#mitsuyo kureishi x reader
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janitetsu · 3 months ago
Househusband Kureishi Headcanons!
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wc: 1,550 Happy birthday, Mitsuyo!! The more I see of him, the more I swoon and fall in love. One of the newest additions to my Kengan Husbands tier. ^0^ Who are the rest? Well...you will find out soon.
WARNINGS: - mostly gender-neutral s/o, mentions of pussy, gendered spousal terms, creampie mention, breeding mention
As per Strike it Rich chapter 39, this man is a smooth talker. If he can freely call other ladies beautiful, what more with the person he’s decided to spend the rest of his life with? Gives you compliments anytime, anywhere. He is so shameless about it, too
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Gives you cute nicknames (sweetie, sweetheart, darling, wifey), and said nickname is also your name in his contacts list. When you’re calling, he will definitely make some buzz about it, whether he’s massaging someone’s joints in his orthopedic clinic, training Cosmo and Adam (or Nozomi, Nozomin as he calls her, from ISSK) in his dojo, or just hanging out with Joji.
Kureishi: Oho, what’s this? My sweetheart is calling me, excuse me~ (He earns eye rolls from Adam and chuckles from Cosmo and Nozomi)
Joji: Your wife/husband/partner never hits you. I’m jealous, Kureishi.
Maybe I’m too woke but I HATE how Joji’s domestic abuse and eye-scratch scar are played for laughs because it’s done by his wife each time he comes home from drinking T.T Anyway…
He WILL help out with all the household chores and offer to do them for you. His favorite chore is ironing clothes. 
When he sees you already doing chores, he will always offer to take over. Afterwards, he gives you a massage: his expertise! This man canonically has many certificates not just for being a great martial artist, but also for being a skilled chiropractor. You get Japan’s best chiropractor to give you massages…for free!
If you put him in charge of cooking, he’s going to have a bias towards cooking and serving his own favorite food: curry. After a while of just curry rice, though, he learns to cook different varieties of curry like Thai Curry and Filipino Curry (Kare-Kare), among others.
Compared to his gladiator/fighting arena days in Fist of the Seeker, he’s really mellowed out and will continue to be just as chill in marriage. His “bone-breaking fetish” is purely towards opponents and people he deems dangerous to his loved ones (though he *does* feel some tingles when massaging you and hearing some joints or bones crack. Don’t worry. Unlike before where he’d just “rub one out” in the shower, he’ll kindly ask you to help him with his “problem”, should it get “bigger and harder”.)
 Will only “revert” back to his old ways when he has to beat up someone who wronged you. He was protective of Koga, again, what more with his life partner?
Loves wrapping his arms around your waist from behind and resting his chin on your head (or shoulder if you’re taller) and barraging you with compliments while doing so.
“You smell so good, as always.”, “You’re so cute, so beautiful/handsome.”, “How’d I get so lucky?”, “God, I love you so much.”
Never really thought he’d settle down, given his gladiator past and current background (famous national mixed martial artist/coach and awarded chiropractor). Many have tried, but he either found them shallow, or he just didn’t have the time due to his busy schedule given that he’s got two jobs.
Bought a house after you two got engaged. His apartment days were over the moment you passed 2 years of dating. He was already looking to buy a house and just never told you.
Money was and will never be a problem. Years after the events of FOTS, he’s likely earned quite a bit of cash given that he’s now famous all over Japan as a martial artist and chiropractor. Never had anything else to spend on besides equipment and maintenance of his dojo and clinic, which are in adjacent buildings (to maximize the space and minimize the cost of maintenance and travel). Because of this, he loves spoiling you and getting you little trinkets that you mentioned in passing liking, or outright expensive things you request for. A Rilakkuma teddy bear? Noted. Vivienne Westwood designer goods? Noted as well. Be careful what you randomly say, he WILL end up buying it later. (“Hey, this one looks cool/cute!”, pretends to not notice). 
He (most likely) lives in TOKYO! His dojo and clinic are canonically located in Ochanomizu and he most likely lives within the area, too. Living expenses in Tokyo are insane, a rough estimate being 158,000 yen (over 1000 USD, or 60,000 PHP in my currency). Trust me when I say your future is secure with Mitsuyo.
Not really much of a drinker and only drinks on occasion, unlike his old pal Joji. Perhaps during anniversaries, special holidays, or birthdays. He always advises his orthopedic clinic patients to not drink booze and opt for water instead (Danberu Chapter 21), so you bet he’ll do his best to apply the advice he always gives them to himself.
Will ease off the teasing in the honeymoon stages of your marriage (he’s in the “Swooning, I can’t believe this is my reality now”-rose-tinted shades phase) but goes back to it after a few months or so.
Being the youngest of five siblings, he’s probably gotten tasked with looking after nieces and nephews. I like to think this is one of the reasons he’s a natural at teaching. Because of this, he has never-ending patience. Need help with improving at any chore? He’s got you covered. Prepare for a lot of teasing when he’s teaching you, though. He loves getting a rise out of you. When you’ve reached a “boiling” point, he kisses you on the forehead, cheek, or lips, depending on the severity.
“My sweetheart, so cute, even when you’re angry. Even when your brows are almost one because of how much you’re scowling ♡. I love you so much ♥. (PUNCH HIM!!! You try; he catches your fist and chuckles before kissing it. HE IS INSUFFERABLE!!!)
Related to above, is experienced with kids. Definitely wants lots of them. Proposes to outdo his older siblings and have four or five children. Is excited to get to the point of your married life where you get to call each other “Mama”, “Papa”, “Mommy”, or “Daddy”.
“How is Mama doing today, hmmm ♥?”, “Mitsu…really…?” “No, no, you should be saying “Papa” ♥”
Your kid: “Papa, Papa! I want—” Kureishi: “Hmmhmm, ask Mama/Daddy/Mommy ♡”
Your kid: “Papa, can I go outside to play?” Kureishi: “Mm, I don’t know, can you?”
Teases his kids too, but his favorite person to tease will always be you.
If you can have biological children, they will have his natural pink hair. Sorry. (I refuse!! the anime’s color choice!!! PINK-HAIRED KUREISHI is the only valid Kureishi!)
Has gotten around before dating you, mostly short flings, never anything too long-term because of his busy schedule.
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Sex…in his chiropractor uniform. Have you SEEN how tightly snug that damn uniform is on him? It’s like he’s doing it on purpose. His muscles and chest are ready to burst out at the seams. He’s definitely closed up shop early or heck, spontaneously to fuck you on his massage table.
Sometimes (around a 50/50 chance. THAT kind of sometimes), massages can lead to sex, it’s up to you if you want to stop his advances or let him continue. He can’t help himself—he loves you too much.
You’re lying on your chest, eyes closed and smiling, thinking today is a normal Mitsuyo Massage Day…and then as he’s massaging your back, he snakes his arm under and fondles your chest, his calloused fingers playing with your nipples. Well. Looks like you were wrong today.
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HATES being belittled. Ask him “Is that all you got?”, “Can you go any slower?”, “Is this it?”, “Are you really a martial artist?” and you will open the (white) flood gates. You WILL get folded in half, you WILL get creampied many times, and you WILL not walk for weeks. He will NOT massage you afterwards to teach you a lesson. During these times, aftercare will mostly consist of kisses and praises.
“Hmm?? It hurts? Well, that’s what brats like you get ♡.” *kisses u*
Holds your hand during sex and loves brushing his thumb over your wedding ring. It’s mark and proof that you’re his. (though he does love marking you inside, too)
I WILL make everyone have breeding kinks and LOVE the mating press!!!
Can go for many rounds. He’s a martial artist, what do you expect? Him being in his mid-thirties isn’t an obstacle, either.
A good 6.5-7 inches, not too girthy, but can give you a good stretch. Cum taste ranges from nothing to just a bit salty, making it easy to swallow despite the slight thick texture.
His crushing grip on your thighs, legs, waist, or hips leaves bruises. He does that on purpose. He doesn’t want to break his beloved’s bones, but he does want to leave marks.
Pussy-eating expert!!! Never gets exhausted and will never complain about his tongue being tired or numb. RIDE HIS FACE and he will be a happy man. No such thing as too heavy for this martial artist.
Overall: amazing husband, amazing sex skills, ALWAYS knows what he’s saying and doing. 1000/10
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melikedraw · 4 months ago
Hiiii! Anon of The Short!reader is back! What are your thoughts on the Kengan boys? Who you think is more prone to accept having/adopting children and Who are the less prone to do so?
Kengan men and their thoughts on children
Since you didn't specify on any specific characters, I'll just pick my favs lol
Feel free to request any character that I didn't include
Gaolang Wongsawat
- having kids would be your choice
- would not be keen on having children, and is satisfied with a family of two, you and him
- if you happen to bear a child after having sex with him, he will let you decide on whether you want to keep it or not
- he's very busy and has a pretty dangerous job, and knows that he would not be as present as he wants to be for his child, worries a lot about it
Saw paing
- kids, so many kids
- lots and lots of kids
- in his village he's pretty popular with the children for being fun and awesome in general
- that led him to love children, he probably always wanted to be a dad too
- he would want 3-5 kids imo
Tokita ohma
- do not give him kids. He can NOT be trusted (he will drop them on purpose)
- but if you two somehow end up with a child, he will be there for them
- at first he'd be all "ugh, what's with this ugly dumb brat." But soon enough he'll be obsessed with the kid
- he gives off girl dad vibes, probably can't say no to his little princess
- if he has a boy, he'd probably train em up to be a warrior and treat them like how Niko treated him (bros gonna feed his kid bugs /srs)
Kanoh Agito
- would secretly like the thought of having kids, would want to give them the childhood he never had
- like gaolang, he also worries about how difficult it'll be to split his time between work and his kid
- it gets easier after he quits though
- y'all would go on road trips together
- he's also one of those dads that can't say no to their kid
Hatsumi Sen
- he leaves for the milk
Kure Raian
- trains them into a warrior
- he will not accept kids that aren't blood related to him (gotta keep that kure bloodline going)
- kid probably hates him
Kureishi Mitsuyo
- absolutely wants kids
- girl dad vibes from him as well
- will probably be the best dad out of all of them, he's good with kids, but also knows how to be firm
- keep your eyes peeled though because he'd definitely bully them (just a little bit)
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smutbutoutofnowhere · 7 months ago
mostly some headcanons but kind of nsfw mentioned(?) and freader
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ok so i think everyone knows most of the Kengan fighters are womanizers or perverted or both and it even confirms it in fandom app so i had this idea
most of these fighters would probably want sons such as Lihito, Sen and Raian
all of them were very excited about their s/o’s pregnancy and were already bragging about how they will play or raise their sons and how their sons will be as successful as them etc
but when the gender was finally revealed, they were all flabbergasted as they found out they were going to be a girl dad
of course, disappointed and frustrated they don’t think about it much at first because its their baby and they would still love their daughter but they all wished to have son so its kinda a bothersome thing for them
although they weren’t that happy to have a babygirl at first, the moment the unborn child would kick right where their hand was on their s/o’s belly their minds would probably start to change as they feel warm inside. if they would have to admit, it was adorable and heartwarming how their unborn daughter was already keen on to them
of course, they will immediately fall in love when they hold their daughter for the first time. so small so fragile so adorable..especially when the new born babygirl would hold their big fingers with her small hand they automatically bond with her
eventually they turn from a womanizer to an overprotective girl dad who supports women rights hardcore
they would probably be very overprotective of their little girl and they would be very fond of her, buying all the toys she wanted, making tea parties with her, watching girly cartoons with her..and if any other kid or adult ever tried to harm her or even make her upset its over for them
i can guess that they would be very curious and suspicious if their daughter even had a male friend they would dislike her guy friends probably but because of how much they love their daughter they would act like they like her male friends
yea a small hedcanon idea i guess lol
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kenganparadise · 4 years ago
Hi! I’m just wondering how you think some Kengan characters would react to walking in on their crush changing/naked? (Like Raian, Ohma, Ryuki, Mitsuyo)
I love your blog <3 <3
Thank you so much for requesting this! I hope you enjoy! 😆
• Raian bursts into his crush’s home. He’s got no sense of privacy, he walks in like he owns the place. He’s probably good friends with his crush at this point. They’re probably used to it by now.
• He calls out their name. No answer. Fine he’ll just search for them. He goes about their whole home. Ripping open door after door and peeking his head in, calling for them.
• The last place he has to search is their bedroom. At this point he’s grumbling under his breath and a little frustrated.
• He’s started to believe that his crush isn’t home and they left the front door unlocked. He’ll give them an earful for that.
• He swings the door only to be met by his crush standing half naked.
• His eyes are wide and he pauses. There is a long awkward silence in the air. Finally his crush starts screaming and throwing things at him. “GET OUT!” They yell at him.
• He doesn’t even have anything smart to say. His cheeks are tinted red. His Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows thickly. He tries not to be a perv, but good god he can’t help it. They look better than he ever imagined.
• He took a mental picture for later. He’ll dream about their body. That would provide him with some good masturbation material.
• He and his crush have dinner plans, as usual occurrence. He arrives at their home and knocks on the door before letting himself in. He thought he’d stop by before dinner.
• At this point he and his crush have to be pretty good friends. They’re at that point on the friendship where they can trust each other enough to come into each other’s home unannounced. He’d never come into their home if he knows it wasn’t okay.
• If wasn’t okay he’d call their phone if they didn’t answer the door.
• He looks around for them silently. He swings the door to their bedroom open, pauses. His brain takes a moment to process. Then he slams it closed quickly. He stutters our apologies.
• His face is a few hues of red. He takes a deep breath and apologies to his crush again.
• His heart is beating fast in his chest. When his crush comes out fully clothed he apologizes to them once again.
• He wants to be a gentleman, he’d hate to make his crush feel awkward or uncomfortable around him. He does find them very attractive. But he wants to look at them with their consent.
• He feels genuinely bad. He promises to knock next time. His Crush would just laugh and tell him not to worry about it.
• He also treats his crush to dinner.
• He’s got no boundaries. He goes to his crushes house to see if they wanna hang out with him.
• Lets himself in. Doesn’t even knock. Walks around their house looking for his crush. He walks into his crush’s bedroom.
• “Oh there you are Y/N! Wanna hang out?” He says nonchalantly. He doesn’t even care that his crush is basically naked. “R-Ryuki!! I’m changing!!” They’ll squeak. “Oh cool.... So wanna hang out?” He’d say.
• He’s seriously oblivious. His crush would have to push him out or throw some things at him.
• I believe Ryuki was raised in an environment where the naked body isn’t inherently sexual. Plus he’s not well educated on social cues and norms.
• His crush would have to sit down and explain to him. He promises not to barge in again, but he also complements his Crush.
• He tells them how beautiful their body is and how they shouldn’t hide it from him.
• He just wants to pay his crush a visit. He can’t stay away from them for too long. He wants to see them as often as he can.
• he knocks on their door and waits for them to answer. No answer comes and he knocks again. Then again. Finally he gets impatient and worried.
• Walking into his crush’s home he calls out to them. After no answer he starts looks around. He checks the kitchen, then the living room, then the bathroom. Finally he looks into the bedroom.
• Once he swings the door open he gasps audibly. His crush is half naked before his eyes. He bows and apologizes. Then slams the door shut.
• Once the door is shut he pauses. “wow” he whispers under his breath.
• His face is flushed red. His heart is beating a mile a minute. When his crush comes back out, he apologizes again. He promises to knock and to not come in unannounced again.
• He doesn’t want to forget the beautiful sight in his head, but he also wants his crush to consent to him seeing them naked.
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melikedraw · 5 months ago
Hey, can you do Hc for a relationship with Mitsuyo?? I don't see that much content about the freak, and I'm DESPERATE.
If you don't want is ok, no pressure<3
Kureishi Mitsuyo relationship headcanons
Kureshi x gn! Reader
Fluff, perhaps some ooc (I'm not familiar with his character at ALL but like fuck it we ball)
- before you start dating him, he would probably act normal, maybe even kind and gentle, towards you
- he just wants to make a good impression y'know?
- he is really good at it too, so you're pretty easily fooled into thinking he was simply a gorgeous sweetheart
- while you were indeed right about the gorgeous, sweetheart is far from what he should he described as
- that man is a MENACE
- after he knows that you won't leave him, he would start to show his true self
- not that it's bad or anything, in fact you find it quite attractive, but he can be such a PAIN
- he loves to tease you, especially if you give him a reaction to being messed with, be it a twitch of your eyebrow, to a full on grimace or snappy retorts
- finds it amusing and WILL laugh at your expense
- he would hate to accidentally make you cry, though
- unless you're a stuck up spoilt brat/princess type
- if so, watch your step because he WILL have you in tears by the end of the day
- NEVER talks shit about you to others though, makes you look real good to people around him, always talking about how lucky he is to have you
-you're his angel, people around him are probably sick of hearing him yap on about how much he wants you
- he gives amazing massages, and is just really good with his hands in general (wink wink) (get my drift)
- gives you free massages which he uses as an excuse to have his hands on your body
- he's pretty sadistic, so he'd probably press kinda hard on you (slight bruising at most, would not break anything/hurt you)
- loves the sounds you make, he finds them arousing especially if you're shy and try to muffle them with your hand or something, he shows no mercy, will push his luck just to make you scream
- really likes how you squirm under his touch
- he lets you braid his hair
- it's really easy since his hair is so straight and smooth
- won't take the braids out, keeps them until they unbraid themselves naturally
- he probably shows you off a lot, like bringing you along when he has training sessions with Cosmo (he's flexing his gf on a kid, yes) or when he meets up with his friends
- Cosmo has probably accidentally called you mom before, just saying
- you and kureishi love treating him like your kid, saying things like
"our son grows up so fast doesn't he, Mitsuyo?"
"Ms/Mr y/n, you've known me for a week at most-"
"hush child, I'm your parent now."
- (il)legally adopt him
- I don't think kureishi would actually want kids though
- I just don't get that vibe from him
I'll be completely honest I skipped a lot of chapters of kengan ashura/omega which he appeared in because I was just trying to find all the chapters with gaolang in em
I did reread it in the end but the point is I never really looked into him and don't know if this is in character or whatever (it better not be ooc or I will tweak tf out
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kenganparadise · 4 years ago
Kengan Ashura Masterlist
last updated- 6/26/2021
Kengan Ashura-
Adam Dudley-
Fluffy HCs
Finding out his crush loves southern accents
Reacting to his S/O getting injured
With an outwardly intimidating S/O that's actually a softie
Accidentally Walking on his crush naked (NSFW)
Agito Kanoh-
Relationship HCs
General NSFW HCs
Agito falling in love, confessing, the first date, and losing his virginity (NSFW)
Agito gets Pegged scenario (NSFW)
Agito getting jealous over his crush HCs
With an animal lover S/O
Working out with Agito
Walking in on his crush changing
With a soulmate the same Gender as him
With a soulmate the same gender as him NSFW
Having a snowball fight with his S/O
Reacting to finding his S/O masturbating to a picture of him NSFW
Having his S/O do his makeup
Catching his S/O masturbating to a picture of him (NSFW)
Their S/O going into labor
Reacting to his S/O getting injured
Gift Giving HCs
Yandere HCs
Threes a crowd fic (NSFW)
Meeting a Cat
Agito with a non-athletic S/O
Finding out his S/O is pregnant with triplets
Introducing his S/O to his family/Friends
Who would be down to get pegged
Finding out his S/O is a VS model
Agito with a pure S/O that can fight
Proposing to his S/O
Reacting to his S/O throwing a jealous fit
With an S/O who likes to sing him to sleep
Reacting to receiving hugs/chest nuzzles
Having a crafty/artistic S/O who does gymnastics
Omegaverse HCs (NSFW)
His child is being bullied and they use the formless style for the first time
Having A succubus S/O (NSFW)
Reacting to his S/O wearing a mask with a dildo underneath (NSFW)
Having a very dominant S/O (NSFW)
Bonding with a symbiote HCs
Having an S/O who is mindful of his medical conditions
Agito being dominated by his S/O (oneshot NSFW)
Having an S/O who focuses too much on his pecs
Getting proposed to by his S/O
Agito waking from a nightmare (drabble) (TW)
Reacting to being called a simp
Not understanding his S/O’s sexual innuendos
His S/O asking him to be gentler during sex (NSFW)
Akoya Seishu- 
Meeting a cat
Alan Wu-
Relationship HCs
As an older brother
Isekai HCs
Having a crush and confessing
Reacting to his child being bullied and his S/O standing up for them
With an animal lover S/O
Beach day Imagine
Meeting a cat
Confessing to his crush
Biting kink
Raian x Reader x Alan
Receiving a massage
Trying to comfort his S/O
With an S/O who likes to play fight
With an S/O who shows affection through bites and nibbles
Carlos Medel-
Love language HCs
Meeting a cat
As an older brother
Reacting to receiving hugs/chest nuzzles
Chiba Takayuki-
Who would be down to get pegged
Cosmo Imai-
Relationship HCs SFW/NSFW
Cosmo with a kick boxer S/O
With an S/O who has abilities Like Ty-Lee
With a soulmate the same gender as him
With a soulmate the same gender as him NSFW
Having a Thicc S/O
Cosmo finding out he’s going to be a father
Lovingly listening to his S/O ranting about things they enjoy
Accidentally Walking on his crush naked (NSFW)
Cosmo having an older S/O (NSFW)
Taking his crush/best friend’s v-card fic (NSFW)
One night stand HCs (NSFW)
Cosmo and his older S/O having fun in public (NSFW)
Edward Wu-
General/Relationship HCs
Reacting to his S/O getting injured
With a popular S/O
With an S/O who is doting to their child
With an S/O who has a dangerous profession
Breeding kink HCS (NSFW)
Sub!Edward HCs (NSFW)
Receiving a massage
Trying to comfort his S/O
Getting proposed to by his S/O
With an S/O who likes to play fight
With an S/O who shows affection through bites and nibbles
Kinks list (NSFW)
General/Relationship HCs
Who would be down to get pegged
Meeting a cat
As an older brother
Husband HCs
Fei Wanfang-
Meeting a cat
As an older brother
Fusui Kure-
With a soulmate of the same gender (SFW/NSFW)
Gaolang Wongsawat-
General NSFW
With an innocent S/O who supports him in his fighting
Watching a horror movie with his S/O
His S/O going into labor
With a soulmate the same gender as him
With a soulmate the same gender as him NSFW
With an animal lover S/O
Gift giving HCs
With an S/O who has abilities like Ty-lee
Introducing his S/O to his Family/Friends
Catching his S/O masturbating to a picture of him (NSFW)
Having his S/O do his makeup
Meeting a cat
Gaolang with an angelic nurse S/O
Reacting to his S/O getting injured
Receiving oral from an S/O who’s good at it (NSFW)
Proposing to his S/O
Reacting to his S/O throwing a jealous fit
Having A succubus S/O (NSFW)
Taking care of his S/O who suffers with mental illness
Reacting to his S/O wearing a mask with a dildo underneath (NSFW)
Parent HCs
With a Kure S/O HCs
Having an S/O who is the CEO of a tech company
Reacting to being called a simp
Having an S/O who loves his bara titties
Reacting to his S/O coming home drunk and motorboating him
Haruo Kono-
With an crush who loves to fluster him/Confessing
Hajime Hanafusa-
With a normal seeming S/O who is secretly protective and creepy
Hanafusa with a kick boxer S/O
Who would be down to get pegged
What its like to give the v-card to Hanafusa
Hayami Masaki-
Relationship HCs
Reacting to his S/O sneaking up on him
Meeting a cat
Finding out his partner is pregnant
Himuro Ryo
Finding out his S/O is a VS model
Gift giving HCs
Hiyama Shunka-
In a healthy relationship with her new S/O(TW)
Akoya approaching Hiyama and her new S/O (TW)
Hollis Kure-
General Relationship HCs SFW/NSFW
worrying about his lack of hobbies when he meets his future S/O
Having an S/O who is nonjudgmental about his lack of hobbies
With an S/O who likes to play fight
Having an S/O who is mindful of the full moon
Inaba Ryo-
Husband HCs
Ivan Karaev-
Who would be down to get pegged
Kiohzan Takeru-
Reacting to his S/O sneaking up on him
Relationship HCs
Joji Narushima-
Reacting to his S/O wearing a mask with a dildo underneath (NSFW)
Having an S/O who loves haunted houses
Jose Kanzaki-
Relationship HCs SFW/NSFW
Reacting to their S/O’s ex wanting them back
Julius Reinhold-
Reacting to receiving hugs/chest nuzzles
Reacting to his S/O getting injured
Thigh riding HCs (NSFW)
Jurota Arashiyama-
Relationship SFW/NSFW
Love language HCs
Cuddling HCs
Reacting to receiving hugs/chest nuzzles
As an older brother
Meeting a cat
His S/O asking him to be gentler during sex (NSFW)
Kaneda Suekichi-
Who would be down to get pegged
Gift giving HCs
Husband HCs
With a Transmasc S/O
Kazou Yamashita-
Reacting to his daughter dating Raian
Koga Narushima-
Relationship HCs SFW/NSFW
With a hybrid bunny S/O SFW/NSFW
With an innocent S/O who supports him in his fighting
Reacting to his S/O getting injured
Reviving oral from an S/O who’s good at it (NSFW)
Kurayoshi Rino-
Rei x reader x Rino
Kuroki Gensai-
Parent HCs
Reacting to his S/O getting injured
Liu Dongcheng-
Naidan x Reader x Liu
  Naidan x reader x Liu (NSFW)
Who would be down to get pegged
As an older brother
Meeting a cat
Lolong Donaire-
Meeting a cat
As an older brother
Lu Tain-
Relationship HCs
Lu Tain with another Gu survivor S/O
Meeting a cat
As an older brother
With a popular S/O
Meguro Masaki-
Steamy summer Nights (NSFW)
Isekai HCs
Reacting to his S/O sneaking up on him
Reacting to his S/O getting injured
His S/O asking him to be gentler during sex (NSFW)
Mikazuchi Rei-
Rei x reader x Rino
More Misasa HCs
Walking in on his crush changing
Misasa with a bodyguard S/O
Having a Thicc S/O
Meeting a cat
Receiving oral from an S/O who’s good at it
Mitsuyo Kureishi-
Reacting to their S/O’s ex wanting them back
Who would be down to get pegged
Walking in on his crush changing
Mokichi Robinson-
Husband HCs
Finding out his modest S/O is actually a lingerie model
Muteba Gizenga-
Finding out his modest S/O is actually a lingerie model
Naidan Mönkhbat-
Naidan x Reader x Liu
Naidan x reader x Liu (NSFW)
Meeting a cat
Isekai HCs
As an older brother
Nezu Masami-
Nezu with a short S/O
Nicolas Le Banner-
Relationship HCs
Who would be down to get pegged
Having a crush and confessing
With an animal lover S/O
As an older brother
Meeting a cat
Nikaido Ren-
Who would be down to get pegged
Nogi Hideki-
Ohma Tokita-
Quarantining with Ohma
Working out with Ohma
Ohma with a shy S/O that's a freak in the sheets (NSFW)
Ohma with a crush who acts like they ship Ohma and Kaede
Ohma with and Aerialist S/O
With a soulmate the same gender as him
With a soulmate the same gender as him NSFW
Walking in on his crush changing
Breeding his S/O NSFW Drabble
With an animal lover S/O
His S/O teasing him in a mini Skirt
Ohma x reader x Setsuna
Meeting a cat
Ohma’s partner gets kidnapped
Having his S/O do his makeup
Reacting to his child being bullied and his S/O standing up for them
Catching his S/O masturbating to a picture of him
Ohma x Raian
Yandere HCs
Finding out his S/O is pregnant with triplets
With an S/O who is doting to their child
Having a thicc S/O
With an S/O with abilities like Ty-Lee
Ohma Getting jealous over his crush
Reacting to his S/O sleeping in his clothes
With a plus Sized S/O
Ohma with a cat hybrid S/O SFW/NSFW
Gift giving HCs
Reacting to his S/O picking him up
Ohma singing to his S/O
Having a snowball fight with his S/O
Reacting to his S/O getting injured
Finding out his S/O is a VS model
Thoughts on his fight with Raian
Lovingly listening to his S/O rant about things they enjoy
With an innocent S/O who supports him in his fighting
Primal HCs NSFW
Reacting to a blind reader
With a hybrid bunny S/O SFW/NSFW
Reacting to his S/O ripping their pants in public
Stepdad Ohma
Reacting to his S/O throwing a jealous fit
With a S/O who likes to sing him to sleep
Reacting to their S/O’s ex wanting them back
With a trans woman S/O
Having A succubus S/O (NSFW)
Having an S/O with PTSD (TW)
Reacting to his S/O raging in another language
Having a very dominant S/O (NSFW)
Bonding with a symbiote HCs
Raian x reader x Ohma
Having an S/O who is from another animalistic clan
With a crush (High school AU) (TW)
Having a Turkish S/O
Ohma helping his lactating S/O (NSFW)
Werewolf Ohma in heat (NSFW fic)
Having an S/O who loves his bara titties
Reacting to his S/O coming home drunk and motorboating him
Finding out his S/O is a former sexy-cammer (NSFW)
Gangbang with Ohma, Raian, Setsuna and Retsudo HCs (NSFW)
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andy-kuramy · 5 months ago
Hey, can you do Hc for a relationship with Mitsuyo?? I don't see that much content about the freak, and I'm DESPERATE.
If you don't want is ok, no pressure<3
Kureishi Mitsuyo relationship headcanons
Kureshi x gn! Reader
Fluff, perhaps some ooc (I'm not familiar with his character at ALL but like fuck it we ball)
- before you start dating him, he would probably act normal, maybe even kind and gentle, towards you
- he just wants to make a good impression y'know?
- he is really good at it too, so you're pretty easily fooled into thinking he was simply a gorgeous sweetheart
- while you were indeed right about the gorgeous, sweetheart is far from what he should he described as
- that man is a MENACE
- after he knows that you won't leave him, he would start to show his true self
- not that it's bad or anything, in fact you find it quite attractive, but he can be such a PAIN
- he loves to tease you, especially if you give him a reaction to being messed with, be it a twitch of your eyebrow, to a full on grimace or snappy retorts
- finds it amusing and WILL laugh at your expense
- he would hate to accidentally make you cry, though
- unless you're a stuck up spoilt brat/princess type
- if so, watch your step because he WILL have you in tears by the end of the day
- NEVER talks shit about you to others though, makes you look real good to people around him, always talking about how lucky he is to have you
-you're his angel, people around him are probably sick of hearing him yap on about how much he wants you
- he gives amazing massages, and is just really good with his hands in general (wink wink) (get my drift)
- gives you free massages which he uses as an excuse to have his hands on your body
- he's pretty sadistic, so he'd probably press kinda hard on you (slight bruising at most, would not break anything/hurt you)
- loves the sounds you make, he finds them arousing especially if you're shy and try to muffle them with your hand or something, he shows no mercy, will push his luck just to make you scream
- really likes how you squirm under his touch
- he lets you braid his hair
- it's really easy since his hair is so straight and smooth
- won't take the braids out, keeps them until they unbraid themselves naturally
- he probably shows you off a lot, like bringing you along when he has training sessions with Cosmo (he's flexing his gf on a kid, yes) or when he meets up with his friends
- Cosmo has probably accidentally called you mom before, just saying
- you and kureishi love treating him like your kid, saying things like
"our son grows up so fast doesn't he, Mitsuyo?"
"Ms/Mr y/n, you've known me for a week at most-"
"hush child, I'm your parent now."
- (il)legally adopt him
- I don't think kureishi would actually want kids though
- I just don't get that vibe from him
I'll be completely honest I skipped a lot of chapters of kengan ashura/omega which he appeared in because I was just trying to find all the chapters with gaolang in em
I did reread it in the end but the point is I never really looked into him and don't know if this is in character or whatever (it better not be ooc or I will tweak tf out
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