shortchim · 2 years
I Don’t Love You
I Don’t Love You- My Chemical Romance
It is a nice day to go on a walk with someone you love. Grabbing his keys and making his way to see you. Thoughts swirl his mind like how are you and are you thinking about him. Every time his shoes hit the pavement his heart thuds even louder, the closer he gets to you.
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warning- character death
word count- 746
He stops at your favorite flower shop to get you some delicate roses that you love so much, just to show you how much he cares about you. He makes his way back on the street just to be stopped by no one, that’s now his new normal. Its been years since his group broke up and now the members have moved on with their lives, but yet he still keeps in touch with them but barely talks to them.
 During the time he was working to keep himself alive after the break up of his group, he met you, you shined so bright in his life. You started a life with him, got married had kids, those kids grew up and moved out. His kids were just as successful as him, but recently his family has been in the news.
Its heart breaking of what happened, Jimin still regrets it and wishes he could turn back time and change what happened. But he can’t. As he reaches where you were laying, the wind blows causing his hair to be moved from its previous state.
“Hi, I’ve missed you” he says placing the roses on the ground next to you. “Our kids are doing great, they have a show coming up, I’m so proud of them.” He says getting on the ground. “Its nice out, don’t you think so?” He looks at you with heart eyes.
“I wish you were here, I cant function without you.” The more he speaks the more it makes him want to cry. “Our kids are so strong but I’m not I need you here right now.” Jimin is now crying. 
“LEAVE ME ALONE JIMIN” You yell at him, you were drunk and so was he. You push him off of you and made your way to the car on the other side of the street. As you were stumbling your way to the vehicle, you didn’t notice that a car was on the road, but Jimin saw it before you did. 
“Y/N!” He screamed but it was to late. Jimin just saw his love of his life get hit by a moving car. The car continued to keep going not even stopping. Jimin rushed to you, blood now covering you and Jimin. “I’m so sorry” he repeated over and over again.
As you choked out your last words his eyes where only on you, “I love you” with the last of your strength, your bloody hand reaches his face. “I love you too, I’m so sorry... don’t you dare leave me.” He holds you closer.
The paramedics come and takes you away from your love. “Sir your going to have to let go.” As they were trying to take you away from Jimin’s grip “Take care of her please.” He yells at them as he lets go of you.
The beeping of the hospital room is the only thing he hears when the sun comes up. He didn’t sleep, his children are next to him sleeping with tear streaked cheeks. He walks over to you, examining your face from the hit. He pulls a chair from behind him to sit next to you.
His face in his hands, he starts to sob and repeating the same two words over and over, “I’m sorry”. Your kids haven't woken up to see their father in a vulnerable state. Just when he looks up the beeping stops, he’s confused. 
He rushes out of the room to find a nurse to help you, and once he does it’s too late, your gone. That was the day he lost you.
The more he thinks about what he could have done makes him even more depressed. The wind blows once more rustling the trees. He looks over to your grave. He gets up and states how much he loves you, placing a kiss on top of the stone he says his goodbyes for the last time.
Days after he went to see you, Jimin passed away from a broken heart. You were everything to him and same for you. People pointed out how much you made Jimin come to life and with you gone he has no life. He missed you, you missed him.
Jimin was later buried next to you do you can live in harmony together. Your kids ending up have their own kids and soon Jimin’s and yours relationship was a story to tell the grand kids that true love is real.
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shortchim · 2 years
chim drabble
# 1  r a i n
He had a day off, we planned on going everywhere today but the rain said no. And here we are sitting in front of the TV with rain pouring outside and huge blankets covering us from the cold. The TV was small and from the 2000′s, wires came out of the machine and fueled the console in front of us. PS2 controller in Jimin’s hands and coffee mug in mine, we have been taking turns on playing Open Season. He failed at playing one of the levels and handed me the controller, “I died princess.” “Haha” taking the controller and putting the mug on the carpet “You died because I’m better than you.” Not even a minute into the round I failed. “You were saying” He cooed coming closer to my face, snatching the controller from my hands. Letting out a sigh of frustration, grabbing the phone to call Pizza Hut. “Chim?” “Huh” he responds to engrossed with beating the level. “Do you want some Pizza Hut?” “Heck yeah” unlike the last time he responds faster. Already knowing what you both want, the ordering goes fast over the phone. It seems the temperature drops in the house causing you both to move closer to each other. The rain still pours outside with occasional thunder and lightning. The lightning strikes don’t go unnoticed when they fill up the dark living room, besides from the light from the TV. The ring from the doorbell makes the both of you jump a little. Making your way to the door to collect the pizza you ordered an hour ago, paying and finding your way back to the cocoon of blankets. “Ah your warmth is back.” Jimin says cuddling into my side, “You only just want me for the warmth, don’t you” saying back, acting hurt. He smiles taking the pizza from your hands. “I love you~” He says trying to bring himself back, “I love you too,” you kiss his check before diving into the pizza. 
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shortchim · 2 years
Message Man
Message Man- Twenty One Pilots 
“Jungkook tell Y/N that I like her a lot and that I want to date her.” “Why can’t you tell her” he replies snarkily. “Because I’m too scared to know what she would say.” Jimin says bring his hands to his face covering his blush. “Fine I’ll tell her,” agreeing with his hyung, “but you have to bring me food when I want it.” He says while smirking. “Fine~ but please just tell her.”
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word count- 748
So here I am outside Y/N going to tell her that my best friend has a crush on her. He only said to ask her to date her, because he’s to much of a wimp. What even am I suppose to tell her. “Oh my best friend has a crush on you, date him.” No that is to straight forward it has to be sly. “My best friend has a crush on you and he is too much of a wimp, so he asked me to ask you if you want to date him.” Nah that’s too much. Should I give him a call and ask him what to say, but he wouldn’t even know what to say. 
Before I could finish my thought the door opens and in the doorway stands Y/N. I understand Jimin why he can’t speak too her, she’s beautiful. The lighting, her hair, and what she is wearing just adds to her beauty. I feel my mouth open, as I stare wide-eyed at the masterpiece that God made. I mentally slap myself reminding me that this is Jimin’s girl and not mine.
“Hey Jungkook what are you doing outside my door at this time.” I check my phone and it a quarter till midnight. “Uhhh” I fall over my own words. She must think I’m a weirdo, I have failed my hyung. “Are you okay, do you want to come in?” Y/N says holding open her door wider for me to walk in.
My mouth opens like I want to speak but nothing is coming out. Why did Jimin do this too me. “Do you want to sit?” She says guiding me to the couch. “Do you also want a glass of water too?” I can only just shake my head yes, I still can’t make a real sentence yet.
She’s comes back handing my the glass and sitting next to me. Under a minute I drink the whole glass. A sigh passes my lips before I speak up, “JIMINSETMETOTELLYOUTHATHEWANTSTODATEYOUIDON’TBLAMEHIMBUTPLASESAYYESANDGOOUTWITHJIMIN.” I say all in one breath. I look over to Y/N to see her confused.
“Slow down Jungkook, I didn’t understand a single word you said.” She puts a reassuring hand on my back. I take another deep breath, “Jimin set me to tell you that he wants to date you I don’t blame him, but please go out with Jimin.” That could have been cooler I say to myself. Y/N blushes at the comment, she covers her face just like what Jimin did.
“Okay, tell Jimin I’ll date him.” 
“Really that easily” I say astonished.
“Yeah he is a really great guy.” She looks me in the eyes “Tell him I’ll date him and I can’t wait for our first date, and Jungkook please don’t mess this up.” She put both of her hands on my shoulders shaking them.
“Okay I got this,” I hype myself up as I leaving and thanking Y/N for the water.
Back at the dorms “I don’t got this.” I say out loud. It’s fine Jungkook it’s just your best friend. What am I just suppose to tell him that she said yes and that she wants to date him. Don’t you think that’s a little too much. At this point I just want sleep and food, let’s get it over with.
“Jimin-ah” I yell as I walk into the dorms, to find that Jimin is currently sleeping on the couch, probably waiting for me to bring the news back. I gently tap his shoulder and he jumps awake with a scream. “What she say?” Is the firsts words that come out of Jimin’s mouth.
“She says yes and she can’t wait to go on a date with you.” Once I said the word yes Jimin was already jumping around the living room despite him just sleeping minutes ago. “Calm yourself Jimin.” As I try to bring Jimin to the couch to sit. “How can I be calm when I’m now dating the cutest girl in the world!” He screams.
“Don’t forget you have to go on a date with her, because she’s waiting” I saw while walking away to my room. “Oh man I forgot about that, but thank you Jungkook for asking out my crush.” He calls out for me. I wave him off as a way of saying it wasn’t a problem. 
When I make it to my room I can hear Jimin screaming again, that lucky man.
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shortchim · 2 years
The (After) Life of the Party
The (After) Life of the Party- Fall Out Boy
The music pounding in your ears, the smell of alcohol fills your nose, the lights from the DJ blinds you. Your friend dragged you here so that you could have some human interactions, or to get you away from the college books you have been starting at for the past few week, or It could be just to see your crush you has since 5th grade. Who Knows.
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authors note- I wrote this years ago so its not my best but im going to start posting!
word count- 1037
“Why do I have to go to this stupid party in the first place?’ You say fixing your little to no makeup your wearing. You have so many exams you should be studying for. But Y/F/N is making you go to a party. 
“Because all you do is stay in this stuffy room studying, that’s no life when there is awesome parties going on.” She complains back to you with a very valid point. For the past few months you have been buried in homework and studying.
“You’re right, but I’m not drinking at all I hope you know that.” You look at her through the mirror, turning around to face her.
“And plus Park Jimin is going to be there,” shes gets off your bed and stands eye level with you, “I know you had a crush on him in 5th grade and I know that puppy love hasn't faded.” Y/F/N pulls at your checks.
The thing is, everyone had a crush on Park Jimin he was the hottest man at your school, even the teachers fell for him. He knows who you are and so do you, that gives you some hope, but you tried to move on from your crush and to someone that you don’t have to feel nervous being around. That didn’t work out because he just ending up cheating on you.
You turn away in embarrassment, you face is red, its really easy to make you blush. “Don’t say that I don’t know who Park Jimin is at all.” That was a easy lie for your friend to laugh at you. Letting out a small chuckle, seeing the time makes you and Y/F/N rush out the door so your not to terrible late.
Making to the party on time, walking through the door the lights are flashing and the music pounding and thinking why wasn't the cops been called yet. Y/F/N ditches you for some other things, you know that you have to study but you know sometimes you need to let go and that is what you going to do tonight. 
Making your way through the crowds of people to find a empty corner to hide yourself in till somebody drags you out to dance with the drunks. And then you spot him, your crush, the puppy love comes back. But then you see the girls that surround him, Jimin is having fun with a red cup in his hand knowing what’s in it and girls grinding on him. 
Your heart drops, its no longer in your body on the floor getting stepped on. Your eyes start to water, you want Jimin to yourself and not with those whores that is at your college. You need out.
Running from your spot pass Jimin. He saw you.
Running pass your friend holding two drinks in her hand one for her and one for you even though you said you didn’t want to drink. Y/F/N also saw Jimin running in the same direction as you. She knew something happened.
Pushing the door open, the cool fresh air on your face and body feels amazing. Finding the curb of the road and sitting there with your face in your hands. A hand touches your shoulder in a comforting way. It was Jimin, you turn to look at him. He was always kind when he wanted to be, he thought of you like a friend. His presence was always calming when it need to be,he sat down next to you.
“Hey’ he says
“Hi” you say back
“Do want to ditch this place and get some McDonald’s?” He says in a tone that just too cute not to laugh.
Giggling, “Yeah sure I would like that” forgetting your bad mood already. Jimin stands up and reaches for you hand to help up of the ground. 
“YES I KNEW SOMETHING WAS GOING TO HAPPEN TO NIGHT” Yells Y/F/N. You blush and hide your face behind Jimin. “LEAVE ME ALONE.” You yell back laughing some more, “BUT THANKS.” You wave at her saying good night. You and Jimin both get into you car because he was a little too tipsy to drive.
Driving into the parking lot of McDonald’s, Jimin might had a buzz going but he still held open the doors for you. taking his and yours order and paying for it. Finally got to your spot and started eating.
“I know you have a crush on me Y/N.” Jimin says looking up from his food. Wide-eyed you looked at him, wondering how did he found out. “I knew all the way back in 5th grade.”
“Who told you?” You asked already knowing who it is.
“Y/F/N” He replied grabbing for his drink. taking a sip.
“But the is one thing I want to know,” he looks up to meet your eyes, “would you want to be my girlfriend?”
Shaking your head yes, “I would love to be Jimin”
“Good because I had a crush on you since 3rd grade,” he smiles at himself before taking again, “is it okay if I come by tomorrow to pick you up for a real date?”
“That sounds great.”
You both finish your food and throws it away. Making you way back to the car to drop you new boyfriend. When your both in the car there is a comfortable silence that surrounds the both of you. Starting the car and driving off.
“Shouldn't it be the other way around Jimin?” You ask as you pull into his driveway. He looks at you confused. Turning off the car and looking at him. “You know the guy always drops the girl off at home.” You state.
He makes a O shape with his mouth when it connects in his head, “Yeah your right but I’m doing that tomorrow.”
Undoing his seatbelt and pulling the handle to let himself out.”Bye Y/N, I’m picking you up around noon, does that sound good?” He waves
“Yeah that sounds good, bye Jimin” You wave back. He walks up to the front door and you pull out of his driveway. You already can’t wait for tomorrow.
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shortchim · 6 years
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shortchim · 6 years
The (After) Life of the Party
chim drabbles-
working on it
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