#it feels like he was a kit again
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beneathtreemomo · 1 month ago
Names Amongst the Dead
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I got another commission from @sakura-rose12 of Kit!!! Beautiful boy and 3/4ths of his qpr (plus also his eventual boyfriend. No, I will never make a straightforward relationship. It's too fun to make them deep and meaningful, unable to be explained through words. Law is the last fourth if you were curious lol, he just didn't fit in with the theme) Have a one-shot to go with it :D -----
Kit's back hit the wall hard, causing him to stumble from the awkward angle as his and Alvarus’ legs found purchase on the steps.
Cold metal pressed against his skin; Kit froze, making the wise decision not to move.
"Oh?" Kit asked, fighting the urge to tilt his head. "I thought we'd gotten past you pulling a sword on me."
“Highness…” Alvarus breathed, a shaky awe to it that never really went away.
It made Kit huff as he smiled down at the ex-knight. “Hi, Alva.”
Brilliant sapphire eyes melted, Alvarus' sharp-edged smile turning into something softer. The distance between them was already small; Kit could feel Alvarus’ breath against his skin, knew that if Penguin or Shachi caught sight of them, he'd never hear the end of their teasing.
“Are you well?” Alvarus asked, without fail.
“Better than ever.” Kit replies, always.
A beat passed as Alvarus’ gaze studied Kit. He always made sure Kit wasn't lying to him, especially after the one time Kit had genuinely tried, and Kit could never find it in him to be mad about it.
He sighed as he determined there was nothing amiss; Kit chuckled as Alvarus seemed to collapse against him, knocking their foreheads together.
“Stop worrying me, please,” Alvarus mumbled, rubbing his nose against Kit's. His body was warm, a comforting blanket against the chill of the winter island's sea. “You’re one of few things I have left from our home. I don't think I could handle watching your vivre card try to burn a second time.”
“I’ll do my best,” Kit said after a moment, feeling the sword drop away as Alvarus sunk into the embrace. “But I can’t make any promises. You know that.”
Now that he could properly move again, Kit lifted a hand to tangle it in Alvarus’ hair, fingernails lightly scratching at the base of his neck. He returned the nuzzle, pressing his cheek against Alvarus' before pushing back his hat with a gentle hand.
Alvarus' eyes closed as he leaned into the touch with a soft sigh. “Why must all of you Lagthas be so difficult?”
Kit chuckled, pressing his lips to Alvarus’ temple. “Runs in the blood, I’m afraid.”
“Hey, Sabo, I—whoa!!”
As soon as Kit stepped foot into the room Sabo had chosen during their stay, a hand had wrapped around his wrist and yanked him inside.
The door was shut with a muted thud, though Kit barely managed to notice as he was slammed into the wall just next to it.
For a moment, all Kit could see was Sabo’s jacket and the frills of his cravat. Then Sabo leaned down, caging Kit in, and his eyes were like fire.
Kit’s heart skipped a beat, unease settling low in his gut.  “…Me?”
“Were you ever going to tell us?” Sabo asked, voice low. “About who you really are?”
The unease turned into lead, sinking and pulling Kit down with it. “This is who I really am.”
“Liar,” He hissed, leaning in closer. Kit felt rather than saw Sabo’s hand moving, and with a jump he raised his hands between them to try and placate the fuming man. “I know that you’re a prince!”
Shit. He’d been afraid of that answer, even though he’d expected it. Kit really should start to know better.
“Well, sure, but—"
“Is this just a joke to you?” Sabo asked, hand pressing just enough into Kit’s side to keep him pinned. Something slipped in his voice, cracking and splintering with the confirmation his findings had been right; Kit hadn’t looked away from Sabo’s gaze at all, but only now could he see the grief and panic at the edges of his eyes.
Kit’s heart sank. “What? Sabo, no. Why would I be joking about any of this?”
“Because that’s what all nobles do in situations like this,” Sabo hissed, lips curling into a snarl. “Lie and trick us, just to hurt us behind our backs.”
“I’m not lying!”
“Then why didn’t you tell us?! If you hurt my brothers the way you hurt your people, Prince, I swear—”
Tears pricked Kit’s eyes at the low blow, heart hurting like he’d been stabbed. He shoved Sabo away and was, admittedly, a little shocked that Sabo let him. “What the fuck is your problem?!” He shouted. He knew it was too quick of a flip, but he'd thought Sabo of all people would understand, and instead he was being accused of wanting to hurt his friends.
Sabo merely stared at him, hands clenched into fists at his sides. Kit didn’t move away from the wall, but now it was his turn to snarl at Sabo. “Look in the goddamn mirror! You’re a nobleman from birth, too!”
“Watch what you say next.” The harshness in Sabo’s voice sent a shock of fear down Kit’s spine, but he didn’t stop.
“Oh, don’t be such a hypocrite.” Kit snapped back, standing tall even as Sabo’s glare sharpened back into something dangerous. “I’d already run by the time the kingdom fell; your research showed this, I know it did. Everyone knows Prince Rori disappeared three years prior."
He scoffed, feeling words he didn't want to admit spill from his mouth without his say. “What, would I be in your good graces if I had stayed to be Haesgard’s toy? Or gone back to be a lamb to the slaughter the second I caught wind of Valstasia’s fall? Forgive me for doing what my mother and Lavi sacrificed themselves for.”
He didn’t notice the way Sabo’s anger faltered as he spoke, eyes growing wide with dread as the implications of things not even the Revolutionaries would have found out slipped from Kit’s lips.
“I thought we were friends,” Kit continued, glaring at Sabo through watering eyes. “You said you trusted me because Ace and Luffy trusted me. Didn’t realize it was so easy to lose, too.”
Fed up with the conversation—annoyed because he’d actually been excited to see Sabo during this mission of his, only for it to turn into this mess of a shouting match—Kit shouldered his way past Sabo to the door.
“I’m not like those nobles you grew up hating. Don’t talk to me again until you figure that out.”
Sabo stared at the door, almost wishing Kit had slammed it shut. It would make it easier to dispel the anger still thrumming in his veins, maybe even get rid of the guilt that started settling in his chest.
That… wasn’t what he expected to happen.
Looking back, it should have been.
He scrubbed a hand over his face, fingers lingering on his scar. “Shit... I just messed up, didn't I?”
....He really should have known better.
Kit headed back to his room, a slight skip in his step. He’d managed to convince Law to lay down and nap, finally, and Cora had promised to keep him there until their captain could form coherent sentences again. Tang had surfaced for a while, as well, to let in some much needed fresh air and get the crew some sun.
Mostly, Kit was just glad they were headed away from Wano, and he could spend one more day not thinking about the situation looming over his shoulders.
Except, now he was thinking about it. Dammit.
His steps slowed. It… was okay to wait a few more days, right?
It was too nice a day to think about existential dread, and he didn’t want to worry Law when he woke. After that whole mess of an island, none of the crew needed to worry about him and his decades-old problem. It had waited this long—it could wait a little more.
But there had been that letter….
“Hey, Kit, what’s got you all broody?”
Kit startled, a tiny little yelp managing to leave his lips before he shut it down just as fast as he looked up.
Ace stood there across from him, hands in his pockets and an easy smile on his face. “Cat got your tongue?”
“Ace!” Kit breathed out a sigh of relief, leaning back against the wall. “Don’t startle me like that!”
“Sorry,” He said, completely unapologetic, “Being a ghost does that to someone, I’ve learned.”
Kit laughed, having to admit he had a point. “That’s fair. But your fire’s usually a lot louder than that, so I’m surprised you hid so well.”
“Hm.” Ace came closer, concern creasing his brow. “I don’t know about that, Kit. I think you’re just… distracted. You okay?”
No, but Kit’s pretty sure he hasn’t been for a while.
“It’s nothing,” He promised, tasting ash on his tongue. “Just thinking, is all.”
“Ahh, I see.” Ace nodded, humming thoughtfully a moment later. Kit raised a brow as he stepped into his space, resting an arm above Kit’s head. “Well, how about I help you stop thinking for a bit, hm?”
As he spoke, Ace brought a hand up to take Kit’s chin between his forefinger and thumb, stroking Kit’s bottom lip. Kit huffed a laugh at the action, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Oh? And how are you going to do that?”
“I’m sure you could come up with something, eh, Enchanter?” Ace all but purred, eyes locked onto Kit’s. It made Kit’s heart race, excitement thrumming to life in his veins as Ace leaned ever closer—
Only for Ace to yelp as he suddenly fell through both Kit and the wall.
Kit burst out laughing while Ace let out a dismayed cry, covering his smile with his hand as Ace righted himself. He turned back to Kit, all charm replaced by a sheepish smile and heavy flush down to his chest that had Kit’s heart turning to mush.
“Guess that didn’t really… go well, huh?”
“No,” Kit disagreed, still giggling as he lowered his hand. “No, I think it worked exactly how you wanted it to.”
Ace pouted as he readjusted his hat where it had fallen askew. “But I wanted a kiss.”
With a smile Kit walked past, flicking the string of his cap up to Ace’s nose as he did. “Don’t worry, we’ll get you back in your body eventually. I’ve got a lead.”
“Wait—really?!” Perking up much like an excited dog, Ace cheered and ran to give Kit a giant hug.
Only to fall flat on his face as he, once again, went right through. Kit’s laughter was heard all the way up to the sundeck.
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tennessoui · 1 year ago
alrightalrightalright what about an au where newly knighted obi-wan kenobi is working as a jedi on a hugely top secret project in the middle of nowhere, outer rim, with a very small amount of help from the jedi order and strict instructions to not let anyone know what he's doing - and one night he gets involved in something he has no business getting involved in but this is obi-wan, after all, he never can leave well enough alone. he's trying to bust and rescue a slave ring he uncovers (again, completely on accident, he just took a night off for a drink)
and he decides to go undercover himself to get back to where the (pleasure) slaves are being held so he can set about freeing them, but before he's done, smuggler anakin skywalker bursts in and rushes all of them onto his ship to get them away, taking well-meaning but solidly jedi obi-wan with him
but obi-wan IS under strict orders to not disclose anything about himself or why he was on the planet because this is a super secret jedi project....and anakin thinks he just rescued him from slavery, so it's not like he can just politely ask to be dropped back off roughly around the location he was picked up
and the longer they fly about the galaxy, the more obi-wan is hesitant to return at all. not that he has issues with the order or anything. not that he doesn't feel extremely uncomfortable lying to anakin about his past when anakin is being very kind and understanding and opening up about his own past as a slave....
but despite his duty to the order to return to that planet, despite the guilt he feels when he cannot be as honest with anakin as the smuggler is with him....he sorta...he sorta really likes the other man. he likes the type of freedom he's showing him. he likes the miniature missions they send themselves on. he especially likes the way he catches anakin looking at him sometimes from the pilot's seat, as if he's the biggest, most precious, most unexpected gift he has ever received
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wikitpowers · 5 months ago
what if kit can’t swim so when him and ty cross the river he almost drowns, forcing ty to give him a mouth to mouth and saving his life? afterwards, in a wave of emotions, ty would admit that that wasn’t the way he wanted to kiss kit for the first time, causing kit to ask “you thought about kissing me?” and then the two of them would kiss for real; soaked from the water, with hearts pounding, feeling like they are finally home <3
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One day
One day I hope people realize that Kitsunami already "broke through his programming" back by issue #56 of Idw Sonic
He had an entire mini arc where he dealt with being without Surge for the first time, and in the real world. He met Sonic and his friends directly, tried to work out what his purpose would be without Surge in his life (gave it a shot trying to devote himself to Sonic, seeing him as the next best thing after Surge). And when it was all said and done, he decided after experiencing more that at Surge's side is where he wanted to be.
As of the recent IDW issues, Kit isn't sticking with Surge "because of programming" and "because he just needs for other characters to friend him and turn him into a better person". He is at her side because he wants to be. He protects her and aids her because he cares about her, not just because he's serving the strongest guy in the room. And he's not interacting with others because he's decided not to give a shit about anyone else other than Surge (because from his pov, even the "good guys" are fake. From his pov, everyone is someone trying to lie and manipulate their way into pulling him and Surge to their side)
Kit already has decided what he wants to do with his life. And he decided it on his own. Not because of anyone else's wants or wishes. That's the whole point of his speech at the end of #56.
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He's burying whatever his and Surge's past is and moving forward with his conviction to be with Surge because it's what he wants.
#sonic the hedgehog#idw sonic comics#perverted bond#surge the tenrec#kit the fennec#kitsunami the fennec#idw sonic issue 56#to be honest I actually despise the fandom's overuse of 'Starline's programming'#because they treat Surge and Kit as people whose entire selves have been dominated and controlled by a set of code that makes them as robots#Essentially they treat Starline's hypnotism and 'coding' as a strict set of rules that's hard af to break#When the truth is that they're more of a set of heavy suggestions and guidelines to fall back on when they have nothing else to return to or#nothing else to compare to their own experiences#You can visually see in the comic as they ''diverge from their programming'' simply because it clashes with their personal wants/feelings#(For instance‚ how after actually meeting Surge in Imposter Syndrome‚ he is never again the dutiful fox that would do anything she asked#ever and the happiest he could be about handing his life to her on a silver platter no matter how she treats him. rather‚ he falls back on#serving her because he has no other purpose to fall back on‚ but he performs it unenthusiastically without receiving positive reinforcement#and to the bare minimum‚ as if he's just doing his job)#This topic is a bit nuanced‚ but I think IDW is less focused on them fully 'breaking their programming' as a robot storyline might go#and more focused on them solidifying just what it is they want to do with their lives and how they live it#Many people miss that Kitsunami has had his defining moment and knows what he wants to do with his life now because they don't think it's#possible for him to live a future he wants/needs unless he 100% rejects everything Starline did to him and Surge and chooses a purpose#completely separated from any 'programming'#And I'm sorry but I think some of you need to ask if a future as a good boy fox hero who gets entirely new friends and family outside of#Surge and is barely associated with her and is also just a normal sweet guy is something that he actually wants/is projected to receive#or if YOU specifically decided what's best for him. Bec#Because 'If I was in his position obviously I would want X' or 'If he was my kid I would want him to become like X for the sake of his own#happiness'#It's fine if that's your headcanon or your au and you own it. But recognize that this current Kit likes who he is and he knows what he wants#to be. He's a smart fox‚ and he doesn't need anyone out there to pledge to save him and fix him. He doesn't want fixing. He wants to spend#the rest of his days with Surge making her happy (because it makes him happy). He doesn't want for himself what everyone else wants for him.
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kit-screams-into-the-future · 5 months ago
Okay I saw more of your art and had to come back (if it’s okay)
Maybe this time….King Marty? Like in a kings outfit with the septor
and crown and stuff? Idk
no problem at all! i'm just happy you enjoy :D
anyone with any remote knowledge of historical dress from any vague period or region please avert your eyes.
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#im having a real doc brown crude model moment here over the fit LMAO.#marty mcfly#bttf fanart#bttf#back to the future#not Exactly what you asked for? i could not bear to draw the fancy stick alas. and it's more of a prince vibe than a king vibe#bc if this guy held any sort of significant position of power something would combust#ik it's a silly doodle but of course i gotta make up some context bc that's part of the fun. YAP SESSION WARNING#i was thinking that doc and marty were dicking around somewhere in a place and period of time with a monarchy. for Science#and for one reason or another he ends up getting mistaken for royalty or something. may or may not be related to how straight his teeth are#so they drag his ass back to the palace and marty has No Fucking Clue what's happening. meanwhile doc is on the verge of a stroke#i think it would be really funny if some princess got infatuated with marty and now he has the plot of the first movie on his hands again#except instead of him ceasing to exist it's like. the entire history of a country#so doc's trying to get him out of there and marty's trying to let this chick down gently bc he doesn't want her to like. kill him or smth#and also there's probably a tannen thrown in there too bc why the hell not#i don't even like royalty aus that much for this fandom but somehow i've got a decent amount of thoughts about this LMAO.#you asked for a silly doodle and somehow it came with a whole fic idea too. whoops#anyone want to take this idea and run with it feel free to#kit does an art#kit yap session#<- bc of the sheer amount of tag on this
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d4rkshad0w · 7 months ago
i really hope we get to see Ty actually grieving Livvy in TWP
i know she’s “alive” as a ghost but i know that the secret of her is killing Ty inside and is distancing him from the rest of his family
in qoaad we saw the Ty that believed he could get his sister back and from the other characters pov (especially Kits) it didn’t really show that Ty was grieving a lot but i hope that in TWP if she is finally let go, we get to see Ty break down in tears and Kit comfort him because from the moment he was born Livvy was there with him and i doubt they’ve ever spent more than a day apart, other than her death, so i really want to see him grieving in his POVs and i want the other characters (his family) to see that he’s lost “his spark” but only Kit knows why, i want to see the other characters acknowledge how hard Livvy’s death was on him since he spent most of his time at the scholomance and away from them
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noahtally-famous · 10 months ago
kinda (very) ironic that the two allegedly "normal guys" in the total drama franchise have some of the most concerning lore/personalities
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scrunglepaws · 5 months ago
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I drew these after the mud incident because it seemed like fun. Cue me immediately feeling bad because Sails legit wants to have kids. Look how excited he was! I never thought about Kit's feelings on the matter until now and I don't think he would want any… so… Made some more (far-off) drama for them after all, fffff.
I don't have Folklore/Lagoon Kit/Tails designs committed to memory yet, oops… Also, like. Folklore kittails is currently looking kinda QPR more than romantic, if anything. And Lagoon, um. UMM. XD;
Oh look, a maybe! (Just like "Maybe I'll get around to writing the CaveTails fic" xD). Then I thought to do Kaleidoscope for the heck of it despite it not being a kittails story. The results shouldn't be shocking. xD Lol @ Mangey overthinking it like a dingdong. Adoption, you silly; the kids already exist!
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kitsquared · 6 months ago
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Both directed at Phineas
The first image is panic over the news of what happened to Pereshati.
The second one belies unspoken anger for suggesting she leave the Lapileons for her safety.
Two expressions a day or two apart from each other.
One has Therdeo going to his uncle for help. For guidance. Like he used to do when he was younger. (He's gripping the letter from the carrier pigeon in his fist in a previous panel. He went straight to Phineas first).
The other brings up his quiet resentment at Phineas for leaving the family. For Therdeo who had stayed and endured the family's burdens. To impose authority over his uncle's judgement.
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I love how this image draws you into the authority he has with his height, pose, dress. The lighting, him centered and tall in a long vertical panel.
He looks older here ? And quite often he speaks to Phineas alone with his hair down and not parted, casual clothes; he always looks younger and more vulnerable, showing Phineas' role as the elder guardian.
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It's sad because the reason Phineas did not leave the family again was for Therdeo, who asked him not to go and to help him.
Phineas has also been concerned over Therdeo obediently taking on the title of Grand Duke at such a young age and fulfilling duties without thought to his own desires.
And it is Phineas who was overjoyed and relieved to have lived long enough to see Therdeo find something he wanted and worth fighting for.
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For Pereshati to become precious to him as well. For her to become someone past being of use to figuring out the family's curse.
But now Therdeo has even threatened him. (The shadow of the sword!!)
Which is excessive, and I think is an effect from a lot of the recent situations and fear of losing her to the point of near possessiveness (his way of dealing things about Harari).
more ramblings under the cut
#and you cant doubt that Therdeo is clouding his judgement of Pereshati's safety#there were 3-4 separate scenes showing his reaction towards the shackles on her feet#the relief he had when she said she was only thinking of him when he was the reason she went through this says a lot#he knowss.. but given how less composed and more erratic his actions are lately ( not surprising with the situations)#it's clear what lengths he would go to for her whether for better or for worse#and phineas' concern is extremely valid. we were all throwing our hands up when she got kidnapped man
(I wrote down these tags down and decided to keep them)
Truly, Pereshati did so much for them. It's interesting that her kindness and recklessness due to her kindness has been a thing since she was young and now resurfaces in her interactions with the Lapileons that have both Phineas and Adeus questioning her place in the family.
If she does so much for a stranger, how far will she go for the Lapileons? if the shackles are any indication
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forcedhesitation · 11 months ago
...just heard about the upcoming perk changes...hmm...yeah. the only good one definitely is the adrenaline nerf. I've wanted them to take away healing off hook forever.
the other perk changes are ass.
ultimate weapon is still outrageously unfair, even if you take away the screaming! to me, it feels like they just saw the uptick in people using calm spirit following the addition of ultimate weapon, and decided "hm, the way to deal with this is to remove the screaming." no! this perks needs to be reworked differently! given a longer cooldown, something! it does way too much for just one perk!
DS buff isn't going to stop tunnelling. strong killers don't care if you stun them, and weaker survivors likely won't even have DS because it's licensed...waste of a buff. just as they should do with off the record, they need to spread out these important anti-tunnel strategies to general perks. it's so unfair that something this important be gated behind a DLC. and no one perk should ever be too strong!
also, I saw otz's commentary on the changes. I could not agree more that certain killers should be nerfed directly, rather than trying to just balance perks generally. not all killers interact with different perks the same... nurse, wesker, huntress, blight, etc do not care about a stun, even if it's increased in length. you need to change them & how their powers work in relation to stuns, so survivors have a chance to get away from them, rather than buffing the perk so that old man ghostface has an even worse time in this dogshit meta lmao.
#dbd#thoughts about media#I haven't been on twitter in a while. I'm sure survivor mains are crying real hard about the adren nerf.#as if it was fair that the perk would heal you off hook like that. again: one perk should never do THAT much.#like. steve has a perk that heals you off hook. but it does ONLY that and you have to heal another survivor FIRST.#that feels fair! it does one thing and there's a trade-off! and the heal isn't immediate.#it's 16 seconds and then you heal. and you have base kit BT for 10 seconds to get away from the killer.#tbh- a slight buff to second wind would have been better than a DS buff. like. idk. reduce it to 12 seconds to heal off hook?#but second wind is a licensed perk again. so they should rather focus on making some general perk that does something like this instead.#there are sooo many survivor perks that are total dogshit and do nothing. including MANY general perks. REWORK THOSE!!!#I can't imagine this DS buff going to be a problem for hux because he's kind of a way more fair version of nurse.#he's very mobile. he just requires a lot more patience and skill to play.#I haven't seen anything about his planned changes yet. I'm hoping so badly that it will be a slight buff.#and by that I mean PLEASE MAKE SOMA FAMILY PHOTO BASE KIT!!!!!!#or even partially base kit!!! he should NOT be so dependent on one add on.#making it fully base kit wouldn't even be a problem because that would not impact kill rates at all.#this total hottie is only played by myself and a total of 5 other people worldwide.#making soma family photo isn't going to change that LOL.#like...some people might TRY him if he gets buffed. but I assure you- it would take a miracle to make more hux mains.
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seiwas · 10 months ago
every time i think or speak abt hajime the words just flow out in an endless stream 😔
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wikitpowers · 9 months ago
um kit and ty in an infirmary at some point in twp????
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anyone else certain we will get this scene? bc ik i am
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arolesbianism · 11 months ago
Thinks oh so hard abt the spiraling upwards clan founders, especially the birchclan founders. Silly lil kitties who's pasts are drenched in blood with the primary regret of not drawing it sooner
#rat rambles#oc posting#warriors posting#spiraling upwards#long story short they had a shitty awful terrible leader who sucked absolutely ass and they tore him to shreds#I mean that literally they pinned him onto the mountain side and slashed and mauled the shit out of him so hard that his lives evaporated#and several of the cats involved in that scene are sill alive and major parts of the story and I love them#oh also the cat that pinned him through a stab through the throat was his own daughter btw everyone hated his ass so much#and for good reason get his ass#alas in the main story I dont rly get to go too deep into how he harmed everyone involved mostly just three main ones#aka bristlestar because shes murtlepaw's ghost mom dawncrackle because hes also haunting murtle and gullspot because shes bristle's kit#so basically all the flashbacks we get involve those three in some form or another#honeystar was also there and involved but Im not currently planning on having her rly talk abt that#most of her more modern angst is the fact that she was forced into leadership against her will#and shes been alive long enough that shes been leading birchclan far longer than she ever lived in her old clan#but she did go through a lot of shit before birchclan was founded and it definitely shaped her a lot#she used to be a very determined and high spirited lil kitty cat who tried to be optimistic#but her family began to slowly be picked off one by one by both the old leader and the one whod later get evicerated#some of the older cats around her hoped it make her back down from her revelutionary ideas but she noticed that and it backfired on them#instead of being worn down to submission she became absolutely Furious and began to lash out more and become more demanding#it got to the point that she really only had two friends in the entire clan and one of them was her aunt whod later also die after coming#out abt having witnessed the leader killing his own kits#that was the final fucking straw for her and she was fully on board when bristle and dawn started looking for cats to join their rebellion#she did get rly frustrated with them as they waited patiently for the right moment but her remaining bestie kept her from going apeshit#so once the big fight finally broke out she was more than eager to join the hoard of cats chasing the bastard upwards#now unlike some of the other cats involved this legitimately actually made her feel a lot better for a while#for the first time in ages she finally felt like she could be optimistic abt smth again and was excited abt the idea of leaving this place#she had lost so much in this damn place since she was an apprentice and just wanted to finally be able to rest easy#but once they got to their new territory and set up camp things went south real fast as a flood fucked everything up#and after losing the only cat she had left in her life and losing her tail and being made deputy on top of that she deteriorated quickly
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moe-broey · 1 year ago
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Yearly tradition
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I don't think it's possible to +10 him this year tbh....... I would like. At least 2 though. I feel like 2 is doable and not a lot to ask for.
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bitchthefuck1 · 2 years ago
🔥sab (take this as an opportunity to rant)
A lot of the tags and comments I get on my anti-sab posts are like "omg yes the writing sucks but the casting is PERFECT" or something to that effect and I just wanna say that not only is it not perfect for the reasons I've already mentioned (wrong ages, colorist, ableist, fatphobic, etc), but I also just. Don't think they embody the characters very well.
It's obviously tricky to narrow down what's writing and what's the acting/direction, but I really don't think any of them capture the energy of the characters, like none of them actually seem to *get* the characters they're playing. The closest is maaaybe Kit Young as Jesper, but that's a problem for other reasons.
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overworked-bookworm · 1 year ago
#my therapist told me to be friends with ONLY people who actually like me#and referenced my friends from HS I reconnected with and then had it blow up#and we traced it alllllll back to my complex trauma from my father and how I feel like I have to earn care#which was NOT a fun conversation#but had the byproduct of me realizing the emotion I’ve felt about Kit and Hailey and the other two is just PURE resentment#like how dare they treat me like that#how dare they handle me with anything other than care and affection and try to call themselves my friend#resentment is a whole lot easier for me to work with than any other emotion#everything else makes me feel like it’s my fault#but even though resentment is a poison it’s an easier one to swallow than self-blame#personal#anyway sometimes my Scorpio energy really comes through and every day I’m a little less clinically delusional#I’ve been talking to this guy who flirts in a very similar way that Kit did with me and it’s a lot easier for me to navigate when I’m not…#…fucking psychotic and hearing voices. imagine that.#also he’s nicer to me than Kit was sooooo he can go to hell#also I saw a tarot reader and I was asking about general life advice and she went ‘he’s coming back’ and I went ‘what’#and she lifted up the emperor [which was Kit’s card] and said ‘whoever he was? he’s coming back’ and I SWEAR TO GOD if I hear from him again#Cole had the decency to disappear after he broke up with his girlfriend he ditched me for#Kit is like the mold that keeps getting worse the deeper you go#anyway his mom watches all of my stories which I do think is very funny#should I unfriend the entire family and not think about this anymore? yeah probs#but my therapist said not to unfriend anyone and just sort it out#I have 20 minutes every day to stew and the time is up now friends
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