#it helps with inspo and position placement
bluesidez · 5 months
I have not taken a twt p link but I’m curious to see what you have. 👁️ (I absently thought about make a twt p link masterpost for all of my different Miguels, but I’m kind of scared lowkey.)
And thank you!! 🩵🩵 That’s sweet of you to say!
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illustromic · 2 years
My thoughts on drawing wings (an unofficial tutorial)
Do you want to get better at drawing your favorite winged character? Do you have winged OCs? Just want to learn something new? I can't promise this post will help, but maybe it'll give you some helpful tips.
I know, I knowww, wing tutorials have been done to death. I don't care. This was initially inspired by a conversation on twitter, but actually I've wanted to write down my notes on the topic for a long time lol. Basically wings are one of my special interests so it's very important, for me, to draw them both nicely and also realistically.
On that note, let me first show you my resume *distant sound of floodgates opening*
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Like what you see? Read on! (Oh, and I will only be covering feathered/avian wings bc those are the type I know best.)
Now, I'm not here to give you a step-by-step guide on wing anatomy and aerodynamics, because there are plenty of other resources that cover this already, and I'll list my faves at the end of the post. Right now, I'm going to give you some easy guidelines and tricks that I wish more artists knew.
1: Wings do, in fact, have bones (crazy, I know) and are actually very rigid because they have to support the weight of a living creature. There are some positions you cannot physically force a wing into irl.
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2: Flight feathers are not placed willy-nilly on the wing, because then they wouldn't catch the air properly. Again, like the bones, they are rigid and strong, so don't draw them like fur or ribbons. All wings have the same pattern of feather placement, with slight variation depending on species. If you learn the feather sections, it will automatically improve your drawings a lot.
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2.5: Feathers overlap each other like a handful of playing cards, and this looks different depending on which side of the wing you're drawing. They always do this unless they're extremely untidy.
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3: The size of the wingspan is important if you're going for a more realistic design. There is no "scientifically accurate" measurement when it comes to fictional creatures, but my general rule is when in doubt, you probably need to make them bigger. Personally, for my original winged human species, I give them wings that can be up to 12 feet long each (the artistic sacrifice is that it's really hard to fit the wings on the dang page lmao, so make your own call).
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4: Get used to drawing folded wings. Most of the time, birds keep their wings folded because it prevents them from getting damaged and it conserves energy. The trick is to get good at visualizing how the joints bend and overlap (look at plenty of photos!) In general, they can fold much tighter than you think.
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5: Wings and feathers take a lot of patience to draw, but the results are worth it. I've seen so so many incredibly beautiful and skillful artworks that are---well, maybe not ruined, but still negatively affected by a pair of wings that look like an afterthought, or not even like wings at all. You have no idea how much a little extra time and practice will add to your work until you see for yourself.
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Finally, some notes on "stylized" wings: Of course it's perfectly ok to draw more simplified/cartoony wings if that's your preference!! BUT there is a difference between a stylistic choice and a lack of effort/poor understanding of the subject matter. Even cartoonists have to learn the fundamentals of realism so they know how to make their designs logical and appealing. Here are some examples of more stylized wings that I feel retain the core principles of anatomy/aesthetics:
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And last but not least: A list of helpful links I use personally for reference and inspiration!
I made this pinterest board for general artsy inspo, and this board to curate my very favorite tutorials/refs/information, focusing on the scientific aspect of wings and flight in general. Feel free to use both! (I also suggest pinterest in general for pose refs and such, but try to only practice using photos at first and not other drawings.)
I highly recommend this blog and this blog if you want examples of artists who draw more realism-based winged creatures!! They are both huge inspirations for me and I think you should totally follow them even if you don't plan to draw wings lol <3
If you're REALLY serious about it, my favorite ref books are: Winged Fantasy, a lovely drawing book by Brenda Lyons; Proctor & Lynch's Manual of Ornithology; and Angelus vincens by R. Spano, which is essentially an artbook by someone who (I believe) designed biologically plausible "angels" for their senior thesis.
Ok, idk how to end this lol but I hope it helped! I know it's not my normal kind of post but I'm super busy with college stuff rn and this was all I had time for. If you guys have any questions or feedback, please let me know!!!
-Aloe <3
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infernalodie · 1 year
𝐀𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐦 (𝐏𝐭.𝟏) || 𝐆𝐰𝐞𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐲
“𝘏𝘢𝘭𝘧 𝘢𝘭𝘨𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘮, 𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘧 𝘥𝘦𝘪𝘵𝘺 𝘎𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘴 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘥𝘦 𝘰𝘳 𝘨𝘢𝘱𝘴 𝘪𝘯 𝘢 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦 𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮 𝘛𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘮𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘨𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘮𝘺 𝘧𝘶𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘪𝘵 𝘮𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘥 𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘧𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘴𝘺 𝘛𝘶𝘳𝘯 𝘮𝘦 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘪𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘐'𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘺 𝘱𝘶𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘵 𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘦𝘯“
Inspo: Sleep Token - Ascensionism
Pairing: Gwen Stacy x Black!Fem!reader
Summary: They would understand soon enough and when they did they would wish to have followed you...
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Warnings: Angst
Part Two
Words: 1461
A canon event.
It’s something Miguel had lectured to you about a year ago. The inevitability of having to lose someone that makes you and every Spider-person them. It defined you as a hero and a human being and made you realize that the positives of this job came with their negatives. Dire and unchanging ones. And sometimes you thought that you would be prepared for that day. But it was a simple lie you continued to tell yourself in the hope that it would numb the pain.
But who was Miguel to tell you how your story was supposed to go?
He worked off a theory. Off the numbers and data that an A.I. gave him. He was a man of science. Not belief. So, there has been no in-person count of what it led to if a Spider-Person stopped their canon event. Saving their loved ones and themselves from the pain that could come from it if they didn’t do what their instincts told them.
And you had planned to be the first. Wishing to prove the man wrong in every statement he’d made to your first meeting.
The plans had been set, promises were made for people to be there when that day came. You did everything you could to be prepared. You trained harder. You fought harder. All of it with the goal to protect those you could.
But you weren’t enough. Your efforts were fucking meaningless.
Looking down on New York, your swollen eyes watched the fires burn brightly. Rain soaking your braids with loose strands sticking to your forehead and cheeks. And your suit was charred and torn in multiple placements. Mask balled up in your tight fists. A wound spanning across your stomach bled continuously despite your attempt of webbing it shut for the time being.
All you wanted was for it to all stop.
You could hear it. A rapturing through reality with its natural orange glow reflecting off the puddles surrounding your spot on the edge of the clock tower. Two shadows cast on either side of your quivering figure, relaying the arrival of two people you’d trusted.
Arriving too late for it to matter.
“Y/n?” Gwen muttered, peeling her mask off and approaching your stiff figure. “Are you okay?”
You sat there for a few moments, sifting through the many emotions flowing through you at once. Pondering how to answer such a question from someone you thought to care.
“I never got to see the sunset, Gwen,” you said, words measured. “I hoped that I could feel its warmth again. But it’s been blocked out.”
A lingering absence, in reality, was the best way to describe how you spoke. And the way your eyes watched out on the city with a bittersweet smile. Something was poetic about this outcome. How after one event, everything else seemed to dissolve into chaos.
Beside her, Hobie pursed his lips at the sight of the city on fire. “That ain’t good,” he commented, staring at the chaos ensuing in your universe.
Riots, killings, and theft. All being committed under your watch. If someone asked you if you’d let it get this bad, you would say no. But whatever was left in your heart from the day before was gone. A thick, black void leaked from the wound. Its presence is only left to show you its place once held love.
Looking over your shoulder, your gaze connected to Gwen’s. It was full of anxiety and pain. “Where were you?” Tears clouded your vision. In a way, Gwen couldn’t help but find you beautiful at this moment. Rain pelting down around the two of you. Water droplets disguising the tears that slipped down your cheeks fearlessly.
But she could also see the pain in them. “You told me you would be here when I needed you! But you were elsewhere. Running around with him!” You waved your hand dismissively toward Hobie, who was confused about how he was brought into the argument. “I trusted you and you lied to me!”
“I had no way of knowing, Y/n. I wasn’t able to come here,” Gwen tried to reason, taking cautious steps toward you. “You have to understand I have no control over this. Miguel-“
A laugh erupted through your chest. It was eerie. Full of anger and frustration. And Gwen felt tiny underneath your hollowed gaze. With each provoking step, you grew larger in threat and intimidation. “Really? You’re going to blame this on Miguel?” You questioned, finally reaching her and grabbing her by the throat.
The action caused Hobie to step in. “Y/n, stop!” As Hobie reached to grab you, your claws drew. Nails swiftly carved themselves into his flesh, paralyzing him–his body becoming numb and crashing to the ground. A grunt fell from his lips as his eyes watched fearfully of your intentions.
Turning your gaze to Gwen, you tightened your grip around her thin throat. Feeling her hands slap at your arm, fingers squeezing around the limb in hopes she could break free. Yet, the struggle only enabled you to lift her off the ground. A blood-boiling rage mounting levels that combatted any level of understanding you held for the girl.
This wasn’t about you losing your sister. This wasn’t related to Miguel or any of the other Spider-People. This was about Gwen. Her promise. Her reassurance that everything would be fine–and you fucking believed it.
She twisted your expectations. Betting on a piece of fiction that was riddled with lies of its consistency to your story. Her words, her whispered lies of misconstrued success–They were all hopeless conceptions to place in your mind. A methodical game of chess that she’s been winning from the first move.
But even with this outlook on her, you couldn’t understand why. Why would she do this? Why would she leave you on your own? Why wouldn’t she just say she couldn’t be there? Why, why, why? Too many questions for a simple answer to justify. And it posed the final question rattling in your head; do you even want to know why?
“If you cared about me, you would’ve been here to help me. If Miles were trusted, he would’ve been here. He would’ve tried to save my sister. He would’ve followed through on a promise.” Clenching your jaw, you squeezed a little tighter, teeth clamping together. The faint wobbling of your lips was evident as your nose twitched in frustration. “What does that say about you?”
Gwen bit her lip, hoping the pain would suppress the stinging behind her eyes. Managing to find leverage with her feet pressing on your chest, pushing away just enough to let out a choked, “I’m sorry.”
Two words. An apology that was not only long overdue but meaningless. Not when you had buried Amelie yourself. When you had to listen to her whimpers, hands holding onto your arms demanding you reveal yourself to her.
Gwen should’ve been here.
“If you’d asked me to be there for you, I would’ve been there in an instant. The same goes for Miles,” you confessed shamelessly. The idea of restrictions on emotions is unveiled by the brutal and honest truth of your pain. Displaying the bitter ink that seeped through your eyes, masking themselves in tears. “And that’s because I love you two too much to see you both be in pain. I would do anything to take that pain and place it on my shoulders. But you lied!”
Through the open skylight of the clock tower, the clouds shifted from obscuring the large rock floating in space. And the moonlight spilled through the glass and revealed Gwen’s tear-stained cheeks. There was a second of hesitance. A flicker of question in yourself. But you pushed it aside, clenching your jaw. “And I won’t let you or any more of us do that.” Grabbing her wrist, you peeled the interdimensional travel watch from her wrist and tossed her aside.
Gwen hit the ground with a thud, rolling across the wet rooftop until she was laid beside Hobie. But when she found you, the portal using the watch was activated. The destination was unknown to her.
“Y/n, stop, please!” The blonde cried. “You don’t have to do this. We can talk about this!”
But you kept your back to her, hoping the ink leaking from your eyes wouldn’t be noticed. “I continued because I wanted to be ready for the day you came when I needed you,” you muttered. “You made me this way, Gwen.”
Gwen leaned Hobie against a wall, placing a hand on the boy’s shoulder as he closed his eyes. She fell to his side, placing her hands over her face. The sunrise. The start of something new.
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meltypancake · 3 months
(i bork at you)
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🦜 Which artists inspire you?
oghhh hi ria :3 i think art inspos say a lot abt what kind of art you wanna create and care about, so this was a great question to chew on...!! i bork back at you
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mead schaeffer
the legend!!! amazing use of limited colour schemes, clear and elegant value structures (i love those flat blacks against the more rendered forms)
beautiful expressive brushwork !! it seems schaeffer was more interested in the overall impression and mood, so he didn’t bother with super realistic details… i strive for that kind of confidence HAHAH overall he’s great at knowing what parts to refine and what parts to leave more simple. there is so much to learn here
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yoshimura seiji
YOSHIMURA-SAN…how are you real? what goes on in your head when you draw? his art was my phone lockscreen for the longest time, because it is absolutely stunning. there is an overwhelming sense of calm and peace in his work, as if time had stopped, and he captured the essence of that moment. no joke!!! such subtle use of textures and light on top of incredible compositions… there aren’t enough words in any human language to describe his work
his art can be found here! it is somber and beautiful and makes the soul ache
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alphonse mucha
he is known for his art nouveau work which is a feat in itself (insane stuff), but i primarily get inspired by his paintings!! “the tree of life” especially takes my breath away bc it has such beautiful transitions between shades of blues and yellows.
the other painting here is called “the slavic epic - cicle I” and the composition (the colors, values, placement of people and objects) actually crit hits me it is that powerful… stunning blues that flow into brighter cyans, and then far in the back, leading the viewers eye into the distance, that reddish pinkish hue rising up into the sky is just hhejagzudawhakdsz . this is real and someone made that and we somehow manage to wake up every day and be normal!!!! wtf…
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nathan fowkes
truly mesmerizing color compositions… they really remind me that art is pure magic and i can never tear my eyes away from his work. i also watched a couple of his courses on schoolism (the composition one is my favorite, but the daily color workouts also slap) and they were incredibly helpful!!
looking at these paintings again actually makes my heart feel like its beeing squeezed fr HEHJKGZUASD (POSITIVE) i feel like he really understands the emotional aspect of color so well. I STRIVE FOR THIS SKILL !!!!
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bato dugarzhapov
it’s like he can condense and intensify and capture the color and light of a moment and put it into his art… i study the colors of his work a lot. looking at it is like looking through a lens that lets you see the truth of nature and life (no joke!!)
and five million more artists ofc!!! for brevity's sake i cannot mention them all but art truly is a mystical weird thing that exists in our lives. eternally grateful!! HAVE A GREAT DAY FRIEND!!!
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lilastromama · 3 years
Rating the Signs as big 3 Placements
(Sagittarius, Pisces, Leo, Virgo)
sun: whoopsie, i dont know. Most of them are really great to have conversations about mysterious and weird topics, like aliens and the universe as a whole, i enjoy that so lets put the positive stuff first. What im not enjoying on the other hand, is them being very competitive, even with their closest people. Also when theyre mad, they are gonna talk about u behind ur back and think of very evil and scary ways to get revenge, 6/10 tho
moon: i really do like sag moons. I think i mentioned this in one of my posts already, but: Theyre SO uplifting, supporting and caring! I really like how they always find a way to catch you when ure falling. Maybe theyre extremely stubborn and dont like being wrong in whatever aspects, but yeah, lets put that aside! giving them a good 8/10
rising: Sag risings are really to die for, not trying to be dramatic. Theyre extremely creative, also deep. My first take on sag risings is always "mhm, i dont think it would work out" and then boom, they show you their real persona and whats behind this mask. Really loveable creatures, they just seem a bit off. giving them 8/10
sun: I dont like them. Listen here, im not trying to be a bitch and im not the person to feed into stereotypes, but with pisces suns its just TRUTH. they will try to hide their insecurities by acting confident, instead of actually trying to get better, what makes them come off as self centered and arrogant, even tho theyre not. Also most of the time, sorry not sorry, - theyre AWARE of the fact that theyre toxic but wont do shit about it because just sitting and being miserable sounds easier than actually digging into the dark parts of oneself. 3/10
moon: pisces moons are actually very sad to watch. Theyre more on the introvert side than the extrovert, u'd think theyre very quiet and private people. What most dont know about them tho, is that they live inside their heads and if u would take a look inside, u'd be surprised. Their head and mind is their own little world, their own little universe. Its chaotic, always moving. There is so much going on inside of them and if u get to know them, u will find out how deep and interesting they really are. Dear pisces moons, let us be part of your inner world and your beauty, dont hide. 8/10
rising: ohhhh HELL YES. Idk about you people, but to me, they have such a mystical, interesting look to them. Lagoona blue from monster high vibes and i said what i said. Very creative, also intuitive, maybe interested in the occult and so called "taboo" topics. Maybe theyre even activists, trying to help out and raise awareness where they can. Just as with pisces moons: they come off as private people, but probably would have an more interesting life story than most of us. 9/10
sun: Its a yes from me, but somehow a no, too. Leo women? GIVE IT TO ME! Leo men? well, only if evolved. What i like about leo suns is their confidence and the way they present themselves. U'd notice a leo sun everywhere they go, believe me there. If unevolved, they can be one hell to deal with, i gotta admit that (but also hella fun) - If evolved tho, theyre SUCH angels and actually very aware of themselves and their actions. Theyre the ones to push you to be the best version of yourself, i vibe with it. 9/10
moon: Its actually a yes too! Theyre so complex, hard to understand - but only if ure not open minded! To vibe with them, u have to be evolved - sorry not sorry. If not, theyre going to push you till you are. And that, not really in comfortable ways for you. They truly dont mean no harm and trying to help out, but its really not for all people, especially if ure sensitive. Keep an eye out i guess and let them do their job, u will thank them sooner or later. 9/10
rising: yeah, idk. To me, theyre fake leos and im not even sorry ☠️ They come off as leos, but not really in the same font. Instead, to me, theyre way worse! Its like those cheap nutella-copy products ur mom wants u to buy. To me they have more of the traits that virgo suns have. Perfectionists, egocentric, analytical but not in a good way - and always searching for something they can talk and gossip about. They constantly break down ur life instead of worrying about themselves and call it "trying to help" - (No darling, u just like putting ur 2 cents in that no one asked for) 5/10
sun: once again a no, im sorry at this point :( Even tho i have to say, YES they seem very kind, caring, even supporting and accepting, but if u look closer, ure finding nothing of it all. They are always up everyones ass, as i mentioned in one of my posts aswell. Just like pisces suns, theyre making themselves something they arent. I actually believe they could be such great friends, they just have to better themselves and watch how theyre handling their own emotions. Both of them project their insecurities onto others and make it their problem to handle. Please, virgo and pisces at this point: Get ur hands dirty, do shadow work and you both are great to go! 4/10
moon: oh well, we're talking about me here (this doesnt better anything to be honest) - I feel like virgo moons are very, very serious when it comes to their own feelings and mind, theyre warding it from anything or anyone. Thats where i think they have something from scorpios: They want to know everything about you, but you cant know anything about them and if so, you probably get rejected sooner or later because it would be too dangerous to get hurt. Very analytical, skeptical and calculating people. We really need that emotional safety to actually come out of our comfort zone but IF we do, u'll get to know a new person! still complex tho- 8/10
rising: I dont wanna start a new stereotype but: Am i the only one that kind of noticed how virgo risings look like those pinterest-indie-kids? Its either that or the grunge kids u always see on instagram as an outfit inspo. Im actually invested! They really possess that motherly/caring vibe ure instantly familiar with and feel comfortable around, im a definitely a fan! 9/10
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songbirdstyles · 4 years
candy girl.
summary: you and harry have a picnic in your backyard.
warnings: a whole lot of fluff + smut
word count: 3.3k
song inspo.: candy girl - frankie valli & the four seasons
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There’s something sweeter about the spring months - more than any other season, the air is soft and light like the skirts of the sundresses that you can finally pull out of the box you’d shoved them in the autumn prior. It’s the perfect mix of heat with no humidity, where sitting outside on a checkered picnic blanket for more than ten minutes doesn’t have you dripping with sweat, and you can lean into your boyfriend’s grasp without feeling your skin stick together uncomfortably.
It’s always been your favorite season and it’s a sentiment you share with Harry. The two of you seem to shine in the springtime and you’re in the thick of it, now. Your garden smells of flowers and perfume - the French cologne you’d bought him for Valentine’s day generously spritzed on his neck, even if you’re the only one to enjoy it - and you lean back against the blanket, supporting yourself with one arm while your other hand runs down your leg to brush off the stray piece of grass decorating your exposed thigh. Your dress had risen up when you’d perched yourself on the picnic blanket Harry had set up and, really, who were you to fix it?
Harry is as gorgeous as the season itself when you glance up at him, clutching one of the caprese sandwiches you two had made together earlier in the day. He’s not looking at you - eyes glazing over the wide expanse of your backyard, a haven of the seclusion and privacy that you’d both yearned for when you’d picked this house. It’s always been nice, feeling like you’re in your own little world with the love of your life even when you’re sitting in your yard, but especially now that the world has come to a standstill - you try to take advantage of your home as much as possible.
Picnics are a must. They’re one of your favourite things to do and plan, slicing watermelon and packing cookies into a basket only to carry it five feet into your backyard, grass between your bare toes, and take it all back out. There’s something distinctly more intimate about dining in nature than at the kitchen table and you’ll never stop appreciating it.
“What’re y’lookin’ at, doll?” Harry’s raspy voice brings you back to life. You’d been too caught up in gazing at him, you suppose, to focus on much else - but it’s a sacrifice you’re all too willing to make. “Don’t tell me I’ve got vinegar on m’face.”
You smile softly, leaning forward just enough that you can reach up to wipe off the spot of vinegar that, sure enough, had been gracing the corner of his mouth. “Didn’t notice it until you mentioned it, actually, but you did.”
Harry hums softly, puckering his lips to press against your thumb as you drag the digit lightly across the soft expanse of his bottom lip. “So jus’ lookin’ at m’pretty face, then, weren’t you.”
Yes, truthfully, and in a garden filled with flowers that the two of you obsess over taking care of, you think it’s fair to admit that he’s the prettiest sight to see out here. So you merely nod, shifting closer to him so he can land his palm on your exposed thigh, fingertips brushing against the flowing fabric of the dress you’d picked out just for today. In any other context you’d see his hand placement as a scheme but perhaps it’s the overwhelming innocence of your picnic - you just can’t see it as that. “I was,” you confess, voice soft as you rest your hand overtop of his, and Harry squeezes your thigh softly, nails gently digging into your skin with small, crescent shaped indents that will surely fade within minutes. “I can’t help it, you know. Just so beautiful.”
You can practically hear his teasing demeanor softening at your gentle admission, and it grows louder as your boyfriend leans down to press an open mouthed kiss to your cheek, then another closer to the incline of your jawline. “Could’ve said the same ‘bout you, my love,” he murmurs, fingers stroking soothing circles into your inner thigh. “Y’make me crazy, y’know.”
“Do I?”
Your teasing tilt has Harry’s eyebrows raising, and he moves his head from the side of your face to stare at you as though you’d personally affronted him. The absence of his lips on your cheek is almost overwhelming enough to make you miss what he says - almost. “Y’better. Reckon m’doing somethin’ wrong if y’don’t know what a fool I am for you.”
You hum softly - the tune to some song that had been playing earlier, while you and Harry packed your picnic basket, and the name of which you can’t remember - and shift closer to him to rest your head on his shoulder, cheek brushing against the soft material of his flowy shirt. You’re not sure how to articulate exactly how you’re feeling and perhaps Harry senses that, because he ends the brief moment of silence settling between you by sighing, “Been searchin’ this whole world t’find someone like you. Y’make me as happy as can be. I’d give y’the clothes off m’back, if you’d let me.”
“Well, I do like that shirt,” you tell him, relishing in his breathy chuckle, resting your chin on his shoulder so you can glance into his eyes. They’re filled with adoration and another emotion you can’t quite decipher, but it’s as soft and sweet as the springtime around you and you love to see it. “Gonna love you ‘till the end of time.”
“I hope that’s a promise.”
“It is,” you assure Harry, and you take just a second to watch the slow smile that stretches across his face before leaning up to land your lips against his. He tastes sweet and when you run your fingers through his curls they feel sweet and when he squeezes your thigh the feeling of his nails against your skin feels sweet - in fact, you’re not sure any moment between you two has been quite so sweet and, God, you could live in this feeling. You practically already do, you suppose. 
You’re more than happy to spend the rest of the evening like this, lips never leaving Harry’s, but after a moment your boyfriend pulls away, hand stroking up and down the expanse of your thigh, inadvertently sliding your dress further and further up your legs. “I hate t’ruin this moment,” he declares, reaching for the picnic basket just as you swing your legs onto his lap, sliding closer to him to make the position more comfortable, “but I remember slicin’ an’ packin’ watermelon for dessert - can’t let that go t’waste, now can we.”
He’s already pulling out the glass tupperware container of watermelon before you have time to point out that, actually, you had sliced and packed the fruit, but you suppose it doesn’t matter, anyway. He unsnaps the lid and rests the cool container on your calves, picking up one of the two pieces you’d packed before resting the lid back on its counterpart and resting it back on the blanket.
“Don’t I get one?” you question, reaching back for the container without waiting for a response. 
Harry tuts softly before hooking his arm around your waist, successfully preventing you from grabbing the tupperware, and you settle back into your spot half on top of him with little fret. “Doll,” he begins, in a cloying tone that sounds strangely deceiving in a way you can’t quite place your finger on, “sharing is caring, y’know.”
Yes, he does sound slightly scheming, but the arch of watermelon he’s raising to your mouth is delicious enough to allow you to overlook it. So you open your mouth for him, stick your tongue out just for show, and you take a generous bite of the center of the piece once it’s close enough. A droplet of watermelon juice trickles down your lip and you can feel its cool descent beginning down your chin as Harry pulls the watermelon back from your mouth, and before you can raise your wrist to wipe at it, he’s leaning in - lips pressed to your chin, slightly parted so you can feel his tongue flicking against the juice. It’s a sensation that has your stomach flipping and your arm, hooked around his neck, tightens just enough to hold his head to your face a mere second longer than necessary.
But, God - when he pulls away, you wish you’d held him a second longer. He is a devil, you suppose, and you can see it flashing in his eyes. Harry knows what he does to you and you can’t resist him, now, watching him take a bite of watermelon as though he’s a painting, merely meant for you to observe. But he likes the attention - you can tell - and he puts on a show for you, sinking his teeth into the erubescent flesh of the fruit, tongue running over the melon in a way that’s so sensual you’d nearly consider it pornographic.
“Jesus,” you breathe, bringing your thumb up to wipe at the juice beginning to trickle from the corner of his mouth. The liquid is ruby red on your finger and you bring it up to your mouth, tongue swiping against your thumb to taste the candied flavour. “God, Harry -”
But whatever else you’d been meaning to say (which was, truthfully, not much at all) gets lost in the spring air around you as Harry lowers his lips to yours. Instinctually your hand digs back up into his curls, fingers tugging at the strands - he tastes like the fruit you’d been sharing, with just a hint of the caprese sandwiches you’d had, and it’s twice as delicious as sinking your teeth into either. And his hand on your thigh is sliding further upwards, past the fabric of your dress that’s risen so much it hardly serves its purpose to cover you up, and his other hand still holds the watermelon, juices surely coating his fingers and you can think of a few other things you’d rather see his hand dripping with -
And, just like that, you’re moaning into his mouth, eyes rolling back at just the mere thought. You pull away for just a second and your full intent is to slam your lips back against his like your life depends on it but before you can even lean back in, Harry’s raising your shared piece of watermelon up to your mouth, and your teeth sink into it with a fervor you hadn’t intended on showing or even simply possessing -
Digging your lips into the piece just enough has the juice coating your lips and beginning to trickle down your chin and that’s exactly what you’d wanted, as he leans back in, lips attaching to yours once more. His breathing is picking up and his hand slides up your thigh around to your ass, cupping it and pulling you closer to him, fingers hooking into the waistband of your lace panties, stroking into the smooth skin they’d been protecting.
“Harry -” and that’s the only word you can mutter against his lips before he pulls away, even if you’re still yearning for his taste. “Please, Harry - driving me mad, here.”
His soft humming is beyond peaceful in a moment that’s become anything but, and he takes another bite of watermelon - God, takes his time chewing and swallowing and lapping up the liquid on his lips before you can lean in to capture it - before murmuring, “Tell me what y’want.”
What do you want? Everything, you suppose - in the simplest terms you want everything he can give you and more. You want him to fuck you into the picnic blanket, dragging that piece of watermelon up and down your body and licking up the juice it leaves behind. And you want to lie down in front of him with his dick in your mouth, giving him the pleasure he so deserves, and you want to ride him slowly, confessing to him how much you love him because, even in the thick of a moment like this, it’s always in the forefront of your mind.
But - right now, what you really want is currently clutching a piece of watermelon.
“Give me your fingers, Har,” in a faint, whiny plea, already reaching to wrap your fingers around his wrist to force him to comply - but you know he wouldn’t dream of doing anything else. “Need to feel them inside of me.”
Harry’s throaty groan is the only response you need, and his ring-clad hand that’s groping your ass slides back around to the front of your body. On instinct you part your legs wider for him - one still resting on his lap and the other dropping onto the checkered picnic blanket beneath you, and you can feel the gentle prickle of freshly cut grass poking you through the fabric. 
He’s a tease and you figure that’ll never change - fingers trail up and down your inner thighs, dancing across the damp part of your panties that’s proof of exactly how much you need him and yet he doesn’t budge. Doesn’t slip his fingers into the cunt that’s aching for him because he loves to keep you on edge and, sometimes, you love it too. And, right now, you appreciate it because it’s as good a time as any to reach down, grab Harry’s wrist still clutching the half eaten piece of watermelon, and you tug it up to your mouth to take another bite of the dessert you’d been assaulting for the past ten minutes -
You’d no sooner swallow the chunk of watermelon than Harry’s dragging you in for another kiss, lips slotting together slow and smooth, like he’s trying to memorize the taste on your tongue. You don’t tell him that there’s no need to memorize it - you’ll be here for the rest of time - but you appreciate it, parting your lips for him to slip his tongue into your mouth as his fingers slide into the front of your panties.
A soft gasp escapes your throat and you pull your face from Harry’s, eyes shifting downwards - you’re tempted to pull your dress up so you can see his hand, prominent through your panties, but there’s something better about not being able to. Secretive, perhaps, or simply more intimate, but it’s enough to have you resist the urge to tug the fabric up and watch him at work.
Harry’s digits begin soft and slow, simply dragging up and down your dripping folds, pressure so soft you could trick yourself into thinking nothing’s happening - but then his fingers are sinking into your cunt with absolutely no hesitation. Merely feeling the coldness of his ring against your folds has you tossing your head back with a cry that rings through your backyard, high pitched and needy, and when you glance back at Harry there’s a slow smirk spreading across his face - a cockiness that should, perhaps, bother you, but it only sends another gush of arousal straight to the apex of your thighs.
“Oh, God -” your voice is barely above a breath but it’s quiet enough in your yard to sound like a scream. He’s breathing heavy and so are you but that’s it and it’s a testament, perhaps, to either the absolute seclusion of your backyard that feels like a dream right now, or the overall silence of the world - that the sound of people on the streets or at your neighbors’ houses isn’t interrupting your moment. And, whichever it is, you’re savoring it. “Feels so good, Har.”
The slice of watermelon falls from Harry’s grasp onto your calf, resting on his lap, and his now-unoccupied hand grips your outer thigh that’s fallen off his lap, groping the skin just hard enough to leave bruises that you’ll surely admire tomorrow morning. Finger shaped bruises that you can’t help but press on, just to remember exactly how spectacular it feels right now, but even when they’ve faded, he can’t resist marking you up again - and he only proves it by leaning down, lapping a thin stripe down your jawline before landing his lips on the column of your throat. Harry’s thumb, buried in your panties, shifts to work at your clit, his other digits still pumping in and out of you - slowly, just enough to keep you needing more, curling upwards with every thrust to swipe that spot inside of you that has your back arching upwards and your hips rolling to meet his fingers.
“C’mon, sweet girl,” Harry’s whispering, pressing quiet kisses below your ear as he eggs you on, and you whimper softly as his thumb presses circles into your clit. “Need t’hear you - tell me how good it feels.”
For how much he’s pleasing you, you figure it’s only right to give into his praise kink - “Feels so good,” you moan, hips rocking into Harry’s hand, arm still hooked around his neck and holding him close to you. “I love you so much - oh, god - makin’ me feel so good.”
“I love you,” he breathes, nuzzling his forehead ever so slightly into the side of your face and you turn your head to capture his lips once more, slipping your tongue into his mouth to try and reassert any semblance of dominance that you can find but he’s got you wrapped around his finger, and you both know it. Fingers curl in your pussy and his thumb working circles on your clit picks up speed until your head feels like it’s fucking spinning, the slow pace he’d had before long forgotten - the sound of your wetness is nearly embarrassingly loud but not louder than your desperate sobs, crying and begging for something you can’t quite pinpoint. 
For a moment, that’s all there is - your moans landing right into his mouth because, no matter what, you can’t bear to take your lips off of his - his fingers, digging near-painfully into your thigh in a way that you can’t bring yourself to dislike - so on the verge of cumming that it seems like anything could tip you over the edge -
And anything ends up being Harry, reaching down to grab the slice of watermelon dripping onto your calf, raising it up to his mouth to take the final bite of the fruit before letting the rind fall onto the picnic blanket beneath you. The mere sight of the juices dripping down his face has you clenching around his fingers but then he leans in, lips pressing to yours again, and when your mouth parts for him there’s a gush of the juice that flows into your mouth and -
With one final cry, your head drops back, the sticky liquid coating your tongue and your throat as you swallow it before the band snaps, pressure building in the pit of your stomach finally unleashing with the force of your orgasm raining through your body. It’s a euphoric feeling you’ll never get old of and Harry knows just how to work you through it, lazily pumping his fingers in and out of your cunt as your arousal coats his fingers and your body nearly convulses overtop of him, eyes rolling back until all you can see is the bright blue sky spanning above you.
It’s hard to feel anything but peace afterwards but you can’t help frowning as Harry pulls his fingers out of your cunt, glistening in the sunlight with your cum. And he stares down at his digits like it’s a fucking dessert, or a delicacy, before raising them to his mouth and wrapping his lips around his fingertips in a way that already has you ready for a part two -
“God,” Harry remarks, pulling his mouth off of his fingers with a soft pop that makes your stomach turn - “Taste sweeter than the watermelon, doll - like candy -”
But you’re not focusing on him, even when you part your lips to taste your arousal on his fingers - all you can see is the second piece of watermelon, encased in the glass tupperware like a goddamn piece of art, ready for whatever you have planned for it - and you have a lot.
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kakujis · 3 years
things no one asked for part??????
Here’s dol characters + their league of legends roles/mains:
Whitney: ahhh the inspiration behind this post. Definitely a Draven/Vayne main who spam pings their support, blames everything on their jungler, and tries to 1v9 even tho they’re 0/5. “ggez” at the end of EVERY game. “Better adc loses” if he lost. Types post game too, mentions how his support must’ve been a bot for being so bad at the game. Hardstuck Plat 4.
Kylar: Teemo. The other inspo behind this post. He OTPs Teemo and that’s it. If Teemo’s banned/taken he’s dodging. Refuses to learn anyone else. Specifically plays teemo + top for the solo~ gameplay. Also, if he’s scared he just has to hide in a bush. Bronze 3.
Alex: Toplaner who likes to play bruisers. Mains Darius, Sion, Nasus, etc. The toplane is his oyster! Will go Shen sometimes for fun. Has a mean Poppy but doesn’t actually like playing her. His rank typically stays in Plat but will sometimes go to low Diamond.
P!Sydney: Oh you know, I had to give him support. 🥺 Plays enchanters and mains Soraka/Nami. Never flashes his mastery and typically doesn’t respond to being flamed. On the other hand, C!Sydney does. Spam pings back and writes out his adcs kda/minion cs. Beyond that, he also plays some midlane with Lissandra and Orianna. Sydney doesn’t really dabble in ranked, prefers normals but will do their placements and climb to gold for the Victorious Skin. Gold 4.
Robin: Queues fill + support and always get support. Doesn’t like to play enchanters! Plays Rakan (LMFAO), Leona, Braum, Blitz, and Thresh. Feels a rush when they have a successful engage/hook. Pings literally everything and keeps tabs on the enemy’s flash timers. Watches the map as much as possible and roams. Offers coaching online. Super nice to the enemy support also, ending the game with “gg Nami, was fun!” or somethin. Robin is an avid gamer so there’s no way he’s not at least High Diamond.
Bailey: This piece of shit plays Zed, Pyke, Talon, etc. Assassins only because he’s an asshole. Flashes his mastery and taunts in all chat. Types out “?” often whenever a gank fails. Flames his team and constantly roams. If he’s behind and losing? He’s not. It’s because his team sucks. Definitely at least Grandmaster/Master.
Wren: JUNGLER!!! FJSJDJJDJD sorry i love him. Jungler that tries to keep up a positive mental! “dw bot im coming just play safe”. If someone’s being flamed on your team, he’ll stick up for them and then try to calm everyone down. Non-toxic Kayn main, but also plays Xin Zhao, Elise, and Nidalee. Because I love Wren, he’s Grandmaster/Master too. Says ggwp!
Eden: Someone help this man, he doesn’t know technology. Okay, if we put that aside he plays Graves LMFAO. Objective-based jungler. Also likes to play Udyr and Sejuani. Pings the objectives and the supports wards. Silver 2.
Remy: Duelist asshole man. Mains Fiora. Plays Yasuo or Riven if she’s taken. Quiet toplaner that doesn’t talk unless spoken to. When his team is yelling and screaming at each other, he writes: stfu. i can carry, just stop inting. Diamond 4.
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jjyusmile · 4 years
muse on film | lee juyeon
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ meltingjukyu’s spooky season ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
pairing: filmstudent!juyeon x {gender neutral} reader!
words: 1,696
notes: this was requested by my writing inspo @juyeonzz​​ ♥
warning: slight jump scare for reader! 
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
how did you end up here?
standing in juyeon’s bathroom with both hands attempting to open your eyelid wide enough to get the lens to catch in the mirror. with the make-up scattered across the surface by the sink, it was your fifth attempt to get your eyes to change from the original shade to a deep gold. the shadows that lined your eyes made the process much harder as you attempted not to smudge the masterpiece that juyeon had shaded moments before.
huffing, you placed the lens back into its pot and looked at yourself in the mirror with your palms gripping the edge of the sink. why did he choose you to be his muse? you weren’t photogenic by any means.
gazing at your reflection, you took in the black liner smudged under your eyes by juyeon’s handy work. he texted you after class if you could help him out with his photography project for the fall midterm. the concept was the alternate shadows that lurk behind us; you had already shot your mundane pictures, next came you as the shadows that juyeon would edit for his portfolio.
the knock at the door followed by a murmur of your name drew you out of your daydreaming. “hey- uh. are you okay?”
his soft voice echoed through the wood as he began to turn the handle to his bathroom to make a slight crack in the door to check you were okay. his palm wrapped around the door as his head peaked through, his blonde hair flopping over his eyes in an endearing way that made your heart swell.
the soft smile that settled on his lips made you feel more at ease. it had always been like that with him – the boy that conveniently sat beside you at lunch and introduced you to his friends during the first week at school. the one who made you feel welcome when you didn’t quite fit in with the others.
“um, yeah. I just can’t get the lens to stay in place…” you trailed off, hoping he would catch onto your subtle cry for help, a sheepish look on your face.
with that, he pushed his way further into the small bathroom and stood infront of you inspecting the lens that he had lifted from the surface. humming in thought, he shifted awkwardly on the spot at you stared at the lens case – would you find it weird? he pondered.
“could you help me put them in?” your eyes were more puppy-like than intended, completely juxtaposing the idea of turning you into a shadow. he exhaled in relaxation as you voiced the thoughts that whirled through his mind.
he smiled the juyeon smile and you hoped he wouldn’t hear your heart do a somersault in place as he stepped a little closer to you. as he breached 6 ft he made your height look mediocre. you titled your head upwards in instinct as he carefully placed one of the golden orbit contacts on his ring finger in preparation.
without thinking, he inched slightly closer so that his face was hovering just above your own. as you looked up, you noticed the way his eyes twinkled in the orange haze that emited from the bathroom light above you. but he was solely focused on the lens itself, he barely noticed that you hadn’t looked away.
he brought his left hand to your cheek with his thumb grazing your cheekbone, holding your head still for a swift placement of the lens. his breathing remained calm as he focused on trying not to hurt you, with a light exhaling that fanned over your forehead. you felt an odd sense of comfort as his thumb absentmindedly brushed against your cheekbone.
he pulled away all too quickly once he had fixed one lens to which you jumped away trying not to get caught red handed. the second lens went slightly smoother than the first; although in a similar position, he got the hang of it quickly speeding up the process.
“there you go,” he chuckled as you blinked rapidly as the orbs of gold settled in pleasantly. he found himself staring at you distractedly as his gaze brushed over your features; the make-up he had brushed against your delicate features had sharpened lines making you appear less human and more fae. the subtle glimmer that came naturally to the lenses had turned you into the mythical fairie he had imagined for his project. 
you were the perfect muse.
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
you had followed juyeon out of his back garden and over the flattened wire fence that sat behind his apartment. trailing along the path that led into a wooded area, the sun had set long ago, leaving an eerie darkness in its wake. juyeon didn’t seem phased by your sudden rigidity as he set up his equipment by the willow tree. that told you he had been out here plenty of times before in preparation for this shoot.
you sat idle under the tree with your pleather coated legs sprawled out in front of you awkwardly. the wind blew in a light breeze, dragging small leaves from the tree toward the floor, surrounding the floor around you in a feathers coat of grey.
“perfect,” he muttered to himself as he finished setting up the tripod, so quietly that you almost missed it. the subtle click of the shutter told you he was taking a few practice shots to get the right frame.
as you waited instruction from your very handsomely awkward looking photographer, you blew air up toward your hair as the wind knocked a few strands out of place. you hadn’t noticed the thumping footsteps from juyeon’s boots as he wandered toward you, startling you as he bend down to brush the strands away with his finger.
“don’t move,” he whispered, his eyes locking with your own and his fingertips lingering against your temple. “you’re right where I want you.”
the pounding in your chest not quite differentiating the double-meaning.
almost an hour later, as your confidence shone more, juyeon was taking the final pictures for his portfolio. the night had fallen into a quiet. sifting through the display on his camera, juyeon smiled shyly to himself as he noticed the way the lenses accentuated each of your perfect features.
clearing away his equipment, wrapping up a wire for one of his studio lights, he turned to you and noticed how absentminded you had become staring up through the eerie branches of the trees and into the night sky. a cheeky plan came to mind and he snuck behind the tree without you looking.
as you began to focus more on your surroundings, you gazed at the open space around you, the forest floor scattered with wilting leaves and shrubs. you eyed the camera equipment that sat beside the tree and looked around to find its owner. a gust of wind flittered through your surroundings and over your spine in a chilling sensation. you wrapped your arms around yourself in a protect manner to protect you from the gruesome wind and the eerie darkness that encircled you. where is he?
a sharp snap of a branch forced you to whip round on the spot. what was more frightening was the hooded figure that stood unmoving in your line of sight. a shriek left your lips as you backed into the tree behind you to put some distance between you and the shadow standing in front of you. visibly shaking, you reached for your phone in your pocket in an attempt to call juyeon but the figure got to you first.
they reached out to latch onto your wrist swiftly before you got to your phone and brought it to their chest. “hey- hey! it’s just me!”
the soothing voice filled your ears as shock rushed over your features. your wide eyes accentuated by the glowing gold of the lenses – juyeon was mesmerised by many aspects of this situation. your doe eyes that glistened under the moonlight, your pounding heart that beat against your hands that clutched his large one between your chests, the proximity so close that he could see the delicate liner that flickered over your face.
“it’s just me,” he repeated in a whisper. your breathing began to even out as you stared into his eyes, the comfort overwhelming during such an eerie situation. his pointed nose becoming more recognisable under the shadow of his hood; his plump lips forming a pout at the realisation that he really did scare you.
you hummed in question, eyebrows furrowing together. his right hand dropped the wire to the ground and brought his palm to caress your cheek, murmuring softly- “I’m sorry for scaring you.”
his eyes trailed to your hands that clenched his in desperation for comfort. without realising, you nuzzled your faces against his palm, bringing his attention back to the golden hue of your irises as they widened in realisation. an overwhelming protection washed over juyeon in the moment he looked back into your eyes as he brought his lips to graze against your forehead; the movement alone charging enough warmth to spread throughout your body.
he pulled away reluctantly and removed his palm from your clasp, immediately intertwining his fingers with your own protectively. “let’s get you inside, I think that’s enough horror for the night.”
he packed up the rest of his equipment with great difficulty, not once letting go of your hand as you clutched to it for dear life – any sharp sound or movement around you had you inching closer to his side.
the two of you wandered inside his apartment building as a comfortable silence settled in. changing into a pair of his sweats and removing the night’s alter ego, you began to relax and settle into the sofa. despite the events of the last twenty minutes, as you inched closer to his side, you began to realise that being someone’s muse wasn’t so bad after all - especially if that man was standing right in front of you with two mugs of hot chocolate in hand with a shy smile gracing his lips.
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octomoosey · 6 years
I just want to say you make lovely graphics for your themes, mine looks so newb xD Any tips?
hi there! and - thank you for the lovely compliment!!!  it’s very kind of you ♥
here are a few things which might help…
choose or source your graphic editing software - here - is a post with links to FREE graphic editing software ( including a link to photoshop cs2 which adobe has now released for free use )
watch/read a heck’a lot of tutorials - find resource blogs, search tumblr tags, youtube etc.  here are a few on photoshop and gimp posted by dear-indies which might help!
make a pinterest board - make a hundred.  bookmark or pin anything that you like visually/aesthetically and check back for inspo.
make use of free stock image sites - unsplash, stocksnap, pixabay etc.
find additional brushes, gradients, textures, pngs etc - i tend to go to deviant for a lot of my additional editing tools
take into account where the graphic will go on the theme - background, sidebar image, permalink image, etc. and make sure you have the placement/size correct - here are a few tutorials -
theme backgrounds - how to position themhow to make a background ‘fit’ or ‘cover’ the whole screenhow to add a background to other parts of your themehow to make a container theme background ( photoshop + code )
lastly – practice, practice and practice some more… also patience… if you’re making a detailed background or theme graphic, it could take hours, or even days to get something you really like. just remember to take regular breaks and work on your projects when you want - this is supposed to be fun!!!
hope this helps! :)
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honeyliyan · 5 years
a list of things that soothes me and inspires me pt.1
on journaling and food videos   📔 😋
🧡 Journaling : 
on IG : 
they have an amazing IG feed and their aesthetic is just  💖 I try to always remember how their journals look like and recreate a similar color pallet, position of  maybe their pictures that they’ve choose to have it in their spreads, how they use stickers and in general just placement on thing and trying to pick out why the things looks so appealing to my eyes.🐤
I have my own Pinterest Board for journals that I tend to take inspo from as well <3 I throw in some color pallet in there as well just because ;)
moving on to : 
food videos 
idk tho experiences this as well but I find aesthetic meal prep, cooking videos calms me down and and soothes my anxiety at times. It’s particularly helpful during exam season, because without a doubt, my anxiety levels heighten during those times and I can’t wok well without a cool head. 
IG accs that I love are 
@mrs_macarons  👑 love love LOVE her IGTV videos and all that she is. 
🙌 🙌 🙌 
bless them and their videos 🧡 I don’t know how to describe it but SOMETHING  about those IG cafe and meal prep/ cooking videos just puts me as ease. 
that’s all for now, thank you for reading  💫
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fantroll-purgatory · 6 years
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FIRST: Alternia or Beforus or some type of AU? Alternia, Hiveswap era
Name (preferably include how you came up with it and why): Sofacy Lavern (Sofacy is a cyber-espionage group and Laverna is a goddess of thieves, cheats and the underworld, both because she is a hacker)
Oh I love this, Especially w/ the cyber-espionage bent because Laverna was specifically invoked to help thieves keep their cover. This also makes me maybe want to put a Thieves’ Cant spin on her symbol. 
Age: 7 sweeps
Strife Specibus: glovekind (for the weapon I was thinking a cyberpunk like glove that has a keyboard so she can connect to any device on the go if she has to)
I kind of like the idea of her having like… a technokinetic branch of telekinesis, something more mirco/electrokinetic that she syncs through this glove to allow her to refine her abilities. Good for hacking, can also release a static shock in an emergency situation but that’d fry her system for a hot minute, so it should be used Sparingly. 
Fetch Modus: Yeah I’m really bad at these
You know those Hacking Puzzles in video games that are almost always like this- 
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Each of her items gets locked behind one of those and she has to solve it to get the item out.
Blood color: Rust
Symbol and meaning: Armini, sign of the Reconciler
This is definitely good, but I wanna Maaaybe bring in some thieves’ cant inspo when it comes to spriting the symbol on. Maybe. 
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Trolltag: crimsonCanker (a canker as in an infection, as a reference to viruses she makes and spreads)
Quirk: u r goin to paY for this lol (Capitalizes Y, uses ‘lol’ and ‘mfw’ frequently and shortens words, all lowercase letters and no punctuation, starts a new row instead of using a period)
Special Abilities (if any): Regular rust abilities, telekinesis and can commune with the dead
Like I said above I like the idea of her kind of having trained and used tech to refine her ability down to being techno/microkinetic, too. Really fine and technological work is a lot easier when you can use your mind powers to do it. 
Lusus: I have no idea I looked for one for a while and I just couldn’t find anything that fit the theme
Hmmm. Maybe a bear? Sofacy comes up in relation to Fancy Bear, so it’d at least be appropriate name-wise. You could probably also go for Chameleon, for the camouflage/espionage angle, but that starts leaning a little voidy. Because of Sollux’s lore worldbuilding about apiculture networking, bees are also associated with Technology and thus doominess. So you could give her a Flightless/Sterile Queen Bee lusus. Her inability to fly would push a doomy feeling because of the metaphorical inability to run and the inability to create new life, which only works narratively since life is doom’s opposite.
Personality: She used to be part of a large anonymous hacking group that taught her everything she knows. They were activists that started with fighting against injustice online but when they moved to fight against Alternia’s oppressive system, starting with the censorship in the mediums of entertainment they all loved, they were seen as a serious threat and were all caught and killed after a slip up. As the only survivor, after watching all of her friends and her lusus die and having her hive destroyed she has become bitter, fearful and fatalistic. She lives in hiding, trying to lay low and has given up serious activism in a mix of nihilism and fear. Her views on Alternia and the spectrum haven’t changed, but it has proven to be too great a foe and has made her jaded. Now she has gone back to shitposting and highlighting people’s ignorance. She is harsh in her call outs, quick to dig up dirt and mock away anyone she sees spewing bad arguments, hypocrisy and lies. Still, she manages to stay as humorous as she can, even though her jokes tend to be either morbid and cynical or just mocking someone. Sofacy is cheeky and smug to hide the fact that, after being burned once, and as much as she wants to speak up again about the serious issues, she is deathly afraid of making a mistake again.
Oh I Love this personality, really strong and solid. It also makes her placement as a Witch of Doom fascinating because it positions her in session in a place where she has to learn to overcome that passive acceptance and fear in order to overcome inevitability, to literally Change the rules and fate itself. 
Interests: The paranormal (ghosts, demons etc.), creepypasta stories and video games (horror games most of all), she also loves scaring people with her prank viruses. If only she enjoyed digging up dirt on people and exposing lies as much as shitpost and memes she’d be a serious threat.
Imagine her in a gossip competition with your Regina George Archetype Troll. 
Title: Witch of Doom
Land: I have no idea
Land of Harrowing and Hacks. A ruined world where everything is crushed underfoot and ever more destruction seems on the horizon. Some how, in some way, the Denizen of this world has hacked into the system and built a world where they always win. Time for Sofacy to change the rules.
Dream Planet: Derse
Design time:
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So I’ve done two versions, one with regular Armini and one with the addition of of the “underground entry” symbol into the symbology. 
On the face, I had to add that little lash because Homestuck Style dictates lashes, and I added the eyebags a little more visibly because she’s supposed to be a fearful and traumatized character- she’s gotta look tired. I also did a few proportion edits, but nothing Major. 
Other than that, lots of outline edits for better/more visually appealing contrast!
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thewishi · 6 years
Your literal closet may be impeccable, and your client's will probably be too once you've helped them! But what does a photo of it really say about your style? Not much. Opt for a flat lay photo of an outfit you styled so potential clients will get a better understanding of your style narrative. The photos, Looks, style tags, and information you include on your Stylist Profile should all tell one cohesive story. Potential clients will book you if they're able to understand your style POV and are able to connect with your personal style within seconds. Be authentic; when you focus on YOUR style and what you like best it'll generate the best results, like getting booked over and over! Highlight your strengths, add photos and tags to support them, and most importantly: be yourself! We promise you'll see the magic unfold.
The Looks you add to your profile should be super organized and look aesthetically pleasing. Here are some things it should include:
a minimum of 5 items (maximum 8)
include jewelry and accessories
have inspo pics that go with the theme of the Look
items should have a clear background
not cluttered, placement of items should be visually pleasing
NOTE: this is solely for the Looks you add to your portfolio, so you don't need to apply this when you're styling a Look for a client.
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Your Looks should always be inspiring and well organized.
Here's what makes this Look undesireable:
too basic
not inspiring
item has a background image
too much white space
items aren't positioned nicely
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Let this be a guide to help you know what type of photos are best to use on your stylist profile versus ones that you shouldn't.
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Dogs are great, but refrain from adding photos of your beloved pooch on your profile. After all, WISHI is a styling service -- not a pet service! Instead post a great photo of yourself or someone whose style you admire in fashionable clothes where the accessories are the highlight.
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Your literal closet may be impeccable, and your client's will probably be too once you've helped them! But what does a photo of it really say about your style? Not much. Opt for a flat lay photo of an outfit you styled so potential clients will get a better understanding of your style narrative.
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Shopping is fun, but showcasing a photo with shopping bags won't help a client understand your style. Instead, choose a stylish photo of yourself or someone you've styled in fashionable clothes.
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Showcasing the incredible editorial work you've on your profile is totally understandable, however overly stylized looks (like the one on the left) doesn't tell a client much about what you can do for them for their day-to-day life. Instead choose an editorial photo that describes or tells a story that's also relevant to your own style. 
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Describe your specific style in your bio so potential clients can get a sense of you and what you have to offer them right off the bat. What are your specialities? Are your strengths a specific style or demographic? Check out Heather's profile for example -- you can easily get a sense of her style based on her cover photo, profile picture, and her style tags.
On the Stylists App you'll see you have multiple photo albums: Your Photos, Your Clients, Your Style, and Your Looks. Everything should be cohesive by having the same look and feel. No worries if you don't have photos of your client or yourself. Just make sure you have styled enough Looks and a good amount of style photos that clearly showcase your style.
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thefemalehustler · 7 years
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Hi Milan! Thank you for taking the time to be ‘The Female Hustler’s’ first #FashionFocus interview!
Have you always wanted to get into the fashion industry?
I actually have just always been into motivating others. I began my career from starting a blog using my words to encourage others to make their dreams a reality and in 2012 that's when Milano was born.
Did you go to school for Fashion or Business or did you teach yourself everything about running a business from the ground up?
Most of the knowledge retained had been self taught. I've learned different aspects of the business from mentors, and networking. I was recently a part of the Macy's Fashion Incubator which is a program to help enhance a designers knowledge on the business of fashion, which helped tremendously.
What inspired you to start your own clothing line? Are there any particular designers that inspired you in the beginning?
Well what inspired me was my want to motivate others. Honestly I can get inspired by pretty much every aspect in life. One of the main people who inspires me is Beyoncé ... gotta love her!
You have a really successful online store for Milano Di Rouge however you also have a physical store in Philadelphia, how did you come to opening your own store and what was that moment like?
Well finally opening a physical storefront was definitely a process. Coming to open it was just a decision that I had finally came to the conclusion on and thought that it was time! When I announced the news and finally opened up that moment was breathe-taking for me because I had overcame yet another obstacle and turned it into something beautiful and I couldn't believe it.
How long did it take of building up your online store until you was in a position to open your physical store and what obstacles did you overcome?
I will say the process was extremely long and very well thought out before actually making the change. To transform the brand from being online and making drop-offs was a major obstacle for me I had to think of multiple possibilities such as:
What if people don't like the store ? What if it doesn't do as well as I'm expecting?
Fighting my own thoughts on this major move in my life was an obstacle but I am extremely grateful to have jumped the hurdle of nervousness.
Do you have any plans to open any more stores in other locations? Maybe we can see one here in London one day?
Well at the moment I have a lot of plans for Milano Di Rouge so who knows what's to come. I'm having new ideas on clothing, visuals, and messages I want to send to my customers. And maybe one day I could own a storefront in London, that would be mind blowing.
You have quite a lot of celebrities who support your line and have been seen wearing it from Meek Mill, Lil Kim, Ming Lee and more. If you could see anybody wearing Milano Di Rouge who would it be?
You probably already know my answer from the previous question lol but ... If I could see anybody in Milano Di Rouge it would have to be Beyoncé of course.
How important is social media in your opinion for getting new brands up and running in this day and age? what top 5 marketing tips would you give to anybody looking to launch a new clothing line or business in general?
I believe social media plays an important role in building brands because it helps the brand make more connections they probably wouldn't be able to make through word of mouth or face to face. Social media is a way to reach multiple markets all at one time. The 5 marketing tips I would provide would be:
1) Stay consistent 2) Have visuals 3) Product placement is very important 4) Having a clear vision and sticking to it 5) Mission statement
Where do you get your inspiration for new designs?
When it comes to inspiration in designs I get a lot of my inspos when traveling and learning about new culture, colours, fabric and so forth. Traveling is something that always inspires me to create.
What would you say is your most popular piece that always seems to sell out the quickest?
At Milano Di Rouge our top seller would have to be our Venus and Mars jumpsuit. Which is a 1 piece that's is the perfect outfit to wear on the go or on an evening out. It's our female clienteles favourite item and mine too! You can find in it black, green, maroon, and now navy.
You have held fashion shows in the past for Milano Di Rouge, if you could have a Milano Di Rouge show during any fashion week what country would you choose and why?
If I could choose any country ... this is a hard one but I would have to go with Paris, France. I would choose there solely because of the history behind fashion there. With heavyweight designers whom showcased such as Chanel, Givenchy, and Christian Dior it would be an honour to have Milano in the footsteps of such greatness.
Finally what can we expect to see from Milano Di Rouge over the rest of the year and what is your long term goal for the company?
Well I don't want to give up all the goods on what the MDR team and I have coming your way but we do have our annual Milano Meet-Up's constantly taking place. Those are events placed together for me to meet entrepreneurs from all over and share our stories on how we started and where we see ourselves going. As far as a long term goal for MDR I just want to continue to expand and hopefully as you stated see my clothing in stores in London and multiple areas around the world.
Make sure you go and check out Milano Di Rouge and their amazing pieces on Milanodirouge.com
Follow Milan / Milano Di Rouge on IG for updates @iammilanrouge / @milanodirouge
Shop at the physical store if you are ever in Philadelphia: 1509 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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