#it is 3am and i am tired
pinkpastels113 · 6 months
my opinion on natla (for those of you who care lol)
spoilers ahead.
where is katara's fire??? they took it mostly away except for the (obligated imo) fight with pakku. like i understand that yall changed the story of her losing her mother so that she's more timid and insecure now but that was one of her main core traits. she has a passion and is reckless and sassy, and is a leader who inspires words of motivation to other benders. she is not afraid to sacrifice her life for the care and safety of others. this remake just... does not show that
pakku is no longer katara's grandmother's ex/grandfather, and did not show any plans to go to the southern tribe to help them rebuild, which i genuinely liked from the animation bc it showed that the water tribes are reuniting instead of still being separated btw the north and south (it might come later but there was no indication that it was in the works). he also does not teach katara waterbending. he just validated that she was a good waterbender and sent some kids her way to lead during the fire nation attack
aang does not have a crush on katara. it was one of the main factors that drove his character into a more goofy, relatable, and just overall likeable kid; because he is just that, a 12 year old kid. in the adaptation he is too serious, and the mutual admiration that he and katara were supposed to have of one another is more one-sided. in natla they made it seem as if... aang is a much older person trapped in a 12 year old's body dropping odd wizened quotes from Gyatso left and right about how to be the avatar and to look to the future and stuff like that, but not actually taking them into account and growing?? if that makes sense. like the show kind of took away his gradual acceptance of being the avatar and having the responsibility, through his simple coming of age moments like having a major crush on katara
the first season is completely centered around aang's guilt. he does not learn any waterbending or attempt at firebending (and being scared of it). i assume katara is going to teach him in season 2 but they could have squeezed some kind of training in between the eight episodes?
mai and ty lee are just standing there. like i'm not kidding. they don't do much but give azula an audience in her training sessions and rants about being the rightful heir. i did love ty lee's encouragement though, it was cute
but adding on to that azula does not have that... fear factor. she does not have her friends scared of her, or the fire nation people under her control/influence. at least not yet
sokka and katara enters the spirit world with aang? that was a bit confusing. i understand that the directors/writers need to speed things up a little and need to provide some backstory to sokka and katara, but they are not supposed/be able to go to the spirit world with aang. it threw me off guard
bumi confused the heck out of me. they did not have him reveal his identity at the end so the games and challenge that he had aang do in the animation was given to him in the "catch-up" (basically) of his time in the war with aang. he just seemed kind of (more so than expected) all over the place for me...
roku did not tell aang about the comet. they talked about koh and how to save sokka and katara from being forever taken by koh instead (they were captured when they were in the spirit world). i assume aang will find out about this later? but from what i wonder...
sokka is a bit too serious for me as well... i adored him for coming a long way from the sexist beliefs that he held at the beginning of book 1 in the animation, but that was basically erased in the adaptation, sooo. and i completely understand that what he experienced as a child in this adaptation should've shaped him into a more serious character but dang. it's kinda to the point were his jokes are kinda cringy
his apparent obsession with suki (which was SO cute) but then chasing after other girls immediately afterwards? yes this was portrayed in the animation and i completely expected him to be flirty and whatnot (he's my flirty sarcastic hungry boi), but why have him stare wistfully and longingly at the fan that suki gave him when he is just going to turn around and chase after random fire nation girls (the one that got them running in like ep 3)? it doesn't make sense (and kind of makes sokka seem like an asshole). the creators should not push sukka so quick and fast and hard and then 180 sokka into a playboy. pick a side pleaseee *cries* (sukka was not pushed as hard in kyoshi island in the animation so i was okay with sokka being as flirty as he was)
the kind of arguments that sokka and katara have are kind of patronizing and demeaning. it's more of a "you're such a little girl and need to grow the f up" kinda feeling instead of a "im your big bro and am trying to protect you" kinda feeling
appa does not fight at all :(( . he's just the ride. sometimes forgotten in the background
excuse me but the azula hair flip?? in her introduction?? amazing.
ty lee is so perfectly casted it's like her animation popped out into real life. the hair and clothes UGH
i cried in the zuko and iroh moments and flashbacks to their relationship/iroh's loss/zuko's burn. CRIED. it was so emotional and well done
again, zuko and iroh's relationship is so strong in this adaptation you don't even knowww. iroh has like zero bad bones in his body from the get-go it's kinda amusing T-T
all the cast look like their characters to me. even if their core traits/personalities are changed
jet and suki. that's all i have to say
sukka kiss and initial awkwardness. i cackled when suki went *sad face* when she thought she scared sokka away
ozai is as evil and bad and merciless as ever. also manipulative. i can get where azula gets it from
it further explains/shows the "my father trained me into the weapon he wanted me to be" for azula
june and iroh. it changed from the creepy one-sidedness in the animation lol and june gave a talk about her way of life
the graphics for the bending are so cool. zuko's fire kicks *mesmerized*
fire nation burning of people. shows really how antagonistic ozai's peeps are
freedom fighters!!
the tiny soft moment between zuko and aang when zee blue spirit saves him :DD
hating zhao as he should be hated because he's as cowardly and stupid as ever
the 41st division!! cried at that nice touch
the way zuko actually fought back and showed compassion for his father in the agni kai and how his father basically forced him to be the way he is (all angsty and conflicted and whatnot) because "compassion is weakness and here is the scar i manually burn into your face to prove you)
overall if you love zuko this is your show because other characters may have faults but they killed it with my traumatized dude with the lil scar! and his uncle!! which he is already and always super nice to!!
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arcanegifs · 9 months
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ARCANE LEAGUE OF LEGENDS: 1x08 - "Oil and Water"
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pawubits · 6 months
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ok guys dont freak out but. grian fanart.
(btw this is fanart for a fic called "Healing Is a Four Letter Word" made by Hypno_cat over on ao3!)
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f4gwithf4ngs · 9 months
yknow im starting to think that one (1!) two-hours-long-makeout-session would fix me and my problems
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dashing-disaster · 2 months
The Men of 9-1-1 and 9-1-1: Lone Star and Whether They Iron Their Underwear or Not - A Thesis
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Yes, he does. He finds it relaxing. Put on a nice podcast or some reality TV and you have a perfect afternoon after a 48 right there.
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It never occurred to him before, but when it does he goes all in. Not just his own underwear, oh no. Every single one of Jee's little socks gets ironed, too. Maddie puts an end to it when he inevitably ruins some very delicate lacey pieces but appreciates the effort.
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Only when he's stressed. It's actually an early warning sign that he might need an intervention.
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Yeah, no. Boywonder had to look if he even owned an iron when he learned that this was a thing. Turns out he does! It's still got the little sealing stickers on it and he has no recollection of buying it. Might start using it now that he knows it's there.
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Are you kidding? He's an adult with class, of course, he irons his underwear. Doesn't everyone?
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He used to because it was just one of those things one does, right? But then shortly after transferring to Harbor he had a bit of a moment (actually while he was in the process of ironing his underwear) of thinking to himself 'why am I doing this?' and he couldn't find a satisfying answer beyond 'It's just what you do'. So he stopped. In fact, he's re-evaluated a lot of things he just did out of habit and if it didn't spark joy and he found that he couldn't really say why he does it, he stopped doing it. He's been a much happier person since.
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Wait, that's why his underwear has been feeling off since he came to the US? Because someone back home used to iron it? Wild.
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Oh absolutely. Like Bobby, he finds it to be kind of meditative and it makes sure everything folds exactly the right way. Plus, he likes to spray his laundry with organic lavender water and the ironing really gets it in there.
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No? Why?
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Not his own, but Grace likes it if her cotton items are ironed so of course he irons those.
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Of course, he does. His mama raised him right, after all, and everyone knows that it softens the fabric making it so much more comfortable, right? Right??
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Wait, that's a thing that people actually do?
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No, he doesn't. His husband does it for him, duh.
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isbergillustration · 5 months
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Entity grown in a jar discovers the eternal pain of growing out your hair from a buzzcut. Suffers. Develop telepathy that does severe psychic damage as result.
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magpod-confessions · 5 months
Posting here because I, quite frankly, fear the short Jon anon.
I picture Jon as being average height and the perception of how tall he is changes based on the context. Like:
season 5 monster Jon: 5’8 is tall
While being kidnapped: 5’8 is short
(Not in a magic way but in a his demeanour makes him look smaller/bigger depending on the situation way.)
Oh this is fun as hell. I like short Jon a lot but this is rly fun
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chronic-burnout · 1 month
Getting 100% of the day’s chatrooms in Mystic Messenger:
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wyvnspng · 4 months
Mum said it’s my turn on the writing.
Ive never posted a fic before call me cringe but oh well.
My interpretation of the au and characters! probably takes place somewhere during the world’s worst roadtrip arc or whatever we called it. I love monsters and Clyde is so cool to me.
Sorta beta’d by my good friend Clemin thank you kindly.
Harold's job was a boring one. Just a cashier for some no-name gas station. Every day he spent his work hours hoping for something new and interesting to happen, and yet it never did.
Each day he entered the building was just as boring as the last, and as much as he wanted to, he could not quit in order to look for a more interesting job, as he needed the money to keep a roof over his head and food in his belly.
His energy was spent on the monotonous tasks that came with a cashier job, and his thoughts were reserved for daydreaming away the slow and boring days without directly falling asleep.
His mind yearned for stimulation, something to distract himself from the dreary repetitive days he found himself trapped in. Yet, as he eyed the literal monster currently occupying the room with him, his mind and body frozen in terror from it simply existing in such close proximity, he can’t help but miss the simple yet boring days of the past.
Whatever this thing was, it was definitely the eastridge demon or whatever it was called. He’d unfortunately never paid too much mind to the stories about the thing, instead brushing it off as some fairytale, but from what he can recall people saying about it, the thing in front of him matched the description.
Curiously, it was accompanied by a human. One Alex Williams if his memory is correct. He recalls briefly seeing (her? his?) their wanted poster. They were talking to the demon as if the two were friends, which might be the case. Probably why they had a wanted poster. Is conspiring with demons illegal? He’s not sure.
He’s also not sure how they are so calm around that thing. The sight of it makes his blood freeze in his veins and its voice makes his ears ring. He feels unbelievably cold, his terror so overwhelming that he can’t even shake in fear. Yet Alex(?) looks right at home around that thing. They don't even react to the terrible cacophony that is the demon's voice. Layers of voices and sounds that mix into a terrifyingly unpleasant sensation that grates at the ears, yet somehow this random person is completely fine. They even respond to the monster, as if the incomprehensible mess of sound was some understandable language.
A small part of Harold feels envious. How cool it must be to have befriended such a creature. He wonders how something like that happens. There’s probably an interesting story there, but he won’t dare to ask and risk irritating the demon.
The two seem to be arguing (how brave they must be to argue with it,) and from the half of the conversation he can understand without being distracted by his rising dread, the monster is asking to buy stuff that they can’t afford. Oddly childish for something so scary, but he won’t say anything.
The demon makes a new sound, which he is capable of recognising as a fucked up growl (or hiss?), and somehow his body gets even colder, nausea biting at his insides. If he was actually this cold he’s pretty sure he’d have hypothermia by now. Its long tail whips at the floor irritably, leaving noticeable scratches, and Alex scolds it. For some reason it listens, and seems to calm down somewhat, resigning to their shared fate of being poor.
Alex does allow it to grab one thing, and it picks a jar of jam for some reason. Oh well, who’s he to judge if the demon likes jam? It is pretty good after all. The duo then makes their way over to him, and he can’t help but flinch away from them. Neither pay mind to it, and simply pay for all the items they wanted. His movements are choppy and his limbs jerk around awkwardly, but they don’t comment on it. He specifically avoids looking at it, keeping his eyes on the more comforting figure of Alex. (He can still see its face in his peripheral vision.)
After paying the two just.. leave. No killing, no destruction beyond a few scratches and misplaced items. He didn’t calm down immediately, it took a while for his body to move properly again, and his arms shake for the rest of the day. He’s noticeably spooked by the time his shift is over, and he doubts that he’ll recover from this any time soon.
The rest of his day is spent looking over his shoulder, paranoia biting at the back of his neck. He can’t bring himself to turn the lights of his house off at night. Maybe that makes him a bigger target, but the image of something towering over him, the only thing he can see of it being a pair of eyes and maybe a wide grin of teeth. The image terrifies him endlessly.
Harold doesn’t sleep that night.
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tenderfxck · 2 years
hello!!! i really like ur sub characters they make me giggle ngl cause like awww <3 if it’s okay can I request a Zhongli x reader where during the night he lets his half dragon form out while he rests, so he has his horns and tail out but still looks human (I think that is his morax form) however the reader doesn’t know about him being a dragon so one night as he has his form out, she is having a wet dream and poor Li’ has to grit his teeth and try not to whimper and buck his hips up as she grinds and humps his tail :(( poor baby is getting all the stimulation but not enough at this same time :(( Eventually he’ll come and twitch while slapping a hand over his mouth to stop his whining as his beloved continues to grind all over his tail, rubbing its most sensitive parts and he just has to endure the overstimulation. (Have a good day!)
zhongli//restless night//f!reader//18+
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contents: half dragon! zhongli, f!reader, somno, accidental voyerism, shit anon you got me good T T
notes: AAAAAH i'm so late, sorry this took forever, there was a whole lot going on in my life but i’m still so happy you sent this spicy prompt to me, it was so much fun to write💕
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it was a time of rest. a time when he allowed himself to relax just enough that he wouldn’t have to keep up the appearance of a human anymore.
the long amber horns were allowed to sprout from his temples, while his long tail resembling that color of oudh wood was permitted to spread itself across the fine sheets that wangshu inn provided.
and yet, now you have spread yourself across him. . .
this certainly wasn’t the plan, but can anything ever go accordingly when it comes to you?
zhongli wasn't expecting to be in such a vulnerable position with you. he was typically vigilant about hiding his dragon-like form, dismissing himself from your company to his own room for the night before unwinding.
but tonight, wangshu inn was fully booked except for one solitary room.
with only one bed.
you fussed about the arrangement, but zhongli merely chuckled, assuring you that as long as you were comfortable, he did not mind the prospect of sharing.
so the two of you shared this bed together. zhongli had thought absolutely nothing of it. he'll just retain his human form all night.
well, that was the plan, until he felt your weight dip the other side of the mattress, settling so comfortably against his form as you quickly dozed off. he could smell the sweet scent of your perfume, feel the soft cotton of your nightgown against him. it was just so. . .cozy. warm and safe
soon enough, zhongli could feel his human form slipping, sprouting those more dragon-like traits without him noticing.
well. . .then he'll just wake up before your pretty eyes even think to flutter open. zhongli will change back and you'll never be the wiser to this altered state he finds himself in now.
yes, a fine plan.
(and one that would let him indulge in the warmth and comfort of you as he dozed off)
but of course, that's when you saw fit to strike upon him.
it is had all started so innocently. just you clinging to him, snuggled up so cutely even as he faced away from you. you had been positioned against him, cradling his back as you spooned his resting form. his great tail was in between those soft thighs, but zhongli had decent enough self-control to ignore it.
that’s when he first felt the thrust of your hips.
he was on the cusp of waking and asleep until the sudden motion enticed him away from the edge.
he thought nothing much of it. just the shifting of your body to a more comfortable position. he was settling in to his pillow once again when he felt the rock of hips against his tail again.
a gasp was caught in his throat, unsure if what happened wasn't just an active imagination on his part. zhongli held his breath, waiting to see if it was just a trick of his mind.
and then there it was again. a long, drawn out stroke of your hips. and this time, the heavenly sigh of your voice to accompany it.
zhongli grit his teeth, listening intently for any sign that you had awoken, but all that graced his ears was your soft snores accompanied by tiny little whimpers escaping you.
unknowingly, in a fit of passion only clear to you in whatever blissful dream your sleeping form had conjured up, you were nonetheless grinding upon zhongli’s ridged tail in what was now becoming a slow, yet steady pace.
“a-ah~ excuse me,” he stuttered, barely able to process the scene enfolding behind him. he stumbled over his words, desperately searching for any way to wake you up without mortifying the two of you. “you seem to be-aah!” zhongli couldn’t contain that little outburst. he gasped at the steady friction you provided.
zhongli couldn’t believe the circumstances. he turned his head, chancing a look back upon your peaceful form.
sure enough you were still soundly asleep, unaware of the lewd situation playing out before you.
it didn’t help that his tail was overly sensitive to stimuli (something left over from more primordial days) and especially that of your wet cunt catching on each prominent bump along his long tail.
“a-ah, wait, that’s. . . nngh!” zhongli tried to protest. he knew the implications this would have if you were to wake up and discover more than just the illicit situation you found yourselves in.
but zhongli had desired you for so long. thought about just what noises you would make in circumstances like this long before he found himself here tonight. and now it was all coming true. right in his ear.
and right against him. . .
fuck. your needy pussy humping his sensitive tail was just too much. the worst part is he could feel just exactly how wet you had gotten using him to get yourself off. he grasps at the waistband of his pants, dragging them down and letting his already weeping cock spring forth from the cotton confines.
it’d shame him to admit just how quickly this little routine had him stiff and aching in his pants. but his self restraint had already eroded to much.
if you were enjoying yourself, perhaps it wouldn’t hurt to indulge himself as well?
zhongli took his cock in hand and began to slowly stroke, focusing on the distinct feeling of you moving against him. he bit his tongue, willing any moans to die on his lips before he dares disturbs your slumber.
it continued like that for archons knows how long. the thrust of your hips, followed by zhongli silencing his moans and fisting his cock quicker, all while enduring all those sweet little whimpers escaping you as you chased your own pleasure on his tail.
it was too much. too much stimulation, too many little sounds. the slick of your cunt against him, the wet noise of him fucking his own fist, the knowledge that you were so close, using him to get yourself off while that pretty little head dreamt about all sorts of perverse things.
too much. too much. he’s gonna-!
he comes with a particularly deep grind of your twitching pussy gliding against his now glistening scales. he clasped a trembling hand over his mouth, willing himself quieter as dragon fangs catch against his palm, feeling himself finally come undone. he basks in the sensation of you humping so diligently against his most vulnerable area as he spills his thick load all over himself.
he panted, tremors still finding their way through his body as he lay spent, thighs and stomach covered in his seed.
he gasped, moaning and twitching in the aftermath.
yet you still continued.
fuck. fuck. archons, you weren’t stopping-!
you kept on grinding onto his newly overstimmed tail, letting out those sweet little whimpers, chasing that high while zhongli has to sit and bear this whole lewd scene as he writhed and panted against you.
this was going to be a long night. . .
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yardikins · 26 days
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“I feel it comin’ together~”
I feel obligated to share this information too
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letsventstuff · 26 days
And to think that, I thought that maybe we'll work things out and make it all better.
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capn-twitchery · 5 months
hey wait so if twitch thinks they drank all (or at least most) of their original memories back in the red honey they stole when they escaped
then every red honey headache has gotta be 100x worse bc it comes with the realisation of how many memories they did Not get back (and now never will)
how many headaches does it take for the doubt to start creeping in about if they got any of their memories back at all. there's gotta be a point where they realise the amount of memories in their brain doesn't add up with how many headaches they've had
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slightlypoisonedtea · 4 months
So like ages ago, pinterest/tiktok/whatever was full of people's favorite relationship dynamics, right? like sunshine x grump, tiny angry x tall calm. But I was thinking: My favorite relationship dynamics are my otps. Like it doesn't have to BE those people, but it has to be those people-coded. So my favorite relationship dynamics are percy x annabeth, ladybug x chat noir, and keefe sencen x sophie foster. bc there literally aren't enough adjectives to describe them. Sure I could say serious x goofy or wing it x extensive planning, but then what abt when the goofy one is sincere, and the serious one is sobbing on the floor or something? And maybe the goofy-ness is just a coping mechanism. And maybe the planning and seriousness is too. And what if they're both just traumatized children who have way too many responsibilities. btw if u see weird nonsense like this and wonder why, just know that most of my posts are written at 3 am then scheduled to random innocent times when normal people are awake in an attempt to seem normal. So my brain is in 3am random nonsense mode rn, and I've been up for this long on literally the 3 hours of sleep I got LAST night. I think my nonsense is reasonable. Also this sleep deprivation was completely self induced I'm just fun like that
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foxgloveciara · 2 years
Idk If anyone else said this or whatever, but saiki would love fan content.
And by fan content I mean fanfics, considering he doesn't like getting spoilers, it would be very rare for him to hear the spoilers from a fanfic.
We already know he likes reading, and partaking in the watching of shows, but if he found out people write stuff about these shows, even if its not Canon or whatever, he would still read it.
I don't imagine he'd write his own tbh, I see him more of a reader, if he were to write his own he'd either go all out or make it as normal of a fanfic as possible.
Also on this note kaidou definitely reads and writes fanfiction like why wouldn't he. Have you looked at him? Man probably writes y/n type stuff tbh and posts it on tumblr
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whyamiawakes · 1 year
The fact that Colin and Nate are such narrative foils for eachother. The amount of psychological damage they’ve done to eachother because of their own insecurities that they were projecting on the other.
Colin bullying Nate because Nate was perceived as “weak” and not fitting in with the traditionally masculine environment of football (while he himself did that to fit in with the very toxic environment that was the team at the beginning with Jamie leading the charge - and I could write an essay on the insecurities of Jamie Tartt) vs. Nate bullying Colin because he is not as skilled as other players on the team, he is not the name people recognize when talking about Richmond, he is not the star (while Nate feels like the least important member of the coaching team, he is constantly told by his dad that he will never amount to nothing even tho he is having a successful career at the club, he feels put aside by Ted after the arrival of Roy in the coaching staff to the point he snaps and goes to the dark side, joins Rupert at west ham, not seeing he is just the newest toy for Rupert to manipulate and eventually discard, falling into the trap of a narcissist just to feel valued, not realizing that Rupert does not value him, just the amount of damage he can do to Richmond by taking him away from there).
Both of their arcs so far have been about how their insecurities are influencing their lives, so I really hope we can see it evolve into them learning to manage them, learning to not be consumed by them, and to really grow away from them, with Colin fully being comfortable in his sexuality and Nate learning to see the worth in himself and coming back to the “light side” aka getting away from Rupert’s influence (and back to an healthy environment)
Basically I just want them both to have a happy ending (and to apologize to eachother about the nasty shit they have done)
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