#it honestly nearly moves me to tears if i think about it too much
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menelaiad · 2 years ago
the infamous 'last sighting of a barbary lion in the wild' photo taken by marcelin flandrin (1925) haunts me to my core. there's something so achingly poetic about it.
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shenanigans-and-imagines · 1 year ago
Gale x Tav Kissing Headcanons
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A/N: The patch 6 announcement has me back on my bullshit. I know I write a lot for Astarion, but this stupid wizard has my heart too. Here’s to hoping we get to make out with him soon.
Gale’s kisses come in stages
Obviously for a long time he’s very concerned about the orb and getting too excited, as it were
Even after the orb is stabilized and you have your first night together, some part of him thinks he’s getting away with something
The kisses shared between you are fleeting, but tender
While he adores your lips, he’ll just as happily kiss your hand or the top of your head, really any place he can reach
He wants to stay, even if it’s just the barest kiss you can sense it pains him to pull away, but you have other things to do
If he pushes his luck, maybe you’ll be the one to pull away first; he knows he can be a bit…much
The longer your together, the less hesitant he is
All he really needs is for you to pull him back into a deeper kiss a few times in a row for him to get the message
Once he has your permission, it’s nearly impossible for him to keep his hands off you
He still feels like he’s getting away with something, that at any second you’re going to realize he’s not enough or maybe the orb comes back or honestly just the daily dangers you have on your journey are going to tear you away, but instead of bracing for rejection, it just makes him hungry
He starts kissing you like it’s the end of the fucking world, but, in his defense, it kind of is
Even soft kisses come with hands cupping your face as he sharply inhaled your scent
He also can’t help but steal a few more, as if making up for lost time
Kisses after a fight are positively indecent
We already know he gets horny, but knowing he can touch you after makes him practically vibrate
He has enough self control to wait until your properly healed and back at camp, but not enough to wait until after you bath before he’s pulling your some place private and kissing the air right out of your lungs
That’s not to say every kiss leads to something more, only that he’s less reserved in putting all his love and adoration into every touch
He worships you, let him worship you
The feeling can be addicting, but it’s also something you might need to work on with him
Everybody wants to be loved, but being truly in love you need to be a partner, not a goddess on a pedestal
Your mortal and so is he, you don’t need worship, you just need him
And when he finally gets that into his thick skull you find him kissing you in all new ways
Without the threat of the Elder Brain or the crown, Gale finally feels like he has time
He still can’t keep his hands off you, but there is a warm security in it
He’s not afraid your going to pull away
He can kiss you slowly, savor the taste as he smiles against your lips
He can tease you and know you’ll just laugh and pull him back again
His finds he loves kissing your shoulders and the back of your neck as he simply holds you from behind for no other reason than because he can
Even when he finds himself distracted by grading papers or some new discovery, he’ll reach out for your hand, bringing it to his lips to make sure you know he knows your there
He starts to plan his mornings allowing for at least an extra fifteen minutes to get out of bed because how can he be expected to get anything done before he’s properly kissed you awake
Maybe things will teeter off later down the line, his colleagues have teased him more than once about the honeymoon phase
But even years down the line, he can’t see himself slowing down
Honestly the fact that it’s expected for people to be less in love with their spouse after their married is something he can’t find himself ever understanding (skill issue)
He doesn’t kiss you like it’s the end of the world, he kisses you like the world is going to keep on spinning, that time is going to keep moving forward and the best way he knows how to spend it is with you
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froggiewrites · 7 months ago
i read every single one of your works in one sitting and oh my god. your mind. your words. you're easily one of the best writers on this hellsite. it should be a crime you don't have more followers because your writing is criminally underrated
i saw you were taking requests and i don't want anything too specific but there isn't that much ace content and i really miss my man. a bit of hurt/comfort bc i love pain and then kissing it better
i was thinking something along the line of your Follow Through work (sorry if it feels repetitive but i live for this type ace content) but really I'll be happy with whatever you put out just have fun and go to town with it <3
Ahhh thank you so much this is so sweet 😭😭 I only started posting really recently so receiving sweet messages like this feels so unreal honestly, it just makes my heart so full. I loved writing this, I always love writing sweet stuff for Ace, so thank you for giving me an excuse to write something in this vein again! I hope you like it 💙
Blinders On
Pairing: Ace x Reader
Summary: You're in love with Ace. Everybody seems to know this but him. Warnings: Fluff, Miscommunication, A Little Self Loathing, Very Little Hurt/Lots of Comfort Word Count: 2.2k
You really can’t tell if Ace is politely rejecting you, or if he simply doesn’t understand your advances. You’re being terribly obvious, enough so that the rest of the ship (and probably the entire rest of the fleet) are well aware, teasing you for it at any given opportunity. If you have to hear one more man making obnoxious smooching noises whenever you two walk past you’re going to throttle someone.
“It’s honestly getting pathetic at this point.”
“Yeah, it hurts to see someone put their pride on the line like this with no reward in sight. Bring a tear to my eye, really.”
Their voices are teasing, not cruel, but your shoulders tense anyway. You hate feeling pathetic. If he just turned you down, you would be more than willing to just lick your wounds and move on, no matter how hard it hurt. But he never did. He never pulled away, or pushed you further from him. He just never pulled you closer, either. You were left in limbo, treading the line between friend and lover, never crossing to either side.
“What’s got you frowning like that?” You jump when you feel two fingers at the edges of your lips, gently forcing them into a smile. Ace is in front of you, nearly nose to nose, and you can see the candlelight dancing in his eyes and painting his cheeks a gentle orange. He looks beautiful, as always, as he grins at you. “That’s better. Now you try again without my help.”
You force your mouth into a smile despite yourself.
“There we go.” He laughs quietly, and you can feel his warm breath on your face. He’s horribly, unbearably close, close enough that you would barely have to move to feel his lips against yours. The urge is overwhelming, but you can’t let yourself, so you scoot back slightly, smile growing a bit shakier.
He frowns a bit, something unnamed flashing in his eyes, before he leans a little further back as well. “Care to share what made you so upset? You were glaring a hole into the table.”
“Oh it’s…it’s nothing big. Don’t worry about it.” You frankly would rather throw yourself overboard than look Ace in the eye that you were sitting here pathetically pining over him.
He frowns deeper. “You know you can always share with me, right? I’m a good listener, I swear.” A mocking laugh explodes behind him from a nearby eavesdropper, and he leans forward before muttering, “I’m good at listening to you, at least.”
Your cheeks heat. You don’t want to embarrass yourself like this, but he’s looking at you with those sweet puppy dog eyes, and maybe this could be a chance for you to finally figure out how he feels about you. “Well…it’s just…” your eyes slide to the several crewmates visibly listening in. “Can we talk in private?”
“Of course!” He’s on his feet instantly, offering you his hand to help you up. He pulls you up as though you weigh nothing, and while that makes your stomach flutter a bit, it’s nothing compared to the way he keeps a hold on your hand while leading you away. You can feel the heat radiating from him, every callus on his hand, the way his fingers lightly rub against the back of your hand. It takes all of your self control not to melt.
He leads you to his room, leading to wolf whistles from some passersby, and you internally groan at all of the comments you’re going to get after this. But he gently sets you on his bed before kicking off his boots and sitting next to you, on his knees, looking at you expectantly. “Is this good?”
“Yeah, thanks, Ace.” He gives a blinding smile at that, terribly pleased to have helped. “So I’ve been dealing with…an issue, lately.”
He nods, urging you onward.
“So there’s this guy…”
He winces, the expression so quick you almost miss it. 
“And I’ve been trying to figure out how he feels about me.” You curl in on yourself a little tighter. “But I genuinely can’t tell if he’s noticed how I feel and he just doesn’t…feel the same, or if he somehow doesn’t know.” This is terrifying, laying it all bare, but if it leaves a chance for something else, something better, isn’t it worth it to be brave?
But Ace remains silent. His face is frozen halfway between shock and despair, staring at you with wide eyes. You blink at him, confused, and gently reach forward to take his hand. “Ace?”
He flinches when you touch him. “Ah! Um, sorry. Advice. You wanted advice.”
“If you’re willing? You don’t have to.”
“No, I–I can.” He seems flustered, but you can’t really tell which part of this shook him. You try to brace yourself for oncoming rejection, just in case. “...You really don’t know if he feels the same?”
“I have absolutely no idea. And nobody else I’ve asked does, either.”
Another flash of hurt, the frown of a kicked puppy. “You went to other people before me?”
You rush to correct. “They came to me. I think they felt bad for me, honestly. The entire ship has noticed and they can’t tell if he likes me either, and a lot of people have been making fun of me about it. So a few people asked me if I was alright.”
He furrows his brow. “People have been making fun of you? Who?”
“Almost everyone, really. You didn’t notice?”
“No, I didn’t.” His expression shifts to something close to guilt. “How long has this been going on?”
“About…a year or so?”
“You only joined the crew a little more than a year ago.”
“Yeah.” You can’t keep the exhaustion from your tone. You want to say it hasn’t taken a toll on you, that you let it roll off your back, but the weight has been resting on your shoulders, dragging you further and further down. It’s only a matter of time before you snap entirely. “It’s…it’s a bit much, sometimes. But the only way to get them to stop is to stop trying to get him to notice me, and if I stop that he never will. And I think he’s worth all of it, really.”
“Hm. I’m…sure he is.” You can hear the sting in his voice, like cold water on an open wound. “He has to be, for you to want him so badly.”
“He’s the best man I’ve ever met.” You can’t keep the affection from your voice, or the warmth from your cheeks as you shyly peer at Ace through your lashes. You can’t place the faraway look in his eyes, hazy and unfocused.
“He better be.” He clenches his jaw briefly before relaxing it, closing his eyes and shutting you out. You see his fingers digging into his thighs as he turns away from you and takes a deep breath. “You should just tell him, I’m sure he’ll reciprocate. He’d be an idiot if he didn’t.” His voice is strained, sounding like there’s an unshakable weight on his chest.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, sweetheart. Don’t worry about it. You should tell that bastard how you feel.”
You can see every muscle in his back tense as he continues to face away from you. “Did I say bastard? I meant lucky bastard.”
“It…doesn’t sound like you did.”
“How could he be anything less than lucky, to have someone like you?”
He really isn’t getting it. Even now, he just doesn’t fucking get it. “Are you mad at me, Ace? Or him, I guess?”
“I’m not mad,” he snaps, unconvincingly. “I’m not…I’m not upset. It would be ridiculous for me to be upset, I have no reason to be. Not with you, or with whoever it is. That would be silly. And I’m not. Silly.”
Are you going to have to spell this out for him?
“And since I’m so definitely not-at-all mad, can I know who it is? So I know who to congratulate later.”
You sigh. “You really have no idea?”
“...I think I might have one.”
You lean forward a bit, trying to angle around him to look him in the eye, but you accidentally brush your chest with his back and he jumps, scrambling away before turning around to face you. “Who do you think it is, Ace?”
“Is it Marco?”
“Is it…is it not Marco?” He furrows his brow.
“I–no. It’s not Marco.”
“Thatch then?”
“No! Oh my god.”
“Izou? Or–”
“It’s you, Ace!”
His eyes go wide and he freezes. “It’s…me?”
He absolutely lights up like a firework with the biggest, most sincere grin you’ve ever seen. “It’s me?” He leans forward, close enough that you can see every fleck of color in his dark eyes. “It’s me? Really? You mean it?”
“Who else could it possibly be?” You can’t keep the hint of laughter out of your voice at the idea you could love anybody but Ace, as though any man you had ever met could beat him for best. 
Before you know it, his arms are around you, his comforting weight pressing you into the bed beneath you. “I didn’t think it could ever be me.”
Your arms wrap around him in turn, pulling his head into your neck as he presses his nose into you. “Why couldn’t it be you? You’re amazing, Ace.”
“I can’t believe you believe that.” His voice is soft as he pulls himself apart for a second, allows himself to fall into your embrace and forget the world. “I didn’t think you could want me. I already didn’t get how you could like me, let alone more. You’re so…everything and I’m so…me.”
“I don’t think there’s anything in the world better to be than you.”
There’s a wetness pressing into your neck, but you don’t comment. “No one has ever said that to me before. I don’t…I don’t understand how I tricked you, but–”
“Portgas D Ace. You didn’t trick me. I just saw you for who you were, and I loved you because of it. Not in spite of it, not because I somehow didn’t see it. Because you’re you, and I don’t know what could be better than that.”
“Almost anything else?” He mutters it weakly. “I really hoped you would…would think about me like I think about you. I just didn’t think it was possible. Was it really that obvious?”
“Every single person on this ship knew before you did. Someone was making fun of me for it at breakfast, directly in front of you, and you still didn’t notice. It was really just because you didn’t think I could like you?”
“It genuinely didn’t seem like a possibility to me. I figured I was just going to be pining after you for the rest of my life, y’know? Have to see you find someone else as wonderful as you are and run off together, and pretend I was happy for you. Which I sort of would be, I guess. I want you to be happy. And I didn’t think I could do that for you.” He pulls out of your neck, and you can see his eyes are glistening, a few stray tears making their way down his freckled cheeks. He looks you in the eye, while his own filled with a strange mix of affection and self loathing. “Still don’t, really. But I’ll try.”
You cup his cheeks in your hands, gently brushing away his tears. “No one else could make me happier than you, Ace. I know that for sure. You are the kindest, brightest, most wonderful man I know. You have no idea how amazing you are, how you inspire the people around you. You’re so loved, and it’s not because you managed to pull the wool over everybody’s eyes, or anything silly like that. It’s because you deserve it.” You lean up, lips brushing softly against his before you pull back again to speak. His lips chase yours, making you giggle. “You deserve every bit of it, Ace. And if you don’t believe me I’ll just have to show you. Every day, until it sticks.”
“And if it does?” His voice is nothing but a whisper as he stares at you like you’re the greatest treasure on the seas. “Will you stop if it sticks?”
“No way in hell. I’ll double down. Triple down, even.”
He gives you a shy grin. “Guess I’ll have to figure out the truth pretty fast, then. I’d like to see what double this looks like.
“I guess you will.”
The next kiss takes your breath away. It makes the teasing you and Ace are sure to receive when you leave the cabin worth it a million times over. But right now there isn’t a crew jeering at you. The only thing in the world right now is Ace, on top of you, his warmth enveloping you as he kisses you like he’s been waiting a thousand years to do it.
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cloudcountry · 19 days ago
sorry if this prompt is too vague or angsty but what about like "I didn't wanna bother you" headcanons
SUMMARY: telling jin, sho, ritsu, subaru, and yuri that you didn't want to bother them while visibly upset.
COMMENTS: WRITING FOR A HANDFUL OF MY FRIENDS GUYS esp subaru and yuri because i havent. really written for them alot. ALSO SHO FOR VIO BC VIOSHO ON TOP!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Jin Kamurai
As if anything is more important than you.
Jin is broken. His stigma doesn’t work unless it’s amplified, and he’s too tired to move much most days. He’s accepted the fact that he’s decomposing, just going through life as a walking corpse.
But you’re different. You’ve always seen him differently, too.
He looks at you and he sees life. Not necessarily a future, but he does see life in you.
And it gives him hope.
Bother him? As if you could ever. Nobody else wants him around anyway.
It’s a privilege to be leaned upon by you. To be needed by someone so strong and capable.
Please, have mercy on him. Give him your trust. Bother him for the silliest of things.
It makes his bleak life brighter.
Sho Haizono
You’re seriously worried about bothering me?
He can’t believe it. There are so many things he expected you to say, so many things he expected you to do, but hesitating to tell him what’s on your mind?
He’s upset. Sho could never be upset at you, but if you’re not telling him something, then what did he do wrong...?
It’s not like he’s busy. And you can’t use the food truck as an excuse either, because you’re nearly always around him when he’s working!
It’s enough to piss Leo off.
So why hesitate? Come to him and lean on his shoulder, cry until his shirt soaks up all your tears and his voice lulls you back to serenity.
Let him help you. It’s all he’s ever wanted.
Ritsu Shinjo
That’s what he’s there for.
Ritsu sits down next to you as you curl up in bed, soft sobs filling the otherwise quiet room.
How could you even think of bearing all of this by yourself when he promised you his effort? His time?
His everything?
He sits with you after saying his piece, watching you cry with a furrowed brow. He doesn’t know what to do in this situation—he can memorize all the laws in the world and pass all the exams Darkwick throws at him, but when it comes to you, one of the most important people in his life...
He’s lost.
“That’s what I’m here for,” he repeats, softer now, as if saying it again will get it through to you that he means it.
Ritsu Shinjo doesn’t lie. He made a promise to you on the day you two became business partners, and he intends to follow through with it.
Subaru Kagami
How could you say that!?
If anything, he’s the bother! How could someone like you ever think so lowly of yourself!?
He looks heartbroken. You honestly think he might cry with you, with his shaking hands and trembling lower lip.
He looks crushed. More upset than you’ve ever seen him look.
If Subaru is being honest with himself, he wants nothing more than to grab your hands and hold them close to his chest, but he refrains.
He doesn’t want to upset you further.
“Please...anything. Anything for you,” he chokes out, hands clenched in his lap, “I’d do anything to make sure you were okay. Please let me.”
Yuri Isami
And what do you possibly mean by that!?
Yuri is huffy, but at the heart of it all, he’s concerned. He’s dedicated his entire life to helping people, and more recently, he’d dedicate everything he has to you.
So why do you hesitate? Do you doubt him? Is this an excuse so you don’t have to rely on him? Why else would you say such a thing!?
Yuri holds his feelings back and storms off to make you tea, thoughts racing a mile a minute. You take priority, you always have and always will, but he wishes so badly you would let him take care of you.
Why is it like pulling teeth for you to trust him? Is it something he’s doing wrong?
“Tell me what’s wrong.” Yuri demands once he’s back with the tea, taking the spot next to you on the couch, “I won’t ask you again.”
And even though his voice is sharp, you know him well enough to hear the tremble. He’s scared of losing you.
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acehazbin1 · 3 months ago
I need, I crave to see a moment from your imagination where Geta has someone who supports him, cause Caracalla has Geta but who has Geta, right? He carried the empire and his brother's illness alone
‘Hush love, hush.’
Paring: Emperor Geta x Concubine!Reader
Warnings: No use of Y/n, mentions of sex, Geta being stressed, unhealthy ways of coping.
Notes: Thank you for the ask! Honestly, I think it is a really interesting thing to think about, who is there for Geta? (Thank you for all the support on the Caracalla fic!?)
His tunic was stained with him but that's how the fights normally went between Geta and Caracalla. Drinks were thrown, vases were broken, and voices were hoarse. No maid or guard stopped them unless Caracalla got physical.
Geta would normally come to his brother's aid after a maid had alerted he calmed down; gently reassuring him that nothing would come between them and he was as much an Emperor as him. It used to happen every so often but it's nearly become weekly at this stage.
He would fuck the stress out of him by choosing a concubine. Ruining one after the other, not caring about their pleasure, he only needed to feel something, anything. His favourite one was never the one to turn him down while stressed, she often was ready for him.
This night in particular he walked passed her, not even a glance away. She spent a minute trying to figure out what was wrong. Did she wear Caracalla colours? Or was her makeup wrong? She noticed he didn't choose any Concubine instead he told a maid to set up a bath.
He asked her to join him in the bath a lot, maybe he wanted to make her beg for him. She was stuck on what to do, so she wrapped herself in a silk nightgown and slowly walked towards the imperial bathroom. Her hand reached the golden door knob as she hesitated, he wasn't the one to play games Caracalla was.
She turned the handle and stepped into the room. The titles matched perfectly with the paintings on the wall, all having little details and stories about Rome’s past and how many emperors and Caesars had become before him. She only saw the back of his head without the crown, his hand out of the bath reached for the golden chalice filled with the utmost richest wine.
“I told you not to disturb me.” Geta called out, his words bouncing off the walls. She was sure he thought she was a mere maid. “I never heard.” His favourite called out, there was a pause that lasted too long for her liking making her brain scream that it was a horrible decision.
His hand reached up to hold the side of the tub, she heard water leak out as he moved to turn to her. His eyes meant hers, he might have been far enough away but she could see his makeup was smudged, running down his face and there was a cut on his neck. He had been crying?
She had never seen him cry before, it was strange, to say the least. The way his back mascara ran down his face made her think of the many concubines he left like that, but to see him wear the face of sorrow was almost Ironic.
She has admitted to the other women that it was becoming more than a job to her, and they warned against that thread of thoughts yet she couldn't help but care for him. She didn't mind when he bruised her hips after a night of one-sided pleasure or the rope burns she would get when he tried them too tight. He would always notice it the next time and pepper kisses when he hurt never mentioning it.
She knew the other concubines were jealous of the treatment she had gotten but they never stayed in bed with him stroking his hair as he slept after their job was done. She would always take an extra step to ensure that he was pleasured.
So her knees nearly went weak when he whispered, “Stay…” it was a request, not a demand. The way he looked at her and clutched onto the tub made her have a desire just to hold him. Before she could even respond, her feet walked towards him. Her hands met with his face, her thumbs wiped away his tears which more flowed down.
He tried to breathe in to stop himself from crying but he was met with her whispers. “It's okay.” He let out a breath and more tears streamed down. She brought his face back looking forward and sat herself down on the side of the tub. He moved towards her leg rests his head down on the fabric as she let him cry into it. “Hush love, hush.” She whispered as she stroked his ginger hair.
“W-why must the gods hate me?” Geta choked into her thigh, his hand gripping onto it now desperately trying to keep it there. “All I do is try to honour them yet they send disease after disease to my brother.”
She listened nodding gently at his words; he ran a whole empire and kept his brother from madness, he often came to bed unable to sleep due to stress. His eyes are often baggy going through trying to drown the look with makeup and the feelings with wine. But nothing ever worked.
“They do not hate you, they give you struggles that you will overcome so the people will remember you.” She whispered, he looked up at her so she leaned down to kiss his forehead. “They will remember your strength, passion, determination and your love for the people to go through these struggles and remain the emperor of Rome.”
Maybe she was telling him what he wanted to hear, what he needed to hear yet something in it had truth. She cared enough for him to remain by his side whispering sweet comforts. “Will you remember me?” He whispered as her hand went towards a cloth to wipe away his makeup.
“Of course, how could I forget?” she replied in a whisper which made him relax in her hand. The room was quiet with just water moving in the background to her washing the makeup off his face.
Over the next month, Geta learned to come to her when he was stressed. He would no longer fuck the stress out of himself unless she agreed it would help instead most days he would lay on her lap letting her stroke his hair. He felt safe with her, a feeling he didn't get often.
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for ask-travaganza, (still patiently waiting on) free ride part 3?
So sorry it has taken 25 years!
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Steven Grant x afab!Reader • Rating: 18+ pals •Masterlist• ao3• want to be tagged? | requestinfo • ko-fi •
• Free Ride Masterlist •
Summary: You recognised Steven, and Jake had no choice but to play along and give in to some impulses of his own. Now Steven has woken right after the act and doesn't know how he got here.
A/N: I'm so sorry this has taken so long, honestly I'm not 100% with this one.
Warnings: Jake being mistaken for Steven, Steven waking up and being like oooohhh okkkayy what?, oral sex (f receiving), p in v sex, dirty talk Steven kind of just saying whatever is in his mind, cream pie, over use of italics, typos, not beta read, railroad sentences, please let me know if I've missed a warning!
Word Count: 3513
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Steven freezes, unable to hide his very obvious deer caught in the headlights expression. He swallows and the audible gulp makes him wince. 
A small frown of worry begins to deepen on your forehead. “Are you okay?” 
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, good, great even, the best, I…” The words just tumble out like acid, burning his throat as they form. “Erm, I should…” He moves away from you quickly, standing up and then nearly tripping over the trousers and belt on the floor that he doesn’t recognise.
You kneel quickly to help him without thinking, grabbing hold of his forearms to steady his balance. 
Despite how he automatically wraps his fingers around your arms, he flinches ever so slightly at the touch, trying his best to hide it. But it was undeniably there. 
Something deep and sickening settles in your chest. The pressure of tears starts to form behind your eyes. You didn’t think he was the kind of person who just threw people aside after he’d fucked them. 
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. Steven keeps his eyes trained on your jaw, not high enough to have to look into your eyes and not low enough to see anything. But… well, if he’d slept walked here and, he must of, so… he must sort of have seen everything, right? 
His thoughts ricochet around in his head, bouncing off his skull with a ferocious impact. He absentmindedly strokes the inside of your arms with his thumbs. 
There’s a little bruising on your neck, love bites he quickly realises. Fresh and still forming. He must have…
“You, erm,” you pause, you want to run. Hide. Leave. But you couldn’t exactly dart out of your own flat now, could you? “I-”
“I’m sorry, love, I’m sorry,” he shakes his head, closing his eyes. God the pain in your voice was like a knife forced under his ribs. You obviously didn’t know he’d been sleepwalking. He’d read about cases like this, sexsomnia, had he done it before? Is that where he wandered off to? Had he been fucking you for months and just not realised?
“I know it was a bit fast,” you swallow, trying not to let your panic overtake you, “I don’t usually, you know… jump into bed with people like that.”
Well, that answered that question, didn’t it? 
You breathe in deeply, “I hope you don’t-”
“Love, no, no, no,” he looks up at you quickly, finally taking in your expression. The worry, the apprehension. Part of him screams to just tell you the truth. But what would he look like? A complete idiot. Or you just wouldn’t believe him, would think he was trying to fob you off. Steven couldn’t have that. 
“I, I, sorry, I zoned out and sort of-” He started, giving you his best reassuring smile. 
“Did you nod off?” You hate how shy you sound, naive and hopeful. “I thought you did, for a second?”
“Yes!” He says, a little too loudly and with a touch too much enthusiasm. “I fell asleep for a second, didn’t I? God,” he lightly bumps his forehead with the palm of his hand as he repeats your words. “Got all… startled for a second, I do that. Sorry. What a man I am? Yeah? Falls asleep straight away after…” His mouth flounders for a second, his mind stalling. It wasn’t like he was a child, it wasn’t like he hadn’t had sex before. It wasn’t like he was even embarrassed by the act. It was just that straight away after fucking sounded so impersonal. Especially when he didn’t even remember the fucking part. 
“It’s okay.” You smile warmly, relief washing over you. You lightly touch his cheek and he leans into you instantly. 
He must have got so worked up, you reason, self-conscious. 
“Thanks love, I…” He pauses and raises his finger, suddenly very aware of his nakedness and that he still had a condom on. “You know what? I’m gonna take this… off. Yeah.” He gestures, trying to be a little bit over the top and lighthearted. And to his absolute relief, you giggle. 
“Sure, let me grab you a tissue.” You grin and climb back on the bed to grab some from the bedside table. 
“Thanks, I…” He trails off as he can’t help but watch, mesmerised by your bare skin and the curve of your ass. He swallows as you turn back to him, handing over a few tissues. 
You pause a little at the look he gives you, his eyes dark. 
“Steven?” You say softly, about to inwardly curse yourself at using his name again when he’d acted a little unfavourably to it before, but instead, his breathing hitches ever so slightly. His throat bobs. 
“Sorry love,” he takes the tissues, wrapping the condom inside and throwing it into the bin when you gesture to where it is. He pauses again for a second. “You’re so pretty.” 
You laugh bashfully, “I… Thank you. So are you.” 
“No,” he touches your biceps, feather light in his caress. “I mean it, honestly, truly, so beautiful.” 
“Thank you.” You say softly, your voice coming out barely above a whisper. You hold your breath as he leans in and just faintly runs the bridge of his nose against yours while he lightly touches your neck. 
You shiver.
“Did I leave these marks?” He asks, his voice low and teasing as he strokes the love bites. 
You nod, heat starting to pool in your belly. 
“Did you like it?” He brushes his lips against your cheek, moving closer to your ear. 
“Yes.” You manage to mutter, your mouth dry.
“Good.” He mutters, placing the softest kiss to your jaw. 
You lean closer, biting your lip to keep down the shaky little sigh that wants so desperately to escape. It feels… different, him being so close. It’s strange, it’s like you weren’t just wrapped around each other minutes before. It’s like you’re here with a completely different person. 
He darts out his tongue, running the tip over a love bite just along your pulse point and groans when he feels you arch into him. 
Steven sucks at the bite, laps at it, sending a spiral of sensation along your nerves as he leans closer, as if he was trying to cover up the marks anew. 
He wraps his arms around you, gently urging you back down onto the mattress as he lightly presses his own legs between yours. 
By the time your back hits the sheets and his tongue slips past your lips you’re gone. Lightheaded and aching for every touch he’ll grace you with. 
He moans into your mouth, his touch light but quickly becoming more demanding as he feels you arching up to him. He moves against you languidly, grinding his hips ever so slightly as they come to rest against yours. 
The heat of your core just brushes his semi hard cock and he hisses, shivering as he flinches back a fraction of a centimetre before he pushes closer, greedily drinking down your little moans as he rubs himself against your wetness.
He hums happily, running his right hand along your skin to your chest. He squeezes your breast softly, kneads in between his fingers until your nipples have pebbled as you let out a desperate whimper. 
“Fuck yes,” He whispers, pulling his lips back a fraction so he can watch your face. He’s dizzy, his vision dreamlike. So sure that he’ll wake up any minute. He pinches your nipple, delighting in the little whine you grace him with, how your eyes snap open and you give him a look.
“Sorry, love,” He chuckles softly, “Don’t mean to tease.” He leans closer again before he trails kisses down your neck, nipping slightly at your collarbone in a rushed frenzy. Like you could push him away at any moment.
You shiver, digging your fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck as he licks between your breasts slowly, looking up at you with his large doe eyes. 
“Can I…?” He bites his lip a little shyly, letting the question hang. 
You nod and he groans. 
Steven bends his neck so that he can lap slowly at your nipples, lavishing one with attention before moving to the other. He moans when you squirm and buck, pressing your skin further into his mouth. 
He pushes his heavy cock against your pussy so that he can rub his length along your clit and folds, shivering with how your hot, wet slick coats him. It’s only then that he sucks at your beast, flicking the tip of his tongue as he rocks his hips eagerly. 
You moan loudly, your back arching as you hold onto him, pulling him closer. Pleasure twists and churns in your belly, little jolts of electricity running along your nerves as he presses and rolls against your clit in a mesmerising rhythm.
He whimpers as your cries grow in pitch, his hips bucking faster against you as weight settles at the base of his cock. 
You pull his hair, a little harshly and he whines, nearly coming undone on the spot, “Fuck love, keep doing that.” He manages to stammer out, gasping when you pull again. “Fucking hell.”
He rocks faster, spurred on by your whimpers and how desperately you cling to him. You want him. You need him. 
Your legs hook around his waist as he laps at your breasts, he rolls his hips, the very tip of his cock just catching at your entrance. 
His body almost betrays him, moving practically of its own accord. Steven just manages to stop himself from pushing in completely, instead, he pulls back and continues to rub against you. Just the right pressure, the right rock and push.
You moan loudly, practically sobbing. 
“Say my name, love, please?” 
“Steven,” You whine, and oh god he wants you to say it again, scream it. The way it falls from your lips. How worked up you look as you clutch yourself to him. He can’t control himself. 
He groans and pinches your nipples as he covers your neck and jaw with kisses, continuously rolling his hips into yours. It’s so wet and warm between you both, your slick covering him and dripping onto the bed sheets. His mouth waters. 
“Steven,” You gasp, your thighs are tensing, shaking around his waist. 
“Fuck,” He pulls himself back quickly, “Sorry, sorry, sorry, I got to,” he kneels up, muttering rushes apologies as you whine at the loss of his warmth and pressure. 
He practically throws himself further down the bed, grabbing hold of your thighs with shaking hands as he buries his face between your legs. 
Your back arches, spine bending as you cry out. His warm, thick tongue drags through your folds, laps at your clit until you're screaming. He moans, long and low, his eyes closed in bliss as he drinks down your wetness and then swirls around your bundle of nerves before he sucks it into his mouth. 
You grab at his hair, your body moving under its own will. Pleasure builds and builds and builds, so dizzyingly high and quick. Pulled taught until you can’t do anything but snap. “Steven, I’m gonna come.” You whine, bucking up as he sucks and lets out a small accompanying cry. 
His eyes practically roll back as you gasp, your cum hitting his mouth like ambrosia. You shake in his grip, his hands firm on your inner thighs to keep you open and spread as he works you through it. He sucks like his life depends on it, like your pleasure is his only reason for breathing. 
When you start to relax he moves back a fraction, lightly licking through your folds to collect and drink down all of your release. 
You whine a little softly, shivering from the after effects. But his tongue is so gentle, the touch so light, it doesn’t overstimulate you as you expect. Instead, the warmth is welcome as he laps, occasionally breaking his rhythm to press soft kisses to your legs. 
“Steven,” you whisper, your muscles are jelly, weak and boneless. But still you reach out and stroke his cheek. 
He looks up at you happily. “Thank you, love…” He smiles dreamily, “Was that okay?” 
You can’t help but laugh as you push his sweaty hair out of his eyes. “More than.” 
His smile widens and he sits up a little so he can kiss your wrist. His cock bobs between his legs, heavy and red. Practically straining with need. 
“Would you… like to?” You nod at his erection and smile. 
A little hint of red colours his cheeks, “Well, I mean, erm… no pressure of course, only if you want to, I don’t want to pres-”
You sit up quickly and kiss him, sliding your tongue past his lips and licking into his hot mouth. He whimpers, pushing closer.
“Of course I want to.” You nip his bottom lip lightly and he groans. 
“Do you… do you have another condom?” He swallows and you shake your head. 
“I… I’m on birth control… I don’t, I don’t have any STDs or anything?” You pause, suddenly a little embarrassed at your bluntness. God, he must think you’re so desperate. 
He groans again, pressing closer and shuddering. “I don’t either, have any, I mean.” He smiles and the knot of worry in your stomach dissolves. “You wouldn’t mind?”
“I want to.” You whisper. 
“Oh fuck,” He swallows quickly, “You’re gonna make me come on the spot, sound too fucking sexy love.” He kisses your cheek and jaw. “Here,” he gently manoeuvres you onto your hands and knees, constantly kissing and checking in. 
You expect him to kneel behind you straight away and sink inside, but instead he dips his head down and runs his tongue only your folds once more, smiling as you jump. 
“Taste so good, love.” He mutters, repeating the movement. “I could stay here all night.” He kneads your ass with his large hands as he licks, revelling in your little shakes and moans as he flicks his tongue over your clit before dipping inside ever so slightly. He repeats the movement again and again and again, until you’re digging your hands into the duvet cover and thrusting back to meet his mouth. 
“Steven,” you gasp, your back arching. “Please, I don’t know if I’m gonna be able to stay upright if you make me come again.” 
He groans and grins, moving away slowly after one last lick. “Alright, love, alright.” His hands are warm on the small of your back as he strokes your skin, rubs your hips. The bed dips slightly as he repositions himself, his heart hammering in his chest as he takes himself in hand and notches his tip at your pussy. 
“Tell me if something doesn’t feel right, okay love?” 
You nod. 
“I will, I promise, I-” You moan deeply as he starts to push inside, stretching you so wonderfully. 
“Thank you, thank you,” he moans headily, “Can’t bare the thought of you, oh fuck, of you not having a good time.” He gasps, halfway in. He pulls back slightly before pushing forward again, slowly easing further with every slow thrust. 
He tries to swallow down a sob, but you just feel too good. “Taking me so well,” he moans, all high pitched. He can’t tear his eyes away from how he sinks inside, how you’re stretched so wide around him. Your walls squeeze and throb, pulling him deeper. 
“You feel amazing.” He manages to stammer out as he pushes all the way inside at last. 
You moan, rocking back lightly. Even though you’d already felt him splitting you open, he feels even larger at the angle, pushing every thought out of your head to make room for more of him. 
He whimpers as you move, his muscles flexing as he bucks shallowly to meet you. 
“Steven,” you swallow. “Ah, please!” 
He smiles, holding onto your hips with one hand as he picks up the pace, pulling you back to meet every single one of his deep, powerful thrusts. He rolls his hips, changing the angle ever so slightly with each buck, your moans music to his ears and only fulling him further. 
When you cry out particularly loudly he groans. 
“Oh, fuck love, there?” You nod your head rapidly, pleasure spurting up your spine. “Yes!”
He sobs as he looks down, watching himself disappear inside of you, the heavy sound echoing. Your wetness has dripped down his balls, sunk into the dark curls between his legs. He can see a white ring forming around the base of his cock, growing thick with every buck as the liquid leaks out of your pussy.
“Oh, fuck,” he whispers, his voice low and desperate. “So fucking good for me, taking me and letting me fuck you and, ugh, feeling so good!” He gasps, his hips smacking into yours, jolting your forwards as he bullies his cock in and out of you. 
You moan, thrusting back with all your might and sobbing when he reaches around and rubs at your clit with his left hand. 
Pleasure sparks deep, twisting and growing and leaving you powerless to how he plays your body. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he groans, his fingers slippery on your pussy as he rubs. He presses his fore and middle finger to your clit while he feels his cock pumping in and out of you with his ring and little finger. The sound of your wetness is making him lightheaded, how you push back and take him so greedily, you want him. The thought echoes with the rapid beating of his heart. You want him, you want him, you want him.
“You’d, you’d,” he swallows, his head too blissed out to know or control what his mouth is saying. “You’d let me come in you, wouldn’t you? Let me fill you up?” 
You whine, nodding desperately.
“Oh shit, what, what about if I pull out and come all over your back? Can I? Can I make a fucking mess all over you?” 
“Yes,” You manage to whimper. 
“Oh god, love,” he whines, “I’m so close, I want you to have it all, all of me. You’re gonna make me come so hard, I can feel it. Shit. I used to, I used to fuck myself and think- think about you,” his voice raises as you buck back against him, “I used to come all over himself thinking about… you!” He gasps, his balls tightening. 
“Love, please,” Steven sobs, “I’m gonna come,” he sounds so weak, robbed of strength even though he is pounding into you like a man possessed. “Want to feel you squeeze me, please?” He shivers. “Want to feel you come on my cock, please? Can you? How, how can I help make you?” 
You moan low, his sweet needy words twist in your stomach. “Please, just a little bit more, I’m,” you swallow, “I’m nearly there.” 
He whimpers. “Love, oh god, thank you, thank you.” He rolls your clit, kissing your shoulder blades as he ruts against you. “Thank you so much for letting me fuck you, thank you so much. Can, can you say my name, can you scream it when you come? I want to hear you say it all the time, every day, want to fuck you every fucking second, I’ll just stay here and be ready for you whenever you want and, oh!”
You squeal, your muscles spasming as you come hard. Pleasure rushes along your veins as your thrust back against his thick cock, keeping him fully inside as your walls pulse and squeeze. Your orgasm burns, leaving only ashes in its wake. 
Steven stammers, his whole body freezing except for his hips. He bucks rapidly, practically screaming your name as he finally reaches his peak. He spurts deep inside of you, pumping hot and thick. He shivers, shakes and groans thankfully as you (as gently as you can) collapse onto the bed and pull him down on top of you. 
He nuzzles into your neck, his cock spasming with aftershocks. He can’t believe this is real. 
“I’m sorry.” You breathe hard, your skin sweaty.
“Hmm?” Steven lifts his head ever so slightly, confused.
“I didn’t say your name.” 
“Oh,” he chuckles, about to reassure you that he very, very much doesn’t care at this moment. That you are wonderful, perfect even, and that he thinks that was the hardest he’d ever come in his whole life. And maybe, perhaps he should say sorry for running his mouth like that. But you don’t give him a chance. 
“I guess I’ll have to try again the next time you fuck my brains out.” You giggle, angling your arm back so that you can awkwardly stroke his hair. 
Steven shivers, next time. Next. Time. His softening cock twitches in your heat. 
He wants to answer, but for once his brain is lost for words. Instead, he moans and buries his face into your shoulder, kissing and sucking as he cuddles you tight. 
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Thank you so much for reading!
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The Lioness
Pairing: Tom Bennett x fem!reader
Warning: 1940-1950, slight misogyny, Tom is the perfect husband, fluff, swearing
Summary: To be a woman after the Second World War...
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Tom was home early for once. The body shop had been slow today—no new cars or engines to repair.
He was just pulling his work clothes from the washing machine to hang up when he heard the front door open and slam shut.
He raised an eyebrow but shrugged. Bad day at work, maybe, he thought.
But then he heard her angrily toss her keys into the crystal bowl by the door, followed by the loud crash of glass.
“Shit!” she shouted.
Tom sprang into action. Laundry could wait—his wife needed him.
He bolted down from the bathroom and stopped in the foyer, taking in the sight of shattered glass strewn across the floor.
“Don’t move, darlin’. I’ll get the broom.”
He turned and walked into the kitchen to grab the broom, dustpan, and garbage bin before heading back to the entrance.
One look at his wife told him this was more than just a bad day. It was shit. The unshed tears in her eyes were proof enough.
“I got your favorite flowers on my way home,” he mumbled as he carefully swept up the shards. “Nearly nicked my thumb cuttin’ the stems. You gotta show me again how to do it right.”
A small chuckle escaped her lips, making his own lift slightly.
“You shouldn’t have,” she whispered.
“Yes, I do,” he said. “I love you, and I wanted to show you. Also bought everything for dinner. I waited for you. Ya know, ‘cause I keep burnin’ the kitchen down without your supervision.”
More giggles escaped her lips.
He finished cleaning, then grinned as he tossed the awful crystal bowl into the bin.
“You hatin’ it that much?”
She rolled her eyes. “It was from me mom. You know how she gets when we don’t put her stuff up.” He knew all too well. One ugly dust catcher less in their house.
Tom grinned down at her. He set the broom and dustpan aside before stepping closer. His strong, left arm wrapped gently around her waist, and he pressed his nose to her forehead, pulling her into his chest.
“What happened?” he asked simply, holding her closer. Letting her know she was safe and she could cry her heart out to him.
He felt her body tremble. At first, he thought she was cold, but then he felt her fists balled up against his chest—warm, tense. She was furious.
“They’re letting me go,” she whispered, her voice hollow.
Tom stiffened at her words. Letting her go? She was the hardest-working person in that damn office.
“Why, darlin’?”
She let out an angry huff—cute, but now wasn’t the time to think about that. He needed to listen.
“Because I’m married,” she gritted out.
Tom frowned, more confused than ever. “I don’t see the problem. I’m married, and no one bats an eye. What’s so different between the two of us?”
He loosened his hold just enough to look down at her. Her eyes shimmered with unshed tears, and his chest ached at the sight.
“You aren’t expected to care for our future children,” she whispered, gaze dropping to the floor.
Tom took a deep breath, his mind racing. The whole situation made no damn sense.
“But I will be their father,” he mumbled. Then, suddenly, it clicked.
“Bastards,” he scoffed, looking down at her. He gently hooked a finger underneath her chin and lifted her face to look at him. “They want you gone so you stay home and be a good little housewife?”
She nodded.
Tom’s jaw clenched. He knew plenty of women chose to stay home and care for the house and kids. But then there were women like his wife—like his sister Lois—who wanted to work, to contribute, to build something of their own. And now, they were just forcing her out?
Over his dead body. “Not gonna happen while there’s air in my lungs. I’ll go to your office myself and fight for your job.”
But she shook her head. “Don’t. Maybe it’s an opportunity,” she whispered.
He raised a brow. “Oh?”
She nodded. “I was already looking for another job and found one. The head of the office is a woman. And honestly? I hate that job anyway,” she murmured, cuddling closer to him.
He chuckled softly, holding her closer to his chest and wrapping his other arm around her shoulder. He pressed a gentle kiss to the crown of her head.
“You’re too precious for this world, sweetheart,” he mumbled against her hair, breathing in the sweet scent of her soap.
The tranquillity of the moment was interrupted by the low growl of her stomach.
“The lion woke up,” he whispered teasingly, kissing her forehead before looking down at her.
She grinned. “It’s not sleeping tonight.”
He laughed softly, knowing she’d caught onto his little jab.
“Come on, my darling. Let’s feed it before it wakes the goddamn jungle,” he murmured, pulling her along to the kitchen—ready to once again learn to cook from his brilliant wife.
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Reading analysis about Cal while screaming into the void known as an empty room and here to publish my unneeded thoughts about my blorbo.
Cal deserved more screen time, he deserved more chapters of his POV and honestly VA did him so dirty 😔
Because our dear RQ characters are definitely unreliable narrators, the reader’s perception of characters is based on their own POVs and how other characters perceive them. Unfortunately, every character describes Cal as a lovesick puppy, a mopey matchstick, a dense moron and everything in between. It's not that these are wrong, they're part of his character, but these are incredibly surface level traits which leads to the general perception of Cal’s character being superficial, bland and boring. It seems like his only purpose in the story is to be Mare’s love interest because Maven betrayed her.
However, he has a whole lot of untapped potential. My man did not get betrayed by Mare, betrayed by his brother, find out his mother was murdered buy Elara, get forced to kill his own father, lose everything he had and got sentenced to execution all in 1 day for people to call him boring. Honestly, when I listed it out like that, I truly realised how crazy the whole situation was. Within the span of a day he lost any form of stability he had even known in his life, and found out that one if not the closest person to him (maven) was a lie. If that isn't traumatic, I really wouldn't like to hear whatever other definition of trauma there is out there. I think the only reason we very much overlook Cal's trauma is because 1. It happened in real time, 2. He's no longer a child, 3. We didn't see it from his POV and 4. In this scene he and his father are technically the "bad guys".
Here's the thing though, he has never talked about it. Not once. Never. The closest we ever saw this man to losing his mind was when he was planning the Corros prison break. He'd never mentioned this trauma from any POV, not even his own. Maven told Mare about how Elara messed up everything in his brain, and how he never recovered from it. For Cal, we never found out how he dealt with it and how close to the brink of insanity he was. If he ever just felt like exploding and destroying everything. Nobody except Mare ever asked him if he was ok. He had every right to go mad. But he didn't. Some miraculous way, Cal managed to maintain some semblance of sanity and that is unimaginable mental strength like holy shit.
Another way too glossed over plot point was why he chose the crown over mare in the epilogue of KC. This one I get genuinely frustrated over sometimes because there were so many reasons for him to make that decision. I know many people have talked about this before but I'm just going to repeat it 1. It's the best political move in the situation. Cal isn't stupid, no matter how many people seem to think he is. He knows better than to let the place of King open for anyone to snatch up and that it was the only way the Silvers and the Scarlet Guard would ever work together. 2. To him it's his moral obligation. Cal's loyalty and sense of duty is a huge part of his character. All his life he's been told it's his responsibility, his destiny to become king and serve the people. Not only that, the crown is his family's legacy and considering the fact that he was the one to behead his own father Cal likely feels even more morally obligated to become king. The words he said to Mare, "I love you and I want you more than anything else in this world". He uses the word "want", but how can a want, a desire ever compare to what he believes is a need, an obligation? It's not that he didn't love mare enough like Evangeline suggested, or that he fell prey to the power's lure like Mare insinuated in the epilogue. He did what he full heartedly believed was right, and unfortunately this was barely touched upon in war storm which made me want to tear my hair out.
This yap session is nearly done, just hold on a bit longer. The last thing that DEFINITELY should have gotten more words was his ultimate decision to abdicate. All we got was him reading Coriane's diary, Evangeline telling him "if it's not too late for me, it's not too late for you" and then the decision. WHERE'S THE IN-BETWEEN THOUGHT PROCESS? He read through Coriane's diary and realised that she wanted her son to have a different life, and of course he probably had some thoughts about it. Considering how he knew the Scarlet Guard and Montfort weren't with him, how he still loved Mare, perhaps realizing what his life could have been with an alive mother was what tipped him over the edge. Perhaps it was loyalty to his mother he never had the chance to know, loyalty to the little of her forever bound in a gold-covered book, buried in the graveyard known as time. Maybe he asked Julian who seemed to want him to reconsider his decision as king, but we'll never know because it wasn't written 😭😭😭
Cal is incredibly kind, loyal, warm, passionate, motivated, and indecisive, and I love that about him. His story could have been a tragedy, a prodigy put on a pedestal that had everything and was forced to be everything, reduced to nothing in an instant. But it wasn't. He found love in a girl that took everything from him, and rebuilt himself a far better life from the ashes of nothing. Normally the circle between characters I like and characters I respect rarely overlap, but somehow this 6'3 adorable ass dork stuck himself straight in both and this is why I will defend what his character is and could have been. Thank you for attending my Tedtalk, it's literally all my thoughts about this man exploding into text and falling onto a Tumblr post.
This is me getting distracted from writing Fated god send help I just can't stay on track
Funny story I wanted to copy this essay into a document for fun just to see how many words and guess who highlighted a portion of it and clicked space by accident. Hahaha (that whole thing was 1000 words btw I need to learn to shut up)
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melded-galaxy · 3 months ago
sonic movie 3 stobotnik thoughts:
Watched the third installment earlier today and have a lot of thoughts
Stone being confirmed as the protector in their relationship (His action scene in the chao garden restaurant and his plea 'i'm not there to protect you!') was amazing, you can definitely tell Stone had been traumatized after Robotnik got stranded in the mushroom world and then returned only to nearly fall to his death
'I already lost you once-!' 'Unsubscribed blocked and reported.' 'I can't lose you again...' Stone you deserve the world and so much better than Robotnik i'm sorry your hearts deadset on this dickhead <3
Robotnik's first name Ivo being dropped several times and pronounced eye-vo rather than ee-vo. always preferred the eye-vo pronounciation personally, feel like ee-vo is a bit too on the nose and doesn't sound as good.
Robotnik being open enough around Stone at the very start of the movie that he casually mentions that Stone is the only person he trusts and at the very end after he thought he found loving family only to be rejected and betrayed by Gerald admitting Stone was the only one to ever truly care about him my heart can't
More of the weird kinky BDSM shit my beloved - Eggman's reaction to seeing a shirtless tied up Stone 'Do that in your own time you sicken me' sent me as did the frigging shirt snatch and of course that glorious haircut scene
Stone getting to interact with characters that aren't Eggman. Him calling Tails adorable and that short moment where he hung out with Shadow was nice to see.
Again the haircut scene. Stone had zero excuses for straddling his bosses lap and nearly strangling him in a chokehold. Firestarter by Prodigy playing was just the cherry on top.
Stone getting cucked again by Robotnik's own grandpapa. First knuckles now sour gramps smh there's always a damn third wheel
Robotnik finally finding family and just CLINGING to them (quite literally the boot kissing scene was... something.) Ivo was so desperate for Gerald's love and approval, its such a great parallel to Stone's admiration for Robotnik. Honestly it makes sense that Robotnik immediately reacted so defensively when Stone warned him of Gerald and Shadows hidden plan, like Robotnik immediately reacted by attacking Stone back by accusing him of just being jealous because he felt his bond with gerald was being threatened. Robotnik even looked over at Gerald several times while he was chewing Stone out, clearly seeking his approval.
Eggman's announcement dedicated fully to Stone after three whole movies of Robotnik taking Stone for granted and Stone being ditched berated and sidelined. Finally after feeling the pain of Gerald's rejection (that 'You're no Maria' was ice cold) Ivo in his last moments alive makes sure Stone knows he reciprocates and pays tribute to Stone's love and loyalty to him, admitting that Stone was more than just a sycophant, a tool to be used and discarded, Stone was a 'syco-friend'. my HEART
That final 'I love the way you make 'em' the delivery was so heartfelt
Stone's tearful smile after saying goodbye to Robotnik. There's a sort of sad acceptance to it like finally hearing Robotnik admit that he does care about him too softens the blow of losing him and will help Stone to move on post movie. Maybe Stone after Robotnik's death with find someone that truly treats him right. A lot of people speculate that Stone will be the big bad of the next film but I don't know, I think in an interview by Lee he said that Stone just wanted to feel acknowledged by Robotnik and in the end Stone finally got that. I feel like its a good bookend for both Robotnik and Stone's characters arcs and i'd have mixed feelings if they were confirmed to appear in the next movie; while i'd love to see more of Robotnik and Stone's twisted dynamic in the next movie, I feel like it'd sort of undermine Robotnik's final moment of humanity at the end of movie 3. Then again someone has to have made and been controlling the metal sonics we saw in the post credit scene so who knows what the next movie will bring.
Stone only getting like 6-7 minutes of screen time, I would have like a few more scenes with him interacting with Robotnik Gerald and other characters to flesh him out a bit more, maybe even learn more of his backstory. I felt like this was also a problem with Maria and Gerald; both needed a bit more time to flesh out their characters. It would have been cool to see more of Gerald and Maria before Maria's death for instance.
The movie steering away from the romantic subtext that was present in the second movie (the lattes with hearts, the romantic music playing in Stone's cafe and Stone photoshopping his boss into a maid outfit) in favour of a more platonic or atleast debatable dynamic between them - Stone being sad about not being Robotnik's 'best friend', Robotnik calling Stone his syco-friend and no outright explicit confirmation from either of them was kind of sad to see. Felt like there was potential to openly confirm stobotnik in a romantic if twisted relationship, especially given the two lived together for over a year in their crab mech and were clearly comfortable around eachother, but I guess maybe the producers were too nervous of backlash to do so so they went with a more dubious/platonic angle.
Robotnik immediately treating Stone worse once he connects with Gerald :( I suppose it makes sense; Ivo now has this shiny new family connection,from his selfish perspective why would he need boring old but reliable Stone but it still was sad to see Robotnik completely disregard everything Stone had done for him - staying by his side after leaving the government, doting on him and rescuing/caring for Robotnik after the latter fell from the giant mech in the second movie (not shown in the movie only storyboards but still presumably Stone was the one to rescue Robotnik). Personally i'd have preferred it if there was a bit more conflict from Robotnik's side, maybe have Gerald manipulate him into steadily distructing Stone more and more as the movie went on.
Stone not getting a scene where he snaps at Robotnik/shows a backbone. Yes he tried to to warn Robotnik of Gerald and Shadow's real plans for the world but again that was mostly for Robotnik's own wellbeing. Stone was terrified of losing him. It would have been nice to see after 3 movies of Stone being a doormat for Robotnik Stone finally erupt and stand up to Ivo.
Stone disappearing from the plot at the climax of the film AGAIN, a reoccuring theme in the trilogy lol, Stone disappears from the plot after Robotnik tells him to ready the prototype in the first movie and again in the second, though to a lesser extent, after he was knocked out in the mech. It would have been cool to see him do a little more, maybe aid Robotnik Tails and Knuckles in stopping Gerald in some way instead of merely being a bystander.
Similarly to the second movie I feel like Jimbotnik and now Gerald were a bit TOO zany at times. Like the scene at their first meeting when they both looked at the camera and broke the fourth wall made me groan and god... the Ivo vs Gerald fight was... bad and not even in a so bad its good way way more a killing the pacing and tension way. Like why why put the jim carrey selfspank scene right after Sonic and Shadow had a heart to heart on the moon. Why.
Robotnik's overuse of modern slang also made me wince a bit... didn't like it in the second movie don't like it anymore in the third. I found some of the quips funny like the trauma dumping line but most of the times I felt the jokes were pandering too much to kids and would age badly.
No scene where Wade once again awkwardly third wheels while Robotnik and Stone be weird together again :(
THE FLASHBACK SCENE BEING CUT :'( In the leaked storyboards Robotnik was going to a have a sort of 'feelings realization' moment where he presumably contemplates why he's bothering to save the Earth. A flashback was going to appear showing the scene where Stone gives Robotnik his latte after the latter returned in movie 2, Stone in his GUN disguise rescuing Robotnik after the latter was trapped under the rubble of his mech post movie 2 and a scene where a concerned looking Stone is handfeeding Robotnik soup complete with Robotnik looking depressed in a full body cast. The final storyboard picture showed a wide eyed and concerned Robotnik clearly realizing that Earth being destroyed would mean Stone was going to die as well. The flashback and Stone's life being on the line was what would have prompted Robotnik to try to save the planet. The flashback and feelings realization scene was cut for some reason from the final film :( Think I still have the leaked storyboard images somewhere on my blog but we were robbed.
Well this got longer than expected haha, hope its somewhat coherent.
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ramblingautisticman · 5 months ago
Here is part 1 of my new series 'And They Were Gamers!', a series in which Logan and Wade play video games and be cute and gay- enjoy!
I'll be posting it here and on A03! I've got about three-ish chapter ideas/things I'm writing, any suggestions or idea please comment!!
(Based on this post!)
(Tagging @ineffable-monster-romancer because you gave me the idea for the tiny house and flowers!!)
It had started simply. Wade scrolling through YouTube at 3am due to insomnia, and wasn’t that how most things started?
He was used to staying up late, his body refusing to give in to the tiredness running through him. Logan had tried to get Wade to sleep easier- tried to find a way to get him relaxed enough to pass out- but nothing had seemed to work, so he did continued to do what he always had, didteacting himself with his phone until he either fell asleep or it was morning.
Eventually, he moved from tiktok to Youtube, and after awhile he found a video that seemed interesting. Something about a game called Minecraft. He had heard of it- the kids at the mansion had talked about it briefly when he was there a few months ago- but he had never actually seen it. So he pressed play and lay in bed watching it, finding himself quickly enamored in the video.
Before he knew it, he had spent the next 5 hours watching videos and looking up the different versions, and quickly it had become something he needed to play.
It seemed like a fun little time waster for when he couldn't sleep, plus, it seemed very relaxing compared to the other games he enjoyed.
So when Logan finally stirred, Wade had quickly started rambling about it, telling him anything and everything he could about the game- coming up with 100 and 1 reason as to why he should buy it- and even if Logan had no clue what was happening, when he left to go shopping and left Wade to watch even more videos about this game, he threw in the copy of Minecraft Wade had wanted (and yes, he had to message Laura to ask what one Wade needed for the switch thingy he played on, and spent a good hour being annoyed at how many different versions of it there seemed too be).
When he came home, Wade had helped bring the groceries to the kitchen, spending the whole time talking about a video he had watched about someone making a castle in the game- and by the end of his ramble- the only thing left in the bag had been the game.
Wade had nearly exploded with excitement when he saw it, quickly wrapping his arms around Logan in a bone crushing hug and thanking him about 50 times, before grabbing Minecraft and rushing over to his Switch.
And that was Wade for the next 3 days solid. It was all he did, and thank god they had no missions, cause honestly? Wade would've probably just taken the thing with him.
Luckily, Logan found his excitement over it cute so he was allowed to get away with not doing much else. And it seemed to be helping Wade when he couldn't sleep which was a bonus.
After about a week, Wade had greeted him at the door after walking Mary Puppins, tears in his eyes as he held the screen up for Logan to see.
"My dog died!! I had him since the first night! And now he's dead and I didn't even get to finish the dog house! Stupid fucking skeleton shot him!! I'm such a bad dog owner! Don't let Mary near me!!" He cried, tears now rushing down his cheeks, a frown on his face.
And Logan really didn't know what any of that meant, but he didn't like Wade being this upset. And he didn't like hearing him think he was a bad dog owner. "Hey, it-s okay- you are a real good papa to Mary." He said softly, gently holding the dog closer to Wade, watching as she licked his face.
It seemed to help alittle, Wade gently holding her with one arm, kissing her forehead before looking back to the screen of his Switch. "I wanted to make him a house...I was so close to getting a nametag for him.." He muttered, looking back up at Logan with those big sad eyes that made his heart ache.
"I'm sorry baby, why don't we cuddle up on the couch? You can show me the monster farm thingy you were making, yeah? Maybe you can get another dog?" He suggested, gently guiding Wade to the couch and gently sitting down, listening as Wade slowly explained that the monster farm was called a 'Mob Spawner', and that he didn't know if he could find another dog because of where he lived.
Logan thought that maybe it would pass in a few days, but Wade was still heart broken about his Minecraft dog, and Logan needed to fix it. So, he devised a plan. Well- him and Laura.
It seemed that Wade had messaged her about it, because she knew exactly what Logan was on about when he had sent her a text for help. Initially, he just thought that Wade could find another dog, and even though that was technically true- Wade didn't seem very happy at the idea of going and getting another one. Something about not wanting to go exploring and loosing all his XP if he died.
So Laura suggested something else. She had suggested that Logan learn to play it so that he could go and find Wade a dog himself. Which made him very very confused. He wasn't good with technology- had only just figured out smartphones- but he wanted too. Wade deserved to have his dog back, and here he was, sneakily using Wade's switch to try and learn the game.
It took a few days to get the controls down, but Logan quickly got used to them- and honestly? He began to understand why Wade loved it so much. The relaxing music, the cute animals, the addition he was gaining to mining.
Now, playing it himself, Logan understood why Wade had gotten so upset when his dog died. It was easy to get sucked into the game- to shut your brain off while collecting wood or getting attached to a chicken you managed to hatch from a random egg- and it made him want to get Wade his dog even more. That, and play it with Wade himself.
It took another few days to get a dog. He had to wait for Wade to go on a mission, but as soon as he left the apartment, Logan booted up Wade's world and got to work. He still wasn't good- he had to Google a few things- but eventually he found and tamed a dog.
Logan spent about an hour getting it back to Wade's house, and then proceed to spend another hour figuring out how to fish for a name tag. As soon as he started fishing, he realized that maybe he was enjoying Minecraft more than he had expected. It surprised him to enjoy a video game- he had only ever really played a few in the 80s with the kids at the mansion- but here he was, 4 hours later still playing.
He hd originally just wanted to get a dog for Wade, name it Mary Puppins and be done, but he couldn't help but get more and more into it as he contuined to play.
At first he realized Wade didn't have an anvil, so he went mining for iron. Then he needed some more levels for the name tag to make sure he didn't used Wade's, so he went and killed some mobs. Then he decided to make the dog alittle house, even if it was just a square of wood, then he found some flowers and decided he wanted to decorate with them.
Before he knew it, Wade was opening the door and loudly announcing he was home. Logan tried to save and exit the game quickly- but as usual- Wade was faster than he was, quickly looking at Logan with a confused expression.
"What is this??? Your using technology beyond an old android? Am I dreaming?" Wade said dramatically, taking his mask off and plonking down next to Logan on the couch. "Wait...why are you on Minecraft?.."
Logan looked up from the Switch and over to the man sat next to him, blushing slightly, as if he'd been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. "Oh well- you seemed so sad about your dog- ya know? And I wanted to cheer you up, so I messaged Laura and she said about me finding you a dog so you didn't die with your XP, so I tried to join on a different profile thing but I couldn't, so I logged in on your one- I promise I didn't lose any of your XP or use any of it- and look! I found you a dog- and I called her Mary Puppins, and I even made her a house! Also, I found some red and yellow flowers, so I thought that would look nice....." He rambled, suddenly worried he had upset Wade. Should he of asked before he played? Did he mess the world up?
He held the screen infront of Wade- the same way Wade had done to him a week and a few days ago- and glanced at it, pointing at the little dog. "It's a grey dog, so I thought she kinda looked like Mary, ya know?.." Logan added, looking back at Wade, who seemed to be crying? Shit.
"Sorry- did I ruin it? I just wanted to help- I can get rid of the dog hou-" like usual, Wade interrupted him.
"Oh my god! Peanut! That is the most amazingly romantic thing that someone has ever done for me! You learned how to play it- and then got me a new dog?? And you got yellow and red flowers to decorate? Our colours!? You are the most amazing boyfriend ever!! I'm going to keep her so safe in her adorable little house and-and I'm buying you a Switch and we are going to play together and make a house together and we can put our beds together!" Wade rambled, somehow with on breath, and Logan couldn't help but smile widely at his excitement.
He kissed Wade's cheek softly before handing over the console. "Yeah, that sounds good...I've already been looking at one actually- Minecraft is really fun. And I'm glad your happy." Logan said softly, laughing alittle at how stupid it was he was nervous about this. It was a video game, why did he need to be anxious?
"Oh, I am buying you whichever Switch you want, I'm buying you Minecraft, and we are going to spend the weekend making the best house ever." And honestly? Logan wasn't going to argue.
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lovelyladyabsinthewrites · 11 months ago
Labor HC (ft. Poly!Mates Bat Boys)
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Warnings: intense labor, my bsf just had her first baby and told me all the horrific things 🫠, personally i never want children, thank the cauldron for healing magic, longish? compared to my other hc, i guess labor horror? the idea of giving birth scares the ever loving shit out of me
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By the end of your pregnancy your stomach was the size of two side by side watermelons
Madja grew increasingly worried that you would not survive the labor at how big the babe inside of you had grown
you worried your child would tear itself out of your womb
indefinite bed rest for you
which you honestly didn't mind since it was getting difficult for you to move your body without getting tired
bat boys worry. you aren't illyrian. if the baby belonged to cassian or azriel, your body would not be able to allow for wings to grow. (paternity/gendering of the baby was not possible. all the results came back as inconclusive)
as it gets more cramped inside of you, every one of the baby's movements is felt by you.
Rhys neglects much of his work and favors spending every waking hour by your side.
Cassian and Azriel grow extremely considered when they hear commotion arising in the Hewn City. Az has heard that many in the Court of Nightmares wish for your demise in labor. They take each threat to your life seriously and spend their time ensuring the security and safety of you and your unborn child.
they can't protect you from the pain of labor though
Rhys and Az were asleep with you in the bed, Cassian preferring to stand guard outside your door.
You're pulled out of sleep rather abruptly, well aware of the unconscious tensing of your muscles as a stabbing pressure digs into your abdominal area. a tightening and squeeze so vicious that you try and sit up immediately but your big belly prevents you from doing so.
stomach churning fear rises in you. it was time.
you shake your mates awake as another squeezing pain that burned across your lower back and pelvis.
they've drilled for this. no really your bat boys have played out the scenario an annoying amount of times. Az leaps from the bed to alert Cassian, Rhys helping you sit up
Azriel leaves to fetch Madja since he's the fastest
the Wraiths prep everything you may need and wait in the room with you, Rhysand and Cassian until Azriel returns with the healer.
that's when things really start
you were already screaming when Madja arrived. Nuala and Cerridwen had prepped you for the labor if Madja were too late.
Azriel had your left hand, brows furrowed and wishing he can transfer the pain you were going through into his body. Even if this pain meant the birth of a child, he hated hearing your screams or the tears welling in your eyes as you push with all your might
Rhysand, who had been hold your right hand transfers it to Cassian's care as he moves to be by Madja side to watch the actual birth. His eyes keep darting from your lower half to your face.
you never knew bringing another life into the world was so painful. you yourself didn't know either of your parents. no one to warn you of what you would face in childbirth
your bat boys were there though, that was all that mattered.
time drags with each heave you give
then he was born. . .
Dagen. even with his wings tucked in tight, pushing him out damn near tore you from your v to your a. like that whole entire region was on fire
"O-Oh. . ." Madja gasped, clearly startled as she held your baby in her arms, having been about to pass him to Rhysand. Almost in fear she looks at Rhysand. "I. . .I think there is another babe coming. . ."
Two babies???
you didn't believe her. until you felt another intense wave of pain start up again. dagen nearly tore you in half. you couldn't imagine pushing out another baby that potentially had wings.
"no, please no" you sob, every part of you aching.
Cassian looks scared. "You can do this." his hand was numb but he didn 't care.
"We're here." Azriel nods and gives your hand an encouraging squeeze.
Rhysand was still standing a little dumbstruck with a fresh newborn in his arms.Thankfully one of the wraith sisters nudges him, her arms ready to take the baby so he can go back to focusing on the next one.
Rian arrived quickly, smaller than dagen thanks to the lack of wings
there was five minutes of peace where Rhysand and Cerridwen showed you your boys. beautiful boys that you and your mates created
until you felt another stabbing sensation.
you screamed at rhysand, azriel and cassian. damning them to a suffering in the afterlife for putting you through this.
to you this was bullshit.
it should be impossible!! then again, so was having three destined mates
Mor had called it a miracle. you now thought of it as a curse. you never knew having three mates meant giving birth to three babies at the same time
the third baby however would prove to be the most difficult. thanks to the previous two, you were beyond exhausted and begging for someone to just rip it from you. there was no way you could push it out by yourself.
Madja made the tough call of performing a cesarean section
the wraiths took away rian and dagen as the surgery took place
they'd been in wars, seen carnage, but there your bat boys were with white faces that expressed utter horror
the last baby to be delivered was a little girl with wings. your Baila.
exhausted, you pass out soon after Madja pulls her from you.
everyone is pushed out of the room except for madja herself as she sews you back up and stops the bleeding that could possibly kill you if not treated properly.
it feels like a dream to you when you wake up.
except every part of you is still suffering from a dull pain
your bat boys introduce you to your three pretty babies
i hc that dagen is azriel's, rian is rhysand's and baila is cassian's cuz i've always thought of him as a girl dad and nothing can change that lol
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lagunaseca2013 · 18 days ago
how does pecco tell his parents that he's pregnant in the teen pregnancy au? how awkward is the eventual valentino safe sex talk for both luca and pecco? Do they eventually have another kid way later in life luca unintentionally having kids that have the same age gap as him and valentino?
hi anon! this ask honestly got me to open a google doc for this thing which is more than I can say for half the wips I’ve talked about here lmao. as always things kind of got away from me so I hope I’ve answered your questions but tbh I feverishly wrote half of this in the actual tumblr app bc I was so inspired so. apologies if it’s not that good! but cheers <3
“Pecco?” Carola picks up on the fourth ring of his ninth attempted call. She sounds groggy and confused, like she’s just woken up, probably because— “It’s four AM,” she groans, “you just woke me up. What’s wrong?”
Pecco swallows against the lump in his throat, the words getting stuck in his mouth. He can’t think of a single thing to say, though he’d spent the entire five-hour drive to Turin agonizing about it. In his defense, he couldn’t really do his best thinking when he kept having to pull over to throw up. Most of the time he wasn’t dry heaving on the side of the road, he’d spent going 200kph and trying not to have a panic attack.
He’s breathing heavily, trying desperately not to burst into tears again. Pecco knows if he’s silent for much longer, Carola will either hang up or call the firing squad, the best big sister ever, even if his skin is crawling, just thinking about facing her right now. In his. . . .state.
“I’m outside,” he croaks, finally, his voice sore from disuse and crying and, god, so much throwing up. “But I forgot to bring my keys.”
Carola is silent for a moment, but he can hear her taking slow, steady breaths through the crackle of the line. “Stay there, I have to turn off the alarm for the gate.”
His mama nearly has an aneurysm when he slinks down the stairs, late in the morning. He’d slept tucked into the corner between Carola’s bed and the wall like he hadn’t since—well, probably before he moved to Pesaro. Or hit puberty, whichever came first. After his sister had tugged the explanation out of him, she’d refused to let him go to sleep alone. They'd huddled together under her soft floral sheets and she’d pressed a curious hand to the slight swell of his belly that he couldn’t even really look at without getting nauseous, an expression of wonder on her face that he hadn’t yet encountered from anyone who knew about the—
“Francesco!” His mama interrupts his downward spiral, pressing two warm hands against his cheeks. “Is that Valentino not feeding you properly? You have to come sit down and eat, eat piccolo! You’ve gotten too thin!”
For once, his stomach doesn’t rebel at the plate of brioche, and his mom happily flits around the kitchen tidying up in the way she does when she’s trying to figure out how to approach a conversation. She frowns when he pushes away the espresso she’d left for him, and asks for warm milk, but carefully hasn’t asked him what the hell he’s doing here, why he hadn’t told them he was coming home. Why he’d shown up in the middle of the night and couldn’t bring himself to face her. Since he was little, Pecco has always been. . . .different, when it came to emotional matters, and his mama had learned long ago to let him come to her when he was ready.
Pecco doesn’t think he’ll ever be ready for the conversation they’re about to have. In fact, he barely gets down half a slice of bread before he’s running to the bathroom, hacking it all back up, the thing inside him rejecting it all anyway. He doesn’t even realize he’s crying until his mama pulls him in, rubbing soothing circles into his back and reaching up to brush tears off his cheek. “Oh, bambino,” she sighs, heavy with concern. “What’s going on?”
He’d insisted on waiting for his papa and Carola to return, mostly because he was pretty sure he was only going to be able to handle the conversation once, and he really needed his sister’s support to even attempt it. His mama had fussed over him for the rest of the day, forcing him back into bed with bowls of broth he’d thankfully been able to keep down. She’d even taken his temperature, humming thoughtfully when it was perfectly normal, though Pecco thought, uncomfortably, that they both sort-of knew he wasn’t that kind of sick.
Unfortunately, crushing Carola’s hands like a lifeline and staring back at his deeply concerned parents, it feels even worse than he’d imagined.
His papa is the first to break the silence. “Francesco,” he says, slowly, like he’s afraid Pecco might bolt if he’s too loud. “What’s wrong, piccolo?”
Pecco swallows hard, his fingers trembling where they grip Carola’s. He feels like a child again, sitting at this very table, confessing to crashing his scooter into the neighbor’s mailbox when he was fifteen. But this is so, so much worse.
“I—” He chokes on the word, his throat tight. His mama’s face is open, patient but worried, while his papa frowns, his arms crossed tightly over his chest. Carola wriggles one of her hands out of his deathgrip to pet the curls at his nape reassuringly.
“I’m pregnant,” he finally blurts out.
They all freeze for a moment, pure disbelief. His mama’s breath catches audibly, her eyes widening in shock. His papa blinks at him like he’s misheard.
The silence stretches unbearably. Pecco’s heart is hammering so hard he thinks he might actually pass out. There's a high possibility he's going to throw up again.
“Scusa?” His papa’s voice is strangled.
Pecco licks his lips, his mouth dry. “I’m pregnant.” His voice wavers slightly, but the words come out clearer this time. “I found out a few weeks ago.”
His mama makes a soft noise, pressing a hand to her mouth, her eyes shining with something unreadable. “Oh, Francesco. . . .”
His papa, on the other hand, looks confused and concerned. “But—how? That’s not possible, that’s not—you were tested, at birth, they said—you were not. . . .” He gestures vaguely, like he’s searching for an explanation in the air.
Pecco shrugs weakly. “Turns out I am.”
Silence again, Pecco's shoulders are tensed up nearly to his ears. Carola's free hand grips the back of his neck firmly, like she thinks he'll try to make a run for it.
Then, suddenly, his mama’s chair scrapes against the floor as she stands. For a split second, Pecco braces himself for yelling, but instead she kneels down, pulling him into her arms. “Oh, bambino mio,” she murmurs, her voice thick with emotion. “You must have been so scared.”
As soon as she says it, Pecco finally shatters. He crumples into her, sobs tearing from his chest, months of anxiety and fear draining out of him all at once. His mama holds him tightly, rubbing soothing circles against his back, whispering soft reassurances into his hair.
Carola reaches over, rubbing his shoulder, and even his papa, still looking completely out of his depth, awkwardly places a hand on his back.
“It’s going to be okay bambino,” his mama says firmly, pulling back just enough to cup his face. “We’ll figure this out together.”
Pecco sniffles, his breath hitching. He’s exhausted, terrified, still fucking nauseous, but for the first time in weeks the knot in his chest loosens, just a little.
It’s terribly hard to focus on what Valentino is saying when Luca looks this good, Pecco realizes with dawning horror, the third time he zones out of the lecture, staring at Luca’s hands. His long fingers are folded neatly in his lap, the perfect picture of proper and respectful, if Pecco couldn't see that he was still sporting a semi under the table.
In their defense, Valentino had walked into the apartment unannounced in the syrupy hour after lunch, but before Pecco’s third daily nap, when he had the best chance of seducing Luca into messing around on the couch. He’d then decided, seven and a half months into the unplanned pregnancy, that catching his brother with his hand up Pecco’s stretched out tshirt was cause for the safe sex talk he’d been “meaning to get around to” for the last five years.
Valentino, completely oblivious—or maybe just choosing to ignore the heavy tension radiating between them—leans forward, elbows on his knees, and clasps his hands together like he’s about to deliver the most important race strategy briefing of his entire life. Pecco wonders, idly, if this is what he looks like when Uccio shows him “telemetry” on his iPad.
“Look, I get it,” he says, nodding sagely. “You’re young, you’re in love, you’re horny—”
Pecco makes a strangled noise in the back of his throat. Luca chokes on his own spit.
Valentino waves them off and keeps going. “But you clearly haven’t been careful enough, considering. . . .” he gestures vaguely at Pecco’s belly, which is currently both peeking humiliatingly out the bottom of his tshirt and pressing up against the edge of the table.
Pecco glares. He knows he's gotten huge recently, and he's been feeling particularly sensitive about it. “Wow, grazie, Vale. Really, I hadn't noticed.”
Luca, to his credit, looks genuinely sheepish. “It’s not like we didn’t try to be careful,” he mumbles, scratching at the back of his neck. “We didn't know Pecco was a carrier.” Pecco feels his face heat up at the reminder.
Valentino levels them both with a sharp look. “Clearly, you didn’t try hard enough. Even if Pecco hadn't been a carrier, it is still the safest to use a condom!”
Luca groans, tipping his head back against the couch. “Mio Dio, if this is your way of giving us the condom talk, you’re about seven months too late.”
Valentino ignores him, finally in the rhythm of his tirade. It's an interesting look on him, considering it's usually Uccio who attempts any kind of lecturing about the behavior of the Academy. “You know, there are many ways to be safe. Barriers, timing, communication—”
Pecco shoots Luca a sidelong glance. Luca, who is still, inexplicably, half-hard in his boxers. Luca, who just an hour ago had been shoving his tongue down Pecco's throat against the couch cushions, murmuring things that had absolutely not been about barriers or communication. Things much more aligned with how they'd ended up here in the first place.
Pecco swallows hard. This is kind of his second worst-nightmare, just below getting knocked up mid-season on the list. He hasn't even let himself think about how Valentino said they were, jesus, in love, and neither of them even protested it. Pecco has been in love with Luca for as long as he can remember, but he's always known Luca just saw him as a friend. Luca, of course, is just having sex with him out of convenience.
Meanwhile, Valentino is on a roll. “And don’t think that just because you’re already—” another vague hand-waving gesture at Pecco’s belly. It's kind of amazing that they're this far along, and he's in his thirties, and can't bring himself to say it. “—That you shouldn’t still be careful. Pregnancy hormones can make you want to go at it like rabbits, but you need to be mindful of—”
Pecco shifts uncomfortably in his seat, and his gigantic belly jostles the table enough to knock over the sad vase of dead flowers he'd gotten Luca for Father's Day. He's spent approximately ten minutes in one position, so his back aches enough to make him want to scream. “I am not listening to this anymore.”
Valentino raises an unimpressed eyebrow. “You think I wanted to be here?” He throws his hands up dramatically. “You think I enjoy this? But I’m responsible for both of you!”
“Vale,” Luca interrupts, desperate. “We get it. Be careful, use protection, don’t fuck up again. Lesson learned. Can we please never talk about this again?”
He squints at them for a long moment, weighing his options, then sighs, rubbing his temples. “Fine. But if I find out you’ve been reckless again,” he points an accusatory finger between them.
Luca glares. “What, you’ll ground us?” He gestures at Pecco's belly. “Bit late for that.”
Valentino pinches the bridge of his nose. “I am just trying to make sure you know how to have safe sex,” he sighs. “I don't want either of you to have to sacrifice more than you already have because of another—” he stops himself, just in time, but Pecco knows he was going to say, what he was going to call their baby. A mistake. He sees it reflected back in his eyes, in everyone’s eyes, lately. His skin crawls every time he visits the ranch, seeing Mig and Franky’s looks of pity. Nicolo’s barely-hidden derision. Bez hasn’t been able to look him in the eyes since he started showing for real, months ago.
The second Valentino finally leaves, after he gives them the dish of food from Stefania that he had come to deliver in the first place, an excruciating round of hugs, and a parting shot about prenatal vitamins, somehow managing to keep his set of keys in the rush to kick him out—Pecco lets his head thunk onto Luca's shoulder with a dramatic groan.
“I will never forgive you for giving him a key. We aren't having sex again until you get it back from him!”
Luca snorts, reaching over to place a warm palm over the silver of belly not covered by the tshirt. “You say that now, tesoro.”
Pecco lifts his head up, raising an eyebrow.
Luca smirks. “Where were we?”
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klaus-littlestwolf · 1 year ago
Mikaelson’s Party Pt.2
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(Finally finished part 2. Sorry it took so long, I’m crossing my fingers that the third and last part will be done much quicker. I hope you enjoy the continuation of Human!Klaus and his Omega)
Part 1
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By the time the couple woke up again it was nearly noon and he was shocked, never sleeping that long but it seemed that having his Omega was comforting in every way, even enough to get some extra sleep. As Y/n rolled over and looked at her phone she suddenly sat up, startled by something and Klaus could feel it in his chest.
‘What’s the matter?’
‘It’s the afternoon! I didn’t think we would sleep that long! I need to go home, if I don’t take my suppressants every day at the same time the cycle gets fucked up. My scent will come back immediately! I have to go, I’m sorry-‘
‘Wait!’ He took her arm, stopping her from standing up.
‘Klaus! I’m late, I-‘
‘Don’t take it!’ He exclaimed and instantly felt bad about how it sounded a bit too much like an order. ‘I mean, I’m here now and…if I mark you, your scent will be mixed with mine. You won’t have to worry anymore-‘
‘But I’ll go into heat quickly, probably no more than 2 days.’ He considered this for a moment before smiling.
‘We can move into that house I told you about…we don’t have to take everything but it’s in perfect condition and I make sure someone keeps it clean, we can go now. We’ll have everything we need and complete privacy. I won’t let anyone harm you, I promise, you have nothing to worry about, your Alpha is gonna take care of you.’ He was nervous for a moment before he was suddenly overwhelmed with her excitement before she leapt into his arms and wrapped around him tightly.
‘I can make us a nest, a real one and a home, I’ll make it perfect! I promise, you’ll love it, it’ll be-‘
‘I believe you. I’ll buy you all the nesting materials you want. We can pack our things today and I’ll take you to go see it, we’ll make sure we have everything we need before your heat starts.’ Y/n kissed him softly and he could feel how much this all meant to her before he felt her hesitation again. ‘What is it?’
‘I…what are we gonna do, we’re both in school. I don’t know about you but I’m flat broke, my parents made me spend my money on getting a degree I never wanted because “Omegas don’t stay home anymore Y/F/n”.’ She imitated her parents in a sassy, teasing voice and he smiled.
‘The house is paid off, so is the car, and my father left me everything. Honestly I could probably live on it forever, but we’re definitely fine until I graduate…you can stay home if you want?’ He offered, hoping he wasn’t offending her. ‘I just mean if you don’t want to continue college, I want to take care of you, my love. If you want to get a job that’s fine, if you want to stay home and cook and clean, it’s all your choice. If you want to be a stay at home mom and have 2 or 5 or 17 little pups running around, your choice.’ She looked stunned as tears rose to her eyes.
‘You’re letting me choose? All that money for school and you don’t care if I just quit?’
‘Do you like it? Do you want to have a job that you go to everyday? Omegas can do whatever they want now a days but you don’t have to, I’ll take care of you if-‘ She cut him off as she jumped to press her lips to his roughly. ‘Well, I suppose we’ll have to withdrawal you from school then.’ He joked and she grinned, his hands holding her waist as he nuzzled into her neck, tempted to dig his fangs into her scent gland but resisting until she was ready, no matter how much strength it took. ‘You just relax love, I’ll get you some clothes while I pack.’
Klaus allowed her to rest in his bed, kissing her neck once more before jumping up and moving to grab his suit case and duffel bag from the closet, packing everything he owned that he would need.
He couldn’t believe what he was doing. He knew his father had left him everything for this exact purpose but when he read the will, he never in a million years believed it would happen. His family laughed at him for wanting his own Omega, not just Mikael but his siblings too, and now here he is taking care of his Omega. He would be the best Alpha that ever existed, he would make sure of it, but first he needed to get her somewhere safe before her heat starts and that means protecting her until they get there.
He packed his bags as quickly as he could, knowing much of his stuff was already there since that’s where he goes on weekends to be alone after school, only coming home when he needs to. ‘Come on Princess, let’s get to your dorm and get your things.’ She had put on one of his shirts and tied a pair of pajama pants around her waist to make her smell like him, and it comforted her to know that no one in that school would touch her with an Alphas scent this strong unless they were suicidal.
He refused to let her help him carry his things other than a few of the canvas’ he still had here and he ignored his hung over siblings as they questioned him on the way out. Klaus piled up his bags and lifted his Omega into the truck he had inherited from his father (one that came in very handy for whenever he took place in an art show and needed to carefully transport his pieces) before driving towards the school. He found himself rushing there, giddy on the inside at the idea of taking his Omega home and making her happy. He knew she would love the bed, it was a soft, giant California King with a memory foam mattress and he had to admit, the Alpha in him had been shopping for his future Omega when he picked it, and though it had felt a bit stupid then, he was glad for it now.
Klaus lifted her back out of the truck and didn’t want to take his hands off of her, so he didn’t as he kept his arm around her shoulders and held her close. ‘You’ll have to stand outside the doorway, I bunk with another Omega and since we’re not fully mated I can’t let you into her room.’
‘I understand, I wouldn’t want to make her uncomfortable. As long as I can see you, it’s alright.’ Klaus wouldn’t want to make another Omega scared for no reason and having a strange Alpha in your room, near your nest, he’s sure it would be very jarring to her. She quickly unlocked her door and he leaned on the doorframe as she walked in. It was a large dorm room and he could see her room mate in her nest with her headphones on and he looked away quickly, not knowing how she would feel about her nest while he’s here.
‘I should just take everything, shouldn’t I?’ Y/n asked him and he nodded. ‘Okay. That’s easy…should I bring my nest or do you want to get new stuff?’ She was packing all of her clothes into a suitcase as she asked, along with her electronics to keep them from breaking.
‘If there’s some of it you don’t want to lose then yes, bring it. However I will get you whatever you want for our nest Princess, we can do that on the way home if you want so you won’t need to go out again?’ He offered and she grinned, clearly excited about that.
‘Are you going somewhere with him?’ Another voice suddenly spoke and Klaus realized it was her room mate.
‘I’m moving in with my Alpha, yes. Go back to your studying.’ Y/n rolled her eyes and he wondered why she didn’t seem to like her room mate as she moved both suitcases out to him before packing the rest of her things in a backpack.
‘You’re just leaving? What will your parents say?’ She questioned, condescendingly and he didn’t like it. He wanted to smack this girl for speaking to his Omega that way.
‘Nothing, because they don’t know and they won’t until I’m already mated and dropped out. Keep your nose out of my business.’ Y/n warned, clearly angered by this girl.
‘Your mother won’t be happy. Another Omega just giving herself over to an Alpha to control and use as he wants, and you’re just allowing it with no fight?’ Her roommate seemed to be one of those pretentious Omegas that believed if you weren’t actively trying to become a CEO with just as much power as an Alpha and keeping your womb empty that you were a waste of space as an Omega.
‘I don’t want to fight. I never wanted this, I’m perfectly happy where I am, thank you-‘
‘And you? You’re okay with just ruining her future? Using her as a house slave and a baby maker, something to fuck whenever you please with no regard for her-‘ Suddenly Y/n had her hand around her roommates throat and she was baring her fangs in her face.
‘Don’t you ever address my Alpha like that again, do you understand me?! He’s Mine! And if I want to be his Omega and make my Alpha happy then that’s my choice, if you don’t want that, it’s your choice! It shouldn’t matter what I want as long as it’s my choice to make, I never wanted to be like you. So you go ahead, call my parents and tattle on me, maybe you can be their new daughter, Lord knows they would have been proud to have you.’ She released the girl and Klaus sighed in relief. ‘If you so much as look at him again, I will claw your eyes out.’
Her roommate was terrified. She was a pompous asshole, but also an Omega that banked on no one being willing to physically assault an Omega. ‘Let’s go Princess, do you have everything?’
‘Yeah, we can go.’ She grabbed a comforter before exiting the room and allowing Klaus to grab all of her bags and escort her back to the truck where he packed everything. They made a quick stop at the admin office so that she could willingly drop out before Klaus was helping her back into the truck and beginning the 30 minute drive to his house…their house. ‘Damn!’ She cursed as her phone started to ring and Klaus held her hand as he continued driving.
‘What is it?’
‘My mother. Danielle would have called her, they get along great. My mom doesn’t think Omegas should give into their instincts to submit to an Alpha, she believes they should all go to school and get jobs and strive to show people that Omegas are more than human fuck dolls. She was always disgusted with the fact that I wanted to have a family with my Alpha and take care of our pups.’ Klaus listened carefully, hating how miserable his girl sounded.
‘I guess that’s a negative on her liking me then?’ Y/n snorted and he felt happy that he could make her laugh right now. ‘Are you going to answer?’ He asked but she shook her head as the phone stopped. ‘Okay, it’s your choice Princess. The house is a 10 minute drive up the mountains, so we should stop here and get the nesting supplies you want. It’s a great store for that, I got all the bedding from here and I know you’re going to love the bed.’
‘I can fix it, right?’
‘Of course. It’s all yours, take everything off and start fresh, we’ll get new sheets if you’d like. Anything you want, it’s yours. Well stop at that grocery store quickly after so that I can get some stuff to make dinner. We can do an online order after that and have it delivered so we can be quick.’ He parked outside the store and Y/n waited until he came around to help her out, seemingly knowing that’s what he wanted and it made Klaus smile as he set her on her feet.
‘Nothing. I just love you so much already…you’re perfect.’ Her cheeks tinted a dark pink and he pulled her close, nuzzling into her hair.
‘You are too, perfect Alpha. You’re everything I ever wanted and I love you. Gonna make you so happy Alpha, I promise.’ Her fingers tucked under his shirt and touched his warm skin, trailing up his back which he quickly pulled away from.
‘You already have baby, but you need to stop that or this parking lot is going to get a show.’ She giggled, taking his hand and pulling him to the store, starting in the pillow section. She ended up getting 8 of the softest pillows he’s ever felt, along with 2 body pillows and dark grey bamboo pillow cases. ‘Why not silk?’ He wondered, knowing most women would pick that.
‘Silk is great for your hair, helps it not get knotted when you’re asleep but it’s an awful feeling in heat, it doesn’t mix well with sweat when your overwhelmed and overstimulated. My mom always insisted on silk and it made my heats worse since she refused to let me choose my own bedding when I suffered through my first few heats. My mother is a control freak if you can’t tell, which is why I try very hard not to be…except about this. I need to control this.’ He could tell she was nervous about that explanation and he moved to hold her to him once again.
‘I will never argue over the nesting materials. I may ask questions, but the choice is yours. I know many Omegas have tactile issues with materials, I don’t, there is nothing for you to worry about. Alright?’ She nodded, kissing him quickly.
‘Thank you Nik. I really appreciate it.’ He went back to pushing the cart as she grabbed a set of matching sheets.
‘We should grab a few of those. I may be changing the sheets multiple times while you’re in heat, it’s better to have back ups.’ He grabbed 2 more and was quickly amused as he watched his Omega feeling all the blankets and choosing ones that were correct, making grossed out faces as she felt materials she hated. She had chosen 2 black oversized throw blankets that was a faux fur texture. He had to admit it felt like real fur with how soft it was and he knew those would be her favorites to snuggle up in, grabbing a third just to keep in the hall closet in case. He watched her pick 2 comforters and about 10 more blankets before declaring that she was finished, Klaus quickly adding a weighted blanket to the mix, hoping that it would make his Omega comfortable while he was in school if she ever needed it.
He didn’t allow her to see the total at checkout since he knew she would become anxious and he quickly packed everything into the trunk before escorting her into the grocery store. They grabbed a few things they could cook for meals as well as a bunch of drinks (Klaus insisting she get several kinds of juice she liked as well as water to stay hydrated during her heat) and more snacks than he thinks they could eat in a week. He is very wrong as he’s never seen an Omega during her heat…or after.
His Omega enjoyed the drive up into the mountains towards their house, happily watching the trees go by and clearly loving the tranquility. They had just finished bringing everything inside, Y/n becoming obsessed with the bed, when her phone rang again. She looked up at him as he was opening the sheets and blankets, getting them ready to get washed before they could build the nest.
‘It’s your choice Princess, but you’ll need to do it eventually just like I will. It’ll take longer for my family to notice though.’ He joked but she didn’t smile before answering the phone and putting it on speaker.
‘Hey mom.’ She greeted and she was instantly met with a shrill voice.
‘Don’t you “hey mom” me! Danielle called! She says you’ve found your Alpha, is that true?!’ The older women demanded.
‘Yes mom, it’s true. I’ve found him and he’s wonderful, I really like him-‘
‘You think I care about that?! Y/F/n, you will reject that man right now and get your ass back to school! You have a test to study for!’ Klaus’ eyes widened as he heard how her mother was talking to her, forcing her to reject her mate? That’s cruel, not to mention illegal, you can’t force anyone to reject a mate, let alone an Omega!
‘Mom, I’m not rejecting him. I’m moving in with him, we want to start a life together-‘
‘I will Not have it! I didn’t put all the effort and energy into raising you for you to become a weak, subservient Omega! Get your ass back to school or I will come and make you myself.’ Klaus could see the tears in her eyes and he moved to hold her to his chest as she was unable to hold it in anymore. ‘Oh, stop your crying! Those fake tears didn’t work when you were a child and they won’t work now-‘
‘Enough!’ Klaus shouted, not willing to listen anymore. ‘They’re not fake tears, they’re very real! An Omegas hormones are different than yours so don’t you dare pretend you understand how she feels, especially when her mother is belittling her as if she and her opinions mean nothing! You will Never speak to her like that again!’
Her mother didn’t respond right away, seemingly shocked that someone spoke up. ‘Y/n, how dare you allow him to speak to me that way, you will get away from that man right now-‘
‘No she won’t. She wants to be here, and I know that because I asked her! I made sure that being with me and moving in with me was what she wanted before I forced her into something that made her miserable, unlike you. If she didn’t want me I would have accepted that rejection but thank God I don’t need to.’ He muted the phone quickly and looked at Y/n who was sobbing into his shirt. ‘Do you want me to take care of this, if you don’t, tell me now.’ She nodded quickly into his chest.
‘Please? I can’t, Please Alpha?’ He nodded his head, kissing her hairline and allowing her to continue clinging to him.
‘I will call the police! Put out a missing persons report and-‘
‘You’re welcome to if you must, however I will just take her to the station and explain that her insane, controlling, batshit crazy mother is trying to force her to reject her Alpha because she wants to live vicariously through her Omega child. Y/n is an adult and you cannot control her anymore and as soon as the police find out she’s not missing and you know it, you’ll be charged for filing a false police report, and if you keep it up after that, then we will get a restraining order. You will never speak to my Omega like that again, I will not allow anyone to treat her like that. She is a Princess and she doesn’t deserve it! She has dropped out of school, school that she paid for herself and I will be paying off the loans so don’t you worry about that, you won’t be inconvenienced again. Y/n has moved in with me, stopped her suppressants and we are planning to start a family, if you and your husband want to be a part of that then I will await your apology to my girl, an apology she will receive if you want to ever meet your grand kids. Until then, don’t you ever call this number again.’ With that, Klaus quickly hung up and turned the phone off, holding his Omega to him tighter.
‘Thank you! I’m so sorry, I didn’t-‘
‘No apologies from anyone but her my love. You’ve done nothing wrong. She should never speak to you like that and I promise she never will again. You’re safe Baby.’ Her sniffles came to a stop as he kissed her before having her help him do the laundry to take her mind off of it. They washed all of the bedding they had gotten, unpacking their things in the bedroom and closet and making a list together of all of the things they would need to get, making them both feel like a real married couple already which they couldn’t help but laugh at.
His Omega settled into their nest as soon as everything was washed, fixing it so delicately that he couldn’t look away, it was fascinating to watch. Like an artist sculpting something unique out of clay and while Klaus had never seen another couples nest before, it’s considered rude, he knew that his Omegas was truly unique. He waited until she pulled him into it before snuggling up and napping with his girl, waking up just in time to make dinner and spend the evening on a movie marathon.
Klaus realized as they settled down for the evening in their nest that he wouldn’t be going anywhere for the next few days, able to smell the change in his Omegas scent already. It’s not often that an Omegas heat starts this quickly after meeting their Alpha but if nothing else, they had proved that their bond was quite strong. He sent a message to their school and informed them that he wouldn’t be there this week and he also sent one to Elijah to ensure none of his siblings came to the house to see him upon realizing he was gone as they had many times before. He knew Y/n would be needy and too desperate to care much about who was around and he couldn’t even imagine how possessive he would be while his Omega is in heat.
God forbid anyone visit while he’s tending to her, he can’t begin to imagine how badly that would end…
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marshallpupfan · 1 month ago
Movie 3 Predictions
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Ever since it got announced, people have been predicting what the third theatrical film will be like. Now that both a leak and an official source has informed us that A) Marshall will be the focus and B) dinosaurs are involved, even more predictions have popped up. Well, I figure I might as well throw some of my own out there. Besides, it's been a while since I've made one of my trademark lengthy posts. 😇
I'm going to try and not go crazy with these. I'm just going to post the ones that jump out at me. Admittedly, it feels like a lot of us have thought the same thing, so some of these might not be anything new.
In any case, here are my predictions. Due to the length of this post, some of the more important parts will be highlighted, in case you prefer to just skim through all of this.
The leak mentioned Mayor Humdinger will be involved. I think he'll find the dinosaurs, and ultimately, he'll try to exploit them. He'll round them all up and transport them back to Adventure City, where he'll hold his new "Hum-Dino-Topia" theme park! Naturally, things will go wrong, the dinosaurs will get loose, and they'll cause all kinds of havoc for the finale. Cue the PAW Patrol to save the day.
Marshall, despite not being all that clumsy in the previous films (especially The Mighty Movie), will suddenly be very clumsy in this one. It'll affect his confidence at points, he'll mess things up during one of the missions, and someone will get mad and question if he deserves to be a part of the PAW Patrol. Maybe he'll even run away, like in "Pups Save a Friend", before returning for the finale.
The metadata in a leaked file, as well as that voice actor audition thing seeking someone with a disability to voice a pup who uses a wheelchair, strongly suggests Rex, from Dino Rescue, will be in the film. Nothing's officially yet, but the evidence is pretty good so far. In any case, if he is involved, I imagine that, like the TV series, he'll be living with the dinosaurs, possibly for most of his life. He might have gadgets, but like his wheelchair, it'll all be crude, until he gets a big upgrade once he becomes a member of the PAW Patrol.
Also, unlike the TV series, the dinosaurs will be on an island, and not some location you have to get to via a cave. Also also, much like The Mighty Movie ignoring 2018's Mighty Pups, I think the movie will flat-out ignore the TV series' continuity again, so everyone will act like this is the first time they've met Rex and seen dinosaurs.
Folks are wondering how they'll address removing the pups' superpowers from The Mighty Movie. Honestly? This might sound cynical, but I think they'll just flat-out ignore it, much like how the TV series quickly moves on from each subseries. They had powers one moment, now they don't. At best, we might get an explanation, but it'll be brief ("It's a shame the crystals ran out of power and now we can't use them anymore.")
Marshall will likely get a backstory. What do I hope we get? Marshall had a rough time because of his clumsiness, and people were mean to him and laughed at the pup a lot. It became too much for him, and with a face full of tears, he ran away. He later stumbled upon (perhaps into) Ryder, and the boy took him in. Despite his new owner, Marshall continued to struggle, which resulted in Chase taking him under his paw to help the Dalmatian. During this time, the two became close, practically like brothers, and his encouragement, love and support helped Marshall to not only do better, but to prove to everyone who ever laughed at or doubted him that they were wrong. In time, he became the firefighter we know today, making both Chase and Ryder proud. Now, what do I expect? Nobody took Marshall seriously because of his clumsiness, he tried to do something dangerous to prove himself, he nearly died, Ryder saved him, and talking about his past right before the finale helps him move on and find the confidence to succeed during the last mission. We won't get any more than that, and it'll more or less follow the basic blueprints as Chase and Skye's backstories.
Given this is Marshall's movie, I expect a massive fire will break out during the finale, which will threaten both humans and the dinosaurs that got loose. Marshall will likely doubt himself at one point, but he'll pull through, figure out a brilliant plan to extinguish the fire(s), and the day will be saved. (I don't expect this at all, but maybe Chase will get wounded and trapped by the fire, making things all the more personal and emotional for Marshall.)
The Poms will be absent. At best, they might get a cameo, reacting to the dinosaurs loose in Adventure City or something.
Liberty will no doubt show up, but I think she'll get less screen time here. She'll stay behind to watch over Adventure City when the pups go to dinosaur island, and then she'll help out during the finale (to guide people to safety and whatnot).
Victoria Vance won't be present at all. If anything, a new villain will pop up to help Mayor Humdinger. Probably a female baddie.
As for the other pups who aren't in the focus? I think Chase will get plenty of attention, and he'll be up front in a mission or two (sadly, I don't think the movie will acknowledge the fact he's best friends with Marshall). Skye will get a bunch of time in the spotlight, due to making sure they get plenty of girl representation in the film. Rubble will still get most of the comedic moments, and he'll ride on top of a dinosaur at some point, to reference that season 2 episode. Rocky will help, but I can't see him getting any huge involvement in the plot, outside of a few rescues. Zuma will get a cool moment, and maybe he'll even save a human or dinosaur in the water, but I don't think he'll get to take out another villain again.
That's about all I have right now. If you have any comments, opinions, or predictions of your own, let me know!
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demonsslayersstuff · 2 months ago
Memory Lane (past Erwin Smith x Reader, Levi Ackerman x Reader)
Description: A fic about how the reader copes and moves on from death. Past Erwin x Reader and Levi x Reader as reader moves on. (More of a hinted Levi x Reader, it’s not really the focus) This was inspired by the AOT song Memory Lane. I tried to follow the canon timeline as much as possible with a little bit of creative freedom.
Warnings: Angst, grief, anger, depression, Character Death, comfort, moving on, mentions of injuries.
A/N: Firstly I am so sorry I have not posted in a while. Life has just been so busy. I will keep posting fics, but it’s gonna be some lengthy time in between posting. Anyway….I wanted to try writing a bit more of an angsty and slow burn fic, so keep in mind it is a bit depressing at times, but I did end it on a lighter note. Also I’m sorry if it’s not the best. I tried, but the ending isn’t the best. Enjoy and thank you for the support!
Can’t you see how much we lost? Thousands now have gone. But still we’re alive, now where we wanna be?
The vast expanse of blue is all that your brain can comprehend at the moment. In all of your wildest dreams, you had never imagined that you'd be standing here, seeing the "ocean" in person. You had never doubted your partners endless rants about there being an outside world, but now that you were seeing it, it was hard for you to fully grasp. So as the others race to rip their shoes off, the need to feel the water against their skin their top priority, you remain rooted in a complete standstill. The longer you stared, the more you came to realize how color of the water matched the hue of Erwin's eyes nearly perfectly, knocking the wind out of you. He’d never gotten to see this sight, races through your mind before you can stop it. Being in the Survey Corps you’d know death, experienced it first hand countless times, had managed to keep it together. But his death was different. It was like a tidal wave of grief, just as you thought you were getting better, the strong current sucked you backed in, drowning you. You were unable to prevent the salty tears that had slipped down your cheek, but you didn’t want to cry, not here, not now. So you took a deep breath and closed your eyes, hoping the pain would pass quickly.
“You ok?”, comes a familiar voice, one that you hadn’t heard in the past few weeks. You open your eyes, turning left to look down briefly at Levi. “I’m ok”, you mutter, unable to disguise the venom your voice held. You knew deep down Erwin’s death was not his fault, but you still hadn’t forgiven him for giving Armin the Titan serum. You honestly weren’t sure you ever will. An uneasy silence falls between the two of you, both unsure of what to say. So, the two of you simply stand silently, watching as the others goof off in the water for a time. The sun begins to sink below the horizon when you finally break the silence. “He never got to see this”, you say nearly inaudibly, but you know Levi heard you. You look into his steely blue eyes for a moment before stepping away, heading back towards the horses. “I’m sorry”, Levi says, much too quietly as the sunlight begins to slip away.
I’ll be here waiting for you, hope you find the way. Our home, sweetest home, you will come back to me.
“Are you sure you wanna do this?”, Hange asks, eyeing you carefully. “No one would blame you if you wanted to sit this one out”, they continue. You sigh deeply, taking some time to ponder your thoughts. “There’s nothing left for me here. Besides we both know Erwin would have immediately planned a mission to see whatever is out there. So please let me do this”, you plead. Hange is quiet for a second before, “Very well, it won’t be today or probably even next week, but I promise you’ll be on that first mission”, they tell you. “Thank you”, you say, relief washing over you, happy to be able to live part of Erwin’s dream. “Before you go. I found something, something I think he would have wanted you to have”, Hange says, tone softer.
You glance at them curiously for a moment, watching as they placed a small dark satin box down on the desk. “Not that my words really mean anything, but he cared for you deeply”, Hange continues, choosing their words carefully. “I know had he not….aside from the Corps, you were Erwin’s world. He loved you and I’m sorry I’m the one that’s giving you this and not him”, they finish, the atmosphere now somber. You slowly reach out, carefully touching the smooth box, too scared to open it. “Thank you”, you manage to say evenly. You grab the small box, slipping it into your pocket before standing up, quietly dismissing yourself. As you step into the hall you nearly run into Levi, presumably on his way to speak to Hange, but you don't stop to apologize. You scurry down the hall, hoping to make it back to your room before another round of tears begins. Levi simply watches you go, knowing it was best to leave you alone for now.
In the wind, echoes of you. Let me know, memory lane. I wore the coat, the one you gave to me, meet me here.
The years had passed slowly and quickly at the same time. One year turned into two and then two years turned into five years without Erwin. So much had changed, the world you'd both know was completely gone. While time had begun to heal your wounds, seeing people who lived outside of the wall, the technology they brought with them was still painful to witness at times. The scouting trip to Marley was what finally pushed you to come to terms with reality. It was time to look towards the future.
You reach out and brush the old dirty brown leaves off of the grave that you were kneeling in front of. You fingers linger on his name etched into the now weathered stone. "Hey blondie", you begin, using his old nickname. In the beginning, Erwin had hated the name, but over time he had come to love it, turning it into a term of endearment, one that was only used behind closed doors. "This will probably be the last time I come here, it’s time…I need to let you go", you continue, you knew you weren't coming back. You'd made that decision after the world you knew had crumble before your very eyes. You couldn’t keep holding on to the past. Your hand moves to touch the necklace that rested on the hallow part of your throat, Erwin's final gift to you. "I wish you could have gotten to see all of this, but I know that you are here with me always", you finish. You take steading breath before leaning to kiss the stone briefly. "Goodbye Erwin", you murmur against the cool marble before standing up. You slowly walk back up the path towards the barracks. You pause, looking back towards the graveyard, taking in one final look. The past is the past, it's time to look towards the future, you think, knowing there was one last place to visit before you left.
A short while you knock on his door and when he gruffly says “Enter”, you take a calming breath. When the door opens and he sees that it’s you, Levi’s eyebrow shoots up quizzically for a second, but his face falls neutral again. “Surprised to see you here”, Levi comments. “I wanted to talk”, you say, standing awkwardly near his nearly empty desk. You weren’t the only one who seemed to be tying up loose ends. “So talk, I need to leave soon”, he replies dryly. Since that day on the beach years ago, the two of you had been indifferent. Back when Erwin was alive, you’d considered Levi one of your closest friends, but that all changed. You knew things would never be the same, but regardless you wanted to try. “I’m sorry”, you start. Levi looks up at you, face still indifferent. “After Erwin died I struggled, I was angry and I wanted to blame someone. That someone became you and it wasn’t fair. I was grieving my partner, but I forgot that you also lost one of your closest friends”, you continue, eyes staring down at the floor. “Things will never be the same, but I wanted you to know that I don’t blame you. Erwin died on his own terms”, you finish. The room fills with silence. You move your eyes to look at his face before you step towards his desk and place the green cloak you’d been holding down. “He would have wanted you to have this. I’ll see you tomorrow”, you say before you leave his office as quickly as you walked in.
Levi stares at the door for a moment once it’s shut before his eyes fall down to his desk. “I forgive you”, he mumbles before deeply sighing. Tomorrow would be a new chapter in both of your lives, whatever would happen he knew the were on the same team.
Life back then was simpler. Now it's not the same. The part you would play was so unthinkable . Feels likе only yesterday. I sat herе with you. We were in our hearts to be invincible.
“Levi”, you say, voice filled full of emotion as dread fills your body. Never had you seen him this injured before. He was humanities strongest soldier, he was the epitome of what a soldier in the scouts regiment should be. But as you finally reach him, that image fades away. You eyes scan his body, carefully assessing which wounds where the most fatal, trying to figure out where to start.
“Here”, Hange says, handing you what you assume is a medical kit, as they come to crouch next you. “Jesus fuck”, they mumble, moving to cut away what was left of his burnt uniform. “I’ll stitch the face, you take the chest and hand”, you tell Hange, trying your best to stay neutral, knowing Levi would never forgive you if you let your emotions take over. “Got it”, Hange says, opening the kit, pulling out various supplies. The two of you work quickly, cleaning the wounds, hearing the occasional groans that fall from Levi’s mouth, though he remains unconscious. “I can’t save the eye…I’ll need to stitch it up to stop the bleeding”, you tell Hange, tone frustrated. “Yeah well his fingers are long gone. Right now it’s about saving his life, not about keeping him pretty”, they reply, tone bleak.
With the stitching done, the two of you wrapped his wounds with the sterile bandages, knowing there was nothing else to be done. “I’m going to do a quick scout”, Hange says, pulling on their green cloak. “Stay here, keep an eye on Levi, I’ll be back soon”, they finish before disappearing into the now dark woods. You stay close to Levi, keeping a watchful eye on the steady rise and fall of his chest, still worried he could succumb to his injuries. The worry only slightly fades when his hoarse voice breaks the silent evening air. “Y/N”, he croaks, trying to sit up. You’re quick to push him back down. “Stop, you need to rest”, you tell him, trying hard to keep your voice steady.
Levi lays back down, his good eye catching your face. “Zeke?”, he questions. “Got away”, you reply, watching anger seep into his visible features. “Don’t worry, we’ll get him”, you continue, trying to reassure him. “Not exactly gonna happen if we kept lounging around”, Levi responds curtly. You could hear the frustration and disappointment in his voice. He’d failed Erwin again, the one promise he’d made him that he hasn’t be able to keep. “We aren’t lounging. You need to reciprocate. You nearly fucking died Levi”, you say taking the opportunity to check his bandages, making sure they remained in place.
“I wish I had”, slips from his mouth before he can even stop himself.
“What?”, you say, turning to look at him. “Y/N-” he starts but you cut him off. “How dare you fucking say that. We’ve all had shitty lives Levi, we’ve all lost people we cared about”, you start, voice raised. “But that’s the job! So sorry I saved your life. Maybe you forgot that I care for you, and I didn’t want to lose you either”, you continue, your emotions taking control, tears gathering in your eyes. “I can’t lose you, not after Erwin”, you finish, voice falling quiet, the last part barely audible. You were angry, angry that Zeke got away and Levi was nearly killed in the process. When was this hell going to end, you think as you try to calm yourself down. A weak, but steady hand grips your own, bringing you out of your thoughts. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean like that, I’m just so…tired” Levi says. “I know, I just, don’t know what I’d do without you”, you tell him honestly.
Before Levi has a chance to respond Hange comes back. “Sorry to break up this little party, but we’ve got things to do”, they say slightly out of breath. It’s only when Hange comes closer to the fire that you see the make shift wagon they brought with them. “That for me”, Levi asks. “Yep, first light we move out. We need to back to base and reassess”, they reply coming to sit down next to you. “It’s time to get rid of these Jeagerists”, Hange continues, tone darker. The conversation falls into somber silence, the true meaning of their words sinking in. Tomorrow was going to be a long day.
In the wind. Echoes of you. Let me know. Memory lane. I wore the coat. The one you gave to me. Meet me here.
Thick mist fills your vision as you try to find the others. You move slowly, limping forward as you try to gain your bearings. As you continue to move forward you see a figure in the distance. You quicken the pace when you see some blond hair, thinking Armin was just up ahead. “Armin we..”, you start but the words die in your mouth as the figure comes into the full view. “Erwin”, you whisper, pain laced in your voice. His blue eyes lock onto yours for a moment. It was as if time were frozen. He looked so young, almost carefree. You watch as a smile breaks out across his face, before his fist comes to rest on his heart. “Erwin”, you say again, moving to reach out towards him, but before you can touch him, he slips away like a distant memory after a moment of clarity.
Just then the mist fades and the sunlight peaks through the clouds and the reality of what happens finally sinks in. The war was over and you had survived. You fall to your knees with a strangled cry. You had survived. As that phrase repeats through your mind, you wonder who else has survived and that’s when he finally enters your mind. “Levi”, you say quietly at first, standing up. “Levi”, you repeat, this time shouting as you move quickly across the barren landscape. “Lev-” you begin but stop as you take in the form of someone sitting up against some rocks. You run closer and relief instantly hits your body as you see that it is Levi.
“Levi”, you shout again as you race towards him. Your body slams into him with a forceful thud, knocking the wind out of both of you. “Fuck”, he mutters as you wrap your arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug. “Sorry”, you say as you move back. “I just can’t believe that we’re alive”, you say breathless. “Calm down”, Levi mutters, but even you can hear the relief in his voice. You move to sit next him, now in no rush to leave, knowing that Levi can’t walk with his injured leg, but also knowing that someone would eventually find you.
It’s quiet for a time before, “Levi?”, you ask softly. “What?”, he murmurs back. “What happens now?”, you question, turning to look at him. He looks at you for a moment before shrugging his shoulder. “No fucking clue”, he responds a bit a later. “All I know is that I’m done with this shit”, he continues. “Will you go back?”, you ask him, softly as more time passes. “Nope, I need a fresh a start. Something else, something new”, Levi responds, choosing his words carefully. “What about you?”, he asks. You shrug your shoulders. “I said my goodbyes. There’s nothing left for me there” you say turning to look at him. His dark blue eye looks into yours. “Do you want to…try this new life together?”, you ask him quietly. Levi closes his eyes and leans his head back against the rock. “As long your ok with me no longer being humanities strongest soldier”, he mutters. You chuckle slightly, “You know that was never important to me”, you mumble, your hand falling down, placed between the two of you. “I know”, Levi replies quietly before his hand falls on top of yours, squeezing it gently. The war was finally over, you were ready to start a new chapter in your life, this time with Levi in it.
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archangeldyke-all · 8 months ago
Consider, if you will.
Sevika with a transfem reader who's super flirty and playful, but who tends to get skittish around intimacy despite being vocally down bad for Sevika and craving the woman.
loveeee this! (couldn't tell if u wanted a smutty ending or not, so i went for the safe route and did no smut. if u want a smutty part 2 lmk!!)
disclaimer! i'm cis, so please lmk if there's any mistakes or missteps and i'll fix them asap!
men and minors dni
"can i ask you something?" sevika asks.
you turn to look up at her from where your head's resting in her lap. "anything." you say honestly. sevika smiles down at you.
"d'you really mean all that shit you tease me about?" she asks.
you blink up at your best friend in confusion. "what shit?"
"y'know... when you flirt with me." she whispers. her eyes are distant and her lips are downturned. it's rare that you see sevika so vulnerable, and the sight makes you sit up and wrap your arm around her shoulders. "do you mean all that stuff you say?" she asks.
you gulp and nod. "of course i mean it, sev, you're the most attractive person i've ever met in my life."
sevika studies you with a furrowed brow. "really?" she asks skeptically.
your heart drops. never in a million years did you think sevika didn't take your compliments seriously. if you'd have known she was so insecure, you would've been ten times more clear. "of course, sev." you whisper, squeezing her shoulder. "i dunno if you've noticed, sevika, but i'm kinda obsessed with you."
she snorts and tilts her head, studying you some more. "how come you never do anything about it, then?" she asks.
it's like the breath gets knocked out of your lungs. you blink owlishly at your best friend, trying to collect your racing thoughts. "what?" you ask.
"you say you're so obsessed with me, but you get all weird when i try to, like, put the moves on you." she whispers, looking away from you shyly.
"wh-what!?" you ask. "you've been putting the moves on me?!" you ask.
sevika chuckles a bit and shrugs. "i've been trying, but... you get all weird." she says.
you take a deep breath and try your best to calm your nerves, before reaching out and grabbing sevika's hand. "well, i... i didn't know." you whisper. "that you feel the same. and..." you trail off, but sevika doesn't interrupt you. she just squeezes your fingers and waits patiently for you to finish your thought. "it's different, y'know... when you're trans." you whisper.
sevika nods a bit, squeezes your fingers again. "you know i would never treat you differently because of that." she whispers.
you gulp and try to keep the tears from welling up in your eyes at her words. you do know that, but knowing is one thing, and hearing her say it is another. "i know." you whisper. "it's just... harder. it's easy to flirt and make you blush and get all flustered-- i can't get my heart broken from that. but... sev, you've got my heart in the palm of your hand. you could crush it so easily." your voice is wobbly and quiet. sevika sniffles, and you're shocked to see that a few tears have fallen down her own cheeks. "oh, sev." you coo, reaching out to grab her face.
"i'm in love with you." sevika whispers. she keeps on talking, but for a few moments all you can hear is ringing in your ear as you try to process her first words. "--don't care how long i have to wait to have you i'll wait forever, i just love you so much and i needed you to kno--mph!"
you cut her off by launching yourself in her arms and pressing your lips to hers.
the pair of you kiss and cry and laugh against one another for nearly half an hour before you finally pull away with a gasp and blink down at sevika's sparkling eyes.
"i'm in love with you too, in case you didn't notice." you say. sevika grins up at you.
"c-cool." she says lamely. you burst into laughter and nod down at the woman beneath you.
"yeah. cool." you agree.
@fyeahnix @lavendersgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner
@shimtarofstupidity @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther
@ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai
@glass-apothecary @macaroni676 @artinvain @realgreeniebeanie @k3n-dyll
@sevsdollette @ellieslob @xayn-xd @keikuahh @maneskinwh0re
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