#it came to me in a conversation with my brother about how the last pic is absolutely body tea...probs been done before but who cares lol
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i-dreamed-i-had-a-son · 2 months ago
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The name's James Kirk. James T. Kirk. The T stands for Tiddy
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ptergwen · 4 years ago
smoke and mirrors
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⇢ richkid!tom x richkid!reader ⇠
w/c: 4.1k
warnings: swearing, drinking, light angst, and implied smut
summary: because of your mother’s insistence on a pristine family image and tom’s messy one, you deny your true feelings for him
a/n: ok ok ok the pics of tom in monaco really made me think and i had to get everything out of my system so here we are! thank you and enjoy x
your living room is engulfed by a hushed chatter that comes from far too many guests. half the people, you hardly know. it’s overcrowded, superficial, and the last place you want to be. it’s one of your mother’s get-togethers, as she likes to call them. these things are always far from the casual affairs they sound like.
weeks go into planning, caterers and decorators making themselves at home in yours. the family’s image is everything to your mom, so being a good hostess is her top priority. ironically, she’s more concerned with throwing her gatherings than raising you. so much for family, huh?
the only reason you agreed to make an appearance tonight is that tom might do the same. he’s a really good friend, someone you’ve been able to count on through all the mess that is your lives. you met in high school, when he moved from london to the states. his dad was offered a job promotion he couldn’t pass up. plus, tom and his brothers would be receiving a stellar private education here in america.
it was a win for everyone, especially you. the freckle faced boy who got lost on his way to english class became your closest confidant. tom’s company is such a sweet escape. he’s not interested in opera or the stock market like most people you meet are. he sneaks you out to go on walks at dawn and does shots with you until you can’t stand straight.
as you two continue to grow together, revelations about yourselves have come to light. what you want beyond your inheritances, who you want beyond friendship. you figured out the second part on a faithful night recently. tom showed up to your place with a bottle of tequila. after you drank it down through lots of lime chasers and giggles, he kissed you. you didn’t kiss back.
your heart said to go for it, but your mind pulled you back in. you were so shocked and overcome with new feelings, you froze up. that, and you’d infuriate your mother. although she cares about tom a great deal, she loathes his public figure. he’s always getting papped in places and with people he shouldn’t be. the two of you together would just destroy her.
you still want to please your mom at the end of the day, no matter how deep under your skin she gets.
tom immediately apologized and tried play it off as him being drunk. you grew up with him, became part of each other’s families, which means you know him well enough to know he was lying. he meant every second his lips were on yours.
what you need to do now is something you’ve meant to for a while. the only problem is that you’re stuck at your mother’s party, and tom hasn’t shown up yet.
“y/n, darling,” your mom calls for your attention. she’s dragged you into a conversation with some bloggers, but you haven’t spoken a word. “why don’t you tell us about your trip to spain last summer?” she plasters on her award winning grin and squeezes your shoulder. it’s time to play along.
“oh, it was beautiful,” you halfheartedly reply, more to the bloggers than her. they nod in clear interest. one jots down notes. “we went for a few weeks and visited a bunch of different cities. i’d love to go back sometime.” the typical press formatted answer earns your mom’s approval. you’re off the hook. your eyes start to wander around the room, hoping to set on tom.
“we?” the woman taking notes asks. must everyone pry? “my friend and i,” you shortly reply. you’re standing up on your tiptoes to see over the crowd. you’d think six inch heels would do the trick. “i’m actually looking for him right now, so if you’ll excuse me,” you offer a polite smile and silently pray they won’t ask who. unfortunately, your wishes don’t come true.
the other blogger, a short and stubborn man, speaks up. “just a friend you say? come on, tell us. who’s the lucky fella?” he inquires. your mother raises a firm eyebrow, signaling for you not to.
tom has a reputation for his reckless behavior. it’s your mom’s worst nightmare when the media associates your names under most circumstances. you’re representing her, so she does whatever she can to control how you’re seen. you’re constantly in the papers, being a young socialite and all. it sucks.
“he’d like to stay out of the tabloids, sorry,” you cover for tom, on your mom’s behalf. “i should really go. it was nice meeting you.” the bloggers don’t bother to hide their disappointment as you shake their hands. your mother rubs your back in approval. “thank you for doing that. we’ll talk later,” she speaks lowly. “bye, mom!” you practically make a run for it. 
weaving through the sea of people, you end up by the main entrance. it’s hard not to get lost even though it’s your house. the place is packed with girls just a couple years older than you, wearing pearls around their necks. men’s strong colognes flow through the air. you’re in a form fitting red slip dress and louboutins yourself.
smoke and mirrors is what they call it. you show the pretty parts to distract from your ugly ones.
harrison suddenly comes waltzing in with a lady on either of his arms. you’d expect nothing less. he’s tom’s best friend besides you, considering the failed kiss attempt didn’t change that. their parents worked at the london branch of the same company. they each came to the states and met you. you happily introduced them to your world, helping to make it theirs as well.
“haz!” you meet him at the front door. he’s smirking while he leads the women inside. “fancy seeing you here, isn’t it?” he jokes. “very funny. i died laughing,” you deadpan, curiously eyeing harrison’s plus two. they merely giggle. “listen, have you seen tom anywhere? if he’s coming.” you’re fighting back a frown. “why wouldn’t he be?” harrison questions in a more serious tone this time.
“long story. you have guests to entertain, so i won’t get into it now,” you decide and manage a small smile instead. he perks up. “right. i’ll let you know if i see him?” nodding, you give him a wave goodbye. “enjoy yourself.” “you too, love. cheers!” the girls lean into him, harrison wiggling his eyebrows at you. he’s ridiculous.
hours pass by without word of tom. it isn’t like him to miss an event, especially if you’re in attendance. you despise these exhausting nights, and he’s supposed to be your rock during them. he should have his arm draped around your shoulders, whispering silly remarks to you while you hide out somewhere. you miss him more than you thought possible.
you’re just about to give up when you spot nikki ushering her husband inside. behind them follows tom, clad in a grey checkered suit with his locks perfectly tousled. he’s here. you waited the whole night, and he finally came.
tom kisses his mom on the cheek before strutting over to the drink table, not without a few reporters hassling him. they’re probably looking for another holland scandal to break. he declines their requests for comments on this and opinions on that, instead pulling up a chair next to harrison. the two exchange hugs and fix themselves glasses of champagne, you watching their encounter.
harrison fills tom in on the drama he’s missed tonight while they sip their drinks. tom keeps forcing smiles that don’t reach his eyes. he’s fiddling with his fingers, leg bouncing up and down steadily. those are the telltale signs he needs saving. however awkward it may be, you’re going to have to break your silence. it was bound to happen eventually.
“mate, i’m telling you. she fit her entire first right up her-“ “boys,” you cut into harrison’s story, greeting him and tom. his face tints deep pink upon your arrival. “don’t let me stop you. finish your charming anecdote,” you encourage him and subtly glance over at tom. he’s biting back a grin as he sets his elbows on the table.
“not with a lady present. let’s just… pretend you didn’t hear that,” harrison chuckles nervously and hops to his feet. “i’m gonna leave you two to chat.” humming, you move to take his chair. tom sucks in a breath. “what happened to the girls you brought?” you wonder. “they left. said they got bored,” harrison admits, tom stifling laughter. he elbows his friend for that.
“oh, fuck off. i’ll see you later,” he mopes, flicking your arm for good measure. tom salutes him and grabs his nearly empty champagne. “so long, bruv.”
it’s just you and tom now, seated side by side, silently so. he has no intentions of speaking first. he’s too embarrassed, and you don’t blame him. this is on you. you clear your throat before starting the conversation.
“can i top you off?” you tap the bottom of his glass with a tiny smile. tom shakes his head. “i’m alright, thanks.” he finishes the last sip and sets it down, turning to face you. your smile has vanished. “wasn’t sure you were gonna make it. i’m glad you did,” you change the subject. as if he’s considering the sincerity behind your words, tom furrows his eyebrows.
“mum wanted us to. she dragged me and dad straight off the golf course,” he explains and clasps his hands in his lap. his fingers interlock with each other. you fight off the urge to replace them with yours. “we would’ve been here sooner, but the paps are camped outside.” the hint of a smile forms on his lips, at last. “guess it’s not often you get the town’s finest under one roof.”
“you think i’m one of the town’s finest?” you tease, resting your chin in your palm. something flashes behind tom’s eyes. he looks right into yours, scooting closer. “absolutely. you’re the most eligible bachelorette in this whole building.” you allow a toothy grin to spread across your face. “tommy, stop it. you’re too nice to me.”
the nickname is music to his ears. tom looks you up and down, licking his lips simultaneously. “no, seriously. you look gorgeous,” he muses, you pushing at his chest. he exhales a breathy laugh, and you giggle yourself. “red’s definitely your color.” “reverse card. you wear it way better than i do,” you insist. your fingers tug at the collar of his suit. “too bad you didn’t match me.”
you’re relieved you two can talk like you usually do, light flirting and good vibes. it might not be so hard to put the kiss behind you. well, you can’t go on pretending it didn’t happen. you have to at least discuss the fiasco. tom should know why you didn’t reciprocate, then you can take it from there. whether he still has feelings for you, assuming he ever did, will depend on how that turns out.
“not to ruin the fun, but we still have to talk,” you murmur, tom’s body stiffening across from yours. he’s not sure he’s ready to discuss that. “can it wait? we’re at a party,” tom reminds you, running a hand through his styled locks. “yeah, my mother’s. don’t tell me you’re having a good time,” you playfully chastise him. he simply shrugs. “hardly. you’re the best part.”
you ignore the butterflies roaming about your body.
“you won’t mind a quick convo, then. it is with me,” you attempt to persuade him and place a hand on his knee. tom coughs a bit too loudly, the contact surprising him. “you know what? i think i’ll take you up on that drink first,” he decides with a mustered up smile. “coming right up.” you pat his leg before taking his glass. he chews on his lower lip while you poor the bubbling liquid. that was certainly… odd.
you slide tom his champagne back with an exaggerated wink. tom scoffs at this. “mm, thanks. care to join me?” he brings the alcohol to his lips, eyes never leaving yours. your mother specifically said no drinking tonight, since the press would be here. screw your mother, though. “please. could you hand me a glass?” you eagerly grab the champagne bottle. tom searches for an empty cup next to him.
you two are unspoken drinking buddies at this point.
“here you are, darling,” tom drawls, holding out the glass for you. every time he calls you that, you completely melt. “thanks, tommy,” you purr in response. you’re finally pouring your own drink when someone taps you on the shoulder, and hard. you look behind you to find your mother standing with her hands on her hips, less than thrilled. speak of the devil.
“hello, mother. can i help you?” you make sure to ask rudely. she responds with a smile that’s obviously fake. if tom weren’t here, you’d be getting scolded. “yes, my darling. those bloggers from earlier were hoping you’d finish your interview.” your mom shakes your shoulder in a motherly way. you squint up at her. “didn’t they leave hours ago-“ “they’re back,” she sharply informs you.
she’s lying, and you have a hunch as to why.
frowning, you hold tom’s hand in both of yours. “sorry, this won’t take long. why don’t you go find tuwaine?” you suggest instead. “he’s around here somewhere.” tom gives you an understanding nod and laces your fingers together, even if it’s only for a moment. “must be chatting up some producers or whatnot. i’ll see if i can help.” he’s such an incredible friend to everyone. he deserves the same from you.
“thomas, so lovely to see you,” your mom interrupts. tom stands up, kissing both her cheeks out of courtesy. “you, too. what a wonderful party. thank you for having us.” despite what the rest of the world believes, his manners are impeccable. “of course. give nikki my best, will you?” your mom puts her hands on his shoulders. he grins at her. “definitely. take care, mrs. y/l/n.” “always a pleasure,” she states, nudging you to come along with her.
you shoot tom one last apologetic look as your mother pulls you along and towards the crowd.
tom is no idiot. he’s well aware how she really feels about him.
when a swarm of guests is surrounding you, your mom lets go. you scowl, crossing your arms over your chest. “why would you do that? i haven’t seen tom in days.” she sighs without a care. “isn’t it time you branch out? expand your social circle?” her manicured fingers ruffle your hair. you push away her touch. “i’m social enough. we were in the middle of something really important.”
you begin to walk away, but your mother takes your arm. “whatever you’re about to do, it’s a mistake. he’ll make a fool of you,” she practically spits. yanking your arm from her grasp, you laugh bitterly. “of me, or of the family name? look around, mom.” you gesture to the spot beside her where your dad should be. “as far as i’m concerned, i have no family except tom. i’m gonna go check on him.”
you’re gone before your mom can stop you. she simply stands there, utterly mortified by what you said.
you run around the house to find tom, stumbling in your heels and not giving a fuck. you’d truly meant the part about him being your family. all the holland’s, honestly. they’re the most genuine and caring souls, and you don’t want to lose the one you’re closest to because of your mother’s delusions. 
tom is in a circle with harrison and tuwaine, the three of them chuckling amongst themselves. you’d hate to bug him, but this can’t wait anymore.
“uh, tom?” you mumble his name, appearing behind him. he steps away with another quiet laugh. “hey, y/n/n. that was quick, hm?” your face gives away your distress. his whole demeanor shifting, tom reaches for your hands. “what is it, love? is something the matter?” “just… come with me,” you croak out.
you manage to smile at harrison and tuwaine, dropping one of tom’s hands so you can lead him upstairs. they each return the smile and share curious looks.
following behind you, tom keeps your hand tight in his own. he’d thought you were going to grill him about the kiss that barely happened. it seems like this is a much more pressing matter. his outburst of emotions can be discussed another time. now, it’s time to deal with yours.
you drag tom into the first room on the second floor, which is your dad’s study. he’s away on business this weekend, so he luckily couldn’t make the party. tom sits down in the office chair. you sit up on the desk, in front of him. your lip quivers the second his worried features come into view.
“y/n/n, what’s going on? why are we in here?” tom wonders, his tone soft. your heart clenches. “i- i wanted us to have some privacy when i told you this,” you sniffle out and blink back the tears forming. you’re sort of shaken from the conversation with your mother, and mostly because you have no idea how tom will react to your confession.
his hands come to stay on your thighs, right below your dress. they feel warm against your bare skin.
“tell me what? i’m listening, yeah?” tom gazes up at you with so much love. “lay it all out for me.” god, he’s fucking amazing. if only you knew where to start. “do you, um…” you trail off, letting your tears subside and words settle. “do you remember when your family made your big debut in town?”
a grin replaces tom’s frown, painting his beautiful face. “how could i forget? you made it quite memorable.” he traces circles on your thigh and elicits a giggle from you. “i spilled a whole thing of soda on your white fucking button down,” you recount with a lighthearted sigh. “right before your dad was supposed to introduce you to everyone, too.”
tom presses his tongue into his cheek to hold back another grin. “took ages to get it out. dad went mad when i didn’t show.” he cocks his head to the side, you leaning back on your hands. “you held me hostage in the laundry room so you could do that bloody stain stick.” your mouth drops open in mock offense. “i had to clean up my mess! i wasn’t gonna let the world meet you covered in pepsi.”
that was one of your earliest memories together. the holland’s threw a party and invited everyone who was willing to attend. they had been hoping to properly introduce themselves to the town, and this was their way of doing so. although yours and tom’s friendship was fairly new, you spent all night together because you had experience with such events.
tom’s dad was making a speech to thank the guests for coming. you and him listened from the snack table, until his name was called. he rushed to go up there while you were pouring yourself a drink. he’d bumped into you, and the bottle ended up all over him. you snuck tom right off to his laundry room.
you’d felt terrible as he stood there shirtless and blushing, you aggressively swiping his button down with a stain stick.
“why do you bring that up?” tom questions and continues circling your skin. you purse your lips. “i dunno. it was the last party i actually enjoyed,” you admit, putting your hand over his that rests on your thigh. “like to reminisce when i’m suffering through one of my mother’s.” his eyes shift to where your hands are laced. “i see,” he affirms. “so, is that… all you wanted to talk about?” “not even close,” you laugh out.
a burst of courage coursing through your body, you say it. “when you kissed me the other night-“ “i won’t do it again,” tom cuts in, trying to avoid the rejection he thinks you’ll give him. “it was a mistake, and i’m so sorry. our friendship is more important than my feelings.” you seem excited to hear that, though it’s not for the reason tom expects. “you do have feelings for me?”
he’d forgotten about his i was drunk excuse.
“um, yeah. i do,” he admits, cheeks rosy and lip caught in his teeth. “but, i’ll learn to put them aside, if that’s what’s best.” “no, no. it isn’t,” you dismiss him and put your free hand on his chest. “i love you, tom. that’s what i was really trying to tell you.” your words bring an instant grin to his face. he chuckles in disbelief, standing from the chair.
“fuck, thank god. that’s all i’ve ever wanted to hear.” he’s between your legs now, his hands moving up to your hips. you’re beaming at him as your arms snake around his neck. a burning question comes to tom’s mind. “hang on. why didn’t you kiss me back, then?” he almost whispers, thumb brushing over your hipbone. “this is gonna sound weird, but… my mom,” you reluctantly let out.
“you’re gonna have to elaborate,” tom prompts you and raises an eyebrow. you can’t hold back your eye roll. “she’s never been a fan of the person you are in the media.” his lips form a line. “i gathered.” your fingers tangle in his curls at the nape of his neck reassuringly. “i was subconsciously scared i would be letting her down in some way, if we were together.”
tom allows your hands to work their way up to his scalp. he exhales contentedly as you play with his ever so soft hair. “i understand, she’s intimidating. what’s changed that brilliant mind of yours about coming clean?” your nose scrunches up when he pokes one of your temples. “oh, yeah. i yelled at her earlier ‘cuz she stole me away from you.” his face lights up. “sexy.” “shut up,” you groan. “someone had to tell her off.”
“good thing it got to be you,” tom agrees with a squeeze at your hip. “‘m proud of you, y/n/n. it’s not easy, standing up to mummy dearest.” you tug on his hair. “like you’d know. nikki is a saint.” “that’s what she’ll have you believe,” he says under his breath, you gasping. his lips turn up in a smirk. “on that note… i love you, too.”
“would’ve been embarrassing if you didn’t say it back,” you acknowledge with a cheesy smile. tom dips his head down to rest his forehead against yours. “yeah, yeah. save the attitude for your mum.” your legs easily wrap around his waist, tom’s breath hot as it hits your face. “let’s give that kiss another go,” you mewl. he doesn’t hesitate to reply. “with pleasure.”
tom’s lips land on yours, you kissing back right away. he smiles into it as your lips gently move together. “about fucking time,” he grumbles, your hands situating in his chocolate curls once again. he’s savoring every second you touch him, kiss him, love him. the taste of your mouth is one he’s craved for longer than you could imagine.
it doesn’t take long for things to heat up, you messing with tom’s hair and tom rubbing your hips. you lay back on the desk as his tongue enters your mouth. holding you by your waist, tom hovers over you. his tongue tangles with yours in a deep kiss. between that and his fingers beginning to massage your thigh, you’re done for. you’re ready to take this a step further by the time he’s kissing down your neck.
“tommy?” you grab onto his shoulders, your head back. his lips detach from your skin with a grin. “yeah, love? ‘s everything okay?” he coos, pressing a final kiss to your collarbone. “more than.” you tilt his chin up to peck his lips. “you wouldn’t happen to have a condom, would you? just thinking ahead.” he laughs breathlessly, reaching into his suit pocket.
“conveniently enough, i do. not sure your dad would like me fucking you on his desk, though.” tom sets his hand on your leg that’s still hooked around his waist. “my room’s always available. carry me?” you make grabby hands and bat your lashes. he hoists you up by your waist, not lifting you just yet. “that would break the news of us, no? your mum’s gonna go apeshit.” he keeps his arms around you, chuckling.
“let her. besides, i know a couple of bloggers that would love to announce our status update.” you peck tom’s lips, grinning as you do. you’re suddenly in the air and being picked up by tom. the surprise of it makes you squeal, clutching onto his broad shoulders instinctively. he gives you the look of adoration that’s reserved for you only.
“we’ll go pop a few bottles with everyone, then we’re celebrating on our own.”
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shorkbrian · 4 years ago
💖💘my heart’s dizzy and I my dose of serotonin whenever I read your prose🤟🏽😩 was wondering if you could do reader with an erratic future-vision!quirk so when they first meet yandere!Hawks they’re suddenly plagued by erotic, sensual, 365days-level of disturbing visions of them, so reader actively avoids them (it’s like those Tik Tok future-seeing videos playing to “Play Date”)
Prelude - Hawks isn’t a famous pro-hero in this, but he still has his quirk. It’s not really mentioned a bunch tho lol.  This is rlly long, but I decided not to put it into two parts because the smut is so slight lol. Hope this meets your expectations anon, thank you for reading!
Pairing -  Keigo Takami X Reader
Warnings - NSFW mentions, dubcon, noncon. No out-and-out explicit smut, just a really long story. Hawks is manipulative and gets what he wants
Music - https://open.spotify.com/track/5ukAQcKEIJuzIbP55xp07x?si=iz6I-RoDSdCNYhT2Du8etg
He was a friend of a friend, someone you had only met once or twice.
Your friend kept bringing him to hangouts, he kept showing up on her instagram feed,  getting mentioned in her twitterbio, and eventually it came out that they had started dating. It didn’t catch anyone by surprise.
What did catch you by surprise, was how infatuated with him your friend was.
“He’s just sooooo hot, isn’t he?” She squealed, shoving her phone in your face to show off a shirtless pic he had just sent her.
You nodded in agreement, quickly appraising the pic before turning your head. Yeah, her boyfriend was attractive, but you weren’t one to ruin relationships. Plus, you and Keigo had never really talked past the brief “Hey” and “Wassup?” said in greeting when introduced the first time.
“Can he come to the mall with us on Friday? I promise there will be no third wheeling.” Your friend begged, clasping her hands together. You thought about it for a second - this had been a fun shopping trip the two of you had planned a few weeks ago, meant as a girls date on a day the mall wouldn’t be crowded. But would it really hurt anything if her boyfriend came along? Probably not.
“Yeah, I don’t mind.” You shrugged, watching your friends face erupt into a wide grin. “But don’t ditch me to go makeout in a bathroom or something, got it?”
“Sir yes sir!” Your friend faux saluted, before patting you on the shoulder. “Thanks girlie!”
You jerked back, head suddenly swarming with visions, your quirk activating. Your quirk was helpful in some ways, but you mainly tried not to use it - headaches resulted, and you hated getting glimpses of the future. Sometimes they’d be good, but they were often bad - you had gotten a screenshot glimpse of your brothers death, his face marred and bleeding out onto the pavement.
It still made you sick to think about it.
Touch wasn’t something you could always avoid, but you tried, seeing as how it activated your quirk, giving you visions of your future with whomever you touched, or whoever touched you.
You saw your friends face, eyes puffy with tears, shouting something. Then another scene flashed, your friend on TV, talking to a reporter.
Thankfully, the visions ended, this episode relatively quick due to how short of a time she touched you.
“Oh shit, I forgot, I’m so sorry.” She rushed to apologize, holding her hands up and backing away from you.
“It’s-it’s fine.” You wheezed, waving your hand in the air to signal that it wasn’t a big deal. The vision just probably meant the two of you would get into a fight soon, which wasn’t uncommon.  It was fine, you were fine.
The mall wasn’t too crowded, which made the day pleasant. Your friend was talking to her boyfriend, hand tangled with his as the three of you walked in.
“So (Y/N), what do you think about that new Victoria’s Secret launch?” Your friend bumped you with her hip, drawing your attention as she pulled you into the conversation between her and her boyfriend.
“Oh, um… what?” To be fair, you had zoned out when the couple started being gross and mushy, which was like, the second your friend met Keigo at the door.
The blonde man laughed. “Victoria’s Secret just launched a new line of lingerie, have any thoughts about it?”
Turning red, you smiled sheepishly. “Ah, well…. From what I’ve seen of their stuff it’s… nice? So I’m sure it’s good.”
Your friend mock-gasped, almost slapping you on the arm before quickly remembering your quirk, drawing her hand back. You gave a quick nod of thanks.
“(Y/N)! Don’t tell me you didn’t even know about it?! I practically live, eat, and sleep Victoria’s Secret, it’s impossible to miss their product drops when you’re one of my friends.”
Unsure how to respond, you floundered, opening and closing your mouth like a lost fish.
“Babe, leave her be, she’s probably just shy.” Keigo stepped in, giving his girlfriend a chuckle as he steered you both towards a shop.
“Fineeee.” Your friend whined, turning to focus on the task ahead. “They have a VS shop here though, you’re not getting out of here without going in with me!”
The VS store was huge, smelling sweetly of flowers, bright colors assaulting your vision, soft pop music filling your ears.
It was hard not to cringe at all the fancy lingerie, you were honestly a bit embarrassed to be strolling through the store with your friend, let alone her boyfriend by her side.
“Does-does Keigo mind?” You quietly asked your friend, out of earshot of her boyfriend, who was looking at perfumes, last time you checked.
“Not at all birdie, I’m used to clothes, any form, any shape.”
You whirled around, squeaking in surprise at Keigo, who had apparently finished with browsing the perfume. He was flashing you a 1000 watt grin, continuing with what he was saying. “I’m a model, practically every girl I’ve ever met I’ve seen in less than full underwear, it’s no big deal.”
“Oh…. Cool.” You offered, cheeks turning red again. You felt like such a blushing schoolgirl, turning red when faced with looking at bras and panties, flushing when a man got too close.
It was the nature of the store, you told yourself, that was making you so embarrassed.
“Oo! What do you think of this one?” Your friend was holding up a babydoll, pink, with light fabric and zero coverage.
Keigo wolf whistled. “Man, that’d be a good look for you. Lets buy it.” The couple moved on, pointing at different clothes, your friend occasionally picking one from the rack to hold up against her body, looking for Keigo’s opinion.
They were cute together, laughing over the cheesy names on the tags of the lingerie, holding hands as the browsed, your friend occasionally stopping to plant a kiss on her boyfriend’s cheek.
“I think that’s everything that I like…. (Y/N), your turn!” Pulled out of your casual observance, you back pedaled. “Me? No, I’m not really the type to wear this kind of stuff - I don’t even think most of it would fit, I have weird proportions.“
“Nonsense!” Keigo looked around for a moment, going to the nearest rack to quickly sift through bras, before pulling one out. “This one would make all the boys drool over you honey.”
He held it out towards you, shaking it slightly when you hesitated to take it. Was your friend okay with him talking to you like that, pushing underwear at you to buy? A quick glance sideways showed she was more than okay with it, clasping her hands excitedly as she watched you.
The bra was sheer, soft lavender fabric forming the cups, an intricate embroidered detail of flowers dotted haphazardly over the bra. It was pretty, but you weren’t exactly partial to it. When would you wear it? Who would you wear it for? You weren’t sure it was your style. Plus, it probably wasn’t even your size.
“My arm’s gettin’ real tired.” Keigo joked, before you finally took the garment from him. Checking the size, you paused for a second, blinking towards the man.
“How did you-?”
“You spend enough time in the fashion industry, you learn to tell a girl’s size just by looking at her.”  He seemed to puff up, as if he was proud of his bra-sizing skills.
“Let me help her pick out some things too!” Your friend cried, rushing past you to head over to the next rack, ushering you to follow with a wave of her hand.
You ended up with an armful of lingerie - bras, panties,  an odd bustier or two, and some other flowy items, like a sheer robe and a lacy chemise. The choices weren’t exactly made by you, more so made by a combination of your friend and Keigo together. They had alternated holding up items towards your body, comparing color and garment cuts, lost in their own mushy-gushy world, and it was almost like you didn’t exist for a few moments, nothing more than a barbie doll to dress up.
But now the three of you stood in line to checkout, and you felt included again, your friend cracking jokes that were making you snort, Keigo watching the two of you interact.
Until your friend accidentally brushed against your arm as she shifted forward in line.
Again, you saw her tearful face, heard her sobbing, before the other scene flashed, of her on TV, talking to the reporter. She still looked upset, eyes rimmed red, nose running, hair a mess.
With a gasp, your vision returned to the present, and you were wobbling on your feet, almost falling.
“Oh god, I’m so sorry (Y/N), I’m so so sorry. Here, let me take that, go sit down by the entrance.” She fussed over you, face concerned as she carefully took the stack of clothes from your arms, making sure to not make contact.
“Oh fuck, is she alright?” You heard Keigo ask, your friend stepping in front of you as he moved forward to check on you.
“Yeah, she’s just feeling a little dizzy. Can you make sure she doesn’t fall and crack her head open? Just wait by the entrance please.”
“Okay. Oh, here-“ You were a bit dazed, but you saw Keigo fish his wallet out of his pocket, thrusting the entire thing into his girlfriends hands before patting her on the shoulder “Whichever card is fine.”
And then you were stumbling towards the entrance, towards the bench right outside.
You hated seeing the future. Why was your friend crying? What had happened to elicit such a reaction? The unknowns killed you, kept you up at night as you tried to puzzle out the events that could lead up to the scenes from your visions.
Not looking where you were going, you tripped on air, unable to catch yourself as you plummeted towards the ground.
But then you were seeing Keigo.
He was above you, face flushed and sweaty, hair tousled, his chest bare. The room was dark, barely lit, and he was so close. The man leaned down to kiss you, then the scene changed.
You were bent over a table, only able to see the solid wood your face was smushed against. There was a heat in your belly, a tingling between your thighs, and pressure. Someone was talking - Keigo, muttering behind you angrily. You head was pulled up, a hand fisted in your hair, and then one of your knees was pushed up onto the table, and the pressure inside exploded into pure pleasure.
You felt yourself screaming, bucking your hips as you suffered through whatever the feeling was.
The scene changed again.
Hands tied above your head, you were pressed against a wall, sitting on some kind of…. Saddle? Your legs couldn’t touch the ground, and you squirmed, before gasping loudly.
There was a nub in the seat, ribbed and textured, slick with some kind of liquid… From you? Then you saw Keigo, standing in front of you, smirking at you with hardened eyes.
He had something in his hand, arms crossed over his chest while he fiddled with the object, muscles flexing. He was shirtless again, and-and his cock was hanging out of his sweatpants, pressed against his belly, smearing precum over his skin.
You tried to say something, anything - the visions never lasted this long, it was too intense, there was so much sensation. But your mouth wouldn’t move, choked up.
Keigo’s hand was on his length, rubbing slowly, saying something that didn’t reach your ears.
The scene changed.
Something was shoved down your throat, warm and twitching. You were sobbing, choking, clawing at whatever was in front of you. A dark laugh filled your ears, and you opened your eyes, met with the clenching abs of a strong stomach.
Keigo was brushing your tears, no, smudging them over your face. Were you wearing makeup? His cock was sitting in your throat, his hips moving in tiny jerks, stabbing your esophagus, making you gag.
Then you were back in the present.
A hand was holding your arm, keeping you from falling and making contact with the hard floor.
“-N)? (Y/N)? Are you okay? Talk to me birdie”
You made a panicked noise, pulling yourself out of Keigo’s grip so fast that you fell flat on the floor, scrambling backwards away from the man.
He almost looked scared, confused as he followed after you, holding out his hands. “(Y/N), you gotta calm down, you’re gonna make yourself sick.”
The man reached for your arm again and you pressed yourself against the floor, screeching out a loud “No!!” before he could touch you. Keigo paused, looking at his hand, then at you. “Hey, hey, I’m not gonna touch you. It’s okay little birdie, you’re alright.” He cooed, sinking to his knees in front of you.
You were hyperventilating, wide eyes trained on Keigo. Your thoughts were swirling in your head, you couldn’t focus, the sensations of the future still echoing through your body.
Keigo crouched there while you steadied your breathing, talking to you the entire time, trying to help you relax and calm down. You weren’t sure what he was saying, something about the weather? Or a dog? But you could feel your breathing evening out, head clearing.
“Hey, she fall?” You friend was carrying two bags, crouching down beside Keigo, cocking her head at you.
Her boyfriend nodded, turning to her and taking one of the bags. “I caught her, but then she freaked out and fell for real.”
Your friend nodded. “I should’ve told you earlier, she has a touch-based quirk. Every time someone touches her, she sees snippets of her future with that person.”
Keigo cocked his own head, gazing at you curiously. “I guess her future with me isn’t too positive then?”
Your friend shrugged. “Eh, she just hates seeing parts of the future. She doesn’t want to know what’s going to happen, makes her worry or something like that. Don’t take it too personally, she’s like that with everyone.”
“It-it-“ you rasped out, causing both sets of eyes to swivel towards you. “-I hate it... because-‘cause I can’t ever cha-change it.” You shivered.
Keigo nodded in understanding, before rising to his feet. “Think you can walk to my car? I’ll drive you two home, I think you’d benefit from some rest.”
He dropped you off at your apartment, and you wearily waved at the couple as they drove off, before heading inside.
A week passed, then two.
The visions you had concerning Keigo were plaguing your mind, filling your body with anxiety. There had been a distinctive feel of fear during each one, and despite all the other various sensations felt, the most overwhelming had been distress.
Whatever was going to happen, you weren’t going to like it.
You were holing up in your apartment, ignoring your roommates when they knocked on your door, only leaving your room to eat or grab water. You couldn’t sleep, too scared you’d have dreams, or more accurately, nightmares of what you had seen.
Curse your quirk.
Trying to pass time, desperate to keep your mind off of the future, you threw yourself into any activity you could find.
First you tried coloring - it was supposed to be relaxing, but it gave you too much time to think.
Then you tried gaming, spending hours in front of your computer mashing the keys. That worked for a bit, but your eyes and head soon protested.
You listened to music at full volume, tried several workout videos, even resorted to cleaning your space with fervent energy.
None of it took your mind off the inevitable.
“(Y/N), someone’s at the door asking for you.” You jerked awake, slumped over uncomfortably on the floor, the half finished card tower in front of you promptly knocked over at your erratic movements.
“(Y/N)?” Your roommate called again.
“Yeah! Coming, sorry.” You mumbled, scrubbing sleep from your eyes. You guess your body would give out sometime and force you to fall asleep, but as you moved to stand, you sorely wished your body had chosen a more comfortable place to pass out.
Opening the front door, you immediately took a cautious step back, sleepy demeanor vanishing.
Keigo smiled at you, one hand in the pocket of his jeans, the other holding a bouquet of flowers.
“Hey birdie, mind if I come in?”
You stared at him for a second, immediately on guard. Why did he have flowers? Why did he want to come in? Wasn’t he dating your friend? She didn’t live here, what was he doing here?
The man cleared his throat, raising an eyebrow at you. You moved to the side, holding open the door for Keigo to come inside.
Your roommates were home. If anything happened, they would be within earshot.
Keigo shot you a smile and a thanks, before immediately moving into the small living room, taking a seat on the couch. When he saw you still hovering by the open door, he patted the cushion beside him.
“Come sit, I promise I don’t bite.” He thought for a moment, before grinning. “Well, not unless you want me to.”
Hesitantly, you shut the front door, going to sit in a ratty armchair further away from the winged man. If this bothered him, the man didn’t let it show other than a short pause before he spoke.
“So, I know it probably seems like, super weird for me to show up at your apartment, but hear me out.”
Flowers were shoved in your lap, Keigo taking great care to avoid touching you.  “I felt bad about the other day, and my girl and I decided that we should get you some flowers. She picked ‘em out, it even says so on the note.”  The man laughed, running a hand through his hair.
“She’s so uptight about this kinda stuff. Anyways, just wanted to say that I’m sorry for grabbing you like that. If I had known, I would’ve let you fall flat on your ass. But I know now, so I’ll be better, cool with you?”
Finishing his little speech, Keigo held out his hands, wings stretching behind him to mimic the gesture.
Looking at the flowers in your lap, you felt your hands shaking. Picking up the little note attached to the bouquet, you found that your friend had indeed picked out the flowers, which made sense. They were your favorites, and in a nice color too.  Keigo had left a messy, scrawled “Sorry!” in one corner, before signing by his girlfriends name.
“Um, thank you Keigo, you didn’t have to apologize.” You murmured, rubbing one of the flower petals between your fingers. You were so glad your quirk extended solely to humans - if you were shown glimpses of the future of everything you touched, you would most likely go mad.
“Nah, I wanted to. Also wanted to swing by, check how you’re doing. You been taking care of yourself?” He relaxed on the couch, legs spread, arms resting behind his head. This wasn’t his home, yet you totally could believe that it was by the ease with which he owned the space with his presence.
“Oh, well… I’m still here, so…” You shrugged.
Keigo frowned. “That’s not a fun answer. How much sleep you been gettin’ each night? Eight hours?”
You shook your head, huffing out a breath in place of a laugh.
Keigo clicked his tongue. “No sleep? That’s bad for you y’know. Have you at least been drinking water? Eatin’?”
You nodded quickly, looking up to meet the man’s gaze. “I’m not a kid. I appreciate your concern, but it’s not necessary.”
At this point, you think the best thing for your health would be for the man to leave.
The blonde man stared at you for a moment, before sighing. “Alright, I get it. But I don’t want to hear that you’ve passed out or something, got it? Your friend would kill me.”
He rose to his feet, and so did you, walking him to the door. “Thanks Keigo, and thank you again for the flowers. That was very sweet of you both.”
Keigo beamed, giving a two fingered salute. “You deserve it birdie. Well, have a good rest of your day, yeah? Eat something.”
You smiled, at Keigo as he turned away, beginning to whistle as he strolled down the hall.
Once the door was shut, you found a vase for the flowers, filling it with water and setting it on the table. Your roommates would think it was pretty, and it was, a nice little centerpiece.
That really was nice of your friend and Keigo to offer you flowers.
“Welcome to Gold Nile Jewelers, how can I-“ You blinked at the man entering the shop. “-Keigo.”
“Birdie? You work here?” He looked just as confused as you felt, cocking his head to the side as he approached the counter.
You looked around the small display room, nodding your head. “Yep… You looking for anything specific today?”
“Ah, right!” He clasped his hands together, bending over to lean on the display counter as he looked up at you. “So professional (Y/N), it’s just me.” The man chuckled.
“Actually, I thought I’d get my girl a cute little bracelet or something like that, you think she’d like that?”
Knowing your friend, she’d be ecstactic. “Oh, absolutely. Any particular occasion, or just an “I love you gift”?” You asked, already running through the list of bracelets in stock.
“It’s our two month anniversary in another week, thought I’d get her a little sumn’ sumn’, y’know?”
Gold Nile Jewelers was an expensive store. You patted yourself on the back for not dropping your jaw when he said “two month anniversary”. People came here for wedding rings and special occasion jewelry, not monthly anniversaries like some high schoolers.
Well, unless they were rich.
You showed Keigo the selection of bracelets currently available, the man listening quietly to your product descriptions and recommendations, asking questions about the fit and feel, and if you think your friend would like a particular one.
“Honestly Keigo, I could choose one I think she’d like, but it’d be more special if you chose for her.” You finally told him.  He wasn’t annoying you, but you felt frustrated with his apparent lack of knowledge about his girlfriend. How did he not know what her favorite color was? “I’d suggest coming back in a few days. Go home, see what kind of jewelry she wears, pay attention to the colors she gravitates towards, if she’s allergic to any metals.”
Keigo tapped his chin. “Hmm, you have a good point. I guess I should pay more attention to those kinds of things.”
You nodded as you began to pack the expensive bracelets back into their display cases. “Gifts for a significant other can be hard. Honestly, it means a lot if they pick it out themselves and surprise you with it. Makes it special.”
“Oh, you have a partner?” Keigo asked, bright eyes watching your hands work.
A frown almost crossed your features, but you stopped it before it could show. “Ah, sorry, that’s not really a work-appropriate question.”
“Awh, c’mon! It’s just me, we’re friends, can’t you tell me?” Keigo pouted, batting his eyelashes at you in an exaggerated, dramatic fashion. The display made you laugh, so you indulged him. After all, he was a friend. No harm in telling him something he was bond to know sooner or later.
“I’m actually single right now. But as a jeweler sale associate, I know how much it means to a person when their partner picks out a gift for them, especially if it’s a surprise.”
Keigo nodded his head solemnly.  “That makes sense. I better follow your advice then eh? Find out what she likes-“ he mused “-I can do that.”
“Good luck Keigo!” You called after him as he strolled through the door, waving when he smiled at you, giving that same, goofy two fingered salute that he always did when saying goodbye.
The man unnerved you, the visions you had experienced concerning him making you worry. But as long as he was dating your friend, you felt that you’d be fine.
Keigo showed up again two days later.
“Back so soon?”
“You know me-“ He shook out his umbrella, placing it in the drip-bin by the door, wiping his shoes on the mat. “I always try to be speedy with my work.”
It was grey outside, drizzling slightly. You loved these kinds of days, where you could sit near a window and watch it rain while sipping tea. It was so peaceful and calm, and always soothed your stress.
“Find out anything useful?” Whatever he could tell you would make it easier to refine the jewelry selection for his particular needs.
“So, she doesn’t have any bracelets, and I asked her about why and she said they annoy her. She likes necklaces.” He clarified,. You could tell by the way he puffed up that he felt proud of his detective skills. “I even made a note of the lengths - she likes ones that dip low, which-“ He wolf whistled, and your stomach turned. But it was fine, just awkward.
“Alright, I think we have quite a few like that. Let me collect them for you and lay them out.”
Keigo strolled around the display room while you bustled about, looking in each case at the shiny metals and stones  
You laid out the necklaces, calling Keigo over. The man smiled brightly at you as you showed him the selection, noticing he was gravitating towards the more simply, elegant choices.
“I’m sure she would be thrilled with any of these.” You offered, Keigo silent as he tried to decide between two necklaces.
Still, the man shook his head, quirking his lips. “I just…. I need to see them on, y’know?” Then he brightened, as if he had just thought of something. “Hey, can you try them on? Model one for me? Just to see what it’d look like.”
You laughed nervously. “Sorry Keigo, but I’m not allowed to do that, it’s against company policy. Only customers get to try on the jewelry, and that’s if they’re supervised.”
“Awh, c’mon! No one else is here, and I won’t tell.” The man leaned forward, shooting you a quick wink before he snatched up one of the necklaces, holding it out towards you. “Please? I just need to see it. I promise I’ll buy it.”
He was so insistent, and no matter how loud the alarm bells were wringing in your head, you felt cowed by his confidence.
“Um, still… I don’t think it’s allowed-“
“Fuck what’s allowed-“ He cut you off, snorting. “-I want to see what it looks like. It’s just me (Y/N), I’m not gonna snitch.”
A heavy sigh, and you finally agreed, taking the necklace from his nimble fingers.  You slung it around your neck, not fastening the back as you held it in place. Hopefully that would be enough to sate Keigo’s curiosity.
His eyes immediately followed the curve of the necklace, how it dipped low towards your cleavage (curse you for wearing a lower-cut shirt today). You tried to ignore the leering.
“Here, let me help you fasten it, doesn’t look right otherwise.”
Before you could protest, he was sliding behind you, deft hands reaching for the necklace your had in your grasp.
“Keigo no-!”
But it was too late.
You were pressed up against a wall, face-first, your hands gathered into the small of your back and held there with a vice-like grip. There was pressure between your legs, something hammering into you, in and out, in and out, in and out.
Keigo was talking to you, you could tell it was the man by his voice. What was he saying? You were too overwhelmed with the sensation between your legs to focus on the words falling from his lips.
Sweat dripped from your temples, Keigo’s chest pressed up against your back was slick with perspiration, his nipples hard and pressing into your skin. It was an uncomfortable situation-
And then it changed.
You were tied up now, tight enough that you couldn’t move no matter how you thrashed. Knees bound in such a way so your ass was up in the air, arms stretched out in front of you, anchored to the headboard of the bed.
Keigo was behind you again - nothing to indicate that the tongue running through your core was his, but somehow, you knew.
You were begging and pleading, withing in your restraints against his tongue, but he wouldn’t let up, he wouldn’t let you crest the mountain that had built up inside. He kept chuckling, the vibrations running through you and making you buck your hips. You felt disgusting.
Then the bed was gone, and Keigo was in front of you. He was sitting in an office chair, your legs straddling his lap. Hands on your hips were dragging you back and forth, grinding you on the hard member protruding from Keigo’s lap. He was flushed, letting out little moans as he kept eye contact with you, smiling and praising you.
Then you were back.
Gasping, you shot away from Keigo, the expensive necklace clattering to the ground as it fell from your hands.
The man froze, confusion etched across his features as he watched you bend over, trying to catch your breath, to calm down, to ignore the lingering sensations from the futuristic visions.
“I think-I think you should leave.” You heaved, tears building. That had been awful, everything had felt good but you hadn’t. You felt uncomfortable and disrespected and stupid. That couldn’t be your future with Keigo, you wouldn’t be able to handle that. He was your friend’s boyfriend, for goodness sake!
Keigo opened his mouth to say something, but you snapped at him “Leave.”, making the man click his jaw shut.
He walked out the door, shooting you concerned glances the entire way.
You felt better as soon as he was gone, the door clicking shut after him. Thankfully, you were the only employee out front at the moment, and no other customers were present, so no one but you and Keigo had experienced your outburst.
Bending down to pick up the necklace, you inspected it carefully, horrified that you had dropped such an expensive item. It was alright though, so you brought it back to the others, shakily beginning to gather them up to put away.
You didn’t want to see Keigo again.
“I just don’t understand!”
Your friend sobbed, surrounded by tissues on your bed, eyes red and blotchy.  You wished you could rub her back, our give her a hug, but you knew what would happen. So you stayed on the floor, passing up tissues and offering wordless sympathy.
“Why would he break up with me? Why?”
You shrugged, looking for words. “I don’t know… I’m sorry that this happened, but if he can’t see how awesome you are, then he’s an idiot.”
She sniffed, blowing her nose. You could tell she wasn’t convinced, but she didn’t say anything further, instead choosing to wipe her eyes.
She had called an hour or so ago, tearful, asking if she could come over. Refused to tell you what was wrong, but the second you let her in, she had burst into tears, explaining everything.
Keigo had broken up with her via text, that asshole.
“I just…. I thought we were good. Did I do something wrong? I just don’t get it.”
“Neither do I. You said he just texted you out of the blue?”
She nodded her head, going to blow her nose again. “We were supposed to go out for dinner tomorrow, it’s our two month anniversary.”
You cringed. Did your encounter with Keigo in the jewelry store have something to do with this? Had you driven your friend’s boyfriend away? Had you weirded him out? Oh god, what if this was all your fault?
Your friend broke down into a sob again, slumping onto your bed. You passed her another tissue. “It’ll be okay. I think he’s a stupid fucker that just wanted to play with your heart.  He isn’t worth shit. You deserve so much better than him.”
She nodded, blotchy eyes seeking out your own. In the back of your mind, you cringed, seeing the exact same scene from your vision. Well, at least the two of you hadn’t gotten in a fight.
A few weeks later, Keigo was at your door.
“You need to leave. Now.”
“Aw, c’mon (Y/N), at least hear me out?”
You huffed, crossing your arms. Maybe he had a dumb explanation for why he had dumped your friend. You were wary of him accidentally touching you again though. “Fine, but make it quick.”
“No promises.” He grinned, breezing past you and into your apartment. He beelined for the chair you had sat in last time he was here, leaving you to take a seat on the couch.
“Alright-“ He settled in, fixing you with a gleeful eye. “How do you feel about your quirk?”
Caught off guard, you blinked. Wasn’t he going to explain why he had broken your friend’s heart? “Um, what?”
“Your quirk, y’know, the one that makes you see the future?” He leaned forward, rubbing his hands together with a smile. He seemed far too pleased, and it made you nervous.
“I hate it. If I could get rid of it, I would.” You stated, ready to move onto a different topic. But just as you were about to ask him about your friend, he rose to his feet, fishing in his pockets.
He drew out a bracelet, black and red, thin. “Well then, lookie what I have.” The man walked over, sitting down quickly on the couch next to you, causing you to immediately scoot to the end. You didn’t want him touching you.
“Oh, sorry.” He apologized upon noticing your unease. Instead of scooting closer, he simply tossed the bracelet onto your lap, leaning back as he watched you look at it curiously. “Put it on, see how it fits.”
“I don’t need jewelry Keigo, and I think we should be spending our time discussing why you bro-“
“Just put it on (Y/N), please? I promise you won’t regret it.”
Huffing, you did as he asked, clasping the bracelet around your wrist. It fit snug, almost too tight, but it hugged your wrist comfortingly. It was pretty, but you didn’t see what this had to do with your quirk, or with your friend, or anything that held any relevancy.
Bracelet now on, you fixed Keigo with a blank stare. “Happy?”
“I don’t know.” Keigo grinned. “Are you?” And then he was hugging you, arms wrapped around your shoulders, face buried in your neck.
You shrieked, already panicking as you tried to ready yourself for the onslaught of  visions that accompanied physical touch.
They never came.
Choking back a surprised gasp, you drew back from his hug to find Keigo’s eyes, the man smiling down at you as he watched your reaction.
“Kei-Keigo…” You stuttered, shocked, surprised, euphoric, confused - so many emotions, all at once. You couldn’t even think to brush off the hands still around your shoulders, thumbs brushing at the tops of your exposed collarbones by the neck of your shirt.
You weren’t able to think rationally, couldn’t focus on anything but the awe you felt at being touched without being slammed with visions of the future.
You forgot about the terrifying visions you had gotten when Keigo touched you.
You forgot about how he had hurt your friend, broke her heart with no explanation.
You forgot about his hands refusing to leave your body.
“Keigo, this is…. Amazing” You breathed, wide eyes snapping up, catching his smiling face, eyes crinkly and twinkly.
“I had my team modify some quirk-cancelling cuffs! You seemed so upset whenever someone touched you, I couldn’t leave you with such a burden.”
Nodding, you returned your gaze to the bracelet, turning your wrist this way and that to look at the bracelet from different angles.
“I mean, I know how much I like being touched, and touching. I think I’d totally die if I couldn’t.” Keigo chuckled, but you weren’t listening.
The rest of his time sitting next to you on the couch was spent explaining the colors he had spent so long picking (“They’re my personal favorite, aren’t they nice?”) and why he had decided on a bracelet (“It could’ve been a necklace, but I think it looks better in it’s original cuff design, looks cooler that way.”).
By the time he had to leave, you were completely sidetracked, so distracted with your shiny new jewelry that you didn’t even remember to ask what his deal was with being a jerk to your friend, his now ex-girlfriend.
“-and then he gave me the bracelet. I wasn’t thinking much after that, I just… I can hug you, isn’t that incredible?”
You gave your friend another squeeze, feeling a smile dance across your face. But then you sobered, pulling back from her with your hands on her shoulders, quickly becoming serious.
“But he’s really starting to kind of weird me out. Why won’t he explain why he broke up with you? He’s being a little bitch. I tried asking him a couple times, but he kept cutting me off, and I feel like the bracelet was a distraction to stop me from busting his chops about his behavior towards you.”
Your friend looked sad for a second, before shrugging. “I dunno, he just said things weren’t working out, and that while he liked me, he’s not ready for a relationship right now ‘cause of where he’s at in his life.”
“Psh-“ You scoffed, going in for another comforting squeeze for your friend. “-that’s code for “I’m a fuckboy and want to sleep around”.”
“I know….. But it still hurts.” You friend sighed, wrapping her arms around your neck. “But at least he gave you that quirk thing. I’ve never seen you so happy.”
“I just wish he was a mildly decent person.” You grumbled, detaching from the hug to sit back, glaring at the ceiling. “He gives me the fucking creeps.”
“How so?” You friend locked her head to the side, throwing her arm over the back of the couch. You had called her over the second Keigo had left, finally gathering your wits about you.
“I dunno…” You shrugged, not quite ready to tell her about the disturbing visions containing him. Did that have something to do with their breakup? Was it your fault? What was going to happen with Keigo? It honestly scared you, the residual feelings and sensations you could remember from the visions.
Your friend nodded understandingly. “Some people just give off those vibes. Well, at least we don’t ever have to see him again. Good riddance I say.”
You agreed.
Knocking on the door, you shuffled your feet as you took in the house.
It was one of those rich places - nice neighborhood, fancy street filled with lavish houses, expensive cars. You felt slightly out of place, shifting from foot to foot in your clearance-rack clothes.
The door swung open, revealing a sleepy Keigo, shirtless, clad in nothing but sweatpants.
“Oh, um-“ You quickly turned, averting your eyes, trying to give the man privacy in case he hadn’t realized he was shirtless. It looked like he had just woken up from a nap, eyes blinking owlishly, hair mussed.
“Hey (Y/N), come on in.”
Still keeping your eyes turned away, you stepped inside the opulent house, trying not to gape too much at the decor inside. You didn’t want to look like a complete peasant in front of Keigo, but he’d already been to your house, so you could imagine that he knew of your poor-ness.
“Something wrong? You can look at me y’know, I’m not gonna turn you to stone or something.” Keigo joked, voice entirely too close for comfort.
Head whipping around, you found that he was too close, practically almost touching you as he stood beside you, head cocked as he watched you.
“No… nothings wrong, you’re just…” You gestured to his torso, and Keigo looked down in confusion, before looking back at you, a grin on his face.
“Ah, just woke up.” He shrugged, before reaching out to touch your arm. “Bracelet still keeping that quirk at bay?”
You nodding, following the blonde as he turned and walked further into his house, towards the kitchen.
“Glad to hear! I just wanted to look at it a bit, make sure nothing’s worn or torn, y’know? Hate for you to have to deal with the no-touching thing again.” He said over his shoulder, gesturing for you to sit down at the island, on one of the barstools.
You did so, watching the man open his fridge, take out a carton of milk, uncap it. “Is it too tight?”
He drank right out of the bottle, and you watched some dribble out of the corner of his mouth, down his chin. The man finished gulping down the milk, taking the bottle away from his lips to swipe at the white trail of liquid rolling down his chin.
Eyes dark, he made contact with your own eyes as he cleaned his chin with a finger, stuffing it in his mouth to suck it clean.
That was gross.
The next second, he was back to normal, cheerfully putting the milk back into the fridge. “Good, good. Now, mind if I take a look at it? You should keep it on though.”
You nodded, and Keigo straightened, walking around the island to sit next to you, shuffling his stool closer.
He grabbed your wrist, laying it out on the island, before beginning to poke at the bracelet, running his fingers over it, fiddling with it, squeezing the tendons in your hand, smoothing his hand up your arm.
It felt a bit intrusive.
“So the visions are all blocked?”
“And you can touch and be touched?”
“How’s your appetite? Sometimes complete quirk suppression can make you lose your appetite.”
“It’s been normal, I guess I’m a little hungrier than normal, but I’ve been getting out more too, not as afraid of crowds.”
“Nice! And how about your libido?”
You spluttered, choking on your own spit, snatching your hand away from Keigo’s wandering touches.
“Excuse me? That’s a bit personal, thanks.”
Keigo shrugged, bright eyes hooded and lazy. “It’s just a question.”
“Are you done making sure it’s all good? No broken parts?” You changed the subject, narrowing your eyes. You can’t believe your friend had ever dated him, that you had ever thought he was anything but a playboy.
You wouldn’t even be here, in his house, but he had come into the jewelers a while back (both you and your friend had blocked his number), spouting something about your bracelet needing constant checks and maintenance in order to keep suppressing your quirk. (“Wouldn’t want it to stop working, right? Just stop by sometimes, here’s my address.”).
So here you were.
Keigo leaned back a little, raising an eyebrow at your irritated tone of voice. “Woah there, don’t get snippy. I’m doing you a favor, right? I’m not trying to hurt you or something.”
Technically, you guess he was right. But he had played your friend, had fucked with her feelings. He was a fuckboy, liked messing with each and every girl he could find, and you didn’t care to be one of them.
“And I appreciate that Keigo. But I like to keep my private life private.”
Keigo was silent, simply holding out a hand for you to place your arm in, so he could fiddle more with the bracelet.
Several moments of awkward silence passed before he spoke again. “You’re being awfully ungrateful. It makes me think you don’t even want this little gift. If I were you, I’d be doing everything I could to show the person kind enough to do such a thing for me how thankful I was.”
Lost for words, you stared at the man. Was he expecting some sort of award? Some sort of prize? It’s not like you had anything to give him.
“I don’t have anything to give you in thanks. Just my words, which I’ve said plenty of. I didn’t ask you to make this for me.” You pointed out.
“Sure, but you use it, don’t you? You wouldn’t like it if I took it away, right? Think about how miserable your life was before I gave you this.”
Your life had been miserable. Afraid to go out in crowds, afraid to leave the house, Nervous about grocery shopping, about paying and having the cashier touch your hand as they handed over the change.
Scared of public transportation, of coffeeshops and bookstores, of public parks, even your own home. What if one of your roommates forgot and touched you? Or accidentally bumped into you?
Plus, you could hug now, and shake hands, and slap your friends back when she told a horrible joke, or tap her when you wanted her attention.
You didn’t want to go back to before. “I’m sorry Keigo… I really do think it’s lovely, and I can never thank you enough for doing this for me.”
Keigo let go of your arm, and it swung back to your side. You could feel the man looking at you.
“You know what would let me know that you mean it?”
God, it better not be something sexual.
“You could buy me coffee. Or maybe a cookie from that bakery on 1st Avenue, you know the one? With the little bunny pastries?”
That surprised you.
“You go there? That’s my favorite place.” You mused, looking at Keigo in surprise. He didn’t seem the kind of guy who’d like a place like that. But appearances could be deceiving.
“Of course! I really like their stuff.”
“Alright,” You conceded, rising to your feet. “I’ll get you some stuff from there. Want it today?”
Keigo rose to his feet as well, crossing his arms over his bare chest. “Yeah! Let me get dressed real quick, and then I’ll go with you. Don’t go anywhere birdie.” He shot you a wink, before sauntering past you, out of the kitchen.  You raised a brow, surprised. He meant to go with you?
“Make yourself at home while you wait, don’t be afraid to kick up your feet!”  
The bakery smelled as lovely as usual.
A warm atmosphere, good food, friendly employees. It was your favorite place for a reason.
“Alright, what do you want?” You asked Keigo, the two of you staring up at the menu.
“Hmm, I don’t know. What are you going to get?”
“Probably a muffin, those are my favorite.”
“What!?! That’s my favorite too! How crazy.” Keigo smiled at you, dimples showing. You got the feeling that he was brown-nosing you, but you kept the thought to yourself, striding up to the counter to order.
Muffins purchased, you approached Keigo, who was lounging by one of the display cases, admiring the delicate, mouthwatering masterpieces held within.
“All good to go?” His smile was so charming, so friendly, you almost caught yourself wanting to see it more. Huffing in irritation at yourself, you pushed past him, shoving the bag with his muffin into his chest.
“Here’s your stuff. I’m going home now, see you around.”
“Wait!” Keigo turned, jogging a little to catch up as you exited the bakery. “We gotta eat these before they get cold - hey, birdie, are you listening to me?“
You weren’t, stoically keeping your head turned forward, walking with determination. There was only so much of Keigo that you could tolerate, and you had reached your limit. He was starting to really annoy you, didn’t he get that you wanted to go home? You’ll just eat your muffin on the subway, it’s not that hard.
“(Y/N)-“ His sudden growl was punctuated by an arm on your shoulder, spinning you around and pulling you towards the man.
“Hey-!” The sudden collision of your face with his chest knocked your breath away, almost causing you to drop your own muffin in the process.
When you managed to gather yourself, you shot a glare up at Keigo’s face, only to find the blonde smirking down at you, a fierce glint in his eyes.
“I expect you to listen when I’m talking, got it? I don’t like being ignored.”
That’s evident.
You tried to back away, but he still had a hand on your shoulder, squeezing you tight to him. “Keigo! Let me go, you stupid idiot-“
“Stop it, I’m not doing anything to you, ya big baby.” He cooed down at you, before taking his hand away, letting you stumble backwards.
He was just messing with you, teasing you. It was obvious, yet still you allowed him to be around you.
“Alright, I’m sorry, I know all the touching’s gotta be new still. Wanna go eat these in the park? I’ll buy you some ice cream if you want.”
“I don’t want ice cream, I want to go home.”
Keigo frowned, walking after you when you turned on your heel, heading for the subway. “Why do you dislike me so much? I’ve done so much to help you, and yet you spit in my face. Your parents ever teach you how to be grateful? Or even respectful?”
You gasped at his accusation, stopping in your tracks to whirl around, only to find the man far closer than what you had expected. Still, you tried to hide your surprise at his proximity, jabbing a finger in his direction.
“You are a playboy, you broke my friend’s heart, and you want to sleep with every single person you come across just to mess with their feelings. I don’t want to be around you. I won’t get dragged into that.”
The man watched you, face solemn and contemplative. “Is that really how you see me?”
“Why would I say any of that unless it was true?”
He ran a hand through his hair, looking up and around, as if gathering his bearings, before back down at you.
“Have you ever considered that I’m the one getting my heart broken?”
“Yeah right-“ You scoffed, only for Keigo to cut you off.
“People want to sleep with me because they think it’ll get them something that they want. Fifteen second fame, a piece in a tabloid about my “new lover”…. Think it’ll help them further their career, or that I’ll give them money. I can’t find anyone real.
“And my friend wasn’t real enough for you?” You spat, not believing him for a second.
“Nope.  You think she liked me for who I am?”
“Uh, yeah? She gushed to me all the damn time about how good you were, how she felt about you. That girl held nothing but love and affection for you.”
The man snorted, rolling his eyes. “Yeah, sure, love for my wallet.”
“She’s not like that.” You argued, brows furrowing.
“Really? Cause she was sucking me dry, and not even in a sexy way.”
You crinkled your nose at what he was implying. Your friend wasn’t like that, she truly had felt for Keigo, had liked him as her boyfriend. She wasn’t just a leech.
“I’m done talking about my failed love life.” Keigo said lowly, nudging your shoulder. “I just thought two friends could hangout, but it seems like you think all I do is try and fuck people.”
“No, Kiego…. That’s not what I meant.” Maybe it was, maybe it wasn’t, but right now…. You almost felt a twinge of sympathy for him.
Some of what he was saying made sense, how people would try and use him for various reasons. But that still didn’t explain his sudden and harsh breakup with your friend. And over text no less, a complete douche move!
But you felt bad about his words, about how he seemed to actually want to hangout, and yet you were accusing him of trying to sleep with you. But what about those visions you had had? Was that even how they went? Or were you remembering falsely based on your bias towards the man?
And what about his suggestive touches, his leering gaze? Was that maybe just how he always was, and it wasn’t exclusive to you? Were you inflating your place in his life, thinking that he wanted you?
It was confusing, and you didn’t want to think about it, try and untangle the lies from the truth. Right now, you just wanted to eat your muffin.
“If you really didn’t mean it, then can we go eat these in the park? I just want to chill with someone that isn’t trying to gain something from me. I want to spend time with someone that’s real.”
With a half-irritated sigh, you nodded, hoping you wouldn’t regret hanging out with the obnoxious man.
He kept calling you, texting you. You’d had to unblock his number at some point, in order for him to text you about the bracelet and when he needed to look at it.
“Come overrrrr, I’m bored!”
“Birdie, are you hungry? The delivery place gave me extra Torikatsu and I don’t want it to go bad. Can I come drop it off?”
He’d swing by the jewelers, leaning over the counter to talk to you about a recent shoot he’d booked, or something he saw recently.
Keigo seemed to slowly insert himself into every facet of your live, against your will, ignoring every subtle, irritated attempt of yours to turn him away. Every single time you saw him, your mind would inevitably think of the visions, but you felt like you couldn’t trust yourself with those anymore.
The man assured you at every step, he had no romantic feelings for you, he just wanted a friend, someone to put him in his place, be honest with him.
You definitely were honest.
Snapping at him when he showed up at your apartment uninvited, coming up behind you on the street and grabbing your sides, laughing when you shrieked and tried to hit your attacker, only to realize it was Keigo.
Tearing into him when he tried to talk badly about your friend - she had been having less and less contact with you, and you couldn’t figure out why. Now your relationship with her was reduced to curt text messages. Maybe she was just going through a hard time, and wanted alone time? Still, you let her know you were there for her, whenever she needed.
You were honest when Keigo asked your opinion on food, TV shows, clothes, movies. It was almost satisfying saying something sucked, just to see Keigo’s face fall slightly, before he shook his head, whining.
“Then help me pick something out! I can’t do it without you-“
He totally could, he was just being a baby.
The more he inserted himself into your life, the more you realized that he was akin to a petulant child, just with muscles and a penchant for inappropriate touching.
Whenever he saw you, he’d try to draw you into a hug, letting his hands drop far down your back, way too low for you to feel comfortable. You’d slap them away, and Keigo would laugh, before ruffling your hair.
He’d have you come over so he could check your quirk suppressor, except he was in the middle of a show, and it was getting to the best part. (“Sit down, shhh, it’s just getting good!”) You’d have to sit through the entire thing, enduring Kiego’s hand lazily drawing shapes over your pants on your thigh, simply putting it back whenever you shoved it off.
He was insufferable, irritating to no end, but you could tell he was a lonely man, bitter about his love life and with his friendships.
So you tolerated his presence.
After all, he wasn’t trying to hurt you. That’s something he reiterated every single time you shied away from his touch. He made you feel like a fool for thinking the man was hitting on you, when he made it so clear that he wasn’t, only interested in friendship.
Until you fell asleep at his house.
Another one of those days were he needed to look at your quirk suppressor (which you were 99% sure was fine, it seemed like he just enjoyed seeing it on your wrist). He had been rummaging around in his room before he had to run and open the front door for you, talking as he walked back to return to his previous task.
Apparently he was trying to find a good shirt, seeing as how he had pants on, but his chest was bare. Keigo instructed you to sit on the bed for a second while he retreated into his massive closet, trying to find a good shirt  to go with the rest of his outfit.
His bedroom was pretty large, a full California King taking up the majority of the space, neatly made. The sheets and blankets felt soft beneath your fingers as you sat on it’s edge, prepared to wait for Keigo for a bit.
The man always took his fashion very seriously - one time he’d even spent two hours trying on clothes until he’d decided on an appropriate outfit to go to the park.
So you followed your tired eyes, exhausted from work and dealing with Keigo, worrying about your friend, daily life stressors and the like.  Keigo wouldn’t mind if you laid back, right? Your feet wouldn’t be on the bed, so it’d be fine.
And it was fine, pleasant, the room the perfect temperature.
You were roughly jerked out of sleep by pressure. Pressure on your hips, pressure on your lips.
Eyes jolting open, you tried to inhale, only to find yourself unsuccessful.
Keigo was on top of you.
Panicking, your hands came to push at him, a muffled sound of protest being squeaked out from where his lips pressed against yours.
Noticing you were awake, Keigo pulled back, smiling the whole while.
“I’m not willing to wait anymore, I just gotta have you.”
His eyes were glinting, hair tousled, still shirtless. You felt goosebumps arise as you remembered the vision you had so long ago, of this exact moment.
“Wai-mmph!” His lips were on yours again, passionate and warm, moving eagerly. A wet tongue pressed at the seam of your mouth, surprising you and making you blanch, which allowed the man access.
Kiego’s tongue explored the inside of your mouth, playfully tapping your own wet muscle, encouraging you to lift it and wrestle with him.
This was too weird, this wasn’t happening, you couldn’t do this-
Biting down hard, you snapped your teeth shut on his tongue, and Keigo yelped, drawing back immediately.
“Ouch, what the fuck!?! Chill out (Y/N), geez.” His hand was dabbing at his mouth, wincing when it came in contact with his bleeding tongue. You had bitten him deep, but you weren’t focused on that right now.
“What are-what are you doing?” Your voice was breathless, disoriented. The room felt…. Dark, and suffocating, as if it was closing in on the two of you, trapping you.
Keigo looked down at you, and it was only then that you realized you had been moved to lie on the bed fully, shoes off, legs splayed. The man rested on his stomach between them, his weight pressed against your body, keeping you still.
“I told you, I can’t wait anymore. I’ve been as nice as I can, but it’s time you started paying me back for everything I’ve done for you.”
What? Paying him back-was he talking about the quirk suppressor he had gifted you? Had he been lying about his true intentions this whole time?
“That’s not right, it was a gift, you-you don’t have to pay back a gift.” You spluttered, feeling as if your chest was collapsing.
Keigo shook his head, swooping down to leave a bloody kiss on your forehead, which you cringed at, before pulling back to speak.
“Nah, it wasn’t a gift. You know how expensive it was? You were always gonna have to compensate me. Now shush, I wanna feel you-“
One of his hands grabbed your jaw, keeping your face turned towards his, pressing down until tears formed in your eyes. His lips were bloody from the bite on his tongue, tasting unmistakably like iron.
You didn’t want this.
Trying to bite him again left you with a slap to your thigh, making you cry out. Keigo huffed out a laugh against your mouth.
He detached from your lips, just to start nibbling at your jawline, elating streaks of red where his lips touched.
“God, you are so sexy. I was trying to chill, but then I came out and you were sleepin’ all cute, and I couldn’t fucking stop myself from touching.”
“Stop doing this, I can pay you with something different. I don’t wanna do this Keigo.” You whispered, on the verge of crying.
“No, I get to decide what you’ll be doing for me, it’s my bracelet-“
“It’s not, you gave it to me, please stop-“
“Shut up.” He growled sinking his teeth into the side of your neck, nipping at the skin hard enough to have you screaming. “You’re so ungrateful, where’s my thanks? I’ve done so much for you.”
“Thank you, thank you Keigo, I appreciate it all-“ You hurried out, hoping it was what he wanted to hear “But I can’t do this, please don’t make me. I wanna go home.”
“There we go, I like the sound of you thanking me. You’re going to thank me for each and every time you cum tonight, got it?”
“No, no, we can’t do this, I can’t! Get off of me, please-“
“You’ll do it, or else I’ll whip you until your flesh hangs off of you in strings.” He hissed, squeezing your jaw cruelly.
The tears in your eyes overflowed as you fell silent.
“Aw, birdie, don’t cry. I’m not gonna hurt you, I never have, right?” He waited for a second, watching your face before he pressed harder, eyes hardening “Right?“
You nodded jerkily, and Keigo came to kiss your tears away, savoring their salty taste as they rolled down your cheeks.
“Keigo, this isn’t right though, please get off me. I don’t want this-“
“You want me to take this away?” A hand caught your shaking wrist, the one that had the quirk suppressor fastened snugly around it, wrenching it up so both of you could see it. “Huh? Put you back where you were in your miserable little life? Running away from everyone, holing up in your apartment, not willing to touch or be touched…”
The very thought made your insides churn, and a fresh round of tears rolled down your face as you shook your head no, lips wobbling as you whined. You felt so pathetic, so small and dumb underneath Keigo.
“That’s what I thought. You’re going to relax now, right? No more begging unless it’s for more.”
He didn’t wait for an answer, beginning to shuffle around until he could slide his hands under your shirt, pressing against your tummy as you flinched away.
“Don’t worry birdie, you’re gonna like every single thing we’re gonna do. You’ve had sex now, yeah? Since I gave you the bracelet?”
You shook your head “no”, it’s not like you were eager for sex before you got it, and all the touching-without-terrifying-visions thing was still new to you, the dating world was being eased into. Somehow though, every single date seemed to be crashed by the man on top of you.
Keigo lit up like a Christmas tree, licking his lips gleefully. “Okay, okay, I can-whew, that’s hot-I can be gentle.” It sounded like he was trying to convince himself more than he was trying to convince you, his hands skirting up your ribs, shucking up your shirt as the traveled higher and higher.
“Keigo please-“
“Don’t you dare say stop, I’m not gonna. You’re the first person that doesn’t want anything from me, you’re real, and I’m not stopping.”
His admission made you cringe, recoiling from his touch. He followed you, palms finally smoothing over your breasts, over your bra.
“You’re going to do what I say, or else this-“ Your wrist was wrenched into view, red-and-black bracelet glittering. “-gets removed. And I’ll still do whatever the fuck I want, but you’ll be off in your mind having visions of who-knows-what while I have my way. Got it?”
Your blood chilled, body suddenly feeling ice cold. His tone was dead serious, spitting out the words with a sense of finality.
“So, just lay there and take it birdie, I’ll be good to you.”
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comfyswitcherblanketfort · 4 years ago
Grunge-Metal Geralt 2
holy fucking shit yall really loved the first one so I wrote some more
this is totally self indulgent tho. like yall have no idea. if i could live in any AU it would be this one. i have so many feels.
Warnings: drinking mention, nothing over the top, unwanted pics taken but like they’re celebrities? i guess, we get a bit emotional about past relationships/crushes but nothing too heavy
Jaskier had no idea how he got there, but he was knocking on a green room door with a temporary label reading ‘The Witchers’ before the stadium had completely emptied. 
Lambert yanked the door open, Aiden clinging to his back like a monkey, and his eyes nearly bulged out of his head before a huge grin spread over his face, “Hey there, Jaskier!”
Eskel grumbled, “Haha, Bert. No need to fuck with Geralt.” 
Jaskier shoved his hands in his corduroys and rocked up onto his toes, “He’s not fucking with anyone,” he laughed, desperately trying to keep the nerves out of his voice as he peeked around the door jam. 
Geralt was curled up in the corner of a couch, now wearing a massive grey-blue hoodie and gold wire-rimmed glasses, scribbling in a composition notebook propped up on his knees. His hair was pulled back in a disaster of a bun with pieces falling in his face but Jaskier absolutely loved it. It suited him. He hesitated a moment before scrawling one last line in his notebook, brow furrowed as he chewed on his bottom lip.
When he looked up he snapped his notebook shut, “Holy fuck,” he breathed, “Hi!”
His eyes were actually gold. Jaskier had just thought that was some thirst driven exaggeration. He expected light brown, but no. He was staring directly at eyes that practically sparkled.
Lambert waved Jaskier in and he hesitantly stepped through the door, “Hi! I uh, dig your boots.” 
“Th- Thank you,” Geralt bit back a grin, blushing bright pink as he stood up, “I didn’t think you’d see my message. Or respond.” 
“After that performance?” Jaskier, normally bard-worthy with his quick tongue and easy conversation, was feeling his own cheeks heat up as he scrambled for something to say, “I’m honestly not sure if I even locked my car when I came back in.” 
Eskel snickered from behind Jaskier, stretching and putting his feet up on a coffee table, “Told ya.”
Aiden sighed and rested his chin on top of Lambert’s head, “This is so cute.”
Jaskier laughed, not entirely uncomfortably but definitely awkward, and ran a hand through his hair, turning back to Geralt. 
Geralt pushed his glasses farther up his nose and snatched his wallet from the coffee table, “I offered drinks. You wanna…” Geralt trailed off and made an exasperated, and maybe a little annoyed face at the guys behind him but when Jaskier turned around they were pretending to mind their own business, “How does Pensive sound?” 
Jaskier shot him a grin, “Sounds perfect.”
Geralt snagged his keys from a bag and held the door open for Jaskier, “After you.” 
“Okay so,” Jaskier took a sip of his drink and set it in line with their two empty glasses and a napkin holder, “Aiden and Lambert fuck?” he asked, pushing an empty glass and the napkin holder together. Geralt snorted and nodded so he went on, “And Eskel and Lambert are brothers?” Another nod as he tapped the two empty glasses, “And you and Eskel were college roommates?” he asked, gesturing to his half-empty glass. 
Geralt grinned, “You know, you’re keeping up pretty well for a self-proclaimed lightweight.” 
Jaskier giggled, “I’m trying really fucking hard.” 
Geralt leaned his head back and laughed and Jaskier was absolutely done for. He rested his elbow on the table and his head in his hand as he stared dreamily at this adorable man. He was carefree and soft around the edges, nothing like Jaskier had expected from the lyrics he’d listened to all night. And either he was a good listener or Jaskier had had one too many vodka-crans. 
When Geralt finally got himself under control he took off his glasses to wipe at his eyes before placing them back on his nose with a grimace, “I shouldn’t have taken my contacts out.” 
“Old prescription?” 
Geralt blushed, “Don’t usually wear them in public,” He admitted, pushing the frames higher.
Jaskier must have had too much to drink because he reached out and tucked a curly strand of white hair behind Geralt’s ear, “I think they’re cute on you.” 
Geralt’s breath caught in his throat as he stared at Jaskier, jaw hanging down just a bit, his pupils blown wide. Jaskier bit his lip and smiled as he pulled his hand away and rested it on the table between them, hoping Geralt would get the hint. Gods he just wanted to hold his hand and giggle until the sun came up. 
“Thank you,” Geralt muttered, blinking a couple times and laying one of his hands over Jaskier’s. 
“Can I ask you something?”
Geralt licked his lips and nodded, shaking the hair loose that Jaskier had just tucked away. 
“Why that song?” Jaskier stared at their hands, not having the courage to look at Geralt in case the answer wasn’t what he wanted it to be. 
“Hmm…” he didn’t sound upset, but he was certainly choosing his words carefully, “I’ve done the whole.. How do I put it?” Jaskier looked up at him only to see him staring at their hands too, “...‘I could be enough for you if you’d let me’ dance more times than I can count… and knowing it would never happen but yearning anyway…” he chuckled and glanced up at Jaskier, a sad look of acceptance in his eyes, “And I love your voice.”
Of course, he’d heard those words before, it was his job to have a good voice, but fuck, they hit different coming from Geralt. He was so earnest and disarmingly handsome that Jaskier felt anything he said would make him giddy. His chest felt warm and it took a moment for his brain to catch up. He had planned on showering Geralt with praise and adoration, not the other way around. 
Jaskier squeezed his hand, “I love yours too,” he whispered.
There was that gorgeous blush again, making Jaskier’s heart skip a beat. 
“I can’t imagine anyone thinking you’re not magnificent,” Jaskier mumbled, watching Geralt blush even deeper and dip his head so the loose hairs covered his face a bit. Jaskier may have been a flirty drunk, but he was one hundred percent sure he’d be just as forward with Geralt sober. He wasn’t leaving the bar without making damn sure Geralt knew he was gorgeous and talented and everything Jaskier could imagine wanting in life. 
“Careful. You can’t just say things like that,” Geralt warned, flicking the hair out of his eyes with a guarded but amused smile. 
“And why not?”
Geralt squinted at him for a moment, “I might believe you.” 
“Geralt, darling,” Jaskier started, sitting up and turning to square his hips toward him, holding his large hand in both of his, “I don’t mince words. I mean everything I say. And tweet. I really do think you’re wonderful. And I really do want you to sing me to sleep. Sometime. Anytime. I’m not picky.”
Geralt raised his eyebrows and took a breath in to say something but was interrupted by a camera flash in the low light of the bar and someone swearing.
“Oi!” Jaskier turned toward the light, and the idiot fumbling with their phone. 
Geralt squeezed his hand before he could say anything more, “It’s alright. The hair kinda glows in the dark, I’m used to it. I was thinking we could get out of here?”
Jaskier did his best not to let the sly smile take over his face and give him away, “Would you like to come to my place?”
Geralt grinned, “Absolutely. Mine is a shit show right now.”
“Is it really that bad?” Jaskier joked as they stood.
“Eskel is a slob,” Geralt laughed.
“Mine it is!” Jaskier declared, slapping enough cash to cover their drinks and an exorbitant tip on the table.
They walked out of the bar with Geralt’s arm around Jaskier’s shoulders, both with giddy smiles and a little extra pep in their step. 
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mythicalninjas · 4 years ago
A Hard Choice To Make - Part 1
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"Go talk to him. It's the only way to wash your emotions away." April, the reporter of Channel 6, advise you.
"No!" Your eyes went wide "No, I won't!"
"Then do you want to live with it stuck into you for the rest of your life?"
You lower your head, not knowing what kind of response you should give besides this not-desired possibility. April is right.
Since you met the brothers—three years ago—you have created a strong family bond with all of them, specially with the fearless leader in blue who your heart shines for. You knew that something within you is brougth to life every time Leonardo is around, and it is kind of torture because you literally fell in love with this terrapin.
But there's a doubt haunting you: Is Leo with the same feelings about you? The objection behind it is almost invalid in your point of view. He is the leader of his group, known as being the only one who tries to keep his brothers in line, making decisions for each time they are out for patrol, dealing with the most heavy and difficult choices and moments throughout their adventures. And you... You are just a human as you always say.
You sigh, turning your eyes back at April "Ya know, I have no idea if he feels the same about me. I'm afraid of how he'd react from my declaration."
April leaves her desk, and sits next to you on the sofa in the living room of her apartment. "Y/N..." she said softly, landing her slender hand on your shoulder "Soon or late he will know; but if I were you, I would go talk to him. He won't figure it out alone". You nodded, staring at the floor again with your mind lost in an ocean of thoughts and emotions. "Try, Y/N. Do not let it consume you; or it will get worse" the reporter rubs your shoulder and embrace you in a comfort hug.
"Would you like me to talk to him?" She offered herself.
"No! No... I must be prepare myself first."
April let's out a soft giggle "Okay. Take your time, sweetheart. Call me if you need help." She smiled.
You let the comfort of her embrace take you completely as a help to try to kick out your anxiety, but your nervousness insists to stay. How would you say to the most respectable man that you're in love with? How would he reacts? Will he treat you in a bad or good way? You knew he wouldn't treat you like an idiot or something but even that you are not secure.
A few weeks has passed since April's advice.
You and Casey Jones were called by Chief Vicent to attend a meeting at NYPD police station for a debate about Shredder after his sudden disappearance in the day that Technodrome has appeared in the sky. And for your surprise you're not the only one who were invited.
Your mutant turtles best friends are there.
And speaking of them...
"Hey Casey and Y/N!" Mikey was the first one who came up to welcome you both as you enter in the police station. "Finally you're here! Chief Vicent is waiting for you" the young brother pointed at up stairs of the building.
You and Casey went quickly to the second floor.
Arriving there, Mikey pointed at one of the several rooms throughout the large corridor. From outside you could see three shells facing the only door of the small space, and your eyes shone. In the middle of the three massive terrapins, a blue and well-written kanji with a pair of katanas.
"Y/N? Are you coming or...?" Casey called, noticing your behaving.
You froze, desperate about what you would do with that handsome man a few steps away from you—actually standing on the other side of the table.
Gulping, you walked behind Casey as you both enter the room.
"Good evening, Casey Jones." the blond-haired woman nodded from the other side of the rectangular table, facing you both "And Y/N" she nodded again, sharing a polite smile. Other three pairs of eyes landed on you while you stand beside Casey "Hey, guys" Donnie waved with that cute grin he has. "Hey..." Raphael said with a neutral voice; and finally Leonardo who, as Chief Vicent, shares a nod and a smile.
Oh God, that smile makes your bones shiver.
"So what are the news, Chief?" Casey asked, leaning above the table to watch papers and pictures scattered above it.
"We got a prove that Shredder must be still alive" she continued "We have captured Karai who was with him in the day that Kraang has arrived on Earth for the first time, and has confessed that Shredder was teleported into Technodrome. It was the last time she has seen him" she finished, glancing quickly at Shredder's picture on her right side and then looked up at everybody there present.
"Wait, wait..." The hot head turtle interferes "Last time? But how? Karai and Shredder used to work together all the time! Perhaps she is laying-"
"We don't know, Raph." The leader cuts his brother, then Mikey continued "Or maybe Shredder is working for Kraang.", Donnie moved his body a bit to stand face-to-face with his brothers and continued "We do not know if all those suggestions are valid, but I fear what Mikey said. Shredder must be working for Kraang."
Chief Vicent nodded positively, leaning above the table "I wouldn't discard this possibility."
The idea of Shredder working for Kraang freaks you out. Shredder is known for being dangerous, and Kraang is known for being deadly; and the two of them together is a nightmare.
After a few minutes of silence, Casey questioned "So, what are we gonna do now?"
"Wait. For now." Chief Vicent responded, not breaking her eye contact with the Shredder's picture beside her, and the room was filled with Raph's indignation voice "Wait?! How much time of wait?!"
"Raph, more respect!" Leo punch his brother's arm, murmuring and shaking his head in disapprove by his brother's behaving.
You tried to not giggle by their brotherhood behaving.
"We don't know..." Chief Vicent replied "but all we can do now is use what we have available to find Shredder; and Kraang. I'm highly doubt that Shredder isn't on Earth. Maybe he was brought back by Kraang. As you said before, Donatello" she pointed "the atmosphere in Technodrome is toxic for those who have a normal cardiovascular system. Hardly Shredder would survive in that thing out there".
"There's an interesting point" Leo continued "But It's been months since his disappearance and till now no one has seen him. For sure, if someone have, they would warn us."
"Or they would help him" Raph participated one more time "We don't know if someone is his follower."
"You mean a new Shredder?" Mikey asked, surprised.
"I would freak out if it is true." You said.
"Me too." Chief Vicent agreed, sighing.
The worst nightmare of the boys is that another (or other) person ended up like Shredder. For sure someone out there have inspired themselves on that horrible assassin and perhaps will keep on doing his dirty work as a next generation of the Foot Clan. It must be happening in any city, state or country right now.
After two hours of debate, Chief Vicent has decided give a break, and then back to the reunion.
You are checking out your Pinterest in another small room of the building to spend some time. But your is mind busy thinking more about Leo than paying attention to the pics on your social media. You just scroll down, the pics passing through your phone screen quickly; then your mind focused in flashbacks of your conversation with April a few weeks ago.
You want to confess your love for Leonardo. You want to face him and say how much you love him.
But why are you feeling something negative inside you?
You sighed, without knowing what to do. Your eyes lift from the screen and scanned the small room around you. There's a desk with a deactivated computer in the left and a cupboard on the right. Cupboard? Why is it here in a office? Maybe this room is used like a kitchen. And speaking of it... where's the coffee machine and other stuff used by workers?
You shrugged, ignoring it and paying attention to your phone again.
"Y/N?" A familiar deep voice called from the door frame. You jumped and quickly looked up at the person.
Actually, at the turtle.
"Oh, hey Leo" you smiled, pretending you didn't got scared by his sudden apparence. But he was giggling a bit "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" he came in, picking up a chair and sitting beside you.
Butterflies started to fly wildly in your belly.
"Come on, Y/N! Say something!" you thought. "So... How's things going?". "Really, Y/N?! Is it all you can say?!" You coursed at yourself.
Leo glanced at you and says confused "Um... Things are great. Thanks." he smiled.
Now is the time. You have to tell! You want to tell! But you're fucking afraid.
Your thoughts says to do not do it but your heart says yes. You took a deep breathe, rubbing your hands on your thighs nervously and finally looked up at him.
"Leo..." You called softly.
"Hm?" He looked back at you in the eyes. It seems that your heart will get out of your chest, and you could feel your cheeks burning.
He just tilted his head, waiting for your answer.
"I... am gonna take some coffee. W-Would you like some?" That's it. You wanna punch yourself in the face.
He lift an eyebrow—at least you could see.
"Um... Yes, please". He answered, still suspicious about why are you acting that way. You got up from the chair where you were and walked out of the room, but before you could leave, Leo grabs your arm and makes eye contact with you, worried "Are you okay?"
"Why? Yeah! Why wouldn't I am?" You tried to act as normal as possible, but you couldn't hide it from him. This man can notice if something is right or not. And you fear that. You don't wanna mess your moment. You just want to relax with him, and not put more worry into him. Leo and his brothers are already dealing with Shredder's disappearance which is shaking them inside out frenetically. And the last thing you want is bother him with your love.
"I'll be right back." You gently released from his massive hand and left the room, leaving him alone.
"Damn, Y/N! What's wrong with you?" the whisper leaves your mouth and suddenly you bumped with another woman, hitting your shoulder with hers.
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?"
"Oh, no. It's okay" the red-haired waved, grinning "I must apologize, I was distracted".
"Don't worry, I was distracted too." You giggled, then kept on your way to find a coffee machine which you have no idea where it is.
For sure your thoughts are torturing and preventing you by something you wish to do. You've been hiding your love for Leo for almost three years.
After ask a cob where to find a coffee machine you finally have found it in somewhere on the third floor of the police station.
"Okay, Y/N. You can do this" you whispered while you fill almost to the top two cups with the dark liquid. "You can do this. You can do this..." You continued to repeat, trying to fill you with courage.
"I'm ready. I can do this!"
Picking up the two cups with dark coffee youheaded back to the small room where the handsome man is waiting for you.
Stopping beside the door frame—you can't see what is happening inside the small room—you took a deep breath and get yourself ready for the long-awaited moment of your life.
Smiling, you walked in.
And froze.
Leo was there, as you expected, but he was kissing the woman who you accidentally bumped early on your way to get the coffee.
Your heart broke like someone has ripped it out from you.
It seems that the world has fallen under you; your body falling into an precipice.
You prepared yourself for three years for nothing. All the worries, expectations, and hopes you used to have, all that moments you've spent practicing what you would say to your best friend, all the great moments you and him spent. Three years of your life were wasted.
Leo and the red-haired woman broke the kiss and directed their eyes on you, surprised. You have to admit that you saw a light blush covering on his cheeks.
"Oh, Y/N." He said, smiling "Allow me to introduce you my girlfriend".
You felt a knot forming in your throat.
"Y/N, this is Melissa. Melissa, this is my best friend, Y/N." He used his hand to mention you and his girlfriend while introduce you both.
"Nice to meet you, Y/N." Melissa waved.
"Nice to meet you, Melissa..." You shares a small smile, hiding your frustrating, and waved back.
You take a step forward to place the cup on the small desk next to you. Some drops of the dark liquid slipped out from the object "You should drink before it gets cold, Leonardo." You simply said, trying so hard to not cry. The leader got surprised when you said his full name. It's rare to you do it. Since you both got intimate—as best friends—you started to say his nickname as you do with the others. He doesn't understand very well the reason of your sudden change.
"Um... Yes, I will". He pronounced every single word slowly, tilting his head a bit as he looks at you. Melissa noticed your uncomfortable expression and asked worried "Are you okay, sweetheart?"
"No!" you screamed mentally. "Yes! I am. I gotta go. Sorry." You whispered the last word, turning and heading out of the room, leaving the woman and your best friend together. Your eyes starts to get warm and a wet feeling of tears disturbs you completely; you refuse to cry in front of important and serious people from this place. So you forced your legs to walk fast towards the exit.
You were so distracted that you almost bumped Chief Vicent. You gasped.
"Hey, Y/N. We're going to back to our reunion right now. Have you seen Leo? I can't find him anywhere." the blond-haired woman asked.
"He-*deep breath* He's in that room." You pointed at the door in the end of the corridor. C. Vicent lift an eyebrow, studying your facial expression.
"Are you okay, Y/N?"
"No, I'm not!" You gulped as see Chief Vicent's eyes going wide by your anger, then you immediately completed, "I'm not feeling good..."
But before Chief Vicent had a chance to talk to you, you lower your head and ran away, the knot in your throat and the pain in your heart growing up wildly.
You couldn't stay in that building anymore, not with Leo there. Not with the news of his sudden dating with someone. All you want now is go home, lay down on your bed, bury your face into a pillow, and cry like there's no tomorrow—well, actually there's no tomorrow for you.
How much time Leonardo is dating? And why April didn't tell you about it? Or any of his brothers? Do someone know about his dating? Or does he didn't tell to anyone yet?
You don't wanna know.
Actually you couldn't blame him because he has no idea that you are in love with him.
And now you have to deal with a new reality.
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 4 years ago
Fri 28 May ‘21
Zayn’s rap EP??? Dropped yesterday???!? “Breaking my silence” says Zayn on Yellow Metal- Cathartic (Zayn is Yellow Metal here) and he DOES in 24 minutes of political, personal, complex and lyrically dense rap zoems! It was leaked/dropped whatever you wanna call it by being posted to Z’s cousin’s account (like the cover the other day); but clearly Zayn is behind these drops and that’s what matters, he is releasing this stuff in a way that will get to the fans but not inspire the media uproar (or contract issues) that posting to his own accounts would. As he says “don’t say I can’t communicate, you know I conversate with you in several different ways”, plus “I’ve had enough of being my own enemy, come a long way since 17, I have a few things to say when I get up on a microphone, I didn’t give up on fame I need this time like therapy it’s just to keep me sane… and to be honest it’s offensive, offensive to my still open wounds, trying to ask me questions they know they don’t have I ever replied, I prefer to sit down be online and respond to fanart,” I LOVE THAT. And the political content?! “What a family needs, and the planet bleeds, the damaged trees, it's never leaving to a real sense so FUCK THE FEDS” (or fuck the fence, not clear, either way, YES ZAYN!), “the snake that’s called Biden, none of them abiding by what they put in writing we should be used to it by now say whatever for the vote and then just chose another route say they’ll never kill another unless that brother’s skin is brown” and “been facing the racists back when I was a kid...kicked me out of the schools, they had a problem with me and the kids that would call me paki still sit in the classroom chilling, and now that I’m older I see they treat us different, got me thinking I was the problem cuz they never dealt with those issues, 20 years later I’m still in the same boat, tryna treat me like my grandpa, say I came up off the boat, came to tell you what I stand for, man I think this shit’s a joke. How can I be civil, when they got me by the throat, ‘Boy your skin is so light’, ok motherfucker take my name up on a flight, try to convince immigration that your bloodline’s half white, my name ain’t on the list unless they label it ethnic.” HELL YEAH ZAYN. PLUS: “never lose me to fentanyl, scared when I take a benadryl,” not gonna lie I LOVE to see this GOOD good good, "just became a dad so now I’m taking all the checks" HA yes get it, "trying to be a better person than the world deserves to see," and, “with a cigarette, sun coming up, write my thoughts on the internet, feeling deep, I'm just bored with the silhouette, get fucked up for the thrill of it,” “I’m just here for the rap then I’m leaving.” AND SO MUCH MORE all in Zayn’s excellent voice and accent, a GIFT that’ll take much more than a day to really unpack and appreciate!
And happy 28th, Louis is writing music! Looks like he is working with producer team Rick Parkhouse and George Tizzard in London (they call themselves Red Triangle Productions and put out music as SuperHi)- they posted a studio picture and tagged Louis. He’s just visible in the booth, singing. Also present- writer/ musician, Paul Whalley and songwriter Robert Harvey (The Music, The Streets) who were both posted and tagged Louis in as well. Louis followed Harvey. Hell yeah, what a line up! Not only that, Jamie Hartman answered a ProjectKMM participant’s question about other songs with Louis-- are they still working on new stuff? He says “I’m sure Louis has been working on new songs with lots of people!” [as we see, yes] “But yes we have done some too- who knows what will make the next album but he’s a top man and I would always write and hang w LT.”
Harry won Best Lyrics for Adore You at the iHeart Awards and Best Cover Song for Juice but failed to take the Artist of the Year or Song of the Year Categories, but more exciting than that- he’s listed as the Director of a new cosmetics and perfume company!!! People have been speculated about him doing something with Gucci Beauty for a long time now (he’s been noted to use their cosmetics, and definitely models their nail polish), and he has of course done perfume ads for them- there’s speculation that this could be for something with them, or it could just be a new thing of his very own. Well the Harry Styles palette would be a damn hit and we all know it, bring it on!
Anne Marie’s Big Weekend performance aired today and yes! She did Our Song with Niall! It’s the performance they recorded last week or so that we saw the pics from, yay first time getting to see them play it, but it was very quickly followed by the next time as their Jonathan Ross show performance also aired! And in case you’re sad about Niall’s previous promo buddies being replaced, there’s no need for that, he’s only adding to the pack; he tweeted Julia Michaels just today, “love ya hules” AWWW. He posted a bunch of cute OS video bts pics too, followed Oprah Winfrey and said he’d like to go to space and that he “would have liked to have been” a godfather to a 1D boy’s baby but “maybe the next one.”
Meanwhile Liam is looking at the fanart submissions he asked for- he retweeted a terrific drawing of himself laughing and said “this is amazing!” and liked a couple of other art posts. Feels like it’s about time for a monthly Liam catch up video, perhaps? Something else to look forward to!
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v-lynx-2 · 4 years ago
So .. a little jake x reader, hope you enjoy it.
Oh, English isn't my first language so.. yeah.
Hannah was found and the kidnapper was turned to justice, Jake was relived to find her alive so were you and the rest of the group, also richy was found close to hannah and in now at the hospital.
You were so happy to know that they were okay and that richy is alive. 
While calling the group and telling them how happy you were and asking hannah if she was okay, you suddenly felt something, a feeling you couldn't  describe, then you remembered Jake, how he just said few words and was silent, online but didn't say anything afterwards.
The group took their own time to get together once again offline, you said it was fine and that you were happy to help, but of course jessy kept sending you pictures every now and then.
You texted jake: 
Y/n = I'm so glad she is okay 
Y/n = we did a great job! 
You didn't send anything later because of that feeling you had earlier, it was growing by the second. 
As flashbacks of everything that happened surfed into your mind 
" this important puzzle piece " 
" trust me " 
" as long as they trust you, it doesn't matter "
" (y/n) is the key "
Am I just "a puzzle piece " ?, you thought to yourself 
A notification cut your line of thought, it was jake.
Jake = I'm relieved 
Jake=  And yes, you did a great job Thank you, y/n.
Y/n = it was teamwork ! 😄
Y/n =I don't think I would have made it that far without you. 
Jake = on the contrary, you showed me how well you can do without my help.
Jake = you never let me down :) 
           Jake <offline>
You smiled, that emoji he sent always makes you smile.
But that feeling was growing faster than before as jake went offline. 
Was it worry? Fear? It made you feel uneasy.  
After few pics from jessy, a thank you call from lily and her parents, the time went by with hearing anything else from jake.
And there is that feeling again, you say back trying to understand your emotions.
You had been thinking of something for a while, that maybe..he just wanted to make sure you help him get more information. As a face, someone the others can trust until hannah is found and then disappe- 
Another notification.
It was Jessy, she told you that Phil was let out of jail. 
You said that you are happy for her 
Jessy = thank you, y/n, this wouldn't have happened without you, you did so many great things for us 🥺💖💖
Y/n = aww jessy 💖 
You texted with her for a while then back to the ground chat. 
Again, no jake in sight. 
You excused yourself and went offline. 
That feeling started to get unbearable
 was all of this for me to stay working on the case ? 
Was he.. acting like this so I help him solve this case until the end? 
You refused to believe that but his constant disappearance made you sure of it. 
So, you decided, to leave him be, not wait for texts anymore, not send walls of texts that you thinks he reads anyway. 
Not to waste time waiting. 
Hot tears fell from your eyes at the realization
 if that was the case then.. I shouldn't bother him anymore, ... it must have been hard for him too. 
You put your phone down and went to do whatever to distract you from your phone. 
Secretly waiting for a notification, anything that would prove you wrong.
But it never happened, jessy was busy that day too, you checked on the others and hannah, she seemed to be in good spirits. 
You talked for awhile and then.
Hannah = you don't feel so good, do you? 
Y/n = wait, how did you know? 
Hannah = I just noticed it.
Y/n = eh.. well, it isn't a big deal, really. 
Hannah = No, it's fine , you can talk to me 
Y/n = you went through much, I don't want you to think about this, it doesn't matter ,really 
Y/n = so how is richy? 
You tried to change the topic, hannah noticed but she didn't say anything about it. 
As you tried to keep your emotions in check, you went to read your old massages again with Jake, before they used to feel good, now.. they only made you feel worse.
Could it be the end, because he didn't reply yet.
A notification came after a while. 
Jake= if you don't mind, I read your conversation with hannah. 
Y/n = and ? 
Jake = I think she is, right.
Y/n = you don't have to do this again, we found her. 
Jake = of course, I apologize.
Something stopped you from texting right after. 
If finding hannah was the only important thing, why does he bother texting me again? 
Is it.. out of pity? .. he must felt like he owed me something..
A day later, without a text from you to begin his day, he started to grow worried.
He went to check on you but you were offline, this wasn't usual around that time, he made nym0s to alert him once you go online, but you didn't that day.
I knew this was gonna happen, she was only helping me out of fear.. 
Jake spent that day wondering if he should resume you that he won't harm you, but that is something he might not be able to control.. it could be dangerous for you to be with him. 
His thoughts did make him feel any better, as they all turn in your direction. 
Next day,
Nym0s sent an alert to jake. 
 phil is calling, you look at your phone expecting someone else, but you were disappointed.
Phil -> Y/n, hello there cutie, I wanted to thank you for getting me out of jail, you know, why don't you come to duskwood? 
A party at my place, just for you, dear. 
Y/n -> a party?, for me? Aww that is so nice of you, phil, I would love to- 
Suddenly the call has ended 
Jake = I terminated the call. 
Y/n = but why did you do that?!  
Jake = didn't you promise me something?.
Y/n = what does it matter now?!
Jake = I'm aware of the fact that the culprit is already taken care of , but you know I can't stand him.
Y/n = who? Phil ? , he was let out of jail after a false charge.
Jake = I'm also aware of that fact.
You stopped replying, why is he still doing this anyway, am I still useful? 
Of course, as a cover. 
Jake = y/n, you aren't planning to go to duskwood, are you?
You didn't reply again .
Jake = y/n ? 
Jake = are you alright?
  You decided to text him this is non of his business but you paused to wipe your tears as them falling on the screen made it harder to text. 
Jake = why are you doing this? 
Fear has found it's way to Jake's heart once again because of you, he couldn't stand the thought of losing you, but he tried to be as understanding as possible.. as much as he could. 
Y/n = I'm just giving you space, wouldn't it be better if I didn't waste your time? And no, don't worry I'm not going,  I don't want remember this again.
Y/n = it's fine , jake. .. you can just leave. 
He couldn't understand what you meant by that, he just felt how hurt you were, which made him feel hurt as well.
Jake = y/n, what makes you think I want to leave? 
            Y/n <offline>
You just didn't want to have that conversation, you already feel pitiful and hate yourself for it. 
Your heart was aching, with every second that passed. 
Till your phone started ringing. 
You thought it was probably Phil again, and this time you were wrong.
It was Jake, but why would he call now anyway? 
You tried to ignore him, but the pain you felt in your chest was too hard to bear. 
You answered. 
Jake -> y/n, please, listen to me, I want you to tell me what happened. 
You were trying to calm down so you could say a thing, it was his same voice changer and that tone of his. 
You couldn't help but remember the times you felt so happy to hear from him. 
Y/n -> ....n..nothing.  
Jake did something different this time, he turned of the voice changing program. 
Jake -> y/n, I understand if you want to cut ties with me after all of this, .. I wouldn't blame you.
Jake -> I want you to know that I had the best time of my life with you and I will cherish these moments. 
Jake -> I understand your fear, I know you wouldn't want to be associated with a person like I am. 
Jake -> so, don't worry, I will go away, after you tell me that you are okay. 
Jake -> I want to hear it from you, one last time. 
You took a while to reply, but he waited, he didn't want to do anything else but wait.. hold you.. and tell you everything will be okay,  but he thinks now that you don't want this.. you don't want him.. a person who no one can trust, it is surprising, he made get in a lot of dangerous situations before, only him to blame. 
Y/n -> I'm.. not afraid, not of you or anyone.  
Jake -> y/n .. 
Y/n -> I love you, okay!, I just .. I just can't stand the fact that.. you were only here for someone else... I know it's selfish of me, I know nothing should be about me at all! 
Just .. just why? ... why did you make me feel this way if you didn't actually like me? ..  why?. .. 
Jake -> I feel the same way, ever since we met, you piqued my interest, I started to think of you constantly, even after trying to control myself, because I know how dangerous it would be for both of us... y/n, I love you. 
Jake -> I understand how you feel, you trusted me blindly through this whole situation, without me giving you any proof. 
Jake -> y/n, I don't want to leave, I want to be with you, that's why I had been absent for a while, i want to make our dreams a reality. 
Jake -> I want you to be there. With me. 
Y/n-> .. you know.. I like your voice.
Jake -> Haha,  I love yours.  
Y/n -> you said something about proof, what did you mean by that? 
Jake -> you will know when the time comes, love.
Y/n -> oooh come on! For real ! 
Jake -> yes, now, tell me. What would you like to do today? 
Y/n -> I.. didn't feel like doing anything today..
Jake -> do you remember that virtual date you had with Jessica? 
Y/n -> don't tell me, you don't like her either? 
Jake-> not as much as her brother, but I like her idea. 
Y/n -> so? 
Jake -> if you are feeling better now, I want to ask you if.. we can a have a virtual date, what do you think? 
Y/n -> I will tell you when the time comes. 
Jake -> I love you, y/n. 
Y/n -> I love you too. 
Phil = hey, I didn't hear your reply.
??? = :)
Phil = what?
<you can't reply to this conversation>
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blossom-tonic · 3 years ago
Don't leave me too~
-> Kaeya x GN!reader
Credit's for the pic: 優雨 on pixiv
Tumblr media
It was a warm sunny day in Mondstadt. The sun was brightly shining in the clear sky on the Plaza as the famous Calvery Captain of the knights of Favonius was through Mondstadt. His destination? Angel Share.
As usual Kaeya Alberich is going to his favorite and only one bar in Mondstadt on his free day. One of the reasons was to go and see his "dear" brother Diluc Ragenvindr and purposely annoy him but also he wanted to have taste of dandelion wine.
As he opens the door if the bar he expected to see Diluc, scrowling at the sight of him but instead he saw (y/n).
A very dear person to him.
But still it's unusual for them to be sitting in angel share in the middle of the day and especially with a wine glass in their hand. (y/n) was never a drinker they always accompany Kaeya and Rosaria to the bar but never has seen Kaeya the young traveller drinking.
This thought concerns him a little bit which made him go to the said person having his charming smile as he began talking
"what's the famous traveller from (your region) doing on a sunny day in angel share with a wine glass in hand?" He said with a smile putting his weight in his left hand as he put it in the table where (y/n) was sitting.
They heard the familiar voice if a good friend if theirs which put a major smile on their face
"well... original i wanted to go see Diluc and talk to him for the last time but unfortunately he was absent today so now I'm enjoying my first and last dandelion wine. Which i must say it's the only alcohol that actually is tasty in my opinion" they explained rather jokingly while giving the cryo vision Bearer their typical closed eyed smile which would lighten the Calvery Captains day anytime but the fact that (y/n) wanted to go see Diluc was itching him but it wasn't the main thing that's bothering him
"wait, what do you mean by "talking to Diluc the last time,, or "my first and last wine,,?" He asked while having a puzzled expression on his way, which was rare to be honest since all of the Mondstadt knows him as the "calm and charming Calvery Captains,,.
"oh so Master Jean didn't told you? I'm leaving Mondstadt for a little while. I want to go home and see how things are there... You could say i got a little homesick. I was planning on leaving tomorrow so i wanted to at least try the famous dandelion wine from dawn winery" they explained while slowly circulating her glass and looking at the red substance.
Kaeya didn't know which fact hurted more... The fact that (y/n) is gonna leave or the fact that they didn't even wanted to tell him in person but trusted the Acting Grand Master.
"but... you're coming back right?" He asked not letting his upset aura showing and hope they say yes
"well...to be honest, i don't know."
This answer made his heart stop. It was like one arrow was shot directly at his heart.
"i was planning on staying in (your region) for awhile but the maybe continue to travel" they explained while still looking at the wine glass. They weren't keen on leaving either especially since they already felt like home in Mondstadt but they wanted to see the family again to make sure they're alright.
The Calvery Captain was not a dumb man, he knew what his was feeling towards them was and he hated himself for getting this kind of connection towards somebody but still... (Y/n) made his life not seem dull anymore, and the fact that another Person is leaving him again is making him feel devastated.
"well... It was nice seeing you Kaeya but i have to go now. I need some money and the commissions aren't doing them by themselves" (y/n) said joyful as they put the glass on the table and was standing up to go out if the bar.
Instantly Kaeya wanted them to stop walking or making them stop, to convince them to stay here in Mondstadt, to stay with him but he held himself back. Deep down he knows that this is what is right for them, being in a close relationship with him was dangerous and he knows how family is important to them.
So he just let go, watching their frame getting closed by the door.
The sky was getting darker as the traveller was walking to their home while surpassing a yawn. They took a lot of commissions, each one harder then the lady but the amount of Mora was worth it.
As they opened their House door they immediately took off their shoes, and made their way to the bath to get some dirt of their body. As the water ran slowly into the tub, (y/n) took of their clothes and began slowing getting in the tub. They sigh in bliss as the warm water was in contact with their body.
As they relaxed in the tub, the conversation with Kaeya came into their mind. It was wrong for them not telling him in person and they knew that but honestly deep down (y/n) didn't want leave Mondstadt, they didn't want leave their new home, their knew friends and most importantly they don't want to leave Kaeya but even tho Mondstadt became their new home (y/n) could never abandoned their original home.
After some time, the traveller was out of the tub and already in their sleeping chambers, changing out if their dirty clothes to something comfortable as they heard a loud but damp knock. They immediately got of the room and made their way to the front door. With a puzzled expression on their face, since they weren't expecting anyone, they slowly open the door just to see Diluc infront of the door with a passed out Kaeya on his back.
"come in and lay him on the couch." (Y/n) just said calmly, thinking that Kaeya's just passed out bc he drunk a lot like always.
Diluc just nodded as thank you and made his way to the couch and put his brother on it while sighing
"i assume that he just drank a lot and passed out and because your such a good brother you decided to drag him to his dear friend so they can take care of him" (y/n) talked with some joking sarcasm in her tone if voice but Diluc could only sigh. He didn't show it but he was worried about Kaeya.
"he was mumbling some nonsense, while sulking around so...just take care if him please" he said without emotion what was typical but this time the hint if worry was heard in his voice but before (y/n) could ask what he meant he already got out of the house.
(y/n) was now more clueless then before, usually they saw Kaeya as joyful drunk, always laughing, enjoying his time and also shamelessly letting his charm out but to hear him sulking while being drunk was something the traveller couldn't imagine.
As they trying to think about what Diluc said, they were also filling a glass full of water to give for the cryo user. They put the glass down on the little table which was beside the couch and slowly shaking the Calvery Captain. The said man was slowly waking up, tiredly open the one eye that was visible slowly adjusting to the light. He was trying to get up but a soft hand was lightly pushing him down again while also spoking in a soft voice
"lay down. You need the rest." Said (y/n) while also handing him the glass of water which Kaeya gladly took and also began drinking it. The cold water that was slowly going down his throat was helping with burning sensation from the alcohol and made his head pain a little bit bearable.
"what am I doing here?" He asked after putting the glass down but he refused to look into (y/n) eyes
"well diluc said-" she couldn't continue her sentence as Kaeya sighed in annoyance
"Diluc should mind his own business."
"well you know that he doesn't like passed out costumers in his bar but that's not the point. He said you where "sulking around"...so what wrong? I kinda felt that you were off since our conversation in angels share..." The (your vision) user asked with worry. It was rare that they showed they worry about anything really but it's about Kaeya.
"it's nothing really, i shouldn't be hear in the first place. You need the rest so I'll just leave you be." He shortly explained already sitting up and standing up which leads to him wobbling a bit since he still feel the alcohol in his body.
(y/n), worried that he might hurt himself, wrapped one arm around his waist to steady hin and also taking one if his hands and sitting him down again.
"No. You're staying here for to night, i know that you are capable of walking but I don't trust your drunk self." They calmly explained still holding his hand but letting go of his waist.
Kaeya now looking at the their hands while turning his and and wrapping it around (y/n)'s while slowly stroking it with his thumb. It felt nice holding their hand. It made him feel warm and calm and made him forgot that this person who was bringing him happiness for change is gonna leave him soon.
"(y/n), it's maybe the drunk me talking right now but...can I ask you something?"
"of course. You can ask me anything." She answered truthfully, the fact that he sounds so vulnerable made them worry even more.
"Can you stay? I mean stay here in Mondstadt....stay with me...." He asked. Now was (y/n) sure that he was completely drunk. He didn't sound like the Kaeya they knew, he sounded like sad little boy who was in pain.
"Please don't leave..." he said and suddenly the traveler felt themselves being pulled into his chest. His arms wrapping around their frame pulling the close in fear that they would suddenly disappear.
"Please don't leave me too. My father left me, the person who took me in died and my brother hates my guts... you're the only who didn't abandoned me yet...so please don't let me loose another Person i love"
He whispered the words into the crook of their neck, (y/n) could now clearly smell the alcohol but this time she didn't mind it. The Kaeya they saw know was the real one. A broken boy who is afraid to loose again and doesn't know what to do about that.
(y/n) wrapped their arm around the man's body pulling him closer, it was the first time both of them was so close to each other.
"I'm not leaving Kaeya...at least not tonight. We can talk about it tomorrow if you want...let us just stay like this for the night ok?" They whispered, trying to calm the man while softly playing with his blue locks.
Kaeya just nodded closing his eyes and savoring this moment. He would clearly be embarrassed tomorrow of showing this side of him especially infront of you but that didn't matter now. He was just enjoying being closed to you and that's everything he could ask for.
Ok so kaeya could be a little ooc and the ending could be a bit rushed since once again i wrote this in the middle of night bc my sleep schedule is trash c:
Anyways i hope you guys like it and don't forget you can always leave request if you want me to write something :)
Have a good day/night :3
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supraveng · 4 years ago
Marvelous Friends part 1
Summary:  You join your best friend at a party, and meet the man of your dreams?
Characters: Reader, Benedict Cumberbatch x Sophie Hunter, RDJ x Susan Downey, Sebastian Stan, Chris Evans
Warnings: cursing, reader in over her head, bad writing...
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“Oh, for fuck’s sake Aaron, you are supposed to be preventing these things, not causing them“ you scream into your cell phone so agitated by this whole thing that you aren’t even aware that there are people watching you from the window.
You stepped outside trying to not cause a scene or god forbid have Sophie’s kids hear you and repeat anything you might say.  You finally hang up and throw your phone across the lawn as Benedict comes out the door to check on you. 
“Everything ok dear?” he approaches you with a smirk knowing full well that you are irritated beyond rational conversation.  “Can I get you anything?” he asks.  Turning to face him now that you’ve taken a few deep breaths, 
“I think I need a new manager, got any good ones lying around?” you reply.  
“Holy Shit!  That was your manager!  I just thought your husband  was in the doghouse!  Hi, I’m Robert” he sticks out his hand and you shake it, thankfully you are still too riled up to get star struck and make a fool of yourself.  
“Hi, sorry, I didn’t intend to be that loud, but that man is an absolute jackass!  I’m Y/N” you respond as you blow out some air and try to calm down.   
“Y/N darling, you need a drink, let me make you a martini” 
“No, Benny, I’m your babysitter tonight and you know one martini turns into 5” you smirk as you follow  the two of them back into the house.  
Sophie is coming down the stairs and her smile disappears when she sees your red face and Benedict heading toward the kitchen. “Y/N, what happened?  Are you ok?” she asks, her voice thick with worry.  
“Oh Phie, I’m fine, Aaron is just trying my patience and I couldn’t stay quiet” you smile as she wraps you in a hug, then busts out laughing.  
“Well, that’s a long time coming, I’m not sure how you have worked with him this long without bloodshed” she quips as Benedict hands you a cup of tea.  
“I’m not that bad to work with, I just don’t like my personal life to be used without my permission. Ugh, I just don’t have the energy for him today, I wanted to come and have fun with Kit, Hal & Finn” you whine as you sip your tea “but apparently the drama pays off because this is the best cup of tea Benny has ever made for me, thank you” you reach up and peck his cheek “I’m feeling better already.” 
“Good, because the boys have a list of fun for you tonight and they are extremely excited.” Sophie responds “Oh, and this is Susan, Robert’s wife”  
“It’s nice to meet you, now you all go on and have a lovely dinner and don’t worry about us” you smile to the couples as you head upstairs to check on the kids. 
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Three hours later the two couples walk back into the house to find you frantically typing on your laptop at the breakfast bar in the kitchen, with a cold cup of tea next to you.  You jump when you hear someone clear their throat, not realizing they had come in and were all staring at you.  
“What? Why are you all staring at me?” you ask.  
Sophie shakes her head and giggles at you “we asked if you wanted to join us for a drink, apparently you are very focused on your work and didn’t even hear us come in.”   
“Sorry, I was planning my wedding” you reply with a smirk “Kit proposed again, actually, I’m not sure this was a proposal, it was more or less a list of reasons why my previous decline is not being accepted.  Apparently, age is just a number and I can move to England right away, so the wedding is next week” you explain as you follow the others over to the bar.   
Benedict turned around with a guilty look on his face, “what did you do?” his wife asks with a pointed glare.   “I was reassuring our son that if he liked someone and made his intentions known then any girl would be lucky to have him, but in my defense, I thought he was talking about that little girl down the street, Madison.   They were playing yesterday and he seemed smitten, so when he mentioned his love living in the US and not in England…..I was trying to help” he huffed out as he started pouring the drinks.   
You all start laughing and realize that since it’s Benedict’s fault, he will have to break it to Kit that you will not be marrying him next week.  “Why do I have to be the bad guy here?  It was an accident!” Ben protests “and why didn’t you just tell him you have a boyfriend already and can’t marry him?”  
“Because I would never lie to Kit” you respond, sipping your martini.   “I haven't really met anyone since I moved back from Vancouver, a few dates here or there but no one to write home about" you say with a shrug  “Well, in that case, can I give you away at the wedding?”  Robert asks and thankfully lightens the mood.  It was another two hours of drinking and laughing with your oldest and newest friends before you all decide to call it a night.   
“Y/N, Robert and I are having friends over to our place on Sunday, we would love for you to be there” Susan states as they are heading toward the door.  “That’s so sweet, thank you, I’ll just tag along as an extra Cumberbatch” you tell her as you hug her goodbye. 
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You wake the next morning and know that you have a ton of work to do and 0 motivation.   Deciding to distract yourself as best you can, you text Sophie about the party at Susan & Robert’s.
So what kind of party is this thing tomorrow?
Phie: They usually have 30 or so people, tons of food, drinks, but very laid back.  I think you will like it 
That’s reassuring, the last thing I need is to make a fool out of myself in front of Ben’s celebrity friends
Phie: Oh, there will definitely be celebs there, but honestly I have no idea who, most likely a bunch of the Marvel crew, those who are in town anyway….but don’t stress, they are all  mostly normal people, lol
Well, I’m going to work on some writing and then maybe try to find something nice to wear to the party, I might make a fool of myself, but I need to look like I have my act together
Phie: Send me pics, I’ll help you decide….btw Ben has been questioning me on your dating habits, I have a funny feeling that he might try to set you up...
Well, that sounds dreadful,  I love your husband but what is his track record for match making?
Phie: I don't think he's actually ever tried to set anyone up before
Fantastic, I'm the guinea pig 🙄
 Ok, what do you think of these, I don’t want to be overdressed or look like I’m homeless
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Phie: I love them both, but how about you were the short one & I borrow the blue one?  
That is a great idea!  I’ll be there a bit early so we can get ready together.  Who is staying home with the boys?
Phie: Actually, day time parties with the Downey’s usually includes the kids, so they will be joining us
Time for the party came earlier than you had anticipated as you pulled up to Phie’s house, Kit came running out the door with a big smile on his face.  Crouching down you scooped him into a hug and kissed his cheek.  
“Well aren’t you in a good mood today, handsome?” asking as you set him back down.  He grabbed your hand and began dragging you back to the house. 
 “Mum told me we can’t get married next week, but I can still love you for the rest of my life, isn’t that great!” he exclaimed as you walked in the front door.  
“That is the best thing I’ve heard all week!  And I get to love you for the rest of my life too” you reply watching the realization hit him and his smile get even bigger and run off to tell everyone the good news.  Before you could do anything, you went back out to your car and grabbed your bags and then headed up to Phie’s bedroom to get ready.  
“There you are, I was beginning to worry” she said as she pecked your cheek and gave you a hug, then handed you a glass.  
“Did you start day drinking without me?” you inquire as you sip on the merlot with a smile on your face.  
“I just opened the bottle for us to enjoy while we get ready.  I spoke with Kit and the wedding is off but he understands and all is well.  Benedict tried and, just made everything messier” she responded while pulling the blue dress from the garment bag.  
“You did a fantastic job, he gave me the biggest hug and seems very happy that we will not be getting married” you giggle as you move around her room figuring out the best place to put your things.  
“I think he’ll be more upset about you taking off next week than anything, that’s why I’m not planning on telling him until after you’ve gone.  He has grown really attached to you” she smirks as she’s slipping the dress on.  
Before you realize it, the wine bottle is empty and Ben is knocking on the door.
“You two look amazing as always, but the car is here, so we need to head out.  Can you bring Kit down with you while I go down and get Hal & Finn seated in the car?” he asks as Kit comes in and gasps looking up at his mom.   
“Mum, you look like a princess” he hugs her legs and looks up at her lovingly. 
 “Thank you love, you look very handsome.  Are you ready to go? Do you have your bag?” she asks while rubbing his back.  
“Oh, I need to get that, and can I give Y/N her present now?”  You look over a bit confused 
“oh Kit, you didn’t have to get me a gift” you tell him as he gives you a hug.   
“But it’s important to show the people you love how special they are, I’ll be right back” he states as he heads back downstairs.  You look at Sophie confused and she just smirks at you as both follow him down to the kitchen.   He holds up a cupcake with a huge grin on his face.  
“This is for you, because you are as sweet as a cupcake.  And that’s a ring you can wear to remind you that you are wonderful when I’m not here to tell you.” 
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 You feel like you are about to cry, it was by far the most sincere and thoughtful thing you have ever heard.  “Thank you!  I love it & I love you!” you told him as you kissed his forehead and put the ring on.  
“Alright, let’s get going Kit, dad and your brothers are in the car waiting for us!” Sophie grabbed his hand and laced your arm with hers as she ushered you all out the door. 
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Stepping out of the car at the Downey’s house you started walking towards the door when Kit came up and grabbed your hand.  
“Can I be your date tonight?” he asked with a shy grin.  
“Absolutely!  There’s no one else I would want to accompany me tonight.”  
Ben turns to you, holding Hal & Finn “remember Kit, the kids are going to be playing upstairs, but you can join us when you get hungry, alright?”  
“Yes, dad, but Y/N is still my girl” he stated proudly as you walked through the door.  
“That’s right Ben, I’m Kit’s girl!” you lean down and kiss the top of his head just before he heads up the stairs with his dad.  Sophie grabbed your arm and the two of you headed further into the house.  
Robert spotted you almost immediately and came over hugging you both “where is the fiance? Are all the details in place for the ceremony?  I’m still walking you down the aisle right?”  
“Hi Robert, I’m sorry but the ceremony has been cancelled.   Sophie was able to talk some sense into Kit since Benny was useless” you reply.  
“I heard that!” Ben remarks as he’s coming into the room.   “And in my defense, I’m not useless, just not very good at telling my son no.”  
“It’s alright dahling, you tried your best.” Sophie tried to console Benedict who seemed to take your statement to heart.  
“Well, I’m glad you made it, can I get you a drink?” Susan asked as an attempt to move on to a more neutral conversation.   
“Yes, please” you replied happily as you followed her to the bar.  
“Y/N? Y/N L/N?  Holy Shit!”  You heard from the doorway to the next room, where most of the party goers had already gathered.  You turned and was shocked 
“Seb?  Holy Shit!  How are you?” you asked as you moved over to hug him.  “It’s been so long, I’m surprised you recognized me.”  
“I’m good” he responded “and yea, it’s been like...10 years? And you look great, haven’t aged a bit!”  
You laughed at his response “that is an absolute lie, but I will take the compliment anyway.” you giggle at him.  He was always such a nice guy to work with and genuinely considerate to everyone on set.  His charming personality always made you smile. 
“This is so great running into you, I saw your interview on Good Day LA last week.  You are doing so great!” he said with a huge smile.  
“Oh thanks, but I think that may have been the worst interview in the history of television.   I was honestly hoping no one saw it” you cringed rethinking how quickly the questions had gone off the rails.  You are a writer, becoming more well known over the past decade so interviews were becoming more common for you, but that one felt more like a Twilight Zone episode.  
“Well, it was a bit crazy, but you handled a lot better than most people would.  I was impressed” he grinned as he took a sip of his beer.  
“Thanks, I appreciate that, and my whole deer in headlights reaction.” you commented as you took the drink Susan offered.  
“Hey, I didn’t know you knew each other?” you heard Robert say as he came up from behind you “and what happened in the interview?”  
“Yea, I was writing for Gossip Girl, back when Seb was on and he was constantly teasing me for being cold” you reminded him with a smirk.  
“New York in fall is beautiful, not cold! You are crazy!” he responds as he starts laughing at me.  
“And the interview was a shit show that I barely made it out alive” you state with a roll of your eyes.  
“That’s not true, you put that woman in her place and didn’t seem fazed by her ridiculous questions at all” he told me.  
“What the hell happened?” Robert seemed more interested than I thought he would 
“we were talking about my new book and the book tour coming up, then all of a sudden she’s asking me about my ex” I responded as I shrugged my shoulders.  Sebastian looked at me “then, the woman asks if she’s seeing anyone now, and your response was priceless, I might steal it if you don’t mind”  he states as he’s laughing remembering the interview.  
“Y/N, dear, what did you say?” Robert asks with a smirk.  
“I asked her ‘why? Are you shooting your shot?” as you start laughing too, realizing that you probably couldn’t have planned it if you tried.  At this point you realize there are more of the Marvel friends standing around listening to your conversation and you don’t even care.   
Your first drink is kicking in and it’s not like you are ever going to see these people again. “Honestly, I don’t know why she even mentioned my ex, nobody cares who I’m dating, I’m a writer”  
“Yes, but when us writers date high profile celebrities, people want to know” Sophie reminds you as she puts her arm around you.  
“Oh Phie, high profile is a bit of a stretch doncha think? But you are always my voice of reason, this is why I love you!” you say as you kiss her cheek.  Looking around the room you wonder if there’s anyone else here you know, when you see Chris Evans on the other side of the room.  
Benedict immediately follows your line of sight and smirks before taking your empty glass.  “I think you need a refill, here allow me, why don't you and Sophie go find a place to chat.”  
His wife shakes her head and gives you a small sympathetic smile before sending him back for refills.  Sophie drags you further into the room and finds a spot to sit that gives you a better view of Mr. Evans.  
“I didn’t realize you knew Sebastian” she said as she sat.  
“Yea, we worked together when I was living in NY, that was 10 or 12 years ago.  I didn’t know you knew him” you respond.  She looks at you questioningly, then shakes her head.  
“All the Marvel people know each other, you still haven’t watched the movies, have you?”  
“Um, I haven’t seen all of them, there are a lot, but I did watch Doctor Weirdo, and Benny was very good!” you respond quite proud of yourself.  
“Bloody hell!  It’s Doctor Strange, we’ve had this discussion before” Ben states as he hands you your fresh drink.  
“Ok, I’m sorry.  Doctor Strange, although I don’t think that’s much better than Doctor Weirdo.  And in my defense, your facial hair in the movie gave me nightmares'' you say as you sip on your drink. 
“Anyway, did the ex contact you after the interview?  I’m just curious?” Ben asks, rolling his eyes at you.  
You scrunch up your nose at the question “no, why would he? I haven’t spoken to him in the last four years. And honestly I'm sure he deleted my number.  Can we talk about anyone else?"  
"Yes, what's the schedule on the book tour? How long will you be gone?" Sophie acts trying to defuse the irritation in your voice with the mention of your ex.  
You can tell by the way she's glancing at her husband that she's trying to figure out why he brought up your ex knowing full well that if he had contacted you, she would have been the first one to know about it.. 
"Oh I'm flying out next Sunday, heading for NYC, then I'll be in Boston for 2 days, then a day In Philly, a day in Baltimore and I'm not 100% of the cities after that, other than ending up the following week in Miami so I can be with the family for spring break" you mention to them. 
"Did I hear you say you are only going to Boston for 2 days, that's not nearly long enough" you hear a deep voice state as you look up and see Chris Evan's standing next to Seb and walking closer to you.  
Holding out his hand "I'm Chris, I don't think we've met" he states.  
You plaster the most sincere smile you can on your face in hopes of not drooling at the sight of him, shaking his hand "I'm Y/N, and yes, this tour is only 2 days in Boston, but I lived there for 5 years so I’ve seen quite a bit already” you respond.
“Huh?  For someone who’s cold all the time, you seem to wind up in colder climates” Seb laughs at you.  “Shut up! You are the worst!” you respond with a laugh.  
“It’s true though, darling.  And you always call me to complain about it!” Sophie responds with a smirk.  
“OK, in my defense, Boston was a needed escape from my family, whom I love dearly but can be quite suffocating at times.  Then Chicago was my first real job after graduation and I couldn’t pass that up!  And as my best friend, Phie, you are required to listen to all my complaining, regardless of the topic” you state matter of factly.  
“And last year in Vancouver, that was the worst yet, she would send me photos of eyelashes with ice crystals on them” Sophie laughs remembering your first winter in Canada and how miserable you were.  
“That was awful and you and Benny both ridiculed me, I’m still emotionally scared”  
“So, you don’t like the cold but keep torturing yourself?” Chris asks with a smirk.  
“It appears I do, but it’s always for good reason. Chicago was an opportunity I couldn’t resist, if I had taken that job, I probably wouldn't have published my first novel” you explain with fondness.  
“That’s not true, Y/N.  Your first novel was incredible and it would have been published eventually”  Ben states as he takes your empty glass.  
“Benedict has read my book?” you asked Sophie completely shocked.  
“He has read all of your novels, but I think the first 3 was trying to find juicy gossip on how we met or something to try and blackmail you later, I’m not quite sure” she responds with a shrug.   
“Hold on” Seb interjects “your book, Searching for more, is about Sophie?” 
“Yes, and no” you respond “the adventure that Annabell has is loosely based on my summer after high school before moving to Boston.  And her new found friend, Fiona, is Sophie to a T!  And I’m also shocked that you’ve read it” you eyed him suspiciously.  
“Ok, so you really married a French man when you were 18 and brought him back with you?”  Seb asks, completely disregarding that you questioned him about reading the book.  How did your day turn out like this?  This was the most surreal moment you have had in a long time.  
“No, he wasn’t French, he was Belgian!” Benedict responds as he comes back in with refills.  You start laughing when you see the way Chris and Seb are staring at you wide eyed.   
“Oh my gosh!  No, I didn’t get married when I was 18.  And Benny, you weren't there, you don’t know anything” shaking your head.  “Annabelle’s story is loosely based on events that occurred, we didn’t get married…..and he was Swiss, I think.” you snicker when you look over at Sophie for confirmation, she shrugs and takes a drink.    
The five of you continue to chat for another hour or so when you feel a tap on your shoulder.  You turn to see Kit smiling at you with a cup in his hand “I missed you” he states as he climbs up into your lap and hugs you around your neck.  
“I missed you too little man, do anything fun while you were upstairs?” you asked as he made himself more comfortable.  
“I didn’t know you had a kid” Seb says as you are trying to balance the 5 year old in your lap with your drink in your hand.  
Kit looks up at him “she’s not my mum, she’s my girl!  That’s my mum” he states as he points to Sophie.  
“Oh, well, it’s nice to meet you, I’m Seb, this is my friend Chris.  What’s your name?”  he asks while Kit plops himself in the middle of the group as though he should have been there all along.  
“I’m Kit” he states as he extends his hand to both Chris and Sebastian.  
“So, she’s your girl, huh?” Chris asks with a smirk “is it serious?”  
“Very!  He gave me a ring today, see.” showing Chris your right hand and the Wonder Woman ring. 
“Wait a minute, the wedding is cancelled, but you still gave her a ring? I’m not sure that’s how it works buddy”  Robert kneels down talking to Kit.  
“it’s ok, I get to love her forever and we can get married when I’m 30!” Kit explains as he rushes off to join the other kids.  
You all turn and look at Sophie “I thought you fixed it Phie!  You’ve just given him a deadline!" you gasp. 
She smiles at you with a guilty look on her face "I think you might need to grab a bite to eat before you have another drink. And honestly, I'm sure he will forget all about this in a few months. Besides, I won't let my 30 year old son marry some 60 something year old hag that's after him for his money!" she states as seriously as possible. 
You deadpan "thanks for that. I need a new best friend" you roll your eyes and head towards the food. 
"Well, I didn't see that coming" Robert chuckles as he watches the two of you walk out of the room. 
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"That actually went better than I expected" Ben responds and shakes his head, "those two are worse than siblings." 
A/N: I had an idea of who the ex is, but I may just leave it open for interpretation, he does come into the story later, but can remain faceless
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calif0rnia-lovers · 4 years ago
sweet as pie.
a/n: please join me in welcoming sam wilson to the page. first story dedicated to this classic man, surely not the last.
pairing: sam wilson x black!reader
rating: 💙
main masterlist | taglist | divider © @whimsicalrogers
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sum: sam is home. although times have changed, his sister’s intentions for him have not. sarah would love for her brother to settle down, and she knows the perfect person to make him do it. but when sam gets caught up with work, he misses the date sarah has set up for him.
words: 2.3K
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It’s funny how the human mind works.
How easily certain moments can slip through its cracks. Names, dates, songs, conversations, faces lost to the wind, never to be remembered again. In the same turn, how those same things can be retained, recited down to the last detail in perfection.
Sam Wilson has seen enough in his lifetime--more than most men. No one could condemn him for forgetting the smallest of details from time to time. Sometimes he does. He is human. But, strangely, he can never forget a single detail when it comes to you.
Sam can still remember the first time he saw you.
The coffee-colored, cardboard box you carried in your arms--'living room' written across the front panel in your mother’s flawless penmanship. The dark curls pineappled to rest atop the crown of your head--a last-ditch attempt of fighting the Louisiana heat. The oversized Purple Rain t-shirt faded from too many runs through the wash. The round, black sunglasses sliding down the brim of your nose as you paused to take note of the boy watching you from his front window. Down to the scuffed, worn high tops that could barely pass for white.
He even remembers the soft smile you gave him once he froze--too embarrassed to move from the window after being caught watching you for the third time--before turning to lug the box up the steps of your front porch.
It was the summer of ‘94, and Sam Wilson was running late. He was expected to be at the docks assisting his father. Instead, he was peeping around his mother’s powder blue curtains, attempting to score glimpses of his new neighbors. Primarily their teenage daughter.
It’s not every day that Delacroix welcomes a new resident--let alone an entire family. Later that night, over dinner, his mother shared that you were entering your senior year--same as him.
He still remembers the knotting of his stomach. The strange and unusual experience of being tongue-tied when he’d tripped over his name--his name for god’s sake--that morning, you opened your front door to find him and Sarah on the other side. The kindness of your dark brown eyes as they met his, the soft giggle you released as you ignored his sputtering to accept the chocolate chip cookies his mother sent her children to deliver.
He also remembers the vision of you in your wedding dress. The smile he had to keep plastered on his face the night he learned his skepticism, surrounding death by broken heart, faded. You’ve never felt pain until you’ve seen the woman you love marry another man.
Sam must admit. When he returned, he expected--hoped--that those feelings would have disappeared. That they would have been erased from his life. Only, the moment he returned home, Sam discovered those feelings remained--were stronger even.
Five years later, he found you in the same house. Your parents no lived there. After their return from the blip, they packed up their things. Suddenly, tackling their bucket list was their main priority. You still had your husband’s last name but no husband. He was gone, lost to a younger woman.
Five years later, and Sam Wilson finds himself still frozen by the sight of you.
The long-sleeved maroon shirt he’s tugged on is not his number one choice. It’s all he had in his bag. The time on his watch had forced him into an ultimatum. Either run home, shower, and change into the outfit Sarah helped him pick out and risk being five hours late. Or head straight to your house, and risk being four hours and forty-five minutes late.
Sam opted for the latter.
Flowers in hand, he stands in the gateway of your backyard. His eyes admire the glow of the string lights against your skin. The yard has been transformed. Several tables and chairs, enough to host the entire neighborhood, squeezed into its space. Filled with music and laughter a few hours before the backyard is now quiet. Only the sounds of crickets, and the rustle of the trash bag in your hand, can be heard over the racing of Sam’s heart.
“Hey.” Sam takes a step forward, clearing his throat. “Sorry, I’m late.”
“Late is an understatement.” You don’t bother looking up from the plates stacked in your hands. Dumping them into the black trash bag, you move towards the next table. “You missed the entire party.”
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After dumping the trash, you realize that Sam is no longer in the backyard. You find him in the kitchen.
“What are you doing?” You ask, coming to a stop in the doorway.
Sam glances up from the soap-covered glass in his hands. “Helping you clean up.”
You glance around the kitchen, only to find that he’s managed to wash nearly the entire stack of dishes you’ve been dreading the entire night.
“I didn’t realize you still did stuff like this,” you tease. “What with you running off to save the world. Figured you’d just hire someone to do it for you.”
“Guess it’s a good thing I got you to keep me humble,” he winks.
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Sam dries his hands with the bumblebee printed hand towel, a satisfied grin on his lips as he takes in the spotless kitchen. He’s too busy admiring his handiwork to realize you’re standing alongside him.
He turns, the snarky comment he’s prepared lost in his throat as he takes you in.
You can’t deny him a smile as you watch his eyes widen, a boyish grin brightening his face as he takes in the plate you’re holding. On it rests a single slice of homemade apple pie, topped with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and perfectly drizzled caramel.
“I think you’ve earned this.”
“You saved me a piece?”
“No,” you sigh, allowing your eyes to roll. “I actually saved it for me. But if I have to look at your pathetic attempt at puppy dog eyes one more second--”
“You were hoping I’d show up.” The grin on Sam’s face has morphed into a trademark smirk, the sight pulling a giggle from your lips. “You and I both know you don’t save, or share your pie with just anyone.”
Sam’s observation is spot on.
You don’t share your pie--or food, for that matter--with just anyone. In the chaos of hosting the neighborhood, you didn’t have a moment to stop and enjoy your own party. Let alone a slice of the apple pies you’d spent the previous night preparing.
Apple pies--specifically yours--were Sam Wilson’s true weakness.
The moment he sees you lugging home a bag full of granny smith and macintosh apples, he’s on full helicopter mode. You’re not sure how he knows, but he’s got a radar. One that somehow allows him to prophesize the exact moment the pies are out of the oven and set aside to cool.
He’ll show up, stopping by to say hi, or to see if you still need the drainpipe your ex-husband never got around to working on fixed, or to “pass along a message” from Sarah--as though your best friend couldn’t pick up the phone and call. Whatever the excuse Sam Wilson always manages to be the one to get the first slice of your apple pie. He’s smart enough to know that once the children of the neighborhood catch a whiff, they’ll show up on your doorstep. And as much as he loves the kids--Sam isn’t letting them steal his pie.
Sam’s words come out muffled through a mouthful of apples and crust. “I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, Y/N. You should sell these. You'd make a killing.”
“And I’ve already told you, it’s just for fun,” you dismiss his advice, taking another spoonful of ice cream. “Besides, what do you expect me to do? Quit my good paying--although painstakingly boring--job in the hopes that enough people will like my baking to keep me afloat?”
“That’s exactly what I’m saying,” Sam nods, a smile growing as he watches your eyes roll.
It’s a conversation the two of you have had for years. Here is the rundown of how it plays out--every single time.
Sam: suggests that you finally open up the bakery you’ve been talking about since your teenage years.
You: dismiss his words of advice, reminding Sam that most teenage dreams are foolish.
Sam: ends the conversation with, “I’d show up every day for a piece.”
You: spend the rest of the night wondering if he’s right, about taking the chance, only to psych yourself out before going to bed.
“I’m just saying,” Sam sighs, sliding the plate to the side. “If there’s one thing I’ve learned. Life is going to pass you by, regardless, no matter what you do. If you give it a shot, and it fails--which is never going to happen--your life isn’t going to end.”
You glance up from the table, a tiny smile on your lips as you take in his soft smile.
“Maybe you’re right,” you shrug. “If all else fails, I’ll just tell everyone it’s the Falcon’s favorite pie--”
“You’ll have people flooding in from across the country.”
“It’s settled,” you giggle. “I’m using you in my business model.”
“Hey,” Sam chuckles. “As long as I get a cut, I’m not complaining.”
A silence falls over the tiny kitchen as your gaze drops from his.
Sam lightly raps his knuckles against the table before pushing his chair back.
“Uh—I should probably head out. You’re probably tired. I just wanted to come by and apologize...again.”
“Wow,” the light laugh you release halts Sam’s act of standing up. “The second you get what you came for you hit the ground running?”
The response is automatic. The chance to tease him is one you never pass up.
Sam’s brow raises as he takes in your smile.
“That’s not what I came for,” he admits.
“What did you come for then?”
“To ask you over to my place for breakfast tomorrow.”
The proposition hangs in the air, Sam nearly squirming in his seat as you take your time studying his gaze. You let out a sigh, your shoulders shrugging lightly, once you finally speak.
“I don’t know, Sam” You shake your head. Picking up the plate, you stand and cross the kitchen to the sink. “You just have so many responsibilities, nowadays, running around trying to save the world--”
“I’m not going anywhere tonight,” he’s quick with the reassurance. “Or any day, until we get through that date you promised me.”
You turn to face him, arms crossing over your chest as he comes to a stop before you.
“Say I show up. You have to promise me something.”
“Whatever you want.”
He knows that promise can end up being a slippery slope, depending on how hard you’re willing to make him work for it.
“If something comes up, in the future, you call me. And you tell me exactly why you can’t be here. Nobody gets to stand me up. Not the Falcon. And sure as hell, not Sam Wilson. Understood?”
Sam’s eyes drop to your interlaced fingers, a soft chuckle escaping his lips as he gives your hand a gentle squeeze.
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Good.” Standing on your toes, you place a kiss against his cheek. “Now, go get some sleep. You’re making me breakfast in the morning. I’m expecting waffles, bacon, freshly squeezed O.J.--the works.”
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if at any point you would like to be removed from the taglist, just message me
sam wilson tags: @missroro @fangirl-swagg
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hyuckssunchip · 4 years ago
Blooming Pt. 1
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Pairings: Jisung x Reader, ft. nct dream, lucas (honorary member of dream)
Words: 7.5K
Warnings: Language (there is almost always language in my writings), angst, fluff
Love isn’t as easy as it seems, Park Jisung is an advocate of that. A blooming relationship that has prematurely ceased can be re-sparked years later, or can it? Will Jisung be able to overcome his fears in order to succeed in what he deems love?
Part 1 | Part 2 
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Freshman Yr.
Hey Jisung,
I know that this is kinda random and I only have the guts to do this now because I probably won’t see you again but here goes. I think you are a really sweet and cool guy and I wish I had gotten to know you better, probably because I had a big crush on you... I just thought I would send this to you because I know it’s nice to know and it’s probably a little bit of a confidence booster. (I also kinda wanted to get this off my chest). Sorry for the essay and you don’t have to respond to this if it’s awkward … I hope you stay safe especially with what’s going on right now 
You held your breath, panicking at the loading sign on your phone. Welp, it was too late now.
You were pacing back and forth in your living room, nail very much in your mouth as you bit them anxiously.
“I just sent it.” You breathed out, “Oh my god, I just sent it.” At this point you were nearly in tears you were so nervous.
“That’s good. It’s like one a.m. though, so don’t be too worried if he doesn’t answer right away.” You nodded into the receiver, and although your best friend couldn’t see you, she still understood your silence.
You had called your best friend earlier to ask for her advice about the guy you had told her about months ago. It was the last quarter of school for this year and you finally had the courage to confess to him. 
Your best friend Megan was a little bit more experienced than you and she laughed when you had told her you wrote drafts, and you promptly sent it to her.
“He’s not writing back.” You told her, staring intently at the screen, refreshing it every few seconds as if that would make him answer. 
“Well of course not, you literally sent it ten seconds ago. Besides I told you, it’s late, he might just reply in the morning.” She sighed at your panicked state.
“Oh my god! He read it.” You bit your lip, staring at the numbers below your text.
“Oh.” She giggled, “Cute, he has read receipts on like you.” 
You barely had time to comprehend what she had said when you gasped out, “Oh my god. He’s typing, he’s typing! There’s bubbles.”
She laughed, “Wow, that was fast.”
You weren’t exactly paying attention to her, focused very much on the bubbles that were still there. Then suddenly they stopped.
“They stopped.” You felt the need to relay everything to her.
“That’s fine, he’s probably just reading over it.” You nodded, trying to convince yourself. But you couldn’t because nothing ever came. It was almost 25 minutes later that you heard the familiar ding of your phone.
Hey Y/N! thanks for letting me know, it really is not easy but rip coronavirus really is kinda messing with everything. i think you’re a really nice person and if circumstances would have allowed, i would have wanted to get to know you more too. everything is kinda hectic rn and i wish you the besttt and stay safe too!!
Immediately you called Megan again. “It doesn’t look good…Listen to what he said.” You read the text, heart dropping with every word you read.
“What are you talking about? That’s a good thing. Y/N he said he wants to get to know you better too. That’s sweet. I think he’s just keeping it open though, cause there’s not much you guys can do anyways.”
“Yeah.” You tried to not let out how dejected you were, but it was clear to her.
“Hey don’t worry about it. If he doesn’t like you then he’s not worth worrying over.”
“Right.” You pouted despite what she said making sense. “Look I’ll call you later, I’ve got to go now.”
“Okay, Y/N, don’t stress too much about it, okay?”
You hummed back, mumbling out your goodbyes.
The moment you hung up, you threw your phone on the bed, falling next to it. You sighed, trying not to overthink everything.
That’s why you confessed now, so that if you were so badly rejected, you wouldn’t have to see him again. Right?
You groaned, closing your eyes, hoping that sleep would make you feel better. Or perhaps you would wake up and find that this was all a dream. 
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You woke up and of course with habit, the first thing you did was look over at your phone. You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes, grinning at the screen. 
You weren’t thrilled that it was in reality a dream, but on the other hand things had become very real very fast.
Park Jisung            5:18 a.m.
oh, are you still going back to school next year?
You smiled at the text, heart immediately choosing to beat faster than you would’ve liked. With a glance at the clock you realized it was 8:07 a.m. and you couldn’t stop yourself from replying the moment you saw it.
yeah, i’m planning on living off campus tho… are you gonna live off campus too?
You panicked, staring at the screen, knowing damn well that he wasn’t about to reply at 8 in the morning. You had to restrain yourself from calling your best friend that very moment, you were in a happy mood and waking her up would not keep that.
The entire day you were buzzing, constantly checking your phone for new notifications. For the first time you understood what phantom texts felt like. Every couple of minutes you were sure that you felt a text, but alas it was your imagination. 
It wasn’t until 4 p.m. when a real text came through, ringing loud and clear. You had turned your ringer on and off, making sure that it was working just in case.
yup! I’ll be living by the shopping complex in downtown. how about you?
Restraint was not easy for you, and you replied after a few moments passed. Megan had constantly told you to let at least a few minutes pass, but you couldn’t help it. Besides, read receipts were not in your favor.
Conversation seemed to come really easy to you, and after an hour of texting non stop he said he had one more final to take.
You understood and immediately felt bad, realizing that you had taken up precious study time for him. You wished him good luck and spent the rest of the night relaying every detail to Megan over the phone.
Little did you know that that conversation would be the last for a long time.
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3 months later
It was time for a break. And what better way was there than a small kickback with your best friends after midterms?
“I brought the good stuff.” You were startled, laying on the daybed of your other friend, Camille’s room. It was the perfect spot for a kickback. A couple hundred feet from the main house, and completely stocked with all that you needed. 
You sat up glancing at the armfuls of alcohol Megan had snagged, don’t ask how she got it.
You giggled at the thought, watching as Camille helped unload. “Let the games begin.”
“Truth or Dare Y/N?” You groaned, turning away from the both of them. 
“You know I hate this game.”
Megan didn’t let up. “Camille has a pond.” 
That was enough information for you. You took a glance out the window, noting that it was freezing outside. You were not taking a chance on her intentions. “Truth.”
“Boring.” She sang, but nevertheless had a question set. “Have you talked to that boy since the last time you called me about him?”
You grumbled to yourself, taking a shot and grimacing. “No.” 
“Why not?” Camille asked, reaching for the bottle still in your hand.
You rolled your eyes. “I don’t know, I’m too much of a coward to text him now. But he could text me first too you know. Especially cause I took the first jump. It’s probably because he doesn’t like me.”
You sighed, staring at the bottle again, tempted to take another shot.
“I’m sure that’s not the case.” You missed the look Megan shot Camille, already coming up with a new idea.
In the end you caved, choosing that perhaps another shot could bring you happiness. But it just burned your throat.
“Megan truth or dare?”
“Dare, duh.” You watched the proud look on her face.
“I dare you to… snapchat that dude that sent dick pics to fuck off.” Camille said, watching Megan’s face contort into delight.
“Hell yeah! It would be my pleasure.” She giggled, and you noticed that she was feeling the alcohol as well.
You felt the need to roll your eyes again.
“Done. And blocked.” She tossed her phone in the middle of the group with satisfaction.
“I don’t know why you just didn’t block him right after he sent them.” You commented, chewing on a gummy worm. 
She just shrugged, “I don’t know, it was kind of fun I guess. Anyways. Camille, truth or dare?”
“Do you really only see Carson as a friend?” Camille sputtered at the question, spitting out a bit of juice.
“No, I see him as a brother. That’s disgusting, besides he’s dating Bailee.” She shook her head, working to clean up the mess.
“Doesn’t mean you can’t like him.” Megan muttered, before dropping it and turning back to you.
“Y/N truth or dare?”
“Truth.” You mumbled out, not really paying attention.
“Come on, do at least one dare. It’s not fun if you only answer truth.” She whined, pushing another cup of jungle juice towards you.
You hesitantly sniffed the cup before taking a sip. A moment of silence passed as they waited for you. You let out a deep sigh, “Fine, dare. What do you want?”
“I dare you to text him.”
You froze, you knew that’s what she was going to say, but you were so out of it that you let it slide.
“You know I can’t do that.” You answered, wide eyed.
“It’s a dare.” Megan nodded at the window, insinuating the punishment.
“No, I really can’t. I’ll give you my phone though, but I can’t do it.” You dug the phone out of your backpack and tossed it next to hers, which she grabbed immediately typing in your password that she had memorized.
“Deal. I’ll just start it, then you can keep the conversation going.” You waved her off, choosing to drown yourself in as much alcohol as you could in hopes of forgetting that this happened tomorrow morning.
“Done. I just sent hey, with like three y’s and a smiley face. Not the emoji though.” Your mouth dropped at her.
“That’s so not me though. You know I use emojis, and I don’t do the all, heyyyy thing. He’s gonna know.” She just shrugged, sliding the phone back to you.
You sighed, staring at the empty screen, the other two returning to the game.
But it was three minutes later when your phone dinged, a text from Jisung lighting up your screen.
“Is that him?” Camille asked, peeking over at the screen.
“Yeah. I don’t wanna read it though, you do it.” You pushed it away, pulling your knees into your chest.
“I got you.” Megan paused. “See. Guys like the hey thing. He did it back, I don’t know what you were talking about, he’s totally into you.”
You grinned, crawling forward to see for yourself. The phone dinged again seconds later.
“Ooh, that’s hot. I like it when a guy texts in multiple bubbles, it shows they just text you what they think. They’re not planning it out or anything.” Megan commented, already typing in a response for you.
You watched over her shoulder, glancing at Camille who was doing the same. 
“Is this good?” You just nodded back, sitting back on your heels to take a break.
“Oh, wow. That was fast. He texted back.” Although she sounded impressed, she frowned at the text.
“What? What is it?” You asked, panicking at her expression.
“Nothing. He’s just… dry. Was he always a dry texter?” She asked, handing the phone back to you.
“No? I don’t know, I didn’t think he was dry, we texted for like an hour straight that one time.” You mumbled, looking at the phone disappointed.
“Well he seems pretty dry to me. Maybe you should text him, maybe you were right, my texting was too different from yours.” You bit your lip and nodded, trying to come up with a response to him.
You didn’t know if it was because you were drunk, or that he could tell you were drunk, but while the conversation did get slightly better, he seemed dry to you as well. It was after twenty minutes of texting that you couldn’t keep the conversation any longer. You became frustrated at the dwindling conversation.
You had chosen to contact him again after three months of ghosting each other, and now he was making it difficult to carry a conversation. Maybe he really doesn’t like you. You felt your face heat up in embarrassment. Fine, you thought, you weren’t reaching out anymore. You didn’t want to be seen as pathetic, you could catch a hint. He just didn’t like you and was being nice. If he did actually like you, he could reach out to you.
This didn’t stop you from thinking about him for the month following the drunken incident. 
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2 years later  Junior Yr.
“I swear if you’re late for this one too, I’m not setting you up on anymore blind dates!” You winced at the sound of your roommate cursing at you.
“I’m going!” You yelled back, slipping out the front door before she had a chance to attack you again. 
You managed to close door without hearing what ever else she had in store for you. 
Your keys jangled as you quickly tried to lock the bright red door, giving it one last tug of reassurance when you turned on your heel to find your car.
“Oof!” A body collided with yours, you were partially, well mostly at fault. 
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry. I should’ve paid more attention. It’s just, I was in a bit of a rush…” You trailed off, finally getting a good look at the other person’s face. “Jisung?”
He simply stared back with a blank look on his face, mouth hung slightly open. “Y/N?”
You hated how your heart quickened at the sound of your name from his lips. 
“I-I… wow…” You stuttered out, not quite able to act as natural as you had hoped. “Do you live here?”
“Uh… yeah, I live next door.” He pointed to your left, and when you followed his finger sure enough it was right next to your apartment. You missed the way that he looked you up and down, gulping at the sight of you in years. 
“Oh. Wow, what a coincidence, I guess.” You laughed out nervously, hands playing with your lanyard.
“Yeah.” He nodded back, not really making eye contact. Not that you were trying either.
There was an awkward silence between you two, and you cleared your throat to break some tension.
“I was actually on my way out, so… I’ve got to get going. But I’ll see you around.” You put on a fake smile that didn’t really reach your eyes, and shot him a wave before rushing off to your car. Once under the safety of your car, you sighed and tried to discreetly glance at the boy you hadn’t seen or thought of in years.
You shook your head, starting the ignition. It’s time to forget him, you told yourself, besides I’ve got a date waiting for me right now.
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It wasn’t until Jisung was positive you could no longer see him, having driven off minutes ago, that he threw his head back and let out the deep breath he didn’t know he was holding. The blush he had been so desperately holding out finally came over his face, as he felt the heat burn his ears.
He had just begun to forget about you, from time to time, pausing over your conversation stream. Although it was torture, every once in a while he would read back all the texts, hating the way that they abruptly stopped. On occasion, mostly when he was drunk, but there were times when he was sober, he would even type out a text but fail to send it.
Jisung was never the outgoing type, he envied those who were. Those that could just strike up a conversation and carry on like it was second nature. But it was hard for Jisung. It took work and energy, and sometimes he didn’t have that. It was stressful and scary to Jisung.
It was a godsend when you reached out to him years ago, claiming so boldly your feelings for him. He wasn’t going to admit it, but then he had asked for his friends help in responding. It was Mark’s wishy-washy personality that had unbeknowingly sent your mind in circles that night.
It was Haechan’s straight-forward nature that had forced him to text you at 5 a.m. the next morning. He was tired of hearing about Jisung’s concerns as to why you didn’t reply earlier, complaining that if he was that worried just text her.
So he did.
And it worked. 
It worked so well. That hour he had spent texting you had butterflies dancing in his belly. He had never felt happier or more connected than at that moment. It wasn’t until his alarm rang, notifying him that he had five minutes until his last final did he stop smiling.
He was more than disappointed when nothing came out of the conversation. Of course he knew that it wasn’t just your fault, after all he had a phone, he could text you too.
And he tried, he really did. Multiple times. But every text he drafted was soon deleted and so the conversation ran dry. That was until three months later, May 16th.
But you always seemed to catch him at a bad time. It was Saturday, but his professor had given him an extension on his paper and it was due at midnight.
Your first text came at 10:58 p.m. 
It took all he had not to answer the text, and eventually he did cave. But as much as he wanted to focus on you he couldn’t, after all he had begged his professor to extend his deadline, he had to finish this. 
Maybe that’s why this time you didn’t seem so responsive. Maybe that’s why this time it only took twenty minutes for the conversation to end.
Maybe that’s why, after it took him forty-five minutes to respond to your last text, you left him on read.
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“What’s with the long face dude?” His best friend, and housemate asked, slapping his back passive-aggressively.
“Nothing. And I don’t have a long face.” He pushed back, shoving him softly out of the way.
“Who was that? At the front door?” Jaemin asked, shoving a cookie into his mouth. 
“No one, just someone I knew.” Jisung muttered back, reaching out to steal one from the jar.
“Just someone I knew.” Chenle mocked back, leaning against the wall of the kitchen. “Right. We all could see the look on your face, that’s not just someone you knew.”
Jisung shrugged. “She was a girl I was texting.” He tried to pull it off nonchalantly, but it was evident to his housemates that it wasn’t nothing.
“Shit. Was that that girl you were talking to freshman year? The one you were head over heels for?” Jeno asked, grabbing a seat on a barstool, his laptop tightly in his grip. It was obvious he was working on something.
“Y/N?”Jaemin asked around the crumbs that filled his mouth.
“Ew. Gross. Have some manners dude.” Renjun said shoving Jaemin off the counter where he was perched, “And how many times do I have to tell you not to sit on the counter, that’s not sanitary. We have chairs for a reason.”
Jaemin made a face, but still moved to take a seat next to Jeno.
“Yeah.” Jisung frowned at the rest of the guys. “Did I make it that obvious?”
Renjun laughed, pulling a plate out of the cabinet. “You just talked about her everyday for a month. But no, not that obvious.”
“You should talk to her again, does she live close by?” Jeno asked, typing away at his computer.
“Yeah, she’s… uh… she’s our neighbor.” He rushed the last bit out, knowing that they would take advantage of the situation.
“Ooh! Our Jisung’s little girlfriend lives next door guys!” Chenle cackled out, “Guys, this is fate. And it’s our job to help out.”
Jisung scowled at him, knowing that Chenle meant what he said, “No. Guys leave her alone. Don’t make things weird. We’re going to be neighbors for the rest of the year, I don’t want to have to avoid her.”
“Avoid who?” 
“Haechan, how many times did I tell you to give me that key back?” Renjun asked, narrowing his eyes at the boy.
“Too many.” Haechan shrugged, letting Mark close the door behind him. “You can have this one back though, I’ve got two more copies at my apartment.”
Renjun threw his hands in the air, “I give up.” He picked up his plate of leftovers, opting to sit at the bar next to Jaemin.
“Who are we avoiding though?” Mark asked, settling against the wall next to Chenle.
“Y/N.” Chenle said, giving Mark a knowing grin.
“Y/N? Wait isn’t that...?” Mark furrowed his eyebrows, sporting his signature confused face.
“Why are we avoiding her?” He asked, turning to Jisung, who had been awfully quiet.
“We’re not.” Jeno spoke up, finally shutting his laptop. “We just found out she’s our neighbor and Jisung doesn’t want us to do anything about it, cause he doesn’t want to avoid her.”
Haechan grinned, pulling out a glass and filling it up with water from the fridge. “So you still like her?”
“No.” There was an empty silence. “Yes.” 
Jisung sighed at the commotion his confession caused. 
“Well, don’t you think it’s our duty, as your friend, to help you out? After all, I feel like I am very invested in this budding relationship. I did help send the text that set things in motion.” Haechan boasted animatedly, accidently spilling some of his water, which he wiped up with this sock.
“No. I don’t think that it’s your duty. And please stay out of it?” He all but begged the rest of the boys. Much to his dismay, none of them looked like they were swayed. 
Jaemin clapped his hands together standing up, “Okay, how about some neighborly cookies? Everyone likes cookies.” 
Jeno rolled his eyes with a smile, but stood up anyways. “Sure I’m down, but no more of those peanut butter ones, those are shitty. Can’t we just do chocolate chip?”
Jaemin frowned, digging through the pantry cabinet. “You’re lucky we’re out of those. Chocolate chip it is.”
Haechan strolled towards Jisung, wrapping an arm around his shoulder, “How about we get drafting then?” He snorted, “I think a nice love letter should do it.”
Jisung shoved him away with more force than necessary, “Get off me. And no. Stop it with the love letter thing, I was drunk and sad okay?”
Mark butted in before the two of them would really start fighting, “Actually I don’t think that’s a bad idea. I think she’d like that, like, slip it in with the cookies or something. Just say you’d like to see her again, and hang out.”
Renjun stood up, placing his dishes in the sink, “Dude this is why Jisung sent mixed signals in the first place, ‘i’d like to see you again’, ‘let’s hang out’. Can you get any more confusing than that?”
Mark frowned and cocked his head, opening his mouth to retort, but Haechan beat him to it.  “Then what would you say Renjun? ‘Oh how beautiful your eyes compare to a midsummer’s eve. May I court you this evening?’”
Renjun glared at him. “You’re not funny. And no. I was going to say, just tell her it was a missed opportunity. That you’d like to take her out on a date now that you can.”
Jisung shook his head violently at the sound of that. “How am I supposed to do that? That’s way too straight forward, what if she says no?”
“Dude, she likes you. Remember? She sent you that text. And if her feelings aren’t there anymore then… well… I don’t know. But the chances are low.” Jeno tried to reassure him, not doing a very good job of it.
Jisung sucked a breath in, ultimately letting out a hissing noise. 
“Trust me on this one Jisung. I make a mean cookie, we’ll just head over there later today and rekindle whatever you two have.” Jaemin cooed at the boy with a big smile.
“Right. Like I can trust all of you.” He muttered to himself, choosing to escape to the confines of his room.
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“So… how was it?” Your roommate asked expectantly, a far change from the way she was speaking to you earlier.
You shrugged, “I dunno, he was nice I guess.” You shook your head. “I don’t know why you guys are all pushy on this stuff. Like I get it, but it’s weird trying to date someone that I’ve just met you know?”
Your roommate Alex just shook her head, waving you off. “Whatever, so did you like him or not? Is there gonna be a second date?”
You laughed at her, she was way too invested in your non-existent love life. “I don’t know, I think so. He was sweet and stuff, but like I said it’s weird.”
“Well, that’s the furthest you’ve gotten so far.” You sent her a glare. “I’m just saying. You always either end up leaving the date, or never seeing them again.”
“Shut up, I don’t-”
You were cut off by the sound of the doorbell ringing. Alex and you exchanged glances, you weren’t expecting anybody.
She stood up, grabbing the bat next to the door, that your mother insisted you bring, ‘just in case’.
You huffed, moving past her, “You know, you could just look through the peephole.” You leaned forward squinting into the door, only to find a group of boys that seemed your age.
“Who is it?”
You pulled back, tilting your head, “I don’t know, just a group of guys.”
You unlocked the door, peeking out through the crack slightly, and you were greeted very enthusiastically by the boy in front.
“Hi!” He grinned, showing off a perfect set of pearly whites. He was waving very aggressively with his free hand, the other seemed to be holding a plate of cookies. “I’m Jaemin! We’re neighbors.”
After his quick introduction he shoved the plate towards you, never letting the smile leave his face.
“Uh… hi?” You weren’t quite sure what to say. 
Luckily Alex did, “Hi, I’m Alex and this is Y/N. That’s so sweet of you.” She smiled back, taking the plate from you. “Do you guys want to come in? We can crack them open right now.”
You stepped back, watching the trail of six- no seven guys just stroll into your apartment. 
“What the hell?” You muttered to yourself, closing the door softly behind the last boy.
“Hi Y/N.”
You looked up to see Jisung again, and you took a slight step back, startled at the sight.
“Jisung. Oh.” You barely let out.
“Sorry, we didn’t mean to overstep or anything. The guys just wanted to meet you… all. They wanted to meet all of you… cause you’re our neighbors, and all…”
You blushed realizing that he had heard you comment, completely ignoring the way that Jisung was stumbling all over his words.
Haechan took no time in introducing himself, and taking the honor of introducing everyone else as well.
“I’m Haechan, this is Mark, Jeno, Chenle, and Renjun. You already know Jaemin, and I’m aware that you already know Jisung.” He grinned proudly after gesturing to each of the respective boys.
“Jisung?” Alex asked, eyebrows raised. You hadn’t told her about him. For one, it never came up, and secondly, it’s not like it was anything important now. That was years ago, you didn’t feel the need to inform her of every detail of your life, like him.
Haechan cocked his head, “Yeah. You didn’t know they knew each other?”
You furrowed your brows at him. “And how do you know that?”
Jisung shyly raised his hand next to you, embarrassed that he was outed for spilling the details to his friends. “Sorry, that would be my fault.”
You turned slightly, mouth dropping at his face, “Oh. I didn’t mean it like that. I..I- That came out wrong. I’m not mad or anything, I was just shocked.”
You bit your lip feeling guilty about the way he responded.
“Anyways.” Jaemin interrupted the awkward silence. “We just wanted to say hi and stop by. Maybe we can all hang out and stuff and be neighborly.”
He grinned, looking around at the group.
“Right.” You nodded slowly, “Thanks for the cookies, and it was nice meeting you all.” There was a forced smile on your face, but none of the boys seemed to notice or care.
Eventually the boys filtered out one by one, and you closed the door, sighing against it.
“They were nice.” Alex said, taking a bite in a cookie. “Oooh, and these are hella good.”
“Yeah.” You mumbled, moving to sit on the couch.
“Why do you look like that? You don’t like them?” She asked, grabbing a glass for milk. “You and Jisung already know each other though. By the way, how do you know him?”
You rubbed your hand over his face. “It’s a long story.”
“Well, I have the rest of the day.” She sang back, taking a seat on the cushion next to you.
And so, now that Jisung was back in your life, you were left no choice to fill her in.
“Damn! That’s awkward as hell.” Her eyes were widened to the max.
“Yeah, I know. But I didn’t want them to feel super weird, cause you know, neighbors right? I just can’t believe my luck though.” You sighed leaning back, slouching down.
“Yeah, but do you like him though?” She asked, to which you whipped your head towards her.
“Do you like him? I mean this could be really good for you. Actually it’s a win-win for everyone here. I can stop forcing you on blind dates and you can date the boy you’ve been pining after for years.” She shrugged like it was obvious.
“Okay, I have not been pining after him for years, and we’re not going to date just because I liked him two years ago. I mean, didn’t you get it from what I told you? He doesn’t like me.” You tried to shut her down.
“What are you talking about? Did you see him today? He couldn’t tear his eyes away from you.” You frowned at her observation. You didn’t remember it the way she did, every time you looked at him, which wasn’t that often, he was desperately trying to avoid eye contact.
“No he wasn’t.” You nevertheless blushed at the idea. 
“Ooh, you’re blushing! Someone has a cru-ush!” She raised her voice, and you slapper her.
“Shut up, they’re right next door remember? They’re our neighbors.” She simply winked at you. 
“And no I don’t.” You added as an afterthought.
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The small restaurant was bustling with energy, something the boys loved.
“Dude, why haven’t we been here before?” Mark asked, eyes wide with excitement, smacking Haechan’s shoulder unnecessarily hard.
Haechan tried to move away from him, but to no avail.
“I told you, Jeno always said this place was pricey.” He muttered back, giving in when he realised Mark’s habit wasn’t disappearing anytime soon.
“We shouldn’t have trusted Jeno’s cheap ass.” Renjun snorted, “The prices here look decent.”
“Hey!” Jeno tried to defend himself. “I’m a college student, everything is expensive.”
Jaemin threw an arm over Jeno’s shoulder, trying to comfort him. “Let’s just grab a booth.”
As they trudged down the busy pathway, Jeno spotted a familiar face.
“Hey isn’t that Y/N?” Jeno asked, elbowing Jisung in the side. But Jisung was already aware of your presence, he had been the moment they stepped into the restaurant.
“Don’t point.” Renjun slapped the boy’s hand down.
“I wasn’t-”
“Shut up.” 
“Wait… who’s that with her?” Jaemin asked the obvious, slurring his words at the end, as if just understanding the situation.
It seemed as if you were on a date, and Jisung’s heart dropped. It felt like his entire world came crashing down, like any and all hope he had in you went out the window.
Of course you would have a boyfriend, it’s been two years since you last talked, and it’s not like you were even an item. You texted for an hour. 
Jisung closed his eyes for a second, but the picture was still searing in his brain. Hell, he wasn’t even sure if he told you that he liked you.
“I guess we didn’t think about that. That she could have a boyfriend.” 
“Yeah, I mean it has been two years.” Mark nodded, agreeing with Jaemin.
“Guys, not helping.” Renjun said between gritted teeth.
Jisung bit his lip, silently running over the image of you. 
Is that your boyfriend? How long had you been dating? Was it after he ran into you? If he asked you out then, would that be him? 
He had so many questions he wanted answered, but he would never get them.
Chenle pulled his arm roughly, trying to drag him into the booth. “Jisung you’re staring. Try not to make it so obvious.” He teased.
Jisung quickly averted his eyes, choosing to sit where he could watch you from his seat. His stomach felt queasy, maybe that was a bad idea. Suddenly he lost his appetite at the sight of you smiling so widely at something funny your date had said.
Mark glanced up from his menu, staring at Jisung who was now downing his water. He elbowed Haechan who was concentrating on the menu. 
“Dude, say something.” He hissed at him, trying to get Haechan to lift the mood. But for some reason, today of all days, he wasn’t having it.
Haechan just shrugged, shaking his head, “What do you want me to do?” Then he went back to his menu.
Mark bit his lip nervously, feeling uncomfortable at the sight of Jisung so anxious. He shot a look at Renjun who understood and at least tried to spark up conversation.
“So Jeno, who’d you come here with again?” He asked, an attempt at diverting attention from the elephant in the room.
“Uhh… some girl…” Jeno mumbled back, blushing furiously.
“Jeno’s blushing!” Chenle shouted out, his loud voice carrying across the restaurant. 
This had Jisung cracking a smile. 
“Dude, not so loud.” Jeno groaned out, sinking into his seat. He turned to glare at Renjun, “Did you have to bring that up?”
Renjun shrugged, but sent a small apologetic smile. ‘Sorry’ he mouthed at the embarrassed boy.
You had Chenle to thank for alerting you of the group’s presence. You pulled away from your conversation with Lucas and craned your head to get a glimpse of your neighbors.
“Do you know them?” Lucas asked, following your gaze.
“Oh, yeah, they’re my neighbors.” You said back, tearing your eyes from their booth.
“Yikes, they’re kind of loud.” He chuckled, “That must be rough on you.”
You gave him a smile, accompanied by your own giggle. “Lucas, in case you didn’t notice, you’re loud.”
He let out a fake gasp, holding his hand against his chest, “Me?”
You laughed, “Lucas, on our first date you thought we had so many complaints about the ‘loud dude in the booth’ that they asked us to leave.”
He frowned, “It’s not my fault my voice carries. And I have a very pleasant laugh, they should’ve been happy to hear it.” He pouted, “But we got ice cream to make up for it.”
You bit your lip, holding back your grin at the memory. “Yeah and it was freezing out.” You paused watching his expression, “But it’s never too cold for ice cream, besides, I wouldn’t have gotten your jacket out of it. And by the way, I’m keeping it. It’s soft.”
He smiled widely, immediately agreeing with you. “I’m just gonna use that excuse to see you again.”
You returned his sentiment, it wouldn’t be all that bad to meet Lucas again. You seemed to enjoy yourself every time you met.
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“Oh. Jisung, hey.” You let out surprised.
“Hi.” He smiled at you shyly, staring back at you.
“Hi.” You blushed at the awkward tension between the two of you.
You turned and locked the door quietly before facing your neighbor again. “I was just heading out.”
“Right.” He mumbled, retreating back towards his apartment.
“I was going to the bookstore to pick up some things…” You trailed off, watching his expression, “If you’d like to come…?”
You immediately regretted your offer, ducking your head to hide your embarrassment. “You don’t have to, that was-”
You froze, quickly snapping your head to meet his gaze.
“I uhh… have some things to take care of too.” He stumbled over his words to accept your offer.
“Oh, okay.” You smiled shyly at your feet, a strange feeling in your stomach turning.
You nodded in the direction of campus, trudging forward slowly at first to let him catch up. Soon enough the two of you were keeping pace.
A few minutes passed before Jisung cleared his throat, “So what are you getting from the bookstore?”
You nodded to yourself, “I have a textbook I ordered. It’s ridiculous isn’t it? How insanely overpriced it is, and it’s not like it’s even possible to pass the class without it. I mean I’m paying enough for college, now I have to pay on top of that.” You took a breath and chuckled nervously, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to rant on you.”
Jisung grinned at the way you were so worked up, “No not at all. I totally agree. It’s a rip off, I mean why not just make it part of tuition, we’re paying enough as it is.”
You nodded, “Right? It’s not right to make it required, like I could totally pirate it online, but if the professors make our homework using the online site to turn it in, that’s not even an option.”
You sighed exasperated, and missed the look on Jisung’s face. He seemed to enjoy the way you raved on about something as simple as a textbook.
You paused at the sound of his laughter from beside you, and you turned to look at him with a smile, enjoying the sound. 
It was a fifteen minute walk to campus, and another five to the bookstore. And before you knew it the building was looming over your heads.
Jisung jogged a few paces before you, reaching for the door. You paused, watching as he stood aside, holding the door for you.
You blushed, perhaps, as they say, chivalry isn’t dead. “Thank you.”
You reached your hand up, pressing your cold fingers against your burning cheeks, an attempt to chase away the color.
“So which class is it for?” He asked, looking around, and thankfully not noticing your heated face.
“Economics.” You replied, lifting your head in search of your department.
The two of you wandered around for a few more moments, not searching particularly hard for the book in question.
“Look, introduction to Korean Pop Music.” He laughed, pointing at the textbook. “Can you believe there’s a whole course on that?”
You smiled, looking. “I dunno, it seems interesting. Besides, there’s classes for classical music, and pop music, why not K-pop?” 
He nodded back, giving you a glance.
“Here, economics.” You mumbled out, walking down the long corridor. You ran your fingers along the spines of all the books, stopping at the familiar title. “Jesus, 98 dollars.”
He frowned, sidling up next to you. 
Sighing you reluctantly pulled the book off the shelf. “Ready?”
Jisung looked at you under heavy brows.
“You’re going to get it?”
“It comes with the online version. I mean I have to get the online portion, might as well get the hardcopy for free with it.” You nodded towards the check out, stepping towards the staircase.
He followed in suit, stuffing his hands in his pocket. He ran into your back after you stopped abruptly, suddenly remembering something.
“Oh, didn’t you have to get a book?”
Jisung’s eyes widened, “Oh yeah.” At that moment he reached out and grabbed what seemed to be a random book from the closest table, but you chose to ignore it.
He raised the book, and gave you a smile.
Your eyebrows shot up, “Introduction to the female reproductive system?”
Jisung suddenly turned very pale, as he tried to play it off. “Yeah, ummm… for my biology class.”
You grinned, nodding like you believed him. But you chose to continue up the stairs, unable to watch as his face contorted. While you weren’t looking he quickly flipped over the cover, gulping at the sight of the price.
“80 dollars?” But he shook it off, trudging after you.
“Anything else for you?” A boy around the same age as you was checking you out.
“Nope, that should be it.” You smiled, fumbling around with your purse to find your wallet.
“Economics huh? Are you a ManEcon major?” He asked, leaning towards you slightly, ignoring Jisung who had arrived nearby.
You looked up from your bag, “Huh? Oh, yeah ManEcon. You?”
Your hand was still deep in your back when he replied. “Same, I’m a Junior, I managed to switch in last year.”
“Really?” You raised your eyebrows, “Was it difficult?”
“No, I mean I knew I wanted to switch early on, so I already was taking the classes I needed.”
You nodded back, “That makes sense. Have you taken macro yet? I’m signed up this quarter but I’m a little nervous.”
“I had Zeggert last quarter, she was pretty good.” He smiled, nodding, “She likes it when people go into office hours, really tries to help.”
You cracked a smile of your own, “No way, I have Zeggert. Thank goodness, I’m definitely going to use her office hours a lot then.”
You took a moment to successfully dig out your wallet, sliding him your card.
“That’s good, well, I’m here basically all the time. So if you ever need help, you know where to find me.” He winked at you, returning the card.
You murmured out a quick thanks, and stepped aside to let Jisung pay for his books.
Jisung didn’t take long, and you noticed that he was particularly cold with the cashier, who in turn wasn’t nearly as friendly with him as he was with you.
“He was kind of flirting with you.” Jisung mumbled out, picking at the brand new spine of his unneeded textbook.
You glanced at him, stepping through the door that he once again held open, not knowing how to respond to him.
“Don’t you have a boyfriend?” He asked under his breath as you caught up beside him.
“What?” You shot him a puzzled look.
Jisung raised his eyebrows, “Your boy...friend?” He slowed his words, questioning them himself.
“I don’t have a boyfriend.” You let out, not pausing in your steps. The same couldn’t be said for Jisung.
He jogged slightly to catch up. “But your date…?”
“My date?” You asked, now choosing to stop and face him. You shook your head, confused, “What date?”
“The- the guy you were with at the restaurant Wednesday.” He studied the sidewalk intently, flustered at his confession.
“You saw me?” You leaned down slightly, trying to catch his gaze.
“I-uh… I mean I didn’t mean to watch you. But we just happened to go to that restaurant.” He mumbled, choosing to walk forward and escape the situation, but you quickly caught up.
“He’s not my boyfriend, I mean, we were on a date, but he’s not my boyfriend.” You felt the need to defend yourself, or at least clear things up. Although you didn’t know why you felt the need.
“Oh. A date.” He mumbled. He was overjoyed at the fact that you weren’t dating anyone, but couldn’t help but be disappointed at the mention of a date. From what he remembered, you seemed to be enjoying yourself then.
The silence grew until you reached your doorstep. It had taken Jisung fifteen minutes to decide, fifteen minutes to pluck up the courage he needed.
“How about a date with me?” Although he refused to meet your eyes, you felt the genuinity.
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Part 2
© Copyright 2021. hyuckssunchip. All rights reserved.
154 notes · View notes
wizkiddx · 4 years ago
ruining the plan isn't always so bad
you can tell whenever I have really important things to be doing in my life - bcos instead I will spend hours writing for no apparent reason ah kmn ;///
tomhollandxreader - pure fluffffff
Summary: tried to base off when Dom and Sam surprised Tom shooting a couple of years back- but this time they got Y/n with them too
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(I don't own the pic nor claim to ...idk how to do this crediting bit sorry :/)
The plan was in place. Tom was really struggling with homesickness on set of his newest film. No real reason why; just long hours, living out of a hotel room, half the world away from ‘home’. Harry was always flying out to join Tom as his ‘assistant’ however after a pretty heart-wrenching phone call Tom had made to Y/n, while she was hanging around with Haz and Harry at the Holland’s house... the plans had changed somewhat. He just seemed so distant and run down, when Nikki got her turn on the  phone she instantly knew that they had to do something. Naturally then, putting her superior organising skills to good use she arranged for Dom, Sam and Y/n to accompany Harry to Atlanta; and surprise Tom there. 
The way the last minute booking happened meant that Harry, Sam and Dom were all flying out on the same flight (though Harry was in first class, while the surprise guests were in economy). Y/n, because of her university timetable, couldn’t leave till a bit later, so was on a plane 2 hours after the Hollands - it wouldn’t make that much difference and if anything would prolong the joy of the excitement for Tom. They, meaning Harry who was oddly invested in the intracacies and details, had been brainstorming different ways to do the reveal- not sure whether to just do it in the hotel when Harry would be meeting Tom anyway, or waiting and surprising him when they were out for dinner or in a bar. Eventually they’d decided it would just be easier to have Harry, Dom and Sam just meet him at the hotel- then take him out to dinner, allowing time for Y/n’s later expected time of arrival, where she would then appear at the restaurant. 
Ever since Harry had let Tom know that he’d landed (if half an hour late), Tom had been excitedly texting him back constantly. The pair had agreed that Tom would simply meet him in Harrys hotel room when he got back from set. Yet when the time came, Sam and Dom were hiding just further down the corridor- waiting in the corridor. From their hideaway a couple of metres down the way from Tom and Harry, the obvious exctiement they could hear when Tom arrived and the two reunited warmed Dom’s heart. He just loved his sons all being so close- it was perhaps what  he was most proud of as a parent. Especially after witnessing both Harrison and Y/n loose a parent, he knew if god forbid anything happened to him and Nikki - they had each others backs completely. Sam was excitedly shifting from foot to foot hearing his brothers - Dom just subtly shook his head at the endearing nervous energy, clearly Sam was impatient for his turn. The idea was Sam would knock first then Dom, so after allowing a short time of just Tom and Harry reuniting, Sam pranced down the hallway and knocked. Yet it wasn’t Tom who flung the door open to Sam as per the scheme, instead his fuzzy haired twin.
“Harry what the fuck” Sam mouthed, daring to glance over his shoulder to attempt to spot Tom - annoyed at his brother for getting in the way.
“He’s on the shitter, change of plan bring Dad in.” Harry whisper-explained, making Sam roll his eyes at Tom unintentionally ruining his own surprise, before retreating to the hallway and beckoning his dad in. Dom pulled an equally bemused face until Harry filled him and he chuckled - earning him a harsh shush from both boys as they sat on the bed, facing the toilet door.
“So why did it take you so long to get here?” Tom asked through the thin loo wall, while Harry pushed his dad to sit further over on the bed.
“Oh ermm….they had some mix up with the luggage so we” Immediately getting slapped on the leg by his twin with a piercing glare,  Harry corrected himself “I mean -I had to wait for like an hour and a half to get my suitcase. Then I think I had the worst taxi driver in the world like down country roads and all.”
“Yeh like that drive should take like 40 minutes I thought? But when you texted me saying just left” He paused as the sound of the toilet flushing and the sink turning on flooded through the room ”that must’ve been at least an hour ago”
“I guess” Harry replied, hearing the tap turn off while Sam ran his fingers through his hair yet again - an excited or nervous tick.
“So how is everyone? I tried to call Dad and Y/n today but-“ The door opened, the stream of light flooding into the main room. Tom stopped dead in his tracks, voice cutting off but mouth hanging agape, still clutching onto the doorhandle. 
“Hello son” 
Dom spoke softly as he stood up from his choreographed position on the bed. Only at his words did Tom believe this was actually reality and literally sunk to his knees at the boundary between the ensuite and bedroom. He was awash with pure emotion, mainly relief - this was the exact thing he really needed right now. His dad soon pulled him up and hugged him, Sam following close behind. Tom’s reaction was priceless, the few tears being more than enough of a tell to his family how much he had needed this. 
It was an emotional reunion, there was a hell of a lot of hugs and suddenly the 14 hour journey was so worth it to Dom and Sam. Afterwards, they just all sat together on the bed and caught up on each others lives, Tom not really wanting to speak about himself - much preferring to hear all their stories from home about his mum and grandparents and the family that live down the road. He loved the normalcy of it. 
That was until a voice grabbed the attention of the whole room and Harry inwardly and silently cursed himself - in all the excitement he’d left his phone on silent in his jacket pocket, which was hanging on the coat rack so he hadn’t even heard it vibrate.
“Harry pick up your phone!” An exasperated voice exclaiming from the hallway half caught the Hollands’ attention, their heads all spinning in unison to the wooden hotel room door. It started to jerk open as Y/n wrestled with her suitcase ”You’ve left your hotel room open you div.Anyway I’m just dropping my case in your room so please text me where to go because - ugh- because right now you could all be anywhere in Atlanta and I-” 
The conversation within the room had died- all of them watching the petite brunette fight her way past the door with a silver suitcase that seemed ridiculously large and heavy for a weeks holiday. She had pressed her phone to her ear using her right shoulder and was wearing beige tracksuits a white crop top and a black leather jacket - as she grunted in frustration at the case, yanking it unceremoniously over the threshold. Subtly, Sam looked up at Tom, seeing his brothers eyes widen in shock, whole body turned completely rigid and Sam had to smile smugly - it was actually quite cute, even if he would never admit it to their faces. Y/n only stopped speaking into the receiver when her eyes finally darted into the room - noticing she had an audience. 
She stopped herself, pressing the end call button and pocketing her phone, whilst moving into the centre of  the room. She shot an apologetic smile to Harry, knowing she’d technically ‘ruined’ his plan - though to be fair it wasn’t her fault he didn’t answer the phone; or that his flight had been delayed meaning he didn’t get Tom to the resturaunt at the agreed time. Actually she could blame it all on Harry. He just rolled his eyes back at her whilst she looked past him and onto the shellshocked face of her boyfriend. 
Not being able to hide her grin, she halted at the foot of the bed, meanwhile Tom leant forward from the headboard - his eyes not leaving her. “You gonna say hi or am I just gonna stand here?” Y/n smirked, Tom still not moving from his shellshocked stance. Slowly her smirk morphed to a concerned look, eyebrows drawn inwards, as her look darted between Dom and Tom. 
“Tom are you okay?” she tried speaking gently, but before she could push anymore he launched himself off the sofa and into her arms, Y/n barely staying upright. Then Tom started spinning her round and round all the while squeezing her as tightly as possible. Y/n squealed an ‘I love you’  into his ear , already knowing Tom wasn’t ready to talk yet- instead just pressing his face closer into her neck. After a short while Tom lowered her to the ground and pulled away enough for Y/n to see the smudged tears around his eyes. She cupped his cheeks in her hands and looked deep into his mahogany brown eyes.
“Are you okay?”
“I am now” he nodded jerkily, all the while inching his lips closer to hers. Both consciously aware of half the Hollands just viewing them, their kiss was fleeting and light - but made Tom’s heart want to burst. 
“God I’ve missed your stupid face” She laughed, now her eyes filled with tears too. He let out a breathy chuckle in reply and used his thumb to wipe away a single droplet that escaped her eye.
“Missed yours more” her smile lit up the entirety of her face, such a natural glow across her face Tom shook his head slightly marvelling at her. 
“Ohhkkkayyy well I don’t really want to witness the making of nieces and nephews”
“Harry” Dom warned in a disapproving tone, even if he did have to fight back the laughter. To be quite honest he’d really enjoyed seeing his son and almost adopted daughter reunite. Both him and Nikki absolutely loved their relationship, they just went together oh so well, whilst slightly reminding them both of their younger carefree days. Harry rolled his eyes at his dad before continuing. 
“But shall we get dinner and then you can be alone all night” His eyebrows wiggled in such a manner Y/n swore she felt a little nauseous witnessing it. 
“Harry stop!” Sam interjected, elbowing Harry harshly in the side, earning him a  playful slap in return.
“Someone remind me why I’m paying the wrong twin to be my assistant?” Tom still hadn’t looked away from Y/n as he quipped a response at Harry, while Y/n was gently stroking up and down his cheeks with such a soft look in her eyes. 
“Because I rejected it” Sam smirked, making Harry yell out in anguish-
“I was second choice?!?!”
“Honestly just go play golf with your them! I have to do uni work anyway and-“
“But I don’t want to leave you! You’ve flown here too and I missed you.” Tom moaned, pressing a kiss into her hair from her position lying on his shoulder. Having slept uninterrupted for the first time in ages, Tom wasn’t even sure he wanted to venture away from Y/n and the bed at any point that day- even if it was for golf. 
“Your dad and Sam are only staying for the weekend so make the most of it! Me and my uni work are happy here-“ Tom’s eyes once again bugged out his face, as he caught on to her slip up.
“How long are you staying?” Shit. That was another thing she’d spoiled - getting a reputation to be as bad as Tom. Harry was for sure going to kill her.
“Oh fuck sake… that was my second surprise ruined… I’ve booked a week and a half off from uni so I can look after my little baby boy”
“Y/n don’t joke with me please.” Tom sat up, forcing Y/n to too which she huffed a little at, disrupting her comfort. It had her sitting up straight so she could look him in the eye and resting her hand on his exposed abdomen, asserting her authority on him. 
“I promise! My flights home next tuesday, but I’m missing uni so I have to be boring and keep up so it’s not a real holiday but-“ 
“I love you” 
Tom smiled for Y/n could never not surprise him. University was so important to her - she was really dedicating her life to it, especially financially. So her managing to put it on hold to look after him in a time of need was testament to just how kind and caring she truly was. 
“But you need to promise to look after yourself Tom. I haven’t seen bags under your eyes quite as impressive as this before. Think of your poor make up artists!” And she was back to being her usual sarky self. 
“I feel like I should be offended?”
“Or you can learn. Now go get showered before they leave without you.” Finally ralling off his side, then pushing him forcefully so he half rolled off the side of the bed. 
“Only if you shower with me.” The biggest smirk on his face, eyes wide and gleaming with mischief - which Y/n wanted to punch off so badly. On the other hand though, his idea didn’t sound half bad- letting him drag her up too. 
5 or so hours later, Y/n had written her assignment due in for next week and had submitted it online- making her feel pretty darn put together. She knew the boys had got back from the golf, and from the WhatsApp group Tom wasn’t very happy about his performance, so he was going to be moody. After closing her laptop triumphantly she chucked it in her bag and grabbed the spare key card and roamed the corridors of the hotel to find Sam and Dom’s room - where they all where. Tom had messaged her to let her know they were filming Dom’s podcast, so she had to be stealthy in her entrance - since to the public they were still just good friends. The secret still wasn’t ‘out’ so to speak. 
They’d left the door on the latch, allowing Y/n carefully pushing it open without making any noise. Immediately the golf-related bickering met her ears, while she peeked her head round the corner of the door. The four had set up armchairs by the window, with the camera balanced on top of a table and a stack of suitcases - in order for Harry to get the ‘perfect’ shot. Silently chuckling at the precarious arrangement, Y/n slid in through the door, turning round to gently close it shut again without noise. 
As soon as Tom had seen the door opening he had jumped out of his chair, walking up to Y/n and wrapping his arms round her- pulling her back into his chest off camera. Whispering a silently ‘I love you’ he grinned at the girl who was now arching to look into his eyes. She mirrored his sentiments, placing a bottle of water in his hand while pushing him back into frame. 
In reality, the whole of this podcast Tom had been attempting to summon energy in his body that was just not present. Don’t be mistaken, he had thoroughly enjoyed the time with his dad and brothers- but simply he only had today and tomorrow off filming for another 2 weeks, and the plan had been to stay as close to his bed as possible before the surprise happened. In all honestly, he caught his eyes drooping numerous times while they were filming the podcast- feeling safe in the surrounding of his family, the exhaustion was finally catching up to him. 
Y/n spent the rest of their podcast hidden behind the camera, doing some extra research on Sam’s double bed - yet sometimes having to stifle a chuckle at the boys filming. It was perhaps another 25/ 30 minutes before they finished, during which there was a hell of a lot of spoilers that they only realised too late could not be included. She really really did try to focus on her work, yet instead she found her eyes being drawn to her boyfriend. He still looked shattered. All she really wanted to do was wrap him in a thick duvet and cuddle into his side. She even promised herself to only find his occasional snores endearing tonight, which was something she often struggled with normally.
So when the camera was clicked off, Y/n spent a short amount of time chatting with all the Hollands, before suggesting they went to their own respective rooms before dinner. Unconsciously, when Y/n had suggested it, out of pure relief, Tom leaned almost all his weight against her side - anchored by the strong clasp on her hand. Of course, Y/n noticed and practically pulled Tom down the hallway without saying a word. Only when she let go of the door of their room, allowing it to close with a small slam, did she speak her mind.
“You shower, I’m getting room service then movies in bed… no arguments Holland.” He stared at her ,mouth agape, a little taken aback by her assertiveness, typically the opposite of Y/n. 
“I feel like you’ve just been inside all day, let me-“
“Nope. Nope. My holiday this is what I want… now shoo” She smirked, pushing him toward the ensuite door. Tom knew he did not have a choice in the matter, and even if he could possibly have some sort of influence- he was way too tired to argue.
Barely 15 minutes later, the two were wrapped cosily in the crisp white bedsheets, Tom with a small glass of a negroni cocktail and Y/n with her lime soda. Both were semi-reclined in a mound of pillows, yet Tom felt the need to also lean on her chest slightly. The familiarity of Y/n’s favourite movie ‘sunshine on leith’ playing on the screen, meant that within the first 10 minutes Tom was no longer alert. The smell of her perfume and the warmth of the duvet lulled him into a much needed slumber, making Y/n have to save the half-drunk negroni from spilling across the bedsheets as his grip relaxed. She just nestled in to the pillows further, a satisfied small grin dancing on her lips as she looked ahead at the TV, reducing the volume a little.
“Tom?…..Y/n?… Is anyone home?” A familiar voice sucked Y/n out from the next film ‘the greatest showman’, making her jump a little. Recognising it to be Dom instantly, Y/n had a mini argument in her head - whether to risk disturbing Tom by wriggling out from under him; or to call out instead, granting Dom independent entrance to the hotel room. It was possibly a bit of a weird position for her unofficial father-in-law to see his son and his girlfriend in, but she cared more right now about Tom resting than Dom’s opinions. 
“Dom…. come in… it’s open I think.” Desperately trying to get the volume right - enough so Dom could hear, but not so much as to wake Tom she called out, craning her neck toward the door. Luckily almost immediately Dom let himself in, and quizzically walked in seeing Y/n in bed.
“Sorry… it’s just I didn’t want to disturb him” Nodding in understanding, Dom inspected the state of his grown up, yet childlike son, asleep on her shoulder. 
“No no… he needs it. He always works himself raw for jobs but this…”
“It’s impressive even for him.” Y/n agreed, Dom noticing her unconscious stroking of his sons arm, soothing Tom as he slept. 
“Well me and the boys were trying to phone you both because we are going for dinner-“
“Ah sorry my phones in my bag”
“No no it’s fine… just it looks like Tom could do with an extra hour or so.” Dom motioned again to the slumbering figure with his trademark small grin, finding the whole situation entirely heartwarming.
“I was planning on waking him up so we could all go to the pub this evening… but yeh skipping the dinner might be a plan. I know it’s your last night and all but-“
“-Don’t apologise Y/n. I’m glad you’re looking after the kid.”  Y/n just smiled slightly, a small blush glowing from her cheeks. “I’ll um….leave you in peace… so maybe 9 o’clock? That gives you both 3 and a bit hours.”
“Sounds good!”Still speaking softly, Y/n freed one of her hands from the duvet and gave Dom a little wave as he exited the room giving a nod to her as the door closed. 
It was a sign of the times. Dom used to be Tom’s go to whenever he was tires, frazzled or fed up. But now he had been superseded by a far superior option. A kind, beautiful, intellectual choice - that Dom would graciously accept defeat to. 
He was awfully glad Tom had Y/n in his corner. And he was awfully glad he had found a surrogate  daughter in Y/n too. 
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dcforts · 4 years ago
[day 19: photographs]
Miracle likes Cas right away, from the moment he sees him coming out of the rift, one arm slung over Dean’s shoulders.  
One sniff at his boots, one at the hand tentatively offered seem to be more than enough to convince him. He doesn't even have to pet him once.
Dean can’t blame him honestly and he doesn’t mind sharing the morning cuddles if Miracle still chooses to trail after him in the kitchen when he gets up, keeps him company in the garage and comes running to him if he wants a cuddle.
He spends all his nap times with Cas though. At first, he gets in the habit of falling asleep laying across his feet whenever Cas is sitting down and more than once Dean finds him in uncomfortable positions yet unwilling to move, insisting that he'd rather suffer than bother Miracle.
One time Dean happens to have his phone in his hand so he stops to take a picture with an amused smile, despite the annoyed face Cas makes at the camera.
Then Cas and Miracle start napping together.
In the library, in front of the tv, and some nights on the bed leaving barely any room for Dean to squeeze in next to them and then, when they get to their new place, it happens in the study, on their couch, and still sometimes on the bed but Dean doesn’t need to try and squeeze in next to them anymore cause they got a bigger one.
Dean takes a picture the first time he sees them, because it's the first time and needs to be documented. The second time, they're in a weird position and he wants to show it to Cas later and the third time - well, they just look cute.
On the day they move out he takes a picture of Miracle in front of the bunker’s door. Then they stop for gas and Miracle looks so happy with his head sticking out of the car window that he has to take one there, and then another one in front of their new house and then he finds that he just – can’t stop.
He gets him a rubber chicken that makes a sound the annoys the crap out of Cas. Dean takes a picture of him as it happily chews on it.
Miracle tries to get Dean to play one afternoon, pushing his snout against his hands, scratching at his jeans and resting his head on Dean’s tight, looking up at him. The pleading eyes is what does it. Dean closes his laptop shut to concede defeat and stand up but first he snaps a picture of him.
He wakes from where he's fallen asleep on the couch in Cas’ arms and finds their feet trapped by a heavy furry donut. He reaches for his phone on the coffee table and snaps a picture of him.
It gets – a little out of control, but Dean doesn’t realize it, not until Sam comes around one time and he's scrolling through his phone, saying, “Dude, how many pictures of Miracle have you got?”
A very pregnant Eileen rounds the kitchen table to look over his shoulder and raises her eyebrows. “Wow,” she says, “you got a problem.”
Dean leans over to snatch it away from his hands. “What are you talking about?" he says, but from just a quick look at his gallery it's pretty clear that she may be right.
There's Miracle. Then Miracle. One of Cas. Miracle and Cas. Miracle sans Cas. He and Cas. Sam and Eileen from when they all went to that restaurant on Saturday. Miracle. Cas. Miracle. Garth holding a plant? A colour palette for the guest room. Three of Miracle that look identical. The tap he's eyeing for their unfinished upstairs bathroom. Miracle again. Miracle as he's running in the park -
He puts his phone down. "It’s Cas, he’s always stealing my phone,” he says lamely, and he knows he doesn’t sound at all convincing so he adds, “And Jack wants me to send him pictures all the time.”
Eileen nods to herself, “God wants my brother in law to text him dog pics,” she says and signs, "Okay cool. Totally normal."
“Whatever. You’ll be worse than me when that one gets out,” he says pointing at Eileen’s belly. She laughs and Dean looks at her to say, “Sam will be one of those that shows pictures of their children to strangers, you know that, right?”
Behind Sam's back she silently signs, "I know," but Sam catches her anyway and bitchfaces them both, betrayed. “I’m not! And - we were talking about Dean and his obsession. I’m surprised you don’t have them framed all around the house.”
Cas chooses that moment to come in from the back door with Miracle in tow. “Not yet,” he says, amused.
Dean doesn’t even bother arguing, all he has eyes for is that fluffy ball running happily towards him, as if they haven’t seen each other less than an hour before. "There he is!" he says with a silly voice that makes Miracle wag his tail more energetically.
He crouches to take his head in his hands, "Did you have a good walk? Yes?” he says as Miracle wiggles like a fish in a net. He frees himself from his hold just to run around the kitchen table and get himself quickly pet by Sam and Eileen before going back to Dean with renewed energy, jumping on him and licking his cheek. Dean scratches behind his ears, “Uncle Sam is jealous cause he's as not photogenic as you. Well, he won’t get the awesome Christmas card we prepared for him this year, will he? He doesn’t deserve it.”
Cas has put away leash and waste bags and he's watching them with a smile. "We need to wash up," he says, so Dean plants a parting kiss on Miracle's snout and says, "Alright, go," but he stays put.
And yet, as soon as Cas says, "Come on, Miracle," he immediatly runs to his side and even anticipates him out of the room.
Dean stands up, throwing his hands in the air, “Can you believe this? He does everything he tells him, I say ‘sit’ and he licks my face.”
Sam and Eileen laugh at him and then Sam gets to his feet.
"We should go, we still need to go to the store," he says as they put their jacket on.
"Thanks for the coffee," signs Eileen, and then asks "Are we still on for Friday?"
Sam says, "Cool. And if you find that picture I asked you in Miracle's personal photo book send it my way."
Dean flips him off.
"Add me to your dog mailing list," says Eileen when they get to the door and Dean rolls his eyes but gives her a hug and says, "I will."
Sam shouts "Bye Cas," immediatly followed by a "Bye, see you on Friday," coming from the bathroom down the hall.
Dean stays on the door to watch them as they get in the car and drive away.
Then he goes back to the kitchen, turns the radio on, washes up the coffee mugs and starts dinner.
When the timer dings, he turns off the oven, sets the table for two and goes to find Cas.
Sure enough, he's in the bedroom and he's fallen asleep on top of the covers with a hand on Miracle's back and him curled towards him, his head near Cas' shoulder.
Dean stops in his track. Flipping his family off in his mind, he takes out his phone and snaps a picture of the two.
Then carefully, as not to disturb Miracle, he climbs into bed to lay down right on top of Cas.
Cas makes a oof sound when he drops his weight on his chest but one of his arms circles him all the same.
"If you sleep now you're gonna be up all night," Dean says kissing his chin and jaw and any part of his face he can reach.
"Mh," says Cas cracking his eyes open, "you're heavy."
"Dinner is ready."
At that, Miracles lifts his head and his ears perks up, clearly interested in the conversation. He starts wagging his tail. Dean and Cas share an amused smile.
"Just another minute," says Cas.
"Alright," says Dean, planting one last kiss against his cheek, but when he tries to push himself up, Cas doesn't let him go.
He says, "Stay," and Dean doesn't need to hear it twice to collapse down once again. Miracle does the same; Dean closes his eyes and feels his wet nose against his forehead and his breath on his face as he gets comfortable.
"Wait, you meant that for me or Miracle?"
"Both," says Cas, one hand stroking his back, the other on Miracle's head. "Did you take a picture when you came in?"
"No," mumbles Dean, and then after a moment, "Maybe."
Cas huffs a laugh and Dean gets to feel it against his chest. He keeps his eyes closed and tries to match his breath with Cas' under him and Miracle's on his face and that's how he dozes off, smiling.
joining @bend-me-shape-me in doing this!
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carryonmywaywardcaptain · 4 years ago
Mr. Pretty Face
CarryOnCap’s Masterlist Dean Winchester Masterlist
Summary: When you and Sam return to the motel after a drunken night out, the boys learn how you really feel about Dean.
Warnings: themes of alcohol, drunken karaoke, and just goofy random nonsense. Mentions of sexual feels, pining; implied Dean x reader. Fluff
A/N: I don’t know where this came from. lol. A random gif-inspired piece.  I would hope you recognize the song lyrics and references, so credit to Queen and Styx for those. Also slightly influenced by random moments from the tv shows New Girl and Mom haha.
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“Alright, just a little bit further. Hey, be careful! Watch the—“
Sam huffed in frustration as you tripped over your own feet and stumbled into the doorframe, despite him supporting you with a firm arm wrapped around your waist.
“Owwww. Sam, I hit a wall...with my arm!” You drawled. “Why would they put a wall here? That’s a fun word— waaallll. A walllllll....”
You kept your tongue pressed to the roof of your mouth and dragged out the “L,” giggling at the sound it made.
“Yeah, Y/N. Real funny word,” Sam sighed, glancing down at you with mild concern.
“Sammy, it’s Deeeeeaaaannnn!” you gasped. “Dean is here!”
You heard Dean chuckle as Sam helped you collapse on the bed closest to the door.
“I see you two had a fun night out.”
You rolled to your stomach upon hearing his voice, propping your elbows on the mattress and resting your head on your hands. Your feet were hanging off the bed, so you slowly alternated kicking each leg up and down.
“You’re pretty,” you observed.
“Thanks, sweetheart,” Dean grinned. “I was gonna ask how drunk she is, but I guess that answers my question.”
“She, uh, decided to give karaoke a shot...” Sam carded his fingers through his hair, tucking his locks behind his ears and shaking his head. “Everyone loved it so much, they bought her drinks the rest of the night.”
You beamed and began humming. Letting your hands fall from beneath your chin, you bobbed your head as you wiggled your fingers in the air in front of you.
“Need something?” Dean quirked an eyebrow.
“ScaraMOUCH, ScaraMOUCH, will you do the FanDANGO?” You rolled to your back and pointed finger guns at the ceiling with each syllable you sang. “THUNDER BOLTS AND LIGHTNING, VERY, VERY FRIGHTENING MEEEE--”
Sam pinched the bridge of his nose before scooping you into his arms to slide you up the bed during your “Galileos.” You sank into the pillows, rolling your head side to side as you continued singing and conducting your invisible orchestra.
“She did Bohemian Rhapsody.”
“That explains the air piano solo,” Dean remarked.
The boys stood on either side of the bed and helped you out of your boots, socks, and flannel while you squirmed and finished the rest of your performance between fits of giggles. Sam lifted you once more so Dean pulled back the covers and tuck you in. He worked his way up your legs to your torso, tucking the fabric beneath you to make it at least a little more difficult for you to roll out of bed. When he was within your reach, you stretched a hand out and gently poked the tip of his nose.
“I’m glad you had fun tonight. Wish I would’ve thought to record all of this to show you in the morning.”
“You’re so hip, Dean. Hip--that’s a fun word too. Hip, hip, hippp. ‘Pics or it didn’t haaappeeen.’“
Dean glanced over at Sam and they burst into laughter again at your behavior.
“Yeah,” Sam nodded. “Welcome to my world. All night.”
“Ah, relax, Sammy. Think of how many times she’s had to take care of us--drunk or not. We don’t get the whole...cute, laughing, carefree thing very often.”
“Ewwwww, pantsssss,” you groaned, kicking away the covers.
Dean crossed the room wordlessly and began digging through your bag.
“Sam! Pssst, Sammyyyy,” you whispered loudly. “Don’t freak out...but I think your brother just said I’m cute.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Shhhhhh! He’s gonna hear you! Quick! Close your eyes so he can’t hear me.”
You covered your eyes with your hands and peeked at Sam between your fingers. He shook his head, pressing his lips in a hard line to conceal his smile. 
“I don’t think that’s how that... Actually, you know--nevermind. Sorry, Y/N. I’ll try to be more quiet.”
“’S’okay. Wanna know a secret?”
“Uh, well, I--”
“Secret, secret-- I’ve gotta sssecret,” you slurred as you sang again. “I wanna have the sex with your brothaaa.”
Across the room, Dean had still been smiling at your drunken rants. His amused expression became one of surprise as he creased his forehead and his eyebrows leaped toward his hairline. He drew in a deep breath, but otherwise stood motionless and gaping at your admission.
“That’s, uh...that’s nice, Y/N.” Sam swallowed uncomfortably and placed a bottle of aspirin on the nightstand beside you. “Maybe that’s something you should talk to him about.”
“I wanna have SEX with Deaaannn!”
“Okay--you, know what? On that note, I’m taking a shower and heading to bed. Dean, switch me beds and just...yeah. I’m officially passing her off to you.”
Sam scurried to the shared bathroom and quickly closed the door behind him. Your eyelids were growing heavy, but you grinned and waved when you slipped out of your drunken haze long enough to spot Dean again. He smiled at you gently and returned to your side with some clothes in hand.
“Alright. C’mon, Freddie Mercury. Let’s get you ready for bed,” he murmured as he began undoing your jeans with nimble fingers.
“Bowchicka wow wow.” You winked at him, kicking off your jeans ungracefully and giggling when they remained tangled at your ankles. “Look! No paaaantsss.”
“I see that.”
“Does that mean sexy times, says me, plus you?”
“Not tonight, sweetheart.” 
He helped you slip on your favorite pair of pajama shorts, then swapped out your tank top with one of his old t-shirts. When you “booed” and pouted your bottom lip out, he leaned forward to kiss your forehead.
“Get some sleep, Y/N. Believe me...we’re gonna revisit this conversation tomorrow when I know it’s you talking and not all the booze. Deal?”
“Dealio Dean-io.”
Dean walked toward the door, making sure Sam had locked it properly before he turned off the lights. Leaving the lamp on the bedside table on for his brother, he crawled into bed beside you. He settled comfortably into the mattress and stretched an arm out, pulling you toward him so you could nestle into his chest.
“G’night, Y/N.”
“Night, Mr. Pretty Face,” you mumbled.
His chest rumbled beneath your ear as he chuckled quietly to himself. The feeling of his hand rubbing soothing circles on your back and his soft humming were the last things you remembered as you finally drifted off to sleep.
CarryOnCap Crew (Forevers):
@abswritesfandoms​  @amanda-teaches​  @cosicas-cuquis​  @crist1216​  @droidyouseek​  @emoryhemsworth​  @ericaprice2008​  @flawless-disaster​  @janeyboo​  @jenn0755​  @ksgeekgirl​  @maresmiley​  @memyselfandmaddox​  @notyourtypicalrose​  @randomparanoid​  @rynabarnesrogers​  @sandlee44​  @scarletsoldierrr​  @shann-the-artist-moon​  @sheerioasteroidpanda​  @shynara51​  @someday-when-you-leave-me​ @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan​  @thisismysecrethappyplace​  @torntaltos​  @waywardbaby​  @waywardrose13​  @weebid​  @whimsicalrobots​  @wintersoldierbaby​  @wintersoldierissucharide  @yesfanficsaremylife​
Cap’s SPN Crew:
@adoptdontshoppets​  @akshi8278​  @alexwinchester23​  @bi-danvers0​  @deangirl7695​  @dean-winchesters-bacon​  @fandomoniumflurry​  @pisces-cutie​  @supernaturalenchanted​  @superromijn​  @waywardnerd67​  @x-waywardaf-x​
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yespolkadotkitty · 4 years ago
i think it’s fair to say that i’ve fallen far too in love with your zach one shots — not only do you capture his persona so well, it genuinely feels like i’m watching an episode of brothers & sisters
also, your ricky one shot was also so so so good!! you have no idea how grateful we all are that you pluck these characters from obscurity and portray their defining characteristics so accurately while also adding the loveliest fluffiest fluff of all time
i was wondering if you would consider writing a jealous!zach one shot? ngl, the (mutual) pining mixed with jealousy trope is my guilty pleasure and i feel like jealous zach would be 11/10
anyway, just wanted to say you’re fucking amazing and i adore your writing — i hope you’re having a great day!!
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(NB: Ok I know this is not Zach but it COULD be. It’s the right year. There are SO FEW pics of Zach so let’s just go with it).
Words: 1700 ~ Warnings: jealousy, pining, angst, fluff, one awesome kiss
Pairing: Zach Wellison x gn!reader
YOU: Is it wrong to be attracted to the super in my building?
BFF: Why would it be wrong? Use it to curry favour! Get stuff fixed faster! What is he/she like?
YOU: Tall. Tanned. Dark blond. Has a tattoo - military maybe? Sexiest voice ever.
BFF: If you don’t get him, I will.
You set your phone down and smiled.
Maybe I should say something.
Zach had been the building super of your apartment block for the last three months. He was a massive improvement on the last guy, who spent his days playing Zelda and smoking weed and very occasionally getting off his ass to fix stuff.
He’d been to your place - conveniently next door to his, he had a live-in type gig - four times. The garbage disposal, the leaky faucet, the faucet again, and then the window.
Notes could be left in his mailbox downstairs by tenants who needed assistance. He always responded the same day, the next day at the very latest, and he always tried to arrange a time with the occupant that suited them.
He’d gotten all greasy and wet fixing the faucet, his plaid button-down clinging to him, and eventually he’d stripped it off, revealing a tattoo you hadn’t been brave enough to try and examine properly, and some serious biceps.
Next time I see him, you promise yourself.
BFF: Btw, what’s happening with the dude at no 16?
YOU: Nothing.
You’d engaged in a mild flirtation with the well-built guy across the hall. Sometimes he got your mail in his box by mistake and he dropped it off, but lately he hadn’t engaged with you, and you began to think he was just being friendly.
The next day, before you could properly think of what to write down for Zach, the washing machine that came with your place started to leak. You noticed when trying to take your clothes out of it.
Rather than put a note in his box, you knocked on Zach’s door.
He opened it after a minute, surprise sketched on his handsome face, hair ruffled, sweat beading at the neck of his t-shirt. Past him, you could see weight lifting equipment on the floor, along with a small speaker playing 70s rock.
“Fleetwood Mac?” You ask, smiling. “They’re my favourite.”
“No kidding?” A smile tipped up one corner of his mouth. “So... “ His brown eyes met yours, warm, concerned. “Are you okay?”
“I hate to bother you directly, but my washer’s busted - leaking.”
“It’s no bother.” He glanced behind him. “Give me five, okay? I’ll be right there.”
“Thanks so much, Zach.”
He nods and closes the door. You’re about to turn back to your apartment when Well Built Guy - Damon, you think his name is - comes out of his own apartment.
“Hey,” he greets you.
“Oh, hey. How are you?”
He pushes a hand through his short, black hair. His single earring glints in the daylight; gives him a pleasingly piratical look. “I’m good. How are you?”
“Yeah, good - thanks.” You move again.
“Wait.” He takes a step closer in the small hall. “I was wondering if you - if you wanted to get coffee sometime? This place two blocks over does an amazing dark roast.”
“Oh, well-”
You’re cut off when Zach’s door swings open. He’s changed into a clean shirt, a forest-green henley, and he carries a faded red toolbox. His gaze darts between you and Damon, wary, and for a second, his mouth turns down.
As quickly as you see it, it’s gone.
“Sorry to interrupt,” he mutters, to you. “Can I go in?”
“I’ll let you in, Zach.” You turn your attention to Damon.”Catch you later?”
“Sure, sweet thing.”
He’s called you the nickname before but it’s never chafed until today.
Zach doesn’t react as you come to the door and let him in.
“Thanks for coming by so quickly.”
He doesn’t look at you. “You didn’t have to cut your time with your boyfriend short.” He sets his toolbox down by the washer and kneels, unbothered by the pool of water that begins to leech into the pale denim of his jeans.
“He isn’t my boyfriend.”
Zach sets about exploring the washer. “Okay.”
“He isn’t.” You stuff your hands in your pockets. “You want some coffee?”
For the first time, he looks up at you, and the expression in his honey-brown eyes is scraped bare, and then he looks away and the connection is lost. “Sure. Thanks. Black, one sugar.”
You busy yourself, just a few feet away - your kitchen is not big by any stretch of the imagination.
“Here you go.”
“Thanks.” He’s absorbed, only his waist and ass sticking out from the drum of the washer.
You potter off to do some work.
An half hour later, Zach knocks on the door of your tiny office - the only other “room” of your studio aside from the bathroom. 
“All fixed.”
“Thank you so much, Zach.”
He swipes the back of his hand over his forehead, leaving a smear of grease. “No problem.”
“You’ve got a-” You reach up, every nerve on end, wanting to touch him.
A knock sounds at your door.
“Sorry,” you mutter.
You swing the door open and Damon is there with two coffees.
“I was on my way back from the office,” he says. “I thought you might like to - oh, the super’s still there. Not fixed yet, pal?”
Damon says it innocuously but you see Zach’s shoulders tense.
“Nope, all good.” He rubs the palms of his hands together in a “that’s done” gesture. “I’ll get out of your hair.”
“... Place next door is this amazing Italian,” Damon is saying, oblivious. “It’s pretty pricey but I’d love to take you there.”
Zach pushes between you and out of the door, but you see the crestfallen set of his shoulders as he goes.
The door swings shut behind him and you turn back to Damon, resigned to see this conversation out, and to make it clear that he’s kind, but you aren’t interested.
That evening, you take the stairs down to the communal gym in your building. Well. Gym is stretching it. There’s one ancient rowing machine, one treadmill, a barbell that has seen much better days, and a CRT TV that only shows Judge Judy. But, you don’t have to pay for it, so it beats a gym contract elsewhere in the city.
When you push through the door, Zach is on the treadmill, earphones in. He’s wearing a sleeveless vest and your gaze is drawn to his intricate tattoo - an eagle perched on a world, an anchor hugging the globe. Marines.
Wow, you think - wow.
Sweat trickles down the back of his neck, and his thick, dark gold hair curls around his nape.
Now or never.
You walk over to the treadmill and drop your gym bag to announce your presence.
Zach turns, does a double take, and then presses a button on the treadmill to slow it down. He pulls his earphones out.
“Hey, Zach.”
Curiosity flits across his features. “Something you need?”
You swallow. He looks so good, his pale gold skin slick with clean sweat, his breath coming in soft pants, his chest rising and falling, lean muscles delineated by the clinging vest.
“No. I mean, yes.”
“And you can’t get the guy at 16 to help?” he snarks.
You step back.
“Sorry,” Zach says, immediately. “I just…”
“He’s not my boyfriend,” you assure Zach.
Above his head, on the TV, Judge Judy silently reprimands a woman with six face piercings.
“He could be. Guy like him. Good job. He’d take you to fancy Italian places.”
You curl your hand around the arm of the treadmill. “Maybe I don’t want to go to fancy Italian places.”
Zach huffs out a breath, but you have his interest.
“Maybe I’d just like to hang out with you.”
Suspicion narrows his eyes. “Why?”
“Maybe I like you? Did you consider that? Maybe, for some bizarre reason, I think you’re nice and attractive?” you wave your arms, frustrated.
Zach folds his arms across his chest, pursing his lips. “I used to be a Marine, but I had to resign my commission because I got hit hard with PTSD. I lived on the street for two years.”
You hold his gaze as he speaks. 
“Why are you telling me this?”
But then you know. He’s telling you so you’ll turn tail and go back to Damon, with his suits and fancy haircut and ability to take you out for $100 dinners.
He expects you to turn him down.
Because that’s what happens. What has happened and what he thinks will happen now.
Zach firms his lips and shakes his head slightly.
“Just go,” he says, so softly, mistaking your silence for pity, rather than resolve.
“No.” Instead, you lean up on your toes and touch your lips to his.
He starts, and then holds perfectly still. You break the kiss, and look up into his face, and he’s gazing at you like you hung the moon and all the stars.
“I like you, Zach,” you whisper. “And I don’t care if our first date is a picnic in the park.”
He blinks, turning away from you for a second, and then he ducks under the arm of the treadmill, and he’s so close that you breath catches. 
“I’ve thought about this,” he murmurs, and then he cups your face in his hands and kisses you like he means it, lips and teeth and tongue, and it’s everything.
You spear your fingers into his hair and breathe him in, press yourself against the hard wall of his chest, sigh his name against his lips.
“I gotta shower,” he says, with clear reluctance, his voice half an octave lower, unsteady from a kiss that has rocked both your worlds. “Then, let’s see about that picnic.”
Zach Pit & permanent taglist: @mrschiltoncat @astroboots @songsformonkeys @biblioworm @aeryntheofficial @thirstworldproblemss @wheresarizona @pedropascalito @knittingqueen13 @alwaysbethewest @agirllovespancakes @f0rever15elf @heatherbel @frannyzooey @lannister-slings-and-arrows @sarahjkl82-blog @thedazeinmylife @holographic-carmen @idreamofboobear @fromthedeskoftheraven @disgruntledspacedad @chicken-nugget-puta @miulola @nelba @alienprincesspoop @tardisfangurl @synystersilenceinblacknwhite @mylonelylittleappreciation @filthybookworm @absurdthirst @thestrawberry-thief @lilangeldevil006 @marydjarin @jedi-mando @havenforafrazzledmind @myoxisbroken @10-96dispatcher @stormtrooperofficerbrowneyes @mrsparknuts @roxypeanut
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airi-p4 · 4 years ago
Ice Dreams - Chapter 2
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | …
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Header art is traditional art drawn by me about one year ago - Full pic HERE.
Despite being very talented and loving to skate, Marinette is determined to quit Figure Skating after the lack of decent results and the great amount of stress and pressure on her shoulders.
On the other hand, Juleka and Luka are average skaters in pairs category who, after years of hard work, have finally started showing some good results. But suddenly, Juleka is forced to retire, leaving Luka at the verge of retirement because of his need for a partner.
Can Juleka convince Luka and Marinette to give figure skating a second chance? Can they form a bond strong enough to reach the top and accomplish their dreams? Could something more than partnership spark between them?
“C’mon, Juleka,” Luka said, finishing his warm up on the ice rink. “Today we’ll nail it! Are you read-”
A sudden sound startled him: it was Juleka, his sister, who fell flat on the ice floor.
“Juleka! Hey! Can you hear me?” Luka panicked, rushing to check on her. She wasn’t moving. “Someone! Call an ambulance, NOW!”
‘I can’t believe I didn’t notice,’ he thought, sinking between his shoulders. ‘I knew how she was getting more and more thin everyday, I noticed how her weight was lighter. I thought it was because I got stronger. I thought it was her make-up or her clothes. How come I couldn’t notice how light she weighs? Why couldn’t I help her earlier? Why did she have to end up in the hospital? Why am I such a failure as a brother? As a partner… After everything she’s given to me...’
‘Now’s my time to be there for her. This needs to stop’
“Juleka! You’re up!” Luka called, back from his thoughts when the sheets of her hospital bed moved and she slowly opened her eyes.
“What happened? Where…? What happened with practice…? Did I fail a jump...?” The girl asked, still numb. Luka moved his hand to press check on her and call for the nurse.
“No Juleka, you didn’t fall. You fainted” he explained, as the nurse entered the room to check on her.
“Fainted!? Why?” Juleka yelled, and was shushed by the nurse.
“Look. I’m sorry I didn’t notice earlier… It’s my fault”
Luka sighed regretfully and Juleka blinked at him. “Notice what…?”
“Juleka, listen: you’ve been diagnosed with an eating disorder” he said, and she gasped. “I know you’ve always been a picky eater but this… THIS is too much. Your BMI is too low... Look at you. You’ve lost so much weight! You need to stop dieting and eat properly” The nurse nodded and Luka nodded back as she left the room. Juleka’s mouth was still open in surprise.
“I… But I need to look thin… like the other girls… like all those great skaters…”
“No, Juleka, you don’t need to look thin, you need to be healthy. And you shouldn’t be a skater anymore if you can’t do that. From now on, I want you to focus on getting your weight back, on getting healthy again. You looked prettier before, Juleka. Don’t let stupid social standards decide how you should be or look like. Just be yourself. You know mom and I will always love you no matter how you look”
“But I do it for myself, not for others! I like myself more when I’m thinner… look at me, at all this fat. How can anyone say they like it? How could the judges like it? I’m hating it myself!” she cried.
“Well, I like it.” His words were honest and straight. “And I think most boys and girls or people in general would prefer that too.”
“You don’t understand!” she insisted. “I have to-”
“I do understand” He cut her. “You are ill. Your judgement is biased. You can’t see the reality. Do you want to be only bones? Do you want to die? Because I don’t want you to. That’s why I need you to promise me you’ll stay in the hospital until you’re healthy again.”
Juleka’s body jolted in shock. “What!? But, Luka! Our competitions! The skating! We finally made it to internationals this year...! I need to do it, for you too!”
“No. No more competitions or skating for you, Juleka. It’s your time to retire. Mom has already submitted your resignation to the Ice Skating Federation. You can’t skate anymore. You need to rest and get better, and to find a way to recover from your eating disorder”
“But Luka, what about you? You've worked so hard! We finally got a high enough score to get into international competitions. I can’t leave you alone now! What about your dream?” she insisted.
“That’s not as important as you are for me, Jules. I want you to be yourself again” he caressed his sister’s hair softly. “I’m sorry I didn’t notice earlier… I wish I could have helped you… I know you wanted to help me with lifts and my poor endurance and I was too focused on scoring that I couldn’t notice how these feelings were killing you from the inside. I don’t deserve to be called your partner”
“No, Luka. It was me who kept dragging you down! I can’t land my jumps because I weigh too much. I can’t jump high because of it either. It’s a miracle we made it to so far”
“You did amazing, Juleka. You really did and I’m grateful. But now: no more competition for you or for me either. It’s over. Time to find another goal. Both of us” he affirmed.
“No! Luka, even if I don’t compete, you should continue! Find another partner! Many girls would love to work with you! You definitely can accomplish your dream. You just need a more suited partner than me” The purple haired girl stubbornly continued.
“That’s impossible, you know that” Luka remained calm, closed his eyes and let an ironic snicker out. “I don’t get along with other people, I can’t bond with them. Girls? Boys? No matter what you do they always badmouth you about everything. Pure hearted people like you don’t exist, Juleka. I can’t team up with anyone else”
“Luka… But-!”
“This conversation is over” he cut her again, standing up and checking his phone. “I’m going to talk to the doctor and get you something to eat. Mom will be here by midday”
*Knock knock*
“Juleka?” Luka checked the room. “Oh your friend already left? How are you? Did you eat everything?”
“Yes…” Her brother could see through her lie.
“Really? What’s this, then?” he pointed at the apple under her pillow
“You need to eat this apple too, you won’t get healthy otherwise...” Luka said, holding the fruit to peel and cut it for her.
“I know but…” she mumbled.
“This is not a game. It’s serious, Jules” He insisted, offering a piece of apple close to her mouth. “Please…?“
Juleka turned her face away, disgusted. “No. Keep skating”
“We’ve already discussed this. No more skating. You need to get well. Eat” Luka frowned his eyebrows.
“I wasn’t talking about me. I was talking about YOU. I don’t want you to give up your dream...”
“You know I can’t skate with anyone else, Jules. Girls hate me. And I hate them. The best is to quit and focus on taking care of you” Luka insisted with the apple and his sister turned her face away again, using her hand to set his hand and the apple aside.
“But Luka! I found someone willing to be your partner, “ she informed. “You just need to give her a chance. To give pairs skating a second chance. Please…? For me…?”
“You know I can’t do that. It’s settled. I’m resigning tomorrow. The papers are ready and-” his hand moved closer again.
“But you don’t want to quit! I know you don’t! Just like Marinette doesn’t really want to quit either!” she yelled, and Luka blinked at her friend’s name.
“Yes, Marinette! We used to compete together when I skated in singles. We’ve been friends since then, even though she always won and I was good for nothing… She’s kind and talented. She has a pure heart, Luka. Just like yours.”
“I remember her,” he recalled. “Not much, but I remember how beautiful her skate was. She is far too talented to be interested in switching to pairs”
“She’s going to quit otherwise” Juleka affirmed.
“No way”
“I’m not joking” If it wasn’t for her conviction, he wouldn’t have believed her. “I think she really doesn’t want to quit, but she is determined to. Just like you don’t want to quit either. You just need to find balance in yourselves and you could be an incredible team. You just need to give her a chance…”
There was a moment when Luka seemed to consider the offer, but he cut his thoughts off. “... No. I can’t, Juleka. We came this far together. I can’t keep all the credit alone. C’mon, eat this for me”
“No” she refused again. “I’m not going to eat unless you give it another chance.”
“Juleka, stop being childish. You’re 15”
“I’m not asking much, Luka. Just one try. I beg you!” she slammed her hands on the bed. And stared at Luka with teary eyes, desperate to the boy’s surprise. “I want you to skate for me too…”
Luka found himself staring into Juleka’s eyes and how serious she was. It was more than rare for her to act this selfishly, so he ended up giving in to her request.
“Ok, one chance.” he sighed. “But you’re eating this apple right now”
“Ugh… Ok… For you… and for Marinette…” she let her mouth open for Luka to feed her the apple at last.
“Good girl” Luka smiled, relieved, despite his sister’s disgusted eating face.
‘One more chance, huh...?’
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