#why can’t we have nice things for more than one race in a row?
pucksandpower · 3 months
Monaco giveth and Canada taketh away.
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granulesofsand · 1 year
🗝️🏷️trafficking, RAMCOA in medium detail, child abuse, active threat, and more!
I have information I need to spit out before it gets cycled through, but I can’t think well enough to make it generally useful. Uhm. Words.
- it’s so hard to comprehend language rn. We have longer running programs built to stop us remembering or sharing secrets, but also we are being cued. I can’t tell what they know about what they’re doing, but every time I turn around at least one of them is staring. I’m sitting in a locked bathroom because they are always right there
- the grandparents know more physical cues than our immediate family, and they’re super touchy and insistent on sitting across from us. It’s not those things alone that are weird, but in combination with the effects their gestures have it seems off. The cues aren’t all impossible to replicate unintentionally, but it would be damn hard to use them in a row or in regular speech.
- they know too much, but also not enough. Our mom talks to them about everything, regardless of what we ask or if she says she won’t. There are some things, like abuse incidents they supposedly weren’t there for, that they bring up details about. Usually with another cue, but idk why they’re tying them like that, I don’t think we connected them before. They also get confused about events we know they were there for or told about, and sometimes they follow it up with a forgetting or innocence cue. They’re old, but they’re the type to point at houses and talk about specific parties thrown there or quirks the occupants had.
- they’re very nice until they’re not. I actually think this is mostly cultural. They don’t talk bad about anyone until they leave the room, they speak politely even when they’re throwing slurs, they use perfect table manners and volunteer to help around the house. We fought with them today about whether sex and labor trafficking of children was okay, and they think it is. We feel so bad about cutting them off until they start talking about how different races are the downfall of the country. Again, they are just conservative old white people.
- our parents are dissociative. We weren’t sure if it was alters or just memory and state change before, but they respond to certain cues with switching and pick up different accents and behaviors based on the cue. Key word is cue, cause we thought maybe it was just social interaction until we saw them respond to a more obvious cue, and then a few more subtle ones.
- the trafficking conversation. Some of us fight with them a lot just because we aren’t part of the same group anymore and wildly expanded our vows since then. I think most people know sex trafficking is bad? The physical labor might be a generational thing, but both explain some of our trauma with them. They legit don’t think sexual abuse is bad. Or hitting, or slavery, or torture. A lot of the dangerous stuff is plainly traceable to their everyday beliefs. Not exaggerating or bending words either, they either used those words or their dictionary definitions.
- ways they’ve cued us, in minimally triggery wording; uncommon foods, uncommon touch patterns, direct quotes of media used to structure our system, uncommon hand shapes and gestures, situationally inappropriate body language, object pairing to produce trained responses, references to training events, word salad of cue words that makes no outside sense, muttering cue phrases from directly behind or next to us, holding hands up to deliver cues, tossing cue phrases into conversation to achieve desired effect, etc.
- they mentioned and named the religious groups we were trafficked in without prompting. No driving nearby, no ongoing conversations, no related objects in the proximity, I don’t know why they brought them up. In the same vein, they keep talking about corporal punishment and commenting on people’s outfits. No point, no prompt, just to bring it up. We came into the room our whole family was in and they were talking about how different races were better because they disciplined their kids harder, then started making racist comments about the groups they were talking about.
- our family all start using language and cues they usually don’t, which might still be normal, but it was really sucky to not only have the misgendering and misogyny, but also the comments about Asian people from our half Asian father. They regress past years of dragging them out of toxic beliefs to make the grandparents smile. It’s not DID related, but I still hate it.
- we have suicide, sh, forget, denial, crazy, and other programs running now from cues they used. The grandparents don’t cue for funsies like the rest of our family, but they do it as often. If we didn’t have the knowledge we do now, we wouldn’t be surviving for the next school year. Thinking back (read: looking at journals), our last big suicide attempt was right after the car ride home from their house. We’d been clean for almost a year, unless I’m thinking of the wrong attempt. There were multiple, at least two within a day of leaving their house.
I’m scared. We lock the doors when we sleep near them and set up items to tell if we’ve been active without remembering it, but the most I can do is talk to friends in case the worst happens. It looks like we won’t die from torture, so there’s a sliver of hope. We’re gonna deal with consequences later, but Im hoping the last forget and sleep cues cover my tracks some. I hate it here. That’s all I’ve got.
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sacredsorceress · 3 years
Green || Bucky Barnes
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pairing: bucky barnes x avenger!reader
summary: three times bucky realized you were more than a friend and the one time he finally admitted it (based on events from tfatws)
a/n: finishing this in time for the season finale tomorrow! reblogs and/or replies are super appreciated!!
word count: 3.1k
warnings: mentions of reader wearing a short dress, jealous bucky
masterlist || request || taglist
“Nice of you guys to call me.”
Your hands in your jacket pockets, you announced your presence as you strolled up to the group of four men standing outside of the police station. You could basically feel the tension in the air as each man had a resolute expression written on all over their faces.
“What’s going on here?” You asked, slipping your hands out of your pockets and gesturing towards the group.
“What are you doing here?” Sam asked.
You might have been nicer about the situation if you weren’t utterly pissed that the two men hadn’t informed you about the mission that they had gone on.
“Incase you forgot, Sam, you’re not the only one who’s had to pick up where someone else left off. It’s my job to keep track of you guys.” You said. “... Also I’m Bucky’s emergency contact.”
“Well,” The blonde man leaning against the police cruiser said. “You’re a little late. I handled it.”
Looking up at the man in front of you, you gave him no inclination of defeat.
“You must be John Walker.” You said.
“So you’ve heard of me?” He smirked.
You crossed your arms, stepping away from the man who you had seen on television playing the role of Captain America. You had heard about the decision moments before the government had first displayed the impersonator on screen, but it had been too late for you to do anything about it or to inform Sam or Bucky in time for his appearance.
“I’ve heard of everyone.” You deadpanned.
“Yeah?” He asked, standing up straighter. “And who are you?”
Just as you were about to open your mouth, you felt Bucky’s hand land on your shoulder. Turning to glance at him, you watched as he shook his head, giving you a serious look. Despite the fact that you were now tasked with keeping track of the former members of the group of Avengers and were one yourself, you had been able to keep your identity a secret. Although to the world you were “Sorceress”- the Avenger with magical powers similar to those of Wanda Maximoff- to members of the team such as Bucky you were Y/n Y/l/n.
He didn’t trust John Walker and he didn’t want to bring you into their own mess. Although Bucky had been avoiding Sam’s text messages, Bucky had kept in constant touch with you since you first met him after he had come back from the Blip six months ago- even going as far as spending time together multiple times a week in person- not because you had to keep track of him, but because the two of you genuinely enjoyed spending time together. 
You were the closest thing he had to normalcy and he didn’t want the knockoff version of his best friend messing it up not only for himself, but for you too.
However, you didn’t see much of a way out of it. You weren’t going to just leave Bucky and Sam to handle the situation on their own, but you also didn’t see a way that you could work alongside them and not have John and Lemar figure out your identity sooner or later.
Gently taking Bucky’s hand off of your shoulder, squeezing it lightly before dropping it, you reached out your hand to John Walker.
“Y/n Y/l/n.” You told him. “Sorceress... and I guess the current caretaker of the Falcon and the Winter Soldier.”
Later, after the group had dispersed and you followed Sam and Bucky as they walked in the opposite direction, you were surprised when you heard Bucky’s tone of voice when he finally spoke up again.
“You shouldn’t have given him your name, Y/n.” He said.
You shrugged, hands tucked into your pockets once again. “It’s fine, Buck.” You assured him. “There wasn’t much else I could do. He was going to find out eventually-”
“Don’t act so casual about it. This is your identity- your life- and you’re just going to share it with some asshole like John Walker?”
“Woah!” You exclaimed, stopping in your spot. “What’s your problem, Buck? Why do you care so much?”
Noticing how both you and Sam were staring at him with furrowed eyebrows, trying to comprehend why he was making such a “big deal” about it, Bucky grew embarrassed, not understanding himself why he cared so much. Rather than admitting defeat however, Bucky threw up his hands, scoffing.
“Forget it, Y/n. I don’t care. Do what you want.”
And with that he picked up the pace, walking in the opposite direction of where you and Sam stood confused in your spots.
“I couldn’t have worn something- I don’t know- a bit longer?” You called to the three men ahead of you, following them into the club as you tugged on the hem of your short dress.
“This a club in Madripoor, Y/n.” You heard Zemo say. “If you wore anything else you would be giving us away.”
Groaning you steadied yourself in your heels following behind Zemo and Sam. You slowed your pace to walk besides Bucky who had insisted on being at the back of the line behind you- telling everyone that it would be safer for everyone if he kept their backs covered.
“How are you feeling?” You asked as quietly as you could in the loud club.
“What?” He asked.
“How are you feeling? With the while Winter Soldier thing? If you don’t think you can handle it we can find another way-”
“It’s fine, Y/n.” He said. “Don’t worry about me.”
Instead of letting it go, you gently placed your hand on his exposed, vibranium arm, causing him to stop in his spot, looking at you.
“Bucky, I’m serious.” You said. “You matter too. If you can’t handle it, I’ll find a way to get the information without all of this, okay? I care about you, Buck. Just say the word.”
He almost couldn't focus on the words coming out of your mouth as he tried to keep his eyes focused on your face, rather than trailing down your body, finally noticing just how short the dress that was adorning your body was. As good as you looked in green, he swore he would kill Zemo once he got what he needed from him for dressing you in that.
As gorgeous as you were, however, your words meant everything to him and he hung on to every single one- no matter what you were saying. Hearing the sentiment that you had for him and that you would stick your neck out for him of all people made him speechless.
Just as he was about to open his mouth however, the two of you began to feel the eyes of other partygoers staring the two of you down. As soon as you noticed, you quickly snatched your hand away from his arm and continued your pace in front of him, Bucky quickly following behind.
“Distracted?” Zemo asked as Bucky stopped beside him at the bar.
Rather than answering, Bucky remained silent, falling into character with the thought of your shared interaction still playing over and over in his mind.
Coughing on his hands and knees, trying to process what had just happened, all Bucky could hear was the obnoxious sound of the alarm blaring. When he opened his eyes again he saw the shipping container now consumed with flames and illuminated with a daunting red light. Recalling what had just occurred, he scrambled to his feet, calling out for you.
“Y/n?” He called. “Y/n!”
When he didn't immediately hear your voice, he began to feel his heart race in his chest. What if something happened to you? What if you were too close to the explosion? He wouldn’t know what to do with himself if something had happened to you. Just as he was beginning to start hyperventilating, the smoke catching in his chest causing him to double over and heave, he felt your hands wrap around either of his biceps.
“Buck?” You asked. “I’m- I’m so sorry. It happened so fast I couldn’t get a forcefield around everyone. Thank God you’re okay. I was so afraid something happened-”
Cutting you off, Bucky shook your hands off of his arms, instead pulling you into his arms. Although you and the super soldier had spent more quality time than you could count together prior to starting this mission, you had never hugged before, but being in his arms you couldn’t find a single complaint, instead silently wrapping your arms tightly around his torso, running your hands up and down his back.
“Hey it’s okay, Buck. I’m okay.” You said. “Let’s go, okay? Before this thing collapses on us.”
After that the two of you had followed Sam and Sharon into the area of shipping containers, taking out hitman by hitman along the way, when you had finally gotten through all of them, you watched as Zemo pulled up in a car besides the four of you.
“Nice ride.” You said as Bucky slipped into the front seat of the vehicle, yourself sliding into one of the seats in the back row.
“Thank you, Y/n.” Zemo replied, patting Bucky on the chest. “She’s a woman of taste.”
Bucky swore to himself for the second time within the past 12 hours that when given the chance he was going to kill the man beside him- with or without his therapist’s approval.
“You’re not going to move your seat up are you?” Sam asked.
“Nope.” Bucky said.
“That’s fine.” Sam conceded. “I guess I’ll just chill back here with Y/n.”
You laughed as Sam laid his arm against headrest of the backseats of the car.
“I’m fine with that.” You said. “Just me and my favorite person.”
Now Bucky knew that you were kidding, only teasing him to get a rise out of him, but glancing at the backseat and seeing Sam’s arm practically around your shoulders and you calling him your favorite person... just didn’t sit right with Bucky. Just as Zemo’s foot was about to hit the gas, Bucky shifted the car into park, swinging the door open and stepping out of the vehicle.
“You can have the front.” Bucky said, swinging Sam’s door open.
“It’s really okay, Buck-”
“You said you wanted more space so you can have the front.” He said. “Go sit in the front.”
You watched as Sam turned to you, quirking his eyebrows before shrugging and stepping out of the car, switching to the passenger seat. You almost wanted to laugh as you watched Bucky squeeze into the backseat behind the passenger seat, his knees practically up against his chest.
“You good?” You asked.
Despite the groan that had involuntarily escaped his mouth from the discomfort of the front seat digging into his knees, Bucky nodded, stretching his arm out across the backseat, behind your shoulders.
“I’m great.” He assured you. “Now drive, Zemo.”
Although you didn’t catch it, the two men sitting in the front seat- despite their differences- couldn’t help but throw each other a knowing look before the car took off for their next destination.
“Hey!” Torres called. “I see you got your sleeve back!”
You chuckled as you turned to glance at the man stood beside you. Despite it being a joke, not a single hint of a smile cracked the man’s hard exterior. The only reason he didn’t walk out of the room on the spot was because you were standing beside him.
“He’s just in a bad mood today.” You said, reaching your hand out to shake Torres’. “I’m Y/n.”
Taking your hand and shaking it in his, he furrowed his eyebrows. “What are you doing hanging around these guys?” He asked. “...Not that you can’t handle yourself! Sam just won’t even invite me on these things.”
Pulling your hand away from his, you smiled. “Think you can keep a secret?”
As soon as you asked the question you watched as the confusion written all over his face grew even more and you could hear Sam chuckling in the background.
“I’m Sorceress.” You said. “Like the Avenger? I just try to keep my identity pretty secret, you know?”
As soon as you revealed your identity to him, you watched as the man’s face dropped and he turned to look at Sam who was standing behind him.
“Wait- she’s-” Torres stuttered.
Sam nodded, laughing.
“Yep.” Sam said. “She’s the one you’ve been hounding me about setting you up with.”
Although you weren’t paying attention to him, Bucky had already disliked how the conversation was going- finding Torres to be a little too friendly for his liking and not loving that you exposed your identity to him immediately- but when he heard Sam’s confession, he stiffened in his spot, hands balling into fists at his side.
“What? Dude!” Torres exclaimed, glancing back and forth between you and Sam before finally turning back to you, chuckling nervously. “He's just kidding! I would never have a crush on you- wait! That came out wrong! Not that you’re not pretty because you are- I just think you’re cool-”
You continued laughing as the man stumbling over his words in front of you, finding it endearing until you heard the super soldier scoff beside you. You glanced at him only to see him cross his arms while rolling his eyes before making his way out of the room.
Turning back to Torres you gave him a quick smile, pulling a card out of your pocket. “I have to go, but it was nice to meet you Torres. If these boys get in trouble again, make sure to call me first thing, okay?”
He took the card from your hand, nodding. “Uh yeah- yeah! Of course!”
With that you waved to both him and Sam before following the path Bucky had taken out of the room seconds before.
Seeing his figure pacing across the room, you threw your arms up in the air.
“What’s your problem?” You asked.
Stopping in his spot he turned to face you.
“What?” He said. “I don’t have a problem.”
You couldn’t help but scoff, crossing your arms. 
“Uh yeah. You do.” You said. “Did I do something to piss you off or something? Are you mad at me for coming on the mission? Because I’m sorry if I wanted to help save the world and make sure you guys didn’t get killed in the process.”
Bucky just stopped and stared at you standing across from him with your arms crossed. He hated to admit it, but you look pissed at him. It hurt knowing that you were upset with him, but it hurt a little more knowing that you felt as though he was mad at you when in actuality that couldn’t be farther from the truth.
“Y/n.” He said, stepping closer to you. “I’m not mad at you.”
“Then why did you just storm out of the room?” You asked.
He couldn’t think of a reason besides the truth. He could lie and say that he was   mad at you, but that wouldn’t solve the situation for anyone and could possibly strain your relationship farther- and that was the last thing he could possibly want.
The two of you stood there in silence, staring at one another as Bucky attempted to find the words in his head to ease your concern without exposing himself in the process.
But you were never one to back down with him.
“Bucky,” You said. “What’s the problem? What did I do? Why are you so angry-”
“Because I don’t like the way that guy was talking to you!” He exclaimed, throwing his arms in the air.
“What?” You asked. “What are you talking about?”
Bucky realized he was in it now. He couldn’t see a way out of it.
For the past week, Bucky couldn’t help but notice that he cared for you a bit more than friends should. Maybe he always did. He thought back to the times he would eagerly await your weekly lunches or the comfort he felt when you took him furniture shopping after seeing his empty apartment for the first time. He thought back to the times you would show up outside of his door when he was upset because you were the only person he trusted there with him in those intimate moments- he knew that you were more than just his colleague, but he realized now that you were more than his friend.
Recently it became more obvious, the burning in his chest he felt when others became a little too comfortable with you- he attempted to mask it with just wanting to protect you, but he knew you could handle yourself. He was protective over you so he wouldn’t lose you.
Just when you opened your mouth to speak again, he cupped your face in his hands. He watched as your eyes widened, but didn’t make any move to stop him. When he caught your eyes trailing from his eyes to his lips, he pulled you towards him, meeting your lips in the middle.
Maybe it was because he hadn’t kissed anyone in eighty years, but he had never felt the way he had in that moment before. He was so utterly consumed in you- the feeling of your hands reaching for his jacket, tugging him closer as you deepened the kiss, your soft lips against his, your warm breath against his face- he was lost in it.
When you finally pulled away, he didn’t want to let go, but leaned back anyway, staring at his world- you- that he now held in his hands.
“I think I like you more than a friend.” He confessed.
You couldn’t help the smile that spread across your face at his words. You had always cared for Bucky as more than just your former fellow Avenger, but knowing that he felt the same as you was something you could hardly believe.
“I think I do too.” You laughed, then recalled what you had come in there for in the first place. “James, were you... were you jealous?”
Thinking back over the past week the two of you had spent together on the mission, he could almost laugh at the question you had just asked.
“You’re joking, right?” He chuckled. “Yeah. You could say I was a little bit jealous.”
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dreamerstreamer · 3 years
Somewhere Only We Know
Pairing: god!Dream / DreamXD x gn!reader
Summary: [Reincarnation!AU & Dream SMP!AU] Being a god can be especially lonely—Dream knows that better than anyone. Yet somehow, you always manage to find your way back to him in every life you live. If only it didn’t hurt so much to love you.
Warnings: tw// mention of death
Word Count: 5.6k
A/N: requested by the lovely 🤡 anon, who asked for a piece based on keane’s somewhere only we know! i got rather carried away when writing this, and it’s certainly quite sad, but i hope you all enjoy it! <3
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Dream blinks lazily up at the fluffy clouds drifting across the cerulean sky, his emerald eyes tracing over their soft edges. He hums to himself as one of them drifts in front of the sun, the warm light suddenly leaving his face. Frowning, he sits up a little straighter, raising his arm above his head. He snaps his fingers once, and in an instant, the clouds vanish. Warmth floods his cheeks as the sun’s brilliant rays crash over him once more. He smiles, but it’s melancholic, a forlorn look passing over his face.
Just how long has he been alone like this?
Sighing, he rises to his feet, kicking at the soft dirt beneath the soles of his boots. His viridian cloak is light atop his shoulders, his wings neatly folded underneath the soft fabric. Above his head, his halos glow with a dazzling golden hue, sending beams of amber light flashing across the nearby tree trunks. Rolling his neck, he snaps his fingers again, and his wings and halos vanish in a flash. Just like that, the weight on his back dissipates, and his lips twitch. There—that’s much lighter.
His gaze flickers over to the waterfall lying just a yard away, rushing ripples of water streaming down the short cliff face and into the pool lying at its base. He crouches down next to the small pond, brushing his hand over the soft soil beneath his feet. Sparks shoot up his arm and into his fingertips, the earth suddenly bursting to life underneath his touch.
All of a sudden, a blossom sprouts from the ground, soft and pink as it unfurls its petals and soaks up the warm sunshine. Dream grins as row after row of flowers shoot up from the ground, circling around the pond and lining the trees around the clearing until suddenly, the whole space is surrounded by breathtaking blossoms. He stands back with a satisfied hum, glancing around himself with an almost nostalgic gleam in his gaze.
It’s been ages since he last returned to this little alcove in his favourite forest. He could tell no one else had stepped foot here except for him, too. After all, there was only one other person who knew about this place—the only other person in the world he knew would be able to find it in the first place.
Had it been decades or centuries since he last visited? He’s not sure anymore, but really, he’s not sure if he cares, either. There’s a reason why he doesn’t come back here very often—one that he hesitates to even think about.
It’s far too painful of a memory to relive.
Dream freezes, his eyes going wide at the sound of a new voice—a familiar voice. Slowly, he turns, his lips parting in awe as he sees a figure stepping into the clearing, a mix of caution and curiosity flitting across your cheeks.
He knows that face—knows you.
His heart aches at the thought.
“Hi,” he manages after a long moment, swallowing ever so slightly.
You flash him a sheepish smile, lowering your gaze to the ground almost bashfully as you brush a stray leaf off your shoulder. “I’m sorry if I’m intruding, or anything. I was just passing by when I saw the flowers, and thought they looked really pretty, and...”
You trail off, your voice growing smaller and smaller until it fades off into silence. Dream stares at you, unmoving as his heart races a mile a minute in his chest, battering against his rib cage as your timid gaze flickers to his.
“I, um,” you squeak out, feeling the intensity of his eyes on yours. “I can go if you wa—”
“No,” Dream suddenly blurts, the word flying out of his mouth before he can stop himself. He can already feel the heat flooding his chest at the way you startle in front of him, and he sucks in a breath.
“Wait,” he says, calmer this time. “Please, I—you’re not intruding at all. You can stay.” He takes a shaky step forward, offering you a crooked yet earnest smile. “I’d love it if you stayed.”
In an instant, your face lights up, and his breath hitches in his throat at the sight. “O-Oh, thank you! It’s nice to meet you. My name’s [Y/N].”
In that moment, he could have sworn his heart stopped and would never beat, again. “What’s yours?” you ask, your eyes shining like freshly cut gemstones.
His eyes scan your face for a moment, taking in the soft panes of your cheeks and the delicate curve of your lips as your smile leaves tiny cuts in his lungs.
“Dream,” he breathes at last. “Call me Dream.”
Suddenly, your eyes curve into tiny crescent moons as you grin at him, and he feels the loneliness flowing through his veins subside the tiniest bit.
Even after all this time, he still can’t bring himself to forget your smile.
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Dream hums to himself as he tosses a pebble into the pond from his spot on the fallen tree log. The stream laps at the stone once before swallowing it whole, letting it sink to the murky bottom without so much as a splash. A rustle comes from behind him, and he immediately whirls, his lips curling up into an eager smile.
“[Y/N],” he chirps, bright and keen, “welcome back.”
Your glowing face greets him in return, and he nearly combusts on the spot. He still remembers the way you had promised him you would return to see him again a week ago, when you had first stumbled upon his clearing. His head still spins at the thought, and it almost makes him forget the longing ache that sinks into his bones when his gaze lingers on you for a fraction too long.
You wave at him as you jump over a protruding tree root, crinkles forming at the corners of your eyes. “Good morning, Dream! What are you doing here so early? The market only just opened.”
He shuffles over on the log to give you room, raising an eyebrow at you. “I could ask the same of you.”
Crouching over, you settle down onto the space next to him, not at all noticing the way he stiffens when your thigh brushes against his. “I woke up early to watch the sunrise,” you say with a half-drowsy smile.
There is a beat of silence, then Dream tilts his head at you. “The sunrise?”
You bob your head, turning to look at him. “Yeah,” you murmur wistfully, raising your arm to wave your hand up at the sky above. “I love watching all the pretty colours fill the horizon. It only lasts a few minutes, but it’s so magnificent, and I always try to watch them if I can.”
His eyes flash as he takes in your gentle expression. Then, he opens his mouth, thoughtful and slow. “Sunrises, hm? What other things do you like?”
You pause for a moment. “Other things I like?” When he nods, you hum, averting your gaze from his until you find yourself staring over at the bubbling waterfall.
“I like... I like flowers,” you begin, “but you already knew that.” He chuckles at the hint of a smile that dusts your face before you continue. “I like exploring the market every Saturday, too. They always have something new to find.”
Suddenly, your eyes flicker to life, glittering with excitement. “Oh, I also like stargazing! It’s like watching the universe paint a picture with little crystals every night, and something about looking up at the sky makes me feel so small, and I... I...” You gesture vaguely, a frustrated noise escaping your throat. “I don’t know. I just like it.”
Dream cannot help the way his heart melts in his chest at the sound you make, a certain fondness seeping into his soul. You were always so endearing—always, always, always.
“What about you, Dream?” you say suddenly, looking at him curiously. “What things do you like?”
Dream blinks at you—once, twice. Suddenly, his mind is flooded with image after image, memory after memory.
He thinks of the millennia he has lived through, the cities he has watched rise and fall. He thinks of the countless distances he has wandered, travelling far and wide with a heavy loneliness hanging in his barren heart. He thinks of soft kisses pressed to calloused fingertips and fluttering eyelids.
Then, he looks at you, with your enraptured eyes and your glorious grin.
“You,” he says, sincerity gracing his every word. “I like spending time with you.”
He watches as you stammer in reply, your eyes going wide as you gape at him in a mixture of embarrassment and flattery. He laughs at you, and his heart swells in his chest.
He’s missed you—more than you would ever know.
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“Say, Dream, have you ever seen the ocean?”
The sun glares harshly into your eyes from where you lie on the earth, staring up at the cobalt sky, but Dream hardly notices—his eyes are too focused on you. “I have,” he murmurs as his gaze traces over the bridge of your nose in wonder. He’s seen more of the world than he would like to admit. After all, he was the one who created it in the first place. But to you, he’s just a simple traveler with a penchant for waterfalls.
Before he can even register it, you’ve bolted upright, bending over him with an excited shout. “Really?! What’s it like?”
He jolts at the sudden movement, all too keenly aware of how close your face is to his before his shuffles into a sitting position, resting his chin on his hand. “Well,” he begins, “it’s really big. So big that you can’t see the shore on the other side no matter how hard you try. It’s blue as far as the eye can see, and the breeze kind of tastes salty if you open your mouth.”
He catches a flash of your awed expression as he waves his arm in front of him to illustrate the vast size of the ocean. “The water,” he continues, envisioning the waves as they crash onto the sand, “is nice and cold, and if you swim deep enough, you might find fish and coral. It’s relaxing to watch the tide come up into the beach. Sometimes, shells wash up onto the shore, too. You can keep those as little souvenirs.”
For a moment, you are silent as you simply stare at him, something swirling deep within your gaze. “Wow,” you say at last, sounding completely breathless. “That sounds beautiful.” You stretch your legs out in front of you, your fingers curling into the grass spread beneath your palms. “My best friend says there’s mermaids in the ocean.” You scrunch your nose. “I don’t know if I believe him, though.”
Something dark ripples through Dream, and the tiniest of frowns passes over his face. “Your best friend?” he parrots.
You nod. “Yeah—his name’s Karl. He’s really nice and likes to goof off a lot. He’s also a really good storyteller!” You look at him then, fondly and with such a kind look it almost knocks Dream right over. “I think you might like his stories.”
His lips quirk up into a coy smile, and he leans ever so slightly forward. “Would I, now?” he croons, a teasing lilt tinting his tone. “What kind of stories does he like to tell?”
You clasp your hands together, excitement brimming in your face. “Oh, wonderful ones! There’s the one about the sleepy fox, the one about the pig who could not be killed, and the one about how we all face reincarnation after death, but my favourite,” you murmur, “is about the creation of the world.”
Dream goes still at that, his smile faltering for a split second. “How does that one go?” he asks softly.
You scoot the tiniest bit closer to his side, your gaze lowering ever so slightly. “Once upon a time,” you start, your voice as smooth as velvet, “a god descended from the heavens and carved the world into the shape it is today.” You traced your finger along the soft dirt. “He made valleys and hills, oceans and rivers, decorating the land with flowers and trees. The world he made was beautiful, but it was lonely, so he filled it with people to keep him company. He was so full of joy to have friends, until one day, he fell in love.”
Your demeanour, which had been cheerful up until this point, suddenly shifted, darkening as you let out a sigh. “He fell in love so quickly and so deeply that he was blind to the nature of his own creations, as they had a mortal lifespan, unlike him. When his lover died, a part of his soul died with them. He vanished after that, never to be seen again.” You curl your knees to your chest, resting your head upon them. “Some people say he wanders the world, mourning for all of eternity. Others say he died of heartbreak. Even fewer believe that his lover lives on and he loves them still, although they’re not entirely sure. Either way, he has yet to appear, and humanity quietly awaits for his return.”
Dream is silent beside you, his lips pressed into a thin line as his chest rises and falls with the timing of his breaths. “Why is that story your favourite?” he finally asks.
You lift your head, surprise shooting across your face. “I’m not sure,” you say softly, pondering for a moment. “I just think he sounds so... sad. It’s a tragedy, what happened to him. He only wanted to not be alone anymore.” Your voice drops even lower. “He only ever wanted to love someone.”
An ache suddenly expands within his gut, digging into his sides of his skull with such ferocity he fears he may never escape it. That same, fleeting sense of solitude slinks around his lungs, squeezing and squeezing until your eyes lock into his, and they halt.
“Do you think that he lives on?” you whisper, your gaze searching his. “That he might have found someone else to keep him company, despite his sadness?”
You pause, something like hope sparking within your eyes. “Do you think... he ever loved again?”
Dream stares at you, and stares at you, and stares at you. Your lips are right there, are so dreadfully close to him as he looks at you, feeling the blood pound through his ears as the pain in his heart begins to lift. It rises higher and higher within him before sliding off his shoulders entirely, leaving nothing behind but tender affection and warmth—a warmth he had been yearning for for so, so long.
He smiles at you then, and for once, this one is real.
“Something tells me he did.”
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Dream stretches his wings out behind him with a quiet groan, feeling the cool air ruffle his ivory white feathers. His cloak sits on the ground next to him while his golden halos spin rapidly atop his head from where they float, glowing faintly in the fading evening light. After a moment, he lets his wings fold back up against his back, lowering his arms with a sharp exhale. In the distance, he catches a glimpse of the setting sun just before it dips below the horizon, shrouding the world in darkness. With a bored look, he picks at his nail, curling his toes in his shoes.
He’s already waved you off and watched as you wove your way out of the clearing and between the forest’s tangled trees back to your village. Now, he has nothing left to do but wait for your return the next day, his throat aching for your arrival with every passing second.
How far I have fallen, he thinks distantly to himself, to be reduced to nothing more than a helpless admirer for a human.
A moment passes, and his heart sighs.
A lovely human, at that.
All of a sudden, he hears a stick snap behind him, and Dream immediately snaps his fingers, his wings and halos disappearing in a flash, almost as if they had never existed to begin with. Whipping around on his heel, he narrows his eyes at the clearing entrance, jaw clenched in preparation. His shoulders are raised at his side, tense with anticipation when just then...
...you stumble out of the forest, tears streaking down your face.
Dream’s shoulders fall in an instant.
“Dream,” you choke out, your voice cracking sharply.
You don’t even get the chance to open your mouth again before he’s standing in front of you, his hands gripping your shoulders as gently as he can manage. His eyes scan your face as his stomach churns with agony at the despair painted onto your features. “[Y/N],” he murmurs softly, “what’s wrong? Why are you crying?”
You sniffle, lifting your head to look at him through watery eyes as you open your mouth. “Karl—he’s sick. Really sick,” you babble like a winding stream. “The doctor doesn’t know what’s wrong with him, and he’s been coughing so badly that you can just tell he’s in pain. At this rate, I—I’m scared he’s not going to get any better. He... I’ve known him since forever, and I—”
The words die in your mouth as you cut yourself off with a broken sob, and Dream almost feels as though he’s been stabbed in the gut. He never wants to see you in pain, to see you as sad as this, and the fact that you are sobbing at all makes him want to wail himself.
Softly, he wraps his arms around you, pressing you close to your chest as he rocks you gently back and forth with your head resting on his shoulder. Your tears soak his shirt, but he doesn’t mind one bit. “Shh, [Y/N],” he coos quietly. “It’s going to be okay.”
You pull back with a wary gaze, fear etched into your features. “How do you know that?” you whisper. “What if he doesn’t get better? What then?”
Dropping one arm from behind you, Dream slips a hand into his pocket, quickly rubbing his fingers together. Just like that, cool glass that wasn’t there a moment earlier presses against the warmth of his palm, and he pulls out a vial filled with a pale, rosy liquid.
“Here,” he says, pressing the vial into your hand. “This is an antidote I’ve been...” He pauses for a split second, then fibs. “...holding onto for a while. For emergencies.” Slowly, he clasps your fingers until they’re closed around the glass top, sending you a reassuring smile. “Give this to Karl, and I promise you he’ll recover.”
You blink at him, your eyes glimmering underneath the light of the swirling stars overhead. “You swear?” you ask meekly, hope dancing along the edge of your lashes.
Dream swallows thickly and nods. “On my life.”
You inhale a deep, shuddering breath, then raise your hand to wipe at your eyes before smiling at him, warm and full of affection. “Okay,” you murmur as you step back from him. “I trust you, Dream.”
The next morning, you come tumbling into Dream’s arms with a gleeful cry, tears flowing freely down your face as you knock him to the ground. This time, they’re there for an entirely different reason as you ramble about Karl’s cleared airways when the doctor came to check on him after you fed him the antidote.
Beneath you, Dream relishes in the warmth of your body against his, praying you cannot feel the way his heart hammers against his chest.
There were not enough words in the world that he could use to describe how deep his devotion to you ran.
He fears there may never be enough.
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Months pass in a blur, and Dream watches with knowing eyes as summer turns to autumn. Soon enough, snow coats the clearing although the waterfall continues to flow. No matter how harsh the weather, you stumble your way back to the forest to him, and each day, Dream feels himself sink deeper and deeper into the very essence that is you.
To think that there was once a time he never wanted to return here at all.
“Dream,” you say abruptly one day, “you know, I think you might be my favourite person in the world.”
He cocks a brow at you, his lips twitching up into a small smirk. “In the world?” he repeats. “I think Karl would be offended.”
You roll your eyes at him, but you can’t stop the smile from stretching across your face. “Maybe, but it’s the truth!” You lift a hand and begin counting off on your fingers. “You’re—you’re so nice, and passionate, and bold, and bright, and...” You pause, then chuckle almost shyly. “I could go on and on, but that’s embarrassing.”
He chuckles at your words, only growing more and more enamoured with each word that falls from your lips. “It’s not embarrassing,” he says gently. “It’s cute.”
Your shoulders suddenly stiffen, and you slowly turn your head to glance up at him. “Cute? You think I’m cute?”
He doesn’t have to think twice about his response. “Very much so. I would dare say that you are even more beautiful than you are cute.”
You whine with a pout, heat crawling up the side of your neck as you dig your thumbs into your palms. “You can’t just say things like that.”
He stares at you for a second, then he flashes you a grin that is both parts wicked and affectionate. “Maybe, but it’s the truth.”
Your mouth drops open at the way he fires your own words back at you, and you gape at him a moment before you groan, reaching over to playfully bat at his arm. “Why, you!”
He laughs at you and loves the way he can tell your heart races in your chest. He loves the way you smile despite your small shouts of frustration. He loves the way you are just so endearing to him in every which way.
He laughs at you and he loves you, hopelessly and wholly.
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Dream gazes up at the orange sky with a slight frown and furrowed brows, watching as the clouds coast by overhead on a distant, northern gale. The waterfall babbles restlessly at his side, and he taps his foot against the smooth stones lining the pond with abandonment. The flowers he had once grown rake this petals over the soles of his shoes as he lets out a long sigh, anxiety slowly beginning to paw at his backside.
Are you going to show up at all today? he wonders. There are some days you don’t appear at all, typically because you had to run some errands or something of the sort, but those days are few and far between. He won’t chastise you for not seeing him, of course, but he cannot simply ignore the pang of his heart when he misses you so.
His fingers drum against the cool material clutched in his hands, and a melancholic look flits over his features. It would be a shame if you didn’t appear though, especially given what he had in mind for the day.
Right then, he hears your lovely voice call out for him. “Dream!”
His frown is immediately replaced by a smile as he whirls around to see you, his hands carefully tucked behind his back. “[Y/N],” he greets, striding up to you. “It’s good to see you.”
You’ve only just made it in front of him when he opens his mouth again, excitement filling his words to the absolute brim. “I brought you a gift.”
You blink wildly at him, pointing to yourself in surprise. “For me?”
His grin only grows wider, his heart leaping into his throat. “Of course it’s for you, silly. Who else?”
You squint for a second, then smile. “Karl?”
Dream deadpans at you, and you laugh in return, not noticing the way his eyes melt fondly at your expression. “I’m kidding,” you chide, shuffling a step closer to him. “So, what is it?”
He’s practically bouncing on the balls of his feet when he finally brings his hands out from behind him, pushing them towards you. “Ta-da! Here.”
Your breath catches at the sight of his palms, and with trembling hands, you reach up to pull the curved item from his hand. “Is this... a shell?” you whisper, your eyes as wide as saucers.
He nods, his emerald eyes gleaming with pride. “A conch shell,” he says. “From the ocean.”
You sputter as you gently turn the shell over in your hands, your fingers tracing over the solid edges with nothing short of pure shock. “H-How did you even get this? The nearest ocean is at least a week’s travel on horse away!”
Dream thinks of the wings he typically had tucked on his back and how they carried him to the ocean and back in less than a few minutes, but to you, he only smiles and shrugs. “I have my ways.”
You don’t respond for a moment, then two. All of a sudden, you sniffle, and Dream is bending before you in a heartbeat, his hands reaching for yours before just stopping short. “[Y/N]?” he asks in a soothing tone. “Is something wrong?”
Your gaze is watery, but only slightly as you raise your chin to look at him, your lower lip set with determination. “Dream,” you say with a shaky breath, “I have to tell you something.” You gulp. “It’s serious.”
Immediately, Dream’s mind runs through a million and five possibilities of what you could possibly say to him, each one increasingly worse than the last. Your family is in need of funds, or you’re about to leave on a life-threatening journey. Or maybe Karl is just sick, again.
But before he can run himself into the ground with his own worries, Dream lets out a breath and tilts his head at you. “What is it?”
Your gaze falls down to your feet, and you stare at the earth for an excruciatingly long minute. Dream simply stands in front of you, patiently and earnestly waiting for your response when you suddenly open your mouth.
“I—I love you.”
Dream’s lungs feel as though they are about to collapse in his chest. “You do?”
You bite your lip, but raise your head, your shoulders trembling at your sides. “Yes,” you whisper, the syllable steeped with emotion. With one hand clasped around the conch shell, the other reaches up to rest over your chest, palm pressed flats against your left side. “My heart is yours, all of it.”
The world is a blur of colours and sounds around him, and he can feel his head spin faster and faster as a wave of memories come crashing down over him, drowning him whole. He wants to tear his hair out and scream to the heavens above until his throat is raw and he can scream no more.
You love him. You love him back, and as much as he wants to burn your words into the back of his eyelids, something else sinks its claws into his heart and tears a hole right into the flesh.
This is not the first time you have spoken these words to him. No, not at all.
He had done his best to forget them over all those years, had tried his best to outrun the anguish with every century he lived through. After all, when you live as long as he has, it is only natural for him to forget some things. Through wandering across every land he had lovingly sculpted by hand, he had hoped to erase his suffering by engulfing himself in other worldly affairs, isolating himself entirely from others.
But no amount of time could ever truly erase the memories he had of you—the first incarnation of you, from all those years ago.
He remembers how the two of you had shared your first kiss under the light of the full moon, giggling to one another as he wrapped you up in his soft feathers. He remembers the way you would hold his hand and tell him about all the things you could not wait to do with him in the very same clearing he stood in now. He remembers the way your body went limp in his own arms, coughing until your lungs could cough no more. He remembers the agony and the torment as he wasted away, too caught up in the imprint of your skin against his before you turned to dust before his very eyes.
He remembers it all, and he cannot not let himself be shattered like that, again.
“I have to go,” he whispers, jerking his arm back from yours.
You whip your head up, pain shooting across your face. “Y-You’re leaving? What?”
He takes another step back and swallows down the lump in his throat, but it tastes like acid burning his stomach. “I—I can’t stay here.”
Before he can move back again, your hand shoots out to grab at the hem of his shirt, desperation soaking into your face: “P-Please,” you plead, “you can just say you don’t love me back. My feelings for you won’t change.”
He wants to cry. No, he thinks, it’s not that. It could never be that. Not with you.
You clutch at the cloth, hoping your feelings somehow reach him through your anguished touch. “I love you, Dream,” you begin, “I really do. I love how attentive you are, how much you always seem to care. You’re always so patient with me, so kind, so generous, and it makes me melt inside. I love the way your eyes shine so brightly, and I love your little freckles. I want to count them all, and I don’t mind if that takes the rest of eternity.”
You’re almost entirely out of breath by now, and Dream’s jaw has gone slack. He can only stare at you with a look of pure conflicting despair as your eyes search his for answers he knows he cannot possibly give. “An eternity with you would be nothing,” you breathe, your voice cracking. Your grip on his shirt suddenly goes limp, and your arm falls back to your side. “Please. Stay.”
The knife in his gut only seems to twist deeper as he takes yet another step back, his cloak feeling like a boulder upon his back. “I can’t,” he chokes out. “I really can’t.”
Tears line your eyes like tiny jewels, and he wishes he could wipe them away. “Why?” you beg. “Why do you have to go?”
He opens his mouth, then closes it, shaking his head. He doesn’t even know where to begin.
In front of him, a look of absolute defeat sinks into your expression, and your voice grows smaller than ever. “At least—at least tell me if I’ll ever see you again.”
Dream’s feels the back of his eyes sting, and he clenched his hands beside him. “Not in this lifetime,” he wants to say. “And hopefully not in the next, either.”
“I’m sorry, [Y/N],” he says instead.
Just like that, he watches as the light fades from your eyes, vanishing from sight as the setting sun watches on with a sad gaze. Your lower lip trembles, and before you can stop yourself, you’re crumpling to the ground in a heap and watering the earth with your tears. You clutch the conch shell to your chest and let it dig into your chest from how tightly you press it against yourself, your vision completely blurred. In front of you, Dream holds back tears of his own, forcing himself to look away from your broken figure as he walks toward the forest away from you.
Your wails follow after him even after he unfurls his wings deep in the forest and soars up into the sky, flying high above the world below as he dries his tears with the harsh wind that bites at his face.
He will not return here for a long, long time.
He doesn’t think he would even be able to bring himself to if he tried.
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Dream brushes a stray leaf off his shoulder as he steps over a root, his eyes focused on the bushes before him. A bird chirps as he strolls past a tree, nestling further into its nest as he ducks under the branch. He smiles at the sight, a deep fondness seeping into his heart as he lets his hand run over the tree’s hard bark.
He recognizes this forest—these trees. He knows this sky, has leapt over these rocks. He’s walked this path before.
It’s a shame he can’t remember how long it’s been since he last came here.
He hums a quiet melody to himself as he weaves a path between the trees, drawing nearer and nearer to the place he had been searching for with every passing second. He’s only a few steps away when a sound calls out to him—a sound that isn’t a part of the forest.
Dream goes stock still, his heart coming to a screeching halt in his chest.
He knows that voice, too.
Sucking in a deep breath, he slowly steps forward, out into the entrance of the clearing. In front of the waterfall stands a silhouette he is absolutely positive he’s seen before—countless times before. Something tells him that he should leave, that he should run far, far away and disappear from view. But as he watches the silhouette take a tentative step toward him, his inhibitions fall away.
Warmth blossoms in the space between his lungs, all encompassing and full of grief as he opens his mouth.
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Dark Shenanigans - Nandor x (f)reader
Summary: It’s Nadja’s something hundredth birthday, with that said, you’re on a mission to make it great.
Warning: fluff, general vampire nonsense
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“Yeah being a half vampire half human does have its perks. I mean for one I can do all that cool vampire shit and I can go out in the sunlight...so that helps for when they’re all being really annoying.” You admit with a casual shrug to one of the documentary cameras before turning to an isle of party supplies. “So anyways we’re at this store.”
The camera shifts to the multiple arras of supplies and materials at the local supermarket in Staten Island that you and your vampire lover’s human familiar, Guillermo, currently are. Specifically on the hunt for birthday decorations for Nadja and ghost Nadja who’s possessed a strange looking doll for the time being.
Since the other four actual full vampires can’t shop for themselves at this time of day or really in general, you and Guillermo have been given such an honorable task in making Nadja’s birthday the best one yet. Considering she’s the most well balanced in the head out of the four of them and is the only other lady of the manor.
“Hey Y/N, how’s this look?” Wonders Guillermo as he holds up a bunch of Mardi Gras beads of yellows, purples, and greens. “Comments, questions, concerns?” He adds with a small smile.
Eyeing up the beads, your head shifts over to the other various colors, “Hrmm, G I’m feeling the vibe you’re going for this year and I like it, but let’s go with Nadja colors.”
Guillermo’s dark eyes light up at your positive suggestion, “Right! So the red and black ones then?”
“Yup. She’ll love that shit.” You state with a satisfied nod of approval, “Let’s get some black and gold confetti from over there and oh, those masquerade masks look cool as fuck.”
You pick up and test out various masks in the background as Guillermo adds some bits of dialogue for the documentary crew, “Um yeah she’s really cool isn’t she.” He says with a smile while glancing at you then back to the camera, “Which is kind of odd since Y/N’s been with Nandor since 1793 so you’d think she’d be a little more like them but no, she’s super chill and really nice.” Suddenly his face goes a bit serious as he leans in to whisper, “But she did kill a whole street gang once when they threw a slur at me so I wouldn’t mess with her. For your safety.”
The camera pans back over to an oblivious you who’s put on a masquerade mask and is swinging a plastic light saber around with a whole lot more accuracy and grace then would a normal person. The camera then pans back to Gullimero, “Um, I’m just gonna....make sure she doesn’t smack anyone.”
Arms full of groceries of food for you and Gullimero, as well as random party decorations for Nadja’s birthday tomorrow night, you use the bottom of your boot to skillfully open the door as the documentary crew and Guillermo follows suit. Guillermo now on the verge of falling over with the large heart shaped pillow in his arms that’s covering most of his body.
You don’t feel tired in the slightest due to your half vampiric abilities so this is nothing to you, “Alright.” You state, turning on your heel to face the crew and Guillermo, “They’re asleep so we gotta be extra sneaky now, I don’t want Nadja catching us with all this cool spooky birthday shit. Everyone to the attic!” You whisper yell before leading the charge to the attic.
They all follow as quietly and as quickly as they can and then soon enough in no time are you and Guillermo back outside in the sunny garden trying to figure out if you should blow up the giant sea monster pool floaty.
“I mean it would look cool as hell and no doubt out-do whatever the fuck boring thing Lazlo probably has planned.” You quip with a shrug while the two of you stare thoughtfully at the small gloomy dark pond. “He’s got no chance with us. I’ve won best decorator and card maker for two hundred years in a row.”
Guillermo side eyes you in honest amazement, “Wow that’s a lot of years. And cards.”
“I know. I was an artist in the 12th century but my no good terrible good for nothing piece of garbage trash sexist human husband, who I was forced to marry when I was only sixteen, took all the credit for my artwork in that era.” You confirm with a growl, “But it stings less because once I finally grew into my powers and strength at eighteen I simply made his untimely demise look like an accident.” You add with a smirk.
“Oh, wow.” Mutters the intrigued familiar.
“Precisely. The old fool was thrown off his horse because I told Philip, the horse, to throw him off. And he did. Which killed the idiot so I got the house and all of his money.”
“That’s......neat.” Mutters Guillermo as he shoots the camera crew from behind you and him a nervous look. “Uh the suns going down so I should probably help Nandor out of his coffin.”
Raising your head to the sky you immediately see how the sun has begun to paint the clouds in beautiful colors of oranges, reds, light pinks, and darkening purples. “Oh, how bout that. Yeah alright let’s get inside.” You nod to Guillermo before turning to walk towards the manor’s giant mahogany doors.
Turning the handle and walking a couple feet into the large main room that holds itself as a sort of crossroads for all the other various connecting hallways and staircases. You don’t make it even three more steps towards the left ascending staircase before you hear the highly recognizable voice of your one and only.
“Y/N! My lovely wife and favorite person still ever so lovely!” Announces Nandor loudly with a grand smile showing off his pearly white fangs, “How I have missed you and your morning kisses. Where have you been off to?” He wonders softly as you smile a big dumb love-struck grin right back up at him, you’d absolutely die to hear that accent one last time.
“I can’t tell you right now it’s a secret!” You whisper yell back, causing his thick dark brows to scrunch up in confusion.
“But I am your lovely strong puff dragon Y/N.” Whines Nandor adorably as you roll your eyes at the cameras before looking back up at him.
“Fine. Come here then.”
In an instant he’s at your side, excitedly awaiting what secretive news you will tell him, “Okay, so we know it’s Nadja’s birthday tomorrow right?”
“Yes. I remember because she hasn’t shut up about it.”
“Right. So me and Gullimero got some fun surprise birthday party decorations and they’re in the attic and we can’t tell Nadja.”
Nandor gives you a knowing look of affirmation as he leans in closer to you, his demeanor suddenly shifting into a more saddened one, “You went shopping without me?” He says quietly.
Leaning up to give him a quick peck on the cheek your hands instantly find his, “Just for a little while, but I still need to find more stuff so....you wanna come?”
Nandor’s big dark eyes light up with joy as you hand him a kind smile, “Yes! Let us go in search of unknown treasures for our lady friend Nadja so she will not be mad at us for terrible dull gifts of friendship.”
Laughing you give his hands a playful squeeze, “Come on I’ll race you to Party City!” You say before leading him past the camera crew and Guillermo who simply watches the two of you leave, glad to have an hour of peace.
“There’s a whole city for partying? Y/N why have we never been to this place?”
“Y/N there are no people partying here.” Whines your vampire lover in puzzlement as he follows you from the entrance to a side isle. “You said this was a city for partying.”
“That’s just the name of the store Nans.” You retort with a small chuckle as he looks from right to left at all the color coded party plates and napkins galore.
“Well the title is very misleading.”
Turning to the right you guide him towards the decretory pirate themed isle in search of something that will peak his interest. Also you wanted so badly to make it to this spot but Gullimero was a man on a mission so your intention was thwarted for when you had Nandor with you.
Speed walking down the pirate themed isle you quickly halt all movement as Nandor’s large body stops within less than an inch from your back. Smiling brightly you snatch the desired object in front of you and as swift as a cat turn to face him.
“Have you come for a dual my old enemy?” You speak slyly, eyes narrowed as you hold the foam sword right in front of his face. “I sense a nervousness about you. Tell me, are you ready to face your inevitable bloody end?”
Staring at the pointy foam, his dark puppy eyes shift over to you as an adorable fangy grin breaks out across his pale face, “Seems you have come prepared, oh radiant and alluring seductress. Well, so have I!” Shouts Nandor before grabbing two foam swords from off the rack and swinging them in both hands like a mad man.
Taking a cautious step back you hold your pathetic five dollar sword in both hands like a true warrior ready for battle, “Only one shall leave this place alive.” You affirm with a smirk, “And it’s not going to be you.”
“Arrrrrggg.” Bellows your lover as he charges you like the true conqueror that he once was. But all to soon do you swiftly duck under his arms and swat him over his stomach with a confident thwack sound.
He makes a puny little “oww” as you turn around to face him once again, “Y/N you hit me kind of hard.” He complains, looking rather defeated and genuinely hurt that you could have intentionally injured him on purpose.
Bringing the plastic weapon down to your side once again, your face suddenly softens as you walk over to him, “Come here you big baby.” You quip sincerely as he leans down so you can give his cheek a quick kiss.
Rising back to his full height, Nandor almost blushes as the corners of his eyes crinkle into a happy smile, “Actually it didn’t hurt at all I just wanted you to kiss me.” Reveals the vampire with a proud grin as you simply roll your eyes.
“Should have known.” You add before turning and snatching up four more plastic foam pirate swords for the others. “Alright let’s get outta here, follow me my love, to the checkout line we shall purchase our weapons of war and partying on the high seas.” You announce with gusto as Nandor stands proudly at your side, ready to follow you anywhere.
“Yes. To check out.”
Kicking open the unlocked door, Nandor bursts into the vampire residence with bags full of goodies for Nadja’s birthday party. You right behind him but less dramatically, “We’re back!” You shout to no one in particular as Colin Robinson suddenly appears from out of nowhere, looking ready to leave with his funny little hat and usual beige jacket.
“Oh hey guys,” He starts with a friendly nod, “I’m just heading out on the town tonight. I guess there’s a fair or something in the park and I wanted to test my skill at the ball toss. I’ve been reading up on the body mechanics and how the game is set up which seems pretty basic all in all. Also I really want to win a stuffed bear this time, it might add a little pizazz to my room. Welp see ya’round.” Adds Colin before walking past the two of you without another word and out into the night he goes with some of the camera crew following close behind.
Nandor turns to you with a look of annoyance, “Jeesh I thought he would never leave. Let’s go to your room I want to kiss you some more now.”
“Why my room?”
“Because since you are half vampire you get to sleep in a bed and because I am a full vampire I sleep in a coffin.” Inquires Nandor while looking at you with those big beautiful dark eyes of his, “And my coffin is too small for cuddles so your room will suffice.”
“Yeah that’s a fair point.” You shrug before following him to your room.
After many cuddles leading to other more rated R type activities that lasted until just about sunrise, you finally got some well needed rest while the sun shone high in the sky until she began her dramatic descend back into oblivion. Opening your eyes you slowly rise from out of your comfy bed, already missing the presence of your obsidian eyed lover.
He gets too nervous about your closed windows for fear that the sun might burn him which would be impossible because you black out the glass. But alas, he’s very cautious about these types of things and won’t risk it for anything, though he feels bad about leaving you in the morning, you understand.
Suddenly it dawns on you that today or perhaps tonight, is Nadja’s birthday and you completely forgot to set up any decorations. Shit, how stupid. Throwing the blankets off of you, your feet move quick as you speedily change yesterday’s outfit for something a bit nicer and more clean.
Racing out of your room and into the dimly lit manor hallway, you make a bee line for the attic but before you’re able to reach the steps, Guillermo runs into you, just about knocking you into a wall of various stolen ancient weapons. Sharp ones at that.
That was close.
“Y/N are you okay!” Worries the familiar as you quickly gather your bearings.
“Guillermo! The decorations! Nadja’s birthday!” You whisper yell as the human man simply smiles. “Why are you smiling, this situation does not call for smiles.”
“Don’t worry. While you were sleeping I set up all the decorations.” He replies with a shrug, “No problem.”
“What? But that must have taken you all day, you could have asked me for help. I would have come.” Your brows furrow as he shakes his head, though you still feel bad for not helping with anything.
“Well I did try, but um,” Gullimero awkwardly clears his throat, giving the camera a quick glance, “Nandor was with you and last time I asked for you while you and him where having alone time he threatened to carve out my eyeballs and force feed them to me.”
Pinching the bridge of your nose in annoyance you take a deep breath, “Sounds like him. Very creative when he wants to be, alright, well....where’s everyone?”
“Oh, they’re not up yet. I was actually on my way to get you. I made blood popsicles and the pool floaty is all done and in the pond.” He says with a sense of pride for his decorating skills. “I think she’ll like what we’ve come up with this year.”
Standing in the living room with your three fellow immortals you search a dresser for her card, “Oh shit where’s my card? I could have sworn I had it yesterday on my dresser but I don’t remember seeing it there in the morning. Maybe it’s in this one?”
“Witches!” Hisses Nadja as you huff in frustration, where the hell did you put that damn card?
“Oh, Y/N my love,” Intervenes Nandor with a gentle tug of your sleeve, “I took it with me when I left your room before sunrise because I wanted to put my name on it too so she would know it’s from us.”
“What?” Replies Lazlo dramatically, “Now hold on just a damn minute, this card competition is individually scored so I won’t be having any of this nonsense. I worked really hard on mine this year.”
“Oh lick a donkey’s arse, look here,” You retort with, quickly holding up the card for Nadja, “there are two separate drawings on ours so either way if one of us wins she gets both our pictures. So you better hope your drawing doesn’t resemble a night clubs bathroom wall.”
“Yeah.” Mutters Nandor, who’s hiding behind you while resting both hands on either one of your shoulders as you glare at Lazlo.
“Fine.” Agrees Lazlo begrudgingly, “And mine will be amazing, this bitch of paper took me a whole six months to plan and produce. Can’t get quality this good anywhere else I guarantee it.” Adds Lazlo with a firm nod of self approval as you glance at the nearby camera.
“Right, okay everyone sit it’s time for presents. I want to know what you all got me.” Beams Nadja excitedly as she smiles a fangy grin in delight, plopping herself down in one of the arm chairs. Lazlo quickly finding the other one while you and Nandor seat yourself on the large couch. Colin and Guillermo finding somewhere to sit close by respectfully.
“Well, all I can say is hold onto your socks my dear cause this is going to blow you away.” Smirks Lazlo as he pulls a small box from out of his jacket pocket.
“If it’s a self made business card that says invitation to sexy town I will puke.” You deadpan while Nandor laughs from beside you, causing Lazlo to lose his smirk as Nadja hides her amusement the best she can manage.
“He he, sexy town, nice one Y/N.” Mutters Nandor with a proud grin as you raise a brow at Lazlo who’s giving you a hard glare.
“Oh, my dear pumpkin pie love, don’t listen to Y/N I will love anything you gift me.” Encourages Nadja with a bright welcoming smile, no doubt immediately boosting Lazlo’s once irked mood.
Rolling your eyes you shift a bit to find yourself leaning into Nandor’s body as Nadja opens up the rest of the vampire residents various gifts. A joyous fangy smile gracing her pale features every single time, revealing this birthday party was a thrilling success.
After much more fun that just about lasts throughout the whole night, and some rare but hilarious attempts at dancing between the five of you vampiric individuals. You’re feeling rather sleepy and you can tell Nandor is ready for a trip to dreamland as well.
Swaying to the lowly playing record instrumental, you hold Nandor tight while simultaneously enjoying the feeling of him so close, him doing just the same as he keeps you firmly pressed against his chest. His long dark hair tickles your face as he presses his head to your cheek, doing his absolute best to keep the flow without tripping up.
Sensing his growing fatigue, you gently squeeze his hand, “My love the sun will be up soon, let’s get you to bed, yes?”
A small lazy smile tugs at the corners of his lips while he looks down to meet your gaze, “But my dark angel I’m not tired. I want to dance with you a little longer.” He whines adorably before failing to conceal a big yawn.
Giggling, you lean back to slowly lead him towards the door, “That yawn says otherwise.”
“That wasn’t a yawn Y/N, I was just smiling really big.” He protests, though he still follows your lead to the door.
“I’ve never seen anyone smile like that.” You add with a raised brow.
“Well maybe that’s just how I smile.”
Letting out a breathy snort, you pull away from him to at last take his one hand, “Come. I can’t have a single ray of that dreaded sun to get a taste of your precious skin. Not on my watch.”
Glancing at the closed front door, Nandor squeezes your hand, “Well um, now since you’ve mentioned the sun...I think I’d like to go to my crypt now.” He says, the flash of worry crossing over his face for only a brief moment.
“You sure? I mean a sunrise is pretty beautiful if I’m being honest and I know you never get to see them...”
“Not funny Y/N. And not fair, you know I can’t because I am full vampire.”
“And you’re missing out.”
“And I’d like to stay alive Y/N.”
“Aren’t you dead?”
“Yes and I am your only husband so I need to stay not burnt to a crisp.”
Chuckling, you follow him down the hallway, “Oh really? Don’t want me finding myself with another vampiric lover? Some new beast to sweep me off my feet and take me away into the night.” You tease.
Side eyeing you, he frowns, “No. Don’t I sweep you off your feet?”
Stepping into his crypt you stop him with your hand against his bicep, “Always.” You whisper sincerely with a quick wink, causing him to break out into a big fangy grin.
“Good. And if anyone would try and whoo you I would make sure there would be no more whooing again!” Exclaims Nandor, making the candles rise in flame for only a short second at his rise in emotion for how much he loves you.
“I don’t doubt they would fall by your blade. Not for a second.”
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Laisse tomber les filles 9
Warnings: non-consent sex and rape; size kink; age gap; manipulation; sexual acts and dubcon, handjob
This is a dark!fic and Lee Bodecker x (short) reader and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Synopsis: You find yourself ostracized on campus by your shyness, but your reticence won’t deter an unwanted suitor.
Note: You guys think Lee can’t get any worse. He can always get worse.
Thanks to everyone for reading and thanks in advance for all your feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 As usual, I’d appreciate if you let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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You were frazzled and distant as you sat beside Lee. You only returned to the present when your hand dropped and was covered by one larger and warmer. Your palm pressed against something firm and you glanced over startled. 
Lee pressed his lips to your crown and kept your head down as he moved your hand over his crotch. You tried to pull away and he caught your wrist. He hummed and tutted into your scalp.
“It’s alright, honey pie,” he purred, “don’t you remember how I made you feel, hm? Don’t you wanna do the same for me?”
“I don’t… I don’t know,” your murmured as his hand slipped over yours again and he made your grip the thick outline bulging through his pants, “please…”
“Shhh, honey, you just gotta do what I say,” he cooed, “ain’t nothing wrong, huh? We’re together now, you got your pretty ring.”
I didn’t ask for the ring, you thought, but he gave generously and all you could do was keep doubting him. How ungrateful you must seem. 
Your hand shook but you let the tension drain from your arm. His other arm snaked around your shoulders squeezed you closer and he tickled the back of your hand as he withdrew his own and twiddled his fingers against his thigh.
“Go on, you can undo me,” he coaxed, “take it slow, honey pie, ain’t no rush.” 
You hesitated and your hand trembled. You felt detached from your own body as you focused on his words. If you did what he said he’d be happy and you might even like it too. It was always weird the first time, right?
You struggled to unhook his belt and he helped with his free hand. Once you unbuckled the leather you pinched the button of his fly until it came loose and hesitated on the tag of his zipper.
“Oh, honey, you’re almost there,” he breathed into your hair, “mmm, you got me so hard for you already.”
You gulped and pushed down his zipper with a single finger. You stared at the shape of him through his briefs and your hand hovered above tenuously. He pulled his fly wide and lifted his pelvis just slightly. He hooked a thumb in the elastic of his underwear and tugged them down his hips.
“Grab onto me, girl,” he demanded as he sat down heavily and pushed the elastic down below his dick. Your eyes rounded at the sight of him throbbing and twitching, “don’t keep me waitin’ here.”
You lowered your hand and wrapped your fingers around him lightly. He shuddered and his arm slipped down and he gripped your side. His other hand balled around the corner of his pants.
“Tighter,” he demanded and you obeyed, “move your hand, honey, just up and down.”
You pushed your dry tongue to the roof of your mouth and stared at your hand. The scene was surreal to you, so odd and new. The mystery of intimacy unravelling in an act so lewd. You stroked him and the curve of your thumb caught his tip as your slid back down and he hissed.
“Oh, yes, honey, keep goin’,” he pushed his cheek against your head as his body tensed and he hugged you closer to him.
You kept your hand in motion, too afraid and dazed to stop. His groans filled your ears as his hot breath washed over you. He turned his head and pressed his lips to your hair.
“Faster,” he urged, “goddamn, honey, faster.”
You did as he said and his hand crept away from his thigh. He reached over blindly and you heard a subtle pop. He trembled as his pants grew frantic. He brought around his empty milkshake cup, the lid on an angle as it hung from the straw.
“Almost there,” he dug his nails into your side as his fingers poked through the loose crochet hoops of your sweater, “try to get it in the cup, honey, we don’t want a--”
He grunted as he quickly moved the rim below his tip and tilted the cup. He quaked as you kept on and watched him spill into the paper. Your mouth hung open at the sight as your arm moved out of habit. He swore and lifted his head and sighed.
“Enough, hon,” the cup shook in his hand, “you can… stop… ah.”
He shivered as you slowed and drew your hand away. He took a deep breath and rescinded his arm from around your back and fixed the lid on the cup. He flicked the straw with his finger and smirked then peeked over at you. 
You batted your lashes dumbly and he snickered and put the cup aside. He looked down at himself and cupped his sack as he covered his shaft with his hand. He nodded and closed his eyes as he steadied his breath.
“That was good, honey pie,” he rolled his shoulder then lifted his ass to fix his underwear, “you sure you never touched a man before? Sure feels like you have.”
“N-- no,” you rubbed your warm palm with your thumb and wiped it thoughtlessly on your dress, “I never…”
“How’s that milkshake?” he asked with a chuckle and tapped his own cup, “sweeter than mine I’m sure.”
“I…” you folded your hands and bent your arms against your chest, “can you take me home now?”
“Home?” he echoed, “why’s that?”
“I-- You know it’s all new to me,” you murmured.
“We ain’t gotta do nothing else, honey pie,” he placed his hand on your thigh, “I just like being with you… god, that was so good, you know that? You make me feel so nice.”
“Mmhmm,” you twined your fingers together and bent them, resting your chin on your knuckles.
“Why don’t we go for a ride?” he asked, “it will help you relax.”
“Sure,” you squeaked, “that’s alright.”
The more you thought about it, the uneasier you felt and all you could do was think about it. The man next to you, his arm around your shoulder as he drove, wouldn’t let you forget him. You found yourself twisting the ring on your finger as your nerves ran wild. 
Your mind raced as the evening played back in your head and you swore you could still feel him in your hand. You resisted a shudder as he steered lazily and as you saw the welcome sign at the north end of campus, you let out a slow breath. You just wanted to go and hide and not think. 
You wanted those few hours when you didn’t have to fear this man’s presence. Were you supposed to feel this way about your “boyfriend”? That’s what he was, or what he thought he was.
He drove down Greek row, some lights still on in the whitewashed houses, and onto your street. He pulled up in front of your residence and kissed the top of your head. He shifted the car into park with his free hand and ran his knuckles along your chin as he made you face him. He pushed your chin up and kissed your lips.
“You tired, honey pie?” he asked as he rubbed his nose against yours, “I saw you yawning. I shouldn’t keep ya out so late, huh?”
“It was a long day,” you picked at your sweater as you stiffened against him.
“One more thing,” he leaned against you, nearly flattening you to the seat as he reached for the glove compartment. It fell open and he grasped around inside before he pulled you back up, “here.”
You stared down at the book and took it reluctantly. The lewd image of a naked woman pouted back at you and you tried not to squirm. You’d never seen anything so explicit on the front of a book. Yours were all hardcover and mostly blank. You shifted and bit your lip nervously.
“They’re stories, since you like readin’,” he shrugged as he kept his arm lightly on your shoulders, “they’ll help ya learn.”
“I can’t… I can’t read this,” you whispered.
“Don’t ya wanna know how to keep me happy? Ain’t nothing wrong with doing all that with your man,” he said, “you know, then it won’t be so scary.”
“I just… I don’t know,” you bent the book, “I wouldn’t… it’s just not for me.”
“Do it for me, honey,” he adjusted the strap of your dress, “the next time we see each other, I want you to take the lead.”
“What…” you breathed.
“So you needa study,” he purred, “you can make a man happy, you did tonight. You just need practice is all. It ain’t so hard, is it?”
You kept your head down and said nothing. You nodded and reached for your purse to hide the book.
“Don’t mean I won’t do nothing for you, honey pie,” his hand fell to your thigh, “I got lots in mind.”
“I’ll try to… find the time,” you gulped, “good night, sir.”
“Night, honey pie,” he caught you before you could sidle away and kissed you again, this time moaning into your mouth before he let go, “you get lots of sleep. You got your book club Friday?”
“Yes,” you eked out as you wiggled away.
“Then I’ll be round then,” he said as he squeezed your hand one last time, “now don’t get carried away with that book… no touching yourself, that’s a sin.”
“Mhmm,” you uttered and stumbled out of the car, closing the door a bit too hard behind you. 
You didn’t look back as you hurried up the steps but you knew he was watching you. You could feel his eyes on you in the dim and it was suffocating.
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toastedkiwi · 4 years
Summary: newly transferred to your husband’s school, you’ve already made some friends. However, they don’t know that you’re married to the hot professor.
Pairing: Professor!Bucky Barnes x Student!Reader, Wife!Reader
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You had transferred to your husband’s university that he works at a couple weeks ago. You even managed to get into one of his advanced classes. He’s pretty proud of you and he loves seeing you sitting next to this redhead whose become one of your friends. You aren’t the greatest at making friends and he’s very happy that you found someone other than his friends. His are complete maniacs and you’re the youngest in the group. You had just turned 21 and Bucky’s 30. His friends are all around the same age or older.
You met Bucky when you were just 19. Your ex best friend dragged you to a club you didn’t want to go to and weren’t legally allowed in. She made you wear a tight dress and heels. She straight up left you at the club after ten minutes of meeting a guy and insulting you. This guy grabbed your ass which made things worse. He tried taking you home but this blue eyed man swooped in while his buddy Sam just flirts so hard with the guy while Maria, his now wife, watches from a foot away.
“There’s a party tonight,” Natasha said as the two of you sit down. “Wanna come?”
“Can’t. Got a hot date tonight,” you said knowing that Bucky overheard you as he starts writing on the white board.
“With who?” She asked.
“This guy named Luka. He’s really sweet,” you said.
Bucky smirks knowing you and him are going to have a fun time picking up after the 6 month old tonight. You and him have planned to have a nice movie night in with Luka and Alpine the cat. He honestly cannot wait. It’s the highlight of his week and he always looks forward to it.
“Does he go here?” Natasha asked.
“No, he’s actually a New York firefighter,” you said since the six month old loves the plastic helmet that his Uncle Sam got him.
“Damn, what are you even doing here when you could be with the firefighter right now?!” Wanda asked from a row behind.
“I sadly cannot fail this class,” you said.
“If only Professor Barnes—,” Natasha said glaring daggers at the back of your husband’s head.
“Glaring at me won’t change the F you got your freshmen year, Ms. Romanoff,” Bucky said loud enough for everyone in the lecture room.
“You could’ve given me a C!” Natasha sassed back.
He spins around and said pointing at her, “you didn’t show up to class. Don’t be a bad influence on the transfer student.”
Natasha scoffs crossing her arms over her chest while you giggled. Bucky obviously flashed a smile at you and you grinned wider. The two redheads quickly noticed at how fast he favors you. Bucky easily starts class as the last student sits down.
“You should be careful. Professor Barnes is married,” Wanda said as you, her, and Natasha walk through the campus courtyard.
“I know,” you said and you can’t help but smile.
“Don’t even try with that DEMON of a human being,” Natasha warned. “He’s absolutely terrible.”
“You’re just mad that you have to retake this class,” Wanda said. “Also, Y/n has a hot firefighter boyfriend.”
“I’m pretty sure Professor Barnes is not that bad,” you said.
“Awww, you’re so innocent,” Natasha mocked.
You rolled your eyes thinking if she only knew. You haven’t said anything about being married to the professor to anyone except the university’s dean of students. You just want a pretty normal college life besides the fact that you’re married and have a kid with a man nine years older than you.
“Ignore her,” Wanda said. “But we’ll see ya next class.”
“Bye,” you said splitting from the two.
You head straight to the parking lot where Bucky parks his precious Audi Rs7. You try opening the passenger door but you forgot to get the keys from your husband. He usually gives you them as you make sure to be the last to leave and so he can kiss you without watchful eyes but Nat and Wanda got you to leave before you got the car keys.
Twenty minutes later, your husband comes with the keys spinning on his finger and his briefcase. He gives you a cheeky smile.
“You can drive, dollface,” Bucky said tossing you the keys.
You catch them and unlock the car. You go to the trunk with Bucky. You open it up. You put in your backpack and he puts in his briefcase. He gives you a quick kiss on the lips.
“Oh, I called the jewelers before my first class,” Bucky said as you both went to your separate sides.
“What did they say?” You asked.
“Your ring will be done tomorrow and we can pick it up,” he said with a smile.
You grinned and got into the car. Bucky slides in and closes his door. You close yours and adjust your seat. You both buckle in. You start the car.
“I liked how you used our son as your excuse to not go to a frat party,” he said.
“He’s a great excuse. I would’ve said you but I don’t know how Nat would react to me being married to the professor she hates most,” you said backing out of the parking space.
Bucky chuckles pulling out his phone and said, “she’ll get over it.”
“I don’t know about that, James,” you said biting your lower lip.
“Don’t worry, babydoll. She’s a pain in my ass but she’ll stick around you,” Bucky said as you drive off. “Wanda will too. If not, you’re stuck with me and the boys.”
“Oh Jesus,” you said.
~~~next week
You carry Luka into the lecture room and you’re the first one in besides Bucky. Luka is not feeling too great and you couldn’t leave him at the daycare. Bucky left in an Uber before you due to two of his classes starting before your two of the day. Luckily, you got Bucky’s class first and know that he’ll let his little man into the class without hesitation. It’s quite a perk to be married to your professor.
“Hey..,” Bucky said and he’s immediately concerned seeing Luka in your arms.
“They wouldn’t let him into daycare,” you said softly. “He’s got a cold.”
Bucky takes his whimpering boy out of your arms holding him against his chest. He rubs his back.
“Why don’t you sit up in front today with my little man?” Bucky suggested. “You’d be closer to the door.”
“That was my plan,” you said quietly. “Are you staying longer today?”
“Nah, I don’t need to but I can take Bubba back to my office until you finish up your class with Banner,” Bucky said. “So that we can all go home together.”
“Fine by me. I brought extra clothes and tons of diapers in case as well as formula,” you said.
“Alright, I’ll let you go sit down with Lu,” Bucky said.
He tries giving you Luka back but he just cries. Bucky holds him back against his chest. He cooed at his little one.
“I brought the carrier,” you said smirking.
“You better pull it out, darling,” he said.
Soon enough, Luka is strapped to Bucky’s chest, you got your kiss from your husband, and you’ve planted yourself at the end of the first row. You’ve pulled out your notebook and pens, highlighters, and mechanical pencils. You took out your phone and get a picture of Bucky with Luka. Your backpack along with the diaper bag is under table.
Classmates start coming in. Wanda and Natasha stroll in as well.
“Who’s baby did you steal?” Natasha asked as Bucky is writing on the board.
“First of all, that’s kidnapping and I have better morals than that,” Bucky said looking at the two redheads. “Secondly, why steal a baby when I can make my own with my wife?”
“Oh my god, disgusting!” Natasha said racing up the stairs in the middle to her regular spot.
You laughed along with others in the room. Wanda goes up the set of stairs nearest the door and slides into the swivel chair next to you.
“That’s sparkly,” Wanda said pointing to the ring on your ring finger.
“I know,” you said grinning.
“When’s the big day?” She asked.
“Why are you sitting over there?!” Natasha asked.
“It’s near the nearest exit,” you said.
Natasha groans and picks her stuff back up. She heads over to the two of you and sits next to Wanda.
“So, When is the big day?” Wanda asked.
“Already? You’re so young and innocent,” Natasha said.
“Ladies,” Bucky said sarcastically. “I’d like to start my class unless you have more pressing matters.”
“Sorry, Professor,” you said and he gives you smile.
“Alright, I have a special guest with me, my son Luka. He’s just six months old if you’re curious and no, I didn’t steal him,” Bucky said to the class. “Hopefully, we’ll get through the lesson with little to no disturbances from him.”
Natasha and Wanda turned to you immediately as your husband proceeds with the lesson. You ignore their looks even though you find it quite amusing.
Once the class gets dismissed, you take your time packing up. Wanda and Natasha sit and turn to you. Bucky comes over without hesitation. There’s no point in hiding it any longer.
“Do you have the diaper bag?” Bucky asked. “Luka took a shit and I’m scared it’s the explosive one.”
“Yeah, I got it,” you said standing up putting your backpack on and grabbing the diaper bag.
“Seriously? This whole time?” Natasha asked.
Bucky takes the diaper bag and said, “yeah.”
He gives you a quick kiss before heading off.
“Wow,” Wanda said.
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borrovved · 3 years
warned you p.sh
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pairing: tutor!sunghoon x fem!reader
genre: smut, but at most suggestive for now
wc: 3k
warnings: mature content, cursing, mentions of erection, mentions of casual sex, y/n saying she’s screwing someone’s dad but she doesn’t lmfao
synopsis: y/n needs to pass calculus, and sunghoon needs to get laid
part 1/???
You were going to your snobby and strict private school, just walking to the beat of Sunmi blasting in your headphones. The pigtails got in the way of the headphones but you made it work. You were aiming for the cutesy innocent look today, regardless of if your whole grade thought you were some harlot. You’d rather call yourself a femme fatale, but what you’re really trying to reclaim as a raging bratty feminist is a bimbo.
Bimbos definitely need to keep their head up high with confidence, but seeing the latest AP calculus quiz on your desk with its 37% marked in red severely irked you in that it made you feel dumb, and not the good kind, the very small and insignificant kind. Bimbos don’t like feeling like that. You twirled your pigtail in your hand and tried to keep a neutral expression, holding in the heavy sigh you so badly need to exhale out. That’s when you heard it.
“How did she manage to score that low?” someone snickered.
“All that time spent on her back and not at a desk really paid off.” another person snickered. You really wanted to say you’ve actually got railed by their dad on his desk and that you’re quite adaptable on where you do it, but you didn’t wake up and choose violence today...and plus the teacher would’ve sent you to the office. Giving them attention would just fuel the fire that you can’t put out when you’re up against slut shaming vermin when you’re only a team of one. The bell rang, signaling your next class and before you were able to stand up and go, you were asked to stay for a few minutes afterwards along with someone else. That someone else being Park Sunghoon. You and Sunghoon walked to the desk of your teacher and stood before her.
“Now Y/N, I know that you haven’t been doing well in class so I decided to pair you up with Sunghoon as your tutor. I feel as though you would have great improvement after a few study sessions, considering big chapters are coming up to wrap up the semester, and now is the best time more than ever to get some aid that I can’t provide.” You peek over to Sunghoon and he glances at you briefly before looking back at the teacher.
“Is this mandatory?” you ask.
“If you want to pass this class, I strongly recommend that you let him help you. An alternative explanation could help.” You really had no other choice but to nod your head yes and go along with it.
“Good. Now that both of you are informed, hurry along before you’re late to your next class.” After both of you scurry out of the room, you walk ahead to your next class and feel a tap on your shoulder.
“Hi, I’m Sunghoon, but you already knew that.” he says awkwardly while he hands you a post it note in neat handwriting. You eye it, then look up.
“You’re giving me your number?” you ask. He nods.
“Texting is the most efficient way to communicate with me since I have ice skating practice and student council related things to do.” he iterates. Before you even say a word, Sunghoon is already off to his next class, but you don’t miss the way he turns around to wave at you and yells “Text me!” in the hallway. You’ve gotten many stares before, from the way you carry yourself and from the way you purposely pull your uniform skirt higher because you think it would look best as a mini skirt, but this time, you heard whispers.
“Why is he talking to her?”
“Must be doing charity work.”
You smile. You can’t wait to tell your best friend Sunoo what just happened at lunch.
“The ice prince is doing what now?” Sunoo says with fruit gummies in his mouth.
“He’s helping me with calculus. And gave me his number.” you say while grabbing for a piece of candy to which Sunoo lets you grab a few.
“So…what’s the plan here?” Sunoo says with an eyebrow raised.
“I’ll text him right now and have some fun.”
“You whore! What do you mean have some fun?” Sunoo asked not subtly with his booming voice.
You roll your eyes. “You know the drill. I think he’s an easy target. I’ll be my cute charming self and see what happens.”
“You mean you’ll be a man eater and devour that poor innocent boy whole?” 
“You know me so well.” you say, grinning ear to ear. You whip out your phone and compose a text.
You: Hey Sunghoon, it’s Y/N, are you free after school today?
Unknown: Hey, and yes. Where would you like to study?
You: I’m more comfortable at my house where there’s less distractions. The library is too quiet for me and I like some white noise.
Sunoo peeks over your shoulder and says, “He responds fast.”
You smile, “Right?”
You start typing right away, but notice the three dots before you get to send anything.
Unknown: Sounds good, I’ll meet you after school :)
Sunoo gasps. “A smiley? A smiley!” You giggle at his reaction.
“It’s just an emoticon silly.” you say.
“It’s going to be water droplets and eggplants soon though.” Sunoo said in a sing song voice. You can’t help but laugh at your easily giddy best friend. You had big, big plans to get your prey, and you were going to have your fun in the process of passing calculus while you’re at it.
English literature wasn’t the most fun class in the world with talking about MacBeth and all, however, the fun part was daydreaming about Sunghoon. You have fancied the boy for the longest time casually but thought he was a little too vanilla for you. And you don’t like admitting it, a little too good for you with being a smart hardworking boy with his head on steady shoulders while yours just bobbled to whatever. Anyhow, you needed danger. A little spice, and everything delectably nice. He didn’t seem the type to be rough enough.
He was however tall, lean, and achingly adorable. Handsomely crafted, so soft spoken, and knew when to shut up unlike every boy you’ve slept with thus far. He’s a nice target. 
The bell rang, and you were quite surprised to see Sunghoon standing by your locker while you’re on your way there.
“Sunghoon!” you say cheerfully, making sure there was a bounce in your step, very glad you’re not wearing a bra today. For some reason the air conditioning wasn’t working today at school so you used this as an excuse to unbutton a few buttons earlier on your white crisp button up. You can see very clearly Sunghoon gulp and you can’t help but do your eye smile at this, and he does a soft grin in return.
“How did you figure out where my locker was?” you say as you tilt your head. Sunghoon couldn’t help but think the simple gesture of a head tilt was so charming. 
He shrugs. “I was going to text you but I knew you would be in class, so I looked at some documents to find out which locker it was. You know, student council perks.” 
“Please don’t find it creepy.”
“I won’t, you dork.” You bend over to reach your locker since it was on the bottom row. Sunghoon stepped aside to let you open your locker, and his breath hitches in his throat. Seeing the back of your thighs in a skirt that was hiked up higher than it was supposed to was bewitching. He felt like he was in a trance and lingered his eyes on your legs for quite a while. Your skirt was just at the edge of the curvature of your ass, leaving some to the imagination but not much. You knew exactly what you were doing. You had many cheap tricks up your sleeve, and you were going to use them to your advantage. You could practically feel his gaze on you and you can’t help but smirk as you grab your calculus textbook along with your pencil bag, still bent over taking your time putting the items in your backpack. Sunghoon knows he has to stop staring or otherwise this won’t look good for him.
“Ready to go?” you say with a smile. It takes a moment for him to process what just happened and he’s all the while wondering how did your legs not hurt when you didn’t crouch to the ground all the way.
“Of course.”
The walk to your home was pleasant, you looked down at your shoes often and Sunghoon mapped out what sections you two were to go over in the textbook, including the homework that was assigned today. You asked him how his classes went and he responded after pausing to mull over his thoughts.
“It’s okay. Nothing exciting happened other than right now.” he says, looking at you while giving you his undivided attention. You can’t help but admire the beauty that is Sunghoon. His soft looking hair that frames his face nicely and the way he has his hands shoved into the pockets of his uniform slacks make him look so boyishly handsome and breathtaking.
It takes a moment for you to respond. “What about right now is so exciting?”
He gently smiles and looks away from you. “I don’t tutor people often. Every once in a while I get asked to help students about a few things but never really spend enough time with them to consider it tutoring. And the change of pace on how I manage my time is much needed. I don’t interact with different people often, so this is...nice.”
Your heart races as the clouds take over the blue sky slowly. You notice just how pretty the cute moles on his face are as your gaze lingers on them for a bit. He does that stupid charming smile that makes you giddy and you blush, picking up the pace. You start turning while walking backwards just to give him your undivided attention.
“We should walk faster, Sunghoon. It might start drizzling.”
Both of you entered your home and took your shoes off at the front door. Sunghoon took a quick glance at your home, to which he said “this is a cozy house.” You tell him your bedroom is the coziest spot in the house, and let him trail behind you as you go up the stairs, and he doesn’t miss the way your pretty and dainty hand smooths over the railing as you walk up. Entering your room, he noticed the pink canopy bed right away, and the pink heart shaped pillow on it. There were so many details in just one spot, with the floral comforter and lights attached to the tulle. It was pretty and graceful. Light and airy. Soft.
“You can sit on the bed. Let me get changed out of this uniform, it’s so hot in this blazer.” you say as you start to strip in front of your closet, looking away from Sunghoon. Now, Sunghoon doesn’t see himself as a pervert, so therefore, when he noticed you unbuttoning your white button up and could only see the smoothness of your back and notice there was no bra in sight, his cheeks flushed. He quickly turned the other cheek and looked anywhere else but you. Unfortunately, perhaps fortunately, you had a full length mirror with fake pink roses running along its sides across your room. Sunghoon tried really, really hard to look at the curve of the pink petals and not at the curve of your breasts when you turned to the side slightly, but he failed so horribly. He could see himself and his cheeks were beet red. The bulge in his pants was so noticeable too. He quickly placed his backpack on his lap and winced at how heavy it was against him. Why did that kinda feel good?
You turn around wearing your school uniform skirt still but this time with a bright red crop top and of course, no bra. Sunghoon is dying and he can’t help but stare at how prominent your nipples are through the thin material. You take the pigtails down and he loves the way your hair cascades down your shoulders once it’s out of its confines of a scrunchie. He blinks once, twice, many times. Maybe if he sees only the back of his eyelids long enough he will stop picturing you naked. It doesn’t work, and you just stand with your hands on your hips and a lilt to your voice.
“Are you thirsty?” you say sweetly, knowing your tricks are working.
“Uh, y-yeah. Do you have water? Can I have water please?” Sunghoon is so precious.
“Of course you can.”
You really are a chintzy whore at best. Your excuse for not sitting at the desk of your room to study was that there was only one comfy study chair, and that you didn’t feel like bringing the dining room chair upstairs. That’s understandable, right? You could’ve however used the chair at your vanity, but that’s just a padded stool with no back to it. Wouldn’t want you or Sunghoon to forget and lean back too far and fall to your doom. So you told Sunghoon that you would rather study in your bed.
You played a little playlist in the background, something mellow and soft and not too distracting. Every once in a while Sunghoon will ask what song it is, and you respond with a chipper in your voice.
“Oh, this one is Sex and Sadness by Madi Sipes and the Painted Blue!”
“That’s one hell of a title.” he chuckles.
“It sure is. The lyrics are so...pretty? I can’t put it into words. The part where it talks about ‘stained glass loved lace’ gets me every time. And ‘whispering words into the singer’s skin.’ It’s romantic.” Sunghoon notices how there’s a certain dazzling feature in your eyes as you talk about the song. He wants to stare in your eyes, but alas you have to finish this one problem. Sunghoon prioritizes responsibilities over such silly, frivolous things that only he notices.
“So tell me how you’re going to solve this problem.” Sunghoon says swiftly while grabbing the glass of water on your nightstand.
You stare at the problem and try your best to concentrate. You really do. But you can’t help the way Sunghoon’s hand looks lazily placed on his thigh. Without much thought, you trace a finger on the back of his hand and say, “Your hands are so veiny.”
“And big.”
Well that’s a first, Sunghoon thinks. He knows he’a good looking, a bunch of girls swoon over him at school and at the rink all the time. The most common compliment he gets is on his eyes, and maybe hair, but not on his hands of all things. You’re fascinated by them, and you won’t stop tracing along the veins. Your touch sets his skin ablaze, and it doesn’t seem like you’re finishing this problem any time soon.
“Let’s take a break. I think you’re getting distracted because your brain is all fried.” Sunghoon says softly, still letting you continue playing with his hand.
“I’m getting distracted because I have a pretty boy in my bed.” you giggle. You finally look up and see how pink his cheeks are from blushing.
He starts to stammer “You’re the one that wants to study in your bed!” His voice is a little pitched and you can’t contain your laughs. 
“Do you want to move to the desk then?” you ask.
He shakes his head and mumbles a “no.” A few moments pass and you almost didn’t hear what he says next because it’s under his breath.
“I’ve never been called pretty before.”
“Gasp.” you say, lightheartedly.
“No but like, I’ve been called handsome, smart, a little weird, but not pretty.” Sunghoon replies. A moment of silence passed, and you started to ponder.
“There’s a song called Pretty Boy in my playlist somewhere.”
You go over to your laptop and click on The Neighbourhood song. You sway your hips gently and get lost into the music. Sunghoon just gazes at you as you move along to the steady pulse of the music and let the melodies feel you instead of the other way around. You do a little twirl and waltze your way to your bed, grabbing his hand.
“Dance with me.”
He obliged, wordlessly.
He takes in the words of the lyrics and closes his eyes. If he can’t see how close he is to you right now, it feels less real. It feels less scary. Not that you’re scary, Sunghoon doesn’t think girls with pink heart shaped pillows are scary. What’s scary is you laughing at his boner because he hasn’t been this close to a girl before since a random winter formal he had in grade school. The girl wasn’t all that nice since she dipped to dance with his friend. You’re much softer and nice. More delicate. You even smell nicer. God, your little hands enclosed together behind his neck and his big hands on your waist feels too good to be true. He can feel your gaze on him.
“Sunghoon, open your eyes.” He does, and his breath hitches and you look down, because you definitely feel something poking you and it wasn’t there before.
“I have to go, I have a curfew and it’s getting late, I’ll walk myself out.”
“Sunghoon I can at least walk you down-“
“No, seriously. I can go by myself. Thank you though.”
He’s so wide eyed and his cheeks are so rosy and he dashes away like his life depends on it. And you didn’t even get to kiss him.
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angelicyoongie · 4 years
the crimson shell (llll)
— pairing: jungkook x f!reader — genre: mermaid au, yandere au — w.c: 4.6k — warnings: explicit sexual content! heavy dub-con touching/intercourse, forced breeding, oviposition, mentions of death/violence, general yandere themes — notes: ah, here we finally are, the last part/finale to the story! please keep the warnings in mind, and don’t read this chapter if you’re uncomfortable with anything stated above!
Part I / II / III / IIII
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You’re not sure how long you’ve been here. After the second week of just blankly staring at the never changing cave walls surrounding you, you figured there was no point in keeping track of it. What good does it do you anyway? It’s not like counting the days will miraculously get you out of here. While you might not know the number, you do know that it’s been far too many. Your skin has grown pale and gaunt from the lack of sunshine and warmth you’re so used to, and the diet of raw fish hasn’t exactly been very kind to you. The cave is tall enough for you to stand up in comfortably, so at least your circulation isn’t completely shot, but you honestly lack the energy to stay on your feet for too long. Escaping, even just back up to the island, is your only chance at survival. You don’t think you’re going to last very long down here. It’s already gotten to the point where you’ve begun looking forward to Jungkook’s short daily visits, even just the sight of something almost human enough to keep you sane.
You let out a heavy sigh, the noise echoing around the cave as you lean back against the stone wall. Over the last couple of days, the creature has begun to bring you little treasures alongside with your food. You’re not exactly sure why, but it’s nice to have something to do – even if it’s just tracing the patterns on the lockets and pendants over and over. You run your fingers over the small pile of golden jewelry by your side, trying your best to keep your thoughts away from the people it must have belonged to. Jimin might have managed to get away, but you doubt the rest of them did. Two of the pendants in your pile belonged to the crew Jimin brought with him, and you suspect that if you give Jungkook a few more days, he’ll bring you the remaining three. As if you summoned him with your straying thoughts, a small splash in the water alerts you of the creature’s arrival. You turn your head just in time to see Jungkook hoisting himself up on the ledge, another fish and a new pendant dropped at your feet. You silently scoot closer to the edge, offering up your hand to the creature’s expectant red eyes. Jungkook nuzzles into your hand with a happy thrill, rubbing his cheek along your palm. You suppress a shudder at the sound, ignoring the soft skin underneath your fingertips as you stare at the headless fish at your feet. Sometimes you wish you could share the same fate as your food.
You let Jungkook cuddle your hand for as long as he wants, knowing that denying him will only make things worse for yourself. If you look past the sharp claws and teeth, Jungkook is hardly anything more than an oversized puppy. He seems to crave constant affection and confirmation that he’s done good when he brings you food or treasures. You think you might would have found it sweet if it wasn’t for the fact that he’s keeping you trapped here – and that he’s a monster. There’s nothing sweet or innocent about the creature in front of you. You let out a small breath of relief as Jungkook drops your hand, but he doesn’t immediately sink back down in the water as he normally does. You watch in confusion as he pushes the fish closer, the gold chain around it rattling as it drags against the stone. You hesitantly pick it up, praying that Jungkook isn’t going to stay here and watch you eat it. The raw fish already makes you nauseous, and there’s no way you’ll be able to stomach eating it with an audience. Especially one that likes to punish you when you do something he doesn’t like. Call you crazy, but you don’t think gagging at the food he brings you will make him very happy.
You slowly unwrap the chain, putting the fish back down to turn over the locket in your hands. You suck in a harsh breath at the familiar design at the front, the intricate carved flowers making bile rise in your throat. You had this made for Jimin years ago, back when you were still best friends.  You two stayed friendly even after you started drifting apart, but you figured he would’ve gotten rid of the locket by now. You can’t believe he kept it all this time. That he still wore it. Your hands shake as you gently pull on the clasp on the side, a strained sound leaving your lips as you flip it open. A picture of you and Jimin smiles back at you, your faces bright and carefree. Jimin has an arm slung around your shoulders, his eyes closed into little crescent moons from how hard he’s grinning at the camera. The pure happiness in the photo makes your heart clench. Despite knowing Jimin was the one who lead you here, you find yourself desperately missing him for a split second before you can catch yourself. God, maybe if you accepted that marriage proposal from the baker’s sleazy son last year you would’ve at least been safe. Home.
You’re yanked out of your thoughts as Jungkook tugs you closer to the ledge, a clawed hand quickly snatching the locket out of your grasp. He lets out a series of chirping noises as his red eyes drag from the locket to you, and Jungkook taps your smiling face in the photo before he does the same to your leg. You stare in bewilderment as the creature drops the locket back in your hands, his lips stretched into a nightmarish version of a smile before he lowers himself down in the water. You swear your heart stops the moment you see the rows of teeth lining his mouth, and it refuses to work again until Jungkook is fully submerged and swimming away. You hastily scoot back from the edge, the locket clutched tightly in your hand. A bitter smile graces your lips as it dawns on you that you’ve figured out how Jimin traded your life for his. The picture. While you can’t be sure of exactly how he managed to communicate with Jungkook, you’re sure that being stranded here for six months must’ve been more than enough time to figure out a way to converse without using actual words. With Jimin as living proof in front of him, the creature must’ve understood that it meant that you were real too. And that if he had managed to get Jimin, then there would be a way to get to you. It was probably easier for Jimin to trade your life for his when he had something tangible to show Jungkook, when he had proof in his hands that you were out there too. A part of you hopes that maybe Jimin tried to convince Jungkook to change his mind, to take someone else instead, but you have a feeling that even if he did, the creature wouldn’t have budged. From the time you’ve spent on the island it has become very clear that Jungkook is stubborn and used to getting what he wants – but you suppose that’s only natural for a creature like him. How can something tell you no when it has already been eaten?
Of course, Jimin had no way to be sure that you would set sail for Jungkook’s island. But, while there was no guarantee you would risk travelling that far, your old friend knew how desperate you were for money, and the lengths you were willing to go to keep your family afloat. You suppose he knew how easy it would be to trick you as long as there was a bit of gold involved, and Jimin was dripping in it when he came back. You just hope he at least had the decency to spare your family a gold ring or two after you left, considering he sacrificed you to go free. You toss the locket aside, not really caring where it ends up as long as it’s far away from you. You force yourself to take a few deep breaths, trying your best to quell the anger burning through your veins. Being mad at Jimin won’t do you any good while you’re stuck down here, so you allow yourself to whisper out a string of curses at the man before you lock away the heavy feeling of betrayal deep into your chest. Seeing Jimin’s smiling face has reignited your dwindling spirit, and you decide that you will get out of here, even if it is just to hunt Jimin down.
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The next time Jungkook comes back to visit you, there are no more treasures. Instead, your eyes widen in surprise as the creature gently places a familiar shell and pearl down by your feet, next to your twitching meal. You’re certain you left them near your bonfire higher up on the beach, but judging by the scratches and roughed up skin on Jungkook’s arms, it seems like the creature probably dragged himself all the way up there to get them. You feel your throat run dry at the thought, at the fact that you weren’t even as safe on land as you had first believed. If Jungkook was willing to bring himself up on land to get them, then you’re sure they must mean something important. It can’t be a coincidence that both the shell and the pearl have the same deep red colour as Jungkook’s tail and eyes, and come to think of it, didn’t your luck begin to turn after you picked up it that evening before you left?
Jungkook lets out a chirp as you pick up the shell, the creature leaning forward to rub his head against the back of your occupied hand. You eye him warily as your mind races through what has happened ever since you left home. You really, truly, hope that you’re wrong, but based on how everything started after you picked up the shell and how the creature acts – how he provides for you, how offended he acts when you push him away and how affectionate he is, you fear you might have accidentally accepted a courting offer. You’ve seen similar patterns in animals before, and while you’re not entirely sure what Jungkook really is, you think it’s safe to assume that the same thing might apply for him too. What you can’t really wrap your mind around is why he waited so long. It took weeks before you left after Jimin returned, and you were down by the beach every night. The unexplainable fear you felt was probably something deep inside of you that recognized that you were being watched by a predator – by him – but you didn’t know enough to connect the dots. Jungkook had many chances to grab you, but he didn’t. Not until you accepted his shell. Convenience maybe? That this whole trade was easier if he made you come to him? Or maybe some weird kind of custom his kind has? He is half human, after all. But you can’t be sure. If anything, Jimin could’ve at least had the decency to teach you how to converse with him if he was going to throw you to the sharks, or rather, Jungkook. Either way, you’re sure Jungkook would’ve eventually found a way to get to you even if you didn’t leave on that boat.
You’re shaken out of your thoughts when the feeling of soft skin leaves the back of your hand. The clicks falling from Jungkook’s lips are uncharacteristically soft as he pulls himself up on the ledge, those deep red eyes trained on yours as he tugs you closer. It only takes one hard yank before you find yourself caged in underneath Jungkook’s arms again, legs on either side of his waist. Your pulse quickens as you’re reminded of what happened the last time – you’re not exactly eager to pass out again from being smothered by his weight.  
You feel like you shouldn’t be surprised that Jungkook manages to carry his entire weight on one arm, while the other begins to roam across your body. After all, he did drag himself up on land and back, and the part you had on top of you last time was hardly anything. The weight of his entire tail must be extremely heavy out of water. You know the creature doesn’t like it when you don’t pay him attention, so you let your eyes rest on his collarbones, watching as a few drops of water run down his skin. Keeping eye contact is too intimidating, those deep red irises makes it feel like you’re staring right into the depths of hell.
You dig your fingers into your thighs as Jungkook’s hand dips under the torn fabric of your shirt, the unusual texture of the web between his fingers making you squirm uncomfortably as it drags over your skin. You’re very aware of the sharp claws hovering above your delicate stomach as he explores, but at least the creature knows to not let them touch. Jungkook’s hand trails over your sides, your stomach, all the way up to the underside of your breasts. You swallow thickly as a knuckle brushes against the soft flesh, Jungkook’s motion suddenly stilling at the contact. You’ve always managed to push him off before he’s gone any further, but you can feel the shift in the creature’s mood today. You know he’s not going to take no for an answer. But, that still didn’t prepare you for the sudden gush of wind brushing across your exposed chest, your shirt split clean in two with the help of Jungkook’s claws. Before you can scramble to cover up, Jungkook lets out an excited chirp, his hand quickly moving back to your chest. Your mind goes blank as he places his palm over one of your breasts, experimentally squeezing and massaging it as he watches you curiously. You grit your teeth as Jungkook plays with it, ignoring the little tingle of heat in your stomach whenever he does something your traitorous body likes.  
You try to convince yourself that Jungkook is probably just excited to see parts of a human body he hasn’t seen before, that he doesn’t really know what he’s doing. Your breath hitches as the webbed texture between Jungkook’s fingers glide over your nipples, a soft moan falling from your lips before you can stop yourself. The noise only seems to spur him on more, Jungkook repeating the motion to hear the sound again. A harsh squeeze on your breast forces out another moan, your hands flying to Jungkook’s chest. Your fingers twitch against his skin, your head telling you to push him away, while the building heat in your stomach and the growing wetness between your legs wants him close to finish what he’s started. You settle for digging your hands into his skin, grounding yourself in his body, knowing that pushing him away won’t do you any good. Jungkook lets out a happy thrill at your touch, lowering himself closer to your body as his hand moves from one breast to the other. You can feel his eyes burning into your skin, your body growing warmer and warmer under his intense gaze. There’s too many sensations at once – cold water dripping against your overheating skin, Jungkook’s long hair tickling your face, the soft and rough skin of his hand squeezing and moving across your flesh. Your eyes glide shut before you can stop yourself, forgetting your own rule of never letting Jungkook out of your sight. It’s just .. too much. Your body doesn’t know whether to hate the attention or love it, your chest tight with disgust while your stomach swirls with pleasure. At least with your eyes shut, and as long as your hands stay on his chest, he feels human. Human enough to make this whole thing a little less horrible.
Your legs tense as you feel more of Jungkook’s weight against your body, his hips pressing down more firmly against yours. You don’t pay it too much attention at first, too occupied by the hand on your chest. At least, that’s until you feel his hips begin to slowly move back and fourth, grinding against your clothed core. Your eyes fly open at the sudden friction, head spinning as your walls clench with need. You’re sure the flimsy material of your trousers must be soaked by now, and the realization that this creature is the reason behind it makes your cheeks flush red with mortification. You stifle a gasp as Jungkook pinches your sensitive nipple between two fingers, another happy thrill filling the cave as he rolls his hips harder against your mound. You can feel the heat in your lower stomach building rapidly, the coil almost ready to snap when Jungkook suddenly stills. You push down the needy whine in your throat as Jungkook removes his hand from your body, the creature pulling himself up further on the ledge.
Your confusion dies as your eyes travel down a little further past his hips, the arousal you felt quickly washed away by terror as you notice a slit in his tail, and something extending out of it. You nearly choke on your own spit as it finally clicks, trying your best to scramble out from beneath Jungkook’s hold as his cock becomes fully unsheathed. Jungkook lets out a series of low, warning clicks at your struggle, his clawed fingers digging into your shoulders as his arms keeps you caged you in. You look down in horror as you feel him resume his grinding against your clothed sex. It’s nothing like you’ve ever seen before. His cock is slightly tapered at the tip, growing thicker down against the base. What you thought was just some misplaced curiosity is obviously more than that, because now, there’s no doubt in your mind that Jungkook’s plan is to fuck you. You ignore the pain as sharp claws dig into your skin, trying your best to twist out of his hold. Logically you know there’s no place for you to run to down here, and that was probably what he wanted all along. Still, your heart hammers painfully against your chest, urging you to at least try.
You don’t succeed in doing much more than twisting yourself over on your stomach, fingers clawing at the stone in an attempt to pull yourself away. You barely have time to process the hiss leaving Jungkook’s throat before the remaining fabric of your trousers are sliced clean in two, leaving you completely bare. The next roll of his hips sends his cock rubbing over your ass, your body trembling at the wetness that seems to be coating it. The scales on his hips are rough and sharp as they drag over your soft skin, and you don’t doubt they'll feel like tiny little razors if you move against them wrong. You’re still trying to drag yourself away when Jungkook’s arms comes under your body, one wrapping underneath your arm to hold the opposite shoulder, and the other curling around your stomach. The creature lets out another hiss at your squirming, pulling your flush against his chest. You can feel his heartbeat against your back, the steady rhythm such a contrast to the wild beat of your own as he once again moves against your body. The new position sends his cock gliding between your legs, the shaft rubbing along your folds and coating it with the same slick fluid you felt on your skin. You dig your fingers into the stone floor, but your body is locked up tight against Jungkook. There’s nowhere for you to go.
Jungkook lets out another warning noise before he rolls his hips forward again, the tapered tip of his cock catching on your entrance. You let out a strangled moan as Jungkook’s cock sinks into your heat, your walls stretching around him as he pushes in deeper. Your arousal from earlier combined with the wetness around the creature’s cock makes the slide painless aside from the uncomfortable burn of being filled too much, too fast. Jungkook’s excited thrill at finally being buried inside your heat rings in your ear from the close proximity, his tongue dipping out to flick across the sheen of sweat at your nape. The creature begins pulling his hips back, not giving you any time to adjust before he snaps them forward. You let out a choked moan as he fills you up again, vision growing hazy as he sets a brutal pace from the get go. You can feel the harsh slap of his hips against your ass with every thrust, Jungkook letting out a pleased hiss as he continues to slam into you. You can feel the tapered length twitching and pulsing inside of you as he moves, more wetness seeping out of his cock to mix with your own. Every thrust leaves you gasping for breath, and the hold Jungkook has around your body feels like you’re wrapped up in steel. You have no choice but to lay there and take it, but as the creature’s cock nudges over your sweet spot repeatedly, you realize to your own horror that you like it.
Lost in a daze of arousal and fear, you don’t even realize the creature has been moving the both of you backwards until you’re suddenly plunged into the cold water. You let out a startled gasp as Jungkook’s length disappears from your heat, and you thread the water forcefully to keep your head above the ripples as you try to figure out where the creature went. You feel his hands before you see him, claws wrapping around your waist as Jungkook pushes you against the ledge. You let out a pained groan as your back collides with the stone, your hands scrambling up to grip the edge of it. You freeze as Jungkook’s head slowly emerges from the water, those deep red eyes looking hungrier and wilder than you’ve ever seen before. It only takes a moment before you feel the creature’s chest pressed against yours, his cock slipping in even easier with the new position. It doesn’t take many thrusts before you’re forced to wrap your legs around his waist to keep yourself afloat, your arms shaking with the effort of keeping your head over water. Your fingers slip a little against the wet stone, your eyes widening as you seem to sink even further down on Jungkook’s cock. You’ve never been so full before, almost delirious as he picks up his pace. Jungkook’s hands are relentless as they glide over your skin, pinching and rubbing every part of your body.
“F-fuck,” You moan as your clit rubs against his tail, the roughness of the scales making a bolt of arousal shoot through your body. You don’t even realize your hips are moving against his as the tightness in your gut grows, the pressure building more and more until it suddenly unravels, waves of pleasure ripping through your body and making you see stars as you come on Jungkook’s cock. The creature lets out something close to a growl as your walls clamp down around him, and he fucks you straight through your orgasm and into oversensitivity with an animalistic pace. You whine as Jungkook’s cock begin to swell, grow, his hands stilling on your hips to pull you flush against him as he comes. He lets out a pleased chirp as the burning hot come floods your insides, a broken moan escaping your lips as Jungkook slows down the harsh pace. It’s done, you think, relieved. He’ll probably leave you alone now. So it confuses you when Jungkook’s eyes slide shut, soft clicks leaving his lips as he pushes you even harder against the stone behind you. He’s still working his hips in and out of your heat, and you realize that even though he just came, his cock is still hard and growing, still stretching your walls.
Your eyes nearly bulge out of your head as you feel something moving up Jungkook’s cock, a firm but soft sphere spurting from the tip and into you. It takes a second for your hazy mind to connect the dots, and you realize a little too late that the creature is laying eggs. Inside of you. Jungkook is breeding you. You desperately try to push against his chest as you feel the second egg travel up his cock, but Jungkook only tugs you closer, tucking his face into the crook of your neck as his chest rumbles. You stifle back a moan as the second egg joins the first, the foreign texture brushing along your sensitive walls. The creature purrs as he released another spurt of eggs, slowly grinding his cock back and fourth as he breeds you. You cling on to the ledge behind you, disgust and pleasure wracking through your body as another egg joins the rest. A deeper click, something almost close to a groan, falls from Jungkook’s lips as he forces the last egg into your tight heat. Your eyes nearly roll back as you feel his cock nudge against your cervix; Jungkook’s slow pace fucking the eggs around inside of you. If you thought you felt full before, it’s nothing compared to being stuffed to the brim with Jungkook’s thick cock, eggs and come.
You can feel Jungkook’s breath ghost across your exposed wet skin, the harsh puffs of air sending chills down your back. Your hands finally slip from the ledge, too exhausted to keep you up anymore. Before you can wrap your shaking arms around Jungkook’s shoulders, the creature suddenly detangles you from his body, quickly hoisting you back up on the ledge. You let out shaky moan Jungkook’s cock once again slips from your heat, your body feeling surprisingly empty despite the eggs still resting inside of you.
“Shit,” You hiss as you strain to push yourself up on your elbows, gliding a hand down to your stomach. You can feel them inside of you when you press down, little bumps gliding around under your fingertips. Panic builds under your skin – you have to get them out. There has to be a reason you’ve never heard of creatures like Jungkook before. You doubt you're compatible to carry his eggs, and you don’t even know what will happen once they begin to grow. And even if you were, it’s not like you want them. Just as your hand is about to slip down to your slick folds, Jungkook hoists himself up from the water, once again covering your body. He snatches your hand away with a series of threatening clicks, barring his sharp teeth as he lies down on top of you. You twist your head with a fearful whimper as Jungkook pushes your hand into his hair instead, the weight of his body not totally crushing, but still enough to make you feel lightheaded.
You squeeze down around the eggs without meaning do, bile rising in your throat as they catch on your entrance, too big to push out without any help. Your eyes land on the crimson shell and pearl pushed over to the side of the cave. Your chest feels tight as it dawns on you that while the shell were likely a courting offer; the pearl must’ve been a mating offer. And you had accepted both. Your eyes begin to sting as you feel Jungkook’s chest rumble against yours, the pleased purrs making you feel sick. You hesitantly shift your gaze back to him, curling your fingers painfully tight into the wet locks underneath your palm as you find those deep red eyes already staring back at you. A twisted rendition of a smile blooms on his face, the rows of sharp teeth glistening as he looks down at you. The message in his gaze is clear – you’re keeping the eggs.
And there’s no way he’s letting you go.
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a/n: oh boy. hopefully only those of you that were okay with the warnings made it this far. because i know i’ll get questions: jk fertilized his own eggs when he bred y/n, and y/n will basically serve as an incubator (poor girl lmao) for a while. she’ll push the eggs out eventually and then the eggs will hatch on their own. and no – i have no plans of doing jk’s pov any time soon, and it’s up to you to imagine y/n’s fate. anyway!! i hope you uhh, enjoyed this! and thank you for all the love and support for this mini series, it means a lot to me!  as always, see you all soon and stay safe! and in case you enjoy my stories and want to buy me a coffee, you can do so here! 💖
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Dream SMP Recap (April 18/2021) - Skeppy and the Egg
With only a week left to prepare for the Red Banquet, Bad takes a trip down to the Egg and ends up in a tense confrontation with Skeppy.
A brief summary of the week’s total events can be found at the end of the post.
Captain Puffy
- HBomb hosts Niki, Puffy and Hannah’s episode of L’Cast!
- Bad rows to shore in a boat. He gets out near Fundy’s base.
- He examines the server, remarking on how the Blood Vines are gone. It’s all in preparation. One week from today will be the Red Banquet.
- Quackity has been causing nothing but problems. Meanwhile, the Egg Room has been renovated with Nether brick walls. The plants have been growing nicely, and a dance floor has been prepared.
- Bad looks at the dining area. There are many chairs, but Bad isn’t sure if there will be enough seats for everyone.
- The Egg whispers to him.
“I will give you your heart’s desire. I will give you what you want.”
Bad: “I know. You don’t have to say it anymore, I know!” 
- Bad walks over to the Egg and notices Skeppy there. Skeppy tells him that he wants to be near the Egg. Bad says he worries about him, but Skeppy says he’s fine and to leave him alone.
- Bad tries to convince him to go on a walk. Skeppy tells him that there’s nothing he can say to change his mind. He’s staying with the Egg.
Bad: “I mean I...All of this, all of this is for him...and it’s so frustrating. I just -- I know that Egg, it’s not evil, and everybody’s just misunderstanding it, and I know -- at the Banquet, we’re gonna show them! We’re gonna show everybody exactly what the Egg is all about, and exactly what the Egg wants, they’re gonna see it for themselves. Everybody’s gonna see it...but I just don’t like how much time he spends by it now. He literally just hangs out by it. I mean -- if it wasn’t for Skeppy, it probably wouldn’t have even survived that explosion...Oh my goodness...he was able to repair it.”
- As Bad talks, he watches Skeppy fiddling with the Egg’s surface. The Egg whispers again.
“I will give you your heart’s desire. I will give you what you want.”
- Skeppy asks why Bad is still talking to him. Bad reluctantly leaves to look at the decorations again. Skeppy tells him that no one has entered or left the premises.
- Bad reminds Skeppy of the statues he built for him. Bad says he thinks it looked a little better before...Skeppy asks what it’ll take to get Bad to stop talking to him.
- Bad tells Skeppy he found something wrong on the perimeter. Skeppy says nothing could possibly be wrong, but Bad insists they do one last walk around. He says if they go for a walk, he’ll stop bothering Skeppy.
- The Egg starts to whisper, but Bad tells it to stop and the Egg goes quiet before it can say anything.
- They start walking. Bad says that no dancing is actually going to take place, it’s just for show. He shows Skeppy the table too, but Skeppy gets impatient.
Skeppy: “What’s the mistake? I feel like you’re manipulating and lying to me right now.”
- He shows Skeppy a wall. Skeppy says the wall is “crisp and perfect,” and nothing is wrong with it. He goes back to the Egg.
- Skeppy says he invites Bad to get on the Egg. He gets Bad to stand on it. Skeppy asks if Bad feels good. Bad says he does, but Skeppy insists.
- The Egg starts talking and Bad tells it to shut up again. 
Bad: “Quiet! You muffinhead.”
- Skeppy asks why he keeps doing that. Bad snaps and says he doesn’t like how Skeppy’s been acting lately. 
Bad: “It’s not about power! It’s not about control! I’m your FRIEND, Skeppy!”
Skeppy: “I mean...you can think that.”
Bad: “...What do you mean?”
Skeppy: “I mean, what do you want?”
Bad: “No, what did you just say? You said ‘you can think that,’ what do you mean?!”
Skeppy: “You can think whatever you want in your silly little mind, okay? It doesn’t matter to me.”
Bad: “No, we’re friends, right?”
Skeppy: “Sure.”
Bad: “Sure?! That’s it?”
Skeppy: “You can call it whatever you want, alright? In your head, we can be best friends, okay? We can be friends for life. Just leave. Me. Alone.” 
Skeppy: “It’s up to you, ultimately, because I can’t change your mind. So stop trying to change mine.”
- Bad is furious. Is the Egg Skeppy’s friend now, the only thing he hangs out with?
Skeppy: "The Egg is more than just a friend. The Egg is life itself.”
- Skeppy tells him he doesn’t expect Bad to understand the feeling within. 
Bad: “I...I have done so much, because I did for...for you! For our friendship! And now you’re trying to tell me that we’re not friends anymore?”
Skeppy: “Did I say that?”
Bad:  “No, but you’re saying you’d rather spend time with this Egg!”
Skeppy: “I’m not saying it, I’ve been proving it.”
- Bad and Skeppy start arguing and yelling at each other.  Bad says he’s done so much, sacrificed so much to protect Skeppy from the other people on the server.
Skeppy: “You left me for a long, long, long time before you even checked up on me, okay? And now, all of a sudden, you care about me? All of a sudden we’re best friends and all you have is my best interest? I don’t think so!”
Skeppy: “The past doesn’t matter. It’s only about the future and the present. And right now, I know what I want.”
- Skeppy goes back to the Egg. 
Bad: “Skeppy...I just wanted us to hang out like we used to.”
Skeppy: “Yeah, well...Times change. So do people. So get used to it.”
Bad: “I just -- I did this all for you and I didn’t want the Egg to take that away.”
Skeppy: “Do you hear how selfish that is? You are trying to take away what I enjoy, and what I like, for your own benefit? Do you realize how selfish that is of you? you don’t actually care about me! Stop hitting me! That is the definition of selfish!”
Bad: “YOU TAKE THAT BACK. Skeppy, if you have any idea of what I have done, and you calling it selfish?!”
Bad: “I...I want an apology. I don’t want you to call ALL the sacrifices that I made for you selfish! Take that back, right now! Apologize!”
Skeppy: “They were ALL selfish, and they were all for your own benefit! You didn’t even consider letting me spend a little bit! Just a little bit of time with the Egg! That was completely cut out!”
Bad starts shaking. 
- He pushes Skeppy into the lava and Skeppy dies. Bad screams, horrified.
Bad: “Skeppy, wait! No! I’m sorry! Skeppy no! ...What happened? What did I do?”
The screen goes black.
--- ---
Cause: Pushed into lava by Badboyhalo
--- ---
Skeppy: “Bad? Bad? Bad...Bad, answer me!”
- Skeppy is blue. He’s standing in a wooden house, calling for Bad.
- The view pans around. Skeppy is standing in front of a white bed. He quietly asks for Bad to answer him.
- The view zooms out, exiting through the door marked as Bones and Skeppy’s house.
It’s Big Daddy Island.
The screen cuts to black again.
- Bad visits Puffy at the mansion.
- Bad asks if Puffy’s excited for the Banquet. He sounds saddened. Bad tells her Skeppy died, though. He fell into lava. “Gravity killed him.”
- Puffy asks if Skeppy was shoved.
- They argue about whether gravity would be the killer if Puffy pushes Bad off a roof. Puffy does so and then tridents, accidentally falling to her death.
- Bad talks to Puffy about how he and Skeppy got into an argument because Skeppy kept doing nothing but sitting on an Egg despite all that Bad did for him. Then Skeppy slipped and fell into lava.
- Puffy asks if this means the Egg that Bad loves so much killed Skeppy.
- No matter what, the Banquet has to happen. Bad says he’ll cover the lava up. Puffy will still attend, but the gravity of the situation has changed.
Puffy: “There’s going to be no accidental deaths?”
Bad: “No...”
Puffy: “There was hesitation there.”
Bad: “No accidental deaths.”
- Puffy writes the death report.
Puffy: “Friends aren’t forever but that dump truck sure is.”
- They switch out of canon as Skeppy comes over to hang out.
- Puffy suggests that Bad and Skeppy get a room. To play chess in. They go inside of the Rat statue to play chess. They play Battleship? And then chess but with their minds.
- There’s a lot of interesting talk in the Rat statue.
- After a lot more banter, Skeppy logs off with Mr. Pointy. Puffy says she should start charging for couple’s therapy.
- Skeppy logs on and they get into a chase. He falls and dies and Puffy retrieves Mr. Pointy.
- Bad and Skeppy start bargaining for it from Puffy.
- Bad, Skeppy, Puffy and Sam all hang out together
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Upcoming Events:
- Ranboo’s lore stream (April 23rd)
- The Red Banquet (April 24th)
- Dream SMP one-year anniversary (April 24th/25th)
- Tales From the SMP: “Space Race”
- Dream’s lore video
4/12 - Quackity recounts the events leading up to his visit with Dream
4/13 - Nothing much happens.
4/14 - Foolish hires HBomb to be his maid.
4/15 - Nothing much happens.
4/16 - Nothing much happens.
4/17 - Hannah goes sleepwalking
4/18 - Bad and Skeppy fight, Bad kills Skeppy
425 notes · View notes
tetralea · 3 years
Ski date
Pairing: Tom Holland x reader
Word Count: 6.2 K+
Warning: idiots in love, awkward flirting, kissing, unprotected sex, fingering, oral (female recieveing), 
Summary: Tom invites you to join him and Harry skiing, and you say yes. Not so secretly hoping one of you finally makes a move and ends the months long mutual pinning finally. 
It’s very fluffy on main, with some good amount of smut. There is an entire scene of smut I didn’t include, it’s very long already, so if you are interested let me know and I might write it. 
A/N: I love skiing, you might be able to tell it after reading this. The reader is skiing, because I do, so that’s that. Thank you for everyone who encouraged me on writing this. I hope you’ll like it. 
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It’s been fairly long since you got to go skiing, so when Tom asked if you wanted to join him and Harry, you said yes, way too fast. 
So here you were, feeling at the top of the world as the Sun was shining, on the beautiful snowy mountain tops all over the horizon. It was the definition of freedom. The mountains, the snow, you skis and speeding down on the slopes until your thighs were burning. 
And now, a pair of deep brown eyes, which you caught staring at you from time to time, only added to the thrills. 
Your close friendship with Tom slowly grew to an endless mutual pining, slowly driving everyone around you crazy, but the both of you played safe, not daring to make a move until you worked together, but up in the mountains everything felt so different. 
His eyes were shining just a bit more bright, his smile seemed just a bit more wide and carefree and the wind carried his clear, happy laughter a tiny bit further. 
‘How about a hot chocolate there?’ You heard Tom’s voice behind you as he walked next to you easily in his boots. His gloved hand was pointing to a small, bright coloured place at the still sunny part, halfway down to the valley. 
‘Sounds good to me.’ You nodded, turning to Harry and seeing his unruly curls moving around on his forehead as they peaked out of his helmet. 
‘Sure, you guys are so lazy tho, we just had lunch.’ He complained before dropping his board on the snow. After a few seconds of shuffling around all three of you were ready to race downhill enjoying the more than beautiful spring weather and the almost empty slopes. 
‘Can you please bring me one?’ You asked Tom, while getting rid of your coat and helmet and settling into the comfy sun chairs. 
‘What do I get if I bring you one?’ He asked with a playful, almost flirty tone. 
Maybe it was the place, or maybe it was the way he got rid of his helmet running his fingers through his messy brown curls, giving you a challenging smile, you felt brave. ‘What do you want?’ 
He leant down, to get his wallet out of his backpack, and to get closer to you, the tension between the two of you almost visible as he looked at you, biting his lips slightly. ‘Just a small kiss, darling.’ His voice was low, a lot more quiet as he tilted his head a little when his long finger touched his skin to show you the exact spot on his cheek he had in mind. Tom’s eyebrows were high as he was waiting for your answer. 
‘Alright, love,’ you emphasised the pet name for him, ‘with whipped cream, without a straw.’ His eyes were locked to yours until he straightened himself and looked at Harry, who was trying to pretend that he found something very interesting on his phone, and not paying attention to your shameless flirting. 
It was hard to tell how much time passed when suddenly the Sun was gone and you opened your eyes to see what happened, not remembering any clouds from earlier. 
Surely it wasn’t a cloud, but Tom was standing in front of you with a satisfied grin and two mugs of hot chocolate. 
You reached out to get yours but he just shook his head with a small laugh, making Harry roll his eyes. Tom leant down and placed the mugs on the small table next to you to free his hands and to get to the same level with you. You tried to blame the non-existent wind for the slight blush on his cheeks, and you told yourself you only imagined the anticipation in his eyes as he looked at you. 
Nonetheless you sat up straight as he was kneeling on the wooden floor, both of your hands sliding onto his cheek to hold his head steady as you pressed a small, but firm kiss to his skin. It was only a brief moment, but you felt your heart racing against your ribs and your breath shaking a bit as you let him go, his cheeks now definitely red and blushing. 
‘Thanks.’ Your voice was merely a whisper as you gave him a soft smile before turning to your drink. 
Harry was already battling with the whipped cream on the top of his drink, trying his best not to let it drip onto his fingers. Now seeing that you and Tom wore done with flirting again, he started a story. 
Long minutes gone by as the three of you just enjoyed the sunshine and the sweet beverage, you tried your best not to burn your tongue, which Tom did of course with the first sip immediately.
Focusing on the people sliding next to the small terrace and just marvelling at the giants of the nature surrounding you almost made you unaware of the pretty brown eyes lingering on your face, drkingin in every smile, every small sigh, every movement you made. 
But you turned as he started to talk, catching him looking at you again. 
‘Um… your face.’ Tom started unsure of how to explain himself, making Harry lean forward seeing what was happening to your face for himself. Now they were both grinning ear to ear, motioning around their own mouths trying to explain to you exactly where the chocolate strained your skin. ‘Wait.’ Tom chuckled a bit reaching forward with a small piece of napkin and he steadied your head with one hand at the back of your neck, while the other started to rub at the strain. You giggled at his not too gentle movements, before his pretty face lit up as he checked and noticed that he successfully removed the chocolate. ‘Now, it’s looking good.’ He said proudly leaning back to let Harry check as well. 
‘Yepp, all gone.’ He gave you a thumbs up and a smile. 
Tom let go of you and you started to get ready for the last few hours of skiing before the slopes closed. 
The three of you always took turns whenever you got to a two seat chair lift, it was always someone else alone. Now you rode it with Tom for the third time in a row, Harry always being there first and leaving the two of you alone or searching for something in his bag telling you to go together. It was more than suspicious, why would anyone search for anything in their bags before the lift ride. He just tried to give you, any of you, that final push to make a move finally. A huge grin spread on your lips to the thought. 
On the other hand you felt Tom sitting just a bit closer to you every time, blaming it on his snowboard that his knees were pushed to yours, during the whole ride. Whenever you crossed the valley and it got a bit more windy he encouraged you to scoot closer to him, leaning to his shoulder, finding shelter against the sharp wind. Not like it helped much, but you wouldn’t have admitted it for your life. 
You enjoyed this closeness just as much, the small flirting, the small beaming looks and every time he was caught, he didn’t look away immediately, he held your gaze for a second, before smiling a bit and closing his eyes giggling. It felt like being a teen all over again. 
It was nice, almost innocent. 
You tried your best around Harry, not to bother or annoy him too much, but after the fifth ride together you didn’t need an excuse to press your thighs to his or lean to his shoulder, like it was all natural. Just chatting and telling stories, planning your next slide or arguing if snowboarding or skiing was better. 
‘Look, look at him!’ You spoke fast in the friendly but heated argument as you pointed to a guy completely ruining the snow as he was just standing on his snowboard, sliding down in a way he pushed the snow from the surface completely. 
‘Okay, sure, but people who can snowboard are not that bad.’ Tom threw his hands in the air defending himself. ‘We don’t do that much damage, like some who can’t ski and just push the snow with every turn.’ 
‘Oh, so you can snowboard well?’ You asked with a playful smile turning your head back from the slopes to face him. 
‘I do.’ He answered confidently and licked his lips when he looked at you, suddenly hyper aware of how close the two of you sat, how close your face was and that your eyes shamelessly followed the movement of his tongue. His breathing hitched, eyes involuntarily drawn to look at your lips, red from the cold wind. 
He wanted to kiss you. He wanted to kiss you so badly at that moment, but you were out in the open, God knows how high, and he doubted anyone knew it was him in that gear, he didn’t dare to risk it. Fuck this. 
His hand moved a little finding yours, holding it reassuringly through the thick material, while he still couldn’t look away from you. 
‘I-, I think you are really pretty.’ He whispered, voice raspy and barely audible. It was a nice save, you chuckled closing your eyes, because you couldn’t hold it against his intense gaze anymore, there were too many things in there, neither of you could act on it at that moment.
‘Thank you.’ The corners of your mouth turned up and your lips were pulling so wide it almost hurt. You felt your cheeks heating up, his grip around your fingers just growing a bit stronger, holding on until you had to lift the bar to exit the lift. 
Soon you were heading home, all three of you starving. 
The next day you started early, still a bit sleepy, your muscles a bit sore from the previous day’s skiing but you didn’t mind. 
It was the third day and you managed to go without falling, but it didn’t last much longer. You arrived at a rather steep part, and yet you weren’t exactly a beginner when your skis slipped on the ice hidden in the shadowy slope you lost your balance and the last thing you heard was Tom yelling your name, then it was a lot of snow in your face. You felt yourself sliding down, the pist being way too steep to just stop, your skis were long gone, and even tho you tried your best to get a grip on the snowy icy surface, it didn’t help. You were sliding down like a ragdoll, looking up, seeing Harry and Tom collecting your skis carefully following you until the slope wasn’t steep enough and you finally stopped. 
They stopped on your boths sides with a sharp sound before sitting in the snow next to you. 
‘You ok?’ Tom asked, just to be sure. Your fall was more comical than dramatic. 
‘Yeah, yeah.’ You laughed, letting your body relax a little against the hard surface. ‘I think I just took the lazy route.’ You were joking, almost drinking the air as you tried to calm down your laughter. ‘However my everything is full of snow.’ You whined a little, unzipping your coat trying to get rid of it the best you could. The guys helped to swipe it off on your back and you were ready to start over.
‘Maybe you should change into something dry.’ Tom said with a bit of a hesitation, unsure of all the crazy ideas in his head. ‘We still have a few days here, it wouldn be a shame if you caught a cold.’ He tried to get his own back. All of you knew that this happens and your clothes weren’t even wet, but he had that same look on his face as last time. That anticipation. 
You agreed and a few minutes later Harry stayed on the terrace of the hotel until the two of you went up to get you changed. The reason why Tom went was also unknown, but no one questioned it. 
You quickly got rid of the coat and the pulover you were wearing, leaving you in your technical pants and secondskin on the top. 
Tom on the other hand seemed to be frozen on the spot, his plan seemed to end there, having the two of you only in somewhere private. 
‘Umm, can you please see if it’s wet on my back?’ It was all just playing along, everything on you were so dry, but you weren’t stupid. 
‘Yeah, sure.’ Tom’s steps were quick as he walked to you. He reached out only using the back of his hand to see if the material was wet, he dabbed the top of your back a few times before his other hand was moving hesitantly to your hip and his other palm now slid across your back, until the top of your technical gear. ‘This looks good.’ He said slowly with voice low, both of his hands resting on your hips, holding you gently. You didn’t move, just whispered a small thank you, before you felt him slowly turning you around. 
Your breathing hitched as you looked at him, your hands immediately finding support on his forearms. His fingers were drawing pretty circles on your second skin as they moved up to your waist, he stepped a little closer, his eyes never leaving you, he licked his lips again and he saw you letting out a small sigh. 
‘Yesterday on the lift, there was something I wanted to do.’ You were clinging to his words, your breathing becoming even more laboured, suddenly all the skiing clothes becoming way too hot for this, but you couldn’t care. ‘I still want to.’ His voice was a bit shaking, only a bit louder than a whisper. 
‘Yeah?’ You moved closer pressing your chest to his, your hands traveling up to his shoulders. ‘I think I know what you are talking about.’ It was difficult to look at him as you tilted your head, merely an inch away from his lips. 
‘Good.’ Tom breathed the small word onto your lips as he pressed his lips to yours. He was gentle, slow, not wanting to rush for a second, just enjoying the feeling of your lips against his own, and the small sigh you let out as his hands moved up, holding you securely in his arms. It seemed to break his patience as he pressed you to his body, his hands moving back to your hips and up to the back of your neck, he opened his mouth cueing you to do the same as he deepened the kiss. It made you shiver as he bit your bottom lip and his tongue finally found yours. Now it was his turn to shigh into the kiss as your fingers ran through his hair pulling on the soft, slightly damp curls a bit. 
It seemed like neither of you wanted to let go, whenever the kiss slowed down, changing back to small kisses and pecks one of you started it all over again. He already pulled the secondskin out of your pants, his hands finding the smooth, warm skin underneath, and he wanted more, so much more. Maybe it was too big of a step right after the first kiss, maybe, but he wanted you, naked, running his hands freely on your skin, feeling every inch of you close to him. It was his low growl and the way he firmly pushed you to the nearest wall, which brought back the both of you. 
‘Harry is waiting for us.’ You tired to reason, but your raspy voice and swollen lips weren’t too convincing. 
‘I know. I know.’ Tom stepped back, separating your bodies from each other. ‘Just don’t put back the same pulover. That would be suspicious.’ He bit his lips with a proud smile. 
‘I think he knows what’s going on.’ You laughed as you finished dressing. ‘No one ever changes their clothes in April after falling.’ You squinted at him, stepping way too close. 
‘Was that so obvious?’ He asked, being fake surprised, chasing after you in the room. 
‘Yeah, we are kind of obvious for a few months now.’ Leaning to the wall was an open invitation and Tom took it gladly. 
‘Good, because this was the last time I encouraged you to put more clothes on.’ His excited voice was mixing with a devilish smile and he gave you no time to respond. He caged your body and kissed you feverishly.
‘So bad?’ You asked with your eyebrows high, grabbing the back of his head and pulling him back to kiss you more. Feeling his body pressed tightly to yours, your fingers dragging across his back, trying to feel him more, whimpering in disappointment when you felt how good those baggy pants were hiding his hard on but it only encouraged him further.
‘Even worse.’ He knew even if he tried he couldn’t make you feel how bad the situation was through those pants, on the other hand he could walk out that door, no one noticing the massive hard on he had. 
‘You know-,’ you started staring up into those lust blown brown eyes, ‘when we come up all of my clothes were dry, but now-’ you never finished and seeing him staring at you wide eyed for a moment before slipping out under his arm, your hand on the door handle, forcing him to behave, just made your panties even more damp. 
Harry being the angel you never thought he would be, never brought up why the hell it took you fifteen minutes to change a pullover, instead he just asked if you were ready and walked out of the building. 
You saw the looks Tom was shooting towards you, changing between adoration and lust, and you saw the way he wanted to show off to you on the slopes, it was adorable and nerve wracking at the same time. 
Whenever he got you alone in the chair lift, Harry not being so charitable as he was last time, he held your hand through the gloves, or found excuses why he needed to take it off and swipe a non-existent stray of hair out of your face, or clean an also non-existent spot above your lips with his thumb. It felt cute and romantic. Other times he also held your hand, but a bit more firmly, massaging it impatiently, his eyes were dark, passion and want was mixing in them. These times he never said a thing, but you claimed to find a spot above his lips, pressing your thumb to his mouth in the process. He opened his mouth, showing you his teeth before biting on your finger a little and sucking it into his mouth briefly. 
It was hard not to find another excuse to pull him up in the room and turn all the tension and longing of these last months into reality. 
You still enjoyed skiing and the view and all that, but now he could steal your focus even easier, and you felt your heart stop for a second when you saw him fall. You helped him up from the ground wanting to pull him in a hug and kiss him but it was just out of the question.
By the end of the day you were going crazy in wanting to kiss him again. His pretty face being all rosy from the wind, his brown eyes lighting up every time your eyes met, and his messy curls made him ridiculously lovely and hot at the same time. 
You offered the chance to Harry to go and have a shower first, maybe a bit more impatiently as you wanted. 
‘Sure, thanks. I’ll knock before coming back to the room, just in case.’ He snorted before closing the door behind him. 
‘Well, at least we don’t need to pretend anymore.’ You shrugged, but Tom was already gone in his head. He crawled in your bed, both of his hands on your cold cheeks, kissing you urgently. He was kneeling almost above you, so it only felt natural to lay down on the mattress to make it more comfortable to even out your momentarily height difference. Both of you were impatient. His hands were roaming under your secondskin in no time as his tongue was dancing with yours. He was laying next to you and a bit on your chest, his big warm hands setting your skin on fire, while he sucked your bottom lip into his mouth, making out with you like you were teenagers, fooling around, not really knowing what’s going on just enjoying the sensations. It made your head spin, and your skin tingling, never wanting to let him go. 
Except that you weren’t teens anymore, you were exactly knowing what was going on and what’s next. Your hands found the hem of Tom’s top and started to push the tight material up on his toned body. He sat up and got rid of it, dropping it on the ground. Not wasting any time pulling the one you wore over your head as well. It left you only in your sports bra in front of him. 
‘I wanted to do this for so long, darling.’ He mumbled as he laid back, now between your legs, his hard on very prominent and pressing to your core through the thin material of the pants you were still wearing.
‘Much better.’ You breathed and started to kiss down on his neck, your hands freely roaming on his wide back as you rolled your hips to feel him even more. 
Tom moaned into the kiss, returning the favour. It felt mind blowing feeling his weight on top of you, the warmth radiating from his body, his bare skin touching every yours and the outline of his cock pressed to your core. He returned to kiss your lips for a second before trailing down, his hot mouth and tongue leaving wet, red spots across your neck and collarbone. 
‘I need you, Tom.’ As your body was heaving under his, rocking to compliment his movements, to make you feel more, your mouth pressed to his round shoulder, sucking and kissing, tasting his skin over and over. ‘Do you think it would be very obvious if we had a shower together?’ You asked in your final desperation. You were barely wearing any clothes, yet it was still too much to feel him in the way you longed for. 
‘Yes.’ He moaned into your neck as your hands slid down onto his round ass cheeks and grabbed them. ‘But at this moment the only thing I care about is to be inside of you.’ He moved back up to your mouth until his hand pushed under your sports bra to cup your breast. Just as he was about to roll your nipple, you heard Harry knock and even through the haze of your passion that small voice found its way, screaming at you, to stop and respect his only request. You pushed Tom away gently, your eyes pleading to him to behave.
‘Thanks.’ Harry nodded, as his eyes took the state the two of you were in, and spearing yourself from any further embarrassment, you rushed into the steamy bathroom, closing the lock, just to be sure Tom didn’t follow. ‘So, you and her, finally?’ He asked cautiously. 
‘Yes!’ Tom’s victorious grin spread across his whole face making Harry let out a small ‘wohoo’.
‘But you are sleeping in separate beds, because I am not waking up in the middle of the night for the two of you going at it.’ He raised his fingers, warning his older brother. 
‘You sound like a mom, like it would stop anything, man.’ Tom grimaced and tried to doge the pillow Harry was throwing at him with a disgusted face. 
‘Seriously, I can go to the sauna and the pool if you ask me to, I just don’t want to see or hear anything.’ He made a gagging face and flopped onto the bed starting to check the pictures he took during the day. 
The two of you tried your best to behave, but now that touching each other and kissing weren’t completely off limits you got carried away sometimes. But the feeling of Tom’s hand on your thigh or around your waist as you were playing some games warmed your heart, that ‘finally’ feeling slowly settling in your chest. His kisses were playful, loving, unable to get enough of you, he stood behind you, holding your waist, his chin resting on your shoulder as you fed him the first bite of peanut butter jelly sandwich you quickly made. Harry just turned his camera on silent mode, so he never bothered your sweet moments like this, genuinely being happy for the both of you. 
It wasn’t difficult to fall into small acts like this, mostly in this environment. It was calmness itself. The mountains always amazed you and Tom just loved watching you as you marvelled at them, he loved your enthusiasm about everything and he mostly loved the way he made you all shy and biting your lips whenever he didn’t look away, and just kept admiring you. 
The hot and heavy passion of that day shifted to something soft and loving, testing the waters, Harry occasionally faking an asthma attack to bring the two of you back to reality. The next day came fast, way too fast as you fell asleep in Tom’s arms, him sneaking into your bed, the small space forcing the two of you to stay close to each other, not that you mind it. 
He woke you up with small kisses, giggling and smiling as you tried to fight him, to get a few more minutes of sleep. ‘Come on, love, the weather is beautiful and the slopes are calling us.’ He tried with his usual energetic voice, which was still a bit raspy from sleep, but he didn’t care. 
‘The bed is also calling.’ You mumbled turning a little so you were on your back looking up on his pretty face. You let out a small puff of air as you took him in fully. His sleepy little face, his messy, morning hair, that sweet look in his eyes which now felt like it was only reserved for you. 
‘But I’m hungry.’ Tom pouted, his puppy dog eyes begging for… food? You weren’t sure, but you gave in. 
‘Alright, lovie, let’s get some food.’ 
Maybe it was just the morning haze, or the fact that he didn’t need to pretend at least in front of Harry anymore, he seemed to calm down since yesterday. Even when he got you alone while Harry was having his morning shower, he was holding you, laying in bed almost fully prepared to go, he was cuddling you, lazily making out with you, his hands caressing your cheeks and side. 
On the slopes you had to play pretend again, but that day everything seemed to be perfect, even like that. Watching him slide so easily on the snow flashing you a smile from time to time, took your breath away for a second, and you found yourself slipping and falling a bit more than usual. You saw him snowboarding before and never once found it ridiculously sexy, but now? Oh, boy. You did, and loved every second of it whether you watched him from the end of the slope or above, it just set a slowly burning fire in your stomach. 
Soon you were pretty preoccupied by his closeness again, his lips looking to be more and more inviting with every lift ride, you started to miss his hands on you and the softness of his hair between your fingers. With your mind not being focused on skiing on main anymore, you found yourself in the snow again and again. You never had it bad, you just mostly looked silly but the more you fell and had to get up the more tired you got and it was an infinite circle. 
‘How about calling it a day early today?’ Harry offered as the three of you occupied one of the cabins on the lift. ‘I mean I could go till five, but maybe some rest would do good to you and I wanted to take some pictures in the village anyway.’ He offered. 
‘Yeah, that might be good. My butt and arms hurt from falling so much.’ You agreed, not daring to look at Tom or asking him if he were to join you or Harry. The answer was obvious and you didn’t need to make it so clear in front of his brother. 
You slid down one last time together before taking your gear back to the hotel, Harry changing back to some more comfortable shoes, while Tom and you headed back to the room. 
You felt that tension only while the two of you were waiting for the elevator. As soon as you stepped in and the doors were closed you were on Tom and he did nothing to resist. 
‘Would you mind if I wouldn’t let you rest right away?’ He asked between the heated kisses. 
‘Just be mindful of my bruised parts.’ You grinned before kissing him again, not stopping until you felt the elevator stop. 
The walk to your room was a bit faster than usual, Tom opened the door in record time and when it closed your back was pressed against it, those delicious lips on yours, helping each other to undress, the heavy coats and pants lading on the floor until you were only in your second skin pants and sports bra again. His large hands were roaming on your body, feeling every part of you, basking in feeling you just as he wanted again. Tom took one of your thighs lifting them up until his hips, so he could step even closer, basically pinning you to the door with his own body. It felt like time has stopped as your palms and fingers mapped out every muscle on his body, as you pulled on his curls and he moaned into your mouth shamelessly, as your fingers found his perfect butt again and dug your nails into it, pulling him even closer, however your didn’t think that was possible. His erection pressing to your thigh again, letting you know how ready he was for you. 
His skilled lips and tongue left a wet trail of kisses on your neck, sucking and biting on your skin gently, being careful with not leaving any marks. He pushed up your sports bra and you helped him to get rid of it. It wasn’t even a second until he stopped to take you in before his hands started to fondle your breasts, his fingers finally pinching and you rolling your nipples, coaxing the sweetest whimpers out of you. His mouth returned to yours to a sloppy kiss, your teeth and tongue meeting as you couldn’t contain your noises anymore. 
Those pants and panties started to feel like hell, clinging tightly to your body, and you needed him to do something about it. 
To cue him, you took one of his hands and guided it until you hooked his finger into your remaining clothes, pressing it down a little. 
‘Let’s get to the bed, lovie.’ Tom breathed onto your lips, grabbing your hips and hands and crossing the room in no time. When he stopped and crawled on your smaller bed, he got rid of every clothing on himself and helped you out of every single piece of clothing you had, leaving you completely naked for him. He took you in wordlessly, only his eyes letting you know how much he loved seeing you like this. He was also a sight, he was more than beautiful naked, his body perfect for you, his cock rock hard and way more thick than you imagined it. When you lifted your arms reaching out for him, he complied instantly laying down, his hips forcing your thighs open of him. 
You kissed him slowly, just enjoying the moment, indulging in the feeling of his weight on you, of his skin on yours, his scent filling your senses, just this moment feeling completely surrounded by Tom. It didn’t take very long until it became heated as your bodies were rocking against each other, his cock head nudging your entrance, sometimes pressing against your clit. 
‘You are so wet, darling.’ He groaned into the kiss. ‘Can I?’ He asked and waited the split second before you could whimper ‘yes’ before he gave in to the sweet invitation of your body and let his cock head slide into you. He broke the kiss, and tried to tilt his head to see your face better. Your eyes were closed and your brows knitted together as he was burying himself into you, and your sweet lips just turned into an ‘o’ when he finally bottomed out. 
‘Sorry, I really wanted to wait with this and give you something more, but you felt too fucking good.’ He groaned and started to roll his hips into you. Soon your couldn’t hold back your moans, he pushed himself up to his palms to have more space as he was fucking into you. He opened his legs wider just to force yours open up even more for him. He speeded up, making your back arch from the bed, your nails digging into his butt once again. Hearing him lose it a bit more every time you did this, made your body tingle and his moans sent shivers down on your spine. 
With a shudder he slowed down gradually, his thrust becoming deep and shallow, trying to buy himself some time. He grabbed your hand which was now holding onto the sheets desperately, and sucked it into his mouth, wetting it as much as he could. His eyes were locked on yours and you would have lied if you said it wasn’t something absolutely obscene, which made you clench around him, Tom shamelessly moaning around your fingers. When he was done, he guided that hand between your bodies, a surprised whimper falling from your lips as your own fingers touched your neglected clit. They were warm and wet from Tom’s saliva and you didn’t need any further comment on what he wanted you to do. He started to move again, his peace becoming frantic in a second, matching the way you rubbed your clit, getting closer and closer to your orgasm. 
You opened your eyes for a second, looking up at him, his cheeks now positively red and flushed, his eyes closed, pleasure written all over his features and his pretty lips opening to a moan was all you needed. You fall over the edge, your body seizing up and your orgasm washing over you, making you tremble and whimper and only beg for more. Tom let go at the moment he felt you squeezing him tight and pulsing around him, milking every drop of his cum, his cock twitching inside of you until he was completely empty. 
He tried not to collapse onto you, to keep himself up on his elbows and forearms while the both of you were panting and trying to come down from your highs. 
He pressed a butterfly kiss to your neck making you shudder, then a lazy, satisfied kiss to your lips, feeling your arms around his neck and shoulders. 
‘That was amazing.’ You sighed and shuddered again as he kissed your neck again.
‘Yeah, pretty amazing.’ Tom smiled, noticing how absolutely sensitive you become. 
You were just laying there caged between the soft mattress and his firm body, enjoying his closeness, the way his slowly softening cock filled you up still, your body and mind feeling utterly at peace. 
Before you could have fallen asleep he helped you out of the bed and into the shower, holding you steadily and gently washing the mess away from his body. He couldn’t help as his hands wondered, sliding between your folds to wash away his own cum, sliding them into you, feeling you sigh again as you were leaning to his torso. He was fingering you gently, having your mind filled with lust again. ‘I really wanna taste you, darling.’ He said and the next thing you knew you were nodding and he was on his knees one of your thighs across his shoulder as he was lapping and sucking on your fucked out pussy, quickly bringing you to another orgasm. When you weren’t trembling anymore and his name wasn’t the only mantra you had anymore he let go of you, finishing what he started, enjoying your nimble fingers on himself as you did your best to return the gentle favour of cleaning you up. You headed out until he did his best to dry his curls which were dripping on the floor, only for him to find you fast asleep in your bed. 
He pulled the blanket over you, making sure that it covered you everywhere before settling in his own bed to start reading his next script, occasionally being interrupted by marvelling on your peaceful, sleeping form. 
Tags: @we--are---not--afraid @storybookholland @hollandprkr @bigassnocash @osterfieldshollandgirl @t-hollanderr @happybunny14 @terrifictomholland @tomsrebeleyebrow @worldoftom @augustholland @greenorangevioletgrass
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hajimine · 4 years
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synopsis: for as long as you can remember, you and Semi Eita have always hated each other—but a couple of tender glances and one too many bottles of beer later, you find out that maybe you were looking at it the wrong way this whole time.
genre: fluff, (kinda) enemies to lovers, musician!au, mutual pining but they’re both idiots, jealousy, etc.
warnings: alcohol + intoxication (nothing bad happens), slight suggestive themes, vulgar language, kinda fast paced?
wc: ~2.5k
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to: @archivednikes happy birthday shawdy <3
special thanks to: @rintaroll for beta-ing & telling me a lil bit about how bands work and stuff bc idk shit lol :,)
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“Semi, get your ass moving,” you huff. “You’re gonna make me late.”
He gives you a smug look and raises a slitted eyebrow. “Did something crawl up your ass and died? What’s up with you?”
You exhale heavily through your nose and stare at him, unimpressed.
“We gotta catch the afternoon train if you wanna reach the venue in time for our gig. This is a really good opportunity for me, don’t you dare mess it up.” you say, gathering the last of your things for the trip.
There is a tingling sensation crawling down your spine, as if someone is staring at you. You look over your shoulder curiously, opening your mouth to utter another snarky remark to get your partner to stop gawking around and get ready.
But the intensity behind his gaze caught you by surprise.
Those hazel eyes of his—ones that are usually sharp and cold—held a sort of softness in them as he looks at you. When you caught him staring, his gaze did not falter one bit.
You couldn’t stop your eyes from traveling down the perfect slope of his nose, continuing down to his pouty lips.
As much as you hate him, you can’t deny that Semi Eita is an attractive man. Heck, even the word attractive isn’t enough to express how infuriatingly hot he is.
Your gaze stays on his lips for a second too long. Have they always looked this soft and inviting?
The dry cough from the opposite side of the room is the only thing that managed to break you out of this trance. Semi Eita’s trance.
Your manager stands by the door, tapping her foot on the wooden tiles impatiently.
“Now, lovebirds,” she narrows her eyes, “Save the PDA for tonight, yeah? We’ve got a schedule to follow.”
You roll your eyes at her, cheeks uncomfortably warm. And just like that, the strange yet tender moment you shared with Semi dissipated into thin air.
You don’t know if you should take pity on the gray-haired singer or if you should laugh at him.
Currently, Semi’s head is bowed down in shame as he gets an earful from his manager in the middle of a crowded train.
You see, the four of you should’ve arrived at the venue by now. Both your managers are very strict about schedules, and they planned to arrive at the bar two hours before the agreed time.
Thankfully, his bandmates have been a little more punctual than him and have successfully boarded the 4pm train. But Mr. Popular right here just had to stop every few minutes to take pictures with every single fan he met on the way to the station.
“It’s half past five now,” his manager whisper-shouts, “Do you know what that means?”
Semi tries to give her an awkward smile to calm her down. It doesn’t work.
“It’s rush hour! What if we won’t reach the bar in time? It could ruin both your careers, do you know that?” she glares at Semi once again, but there is less bite in her voice now.
“I’m sorry,” Semi starts, plastering a charming smile on his face, “I only wanted to be nice to the fans. Wouldn’t make too good of an impression if I just ignored them, no?”
His manager sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose, exasperated. She motions for Semi to stop talking with a wave of her hand.
The singer grins, and out of the corner of your eyes, you can sense his sharp gaze on you once more.
You try to ignore it.
When your group reaches the bar, Semi’s bandmates are almost done preparing themselves for the gig.
The bar is dimly lit and cool, the multitudes of warm overhead lighting being the only source of light in the room. It’s not too busy tonight, you observe. Some people still donned their work clothes, perhaps rushing over to the bar right after a long day at work—mingling around with friends to let loose for a little and enjoy themselves.
“Dude, where were you?” Aito asks, eyebrows turned downwards in a frown.
Semi pats the guitarist on the side of his head, “Relax, we’ve got plenty of time to prepare.”
Aito rolls his eyes, completely used to his bandmate’s antics.
“Whatever,” he huffs. “By the way, are we gonna have a little after party later?”
“Uh,” Semi’s eyes flicker towards you for one second, then back to Aito, “I dunno man, might be too tired to get wasted tonight.”
The guitarist narrows his eyes. He didn’t miss the way Semi’s gaze lingered on you.
“Y/N,” Aito smirks. “You coming to the after party?”
You were listening to their conversation this whole time, finding the whole exchange quite amusing.
“Eh, I don’t see why not,” you smile sweetly, “It’s gonna be even better now that this dude isn’t coming anyways.” You pointed your thumb at the vocalist.
From where he’s standing, you hear Semi scoff.
“Y’know what?” he sneers, “On second thought, I am going. How does that make you feel, huh?”
You shrug, feigning indifference.
“I literally do not care.”
“Piss off.”
Aito throws his head back in laughter, shaking his head as he walks away from the scene, muttering about people being too clueless and dense for their own damn good.
You adjusted your equipment bag on your shoulder, exhaling loudly to try and calm your heart down.
It is in moments like these that you remember why you decided to go forth with this career path, no matter how rocky it may be.
Adrenaline courses through your veins as you sing the lyrics of you and Semi’s song; every ounce of the jittery nerves you had just a few moments ago long gone.
There’s nobody else in this world that can ever take your place
Some of the customers are listening intently, others just nodding along to the song, and the rest not even listening at all.
You could hear your heartbeat thumping loudly against your chest, the sweat trickling down your forehead and into your eyes making it harder for you to see the crowd.
And when the day’s all done and dusted, all I ever need is to be in your arms again
You whip your head towards Semi, just like the countless times you rehearsed this song together.
“It shows chemistry,” your manager had said, “play it up for the crowd, will ya?”
The butterflies in your stomach flutters about restlessly when you notice that Semi has been looking at you this whole time.
His eyes—sharp and intense—held your gaze, unabashed. Steady. Sure.
Will you stay tonight? ‘Cause baby you’re all that I need, and you’re all that I want.
And in that moment, with your eyes locked on each other, the world seems to stop.
Nothing else matters, Semi’s lopsided smile says, only you.
The performance flew by in the blink of an eye, and it’s a little past midnight now. As promised, your managers held a little after party in the shared lounge of your penthouse suite.
It’s not as fancy as it sounds, you smile to yourself. There are suspicious stains on the gray carpet, and the furniture smells vaguely of cigarette smoke and sweat.
Bottles of beers have already littered the floor and glass table, and you haven’t even started drinking.
“Duuuude,” Yuuto slurs, “Why are ya so tense for?”
The bassist points at you and Semi, eyelids drooping as he tries his best to keep them open.
“C’mon guys,” Aito clasps his shoulders and massages them roughly, “Relax a little, we did amazing tonight.”
Semi shrugs his friend’s hands away, annoyed. He snatches an unopened bottle of beer from the cooler and opens the cap with his teeth.
You gulp. He hands you the bottle wordlessly before grabbing another one for himself, chugging it down quickly. You mirror his actions, hoping that the alcohol can dull the annoying fluttering in your stomach that refuses to leave ever since the two of you shared that intimate moment on stage.
For fuck’s sake, what’s going on with me?
Your trick works, in a way. Your stomach feels pleasantly warm now, and your breathing has finally evened out. Another unopened bottle of beer lays invitingly on the couch and you reach for it, opting for a bottle opener instead of doing it like Semi.
“Bro,” Yuuto grins at the singer, drool threatening to leave the corner of his mouth, “Did’ya see that blonde chick in the front row? She was hardcore eye-fucking you dude.”
“Ah,” Semi takes another swig of his beer, a cute flush blossoming in his cheeks.
Wait, what. Cute?
“She gave me her number when we were gathering up our stuff.” He runs his hand through his hair.
“You gonna hit her up or what?” Aito teases, smirking.
The singer shrugs, “Maybe, I dunno.”
Your breath hitches, and Aito’s smirk widens. You raise your eyebrows at him, silently telling him to fuck off.
“Where’s Kai?” you hear Semi ask. Come to think of it, you haven’t seen the drummer since after the show was over.
“Oh,” the guitarist laughs, “Fucker left us for some girl he saw in the bar. Might see him tomorrow morning, might not. Who knows?”
The vocalist hums and walks over to where you’re sitting, plopping down on the old couch.
“The managers?” Semi casually drapes his arm on the back of the sofa. You feel yourself tensing as your heart races uncontrollably, and the singer looks over at you with an unreadable expression on his face.
Aito scratches the back of his neck, quickly losing interest in the conversation.
“They decided to sleep in early. Long day, I guess.”
Semi nods and rests his head on the top of the couch, exposing his defined jawline. His eyelashes look so pretty from this angle, they’re long and fluttery and they almost…
“Eita, are you gonna hit that blonde girl up or nah?” Aito provokes, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
You clench your teeth and reach for yet another bottle—your fourth one this past hour. Or fifth. You don’t bother counting. Semi looks over at you again, but this time his eyes holds a sort of concern in them. You scoff to yourself.
“Uh,” the singer looks at his friend weirdly, “Why are you so insistent on this? I did say maybe didn’t I?”
Aito laughs. You almost recoil in disgust.
“Oh nothing,” he chuckles, “It’s just that she’s really hot and she’s your type so—”
You stand up abruptly, knocking over some empty beer bottles by accident. The regret is immediate. You can feel the acid in your stomach traveling up your esophagus, tickling the back of your throat.
Semi quickly stands up when you clasp a hand over your mouth, trying your best to hold it together.
“Shit,” he mutters, “You okay?”
He rubs tiny circles on the small of your back, an action that’s supposed to be soothing but instead causes tingles to run up and down your spine. You shiver.
Another wave of nausea hits before you could respond, causing your knees to almost give out under you.
“Whoa there, angel,” Semi wraps his arm around your waist, holding you flush to his side to support your weight.
You groan softly as your head spins uncomfortably. Droplets of cold sweat is starting to form on your forehead, adding another layer of discomfort upon you.
“You wanna go to your bedroom?” Semi murmurs close to your ear. You shiver again. At this, Semi thought that you’re freezing so he drapes his leather jacket on your shoulders, holding you close.
You nod weakly as you try to blink the black spots in your vision away.
From somewhere around the room, you hear Aito snicker, “Stay safe!”
You turn your head around to give him a deathly glare, but all you see is a big blob of blurriness.
Semi takes the key card from your bag and pushes the door open, placing your duffel bag on the floor after
He guides you to the bathroom—with gentleness you rarely see from him—and sets the toilet cover down so you can sit on it while he wets a towel with the running tap water.
“You still feel dizzy?” he asks, voice soft.
You stare at his fingers as he wrings the towel and shakes your head.
Semi holds out the cloth and pats your forehead with it, the coolness allowing you to feel a little more refreshed.
“Do you want me to make you some tea?” he wipes the back of your neck carefully.
Shit. Has he always been this thoughtful?
You shake your head again, telling him that you just want to go to sleep.
He sighs and gives you a half-smile, holding out his arm to help you to the bed.
Semi still has it in him to give you a little but of privacy as you wiggle out of your tight jeans, looking away until you slip under the covers.
He helps you pull the plush white comforter closer to your chest, tucking you in.
Your mind doesn’t feel as hazy as it was a few hours ago, but the leftover alcohol coursing through your veins gave you a sort of boost to your impulses.
“Eita,” you whisper, reaching out towards the singer, “Stay?”
The singer halts in his steps and turns to look at you.
“Uh, I don’t know Y/N,” he starts, “You’re drunk right now.”
“No I’m not,” you say, steady voice proving your point. “Please?”
Semi glances over at the door and sighs. He chewed on his lower lip for a few seconds before sighing again.
You’re struggling to open your eyes when you wake up, the harsh sunlight streaming into the room completely unfiltered.
Drunk you completely forgot to close the blinds, it seems.
You groan audibly, wanting to pull the covers above your head to hide yourself from this cruel world.
You freeze. Why can you feel someone’s soft breaths on the crown of your head?
Nervously, you reach out in front of you, eyes still shut closed. Oh no.
You force your eyes open, grimacing from the sudden brightness. Your eyes widen at the sight in front of you. Semi Eita, your supposed nemesis, is sleeping soundly a few inches away from you, arms wrapped around your waist.
What the hell happened last night?
A small squeak leaves your mouth as you fully realize the situation you’re in. The small noise wakes Semi up from his slumber, causing him to slowly open his eyes, squinting at the bright light.
“Morning, angel,” he croaks, voice raspy with sleep.
My god does he look pretty in the morning.
You stay there, frozen and unblinking. All the words at the tip of your tongue seem to disappear from existence.
Semi blinks, sitting up quickly.
“Fuck, I’m sorry,” he rubs his eyes vigorously, “I should’ve said no when you asked me to stay. Fuck, you were drunk and I—”
You grab the back of his neck and pull him closer to you, a small smile gracing your lips.
Your thumb grazes Semi’s bottom lip, dragging it down every so slightly before releasing it, enjoying the way he seems to unravel under your touch.
“Shut up and kiss me, will you?” you murmur, trying to keep your cool as your heart hammers against your chest loudly.
At this, Semi breaks out of his reverie and laughs, “I thought you’d never ask.”
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a/n: if you’ve made it this far, please feel free to let me know what you think about this fic! and please REBLOG IF YOU ENJOYED mwah <3
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© HAJIMINE — all rights reserved. please do not repost, copy, or claim any of my works as your own, thank you.
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calpalirwin · 3 years
Let The Walls Break Down
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Summary: Calum gets over his skepticism
Word Count: 2.7k
And away, and away we go!
“It’s almost impossible. Love sucks. Don’t try it. It’s a scam.”
That had been Calum’s general thoughts on relationships since the two of you called it quits. The “almost” bit was in admittance that 1.) your relationship had been amicable from start to finish, in fact the two of you were still close with each other, and 2.) he knew love worked for some people, however he didn’t view himself as one of those some.
Being close to Calum post breakup meant you had a front row seat to the man’s brief stints at romance, which was a nice way of saying “endless stream of one night stands.” The flip side was he had a front row seat to your own count of nameless men. While in the beginning, the others in your friend group joked in hushed tones that it was an act on both your parts to stir up jealousy, the longer it went on without any animosity building up between you and Calum, the more the whispers died down until they disappeared all together. Because the simple truth was that the one night stands were just about sex. After all, you and Calum had learned together that the two of you were too busy for anything more than casual sex. A lesson both of you considered well-learned until Michael got engaged and flipped everything into a new perspective.
“It’s not that I don’t believe in love,” you said after Crystal recounted all the details and you stopped squealing in excitement for her. “I mean, anyone who sees you and Michael has to believe it’s real.”
“Aw, Y/N,” Crystal blushed shyly.
You laughed, “I’m serious. You and Michael. Luke and Sierra. Ashton and Kaykay. I’m surrounded with reasons to believe love exists. The real ‘can’t imagine my life without you’ kind of love. But for me?” You waved a hand dismissively. “Pfft, nah.”
“Because you don’t believe he’s out there for you, or because you already had him and the timing was wrong?” she pressed suggestively.
You rolled your eyes. Right person, wrong time was the excuse you had given when asked when you and Calum split, because to you, it was the closest thing to the truth. “Okay…” you started slowly. “Of course I loved Cal. And I still love him now. But when we were together… We were kids who were focused on our careers. And we’re still those career-driven kids. Understanding the balance between professional life and personal life without feeling like we’re sacrificing a piece of it for another was something Cal and I will never master. We tried. I thought if I could find that balance with anyone, it would be with him. But it wasn’t. And that’s okay. I’m fulfilled in other ways.”
“But…” Crystal kept trying to press.
“But nothing,” you laughed. “I’m happy with my life the way it is, Crys. And beyond happy for you and Michael. You’re getting married!”
Across town in a celebration of their own, Calum was under similar fire. “Happy for ya, mate,” Calum said, clapping Michael on the shoulder.
“Thanks, Cal,” Michael beamed. “I think I’m still in shock from all of it.”
“I think that’s probably a natural feeling,” Ashton told him, playing the voice of reason. “It’s an exciting change that pulls things into sharper focus.”
“Yeah, like all I wanna do now is tell Sierra how much I love her,” Luke put in.
“Oh, you fuckin’ sap,” Calum laughed.
“Just because you’ve never been in love…”
“I have too!” Calum defended.
“Oh, really? Who?”
“Y/N, idiot…” Ashton told Luke with a roll of his eyes.
Luke nodded in a “Oh, yeah!” fashion, before going on, “Is she the only girl you ever loved?”
“So why aren’t you still with her?”
Calum shrugged. “Timing was off. And we haven’t changed. So why would the timing have suddenly changed?” The question was rhetorical, without the slightest hint of hurt. A simple fact of life, nothing less, nothing more. A fact Calum had made peace with long before.
“So what? You’re fine with the greatest love of your life being over 2 years ago?” they questioned anyway.
He shrugged again. “Have been for a while, in case ya haven’t noticed. And no,” he raised a hand, cutting off any protest, “this isn’t a bitter, ‘oh convince me otherwise’ deal. Y/N and I are both more than happy with the lives we’re living.”
“How do you know?”
“Because I talk with her, and I trust she’s telling me the truth…”
“Alright, alright,” Ashton was willing to let the conversation rest, but he had one last question. “Is there any part of you that would want to try again with Y/N?”
A third and final shrug. “I mean, she was the only one I ever saw a future with aside from the band.”
“That has to mean something, Cal. C’mon. If there was ever a time to give love a chance, it’s now.”
While Calum’s head raced with his friends' words of encouragement, if he could call it that, yours raced with thoughts of feeling like you somehow failed in life. Sure, your career was everything you wanted it to be and more. You wouldn’t trade a single moment of your life for anything else. But now that your friends were clearly doing more than simple dating, the doubt started to trickle in. Would it be nice to share a life with someone? Absolutely. But not at the risk of your own independence. And the only person who had ever proven that you could maybe have the best of both worlds was Calum. And even that hadn’t worked. But maybe there was something to Crystal’s words about it being a case of bad timing. Maybe it was worth another try.
So that’s where you found yourself, sitting on the edge of your bed, sharing at Calum’s contact, finger hovering over the call icon, trying to figure out where and how to start again with the man. And then your phone was buzzing in your hand, and you gasped. Had you accidentally hit the call button?! No. Calum was calling you. Confused, you hit accept. “Hey, Cal. What’s up?”
“Not much. Just had a quick question for ya.”
“Well I might have a quick answer for ya.”
You heard his soft chuckle and then a brief pause as he cleared his throat, and you knew he was pushing a hand through his hair, stemming whatever nerves this “question” was creating. “You got any dinner plans for Friday?”
“No. Why?”
“There’s this new place I’ve been wanting a try, and you know how I am about eating out alone. And it’s been a minute since just the two of us hung out. So I’ll pick you up at 7?”
You gave a small laugh at the rushed excuse, wondering what he was really up to. “Sure thing, Cal.”
“Cool. Oh, and uh, dress in something nice-ish? The restaurant’s kinda uppity.”
Another small laugh. “Alright, Cal. See you Friday then.”
“It’s just dinner. It’s just Cal,” you told your reflection as you finished getting ready. “Nothing you haven’t done a million times before,” you kept trying to calm the butterflies in the pit of your stomach. While you had a pretty good idea on what this dinner really was, you didn’t want to get your hopes up that Calum was having the same change of heart that you’d been having. The man really did hate eating alone at restaurants, and if the place was as upscale as he had told you, then it made sense that he’d rather bring you along than Ashton. And he had been right about it being a good while since it was just the two of you spending time together rather than a larger group outing.
But when Calum knocked on your door rather than texting that he was in your driveway, you couldn’t stop the blush coloring your cheeks. And when you opened the door to reveal the man on the other side, dressed sharply with a bouquet of your favorite flowers in his hand, you felt your heart skip a beat. “Oh, Cal,” you breathed. “You didn’t have to do that,” you told him, taking the flowers and moving to put them in a vase of water.
“It’s how you deserve to be treated,” he said simply with a shrug as he leaned against your doorway.
“You’re too sweet to me, Hood,” you teased lightly. “Ready?”
“After you.”
When he went as far as to get the car door for you, you had to laugh. “Okay, Hood. What gives?”
“I told you. I’m treating you the way you deserve to be treated.”
“Nah, there’s more. I can tell. C’mon. Spill it,” you pressed when he got in the driver’s seat. “Flowers. Getting the door. Dinner at a place that requires me to dress like this. You’re up to something.”
“You look stunning, by the way,” he said, reaching over to give your thigh a squeeze.
“Calum Thomas Hood.”
He sighed. “We were good, right? Like when we were together? It’s not my memory playing tricks on me?”
“You were the best boyfriend I ever had,” you answered honestly.
He nodded. “Okay. You’re not allowed to make fun of me. But since Mike got engaged, it’s gotten to me a bit. Almost like I’m missing out on something, but it’s weird because my life is already everything I want it to be. So what could I possibly be missing out on, you know?”
“Why would I make fun of you for that?”
“Because it’s a stupid ass reason to take you on a date.”
“Oh, is that what this is? I hadn’t noticed.”
“Ha-ha,” he deadpanned. “Look, I guess what I’m saying is, recent events made me reevaluate things in my life. And I think I’m in a better position than I was a few years ago to be a real partner to someone. And even when I wasn’t that person, you were the only one I could see myself becoming that person for. So… if you’re up for it, I’d really like for us to try again.”
Underneath the streetlight casting him in a soft reddish hue, he turned his head slightly to look over at you, brown eyes hopeful and solemn. When the light turned green, he turned his attention back to the road, but kept stealing glances over at you, still waiting for your response.
“I guess it’s only fair to let you know that I’ve been thinking the same thing.”
The corner of his mouth curved up in a smile. “Really?”
“Really,” you said with a soft smile and a small nod of your head. “I was actually hoping this was more on the date side than the friends grabbing a bite to eat side.”
“Good, because this is definitely a date.”
“Good,” you nodded again before leaning across the center console to press a kiss to his cheek, grinning as warmth spread across his face.
~3 Years Later~
You startled awake at a phone ringing nearby, a tangled mess of limbs and bedsheets. “Mmm?” Calum rasped, voice heavy with sleep as he answered the phone, followed by a quick, “Whoa, mate, stop yelling. You did what now?” There was a small pause as whoever was on the other end of the conversation spoke in a rapid flurry that you couldn’t decipher. “You did?!” Calum clarified whatever the news was, sitting up straight in bed, your head falling from his chest to his lap.
“Ow…” you giggled, shifting to sit up against the headboard like Calum was.
“Sorry,” Calum mouthed, listening intently to whoever he was still talking to, raising a finger for you to give him a minute when you raised an eyebrow in silent question. “That’s fuckin’ great, Luke! Congrats to the both of you. Lemme know what the plans are for celebrating and give Sierra a hug from me in the meantime, yeah? Alright. Talk to ya later, mate. Bye.”
“Well?” you demanded.
“Luke and Sierra are getting married. Or he proposed anyway, and she said yes.”
“Oh, that’s great!”
“Yeah, I’m really happy for them. Wow… first Mike, now Luke. We really aren’t the same kids we used to be, are we?”
“I think in some respect you guys still are. You still cling to those roots of who you used to be, the things that shaped you into the people you are now. But you guys are also growing up, too. It happens, Cal.”
“Yeah, no, I just… Wow. It’s not something I really pay much attention to, us growing up, until something like this happens.”
“The last time one of your band members got engaged, you got a case of feeling like you weren’t measuring up somehow. You’re not feeling that way now, are you?”
“No. Not at all. In fact… Luke said something when Mike told us he got engaged. That he wanted to go tell Sierra how much he loved her.”
“Aw, that’s really sweet.”
“Yeah, and at the time I made fun of him for it. But… I dunno… I get it. This type of shit really shifts things into perspective.”
“I mean, yeah. Last time it resulted in both of us thinking we should try being an ‘us’ again. What’s the perspective shifting to this time? You’re not gonna go out, and buy a ring, are you?”
“No, I already have one in my sock drawer.”
You choked. “What?”
He climbed out of bed with a laugh, making his way to the dresser and rummaging around in one of the top drawers. Then, something small was soaring through the air as he tossed whatever it was onto the bed towards you. “Told ya,” he said simply, as you grabbed the small box, popping the lid to find a ring inside.
“How long have you had this?” you asked, your voice a small whisper.
“Uh… 2016 I think,” he said as he rejoined you in bed.
“So, since the first time we dated?”
“What?” he laughed. “I told you our entire relationship, both then and now, that you’re the only person I see a future with. Did you think I was lying?”
“No! I- I just didn’t know you went so far as to get a ring, and keep it for 5 bloody years.”
“Well, it would have been a little weird if you had it all these years, considering… ya know.”
You laughed in a mix of disbelief and shock. “You are absolutely crazy.”
“I’m not actually proposing, you know that, yeah? I mean, yes, the ring is yours. But only if you want it to be. I love the life we have together, more so than I thought I could love any other version of my life. I never feel like I’m stuck in place, or missing something when I’m with you. I’ll be just as happy if you never wear that ring, as I would if you wore it every day for the rest of your life. You, me, Duke, and music is all I’m ever gonna need in life. I’ve known it since the first time I said I love you. Even in those years we thought chasing our careers was more important, you were still the only person I’ve ever been in love with.”
“Calum…” you breathed, your lip trembling.
“Shh, if you want the whole deal of the proposal and the picture perfect wedding, I’ll give that to you gladly. That’s what the ring’s for. But if you’re content with what we have now, this will always be enough for me, and that’s a promise.”
“I don’t want a proposal only because Luke and Sierra made you extra sentimental. I don’t want to take their moment away from them either.”
“That ring has been yours far longer than any extra sentiment our friends getting engaged could stir up, but I get what you’re saying. If/when you want it, say the word.”
“Ask me again in a year,” you decided. “And I mean really ask me. The whole deal.”
“I can’t fuckin’ wait,” he murmured as his lips crashed into yours, his hands cupping your face. “I’m so in love with you. Always have been. Always will be.”
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chilligyu · 3 years
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info: lee jihoon/gender neutral reader, pg, best friends to lovers au genre: fluff, romance | word ct: 5.5k warnings: none summary: when it came to love, no one was prepared. not even jihoon, who could spend hours turning words into magic, especially when love was mysteriously delivered in the form of a letter to his locker. note: heavily inspired by to all the boys I've loved before, but with a twist! no love triangles or anything like that, so just enjoy awkward people falling in love! and thank you to @dreamystuffers and @starlightjoong for taking a sneak peek and telling me what you think!
tagging: @xfirebenderx, @moriiyun, @ohmygoshcheese, @gyu-log
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Lee Jihoon, a genius in many ways, was never good when it came to words. At least, not the spoken kind. The kind that you had to think up on the spot, responses, answers, comebacks, small talk, he was absolutely terrible at it. But if you gave him the time to think, to really dwell on his thoughts, he could create something truly beautiful. Which was why he preferred to express his feelings with letters. And while, yes, he could pen something magnificent, the next great classic novel perhaps, he typically kept his messages short and to the point. Much like the man himself.
There was one time that he wrote a “letter” that was simply—
—printed out on seven separate sheets of paper and taped to a row of lockers. All in response to a teacher confiscating his iPod. No one could prove it was him, though, and nothing happened in response to it. He never admitted to his crimes, and despite it being painfully obvious who the author of the message was, there was no hard proof pointing to the culprit. It became the most well-known secret at their high school. And Lee Jihoon became somewhat of a living legend because of it.
The only one who knew the truth was you. His best friend. You were his go-to when it came to proof reading all of his letters. He was the writer, you were the editor. Half the time you were also a berating parent, chastising him for trying to assault people with words. Which was also why, more often than not, his letters never got sent. He would sit in his room for hours, writing letters that were either half the length of novels or only a few sentences long, and after giving it over to be edited, it would get tucked away in his desk drawer. Never to be seen or heard from again.
See, Jihoon was an emotional person. Not in the sense that most people would assume, he didn’t get offended easily, one mean comment wouldn’t leave him crying, he was simply—emotional. Whatever he was feeling, whether it be good or bad, it was powerful, sometimes overwhelming. So instead of erupting like a hormonal volcano, which he had already done plenty of, he put his emotions to paper. At the behest of his aforementioned best friend.
“You can’t go around yelling at people.” You began one afternoon just after entering high school. “Even if you’re writing it down, you’re still yelling at people.”
Jihoon, the definition of “hard to read”, was visibly pouting. “You’re the one who told me to write down how I feel. Now I can’t even send these to anyone?”
“I mean, you can.” You backpedalled. “I’m not your mother, despite Seokmin’s insistence. I can’t stop you from doing anything you’ve set your heart to. All I can do is advise you not to because you’re going to have a terrible few years here if everyone hates you.”
He clearly wasn’t thrilled by your logical response, but he admitted defeat anyway. “Fine. Don’t send the letters that I write. I get it. No one wants to read them.”
You groaned loudly. “You are so dramatic. I’m saying don’t send the literal hate mail to people. Don’t send the stuff you write to vent out your feelings. But if there’s something you want to say to someone, something that you can’t bring yourself to say out loud, by all means! Send the thing! I know you loathe the idea of talking to people, you also hate being misunderstood more.”
He also hated how well you knew him, not that he would ever say that out loud.
That was also something he wrote down in a letter, one he decided to send.
You crumpled it up immediately and threw it back at his face.
“Letters are powerful things, Jihoon.” You added. “They can break hearts, mend souls, and change lives with nothing more than words. Because words mean so many different things to so many different people. You just gotta say the right ones.”
At first, he was only humoring you. Honestly, he thought you completely senile until he gave it a shot. After spending hours hunched over his desk writing things no one else would see, he was starting to realize that maybe you had a point. Instead of roaming the halls shouting obscenities in his head, he was able to reassure himself by knowing he could write about it later. Even the smallest grievance, he would write it down. He would sometimes scribble it down on the margin of a textbook if he was feeling particularly overwhelmed in the middle of the day.
The letters became his therapy, his outlet, eventually he could stroll past some annoying upperclassmen and not feel rage coursing through his veins. It was—nice, almost. Not being subjected to his own hectic imagination at every turn. Feeling at peace for the first time in what felt like ages.
Until he found a letter in his locker, one addressed to him during his senior year. From a secret admirer. The contents of which would be seared into his memory for the remainder of time.
Lee Jihoon, it began.
I have never been able to tell you how I feel, in person or in a letter. For several months now, I’ve tried. I’ve tried to write letters like you for so long, and I just can’t get the words right. I don’t know how you do it. So I’m going to do something different. I’m going to stop being scared. If you meet me in the courtyard after school, I’m going to be brave for the first time in my life. Please help me be brave, Jihoon.
Again and again, he read that short letter. Practically baffled that someone out there wrote an honest-to-god letter that was addressed to an honest-to-god person. And that he wasn’t the writer, that he was the recipient. The thought alone made his heart race, and to comprehend that this secret admirer perhaps harbored feelings towards him? It was next to impossible. But no one writes a letter without true emotion behind it. That’s a fact he was coming to understand.
“I need you to come with me.” He told you after showing you the letter. “I’m—I’m not sure I can do this alone.”
You rolled your eyes. “Jihoon, obviously this person doesn’t want to make a public event out of their confession. You should really do this without me.”
“I know, and I’m not asking you to stand at my side or anything.” He reiterated. “Can you like—stand in a bush or something? If I know that you’re there I won’t feel the need to—"
“Did you just ask me to stand in a bush?” You guffawed. “You did not just ask me to stand in a bush Lee Jihoon because if you did then you’re about to get your ass kicked into next year!”
“I didn’t mean literally!” He quickly denied when he did, in fact, mean it literally. “Just—stand around the corner, okay? Be my moral support!”
Pursing your lips, you knew that there was no getting out of this. “Alright, fine. I’ll come with you. But I’m not happy about it.”
“I’ll pay you back, I promise.” He swore. “Have I ever told you that you’re the best?”
A smirk teased at your lips. “You could mention it more.”
“Consider it done.” Jihoon grinned, gathering up his things and heading for the door. “Don’t forget! After school! Courtyard! Don’t be late!”
Once he was gone and you were completely alone, your face fell in disappointment. “I wouldn’t dream of it…”
By the time that school was finally over for the day, Jihoon was a bundle of overactive nerves. He was excited and terrified and anxious and nauseous all at once. The bombarding sensations kept him cemented in place, gripping the edge of his desk until his knuckles were about to burst through. He had been like that for the entirety of their last class, still as a statue as a cold sweat broke out across his brow. You were standing in front of him, head tilted and wondering what he was planning to do next.
“Class is over.” You reminded him. “Everyone’s left.”
Very slowly, he nodded. “Y-yeah. I can see that.”
His voice sounded as if it had been completely stripped down. Like he had screamed himself hoarse by saying those few words.
“Your secret admirer is probably waiting.” You tried to spur him. “We should get going before I change my mind and head home.”
He audibly swallowed past a lump in his throat. “Well—maybe that’s best. Yeah, I can wait until tomorrow.”
You eyed him incredulously. “You’re going to stay here until tomorrow. You’re insane, get up.”
“I’d rather not.”
“And I’d rather not grow old and die here.” You countered. “C’mon, Jihoon. Your admirer asked you to help them be brave, how exactly is this helping them?”
He had to admit, you had a point. If they were brave enough to put their feelings out there, he had to at least meet them half way.
Sighing loudly, he started to pry his fingers off his desk. “Alright, fine. We’ll do things your way.”
You rolled your eyes for perhaps the hundredth time. “You’re absolutely insufferable. Why do I hang out with you?”
“Because I’m funny.” He said with the most serious face in the world.
Which actually made you laugh.
“I hate you.” You chuckled. “C’mon, let’s get going while we’re still young.”
Jihoon inhaled and exhaled deeply to calm himself down.
This is just the beginning.
Except—it wasn’t.
He stood in the courtyard, seemingly alone, with the note that brought him there clutched tight in his hand. As his moral support you were keeping your distance, as promised, but no one else joined you. Minutes passed and he did his best to remain hopeful. It was hard, especially when a familiar voice nagged at the back of his mind. The same one he struggled with every day to ignore.
No one would ever like you, so why did you bother thinking otherwise?
While the negative thoughts slowly took over, Jihoon didn’t know what to do next. He was defeated, almost destroyed. And even though you walked up behind him and took his hand in yours, it did little to stop the bitter tears from welling in his eyes.
“I should’ve known…” He whispered angrily. “This was all just—a joke. It’s always a joke. Who could ever like me?”
“Stop it, Jihoon.” You hissed at him, squeezing his hand tighter. “They said they were scared, maybe they couldn’t follow through with it. Maybe they were afraid of being rejected. You never know what’s going through someone’s head. Don’t beat yourself up, okay?”
Nothing you said was going to make him feel better. He quickly wrenched himself from your grip and backed away from you.
“I’m going home.” He clipped. “Bye.”
Before he left, he made sure to crumple up the note and toss it at your feet. When his heart was broken, he wore it on his sleeve. You understood what Jihoon was feeling, he had been living with an extremely low self esteem due to his height and his general inability to make friends for as long as you knew him. He was quiet, shy, reserved, he was slow to open up to others and hesitant to trust. That’s why you tried to be excited for him, and now that things hadn’t gone as planned in more ways than one your heart ached just like his.
The next day, Jihoon strolled into class like a drunk zombie. By the looks of him, he hadn’t slept a wink. Too busy being destroyed by his own thoughts to bother with anything like sustenance or sleep. He took up his seat beside you, and you immediately shoved your desk into his.
“Still upset?” You asked, even though you already knew the answer.
Sluggishly he lifted his head up and then quickly dropped it back down.
It was worse than you thought.
“Are you going to talk to me today?” You teased in an attempt to get a reaction. “Or am I going to have to go bother Hansol?”
Grumbling slightly, the barely responsive mass that was your best friend raised his hand and dropped a crumpled wad of paper on your desk. At first, you assumed it was just another one of his letters. They weren’t uncommon when he was feeling—unwell.
But it was another note from his secret admirer.
You were startled because he didn’t usually stop at his locker in the morning.
Lee Jihoon, it started similarly.
I’m sorry for not showing up yesterday, I was scared. I couldn’t bring myself to face you, please don’t be mad at me. I’d like to keep writing you letters, if that’s okay. Let’s get to know each other and maybe one day I can be brave again.
Once you were finished reading, you immediately began analyzing Jihoon’s face again. You had never seen him look like this before, completely vacant. While he was hard to read to the entire world, he was always an open book to you. Now reading him was nearly impossible even with your expertise.
“What are you gonna do?”
He shrugged lazily. “I don’t know. Sit here for the rest of eternity. Wait for the soft embrace of death.”
“Jihoon.” You exasperated. “We both know you’re not actually going to do that.”
Except he actually might and you actually couldn’t take that chance.
“Are you going to write them a letter?” You tried, again. “Maybe that will work out better.”
“I already did.” He murmured. “I don’t think they want to read it though.”
“Jesus Christ…” You groaned loudly, taking Jihoon’s face in your hands and looking him dead in his lifeless eyes. “They still like you, they’re scared and human like the rest of us, it is not the end of the world! Give them another chance and stop being such a goddamn drama queen!”
Silence. Pure unadulterated and perfectly aggravating silence.
“Alright, you leave me no choice. I’m bringing out the big guns.”
Being careful to keep an eye on the teacher, you pulled out your phone and started texting Jihoon’s mother. According to your message, you and Jihoon were going to be studying late at the library, and he would probably need to spend the night at your house. Which wasn’t a complete lie, maybe you would get some studying done. But, in all honesty, you had other things in mind.
“Take your pick.” You instructed, a box set in each hand. “Descendants of the Sun, or Record of Youth.”
Immediately after school, you dragged your best friend to your house and sat him down in front of the TV. Your parents didn’t even question it when you told them this intervention was a matter of life and death, that the patient might need to be admitted for the night. They simply let you do what needed to be done.
Jihoon, who had been relatively catatonic for the past 24 hours, finally showed a glimmer of something. He gave the slightest suggestion of a nod towards Descendants of the Sun and you happily popped in the first disk. As you claimed a spot beside him, popcorn and banana milk in tow, he naturally relaxed against you. You were the only person who got to see him unguarded like that, the only person he himself would allow. And while he was typically someone who kept his true self hidden from the world, there was a part of him that would forever belong only to you.
“Thanks.” He practically whispered, resting his head on your shoulder. “I—I needed this.”
“I know.” You smiled. “Are you ready to talk yet?”
He sighed heavily. “No. Not really. I still have a lot of thinking to do.”
“Well, if you need help thinking you know where I’ll be.” You offered without wanting to seem pushy.
If you weren’t mistaken, you could’ve sworn he actually chuckled.
“Yeah. I do.”
Little by little, your best friend was slowly returning to normal—or as close to normal as you’ve ever seen him. Eventually he started getting sucked into the drama, going rigid when things got tense, and actively pretended he wasn’t crying whenever You Are My Everything played. It was, overall, a job well done. You could sleep easy knowing that Jihoon would be just fine. As you drifted off, you felt him hold your hand and squeeze it gently.
Everything was going to be okay.
And if only to prove that point, the next day was nothing like the one before. Jihoon was back to his old self as if nothing had happened at all. Just another Thursday without a word or whisper about the chaotic tornado his secret admirer had unleashed onto your day-to-day life. He even had a letter for you to read by the time lunch rolled around. Apparently, some freshman irritated him over something seemingly small. At least—to you it seemed barely worth mentioning. But nothing ever really felt small to Jihoon. It was all or nothing, always living in black and white. Which meant that almost everything was important to him in some way. So you read the letter, and you edited it gladly.
Once you were done, he had something else for you. Another note from the admirer.
“This is the third one, right?” You murmured, glancing it over once before looking up at him. “Have you written back yet? Besides the one where I assumed you insulted their very existence with your entire arsenal of hurtful words.”
The blush crawling up his neck was an answer in and of itself, but the thick stack of paper he pulled out of his backpack solidified it.
“I’ve tried a few times.” He admitted hesitantly. “Nothing I write is good enough.”
“Oh, only a few times?” You teased, knowing full well that Jihoon’s definition of a few was the same as calling Jane Eyre a short shopping list. “What’s got you so stuck? Usually you have no issues penning essays over trivial things like cracks in the sidewalk.”
His brow furrowed defiantly. “Hey, proper sidewalk and road maintenance is important to modern infrastructure. If we start overlooking cracks in the pavement, then what? What about traffic lights? Can we afford to allow a single bulb to go out? No, of course not. That’s anarchy.”
You couldn’t believe your ears.
“Jihoon…” You started with an exasperated look. “I was joking.”
Trying to hide the fact that his blush was turning a deep crimson, and failing quite miserably, he pulled a paper from the stack and put it back in his bag. Also something he tried, and failed, to hide from you.
“Are you kidding me!” You laughed, raking a hand down your face. “Did you seriously have a letter in that pile you were going to send to our congressman?”
“No—yes—ugh!” He groaned. “Can we forget about the stupid sidewalk for a second! That’s not important right now! Help me! How do I do this?”
Deciding you had teased your best friend enough, you placed your chin in your hand and smiled at him. “How do you do what, exactly? I’ve never had anything to do with the letters you write, I just read them so someone knows how you’re feeling.”
Who were you kidding, you could never tease Jihoon enough.
He rolled his eyes so hard that he rolled his whole head with them. “Like you’ve ever needed further insight into my head, you always know what I’m thinking before I do.”
“But I don’t understand the first thing about—this.” He finished with a labored sigh, gesturing sharply to the handwritten novel in front of him. “You know that better than anyone.”
Again, he was telling the truth. In the years you had known Jihoon he had never developed serious feelings towards someone else. He had barely entertained the notion since entering high school. He always talked himself out of it because feelings were complicated and bothersome. Plus, he was terrified of being rejected. Like most people are. His intrusive thoughts just so happened to be louder than most.
“I hate to break it to you, Jihoon,” You started in a whisper, “no one knows the first thing about this. Not even me. The only person who can help you is yourself.”
His sour expression made it obvious that he obviously didn’t like your response. “Great. Super helpful. Thank you for your continued wisdom.”
When he moved away from you, you grabbed him by the sweater and pulled him back in. “Why do you always stop listening to me when I’m about to make my point?”
He narrowed his eyes at you. “Because it takes you forever to fucking get there.”
“Alright, you got me there.” You chuckled. “Listen, I’m not kidding when I say that you’ve got to do this one on your own. As much as I can usually sense what feelings are doing somersaults in your stomach, this is a first for you and therefore a first for me. I’ve never seen you like this before, so unfortunately you’ve got to discover this one on your own.”
As you spoke, his features slowly softened until all that remained was a very nervous teenager who didn’t want to screw up his first real chance at love. That’s all Jihoon was at his core, that’s all anyone was.
But you had to admit he almost looked kind of cute.
“How do you always know what to say?” He grumbled while crossing his arms. “It’s annoying.”
“You’ve got a really weird way of saying thank you.” You smirked playfully. “Well, maybe this last nugget of advice will get you started in the right direction.”
“Why are you always—” He seethed through his teeth. “How are you still not at whatever your point is!”
You shrugged, because you honestly had no clue. “I'll get there when I get there. You want to hear it or not—”
“Spit. It. Out.”
“Now is that anyway to—”
Wow. You stopped, suddenly fearing for your measly life. If looks could kill—
“Alright, alright, you win.” You conceded. “If you’re having issues writing a letter to your secret admirer, here’s my advice. Stop trying to put words to your feelings and start putting feelings into words. You’re spending too much time trying to say it perfectly that you’re not saying it at all. It doesn’t need to make sense to anyone else, it doesn’t even need to make sense to you. So long as you put them out into the world, they’ll be heard and one day they’ll be understood. You get me?”
The look on his face was—strange. You had a hard time placing it, which should’ve been weirder than it was. In fact, you were seeing lots of different sides to Jihoon lately, sides you never thought existed. This time his eyes widened, the aforementioned scarlet blush had disappeared, and there was a radiance to him that you had never seen before. Like suddenly he could see clearly through the storm of his thoughts.
“Thank you.” He exhaled with a smile. “I’ve never thought about it like that before.”
Feeling triumphant, you wrapped an arm around his shoulders. “I’m starting to wonder what you’d do without me, Jihoon. Three days and you’ve been completely undone and redone by this letter.”
“Letters are powerful things.” He muttered. “They can break hearts, mend souls, and change lives. You taught me that.”
“I guess I’m a pretty good teacher.” You boasted, giving him a squeeze. “Despite the fact that I’m actually quite terrible with words.”
He shrugged off your arm. “Except you always know what to say, how exactly does that work?”
“Just because I can make you see reason doesn’t mean I’m good with words.” You laughed easily. “That simply means that I’ve perfected the art of understanding the impossible. Lee Jihoon. I can’t use words like you do. Trust me I’ve tried, I can never get the words right.”
For a moment, he didn’t have any sort of response. Which was definitely weird. It was a well-known fact that he was terrible with the sorts of words he had to speak, but he didn’t have issues when talking to you. That’s because you were friends, best friends. There had never been this sort of unnerving silence before. Not that you could remember, anyway.
What is going on in your head, Jihoon? You found yourself wondering since you couldn’t read his face. Have you started to figure it out?
“Sorry, I was thinking.” He muttered suddenly, shaking his head. “But I know what I need to write now. Will you read this one too? Even if it gets pretty long?”
“Of course!” You exclaimed with a smile. “When have I ever shied away from a challenge?”
The soft glisten in his eyes made your heart flutter.
When the bell rang and you parted ways, you wondered if Jihoon had ever written you a letter.
Well there’s a first time for everything.
For the next week, he was in full writer mode. And there were no more notes from his secret admirer, not that you expected there to be any. Every chance he got he was scribbling something down on whatever surface he could get his hands on. Textbooks, paper, his arm, he was more inspired than you’d ever seen before and nothing was going to stop him. He didn’t even come over to your house over the weekend, a ritual you hadn’t broken in the ten plus years you had known each other. It was a lonely week, for sure, but you knew it was for a good cause.
Then, after what felt like an eternity of silence, he approached you in the courtyard with a single sheet of paper in his hand.
“Hey…” He started uneasily, his grip tightening. “How’re you?”
Seriously? You mused to yourself with a smile. “I’m good, how’s the writing?”
“Done.” He clipped. “And—I think I covered everything.”
“Are you sure?” You asked, eyeing the sheet of paper. “With all of that writing I thought you’d have a novel for me.”
He shook his head, while a blush crawled up his neck. “Sometimes being concise is more effective than being overly wordy.”
“That’s true.” You grinned. “Easier for me to edit anyway.”
Nodding, he shoved the paper into your hand. “Here. Take your time, I don’t want you to rush it.”
“I won’t.” You promised, resisting the urge to start reading right away. “I know you put a lot of thought into this.”
With that, he turned around and walked off without another word. Leaving you holding something that looked like little more than pen ink on paper, but felt like a confession on fire. Once he was out of eyesight, you exhaled a breath you had been holding unintentionally and started reading.
To the person I have never loved before. It began, and you weren’t prepared for the roller coaster you had willingly climbed into.
This isn’t for the person I’ve loved all along, no. This is for you, someone who managed to stir my emotions more than a raging monsoon with only a few words and the hint of a promise. Who are you? I wondered to myself, because you were without equal. How could I have missed you? You were extraordinary. You didn’t have a face, all I had of you was a letter slipped into my locker, you were a ghost and I was set ablaze by your words. I had never felt like that before, my heart was unprepared. As was I. You made me question everything, and made me realize things I had never seen before.
What I felt for you wasn’t love, even though I thought it was at first. You presented me with feelings I decided I would never feel, so I could only assume that it was love. I felt like a live wire, ready to spark at a moment's notice. All I could think about was you. The infinite options and scenarios I dreamt up, all because of you, was astronomical. It was exhilarating, and I found myself drunk on the endless possibilities that you presented me. What else could make me feel that way, if it wasn’t love?
The answer was one I didn’t expect, and it hit me like a tsunami. I started to feel that way towards someone I already know. Someone who has cared for me more than anyone should, they have been my best friend for years so how could I suddenly feel the same way? How could my friendship for them become intertwined with the love I thought was solely reserved for you? And how could I have missed it after being enveloped by their warmth for so long?
You changed all of that. You made me see clearly for the first time in years and I was completely undone. Everything I knew was suddenly challenged, my feelings towards the most important person in my life changed without any warning, and I didn’t know what to do. How could I ask them, a friend, to see me as anything more? I was lost, trapped in an endless loop of destructive thoughts and desire. Desperately wanting to scream my feelings from the rooftop while fearing the voice that would have to put words to them. Your feelings for me awakened my feelings for them, and suddenly the words that have given me comfort for so long escaped me.
Still, you helped me.
In ways I can only thank with this letter.
You helped me because you are the one who told me to start writing letters. It’s always been you. You are the one who has given my thoughts meaning when I struggled to communicate with the world. One that could never understand someone like me. You are the one who wrote me a letter, asking a coward to help you be brave. It took me a while to realize that you were one and the same, but I picked up on the hints you left behind. I’m sorry it took me this long to figure it out.
Would you have showed up had I not asked you to come with me? I think about that often, were you only afraid because my initial thought was that there was no way it could be you? The impossible notion that my best friend could love me anymore than they already do? I have a thousand more questions I want to ask you, but I think I’m brave enough now to ask you in person.
So I’m going to end this letter here, because you deserve so much more than the words I’ve hidden behind for years. A letter I started to write for someone I thought I didn’t know, to the person I’ve never loved before. Funny, how it ended up being a letter to the person I’ve loved all along.
As you read the last line, tears already streaming down your face, you had never felt happier.
“You figured it out.” You whispered, almost in disbelief. “For a second there I thought you never would.”
You don’t know when Jihoon came back, but he was suddenly standing in front of you taking your hand in his. “It really shouldn’t have taken me that long, I’ve only seen your handwriting a thousand times before.”
Laughter bubbled past your lips as you dried your tears with your sleeve. “I was terrified that you would’ve figured me out from the very beginning. Looks like I really give you too much credit sometimes.”
“You do.” He agreed. “So, what did you think of the letter? Any edits you can think of?”
“This isn’t the type of letter that needs editing.” You stated plainly. “It would take away from the author’s meaning.”
“What would that be?” He asked, clearly teasing you. “Enlighten me.”
You shook your head defiantly. “No, no way. It’s your letter, why don’t you tell me what it’s supposed to mean?”
Part of him didn’t want to make it easy, that much you knew with absolute certainty. But, for the sake of time and your poor heart, he would let you off the hook. Just this once.
“That I love you.” He said softly. “More than anything else.”
Choking out a sob, you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him in close.
“I love you too, Jihoon.”
In the end, neither of you were good with words, but you only needed to know what to say to each other.
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Bound Blood (Cassandra Dimitrescu/Reader, Soulmate AU) Pt. 4
Fandom: Resident Evil: Village Rating: T+ for language, nudity (but, like, for art), and violence Warnings: Unhealthy dynamics, including violence between the shipped pair, leaning heavily into the "enemies" part of "enemies to friends to lovers" Summary: Local vampire discusses art, depictions of certain anatomy, and enjoys the company of her feral soulmate for 4.5 minutes. Then it goes to shit (as things tend to do). 0-60 Real goddamn quick. Previous Chapters: 1: Sharing Is (Not) Caring; 2: Bloodbath, Baby!, 3: Haunt Me Dearly
4: Portraits For Ghosts
“Am I really supposed to just… stay here? Did she honestly think that I, of all people, would behave? The universe gave me two good hands, and by God, I intend to make that someone else’s problem,” you mutter to yourself as you get dressed. It’s not that you necessarily had anything in mind, rather that you hated the idea of waiting around for who knows how long for Cassandra to return. Especially considering what she had done prior to leaving. Sure, you had laughed, but that hadn’t meant much in the end. At this point, you hadn’t even been out of the dungeon for a full day yet, and the memories of what happened there were fresh in your mind. Nightmares, too, even if you had pushed them aside to deal with Cassandra’s. Why did I bother? You wonder, frowning. There was hardly any point to comforting a monster, no matter the way they trembled.
Or at least that’s the lie you sold yourself.
Soon enough, a knock at the door brings you out of your head. Daphne, maybe, you think, remembering the maiden from yesterday. When you open the door, however, you’re met with an unfamiliar woman. She’s a few years your senior, at the very least, and appears surprised to see you. In her hands is a very enticing tray of food.
“Lady Cassandra wanted me to bring this to you. I am… I am glad to see you are feeling better already,” she says, voice shaking. What was with these maidens and assuming you were anything like your soulmate? Though that last part did catch your interest. Something told you that she wasn’t at all referring to your time in the dungeon. If you had learned anything from Daphne, it was that the best way to get information was to be indirect. So you graciously accepted the food, before speaking, dodging your way around your ignorance.
“Yes, it’s amazing what a bit of meditating can do for the soul- and body, that is,” you start, watching closely for any veiled reactions. Even within the first few words you can tell that this stranger wasn’t expecting you to be pleasant. “Out of curiosity, what did my Lady say about my condition? There are, uh, a few details that I hope she did not share. I’m sure you understand.” As soon as the words leave your mouth, the maiden is nodding, appearing eager to satisfy you. Maybe a hint of fear can be useful, after all.
“No worries, Lady Cassandra did well to respect your privacy, and we would not dare question her further. She simply explained, to her family, that you were dealing with a migraine. I only heard this because I was helping serve breakfast,” she explained, smiling softly. You’re quick to nod, mimicking her expression for maximum empathy. “Do you require anything else? I am here to serve, you must only ask.” Ah, perfect. Would she have offered this even if you hadn’t attempted to be charming? Probably, but your politeness certainly didn't hurt.
“Well, there is one thing… as long as it’s no trouble.”
It had been a risk, asking the servant to take you to a room you weren’t sure existed, but one that had paid off brilliantly. Even if said room was nothing like you had anticipated. Who would have thought that Cassandra, you think, would be an artist? What’s far less surprising is the fact that the studio (or ‘study’, as you had called it) is a disorganized disaster. Discarded papers lie scattered around an overflowing trash can, a cabinet with an attached tool rack is missing pieces, and in one corner there are literally random shards of broken glass lying about. What is this, performance art? Part of you feels tempted to clean up the mess, if only to occupy your time. Instead, you decide to examine some of the pieces within the room. Maybe somehow they’d tell you something noteworthy about your soulmate.
First, you move to your left, where a workbench houses strange sculptures. For the most part they’re abstract, jagged edges contrasting with gentle curves, but there is one you think you understand. It’s very clearly a bust… of someone’s ‘bust’. Guess that solves the age old question of ‘boobs or ass’, you think, stifling a giggle. Moving on, you shift your attention to the exposed section of the cabinet. One row is dedicated to small vials, each labeled with a concerning ‘blood’, despite the fact that it’s clearly not refrigerated. Still, you have heard of artists painting with blood before, but you seem to recall them mixing it with something else. Perhaps Cassandra had done the same? Though you did wonder if she had any difficulty resisting the urge to drink the blood, at least prior to mixing it.
Shrugging, you continue to the other side of the studio, squatting to get a closer look at the broken glass. As expected, there’s no discernable pattern or purpose. Huh, you think, wonder why she doesn’t clean up. Maybe she’s waiting for a servant to do it? Guessing her reasoning was rather difficult, especially considering your lack of context, such as how long the mess had been here. Deciding that this was a pointless distraction, you move on to the only other thing of note in the room: An easel, in the center, with a canvas nearly as tall as yourself. So far, there’s little on it other than pencil lines, a sketch marking where to paint certain details. Only the (start of) the background has been colored. Understandably, it’s hard to make out what exactly the finished project would end up representing. Based on what you know of Cassandra and her family, however, you infer that this- with four figures, one larger than the others, protective- is a painting of the castle residents.
“Family means something to you, hmm?... I hope that mine does not miss me much, for I will never see them again,” you say to yourself, instinctively reaching out towards the art. Before you can touch it, or think better of it, the door to the studio is flying open. In storms Cassandra, fists clenched at her sides. As soon as she sees you, she’s rushing forward, pulling you away from the easel. “Hello, darling. Glad to see me feeling better, yes?” You teased, smiling wide at her. Feeling a bit emboldened by your earlier success, you go a step further, leaning in to give her a quick kiss on the cheek.
“I swear to fuck, if you touched any of my stuff-” Cassandra starts to say, intentionally ignoring the kiss, even though her cheeks get flush at the contact.
“Nope, not a single thing. Not even the broken glass. Nice touch, by the way, makes the whole space feel a helluva lot cozier,” you interject. For a few moments she holds you by your shirt collar, staring you in the eyes as if determining whether or not to believe you. Somehow, some way, she declares you innocent, releasing you with an irritated sigh. After pretending to dust yourself off, you return your attention to the central canvas. “Do you do a lot of art of your family? I passed by several pieces on my way here, though they were certainly in a different style.” Another pause, with Cassandra waiting for you to spring a verbal trap.
“Some of those are mother’s work,” she answers, tentatively, eying you closely. When you merely nod in reply, expecting her to elaborate, she starts to relax, little by little. “I doubt you passed any of mine. Mother tends to keep those closer to her quarters, or near the main entrance.” Interesting, you think, why hasn’t she addressed my original question?
“It sounds like she’s very proud of you,” you muse, still facing away from your soulmate. There’s a slight shakiness to your voice, as your mind starts to dwell on memories of your own family. Perhaps noticing this, Cassandra takes a few steps closer, one hand hovering over your shoulder, not quite sure if you needed (or perhaps deserved) any comfort. In this moment, you feel far more vulnerable than you had the day before. Taking a deep breath, you try to center yourself, before perfectly ruining whatever trust you had just established with Cassandra. “Something tells me she doesn’t know about the titty sculpture though, right? Can’t quite imagine that one being displayed where everyone can see it.”
To your immense surprise, Cassandra gives you a blank stare.
“You… you really don’t know anything about my mother, do you?” She says, after several awkward seconds. It feels strange to think that she had been furious, merely a handful of minutes ago. “If you actually behave for a while, I can show you some of her favorite pieces around the castle. Then maybe you’ll understand.” Intrigued, you debate how exactly to respond. On one hand, you did want to see the art, but on the other hand… misbehaving was your goal of the day.
“Sounds like a nice date to me. Why not start the tour right now?” You suggest, hoping to meet your ‘politeness quota’ earlier rather than later. Still, it is in your very nature to be chaotic, and you find yourself giving Cassandra an affectionate shoulder touch. It’s not at all genuine, but the two of you blush nonetheless. How could you not, when your blood was bound together, hearts made to race in sync?
“Don’t get friendly with me,” Cassandra stammers, unadjusted to the way her pulse pounded. “This isn’t a date. We’re just- it doesn’t matter, actually. As long as it means getting you out of my studio, I don’t care.” With that said, she takes your hand in her own, pulling you towards the exit. If she has any feelings about the soft touch, she hides them well… unlike yourself. Cheeks flushed, you’re half tempted to yank yourself out of her grip, hating the way your heart skips a few beats. Would I still feel this way if I didn’t know we were soulmates? You wonder, biting your lower lip to prevent any unwanted comments from slipping out. Soon enough you’d have art aplenty to distract yourself with. Hopefully.
“My God, you were not kidding. I don’t- I can’t even think of anything clever to say,” you chime, staring dumbfounded at the several statuettes of naked women. They seemed to fulfill some other purpose, one you couldn’t parse at the moment, but you could hardly think about the details right now. “I mean, good for your mother, for sticking to a theme, I suppose,” you continue, tripping over your own tongue, uncharacteristically quiet. Clearly amused by your flustered display, Cassandra lets out a hearty laugh.
“Good to know some things can shut you up. I’ll have to keep this in mind for next time you bother me,” she teases, light-heartedly. Her words only fluster you more, though they quickly give you room to counter, much to your joy.
“Is that so? Planning on carrying around a busty bust for the rest of your life, or thinking of going the more au naturel route?” You asked, briefly sticking your tongue out at Cassandra. It takes her a moment to understand what you’re getting at, but as soon as she does she’s smacking your arm with an offended huff. Despite her irritation, the blow is relatively soft, and you swear you can see her fighting to hide a smile. “Starting to go soft on me, are you? I hardly even felt that one.”
“So you’d prefer I hit you harder? And to think you called me kinky,” Cassandra fires back, without a hint of hesitation. Now both of you are laughing, softly, like old friends sharing fond memories. It’s… weirdly nice. A warmth fills your chest, even as you try to remind yourself that you shouldn’t be happy right now. Damn it, you think, suddenly frowning, hands clenching. We shouldn’t be having fun banter, back and forth like a real couple. Not when I’ve still got wounds from her hands on my skin. Instinctively you reach up to your face, thumb running over the marks Cassandra’s nails had left behind. The touch stings, bad, no matter how gentle you try to be. Noticing your shift in expression, your soulmate inches closer. “If your wounds are bothering you, I can have one of the servants get more ointment or whatever it is we have around. I don’t want you to-... There’s no reason for you to suffer more than you need to, besides, I don’t want you complaining all day.” Of course she couldn’t bring herself to imply that she cared. Of course. It wasn’t like the two of you were actually capable of being soft for each other, obviously. All of your confusion melts down, boiled by the warmth in your chest, turning to a familiar, albeit painful, rage.
“Right, right! Because you care so fucking much, yeah? What the fuck am I doing? Why am I-” you jab a finger towards her chest, accusatory- “talking to you? Why am I pretending you're not the one who did this to me? You’re the fucking reason my face hurts, my shoulder hurts, my brain-... I can’t stop thinking about everything that happened down there. I can’t get those goddamn images out of my head, every time I close my eyes, every time I look at you. I…” You trail off, chest heaving a little, tears pricking the corners of your eyes. Cassandra’s standing tall, unflinching, but there’s a noticeable regret in her expression.
“What. Are. You… going to do about it?” She asks, through clenched teeth, fighting back the full force of her emotions. You can’t tell what exactly she’s feeling, but you know that you want her to show you. Every part of you is itching for a fist fight, regardless of how stupid you know the idea is.
“Depends, dickwad, on whether or not these statuettes are properly secured,” you snap, already moving, fully abandoning all impulse control. By the time your hand grips the first sculpture, Cassandra has put you in a headlock, forcefully tugging you backwards. Panic sets in, making you try to jam your elbows into her stomach. Before long both of you are tumbling to the floor, bodies already aching, limbs flailing wildly in an attempt to hit a target, any target. In the end the air is knocked from your lungs as your head smacks against the ground. “Shit, shit, shit,” you grumble, coughing, finally processing just how much of a dumbass you were. It’s clear that at least one of the previous day’s wounds has reopened, and you feel something wet and sticky on your shirt.
“Finished, asshole?” Cassandra wheezes, sounding dazed, roughly pulling you up by your shirt collar. You nod, refusing to meet her gaze. Then she’s sighing in relief, letting you lean on her for support, holding you surprisingly close, considering the circumstances. “Let’s get you cleaned up. Again…”
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Imagine Azula having a crush on you and not noticing it until Ty lee and Mai point it out to her.
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Azula’s POV
“There she is, little miss i’m special because i’m not from the capital” Azula quipped as you entered the training yard and Ty lee looked up fleetingly but Mai didn’t even bother, she knew exactly who Azula was talking about. Azula was always referring to you. “She thinks she’s so special in those fire nation colonial clothes, so unique and different to the typical fire nation clothing, you can just tell she thinks she looks good in them” Azula snapped not taking her eyes off you. “I think she does look good in them” Ty lee piped up and Azula rolled her eyes “you would”. The teacher called the class to start warming up and everyone began jogging around the yard. Ty lee ran beside Azula (Mai opted out of running by feigning an untied shoelace) and it wasn’t long before Azula started commenting on what you were doing again. “Look at y/n trying so hard to run at the front...come on we have to speed up and beat her”. Ty lee frowned “it’s only a warm-up Azula”. “A warm-up we’re losing” Azula retorted “fine if you’re too lazy i’ll catch her on my own” and sped to the front of the line. Mai, having been caught tying her shoelace for 5 minutes appeared beside Ty lee suddenly “i see Azula’s preoccupied again”. Ty lee nodded “she wanted to beat y/n”. “I don’t know why she’s so jealous of her” Mai frowned “y/n’s a good bender but everyone knows Azula’s the number one bender in the academy and y/n doesn’t even seem to want to challenge her”. “I know” Ty lee nodded “I think Azula’s just paranoid, she seems to always be thinking about y/n, always wondering where she is or what she’s doing”. Mai frowned ”she does?”. Ty lee nodded “yeah she was asking me yesterday if I knew where y/n went after training and then earlier today in class she was talking about what she imagines y/n does in her spare time, she had her pegged as a painter cus she has dainty hands”. Mai’s frown grew “Azula said all that?”. Ty lee nodded “yep, she knows a lot about y/n”.  Mai paused “Azula is pretty receptive to y/n but maybe it’s not necessarily in a jealous angry way”. Ty lee frowned and Mai stopped running “what if our friend Azula is actually interested in y/n?”. Ty lee raised an eyebrow “Mai she hates y/n have you not listened to a word she’s said?” “She says she hates her but think about it! She’s always staring at her, commenting on how good she is or how good her clothes look, she’s curious about what she does and what she likes...we know Azula isn’t too good with emotions, what if she told herself what she feels is intense dislike when it’s the opposite?”. Ty lee frowned “you do make a good point, love and hate are pretty similar emotions and for someone who’s not good at recognising her own feelings....”. “...she could’ve misinterpreted them as hate when in reality Azula actually...” Mai started when a voice cut her off. “Azula what?”. Azula appeared out of breath “did you two really stand here talking the whole time? I creamed y/n in the race! It was hilarious, we were neck and neck and then at the last turn i overtook her! Her surprised envious expression was delicious! I always want her looking at me like that”. Ty lee and Mai exchanged a look and Azula frowned “what?.
1 week later
“What do you think y/n’s going to wear?” Azula asked and Ty lee shot Mai a look. Mai and Ty lee had agreed after a week of observing Azula that she did indeed like you and they should help their misguided friend recognise that. They kept putting it off but had agreed earlier in the day the next time Azula mentioned you unprompted they’d say something and she just did. There was a ball tomorrow night and Azula had numerous gowns in her room and they were all looking through them. But Azula was the only one wondering what you’d wear while looking for outfits. Ty Lee wandered closer to Mai “say something” she hissed and Mai frowned “why do I have to do it?”. “Because I came up with the idea of saying something so you have to be the one to do it”. “What are you two whispering about?” Azula called and both girls tensed “nothing”. Azula narrowed her eyes at them but carried on looking at dresses. Ty lee sighed knowing Mai could be more stubborn than her and sidled closer to Azula. “So Azula...what made you think of y/n just now?”. Azula shrugged “she loves fancy stuff like this judging from her outfit choices, did you know she never wears her hair the same way two days in a row”. “No i didn’t...i’m surprised you did” Ty lee said and held her breath. Azula paused “what does that mean?”. “Just you seem to pay a lot of attention to her, more than anyone else”. “Well yes, you have to keep an eye on potential problems to ensure they stay potential and not actual problems”. Ty lee nodded “uh-huh....and looking at what y/n wears covers that?”. Azula turned around “what are you trying to say Ty lee? Subtlety isn’t your finest quality so just spit it out”. “Well i just meant...have you considered that...maybe you...”. “You like y/n” Mai said loudly and everyone froze. “I what?” Azula asked turning to Mai. Mai didn’t look away and stared at Azula directly in the eye “I said you like y/n. That’s why you’re obsessed over every little thing she does and thinks about her so much! That’s why you say mean things about her and put her down, you’re like the little boy in the schoolyard pulling the girl’s pigtails because he likes her, you like y/n but you don’t know how to feel about that so you lash out at her but that doesn’t change the fact you like her”. Silence settled and Ty lee flinched at how tense the atmosphere was. Azula was glaring at Mai fiercely but Mai wouldn’t look away or back down. Eventually Azula scoffed and turned away “as always your judgement is flawed Mai” and carried on looking at dresses. Ty lee looked at Mai in surprise and they both frowned lost at what to do next. “If I did like her I wouldn’t be afraid to show it either” Azula commented bitterly “the very idea is ridiculous”.
The next day
Azula waited at the top of the stairs outside the party tugging at the dress she’d chosen. It wasn’t right, she didn’t like it and she felt agitated in it. Truth be told though everything had agitated her since the conversation with her friends yesterday. How dare Mai and Ty lee act like she didn’t know her own feelings, sure she wasn’t the most in touch with her emotional side but she’d know if she liked you! Wouldn’t she?
The lights changed and Azula knew that was the cue for the royal family’s entrance into the ball. She exited from her door and down the staircase a fake smile on her face until she came to stand beside Ozai, Zuko on his other side. A united strong family. Ozai made some speech and Azula was listening, until she caught Ty lee whispering to you in the crowd. Azula was furious, Ty lee knew how she felt about you, how much she hated you! Why would she be befriending you at her father’s party! Azula glared but it was too dark for Ty lee to notice or she ignored it and carried on whispering in your ear making you smile. Azula was itching to get away so she could rip Ty lee away from you the second she could.
However Ty lee seemed to sense that. When Azula was free to mingle Ty lee had vanished from your side but you were still there. Right in her eye line, it was almost impossible for her not to look at you. Azula took in what you were wearing and of course, as she predicted, you looked amazing. You dress just the right deep shade of red, just modest enough to be fitting for a royal party but also flattering enough one couldn’t help staring. Your hair again looked as perfect as it always did and Azula considered what Mai and Ty lee had said as she watched you. Azula tore her eyes away from you a light blush on her cheeks and dismissed the thoughts. She glanced around the room for something to distract her but found her eyes drawn to you yet again. You weren’t with anyone either and seemed to be watching the party contently. Azula wondered who you’d come to this with as you surely had a date and she was soon lost in trying to figure out who it could be. Azula watched you deep in thought before catching herself and cursed herself for staring at you again. “Idiot” Azula cried seizing a glass off a nearby tray, making the waiter flinch and almost drop the rest of his drinks. “Azula?” someone asked and Azula realised Mai had finally found her. “What’s wrong?” Mai asked catching on to Azula’s obvious anger and Azula glared. “Like you don’t know! You and Ty lee planted the idea in my head and it’s growing like a weed!”. Mai frowned “about y/n?”. “Well who else!” Azula snapped “you’ve made me doubt myself, now I can’t stop looking at her and noticing things about her!”. “Like what?”. “Well how nice and shiny her hair is, how radiant and clear her skin is, how toned her exposed arms are in that dress, how bright and soft her lips look! You’ve rotted my brain and I can’t stop it!”. “Azula calm down” Mai said sternly “there’s nothing wrong with you or your brain!”. “Then why can’t i stop thinking about y/n” Azula cried and Mai rolled her eye “because you like her idiot!”. Azula was so lost in thought she didn’t even react to Mai calling her an idiot. “I do....?” she frowned “this is not good, crushes are for weak people like you and Zuko”. “Ouch, but I insulted you so I’ll take that”. “You what?” Azula asked narrowing her eyes and Mai moved on quickly “nothing! So you admit you like y/n? That’s great”. “Why is it great?”. “Because now we can do something about it”. “Ow good there’s a cure?” Azula asked and Mai nodded “yes, you go ask her out”. Azula’s eyes almost popped out of her head “WHAT! I can’t do that!”. Mai rolled her eyes “yes you can, don’t be such a coward”. Azula glared “I am not a coward Mai”. “Then prove it! Y/n’s over there, go ask her out now”. Azula squared up to Mai “fine i will!”. “Great” Mai cried and Azula barged past her before heading off to find you. It was only on her way to you Azula realised what she’d sworn to do and immediately regretted it. To make things worse Ty lee had appeared by your side again and spotted Azula. “Azula” Ty lee called happily and you turned and fixed your eyes on her. Azula felt chilled, trapped in your gaze. She wanted to run and hide but how could she when Ty lee had made it so obvious? Azula cursed Ty lee and was ready for a quick greeting and escape when Azula hesitated. She’d fought armies and men twice her age and yet this was terrifying her? No! She was Azula, fire bending master and the smartest person in the whole academy...maybe the whole fire nation! She was not going to let this intimidate her. Azula reached you and looked you both confidently in the eye “Ty lee, y/n” she said matter of factly. You looked from Ty lee to her and nodded “Hi Azula”. “Hello” Azula replied and then searched for something else to say, silence settled and Ty lee jumped in “it’s a great party isn’t it Azula?”. “I suppose” she nodded. “I’m enjoying it” you agreed “but I bet you’ve been to so many by now they’re all terribly repetitive” you smiled and Azula was shocked at your receptiveness. “That is correct” she nodded “honestly I think all social events are a waste of time...” she started when she noticed Ty lee signalling her to stop talking but you didn’t seem put off by her anti-social comment. You laughed and smiled “i have to partially agree with you on that one, do you know how much firebending practice I could’ve gotten in during the time this party has taken?”. Azula smiled approvingly, she was growing fonder of you by the second. “Do you practice often y/n?” Ty lee asked and you nodded “i try to get some time in every day but it’s hard, the academy gym is always so crowded”. “You should use the private one” Azula commented and you and Ty lee froze. “I can’t afford that” you said looking down and Azula tilted her head confused, money was so irrelevant to her she forgot it was an issue for others. She supposed the fees may be too much for some people to pay and fixed her eyes on your expression. “Well if you enter with me nobody will dare make you pay” Azula replied and you looked up at her confused. “If i entered with you?”. Azula nodded “I could take you some time if you wanted...i train every day too”. Your eyes widened and their brilliant brown blinded Azula for a few seconds so she almost didn’t catch your reply. “When am i free?” she asked her cheeks warming “well how about tomorrow?”. “It’s a date” you smirked before something caught your eye “sorry my mother’s waving me over, I have to go but this was really fun, I don’t know why we haven’t spoken before” you said generally but directed it to Azula. Azula’s blush grew and she nodded “yes I do not know why either, we will have to fix that”. You grinned and looked at Azula in a way that made her heartbeat fast. “I look forward to it” you replied and Azula blushed looking down. “Well goodnight” you smiled and walked away. Azula watched you walk away and only just remembered to breathe “what did i....did that really happen?”. Ty lee grinned “yes it did! You officially have a date with y/n and you flirted too”. “I did?”. “Admittedly it was anti-social and power plays but yes you flirted Azula! Well done!”. Azula smiled softly ”I have a date with y/n!”. Now all she had to do was not mess it up...  
I could so imagine Azula being a gym girl and having gym dates, like she’s a buff girl with a lack of free time so she has to combine the two. Plus what would impress a date more than Azula out benching every man in that gym???
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