#it gave me a big jump scare when i was about to fight a trainer and i had a mini heart attack
weedle-testaburger · 2 years
shoutout to klawf for being possibly the first pokemon ever to genuinely scare me
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smallestapplin · 2 years
That shiny request reminds me of an old brain rot I had: How about a friends to lovers fic between Emmet and a shiny hunter/breeder reader? They met in the daycare and become pals despite their different breeding niches. Emmet breeds pokemon for competitive play while the reader can't tell the difference between EVs, IVs, and Eevees. One day, the reader asks Emmet to help them become a better trainer since owning shinys makes you a target for pokemon thieves. How does a romance bloom from there?
I’ve never understood those either, but I’ve always made sure my babies trained 😤 also to make my writing easier I did give reader a team.
Asks are open
You two were childhood friends. Your family ran the Pokémon day care and we’re a family of breeders, just about everyone in Anville town got their partner Pokémon from your family.
Your family was already excited at how well you had taken to the family job.
You didn’t stop until you accidentally hatched an egg that had a shiny, you were so excited to show it off to your family as a kid. Who were shocked to see a dark orange rufflet.
When you were told how rare that was you squealed in excitement and quickly bonded to the small bird, the Rufflet was attached to your hip and would scare off anyone else.
And that’s how you meant Emmet. You recognized him and his twin who’s parents stopped by to get the pleading boys a partner Pokémon.
And when he saw you had a Pokémon he wanted to battle.
“But I don’t want Pumpkin to get hurt.”
“Battle me! Your weird Rufflet against my joltik!”
You had no choice that day as Pumpkin instantly jumped off your shoulder and stood bravely.
You won barely but that was enough for Emmet to view you as a rival.
You taught Emmet about breeding Pokémon for specific traits and he took all your information to heart.
Even as years passed he still came to you for questions until he became confident in his abilities.
He fought and caught all his teams but has a love for his yellow spider babies and soon had so many, though he bred his for more fighting based states.
You only bred for shinies. Granted you worked for your parents so any Pokémon was usually given to professors or trainers.
This is how you got your team, whom you mainly only had for companions, pumpkin evolved and you, Emmet, and Ingo screamed at how pretty the blue was.
Your team was a pretty blue Braviary, a pink Mienshao, a blue ringed Whirlipede, a dark teal duosion, and a yellow Larvesta.
Each battle you had, Emmet won.
You didn’t think much of it until you were visiting the twins in Nimbasa city, where they had to try and work as subway bosses.
You were at their house alone, unaware that someone took interest in the yellow Larvesta that you carry around like a baby.
You didn’t know they followed you to the twins home.
Not until the broke in and your screams echoed in the house, pumpkin came out of his pokeball and the large aggressive bird scared the would be thief off.
You called Emmet and explained everything.
“Hey can you teach me how to battle properly? So my Pokémon can protect themselves from something like this?”
Emmet’s heart broke at your scared tone.
“Of course! We are friends, I was going to force you to anyways, Pumpkin maybe big and intimidating but he is not very strong, we will get to work!”
Soon Emmet was teaching you how to battle, type match ups, combos, what is super effective and not effective against what.
“It’s best to give a Pokémon a variety of moves, sure Braviary is a flying type but he can learn more moves aside from flying, which can help if your opponent isn’t weak against flying type attacks.”
He gave you so much information that you’re grateful Ingo gave you several of their old books on the topics.
Emmet watched you study and practice, helping and guiding you along the way. He was there to squeal and cry with you through every evolution and seeing the off colored Pokémon.
He thinks the power blue on Reuniclus is pretty and the more tealish blue on Scolipede’s rings are to die for.
He watched you grow as a trainer and the longer he did the more he started he realized he had fallen for you.
“Emmet! Can we battle? I wanna show you how far I’ve gotten!”
He laughs at your excitement.
“Of course, but I won’t go easy on you.”
“I wouldn’t expect you to.”
And with that the battle was intense. Ingo was the mediator, who watched in awe at the explosive and flashy battle between you and his twin.
Pokémon dropping.
It was Emmet’s Archeops vs your Mienshao.
And a well timed bounce held your victory.
“I…I beat you? OH MY ARCEUS I BEAT YOU!” You cheered, quick to hug and cheer with your Mienshao who was purring happily.
Emmet was beyond happy, his joy was bright and obvious.
As if on autopilot he walked towards you.
Your smile melts his heart and he can’t help himself but to hug you. Picking you up and spinning you around.
But he started smothering your face with kisses is what caught you off guard.
“I’m so verrrry proud of you! You’ve come so far!….o-oh! Oh my-I’m so sorry I don’t know what came over me!” Emmets puts you down and instantly starts apologizing.
You’re so dazed that your childhood friend turned crush was just smooching your face.
“Yeah no it’s cool-“
“I’ve just liked you for so long and it wasn’t even thinking oh Arceus I’m so sorry!”
“Emmet it’s okay, I like you too.”
“I can’t believe I-…wait what.”
He heard you was the funny part, if the look of realization over took his face before he squeals and sprints to Ingo to tell him the news.
As if Ingo hasn’t been standing there from the begging.
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buttsmasher · 3 years
Smell of an Alpha
[The fantastic @one-inch-chick submitted the photo that gave me this idea. BTW if you haven’t checked out his art yet, you should do so, he’s extremely talented. Feel free to check out the photo here.]
Warnings/Tags: Face Farting, Gay Farting, Willing Victim, Teasing, Pass out from Farting, Cumming from Farting
You try not to stare as Demarcus runs around the track. But the way his ass moves up and down in those tight pants is just purely erotic. You can’t not stare, and you know you can’t be the only one. No man should have an ass that fat and so hypnotic. You just try to take a peek and next thing you know, you dick is straining in your trainers as you’ve watched him run two laps.
You firmly shut your eyes and put your head in your hands so there’s absolutely no way you can keep staring. You keep willing your boner to go away so you can go back to stretching and start your morning jog, but your mind keeps wandering to Demarcus’s massive ass. You can’t help but imagine having him sit straight down onto your face after running all day in this terrible heat.
“Fuck fuck fuck.” You say absentmindedly as you ball your hands into fists. “Come on man, get yourself together.” You gave your cheeks two slaps before jumping up and bouncing from foot to foot. Your eyes are still closed and by some miracle your boner has decided to leave. But when you open your eyes, you freeze.
Demarcus is currently in front of you bent over touching his toes, his ass in perfect view. Your mouth falls open and you can feel drool starting to drip out of your mouth. His ass is just...perfect. There’s no other word for it, and you just want to know what it feels like. Your body takes a step closer to where he’s currently stretching. You have no control over yourself as you move on auto-pilot. 
You watch as your hand reaches out and smacks his sizable ass. Then your hand grasps his right cheek and you shake it. His ass fills your hand completely and you can smell his musky body from where you’re standing. Your eyes go up his back and you come eye to eye with him. He’s giving you a confused look as he looks down at your hand and then back up to you and he gives you the most shit-eating grin.
“You havin’ fun?” He asks knowingly.
“Uh-uh I-I-” You fumble for words as you snatch your hand away. “Wh-why did I do that?” 
“It’s alright bud.” He claps your shoulder. “You’re not the first fag to get overwhelmed by me.” 
“I’m-uhh-” You clear your throat “not a fag?” You don’t know why it comes out as a question but it makes Demarcus laugh. 
“Look man,” He wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you in close. “I know I have a great ass. I ain’t blind. And what kind of human would I be if I didn’t let a fag get off to my ass every now and then.” He moves a hand of yours so it’s touching his glutes. 
“Uh thanks?” 
“You’re welcome.” His smile is very confusing, a bit cocky but also a bit genuine. You’re not too sure what to make of it. You both stand there quietly as he continues to let you grope his ass. He then slowly moves your hand over his crack.
You stare at him in horror as you realize he just farted on your hand. 
“Well I have to get going.” He looks at an imaginary watch. “See ya around?” You stare at your hand and then back at him then back at your hand.
“Yeah-well maybe?” Your confusion makes him laugh and you watch as he walks away.
“See ya tomorrow fag!” He gives a wave and you wave back even though he’s not even looking at you. 
“Tomorrow? Yeah.” You mumble the words not really registering with you. All you can focus on is your hand. You slowly bring it up to your nose and you take a small whiff. Your eyes go cross as his lingering ass funk fills your nose. You need to get home now!
You rush back to your car to head home, totally forgetting to even do your workout. The only thing you can focus on is how his ass felt as you squeezed and how amazing that fart smelt on your hand. You can’t even wait to get home and end up having to stop on the side of the highway to rub one out. You end up cumming in your boxers and by the time you get home it’s all gross and dried.
You plant your face against your steering wheel to catch your breath. “What the fuck is wrong with me?” You sigh.
*****The Next Day*****
You’re embarrassed to say that you came back the next day just to see Demarcus in action again. Not even pretending to do a workout today, you try to hide in an inconspicuous spot where you don’t think he’ll be able to notice you. You even bring binoculars with you. 
Shit, maybe he’s right. Maybe you are a fag.
You’re looking through them, trying to find any sign of him when finally you see him exit the locker rooms and head out to the track. This time he’s wearing a tighter pair of shorts that leave nothing to the imagination. 
You take a big gulp, trying your best not to let your mind get overwhelmed with even more inappropriate thoughts. You can’t lie though, you came about 5-7 times last night from different scenarios you would beg Demarcus to try. But right now, this is probably the best you’ll get.
You spy as Demarcus stretches on the side of the track. Again his ass is in perfect view and your dick is quickly tightening your pants. He lifts his leg up to his butt and holds it for a moment and then does the other before he finally starts jogging around the track. You notice he seems to be going slower than yesterday and in his second lap you can see himself fanning his face like he smelled something bad. 
Your mind immediately goes back to one of your mastubatory dreams from last night where he loads you up with his manly gas. The thoughts make your dick thoroughly strain against your boxers and you try your best to think of anything else. 
Demarcus stops in front of you, maybe 20 feet away from your hiding spot. He puts his hands on his knees and takes a couple of deep breaths.
From your vantage point, you can hear him releasing terrible torrents of gas. “Fuck.” He says pretty loudly as he rubs his stomach. “What did they put in that protein shake?” Demarcus stretches to the left and then to his right and makes eye contact with you. You see his pained face turn into a mischievous smile. 
“Well hey there fag face!” He says standing upright. You give a short wave back as he walks towards you. “Were you here hiding from me?” 
“Nooo.” You say unconvincingly. “I just like-uh-being one with nature.” 
“Sure you do.” You see his right eye twitch.
“I’m telling ya man, I’ve got the worst gas today.” He pats his stomach a couple times.
“Yeah I can, uhh, hear that.” 
“If only there was a fag ‘round here, that would graciously sniff these butt blasts so I don’t have to smell them.” You gulp, he couldn’t possibly mean you could he. “Do you know one?” You shake your head no. “You sure?” You nod. “Well if you find one, tell him I’ll be in the locker rooms.”
“Fuck, fuck, fuuuuck.” You whisper-yell as Demarcus jogs back towards the direction of the locker rooms. You argue with yourself whether or not you’re going to go. “I have to go.” You stand upright. “I have to.” You quickly jog after Demarcus.
When you get to the locker room, you see Demarcus bending over the bench and letting out soft groans.
He’s still letting out farts and you can’t stop yourself from walking up behind him and getting on your knees. Demarcus notices you and makes a show of shaking his ass. “Couldn’t stay away couldya?” You sheepishly shake your head no and you take a loud inhale of his musky ass. “It’s alright, all you fags need to learn at some point.” He moves his hand behind your head and holds you firmly against him. “You can’t resist an alpha.”
You’re subjected to the pure manly stank of him. It’s raw and terrible and it makes your eyes water. He strongly smells of rotten eggs and you have to ask yourself how you got yourself in this situation. You don’t fight him though, you just stay there taking deep whiffs of his ass funk. 
“There you go, breathe me in.” Your mouth slightly falls open. “Let my ass control your thoughts.” His voice is so calm and addicting, you fall into a trance. “Deep breath.” You take a large inhale.
He times the farts perfectly making sure you get a lungful of his toxic fumes. “Yeah, like that. Breathe me in fag.” You take another large breath not wasting any of the rotten garbage he’s releasing from his ass. 
He lets go of the back of your head. “Lay down for me fag.” 
“Yes sir.” You obey laying down on the rough concrete floor.
“Good fag.” He squats down over your face, his ass not quite touching you.
“Aww fuck.” He sighs in relief and you push your head against his clothed ass again. “You like how that smells?” 
“Yes sir.” 
“Yes Alpha.” He corrects.
“Yes alpha.” 
“What’s it smell like?”
“Old eggs. Rott-rotten sewage?” You struggle to put a coherent thought together, your fag brain blissed out. 
“Do you want more?”
“Please alpha, give me more.” You beg and you hear him chuckle. 
“Anything for you faggot.” You watch as he pulls his shorts down so you’re staring at his bare ass. He finally puts his full weight on you by sitting down straight onto your face.
“That’s just for you fag. So make sure you get it all in your fag lungs.” 
“It smells so good, alpha.” Your brain is empty with the only thought to serve him. 
“You fags are so easy. One whiff of a man, and here you are. Begging me for my nasty farts. You’re as bad as a pig. You know that right? You’re a pig, fag.”
You know he’s right. You should be disgusted, but seriously you’re so fucking hard you’re scared that you’re about to unload in another pair of your boxers. Your eyes are rolled back in pleasure as you inhale everything he gives you.
“I bet I could make you cum from this.” He waggles his hips, making sure you’re bounced between both of his cheeks. “Think you could cum from me farts piggy?” You fevisherly nod your head yes, and he laughs. “Fucking pathetic.” He gets out between laughs. 
And there it is. You’re seeing stars as you start shooting your load in your boxers.
His ass doesn’t let up as your back arches from the amount of cum you’re shooting. It’s probably one of the best orgasms that has rocked your body.
Fart after fart gets let loose to the point that you go from seeing stars to everything going black from lack of fresh air.
“Alpha.” You struggle.
“Nighty night piggy.”
Everything goes black as your head falls lax onto the concrete floor. The worst smelling fart knocks out any remaining fresh air that you had left. Demarcus gets up leaving you on the floor to marinate in his stink. When you do finally wake up, you find his scent still lingering all over you and your shorts are sticky from dried cum.
You can’t help it that your hand snakes its way down to your dick and you start jacking off to the lingering scent of the alpha. It’s natural for a piggy to love the stink, especially a piggy fag like you.
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girls-scenarios · 4 years
A Little Curiousity
Idol: Heejin (Loona)
Prompt: Guys! Can u do smth like a AU with Heejin where the reader and Heejin are POKEMON TRAINERS!!(im rly hyped about the new pokemon games!!!) Where her pokemon got lost in the woods and the reader helps her find her pokemon and decide to continue their path to the Pokemon League together!
Writer: Admin Kiwi
A/N: I just finished playing Pokémon Shield on my Switch and I’m still super excited about it since it was so fun, so I thought I’d try my hand at this prompt! Please forgive me if my writing isn’t the greatest, it’s been a while since I’ve written anything. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy!
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Heejin wouldn’t normally consider herself a slow or inattentive person. After all, being a trainer had heightened her senses and made her pay more attention to her surroundings. But she had been in the middle of setting up her tent when it happened, too distracted with her full hands to react fast enough. She hadn’t even noticed Star, her Raboot, curiously approaching the tree as she focused on getting her tent up before the approaching clouds could open their floodgates.
She hadn’t noticed until the sky lit up with lightening, the ground shook with the force of the thunder, and he let out a loud squeak just as something hit the grass. At the squeak, she had turned just in time to see him dash off into the woods after a very large, very startled Skwovet, leaving her and the rest of her team to stare after him.
“Star! Stop!” She’d called after him, but it was too late. By the time she had jumped to her feet, he was gone and the skies opened, pouring a heavy rain down onto the campsite. She had only taken a moment to corral her team into the tent and tell them to stay before she ran after him, but he was already long gone.
Now she was soaked through and gasping for air, her new boots covered in thick mud as she stopped to catch her breath under a huge oak.
“Stupid Skwovet, how did it just jump out of nowhere like that?” Heejin huffed and stomped her foot as she looked around, squinting through the rain. “Star! Come here!” A distant roar answered her call and she shivered, clutching the Pokeball at her side that contained her Mubray Champion, the only companion she’d thought to bring with her in her haste. God, this was so stupid. She was going to catch a cold wandering around out here. Thankfully she’d left her backpack with her clothes at the tent so she could change when she got back.
She went to take a step forward, then froze. Her tent. Where was it again? A bit frantic, she looked around, but all the trees just looked the same, especially under the heavy rain. Gulping, she glanced back at her footprints. Would she be able to follow them back?
Half of her wanted to run back the way she’d come, but she knew that she couldn’t leave Star out there alone. Groaning, she wiped at her face with the back of her hand, swearing to herself that she was going to get a leash the next time they were in town. There was no way she was going to let this happen again. She was miserable as she started forward again, cursing everything. Stupid rain, stupid Skwovet, stupid curious Raboots, stupid woods-.
“Hey, are you okay?” The voice that came from deeper inside the woods made her jump and stop in her tracks again, her head swiveling around to try and find where it came from. “I heard you out here in the rain so I came to see if everything was alright. You’re totally soaked!”
She found herself looking to her right and watching as you stepped out of the darkness, an umbrella over your head and your eyes wide and concerned. For a moment, she was apprehensive, until she noticed that the belt around your waist was full of Pokeballs and you had a Pumpkeboo trailing after you, peeking at her from over your shoulder. Somehow, you seemed a bit familiar as well, but she couldn’t tell why. Not through the rain and the darkness that lingered in the woods at all hours of the day.
A quick glance down at herself had her feeling embarrassed and she let out a soft laugh, pushing her wet hair away from her face. “Well, I don’t know. My Raboot ran off into the woods while I was setting up camp and now I can’t find him in the downpour.”
Your frown was sympathetic as you stepped forward, close enough to cover her with your umbrella. Now that she wasn’t moving, she realized how cold she was, making her shiver again. Your frown only deepened. “You aren’t going to be able to find anything in this downpour. Why don’t you come over to my camp? It’s right back through these trees here. I’ll give you some of our curry and you can warm up by the fire while we try to figure out how to find that Raboot of yours.”
For a moment, she hesitated, before realizing that you were right. She could barely see anything and Star wasn’t going to come out from wherever he was hiding until the rain ended. “You’re right. Thank you,” she said, a grateful smile stretching over her lips as she wrapped her arms around herself, trying to conserve as much body heat as possible. “I owe you one. My name is Heejin, by the way.”
You smiled in return as you started to guide her back the way you came. “I’m (Y/N), and don’t mention it. It’s the least I can do for a fellow trainer. You’re trying to get your gym badges, aren’t you?”
With a raise of her eyebrows, she asked you how you knew, drawing a laugh from your lips.
“I’m a trainer too and I’ve seen you at the past few gyms. You always challenge right before me, so I’ve seen you fight a few times. You’re really good!”
“Oh, thank you.” Her face burnt a bit at the praise, but she was thankful for the warmth so she didn’t turn away. Instead, she studied your face, before her eyebrows raised in recognition. “That’s why you looked a bit familiar to me! I’ve definitely seen you at the gyms before. Although I guess I’ve never seen you fight,” she said sheepishly, making you laugh again.
“That’s okay, like I said, I’ve been after you, so I wasn’t expecting you to stick around and watch every round. Not while there’s still so many of us challengers. It’s nice to officially meet you though.”
“Same to you, although I wish we’d met under slightly less.... Wet conditions.”
“True. Oh, we’re here!” The trees disappeared suddenly, giving way to a small clearing just big enough for a campsite, where your other Pokémon ran over to great you. You had your tent set up and your curry cooking, and she felt her stomach grumble. It had been a long day, and even though she’d given her team berries to tide them over until dinner earlier, she hadn’t eaten in a while.
“Come over here and warm up,” you told her, guiding her under your makeshift shelter by the fire before closing your umbrella and going about filling up a plate. With a happy sigh, she leaned closer to the fire and smiled at your Vulpix as it wandered closer, sharing its warmth. As she let Champion the Mudbray out to run around with your team, you approached her with the plate. “Here, have some of this.”
The curry was spicy, and she let out a hum as she swallowed her first bite. “That’s delicious!”
“Thank you,” you said, a smile stretching over your face as you sat down and let the Vulpix climb into your lap and snuggle close. “I’m glad you like it. Most of my experience is in cooking for Pokémon, so I’m always a little worried that it might not be edible for humans.”
It was her turn to laugh before she took another bite, already feeling warmer. Before she knew it, she had already finished the plate and she felt warm inside and out, most likely thanks to the extra heat Vulpix had added to the fire. The rain had let up as well, and there was a bit of sun peeking through the clouds as the downpour turned into a tiny drizzle.
“I can’t thank you enough,” she said earnestly, “I feel a bit guilty for taking up your time,” but you waved a hand, dismissing her guilt.
“Don’t worry about it, Heejin. I’m glad I was able to help.” You looked out at the woods. “Now that you aren’t going to freeze to death and it’s no longer raining, we should start looking for your Raboot.”
Her stomach dropped and she sighed, placing her plate down and standing up. “I feel terrible for leaving him out there in the rain.”
“It’s not your fault, you couldn’t find him,” you soothed, putting Vulpix down and standing up as well. “I’m sure he was able to find shelter in plenty of time. Pokémon are animals, after all. They’re good at surviving the elements.”
“That’s true. But I still want to find him as quickly as possible.”
“Then let me help.” You whistled, getting the attention of the Pok��mon. “Come on guys, let’s go find Heejin’s Raboot!” Turning back to her, you raised your eyebrows. “Does he have a name?”
“Yes, his name is Star. You don’t have to do this, you know. I don’t want to be a bother.”
“But I want to.”
Something in her heart fluttered at your words and she felt her cheeks flushing. “Oh. Well then, thank you again (Y/N). His name is Star. Hopefully he’ll come out now that’s it’s not raining as much anymore.”
The ground was still muddy, but the trickle of sunlight made it easier to say and, without the drumming of the rain, it was easier to hear all the different sounds of the forest. With Champion trotting behind her and you by her side, Heejin made her way back into the woods, calling for Star. She had to admit that having you by her side made her feel a lot better: the various sounds from other wild Pokémon didn’t scare her as much anymore. No matter what was out there, surely the two of you would be able to take it. It gave her more bravery to search, and search she did, looking anywhere she thought Star might hide.
“Star, come here! It’s not raining anymore, you can come out now!” Crouching down, she peered into another den, only to quickly back away at the sight of a sleeping Bunnelby and sigh. “Where is he? Maybe he went back to camp?” She stood and dusted off her still-damp pants, about to suggest that the two of you try to find your way back to her camp before you let out a gasp.
“Heejin, I think I found him!” At your call, she spun around to see you peering up into a short berry tree, your eyes wide. “Hey little guy, how did you get up there?”
Heejin broke into a run, clearing the short distance in no time with her heartbeat spiking in her chest. Sure enough, when she looked up she saw Star shivering and clutching at the branch he sat on, his little ears wet from the rain and his eyes quivering. “Star! Oh my god, you scared me!”
The little Raboot sniffed and glanced away, trying to look cool, but she could see him shaking. With a relieved smile, she reached up to pull him down and clutched him close to her chest. “Don’t ever do that again! I know you’re getting bigger, but what if you had run into a big wild Pokémon? Poor baby, you’re soaked through.” She quickly unzipped her coat to wrap it around him before zipping it back up, and he snuggled closer to her chest, obviously exhausted. With an affectionate, yet long-suffering sigh, she pet his little head. “I’ll cook your favorite curry when we get back, okay? It’ll warm you right back up.”
When she looked up, you were looking at her with a similar affection twinkling in your eyes, your hands in your pockets.
“Thank you so much again for finding him,” she said, shaking her head. “I should have known he’d be up in a tree looking for food.”
“How did he even get up there?” You looked back up at the branch he’d been sitting on, looking a bit incredulous. “I’ve never heard of Raboots climbing trees, that’s for sure. I just happened to look up and see a flash of red and white.”
She laughed, still softly petting his head. “He’s too adventurous for his own good. Add that to his endless energy, his speed and constant growing, and his huge appetite, and you get a Raboot with no problem getting into trees. He doesn’t climb as much as he runs and jumps.”
“Oh, that makes more sense.” Your smile returned and she felt her heart flip as your eyes met hers, the spark of affection still lingering. “I’m glad you found him. I can’t imagine how scary it is to loose a Pokémon.”
“I acted annoyed, but I was really scared,” she admitted. “I don’t know what I’d do without this little guy. He was my first Pokémon ever.”
“I can tell how close you guys are. It’s cute.” You grinned and her cheeks warmed again as she watched the sun slip in through the leaves to light up your face. It was like the universe was asking her to fall for you or something.
“I-I... Thank you?” She let out a nervous giggle, then perked up at the familiar sound of her Liepard’s call. It was somewhere close by, which meant that her camp wasn’t far away! “Champion, can you lead the way back?” He gave her a little nod of his head before she turned to smile brightly at you. “My camp is close by, why don’t I give you some potions as a thank you?”
“Oh, you don’t have to!” Your eyes widened as you waved your hands. “I just wanted to help, I didn’t want anything in return!”
“Still, I want to do something to return your kindness. I’m really glad I ran into you out here.”
Your face immediately softened at her words and you fell into step beside her, a small smile on your lips. “You know, I always wanted to approach you at the gyms, but I was too nervous.”
“Really?” Her mouth dropped open. “Why?”
“You seemed to be so good, so confident, so, um, pretty,” you blushed as you spoke, looking down at your shoes. “I was intimidated by you, honestly. But now I see that I should have approached you sooner.”
“I can’t see myself be intimidating,” she said, still shocked, before her lips turned up into a hopeful smile. “Want to make our way to the next gym together? It would be nice to have some company on the journey, and I want to get to know you better.”
You visibly perked up at her suggestion, just as Champion broke through the woods into her camp, returning to the happy calls of her team. The sun was bright as the two of you stepped into the clearing, and your eyes sparkled in the light as you beamed at her, making her heart skip more than just one beat.
“I’d love that!” You exclaimed, and her smile stretched to match yours, all of the fear, and cold from earlier being replaced by an excitement that lit a fire in her chest, different from the competitive determination she’d felt at the beginning of her journey.
“Great! This is going to be so much fun, I just know it.”
As she placed a sleeping Star into her tent and covered him with a blanket, listening to you coo at her other Pokémon, she couldn’t feel the annoyance she’d felt earlier, forgetting her promises to scold him when she found him. Instead, she pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead before sitting back to admire you, full of anticipation for the future.
“I never thought I’d say this, Star,” she said in a whisper as she stood up to head back out to you, head already spinning with plans of what she wanted to do with you. “But I’m so glad that you’re the curious type. I’ll cook you something nice to thank you for this when you wake up. I have a feeling that this is going to be big!”
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yuzusorbet · 4 years
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Kikuchi-san’s book, partial translations
Akira Kikuchi is the trainer who accompanied Yuzu to many competitions in the past.  Since elementary school days, Yuzu has gone to his clinic in Sendai for therapy sessions after skate practice.  Last year (2019), Kikuchi-san published a book titled 'Strongly, beautifully, 30 Methods to train' (my translation from the Japanese title).   I read a Chinese translation of some parts.  Very interesting to see things from his perspective, and quite touching too, so I decided to translate them to share.  Not ideal to translate from another translation but I don't have the book, and usually Chinese fans' translations are pretty reliable. 
  *paraphrased means I summarised a few lines there.   *more info means I added notes for myself, and it's not from the book.
Chapter 1, part 5.  The muscles that were forged after the earthquake.
He became the World Junior champion, and also started school at Tohoku High School,  and at the age of 15, Yuzuru made his debut in senior level competition.  His 1st competition was Season 2010-11 NHK Trophy in Oct where he landed his 1st quad jump in competition and was in 4th place.   2010 Nov was Cup of Russia in Moscow, where he placed 7th. (more info: Japan nationals in Dec, he placed 4th.  Then 4CC in Feb 2011, he placed 2nd.)
At the end of his first senior season, the Great East Japan Earthquake happened.  (March 2011)
When the earthquake occurred, I was working, seeing 4 patients.  My home and clinic felt the shaking but were not damaged due to being on higher ground.  But very quickly, the electricity, water and gas were cut off.
[paraphrased:  Everyone was worried but preferred to stay on.]   I continued treating the 4 patients.  When they left, I closed the clinic temporarily.
Soon, people whose homes were washed away in the tsunami or destroyed by the quake took refuge in nearby sports halls.  When I heard about this, I brought a simple bed into the sports halls and did massages for the  people there.  That was how I spent each day.
The reason I did this was because I thought of my father that night after the earthquake.  He was a policeman and was very strict with himself.   He was upright and always thinking of the safety of others.  He lived his life for others and he is the man that I most respect.  If father was here, he would definitely go to the evacuation centres to do his best to help......
Giving a massage to people at the centre, I was just doing the only thing I could do.
Yuzuru also went through some hard days.
On the day of the earthquake, he went to his usual training rink 'Ice Rink Sendai' after school.   It was at the rink that he experienced the "shindo 6"  earthquake.  (More info: shindo 7 is the highest.  See this: robintlewis/what-is-the-japanese-seismic-intensity-shindo-scale.   On the Richter scale, this is a magnitude 9 earthquake.)
That child felt the strong shaking and I heard that he rushed out of the building wearing his skate boots.  Next to life itself, the most precious thing is his skates.  Figure skaters always put skate guards on the blades when they leave the ice, they would never let the blades be exposed.  Rushing out without his skate guards, he must have been very scared.
Staying 4 days in the gym of a school which served as an evacuation centre, he seriously thought about whether he should give up figure skating.
It was also figure skating that made him pull himself together.
His home rink was damaged in the quake and he lost his usual training place. His coach during elementary school days, Tsuzuki Shoichiro, inquired about him.  Tsuzuki-sensei is the one who gave Yuzuru his foundation in figure skating.  Before the quake, he was coaching at a rink in Yokohama.
Subsequently, Yuzuru went to Tsuzuki-sensei's rink to train.
About half a year after the quake, around October, Yuzuru who had returned to Sendai came to my clinic.  He told me about what he had been doing.
During that period, he was participating in commercial ice shows and earthquake charity ice shows all over Japan;  I knew about this.  "For the people affected by the disaster, I want to give them some encouragement," I had read his interviews in the newspapers.  In the 5 months after the earthquake, he skated in 60 ice shows throughout the  country.  "I hope that my activities can become strength for the victims"-- to have this thought, he must have pulled himself together.
"When I participated in ice shows, I could do some training if I arrived early at the venue, and the intervals between shows also became my own training time," said Yuzuru, looking straight into my eyes.  (more info: usually there are a few shows at one venue, eg. 3 shows spread over the weekend)
After such an unprecedented earthquake disaster, what had Yuzuru learned, mentally how had he changed, all these I was not sure.  But the moment I touched his leg muscles, I immediately felt his efforts and I almost cried.
Since elementary school, I had been seeing him almost everyday.  Even a small change in his body I would know.
The muscles forged after the earthquake told of days filled with harsh figure skate training, day after day.
Skating in ice shows "for the disaster areas", and practising fervently in between shows.  During the performances, he must have also put in all his efforts so as to "convey something to the people".
Moreover, the muscles developed after the quake were not only those used for jumping, they were also those for bearing the impact of landing.
Landing on the ice after a jump, the impact on the body can be a few hundred times the skater's weight.  To withstand such an impact, the muscles around the knees, the gastrocnemius muscles in the calf and the tibialis anterior muscles must be sufficiently trained.  If these parts are not strengthened, injury will happen easily.
In a short period of half a year, those muscles grew to such an extent.   How much jump practice did he do after the earthquake.  Falling down countless times and getting up again.  How on earth did he train to develop muscles like that.
Yuzuru's leg muscles are different from other athletes that come to my clinic. His muscles were not developed by specialised muscle training but were formed naturally though figure skating practice.  In other words, they are muscles that grew only for figure skating.
Until now, that child still mentions that he "does not know how to ride a bicycle".  In my opinion, I think it is because he does not want to develop muscles except those needed for figure skating.
The muscles used for cycling are the same as those for speed skating.  Speed skaters have cycling in summer training;  bulging leg muscles are necessary for them.For figure skaters, if muscles become big and bulging, the weight can be a hindrance to jumping.  But still, strong muscles are needed to do quad jumps and to bear the impact of landing. [paraphrased]
Yuzuru overcame the earthquake disaster and developed muscles for jumping quads and for bearing the landing impact in a good balance.
Those well-trained leg muscles are the external manifestation of his experience of the Great East Japan Earthquake and his determination to fight as a top skater.
- translated by me from this Chinese translation: weibo
Chapter 1, part 6. Overcoming pain in the hip joint
The first time I went along with Yuzuru in the team for a competition was in his 2nd year of senior level, the November 2011 Rostelecom Cup (Russia) in the Grand Prix series.  Traveling with a team to an international competition as a trainer, it was the first time for me.  Not only that, it was also my first time watching a figure skating competition up close.  What a disgraceful old man. Almost everyday I listened to Yuzuru talk about all things related to figure skating but I had never watched his competitions live at the venue.
I saw Yuzuru only at my clinic, diagnosing leg problems, applying tape to stabilise ankles, this kind of interactions, the relationship of a therapist and a patient, I felt this was enough.
I had the role of a 'sports trainer' before, but not for professional  athletes. Supporting local high school and junior high students, I was already very content.  I had served as 'team trainer' for the swimming, baseball, and track and field teams of Tohoku High and Junior High Schools where sports is very popular, and went with the athletes for competitions.
Once these children graduated, the relationship between trainer and athlete would end.  Those who wanted to continue their sports career, some would leave Sendai, some would get a professional trainer to guide them.
"Rostelecom Cup is going to start, Sensei, can you go together with me as my trainer?" Yuzuru asked me.  I answered in a relaxed manner, "Oh, alright."​
As an athlete, Yuzuru was steadily rising.
"Whether it's an international competition or the Olympics, let me be your trainer and take me along!"  This was what I said to him jokingly when he was in elementary school grade 4;  I don't know if he still remembers it.  But this kind of joke has really come true now, so I was actually feeling rather emotional.
This was also like a commendation from Yuzuru for the treatment he had received so far.  "Well, it's just doing the physiotherapy in Russia instead of the usual place in my clinic," this was how I thought at that time.
However, at that Rostelecom Cup, at the official practice, Yuzuru injured his hip joint (the joint between hip bone and thigh bone).
The injury was treated by a trainer sent specially by Japan Skate Federation.   I was just Yuzuru's private trainer.
I understood the situation fully when we were back in his hotel room.  The treatment for the injury had ended but the pain was still there.  I was very sure that it was not suitable for him to do more skating.  Even walking would be painful.
"In this situation, it's better to withdraw (from competition), isn't it?"   When he heard this, he said with absolute certainty, "Whatever happens, I will compete in Rostelecom Cup."  Actually for this competition, Yuzuru must win first place in order to qualify for the Grand Prix Final which is for only the top 6 skaters of the GP series.  He wanted to compete, no matter what.
From that moment, I felt for the first time that I have "joined forces with an extraordinary world".  Yuzuru was so focused on the competition, "want to compete", "want to win", these desires were way above any pain.  As a therapist, of course my advice was to withdraw.  But as a trainer, I had to respond to such intense wishes of the athlete.
All I could do was to take care of his hip joint.  I also taped his ankle, and then sent him off to compete.  I knew the pain of the injury was still there.
But, Yuzuru, he did it....... short programme and free skating both were ranked 2nd, but his total score of 241.66 was higher than other strong rivals like Javier Fernandez and Jeremy Abbott, and he achieved his first victory in the GP series.
At that moment, witnessing it with my own eyes, I was crying.  Even though he received treatment, his hip joint injury was quite serious.  Any jump would be very painful, especially when landing, he would feel severe  pain.  In spite of this, for the free skate, he made a mistake only for the quad jump, the other 7 jumps were all successful.
For the first time, I realised it was such a cruel world that Yuzuru was fighting in.​
In the spectator stands were many Japanese ladies and they were looking at me with a surprised expression "why is this old grandpa crying so much??"  But it did not matter anymore, I did not care how others were looking at me, I was crying my heart out.  I was so happy..... really so happy.
That Rostelecom Cup was my first experience as a trainer stepping into the figure skating world.
After this, I did not accompany Yuzuru to any more competitions.  I stayed in my clinic treating patients, and sometimes I would treat Yuzuru who came back from travels.
​After Rostelecom Cup, Yuzuru rose rapidly at an astonishing speed.
For the GP Final, he was 4th, then at 2011-12 World Championships, it was his first time at Worlds and he achieved 3rd place.  At the age of 17 years and 3 months, he broke the record for the youngest World Championship medalist in Japanese figure skating men's history and ascended to the podium.
Then, from April 2012, Yuzuru moved his training base from Sendai to Toronto, Canada.​
Before he had overseas competitions, I saw him almost everyday at my clinic.​ We had been together for the past 10 years.  So I would miss him quite a lot.
But it's for becoming stronger that he went to Canada.  For greater improvement in figure skating, he made the decision to move to Toronto.  He has already "graduated" from my place here.
"Sensei, I'm going off!"​
And just like each overseas trip, Yuzuru set off from Sendai, and started on another journey.
- translated by me from this Chinese translation: weibo
This is the book on Amazon Japan: https://www.amazon.co.jp/
(I will share parts from Chapter 2 soon.)
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Teenage Fantasy
Pairing: Henry Cavill x F!Reader
Warnings: Language, Smut, NSFW guys! Henry Cavill being a flirt
Summary: Your day couldn’t get any worse. Your plane was late, baggage lost, your phone dead and you get lost. But thankfully a hot stranger decides to help you out and make the night of this awful day a little bit better.
A/N: I am slowly coming back from my writer’s block so please be patient with me. @idjitmonkey​ I thought you make like it :) Comments and reblogs always welcomed. Please do not use my work without my concent!
I got lost in who wanted to be tagged in what, so please send me a message or an ask and I’ll make a list <3
TAGS are opened
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You exhaled heavily and looked at your phone, coursing your law battery. You have been trying to find your hotel but it seems you got lost. Like really lost, and you weren’t sure if it was due to your lack of road finding or just the mere fact that the universe just seem to hate you today.
The whole day seemed to be awful. Firstly your plane was late, then you lost your baggage, which was thankfully found, and now you lost yourself. How fun! All you wanted was just to sit down and cry. It was cold, windy and all you wanted was a nice beer some onion rings or wings and the bed. 
Of course, you could ask someone for directions, but well of course no one seemed to be around. Now when you really needed someone. Like its London, for crying out loud, how is that possible there was no one around. 
Oh! And let’s not forget about your battery completely and utterly dead in your phone. Yes. The Universe definitely hates you. 
You had two options just keep on walking, hoping to find a bar or something and ask for help, or come back the same way you came, and well… yeah… hope for the best. 
“You look lost!” You squealed and jumped hearing a low voice behind you. Dropping your backpack you turned around meeting the eyes of the stranger. “Forgive me! Did not want to scare you”, he chuckled and lifted your bag from the snowy sidewalk. “You seem to be staring at your dead phone for a long time, so I thought I’d come and maybe help?” You quietly thanked the man and took your bag. You gave him the piece of paper with the address of the hotel and sighed. 
“I haven’t noticed my battery was dying before like 5 minutes ago, and well I don’t really have a map and it’s cold and…” You sighed and dropped your head completely defeated. 
“This is London for you!” He chuckled, looking around. “Have you tried to ask people around?” You narrowed your eyes and crossed your arms around your chest. 
“Oh, why haven’t I thought about it. Oh, but wait!” You turned around in a circle, your hands spread. “No people around! I’m not an idiot, you know?!” He frowned and raised his brow. 
“Sorry, that was a stupid question.” He awkwardly shrugged, biting his lips in a cute boyish way.
"No. You have been nothing but a star. I'm sorry I'm being emotional." You took a deep breath to relax.. "It's been a shitty day really and getting lost in a city I have never been before is a great way to end it." He frowned and smiled softly. "I'm sorry, you're so nice helping me out and here I am acting like a spoiled brat!"
"It's fine, really. How about we'll go have a beer and then I'll call you a cab?" You opened your mouth to say yes, but then you reminded yourself that you don't know that man at all. But on the other hand you really needed that beer. Or two, eventually five. 
"Promise me you won't kidnap me and slit my throat?" There was a pause and then a booming laugh, which made you laugh as well. 
"Yeah, this coat was pretty expensive and blood is hard to clean. You're safe!" He send you a wink, going the other way, what you assumed to the pub. 
"I would tell you a good way to get rid of it, but I'll wait till we’re in a public place." He laughed again and you followed this strange, nice man. Oh and not to mention. Incredibly hot man! Well, you only live once, right?
"Oh gosh he's adorable!" You squealed gazing at the picture of the 'stranger's dog on his phone. You both went into the pub which was ironically close to where you were. You were able to charge your phone, that gave Henry, as he introduced himself, a possibility to buy you a drink. You ordered a beer, some onion rings and now you were on your second bowl and glass and the topic of your conversation turned into animals. On how you'd love to adopt a dog but your landlord is a dick and doesn't let you. And he told you about his best friend Kal and was showing you some photos and videos of him. 
"He's the best dog ever!" He smiled softly seeing your hyped expression whenever you were seeing another and another of the pictures. 
"Oh I bet he is!" You exclaimed happily, chuckling at the video of Kal and Henry playing around. You gave him back the phone when you noticed some personal pictures of his without Kal. He frowned and looked down, and could help but smile softly at your will to keep his personal life just his. "Oh I hope if I move I will be able to get one of those." You took a sip of your beer and sigh. "My dad hated dogs so we never got one. But now I wish my next landlord will not be such a… well…" 
"Dick?" You laughed and nodded. "So what brings you to London?" 
"Job interview actually. I got a job offer at the university as a second world war lecturer." He raised his brow and you smirked. "What? I don't look smart enough to be a lecturer?"
"Well, your road  reading skills didn't give a great first hand impression", you slapped him playfully in the shoulder and laughed. "I'm joking. You just look too young to be a professor." 
"Oh so you go from insults to flirting?" You bit your lip, giving him a playful stare. He widened his eyes and smirked at you, finishing his Guineas. He pointed at your almost empty glass and you nodded. Your job interview wasn't until 4 PM so you could get a little drink. And well who says you can't get flirty with a very handsome stranger, who also seems to be intelligent, charming and funny? "Thank you", you smiled at the waiter who brought another beer for you. 
"My trainer will kill me if I get another bowl of those rings" he sighed, visibly wanting another one. You chuckled and ordered another one, sending a flirty wink his way. "If you'll hear news of death on the gym, know it's your fault!" You bit your lip chuckling. 
"Life is too short to say no to a good beer and onion rings!" He raised his brow and shook his head in disbelief. 
"You're one of a kind, Y/N", you liked the way your name sounded from his lips. It shoot a jilt down your spine. The nice and very sinful one. The one you should not be feeling towards a stranger that you met just two hours ago. 
"Oh I'm missing the insult this time" he opened his mouth to say something, but couldn't as he laughed again. "But do tell me, Henry," you whispered his name in the same way he said yours. "Why am I one of a kind?" 
"Most women I meet are too focused on the aspect of a perfect body to eat whatever they want. And here you are, eating a third bowl of onion rings and enjoying yet another glass of beer. If you tell me you watch soccer I will have to marry you!" 
"Well get a ring then, because I do enjoy some sport in my life, including football", he rolled his eyes the way you corrected him in terms of the soccer term. "And did you just call me fat for not caring of my body?" His eyes widened and he made the most adorable impression of a fish. You put the most serious expression for as long as you could, which was about 10 seconds, before you burst into a fit of laughter. 
"You scared the shit out of me!" 
"That was fucking precious!" Boldly you put a hand on his, oh God, big thigh. "Relax, I know I don't have a body of a supermodel.  But hey, I do enjoy my life too much to be a masochist." He watched you in amusement when you tried to contain your laughter. "Plus", you licked your lip seductively, enjoying the way his Adam's apple uncontrollably bulged. "What's a woman without some curves, right?" Henry swallowed harder and his eyes lowered to your hand on his thigh. You weren't normally so bald but there was something about this man that made you less shy and more flirty than you normally were with guys. 
"You truly are perfect Y/N", he whispered in you ear making you blush just a little bit. Trying to blame it on the amount of alcohol, rather than the nice sensation of his breath on your neck. "Really one of a kind!" Your everyday you would probably scream at you for not stopping his hand that started to venture from your knee to your thigh. But today you had an awfully long day and every girl needed a good one night stand once in a while. And something told you that the man in front of you, knew how to make that awful day into a much better night. 
"I think I'd like some whisky…" he pulled away and smiled softly. You were sure you heard him whisper 'fucking perfect' before straightening. 
"I do have some of it back in my apartment" your heart skipped a bit. How was it possible that this perfect, incredibly handsome man wanted you? No. You wouldn't let your anxiety kill tonight. With no words you unplugged your phone and put it back into your bag. You took your purse out and asked for a receipt feeling Henry's eyes on you. "Y/N, listen if I read the situation wrongly…"
"We need to pay before we leave right?" You sent him a wink and noticed how he exhaled deeply. 
"In that occasion, there is no fucking way I'll let you pay. Don't fight me on it!" You left a quick peck on his lips, thanking him quietly, before standing up and putting a coat on. You chuckled hearing his hitched breath and quiet 'fuck' under his nose. 
You were standing in the middle of the living room gazing around his 'flat', as he was so kind to call it. It was huge. Your last flat could fit in that living room and that made you swallow hard. Just as you were about to say something you heard scratching on the floor and as you turned around to see what that was, a ball of fur jumped at you, making you land on your ass. A booming laugh escaped your lips, feeling a wet tongue traveling through your face. 
"Fuck, Kal get away!" You opened your eyes to see Henry standing above you, holding the dog by his collar. "I'm so sorry. I forgot to close the doors to his room when I left… are you ok?" He pulled you up but you only shook your head and kneaded in front of the dog. 
"Are you kidding me? This is the best way anyone has ever welcomed me", you started to pet Kal, smiling and giggling at his happy expression. "Aren't you the cutest? Yes… yes you are!!" You didn't care that you sounded mental. Dogs were the most amazing animals and if someone didn't like the fact well they don't have to be in your life. 
"Here!" You looked up seeing two glasses of Scotch in Henry's hand and you got up on your feet thanking him quietly. "Normally the girls don't give him that much attention," he smiled at you and looked down at you lips. You raised your brow and took a step closer, completely ignoring the personal space. 
"Oh, is someone jealous?" Your free hand landed on his chest, admiring how hard it was. Was this man fucking perfect? Now you really wanted to see him naked. 
"What if I am?" His husky, lowered voice made you involuntary close your thighs. You looked up into his darkened eyes. Your hand moving down, slowly. Until it stopped at his belt and without a word you lowered it a bit more and gripped where his, what you assumed and hoped, impressive cock was. You smiled when he groaned quietly at your action. With one sip he drunk all his whisky and closed his eyes when you started to unbutton his belt and Jeans. You followed his lead and finished the drink, handling the empty glass to him. He raised his brow, ready to ask, but shut his mouth, when you kneeled in front of him opening his trousers. Looking up you lowered his boxers, and couldn't help but lick your lips seeing him already semi-erect. Fuck he was so beautiful! He was big, but not too big, but what was more impressive was his girth. Oh yeah, you are going to have fun with the man. You smirked at him and not breaking the eye contact you licked the top of his penis, going from up to the base like a kitten enjoying the best of snacks.
"Holy fuck!" He growled when you swallowed him as slowly as possible, bobbing your head up and down, enjoying the sounds living his mouth. You closed your eyes and swirled you tongue around his clock, drinking up the precum that appeared on the top. "Fuck, sweetheart, baby you gotta stop!" He pulled you away and you looked up at his flashed face, smirking in the most flirty way. Yo stood up and smiled widely, when he pulled you close to him. "You are fucking amazing. Jesus I haven't felt that good in a while, but", you screamed when he took you over his shoulders and started walking to his bed. You giggled when he softly threw you on the bed and laid down towering over you. "Now sweetheart I will make sure you will forget about this awful day you had." You looked up and whined seeing him undressing himself. This man was perfection, and you weren't sure which God you were supposed to thank for this, but yes, for some bizarre reason you got lucky today. His sculpture body was something you only seen on the covers of magazines and not to mention that chest hair. Fuck. Yeah ok, you may have a weird kink for men with chest hair, but who wouldn't seeing the man in front of you? 
"You see something you like?" He hovered over you, planting his hands on both sides of your head. It was just now you noticed how beautiful his eyes were. Darkened by the lust they still held the beautiful blueness in them.
"You have this adorable patch of brown in the top of your left eye." He stilled and raised his brow in amusement. He leaned and captured your lips with his. 
"No one has ever described it as adorable before", he chuckled and you smiled shyly, embarrassed one of a sudden. 
"I like being your first", you sassed winking at him. And it was then when he lost it. He leaned down and covered his face in the crook of your neck laughing. You joined seconds later. It was the first time for you to have so much fun during sex. Even when you were in a relationship sex was always serious and not always something you practically enjoyed. But at this moment you were both excited and amused. 
"I'm so fucking happy I decided to take a walk tonight", you moaned when his lips attached themselves on the sensitive spot on your neck. You could feel a smirk on his lips, proud of himself for the sounds you were making. "You really are one of a kind", you jumped a little when he bit you under the ear, smirking at you. Oh this will definitely leave a mark. 
"I'll get you back for that!"  You hissed playfully. He shook his head and you raised a brow in question.
"I don't even want to know media's reaction if someone noticed a hickey on me!" This made you freeze and you pulled yourself on your arm to a sitting position. Confusion written on your face. 
"What do you mean?" You asked, hoping he was making some weird ass joke. At the same time trying to put his face to anyone you know. He sat down opposite you with the same confusion on his face. 
"You really have no fucking clue who I am right?" A sly smirked appeared on his handsome face. 
"You're scaring me now! Please tell me I'm not about to fuck some politician…" he widened his eyes and then laughed so hard that the tears appeared in his eyes. 
"I think I should blame myself for that. Haven't introduced myself properly. Henry Cavill." He extended his hand playfully and you frowned. You did recognise that name from somewhere. He grinned when your eyes widened. 
"Fuck! You’re the Witcher!" It was his turn to look surprised. He was expecting Superman. "Hallelujah. I'm about to fuck my teenage fantasy!" You leaned in and kissed him hard, turning him around and pushing on the bed, sitting on his hips. Enjoying the bulge you were feeling beneath you. 
"Your teenage fantasy?" He asked, putting his large hands on your hips, apparently enjoying his new position. You took a deep, happy breath when his hands started to move up your thighs. You stood up and undressed yourself. You sat back and captured his lips, your hands on his chest, admiring the Adonis under you. 
"I was a geeky kid. My nose was always stuck in books, mostly fantasies. My grandma is Polish and she once gave me Sapkowski's books and well let's say that you should not put a 16 years old horny teenager alone with a book about a broody, strong man, that wields his sword better than anyone else." You kissed his chest, shamefully nipping at his nipple, making his hip raise and a hiss leave his lips. 
"Don't tell me you got yourself laid with the Witcher!!" He couldn't control the laugh and looked up smirking, seductively licking your lips. 
"Not to the book itself but to the fantasies that my brain made." He shook his head in amusement. "But now that I actually have a really Geralt, let me tell you, kind sir, I will use that opportunity to the maximum." Your tongue traveled through his abdomen and kissed him right above his throbbing cock. 
You squealed when he turned, once again towering over you. The blue in his eyes was gone. Oh God, you will get properly fucked. And you couldn't wait for it. 
"You are a teaser, you know that?" You moaned when he bit on your sensitive nipple. "Don't want to destroy you fantasy, but I will be the one fucking you brainless, not Geralt", you sobbed when he pushed a finger inside your wet pussy. "Fuck you're tight! Yes baby, I will fuck you till you'll see the stars!" Another and another finger pushed inside you, twirling in a way that it touched this special place and you screamed his name. "Yes, sweety, that's right. I'll be your new fantasy!" 
"Henry I'm… fuck Henry… please don't stop!" He increased his pace and you moaned almost pornograpically, when the knot broke and you came like you never came before. 
"If that's what I can do with just fingers imagine how you're gonna feel when I'm finally inside of you." He smiled and kissed you softly on your lips. Your hands and legs circled him, getting him as close as possible. 
"Condom?" Your voice raspy and low almost as not yours. You could not believe he was able to bring you to that state with just his fingers. how are you supposed to find a man better than him? No, now was not a place nor time to think about that. "Give me that" you took the foil from him and opened it with your teeth. You pushed him off you and strangled him once again, sitting between his thighs. You looked up and smirked, putting a condom on his cock and with no words you lowered your mouth on him, putting the protection perfectly.
"Fuck!" He moaned when your lips left his cock. “That was the sexiest fucking thing I've ever seen!" You chuckled and slowly positioned yourself on him.
"Can I ride you, Henry?" you felt his cock twitch at your words and you couldn't help but giggle. 
"You little minx… you'll pay for that" he joked and pushed inside of you with one harsh push. You screamed and fell on his chest to muffle the sound. "Fuck baby you're really tight…" he stopped and there was fear in his eyes. "Fuck please tell me…"
"Jesus no!" You laughed and kissed him softly. "It's just been a while. 2 years if I'm being precise." 
"I'm sorry." He whispered kissing your shoulders softly, apologetically. "I didn't want to hurt you. I'll go slow." You shook your head and moved up only to lay back down. 
"I'm not a glass doll, Henry. I won't break. You're just bigger than anyone I had and I needed to get used to it. Plus…" you straightened and smiled at him. He could swear it was the most beautiful smile he has ever seen. "You did promise to fuck me brainless!" There was nothing more you had to say. His hips moved in synchrony with your, pounding at you sensensly. It stunk for a bit but the pleasure tool from it really quickly. 
"Go on your knees. I wanna see that beautiful ass while I fuck you." You smiled and obeyed his order, enjoying his tone. Before you were able to get ready he shoved himself inside you. He squeezed your hip, for sure leaving yet another bruise on your body. But you didn't care. You felt your walls clenching second time this night. "Yes baby, come for me. Squeeze my dick!" And you once again obeyed him, feeling all the energy leaving you. You moaned when he didn't stop moving. Your sensitive pussy was still concluding from the orgasm and probably the upcoming one as well. "One more baby. Give me one more." The praise from him made you feel something you haven't felt for a while and you came, feeling something dripping down your thighs. 
"Fuck!" He whispered after coming inside the condom. He left you with a hiss and removed the foil from his softening penis.  "I don't think I have ever made a woman squirt." Out of any power in you, you fall on the pillow. You whined pathetically when he moved away. "I'm back. Come on spread for me a bit." You once again obeyed him and felt a wet towel between your folds. And you smiled and his softness. 
"I really, really like being your first" you whispered when he came back and laid down, inviting you to use his chest as a pillow. The soft movement of his chest put you to sleep before you even noticed. 
You looked at your vibrating phone and couldn't help but beam in happiness. When you woke up, Henry was still asleep. You knew it was just a one night stand, so to avoid awkwardness you decided to leave earlier. You did, however, felt compelled to leave a letter. You told him how much you enjoyed the night and how the media will never find out about it. And also you left him you number. In case he wanted to call. You wrote him that you didn't expect anything from him but you were open to see each other again. 
You really didn't expect anything. So that little text just made your day even better. 
'How was the interview?' H.C. 
'I will be staying in London for a bit longer', you answered, happy both about the text and your next job. 
'I know some good places to eat if you're not too tired.'
Your heart skipped a bit and you beamed at the prospect of spending some time with him. 
'How about we order pizza and watch Netflix at yours?'
'Netflix and chill? Yeah I'm in. I'll see you in a bit, baby!'  
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calypsoff · 4 years
Thirty Six.
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Smiling at Chris, he is coming along so far, and I am happy for him. This is his second session of rehabilitation and it’s just closing in on me, my tour dates and I don’t want to go. Chris is so settled, he has a routine and I feel like he enjoys things now, he seems happier a little, but we stick to the sleeping tablets because I want him to get sleep, I don’t think he would do without it and also it would be too soon to do it. Chris sits with the family too; he sits with us which I love. My mother doesn’t treat him any different, but I swear, I am going to break. He needs a haircut; he is a mess with it all. My phone started ringing, Jay Brown is calling. Answering the call “hey” I have been so busy with things; I really want to just give Chris my whole attention and it’s the best. He spoke to me about jail again, like told the whole story and I honestly enjoyed listening to him because it’s making him feel better “hey you, are you having a good time off? Are you ready for the overseas leg?” he is saying it like I am supposed to be excited “I feel like I haven’t had any time off, but you know me, I am ready as ever. Have they already started to ship the stage overseas?” I am sure they have “yeah they have, so we meet at Morocco and we don’t stay there, we will go onto Spain and then we stay there for a few days and have the date in Spain and then so on, I am not going to be there, but the tour manager wanted me to speak to you. He said for you to come a day earlier for a rehearsal, being overseas. It’s a different vibe and you might need that? It is up to yourself if you want that” I paused thinking, just staring at Chris trying his best to walk, if I got a day early then I miss out on his third session, I wanted to do that before I go “I will just arrive on the day, I will be fine” I want to be there for Chris, he is priority for me.
I got up from the seat walking over to Chris and his rehab trainer, they seem to be going back and forth in a good way “so how was he today?” I asked “I was just telling Chris now and he was telling me the story of when he attempted a shower, I said stick to bath’s for now” rolling my eyes laughing “I said it to him, I goes Chris I think you should sit down and do it. Let’s just say I got my hair wet, and I saw things” he is so stupid “she saved me again, but I felt it. My leg did hurt, and it wasn’t even a pain I was like oh my god this is bad. It was a pain of yes my leg can feel” I swear Chris is slow sometimes, he never listens to me either which is why he gets himself in that position “this is what we like to hear, it’s a tiring process but you will get there. His foot is still doing the side thing, so when you and I are stood, our feet point straight ahead, his foot seems to drift lazily to the side. With a lot of focus, Chris needs to keep correcting the posture of it, have it in your mind. Pointed toes ahead, but we have had you stood straight. It was for a few seconds but it’s progress I love to see, but yes. We will get there” he patted Chris’ arm “proud of you Chris, this is so good. I am going to have to make sure you keep that posture right” I pointed at him “it’s working, when I say keep placing your foot on the ground, it works. I mean it” nodding my head looking at Chris, he seems so proud of himself and I love that for him.
Chris laughed, I find it adorable to see him smile, he deserves some happiness “just you are bringing me this packed lunch for me, like I am a baby” I grinned “that is because you are my baby Chris, I know how hard it is going though that. Well I don’t know personally but I can only imagine how it is for you so that is why, you need to eat and drink before seeing Bruce. I also want to ask, when do you feel you will be up for a shave? It’s getting out of hand?” I try and ask this every day “soon” of course he would say that “so erm, Chris you know I will be going overseas next week for the tour. This means you will be here; you will be here with your dad though. I have spoken to Clinton, your mother and father are both coming, you won’t be alone. You have been here and look how quiet and private it is? You like it there right?” Chris’ demeanour has changed, he is not happy but he has to accept that I will be going “how long for again?” he asked, now I have to remember “so it’s about two months, then a month off and then another month? It sounds a lot Chris, but this is a world tour, I am going to near enough every country I can. So I will be away for about two months and then I will be back, for you” Chris looked away from me, he is not happy.
I get it he is upset “I mean you will have Clinton and Joyce here; I mean you will get rid of annoying me. I won’t be in bed with you annoying you, I mean I won’t kick you like I did. I promise you I didn’t do it on purpose, I won’t steal your crutches, I mean you won’t have that anymore” Chris grinned “you nasty for that, just because I annoyed you and you did that. But I will miss that, I really enjoy your company. I enjoy waking up and seeing you in bed with me still, you promised me from the start that I would wake up with you in bed, and guess what you did it for me. I recognize it Robyn, you could get out of bed if you wanted but you don’t, and things like that means a lot to me. It’s hard, like for me. To have you sat there listening to what happened to me, for you to hear what I did. That I stabbed a guy. But you didn’t judge me, even now. I don’t know what this day will bring but I want to get better for you. I enjoy people around, I don’t want to be alone” placing my hand over his “and I promise you won’t, your family will be here with you. I will not let you be alone, but you got to promise that you will still do what you do now, don’t play up because I don’t need this. It worries me already; I have had thoughts of changing dates, but it would be too much” he nodded his head. I am not sure if that was because he wanted me to do that or he agreed that I shouldn’t do such a thing.
Grabbing Chris’ water bottle from him “you’re smiling Chris, good to see you like this” Bruce said, crossing my leg over my left “Robyn makes me happy” he mumbled “good to hear that, Rihanna cares a lot for you. And I know you come here because of Rihanna, but if you were you to come alone would you come?” I told Bruce already that I won’t be coming after the third session, Chris paused thinking. He may even know I told him but he is thinking “I know Robyn would be upset with me, I would come” he knows I would be “that is good to hear so we left off that you felt you can never be the same once you have been in jail, would you like to elaborate on that Chris” I think Chris can be the guy I met again, I think what he went through was just trauma that he needed to speak about it “before jail I was full of life, I felt invincible. Happy, joking, with my boys. I always felt something was missing but I got on with it, why did I do that in the first place. I am dumb because I had so much ahead of me, I was supposed to be in the NBA. I play ball so well; nobody can catch me. But I fucked it up, when you see people hang themselves, kill themselves because they can’t handle jail, I was tired. I was never that guy, but I ended up being that way. I could have been in jail for the rest of my life if I didn’t snitch, I wish I didn’t need too but I had too. And I lost my family over it, and all I kept thinking to myself is that I am going to die, it lives with you” I can only imagine how jail was for him, it’s terrible to even hear “and now you’re out you still feel the same, when did it worsen for you? When did it bring it all back for you?” Bruce asked.
“When I got beat again, I just kind of gave up. The doctor said to me that if I get beat up like that again I won’t make it. But here I am, I made it. The second time I got beat up was outside my parents’ home. I left there feeling so happy, I got my childhood love back in my life. Things were getting good for me, I was happy. And then that happened, they jumped me. I had no time or type of reaction to it. They jumped me, they made sure I knew it was because I am a snitch. Then at that point my parents were scared for me, I had to move out of city. I had to do it, they wanted me dead. Even my own family, they only started to like me because I am now making a name for myself but that is dangerous, so when I saw a man in Robyn’ home, I instantly thought it was because of being a snitch. When I was in bed, I heard the noises. I called the police, I wanted to run then it hit me. What if this is because of me, my snitching ways. They are in Robyn’ home and destroying it. I say they but the police said one person but I am sorry it did sounded like more, they said just that man. So I was like I can’t let Robyn’ home get destroyed so I did what I had too, I opened the door and there stood this guy, he was big. And I close my eyes now I can picture him, he was terrible. He just knocked me out, I had no chance” Chris rubbed the top of his head and sat forward, he is doing so well right now. The way he is speaking on it, he is doing it.
The room is so quiet, Chris is just thinking. Bruce is not saying a word either, like he is allowing Chris to have this silence for himself “he knocked me down on the floor, I hit the floor instantly. It was fight or flight and I went into jail mode, what would I do in jail. I was still half shaken from the punch, but I got up, I tried to get my punches in. I did what I needed to do but he had a gun, I yanked his arm down and it was at that point I think he shot my leg, but I was still fighting for my life. I grabbed what I could, and I don’t remember but we both knocked out on the floor, I think it was what I grabbed, I hit him in the head, and he did it to me at the same time. So I woke up, I see the guy on the floor and the gun between us. I thought get the gun first, get it now or I am done for. When I lifted my hand I see the blood, I tried to move and the pain just hit me, but I dragged my leg, I had to get the gun. But he got up so quick, it was useless.. He got the gun before I did” Chris’ voice broke “I still didn’t understand what he was there for” Chris is fighting back to not cry “all I thought is they got me, they wanted me all this time and they got me. I have been through shit from the moment Robyn left, I ain’t had a good time. My life flashed before my eyes, he had the gun to me, and I screamed and cried, I was broken that I wasn’t going to live out my life, we had a disagreement and shit was bad. That pain will be with me for a long time, death just a gunshot away” he wiped his tears “but he didn’t, and the police came but at that point I lost too much blood to even know, so either way I was dying. I have been close to death so many times that is plays on your mind, it does, and it just bought back to square one, being in that place in VA, just staying in that place. It was like jail to me; all I saw was walls. It drove me crazy. All I could do was think of my life, think of shit things I do. Then come to think of it, maybe I should be dead. I get it, it’s because it was a crazed fan but it’s god, it’s sending me signs that my time is here you know?” I hate hearing this shit, I really do but I do it for him “have you felt suicidal Chris? At any point” dragging my eyes away from my hands and at Chris “yeah” I closed my eyes sighing out.
I didn’t want to hear that “but you still are able to know you are loved Chris, you felt that way but it’s love that stops you” this is stressful for me to know this “my guilt gets the better of me, knowing I promised Robyn that we will have a baby. She lost a baby, and I was there but wasn’t there for her. Even though she hid away from me about it she felt like I wasn’t the person to tell, and I am a pretty shit person anyways. I have done and said things in life that I regret but to know Robyn went through that alone, that plays on my mind too and I promised her we would have a baby” Bruce squinted his eyes “and that gives you hope but relying on someone else for your own happiness in the long run won’t help you Chris. You need to do this for yourself because you are worth it, you have been through a lot, but you have beaten the odds. You have love around that help you, do you feel at times you’re in a room laughing but you’re not really happy?” Chris nodded his head “I just think someone is going to get me one day, niggas don’t forget a snitch” I think out of the love of me Chris wouldn’t “Chris has so much to look forward too, his clothing line is doing great. He has two best friends that ride for him a lot, his family so love him, his nephew adores him. TJ had the baby Chris; he is a dad finally. I am not sure if you knew that?” I don’t think he did, he shook his head “he had the baby, I told him congratulations on behalf of you too and sent him gifts from you. And he told me he named him Camron; his middle name is Myles. He said I don’t know what has happened to him but Chris has been the best brother I know, he has supported me even when I fucked up and has got me to this point in life, he has took me through school, always there for me. I had to credit him somehow. So Chris you are very much loved, not just me but other” tears dropped as I told him what I did but I needed to say it “he did that?” he said “yes, you are so lucky to have them both. They love you and I told them that he will be ok” Chris is shocked, I don’t blame him because I didn’t tell him this because it wasn’t relevant to do so just yet.
I am just glad to have gotten out of that place, but it’s been emotional “how come you didn’t tell me before, did you send him gifts from me?” Chris asked “I did, I saw it on my timeline and did what I had to do from you. Mel put me on a threeway call with Barry and TJ came on the phone and said thank you, he didn’t expect anything, they both miss you but is giving you space you need. They said the business is doing great, people ask about you because you’re the one that is going there because you’re so likable and then he told me, I said that is so sweet. If he could call him Camron Brown I think he would, but he couldn’t do that, but I did what I needed on behalf of you. I haven’t told them the full extent, but they are waiting on you to get better, they miss you and love you” Chris put his head down “thank you” he is sweet “don’t say thank you, it’s what I know you would have done for me. He’s your godson by the way, I am not sure if your ex has any say in it” Chris looked at me in shock “really?” nodding my head “yeah, you have a lot Chris. Just we need you to fight your demons, and I will be here for you. I love you so much” I didn’t want him to cry but of course he did, he is emotional about this all and I don’t blame him.
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simsadventures · 5 years
After All: Chapter 11: I’m Good, We’re Good
Summary:Your friendships with Bucky grows every single day, and you couldn’t be happier about it. Even in the bad times. 
Warnings: fluffity fluff, probably some swearing, you know me, nightmares, mentions of PTSD, little angst I guess
Word Count: 3180
A/N: I just wanted to do a friendly episode, full of fluff and sunshine, ‘cause I feel like we all deserve it after the emotional rollercoaster. And then the beginning happened. Well…  What did you guys think? Let me know xx
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Series Masterlist __ Masterlist
< Previous Chapter
It’s been a month since Bucky surprised you with the sweet little picnic date outside the compound, and things were getting better and better. You and Bucky started spending more and more time together, to the point where even your colleagues in the lab were beginning to question you about the relationship you two had.
At first, it was fairly easy to tell them off, swearing that it was just a very good friendship, but lately, you weren’t so sure anymore. There was still nothing romantic or sexual going on between the two of you, but the need to deepen the relationship was a constant presence lately.
You still wanted to give yourself a little more time to heal and to see Bucky in a light that you’ve never seen him. Not only was he funny (you already knew that), but he was so gorgeously sweet and kind that it took your breath away sometimes. It was in little things that you saw just how good of a person he really was, no matter what he thought of himself.
Your sleepovers were getting more frequent, and it was getting quite usual that Bucky slept at your place even on workdays, having to run to his own room in the morning to at least change the clothes, so that the team wouldn’t give him too much hell. It still didn’t work, thanks to the cameras installed across the whole compound. Tony found out that Bucky was sneaking out of your room one morning and showed the footage to the entire team. Bucky was blushing so hard he thought his face would catch on fire. There were knowing smirks on all of the faces in front of him, and it was quite useless to try and tell them that it’s not what it looks like. Bucky wished it was, but he didn’t want to push you.
Sam and Steve would make fun of him for days, making smooching noises whenever Bucky was in a hearing distance. They were genuinely acting like two five-year-olds. They even tried it once in front of you, but the cold stare you gave them was one to haunt their dreams, so they shut up quickly and scattered away. You didn’t mind, though. Let people think what they want, as long as you and Bucky know your truth.
You were glad that Bucky spent his nights with you, because a) you were selfish and you just slept better with him cuddling you and b) you knew it was good for him as well. It was something Bucky didn’t talk about often, but you knew that nightmares still haunted him. Back from the time of war, from the first time, HYDRA abducted him and did some experiments on him, but mostly from the time, he would like to erase from his life. The Winter Soldier times. You knew it was a difficult and painful topic for him, so you usually didn’t open it up, unless it directly involved you.
Like the one night. Bucky was comfortably snuggled against your back, his right arm comfortably hanging on your hip. You were deep in your sleep when suddenly a movement startled you awake. You looked around the room, trying to figure out what century it was. When you finally understood that you were home, you looked at the nightstand where your alarm clock was standing and read that it was only 2:28 AM. You couldn’t understand why you’d wake in this unholy hour when you felt your hip being squeezed to the point where it actually hurt.
You look at Bucky to see what was going on and understood immediately. He was still laying on his side, his arm still around you, but this time it was tightly wounded around you, his metal hand opening and closing behind his head. You looked into his face, and although he was still asleep, his face was contorted in a pained expression. His breathing was heavy, filling the silent room with anxiety. You could see that he was having a nightmare, but you had no idea how to wake him up gently. You were well aware of the dangers that might await you, but you couldn’t watch him suffer so.
You ran your fingers across his face, caressing his cheek and jaw, and going back up to his temple. “It’s ok, Bucky. I’m here, we’re at the compound together. You can wake up, Buck. You’re safe.” And all that, just to ensure he wasn’t startled. Well, safe to say you didn’t succeed.  
You didn’t know what woke him exactly, but in one swift movement, you were pushed on your back, your hands pinned above your head, and his metal arm snaking around your neck. Your eyes almost fell out of the sockets, that’s how much pressure he used. You tried not to panic and think. His eyes were open, but you would bet he wasn’t seeing you in front of him. In his mind, you were one of his missions, and you were posing as a threat to his disoriented brain.
You took as deep of a breath as you could, smiled warmly and let your body go lax, letting Bucky know that you were no threat to him. “It’s me, Bucky. Y/N. You know me, baby. Try and wake up and see me. I don’t want to hurt you, I would never hurt you. I care about you, Bucky, just as much as you care about me. Please, baby, wake up.” Your voice was barely above a whisper, both from the stress and the obstacle of a metal arm closing your throat. He blinked a few times as if the mist in front of his eyes was clearing, and when he saw the scene in front of him, he jumped off of you.
He was now panting heavily, his whole body shaking. You coughed a little, trying to regain your normal breathing. You touched your neck and knew that it would bruise in the morning based on how much it hurt. But you put that all aside and crawled towards Bucky, whose eyes were on the sheets now, his arms hugging his body.
You touched his cheek, and he flinched, which made you flinch as well. You weren’t scared of him, but you weren’t sure if he was really awake and if he would listen to you. His eyes saddened even more if it was possible. He made himself believe that you were afraid of him, and he couldn’t believe what he just did.
“I’m dangerous, doll. I’ m-I’m sorry that I put you through that, I won’t ever-“
“Shhh,” you said and despite his protests cradled his face in your arms, and pull him softly towards you, so that your foreheads were touching. He was still breathing as if he ran a marathon, and despite not being enhanced, you could hear his heart beating like a crazy from where you were sitting. “Watch my breath and try and match it, Bucky. Easy. In, out, in, out,-“he didn’t fight you on it and just did what he was told. You breathed with him until you were 100% sure his heart wouldn’t burst out.
But even then, you didn’t let go. His eyes were closed, and his body was still slightly shaking, but you could see that he was getting it all under control. “I’m so sorry, doll. I never meant to hurt you, but I just-“Tears were welling up in your eyes, seeing this strong soldier, this hero so vulnerable in your arms was breaking your heart. You needed to make sure he knew he was safe in your arms and always would be.
“You didn’t hurt me, Bucky. But if you wanna talk about it, I’m here, you know that, right?” He huffed out and dared to pull away a little to check on your neck in the dark room only illuminated by the light of the moon. “Your neck is bruised already, how the hell can you say that I didn’t hurt you?” His sadness and regret were now transforming into anger directed at himself. You quickly grabbed his hand, so that he didn’t have stupid ideas like running away from you.
“It might be bruised, but you know me, I slap my thigh a little harder, and it bruises, it’s no big deal. And before you say anything, it really isn’t. You listened to my voice, and you woke up, so stop blaming yourself for something that you can’t really control.”
He buried his face in your neck and breathed. You let your fingers play with his hair and scratch his scalp because you knew it always calmed him down. “I thought I was back in Russia. I saw the face of one of my trainers, and I just couldn’t hold myself.”
“Was it a memory or wishful thinking?”
“Memory. He was the one putting my body through most of the shit, he would whip me to obedience, that’s why I have some of those little scars on my back. But because I heal so quickly, most of them were gone before our next training. When I got the chance, I killed him. I’m not proud of it, but-“
“Shhh, it’s ok. He hurt you, baby, he deserved to die, and he is lucky you got to him first, ’cause I’d take much longer before I’d sent him to hell.” Bucky chuckled lightly, and you knew that the worst was over. He hugged you tighter, revelling in the feeling of your body against his.
“Don’t you wanna go and have the neck checked? Just in case. I wouldn’t want you to have some permanent damage because of me.” You had to smile at him.
“I’m fine, really, scout’s honour! I’m good, we’re good, you hear me?”
You searched your face, looking for any sign of fear or anxiety created by the closeness between the two of you. “I’m not scared of you, Bucky. Not in this sense. Am I scared you’ll break my heart? Hell yeah. But I know you would never hurt me intentionally. You ain’t getting rid of me that easily.”
He nodded, deep in his thoughts. You kissed his cheek and smiled at him. “It’s still pretty early, or very very late, depends. So how about we steal a few more hours of sleep before we have to face the world?”
You and Bucky slept till 10, and because it was Sunday morning, nobody really gave a shit. You woke up sooner than him, your bladder screaming to be relieved, and when you were washing your hands, your eyes inevitably fell to your neck.
It wasn’t a pretty sight, and you knew that Bucky would be kicking himself for this for weeks. You knew you had to cover it up somehow, and a turtle neck wasn’t an option in 80F. You tried to put some make-up on it, but nothing really worked, and you dreaded the moment Bucky woke up.
You could hear him groaning even before you saw his sleepy eyes and rustled hair. “Morning, Sleeping Beauty. You gotta get up if we want to go out with the other around noon.” You reminded him and looked as if he had to think about what it was that you so desperately wanted to see. And then he remembered and grinned. An amusement park. The team never really had a chance to do anything fun, so an amusement park was a good way to unwind a little.
Bucky smiled at you, but then he caught a glimpse of your neck, and his smile fell. He jumped out of bed, and despite the protests you were voicing quite loudly, he wouldn’t let you get rid of him. He inspected, and you could see the regretful look sneaking back to his beautiful face.
“Stop doing this to yourself, Bucky. I’m fine, really, and I’m gonna wear a scarf or something so that you don’t have to stare at it the whole afternoon.”
“I just hate the fact that it was me who did this to you! I mean, if you showed me your neck, and told me that some motherfucker did this to you, I’d kill him, but like this? I just- I don’t know how to express you my regret about last night. It won’t ever happen again.”
What won’t happen again? You having a PTSD, or you sleeping in my bed? And if I were you, I’d think about your answer for a bit. Because I know about your nightmares and we can make it out together, but if you aren’t ever next to me, then I can’t help you.”
You just wanted Bucky to realise that you didn’t care. Sure, you were scared at the moment, but you knew you could get him out of it, and if not by yourself, that therapy would do the trick.
He unexpectedly hugged you, resting his head on top of yours, caressing the back of your head. “If you think that we can get through it together, then I’m all in, doll. I just hate seeing you in any kind of pain. And I hurt you too much already.”
You shushed him. “I don’t wanna hear any more of this, ok? Let’s enjoy the afternoon, please. You can redeem yourself by winning some flower or a plush toy, think you can do that, Sergeant?”
“You bet your cute ass I can. I’ll win every damn thing there is!
Bucky stayed true to his words, because, naturally, he excelled on all the shooting ranges, so not only did he win multiple roses for you, he also won the ultimate prize of the day, and you were now dragging an almost 6 feel tall bear behind you. The team was so carefree, and you loved the change of environment and could see that it suited them really well.
People raised their eyebrows because of your scar, but nobody dared to ask you. They all probably thought you just had a big-ass hickey that you tried to cover. And you were ok with that. You just wanted Bucky to forget about the night, enjoy the afternoon with his friends and not care about his past for a second.
He, Steve and Sam were currently on a gigantic pendulum ride, which your stomach hated even from the ground. You were sure that if you were to step on that thing, you’d actually die there. Bruce and Tony were on a Pirate Ship, just like the two kids they were. The rest of the team was scattered around the park, and you were patiently waiting on Bucky. You could see that neither of them was that preoccupied with the ride, and they were just chatting.
You rolled your eyes at them. Damn superheroes, they can’t even have fun properly! You thought and laughed to yourself a little. As you were watching the ride, you could see from the corner of your eye, that a guy stood next to you, and that he was trying to be as invisible as he could while he checked you out.
He probably liked what he saw, because out of nowhere, he put a hand in front of your face and waved. It startled you a little, but you smiled at him politely and then diverted your eyes back to the ride. You could see that it was in the last section of its swinging time and that the boys would be getting off any time.
The body probably didn’t get the message, because now he was talking. “Hey, pretty girl. You here alone?” You smiled politely again and shook your head. “Nope, I’m here with my friends actually.”
He was now standing really close to you, and all you wanted to do was roll your eyes at him and make him leave. “Don’t you wanna have the ride of your life?” You frowned a little and gave him a confused look. “Excuse me? No, I don’t think I want that.”
“Haha! I mean, if you don’t want to go on some ride with me, sweetheart?”
You smiled again, but this time even this thick-skulled idiot had to see how forced it was. “No, thank you. I’m waiting for my friends, and we’re about to go on a ride together.” It was only when he touched the small of your back that you scrunched your face and pushed him away. What you didn’t see, was Bucky and his angry face coming your way.
“What’s the problem here? You ok, doll?” Bucky asked worriedly and turned to face the guy, standing between you and the douchebag.
“We’re good, Buck. Let’s go. Some guys just don’t understand that no means no.”
The guy probably knew who Bucky was, and even if he didn’t, Bucky’s posture was intimidating enough, even without prior knowledge. It was when the guy looked over his shoulder and saw Captain American and Falcon standing there, that he understood that he really chose a bad girl to try and push into something. He squeaked his apology and ran away.
“You sure you’re good, Y/N? I could’ve kicked his ass for you.”
“Imma kick your ass if you don’t go to that merry-go-round as you promised!” He chuckled, completely relaxed now that you were in his arms again, and led you to the ride.
“The view’s beautiful, don’t you think?” You gushed, looking at the outlines of New York in front of you. “Yeah, never seen anything prettier,” Bucky whispered right into your ear. When you looked at him, he was staring at you already.
“You’re being cheesy, old man! But thank you.”
“I can’t help, the cheesiness comes out whenever I’m around you. And there’s plenty where that came from.”
You laughed and pecked his cheek. “I think we should have a night full of cheesy one-liners, trying to out-do each other.”
Bucky hugged you tighter and laughed with you. “Oh, you’re on, doll! By the way, can we talk about what you called me when we first woke up today?”
Oh, snap! So he noticed, you thought. You tried to play dumb, even though you knew it was a battle already lost.
“What do you mean, like when I called you Buck? I do that all the time, your memory is leaving this world!”
“Haha, yeah, really funny, smartass. You know exactly what I’m talking about! You called me baby, over and over again.” He was smirking at you stupidly, and you just wanted to slap it away or kiss it away… You weren’t quite sure yet.
“If it bothers you so much, m’Lord, it won’t happen again.” This little commented resulted in Bucky pinching your side, and you smacking his chest.
“I loved it, I could definitely get used to it.” He whispered, his voice suddenly much lower than before.
“We’ll see about that… baby.” You winked at him and got out of the cart because the ride was over. “Wait you, little minx, you just wait!” Bucky yelled and ran to your side.
/ Next Chapter >
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marjansmarwani · 4 years
Secret Smiles 
[Ao3 Link]
Characters: Paul Strickland & TK Strand
Word Count: 2203
Paul knows TK is hiding something. He even knows that it has to do with a mystery man he's seeing, but he cannot figure it out past that. Until a night at a bar when a certain officer of the law shows up, that it.
This one was taken from one of @lauraperfectinsanity‘s Tarlos prompts (it’s number 2). I changed it a bit, but I think it’s still pretty close to the spirit of the thing, which was Paul figuring out that TK is secretly seeing Carlos. 
Paul hated not knowing things.
Knowing things was kind of, well, his thing. Often it meant situations; who did what and what caused that. Sometimes it was just simply facts – he can’t help that he was a voracious reader with a memory like a steel trap. But it also meant people, and his friends and teammates were certainly included in that.
When he first started at the 126, Paul had been on his guard. Each of his new teammates had been subject to his own threat assessment. His brother had always chided him for it – telling him he needed to have more faith in people. But faith in people could get you hurt, so Paul instead chose to be strategic. He decided who it was safe to share information with and how much detail each person could be entrusted with.
It wasn’t easy, but it had kept him safe.
So, he examined and observed each member of his new crew in turn. Captain Strand and TK had been first, and he began his analysis the moment he entered the room for his interview. He quickly deduced that the Captain was sincere, that he harbored Paul no ill-will. TK was quiet during the interview, but when he mentioned identifying the people who wanted to hurt him before they did, he noticed a small smile that spoke of understanding and comradery. Paul allowed himself to relax – neither of these men were a threat to him. In fact, TK Strand might just be a kindred spirit – someone else who had faced hate because of who they were. In the end, it’s a large part of the reason he accepts the Captain’s offer – he knows that he will have allies in this journey; he won’t have to fight this particular battle alone.
The rest of the crew is easy to read, and soon he feels comfortable; at home. Within the walls of the firehouse things are safe, he can let his guard down. Not that there is too much to analyze anyways. The general rule is openness: they’re a family, they tell each other things.
Which is why he almost doesn’t realize TK is hiding something, at first. He’s not sure exactly when he notices but once he does, he picks up little hints everywhere. Maybe it was the first time he heard him abruptly change the subject. Or the time he noticed that the tale he told Judd about how he had spent his night off and what he told Marjan were slightly different. There were small inconsistencies in the details. In Paul’s experience, that usually meant it was a lie.
First, Paul is concerned. He can’t help but wonder if TK is in some sort of trouble, if there is something wrong that he doesn’t want to share with the rest of the team. So he watches, looking for signs of trouble and quickly comes to a very different conclusion: TK has a secret boyfriend.
It’s glaringly obvious once he knows to look for the signs: secretive texting under the table, small smiles when he checks his phone, late-night phone calls when he thinks everyone else is asleep. All the times that he disappears when they go out as a group, or when he makes excuses and doesn’t come out at all – especially when he is far too tired the next day to have actually gone home to sleep as he claims to have done.
He has a secret boyfriend, that part is obvious. What’s not obvious is why this is a secret. TK doesn’t generally come off as a secretive person. He knows it’s not an issue about coming out – TK is very open about his sexuality. Maybe the other man is not fully out? Maybe it’s someone TK feels like he shouldn’t be dating (Paul can’t imagine why that would even be a thing, but stranger things have happened, he supposed).
It wasn’t until a few weeks later and a conversation in the gym that Paul finally got an answer. He was stressed and anxious and feeling very out of his comfort zone with this whole Josie thing, and he hadn’t meant to snap at TK. But he was frustrated, and he took it out on his friend – his friend who was being a hypocrite because he was seeing someone and not shouting to the world about it yet here he was lecturing Paul about taking risks, about putting himself out there. He snaps out the jab about what TK would know about rejection without even thinking. He regrets it instantly – it wasn’t fair. He didn’t know what TK’s experience with coming out was. He didn’t know anything about his history. But it’s out there and he can’t take it back.  
TK’s answer, when it came, surprised him. He sat up and fiddled with his necklace as he spoke, “116 days ago, when I asked my soul mate to marry me and he moved in with his trainer instead.”
Paul froze, for just a moment. He wasn’t even sure how to respond to that, how to acknowledge the level of vulnerability TK had just shown. “That’s rough,” he settled on, “I’m sorry.”
“Yeah,” TK agreed grimly, “that was not my best day.”
The conversation moved on and TK gave him some surprisingly sage advice. Paul took that advice, but he also took some answers. One: TK had been burned by love and was probably hesitant about diving back in. Two: there was more to the story than he had shared. The fact that he knew exactly how many days it had been showed that in spades. Maybe, Paul reasoned, TK didn’t want to share this relationship because he was scared. Maybe he wasn’t ready to take that step, to make things official. Given what he had just learned – and what he assumed, Paul couldn’t blame him.
That didn’t mean that he stopped trying to solve the mystery anyways. Partly because it was just what he did, and partly because TK was his friend and he wanted to make sure that whoever this mystery man was, they were not someone who was going to break TK’s too big heart again. He was more subtle about it – never asking any blunt questions or drawing conclusions. He simply watches and observes.
He’s watching one night when they are all at the bar and Officer Reyes meets them at Michelle’s insistence.  He almost doesn’t notice at first. They are good at hiding it – far too practiced in the art of not drawing attention to their closeness. But there are still tells, little, unconscious things that they do. The things they probably can’t even help. The private glances when someone makes a joke, the small smiles. The hands that linger when they cross paths – the fact that they cross paths more often than is strictly necessary. It’s almost as if there is a magnetic pull between them and they are unable to stay more than an arm’s length apart. As he watches, TK crosses to the bar for another round, slipping behind Carlos, laying a hand on his hip as he passes. Carlos glances over his shoulder at him and gives him a smile that is far from casual.
Oh. Oh.
The realization hits him suddenly. He takes a sudden sharp intake of breath and somehow TK hears and turns towards him. Their eyes meet and Paul can tell that TK knows he knows. His eyes widen in panic and he slips away, heading not for the bar, but to the door. Paul sets his glass down, makes an excuse he doesn’t think anyone even hears and follows him. He finds him outside leaning on the railing of the porch, hands clasping the railing so tightly his knuckles shine white in the dim lighting. He comes to a stop next to his friend and waits for the other man to speak.
“You know,” TK says lowly, bluntly.
Paul nods, “Just figured it out.”
He waits, but TK doesn’t say any more, so he continues, “Is there a reason you don’t want anyone to know?”
TK sighs, releasing one hand from the railing to run it down his face anxiously, “No, not really,” he says uncertainly. “It’s not like we're not both single and out. Christ, we don’t even work together – there is no actual reason to keep it a secret.”
“Then why do you?”
“I don’t know.”
Paul scoffs, “Yeah, you do.”
TK glares at him and Paul raises an eyebrow. TK rolls his eyes but concedes his point, “Okay fine, I do.”
Paul waits, allowing TK the time he needs to gather his thoughts. The sounds from the bar drift through the windows, fighting for dominance with the sound of the crickets surrounding them. When TK’s voice breaks the silence, it nearly startles Paul.
“You remember how I mentioned that my last relationship ended badly, right?”
Paul made a sound of affirmation and TK continued, “I just…I wasn’t ready to jump into another relationship so soon. I was pretty sure I was never going to be ready to jump into another relationship again, actually. This thing, with Carlos, started as a hookup. I figured it would be a one-night stand, we’d both burn up some energy and frustration and move on, but he was stubborn. He wanted more and he pushed. I tried to resist, tried to stay away, but I couldn’t. Now, here we are – and I’m even sure where exactly here is.”
Paul studied his friend. His expression was tense, but even in just speaking about Carlos, his body language had relaxed. He may claim that he didn’t know what they were, but Paul would put good money on how exactly TK felt for the officer.
“Is that why you didn’t tell anyone?” he asked instead.
TK nodded, “I don’t really know what to tell, but there is also this part of me that just feels like once it’s out there – once it is no longer ours – I won’t have control of it anymore, and I won’t be able to deny what it is. I’m just…not sure I’m ready for that yet.”
Paul took a step closer and leaned on the railing next to TK. He chose his next words carefully, “I’m not going to tell you what to do or what to feel, but from where I’m standing, it looks like you’re already there, and I think that’s a good thing. You seem lighter when he’s around, even when you’re just talking about him. You care about him and if I had to make a bet, I’d bet he cares about you to. So, I’m not going to say you have to make a big announcement or anything, but maybe just keep that in mind. Maybe start letting go of the reins, just a bit and see what happens.”
TK turned to face him and raised an eyebrow, “is there where you tell me something about nothing that is important is without risk or something?”
Paul scoffed, “Nah man, I don’t do clichés.”
TK laughed lightly, and Paul continued, “I’m just saying, maybe see where this goes. I don’t know Officer Reyes that well, but I don’t think he’s a bad guy and I know he doesn’t want to hurt you. It’s going to be scary, but maybe let it play out. Besides, if the worst does happen, you have people to lean on.”
It was quiet for a long moment before TK responded; his voice soft, “That was good advice.”
Paul nodded seriously, “I don’t do subpar advice. Besides, I owe you. You helped me out with the Josie thing, and that’s what family does, right? Look out for each other.”
TK turned again, a soft smile on his lips, “Yeah, I guess it does.”
They stood in companionable silence for a few more minutes before Paul spoke again, “So, do we wait and go in at separate times, or do we go in together? I’m new to this whole clandestine relationship stuff. I am not familiar with this life of intrigue and secrets you’ve been leading.”
TK rolled his eyes, “Stop exaggerating, we don’t need to hide anything. If people draw conclusions well, maybe a conclusion needed to be made.”
Paul raised an eyebrow at the implications, “are you saying you’re going to come clean? Tonight?” he shook his head, “Man, I know my advice is good, but I didn’t think it was that good.”  
“I’m saying,” TK said over him, “that maybe I should be a little more open. I feel bad lying to family, after all.”
“Do I get to say told you so?”
“You do not.”
Paul shrugged, “I’m going to anyway.”
TK shook his head and patted his shoulder before heading back into the bar. Paul smiled, and followed suit.
If for the rest of the night he noticed TK standing closer to Carlos, leaning into his space, giving him wide and open smiles, he said nothing. If the others started to notice as well and raised eyebrows before asking outright questions, that was really none of his business. He was content to quietly sip his drink and watch everything play out around him. When TK shot him a grateful smile as he grasped Carlos’s hand, he returned it.
Paul hated not knowing things. And this, this was a good thing to know.
Like it? Come leave a comment on Ao3!
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geckolady · 3 years
Skulduggery Pleasant: Raising Cain - Chapter 2
Chapter 2 – Permanent resident
Stephanie is nine years old
The death of her mother had rocked Stephanie greatly. At the start she could only think about how she was gone, about her hugs and kisses and what she was going to miss the most. Losing her dad hadn’t been this bad but she had been naive then, too young to know better. She couldn’t even remember his face. Now she was older, she understood. She’d never see her Mummy again.
How was she ever meant to go back to normal?
She hadn’t been scared though, and she knew her Mum would be proud. First, Uncle Fergus had shown up and taken her to his house. She didn’t like it there. She was given a hot chocolate and the twins weren’t in sight. Beryl was very quiet, which was almost stranger than anything else. Almost strange enough to distract her. Then she got picked up by her Grandma and was told she’d stay with her for a while, which was nice. It was Grandma that explained that her Mum was gone forever and was sent to Heaven. She just cried. She didn’t even know if Heaven was real! What if it wasn’t and her Mum had disappeared? What if she was somewhere else? It just didn’t make sense and all the questions made her feel like she was slowly going crazy.
That Friday, six days after Melissa died in a car accident, only a few hundred yards from the building where her husband had fallen to his death, Gordon came to Grandma’s house while she was asleep.
She crept to the top of the stairs, immediately happy to hear his voice from her bed.
“-with me,” Gordon was saying. “Melissa already arranged it that way.”
“Then where were you, Gordon?” Grandma said with more anger than Stephanie had heard from her before. “Honestly, you are a bad influence on that girl! What makes you think you deserve her? She needs stability, not you. You have to be the last person she should be visited by when she’s so upset, and I intend to not let you see her again.”
That's when Stephanie got scared.
She ran to her room and got her backpack and quickly filled it with all the things she had been given when family had visited, all brought from her house. Her Mum’s house. She didn’t have much. Quickly, she grabbed her favourite toy panda and bolted down the stairs.
“-we’ll see about that!” Grandma shouted. She was in Gordon’s face. He was red with anger and his fists were balled.
“It should be her choice, Veronica! At any rate, it’s in the Will! I’m her godfather, I’m her guardian and I have full custody! If she wants to stay she can. But I won’t just leave her and never come back,” he growled at her.
“How dare you–”
“I want to go with Gordon.”
The adults jumped out of their skin and looked at Stephanie. She was still in her little shorts and top, her hair probably all over the place. She walked to Grandma and gave her a hug.
“I love you,” she said softly. “But I want to go with Gordon.”
Grandma started to sob but after a lot of hugging, she was finally pried away by her uncle and walked to the car. They drove in silence.
She wasn’t scared anymore. In fact, she was a tiny bit excited that she might see her friends again. That would be fun, even if she were still upset and missing her mother. She smiled, drifting off to sleep.
“AAAAAAAAGGHHH!” Stephanie shouted, throwing a snowball over at Gordon. It hit his head just as he looked over his fort. “YYYYEEEEAAAHH! I’m the victor!”
“Never!” And he got her on the shoulder.
Stephanie laughed and continued to scream and pelt him with snowballs. When they were finished trying to annulate each other, they went inside to get hot chocolate. Stephanie sat on the sofa in the living room, blowing at the hot liquid. It would be Christmas in a few days and the big Christmas tree was almost hovering off the ground because of the amount of presents that were stacked underneath. Stephanie had bought Gordon and her six friends gifts which Gordon promised to give them. She was also going to bake some biscuits which he said he’d give to them also. That was tomorrow's job. The rest of it was for her.
Sometimes she felt bad that they always bought her things. But it wasn’t like she made them do it, so she didn’t think about it much.
“So, what are you hoping to get for Christmas?” Gordon asked, sitting across from her.
“You know what I want,” she said, taking a sip finally. It almost scalded her tongue. “I want to see my friends.”
He sighed. “Why can’t you want fun things like TV’s and games and money?”
“So… I can have a TV?”
“No. But that’s what you’re meant to want,” he told her. “Not even a book?”
She shrugged. “That would be nice, but I’d really like to see them.”
He smiled at her. “You know I can’t let you do that. I’m sorry Steph. I just want to keep you happy, you know.”
She smiled weakly. “I know. I love living with you. I just want to see them.”
“When you’re older, I promise. When you’re older we can all go on holiday, we can do anything you want. You’re just too young now. You could get hurt.”
She nodded and tried to think of what to do to make him see her as stronger and older. She bit her lip. “How would I get hurt visiting someone?”
“Because of their jobs. They take down bad guys, and you’re just too small. And don’t act like you wouldn’t get involved because we both know the first thing you’ll ask after you meet them is to go and work with them!”
Stephanie hesitated and decided it was best not to push. “Maybe I could do something now, before I meet them? Like learning to fight. Then I’ll be really strong when I’m older.”
He grinned. “Now that’s a good idea.”
It was summer again and almost Stephanie’s tenth birthday. In the nine months since Christmas, she had grown almost two inches and she’d been doing well at learning to fight. She had been allowed to join a junior Muay Thai class on Mondays and Thursdays, a boxing class on Fridays, and a morning kid’s fitness club on Monday through Friday mornings. There were mostly older kids there, but after a few months of fighting, she was good enough to keep up with them. On Tuesday and Wednesday evenings she swam. It really helped her relax and blow off steam from school. She really didn’t like school.
The weekends were strictly for her and Gordon, with a little homework time, so Stephanie was looking forward to tomorrow when they would get to go to a theme park. Plus the day after was her birthday. It was going to be a good birthday, especially since school had been so bad since she started. Year Five was not fun!
“Steph, are you ready?” Gordon called from the hall. “And have you seen my keys?”
“Here!” She grabbed Gordon’s key’s and they drove to the small gym where a load of kids were already standing around outside. She supposed it was still alright to do the class on the grass. The sky was white, and not in the about-to-rain way.
“I can’t wait until we start training inside again,” she moaned. “I like the inside.”
He grinned at her. “You’ll be alright. Now go kick their arses! If I get back and you’re not in trouble I will be deeply disappointed, young lady!”
Stephanie laughed and hurried to join the group. It was a good lesson and she had progressed enough that their teacher, a young man called Cory, allowed her and one of the older kids – they were all boys except for her – to spar.
“I can’t spar her!” He said, thrusting his small training glove at her. “She’s a girl!”
Stephanie put her mouth guard in and crawled into the ring. They had gone inside for the sparing. Gordon entered the building and waved to her. She grinned and waved back.
“Mate, just spar her. Trust me, she’ll be fine,” Cory told him. “Now get in there.”
The boy, maybe twelve and not much bigger than her though she could see he had more muscles, got in but he didn’t look happy. “I’m not fighting you,” he said lowly to Stephanie.
“Why not?” She frowned.
“You’re a girl!”
Stephanie rolled her eyes and punched him in the nose.
The boy's mum was furious with her. She had broken her poor boy's nose and he had been crying all the way to the hospital to get it fixed. Their trainer had kept her behind while they got it sorted and then high-fived Stephanie when he was gone and sent them on their way.
“I did it,” she claimed, sitting back in the car. “I did what you said. I won.”
“You did,” he grinned. “You have a mean punch.”
“I have,” she said seriously. “I want to meet my friends and go on adventures.”
His smile lessened but she felt he was not exactly upset. “So, what do you want for your birthday?”
She snored. “I still want to see my friends. Obviously.”
“When you’re older Steph. I promise. I’m going to tell them all about this though.”
She grinned. “Awesome.”
Secondary School was not fun. She had thought Primary School had been bad. This was a lot worse. She hated Secondary School. Who did Mrs Miller think she was? She was an idiot. She was a bitch. An idiot bitch.
“Steph?” Gordon called up the stairs as she stomped away. “What happened?”
“Nothing,” she growled, stomping to her room. She hated school.
She dumped her bag by her bed and laid down against the pillows. She’d had it redesigned for her eleventh birthday, choosing to get black display cases for all her gifts with lots of book space, a long desk, big bed and fluffy rug. The two big windows showcased the front garden beautifully and she got to see every time her friends came over. She never saw them themselves though. Not even from their cars. They were always blackened, and she couldn’t help but feel left out and upset that they didn’t want to see her. They still left her gifts, but a friend to talk to would be more appreciated.
“Steph?” Gordon asked quietly. “Can I come in?”
She shrugged, looking out the window. He sat at the end of her bed.
“What happened?” He asked.
“Please. I’m not that stupid. Tell me what’s up.”
She thought about it for a moment. “I hate Mrs Miller.”
“ And why’s that?”
“She’s nasty.”
“She said something nasty.”
“What did she say?”
“We got into an argument. I was making a drawing on my book, and I know that’s wrong, but she screamed at me in front of the whole class and then ripped my book apart.”
“What book?”
“My school one, the one I write in! She pulled out the page with pictures on it, even the one with things in the margins and put it all in the bin.”
“That’s not everything, is it?” He said, putting a hand on her knee.
She shook her head. “She got in my face and said ‘Do you think you’re smart? You’re going to grow up to be an idiot and never do anything in your life. Your parents will wish they never had you, they’ll wish they never knew you at all. Do you want that?’ and then she made me stand in the corner, but I refused, and she told me to leave the room, and I did, but I heard her say under her breath, ‘No wonder she has no friends.’ Who does that? This isn’t a – a – a fucking movie!”
He kissed the top of her head and let her language slide. “Let me call the school.”
She nodded and waited until she thought he was far away from the room before she cried.
Later that night after a takeaway pizza and ice cream, Stephanie laid in bed with her eyes closed, trying hard to fall asleep.
Her door opened.
“She was so upset,” Gordon said softly from the door. Stephanie tried to be as still as possible. “I’m worried about her.”
“She doesn’t seem to get on with people her own age well,” Crow’s velvet voice said. She really wanted to move now. “Perhaps you should reconsider our agreement.”
Gordon made a tutting sound. “I want Stephanie to have every opportunity in the world. Going on adventures is one of them. Until she’s at least a little older she won’t be able to realise the hardship and pain that comes with that type of life. I want her to be certain, to not hold her back. Just give her a little longer to have fun.”
“I understand,” Crow said quietly.
Her door shut.
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thebladeblaster · 4 years
Pokémon: the Vanguard Descends The Movie: Celebi Lost In Time (Part 2)
“Alright. Alright…”, Aichi replied half asleep, waving away Emi as she put her hands on her hips.
In Galar...
“Soon, the attack on Kakusa to retrieve master Gin’s family will be commenced.”, a Team Asteroid grunt said to another.
“Did you hear? Kakusa had the audacity to show 003v on tv dressed as Santa Claus.”, another grunt said.
“That’s probably just a stupid rumor.”, the other grunt replied.
“Hey has that plant always been there?”, the other pointed.
A pink potted flower sat next to the window seal. As the other grunt looked over to it had disappeared and the other grunt jumped. Out in the sky Celebi flew and was pink for some reason.
“So, that’s where she is Kakusa. 003v might also be there as well…”, Celebi thought as she flew by a ship.
Sharlene gasped as she saw Celebi from the ship’s scope.
“Celebi!”, Sharlene gasped.
She went to get Leon and her sister Jillian.
“Are you sure it was Celebi? You said it was pink.”, Jillian questioned.
Leon put his hand on his chin pondering before closing his eyes.
“I can feel it. It’s going east.”, Leon said.
“East huh? Are we going after it?”, Sharlene asked.
“I think I know where it’s going. Kakusa is east of here. If that’s really it’s destination we can’t follow. We were ordered not to attack till the planned time. However...we can send someone there. This is good opportunity to test the limits of the proto-dark balls.”, Leon said, before pulling out a phone.
“Why are they still prototypes anyway all of the tests have gone well?”, Jillian questioned.
“They have to be as strong as possible to be able to subjugate even the strongest of wills.”, Leon replied.
In Kakusa…
Celebi descended down on the coast of Sanctuary town. When she touched the ground she transformed to the winged girl from before in a flash without the wings though.
“I’d draw too much attention if I flew. I’ll have to walk around on foot.”, Celebi said to herself.
She looked around noticing various Pokémon scurrying onto the coast of Kakusa.
“If that monster is really here I can’t let him destroy this sanctuary.”, Celebi thought as she started walking.
At Histue Middle…
Aichi had just finished school and felt a bit exhausted from dealing with all the fans.
“I’ve gotta ask Kourin how she handles this.”, Aichi thought.
His expression lit up and he smiled as he saw Soul Saver in the distance, bolting towards him full of energy as usual. He felt a bit of spring in his step as well now.
“Haxorus! (Hi mommy!)”, Soul Saver greeted.
“Hello Soul Saver. You definitely have way more energy than I do.”, Aichi replied.
He got onto Soul Saver’s back and started to ride her home. He stopped when he saw someone he didn’t recognize waving at him to get his attention. Aichi stopped before the person wondering what this was about. The person was the redhead from back when Sanctuary town was taken over by Ren.
“Hey, you there, champ! I want a battle!”, the redhead said as he pointed at him.
“Haxorus! Haxorus! Haxorus! Haxorus! Haxorus? Haxorus? (Battle! Battle! Yah! Can we battle mommy?)”, Soul Saver asked.
“Alright. The elite four still aren't complete anyway and I accepted challengers who didn’t have all eight gym badges.”, Aichi replied as he rubbed the back of his head.
“Alright!”, the redhead replied.
“Well, I guess we can battle in the clearing near route 1.”, Aichi said.
At route 1
Aichi dismounted Soul Saver and stood across from the redhead.
“So, what’s your name?”, Aichi asked.
“Ishida Naoki.”, the redhead replied.
“Okay, Naoki. I’m Sendou Aichi. Let’s battle!”, Aichi replied.
“Go, Gauntlet!”, Naoki called out, throwing out a Gible.
“A dragon type huh? That’s pretty rare. Let go, Soul Saver!”, Aichi replied.
Soul Saver came forward prepared to battle.
“Were not about to lose to a steed! Gauntlet use dragon breath!”, Naoki said.
“Haxorus. Haxorus. (I’m no mere steed.)”, Soul Saver replied, puffing out her chest where the dragon breath hit which simply dispersed against her chest.
Naoki gaped at the level of power being displayed especially since the move should be super effective.
“It just brushed off my guy’s strongest attack by flexing?!”, Naoki gasped.
“Soul Saver use iron tail.”, Aichi ordered.
Soul Saver smacked the small dragon Pokémon with her tail which hardened to be as strong as steel. Gauntlet fell over fainting instantly from the attack.
“Damn it!”, Naoki cursed.
“Is something wrong? I can heal your Gible.”, Aichi replied, waving his hands.
Naoki recalled Gauntlet frowning.
“It’s not that.”, Naoki replied as he walked away.
“Wait!”, Aichi replied.
Naoki’s widened as the distance between them was closed in instance while he wasn’t paying attention. Naoki jumped a bit surprised how fast Aichi was.
“Why did you challenge me?”, Aichi asked as Naoki looked away with his hands in his pockets.
“I dunno. It was stupid considering you have six fully evolved Pokémon.”, Naoki replied.
“I guess I’m stupid too because I did the same thing in my first battle.”, Aichi chuckled, rubbing the back of his head.
“No way!”, Naoki replied with shock.
In Sanctuary town…
Celebi walked throughout the town in her human form, looking around. She gasped as she saw Emi in the distance who was on her way home.
“Emi! Emi! I finally found you!”, Celebi said as she ran up to Emi.
She froze noticing Emi looked rather young compared to how she remembered. She looked back at her with a confused look.
“Have we met?”, Emi asked.
“I-I…”, Celebi trailed off, not knowing what to do.
“Did I go the past?!”, Celebi thought.
Emi noticed how troubled and awkward the other girl was feeling.
“Umm...did you mistake me for someone you knew? I’m Sendou Emi, what’s your name?”, Emi asked.
“S-Sendou? My name is Shuka...just Shuka.”, Celebi now known as Shuka replied.
“I haven’t seen you before are you new here?”, Emi asked.
“Yes, I just came to Kakusa uhh...Sendou.”, Shuka replied as Emi giggled.
“No need to be so formal. Sendou is my family name you can just call me Emi.”, Emi replied as Shuka blushed in embarrassment realizing her mistake.
“I can show you around if you want. I don’t have any plans today.”, Emi replied, she froze a bit realizing the girl seemed strangely familiar.
She had definitely seen her somewhere, but she couldn’t remember where. She cocked her head and put her finger under her chin as she tried to think of where she had seen Shuka.
“That would be nice. Thank you.”, Shuka replied a bit nervously, still feeling awkward.
In Galar…
“So, you want us to get Celebi for you? We’re not exactly your lap dogs.”, a male voice said from the phone Leon held.
“That’s true. Your group is separate from us, but I am aware that you have worked with 004a in the past. It’s not an order more of an offer. You can even keep Celebi if you want. I simply believe it would be a great test for the proto-dark balls and once their complete your organization will receive a generous donation of them.”, Leon replied.
“Interesting. Those dark balls do interest me along with acquiring a mythical Pokémon. You have a deal 002f.”, the voice replied.
“Great.”, Leon replied before hanging up.
“You aren’t serious about giving them dark balls and letting them catch Celebi are you?”, Jillian questioned.
“They won’t catch Celebi as long as 003v has anything to say about it. But, they will still be able to test the dark balls and I can get some more info on 003v’s current strength. I intend on sending some Intelions to spy on 003v as he fights the rare hunters.”, Leon replied.
“You're so smart, master Leon!”, Sharlene replied.
“Don’t forget we’re supposed to call him 002f, Sharlene!”, Jillian replied.
Near route 1…
Aichi and Naoki sat down on the grass. Soul Saver laid down on her stomach next to Aichi.
“Man that’s so crazy! You challenged a crazy strong guy in your first battle? You’ve definitely got some guts!”, Naoki laughed.
“Hehe. Well, everyone’s gotta start somewhere. To be honest I was super scared throughout my whole first battle. That’s where everything began for me.”, Aichi replied.
“You really are different from how I remember.”, Naoki replied as Aichi looked over to him surprised.
He then finally noticed his Miyaji middle uniform. He then was able to put two and two together from there.
“Oh!!! You're from Miyaji. I didn’t notice at all.”, Aichi replied.
“Yeah, in case you're wondering we never really interacted face to face, but I knew of you.”, Naoki explained.
“That’s a relief. I felt really awkward thinking I had forgotten you or something.”, Aichi replied.
Naoki looked at Aichi’s Histue uniform a bit sadly.
“I really should have done something. I was a big kid. I could have stopped those jerks who always picked on you. It got so bad you had to change schools for middle school.”, Naoki replied, lowering his head.
Aichi put his hand on his back.
“It’s alright. Besides everything’s fine now.”, Aichi assured.
“How can you forgive me or any of those other jerks from Miyaji so easily?”, Naoki questioned.
“It was a long time ago. Besides what would being angry do?”, Aichi replied.
“I guess you’re right. As for your question earlier I challenged you because I saw how much you had changed back when you saved Sanctuary town. I thought maybe battling had something to do with it so I tried battling you to see if I could change too. It’s funny I never thought I used Gauntlet again after I gave up on being a trainer years ago.”, Naoki replied.
“I’m glad we battled Naoki. You know I think I can help.”, Aichi replied.
“You think you’ll have time when you're the champion?”, Naoki questioned.
“We’ll I’m not busy everyday. I only attend meetings once a week and we’ll besides that I’m still looking for someone to fill the last elite four spot and it’s not like I spend all day doing that.”, Aichi replied.
“What happened to the elite four?!”, Naoki questioned cluelessly.
“Well.. 3/4ths of them were Team Asteroid so they left. I got Mamoru and Kazumi to fill two of the spots.”, Aichi explained.
“Wasn’t the Mamoru guy champion before? Who the heck is Kazumi?”, Nadoki asked.
“Yeah, Mamoru was champion before Ren was. Kazumi is actually a rather new trainer. He started a couple of weeks ago and he got all eight gym badges rather fast. When he heard about the elite four problem he offered to help out by filling one of the spots.”, Aichi answered.
“Oh, yeah you mentioned that earlier.”, Naoki replied.
“Yeah, it’s not as urgent as the seventh gym leader problem was. Thankfully I convinced Kyou to become the seventh gym leader. Not a lot of people get as far as the elite four as they do to the seventh gym.”, Aichi replied.
“So, what do you plan to do to help me anyway?”, Naoki asked.
“I dunno, but I’ll think of something.”, Aichi replied honestly as Naoki sweat dropped.
In Sanctuary town…
Emi and Shuka walked around the town with Emi showing her the various places in the small town. They got some Boba tea while they walked around town with Emi paying for the tea.
“You really are too nice Emi.”, Shuka said.
“It’s nothing. Besides the boba tea here is really cheap.”, Emi replied.
The two girls smiled at each other giggling.
“You know this has been a lot of fun though it started out awkward. I wonder if we’ve really met before. I had this strange feeling when I first saw you that I couldn’t place.”, Emi admitted.
“Really?”, Shuka questioned.
“Yeah, I don’t know why I’ve lived in Kakusa for most of my life so that should be impossible.”, Emi replied.
Shuka was silent pondering what this meant. If she was sent back in time Emi should have no recollection of her at all. Despite dealing with time travel before she was still puzzled about her situation. She didn’t have this problem before because she only used to show up during peacetimes. She had no idea when or where in when she was exactly. It couldn’t be a completely alternative universe or she wouldn’t recognize her.
“If I knew where Dran was I’d ask him. As the time legendary he knows way more about this than I do. I can simply travel through time, but I can’t control it the same way he does.”, Shuka thought.
“Yeah, it’s strange. I feel like I’ve met you too.”, Shuka replied.
“You even knew my name which was kinda weird. Maybe we have met somewhere? Or it’s just some crazy coincidence?”, Emi questioned.
Emi looked rather confused when Shuka suddenly froze. Shuka glared at whatever she was looking at and Emi turned her attention to what she was looking at. Her eyes widened as she noticed Aichi walking with some scary looking red headed boy and Soul Saver who had a little Gible riding on her head. It looked like the two dragon Pokémon were getting along chatting about something. She grew more confused when Shuka got in front of her, raising a white staff that seemed to come out of nowhere.
Aichi suddenly froze, much to Naoki’s confusion. A rainbow spiral briefly appeared in Aichi’s eyes which he thought was a trick of the light. Aichi suddenly turned his attention to two girls who had soba tea and one who held out some sort of staff.
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nova9 · 4 years
Taiyuu oct round 2. | Aimi vs Shou |
*im on mobile so it won't let me add a tab sorry for the wall of text!!!
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To say you were nervous was an understatement, a very, very big one. And that nervousness only got worse and worse as you and your other classmates got closer to where you'd all be separated.
As a new transfer, you'd not managed to form strong bonds with anyone yet, but you didn't know anyone in class 1A that didn't consider you as a good team member, no one particularly disliked you, that you knew of at least.
But that was class 1A class 1B was a different story. You knew for a fact that there were people who didn't like you for your quirk. You didn't particularly mind that at all because everyone's entitled to their own opinions. Still, now that you were going to be facing off against them, it was an utterly different situation.
Aside from the fact that you'd never really used your quirk in combat against another living thing before. Not even in sparing somehow, you'd gotten away with just avoiding activating your quirk for its intended purposes. Instead of using your blades to strike, they'd only ever been activated to defend you from blows, create armor, or other pretty mundane uses.
This morning as you sat with your classmates and listened to the principal, announce the next round of exams. You'd crossed your fingers, hoping that it would be a written one, but of course, it wasn't, why would it be?
This is a school for future hero's to master their quirks, and to protect people,
To master your quirk, you have to use it in combat.
Something that terrified you to do.
The last time you physically used your quirk on someone, they lost an arm. While yes, they would have died had you not done what you had still, the way your blades so easily cut threw his flesh and bone, like it was nothing but soft butter, was both amazing and downright terrifying.
Years of practice have given you the ability to dull your blades at will, which thanks to your classmates and trainers protective gear and quirks of their own combined with upmost discipline on your end have made it so that no one has gotten their skin broken even accidentally.
But still, you knew better than anyone else that a dull blade is still a blade; all it does is make the cut a lot less clean.
Coming to Tayuu has been both remarkable and utterly awful in the fact that it's like removing a bandage that's been on way too long and has kind of grown into the skin. You're excited to get it off, but it hurts like hell to take it off. You're also too scared to just rip it off all at once, so its just kind of dangling there on your skin getting caught and tugging on things which makes it sting even worse.
You knew that you would be using your quirk on others eventually. You knew that you'd have to do it, but now your stomach feels like it's trying to claw its way out of your throat as you got closer to the place where this whole simulation would be taking place.
As far as you comprehended, all there was to do was locate and retrieve the ball. God, you wished that you had the confidence to just think of it like that. But there was also the fact that you were up against a member of the other class. It could be against someone who hated you. It could give them a reason to attack you, forcing you to use your quirk on them, and you didn't want that.
You didn't know much about anyone from the other class. This was the first time since your enrollment that you'd taken part in a class vs. class scenario.
The field of manufactured buildings that replaced the training grounds was so vast that you couldn't even try to see who was on the other side even if you knew it was the other class the fact that you didn't know who you'd be facing off against was nerve-racking enough on its own. Not to mention the fact that you had to defeat them to get a chance at winning probably.
"Lighten up, Aimi! You'll do great!" Ameko, one of the classmates you've gotten close too called at you over her shoulder as she walked with her friends ahead of you. You'd always had a habit of trailing behind the group. Even if no one ever really given you a reason not to feel included. The opposite, they've all been inviting for the most part. Even Lymeron, with her rash personality, people often joke that if she's not trying to fight, then she doesn't love you.
You're still not used to the concept of friends, but that doesn't mean you're not interested, you've just gotta get a better hold on your quirk first then you'd feel comfortable with hug attacks or jump scares. But until then you're happy watching them be happy from a distance. Your only hope at the moment anyway was to make sure you didn't fail them.
You knew that just passing the entrance exam wasn't enough to prove that you'd be a valuable team member, wanted that fact to be carved into stone, and getting passed someone you had no clue about was one step closer you'd get to that goal.
You were on the number one spot which you hated, and you were to stand here and watch your classmates walk farther down the stone column to their own spaces.
It was nothing but something to make your already spent nerves worse. It gave you time to look out over the vast playing field clearly marked with barriers and lines that defined where you were allowed to be and where you weren't allowed to be, it also gave you time to start a complete internal meltdown.
You weren't stupid; these other students had weeks more class time than you did, most of them had a ton more experience with their quirks than you did. The chance that you were going to succeed was slim to none, but you were just stupid enough to take that chance, so when the buzzer sounded announcing the start of the game, you jumped in just as fast as anyone else.
You dodged in and out of the buildings and alleyways, not having any real point of focus other than to find this damn ball orb thing. It was much easier said than done, you could hear the sounds of battle around you, but you weren't particularly concerned with them. You were too busy flitting around looking in each and every window you could reach for the orb.
As time drew onward, you could tell that finding the orb alone was going to be almost impossible, and the threat of an unknown opponent was always on your mind. You could hear explosions going on from other fights you didn't see or hear anything from your opponent at the same time.
But what if that's the point?
What if they've got a stealth quirk made for sneaking, and if they have any kind of tracking ability, they'll have the orb back to their goal before you get a chance to even lay eyes on it.
You got deep enough in thought that you almost didn't hear it—the tapping.
It was like glass tapping against the glass, and while it was hardly audible over the other fighting, it was distinctly closer, so you played a game of high tension hot and cold with the damn noise. Either it was your opponent or something else, finding anything at this point would be better than finding something.
You were almost at a loss until you saw a faint blue flickering against a shop window. Upon closer inspection, you realized that it wasn't in the shop but the building opposite the road. It looked like an apartment building, and somewhere near the third floor was a light blue flickering glow.
Without thinking, you took the most direct route by scaling the side of the brick building with your blades as climbing gear. You noticed that it seemed more natural to hoist yourself the higher you got.
You hardly paused for a half a second to look for the ball before you busted into the room the glow was coming from with your quirk.
As you stepped into the room, you almost thought that you'd mistaken a ceiling light for your orb because it was on the ceiling.
It confused you for a moment because it looked almost like it was stuck up there, but before you had the chance to get a good look at it, it was getting closer to you, or so you thought. When you moved to step away, you realized that your feet weren't actually o the ground anymore.
You were fucking floating?!
And then it happened again.
That embarrassing thing always happens when you get startled, and you hate it, not only because it shows how little control you have over your quirk but also destroys your clothes.
"Oh, my bad." A voice said from behind you as you struggled to maneuver yourself around in the air, you started to float towards being upside down. As the person made their way around you, you were able to direct yourself towards them just as they grabbed onto the orb-like, it was nothing.
You'd seen them a couple of times in the hallway. You didn't know their name or anything, and to be honest, you didn't know what their quirk was until right this second, but apparently, it was something to do with weightlessness or antigravity. A quirk you'd never really thought you'd be going up against and had no clue how to combat.
"Hey!" You shouted as they reached for the orb so casually it was insulting. "I was here first!" You added as they looked at you with mild confusion. "Physically, I mean, I guess." They shrugged. "But my quirk is what got you up here so fast, so technically I was here first." They said.
You couldn't do much other than struggle to stay upright as they casually made their way towards the door like it was nothing. They thought that you weren't a threat, and could you blame them? YOu're floating around like a dummy.
You were so frustrated that by the time he was out the door, you were half in tears.
Here you were with your super lethal quirk reduced to nothing but a bumbling fucking balloon floating there pitying yourself.
You then noticed that you were slowly lowering towards the ground.
You didn't go directly after them as soon as your feet hit the ground because you knew that there was a chance that you'd just be floating again if they knew you were closing in on them.
You went outside the building and began climbing downwards but stopped as soon as you noticed yourself feeling lightweight again.
You froze on the spot. You didn't even know if you were breathing. You wanted to be as quiet as possible to remain undetected. You watched as they exited the building threw the main entrance lazily floating tossing the orb as if they were utterly unbothered by the fact that they were in any kind of competition at all.
You took the time you had to analyze, hoping they couldn't freaking teleport or anything else like that.
You watched taking note of the fact that there seemed to be a limited area of zero gravity around them, making everything around them float from papers and rocks in the streets to cars that seemed to lift themselves slightly when they got too near.
But there had to be something that could be done.
You finished climbing back down as they entered an ally way back towards their goal area. You had time, but not much. You had to move now that you had a prime opportunity; it could be the only chance you had.
You ran towards the alleyway, and as soon as you got the feeling of weightlessness, you anchored yourself to the ground with your blades, ruining your shoes but keeping you in place.
All you had to do was keep yourself attached to the ground or to the narrow alley walls to get done what you needed to do.
You didn't give yourself time to second guess the plan and ran for it.
When they noticed you were there, they turned around in shock, but with how quick you were landing a punch square in their snout wasn't hard and it sent them spinning in their quirk.
But it also caused them to let go of the orb, sending it floating up towards the sky. You moved on impulse, not stopping to consider if what you were doing was going to work, but thank god it did!
You were able to use their quirk to help you propel yourself upwards, gripping into the stone of the walls for leverage and kickback off of them to get closer to the orb.
You were able to grip onto it and had hardly an inch of space left on the wall to anchor yourself before you would have continued floating to the freakin moon!
Once you were secured, you looked down to see your opponent floating up towards you and the lack of gravity getting stronger every foot they got closer to you.
There was no point in fighting them. Their nose was already dripping blood that was pooling up from where you probably broke it.
Now all you had to do was get away, and with your blades, that was a done deal.
You didn't think you'd ever ran so fast in your life, and as soon as you felt your full weight on your blades, you left nothing but small box cutter sized blades out on the bottom of your feet just Incase to keep some small grip on the ground as you sprinted.
You started feeling sick the moment you got into view of your goal line. It wasn't a familiar feeling but not something you felt often. Its what happened when you used your quirk too much, your iron was too low, which made you nauseous and faint.
It didn't stop you from making it, though! You ran over your goal line and to the back to place the orb on its pedestal before promptly turning around and spilling your guts all over the ground.
Despite winning, you felt super embarrassed. Your clothes were destroyed, your makeup was running from crying before, you puked all over what was left of your shoes, and there was a possibility that you'd pass out in it.
Whats a win when it cost you all this?
"Good job Otsuka!" A voice you didn't expect to hear chimed in front of you. You looked up to see the principal of the school standing there, smiling at you like you didn't have puke covering the front of your shirt.
Laccadaisy thankfully pretended that she didn't see you using your tattered shirt sleeve to wipe the tears and vomit from your face. YOu didn't think you could have withstood embarrassment anymore at the moment.
"T-thanks, but I could've done better." You said hoarsely because your throat still stung.
"What do you mean? Last I checked your goal in quirk training was to use your quirk in battle effectively." She asked, turning her head confused. "I didn't use my quirk in battle…" you mumbled, not understanding.
She stood there for a moment before laughing at something.
"The battle wasn't to beat your opponent, the point of this test was to get the orb and you did that. You used your quirk to do that." She said confidently. "I could name more than a few people who wouldn't have had such an advantage against Mujuyo Shous Mircogravity quirk!" She added.
"But if I hadn't-" you started
"If you hadn't thought to use your quirk effectively, you would probably be floating in the sky somewhere by now." She interrupted you.
"You're thinking too critically about the whole thing. You did what you meant to do." She added as if that was the end of it before another buzzer went off in the distance.
"Opp, there's another one! I'll see you later! Go to the medbay and get checked, we're all going to meet in the mess hall when everyone's finished!" She called over her shoulder as she made her way towards the latest buzz.
Every step you took towards the med bay, you felt worse, your lightheadedness coupled with the fact that you couldn't keep yourself from shaking made you feel like you should work on your limits as much as restraining your quirk.
You tripped over your own feet about halfway there, and while it hurt when your cheek scrapped the sidewalk, the cold concrete felt good against your skin.
You woke up in the med bay still half out of it. The dizziness only got worse as you sat up.
"Here, this should help you feel better in no time!" The nurse said, handing you what looked like candy before you even asked any questions.
"Sorry." You muttered after shivering at the bitter taste of the completely deceiving looking purple gummy.
"For what, dear?" The nurse asked as if she had no idea what you were apologizing for.
"I know I'm a bit heavier than I look, must have been hard carrying me back here." You said.
"Oh, I didn't! Young Mujuyo did! Their quirk makes things like that easy, you know!" She said happily before someone in the cot next to you started groaning out in pain.
The same Mujuyo you'd just sucker-punched in the face brought you back? To say you were confused was an understatement, but you didn't feel like pressing the nurse for more details when you were more hungry than anything else.
When you got to the mess hall, you found a table of your classmates who'd finished their matches, and they welcomed you into the conversation with enthusiastic praise about your passing.
You did, however, catch Shou's eyes from across the room, and even though they lost, they were still laughing with his friends. When he saw you looking at them, they just smiled and gave you a wave-like he wasn't bothered at all.
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all-might-blog · 4 years
I am here- Chapter 1
The number 1 hero hasn't always been who people think he is now. He had a different name, a different life. It was a small encounter and the passion of his dream that changed it all...
I have been wanting to write an origin story about All Might ever since I begun to read the series a month ago. He is my favorite character. Not because he is famous and the strongest and all that, but because he is a complex, strong-willed character I can comprehend and that drew me even closer to him. It was a great dissapointment for me when the last embers of One for all died from inside him, because I knew that nothing would be the same for him or anybody else. A new era was arising, and it would change a lot of things. This is a version of his origin. I've done a lot of research on the case and re-read chapters as well as taken notes on important parts on his past for this. So I hope that my hard works pays off and that this is the closet thing I could have to his origin story. I hope you enjoy the ride as well as feel what All Might feels in each, single moment of this story. Enjoy!
Chapter 1: Quirkless
Yagi Toshinori was quirkless. He had grown up watching all the other kids alike get their quirks. Had grown up watching them use them. Grown up knowing that not all humans were born equal and that he had just had been one of the unlucky ones to end up at the bottom of the social hyerarchy.
Yagi Toshinori didn't have a proper family. His mother had left him and his father many years ago when he was wo and his father was barely ever at home. He was the only child and therefore had no siblings to play, argue or talk with. No friends to speak of, either, since he was always being pushed down because he didn't have a quirk that would help him protect himself.
Yagi Toshinori was always alone. Yagi Toshinori tried to hold on to the hope that he would become a hero, even if he was quirkless. Yagi Toshinori wanted to help others. He wanted to be... the Symbol of Peace. Someone people could trust and look up to, someone people could rely on to tell them that it would all be fine.
Yagi Toshinori was a quirkless kid. he was thin and gaunt. He didn't feel loved by his father, or in fact, anyone else. Perhaps he would have gone down the dark path of a villain. Perhaps he would have been someone people feared. Someone who could instil fear and darkness into the hearts of everyone. But he would never allow himself to become like that. He did not want to become a hero just to look good or to be number 1! He wished to help anyone and everyone who needed it. To bring hope and calm into his people. To tell them that it would all be fine because he was there to protect them and make sure they would be okay. He held on to that hope because it really was the only thing moving him forward, the only thing that made him get back up even after a bunch of kids had beaten him down. The thing that had made him cheer himself up whenever he realized that his father wouldn't be home for dinner. The thing that made him think just keep pushing because I will get there even though his goals looked way too far away from his reach.
He would become a hero in some way. He would help and save people. He would do everything in his power to get to that point.
Yagi Toshinori shouldered his backpack with a sigh at how heavy it felt on his back. He had tried to build up strength by working out everyday, and yet he never seemed to build up a single bit of muscle. Maybe it was because of the stress, the fear, the helplessness that people infected in him, scared that a villain would suddenly attack them. That won't be there as soon as I find a way to become the symbol of peace, he thought, walking down one of the many hallways of his school. Students walked to and fro all around him, their expressions carefree- for now. As soon as they left the school, it would all be fear and stress until they got into the safety of their homes. But even then they were not absolutely safe. Toshinori turned a corner and nearly crashed into another student.
"WATCH IT, deku!" he growled at him. Toshinori yelped, jumping back. The student shoved past him, nearly making him fall. He was used to how people treated him, but it was still painful.
He already longed for the quiet and empty of his home. Maybe it didn't feel like home, but it did feel like a shelter he could return to whenever he needed quiet. Then he would go to the park a few steets down and run laps and exercise by climbing trees or doing stretches and that sort of things. He liked these days, since it made him focus on his goal and his work, making him forget about the rest. It was a bliss to be able to escape all the bad thoughts, even if it was for a little while.
Toshinori took the public bus to his home and quickly walked all the way to his block. His house was far too big. It was always empty except for the times his father came and himself. He didn't feel his father's presence when the older man came, however, since he never paid attention to him. Not that he minded it too much; sure, he wished that his father would pay attention to him, but he was cold and disconnected from his son and only cared about what good grades he got and that he left the house as soon as possible and live his own life away from him. Toshinori already knew that he wanted to get into U.A, the best hero school in the whole of Japan. He was just thirteen, but it would be next year the time that he would have to find a way to somehow pass the exam. Of cousrse, there was the problem that he was quirkless and all that. He wished every day for something to happen, for the rules to change or a miracle to happen. Anything that could get him in would work.
He opened the front door and entered the house, leaving his shoes neatly by the entrance and closing the door behind him before running upstairs to his bedroom. He changed out of his plain, black school uniform and into his favorite jumpsuit, putting a headband over his messy, blonde curls. He packed inside a small sports bag a towel and a bottle of water. He then went back downstairs, put on his best (and only) pair of trainers and went back outside. He knew that this time he wasn't going outside to start a new school day, but to train and become a hero. The air felt different to him and he felt a lot better dressed in his jumpsuit as he walked across the street towards the park.
It was a six-minute walk away from his home, which was pretty descent. If his father dedcided to call him in early, he wouldn't be too far away. Plus, he could stay there all afternoon without fear of returning too late. And at this time, it was usually empty of people, so he had it all to himself. He entered through the broken gate (no one had bothered fixing it after many years) and walked over to the bench he usually leftbhis stuff on. He then started his daily routine of running laps around the entire perimeter of the park as a way to warm up. Barely a few minutes passed before heis concentration was interrupted by the arrival of someone else. However, he continued to jog, breathing in rythm with each footstep he took.
"You look very determined," he suddenly jumped, but didn't stop running, when the person he had seen enter the park caught up to him. It was a woman, wearing a black and purple jumpsuit. She had long, black hair and a kind-looking face. Toshinori shruged.
"Yeah." he said, focussing his eyes on the path ahead of him.
"You come here everyday?"
"Yeah. Why do you want to know?"
"Just curious." she said. The continued running in silence for a little longer.
"Is it fine if I ask why you do this?" she asked.
"I want to get stronger. Right now, I am weak." he said between pants. She hummed.
"I see. Is there a particular reason why, if I may ask?"
"I want to help people." he replied. "If I am quirkless, then at least I can get stronger, right?" a short silence.
"I suppose so. So you want to be a hero?"
"Yeah." he sudenly wondered why he was even speaking to this woman. Was it because she hadn't rejected him for being quirkless? "I want to be someone people can look up to."
"And you believe you can do it?"
"I've been hanging on to that hope ever since I was told I was going to remain quirkless for the rest of my life." he anwsered. The woman remained quiet for a moment longer.
"You sure have the heart of a hero, boy." she said. He slowed down to a stop. She realized that and stoped as well about five meters away from him, turning around to look at him. He looked thin and yet... strong in the evening light. A promise.
"You really think so?" he asked, fighting the tears that were beginning to well up in his eyes. That had been the first time someone had told him such words of encouragement. His little ember of hope suddenly seemed bigger.
"Not all of us have to have quirks to become heroes. It just takes a strong heart, and perhaps a little boost. But if you have a heart capable of feeling, then I believe you can be called a hero." she said. Toshinori quickly wiped at his eyes as a tear began to fall.
"No one... no one has ever..." he mumbled.
"I once read an old book. One of my favorite quotes was 'the essential is invisible to the eyes'. I believe that a heart is essential. People just tend to think thatbhaving a quirk that will make you strong is enough... but a heart is necessary as well." she said. Toshinori limited himself to nodding, fearing that he would burst into tears if he dared to speak. "I believe that you could also become a hero with that heart of yours, young one. You aren't wasting your time... in fact... I think that some day, everyone will know and speak your name."
Toshinori tok a pair of deep breaths to attempt calmong himself down. Emotions were swelling up inside him, the woman's words echoing in his head.
"Do you take opportunities, my boy?" she asked.
"As many as I can if it means to reach my goal," he said in a trembling voice. She gave him a smile.
"If you would like, I could be your mentor." she said. "I am a skilled hero and I would like to help you. What do you think?"
Toshinori's mouth trembled. "Th- that would be... awesome doesn't describe it." he said. She laughed.
"Is that a yes then?" she asked. He nodded his head. "I come here every day, and asuming that you do too..."
"Yes. I do."
"Perfect. My name is Shimura Nana." she replied. "I will be honored to make a hero out of you."
"Toshinori. Yagi Toshinori."
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dc-x-readers · 5 years
Protect (Zatanna Zatara x Reader)
Request from @freedomfighterposts Request to have a Zatanna x fem reader where Zatanna wants to practise more of her physical abilities and seeks out reader who trains people like Jason Todd to help train her. Zatanna gets enamoured by readers sweaty, glistening abs and muscles and acts very submissive to reader but then Z uses magic to impress reader into getting a fancy date which reader isnt the most comfortable with where its zatannas turn to act dominant.
I am aware that Zatanna was a part of the original group for Young Justice, but I have decided to ignore that for the sake of this story. In this Imagine Zatanna joined Young Justice around the time Donna Troy did. I got a little carried away with this one. Sorry
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You lived your life by two rules: Keep moving, and don’t get killed. They seemed to be simple rules, but somehow they consumed your entire life.
You had been a nomad of sorts since you turned fifteen, moving from place to place just long enough so that you could survive. That all changed when you met a half feral Jason Todd. He was scared, strong and angry, just arising from the Lazurus pit, and you felt pity. So you taught him how to fight, and how to kill, his previous mentor had done a good job with defensive techniques, but Jason had been sorely lacking on the offensive.
When Jason announced he was going home, you went with him. Because why the hell not? You had already been in one place too long, and you liked Jason, he was like a little brother.
In Gotham, after the whole debacle with Jason and his father, Jason introduced you to the Batman. Jason said you were the best trainer out there, and Batman didn’t believe it.
Batman asked to spar with you, no weapons, just one on one. You knew Batman was strong, he was an inch or two taller than Jason, who towered over you, and he was seemingly built with all muscles. Besides that he had experience. But you agreed, because Jason wanted this, and you would do anything for the stupid boy.
You and Batman circled each other, your fists raised to fight. He attacked first, coming at you with a powerful swing. You planted yourself to look as if you were going to block the move, but at the last second circled away. Batman stumbled forward slightly, but he turned quickly with a kick to you gut. It knocked you back, but you countered with three rapid punches.
The fight went on for fifteen minutes, before Batman finally knocked you down. You were both sweaty and tired.
From beneath his cowl you saw Batman grin slightly, he had won, but you had put up one hell of a fight. Almost his equal in the match.
“If you want Y/N.” Batman said, “I have a job for you.”
And you did want, because it let you be close to your chosen brother. Batman appointed you the trainer of Young Justice, a group of teenage heroes. And your first lesson would be the following day.
You arrived in Mount Justice about a half hour early, Jason by your side. He was no longer a member of the little sidekick group, but he wanted to be here with you on your first day. You didn’t tell him you were grateful, but he knew.
He knew you weren’t the best with social interactions, a side effect of living on the road for so long, connections were hard for you to make. Jason being here was his way of supporting you.
The Young Justice members came into the room, most one time, a few moments late.
“To start I want to train one on one with each of you. Five minutes sparring with me, see where you are all at. And no use of powers, I want to see your innate ability.” You stated, and began to pull your shirt over your head, leaving you in a sports bra.
You shirt covered you face when you heard running footsteps, the a voice breathlessly saying, “Sorry that I’m…”
The girl trailed off, and you threw your shirt to the side seeing a youn g woman with long black hair and a ridiculous costume. She was staring at you with a slack jaw and wide eyes.
“Late.” You supplied.
The girl nodded twice, still silent her mouth still hanging open. You turned away, uncomfortable with her stare, but from the corner of your eye you saw a girl nudge her in the ribs.
You called forward the members of the team one at a time to fight.
First was Donna Troy. She had lots of power, but relied too heavily on her strength.
Next was Tim Drake. His moves were calculated and with quick precision, but he had the same problem that Jason had when he started. He was inept at offensive fighting.
And it went on until it was time for Zatanna, the girl who had stared at you. She shuffled to the center of the ring, her get up was terrible for fighting. Tights, High Heels, and at tuxedo jacket?
She wasn’t as bad as you thought she would be, which wasn’t saying much. She was able to spin kick, and do acrobatic flips, but she wasn’t able to really fight.
When all the sidekicks were done fighting, and Jason was done snickering at their attempts, you clapped you hands together once. You looked at each of them, they were all woefully untrained, and those with special abilities relied too heavily on them.
“You all did okay, but we have a lot of work to do.” You stated. “I’m going to make a schedule for training, and if any of you need just sign up for more.”
Most of the kids groaned, but you gave them a glare which shut them up.
The schedule was posted at the end of the day, most people were only one two to three times a week, but those who needed extra help, like Beast Boy and Zatanna were on the schedule five times.
Training was easy, you had been fighting your entire life, and you picked up new moves easily. You also learned the best ways to avoid injuries. So passing on your knowledge seemed fair.
You came to enjoy your daily spars, you liked fighting with Tim the best. He was quiet and took instructions well, never trying to talk with you unless to ask relevant questions. The same could not be said for the rest of your students. They all wanted to know your history and your life story, usually if you glared at them extra hard the line of questioning for the day would be done.
Zatanna however was different, she seemed quiet when she was with you, her eyes were always wide as she stared at you. When you put your hands on her to correct her posture sometimes she would jump, or flinch. You wondered what you did to this girl, and why she was so afraid of you, especially because you knew she was rather talkative with the rest of her peers.
It was your twelfth training session with Zatanna and her progress was incredibly slow. All of your other students were showing marked improvements, but Zatanna was showing nothing.
At the end of your session you looked her up and down. She was sitting on the bench, exhausted, drinking for a bottle of water, clearly she was working hard, but nothing was clicking for her.
“Zatanna.” You said, she looked up at the sound of your voice, her eyes met yours then turned away quickly. You gracefully chose to ignore that. “Next time we work together wear gym clothes, not… that.”
And for the first time since you met her you saw Zatanna bristle with emotions. Usually around you she was shy and guarded, but suddenly she looked frustrated.
“Why? What’s wrong with my uniform?” She asked defensively.
Uniform, so that’s what she called her get up.
“It’s not good for hand to hand combat, too many moving parts, and high heels.” You repled, leaning down to get a sip of water yourself.
“I don’t understand why I even need to learn this stuff.” Zatanna spoke angrily, her tone was sharp, “I have my magic. It’s all I need.”
“And if your magic fails, if someone takes it away?” You asked coldly, and you saw Zatanna open her mouth, about to mount another defense, but you continued. “What if you’re up against an enemy who is evenly matched in power. You need other skills to survive as a hero.”
You turned around an stormed out of the room, not giving  the girl a chance to respond. But the next time you trained with Zatanna, she was wearing gym clothes, and you smiled.
Zatanna’s progress was still slow, but she was doing better then before. She was still shy, an blushed whenever you gave her slight contact. It was after a particularly rough session that you finally asked.
Normally you wouldn’t pry into your student’s social life, because you didn’t want them to ask about yours, but she was different. She seemed afraid of you, and that was off-putting.
“Do I make you uncomfortable?” You asked as she sipped from her waterbottle.
Zatanna almost choked, her eyes darted to you, then back to her drink, “Of course you make me uncomfortable, I mean your so hot. And all controlling, and you have glistening sweating abs, and your biceps. And oh God, I just said this all out loud.”
You stared at Zatanna shocked, people generally didn’t like you, you were stony and hard to get along with.
Zatanna looked at you, her face was a deep red by now, “I’m sorry.”
“What?” You asked dumbly.
“I made you uncomfortable didn’t I?” Zatanna sighed, “I really need to learn how to filter.”
You sat down next to Zatanna, she was looking down at her hands rather upset. You felt a pang in your chest, you didn’t like seeing her like this. So sad and worried.
“You didn’t make me uncomfortable.” You lied. She did make you uncomfortable, but it wasn’t really because she had feelings for you, it was more because most people made you uncomfortable. You had kept everyone at an arms length before Jason, and it was hard to let anyone in now.
Zatanna looked up with a soft smile, “Really?”
“Really.” You confirmed.
You stood up, readying yourself to pack up your things. But Zatanna said something that shocked you, “Would you go, I mean would you like to go on a date with me?”
You stared at her unsure what to say, you had never been asked out before. Zatanna seemed crestfallen at your look, so you quickly smiled, not liking to see her upset.
The night of your big date with Jason you were pacing in your apartment. Jason was laughing as you nervously checked your hair and reapplied make-up.
“Just be yourself.” Jason said rather unhelpfully.
“Shut up!” You shot back, making him laugh more.
You had changed your outfit three times before Zatanna knocked on your door. She arrived looking gorgeous, a well tailored suit jacket and slacks, with no shirt beneath. You could see her pale skin, and your heart fluttered at the idea.
“Come on, the restaurant is waiting.” Zatanna said with a large smile.
You smiled nervously, and nodded, following her out to the car. Jason called out behind the two of you, something about not doing anything he would do. You blushed harder.
Zatanna lead you to a glossy and sleek black car, opening the door for you. It was strange that she was so confident on this date and you were so nervous, it was as if you personalities had switched.
The restaurant was really nice, you and Zatanna had a low lit booth in the corner.
You opened your mouth, but unsure what to say you closed it again.
“Are you nervous?” Zatanna asked playfully.
“A little.” Was your honest answer. Zatanna’s smile grew wide at the news. She looked so pretty in the here.
“Wow, I thought you were super alpha female, not scared of anything.” Zatanna smirked, “It’s good to know that I am aloud to be more dominant in this relationship.”
You didn’t really know what Zatanna was talking about, but when she smiled at you everything felt safer. She talked to you the whole night, and you actually enjoyed your time.
As much as you physically protected her, teaching her to fight and all, she seemed to emotionally protect you.
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one-night-story · 5 years
And I Still Hear The Echoes (Leon from Pokémon)
A/N: y’know, I really wish I could explain this, but I can’t. First person to figure out who Keyanna’s “Boss Man” is gets a cookie and kudos.
Keyanna was sitting on her front porch. It was far too enjoyable, Galar was nicer than Alola on days like this. She would’ve been hiding in the House if she was still there, but a late morning here with a cup of cold brew coffee felt… nice. An unnatural feeling until very recently. Her Houndoom, Enyo, was sitting on the bottom step, watching the field. She was waiting for the call to go scare some trainers, but Keyanna hadn’t spotted anything. Until a guy popped up in the distance. Enyo whipped her head around and swished her tail.
“Hang on, if he comes this way, I’ll give you the go.” Keyanna said. She watched the figure and watched as he wandered into the grass in front of her house. “Alright, Ens, go for it.” She said as she watched Enyo race to go spook the trainer. The trainer threw a Pokeball and out popped a Charizard and Keyanna paled slightly, she hadn’t been expecting that, and he could take Enyo out in a heartbeat. “Allura,” she muttered. Her Espeon poked her head up from the chair she was laying on. “Go help Enyo.” She said. Allura stretched out and ran toward the fight. It went on for a couple of minutes when Enyo came back, limping. Keyanna jumped up from her chair and put her mug down before racing to see what the fight was shaping up to be. The trainer’s Charizard was battered and so was Allura, she was on the doorstep of knocking out. “‘Llura!” Keyanna exclaimed. She hadn’t expected that, though maybe she should have. But she couldn’t think about that as she cautiously protected Allura.
“She’s yours?” The trainer asked. Keyanna flashed a dangerous glare in his direction. She sure as hell hope it scared him, despite it not being a gaze she’d used in almost a month.
“Of course! You didn’t expect to find a random Espeon did you?!” She snapped. Keyanna looked back towards the house. “Kama!” She shouted. An Arcanine came bounding toward them and stood next to Keyanna waiting for orders. “Help Allura into the house.” She said as she picked up Allura and placed her on Kama’s back. Kama went back towards the house and Keyanna glared at the trainer before looking at the Charizard. “He’s banged up, I’ve got potions at my place, it’ll be cheaper and faster than trying to get to the Pokemon Center from here.” She said. She placed her hand out and allowed for the Charizard to investigate it. “How do I know you’re not going to kill me?” He asked.
“It’s not me you have to worry about, you pissed off Enyo.” She said as she started walking back toward the house.
“The Houndoom?”
“Yeah,” She said. “Are you coming?” She said as she stood in the grass. The trainer and his Charizard wandered along with her as she stomped toward the house. As they approached both her Luxray, Vitani, and her Mightyena, Fenrir, went up in alarm. Fenrir growled at the Pokemon that had harmed his friend. Fenrir and Enyo had always been Keyanna’s fiercest protectors, and no one was going to get close to her without both of them giving the go ahead. Vitani, the new kid on the block was just willing to prove herself, and she and Allura were close. “Stand down, both of you, he’s friend for now.” She said. Fenrir eased to sitting but was still on edge and still looked like he’d like to tear the Charizard limb from limb. Vitani fell in step with Keyanna as she started to walk into the house.
“He’s not gonna fit in the door,” The trainer remarked. Keyanna turned around and looked up. He was probably right.
“Go through the side gate, I’ll meet you out back.” She replied. The trainer nodded and wandered around her side of the house. Keyanna strode inside and thanked the stars that Boss Man had stolen potions for her before she left Alola. She grabbed a max one, a hyper one, and two regular ones. She wandered to her backyard where her Ninetails, Lafayette, was basking in the sun. She tossed the hyper one to the trainer and wandered over to Allura. “Hey, hey, I know, lemme help.” She said as she sprayed her down. Allura soon enough was healed, but charging a psybeam at the Charizard. “Hey! ‘Llura, no.” Keyanna said, getting in the way. She then sprayed the two potions on Enyo, who then was also ready to square back up with the Charizard that had almost taken her out. “Ens! No.” Keyanna snapped. Enyo sat down and flicked her tail. The trainer summoned Charizard back to his pokeball so he didn’t have to worry about another battle. Keyanna was thankful for that.
“They’re tenacious, I’ll give them that.” The trainer said. “No doubt something they learned from their trainer.” He added. Keyanna looked at him and tried to not glare at him, but her nerves were still a little fired. She realized it had been her fault, but she’d never been so scared for Allura, easily the squishiest of her team. She let out a sigh instead, trying to calm herself down.
“Yeah well, kind of a requirement.” She muttered. Boss Man would’ve had her head if she hadn’t gotten her Pokemon as strong as she could.
“What’s your name? Figured I should at least apologize for almost knocking out your Espeon. I’m assuming she has a name too.” He said.
“Her name’s Allura. I’m Key.” She said.
“How many times have you gotten the Klefki joke?” He joked. Keyanna glared and that seemed to give him enough of an answer. “Okay, so a lot then.” He said. “Well, thanks for healing Charizard, and I’m sorry for Allura and Enyo.” He added using their nicknames, which she appreciated. Keyanna looked him properly without the air of anger and annoyance now knowing that her Pokemon weren’t in immediate danger. He was cute. Almost offensively so. A mess of purple hair, his hand behind his head like he was nervous which just brought attention to his arms, and very much taller than her. The tension that usually hung in her shoulders eased as she scoffed to herself, almost mad about what she was about to propose.
“You want a cup of coffee? As an apology for snapping at you.” She said.
“I don’t want to --”
“You’re not gonna impose or whatever. I’m not doing anything today, other than scaring trainers.” She said. “I have Tapu Cocoa if you don’t like coffee.” She added.
“Tapu Cocoa?” He asked.
“Alolan specialty, I used to work with a guy who’s lifeblood was made of the stuff. I’ve gotten pretty good at fixing it up to be perfect.”
“Alright, then yeah, I’ll take a mug.” He said with a smile. Oh now that was just rude, he lit up her backyard in a way that even Kama couldn’t manage. It was warm, trusting even. She so didn’t deserve it, but she was willing to humor it for as long as he stayed in the dark about everything that made her who she was. She gestured for him to come inside and he cautiously wandered inside, well aware that most of her Pokemon wanted him dead. Kama stayed out back as did Lafayette, Allura, and Enyo. But as soon as she came in, Vitanti and Fenrir went back to flanking her as she moved through the kitchen.
“Ens, come help.” She said. Enyo trotted into the kitchen and blew a little bit of fire at the bottom of the kettle to get the water to speed boil. She set it on the stove and grabbed a container of Tapu Cocoa. She looked in and saw that her homesick nights were taking their toll, she was going to have to see if she could negotiate with Boss Man to get more. Keyanna carefully scooped three scoops of the stuff into a mug before pouring the water in, she quickly added milk before stirring it all. A dash of cinnamon for good measure… “Voila, Tapu Cocoa, raved about from here to Alola.” She said as she handed the mug over. She poured herself another mug of cold brew since she had left hers on the porch, and it had been empty. “C’mon, let’s sit on the back porch, everyone’ll be able to hang out there.” She said. Vitani, Enyo, and Fenrir ran for the backyard, Lafayette barely poking his head up at their appearance. Kama was lying like a sphinx in the back corner knowing he was too big to play with the others, but still wanting to if Fenrir challenged him. Keyanna eased herself into one of the deck chairs as Allura went to join Lafayette in basking in the sun. The trainer sat next to her in the other chair and took a sip of the Tapu Cocoa.
“I know,”
“I think I understand why your coworker was addicted.”
“That, and he had the world’s largest sweet tooth.” Keyanna commented. It was moments where she missed him, though she didn’t think she was allowed to admit that out loud to herself yet. She looked over at her morning guest and admired his everything about as stealthy as she could, which from a couple years of training was pretty damn stealthy. He had a mess of purple hair which was trying to be tucked under a snapback, much to the hat’s strain. He wore a simple black shirt and pants and really chunky sneakers. He had a bit of stubble on his face and his eyes were the color of amber. She’d definitely call Boss Man now, if only for giving her so much practice sneaking glances. “What’s your name by the way?” She asked. He knew hers, and all her pokemons’. Seemed only fair. He gave her a smaller smile than the one he had given her earlier and offered up his hand, though there was a slight look of confusion in his eyes.
“I’m Leon, sorry I don’t usually have such poor manners.” He said. Keyanna shook it with a mild vigor.
“Nah, I’ve been around people with worse, trust me.” She said. Keyanna then dropped his hand and took a sip of her cold brew.
“You said something about scaring trainers?” He asked. Keyanna scoffed.
“Yeah, just a little game I play. Nothing serious if that’s what you’re worrying about.” She said. She wasn’t certain why she felt the need to justify her actions to this functional stranger, maybe it was her brain’s attempt to actually start turning over a new leaf, not just becoming a hermit in the grasslands. “Could show you, if you’re curious.” She muttered. She was acting like Boss Man and she knew it pretending that she was a brick wall of emotionless rage, but what could she say, you spend so much time with someone, quirks start rubbing off. “I’ve got nothing better to do today.” He said. Keyanna lit up in a little bit of a smirk.
“Alright. Gang!” she said as she called to her Pokemon. The group poked their heads up with curiosity. “Who wants to go play?” She asked her smirk still etched on her face. Enyo, Kama, and Fenrir let loose mighty woofs. Vitani seemed to glow. Lafayette and Allura came from their patch of sunshine and made general noises of approval. “Then let’s go ya knuckleheads!” She said as she came off the back deck and wandered to the side gate. Leon followed behind her and they found themselves sitting on the front porch. Enyo and Fenrir resumed their spots on the bottom step, sitting in wait, wagging their tails. Vitani was sitting next to Keyanna, accepting the pets given to her. Allura seemed to have forgiven Leon, or the fact that he was sitting in her seat was just an inconvenience as she curled up in his lap. Lafayette was laying in the sun on the lawn proper. The two trainers watched the grasslands, Keyanna waited for someone unsuspecting to wander by. Soon enough, a young trainer came into the grass. Fenrir and Enyo perked up. Keyanna leaned over to Leon.
“What Pokemon do you think he has?” She asked. Leon seemed to analyze him carefully, almost like he had a lot of practice with it.
“Normal.” he said. Keyanna nodded and stroked Vitani’s cheek.
“Wanna go play pretty?” She asked in a tone of voice she only used with her Pokemon, something far softer than anything she’d used with humans. Including Boss Man. Vitani let something resembling a purr out and ran down the steps at the trainer, who immediately spooked but stood their ground.
“You call this scaring trainers?” He asked.
“Hey, that kid’s got what… one? Two Pokemon max? None that’s gonna do any serious damage to her. It’s fine, she gets a workout, they get some training, and they get to believe they took on a wild Luxray. A win win all around.” Keyanna remarked. Leon nodded at her explanation. She had created the game when she had first moved to Galar, her team was going stir crazy since she wasn’t running around like a fool anymore, and this got them some exercise in. Vitani came running back in perfectly fine shape and flicked her tail as the trainer wandered off.
“Don’t you train them yourself?” Leon asked.
“I gave up battling, was never my speed.” She said. An oversimplification, but she wasn’t gonna dump her backstory to this stranger. As Allura settled into his lap, Keyanna let a chuckle escape her lips
“Is Allura always this affectionate?”
“No, she’s just mad you’re in her spot. Sort of sitting on you in hopes you get annoyed with her enough that you’ll get up.” Keyanna explained. Allura chirped in agreement and thwacked Leon’s arm with her forked tail. Another trainer appeared, he looked a little more experienced than the other one had.
“He’s definitely got a bunch of flying.” Leon commented. “Send Fenrir,” he suggested. Keyanna snuck a glance out of the corner of her eye, surprised that he was getting into it.
“Fens,” Fenrir looked over, tail still wagging. “Go play,” she said. Fenrir bolted into the grass and gave a mighty bark, actually managing to scare the trainer before the trainer snapped into action sure enough, a Fearrow appeared. Fenrir proceeded to have a field day and came running back like a happy puppy. “Good boy,” Keyanna said as Fenrir ran onto the porch to receive pets.
“How long do you do this?” He asked.
“Eh, depends. Sometimes everyone gets a turn, sometimes just a couple go out. I one spent one night with just Kama.” She replied. That had been a rough night, she’d been a mess, her first night away from Boss Man and the rest of the squad and she had never felt so downright lonely in her life. Not when she’d shown up in Alola originally, and not when she’d made the decision to leave Kanto. Kama and her had spent the night running around the grasses like she was still a carefree kid. She shook her head and took a sip of her coffee. “What about you?”
“Why’d you come out here? You’re Charizard’s clearly a contender and a half, so it can’t be for training, so why come out here?” She asked. Leon seemed to think the answer over, an eddy of emotion spinning in his eyes that Keyanna imagined she didn’t have the context for, so she simply waited for him to pick and choose his words.
“Soul searching.” He said.
“Soul searching?” She asked. He took a sip of cocoa and stared out at the field.
“Yeah… I uh… kind of need to find out what I should do next.” He said as if that was all she needed to know. Keyanna was clearly missing pieces so she looked at Leon again, more obviously this time, silently trying to figure out what she was missing. “What? Do I have something on my face?” He asked as he ran a hand across his mouth. Keyanna chuckled.
“Nah, just… nothing. Sorry.” She said as she turned back to the field in front of them. Allura perked up from Leon’s lap and wandered over to lay in Keyanna’s lap, clearly sensing some mild distress. “I should know better,” she muttered.
“Don’t worry, I’m used to being stared at.”
“So am I.” That statement took Leon by surprised as he tilted his head like a confused Rockruff pup. He didn’t press the matter but instead turned back to his mug, only to find it empty.
“I should head out,” Keyanna tried not to deflate too much. She hadn’t spoken to anyone other than her squad since moving in, so having real human interaction was good for her.
“Right, sorry.” She said as she moved Allura to her own chair as she and Leon stood up. 
“Don’t… don’t apologize,” Leon said as if it was the most absurd thing he’d ever heard. “If anything, I should be thanking you for the cocoa and apologizing again on going to hard on Allura.” He said as he looked at the Espeon curling up in the heat he left behind. Keyanna chuckled.
“I think she forgives you,” she said.
“Does her trainer?” He asked with a slight tilt of his head. Keyanna almost wanted to throw things. How dare this grown ass man be so damn adorable?
“She could be convinced,” she settled on with a smirk. Leon stepped down off her porch, careful to not step on Enyo or Fenrir’s tails as he stood in her yard.
“I hope I find my way back, but thank you for the cocoa and preventing Fenrir from ripping my arm off.” He said with another grin that was far too warm and kind for anyone like her. 
“I guess I’ll be seeing you Leon,”
“Be seeing you Key,” He said and he turned and walked back into the grass. Keyanna watched him go and tried not to think about it too much. Vitani looked up at her and Allura slung herself over Keyanna’s shoulders, something she hadn’t done in forever.
“Shut it, both of you…” she muttered.
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fernwehbookworm · 5 years
Woke The F*ck Up- Chapter 26
May 2, 2018
Lena woke up serving as Kara’s big spoon. The blonde was still sound asleep, no doubt worn from the multiple orgasms she gave Lena last night. And the ones that Lena returned. Lena looks over Kara’s naked body, the sheet just draped around her waist since Kara was a hot sleeper. They had dumped the comforter on the floor after their activities. Now, in the light, Lena flinches at the rainbow of bruises covering the exposed skin. Kara must have sweated off the copious amounts of makeup she used to hide her face injuries as well. It made Lena almost scared to touch her, even though she seemed fine last night. Very fine. Lena flushed and took a deep breath. She pulled her eyes away from Kara to actually take in the apartment.
It was a completely open floor space with high ceilings. The bed sat center of the wall opposite the door. The wall the bed set against was made up of clouded glass blocks to let in natural light without people being able to see in. The bed was on a raised platform with steps leading up. Everything was in shades of gray and white, from the carpet, to the hardwoods, to the cabinets. The colors came from Kara’s paintings hanging on the walls and the throw pillows. On the couch was a rainbow Pride blanket and a bi flag blanket, that made Lena smile. There is a pool table and dartboard in one corner, free weights and a treadmill in another. No doubt Winn had a hand in the media center set up in front of the large couch. Everything was clean and organized but distinctly loved.
Lena slipped out of the bed and found Kara’s button-up from the night before. She rummaged through Kara’s dresser that she found in the small walk-in closet/changing room for a pair of clean underwear. Lena found a pair of boy shorts and then made her way into the kitchen. Lena managed to find the coffee and mugs after some quite looking and soon the smell of coffee filled the kitchen. Then she began looking through Kara’s fridge for food. Pulling out the package of bacon and eggs and turning on the oven. Kara still hadn’t even moved so Lena took the risk and put some music on softly from her phone. Lena put the bacon on a tray and popped it in the oven. While it baked, she cut up vegetables and scrambled the eggs to fry up when Kara did wake up.
Lena was singing softly along to the song, Come on Get Higher by Matt Nathanson, and swinging her hips as she whisked when she felt warm hands rest on her side. Lena smiled and stopped singing, turning and kissing Kara softly. Kara had put on a sports bra and shorts and she was looking at Lena like she would rather eat her than the bacon Lena just put on the platter.
“This is something I could get used to. You, in my shirt, cooking food. Beautiful. But please don’t stop on my account. I’ve missed your voice.” Kara tucks a hair behind Lena’s ear, her other hand squeezing Lena’s ass. Lena just laughs and kisses her cheek.
“Come on, sleepyhead. Breakfast before you get any ideas. I’m starving.”
Kara leans over Lena and snatches a slice of bacon. Lena detangles herself enough to start sauteing the vegetables before pouring in the scrambled eggs on the island cooktop. Kara sat opposite her on the barstool and watches her and turns the music up, linking Lena’s phone to the Bluetooth surround sound system Winn designed and installed. When the food was done, Lena sets two plates on the island and digs in as she and Kara talk. It was all so domestic and all Lena felt was complete happiness.
When Kara saw that Lena was finished, she picked up her phone and switched the song before taking Lena’s hand. “Come on, dance with me Miss Luthor.” Lena smiles and allows Kara to pull her to her feet.
You say you'll be down in five
The smell of your perfume is floating down the stairs
You're fixing up your hair like you do
I know that I'll be a mess
The second that I see you
You won't be surprised
It happens every time
It's nothing new
It's always on a night like tonight
I think that you can read my mind
'Cause when you look at me with those eyes
Kara sings along and it sends chills down Lena’s spine. Kara is nimble on her feet as she twirls Lena around her apartment.
I'm speechless
Staring at you, standing there in that dress
What it's doing to me, ain't a secret
'Cause watching you is all that I can do
And I'm speechless
You already know that you're my weakness
After all this time I'm just as nervous
Every time you walk into the room
I'm speechless
It started when you said hello
Just did something to me
And I've been in a daze
Ever since the day that we meet
You take the breath out of my lungs
Can't even fight it
And all of the words out of my mouth without even trying
Lena rests her head on Kara’s shoulder and they just sway in the living room even well into the next song. Eventually, Kara sighs and pulls away.
“I really have to go down to the gym. I’ve missed the past three days and I need to check in with the contractor doing the renovations.”
“But Kara, look at yourself. You shouldn’t be doing anything strenuous. You need to heal.”
“Don’t worry. Just office work today. Besides I was hoping to see you again tonight?” Kara makes the last part sound like a question and Lena kisses her.
“I’d love to. But I also have nothing to do right now, so would you mind if I just hung out with you?”
“Are you going to try and distract me?” Kara raises her eyebrow.
“No…” Lena says sheepishly. Kara just gives her a hard look, Lena sighs. “Fine. No distracting. Just give me a pen and paper. I’m feeling creative.”
Kara just laughs and shakes her head, making her way over to her closet. “So the key to writing songs is to satisfy you?”
“Who says I’m satisfied?”
“You did when you said you couldn't take anymore,” Kara calls from the closet before tossing Lena some clothes to put on.
“Not that I don’t enjoy you wearing my shirt, it is a little inappropriate.”
“You just want to see my ass in these running leggings.” Lena teases back.
“Guilty,” Kara grins and winks.
Eventually, the two get dressed and clean the kitchen before taking the public elevator down to the small entrance lobby on the side of the building. Kara leads Lena around the front by her hand. They pause at the front desk to say hello to Haley. Kara had told Lena she had been kicked out for being trans and now spent most of her time working. Kara had cosigned a lease on an apartment nearby and she had been covering Kara’s shifts the past couple of days. Kara also confided in Lena that she was thinking of asking her to manage the future Metropolis location when she finished her business degree.
“Morning Coach K. Glad to see you up and about. Miss Luthor, always a pleasure.”
“Haley, please call me Lena.” Haley grins at her and nods.
“Haley! Thanks for covering for me. I need to do some work in my office. Could you grab Lena a journal and pen from the merchandise?”
“Of Course!”
“Lee, I’ll be in my office.” Kara walks away as Haley rummages in the cabinet behind her.
“Here you go, Lena.”
“Thanks, Haley.”
“You’re Welcome,” Haley looks like she wants to say something else but she looks around quickly to make sure no one is in earshot. “Lena, is she really okay? We saw the news about the raid. When she didn’t even call the morning after we thought the worst.” Lena’s breath shortens with every word. Did they know? Who was ‘we’?
“I’m sorry. I don’t know what you're talking about.” Lena denies. Haley just rolls her eyes.
“Please. We all know you know. Power Girl is the best-kept secret of the employees. It only took us a few weeks to figure out how Kara would lock herself in her office for hours at a time, all while Power Girl was stopping robberies or saving people. Not a far jump from that to the underground fight club bust.”
Lena laughs and shakes her head. She had wondered what Kara’s employees though she did all the time. No gym needed that much paperwork done.
“Yes, she’s fine. A bit banged up but fine.”
“And not to be nosy, but are you two back together?”
Lena looks wistfully towards Kara’s office door. “We are working on it.”
“Don’t hurt her again. I’m a big fan, Lena, but you didn’t see her afterward. We all love Coach K and if you break her heart again, you will have a lot of angry gym trainer’s on your hands.”
“I understand. Thanks for the warning. I’ll see you later Haley.”
Haley smiles and waves, satisfied that she gave her warning and her boss was okay. Lena just shakes her head. She should probably tell Kara that all her employees were in on the secret. But then again, it had been six months since she opened the gym and none of them had said anything. In fact, they were just worried about Kara’s well being. Lena opens Kara’s office door and sees her concentrating hard on the computer. Lena stands there a moment and watches. She decides against it.
“What are you staring at?” Kara asks with a chuckle.
“You, of course.”
“Well sit down, you're being a distraction. I have about twenty minutes before I have to head upstairs to meet with the contractor. You can come too if you want so I can show you around.” Kara glances away from the screen long enough to see Lena smile and nod. Lena sits one of the chairs across from Kara and opens the new journal, clearly made for tracking workouts but it would do.
After twenty minutes Kara stands and stretches. She prints off a paper and grabs a piece of tape, the next employee schedule that Kara posts behind the desk on their way out the front. Kara takes Lena up the stairs this time to the first floor, handing her one of the extra hard hats outside the door. Lena heard hammers and loud music and men yelling coming from the other side of the door.
Kara opens the door for Lena and Lena is confronted with a hallway with half-constructed walls and jovial men working away. Kara waves down a man who was slightly more professionally dressed with his flannel shirt tucked into jeans as he pours over blueprints. The man waves at someone else and motions for him to turn down the music.
“Miss. Danvers! Great! I have some questions about room specifics that I want to make sure are accurate. Are you okay?”
“Hey, Dave. Yes, I got your message and yes I’m fine. Hazards of training beginner fighters, sometimes there is a wild swing or two. Lena, Feel free to look in the rooms just stay in the hallway. Don’t need you getting hurt.” Kara follows the man over to his working table and Lena watches her for a moment before wandering further into the building. It is mostly bare, walls still going up as men carry heavy drywall and work to nail it up. This floor looks to have six small apartments, three on each side. That means Kara should have about twelve rooms to rent out if the other floor is the same. Lena wanders down the hall and back and Kara looks up and gives her a wink and a smile. Lena’s heart melts. It only takes a few more minutes for Kara to finish, shaking the man’s hand and then grabbing Lena’s and leading her back downstairs.
“I know it’s not much yet, but I really can’t wait.”
“I’m so proud of you Kara. This is going to be such a good thing.”
“Thanks, Lee,” Kara smiles and kisses her cheek outside the gym door. Lena sighs as she hers the telltale click of a camera from across the street. An ill-disguised paparazzi man crouches behind a row of paper and real estate ad boxes.
“Want to know how to screw him?” Kara asks, not even looking at the man.
“What do you mean?”
“Lee, you're a celebrity. You have to know that posting pictures before they can practically make them worthless. Come here,” Kara whips out her phone and turns the front-facing camera on and smiles.
“Ugh, you may know that, but babe, you need some selfie tips. Give it here.”
Lena takes the phone and adjusts the angle so you can see the Power House sign in the background. “Kiss my cheek, that way you can’t see the bruising,” Lena instructs. Kara obliges and Lena smiles, eyes closed and nose scrunched up. When Lena looks back across the street, the man is gone; no doubt realizing his waisted time. Kara takes her phone back and opens Instagram. Quickly, she selects a filter and begins to type the caption.
First Date, Take two. I’d say it went well, how about you @LLuthor?
Lena laughs and nods. When Kara posts it, Lena immediately pulls out her phone to comment.
@MaidenofMight Maybe. I might need a second one to be sure.
Kara clicks to respond. Tonight?
“You know our followers will eat this up,” Lena says while still responding. Confident, aren’t you? Yes. Tonight.
“That’s kind of the point. I need the world to know I am taking Lena Luthor on a date because there are no more secrets.” Kara responds with a bunch of heart emojis.
“Okay, Sam wants to get a late lunch. I think she’s finally pried herself out of Alex’s bed.”
Kara laughs and shakes her. “I swear, Alex just needs to drop this whole ‘We can’t; I live here, she lives there’ crap. They obviously like each other.”
“I know, Sam does the same. But we have to let them figure it out themselves.”
“But maybe a little nudging?” Kara asks.
“Just a little.” Lena’s nose scrunches up as she smiles and Kara can’t help but kiss it.
“Okay, go on and call your Lift. I can’t have Sam hating me more than she already does.”
“She doesn't hate you. She… just wants to make sure I’m okay. She’s almost here too, she’s picking me up.”
“So I have time for one more kiss?”
Lena glances around to make sure the photographer is gone before nodding. Kara’s lips are soft and warm. The kiss was chaste and Kara ends up smiling and resting her forehead against Lena’s. Lena just laughs as the bliss of the night still radiates through her. A honk startles the pair out of their bubble and Lena turns to see Sam.
“Break it up lovebirds! I’m starving.” She calls through the open window.
Kara opens the door for Lena and closes it as she settles in the front seat. “Hey, Sam. Good to see you.”
“You too Kara. But I’m stealing Lena for a few hours. You can have her again tonight.”
Kara laughs nervously, just trying to get back into the best friends good graces. “Thanks, Sam. Lee, call me later?”
“Of course,” Lena pulls Kara in by her shirt for one last kiss. Sam rolls her eyes and waits for them to part. Kara steps back from the curb to watch them drive away. She returns to her office to finish the paperwork  she has been neglecting for far too long.
“So I take it the date went well?”
Lena hands the menu back to the waitress after ordering. “It went very well. It does feel like we started over. After all the therapy and coping techniques and trust exercises, I don’t feel angry anymore. And she isn’t holding what I did against me. She is trying very hard to ‘woo’ me.”
“What did you guys do last night?”
“You haven't seen pictures?”
“I was… a little preoccupied.”
“With Alex?”
“Don’t change the subject.”
Lena rolls her eyes. “She took me to this new restaurant called Level Up. It was very good, the owner is one of her gym members and it has great potential. And the view was amazing.”
“Amazing enough to jump right back into bed with her?” Sam almost mutters.
“Sorry, I just… I don’t want to see you get hurt again.”
“Sam, even if this doesn't work out. And that’s a big ‘if'. I am in such a better place than I was back then. I will not go back to that place.”
“You’re sure?”
“Okay. So tell me, how was it?”
Lena throws her napkin at Sam, “Sam!”
“Oh come on! Show me yours and I’ll show you mine.” Sam winks. Lena rolls her eyes at her best friend.
“Fine. Fine. But your paying then.”
Sam grins, “Okay first… Has she ever cum before you? Because Alex never lets me take care of her first. Maybe it's how they were raised? Always caring and giving?” Lena rolls her eyes, this was going to be a long lunch.
Lena had her assistant drop some comfy clothes at her hotel room for her to change into, not that she was staying. Kara had invited her back to her place for a movie night. Not that Lena was going completely comfy. She was hoping Kara took off her sweatpants to find the lingerie underneath. Lena knocks on Kara’s door and is greeted with the beautiful blonde and her mouth full of pizza.
Kara swallows. “Hey! Sorry, I was hungry. Don’t worry, there is plenty left.”
“Good, with you, who knows if there’s ever food left.” Lena winks and walks in.
“Hey! Yeah, that sounds about right.” Kara relents. Lena helps herself to a plate and a couple of slices of veggie pizza that she knows Kara got just for her. She even remembered to not get black olives on it. Kara grabs her water and they both settle on the couch. Kara selects a movie, Below Her Mouth . Lena inhales slightly. She hasn’t seen it yet, but she's heard what it's about. Heat flashes her body, knowing where this night is headed.
Lena’s right. It’s basically softcore porn. Her pizza slice sits half-eaten on the table because fifteen minutes in, Kara’s hand is resting inside her thigh and creeping higher. By the second sex scene, Lena mumbles ‘Fuck it,’ and straddles Kara’s lap. Kara immediately attaches her lips to Lena’s and slips her hands under her shirt. Lena feels the small give of her bra being unhooked by Kara’s nimble fingers before Kara sits up and presses Lena back into the couch.
“You just like using movies to get in my pants.” Lena teases.
Kara shrugs, “Hey if it works, it works.” Kara mumbles into Lena’s neck before biting over her pulse point and making Lena gasp.
“You know you have a perfectly good bed, right over there?” Lena says, eyes racking down Kara’s torso as Kara sits up to take her shirt off.
“Lena, I mean this in the most chivalrous way that I can. With your consent, I want to fuck you on every surface of this apartment that I can.”
“Uh…” Lena’s brain stopped working, she couldn’t process all those possibilities. Kara raises an eyebrow and Lena just nods, mouth hanging slightly open.
“I’m going to need a yes or a no.” Kara’s fingers play with the hem of Lena’s shirt, Lena swallows hard.
“Yes,” Lena whispers and then swallows again, “Yes please.” She says stronger. Kara grins like the Cheshire cat.
“That won’t be the only time your begging.”
Kara pulls Lena’s shirt over her head and removes the already loose bra with it. Kara immediately attaches her lips to an already hardening nipple and Lena’s hands pull at Kara’s hair as she gasps. God, I’ve missed this, Lena thinks. Kara spends an agonizing amount of time lavishing one nipple while ignoring the other.
“Kara…” Lena whines out.
“Patience,” Kara mumbles but she switches sides, all the same, this time keeping the first rock hard nipple rolled between her thumb and finger. Lena’s hips rock up into Kara’s taught stomach. Lena can already feel a heat coiling low in her stomach as Kara works her up without even taking her pants off.
Kara sucks at the inside of Lena’s breast before placing wet, sloppy, open-mouthed kisses all over them. Kara’s hands slide behind Lena and down, down, down. They slide into her pants and grab two handfuls of Lena’s ass, pulling her tight against Kara as Kara grinds down with her hips.
Kara stretches back up to kiss Lena, tongues tangling in a sloppy hot need. Kara pulls underwear and sweats off at the same time, only breaking the kiss long enough to sit up and pull the last of Lena’s clothes off. Kara immediately begins to kiss Lena again, down the column of her throat and quickly making her way ever lower. Lena opens up to Kara. She throws one leg over the back of the couch while firmly planting one foot on the floor.
By the time Kara reaches the apex of her thighs, Lena’s breathing is shallow with anticipation. Kara bites her belly and then licks the outside of Lena’s lips. Lena’s thighs jump slightly, wanting to pull Kara in and hold her there. The movie still plays in the background as Dallas goes down on Jasmine and the sinful breathless moans match Lena’s. Lena glances over to see Jasmin riding Dallas’ face at the same time Kara dives her tongue in deeper. Lena chokes off a moan and Kara glances up, her eyes nearly black with desire. Lena pushes the hair back from Kara’s face as Kara begins to eat her out like the champ she is.
Kara’s tongue circles her clit and then trails down, just teasing her entrance before going back up. Kara works her up in the way she took months to learn how to do. Lena begins to grind her hips up and down, Kara’s nose brushing her clit on every stroke. Then Kara pins her hips to the couch and flicks her tongue quickly over her clit. It’s not enough to make her cum but enough to bring Lena to the brink. A finger teases Lena’s entrance.
“Yes! Fuck! Please, Kara!”
Kara bites her thigh at the same time she enters the warm, dripping heat of Lena’s cunt. The sounds Lena is making cover the sounds of the movie, Dallas using the strap on Jasmine in the bathroom. It’s giving Kara so many ideas and now she can’t wait to make Lena cum so she can go get her own new toy. The one still in the box since the breakup. Focus Kara . She chides herself. Lena makes a frustrated noise and Kara redoubles her efforts. Soon Lena is shuttering around Kara’s fingers and she tenses, hips in the air as Kara likes her down from her high, trying to lick up all the wet mess between Lena’s thighs. Lena pulls Kara back up for a kiss, moaning at the taste of herself still dancing on Kara’s tongue.
Kara tries to sit up but she feels Lena pulling at her sweat pants. Before Kara can protest, her strap still on her mind, Lena is working her fingers into Kara’s underwear, fingers easily sliding through the slick that had gathered there as Kara worked Lena up. Lena bites Kara’s lip and Kara opens her mouth. Their tongues tangle together as Lena finds Kara’s entrance, easily penetrating her with two fingers. She just holds them there though, enjoying feeling Kara’s needy cunt squeeze around her. Then Kara is moving, fucking herself on Lena’s fingers while staring down at her. It’s almost too much for Lena until Kara throws her head back and moans. Lena starts to move with her, using her hips to drive harder into the blonde moaning above her.
Kara cums quickly with very little warning, turned on as she was between the movie and making Lena cum. Kara slumps over on her lover and buries her nose in Lena’s neck, breathing in the scent of sweat, and sex, and Lena.
“Kara, babe, I’m glad you're satisfied but my hand is cramping.” Lena flutters her fingers still inside Kara to emphasize her point. Kara moans but stands up, carefully extracting herself from Lena.
“Get us some water, I have something I want to do.” Kara leans down and kisses Lena, “Feel free to say no if you don’t like it or want to.” Kara adds before walking to her closet.
Lena stands and stretches, turning off the television before pouring water for them both water from the pitcher in Kara’s fridge. Lena was taking a drink when Kara’s arms circled her from behind, Lena almost spits her water out at the hard thing poking her in the ass. Lena turns and looks between their bodies and her jaw drops. Kara is wearing blue briefs with a blue dildo curving up between them.
“I said I wanted to fuck you on every surface I could.” Kara raises an eyebrow, letting Lena decide if she wanted this.
Lena answers by hopping onto the counter and spreading her legs. Kara steps between them, Hard silicon rubs into Lena’s core. Kara’s hot and seeking mouth finds Lena’s, hips rocking into Lena, teasing her while the wetness between her thighs coats it. Lena is pulling Kara closer, hands on her ass, snapping their pelvises harder together. The cool marble of Kara’s island was like ice on Lena’s heated skin, adding to all the sensations of Kara’s probing tongue and wandering hands. Then one of those hands is gone, squirting some lube from the bottle Kara had brought with her and lathering it up and down the shaft. Kara’s other hand begins teasing Lena’s clit, thumb rubbing broad strokes over it. Then Kara is lining up with Lena’s entrance, fire burning in her eyes.
“Yes, fuck me. Fuck me, Kara.”
Kara slides the head past Lena’s entrance, “Ohhh,” Lena moans out.
Kara starts slow, rocking in and out as she kisses Lena. She tries to pick up speed when Lena whines in the back of her throat, knowing the singer needs more but she can’t quite get the leverage. Kara uses her strong hands to move Lena back, pulling out, much to Lena’s discontent. Lena begins to protest before Kara hops up, straddling Lena. And just as swiftly Kara pulled out, she was entering Lena again. Lena Lays back, wrapping her legs around Kara as she drives Lena into the cool marble. Lena’s head hangs over the opposite edge, causing blood to rush there.
“God, I’ve wanted to fuck you like this for so long.” Kara kisses her way up and down Lena’s neck.
Lena can’t think. Kara is whispering all the dirty things she wants to do and where while setting a brutal pace. Lena digs her nails into Kara’s back in an attempt to ground herself as Kara switches her rhythm up. Kara bites down where Lena’s neck meets her shoulder and sucks hard before running her tongue over it to sooth it. Lena tenses and then relaxes back into the thrusting. Heat was building in her stomach but it wasn’t enough; her head hanging upside down was making it a little hard to breathe and it was distracting her.
“Kara… I… can’t...uhhhh… can’t like this.”
Kara bites Lena’s breast in response before hopping back off the counter and pulling Lena down too.
Kara flips Lena around and presses Lena into the counter face first. The cold hits her bare chest at the same time Kara drives back into her. “Yesss…” Lena hisses out.
“Look at you. Bent over and taking me so well. Yeah, bounce your ass back into me. What will it take for you to cum? Huh, baby? I want to make you feel so good.”
Lena grips the counter edge with one hand as her knees weaken, the other reaches down to rub her clit. “Gah… nipples. Pinch. So close.” Lena couldn’t even think in full sentences, let alone speak them.
Kara leaves one hand on Lena’s hips to guide her as the other does her bidding. Lena instantly skyrockets. Kara pinches and twists slightly while driving into her as Lena furiously rubs at her clit. Then Lena tenses, a silent scream in her throat, and Kara slows to work her through her the orgasm ripping through her. Lena taps Kara’s thigh when it starts to become too much and Kara extracts herself, kissing down Lena’s spine as she pants against the counter.
Eventually, Lena catches her breath and stands up. Kara wraps her arms back around Lena’s waist and kisses her neck. Lena smiles into it and cups the side of Kara’s head, scratching the short hairs that she was still getting used to.
“Wow… that was… wow.”
“That was just the start, Lee. I mean it, every surface.”
Excitement runs through Lena but her pussy throbs somewhat painfully from the underuse it has gone over the past months. Lena pats the side of Kara’s head and pulls away.
“As good as that sounds babe, I can’t do it all in one night. My… endurance… isn’t as good as it used to be.” Lena turns in Kara’s arms and its immediate mistake because of the puppy dog pout Kara gives her. Although it is in such contrast to the demanding and filthy person that was just fucking her on the kitchen counter that it makes Lena laugh and bury her face in Kara’s neck.
“I'm not saying I don’t want to, because I do, but honestly. My pussy is sore and I think I need a nap.” Lena sees Kara flinch slightly at the profanities, which makes Lena suppress a smile. Of course, Kara could curse during intercourse but any other time it was against her nature.
“I’m holding you to that. All right, come on. Let’s get you to bed.”
Kara swoops up Lena’s legs and carries her to the bed with a small yelp from Lena. Kara plops her on the bed before stripping off the briefs and crawling in after. Lena shifts to the middle of the bed with her and they settle naked under the covers. Lena lays her head on Kara’s chest and nuzzles in as she tangles her legs with Kara’s. Kara smooths down Lena’s hair and wraps her arms around her. Lena relaxes instantly but she can still feel Kara practically buzzing with energy.
Lena yawns, “Kara, do you need help with anything to calm down? I can- yawn- definitely help.” Kara just chuckles and kisses her forehead.
“No, sleep. I’ll just watch something.”
Lena tightens her arms. “No, stay. Please?”
“I am. I am. Want to see something cool?” Lena nods. “Hey, Kalex! Bedtime television settings.”
“Of course, Miss Danvers.” came a slightly British male automated voice from somewhere above them. Before Lena can ask, all the lights go off as the television swings out from the wall to face the bed. Boomerang turns on and Tom and Jerry plays on mute.
“What was that?”
“Kalex. He’s an AI that Winn designed for our apartments. Cool huh? Smart Home without the whole Big Brother Spying that happens with the other ones. He’s also the assistant on my phone. It's cool, very Howard Stark.”
“Very hot too.” Lena nuzzles into Kara’s neck and kisses her there, letting her tongue dart out between her lips to taste the salt of Kara’s sweat from her exertions.
“Careful… just because I want to try out the rest of the apartment doesn't mean the bed is off-limits.”
Lena rubs her nose along Kara’s clavicle, “Hmmm, could you just… until I fall asleep.” Kara laughs, knowing what Lena means. It had been hard enough for Lena to ask for the gentle touches the first time, but Kara had learned it was just when Lena needed to feel close to her. Kara rolls them so she can big spoon Lena while still watching the TV. Lena sighs as one of Kara’s hand's trails lightly over her stomach while the other slides between her legs. Lena shudders slightly as Kara brushes over her clit and stays there. Kara bites her lip at the slick still there from Lena’s last orgasm, but she stills her hand from pursuing another one. Lena relaxes into Kara as she continues tracing patterns onto her stomach. The slight pressure between her legs is comforting in a way that makes her feel protected. Like Kara’s. Lena shut her eyes, Feeling Kara chuckle slightly at the muted cartoon playing on the screen as she drifted off to sleep.
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