#it can go angsty if you wanna since anyone who saw that scene knows they didnt get together
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juniemunie · 1 year ago
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i love you in every universe
Edit:// anomaly character by @htsan
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bisamwilson · 3 years ago
fanfic writer asks
Tagged by: @oftincturedwords​, thank u!!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
221,815! which is wild
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
you’ll only find things for the mcu/tfatws bc i orphaned a bunch of really old fics from when i was a (pre) teen, but back in the day i also wrote for divergent, pjo, les mis, and i think a few others
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
oh so saccharine (304)
i wanna hear it loud (292)
religion (u can lay your hands on me) (290)
renaissance man (263)
i just met you (and this is crazy) (256)
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
the star wars au! it’s still a hopeful sort of angsty i think, but that whole fic is mostly just pining and feelings that don’t really get resolved so,,,, definitely not SUPER angsty, but more angsty than i usually go for
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
i feel like most of my fics have happy endings bc i just can’t write angst for too long adkjfhs, but stuck in the middle with you filled my “happy ending” sam wilson bingo square, so i’m gonna go with that one
7. Do you write crossovers? If so , what is the craziest one you’ve written?
nope! i’ve never been a fan of reading crossovers, so i’m not really keen to write one either. i’ll write an au all day, but i’m prob not going to have jim and spock time travel back to meet sam and bucky, yk?
8. Do you write smut? If so , what kind?
oh boy do i! 50% of my published works are rated E asdjkf. i’m not really sure what the “what kind” question is asking? like is this asking if i write m/m, f/f, m/f? if so, i’ve only ever written m/m(/m) but could be open to writing f/f if i come across a ship i want to write for it! i can’t see myself writing m/f smut ever, but maybe one day. if it’s asking what i usually write about, i’ve written many a sex scene with many a kink between sam and bucky, but i guess i usually write top bucky more than top sam (though i’m a firm believer they do switch, bucky just tops 75-90% of the time)
9. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
yes! i usually end up responding to comments around the time i post my next fic asdfjk but i read them all as soon as i get that email from ao3! i respond to comments bc sometimes people have things to add on to or ask about a fic and i want to engage, but even when it’s just a “this is great!” i want to say thank you so they know i saw and appreciated their comments!
10. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
not hate per se, but i have had a couple people comment “this is great, but i think i would’ve written x” which i promptly delete without responding. also to that one person who commented on my consensual somnophilia fic saying they kind of hoped sam would moan out someone else’s name while asleep, we have very different opinions on the type of person sam is.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of! and hopefully i never will, that would be heartbreaking
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
nope! if anyone would ever want to translate my fic they’re welcome to tho and i’d love to get linked to it!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
nothing published, but @yammz and i started a 5+1 sbj fic where bucky is a menace about sexting when sam and joaquín are on missions! it’s admittedly been a while since we’ve worked on it though, it’s been a busy summer (and i have so many other writing deadlines rip)
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
i mean the fact that it inspired me to write fic and gave me such a wonderful and vibrant online community i’ve never had before means i feel like i gotta write sambucky here, but spirk comes in a very close second!
15. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
as much as it pains me, probably the sbj fic where they’re in an angle relationship with sam in the middle but buckyquin are still pining for each other/thinks the other dislikes them but joaquín gets caught up in a post mission celebration and smacks bucky’s ass playfully and it becomes a Whole Thing. i started it with multiple povs and that is,,, too daunting for me
also jury’s out on whether i’ll ever finish the sam with an eating disorder fic. it’s a bit too personal and i have to make sure i’m not triggering myself while writing it/i’m in a good headspace to do so
16. What are your writing strengths?
i feel like i’m pretty good with dialogue? i write a lot of it and i generally like how it ends up. i also feel like i’m good with characterization, at least with sam and bucky in particular, and i’m really proud of the way i’ve developed them as i write each fic, and the headcanons i come up with and incorporate
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i hate writing ending lines!!!! i feel like 80% of my ending lines suck and i’m consistently insecure about them and i agonize over them so often or just write a placeholder that ends up in the actual fic bc i couldn’t think of something better
also i love that i feel like i have a writing style, but sometimes i wonder if it’s too much? like if my particular style gets too repetitive the more fics i put out yk? 
18. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
i don’t usually do it, mostly bc i only speak one language fluently and my latin/korean (which i took in school) are rusty at best and entirely gone at worst. i enjoy seeing other people do that though, though i will admit i get kind of annoyed when it doesn’t get translated after or in author’s notes, mostly bc google translate never translates anything just right
19. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
divergent asdfjkahs. i was like 11 and i wrote a small fic (probably 1000 words max) that was some type of character study of tobias i think
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
i mean the obvious answer here is the princess diaries au bc it’s my baby BUT i’m actually really proud of my star wars au. it’s been a while since i’ve written something and been like “yeah this is really good work and i’m very proud of this” and that’s how i felt when i published that
this one is SUPER long, so very much no pressure tagging @livingincolorsagain, @logicheartsoul, @firstelevens, @yammz, and @obsessivelymoody
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headheartbellarke · 4 years ago
FROM A FAN TO HIS GIRL | charlie gillespie headcannons
Requested by anon: “hiii i love your writing and im in an angsty mood could you possibly write a Charlie imagine where him and the reader gets into an argument and he says something like “well ur just a fan” cause that’s how they met and she takes it really personal cause she doesn’t feel like she’s been good enough for him but the like make up and it’s okay? thank you so much” A/N: sorry, i know that this isn’t an imagine but i felt like headcannons would suit this idea better! WARNING(s): some angst with a fluffy ending
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Charlie and you first met in Maui, Hawaii, where you and your best friend where vacationing. Julie and The Phantoms was the very show that you guys had binge-watched on the plane ride there, so imagine your surprise when you ran into the cast members.
They were extremely sweet and invited you two to play beach volleyball with them. You guys played for a couple hours until you had to go back to the hotel to submit an assignment, because college doesn’t let anyone be at peace. Charlie offered to walk you back to your hotel because apparently “it isn’t safe.”
That was a lie. He was absolutely mesmerized by you – not just by how beautiful you were, but more by your bubbly personality. He thought that you were the human epitome of sunshine, and he loved the fact that you could light up any room that you walked into. He loved how big your heart was, how you always made sure everyone was comfortable.
In front of the hotel, he asked you for your number, and if you could hang out sometime back in the states. Of course, you said yes, because you thought that he’s the nicest person ever, and an absolute gentleman.
You guys hung out a couple times over the next few days, and when you went back to the states, you would facetime every night. By then, you were pretty much gone for him, especially after knowing how compassionate and amiable he was.
He also loved to travel, which was something you guys had in common.
Finally, after months of talking on the phone and texting, he asked you to come to Ecuador with him during Christmas. During that trip, you guys told each other about your feelings, and he kissed you, and asked you to be ‘his girl.’
After months of dating, when production started for season two of Julie and The Phantoms, you guys were separated for months on end, and the both of you were definitely not handling it well by bottling up everything.
Whenever Charlie would call, you would have classes going on. Whenever you would call, he would have scenes to shoot. So, you guys went weeks without talking.
One day, your best friend posted a picture of you, her, and this guy she likes on her Instagram. Charlie follows her, and he thought that you were cheating on him with that guy, since he had his arm wrapped around you. He called you.
You got pretty mad at him for jumping into conclusions, so you told him how you felt as if he were ignoring you.
“Well, Y/N, I feel like you’re too busy for me. You don’t pick up my calls either, so I gave up after a while. But now, I think that he’s the reason why you are not picking up my calls.”
“Oh, for god’s sake, Charles, he’s just a friend! And you’re such a fucking hypocrite. You’ve not only missed my calls, but you’ve also missed important events in my life! I’m always supporting you, but when I need you, you’re gone.”
That went on for a while until Charlie snapped, “Well, you’re just a fan.”
You felt your heart drop at that. It’s an insecurity of yours. You love Charlie, you really do – but you can’t ever, ever change the circumstances under which you met, no matter how much you wish for it. Plus, you thought that you were more to him than that, but clearly not. It’s things like this that keep you up at night, making you feel like you’re not good enough for him and that no matter where you two are, there would always be this unspoken variable hanging in the air: you’re just a fan.
You were crying as you said, “If that’s what you think of me, then alright. We’re over, okay? You can now date all the models and actors and Hollywood girls. Good luck.”
Before he could say anything, you hung up.
For the rest of the day, you stayed curled up in your couch, watching New Girl and crying. Oh, to be Jess!
Your self esteem was at an all-time zero.
At 3AM, however, you were woken up by an insane banging on your front door – you had fallen asleep crying.
Opening the door, you felt your heart clench. Charlie was standing there with a box of chocolate glazed donuts from your favorite bakery.
“I am so sorry. I swear I didn’t mean what I said. It just – I’m just so afraid of losing you, and these past few weeks I’ve been feeling like that, like I’m losing you. And when I saw you with that guy I just assumed that maybe you decided that I wasn’t good enough for you, and I know that doesn’t excuse that, but I just love you so much and I was so afraid of losing you so I just assumed the worst and took out whatever I’ve been feeling the past few weeks on you and that’s absolutely not okay, and you deserve so, so much better than me and I swear I didn’t mean a single thing that I said – you’re not just a fan, baby, you’re my girl and I really don’t wanna lose you and you mean everything to me so please, please forgive me.”
You stared at the guy in front of you, who looked a little disheveled and a whole lot crazy. “That was all over the place.”
��I know, I practiced it on the plane but when I saw you, I just forgot everything.”
You jumped into his arms, basking the feeling of warmth and his scent. You felt as if you were drinking water after a long while. “I’m sorry, too. I should’ve figured out something, try to put a little more effort.”
“It’s not your fault, baby.”
“I love you, you idiot. Even after you made me cry the whole day today. Now, come in, I want those donuts!”
*** jatp requests are open <3
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inkbyajm · 4 years ago
Bottled Up
pairing: C.H. x fem!reader
category: angst, fluff
warnings: yelling, crying, insecurities
word count: 2.2k
notes: apologies for the tardy post, i wrote and rewrote and re-rewrote the whole angsty scene because i didn’t know if it was written well enough, i wanted to make sure you guys could feel the emotions that i vividly visualised and tried my best to put into words  :( i did send it to a friend to check and she seemed to like it, so let me know how it goes for you, my loves. the angst for this one was inspired by 2 different songs - hold me while you wait by lewis capaldi and i will run from you by cemeteries. it’s not necessarily about the lyrics, but more about the melody and the mood you get into listening to them (they go in order). give those a listen :) also, beware of the upcoming philosophy references, i did study philosophy last year, hopefully no one gets triggered lmao
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Is a person’s scent something a normal human being picks up on before taking into account the rest of their features? Would a normal human being remember said scent and be able to recognise it in a crowd full of strangers? Corpse wasn’t too sure about the answer, but one thing he did know, is that she smelled delicately sweet, like cherry blossoms, and that ever since he had noticed it during their game night a few weeks ago, he simply couldn’t let it go. It was intoxicating, but in a calming way. 
Corpse and (Y/N) each lay on their beds in their own homes, going into the third hour of their call. He couldn’t exactly fall asleep, so he had decided to see what his dear friend was up to, and even though she was this close to succumbing to sleep, she said nothing and stayed up to keep his busy mind company.
“Okay, hot topic: what do you think about soulmates? More specifically the romantic type?” the girl asked, not knowing how much of a risqué question it was. How was he supposed to answer?
“I don’t really have an opinion on it. Why?”
“I read Symposium by Plato the other day and it presented an interesting concept about human beings. Basically-” Of course she fucking read philosophical books. How were they even having a conversation with each other? Why were they even friends? She was on a whole other level of smart. “-so this guy says that humans were like androgynous blobs, so they’d come in two sets of everything a normal person has. But those humans were so powerful, the gods were literally shaking in their robes, so Zeus decided to cut everyone into two to weaken them. But then humans became so miserable, they spent their entire lives searching for their other halves. In the end, Zeus kinda felt bad and said fuck it, I’ll give y’all dicks and vaginas for every time you wanna hug each other. And that’s the oldest explanation there is about the idea of soulmates.” she sighed, finished with her rant.
“That was...not at all the story I expected to hear.” she heard him mumble on the other side of the call. “Yeah, Greek philosophers were up to some reeal freaky things, you would have loved them,” he laughed at her joke, “I honestly think it’s cute. Not the whole cutting people into two thing, but like, longing for someone and then finding them because you finally feel complete. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a strong independent woman who doesn’t need a prince in shining whatever to sweep me off my feet. But it does sound nice, that ideal comfort, a person you’re just...meant to be with, I guess.”
There was a moment of silence that neither of them really minded, before it was Corpse’s turn to ask the second bold question of the night. “Have you found that person yet? Your soulmate?”
She’s never thought about it before, but she hasn’t really thought about soulmates that much either, it was a spontaneous thought she had said out loud. “I’m not sure, actually. (B/F/N) could be one, I guess.” (Y/N) shrugged in return. Wasn’t she going to ask him about it? She probably didn’t care that much. Understandable.
“My favourite quote about love is «You come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by seeing an imperfect person perfectly.». It’s by Sam Keen, the American philosopher. It maay be the hopeless romantic in me shining through, but I do very much agree with his statement.” Did this mean anyone could have a chance with her despite their fuckups? So if he were to try, would she-?
“Obviously, there are some things that just can’t be ignored or avoided, but at that point it’s preferences and personal tolerance. Depends on the person, ya know?” she swiftly added, unaware of the effect it had on him. Sick. Some people were just meant to rot alone.
The final question was posed by (Y/N). She’d be lying if she said she wasn’t at all curious. This little crush of hers had been steadily growing with every hang out, every laugh, every hug and every glance. There are rarely ever moments where one could casually discuss a topic this personal with friends, at least there weren’t with friends one had feelings for. This was the perfect opportunity.
“Have you ever been in love?” her voice was soft, her approach gentle.
“Well, I’ve been in relationships before, so I guess, yeah? It’s been so long, I don’t even know what love feels like anymore.” he let out a breath resembling a chuckle. Lamest fucking answer ever. But it was true. He hadn’t thought about love in that way in quite a while.
“A lot of people describe it as having an intense range of overwhelming feelings. Lightheadedness, slight shakiness, heart palpitations, some people have even reported losing their appetite. Crazy how human bodies work, huh? Oh! Speaking of chemicals-”
She had continued on to ramble about...chemistry? Eyes? Corpse couldn’t really hear what she was saying anymore, let alone concentrate on her words, as he pieced everything that’s been happening for the past few months together. The nauseating feeling. The pounding of his heart so fast it felt like he was about to die. The urge to make as little eye contact with her as possible, because otherwise he’d turn into a furnace. The obsession with her perfume, like he was some fucking creep. The fool was falling in love. And it was at that moment that everything had come crumbling down.
(Y/N) and Corpse hadn’t talked for a couple of weeks. Or rather (Y/N) messaged the 23 year old many times, but he’d either claim to be busy or just not answer at all. There were two possible reasons for the sudden lack of contact: he was indeed busy with his musical projects and couldn’t allow himself to be distracted; or something much more serious was going on. It didn’t matter, for she was already in her car, on her way to his apartment.
Arriving at her destination, she used the spare key he gave her months ago, a sign of absolute trust, and allowed herself into his humble abode. Silence reigned in her friend’s residence. She thought maybe he had gone somewhere, and though that was unlikely, it wasn’t unprecedented. The door to his recording room was closed, and while she was tempted to check if he was in there, she refrained from doing so, knowing that specific room was not to be entered unless he was around to give permission.
“Corpse?” she called out just to make sure. There was no response for a few minutes, which made her assume she had the place for herself, until she heard a door open behind her. Turning around, she saw his figure emerge from said recording room in a white t-shirt and black sweatpants, his curly hair disheveled.
“Hey, how are you d-”
“Why are you here?” he spoke flatly, interrupting her. “Well- You weren’t, um, answering your messages or any of my calls, so I thought something had happened.” she replied, suddenly nervous, fiddling with the rings on her fingers. “Nothing happened. I told you I was busy.”
The air around them seemed colder as tensions rose. (Y/N) could tell he was irritated, but she couldn’t exactly figure out why. She had never seen this side of him before. “Okay. Tell you what, I assume you haven’t had dinner yet, so why don’t I go ahead and start cooking something up while you-”
“Get out.”
She blinked a few times, not quite registering the words that had just left his mouth. “Sorry?” Her voice was quiet. She was taken off guard.
“Are you deaf? I said get. the fuck. OUT.”
Corpse shouted the last word, making her flinch in what appeared to be fear. Good. Run away while you still can. Heart pounding, (Y/N) took a second to remind herself whom she was speaking to. “I see that you’re angry, but at least give me a reason why-”
“You want a reason? I just don’t fucking WANT you here!” Anger grew inside of him like a tumor, but it wasn’t intended for her. She had simply been caught in a storm that had been building up for years. “Do you understand that?! I can’t fucking be around you without feeling like I’m going to EXPLODE.”
His words hit her like paintballs. They were only words, plain and simple, but they dug deeper and deeper into her skin with each hit, until, eventually, it broke. Eyes burning, she felt the tears slowly welling up in them.
“Why are you doing this to me?!” her own voice grew louder with frustration, but mostly, confusion.
“Maybe because I can? Because I’m a goddamn asshole?” 
“Don’t say that.”
“How?! How can I not say it when it’s the truth!” He wanted to stop. His mind told him to cease whatever it was that he was doing. However, blinded with resentment towards himself, he only spilled words he would regret after it was too late. 
“I can’t function like a normal fucking human being. I can’t be a good friend, son, or whatever the fuck else, and I sure as hell can’t love you.”
The paintballs had turned into a singular sword. A very long, very sharp sword that had found itself plunged deep inside her chest. How did he found out? When? Had she been too obvious? Had she been pushy? Clingy? Way out of line? The woman before him was unable to conceal her shock, as tears came rushing down her hot cheeks. Her voice brittle, she tried defending herself. She couldn’t leave it at that. She had to try. Try to have him see reason. “You don’t love me, that’s fine. But you didn’t have to deliver it this way-”
“But I did.” breathless with fury, Corpse clenched his fists so tight they had turned cold, yet they were still trembling. “You can get so naïve and dumb, you won’t understand things unless they’re spelled out nice and fucking bold for you.”
He closed with (Y/N) until their noses nearly touched. He noticed the way she silently shook, her eyes which shed endless tears never leaving his gaze. Unable to make a single sound, she felt the man’s hot breath on her face, his aura domineering.
“Now get. out.”
Her body wouldn’t cooperate as she just stood there. Staring back at him, her inner brows raised. Corpse wanted to hug her. Envelop her trembling figure with his and tell her he was sorry, that he meant none of it, that he had lost his mind. But he couldn’t bring himself to do anything. And with his own tears threatening to spill, he created a distance between them. He needed her gone.
“Leave! GO!”
His yelling was enough to jolt (Y/N) out of her trance, and, in a hurry, she sprinted towards the entrance. The door closed behind her, she felt a sudden urge to fill her lungs with much needed air. She jumped at the resounding scream that emanated from deep within his soul, letting out all of his pent-up rage.
Feet carrying her all the way to her car parked outside of the building, the young woman managed to climb in, and this was the queue for her body to break down. The night was young. The street empty. No one around to hear her long-lasting wailing. She clutched the steering wheel for support, fingers wrapping around the leather in a tight grip. A headache was creeping up from the back of her skull. Her ears pulsated in response to the heavy pounding of her heart. Clumsily, (Y/N) inserted the key into the ignition, felt around for the gear stick, and drove away. She didn’t know where she was going or how long it was going to take to get there. She needed to get out.
What went wrong? When did it go wrong? She couldn’t help but feel guilty, feel at fault. She had never seen that side of him before. He had never treated her that way before.
It was the hugs, wasn’t it? He had to have noticed the way she held on for a second too long to enjoy the smell of his cologne. Her vision blurred as she resumed softly weeping, her salty tears staining her top. Or it might have been the touchiness, she would practically glue herself to him during their movie nights. Unaware of both her actions and surroundings, (Y/N)’s breathing quickened, becoming ragged. Maybe he didn’t like the way she called him three times a week. Her hands were slowly losing control over the wheel, over the vehicle she was driving. She invaded his privacy. That was definitely it. Fuck. How could she have been so damn blind, selfish, ignorant, FUCKING STUPID.
Lights. Something was moving towards her- MOVE.
With a sharp turn, she dodged the approaching car just by a hair’s breadth, but as she had avoided one accident, another came just as quickly. 
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megastarstriker · 4 years ago
𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜: Cussing and Drugs
𝙋𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜: Nikki Sixx x Female Reader
𝙒𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝘾𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩:
𝙍𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙙: by @metalheartofgold {Hey sweetie, I was so happy when I saw your request were open because I love your writing so much 🥺 So I wanted to request a Nikki Sixx one shot (Mötley Crüe) where he is protective off reader during a party in the Motley house. He knows reader's body has negative reactions to drugs, due to a condition reader had since she was a child, so when someone tried to force reader to take drugs, Nikki stood up for reader. (reader is his gf). Can you make it fluff and angsty? Please don't rush yourself,take your time and publish it whenever you want. I know us writers still have a life outside writing.thank you so much 🖤}
𝙏𝙖𝙜𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩: @metalheartofgold, @ginny-rose-sixx, @xxqueencolourxx​, @littlemisscare-all​,
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★ ──⭒─⭑─⭒── ★ ──⭒─⭑─⭒── ★ ──⭒─⭑─⭒──  ★
I whispered lowly as I looked at the whole crazy and wild chaos that was going on around me. 
Sitting in the sofa I couldn’t help but feel a bit uncomfortable and out of place as I watched everyone having fun, as I held a drink of whiskey in my hand that was not entirely full as I wasn’t planning to get wasted unlike the others who were at the moment shitfaced from the booze they had. People from one side drinking or entering the apartment by the shattered window next to the door  that gave anyone entrance to join the party inside and that was still left unfixed from prior incidents and on the other there was people making out or sniffing drugs that were neatly formed into lines with a straw or just doing a bountiful amount of outrageous and animalistic things altogether in a crowd. 
I slumped even deeper into the sofa as I saw someone puke right near me on the floor causing me to cringe a bit in disgust and worrying concern for the person that did. Scooting away I held the drink that had a bit tighter, obviously uneasy about what could go wrong right about now. Don’t get me wrong I was used to this kind of thing mainly because my boyfriend was the one that held these types of parties along with his bandmates, Vince and Tommy. For Mick though not so much as he was no were to be seen along with the other two who were  both probably doing there ‘normal crazy stuff’ as usual....
There was a bunch of girls who were doing drugs along with some guy that was currently staring at me, obviously interested in me. I simply of course shrugged it off and decided to pay attention to something else. I then saw my boyfriend, in the middle of the room, Jet black dyed hair, gorgeous green hues, a perfect yet devilish and sexy smile that adorned his handsome features that any woman or groupie would fall for, a well defined and muscular body that accompanied with his various sexy looking tattoos, that man was Nikki...
‘Nikki and I have been dating for quite awhile, after his previous bands that went to waste.  He has also dated a few other girls before me and when we were still just friends. It surprised me how we were even a couple to begin with, even more when he asked me out. 
We had things in common, like our love for rock’ n’ roll and other likes and dislikes as well, but different in our own ways. I was there to support him in every way I could of course when he told me about wanting to become a rock star... 
 I knew Nikki was into drugs and was overall a wild rock star when it came to the parties and such, but he could also be his loving self when we were both alone and told me everything because he trusted me and loved me in his own way when he tried his hardest to show it.......
But I on the other hand couldn’t because of my condition I had since at a very young age....
 On our first date, I had let him known about my condition and the fact I couldn’t take drugs, which took me awhile to even talk about as I felt very insecure if he would actually judge and leave me because of my negative reactions to them if I took any drugs that weren’t good for me (those reactions could result dangerous for my body system and mind if I did happen to have them) considering many of my previous ex’s did when I brought it up to them, causing them to abandon me without any remorse for it....
He shockingly of course didn’t and respected me when I told him about it, quietly listening to me. But even now as he kept telling me that it didn’t matter if I had a condition or not that he still loved me, I couldn’t help but feel doubt and insecure about myself...and what he said to me....really didn’t help with the anxiety I had as negative thoughts started to flood my mind leaving me a bit depressed...even hating myself for the way I turned out to be.....as I watched him.’
Nikki was currently drinking a bottle of whiskey while also checking in on me every once in a while to see how I was doing, I never understood why he would considering I new how to take care of myself against anyone that tried to harm me or offer me drugs, but he was damn well stubborn and protective off me enough to not take my answer and leave, but he also respected my space and that I really appreciated from him. 
He gave me a warm smile as his gorgeous green eyes met mine, I smiled in return to let him know I was fine, as he kept talking to the guy in front of him. Smiling and feeling a warm feeling in my chest as I did, I felt the weight of the sofa shift as someone sat right next to me and damn right- It was the guy who was doing drugs from earlier, currently eyeing me up and down, holding a small tray of drugs with two straws. 
“Hey there babes wanna do a bump with me?”, He flirted as he held the small tray towards me. “Um, No thanks. I’m good.”, I said as I hesitated the offer ,my smile turning smaller each second I would stare at this guy next to me, but kept myself firm and cautious of the situation. 
“C’mon, hun. Don’t be such a party shitter come have a little taste of this.”, The man said obviously very insistent as much as I declined.  I d-don’t want any can you please stop bothering!”, I confidently said as I put up a brave front telling the guy to go fuck off, but then I was interrupted as he gripped at my hand tightly catching me by surprise and wince in pain at the tight hold he had on it.  “Let me go you asshole!”, I said as I stepped on his feet with force only for him to slap me across the face, my cheek burning red and stinging from the impact it gave me.
“ You bitch, if you’re not gonna take any of this. Then why even bother be here. You’re just another goddamn lame ass whor-”, He said as he spat those words at me like dripping venom, I couldn’t help but cry my cheeks staining as my mascara also mixed with the salty tears that flew and traveled down my chin and unto the dirty stained floor on the ground. 
‘What if he is right?’ If I’m just another fling to Nikki. Another one-night stand that luckily got to be with him longer than the other chicks he had banged. ‘What if he is just using me? And he actually thinks I’m a useless, miserable, pathetic girl.’ I thought with a heartbreak as I sobbed silently the tears and sadness increasing more with each thought, as I choked on my cries. ‘No I can’t think like that. I know Nikki. He is an asshole but he wouldn’t hurt me like that or in any way. Right?’
I then saw Nikki walk towards us both as he punched the guy square in the jaw ,at the same time he said those hurtful words, with full force as his face was contorted in rage and anger,” Hey! Get your hands off my girl, Asshole. If she said she doesn’t want any then get your ass up and leave.”
The guy of course wasn’t a coward but stupid enough to pick a fight with someone like Nikki,” What did you say to me, jackass-” The guy then got pushed onto the wall.
“Listen to me, dickhead. You either leave her the fuck alone and show some respect or get the fuck out.”, He said as he looked at him dead in the eye his green eyes cutting through his entire soul, as he gripped his shirt like claws prying at his neck with a dead glare. “Fuck you guys! I’m out of your lame ass game-”, He yelled at him pushing Nikki off of him, as he stumbled his way out of the scene, everyone around us was quiet, either whispering stuff, or looking at us in shock at what just happened right in front of them. ”That’s it.” Nikki then shove him away forcefully as he kneed him on his groin causing him to crouch in pain, only for then to grip him by the shoulders and push him towards the door and outside of the house, causing him to fall.” And I better not see your ass here ever again, motherfucker!”, He then closed the broken door as he said that not caring at all whether it fell apart or not.
I, of course propped myself up from the floor still crying from earlier, as Nikki looked at me his eyes turning soft with concern as he heavily breathed. Not wanting to say anything and feeling humiliated, embarrassed, even ashamed I quickly got up and left the living room, wanting to be alone and away from everyone’s judgmental view. I then went into mine and Nikki’s shared bedroom, seeing that it was unoccupied and that the bathrooms were being used at the moment for private reasons. I then made sure to close it as I sunk to the bed crying as I let every teardrop out of my eyes that I have been holding in for so long. ‘Why?’ I thought as I broke into sobs gripping at the bed with anger ‘Why me?’ ‘Why did Nikki pick me?’. 
As these thoughts flooded into my I couldn’t help but look down at myself for being this way, for letting my sad emotions get the better of me and not fighting them off. For not being strong, but weak. 
All I wanted to do was just curl in a ball, and hide away from everyone....
From the band.... 
Vince, Tommy, Mick...
From the world....
And From Nikki....
I then heard a strong knock at the door only for then to hear a voice,” (Y/N) its me, open the door.”, Nikki said as he knocked his voice reaching my ears. “Go away, I wanna be alone.”, I said in between breaths as I cried. “I’m not leaving you, Damnit!”, He responded only for him to re-correct his speech knowing it wasn’t going to help if he acted that way as he muttered a little ‘shit’ at his choice of words before talking again this time in a much softer tone as he leaned against the door,” Please....just let me in.”
It took me a few moments before I could muster the courage to open the door, as I opened it I saw Nikki standing at the doorway only for him to wrap  his two strong arms around me, in a strong and comforting embrace. Startled, I then relaxed as it was only Nikki and not the asshole from earlier. I then cried into his chest letting every tear fall. 
“Shit...I’m sorry, babe.” Nikki muttered into my hair softly as he rubbed soft circles around my back, trying to ease my breathing,” Don’t worry that crazy fucker isn’t coming back any time soon and I’ll sure as hell make sure of it.” Hearing this from him made me relax a bit but not entirely as I still had that thought in my mind. 
“Nikki...”, I whispered quietly but loud enough for him to hear.
“Yes, baby?”, He responded as he gave me his full attention and held me and separated me away from his chest but close enough so that he could still have me in his arms. 
“Why me?”, I asked him sniffing a bit at my stuffed nose that was red and a bit stuffy at the moment from all of the crying I did. 
“Hmm?”, He asked obviously confused as to what I meant by that.
“Why did you pick me?”, I said again in frustration as tears flooded into my eyes yet  again, “You could’ve picked any other girl to love or use and leave me behind. You didn’t have to deal with a girl like me. You could’ve dated someone who was good enough to have the same life as you do. So why-”
I then was cut off as Nikki’s soft and rose colored lips met and connected with  mine softly in a passionate kiss, not filled with lust but with love. I closed my eyes as I tasted the Whiskey on his lips  A few seconds, later he let his lips disconnect from mine gently, as he then looked  at me right in the eyes. 
“Because I fucking care... about you, I don’t give a damn or a single fuck about what people think or say about you, me, or us. If any asshole has a problem with that they can either suck someone’s dick and kiss my ass for all I care. I know I’m not one to say corny and lovey-dovey shit like this, but...If you really wanna know why you instead of some other groupie or whore then.. fine.”
“You are ....someone important to me, and I ....don’t care whether you can do drugs and bumps or not. No person in this ...entire world can compare to you. Because you are someone that actually cared for me and for once has supported me when no asshole could for all my fucking life. Whatever that guy said to you was complete bullshit. You aren’t some one time thing for me and you will never be....”
 He said as he gripped my face softly as he let his forehead gently touch mine as his eyes gazed lovingly in mine, letting out a few curses every one in awhile when he tried to tell me what he truly felt about me, knowing it was pretty difficult and torturing at him to even say as he broke his hard walls and cold front. This was the real Nikki.....
the man behind the stage.... the guy without the harsh exterior.... This was him....
My Nikki....
I smiled at him as my tears turn to happy ones, knowing what he said was truly genuine. I was shocked the first time he showed me his true soft and loving side, but seeing it now it didn’t really faze, rather make me want to love him more and further. 
I pulled his face down for another kiss, his warm and tender lips meeting mine as we both lingered in the moment. We then let our lips depart as he hugged me tighter. He then pulled me to the bed, taking of his shirt to reveal and expose his muscular and toned, body along with his attractive tattoos that grazed and covered his skin and body. His long and strong arms pulled me to his chest as he peppered my forehead with small yet feathery kisses. Sniffing, I felt a warm feeling in my chest as I looked up at Nikki smiling a bit and having a funny idea a bit as the silence in the spacious room started to grow....
“Hey Nik.?”, 
“Yeah?”, He asked softly as he propped his arm to rest and lean his head next to mine and face me as I saw his bright hues met mine, despite the darkness in the room and his messed up, soft and poofy crazed hair that was sprawled around a bit at his eyes, covering them slightly. 
Laying down still looking at the ceiling in deep thought I felt a smile creep as I decided to tease him and whether or not he would get pissed off for it...
“Can you say that whole thing one more time for me?”, I asked him as I looked at him trying to hide the smirk in my face.
“Don’t fucking push it.”, He muttered with a bored tone his expression changing from serious to happy as he gazed at me, laughing....
“Sorry....”, I said as I scooted closer to him on the bed my laughs calming down as I reached for his warmth letting my arms fall on his warm chest and skin,” I appreciate what my nice and handsome boyfriend had to say.” 
“Whatever..”, He answered simply with a sarcastic laugh only turning into a real one with a big smile on his face as he rolled his eyes and ruffled my hair kissing me in the forehead tenderly as he did. 
Still smiling, I couldn’t help but say the loving words to him as I melted into his arms....
“I love you.”
 I said in a hushed whisper but loud enough for him to hear as I cuddled with him, feeling each other’s warmth as we basked in the silence surrounding us in the room away from the loud and ruckus outside of it. 
Relaxing into his embrace and feeling very comfortable in it I couldn’t help but feel sleepy as all my energy was left and drained out of me.
 Whether it was the whiskey, his calming scent, or him right next to me, I hadn’t had a clue nor time to figure out as I dozed of into my slumber. 
I then felt a tingle next in my ear as I swore I could’ve heard this last part as he softly breathed it into my ear in a whispering voice as he noticed me sleeping. With a small smile, he said...
 as his rosy and slightly chapped lips parted and forming those words he never thought he’d said to anyone or to himself before nor he ever believed to ever hear them coming from himself or anyone... almost feeling like an illusion if he did say it.. almost like he wasn’t the one speaking it....as he said those ‘three damn forbidden words’ as he would like to call them, next to my soft ear in a hushed tone......
“I love you, too”
{AUTHOR’S NOTE}: This was one of the requests I got from @metalheartofgold​ which was such an honor to write and receive from. Absolutely loved the idea and able to write it down here for you, sweets. I hope you enjoyed it, and that it was to your satisfaction, really. Love you💕
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toriwakes · 4 years ago
Choosing You [George Weasley x Reader]
summary: you and fred were always an unlikely pair. it was too good to be true.
content warnings: cheating, suggestive activities, angsty fluff, some swearing. fem!reader (pronouns she/her)
a/n: hello! i thought of this concept in the shower. i’m actually super proud of it. it was kinda inspired by the people saying that when they shift, fred cheats on them if they don’t script otherwise but...yeah. hope u like it and as always, let me know if you have any requests!
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they were so different. too different, some said. she was dedicated, intelligent, reserved. he was loud, always moving, outgoing. no one expected the two to be a match. some accused her of putting him under a love potion, but he assured her that he didn’t need a love potion; he was devoted to her. at first she couldn’t believe it when the weasley boy asked her out- how could she? they were friends, sure. but just like everyone else, she found it mind-boggling that he took interest in her. she accepted though, jaws dropping when they made their relationship public. they went to quidditch practice together, went to the kitchens late at night and even used her prefect powers to get him out of trouble.
so you can imagine the utter shock, anger and confusion when she caught him in bed with another girl.
after what felt like decades, quidditch practice finally ended. she was eager to check up on fred; he must be in so much pain since he was sick. she frowned at the thought. she picked up some of fred’s favorite snacks hoping they would make him feel better. (y/n) did small things like that for him. that’s the type of good girlfriend she is. why wasn’t she good enough for him?
she entered the common room quietly, not wanting to startle her sick boy. when she finally reached the steps to the boys dormitory, she heard faint pants. this actually made her reach the door faster. she believed that fred was having some sort of reaction to the medicine and wanted to help. her hand was on the knob now, but she realized something. the pants turned into moans- she recognized it right away. who wouldn’t recognize gryffindor’s head girl’s voice? before she could stop herself she opened the door and saw exactly what she was expecting to see. fred’s frame covering most of angelina’s. he was still in her. when they finally noticed the girl they panicked. fred’s eyes went wide and he threw the covers over the figure under him, left to cover his manhood with his hands. (y/n)’s head was mad. ‘curse them out! embarrass them!’ it screamed. but her heart was kicking, screaming and sobbing so loud that all that came out of her mouth was a quiet, “how could you do this to me?”
fred was red in the face and angelina had the same look of shock on her face. “(y/n)? is that you?” hermione’s sweet voice spoke. (y/n) ignored her. fred leaped forward to shut the door but (y/n) stopped him. she forcefully shoved him back; now her head was talking. “did you enjoy yourself then?” she shouted. “did you? are you content?!” fred was stumbling back- he could see hermiones flabbergasted face over (y/n)’s shoulder. “answer me! how dare you! you’re up here fucking her while i’m down there worried sick about you, you bastard!” they stayed quiet. “should i be seeing this?” hermione peeped. (y/n) never removed her eyes as she spoke, “hermione you stay right there. i want you to hear and see everything so you can tell everyone how pathetic fred weasley is!” he flinched at your shouting. she didn’t even hear the rest of the team walk into the common room. “i don’t think i need to tell anyone.” hermione scoffed. she waved everyone up, and next thing you know, the entirety of gryffindor house witnessed the scene. (y/n) turned around. absolutely out of her mind, she opened her moth. “welcome to the show! if you look closely you’ll see fred weasley, a poor excuse of a man.-“ she moved so she could shift the attention to angelina. “-and angelina johnson.” she dropped her arms to her side and kissed her teeth in disgust. “a disgrace to gryffindor house.” she spat. now completely turning around so her back was to the pair, she spoke to the small crowd that formed. “take a picture, i hope you all remember this moment. i know i will.” with that, everyone made a space so she could leave, kicking the sweets she brought in that had fallen on the way out. “freddie...” george sighed.
george was mentally cursing out his idiot of a brother. did he forget the bet? the promise they made? about 3 months ago fred noticed (y/n) for the first time. with a cocky tone he whispered to his twin, “i want her.” george felt like punching his brother. he wanted (y/n). and he let it be known. “dude, i want her.” fred shrugged and proposed a bet; whoever swept her off her feet first would get the girl first. fred ultimately won, but george warned him. “you treat her right, okay?” fred promised george that he would. he broke that promise. the twins never break each other’s promises.
no one knows where she went that night. some say she went to hagrid’s hut and she cried like a baby into his bushy beard. others say she went to mcgonagall and the professor gave her outstanding advice. they were good guesses, but wrong. only george weasley knew where she went. he followed her with caution- he was sure the last thing he wanted to see was a replica of what once was her boyfriend. she went to the greenhouses, which made sense. she loved herbology. he only revealed himself when she started to cry. “(y/n).” her eyes were shut from blinking away the tears but she managed to draw her wand and point it at him. “what do you want, fred?” when she opened her eyes, she. realized that wasn’t fred. she was one of the few people who could tell them apart, and she didn’t see fred. she saw george. tucking away her wand, she sighed. “oh. hello george.” she slumped against a nearby column. “hey.” she was gazing into the sky. “you’re not mad i’m here?” he finally asked. “no. why would i be?” she knew exactly why. she just wanted to hear him say it. “well, you know..fred.” she only laughed. “about that..” he trailed. “you know what i realized about him? he’s not a real boyfriend. he only gets girlfriends so he can cheat on them, can you believe that? he grabs girls hearts, and then he just breaks them. and for what, the thrill of it? it’s sad.” she hissed. george shut his mouth. he decided to not defend fred this time. it was his battle and his only. “if it’s makes you feel better, i didn’t know.” “i know you didn’t. you would’ve told me. wouldn’t you, george?” she looked at him now. “of course.” the gingers head was full. he contemplated telling her about the bet. “she deserves to know.” “yeah, i did.” she scoffed. george only just realizing he said the sentence out loud, cleared his throat. “i doubt it’s worth anything, but fred and i had a bet.” she whipped her head to look at him. “a bet?” he slowly nodded. “we both had a crush on you. we said whoever won your heart first, had you.” “you idiots had a bet on my feelings?!” she said, rightfully angry. george looked down shamefully. “i know, it was stupid. look, i know your heart is broken right now but i have to ask...when it’s healed, so you think we could..” (y/n) chuckled. her eyes fixated on the moon, she spoke, “my heart isn’t broken.” “it’s not?” george now spoke with a smirk. “nope.” she popped the ‘p’ with a smile. “does that mean i’ll have a chance to sweep you off your feet?” she shook her head. “yeah.” “cool.” they stood around in silence for a moment. then, (y/n) got an idea. “do you want to go to the lake?” george scrunched his eyebrows. “it’s past hours.” (y/n) looked at him curiously. “since when do you care if it’s past hours?” “touché.”
two weeks was all it took. she was as good as new. she owed george some credit for her quick recovery. they spent endless amounts of time together. “do you wanna do this?” george inquired. he meant go public- show off in front of the entire great hall that you were in fact his now. “you don’t think they’ll think poorly of us?” (y/n) picked up george’s hand and put it in hers. “anyone who thinks poorly of us is supporting angelina and fred’s choices. do you need that type of person in your life?” she asked. george simply smiled and pecked her on the lips. “keep away from her!” they were torn apart by hermione, a look of pure disturbance on her face. “oh! goodness, forgive me. i thought you were fred.” “hermione?” (y/n) said. hermione cocked her head as if to say ‘yes?’ “what would you say if george and i were dating?” hermione’s breath hitched, sounding like a gasp. in a low whisper, she asked, “are you?” (y/n) looked at george. george was already looking at her with a grin. “yeah.” hermione was already smiling, but she smiled brighter and gave the couple a slow clap. “brilliant!”
all eyes were on them. everyone in the great hall had their jaws on the floor as george walked in with (y/n) on his arm, a cocky smirk on his face. they even got looks of respects from slytherins. angelina reacted first, fred right after her. “you’re a slut.” angelia spat. ‘that’s funny’ (y/n) thought. ‘i don’t remember transfiguring myself into a mirror’. gasps erupted from the hall. george lunged forward but she held him back. “you...want to talk about being a slut?” (y/n)’s cold voice was unsettling. without reason angelina flicked her wand, basically punching the girl in the face with a jinx. (y/n) touched her nostril- blood. “george, honey, do me a favor. have a seat.” george sat down at her words. blood on her robes now, (y/n) faced angelina. the girl raised her wand but toria was quicker, muttering a “flipendo!” and knocking angelina back several feet.
of course that was when snape walked in.
he crossed his arms and sucked his teeth. it reminded her of when she caught fred. “i’d love to hear your explanation for this one, (y/l/n).” he had a shit-eating smirk on his face. “and i’d love to give you one, professor. as incriminating as this scene looks- none of it was my fault. angelina verbally attacked me first, calling me rude words that i shouldn’t repeat. then physically, giving me-“ she wiped her bloody nose with her thumb. “-this gem.” snape’s black eyes switched between the two girls. “and everyone here can confirm that.” (y/n) added. several ‘yeah, she’s right’s came from the students. “alright then. 20 points from gryffindor. ms johnson, come with me. (y/l/n), get yourself to the infirmary and stop bleeding everywhere.” snape left with angelina who seemed to have a bruise on her arm. “so that’s it then?” fred spoke now, george putting himself in front of you. “i guess it is.” her boyfriend said. “you know what you’re doing is wrong, right? you can’t date my exes-“ she was going to let george handle it, but now she had to but in. “you don’t have any say in what he can and can’t do! not after what you did. he’s lost his respect for you.” george grabbed his girlfriends hand in attempt to calm her down. “you’ve love your respect for me?” fred sounded sad. george didn’t care. “earn it back once you’ve decided to stop being an ass.”
george was walking her to the hospital wing now. “this won’t get in the way in your relationship with him, will it?” george sighed. “you’re so good, you know that? my brother cheated on you and you’re worried about if him and i will be okay.” you smiled. “i should’ve chose you.” she whispered. “what was that?” george hummed. she spun in her feet and cupped his face, pulling him down so their lips could meet. “im choosing you.”
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keichanz · 4 years ago
More Than
so i was listening to the song More Than My Hometown by Morgan Wallen which is now my new obsession and i shit you not, the ending to this little drab popped into my brain so fast i knew i had to write it down. thus, this angsty little blurb was born. 
now as i was writing, i realized that it was giving off sooo many One Last Ride vibes, written by the ever so talented @lemonlushff​​, that i decided to tweak this so it could tuck somewhere into the story itself as a sort of unofficially official glimpse of their breakup. i’m happy to report that it has Lemon’s official seal of approval and she loved it! 
so now i’m gonna share it with all you fine folks and i hope you enjoy it too! :) and since it is in the OLR universe, there will be angst hahahaa. 
so this is for you Lemon, my sweet and sour friend~ ❤️ 
one last thing--i highly recommend either having the song above playing while you read this, or at least listen to it beforehand. yes, it’s a country song, but it really is so good and the lyrics - which i’ve italicized and bolded - seem to reflect Inuyasha’s thoughts perfectly, which is why i thought it fit so well with OLR’s theme. 
....shit okay one last last thing: i swear to fuck that the ending jumped out of a scene from a goddamn western harlequin romance novel with its level of cliche and drama and yes i am entirely proud of that fact ;ljadfilajflkahjsfue
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She stood beside the bed, feeling empty, cold, hollow as she stared down at the pillows and blankets. It was still unmade, the sheets twisted, messy from her hasty retreat just that morning. Tears burned her eyes as she remembered why; the argument, the begging, the screaming. The heartbreak.
Her heart twinged and Kagome gasped, closing her eyes as she brought up a hand to cover her mouth. Was this…was this really it? Were they really going to leave things like this, unresolved and painful between them? God, she didn’t want to. She wanted to run outside, run through the night to his house, throw open the front door and beg him to—
Her bedroom door crashed open and Kagome gasped, whirling around with wide, liquid eyes, heart in her throat. Golden eyes, furious, hard, bore into her own and suddenly a heat suffused her body, chasing away the previous chill, and her stomach swooped as he shut the door and stalked toward her.
Her breath left her in a stuttered exhale, body trembling, coming alive from the heat in his gaze.
“Shut up,” he growled, grabbing her waist, hauling her in tight against him. His lips fell over hers, swallowing her gaps, the crush of his mouth hard, unforgiving, punishing.
Hands – frantic, desperate – removed clothing, touching, grabbing, caressing. They fell on the bed in tangle of limbs, skin against skin, heart against heart, flushed, needy, desperate. Growls, moans, whispered pleas echoed throughout the darkness of the room as they rocked together, moving in a dance as old as time. Fingers grasping sweat slicked skin, hearts thundering wildly and then perfectly syncing in a moment of euphoric completion. A stuttered breath, a gasp of a name; then silence.
Tears trekked down her flushed face as she was gathered against a hard chest, as familiar arms wrapped around her stated body and held her as she cried.
Girl, our mamas are best friends and so are we The whole town's rooting for us like the home team Most likely to settle down Plant a few roots real deep and let 'em grow
Kagome stood in front of the full-length mirror and ran a brush through her still damp hair, the yellow and blue sundress she wore complimenting the blue of her eyes. Blue eyes that were dull as they stared at her reflection, but didn’t really see it.
Which was just as well. She didn’t know why she picked this dress to wear, but had felt compelled to wear it anyway, even if looking at it made the vice on her heart tighten even more.
A gentle knock on her door startled her out of her thoughts and she blinked. Kagome turned her head in time to watch her mother crack open the door and poke her head inside, her smile kind, but her eyes sad. The older woman took in her daughter and her smile faded, but she didn’t comment as she stepped inside.
“Souta brought the car around,” she said softly. “And the keys are in it. Do you need help with your bags?”
“No,” Kagome answered and looked at her reflection again. “I packed most of them in the car last night. I just have my carry-on left.”
Mama nodded but said nothing as gazed at her daughter. Her heart ached at the pain she saw reflected in those dear features, in the eyes were that identical to her late husband’s—Kagome’s father.
“Kagome…” she started, but then sighed as those sad, sad eyes turned toward her once again. Mama shook her head. “Are you going to say goodbye?”
Kagome’s breath hitched. She didn’t need to ask who she was talking about. She swallowed past the lump in her throat and tried to ignore the butterflies that took flight in her belly.
“I…I’m going to try,” she whispered and god help her, but she couldn’t stop the tears from welling in her eyes. “But Mama, I don’t…he probably doesn’t want to see…”
Her throat tightened and she pressed her lips tightly together to stifle the sob that welled up. Immediately arms, warm and familiar, surrounded her. Kagome buried her face in her mother’s shoulder as the tears spilled from her eyes.
“I’ll talk to Izayoi,” Mama murmured and kissed her daughter’s head, her heart aching for her little girl as she felt her own eyes getting hot with the threat of tears. “If anyone can talk some sense into that boy, it’s his mother.”
Kagome sniffled and nodded, grateful that her mother would help her in this endeavor. It was unlikely he’d want to see her, but she had to at least try…
Closing her eyes as her mother rubbed her back and smoothed her hair, Kagome clung to her mother and let herself remember, the memories flashing before her mind’s eye and then fading away just as quickly, only to be replaced by another one, fresher, more precious, more painful than the one before.
But we can't stop this real world from spinnin' us Your bright lights called, I don't blame you for pickin' up Your big dream bags are all packed up and ready to go But I just need you to know
“Shhh! Quit laughing or they’ll hear us!”
Another badly stifled giggle echoed in the night as he drew her into the darkness of the trees, toward their secret spot they’d found years ago. One hand held a six pack while the other held tight to her hand, fingers laced, and he couldn’t stop the grin from spreading across his face before an exhilarated chuckle of his own burst from his lips.
Darkness gave way to the orange glow of a fire, the soft crackling of wood breaking the stillness of the night.
“Why is this so good?”
“Because we’re seventeen.”
“If we get caught, I’m blaming you.”
“Shut up and maybe we won’t be.”
“Hey, this was your idea—”
The rest of the words were stolen in a kiss, a hand coming up to cradle her jaw as a ragged sigh whispered against her lips. He tasted like beer and spearmint gum. She smiled. A strange combination, but it was him, and she loved it.
“You should have seen it, Inuyasha,” Kagome gushed a year later, sitting on her bed as she excitedly gushed about her time in LA to her best friend. “The sunset was absolutely gorgeous, like nothing you’ve ever seen before! God, I wish you were there with me. I just know you’d love it.”
Inuyasha smiled and reached forward to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. “I doubt I can love anything more than you.”
Blue eyes widened as a flush spread across her cheeks; her breath hitched, lips forming his name and eyes drifting closed as he leaned forward and took her mouth in a warm, lazy kiss.
“Would you ever wanna go?”
“Go where?” Fingers racked through dark hair and her sigh was blissful, a soft melody in his ears.
“…You mean like…visit?”
“Well, maybe longer than a visit…like an extended trip, or something…lots of opportunities out that way…”
A brief pause before the fingers continued. “No. …Do you?”
“Mmm…dunno. Maybe after graduation? I had so much fun last time, but…”
“But what?”
A pause. Then, “Nothing. Kiss me.”
A husky chuckle before a pair of lips covered her own and any thoughts about the Golden State far, far from her mind as she returned his kiss.
That I love you more than a California sunset More than a beer when you ain't twenty-one yet More than a Sunday morning Lord Turnin' some poor lost souls 'round, Hallelujah bound
“Ewww, get that away from me!”
“C’mon Kagome, it’s just a worm! It ain’t gonna bite ya!”
“Eeee! Inuyasha, don’t you dare—!”
Laughter as he chased her around with a baited hook, the sound of water splashing as bare feet waded into the lake.
“Wait, I think I got something!”
The crank of a fishing rod as he reeled it in, the water splashing as whatever was caught struggled against the pull. Grunting, muttered curses, and soft giggling before with a splash the bass burst from the water, dangling from the hook.
“You got it!”
“Damn, ain’t nothing more satisfying than that feeling when the bass hits the hook!”
“I can think of one thing…”
Soft lips, warm and smiling, pressed against his own and Inuyasha abruptly decided that yeah, this was definitely better.
“Yeah! Can’t you just imagine it, Inuyasha? The lights, the nightlife, the ocean, and no more snow! You always complain about the snow.”
“Yeah, but…Kagome, I don’t know…”
“Just think about it, okay? I’m not asking for you to decide right now. But this is something I’ve thought about for a while now, Inuyasha, and I just…I want to experience it with you. Please?”
A pause, and then heavy sigh. “Fine. I’ll think about it.”
A brilliant smile, soft lips pressing to his cheek in a warm kiss. “You know I love you, right?”
“…I know, Kagome. Me, too.”
“I can’t believe you’re reading that crap.”
“It’s not crap, it’s romantic. You could probably learn something or two from these books, you uncultured dog.”
“Uncultured? Really?”
“Besides, I like it when the guy gets the girl at the end. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.”
“I can make you feel all warm and fuzzy, too.”
Her gasp was cut off as lips pressed against her neck and hands slipped beneath her shirt to roam across soft skin. The book fell from her fingers to dive into silver hair, eyes closing as her head fell back with a breathy sigh.
The blood was rushing so loudly in his ears he barely heard her and the thundering of his heart against his chest was so forceful, it was a wonder it didn’t leap out into her waiting hands. 
“Y-yes?” he echoed, voice naught but a disbelieving rasp as he stared at her with wide, shocked - and cautiously hopeful - golden eyes.
A half-sob, half-laugh burst from her lips and her eyes were bright from more than just the unshed tears brimming the beautiful depths.  Lips trembled as she smiled, hand trembling even more as she held it out before her.
“Yes,” she whispered. “Yes, Inuyasha, I’ll marry you. I—”
What she felt next wasn’t the cool metal of his grandmother’s ring as it found a new home on her finger, but instead the warmth of her beloved’s hand as it wrapped around hers and yanked her forward into his arms. They tumbled to the ground, laughing, crying, exchanging endless kisses and promises of forever as the ring, forgotten on the ground but still nestled within the velvet box, glittered merrily in the warm glow of the fire.
Yeah, I love you more than the feeling when the bass hits a hook When the guy gets the girl at the end of the book But, baby, this might be the last time I get to lay you down 'Cause I can't love you more than my hometown
“Come with me.”
Silence; thick, stony. Cold.
Desperation made her voice high, the words falling from her lips fast. “Inuyasha, please, come back with me—we’d have such an amazing time together, learning, living and—you can enroll in my school, Inuyasha! It’s not too late, there are so many programs to choose from, and I just think you can do so much more with your life than—”
“Than what, Kagome?” The words were snapped, harsh, biting as he whirled around to peg her with a hard stare. “Than taking on the valued responsibility of the ranch that’s been in my family for fucking generations? Than building our fucking house? You know, the one we'll live in after we’re married? I can’t do that, Kagome. I won’t.”
“But that’s just it, Inuyasha, you have no room to grow here! You’re stifled by the responsibility you feel to take over the ranch when leaving could relieve you of that burden! The world is so big, Yash, and there’s so much more beyond this little town, so if you would just trust me—”
“You’re asking me to drop and leave everything I know behind, Kagome!” His voice was loud, thunderous in his anger, his frustration, his pain. “This my home, our home, and you just want me to leave like it don’t even matter! Like the fucking life I’m trying to build for us don’t even matter!”
“That’s why I’m asking you to come with me!” Tears, hot, salty ran unchecked down her face, blue eyes big and pleading and flashing with undisguised panic. “I want to be with you, Inuyasha, I do, but I need you to understand—!”
“Then be with me here, dammit!” A note of desperation, amber eyes pleading, frantic, angry.
A choked sob, a muffled whimper. “I can’t…”
An anguished sound, a shattered cry, and then a door slamming shut, loud, devastating, final.
The words slammed into him harder than any blow he’d ever received, the shock greater than hitting the unforgiving ground after falling off a horse, and the pain far, far worse than he ever could have imagined.
Fuck, it would have hurt less if she’d just outright slapped him in the face.
She wouldn’t look at him, her gaze focused on the ground, dark hair hiding her expression. He swallowed once, twice; his mouth felt like a desert, his tongue heavy, thick, useless. His throat worked but no sound came out. Ice replaced the blood in his veins, freezing his lungs, making it hard to breathe.
“Wh…what did you s…” He shook his head, swayed on his feet as he blinked hard. He couldn't have heard her right. She couldn't have just told him—
“…I cheated on you. Inuyasha, I—”
He didn’t hear the rest of what she said. His legs abruptly gave out and he stumbled back, sitting down hard onto the fallen log behind him. The log he’d proposed to her on. The log they’d kissed on—
He shook his head again, a frown pulling his brows down low over his eyes as he tried to register the words spilling from her mouth a mile a minute. Two days…two days ago. That—that didn’t make any sense. He couldn’t—he couldn’t smell anything, couldn’t detect any sort of incriminating evidence that suggested she’d been unfaithful. 
Amber eyes lifted, flashing with tentative hope. She’d been drunk—she didn’t remember, so maybe if he told her—
The sight of his grandmother’s ring, nestled in the middle of her palm, might as well have been his heart because it sure as sure shit felt like she’d just ripped it out of his chest. His stomach clenched, the breath seized in his lungs, and a curious numbness spread throughout his entire body. The realization hit him even harder than the pain had, and that in and of itself would have brought him to his knees had he not already been sitting. 
Honeyed eyes, agonized, pleading, lifted to her face. Again she would not meet his gaze, eyes closed against the tears that spilled down her cheeks. He suddenly tasted salt and with a start he realized he was crying too, the tears warm as they streaked down his pale face but he gave them no mind. 
“K…Kagome…” It was the only thing he could get through a throat tight from anguish. A plea, a prayer, a question all in one as he stared at her, heedless of the tears that continued to fall. 
Her eyes squeezed shut and she shook her head; a clenched sob broke from her lips as she reached forward, grabbed his hand, closed his fingers around the ring, giving it back, giving back his heart that she no longer wanted. Pain, sharp and intense, pierced through him and he gasped, unable to do a damned thing as she backed away from him, arms folded around herself.
“I’m sorry,” she rasped, shaking her head, over and over, backing away. “I just…I can’t…”
A sob, borne of a sorrow so deep, of regret and fear and pain so sharp it felt it in the very marrow of his bones, broke free of her lips right before she whirled around and dashed away, through the night, through the trees, away from the fire, away from him.
Inuyasha could do nothing but sit there, his rejected grandmother’s ring clutched in his fist and his vision blurry from hot tears as he watched her run. Curious, that instead of the crushing pain he expected to feel in his chest, there was a hollow ache that resonated, like an echo of a mournful howl for the one who had just run away with his heart.
What hurt more than the pain of watching her go, however, and more than the diamond cutting into his palm, was the jarring realization that the woman he loved more than his own life would rather fabricate a lie of infidelity than be with him. 
And because he loved her more than his own happiness…he’d let her. 
I ain't the runaway kind, I can't change that My heart's stuck in these streets like the train tracks City sky ain't the same black Ain't that a map dot shame, man, to think that
Sitting on his bed, freshly showered and donned in simple jeans and a t-shirt, Inuyasha’s head was bowed between his shoulders and his arms were propped on his knees. His hands, clenched into tight fists, gradually relaxed and a breath he hadn’t’ even realized he’d been holding rushed from his lungs, escaping his mouth in a harsh exhale that did absolutely nothing to absolve the torment wreaking his mind.
As the last vestiges of the memory faded away, far more painful than all the ones before, he opened his eyes and stared down at the hardwood floor, scuffed and scratched and worn. He frowned, his chest feeling tight, his stomach in knots, his muscles tensing and relaxing with a restless energy that was hard to ignore. He wanted to punch something, to run, to fight, fight for her to stay, fight for them.
But he remained where he was, hands flexing, jaw clenched, eyes shut tight against the pain that was determined to bring him to his knees. God, why, why did she have to—
Gentle rapping on the door before it was cracked open. He didn’t look up but he didn’t need to; he knew why she was here. The ache in his chest intensified, sharped, traveled up to knot in his throat and make it harder to breathe.
She didn’t say anything at first, simply stared. Then, “…She wants to see you.”
Inuyasha turned his head, looked out the window.
A pause. Then a sigh, resigned, sad. “Asako called. Before she showed up at the door, I mean. Asked me to talk to you. Said I would, but didn’t make any promises.” Pause. “You already know how I feel about her doing this, but…you should at least say goodbye. You’ll regret it if you don’t. You know you will.”
A tightening of his jaw and a deep furrowing of his brow was her response.
“…I’m sorry, my love.”
The door closed with a soft click.
A minute passed. Two. Three.
Inuyasha exploded to his feet, grabbed the lamp on the nightstand, and hurled it against the wall with a roar that was equal parts rage, frustration, and deep, intense anguish that reverberated throughout the entire house; echoing, thunderous, shattering.
Deafening silence followed his outburst; he sank to his knees and wept.
I love you more than a California sunset More than a beer when you ain't twenty-one yet More than a Sunday morning Lord Turnin' some poor lost souls around, Hallelujah bound Yeah, I love you more than the feeling when the bass hits a hook When the guy gets the girl at the end of the book But, baby, this might be the last time I get to lay you down Cause I can't love you more than my hometown
It was impossible not to hear it. As the color drained from Kagome’s face and her heart clenched in her chest, Izayoi stared at her with eyes hardened from the ache she was feeling for her son, the sorrow she felt at his heartbreak twisted into bitter, resentful anger at the woman standing before her.
Kagome closed her eyes, bit her lip to stifle the sob that welled in her throat, sucked in a shaky breath meant to harden her resolve. It didn’t and she fought not to fall apart on the front porch, locking knees that threatened to give out on her.
“Go,” Izayoi muttered in a voice like flint and ignored the younger woman’s flinch. “You’ve done enough damage here. And I’m not talking about whatever he just destroyed.”
Hot tears pricked the back of her eyes. Her throat tightened, preventing any words, protests, to spill from her mouth. She stared at the older woman with wide eyes, someone who she, for the longest time, had looked upon as a second mother, someone to confide in, to trust.
She found none of the warmth that she was used to seeing. No fondness, no compassion, no understanding. Coldness spread through Kagome’s veins, turning her blood to ice, knotting in her stomach, heavy, uncomfortable.
Izayoi stared back, cold, unforgiving, unregretful.
“I’m sorry,” Kagome whispered.
The older woman pressed her lips into a thin line and looked away, arms tight across her chest.
Rejected, heartbroken, Kagome turned, her feet feeling heavy as they carried her back to her car. The tears ran unchecked down her face now, streaming down pale cheeks. She tasted salt and she got in the vehicle, closed the door. Her body felt like it was on autopilot as she revved the engine and started down the long dirt driveway.
It wasn’t until she had gone halfway that she broke down, great, gasping sobs erupting from her throat. Her vision was blurry from the unending tears and her knuckles were white from gripping the steering wheel so hard. Without even realizing it her foot had slipped from the accelerator and she was merely coasting now, too distraught, too tormented to think about anything else but the pain ravaging her heart. Unbidden one last memory, the most recent, flashed before her mind’s eye, twisting the knife keeper, crushing her, killing her…
“Don’t do this.”
He froze at the softly uttered words, spoken in a tone so raw with pain that it trembled. He swallowed hard and turned his head just the slightest bit, but said nothing.
Silence. Thick, tense, deafening.
Then he tightened his jaw, hardened his eyes, and continued putting his boots on.
A choked sob, the rustle of cloth. “Inuyasha, please—”
“I’m sorry.”
He stood up from the side of the bed and refused to look at her as he collected his jacket, still sitting in a heap on the floor from where it was hastily thrown the night before.
A stuttered breath, followed by the salty scent of tears. His lips drew into a tight line and his hands fisted tightly at his sides as he forced himself to head toward the door. But, goddamn him, he paused right in front of it, hand on the knob, jaw clenched so hard it ached.
“Please,” she begged and the word was a raspy plea, vision blurry from tears. “If you would just—we can talk about this—”
“I love you, Kagome,” Inuyasha said and he heard her sharp intake of breath, but he didn’t turn around. He swallowed once, twice, and closed his eyes as he opened his mouth and forced the words past a throat tight with emotion.
“But I can’t…love you more than this. I just…I can’t.”
Another sob, a hitched breath, and his chest ached. He bowed his head.
“See you around, Kagome,” he whispered and left, his footsteps fading down the hallway and down the stairs until the slam of the front door echoed in the dark house.
Kagome dropped her face into her hands and wept.
The front door burst open and Inuyasha was desperation personified as he rushed past his alarmed mother, sprinting as fast as he could toward the barn that held the horses. Not even a full minute later a white blur sped from the barn and bolted through the open gate of the pasture, following the car that was leaving with his love, his soul, his very heart.
Standing on the porch, Izayoi pressed a hand to her heart while the other covered her mouth, muffling the sob that burst from her lips as teary eyes watched her son chase after the woman who broke his heart.
'Cause I love you more than a California sunset I love you more in a twenty-dollar sundress Hate that loaded down car you got your keys in Girl, but I hate even more that you're leavin'
Urging his mount to go faster, harder, the thundering of her hooves against the ground rivaled that of the thundering of his heart in his chest. Hands gripping the coarse hair of her mane, Inuyasha grit his teeth against the harsh wind, his eyes wild, desperate and bright with unshed tears as he kicked the mare’s flanks to go faster, dammit, faster!
The distance between them was closing, the rumble of the engine, of gravel crunching beneath tires becoming louder until he was riding alongside her, along the fence that enclosed the front pasture. His hands fisted his mount’s mane in a while-knuckled grip as he leaned over her neck, legs tight to her sides.
He turned his head and wild, despairing golden eyes collided with wide, tear-filled blue.
Kagome’s heart lurched in her chest, making her gasp as goosebumps erupted on her skin. She sobbed, shaking her head, mouthing his name and forcing her eyes to look straight ahead. What—what was he doing?! Why?! God, he was making this even harder than it already was, taking her heart and stomping on it, cruel, cold, conniving.
But it made sense, didn’t it.
She had broken his heart, and now he was doing the same to her.
'Cause I love you more than the feeling when the bass hits a hook When the guy gets the girl at the end of the book But that ain't you and me so I guess I'll see you around 'Cause I can't love you more than my hometown
Inuyasha didn’t let up, not even when she looked away, gritting his teeth, kicking his mount to keep up when she accelerated. She was crying, and although he couldn’t hear her, he could see the way she shook, shoulders jerking, chest heaving, face wet from her tears and fuck she was wearing the sundress—
The end of the drive was in sight. Kagome slowed down, so did he, but she didn’t stop as she once again turned her head and caught his gaze. Inuyasha was already staring at her, heart in his eyes, a silent plea falling from his lips, willing her to hear….
“Don’t go.”
A sob, raw, choked, anguished.
“I’m sorry.”
Without even realizing, he let up on his mount, the mare slowing to a trot, a walk, and then stood still, recovering from the hard gallop. Golden eyes, awash with ears, watched the car reach the end of the drive and turn, driving away, going, going, getting smaller, fading.
Something inside Inuyasha shattered and he didn’t think it could ever, ever be repaired.
Love you more than my hometown Love you more than my hometown Love you more, baby, love you more
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monaownsmyass · 4 years ago
Convince Her
Requested fic by anon. (If you have any fic ideas or requests you'd like me to write, you can leave me an ask!)
Book: Queen B
Pairing: Veronica Lombardi x MC (Bea Hughes)
Genre: Fluff but like, a little smutty and angsty?
Rating: Uh... NSFW 🤭 Sexual scenes, strong language
Word Count: 6,793 (explains why I took so long doesn’t it)
A/N: Things seem to be going great with Veronica and MC but when V is forced to choose between MC and her online presence, things get a little bumpy. This is a continuation of Influence Her. This took me so long and so much energy and effort I wanna die 😭 I’ve been writing the whole day so if some parts are off, I’m sorry, I’m a little loopy rn. Anyway, V stans, come get y’all’s feast!
Tag list: @ineedskyecrandall @kamilahsayeet2063 @avalawrencefl @lovekamilahsayeed @thequeenkamilahsayeed @heygmicheelle @djtjsmith14 @jjlover01 @soft-for-drake @dopeyouth @alexroyard @satrinadia @toalltheboysididntlove @mypegasifly @samanthadalton @playallthechoices @queensayeed @fundamentalromantic (lmk if anyone would like to be included or removed in my next fics and if you only want to be tagged for certain pairings.)
2nd 'Date'
"Where are you going?" Zoey asked curiously, eyeing me up and down as I approached the living room.
"Uh, the library, why?" I said, fidgeting uncomfortably.
I definitely was not going to the library but she didn't need to know that.
"The library, huh, babe?" she said skeptically and stood up from the sofa, walking towards me. "Right, to the library... wearing your push-up bra and that sexy perfume of yours."
"Um, yeah?"
"You're definitely not sneaking off to meet a certain someone, hm?" she hummed.
"I have no idea what you're talking about," I played dumb, pretending to busy myself by checking my bag. "I'm just going to... read..."
My roommate started circling me, gazing at my outfit that was the farthest thing from anything anyone would wear to stare at words on some pages.
Why did I say the library? I groaned and cussed inwardly at myself.
"So you're not gonna meet this special someone who so happens to be the queen of social media and is ranked top three in Belvoire and is one of the hottest persons here and also has the hots for you and grew on you only after the first date and made out with you outside our suite, which, I heard everything, by the way, and made you day dream about her for the past few weeks and-"
"I did not daydream about her!" I said defensively then immediately, my eyes widened.
"Oh? So you do know who I'm talking about."
I stayed silent, contemplating my next words as she stared at me.
"I'm talking about one Veronica Lombardi."
"I know who you're talking about," I snapped.
Zoey giggled and gave me a pat on the cheek. "Aww, look at you, scoring a second date with Vivi."
"It's not a date! We're just hanging out."
"Ah, so you are going out with her!"
I bit my lip and sighed. "So what if I am?"
"Eek! I'm so happy for my bestie!"
She crushed me in a hug and which took me aback and left me gasping for air.
"Thanks... Zo...!" I struggled to get out.
"Okay, okay," she pulled back and smooth out my clothes, pushing me towards the door. "Go get your girl!"
"She's not my-"
"Yeah, yeah, we've been through this before, now go!"
I smiled, shaking my head at Zoey before stepping out.
"Oh, and Bea?"
"Yeah?" I turned to look at her.
"If you're gonna shove your tongue down her throat against the door, try not to be so loud this time, okay?"
I grabbed a pen from the side table by the door and chucked it at her. "Zo!"
She clutched her stomach laughing as the pen bounced off her shoulder harmlessly.
"Bye, babe! Have fun," she blew me a kiss as I finally walked out.
5th Date
"Oh! Veronica!"
"I love it when you moan my name," she groaned against my neck where she was left aggressive nips and kisses, no doubt leaving her mark on me. I felt her smirk against my skin. "You sound so hot."
We found ourselves in her car after our date at the park. And yeah, yeah, I admit, it was a date. What was meant to be a sweet, innocent kiss turned into a heated make out session with me on her lap and her hands on my ass, guiding me to move against her.
I ground myself harder into her, her words making me whimper and encouraging me even further. Her lips travelled further down to the exposed skin of my chest that was left uncovered by my buttoned shirt, leaving kisses.
"Mm, V! I need to feel your lips on mine."
My hands that were wrapped around her neck brought her face up to mine and I smashed my lips against hers in a fiery passion. She moaned against my lips and I felt a shot of heat rush through my body at the gorgeous sound, making me groan in return.
I felt a hand slip down to my thigh, giving it a squeeze while the other moved around my waist and pulled me closer into her. She bit my lower lip, making me shiver in her arms.
"Oh, you like that, huh, beautiful?" she teased with a smile.
The hand that was on my thigh quickly moved around to give me a sharp slap on the backside. I collapsed onto her, gasping as I felt myself getting soaked, still grinding against her.
"You liked that too, hm?" she said cockily. "Such a naughty girl."
"God, you're so annoying," I grumbled between breaths and straightened up. "You talk to much!"
I forced her head into my cleavage where she hummed and immediately began nipping at the skin that wasn't covered by my bra. "Thank fuck I found a way to shut you up."
I felt her chuckle against my chest as her hand on my thigh crept up under my skirt, massaging as she went. It approached dangerously close to where I wanted her the most and I was sure she could feel the heat radiating from between my legs. I squeezed them together, wanting to some sort of pressure against my center.
"Please, V," I whined. "I need you to touch me. I need to feel you."
She lifted her face from my breast. "Touch you? Where?" she responded playfully, smiling. Her hand grabbed onto my thigh. "Here?" Then moved up to cup my chest. "Or here?" And then further up to my next to clutch at my throat. "Or did you mean here?"
"Fuck you," I cussed at her but with a grin, grasping her hand and brought it down between my thighs, gasping when her hand made contact with my damp panties under my skirt. "Here."
She kissed along my jaw and made her way up to my ear where she bit my earlobe and whispered huskily into my ear, "You're so wet for me, beautiful."
I let out a loud moan when I felt her hand slip into my underwear, working her hand back and forth. "I've wanted this since we first hung out together."
"Not since you first saw me?" Veronica spoke teasingly into my ear. Her fingers moved faster and I threw my head back with my eyes closed, panting hard.
"No comment," I managed to get out even though my thoughts were clouded in desire and pleasure wrecked my body.
"Looks like you're gonna have to wait a little longer," she smirked and took her hand away. I whimpered from the lost of contact and glared daggers at her.
"What?" she asked back laughing, casually taking her fingers in her mouth.
"You're such a jerk!" I slapped her shoulders in disbelief. "Why can't you just finish me off?"
"Where's the fun in that?"
"God, you're insufferable!" I huffed and got off of her, plopping myself back onto the passenger's seat.
"Aww, you're adorable when you're mad," she cooed and pinched my cheek. "I promise to make it up to you."
I swatted her hand away but felt myself start smiling. "You better watch out, Lombardi. Next time is gonna be hell for you."
She looked at me in the eyes and the intensity in them did nothing to calm my libido.
"Why are you threatening me with a good time, darling?"
I rolled my eyes at her even though I could feel the heat creep up to my cheeks. "I'm gonna tease you till you're begging me to stop."
"And what if I do the same?" She moved in closer to me.
"Then I'd say," I whispered, our lips skimming each other's, not quite touching. "Game on."
8th DATE
"I still can't believe you brought me to an arcade! I haven't been to one since I was a kid."
"You and me both," Veronica laughed as she grabbed my hand, making my heart leap. "I haven't been here in years!"
We played a bunch of games, trying to outdo the other by seeing how many tickets we could get from the same machine. I clutched the heap we won so far in one arm as I giggled along with her, letting her lead me to the next arcade machine. "I definitely won that last one."
"No way! I swear you were cheating."
"How would I cheat at skeeball?" I laughed.
"Maybe you leaned in closer when I wasn't looking!"
"That wouldn't help at all. Plus, I saw you staring at me the entire time." I looked at her pointedly with a brow raised.
"You have no proof."
We laughed and I moved my arm to wrap around her bicep. "What do you think we can get with all these tickets?"
"Plenty of stuff, but we aren't done yet," she glanced back at me with that familiar mischievous glint in her eyes.
"V... What else do you have planned?" I asked cautiously.
"You'll see."
"Are you gonna get us into trouble?"
She gave me a lazy grin. "Maybe."
She brought me to a machine at the corner of the arcade. It was decorated with rockets and stars and anything else to do with space. There was barely anyone around since it was a weekday but this side of the place was completely deserted.
"No one comes to this part 'cuz it's supposedly the hardest games to win tickets," she laughed, shaking her head. "I honestly can't believe it's still here after all this time."
"What do you mean?"
"I'll explain later, right now, I'm gonna tell you what you have to do."
She lead me a few paces away from the machine. "Okay, so I'm gonna do a little tinkering and I'm gonna walk away. After a while, it's just gonna start spurting out a bunch of tickets, so you just gotta take 'em and leave."
"Wait, what-"
But she already started walking towards the machine. She shot me a wink over her shoulder and placed a finger over her lips.
She nonchalantly looked at the machine, inspecting it from different angles. She bent down and reached behind it then under, fumbling around until she finally stood up. She gave it a hard jerk and the machine gave out a loud whirr.
"Hey, you! Stop!"
We both whirled around to see a worker pointing at Veronica and rushing towards her.
She ran past me, smiling. "Well, that looks like my cue to leave!"
"Oi! Get back here!" the worker shouted and started racing after her around the arcade while she laughed joyfully.
I had to stifle my giggles behind a fist as I watched the scene unfold.
God, this was amusing.
Veronica sprinted out of the building and apparently the worker had enough of chasing her. He returned to the machine and gave it a brief check before walking away.
Soon enough, it started shooting out a long stream of tickets that seemed never-ending. I quickly started gathering them in my arms that were already full of the tickets we won.
'V!' I sent her a quick text. 'Get your ass back here!'
She sent me the laughing emoji and I rolled my eyes at the screen but I couldn't help but let out a small smile.
'Alright, alright, I'm gonna try and sneak back in.'
A few minutes later, Veronica was back by my side and helping me stuff all the tickets into a bag which I had no idea where it came from.
"Where did you even get this?"
"I came prepared," was all she said.
I just shook my head at her as the machine continued to spit out the tickets.
After what seemed like forever, it finally stopped and we walked away, giggling and pretending like nothing happened.
"Where did you learn how to do that?
"My brother and I used to do this when we were younger," she explain and reached to hold my free hand. My stomach filed with butterflies as she intertwined our fingers together and I smiled. "We used to come to this very arcade. He taught me how to rig the machine and soon enough, we started doing this every other week. It was our version of bonding time." Veronica smiled at the memory and looked at me.
"I didn't know I've been going out with a felon," I teased.
"Nah, think of it like a Robin Hood situation."
"You gave the tickets to other kids?"
"When we were feeling generous."
"And how often was that?"
"I'm not at liberty to say."
I laughed at her, giving her an amused look as we made our way to the redemption prize centre and looked at the wide range of selection for us to choose from.
"What would you like?" V turned to me and asked.
"Hmm, why don't you pick out something for me?"
She snaked an arm around my waist and bring me into her, making me lose my train of thought for a moment. "You sure about that?" She kissed my cheek.
"Mm, I'm regretting it now."
"Too late," she spoke. She spun me around and instructed me to close my eyes and ears.
"But why?"
"'Cuz I want to surprise you."
I groaned but complied. "This is dumb," I muttered.
"You're just no fun."
"What's that?" I shouted, pretending I didn't hear her. "Did you say something? Sorry, my ears are covered."
She laughed and stepped in front of me, holding the prize behind her back.
"What is it?"
She pulled it out and held it up to my face, grinning proudly at me.
"A board game?"
"For our next date," she explained.
My heart burst with joy at her words. While I was sure it was already a given that we'd have more dates in the future, it was so sweet to see her already thinking about our next one already.
"You're just begging to get your ass kicked again, huh? Today wasn't enough?"
She waved a hand at me. "Pft, as if. I let you win today. Next time, no mercy."
"Is that so?" I moved in closer to her.
"Mhm," she hummed. "Why don't we make things more interesting."
"I'm listening," I whispered and took her hips in my hands, bringing her closer into me.
"The winner has to punish the loser, however they see fit," she smirked.
"I like that idea. You better get ready to lose, Lombardi."
Her face moved closer to mine. "In your dreams, Hughes."
Right before our lips met, we heard a shout that made us jump back.
"You!" It was the worker from earlier.
"Time to get out of here," V tapped me on the shoulder and held onto my wrist.
We both ran out of the arcade, hand-in-hand, giggling as the man shouted after us. I looked at Veronica and saw a child-like gleam in her eyes which was absolutely adorable. It was obviously she used to get up to trouble when she was a kid. Thrill ran through my body as we ran along the sidewalk under the night sky and I could feel the adrenaline pumping in me.
Eventually, we stopped running and looked back. We stared at each other, breathing hard and then doubled over laughing.
I glanced over at her to find her smiling back at me with that heart-stopping smile of hers.
And in that moment I realised, I really liked Veronica Lombardi.
12th DATE!
"Come here."
I grabbed the collar of her shirt and tugged her into me then pushing her up against the wall.
"Yes ma'am," she teased and pressed our lips together. One of my hands tangled in her hair while the other fumbled around, searching for the door knob of my dorm.
"Zoey isn't in?" she asked against my lips.
"Don't know, don't care."
I pushed myself further into her and ran my hand up under her shirt and over her chest, making her groan.
"Why didn't we go to my room then?"
"Mine's closer," I whispered hurriedly as the door clicked open. "And I need you now."
I pushed Veronica past the door, never breaking off the kiss.
"Hey, ba- Oh!" Zoey stopped herself in surprise.
I walked Veronica back to the direction of my room, hands never leaving each other's bodies and lips never parting.
"I'm guessing you guys had a good date, then," Zoey added.
We crashed into the kitchen counter on the way to my room. Veronica's hand were all over me as she kissed her way down my neck.
"Good to know, babe," Zoey replied.
I ignored her and finally pushed V towards my room, finally making our way past the door.
"Have fun you two," my roommate said jokingly as I shut the door behind us and shoved Veronica on the bed, straddling her.
We sure would.
"There she is!" Zoey cheered as I walked into our suite after class the next day.
"Uh, hey?"
"The sex was that good, huh?"
"What?" she asked, laughing. "You're the one that barged in here groping and sucking the soul out of your girl as if I wasn't sitting on the couch or anything."
"I'm sorry!"
I was going to continue but she waved me off.
"I don't need to hear some lame excuse about how horny you were, I heard it all. Till an ungodly hour in the morning too like damn, you both really went at it, huh?"
"Zoey, please!" I groaned and hid my face behind my hands, heat making its way to my cheeks.
I walked towards the fridge and Zoey followed me.
"You're even walking a little funny," she giggled.
"Stoppppp!" I playfully shoved her even though I knew it was true 'cuz I still felt a little sore.
"Aw, no need to be shy! You definitely weren't last night," she smirked at me cheekily. "'Oh, V! Yes! Don't stop, please, god!'"
"That's it!" I walked off towards the direction of my bedroom. "Conversation is over."
"And then she went, 'Mmm! Bea, right there! Fuck!'" Zoey mimicked teasingly.
"Bye, Zo!" I said as I shut my room with her laughing her ass off.
Nth DATE!!!
I woke up to find myself wrapped up in a pair of strong arms. The familiar warmth and comfort of the embrace made me smile.
I felt the arms hug me tighter and a soft kiss was placed on my neck. I sighed in contentment and melted further into her clutch.
"G'morning, beautiful," I heard Veronica's sleepy voice whisper into my ear and my heart swelled.
"Morning, V," I yawned and turned in her arms to face her. She looked at me and smiled.
"What?" I giggled.
"Nothing, you just look really cute."
I felt my cheeks heat up. "God, V, it's too early in the morning for all your cheesiness."
"Cheesiness?" she laughed. "I'm not cheesy."
"You're like the cheesiet person I know."
"Well, even if I were, you're in my bed so it worked, didn't it?" She gave me a crooked grin.
My face was burning at this point. "You're unbelievable," I groaned but the smile on my face gave away my true emotion.
She smirked. "I know, you told me last night, remember?"
Flashbacks to the night before played in my mind and I felt my entire body get hot.
"Veronica!" I grabbed the pillow beside me and gave her a whack on the head with it as she laughed. I looked at the time on my phone and sighed. "I gotta go."
"Aw, c'mon," she said as I moved to sit up and stretched. I glanced back to find her eyes running up me down my bare back. "Can't I hold you a little longer?"
She crawled towards me and wrapped her arms around me from the back, resting her chin on my shoulder. I felt her whole body pressed up against back back as she held me tight.
"You know I wouldn't leave if I had the choice," I moved my head back to kiss her cheek.
"You going soft on me, Hughes?" she teased as I rolled my eyes.
"I could say the same about you, Lombardi."
Our lips met in a soft, sweet kiss but not longer after, I pulled back which made her groan.
"I know, I know," I said as I stood up. "But I have class soon."
Before I could take a step, Veronica pounced on me and wrapped me in a bone-crushing hug.
"Ahh! V!"
"You can't escape now!" she giggled and attacked me with kisses.
"V! Stop!" I laughed along with her.
"Please!" I wheezed out. "I'll make it up to you later, I promise!"
"Fine," she said sadly as she reluctantly let go off me and as much as I was protesting, I was already regretting it and thinking twice about going to class.
"I'll see you later, okay?" I told her as I reached for my clothes, putting on my bra and underwear before reaching for my pants while she did the same.
"Mhm," she hummed.
"V? Where's my shirt?" I asked, looking around.
"I don't know...," she spoke in a low, mischievous tone that caused me to whip my head to look at her.
There she was, one hand on her hip and holding my shirt in the other. She looked at me with a cheeky glint in her eyes and a small smirk on her lips. "Wherever could it have gone?"
"V, give it back," I stepped in her direction and reached for it but she held it out of my reach.
"Give what back? I don't know what you're about." She jogged past me to the other side of her room and grinned at me.
"Oh, that's what we're doing, huh?" I quickly moved towards her but she evaded me and jumped onto the bed instead.
"You're gonna try harder than that," she laughed and jumped off the bed as I lunged after her.
I started chasing after her around the room, the both of us giggling like children playing a game of catch.
"Veronica! Come back here!"
"You wish, Hughes!"
Eventually, I managed to corner her against the wall.
"Got you now," I grinned at her, both hands pressed against the wall to trap her. "Give it back."
Veronica was holding my shirt up, still out of my reach. She gave me an entertained look and shook her head. "No."
I was about to retort when an idea popped into my mind.
"Fine," I said and moved away from her. She looked at me curiously as I walked to her closet and started rifling through her clothes.
"Are you gonna steal one of my shirts?" she asked in amusement.
"Yes, I am."
One particular sweater caught my attention. She always wore it whenever she invited me over to her room. I removed it from the hanger as Veronica crept up behind me to see what I had chosen.
"Seriously? My favourite sweater?"
"Yup!" I tossed it over my head and felt the comfy fabric envelope my body. It smelt just like her which made me smile. "I think it's only fair. Since you're not planning on giving back my shirt, I'm gonna take your sweater then."
"Y'know what, darling?" she asked and pulled me into her, hand still holding onto my shirt. "I think it's a pretty fair trade."
"You do, hm?" I said teasingly. "Why don't we seal the deal with a kiss?"
Her arms wrapped around my neck as I brought her closer to me by the waist. She gave me a brash smile. "Just say you want to kiss me."
"Shut up."
Our lips met in a slow, tender kiss and suddenly, I didn't care that I was running late for class.
"Veronica!" I heard a shrill voice shout from outside my room a while after Bea left.
I sighed and shouted back, "What do you want, Poppy?"
"Let me in!"
I groaned and got off my bed to open the door for her, knowing she would just scream until I let her in anyway.
"Yes?" I questioned, clearly annoyed.
She brushed past me and entered my room. An angel walked out only for the devil to come in. She turned to face me and crossed her arms. "We need to talk."
She rolled her eyes. "Farmsville, duh!"
"Bea, you mean."
"Aw how cute," she mocked with a jeer. "Protecting your little girlfriend."
"Cut the crap, Pops. What is it?"
"Break off whatever fling you have going on with Bea," she said her name with distaste on her lips, cutting right to the chase.
I scoffed. "Why would I do that?"
"When was the last time you vlogged? Or live-streamed?" Poppy asked, ignoring my question.
I paused for a while. "Almost a week ago."
"A week, V. A week," she tsked and pretended to busy herself with the makeup on my dresser. "You used to do it all the time. Speaking of, why haven't you been vlogging or live-streaming your stupid dates? Embarrassed the Veronicats would find out their precious Vivi Lombardi is dating some farmgirl?"
"Oh, but you know Bea isn't just some farmgirl, don't you, Pops?" I smirked, challenging her. "You know Bea is coming for your crown, and fast. You're threatened by her."
I saw her shoulders tense in anger, as if she was gonna blow her lid as she scoffed defensively, "I am not!" She cleared her throat and spoke calmly, "Anyway, you're avoiding my question, V. Afraid to tell the truth?"
"For privacy," I said deadpanned but that wasn't true. If I had it my way, I would've told the Veronicats all about Bea since our first date but I promised her I wouldn't vlog and although it's been months since then, I didn't want to go back on my word even though I was sure Bea would definitely be okay with it.
"You among all people should know there's no such thing as privacy for social media stars," Poppy mocked.
"What's your point?" I asked, getting frustrated.
"My point," she whipped her head around to look at me. "Is that she's a distraction. No wonder you've barely had the attention you used to from your followers. Poor them, too."
I squinted at her. "You don't care about my followers. You never did, you only cared that so many people would listen to me. And in return listened to you. I know why you became friends with me, if we can even call it that, so don't pretend for a second you give a fuck about me or them."
"Oh, so you aren't as mindless as you seem," she raised a brow at me.
"I'm not stupid, Poppy."
"Well, you definitely seem to play that role well."
My jaw clenched in annoyance but I was determined to not give her the satisfaction of knowing it.
"But this benefits you, too, V," she continued in a condescending tone. "If she's gone, you can focus on your," she waved her hand, looking for the right word. "Career."
"You must have gone insane if you think I'm buying your bullshit for even a second."
"Oh, but you will."
"What is that suppose to mean?" I raised a brow at her, tired of games.
"You'll cut things off with Farmsville because if you don't," she paused, giving me a malicious smile. "I'll expose Veronica Lombardi for the fraud she is."
And suddenly, my entire body went cold.
"Veronica!" I heard that familiar voice I've been longing to hear for the past week call out to me and my heart wrenched.
It had only been a week but I missed Bea like nothing I've ever felt before. On top of that, there was also the guilt and shame of ignoring her instead of talking to her like what I should have done.
I wanted to run away on instinct but I forced myself to stay put. I've never felt so unsure in my life which was such a strange feeling since I always knew what I wanted. But this time, what I wanted was a little bit more complicated.
I closed my eyes and exhaled slowly, bracing myself to face her.
"Hey, Bea," I said awkwardly as I turned to look at her which made me even shudder. God, this so wasn't like me.
She looked at me weirdly for a second before concern took over her face which only me feel worse.
"Is everything okay?" Her brows creased as she spoke, her tone laced with worry. "You haven't been replying any of my calls or texts."
"I... I'm so sorry," my voice cracked and I gulped.
"V, what happened?"
The guilt was eating away at me and I couldn't hold it in any longer especially with the way she was looking at me. I looked around and remembered we were still outside the lecture hall.
"Can we talk somewhere private?"
She took me to her room and sat me down on her bed.
"Okay, what is it, Veronica?"
I steeled myself and looked her in the eyes. Then, I spilled everything Poppy said to me. By the time I was done, I expected to scream at me. To shout and cuss at me, to tell me to go to hell and that she never wanted to see my face again. To accuse me of leading her on and using her.
But instead, she was quiet.
I searched her face, looking for a reaction, any reaction, and where I expected to find anger and rage, I found something much worse.
Hurt and disappointment.
"Veronica, no," she said firmly. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"I'm sorry, I didn't know how to," I said lamely. 'Cuz honestly, how was I suppose to tell the girl you liked and have been seeing for months that you were torn between choosing her and your follower count? Even thinking about it made me cringe but that's what it was.
"God, V," she spoke sadly. "I don't even care that you're having trouble choosing between me and your followers. I know how hard you've worked for them just to throw it all away." She looked away. "I'm upset that you didn't even think to come to me to tell me about what was happening."
And I felt a million times worse than I already did.
"I could've helped you. Don't you trust me?" her voice cracked. She stood up, not looking at me but I stood with her. "'Cuz I trusted you. And if Poppy pulled some shit like this on me I would've told you. I wouldn't even think twice about it."
I didn't respond. I didn't know how to. It wasn't that I didn't trust her, I just didn't know how to face her.
"Of course I trust you! I was just worried!"
"Worried about what?"
I bit my lip, wondering how I should phrase it. "That you wouldn't understand."
She scoffed and turned to face me. "Yeah, so much for trusting me, right? You didn't even give me a chance."
I knew she was right. "I'm sorry," was all I could say.
"That's all you have to say?" she asked, disappointed. She crossed her arms and shook her head, groaning. "God, I should've known better."
"What? What are you saying?" I asked warily.  
"Of course you were too good to be true. I should've seen it. I knew there had to be a reason I didn't like you when I first saw you." She stepped towards me, tears streaming down her face. "And this was probably why. You run away as soon as things get bumpy and ignore it. So goodbye, Veronica."
Her words were like a knife slicing through me. Piercing and jabbing at my soul but I deserved it. She pointed towards her door, not even wanting to look at me and I felt my heart start to shatter.
"Bea, please, let me explain."
"Explain what? About how I was I fool to think I meant more to you? About how I would've told you everything but you didn't even tell me about this? Save it!" she spat. "I don't want to hear it."
"Please, let me make it up to you," I begged. "Please, Bea."
She sighed. "How?"
"This past week was hell for me. I felt like absolute crap. And I know how that must have felt for you too and I'm sorry. I know it must have been frustrating being left in the dark."
"I was just so worried for you," she admitted in a small voice that made me want to kick myself.
"And I can't apologise enough for it," I continued and stepped closer to her. "And I'm not just saying that, I really do mean it. It killed me, not talking to you for the past week and I know I'm the only one to blame for that. But I felt guilty and ashamed but mostly, I felt so lost. Ever since I started spending time with you, you were like a light guiding me even if you didn't realise it. I opened up more to you than I ever had with anyone and I was becoming more comfortable showing the real me to others. And if there's anything I learnt in the past week, I'm ready, Bea. I'm ready to show my followers who I am."
I cautiously raised my hand to cup her cheek, afraid she would slap my hand away or pull back but she didn't. My palm met her face in a soft caress and I felt butterflies in my stomach. I wiped away her tears with my thumb as I spoke. "And I also learnt that I really like you Bea. Much more than I expected to. And I would give it all up for you. Of course I'm proud of what I've worked for but what's the point if I lose my happiness because of it? And you, Bea Hughes, are my happiness."
She looked at me, her piercing brown eyes bore into mine and I tried pleading with them to her, to show her how honest my words were, how I meant it all.
After what seemed like eternity, she rolled her eyes and breath out, "And you say you aren't cheesy."
Relief washed over my entire body and I let out a huge sigh.
"I gotta do what I gotta do to get you back don't I?"
"God, don't you ever stop?"
I gave her a small smile, feeling incredibly thankful. "Not if I can help it."
She pulled me into her and hugged me, resting her head on my shoulder. I felt chills run through my body as I rubbed her back.
"And for the record," she whispered quietly. "I like you a lot too, V."
My heart leapt in my chest at her declaration and I was so happy, I could cry. "Thank you, beautiful."
"So what are you planning to do now."
I closed my eyes and rested my head against hers.
"Expose myself before that bitch does it first."
"Are you ready?" she asked me as we stepped onto the courtyard. She looked at me to be certain. "Are you sure you want to this?"
I smiled at het softly and took her hand to give it a reassuring squeeze before letting go. I couldn't express how grateful I was that she still by my side. "More than anything if it means I get to be with you."
We walked side-by-side to the middle of campus where a screaming Poppy was scolding a poor freshman for something stupid, no doubt.
"Hey, Glorified Barbie, over here!" I shouted at her.
She shot me a glare. "What the hell did you say to me?"
"Oh, so you do know I'm talking about you then," I laughed.
A crowd started to gather around us and my heart started racing but there was no backing down now. I had to do this. I looked at Chloe who was among the crowd. She held up my phone, live-streaming to my followers the shit storm that was about to happen.
Poppy turned red in the face and noticed Bea standing beside me. "For fuck sakes, V! Are you really gonna throw away all your years of pretending online just for that?" She pointed at Bea with a disgusted scowl on her face. "You must be dumber than I thought."
I was about to shoot back a snide remark in Bea's defense but I felt her hand lightly touch my arm. She knew what I was thinking and shook her head, reminding me not to get distracted from the actual reason we were here.
"If anything, Pops, you're the dumb one here." I stepped closer to her. "I have to admit, you got me there for a second. You really made me believe you had power over me. But you underestimate how loyal and understanding my followers are." I looked into the camera of my phone. "And if they aren't, then I don't think I want them."
"Veronica, you stupid cow! What the hell do you think you're doing?"
"Oh, am I making you mad Poppy? That you you have nothing to hold over me anymore?" I taunted her with a smirk, no doubt infuriating her more. "That you can't control my followers anymore either?"
"This is ridiculous!"
"You heard it here first, Veronicats!" I grinned into the camera, finally feeling free. " Veronica Lombardi isn't who you think she is." I turned to Bea and my face soften looking at how proud she was of me. "Consider this my first step of rebranding."
I held out my hand to Bea and she gladly accepted it with a smile on her face.
"And one more thing," I said and held eye contact with the fuming bitch across the lawn. "Fuck you, Poppy!" I flipped her off and the crowd surrounding us gasped as I tugged Bea into a passionate kiss. One of my arms wrapped around her neck while the other cupped her face, my thumb gently stroking her cheek while hers was pulling me into her by the waist.
Among the sea of people, I heard Zoey whooping and cheering for us. "Hell yeah, babe! Get it!" And just like that, everyone started clapping and cheering along.
I felt Bea start laughing against my lips and I smiled into the kiss. I pulled back to grin rakishly at Poppy who was about to blow her lid off. Her face was red and she stomped her feet in anger. "Veronica! Stop this nonsense right now!"
"Or what? You'll expose me? Oh, wait!"
Bea and I giggled as Poppy shouted, "You better watch your fucking back! Both you and Farmsville! This isn't over!"
"Oh but it is, Pops!" I called out after her. "You have nothing over me now, so go find someone else to blackmail and manipulate!"
She lets out a shriek as she stormed off, leaving us in laughing in each other's arms with a crowd of supporters behind us. I walked towards Chloe and thanked her before taking back my phone to address my online audience.
"Well, Veronicats, there you have it," I gave them a winning smile, trying my best not to look at the comment I was currently being bombarded with. "I know you have a lot of questions right now, so leave 'em and I'll answer them in a Q&A later." I signed off in a much calm and collected manner than the usual high-energy outros I would give them. It was a small step but for the first time in years, I felt like I could finally breathe again.
I made my way back to Bea's side where the crowd started to dissipate.
"Well, you did it!" she cheered with a huge grin as she encircled me in her arms. "I'm so proud of you!"
"Thank you, beautiful." I placed a kiss on her forehead and brought her closer into me to hug her tight, resting my cheek against hers.
"Are you scared?"
"Oh, I'm terrified," I laughed and she giggled along. "But having you by my side definitely helps."
I heard her scoff but her felt her cheek become warm against my own. "Cheesy Veronica is back at it again I see."
"But seriously," I whispered into her ear. "Thank you so much. For everything."
I felt her squeeze me. "Thank you for choosing me."
"You're worth it," I sighed. I thought about all the backlash I would get, from my manager, my followers, the haters, the general public, everyone. I think about all the followers and subscribers and support I'd lose and yet, nothing would be as bad as losing Bea.
So despite my worries and fears, my greatest comfort was in my arms and no matter what happened next, I knew I could face it with her.
"You'll always be worth it."
(More fics!)
91 notes · View notes
zalrb · 4 years ago
@jayciethings​ IF YOU ARE INTERESTED.
1. I think the opening scene does a good job in establishing the central struggle of the season and it does it in 3 minutes: 1) things need to change and Joey wants them to 2) Dawson doesn’t see why anything has to change and doesn’t see what Joey is trying to say 3) burgeoning sexuality 4) Joey-Dawson friendship.
2. I also think the Joey-Dawson friendship is also established really well and it’s actually a time where dialogue and action work in tandem. They give a brief history/overview of their friendship: “you’ve been sleeping over since you were 7″ “i’ve seen you pick your nose, scratch your butt” while also showing them watch tv, playfight and ultimately end up sleeping in the same bed, like they did when they were 7.
3. I actually don’t find the dialogue as annoying right now.
4. I will forever be angry that they didn’t pay to have the original music with their scenes because Dawson’s Creek is not Dawson’s Creek without “I Don’t Wanna Wait”.
5. “He did it again, he grabbed my ass.” “Like you even have one.” Joshua’s delivery is perfect because it’s resigned and un-offended.
6. “I’m Jen.” “Oh right, the granddaughter from New York.” That actually isn’t clunky. It’s a good way to do exposition.
7. “You look different.” “Puberty.” LOL Joey Whitter sass.
8. Honestly, at least so far, Joey’s behaviour makes sense for a 15 year old girl who is in love with her best friend who doesn’t see her as a sexual being and then has to watch him salivate over The New Girl. No, that isn’t Jen’s fault but sometimes people on this site act like teenagers or adults for that matter don’t have messy and not-so-great emotions/reactions to things. Unless, apparently, they’re men who are rapists and serial killers, then the understanding is boundless.
9. It’s actually refreshing to hear “Mr. Leery” “Mrs. Leery” since teens in shows now just call adults by their first names, which I would NEVER do. I still can’t do that. If I had to address initiumseries’ dad it would be Mr...
10. I also think it’s funny that this dialogue is being made fun of but this kind of cadence and irony is the kind of thing shows go for now -- Riverdale tries to emulate this and I would argue Euphoria tries to do an edgier version of this. Like Nellie insulting Pacey, that kind of tone is what they’re trying to go for with Cheryl.
11. I’ll admit this is more fun than I thought it would be so far.
13. “I have it on pretty good authority that mothers have excellent sex.” LOL Pacey, dick move.
14. Renting The Graduate, how on the nose.
16. The soundtrack pisses me off so much.
17. Oh Dawson. I knew so many self-important, I’m-so-deep-I-like-these-kinds-of-movies or -this-kind-of-music boys in high school. Like I find it so typical that he thinks his obsession with Spielberg would interest Jen.
18. Dawson taking Jen to his studio is like Klaus taking Caroline to sees his drawings.
19. Oh man, I remember being a kid and watching these teen shows with my cousin and seeing how Capeside High School was with everyone on a quad and throwing footballs and being like HIGH SCHOOL IS GOING TO BE LIKE THAT and my cousin just being like
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20. I like how Dawson’s Creek is the whitest show and they still managed to have more Black extras than Gilmore Girls.
21. Dawson and Jen actually have a nice chemistry. But everyone is coming on super strong with Jen and she’s just kind of like, this seems normal.
22. The film teacher is a dick for no reason. I’ve had my fair share of dickish teachers but this is excessive right off the bat.
23. Lol poor Jen, she really is trying with Joey.
24. I like how a status of Joey’s class is the fact that her sister is engaged to a Black man *eye roll*
25. I don’t know of any school where teachers ate in the cafeteria with the students. In my school there were teachers who supervised the cafeteria but that’s it. Wow, I spent like no time in my high school cafeteria.
26. “I’m having a climax issue”
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27.  Tamara, Ms. Jacobs, you should be in jail.
28. I like how this school LOOKS like a school.
29. Ugh, a trans jokes. Ugh, there was so much of that in the 90s.
30. “Nothing has to change. We can talk about anything.” Honestly, from a screenwriting point of view, this is a solid pilot. I remember in a screenwriting class I took, we studied The Social Network and every 10 pages someone calls Zuckerberg either an asshole or a jerk or something in that vein as a way to reiterate a key part of the theme of the movie and while I don’t have the pilot script in front of me, DC does reiterate the theme of the season frequently without it being repetitive.
31. The dialogue isn’t as hyperbolic as I remember tbh. And I’m going to say it again, shows are aiming for this, even the one episode I saw of the Winx Saga, when they try to flirt about mansplaining, when she’s fighting with her mom about how she’s not a feminist, they’re trying for this. But DC manages to make it more natural and it’s because the Core 4 have a charm. Even if you hate Dawson.
32. Who is Dawson’s dad. Is he in something else?
33. No, I just think he looks like Dr. Cox.
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34. Dawson’s rant about sex not being important is hilarious. Yes, Dawson, you’re just pursuing Jen out of intellectual and philosophical desire.
35. I like how Joey is supposed to be a tomboy just because she’s the only girl/woman in Capeside who doesn’t wear a sundress.
36. Poor Jen.
37. Joey is super dramatic, I get that, but I kind of love it because I’m going RELAX but the way I would to a teenager. Like CALM. DOWN. Also “all I do is understand” is something that we needed to see more of before that argument.
38. Dawson, you never ask anyone else any questions about themselves, lol.
39. “How can you say you were just renting a movie??” Pacey is such a fifteen year old and I do wish the show would just ... let him be one? And what I mean by that is Pacey is supposed to be the friend with the edge, the fact that he “pursues” Ms Jacobs is supposed to attest to that fact, it’s framed as taboo and yet they’re presented as being on equal footing, even the way her date moves to grab him out of his seat when the fact of the matter is, he’s a kid, and if the show didn’t actually make the Tamara/Pacey relationship a storyline and made it about another way teenagers have certain idealized perceptions of relationships or apply kid knowledge to adult situations which still makes them kids, it would’ve been interesting too.
40. Dawson is literally dressed in different shades of beige. If that doesn’t say everything you need to know about his character --- which is intentional. But like jfc man.
41. I love that they can’t say “masturbate” so she has to say “walk your dog” I LOVE THE NINETIES.
42. And you know what, after that question was asked, the sheer heartbreak on Joey’s face and the sadness in Dawson’s eyes is done really well.
43. LMAO SO ANGSTY. No one does angst like the 90s.
44.  And legitimately, the ending of this pilot is great screenwriting because a change is noted, the beginning of the episode, Joey does end up staying the night, the end of the episode she leaves because they both realize it’s true that things are changing and yet Dawson answers her question about what time of day he masturbates and to who because they’re still Dawson and Joey. And that’s the way a pilot should be written.
OK. I’ve done it.
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the-last-cuddlebender · 4 years ago
Since when young Tenzin is underloved? His dad loved him the best and treated him as the special one and his mom adores him and maybe his siblings would give him shit when they were kids because they were jealous but he had Lin as a good friend and then he cheated on her with a 20yrs younger woman. The guy gets as much loved as he deserves
Hi, anon! So there’s a few things to unpack here, so I’ll try to be as concise as I can. This is pretty much what I think Tenzin’s childhood was really like and why he should be appreciated just as much as Bumi and Kya. Also with Kataang TLOK parenting thrown in. I’m pretty tired and don’t wanna edit an essay, so I apologize if it rambles.
Also, I’m not gonna touch the whole Tenzin cheating point. I’m fairly certain that that’s just objectively wrong. Everything else I’m more than happy to discuss, though:D
To be clear, when I say I feel like Tenzin is under-loved, I mean by the fandom (and by TLOK, but to a smaller degree). Under-appreciated might be a better word. Or under-explored? Idk. I just know that Tenzin’s childhood—just his—doesn’t get the attention it deserves. Outside of Tenzin having some angsty one-on-one’s with Aang (which I love, make no mistake!), I don’t see a lot fleshing out his childhood. Bumi and Kya get a lot of it, though (or the kids as a whole, but nothing that’s just Tenzin’s).
I don’t subscribe to the idea that Aang treated Tenzin as “the special one.” Bumi and Kya being jealous—in the way that seems to be the majority consensus—of Tenzin when they were kids is a bit hard for me to imagine, too. I try to stick to canon as much as I can, but, for some things, I have to draw the line. There has to be evidence, not just anecdote, otherwise I hc it into oblivion. I’m not saying their feelings in TLOK aren’t valid. They absolutely are, and Aang would never want those feelings to be invalidated. Children just retain things differently. A traumatic accident could have no effect on them but falling in the shower and bumping their head might. Developing brains are weird. 
I can see Kya and Bumi giving Tenzin some shit when they were kids (Tenzin does admit that Kya picked on him), but I highly doubt that was any more/less than normal sibling rivalry and Cain Instinct. Sure, Aang might have given Tenzin attention for being an airbender, but he gave Kya and Bumi attention for being a waterbender and a non-bender, too. To me, it’s like having siblings who play different sports. Just because dad went to every one of my sister’s soccer games doesn’t mean he didn’t attend every one of my basketball games. The hyperfixation on airbending in TLOK makes it sound like that was all Aang cared about, but even in ATLA we can see that that isn’t true. If it was, then he would have kicked out the mechanist from the Northern Air Temple. 
To say that Aang loved Tenzin the best is to imply that he loved his other children poorly, which isn’t true in the slightest. I can entertain the argument that he spent more one-on-one time with Tenzin, but that could be attributed to different children with different personalities having different wants and different needs for validation from their parents. And I will gladly defend it, even though I personally hc otherwise.
It’s hard to talk about Tenzin without also talking about Aang and Katara, so bear with me here:
Tenzin and Kya:
Tenzin was the last airbender besides Aang. Kya was the last waterbender from the Southern Water Tribe besides Katara. To assume Aang treated Tenzin as the “special one” because he’s an airbender would, if using the same logic, mean assuming Katara treated Kya as the “special one” for being a waterbender. 
I’ve never understood why The Southern Water Tribe being inherited by the Kataang kids isn’t as big of a deal as Air Nomad culture. Both of them were recovering cultures on the brink of extinction, so they both have a lot of pressure for the kids to live up to.
Plus, if Sokka had a right of passage for being a Water Tribe warrior, then who’s to say there wasn’t a right of passage for Kya, specifically, for being a waterbender? She would be the special one, there. And maybe Tenzin struggled with his two heritages because being an Air Nomad meant being vegetarian but being Water Tribe meant using dead fish to go penguinsledding?
Tenzin and Learning too soon:
Tenzin probably learned about his responsibility of carrying the legacy of the airbenders at a very, very young age. Aang and Katara probably tried their hardest to wait until he was older to tell him (a-la Gyatso wanting to wait until Aang was older for him to carry the burden of being the airbenders’—and the world’s—last hope, too), but it was unavoidable. It was a part of the world’s history, and the aftermath of the war wasn’t exactly something a kid could avoid. Plus, I’m sure Aang wanted to correct airbender history as it was taught in schools as soon as he got the opportunity after the war.
Tenzin just has the abstract “idea” of what his bending culture was like when it was alive and well. Aang has memories to draw upon from which to imagine the future that the airbenders needed to rebuild towards. Tenzin gets second-hand notes.
Tenzin also didn’t have a baseline by which to measure if he was a “good airbender.” He had only Aang to compare himself to. ONLY AANG. This is talked about in TLOK but only in regards to Aang being his dad, if I’m not mistaken. But Aang isn’t just Tenzin’s dad. Aang is his father, the Avatar, and the youngest airbender to get his master’s tattoos. That’s a LOT more to live up to than just being his kid. And it’s the only thing Tenzin has to compare himself to to measure whether or not he’s a good airbender. I’m shocked that his spiritual ineptitude isn’t more of a haunting issue for him, quite frankly.
Tenzin and Bullying:
Tenzin didn’t have any airbenders his age (anyone like him) growing up. Even Aang had a childhood with other airbenders. As a father, Aang was as playful as a kid, sure, but, to a child, it isn’t quite the same because they don’t share that special bond of growing together and having a shared upbringing. 
Katara can especially empathize with this. 
Airbending is the element of fun. It’s kindof hard to express/embrace that facet of the element if Tenzin is the only one his age who can wield it.
I can almost guarantee that Tenzin got voted out of playing with other kids at least a few times because he was the only airbender (and that would make teams unfair). He probably learned to play by himself. That would certainly make him serious. Toph would probably teach him how to entertain himself, too. And that might lead to Tenzin and Lin hanging out. Who knows?
I honestly think Tenzin was bullied quite a bit (and not by Kya and Bumi), and that the bullying attributed to his demeanor as he grew up. Him cowering from Kya or running from his siblings when they picked on him was an exasperation of what he was probably dealing with outside his home.
In the recent comic with Katara and the pirates, we see a Fire Nation soldier flaunt some pretty nasty ideas about the Air Nomads because of Sozin’s propaganda. I don’t think that 15 years (or however long Tenzin was born after the war) is going to reverse that. Tenzin was probably picked on for being an airbender in addition to being the Avatar’s kid. 
If the rise of fashion post-war was as fast-growing as industry, I can imagine kid-Tenzin being made fun of for being bald (even though it was part of his religion/culture) and for dressing in robes when the world, especially Republic City, was beginning to adopt different clothes. 
Tenzin is an incredibly tender soul around those he loves but also incredibly serious around his adversaries. He has a soft inside and an armored shell, and that thick skin is usually forged through unsavory interactions. And he definitely interacted with plenty of normal kids his age. Aang missed the chance after the ice, and Katara was the only one her age in her village besides (kindof) Sokka. There’s no way Aang and Katara would keep their kids cooped up and strictly homeschooled. At the very least, Toph would bust them out if they did.
Tenzin and Katara:
Now, I’m not saying that Tenzin blames Aang because he obviously doesn’t. But Aang has memories of what airbender life was like, and Tenzin has only dreams. Honestly, it’s like he’s caught in the situation Aang was in when he was a young Avatar. They both have to live up to something that was pretty much just a legend. How could Tenzin possibly be expected to compare himself to something like that and be peachy fine? Aang wasn’t. So maybe, just maybe, Aang and Katara decided to have Tenzin go on private trips with Aang so Tenzin could understand that part of himself that was so hard for him to get? Inner peace is pretty dang hard to think about with THAT much pressure. 
And yes, it was Aang and Katara who decided on the trips. I will not for a second believe that 1.) Aang would make that kind of decision without her input or 2.) that Katara would let one of her kids get private time with dad that would even potentially give the illusion of favoritism. 
Katara knew how important one-on-one time with a parent was to some kids. This is why she tells Sokka to go see Hakoda instead of her in Ba Sing Se. She saw not only how much Sokka wanted but how much he NEEDED to see their dad. Sokka and Tenzin were both caught in a “passing of the torch” scenario (tbh, the scene where Aang tells Tenzin that he’s proud of him in the Spirit World reminds me of when Hakoda tells Sokka that he’s proud of him during the invasion when he’s injured. In both instances, it kindof solidifies the official passing of the torch).
“You didn’t love her like I did”—Katara learned pretty quick in tsr about how incredibly toxic the assumption of loving or being loved more/less was. She would never under any circumstance agree to anything that would show favoritism to one of her children. Absolutely no way. Aang and Katara are a team, and to villainize one for favoritism is to villainize the other.
Tenzin and Yue:
Tenzin had a stressful upbringing. I would even make the argument that he and Yue had a similar time trying to conform to a responsibility that they were told/learned about at a too young age. Their mindsets are very similar—responsibility even at the sacrifice of their own wants and happiness and an overwhelming love for their father.
Tenzin: “I have a responsibility to Republic City.” Yue: “I have a duty to my Tribe.”
They were both determined to love and carry on the legacy of their father and their people, but they did it in their own way. They both struggled with their responsibilities from an extremely young age.
Finishing thoughts I guess:
I can imagine a young Tenzin crying and trying to hide from the world that was shoving its weight onto his shoulders, and who, when Aang finds him hiding in the bison stables or somewhere similar, cringes away from Aang for a split second before recognizing his father and holding on so tight that it hurt. Aang tried his damnedest to teach Tenzin airbending and the responsibility of being the last airbender when Aang was gone, but even he knew that he couldn’t keep the weight of the world off of Tenzin forever. Aang never got that chance when he was told he was the Avatar. He heard the monks say that he was “the airbenders’ last hope” because storm clouds were gathering. Young Tenzin probably felt just as hopeless. The one-on-one trips he took with Aang were specifically to the places Aang had visited in S1 when he was still recovering from realizing that he was the last airbender. Maybe Aang took Tenzin with him one-on-one, just the two of them, to drive home the message that Tenzin was not the last airbender like Aang had been?
“I-I’m just one kid…I can’t. I…I-I’m just—”
“Shhh, shhh, shhh…I know, buddy. I know. But you’re my kid, too. You’re my entire world.”
“Everyone says I’m—”
“Don’t worry about them. They’re not here.”
“But? What but? Are you hiding someone in your sleeping bag, Breeze-Butt?”
“And do you see anyone else here?”
“That’s right. So don’t worry about them. It’s just you and me right now, okay? Just breathe. There you go. Just like I taught you—You’re doing so well, bud. Shhh…You’re okay. You’re not just one kid. You’re Tenzin. And you’re my son. You and your brother and sissy are my entire world. I love you so, so much...Oh, see? There’s that million-yuan smile!”
“…Thanks, Daddy. Love you.”
“Love you more. Do you want to try going in the water again? Or we can stay up here if you like. Whatever you want.”
“I wanna try again. But…But maybe just a small fish? I don’t wanna fall off again…I-I can’t do the air-chute yet…and the water hurt.”
“I’ll round up the smallest koi there is. I’ll sit right behind you, too. How’s that sound? I won’t let you fall.”
Maybe this has been said before idk. These are just my thoughts on Kataang parents and Tenzin. I retcon the entire Kataang family as it’s presented in TLOK, but this is how I imagine it going down in canon. 
This isn’t an attack on any person or fandom btw! I just think Tenzin isn’t as appreciated as the airbean deserves😞 He’s been through so much😭
If there’s a secret stash of young Tenzin appreciation content somewhere, please share!  I might be looking in the wrong places for Tenzin love, and I would love nothing more than to be wrong, honestly. So, please, if there’s a secret stash, yeet me that link!!
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whosaskingwrites · 4 years ago
Darling You're Glowing (Iwaizumi x Reader)
A/N: um so this one isn't really as sad as the others. Its mostly a Matsukawa x reader cause I got carried away (I'm not sorry Mattsun deserves this also I love soft!Mattsun) but thats also what provided the angst for Iwa. So rip Iwa I guess.
WARNINGS: Kinda angsty, bullying, depression is hinted at. Reader has zero friends besides Matsukawa. Reader is a bad bitch at one point and fucked a bitch up. There's some slut shaming as well as name calling. There's some cursing involved.
Date: Friday October 23rd, 2020
Details: 5.1 pages 1,890 words
Theme: Glowing heart- Every person has a glowing heart that they can choose to hide or make visible. The more love and happiness the person feels the brighter the heart glows. However the more sadness the person feels the dimmer it gets as well as cracks. When it breaks you can no longer feel emotions. A broken heart can be fixed by a declaration of love.
Angst masterlist
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I stared at the glowing heart on my chest. It was so dim compared to the light from my bathroom down the hall. I looked at the jagged cracks that ran through it. Just a slight push was enough for me to be heartbroken and I couldn’t find it in myself to care. Having no emotions would make things easier after all in the three years I’d attended Aoba Johsai I only had one friend through everything.
I remember having two best friends in middle school. Iwaizumi and Oikawa but they had ditched me shortly after volleyball started using the excuse that they were to busy to spend time with me. I knew they were lying though. I had seen them hanging out together plenty of times and my friend, Issei Matsukawa was also on the team and he always made time for me at least once a week.
He of course was the only one who knew the state of my heart when he visited me by surprise one day. He made it his goal to keep my heart from breaking. Unfortunately Inter-high was coming up making him too busy and at this point I was going to crack. I sighed hiding the heart and getting ready for school when I checked my phone I had one text from Mattsun it was a short message asking me to stop by the gym after school today.
I responded back saying I’d be there as I left my house. Today was quiet as the bully in my class was absent for the day. It left me with a slightly better feeling as I headed towards the gym. I wondered if I ran into Oikawa and Iwaizumi what I would say to them. After all we hadn’t spoken in three years but I saw Iwaizumi stare at me during the day sometimes. As I approached the gym I texted Mattsun saying I was here. Before I could continue on my way a voice spoke up from behind me
“Oh looks it’s the slut,” I flinched as I was pushed to the side. The girls walked in front of me I recognized them from Mattsun's class when I occasionally waited for him. “Heard you slept with the swim team like a whore,” I spoke up but my voice was soft and quiet “I didn’t sleep with them,” the girl laughed “What? You’re gonna have to speak up,” She shoved me down to the ground harshly and I scraped my knee as I hit the ground a whimper of pain came from my throat causing the girls infront of me to laugh.
“Not like it matters freak. I’m sure Matsukawa only hangs out with you to sleep with you since you’re so easy,” I felt another crack to my heart and I knew one more push even a tiny one and I would be gone. I looked up at the girls then.
“Are you done?” I softly asked as the girl smirked “As if-" before she could continue the gym door slid open. “Hey! Leave her alone!”
A feeling of relief flooded through me as I recognized the voice. The girls scurried off but not before kicking me one last time causing me to release a shout of pain. I heard a series of footsteps rapidly approaching before a pair of feet entered my vision. He crouched down in front of me and cupped my cheeks forcing me to look up. I knew I had tears running down my face as my eyes met Mattsun's.
His eyes searched mine for any indication of pain before I spoke up. “Issei…Why am I here?” I whimpered out as I remembered what the girls said about me being easy. He didn’t answer me instead he said something else “Let me see,” were the words that left his mouth.
I sighed as I let the heart show. His eyes flickered downward quickly and he let out a quiet sigh of relief before pressing his forehead against my own. “I invited you here because I have something to tell you and I can’t keep it to myself any more,”
“What?” I asked as he sighed. I saw the tension running through his body as he kept his hands in place. It caused me to get nervous as my mind drifted. “He only hangs out with you cause you’re easy,” however the words that left his mouth next washed away every negative word those girls said.
“I love you,” I blinked once then twice then three times “You-" “I love you,” he cut me off as he repeated himself. I placed my hands on his wrists as I felt the chips in my heart fill and glow. I watched the light gold glow as it illuminated both of our faces just as bright as it was years ago. I smiled knowing he was telling the truth and then a giggly laugh escaped me. It felt like the fizz of soda or the splash of a wave the feeling of euphoria I felt knowing the person I loved also loved me.
“I love you too Issei,” I managed to say through a series of giggles. It was his turn to chuckle then his own heart produced a silver glow with the same intensity as my own it meshed well with the gold glow of my heart. The feeling of pure joy caused him to press a series of short kisses to my face stopping as he placed one against my lips.
He stood us both up then “Do you wanna stay for the rest of practice?” He asked and I thought it over before nodding. “Sure but its cold in the gym,” he smiled at me before gesturing towards the gym “head in I’ll be right back,” He ran off while I let out a soft sigh. I hid my heart as I walked into the gym so the glow didn’t distract the players. I snuck over to the bleachers watching my old best friends practice.
I frowned as I remembered helping Oikawa practice his serve and how I had fallen for Iwaizumi. Now the only feelings left for them were bitter ones about being ditched by both of them.
“Hey only significant others and people who were invited can watch practice not sluts who want to fuck the team,” I turned my head my eyes catching sight of Oikawa's current girlfriend of the week. I rolled my eyes “Good thing I was invited then. Now leave me alone please,” She scoffed as I looked away. “You stupid fucking bitch!” she screeched in a high pitched voice before she wrapped her hands in my hair.
She roughly pulled me to the ground and slapped me. However both her and I were shocked when I, still riding the feeling of adrenaline and euphoria from Mattsun, flipped us. I socked her in the jaw and punched her nose smiling at the feeling of it crunch under my fist. I stood up looking at the team with blood on my knuckles. I sent a glare towards Oikawa causing him to flinch at my face.
“Oikawa. Come get your bitch before I fuck her pretty face up more,” He looked thoroughly shocked by me addressing him by his last name and cursing as well as Iwaizumi. “y/n-chan,” Oikawa whispered as his brown eyes met my own e/c pair. My gaze hardened at the nickname “Sorry but we haven’t spoken in three years please don’t call me that,” the team flinched at the harsh tone from my voice.
I saw the girl get up from the corner of my eye and dash out of the gym before anyone could stop her. “Y/n why did you do that? What happened to you?” Iwaizumi was talking to me in an angry tone “One she started it and two what happened to me?” I let out a humorless laugh “No! What happened to my best friends!? Together forever? What a fucking lie. Three years. Three years I’ve had to stand by and let people abuse and bully me and not once did you guys come to save me like you promised!” I was yelling now anger consumed me washing away my previous feeling of joy.
“I have one person! For three years he kept my heart from breaking! And the worst part is the two people who promised to never let my heart break were the same two who cracked it first,” Oikawa and Iwaizumi flinched and the rest of the team stared at the scene in front of them. “Besides Iwaizumi. Why do you even care what happened to me? You’ve never called or texted me to check on me even when you saw me crying,” I narrowed my eyes at him “Hm? It hasn’t seem to bother you all this time so why does it matter!” My aggression from being abandoned came back in full force as I yelled at him.
“Because I love you!” he yelled back and all my anger vanished “I love you Goddamnit!” I blinked “You…you love me,” It came out as a statement and not a question but that didn’t matter as he nodded. “Well. You had plenty of time to tell me instead of abandoning me,” He looked at me there was desperation in his eyes as they searched mine. “Please give me a chance I promise I’ll never leave your side again I won’t let anyone hurt you!” I shook my head at him.
“I'm sorry but I’m happily with the person who hasn’t left my side for probably the worst years of my life,” there was a sense of authority and finality in my voice as I spoke. “Who-" before Oikawa could finish his question the door to the gym slid open. “Hey- What is going on here,” I looked at Mattsun he held his team jacket in his hands as he looked over the scene of Iwaizumi and Oikawa in front of me while the rest of the team stood behind them. My arms were crossed and I uncrossed them as I felt calmer. Mattsun's eyes zoned in on my bloody knuckles causing him to run over and lift my hand.
“Jeez who’d you hit?” he asked once he assessed that it wasn’t my blood. “Later,” I voiced as I looked at him. He smiled as he kissed me I smiled into it as I felt the giddy feeling return to me. “I’ll hold you to that,” he said when he pulled away. “Sorry guys this is my girlfriend Y/n L/n,” I smiled at the team as Hanamaki voiced something “Dude…You’re girlfriend fucked a bitch up,” Mattsun looked at me and raised an eyebrow “I’ll tell you everything later I promise,” I laughed “Let me see,” I knew he was worried and I smiled letting the soft gold glow take over as he looked at me.
I smiled at the way it lit up his eyes “Darling you’re glowing,” he voiced before kissing me again. I let the glow disappear again as he ran off to go practice. Iwaizumi looked at me with wide eyes and I looked back mouthing words at him and Iwaizumi for the first time felt his heart crack and dim at everything that transpired.
“Too little too late,”
TAG LIST: @wonhomarshmallow
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missnxthingg · 5 years ago
Hi!! Idk if you’re still taking requests but I was hoping if you can make an angsty one with Tom? Maybe the reader finding out that he’s been going out with someone else but instead of her lashing out, she keeps it to herself. Until one day, she just breaks down and says she she knows? Maybe she’ll give like her promise ring or necklace to Tom? It’s so specific but it’s been in head for awhile. Thank you!!
A/N: And here it is! Thank you for sending me that message to help me understand your request and I loved writting this. I feel like this is the first one who does not have a happy ending, but I like it. Hope you like it too.
Words: 2.5K
Warnings: Cheating, mentions of sex, angst.
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
masterlist | main blog | gif source | quarantine playlist | title’s song
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Over your life you had many examples that love wasn’t the easiest thing in the world. People cheat, people lie, and they eventually grow apart. Your first example was when you and your mother caught your father in bed with another woman after a day out shopping together. You were only five, your sister was eleven, and you watched your whole family fall apart in front of your eyes. The second example came when you were twelve, and your sister was eighteen. She had an awesome boyfriend, the kind of one that everybody loved and that was really nice, but no one really knew that he lied about many things in his life, and ended up trading your sister for another girl before he went to college.
So you never really believed love would happen to you, because it never truly worked for anyone in your family. Why would it work for you? And for a long time you believed that, and you grew up knowing you’d never have a boyfriend that loved you and that you’d be together forever. But you met Tom in High School when your mom decided to register you into a new school so you could pursue your life long dream to be an actress and act in plays. The BRIT School had many talented and nice people, but he was the nicest one in your class.
Tom was the sweet boy that everyone loved to be around. He was cute and funny, and always made people smile somehow. You quickly became friends, because you had so much in common, and one of those things were that you were both playing in a local theater. That made you closer than ever, because you’d see each other a lot. That made both of you develop feelings for each other, but it took many years until they finally got together. He knew it was a big deal for you, and probably that’s why he took his time to finally kiss you for once.
“I wanted to do something.” He said that one day he got you out to have some ice cream and just hang out.
“What is it?” You asked, with a grin on your face. He smiled brightly to you and leaned in, giving you a small peck on your lips. You cupped his cheek and pulled him closer, deepening the kiss for once.
“I wanted to do that for so long.” He said between kisses.
“I’m glad you did Tom.” You smiled to him and caressed his face, completely lost in his eyes.
“I wanna give you something.” He looked down to his hand, where he was holding a black velvet box. “I know it’s early to give you something like this, but this means a lot to me. You mean a lot to me, and I just wanted you to have a piece of me so you’d know I’ll be forever by your side.”
He opened the box, revealing a beautiful ring with a small butterfly set with little diamonds. It was simple, small, but so beautiful. It made you tear up and kiss him so intensely. The ring was the most beautiful thing you’d ever gotten and you didn’t even know how to accept it.
“I loved it so much, it’s beautiful.” He put it on your right hand, and kissed it right after.
“It’s a promise ring, and it means that as long as you wear this, I’ll be yours.” You caressed his face and kissed him again.
“Thank you, you’re amazing.”
You’ve been together ever since that day. You were so young, and even though you thought you’d never find love in your life, Tom made you feel like maybe with you it would be different. You both got what you always wanted, respect roles, him in movies, you in theaters, and life wouldn’t be better for the both of you. Now you were both living in New York for a while. He was doing a big movie and you finally got to Broadway, where you always wanted to be. You couldn’t be happier, until everything started to fall apart.
Tom usually picked you up in work after you were done with the play. Normally, he’s never late for anything, but for some reason he was always late to get you in work. You first started to notice something was wrong when he got there late wearing his shirt inside out. He was acting weird, but you let it go, not shifting the way you  acted with him because you refused to believe something was wrong.
“Maybe he just had a bad day, that’s all.” Jessica said to you the next day when you were both getting ready for the play. She was working with you on the play, and you were best friends on and off screen. “And the shirt… Well, maybe he just didn’t see it was inside out when he got it back on after the shooting day.”
“Yeah, maybe your right.” You finished you makeup with mascara and looked back to her, that was applying her character’s signature color, deep red. “It’s just… I have some issues with this kind of stuff. My parents are separated and my dad cheated, so it was slightly traumatic.”
“I know babe, but I know that Tom loves you with his whole heart. So you shouldn’t have any doubts about him, because you two are end game.”
But that night you got stood up for one and a half hour, and even had to get your own dinner on a hotdog food truck, and ate it on the cold sidewalk, waiting for him. You were almost giving up and getting yourself a taxi when he pulled over with his car and honked to get your attention.
“I’m so sorry baby. It took too long for everyone to finish the scenes today, and New York’s traffic is horrible.”
Liar. You weren’t stupid, and you could smell a sweet perfume all over his car, and it definitely wasn’t yours, because you hated sweet perfume and it made you want to throw up. His hair was messy, and it wasn’t a common thing, because he always got out of the studio with a great hair because of all the makeup they did to him.
“Uhm, it’s okay. Just go home, I’m tired.”
“Don’t you even want to stop somewhere and have dinner? We could go to that mexican restaurant you love so much.”
“I’m not actually in the mood, busy day. And I ate a hotdog from a food truck. I just want to sleep.”
“Okay, we can cuddle and watch a movie, what do you think?” He smiled to you and even though you were upset, he knew how to make you fall in love with him again.
“That would be nice.”
You decided not to say anything about you knowing, just to see where it would drive you. Maybe he’d eventually stop, and maybe it was only a one time thing and he’d just be over with it soon. But it happened at least three nights every week, and it was starting to piss you off. It was starting to be noticed during sex as well, when he would get so into it like before. It had been weeks since you last had a proper orgasm, and you’d do most of the work everytime. Of course you didn’t want to talk about it, so you’d just get it all over and go to sleep.
But you had great nights together. One day you even went out do dance, and some other one you stayed home and ordered food, drank some wine and sang to a lot of songs together, facetiming people from back home together. You’d still have a lot of fun, but somehow you couldn’t shake it off your head. His lips didn’t taste the same, and you weren’t in sync as before. And even though that night was a lot of fun, during a moment he was in the bathroom and you were talking to his brother Harry on his phone, he got a text and you could clearly see it wasn’t meant for you to see.
Lily: “I can’t wait to see you baby!“
Lucky for you, you were a great actress and you managed to not let him know that you saw it, pretending to be totally clueless, until it eventually it started to piss you off. It was the third time that week he was late to pick you up and you ended up getting drunk with Jessica after your play and letting everything go to her. Her best friend listened to her tell about everything she found out, and got mad at her because she was pretending to not know anything.
“You should tell him you know!”
“I can’t tell him Jess. First of all, I shouldn’t be getting into his stuff.”
“Yes, you should.” She got up and pointed to you with her glass in hands. “Specially when it directly affects your relationship. He’s cheating, and getting away with it!”
“I know! But I don’t know how to do it! If I act like a crazy bitch it won’t be right, but I can’t keep being cool about it.” You leaned back into your seat and finished the last glass of wine.
“You better think about it quickly babes.” Your phone started to ring, and Tom’s name appeared on the screen.
“He’s here. I gotta go.”  You kissed her cheek and gathered all your things.
“Finish him (Y/N)!” She shouted, watching you leaving quickly.
But you didn’t have the courage to do it. He arrived there feeling a little sick, and it made your heart crumble. You wanted to take care of him, and that’s what you did when you got home. He stood you up and there you were making soup to make him feel better. God, you were stupid!
One day it was your four year anniversary and you decided to do a little something for you two since you didn’t have to work that night. Your prepared a nice dinner, and organized the whole apartment with aromatic candles, flowers and good wine. You even dressed up nicely with a pretty lingerie for him. Maybe that night would be the turning point to your relationship and it would be okay for once. But eventually it got late, and you were almost giving up on waiting for him, starving and bored, and obviously upset. It was your anniversary, and he was with the other girl. You fought your urge to cry because you were better than that, and waited for him. You ate the food alone, and poured yourself some wine to watch some comedy movie on TV while waiting for him. Every time half an hour passed, you rolled your eyes and your blood boiled in anger, but you needed to be strong.
He arrived when it was almost 11 PM and you was already considering going to bed, leaving everything you planned behind. He found you lying on the couch with a blanket over you. The candles were already out, and the food was cold in the oven, and your heart was shattered, but it had been for a long time. He removed his shoes and lied over her, giving her a lot of kisses on her cheek and on the top of her head. The smell was there, it wasn’t his cologne, it was the sweet perfume again. The smell made you sick, and it wasn’t because it was too sweet.
“Hey darling, I’m sorry I’m late.” You gave him a forced smiled and nodded, turning your attention back to the movie. He cuddled into you, giving some more kisses on your face and neck. “What’s up with all the candles?” He looked around while sitting straight and you shrugged, fixing your position.
“They just smell nice. And are cheap.”
“Uhm.” He nodded and walked to the kitchen to find something to eat. “Baby, you made lasagna?”
“Yeah, I felt like eating it today.”
“You know that’s my favourite.” He smiled to her and turned the heat on to make it warm again. 
“I know.” She was keeping it short and low, making it clear that she wasn’t okay.
“Okay, what’s wrong with you?” He asked, making his way back to the living room.
“Do you know what day it is?” You asked and he thought a little about it.
“April 18th.” He said and you arched your eyebrows. “Why?”
“Nothing special to relate with this date?” You asked, pouring some more wine in your glass.
“Our anniversary.” He said and you nodded, finishing the wine quickly. “I’m so sorry, I forgot.”
“I’m sure you have a good excuse to why you’re late.”
“It’s just…”
“Traffic was horrible, it took too long to finish the shooting today.” You cut him, not raising your voice not even for a second. He sighed and sat down. “You don’t have to pretend anymore.”
“How long have you known?” He asked and you sighed, feeling your heart crashing slowly.
“Two months, at least.” He nodded and pressed his lips together. Tom couldn’t even look at you in the eyes. “I bet Lily is pretty.”
“She’s not prettier than you.” He said and you laughed sarcastically.
“You’re funny, you know. That’s just something straight out of a comedy movie.” You were pissed of course. “I don’t know why did you do it, and I don’t know why I held it for so long, but I can’t take it anymore.”
“Baby, I’m sorry…”
“You say you’re sorry too much Tom. But it’s okay, love never works anyway, and I’ve known it since I was little. It was eventually going to happen to us too.”
“I don’t know why I did it (Y/N), I’m so sorry.”
“It’s because you never really loved me Tom.” You got up and gathered some of your things such as phone and purse.
“That’s not true. I’ve never loved someone so much before. I really truly love you baby, and I’m deeply sorry for everything I made you go through. I’ll never see her again, and I promised I’ll do anything to make us okay again.”
“You were with her Tom, on our anniversary. I don’t think I believe in such thing anymore.” You finished gathering your things. “How long thisbeen going on?”
“Three months.” He said, keeping his voice low, and you nodded, putting your bag over your shoulder.
“I’ll sleep at Jessica’s tonight. And I’ll be back tomorrow to get my things. And please, don’t bother on trying to win me back, because that’s not happening.”
“Baby, please don’t go.” Tom rushed to her with tears in his eyes and held her arm, but she shook her head and glanced down to her hand. She removed the butterfly ring from her hand and stood it up to him.
“I think I won’t need this anymore.” She let her first tear fall since she found out about him, and he was already lost between his own.
“Please, don’t… Baby. We were meant to be together forever. I was so stupid, oh God. I’m sorry, please stay! We’ll make it work. Please don’t leave me. Don’t give this back to me.” He said and you cleaned your own tear, shooking your head no.
“Goodbye Tom.”
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imaginedcreaderinsert · 5 years ago
Instead — Jason Todd x Reader (x Ex!Dick)
  SUMMARY: She talks about Dick Grayson like he is the sun, and she is the moon, starred-crossed lovers; her eyes light up whenever he is brought in a conversation, and she talks fondly of him (“Why? He broke your heart, dumbass” he asks one night, a little bit drunk on his couch. She is dancing all on her own, gorgeous like never before bathed by the moon. “Because I treasure him”, you answer, simplistic and yet raw, full of feeling). And if someone dares bad mouth him? She is the first one to stand up for him, say he is not like that, not like everyone thinks he is; she knows him better than anyone, and that no one can fight her about. They have history, and someone should make a study on them, because there’s chemistry whenever they go.     
   WORD COUNT: 3661.
  TW: Angsty with smut. I’m sorry ¿?¿?
  A/N: I tried writing something else, but this week has been particularly hard due to personal circumstances and this is all that came out. It started out as angst, and I was planning to take it to someplace even darker, but then the smut came along and-I’m a sucker for coming to love baby Jason. I don’t know if it should have a second part or not (maybe angst bc she goes back to dick or a fluffy and smutty one where they spend christmas together, idk). ENJOY!
 “You can come still.” Dick timidly almost adds, amidst the reigning silence of the living room.
           Everything has stopped moving. Jason was playfully sparring with Damian, Tim and you trying to help separate them in the chaos that was now the sofa. It was normal, familiar, a habit. But the moment the Thanksgiving lunch was mentioned, everyone stopped moving since it is the first year Dick and you are not together for the festivity. Everyone lowkey knew about it, but they tried to avoid it as much as possible. Specially the little birds, who you knew were fonder of you than they would ever admit. Not long before Dick and you had started going out, Jason and you became close (you were the two cynics, dark-humored and quick on the feet), so it was given that you were friends. The problem was now how to deal with your second favorite holiday of the year with the Wayne’s. The first always being Christmas, of course.
           “Oh, are you-are you sure?”. You are very confident, but this is something that you are very unsure about. Your voice trembles a bit at its end, but you cough like it’s because of the weather. It had always been special, since your family lived far from Gotham; you weren’t planning on visiting them, since they live across the ocean and the holiday wasn’t as popular in Europe.
           “You are part of this family, (Y/N); of course you can come.”
           “Good, because otherwise we were planning on moving lunch to hers.”  Jason interrupts, smirking almost, making Damian scoff, almost.
           “But she’s a mess in the kitchen!”
           “Well that’s what the catering service is for, you big-!“
           Everything goes back to how it was before, like nothing has happened; except that it totally doesn’t. Dick smiles, like everything is fine and that hurts you more than ever, because you know why he is okay with it, maybe as much as Jason. You getting back in the Manor had been a complicated task, but neither Jason nor Damian had given up, with simple excuses, white lies and “mandatory Netflix and chill sessions” (Jason, Tim and you had been laughing all evening when Damian had proposed so without actually knowing the meaning behind of it. He was so adorable with little things like that).  It’s not like you were still hurt because of the breakup, after all, it was quite mutual (even when it had terribly hurt once more, you were kind of hoping it anyways. This was the fourth time, after all). The thing was that there were one too many memories in the walls of Manor, as well as its rooms and dark corners. Sometimes, when you went alone to the guest bathroom, you could still feel his sneaky and cold hands in your waist, making you shriek – and his quick hand to your mouth, to shut you up, closing the door of the place as he trapped you against it.
           But what were you expecting really? This was the fourth time you had broken up. You had been at it since he confessed his real identity (the cause of your first breakup when he had not confided in you. With time, understanding came, and you tried again), and at this point, Jason, Tim and Damian just hoped it wouldn’t bring more “awkward” scenes like those whenever you saw each other at the Manor after the breakup. Dick tended to take refuge in Blüdhaven the first week, but then he always came back.
           And that always bothered Jason. It was like he wanted to see her, he needed to encounter her and still talk to her, as awkward as it could be. There was always probably there will always be, some kind of love in their eyes whenever they talked. And that he envied. (Y/N) had never looked at him like that, except with lust and with too many shots on.
           But this time it seemed different. (Y/N) seemed too uncomfortable and she could never quite look at him, which Jason didn’t understand. She had been so bold, so daring with him always; it as like he transformed into an entirely new person when he was with him. He hated it. Except this time, as well, he quickly understood why she was so sheepish: Barbara had entered the frame. He discovered it almost by accident, when you both were going for some drinks: you liked getting wasted in a famous bar in Gotham, maybe being hit up by different men, just as he was by different women. People used to think they were together until one of them started giving back attention to said person. Those were nights of whoring out, unless previously accorded that no one would leave the bar with someone else. Sometimes they liked having small chats in less frequented bars (Jason definitively did) and-and you had left the phone unlocked, staggering almost to the toilet. When he saw Dick’s last text, two weeks after you had broken up, he couldn’t resist: and yes, they had keep in contact, with shorter texts… Of course, to the exception of one. One fucking long one from Golden Boy himself explaining to her that he and Babs had given each other a go after some time… Followed by a sweet “I’m just giving her a chance. I still think of you at nights. Wanna call like yesterday?”.
           So of course, she feared the day, because that meant he was bringing Babs on. Between you and her honestly, he’d rather have you a thousand time more than her. She followed the rules too much and had little to no confidence in her own missions and action plans. She was too much of a follower and Jason resented her because of it: it was something personal, seeing as Timbers seemed to like her a bit more, given her ability to execute whatever actions were needed. But it wasn’t after all something he could decide on his own, and thus they were now both stuck with that knowledge.
           Dick had some girl problems of his own, but he had managed to keep them down for long enough. It was the first time, actually (that he knew of) that these both were going to encounter each other. And it was something Jason, personally, wasn’t looking forward to. He treasured his only ally in the house; since Roy and him had parted ways, (Y/N) had been the only one for him. And he had been trying really hard, seeing as he thought feelings would get in the way: but he has kind of come to accept that it’s never going to be that way with him.
           She talks about Dick Grayson like he is the sun, and she is the moon, starred-crossed lovers; her lights light up whenever he is brought in a conversation, and she talks fondly of him (“Why? He broke your heart, dumbass” he asks one night, a little bit drunk in his couch. She is dancing all on her own, gorgeous like never before bathed by the moon. “Because I treasure him”, you answer, simplistic and yet raw, full of feeling). And if someone dares bad mouth him? She is the first one to stand up for him, say he is not like that, not like everyone thinks he is; she knows him better than anyone, and that no one can fight her about. They have history, and someone should make a study on them, because there’s chemistry whenever they go. Everyone always thinks they are flirting, and they are just as surprised to find out that they are no longer together (Such a pity! They look so good, Jason once heard Kane murmur under her breath).
           But this time is different, she is left behind.
           “I mean, the worst is over.”
           “I know, just take me far, Jay. I want to go.” And nothing else needs to be said once lunch is done and everyone is settling down on the sofa. They are not staying, and they made so apparent by taking a red helmet; not for him, of course.
           Dick presses his lips into a fine line.
           “No, what I’m saying is…! What-What if I never find anyone like him, Jay? What if he IS the One?”
           “You know the concept of “The one” is just made up so that girls-“
           “Yes, Jason Peter Todd, I know very well the patriarchal concept of it, it’s just-! They look so good together. And Dick was so calm, they were so chill. They were not bothered, like it had been happening so long… I know Dick would never cheat, but we’ve never had that.”
           “Babs has always been really close to the family. Their breakup was horrible, that’s why you two never cross paths but before she used to spend Thanksgiving with us as well. Then she met someone else and-you know” He makes a simple motion with his hands, like all is said and done, but it’s not enough for her it seems. “I’m just saying that she was a wreck as well her first year, but we are family. Vigilante stuff and everything.”
           Yeah, the one thing she has always been kind of resentful about. Not because she wanted to be one, but because she never belonged to that interior and private group. Even Jason, as close as they were, kept her at an arms distance from details. He was not fully incorporated into the troupe, but he had been patrolling on their side for some time now. It made her really happy.
           “Yeah, yeah. It’s just that, and I know that you don’t believe in it, but what if Dick is the one for me but I’m not the one for him? You’ve seen me, I was… Wrecked the first time we broke up. And the second and third, hell. This last one I… I knew it was going to happen, eventually. I just didn’t know it would still hurt as much.” She clicks her tongue, both hands up quite quickly, like in a peace sign. “Okay, yeah, maybe not as much, but it definitively stung. And I know he hasn’t been with Barbara since before me but…”
           There’s a silence, a beat. Jason’s heart drops. What is he doing? It’s like a babble, and he feels mean. He wants to hurt, he wants her to know. What good will it do now? Still, the words come out before she can mutter a thing, too in shock or maybe waiting for him to talk.
           “I mean, there was just THIS ONE time where I saw her early at dawn. I think it was your second time, I-“
           “Oh, fuck, I KNEW IT!”.
           “I’m sorry. I’m very sorry.” She mutters, drunk, maybe too drunk. Who gets drunk on Thanksgiving? They are both splayed on the floor of his apartment, instead of the carpet, mere inches from their bodies. But moving takes too much movement, and they are not going to do that. “I’m always talking about him, I must sound like a broken record, it’s just that it helps.”
           “What helps?”. He asks, sluggish.
           “You. You always help.”
           She turns around, lazy and with difficulty like a seal, until her cheeks are against the coldness of the apartment. He imitates her, looking at her closely, both faces separated just by centimeters.
           “You help me without hesitation. I know you, I see you, Jason Todd.” She confidently says, even when he can swear some of her words are gibberish after that. He thinks she might be listing the times he has helped. “… And most importantly, I love you. I love you a lot.”
           There’s silence in the apartment. They are not particularly fond of hugs or cute things; (Y/N) has had a childhood where she was not given much affection, and Jason as much as he loved her mother, can understand that. They are not used to caring, sweet or strong words like that. But he surprises himself as he says it back like it’s natural, and he repeats it. Again and again, like it’s a prayer, something that must be said. And she corresponds.
           They lock lips and he knows it’s over.
           Whatever thing they might have it’s over, because the only way this is ending is with a broken heart. He is not the one with good things, beautiful things that stay; he is not the golden boy or the understanding one (like Dick, with whom (Y/N) had a dream a couple of days ago. They were still together, happy). He is not the calm and logical, collected (like Tim, who he came to slowly understand, admire, as much resent as he had once for him. (Y/N) always goes for him for “practical” solutions). He is not like Damian in the least, particular and much more mature than he was at his age. So why would she choose him, if not by pity, being the closest one?
           Jason is twenty, and she is twenty-two. It is thrilling in a way, while he takes off her clothes with a regained force, almost desperation in her movements (what if she is sober again and stops moaning like that, offering him her neck like a female to mate?). He loves to unravel her, discover the timid place in her thighs which he almost has to open by force; he never quite imagined her shy, not in his wildest fantasies, but red is an adorable shade in her cheeks, and he only gets turned on by the slight resistance of her thighs, the way she is on her back, legs opened and trying to cover herself, her core. Her fingers are small, like everything else in her body, but they manage to hide his precious Eden from him, which he doesn’t appreciate.
           If it’s going to be a night followed by an awkward distancing, he is going to fucking get it.
           Pushing her legs back to her chest almost, slightly, trying to see resistance, her core gets discovered by the surprise, and he launches onto it like a hungry man: he laps, tongues it inside and discovering it. It is tight, drenched and slightly salty: he discovers to his own surprise that the more he seems to eat, the wetter it gets, until it’s absurd almost. She is covered in her own lubricant, and he is amazed by the taste, the wiggling, the moans and the pulsing of his own cock, strained in his pants.
           She is completely naked, and almost mewls for him to do the same, to which he teasingly obeys. He makes a slow striptease, and her hands are all over him, clearly making him know that he wants it as badly – he could cum alone from the sound she makes as his fingers open her, on fours on the floor with her legs as far as they can go so he has space to discover, touch.
           “Jay, Jason!”. She pants, almost too gone from that alone, his fingers rediscovering places he thinks she might not have reached before. Or even Dick. He is quite proud of that, seeing her state against the floor, moving her hips towards him and struggling almost to breathe. “Jason please! I’m so horny, I want you so bad!”
           Her forehead sticks to the ground, moaning against the floor: he thinks his neighbors will forgive him in due time. It’s been long since he brought someone else home, and thus, he can’t be as dedicated as he would like to. More so when her own lubricant is dripping from her thighs and her back arches perfectly against him. They fit, like a perfect puzzle, as he on his knees grabs her by the hips and presses his own hardness to her wet entrance. It almost slips inside at times, almost making her completely bent over. She needs something to grip onto, and after a couple of times giving up on the air and floor, Jason takes her by the neck, not leaving an inch between their bodies as he slides inside. And then she feels it and her arms, like flowers to the sun, wrap themselves around his neck.
           They kiss like they have been doing it for ten years, but they fuck with the desperation of a one-night stand, swearing and sweating together, body against body, and moaning each other names from time to time. Profanities, skin slapping sounds, wet drips – all that’s heard until one of them comes. They change positions and again they go, until one of them crumbles to the floor just so that they don’t have to force their own knees as much. She gets dragged onto his mattress, and they keep at it until they can’t anymore. There’s a blue glow in the city outside, and they are both panting, still slowly rutting against each other: he is inside her, too sensitive to move, almost keeping it warm. His hand slowly grabs her thigh, the fat on it, caressing it like it’s art. She kisses him slowly, tensing up as he gets out and lets it all spill onto the bed. They fall asleep like that, looking at each other’s eyes, like they are in love. But the night is done, and the first warm ray enters the room. It’s time to wake up.
           It doesn’t stop there. There are no rules, no limits. They are having breakfast and she is taken again against the cold marble counter, nipples hard and leaving her own underwear wet, uncomfortable. He fingers her until they can’t anymore, and they forget to eat, too much of a secondary task. She takes him in the shower, entering and against the wall, water covering both of them (It gets risky, but they are both very much into it, gasping and clenching on each other like they are the last people on Earth, they will vanish. She thinks she might as she cums with him inside, relentless and making her squirt. He has never been more turned on.)
           They say goodbye with a sweet kiss, like they are finishing it – but three days later, at the Manor, they silently fuck in the sofa, which is in direct view with the entrance if one is to open the door. They don’t close it at all and she cums three times (once laid on the floor as he drinks her, and another on top of him, completely nude and bracing him, looking the door directly, too nervous and too excited at the same time. The third is brutal, and is when they think they hear keys, too involved in their pleasure, too far gone from rationality. Like they want to be caught.) They promise each other that is it in public spaces, but then they fall right into it as they are having an improv dinner on the roof one of Gotham’s highest buildings. It’s exhilarating, and it’s been a guilty habit of hers since she discovered their identities. She loved tall buildings, looking down and feeling the adrenaline in the tips of her toes as she leans over the border (Jason has always been the one to let her go as far as she pleased. Dick always grabbed her by the waist). They fuck against one of the corners, lights underneath them alive, bright, just as his eyes as he looks at her. She feels safe in his arms. Nothing will happen.
           Until they do get caught by none other than Tim Drake himself.
           It really isn’t something big or scandalous, as naked as they feel they are (her in a satin pajama, him in some grey cotton sweatpants); they are just making out in another sofa, almost near the entrance, too lazy to go up the stairs; the angle is different, and instead of the entrance, it goes directly to the kitchen. The only thing on is the fire, and it’s almost romantic if not because of his hard-on and your obscene moans – that is until two blue eyes catch her. She has to cover her own mouth to stop herself from screaming.
           “F-!”. It’s the only thing that leaves her, his body instantly acting as a blanket from the world, pinning her against the sofa. If they were naked, that would have do it. “Fuck, fuck fuck!”. She repeats herself over and over in a low voice, as Jason looks over the sofa and locks eyes. You will never know what look Jason gives Drake, but it seems to scare him off.
           “I’m not going to say anything to anyone!”. She is too embarrassed to look over the sofa, but the way his voice trembles doesn’t escape her. “But fuck, you should tell Grayson. He’s not-oh, fuck, he’s not going to be happy. And please, please tell me you haven’t-haven’t-you know, the sofa-“
           “Just go, voyeur!”
           You should, you know you should but not talking about it with Jason and just murmuring into each other lips “I love you” works; it makes you happy, less anxious and relaxed like never before. You fuck, you have small dates and everything is simple with him. You laugh into his neck, and his big arms make you feel protected at night when he stays (he isn’t going on patrol as much, and that makes you incredibly happy). He is sweet and caring; you spent nights with your legs intertwined under the duvet reading different books, but reading out loud your favorite quotes, or something you find funny. You are drugged on the feeling of happiness he gives you, but are you really giving it back to him? Do you love him like he does? Because you know he does, when he looks at you with his gorgeous eyes, when he grows anxious in big crowds and immediately grips your hand like it’s home.
           You turn around in bed.
           “Hey Jaybird?”
           “Hm, what?”
           “I have to tell you something.”
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imlostinsantacarla · 5 years ago
@beaming-ben:  hey! i just wanted to say i’m enjoying your lost boys posts :) was wondering if i was able to make a request with Y/N (so others can enjoy it) x Marko? it would be where the reader is new to santa carla and they are at the boardwalk looking at the stores and stuff. Marko notices them who turns out to be his mate and he starts talking to them. the reader would be quite shy in this but eventually opens up and Marko would be really sweet to them. Thanks for your time :) x
(a/n: heya love, sorry that this took so long for me to get around to! i hope you enjoy what i’ve come up with, i really tried my best! thanks for your request as well. - admin kat 🌙❣)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Title: You Don’t Talk Much Do You? (Marko x Reader)
Summary: Moving out to the Murder Capitol of the World and into the home of your eccentric grandfather after a divorce between your parents has you longing for a night of fun. When your two brothers accompany you onto the infamous Boardwalk for the night, their teasing ways get under your skin and you feel the need to break away and cool off. Doing this means that you run into a particular blonde-haired boy that isn’t just trying to chat you up to win you over for the night, but for eternity.
Word Count: 2,269 (lmaoo 69)
Warnings: mentions of parents divorcing, angsty teenager stuff?, nothing else really.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Being new to Santa Carla had an overwhelming pressure as nighttime rolled around and the Boardwalk was filled with the static buzz of teenagers having a blast of a time whilst the flashing lights of the fair rides busily illuminated the night air. There was a charge of excitement in the atmosphere which had you practically bouncing on your heels, a grin spread wide across your face. It seemed as though it had been an eternity since you had even stared fun straight in the face.
Currently you were situated between your two brothers, Michael and Sam, whom were bickering like school children over the topic of Sam needing and not needing babysitters to accompany him.
“I’m not a kid any more, Mikey! I can find my own way around here no problem.” Sam sassed with an exasperated tone, total offense clouding his countenance as he looked up at his older brother indignantly.
“Yeah, yeah,” Michael rolled his eyes, giving a hasty shake of his head, “tell that to mom after you get lost for the fifth time today.”
“Hey! The first time was my fault but the other four were your terrible sense of direction. Right, y/n?” Sam blabbered enthusiastically, though his face was heating up due to embarrassment.
“Huh?” You hummed, eyes averting from the roller coaster and landing on Sam who seemed even more offended that you hadn’t exactly been paying any mind to his side of the argument, never mind Michael’s point. “Sorry, what did you two losers say?” You inquired with a quick scratch to the back of your neck.
Michael grinned silly at you before staring down at Sam. “Jesus, and I thought mom was bad.” to which Sam laughed at, their brotherly bickering having become a thing of the past and your fleeting attention span now the main focus.
“You’ve seen plenty of rides before, I don’t see what the big deal is, y/n!” Sam stated matter-of-factly, his bright eyes illuminated with mischief.
“Yeah, I know. But when was the last time us three got to have fun instead of being stuck between mom and dad arguing?” You sassed, a tint spreading across your cheeks. Your statement was nothing more than sincere. Being in between two parents going through a divorce was messy and heartbreaking for everyone involved, but it seemed to have taken it’s toll on you the most. You’d assumed the role of keeping what was left of your family intact, like human glue, and it was the most exhausting job you’d slid into for awhile now.
“Jeez you make it sound like you’re the one going through the divorce yourself.” Michael scoffed mockingly, no doubt attempting to get under your skin as he usually did.
“YoU mAkE iT sOuNd LiKe YoU’rE tHe OnE GoInG ThRoUgH tHe DiVoRcE yOuRsElF.” you did a pretty bad imitation of his voice, throwing your hands up in the air as you did so. “You sound like you don’t give a shit.” you spat, pushing past your older brother.
“Great! Now she’s gonna go tell mom you were an ass to her and probably blame me too!” You heard Sam practically shriek behind you. You didn’t care, you just felt like you needed to get away from them, they were practically suffocating you.
Parting from your brothers had lead you to only dig yourself deeper into your own thoughts. You went from store to store that littered the Boardwalk and scanned the shelves of them absentmindedly with a lot weighing down the theme of your train of thought. Moving away from Phoenix had been challenging for you, especially parting from your friends, and your parents going through their divorce was hard, - even if your mother had managed to do it with little mess -. The change of moving to another state made you almost weak with nausea. When summer was over you’d be going to a new school with new people and the thought alone made you want to spew. Making friends back in Phoenix had been challenging enough as it was...
You missed your friends desperately, you knew you were gonna miss your old school even once summer was over here. Everything here was daunting and weird. I mean, your Gramps didn’t even own a TV! He had Taxidermy swarming around his whole house. The thought of that beaver he’d given Sam sent shivers down your spine as though The Angel of Death were tickling it. You were genuinely living with a crazy old man and your somewhat dysfunctional family. The odds of enjoying your time here didn’t look so hot. I mean, you were living in the Murder Capital of the World.
The exhaustion you felt seemed to morph into sore legs from having walked around the pier several times. You’d even walked past your brothers ten times, ignoring them whenever they’d called on you. They knew that when you were in a bad mood to just let you walk it off in order to cool down. Besides, they were the ones who’d agitated you in the first place. The least they could do was give you time.
The whole intention of coming to the Boardwalk was to have fun, engage in excitement: You’d wanted to go on every ride you saw, eat till you were so full you’d spew and watch the live bands play. You hadn’t bagged on miserably idling around a comic book store until the two kids behind the register eyed you all funny till you left.
Now you were at one set of stairs that lead down to the actual sand of Santa Carla’s beach. Your eyes scanning the scene before you with dull eyes of envy. The moon was strikingly pale against the velvety black night sky, tiny specs of stars dancing to the music of the local teenagers guffawing and fooling around on the sand beneath. The waves of the ocean were a velvety black, the moon casting an eerie silvery glow onto it, it’s reflection warbled as the salty water lapped onto the sand and retreated. There wasn’t just total darkness, on the sand, where there were teenagers, there were also oil drums glowing orange with dancing flames in the center of the group, providing warmth and light to their shenanigans. There were hundreds of oil drums littered all over the beach, like small beacons of light attempting to break through the darkness of night.
A sense of desperation to join them left your stomach jumping and twisting apprehensively, making you miss Phoenix all the more. You’d do almost anything to get out of the funk you’d sunk into, even if that meant doing something stupid and getting yourself grounded for all eternity by your mother. You weren’t astray to rebelling against her in the past. She knew that plain as day, which is probably why she had told your brothers to head out with you.
You climbed halfway down the stairs until you sunk down onto them, deciding you didn’t have enough courage to just throw yourself into any one of the orange circles that scattered the beach. Anyone of those groups could be filled with nutters and weirdos. You weren’t looking to get yourself into anything you couldn’t get yourself out of. But you observed the people your age, maybe even a little older than you, dancing and singing, - clearly both drunk and/or high on something -, with curiosity.
“You just gonna watch all the action go down from here?” You heard a voice clear as day in your ear, causing you to jump straight out of your skin, a yelp being pulled from your throat. You whipped around to find a boy your age with the dumbest grin plastered straight on his face, like the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland. “Whoa! Easy.” His voice came out husky as he placed his hands up by his head, partially gloved, palms facing you.
You were stunned for what felt like seconds but stretched on for well over a couple of minutes. The guy was stunning, blond and wore the most peculiar jacket of gold and red that possessed patterns, faces, pictures... You weren’t even aware that you’d been staring till he chuckled again. “You know, you might wanna close your mouth before you drool everywhere.” He teased, his nimble and icy fingertips coming under your chin and forcing your mouth closed with a soft tap. He had his head tilted to the side, blue orbs penetrating yours like he was staring straight through your soul.
“O-Oh, s-sorry.” You cleared your throat, tearing your face away from him and looking out over the beach once more. You were grateful that it was dark where you were, so the blush that consumed your face now was well hidden, - at least you thought it was -.
“Nah, it’s all good. I’m not complaining.” You heard the grin forming on his face as he spoke. Suddenly the space on the step beside you was occupied and you could feel his gaze on your face now. “You new here? I haven’t seen you around before.” He inquired, leaning closer to you in a non-intrusive way. There was curiosity in his eyes as you met them.
“Yeah.” You hummed, nipping your bottom lip between your teeth. This felt odd, no guy, - especially this attractive -, had ever really spoken to you. You always thought it was because you weren’t attractive, but you knew the biggest part of it was because your older brother Michael (by one year) wouldn’t let any guy get within twenty feet of you. So the fact that this guy was sat here chatting to you made you wonder where in the hell Michael was at.
“Cool. Where’re you from?”
“Ph-Phoenix.” You muttered softly, eyes dipping down as you spoke. The way that he was looking at you made you feel a little unsettled.
“Cool, cool.” He mumbled, pulling out a pack of cigarettes, plucking a smoke out and placing it between his lips before lighting it. The flame from his lighter made it possible for you to fully see his face, which almost made your jaw slack open once again. He was definitely attractive. He laughed again. “What? You want one?” He offered the opened carton to you, to which you declined and he chuckled once more. “Alright. You’re not much of a talker are you?” He quipped humorously to which you felt your ears redden and you shook your head.
“I’m Marko, by the way.” He mumbled around his cigarette, puffing smoke in your direction.
“y/n” you smiled softly, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear as you watched him.
“Michael’s sister?” Marko inquired with a quirked brow.
“How’d you know that?” You were baffled and slightly terrified to say the least.
“Me and my buddies met your brother, we’re friends. He told us about you.” Marko clarified with a puff of smoke flowing from his lips as he spoke.
“That’s funny, he never mentioned you...” You hummed thoughtfully, “Oh God, what’d he tell you about me? That I’m a Monster Bitch from Hell?” You rolled your eyes indignantly.
“Somethin’ like that.” He simpered, eyes skimming up and down your body with interest as he spoke. “With the way he was describing you, I thought you’d look like a Demon of something.”
“I’m so gonna flatten him when I get home.” You muttered under your breath to which he laughed at. You turned to look at him once more with creased brows. “Then what do I look like to you?”
“Hot.” You laughed when he said that, shaking your head as you tipped it backwards. “I mean that in a non-demon kinda way.” He added.
“Well, that’s good I suppose.”
“You think so?” Boy he was a flirt, you could already tell. He was definitely funny also, which you liked. Funny guys were always more interesting to you. They were better than the hotheaded types, at least in your opinion they were.
“I dunno, would you prefer that I looked like one?”
“Nah, not really! I think you look great as you are.” He flashed his pearly whites at you with a confidence you’d never seen before and it spurred the pair of you into a conversation filled with flirtatious comments. You swore you’d never spoken to someone this much in your life - even with your very own family -.
Speaking with Marko seemed to flow naturally between the pair of you, which made your heart gallop a million miles per hour. However, even though he was nice to talk to, there was something about him that caused a spark of suspicion in you, like danger lurked around the corner if you continued to converse with him. But there was something else that was pulling you towards him, something you couldn’t quite put your finger on because you’d never felt this before. It was like a rope was tied across your midsection and Marko felt it too. The more either one of you resisted the tighter the pull felt, forcing you in his vicinity. 
And sure, you’d talked to cute guys in the past before your brother intervened, and there was always a sense of giddiness in your gut as you did so. Yet it didn’t compare to the warmth that seemed to spread through your muscles as he inched closer and closer to you with each question and answer that flowed from both of your mouths. Something about this seemed natural and destined, like nothing could get in the way of or break it apart.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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artificialqueens · 4 years ago
The Blue Neighborhood Series: SUBURBIA (Group) - Mac
AN: A million and one thanks to everyone who has been here for this journey, I cannot thank you enough for your support and comments and love. I’m so thankful to have you guys and I hope this last chapter lives up to your expectations.
All my love to Meggie for betaing. All my love to Alex who made me actually start writing this series a year ago. All my love to Barbie for letting me bounce ideas off of her.
All my love to you all reading this. <3
Summary: The girls of the Blue Neighborhood grew up together. Playing in the streets, trading secrets, and falling in love.
And maybe, just maybe, they can forgive each other.
Rock bit back a smile as she heard footsteps bounding up the stairs to the prop room.
A week ago she would have scuttled into the far corner and hid until the person left, but now, as Aiden’s flushed face appeared in the doorway, Rock felt only a trace of nervousness.
“What’s up, bitch?” Aiden said by way of greeting.
Rock rolled her eyes, but patted the cool stone floor beside her, motioning for the other girl to sit. Aiden took her spot silently, the two falling into a sort of semi-comfort that they had developed over the past weeks.
Rock pulled out her phone, instinctively tapping through the screen to pull up the next episode of Sailor Moon.
She felt rather than heard Aiden’s complaint from beside her. “We are not watching this garbage again,” the dark-haired girl said, making a grab for the phone in Rock’s hand. But Rock had been anticipating this, and snatched her hand away in the nick of time, ratcheting up the volume a few notches to drown out Aiden’s groan of defeat.
“You were the one who busted up into my lunch spot. You can either bite your tongue or find another place to hide from everyone who’s pissed at you,” Rock retorted. “Also, don’t pretend you don’t like it, I see the way you look at Neptune, you fucking lesbian.”
Aiden rolled her eyes, but the corner of her mouth twitched up. “First of all, you’re a bitch. Second of all, shut up.”
Rock smirked. “I don’t hear you denying it.”
Aiden waved her hand dismissively. “Yeah, yeah, whatever, just play the damn show so I don’t have to hear you talk anymore.”
Rock smiled smugly to herself, pressing play and sinking back against the cold brick wall, Aiden’s warm presence heavy at her side.
The two watched in relative silence, save for Rock’s occasional need to info dump about a particular scene or character. Aiden rolled her eyes and gave her biting comments, but Rock could tell she appreciated the attention not being on her.
Ever since Aiden had been outed as the person behind the drama account, she had sunk even more into the background. Where before she would pipe in with snark and wit, now she sat back in silence, letting herself practically disappear in the horde.
Rock understood the feeling in a way.
Maybe that’s why they seemed to get along.
Aiden had stumbled up to the prop room one day, seeking asylum from her mistakes, and Rock had let her.
But questions still ate at her, bit at the tension in the air around them as they continued to watch in silence. Rock could feel them steadily bubbling to the surface, tempting her to ruin the peace she and Aiden had found.
She bit the bullet, pressing pause, noticing her breathing was coming out harsher than before.
“Why’d you do it?” she asked.
The question hung still in the air for a long while, so long that Rock nearly looked up to see if Aiden was still sitting beside her.
The older girl sighed, long and low. “You promised you wouldn’t bring it up.”
“Yeah.” Rock nodded, turning to meet Aiden’s eyes. “I lied.”
Aiden broke the contact, putting her head in her hands and letting out a shaky exhale. Rock expected her to leave, to lash out and storm away.
But Aiden just breathed in and out once more before lifting her head, staring at the stone floor intently. “My parents got divorced the summer before freshman year,” she said slowly, as if testing out the words on her tongue. “It came out of nowhere. There were no big fights or warning signs, just… divorce. And Mom never said why.”
Rock saw the other girl’s features soften the tiniest bit before harsh lines replaced them.
“We were happy. A happy, normal family. We played board games and went on camping trips and spent hours staring up at the clouds.” Aiden bit her lip harshly. “It came out of nowhere.”
She took a steadying breath before speaking again. “And then my dad got real sick. Couldn’t be on his own so he moved back in. And I couldn’t—” Aiden shook her head. “I didn’t know how to be there… in that house.”
“Everyday I would come back from school and I’d have lost a little more of him,” she practically whispered, voice suddenly hoarse and grating. “Mom did her best, caring for a man she didn’t love anymore, but she worked, and I went to school and… and… and we weren’t there for him.”
There was a beat of silence before Aiden spoke again. “I didn’t go home the week after he died. I slept in the theatre seats down there, showered in the locker rooms. Fuck.”
Rock didn’t know what to say, couldn’t imagine the pain and suffering that lived inside this girl she had known for so long.
Aiden’s expression hardened, but she still refused to look up from where her eyes were fixed on the floor. “That week I started noticing stuff. People doing shit they weren’t supposed to, shit that didn’t make sense.”
“The account wasn’t supposed to be anything serious, just a place to post dumb shit about the people who were dicks to me.”
Aiden finally turned to meet Rock’s gaze, her eyes wide and helpless. “I didn’t mean for it to get so out of hand, but all of a sudden people found it, and were sending the account other stuff. Confessions, kinks, teacher-student relationships and I-I didn’t know what to do.”
“And then I saw Gigi and Jaida,” Aiden exhaled shakily.
“And I remembered how hurt Crystal had been all those years ago, how hurt she still was about the whole thing. And I tried to bring it up to her, but she shot me down. And I tried to let it go, I really did.  But they just kept hooking up, and they weren’t even being secretive about it. And after three fucking years of hurting Crystal, I thought they deserved a little bit of shit for what they did.”
“So you posted the picture.” Rock nodded.
“Yeah.” Aiden sighed.
Rock took a deep breath in and out. “I didn’t know that, about your dad.”
“I didn’t tell anyone.” Aiden shook her head. “I didn’t want the pity. I didn’t want people… looking after me. It didn’t feel right since I didn’t-I couldn’t look after him.”
Rock nodded. “That all must have been…” She paused. “Really overwhelming,” she said lightly, placing a gentle hand on Aiden’s shoulder.
Aiden scoffed, shrugging off Rock’s affection. “Why are you saying it like that?”
“Like what?”
“Like you…” Aiden floundered, “I dunno, understand. Like you’re not mad.”
Rock shook her head. “Oh, I’m mad,” she assured.
Aiden looked down to her fingers, toying with the laces of her shoes.
“But I get why you did it.”
Aiden shook her head, words coming out in a desperate whisper. “I’m not sure I do.”
“You want answers.” Rock shrugged. “That’s all any of us want. You want to know why your parents divorced, you want to know why people lie, you want to know how someone could cheat on someone else.”
Aiden looked up to meet Rock’s eyes, the first look of genuine vulnerability passing between them.
“You don’t get to know.” Rock smiled sadly. “You gotta suck it up like the rest of us and get comfortable with not knowing.”
Aiden’s gaze darted away, breaking eye contact again, but Rock didn’t stop. “You don’t get to make up a narrative and force other people to fit it. You wanna be emo and angsty and upset at the world, fine, you do that, but you don’t get to ruin other people’s lives just because you got dealt a shit hand in life.”
“Tough talk for a bitch hiding in a prop room,” Aiden snapped.
Rock chuckled. That’s the Aiden she knew. “In case it escaped your notice, you’re also up here hiding, dumbass.”
Aiden looked at Rock hard, walls up, defenses primed, ready to attack.
But then she laughed.
Really, genuinely laughed.
And she didn’t stop.
She didn’t stop until tears started streaming down her face, and she was hiccuping around sobs she desperately tried to fight off.
And Rock held her through it.
Brita couldn’t help a smile as she made her way down the hallway and through the open doors to the art room. She was met with a chorus of greetings that still managed to make her stomach flip.
She took up her usual seat next to Heidi, and the two began to trade the entirety of their respective lunches. They fell into easy conversation, as the couples on either side of the room were too absorbed in each other to pay them any mind.
Brita watched them out of the corner of her eye, blaming it on curiosity.  
Nicky and Crystal sat next to each other, smiling ear to ear and occasionally feeding each other bites of food like lovesick idiots.
“They’re so gross,” Heidi groaned from beside her.
The two girls in question whipped around to glare at her.
“I miss when you were both too gay to talk to each other. Can we go back to that? I miss that.” Heidi whined, stabbing at the pasta Brita brought with a fork.
Crystal raised a challenging brow at Heidi, and without breaking eye contact, which was a feat in and of itself, pulled Nicky in for an overly loud kiss.
Heidi scowled. “I hate y’all.”  
Brita laughed at the pair, but as their kiss became more heated, she turned her head, hoping to conceal the flush that ran the length of her neck.
She shook her head to clear it, mind suddenly muddled as she tried to piece together the feelings welling up inside her at such a public display. Her eyes flitted around the room, latching on to anything that could keep her attention.
She saw Gigi, who was perched on one of the tables, elbows resting atop her knees, head in her hands as Jackie rambled on about something to do with a new congresswoman who was ‘changing the political game.’
They seemed… comfortable. At ease around each other in a way that wasn’t unexpected, they had known each other their whole lives, yet Brita was still shocked when they announced they were dating. But now, looking at the two sharing gentle smiles over their respective lunches, Brita didn’t know why she never put the two together before. The pair was well-matched. Their quiet intimacy seeped into their conversation, gentle giggles erupting every so often from their side of the room.
Brita again found herself oddly entranced.
Was that what it was like to love a woman?
Was it always so… tender?
Nausea filled the pit in her gut, and she turned away from the happy couple.
Internalized Homophobia.
She had read about it on the internet. Hadn’t batted her eye at the definition the first time, but now it seemed to be coming back to her.
It didn’t feel good, not at all. Confronting that about herself. Seeing such blatant representation of something she had learned to bury so long ago.
But it wasn’t impossible.
She knew that to get to the bottom of this… whatever it was she was feeling, she had to confront it head on. She had to understand where it came from and why it seemed to hurt her so much.
These girls, these couples moreover, were showing her that it didn’t have to be so hard. That there was a chance for happiness, unabashed joy even. Love.
And that, funnily enough, gave her hope.
Heidi chuckled from beside her, noticing her red face. “You sure you don’t like girls, Miss Filter?”
It took everything in her not to flinch.
Instead, Brita simply shrugged.
And she counted that a victory.
Widow started as she nearly ran headfirst into a lanky brunette.
Before she could so much as say something, the figure had bolted toward the school building. Widow just watched him go, an amused smirk pulling at the corner of her mouth. As she rounded the sports shed, she overheard her friend’s voice clear and brash as always.
“Matthews only cares if your paper’s in fucking English, doesn’t matter the content.”
A short blonde girl rolled her eyes pointedly and went to say something, but Dahlia stopped her with a hand. “You know the rules yeah? Change the first and last word for each paragraph.”
The girl nodded.
Dahlia pulled out a handful of loose papers and held them out to the freshman, who grabbed them wordlessly. “Now get lost.”
Widow smiled as the young kid scampered off.  
“You really should charge them more,” she called out.
Dahlia started at the sound of another voice, but relaxed as she identified the source.
She smirked, shrugging. “Consider it a donation to charity.”
“I dunno if you can count having half the freshman class cheat off of you for tax write-offs.”
Dahlia chuckled.
“You ‘bout done here?” Widow asked, gesturing to the makeshift office Dahlia had set up.
The younger girl nodded, throwing papers haphazardly into her open backpack.
Widow looked around, the breeze ruffling her curls and sending a shiver down her spine. “Yeah, let’s get outta here, this place gives me the creeps.”
“You think this place is bad, you should see the old greenhouse. That shit’s fuckin’ haunted, man.” Dahlia shook her head.
Widow’s eyes lit up. “The WHAT?”
Dahlia turned to stare wide eyed at her. “You serious? You ain’t ever gone by it?”
Widow shook her head dumbly.
Dahlia chuckled, flinging her backpack over her shoulder.
“Lead the way, bitch.” Widow smiled.
They walked for only ten minutes, past the baseball field and through the line of trees that bordered the athletic quad. Through a patch of thick brush they came to a small clearing. An old greenhouse stood practically tethered to the surrounding vegetation, only because of the fading light reflecting against the frosted glass could Widow even make out the corners of the structure.
Before they could so much as stop, Widow was excitedly pulling her camera out of her school bag, fiddling with the aperture until she got the lighting perfect on the small screen in front of her.
Dahlia rolled her eyes fondly, allowing her friend to stalk around the building, snapping endless pictures, mumbling about shutter speed and light refraction. It was only a matter of time, and a few pleading words from Widow, before Dahlia found herself posing next to the greenhouse.
“I regret this already,” she groaned but allowed Widow to pose her in various absurd positions, all of which felt incredibly awkward, yet came out stunning.
The two girls ventured into the structure, finding the inside just as overgrown and sprawling as the outside. It felt much bigger on the inside, wooden tables covered in pots lined the walls, leaving only a center plot of ground to walk, but the walls were massive, green tint to the window panes making the ceiling appear vaulted.
“This place is gorgeous, oh my god!” Widow exclaimed, practically jumping up and down in excitement. She whipped around to face Dahlia, eyes alight with her signature mischief. “Oh my god, D, we could totally give this place a makeover.”
Dahlia went to protest, because really? But Widow started talking a mile a minute before she could get a word in.
“Just move that plant over there and that table against the far wall, and we could probably fit a couch in here if we turned it sideways. My dad has this old one in the basement that we don’t use. We could get Jaida’s truck and haul it here. And I know Crystal would fucking love to paint in this place. Not to mention we could totally smoke here without getting caught. And—”
Dahlia finally butted in. “What do I look like? Fuckin’ HGTV?”
Widow rolled her eyes, turning to face her friend, the plea evident in her tone. “This place could be a really bangin spot, D,” she implored. “Plus, with it gettin cold an’ all, we’ve got fuck all to do.”
Dahlia sighed. “Remind me why we’re friends.” Even as she said it, Dahlia couldn’t keep the smile from creeping up the sides of her face.
“Because you love me.” Widow whined, pulling Dahlia closer, and peppering kisses against the side of her face.
Dahlia pushed her off gently, miming vomiting, and Widow just laughed.
The two cleared off a bit of the tables, each setting up across from each other. They fell into a comfortable silence, inhaling and exhaling the late autumn breeze, watching as their breath danced in the air.
“You talked to Gigi?” Widow finally asked, shattering their peaceful silence.
Dahlia sighed, long and low. “Yeah.” She nodded slowly. “Said I was sorry about the stuff at the party. I didn’t know… I didn’t mean for it to come out that way. I had no clue.”
“None of us did.”
“Yeah, but it was kinda my fault in the first place.”
Widow shrugged. “It woulda come out one way or another.”
“Yeah, I guess.” Dahlia bit her lip, refusing to meet Widow’s eyes.
“But, I still gotta talk to Jan.”
Widow sighed, but nodded her head knowingly. “Yeah, you do,” she agreed.
“I just don’t know how the fuck to go about it.”
Widow scoffed. “Maybe start with ‘I’m sorry.’”
“Yeah, yeah I know.” Dahlia groaned, letting her head drop into her open hands. “Fuck, man. I really messed up.”
“You knew that when you fell for another girl’s boyfriend,” Widow replied.
“Yeah, but it just got so complicated.”
Widow nodded, smiling sadly. “That’s life for ya. Doesn’t mean you don’t do the right thing.”
Dahlia nodded into her hands, breathing in and out slowly. When she finally looked up to meet Widow’s eyes, she nodded. “She and Bryce broke up.”
“Yeah, he told me last week. I didn’t know how to feel.”
There was a pause. “How do you feel?” Widow asked.
Dahlia looked at her for a moment, mind everywhere and nowhere at the same time. “I dunno. I thought I’d be… happy? I guess. But I just feel… nothing.”
Widow nodded. “Well, hey, if you’re ever feeling down, just know that Joe asks me at least once a month if you’d join us for a threesome.”
Dahlia laughed, even though she hadn’t wanted to. “I’ve still got it,” she joked.
Widow rolled her eyes playfully. “You’ve always had it, bitch. You just been wastin’ it on guys you couldn’t have.”
“Yeah yeah, all right, who are you, my therapist?”
Widow suddenly got very serious, her voice grave. “Don’t even joke about that. That’s fuckin’ terrifying.”
“Hey!” Dahlia yelled, flinging a handful of dirt at her friend.
Widow held up her hands in surrender. “Your mind is a scary place, D.”
“I hate you.”
“You love me.”
Heidi looked up as the door to the house across the street opened and closed, revealing an exhausted looking Jaida.
The All-Star player exhaled loudly, leaning against her front door. When she opened her eyes, she saw Heidi and had the decency to look embarrassed.
Heidi just smiled knowingly. “You too?”
The tension in Jaida’s shoulders dissipated as she recognized Heidi’s meaning. “Dude,” she exhaled, shaking her head.
“I know.” Heidi chuckled.
“It’s like… they don’t know how to act like people.”
“I know!” Heidi agreed. “What’s with that?”
“The fuck if I know.” Jaida smiled warmly.
“Promise me if I ever get old and start acting like that you’ll just shoot me in the head.”
“You don’t have to ask me twice,” Jaida chuckled.
“Hey!” Heidi scoffed, waving the bowl she had around animatedly.
Jaida just laughed, easy and light.
“Whatcha got there?” She motioned to the Tupperware in Heidi’s hands.
A mischievous smile broke out across Heidi’s face. “Banana pudding,” she winked. “Best you’ve ever had, I guarantee.”
Jaida’s eyes lit up and she raised a brow inquisitively at the dish.
“Go grab a few spoons and you can try some.” Heidi nodded.
“A few?”
“If you think we the only ones with crazy family on Thanksgiving, you got another thing comin’.”
As if on cue, the door to Jackie’s house banged open, the aforementioned girl storming out the door and into the street, breathing harshly. Heidi could feel the anger and hurt rolling off her in waves, and felt sympathy well up inside her. She knew Jackie’s family was rough, they’d been especially difficult the past month with her relationship with Gigi coming to light.
Heidi didn’t think twice about waving her over with a sweeping gesture.
“Hey, guys,” Jackie exhaled, the lines beside her face appearing deeper than they had a few days ago.
The two gave her sympathetic looks.
Heidi clocked the moment Jackie noticed the dish in her hands, her eyes widening a fraction. Heidi patted the ground beside her. “Jaida’s gonna go grab spoons.”
Jaida rolled her eyes but made her way back into the house.
Just then, Nicky’s door opened and the French beauty made her way outside, lighting a cigarette like a reflex as she noticed the girls. She waltzed over to them, smiling all the while. “I thought the point of this holiday was that you were supposed to spend time with your family.”
Before either of them could answer, Crystal’s door banged open.
“Nicky, that better not be what I think it is!”
Nicky’s eyes went wide and she quickly doused her cigarette with her shoe. The french beauty turned on her heel, offering a wide and not at all suspicious smile to her girlfriend. “Ma préféré! I do not know what you mean.”
Crystal raised a challenging eyebrow as she made her way over to the three girls. She surveyed the two on the ground, who pointedly looked away, not about to get in the middle of whatever the fuck those two were on about.
“Mhmmm.” Crystal rolled her eyes.
Jaida appeared again, with several spoons and her own tray of biscuits.
Jackie got up excitedly and rushed back into her house, claiming that she had food too.
The group set up their small feast in the middle of the numerous parked cars that lined the cul de sac. Chatting animatedly about their respective family drama.
It wasn’t long before they were joined by Widow, holding a vat of green beans that her family wouldn’t eat, even though she swore they were seasoned to perfection.
Slowly, one by one, each of the houses in the cul de sac opened and closed, girls pouring out of them, some with food, others with hopeful smiles.
Gigi had bounded over to the group, arms extended with a pot of mac ‘n cheese. She had sidled up right next to Jackie, the new couple whispering in hushed voices, blush high on their cheeks.
Brita joined them not long after, an array of silverware in her hands, and plopped down with Heidi.
Next was Dahlia, with a bottle of wine in each hand.
When Jan joined the group, she looked skeptically at the bottles, but bravely took a swig from each, wincing a bit at the taste.
At some point Rock had snuck into the circle, her occasional odd comment taking the group off guard at the suddenness of her appearance.
The comfortable conversation slowly petered out when Aiden arrived.
The black-haired girl gave a weak smile, gesturing down to the pot in her hands. “I brought stuffing,” she spoke softly.
There was silence.
The group stared at her, and Aiden stared back
The silence went on, each girl’s eyes flitting about the circle, unwilling to be the first to speak.
Until, Rock bit the bullet. “Thank god someone here knows what real Thanksgiving food is!”
There was another beat of silence.
And then conversations resumed.
Slowly at first.
The tension was still there, Aiden wasn’t forgiven, but the tense atmosphere eased a bit as the black-haired girl took up a seat on the outskirts of the group next to Rock, placing her dish in the middle of the circle.
Heidi surveyed the scene, smiling at the sight. A mixture of voices bubbled up from all sides as the girls fell into new, comfortable conversations.
She marveled at the fading color of the trees, signaling the change of season, and the coming winter. As she glanced back over to the group of girls gathered in the center of the street, head clouded, heart full, the only emotion she could pinpoint was hope.
Hope that the girls of the Blue Neighborhood had what it took to tackle the rest of their senior year.
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nooowestayandgetcaught · 5 years ago
1. First ship you remember
Peter Pan/Wendy Darling (Disney’s Peter Pan) is my best guess as far back as I can remember. That’s the original OTP next to Bruce Wayne/Selina Kyle (DCU) and Ariel/Prince Eric (Disney’s The Little Mermaid).
2. Your newest ship
Hmmm,,, I haven’t really watched anything new,,,,,,, but I mean I did get into Geralt/Jaskier (Netflix’s The Witcher) recently. I really like them.
3. Favourite ship ever
I go between them and Mulan/Li Shang (Disney’s Mulan) and Korra/Asami Sato (Avatar: Legend of Korra) and  Yuuri Katsuki/Viktor Nikiforov (Yuuri On Ice) and Arya Stark/Gendry Waters (GOT/ASOIAF)  for my favorite ships of all time 
4. Favourite m/f ship
I grew up on the His Dark Materials books and I always was a Lyra Belaqua/Will Parry shipper and that has never ever changed. They’re so sweet. I WOULD LIKE PHILIP PULLMAN TO BRING THEM IN THE NEXT BOOK THAT IS SUPPOSED TO COME OUT. DO NOT FUCK AROUND.
5. Favourite m/m ship
you really can’t wrong with Ash Lynx/Eiji Okumura (Banana Fish) except you can and I don’t care,,,, everyone’s alive and fine and not depressed,,,,,,,
6. Favourite f/f ship
do you know how much my heart broke when they refused to do Emma Swan/Regina Mills (Once Upon A Time) EVEN THOUGH everything in canon said they were True Love????? now I’m just pissed,,,,, I can’t let go of them
7.Most innocent ship
8.Most fluffy ship
9.Most angsty ship
good god it’s Clarke Griffin/Lexa (The 100) but I still love them and I know I wasn’t THERE for Lexa dying but I’m STILL livid about what they did and how they treated the LGBT+ community and I’m gonna throw hands,,,, ever since it happened and Clexa is mentioned in the show,,, it’s always so painful,,,,, Clarke is not letting Lexa go and tbh she shouldn’t and I’m gonna get mad again
10. Most smutty ship
Smut is optional, not a requirement for my ships.
11. Ship that you would never have wanted in canon but like in fanworks
I don’t fucking trust MCU so they can have none of my ships!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12. Character that you can only imagine in one ship
13. Most shippable character
Merlin (BBC Merlin) and Harry Potter.
14. Character that you can’t imagine in any ship
Any character I don’t like.
15. Favourite poly ship
I love love love love Rey/Finn/Poe Dameron. Finnreypoe. Jedistormpilot. I fell in love with Rey/Finn and Finn/Poe through “The Force Awakens” and then saw in the novelization that there was hints of Rey/Poe Dameron and LATCHED onto it. Don’t even fight me with “The Rise Of Skywalker” because it was COMPLETELY a Jedistormpilot movie and that’s all I was there for. Those three characters.
16. Characters that you kinda ship but prefer as brotp FRIENDSHIP
since I think Katniss might be aroace,,, I wanna say Katniss Everdeen/Peeta Mellark and don’t get wrong,,,, I do ship but more platonic ship
17. Characters that you ship and can’t imagine to be friends
Spike himself said that Buffy Summers/Angel (Buffy The Vampire Slayer) dynamic could never be friends and only friends and he’s right
18. Guilty pleasure ship
19. Ship that you never expected to ship.
I was straightbaited by Black Sails while watching as it aired and never saw Captain James Flint/Thomas Hamilton coming,,,, or them unburying the gays,,,,, I thought the whole time Thomas and James were sharing Miranda,,,
20. Ship that you liked but don’t anymore
at one point I liked Callum/Soren (The Dragon Prince) but I’m over them and I’m over that show and I don’t support Aaron fucking Ehasz
21. Ship that one day you were thinking of and thought “wait,when I started shipping it?”
22. Ship that you immediately fall in love with after one scene despite not considering it before.
aahhhh I saw Toni Topez interact with Cheryl Blossom from Riverdale after their confrontation which was like,,,, the first time they ever spoke to each other,,,, but then the diner scene happened, and now I ship them. And they’re canon.
23. Poly ship that you ship despite not shipping some of the characters in it outside of poly ship.
I only ship Ryn/Maddie Bishop/Ben Powell with each other. That’s it. IT’S A CANON INTERRACIAL LGBT+ SHIP. IT’S REAL. I’M SO HAPPY.
24. Biggest notp
Dick Grayson/Barbara Gordon (DCU),,,,, oooh don’t get me fucking started
25. Favourite foe yay ship
L/Light (Death Note). That’s a classic. I know Light made sure his ass was murdered but c’mon,,, c’mon,,,, THE CREDITS TO THE LAST EPISODE THO??? DID YOU SEE THAT SHIT???? THAT WAS GAY AS HELL.
26. Characters that you like in every dynamic (lovers,friends,enemies)
we gotta go with Doctor/Master (Doctor Who),,, they’ve been all three,,,,, nobody can tell me otherwise and that’s the beauty of these two! My favorite versions are 1) Thirteen/Dhawan!Master, 2) Ten/Simms!Master, and 3) Twelve/Missy and if you add Simms!Master with the last one then it’s GOLDEN
27. Ship that you expected to ship before reading/watching franchise and you do
I saw gifs and things of Anne Lister/Ann Walker (Gentleman Jack) before I started watching and I already knew I was gonna fall in love AND I DID
28. Ship that you expected to ship before reading/watching franchise and you don’t
this might be a weird one but I really thought I was gonna ship Victor Van Dort/Victoria Everglot or Victor Van Dort/Emily (Corpse Bride) and I just didn’t for either of them. I DO HOWEVER SHIP EMILY/VICTORIA EVERGLOT.
29. Favourite crossover ship
OHHHHH we gotta go with Kate Kane/Kara Danvers (Arrowverse) like look at them look at the gay it’s like SuperBat but the female millennial version
30. Favourite canon ship
Princess Bubblegum/Marceline (Adventure Time)! I’m overjoyed they are canon! I’m not done watching all of this show but still,,,,, and that means we can get Prince Gumball/Marshall Lee to be confirmed canon too?? Yes?? 
31. Favourite non-canon ship
I know we can’t like CONFIRM in canon but Frodo Baggins/Samewise Gamgee are in love and there’s no denying this. They’re canon enough to me.
32. Favourite ship for hurt-comfort
All of my ships are good for hurt/comfort and whump. I don’t discriminate.
33. Ship that you ship in one installment of franchise but not in other (for example in movie,but not in the book this movie is based on)
I ship Hannibal Lecter/Clarice Starling in the movies for Hannibal related things, even though Will Graham exists in them, but I ship Hannibal Lecter/Will Graham for NBC’s Hannibal 100% and won’t ship them with anyone else
34. Ship that you never expected to ship when you were younger but here you are
I never expected to ship Harry Potter/Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger all together years down the road,,,,, since as a kid I flip-flopped between Ron/Hermione & Harry/Me,,,, er,,,,,,,,, I mean Harry/My OC That Was Definitely Not Me At All and Harry/Hermione but here we are
35. Ship that you have kinda love/hate relationship with
right now it’s Rue Bennett/Jules Vaughn (HBO’s Euphoria) because they’re so cute,,, they really are,,, but they can be so bad together and I hate that! I just want it to work out but Jules doesn’t understand her own feelings,,, and is kinda fucking around with Rue’s feelings,,,,,, and Rue needs to deal with her drug addiction problems first,,,, but let’s see what happens for Season 2
36. Characters that you can’t decide if you prefer as ship or brotp
okay FIRST OFF we don’t “brotp” anything no more because the term was created with homophobic connotations so replace it with “friendship” and honestly I can’t decide if I like Lucifer/Chloe Decker (Netflix’s Lucifer) as a romantic or platonic ship or somewhere between. I haven’t decided.
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