#it has to be anastasia right? but who are they addressed to...
technicolorxsn · 3 months
big fan of harrows take on my moms applesauce recipe
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ryik-the-writer · 6 months
No one:
Me: You know who would have been better as Belle's infidelity partner than Will Scarlet? Jefferson.
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Before I begin, THIS IS NOT A BELLE HATE POST! Yes, I am going to address IT, but I am not putting her down for this...and I'll tell you why.
So after that god-freaking-awful twist in 4x11 when Belle sends Rumple over the town line, both he and Belle are left shattered at their dubious betrayals, the latter of which so much so she sought additional comfort (again, not hate, just hear me out).
That love interest ... for whatever reason ... was Will Scarlet, a cameo from Once Upon a Time's short-lived spin-off OUAT in Wonderland, which had ended a few months prior.
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I, along with a good chunk of the fanbase, thought it was a unique choice, and most likely a way to acknowledge the spin-off in canon.
Don't get me wrong, I like Will as a character in OUATIW, but he was just off to me in OUAT. Like he was just shoved in there without a real purpose. Even his scenes with Robin Hood felt forced to me.
And honestly, it seemed strange to me that Belle, the logical scholar and fruitful romantic, would break her wedding vows of all things even after what Rumple did.
BUT THEN AGAIN, I also don't think it's established how intensive wedding vows are in this universe. I mean, Snow technically cheated on David with Dr. Whale, and while it's addressed comedically, it's not really addressed as an issue in their marriage but they comfortably move on from none the less.
Of course, it's obviously just the show's weakest attempt at *drama* and a way to baffle the Rumbellers into stunned silence so they can focus on *other things* (I am NOT going THERE today.)
And I think I remember an article or something about Will's actor's Michael Socha, feeling underused and wanting out especially since he had a kid at home. While he has a few zingers between him and other characters like Rumple and Hook, he looks so awkward when he's on-screen with Belle, like even he doesn't know why he's there!
But for the sake of *drama* Belle needs some side yum. Cool. Girl's gotta work out her frustrations some way right? But WILL SCARLET?!
This Will Scarlet?
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"I love you Anastasia Tremaine" Will Scarlet?
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Who ripped his heart out because her betrayal was just too much?
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For freaking sake, they had a TLK!!!
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I will only, and I mean ONLY accept the following two theories as a reason why...this happened...
1. This takes place during Will and Anastasia's break.
It's established in the OUATIW that the events in the spinoff are happening sometime in either late-season 1 or early season 2's canon. I think. But maybe, just maybe, it was actually around season 4's timeline? The timeline is screwed to hell anyway so...
Ana's presence is established in OUAT after Will, who broke into the library and vandalized a copy of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, is arrested and held indefinitely. And while Will looks distraught at the mention of his former love, but he's not devastated enough
The scene subsequently serves as a pointless but sweet way to introduce Belle and Will. I myself wrote a fic few years back as a way to fill in how that played out afterwards. But the actual writers just kind of tossed it in there.
And dropped it.
Yeah, WIll just kind of disappeared after season 4. Thanks for stopping by, I guess.
And btw, you cannot convince me that a guy who reacts like this after watching the love of his life get killed in front of him:
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Like I kid you not, Will's screams and cries were stuck in my head after that episode. I gasped and covered my mouth. I remember feeling the same way when Graham died in OUAT because Emma's grief was just as raw as this. This is not the kind of grief you just up and move on with so casually. This sticks with you.
Okay, I swear, I have a point.
Again, if Belle just *needed* a love interest during her break from Rumple, fine, but why not use the opportunity to do some freaking fan service after that Frozen mess?
Bring. Back. The. Hatter.
Why Jefferson?
He has an established relationship with Belle.
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Even if the ugly truth is Jefferson had to know Belle was being held captive in the hospital asylum, Belle would still, begrudgingly, be grateful he freed her and reunited her with Rumplestiltskin. Maybe he tried apologizing with coffee, and...things happen.
Plus he has an established relationship with Rumplestiltskin PRIOR to Belle.
No. You cannot tell me these two:
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...were just "business associates". No these two were hitting shroons in Wonderland every Tuesday at happy hour, do I make myself clear? It's obvious they weren't friends but they worked well together.
That scene in the shop would have been BANGER if Jefferson had been in Will's place. I mean the possibilities are endless with their establishment. They could have opened up an opportunity to explore more of Rumple's deals with Jefferson to find a way to the Land Without Magic, or even their shared connection with Regina, established, beloved connections in the series the audience would be comfortable with.
And honestly, I think Belle and Jefferson could have very nice chemistry too.
Their both worldly, and I can see these two sitting at a booth in Granny's forever as Jefferson told her her stories about his travels, maybe even a few tales about his deal and possible friendship with Rumplestiltskin. And maybe he helps her heal a bit.
That scene in 4x12 where Belle and Hook talk about Rumple really rubbed me the wrong way. What Rumple did to Belle and, yes, even Hook, was awful, but Hook never had to answer for his part in Rumple's decline. What did he think would happen if he threatened to blackmail him with Belle of all people?
Not to mention, Belle and Grace would have gotten along so well.
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At this point in the series, Grace is a young teenager, and could possibly use a female presence. She like Henry, would probably understand that her father needs more companionship and would support their relationship. And it would be great foreshadowing to Belle's own relationship with her child later on. And Belle LOVES kids and could have formed a very promising bond with Grace. Regardless on how her relationship with Jefferson could have ended, Belle would have this girl over for sleepovers every week.
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deafknell · 1 year
Reading your answers from that ask meme and I've thought about trans Anastasia before too! It's a good hc. I wonder if there's any other ideas related to that hc that you'd like to share, cause I'm all ears
And if you ever write that fic I'll be there to read 👍
Hey hey! Thanks for the ask, I'm really glad to hear I'm not the only one thinking of it :D Apologies for the delay in getting back to you, I've been away on vacation all week haha.
This will be a lot of rambling rather than direct points, but I'll go over the main areas my headcanon falls under:
Her establishing her own identity/role as a hyena/parallels to the boy in Kararagi Girl Meets Cats
Clinging to a very feminine presentation/insistence on being a maiden
For the first one, we know from her side stories that Ana was a hyena, a poor orphan in the streets of Banan in the Kararagi city states. Most kids there grew up fending for themselves, with no discernable identity, name, or even any hope of climbing out of "the hole" they dwell in. With Kararagi law being incredibly vile as well, the most common fate for a hyena was either starvation, dying of illness or injury from other hyenas/unsavory people, or becoming a slave.
Anastasia is a very unique case. Not only was she able to eventually get a job after being saved from slavery (with Ricardo's help) but Ana was also able to actually name herself - Anastasia (coming from "Anagura" or "the hole" in reference to where she came from) Hoshin (from the most well known man of Kararagi, Hoshin of the Wastelands) This is very significant as, to my knowledge, we have not seen any other hyena reach anywhere near the level of importance that Anastasia has.
You can draw a lot of parallels between Ana in "Kararagi Girl Meets Cats" and the hyena boy she encounters. The boy, while bearing no name or relevance beyond his background, is probably the earliest example of Anastasia's morals being shaken up. When seeing the boy stare at her eating, she directly thinks of how stupid it is to rely on charity that doesn't exist, all while knowing she would have nothing if not for the charity of Ricardo and the bartender who took her in. It's made clear several times that Ana sees a lot of herself in the boy she encounters, even as she directly refuses to help him or do anything.
The boy, of course, steals her wallet and as a result causes her to be brought into slavery temporarily, but there's a lot in the boy's short appearance that leads you to think about the parallels between them. It's said a few times that Anastasia as a child fared stunted growth, but the full implications aren't as clear as they probably could be.
Anastasia's first meeting with Ricardo in "RIsing in Life Memorial Day" has her described as an untidy human child dressed in rags and filthy from head to toe, with very little trust in humanity. After seeing several men trying to grab her, Ricardo steps in to stop them from collaring her and marking her as a slave.
The very first thing she says to Ricardo after he offers her a bite of his pastry is this: "I’m no brat, I’m a girl. Don’tcha you call me that again, old man."
Interesting that's the thing that sticks with her - that her priority after nearly being made a slave for protecting two demihumans was to make sure she was addressed as a girl, right?
Later in that same side story, she seems enamoured with the clothes Ricardo picks out for her and it's mentioned about her wanting to grow her hair out. She's thrown out of her element, looking actually presentable, with Ricardo telling her she'll be starting work soon and it'll be up to her to sort her future out. Ricardo nicknames her Ana-bo, something confirmed in the Q&A to be because he thought she was a boy when he found her.
(Little side note: One of the Hoshin Sayings Ana sticks by goes as "Women should be courageous, and men should be charming." Which definitely adds to it, imo)
Something that Ana does repeatedly in the stories of her as a kid (both the translated and untranslated ones) is insist constantly shes a fair maiden or that she's a woman. Tappei has a habit of writing it a bit creepily (very weird comments made about a teen girl's body) but for the most part, she gets mad whenever Ricardo doesn't quite treat her as a normal girl.
One strong example is in one of the untranslated SS, "Bonds of Ice/Seven Years After/Anastasia Part", where Ana gets mad at Ricardo for not giving her a cute nickname and insisting on calling her Ana-bo or treating her as a kid. To be fair to Ricardo, he's been looking after her for years at this point and she's barely grown (due to prior reasons of malnutrition) but it definitely upsets her being seen as a kid and not treated as a cute girl.
The last point comes at a stretch, and very much headcanon, but I think a big element as well is how Anastasia really values and is attracted to Julius - somebody who frequently goes out of his way to treat her like a precious lady at every opportunity. He's the face of chivalry and will always engage with her teasing comments on her looks or behaviour, which always makes her happy. Where Ricardo will treat her like a daughter and the triplets call her their boss, Julius gives her that fairy tale fantasy treatment that she's probably longed for all throughout her years hating humanity and struggling to even eat at times.
I don't think I could do the headcanon justice in my own writing to the standard it deserves, but if I had the time to do so, I'd focus lots on that yearning part of Ana's childhood being explored through meeting Julius and spending time with the Iron Fang. Having the money for pretty clothes that she couldn't even look at, being able to hold onto coins that never fit her hands before... there's an unmistakeable amount of tragedy built into her, that never overpowers because her mindset of "you have to make your story your own" stops it from truly holding her back.
If you want to discuss more about trans Ana or Ana in general I'm all ears and would love to see it!! Happy to answer asks or dms, whichever you prefer! ^^
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tookishcombeferre · 1 year
Mentopolis Theory: Part 2
Spoilers Below the Cut - Read Part 1 First!
In the previous post I theorized that The Fix IS Elias Hodges. I addressed the first two of the following three points:
1) The Fix, like Elias, was simply a cog in a much larger machine (M. Bition and Henry of Gobstopper Industries play the same role in each of their lives.)
2) A person's focus (fixation) is where their mind is occupied at any given time.
3) Elias starts to take on the traits of the different cognitive functions The Fix interacts with as the series progresses.
In this post, I will address the functions (tagged in order) to explain how Elias starts to take on the traits of the different cognitive functions that The Fix interacts with as the series progresses.
As The Fix begins to interact with the other cognitive functions, we see Elias change. Elias would not have been able to land safely without the help of The Fix meeting (and in some cases encouraging) Elias' other cognitive functions. 
The Fix meeting Imelda helps Elias to survive the mind control attempt because Imelda changes The Fix enough to keep The Fix alive. The Fix, when we first meet him, is not an impulsive or quick thinking character. However, after meeting and interacting with Imelda, The Fix does think quickly enough to jump out the window to avoid being controlled. In the same way, Imelda is also improved by her interactions with The Fix. Imelda is able to focus her impulses towards gathering information to help Elias survive and thrive. Imelda focuses long enough to get the book about the files. She is able to repair her relationship with Anastasia which allows her, Anastasia, and Conrad to uncover the truth about Mayor Logic. The Fix rubbing off on an influential impulse completely changes the outcome of Elias' jump. Imelda focuses at the right time because of The Fix zoning in on her, and The Fix learns from Imelda enough to save himself, and thus, Elias as well. 
The Fix focusing on Anastasia helps Elias to realize all the things that he has been focusing on are, perhaps, not where his attention should be. Anastasia discussing the article that she loved writing about the woman from the coffee shop, and her resignation with the pieces that she has been required to publish, is something that The Fix (and Elias) are only just realizing. The Fix's interactions with A. Tension helps The Fix (and thus Elias) to recognize and realize what is going on in both the microcosm of Mentopolis and the macrocosm of the World. However, A. Tension is strengthened by The Fix. Him listening to her allows her to "get stronger." She unfreezes her key, and she takes her place as someone who needs to, and has, important functions within Elias' brain. By paying attention to A. Tension, The Fix gives her the strength and confidence to take her rightful place in the mind. 
The Fix finally focusing on Danny is interesting because pleasure, when it comes into focus, is not just the kind of sleazy lustful pleasure that runs the dance club in the Red Light district. Danny is complex. Sure, Danny makes jokes about touching balls and everyone orgaisming. However, in moments of stress, Danny thinks about his purpose. In the moment that he's revived and healed, he thinks about the kindness of a stranger remembering a coffee order. Danny is a fascinating character because on the surface he's just a depraved and sad little club owner focused solely on sexual exploits and conquest. However, once The Fix (and thus Elias) comes to focus on Danny, it's clear that Danny seeks not only on sexual pleasure, but also the pleasure that comes from sweetness (the maple syrup) and supporting his friends (the pep-talk feature). The Fix allows Danny to be more himself - more a center of pleasure, and Danny allows The Fix (and Elias) to rediscover his human desire for romance and human interaction. Danny makes Elias human, and The Fix giving attention to Danny (and strengthening him) returns Elias' focus to that human desire for pleasure and love. 
The scene with Pasha N. following The Fix's extensive exposure to Danny actually makes a lot of sense. The Fix finds someone who shares a lot in common with him. He wants to nurture Pasha, and he finds himself drawn to her - pleasurably. The Fix focusing in on (and falling in love with) Passion just makes so much sense. However, Passion is not just things that people are passionate about it's also another term for romantic love. The Fix would have never been able to connect with Pasha without learning from Danny. Danny would never have gotten closer to his goal in helping Elias find pleasure without getting attention from The Fix. Thus, The Fix's attention on Danny means that Elias is getting closer to seeing the value of love (sexual and non-sexual) because he has focused on it. 
The Fix's interactions with Hunch are also interesting to me because I keep coming back to the quote from Madame Loathing - "Focusing on me only makes me stronger." Hunch should have died several times. Ollie should have completely knocked him out. The match in the boxing ring also should have completely demolished him. Yet, Hunch keeps managing to Looney Tunes his way out of these dangerous situations. I think the reason that Brennan keeps allowing Trapp to bolster Hunch in the way he does is because The Fix's focus would "make him stronger." (Plus, the more Hunch fails, the more moxy he gets and the more crazy shit he's able to do.) But, The Fix kind of draws the focus of the group where it needs to be - he gives Hunch (curiosity) a direction. 
The Fix brings Elias' curiosity into conversation with functions that will bolster and nurture him. Thus, Elias becomes curious. Elias asks questions. Elias becomes more like Hunch as The Fix grows to question the authority of M. Bition. The Fix (and thus Elias) are changed by the interaction with curiosity. In turn, curiosity is allowed to survive near death encounters because of the strength he is given by being put in focus. 
Yet, the most powerful interaction is the dynamic between The Fix and Conrad. Conrad almost immediately changes and alters The Fix. Conrad has never had time to be nurtured or focused on because the brain wrote him off as unimportant ... A Wayward Interest. Yet, The Fix is known to have a soft spot for those Wayward Interests. When Conrad meets The Fix, The Fix immediately recognizes that Conrad isn't an intrusive thought or even a Wayward Interest. The Fix (and thus Elias) longs to nurture Conrad. Conrad inspires and awakens something primal and paternal in The Fix. The Fix when he first meets Conrad is still in the heart of his boring, dead-end, boogie man state of being. However, the moment The Fix sees Conrad (and spends time with him) he is opened to the lessons the other functions have to teach him. As The Fix says, Conrad is the butterfly. Conrad is not a distraction. Conrad is what Elias is supposed to focus on. Conrad deserves to be strengthened. Conrad needs to be listened to. As The Fix spends time with Conrad (and to a greater or lesser extent Justin as well), The Fix is able to absorb not only morality but all of the humanity that Elias has left behind in the Red Light district. Elias is able to strengthen and direct Imelda, Anastasia, Danny, Hunch, and even Conrad the way he is supposed to. In meeting Conrad, The Fix is properly ordered towards strengthening what ought to be strengthened and questioning (through Hunch, Anastasia, and Imelda's influence) what ought to be questioned. Conrad, in turn, is strengthened by The Fix. As events progress, even when The Fix isn't there, Conrad begins to take his own initiative in ways that he didn't before. In a humorous show of growth and strength, he says Danny Fuck's name. In a serious show of growth and strength, he punches Ivanna and helps her to regain her key. The little pep talks The Fix gives Conrad help him to grow. They remind him of his purpose, and they make him stronger. These reminders from The Fix also help the other cognitive functions to create a circle of protection around Conrad and each other. Danny Fucks sacrifices himself for the group in the warehouse. Hunch helps to heal The Fix and Danny by remembering Danny's pep talk about stakes. Imelda and Anastasia help Conrad to escape capture by the police, and they help Conrad to encourage Frank Freeze to do the right thing. The Fix literally strengthens Conrad, but he also helps the other functions to strengthen him as well. Thus, where The Fix places his focus and gaze is where Elias focuses and gazes. As The Fix focuses on and interacts with other cognitive functions outside of ambition, Elias is able to do more than just blindly follow his superiors and the knowledge that he has of his job. Elias becomes braver, stronger, and more passionate the more The Fix interacts with other functions. Elias becomes more moral as he focuses on his conscience. However, Elias also finds himself thinking about things that bring him sensual and innocent pleasure as The Fix interacts with Danny. Between The Fix's interactions with Conrad and Danny, Elias and the Fix are already becoming more human than the robotic men (errr ... function?) we were first presented with at the beginning of the series. In conclusion, The Fix strengthens what he focuses on because he IS Elias.
Hope you enjoyed this little theory! 🧡
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fatherramiro · 10 months
may I enquire after "wyllstar anastasia AU"? please and thank you!
this began as me saying casually to my wife "wyllstarion Anastasia AU when?" and then it grew from there. more beneath the cut because im just rambling my entire plot at you im so sorry
the premise is that this is a no tadpole AU, and about ten years before the events of the fic, duke ravengard's only son disappeared during some sort of attack on the ravengard estate. now, ravengard is offering a very hefty reward for anyone who can return his son to him. enter astarion, who is still a vampire (this time with a handy ring of walking in the sun or whatever the actual item is called in the lore) and who goes off to find the aforementioned son so he can collect the reward.
the twist? astarion isn't technically going of his own accord. cazador, who is trying to gain and keep more power in baldur's gate, has sent him to find the duke's son so that astarion will bring him back to be used as a hostage/bargaining chip. see, cazador was behind that attack on the ravengard estate years before, and astarion "accidentally" let the boy escape during the chaos. this is his chance to make it up to cazador. astarion Does Not Want to do this but he's tired of trying to fight back after 200 years of garbage so off he goes.
he's somewhere around the emerald grove when he runs into the blade of frontiers, who happens to have the same name as ravengard's son. wyll is all of 24, has been on his own for as long as he can remember (which isn't that long, he can't remember anything before he was 14), and he desperately wants to find his family and where he belongs and hopes that maybe he'll find that on his heroic journey. he is currently pursuing a devil named karlach per his demonic patron (because mizora, the jackass, found it so easy to manipulate wyll into taking a deal. she will get her ass kicked in this story). so after that sidequest gets resolved, wyll and astarion (as well as karlach) set off for the gate as astarion promises wyll that he can find him answers about his family, etc.
shenanigans ensue! wyll's trauma is actually addressed in a meaningful way and astarion and karlach get him out of the pact with mizora by the time they reach the city! wyll and astarion fall in love! and when they reach the gate, and astarion realizes that this is very much the real wyll ravengard, and also accepts the depths of his feelings for him, he does what he hopes will be the last selfless action of his entirely too long and miserable life. he doesn't bring wyll to cazador, and instead brings him to his father and then walks out of wyll's life forever. (or so he thinks)
im working in a political plot involving gortash and reasons why others might not want the grand duke's son returning to the gate, and obviously this all culminates in a dramatic series of events in which wyll makes choices that grant him agency and he chooses the life he wants, and he and astarion absolutely wreck cazador's shit. finally free from both mizora and cazador, the pair run off together and live Happily Ever After.
its very dramatic. im very obsessed with it, and right now have written a couple bits but am mostly working on fleshing out wyll's arc and the adventures en route to baldur's gate because fuck if i'll write a story in which wyll's journey and interiority are not addressed with equal importance to astarion's. and im very excited to write this tbh.
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bredlyn · 1 year
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review! | some spoilers under cut!!
Title: Icebreaker
Author: Hannah Grace
Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary Romance (Mature)
Year Published: 2022
Chapter Count: 50 + Epilogue
Page Count: 114
Synopsis: Anastasia Allen has worked her entire life for a shot at Team USA. It looks like everything is going according to plan when she gets a full scholarship to the University of California, Maple Hills and lands a place on their competitive figure skating team.
Nothing will stand in her way, not even the captain of the hockey team, Nate Hawkins.
Nate’s focus as team captain is on keeping his team on the ice. Which is tricky when a facilities mishap means they are forced to share a rink with the figure skating team—including Anastasia, who clearly can’t stand him.
But when Anastasia’s skating partner faces an uncertain future, she may have to look to Nate to take her shot.
Sparks fly, but Anastasia isn’t worried…because she could never like a hockey player, right?
Alright so I absolutely love this book, genuinely. This is probably one of the first “booktok” books that I’ve read where I was wholeheartedly enthralled the entire time; granted, the only other book I’ve read strictly because of tiktok was by holleen coover so… enough said on that.
I love both Nathan and Anastasia a whole bunch, and I think that they balance each other outstandingly well. They’re both very supportive to each other, and they definitely have the type of relationship that makes you feel all fuzzy and shit. Hannah Grace is a phenomenal writer and she does a great job in including side characters in the story, I personally hate a book where a character is mentioned once and then completely disappears off the face of the earth.. if you hate that as well, this book is def for you.
I’ve seen reviews of this book where people shame it for a few reason.
Too much / too frequent spice.
The amount of filler chapters it has.
The ending.
Let’s address these from my perspective, as someone who accidentally read a review before actually reading the book.
The spice scenes are in fact very frequent in this book. They aren’t extremely graphic in the sense where Hannah Grace doesn’t explain every single detail, so the scenes themselves don’t feel too prolonged. If you’re someone who reads spice in novels regularly, this won’t be a problem for you. And if you’re newer to reading spice then i’d say this is a good start, especially if you become embarrassed easily while reading this sort of thing. Nothing more to say other than… uh… I thoroughly enjoyed it. So yeah LMAO
Okay I’d like to preface this point by saying that I’m someone who loves the little corny shit that romance novels have to offer. If you are someone who loves when novels stick to the plot 100% of the time, this book is probably not for you. While ‘Icebreaker’ does follow a specific plot, there is many many chapters in the book where the characters are just eating literal shit (aka literally doing nothing). Wether it be an entire chapter of Anastasia and Nathan cuddling, or one of Anastasia and Robbie cooking Indian food together, etc. Again, I am a SUCKER for these type of plot scarce chapters, they are my fav and I am completely unapologetic about it.
The ending wasn’t that bad.. truly it wasn’t. People are so overdramatic ohmyDAYS!!!! The Epilogue takes place a couple-ish years after the last numbered chapter, fast forwarding to a very-much-prego Anastasia talking to her therapist about how her in-the-belly-but-very-ready-to-pop baby makes her have to pee. She narrates a few things, just filling us (the reader) in about some stuff that’s happened in the 2 years that were skipped, and then her and Nathan are at dinner yadda yadda yoooooou. Again, people are dramatic, the end was not half as bad as they’re making it out to be. Does it seem slightly rushed? Sure, but that’s because of the contrast between the pace of the actual story vs. the info cramming of the Epilogue. I was satisfied so it didnt rlly bother me idk.
Now that that’s addressed, one thing I really want to point out is the outstanding character development in this book. I’m obsessed with seeing how the characters stress about their problems, and then seeing as the chapters progress, how they overcome their own dilemmas. Hannah Grace’s integration of real world problems in this semi-lighthearted semi-angsty book, it’s so so good.
The way Anastasia tackles her eating disorder, and the way that she reacts to realizing she even has one.. It’s all very spot on and realistic, which is something I can definitely appreciate. I feel as if sometimes authors slap on certain mental health problems to these characters just to create the illusion of depth or dramatics; and a lot of the time they don’t portray said mental health issues accurately. i.e. it’s mentioned once, maybe twice, and is never touched on again, only for it to be implied later on that the character overcame the issue. It’s all very weird and halfhearted. But ‘Icebreaker’ and Hannah Grace do it phenomenally well.
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pic taken from @maddiesflame
Literal beaut of a book, I genuinely enjoyed every moment that I was reading this book.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🌟 | 5 stars.
Very much recommend!
Breddy Out!
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theajaheira · 2 years
no new update of what you make tonight as i'm working on something else, but i AM going through the outtake doc for cute bits and snips! these span a BUNCH of chapters. (the actual outtake doc itself is 50k words but we're not doing that.)
“Sorry about eating your pancakes,” said Art, who really wasn’t.
“You really aren’t,” said Mom affectionately. “And you know I don’t mind. You’re a growing boy, and I’m—”
“A shrinking lady?” said Buffy innocently.
Anxiously, Art said, “If she’s shrinking, she should be eating pancakes!”
“That’s—no. Art—no.” Mom was doing her very best not to laugh. It wasn’t really working. “And Buffy, I am thirty-seven and nowhere near shrinking any time soon. Now, Rupert, on the other hand—”
“I have to go call Anya,” said Dad very loudly, and left.
“You don’t just throw money at problems,” said Jenny, glaring at him in a refreshingly combative way that felt a bit less like a marble statue and a bit more like a lightning strike. “And we’re not putting you out like that. Do you even know how expensive it is to house this many people in a reasonably decent hotel?”
“More money than we can pay, apparently,” said Stacey under her breath.
“For the love of God, Anastasia, do not create a new problem for me to address when Art’s parents are busily working on arguing their way into this one,” said Nora exasperatedly. “I should not have to tell you how hard your father and I worked to make this vacation a possibility—”
“And it’s sucked!” Stacey burst out. “It has totally sucked! You guys never let me do anything but wander around playing babysitter, and the one time I called Maddy, she said that Casey’s family’s in Honolulu right now and Casey totally has a Hawaiian boyfriend now! I haven’t even gotten to look at boys!”
“Stacey, you need to pick a lane,” said Jenny sharply. “You gonna get up on your high horse about how much you don’t like Rupert or are you going to yell at your mom about not being able to pay for the kind of vacation that Casey’s family is going on?”
Tears in her eyes, Stacey burst out, “This was supposed to be a vacation, and all we’re doing is trailing around after Art’s dad!”
“I…did not realize that those lanes could merge,” said Nora, who looked almost impressed.
“Yes, thank you, Christian, but I have absolutely no interest in continuing to have mediocre sex with you. What? Yes, it was mediocre. Do you even know where the clitoris is?” Upon seeing Giles in the doorway, Anya sighed very dramatically, then said, “Look, my kinda-boss is here and he doesn’t like it when I use the work phone to break up with disinteresting men. I will not be calling you back, and you definitely shouldn’t call again.”
She was now leveling Giles with a look that clearly said you better not be about to pull what I think you’re going to pull. “Pretty sure the ocean will be a problem, Rupert,” she said, “because you’re not just going to make some sort of impulsive life decision just because—”
“I’m moving to Colorado,” Giles informed them.
“Jesus Christ,” muttered Jenny, dropping her head into her hands.
Nora and Donovan exchanged a completely bemused look. 
“Jenny, he has so many people who love him,” said Giles very softly. “Nora and Donovan, of course, but it’s abundantly clear that his cousins adore him. I’ve never seen a family get on quite like yours does.”
“You’ve seen, like, two families,” said Jenny unsympathetically.
Giles ignored this.
Art lit up the very moment Giles entered the kitchen. Giles had initially assumed that this could be attributed to his relative newness, and would as such fade once he became a more established part of his life, but closer observation had revealed that Art’s delight extended to absolutely every member of his family. Even Bella, who Art valiantly play-acted at violently hating, always got his attention upon entering a room—though, to be fair, Bella got everyone’s attention upon entering a room, usually by causing minor to significant property damage within the first five seconds of being there. “Hi, Dad!” he said. “Aunt Nora made you breakfast and tea and I didn’t let Mom eat any of it.”
“…Was that a risk?” said Giles.
“Yes,” said Art, glaring at Jenny. “She said you said it would be okay, but I didn’t see how you could do that if you were asleep. Were you asleep?”
“Very,” said Giles, sitting down between Jenny and Bella. “How are you doing?”
“I don’t know, it’s too early,” said Art. “You have to ask me that at dinner when I’ve done things. Can we play in the hedge maze again?”
Giles opened his mouth. Jenny shot him a look, then said to Art, “I don’t know, baby. Are you going to be able to take good care of your dad and not get him lost in it again?”
“I wasn’t lost,” Giles started, very unconvincingly.
“He wasn’t lost!” said Art. “He’s a grown-up! And I wasn’t lost either!”
Seeing as Rupert has not quite gotten over the fact that we will no longer be traveling from place to place, and in fact woke me up at four in the morning last Thursday to ask where his little suitcase was so that he could properly pack it for our next trip, any and all aspects of our new home that bring him joy are a great joy to me as well. As such, when he discovered that the telephone was no longer solely for emergencies, he proceeded to ask me to ring absolutely every family member possible so that he could talk to them. Of course, given that Rupert has quite a lot of trouble talking to anyone who isn’t me or Tom, as soon as the phone was handed to him, he would go dead silent, listen with wide eyes to the inquiries of whichever gran he had on the phone, and say, very anxiously, “Thank you for calling. Goodbye,” before abruptly hanging up.
The first time he did this, I was very worried that he’d been made nervous by a family member outside of our little circle. Imagine my surprise when he solemnly handed me the phone again and asked politely that I ring “the other gran” so that they could “have a little chat,” which I am certain is a phrase he learned from my little chats with Lizzy and Ramona! He has spent the last two days asking about people we can call, to the point where Tom sat down last night, drew up a small list of friends and family who he has made sure will not mind getting repeated calls from a four-year-old who is not inclined towards chatter (as it happens, most of our friends and family think that this is ADORABLE, as they SHOULD), and taught Rupert how to use the phone so that he could call people himself.
Rupert has not left the phone for hours on end. He is unbelievably fascinated with it and spent most of yesterday explaining to me how he thinks it works in great detail. Tom caught wind of this (and, of course, my response, which was to treat the whole thing like improvisational theatre and add on particularly outlandish suggestions re: magical telephones) and decided to track down some informational pamphlets on how telephones REALLY work. Rupert, however, was supremely uninterested in actual science, and responded to this pamphlet by drawing up a pamphlet of his own that (according to him) is entitled “How Telephones Really Really Work.” Thomas has absolutely no idea what to do with this. (I am going to get it framed.)
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casspurrjoybell-26 · 5 months
May to December - Chapter 30 - Part 1
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*Warning Adult Content*
They had moved into the townhouse after New Year's Day with no problems.
A bulk of the furniture was stuff they had moved from Chaska's house.
The remainder of it were privies they had snagged from a thrift shop outside town.     
Otis had liked his room but he had cried when he realized the separate bed and bedroom meant being on his own.
Kyle has fixed the situation by suggesting that he slept alone on school days and slept with them on weekends.
Otis wasn't pleased but he blinked back his tears and nodded his head at his father's offer.   
It was weird at first, getting used to the fact that they would wake up next to each other every day.    
"It feels weird, doesn't it?" Kyle asked one morning as he poured out the eggs he's finished making into a plate.
He had watched Chaska from the corner of his eyes as the man had looked through the fridge for a quick bite before work.   
They had gotten up a bit late and were scrambling about to eat breakfast and do the needful before they had to head out.  
"What's weird?" Chaska had asked, stuffing a muffin into his mouth before pulling on the roll of paper towel for something to dust crumbs off with.
"Eating a muffin?" Chaska had asked after he swallowed the food in his mouth, making Kyle laugh.   
"No, having so many things to think about when you wake up," the man had said, watching as Chaska and smiling a bit when the younger man nodded in agreement.  
Taking care of Otis without Kyle's grandmother, tending to the cats and having a place bigger than an apartment to clean and upkeep by themselves has been tiring but fulfilling.   
The narrow hallways, the cramped layout of the house and the three cats that wandered about made the house seem lively.
Even more so when Kyle's mother came to visit occasionally like she had promised she would.   
Amongst many of the things the duo was doing together, Chaska and Kyle had started working on building a chicken pen in the backyard.
The younger man had plans of starting a little garden and raising chickens so that groceries wouldn't be a bit less expensive.
It didn't matter that they were working on two salaries now, they had more expensive commitments to address.  
Since it was nearing February, it got colder and the snow stuck around after short drizzles and night storms.
At least the air wasn't thin and dry and men didn't have to worry about the toddler coughing.
There was a thin sheet of white on the ground and Otis reminded the two adults about it by running in and out of the house with his wet shoes as he chased the cats or bothered one of their neighbor's dogs.
They hadn't made enough to cover it yet but Chaska and Kyle were working towards getting him to see a therapist.
Anastasia was helping and trying to see if she could get them on her insurance.  
The woman and Chaska had grown to like each other.
At first, it had been odd having her call to speak to Otis every day but it was something they grew used to.
The boy looked forward to their discussions with his mother and Chaska grew to be less insecure about their relationship.
They weren't fighting for his affection.
The boy loved all of them.
Chaska still wasn't over how good it felt to have the toddler refer to him as his father.     
Settling down meant getting used to the area, their neighborhood and the house itself.
Their neighbor to the left was a young woman unmarried woman in her twenties and their neighbor to the right was an older woman who was always happy to see Otis out playing in the front yard.
She and Chaska had grown a little close through discussing food recipes and the garden she had right in front.
He kept asking her for tips and he couldn't wait for when he could grow his own plants in the spring.     
They still had not found a solution to Otis and the cats littering the house with toys.
The rocking chair they got him for Christmas stayed in the living room and a handful of his stuffed animals found their way to the kitchen and bathroom.  
Despite how annoying it was, it reminded Chaska that there was a little human in the house.   
"Do you think the flowers would have dried out yet?" Chaska asked as he poured out a cup of juice for Otis.   
Kyle shook his head.
"No, they are just buried in snow."
The man lifted Otis from the floor before handing him the cup Chaska has poured out for him.
The younger man had fasted a sippy cup top to it, so Otis could drink without fear of spilling grape juice all over the place.     
"Yeah, you're right," Chaska said, thinking about what his mother's grave would look like now.
It was probably buried under snow.
He hadn't had the finances to get a headstone for her grave and it was a miracle in itself that he had put together enough to get the woman her own grave instead of having her share a mass one like most people who died without relatives did.   
Kyle did visit Chaska's mother's grave with him.
The younger man had cried in the car when they were heading back home but there were tears of relief versus tears of sadness and distress.
Chaska didn't talk about his father and Kyle felt it was better to leave it at that but if sometime in the distant future Chaska decided that he would like to forgive the man, Kyle made it clear that he would support him.  
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writerslock · 10 months
chapter one- who he never was- introduction
I’m not sure how to start this off.
The doctors told me it would be better to write all this stuff down to help with my memory, but I've never been good with introduction paragraphs. or introduction thoughts in this case, so i’ll start with the basics. My name is Anastasia, and I'm 16 years old. I have a lot of personalities, but my favorite one has to do with the fact I love love. if that makes sense. I love the feeling of love, I love loving others, i just.. I love love love.
I'm inferring that at least, as almost all of the posters in my room have a quote about love. My assumption is confirmed after seeing that the lights that adjourn the first clump of posters are hearts, and after skimming through my white bookshelf covered in dust, 99 out of the atleast 100 books have to do something with love.
I was told that I suffered a concussion during a crash I was involved in during the summer. my mom refuses to let me know what happened, telling me it will come when it comes. i don’t remember a lot to be honest, which is why i’m snooping around my own room, like a creep, but i guess not a creep in a way? I mean, the person i’m creeping on is myself, and technically I have permission. or is it just the creep in me- you know what, i’m just gonna stop talking.
back to what i was saying. I remember some names, and only two people including my mom, and also some feelings associated with it, but other than that, I can't remember jack shit. However, I still know all of the bracelet patterns I learned at summer camp in 5th grade. camp chattanooga 1, concussion 0. After I scour the underside of my bed, I find a box full of letters. all addressed to PEOPLE. WITH NAMES! AND STORIES. thank god past me had a passion for writing. The only issue with that is, some of the things I've made up or changed for, you know, my stories.
for example, test subject one. Wait, I hate that name, it makes me sound crazy. crush 1? no, basic. I know! victim 1. eh, it sounded better in my head. Whatever, code names don’t matter right now
victim one, carmen-
my first boyfriend, despite his name making him sound like a girl. I know this is a code name , but I know why I picked it. He had a girly name. That also made him sound like a summer boy.I had boyfriends before, but he was the real one, the one that stuck. We dated for a month in 7th grade, but he broke up with me shortly after. He wouldn’t even tell me why, had to find out a year later (by also being nosy). in the letter, one of the main points is an argument.. that happened a year after we dated.
I don't know what to do with this information.
It feels like it’s pointing me in the right direction, but also pointing me right to a dead end. Also note that his name is on multiple letters in this box, and I have a hunch that there’s other things leading to him hiding in this room. I'll take this letter to one of the only people I remember, my best friend steve. she’ll remember something.
our weather might be bipolar, but i feel like recently august has always been hotter than it should. I'm wearing leggings, my white sneakers that have turned off white because of how dirty they've turned, a white tank top that was way too overpriced but made my boobs look good, and to top it all off, a zip up gray jacket. a cliche august core outfit, but i'm somehow still crisping up like a marshmallow.
I wanted to walk to be more aesthetic, but immensely regretted it a mile in, forgetting that even though it’s considered walking distance, it’s still 3 and a half miles.
As I walk into the small, low key library she works for, the century old bell rings throughout the store, alerting all of the college students just trying to study and the prestigious book worms I've entered the area.
As I walk up to the counter slowly, I scope around for steve. tilting my head to get a better angle around the shorter bookshelves, I still can’t find her anywhere. I end up walking up to the counter for help.
average height, brunette is at the counter. He has a lot of cologne on, as I can smell it from far, but it’s surprisingly not suffocating. it smells like he just came back from the beaches of Florida, so what’s he doing here? for some reason, it feels like he fits it but is a total outlier all at the same time. He doesn’t even notice me, as he seems preoccupied with sorting the $1.25 bookmarks they sell by color on the counter.
“hello welcome to legre scriptum-
oh shit.
0 notes
wicked-legacies · 2 years
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💎—— TIME
[ Kyros - in time ]
Cinderella once admitted she wished she had chosen a different name for Kyros during Prom.  Flotsam's first intention was her doing it out of being spiteful during the process of her pregnancy.  He also rambles about some dictator that she doesn’t address. . . because there are just some things Cinderella can’t fix that comes out of his mouth, actually.  BUT he didn't understand Cinderella.  He didn't understand her in the position she was in or what she was going through then.  After the talk they had when they where re-naming Kisses, she understands very well.  
Later, down the road he comes home with a puppy . . . As exciting as anyone would be getting a puppy, and even asked to name him, which was sweet.  Ends very terribly but thankfully not tragically like Kisses.  Flotsam ends up treating her decision, and choice much how Anastasia Tremaine would treat Cinderella.  The only time Cinderella ever really felt helpless and scared of Flotsam within there relationship, was honestly every time she found herself pregnant.  Cinderella knows what abuse and neglect is, she lived and breathed it when she was with the Tremaine's since the death of her father, as it can take many forms, but she loved Flotsam regardless of how toxic all three of her pregnancy's really where.  Dr. Sweets, later tied her tubes after her last, Scout Laveau, as the only person who knew were Dr. Sweets and Xigbar.
She gets a bit clouded in her judgement and emotional dispute.   Originally, Kyros's name was suppose to be Red cause it's a Red Coon Hound. He was very adorably red after all!  It also would have confused many people, as there Red Fox was named Fox by Jetsam after Cinderella named Kyros, and the Red Coon Hound should have been Red.  BUT that Red Fox was not suppose to be apart of the family at all, it only came about by accident, and she was planning on finding him a home, as Cinderella was making the biggest choice of her life.
Cinderella was leaving New Orleans for her own safety and the safety of her own child's future after she almost jumped the Mississippi River.  
She'd also be able to spend what little time she had left seeing what little of the world she can before she dies.  She's barely lived or done anything she wants to do with her life.  None of this had to do with trying to escape the loa, run away from Flotsam, cheat the system and change her ways to a Coven Supporter, but just try to survive and have a full pregnancy term and live what little time she had left.
After all, she couldn't take it anymore!  She can't keep living the way she had!  Her back was not properly healed when Flotsam broke up with her from the start.  When she couldn't handle being hunted down by Lost Boys, Coven Members, Police Officers, and Hunters.  When she couldn't handle the restless stress and living the way she was.  It broke her.  She tried to return herself to the Tremaine's, and that's how bad it got for her.  Either she'd be sent off in the Red Queen's Asylum for Coven Enemy's where Lady Tremaine was going to naturally send her before she ran away to begin with or killed off by Drizella.  Yet when that didn't work out, she ventured off and tried jumping off a bridge into the Mississipi River.  
Why didn't Cinderella jump?
The invisible embrace ; Beyond the gaping emptiness echoing the familiar grieving ache of loss/heartbreak, and the desire to end it all.  Before she takes the plunge she feels them.  Her unborn child is it's own person.  Hearts always contain more than the mind can ever understand, and her son's heart is inside her.  Love is a beautiful thing, but it's death's disciple, the feel of her son, River, reveals the noise of her own child, and herself, they are mother and child, and they always were mother and son, as her child has a purpose and a whole life ahead of them, and just because his mother was a worthless failure it doesn't mean she has the right to give up on him.  Not now anyway.  Why she adores River's name.  It's powerful.  It's perfect ; her first born son was always perfect.
However, another question to look at is why didn't Cinderella stay with Zeke when she was struggling?
Deep down Cinderella isn't sure what the Loa let alone Flotsam is truly capable off as she does desire to get sassy with Flotsam and be brutally honest at times throughout her pregnancy but she never does.  She gets flustered with him ( an example ;  a seamstress babbling about clothes?  Really?  Cinderella naturally has the capability and talent to alter/change?  That scene about the clothes had NOTHING to do with the clothes - it had everything to do with Flotsam's neglective nature -  The one and only thing Cinderella asked since the pregnancy was a journal - It was important to her - She wanted to write. . . to River - She's already going to die like her mother - She had mentioned cloths, but she ASKED him for a Journal - A journal she could fill with letters to her child is her act of the love and memory, and good bye, but also a repository that hopefully in time, her and Flotsam could have done together as a couple ).  But no matter how badly she wants to point the flaws out, or correct him, or yell at him, she was patient as she's struggling.  This is the reason why she turned down his offer to live with Uncle Zeke.
It had nothing to do with him actually living out in the swamps, or her own independence and taking care of herself.  She can't even take care of herself! That's an honest fact!!!!!!!!!!  It had everything to do with the fact that there's a possibility her presence could have Zeke killed, like her presence killed Kisses.  Zeke was nice to her when he didn't have to be.  Cinderella, cautiously tried to keep her distance time and time again.  She feared she'd get the only person that was rather kind to her a death sentence.  He has two kids ( Cloak + Dagger ) as Zeke wouldn't deserve that kind of fate as much as his kids could have suffered being fatherless because of her.  It initiates the conflict within Cinderella.
Yet she's not sure which Laveau boy came up with the name River.  Throughout her pregnancy.  But there was something about Jetsam she noticed:
Eerily Cinderella admires Jetsam through out her first pregnancy in a bit of a fascinating but terrifyingly frightening awe, it wasn't the first time he'd managed to foresee something regardless of it being intentional or not.
What did Jetsam do prior that left Cinderella fascinated/terrifyingly frightening awe?  If Cinderella was going to die like her mother as Mambo stated, then damn it, she was going to die on her terms!  The little joke Jetsam pulled with the "alien puppet" popping out of her stomach.  Regardless of Jetsam knowing the truth, or just him joking around predicted a lot.  Cinderella's end game, or her version of her death was for Jetsam to gut her open alive during delivery.  Cinderella would have hemorrhage/bled out and died leaving Flotsam clean of feeling any guilt because the baby was more important, she'd die in seconds after River's first cry.  She'd never know her baby's name.  Never know the joys of holding him for the first time.  Never known if she had a boy or a girl . . .  All Cinderella would have known was the piercing cry of her only newborn, and that was enough for her.  In the end, she didn't just agree with Jetsam because she wanted to choose his side over Flotsam's.  
Flotsam just didn't even give it a second thought that Cinderella could have meant Emotional Pain.  Emotional pain can become Physical Pain.  She thought long and hard on this and almost glared at Jetsam because she didn't want Flotsam to know.   But . . . How did he know?  How did he figure it out when she's never spoken a word about it?  It's not like she had anyone to talk to about her darkest fears!  Last voicemail to Lucifer was her, in silent heart wrenching sobs, in soft murmurs in case Dr.   Facilier  was listening - believing she had a miscarriage and lost the baby after she bled and cleaned the mess up quickly before Mambo or Dr. Facilier ( hopefully he didn’t notice ) even noticed after Flotsam threw Kisses against the wall.  Voicemail was full after that . . .  She couldn't leave anymore messages.  She's now truly on her own, and about to be slaughtered by Flotsam.  Every visit was her waiting for Flotsam to end her life, why she became despondent, empty, and prepared for death.   She had no one to really talk about her emotions with after that, but that was never truly talking, they where just confessional hysterics of a girl that was terrified of dying.  Who wouldn't be?
There was no one to visit.  No one to really reach out too.  No one really knew what she was going through, or had anyone to go to, when things got hard, or feel comfortable to call anyone that could be of any comfort.  She continually lied to Eeyore the entire time up until they met because. . . Eeyore was happy!  He's left New Orleans.  That's it.  Lying over the phone was truly easy.  Also his death would be at her own hands if she broke down.  
Time and time again Cinderella struggled with telling Eeyore the truth over the course of time, but she couldn't do it.  She didn't want him to come back to New Orleans so Pan or the Lost Boys could strike him down, like they tried to strike her down, as they both were Neverland traitors, after the break up with Flotsam.  She'd be the death of Eeyore. . . and only one of them should die a gruesome death that year.  Yea?  Eeyore would have never known.  She also had no one to celebrate with her either. . . She's pregnant but there was no one who really wanted her to be!  She’s having a baby, but thankfully she'll be dead soon so there's no point celebrating the joys it has to offer . . .
Anyway - Flotsam didn't correlate the significant of why Cinderella said it would hurt or the reason why it could hurt.  Yet Jetsam nailed it.  
Yet, as she held that Red Coon Hound, there was a gust of secondary feelings of motherhood she's never going to have that she tried to suppress . . . This little puppy emotionally loved her - it was technically in it's own way a baby. . . Kyros's gender was a male.  She named it a name that held a lot of power and meaning to her at the time.
The name Kyros is just another form of Kairos.  The word Kairos comes from an Ancient Greek term translated as the “ right time ” or “ opportune moment ” to do or say something, which historians distinguish from Chronos, understood as “ clock time. ”  Time.  Time Cinderella won't have with her baby, or with this Red Coon Hound.  She got to be able to name him before her departure in life.  As her life soon will come to it's end, Kyros's and her own child’s life is only going to begin without her in it.  Flotsam was just being merciful.  Cinderella had no part in naming their child with Flotsam, much as the same way as being apart of the Baby's room as he was doing it out of mercy.  That’s part of the reason why you don’t see Cinderella argue with Flotsam, or see any scenes of her wondering what the baby’s name was going to be.  Shutting her out, was confirming Flotsam already knew the Loa’s judgement.  She just accepts it and doesn’t challenge him or fight him.  She even justifies her Step Family's ( Lady Tremaine + Drizella ) physical abuse as glorified training.  They were only abusing her to train her for the horrors she was going to face and she became a bit grateful ( until she didn’t die . . . then it goes back to them being Cuntmaines!!! ).
And yes.  Flotsam did put her in charge of some other room - a playroom.  It was just a space for her to lock the door.  Close all the lights most of the time.  Wait for time to tic away so death could take her.  She never had plans of finishing that room.  It held 0 importance as she wanted the dizzy memory of her and Flotsam doing the baby’s room together, as this empty of a shell of a room wouldn't have mattered what she left behind in it, when walls can be repainted, and everything could be thrown out, it held nothing important like doing it together with Flotsam.  Or even Jetsam.  It was just a space for her to be eaten out alive with her ongoing depression and drown her in darkness no one could really understand as she'd clasp her hands over her ears struggling not to break down and cry her eyes out in the isolation she lived.  It was exactly like the stairless cellar/basement she was forced in as a child by Lady Tremaine.  She just learned to get used to the constant echoing silence after so long of being in it as it began in Flotsam/Jetsam’s bedroom before Flotsam broke up with her, she just grew adjusted that Lucifer wasn't there anymore to get her out.  To save her and treat her to the closest thing she knew as humane.  Spending a lot of her time in that room utterly alone.
But this was an oppertune moment to be able to have that sense of naming something?!  Is it Greek.  Yes.  But the list of male names that mean time are :  Aeon ( Latin ), Debare ( Igbo ), Horatio ( Italian/German ), Ibisa ( Nigeria/Ijaw language ), Jesus ( Hebrew ), Kipkemboi ( Kenyan/Kalenjin language ), Lagan ( Hindu ), Okiremute ( Nigeria/Urhobo language ), Tamunobesa ( African/Ijaw language ), Tamunosaki ( Indian ), Zaman ( Arabic ).
It was between Kyros, Aeon, Ibisa ( only because it was fun to say and it made her giggle!!! ), or Zaman.  Kyros sounded stronger, and befitting of a hound and held a lot more meaning to her at the time.
Only it goes very south very fast.  He gave her something to name. . . but had no respect or standing.  Flotsam treated her a bit more how Anastasia would treat Cinderella which made her feel trapped and helpless in there pregnancy.  She didn’t understand why he did some of the things he did.  Kitten’s can’t solve inner fears, depression, or help one solve one’s inner workings as she degraded vocally when she was in Flotsam/Jetsam’s bedroom for a month and a half.  Putting it simply, Cinderella struggled to answer that age-old question “ who am I? “, and “ will I really turn out . . . like my mother? “ and “ If I am chosen to die, then I shall die on my own terms. “  This in turn would raise all sorts of tricky, and negative questions/behaviors/identity-struggle about their place in the world, and their purpose and possibilities in life.  Her father’s Greek bloodline that was coursing through her veins, become her only sense of pleasure and sanity.  Anything of her father is closure/healing/hopeful.  When there’s nothing left to hold onto anyone would cling to whatever they can that made there life a little more easier to bare.  It kept her going - it even kept her trying.  However, the pride of her father’s bloodline that surges through her changes.  Flotsam hates her.  Cinderella is ultimately broken and destroyed.  She feels filthy/nasty.  When she can’t change the blood coursing through her she feels she’s disappointed him.  Cinderella can’t genetically or alter what’s there and that sort of eats her from the inside out, as she can’t meet the expectations of Flotsam.  Cinderella hated herself more than Flotsam ever could.  She’s a failure, and she really wasn’t worthy of being loved or valued by Flotsam regardless of how much she wanted his love - typically he must love her emotionally and not physically.  Her self-hatred of herself created a form of Sexual Anorexia from self-hatred.
When he said he didn’t want to date her LATER ON . . . in all honestly, she accepts it because it’s naturally known he HATES her.  But she can’t help herself . . . she still wants to date him so very badly.  She becomes guilty and shameful of her desire to date him - it’s like she feels she’s going to date-rape Flotsam!  What. A. Manipulative. Whore. It’s not what someone does to someone they love.  She is guilty, fantasizes about dating Flotsam, and luring him to sexual date-esque places she deeply is aroused by and wants to try.  All her life, she grew up in a abusive household.  She deeply doesn’t know how to make Flotsam unhate her.  She doesn’t know how to verbally express to him her inner sexual-desires that involve dating, as she desires to experience of self-discovery, to expand and experience what she’s never done before, not just sexually but typically what dates provide.  She wants to rush and thrill of being with someone who wants to be with her.  The Taylor Swift Love song.  There’s nothing quite like - or as memorable as - the thrill of a new experience and what dating meant to her.
We don’t get to see/know, what Cinderella and Jetsam’s date experience was, but if all went well, she didn’t just want to ride the Carousel.  She wants to experience the thrills of riding rides!  She wants to hold Jetsam’s hand!  Drag Jetsam from ride to ride and be competitively playful seeing who could last longer ( which Jetsam wins the majority if he’s down for it ; maybe the stakes gets him a blow job in the Garden or Ferris Wheel ) ; Placing her hand on his knees, having a mischievous-playful smile on her face as if she’s about to do something she THINKS is naughty but it’s low grade teasing.  She’s no bad-girl ; Just playful.  Using her metal manipulation to lower the metal safety bars on rides, after everyone’s off, thrusting them forward not following the rules!  Forcing the Pirate Ship Ride to do 360′s ( when it shouldn’t be doing that!!! ) seeing who gives in first as they go around and around!  Playfully winking as she terrorizes the guest on the Tower of Terror as the safety bars just rise up being as high up as199 feet up in the air as if there about to drop with no safety bars.  Forcing them to shrill and feel panic.  Race each other on Go-Karts or really annoy the operator by bumping into the back of one another.  Stealing a stray golf kart forcing people out of the way, and running away from authorities.  Leaving nearly every ride with a “ this ride is closed “ until they close the park early because of all the misfortune.  While she turns around, and pulls him close to her by his belt/belt loops and tell him to lower himself because Jetsam’s so damn tall!!!  She has this thrill and rush and winded courage to seductively whisper she wants to sneak back in after they leave and fuck him in the mirror maze that she made sure THEY DIDN’T DO.  She wanted him to miss it.  Barely even see it.  As that was the real intention.  Target acquired.  The entire point was to build and lure.  “ I want you to watch me undress myself and see if you like the surprise I have for you “ but also “ I want you to watch me fuck you in ever angle and show you how you REALLY make me f e e l. “  Hell, if she didn’t impress him, with what she had underneath that black dress, she might as well have commented “ I guess that means I’m going to have to try even harder next time “ crossing fingers they could have a secondary date.  Cinderella has plenty of sexual-date desires, but she needs the build up.  And then there’s the chaos of destruction in Cinderella’s ever waking pleasure when she’s actually having sex.  Chaotic screams - people dying - metal bending - the horror - the blood smears - the explosions - and as they leave the Ferris Wheel making the ground tremble as they watch it crush/rolling off into the town . . . oops?!  Totally worth it.  IF the date went well - and that was how Chip and Dale happened more or less.
But during Kyros/her first pregnancy.  If she wasn't struggling with her depressive habits that tended to weaken her constitution, as Cinderella went through waves where she sometimes barely ate as that started from the very beginning of her pregnancy.  River was the smallest/skinniest Laveau born due to her constant in and out depression/later self-hatred she struggled with and her days trying to survive on her own when she was homeless with countless enemy's ( Enemy of Coven.  Wanted by the Police since she had been 17 UNTIL Halloween.  Hunted by Lost Boys for her being a traitor. And Hunters, as Drizella manipulated Gaston ).  
There were just times she ate absolutely normally, and then just declines for a couple of days, as she’d probably hide in the closet/playroom since she can’t hide under the bed.  Why many strangers guessed wrong when she was due ( however the image I edited of Cinderella being pregnant with River was inaccurate but terribly easy to edit as she should have looked smaller ).  In the end, if Cinderella had the strength and health she would have immediately found Fox and Kyros new owners.  Right then and there.  There was just that heart stopping dread every time he mocked Kyros’s name.  It's like he's mocking what little time she has left and hating her even more, wanting her to recognize it.  
She starts to feel that eerieness creep in.  Inner panic.  She's barely lived.  Barely seen the world.  And what little she has lived has been complicated.  She's having a baby before she's ever had a first date.  She wants her dad. She doesn't deserve to be a mother!  But she kinda. . .wants to be one.  She wants a baby shower ( and Cinderella never does get one within all three pregnancy's ).  She's truly a worthless little whore that should have died a long time ago before any of this happened!  Lucifer should have never kept her alive.  He was the only reason Cinderella had thrived in the Tremaine Household.  She's never going to go on a proper date, yet he'd never wanted to date her anyway!!!  She doesn't truly ever feel or view herself as beautiful because Flotsam hates her.  Later she tries to make animatronics to put make up on her so she doesn’t have to look at herself. . . it never worked but there’s a hint of how badly she had it.   She learns to hate herself more than Flotsam ever could.  While something very sweet turned very bitter fast.  
YET she'd also feel these things in the reverse setting.  Hearing the name Kyros would have made her feel the same set of emotions because it would also be that ringing bell that the TIME she has left is fading.  She would have realized she would desire to rename him Red over Kyros.  Only the name Kyros ends up staying because Flotsam chooses to degrade her choice.  It's confusing.  
Also, even Jetsam’s taken a innocent jab at Cinderella.  Whale.  She’s as big as a Whale caused a lot of insecurity when she was pregnant, not because she honestly hated it, or that Jetsam was calling her fate/big, but because she didn’t have that much time left.  It was said at the end of Peru ( a partial requiem nightmare of a trip - wrapped in a first kiss and one beautiful day -Cinderella’s first sexual fantasy of Jetsam happened in Peru ).  But the way she looked so pathetic looking at him ; wide eyed ; lower lip trembling just a little ; her chest irregularly rising and falling because her heart escalated and she’s terrified.  Yes.  She’s. . .  big, but being told that was as strong as being slapped in the face.  HOWEVER, she loved it after words.  Playfully.  Jokingly.  Gentle Tackle Whale slams on Jetsam/Flotsam.
But the powerful symbolism of Kyros evolves through Cinderella’s from her pregnancy with River to her return.
Time of Fear ( when she is given the puppy  ) 
becomes Time of Rage ( when Cinderella returns to New Orleans after a year and a half of being in Hawaii trying to get back into the States -  Separated and abandoned - with two nameless newborns ).
As Kyros and Fox where taken the day Cinderella returned, leaving the ring + Twins/taking a few things on her way out but the evolution of Time in Cinderella’s story absolutely changes in Cinderella’s story once she returned.
0 notes
iamnotshazam · 2 years
On Cassiopeia the First, Grand Lysis and the Locked Tomb
Spoilers for Nona the Ninth: This may be an important theory for Alecto the Ninth.
In Harrow the Ninth's conversation where Harrow tells John about the Ninth House infanticide, John says something interesting-
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[John addressing Harrow] "You generate too much light, or too much darkness, for me to look at you [. . .] You were awake during your first time in the River, and you performed necromancy, and believe me when I tell you the only one other person has ever done that their first time in. Keep in mind that she was an adult necromancer who went on to found the Sixth House. [. . .] How did they get you?"
I think John may have been speaking more literally about light and dark than I assumed at first. Gideon saw weird auras during one of the trials at Canaan House. But more importantly, Cassiopeia kept awake and used theorems during her first time in the River, too. But her connection to necromancy and death cannot have the same origin as Harrow's, because Cassiopeia was born before the rise of John as God and the death of the Earth. She was a lawyer and Nigella was an artist.
John is taken aback by Harrow's explanation. He wasn't expecting anything to do with eggs, birth, or possibly even thanergy:
"This was . . . all so different . . . before we discovered the scientific principles." "[. . . ] your mother and father committed a type of resurrection," he said. "They did something nigh-on impossible. I know, because I have committed the same act, and I know the price I had to pay. Thalergetic modification of an embryo is difficult enough, but to achieve the same thing with thanergy . . ."
Was Harrowhark Nonagesimus already a Lyctor? There's more than one type. Palamedes called his theory the Grand Lysis or megatheorem, and Harrow rejected it out if hand at first, possibly because she was already familiar with a similar concept and thought it couldn't be that. Her own existence would have been open for discussion if the joining of many souls into a true new soul was possible - so it can't be that, because she's an ordinary necromancer, right?
John ends the topic with:
"Harrow, nobody has the right to know," he said fiercely. "Nobody has the right to blame you. Nobody can judge. What has happened, has happened, and there's no putting it back in the box. They wouldn't understand. They don't have to. I officially relieve you from living in fear. Nobody has to know."
Is God panicking about Harrowhark revealing something to other people? Is God projecting some of his own justifications and anxieties onto Harrow?
The Body (Alecto) is very quick to tell Harrow to lie about her age to Mercymorn. This would have kept Mercymorn from asking questions about the plot to create a child of God to break into the Locked Tomb, but on the first read it's assumed it's Harrow's mind hallucinating a self-defense against investigating the infanticide. But if the true answer might have led to Mercymorn unraveling the success of Dios Apate Major, why would Alecto want her to lie? Why would Alecto want to hide a key to her Tomb? Alecto can't lie. Does Alecto like Harrow that much, to continue her own imprisonment?
What we know about Cassiopeia as of Nona the Ninth could barely fill a page. She:
Was gay with Nigella but had to keep it secret (why in near future 21st century NZ, though? The nun?)
Was in the original followers, witnessed everything at the cryo-lab, was resurrected, and had her memories erased
Married Nigella, as officiated by John, then turned right around an hour later and told John he was making bad choices
Was at Canaan House with the Lyctors and the Cavs researching how to . . . Lyct. The wiki said she worked closely with Anastasia (?), who had a more complete idea of Lysis, a tripod theory.
Ate Nigella and became the Fourth Saint
Founded the Sixth House, a research library
Left the Sixth House a note 6,000 years ago that eventually led to the Sixth House seceding from the Empire. (Blood of Eden made contact with the Empire 5,000 years ago.)
Is heavily implied to be another Lyctor source for BoE at one point (TV tropes, can't confirm)
Spirit magic and Resurrection Beasts were her specialty
Died in the River fighting a Resurrection Beast, lasting seven minutes under - except Palamedes while being ~mysterious~ implied maybe she didn't die
I'm wondering if pre-resurrection Cassiopeia (truth-teller, secret-keeper) made a note somewhere about how concerned she was about John's mood and possible actions. If she somehow found it again after the Resurrection. If the note was vague in hindsight and she didn't understand the full implications until after Lysis. If she was the first person to understand John was hiding something but also learned that he couldn't read their minds. If she created a moveable research facility and library that held itself separate physically and emotionally from the rest of the Empire, with the ability to move with enough stele, for a reason.
She wasn't like the rest of the Lyctors. She checked in on her House every now and then. She left them a note. Maybe she didn't have to avoid Dominicus like the others. Maybe she didn't have to fear the madness of a Resurrection Beast, where other Lyctors did. The first, broken type of Lyctor. Gideon the First and Harrow both managed to unintentionally make a bodge of their attempt at Lysis. Did anybody else? Would they know how to pick up the pieces and put them back - in a different way?
And was Cassiopeia doing something else during those seven minutes in the River?
There's a backdoor from the Tower in the River that connects directly to the Locked Tomb. Paul-amades thought he knew how to get to the Locked Tomb via the River. Harrowhark began walking towards the Tower as soon as her conversation with God ended. And in the conversation about her parents committing infanticide, Harrowhark told God:
"I am assured they had no previous research to go by. They came up with it themselves."
When her parents learned their daughter had brought Armageddon upon the Nine Houses, they reacted eerily calm. They killed themselves and may have expected her to as well. About a decade before, a person in a haz-mat suit appeared on the Ninth with a baby assumed to be named Gideon. Where did she land, outside of the airlocked Ninth? Who would have gone out to get her? Who gathered up the baby? Who eventually learned this was the same baby that lived through the nursery massacre?
"You remain - what you are," said Crux. "A worthless millstone hung around my darling's neck. You were born to make her suffer. You died as you lived, Gideon Nav - a disappointment to me - and to God."
Did someone put the idea in the heads of Harrow's parents that they needed a necromantic heir so assuredly they would risk the slow death of their house with no children? That maybe the survival of their House would soon not matter? Was there an indication using necromancy that way was even possible?
Mercymorn and Augustine had abandoned Commander Wake after Dios Apate Major. Space is big and stele are hard to come by. Was there someone transporting Wake to the Ninth? Someone with access to the River? Someone with the ability like Nona or Paul
Anastasia was locked in the tomb, as ordered by John. Samael died and Alecto was sorry for him. An oath existed to bind Alecto to Anastasia's blood.
What have Cassiopeia and Anastasia been planning?
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moniquill · 2 years
Please take a second to send an email
Hi friends! The Seaconke Wampanoag tribe is on a mission to be recognized by the state of Rhode Island. I’m asking all of my friends and famly living in Rhode Island - both indigenous and not - to take a moment out of your day to send an email to your local representatives and especially to house speaker K. Joseph Shekarchi ([email protected]) and Governor Dan McKee ( https://governor.ri.gov/contact )
Please let them know that you, as a Rhode Island resident (taxpayer, homeowner, etc) that you stand in support of Bills 7470 and 7471.
Claire Richards, who is against it, will ask the Governor not to pass these bills. She has been against Native Americans for years, continuously pitting native against native. This bill can still pass with 2/3 votes if Shekarchi and the Governor do the right thing. Please take a moment to help us out by sending an email.
To find more information on these bills please click here
Here’s a list of RI representatives:
House District
City/Town Represented
Party Affiliation
Suggested Post Office Address
E-mail Address
Representative Edith H. Ajello
29 Benefit Street, Providence, RI 02904
Representative Christopher R. Blazejewski
State House, Room 323 Providence, RI 02903
Representative Nathan W. Biah
120 Metcalf Street, Providence RI 02904
Representative Rebecca M. Kislak
P.O. Box 41551, Providence 02940
Representative Marcia Ranglin-Vassell
32 Waite Street Providence, RI 02908
North Providence, Providence
Representative Raymond A. Hull
616 Mount Pleasant Avenue, Providence, RI 02908
Representative David Morales
16 Academy Avenue, Providence RI 02908
Representative John J. Lombardi
48 Grove Street, Providence, RI 02909
Representative Anastasia P. Williams
32 Hammond Street, Providence, RI 02909
Representative Scott A. Slater
74 Sawyer Street, Providence, RI 02907
Representative Grace Diaz
45 Adelaide Avenue, Providence, RI 02907
Representative Jose F. Batista
205 Massachusetts Avenue, Providence RI 02905
Johnston, Providence
Representative Ramon A. Perez
42 Ophelia Street, Providence RI 02909
Cranston, Provicence
Representative Charlene M. Lima
455 Laurel Hill Avenue, Cranston, RI 02920
Representative Barbara Ann Fenton-Fung
PO Box8542, Cranston RI 02920
Representative Brandon C. Potter
62 Grove Avenue, Cranston RI 02910
Representative Jacquelyn M. Baginski
119 Brettonwoods Drive, Cranston RI 02920
Representative Arthur Handy
26 Welfare Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910
Cranston, Warwick
Representative Joseph M. McNamara
23 Howie Avenue, Warwick, RI 02888
Representative David A. Bennett
27 Shippee Avenue, Warwick, RI 02886
Representative Camille F.J Vella-Wilkinson
786 Church Ave. Warwick, RI 02889
Representative Joseph J. Solomon, Jr.
54 Hess Avenue Warwick, RI 02889
Representative K. Joseph Shekarchi
State House, Room 323 Providence, RI 02903
Representative Evan P. Shanley
190 Viceroy Road Warwick, RI 02886
Coventry, West Warwick
Representative Thomas E. Noret
225 Fairview Avenue, Coventry, RI 02816
West Warwick, Coventry, Warwick
Representative Patricia L. Morgan
411 Wakefield Street, West Warwick RI 02893
Coventry, Warwick, West Warwick
Representative Patricia A. Serpa
194 Kimberly Lane, West Warwick, RI 02893
Representative George A Nardone
50 Fieldstone Drive, Coventry, RI 02816
Coventry, West Greenwich
Representative Sherry Roberts
22 Seminole Trail, West Greenwich, RI 02817
East Greenwich, West Greenwich
Representative Justine A. Caldwell
8 Aurora Road, East Greenwich, RI 02818
Exeter, North Kingstown
Representative Julie A. Casimiro
329 Wickham Road North Kingstown, RI 02852
North Kingstown
Representative Robert E. Craven, Sr.
25 Highland Road, Saunderstown, RI 02874
Narragansett, South Kingstown
Representative Carol Hagan McEntee
70B Broad Rock Road, South Kingstown, RI 02879
Narragansett, South Kingstown
Representative Teresa Ann Tanzi
PO Box 5134, Wakefield RI 02880
South Kingstown
Representative Kathleen A. Fogarty
50 Woodmark Way, Wakefield, RI 02879
Charlestown, New Shoreham, South Kingstown, Westerly
Representative Blake A. Filippi
P.O. Box 298, New Shoreham, RI 02807
Representative Samuel A. Azzinaro
20 Piezzo Drive, Westerly, RI 02891
Hopkinton, Westerly
Representative Brian Patrick Kennedy
P.O. Box 1001, Ashaway, RI 02804-0018
Charlestown, Exeter, Richmond
Representative Justin Price
214 Shannock Village Road, Richmond, RI 02875
Coventry, Foster, Glocester
Representative Michael W. Chippendale
124 A Johnson Road, Foster, RI 02825
Cranston, Scituate
Representative Robert J. Quattrocchi
228 Old Plainfield Pike Scituate, RI 02825
Cranston, Johnston
Representative Edward T. Cardillo, Jr.
6 DiFazio Drive, Johnston RI 02919
Representative Deborah A. Fellela
3 Diaz Street, Johnston, RI 02919
Johnston, Lincoln, Smithfield
Representative Gregory J. Costantino
21 Greenwood Lane, Lincoln, RI 02865
Cumberland, Lincoln
Representative Mia A. Ackerman
6 Shelter Lane, Cumberland, RI 02864
Lincoln, Pawtucket
Representative Mary Ann Shallcross Smith
6 Twin River Road, Lincoln RI 02865
Burrillville, Glocester
Representative David J. Place
167 Jefferson Boulevard, Harrisville, RI 02830
Burrillville, North Smithfield
Representative Brian C. Newberry
53 Follett Street, North Smithfield, RI 02896
Representative Steven J. Lima
151 Singleton Street, Woonsocket RI 02895
Representative Stephen M. Casey
625 Park Aveneue 2F, Woonsocket, RI 02985
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terezis · 2 years
nona the ninth exerpt liveblog under the cut and boy do i have some things to SAY
“If you asked me to pick between the three of us [...]”
okay wait not in order though i have to address the most important things first:
first and foremost i can’t believe taz muir pulled that bait and switch where she made everyone think that the three people who “worked for her,” “taught her,” and “looked after her” were camilla, coronabeth, and judith
Camilla said unhappily, “Eggs? Have we not invented a new protein?” which meant it wasn’t Camilla at all.
god i missed sextus. i think he is my favorite character? this is an exciting revelation. moving on
wait. wait god damn it fuck. i was about to say “where is gideon in harrow’s body then” but that actually brings me to the next thing i wanted to scream about:
Nona ate while Pyrrha brushed out her hair in short, brisk strokes, letting its fine black sheets fall over Nona’s shoulders.
THE COVER ART MADE ME THINK NONA WAS “MAYBE-ANASTASIA-IN-GIDEON’S-BODY” but IF HER HAIR IS BLACK then that means nona is in harrow’s body, which makes sense because pyrrha escaped with harrow’s body
okay and circling back one last time if this trio has harrow’s body, then that means corona and judith have gideon’s body. right??? it’s been a while since i read the short story about them so i forget how it ended but HMMM
i actually think nona is still anastasia but also where are my best girls harrow and gideon. in a coma in gideon’s body??? perhaps. 
my crack theory is that when harrow laid down in the tomb at the end of htn that was literal and her soul, which traveled through the river back to the ninth, is now napping in “the body’s” (anastasia’s) real physical body
where’s gideon then though
anyways that’s all my theoryposting for now (lol) but they were right. i DO love nona. if anything happened to nona i would k
i would ki
i woul
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lordhelpme0-0 · 2 years
Olga and Her Descendents Shenanigans:
Olga and her descendent are doing what they do best, being either feared or admired (plus causing chaos)
Part 1, Part ??
It was a normal day in the Ikemen
Cybird universe. The residents and historical figures are having the time of their life. There is no such thing as an MC in this universe.
Merely a multitude of historical figures created by the fandom. Yes, we’re breaking the fourth wall here cause it’s me, ya blog, the cool narrator~!
You might have known me from Aunti Yanli has Enough one-shot. Yes, there are bloopers,you die hard fans and simps for boobies and abs.
My sibling that is seen everywhere is Classic Narrator, but they’re on break so y’all have me. Ahem! Now where were we?
Script: I can’t believe we’re doing this ever after high style…
Shut up Script, no one cares. Today we’re talking about these closeted gays and romance.
Script: what ever [curtain furls]
Can’t wait to give you to William Shakespeare.
Script: do that, and I report to Technical Difficulties. You overrated cringey worthless trash. This is why no writers have you as a part of their work.
…Can’t wait until I beat you, you anti-detail oriented piece of shit.
Script: back to you, cringe eating worth of dogshit. [fake arrows darted out]
Script: …
Anyway, back to the main point. Olga was merely resting in one of the many unneeded drawing rooms there are. A knock can be heard. “Come in.” Her voice magnetic and commanding. Lo and behold is Alexei. Grinning as he dash towards the Saint. “Babushka! Babushka! You wouldn’t believe what happen!”
Olga chuckled, “oh? What is it dear?” Alexei grinned, “well, as you can see…I messed around either cousin Vlad. I cut up some of his strawberries and fed it to Lady Định’s water buffalo! Soon, I went into Anastasia to help with my new scheme of dropping a bucket of milk onto Dazai! He was sleeping, of course, on a TREE! Later on, I helped with Her Majesty, Zenobia, on her new pranks at Monsieur Gilles, Sir Worth, gramp Alexander, AND Salieri! Oh! There is even the turtle war going on between me and Sir Arthur! We betted Director Theo that our Turtles will beat his herd of frogs! We won of course! So we got Theo to do some errands! Apparently Sir Arthur wanted him to get a pretty skirts addressed for him! Where is this pretty skirts? It’s such an unfamiliar term to use. And who is this Mr or Madam Pretteskirtz? Babushka! Babushka! What do you think???”
By the almighty, that boy can talk. You think he be good at some auctioning?
Script: shut up or I’ll do the sort of Olga reaction.
Saint Olga, get it right anti-detail style.
Script: …I wish I can strangle you like they did in plays.
Anyway! Olga blinked as the information sunk in. A bit confused on why Alexei would be this hyper over turtles and pretty skirts. Sighing, it seems she will need (you gotta) to give Arthur a talk about using such vulgar frivolous terms around her many greats-grandsons.
Smiling, “you’ll know what a pretty skirt is later when you’re grown. Do tell, what is this about turtles? Also, you mischievous child, you better write an apology to those poor Sires.” Scolding lightly as Alexei pouted.
“Babushka~! It was harmless!” She rolled her eyes at her grandson antics, “harmless they say. That’s what your cousin Vlad always says. Have I ever told you of his ‘harmless’ ways? He would push stakes across his strawberries and giggles. Next thing you know, he injured his tutor cause the royal tutor ‘mocked’ him. That child will always be a headache.” Alexei quieted as he heard the rants of Vlad antics.
“The only good thing that has graced that troublesome child was that girl. Yes, a human girl. Kind she was, and beautiful. Pity she died later on. Soon wives came and went. He would drank his meads and alcohol. Before Comte came after his many trips, he was lighthearted and fun. Then it got worse, both had a fallout. I’m grateful they will soon come close.” Alexei grinned, “they certainly did with ‘Stasia help of course! Do tell more about Cousin Vlad antics!”
Damn, he was a troublemaker..but Comte was worse.
Script: how you know??
The things their creators will alway says on different social platforms. Their theories are quite something! Even if it was thirsty…
Script: lololololol
“There would be no such telling.” A whimsical yet mysterious voice interrupted. Alexei and Olga turned around. Olga raised an eyebrow to see Vlad in all his glamour. Alexei frowned at the man, before huffing to go behind Olga.
Olga chuckled at Alexei's behavior as Vlad stride towards her. He lowered down before pecking his grandmother on the cheek. “I’ve got something Babushka, it’s your favorite!”
Olga smiled as she saw the beautiful flowers of fidelity. “Oh thank you, I’ll add it to my garden.” She petted Vlad and smoothen his strands as the man rested his head on the woman's lap.
Alexei sticks out a tongue before clutching himself to Olga on the other side. Both of the vampires stared at each other as if to test. No shit Sherlock. Olga rolled her eyes as she mindlessly stroked both of the men's hairs. “Have you both done your paperwork as I requested?” Soon the hand that was comforting lifted to the ears. Tweaking the earlobes as both men hold onto the strong lady wrist. “Is it a yes..or a no?”
Script: she the OG and the matriarch no question asked.
Shut up and let me continue! Throws a chair at the script.
Script: [hisses]
Vlad winced at the immense pressure while Alexei continued to ask for mercy in Russian. “They haven’t Babushka.” A melodious voice entered as a raven haired girl and a white haired woman stepped in. “Lacrimă!/ Ileana!” Olga smiled warmly, “ah! If it isn’t the beautiful flowers that have sprouted? Come, sit dearies.”
She let go as Vlad and Alexei pitifully gripped their injured ears. Ileana sighed at her uncle and cousin. Lacrima giggled at her grandfather and great uncle's pain. Lacrimă skipped over before pecking onto the Saintess cheeks as did Ileana.
Olga laughed merrily as if she did not injure some fool's ears. [Script: lol] “Lacrimă child, how was your day?” The girl smiled, “fabulous Babushka! Picnics and work of course. When will you come by Sir Faust chapel?”
Olga hummed, “another time, dear. I’ve grown fond of the chapel by the town square.” Ileana nodded, “me and Jean just got back, I’ve got some gifts for you.” Olga humbly accepted it as Ileana pecked the other side of the Saintess' cheeks.
Meanwhile, both Alexei and Vlad glumly pouted at being ignored. Vlad stood up before embracing three of the women. “Oi, don’t forget about me..!” Lacrimă laughed, before pecking Vlad cheeks who grumbled more.
Olga was not amused whatsoever, then again, when has she? “Troublesome child, why don't you go do your paperwork?” Feeling more rejected, Vlad pouted. “But Babushka~..!!! I don’t wanna do work!!” He whined about who Olga did not listen to.
Seeing this, Alexei ran towards them before clinging onto Ileana who rolled her eyes at his antics. “Babushka! Can Alexei not do work?” Olga sighed, “no.” Alexei deflated like a balloon.
Script: lmao, acting cute did not work.
When has it ever? Now stop interrupting.
Since that didn’t work, Vlad hugged his granddaughter. “Lacrimă~! Why don’t you help your old man out?” Lacrimă sighed, “I’m sorry, but Babushka is the Matriarch of the family. Not to mention, she has the final say.”
Alexei turned to Ileana, opening his mouth.
“-but I didn’t say-!”
“Sorry, but no.”
“Great-Grandma said no. So no.”
“Pooh! You're no fun.”
“Sorry, can’t do.”
“What about uncle? Will you help him out?”
“No Uncle Vlad. You’re on your own.”
Script: talk about double whammy.
…shut up.
Script: *pulls the finger*
Pulls right back.
Considering that the plan did not work, Olga turned to pull both of the men's ears. She then twisted their ears with no remorse.
“Let’s go do some paperwork, shall me..boys?” Her face darken as she closed eye smiled at them. Vlad and Alexei gulped under the piercing gaze. “Yes Babushka..,” both murmured defeatedly. Ileana eyes twinkle in amusement with a calm face as Lacrimă laughed softly at their pitiful form.
“Girls, check on Maria and Anastasia if they are finishing their paperwork.” Olga called out as she dragged both vampires out. “Yes Babushka~!/ Yes Babushka!” Both smiled as they followed behind Olga towards their destination.
Lo and behold Alexei. Grinning as he ran— never mind…he tripped.. “OW!!” “ALEXEI?!” Olga rushed as she inspected Alexei who pouted at his negligence.
Laughter was heard in the background as Charles fell over crying at it. Faust sighed as Tatiana ran over to check on his brother.
Định sighed as she nodded to the blooper person. They smiled at the young romanov before clicking, “Take 2, action!!”
Alexei grinned, “well, as you can see…I messed around either cousin Vlad. I cut up some of his strawberries and fed it to Lady Định’s water bumpy-! BLYAT!!!”
Everyone reputed in laughter, as Olga rested her head with her hand as she tried to stifle the amusement. Alexei threw his brooch down in anger. “AHHHH-!!”
“Pfft-!!! Take 15, action!!”
Alexei grinned, “well, as you can see…I messed around either cousin Vlad. I cut up some of his strawberries and fed it to Lady Định’s water buffalo! Soon, I went into Anastasia to help with my new scheme of dropping a bucket of milk onto Dazai! He was sleeping, of course, on a bee!!” “…” “FACK FRENCH!!!” “FACK ENGLISH! FUCK EVERYTHING!!” Alexei then went on a rampage in anger.
Arthur and Theo are dying on the floor, crying. Olga turned as she laughed on William’s shoulder. Lacrimă is covering her face to hide the tears of joy as Alexei continued to curse.
“Pfft-! Hehaha! T-take..<snort> 26..!!! Action-!!!”
Alexei grinned, “well, as you can see…I messed around either cousin Vlad. I cut up some of his strawberries and fed it to Lady Định’s water buffalo! Soon, I went into Anastasia to help with my new scheme of dropping a bucket of milk onto Dazai! He was sleeping, of course, on a TREE! Later on, I helped with Her Majesty, Zenobia, on her new pranks at Monsieur Gilles, Sir Worth, gramp Alexander, AND Salieri! Oh! There is even the turtle war going on between me and Sir Arthur! We betted Director T-thah..FUCK!!” Alexei threw his script onto the floor as he stomped on it.
Sir worth bend over cackling as Napoleon is being supported by Wellington who is turning his head to hide the giggles. Zenobia had to have tape on her mouth as tears welled up.
Script: insert more angry Russian noises
“Take 58, action! Haha!”
Alexei grinned, “well, as you can see…I messed around either cousin Vlad. I cut up some of his strawberries and fed it to Lady Định’s water buffalo! Soon, I went into Anastasia to help with my new scheme of dropping a bucket of milk onto Dazai! He was sleeping, of course, on a TREE! Later on, I helped with Her Majesty, Zenobia, on her new pranks at Monsieur Gilles, Sir Worth, gramp Alexander, AND Salieri! Oh! There is even the turtle war going on between me and Sir Arthur! We betted Director Theo that our Turtles will beat his herd of frogs! We won of course! So we got Theo to do some errands! Apparently Sir Arthur wanted him to get a pretty skirts addressed for him! Where is this pretty skirts? It’s such an unfamiliar term to use. And who is this Mr or Madam Pretteskirtz? Babushka! Babushka! What do you think??? YESS!!! YES!! I DID IT!!”
William slapped his forehead as he slouched over the co-director seat. “Lord Romanov! Thou mustn’t follow thee words in such crude manner!”
The whole- hahaha! S-studio filled with laUgTheR- BWAHAHAHA!!!!!
“Take- HAHA!! 73! Action!!!”
“*sigh* Take 174, action!!”
Olga chuckled at Alexei's behavior as Vlad stride towards her..before falling down as the pot clashes in pieces. Mega fail, dude.
“…” “UNCLE!!!!!” “GRANDPA!!!”
Script: Hello darkness my old friend~! It’s nice to see you again~!
Shut up.
“Take 185, actioned!!”
Olga chuckled at Alexei's behavior as Vlad stride towards her. With a green screen bandaid. Buts that not the poi-!
“Take 186, actioned!!”
Olga smiled as she saw the beautiful flowers of fidelity. “Oh thank you-!”
“Nya~! Ichi ni san, nya~! Arigato~!”
“Nya~! Ichi ni san, nya~! Arigato~!”
“Whoops~! My bad, everyone.”
“Dazai, what in gods name-?!”
“Na~! Apple-kun, it’s my new ringtone~! Haha!”
“Take 189, action!!”
Alexei turned to Ileana, opening his mouth. Before he can say anything, Ileana was looking at her phone. “Ileana.” Silence. “ILEANA!!” “WHAT?!?” Alexei nudged towards the camera.
“Oh…wait-! We’re filming right now?!” Lacrimă sighed, “what else do you think, dumbass?”
“no shit Sherlock.”
“Sorry Aunty Tatiana~!!”
“Take 213, action!!”
Both smiled as they followed behind Olga towards their destination. Before Olga can make it out the door, a loud fart could be heard.
“Ew, it stinks!”
“No shit Charles.”
“Whoops! Sorry for my flatulence!”
“Yes Wellington, again, sorry!”
“Gilles..that was you?!?!”
“*covers nose* Take 360, action!!!”
Tagging: @pieground @yanderepuck @spoopy-fish-writes @a-chaotic-dumbass @sange-de-romane @vio-simps-for-purple-characters @evil-quartett @weird-profiterole
5 notes · View notes
Her Majesty || 25
One, Two, Three...
July 2nd.
The door to our headquarters receives a beating, and Harry lifts his head gradually off the pillow with a groan, glancing up at me as I continue to read my book—unphased by the banging and knocking for my attention. I'm at the point where I don't care. There's only so much I can take before I reach my limit, and today the limit has peaked.
Harry blinks a few times before rubbing his weary eyes and resting upon his forearms, "Darling, are you not going to get that?" Harry questions. "I was asleep," Harry mutters, not too pleased.
I shake my head, flicking to the next page in my book. I'm not sure what time it is, but whatever problems are waiting at the door can wait until a decent hour. My book is more noteworthy and far more interesting.
Harry compels himself out of bed and strides towards the door, muttering to himself with every step before his voice gets lost the further away from the bedroom he walks. "Anna, it's for you," his voice voyages through our living quarters. But, unfortunately, he doesn't sound delighted.
Pippa saunters into our bedroom with Matthew right by her side, "You're reading a book? Get up, get dressed. You have things to address," Pippa urges, lashing her arms around like a pelican drying its wings on a pier.
"It's two in the morning," I answer, glancing towards Pippa. "Matthew, is the palace under attack?" I softly question with a raised brow.
"No, her majesty," Matthew shakes his head.
"Are any of my staff in immediate danger?"
Matthew pauses before again shaking his head. "No."
I nod, "Is war starting?"
"Then, Pippa, you can leave. I'm busy," I shrug my shoulders.
"Your people are protesting and—"
"I believe they're protesting you and Henry's father, the two culprits for this mass chaos. So now, you can go out there and join them, do whatever. I do not care."
"Anastasia, they're going to start Looting."
Harry lays down on the bed, taking his position beside me on his stomach, one arm under his pillow, the other one draping around my stomach. Harry kisses my shoulder before positioning his head on the pillow beside it, "How's the book, baby?"
"Interesting, you should give it a read."
"Mhm, perhaps in the daylight hours," Harry agrees, "You should read the book I just finished," Harry continues the conversation.
"Hello? Do you two see me?" Pippa waves her hands around in the air, "The monarch is crumbling, and the people are losing their marbles. And all you two can discuss is the book you're reading?"
"We see you, Pippa. We are ignoring you," Harry responds, "Perhaps you should have thought about all this before taking matters into your own hands. But, it's your ball game and your war with Henry's father."
"Who is the ruling monarch? You or her? I thought it was her." Pippa spits out bitterly.
"Both, so show respect," I quickly answer her question.
No matter who has the crown, he will always be my partner, and I deem he will always have the respect he deserves.
"Or what? You'll throw the book at me?"
I shake my head, "Hey, babe?" Then, I turn to Harry, "Do you think I should throw the book?"
"Darling, she isn't worthy of the book," Harry responds, "Matthew, if there's no threat and I'm not needed for work, would you kindly leave?" Harry reasonably asks, rolling onto his back. "I was asleep, and sleep is scarce for me."
"You can't just ignore me." Pippa crosses her arms over her chest like a child.
She should have thought about her actions and double-crossing me before doing so sporadically. Instead, she has annihilated the peace I had intended to preserve.
"I'm patronage of four hundred organisations. Your ridiculous schemes just aren't really on my priority list right now… I'm busy if you can't tell." I nod towards my book, my eyes side-eyeing the pistol by Harry's bedside. I could conclude it all right now, one aim and half my tribulations end.
One, two, three, four… Should I?
"You… you are worse than your father, and this is not how you want to be remembered. First few months of reign, and you have the people at the gates rioting and protesting."
Is it still a murder charge if she deserves it? She deserves the pain.
"That's all your doing," I respond, "Now, if you have nothing good to offer this conversation, such as what schemes you and Henry's dad came up with or even his name, then please leave…. I much rather enjoy time with my husband."
Pippa gapes at me and goes to speak, but she arrests when my room welcomes Madeleine's company. "For fucks sake," Harry moans, tilting his head to notice her standing in our room.
"Can someone explain why it's so fucking hot in this Palace? Do we not have a backup generator? Anna, are you that poor?" Madeleine requests with a huff, fanning herself.
"Live like the rest of us common folk," Harry responds, "Backup generator only has enough power to keep minimal lights on for emergency evacuation, not to keep the Princess comfortable." Harry gestures towards Madeleine, mocking her.
The two of them will bicker over anything and everything at any given moment.
"The heat isn't our problem. Our problem is the raging mess outside," Pippa motions towards the balcony where I stood earlier when the power went out. None of this was my fault. I endeavoured to unify the country, I failed. Yet, the rally of people attempting to break down the gates thinks this is all my responsibility when it is far from the truth in reality.
"Madeline, Pippa is the reason we are dying of heat, she turned the power off, and it'll take a few days to restore it. Great fucking move." Harry gestures towards Pippa, "And Henry's father retaliated against her. Parliament has blown up. So they have their rifts going on. So now that everyone is on the same page, get out of my fucking bedroom." Harry points to the bedroom door, not appreciating the royal gathering at all.
Harry's requests are overlooked, and Pippa continues to speak, choosing to uncover ways for me to retaliate and give into her tactics.
I'm at the point where I don't care whether the monarchy stands or not; I don't believe that this is my fault. I attempted to produce peace, and the other two went in the opposing direction. My main concern is that Henry's father could decide to annihilate me at any given moment. Hence, the generator generates enough power to keep the lights and the security systems on.
"Wouldn't it be quite the plot twist of Pippa and this mystery man were lovers?" Madeline comments, posing on the bed, crossing her legs like a child and gazing at Harry and me. "Or if they are lovers who turned to enemies? "… "I wouldn't be surprised if they're conspiring together," Madeleine giggles to herself, flicking her eyes towards Harry.
"Madeleine, go do something useful and go keep Louis occupied," Harry mumbles, not amused with the fact our room has turned into a circus of chaos. "I hear the coat closets are available," Harry comments, referencing the fact he knows about their secret rendezvous."
"You're all fucking useless," Pippa huffs, running her fingers through her hair, "I'd be better off with sock puppets."
"At least you can't kill them," Harry snickers.
"I'm getting tired of your murderous remarks. It wasn't my idea to kill Henry!" Pippa shouts out, her eyes expanding wide with guilt.
"Ah, so you finally let it slip. It was you. So who's idea was it? Care to tell me?" Harry immediately sits up, "You can make everything a little easier if you tell me." Harry is nonetheless attempting to figure out who was killed with the sword I found.
"I'm not telling you shit, his majesty."
Harry turns to me, "Now I see why you hate when I call you her majesty, fucking condescending," Harry agrees with the statements I made earlier.
"If you won't do anything as Queen, can I at least get security before they storm the palace?"
"You are not of my problem," Harry shakes his head, "I will not be on your service. I won't take a bullet for a murderer."
Her safety is not of my concern either. She will lay in the bed she has made.
Pippa develops red with envy and parades closer to the bed, "You—"Pippa begins, pointing at Harry, "You think you know, but you don't."
"I know you did it," Harry taunts her effortlessly, "And you didn't do it alone either. So careful, you might fool around and end up confessing too much. "… "So who's Henry's father?"
"Your worst nightmare."
"No, you are," Harry presses, "I heard he needs the monarch to fail, and you need it to continue, so you might want to work with me to get what you want. I have what you want," Harry informs her, "So, what's his name?"
"I'm telling you this only because it's a matter of time before he strikes. His name is Nicholas, quite fitting since he's trying to get the people's Victory. Surprised he let her live," Pippa gestures towards me, causing my stomach to turn at the memory of running into him.
Harry shrugs, "He won't touch her. If he does, I'll break every bone in his body. "… "Alright, everyone out of my room," Harry gets off the bed, grasping his belt from the floor, holding it in half and pulling it between his two hands.
"Why can't my life be attending events and wearing pretty dresses," I sigh, observing as Harry snaps his belt.
"Everyone out unless you want to be on the receiving end of my belt," Harry suggests, pointing to the door.
Matthew nods his head and takes it upon himself to drag Pippa out, leaving Madeleine sitting on my bed in a child-like manner. "Kinky, can I borrow the belt for Louis?" She cheekily requests.
"Out," Harry points to the door, "Don't make me use your full name because I swear if I do before I finish speaking, I will pull my shorts down, and I'm not wearing underwear," Harry threatens, causing Madeline to screw her nose up.
"Well, I mean… you do have a nice torso, so—"
"OUT!" I point to the door, observing as Harry starts to draw at the string of his shorts. Madeline crawls off the bed and scampers out, Harry right behind her to close the door to the quarters and lock it.
"Let the people speak to parliament, let the people decide. Let them petition." Harry advises.
I shake my head, "Enough… Take the shorts off and come here, now." I place my book down on the side table, motioning for him to crawl on the bed. Harry smirks and creeps on the bed, leaving his shorts hanging at his hips. He hovers over my body and slants down to kiss me sweetly, tasting my lips as my arms encase around his neck, and I lift my hips to brush up against him. "Take my mind off it all," I whisper against his lips, "Please."
"Can't keep your hands off me, can ya?" Harry teases.
He's right. I can't keep my hands off of him. Amid all this chaos, I want him in every single way possible.
Harry positions his fingers at the edge of my shirt before drawing it up to my body and tugging it over my head, tossing it to the floor effortlessly, not caring where it anchors. He gently pushes me to rest back down on the bed, his body looming inches from mine as his necklace touches my bare skin, tapping the middle of my chest delicately. He leans down and leaves charming kisses to the slender column of my neck, his hand commencing to trail the bare skin of my torso.
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The sheer curtains sway in the breeze as the summer ambience drives its way into the bedroom. My eyes concentrate on the frolicking curtains while Harry is asleep beside me. The assemblage is getting more clangorous each moment that goes past. But, they're not giving up despite my silence. I laboriously sigh and swing my legs over the edge of the bed and propel my body up, my hand advancing for Harry's button-up; he heaved to the end of the bed earlier when he got home. I slide the thin fabric up to my arms and gradually button the shirt to cover my naked body. I glance over my shoulder to make sure Harry is still asleep. I smile to myself, witnessing his body half wrapped in the thin white sheets, fast asleep and serene. At least one of us can get some sleep through this time.
I trek towards the glass entrance and stroll past the sheer curtains, the cloth grazing past my legs when I stride out into the balcony. I take a breath and wander to the edge, my hands pressing to the stone edge, glancing down at the gardens and following the gaze to the gates. The people are furious. Arms and hands are doing their best to bear through the gates that are guarded by hundreds of men doing their best to control the situation without harming anyone. Amongst the chants and displeasure of mumbled words, I can hear the rattling of the metal, the gates copping a beating.
"Baby," A hand grazes my arm, and my eyes grow wide, my hand reaching around to strike him, but his prompt reflexes seize my wrist, "Fuck, Anna. It's me," Harry chuckles, letting go of my wrist.
"Sorry," I murmur, pivoting around to face him, encountering his charming, tourmaline green eyes- eyes that are radiant and spellbinding despite the anguish seething around us. "They're going to break the gates," I motion towards the crew below us, "They have every right to be mad," I whisper with a sigh, loathing to acknowledge that some of the individuals have every justification for being on a witch hunt.
I circle back around and press my hands back to the balcony, monitoring intently, paralysed by my thoughts. Harry's hands press to my hips and gradually move so he can wrap his arms around me, drawing me into him. I feel a kiss to the top of my head before he clears his throat, "What do you want to do?"
I squeeze my hands to rest over his, leaning back on his chest with a solemn sigh, "Perhaps we should let them in."
"Let them in, let them eradicate it all," I persist. "Call off the guards," I demand, "This is their land just as much as it is mine. I have failed them as they have failed me. Let them riot and destroy the Palace. Let them conquer the city."
Harry unwraps his arms from around me and moves his hands to my shoulders, compelling me to turn around to face him. I furthermore encounter his eyes, and I blink at him, unsure of where our wires crossed. "I didn't stutter, Harry. Call it off."
"I am not doing that," Harry shakes his head.
"It isn't your decision. It is an order."
Harry stares at me, his jaw clenching at my words. I step around him and stride inside, prowling around with a lion-like power, leaving him out in the tempest of the people. I pad around the bedroom, drumming my fingers anxiously against my hip. "Letting them in is the most absurd thing you have said."
"Either you make the call, or I will do it," I threaten, narrowing my eyes down on him, "You might be my husband and the second in command with security, but right now I am the reigning monarch, and I call the shots, do I need to repeat myself?"
Harry shakes his head and closes the doors behind him, the bedroom ultimately sufficing with quietness and not the voices of aggrieved people endeavouring to batter down the entrances. Harry manoeuvres his hand through his hair, eyeing me in an attempt to intimidate me. "Harry-"
"I heard you," he bitterly cuts me off, positioning his hand up for me to cease, "Loud and fucking clear, give me a minute," he snarls with a voice like bottled thunder, a measure of his vitality. Harry steps around me and ambles to his bedside table, snatching his phone and unlocking it, making it understood he is pissed. He taps the screen a few times before holding the phone to his ear, "Matthew, stand down... Matthew, I am aware there is a mob of people, but it's an order from Her Majesty. She wants the men at the gates to stand down. If you can talk sense into her, fuck... Go ahead." Harry speaks over the phone before he places his phone on speaker and tosses it to the bed, "You're on speaker," Harry murmurs, bending down and ploughing his knees to the floor, angrily dragging out his duffle bag from under the bed.
"Her Majesty, if we stand down, do you know what will happen?" Matthew questions. His voice resonates through the hushed chamber.
"I am aware. Let the people destroy it all. They have every right to."
"And what about you? You're putting yourself in danger."
"Do it," I instruct.
The line goes muted for a moment before Matthew begins to speak, "Give me thirty minutes to secure the staff, and then I will call it off, as you request."
"Thank you," I lean over and hang Harry's phone up before I glance over to see him flinging clothes into the bag. "What are you doing?"
"What does it look like I am doing?" Harry responds, his eyes dark and enraged as he shoves a shirt into the bag, "You can stay here. I am not. I am not dealing with this bullshit."
I grow silent for a moment, "You're leaving me?"
"Yes, I am fucking leaving this Palace. You can come with me or stay and get killed by the mob as they penetrate the Palace. After that, it is up to you," Harry responds, seething with every moment that passes. "I will leave the pistol by the bed. You might need it," Harry gestures towards his pistol, leaving me speechless.
"You're leaving me?" I softly request, "Throwing in the towel?"
"On our marriage? No," Harry shakes his head, "Just the monarchy."
I stride closer to him and reach for his wrist, grasping it tightly and drawing him to glance at me, "Listen to me," I raise my voice just enough to seize his attention entirely. "I know what I am doing, grab some of my clothes, and meet me at your car," I instruct, letting go of him and walking to his side table, where I grasp his car keys.
I storm out of our quarters, the door slamming behind me. Oliver jerks at the sound of the door slamming, and he is swift on my heels. I stride the hallways of the Palace, hustling downstairs and disregarding Oliver as he asks me many questions while endeavouring to keep up with me. Finally, I pivot into the kitchen, overlooking the few staff cleaning before reaching Grace, who presents me a small smile in the dim light. "Do you have any coffee?" I softly request, glancing around, unsure whether there is much of anything considering the power reserve is limited right now.
Grace nods, striding towards the stove where she has a cafetiere, "Always keep this handy. To-go?" Grace questions and I nod my head, monitoring as she grabs a to-go cup. "One or two?"
"Jus' one," I respond with a smile, taking the hot coffee cup from her hand, "Do you mind if I use the secret exit?"
"Not at all... Do I ask why?" Grace raises a brow.
I shake my head, "Trying to get to Harry's car without issues. Thank you for the coffee." I hold the cup up with a smile.
"Wait," She beams, clutching a brown paper bag from a corner and manoeuvring around the kitchen, "I don't know what you are doing, but I assume you might want a snack... Just in case," Grace winks, throwing a few things into the bag before scrunching the top of the bag, "I know you both love the pastries. Shh, don't tell anyone I gave you two the last few," Grace chuckles, handing me the bag. "Go before you're seen," she gestures towards the secret compartment, nudging me towards the door.
I stand outside Harry's car, the air conditioner already on, cooling the vehicle while Harry appears to take his sweet time. I anxiously tap the roof of his car as I stand by the driver's side, the door open, ready for me to slide in at any time. "About time," I mutter as Harry comes into view, his hand holding two duffle bags while he saunters closer. "Was about to leave without you."
"You wouldn't," Harry shakes his head, opening the back door to his car and throwing the duffle bags in before he peers over the roof to stare at me.
"Get in," I beam, placing the cup of coffee on the roof and sliding it closer to him, "You have coffee and pastries."
"What kind of fucking escape is this?" Harry questions, shaking his head, "You driving?" He seems unsure about my strategy. I don't blame him. This isn't much of a well thought out pursuit.
I nod my head, "Let's go, baby," I slide into the driver's side of his car. I sit down and adjust the seat, moving it forward before squeezing my hand to the steering wheel, the other one pressing the key into the ignition. I use my left foot and press the clutch pedal down to the floor, and use my right foot to step on the brake. I release the emergency brake and turn the key in the ignition.
The engine roars, "Easy on the accelerator. It goes from 0 to 97 in 5.8 seconds," Harry forewarns me, watching me intently as I roll my eyes.
"I am not scared of speed."
"Okay, Danica Patrick," Harry murmurs. He swallows his coffee and leans back in the chair, "If you stall my car, I'm taking over. I don't want to buy a new car because you screwed the transmission."
I glare over at him, "First of all, I don't know who Danica is. Second of all, don't be condescending; you taught me to drive a stick shift if I stall; it means my teacher sucked," I respond as I begin to make my way out of the grounds.
"Danica is an American racecar driver," Harry chuckles, "Do you not know anything about NASCAR?"
I shake my head, "I know that Maggie Peyton drove Herbie, and that is as far as I go with cars," I respond, causing Harry to laugh at me. "Now, don't be a dick. I can drive a stick," I reply, changing gears.
Harry smirks, " I bet you can."
"Only you would make that sound dirty," I mutter, shaking my head as I set off to an unknown destination. I am just driving, getting away from the Palace for right now.
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Harry had no desire to speak the entire time he drove once we swapped, he was focused on the road, but I could tell his mind was bustling with thoughts. Finally, after hours of silence and me being in and out of sleep, we arrived at a small cottage in the middle of nowhere. Harry unloaded his car with our bags, and without question, we both fell to the bed and fell asleep.
I assemble in the modest living room with a cup of tea in my hands, watching the news update me on what transpires at the Palace. It's strange to have live coverage of the Palace while I'm hours away in the middle of nowhere. I chuckle to myself, sipping my tea as the news reporter tells the people that I'm cooped up in the Palace with high security and unable to leave as looters and rioters take control of the city. My plan was successful in getting us out unseen. I'm surprised. The man at the gates stood down, and the crowd didn't take down the Palace. Instead, they calmed down, and the rest of the city turned into a nightmare.
I hear the creaking of floorboards, and I glance over to see Harry wandering down the hallway, his hands rubbing his eyes as he stumbles into the wall lightly, catching himself with a substantial huff. "Fuck," he mumbles, continuing his walk before he pads to the kitchen, drowsily opening the cupboards in search of something unknown. I smirk as I lean over the couch, observing him struggle in his quest. Unfortunately, I have a genuine idea of what he's looking for. He turns around and rests his forearms on the countertop island before bowing his head and groaning. I uncross my legs and stand up, wandering towards him and placing my tea on the marble top. "What's the matter, darling?"
"I need some fucking coffee," he murmurs, lifting his head to peer at me with red, weary eyes and messy hair.
I chuckle, "Oof. You look like hell."
"Good morning to you too, love," Harry chuckles, shaking his head before kissing my cheek. He's still vexed about last night. I don't blame him, but I had to pull rank.
I slide my tea closer to his hand, gesturing for him to take it, "Does it have a shot of liquor in it?"
"No," I respond, following as he picks up the mug and takes a sip. "Would you like me to go get the bottle of whiskey from your car?" I endeavour, observing as his eyes grow wide and he bites his lip.
"How do you know about that?"
"About what? The whiskey you hide under the flooring of your boot?"
"Exactly," Harry nods.
"I have ways," I grin.
Harry sets the tea down and clasps his hands to my hips, bringing me closer to him, "Snoop," he grins, leaning down and kissing my lips gently.
I roll my eyes at him, "The mastermind himself managed to find a cottage in the middle of nowhere, have it fully stocked with food and whatnot, but you forgot coffee?"
Harry nods, "I was busy trying to figure out what the fuck you were doing. Coffee wasn't on my mind."
"How'd you manage to get groceries in here?"
"My sister is an insomniac. So I sent her to the store the second I knew we needed somewhere to go since you dropped the ball on that part."
"And how did you get a cottage on short notice?"
Harry grows reserved for a moment, "Louis was useful for once. He knows the owner. You should think things through before deciding to escape a Palace."
"And did you have anything to do with the fact the news is reporting that I'm at the palace?"
Harry shakes his head, "No, they're just fucking stupid," he answers, his eyes flicking towards the television as he takes another sip of the tea. "Let me guess, live coverage?"
I nod and hum, focusing on the reporter as she speaks… "The military has been called in to help protect the Queen. But, unfortunately, concerns of the rioters entering the Palace are rising. It is uncertain when the Queen will address the matter at hand, but we know that she is safe somewhere in the Palace. She ordered the men at the gates to stand down until further notice, permitting the people to continue in their outraged states. A close spokesman says that her boyfriend, who is second in charge, is scouting floors and locking down the Palace."
Harry snorts and places his cup down, "When did you get a boyfriend?" He muses, nudging me softly, "The tool is scouting the floors."
"I believe they're referring to you."
"No, baby. Your husband is beside you, not sure about the boyfriend."
I roll my eyes, "The news will report anything to create a story. I'm sure Pippa will speak soon."
Harry shrugs, "Matthew and Estelle will leak a few stories to help the situation, don't worry."
"It's hard not to worry when my Palace is under attack, and the people are destroying parts of London."
"Well, this is what being a Queen is like. Enjoy the crown," Harry responds, "This was your plan. I don't want to hear a word about it," Harry continues, stepping away from me, compelling me to glower.
I'm not too fond of this part of the crown. However, I nonetheless desire to hand the crown off to someone else.
"Where exactly are we?" I softly question.
Harry grasps the remote and changes the station, flicking through the Channels, "The middle of fucking nowhere."
"I gathered that much after the seven-hour drive."
"Has the sound of sheep not told you where we are?" Harry questions, persisting in flicking through the stations to discover something on the television.
I blink at him a few times before I stroll to one of the windows and glance out, "We're in the farmland of Glasgow."
"Do you have an obsession with farms?" I question, noticing the fact that he is serious. I can see sheep from the window.
"No," Harry shakes his head, "Jus' safer. Nobody's going to find you in the middle of fucking farm town. Nobody expects to find the Queen in the middle of an alpaca farm and a sheep farm."
I turn on my heel and stare at Harry, shaking my head, "An alpaca farm?"
"Oh, no, we are not leaving this cottage to go look at alpacas. Don't even try it," Harry warns, his eyes leaving the television to narrow down on me. "No."
"But, darling—"
Harry shakes his head yet again. "That won't work on me. You can call me darling all you want, but I'm not doing this," Harry places the remote down on the coffee table and falls to the couch. "Anna, no."
"Harry," I beam, walking closer and stopping in front of him, "You cannot expect me to stay cooped up in here."
"Hm, yes I can," Harry nods, darting around me to stare at the television.
I shake my head and sigh, taking it upon myself to move closer to him. I place my hands on his shoulders and settle my knees on either side of his hips, straddling his lap at ease. "No, I am still pissed from last night," Harry insists, doing his best not to make eye contact with me. I grin and squeeze my hands to rest behind his neck. "We are not leaving this cottage."
I lean closer and skim my lips against his, kissing him softly before trailing kisses to the column of his neck, "You can kiss me as much as you want, but the answer is no," Harry continues, "I shouldn't have even told you a damn thing," Harry murmurs. I chuckle against his skin, my breath tapping his skin before I prompt another kiss to his neck, sucking lightly. "Anastasia, no," Harry sighs, his hands descending to rest at my hips, gripping them lightly.
I draw away and pout, "What are we going to do if we can't leave?"
"We can finish what you're trying to start," Harry chuckles, winking as his hands dance to my waistband and his fingers curve under the band, tugging me closer to him, "Because it would be awfully mean to start and not finish," he muses.
I chuckle, "Humph, welcome to my world."
Harry's jaw drops agape, and he blinks at me a few times, "Ay, now, you always finish."
"Are you sure?" I raise a brow, watching as he cocks his head to the side slightly.
"Anastasia fucking Styles, are you telling me that you fake it?"
I grin, amused by his response and rise of emotion, "You going to let us leave this cottage?"
"Then I'm not telling you shit," I respond, thrusting away from him and discovering my feet to plant back to the flooring. I stride out from his seated position and begin to tread away.
"Anastasia, hey, come back," Harry calls, his heavy feet pursuing my path, "Are you serious that you don't finish?" Harry gently encases his hands around my wrists, spinning me around to face him.
"You don't like it when the ball isn't in your court, do you?"
"Anna," Harry commences as he closes the space between us, gently but forcefully pinning me against the wall, "Because if that's the case, I'll dedicate this morning to making sure you finish," he whispers, positioning my arms above my head, his body against mine.
I cock my head to the side and bite my lip, "Is that a promise? "… "Because I'm not sure you can keep that promise," I cheekily taunt him.
"I'll have you begging."
"If you can have me begging, you win, and we stay in the cottage," I bargain with him, sensing his lips to my neck, trailing dear kisses. He presses his body against mine and grinds against me, his hands bearing around and squeezing my ass before effortlessly hoisting me up.
I envelop my legs around his torso as he gently persuades me with kisses against my lip while he makes the stroll to the bedroom. Finally, he lays me down on the bed. "I believe this is edging," Harry chuckles as he glimpses up at me.
"Wow, he does live in modern society and reads social media. Surprised you know what edging is."
"Shut up," Harry murmurs before kissing the inside of my thigh, leaving wet kisses on my delicate skin,
With silence sufficing the room due to my obedience, Harry bites down on my inner thigh, sucking lightly, endeavouring to tamper with my sanity. "You'll have to do better than that," I playfully taunt, intentionally pushing to rile him up.
He removes his lips away from my skin and glimpses up at me, "If you're trying to kill my ego, it isn't working, darling," Harry beams, "Aren't you meant to be trying to get me to beg?" Harry curiously queries, his fingers curling at the band of my underwear.
"I know I can make you beg," I respond, grinning as I observe his eyes narrow down on me.
"Cocky," he responds… "I don't think you can," he shakes his head, "And I want you to eat your words," he continues, sliding his hand beneath the delicate material of my underwear. He continues to stare at me, giving me nothing but his thumb as it circles agonisingly over the sensitive nerves. I rest down with a small sigh, "Mhm, you're not going to last," Harry hums with a chuckle, biting my inner thigh once again, his thumb gliding gently over the bundle of nerves. He skims his finger over my heat, touching just enough to cause a slight reaction out of me. He moves to hover over me, one hand holding him up as he leans down and kisses my bare skin, trailing wet kisses along my collar bone and down the centre of my chest before moving to my right breast. He leaves a persuasion of delicate kisses before sucking on my boob lightly, working simultaneously with his thumb at my nerves. My hands move his hair, tugging lightly with each heavy breath he draws from me.
He teases me in every way possible, leaving kisses all over my body and refusing to give me anything other than his thumb pressed against me. I tilt my head back, my mouth permitting a slight groan to escape when he glides his fingers over my entrance. I am enthralled with him getting closer and closer to where I want him.
"Harry," I whisper.
"Mhm, what is it, baby?" Harry questions. "What ya want?"
"Call a truce."
"No," Harry shakes his head, "You're going to beg," he continues.
"Please," I roll my hips into him, "I want and need you. No more teasing."
He makes his way down my body, and he halts to position himself, his eyes staring up at me. He stretches my legs apart and digs in, gliding his tongue across the bundle of nerves. I draw on his hair and allow the emotions to stream through me, "Oh my," I tilt my head back,
He moves my legs over his shoulders and grips my thighs, causing me to moan as he moves deeper, his tongue causing my head to spin.
My hands dig into the bedsheets, and I squirm against him, his grasp on my thighs tensing, holding me down. His name descends from my lips, my hand embracing fistfuls of the sheets, my body focusing on the sensation he's dominantly advancing. I feel the rushing, narcotic power building in my body, "Fuck," I breathe out, the potency of his tongue causing my world to spin. He repeats the motions repeatedly until he finds a pace that has me trying to lift off the bed, my hips bucking. "Please don't fucking stop, I'm begging, please."… "Harry," I breathe out, "Right there, jus' a bit deeper," the words fall from my mouth, and he obeys, causing me to gasp the second the grip on my thigh gets more robust, and he tugs me that inch closer into him...
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After Harry and I's back and forth of begging and pillow talk, Harry decided that we could journey the countryside around the cottage, on the condition that I partake in running with him. Every so often, he will convince me to go for a run with him, and it isn't necessarily that I despise working out and being healthy; it's the fact that Harry can run laps around me and doesn't take it easy on me. The man will leave me in the dust, turn around and ask what's taking me so long. I know he does it to irk my nerves and banter with me, but I can't keep up with him— some days I can— most of the days I have kept up with him has been the days he has either gone easy on me, or he hasn't felt too well. I win by default.
"Race ya?" I chuckle, smirking over at Harry as he rolls his eyes.
"No," he shakes his head, his eyes glaring down at his phone for a moment, seeming entirely lost within it.
I nudge him playfully and smile up at him, "Scared to lose?"
"You have spent the last five minutes complaining about our run, so I agreed to walk, and now you're wanting to race?" Harry questions with a petite grin.
I hum and nod my head, my hands wrapping around his bicep as I lean close to see his phone, "Nosey," Harry playfully comments, "Jus' texting my three other girlfriends."
"You can't handle what you have, let alone three," I point out, leaning up and kissing his cheek as we stop in our tracks.
Harry laughs, "You're not wrong there. You're a fucking handful," Harry winks. "You're going to think I'm crazy, but I think Pippa and Henry's Father are a joint team."
"Do we have to discuss this? "I laboriously sigh, my hands letting go of Harry's arm, and we stand face to face.
"Well, if I don't tell you, you'll accuse me of keeping secrets, if I do tell you… you don't want to talk. Anna—"
I cut Harry off swiftly, "I know, I'm sorry. "… "We may never figure it out. I'm not sure why the bloodline seems to end with me, or why I'm still standing, everyone else has died or gone missing."
Harry nods his head, his fingers typing on his phone. I can only assume he's texting Matthew. "Ever find out whose blood was on the sword?"
"No, sweetheart. Your mother slipped something into Georgie's drink… he was found a few hours ago in his chambers slumped over. Matthew just informed me royal documents were found in his office."
"Royal documents?"
"Things he shouldn't have had access to," Harry clarifies, "Matthew has to be vague over text."
"How do you know it was my mother?"
"She told me at the coronation. She's the one who killed the two men you accused me of killing." Harry informs me calmly, his eyes flicking up at me as he shoves his phone into his pocket. I accused Harry of being behind the man who was found near a pier in Brighton, an hour away from Singleton where his detective had been hanging. But, of course, I never expected my mother to be a part of any of this. "Not sure I should have told you it was Willow."
I shake my head and present him with an assuring smile: I'm not going to lose my mind and fall off the deep end knowing my mother killed a man or two… Technically three. "Race back to the cottage?"
Harry sighs, "No, we can go for a run around the block."
"Nice scenery," Harry responds, "Thought you wanted to see the damn animals," Harry states, flicking his head to the left where there's a sheep farm. "That's the whole point of our prolonged teasing earlier," Harry points out. "The begging I won."
"If you won, why are you agreeing to let me see the animals?"
"I'm not an asshole, Anna."
"That's up for discussion," I smile over at him.
Harry rolls his eyes, "What makes you happy, makes me happy, let's go."
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Harry and I walked and occasionally jogged the path of the animals and the countryside near the cottage. I'd love to live out here, or at least spend more time out this way. It's calm and peaceful, and there's no loud noises or the sound of traffic.
"For someone who forced this running idea on me, you're slacking," I breathe out, looking over my shoulder to see Harry behind me, the two of us slowing down as we reach the long driveway of the cottage.
Harry huffs as he steps around me and punches in a code, opening the gate and allowing me inside the property. "Some of us are still recovering from surgery," Harry responds, watching the gate close behind us before taking in a deep breath, his hand moving to his shoulder, gradually rotating his shoulder and massaging it.
"You alright?" I step closer to him as he bends over slightly.
Harry hums and drops his hand, straightening his posture. I press my hand to his back and rub it soothingly. Harry lets out a heavy breath, his head cocking to the side to look at me with a small smile, "I'm okay, just a bit stiff from the drive earlier."
"That's your story, and you're sticking to it?" I chuckle.
Harry rolls his eyes and laces his hand with mine, "Before my shoulder surgeries, I could run laps around you, you know it."
I lift my shoulders into a shrug, "You still can," I admit, "I just like that I finally outran you."
"Mhm, sure thing, baby."
"Did I hurt your ego?"
"You didn't bruise my ego," Harry shakes his head, "I'm out of shape. I can admit that" Harry responds, his hand descending into the small of my back, his eyes darting around before they glare at the couple walking by the gates. I heavily sigh, and Harry gently directs me in front of him, walking us towards the cottage door.
"Guess I'm about to be thrown into isolation now that a couple may have seen us," I mutter, shoving down on the door handle before we stroll into the cottage.
Harry closes the door behind him and locks it, wasting no time taking off his running shoes, "No," Harry responds, "Not going to force you to stay inside. It's not fair to you. You've been stuck inside far too much since your father died."
"Great, we finally agree on something," I respond, stepping to the kitchen to grab a cold glass of water.
"You act like we never see eye to eye," Harry chuckles, pursuing my footsteps to the kitchen, "Don't respond," Harry shakes his head.
"Mhm," I hum, "We don't see eye to eye a lot."
"Differences of opinion," Harry nods, "I was thinking… there's a small restaurant close by, we could go there for dinner, or we could cook here. After that, it's up to you."
"I like the idea of cooking here; we never do mundane things. Perhaps go out for a walk later? But, what's the catch?"
"There's no catch?"
"You rarely offer to go out in public without security and a full plan."
Harry gulps water before placing the glass down on the counter, "Can you just take the offer, Anna?" Harry softly questions, appearing slightly aggravated by my comment.
"I love you."
Harry lets out a little chuckle, "I love you, too. Even when you get on my nerves."
I roll my eyes at him and lean up and kiss his lips lightly, his hands pressing to my waist, tugging me closer, "Am I on your nerves?" I whisper against his lips.
Harry hums, "But I wouldn't have it any other way," Harry whispers back, pressing his forehead against mine.
I chuckle and shove my hands to his chest before placing distance between our bodies. "Would you like me to rub your shoulder?"
"Mmmm, no, I'm fine," Harry shakes his head, his eyes immediately diverting to the television that has breaking news.
"We have an update on the news from Palace grounds. The royal estate is under attack, the people of England are staking their ground. Few people have made it onto the royal property and are making their way to the entrances of the Palace. The plan, codenamed Whiskey Top, indicates that the royals will be evacuated when the Palace is under attack. There is no news on where or even if the reigning Queen has been transferred, but as of now, the people are on the steps of the Palace."
Harry sighs and glances at me, holding his tongue. He desires to say a lot, but he doesn't know how to execute it without starting an argument. "Don't," I begin, "I made the right call telling them to stand down."
Harry shakes his head, "I disagree; now they're at the Palace doors."
"They won't get in," I assure him, "Allowing them on the grounds lets them know they're validated."
"No, their feelings aren't validated. They're not the priority."
"To you, they're not. To you, I'm the priority. To me… they're still my people." I inform Harry, doing my best to stay calm. I'm trying to be a Queen. As much as I'm angry at everything, I cannot fight fire with fire. As much as I'd love to, I cannot. "I don't need your approval. I know what I'm doing."
Harry heavily sighs, "I'm taking a shower; let me know when they announce that the palace is on fire," Harry sarcastically motions towards the television before walking off down the hallway to the bedroom.
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Harry steps out of the shower with a towel swathed around his lower half, and I raise a brow at him, aggravated that he's overlooking my presence as I'm perched on the bed, observing the news.
"Harry?"… "Are you honestly going to be mad about my decision?"
"I'm mad about the whole situation, Anna."… "And I'm quite peeved that when it's convenient, I'm your partner, and we rule the monarch together, but when we don't see eye to eye, it's abruptly yours."
He cuts me off before I can speak and defend myself, "You can't try to deny that I'm wrong."
"You don't even want the control of it," I point out.
"No, I don't. I would let it burn to the fucking ground, but I do want to protect you. I still have a job to do as a security detail."
"And I have a job to do as Queen. We are equals, Harry, but when it comes down to decisions like this, I trump you."
"And when it comes down to your safety and the safety of everyone in the palace, I trump you, but you seem to forget that."
"Are we going to argue over power plays?"… "Do you want all the power?"
"God damnit, Anastasia," Harry huffs, "I'm not doing this. What you do with the monarch is on you."
"You're pissed at my decisions."
"Anna, we need to drop this for the sake of our marriage before we continue to argue over the monarchy."
I shake my head and sigh, "We aren't going to see eye to eye on this."
"Exactly why we need to drop it and stop arguing over the monarchy. I'm tired of it. Please?"
I heavily sigh and drop the conversation, watching as Harry frowns at his phone while it rings, "You have to be fucking kidding me," he mutters, snatching the phone and placing it to his ear. "I cannot leave," Harry lowers his voice, his eyes narrowing down towards the floor. "No, I am not risking it. Hold on," Harry drops his voice further, his eyes darting over at me.
Harry laboriously moans and takes the pistol from the dresser where it was left. He steps closer to the bed and positions the gun down beside me, "I will be back," he declares, giving me nothing else before he steps out of the bedroom.
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airasora · 2 years
I was wondering of a possible au that has odette and holli as sisters? how that'd work in your headcanon story 👀
Ooooooh intriguing. And how ironic is it that they both like "gingers" lolol 😂
Let's see...
Ok, so dark content warning, cause I'm mixing in Holli's background story so TW for sexual assault.
Holli and Odette are half sisters, sharing the same mother; Sophie Would (Sophie from Anastasia) . Sophie and William (King William from The Swan Princess) had a messy romance, resulting in an unplanned pregnancy, during which William tried to convince Sophie to quit her job as a stripper, as he thought it was unfit for a mother. Sophie, loving her job, absolutely refused, leading to their eventual break-up.
Once Sophie had given birth to their little girl, named Odette, William insisted Sophie was an unfit mother and that he alone should have custody of the child. Sophie refused this until she met Joseph Korso (Korso from Titan AE) who SA'ed her, causing her to spiral into a deep depression and allowing William to take their daughter away though she never told him what happened.
To Sophie's horror, she found out she was carrying her rapist's baby. With the help of her coworkers, her family, she managed to climb up from the dark pit she had been in and was capable of taking care of her daughter, whom she named Holli.
At 19, Holli has been told little about her father and even less about her sister. In fact, she has no idea she even exists, until Odette shows up at her door. At first, Holli doesn't believe her when she says she's her half sister. But then Sophie comes home and she just... knows.
Sophie breaks down. Memories of what happened 20 years ago all come flooding back to her at once and she has a complete meltdown. Holli kicks Odette out of the house, telling her to never come back and she drives her mom to the psychiatric ward. A place she's been a few times before, usually out of free will. This time she's not in the right state of mind to have the will or wish to do anything, so she just goes along with what Holli wants.
After leaving Sophie in capable and familiar hands, Holli drives to the address Odette gave her when they were talking. There, she meets William, who has no idea who she is and it seems like Odette wants to keep it that way. Holli plays along and gets to ask Odette some questions.
Their relationship is off to a very rocky start when they start fighting due to both of them carrying resentment towards each other, believing the other had it better and had something they missed their entire lives.
Eventually though, when Sophie feels better eventually and tells Holli she wants to talk to both her and Odette. During that chat, Sophie tells both girls the truth, but without making William seem like the bad guy. He was unaware Sophie was pregnant and he just wanted to protect his daughter. Despite it all, Sophie has no hard feelings towards him.
Neither of the blonde sisters have any idea what to think of it all. Holli can't help but feel Odette "got away" to live a calm, rich life with a protective father who could give her everything she needed and more. While Holli stayed with a woman who didn't want her and reminded her of her assault, and they both had to do dirty work to get by. Odette is envious of Holli's close relationship with their mother though, and never got to be free and independent as her father was indeed very protective and she always missed having a mother.
In the long run, Holli and Odette couldn't have less in common and it'll lead to a rocky sisterhood, but as time goes by their relationship blossoms and, eventually, William discovers the truth as well and gets to see the love of his life again, both now older and wiser.
When Sophie tells William the truth, after he asks whether Holli is his biological daughter or not, William apologizes and begs for Sophie to forgive him. She does, saying it was her choice not to tell him what happened, so how could he have known. While they don't quite get back together again, they do co-parent and spend a lot of time together along with their daughters.
And... Yeah, that's it! That's the story that came to my mind when you asked about an AU with Holli and Odette as sisters 👭 I don't know if this was what you had in mind when you sent me your ask, but this was really fun to brainstorm either way 😁
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