#it WOULDN'T it would just be based on my current vibes
coffeebanana · 8 months
i'm like. making a shift from 💜 to 🩷, but i can't tell if it feels right
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kariachi · 1 month
I think I have the final stage for this next fakemon done. Now it's just on to figuring out wtf I'm doing with the base stage. Want something that seems the normal precious little fairy-type, but that isn't so different the transition to the more intimidating final stage feels weird. But then, we've got shit like remoraid to octillery and shroodle to grafaiai... I don't know. Right now I'm planning a partial selkie inspiration but I'm not sure if that's quite it...
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theminecraftbee · 6 months
Just reread the whole scs tag and now I want to see Three's first meeting with Etho (Iirc the clip of Grian being scared of Etho sneaking around and then seeming to teleport outside the ice shop is Grian's first meeting with Etho? (And it was season 7.) And I think the "two nervous animals stare at each other" vibes could fit.)
Three is nervous.
It has heard of Etho before. Etho is very high on the threat rankings it had memorized; Etho is considered more of a threat than is currently worth taking out; Etho is, apparently, a legend even around Players who do not understand quite how much of a threat he is. There are standing orders and plans still programmed into Three on how to take him out in a way that would not make a martyr of him. Three thinks many of these plans are stupid.
Three is nervous. It has heard of Etho before, and it does not know if Etho would have heard of a Blade before, or if any of that would get in the way of it conversing with Etho. Three is relatively confident it could beat Etho in a fight. For all Etho is a threat, he is merely a Player, and Three is a Blade. That had never been why Etho is a threat. That had...
Mumbo had promised Etho was not mean. Three had asked Mumbo what that had to do with anything. Mumbo had mumbled something about how, well, if Three was worried about Etho yelling at it, then Etho wouldn't. Etho would actually also worry, Mumbo assured Three. Etho seems cool at first, but he's actually kind of awkward, Mumbo assured Three.
Three had commented that 'seeming cool at first but actually being kind of awkward' is, apparently, a common problem. It can understand why.
None of that really solves why Three is nervous, but going over the ways Etho is a threat, and the plans it has to mitigate that threat is... nice. It should not use them, because Mumbo has promised that Hermitcraft is safe. Three finds it does not want to be the reason it is not safe. Three will not mitigate the threat of Etho. Three should not have to mitigate the threat of Etho.
Three is nervous because it wants something from Etho, and doesn't have anything to offer in return.
It stands in the jungle and waits. It sees Etho arrive, because it is watching for him, but Etho seems surprised, backing away nervously on seeing Three.
"Oh. Um. Hello there. You're Mumbo's scary friend. The new one he brought here. That one. That needed help? Um, I'm Etho."
"I know. Does Mumbo describe me as scary?"
"Not usually?" Etho says.
"Oh," Three says. It does not give away its disappointment. Etho is not a handler and not another Watcher, but it is best not to give away emotions like disappointment when it wants something from him anyway.
"Is there a reason you're, uh, lurking in my base?"
Three does not fidget. It is too well-trained to. "I am here to ask a favor."
"Shoot, uh, I guess I can hear it," Etho says.
"You are making your base out of interiors, you said, in the meeting," Three says. "I--I want. I want to do that. I want--I want you to show me how to do that." The words are harder to pull out of its mouth than it thought they would be. "I do not have much to offer you. I could take care of one of your enemies, but Mumbo says Hermitcraft is safe, and I do not know if I want to do that, I just know that I want..."
Three trails off.
"Apologies. I am unclear. Will clarify," Three says.
Asking for things it wants is--hard. It's still hard. It is not good at reporting on what it wants. Etho is staring at it. Three stands perfectly still, because it is well-trained.
"Most builders aren't a big fan of interiors," Etho says slowly, "let alone a base entirely out of them. That's, uh, a big favor you're asking. Can I ask why?"
Beneath the mask, Three opens its mouth. It closes it again. It does not know how to say: because I am the thing that replaced someone who built big empty shells. Because I filled one of those empty shells. Because I could have been one of those empty shells. Because I do not want to leave behind empty shells. Because if I am gone, I want the things to leave to be knit socks and cozy rooms and laughter, not a big empty temple with a farm in the middle. Because I am Three, and I am a person, and I want the world to remember that.
What Three says instead is: "I can pay you back. I am useful."
Etho looks at Three. He rubs the back of his head. "You know, normally no one is dumb enough to give me an IOU this early in the season?" He laughs almost nervously. "Sure, man, I can teach you to make a base out of interiors. Why not."
"Thank you," Three says, and its shoulders do not slump, because it is well-trained.
"No problem. Say, what do you think about pranks?"
"I would like to learn to do those too," Three says promptly.
Etho also wears a mask. This does not stop Three from being able to tell the man is smirking.
"You know what? We're gonna get along just fine," he says. Strangely, Three believes him.
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aeithalian · 1 year
Rick. Buddy. Amigo. Explain something to me. Real quick, I promise.
[The Trials of Apollo: The Tower of Nero, Chapter 4]
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Good genetic package, Rick/Apollo? Are you sure about that?
Estelle's physical description *clap* makes *clap* no *clap* sense. Why on earth does one of the only fully human characters in this series have to have unique and weird physical traits? Also, it makes no sense in the larger scope of Rick's writing style to have chosen this unless he had some sort of larger intention behind it. Not to mention the theories by fans haven't really done much to fully flesh out any perceivable reason as to why this might be:
Poseidon blessed Sally when she was pregnant - By far, this is the most believable to me, but it's still eh, because this feels very weird and I don't get the vibes from Poseidon that he would have done so to the extent that it shows up in Estelle's physical traits. Also if that were true, it doesn't make sense for Rick to just fully drop it in the story without the intention to flesh it out further, because to my knowledge he doesn't have plans for another novel that takes place after ToA.
Paul isn't Estelle's father - Firstly, this is out of character for Sally, and this doesn't fully justify why Estelle has Percy's eyes. PLUS, salt-and-pepper hair still wouldn't be natural for a newborn
Paul is Poseidon in disguise - This explains her traits the best, but Paul's character is so much more satisfying if this isn't true. It's also total bullshit.
Enter me. I have a theory. Yay. But first, we must discuss.
Firstly, I want to talk about her eyes. Going back to the theories, and based on my fair amount of knowledge of genetics (clarification: I write this as I procrastinate studying for my final genetics exam), the eyes are mostly interesting because Apollo specifies that they are immediately similar Percy's. The thing about eye genetics, though, is that they are what we consider to be 'complex traits', meaning that they are influenced by the interactions of multiple genes from both parents. What I mean to point out here is that Sally could definitely have the genes to produce two children with 'sea-green' eyes, considering her canonical eye color is blue. We don't know what Paul's eye color is, which makes my job a whole lot easier because I can assume that it doesn't directly contradict the possibility that Sally just has really strong eye genes (?). ALSO, who's to say that Poseidon didn't just change his eye color to match Percy's when he was born? Ah, yes, the perks of having a shapeshifting dad who seemingly loves you and your eye color a lot (but is still absentee, WHOOPS).
But what I actually found the most interesting about Estelle was her hair color. More specifically, the fact that Apollo says he's never seen an infant with that color hair. And we know Apollo is somewhat of an unreliable narrator (although this rarely affects his descriptions of people other than himself, and has also mostly evolved into a more honest narration since the end of book 3), but I believe we're supposed to trust this dude who just so happens to have been alive for over four millennia. Based on Apollo's previous descriptions of his own powers (see his conversations with Percy in TTC, when he pulls a Mufasa and basically admits to seeing everything the light touches), we know that Apollo knows and has seen a lot of stuff. So, how is this the first time he's seemingly witnessed this type of hair mutation?
I did some research, as one does. To me, it seems as if Estelle has what's called Griscelli syndrome, which is a type of rare autosomal genetic mutation that typically results in phenotypic hypopigmentation of the skin and hair. (It can also result in neurological disorders and immunodeficiency, based on the type, but I digress.) It's also pretty rare, considering both parents have to be carriers, and even then the child still has a one in four chance of being affected. Current statistics from the NIH say that Griscelli syndrome currently presents in less than 1000 Americans, and is rapidly fatal in 1-4 years without aggressive treatment.
That sad note aside, it's weird to me that the way Rick wrote Estelle's physical description makes it seem as if Apollo had never seen anything similar. I feel like a god of both medicine and knowledge would probably be a bit more up to speed with rare genetic disorders, especially because he's so old. The only explanations are that Apollo, in his mortal state, can't make a diagnosis, OR what he's seeing isn't actually something he can diagnose.
FURTHERMORE, from the same chapter, Apollo says something that muddies the waters even further:
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It doesn't make sense that Apollo thinks that Zeus would take such an interest in Estelle. Her nature alone doesn't make me think that the king of the gods would take a sudden interest in a literal newborn, regardless of how much Apollo loves her (and honestly, I don't blame him).
What I think? Rick pulled the strings just tight enough that he has a very interesting plot point to go off of if he ever decides to pick up the pen again and write a new book.
What I think? Estelle doesn't have Griscelli syndrome, she is in much more danger than anyone realizes, and Apollo's subconscious put this together from the second he saw her.
Actually, let's rewind. I'm in the process of writing a fic (stay tuned!) and I had a random thought: do the Greeks have an apocalypse story? You know, like Ragnarök in the Norse mythos, and the Revelation stories in the Bible.
The answer? They don't. I guess that's what you get when the Greco-Roman gods are fully immortal and literally can't be killed.
That didn't stop the rabbit hole, though, and what I found was actually very interesting and I couldn't believe what I was reading.
I give you: Hesiod. More specifically, his poem Works and Days. More more specifically, his 'ages of man'. More more more specifically, the iron age.
For context, Hesiod was an ancient Greek poet who lived in the 8th century BC, and was walking right along with Homer in terms of fame at the time. The poem Works and Days is actually more of a really long Facebook post where he complains about anything and everything, especially in his section on the ages of man.
In summary, Hesiod wrote about what he perceived to be the five stages of human life since the creation of mankind by Zeus' hand:
gold: perfect in every way, pious, and blessed by the gods
silver: real bitches, the ugly middle child, so Zeus killed them
bronze: were so violent they wiped each other out
heroic: golden child, contained the heroes of the Greek mythos
iron: middle-aged men still living in their mom's basement
Hesiod wrote his poem during what he perceived to be the Iron age (it's really just him complaining about being born in the wrong generation), but he ends up listing a lot of qualities: 'everyone works too hard, the gods hate us, nobody respects family values anymore', blah blah blah.
I know what you're thinking: Tia, what does this have to do with an apocalypse?
Well, dear reader, bear with me. You see, every time Zeus didn't like an age of mankind, or it became too violent, or it generally wasn't pious enough, Zeus wouldn't hesitate to destroy that race and start over. Basically, an apocalypse.
So, you may ask a new question: what is the criteria for Zeus to destroy the Iron age? And, assuming that this is the age we're currently in, what would it take for Zeus to destroy everything our beloved Riordanverse characters know and love?
My friend, that is where Estelle comes in. Yes, a baby.
Take this excerpt regarding the Iron age:
"And Zeus will destroy this race of mortal men also when they come to have grey hair on the temples at their birth."
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I think you see where I'm going with this.
My theory? Estelle, in her unique position as a bridge between not just the mortals and the demigods (eg. her relationship with Percy), but also the mortals and the gods (eg. her great impression on Apollo), is a living, breathing prophecy. A prophecy that the end is nigh for this current age of mankind.
Furthermore, I also think that Apollo made this connection, somewhere in the back of his mind, the very second he realized that her hair was entirely unique. According to Hesiod (who Apollo also mentions later in the book, so we know he knows who Hesiod is), the day that babies are born with gray hair (or, salt-and-pepper for the sake of the theory) is the second Zeus basically get the go-ahead to commit genocide.
This also brilliantly explains why Apollo suddenly, and seemingly without reason, makes to keep Estelle's existence a secret from Zeus, because he knows that it might be the easiest way to get everyone he knows and loves killed by his own father for "the greater good" as I'm sure Zeus will put it. Plus, in his mortal state, Rick didn't have to explain why Apollo did what he did, since Apollo's been having memory issues since the beginning of the series: why would he remember one line from a poem written almost three thousand years ago?
Frankly, Zeus doesn't care about mortals: the only reason he really cares about anyone is if they have enough power to threaten his own, or if they have some sort of power he can benefit from. This, certainly, falls under the category of the latter. Wouldn't you want a chance to remake humanity into the perfect image that it used to be? You would, if you hadn't gone through a five book long grow-a-conscience speedrun like our lovely Apollo over here.
Fortunately for Rick, this is such an outrageous theory that if it never comes to fruition, I won't be surprised. If he ever writes something similar, though, know I called it first.
EDIT: here's the fic i mentioned i was (am) writing
EDIT: a masterlist of my other metas
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hunny it was amazing but i do want a Dom gender neutral with sub brothers and over stimulating them~ your choice if you want to do it
Writing for all the brothers would be a pain in the ass so I'll just write for my favorites/the ones i have a very clear idea for!♡
Reader x Lucifer/Mammon/Leviathan
General Warnings: Overstimulation, butt stuff lol, double dick levi💪🏾
Section Specific Warnings: Handheld vibrators, bondage/Anal fingering and hand+blowjob, swallowing cum/Tons of cum, dildo usage
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A chronic over worker. The moment you set eyes on him, you knew breaking him would be easy as-
A sly smirk crossed your face as the eldest demon brother arched his back, eyes rolling and tongue lolling as he released a silent scream. His hands, stuck uselessly above his head, clawed at the mahogany frame of the bed, deep scratch marks accompanied by an ear-splitting noise almost covering the sound of his broken moans.
As the final spurts of his fifth orgasm covered his torso, you drag the vibrator through the filth, up to his lips. Still cloudy minded, he licks his own fluids off the toy, and you laugh. "Faithful as a dog now aren't you? You'd wag if I asked right about now, huh?" Your laugh resembles a cackle this time; the ease of which you brought the avatar of pride to his knees is almost as amusing as the fearful look that unfogs his gaze when you turn the vibrator back on.
Slowly, you drag it down his lips, his neck. Unexpectedly, vibrant red swallows the black of his pupils, leaving two ruby like eyes gazing at you from beneath dark eyelashes wet with unshed tears. He gulps when you stop, right above his navel. The vibration slowly gets stronger; you boost it, one setting, then the next.
You dip ever so slightly lower.
He closes his eyes- you wish he wouldn't hide that excellent ruby color from you.
Another inch down, and it's powerful enough to reach the beginning of his cock now. He clenches his teeth, and you move slightly farther away as his wings begin to twitch more violently than before. Big as they are, getting hit with a feather or two is inevitable, but at this rate the whole wing would smack you in the face.
Its not a bad thing though- it's proof of his pleasure.
Teeth clenched so tightly they could break, you drag the vibe head in teasing circles around the base of his cock. The choked gasps drive you on as you watch his thighs twitch. His dick, spent as it is, still manages to produce tiny beads of precum that slide from his soft shaft onto the stained sheets.
Heavy breathing and the toy are the only sounds in the room.
'One last time, for good measure,' you think.
He seems to read your mind, and a panicked no turns into a screaming moan as you drag the max setting vibrator back up his cock, holding his stuttering hips down as you hold it to the head, letting precum splatter a bit more before he blanks, breaking the bindings that held him all this time in the process.
"N-no more. I under- fuck." It sounded suspiciously close to a weep.
You blink, rather innocently for your current position. "Do you really?" You twirl the toy in your hand.
A slurred flurry of yes's meet your ears, and you smile. "Wonderful." You tap his dick head again, all cheer and wonder now. "Now then, let's get you cleaned up! Shall we?♡"
He finds it overstimulating when you so much as look at him. Touching him with purpose? He feels like he's-
"-gnna' die."
You stare up at him sweetly, the combination of two fingers in his ass dragging steadily over his sweetspot and you pumping him fast and hard making his legs a weak, shakey mess.
When you first sat him in your lap, a blush laid heavy in his cheeks. By now, the flush had spread to his quivering thighs, his leaking dick, everywhere you could and couldn't see. A glance at the clock behind him shows it's been an hour, and you smile.
Gaze drifting back to him, you say sweetly, "What was that, hon?"
He chokes on a moan, hips twitching up into your hand as another orgasm threatens to spill over. "I'm gonna die!"
You chuckle at his dramatics, but just in case, you check his body language.
Tanned skin slick with sweat and hot as a summer day pressed against you, close enough you could feel the push of his chest when he breathed. Short, heavy gasps on the shell of your ear sent shivers down your back. When you listened close, you could hear him whisper.
"Please, fuck, yes!"
Butterflies in your stomach. Your own eyes flutter shut, and you listen more. To his pleads for you to keep going, to the wet sound of him bouncing on your fingers, to the squeak of the couch that he'd drowned out long ago.
Fuck, he sounds so good. You need him- more of him.
"Louder, baby." You sound as breathless as he's left you.
He doesn't seem to hear you, though. In an effort to get his attention, you move to release him-
New found strength allows him to grasp your hand, his grip tight and desperate.
"No, no, no, no...." he cries, music to your ears, "please, please don't stop. I'm so close. I need you."
Emotion warps his voice, but you hear him perfectly clear. You chuckle, "If you still want more, I haven't fucked you hard enough yet." He gasps as you add a third finger.
He allows you to stop your administrations to lay him down, though not without whining.
Your eyelids flutter to halfmast, and in a voice silky and soft as the brand name clothes covered in his cum next to you, you say, "Watch me, Love."
He shivers.
Your tongue glides up his thigh, picking up some of the cum that sprayed there. Despite your directions, his eyes roll back as you lick his tip, and when you swallow him to base, his last thought before releasing down your throat is lost.
He's so easy to tease. Too easy, in fact. You've gotta catch him off guard, add a challenge to it! And while you're at it, why not add in a game?
"You're losing, Leviathan."
Headphones lost, controller strewn across the room somewhere, the game-loving demon had forgotten what game he was even supposed to be playing.
In your hand was a tentacle dildo, purple, long, and covered in rounded bumps that dragged against his tight walls in the most delicious way.
All fours in his tub, the drain was struggling to handle the massive amounts of cum his twin cocks produced. It had started to gain some height, his fingers being completely covered by this point. Each new shot splashed more onto the sweaty, exhausted demon's body.
"Did you hear me? I said, you're losing. For each loss-"
Cupping his throat, you drew his head backwards to look you in the eyes. The black of his pupils was void like, irises an unsettling orange ring around them that seemed to pulse with something dangerous. You swept his sweat-soaked bangs from his forehead, kissing the cleared spot and licking the salty taste from your lips. "-is another orgasm."
Fast; so fast you almost miss it, his pupils devour his irises total, and his tail unravels from his leg for your waist, damn near dragging you into the puddle of cum he sat in. His arms tremble hard and collapse as his cocks twitch once, twice, and release his heaviest load of the night. You watch with slitted eyes as his muscles spasm, enjoying the half-formed moans and squeaks that reach your ears.
Even as he cums, you don't stop your movement. Even as he sobs as his prostate is once again abused through his orgasm. The weak movement of his hips to meet your hand betray the fat tears that drip from beneath dark, pretty lashes.
You pause for the first time in what seems like hours, ignoring the desperate noise that leaves him as you get up.
Half formed thoughts wonder what you're doing, where you've went.
He's alerted of your return when you grasp his neck lightly to pull him up, leaving him sitting on the fat dildo you left inside him. "Here, Love. Play your game- your teammates were getting mad at you." He blinks slow, uncomprehending, before you put his controller in his hands. His sticky, cum-covered hands. He looks up at you again, at the smirk on your face, then back to the controller and the game being played.
And the only thing he can think is...
A/N: i had something planned for Belphie too, but i couldn't execute it the way i wanted:((( this turned out way longer than i expected in the end though. Maybe its cause im writing at my usual time again! (Cough two am cough) anyways, sorry for the wait @lazari-zalgoid but i hope you enjoy anyways♡ love yall, happy new years!!
Also the way i wrote these you'd think Mammon was my favorite lmaooo
Reblogs are appreciated and encouraged♡ and this isn't spell checked lol its two am
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lizthewriter · 1 year
Hi! I love your fan fictions! I was wondering (First time requesting ever) if you could do a FIC for Mattheo or Theodore based on exile and the readers dealing with self hate,anxiety, autsim, adhd, Depression, and they feel so alone and push him away because the readers scared to accept her feelings and afraid she’ll get left, and no one loves or cares about her?
AUTHOR'S NOTE Oh my God, thank you so much for sending in a request! This is actually the first request I have ever received, so this is a first for us both! By exile, I'm assuming you mean the song exile by Taylor Swift. Here's a little blurb just for you anon! And thank you for the compliment, I'm glad you love my fanfics! Sending love and good vibes your way
Honestly, I tried my best with this. I've gone through depression and self-hate, and I am currently dealing with anxiety and ADHD. I don't know too much about autism, but I really tried my hardest to convey what you've requested. I hope this is satisfactory!
exile / mattheo riddle
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PAIRING Mattheo Riddle x fem!Reader
SUMMARY Everything in your life feels like it's going wrong and there's nothing you can do to change it. What once brought you joy only leaves you numb. What once excited you now only bored you. What you loved only saw you as a friend.
Taking shelter in an empty classroom during a panic attack, Mattheo Riddle finds you a sobbing mess on the stone floors. You find out that he likes you more than you think he does.
TAGS Mattheo Riddle x fem!Reader, angst, hurt/comfort, self-hate, depression, anxiety, stress, ADHD, autism, exams, panic attack, suicidal thoughts, self-harm, fluff, happy ending, kissing
"All this time, / we always walked a very thin line, / you didn't even hear me out," - exile, Taylor Swift feat. Bon Iver
WRITTEN 23.08.2023
pt. 2 here, karma
You sat in Transfiguration, leg bouncing nervously as you stared down at the test questions. You have always been a terrible test-taker - all the pressure of having to get good marks in such a limited time period and all this weight on your shoulders with the upcoming NEWT's made you more than nervous. Your brows were furrowed in both concentration and confusion. As you were gnawing on the end of your quill, McGonagall announced that it was time for you to place your quills down and pack your things. You let out a shaky sigh, placing down your quill. How could you not answer a simple question? Everyone else seemed to be finding the material easy, why couldn't you? You sat there, beating yourself up as you quickly packed your things away and left class.
You left Transfiguration by yourself and headed back to your dorm. Not only were you doing poorly in your classes, you also happened to be insanely in love with someone in your year. And, of course, you had to fall in love with the most unavailable person. Not only was he not interested in girls, he would never be interested in someone like you. I mean, why would he? What made you so special? And he has referred to you as a mate on so many occasions that if you had a nickel for every one, you'd surely be drowning in an ocean of them. Oh, and not only that, but you didn't really have friends. Most of the people you knew were dating and had at least one best friend. But you? No, you may know a variety of people but you couldn't call any of them a good friend, even. You didn't understand what you were doing wrong. Why was everyone else living happy, productive lives while you were stuck being miserable, alone, and depressed?
I mean, you lost all interest in everything. You couldn't find the joy in reading or taking walks about the grounds anymore. Your schoolwork was taking a turn for worse and you found yourself and bored and tired of your classes. Your grades were slipping, you had no friends, no partner, no nothing. Everything just felt wrong, wrong, wrong. And all you could do was sit there and blame yourself.
You knew you wouldn't be able to make it to your dorm to find the privacy to cry- you quickly ducked into the nearest room, curled up into the corner, and burst into sobs. It was all just too much and too little at the same time. You just felt like you couldn't deal with all this anymore. If you didn't deserve to be happy, than maybe you didn't deserve to be at all. Your hands bunched up into fists, lightly hitting your head at your temples. You hated your thoughts, the way your brain worked. You hated how you could think about everything all at once. You just wanted it all to stop, all to end.
You didn't hear the sounds of footsteps passing the classroom - Mattheo had only been walking by, skipping out on Potions, when he heard you. When he glanced into the classroom and saw you crying there, he couldn't help himself.
"Hey, what's wrong?"
You froze, sniffling, your chest heaving for air. You hadn't heard him and was caught off guard. Quickly, you wiped your face with the edge of your sleeve, collecting your bag from the ground and hiking it up your shoulder. "Nothing - nothing's wrong."
He ducked his head, his lips set into a thin-line as he observed you. "I'm not stupid. I can see that you're crying."
Great. Now you had offended the only person, perhaps, that even cared to talk to you for more than five minutes. He must hate you right now. Depise you. Think you to be cruel. "I didn't mean to say you were stupid." It was hard to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill over the threshold. You wiped your eyes with the end of your sleeve again. Why should he care about you? He must be pitying you now, surely he would have no other reason to act so concerned. Even if he did, he would one day realize that you were never as good as he thought you.
His gaze softened, the edges of his lips curling up slightly. He approached you, raising his hand to wipe away a tear that had collected in the inner corner of your eye. "'S all right, darling. Don't cry. Just talk with me about it, hm?"
Your chest heaved as you took in a shaky breath. "W-why do you care? I'm sure you have better things to do." You let out a weak laugh, backing away from his touch. "I mean, come on, don't you have Potions right now?"
"Why do I - I care about you. Do you need a reason why?"
"Yes, I do, actually," you responded, cringing at how snarky you sounded.
Mattheo let out a sigh. "I care about you because you're beautiful, inside and out. I care about you because you make me laugh. And you make me feel better when I've had a shit day. I care about you because no one makes my heart flutter like you do." His voice got smaller as he took a step towards you, and gradually raised his hands to cup your cheeks. He drew your gaze to his eyes, those beautiful brown eyes. His expression was rather serious, as though he were trying to affirm his words. "I care about you cause you're the only person who's ever really cared about me."
You trembled beneath the soft caress of his knuckcles, meeting his eyes for a short moment before shoving him away. A brief moment of hurt echoed through his eyes as you shook your head, backing away from him. "No, no you don't. I don't. And even if you did . . . " You found your voice trailing off. You hiked the strap of your bag up your shoulder again, having slipped down your arm. "I should go. I have History of Magic soon and I don't want to be late."
Mattheo glanced at you and then down at the floor, his jaw clenched. "Fine. I won't stand in your way then."
You spent the majority of your time avoiding Mattheo, but you knew there'd be a day when you would run into him and you couldn't do anything about it. Today was that day, almost two weeks after the aforementioned incident.
You were curled up in the Astronomy Tower, late at night, lying on top of a blanket as you glanced up at the stars. It was perhaps the only moment of peace you had found in a while - maybe it was the whistle of wind or the glittering of the stars.
You should've known he'd be up here. He's always sneaking off places late at night, the highest points of the castle. You heard your name being called and turned around to see a surprised Mattheo. He stood but a few feet from yourself. You weren't exactly sure what to do - in your panic, you did nothing.
"Erm - may I sit down?"
You didn't say anything for a moment, drawing your legs into your chest and resting your head upon your knees. You nodded ever so slightly, glancing away from him as he plopped down next to you. His shoulder brushed up against yours and he leaned forward to try and catch your eyes, mimicking your seated position.
"Hey, I'm sorry about the other day. I should've stayed there with you . . ." His voice trailed off. He let out a sigh as he leaned back on both palms, now spraying out his legs across the blanket. He stared put at the stars, his expression neither upset nor particularly happy. "I don't think you really meant it when you said you didn't care about me. I know you do. I just want to know why you're trying to convince yourself that you don't." He paused, hesitating. "Is it because you think I don't feel the same way about you? 'Cause you can erase that thought from your mind. I like you - really, really like you. And I don't know why exactly you keep pushing me away, but I want you to know that I'm here to listen."
He bathed in your silence, not necessarily perturbed by it. He finally decided to test the waters, raising his hand to gently touch yours. He seemed fascinated with you as he ran his fingernail gently across your skin.
You didn't know whether you wanted to tell him or not. You didn't know if you could trust him. If he wouldn't just laugh in your face, call you a fool, and leave you a pitiful mess. But Salazar, did you want to spill your heart out to him. And in the mental state you were in now, coupled with your fatigue, you didn't even care anymore.
"I don't know if you've noticed, but I don't have any friends. I'm not particularly close with my family. And everytime I did start to make a friend or - or something more, they'd just leave." You wrapped your arms tighter around your legs. "I always wondered, what's wrong with me? Do I say the wrong things? Act the wrong way? Am I really so despisable that people actively go out of their way to ignore me?" You scoffed. "Guess I must be some kind of horrible person then."
"That's not true," Mattheo said immediately, surging forward in anger. "You're an amazing person. Whoever has just left you or treated you like that, they're arseholes. I won't do that to you. Never. I don't care how many times I have to say it 'til it gets through that pretty little head of yours, I like you, I care about you, I want to make you happy . . . and if leaving you alone and pretending like I never admitted that to you makes you happy, then that's what I'll do." He waited for your response, painfully hoping for a verbal one. However, you remained silent. Mattheo felt his heart sink. "Right then. Well."
He began to push himself off the floor to get up, but you quickly grabbed his hand. "Wait!" you exclaimed in alarm, finally meeting his eyes. "I - I lied before. I do care about you. Please don't go. Please."
Mattheo sat back down with an easy-going grin, like he knew he had you right where he wanted you.
"You really like me?" You asked, both breathless and doubtful all at once.
"Do you need me to prove it to you?" His grin grew smug.
"Yes, actually."
"All right then." Mattheo raised his hand to rest under your chin, tilting your head slightly to the side so you were facing him directly. Your eyes widened as he drew closer, his eyes glancing between your eyes and your lips. Breath growing shallow, you tensed as you could feel his humid breath on your lips. "I can prove it to you right now, if you let me."
You wasted no time in smashing your lips against his, hands coming up to cup both of his cheeks. Your eyes were shut tight as you relished in the feeling of his buttery smooth lips running against yours. He was a bit more passionate tha you had expected, but he had been waiting for years to do this. And whatever his imagination could try to conjure, it was nothing compared to the real thing.
Mattheo was the one to pull away but he was soon back to give you a quick peck, sming against your lips. "You're amazing - I don't think I'll ever be leaving you after a kiss like that."
You finally grinned, a true grin, gor the first time in a long time, and brought his face back down to yours to kiss under the stars.
Thank you all for reading! Be sure to like, reblog, and comment! I really appreciate it ^^. If you have any requests, by inbox is open but make sure to check the list of characters I write for here. If you want to be tagged in any upcoming fics/headcanons of mine, let me know. If you want to see more from me, go ahead and check out my masterlist here!
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xreaderbooks · 9 months
Reward | Leo Valdez
Summary: Reader has had enough to worry about without her boyfriend coming to ask her for help with a homework assignment.
based on this request
Warnings: Language, Aged-up, fluff, making out like constantly, very slight angst, readers bad at math (cuz i'm bad at math and i cant fake it for the fic)
Word Count: 1.8k
PJO/HOO Masterlist | Navi | Masterlist of Masterlists
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"You want me to help you?" A quizzical look befell your face as you look up from your spot under the shaded tree. You sat by the edge of the lake, you were taking a quick break hiding from the younger campers who wanted to train with you as you were a crowd favorite with the new arrivals. You just needed a recharge, a moment away from the energy that overexerted you. "Of all people?"
Leo rolled his eyes, "Who else?"
You snorted, "Cabin 6 is that way." You pointed and nodded your head in the direction of the Goddess of Wisdom's cabin, filled with the brightest minds and much better options to help Leo with his current request.
"C'mon baby, please?" Your boyfriend pouted and lowered his chin to gain your favor with his golden brown eyes that, you were afraid to admit, made you weak. 
"But I'm tired and I want to take a nap, using my brain will probably kill me at this point." 
He knelt with outreached hands, you allowed him to hold both of your palms in his own, you should have known better. He used his strength to pull you up from the ground and brought you to his chest, his hands settled on your hips. 
Instinctively you looped your arms around his neck and rolled your head to the right, tilted perfectly for him to mold his lips to yours. And he did, pecking chaste kisses onto your lips, pleading with you to join him in Bunker 9.
"I suppose I could be persuaded," You nudged your nose against his. 
The moment you arrived inside the bunker and saw his work table, normally filled with scattered tools and mechanical pieces that were in the process of being fixed or tweaked, was now littered with papers. 
Leo's homework was divided into five different sections that had their respective piles. "By some miracle, I finished everything else, now all I'm missing is this." He reveals papers that were held behind his back.
"Math." You skim the equations on the document in your hands, nothing on this page was anything you would be able to help him with. 
The smirk on his face made you glare at him and fold your arms stubbornly, "Yup," Leo rolled two chairs over to the desk that felt like your new timeout spot. 
"Honestly, I feel like I shouldn't be subjected to torture because you decided to take courses over the summer." 
"What happened to 'you die, I die'?" He reiterated the phrase you had spoken to him as a sort of mantra during the war. Your jaw dropped at the use of them being thrown back in your face and quickly shut it close. 
"In the face of war!" You exclaimed and shrugged it off, "Just for that, you can die alone."
"I did, it wasn't my vibe," He twirled a strand of your hair, and let it fall back into place, stepping back with a hand on his hip leaning the other on the table. "Aren't you testy today?"
"It's been a day, the kids were hard to gather and once I had them riled up they wanted to learn this specific trick they've seen me do but how many times can I let them down gently and tell them they need to learn the basics- drills that they've repeated hundreds of times, that some still aren't getting and will possibly die if they get caught by a monster if they don't get-" You inhale deeply, "So what do I do? I let them learn the hard way to get it through their heads that it's not as simple as it looks and I've only managed after years of fucking practice. And you know what?"
"What?" You wanted to smack the amused smirk off of Leo's pretty face. 
"They didn't pick it up like I knew they wouldn't, now they hate me but still wanna train with me because they still want me to teach them. My body is sore, I'm tired and I hate you for making me do homework," You pout. 
He approaches you with caution, slowly caressing your cheeks in his hands, he presses his lips against yours that were currently being smushed together by his hands. It was a quick but meaningful kiss, only for him to say "I'm going to fail if I don't get this done."
"Leo!" You push him away from you. "What the hell do you mean, you're going to fail, you've been cooped up in here all summer!"
A sheepish smile and pink-dusted cheeks appear at your sudden outburst, he chuckles nervously knowing he just put the cherry on top of your already bad day. "I've been behind on a couple of assignments and I've finished most of them already, I'm mostly caught up"
"Mostly?" You were going to strangle him. You haven't spent much time together lately because of his homework. He decided to take summer classes to get ahead, and he's been busy ever since. You were constantly teaching the younger campers, and helping out around camp, whether in the infirmary or setting up activities to keep busy and you loved it but you missed your boyfriend. 
"But Nyssa had this project she'd been working on and I couldn't help it."
You rolled your eyes and sighed, you couldn't be upset with him- not completely, you understood how hard it was for Leo to stay focused on a task that wasn't something he could physically tinker with, but there had been moments where you wanted to just be with him in his presence and you stopped yourself from going to him knowing that you'd only be a distraction. 
"I promise this is the only one left," He takes your hand and leads you to sit on a chair then sits in another one next to you. 
"I'm so annoyed with you right now," You snatch the paper and look over the equations. 
An hour and a half into the 50-question work packet, you and Leo moved to the mattress lifted by wooden pallets used for shipping crates. 36 out of 50 equations were done, with work shown, Leo had barely any trouble working on it as he was naturally good with numbers you weren't sure you were needed at all. 
You solved a couple for him when he got bored and started leaving trails of kisses from your cheek to your neck and shoulder, you were sure the answer was right and took a break, though when he pulled out of his dazed and loving state he looked over it and kissed you deeply.
"What was that for?" You asked in a whisper. 
"A reward," He held your chin with his forefinger and thumb, pecking your cheek. "For helping me with my homework."
"Well, if I don't help you get this done, who will?" 
"Malcolm and I are pretty tight," Leo has a deep stare on your lips, his thumb swipes your swollen bottom lip. "You've also got eight of them wrong, Mi Amor." 
"I did nine of them," You did the math- that you weren't good at in your head, piecing together that you indeed sucked. "Why'd you ask me to help you, if you knew that I couldn't do math."
"I wanted to be around you, it's been a while since we've been alone." He toys with the bracelet he gifted you on your first anniversary, five charms for the five years you've been together since you confessed your feelings at age 17 after the war ended. You met at age 15 when Annabeth brought him to camp, and the rest is history. 
"I'm still annoyed at you, you know, just because I've let you kiss me a couple of times doesn't mean-" He cuts you off with another kiss like earlier, catching you off-guard, intense and full of feeling. You immediately kiss back, not having the willpower to not, succumb to the charms he begrudgingly has on you. 
You deepen the kiss by entangling your hands in his hair pulling his impossibly closer, it was a synchronized dance at first, the years of being used to the pattern of each other's kiss being shown in the heavy minutes of your mouths moving together in passion. It soon became heated, teeth clashing, tongues moving sloppily, mouths chasing each other after breaking apart two seconds at a time for breath. 
Leo gently laid you on your back, breaking apart to take off his shirt, the moment it slipped off you brought him down to you, he fit perfectly between your legs. You gasp at the sensation of him grinding against you. He parts his lips from yours, to which you whine softly. He licks a stripe from your neck to your jaw and sucks until he's satisfied with the way you sigh and rock your body up and clutching onto the blades on his shoulders on his back. 
He repeats licking, sucking, and kissing soft kisses as an apology for the spots he bit until you were sore.
You pull away from him and flip your bodies so that you are on top, you grab his wrists and pin them to the top of the pillows to see his reaction and wanting to be in control for a while. You gave him the same treatment and brought your body lower so that you could kiss all over his chest and back up. 
You sat up to breathe fresh air, straddling him and releasing his hands only for him to intertwine his hands with yours and play with your fingers. He bucks his hips up playfully, and you jump slightly, your eyes widen for a second, and your lips turn up in a grin. 
"You've gotten better at not... you know," You hint at the control Leo's gained with his fire powers. Heated makeouts like this were often interrupted by the smell of smoke or his skin feeling feverish. 
He lets go of your hands and places his larger hands on your hips, you ignore the butterflies that flutter in your heart and stomach at the way he rubs up your waist and hips. "My hair was steaming earlier, I was hoping you didn't notice, thankfully you didn't or this would've been awkward."
"It's not awkward when that happens Leo, it's a little funny, to be honest, part of the reason why I love you." You tell him earnestly, "Nothing's awkward with you, you're my best friend." 
"I love you," Leo responds with unwavering eyes on yours. "I'm sorry for the time we lost."
"It's okay, we were just making up for it." 
holy gods, I haven't read this series in forever 
I feel like it's a crime to admit I haven't read the new book yet, i'm rereading the series and waiting for the episodes to come out before i watch the show so im going in timeline order... just wanted to let y'all know. oh, and also i haven't fully read the trials of apollo which i know has info on where the HoO people are at in their lives that i'm not aware of...
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rindough · 3 months
omg song charac pairings is so cute! 🩷🩷 dan heng x f! reader
Anti-Hero - taylor swift (but in dan heng's perspective 🫢)
thank you!!!
i love this song qwq sometimes this song just pops up in my head while im doing smth n im not complaining :PPP ITS JUST CATCHY and the melody is nice,,,, so okay im going based on the vibes i get from the song!!! ngl i would love to hear your scenario in pairing him to this song :DD
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dan heng had always admired you.
he admires your bravery, your carefree attitude towards certain shenanigans or how sometimes you'd be part of those acts. he admires your strong sense of justice, how it grows in each of your travels no matter how sarcastic, weird, or funny your replies might be when responding to things.
it's true that he's missing out on those trips where he informs that he wont be joining, but through the images that march has sent to him through chat, or even when you discuss the current situation to him and have some little daily catch up. not only does he find himself smiling at those tiny glimpses of you in the background or up close, he finds happiness to see you enjoying your time during those side quests or even when you partake in those silly shenanigans with people of different planets.
through countless of trailblazing journeys that everyone has gone through, from absorbing the stellaron, witnessing the rebirth of belobog and the tragedy in xian zhou luo fu, to fighting against dominicus. he remembers and still faces those times where he wakes up groggy, heart filled with this slight worry that what if you... lose yourself?
At certain instances during these adventures he had seen moments that could easily let one lose their humanity or just lose their life, and he finds it a little hard to grasps that you're still by his side, alive and well (and sane) up until this point. but he's grateful nonetheless.
dan heng thinks sometimes that he's undeserving of your love, he doesn't exactly get why out of everyone you've met, you've decide to settle with him, staying by his side at night or during those train leaping moments. he fears one day that he might wake up to news that you might not be there anymore during your distant travels with the other members of the astral express. it's a fact that every trailblazer would at some point face their demise if it is fated, and he sure knows that he wouldn't know what to do when the time comes where the Aeons have decided to steal you out of his and everyone's grasps.
this makes dan heng all the more appreciative of you. this makes him want to live each day more happier, to look forward to every coming day and adventures with and without you (depends on the task!).
he admires your instinct to automatically look for his eyes in a room full of people, he admires the encouraging words you'll give at things he's reluctant to do. he admires the compassion you hold for people you've never once met or recognize in your current consciousness. even admiring the way you'd tease him in situations that's meant to be taken a liiiiittle serious.
dan heng finds you to be inspiring, to be full of life in ways you don't realise, and that is why he loves you.
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I KINDA HAD THE SAME IDEA with the low honor high honor thing! Im currently figuring exactly in what way the story would change [granted it does involve one of my ocs so maybe a lot more than it should] but its fun to think in what way Micah would be 'better' or more loyal to the gang
I feel like he'd still pick fights in camp, but like in a way older siblings would. Its more teasing/bullying and shit instead of straight up slurs. Idk, might just be me NNXJXJC
I also think he wouldn't go out of his way to help someone if they asked him to, but he'd watch them continue to struggle with mayne like a gun to the point where he like has to get up and be like 'OKAY you are so pathetically shit at this - im going to show you how to do this and we're not taking a break until you shoot 3 targets in a row' or something
I dont think he'd willingly be vulnerable anytime soon based on his upbringing and shit, but iiii like to think it happens sometimes accidentally idk JXJXJC
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Weep weep weep this is making me wanna explore what RDR2 would be like if Micah was a marginally better person (mainly what id he never ratted).
i am glad we have converging ideas when it comes to high honor micah! I’ve talked with mutuals before on wtf micah could do that could be considered high honor, and we came up with little. One idea i suggested is that he accidentally saved people)s lives through his own selfishness (ex: saves someone from rabid dog because “if i didnt kill it, it would have gone for me next.”)
Micah's high honor is selfish in a unique way compared to low honor. Instead of focusing on himself and his survival, it more becomes a common goal to keep the gang as a whole surviving. He is no hunter, but he can bring in money and be a daaaaaamn good shot. Guard duties are often reserved for Lenny and Sean and Charles and whoever else is free. Micah *can* go on guard duty but keeps himself out of that tiresome job by being out of camp and bringing in money. “Sorry, can’t got on guard duty, I just got back from a stage coach robbery and I want to enjoy my well deserved relaxation.”
he is still a snarky sounding piece of shit, but like you said, he is less of a full on hateful man. He is still a sly, observing snake and studies the flaws of his gang mates, but he keeps his fangs sheethed. The idea with the snake animal for high honor is that Micah is still as lethal and capable of assholery as he is in bad honor, he is just deciding to not. He holds his venom to be inflicted on those who the gang need (or want) dead. He also leans into the snake vibes by being a slimy slithering manipulator. He isn’t a charmer, but he has a skill for talking people long enough to get plans into action (or to just backstab the enemy).
i feel like Morgan would still dislike Micah for being a man with bad vibes. Morgan is also just a hater sometimes (look at how he perceives Kieran). Micah still murders and has bad plans like Blackwater so it’s not like Arthur has *no* reason to distrust Micah.
i imagine high honor micah makes an effort on occasion to be involved in camp socializing, Sean and Jack’s return for example. He mainly drinks and flirts with the girls and boys at the event.
and because i like the red vs blue honor color association of the game, Micah’s design would be a little different, making the blue in his design a little more present. A neckerchief is an example of blue, but i am sure more blue could be worked into his design somewhere. Idea is that the ratio of red to blue in character’s designs can allude to how honorable they are (though it is not a 1:1 visualization). I imagine Micah would be 1:3 blue to red. Maayyybe. One quarter an okay man, three quarters a pretty sleazy man.
micah is still deeply troubled soooo no sweetie pie vulnerability for him! At most he tries to flirt (like asking Mary-Beth to dance) and the people are 1-2% more polite about turning him down when he’s high honor. He’s still all alone and his prickly exterior deeps people at arms length from him. He is both deeply dependent on attaching himself to a gang/someone to follow (my hc), but he also aspires to be independent and run his own gang. I suppose in high honor, he hopes to earnestly stick with the VDL gang and rise in the ranks by impressing Dutch (because Dutch is kind of an easy man to impress when you bootlick).
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ckret2 · 10 months
I don't know all that much about "bill is from Flatland (1884)" theory or the book Flatland at all other than that it's public domain and thus possible to get an explicit connection from an IP rights perspective, how likely do you think it is for Book of Bill to confirm vs refute it
The theory comes from this quote on the Bill Cipher AMA:
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Which is, of course, the author of Flatland. And then Journal 3 features a page on Exwhylia—a dimension SO similar to Flatland that Ford's description of it is literally just a condensed & paraphrased version of the canonical description of Flatland—and then he says Bill isn't from this dimension, but is probably from a similar one.
So we have Bill himself namedropping the author, and Journal 3 describing a place so similar that it's obvious Alex read Flatland cover to cover.
So I wouldn't call it a "theory" so much as I would call it "technically barely not canon."
My personal expectation is that, if the book does describe Bill's home world in depth, it won't be precisely identical to THE Flatland, but like, it will basically be the same. In the same way that 1960s TV show Batman and 2000s movie Batman aren't THE SAME Batman, but they're obviously both Batman. It'll be impossible to say "oh yeah Bill's from the novel" but it'll probably be possible to say "this is a Gravity Falls version of the same place."
Maybe the shapes will be illustrated with eyes in their centers like Bill rather than in their corners like Flatland canon, maybe Alex will drop the Victorian-era vibes and give the dimension a more modern feel, maybe it'll keep the shape hierarchy but super simplify the details, maybe they completely scrap the whole "every thousand years a sphere tries to tell them about the third dimension" plot while still keeping the overall oppressive atmosphere—whatever. I just don't expect the book to say "I am from Flatland like in Flatland (1884) by Edwin Abbott Abbott" but likely say "I am from Flatland" (or just leave out the name of the dimension so we can draw our own conclusions).
Based on what we know about Bill's canon backstory, the way plain old vanilla Flatland would mesh with elements of Bill's character, and the fact that everything we currently know about his backstory thus far, although very slight, doesn't contradict Flatland? I'm calling Occam's Razor and expecting Alex to stick pretty close to the original for any details he ends up sharing.
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quitealotofsodapop · 7 months
The crew listens to Epic: the Musical.
MK's favorite song is Legendary.
Wukong identifies with Just a Man (not that he'll admit it).
Macaque likes Ruthlessness because he's an emo little stinker.
Sandy likes Open Arms (of course).
Tang and Red Son like Warrior of the Mind.
Pigsy really thinks the monkeys should take Luck Runs Out to heart.
Mei likes Keep Your friends close (a fun bop that belies danger underneath, just like her).
I have to be careful binging a new muscial (or in this case Saga) cus I end up playing each song on loop for hours. Opinions might change once the full and finished versions of later sagas are released.
I love all these hcs <3
Im imagining the gang likely sees/listens to Epic on the reccomendation of MK (who's currently on a Greek Mythology hyperfixation), and he gets them all to watch the full play - maybe in the future as a irl performance or film.
"Legendary" is SUCH an MK song. Both him and Telemachus growing up with the stories of someone dear to them and wanting to replicate their success. I could also see him really liking "Warrior of the Mind" with the theme of "some nobody" gaining the favor of a god (reminds you of anyone?) + SWK is infamously the personification of The Mind in Jttw so its a bonus. MK is smiling evily whenever a harsh plot twist occurs and his fam are shocked silent. >:3
Sun Wukong feels targeted personally with how many of the Epic songs remind him of his past. Ofc he starts crying halfway through "Horse and the Infant", and is inconsolable during "Just A Man" - verbally yelling "NO!" at the end. And like Nezha and Sandy is *silent* during Posideon's songs. Is super jazzed during the triumphant Ithaca Saga though! And feels mega catharic during "King" when Odysseus proves that he still rules to the suitors! He tries his best to hide how much the muscial is affecting him.
Macaque is a canon theatre Nerd - so he's already listened to the musical multiple times, but he's uber excited to see the live performance (and secretly bond with his found fam). Is rocking out during "Ruthlessness" and "Done For" in particular, so much so that he's fidgeting and dancing within his seat. He also vibes with "No Longer You" as someone with powers of prophecy. Is really amazed how much Wukong gets into the musical, but in retrospect understands *why*. Him and Wukong accidentally share a glance during "Would You Fall In Love With Me Again" and it gets a little awkward afterwards.
Mei is similarly excited to see anything with her bestie, so she tried her best not hear/see any spoilers ("it's a centuries' old story Mei" "Ssssh!! Dont tell me!"). She was shooketh by how hard the muscial goes. "Keep Your Friends Close" is her fave based on beat alone. She gets delightedly scared and amazed by consistent horse imagery used with Posideon (shameless link to my fave Animatic of "Ruthlessness").
Tang loves himself some historical and mythological adaptations, and is estatic that MK has given him an excuse to go see one! He's not as familar with Hellenic mytholgy as he is with Hindu-Chinese, but he knows enough lore to make the pog-champ face at every foreshadowing/reference. "Warrior of the Mind" really gets to him as a song about valuing your smarts. He also feels really empathetic for Calypso.
Pigsy only went cus Tang begged him. He feels super lost by the deep Greek lore he's missing, but he can get Odysseus's whole thing with trying to get home - but he def identifies more with Eurylochus. "Luck Runs Out" proves this to him. Later on he feels that the second-in-command was justified in having the soldiers rebel against Odysseus after so many losses (who wouldn't after losing all their friends?). Audibly gasps at the end of "Just A Man" - cus who would just do that!? Is a little freaked out by Circe turning the Athenian's into pigs - Eurylochus is depicted as partly-transformed, played by a pig-demon actor who was in super convincing human makeup in the previous sagas. He also gets protective feelings by-proxy seeing Telemachus's situation since the prince reminds him of MK. Is surprised by how much he likes the musical!
Sandy feels betrayed. This isn't like Disney Hercules at all! He does really enjoy Polites message in "Open Arms" and the later moments when the hopeful soldier's outlook is proven correct. He's a little overwhelmed at points though - he get eerily quiet during Posideon's scenes. He sobs joyfully when Odysseus finally makes it home and reunites with his family! :')
Because of this really good animatic/almost child-like depiction of Aelous by gigi; I can def see "Keep Your Friends Close" being Nezha's fave. It reminds Nezha of when he was far more carefree + has a solid lesson on about trust/"forbidden fruit". He also enjoys the more march-like tune of "Survive". He does however, freeze when he listens to Posideon's songs "Ruthlessness" and "Get in the Water" - he has been on the bad end of a sea god before and is quietly shtting himself for Odysseus.
Red Son goes in feeling like he could have stayed at home listening to the musical on his phone while working on a car instead. He is however blown away by the heavy themes and performances, especially "Warrior of the Mind" and Telemachus's situation - a prince forced to grow up fatherless and protecting his mother from suitors due to his dad pissing off a higher power? Hello?? Accidentally shrieks "YES!!!" when Athena becomes Telemachus's mentor/friend after "Little Wolf".
Princess Iron Fan I could see loving any song including Penelope (she empathizes with the Queen's situation hard), but unexpectedly enjoys "Keep Your Friends Close" - she's a fellow Wind Goddess at her core. It also reminds her of her not-so-little-anymore nephew.
DBK on the flip side loves the heavier songs like "Polyphemus" and "Ruthlessness". This man is a Posedion apologist. He does feels bad for Odysseus by the end though - man just wants to get back to his wife and kid dammit!
Bonus: The Spider Gang are watching the bootleg and Spider Queen agrees with Circe's whole girlboss attitude especially "Puppeteer". Scorpion Queen is Calypso in "Not Sorry For Loving You".
This got a little away from me - hope you enjoy!
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lina-studen · 6 months
assigning my favorite music albums to the main cast of "nevermore": part two.
annabel lee — "not to disappear" by daughter.
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probably my favorite album of all time. it's a wonderful exploration of loneliness from many different angles. there's a lot for annabel to relate to. for example, in the song "alone/with you" the heroine sees shadowy figures and feels alone even besides her partner because she's a stranger to herself. and it's really heartbreaking.
prospero — "князь тишины" ("the prince of silence") by nautilus pompilius.
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a golden classic often heard in my dad's car. it's tragic, it's dark, it's gentle. the songs contain a lot of different emotions, but with a feeling of restraint to them, as if they're being suppressed. there's also a song about a doctor (sort of)! I couldn't find the album itself, but here's a playlist with official songs.
ada — "staydom" by stayc.
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I feel like ada has a huge k-pop girlie potential, though she herself probably wouldn't admit it. not sure why, but I wanted to give her something sweet and hopeful to listen to. as someone who, deep down, just wants to be loved, she could enjoy a song like "love fool" or "so what".
montresor — "гроздья гнева" ("the grapes of wrath") by shortparis.
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the whole album is loud, energetic, fun in a dark kind of way. montresor would bob his head to it for sure. like, "the boss's husband" is just him: foul language, mommy issues, dishonesty, all that good stuff. but with such a catchy tune!
will — "heaven knows I'm miserable now" by the smiths (single).
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it's a song about feeling isolated and being a witness of someone else's life. "in my life, why do I give valuable time to people who don't care if I live or die?" — this refrain is just william, no one can change my mind.
it was unfair to give will just a one-song album, so I'm adding "currents" by tame impala. I think it fits his vibe pretty well.
note: I wasn't aiming for 100% accuracy, just choosing the albums that I actually love, listen to (no skips!) and heavily recommend. it's all purely based on vibes that I get from the characters.
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factual-fantasy · 1 year
I haaaasss 27 asks :}
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Yes. Yes it does.
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Thank you! :DD And yeah canon Gregory is just not my vibe man XD
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(Traffic cone in question)
Thank you so much! :DD And yeah I try my best to get up and do something productive/different when I'm feeling down like that. My thought process is "well sitting here and sulking isn't making me feel any better so I should go and do something else" Which just so happened to be breaking out the old sewing kit and making a traffic cone?? XD Well to be fair I've made like 10 of those before but still an odd choice on my part-
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Thank you so much! I'm so glad you liked my cars artwork! :DD
And yeah I would draw cars stuff more often but they're just so hard to draw :(
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Idk why they decided to jump into a DLC before fixing the base game, but man I really wish they wouldn't have. 😔
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I'll do my best! :D
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Yes :} or at least I've been trying to-
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Thank you so much! And I did use a pattern to make him. Credit for the patten goes to Tammy Hallam, heres her video on how to make your own too! :}
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As for Glamrock Bonnie,, ehh, its a bit odd to me. Not a huge fan of the color pallet but its not the worst I've seen. I'd give it a 5.5 outa 10
ALSO! I believe Octonauts is streaming on Netflix, but I've also had some luck finding full episodes on YouTube :0
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Thank you! And oh yeah, I feel you on the fandom part. XD That's why I'm still kind'a on the fence and haven't dove head first into my usual angsty stuff. I'm kind'a testing the waters with every post I make to see if I'll collide with the uh, other side of the fandom :x
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Thank you! :DDD
Also Google is a search engine. :0 If you search for Octonauts fanart, its gonna do its job and search for fanart and likely find some of the stuff I made. Notice though that all of my artwork shown on Google links directly back to my blog. Its because Google isn't stealing it, its parting the branches of a bush and pointing "Look! Over there is some Octonauts fanart like you requested!" XD
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There isn't really anything Gregory can do for Bonnie..
Its hard to explain,, but I'll try. Bonnie is missing his leg from the middle of his shin down. So he cant stand up right like Foxy because- well duh, he's missing a whole foot.
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So order to fix Bonnies leg so he can stand/walk like Foxy does, he would need an entire replacement foot with a working joint. This would also mean that the wires in Bonnies legs would have to be replaced and hooked up so that he can control said new foot.
Currently there are no spare parts around that fit Bonnies model.. and even if they did, Gregory wouldn't know how to properly re-wire an animatronic foot. He's smart but not THAT smart <XDD
The only thing Gregory could do is make Bonnie a weird peg leg that makes his current leg longer. Currently Bonnies half leg is shorter than his good leg. But in all honesty Bonnie doesn't really want that.
Having Gregory ducttape this weird goofy peg leg to him would be more embarrassing then what he already has. He'd probably want to salvage what ever dignity he has left and say "ah give it a rest. There's no point. My legs good enough for what its for." <:/
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If I remember correctly... Sometime ago my tablet pen broke. And it took like 2-3 weeks for a new one to arrive. In the mean time I tried to make an art doll of sorts. That doll was Bibi!
I ended up making a lot of goofy posts with Bibi and I as I waited for my pen to arrive. Once it finally did and I went back to drawing comics, I ended making Bibi a reoccurring character. And he's been around ever since!
Now Jangles is a Halloween prop that I bought because I thought it was funny. I was practicing making quilts one time and I made a small blue one that just so happened to be the right size for him. So I put it on and then I thiiink I got the idea to add Jangles to my blog as a joke.? I gave Bibi a "new friend" to celebrate hitting 10,000 followers. The new friend was a cropped png of jangles XD
Eventually down the line I wanted to give Bibi an proper friend. So for Bibi's birthday I drew a comic where Jangles came to life and here we are XD
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Currently I am getting none of those things :x I have a cold so sleep and food is hard :( Thank you though! :D
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:D AW!! Thank you! I'm so glad to hear how I've inspired you! :}}
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XD Thank you so much! And don't worry, I'm pretty confident I'll draw him again someday
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XD Thank you. To be honest I'm kind'a going back and fourth on this fandom. I don't really wanna be apart of the fandom, but the characters are the only thing I'm interested in drawing atm soo-
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Ooo these are interesting! Although absorbing power ups isn't about digesting them. Its something about being human specifically that allows them to absorb the powerups.. 👀👀👀
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My advice would be to use references religiously. That's what I did!
Also thank you! :DD
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Barnaby for sure.
Well, my interpretation of him really-
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@taizarack (Post in question)
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No there's no SpongeBob comic, I just felt like drawing Mr. Krabs XD
Also THANK YOU!! :DD That means so much!! :}}}
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<XD thank you. So far I have some pretty basic ones I imagine. Wally's house is alive and evil, Julie is actually a scary monster but has drastically altered her appearance to look less scary.. Sally is very celestial in nature because she's a real star, Eddie used to be a real human and bleeds and has a heart beat and what not.. uuuuuuh what elseeee,,, I liked to imagine that Sally and Julie came to the neighborhood when they were really young and Poppy kind'a adopted them?? Although I don't know how wide spread that idea is XD
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Thank you! And yeah I'm not very fond of that portrayal either <XD As for your questions..
1: I'm sure there would be somethings that would push his anxiety to the surface. I'm not sure what they'd be but still- I imagine if Luigi was around to see it he would try to get Mario out of what ever situation he's in. If he's in a crowd he'd try to help him slip away unnoticed.
2: I'm not familiar with the giga bell, but if I did add it I'd imagine those would be the side effects yeah <XD Really sore and tired and cant really move for like 3 days :x
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Remodeled or not, I wont be adding any of those animatronics to the Pizzaplex. I already wrote the entire past of this timeline, and those bots all already have a story in my AU. And with their given stories it wouldn't make sense for them to be added to the Pizzaplex.
Of course I cant spoil what those stories are, just know that I have my reasons-
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Oh yeah I forgot to add the colored eye lids to Wally and Barnaby in that trampoline drawing <XD
And yeah! I wanted Wally to be much more expressive so I gave him eyebrows-
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Aw, thank you so much!! Its so cool to hear that you've shared my name with your friends!! :DD
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necrotic-nephilim · 23 days
Do you have any more ideas about the dead dove vampire!dickxtim au you wrote a while ago? It's lived in my head ever since and I'd love to know more.
first of all thank you so much that's so sweet! second of all, i have SO many ideas you have no idea. that fic ate at my brain for like a month before i found the time to write it so i had plenty of ideas i didn't fully explore. i'm adding a read more just bc. that was one of my more fucked up fics so i don't want to subject anyone to a necro kink jumpscare
so one of the big ideas i've thought about with that fic is Tim dealing with the aftermath of it, right. bc he's of course going to hide it from everyone. the Batfam all just neds to hold onto the hope that they can save Dick somehow, and knowing what Dick did would kill any lingering hope that there's anything left of Dick Grayson in the walking husk that he's become. so Tim has to deal with the worst of it alone, probably not even mentioning he ran into Dick.
the fun part tho is that above everything else, Tim wouldn't be able to let go of Dick's comment about fantasizing about Tim before being a vampire. Tim knows the comment was made just to get in his head, but that doesn't stop it from working. he spends hours pouring over old footage of him and Dick training, hanging out, on patrol, anything he can find. just to like. try to find evidence of Dick's gaze lingering. it eats Tim alive not knowing one way or the other if it was a lie. if it's true, at least it makes it easier for Tim to move on from the memory of Dick. but not knowing is worse. and he never finds anything that satiates the question so like. that'd destroy Tim the most. (the real answer is that Dick genuinely didn't feel attraction to Tim before being a vampire, *but* Dick is convinced he did bc being a vampire fucked him up so badly that he's become his own unreliable narrator. so it's both true and untrue, and in the end, it doesn't matter either way bc Tim is fucked up by the thought of it and even if they "fixed" Dick by curing him, i think Dick's romantic feelings would linger in the horror of what he did.)
i'm really just. in love with Dick's feelings toward Tim in the fic. the most difficult part of the fic was figuring out how to end it, bc sure as a sexual fantasy Dick is obsessed with killing Tim, but he's also deeply in love with Tim, so it's difficult to follow through on. Dick wants to make Tim a vampire more than anything, but he is genuinely worried about how well it'd take for Tim. the fic doesn't really go into who's on Dick's side as a vampire, but i personally believe he's turned most of the Titans. probably some of his own rogues as well, i could see him turning Slade. i can't explain why, those are just the vibes.
it is important to me just how much of Dick's feelings for Tim are based in him not wanting Tim to live under Bruce's thumb. like the whole vampire brain has convinced Dick that Bruce is somehow the villain in this, and it was Bruce's control keeping Dick from being the person he wanted to be. it's a very warped reality and if i continued the fic i'd love for the second part to be from Dick's perspective just to have fun with the unreliable narrator of it.
back to the porn tho. Dick would seek TIm out again. probably in Tim's own apartment, just bc he wants to destroy every safe space Tim has. getting into Tim's head is an important part of breaking TIm down. the fear of Tim fighting back against being a vampire is one that Dick is trying to figure out how to manage and his current plan is to break Tim mentally. it's why he brings up wanting to sleep with TIm before being a vampire. he *knows* it's gonna fuck up Tim. and the more he puts these little cracks in Tim's psyche, the more he's sure he's breaking Tim down enough to be able to turn him. so going to Tim's apartment and proving that at any point, Dick can easily find Tim and fuck him. always holding the threat of killing Tim over his head. and Dick knows Tim didn't tell anyone when days pass after their first meeting and no Bat comes after him so like. Dick really just pushes the limits. i think he would brand Tim just bc he can. i also got a comment on the fic that mentioned Dick stabbing Tim and fucking the wound and i canNOT get that image out of my head either-
and the necro/snuff kink just. Dick playing the long game, so it takes maybe months of stalking Tim, going after him. sometimes he fucks Tim, sometimes he just fights and taunts him. and all the talk about killing Tim fucks with Tim's head a little bit. i think it'd be fun if it killed Tim's ability to have vanilla/normal sex with someone else, like Kon. it's hard for Tim to understand anyone being attracted to him in a way that doesn't involve him being a dead body. i don't think he develops the kink fully, but he does end up convincing himself being a corpse is the only way he's attractive bc of all the things Dick has said to him. it all plays into Dick psychologically breaking Tim.
i am a lover of fucked up/unhappy endings so. for me. the ending would be Dick following through on his plan to kill Tim and turn him. it'd take months for Dick to work up the courage bc TIm was absolutely right when he pointed out that Dick was too scared to actually follow through on his fantasy. Dick tries, multiple times. he convinces himself no less than five times that this is going to be the one. this'll be the time he really does it. but just as Tim starts to die, Dick panics. i think it's especially fun if once Dick even gives Tim CPR bc of his cold feet. so Tim does "die" for a second and has to brutally come back while Dick is buried inside of him.
but when Dick does it, his fears manifest in that Tim does *not* take being a vampire well. he's constantly trying to kill himself (in the time it takes for Dick to break Tim, Tim probably does figure out what poison can kill a vampire) and Dick ends up having to keep Tim locked up so Tim doesn't kill himself. would truly love to try to write Tim as mentally shattered as possible. part of him loves Dick, but he's fighting himself so hard he's not even sure if it's the vampire side that loves Dick or the human side. he's kept like a human pet, bc Dick is convinced he'll get Tim to accept it sooner or later. just a very fun, very fucked up sort of ending. i say this about all the fics i write but this one specifically i do *really* want to continue someday. i know exactly the direction i'd take it, and it could turn into a pretty long fic with a lot of fucked up porn, a lot of unrequited love, and an eventual mind break for Tim.
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morningstarwrites · 2 months
Aaaaa I loved this chapter so much! You always seem to figure out the best way to progress your story. I’m sure you get asked this a lot, but how do you figure out what the next scenes of a story should be? I’m currently writing my own, and I’m struggling getting from one plot point to the next without just writing in a jarring time skip. Thank you for your time!
thank you aw! tbh i operate based on vibes LMAOOO oh gosh... i'll try to articulate it better
i'll use examples from a previous chapter then? going from ch. 15 -> ch. 16
Okay, so the setting is the casino party. The end goal here is that i want Lucifer to crawl onto Alastor's lap. How do I achieve that? What would make this situation happen?
In ch. 15, I have them compete in poker games, which results in the both of them winning, so now they can both make a request. Sure, but which one of them would ask to hug? I want it to be Alastor but he wouldn't cave in like this, so how do I make him ask?
I get him to think about Lucifer, want him, have to touch him, push him to the brink and then he can finally do it in ch. 16.
It's just a lot of thinking LOL. Also, I think foreshadowing helps with this kind of issue. It helps keep it cohesive, and planning your story out always makes your writing better!
I genuinely don't even know what to say about this HAHA honestly a lot of this is just me saying "oh i want this to happen" and then forcing it to work, i guess? hope this rambling message is helpful, somehow....!!!
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scalierpepper · 11 months
I gotta ask what the atn pov theory is
Haha fair. My current theory is that it's going to be an alecto/harrow pov combo. Apologies for how long the explanation got.
I'm basing this off of patterns from previous books and also what we know about alecto the ninth - mainly, that nona the ninth got split into two books because it got so long. Also, the epilogue of each book has featured the pov of a character who has chapter povs in the book that follows it (harrow at the end of gtn, nona at the end of harrow).
Alecto: atn is literally "her" book haha. Similarly there's the rationale that nona/alecto was narrator of ntn, just now it's split into two. She is also the pov of the epilogue of nona the ninth.
Harrow: the john chapters in ntn...are technically john talking to harrow. Most of it is filtered through harrow witnessing alecto's memory but in the final of those chapters harrow is refered to by name and asks john questions before returning to the river and her body. I think it's very possible that harrow would have been the pov of more of nona the ninth, if it hadn't been split. She is also one of the 3 povs we have seen (in the main works - not including as yet unsent, the unwanted guest, dr sex, etc.), and so far tamsyn has only added povs at the same time as book titles. Like gideon narrates her entire book and harrow pov is added in htn, then nona is added in ntn, etc. So theoretically the additional pov is "alecto" and any of the previous characters.
I also am specficially theorizing there will be at least 2 povs. None of the books have more than 2 (exempting the epilogues) so far but it's entirely possible that atn is different. As fantastic as "get in line thou big slut" is, and as much as tamsyn embraces complex prose and is unafraid to make readers work for the story, I still feel like it might not be reasonable to publish a book (at least, not all of it) written like a passage of scripture. Like I said earlier, technically the only 3 people who's point of view we have read from in the main works are gideon, harrow, and nona/alecto. I wouldn't be surprised to see narration from someone else like pyrrha or paul or john, but that would break the pattern. So if not harrow, then kiriona (which!! I would love! Girlie I wan't to know what you're thinking soooo badly). To me harrow is the most logical second perspective.
My final thought here has 0 logical basis lol. I just really like the vibes. My current mental image of pov distribution looks kind of like this:
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So I just think it would be fun for it to end up sort of like this:
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I also still have strong hopes and dreams for griddlehark from harrow (or gideon) pov.
Anyways! I'm definitely not 100% about this theory, just something I rotate in my brain for fun. Tamsyn likes to be misleading about the identity of the narrator and reveal it later so who knows. There has also been plenty of time between the announcement of ntn being split for new elements and povs to be implemented. So all this said, I would not be surprised in the slightest if there was a completely different pov thrown in there out of nowhere.
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