#it has another verse but i didnt include it
moomeecore · 2 months
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a love letter to weasels ❤️🩷
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
Hello how are you :3? I was wondering if you could write E.J., Hoodie, and Masky with a s/o that has a lot of scars? (Toby too but platonic for him) I’m not sure how many people we can request so if it’s too many just Hoodie? I’m sorry if this makes you uncomfortable and thank you!
Various!Creepypastas w/ a scarred!reader
waaaah im so sorry for not seeing this sooner! i didnt recieve a notification for this ask!! really theres no limit to how many characters you can send in! i think my personal max varies from prompt to prompt!! mix of how they approach the concept of a scarred lover (friend in tobys case) with some hints of fluff! cause of scars will be vague as admittedly i didnt know if you meant general scars or SH! side note i hope this posts right! im writing this on my computer, im used to mobile!! + apologies for any weird wording or typos, im listening to music and im getting hyped!! not proof read we die like my spiderverse brainrot
Includes: Eyeless Jack, Hoodie, Masky and Platonic!Toby!
CWs: touch and go talk of potential past trauma, body image issues, vague mentions of SH(?) in EJs part + Toby's parts
admittedly admin doesnt know if its technically SH due to the nature and motiv but personally id still count it as such and tag it as such
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Eyeless Jack;
he gets it, he really does. the basic run down of my hc/take on ej is that he wasnt always some flesh eating monster; just some dude who got caught up in some bad stuff
so naturally, he doesnt... really vibe well with the concept of eating human flesh, which can lead to a few... instances. from intentionally to accidentally harming himself while hes lost in his instincts
so hes no stranger to being a little roughed up around the edges
but hes a stranger to comforting; he'll likely approach it from a logical side before trying anything else. "you've been hurt," before going on a small tangent about the formation of scars. hes not the most... emotionally... good... available... person
so youre going to need to lay out the general basis for what you need for basic comfort, on days where your scars become an issue; be is needing comfort or a distraction. it may take him a while, but hell eventually start to pick up on cues and hints as your relationship develops
otherwise hes very neutral about them, again approaching them with a blunt view; seeing it as neither good nor bad. he doesnt draw attention to them, but he doesnt act like theyre gross
really just. vibing with it, doesnt make a huge deal of it since he feels he doesnt have any place to judge, nor does he feel its his business to pry for information
solid 6/10 imo, hell comfort you if you express that you need it but hell likely not go out of his way to do it
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Soft touches, he almost does it before he has your permission to touch you
naturally he has his own fair share of scars from various.. activities
really im still all jumbled up with how i wanna write him and masky; not sure if i want to make them like how they are in their MH source or lean into the proxy thing that was prominent in the early days of the fandom... lowkey leaning into the proxy thing for this post because im more... versed..? in that, but anyhow
hes more upfront and compassionate than eyeless jack, in fact hes probably the most caring out of the four in todays post... maybe thats because i read one (1) fic years back that changed my entire approach to his character but! yeah
subconsciously trails his hands on them when the two of you are holding one another; something gentle and intimate, not too obnoxious to make you self conscious, but not careful enough to go unnoticed
i view hoodie, and by extension brian if i end up considering him and tim fully seperate from their 'proxy' parts, as a very tactile person
true to the popular fanon interpretation, hoodie doesnt speak much. but that only makes him a better listener, so on days where things get hard, hell let you talk his ears off with anything thats bothering you. very rarely, hell speak up and offer some words of advice, most times hell inch closer to grasp you. though it does get awkward since most the time hes just. blankly staring at you silently without emoting or saying a word
overall? personally hes a 7/10 for me, i would rank him higher if he were more verbal, but thats just because admin has an easier time venting if its a two way convo; but overall hell make sure that your scars dont effect your worth
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very similarly to hoodie, masky also has his own set of scars for the same reasons
he probably starts pointing out his own scars to you and mumbles about where they came from if he knows their origins
this doesnt mean "oh hes invalidating your experiences and hes trying to make it about himself," but more so "hes showing that he really does get it and he doesnt mean to talk over you"
much like EJ he approaches scars with a very blunt and upfront mindset, but to a lesser extent. he admits that whatever led up to the tissue forming, it hurt. emotionally and physically, and hes not going to deny that simple fact. hell listen to you, have a conversation with you about it, and try to help you through whatever you may be currently going through regardless of if youre injury is relevant.
or at least, thats what hes trying to do.
hes still has his own personal issues regarding going about his own problems in a healthy manner but hey thats something for another post; maybe, if i remember
honestly this post doesnt have enough fluff imo, and i can kinda see masky doing this, but imagine he boops his mask against your scars in a mockery of a kiss (doesnt take off his mask often, in fact youll probably never ever see him without it on), i can see jack doing this too tbh
thoughts? 8/10, gets the bonus points for being less awkward to rant to imo, plus i think asides ej, i think i have a bias for masky for the simple fact i had the fattest crush on him when i was in middle school
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okay! this one is going to be interesting for one main reason! i actually havent touched tobys character in YEARS! so hes probably going to have the shorter list... obligatory i havent built any solid hcs for him past what was going on in the fandom in the 2010s, before toby briefly became a mild discomfort... but we're back in business baby!! (^^ dont feel bad for requesting for toby btw! hes no longer a discomfort, and if i didnt want to write for him i wouldnt be including him right here!!)
obviously we cant talk about his part without talking about his cheek. and other, similar hcs. while i dont think most of the self inflicted marks on his body were from a place of.. for lack of better words, darkness; it doesnt change the fact he still has them. i think a lot of them are from the fact he cant feel anything; accidental burns, gnawing through his cheek, digging his fingers deep into himself. really i could go into detail, but due to the aforementioned fact that my take on him isnt as developed as other characters + i really dont think its appropriate for this post (or really, anywhere on this account,), ill stop there
while he cant relate to the physical pain of what caused your scars, he can sympathize through your feelings. do you feel sorrow, or anger to whoever hurt you? hell be getting worked up right with you, because to him youre one of his closest friends
i feel like he doesnt talk much about his past, regarding his family. but hed tell you, and you can sure as hell bet that hell do his absolute damndest to grant you the same feeling of security.
hell probably touch and prod without truly meaning any harm, but thats because he can have problems with boundaries, but hell listen if you sit him down and tell him it makes you uncomfortable if it does
more so emotional than outwardly... supportive? idk the words, but hes very empathetic with you and tries to relate to you through emotion rather than feeling what you felt. honestly? kinda based for that, but maybe thats because i dont see feelings about this topic being touched on, usually its straight up about how the scar makes the person look or the physical trauma they had gone through, but idk, maybe thats just a me thing
he can be an asshole at times but hell usually backtrack and cool off somewhere else if you call him out on it imo
not sure if its because as im LITERALLY investigating his characteristics and interpretations as we speak, but i think im starting to relate to him so ER-OH!
anyways, i wish i could make his segment more... in tune with the characters above but its probably going to take me a while until im comfortable with how i portray this dude, which sucks because as a kid he was probably one of my favorites
i dont think im going to give toby a rating like the others; since i dont think i can accurate rate him due to the lack of proper concrete ideas outside of him being empathetic to your emotional pain since he cant relate on how much it hurt
im gonna end this here since im starting to sound like a broken record on tobys part so!
i hope you enjoyed this! characterization may be a little off but i blame that mostly on the fact that i kinda fell out of the loop in regards for writing for these guys (that damn spider movie! the brainrot threw me off my creepypasta grind!/j) but its good to be back writing for this fandom! it was a fun little brain exercise trying to figure out each character goes about this kind of thing without making them all the same!! with that being said, im going to go listen to an audio reading of tobys story so i can regrounded in his character and hopefully do him some justice in the future!
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 2, Wave 2, Poll 9
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included.
Check out the other polls in this wave and prior here.
Charlotte ‘Charlie’ Webber / Sun Spider-Marvel
Charlie is canonically disabled and canonically queer, having EDS and being pansexual. She was originally a spider-sona created by a fan, Dawn Broder, who is agender and disabled.Unlike most disabled characters in superhero media, Charlie stays disabled even after gaining her powers! She uses crutches and a wheelchair, both of which are used alongside her webslinging. Her crutches have webslingers inside them, meaning she uses them to get around even while being sun-spider, and Across The Spider-verse shows her wheelchair being able to help her climb on walls and similar as well. Charlie's story also covers issues faced by disabled people! When an emergency happens at her prom, she's reminded that if she wasn't a spider-person she would be left behind as the others evacuate, which is something that's common irl as well.
Charlotte Webber (Sun-Spider) has Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and is an ambulatory wheelchair and crutch user. As shown in the comics she is also queer! She was created by Dayn Broder, a queer disabled comics editor and writer who also has EDS. Sun-Spider’s screentime in Across The Spiderverse was awesome especially the design of her wheelchair. She has web-shooters equipped in her crutches which she uses to fight with. She’s just so fucking cool and hopefully gets more inclusion in comics in the future.
Charlie is SO important to me as a disabled person because she shows that we can be superheroes while still being disabled, we don't have to have our disabilities taken away to be super. She's also a very fun character! She's funny!
Mostly what I said in the last section, but once again she’s so cool and her wheelchair in ATSV is so sick (when she is not using it it follows her with sort of mecha spider legs).
Heart-Moonlight Chicken
He's deaf (and I think one of the first ever deaf love interests in a Thai drama) and canonically gay with a boyfriend.
hes canonically deaf and gay
Heart is a gay deaf character in the drama moonlight chicken.
Heart is canonically deaf and canonically has a boyfriend at the end of the series! :)
Canonically queer and deaf
He’s canonically deaf and the love interest of another male character (Li Ming)
A lot of his storyline is about the struggles of being deaf in Thai society. The show is only 8 episodes and he’s only a supporting character so it can't go super in depth to it but his arc was really well done imo. He lost his hearing due to illness like 3 years before canon (I forget th exact time frame), but his parents shut him away and never learned sign language so his storyline is about being able to come into his own and leave the house and everything. Like his love interest learns sign language for him and researches what to do to help him feel normal and supports him as his parents are forced to confront how they've failed their son with their lack of acceptance of being deaf. Like his whole story is just him finally getting to live his life normally again after being shut off from the world and having a supportive boyfriend. At the end of the show, he goes to a deaf college in America to study engineering.
he became deaf after a disease and since then is isolated in his home for 3 years. these years also coincide with the pandemic. and his parents didnt learn sign, just writing their messages in a paper and sliding it to him without hearing what he has to say. he was also presumably degraded for talking because it wasnt very clear because hes literally deaf. his parents by the end of the show try to talk better to him through sign but good god. he was so lonely
Heart is an amazing character. His story show us the hardships he faces with his family acceptance but also the importance of forming a community. His love story with ming is beautiful and heartwarming.
Heart is sheltered by his parents after losing his hearing due to illness. Throughout the series, however, his parents gain more understanding of him and his abilities and he gains a found family with his boyfriend Li Ming and Li Ming's family and it's all so heartwarming and wholesome. Although his parents see him as unable to live a normal life after he loses his hearing, he disproves this by seeking work, building relationships, and getting into college for engineering. He is the best boy!
When we first meet Heart, he is very sheltered from the outside world by his parents, who have taken pretty much no effort to understand Heart’s needs or wants since he lost his hearing. He is homeschooled and doesn’t seem to have any friends or sense of community. His parents leave him alone all the time, choosing instead to focus on their work. His bedroom is full of notes that his parents have left him. Hung up on the walls are different sign language posters, clueing the audience into the fact that he taught himself sign language. Over the course of the show, Heart develops a friendship and, eventually, relationship with Li Ming, a boy who works at a chicken rice shop. Li Ming sneaks Heart out of the house, where they do all kinds of things together – participating in a lantern festival, attending a community gathering for deaf folks, and learning how to drive a motor scooter, off the top of my head. While learning how to ride the motor scooter, however, Heart has a small accident and his parents find out about him sneaking out. The confrontation scene is one that is definitely best translated on-screen, but I’ll try to describe it the best I can. Basically, Heart, Li Ming, and Heart’s parents all hash it out. Heart’s parents accuse Li Ming of influencing Heart to disobey them, Li Ming explains that Heart wanted – and is capable of – doing the things they did together, Heart’s parents barely even look at him during the entire exchange, Heart finally gets fed up and tells his parents exactly how they make him feel, and Heart’s parents have to ask Li Ming what Heart was saying. After this confrontation, things get a bit better with Heart’s parents, though not perfect. At the end of the show, Heart and Li Ming travel overseas together, where Heart attends university and Li Ming works, a dream they talk about quite a few times over the course of the show.
He’s the first deaf love interest in a Thai drama! And he has the most adorable love story with another guy called Li Ming in the show who learns sign language in order to communicate with him more effectively. While he faces struggle from his parents being extremely overprotective after he lost his hearing a few years ago (also since he’s still a teenager) it ends up resolved with them changing their mindset and allowing him full freedom. His story shows struggle while not being a tragedy, and he ends the show going to study in America with his boyfriend being really happy <3
Anything Else?:
I feel like it isn't very often we see deaf queer characters, especially not ones who find love and a happy ending!
The qualifications and propaganda paragraphs correspond, @burnsuncomet is the second submitter.
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catholicjinx · 1 month
im gonna go insane about chuuya + skk in general and this song under the cut…i apologize
Okay cirice is a song that was originally written to develop an inside image of abusive relationships and especially how cults lure people in and they dont realize it until the very end. This includes things like the cycle of luring someone in, becoming aggressive, and trying to undo the damage by pretending to sound remorseful. Sounds familiar??? (Port mafia)
skylia @kaiserkisser has a SHIT ton of good posts about this kind of thing especially regarding the port mafia so i highly recommend checking out some of their reblogs if youre interested in seeing more. In regards to one of their reblogs, i saw a post the other say that detailed how the port mafia “teachers” or mentors will always end up abusing their trainees the way they knew how to be trained. mori treated dazai the way he knew how to be treated, dazai treated akutagawa like less than human because thats all hes ever viewed himself as, and akutagawa gives kyouka insane amounts of praise because thats all he desired, but he doesnt know how to treat her like a normal kid because HE never got to be a normal kid.
this is where chuuya comes in. Chuuya didnt have any “mentors” besides kouyou and possibly mori. He was shoved directly into being the sheep’s leader when he was around 15 years old and hasn’t known anything besides that. dazai eventually treated him like his dog due to his ability being so easy to manipulate and when chuuya’s ability IS used, he essentially becomes animalistic and can only be controlled by dazai. cirice (the song) fits this dynamic so well as it talks about an abusive, almost cult-like relationship similar to the cult of the band ghost. at his core, dazai is a manipulative and cunning individual who cares about his partner but it took a while for him to actually do so. chuuya is trusting and loyal just like a dog, which is why this fits literally perfectly. (lyric analysis below :3)
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for the opener of the song, i interpret this as chuuya’s ability being the “rumble” and his poem that he recites being the “calling” but this is up to interpretation!! I dont have a lot to say about this verse
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the first two lines HEAVILY remind me of stormbringer and how chuuya dealt with his feelings of doubting the fact that he was even human. These particular lines almost feel like dazai is reminding him he’s human even though he has an entire demon inside of him that he cant control. “I can feel the thunder” to me, is dazai recognizing that chuuya values himself differently with stormbringer and his ability (and that he’s most likely going to take advantage of this later but whatevs). “I can see through the scars inside you” is almost like chuuya validating that dazai is also human too, that the abuse mori has put him through that he has reflected onto others doesnt entirely define him as a person
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“You and i see eye to eye” is a VERY impactful and heavy line as chuuya and dazai have always been one in the same. partners, soukoku, soulmates, whatever it is theyre paired together and are essentially inseparable. despite their abilities being different and circumstances being different their struggles with humanity are almost identical. “Now there is nothing between us” alludes to the power that dazai has over chuuya in battle, particularly when he lets his ability take control without restraint. Their “merge” is eternal because chuuya will forever only be able to use his ability with dazai’s help, and dazai will always find power over chuuya because of that. “Cant you see that you’re lost without me?” Is another power-based line where dazai is most likely viewing himself as better than chuuya because he typically uses him as a tool with his ability, but only when said ability is being used. He’s manipulative in the sense where he cares about him but not FOR him and will always use him as a ruse for the things he needs. (the rest of the song has repeating lyrics so i didnt include them so i hope this made sense :) )
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jksnrabbit · 3 months
Hi again, (i’m the anon from earlier), sorry if this is annoying or too much but I have more questions about Johnny. Again don’t feel like you have to respond.
What is Johnny doing in season two? Especially with the kiddads betrayal of Nicky.
How well does he know Taylor? Is he around as like a fun uncle or is he absent like Nicky is?
In both season one and two what was his relationships with the other families (both the other dads and kiddads)?
also since you mentioned birdie (henry’s daughter) she is canon as of the “see you again” intro about schmeggan (or however that’s spelled) during the hell arc in season two. Henry comes in and sings a verse about how brad helped him and mercedes name their daughter. Will has also said he gives Henry another daughter every time he’s asked if birdie is real.
thanks again for answering the previous questions.
i love the asks!! this is fleshing out johnny more than ive thought about - ive had this mf for 2 yrs and now i gotta employ Critical Thinking this is nice <3 im so happy he's being recieved well, im tired of seeing my own oc's as 'cringe' i deserve to be free
answers under the cut cause i typed a lot again
1) in season 2, i think he's a member of d.a.d.d.i.e.s up until the betrayal, but at the same time he's actively witnessing jodie's decline as glenn and morgan do their thing, so he spends like 65% of his time picking up jodie's slack as king of hell [which unfortunately, gives jodie more time to try to win morgan back. it doesnt work]. jodie being the world's most failed bisexual leaves a lot of work unfinished for john, who unfortunately is coping through his old man fashion sense of tropical shirts and big jeans. which i hastily drew
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he was in hell when nicky was attacked; nicky portal'd to glenn mid-rave, who then brought nicky home and alerted john, morgan, and jodie about the situation. once stablized, nicky told them all what happened - this drives a bit of a wedge between him and john as john doesnt believe they should immediately cut off all contact ['maybe theyve been mind controlled'], especially considering nicky would be leaving behind taylor and cass. john returns to earth to talk to the kiddads himself, and while he does manage civil conversation for a solid minute, he's ambushed as well. he's able to escape fairly quickly [he didnt dismiss 100% of nicky's warnings, he knows the others pack a punch] and once home, he reconciles with nicky, agreeing to cut off contact
2) if not for the betrayal, john would be the kind of uncle that taylor sees like, once every 3 months but when he does he spoils the shit out of him - even more so than he already is. he'd get baby taylor the loudass toys that annoy the hell out of nicky and cass. he'd come back from hell with some kind of enchanted gift that may or may not cause a power outage.
after the betrayal, he cut off contact with earth, including taylor and cass. though he and nicky keep an eye on taylor, in case he ever needs them. every christmas, he drops off a gift in the middle of the night 'from santa'. its mostly just a figurine of whatever anime taylor's been most obsessed with that year. one year, taylor gets a customized enchanted funko pop of himself [because all uncles work at funko. or nintendo. whatever], only enchanted enough that it resembles taylor on a day to day basis, like it's outfit changes with him. cass has zero idea who 'santa' is
post betrayal for all the kiddads, he holds an eternal grudge against them. even after they and nicky truce in order to help the kids with the doodler's anchors, he cant bring himself to agree. he's on par with lark for title of 'skeptical battle ready uncle', but in a hawaiian shirt.
s1 oaks - nervous wreck recognizes nervous wreck. respects henry for having to wrangle lark n sparrow daily [somethin he's had to do now with walter]. he does think hen's too judgemental though. as johnathan, he sees henry as a huge pushover with no control over his kids. he still respects henry for having to deal with them everyday though. that shit's tough
s2 oaks - pre betrayal, he was friends with sparrow more than lark, as the former was mostly trying to find the least violent route for anything. he saw hero and norm like, once in their youth, at a family/friends bbq. meeting norm during the events of s2 he's struggling so hard not to say anything about his hygiene [heightened demon senses are Not helping him] but he's nice enough.
s1 wilsons - he's a little familiar with darryl pre-faerun, as nick frequently hangs out at grant's house, so darryl's a comforting guy to have around. he mostly knows grant as nick's gamer friend. paeden's on the same rank as lark n sparrow's rowdy-ness, he's just glad that the daddies tend to take him on every mission. as johnathan, darryl's the main dad that he respects [aside from jodie] as hes the one that least opposes his dad for being a cop, and mostly just opposes him whenever he's being kinda annoying.
s2 wilsons - pre betrayal, had a lot of comradery with grant about video games and weapons. unfortunately supplied grant with a lot of magical/hell weapons. doesnt forgive himself for that. linc honestly doesnt leave a huge impression on him, but he admires his honesty and heart.
s1 stamplers - neither johnny nor johnathan know what to think of ron. johnny thinks he's strange but harmless, johnathan doesnt know if ron's either clueless or knows something he doesnt. both of them solidly respect terry jr though. thats a stand-up kid right there!
s2 stamplers - probably closest with terry out of all the kiddads. they generally just vibe on the same kind of wavelength, and shared a taste in music, going to concerts before d.a.d.d.i.e.s. to be fully honest, he's a little scared of scary. he's never seen so much wrath in a teen before.
4) in some talking dad episodes, will actually mentions henry originally having a baby daughter named 'henrietta', who wouldve been home with mercedes during the soccer tournament!! and i will never forgive them for scrapping that idea!!
i love the enigma of birdie/henry's multiple daughters though. god i wonder if theyre estranged from lark n sparrow, that's unfortunate :[
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mediocre-noodle · 2 months
context for last photo (bc its new worldbuilding):
before releasing the flowers (at a funeral rite in kismadoré), a chosen someone starts off a poem and then the others attending chime in on the second verse. the poem was created by dallas during the wilds’ arc. its traditionally spoken at funeral rites in kismadoré.
the first funeral rite ever in kismadoré was a mass mourning when they had first found the ruins and the poem was said by dallas. the first one after the walls came down (day of the coup d’état) was led by asmo (juno has social anxiety).
(<- was inspired by the monologue from hiccup during stoic’s (? spell check) funeral scene in HTTYD)
general summary and background of the writing bc you cant tell what happened from the first paragraph ->
this is at the closing of the coup d’état (aka storming the castle and killing the king— dallas’ bio dad). just maybe 10-15 mins before this, dallas had killed his father and the battle was nearing a close (the resistance won if it isnt clear). there were many casualties on both sides. even though the battle was won, there were still fights going on (not many. not a huge battle zone. its more of resistance who are still trying to stay alive vs royals who are loyal and basically worship their king.)
on his way to help others still engaged in fights, dallas encountered a childhood friend-now-enemy who was pissed at him (enemy now bc indoctrination. also his cousin,, btw.) they were yelling at him and then just,, shot him. dallas was trying to de-escalate.
asmodae was nearby and heard the yelling and came to help fight (didnt know it was dallas— thought it was just another straggler) but sw what happened. she killed the friend turned enemy (shot to the head) (get rid of the threat is an important lesson skip taught them, even if it makes them sick thinking about it) and ran to try and stop dallas from bleeding, even if she knew it was pointless. dallas bled out in her arms.
hours later, when everything is over, asmo throws away the jacket that she used to try and stop the bleeding. its ruined. not with blood, but with memories. that night, she sits in the bath for almost two hours, scrubbing herself red trying to get dallas’s blood off her hands, even though it came off on the second wash. even to this day, shes convinced its under her fingernails.
-> the ✨ angst ✨ (btw i searched up symptoms of blood loss for this. your welcome /j (it included confusion ehhehehe)) (also this takes place over like,, 3.5 mins maybe. i write a bit fast paced i think. makes sense though bc hES DOOMEDDD HES BLEEDING OUTTT RAPIDLYY he also is a bit malnourished bc eating issues which may also affect it) (also yes i wrote the poem- aha) (im not The Best at writing sometimes— it takes sm energy for me to do it. i can do poetry but its gotta mean something)
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dude……………. dude………………………………………
ive been trying to think of words for like 5 minutes but like. all i can think of is godDAMN
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I will proudly say that my favorite TES game is Morrowind, I picked it up last year and I'm madly in love with it, but I have always noticed the developers referencing some elements of middle eastern culture, whether it's the Ashlanders or the building itself, or something along those lines. Despite the presence and feeling of Hinduism in the game, I feel as though the middle eastern element is less discussed. Plus, I'm not a hindu, but someone from the middle of nowhere in Saudi Arabia, so I can't really say much. so i decided to make this post, where i point out stuff i have noticed in the game and basically give myself an excuse to go "my video game mentioned my culture!!!!!"
lets start with an obvious one, moon and star. moon and star is the ring that is given to you by azura, and its also the logo of the game. and wouldnt you know, its one of the symbols of islam, the Star and crescent
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i also have this theory about how the ring is a reference to solomon's ring, i can kinda see it but im not 100% sure.
now for a part im surprised no one talked about, the quran page in one of the pages.
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this part genuinely took me by surprise, out of all things i didnt expect to see a quran page here, the image i attached is not the exact page but its the closest i found and is mainly here for comparison. you can even see the lil circles where the numbers of the verse are supposed to be, i dont know how to access the texture so this is the best image i could find.
ashlander tent patterns
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another screenshot i took, this time showing the insides of one of the ashlander tents, the patterns on the back look too similar to tent patterns you'd see in Bedouin tents, especially those from saudi arabia
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i just thought its cool how morrowind has taken a lot from different cultures, including mine, for world building. i love being able to recognize my culture in lore, i would mention eso but im kinda bummed on how it seems to lessen it? kind of? i havent played in years but from what i remember there was barely anything to drive home :/ oh well, i mightve forgotten some parts like how the architecture has inspiration from north africa and the arabic peninsula, or how ashlander names are taken from ancient Babylonian and Assyrian names, but i thought id make this post for funsies :)
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lesbianatomy · 10 months
havent been on tumblr for a while but i have been rewatching yuri on ice recently (yes, its that time of the year) & ive been listening to stammi vicino almost non-stop (thank god spotify wrapped alr came out bcs im inclined to believe it wouldve been my top song for this year otherwise) so needless to say i have heard this exact song looped many times & tell me why i just realized that we hear two different versions of it in the anime !!!!!!
im sure many avid fans of the show have long known this already, which is truly embarrassing for myself, having grown up in a music school, but i digress. the first is the original stammi vicino, used in viktor's fs program (the one that yuri famously copies). the other is the duet version we hear during yuri and viktor's pair skate in the former's exhibition.
there are quite a lot of noticeable differences. firstly, the duet is cut in length; perhaps because they didnt require the full duration of the song for the part that it was included in or other reasons, but i think its notable to acknowledge the lyrics that were excluded:
With a sword I wish I could cut those throats singing about love I wish I could enclose in ice the hands that write those verses of burning passion
This story that has no meaning Will vanish tonight together with the stars If I could see you, eternity will be born from hope
this is taken straight from the yoi wiki page. essentially, in the original this can be interpreted as viktor mourning his loneliness and yearning for a great love. its highly sentimental but also bitter in a way, even. viktor's status as someone of incredible fame and talent has distanced him from life and love, which is ironic given that he is now skating to a love song. the music naturally reflects this: cmiiw but i think the ensemble fits the standard of an orchestra from the romantic period; you can tell from the dramatic use of percussion, wind instruments, and the grandiose crescendos and range of emotion in general. the way i see it, this very much encapsulates what viktor is actually skating about: it displays itself as a very bold declaration of love, in line with viktor's reputation as a legendary, almost mythic figure, but the reality is that no one is there to stay close to him. he is begging for a love that does not exist; an absence of it.
compared to the original, the duet is much more subdued, but no less sentimental. there is a sweeter, more assured quality to it that i feel is missing from the other version, which is clearly yuri's effect on viktor's life. i remember reading a fic recently about how the main instruments used in yuri on ice (the song) aka the piano and the violin actually represent yuri and viktor's respective roles in yuri's journey, though i believe they also took inspiration from someone else's idea. regardless, thank you to whoever it was that initially came up with that analysis!!!!! because of that i understand why the duet begins with piano instead of a wind instrument like in the original; another nod to yuri's presence. there's also a much clearer emphasis on the violin in the duet!
(also, idk about you but when i listen to the duet as it nears the end, even though they never show the full exhibition program, its so easy to imagine how they continue skating the rest of the routine. down to the ending pose & everything. just soooo visceral and excellent)
whew. long-winded rant about stammi vicino over. i love this song & i genuinely think that even if you have no interest in yoi you should still listen to the soundtrack (passacaille in barcelona & kamome are in my top 3). worth ittttt
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astranauticus · 2 months
post mortem for my orv animatic bc i have lots of thoughts and yall are gonna hear all of them (that is a threat)
first is the obligatory special thanks/plagiarism declaration section but a lot of the shots in this are inspired by the original changgwi lyric video which like. please watch it there's a reason this song is a classic animatic song on bilibili like the music is good but the video definitely helped. also speaking of bilibili, special shoutout to this arknights chongyue animatic that introduced me to the song that will haunt the next 8 months of my life!
the original inspiration was the thought that the verse of the spirit telling the story of its own death felt very yjh coded but it took like another week of stewing on it to have the idea of using the final chorus for the dkos arc which was the moment i decided i have to actually make this thing
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going strictly by when i started putting pen to paper (pencil to ipad screen? whatever) this took almost exactly 5 months since i created the first drafts in february but the first 3 months ish from february until may were also my school semester so. most of the progress (id say about >60%) was done in the last two months of me working on this every moment i wasnt at work (or playing project sekai, for some reason)
also! funny little detail but counting the drafts and some discarded frames my procreate stack for this thing has exactly 49 artworks in it! neat little easter egg i guess (yeah 51 wouldve been more fitting but whatever)
this fully slipped by both me (at 2am) and my friend whom i sent the finished version to (fighting the flu) but in the final edit i didn't actually include the second half of the last lyric?? it's 'i will take you to the mountain god' i apparently just wrote 'i will take you' and never finished the rest LMAO
speaking of the lyrics i dont speak korean and im not a huge fan of most english translations of this song that exists so on multiple occasions i was so tempted to just use the chinese cover someone on bilibili did because then i'd at least be confident i know where the fucking line breaks were (there's one line at the end where im pretty sure i didn't edit on the line breaks correctly but that was more of an intentional compromise because the timings would've been off otherwise. anyway) tbh the only reason i didnt do that is the atmosphere and delivery of the original song is. really unbeatable like the cover's also pretty good but it doesn't quite achieve the same effect
also speaking of things i fucked up im aware i drew sys in the wrong outfit for the dkos fight but like. ok full disclosure my orv reference folder is a complete mess (theres like 400+ images in there. for some reason) so on net ive gotten character outfits wrong while working on this thing like at least 3 times bc id just grab a random webtoon screenshot from my folder and go w it. it's just that by the time i realised i fucked up i'd already finished drawing all of sys's frames and i was too lazy to go back and change all of them LMAO
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anyway yeah some other random things i wanted to whinge about:
there's a lot of effects i wanted to do that didn't quite come across due to. lack of skill/time/patience/all of the above but the one im really annoyed about is the yhk postchorus bit with the 3 circles bc. first off i think i drew those while halfway dozing off on the train to school once because uh. yeah
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anyway poor drawing aside id really wanted to recreate the sort of. drawn-in effect on the circles and lines that the original lyric video had but i could NOT for the life of me figure out a way to execute that in capcut so. here we are (also you cant put transitions on overlays in capcut so that's why those also looked so bad. youre welcome)
honestly my timeline for this in capcut looks pretty ridiculous bc if you want to do word by word animations/effects you need to pay for the pro version so my workaround was just to have like five thousand text layers with 1-2 words on it each (do not recommend btw)
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speaking of the text im a moron so i kinda forgot to account for the text when drawing frames and wow you can tell. yeah next time im just hand writing the text fuck this
and i have some more thoughts that are. mild to moderate webtoon spoilers so past this will be the spoiler warning line
actually my original plan was to upload this the day dkos dies in the webtoon but a. i genuinely did think it was gonna be yesterday like i dont pay for the early access episodes so i was just kinda going off orvtwt LMAO b. i could feel myself burning out on this like the last few frames i drew for this were fucking dogshit so i figured either i finish it soon or i wont finish it at all
i will probably still draw something for dkos' death day though for those who celebrate (basically when i was thumbnailing for one of the frames in this i ended up with one that didnt fit the video aspect ratio at all but still looks pretty good so im promoting it to a full drawing. so look forward to that)
like for an idea of how fucking sick of this shit i was by like. last week pretty much like for the last few frames of the dkos fight i straight up forgot to draw dkos' wings and had to add them in halfway through editing last night. like that's how fucking out of it i was by then lmaoo
looking back its actually kinda funny cuz the whole put this up when dkos dies thing was my plan since february but i had literally no way of knowing when that would be especially since the webtoon stopped going with the novel chapter numbers exactly (i could.. guesstimate but my original estimation was in june so yknow. real useful) but like i can find evidence of me panicking about that deadline since may. why did i do that
given that deadline i knew i cant really include stuff from the novel past the dkos arc but man. the amount of times i wanted to use something from later (ESPECIALLY 1863 arc). i actually have another idea i want to test out thats like full epilogue spoilers partially because working on this for so long made me realise i really want to make more epilogue content <- what
yknow how i mentioned discarded frames yeah i had to draw dkos' death 3 times because the first two compositions just never quite panned out. i mean the current one is also pretty unreadable with the colour scheme but trust me the previous ones were way worse christ alive
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palestickyprinces · 2 months
on my hands and knees begging for a family tree (or multiple ones!!) for your original hotd/asoiaf characters...
anon your hand in marriage immediately. how did you know about my one true passion. reveal yourself in my dms within three days else you'll start to cough
some of these are way more in depth because i. well. i only just made some (cough the tullys and martells cough) while others i worked for a day or two on. the targaryen ones look weird bc this site doesnt like incest (or even when two siblings marry another set of siblings). i will put it under a read more lest it take 5 days to scroll past
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me looking at anon
we're just gonna go in order of how i have them saved el oh el. also i was gonna link the trees but then realized anyone can edit them and i dont trust people not to fuck up my hard work so now you have to suffer my shitty screenshots. sorry
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Maryce Redwyne
(ignore the fact it links to aemond, its just how the site works) now this one is a little weird bc i never fully committed to when it takes place in her canon so some people are dead who shouldnt be some people arent dead who should be etc... also daeron doesn't exist here cuz uhhh. well. i just never put him in.
this verse is also the ones my ocs vaerra targaryen and alyssa targaryen (of pentos), but i ended up removing them since its really maryce's story and i didnt want to include them for like two appearances worth of time
you may notice she has a child who's formerly gone entirely unmentioned...
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Lorea Baratheon
this one is straightforward its just the canon family tree plus lorea. i have various other ocs and possible cousins in mind for her story but i dont think any are included in this. however i did go insane adding practically the entire lannister and baratheon/targaryen family trees theres like 60+ people in this one
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House Errol
never mentioned these guys (because i forgot they existed) but theyre fairly important players in lorea's story, she runs into the kingswood after (spoiler!) her mom tries to 🗡 her and ends up at haystack hall. sebastion ends up agreeing to let her stay, then as the war continues is the one to push her to claim the throne. totally not because he wants to be her hand and marry his son to her. who would ever do that.
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House Mallister
theres a couple more piper cousins/siblings in law on the other side lyman but thats fine. lyman has a wife named lynette swann and i never decided if his name would remain lyman. also i forgot to ever name one of elinor's brothers in law oops
after the hashtag scandal of elinor having a bastard baby her mom gets her brother lucas to marry his son to elinor and elinor is shipped off to pinkmaiden forever. sad!
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Ellyn Hightower + Daemion & Alyssa
considering daemion didnt even have his own tag until like yesterday i dont think i ever shared that he's criston's son so. spoiler! theres nothing like giving your affair baby nearly the same name as your husband ❤️ also daeron is again not here. sorry. would be funny to include him just for the sake of the recent headcanons about criston being his daddy tho. when ur cousin is also ur brother and its not even from the incest side of the family
(im not actually doing that. daeron will probably just not be included. unless i really like him when s3 comes out in a decade)
all the stuff to the side is just canon targ bullshit i added
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House Tully
these crop weird on tumblr oops. click on em to see it better. i made alys larys's sister bc i just thought being tortured by ur sister in law is funnier than aunt etc. i considered naming zoe and elmo's dad ernie
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House Martell
alia and aelyx are twins <3 i did not add all of daeron's various descendants or ancestors because frankly theres kind of a lot of them and again this site hates incest and it starts looking funny real quick. given more time i mightve added them and the great bastards and all but this is what you get for now
maron said their first kid could have a targy name since they'd be a martell either way so daenerys insisted he give the second one a dornish name and then with the twins they just followed their previous pattern of girl gets dornish boy gets targy. these guys are arguably the happiest family of ocs i got
maron had a paramour before wedding daenerys and he sent her away before the marriage because he knew daenerys would take offense to it, and he didn't want to risk the still fairly new targ-martell alliance, or risk angering daeron, which could theoretically pose a risk to maron's own sister. the family's one real conflict is that the paramour has a son who later shows up claiming he's maron's REAL oldest child and that aeron is actually a blackfyre. thankfully the dornish are not stupid and basically just go ????? before kicking the kid out. well actually a lot more happens than just that but yk how it is. that plotline is also only barely existant. i havent even read a knight of the seven kingdoms yet
if you actually read all this then YAYYYYY come be my friend pls. or just send me more asks about my ocs. i love answering questions and talking for way too long i NEED more asks
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satyrn-exe · 2 months
my thoughts on the new glass animals album, ILYSFM!! :D
(my opinion could change the more i listen to the songs, and i am not a music critic! i am just a dude that really really likes music and glass animals).
show pony: solid! this has a lot of repeating lyrics (including the glass animals trademark of repeating a line over and over for the chorus) which in this case is good! i like it as much as i liked it in agnes & life itself.
whatthehellishappening: the regular verses are.. meh but the chorus is real good! overall dont have strong feelings on it.
creatures in heaven: the lyrics are great, the rhythm and melody are great, the chorus is FUCKING AMAZING. this song should absolutely be their next heat waves. which, honestly, considering how they released it early, the actual subject of the lyrics, and its instrumental reminds me of heat waves* they ARE trying to replicate heat waves’ success. tbh they deserve it. i really like this one.
(*not that the instrumental sounds anything like heat waves, but idk. it just. sounds like it! i wish i had the technical music knowledge to put it into words)
wonderful nothing: this one’s tone starts out a lot different from the rest of the album. its an outlier like mama’s gun in htbahb, where its dark and deep. then it transitions into being more beat heavy, where rhythm of the lyrics feels reminiscent of sgctc. to be honest, unless im trying to listen to a very specific vibe, i cant see myself listening to this one.
tear in space (airlock): FIREEEEEEEE. they released this one early with creatures in heaven and i really like it :3 the repeating of “wata” (water) is a bit silly to me but overall good song ! the pre chorus is so scrumptious. the part where he sings in a higher octave is mmmm yes very awesome.
cant make you fall in love again: ill be real this one bored me. my ass was not paying attention !! its not bad but its not a standout song either. its something that spotify would autoplay that i wouldnt skip, but wouldnt add to my playlists either.
how i learned to love the bomb: the intro made me think its another beat heavy song, which i dont usually enjoy all that much. but as i listened i was surprised that my liking of it went up as i listened like 📈 and then..📉. its just, not good? i think i dont like the rhythm. i actually skipped this one i just didnt like it.
white roses: alright. not amazing, but not as overwhelming boring as the a few of the other boring ones.
on the run: i like it :) its good!
lost in the ocean: ummmmmm i feel like i need to listen to this one more to form concrete opinions on it. i truly do not know if i like it or not!
my final thoughts: i liked this album! its good! does it beat out htbahb as my favourite album? no, but that’s okay! htbahb is like my everything, its would be incredibly hard to beat it. i think its juusssttt slightly below dreamland in my personal rankings. (this could be just me being blinded by nostalgia and my fondness for dreamland & htbahb, though)
my final tier list!
(10 being my least favourite and 1 being my favourite)
10. wonderful nothing
9. how i learned how to love the bomb
8. lost in the ocean
7. white roses
6. i cant make you fall in love again
5. on the run
4. tear in space (airlock)
3. whatthehellishappening?
2. creatures in heaven
anndddddd…. for my absolute favourite song…
1. show pony!!!!!!
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do-you-know-this-play · 10 months
Troy Story - essentially a kids version of the iliad. i'm submitting it because of all 7 primary school plays i was forced to be in, this was the only one i enjoyed. i dont really know when a play becomes a musical, so sorry if this one isnt applicable - i'm sure this had a few songs in it, because at one point the teachers realised that the only person in our year who could sing was playing a character who was a) dead and b) on stage for the main solo, so their solution was to cover him in a sheet and have him sing lying on the floor, while another boy essentially lip-synced (fooling absolutely nobody).
other fun memories of this production include: -our teacher changing the word "backside" to "outside" because she thought it was rude -all of us singing the verses the wrong way round in one of the songs (so instead of "we're leaving troy - we're sailing on the sea - we've arrived home!" it became "we're leaving troy - we've arrived home! - we're sailing on the sea") -me (greek hero 4) hitting a boy i didn't like (trojan 2) so hard that my cardboard sword broke. -drama in my friendship group because friend #1 was initially going to play aphrodite but during the rehearsals our teacher (who was frankly a prick) kept yelling at her for messing up words and eventually replaced her with friend #2 which nobody was happy about -re: the above point, i got pissy with a boy playing one of the gods at the start, because he consistently pronounced caterwauling as cartwheeling yet the teacher never once got angry with him. -achilles and hector forgot their elaborate fight routine and ended up running around in circles -sneaking friend#1 into the greek hero group after she'd been unofficially cast out of the production - essentially 60 kids is too many characters for a play, so there'd be mass ensemble roles, this time "greek heroes" and "trojan soldiers" made up of shy kids or kids the teachers simply forgot about. they forgot about us so hard they didnt notice when greek hero 9 appeared out of nowhere. -incidentally this was the first speaking role i'd ever had, having been part of mass ensembles for every previous play. four days before the production i was asked if i would be okay with someone else saying my line instead, and in response i said "alright miss" and immediately burst into tears. they let me keep it lol.
(this got... way longer than i intended. i haven't thought about this production in years lmao this has resurfaced old memories. your bio says you love hearing stories and um. this is a story i guess?? anyway yeah love this blog thank you for running it)
this is. fucking hilarious. i love this.
i want to post this so bad but unfortunately it is a msuical so not fit for this blog. thank you SO much for this story though i will cherish it forever
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loopy777 · 2 months
So i stumbled unto some news regarding why the hell that darkwing duck show never happened. Apparently the team was all ready to go... Then seth rogan came along, clouted his way into taking over the project and essentially hijacked the idea, scrapped the original pitch as a sorta sequel to ducktales, and wanted to turn it into a anthology show cause he really liked one, singular specific episode of the original that was an anthology episode, and he wanted the entire show to be that.
Then he just... Left. Its not clear why, but he just killed the original pitch, then left it and its been limbo ever since, with some other pitches coming and going, most notable being the most ridiculously blatant batman beyond ripoff you could possibly imagine. Like complete, utter rippoff you'd be forgiven thinking it was an intentional parody/spoof of it, but apparently the writer wanted you to take it seriously.
Oh, and it also ripped off Della's lost in space storyline from ducktales, with launchpad, complete with coming back in season 2 or 3 after everybody thought he died out in space.
The main villain was also a ducktales rip off, basically just being mark beaks but more elon musk, and the jokerz were named the quackerjackers, but rather than being what you'd expect it was a men in black style organization led by gritty, dark future version mickey and minnie mouse(Because if the disney company didnt let disney appear in ducktales, they would definitly let them appear here XD) from another dimension.
Oh and it's a multiverse story, with the overarching plot being that the multiverse is collapsing in on itself.
It honestly sounds like a fucking fever dream. Like a bad fanfic someone made to be intentionally bad or didn't take itself seriously at all.
This pitch, in case youre wondering, was abandoned last year.
Most likely at this point we wont be seeing the reboot at all. The original team that jumped over from ducktales seems to have all scattered to fifferent projects since this one never got off the ground.
Wow, that reads like it thrown together based on whatever scifi/superhero material the writer had been watching the night before. And of course there's a multiverse in there. Everyone has Spider-Verse envy, including the people who actually own the Spider-Verse.
What's really wild, though, is that Disney announced Seth Rogan's thing before it was locked. Between that and the 23 Star Wars movies they've announced but are never going to make, what's up with them making a big deal out of nothing? The only thing I can think of is that they want to get ahead of possible leaks, but at this point it seems easier to just let the news cycle have their way with whatever info they get. It's not like Disney is getting a lot of good will with these press releases, anyway.
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steeltwigz · 10 months
i like to imagine underground is kinda canon in game verse (but like. Greatly Exaggerated. obviously all that stuff Didnt Really Happen) and that someday it'll come out that sonic ran away from home at a rlly young age and eventually Sonia and Manic find out abt and track him down. the idea isnt super fleshed out yet tho. some stuff is still thhe same, like the prophecy is still a thing and their mom has to give them up for. the. Greater Good? so they were sent to an orphanage. something happens that separates sonia and manic from sonic? maybe they all get adopted but sonic isnt having it and he runs away, or he ran away earlier at the orphanage. he'd b rlly young here, only like. Woof, idk, maybe like 7 or 8 at most? he finds ray and mighty and lives with them for a bit and then he finds uncle chuck and lives there with him, picking up from archie sonic's lore. uncle chuck is related to aleena, but sonic doesnt know. he just figures hedgehogs look similar sometimes.
sonia is rlly mad at sonic for leaving them behind, but she wants to find her mom and hates eggman too, so she trains to fight robots n shit and then tracks down sonic when she's older (idk, 17? idk how much older she is than sonic), taking manic with her. manic is chill. i imagine he was pretty young when sonic left, but since he always had sonia taking care of him it never rlly bothered him that much. they get adopted either by humans or by mobians who live on the continents, which is why they wear clothes and have different styled quills. they run into some of sonic's friends who help them track him down, like they meet uncle chuck and maybe mighty n ray? maybe even like. amy and the chaotix. most Definitely the chaotix, thatd b slay actually.
they find sonic again, eventually. manic is excited when he meets tails, sonia's on edge. tails is Also very confused. sonia hates him for reasons he can understand, but ultimately wasnt his fault, which is conflicting when youre 8 yrs old. manic is silly, but tails didnt expect to have Another sibling, let alone gain two at once, and hes mad sonic didnt tell him abt them. tails kinda figured uncle chuck was it. also manic looks a bit too mischievously at tails inventions and it sets him on edge a little. also tails sees sonia and sonic keep leaving to talk in private and he's mad he isnt included becuz its clearly about something important, which usually means some world-ending disaster is about to happen. i dont rlly have much story from there. they go fight eggman or unlock the. power of the. guitar necklace. and have to find their mom and fulfill the prophecy, etc etc etc. basically its an excuse for me to think abt sonia & manic AND modern sonic & tails at the same time.
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For @hellcheeranniversaryweek s WIP Wednesday: WIP Amnesty
This is a fantasy AU I originally came up with for the october hellcheer week. It was inspired by the books Uprooted by Naomi Novik and Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones (because Eddie Munson would one thousand percent would run from his real life problems by becoming a wizard in a fantasy dimension lol).
Here's pretty much all I have written for it.
Leaves of yellow brown and red flutter down form the trees through her window. This has always been Chrissy's favorite time of year. Fall in the land of Hawkins was gorgeous. At least they were until a few years ago.
She can still remember the first body, the image is seared in her mind. Stumbling through the forest she had come to a clearing when she found it. 
His name was Fred he was the son of the man who ran the printing press. His limbs were broken in unnatural ways and his eyes were gone. The shriek she made brought the entire village to her. 
A hunting party had been made to try and catch the vile person who had committed such a terrible crime. 
It had brought the attention of the king himself, who's palace was just outside of her village. That was how she had first met her betrothed Prince Jason. 
At the same time something else had happned, a small metal shack had showed up on a hill outside of town. It was a structure unlike any other she had ever seen. It disappeared before anyone got the nerve to inspect it. 
And so it went for two years at the same time, the metal shack would should up and then there would be another violent murder. 
Until one year everything changed. Instead of the metal building there was a huge omnious castle that never quiet looked right. Almost like a reflection on water, like it would wade a way at any moment. 
The kings men tried to attack it but there was some kind of barrier aorund sealed with a dark magic no one had seen befoe. Wizards from all over Hawkins came and tried breakit but none availed.
Shortly after the castle appeared a man came into town. He had long wild hair and odd tight paint swith holes inthem. He also wore long robes much longer and fnacier than any other wizard known in the realm. 
He introduced himself as Eddie the Freak. It didnt take long for people to deduce that he was the murder and had place d a curs eon Hawkins. He never denied only offered a better optiont he afflicted chosen. 
The offer he gave was to have a ball, a masquerade each year at his castle. Once there he would pick his chosen for the year and after a week to prepare the chosen would disappear though he promised  they would live and have a happy life.
Most didnt believe him. There wre many rumors about what haplend to the freak's chosen victims. He kept them as sex slaves or just murdered them anyways. But most were too afraid to anger the evil wizard further so they still came to soirees he held, Chrissy included.
As much as I love this verse I just don't have it in me to write the whole story it would entail.
(Which FYI Vecna followed Eddie when he found the portal to the fantasy world and has been killing people so Eddie sends his victims to the our world to save them hes just deamatic about it)
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dojae-huh · 9 months
Hii….I am abee….I asked qstions before too…but decided to be known from now on…
https://youtu.be/Pen8IeNnxAE?si=OVh-ob9v4avNkwB2 So todays home not alone episode was filled with membrs praising doyoung which is what I live for….but my ask is abt some dfrnt moment… 1)35:09- 35:14 When membrs started to tell what ad would look good on jae,
dy: styler would look good on him Jae:( pleased) Johnny: STYLERRR??😏 tae: i am excited ( I am expecting the same nd looks at dy) Nd cut… What I want to say is…the way johnny reacted nd tae was expecting the same from his favourite…haha…they were so cute….poor dy he cant even support his bae without being attacked atleast with a smirk… Nd dy is not that innocent just wants to show off jae is his bf nd always support him with high quality things….nd poor tae always gets nothing at all from his fav…. 2) 32:8- 32:19--Another thing I noted was this moment…even though he didnt put JW in childrens line, but he does take care of him, nd worrys abt him…even johnny said it like " u r treating him like baby" ….nd JW is like why u act like that….I think dy is honestly kind ..he may hide nd lie for the sake of his job, but as a normal person he just cant stop be kind to others..nd I got it now why he said he prefer to be hated by someone rather than hating someone….haha…really cool… 3) 4:32 to 5:00 this moment when dy come inside of the house nd saw (hc,he,jh,jn) making coffe nd not helping with chores…ofcrs they lose , but there were lot of things to do , only hc come nd helped saying should I make it hyung,,…still dy nagged a little bit , to hc like it was not time to make coffees…haha…but I stand with him…there wre a lot to do if all members wants to eat..but they didnt even flinch from the seat..including jae who would jump if he hear the breathing sound of dy…so I kinda bit disappointed in that..I mean he said 3 times like nothing is started, ther is lot of things to do…but I think them all just woke up from sleeping ,so just let them pass..most of ppl gets grumpy when wakes up..nd dy is just a warry wart sometimes…but hc acted differently even tho he is the maknae…I wanted to point out that… 4) Here, I knw there would be 2dong content coming but they r hinting about it everywhere..like hc nd dy have the most reaction when eating..nd members approving them… 5) Lastly in the whole content ty called dy's name like 100 times…when u watch u will knw…haha… Ps: Your works r amazing…a truly talented observer…hasoff...nd all the best for the future...
Home not alone ep3
Hm, I found this "Styler" Korean magazine. It's about stylish things, home decor, clothes. It has a little bit of vintage and artsy style? Not luxury brands. Think Poetic beauty rather than Prada.
There is also a cooling (?) humidifying (?) wardrobe by this name 스타일러, but I doubt Do meant this specific product. A big jump from perfume.
Do was right to worry as Jungwoo demonstrated during DJJ he doesn't know his way around even a normal kitchen. Do has a habit of being cautious and fussy.
The winning team was given a task by the producers, Johnny and Jaehyun seemed to get too interested with that (JN is famous for liking coffee, Jae wanted to get the final result). Jungwoo doesn't cook. I was surprised Yuta was so helpful, usually he is the one to slack the most. He was in good spirits, had fun.
I don't think Jaehyun cooks much. He is named the best cook, but I suspect he just knows how to make a few dishes following a recipe.
I'll add what piqued my interest.
18:07 - Despite everyone talking one by one, Do heard Jae's quiet "hyung, it's really tasty" and replied. Later on he followed the convo while grilling, he really is "all ears" constantly, doesn't go inside his head.
22:11 - Doyoung asked Haechan to make him a wrap (meat+kimchi, they didn't have greens), Hyuk said "I can't", but started on it right away. Yuta thought Hyuk really refused and prepared to do it himself. A small thing, but shows Yuta is not too well versed in 2Dongs (because he doesn't live with them to know such minute details).
22:30 - Yuta brought Do meat, but Do said Yuta should just eat calmly, Do will just make Hyuk make him wraps. I don't know if age order plays here any role, probably for Do it's just easier to burden Hyuk as a more close person (and he sat nearby). Kind of like guest/family member at the dinner table distinction? Both of the guys ate, so both should have been equally hungry/non-hungry.
28:23 - Did Jaehyun want to defend Do? As in, he is not the only person who reacts during movies? His words seem to be cut off. He didn't continue his thought about Woo.
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