#it is in itself performative to send this ask instead of blocking me. you love being angry and you need me to be angry!
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hungwy · 13 hours ago
That guy is a fake I'm the only anon who really understands that you partake in intellectual endeavors not for the interest and curiosity but for the vanity. You live not through yourself but through your relationship with people. You understand that intellectual pursuits are regarded highly by people in general and that's why you make sure to share with everyone online that you're doing them, you want to be respected. The problem with this is that it's deceitful. Genuinely virtuous endeavors produce respect as a byproduct not as a goal. You suggest to everyone that you're smart when really you're just performative. You could be generating results and providing something of value but instead all you provide is this hollow facade of obscure words and references with no substance of your own beneath. And I'm so mad about your review honestly. The only reason you want to lean into things that piss people off is because as I said you don't live through yourself, but through others, and being able to elicit any kind of reaction makes you feel better. A true intellectual would be entirely indifferent, far too occupied by the inner world of their pursuits to give a care.
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hmmm... not true actually. please consult the graph
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julie09tarot · 6 days ago
Hiiii, I would like to ask for a free reading please.
Question: what is my career path in this life?
My name starts with C ♑
Thank you 🤍
Hi C! Hope you're doing well. That's a curious question: I personally don't think the tarot can tell you you should be a doctor or a lawyer or a farmer or anything - but it can shed some light on the self-discovery process you're going through. Let's check that out. As always, take what resonates and leave what doesn't.
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Right now, it seems like the path ahead feels unclear or even frustrating. The Page of Wands reversed suggests a struggle with motivation, direction, or confidence—maybe you’re excited by many possibilities but uncertain where to pour your energy? Or perhaps external setbacks have made it feel like your spark is dimmed? The Ace of Swords reversed reinforces this sense of confusion. It might feel like you're searching for clarity but hitting mental fog instead. Instead of forcing an answer, consider whether any limiting beliefs or external pressures are clouding your judgment. Are you trying to fit into a career expectation that doesn’t truly align with you?
Then, there’s No-Thingness (Osho Zen)—a card that can feel unsettling, a bit strange, but it's also deeply freeing. It’s an invitation to sit with the no(-)thingness, the unknown, rather than rush to fill it. Instead of trying to define yourself too quickly, allow space for possibilities to emerge naturally. Your career path may not be a straight road—it could be an unfolding process that reveals itself as you move forward. You could even end up taking multiple avenues. You'll have to allow that to emerge - by moving, by going, by taking steps and making mistakes. Is it frustrating to not have clear certainty? I'm damn sure it is. But that's how life is - how all our lives are.
Breaking Down the Cards
Page of Wands Reversed – Feeling uninspired or unsure about which direction to take. The desire for exploration is there, but something is blocking it—self-doubt? Fear of making the wrong choice? Something else? What can it be?
Ace of Swords Reversed – Lack of clarity, possibly due to overthinking or external noise. Instead of searching for one "correct" answer, consider what excites your mind and heart now.
No-Thingness (Osho Zen) – You don’t have to have all the answers yet. Sometimes, being in the unknown is where the most potential exists. Let yourself be without rushing to become.
You don’t need to force a career identity before it naturally unfolds. Try to shift from “What should I do?” to “What feels curious or alive to me right now?” Exploring that—without the pressure of an ultimate, final decision—can lead you to where you need to be, where you'll feel nourished and alive.
It’s okay not to have all the answers right now.
My path will reveal itself as I take small steps forward.
I trust that clarity will come at the right time.
Free tarot readings; ask away !
Check examples here to see if my style resonates with you. 😊
Sadly, I will now only be performing free 2-card spreads without the usual reflective questions + Zen advice. For the full, detailed 6-card spread, please go to https://ko-fi.com/julie_09zentarot ($1+). I’ll be forever grateful and send super duper positive energies your way!
Remember: my goal is to offer tarot readings that empower you (not to predict the future, read the minds of others, or tell you what to do). If that sounds like what you’re looking for, I’d love to work with you!
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hogwartsfirebolt · 4 years ago
cw: wizarding war, and the violence it ensues.
The year bled.
It bled great gouts of wizards, beacons of hope shining bright red at the tip of their wands. Led them to their deaths, in the battlefront that had taken their friends and family, yet remained unsatisfied.
The year took his Hagrid, took his Ron, the year flung a sword into Harry’s survival instincts and turned them inside out — backwards, all wrong. He lived and breathed for his days on the front, inhabited the outermost trench for longer than anyone was allowed, his wand glowing green more often than red.
Voldemort’s tooth — sharp, a snake’s poisonous incisive — hung on a thread, rested against Harry’s throat, had for the better part of the season. Yet the war raged on.
There’d been a time when things had been simpler.
“Will you be resting this fortnight?” Hermione had asked him when she’d served, a few days earlier. She was at a safe-house, now, replenishing her core, drawing energy from the underground streams that pulsed with golden magic so she would be ready to return to the fight. It was was everyone did, every couple of weeks, what their warlord had ordered.
Harry’d not been to a safe-house in three months. He’d not known anything but carnage in all those days, was beginning to suspect that the inexhaustible nature of his core didn’t extend to his body, definitely didn’t extend to his mind.
“Where are they getting this strength? These numbers?” Ron had asked, the night before a Death Eater had torn his head right off his neck.
They still did not know the answer. It happened everyday, at the strike of dawn: dozens of Death Eaters arrived at the front, and it didn’t matter that Harry sliced right through their ranks like a sword, there were dozens more the next morning. And they still did not know the answer.
It was not simple. Nothing was simple.
“They must have found a way to clone their soldiers. It can be done — they have Voldemort’s knowledge on soul-splitting.” Kingsley had written, in the letter Harry had received two days earlier. “Soon enough they will press at their advantage. I trust you will know what to do. Do not fail me.”
There was no “soon enough”. The advantage was already being pressed, every waking second, on multiple fronts. Harry spent his days blocking them with his magic, with his body, and his nights fighting against their secret weapon, they one they seemed to reserve for him only — the mind games.
“They impersonate us?” Arthur had asked, when he’d brought health potions the previous week.
“They show up as you, or Molly, Gin, R-Ron. I’m not sure what they want, they seem to be trying to extract information, but not on our lines, not on our manpower. I don’t know what I have that they want.”
“Don’t trust anyone.”
The days cut him, and the nights suffocated him. He got approached by group after group of imposters, wearing a different face every night. People Harry loved and hadn't seen in months. Those ones didn't hurt as much. Not like it hurt when it was people he had loved and lost.
Arthur had told him not to trust anyone. Some nights, he didn’t even trust himself.
He was going mad, sending away whoever it was that wore Cedric’s body, that showed up in his mother’s face, that slipped into Sirius’ limbs like they would into a coat. People he trusted, people he loved, and whose memory would forever be tainted by this, in his mind.
The night Draco Malfoy showed up, Harry thought it was another mind trick. Then, he realized that it broke the pattern. He’d never trusted, never loved, never even tolerated Draco Malfoy.
But there he was. He showed up, nose bleeding, broken arm cradled against his chest, miserable, everything Harry raged against. His tears shone bright silver over his cheekbones, down his jaw, carrying magical energy, draining him.
“Please,” he said. “Please, I don’t know where else to go.”
Harry didn’t trust him, he shouldn’t help him. But he did. He mended the fractured bones, cut his own palm with a knife and gave him some of his magical energy, poured it right into his gaping mouth. Saved his life.
Malfoy stayed.
Something like guilt, if he was still capable of that, draped itself across Harry’s shoulders as he fed him their food, let him drink from their goblets, gave him their healing potions.
He didn’t trust him. He didn’t trust himself.
Malfoy talked, at least, which was useful.
“Portraits.” He coughed, shivery from the core-loss. “They all have hundreds of them, their magical energy split. Not their souls, that’s not sustainable, it’s their magical energy. And they take them out, give them life. There’s an energy source, and an ancient spell, a rune ... I wasn’t told, but I saw, she performed it in front of me. Please, I’ll tell you. I ran. I need your help.”
Harry didn’t need to ask who she was.
“I can fight. I can help. Please. Please, they killed my mother.”
And there were the tears again, but crystal clear, no longer carrying Malfoy’s power. Harry had successfully stopped the drainage.
“I shouldn’t.”
“Please. Write to your general, I’ll say anything, I hate her.”
There had been a time in which Malfoy’s desperation would have made him feel at an advantage, would have made him laugh, prod at the wound. But that time was long gone, desperation was the only thing he knew now, as well, and there was no winning. It was a winless fight. Malfoy was too human, too scared, not an instrument of war.
“No. We don’t know he’s telling the truth, I forbid you from sheltering him.” Kingsley’s letter said.
There’d been a time when things had been simpler.
But the war raged, the weeks blended into each other, and the pain, renewed as it was every single day, numbed him.
Harry was human. Harry was scared. Harry was an instrument of war.
He sheltered him anyway.
“One wrong move, and you’re out. You have one chance.”
Malfoy nodded, weeping right there in the trench, in his blood-stained clothes. Harry couldn’t afford to distrust him, was too busy staying alive.
And Malfoy did not fail him. In the morning light, dozens of Death Eaters Harry had killed a million times marched into the battlefield, and Malfoy fought next to him. Harry’d not had anyone watch his back in months, and it made for a nice change.
At night, they fended off the imposters, and Harry fed him his own magical energy, watched him grow stronger with it. His core was inexhaustible, he knew. He didn’t have to send Malfoy away to regain strength, he gave it to him, every single night.
It was forbidden, but it was also the only thing that seemed right in the vortex of destruction he’d been living in.
“She keeps an artifact at the Manor. It looks like a prophecy, is kept under lock and key inside her chambers. I saw it, she made me clean it once. I think it’s the source of all this. I think if you destroy it, this will be over.” Malfoy said, three weeks after they’d been fighting side by side. He looked stronger, energized, and if Harry closed his eyes, he could feel his own magic inside Draco’s corestream, like an extension of himself.
He felt Draco prodding back, felt him extending his energy so it circled back to Harry, so it flowed freely between them.
“There’s no time to look. Burn down the manor.”
The discovery that they could access each other’s magic should have been monumental, yet felt like nothing at all. They’d known, they’d experienced it every night for weeks. An intimacy unlike any other, between enemies, between allies.
“I thought I forbid you from taking him in.” Kingsley’s letter said, when Harry proposed the idea. It didn’t feel like a reprimand. It felt like a father, telling a child off for keeping a stray kitten. “I have sent reinforcements to the front, come to headquarters. Both of you. We’re burning the house this week.”
The plan was to march off to Malfoy Manor the morning after they arrived at headquarters. Instead, they slept for three days straight.
They were in different rooms, but Harry only had to close his eyes to trace his energy back to Draco, and it soothed him.
They’d been enemies. They were human, they were scared. Now, they were allies. Now, they were one, more than they were two.
“I think we can read each other’s minds.” Malfoy said when they woke up, except he wasn’t anywhere in the room. The voice had come from Harry’s head.
“So it seems.”
They found each other in the kitchen, had breakfast, made vague conversation, not a single word spoken out loud.
“Is the war ending?”
“Once they stop multiplying like crazy, we can beat them, and stop fighting. Live our lives, maybe. But I don’t think the war will ever end, Draco.”
He wanted to explain that he felt like he would carry it forever, but he didn’t have to. In the space between thinking it and wanting to communicate it, he already had.
“I know.”
For the first time in months, when Harry searched inside himself, he didn’t feel empty. There was energy, magic, there was someone else with him, in the space that had existed between his anger and his grief.
“Also, I can do wandless now," Draco added.
“Yeah, that’s on me.”
“Do you think this means we are …?”
They showered.
After, they apparated to Malfoy Manor, didn’t even have to touch to do it together, the crack of the spell going off in unison, turning heads once they arrived. The entire Order was there, and, in front of them, the house aflame.
The Manor bled. It bled tendrils of black magic that dissipated into thin air, screamed, called to the tooth hanging at Harry’s neck. He wrapped his fingers around it and held it tight — his trophy, his burden.
All that was left of the enemy army were twenty wizards that scuttled out of the blazing house like fleeing rats. She wasn’t amongst them. Somehow, Harry knew she’d died trying to protect her energy source. He knew that he would have, and soldiers weren't so different.
He and Draco took care of the survivors, both their powers pulled into a single explosion of green.
“Wow.” Hermione said, standing next to Harry.
“We think it’s over.”
“You two are …”
“You know that’s forbidden.”
The year had bled, had been an open wound. Then it had been cleaned and stitched, messily, but closed. It ached. It bore the name of the friend Harry had loved the most, his other half. It would never go away, it would scar.
But it was healing.
Harry reached out with his magic, and felt Draco meet him halfway.
Written for @drarrymicrofic prompt "forbidden"
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platypan · 4 years ago
A Strategic Proposal (Pt. 2)
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Part 1 That night, Billy came in their rooms quietly, and didn’t immediately drape himself over the back of Steve’s chair. “I’ve been given a quest,” he said, and Steve turned to face him, fondness welling up like a geyser at Billy’s startled frown, and his clumsy, exhausted hands trying to unfasten his armor. Steve trotted closer to lift Billy’s chin for a soft kiss, and then helped him unsheathe himself from his carapace.
“What is the quest?” he asked.
“The Serpent of the Fens,” Billy said, his cheeks bunching under Steve’s hands as he smiled wide at Steve stopping to kiss his stubble.
“Oh,” Steve breathed, pressing their foreheads together. “I would come best it for you, but I’m to ride with the entourage north—”
“As if I need you,” Billy grumbled against his mouth, and Steve pulled him into a tight hug.
“I’ll miss you, next to me,” Steve realized aloud. “Be safe.”
“Will I be rewarded for my safe return?” Billy asked, laughing, and Steve lifted him off the ground with the force of his embrace.
“Fit for a king,” Steve promised, and Billy curled around him that night in bed, with Steve pulling him in closer.
When Steve returned two weeks later, hungering to get his arms around his husband, Billy had already ridden out again.
“He performed well,” Her Majesty said. She sounded a bit crisp, Steve would realize later, but in the moment he felt only pride. When Billy crawled into bed behind him two mornings later, before it was light, Steve pulled him close, kissing along his ear and jaw, and feeling him shake with exhaustion.
Billy was quiet the next morning, falling back willingly as Steve pushed him down against the bed to touch him everywhere—but strangely still, for Billy Hargrove. He hung back all day, until Steve blocked his path and reeled him in, and Billy finally relaxed in his arms, laughing.
The next morning he was gone again, and Steve stomped in to guard duty only to have his queen and his fellow knight look at his face, and burst out laughing.
“Somebody’s a storm cloud,” said Robin, and Steve sighed.
“I should thank Your Majesty for the long honeymoon,” he said, “—but I’ve gotten used to him. Here.”
“Now I’m not busy abroad,” Robin told him, “—you’ll see more of me.”
Steve nodded, honestly pleased, but his hand itched to reach over and brush Billy’s. “He was exhausted, last night,” he sighed. “If I’d known he was leaving again, I’d have got leave to join him.”
“You’re needed here,” said his queen.
Billy didn’t return for a week, and then two. Steve tried to wheedle the details of his location out of Robin, and then his queen, but both pretended ignorance until he demanded to know.
“It’s diplomacy,” Nancy said, her jaw set. “Help with a monster on the borders of Hagenton. If you go charging in, they’ll think we don’t trust them.”
“And you sent Billy?!” Steve yelled back, but Robin pushed him back out of the door.
“You do not yell at the queen,” she said, and Steve groaned, running his fingers through his hair until it was wild. Robin sighed. “I will find out where he is, and send it to your room.”
“Thanks,” he said, the fury in him still drawn up to strike, but now met with the need for gratitude. He nodded awkwardly, and stalked back to his—and Billy’s—rooms.
There was a small shape slumped against their door, which resolved itself into a squire, then, into Billy’s sister. “Max,” Steve called.
She sniffled, and threw the heavy book she was holding to thump on his foot, which let him know more than anything else that she was distraught—she had fantastic aim, as a rule. “You bastard,” she whispered.
She was also as polite as her brother. “What?” Steve asked, dropping to a crouch. “What’s happened?”
“You sent him out again,” she said thickly. “He-he nearly died, what do you—what do you want from him?! You…” Steve tried to help her up, and she smacked his hand away. “You told him you loved him,” she hissed. “He was gloating for days, why would you—”
“That was...wrong,” he admitted, sitting cross legged to face her. “I—I didn’t expect—it was—” he felt his face reddening, and squeezed the bridge of his nose. “I couldn’t have predicted Billy.”
Her eyes narrowed. “What, you...you’re saying…”
Steve waited, blinking at her.
“You didn’t know?” she breathed. “About—that he—how could you not know—”
Steve clenched his fingers in the coarse fibers of the carpet, groaning. “Do you know where he is?”
“...not exactly,” she muttered, crossing her arms.
“You know he isn’t safe,” he said, nodding, and tried to keep his jaw from clenching. He frowned over his shoulder, back down the hall. “I will ride out as soon as I know, and bring him back.”
She studied his face. “But you’re a liar,” she said hoarsely.
“I lied,” he nodded, grimacing, “—for—” he opened his mouth to say good reasons, but couldn’t make it stick. Imagining Billy’s startled smile as he opened Steve’s love letters now brought up a burning shame. “I have a lot to make up for,” he said instead, “—and I’ll bring him home.”
Max swallowed, her shoulders relaxing a little as her hands came unclenched from her trousers. “Good,” she said huskily, reaching a foot over to kick his knee.
Once she’d tromped away, her footsteps louder than knights three times her size, he dug through his wardrobe for Billy’s letters.
They were fat with layers of cheap, folded paper, and there were, he’d thought at the time, far too many—four and five a week right up until the day the contract was signed. Steve sighed, braced himself, and opened one at random.
He was treated to a bemused but detailed set of answers to questions he vaguely remembered asking. “In regards to your inquiries after my horse,” it began, and continued on with its height in hands, name (Bellerophon, Steve thought, after studying the letters in bewilderment), and favorite treat, which Steve now learned (months later) to be carrots.
Billy was funny in his letters, Steve found, his eyes stinging as he laughed at a description of Max as a toddler, climbing across the beams in the Great Hall of Hargrove House, and Billy running around underneath her, holding a large basket and yelling insults out of sheer terror.
He made reference to Steve’s life as though he knew it well, offering chicken for trade at dinners, and Steve was whirled away in his mind to the long tables at Harrow, and his dismay over kidney pie.
The next letter was less sure—Billy began with “If you find time to read this,” and continued with phrases like “I know it’s of no importance,” and “I won’t expect you to remember, but—” and Steve groaned as it dawned on him how obvious it must have been that he wasn’t reading Billy’s replies. He ran his fingers through his hair, feeling it tuft up like scrubgrass, then crossed his arms, took a deep breath, and dug further into the pile.
Eventually he found the first missives from Hargrove House, where Sir Neil Hargrove, Billy’s father, said Billy would do whatever they asked if only they’d overlook that it was Billy, and Billy had scribbled in a postscript wondering what part of him Steve had so sadly missed.
All of him, Steve thought, crumpling the letter. I missed all of him, though I didn’t know it, quite, yet. He glared at the door, paced in a circle, and then dumped an armload of letters on the bed, and collected his quill, ink, and paper. He began penning replies.
When a knock came to the door hours later, he sprang to his feet, then fell into the wardrobe as the foot he’d been sitting on gave way. His yells brought Robin in, and she snickered at his uneven walk, and showed him where Billy was on a map. Her face was solemn. “He was meeting the Hagenton guard there, to help fell a chimera. It’s killed every knight that’s fought it, so now they’re sending an army. He should be helping plan.”
“He won’t stay in the tent and plan,” Steve whispered, grabbing her hands. “I need the unicorn horn, chimeras are poisonous—”
“Hold on there,” she said, squeezing his hands.
“And the vial of phoenix tears,” he told her. “I need to go—”
She grimaced. “I will see about the horn.”
“He’s fighting a chimera,” Steve told her, his voice shaking.
“I thought your fever for him had...cooled, watching you,” she said carefully, and Steve shoved away to start pulling on his underarmor.
“It’s burning ever hotter,” he muttered. “And I hate it that I’m telling you first, I need to tell him—”
“Probably should,” she nodded, eyebrows raised.
“He’s exhausted,” Steve told his trousers, “—he has doubts about whether I...even want him to return. I need to find him before he’s…” he trailed off, pulling chainmail over his head, and Robin ran to help. “Why is there a chimera,” Steve asked her, when she pulled it down so he could see again. His voice had gone high and shaky, and she clapped his shoulder, smiling tightly.
“Go get horsed, and find him. I will meet you in the armory.”
“I’ll find him,” he nodded, feeling steadier. “I—I’ll tell him. I’ll make sure he—knows.”
She nodded, her eyes narrowed at his expression. “You’ll find him. I’ll bring the unicorn horn.”
Robin did not, in fact, return with the unicorn horn. Steve looked up from trying to saddle his anxious horse—she had caught his anxiety, and kept side-stepping just as he tried to slide straps through buckles with shaking hands—and instead of the glint of armor, there stood his queen, shivering in a tatty robe and knitted blanket. She held the unicorn horn over the stall door, and he grabbed it, taking a shuddering breath of relief.
“You shouldn’t need it,” she said, reaching in to pat his horse’s nose and hold her still. “He wasn’t to engage the chimera—”
“Why would you send him,” Steve hissed, yanking the cinch around his horse’s belly. “Why send him at all, if he—if he isn’t—” He took a deep breath instead of yelling at his queen, and tried to swallow down thoughts that Billy wasn’t a strategist, there was no reason to send him, unless. Steve took another deep breath, swallowing hard. “Why—why would…”
“It was an excuse!” she hissed back, flailing an arm so her blanket fell, and cursing as she gathered it back up. “It was near—” She cut off, and Steve waited.
“Near what,” he asked hoarsely, trying to remember the map Robin had shown him. “...it’s near his home,” he realized, feeling the tightness in his shoulders ease. “Is he—why not say he—”
“He is late,” she said, opening the stall door. “He may have encountered the chimera unintentionally, he—he may very well be in danger. I have been trying to find out—Sir Hagen is not responding—” She took a slow breath as well, rubbing the skin between her eyebrows, and he felt bouyed up to know she and Robin were helping. Steve swung up onto his horse, and she grabbed his stirrup. “Wait! Robin is assembling more knights—if he’s fighting, you’ll be little use alone—”
“She can catch up with me,” Steve said, smiling down at his queen, still regal in her favorite soft robe with the holes in the elbows. “I need to find my husband.”
He rode through the night, expecting to reach the hunting ground of the chimera just after dawn. As the sun rose in a reddish, smoky haze, it wasn’t difficult to find where the chimera had been—where the intact armor wasn’t filled with ashes alone, charred bones in melted armor lay under still-glowing craters in boulders. Steve’s eyes stung and watered from lack of sleep, the fumes, and the realization that the fallen knights were scattered, some fleeing, and armed with swords, not the spears and crossbows they’d have taken to fight a beast with fire breath. Travellers.
He resisted the urge to yell Billy’s name, tying his horse in a copse of trees and grass near the road, and trying to keep his steel boots quiet as he walked, watching for the chimera. He found claw marks, once or twice, and his heart nearly stopped at the sight of a knight skewered on the jagged stump of a burned tree, though when he ran closer, he could see the armor was too small, and the curls hanging from her crushed helmet were too gold to be Billy’s.
Steve bent to lean his hands on his knees, breathing shakily, and stuffed his handkerchief inside his helmet to wipe his eyes.
He walked by a pile of half-eaten horses and two knights, and took another few deep breaths before he stepped in close to crouch, his sight blurring, to see whether it was the armor Billy had brought with him. Steve wondered, abruptly, rubbing his eyes, whether Billy’s armor was good enough, good as the Queen’s Guard, and his lungs shuddered in his chest at the thought that Billy’s family might have pinched pennies and Steve’s husband had fought a chimera armed with some sort of—gilt tin. He leaned his face in his hands, remembering it lying around the room, and wondering why he’d never thought to take it to the castle armorer, and made sure it was the best. Steve groaned, trying to remember buckling it on, and whether it had felt oddly heavy or light, but all he could remember was buckling it wrong because Billy was smiling, and had to be kissed.
“If he’s alive, I’ll commission a figure for your chapel,” he muttered, touching the St. George inscribed on his hilt. “I’ll have Billy model. You couldn’t ask for a better model—you—he’s beautiful, he’s strong—he’s brave, he—he’ll—just keep him alive ‘til I find him, I’ll buy candles, I’ll—” he cut off as his throat closed, and he coughed. “Protect his body from harm,” Steve whispered. “Def-defend the happiness of my home from all those who may conspire to destroy it. Give me the strength of your faith and fill me with hope and with the love of God—”
He brushed the ashes and blood away, and didn’t recognize the armor. “...amen.” His whole body trembled, a bit, with relief, and he stood slowly, letting himself mumble the prayer again and again, since St. George himself seemed to be listening. His sword started to glow.
The road seemed as good a place to look as any, and Steve wished Robin would hurry and help him search, wondering how many miles of wreckage he’d have to kick through, and how long Billy had, even with the intercession of Steve’s patron saint. “I will never ask for anything again,” he whispered at the sky, as loudly as he dared.
As he crept along the road, he heard a soft cry, and found one of the Hagenton knights, her leg charred off at the thigh. “Help is coming,” Steve told her, helping her drink a few swallows of water. She nodded, weakly punching the air, and he tied his handkerchief to the tree she huddled under, in view of the road. “Have you seen...anyone else,” he asked, swallowing, and she squinted, her eyes not quite tracking his face.
“Routed,” she rasped. “We were routed.”
“Thank you,” he told her politely, his voice thick, and she squeezed his hand, trying to sit up.
“Some...ran,” she said, her breath rattling as she tried to focus on his face. “May-maybe they survived.”
Billy would not have fled, leaving the others behind to die, he wanted to say, but she was pressing his hands, the white of a rib sticking out of her crushed armor as she tried to touch his face, so he just nodded, helping her ease back against the tree. “Thank you,” he said again, and again, “Help is coming.” He hoped for her sake and his own that they made it in time.
He kept up a series of pleas to St. George, as well as some gentle chiding—it would be much easier, after all, for Billy to stay alive if Steve’s saint was any help at all in finding him, but praying with his eyes closed didn’t give Steve the urge to walk in any particular direction, and he opened them again, rather than fail everything entirely by breaking his ankle by falling into a ditch. “Protect his body from harm,” he whispered. “Defend the happiness of my home from all who may conspire to destroy it.”
His heart thudded in his chest when he saw the curled gilt of Billy’s showy armor on a shape lying crumpled in the underbrush. “Billy,” he muttered, scrambling over the crumbling stone wall at the edge of the road, and running to his husband’s limp form. He yanked the helm up, crouching to see Billy’s wide eyes, hazy and flicking around under the pale, sweaty skin of his forehead. Steam wafted from under his armor, and out of his mouth, and Steve yanked at the wrapping on the unicorn horn, hissing, “Billy.”
“Harrington,” Billy whispered.
“William Hargrove,” Steve said back, wiping his eyes, as he tried to unknot the ceremonial bindings. “Thank you, St. George,” he mumbled, hoping the sincerity made up for the lack of formality. “I’ll get you those candles—”
“I’m dying,” Billy said, oddly forthright.
“No,” Steve hissed, yanking the knots free. “No, you’re alive, I’m here to save you.”
“You can marry someone else now,” Billy laughed unsteadily, and Steve yanked at his husband’s gauntlets, trying to find somewhere he could press the horn against greyish, steaming skin. His veins were black.
“I don’t want to marry someone else,” Steve hissed, “—I want to be married to you,” he said, fighting with the buckles on Billy’s left gauntlet, and squeezing Billy’s unnaturally hot fingers around the gleaming unicorn horn. “Hold this,” he whispered, taking a shaky breath as it glowed and pulsed against Billy’s skin, and his palm turned pinkish again. “Protect him from harm,” Steve whispered again, squeezing the horn so hard against Billy’s skin that his knuckles went white.
“I’m about to turn to ash,” Billy laughed again, tears evaporating into bursts of steam as they slid from the corners of his eyes. “May I touch you?” He pushed the horn away, trying to reach for Steve’s face, and Steve scrabbled for the rolling iridescent spiral and clapped it back in Billy’s hand, sniffling, laughing and grabbing his surcoat to wipe his eyes and nose.
“You’re touching me, you are,” Steve yelped. He held Billy’s hand around the horn, reaching his other arm around to try and unbuckle his husband’s helmet. “You won’t turn to ash,” he hissed. “I won’t let you—Billy, is the chimera dead?”
Billy’s eyes widened, and he tried to push himself up. “Wounded it,” he gasped, as Steve pushed him back down.
“Do you know which way it went, m-my love?” Steve asked, feeling awkward, but Billy went still.
“Oh,” he whispered, his eyes fixed on Steve’s face.
“I love you,” Steve said again, leaning close to see Billy’s expression through the slit where his helm lifted. “Where is the chimera?”
“I died,” Billy whispered, frowning.
“Knight of my heart,” Steve hissed, “You’re not dead. I followed you—where is the beast that felled you?”
“I thought there would be more pain,” Billy mumbled, “—turning to ash,” and Steve groaned, grabbing his husband’s helmet and pressing a kiss to it.
“Shut your mouth, idiot,” he told Billy, pushing himself up to a crouch so he could still hold Billy’s hand around the horn, and watch for the chimera. “You’re alive, and I love you—of course I would love you, you—”
“I can feel your hand,” Billy mumbled some more, sounding aggrieved.
“Yes,” Steve told him, sighing and biting back a smile, “—because I’m saving you, idiot. You can’t die, I replied to all your letters.”
“...my letters?”
“I missed you sliding your hand around my cock all night,” Steve rolled his eyes, feeling his cheeks flush, “—so I read all your letters.”
“Burn them,” Billy whispered.
“They were very interesting,” Steve told him, grinning, and taking a shaky breath at the sight of the pinkish glow showing through the join at Billy’s neck. He squeezed his husband’s hand. “I brought your horse carrots. Now I know her favorite treat.”
“I hope she’s alive,” Billy sighed. “Do you think if we’re both dead, I’ll see her again?”
“You aren’t dead,” Steve growled, banging his free hand on Billy’s armor.
“I don’t mind,” Billy said. “It’s good here.”
Steve thought, biting his lips together. “...I don’t love you.”
“Ah,” Billy sighed. “And I hurt. I am alive, then.”
“Ha!” Steve grinned, leaning in to try and kiss him, again, and having to kiss his helmet. “But I do love you!”
Billy opened his mouth, and closed it again, looking both bewildered and annoyed.
“I would have told you before you rode out,” Steve told him, raising the hand he was pressing the unicorn horn to and kissing it, “—but you rode out while I slept.”
“...you love your queen,” Billy mumbled.
“I love my husband more,” Steve told him, feeling a little awkward at the thought his saint was listening, but sure a saint would understand that Billy needed to hear it. He sent up a silent apology as he reached into Billy’s helmet and pressed a finger over his mouth. “I—it isn’t only—” he bit his lips, thinking, with Billy’s eyes fixed on his face. “You aren’t only my best friend, and—and the person I—I want to show things. Tell things to, talk about—I—I miss you,” he whispered, “—I miss you when you—when you’re on the other side of the room, I…”
Steve trailed off, staring in horror at the tears trailing down Billy’s cheeks. “I love you,” he tried, and Billy made a choking noise. “I’m sorry,” Steve said, watching his husband cry, and yanking at his armor to try and see whether the unicorn horn was working, or whether he was talking like an idiot while his husband died.
“Don’t stop,” Billy told him, laughing as Steve shoved his fingers in every cranny in his husband’s armor, feeling for unnatural heat.
“Protect his body from harm,” Steve hissed around the lump in his throat, wondering whether St. George had stopped paying attention. “Defend the happiness of my home from those—”
“I am well,” Billy told him, grabbing both Steve’s hands away from their frantic prodding. “I am safe, I am well—”
“You are crying—” Steve informed him, feeling his own eyes welling up at the thought that it hadn’t worked, he’d been too late, he’d failed. He’d arrived just in time to tell the truth, and maybe that was all his saint could do, he realized, and he cleared his throat. “I love you,” he said hoarsely, “I—I’m sorry I didn’t know sooner, I—would have told you—”
“Stop,” Billy said, too loud, yanking at the ties on his helmet, and pulling Steve down against him in a clash of denting armor. “I am well, I am saved. Why are you here,” he whispered between kisses, and Steve tried to remember the living chimera wandering about somewhere.
“Had to tell you I loved you,” he panted, still trying not to bawl himself. He rubbed his thumb up and down Billy’s cheek, salt-smeared from his tears, and the sweat from the heat of the chimera’s poison. It felt warm, but nothing like the heat of before, and Steve took a shuddering breath.
“An urgent missive from the queen,” Billy whispered, smiling down at where their hands were still locked around the unicorn horn. “...is...is this a national treasure?”
“Yes you are,” said Steve, hoarsely, feeling clever, and Billy started laughing until he choked, then groaned as he rested his head against Steve’s chestplate. “You need to drink some water, I think,” Steve whispered into his husband’s curls, and Billy hummed, squirming closer. “You taste like you lived on nothing but whiskey for the last fortnight,” Steve coaxed, and Billy started laughing again, shaking in Steve’s arms. “Can you stand?” Steve asked, wiping his eyes and nose, and kissing his husband’s hair. Thank you, St. George, he prayed silently. Please help me get him home.
In the distance came the shriek of the beast.
They both listened, and Billy flushed, smiling down as Steve’s hand tightened on his wrist.
Billy sighed. “It drug people away. They might…”
Steve frowned, sliding his hand up the back of Billy’s head and pulling him into another kiss. “They might be someone’s Billy Hargrove,” he said, nodding, and Billy’s eyes widened as he turned inexplicably red. Steve checked that the unicorn horn was against his husband’s skin again, worried about the heat, but Billy smacked his hands away like Steve was being unreasonable, pulling him into a tight embrace.
“...it worked,” he whispered in Steve’s ear. “I was gray as ashes, remember? I am tired, and...” he swallowed, trailing off as Steve frowned into his face.
“Keep the horn against your skin,” Steve told him, with the narrowed eyes of one expecting to be obeyed.
“I will,” Billy said, smiling. “Only because my husband is worried.”
“Of course I’m worried,” Steve hissed. “I have to get you back to our bed. I have to—I have to commission you better armor—”
“Armor,” Billy blinked. “My armor is—”
“You were poisoned—”
“Its breath is—”
“Maybe I can convince Her Majesty I’ll fall ill if she sends you away again,” Steve mumbled over him. “It happens in ballads, lovers pining—”
Billy started laughing again and crying, and Steve grabbed his shoulders, wondering whether his actions had driven his husband mad. “...let us search,” Billy wheezed, wiping his eyes. “So you may carry me back to our bed.”
“Yes,” Steve nodded, ignoring Billy snickering again. Sorry, St. George, he thought, for talking about beds. Then it occured to him that St. George might have had a Billy as well, and he just prayed,—and thank you. Again. As they walked, he continued to update the saint with as we’re still looking for the chimera, we could use some more help, and could you look for Billy’s horse, and you probably know what we’re doing, from up there, do I need to tell you?
“Do you believe me yet?” Steve asked, and then as Billy grinned at him and stumbled over a charred tree limb, and Steve grabbed his arm, “—not about the bed. Of course I want you in bed, anyone would want you in bed—stop laughing.”
“This is a very strange day,” Billy told him, sighing, and leaning into his side. “I think I...will believe you, but…” he shrugged his shoulders, and Steve nodded, thinking.
“I woke yesterday morning, and I was glad,” Steve said, clearing his throat as they walked north, following the trail of smoking, empty armor and the ever-heavier ash filling their throats and lungs. “I don’t like waking up,” he continued.
“No one does,” Billy put in.
“But I did,” Steve told him. “I smiled before I opened my eyes. I thought I would roll over, and you’d be there, and when I put my arm around you, you’d lean against me, and I’d smell your hair.”
Billy burst out laughing so loudly Steve shushed him, feeling wrong-footed, and wishing he could speak properly and be clear, but Billy dropped into a crouch, hiding his face, and Steve forgot his frustration leaning over him.
“I’m sorry I’m doing this wrong,” Steve whispered. “I thought—I thought you should...know.”
“I love you so much,” Billy whispered back. “So much, I can’t—I can’t even—I can’t—”
“You can’t...believe me?” Steve asked, crouching to try and lean to see Billy’s face.
“I—I’ll try,” Billy said huskily, and Steve nodded, leaning to kiss his husband’s exposed ear.
“I will keep telling you,” Steve told him, “—until you’re sick of it. I told St. George it was important you knew, and if you were alive, I’d never stop telling you—”
“You don’t even go to church—” Billy sniffled, and Steve shrugged, pulling him around for a kiss.
“I think St. George would rather I kept fighting monsters and telling you I love you,” he said, licking his lips, and Billy cried in earnest while Steve kissed him for hopefully not the last time, and busied himself putting both their helmets back on.
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everamazingfe · 4 years ago
Magic in the Mundane
Fic Summary: Everyone had something special about them, their own personal bit of magic. Most found out about their abilities early, but Gavin had always been a bit of a late bloomer. Luckily, Michael comes by to help him put the pieces together. 
Words in this chapter: 5521 Pairings: Gavin Free/Michael Jones Warnings for this chapter: None
Notes: Written for Kait (@uy8hg) for the RT Writer’s Discord Secret Sunshine event! All of her prompts were amazing and I spent far too long trying to decide between them, but I'm so glad that I decided to go with this one because it was so much fun to write. Check the source for a link to read it over on A 0 3!
Prompt: Someone discovers a new power or something that they find really cool, and they want to show it off to everyone else, with varying levels of success.
In a world full of wonder, it wasn’t always easy to appreciate the beauty in the mundane, but those who had magic running through their veins found it quite simple. The way that magic would manifest itself in those people wasn’t always the same, though. Sometimes, the magic was in their personality. Jack had a warmth about him that could make anyone’s day better in a matter of seconds. Trevor’s charisma was off the charts, he was such a smooth talker that it was hard for anyone to dislike him unless they really tried. Other times, it was in their looks. Alfredo had a smile that could light up any room, big and beaming and bright enough to outshine the sun. Geoff had amazingly artistic tattoos that seemed to come alive if one looked at them a little too long (he would always deny this, but there was a gleam in his eye that made everyone think twice about his words). Sometimes, it was something else entirely. Their magic came in the form of special abilities, of genuine magic. Lindsay could speak to animals, using their skills for good a majority of the time, but otherwise causing mischief. Michael could create just as well as he could destroy, rendering entire buildings obsolete and creating new ones in their wake. 
There was a little bit of magic in everything, but oftentimes there were those that couldn’t see it in themselves. That was where Gavin stood. He was a smooth talker, sure, but not as smooth as Trevor. His smile wasn’t as bright as Alfredo’s. He didn’t have any magical abilities. Though he was welcomed into their group, he didn’t feel as though he belonged. He didn’t have any magic. They insisted that he was part of their crew, magic or not, and that he was welcome, but sometimes he didn’t want their comforts. He just wanted to be left alone. It was hard enough to be the lone member of the mundane in their little crew, he didn’t want their pity points on top of it. Still, it didn’t stop them from trying to help.
“Maybe you’re just a late bloomer?” Fiona suggested to him late one evening when the sun had already set, laid out on her back on the roof of a building Michael had created just for her. Her magic was her ability to be good at anything she set her mind to, with an unwavering confidence that Gavin admired (and sometimes envied), even when it was misplaced. “Or you could just be totally oblivious to it. That’s always an option.”
He let out a soft sigh, shrugging a shoulder as he turned his head to look at her. “Someone else would’ve noticed it in me by now though, I think. Everyone has something, even if they're not the ones who see it.” Those who had magic were usually pretty good at picking it out in others. It had been how those without genuine magic had discovered theirs. How Jack had discovered his warmth, how Ky had discovered her strength, and so on. 
Fiona bit her lip, going quiet. He had a point there, but she didn’t want to admit it. She hated when he was right. “Maybe your magic is just being an idiot?” There was a grin on her lips, but the way that she spoke made it sound like a genuine suggestion. Gavin couldn’t help but burst out into laughter, his and Fiona’s giggles echoing out across the landscape. 
“Kind of a shitty magic, don’t you think, Fifi?” He asked finally, when his sides ached from laughing and his lungs begged for air. “I know Michael would certainly agree with you, but… I really hope that’s not it.”
“I don’t know, Gavvy. Could be. But I hope that’s not it too. I think you’re made for something a bit better than that.” Instead of pity, or jokes, she gave him a vote of confidence, and there was a little gleam that formed in Gavin’s eyes at her words. 
“You mean that?” 
“Of course I do! 
The day after speaking to Fiona, Gavin was still thinking about her words. Despite how good it had made him feel in the moment, they’d ended up putting him in a worse mood than usual, and it was hard for him to even begin thinking about the magic he might have held. Was he really meant for something better than the idiocy his friends assigned to him? He wasn’t sure. 
He’d set out on a hike, outside of the city that they’d made for themselves and into the woods surrounding it. Some time out in nature always made him feel better, more at ease, more connected to the magic of the world around him. The small nuances on how the ecosystem worked together to thrive always intrigued him, and he was jealous of how cohesive it all could be. 
“I’m just a bit too all over the place for it, I guess,” he muttered to himself, taking a seat on a fallen tree. The moss was soft beneath him, and he ran his fingers over it as he talked to himself. Working through his thoughts aloud always made them feel less jumbled. 
A figure sat down beside him with a heavy sigh, and a hand was placed over his. “Don’t beat yourself too much, Gav,” Geoff said quietly, wrapping his arm around Gavin and pulling himself close. “We can’t all be something special, otherwise there wouldn’t be anything special at all.”
Gavin let out a long sigh, leaning into the gent when he was pulled in. He’d stopped asking how Geoff could find him so easily long ago. It was the same answer every time, ‘I just know where to look, you assholes aren’t exactly all that hard to find,’ said with that same glint in his eye. “Yeah, I know. But it’d be nice to be able to do something more than exist.” 
Geoff hummed softly, rubbing his thumb gently over Gavin’s shoulder. It always made him feel guilty when any of his friends were upset, particularly Gavin, but he’d been so hung up on the same thing for so long. “Are you sure you don’t just want an excuse for the attention to be back on you for a change?”
The lad sat up quickly, pulling away from Geoff and cutting him a confused look. “The hell’s that supposed to mean?” 
“I’m just saying! Going around talking to everyone, being all mopey about not having magic? Pretty good way to get everyone to pay attention to you for a change, right?”
Gavin scoffed at the notion, pushing Geoff away from him. “That’s not what I’m doing at all!” 
“Are you sure?” He asked, arching an eyebrow as Gavin stood up suddenly. 
“Yes.” They’d had a few new members join their ranks, and attention was divided as they worked to expand their little city and network with others, but he hadn’t minded people paying less attention to him. If anything, he enjoyed it. It meant there was less pressure on him to perform. “Now, I’m going. And this time, you’re not allowed to search for me.” 
He didn’t even know where he was going, he just wanted to go away. He wondered if that’s what everyone thought, or if Geoff was just trying to get a rise out of him. If they all thought that way, they’d certainly never said anything of the sort, but this was how people were going to treat him, Gavin didn’t want to be around them.
“What a dick,” he muttered to himself, pulling his cloak tighter around himself as he walked deeper into the forest. It was a beautiful green and gold tapestry, the hues blending together to make a simple but pleasing pattern. The threads had been hand-woven by Matt and enchanted to protect its wearer from whatever may come their way, and it did a remarkable job. 
As he ventured deeper into the woods, the trees grew taller and thicker, blocking out the sun’s rays and sending a chill through the air. As the coldness began to creep in, the cloak kept him warm and made him feel safe. However, it couldn’t protect him from the turmoil inside his own mind. 
In the city center, Michael was having a different sort of crisis, and his angry shouting could be heard all across the land. 
“You said what to him?!’
His relationship to Gavin was indiscernible at best, no one knew whether they were deeply in love or mortal enemies, but one thing was certain: he was fiercely protective of the fact that he was the only one allowed to bully Gavin, and anyone else could only do so with his permission. Whether they were soulmates or archnemesis, Gavin was his boi first and foremost. 
“I just suggested that maybe being an idiot was his form of magic! It was funny, we were both laughing!” Fiona said, completely oblivious to the way that Michael was shooting daggers her way. Usually Michael played along with her playful teasing of Gavin, so when he didn’t continue to make jokes, she looked over. “Don’t you give me that look, you’re thinking it too.”
“I’m not, though.” Fiona scoffed, and Michael all but growled. “I’m not. You all underestimate him, and when he does find his magic, you’re going to be blown away. All of you will be.” There was a special sort of conviction to his words, one that was usually reserved for saying the most ridiculous things completely stone-faced. 
Michael stormed off after that, ignoring Fiona’s demands for him to keep hanging out with her. Movement came from the bushes on the outskirts of their community, spotted just out of the corner of his eye, but his attention snapped towards it in an instant only to reveal that the movement was caused by Geoff. His eyebrows furrowed as the other tried to pretend like he wasn’t covered in burrs and twigs, like he wasn’t trying to sneak out of the brush and back into the city unnoticed.
“Do you know where Gavin is?” he asked instantly, lifting a hand swiftly to raise a dirt wall behind Geoff, who was trying to retreat back into the bushes as quickly as he’d come out of them. 
“Why would I know where he is?” Geoff asked, his voice pitchy and lilted like he certainly did know where Gavin was, but also that he knew that revealing that information would get him in more trouble with Michael than not at the same time. 
Michael’s eyes narrowed, and he stepped forward, the ground beneath his feet rumbling and propelling him like a moving walkway until he was nose to nose with Geoff. “Because you know where everyone is, you always know.” 
There wasn’t fear in Geoff’s eyes, but the man’s chest rose and fell rapidly with anxious breaths. The staredown was long and tense, though he eventually relented, letting out a long sigh as the wall behind him fell. He wasn’t going anywhere. “I spoke to him in the woods maybe an hour ago, he told me that I’m not allowed to look for him, but here.” He reached into his gear, pulling out a weathered piece of parchment that was rolled and tied with a thin strip of leather. A map, one that he’d made with the same magic that lived in his tattoos, that not only held the lay of the land but also markers for everyone who lived in it. Geoff offered it to Michael, who quickly swiped it from him and unrolled it. “He never said anything about you going after him.” 
The lad hummed quietly as his eyes scanned the map for the forest green marker that indicated Gavin’s name, wordlessly stepping beyond the brush and into the woods towards it. 
“I don’t even get a thank you?!” Geoff cried out behind him, annoyed by the lack of gratitude. The ground beneath his feet rose suddenly, knocking him off his feet and onto the earth. He cried out, flailing his arms in an attempt to stop himself from falling, but it was futile. Michael was already gone.
The woods looked easy to traverse on the map, and they most likely would have been if Michael had stayed on the trails, but he opted to make a beeline towards Gavin. The terrain was rocky and there were steep cliffs off the beaten path, but it was nothing that he couldn’t handle. He could mend and mold the earth to make it easier to traverse, creating stairs along the cliff faces for an easy descent. The climate was what was really getting to him. The chill in the air was unbearable for him, only getting worse as the sun began to dip down, and he had a bear’s pelt to keep him warm. Gavin’s frame was thinner and frailer than his own, he most likely wasn’t faring any better.
He lit a torch as night fell, raising up dirt and stone walls around himself to block out the cold and keep himself safe from the nocturnal monsters around him. After jamming the torch into the wall, he unfurled his map and saw that Gavin’s marker had stopped moving and was instead spinning around in frantic circles. Evidently, he was trying to make camp for the night as well. With a swift movement of his hand, miles away on the other side of the woods, similar walls raised up around Gavin, and the marker finally stopped moving. Satisfied that his boi was safe, he settled down, wrapping his pelt around himself tightly for warmth as he laid down to sleep. 
Gavin was startled as the dirt walls rose up around him, terrified that something was trying to trap him within them, though he quickly became at ease when he realized what it meant. Geoff had listened and wasn’t going to be searching for him, but Michael was certainly looking out for him instead. The fear that came from being alone out there dissipated as he ran his fingers down the dirt, pulling out several clumps of roots and knocking bits of earth loose. Dirt walls were less than fancy, but they were a great comfort regardless.
He slept easily through the night with a newfound sense of safety, his cloak pulled tightly around himself for warmth. It worked wonders against the cold. As the sun began to rise, it didn’t emerge from the clouds, the sky grey and dreary as rain began to fall. Gavin could hear the rain hitting the tops of the trees, but even as he began to move none of the drops ever hit him. Above him, the branches of the trees bent and molded, shielding him from the downpours as he walked. No doubt this is Michael’s doing, he thought to himself, a small smile forming on his lips. No matter how much they seemed to argue, the other lad still managed to be protective of him. It was something he was always grateful for, even when the others seemed to give him shit for it. 
His pace that day was slower, more leisurely now that he had calmed down some, but he still had no intentions of going back to the city. If Michael was the only one who cared enough to come for him, they could start their own city far, far away. Together. He quickly shook the thought from his mind, pushing his hood down and taking a look around. Though the trees were tall above him for now, he knew that if he just kept going they’d give way to a beautiful, grassy plain. He couldn’t wait to walk on grass again, the dirt and stones beneath him were starting to make his feet ache. 
Several yards from where he’d first had that thought, he had to stop, kneeling down to untie his boots so he could re-lace them tightly. Moving slowly, he bent down, not wanting to end up with another cut on his knee from landing too hard on a rock like he’d already done far too many times this trek. But the terrain beneath his knee was soft, and as he looked down at his boot, he saw that there was soft, lush grass beneath him. Not dirt. 
“What on earth?” He asked himself, brushing his fingers through it. There was some grass on the forest floor around him, but it was rough and patchy, nothing like this. “Michael’s really outdone himself this time.” With that thought, he smiled to himself before continuing to lace up his boots with deft fingers. Before he stood, he spotted a small wildflower that had bloomed among the blades , and he gently picked it and placed it behind his ear. “What a dope.”
What Gavin didn’t know was that Michael didn’t have the ability to create foliage or flowers underfoot. No one in their community did. And with each step that Gavin took, more of it sprouted up from the dirt beneath him. 
Night fell again soon enough, and Gavin wasn’t sure where he was. He could’ve sworn that the forest gave way into plains at this point, but instead he found himself in the middle of the desert. Stupidly, he’d continued on, just in case the plains were just beyond it, though now he was too tired to turn back. 
“Maybe Fiona was right,” he muttered as he sat down in the sand, digging his toes into it and wiggling them for some amusement as he propped his cloak up over himself like an umbrella. It was nighttime now, but it would be morning again soon enough. He didn’t want to end up burnt to a crisp before he even woke up. No walls came up around Gavin this time either, so it was up to him to protect himself. 
Gavin leaned forward against his knees, peering up at the night sky for a few long moments. Jeremy had spent many long nights back in the city teaching him the constellations and the stars within them, though he could never tell which ones were real and which ones the lad had made up for his own amusement. Orion was certainly real, but Beauregard’s Chariot was almost certainly not. Almost. He picked that one out, finding comfort in its familiarity, before he decided it was time to get some rest. Toes still in the sand, he laid back, arms crossed beneath his head as he closed his eyes. He had been so focused on the sky that he was unaware of what was happening in the sand beneath him. 
With Gavin’s slowed pace, Michael was able to start gaining on him. He raced through the trees with even greater speed now that he was beyond the craggy cliffs and difficult landscape, the earth moving beneath him to propel him along. By nighttime, he’d closed in on Gavin’s position, and he was stunned by what he saw.
Smack dab in the middle of the desert, where not even cacti could manage to survive due to the horrible heat and scorching sunbeams, Gavin found himself within an oasis. That same lush grass and wildflowers were no longer just underfoot, but in a wide circle around the lad, almost tall enough to completely hide him from Michael’s view. Small trees were even beginning to grow, supporting Gavin’s cloak above him in place of the flimsy sticks he’d set up before. 
“Gavin?” Michael called softly, stepping forward with caution in case it was a facade, a trap of some sort. The desert was known for causing hallucinations, for preying on the hope of the desperate. That was the kind of magic it held, and it was very skillful at using it. But as he knelt down at the edge of the circle and reached forward to feel the greenery, sure enough, it was real. “What the hell? Gavin! Wake the fuck up!”
The lad sat bolt upright with a start, catching himself in his cloak and fighting it off with all the fierceness of a kitten. Sleep was still gripping him, catching him somewhere between being wide awake and deep asleep, but he was quickly coming to. “Who’s there?!” He shouted, finally tossing his cape away from himself and looking around in confusion. “Michael?” That wasn’t the last thing he expected to see out there, but it wasn’t the first either. “What are you doing here, Michael?”
It had taken everything in Michael not to laugh at the display in front of him, but he quickly wiped the smirk off his face to look offended when Gavin addressed him so incredulously. “Jeez, don’t sound so happy to see me,” he drawled, rolling his eyes before shuffling forward on his knees. “Mind telling me what all this is?” He arched an eyebrow, gesturing to the small haven among the sand. 
However, Gavin had no more answers than Michael did. “I’m not… I’m not sure what it is,” he responded earnestly, glancing between it and the other lad before reaching for his cloak. “I thought you were doing it. You’re not?” Michael shook his head fervently, and Gavin only frowned as he pulled the garment on. “Then who is?”
Michael shrugged a shoulder, humming a soft ‘I don’t know’ before standing, stalking around the mysterious growth. This wasn’t anything that anyone he knew could do, and when he tried to make it happen himself, all he could do was raise the earth itself. He couldn’t make anything grow from it. Which left only one option…
“Come here,” he said suddenly, and Gavin looked at him like he’d asked him to do something insane. “Stand up! Get the hell over here!” When there was still no movement from him, Michael reached forward, hauling Gavin to his feet and yanking him out of the circle. Sure enough, grass sprouted up beneath the lad’s feet, extending the circle and connecting it to wherever he stepped. “Holy shit… Gavin! Look!”
Gavin had thought that Michael was angry at him, scolding him, but the tone of his voice was nothing but excited. Thrilled, even. He followed Michael’s gaze down to his feet, but he wasn’t quick enough to put the pieces together like the other had. “This happened to me back in the forest too! I don’t know what’s going on!”
“You’ve found your magic, that’s what’s going on!” Michael was practically screaming, bouncing on the balls of his feet and looking at Gavin with a big beaming grin. “You can make stuff grow! That’s incredible!” 
That made things click for Gavin, finally, and his grin ended up matching Michael’s. “I can make stuff grow!” Geoff was going to be blown away, everyone was. He wondered if Michael would be okay with them going back to the city immediately, they’d be able to get there by morning thanks to his abilities. “Fiona was right!”
The other bristled immediately, his grin turning to a frown in a fraction of a second. “Fiona was… Right?” She’d told Gavin that his magic was being stupid, that his special ability was being an idiot. This certainly wasn’t that, not by a long shot. “Gavin, this isn’t stupid. This is awesome! Fiona wasn’t right.”
“What? What are you on about? No, she… She said I was made for something better than what everyone else thought. And she was right! Oh, and she’s had such shit luck getting flowers to grow at her place too, no wonder!” Gavin threw his arms around Michael’s neck, wrapping him in a tight hug that was fueled by nothing but pure glee, and he could only hug him back just as tight. “We have to get back there, immediately. Everyone is going to be so jealous, Michael-boi.”
Some proper rest would’ve been a great benefit to them both, but Gavin had insisted that they return to the city as quickly as possible. The moving ground beneath their feet made it a relatively quick task, and Michael had managed to find a well-worn trail that made it even easier. They were back in the city by sunrise, and while the excitement had died down in Michael to give way to sleepiness, Gavin was no less giddy. Probably because he’d climbed on Michael’s back at one point and managed a small nap. Lucky bastard, Michael had thought to himself when he’d heard the soft snoring in his ear, but he hadn’t woken him up. 
“Michael. Stop here, Michael,” Gavin urged, nearly losing his balance as the dirt beneath him ground to a halt suddenly. They were just outside the city, inside the same bushes that Geoff had attempted to sneak out of a few days prior, hidden from view as residents began to leave their houses to begin their tasks for the day. “I’m gonna get on your back-“
“You’re not taking another fucking nap,” Michael interjected, and the other huffed and waved him off. 
“No! I’m gonna get on your back so I can do a grand reveal, you dolt. The flowers appear when I step, and if I step too soon the surprise will be ruined!”
“Hey, assholes!” Jeremy’s voice boomed across the city center, no doubt hearing the commotion, and Gavin quickly began to scramble onto Michael’s back. 
“Ow! Watch it, you’re gonna knock off my glasses! Stop!” Michael huffed, swatting at Gavin’s hands as they reached for purchase anywhere they could. He stepped out of the bushes once he was settled, looking annoyed while the lad on his back was nothing but gleeful. “Hey, Lil J! I rescued our favorite dumbass. You’re welcome.”
Jeremy couldn’t help but laugh as Gavin let out a little ‘hello!’ and waved, though he was curious about why the other was on Michael’s back. It wasn’t unlike Gavin to demand piggy-back rides. Though normally once Jeremy was in view, he made it his mission to climb onto his shoulders instead. “Gav, are you hurt? What’s going on?” He stepped up with caution, ready to call for help if needed. Injuries weren’t uncommon, but if Gavin needed to be carried, it must’ve been serious. 
“No, the asshole’s not hurt. Not yet, at least. He’s just got a surprise for you,” Michael assured, rolling his eyes. “For everyone, actually. Do me a favor and ring the bell? They’re gonna want to be here for this.”
An eyebrow shot up, but Jeremy was quick to comply with the request. He crossed the city center, grabbing the rope and pulling it once, twice, three times to signal that it was a meeting of utmost importance, but not one that brought bad news. When the bell rang three times, it meant that there were good things to come.
Soon, all of the residents of the city were there, eagerly awaiting to learn the reason for this meeting. Very rarely did the bell ring thrice, and there were hushed whispers and guesses of what was to come. They all fell silent when Michael, with Gavin still on his back, stepped forward.
“I’ve found my magic,” Gavin announced, savoring the look on everyone’s faces as they processed that announcement. Particularly Geoff’s, whose face was twisted into one of apologetic guilt. A sense of satisfaction bubbled up inside of him at that. And of course Fiona was delighted, jumping up and down and pumping her fists, shouting ‘I knew it!’ before she even knew what Gavin’s magic was. It didn’t matter to her. Alfredo and Trevor were also excited, but only because their beloved Dusk Boy had finally joined their ranks, though Jack and Matt simply looked skeptical. He couldn’t blame them, really. Why now? Why did it take so long for him to find it? Those were the questions behind their eyes, and Gavin wished that he had answers for them.
When he felt like he’d let the suspense hang in there air for long enough, he stepped down. For a moment, nothing happened. Matt was about to open his mouth to complain about being dragged out of bed for a grand display of nothing. And then, all at once, a beautiful display of lush grass and flowers appeared at his feet. The more he focused on it, the bigger it grew and the more beautiful it became. No longer was it simply wildflowers, either. In the hours of their journey, he realized he could control the types of flowers that grew. He opted for sunflowers this time. Everyone knew that they were his favorite. It was proof that the magic was his, and not anyone else’s pretending to be his. 
The reactions were mixed, and Gavin deflated a little as several people seemed unimpressed and walked off to return to their duties. It wasn’t the most spectacular power in the world, he knew that, but it was his and he liked it. That was what mattered to him. There wasn’t much time for him to mope though, as Fiona quickly rushed him, wrapping him in a hug and lifting him off his feet. 
“Gavin!” she shouted, stepping back to inspect the flowers closer. She plucked a few blades of grass, feeling them between her fingers. After a few seconds, she gasped, her eyes lighting up. “You can help me grow flowers at my place!”
Gavin laughed, nodding quickly and beaming at her. He could always trust her to cheer him up. “I can, yeah. No wonder you’ve not been able to grow anything.”
“Yeah, cause you stole my green thumb! That’s hardly my fault.”
“Oh, I dunno about that. You should’ve been keeping a closer eye on it.”
They bickered back and forth, Michael watching with a tired but fond smile, until Fiona decided that she’d had enough and thumped Gavin on the side of the head before racing off. The lad was too exhausted to follow, so he just stepped over to Michael, the foliage underfoot following him as he went. Everyone else came up to congratulate him in time, Geoff doing that and apologizing for the harshness of his words in one awkward convoluted mess that Michael wasn’t even sure was an apology, but Gavin understood what the gent was trying to say. He’d learned to decode Geoff Speak over the years. 
Still, the person whose opinion Gavin valued the most was Michael’s, and once the excitement had died down and they’d retreated to their homes to rest, Michael stopped by to give it. 
“I’m real proud of you, Gav,” he said, making himself comfortable on the bed next to the lad without a second thought. 
“Proud of me?” he asked, snatching his blankets back from the lad as he tried to steal them. Michael always did this to him. 
“Yeah. Proud of you. For putting up with the bullshit and finding your magic. Even if it was a total accident.” Michael snorted out a soft laugh and smiled, crossing his arms beneath his head and looking over at the other. “You just lucked into it, just like you lucked into everything else.” 
“Including you?” Gavin arched an eyebrow as he met the other’s gaze, desperately wanting to wipe that smug look off his face.”
“Especially me, are you kidding?” That comment earned him a gentle smack to the chest, a kiss to the cheek, and a mutter of ‘I’m going to make a tree grow through your damn house.’
To everyone else, their relationship was indiscernible at best. But Michael and Gavin knew exactly what they were to each other, they didn’t need anyone else in their business about it. They were partners. Not just in life and love, but in their magic as well. As he learned how to hone and control his abilities, Gavin would decorate the city and beautify the buildings that Michael had created. And once he had mastered his skills, Michael began to create buildings specifically for Gavin to embellish. Dirt roofs became his signature style, the gravity-defying feature held together by the roots of the flowers that Gavin planted into them. The city had never looked better, and even those who were initially unimpressed by Gavin’s abilities had to admit that it was perfectly suited to him. He took great pride in rubbing it in their faces. 
Gavin was happy to not be a member of the mundane anymore. His spirits were higher, and he felt more useful to the city. His abilities, with more practice, extended beyond flowers and grass and into fruit and vegetable plants. The magic that Gavin held could sustain them all. 
But Gavin had always held magic within him, in Michael’s eyes. He had never been mundane. That gleam in his eye when he got another crazy idea to cause chaos was nothing if not supernatural, and his ability to find the fun in even the most boring of situations had proven to be valuable time and time again. It just hadn’t been the form of magic that Gavin had always desired, so he never took note of it despite it always being there. Michael was just glad he could finally see it in himself too. 
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cristalknife · 4 years ago
Kadam Week 2021 Day 1 ~ Do You Want To Be A Pirate?
So this is me trying to not start something on a platform only to post solely somewhere else aka AO3 and ff.net  you can find the complete list of Kadam Week 2021 prompts and you might find more stories on the Kadam Week 2021 AO3 collection
That said, the fist prompt was Puzzles and Games. And what represents better both than a treasure hunt? So here we go, I present to you Do You Want To Be A Pirate?
All the student body was abuzz, the annual treasure hunt was to be announced soon, it was always a great event. Mainly because the winner of the event earned a full booklet of backstage passes. Sixteen of them, completely blank to be used at the winner discretion during the current theatre season.
No limits were imposed on how the passes were to be used, be in a single show with a large group or even touring all the shows solo. The catch was that if multiple shows were to be watched by a group of two people up, the winner had to be there for each show.
Those booklets were the courtesy of Alumni working in the field. And to be honest it was a fun event for the faculty as well to create the set of riddles and clues needed to reach the destination.
It was supposed to be a moment of fun,  but at the same time given the kind of prize, it was not meant to be effortless.
However to the faculty disappointment, the individuals only rule with no cooperation allowed present in the previous editions, resulted in no winners for the past couple of years.
After consulting the sponsor, it was decided that for this year students could sign up as pairs.
But if the students decided to sign up as pair, then both the winners would have to be present each time they were to use the passes.
And apparently that wasn’t a condition that some were comfortable with, while others like Kurt were actually overjoyed.
Once he heard of the treasure hunt, he went out searching for Adam, barely containing his elation and desire to share the news.
Upon finding his boyfriend, Kurt was barely able to contain his excitement and he launched himself into Adam's arm sure he'd be caught.
Adam grinned and kissed Kurt back, holding him securely before saying "Hellu Love, what got you so excited?"
Kurt chuckled and as soon as his feet touched the floor once more he raised the flier and pointed to the fine prints "They mentioned a change in the rules and on this year’s event people can sign up as pairs. The catch is that both need to be present when using the passes, so you're game signing up with me?"
Adam raised an eyebrow curious before reading the flier aloud "The Annual Treasure Hunt? Is that what got you so excited? Except for my freshman year, I don't recall any of those events actually ever having winners"
Erika came up from the side and quipped "Three years ago was the last time someone won, but it was again one of the last seniors graduating. After that batch left, no one ever figured out the clues, I'm surprised the faculty still does it"
Kurt shrugged "Well the prize makes very much sense for the school, I mean blank passes for the backstage of current productions? That sounds interesting, and sixteen of them would actually mean we could all go together as a group and still have two spares for the winning team to get another show, or split between two productions..."
Kurt speech had most of the Apples smiling and send to their favourite freshie an adoring look.
Adam still amazed by his boyfriend asked softly "So you suggest a common effort and register more than one team, and then Apples parties at my place, where we could all chill out and talk about our days?"
JJ quipped up "Only if that involved baked goods from both our favourite bakers, because Adam ma man, I love your cookies but gimme Kurt's  casserole and salty cupcakes any time, and I could even fight you off and offer my hand in marriage for having those every day"
Kurt snorted and swatted away playfully JJ's offered hand "You are not even remotely bi-curious, If I wanted to live with an overgrown kid who'd stay with me for my cooking I'd simply invite my brother to move in with me"
Everyone around chuckled at that and JJ pouted mockingly offended "Are you insinuating I'm not man enough for you?"
Adam then stepped in smirking "More like implying that all the main male leads in his life are already cast, and you dear friend can only be the occasional torn in our butt, one that comes every now and then to offer his company in exchange for delicious food..."
Grinning like a cheshire cat JJ quipped back "Well we all know that the good ones are all gay, unavailable or happily being both together"
Everyone broke down in giggles and with resolute nods each claimed a partner. The divide and conquer idea Kurt had was very intriguing, and the thought of getting the upper hand on an event that even the Perks couldn't get their way by popularity alone, or that no one else won for the past couple of years had its allure…
Especially given the mixed composition of techies and performers in their group.
Seeing Kurt smiling radiantly was something each member of the Apples enjoyed and cherished.
Especially since the big fallout, or as it was known amongst them, the great purge of the toxic influx in Kurt's life.
Also known as the day when Miss fallen out Diva Berry left the loft in a huff and Kurt and his roommate Santana took the storming out literally and changed the key of the padlock.
Sending all of Berry’s stuff back to the temporary storage place two blocks away from bushwick, with a 3 days grace period and a week paid with Berry's part of the deposit.
Kurt himself was just very happy to be surrounded by friends who supported him as much as he supported them.
Being with Adam and being friends with all the members of the Adam's Apples, had given him a perspective he never knew he desperately needed, and it also lowered his tolerance for taking crap by those who were supposed to be on his side.
Kurt was not secretly very excited by the prospect of looking forward to something in his life that could be just fun and despite being officially a competition. He was still able to live it as an adventure, to be shared with his boyfriend and all their friends as well.
As they walked away from the registration boot and reading the first clue ‘Every adventure needs a captain to sail for the treasure island’
Kurt giggle when Adam playfully whispered in his ear "Aye aye captain let's get our sea legs on"
Kurt nodded and they made it to the costume department through the back corridors, not wanting to tip off the other not Apples participants, while their friends instead received simply a gentle reminded in their text chat, that all hearties were to meet at rehearsal later in the week same place same time.
Indeed their guess was correct when they found the next clue stating ‘Never forget those who came before you’
Kurt and Adam took the chance to grab a quick lunch as they discussed the clue. Adam was the first one to attempt to solve it "If we are thinking about the school that would send us to the hall of fame"
Kurt nodded slowly but tapped his finger against his lips "But what if it's a more general outlook? We are learning to get into an industry that broadens beyond the limits of the school and its social circles, even if those are still important"
Adam hummed softly mulling over it "So you're suggesting more like the library?"
Kurt nodded "I'm just unsure whether we are supposed to search in the history section itself or go more for the history of Broadway and theatre section"
Adam nodded slowly "there's no rule about not searching blindly both"
Kurt chuckled and nodded as well, after finishing his cup he raised an eyebrow in silent question and received a simple nod in response.
Once in the library, Adam was the one to take over the history of Broadway and the theatre section while Kurt went through the History books.
It took a while but finally Adam was successful and found a piece of plasticised parchment with what appeared half of the final clue.
The mention of a second half made him frown, but with nothing else to be found there, he simply took a picture of it with his phone.
He then placed the clue back inside the book and the book back on the shelf before going to find Kurt, hoping his got lucky and found the second half.
"Did you get anything?"
Kurt shook his head a little put off "No absolutely nothing, you?"
Adam nodded "Yeah I found something but it's only half of the final clue"
Kurt frowned confused "Guess it's time to start some baking then hmmm?"
Adam smiled and leaned forward to give Kurt a small peck on his cheek trying to stop the frowning "We could do directly at my place and then make an evening out of it"
The offer, as Adam hoped, brought a smile on Kurt's face as he replied coyly "I'd love that, are you offering just the evening or it could turn into a sleepover"
Adam grinned and moved so that he could kiss those cheeky lips, when he was almost where he wanted to be, he breathed quickly "We'll swing by the loft if there's something you absolutely need for tomorrow classes"
He then proceeded to thoroughly kiss his boyfriend.
After classes ended for the day, Kurt sent a message to their chat group informing everyone that it was baking time in the afternoon
Adam raised an eyebrow curiously at the message and Kurt shrugged stating simply "That way we can be sure basically everyone will show up with something to contribute, just before or around dinner time, and then the meeting will become a movie night"
Adam snorted because indeed knowing their friends that was what would most likely happen, "It wasn't exactly what I had in mind when I offered to make an evening out of it darling"
Kurt grinned, mischief gleaming clearly in his eyes "That's why I raised your offer to a sleepover instead..."
And true to Kurt's expectations, that evening all the Apples who didn't have to work, appeared at Adam's doorstep with offerings for the shared evening meal.
Of course those who had worked demanded a do-over with double baked goodies of their faves as personal share...
Once everyone was seated around, Paul, who paired up with JJ for the treasure hunt, asked "How was your hunt we've only found half of the final clue"
Kurt wrinkled his nose "we reached only half of the final clue as well care to see if we've all found the same half or if we lucked out?"
Adam took off his phone and started to read aloud "Congratulation adventurers, you're holding half of the treasure map holding the clue for the final answer you will have to give to someone to receive your treasure, think back on the steps you took to find this and then go and find the last missing piece"
JJ jumped up from his seat exclaiming excitedly "Yes we've got both!"
Paul shook his head smiling and took off his own phone reading "Congratulation adventurers, you're holding half of the treasure map holding the clue to figure out who is the officer that you'll need to impress with the answer that you still need to find to receive your treasure, think back on the steps you took to find this and then go and find the last missing piece"
Everyone was suddenly buzzing with unrestrained excitement when Kurt asked pragmatically "So how are we going to tackle this? Reading both clues together and then split between them or focusing the attention on a single one?"
Adam suggested swiftly "We could actually read them both and then see how to tackle the easier one first"
When everyone nodded Paul continued reading their clue "You might go to Central Park Or catch a show on Broadway...  Where in the world would you be to get to these by subway? Twice... I mean the answer is New York clearly but how does that help us identify who to give our final answer to?"
General groaning raised from around the room when Erika cut in "Adam what is your clue?"
Adam complied and read it for everyone perusal "What show is next in this pattern: A Chorus Line, Into the Woods, Bat Boy, Pacific Overtures, Little Women, Damn Yankees, Camelot, The Pajama Game, Children of Eden. As a hint, there is more than one show that correctly works, but one show fits more ‘perfectly’ than any others.”
Adam raised his phone to let everyone seeing the picture and commented
“As a side note there's only one blank line but its length doesn't seem indicative as it was formatted to look good rather than give a hint on the last name, or at least that’s what it looks like to me"
And everyone had to nod at that consideration at that point Chris' groan was the loudest "I don't get yall, neither of those is any more clear than mat moss paint..."
Kurt sniggered but offered a plate with Chris' favourite cookies on it "It's ok, we can work it out together so any ideas?"
Matt who had been quiet this far asked Kurt speculatively "You already have an idea for at least one of them don't you?"
Kurt looked taken aback and blushed getting himself busy with the food "Nothing solid.."
At that point Adam walked behind Kurt and wrapped his arms around Kurt's waist as he pressed himself against his boyfriend "It's ok Love, you don't have to be right to speak your mind, we are here brainstorming there's no judging with us"
JJ quipped teasingly "I mean we'll obviously judge and tease you till the end of times for getting flustered the first time we took you out for blow jobs, but for this… I mean you're all going to hearing the suggestion my gorilla brain comes up with"
Chris snorted and quipped teasingly "Given what gets spawned out of your mouth I thought you would have said instead that yours is like a pig’s brain."
Matt joined in to the teasing, shaking his head as he grinned salaciously and wiggling his eyebrows "Nah a pig's brain is too big we are talking mouse if everything is in proportion."
Kurt coughed at the double meaning implied in that sentence, he feared JJ would take it badly. But he was once again surprised when JJ put theatrically one hand on his cheek, the other on his chest clearly mimicking a delightful surprise "Oh Matt, my darling why didn't you said that before… All this time you were checking me out  because you wanted some of my sweet sweet love, comma hear lemme give ya some sugar baby"
Everyone erupted in laugher and Matt maturely threw his napkin aiming for JJ's face "You wish man, you wish"
JJ pouted "Harsh dude, harsh, you could have at least throw your cupcake with the napkin"
Kurt sent a levelled glare to both boys "If anyone dares to throw our delicious baked food not only they will stay for the cleanup, but they will be banned to get more baked goodies for the next month"
A single "Ouch" escaped Matt's lips before he silenced himself and raised his arms in surrender.
Paul swatted the back of JJ's head "Don't upset daddy, or I'm so going to gag you next time we are all in the same room to prevent that from happening, I rather enjoy our baked goodies"
Erika quipped at Paul "Which is why you shouldn't save JJ from himself, let him dig his own grave, more goodies for us... Kurt had not said anything about lowering the amount of baked goodies, only put a ban on who can access them"
Chris chuckled and offered their fist to Erika, as they said grinning "Well said girl well said"
Erika smiled brilliantly and bumped the fist and then both made an explosion motion as they both retreated their arms.
Kurt raised an eyebrow at being addressed as daddy, but  Adam just held him a little closer and mouthed later.
So Kurt took the handle of the situation and started sharing his idea hoping for the current teasing to come to a natural rest "well I was thinking on Paul and JJ's clue... What if we need to take that final twice literally? As in the correct answer is New York, New York"
Erika's eyes shone brighter "Like the Scorsese's movie?"
Kurt nodded "Yes that's also the name of the most known song from that movie, so New York New York could be the solution"
Paul pondered and then said "Well if we are talking about a movie would that mean that we are to talk with the dean of the drama department?"
Kurt bit his lips and then he continued explaining his thoughts "I was thinking more about the fact it might refer to the song, which then in turn would make Madam T be the one to speak with, given that she's the dean of vocal performance. And with the movie being also a musical maybe the singing component is more pronounced and would lead to her instead of Mr Keller?"
Adam then said serenely "Once we figure out the answer we could even decide to split and each team going to both of them with the solution."
Murmurs of agreement run through the room until Matt stated "So now we just have to figure out what that list of musicals have in common?"
JJ scratched his head before raising and grabbing few more cupcakes to munch on "Do you think that the fact they cross two centuries means anything?"
Chris promptly opened Adam's computer and pulled up the wikipedia pages of all the listed musicals before shaking their head "Nope they are not in chronological order so it’s not that"
Paul then quipped "And that wouldn't make any sense, the additional hint says that there's only one answer that would fit perfectly... it's not like there's only one new musical coming out every single year"
Erika asked then "I am not familiar with all the titles but are they really all musicals?"
Adam answered "Yeah all of those listed are musicals, so maybe we need to check on the songs?"
Matt then wondered aloud "What if it's something all the songs have? Maybe there's a matching title or a recurring theme?"
Kurt took out his phone and looked around and said "well there's seven of us and nine titles maybe we could each open the list and check them side by side?"
JJ grinned and took out his phone as well "That's a great idea"
Kurt started listing all the songs of chorus line, Matt went on with the ones from into the woods,  JJ giggled like a maniac as he read the bat boy's list. Paul read on the Pacific Overtures and Erika listed the ones from Little Women.
When Adam, who was reading from the Damn Yankees, reached the song titled Six months, Chris exclaimed excited while raising a finger silently asking for a moment "Holy moley I think we got something going here"
Everyone turned, waiting for more explanation that Chris promptly provided "Each of those musicals has a song with a number in their titles" and then they pointed to Kurt who quickly caught up and said "One" and then each proceeded in order Matt said "It takes two", JJ said excited "Three Bedroom House "
Paul grinned starting to see the path as he said "Four Black Dragons"
Erika was grinning madly as she said "Five forever"
Then JJ still super hyped by having discovered the key to decode the clue he asked Chris "So what are the others?"
Chris smirked and started prattling "In Camelot we have ‘The Seven Deadly Virtues’, The Pajama Game has a song called  ‘7½ Cents’ while the Children of Eden has ‘A Piece of Eight’”
Kurt hummed softly and considered aloud "So we have nine musicals mentioned but the last number is eight... What if they had already given us the answer and it's literally Nine?"
Adam whistled impressed "That actually makes so much sense..."
Paul groaned "And if you explain it like that it seems so obvious too"
Erika shrugged "All riddles once explained make so much sense that you usually feel stupid for not reasoning it out before... That's why they are considered brain teasers"
Chris who in the meantime checked out Kurt's suggestion finally quipped triumphantly "That's it guys, we have a winner the answer is indeed Nine, which has a song called guess what?”
Chuckling everyone said at once “Nine"
JJ then scratched his head and then asked "So now we are only unsure on who we need to tell our answer to?"
Paul quipped happily “Me says Adam and Kurt follow Kurt’s reasoning, we follow ours, that way if our suspicion is correct and Kurt is right it’ll be them and not us having a private date… No offence man but I’d really prefer not having my girlfriend gutting me for going out on a date with you”
JJ snorted before sounding almost genuinely upset “Harsh man, harsh”
Paul patted JJ shoulder when Kurt asked confused “But what about the others?”
Matt answered smiling “Kurt you four are the only ones who got to the final clue, I personally wouldn’t like to try to get the prize knowing I barely got to the second one.”
Chris and Erika nodded as well confirming they felt the same way.
Kurt felt relieved that he wasn’t taking advantage of his friends. With everything sorted out, everyone else left leaving just Kurt and Adam alone.
After they settled down Kurt turned to Adam, with a questioning look on his face before asking “Is now later? Do I get to know what the daddy comment was about?”
Adam chuckled softly “Nothing bad Love, I can assure you that, you know that I’m considered the mother hen of the group right?”
Kurt hummed softly nodding as he snuggled closer to Adam who then continued “And well you’re too sweet and kind to all the Apples to be considered a father, but still we are together and we both tend to take care of them so…”
Kurt chuckled and finished shaking his head “So I’m daddy… Not sure how to feel about having so many kids that are all older than me”
They both sniggered at that.
The next day, when they went talking with Madam Tibideaux, they discovered that indeed Kurt’s reasoning was correct, and they got out of her office with the prize and matching grins. ~The End~
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missslothy · 5 years ago
Writer’s Month 2020
H50 Fic:  Captain America and the Angel of Death
Rating: M
Relationship:  Steve McGarrett/Danny Williams
I’ve chosen 7 prompts from the Writer’s Month 2020 prompt list, to make up a story.  Chapter 1 is ‘magic’
“Let us come in with you.”
Steve ignores Lou plea. Instead, he hands over his automatic weapon and gun.  They won’t be any use in the warehouse: he needs his hands free.  “Ho Lua has at least thirty men in there with him,” he reminds Lou, and Tani, Junior and Adam who are loitering nervously too. “They’ll kill Danny before we can get in there.”  ,
“We can get up high, give you cover—”
Shaking his head at Junior, Steve pulls off his tactical gloves and digs in the pockets of his cargo pants.  Pulling out another pair of gloves, he pulls them on.  These ones are lighter, silky to the touch and cover his hands completely. Looks are deceptive though: the outer layer of fabric is woven with microbeads of Kevlar, to protect anyone who touches them.
Lou still looks doubtful. “You know I’d do anything to get our boy back but you’ve got a concussion, Steve.  A bad one.”  He taps the side of his head.  “Are you sure you can still do it?  You know…the magic.”
“I’ve got this.”
Lou shakes his head, doubtfully.  “You want me to call the Guild?  You know the rules, you need to call it in before you engage…” Sighing, he tails off.
Steve tugs the gloves one last time, checking they’re tight around his wrists.  Lou’s right: he has got a concussion and a motherfucker of a headache.  And he should call it in with the Guild.  But the bastards who gave him that headache – who kidnapped Danny from their house, from their bed, in the middle of the night – are very likely in that warehouse. And he wants those bastards. Badly.
A quick scan of the faces of the rest of his team confirms they are not happy either.  This isn’t their first rodeo though and he knows they’ll do what’s needed.  With one last nod, he turns and jogs toward the warehouse.
They are down by the docks. All the earth – the ‘āina – is covered with concrete.  He can still feel her power leaking out, making the hairs on his body stand on end. She’s been muffled though by the greed and stupidity of men.  He hadn’t lied to Lou about still being able to do his magic but the combination of the concrete and the concussion isn’t ideal.
Finding cover, he closes his eyes and reaches out with his mind.  Under his feet he can feel the threads of magic running, like streams of water.  Kneeling down, he places his palm on the concrete.  Taking a deep breath, he calls her power to him.  
Warmth flows up through his hand.
The first hit is always a surprise, no matter how many times he does it.  It’s like a shot of drugs to his bloodstream.  He bites back a groan as his headache flares in reaction. Placing his other palm on the ground, he braces himself.  Now the effect – and the headache – has doubled.
All his life people have asked him to explain what he’s doing.  The best way he can describe it, is it’s like recharging a battery: his body’s carrying energy gifted to him by the ‘āina.  It doesn’t last long but while it does it gives him ‘magical’ abilities.  In his case, that means he’s able to shield himself from attack.
He’d been at military school when his magical talent had first shown itself.  Bullies had been making his life hell.  One day he’d been cornered by a group of boys, found himself shoved to the ground.  Seeing red, he’d put his hands out to save himself and that’s when it had happened: the next boy who’d tried to hit him had come up against an invisible brick wall.
That first shield had lasted less than a minute, too ragged to sustain.  It had been enough to get him noticed.  The of Magical Practitioners had been called in to assess him immediately.  A place at Annapolis and a top-level military career was suddenly his.  
His skill had saved his life more times he could remember.  It hadn’t saved Freddie’s or his Dad’s.  
He’s determined it’s going to save Danny’s.  Standing up slowly, he pulls the energy towards him, mentally smoothing it into a bubble around his body.  Straightening up, he heads inside.
Ho Lua’s men are waiting for him.  Automatic gun fire rings out in the warehouse.  In his ear, he can Lou yelling his name.  Blocking out Lou, he focuses on maintaining the bubble of power as it warps under the onslaught.  
Engaging in hand-to-hand combat and maintaining the energy is something he’s been trained in ruthlessly. Doing it with a blinding headache, that’s more of a challenge.  The burning sensation in his hands grows, a sign that the power is leaking out, seeking its home; the ‘āina.
Fucking move, a voice in his head yells and he listens to it.  Giving up any pretence of taking any of these bastards down, he starts running.  Arms pumping, breath catching in his chest, he crosses the warehouse in seconds. Sparks fly off the concrete as bullets hit it: one of them bounces, pierces a weak spot in the bubble, strikes him on the ankle.  
Stumbling, cursing, he half falls through the door to the offices where they’re sure Danny is being held. Lou’s yelling louder now but he hasn’t got time to listen or reply.
More men swarm out of the offices, like angry bees defending their hive.  In close quarters he���s got no choice but to engage.  Fighting dirty is something he’s good at.  Bodies start to fall.  
It’s taking too long though. The heat in his hands has turned to red hot pain.  The headache is making it difficult to see.  By the time he makes it to the last office, he’s almost on his knees.  When he sees Danny in there – battered, bound, half-naked in his sleep shorts but alive, fuck he’s alive – it takes everything he has left not to collapse with relief.
They’re not out of the woods yet though: more of Ho Lua’s men are piling into the corridor.  In his ear he can hear Lou giving the order to breach but they won’t be in time to help him or Danny.
Crawling over to Danny, he notices with relief that Danny’s eyes are open and he’s tracking.  The bottom half of Danny’s face has been taped over, layers of it.  Ho Lua knew what he was doing: Danny’s mouth is his secret weapon.
Apparently it’s not a secret any more.  Which can mean only one thing: someone in the Guild’s been talking – to the wrong people.
Steve dismisses the thought as he peels the tape off Danny’s face.  He curses under his breath as Danny’s eyes widen with pain.  Even with the gloves on, the heat and power is seeping through, leaking onto Danny’s skin.  
The voices in the corridor are growing louder as the last piece of tape comes away.  Danny sucks in air gratefully but there isn’t even time for that.  Tearing off the tape that’s securing Danny’s wrists he leans in and kisses Danny. Hard.  Fast. Gratefully.
Danny gasps  – it feels like a bolt of electricity has shot through both of them – as Steve rips off his gloves and offers his hands.  “Do it.”
Danny looks confused for a moment, then understanding dawns.  Ankles still tied with rope, he tries to shuffle away.  “You’ll be hit too.”
Steve glances over his shoulder: they’re not the only people in the room now and he’s nearly running on empty.  Grabbing Danny’s hands, he takes the decision out of Danny’s hands – literally.
Instantly the power senses a kindred spirit.  Danny’s lips part, his pupils dilate, as the power transfers over to him.  Steve lets it go, his body slumping as it empties itself. Unable to hold himself up, he slides to the floor.
“Do it.”
For a moment he doesn’t think Danny’s heard him.  Ho Lua’s men are nearly on them.  Then Danny inhales, loudly.  And it feels like all the air is being sucked out of the room.
Steve’s not the only one who can feel it.  Ho Lua’s men have faltered too.  Sharing confused looks, they look around them.  Then, one by one, their eyes settle on Danny.
Too late,  you bastards, Steve grins, as Danny’s eyes flutter closed and he opens his mouth…to sing.
Danny hates it to be described as singing.  Steve agrees. It’s more about how Danny harmonises his voice to every situation.  Arguing. Laughing.  Loving.  
Or in this case: sending people to sleep.
The first notes are warm and soothing.  Quickly though they disappear off the scale.  Steve’s vaguely aware of a high pitched whistle nudging at his already blinding headache.  It vibrates in his skull, like a tuning fork, making his teeth ache.  From his vantage point on the floor, he watches Ho Lua’s men start to fall.  Then everything blanks out.
“Careful, careful. Mind his head.”
It’s Lou’s worried voice that wakes him.  That and being slung over Junior’s shoulder, in a fireman’s lift.  The world passes in a blur.  Concrete.  Bodies. Dark.  Light.  And suddenly his headache is back with a vengeance.  
It’s impossible to contain a groan.
“We’re nearly there,” Junior murmurs.
Their pace speeds up to an almost dizzying rate.  More concrete.  Sunlight. Voices.  Sirens.  He can’t help himself, he groans again.  Then the air cools and the concrete is replaced with grass and something deep inside him unfurls, reaching out for relief.
The world spins as he’s lowered to the ground.  For a second he thinks he’s going to throw up.  Before the nausea gets the better of him, his hands are placed palm down on the earth.
Energy flows into his body. Soft and sweet.  Soothing.  The pain in his hands lessens.  The headache from the concussion is still there but that’s to be expected: the ‘āina gives only what is needed, she doesn’t perform miracles.
Opening his eyes, he sees blue sky.  Pure blue. Not a single cloud in the sky. Birds are chirping in the trees.  The sun and wind is kissing his skin.  Gradually he feels less like he’s been hit by a train and more like he hasn’t slept for a week.  
As his mind comes back on line he realises he’s forgotten something.  “Danny—”
Lou looms into his view, blocking out the blue sky.  “Hey, hey, it’s okay.  He’s right here.”
Following Lou’s eyes, he rolls his head to the right.  Danny’s on the grass beside him.  Wrapped up in blankets, his blonde hair peeking out just over the top, he’s fast asleep.
An overwhelming urge to have Danny in bed beside him – to have Danny in his arms – assails him. Rolling his head back the other way, he meets his friend’s gaze.  “Take us home, Lou.”
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platypanthewriter · 4 years ago
A Strategic Proposal 2/6
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Part One/Part Two/Part Three/Part Four/Part Five/Part Six
That night, Billy came in their rooms quietly, and didn’t immediately drape himself over the back of Steve’s chair.  “I’ve been given a quest,” he said, and Steve turned to face him, fondness welling up like a geyser at Billy’s startled frown, and his clumsy, exhausted hands trying to unfasten his armor.  Steve trotted closer to lift Billy’s chin for a soft kiss, and then helped him unsheathe himself from his carapace.  
“What is the quest?” he asked.  
“The Serpent of the Fens,” Billy said, his cheeks bunching under Steve’s hands as he smiled wide at Steve stopping to kiss his stubble.  
“Oh,” Steve breathed, pressing their foreheads together.  “I would come best it for you, but I’m to ride with the entourage north—”  
“As if I need you,” Billy grumbled against his mouth, and Steve pulled him into a tight hug.  
“I’ll miss you, next to me,” Steve realized aloud.  “Be safe.”
“Will I be rewarded for my safe return?” Billy asked, laughing, and Steve lifted him off the ground with the force of his embrace.  
“Fit for a king,” Steve promised, and Billy curled around him that night in bed, with Steve pulling him in closer.
 When Steve returned two weeks later, hungering to get his arms around his husband, Billy had already ridden out again.  
“He performed well,” Her Majesty said.  She sounded a bit crisp, Steve would realize later, but in the moment he felt only pride.  When Billy crawled into bed behind him two mornings later, before it was light, Steve pulled him close, kissing along his ear and jaw, and feeling him shake with exhaustion.
 Billy was quiet the next morning, falling back willingly as Steve pushed him down against the bed to touch him everywhere—but strangely still, for Billy Hargrove.  He hung back all day, until Steve blocked his path and reeled him in, and Billy finally relaxed in his arms, laughing.  
The next morning he was gone again, and Steve stomped in to guard duty only to have his queen and his fellow knight look at his face, and burst out laughing.
“Somebody’s a storm cloud,” said Robin, and Steve sighed.  
“I should thank Your Majesty for the long honeymoon,” he said, “—but I’ve gotten used to him.  Here.” 
“Now I’m not busy abroad,” Robin told him, “—you’ll see more of me.”
Steve nodded, honestly pleased, but his hand itched to reach over and brush Billy’s.  “He was exhausted, last night,” he sighed.  “If I’d known he was leaving again, I’d have got leave to join him.”
“You’re needed here,” said his queen.
 Billy didn’t return for a week, and then two.  Steve tried to wheedle the details of his location out of Robin, and then his queen, but both pretended ignorance until he demanded to know.  
“It’s diplomacy,” Nancy said, her jaw set.  “Help with a monster on the borders of Hagenton.  If you go charging in, they’ll think we don’t trust them.”
“And you sent Billy?!” Steve yelled back, but Robin pushed him back out of the door.  
“You do not yell at the queen,” she said, and Steve groaned, running his fingers through his hair until it was wild.  Robin sighed.  “I will find out where he is, and send it to your room.”
“Thanks,” he said, the fury in him still drawn up to strike, but now met with the need for gratitude.  He nodded awkwardly, and stalked back to his—and Billy’s—rooms.  
 There was a small shape slumped against their door, which resolved itself into a squire, then, into Billy’s sister.  “Max,” Steve called.
She sniffled, and threw the heavy book she was holding to thump on his foot, which let him know more than anything else that she was distraught—she had fantastic aim, as a rule.  “You bastard,” she whispered.
She was also as polite as her brother.  “What?” Steve asked, dropping to a crouch.  “What’s happened?”
“You sent him out again,” she said thickly.  “He-he nearly died, what do you—what do you want from him?!  You…”  Steve tried to help her up, and she smacked his hand away.  “You told him you loved him,” she hissed.  “He was gloating for days, why would you—”
“That was...wrong,” he admitted, sitting cross legged to face her.  “I—I didn’t expect—it was—” he felt his face reddening, and squeezed the bridge of his nose.  “I couldn’t have predicted Billy.”
Her eyes narrowed.  “What, you...you’re saying…”
Steve waited, blinking at her.
“You didn’t know?” she breathed.  “About—that he—how could you not know—”
Steve clenched his fingers in the coarse fibers of the carpet, groaning.  “Do you know where he is?”
“...not exactly,” she muttered, crossing her arms.  
“You know he isn’t safe,” he said, nodding, and tried to keep his jaw from clenching.  He frowned over his shoulder, back down the hall.  “I will ride out as soon as I know, and bring him back.”
She studied his face.  “But you’re a liar,” she said hoarsely.
“I lied,” he nodded, grimacing, “—for—” he opened his mouth to say good reasons, but couldn’t make it stick.  Imagining Billy’s startled smile as he opened Steve’s love letters now brought up a burning shame.  “I have a lot to make up for,” he said instead, “—and I’ll bring him home.”
Max swallowed, her shoulders relaxing a little as her hands came unclenched from her trousers.  “Good,” she said huskily, reaching a foot over to kick his knee.
Once she’d tromped away, her footsteps louder than knights three times her size, he dug through his wardrobe for Billy’s letters.  
 They were fat with layers of cheap, folded paper, and there were, he’d thought at the time, far too many—four and five a week right up until the day the contract was signed.  Steve sighed, braced himself, and opened one at random.  
He was treated to a bemused but detailed set of answers to questions he vaguely remembered asking.  “In regards to your inquiries after my horse,” it began, and continued on with its height in hands, name (Why Bellerophon, Steve asked himself, after studying the letters in bewilderment), and favorite treat, which Steve now learned (months later) to be carrots.  
Billy was funny in his letters, Steve found, his eyes stinging as he laughed at a description of Max as a toddler, climbing across the beams in the Great Hall of Hargrove House, and Billy running around underneath her, holding a large basket and yelling insults out of sheer terror.  
He made reference to Steve’s life as though he knew it well, offering chicken for trade at dinners, and Steve was whirled away in his mind to the long tables at Harrow, and his dismay over kidney pie.  
The next letter was less sure—Billy began with “If you find time to read this,” and continued with phrases like “I know it’s of no importance,” and “I won’t expect you to remember, but—” and Steve groaned as it dawned on him how obvious it must have been that he wasn’t reading Billy’s replies.  He ran his fingers through his hair, feeling it tuft up like scrubgrass, then crossed his arms, took a deep breath, and dug further into the pile.  
Eventually he found the first missives from Hargrove House, where Sir Neil Hargrove, Billy’s father, said Billy would do whatever they asked if only they’d overlook that it was Billy, and Billy had scribbled in a postscript wondering what part of him Steve had so sadly missed.  
All of him, Steve thought, crumpling the letter.   I missed all of him, though I didn’t know it, quite, yet.  He glared at the door, paced in a circle, and then dumped an armload of letters on the bed, and collected his quill, ink, and paper.  He began penning replies.
 When a knock came to the door hours later, he sprang to his feet, then fell into the wardrobe as the foot he’d been sitting on gave way.  His yells brought Robin in, and she snickered at his uneven walk, and showed him where Billy was on a map.  Her face was solemn.  “He was meeting the Hagenton guard there, to help fell a chimera.  It’s killed every knight that’s fought it, so now they’re sending an army.  He should be helping plan.”
“He won’t stay in the tent and plan,” Steve whispered, grabbing her hands.  “I need the unicorn horn, chimeras are poisonous—” 
“Hold on there,” she said, squeezing his hands.
“And the vial of phoenix tears,” he told her.  “I need to go—”
She grimaced.  “I will see about the horn.”  
“He’s fighting a chimera,” Steve told her, his voice shaking.  
“I thought your fever for him had...cooled, watching you,” she said carefully, and Steve shoved away to start pulling on his underarmor.  
“It’s burning ever hotter,” he muttered.  “And I hate it that I’m telling you first, I need to tell him—”
“Probably should,” she nodded, eyebrows raised.  
“He’s exhausted,” Steve told his trousers, “—he has doubts about whether I...even want him to return.  I need to find him before he’s…” he trailed off, pulling chainmail over his head, and Robin ran to help.  “Why is there a chimera,” Steve asked her, when she pulled it down so he could see again.  His voice had gone high and shaky, and she clapped his shoulder, smiling tightly.
“Go get horsed, and find him.  I will meet you in the armory.”
“I’ll find him,” he nodded, feeling steadier.  “I—I’ll tell him.  I’ll make sure he—knows.”
She nodded, her eyes narrowed at his expression.  “You’ll find him.  I’ll bring the unicorn horn.”
Part One/Part Two/Part Three/Part Four/Part Five/Part Six
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the-gedonelune-times · 5 years ago
Chapter Ten: The Queen Awakens
Summary: Gedonelune, the prestigious royal magic academy is waiting just for you! The door has opened a whole new world of possibilities for your future. For the next thirteen days you’ll be undergoing the provisional trial to see if you have what it takes to become an official student. Along the way you’ll be meeting new faces and going on exciting new adventures. But be warned, shadows are being cast on the land, if you dive to deep, you may find yourself being swallowed up by the chaos. Your journey begins now, will you be able to banish the darkness?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
“This was a battle I never wanted to take part in.” Fenrir’s voice was softer than it was just a little while ago. “I’m sorry. Maybe if you survive, I’ll be able to tell you more, until then, good luck.”
Fenrir looked over his shoulder, smiling sadly before disappearing in a puff of miasma. Meanwhile, the chimera that he had summoned gave out a hearty roar while its claws scratched against the ground as it took its battle stance. 
“Alright so let’s think about this, we’re trapped in ancient Ark with no way out because of this chimera. Not only that but neither of us has magic or a means of protecting ourselves. This is bad, really bad…” I gave a semi hopeless sigh.
“No, I refuse to give up and I refuse to let you give up too. Remember what you told me before we got on the train? You told me that everything would turn out right in the end, as long as we do it together, this time is no different!” Lily looked at me with serious eyes and balled fists. “I have a plan, but I need you to trust me, okay?” 
“Okay. What’s the plan?”
“I need you to distract the chimera for me.”
Was she serious?! I had no magic, surely she wasn’t serious in making me run around as bait for the thing...was she?
“I can see it in your eyes that you’re having doubts, but please trust me on this. I’ll protect you with everything I have, okay?”
I sighed, knowing full well that we were already low on options and in this situation right now, it was a take it or leave it type of thing. I let out a deep breath as I steeled myself for what I was about to do next. I cleared my mind and took off running with all my might, shouting at the chimera to get its attention. It worked, but it scared the absolute daylights out of me to know that this massive beast was chasing after me.
 It only got worse when it began to send magical attacks my way and although I had managed to evade them up until now, I knew that I wouldn’t be able to keep up this pace forever. Where was Lily? What was her plan? While on the move, I had tried my best to spot her, but to no avail, at some point, I must have become to distracted because I ended up tripping over one of the objects in the room; the foot of one of the stone golems. 
The beast inched closer and closer and I, in turn, scooted back farther and farther away until my back had hit a wall. There was nowhere for me to run to or hide at this point, was this really how everything was going to end?
“Stay away from them! Hraaah!” 
I heard a voice scream followed by an object coming into contact with the chimera, making it cry out in pain. When I saw what had happened, I couldn’t believe my eyes.
Lily was standing just a mere few feet away from the chimera, a large stone sword, which she had somehow managed to steal from one of the golems, rested in her hands. The chimera shook its body as it wicked itself up before charging right at Lily. She was nimble on her feet as she blocked and evaded every attack with ease. It was clear that she wished no harm to the chimera, thus she avoided hitting it like she had the first time. But I knew what would happen if she didn’t attack…. 
“Lily, you need to attack!”
“I-I can’t!” She shouted as she dodged another magic attack. 
“Why not?” I screamed back while moving to keep an eye on her.
“I can’t bring myself to hurt creatures, especially ones that are clearly in distress!”
Distress? Yes, I suppose the chimera was in a bit of distress. I had noticed the way it moved around and attacked us; it clearly didn’t want to, but had no other choice but to do so. 
“Do you think it’s the darkness?”
“You could be hah! Right!”
I was about to say something else when I caught something out of the corner of my eye. The chimera that had been fixated on Lily had now turned its attention back to me. I was completely unarmed and I knew I didn’t have enough stamina to keep running as I had been before. Despite that, I knew I couldn’t just sit there and do nothing, I had to run, even if it drained every last ounce of my energy.
It was still surprising that a beast that big was able to run as fast as it was. I could hear Lily’s cries and shouts as she was desperately trying to divert its attention away from me. Her efforts were in vain as the beast let out a roar before hitting me right in the back with one of their magic attacks. I fell to the ground in excruciating pain. Blood was spilling to the ground and I lay there, unable to do anything. I could hear the beast get ready to unleash another one, a final blow but winced when I heard it let out an ear-splitting cry. 
It fell to the ground with a thud and when I looked over, I could make out Lily standing over its unconscious body. With tears in her eyes, she quickly rushed over to my own body, gently lifting me up to hold me in her arms and keep me awake. It was around that time when a pair of footsteps had entered the scene. They wore a smile as they slowly began clapping their hands together.
“My my, what a performance. I didn’t think you had it in you to actually knock the creature out. But when I felt my magic connection get cut off, I knew something had happened. A shame though, it seems your little friend isn’t going to make it.”
I could feel Lily’s arms tightening around me, almost protectively as she held me closer to her chest. 
“Come now, don’t be so sad. You see, I can help save your friend. All I ask in return is the Seal of Life.”
“Seal...of Life?” I asked with a whispered voice.
“Don’t talk, you’ll overdo yourself.” Lily spoke softly before looking at the one who Fenrir had previously addressed as Adonis. “What are you talking about?”
“Oh? Surely you know about the seals. Your kind were the ones who created them, right? The three seals that were lost to this world, each one containing ancient or forbidden magic. The seal of life, shadows and fates. These three seals were sealed down here in the Ark. So unless you want to keep playing dumb and let your friend die, I suggest you hand over the seal. If you do, then I’ll spare both of you out of the kindness in my heart.”
“I’d never give the seals to you.” Lily hissed. “They were created because of people like you, those who want to use it for evil.”
“Evil? Me? You have it all wrong, I’m doing this to save people. If anything, you’re the real danger here.” Adonis smirked. “A fair maiden born to the dragons of life. You died once long ago but stand before me alive and well. Tell me, how is such a thing possible?”
“Just as I thought, you have no answer to that. But I do.” Adonis began to walk closer to us as he spoke. “The timeline has been warped, things that shouldn’t be possible are beginning to appear in our time. Your awakening is no coincidence. You’re a threat to the timeline, thus, you must die!” 
Adonis had managed to pull out a dagger and rush towards us with inhuman speed. With a swift motion, he lifted it up, right above me before slamming it down. I was prepared to meet my end, but instead found myself in a blindingly bright light that had encased both Lily and I. I watched as Lily’s body trembled as she held me in her arms. Blood was trickling down her wound and this time from her mouth as well. 
“Lily, why?! You’re hurting yourself!” I gave a hoarse cry as I looked at her. 
She let out a giggle as she nuzzled her cheek against me. “I don’t care.” her eyes closed as she continued. “I refuse...to let the one I love...die…” 
Her fingers gently brushed against my cheek as they burned ever so slightly. Lily...loved me. I could feel tears prick my eyes as I kept repeating her words over and over again in my head. She loved me...she really loved me….
I reached one of my hands shakily up to touch her own cheeks and with a strained gasp, I let my own feelings be known. “I love...you too…”
My vision was becoming blurry and I could feel the world around me grow colder with each passing second. Even if this truly is the end...I’m glad that I got to spend my final moments with the one I loved. I closed my eyes with a smile, trying to hide the fact that I was beyond scared.
As time continued to tick onward, I felt an odd feeling wash over me. It was like being submerged in a warm summer breeze. I could feel my strength returning and when I opened my eyes, I was greeted to an incredible sight. 
Lily, who had once been holding me, was now hovering slightly off the ground. A pair of white horns grace her head while a pair of beautiful wings as bright as freshly fallen snow flapped behind her. A tail coiled shyly around her leg and her entire outfit had changed into something completely different from something I had ever seen her in before; a sleeveless white dress with a slit in the front. From head to toe, she was adorned with jewels that I could assume were from a time that no longer existed. She looked dazzling….like a queen…
When her eyes opened up, she smiled kindly at me while the light around us began to fade. Adonis was a few feet from where we were, his arm lowering down to his side. 
“No….how! How is this possible! The curse on your back was supposed to seal up every trace of your magic!”
“There’s one magic that you didn’t count on, Adonis!” I shouted out
“Oh? Enlighten me, foolish human.”
I could hear him making a gagging noise before glaring at us. “No, I refuse to believe that such a hideous thing such as love was the cause behind this. No, this must be the work of Zirnitra magic.” Adonis began to laugh. “Perhaps I miscalculated, or perhaps this works well in my favor.”
Adonis turned to face Lily with a sinister smirk. “You’re going to fight me then? Do you have it in you to kill me?”
“Kill you? No, I have no intention to take a human’s life. But if I must fight you, then I will.” Lily spoke calmly ash she raised her hands in front of her.
“Foolish girl. You and I walk the same path, both of us were betrayed and now we suffer for it. Why are you protecting the very things that caused you such grief? They killed you, yet you stand by their side as some kind of protector? What are you trying to prove here, huh? Do you think you’ll be accepted? Do you think people won’t try to betray you again?!”
“Fear is a common emotion where people act out differently when experiencing it. Humans are not like me, they can get hurt easily, they get sick and die a life much shorter than the one I have. Their lives are fragile and yet they continue to live for a better tomorrow. Will humans betray me? Maybe. But I will never put blame on them for something that happened thousands of years ago, I will never blame them for my death!”
“You fucking fool!” 
Adonis screamed out with a cry before sending a flurry of darkness tipped arrows in our direction with just the snap of his fingers. Without saying a word, Lily held out her hand, conjuring a barrier of light that burned the arrows before they could even come close to the barrier. 
“That light... such power, no...no, no, no, NO NO NO!” Adonis clutched his head in pain before stumbling back. His eyes were a bloody red as objects around the room began to lift in the air.
“Wait, is he using…?”
“That explains the darkness I had felt earlier, the man who reeked of darkness. Never did I think that such a thing could be used like this.”
“I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you...HAHAHA DIE!” 
Adonis began hurtling all the objects at us at once, while his body became engulfed in a dark miasma. I watched as a shadow began to grow until it was towering over us. As the objects burned in the barrier, Lily and I watched with wide eyes as the miasma began to fade away like smoke, revealing a beast at least thirty feet tall. It was a serpent, covered in armour. It had six hands and in three of them rested a double-bladed staff. He had a pair of black wings that dripped with darkness and behind him was a massive tail.
“There’s no way….”
“What is that thing?!”
Lily looked away, clearly distressed, “That’s Raspatil.”
Lily nodded. “We’ve only heard stories of this beast, never haad we been given a chance to catch of a glimpse of this creature. It had the nickname: the ground breaker as it could shatter the ground with a single attack with its staff.”
“But how? How did it get here? Did Adonis turn into that?!”
“Pitiful beings, your chatter annoys me to no end, it is time I show you the true power of ancient magic.” Raspatil grabbed his blade and held it up before bringing it down on the barrier, smashing it as if it was nothing. 
We barely avoided being hit and was only safe thanks to Lily’s quick reflexes. But we had not time to rest; another attack was being sent our way and this time we weren’t so lucky. The ground had split upwards, hurtling towards us like a rushing wave. Hitting us, or rather, Lily who was using her wings as a shield. Clearly in pain, she gritted her teeth before summoning her strength to push back the slab of stone. She balled one of her hands up into a fist, a golden light forming around it as she punched the stone, sending it flying right back to Raspatil he writhed with pain at a head-on hit. 
The being laughed with delight as it raised its hands gathering magic. “I have no time for dealing with such foolish battles, I’ll end you right here, right now with this single attack. The darkness will taint your soul and swallow you up in the chaos. You will soon know pain...if you survive that is….”
The laugh became more sinister as the whole area was now covered in black clouds that began to swirl around us. There was a small break in the storm of darkness as Raspatil shot off a beam of darkness. Lily summoned another barrier, pulling me closer as she held her hands out in front of her.
“You told me that no matter what happens, we’d do this together. Your words gave me hope and made me believe that everything would turn out right in the end.” Lily looked at me and took my hand which was now enveloped in light; with her magic. “I’ll protect you with everything I have, I won’t let the darkness take you!”
Nadia: This is it, the final preview!
Persephone: Way to leave everyone on a cliffhanger.
Nadia: Hey, cheer up a little will ya? We need to do a really good job with this!
Persephone: Fine, fine, whatever.
Nadia: You’ve been with Lily for thirteen days…
Persephone: You’ve gone through a lot during that time.
Nadia: But now the time has come where your fate is chosen.
Persephone: Will the ending be one of light?
Nadia: Or will tears be shed as the darkness takes the life of something or someone precious to you?
Persephone: Your ending awaits…
Both: So go forth and find out!
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lemonywitch · 4 years ago
Happy day, witches! I hope you are all staying positive during these troubled times. If you need someone to talk to, just know that you can talk to me. Send me a message here, or you can dm me on Instagram @lemonywitch anytime. These are lonely times for a lot of people, and I think everyone should have someone to talk to. I know we’d be total strangers to each other, but that’s ok for me. Please do be aware that this is not an invitation for any inappropriate messaging. You will be blocked without warning. Anything else is good. Just want you guys to keep that in mind.
Moving on, since we didn’t talk about candles last time, let’s talk about candles today! Don’t worry, this post should be shorter than last time. Or at least I’m gonna try...
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The first thing that I want to talk about is candle colors. In your spells, different colors can mean different things, whether it’s a candle, a string, or the color of pen ink you use. Here’s a list of colors and what each one represents, along with some spell ideas:
Red 🍎: Love, passion, desire, energy, determination. Can be used if you want more love or intimacy in an already-existing relationship, or if you’re in need of some energy for a new project, or for determination to start your new business.
Pink 💖: Happiness, self love, self esteem, grace, compassion, tenderness, understanding. As you can see, pink is used in situations where you want to help yourself in areas of self love and self esteem, or in areas you want to improve, such as in happiness, grace, compassion, tenderness, and understanding of others. In other words, pink is for YOU, baby.
Orange 🍊: Strength, success, encouragement, attraction, joy, confidence. Orange is used for spells where you need some kind of extra boost for yourself. This could be helpful if, for instance, you need some extra courage and confidence to ask for that promotion at work.
Yellow 🌼: Happiness, success, eliminate obstacles, balance, creativity. Yellow is good for spells for more happiness, balance or creativity for yourself, or to help you succeed and eliminate the obstacles blocking you when working on a new project.
Green 🌱: Healing, growth, good luck, wealth, prosperity, fertility, new beginnings. Green is one of my favorites. Not only does it represent the earth and nature, but it’s so versatile. It can be used for healing in any aspect, personal growth, or, like a seed that’s been planted, new beginnings. It’s the color of money, so if you need some extra funds, green is the color to use. It’s also helpful if you are trying to conceive and want to cast a fertility spell for yourself or for someone else.
Blue 💧: Peace, tranquility, flexibility, meditation, balance, inner peace, calmness. This color is good more for spiritual applications. It can be used when you meditate, or if you’re trying to make peace with yourself, and sometimes if you need help making peace in your mind about something that involved another person. When I say flexibility, I mean the ability to “go with the flow, man.” As Bruce Lee said, “Be water, my friend.”
Purple 🔮: Power, wisdom, spirituality, psychic connection, intuition, dreams, enchantment. Historically, purple was used as a color that royals and high-ranking nobles wore to show their status. This color can be used if you wanted to give yourself more power. I don’t mean power over other people like royals, but power over yourself and to have a stronger will. It could be useful in just having the ability to say no to some people. Purple is kind of just a general “magical” color too. If you want to hone your skills and be able to learn more magics, you could cast something like a mind-opening spell, and you could use purple to help yourself get more in touch with your magical side and gain more abilities.
Gold ✨: Prosperity, wealth, abundance, enlightenment. As you can see, gold works in much of the same way green can, but it has an extra trait: Enlightenment. You can use gold to help you gain more spiritual insight to help you on your journey.
Silver 🖇: Illumination, reflects energy. Silver isn’t used much, but you can see it’s similar to a mirror. Silver can be used to send bad energy back to the person that sent it, and it can help you to reflect on your own life and decisions.
Black🕷: Banishment, binding, absorbing negative energies. Black doesn’t have as many uses as some other colors, but its uses can be extremely powerful. Black is used if you wanted to banish a person from your life, or if you wanted to bind your soul with someone else’s. I personally carry black crystals with me if I know I’m going somewhere or meeting someone that I my have a negative experience with, so I don’t carry those energies back home with me. You could enchant a black piece of clothing if you wanted or something similar.
White 🥚: Clarification, positive energies, healing. Opposite of black, white is for inviting positive energies. It can also be used for clarification of your mind, and healing of your spirit.
As you can see, some colors can cross over and have the same meanings as a different color, so in some cases, if you needed an extra boost, you can use two of these colors instead of just one.
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But let’s say you need to perform a certain spell, but you either don’t have the color you need or you don’t know which color your situation is for. In that case, always use white. White is universal and can be used for any purpose. Sometimes colored candles are hard to find too, but white candles are usually sold just about anywhere.
But candles aren’t about just the colors. The shape of the flame can also be important. You can use this information during regular spells if you like, but reading your flame is mostly used during communication spells. Communication spells are when you try to get a message from an ancestor, your spirit guide or deity, the Universe, etc. Maybe you’re looking for guidance about a new job or relationship, for example. Here are some ways that flames can look and how you can read them:
Small but bright: Success is coming
Large and bright: Good luck
Dim: Disappointment in store
Leaning heavily to one side: Change is coming
Small flame that looks like it’s about to go out but it endures: Excellent luck (much better than just good luck), but could come with troubles or effort on your side. But it would work out in the end.
Sputtering: Romance is coming
Flickering: Depending on your questions or your situations, it could mean wavering fortune or luck, or that enemies are coming
Sparking: Danger is around or on its way
Twisting: Unseen enemies or danger is around you
No flame: No success is coming, but no bad things are coming either. Things are staying the same.
Sometimes we need to be careful about our flames. Sometimes if we’re in a room with an open window, or sitting close enough to the candle that your breath can reach it, it can make the flame act differently than it’s supposed to. So make sure you’re in a room or environment where there’s no air currents (this can include air conditioners as well) and make sure you’re sitting close enough to see the candle clearly, but not so close that your breath could affect the flame. Otherwise you could get a wrong reading.
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There are differing opinions on how to let the flame of your candle die out when your spell is finished. Do whatever feels right to you, but there are pretty much 3 different ways you can do it.
This first method really only works if you’re using a jar candle or something similar, so this wouldn’t work with a taper candle. You would use a tool (an old kitchen knife works great for this) to dip the wick down into the melted wax to put out the flame. By doing this, it’s like the candle is putting itself out, so there was no “outside influence.” This outside influence is thought to affect the outcome of your work, so some people prefer to do it this way.
The second method is to just let the candle burn out by itself. Like the last method, some believe that by you or someone else extinguishing the flame at all is an outside influence, so you need to let the candle burn itself out. My opinion on this: If you have kids or pets, or just generally are busy most of the time, letting a candle burn out by itself isn’t always smart or safe. Sometimes we don’t have time to sit and wait for a candle to burn out, and leaving it unattended is just dumb. If you are able to do this, go for it. It’s just usually not very convenient for a lot of people.
The third way (and my preferred way) is the easiest. Just blow the candle out. Some people believe that by blowing out the flame, the smoke carries your wishes or intentions to whoever or whatever you intend it to, such as the Universe or your deity. This is also helpful because, like the first method, you can still save and use this candle for later.
On that note, what should we do with a candle that we’ve already used for a spell? Let’s say you burned a green candle for a prosperity spell, and you still have half of your taper candle left. If your spell doesn’t work, you can still use this candle if you need to do the spell again. The outcome of your spell is dependent upon your intentions, not the tools you use. If your spell works, great! But don’t use that candle for any other type of spell. If you used this candle for prosperity, only use it for prosperity or something related, such as for a new job. Because that would still fall under a “prosperity” umbrella. You wouldn’t t want to it for something like healing or fertility. One rule you need to follow is never, ever, EVER use a candle for another spell that you’ve used during a curse or banishment. Only use it for those same purposes if you have part of a candle leftover. If you happen to use a candle you previously used to curse someone for another spell, those energies could spill over into your new spell. Just a warning.
As always, please make sure that when burning candles, you do it safely. Make sure you’re in a controlled environment and that you burn your candles on heat- and/or flame- proof surfaces. Always monitor your candles so your kid or your cat won’t mess with it. I know this is common sense stuff, but sometimes people need extra reminders.
You can use candles in specific spells, but sometimes you can use just a candle for a spell. To use a candle for a spell is super easy. All you really need is a candle with the color of your choice, and either a knife of some sort or a pen that doesn’t have any ink left. The reason I say a pen with no ink is because some inks are flammable, so if you have a dead pen lying around, now’s the time to put it to use. If you use a knife, make sure you’re careful, and don’t cut yourself. Unless you just want to use your blood in a spell, and if you do, go for it. Just know that that’s on you. I do plan to do a separate post just for blood magic, so we’ll cover that later.
To use a candle for a spell, just carve the words you want to use for the spell into your candle using the tool of your choice. This can sometimes be difficult if you’re using a jar candle, but in that case you can use a sigil. Once you’ve finished carving, you can chant the words of your spell, light your candle, and continue to focus your intentions until your candle is burned out, or whenever you’re finished. I will tell you that you don’t have to carve up the whole candle, and that’s totally fine. But you want your candle to burn at least until your carving is gone. If you’re using a taper candle, let it burn down until all the carving have melted off. If you’re using a jar candle, burn the candle at least until the wax the carving was made into has completely melted and you can’t see any signs of your carving anymore.
When it comes to the kinds of candles you can use, the sky’s the limit! You can literally use whatever type of candle you want. It can be a jar candle or a taper candle, it can be scented or unscented, the only condition you need to worry about is if it’s the color you need. I wouldn’t use the flameless candles, but if you want to learn about that I’d be glad to research it and see what ideas we can come up with.
That’s all about candles that we’re going to talk about today. There are a lot of other spells you can do with candles, but this blog is like a beginner’s handbook. We will talk about dressing candles and other candle spells like the needle spells at a later time when we get most of the basics down. That being said, you can’t say you’ve completed the basics without learning about sigils! I mentioned using sigils to carve into your candles, but sigils can be used for almost anything. So next time we’ll talk about what a sigil is and why it’s important, how to make them, and how to apply them in everyday life. Until then, stay healthy and safe!
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bbq-hawks-wings · 5 years ago
Hiya! So I have a question/theory not exactly about hawks but the concept of quirks in the mha universe. So I had this thought and I was wondering do you think it would be possible for a character to have a quirk like whenever they played an instrument the people around them would immediately go into a sleepy, sedated state?? Or basically if it's possible for a person's quirk to be like not be biologically a part of their body (ie: anything they paint comes to life)
OOH OOH OOH!!!! I was going to write requests, but I just HAD to jump on this immediately. I like the way you think, anon! Asking some very important lore-based questions!
My short answer to your theory is “Mostly no, but kind of yes? Depends on the specifics and how you explain it.” So let me explain! I go on a bit where I geek out over Shinsou’s quirk, but I’ll keep the whole debacle under the cut. I hope you enjoy it!
Minor spoilers for explanations about how Shinsou’s quirk works from the manga.
HeroAca is at it’s core a science fantasy world - wherein inhuman feats instead of being written away by magic are given a plausible-enough “scientific” explanation to help the audience’s suspension of belief. It doesn’t have to be completely accurate but it has to make just enough sense to feel grounded in the real world and also makes it easy to put limitations on it. Quirks are explicitly described as being genetic. How they got written into the human genome is unknown, but it’s crystal clear that biological lineage is the key to passing down quirks. (All for One and One for All being glaring exceptions to the rule, even in universe.)
This is how we’re able to put “glycerin sweat” with “ sweaty, sparking palms” and get “combustible explosive sweat from the hands” or “ice” plus “fire” equals “fire and ice.”
Therefore, quirks are inherently connected via some biological component. However, how that manifests itself has a lot of potential, and it mainly has to do with the property being manifested to begin with. For example:
Tetsu Tetsu has the ability to harden his body into steel - specifically his skin. This is physical composition of his body that he is able to change at will, but he cannot change the composition of something he touches even though that organ which possesses the shifting ability comes in contact. His quirk is limited to his body, period.
Momo’s ability to create inanimate matter is manifested through her adipose tissue (fat). She requires both the energy and atoms required to produce matter directly from her own body. These things can exist outside her body but she ceases to be able to affect their composition the moment it’s no longer part of her body.
Ochako is able to nullify the effect of gravity on any body she touches - inanimate, living, herself, etc. However, this effect only works after she has physically come into contact with it and only from the pads on her fingertips. Her quirk originates from her body but leaves lingering effects as long as she doesn’t cancel them.
All of the above are easy examples of “my body changes myself/something else and my quirk depends on my body to do so.” However, let’s look at an example that feels more “intangible” which I think is what you’re going for.
Shinsou is a super interesting one and so far the closest to what you’re trying to describe. His quirk, we know, is biologically coded into every cell in his body, but how it manifest, though a bit of a mystery, has a pretty logical explanation depending on how we parse it out.
He has the ability to sedate his human target and force their body to do rudimentary tasks via vocal commands - effectively making them a human puppet adhering to his will. However, the way it both takes effect and manifests is particularly interesting, so I’ll drop the frames and extrapolate in a moment.
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To break it down, Hitoshi’s quirk works as thus:
He must intentionally choose and FOCUS on his target in order to activate phase one of his quirk
His voice may be modified via his artificial vocal cords, but he cannot transform his voice digitally (mini theory on this at the end)
He must then get them to respond to him directly (it’s implied this is vocally, but the way it’s worded sounds almost like they need to consciously respond in some way instead of blocking him out)
Once he has control, he can make them do virtually anything with their body but their brain and voice are useless.
To me, it sounds like Hitoshi’s quirk actively hijacks his target’s brain by suppressing the higher functions and taking over some of the lower ones. My best “rational” explanation is some audible property in his voice (it’s presumably outside the spectrum of human hearing) is able to first bait the parts of the brain that control cognition and neutralize them when it “opens itself” up via cognitive reply. From there, cognition is suppressed and he takes over what I presume is the midbrain and sections of the gray matter physically responsible for motor control.  
Sounds crazy, but while the sound aspect is unusual, this kind of thing actually exists in real life! Check out parasitic fungus and worms that turn prey like ants and snails into “zombies” by taking over their brain and doing their bidding in order to complete their life cycle.
If you can explain an OC’s quirk like THAT, you’re gold!
If you wanted one that plays music that makes people in the immediate vicinity sleepy and sluggish, explain it by saying that something about the sound stimulates the brain into producing melatonin or effects the thyroid. It doesn’t have to be clear exactly how (though extra points if you can make it as scientific as you can) but if it’s plausible ENOUGH, it works. It could be like in Hitoshi’s case where it isn’t the so much the noise we hear but some unheard component that does the work and she just chose, say, a flute because it puts people at ease and she’s liked it since she was a kid.
The “paintings to life” is a bit trickier. If you wanted to fit this in the lore of the series I’d say whatever substance she animates has to come from her body. However, an easy workaround is that she could produce her own paint! She adds the pigment separately, but the clear medium is whatever substance she produces from her body that she can control. The medium is basically how acrylic and oil paints are different - The shade of color can be exactly the same, but the medium it floats in will act and perform differently which is a great metaphor if she has difficultly controlling the “living” medium without a visualization to get it to do what she wants!
I hope that was a fun breakdown of how I think you can adapt seemingly random superpowers into the rules of the series. It takes some real-world knowledge to do so, but the cool part is that the physical world is capable of SO much that we’re barely scratching the surface of understanding. Doing even just a couple of hours of research can get you enough information to come up with a power that not only could plausibly work but also has the bonus of building in a weakness for power balance!
This is super fun! I love when you guys send me theories like this!!!!
Bonus mini theory! “Could Shinsou’s quirk work over old analog technology?”
Something interesting to note is the auditory angle he needs to use his quirk, and my theory is that the auditory component may force his target’s brain into doing the actual sedation work for him. In real life, our brains and bodies are very much effected by sonic waves, even those we can’t hear. It’s theorized that infrasound - sound outside our hear-able spectrum) caused by structural unsoundness, some machinery, and more might be reason humans consistently perceive certain locations as haunted. I mentioned this in my theory about Hawk’s sensory sensitivity but it’s worth mentioning again here. 
I specifically mentioned “digitally” above because analog and digital sound waves are structurally different which may be why it’s not some specific noise we physically hear but actually the vibration of the sound wave itself that does the brainwashing. Here’s a picture of analog vs digital waves to demonstrate what I mean.
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See how analog is smooth but digital is a series of plateaus? Now I don’t have much formal education to back myself up from here on out, but the way I understand it is digital is basically just a complicated series of “on’s” and “off’s”/”yes” and “no” so it’s literally impossible for it to achieve that smooth curve in analog. Look at what it does to a sample in this graph.
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While, to our ears, the digital interpretation of the analog signal is close enough that we wouldn’t hear the difference, the structure has been chewed up all to hell! Though we don’ have a whole lot of information one way or the other, I can’t help but wonder if those splines (the curvy lines between points) are where the magic happens. He even says outright that voice modulating technology (almost all of which is now exclusively digital) distorts his voice too much. Old technology used to work on materials that operated on these analog waves, so I can’t help but wonder if that would do the trick. It obviously wouldn’t work on a gramophone since without the active focusing his quirk requires it’s still a useless sound bite, but if he were to, say, speak over an old telephone would that work?
It’s entirely possible that there’s some other property in his voice that needs proximity to work (such as a frequency analog broadcasting can’t replicate) so he needs to be physically close to his target, or just the fact that analog technology is clunky and potentially more hassle that it’s worth that would make this a moot point; but I couldn’t help myself diving a little deeper.
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spottedlekkudancer · 5 years ago
Same Heart
Chapter 3 - Fray
Sum: You are a colonel from the Battlecruiser Absolution now aboard Finalizer in an attempt to close a banking deal for the Order abroad. Not much has ever given you cause to seek a significant other before, however, when several people on the ship start taking a personal interest in you things may change. (Kylo/MattxReaderxHux)
Word Count: 2.5k+
Warnings: Language, Violence
Disclaimer: I am ignorant when it comes to the military. So if you notice any errors please inform me. If the BS doesn't bother you, all the better
@tachibubu @lowlyapprentice @moonlightreetops
Hux’s office felt colder than the rest of the ship. It’s even black doonium walls closing in on either side of your consciousness. The vastness of space out the viewing port behind the ginger’s head was beckoning you, threatening to swallow you whole.
Biliousness hit you hard in your discomposure; you couldn’t remember the last time Hux had used your first name standing alone. Or if he had ever. Dread. The next words from him were ones not to be coveted: of this you were sure.
The general's lips were drawn into a tight, unforgiving line. He was the epitome of the Order’s refined system in every aspect. From the way he could make the most casual of clothes look like a uniform to the habit he had of bringing a sensation of foreboding into every private meeting. “Do you know why you are here?”
It was meant to be rhetorical. Like when a cop is stopping you in traffic. You both knew full well why you were sitting across from one another having THIS conversation.
“Shields are charged Ma’am! Bringing them online now.” From the control deck below a voice projected.
“No! Keep them down.” Your reply was swift and firm.
Mitaka stuck close to your side, doubting everyone of your calls. His nerves, considering Hux wasn’t around, were hanging on a thin wire. “I don’t know what you think those pilots are capable of, but they can't perform miracles. We are being fired upon. Whatever it is you are trying to do (L/N) it isn’t going to work.”
“Have a little faith, Lieutenant. I’m your superior for a reason.” The words were spoken with venom, you were getting quite tired of his admonishment of you.
Hux’s hands were folded over his desk, and he leaned in toward you over them. “You took a huge risk, (F/N). You completely ignored protocol. The justifications of which do not outweigh the cause.” His voice was too even. As if instead of being angry with you he was holding onto regret.
You gazed down at your lap, it was easier than looking him in the eye. “I know.”
This fleet was more than a mobile weapons platform, one just needed to know how to use it to its full potential. If you were successful, the lives of both sides would be spared. You waited, trusting your pilots to stick to the orders you issued. Zeta and Epsilon Tie squads were keeping a tight formation around Finalizer, fending off any approaching X-Wing fire. Your Bombers and Tie Defender were in pursuit of the rebel captain's ship. Not to destroy, but to capture. It wasn’t a large spacecraft by any means and you had to wonder why such a small envoy would drop from hyper space to attack now. The planet of Jakku beneath your orbit was a wasteland, and as such held no value.
They were nearing; F-005 had lured the rebels into a mindset of retreat. Z-938 blocking their route of escape just moments before. They couldn’t jump to safety now, not with your battlecruiser in their way and only one working engine. They were being herded into you like Nerf.
Once surrounded you ordered the end of the battle. The rebels would submit now with no other choice. It was time to show why you had left your shields down, and hopefully Mitaka’s insufferable whining would cease.“Engage Tractor beme.” You directed to one of the officers below, then engaged the Comm for flight control. “Good work men, bring them in.”
“Honestly (F/N), It’s calls like this that got you removed from the Navy in the first place. Taking charge when Ren and I were detained can be overlooked considering, however, recklessly leaving us open for attack will not be.”
“With all do respect General, damage sustained was minimal and there were no casualties. Now that we have them in custody -
Hux cut you off. “You apprehended one ship, on a hunch no less. A hypothesis that there is something they want on Jakku. To which now we have reports of two resistance X-Wing pilots landing planetside. If you had followed protocol: all would be eliminated, and there would no longer be a need to send out a ground squad to clean up after you.”
You hadn’t anticipated the absconder’s actions and understood the detriment that put on not only your name but Hux’s aswell. “Yes Sir, but now we can find out why they were here.”
“If a good reason at all. Perhaps they were passing through. This is difficult space to navigate.”
“Sir, If that was the case Protocol dictates that we need to imprison and interrogate any unidentified craft in our territory regardless. They gave no clearance codes. Moreover, they fired onto us first. That is a classic distraction tactic Sir! Does that not seem suspicious to you? If there is something on Jakku they want we need to obtain it first.” You nearly ran out of breath desperately trying to explain yourself. Taking a breath you sat back down in your seat, just now realizing you rose out of it for your vocal bombardment. “I stand by my decision, Armitage. I understand that you have to suspend me during the investigation, but you’ll soon see- I. Am. Right.”
Hux stiffened: jaw muscles tightening, eyes shifting from you to the door. You followed his gaze. Kylo was a silhouette in the gaping arch way. “For your sake Colonel, you best hope you are. Dismissed.”
You gave Hux a curt nod before leaving the two men in peace.
For days you waited. Not once seeing anything outside the bunk you were assigned to. An officer brought you your meals and a Stormtrooper stood outside your door at all times. Stars! If you didn’t know better you would have assumed you were the one under arrest. You soon discovered it was also pointless to ask questions to the little people you had contact with. They would either know nothing or keep their rumors to themselves. There were two possibilities for you now. One) You'd be dragged off ship to Court Martial without a word. Or Two) You’d be dragged back into Hux’s office without a word. The latter of which would be better. At least then you could return as a Colonel to Absolution.
You pondered vaguely what Hux’s excuse was to the banking clan. Would he pull in someone closer of equal rank to sit through the meeting? Would he have Zack sign in your place? Or was he just apologizing and asking them to wait for your “arrival”?  Whatever the case, it didn’t really matter. What did matter was  when they did come for you, several standard day cycles into your isolation, they did not ship you off of Finalizer.
Hux was far more tense during this meeting. Something you would have thought impossible before you witnessed it. After several minutes of formalities in explaining your release from suspension, what happened with the bank, and what would happen now that you were cleared from court martial he said something else that surprised you. You were right. Not that you doubted your assumptions at any time. An admission of Hux being in the wrong BY Hux was just so unlike him.
“Ren proved useful for once and managed to not only get where the x-wing pilots were headed, but took them down as well. According to Ren they are after a map of some sorts. The supreme leader is sure there will be another attempt to retrieve it, and wants us ready for that day.”  Hux elaborated on his point instead of apologizing. Apologies were not his style.
You didn’t gloat. Pride overfilled your ego, but your face you kept neutral.
“And if it suits you Colonel, I’d like you to stay aboard Finalizer.” Hux cleared his throat, unfolding his hands and placing them on his lap in a more casual way. “Permanently. Someone will need to run this ship when I transfer to Starkiller. I can think of no one better but you.”
A knot of uncertainty rooted itself in your stomach. “Sir, as much as I’d love command over a dreadnought such as this one day. I don’t think I’m comfortable with that.” Only a week aboard and you had already experienced as many tumultuous situations as you would in a whole quarter aboard Absolution.
“I will grant you rank of Admiral.”  It was a flat statement.
Eyebrows now knitted you considered his offer again. He would be putting you back into the Navy. This is what you wanted most. Admirals held less political pull than you did now, however, in all technicalities it was a parallel  movement of power.
“Take the night to think about it (F/N).” Hux’s odd behavior had yet to cease but you nodded at his last statement before seeing yourself out.
As you exited the general's office you were greeted by a tall chrome clad warrior. “Evening Captain.” You nodded at her rigged form.
“And to you. Congratulations.” Phasma’s voice was filtered through the helmet she was never seen without.
You stopped short of continuing down the main corridor. “Congratulations?” You turned your body to face her more. Hux had told her before you of his plans? You hadn’t guessed they were that close.
“Did you not agree to the transfer then?” There was no genuine curiosity in her voice. From what you remembered of the Parnassoian she never gave much attention to anything she wasn’t directly involved in. She trained older stormtroopers, led ground commands, and spent her down time training or fiddling with electronics.
You brushed off the inconvenience of her knowing. She was not the type to gossip about it. “I haven’t decided.”
“You will accept.” Always so sure of herself. That bugged you. Could your decisions be that easily assumed? *** That morning you were awoken by a com call. Hux was wasting no time in hunting down your answer. When he said he would give you the night to think about it he truly meant just that. One night. One sleepless, tumultuous night. Your checked the time before replying; your body had only given into the soundness of peace a little over two hours ago. With a grone you picked up the com. “This is (L/N).”
“(F/N) be in my office at 0500 hrs.” Per usual his voice was like thick ice. Straight and unfeeling despite the use of your first name.
“Good morning to you too.” You scoffed away from the mic.
“Copy boss,” You interrupted yourself with a yawn. “I’m getting up now.”
Even though you had spent the whole night thinking of nothing else you had yet to come to a decision. Did you really want to stay on this ship with Hux and Ren for gods know how long just to propel yourself into a position you probably weren’t prepared for, or at the very least didn’t deserve?  And why after all these years of animosity was Hux so eager to have you stick around? The whole situation didn’t sit right with you. However, there was this nagging pull in your gut pleading with you to stay. These instincts are the only thing that kept you alive  for so long and you hesitated to ignore it.
A thought struck you while you were in the refresher. Why were you worrying so hard about being around those two? Neither of there were pleasant, sure, but they also had never harmed you directly. Moreover, they were LEAVING! It would only be a few months at most until Hux took charge of Star Killer, and Kylo was gone on missions around the galaxy so often you doubted you would see much of him. What could go wrong in that inturm? The sense of doom you were getting on the ship couldn’t be from them in particular. After all this would be YOUR ship. A Resurgent-class Star Destroyer! You couldn’t dream of having  a better station. Well you could. There were a few ships better equipt or at least bigger than Finalizer, however, you doubted you would ever have the political pull to grasp one of those.
You threw on your last teal uniform and flew out the door. You would arrive early, confident in your new found prerogative.  You. An Admiral. You had been daydreaming about this day for a decade. Not Captain. Not Vice Admiral. Admiral (L/N), command in prompt to Finalizer. *** The meeting with Hux went just as expected. As did the following week. Zach was promoted in your absence and after a short deal close was sent back to Absolution with instructions to have your things sent to you. You hadn’t seen hide nor hair of Matt or Kylo in the wake of it all and that seemed odd to you. It felt as if in your first few days that you couldn't escape them. And now they were both MIA. Avoiding me probably, you figured. You haven’t exactly left good impressions since your arrival nearly two weeks ago. In fact you noted that most of the bridge crew refused to make eye contact with you and whispered about you in the corners. You felt ostracized. But better to be tiptoed around then to face a mutiny. Or be walked over! That’s what your old Admiral use to tell you anyways.
He had called you the night of your promotion. A bittersweet moment. He obviously did not want you to leave his charge; nor did you truly want to say goodbye to him. Admiral Broste then demanded that when their paths cross again you would take his position on Absolution. Come his retirement he wanted to be sure his ship was left in good hands. You chuckled at this and agreed, brushing off the fact that for years Broste claimed he would never retire. “I’ll die in this chair, (F/N). Mark my bloody words.” He’d say to you every so often: grin and drink painting his face red with glee. You knew then that he meant it. He had no other life to go to outside of the military. That’s why you felt he joined the Order after the Empire’s fall.
Your firm opinion of this was soon to change. As Stirling and your other things were brought back to you, you found a note for the Admiral himself. Calligraphy with a stylus on flimsiplast no less. An extremely rare commodity, often considered a lost art by the wealthy and a waste of resources by the masses. You read it aloud to yourself and sterling in the private of your new chambers.
Tears welled in the corners of your eyes. You had no idea he was in such poor health and it made your heartbreak. Guilt clung to your stomach. Broste wasn’t your father, grandfather, or in anyway related to you. However, in you most private and meaningful moments the two of you shared names of endearment. He did practically raise you after all; in and out of the academy. Moreover, he had protected you for years. How could you have left him in such a time of need?
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thestudyfeels · 6 years ago
Become A Writing Machine
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✨ To read my articles when they come out, join my taglist! :)
A series of article for all future articles about to be birthed, how innovative! Welcome to the mother of all articles, yes, you can subscribe already.
This was requested by Raha from @xenorosis​, who wanted an updated version of the very old (and very boring, and very unfunny, but we all start somewhere) How To Write A Masterpost article. Here you go! Hope this helps, I’m looking forward to reading your work. 
Since I had a lot to say, this series contains 5 posts!
Post one: before you write an article
Post two: how I write my articles
Post three: my editing process
Post four: tips for writing non-fiction
Post five: how to get more views on your articles
1. Find Your Niche.
What will you write about? This might take time to figure out, it sure did for me. I used to write mostly about studying but now I hate it (bluntness has entered the chat), so I write about lifestyle design & productivity instead.
Two guidelines that helps narrow it down:
You have to love it AND enjoy about writing about it. (If you don't like writing, start a podcast! Or make videos! The world is yours, darling)
You gotta have some knowledge about it. Means, study books on it, research before writing, constantly talk about it and get different points of view.
Good to remember: Pick something you'll be able to write an actual ARTICLE about, not something you can make LISTS about. I see so many posts about productivity, but they're all the same, written in bullet pointed lists, and I can't help but scroll past. I'm not sorry.
Your niche can be anything! Travel, if you love popping that booty on top of Mt. Everest, cooking, if you like crying while cutting onions, animals, if you're always found at a zoo (and if assuming a homo sapien is reading this, not in the enclosures).
You can mix niches up too! If you like cooking AND animals, maybe start writing about cooking for your Labrador. If you like travel AND dancing, write about how you're blending different cultures by performing Kathak in Mexico.
For eg, I love humor and conquering. Thus I write about becoming a superwoman of life while wearing funky underwear, because that is funny and you have to accept, goodnight.
2. Have Unpopular Opinions.
Have something different to say, Henry! Stop fitting into the crowds, that spiffy red underwear was MEANT to stand out.
Your articles need to bring something new. I've said this to every new studyblr wanting advice and I say it to you too: stand out.
This doesn't mean being an asshole and using the lamest slang in your posts (lmao fun fact, I learnt a new insult — cockalorum — last week, made my day) nor does it mean starting a revolution about drinking water from plates (I'll join).
If simply means bringing something new to the table. And THAT comes in 3 different cuisines:
1. Quality.
In short: put in major work into your article. This is how most of my articles stand out from everyone else's I read on this site — they have a whole lot of work put into them.
Don't believe me? Read the How To Not Be Depressed article, it's a MARATHON of an novel. Over 13 pages, 7000 words, lame humor included. Please love me now.
2. Content.
Bring new content, Maria! The heck is wrong with people giving the same tips of drinking water again and again?
Standing out can also mean giving new ideas. How can you do that? Exercise your idea muscle (write 10 ideas everyday) and consume content that will help you create.
For eg, consider 5 reasons why you're unhappy. Sounds pretty ordinary, right? You'd expect me to give you tips about petting dogs and buying flowers. Yet they include five majorly radical ideas which, if implemented, would change your life (thoroughly tested on a guinea pig named Nandini).
3. Mission Drink Water From Plates.
This one's going all IN. This is about leaving the crowd, standing on top of a cliff, blaring the Lion King theme song and proudly posing in your red underwear. Write about your core, deepest beliefs, no matter how much hate you get, because—I kid you not—these are the posts which will help you find your squad.
Lemme elaborate. Some of my core beliefs include:
Love yourself for what you are and accept yourself fully. I have a ritual, where I get out of the shower every morning, stand in front of the mirror naked and tell myself: “Nandini, I love and accept yourself for what you are.”
You've gotta stand out.
You're tired because you're doing things you dislike, so do something about it.
Live with urgency but know that you have enough time.
Be patient, dear heart (my tagline for now)
I've talked about these and more in a lot of my posts, and I've gotten hate for it. Funnily, I've also found had the best people messaging me and telling me my red underwear smells a bit but is the shiniest, coolest thing they've seen.
I think I'll take it.
3. Know Your Priorities With What You’re About To Write.
Lastly, know your priorities while writing. This means knowing yourself, because ultimately, you write because it pleases you, and you love doing it. (If you're writing for some other reason, please don't. Try audio or video formats instead.)
When you're starting writing, ask yourself: if I was reading this, what things would I like to know?
When I started writing this series, I knew I'd like to know:
What should I write about (Answer = your niche)
Will people hate me if I write about how productivity sucks? (Answer = some will, some won't, it'll help you find your squad so do it anyway)
What about drinking from plates? That was a cool idea (Answer = let's get help and chat afterwards)
What the writer's writing process is (post two!)
Other tips the writer would give for nonfiction work (post three!)
How do I get more views on my articles (post four!)
And so, the Become A Writing Machine series was born.
Lastly know yourself. My dual priorities while writing are:
1) bring major value about concerned topic
2) make people laugh  
So I'm out here with my tablet as my sword and hobo jokes as my shield. If you're someone who doesn't enjoy humor in articles, don't write jokes about lingerie! Do you, bro!
Ultimately remember, there are 8 billion humans on this earth. Some will hate who you are, others will love you with all your quirks. Stay true to yourself and you'll attract like-minded people. And hopefully, it'll be a band of badasses dedicated to living a life true to themselves, loving themselves and flashing their underwear. Love you Team Conquer.
(And that was the last underwear joke, I promise.)
(More to come later on.)
💌 The End Card.
Related: How To Get Back Into The Creative Process (if you’re in a blogger’s block or experiencing painter’s pain)
Have something to say? I treasure all feedback! If this post inspired you to do something, or you wanna throw some love/constructive criticism at me— hop into my ask box, or reply to this post itself!
Thanks for dropping by! Major articles, like this one, come out every week! Join my taglist by to read them when they do. I also post daily wins, journal entries, rants & photos of my plant babies throughout the week, so follow me if you’re into conquering life. I vow to be the loudest cheerleader. ✧
Sending you love and good energy, talk soon.
Nandini 💌 (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
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ddaenghoney · 5 years ago
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Series: of Silver
Part 3
Attending a performing arts university, you’ve been managing just fine until the fall semester of your third year starts off by making out at a party only to realize the random guy was actually transfer Jeon Jeongguk, whom you had previously agreed to help get used to the city.
Jeon Jeongguk x Y/N
Below the cut is a written scene from the story, but you don’t need to read it to follow the plot for the fake texts portions!
masterlist link is in blog description
disclaimer: any character depicted do not represent the actual personality of the respected idol in real life.
Warning(s)/genre(s): College!au, fluff, developing relationship, love triangle(s)??, some angst/drama here and there– Jeongguk has a dog this series isn’t allowed to be too tragic.
Tag(s): @butterflylion @rjsmochii (if you would like to be tagged send me an ask to let me know!)
If you enjoy, let me know!! : )
set after the events of this chapter.
wc: 886
warning(s): none
The pinks in the horizon were mostly tucked in at this point, replaced by the moon’s gleam. Your head was shifted towards it, but thoughts centered to a rough idea of a first person perspective camera style for the project due at the beginning of next month with Namjoon. Maybe the idea wouldn’t lend itself well to a professional appearance, but given the imaginary audience was supposed to be those viewing the college website, it could work more as a student’s view of the building-
“You still have your backpack?” Jeongguk came from right of the bench, jolting you from your stupor with suddenly rigid posture as you sat. “Didn’t your last class get out at like four?” 
“Yeah, but I never ended up going back to my dorm.” You explained, gripping the worn handle as you stood. “It can be considered my exercise for the day,” He scoffed lightly, smiling. “Besides I told you it was a study spot, why wouldn’t you bring your backpack too?” With the strap of the backpack settling onto your shoulder, you also used the join as a gesture to begin walking in the opposite direction he came from. 
“I don’t really have a lot of book kind of studying. Practically all of my homework I need a computer for.” 
“So this isn’t the best place to show you then, huh?” “No,” He shrugged, hands reading to adjust his bangs from his vision. “Who wouldn’t want a quiet place to get away to sometime?” You ignored your shoulders finally relaxing as he supported your endeavor. Instead, you came to a stop at an intersection, watching cars speed along to get home or wherever. 
“Yeah, when I think about it, I really just watch YouTube there rather than study.” You said as you recalled just then how much of your homework also required computers with an incredible amount of memory. “They just have really good hot chocolate.” 
“That’s reason enough to go then.” 
Jeongguk ended up picking their hot honey chocolate after staring at the menu for around three minutes. You internally attempted persuasion with your skin not to redden as he chuckled at your mention to the barista that you would like extra whipped cream. 
“Their whipped cream is also really good,” You mentioned despite both of you witnessing the bottle of Readiwhip in the hand of another worker topping someone’s drink. “You don’t even know.” 
He nodded, staring at the can as it was turned upside down to spray out the sugary white treasure to you. “Yeah, mom’s always bought a different brand, so I really wouldn’t know.” 
You huffed as you turned to find the two of you a table. Jeongguk smiled as he followed, only hearing the barista call out a random name as you went to an empty table against the window. 
“Listen, I’ll be honest with you about why I asked you to come with me here tonight,” You started, watching with a calm gaze as Jeongguk stopped getting comfortable in the small armchair and look at you with new curiosity. “I want to see a picture of your dog-”
“What-” He laughed, unable to stop his head shaking at your ability to maintain a solemn expression as you spoke. “My dog.” He still chuckled while reaching for his phone. “Makes sense— you already professed your love for him after all.” 
“Because he’s adorable,” You nodded, arms crossing on the table so you could lean forward with stability. “I already know; don’t ask how.” Jeongguk’s lips curled as he searched through any of the hundreds of pictures he could’ve shown you.
“He is, you’re right.” He watched as you took the phone from his hands when he began to hand it to you. At your near instant coo at the picture of a golden retriever puppy whose tongue was hanging happily when his owner took the picture, Jeongguk just tapped his index finger against the empty table, slowly. Then a softer smile as you mumbled something about Gold being the cutest puppy. “So now that you’ve seen him you’re going to kick me out of here?” 
You giggled, causing Jeongguk’s finger to cease tapping. Then the appendage curled back as you glanced up at his eyes. “No, I’ll just run off with the pictures.” You smiled placing the phone back on the table, not taking note of Jeongguk’s pause before he took it back. “I really did bring you here, because it’s nice to get away from college sometimes.” 
Jeongguk watched in silent curiosity as your head turned toward the counter. You looked to see how far along were your drinks. Your voice seemed smaller. 
“Besides,” You continued, facing Jeongguk again. He remained attentive. “Their hot chocolate really is amazing.” 
He considered how you would’ve happened upon this place in the first place. You already mentioned that you knew it was oddly situated— on the second floor of a bookstore, and only accessible through the stairs in said bookstore’s fifth aisle: hobbies— but you never said why you went going into a random bookstore four blocks from campus. Jeongguk released his phone back onto the table, face down. 
“Are you sure that it’s not the whipped cream?” He asked before you were able to look out the window. You laughed shortly, then shrugged, 
“You’ll see.”
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shijiujun · 6 years ago
History3: Trapped FanMeeting Summary - I am an embarrassment to this fandom
Okay guys let me summarise what happened today for the fanmeet - I fucking, absolutely fucking died - Like I died both from excitement and quality content and more importantly, for BEING A FUCKING EMBARRASSMENT IN FRONT OF CHRIS BUT MORE ON THAT IN A SEPARATE FUCKING POST OH GOD 
General comments on the event: Chris and Jake’s friendship is okay I think, and I guess putting it in perspective, Andy and Kenny are way better at fanservice and knows what the fans want, while Jake firstly isn’t really the kind to really go overboard on the fanservice with Chris due to his personality I feel, although there was still quite a bit of fanservice between them both - But it was more genuine I feel because Jake or Chris would jump in with something clever and a bit flirty, it felt really natural actually - And also because Jake srsly looked confused half the time regarding what they were supposed to do for the games and segments - More on that below
But more importantly I think jake is legit busy with work, and he’s not really a person to do stuff on social media, it’s not in his personality but he tried today hahaha with a post after the event - jake says that whenever he logs on once in a while he always sees chris’ handsome photos and he looks so good, and chris replied that jake looks... down to earth in his photos hahahahaha
So a few highlights:
Freebies!! There are so many freebies from dedicated Taiwanese fans literally just giving out shit for free - banner prints, stickers, hair clips, photo cards etc. - We took a lot and we’re going through what we have right now, but would you guys want some of the freebies? Let me know!!! If the shipping cost makes sense I’m totes fine with sending you guys some of the loot
Saw Jake’s back going into the building in the morning in front of all the fans because I was too slow but I did see his back 
WeStar is literally in the heart of downtown and it was frickin packed - We started queuing at like 11am+? And there were only 2 lifts to get everyone up to the EIGHTH FLOOR and each lift could only hold like less than 15 people? And there were like 700 of us. Luckily my friend and I were in the front of the queue and managed to get upstairs with the second round of lifts (the staff were asking some of us to take the stairs because it was faster, and it wouldn’t be faster if I died on the stairs while getting upstairs)
In terms of organisation - It wasn’t half bad because we were lucky where we were, we were always in the right queue and right area, but there were literally zero directions or instructions on where to queue or how to go upstairs etc. etc.
Too bad we were seated in row 16 which was actually pretty far, and we were blocked by too many people in front of us and i’m literally like 157cm so wow I really was blocked really bad BUT we could still see the stage
There were like two tables in the hall that allowed us to leave gifts for the four of them - So in my other video you guys saw that I actually did deliver the message books! They’ll definitely get it I think, no chance of it dropping out or mistaken for anything else considering the covers
The event actually started more or less on time - And the hosts were great - There’s Xiao Yi and Chen Chen (they’re both hosts from showbiz, the variety show) and they were fucking good as hosts - Xiao Yi has hosted quite a number of their events, and if it wasn’t him the event would have gone a bit differently
They started singing the opening song for the show first together, coming on stage and like rotating turns to sing a line - They tried the boyband formation it was quite hilarious
They introduced themselves as always - And can I be the one to first say that Jake’s fugly shirt - Fashion was absolute shite at his event - At least Chris had like a suit on even tho i take issue with the print on the suit itself, but wow Jake really went for... wannabe gangster loan shark OR grandmother’s quilts put together - i dont know which is worse idk guys, is it just me or my eyes or is it really fugly - Andy and Kenny were perfect tho
So they began with some best couple scene recaps through the show:
Jack/ZZ - 1st grandma/instant noodles scene, and the ep 20 scene where Jack is trying to confess to ZZ while ZZ is angry
Tangfei - Jealous andy scene at the tea place, the touching hospital scene, and the lift scene from ep 1
They recapped these scenes one by one, alternating btw the couples and then the hosts asked what they thought about each scene when they were filming it and LOL jake and chris were like laughing and being embarrassed when certain scenes came on, and then for the 1st grandma/instant noodles scene, kenny said it was a really cold day that day when he filmed that scene and the noodles were actually ice cold and he had to keep eating it - andy like patted kenny on the back 
for the touching hospital scene - jake said that it was easy to act out because the emotions always came through the moment he looked at chris, and chris said he was really touched by that moment, by jake’s acting
the lift scene was quite tough to act out because of how long they took to get the logistics right
And while the angry ZZ and jack scene from ep 20 was being shown on the screen, ON STAGE kenny and andy were literally reciting their lines and re-enacting the scene
And then Xiao Yi asked the audience which scenes would we like the couples to act out - and everyone was just yelling for the lift scene re-enactment - but logistically that was hard to do and chris was like, “if there’s no lift we can’t do the scene!!!” 
Then Andy and Kenny offered to be the walls of the lift for them but Chris was like whoa then that’s a bit weird because when Jake is slammed against the wall in the lift, that part, Jake will turn around and crash into Andy hahaha so they decided to re-enact the jealous scene instead - with a few additional lines hahaha and then andy and kenny re-enacted the part where jack asks zhao zi if he wants him to stay or go
and then the next segment - there was a game where each couple is supposed to stand together on a piece of newspaper and play rock-paper-scissors, and whoever loses will get their piece of newspaper torn into half - in the end chris and jake won hahaha but both jake and kenny ended up being piggy-backed by chris and andy respectively hahahaha it was cute
then chris and jake went off stage to take a short break, and since andy and kenny lost, they were punished to do the titanic pose and lines which kenny had to do in half english and chinese
then jake came on stage to sing I’m Yours - he was super nervous so he false started a few times, but he was pretty good and he has a very nice smooth tone - and i think a lot of people didn’t know the song in the audience LOL and then as he left the stage after his performance he left a bouquet of flowers for chris who was coming up next
chris came up after to play the piano and sing some chinese song i’ve heard before but don’t know the name of - and then after he finished he was very touched by the bouquet and then some member in the audience shouted to ask for the bouquet and chris protectively hugged it, but decided to give her one stalk anyway, and when he was giving it out, jake literally came out and then chris was explaining to him like why he was giving away his gift, and jake said, “yeah that’s okay, he knows my heart” AWWWW
then they all came back on stage for a segment of talking where Xiao Yi revealed their childhood photos - jake/kenny/andy were very talkative and chatty when they were younger and andy was isolated in the middle of the classroom, while kenny was directly placed outside of the classroom because he was so noisy, and omg jake was a little chubbier when he was younger and he didn’t like to study HAHAHA
chris was a shy boy and still is apparently!!! and he got a lot of love letters when he was younger and he couldn’t believe that jake/kenny/andy didn’t get any, and then when jake’s childhood photo came out he jokingly said, “now i can finally understand why (you didn’t get any letters”
then we had andy and kenny singing and dancing to marry you totally out of beat, poor guys they tried, and kenny totally missed an entire line, but they were so sweet - they ran off the stage and threw sweets at the audience, and andy said he was thankful to kenny for practicing the dance repeatedly with him because he’s not good at dancing and then they hugged awww it’s cute
fan games: LOL okay so interesting thing was that all the fans said they didn’t want to play the games with the cast but instead wanted to watch the cast play the games so in the end they randomly chose four of the audience to go on stage to watch the cast play the game LOL - so the ones picked were two men and two women #genderequality
1st game: chris/jake and jack/kenny had to feed each other a sushi piece i think, or a pastry i’ve no idea but one of them was filled with chilli, so the challenge was for the audience to guess which of the four of them ate the chilli one, and jake said he can’t stand spicy food and if he had it he’d totally show it on his face - in the end it was kenny who ate it and literally no one could tell
then the second part there was a huge confusion because the hosts weren’t very clear on who was supposed to play the game in the next part - anyway, so they had a how-well-they-know-the-cast quiz with the fans - and here we know that chris likes blue, winter because that’s his birthday period and then he and jake had a moment where they were like ‘oh your birthday is in december too?!!!!’ LOL, kenny likes to eat bbq meat
then the next part, they had the fans on stage and jake + andy drink a sweet drink and also a bitter drink, everyone had to figure out who is the one with the bitter drink and lol jake was so sweet he didn’t want the fans to be punished with the bitter tea, and chris said that he’ll help him to finish the drink if it’s really bitter, and jake was like, “because you’re here, i’m not scared”
afterwards, ezu came out to sing a ballad version of the opening song that made people around me cry hahaha
and also kenny announced a third fanmeeting stop in taiwan after chengdu, on 18 august in taichung
and then there was the hi-five touch and photo thingy - and you guys already know that i fucked it up i am still wanting to cry - i know he doesn’t remember but god I WANT TO BE THE ONE WHO DOESN’T REMEMBER
but i touched their hands hahaha
anyway at the end, jake said that no matter where he is, where we see him in the future, he’ll always be the same jake, and i think this is beautiful
they had the afternoon tea party after the event and from photos i see that it was like a mini-fanmeeting where fans could sit closer to them and really like be able to talk to them, and jake/chris and andy/kenny were very friendly and accommodating from what i see
when we went back to the building at about 6.20pm there was still this long queue outside the entrance, and i went for dinner so i didn’t actually stay to wait for them to come out, but a lot of fans did - jake was surprised so many people were waiting for them outside and he left first - andy/chris/kenny left together in a van and chris was holding a huge bouquet of flowers
if you go on twitter/weibo you can see that jake talked to a lot of fans, said hi to the ones who called out his name, and someone asked if he was tired and he said he was still okay
chris was bowing repeatedly the entire time he was walking through the crowd to the van <3
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i-love-charles · 5 years ago
A Chance Encounter
[a gift for my best friend in the entire world @earn-redemption because she’s a stubborn bitch and won’t let me send her a birthday present so here’s a lil OC fic for our online characters that we’ve been obsessing over for months]
[I really hope you like it queen, and I love you so much!]
Notes: Minor Violence, Angsty, Strong Language, Mini-Fic, OC, RDO
Wordcount: 2080
She lifts the mask swiftly across her ruby red lips, bringing the black cloth to a halt below her emerald vision as it trails the stagecoach in the bustling street below. Saint Denis’ many crowded roofs provided the best cover from possible threats as she assesses the clueless guards on horseback beside the wagon below. Five - maybe six - each with a shiny shotgun strapped to their backs, holsters sporting blunt knives and a quick-draw for their polished cattleman’s.
Her lips lift into a smug grin from beneath her mask; her trusty rifle could do a heck of a lot more damage.
This stage was in the bag - a piece of cake.
Her arms manoeuvre to support the tricky weight of her rolling-block as it begins to zero in on the exposed skulls of the driver and guards, whom rode closely by the goods wagon. If she focuses close enough through her scope she swears she can see the collectibles inside - boxes of French jewellery making their way to the docks of the city, ready to be transported back to Calais for some expert to prod at, no doubt. Each piece adorned with the most expensive rocks the world has to offer, the guards probably don’t even know the magnitude of money they’re protecting. Money that will sooner be in Mallory’s pocket - money that will sooner be well spent, too.
The possibilities that such an amount could do for her are endlessly, she ponders within her options - a temporary apartment in the city while she seeks Molly, most of all - until her attention is quickly, and rudely, grappled back by another figure thats hastily making his way towards the stagecoach.
A masked Graham rode hurriedly through the streets, the angered hollers of surprised pedestrians following. Mallory focuses in the view of the scope, and the strangers golden rifle shone arrogantly back at her. Black strands of thick hair escape their way through the anonymous thief’s cotton mask and tilted leather hat as he cocked in place the barrel of his matching sawed-offs before lifting them to perform.
Only, Mallory’s fingers work faster, rushing them to the readied silver trigger. Her bullet darted immediately forward, finding a bloody home in the skull of the driver - whom fell forward violently between the agitated horses of the wagon. The strangers bullet closely followed, but not quickly enough to catch the dropping head of the dead driver.
Her eyes remained watching through the scope as the masked gunman’s attitude turned to cautious confusion; and quickly their head scanned along the buildings above, just missing the exposed head of her sniper. She could’ve shot him then and there, dead on the cold streets. Curiosity got the better of her, what’s this guys next move?
During the strangers confusion the few coach guards had managed to muster together behind the cover of the halted vehicle, taking turns to jump out and attempt a clear shot at the gunman’s horse. Each shot failed as the strangers shotguns planted fast bullets in the lawmen’s peeping skulls.
The shots were skilful and precise, and Mallory’s ego felt slightly burnt at her envious admission. Maybe this was going to be a little trickier than she’d originally thought.
With no reveal from the sniper above, the confident outlaw dismounted as civilians rushed to safety from the armed criminal. Mallory took the opportunity of the emptying street to swing the snipers leather strap across her shoulder; making quickly for the ladder to confront the opportunistic, cocky thief stealing her loot.
Graham irritably pulled away the black cloth as he placed a cigarette between his chapped lips, striking a match against the rough sole of his black boot before lighting up. His other hand lifted a polished pistol to the stagecoaches doors, aiming at the padlocks that sealed them shut. A sharp clanking of metal resonated through the thick city air and her ear drums stung slightly from the pitch. The doors swung upon abruptly and unveiled the valuables within, and, with the stranger seeing no competition, he began to hurriedly shove the velvet boxes into a thick sack - although, just as quickly, he was interrupted by the clanking of heels against the cobble behind him.
“Goin’ somewhere?” She grinned aiming her pistol smugly at the stranger, whom released a slight grin at her endearing thick accent. He turned to face her, seemingly amused at the gun directed between his eyes judging by the smirk lifting from the corner of his lips. Her gaze drifted momentarily to them, taking a split second to skim across his rugged featured; a thick barrelled chest, dark beard and heavy eyes that were genuinely complimented by the messy loose tendrils of hair escaping around the brim of his leather hat.
“Whad’ya think?” He retorted sarcastically in a smooth southern drawl, shrugging a shoulder to the goods wagon. Graham’s tone was confident, but she could see right through its facade.
A second went by, neither of them making a move to stop the other. Instead they stood and stared, sizing up one another maybe or even simply assessing each others features. Without a second thought, her gun dropped, understanding this man was no danger to her, he was simply surviving as well. His eyes made their way to her lips, full and blood red not too different from the thick ginger curls that bounced in place around the frame of her porcelain face. Despite being pretty well adjusted around female company, his eyes couldn’t catch themselves quick enough from sneaking a hasty glance at the petite curves that framed her sides and the ample cleavage that snuck out from the top of her white-laced blouse.
The silence was long and unbearable, despite only being a split second, and was only broken by the sudden deafening blare of alarm bells throughout the city streets. They were each rudely reminded of their task, and the rush of multiple trotting law men’s horses making their way to the masked criminals.
Almost like a light bulb switching on, she returned to survival mode once again and lifted the pistol fast to face her rival. Only, he did the same. An equally shiny barrel zeroing in on her.
An agreement was made hastily to fight the lawmen off together and, when in the clear on the outskirts of the city, they would decide the next steps for their loot.
Graham held out a gentlemanly hand out to her, offering help to mount the stagecoaches front seat beside him. She gave a sarcastic smirk in return and mounted the vehicle herself before lashing the reigns against the horses backs, urging them to make an escape through the streets from the lawmen following close behind - their own horses ran fervently through the narrow streets, the sound of repeated shots echoing from behind them.
Graham cocked his shotgun barrels in place once more and confidently stood up on the wagon seats and turned around, firing rapidly at the lawmen horses, whom fell from the impact in a Mexican wave on pained noises and blood spatters.
“Do you wanna’ get us killed? Go faster!” Graham shouted over the thundering noise from the horses hoofs against the cold cobble.
“I coulda’ shot you back there, but I didn’t! So do your job and I’ll do mine!” She screamed back, almost inaudible compared to the atmosphere following them close behind.
“Well, at least take the shortcut!” She rolled her eyes in response but seemed hesitant on following his instructions. “I grew up here, trust me!” For once, he was genuine.
A few successful shots were made at the stagecoach, one which planted itself in the top layer of one of the stallions necks. In response, both horses agitatedly sped up and eventually successfully made their way to the abandoned confines of Lakay with the help of Mallory.
The wagon came to a harsh halt on the centre of the tiny swamp town, long abandoned and vastly decaying among the humid atmosphere.
Mallory listened out for any alarms or pistols from around her; only the occasional low growl from nearby gators could be heard, and she released a surprised giggle from the drivers seat. Mostly out of pride but soon the stranger joined in, relishing in his own success.
“What, you ain’t never done that before?” He asked through the chuckle, the only ounce of kindness he’d shown once then meeting only minutes ago.
“Not in such a big city.” She signed, releasing a heavily exhale out of relief.
The conversation was cut short, mostly by Graham whom cleared his throat and rebuilt the emotional barrier that he always towered around himself. His mind went back to business: behind them sat a few thousand dollars would of stolen jewellery. Once again Graham opened the wagon, searching through the boxes and inspecting his winnings. “Look, darlin’, thanks for the help but I think I can take it from here.” He muttered monotonously whilst trying on the different rings.
Mallory’s face turned red, a constant trait she resented due to her red hair: the bullying from her siblings was relentless. “Very funny, but we both know this is women’s jewellery.” A confident smile perched in the corners of her lips. Graham turned to face her, his expression blank but seemingly agitated.
“Who the fuck said I was gonna’ wear it?” He slammed the jewellery boxes shut, his tone harsh. Graham’s temper had always been notoriously short, but she seemed to challenge him more than most.
“Who’s gonna’ buy jewellery of a shady street rat from Saint Denis?” Mallory muttered back. Before the words escaped her mouth, she regretted them. All these years of being judged by her upbringing, she was now doing the same. Something about his messy look was a dead give away that he hadn’t been gifted the privileges she had.
“What the fuck do you know!” Graham saw red. “A prissy bitch like yourself comes to America and thinks it’s all gonna’ be handed to her like back home, huh? S’pose that’s why ya’ tryna’ get into the gunslinger life? You won’t last five minutes.”
“I’ve lasted two years; which is more than most can say.” She replies sternly. “And I know it’s not gonna’ be handed to me, that’s why I’m surviving. Same way as you, it seems.” The stranger seemed stunned and only nodded slowly in response.
The air became thick, and an awkward tension surrounded them. Mallory broke her silence with an alarming thought. “Neither of us put our bandanas back on, they know who we are, there’s probably a bounty out on us already!” She began to hyperventilate at the thought and Graham shrugged irritably before interrupting her dramatic performance.
“Rookie mistake.” Without his tone she would’ve taken it more as an insult, but it seemed he directed it almost entirely at himself. How could he not? All these years running with gunslingers and he’d forgotten one of the cardinal rules for keeping him from swinging. Speaking of which; maybe she did need his help but was too afraid to ask? With all of these years of experience, he could get her to the states border and then she could make her own way and he could carry on with his life – his good deed done until the next damsel in distress crosses paths with him. Or maybe he was just kidding himself for some company. “We can’t leave, at least not until dark. We’ll stay here until then.” Graham’s eyes moved rapidly from side to side, as if planning out their escape in his head, something he’d done for himself too many times before. “I know a man in Van Horn that runs the fence, we give him the jewellery and he’ll give us the money.” He nodded to himself, confident with his plan.
He turned back to Mallory expectantly, almost expecting her to time in with some snarky comment about how ‘it’ll never work’ or maybe ‘what makes you think I’m coming with you?’. Only, she remained quite.
“Mallory O’Shea.” She extended her hand politely, her accent almost singing out each syllables. She’d probably regret being so polite in the future.
“Graham.” He kept it simple, cautiously catching his rough hand with her dainty manicured one before giving it a rough shake. She giggled at the interaction before turning playfully on her heel to sit at the unlit abandoned campfire ahead.
Once she had her back turned, He couldn’t help himself and released a content smile as he trailed closely behind to join her. Quite the company they’d landed themselves.
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