#it also makes it harder to fetishize
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i draw a lot of nsfw but im scared to post it because then it'll be obvious which things i fetishize and which ones i lie about fetishizing for clout but im more scared of the fact that if people know what im into theyll be able to look at my writing and be like (raises eyebrows. smirks knowingly) and that is by far my 100% least favorite reaction to any kind of sexuality i show ever
#it makes me think of my parents and them telling me i might not love sex right now but ill ~~~loooooove~~~ it as an adult. or when id play#with my toys and theyd talk about how it looks like im making them hump eachother and that its 'okay' to do that. its like fuck off#but its also embarrassing bc a lot of my fetishes come from the things i dont fetishize. i write a lot about cults and conditioning and#capitalism. and id rather not have someone write off my commentary about things as jerk off material and nothing else#i already have people write off my art for being ~silly~ and ~weird~#i dont need it written off even harder as silly weird JO material
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wishing i phrased this as ‘if u are heavily tattooed’
#stream#like ppl w like a couple i wasn’t asking yall no offence 😭😭😭🫶#i’m gatekeeping my own post ALSKALSKALSKALLLKSLAK#like i made this bc i hate being fetishized for having tattoos 😭😭😭#idk i just think it’s weird like#i mean i get it …… i guess ? like the ‘rugged’ association w them but it’s like 😭😭😭😭#but idk i just think the conflation of being tattooed & ‘masculinity’ or ‘mystery’ or ‘darkness’ is just so funny to me bc it’s like#imagine a person that dresses goth but their house is all yellow & pink & idk carefree but they ‘look’ like they’d be ‘sleeping in a coffin’#bc it’s like ‘person w tons of black/grey realism’: works in finance ALSJALSKALKSLAKSLAKSLAKSLAKA#LIKE THATS THE REALITY OF IT IN THIS DAY & AGE 😭😭😭😭#but then it’s like ‘mystery’ ???? what ‘MYSTERY’ ITS RIGHT THERE ITS PRINTED ON THEM#‘why do u have a chicken tattoo’ ‘i like cock’ like idk i just don’t get it 😭😭😭😭#ALSJALSKALKDLAJDLAJDLAJSLA LIKE EVEN IN THOSE NAVAL DAYS: why were tattoos associated w roughness - military: servicemen got drunk so often#in public they would get in fights thereby creating the perception 😭😭😭😭#like ‘wow it’s so much pain …’ like its rly not. it’s the same sensation every time & eventually that area goes a bit numb like it’s#literally nothing ‘harder’ than going to get botox#like 😭😭😭😭#idk this is just me being a bitch for no reason#i just think my tattoos are feminine (they’re not) & i think that i should be seen SOFTLY for them (im also not)#reclaiming my femininity …. bc it’s the only fucking one i got growing up 😭😭😭😭#ok actually i just remembered my bestie sent me a comedian from india & she was like ‘my daughter is taking an elective. pottery :(‘ & it#did make me lose my shit bc my mother is just like that & i would be just like that w my child too ALSKALSKALSKLAKSLA I WASNT EVEN ALLOWED#TO TAKE ART IN MIDDLE SCHOOL AS AN ELECTIVE SHE MADE ME DO BAND 😭😭😭😭😭😭#ALAJALSKALSKLAJSLSKDLAKSLAKSLAKAA#me looking wistfully at my past: why didn’t we go to art school#me looking wishfully at my future: why don’t we kill ourselves >:) & everyone too>:3
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it’s not that deep but it is that serious!
(editing and reblogging to clarify a couple things at the end of the post - edited once more to combine the second reblog into one)
I just want to come to this app to talk about deep throating mean!Joel and to make friends with other hot freaks. But I need my fellow heathens to hear me out for a moment.
I’ve tried to keep this space a little escape from reality, but that’s not a realistic privilege because life and art are inherently political.
I've seen friends and mutuals receiving hateful, racist, and cruel anons recently. I know these issues aren’t new for our Black and brown peers.
I see a lot of folks jumping to offer support and to express their disgust at the racist remarks.
I also see a lot of shock and disbelief and I want to talk about that.
Racism, bigotry, and prejudice are not new issues for Black and brown folks. If you find yourself shocked, surprised, and outraged when folks share the hate they receive I ask that you reflect on this. It’s a privilege to be surprised, to not be used to navigating and experiencing that vitriol.
I know it’s well intended when folks say things like, ‘if you’re a racist piece of shit get off my blog’ or similar messages, and i understand the anger and frustration. (*i appreciate seeing solidarity and i also do not want to police (acab) how people respond to the hate they receive)
I also don’t think anyone who is aware and actively spreading hate will be deterred. I imagine there are 4chan incel type trolls that just thrive on the attention and reaction of using the most inflammatory language they can, and trolls will troll. They inevitably will pop up.
What I want to address is the levels below the overt and active hate. The accidental or inadvertent covert racism. The micro aggressions. The passive silence or enabling of rhetoric that lets folks perpetuate harm without even thinking.
Black and brown creators in our community have been disregarded or overshadowed when they speak up about diversity or inclusion in this fandom or feeling unwelcomed.
They wade through oceans of moodboards with faceless, thin, white women paired with our favorite characters. They power through reader inserts with freckles, red marks, and pink pussies that say and do things they might never feel safe saying or doing in those universes. They scroll through bad Spanish or fetishized latino caricatures and romanticized colonial values. And they still show love and support by commenting and reblogging and uplifting other writers.
Maybe there are footnotes about the moodboards only being for inspiration, but that doesn’t erase the constant messaging that it was easier to find those pictures and add a note than to search harder or leave the pictures out.
When I saw a fic with a detail about the pedro character having a confederate flag in his trailer I had to pause. This is a perfect example. I don’t read this as malicious or intentionally harmful. I understand the stereotype it’s rooted in and the general humor of the story as a whole. I get that it’s a small detail and that racism wasn’t a core part of the character or the story.
But if we sit with this longer.. what does this tell our Black and brown peers? When the reader notices it and it’s just as notable as a calendar on the wall? And she fucks him willingly anyway?
Hate symbols aren’t unserious. Background or not. Imagine writing a Joel fic and giving him a swastika tattoo just as a background detail. Sounds extreme right? Maybe you’re writing an AU felon Joel and just trying to show how hardened and dark he is. Maybe in your headcanon he only got it in prison to protect himself and he isn’t a racist.
But to nazis it says this is a safe place to be. To the general audience it says you don’t care if this makes them feel unsafe or invisible.
To folks reading that a confederate flag isn’t a big deal, it signals that it’s an acceptable symbol. It shows that people are reading and commenting and sharing this story and are unbothered. That maybe people don’t even notice.
I’m not asking anyone to send hate and I’m not writing this as an attack on the author or anyone who shared the fic. We don’t know what we don’t know, but we have the opportunity to learn!
I am asking my peers to step in and step up, because I think y’all are smart and capable of more.
I am not an expert on anything. But as someone who went to grad school for social work — a field that only exists to combat the societal harm of power, privilege, and oppression — I don’t take it lightly. I work in advocacy fighting discrimination and prejudice from institutions built on systemic racism daily. I’m aware that I have the privilege of training, language, and awareness around diversity and inclusion, and that not everyone has the same knowledge or experience.
I also know this fandom is full of incredibly smart and well spoken folks who craft moving stories and analyze characters with nuance and passion.
I’m not interested in censoring what anyone writes and I happily abide by don’t like; don’t read.
If I only wanted to read I would stick to ao3. But I’m here and I stay here because of the community. The friendships and the extra tag games and challenges and support and camaraderie.
I know I make mistakes myself. And I know it can be uncomfortable to be called out for something you never intended to hurt anyone with. I know it can feel like your voice won’t be heard or your experience won’t be validated in such a big space.
I shared a post a while ago by a creator that doesn’t write for this fandom. It was an ode to Black fanfic writers in general, and in the comments Black writers were tagging each other to show love. And I knew there was something wrong when I wanted to share it but felt deeply hesitant about tagging anyone because I didn’t want Black writers to receive hate.
One of my favorite things about this fandom is how global it is. Getting to make friends with folks around the world is such a treat. I also know racism and fascism are not unique to one region.
It’s Black history month in the states and in Canada. I know other countries observe Black history month in other months. It’s an intentional observation for a reason.
For us, this is a hobby. We’re here voluntarily, and mostly anonymously, but we’re all people. Community is so vital to thwarting the dangers of fascism and hateful rhetoric.
This IS a post about racism.
But racism is absolutely entangled with sexism, classism, ableism, ethnocentrism, capitalism, colonialism, imperialism, patriarchal hegemony, etc.
This isn’t just a rant. It’s an ask. I’m asking my peers—writers, readers, gif makers, lurkers, etc.— to help.
Reflect on what you share and post. Think about how others perceive you.
I’m asking my peers to be curious and open to discussions. To ask questions if you see covert racism. To be willing to accept feedback.
We can be gentle with one another.
Like, ‘hey, I saw this and am wondering if you’re aware of the origin or the impact it might have?’ or ‘can I share how this may be misinterpreted or harmful?’
Be kind sure, but be an advocate!
If you see someone posting about a character being their ‘spirit animal’ — send them a DM! If you read something that stereotypes a race, let the author know! There’s plenty of online resources for writing characters from other races without falling back on harmful tropes.
And even better… support your Black and brown peers. Share their work. Show them you value their presence in the fandom.
I encourage folks to read fics with original characters or reader characters with explicitly diverse ethnicities and tell the author you appreciate that character! Recommend the work to friends.
I never shut up about how much I love Heat and the story is incredibly compelling *because* the reader is a Latina written by a Latina.
Anyway, I come to this hellsite to laugh and be horny—but at my core I am an ethical hater and I only wrote all of this because I care and I want this space to be inclusive.
I’m not speaking on behalf of anyone else and I don’t want to speak over anyone. I’m open to feedback or ideas.
I’m tagging some mutuals I interact with and some that I don’t know very well, not to curse y’all with reading my long winded post but to ask: when you have the capacity will you help take action to make this community stronger? Will you commit to being open to feedback and growth?
Bottom line I just wanna read about getting railed by that fictional guy and I want my Black and brown peers to have the opportunity to enjoy the same escape from reality.
I feel like this is worth posting because I think y’all can make a difference. So many of y’all write and analyze stories and characters with such nuance and passion and detail—and that’s why i believe you can help spot subtle and insidious forms of racism and make real changes.
TL;DR: I’m asking everyone to be proactive when you see microaggressions or covert racism in the fandom, and to be willing to accept feedback and learn from each other. Being passive is a luxury and a privilege our marginalized peers do not have. Let’s be more than performative or not racist. Be active. Be anti-racist.
some tags for folks (no pressure to share, I don’t want attention I just want to encourage folks to take time to reflect or let me know what you think idk): *not calling anyone out as having committed any offenses just feeling compelled to share the message i guess
@auteurdelabre @joelmillerisapunk @lotusbxtch @probablyreadinsmut @ace-turned-confused @baronessvonglitter @yxtkiwiyxt @slimybeth69 @bitchesuntitled @thundermartini @sin-djarin @strang3lov3 @mermaidgirl30 @for-a-longlongtime @mrs-hardy-hunnam-butler-pascal @evolnoomym @wannab-urs @sanarsi @yopossum @almostfoxglove @itwasntimethatdidit40 @syd-djarin @miss-oranje-disco-dancer
to anyone: please start conversations or reach out to me or send me an anon ask if you want to discuss something or share, idc but i’m begging y’all to listen to each other and advocate for one another and be open to self-reflection 💗 editing to add: if i tagged you it was not a callout that i think you've done something specific to reflect on-- just a general invite to join me in being intentional and to invite feedback if you have any! if i made anyone anxious i apologize! - to clarify when i said 'it's not that deep' i mean that maybe fanfic is easily brushed off as not that deep, but every blog is a real person (minus the army of porn bots) and we form real connections in this community <3
one more thing,
first and foremost! a reminder that i am speaking about the inclusivity in this fandom as a whole. i don't want to lose the plot over one specific example that blew up. my point is the bulk of the racism in this fandom is perpetrated through micro aggressions and covert racism EVERY DAY. we can make sweeping statements and tell racists to fuck off, but next week we will be back to the status quo (aka where many non-white folks feel unwelcomed, aren't represented, and are disregarded when they raise concerns, etc.) unless we commit to examining ourselves first and looking for the more subtle things that perpetuate the current culture (e.g. harmful stereotypes and racial tropes, fetishizing latinx characters, bad Spanish, writing reader insert fics with specifically white features and characteristics without tagging, using slurs or coded language, etc.)
(i am behind on everything today and haven’t gotten back to everyone who added insightful thoughts and considerations to my original post yet)
i did see some folks share examples of positive experiences calling-in peers or learning something new themselves and wanted to say thanks and highlight those positives.
maybe other folks have already brought up the rest of my points and if so i do not mean to speak over anyone, but i wanted to add on to my first post:
i originally asked everyone to step up and commit to advocating for each other— but i’d like to explicitly ask white folks to step up and look out for our Black and brown friends (who are tired and don’t get to check out irl or online). i am asking white folks to be open to learning and growing with compassion. i am asking white folks to be persistent, proactive, and brave enough to be uncomfortable or wrong.
when i say we can be gentle with each other i do not mean to minimize pain or anger. i gladly and willingly validate that everyone has a right to be upset and outraged by hatred and racism. i am not asking my Black and brown peers to soften their reactions or dismiss their experiences.
i am (again) asking my white peers to be mindful, to take a breath and listen to what BIPOC folks have to say. to sit with the discomfort and know that seeing hate or racism might be shocking but it is not surprising if you’ve been listening.
i am asking my white peers to be kind and also strategic. if you have the patience and capacity then do what you can to increase the odds that your peers will be willing to listen and learn. it’s free to try at least.
most of us that commit micro aggressions or covert racism don't consider ourselves to be racists. we see posts that say 'racists and bigots aren't welcome on this blog' and we agree! we reblog those posts! we pat ourselves on the back for being an ally and continue on without making any other changes-- not because we are bad people, but because we have the privilege of feeling welcomed, represented, and valued as a baseline.
this is also my call-in to myself because i’ve allowed myself to stay quiet. i’ve relied on the comfort that my close friends know who i am and what my values are, but i have been passive. i have seen comments or posts that i recognized were ignorant or offensive and continued scrolling. i felt like it wasn't worth the drama to speak up.
i’m fallible and open to feedback ! i am also comfortable being an example, being vulnerable and sharing my mistakes or opportunities for growth. i've gotten more comfortable because i have hours of training and practice but i don't expect others to feel good being called-in or to anticipate what might make them act defensively.
i know the core principle of cultural humility is that nobody is an expert on culture, that the best practice is to remain open and curious, to identify your own values and beliefs, and to confront stereotypes. it is an ongoing process of self-reflection and commitment to growth
and so i volunteer to be here for any of my white friends that want to make this fandom a more inclusive space, but are feeling uncertain or uncomfortable. (i am not offering to defend racism or excuse hate)
there is extreme cognitive dissonance in believing you are a good person, a not-racist person, and a friend and ally— and being confronted with the idea you are perpetuating stereotypes, inadvertently causing harm, or alienating folks you care about.
I know it seems like a safe option to stay quiet if you think you might say the wrong thing or make a situation worse.
I know it’s hard enough to send someone a friendly message or to know what to comment on a fic you loved, let alone to feel empowered to point out something that might make someone else react defensively. I’m not volunteering to be the morality police (acab) but i’m here for all of my friends, mutuals, and peers in the fandom who want support with calling-in others or learning. i encourage and welcome discussion and curiosity.
i ask white folks to make conscious changes so that when these conversations die down we don’t fall back into enabling white ignorance to infect the fandom and harm our friends.
bonus thoughts
i see and am grateful for the folks that called my first post eloquent and at the same time i am deeply aware of the ‘angry Black woman’ trope that undermines and minimizes Black women’s voices (especially when they are rightfully angry). i guess i’m just repeating that i don’t want to speak over anyone but i am committing to speaking up.
i don’t want to harp on the confederate flag example anymore, but i would like to be clear that this isn’t about censorship. Consider the context and don’t turn this into a straw man argument or dilute the message with whataboutery. It speaks volumes if you’d rather argue semantics than listen to your peers about the reality of impact vs intent with that example or others.
thank you for reading and being here <3
#discourse I suppose#pedro pascal fandom this is a call for advocacy#opportunities for growth and learning#I see a lot of well intentioned folks and also we can do better#let’s speak plainly and foster accountability#thank you for reading
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Hcs of all the brothers with an MC who has too much stamina to tire them out and beg the MC to stop?
A/N: Sorry that it’s a “bit” late, but I did manage to get it done! Also, OMFG YES PLEASE. Hopefully I kept within range of your request with the bros. I tried to stay on task! I also depicted the MC to go rough and hard on the brothers so hopefully that's to your taste.
Rating: NSFW
Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor
Warning(s): Gender Neutral MC, no genitalia descriptions for MC but there is mentions of creampies, no pronouns for MC, no description of MC’s body or personality, bottom/sub brothers, top/dom MC
Other Tags: Overstimulation, begging, teasing, rough sex, fucked dumb, GN!MC, creampie, hair pulling, prostate milking, (etc, etc,) may be short or long depending on the character
Lucifer (Hair pulling, Overstimulation, Prostate milking, Creampie)
The first time you went down on him, he was winded
The way you pull his hair as you fuck him brutally has him whining
He thought he wouldn’t make noise, but you proved him wrong immediately
He can’t even form a simple sentence with how much you’re milking his prostate
The only words that come out of his mouth is flurries of “please”, “fuck”, and “I can’t”
He’s climaxing at least eight times before you’re spent
He’d be filled up so much it practically pouring out of him
He would also be really sore the next morning
You’d be on cleaning duty for a week
Mammon (Teasing, Fucked dumb, Begging, Overstimulation)
He’s all in (this man goes wild for it)
Doesn’t matter the place or time. If you’re in the middle of class and you get horny, he’s at your beck and call
But when you finally go down on him, you start off slow
He hates it and it’s fun teasing him
But when it comes to fucking him dumb, you make sure to go hard
He’s moaning screaming your name while begging for you to go harder
But after his first orgasm and you’re still going, he tends to get more whiny
He’d beg for you to slow down only for you to get faster
And after you’re both finished, he counts the days until the next time it happens again
Leviathan (Overstimulation, Lingerie, Begging, Fucked dumb)
He’s also definitely getting overstimulated
He’s in his demon form when you rail him so he can wrap his tail around your waist to pull you closer to him
He would place your hands on his hips no matter what position you’re in because he loves the feel of the bruising the next morning (he loves that shit)
After his second orgasm he has his tongue out and his eyes are rolled into the back of his head
He’s begging for you to go harder, to go faster, to do more
But when you both finish at the same time, he climaxes with a cry while you bury yourself the deepest you can go inside him
He’s whining and gasping as you clean him up
You’re also the one to put him to bed because you already know he’s going to be passed out
Satan (Cowgirl position, Overstimulation, Begging)
He likes to compete with you
“Who has more stamina” he says, but he knows he’s clocking out first
When this happens, he’s riding you at a brutal pace
You meet his bounces halfway and you always rub his prostate spot on and it makes him drool
Somewhere along the way, he gives up and just lets you ram into him as he sits on you
He makes a mess on your chest the first couple of orgasms
After a while, he gets too overwhelmed and he begs the best he can to get you to slow down and that he “can’t” and he’s going to cum
It takes a while for you to finish, and he feels relieved
But only you expected it when you flipped him over and continued to slam into him faster than before
Asmodeus (Overstimulation, Spanking, Rope bondage, Begging)
This man is a freak when it comes to your high stamina
He’s using it to the best of his ability because he too has a lot of stamina
He likes to test who can last longer
Sometimes it’s him and sometimes it’s you; it all depends if he plays with your kinks and fetishes
If he’s to finish first, you’ll have to tie him up and make him “beg for mercy” as he puts it
You must give him what he wants or else he’ll complain (and most likely ruin the mood)
But once you both finally get into the mood, he DOES beg and he does it so good
His whines and whimpers play like a broken record and it only makes you go faster
You don’t stop until you’re satisfied
Beelzebub (Overstimulation, Gags, Begging (whining))
Beelzebub will need a gag or something for him to bite or he’ll bite through whatever he gets in between his teeth (that could also be you)
He might also make claw marks on whatever surface he’s on
He’s whining through the gag and tears will start to form in his eyes because he’s easily overstimulated. Especially when you’re going so rough
It takes a little extra to make him climax but with the sheer amount of stamina you have, it’s an easy feat
You stroke him in time with your thrusts and he finishes with muffled screams and moans
When you’re done, he’s tuckered out and he needs some cuddling
Pull him into your lap and you’re stuck with him for the rest of the day
Belphegor (Overstimulation, Begging, Dirty talk)
He’s not really active during most days so when it seems like you aren’t going to stop any time soon, he’s hypersensitive
He’s not used to it so he’s struggling to breathe from the overwhelming sensation of you
He’d say “wait” a thousand times and he’d plead to get you to slow down
At one point, you do, but only where he looks like a complete wreck
He’d whine and ask you why you slowed down, but you just wanted to wait a little longer before finishing
When you do finish, you’re whispering dirty promises into his ear as you stroke him to his final dry orgasm
Almost immediately when you start the aftercare process, he almost falls asleep after being physically drained of all his strength
He wouldn’t say he was opposed to it either…
#obey me#obey me nb#obey me shall we date#obey me nightbringer#obey me one master to rule them all#obey me lucifer#obey me fandom#obey me mc#obey me hcs#obey me swd#obey me mammon#obey me leviathan#obey me satan#obey me asmodeus#obey me beelzebub#obey me belphegor#obey me belphie#obey me nsft#obey me smut#obey me headcanons#obey me scenarios#obey me ask#lucifer obey me#obey me brothers#shall we date obey me#obey me gn!reader#obey me gn!mc#gn reader#bottom lucifer#sub lucifer
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I get asked this all the time, "So, how did you get into this whole diaper thing in the first place?"
I thought I'd take a moment to talk about it!
I am not a "factory-installed" abdl, but rather an "after-market upgrade". I was first introduced to diapers and the whole abdl scene through my ex. They, being a longtime DL, told me about their diaper fetish pretty early on in our relationship. I was only 18 or 19 at the time and thus quite innocent and inexperienced in kink and sexuality in general. I was at first a little confused by the thought of being turned on by diapers, but very open-minded to learn about and discover why this fluffy, absorbent plastic-backed thing did it for them, and for so many others I came to find out!
They encouraged me to do a bit of investigating and education on my own into the world of AB/DL to see if I could find something about it that spoke to or resonated with me. I popped my online-kink cherry on the Tumblr of old. The Tumblr where porn, especially diaper porn, reigned like golden rays of sunshine. You could find it all and see it all on Tumblr back in the day. I quickly stumbled upon lots of ddlg content, and here was this thing that seemed to incorporate my budding, but long held interest in being submissive *and* my ex's interest in diapers. And ~voila!~ MisterAndLola was born.
We focused on building a ddlg dynamic, including the use of some AB stuff like onesies, cute socks, Goodnites, and calling them Daddy. We started our first Tumblr blog, TheDiaperedandtheDamned. We began to take some cute pictures and post them on Tumblr and Reddit. I bought a few toys and coloring books, decorated our Guest Room with some decals and fairy lights, and started to try to wet in my pull-ups.
It turns out, it was a lot harder than I thought! I would practice wetting while sitting on the toilet and when home alone. I was extremely nervous about leaking, and was struggling to get my potty-trained brain and body to let go. My ex had the thought - why not get some adult diapers and try those? I would surely not leak using those and it might make me feel safer or more comfy in the thought of "unpotty-training" my mind. The crazy thing is, it worked. And there I was, wearing diapers. I believe the first couple I tried were ABU Lavenders and DC Amors. I felt extremely silly, but also shyly naughty wearing these crinkly, poofy undergarments. And the thought of peeing my pants, wherever I was, started to turn me on. The taboo factor of willingly peeing in my "underwear" as a thriving, strong adult woman felt delicious. I loved the feeling of being naughty.
The first time I finally full-on wet my diaper, I immediately felt burning humiliation. And that also made me feel deliciously naughty. It turns out, I really have a thing for pee. My own, others’, it excites me and always pushes my button. I don’t have an inherent fetish for diapers, but I think I do for pee, or more generally, liquids. Even the feel of my own slippery wetness when I’m aroused does it for me. And being covered in cum…yup…that does it for me too.
After months of growing and exploring and trying on the role of “little girl”, I realized that I really don’t find a lot of joy or fulfillment in age play. The ddlg dynamic wasn’t really working for me or my partner at the time. But the fondness and growing arousal for being in and peeing in diapers…that was just beginning. Thus, my diaper kink was born.
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All About You | SKZ [B.C.]
Summary: Chan as a Service Top
Headcanons Genre: Purely Smut Pairing: Bangchan x Afab!Reader Warnings: Submissive!Chan but not really.. Dominant!Reader? Neither parties are too dominant. Riding, Chan topping, Reader giving Chan instructions, etc.
The definition of a 'Service Top' fluctuates; To some it means a Top who wants to be bossed around and instructed, to others it means a Top who wants to fulfill their partners wishes even if they dislike the kink/fetish, and to some it's just a top who is softer than most dominants.

You realize after the first few times of having sex with Chan that he doesn't really like doing some of the things you've explored in the past; He's too shy to initiate anything unless he's tipsy, he's not super grabby, he refuses to pin you down or put his hand around your throat. He prefers to let you take the lead.
When questioned about it, he's so shy. He pushes his hands down between his thighs before reaching to rub at the nape of his neck, the tips of his ears pink as he gently explains to you that he's never really been an overly dominant person in the bedroom - and he's a little afraid you'll be disappointed. He's sexy, built like a God - and unwilling to take control of you.
But when you smile and reassure him that it's totally okay - that he doesn't have to do anything he doesn't want to - he seems to relax. He looks over at you with the kindest, gentlest eyes and a smile that makes his dimples pop as you tell him that he's more than welcome to ask questions, tell you what he likes, etc. And he feels so over the moon just knowing you're not upset with him about it.
Chan's favorite position is you on top of him; Riding him until he's pink in the cheeks, his hands resting on your hips but not pushing or pulling at you. He loves seeing you on top, using his body just to please yourself and not caring much about how he feels (even if he is also in Heaven.) And, of course, sitting on his face. He's leaking cum just a minute or two after you begin to roll your hips down against his tongue. He's obsessed with it - loves being suffocated underneath you and letting you hump his mouth.
He gets off on you praising him. Not too much, though. He likes to hear how good he makes you feel, how you're going to get addicted to his cock because it fills you up so good - or how his body is just a toy for you to use to get off.
Actually, Chan really, really loves when you call him your toy. Only in the bedroom, of course. But he does get all blushy when you make comments like, "Think I might use a toy when I'm done cleaning up after dinner." and then spare him a glance. He knows exactly what that means and while you finish up dishes, he'll run to the bedroom to lay down and get ready for you.
He also loves being told what to do - that's the whole point of being a service top, right? Being told what to do, how to do it, when to do what.
Though, Chan prefers when you're more gentle with him when it comes to instructions. He likes when you ask him to do something instead of demanding it because it makes the moment feel more intimate, more romantic. It makes him feel more comfortable when he's on top of you.
If you're on top, he's fine with you barking at him to fuck up into you faster or harder - But if he's on top, please be gentle with your words. He's doing the best he can and he's there solely for your pleasure.
A lot of the times Chan doesn't even care if he gets off or not. If you're happy and three orgasms in while he hasn't even come once, it's totally fine! He doesn't mind because, again, he's there to please you and you only. He doesn't care if he gets to release or not.
But adding onto that, Chan can come just from you being pleased. If he's fucking you and you're whimpering, writhing, moaning out his name and creaming around his cock - Yeah, he's probably going to come. Not even from the feeling, though it is very nice, but from the fact that he's the one making you feel that good.
On the occasion that Chan does take control and takes the lead, which is mostly when you're too tired or stressed about something to boss him around, he's still as soft as ever - but he'll have sex with you in a more.. love-making manner. He wants to make sure you feel good still and especially during these moments he's more focused on your pleasure than anything else. He'll use your favorite toys, be gentler with you, kiss over your skin and whisper how much he loves you. He'll also be more vocal during these times because he knows just how much you love to hear his voice.
I really don't have much experience writing or actually experiencing anything service top related so I'm sorry if these aren't the best. I tried!

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#skz x reader#skz imagine#stray kids x reader#skz smut#stray kids smut#bangchan x reader#bangchan fic#bangchan smut
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Men with Mars square Uranus will 9/10 times have tendencies to be violent in bed, and not just a little slap but a whole ass beating. They use sex to make their frustrations "disappear", while taking it out on the other person⛓🩸. "Problems with controlling themselves". They usually also have a crooked dick - random yeah. No judgement from here, just saying.
Women with Lilith asteroid - 1181 conjunct their Part of Fortune can show sexual trauma, that they can use to empower other women. Supporting other women/people who have been through some of the same things. They can gain "success - whatever u define it as" on their trauma - speaking out 2 the world about it, and making a difference🌍🌞❤️🩹.
Men with Mars/Dick asteroid - 17458 conjunct/trine/quintile their Jupiter = big dick - sometimes2big/could be a grower but mostly a shower. Men with Mars/Dick asteroid - 17458 semi-square/square/quincunx Jupiter = could have a smaller dick, not saying it isn't all that, just pointing it out❤️.
Women with Venus/Klett asteroid - 2199 conjunct/trine/quintile Neptune = "U have a beautiful 😻" is something women with this aspect could hear a lot, "otherworldly pussy". People fantasise about it a lot, either before they get a taste, or after. Women with Venus/Klett asteroid - 2199 conjunct/trine/quintile Jupiter = larger 😻 but it fits her🫶🏼. They can also squirt/cum a lot more than the average women🌊.
Men with Mars conjunct Sado asteroid - 118230 = loves being sadistic 2wards their sexual partners, while also craving a sexual partner who's being sadistic 2wards them. They want2 humiliate, & be humiliated𓀏. They take GREAT pleasure in seeing you in pain/being in pain. Squash their balls, they'll love that shit. It may take them some time before they "fully open up" about it, but once they do = point of no return🕯.
I've seen people say that women with Venus/Mars in Pisces = FOOT FETISH?! like wassup with that? I haven't met a single one yet, who’s into that. My Venus is in pisces2, and if I see someone’s feet???? = shoot me💀🔫. Seriously tho. Keep those feet outta my face, & we’re good😍.
Women with Mars/8th house in Scorpio wants their sexual partners to worship them, be obsessed, give up their soul to forge the closeness they need, sexually. They can't get "close enough", they want 2 own. Not ever share. They need loyalty4a long lasting sexual relationship. They usually won't settle on this, unless they've been "tricked"/feeling attached already⛓. In the long run = won't settle.
Men with Mars/8th house in Cancer wants their sexual partners2 look&act like alluring, sweet, innocent angels on earth💋. They want all their sexual needs2 be taken care of by their partners, be "mothered" kinda. Mommy issues can also be a big thing here! They subconsciously seek out sexual/romantic partners, that reminds them of their mother🧐. They want2 be romanced usually, before being sexual with somebody. "Need 2 have some type of feelings 2 be sexual".
Men with Venus conjunct/trine/quintile Dick asteroid - 17458/Mars can have an easy time with getting women pregnant, like their semen is top notch🤰🏼.
Men with Venus semi-square/square/quincunx Dick asteroid - 17458/Mars can have a harder time with it. They could need a little help, before they'll get someone pregnant💜.
Women with Black Moon Lilith conjunct their POF can have lots of different sexual partners/experiences throughout their lives💋. They can gain "success - whatever u define it as" by speaking out2the world about these experiences/being a big supporter of women having equal rights. - Example - speaking up about women being able to sleep with how many they want2, without being judged by men4it. "They do it, so why can't we?". u tell em👏.
Mars conjunct/trine/quintile Saturn can 100% be into bondage, with their sexual partners. Or into things that "restrains them"/or them doing the restraining⛓. Likes to dominate, and show who's in charge😮💨 - unless some serious shit is going on in their chart. Won't give up their "sexual power" 2 anyone, unless they deem them seriously worthy. Control is a big thing here. Wants 2 control, but also wants2be played with sometimes👅.
Mercury conjunct/trine/quintile Mars is usually big on oral👄. They like it, &have no problem with using their skills to pleasure their partner👅. Also big on dirty talk! They want2hear praises about how good they are, how they make the other person feel, if they're touching the right place, &in the right way📢. Be vocal, they'll adore u for it❗️
Women with Venus/Klett asteroid - 2199 conjunct/trine/quintile Fama asteroid - 408 = their 😻 gets talked about a lot/“known” 4 their 😼/or they themselves could be the ones talking about it 2other people🤔.
Men with Mars/Dick asteroid - 17458 conjunct/trine/quintile Fama asteroid - 408 = same as above, just vice versa love❤️.
THANKS4READING!! I appreciate you, always💜.
#astro community#astro notes#astrology#astro observations#asteroids#astrology notes#birth chart#venus#black moon lilith#mars astrology#8th house
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genre: smut (+ fluff)
pairing: sub!enhyungline x femdom!reader
word count: 2930
warnings: mommy kink (heeseung), cuddlefucking (heeseung), face sitting/face riding (heeseung & jay), daddy kink (jay), mistress x servant/slave (jake), reader wears bdsm attire (jake), bootlicking/foot fetishism (jake), mentions of rope play and chastity cages (sunghoon), slight objectification of all four of them if ya squint, overall themes of power dynamics (i made all four of them extreme simps for reader), reader is afab and uses fem gendered terms
A/N: god….this took fucking FOREVERRRR to finish. I had to rewrite jake’s section SEVERAL times cuz it was harder than expected to combine mistress kink with soft subby service tops. It’s ironic because you’d think that such a pairing is a walk in the park to write about. but the reason it was difficult is because mistress is normally depicted as such a ‘hardcore’ kink while service tops mainly operate in the realm of ‘softness’. funny enough…after overcoming the severe writer’s block i had for jake, i now feel very inspired to write an in-depth fic about jake’s portion.
heeseung is such a shy, sweet little thing. so sensitive. he’d do anything for mommy. whenever he isn’t being a mischievous brat, he’s the most soft-spoken sweetheart ever. he’s head over heels for you. he’s super affectionate and always wants to cuddle with you. there isn’t a single moment where he doesn’t want his arms wrapped around you (or your arms around him). heeseung loves the warmth of your embrace and believes it to be the most magical place on earth.
he’s a loving, caring boyfriend who admires all that you do for him. the dictionary definition of a gentleman. he too wants to give back to you tenfold. heeseung is the kind of man who will beg and plea to please you. he’s eager to make you happy and is drawn to the thought of you using him as your pleasure dispenser. he just wants you to feel good :( there’s no feeling in the world he loves more than seeing his stunning mommy flooded with all the orgasms she deserves. pleasing you is what pleases him.
heeseung is the epitome of a soft sub 🥺 he’s a very attentive and receptive lover. he’s yearning to get his hands on you whenever he can. he loves seeing your expressions whenever you’re getting pleasured by him. and if he ever detects any form of discomfort from you, he stops.
he’s the type to get very soft, mushy, and cuddly and would totally be into cuddlefucking. showering his mommy with so much love and appreciation. and even crying when cuddlefucking because he’s just so thankful to have a lover like you.
“thank you, mommy. thank you for taking care of me. for loving and respecting me. for showing me what real love is, and so much more. you deserve the entire universe.”
heeseung seems like he’d be highkey into face-sitting. it gives him the opportunity to inundate you with bliss while also fulfilling some of his softer masochist thoughts. he wants you to fuck his face until he can’t think coherent thoughts anymore. he’d moan so much under you that you feel the sensations of his whines up your pussy.
“mommy can you pleeeeease sit on my face?”
his desperate pleas continue, “I so desperately wanna get a taste of you while you suffocate me with your pretty pussy. please i need it so much. it’s killing me. it’s all I’ve been wanting all day”
it’s hard to resist the pull of your lover’s desires. heeseung is such a good boy to you. after all, who could possibly resist his dreamy doe eyes? you’ve teased him enough with the distance and finally start giving into the relieved tension. as the two of you are about to head to bedtime, heeseung has a different type of “bed” time in mind. one that involves less sleeping, and more pussy eating.
i will FOREVERRRRRRRR stand by the submissive dilf!jay agenda!!!!!! he’s the epitome of a simp husband who loves his wife deeply. he has his bratty moments occasionally. but 90% of the time, jay is suuuuuuch a good daddy for his little princess. jay lives to serve you. on every level. making sure you always feel safe, protected, and cared for. he loves preparing mouth-watering açaí bowls for you, giving you foot rubs while you sip the delicious mango smoothie he made for you, letting you use his credit card to buy those pretty n’ pink satin VS robes that have been on your wishlist for a while, carry all your luxury shopping bags while you strut like a bad bitch on the way to his car, have spa days with you, do each others’ makeup and play dress up, and of course….follow your every command.
princess gets what princess wants. all jay wants is for his princess to be happy 🥺 he can’t stand seeing you sad or mad. if you wanna be eaten out or have multiple orgasms, jay will happily let you use him as your fucktoy. you may have many toys that he has bought for you before. toys you can use while he’s away. but no “toy” could ever compare to jay himself. he himself is THEE sex toy. his hair. his chiseled face. his toned, honey-glazed, dusky body. his calming voice accompanied by his smooth moans. his delicious intoxicating cock. the way he so greedily eats you out and fingers you. the way he kisses your entire body and worships it like a goddess. your pleasure is his pleasure. that’s the mantra he goes by. you’re the star of the show.
you may seem like a perky n’ chirpy bimbo at first glance (which you are, of course 😚💅🏼). but beware. there’s so much more to you than that. you may be the living personification of pink glitter, but you’re also lethal & deadly. jay may be the physically stronger one of you two, but you’re the psychologically stronger one. therefore, you dominate him just off emotions alone. just a simple “please daddy? 🥺” with a puppy dog pout is enough to have him at your whim because a good daddy is one who submits to his princess. good daddies follows their princess’ orders and spoils her with all their might.
you really inspire him to open up (both his feelings AND his legs). the moment he opened up to you about being a submissive, he initially felt a wave of embarrassment. after all, who could possibly ever expect a cold, chic, manly gentleman like jay to even consider being a sub? you’d be surprised. once he heard you express approval of such a kink on him, it felt like a breath of fresh air. it’s not easy to become vulnerable about such a thing.
jay never believed in conforming to traditional norms of masculinity where the man is an obnoxious chest thumping caricature who thinks that being “dominant” is the only way to be masculine. he believes a truly masculine man is one who has the guts to be vulnerable and make bold, unorthodox decisions that go against the grain of what society expects from men. he’s well aware of his hot daddy dilf essence. but he isn’t your conventional daddy. no - he’s a submissive daddy. a daddy who serves the princess and gives her that ‘princess treatment’ she deserves.
as jay kisses and caresses your entire body, he showers you with praise and observes your expressions closely.
“princess, you have the most gorgeous body to ever exist and I want to take in every bit of it,” he vocalizes as he fingers you. “sometimes, it’s hard for me to believe that i’m in the presence of a lovely lady like you. daddy always wants to be good for you.”
his fingers penetrate deeper and his gaze darkens as he sees the sly smirk forming on your face.
“even when i’m at work, all i can ever think about is how my pretty princess is feeling. you deserve to be spoiled. don’t ever listen to anyone who shames you for being a spoiled brat or gold digging whore. they misunderstand the love we have for each other”
jay takes the fingers out of your pussy and replaces them with his mouth instead. the tent in his pants only grows stiffer and inundates his mind further. your heat possesses him to submission and he gets absolutely lost in your dripping slick.
“a good husband always submits to his wife. and i take great pride in submitting to such a bedazzling pretty princess like you.”
as he attacks your pussy with his sweet, loving kisses, he innocently looks up at you with the cutest pout ever and asks, “p-princess….am I p-….pleasing you right?” 🥺
jake is the sweetest, most wholesome boyfriend ever. he has the most heartwarming love for physics, dogs, his family, his friends, and of course……YOU - his mistress. he’s a nerdy little simp who caters to your every whim. all the other nerds envy him for having a drop dead gorgeous gf like you.
jake’s unwavering adoration for you shines through in every gesture and word. his chirpy demeanor is the most endearing quality about him and you think he’s the absolute cutest because of that. he possesses the kind of cuteness that makes you want to pinch his cheeks and shower him with kisses. you love him with all your heart and he loves you tenfold.
in vulnerable moments, jake finds solace in your embrace, relishing the safety and security that your presence provides. he trusts you implicitly, surrendering himself completely to your care and guidance. your approval means everything to him, and he achingly seeks to earn it through unwavering devotion and obedience.
can he be a brat? certainly. jake has his moments when he likes being tamed by his ruthless, sexy mistress. but the majority of the time, he’s mistress’ good little boy.
despite his “nerdy” tendencies, jake possesses a mischievous streak that emerges when he wants attention from his mistress. he might playfully tease you or engage in witty banter, reveling in the opportunity to provoke a reaction from you. yet, beneath his playful facade lies a deep-seated need to be controlled by you. he is a slave to your desires.
throughout your relationship, jake’s submissive nature became increasingly intertwined with his geeky identity. he has a borderline scientific obsession with your body and wants to know everything there is to know about it. he’s longing to discover what pleases you and how to best serve the needs of his mistress.
his love for you is like the gravitational pull of a black hole – inescapable and infinitely powerful. every moment with you feels like a scientific discovery, unraveling the mysteries of love and desire. your dominion is his north star. it guides him through the darkness and into a place of boundless subservience.
servitude is jake’s middle name. his respect for you extends beyond mere words and gestures. he delights in showering you with thoughtful gifts, whether it’s a handcrafted origami flower or a meticulously prepared home-cooked meal. each gesture is a testament to his boundless affection and desire to make you feel cherished.
one might assume that a wholesome nerd like him isn’t into anything freakish or wild. however, the opposite actually rings true. after all…he IS a scorpio man….
you see, jake has a HUGE weakness for you in black leather, latex, pvc, etc. because he knows that once you’re in your kinky attire, there’s no going back. i could totally envision jake being into something like bootlicking. picture this - you sitting on edge of the bed with your pretty OTK black leather boots on, and he licks those boots from the top of the knee all the way to the bottom.
or even better…..you going, “jakeyyy I need help putting on these boots 🥺👉🏼👈🏼”. and jake, being the servile prince he is, is more than willing to take the time tie every intricate knot of your boots. it’s a sensual sight for both of you. he’d also love to do the same thing with your other bdsm attire like fishnets, corsets, etc. because he adores “helping” you put them on.
jake is definitely a body worship guy. he wants his mistress to know how beautiful she is and how much he loves her. he wants you to know he’s always there to pamper you when you need it. all soft and kissy. 🥺 to him, just your mere presence is orgasmic. he feels that the moment you’re scantily clad, his brain is scrambled. even when you aren’t touching each other, you dominate him on a deep, emotional, symbolic level. he’s deeply fixated on you. it’s as if you casted a spell or induced deep hypnosis on him. something about you makes him want to obey you and carry out all your wishes. through it all, jake remains your loyal companion and devotee.
as jake finishes tying every lace to your sexy OTK leather boots, he adorably looks up at you, welcomed by your sultry, penetrating gaze.
“embracing my role as the slave to your desires ignites a spark within me that surpasses the excitement of any laboratory experiment,” he declares as he hugs and kisses your boots, “and i am more than eager to undergo every trial and test in your presence.”
jake begins the bootlicking from the bottom up, his sly smirk never leaving his face. the way he so confidently makes eye contact with you while licking away drives you fucking crazy. this man is so freaky and you love it. taking his sweet time with each foot.
as he makes his way up to your knees, he kisses and caresses them both with gentle, tender softness. “with every command you issue, you rewrite the laws of my existence, molding me into the perfect servant for you, my mistress.”
don’t be fooled by his intimidating, stone cold front. because beneath it all, sunghoon has THEE softest, mushiest heart ever. he rarely falls in love. but whenever he does, he falls HARD. and you were the one who shook his world and lit up his universe. sunghoon is often afraid to display such a raw, vulnerable side of him to others. after all, love is tough and scary. and sunghoon’s personality is widely misunderstood by others. there’s more to the surface than you’d expect.
but something about you makes him want to unveil himself bit by bit - both figuratively and literally. you make sunghoon want to surrender himself to you. he will move the earth and sky for you and is merely putty in your hands. he’s protective of you like a knight & shining armor with his queen. he will treat his lover like a living deity. he views you as a goddess and is the type of man to get down on his knees for you, hug your legs, and bow down to you the same way ancient civilizations revered goddesses. that’s the level of power you possess over him.
in your presence, sunghoon’s tough exterior melts away like ice in the sun. you become the center of his universe, your light guiding his every step. he finds solace in your embrace, comfort in your presence, and strength in your love. with you, he discovers a vulnerability he never knew existed, yet he embraces it willingly, knowing that you hold his heart with the utmost care. your influence over him is undeniable, like a force of nature bending to your will. sunghoon becomes not just a lover, but a devoted servant to your happiness, ready to move mountains and cross oceans to ensure your well-being.
sunghoon is such a simp for you in a way that would leave heejayke shocked. so much to a level where it’d put soft boyfriend heeseung, submissive dilf jay, and geeky simp jake to shame. they’d never expect someone like him to get so lovesick. they’re so used to his icy facade that they’re unaware of the fire beneath. it takes a special type of person to awaken that out of him. no one could ever foresee such an esteemed man of logic and restraint behave so irrationally for you.
goddess - that’s what sunghoon addresses you as. because it’s true! your dual nature of being kind & nurturing, yet fierce and ruthless is reminiscent of how ancient goddesses could bless or hex you in an instant. it’s what he respects about you. you possess the depth and breadth of the divine feminine. whenever he looks at you, he sees you as someone who commands respect.
and i just KNOW he’s one of those subs who repeatedly says “thank you thank you thank you” over and over when inundated by pleasure from his beloved. 😢 sometimes he feels guilty for receiving it all because first and foremost, he gets off on getting you off.
sunghoon is intrigued by the idea of you with black heels, stockings, a short skirt, etc. while those big, buff, beautiful arms are tied behind his back and you pull him in to suck your pussy. he likes when he’s fully naked and you’re (somewhat??) clothed. it puts on a specific power dynamic that he very well gets off of. he’s willing to bare it all for you, both symbolically and literally. sunghoon is totally the type to cry happy tears of gratitude while he messes with your pussy. he loves it when you have your way and you do whatever you want to him.
he gets off on situations where he can’t touch himself but he can touch you. such as his arms tied back as mentioned earlier, OR a chastity cage so that he doesn’t jerk off while he gets you off. you honestly don’t mind if he jerks off while pleasuring you. you find it hot. but he insists on the resistance anyways because he believes that such a buildup leads to a more intense climax for both of you later on.
just imagine….him with a sweet, pouty face and his loving words towards you as he kisses your thighs and dives into your slick with his lips…..
“mmm…m-my beautiful love goddess,” he cries. “thank you. thank you so much. i am all yours. i exist just for your pleasure. i hope you realize how much I love you. you’re my everything.”
tears start dripping down his eyes because of the immense gratitude he feels for you. the act of eating you out gets him into a deep trance. once he starts, he just can’t stop.
“goddess….your existence is a blessing. i worship you because your presence illuminates my world. i surrender completely to you, devoted to fulfilling your every desire.”
#enhypen smut#enhypen hard hours#sub!enhypen#sub!idol#dom!reader#heeseung smut#jay smut#jake smut#sunghoon smut#xoxo heidi ♡#hard hours with heidi ♡
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girl omfgggggg we need more of that ceo!Art that's my type frrrr
you and me both girl. i need ceo!art to bend me over a desk or something!
i just know ceo!art is the type of guy to make you sit next to him during meetings and he'll put his hand an indecent amount up your skirt but kind of just keep it resting there. he won't actually do anything but he likes to watch you try and collaborate with the rest of the team while his fingers brush against your panties.
i also feel that ceo!art would kind of have a foot/ankle fetish but like not in a weird way. he loves to just hold your ankle under the table and run his hands across your skin. he loves it when you wear heels and he finds himself just staring at your feet for long periods of times.
he's also the kind of guy who would get his office soundproofed and not tell you. he can be a bit of an asshole so he makes you try and stay quiet during sex because you wouldn't want the entire office to hear you, would you? this makes him always double his efforts to draw out sounds from you. he'll tug your hair a little harder, use a little more force when he rubs your clit raw. of course you'll sort of forget about staying quiet and after you collect yourself, you'll be mortified to leave his office because everyone will know you're fucking your boss! art will just sit there trying not to laugh at you but he fails and doubles over kind of laughs at you. very much an asshole.
ceo!art also loves to leave bouquets of flowers on your desk every friday. nobody in the office knows about your guys' relationship so everyone is always curious about who your secret admirer is. the bouquets are always large and extravagant. around valentine’s day he'll order you bouquets of pink and red roses. during spring he'll order bouquets of lillies, roses, and peonies.
#challengers#art donaldson#mike faist#art donaldson x you#art donalson x reader#ceo!art donaldson x secretary!reader#ceo!art donaldson x reader#ceo!art donaldson#ceo!art donaldson smut
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Househusband Kureishi Headcanons!
wc: 1,550 Happy birthday, Mitsuyo!! The more I see of him, the more I swoon and fall in love. One of the newest additions to my Kengan Husbands tier. ^0^ Who are the rest? Well...you will find out soon.
WARNINGS: - mostly gender-neutral s/o, mentions of pussy, gendered spousal terms, creampie mention, breeding mention
As per Strike it Rich chapter 39, this man is a smooth talker. If he can freely call other ladies beautiful, what more with the person he’s decided to spend the rest of his life with? Gives you compliments anytime, anywhere. He is so shameless about it, too
Gives you cute nicknames (sweetie, sweetheart, darling, wifey), and said nickname is also your name in his contacts list. When you’re calling, he will definitely make some buzz about it, whether he’s massaging someone’s joints in his orthopedic clinic, training Cosmo and Adam (or Nozomi, Nozomin as he calls her, from ISSK) in his dojo, or just hanging out with Joji.
Kureishi: Oho, what’s this? My sweetheart is calling me, excuse me~ (He earns eye rolls from Adam and chuckles from Cosmo and Nozomi)
Joji: Your wife/husband/partner never hits you. I’m jealous, Kureishi.
Maybe I’m too woke but I HATE how Joji’s domestic abuse and eye-scratch scar are played for laughs because it’s done by his wife each time he comes home from drinking T.T Anyway…
He WILL help out with all the household chores and offer to do them for you. His favorite chore is ironing clothes.
When he sees you already doing chores, he will always offer to take over. Afterwards, he gives you a massage: his expertise! This man canonically has many certificates not just for being a great martial artist, but also for being a skilled chiropractor. You get Japan’s best chiropractor to give you massages…for free!
If you put him in charge of cooking, he’s going to have a bias towards cooking and serving his own favorite food: curry. After a while of just curry rice, though, he learns to cook different varieties of curry like Thai Curry and Filipino Curry (Kare-Kare), among others.
Compared to his gladiator/fighting arena days in Fist of the Seeker, he’s really mellowed out and will continue to be just as chill in marriage. His “bone-breaking fetish” is purely towards opponents and people he deems dangerous to his loved ones (though he *does* feel some tingles when massaging you and hearing some joints or bones crack. Don’t worry. Unlike before where he’d just “rub one out” in the shower, he’ll kindly ask you to help him with his “problem”, should it get “bigger and harder”.)
Will only “revert” back to his old ways when he has to beat up someone who wronged you. He was protective of Koga, again, what more with his life partner?
Loves wrapping his arms around your waist from behind and resting his chin on your head (or shoulder if you’re taller) and barraging you with compliments while doing so.
“You smell so good, as always.”, “You’re so cute, so beautiful/handsome.”, “How’d I get so lucky?”, “God, I love you so much.”
Never really thought he’d settle down, given his gladiator past and current background (famous national mixed martial artist/coach and awarded chiropractor). Many have tried, but he either found them shallow, or he just didn’t have the time due to his busy schedule given that he’s got two jobs.
Bought a house after you two got engaged. His apartment days were over the moment you passed 2 years of dating. He was already looking to buy a house and just never told you.
Money was and will never be a problem. Years after the events of FOTS, he’s likely earned quite a bit of cash given that he’s now famous all over Japan as a martial artist and chiropractor. Never had anything else to spend on besides equipment and maintenance of his dojo and clinic, which are in adjacent buildings (to maximize the space and minimize the cost of maintenance and travel). Because of this, he loves spoiling you and getting you little trinkets that you mentioned in passing liking, or outright expensive things you request for. A Rilakkuma teddy bear? Noted. Vivienne Westwood designer goods? Noted as well. Be careful what you randomly say, he WILL end up buying it later. (“Hey, this one looks cool/cute!”, pretends to not notice).
He (most likely) lives in TOKYO! His dojo and clinic are canonically located in Ochanomizu and he most likely lives within the area, too. Living expenses in Tokyo are insane, a rough estimate being 158,000 yen (over 1000 USD, or 60,000 PHP in my currency). Trust me when I say your future is secure with Mitsuyo.
Not really much of a drinker and only drinks on occasion, unlike his old pal Joji. Perhaps during anniversaries, special holidays, or birthdays. He always advises his orthopedic clinic patients to not drink booze and opt for water instead (Danberu Chapter 21), so you bet he’ll do his best to apply the advice he always gives them to himself.
Will ease off the teasing in the honeymoon stages of your marriage (he’s in the “Swooning, I can’t believe this is my reality now”-rose-tinted shades phase) but goes back to it after a few months or so.
Being the youngest of five siblings, he’s probably gotten tasked with looking after nieces and nephews. I like to think this is one of the reasons he’s a natural at teaching. Because of this, he has never-ending patience. Need help with improving at any chore? He’s got you covered. Prepare for a lot of teasing when he’s teaching you, though. He loves getting a rise out of you. When you’ve reached a “boiling” point, he kisses you on the forehead, cheek, or lips, depending on the severity.
“My sweetheart, so cute, even when you’re angry. Even when your brows are almost one because of how much you’re scowling ♡. I love you so much ♥. (PUNCH HIM!!! You try; he catches your fist and chuckles before kissing it. HE IS INSUFFERABLE!!!)
Related to above, is experienced with kids. Definitely wants lots of them. Proposes to outdo his older siblings and have four or five children. Is excited to get to the point of your married life where you get to call each other “Mama”, “Papa”, “Mommy”, or “Daddy”.
“How is Mama doing today, hmmm ♥?”, “Mitsu…really…?” “No, no, you should be saying “Papa” ♥”
Your kid: “Papa, Papa! I want—” Kureishi: “Hmmhmm, ask Mama/Daddy/Mommy ♡”
Your kid: “Papa, can I go outside to play?” Kureishi: “Mm, I don’t know, can you?”
Teases his kids too, but his favorite person to tease will always be you.
If you can have biological children, they will have his natural pink hair. Sorry. (I refuse!! the anime’s color choice!!! PINK-HAIRED KUREISHI is the only valid Kureishi!)
Has gotten around before dating you, mostly short flings, never anything too long-term because of his busy schedule.
Sex…in his chiropractor uniform. Have you SEEN how tightly snug that damn uniform is on him? It’s like he’s doing it on purpose. His muscles and chest are ready to burst out at the seams. He’s definitely closed up shop early or heck, spontaneously to fuck you on his massage table.
Sometimes (around a 50/50 chance. THAT kind of sometimes), massages can lead to sex, it’s up to you if you want to stop his advances or let him continue. He can’t help himself—he loves you too much.
You’re lying on your chest, eyes closed and smiling, thinking today is a normal Mitsuyo Massage Day…and then as he’s massaging your back, he snakes his arm under and fondles your chest, his calloused fingers playing with your nipples. Well. Looks like you were wrong today.
HATES being belittled. Ask him “Is that all you got?”, “Can you go any slower?”, “Is this it?”, “Are you really a martial artist?” and you will open the (white) flood gates. You WILL get folded in half, you WILL get creampied many times, and you WILL not walk for weeks. He will NOT massage you afterwards to teach you a lesson. During these times, aftercare will mostly consist of kisses and praises.
“Hmm?? It hurts? Well, that’s what brats like you get ♡.” *kisses u*
Holds your hand during sex and loves brushing his thumb over your wedding ring. It’s mark and proof that you’re his. (though he does love marking you inside, too)
I WILL make everyone have breeding kinks and LOVE the mating press!!!
Can go for many rounds. He’s a martial artist, what do you expect? Him being in his mid-thirties isn’t an obstacle, either.
A good 6.5-7 inches, not too girthy, but can give you a good stretch. Cum taste ranges from nothing to just a bit salty, making it easy to swallow despite the slight thick texture.
His crushing grip on your thighs, legs, waist, or hips leaves bruises. He does that on purpose. He doesn’t want to break his beloved’s bones, but he does want to leave marks.
Pussy-eating expert!!! Never gets exhausted and will never complain about his tongue being tired or numb. RIDE HIS FACE and he will be a happy man. No such thing as too heavy for this martial artist.
Overall: amazing husband, amazing sex skills, ALWAYS knows what he’s saying and doing. 1000/10
#kengan ashura#kengan omega#kenganverse#kureishi mitsuyo#mitsuyo kureishi#kureishi mitsuyo x reader#mitsuyo kureishi x reader#kengan x reader#kengan ashura x reader#kengan omega x reader#reader insert#x reader#narushima joji#joji narushima#issk#danberu#strike it rich#how heavy are the dumbbells you lift#isshou senkin#dirty tag#fiction#fanfic#fanfiction#fanfics
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ཐིཋྀ KINKTOBER - day 12 squirting : shouta aizawa/eraserhead
warnings : afab reader, reader and aizawa are married, y’all have a cat, pussy slapping (pun probably intended), this is doo-doo dog shit, like this actually sucks, doo doo fart ass, dookie, poo poo fart, smegma, this fic reads like what sharting yourself feels like, this fic smells like the family bathroom at walmart, we’re fucking twelve (not literally), don’t expect anything else genuinely, butt, pretend this was never posted, PLEASE, day 12 is NOT REAL, THEY HIT THE PENTAGON— MR PRESIDENT GET DOW— bill gates did it, bill cypher is canon, squirting, fingering idk, eating ass, butthole rimming, 2024 election, ellen digestive did 9/11, Trump x Biden, 9/11, hilary emails included, proof of aliens existence, video footage of the area 51 raid, UFOs, alien butt sex, wrong usage of condoms, anal probing, biological dna harboring, sickle cell anemia, KLANCE is canon, Steven universe, major character death, gem fusions, love children, feel like cinderella naega byeonhae, NETFLIX ORIGIONAL, only on Hulu, Elsa x Jackfrost smut, playdough, me x YOU, tiana x nanami au, your mom x me, sarcamouche x kazuha, xiao x venti, improper use of crack cocaine, making herion, mentions of drug mules, dead dove: do eat, improper use of magic, meth making, cocaine balloons bursting, Harry Potter x Snape, hermoine x the whomping willow, herobrine x steve, unfortunate uses of pixels, bakudeku slime, hnnng harder daddy, mmhppgh— yeah yeah right there, cum consumption, cumflation, feeder fetish, oh yeah, koolaid man x me, very improper use of koolaid packets, nickacaco avocado weight loss journey, apology videos (tears included), , banjos, jake paul dcead body in forest footage (NOT CLICKBAIT), live leak posts, webtoon origional, anal stretching, did you know the human anus can stretch to the size of a raccoon?, now you know that, and also, the sun will explode June 17th, 3028, character flaws, bodily anatomy, your balls will explode on october 21st at 7:99am, my gleeby deeby ass, futurama, Micheal Angelo, improper use of abortions, medical surgery on a grape, plastic surgery, baby killing, tampon usage, description of endangered animal poaching, Mario Kart, tuberculosis, ima get it donnnne oh aye oh aye oh, butt stuff, dazai x chuuya, atsushi x akutagawa, mpreg, mad cow disease, omegaverse, ranpo x me, Dream SMP, matpat x scott cowthan, michael afton x freddy fazbear, aggressive typing, bath salts, bath salt inhalation, whippets, galaxy gas, all might is a bottom, skinny men, carrington x shigaraki, anorexia anorexia anorexia, afo x nana shimura, BLOODY MARY, BLOODY MARY, BLOODY MARY, TW gun law debates, tenko x mon, Amazon delivery, school shootings, talk of gun laws, bad dragon toys, silicon, aoyama belly button leaking, lego ninjago r34, ninja turtles r34, bloody mary r34, kamala harris r34, tenya iida x tensei iida, jesus x judas, luigi x bowser, sonic and shadow makeout sesh, i fuck your dad, suck his dick reallll nice, penis sounding with dirty twig, orgasm denial, overstimulation, xenotransplants, oviposition, diaper Taco Bell, people die, revival, dark magic, ecoterrorism, global warming, chemical warfare, wanda x the winter soldier, haruhi x tamaki suoh, cosmo x wanda, comicon, bronies, pegasisters, mentions of twilight sparkle dying, twiilight sparkle x mordecai, air planes, shootings stars, night skies, NLE Choppa, we could really use a wish bro, TuPac is back, floppa carts: plompy haze, death of a platform known as tumblr, twitter referred to as X, elon musk creates sex robot that specializes in butthole sex, Tesla sex robot, androids that FUCK, necrophilia, android phone usage, pheromones, premonitions and words of Jesus, divine intution, potion making, heavenly visions, satan, satanic visions, the heavenly principles, celestia is above mondstadt, spiritual healing, veganism, white washing, canon hispanic hanta sero, futanari, blasian mina ashido, bovine spongiforms, Tenya Iida virginity loss, bakugo is a fucking faggot, handjobs, footjobs, peaceful protests, the government is controlling you through vaccines, asian fishing,
vaccines might cause autism, freshwater fishing, they will, xenophobia, hentai hucows, incest, usage of slurs, starbucks coffee, lizards run the world, obama might be a lizard, inappropriate use of baby oil, gojo x getou, day twelve never existed and it was all a lie.
word count : 420k words and 69 pages
🐙 note : we are not locked in we are as loose as a ran through sorority president
🦊 note : i am. i have no words. idek what happened. we ran out of time so we went with the option we thought might make people giggle (no we didnt we did this bullshit for ourselves)(your regularly scheduled content will resume tmr!)
🪲 note : i ain’t fucking sorry
you adored your husband—shouta aizawa—so much so, that you were his dedicated housewife. he made plenty of money as a pro hero and… enough… as a teacher, so that left you to take care of the house and your shared cat. though when he did come home he was way different than he was at work, usually at work he was all nonchalant and cold but at home he was sweet and caring, sometimes even a bit rough. his students would definitely describe him as laid back and uninterested, yet when you were around they were in awe of his personality shift.

#bnha#mha#boku no hero academia#my hero academia#admin 🦊#bnha x reader#mha x reader#bnha x reader smut#boku no hero academia x reader#my hero academia x reader#admin 🪲#admin 🐙#bill cipher#gravity falls#2024 election#ellen degeneres#trump x biden#voltron#klance#steven universe#txt#tomorrow x together#frozen elsa#princess tiana#nanami kento#jujutsu kaisen#genshin impact#kazuha#scaramouche
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Thanking that anon who asked if Lighter have weird fetishes or something along those lines,
Not a request— just a thought to share about Lighter, sub! Lighter. 👁️👁️🍷
Him to be known as a strong man, who never loses. Losing on the damn bed, crying for you to let him cum, the way his hands shakily reaching out to your wrist that prevents his cock to let out that white liquid out. Only for you to press down harder by the tip making his body arched beautifully, his hands gripping on the bedsheets his knuckles turning white.
"please— please let me c— ah— wait wait wait, no stop!— d, don't press harder— n, no nngghii—!?!!? "
Using the sound on his cock too edge him is also— chef's kiss. Watch him cry and writhe begging for you to take it out.
Sub Lighter is such a cutie, y’know? He really is a tough guy, honestly. He’s all sharp edges to the outside world, which is perfectly fine! But god breaking his mental sounds fun, doesn’t it?
On the VERY RARE occasion he lets you top — at least, actually top and not just has you on top while he’s still in control — it’s so much fun getting back at him for all the torture he puts your through.
Strip him down, slowly of course, you can’t rush such a rare opportunity like this. First his jacket, then his shirt, kiss all around his chest (pay close attention to his scars, he melts like butter in your hands when you mumble how pretty they are). Make sure your free hand is fondling him through his too tight jeans, those moans are delicious. It’s important to note you must keep your clothes on here, it’s part of the fun.
Press warm, slow kisses down his abdomen before working his belt and pants off. Then slowly inch his boxers after and watch his cock spring out and smack his abdomen with an audible thump. Don’t touch it yet, though, he might get too eager and take back control if you’re not careful.
Tie him up with pretty red ribbon, oh or his scarf, he’s less likely to tear his scarf apart. Maybe handcuffs or rope — though he could easily break those too. He’ll complain as you tie his hands to the bedpost, annoyed that he can’t touch you too. The whiny tone out of place from him, but oh so delectable.
When you pull out the cock cage he knows it’s game over. He fucking hates that thing, but he doesn’t do more than grumble because he’s such a good boy. Tell him he’s such a good boy as you turn the lock on the horrid thing.
Now that you have him all restrained you can take your sweet time. Start with his nipples, they’re very sensitive. You could ghost your fingers over them and he’d buck his hips already. Scratch your nails over one while you suck on the other, looking him in the eyes while he whines like a slut.
Your other hand should scrape over his sides as you do so, nice and slow so he squirms. Go nice and slow, spend at least a good few minutes doing this. Then, once you’re satisfied, kiss and suck your way down to his thighs. Leave pretty purple marks into the muscled meat there. Coo at him about how cute he is, how pathetic he is, how you like him so much when he’s whining and squirming.
Listen to him beg you, “P-please~ I wanna fuck you. Lemme fuck you baby, lemme make you feel good~”
And who are you to deny him that? Just… not the way he wants. He’s so excited when you slip your pants and panties off, practically wagging his nonexistent tail. But you don’t take the cage off, and instead of untying his wrists you position yourself over his head.
He’ll pout a little, then he’ll get a good look at your glistening pussy and moan like a whore. “Gonna make me feel good, pretty boy?”
“Mhm~” Is the last thing he gets out before you sit on him, and then the room is full of nothing but desperate slurping and sucking. He needs to taste you more than air, has to get you off and drown in your delicious pussy juice. It’s all he wants. All he needs. Fuck his face hard, don’t hold back, he’s a strong guy he can take it. And even if he can’t this was probably the best way he could go out.
But, don’t give him what he wants, that would make things boring. Edge yourself, just as your about to cum, pull off of him to hear the most precious whine you’ll ever get out of him. His eyes will be blow wide and his face covered in your slick, be careful cause he will press up and chase after you.
“Wanna make you cum, please—“ He’ll cry, voice breaking. Do not humor him.
Return to your previous ministrations, slow and steady wins the race after all. This time, though, when you get to his thighs reach for that little key and slowly remove the cage and you leave more pretty marks. He’ll sigh, throw his head back in relief as his poor tortured member twitches excitedly at the freedom.
Kiss it, smack it around a little, run your fingers along those pretty veins just to hear him hiss and watch his hips jerk. “So desperate~” You’ll coo, and he’ll whine a “Shut up…” back. It’s all so cute.
Finally, give him what he wants. With a little kiss and a sweet smile, take him all down in one go. He’ll jerk up into you, so smack his thigh as a reminder of who’s in charge here. Throat fuck him all the way up to climax, and then full stop the second you feel him tense up.
Return back to his thighs for a moment, then jerk him off in the same process, stopping right at his peak. He’ll beg, oh he’ll beg, “Gotta cum— please lemme cum~ Baby, please, please, please-“
If he gets too annoying just squeeze his balls nice and tight, that’ll get him to choke on his words. Threaten to take out the sounding tools if he keeps it up — he hates sounding when you do it, you’re so mean to him~
Edge him until he’s so red and swollen and covered in pre-cum that he’s hardly even present to answer you. All he can think about is how much he wants one of you — he doesn’t even care if it’s him anymore — to cum.
Climb back up his body, and finally kiss him. He still tastes like you as he swallows up the affection, practically consuming you whole. Rub your pussy against his lower abdomen as you let him tongue fuck you. You can feel his muscles tense as he tries and fails to get some kind of friction for his swollen cock.
When you pull away he’ll no doubt whine again — he can’t ever decide what he wants more when you’re torturing him like this. Your pleasure or his. Too much for his mushy little brain to think of.
“You wanna fuck me, wanna make me cum.” You’ll ask, positioning yourself over his achingly hard dick.
He nods dumbly, very distracted by your hand jerking him off just below heavens gate. “Gotta use your words.”
“Wanna fuck you so bad, baby. Gonna— gonna make you cum as much as you want, please lemme take care of you~” He begs, pouting like a child at you.
“Okay~” You coo, sinking all the way down until he fits to the brim. He moans your name out like you’re some kind of god, but stops short when you don’t move. He’ll look at you angrily, tugging on the restraints once. A warning.
“You said you wanna fuck me,” You whisper, crawling up his chest to his ear, “So fuck me~”
So, like the very good boy he is, he does his very best to get off with you not moving on top of him. He fucks up into you like a bitch in heat, whining and crying all the way — “You’re so tight, can’ take it—“ “Feels s’ good— so fuckin’ good.” “Lemme cum baby, please move.”
He just can’t get off without you, though. As hot and tight as your little cunt is, he can only do so much when you’re giving him nothing to work with. No moans, no movement, just little kisses and whispers of “Good boy”. It wasn’t enough.
“Baby~” He’ll cry, and you’ll take his face in your hands, wiping away tears he didn’t know was falling.
Take pity on him here, he’s so spent and so broken now. All he wants is you. Give him a little break. Move your hips in time with him and watch his eyes roll back. He jerks in his restraints again and that’s your second warning to hurry it the fuck up.
Fuck him, hard. Slam your hips down into him, over and over unrelenting and watch him writhe and mutter “Thank you” over and over. He only knows that and your name at this point. Oh, and don’t be a hardass, let him cum inside. He’ll take care of it later, he warned to fill you up with his cum deep inside.
But… don’t stop moving even after he’s cum. Roll your hips in the same brutal pace, and listen to him whine and beg you to stop. Don’t stop.
“N’ more…” He huffs out, trying and failing to pull away from you.
“Isn’t this what you wanted?” You’ll coo.
He shakes his head, “‘s too much.”
“C’mon pretty boy, you can give me one more~” And he’ll look at you with the cutest pout until — snap. That’s the sound of his restraints breaking. One of his hands grabs your smug face with a nasty scowl and the other is grabbing your hip in a vice grip.
Guess you flew a little to close to the sun, huh. Good luck!~
#bunni babbles 🍓#zzz lighter#lighter#lighter lorenz#zzz lighter lorenz#lighter zzz#lighter lorenz x reader#zzz lighter lorenz x reader#zzz lighter x reader#zzz x reader#lighter zzz x reader
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Masters pet- F!Reader x Ghoap NSFW



Photo Credits: @ave661 (Left and centre) ---- F!Reader, smut, MDNI, 18+, rough!sex, Ghost x reader x Soap, three!some, edging, unprotected!sex, mentions of anal!sex, M4MF ----
Soap's cock in your tight pussy while Ghost fucks your tight ass hole like a dog in heat. You beg and beg but neither will stop. Although Soap gives you occasional praises, Ghost is all about fucking you dumb and degrading you and making you repeat that you are nothing but a worthless slut who is only good for being used.
"Good girl"
"Dumb fucking slut"
All night, your pretty little holes get spread apart for their meaty cocks. This is all because it was part of their welcoming to the relationship and also because Soap wanted a pretty pet.
Ghost has Soap as his pet but good boys get rewarded and Soaps reward was you...and somewhat Ghost's reward.
Their thick cum leaking from all your holes. Your legs shaking after many and I mean many hours of getting fucked like you were nothing but a toy.
And of course, Ghost also makes you wear a collar. His pets must have to show who owns them after all.
Your body covered in bruises, bite marks and some blood from where they bit you too hard. Your voice gone by now as you begged and cried to have them stop.
"Toys don't fucking talk!" A slap to your face as a reminder of where you belong. Not once was a safe word used so they knew all those begs and cries were for nothing.
When they denied all your orgasms, you whined and whined and each time you did, their fat cocks would only fuck you harder. That night, you came once all while they came more than five times.
Soap seven times, since he was being such a good boy Ghost have him one extra fuck to the new toy and a teased and needed blowjob.
Aftercare was sweet. and much more fun when Ghost watched his two pretty pets cuddle and whimper together. He wouldn't admit it but he filmed the whole thing, from beginning to end. And, when his pretty pets misbehave, he shows them the video and tells them that they can all have a good fuck if they behave, but he never fulfills this.
After all, whatever master says goes.
A/N: Thanking this link for the wave of thought
Now to the HC
Ghost loves to remind Soap and you that you are still his submissive pets.
There will always be a collar, bracelet or mark to show you are his property.
Sex is literally the best because both of them LOOOVVEEE to fuck you and overstimulate you, like it's no joke, they love it so much it's now become more of a reward for them.
Soap adores to watch you cry and beg because Ghost keeps edging you and ruining your orgasms.
If it wasn't for Ghost being the literal best Dom there would be an OF where Soap and you would be used over and over for his pleasure as well as clips of you getting all your orgasms ruined.
There is a closet where toys, lube and some clothes are in and it's locked because Ghost knows his pets would open it, play with each other and without his permission.
There are days where he has to tie Soap and you up and watch Ghost stroke himself. When Soap whines enough and begs saying he will be a good boy, Ghost unties him and Soap finally gives his master head.
Sometimes, when Soap behaves so well he is given permission to tape a vibrator to your thigh and watch as you cry because of how many orgasms you've had.
Safe words are a thing but the use of them are rare.
This man has a list of all the kinks, fetishes, wants, needs and the don'ts. (Ghost)
@ghostslillady @unicorngirly1 @nymph-psychology @funckycunt @queen-ilmaree @liyanahelena @ghostlymostlywholettheghostout @lunas-876 @thevoidwriting @clear-your-mind-and-dream @veenasmonter @cringeycookies
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through the window;
Where Jimin (Karina) loves to watch through Minjeong's (Winter) window.
this is a story about non con fetish, if you're not comfortable with it or has trigger warnings with it, PLEASE DON'T READ
yu jimin pov
It was late night, the only lights turned on was the ones on the street, Minjeong seems to be in deep sleep, the thought of how innocent the girl was to leave the curtains of her room open echoed in my mind, my pussy getting wet as i watched the girl’s breast going up and down with her calm breathing. I watched her through her window, the rooftop had some stairs that seemed like it was made for me, the low lightning of her table lamp lighting her minimally her face made me melt with love. Her mouth with the perfect shape, her fucking perfect nose and her defined waist made wetter. I continued watching her through the window for a couple of minutes when i finally decided to enter the room.
I slide through the window, with some difficulty because of my backpack, but Minjeong doesn't seem to be bothered, as her sleep stayed the same. I analyze her room, laughing of how sweet and girly it was, pink posters on the walls, cute plushies, makeup, and some expensive looking jewelry. Her tiny shorts made her tights look bigger, making me laugh harder,
I take the handcuffs and the vibrator out of the backpack, along with the strap. I start to get close to her, holding her wrist carefully to handcuff the girl on the headboard, and impressively she didn't wake up.
I slide her shorts and panties and turn on the vibrator and start to slide it through her clit, making her wake up immediately. She looked scared, terrified, helpless, making me almost come.
Good night, princess! - I say smiling at her.
- W-what you're doing here?! - she yells at me, making me increase the power of the vibrator, and she moans - F-fuck, stop that!
- Darling, it will be easier for you if you keep quiet, hm? - she looks at my eyes, still terrified, but she obeys me, and I know she’s starting to feel pleasure. - You look so pretty, baby, I can see how wet you already are, is this for me? - I laugh, hoping she doesn't answer me because I already know the answer.
Minjeong doesn't answer me. I continue to slide the vibrator on her clit as I introduce two fingers in her hole. I start to kiss her tights, her waist until I get to her breasts, sliding her shirt to her neck, focusing on her boobs. I suck them as it was something casual, it was like I knew exactly how they were.
Well, I knew.
It wasn't the first time i saw her neaked.
I’ve been watching her for days, weeks, almost one month observing her, of course I knew how she looked like naked.
I memorized every part of her, every detail, how pretty she looks. I’m the only one who knows her like that.
I start to get into her mouth, kissing her as if it was the first time. A moan gets out of her mouth as I control the kiss, controlling her tongue, doing what I want with her.
Her mouth, always sweet, so tasty, so soft.
I continue to finger her, seeing her pleasure, but also the tension in her eyes.
- Jimin, you don't h-have to keep me tied, please let me go and I let you do whatever you want - she begs me, and I can see a tear falling down from her eyes, I know how terrified and uncomfortable she is, but I also know she’s feeling pleasure.
I get up and don’t answer her, as I get into my backpack and get some tape and cigarettes. I use the tape to cover her mouth and take off the vibrator of her clit, starting to adjust the strap on me, lighting my cigar with the other hand. I take some puffs and get some lub on the strap. I smile seeing how desperate the girl is, seeing the big strap on me, getting closer and closer to her pussy.
I take some of the ashes out of the cigarette and use the rest to burn on her clean tights, making me happy when I notice this will be her first scar.
She tries to yell in pain, but the tape covers her scream. I throw the cigarette somewhere and kiss the burned place, and place the strap on her pussy, teasing her clit with the head of the strap.
I know you want to scream, darling, but don’t you think it would bother the neighbors? - I say as I introduce the strap aggressively on her hole - Fuck, you’re so tight.. - Minjeong starts to moan, as it’s the only kind of sound that she can release.
I continue to thrust, as I lean to take the tape off her mouth, kissing her immediately.
- Oh, Minnie, you’re such a good kisser.. - I kiss her again, feeling how warm and desperate her tongue is.
- J-jimin I-Im gonna . - I cover her mouth with my hand as I go deeper, feeling her liquid make the bed wet.
- You’re such a good girl for me, sweetheart.. - I kiss her neck, her collarbone, her boobs, her belly, getting into her pussy. I start to lick the inside of her thighs, taking turns, sharing the licks with kisses, starting to lick her clit slowly, changing speed as I hear Minjeong moaning.
- Come for me, baby, hm? - I pause and start to speed up the licks, Minjeong, squeezing my head with her legs, release a loud moan, falling onto the pillow with a heavy breathing. - You’re fucking mine, Minjeong.. Mine! - I say looking at her pretty puppy eyes.
Fuck yes I’m yours - she says falling asleep again, as if nothing had happened.
I searched for a notebook in her room, along with a pen, and left a note on her bedside tablet, with “Morning princess. This red pill is for the headache, in case you have it, it’s exhausting, I know it is. This yellow pill is for the pain, in case you also have it. Hope you liked it as much as I did.
ps. don’t tell anyone.
with love, YJ. “ left a little kiss on Minjeong’s head and leave the room through the window again, smiling as I glance at her for the last time.
note 2:
i'm also on ao3,
#jmjcore#aespa smut#winrina#jiminjeong#fanfic#smut#g!p karina#aespa winter smut#jiminjeong smut#aespa#aespa winrina#wlw smut#Spotify
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My Problem with Sissification: Feminine Degradation Has No Place in My Power.

When I first discovered sissification, I couldn’t understand how any of the rhetoric around it could be empowering to women—especially women who subscribe to Femdom and Female Led ideologies.
In the world of kink, sissification stands out as a popular fetish, rooted in role reversal and the performance of exaggerated femininity—a consensual exploration of gender and submission. But it carries deeply ingrained societal messages that degrade femininity, that I cannot align myself with.
Why would I want to degrade you based on your femininity simply because of your gender? To do that would be to degrade myself. To say the very thing that makes me powerful has no worth. No value.
Nothing turns me on harder than a little one in short skirts, bending over for routine spanking. Them pink lace panties posing for my admiration. Them in a flowing pink night dress as I breast feed them to sleep. Femininity in men—and across all genders is extremely seductive.
But it is often framed as weak or submissive in patriarchal societies, so why would it continue to be seen as such in matriarchal societies? It is the essence of my strength as a Domme—a dynamic that defies conventional power structures and asserts that femininity can command, lead, and dominate.
When femininity is used as the punchline or the punishment, it perpetuates the idea that being a woman—or embodying traits associated with women—is less than. This doesn’t just affect submissive men; it reinforces a cultural narrative that affects all women. If we degrade femininity in play, we risk normalizing its degradation in broader societal contexts.
Instead of using femininity as a tool for humiliation, I choose to uplift it. I celebrate the complexities of gender and the strength that lies in embracing the full spectrum of feminine power.
To be a Domme is to show that femininity is anything but weak—it is commanding, nurturing, fierce, and unapologetically strong. It brings me great joy to nurture femininity in my submissives and watch it blossom. Not just through clothes and makeup, but also through emotional expression, softness and gentleness.
Madame Naomi.
#gentle fdom#soft fdom#domme mommy#subby boys#mommy k!nk#fem domme#pro domme#domme/sub#mommy k1nk#feminization kink#subby men#bd/sm mommy
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Kabr0z Writes Episode 5: A Very Bad Idea, part 3
Also Entitled: Your Happy Ending
Reuploading this, daddy Tumblr didn't like it the first time
Find Episode 4 here, and part 1 of this 3-parter here
CWs: medical malpractice, medical fetish, medfet, scientists, restraint, sextoy use, implement play, the usual blend of dubcon and noncon this 3-parter has been laced with
I'll probably have to write something nice and vanilla tomorrow as a palette cleanser
Sunday morning rolled around, as you drifted in and out of consciousness. Your housemate Keith must've heard something when he walked in. Hell, he probably smelled something too. Almost as soon as you heard the door open he ran into the living room and found you lying there.
You were in a pool of sticky gunk, the remnants of two monsters' cum, the bittersweet drug the tentacles had filled you with, and the birthing fluids of your many spawn. He lifted you up, breath catching as the liquids got on his bare skin and you saw the front of his pants tent up. He dragged you by the arm to the bathtub and heaved your shaking, barely responsive form into it, your swollen womb wobbling and churning as he went.
The water pressure from the shower head high above you barely made a dent in the caked-on filth. You could feel your hair was stuck up at odd angles and matted together from the two nights of debauched madness that had robbed you of your wits and closest friend. It took an hour or more to get the worst off you, by when Keith had made you a sandwich and was feeding you morsel by morsel. The first proper food you've had in over a day, or hadn't you noticed, being filled up by one cock or another over the weekend so far.
You lay in the bath. You don't know how long for. Keith stood vigil over you, clasping your hand as you moaned. Then it started. Another wave. Another round of pushing out the infant creatures that grow inside you, each heave of your aching body causing you to orgasm harder and harder, aided and lubricated by the slime they secrete constantly.
Keith screamed, and ran out of the room. As your pounding head steadied out, you could finally look at your children before they ran away.
There were at least couple of dozen of them, each one about the size of your clenched fist. They looked like knotted balls of cord, if the cord was alive. You could already tell which tentacles would do what: tiny suckers on some designed to bind their mates' limbs, some tipped with eyes to appraise which would make the best mothers, others were thick and smooth already oozing with the slick bitter fluid that made you feel so good. The last type of tentacle was the most important. Long and thin, almost delicate-looking, these are the ovipositors.
A different man entered the room, dressed in the green of a paramedic. He almost retched when he saw the squirming mass in the tub with you. He lifted you out and between him and his partner you were bundled into the back of an ambulance.
A mask was pulled over your face.
The world went black.
Drifting in and out of awareness.
"... permanent luteal phase..."
"... weird tattoo..."
"... How are they making more mass in there?"
You came to again, properly this time. Strapped to a cold, hard surface. Held on an angle, rather than flat, with a metal bar between your knees keeping your legs apart and secured down. You pulled at your bonds. Rock-solid.
"Subject is awake" a woman's voice from behind you, she sounded bored "no change in physical condition, attempting verbal contact."
She stepped out in front of you. If you hadn't heard her voice you wouldn't have been able to guess. Her face was covered with a plastic hood and a tight-fitting mask. Not a strand of hair was free, nor a single inch of bare skin. "What did this?"
"Tentacles" you murmured
"Yes, they keep coming out of you. What did this?"
"Mine" you started to feel it again. That familiar tingling heat pushing you over the edge. Your pussy started to drip and pulse, your clit throbbing. Your juices flowing down the slab in rivulets and you started to hear wet slapping sounds as the first of your new batch of young fell onto the slab and tumbled away from you.
"Birthing phase has begun. Starting manual stimulation test"
The woman's hand pressed down onto your belly, pushing down your womb. You screamed as the fluid started squirting out of you even faster now. Your babies being squeezed out of you with lewd squelching sounds. The more the woman pressed the harder you squirted until you started leaking the frogspawn eggs that always remained within you.
She let go. Holding a beaker under you and catching the eggs as they oozed out of your still-too-sensetive quim. "Egg sample obtained, abdominal swelling indicates some quantity remains"
Another prick on your neck
Awake again. There was a man in front of you. Where the woman was covered in plastic and rubber, he was wearing simple scrubs. Something else is strapped to your leg, long and thin, with a cable leading behind your leg, presumably off the table.
"Subject awake, starting test"
The device started whirring and buzzing. You gasped. A vibrator was strapped to you, pushing up against your clit and labia. The effect wasn't as immediate as the fluid. You'd almost forgotten how it felt to cum like this, being tormented gradually, gradually, gradually.
The pressure rose and rose inside you until you couldn't take it any more. You cried out as your body spasmed and you came hard against the relentless buzzing on your cunt.
Then it really started.
As if called forth by your release, the tingling started. You began to shake and convulse, pushing out babies as the vibrator kept you going on and on. Over and over it kept going. Tears welled in your eyes as a combination of numb pain and ecstatic pleasure rolled around your head. You could see your dozens of children rolling across the floor.
The man started screaming too. The creatures started climbing. The thin fabric of his clothes started to smoke and disintegrate under their touch. He was already rock hard. The screaming stopped. He looked at you, and approached.
His hands were on you in an instant. Groping at your tits and grabbing handfuls of your hair as he struggled to line up his already twitching cock with your pulsing and leaking pussy, still dripping with the aphrodisiac fluid, only driving him madder.
His face pressed into yours and you opened your mouth to suck on his tongue as he pushed it inside. You could feel your young climbing over both of you now, spreading tingling heat and desire in trails over you.
He slipped inside. You bucked your hips against him, making the most of your limited movement as he frantically pounded your exhausted flesh. You could feel his cock twitching and pulsing before he cried out again. Heat filled you up and he buried his head into your neck.
Another prick. Another spell of blackness
When you recovered it was similar. The same merciless vibrator strapped to you. The same woman's voice piped into the room. Always a different man. Over and over you would wake and be brought to a dozen screaming orgasms, then be fucked senseless by whoever they trapped in with you. Then a prick, and back to sleep.
This hasn't stopped yet.
You don't know how long it's been. You don't know why they are doing this. One thing is certain
You like it here
#original content#textposts#monster x fem!reader#monster x female#fem!reader#fiction#monster fucker#monster fuqqer#monster smut#reupload#tentacle x reader#tentacles#tentacle smut#kabr0z writes
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