#issues in racing
kaibascorpse · 6 months
some of you people are so obsessed with having an acceptable group to ‘punch up’ at that you would rather pretend a marginalized group are Basically The Oppressors™ than listen to their valid criticisms about the fact that ‘punching up’ very rarely hits the intended target, and the majority of the actual damage of that act is suffered by fellow marginalized people in your own community. there is a significant difference between venting frustrations about privileged groups and just outright attacking anyone who (you assume) experiences that axis of privilege regardless of - and in many cases outright denying - their actual lived experiences. it goes far beyond just ‘venting frustrations’ when what you’re really doing is trying to find a moral justification to bully people you don’t like, and when your own desire for catharsis and moral superiority leads to ignoring the voices of the vulnerable people you hurt. you’re not ‘punching up’ - you just like punching people for the sake of punching.
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racing-is-passion · 1 year
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Track Limits
Let's talk about track limits, probably one of the most annoying topics in modern racing. Drivers and their cars just exit a corner with a milimeter driving over the white line with more than two tyres and the lap time gets deleted or the driver gets a warning. But why does it happen so often nowadays? The reason for it is found in the way the tracks are build today. Most tracks have large tarmac areas beside the actual track, because of safety reasons (Which is also a topic that has two different views on it), so that drivers can better reduce speed if they are about to crash into a wall and not to roll over if they should go sideways outside of the track. Until abot 20 years ago, tracks weren't build like that and almost always had grass, gravel or walls directly by the track. So the drivers calculate a much higher risk today when they go into such a corner, because they know that they won't crash, damage the car or lose (much) time if they are going into the corner slightly too fast. But that's the reason why those annoying track limits penatlies and warnings are that common today.
How could that problem be resolved? Well, that's not a very easy question, but I thought about it for a while over the last years and here are my ideas:
Just make a band of grass, which is something about 2 meters wide directly besides the track/behind the curbs and the tarmac run-off area behind it. That way the drivers maybe wouldn't take that high risk of driving a little bit too fast into a corner anymore, because they would know that they would lose time if they don't get the corner. Also the tarmac run-off is still there for the safety reasons.
Just change the tracks to the old style with grass and gravel directly by the track/behind the curbs. Track limits would be no issue anymore, but the safety stuff would maybe be a reason, on the other hand there are also people who say that gravel is more safe than tarmac. And I don't really disagree, I think it depends on the situation, there are situations where Tarmac is more safe ad there are situations where gravel is more safe.
Just leave it as it is and live with this annoying issue.
What do you think would be the best solution? You can vote below for it, also I'd be interested in reading your ideas to solve the problems, in case you have more ideas for it.
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trans-androgyne · 4 months
“Men can’t get pregnant” “Men don’t need abortions” “Men can’t have boobs” “Transmen scare women, they shouldn’t be in maternity wards or the women’s restroom. Also menstrual products shouldn’t be in the men’s room” “Men don’t need women’s healthcare. We’re not treating you.” “Testosterone is gonna make you aggressive and sexual. I don’t know if I want to hang out anymore.” “Testosterone isn’t gonna make you a twink, you’re gonna have acne and be bald and ugly and sweaty and gross and get fat and hairy (these are bad things to me)” “You wear a packer? Why would you want a dick, is it like, sexual?” “Phalloplasty is fucking disgusting. It’s not like a real dick, why would you want that? You’re mutilating yourself. No, that can’t be transphobic, I’m trans.” “Lol obviously trans men can’t top, they don’t have a dick”
But you’re telling me the social construction of manhood and masculinity specifically has nothing to do with the transphobia trans men face? Yup, just “garden-variety” transphobia
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scuderiamint · 6 days
red bull racing took a wrong development road back in BARCELONA 2023 ???? TWENTY TWENTY THREE ?????
and those issues made their way into the development of the rb20
the only reason they didnt notice it, was cuz max simply kept winning ?? max verstappen out driving the issues with the rb19 made rbr literally just ignore them 😭
max verstappen won 10 races in a row in a car that was deep into a completely wrong development road
im going to lose my mind
never speak ill about max verstappen and his skill ever again, this man is That good
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pucksandpower · 4 months
Monaco giveth and Canada taketh away.
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inamindfarfaraway · 11 months
Batman fun fact! Did you know that Scarecrow’s toxin doesn’t always cause fear? Sometimes it does the opposite! In Detective Comics #571, he wields a variant that completely inhibits the biochemical fear response, preventing people from feeling any concern for themselves or using basic common sense. He runs a racket administering it to star athletes, who take huge risks and get badly injured. Then they’re willing to cough up a lot for an antidote. Batman and Robin - here Jason Todd - catch on, but Bruce is dosed with the reverse fear toxin; since his intelligence is his greatest strength, being too overconfident and reckless to think twice about anything makes him his own worst enemy.
This premise was adapted in the Batman: The Animated Series episode “Never Fear”. There we see that with no fear of losing his moral integrity, Bruce becomes cold and merciless to criminals. Robin - here Tim Drake - has to catch somebody he leaves to fall off a building, tie him up to stop him endangering himself and others and give him the antidote to prevent him murdering Scarecrow.
But in the comic book, Jason is kidnapped by Scarecrow. (He gets gassed, and hallucinates Bruce dying and telling him that it was his fault.) He isn’t around to keep Bruce in check as he goes to rescue him through a series of death traps that he can’t resist cutting it as close as possible in. So how does Bruce not go off the deep end? How does he not lose sight of what’s important? Not lose himself?
Because even a drug designed to shut down stress at the most fundamental level can’t overpower his true worst fear. The Dark Knight might feel fearless…
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but a parent never is.
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alizalayne · 2 months
it's so amusing that when you're an author who is like any minority, you have this caveat where if your book gets banned, you kinda have to mentally acknowledge whether it was banned by Bruce, the one really bigoted guy who wastes everyone's time in florida. idk how bruce is doing. you don't need to learn who he is really which is why im not using his surname. but if you have a book out commercially, bruce has probably written "damaged souls" on a form about you. so there's a street cred element to all this like did people really have a vendetta against your work...? or was it just bruce again
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swissyyroll · 3 months
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🥹🧡 landoscar in a seemingly chilly Silverstone
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menalez · 5 months
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can’t wait when white supremacists find out there’s white muslims and that christian & jewish women in africa experience fgm too
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betterthanbatman1 · 3 months
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Bruce thinking Jason would grow up to be a race car driver is something I needed
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rb9 · 2 days
fia sees a homophobic country and say let’s race there
fia hears a driver say fuck and all hell breaks loose
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to paraphrase someone's tags as a rhetorical question: why is serano treated like the jesus of transfeminism and not one lady with some opinions who can be wrong about things sometimes
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laura1633 · 3 days
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Respectfully ... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Would love to see some emotionally distraught Hiccup
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I also love to see some emotionally distraught Hiccup. Let the man cry
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spookyjarchivist · 2 years
while i do have a soft spot for “hobbits age slower than humans so 33 for them is our physical 18” i rlly dont think that’s how it is bc they get to about the same age as humans before death by old age, i also really dont think we appreciate enough a few things about what this means narratively and thematically
tolkien really said no child soldiers, no 20-something year old soldiers, they’re not really adults yet, they barely know anything of the world we’re sending them to die for it and that’s not okay, not when there are other options
he also addresses this with the hobbits specifically, frodo and bilbo are 50 when they go on their journeys, FIFTY, and we can see that they handle them differently than the others. while bilbo changes afterwards, it’s not in a coming of age like we would see if 50 really was the equivalent of ~27, he just accepts a part of himself he’s been suppressing for years, for him it’s accepting that getting older and being an adult doesn’t restrict you from the excitement and opportunities of youth. similarly frodo doesn’t change much either outside of his ptsd, all of his change is trauma, not maturity
now sam and merry are both past the age of majority, but they still grow into themselves in a way bilbo and frodo do not, they mature
but pippin, sweet beautiful pippin grows the most out of all of them. he’s the most childish, always running after his cousins and you can tell he’s not even 30, this is HIS coming of age story, before this journey he’s known nothing of true responsibilities, but by the end he’s ready for when he eventually has to take over as thain of the shire
and i think that this is a really beautiful way of saying something that has started to get really popular in the last few years
instead of being terrified of that big 30, we should be excited for it, we should embrace it wholeheartedly, because it’s the time when we’ve finally started ironing out the last of the kinks in being an adult, we’re growing into our responsibilities and and we can start learning how to cultivate that balance of responsibility and excitement and FUN that makes life living instead of surviving
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vampiricsheep · 3 months
There was a post going around a little while ago praising how guild wars 2 handles its fictional races by avoiding treating them as monolith enemy factions. While I didn't want to comment on it then because I understand what they were trying to say, it's rubbed me the wrong way because of the abundance of anti-indigenous undercurrents present in how many "minor" races are written regardless of the fact that they aren't always hostile.
The most egregious example that often comes to mind is the way grawl, and our interactions with them, are written. They're depicted as ape-like tribal communities that worship false gods and non-god entities. Many renown hearts and events involving them are focused specifically on either culling them or changing/exploiting their worship. There's really no way to claim that they aren't caricatures, and I was irritated to see them return in Skywatch Archipelago (as generic hostile groups, no less).
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