#it also probs wasn’t comfy because it’s not his life
movedtodykedvonte · 2 years
Big shot Spamton was 100% not used to the life style.
He didn’t know the proper fork for salad or spoon for soup. He doesn’t know all the fancy words for things like what the fuck is a “charcuterie board” that’s the appetizer plate they get at the cyber grill. He didn’t know what to wear unless he was explicitly told or dressed, didn’t get all the ps & qs or etiquette, it just didn’t feel right. Like it didn’t fit, like he didn’t fit. Like every time he needed to ask about how to be fancy or a big shot they would whisper behind his back, call him a fake or ridicule his ignorance. He was a simple Addison after all, and not even one that could afford fancier casual things.
Was it snazzy and cool to be someone? Yeah, that’s what he always wanted! But it had to be stressful being jutted into a completely different world with no one to truly instruct you on it.
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xiuminsmygrandpa · 12 days
I’m devastated that Dead Boy Detectives for many reasons but mostly because every characters story, even the side characters is left open. If there ever was a second season this is what I’d love to see
Niko coming back as a ghost or some other supernatural being and her and Charles bonding over accepting that they are dead. Especially because in season one Charles is forced to confront both his abusive father and being beaten to death. He repressed those memories for 30 years because they were too painful for him. And Niko did the same thing with her father’s death and the mistakes she made while she was alive. Plus I’d just love to see the two of them become friends.
On the flip side I see the other focus on Crystal and Edwin also confronting their pasts. While Charles and Niko struggle with confronting their deaths Edwin needs to accept he was a living being at one point. And now that Crystal has her memories back she will have to reconnect with her past self. I’d love to see her and Edwin bonding over being from families with money and neglectful parents and fearing they deserved the punishments they received. Plus I wanna see more of them bicker like the siblings they are! Maybe we get to see more of Edwin’s family and life when he was alive because it’s basically nonexistent in season one!
Charles realizing his feelings for Edwin are more than platonic now that he knows Edwin likes him and Charles and Edwin becoming more comfortable with being closer physically. Just like Edwin had a sexuality crisis in season one I see Charles also having a sexuality crisis in season two. Luckily he has three girl friends who are all super openly queer.
Edwin going thru his hoe phase but struggling to form emotional connections with his sexual partners because he loves Charles and Charles wanting to be supportive but also being down bad for him. And Edwin potentially confiding in Charles??
Charles and Crystal trying to make a relationship work but realizing pretty quickly they’re not compatible. I do think the season ended with them being in a quasi relationship and I see it dragging out a bit longer because neither of them is ready to let go.
Edwin going to Jenny for relationship advice and her actually giving decent advice. I feel like most fanon assumes he’d go to Niko but I honestly don’t think Niko feels comfy giving relationship advice after the disaster that was Jenny’s date from Hell. I do see both of them possibly tag teaming relationship advice for Edwin. I could also see him confiding in Crystal since they’re already bonding over their shared trauma.
I also see Charles venting to literally everyone but Edwin about his feelings because he’s having a sexuality crisis and confronting his past trauma at the same time. Charles being 100000% jealous of every guy Edwin’s been with and judging whether they’re actually a good match for Edwin. He will be the bestie who’s like “I’m so happy for you” and Edwin being like “then why are you crying” “these are happy tears mate🥺😭”
Edwin and Charles finally having a conversation about the staircase and Edwin realizing Charles only said he wasn’t in love because he wanted to wait until he knew for sure. And both of them admitting they don’t feel like they’re good enough to be what the other one needs.
As for the side characters, I wanna see Jenny finally get a gf in London and become a butcher for both the living and the dead. I want tragic mic to finally become a walrus again because he’s been thru it. This probs won’t happen but Monty coming back and him and Charles bonding over their shared jealousy of Edwin and maybe hate fucking?
This is a long shot but it would be so cool to see Desire and Charles especially when Charles realizes he’s a chaotic bisexual. And Despair and Edwin because I can see them being a disastrous duo.
And lastly death finally meets the dead boy detectives!!
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shepard-ram · 4 years
I’m back on my bullshit! I got more for yandere Tommy (and a bit of Tubbo 👉👈😏 so I guess yandere clingy duo?) So I personally think that the clingy duo would probs see reader as a sibling (younger/same age/older is up to preference). -🦤 1/about 7(?)
- I’m gonna say that you three form some type of bond after the Manberg V. Pogtopia war but before everything hits the fan again because they deserve good things. You meet Tubbo first (surprisingly), then Tommy because he “had to make sure that Tubbo’s new friend wasn’t an arsehole”. slowly a strong bond is built between you three. Like y’all end up building stuff together, pranking ppl, and all those other cutesy bonding stuff and overall just get super comfy with each other. Y’all practically do everything together! That’s until exile, but even then you keep in contact with both boys. But that’s not what I’m going to go on about. -🦤 2/7
Keep in mind the boys have lost soooo much during their time on the Dream SMP. The most obvious traumatic loss was Wilbur, a brother figure for the boys, right in front of them. Wilbur was a big part of their lives, both in life and death(Ghostbur just trying his best over here) They did so much together. They fought a revolution, ran a country, rallied together to overthrow another country, and managed to get into a few disagreements. Yet with all of those challenges, they overcame them in the end. I mean they literally stood behind Wilbur in his plan to blow up Manberg (though this was after many tries to persuade him not to) because they respected him as an individual and even though they might not think it’s the best idea, Wilbur was their leader and friend. Tommy did everything in his power to sway Wilbur from his choice, but the silent siren song of the button was too irresistible. Tommy wasn’t enough to stop Wilbur and it came to a heavy price: Wilbur lost his last cannon life. -🦤 3/7
- That’s a pretty heavy burden to hold; knowing that you had the possibility to save a loved one but fail them in the end. I’m pretty sure Tommy and Tubbo would be keeping the things they love and cherish very close to them after that (welll,,, besides the exile. Tubbo did express multiple times that he didn’t want to exile Tommy so that has to count for something). Even though they keep things at arms reach away from them emotionally, as a protective measure for themselves, whatever they let in, they won’t let go. The world is cruel, they’ve learned it first hand. And yes, this person they consider family has survived the world so far, but people having breaking points. They won’t always be safe from the world. The last fight for L’manberg proved that. They got hurt so much! And they didn’t think much about their own welfare!! They’re obviously unfit to take care of themselves 😒 -🦤 4/7
- Tommy and Tubbo probably come together like “yeah we don’t want another Wilbur situation :/ We don’t want them to die” so they do the only thing their shared brain cell can conjure up: lock reader away. The world can’t hurt them if the world can’t get to them. Now this is some five-head shit they got over here!!! Keep away from danger = no death!! A win-win for every party! - 🦤 5/7
- Also small thing (don’t know how cannon this would be) but I have a feeling that they’d keep you away from Philza and Techno, for “obvious” reasons (some are obvious and some are just,,, a little too paranoid) So their reasoning to keep Philza away is so he doesn’t kill reader too!! He already killed Wilbur, who could he kill next?! Everyone saw what he did in the last fight for L’manberg. Techno is more obvious because he’s more “outwardly” unstable; the voices in his head chant for blood, must I say more? He could go on a crazed blood-spilling spree at any moment! And again with the things he did in the last fight for L’manberg. Tommy and Tubbo won’t let Philza and Techno live down what they did. -🦤 6/7
- Why would you be so sad when they’re keeping you safe? Keeping you alive! They’re doing this in your best interest and you did so much for them. They’re just repaying the favor! So stop the tears because they’ll give you comfort, safety, company, just about anything you could ask for (not counting your freedom) because that’s what family does. -🦤 7/7
(These long ass posts from me need to stop ☠️ I need to learn how to make a small thing)
Ok this??? Yes. They've seen almost everything and everyone they've love get hurt in one way or another. Hell your not even an exception, and they realize what they can do to make sure nothing more happens to you. After all, people always keep their most valuable possessions locked up away from anyone remotely untrustworthy. So why not do that with they're most valuable person? It hurts to see you so sad, but they have plenty of attention between the two of them- just don't try to leave and it's all yours
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weareintheblankbit · 4 years
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Just had a thought reading this. I think Mac very likely had a wee bit of a slutty phase after he came out. To be precise, the timelines in my head go like this (I’ve kept this under a “keep reading” because jesus this got lengthy):
- From “Charlie catches a Leprechaun” to “Dennis’ Double Life” I reckon he was just trying to navigate the gay nightlife waters (probs secretly until “Hero or Hate Crime”. After he came out: imagine a dog going for a car ride) I can see him very poorly dressed for clubbing, slightly soft around the edges and wearing a mesh shirt that is a bit too big for him, terrorising all the gays with appalling conversational skills, karate dance moves, too much hair gel and the biggest smile :D This Mac doesn’t have game, but gosh darn it, he’s gonna try his best.
- The gay clubbing scene wasn’t really working for him. He probably was trying to be a nonchalant party stud, while desperately wanting somebody to love him, exuding insecurity and desperation. Rejection on the dancefloor is not what a love-starved dude that’s come out on his 40s needs. And then in “Dennis’ Double Life”, he has the opportunity to live out the fake relationship trope, and with somebody that has known him for so long, somebody that gets him. I think that must have made him so happy. But Dennis leaves (him) :(
- From the moment they blow up the Range Rover, my head cannon is that Mac’s also burning his fleeting hope of finally achieving romantic bliss with his life-long crush. He tries the Rainbow again, becoming the unhinged beautiful slutty hunk the OP was talking about. The whole getting ripped thing fits very well to me: Mac’s feeling his oats as a gay man, actually getting attention and having the sex he’s always wanted (and denied to himself for so many years). Of course, Mac being Mac, he’s gonna be being very vocal about EVERYTHING. Impressing the gang is not his only other motivator; in the group dynamic Dennis is the sexy beast, he’s the one that’s often showed off his body, always being vocal about his sexual endeavours. While Dennis was away, Mac filled in for him. (Mac also has a tendency to copycat shit other people do that he interprets as cool). He also carries on doing this after Dennis comes back, which could be him levelling himself up to Dennis, rubbing in his face how much action he’s actually been getting while he was away, and him being an unhinged horny puppy, simultaneously.
- Now, the exciting new lifestyle is not quite working. The gang is not at all impressed with his new physique, they find him even more annoying -which looks like lazy writing but most likely while Dennis was away Mac was clingier and needier towards the rest of the gang- and he still has a Dennis-shaped hole. First he gets the sex doll, and shortly after, the real thing. So! Dennis is back, and... Well, he can’t help himself. He’s been getting real attention from other dudes, he’s looking hot, feeling hot... If any Mac is gonna have a chance with Dennis, it’s gonna be this version, right? Hence all the times he’s apparently tried to kiss Dennis (as mentioned in “Time’s Up for the Gang”), the talk about deepthroating dude’s fingers (this was only in the bloopers but I’m including it) the touches that Dennis shrugs off, the “as I gay man, I do” when Dennis talks about how they know how good he looks in leather.
- This act gets the first cracks during “The Gang Gets New Wheels”, when he says he could do much better than dating Charlie, and Charlie goes “then why don’t you”. I feel you, Mac, it does get harder when you’re older, but let’s be honest here. We start to circle back to Mac’s true longing: something more meaningful. We are shown Mac’s desired alternate reality in “The Gang Does a Clipshow” when he imagines Dennis leaving Paddy’s, but this time with him. He still tries to find solace in aggressive wanking (”The Gang Solves the Bathroom Crisis”) and shirtless Rex (”The Gang Wins the Big Game”), but he just ends up chafed, and Rex is more Invigaron Berry than beefcake at this point.
- We’ve arrived at “Mac Finds his Pride”, where we finally have a Mac that openly admits he doesn’t know where he fits, or how to feel fulfilled as a gay man. Definitely not objectifying himself (bye bye Rainbow, and fuck you Paddy’s parade float), not through cliches like leather culture and drag queens. But first things first, there’s a last piece of the mask he needs to shed, in front of the person with whom he’s needed to be the most delusional: Luther.
- After “Pride”, we start S14 with romance. “The Gang Gets Romantic”, Mac is leading the scheme, Dennis is stepping down to second place, and Mac becomes the romantic lead he yearns to be (if only for a second).
The rest of season 14 I think has more to do with Dennis having his own freakout than Mac. In my opinion, Mac gets so ridiculously clingy and anxious about Dennis approval because Dennis is acting fucking weird, and Mac, having tried and failed to make Dennis want him, doesn’t know how to bring the dynamic duo back, or how to prevent Dennis from leaving again.
I just wanted to also mention something I’ve seen in the macdennis tag already, which is the way Mac dresses in season 14. He’s covering himself more (more to do with Rob getting rid of his tattoos with laser beams I think but let’s overthink this headcannon to death), he’s not so obsessed with showing his glamour muscles (he actually has proper muscles now, so he doesn’t need to act up). He’s just trying to get comfy (uwu).
Like I said, I reckon S14 is more about Dennis’ feelings, but Mac is still dealing with this new stage in his life, and apart from his Dennis freak outs, he’s also trying to know what’s his relationship with God as an openly gay man ("The Gang Solves Global Warming"), struggles with being assertive ("The Gang Chokes"), and tries to hold onto the last of his family life (Poppins!).
Ehm. So. Yep.
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felswritingfire · 4 years
Hey, everyone!
Have some housamo dad hcs that no one asked for! This guys kind of a monster (7978 big) so it goes under the read more. I just,,,, I really like domestic parent hcs ajlskfjlksdj
I kept the kids older years vague and just kept to biological gender because I didn’t want to complicate anything, if that makes sense, just give a little personality to the kiddo/kiddos but mostly focus on the dads, you know? Anyway Enjoy!
(Also so much thanks to @summonerscenarios for helping me with some of these and reading the beta, much love!!)
(Reader is gender neutral btw)
He’d probs have one and then ask for two more- a weird lion thing you know? So, under the assumption that you’re A) down to give birth to three or B) end up adopting three kiddos, he’d most likely end up with two girls (both a year apart from each other) and a boy (who’s three years younger than the middle girl, making him the youngest and gentlest out of his sisters)
He honestly has a bit of a “Oh shit” moment when you guys gain a kid by either a series of events or you getting pregnant, he’s lowkey freaking out
He’s never had a kid before, I mean, sure, he’s been a role model to young people for a long time, but it’s not like he’s had to raise them from when they were in diapers; and honestly, he has this vague wondering if he’s even too old to be a dad- but then she looks into his eyes and it’s like all his worries wash away and then he’s thinking out loud: “if one can do this to me, Y/N, what do you think five more would do?” 
You’ve never seen him so happy and you’re almost sad when you have to shut him down. Almost. “We’re not having six children, Arsalan.”
                       “Ok, what about two more then?”                        “Arsalan.” 
Jokes on you, Y/N, you have two more.
He’s super involved with all of the babies, like, there isn’t a time where Arsalan isn’t seen with them when they’re babies, since the girls are older than their brother, they were with their papa while he was with their baby brother- btw, despite them being four and three respectively, they still loved him to death- and there wasn’t a time when he wasn’t holding or touching them when they were babies
OH! He doesn’t wear any oil when he’s holding them! Since he almost shit a brick one of the times he was holding your oldest girl because he almost dropped her. His hands were so fucking oily because he just finished a riviting round of ✨Turkish Oil Wrestling✨, that he ended up flailing with her like a melted stick of butter in his hands until he managed to get her into the crook of his arm (she was giggling the entire time). Never again. He learned his lesson the first (and last) time. 
Btw, you weren’t there for that, but if he ever looks at you with guilty eyes you know why
He hates diaper duty with a passion and will vehemently try to get out of it. Though, he’ll do it if you really can’t and he’ll silently accept his fate, even the girls will steer clear when he has to change their brother’s diaper. A lonely soldier left to his fate
He baby talks to them when they’re babies, like, straight up, every one of the kids gets baby talked 
No and’s, if’s, or but’s. They get the baby talk
The girls help you guys out a lot with their little brother, or at least they try their best and that’s all that matters. It’s actually really heartwarming??? They’re so attached to this little bundle in your arms, they love him so much
The two girls weren’t fussy babies, but they were very curious, and they kept that curiosity for their entire lives, so they would get into a lot of things that would cause you and Arslan to panic, while their brother was a little angel, he was very quiet and he rarely cried. Though, he didn’t like when you or Arsalan were away for too long, this was a problem for when you guys needed a babysitter for them, not with the girls though, oh no, they love everyone in the Aoyama Guild, especially Maria and Gabriel (the middle one might have a crush on her, but who knows 💅💅). But your guys’ little boy is a whole other story. He’ll start crying and none of them can calm him down, their only saving grace is surprisingly Nyarl. Which Arsalan dislikes with an immense passion
He’s so afraid Nyal’s going to feed his kids to some eldritch horror or teach them bad habits- *GASP* WHAT HAPPENS IF HE TEACHES HIS LITTLE BOY HOW TO SAY FUCK??? OH NO-
He has entrusted the girls with keeping Nyarl in check and the hyena actually listens to them (of course Maria or Zab is there to keep him in check too, they just don’t let the girls know that they’re actually the ones giving Nyarl The Look behind them)
When they’re toddlers, Arsalan starts teaching them strategy and starts wrestling with them so that they can know how to defend themselves with different fighting techniques 
You know that thing that papa lions do where they’ll feign getting hurt when their cubs bite them to build their confidence??? Yeah, he does that with the little ones. The girls are all proud of themselves each time they manage to “beat” their papa, but your little boy is devastated the first time it happened because he thought he actually hurt Papa Arsalan and he started crying and was too afraid to touch anyone for a good two days before Arsalan managed to convince him that he was perfectly fine and the way for him not to hurt someone is to embrace his strength and learn how to use it for good! Luckly, your little boy accepts the answer and goes over and gives his papa a big hug and Arsalan gives him a big ol’ kiss on the forehead
You still have the video- it’s cute- you’re never getting rid of it
Arsalan definitely takes them to the guild and everyone LOVES THEM
The girls get along best with the angels, the more aggressive ones specifically while your little boy gets along best with the healers of the guild; they listen to all of the stories that anyone is willing to share with them and they LIVE FOR THEM
They all swear up and down that they’re gonna join the Aoyama guild when they get older and protect their dad and Arsalan tears up
They MEET (officially) ZABANIYYA AND YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN MORE STARSTRUCK CHILDREN IN YOU LIFE (He met them when they were babies, but he was always too busy to actually swing by and say hello to the little ones frequently)
They think he’s so cool and he feels a little awkward around them, but he’s accepted his fate as Uncle Zab
By the time they hit their tween years, Arsalan is more in his element, he’s an amazing listener, and coupled with the fact that his advice is some A++ shit, his kids feel at ease telling him their woes. Also he’s always open with his affection so if they need a hug, he’s there for that too!
The girls, at this time, are much more similar to Arsalan, their brother on the other hand is very shy, so they take it upon themselves to act as “bodyguards” for their little brother
Your guys’ kids in general are pretty independent, so they’re pretty self aware of themselves; Arsalan made sure of that, especially since he was in the mindset of “making capable kings and queens”- he was a king after all
The girls would go into sports, something like volleyball or softball, while your boy would take up a lot of writing/medical classes in high- if he has the opportunity, he’d probably go into a philosophy class
Your guys’ oldest girl has a bit of a problem with butting heads with people, she’s opinionated and backs them up with facts, she knows what she believes in and will defend it, so she’ll get into the occasional fight
Your middle girl is your social butterfly and gets along with everybody; she’s super sweet, but she has a temper and strong sense of justice which gets her into trouble every now and then
They both team up to take care of their little brother, it’s actually really cute to watch them 
Your boy is the peace keeper of the group; he’s very passive and fights with his words rather than his fists, but he really wants to go into the medical field 
HAVE FUN DEALING WITH THE FACT THAT THEY ALL GET INTO SHIT LIKE THEIR DAD. You and Arsalan had to go and convince the Tycoons not to hang your oldest by her toes because she punched Ophion straight in the jaw and suplexed Lucifuge (Hakuman was having an amazing time- the other two were not)
When they graduate, Arsalan doesn’t cry, but it’s still super evident that he’s proud of his kids, each one gets a huge ass bear (lion) hug that squeezes the breath out of them
He may be a little shocked at first, but he takes it in stride like everything else in his life; he marvels at the way that your guys’ kiddos grow up so fast. Honestly, having a family was one of the best experiences of his life.
I like to imagine that Ifirt would end up with more than one kid with you, being that if you can actually have a baby/babies or if you guys adopt, he’ll want one right after the other, but only if you’re comfortable with that.
We’re going with the route that you’re comfy with having/adopting at least two children:
He’d probs end up having two little boys that are two years apart.
When you guys bring home your first little boy, Ifrit is a mess of tears and snot and he gives you the wettest and biggest smooch he possibly can on your lips. He’s always wanted a big family (but he was afraid he would never be able to really start one because of his debt until you came along and, thanks to your more skeptical nature and eye for seeing through scams, he finally got financially stable!) and now it’s the start of one and he’s so excited! 
They are rambunctious little babies and are loud just like their father; I’m so sorry.
Speaking of loud- Ifrit does not help with the volume- if anything, he amplifies them; riling up the boys when he plays with them.
When he does play with the boys, he’s super soft about it with them. He’ll go down easily for them and play dead when they play any sort of game that includes a big scary monster.
 The first time he did play dead, his boys started crying and then he started crying after he couldn’t get them to calm down because he was overwhelmed with so much emotion for accidentally making his kids cry- you walked in on the three of them, with groceries lining your arms, cuddled up together on the floor crying their hearts out.
UM, HAVE YOU EVER REALIZED THAT IFRIT HAS A TAIL???? (because I sure as hell didn’t, but no surprise there I’m blind-) YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS:
He was a tad nervous when they first started doing this because he realized that he’s a pretty loud and expressive person, so he didn’t want to accidentally knock one of the boys off when he was super excited or he got angry; after you assured him that he was in fact, not going to hurt the boys, he started letting them cling to his tail. And, hey, you were right. He has never once knocked the boys off since, despite his excitable nature, his tail keeps relatively still when he feels the boys on there
Speaking of tails, if any of the boys ends up having tails or horns or fangs like him (especially if they’re biologically his and they get hit with all three), he’ll have you guys invest in a lot of… chew toys for dogs and scratching posts for cats
                    “Why are we getting dog toys for our kid again, Ifrit?”                     “One fucking word, babe, growing pains”                     “That’s two words-”                     “YOU GET WHAT I MEAN.”
Um, I’m so sorry if you wanted your kid’s first words to be “mama/papa/nano” (I read on reddit that’s a gender neutral term for parent, but like, real talk, if you have any other ones, just hit me up and tell me! I love learning new stuff in the LGBTQ+ community!) you ain’t gonna get it chief. It’s gonna be a cuss word because, let’s be frank Ifrit’s got a potty mouth from Hell (me too, man) and it isn’t going away anytime soon
So your kids are most likely gonna be cussing like sailors by the time they get into middle school/high school 
Ifrit is a pretty great multitasker in general, the other bonus is that he’s not afraid to change diapers, so when the boys were babies he was always ready to go when you needed a break
Just let him slap a clothing pin or shove a couple tissues up his nose and he is ready to go, babe
The kids usually cling to him, though, I feel the younger of the two would cling to you more so than Papa Ifrit, while the older one is attached to Ifrit: he copies everything that Ifrit does and is basically a carbon copy of him personality wise
It was kinda hard to convince them to let you guys go out for date night, but they’re super attached to Ebisu and Fenrir, and then Auntie Benten comes and tuckers them out since she has the same amount of energy as the little balls of chaos. So you guys usually call on them to come and watch the babies; once in a while Ahab and Aegir will join and the boys L O V E THEM (you two are honestly a little jealous tbh)
Ebisu is in charge though. Ebisu is always in charge
He’s a little lost in the tween years, but he figures it out pretty fast, luckily, your kids are pretty easy going and simple minded like Ifrit, albeit more aware of their surroundings since you beat it into their heads since you and Ifrit wanted to avoid some punks taking advantage of your kiddos, so they’re pretty straightforward in their thinking- though, your older boy has a hard time handling his emotions, while the younger boy has a hard time expressing his emotions, so you both have to take your time with them and talk it through with them and see how they’re feeling and to understand their problems. Which really isn’t that big of a problem for Ifrit, he’s a good listener and it’s easy for the boys to express themselves around him because, hey, he gets it. He usually let’s his anger control his decision so, he gets it, man
One thing that Ifrit never taught them, and you don’t know where they got it from, if they have horns, they’ll headbutt each other
This has lead to Ifrit, more than once, having to come and untangle their horns, due to the fact that he’s the only one who knows how horns work, because they got locked together, especially if they have Ifrit’s horns (also thank you Juno for giving me this headcanon, I love you-)
If you two ever hear frustrated yelling, you know exactly what’s happening and Ifrit sighs as he gets up while yelling, “again?”
Teenage years are actually quite chill, the boys don’t really go through that phase where nothing feels right or they’re embarrassed of their parents- they’re comfy in their skin and Ifrit and you provide a solid and understanding home for them, so they actually have the tendency to brag about you guys to other people- especially your oldest
What does cause a lot of problems, even when they were little, is fighting
The boys tend to throw themselves head first into fights because A) they have their papa’s temper and B) they can’t stand bullies
So they kinda act as the designated “Protectors of the Weak” if you will and usually it doesn’t end in a fight, their sheer volume and confidence usually makes people back off pretty quick, and if they’re biologically Ifrit’s, then, like, they also have the height and build along with them- or if they were adopted and they had big ass parents, it goes either way
But when they get into a fight- they throw down H A R D. T O G E T H E R
So, once in a while you two get calls to come and pick up the boys, since they got into another skirmish again with that Billy kid- 
Honestly, the first time it happened, Ifrit was pissed because, what the fuck you two? And then he got their side of the story (because of course he would, he’s a GOOD DAD) and he was like, “WELL, FUCK, HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO BE MAD NOW??” So instead, he goes and gets them ice cream every time they get into a fight because he knows your boys would never start a fight unless absolutely necessary. Also they beat up a bunch of bullies HOW THE FUCK IS HE NOT PROUD? HE RAISED THEM RIGHT
This might be one of the only serious arguments you ever have if you’re against the boys fighting at all (but like, I wouldn’t, they beat up bullies. FUCK BULLIES)
When your sons graduate from High school, Ifrit will cry at each of their ceremonies. Full blown sobbing- he’s so proud of his boys and he’s so ready to see what they make of themselves. 
Ifrit dad rating: 10/10, he’s amazing, please let him be a dad; he’s really matured from his younger days, especially now that he has kids. Being in a family with you has really made his life complete
Ophion, to no one’s surprise, has a lot of experience under his belt. At least we would presume, but plot twist: this dragon is used to dealing with older creations rather than little baby ones. Not to say he doesn’t  have any experience with babies, he’s just… used to his kids being independent on their own. It’s a luxury when you got an egg that pops out Wyvern children who are fully developed left and right
He is totally down for babies tho, please, he actually really likes kids a lot and, when he was the older version of himself, he’d try to covertly play with them out in public if he’s with the Tycoons for whatever reason (they knew. They fucking knew what he did, none of them told him jack shit because Hakuman does the same exact thing and Lucifuge thinks his buddy is adorable when he plays with the babies, so like shit he’s gonna say anything. And Licht holds onto this as blackmail, just in case Ophion decides to really piss him off), younger Ophion gives zero shits about playing with babies in front of the Tycoons. He loves hearing babies laugh, so he’ll make some cool ass light tricks and babies and toddlers alike are in awe
Also, he has this tendency to try to give kids life advice and teach them philosophy that their little heads just do not comprehend, but they think he’s the coolest thing to ever exist so they just nod along and pretend they understand (he knows they don’t he just thinks they’re adorable 
He’d try to convince you to have a horde of children; it’s up to you to talk him down because, holy shit, Ophion we are not repopulating a planet. That’s a lot of kids to take care of-
You manage to talk him down to having two and seeing how it goes from there
Plot twist y’all end up with four children: split even boys and girls
Ok, so, I apologize but I’m gonna be drifting away from the gender neutral territory for a hot minute because, like, Juno pointed this out:
Giving birth to Ophion’s baby would be a nightmare: Ophion is a big dude, if I remember right he’s 6’10”, that’s huge if you didn’t know, can you imagine how big that baby is gonna be inside of you???? And the other thing- if they have any draconic characteristics then, like, have fun pushing out a baby with wings, my dude. So it’s either: pray that the little guy is baby baby sized or C-Section
Which is fine- you have options, so that works out great! Double bonus, you never have to worry about medical bills because Ophion is fucking LOADED; TRIPLE BONUS, SINCE OPHION IS LOADED YOU WOULD BE PAMPARED HALF TO DEATH AFTER THE ENTIRE DEBACLE
SPEAKING OF LOADED, your babies have all of the best shit ever since they were born into a rich family.
I’m talking about gucci onesies all the plushies they can imagine
Now, you might be thinking: shit. That means I have to be the tough parent.
Not necessarily
Ophion is particular about how he wants his kids to be raised up: he wants them to be smart and aware, not spoiled and useless. He honestly expects some sort of perfection out of them since, you know, the whole mindset of: well, they’re my children. Of course they have to be perfect
Which, no, bad Ophion. We don’t hold our children to unrealistic standards in this house, it’s up to you to knock him off his high horse. The good part is that he’ll listen to you and actually reflect on his expectations for his kids, he’ll even work on taking said expectations down a couple of notches which is great. 
You’ll probs still have to remind him once in a while, but he’s pretty good at chilling the fuck out when he needs to
Your kids go in the order of girl, boy, girl, boy; all of them a year or two apart, because of course
The first baby was a very rambunctious baby and Ophion threatened to chuck her out the window more than once- IN THE MOST LOVING WAY HE POSSIBLY COULD, I SWEAR- when she’d wake up crying in the middle of the night, because then he’d come and get her and she’d immediately start giggling and trying to grab his finger
He could never stay mad her and he’d end up staying up and rocking her until she fell back asleep 
The crib was barely used for your guys’ second and third baby- they were both easy babies for the most part, only really making a peep when they were away from one of you. Your boy was quite attached to you while the second girl was attached to Ophion; but your oldest girl and boy’s rooms weren’t really used until they each turned five respectively because they’d just climb into bed with you guys and set their younger sibling in between them- these were some of Ophion’s favorite moments tbh. It was so soft and gentle, it soothes his soul when he thinks about it
Your youngest was another rambunctious baby, not in the sense that he cried a lot, but in the sense that he was very… He had a knack for getting into things that shouldn’t have been possible
Like, you, Ophion, and your eldest daughter almost shit when you found your baby boy on top of the counter; no one put him there- you set him down for two minutes- but there he was, giggling as he crawled all over the polished countertops 
Also, PS: each of the babies has their own designated “nanny Wyvern” that takes care of them, but they’re more like, just huge ass guard dogs because they’ll try to make the babies a bottle of milk and it just… it does not work out so well, because sharp claws and microwaves don’t mix as you’ve come to learn
All the wyvern’s love your kids to death tho, they’d die for them. Nobody touches the babies unless they want to get fucking mauled to death by a thousand basically siblings
Each of the babies has gone with him on business meetings with the Tycoons, not that he was very thrilled- Ophion is quite the possessive dragon when it comes to his family- but you needed the load off, especially when you guys have four kids running around? Yeah. He isn’t gonna let you deal with that responsibility alone. 
So he brings them and the Tycoons were a little hesitant about the kids at first because, I mean, they’re Ophion’s kids, they have to be prideful little shits right?
Lucky for them, you keep what Ophion rubs off on his kids in check- especially the pride shit
So, turns out, that your kids are really sweet, maybe a little too confident, but sweet to everyone, and, surprisingly, Ophion’s kinda stickler for manners so they know how to behave themselves
Ophion is lowkey pissed about it because those are his babies, fuck you, Gyumao
But you’re jumping for joy because um? Babysitter who is legit big enough to handle all of the kiddos in one room???? YES PLEASE
The second oldest really likes Lucifuge and will ask if he can comb his hair and Luci always says yes and convinces the kids to call him Uncle Luci; Ophion also hates this
Hakumen is honorary Auntie, they love her to death, especially the two youngest ones, and she likes to spoil them to piss of Ophion
The youngest really likes Licht and Melusine (all the kids are in agreement that Mel is super pretty and the oldest always asks her if she can hold her tail)
When your kids become toddlers, they’re all curious little things and like to hang around Papa and watch what he’s doing 
They’ll try to mimic him, so you’ve walked into a room and witnessed Ophion standing there looking over Tokyo majestically with a wine glass in his hand and all four of your kiddos lined up next to him trying to mimic him, all with their own respective juice cups (youngest to oldest, all trying to look like their papa??? It’s some soft shit and I will forever love Juno for adding and making this scene even cuter)
He’s got a surprising amount of patience with them, so if they're scared to jump off the top of the couch, he’ll reassure them that he’s there and he would never, ever let them fall- and when they do jump? He catches them and praises them for being so brave and it’s just- *cries*
He’ll also take them out on flies so they can get used to the feeling of the wind on their faces and under their wings; they all get super excited if he does a cool twist in the air with them or something like that
The wyverns are usually out and about with them too, so they get two comfort buddies for the price of one fly!
Like with Ifrit, this dude has a tail, so the kiddos will grab onto it, and if they have tails, they’ll make a train of them holding onto each other’s tails as Ophion walks around the house or the Tower- everyone almost dies, because???? That shit cute.
You have so many photos of them doing this
Once your youngest girl fell asleep on his tail while he walked around and you almost died
When they hit their tween years, since they are confident kiddos, especially your two eldest, they have a tendency to push back with Ophion. And Ophion really doesn’t mind? 
He views it as them developing a true identity for themselves, but if they ever cross a line, pray for the kiddos, because he will put the fear of a god in them. He’s very scary angry
It’s even scarier because he doesn’t lift a finger, it’s just a look. A hard, narrowed, disappointed look. It shuts them up real fast
They don’t fight with you though. They’d never fight with you lmao they love you too much
Your two youngest are relatively easy because they don’t have as dominating personalities as their big sister and brother do. So they’ll still stick close to Ophion and listen to what he has to say
You’re eldest ones have an easier time talking to you about their problems while the little ones go to their papa
Though from time to time they’ll talk to the Wyvern that they grew up closest to and rant to them, all the while said Wyvern is squawking and cooing at them in understanding 
In their teenage years, they’ve been humbled a bit by their experiences, so they’re not as.... Over the top. They’re still dramatic tho
Honestly, they’d probs all go into theater. AND THEY’D BE INCREDIBLY GOOD AT IT
And Ophion would obviously brag about this because of course his offspring are amazing at anything they do
Your oldest girl is probably going to play a sport, probably swimming unless she has wings then she’d most likely play something like Lacrosse; you’re eldest boy would probably really into fashion because of Lucifuge so he’d take any fashion classes he could get his hands on; your youngest girl would be into business, courtesy of Auntie Haku and Uncle GyuGyu; and your youngest would most likely stick to theater and the arts; he fell in love with acting and I have this hc that Ophion is really into art in his spare time (especially since, hello- Old Greek God, where do you think they learned it from???) so he runs with the talent he has and just floors it
They all end up kinda, lowkey, running the school, their personalities just cause them to be natural leaders
When they finally graduate highschool, Ophion, if they can’t fly, will take them in his arms after the ceremony and they’ll fly around Tokyo just talking about everything and anything; if they can fly they’re doing the same thing, just instead they’re both doing kick ass tricks in the air! Either way, Ophion is proud and there’s the Wyvern they were closest to crying and nuzzling them because their basically little sib is all grown up
Ophion would kill for a big family with you and he’s such a good papa??? He’s naturally a good dad, it’s a little freaky- but he has so much fun raising this family. He holds all the memories he’s had with you and them close to his heart
Tadatomo and you would probably have one baby in general, a little girl who’s very bubbly- though if you wanted a bigger family, Tada isn’t opposed to the idea
I feel like with Tada the baby, if you have the ability to have children- Hell, even if you don’t have the ability to have a child- you two still probably end up with having a surprise kiddo: they probably wind up being placed in front of your guys’ door by some random person-
Long story short, he freaks out
He definitely doesn’t know how to take care of a baby- he can barely take care of himself- Y/N, what does he do? Please-
It takes a lot of google searching, Youtube videos and phone calls to get Tada to calm down about the baby
After he gathers his bearings, he actually steps up to the plate pretty easily
Except for diapers, I’m so sorry, but you’re on your own for diapers. He’ll get you the stuff and everything, but, he just,,, He can not handle the smell
You guys don’t ever get a crib, if anything someone else gets you said crib (probably Mori) but you guys never use it because Tada places the baby between the both of you when you two go to sleep and, since he’s such a light sleeper, he’s usually the one to tell when she needs something before she even makes a peep
Not that I think she makes a lot of noise in the first place aside for her laughing- she’s just a happy and easy baby in general
Btw, Tada totally shed a tear when she laughed for the first time, he’ll never admit it but she gives him so much L I F E
He lets her play with his ears/tail, doesn’t matter if she pulls on them (which she doesn’t, she’s a gentle baby) no matter what time or place. He could be threatening someone with a knife and she’d be playing with his ears and everyone is like????? That’s kinda cute????   
He binge watches Naruto with his baby despite them not knowing what the fuck is going on and even gets them an Uchiha onsie because obviously Sasuke and Itachi are the bast characters in Naruto and no, he doesn’t take constructive criticism, thank you very much
He probably tries to convince you to name her after Tsunade, it’s up to you if
 you’re willing to go with it
(you’re kid probs has a hardcore anime phase in middles school and Tada and Shino NEVER LET HER LIVE IT DOWN)
For someone who was terrified of babies at first, he takes baby proofing the house/apartement very seriously; you’ll honestly have to stop him- he’s going crazy:
                 “Tada, for the last time, you don’t need to sand down the corners of the wall.”                  “But what if she runs into it?”                  “Tadatomo Inuyama, if you don’t put down that sander, I will have your head.”
You’ll sometimes wake up in the middle of the night just to find your baby isn’t there, it almost gave you a heart attack the first time because, I mean, HOLY SHIT WHERE’S YOUR BABY???
But when you look over and see Tada resting with her by the window and humming/singing her a little lullaby- your heart has never been more ready to burst in your life
Moritaka and Shino are the main babysitters, she absolutely adores Mori to death and Tada feels a sense of betrayal everytime she clings to him 
Moritaka has so many mixed emotions about it because on one hand: !!! My favorite basically niece! But on the other hand, Tadatomo has been glaring at the back of his head for the past 30 minutes, please, help him-
Shino also spoils her a teeny bit and Mori and Tada will stare at him with wide eyes, like, “dad, WHERE’S MY HUG???”
He starts her training early, because you know he wants his little girl to be able to take care of herself if he isn’t there to protect her, which, that’s not gonna happen, Tada will kill an entire city, don’t test him (also Mori and Shino and you’ll be there and like, nobody wants to open that can of fucking worms)
She’s clumsy at first, but she’s a really fast learner and he cannot be more proud when she starts to pick up stuff, he almost starts crying but, again, denies it if you try to bring it up
If she ends up having fangs of any kind, he will, like Ifrit, invest in chew toys as well, because have you seen puppies when they teeth??? It’s chaos, you will lose so much furniture that way, let me tell you
She develops a really good sense of balance, so it’s a fight to get her to stop breaking into the snack cupboard when she wants a treat; she’ll give it up without a fight, but she will break in again if you don’t watch it
She’s a pretty big ball of sunshine so she makes a lot of friends and invites them over; they all think Tada’s super scary because he’s glowering at them, if you tell them that that’s just how his face is, he’ll be mildly offended, but then you also throw in the fact that he’s a super cool ninja and then the kids are all over the poor transient 
He’s in heaven, but he won’t tell you that. Your guys’ daughter is all too happy to tell you guys all about how people think she has the coolest parents in school
Despite him teaching her how to fight, he’s a bit of a helicopter parent, especially when her tween/teenage years roll around
She’s a pretty easy kid in her tween years too, though Tada has a heart attack when puberty hits her and Aunt Ruby comes a knocking and he calls up Shino of all people to explain it to her, which he does, you’re honestly a little shocked when you get home and you see Shino with a whole powerpoint slide explaining in excruciating detail what a period is to your horrified daughter and your, as equally horrified, husband
He gets her everything she needs or asks you to get it if he can’t BECAUSE YOU GUYS ARE GOOD PARENTS
Tadatomo isn’t the best with emotions so he’s shit with advice, but he’s a really good listener. So, sometimes your kid will just info dump to him about everything that’s bothering her 
When she starts getting into the dating scene Tada HATES IT
He’s always glowering at the partner she brought home because he already hates them, he wants them to go away. She’s his little Shinobi- DON’T TOUCH HIS LITTLE SHINOBI-
You have to be the one to calm him down tbh because he will kill a child with zero hesitation 
Her teenage years are also pretty easy, she’s a rather laid back and optimistic kid and she has a solid relationship with both you and her papa so she doesn’t really have a lot of negative emotions inside of her 
And if she ever gets angry or anything, you know Tada installed a gym in your guys’ home, so she’ll punch the punching bag or work out her emotions
Tada will join her if she’s feeling up for it 
She’s most likely into sports and Tada and you go to all of her games; Tada cheers the loudest but he will DENY IT 
When she graduates from high school, Tada will openly cry. He’s super proud of his little girl and she’s a step closer to being an adult, she most likely got a scholarship for whatever sport she was most excited for and a dozen other little scholarships as well. Tadatomo will give her a big ol’ hug and tell her how proud he is of her, honestly, you’re probs gonna cry too
He is another excellent papa, who would give the world to his kid- he’s honestly so happy that you’re with him because he feels like he would never be able to take care of her as good without you 
I feel that he’d have one child, maybe two, but definitely one; a little boy
It’s most likely you who brings up the idea of having a kid with him; and he is both a nervous wreck and an excited mess because A) Oh! A baby! And you want to have one with him??? WHY??? And B) OH! A BABY! I LOVE BABIES AND I LOVE YOU
He’s a pretty gentle soul, so when you bring home the baby, Xolotl gets the kid to go out like a light every time he starts crying
It relieves both you and Lotl, but definitely Lotl, like, the poor guy always has a mini heart attack when his baby is crying
The baby is a bit of a fussy baby so, he tends to cry if he feels like he isn’t getting enough attention or he wants to be held 
Lotl is super attuned to your kids’ emotions?? Like, to a freaky degree, he can tell just what your baby wants
He records all milestones in your babies life and you know it’s him because you can hear his sniffles in the background
                “Y/N! Y/N! Our baby said ‘dada’! Our baby said ‘dada’!”                 “Yes, Xol, that’s great! Don’t cry on the camera though, please-”                  *Incomprehensible blubbering ensues*
He’ll actually take the baby with him to work if you’re too busy to watch him or if you can’t find anyone to watch him 
AKA: Maria is super busy and can’t watch the baby, which kills her inside because she loves the baby and Xolotl, as much as he loves Garmr, isn’t about to trust him with his baby’s life because that is… a very foolish decision to make, unfortunately
Hakuman got mad at him the first time for this and started yelling at him when the baby started to cry, her maternal instincts kicked in and she was on it; like she snatched him out of his little baby carrier and cradled him, cooing at the baby until he calmed down and then she gave him back to his papa, who was mildly miffed for once in his life, thank you very much (his fur was standing on end, he was ready to throw down with the mistress). She even apologized for taking your guys’ baby without permission and startling him- don’t get her wrong, she was still very much against the idea of Xol bringing his baby to work. It can, afterall, be a very dangerous place, especially the casino, but what could you do? Obviously this little baby needed a place to stay and what better place than with his papa, her top bodyguard, and of course the one and only her!
She ends up convincing him to bring the baby a vast majority of the time he comes around now, she’ll have him take him into meetings she has with the Tycoons and they get nothing done. NOTHING. They’re all too busy playing with the baby. He has a tendency to get really antsy when Ophion comes near his baby, fighting the urge to snap at him, but he learned that Ophion just really likes kids and holding them. Though he did make the jab that you and him would’ve made much cuter children and Hakuman was terrified of Xolotl in that moment because he almost lost his shit 
When the baby becomes a toddler, Lotl is much more confident and experienced, but he’s still nervous, your little boy is still very attached to his papa despite this
When he meets new people that he doesn’t know very well, he’ll hide behind your’s or Xolotl’s leg and peek out at them
It’s really, really cute???? Lotl almost starts crying
SPEAKING OF CRYING, your little munchkin cries a lot
But Lotl never yells at him for it or anything, he just kneels down and rests his hands on his shoulders and asks what’s wrong, more often than not, your kiddo just gets nervous and starts crying, not loud and obnoxious, but those silent tears of stress. But then he gets a big ol’ hug from papa/you and he’s alright 
He likes to try and copy what Lotl does so he’ll pretend he has a tie and fix it whenever Papa Lotl does and he almost screamed when he caught your kiddo mimicking him
He’ll also steal Lotl’s glasses once in a while and wear them, pretending to be a kick ass agent like his dad
Lotl gave it to him when it was his first day of school and told him that papa put some of his and mama/papa/nano’s bravery in it so he’d always have some of his own- and he just- AHHH-
As your little boy grows up, he develops a bit more of a bite than his dad has, so he’ll try to defend you guys from anyone if they try to say anything about his dad crying and hitting on you, they have one pissed off toddler on their hands and he fucking bites, it doesn’t matter if he has the fangs or not, he’ll bite someone
(You guys honestly don’t know where he learned that from-*looks at Garmr*)
When he hits his tween years, the boy is an anxious mess, but he’s not afraid to cry about it, he’s learned that crying is perfectly fine from his papa and it’s actually super healthy to get rid of all that pent up emotion, so you bet your ass when I say: your little boy knows a lot of healthy coping methods, which is awesome
It actually helps his transition through puberty a lot 
Real talk, he almost shits himself when he speaks and he realizes how deep his fucking voice is, even Lotl is freaked out. But then he gets real proud of it and so does Lotl and it’s a cute father-son moment
If he ever gets to be the same size of Lotl, he’ll still get plenty of head pats from his papa
His teenage years are pretty smooth sailing aside from him being a tad anxious and socially awkward about things, but he’ll get through it! With the power of support and him having a safe place to explore himself he’ll learn healthy coping mechanisms to handle his anxiety!
Though if he ever does get really emotionally constipated or it just becomes too much, he’ll go to Lotl or you and ask if you can hug him and he’ll just cry and let it all go, rambling into your shirt, you can barely make out the words, but still nodding along with what he’s saying- it really helps
He has a first job already in the bag: at the water park that Hakuman runs! Because like hell was he gonna work at the casino as a first job, over Lotl’s, your’s and Hakuman’s dead bodies. It really helps his social anxiety and he learns that he actually really likes to interact with people (also everyone loves him over there because he’s such a gigantic teddy bear)
He’s probably super into art and Lotl gets him everything art related that he can get his hands on, he really wants to support his kiddo 
Lotl and you go to every gallery that your son’s art features in and it’s always great because that’s where you get to see him shine the most
When your guys’ son graduates from high school with a fully paid scholarship to his dream art school for his portfolio, you're all crying. You’re all so proud of your guys’ little boy
Having a kid was really good for Xolotl- having a family was really good for him; it helped build his confidence and become more secure with himself. He only wished his brother could be here to see his nephew, but this was fine, he could probably see him know and see how good of a dad Lotl was
Bonus HC for Lotl: he’d be, hands down, one of the best characters to be a single parent. Change my mind
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karajaynetoday · 4 years
hi kara! i saw ur tags on ur txt post and was wondering if you have tips on moving out/living without family, especially at a young age? i'll be 23 when i graduate college and am planning to move out then (2 more yrs) but the thought of living out the house is so overwhelming?? or if u have advice when it comes to telling ur parents you'd like to leave (i feel like mine would react poorly) (if u feel comfy answering these, if not its ok and ty for ur time!! <3)
Hello lovely anon!! I hope you're enjoying college so far 😌 moving out of home is super duper overwhelming, so don't worry, you're not alone there! I moved out of home a month after I turned 18 to a city 7 hours away for my uni studies and I was very anxious about it, especially in the first six months or so. Many tears. Much anxiety. The one thing that helped me was focusing on the new things I could do bc I wasn't living at home - spending time with friends more often, cooking/choosing my own food (moreso once I moved off campus into a sharehouse), watching whatever I liked on TV, and transitioning into adulthood (doing laundry, paying bills, getting groceries... sounds boring but I love routine so it was fun to feel like I was achieving things haha).
It's also important to recognise that it's okay to feel overwhelmed! Trust me, anyone else who seems to have their life fully together probs doesn't, and if you're able to move in with good housemates, sharing that experience together can be both hilarious and wonderful. Sometimes you just gotta eat nachos together on the kitchen floor at 2am, you know? But also, living alone can be a vibe too - two of my best friends have lived alone for most of their adult lives and they love having their own space without having to deal with housemates, so to each their own!
The other thing is, moving out doesn't mean never going home - I visited in most study breaks, and for some of my cousins who lived at home until 25ish, my aunt would host a weekly family dinner so that was a really nice way to ease the transition and also still feel like you're connected with what's going on in your families lives! Also accept that sometimes no place will properly feel like home - at least in my experience 😂 I've had plenty of shared rentals that were a home of sorts that I felt really comfortable in and loved living at, but for me there's nothing like the feeling of your parents house or your childhood home (my parents moved out of my hometown when they retired so I'm in a constant state of confusion as to where home is haha oops).
On the parents thing, I actually had to do this in reverse last year when I was thinking about quitting my job and moving back to the country to study full-time and living at home while I did so (I finished my first degree in 2014 so it'd been a while since I'd studied). Disclaimer that obviously I am very lucky and grateful to have (mostly) supportive parents but they do like to have logic behind decisions. So the best advice I can offer here is to anticipate the kinds of questions or concerns your parents might have and do your research so you're not caught off guard. Run some budget numbers & talk to friends living out of home in similar areas to where you'd potentially move if you can to give yourself a rough idea of rent costs and find some properties in your price range, have a plan or timeline for when you'd want to start looking and move (which it sounds like you already do) which helps you physically and mentally prepare (as it does for your parents) and even prepare some notes on why you want to move (I've written myself scripts when resigning from jobs before etc bc I panic in the moment and forget what to say lol) - I know some parents may react poorly but my perspective is, if you're ready and willing to move out, it's because in part your parents have helped prepare you for adulthood, so it's a positive step for you both. One thing that helped with my mum a lot (she was very overprotective and anxious about me living out of home bc I'm the baby of the family) was involving her in the house hunting process - even though she was 7 hours away she'd look at places online and we'd chat about them after I'd been to inspections etc which was fun. Also (as is clear in my case LOL), moving out doesn't mean you'll never come back! I'm back living at home after 8 years away and it's both nice but challenging as well (no thanks to rona) but so is life I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️
You can also do the anticipation thing with yourself- ask yourself if there are specific things about moving out that overwhelm you, and try and problem solve them bit by bit or talk it out with friends. You're not the only one who has felt this way, trust me! Anywayyyy this turned into a REALLY long response, sorry anon 😂 I hope it helps! Good luck, and my askbox is always open if you want to chat more about anything! 😘
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waithyuck · 4 years
extra elongated tag game
tagged by @gohyuck my love
tagging: @kwantified @honeyyu @jensungf @renjunwrites @neo-shitty @suingjaehyun
tell me the first song that made you stan your current fave group and why did your faves attract you so much?
okay so my ult group is nct and I can’t remember what song exactly but i remember not being a stan and LOVING back 2 u so much that I had to look into nct
for bts is was serendipity and blood sweat & tears
ateez was pirate king bc we stanned since debut 😔✊
rule: answer the ten questions and write your own!
favorite item of clothing?
I own a lot of hoodies but my fav is my dark gray we go up hoodie and it’s big n comfy....yeah
if you had to smell like one scent for the rest of your life what would it be?
I think I would want to smell like vanilla or lavender
favorite painter? why?
frida kahlo bc she embraced everything about herself and did wonderful self portraits
what’s your favorite horror movie (and if you don’t like horror, why not?)?
I don’t like jumpscares so most horror is not to my taste....however give a psychological horror and I’ll go off ab how much I love it (like idk if it’s considered horror but ‘a cure for wellness’ anyone???)
iphone or android?
iPhone dude
favorite tiktok trend (and if you don’t like tiktok, you can talk about how much influencers suck)?
i only go on tiktok for the kpop content I don’t know trends,,,,also can be talk about how most influencers on that app manipulate literal children into giving them money?? for doing absolutely nothing??
if you could wake up with any new ability what would it be?
the ability to read others emotions and make them happy no matter what (call me a corny ass bitch but it’s true)
favorite superhero/supervillain/antihero?
people consider her a ‘villain’ so I’m saying maleficent (from the movie maleficent) bc ??? she fell in love with a man and he fuckin just,,,,did her so dirty and left her broken-hearted and cut off her wings like ??? hell I’d be mad too I’d curse the little ass baby he had with another woman just as fast as she did. also how about that character development??? she cursed aurora but always looked out for her and eventually came to love her?? and that’s the kiss that broke the spell and woke aurora up?? call that motherly love we stan
if you could only dress in one color for the rest of your life which color would it be?
realistically black is prob the way I would go but gray is also a valid option
who’s your ult and give me five reasons why.
oof y’all already know it’s my boy lee donghyuck
1. his vocals??? the vocals alone are enough reason to stan
2. his dancing??? he is so incredibly talented and I love watching him move
3. his hardwork and dedication to his career, like he loves what he does so much and I love seeing him shine (but also like, pls let him sit the fuck down for a sec)
4. his aura and personality !!!!! is just so loveable !!! he brightens the room with his mood-making personality and I’m just in love with him god
5. okay okay now I’ll touch on the fact that he’s so fucking handsome??? a visual king ???? look at that face, look at those legs, JUST LOOK AT HIS BODY PROPORTIONS. PERFECT.
my questions:
what is your favorite memory from your childhood?
If you could travel anywhere in the world with just a snap of your fingers, where would you go and why?
describe your personality in three (3) words.
what is your favorite thing that you have ever read? (anything you’ve ever read counts! fanfiction, poems, novels etc.) why?
are you the studying type of person or the type to just ‘wing it’ when you have a big test coming up?
between bold colors and pastel colors, which do you prefer?
do you live life in the moment or do you plan every action you take?
what is your favorite holiday and why? (all holidays count! across all religions and cultures 😄)
would you rather stay up to stargaze in the middle of the night or wake up early to watch the sunrise?
what is your favorite eye color on another person?
rule: bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, then tag nine people.
AIR ༉⋆͙̈
i have small hands / i love the night sky / i watch animals and birds when i pass them by / i drink herbal tea / i wake to see the dawn / the smell of dust is comforting / i’m valued for being wise / i prefer books to music / i meditate / i find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
i don’t have straight hair / i like to wear ripped jeans and overalls / i play an organized sport / i love dogs / i am not afraid of adventure / i love to talk to strangers / i always try new foods / i enjoy road trips / summer is my favorite season / my radio is always playing
WATER ༉⋆͙̈
i wear bracelets on my wrists / i love the bustle of the city / i have more than one set of piercings / i read poetry / i love the sound of a thunderstorm / i want to travel the world / i sleep past midday most days / i love simply lit dinners and fluorescent signs / i rewatch kids shows out of nostalgia / i see emotions in colors not words
EARTH ༉⋆͙̈
i wear glasses or contacts / i enjoy doing the laundry / i am a vegetarian or vegan / i have an excellent sense of time / my humor is very cheerful / i am a valued advisor to my friends / i believe in true love / i love this chill of mountain air / i’m always listening to music / i am highly trusted by the people in my life
i go without makeup in my daily life / i make my own artwork / i keep on track of my tasks and time / i always know true north / i see beauty in everything / i can always smell flowers / i smile at everyone i pass by / i always fear history repeating itself / i have recovered from a mental disorder / i can love unconditionally
the ultimate tag: answer whichever ones you want to because there are a lot and then tag a few blogs you’d like to get to know better!
name: samantha
nickname: sam
birthday: march 9
zodiac: pisces sun
nationality: american
languages: english, currently learning korean
gender: female
sexuality: pansexual :)
height: 5’2” (157 cm)
inspiration for muse: music, tv, movies
meaning behind my url: hyuck is doin too much he’s gotta just give me a break and wAIT A SEC = waithyuck
blog established: 2020 but I’ve been on tumblr since 2015
followers: 791
favorite animals: pigs, cats, dogs, snakes
favorite books: lord of the flies, the great gatsby, hamlet even tho it wasn’t technically a book
favorite color: yellow, orange, pink
favorite fictional characters: gilbert blythe, prince zuko from atla idk who else
favorite flower: sunflowers, carnations, roses
favorite scent: vanilla, citrus, lavender
favorite season: spring or fall
average hours of sleep: like 4-5
cats or dogs: both
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: hot chocolate
current time: 2:23 p.m.
dream trip: seoul, rome, greece in general, london, dublin
dream job: teaching english as a second language, linguist, translator
hobbies: writing, drawing, singing
hogwarts house: hufflepuff
last movie watched: burlesque lmao
last song listened to: kick it - nct 127
no. of blankets you sleep with: 1
random fact(s): my fingers are double jointed lmaO idk
10 things i can’t stop listening to
slow down - chase atlantic
watermelon sugar - harry styles
to die for - sam smith
we go up - nct dream
blue side - j-hope
god’s menu - stray kids
inception - ateez
love me right - rendezvous at two
renegade - aaryan shah
HER - chase atlantic
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no but imagine the teen titans + teen titans east + honorary titans playing spin the bottle
(minus of course: mas y menos, the Kiddos raven watched (apparently official honorary, who knew), and mayyyybe kole idk how old she is she could be seventeen or twelve tbfh so i’ll just,,, leave her out,,, just in case)
so that’s a lot of people . and since i’m Smart™, i’m going to literally put all these dudes into a spinner and just spin it a bunch of times, and see who i get, and write about it, which is gonna be interesting, bcos the show gives many the Honorary Titans 0 personality. s c i e n c e 
also this is fun so it’ll probs get long, i’ll tag the people Chosen, and if you want to see them, go for it, otherwise, scroll on duderinos
1. hot spot and lightning. im screeching this is already so much more wack than i could make on my own. 
lightning would probs do this because ~earthen games brother let’s do it~ and then is hype hype hype UP until the moment he actually has to do it. can actual lightning turn pink? the answer is yes. hot spot is much better at feigning nonchalance, is internally screaming, but also, who can say they kissed nature? nobody, that’s who. it’s also lightning’s first kiss. they do it once when hot spot isn’t on fire, then someone (speedy) says he bet lightning wouldn’t do it if hot spot WAS on fire, so then they have to do it again just to prove speedy wrong. kissing lightning , hot spot claims, is weird bc lightning has no experience but there’s these little shocks that feel just so weird but good
2. Beast Boy and Speedy. oh my fuCKign goD
they would groan. loudly. and a lot. obnoxiously. “ughhhgHGHGH WHY’D IT HAVE TO BE YOU. I WOULD RATHER KISS MY OWN FOOT.” beast boy asks if he can do it as an animal (licking as kissing). the answer is no. they kiss, beast boy wipes his mouth dramatically, speedy spits. it’s not that bad, but they like the attention, obviously. bb says “be glad i didn’t cut ur mouth with my FANGS” and speedy’s like “calm down furry”. then everyone gets on speedy because he kissed the furry and he really regrets his life choices
3. Herald and Aqualad. hghkhghkfhkhkfhk
(fun fact, herald has Two Whole Sentences in personality in the wiki. therefore i am legally allowed to make up a personality for him thank you)
Herald has an initial jump at being Chosen by the Bottle but he mellows out p quick. also a little nervous about kissing some of them but aqualad’s not that bad. they have the same color scheme. it’s chill. aqualad has a whole facade that fools literally no one but herald kisses him without much fanfare. makes a joke about an underwater kiss being more romantic and speedy laughs so hard he falls over, even though it wasn’t that funny, which makes aqualad’s expression sour. but he can’t even get made at herald who’s laughing a little and is just a genuine human being, and also being mad at speedy is easy
4. Thunder and Kid Flash. cuuUUUTE
thunder i can see being all gentle giant and kid flash is so endeared by him, laughing and cracking jokes. theyre just . happy people and thunder is nervous and doesn’t want to hurt him and it’s just very pure all around. kid flash initiates it and just beams afterwards, proclaiming the two of them bros. he sits next to thunder for the rest of the night, poking him and talking to him, and thunder warms up to him and gets less nervous
5. Raven and Herald . oooh an entire canon interaction
raven wouldn’t be super hype about kissing anyone but if she chose to kiss someone it would be starfire or herald so she’s good. herald is just as laid back as ever and their kiss is the quietest yet. super chaste, basically a friend kiss (europeans do that some places, right?) honestly them together makes me happy, just two people who can bond over music and tea. everyone is disappointed at how calm it is, not dramatic at all, but it’s just like their personalities so. yes. love them. 
6. Jinx and Speedy. SCREECHES
okokokokok speedy would probably pale bcos kissing,,, jinx,,, isn’t that just INVITING bad luck,,, and jinx is lowky miffed bcos the one time the bottle lands on her it’s speedy she’s kissing,,, not even starfire,,, not hot spot,, not KF,,, disappointment. they kiss and they’ll literally never admit it but it was p nice. even if speedy’s hair poofed up in response to her magic lmaoo
7. Jericho and Jinx
jinx knows exactly zero (0) about jericho but they have j names so like, ,, bros. jinx knows asl which Everyone learns at that moment (does jinx have a sister?? she does now. im making one. she has a younger sister who’s supes sweet also deaf and is living with some good yet elderly people). jericho is delighted and their kiss is actually super sweet. absolutely nothing bad happens to jericho, speedy is quaking 
8. Starfire and Aqualad 
im. im kindof at a loss. they’re both confused at these earthen/surface people customs. starfire’s all for kissing, she doesn’t care, aqualad kinda goes “well there’s worse people to kiss”. and after they kiss starfire just Lights Up and starts talking to him in atlantean. he’s shocked and everyone who didnt already know learn that starfire Learns Languages via kissing
9. Kid Flash and Robin. SOME GOOD OL’ BIRDFLASH
they’ve absolutely kissed before don’t @ me. they crack tons of jokes, roll their eyes a bunch, everyone hypes em up. all around good feels of making fun of friends with the assurance that they won’t take any of it harshly. robin’s like, yo, go big or go home, let’s do a spiderman kiss, and kf goes UM HELL YES?? so of course they do the spiderman kiss and it’s so funny because they’re comfy with each other and everyone is just Laughing . good times
10 (finale). Starfire and Jericho aw cuuuuute
jericho is v quiet but she loves him a whole lot. he loves her too bc she’s just so sunshiney and has bright energetic emotions. their kiss is also v chaste and calming, nobody rlly hoots or hollers it’s just soft n happy yknow?? everyone loves them. the ppl who know jericho closely know he’s so much more than the quiet dude lol but they like him a lot anyway so ?? we stan
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seojvns · 6 years
everything you didn’t care to know about seojun yoon. 
Tumblr media
basic statistics.
full name: seojun yoon. 
nickname: jun, junnie, seo. 
how'd they get it?: they’re just... variations of his name...
age: twenty one. 
date of birth: april 27th. 
zodiac: taurus. 
gender: male. 
sexual orientation: pansexual. 
when did they realize this?: around the age he started being interested in people. it’s never been something he’s struggled with, it’s jus how things were/are. 
nationality: american.
hometown: daejeon, south korea.
current residence: cortland, wisconsin.
occupation: freelance photographer. 
for how long?: umm, probably since high school?? he started out doing it for free, to build his resume, and over time he began building it into something he could actually make money from. not much, but !! getting paid for doing something he loves?? really couldn’t ask for more than that. 
do they like his/her job?: obvs!!! does he wish he could have a lot more clients?? ya, but he’s patient and he’s got the time. 
salary: mm, depends on the job but probably anywhere from $150-250/job. 
any significant ancestors?: ummmm, no. 
grandparents (describe relationship): he was really close to his grandmother, on his mom’s side, who passed away a few years ago. he’s close to his grandfather from that side too, but he’s a bit old fashioned in his views and sometimes conversations are... not really something he can take much from. but he likes his company, and overall they have a good relationship. his grandparents on his father’s side both died before he really got a chance to even know them. 
aunts/uncles (describe relationship): there’s definitely a distance. when he was younger, he’d see more of them, and his cousins too, but as he grew up... it became less of a tradition his parents and his aunts/uncles bothered to keep up with. he sees them at family gatherings, usually around holidays, but that’s about it. 
parents (describe relationship): there’s a lot of distance between him and his parents. his father’s always been distant, even at a young age he wasn’t very invested in seojun. but he’d buy him things, assuming that was a decent enough way to show his ‘love,’ but it only made seojun resentful of the money he tried to use in an attempt to get out of actually caring or showing interest. his mother, on the other hand, cared. but only when he was young. from the time he was adopted, at age five, until about eleven. after that she became more disinterested in him. she also started nitpicking him a lot?? like no snacks, finding a poem and critiquing it, etc. support wasn’t something he was given, which is why he’s become such a desperate lil people pleaser. 
are they still together?: yes, yep. 
what is the character's family life like: it was really lonely growing up, cause even if everyone was home they’d all be off doing their own things. usually seojun was in his room writing, or out exploring and taking photos. he probably would’ve found his way to his hobbies regardless, but their neglect definitely encouraged him to explore them in a way he might not have done much sooner. 
what does their family love most about them?: hmm, probably his manners. he’s a good boy and he’d never embarrass them or anything when they drag him to events or parties, so, yeah! 
hate?: they see him as too shy, and lacking of a personality, but really that’s just because they’ve kind of made him feel like he should just keep quiet and do what he’s told :/ and that’s exactly what he does. 
does the family have a specific set of values?: his parents are very much the type of people who want everything to look perfect on the outside, and not care much about how they actually are on the inside. 
what would their family be described like by another person?: reserved, well put together, successful. 
have they ever had any pets?: he did! he had a dog, a samoyed, which he got from his parents for his seventh birthday. his name was ghost,, original, i know!
what happened to them?: he died a few years ago :/ it was a rly rough time for jun, who basically had him throughout his entire childhood. 
are they a virgin?: umm, nope. 
how did they lose it?: i’m embarrassed just thinkin abt it. 
have they ever cheated on a partner?: never would he ever!!! 
has a partner ever cheated on them?: probably. 
how did they react?: better question - did he ever find out? doubtful. 
who was their first crush?: hard to say :/ he gets a new crush everyday :/ 
are they in any kind of romantic relationship?: no!! 
how serious/relaxed is it?: hmph. 
describe the relationship with their current partner: this is... pointless... 
how did they meet?: why ask so many questions based on the POTENTIAL of him bein in a relationship... 
who made the first move?: prob not seojun in any situation ... he’s not very bold 
how does your character truly feel about their partner?: this.... is so redundant... 
when did they realize this?: thank u, next! 
who is your characters closest friend?: minnie uwu 
how did they meet?: umm they’ve been bffs for as long as seojun can remember okay!!! so how they met is just one of those things he doesn’t... rly remember bc it feels like he’s known her his WHOLE entire life, u know?? 
why do they get along so well?: because they’re both cute and soft and they just vibe together well ok,, why question these things?? there’s been so many late nights up talking about anything n everything, so many heartbreaks that she’s been there for, so many adventures they’ve had n have yet to have... she’s his other half!!! <333 
describe relationship with any other significant friends: adrian’s one of the most important ppl to him ?? like ever?? cause he’s jun’s best friend but also a lot more than that. even though they can’t seem to get things right, he’s always gonna have feels for adrian. kian......... gross where do i even begin!!!! seojun would literally die for kian. he’s more than his roomie ok seojun’s so disgustingly attached that no matter what kian did he’d never leave his side lmao #dedicated. jiwon is who seojun would be if he could choose his life sjfsfks she’s jus so,, uwu perfect n everything he aspires to be. he LUVS her even tho she can lowkey be a lil scary?? not in like a way that he’s legit scared but like... she can be intimidating a lil bit. rt if u agree
favorite foods: sushi, korean fried chicken, fries. 
least favorite food: black licorice, celery. 
favorite colors: pale yellow and light pink. 
least favorite color: whatever the fuck u call the color blue that tumblr chose for the new bg color fksdjfs
music: pop, r&b. 
literature: mysteries!! 
smell: honeysuckles, bonfires, fresh bread. 
feeling: affection uwu
season: autumn. 
pets: dogs, but... he loves cats too :/ 
place: hmm, he’s really drawn to the woods?? like when he was younger he’d go into the woods with his camera and a book and just spend all fucking day out there. there’s something really peaceful about it ?? and there’s just so much to experience... the woods jus make him soft, k?? 
favorite sport(s): huh
possession this character values most: his camera!!!!!!!! his journals filled with poems about everyone he knows. 
why is it so important to them?: um, his camera is p obvious?? his poetry filled journals, well, that’s p obvious too. he doesn’t want to forget how he felt in the moments where he was inspired to write whatever he wrote. 
physical characteristics.
height: 5′8′‘. 
weight: 130 lbs. 
body build: slim. 
eye color: brown. 
glasses or contact lenses?: contact lenses, but sometimes he’ll wear his glasses when he’s feelin’ lazy. 
hair color: naturally it’s black, but he prob keeps it either light pink or blond.  
scent: tbh idk what to answer for this, describing someone’s natural scent... hard. 
voice: he’s got a soft voice :/ 
mannerisms: says ‘um’ and ‘uh’ too much, whining about nothing, watching anything/everything with subtitles, turns the tab on a soda can sideways. 
style: comfy clothing mostly?? like loose fitting tops and form fitting bottoms. 
how do they walk?: like a fucking model tbh??? 
what are their nervous tics: he’s blushing 99% of the time tbh,, nose scrunches, averting his gaze 
usual body posture: umm, i’d say he’s got p good posture?? idk,,
preferred clothing.
underwear: boxer briefs babey!
shirts: loose!! t-shirts, flannels, hoodies. anything oversized. 
pants: usually black jeans, like, 9 times out of 10. 
skirts: nah. 
jackets: more oversized shit. 
shoes: prob jus black boots? 
accessories: earrings, rings, make up. make up isn’t an accessory rly but i dunno where else to put that so yayuh that’s a thing. 
formal wear: umm he’s a classic black suit kinda guy, prob w a bowtie, idk. 
sleeping wear: t-shirts and boxer briefs,, do ppl ... actually have real pajamas? like in real life? 
swimming wear: swim trunks ig?? weird question but ok. 
intellectual/mental/personality attributes and attitudes.
did they go to school?: ya, duh. 
where?: west bridge!!! 
what did they learn?: he’s studying photography :-)
what were their grades like?: uh, they’re alright... could be better... he wants to do better but his focus is usually just... anywhere but where it should be. so he procrastinates, and turns in things late a lot, and still is trying to do better. 
native language: korean. 
do they know any other languages?: english. 
how smart are they?: not... very... both book smart and street smart. 
what is their strengths?: creativity, generosity, compassion. 
weaknesses?: time management, insecurity, awareness. 
character's short-term goals in life: don’t go to jail, pass all classes. 
character's long-term goals in life: have a lil photography studio and live happily ever after uwu
how does your character see themselves?: umm, he’s self aware enough to know that he’s kind of sheepish?? he feels like he’s probably awkward in,, so many situations, rip, but he tries his best to not be too weird skfjs 
how does your character believe they are perceived by others?: as a soft boy who wants to be everyone’s friend?? hopefully?? 
how self-confident is your character?: UM LOL NOT AT ALL
what makes their self-confidence waver?: everything,, he just never feels like he’s good enough?? prob because of his mom’s nitpicking, his parents’ lack of interest generally, and the fact that he just has a low self esteem overall. 
what would embarrass your character the most?: being put on the spot about anything, having too much attention, falling for someone who doesn’t like him. 
how does your character feel about love: he!! loves love!!! he rly thinks that there’s someone out there for everyone... maybe not in a ~soulmates~ sense, but he thinks that companionship is a big part of happiness.
about crime: he doesn’t commit crimes... often... but if he does it’s because he can be talked into almost anything. 
people of a different sexuality?: loves everyone, thanks. 
different nationality/race?: loves everyone, thanks. 
how does your character show affection/love?: listening to them n remembering things they’re told, hand holding, doing literally anything they ask. 
how does your character handle grief? not well. especially in the case of manon, which has left him with a terrible sleeping pattern and the heavy feeling of guilt. 
what are they like when they cry?: prob like really dramatic,, like cry a lot while curled up in his bed under the covers kinda cry. 
what can make them cry?: betrayal, loss, anxiousness, stress. 
how does your character handle physical pain?: not well, he probably whines a lot and pouts even more. 
emotional pain?: even worse. he’s so forgiving that even if someone hurt him emotionally, he’d forgive them, but he’d probably be lowkey sad (but in a self blame kind of way) about it for awhile.
is your character typically a leader or a follower?: big time follower. 
what kind of energy level does your character typically display?: soft, upbeat, 
describe their sense of humor: prob either lame or softly sarcastic. 
hobbies: takin pics, writing poems, making playlists for people that’ll never hear them, watching shows instead of studying. 
talents: ...takin pics, writing poems, making playlists for people that’ll never hear them...
extremely unskilled at: focusing! and sports. 
if any, what musical instruments can they play?: piano :-) 
emotional characteristics.
how does the character relate to others?: through soft interactions and deep conversations. he’s pretty honest and open, so if someone asks him something, or even just talks to him, chances are he’s being as open with them as he would be with his close friends. 
how does the character deal with anger?: not well, but when he’s angry, he’s usually more upset than angry? and he wants to resolve things as quickly as possible, otherwise he’s stressed abt it until it’s fixed. 
with sadness?: listens to sad music and cries in the shower. drama queen. 
with conflict?: he’s always the first to apologize. 
with change?: he’s actually pretty adaptable for the most part?? but if it were like a major change, maybe not as good. 
with loss?: ummm, could be better!! probably gets a lil distant when he’s dealing with a loss. 
what does your character want out of life?: happiness :/ 
what would your character like to change in his/her life?: the whole manon thing JFKLSF
what motivates your character?: his future, or at least the ideal future he has in mind for himself. 
what frightens your character?: the fact that they could get caught for covering up a murder perhaps??? terrifying. 
are they afraid of the dark?: ...yes, but he acts like he isn’t cause he’s embarrassed. 
death?: not really?? like he doesn’t WANT to die or anything, but he’s not afraid of death.
what makes your character happy?: listening to good music, giving people things that make him think of them, the photo editing process. 
sad?: being alone, the fact that his parents never care to check up on him, films where the main couple doesn’t end up together.
angry?: people being rude to his friends, being lied to, unnecessarily passive aggressive people. 
aroused?: neck kisses, being called baby, someone who’s rly direct and just kind of... does what they want skjfsl 
annoyed?: people who speak over other people.
guilty?: covering up a potential murder, turning things in late, lying. 
is your character judgmental of others?: no. even if he doesn’t agree with their opinions/things they do he still tries to refrain from judgment. 
is your character generous or stingy?: generous af. 
is your character generally polite or rude?: polite!! angel boy. 
optimistic or pessimistic?: optimistic. 
introvert or extrovert?: lil bit of both?? 
daredevil or cautious?: cautious. 
logical or emotional?: emotional lmao. 
disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?: he thinks he’s methodical and neat but he’s actually disorderly and messy. 
would they rather be working or relaxing?: working, even though he thinks he’d rather be chillin he’s kind of terrible at doing nothing. 
how do they feel about animals?: um... he loves them?? he’s the kind of person that’d accidentally let a raccoon in his house and let it stay. 
what is their best quality?: his sincerity. 
what is their biggest flaw?: how trusting he is. 
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notorious-fiction · 7 years
The Christmas Prince (A Whoever You Want to Read With One-Shot)
        You two had made a deal.
         Shook hands and all, very solemn looks on your faces, promising one another a very simple thing.
         No gift exchanging on Christmas day.
(You'd just been laid off your job and it sucked balls, and he knew money was a bit short on your end and also knew you would never, in a gazillion years accept any money from him, so he started to come up with a bunch of lame ass excuses to make you feel a bit better.)
("It's cliché", he had snorted when you touched the subject "Exchanging Christmas gifts. Ugh. It was meaningful before but now it's just another "especial" date that lost it's core value to boost capitalism. I mean, you can be a crappy boyfriend all year round as long as you buy your girl an extra glittery Hallmark card and a Tiffany Bracelet, right?")
("Right." You had agreed, although not really, because as much as you found sexy as fuck when he used pretty words - core value, damn - you still flipping loved Christmas and looked forward to it all year long.)
        So no gift exchanging it was.
        You'd spend Christmas day with you family and he would spend it with his - you knew how rare it was for him to take some time to see them - but the day before, the 24th, you had him all to your own.
        Just "a casual dinner, the two of us" (his words, not yours) with some "classic Christmas movies, deal with it, loser" (your words, not his) at your place.
        Going out was a real pain nowadays, with the whole paps, fangirls, Snapchatters, etc thing, so to save yourself from the stress (how come he never failed to look like a Goddamn model on those candids whilst you looked like you were about to sneeze? Ugh.), staying in it was.
        In, with no gifts.
        Or at least you thought so, because mid afternoon on December 24th your iPhone seemed to gain a life of its own, all your social media accounts on a frenzy of notifications as, oh well, your famous as fuck of a boyfriend was spotted loading a box the size of a small poney into his car.
("She is so lucky!!!!!!")
("What did he get herrrrrrr i'd be happy just with his dick on box and by the size of it its prob that lol")
("Ugh i hope its a bomb")
(Insert other very sweet comments here.)
        You controlled the urge to text him (going against your über curious personality with all the strenghth your posessed), instead focusing on the fact that you were...
        Because whilst your boyfriend was on the posession of a very big, flashy box (what you had no idea what was inside, Christ, what the hell was inside of it?!), you were in the posession of...
        "How The Grinch Stole Christmas", "Elf" and "The Polar Express".
(All masterpieces, in your humble opinion.)
        And the phone of the thai take out two blocks from your place.
(Best pad thai and sticky rice ever.)
(Plus it gave tons of free sriracha packets! Yay for free stuff!)
        But seriously, what the fuck were you supposed to give to a human being who seemed to have absolutely everything?!
        It'd be stupid to give him clothes - he got those for free -, you had no idea what his shoesize was (did that make you a horrible girlfriend? oops) and anything else you could think of was undoubtely lame. 
        What if you made him something?
        Okay so you didn't know how to draw or paint or knit or rhyme or write a song or do anything that required a minimum artistic vein slash handicraft talent but you could...
        Throwing your body on the couch, your laptop literally on your lap, you sat on your ultimate comfy position - which he had lovingly nicknamed "Cirque Du Soleil's contortionist catching up on reality TV on it's free time" or "how you don't have a back problem is beyond me" (when he said that last one he totally reminded you of your mom) -, typing on the words that were responsible for many delayed papers at Uni and scurries off the house whilst almost tripping on your shoes as you were late as fuck.
        Pinterest dot com.
(A blessing and a curse to womankind, honestly.)
D. I. Y.
(Do it yourself.)
(Although you actually never did.)
        Scrolling down the screen - DIY baking soda shampoo! DIY mosaic tile birdbath using recycled DVD's! DIY Glittery Bath Bombs! - you noticed that all of them seemed to involve stuff everyone apparently had at home except you like glue guns or spray paint or Scrabble tile holders (...seriously) so after five minutes of Pinterest searching, you sighed in defeat.
(Hard effort wasn't your forte, you had to admit.)
        Even friendship bracelets are a hard task to accomplish when you have the skills of a three year old toddler and if you actually purchased a glue gun you could already picture yourself glueing nothing but your own fingers and spending Christmas Day at the ER.
        But you did have glitter glue, and that wasn't so dangerous was it?
        You also had an old, slightly crumpled piece of cardboard and a "DIY Easy Glittery Hallmark card tutorial!" (snort) at your screen, so you decided to give it a go.
        If it came out okay you'd be able to give him as an ironic gift?
("Oh hey, I know you gave me a super awesome/expensive/fancy/cool/thoughtful - insert whatever the hell could be inside that massive box here Christ the curiosity was killing you - but ha-ha-ha remember that snark you made about glittery Hallmark cards?! Instead of giving money to the greedy capitalist men I made one myself, how about that?! Aren't I the Best Girlfriend Ever?!?!?!")
        And if it came out like crap you could, y'know, throw it in the bin...
        ...So of course it came out like crap.
        Because you somehow managed to put more glitter glue on the tip of your fingers than on the goddamn cardboard, more glitter glue on your clothes as you absentmindedly rubbed your hands on it as you tried to think of what the hell you could do to save your "Merry Christmas" masterpiece.
(Trash.) (That was how you could save it, your dignity, your boyfriend's poor eyes and your dignity.)
(By throwing your masterpiece on the garbish.)
(Fuck ironic gifts.)
        Of course that instead of coming up with another idea after the Glittery-DIY-Hallmark-Card fiasco, your procrastinator side spoke louder, and click after click after click you found yourself going deeper and deeper of that pit called Pinterest, until you blazed on a section you'd never dared to venture on before.
        The recipe session.
        There were gooey chocolate chip bars, chocolate fudge brownies, kale and artichokes dip, quinoa fried "rice" (...why would someone all it fried "rice" if it had no rice in it only quinoa, you wondered...) and everything made your mouth water and stomach growl and you deeply wished there was someone who could make it for you.
        Everything sounded too tempting (and too hard and with too many fancy ingredients and kitchen appliances you'd never even heard of) until you found...
"Easy adaptable chocolate chip cookies with ingredients everyone has at home!!!!! Can be made vegan gluten/lactose/nut/anythying free paleo atkins insert random diet you'd never heard of before here"
        Following a recipe wouldn't be that hard... Would it?
        Especially when you could sub eggs for oil if you didn't have any or oil for mashed banana or mashed banana for applesauce or applesauce for honey or honey for agave which were all obviously so much alike, right?
        Throwing everything you had into a single bowl - did you mention it was a single bowl recipe? Seriously, it could not get any better, your dishes-washing-hater-side thought - you frowned as you compared your final result to the one on the screen.
        Pinterest's batter: gooey but firm, looked so good you wouldn't mind spooning it raw directly into your mouth.
        Your batter: two year old's diarrhea, you wouldn't want to spoon it raw directly into your mouth not even if they paid you.
        You somehow managed to put little (balls, on Pinterest, blobs, sounded more accurate to your situation) blobs of the batter onto the baking sheet and onto the oven, too busy freaking out slash trying to understand what the hell you did wrong (ooh two american cups of flour? what were american cups? weren't your cups american? why america has to control everything for god's sake?!) to notice the door being unlocked, only realising you had company when you heard an amused chuckle behind you.
        Turning around so quick you almost broke your neck - fouet filled with sticky disgusting batter held in hand in a threatingly way - you found him staring, all long legs and perfect hair and mocking grin and...
        Empty hands?
        Where the hell was the box the size of a toddler he was seen loading into his car?!
        Goddamit, internet!
(And why did you feel a lil' bit disappointed I mean...)
(...you had him, hadn't you?)
(Best Christmas Gift Ever, am I right.)
        "Hi. Were you..." A cute little frown appeared between his brows, pearly white teeth still on show as he asked "Baking?"
        Getting a bit defensive - why did he have to sound so confused/terrified? - you dropped the fouet on the sink, replying "Yes, why?"
        "Oh, for nothing! I mean, it smells..."
        "Pretty good."
(Damn, he was a liar.)
        Leaning to check the oven temperature just one more time - I mean, better safe than sorry, you couldn't push your luck (any further) - you ignored your boyfriend's stare (a cute little smirk on his lips because well, he thought it was cute how you hadn't noticed the chocolate batter on your chin or how you wore an apron thrice your size), asking maybe a little too cheery "So, how's your Christmas eve going so far?"
( "...Loading too many big ass boxes onto your car?", you rhymed mentally.)
        "Well, not too good I mean, I only got to see my lovely lady today." He replied with a charming smile, expecting for you to giggle - alright, fine, he knew you weren't one to giggle, or at least give him love eyes.
        You squinted skeptically.
        "Empty handed, I see."
        "Yeah, kinda glad we decided to skip on that Christmas madness. Had to help a mate out with picking up a complete set of one of those fancy Le Creuset cooking things. Said his girlfriend would love it." He added with a scoff, rolling his eyes "I told him that if I gave you anything kitchen related you'd throw it in my head, but seeing you're apparently into cooking now..." He paused, pursing his lips "Should I write it down as a suggestion for your birthday?"
        Her mind went black.
        Kitchen appliances.
        His mate was giving his girlfriend freakin' casseroles and frying pans.
(Oh poor girl.)
(Poor, poor girl.)
(The disappointment when she opened that huge heavy box.)
        And you had been freaking out the entire day thinking he'd gotten you something big and awesome and you'd look like the awful ungrateful girlfriend.
        Man, that ugly glittery card would look like heaven next yo, y'know... Nothing.
        "If you ever give me a damn casserole pan I shall rip off your little buddy of you, cut it into tiny little pieces, cook them in the freakin' thing and serve you for dinner." You stated, and he replying, giving you a kiss on the forehead  "Aw, see? I know you so well."
        God, you were glad he didn't get you anything.
        Because being with him was the best gift you could've ever asked for.
(Insert vomiting and cringing here.)
(Fuck you never thought you would be THIS gross and disgusting and loving about any human being in your life after your miserable string of awful break-ups.)
(Yet there you were, with your very own prince charming.)
(Yup, that was it, you guys would be watching The Christmas Prince on Netflix.)
        You showed your appreciation by getting on the tips of your toes and pecking him on the lips, the little wrinkle of confusion between his forehead making you want to kiss him even more.
(How was possible for someone to be so cute slash sexy at the same damn time?)
        But then, maybe you'd been too distracted by his pouty pink lips - no chapstick or anything, you wondered how the hell he managed to get them always so soft and puffy and kissable - to check the oven...
        And the whole room started to smell a bit smokey.
        And look a bit smokey.
        "Fuck, my Pinterest cookies!" You squealed, startling him.
        You were sort of thankful your fire alarm wasn't working so well, because if the firemen showed up because you almost burned your kitchen down, your landlord would have (even more) reasons to hate you.
        "It looks... Edible." Your boyfiend said matter of fact, poking one of your cookies at the tray with the tip of his fingers with brows furrowed.
        They looked like baby alien fetus.
(Edible, in some outer galaxy cultures, probably.)
        "Want to try them?" You knew by the raise of his eyebrow that it was a challenge, a thing you rarely passed.
        Daringly, you got one - dropping it back to the tray because damn they were hot -, trying it again after a few seconds of you two staring at each other with "Who Shall Quit First" eyes.
        Was he going to make you eat them first?
        By the fake tight ass smile he was giving you, he was...
        So with the biggest grin you could muster, you squeaked "Merry Christmas baby! I made these for you! Hope you like them!"
(Or at least don't get food poisoning and die! Please don't get food poisoning and die! I kinda really really really really really like you!)
(And if you die because of me slash my cookies your fans will murder me!)
        With a small gulp, he picked one of the alien fetus cookies, shaking it off so they wouldn't be "too hot and burn his tongue" for about three minutes.
        You kinda knew he was trying to make as many tiny pieces of it fall out so he'd eat as less of a cookie as possible, but you didn't call him out on it because oh well, he was at least going to eat a teeny bit of them.
        And in the end, after a bit of fake awing "Oh, tastes so good babe" and maybe spitting on a napkin when you turned around to throw the dirty dishes on the sink, he did eat your alien fetus cookies.
        What made him the best boyfriend slash Christmas present ever.
        And after drinking maybe a bit too much wine and watching The Christmas Prince, he drunkenly vowed to never ever give you anything cooking related - as the cookies now rested in peace in your trashcan, on top of your ugly ass glittery card -, and that vow would be proved to be a gift that kept on giving.
(I mean, it would give stomach aches and calls to the fire fighters and be a total waste of ingredients, so you were cool with that.)
(And even if he never gave you anything at all, he dealt with your craziness, your PMSing, you overreacting whenever you let your - very expensive - makeup fall onto the floor, never watched Game of Thrones episodes without you and always let you eat the biggest last slice of cheesecake.)
        And if that wasn't much of a proof of real, true love, you had no idea of what the hell it could be.
           And that was the greatest gift of all.
(Cue to cringing due to cheesyness again.)
Hope y’all have a fantastic one and find all you wanted under the tree! ooh and if you liked it pls don’t forget to click on that like button (i’ve been watching too many youtube vids send help)
lots lots of love
ps: i’d like to dedicate this to my favorite humans on earth victoria, nina and lari, who are still my friends even after i’ve been through probably 30 different mental breakdowns this year, love you guise so muchhhhhhhh thanks for always encouraging me to write!!! oh and if you haven’t read my stories based on them you can find them all here 
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katieamazeballs · 7 years
So, since most of us have seen the SYTYCD dances on the show, I’m going to give a recap of the rest of the night instead. I’ll list our interactions by dancer also.
Abs bugged me for the last 3 days about what her surprise might be and was SO EXCITED when we pulled into the parking lot and she figured it out. She “needed” to meet Taylor, Koine, and Kiki. I bought our tix on Groupon and we had surprisingly decent seats for pretty cheap. The show was, of course, amazing. They had the couples paired in dances quite often and there were quite a few stolen kisses throughout the night. After the show we made our way to the buses to meet the cast. The lady standing next to us had a daughter Abs age so we had a good time. We were both DWTS fans and were excited to meet Kiki. She was saying how she thinks he’d be a great addition to the show (duh) and should be on the troupe. I told her he was OG troupe and had to really stop myself from being “that crazy lady” and telling her all the things. 😂 The cast was all so very nice and gracious and happy to talk to us and take pics. Well, everyone except Mark and Marco who were lame and went in the bus and wouldn’t come out.
Dassy - Very sweet. She had the cutest comfy looking walking sandals and is much taller in real life than I imagined. (By much talker I mean she’s prob 5’3 or so.....lol)
Robert - He was funny and personable and Abs really liked him.
Jasmine - Much taller than I realized and nice but moved very quickly through the line.
Lex - He was very friendly and asked each person their name and what their favorite dance was. He thanked everyone by name for coming. Once he made it through the line he spent the next half hour or so sneaking back out of the bus to creep up on Logan to poke him and make him make the most hysterical scared noise. He sounds like a turkey when you scare the shit out if him 😂
Taylor - Abs was SO excited to meet her. She was so sweet to Abs. She asked her if she was a dancer and when Abs told her she cheered, she said maybe one day she can teach her a Cheer and she’ll teach Abs a dance.
Logan - First, he commanded the stage and is so amazingly bendy! He was really funny and spent a long time talking to each person. Abs told him he was like a funny rubber band and the girl next to us thought his scared noise was a trip so they had a flailing and screaming match with the three of them. Everyone around us was dying. He easily spent the most time in the line.
Sydney - She’s adorable in person. As she was passing Logan in the line she came up behind him and grabbed his ass. He turned around ready to kill Lex and laughed and kissed her when he realized it was her. They stood there for a minute talking to that group with her arms around him from the back.
Kiki - Ahhhh......Daddy Kiki!!! He was the only one I wanted a pic with and I was so freakin excited to meet him. He and Koine came out from the doors holding hands (after smooching on stage a handful of times). He is relatively shy but very gracious. I told him I was a fan since the Our Way tour last summer......but before he could respond Abs broke in and started talking Jenna. She told him that the cane dance wasn’t the same without her and he commiserated that it wasn’t, but that Jasmine is great too. Then she told him that she wished Jenna was there and he said he did too but that she was busy being great on DWTS. She asked how she was and I laughed and said don’t mind her, she’s a little obsessed. He laughed and said let’s be honest, it’s JENNA we’re talking about......everyone is a little obsessed! She’s one of the most genuinely good people I’ve ever met and I was blessed to be her partner, and call her my friend. He asked Abs name and said he’d text Jenna and tell her Abs said hi. My first pic was blurry (because OMGOMGOMG HES GOING TO TELL JENNA I SAID HI) but he was nice enough to come back and take another.
Koko - What a precious spitfire! She is super tiny and full of excited energy. She talked to Abs quite a bit about the pizza dance and being tiny humans. She was also wearing Kiki’s plaid shirt.
Kaylee - I’ll be honest, I wasn’t a huge fan of hers. I’m not a fan of her style of dance or her personal style but oh wow will I be a fan from now on. She, like Logan, commanded the stage and then was just so so so sweet and made a huge impression on both of us. She was moving pretty quickly through the line but for whatever reason she just loved Abs and must have stood there hugging and swaying and chatting with Abs for at least 3-4 minutes. You can see in their pic the grip she had on her. I took the pic and she asked if I was Mom. I said yes and she had to give me a hug also and told me thank you for creating such a special kid and bringing her to the show. On her way back to the bus, she stopped and squeezed Abs shoulder and told her bye while Abs was talking to Robert.
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sophygurl · 7 years
heh. @c-l-ford​ gave me all of the main characters from both Lucifer and Leverage for the character questions thing. This should be interesting. And long. 
do I like them: you betcha!
5 good qualities: he’s clever, he loves his family - much as he tries to deny it, he’s extremely talented at playing the piano, he’s a wonderful model of hedonism being about what’s pleasurable for all and not about a single-minded pursuit of what’s pleasurable for one in disregard for other’s desires, and he actually quite cares about humans and wants them to be good and not make it to hell. 
3 bad qualities: he’s more than a tad self-absorbed at times, he is quick to blame/judge others for their failings, and dude often has to make the same mistake many times before learning from it.
favourite episode/etc: A Good Day to Die, 2x13 where he goes to hell to get the formula to save Chloe
otp: Deckerstar
brotp: Lucifer x Amenadiel 
ot3: Don’t particularly have one for him. Sexytimes with any 2 ppl he wants, but I don’t really romantically ship him with anyone but Chloe (possible Mazikeen, but not WITH Chloe. and I could see either Linda or Maze as someone for fun sexytimes but not with one another or Chloe involved, so, yea. no ot3 for the dude we often see in 3somes (and moresomes))
notp: Any of his family members - he seems totally grossed out by the idea, himself. 
best quote: Don’t have a specific one, but any time he reminds ppl that he has no qualms about the gender of who he has sex with or is attracted to is fantastic. 
head canon: Mostly ones that really make me cry if I think about them for too long, having to do with his relationships with his family - particularly his dad. Like, for example, that he was a total daddy’s boy before their falling out and that’s part of why it hurts him so incredibly much. 
Chloe Decker:
do I like them: yes ma’am!
5 good qualities: she’s such a good mommy, she is loyal af once she’s let someone into her inner circle, she’s driven af in her career, she is able to maintain a high sense of professionalism while allowing for Lucifer’s quirks as her partner, she’s one of the few ppl not let in on the Big Secret and yet she is still cool with all of these wacky people that have entered her life since meeting Lucifer like whatever these folks are weirdos but they’re my weirdos now. 
3 bad qualities: she can be a little bit naive??, she often puts work above personal life stuff which can hurt her relationships and cause her to be a bit strained emotionally, she needs to work on that flirting game if she wants to do undercover work lol
favourite episode/etc: Quid Pro Ho, 2x10 - the trial where she talks about Lucifer’s honesty, etc. 
otp: Deckerstar
brotp: Chloe x Maze 
ot3: None for her, she’s monogamous. 
notp: No major ones, though I’d not particularly enjoy her and Dan getting back together. They work best as friends, I think. 
best quote: ugh, I’m bad at specific quotes. probably some snarky thing she said to Lucifer.
head canon: There’s a part of her that does, in fact, believe everything Lucifer tells her about who he and his family really are. She’s just not ready to accept it, yet. Until she’s ready to accept it, there’s nothing he’ll be able to do to prove it to her. But eventually, one day, she’s going to put it all together and just sort of ... know it. Then she’ll have a million questions.
do I like them: yea, she’s amazing.
5 good qualities: character development like whoa, she’s totally kick ass, she’d do literally anything for the small handful of folks she cares about, she’s learned to be vulnerable and to value vulnerability in others which is amazing, sexy af. 
3 bad qualities: like Lucifer she can be kinda self involved at times, she enjoys the torturing maybe a hair too much, can be really mean without intending to be
favourite episode/etc: Mr and Mrs. Mazikeen Smith, 3x3 - her Canadian adventure
otp: none as of yet
brotp: with Lucifer, obvi
ot3: none as of yet - perhaps Linda and Amenadiel???
notp: no one in particular
best quote: Self worth comes from within, bitches. 
head canon: She’s gonna get accepted into heaven some day.
do I like them: amen!
5 good qualities: he has learned to be so kind - wow character development!, he loves his family sfm, he finds cues of goodness and forgiveness and worth all around him even at his worst, is driven by a sense of purpose even when he feels lost as to what that purpose may be, hot af
3 bad qualities: can be a bit rigid in his thinking, is still overcoming some of his judgmental stuff, doesn’t always think through the consequences of his actions
favourite episode/etc: also A Good Day to Die - the way he and Lucifer worked together on that was so amazing I love them so much
otp: no one really, though I enjoy his relationships with both Linda and Maze
brotp: with Lucifer of course
ot3: idk with Linda and Maze!!?
notp: with Lucifer/any family, also would be horrified at the thought of him and Chloe
best quote: I don’t have an exact quote for this, but when he was telling Lucifer about the significance of his getting his wings back over and over and how it proves that their Father can forgive anything and how that gives him hope. *tears up*
head canon: He’ll get his own wings and angel powers back once he’s forgiven himself. God never took them away from him...
Linda Martin:
do I like them: Oh yes very much.
5 good qualities: So smart, so funny, so compassionate, so open minded, has some mysterious past that we still don’t know about please tell us Linda!!
3 bad qualities: Uhmmmm.... hmmmm .... I’m sure she has some but none are coming to mind. 
favourite episode/etc: Oh, whatever episode it was that she found out the truth - er, probably not that episode because her seeing Lucifer’s true face was the end but the next one where we see her dealing with it all and trying to accept it and accept these supernatural people in her life for who they are. Linda is so amazing u all!
otp: No otp, but I did dig her and Amenadiel’s thing. But not if it’s gonna hurt Maze - which I think they’d both also not wanna do anything to hurt her, so that’s cool. I hope. 
brotp: Linda/Mazikeen for sure. 
ot3: As said above, her and Amenadiel and Mazikeen together could be interesting?
notp: Her and Lucifer. Like, it was fun when it was a thing but I was a lot more comfortable with them as both friends and client/therapist once they stopped having sex. 
best quote: idk - something wise she says to Lucifer during a session most likely.
head canon: I can’t think of any. 
Nathan Ford:
do I like them: meh
5 good qualities: he hates the rich, he’s incredibly intelligent, he’s protective of his people, he’s wily, he not only thinks six steps ahead but can think on his feet to adjust the plans as necessary
3 bad qualities: he can be selfish af, his character arc was kinda boring to me?, he tends to wallow
favourite episode/etc: I’m gonna be bad at this category for this show because I haven’t watched it recently to remember specific episodes oooops.
otp: with Sophie
brotp: also with Sophie? I feel like they were sort of the two on the same footing with the others being somewhat dependent on them so while they were all a family, he didn’t allow himself to connect as equals with any of the others.
ot3: none
notp: idk who else did ppl ship him with? I can’t picture him with anyone besides his ex and Sophie tbh
best quote:  Sophie Devereaux is the finest actress you've ever seen…when she's breaking the law.
head canon: After he and Sophie leave the other 3 to it, he checks in on them from time to time. That is to say - he always knows what they’re up to and how they’re doing and occasionally when they find themselves in a bind, he just sort of shows up out of the blue like “I knew this was gonna end up being a plan M situation, and I didn’t wanna lose Hardison quite yet...”
Sophie Devereaux: 
do I like them: She’s alright.
5 good qualities: Elegant af, amazing actress as long as she’s breaking the law, loves her 3 socially awkward children and wants them to do well in life, takes no shit from Nate, has a strangely positive outlook on the world for the kind of work she does.
3 bad qualities: Such a bad actress when she’s on stage, again her character arc wasn’t super interesting to me, and uh IDK what else - she’s mostly pretty fab.
favourite episode/etc: no clue, see above.
otp: With Nate, although honestly I think she could do better??
brotp: With Tara, probs.
ot3: None.
notp: With any of the team other than Nate. It would be weird.
best quote: no clue
head canon: Sophie also checks up on the kids after they leave them to their own devices, but she does it in her own way. She’ll show up to their apartment after a draining job with an organic pizza and some beers and have her feet up in a comfy chair and ask them to come tell her all about it. When they’re having relationship issues, she seems to magically know about it before anyone tells her, and she’ll take them each aside for a lil chat and help them work through whatever is bugging them. Then she slips away before they even have a chance to say goodbye. 
Eliot Spencer:
do I like them: Boy, howdy!
5 good qualities: When it counts he is so gentle and kind, has more emotional intelligence than you realize, is ridiculously knowledgeable about a ridiculous amount of things, cranky chef af, loves his adorkable nerd and sweet sociopath and would do anything for them (but would never admit that)
3 bad qualities: Doesn’t communicate that emotional intelligence enough, thinks he’s only good for his brawn :(, can be a lil intolerant and fussy 
favourite episode/etc: Can’t think of the name, but the one with the kid that he bonds with and protects? I loved him so much in that one, especially.
otp: none....
brotp: with Hardison, also with Nate I think
ot3: Hardison and Parker, OBVI
notp: never with Nate or Sophie
best quote: hmmm not sure, something about food probs.
head canon: When he snuggles with Parker and Hardison? He’s the little little spoon. Don’t tell me otherwise, I’m not listening!
Alec Hardison: 
do I like them: yup!
5 good qualities: so smart, so brave, so open-hearted, so funny, so adorable!
3 bad qualities: does Not like being wrong or making a mistake, can be over-confident at times, can also be overly pessimistic at times
favourite episode/etc: Oh probably the pretzels one. Like he is just so patient and open with Parker. I just ... *tearing up*
otp: with Parker
brotp: with Eliot
ot3: with Parker AND Eliot 
notp: no one I can think of actively anti-shipping him with
best quote: The pretzels thing. 
head canon: He’s the one who finally brings Eliot in to the relationship with Parker. 
do I like them: uh yea, she’s only one of my all-time fave characters
5 good qualities: she’s hilarious, she’s been so traumatized and she’s still so open to people like??? she doesn’t know How to connect with ppl but she Wants to so bad???, so fucking competent at everything she does, extreme desire to help others once she’s had a small taste of it, her idea of a great time is jumping off buildings and blowing things up and she is legit confused when she realizes that not everyone likes those things????!
3 bad qualities: nothing. she’s perfect. leave me alone.
favourite episode/etc: ALL of them, IDK, maybe at the end when Nate hands her the reigns it makes the most sense in the world alflgfjfhgskjalhfhgf
otp: with Hardison
brotp: Peggy!! (also Sophie)
ot3: Hardison and Eliot OF Course!
notp: anyone besides those 2 rly because my girl is very unique and emotionally fragile and I can’t have anyone hurting her or abusing her trust or causing her to backslide in her evolution of learning to love people like. no. stay away. 
best quote: Everything blows up, silly!
head canon: She loves unicorns and totally believes they’re real. She can’t wait to meet one some day. She knows it’ll happen. The guys probably discuss how to dress up a horse as one to make this happen for her on her birthday at some point. She knows it’s a fake, but she loves them for trying. And she STILL believes in unicorns. 
WOW that was fun and only took 2 hours, thanks C! lol
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fullsundh · 7 years
Librarian! Doyoung (AU)
3rd post ayyyee
but anyways this is probs gonna be bad because it’s late and ya boi is tired + i have the feeling this is gonna be short for some reason :/
but doyoung as a librarian
more like where do i sign tf up???
right, back to the actual au.
Tumblr media
okay so Doyoung is like the cutest librarian you’ll ever see
he always wears really comfy clothes to work but still looks great
like i see him wearing some type of jumper over a plain shirt with some jeans
along with some glasses to make him look cute n smart
probably those circular glasses that everyone seems to be wearing atm.
now as smol and cute as Doyoung may appear
his attitude is the exact opposite
like we all knOw how much of a savage this bunny is
and you can bet ur ass he’s savage to anyone that steps foot in the library
you could literally just breathe and he’d be like
“can you stfu already?? this is a library smh look @ the disrespect”
he can actually be kinda scary too
you could make one slight noise and he’d just suddenly be behind you, glaring at you with empty eyes.
he wouldn’t have to say anything because his scary ass stare would tell you everything he was thinking
and lemme tell you, if you make noise he’s not gonna be thinking of anything good.
he’d also be really extra
for example, someone could have a bottle of water placed on a table next to a book and he’d be like
Doyoung didn’t care about driving away people who wanted to use the library
he’s a savage, it can’t be helped.
you first met Doyoung when you decided to actually go out and study instead of staying home.
studying wasn’t really your thing but you had a test coming up that you just had to pass.
so because you hardly ever studied, you found it harder to concentrate at home.
and that’s why you found yourself in a library on a saturday.
now bc you had never visited this library before, you were unaware of strict Doyoung.
the first encounter you had with him was at the front desk,
Doyoung was sat there with his head in a book and didn’t look up to greet you when you walked up to him.
so to grab his attention you spoke in a rather loud voice when you asked him where all the history books were
and boi did that annoy doyoung
he looked up with the most unimpressed expression and was about to roast you but then he saw how cute you were.
so for now he just stuck with giving you a hard glare while telling you to take the second left in a monotone voice.
at first you just thought he was having a bad day so you didn’t hold it against him
but there more days you spent at the library, the more doyoung annoyed you.
it felt like he picked at you for every little thing and it started to get tiring
your phone would go off, doyoung would shout.
you coughed loudly, doyoung would rant at you to get you to stop.
you once accidentally dragged your chair against the floor and it made a noise
Doyoung was there within a few seconds, telling you to watch out.
this all lasted for about a week until one day you argued against Doyoung.
“how many times do i have to tell you, be qui-”
“what is your problem? you’re always having a go at me for every little thing i do”
at first your sudden change would catch him off guard and he was about to say something witty to cover up being shocked but decided against it.
“that’s it i’m leaving-”
as you’re about to turn to leave the library, Doyoung would grab your wrist to stop you.
“what?? am i leaving too loudly?!”
“no... it’s just”
Doyoung would then go  shy because he was about to actually open up to someone.
“I’m sorry. I’m just really passionate about this job and i guess that made me take the rules to an extreme. I just really love books and this library, I was only trying to look after it.”
and now you’re just?? shook?? bc the mean Doyoung was now soft??
and you was loving it??
Doyoung would then go even more shy and would start to play with his hands,
“...and the main reason why i always came up to annoy you was so i had an excuse to talk to you because I think you’re really pretty... i didn’t mean to hurt you so much. I can’t apologize enough”
at this point you were smiling instead of being mad.
“You can make it up to me by buying me lunch”
and that was how you and Doyoung became friends
Spoiler Alert: the title of ‘friends’ doesn’t last long ;)
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This was so bad and rushed + it’s now 1:00am so i cba to check for mistakes.
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heustess · 5 years
unusual asks
i got tagged so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
who’s your celebrity crush? roger taylor absolutely. no question. my fave era is the 70s roger taylor but i love all the roger eras
favorite movies? blair witch project and harold and maude
rant about your favorite musician? okay roger taylor is not a STRONG songwriter persay but that doesn’t mean he isn’t a fun and catchy one! radio gaga is an anthem and it’s so catchy! BUT he did rhyme “miss you” with “all this visual” so... he’s also a drum god and his solo in keep yourself alive is kickass
do you think its ok to separate the artist from the art? yes, in some instances but there are definitely times you cant
how many accounts do you have? 3 i think. i have this one and then a sad bitch one and then one for just music stuff
what jewelry are you wearing? gold stud earrings, necklace that says “killah”, gold chain, 3 gold rings
something you wish was more usual to see nowadays? potion/tonic/tincture making. i feel like it would be really fun for some reason but i also realize vaccines exist and are more useful
favorite brand of clothing? i thrift mostly. cheaper. love me some goodwill baby!!
name a dog? libbie! my beagle doxie baby girl. she’s 1 1/2 and i adopted her at 8 weeks old from the SPCA
what unusual talent do you have? i can put my eyes in two different directions like a chameleon
what’s the most interesting schools gossip you’ve ever heard? not really “gossip” but some dude toked up on the roof of the science building in my sophomore year of high school
opinions on recycling? i am an absolute tree hugger so i don’t even use plastic water bottles but i recycle everything i can under the sun. i will take cardboard boxes and bottles and cans home from work just so they get recycled and not thrown out. i also want to start using reusable produce bags and stuff but i already use reusable grocery bags mostly and stuff like that
what’s your coffee order? milk, no sugar. sometimes black but i don’t like sweet coffee like the macchiatos or whatever
what’s a question do you constantly get asked? are you asian/ what happened to your back / what’s your major / how tall are you
if you had to get a tattoo right now, what would you get and where? either “mercury” on the inside or my finger or this drawing i have of persephone holding a pomegranate in her lap with the text “leave it in the lap of the gods” underneath on my forearm
weird fact about your taste of music? i associate songs with people. like one specific song will bring back every memory of a specific person. my first boyfriend tyson is shakedown street by the dead, my friend i had a crush on is past lives by børns, my friend david is missy by the punch brothers, my friends layla and julia are wildest dreams by taylor swift, my friend holt is starboy by the weeknd, my friend caleb is day tripper by the beatles, my brother is dreams by alvvays, etc.
what’s your favorite teacher you’ve ever had? my english teacher in grade 10. also a prof at vcu so he had great taste in literature and music (sonic youth, zeppelin) and he would play songs i liked because he knew i liked them. i had a total crush on him
describe your blog in 3-6 words? mash up of things i like
what’s a conspiracy or supernatural thing you believe in? i believe in so many. mothman, stairs in the woods, ghosts/spirits, aliens, wendigos. so many
if you could see any concert tonight what would you choose? i’m definitely in either a punch brothers or grouplove mood
if you could break one of your bad habits which would you choose? picking (at my skin, hair, cuticles) and nail biting
can you dance? sing? i used to dance before my back surgery, i can sing if i really try but i’m really only good for my falsetto
what’s something you can’t stop buying? anything but mostly music stuff. drum sticks, cymbal felters, drum heads, amp cords. also books. also just random things off amazon
crowds or small groups? depends, but mostly small groups. i like crowds in a particular setting
how long before a trip do you pack? like the day before but then again i never go on trips ever
what celebrity would you rate a PERFECT 10? freddie mercury will always be the queen of the world
what quote or inspirational setting do you think is bs? all that stuff about what you give out is what you get back. good people give a lot and end up getting shit on. rachel scott was a great person and everyone knew her as an angel and she got killed in columbine. one of the nicest people i knew in middle school fell off a literal cliff and died at 13 years old
if you had to dye your hair an unnatural color right now, what would you choose? i don’t really do unnatural colors anymore but i like going blonde
you can change one thing about your life right now. what are you changing? how anxious i am and how it affects my social life
how old do you get mistaken for? depends on the person. i was taking my sister into middle school late and someone asked if /I/ was coming in late but people also ask if i’m 21 or over
what do you think about a lot? people. just different people i know and music mostly. sometimes both things together
do you like your zodiac sign? dude aquarians are the wackest and the best don’t try me
what does home mean to you? wherever i am comfortable enough to feel safe and stable and and able to close my eyes. could be a place, could be a person
what do you think you’d be arrested for? probably something i got into with some of my friends that wasn’t even technically my fault. drugs or trespassing or something
favorite kind of clothing, comfy and then dressy/party/going out? comfy would be leggings and t shirts and vans, going out would be leather anything (pleather) i love leather pants so goddamn much and then flowy shirts and boots
describe your aesthetic? honestly i have no idea. i’m just drummer with a mullet and that’s all i really know about myself
what song makes you cry every time? honestly a song my friend david wrote called someday honey because i’ve always loved folk stuff and cat stevens stuff and it’s such a sad little plucky folk tune and the lyrics make me sad and i used to listen to it when i was upset so i prob associate it with sadness anyway
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gsmatthews95 · 6 years
Oz: a recap
The time has come. It has been ten months in waiting but it had to come. It is with a slight twinge of sadness but an overpowering sense of excitement and happiness that I am leaving Australia on my way to Singapore. Which  is actually pretty ideal because I have a nice long 9 hour layover. There are very few occasions I would describe a 9 hour layover as "ideal" but this is one of them. Such a cool city. So much to do and see. And, apparently, it isn't even too big. So I'm hoping I should be able to DO/COMPLETE Singapore in a nice six hour stint, tick it off my list, add another pin to the map and tell everyone about how I've now basically completed Asia. Sick eh?. A wee bit more background before I delve into the meat of this potentially juicy post which I think I will compare to a fat fillet steak by comparison to the rest of my posts that I would say are more like coles BBQ sausages, 24 for $8... good value but not much substance. A good reference I reckon. So I'm currently on my flight. It is maybe 9am Aussie time and I am awake, not that tired, with very little to do in this flight as I went for the lost budget option (still pretty expenny). You have to pay 11 bucks for films, Ye right. Go do one scoot airlines. Urgh, absolute scandal for a 7 hour flight. No worries however. Gives me ample time to write an absolute Goliath of a blog post. Okay seriously guys stop cheering. It's distracting me and my brain flow you have to pay for food and entertainment. Not good. However, the there are two upsides to this flight with nothing to do, firstly it allows me to blog blog blog and the other upside of this prehistoric flight comfort is that it gives me a chance to register to Stephen Hawkins "a  brief history of time", what a bangin audiobook. Well bloody confusing but I feel cleverer listening to it. Although in the last nine months I have forgotten the vast, vast majority of it. All the better it's like a new book. I'm now not that excited however about my connecting flight to Berlin. 14 hours. 13 hours of no films, just sleep, urgh lame. I may find some more wee audiobooks. I'll tell you what, I may get the game Of thrones ones. They'd be immense, especially as I'm now a proper game of thrones loser (read loser as legend/fanatic).
This is what I mean, I have so much time to ramble this piece is gonna drag. Oo I have an idea. As I didn't have this blog for the majority of the trip should I go back and wrote posts for them? Hmmmm, that does kinda defeat the point of the blog though. I don't think I'll do that. the other nagging question is whether I carry on the blog for the next 3 months as I galavant around Europe. I think I should. You're welcome guys. I love you all too. Also sick that I'm using my British passport to its full extent before we F off out of Europe as part of brexit. Wooo freedom of movement. Cosmopolitan ideals, something we should probs all strive for as much as possible. However, I do think we probs made the right decision leaving the EU as most people who have spoken to me about it will know. This post is not about my political views however. Otherwise it would not be called holidaying. Maybe something like #Jezza4PM would be a better name for it if I were to become a political blogger slash activist. But I digress.
So as many of you may have gauged from speaking to me, reading this blog or merely by observing my Facebook presence. I have had an immense time. Even though my article about the ups and downs of travelling may have seemed a bit depressing, I can safely say the last ten months, yes that ten months, a long time, have been smashing. I am currently conflicted, in poor stylistic technique I have embarked upon this post without a plan. And now I am at a crossroads. Do I continue chronologically or thematically? I think I will stay true to convincing writing styles and go thematically. Let's push the boat out he he. Ok ok ok so I'll start with my hostels. I believe I do want to talk about them a little bit first.  To start, I have been in lots. Off the top of my head in Sydney alone I was in 7 separate hostels. Many for a week as I was forced to move because of the price increase, my bed being sold, being chucked out etc. But 3 main ones. Firstly, hump. What to say about this place. A mad house, a good outside smoking area, a room that stays open all night and a lot of sound people who I've seen since leaving Sydney too. One jack gawthorpe, I've seen in four separate places (who's stalking who...). My month or so there was heavy. There was always something going on, I have very fond memories. Secondly, dury house. As described by James, my friend who I took there one night: "that was literally a crack den". Yes James, but it was our crack den. With the roof that never closed and the never ending session, there was always something going on, whether it be 11am on a Sunday morning or 4am on a Friday night. And again some belter people, who again I've seen down the east coast. Thirdly, finally, and ultimately we had the palms. What a place. What a time. November-December 2017. The palms glory days. Clean hostel, nice kitchen, comfy beds, sound people, like a giant sharehouse it had the intimate feel that you knew everyone but was big enough to still be lots of fun. The palms massive made my first xmas away from home so fun and so comforting. Never forget. Loved everyone there, except dan obvs, I hate dan. Everyone else though, I love you. And the hostel. I'll give a quick shout out to bev and micks in Melbourne. Small, intimate, cosy and friendly. Not that exciting or fun but enjoyable for my three weeks. Plus it was the cheapest place around. However, barossa backpackers. Dirty, smelly, small, tiny kitchen, leaky fridges, small room, had to pay for wifi and in the middle of nowhere. Pretty crap hostel tbh. But as I was there for some time, working with and living with everyone. I had an unreal time. Even working in a potato factory. So much fun cause you're constantly with you're mates and chilling, I won't forget those few months in barossa. The hostels down the east coast were nice. Big and nice but with my motivation waiting and the fact that I was staying at each place for a few days I didn't really form much of a bond with many of them. The hostel is key to your experience. Regardless how long you are in a place for but especially if it's for the long term. And overall I think I did well with a only a few mistakes.
Work. Ok so work never went quite as I'd hoped before I came out to Australia. Maybe I was naive, maybe I just wasn't made for call centres. My one regret actually was not going in to construction in Sydney, making lots of money, doing easy work and finishing at 3:30 each day. I then could have done it all over oz as I'd have had experience and wouldn't have had to do some of my crap jobs. We live and learn, one of my bigger regrets I'd say. No hassle though, all has worked out well and I haven't been too low on money. But yes call centres and cold calling, not the job for me. Neither as it turns out is face to face fundraising. What I have learnt though is that there is no worse job than those and I now have sympathy for those doing it, I have the knowledge that I will never work in a job like that again and it has now given me a great  appreciation of any job that isn't that. Which was one reason I think I enjoyed the potatoes so much. Mainly because it was so easy and so much less depressing than my other jobs. Everyone constantly complained, I just smiled and said it could be worse. People said the job would break me. It never did. Smashing job, smashing people, smashing time. The worst of all these jobs though was the charity fundraising, I knew it would be but I just wanted 2-3 weeks work and it paid well. I lasted 1 week. Never again. The best job. Easy. Grape picking and wine making. It was so sick. I got a lot of hours, lots of free wine and food and learnt to make wine in the sun. Dream job. I even have a wine named after me, I'm gonna get a case delivered home of the 2018 vintage GSM lol. But that's enough about work after all it is a work holiday visa.
This part will be harder to split up do I discuss  specific experiences? Or parts of the journey. Oo I have an idea. Animals. I have devoted a few pieces to various animals but I haven't spoken about all of them. There are two that I will leave out though as they deserve their own piece. Australia, famous for its diverse and unique wildlife and I think I've done well in seeing a lot of it. And I got selfies with lots of them. Firstly I have fed and patted wild kangaroos and wallabies. So cute, they love carrots btw, not apples so much. One of the wallabies even had a tiny Joey in its pouch. Too much for my heart. They're great I loved em both. Then came the quokka. As many of you may have seen by my  Valentine's Day post devoted to this one. They are like giant rodents. Although they're not giant, and they're actually cute. I dunno how to describe them actually just look at my photo, well adorable. I will now move on to the dangerous segment of the list of animals, cause, as we all know, that's what oz is most famous for. Firstly, the red back spider, v venomous. Hannah (friend not sister) almost died as she entered his layer/graveyard and only just escaped with her life. I have also seen three wild snakes, woohoo. That was a real target. The python in the kitchen and the two cuties slithering across the path in Lichfield national park and the twelve (4) apostles. Now. The personal favourite. The crocs. There have been lots of crocs, none completely in the wild without a tour guide sadly, but the jumping crocs were wild and were damn sick. I even have a croc tooth necklace (sorry axel, Brutus and dominator). The one animal conspicuous by its absence I haven't seen though, sadly, a shark. Waaaaa I should have gone shark cage diving, ah it was too expensive anyway. I think I'll carry on with my sea critters vibe now for a few more. Next was the manta. MANTA MANTA MANTA. I saw lots in Indonesia but another at whitsundays. So big, graceful and noble. I love them, as everyone does, they're god personified in an animal I reckon.  I would like to be a manta ray. Next up dolphins. Not many and both times I saw them from a cliff. Not overly exciting mainly because I have been spoilt in the past both in cornwall And in the SAN blas when they swam with our boat, so very nice. My final sea dweller. Whales. Lots of humpbacks as I said in my Fraser Island piece. They are awesome, so big and majestic and loving. I would also like to be a whale. Sue me. I saw lots of camels too, they're funny I like camels teehee and dingos, they're so cute, not scary. I would like to chat to a dingo and befriend him. I love dingos. I think however, my proudest find and subsequent selfie was with the koalas. We found 8 on magnetic island. One barely 8 foot away. Perfect for a selfie. And I snapped it yay. They're such chillers too, I love koalas. I love animals actually. I also miss Rolland, I love you too Rolland!!!
So as to stop myself writing another dissertation I may make this the final para. And I'm going to try and be concise. My favourite moments. I won't describe them much but merely mention them. There's a variety of reasons why a moment could have been so great. Maybe where I was, what I was doing, who I was with. Who knows? Maybe I just felt at peace and the world felt right for a moment. Deep. And I'm not talking about every moment I sat down with a full box of goon. Ok ok seriously. The hump boat party. Both 1 and 2. Unreal, a boat party in the Sydney harbour, beers, mates, opera house, swimming, tunes, I won't ever forget those two days. My first moment seeing the extent of the blue mountains at the end of the garden of the nbb Jill and Richard had so kindly rented for us. A little ten minute walk and you were on the edge of the crator with the blue trees stretching out, I reckon I spent a couple of hours just sat there over the three days, peaceful. Sash, pretty much every sash, but one in particular when I'm pretty sure everyone I knew in Sydney was there. It was sunny and we boogied. I was having so much fun several separate people came and asked me if I sold drugs cause I was so deliriously happy. Oo also the sash it rained that was unreal, dancing in the rain with the boys, never forget. Two more from Sydney. The beach party, amazing. One of the best, if not the best day of my life. Music and goon on the beach, swimming as the sun set over the harbour bridge, so wicked. And finally xmas day. Singing for the Aussie prime minister with a broken voice having lost it the night before was something I will NEVER ever forget especially as I have the video of it all ahahahaha. We move on to mine and Hannis road trip. My first thought. The pinnacles. The pinnacles were sick, so random just a load of pointy rocks in the ground. I doubt two people have ever been so excited in one place. So funny. Also actually hannah, all of our carpool karaokes. They made your company bearable. Completing the 8km hike in kalbari was also a good moment as it was 30+ degrees and we had about two litres of water between us, stupid English. But we did it, I'm proud. Finally hanni, 100% when we chilled with Roos in morriset park for hours after Jill and richard basically laughed us down for going, v funny. A good afternoon. Days of our lives festival. Awesome, what a send off from Sydney. Dury house you did yourselves and me proud, cheers for convincing me to go xoxoxo. The whole outback trip was awesome, if I picked a few moments though... I reckon the first proper big fire was a great moment, and sorting out the car light that we couldn't turn off meaning we didn't have to take the fuse out every time we stopped the car, sheer happiness. Also getting in to alice springs. This may seem weird but I cannot explain how touchy everyone was, we needed food, civilisation, electricity, a shower and some goon. We got all of the above and spirits were restored. Also the natural springs were amazing. So beautiful, completely free and refreshing. Darwin, croc diving, easy, it was unreal. Spotting the koalas on magnetic island obvs was memorable. I want to pick some moments from Fraser but it was all so fun. If I had to pick a few though, I'd say the horse racing on the second night united everyone, we were all so into it and the crumbed sausage obvs haha. I have missed things out but when I look back on oz these are the things I feel stand out as specific moments but like I've said before travelling isn't just about the moments (sorry Alina) but the whole experience, what you feel and who you meet.
What a holiday. I am content with my time in oz. if I came back I'd change things but I'm happy just the way they went. It's been sick. Stay posted I have one more oz piece before we move to EUROPE yahoooooooo. This piece has literally killed at least two hours of my flight maybe even three. I have been very engrossed aha. But back to mr hawking for me. G.
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