fivnas · 2 years
Nate had propped himself up against the near by table for more than comfort–– it was the only thing keeping him upright at this point. He had perfected the casualty of hiding any crack, going as far as knowing how to curve his smile so anyone would mistake a crumble of his control for laughter lines. 
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“Chaos,” Nathaniel confessed, slur tucked between his teeth. He’d lose control of it after a few more drinks, but until then, he could feign some sobriety. “No one comes here to behave.”
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‘ chaos. ’, the girl repeated , nodding her hand. she wasn’t expecting that answer , but then again she didn’t have an answer in mind. ‘ i like that. ’, she added after his explanation,  nodding her head. ‘ so , then. what songs remind you of chaos ? ’ , fiona slightly leaned in , her eyes looked like they were eager to learn. 
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fivnas · 2 years
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FIONA’S REACTION MAKES HER LAUGH, adding humor to the question that alex hadn’t quite seen before. blonde hair tosses over her shoulder.   “ promiscuous girl is a CLASSIC. ”   the chorus already singing in her head.   “ but no, i want something i can dance to. like, really dance. all eyes on us the entire time. ”   
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‘ i’m honestly trying to think. ’ , fiona admitted, being stumped for the first time in a while. ‘ god damn it. ’ , she set her drink down before placing her hand on her hip and looking up at the ceiling as she went through her mind like a playlist. ‘ all i could think of right now is dancing queen. it’s all that keep on popping up in here. ’, the brunette focused back on the other.
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fivnas · 2 years
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“Holding up,” he says with a playful tone, waiting for the brunette to take a look. “No or yeah?” he teases lightly before giving her a polite nod. “Thank you. What was it about the second one?” People took note of and noticed different things in pictures, and that always piqued his interest. “Yeah, I did. I took them this morning and I’m working through picking which ones I want to use.”
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she looked up to give another a confused look only to realize he was joking. her mouth formed a small o before letting out a small chuckle. ‘ yeah of course. ’, fiona replied , shifting in her place. ‘ um... i just like how the light hit in that one. it had so many points to look at versus the first where it was just all similar. ’, she shrugged. she had no clue if what she was saying even made sense , but again she was the last person to ask about photography. the girl could barely take a selfie without it turning up blurry. ‘ oh sick ! what for ? ’
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fivnas · 2 years
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      the last thing the woman expected was for her of all people to be lectured on mood with music. clarissa couldn’t help but roll her eyes, a roll that she would have fought off if she’d been sober. as the other went on, the woman let out a small bout of laughter. “you can’t be serious.” there was a slight hostility radiating from her. “look, i’m only guarding it so people don’t opt for atrocious pieces, not for a stranger to lecture me on provoking a reaction out of an audience through composition.” she shook her head but she wasn’t about to be forthright and divulge the ins and outs of her work if she didn’t have to. 
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‘ oh i’m very serious. ’, fiona slowly nodded her head, while taking a sip from her drink. she then furrowed her eyebrows and placed her hand on her chest and dramatically gasped. ‘ if there’s one thing about me... i refuse to lecture. i was lectured far too much in my childhood , why would you accuse me of such a thing ? ’ , fiona explained , ending the statement with a slight joke. ‘ oh c’mon. just play along. it’s just a night at a bar with random people , not the orchestra. ’ 
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fivnas · 2 years
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          despite the worry pulling his body taut, levi finds it in him to laugh at her reaction.  a hand pushes his hair back,  a fond sigh slipping past his lips as he steps further into the room and towards her messy mailbox.  “  you know i would never accuse you of anything,  “  he begins,  “  without proof,  at least.  you sure you haven’t seen it,  though  ?  it might be too big for my mailbox but i thought they would’ve put it somewhere i could see.  “
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' feel free to check in my apartment. ’, she confidently said , but in reality she began to second guess herself. fiona did pick up a box the other day thinking it was her order , but she couldn’t remember whether or not she checked the name on it. she began to pull out the many many envelopes shoved in her box into a tote bag she had brought along with her all while still listening to the other. ‘ what was it ? ’, she questioned the other while locking her box again. 
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fivnas · 2 years
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         ‘   and   you   think   that   the   crowd   is   tipsy   enough   already   to   just   go   along   with   whatever   mood   i   implement   on   them   ?   ’   own   highball   glass   raises   to   meet   glossed   petals   in   hearty   sip   ,   optics   cast   upon   occupied   tables   invested   enough   in   their   own   ,   seemingly   engaging   ,   discussions   .   ‘   then   again   ,   i   do   not   particularly   value   their   opinion   ,   if   i’m   honest   .   ’   scapula   will   roll   in   disdain   ,   own   frame   leaning   against   jukebox   in   question   .   ‘   personally   ,   i   wouldn’t   mind   feeling   a   little   empowered   right   now   ,   just   until   the   first   few   drinks   start   to   kick   in   at   least   .   there’s   your   prompt   ,   give   me   your   best   shot   .   ’
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all fiona was able to offer the other was a simple shrug. ‘ i’m usually here on the weekdays and i can assure you these folks are tipsy even before they walk in. i and they all have nothing better to do. ’, the brunette honestly admitted. she was always a fan of small bars with the usual folk. they easily became her small family even in the short months she had been in seattle for. the girl nodded at the other’s request. ‘ will do. ’, she sang a tune before turning to the jukebox to place a few buttons and suddenly do i wanna know by arctic monkeys begins to play. ‘ i don’t know... i was a sucker for am. ’
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fivnas · 2 years
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fivnas · 2 years
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fivnas · 2 years
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( open / @amoreluxstart​ ) kaede let out a huge gasp at the mess before her. “ohhhh noooo,” she groaned with wide and panicked eyes. the soil from the broken plant pot was just everywhere – it was devastating. the corpse of her fig tree laid there in defeat. she couldn’t even process what had happened.
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it was a weird quirk of hers , whenever she wanted a snack she always decided to take a seat outside. so , she sat there on a bench outside the complex with her knees up by her chest. fiona had her headphones covering her ears , but a sudden noise caught her attention. she put her snack down and moved her headphones to rest around her neck. ‘ oh god. ’, the girl scrunched her nose. ‘ is that - i mean... was that a fig tree ? ’
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fivnas · 2 years
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“ HORNY, ”   she deadpans.   “ like they’re drunk and want to buy me a drink. ”   it’s more than that ;   alex’s in the mood to dance, to flirt, to make waves and take names. music is hopefully just a background noise for how she wants to spend her time at the bar, but unfortunately the woman in front of her seems to take it a little too seriously. it makes the blonde smile slightly, enticement flickering in her eyes.   “ got any recommendations ? ”
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fiona’s eyes lit up with excitement when the others answer filled the space between the two. her bottom lip was caught between her teeth as her smile grew. ‘ finally ! ’, the girl exclaimed, tossing her arms in the arm making sure her drink didn’t spill. ‘ jesus , you’re the only person who’s ever given me a truthful answer. horny. ’, she repeated , as a list of songs began to pop up in her head as if it were spotify. ‘ maybe something rihanna ? same ol’ mistakes ? or fukk sleep by asap ? or the classic promiscuous girl. ’, fiona began to list out songs. 
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fivnas · 2 years
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         “  have you seen a package dropped off  ?  i got an email that it arrived today but i haven’t seen it.  “  his eyes have taken on a mildly frantic look,  but there’s an ever so polite smile as his hands gesture the rough size of the box.  “  it should be a pretty big package  ?  heavy  ?  there’s some books in there.  “          @amoreluxstart​
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fiona was downstairs in the mail room - an occasion that only happened once a month. the poor mailmen continuously stuffed her box until one day it’s miraculously cleaned out. she was just about to open the box when the other in the room asked a question. ‘ hm ? ’, fiona hummed out. when his words processed in her mind a small gasp left her mouth. ‘ are you accusing me of stealing ?! i would never do such a thing ! why would you even... ’, she dramatically joked, with her hand on her chest. 
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fivnas · 2 years
“What do I want people to feel…” She let the phrase in the air for a few seconds, taking a sip of her mojito while she looked around, thinking of those words.
Strangely enough, that was a question that she had never been asked, neither she had asked herself that, and so she didn’t have an answer to it.
“What about you? What do you want them to feel?”
Astrid knew the best way to answer something you didn’t have an answer for was deflecting, and she was a genius in the art of deflecting, so she decided that letting the other woman talk wouldn’t be as bad as having to find an answer for the question.
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fiona took the time to scope out the crowd , waving at a few familiar faces that caught her eyes. her attention was turned back to the other when she threw her own question back at her. ‘ um... ’, she started , taking a moment to run her fingers through her bangs. ‘ well , let’s start with the crowd. it’s a weekday , so it’s probably a crowd that comes in regularly. i would say i would want something reminiscent. something from a lot of people’s past so there’s some sense of unity. considering they usually see each other every thursday or so. ’, fiona explained her thoughts. there weren’t many things that she was passionate about , but it was well known music was her life. ‘ i would say something from the 70s. ’
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fivnas · 2 years
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“Hey, not to bother you, but I could use an extra pair of eyes,” he begins, holding up his camera. “I can’t decide which picture’s better. This, or…” He clicks to show them the other picture. “That one.” The difference may be considered minor to some but Asher’s always been meticulous when it came to his work.
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fiona was infamous for not wearing her glasses. but , in her defense she constantly lost them and sometimes they just don’t go with her outfit. ‘ hold up. ’, she stated to the other already invested in the decision. she took leaned closer into the camera , holding onto one side of it to get a better hold. ‘ um... the second one for sure. ’, the brunette said with squinted eyes. ‘ no yeah. i mean , both of them are amazing , but the second one is just that much better. did you take these ? ’, fiona asked an obvious question. 
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fivnas · 2 years
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         lance doesn’t know how he got here  (  he does,  because fiona is nothing but a whirlwind storm and as much as he pretends to hate her,  she is one of the very few people he can actively stand to be around  )  but there’s a jukebox and a fire in her eyes and really,  how can he say no  ?  “  what do i want people to feel  ?  “  he repeats,  glancing around the store before shrugging.  “  do i have to care about what other people want to feel  ?  what if i want to just put on some shitty,  repeating tune for the fun of it  ?  because i wanted to  ?  “ he pats the top of the jukebox.  “  i didn’t realize music was such a big,  touchy - feely event.  “
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right when words began to come out of his mouth was the moment she instantly regretted asking him the question. the brunette playfully rolled her eyes , and let out a laugh. ‘ you’re so annoying. ’, fiona stood up straight and used her hips to bump lance over so she can take over the center of the jukebox. ‘ you lost your choosing privileges. ’, she set her drink down before selecting lovefool by the cardigans. ‘ way to be a team player , bozo. ’
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fivnas · 2 years
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fivnas · 2 years
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PARKS AND RECREATION: 4.11 – “The Comeback Kid” NEW GIRL: 6.16 – “Operation: Bobcat”
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fivnas · 2 years
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Duke grinned, looking at her, brow raised. Sure, family loyalty, he probably should have hung out at his own parents’ bars or restaurants… but the vibe here was impeccable. He could call it competitive research, right? Plus the cocktails were killer. It was all a win win. Sipping his cocktail - was that a hint of blackberry in it? Filing that away in his brain - the man shrugged. “I’ll toss it back at you, love.” Hey, she was hot, might as well turn on the charms. “What do you want to feel?” 
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just as the other brought the drink up to his mouth , fiona did the same - mirroring his actions by accident. she didn’t expect her question to be tossed back to her , but luckily she had been thinking about it from the moment she even decided to go to the bar. fiona leaned forward to get a better view of the song selections. rather than looking at him , she continued to look down. ‘ i want to feel excited. i want that adrenaline rush. ’ , fiona leaned back to her original spot. ‘ so , what song is that gonna be for ? ’
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