#island of Harris
seamusicpoetry · 11 months
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Golden Road,Hebrides,Scotland
Scenic road between Rodel & Tarbert, Isle of Harris.It sounds like something from a fiction book, and indeed, the views from The Golden Road are out of this world. Apparently named as a reference to its colossal construction cost, these 21 miles of single-track tarmac snake their way up the east side of South Harris through, at times, a lunar-like landscape composed more of rock than grass. 
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riphertoshreds · 20 days
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Debbie Harry at Coney Island circa 1977.
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pinkhoneydrop · 3 months
LoveIsland: EpisodeOne
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Welcome to week one in the villa I’m so happy to see everyone together. I hope you’re ready to spend the summer getting flirty and maybe a little feisty. Keep your goal in mind throughout the week when you make your choices!! - Liz
You didn't think you would be this nervous when you signed up. You had been a fan of the show for a while and got an ad to apply. At first the idea of charity seemed like a good cause to objectify yourself but after some deliberation with friends you quickly realized that you craved the dramatization of the show.
… “You might find the love of your life, you never know.” Your best friend sat across from you in a local cafe. You explained to her the email you received inviting you to join the show this season.
“What if I regret it?” You laughed at yourself as you leaned back in the cafe chair. A lump formed in your stomach from just thinking about what you had done.
Sending in your audition tape while drunk after a night out was probably not the best idea.
“Promise me you'll go and try it out. Try and find a man or even just get laid. You need it and if anything, you leave with a shit ton of money. What's the harm in that?” ...
            Maybe your friend was right. Maybe you would fall into a whirlwind romance with your dream guy. But you might not either and that was fine. Living with your best friend forever if you ended up embarrassing yourself on national television was also fine? Right?
 For a while before the cameras started up you sat by yourself. All the contestants had their own vans with an obstructed view of the villa. South Africa was a long way from home. The lush landscape and harsh temperature added to the anxiety of meeting everyone you would be spending the summer with. You leaned back in your chair and closed your eyes trying to prepare yourself. A knock on your trailer door and a high-pitched voice alerted your senses.
“Need you all in 5.”
“Here we go.” you whispered to yourself. You looked in the mirror and adjusted yourself. You were wearing your favorite color and felt like you would never truly be ready, so you fluffed your hair and exited your trailer. Three other girls exit as well. The three of you walked along with some crew members to separate spots and each of you entered one by one to a mini bar. Palm trees lined the edge of the deck and tall tables stood in the middle between the bar and the end of the deck. You sighed as your turn came.
“Oh my gosh hi how are you I’m Leila.” A girl who was much taller than you with a head of dark curly hair smiled and greeted you as you walked towards the bar. “Wow, she's cheery. If everyone is like this then summer should definitely be fun.” you thought to yourself as you smiled at her. Not only was she cheerful, but she was also beautiful. A green bikini sat on her hips and wrapped around her shoulders. You chuckled nervously to yourself. Leila took notice and sparked up some casual conversation with you.
{cut to interview}
… “Hey, I’m Leila I’m 26 years old.” music played in the background as Leila spoke during her interview.
“Originally from just outside Manchester and I'm here to find the love of my life.” She smiles as a blush rises to her cheeks and giggles a little as the camera angle changes.         
“The other girls better watch out; I've been known to be a bit feisty back home.” the music fades out and the camera returns to the bar…
{cut back to camera 3}
“It's so nice to see a friendly face first thing. I'm kind of nervous.” your smile weakens as you talk to Leila. Not too long after another girl walks in.
“Holy shit.” Leila says as the girl gets closer. You turn to have a look and almost pass out. Long tan legs leading up to the tiniest bikini bottoms that probably ever existed. Your eyes widened and you were lost for words. The girl spoke before you could even form a coherent thought.
“I’m Chloe.” Her voice was a bit high, but you supposed it might have just been all the traveling catching up to her. You watched as Leila gave her the same cheerful smile that she gave to you. Chloe gave a short smirk and twisted her neck to look at you next. Her blonde hair seemed to flow with her movement.
“Y/n.” You stuck your hand out as you introduced yourself. Chloe just looked at it and headed for the bar to get a cocktail.
“Gosh, a bit cold now, isn’t she?” Leila frowned as she watched her. You raised your brow and decided this might be a long summer.
{cut to interview}
… “Hii I’m Chloe I’m 25 from Glasgow and I’m just living life.”  Music plays again as another interview starts.
“I love a good English boy who gives good chat and has pretty eyes.” Chloe winks and laughs at herself.
“If my girls would describe me in one word it would be...Maneater.” …
{cut back to camera 3}
“I hope I’m not the only one drinking today.” Chloe spoke as she set three glasses on the table in front of you. It was odd. At least you thought so, but you took the drink anyway hoping to calm yourself.
“Oh, I’ll absolutely take this, thank you, Chloe.”
“No problem girl.” A large smile graced her lips as she watched you drink.
“Guess I’ll have another one as well. Thanks.” Leila was polite enough to escape a glare from the blonde, but you immediately noticed the tension between them. “Interesting…”
Just before anyone could continue the conversation another girl walked into the villa.
{cut to third interview}
… “I’m Genevieve I’m 27 from Dewsbury but I live in LA currently.” The brunette was calm as she spoke and smiled at the camera.
“I’m trying to find work as a model. Navigating LA life is hard but navigating my love life is harder. I just seem to always find my worst match so hopefully it’s different here.” …
{cut to camera 2}
Her confident stride and striking appearance instantly drew everyone’s attention. Chloe, the first to react, sized her up with a quick, appraising glance before flashing her trademark bright smile.
“Well, look who decided to join the party,” Chloe said, her tone dripping with a mix of faux friendliness and thinly veiled competitiveness. Genevieve smiled graciously, taking in the room. “Hey everyone,” she greeted, her voice smooth and inviting.
“I’m Genevieve. I hope I’m not too late.” Leila, who had been nursing her drink, immediately stood up and walked over to Genevieve.
“Hi Genevieve, I’m Leila,” she said warmly.
“Nice to meet you. Want a drink?” Genevieve’s smile widened.
“Sure, I’d love one. Thanks, Leila.”
As Leila prepared a drink for Genevieve, Chloe leaned in closer to you. “Another model, huh? This should be interesting,” she whispered, her eyes never leaving Genevieve. You could sense the undercurrent of tension in Chloe’s voice but chose to stay neutral.
“Yeah, let’s see how things unfold,” you replied quietly, taking another sip of your drink. Leila returned with a drink for Genevieve, who accepted it with a grateful nod. “So, Genevieve, tell us a bit about yourself,” Leila encouraged, her genuine interest in breaking the ice.
“Well, I’m 27 and I’ve been living in LA for a few years now,” Genevieve began.
“I’m trying to break into modeling. It’s tough and I have to keep the lights on by serving, but I love the challenge. And, of course, I’m here to hopefully find the right guy.”
The other girls listened intently, some nodding in understanding. Chloe, however, remained somewhat aloof, swirling her drink thoughtfully.
“LA, huh? That must be quite a change from Dewsbury,” she commented, a hint of skepticism in her voice. Genevieve nodded, unfazed by Chloe’s tone.
“It is, but I love it. The energy, the opportunities—it’s all worth it.” Chloe smirked, leaning back in her chair.
“Well, good luck to you babe. You’re going to need it.” Leila shot Chloe a disapproving look before turning back to Genevieve.
“Don’t mind Chloe. She can be a bit much sometimes as were learning,” she said with a wink. “We’re all here to find love, after all.” Genevieve laughed lightly, clearly not perturbed.
“Thanks, Leila. I’m looking forward to getting to know all of you.”
You didn’t know how Leila did it. Keep up the niceties with all these women. The relationships right now were all surface. This is the time to be strategically quiet. Or in your case just nervously so. As the conversation continued, the initial tension began to dissipate, replaced by curiosity and a tentative camaraderie. The girls were eager to see how Genevieve would fit into the group dynamics, and despite Chloe’s initial frostiness, there was a sense of anticipation about what the next days would bring.
{cut to camera 1 in a wide shot panning over the girls and host}
“Hello ladies and welcome to the villa. We have you here today in this beautiful villa to hopefully find some love, friendship, or fortune. We have gathered you here on the lawn beside the pool deck to introduce you to the guys.” The sun was high in the sky as you stood on your marked spot. The girls lined up next to you all giggled and cheered at the introduction. You smiled along and tried to calm your nerves. Were they really about to just parade a bunch of hot guys around for you to ogle over? You looked to the right, and you saw Chloe and to your left you saw Genevieve and Leila. Not knowing too much about anyone yet you felt a little out of place. 6 weeks with these people and you would be competing with them the whole time. Not a single one of them seemed to share the nerves building in your body. The camera crew hustled about, and you stood to attention after adjusting your bikini bottoms on your hips.
{cut to camera 3 on the pathway}
“First we have Daniel Jones, he is from south London.”   a blonde man with a toned physique who walked down the path leading to the pool deck where the host was standing. “He's cute.” you thought to yourself.
“How are you doing this morning Daniel?” the host turned to speak with him. The sun beat down on everyone but despite that the girls all smiled at Daniel.
“I'm doing great now that I have some eye candy to look at.” Daniel's words came out confidently as he smiled at each of you on your marks. He was definitely fit. Tan skin shining in the sun and a pair of navy-blue trunks on his waist. You eyed him from your spot, and he winked at you in acknowledgement. Heat manifested in your cheeks at the gesture.
“How are you today, ladies?” His voice was smooth, catching your attention and no doubt the other girls as well.
“Alright Daniel, go stand on that first mark and let's see the next guy, shall we?” The host smiled and turned to face the pathway.
The sun was high in the sky that morning as the next guy came out. All of the girls adjusted themselves as the cameras cut back and forth between them.
“Here we have Elias, he is from London but lives in LA. Elias, how are you?”
Elias was gorgeous. Dark hair sitting atop his head and muscles peeking out of darker skin that looked perfectly Sunkissed. He wore deep rust orange shorts and had his ears pierced. You blushed as he caught your eye and sent a small nod in your direction.
“I'm doing alright.” His voice was deep and gravely. You could only imagine what his personality was like as he stood at attention. A couple of the ladies snickered at one another, and Elias smirked at the attention he was getting. Just like Daniel, Elias moved to stand next to his mark.
“Ladies, how are we feeling about the selection so far?” The host spoke to all of you and garnered some exclamations from the whole group.
“The selection is fit; how can we complain?” Genevieve spoke up first. She was beautiful to look at and if you were one of the guys you definitely would want her to couple up with you. Long brown hair with highlights framing her face. As you were admiring her, your thoughts were interrupted by a rather whiney voice.
“Yeah exactly, but I have to say I'm excited for this special guest.” The next girl to speak was Chloe and she turned to give the other girls a light glare as if she were daring them to challenge her. Chloe was a natural blonde with green and brown eyes that peered into your soul. You made a mental note not to get in her way if you could avoid it.
The host continued on and introduced the next man to the group. All the ladies gave him their attention, as it seemed he was a crowd favorite as soon as he was in sight.
“Ladies, this is River Davis from Michigan.”
River was hot, you have to admit. Lighter hair shaved low on the sides and defined muscle tapering into his trunks. Your eyes traveled trying to find a decent place to look that wasn't suggestive.
“Nice to see you, River.”
River smiled at the host and took her hand for a light shake. Turning his attention to the ladies he kept his smile and stood up straight.
“Nice to see you too. Ladies, how are you all doing?” His voice was deep too. Elias might have some competition with this one you thought. All the ladies replied in various ways as the men stood on their marks.
“Before we get to coupling time, we have one more guest joining us. Our celebrity guest this season is…” honey smiled at the group as she paused for effect.
All the ladies waited with bated breath to hear and see who was coming out next. Your breath caught in your throat as you saw brown hair through the bushes.
“Harry Styles!” The host turned and began clapping.
Harry emerged from the trail looking amazing. Tan underneath his inked skin, Trunks resting low on his hips exposing the ferns and a freshly cut head of hair to match his mustache.
“Hello everyone, m’Harry.”
You almost melted after hearing his voice in person. There was just something about him that made you feel at home, and you didn't even know the guy yet. Did you want to get to know him? Part of you felt like maybe you shouldn't, like it would be better to remain a fan of his work and omit yourself from the possibility of him being an asshole.
First choice is coming next episode!!!!
The islanders
@chelseawgnr @rafesfavoritegirl @finelinepie @sunflower-golden-vol6 @unlikelystay @sarah-ev @playhousebunni @gem1712 @indierockgirrl @boldlycoolkitty @wherearethewatermelons @tpwkvickysblog @harrystylesconcepts @superiorfemme @vashapnin @sassamanda77 @henrysteelsmurryme @littlenatilda @devilsqueen722 @ashleighsss @b3ccaaa @x100preme @lomlolivia @fanfictioncafe @racshouse42 @crazygirlinthisworld @harrys-flower @bloodywickedlips @harryshousewitnessprotection @champagnepronlemsxxxx
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mydearesthrry · 2 months
episode 2 - love island!harry styles
a/n: im inspired if you couldnt tell. no spoilers! this wont really follow the li universe exactly but if you want more let me know :P LOVE ISLAND USA 2024 CAST BTW
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“hi, could i pull you for a chat?” harry softly taps on y/n’s shoulder, a polite smile on his face.
“oh, yeah, of course!” she picks up her wine glass, pulling the skirt of her dress off of her knees and jumping off the stool, grabbing onto harry’s forearm for support.
“oof, careful there, love.” he warns, eyebrows furrowing concerned as she stumbles.
“im okay, im okay! its just my heels. they’re a bitch on this wood, they get stuck in the cracks.” she giggles, intertwining their arms.
harry supports her, leading her towards soul ties for a chat. they get settled, and he pulls off his backward cap. “so, love, how are you feeling?”
she shrugs. “i mean, a bombshell just took my couple so not that well, but…” she flickers her eyes up at him. “i feel…. i like this. i like you, and.. i wouldn’t mind exploring this if— if that’s what you’d want too?”
“i do! i do, i really do— and… i’m not coupled either, i know you aren’t… maybe if we got lucky?” he responds, turning completely to her, resting a hand on her knee.
she nods, smiling at him and leaning a bit closer. “yeah. maybe if we got lucky.”
“so,” harry takes a sip from his water bottle. “do you have your eyes on anyone else in the villa?”
she shakes her head. “no, i honestly… i couldn’t, at this point. i know you got here to the villa last night, but,” she pauses. “i think you got me.”
harry looks up, cheesing. “yeah?”
“mhmm,” she nods. “you’re.. definitely my first choice. but i know that a few other girls want you too.”
he scoffs, shaking his head. “nah. i got you, babe. swear it. tonight? you got me.”
“yeah? i do?” she murmurs insecurely.
he lifts her chin with his hand. “you got me. i promise.” he places a soft kiss to her cheek before wrapping his arm around his shoulders, bringing her close. “my girl. we’re basically already coupled, don’t lie.”
she giggles. “if that’s what you think, h.”
“wh— y’don’t think that too?!” he squawks, ruffling her hair.
“i do! i do, i promise!” she squeals, pushing his hands away, quickly placing her glass on the floor, coming to attack him back.
“no! no! not the hair!” he giggles, wrapping his arms around her and holding her close. “you’re so pretty.”
she snorts, shaking her head and scooting closer to his chest. “you’re biased. and you’re a liar.”
“me? a liar? never, my love. you’re the most beautiful girl here.” he says simply, pressing another small kiss to her temple. “ready to get recoupled?”
she nods. “ready.”
a few hours later, the girls stand in a line in front of the firepit, y/n at the start of the line. ariana calls her out, and she steps forward.
“um, i’m choosing this boy because… he’s really kind, and a really good person, and i think our connection has been really special, um…” she pauses, flicking her eyes to harry who’s already grinning.
“and yeah, i just think that we could make something special if given the opportunity, and i choose…. harry.” she giggles, face flushing at harry pumping his fist in victory, jumping and hooting as all the boys cheer and shout for him.
they meet each other half way, arms held out for each other. he grabs her and pulls her close, mouth leveling with her ear as he whispers, “my girl. see? you got me, and i got you.” before he places a kiss to her cheek, leading her back to his seat.
he pulls her down to sit next to him, wrapping an arm around her as his hand rests on her hip. he places another soft kiss to her hair, getting comfortable with her resting against his side.
she looks up at him and puckers her lips, harry grinning and leaning forward to peck her lips. ariana squeals, and they both flush red at the reminder that they weren’t alone.
“we were destined for this!” he defends, holding her closer possessively.
“yeah man, we know.” kendall says back, crossing his arms and slightly grumbling.
“don’t be sad, kendall!” she grins, leaning closer into harry. the conversation moves on, and the next girl steps forward.
harry leans forward, whispering into her ear. “you look absolutely beautiful, by the way.”
she moves her head to look at him, scrunching her nose and smiling appreciatively. she leans forward and presses a soft kiss to his cheek. “thank you.”
Y/N walks in after changing into her pjs and removing her makeup, walking toward her and harry’s bed, harry already under the covers with a book in front of his face. “can i join you?”
harry looks up, grinning widely. “of course, m’girl. come cuddle up, get comfy.”
she hops in, throwing the covers over them, engulfing them in darkness, a sliver of light coming from the barely cracked duvet at their heads. “hi.”
“hi baby, you okay?” harry smiles back, moving a bit closer, their nose now touching.
“so very okay,” she nods. “im really excited for this.”
“i am, too. so excited. wanna cuddle?” he offers, going to pull the covers down.
“wait— wait…” she holds a hand out, and he pauses. “can i… can we kiss for a little? just a little, i don’t wanna be one of those couples, but… just a little?”
“you don’t need to ask, sweet girl. c’mere.” he brings her forward, buttoning his lips with hers. he hums softly at the feeling of her soft lips on his, the taste of her coconut lip balm shooting a thrill of desire up his spine. they kiss slowly, evading the loud noises.
“wait, are Y/N and harry making out under the blankets?” kaylor calls, making them freeze, breaking their lips and cuddling close, knowing someone was going to pull over their covers. and to no one’s surprise, rob’s face shines over Y/N and harry, a smug grin on his face.
“oh, you guys totally were.” harry swats him away, hiding y/n’s face from their view.
“leave us alone!” she squeals, hitting at rob’s thigh.
“okay, okay! jeez lovebirds, my bad.” he smirks, walking back to his bed.
the room quickly quiets down, the lights shutting off as everyone shuffles to get comfortable.
“cuddle?” harry whispers into her ear. she nods, burrowing into his chest.
"I could stay like this with you forever, love," he murmurs, his voice low and affectionate. "just holding you in my arms, feeling your body against mine. It's like the rest of the world disappears and it's just us, together, in our own little world."
“so cheesy.”
“you love it.”
she hums. “yeah. i really do.”
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charleslovemustdie · 5 months
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the dialogue when you get kim to spill his secrets is so silly and flirty 😭 i love them i fear
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my-midlife-crisis · 1 month
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Best buddies...
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currentlyonstandbi · 10 months
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harry peter mj polycule confirmation when marvel ?
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artbyterrancejones · 1 month
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Kamala Harris in Total Drama style [SKETCH]
I finally sketch the Total Drama style artwork for Vice President Kamala Harris, the next president of the United States. It's my first time drawing a picture of Kamala Harris in cartoon style. ^^
I can't wait to make a final work of Kamala Harris in Total Drama style. Stay tuned.
Made with Clip Studio Paint PRO.
Artwork © Me
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himbolithium · 8 months
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I love bisexual gaming
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2tiedships2 · 4 months
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Love On Tour Memories ↳ Long Island - 28 Nov 2021
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kirnet · 2 years
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tequila sunset
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agelessphotography · 6 months
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Providence, Harry Callahan, 1961
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1l0ved1lfs · 2 months
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In case anyone ever confuses Resident Evil with Silent Hill just because they’re both survival horror franchises:
Resident Evil
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Silent Hill
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chungledown-bimothy · 3 months
Actually I really love that question. If you had to be sucked into any movie (or just a genre), what would it be? (Maybe also why?)
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nando161mando · 2 months
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