asked. He was so shocked, all he did was nod. "Go on. Please," you said.
"And once I disappear,"
"Wait, hold on-"
"Clean up the mess down here,"
"Not this way!"
"Our love is God. Our love is God.Our love is God. Our love is God..."
"Say hi to God..."
"You're a theater kid?!" You shouted, shaking his shoulders. "No! No, I'm not!" He shouted, pushing you away. You crawled over to him. "How do you know the song?" You asked. "I just know it... gods your annoying," he muttered, crawling backwards and away from you. You grabbed his arm, forcing him to stop. "I- I'm sorry... I shouldn't have scared you... Um... Niragi..." you apologized, still holding his hand. "What?" He spat. "Can you... can you sing more songs with me? Please?" You begged. "No way," he said, trying to pull away. "Please? I've never met someone else at the beach who's even shown interest in them. Pleaseee?" You repeated. He thought for a second. You weren't someone like Chishiya, and you were a milital. Someone he's had his eyes on for a while, actually. You were always so intimidating, but here you were excited over him knowing a song from a musical.
"Goddammit woman, I said no. You are a stubborn ass bitch."
"Pwease? Pweaseeee!"
"Dead Girl Walking. Full scene, from the top, every action. After that, if you need help I'll give it to you."
You laughed, seeing as that's all he needed to be convinced. "So... all I have to do to get you to do something... is offer my body?" You questioned. "Only for you would I say yes...
"Awww, so you do like me~ Kuina was right!" You cooed, grabbing his hands.
He blushed, and you smiled. "Maybe one day.... you could be the JD to my Veronica, yeah?"
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shihalyfie · 3 years
What do you think Ryō’s main personality traits are in Tamers besides just “badass”? I keep trying to remember his personality, but that’s all I can really remember about him. I don’t want to just label him “bland” because of how subtle this series can get, so I’m wondering what your thoughts are.
Tamers doesn't have as much of a severe subtlety issue as Adventure and 02 had, so we do unfortunately have to take most of what we see of Ryou at face value. Unfortunately, the games don't give anyone much to work with since story coherence wasn't really their big priority, and this was a limited-memory handheld game series from 1999-2001; those weren't really known for story. (For the record, a handful of stuff you'll see around English-speaking fandom or wikis regarding the games or Ryou in their context is either made up or headcanon at best. If you've read the actual transcriptions of the games or seen footage of them, they're very minimal.)
We do know that Ryou's personality in Tamers takes influence from his voice actor, Kanemaru Junichi (to the point it was implied he'd have a very different personality if he'd been in a 02 movie as originally planned), and Kanemaru has a very "bright and refreshing" personality that rubs off on everyone around him -- to wit, his personality influencing his roles extends to outside Digimon, and he's well-known for having played Sonic the Hedgehog in Japan. I think if you think about Sonic, you kind of get an idea -- Ryou doesn't seem to be as cocky as Sonic, but he has some of that overconfident self-assured atmosphere you'd also label "refreshing". On that note, Ruki labeling him as "refreshing" (sawayaka) with a sort of passive-aggressive nuance isn't exclusive to this usage; back during 02, Takeru having a sort of dodgy ^^ smiley and overly kind personality was also referred to by fans and staff as being somewhat of this, so I think you can kinda get the impression of what the nuances of that word are.
It also is true that Hirokazu and Kenta play up his apparent amazingness more than he does himself; he's pretty level-headed about the whole thing. He does talk back a little at Ruki giving him the cold shoulder, but it's not much more than anyone else would in a situation of someone acting like she did to you all of a sudden. (Other than the lack of context meaning most non-Japanese audience had no preexisting investment in Ryou, I also think the American English dub did kind of exacerbate any inclinations to dislike him because they changed a lot of the nuances to imply Rika was hung up over him "not remembering her" or whatnot and removes a lot of Ryou's general politeness/amiability, whereas in Japanese Ruki was rather more obviously initially off-put by his general "refreshing"-but-kind-of-dodgy personality while Ryou seemed genuinely interested in getting along normally.)
We do learn in episode 42 that he's not from Tokyo as the other kids are, but Fukuoka, up to speaking in fairly obvious Fukuoka dialect between himself and his dad, whom he seems to have a good relationship with. Said dad also deflected the paparazzi wanting Ryou to get some privacy, so it's inferable that neither are actually all that interested in him getting so much attention, and it ties into Ryou never coming off as particularly arrogant. Message in the Packet elaborates that he'd willingly rushed into the Digital World without a second thought to help Cyberdramon and confessed to having not thought through how this would worry his dad (the fact he singles out his dad specifically implies a mother may not be present). Contrary to how Hirokazu and Kenta frame it, he also acknowledges Ruki's talents, and while some of the things he says around her could be construed as teasing, he does have a point in that she's blatantly taking out a grudge against him (could have done without that one comment from Message in the Packet, but he follows it up with an apology and taking it back...but then again Message in the Packet is arguably more ship baity than anything in the base series about this issue).
I think the best way to see the situation surrounding Ryou in Tamers is that he was effectively the Digimon equivalent of Red in Pokémon. The first-generation Pokémon games gave you absolutely nothing to work with regarding Red besides him being a silent protagonist and lurking on a mountain at some point, but due to the fascination with the limited nature of the games, the fandom came to see him as some kind of memetic badass and would balk at the idea of him being portrayed as anything less (and indeed, official media that gives him much of a personality like Adventures or Origins is rare). On top of that, for all it seems like, Bandai wasn't particularly great at coordinating with Toei for all of this, and although there was a push from both Bandai and Toei ends to find a way to integrate anime and game canon together, the fact the games were being developed in parallel to the anime (with existing contradictions to Adventure and 02 already) meant that it seemed to be a losing battle to make them work together at all. Seki's infamous statement of Tamers Ryou being an amnesiac Adventure/02 Ryou was even admitted by a certain writer as something she was likely obligated to come up with in order to satisfy the interests of everyone involved, and I doubt that idea was seriously on the table when working on his character in Tamers. Other than Message in the Packet (which was penned by Konaka), Yoshimura was also apparently responsible for most of everything about Ryou's personality, and his portrayal there is a very specifically Tamers thing. So while this is just my speculation, I think, for similar reasons as Red, the Tamers anime staff was hesitant to be too aggressive with giving Ryou a portrayal that would contradict Bandai's portrayal too much or ruin fans' image of him, which means having to play it safe a bit.
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nukacoola · 4 years
Companions react to Danse stepping out of power armor for the first time!
She would look Danse up and down very obviously and grin which would make him extremely uncomfortable. 
“Ya’outgha get out of that thing more often Dansey. Who knew there were cookies in that tin can of yours.”
She obviously isn’t actually interested in Danse. Way too boring. But she’s not one to toss out eye candy just cause it isn’t her favorite flavor. She wouldn’t actively follow him but for fun and also to get on his nerves she would definitely cat-call him everytime he was in hearing range. Deacon and Hancock might join in for a few comments if they don’t have anything better to do.
She would not stop unless sole made a convincing plea or reason for why she should and maybe not even then.
Danse would not respond or look at Cait but he would be very red and never get out of his suit in front of her again.
“Why Paladin Danse I dare say you’ve been keeping up your workout routine! Cheers to your excellent health whether in or out of your power armor!” Codsworth is reassured that his owner is traveling with someone so equipped for the struggles of the wasteland.
“Uh, thank you, Codsworth.” Danse would feel a bit awkward but he would appreciate the compliment. 
“Might I polish that for you while you're otherwise engaged? It seems to be in a just dreadful state and I would like nothing more than for you to be looking your best in your wasteland escapades!” Though he is reassured by Danse’s physical state and abilities, he is mortified by the state his armor is in. All the scratches, dings, and dirt? It’s just horrible. Codsworth has always wanted an opportunity to fix that suit up and is pretty happy that the day has finally arrived.
“I- If you’d like to you can.”
“Oh good! I do so love a difficult task!” With that Codsworth would zoom away to procure the necessary supplies to return Danse’s armor to it’s original state. Danse didn’t really know whether or not he should be offended at the robot’s comments but he decided to just continue about his business and not think about it too much. 
“Oh Monsieur Danse, you are quite zee lovely specimen! I would be eager to do a physical examination if you would allow me to.” Ever since leaving the vault, Curie has been astounded at how many different sorts of humans there are. Danse is particularly interesting to her because of the amazing athletic feats he does so regularly. She is also interested in studying the effects of constant power armor usage on the human body. When she sees him step out of his suit for the first time and sees his overly muscular physique, it just tacks on another reason she wants to study him. 
Before Blind Betrayal:
“The only specimen that needs examining is you, synth. Don’t talk to me unless you’re submitting yourself to the Brotherhood.” The only reason Curie isn’t already on the Prydwen is because Sole thinks it’s their friend. It bothers Danse immensely that Sole hasn’t destroyed or used this inhuman thing already.
(Don’t get mad at me he literally says this in game.)
Curie is very hurt, she expected this reaction but it still hurt. She was still getting used to feelings such as the pained ones she felt in moments like these.
After Blind Betrayal:
“No. Thank you.” Danse’s words were strained. Being around Curie was pretty awful for him. He had treated her so terribly before and he still had strong feelings of disgust towards her despite what he knows now. Everytime he sees her and has those feelings of hate and disgust, he remembers that he and Curie are the same. He’s still struggling to overcome the years of propaganda that were drilled into him. 
Curie is disappointed. Did Danse not see they are the same? If he didn’t believe in her humanity then he would have to not believe in his own. It is very confusing for Curie. She hopes that he will eventually go back on his denial of her offer. He would be a very interesting specimen.
He would be surprised that Danse would be able to wear that clunky thing so much in the first place. He wouldn’t be surprised at how muscular he is under the suit though. It takes a lot of strength to operate those suits. He’d read that before they were fully developed, a lot of trial runs had resulted in really terrible accidents. The kind of accidents that crush all of your bones at once or remove your top half from your bottom.
Deacon would definitely make a few jokes. “Hey the sardine’s outta the can!” “Isn’t getting out of that bulldozer against Brotherhood policy or something?” “And I thought it was glued on! Learn something new everyday.”
Danse would scowl at his comments but say nothing. He did not like Deacon one bit. That man’s hiding something and if it turns out what he’s hiding will harm Sole or the Brotherhood’s mission, there was gonna be hell to pay. Danse could’ve sworn he’d seen him on the Prydwen a few times but whenever he looked back again to check, he was gone. Danse didn’t much like the idea of leaving his power armor alone with Deacon around but Sole assured him he’s harmless. We’ll see...
Whenever Danse returned to his suit Deacon would stand suspiciously close to it and act like he was trying to play cool after almost being caught doing something nefarious. He would never get tired of watching Danse carefully inspect every part of the armor before apprehensively getting in. Man that guy’s fun to mess with.
He was so surprised! He thought this human was just made of metal! But now Dogmeat can play and jump and lick! Yes!!
Danse has no idea how to deal with a dog he wasn’t allowed to kick so he would just try to awkwardly push the pup off until Sole took care of it.
Oh HELL YES! Hancock has wanted to punch this fucker since he first laid eyes on him. “HEY SOLDIER BOY, TIME TO SEE WHAT YOU CAN DO OUT OF YOUR DAMN COWARD COFFIN!” He would make a beeline towards the paladin and the paladin would speed walk towards the ghoul as well. Sole barely let him insult the damn freak but this was a direct attack of which he was most definitely gonna defend himself from.
Sole would freak out a bit and try to get in between the two. They would both try to get Sole out of the way so they could pummel each other. A brief alliance in order to facilitate their battle. This was too sweet of an opportunity to miss. 
“Sorry Sunshine, this is happening.”
“Sole, it has directly started an altercation with me and I intend to see it through.”
If they both had a great relationship with Sole after a bit of panicked begging to both parties, the men would begrudgingly back off. They would, however, insult each other viciously despite Sole’s protests. 
“You have no fucking idea how lucky you are meathead. I swear to god if they weren’t here…”
“You call me a meathead but you’re the one who’s rotting, ghoul.”
They would continue to jab each other until Sole dragged Danse off to do what he got out of his suit to do in the first place. 
If one or both of them didn’t have a close relationship with Sole, well, it wouldn’t be pretty. They would forcibly move Sole out of the way and fight for a while. Though Danse is much bigger than Hancock, Hancock is quicker and better at hand to hand. Danse, being unused to fighting outside of his armor, was ultimately unable to beat the ghoul. Hancock landed one final blow to his face, knocking Danse flat. When he stayed down Hancock laughed loudly and spit at him.
“Done in by the best, lucky you.” It would be a huge blow to Danse’s ego and he’d resent Hancock even more now. Hancock would gloat constantly when Danse was around. “Heyyy, there’s my favorite punching bag!” “Come on over Dansey I won’t bite!” He wouldn’t out of shame, but if Danse ever did try to retort, Hancock would just taunt him. Saying something like “Oh yeah? Ya know my favorite way to settle conflicts is by beating the other asshole into the dirt. Hop outta that suit and we can go for round two.”
Mac’s always thought of Danse as an annoying asshole. He still thinks of him this way but when he stepped out of that armor for the first time. Ho lee sh-crap. MacCready might have to look into joining the Brotherhood if the rest of those guys looked the same as Danse. He had expected him to be strong cause of the whole carrying 500 pounds of steel everywhere but his body was something Mac was not expecting and something he could look at for a while. 
If Danse came near the merc he would probably clam up and blush a bit. If Danse caught him staring, he would annoyedly ask, “Is there a problem, civilian?”
“I- uh no.” any other day he would’ve fired back some snide remark but he couldn’t quite seem to think of one right now. 
Nick really couldn’t give less of a damn. He hated Danse, Danse hated him, and the two did their best to ignore each other. 
Piper: Piper didn’t really care either. Sure he was muscular but she was very turned off by the everything else about him. All she really payed attention to was the possibility of an exclusive interview or an inside look at the Brotherhood’s workings. Danse would never agree to either of those though. Preston: Preston didn’t care. He already knew you had to be strong to wear power armor especially if you wore them as much as Brotherhood Paladins did. He didn’t like the Brotherhood and by extension, he didn’t trust Danse. Preston was mannerly of course, for Sole, but he knows Danse thinks very little of the Minutemen so he didn’t try too hard to be kind. Strong: Strong thinks this is good time to smash strong human. He has killed many brothers but he wears metal suit. He is weak without metal suit. Human friend tells Strong that if Strong smash, Strong will not find milk of human kindness. Strong angry, Strong want to smash, but Strong not smash.
Danse would never get out of his suit near Strong unless he absolutely had to. Sole insisted that the abomination wasn’t going to be a problem but he didn’t believe it for a second. It took all of his willpower to not open fire on the thing whenever he saw it. Sole has poor taste in companions...
X6 wouldn’t care. He would consider taking this opportunity to get rid of the high ranking Brotherhood soldier, but it would make Sole upset and would do relatively little to the Brotherhood as a whole. 
Ask and ye shall recieve! I decide the winner on Hancock’s one by their special stats. How the hell does Hancock have such good stats and he’s still terrible in a fight??
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