#islamic dua for wife
Dua To Fix Marriage Problems Immediately
Marriage is a long time commitment. But when two unknown people stay together. Some problems can arise. And it needs trust, the capacity of understanding to make the marriage work. But if everything your marriage still has problems, the best thing is to ask for Allah’s help. There is a dua to fix marriage problems. And by performing it, your marriage problems will vanish. Dua To Fix Marriage…
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quranicwazifa · 2 months
Top 5 Dua for Finding a Good Spouse: How to Attract the Right Partner in Islam 
Finding the right spouse is a significant aspect of a fulfilling life. For many Muslims, turning to dua for a good spouse is a way to seek divine assistance in finding a loving and compatible partner.  In Islam, a good spouse is considered a blessing, and supplications are believed to help in attracting a partner who aligns with one’s values and spiritual goals. This blog explores the top 5 dua…
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recitedua · 2 months
Top 5 Dua for Finding a Good Spouse: How to Attract the Right Partner in Islam 
Finding the right spouse is a significant aspect of a fulfilling life. For many Muslims, turning to dua for a good spouse is a way to seek divine assistance in finding a loving and compatible partner. 
In Islam, a good spouse is considered a blessing, and supplications are believed to help in attracting a partner who aligns with one's values and spiritual goals. This blog explores the top 5 dua for finding a good spouse and offering spiritual guidance for a good marriage.
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1. Dua for a Good Spouse
The Dua for a Good Spouse is a powerful supplication that asks Allah for a spouse who will bring happiness, support, and strength into one's life. This dua is often recited by individuals seeking a life partner who aligns with their values and Islamic teachings. One of the most recommended duas for this purpose is:
"Allahumma inni as'aluka min khayri ma sa'alaka abduka wa rasuluka, wa a'udhu bika min sharri ma'adhuka minhu abduka wa rasuluka."
This translates to: “O Allah, I ask You for the good of what Your servant and Prophet asked You for, and I seek refuge in You from the evil of what Your servant and Prophet sought refuge from.”
Reciting this dua regularly with sincerity can help attract a spouse who is not only good in character but also supportive and loving.
2. Islamic Prayer for a Good Partner
An Islamic Prayer for a Good Partner involves supplicating Allah for a spouse who will contribute positively to one’s life and faith. A widely recommended prayer for this purpose is:
"Rabbi la tatharni fardan wa anta khayru al-waritheen."
Translation: “My Lord, do not leave me alone (without a helper) while You are the best of inheritors.”
This prayer emphasizes trust in Allah’s ability to provide and highlights the belief that Allah’s plan is always for the best. This dua can be recited daily, especially during moments of reflection and devotion.
3. Dua for Finding a Loving Spouse
The Dua for Finding a Loving Spouse focuses on seeking Allah’s help in finding a partner who will offer love, compassion, and understanding. One effective dua is:
"Allahumma a'ini 'ala khairin qad yusafiq, wa ad'u ilayka bi-hubbih."
Translation: “O Allah, help me to find the best (spouse) who will be kind to me, and guide me to love him/her.”
This supplication helps in finding someone who will not only be a loving partner but also someone who aligns with your spiritual and personal values.
4. Effective Dua for a Good Husband/Wife
An Effective Dua for a Good Husband/Wife can help in finding a spouse who will be a true partner in both worldly and spiritual matters. One such dua is:
"Allahumma inni as'aluka ridhaaka wal-jannah, wa a'udhu bika min sakhatika wa al-nar."
Translation: “O Allah, I ask You for Your pleasure and paradise, and I seek refuge in You from Your anger and the Fire.”
This dua reflects a desire for a spouse who is not only good in character but also someone who helps you achieve spiritual goals. It signifies a commitment to seeking a partner who will support you in both this life and the hereafter.
5. Spiritual Guidance for a Good Marriage
Lastly, Spiritual Guidance for a Good Marriage encompasses more than just specific duas. It involves seeking overall guidance from Allah and engaging in actions that align with Islamic teachings. An excellent practice is to make istikhara, which is the prayer for seeking Allah’s guidance in making decisions, including choosing a spouse.
The istikhara dua is:
"Allahumma inni ista'khiruka bi'ilmika, wa astaqdiruka biqudratika, wa as'aluka min fadlikal-azim."
Translation: “O Allah, I seek guidance from Your knowledge, and I seek strength from Your power, and I ask You for Your immense favor.”
This dua can be recited when you are contemplating marriage, helping you make decisions that align with what is best for your life.
Process for Performing the Dua for a Good Spouse
Prepare Yourself Spiritually: Begin by purifying your heart and intentions. Perform wudu (ablution) and ensure that you are in a clean and quiet place where you can focus on your prayer.
Make the Dua: Recite the dua with sincerity and conviction. For example, you can use:
"Allahumma inni as'aluka min khayri ma sa'alaka abduka wa rasuluka, wa a'udhu bika min sharri ma'adhuka minhu abduka wa rasuluka."
Translation: “O Allah, I ask You for the good of what Your servant and Prophet asked You for, and I seek refuge in You from the evil of what Your servant and Prophet sought refuge from.”
Be Specific: As you recite the dua, be specific about your needs and desires in a spouse. You may add personal requests or attributes you are seeking in a partner.
Pray Regularly: Make this dua a regular part of your prayers. The more consistent you are, the more it reflects your sincere desire and faith in Allah’s help.
Trust in Allah: After making the dua, place your trust in Allah’s wisdom and timing. Have faith that Allah will provide the best outcome for you, even if it might not be immediately apparent.
Take Action: While making the dua is crucial, also engage in practical steps towards finding a spouse, such as networking, seeking advice, or considering matrimonial options, while keeping your intentions clear and sincere.
Seek Guidance: Complement your dua with istikhara prayer if you are contemplating a specific match. This will help you seek Allah’s guidance in making the best decision.
By following these steps, you align your prayers with proactive efforts, creating a balanced approach to finding a good spouse.
Finding a good spouse is a journey that involves both seeking divine assistance and taking practical steps. The above duas provide spiritual support in this quest, offering guidance and help in finding a loving and compatible partner. By incorporating these prayers into your daily routine and trusting in Allah’s plan, you can attract a spouse who will bring joy and fulfillment to your life.
For more detailed guidance on duas for finding a good spouse, visit Powerful Dua for a Good Spouse.
Remember, while duas are a vital part of seeking a good spouse, they should be complemented with personal effort and patience in the journey towards a happy and harmonious marriage.
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halaldua · 8 months
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Embark on a spiritual journey with Halal Dua, where the sacred verses of Islamic prayers guide you towards a life filled with halal sustenance. Our halal duas from the Quran help you get into meaningful relationships, and solutions to life's challenges. Explore powerful duas like "Dua for Halal Income" and "Dua to Make Your Relationship Halal," designed to align your pursuits with divine guidance. Discover the tranquility in overcoming obstacles with "Ya Halal Mushkilat Dua" or "Dua e Halal Mushkilat in English." Let the divine light of halal blessings illuminate your path through the sincere supplications found on https://halaldua.com/
From the immense blessings of reciting Durood Sharif 1000 times to the transformative impact of 100 times Durood Sharif, discover the divine secrets behind these sacred practices. Delve into the soothing benefits of Durood Sharif for addressing life's challenges and embracing tranquility. Uncover the significance of reciting Durood on Fridays and experience the profound effects of 1000 Salawat. With each verse, witness the transformative power of Durood Sharif and its ability to bring solace to your problems. Elevate your spiritual journey and invite boundless blessings by incorporating these practices into your daily life. Embrace the divine guidance found at HalalDua.com and open the door to a life filled with celestial grace. Read in detail about the benefits of reading Darood Shareef 100 times on Friday in this article: https://halaldua.com/durood-shareef-benefits/
Embark on a sacred journey towards matrimony with the powerful Dua to Get Married on Halal Dua. Discover the spiritual guidance of the dua to get married to unite with the person of your dreams, invoking blessings for a timely and blissful marriage. Whether you seek a swift union or yearn for a specific companion, explore the transformative impact of this dua for marriage. Invoke the blessings of Allah with the Dua for Getting Married Soon, embracing the assurance that your matrimonial desires are heard and guided by celestial forces. Embrace the sacred verses of the dua for getting married to the person you want and embark on a journey towards marital bliss. Visit https://halaldua.com/dua-to-get-married-to-a-specific-person/ and unlock the divine pathway to wedded joy.
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rohaniways1 · 2 years
Dua For Husband And Wife Love
If you notice a distraction in your partner's behavior, then this is the right time to make a dua. Dua for husband and wife love will give you the desired love and affection from your partner. You can take help from our Molvi Ji and ask him to change your partner's behavior with his powerful duas.
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Dua For Husband To Love His Wife
If you want your husband/partner to love you more, then it is possible, with the help of Dua, for a husband to love his wife. If you want your husband/partner to love you more, then it is possible, with the help of Dua, for a husband to love his wife. By following these few steps, surely your wish will come true.
A man likes a woman who understands the ups and downs of life, who will be the shoulder he can lean on, and who is faithful and patient. While a woman usually wants a man who is active in family life, who is caring and loving. Do you want your husband/partner to be like this? If yes, here is a dua that will make your husband love you more.
  Read dua to increase love between husband and wife 100 times after the obligatory prayers.
  After completion, make a dua to Allah Tallah to grant your wish.
  Do this Amal with sincerity and faith for 41 days.
  On the 41st day, read the dua for the husband to love his wife 1000 times and blow it on a glass of water.  
   Give your husband/partner to drink this water.
It is essential to have faith in Allah Tallah and the power of this dua for it to be effective. If you want your husband to love you more, start reciting this dua today and see the changes in his behaviour yourself.  
In addition to the dua, there are other things you can do to make your husband love you more. One way is to become the woman he wants you to be. If he wants a shoulder to lean on, be that for him. If he wants someone loving and caring, show him that side of you. Another way to make your husband love you more is to show your love for him.
Sometimes, all it takes is to perform small acts of kindness or to say “I love you” more often. If you want your husband to love you more, try showing your love for him. With sincerity and faith, you will surely see the results you desire.
You can contact our Molvi Ji and ask him about your doubts if you need more assistance. Also, You can visit our website to learn about different effective dua.
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sabrgirl · 4 months
dhul hijjah - a second chance after ramadan ♡
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what is dhul hijjah?
meaning 'the month of the pilgrimage' as many muslims go on hajj in this time, dhul hijjah is the twelfth and final month of the islamic year. the first ten days of this month are the best days of the entire year. yes - even better than ramadan:
it was narrated by Ibn Abbas that the Prophet ﷺ said: “There are no days during which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah than these days,” meaning the (first) ten days of Dhul- Hijjah" - Sunan Ibn Majah 1727
these ten days encompass the day of Arafah, Hajj, and Eid ul-Adha
this month, we remember prophet Ibrahim (as) and how he was told by Allah to sacrifice his son, Hadrat Ismail (as). he took hadrat Ismail (as) on top of mount Arafat for the sacrifice, and just as he was about to sacrifice Ismail (as), Allah told him to stop as He was only testing him to see if he was truly obedient and willing to sacrifice everything for Allah's sake. the 9th day of dhul hijjah is the day of Arafah, commemorating this event.
we also remember how Allah told Ibrahim (as) to leave Ismail (as) and his wife, Hadrat Hajar, in a desert - which, today, is present day makkah.
this month is therefore about obedience, surrender and sacrifice for Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ.
depending on the sighting of the moon, dhul hijjah is expected to begin friday 7th june!
what to do in these first ten days?
even if you're not going for hajj, you should use these blessed days for extra righteous deeds and worship, especially on the day of arafah - the 9th day (which falls on 16th june this year, Insha'Allah) - the day before eid.
it is a sunnah to fast the first 9 days of dhul hijjah. if you won't fast all 9 days, then it's best to prioritise the 9th day, the day of Arafah. this is because the prophet ﷺ said: “Fasting on the Day of ‘Arafah expiates for the sins of the year before and the year after.” (Sunan Ibn Majah 1730) however, unless you're going for hajj and you're actually at Afarah, then you cannot as it's forbidden to fast while on the mountain.
it's extremely important to increase your dhikr in this time. recite the tasbeeh, tahmeed, takbeer and tahleel often: tasbeeh - subhanallah (Holy is Allah) tahmeed - alhamdulillah (all praise belongs to Allah) takbeer - Allah Akbar (Allah is the Greatest) tahleel - laa ilaha ill-Allah (there is no God except Allah) Allah said “remembrance of Allah indeed is the greatest virtue” (29:46) - it brings you closer to Him, you feel more certain in His powers that He can remove any hardship which makes the heart feel less anxious, Allah becomes your Friend, you'll become successful (remember Allah often so you may prosper” (8:46), it cleans your heart, it protects you from harm, Allah becomes pleased with you. it truly is the greatest virtue.
also recite istighfar (astagfirullah) and repent for your sins
the best dua to recite on the day of Arafah itself is:
laa ilaaha ill-allaahu, waḥdahu laa shareeka lah, lahul-mulku wa lahul-ḥamdu, wa huwa ‛alaa kulli shay’in qadeer - (None has the right to be worshipped except Allah, alone, without partner. To Him belongs sovereignty and all praise and He is over all things omnipotent)
do extra voluntary acts of worship (nawafil, sunnah prayers, duha prayers)
read a lot of Qur'an
listen to the Qur'an more
send many, many salutations to the Prophet ﷺ (durood sharif!)
practice gratitude. what are you thankful for?
pray tahajjud
give sadaqah / donate to a charity. make sacrifices!
be kind!
read translation and commentary of surahs
listen to islamic podcasts/read islamic books to increase your knowledge
memorise a surah
talk to Allah!!!! pray!!!!
try and increase your acts of worship throughout the 9 days and especially on the 9th day, the day of arafah, which is the day before eid! (16th june Insha'Allah, depending on where you are in the world)
10th day - eid ul adha
on the tenth day of dhul hijjah (eid), our beloved Prophet ﷺ used to give Qurbani (a sacrifice) every year to remember Ibrahim (as) almost sacrificing his son for Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ's sake. muslims sacrifice animals all over the world to follow this sunnah, and donating qurbani is encouraged for every Muslim who is financially able to do so (this can be done online)
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may Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ make it easy for us to utilise these blessed and best 10 days to the best of our abilities, forgive us of our sins, draw us ever nearer to Him and allow us to become His best friends, Allahumma Ameen ♡
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anaseshaafi · 4 months
Can Dua Change Fate? Lessons from Hadith and Quran
In the intricate tapestry of Islamic faith, dua (supplication) holds a significant place. It is a personal plea to Allah, reflecting a believer’s reliance and trust in divine intervention. A question that often arises among Muslims is whether dua can change fate. To explore this, we delve into the lessons from the Hadith and the Quran.
Understanding Fate in Islam
Fate, or Qadr, in Islam, refers to the divine decree. It is the belief that Allah has preordained every event and outcome. However, Islam also teaches that humans have free will, and their actions, prayers, and supplications can influence their destiny within the framework of divine wisdom.
Dua and Its Significance
Dua is a powerful form of worship in Islam. It is not merely a request but an expression of a believer’s dependence on Allah. The Quran and Hadith emphasize the importance and effectiveness of dua. Allah encourages believers to call upon Him, promising that He will respond.
Quranic Perspective on Dua and Fate
The Quran highlights several instances where dua has played a crucial role in changing circumstances. For instance:
1. Prophet Yunus (Jonah): After being swallowed by a whale, Prophet Yunus made a heartfelt dua, acknowledging his mistakes and seeking Allah’s mercy. Allah accepted his supplication and saved him from the depths of the ocean (Quran 21:87-88).
2. Prophet Zakariya (Zechariah): Despite his old age and his wife’s barrenness, Prophet Zakariya prayed for a child. Allah answered his prayer, granting him a son, Yahya (John) (Quran 19:2-10).
These examples illustrate that dua can indeed alter circumstances, demonstrating Allah’s responsiveness to sincere supplications.
Hadith on Dua and Fate
Several Hadith further elucidate the relationship between dua and fate:
1. The Power of Dua: The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “Nothing can change the Divine decree except dua” (Sunan Ibn Majah). This Hadith indicates that while fate is preordained, dua has the potential to alter its course.
2. Dua as a Shield: Another Hadith states, “Dua benefits in things that have happened and things that have not happened yet. So make dua, O servants of Allah” (Jami` at-Tirmidhi). This suggests that dua serves as a protective measure, influencing both present and future events.
Balancing Fate and Free Will
The interplay between fate and free will is a profound aspect of Islamic theology. While Allah’s knowledge encompasses all events, human beings are granted the agency to make choices and seek divine intervention through dua. This balance is beautifully encapsulated in the Quranic verse: “Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves” (Quran 13:11). This verse underscores the importance of human effort and supplication in shaping one’s destiny.
Dua is a testament to a believer’s faith and trust in Allah’s mercy and power. While fate is a divine decree, the teachings from the Quran and Hadith affirm that sincere supplications can influence and change one’s destiny. Through dua, believers are invited to actively engage with their Creator, seeking His help and intervention in every aspect of their lives. Thus, dua is not only a means of communication with Allah but also a profound tool for navigating the complexities of fate and free will.
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quranwithsehar · 9 months
Allah has not accepted my dua. Is He upset with me?
We often pray for ourselves, but sometimes it feels like our prayers are not being answered. This can be frustrating, and we may wonder, "Have I done something wrong? Why doesn't Allah respond to my prayers?"
It's crucial to understand that whether our prayers are answered quickly or take time, it doesn't mean Allah is either happy or upset with us. Many people, including great prophets, have faced similar situations. Take the example of Prophet Nuh (peace be upon him).
Think about the intense prayers Prophet Nuh made for his son and wife during the 950 years he spent calling people to Islam. Even though he faced disrespect and dishonor from his own people, he still fervently prayed for their guidance.
The fact that his son and wife didn't change over all those years doesn't mean Allah was angry with Prophet Nuh. Similarly, our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) made numerous supplications, and despite praying for his family, not everyone he loved was guided.
In our lives, problems persist – be it family issues, health challenges, or difficulties finding a job. Financial struggles may add to the stress. Despite praying sincerely and even engaging in acts like I'tikaf, the problems may not disappear overnight. This doesn't mean Allah is upset; it's a test we face.
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Hadith About Husband And Wife Fighting
The relationship between a husband and a wife is one of the most precious relations directly made by the almighty God, and the bond of marriage is already predefined. Suppose you were forced to marry the person. In that case, you don’t love, or due to the pressure of your parents and society, if you are engaged in marriage with the person you never felt for then, it’s really impossible to adjust…
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catdotjpeg · 10 months
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On 26 October, the Palestinian Ministry of Health released the list of names of Palestinians killed since 7 October. Among them, from the Awad family, are:
Mahmoud Abdul Fattah Mohammed (65);
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Magdy Zakaria Youssef (65), a disabled man who was martyred when occupation forces stormed Tulkarm, in the West Bank;
Nadia Ezzo Mohammed (61); 
Hamid Suleiman Younis (59); 
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Abdul Nasser Mohammed Abdul Rahman (58), a teacher in UNRWA schools described as a "man of noble character, loved by everyone" who realized his dream of praying in al-Aqsa mosque last July; and his children Dua Abdul Nasser Mohammed (28), a psychiatrist who had passed her exams only a month prior to being martyred; Ahmed Abdul Nasser Mohammed (21); and Israa Abdul Nasser Mohammed (19); 
Jihad Mohammed Abdul Rahman (55) and his wife, Khalidiya Rajab Ali (53), both described as “affectionate”, as well as their children Obaida Jihad Mohammed (28), an engineer; Nour al-Huda Jihad Mohammed (27), described as “kind and caring”; Mohammed Jihad Mohammed (25), who had just gotten married in the second week of October; and Jana Jihad Mohammed (12);
Yusuf Rushdi Yusuf (50); 
Hatim Sobhi Hassan (48), a paramedic with the Palestinian Red Crescent Society; 
Ahmed Youssef Abdel-Jabbar (46); 
Samah Mahmoud Khaled (42) and her son Muaz Ahmed Rajab (18);  
Rahma Abdul Rahim Mohammed (34) and her brother Mahmoud Abdul Rahim Mohammed (26); 
Abdul Rahim Ahmed Abdul Rahim (less than a year old); 
Mohammed Atef Mohammed (32); 
Noha Maher Abdul Rahman (31); 
Jawdat Ahmed Abdul (27), a scout leader with the Palestinian Scouts Association;
Muhammad Ramiz Jamil (27), a civil engineer and assistant lecturer at the Engineering College at the Islamic University, and his son Ramiz Muhammad Ramiz (1);
Ahmed Nafez Mohammed (21);
Khalid Nayef Mohammed (19);
Dima Jihad Ahmed (17); 
Mohammed Sobhi Mohammed (15);
and Siham Abdul Rahman Abdul Nasser (8) and her sister Eileen Abdul Rahman Abdul Nasser (7).
You can read more about the human lives lost in Palestine on the Martyrs of Gaza Twitter account and here.
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julaibib · 4 months
And should i also go ask that guy if can make dua for him? I know all his responses by heart, i know he'll just say that 'thanks for making dua for me may Allah give us the best' and I've actually asked his advice on how if a girl is interested and she wants to send proposal then how she should do so, and he has always given the practical advice. I even like asked like bro, as a man, please say that how will it seem from a guys perspective, but even in that case he just brushed off his perspective and gave a general advice. So i guess I'll ask you as sister in deen, like on a general basis, how do men see a woman making the first move? It's too weird and i feel like it'll be a hayaless behaviour on my part but someone gotta make the move and i know for one thing that he ain't gonna be that someone 💀
We can called a hint, a first step, or just a recommendation, but in Islam a woman does not propose to a man. The man is the one who proposes to her, even if she makes the first hint, recommendation, or first step. As a Muslim, we return to fiqh, and as long as the matter is permissible and valid according to fiqh, the matter becomes correct and there is no objection on it But it is up to each person whether he accepts this idea or not, according to his environment, family, and the place in which he grew up For me and many men, this is acceptable, but there are some who think this is not true for their own reasons You must know this person's opinion and opinion before taking any step, and you must make sure that you have the characteristics he requires in a wife
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halaldua · 8 months
Unlocking the Power of Dua: A Guide to Finding and Nurturing a Righteous Spouse
In the journey of life, finding a righteous and compatible life partner is a pursuit many embark upon with hope and anticipation. As individuals seek the blessings of a harmonious and fulfilling marriage, the power of dua (supplication) plays a significant role in shaping their destiny. This article delves into the depths of dua for a righteous spouse, offering guidance and prayers for those in search of a good husband or wife.
Dua for a Righteous Spouse: The Quran, the holy book of Islam, emphasizes the importance of seeking guidance from Allah in every aspect of life, including the search for a life partner. A heartfelt dua for a righteous spouse can be a powerful tool in aligning one’s intentions with the divine will. Muslims are encouraged to turn to Allah with sincerity and humility, expressing their desires and placing their trust in His wisdom.
Dua to Find a Good Spouse: The process of finding a good spouse can be both exciting and challenging. To navigate this journey, Muslims can recite specific supplications to seek Allah’s assistance. A commonly recited dua for finding a good spouse is to ask for a partner who possesses both piety and compatibility. Trusting Allah’s plan and timing, believers can recite this dua with conviction, knowing that their prayers are heard.
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A Woman’s Dua for a Righteous Husband: For women aspiring to find a righteous husband, a special dua can be recited to invite Allah’s blessings into the search. This dua acknowledges the importance of compatibility, love, and righteousness in a marital relationship. By entrusting the process to Allah, women can cultivate patience and resilience while awaiting the arrival of a husband who is not only good but also aligned with their values.
Dua for a Good Husband: In Islam, the concept of a good husband goes beyond mere material or physical attributes. It encompasses qualities such as kindness, respect, and a commitment to righteousness. Believers can recite specific duas to seek Allah’s guidance in attracting and recognizing a husband with these virtues. This supplication acts as a beacon, guiding individuals towards a life partner who complements their spiritual and emotional needs.
Dua for Getting a Good Husband: As individuals earnestly pray for the manifestation of a good husband in their lives, they can recite heartfelt duas that express their sincere intentions and aspirations. This dua serves as a catalyst, invoking Allah’s divine intervention in the process of finding a life partner. Trusting in His plan, believers can find solace and assurance that their prayers are being heard and answered in due time.
Dua for a Good Relationship with Husband: Marriage is not only about finding the right partner but also about nurturing a healthy and harmonious relationship. Muslims can recite specific duas to strengthen the bond with their spouses, seeking Allah’s guidance in fostering love, understanding, and mutual respect. This dua becomes a continuous source of connection with the divine, reinforcing the commitment to building a lasting and fulfilling relationship.
Dua for a Good Spouse: In the pursuit of a good spouse, Muslims can turn to Allah with a general dua that encompasses all the qualities they seek in a life partner. This comprehensive supplication reflects a deep trust in Allah’s knowledge and wisdom, acknowledging that He knows what is best for His creation. Believers can recite this dua regularly, maintaining faith and patience throughout their journey.
In conclusion, the journey to finding a righteous spouse is a deeply personal and spiritual endeavour. Through the power of dua, individuals can seek Allah’s guidance, trusting in His plan and timing. As they recite these supplications with sincerity and conviction, they open their hearts to the divine intervention that paves the way for a blessed and fulfilling marital union.
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yonarida · 5 months
I found a great post from the sesterhood IG account. I like it and then copy all their writing here, as a reminder.
"Mariage is about becoming a team. You're going to spend the rest of your life learning about each other, and every now and then, things blow up. But the beauty of marriage is that if you picked the right person and you both love each other. You'll always figure out a way to get through it.
In Islam, marriage is considered a sacred bond between two individuals who come together to fulfill half of their deen. It's not just about finding a partner, but it's also about building a strong foundation for a successful and happy life. One of the essentials is to work as a team. Allah SWT says in the Quran, " They (your wife) are your garment and you are his garment." This verse emphasizes the importance of mutual support and protection in a marriage. As a team, you should be there for each other through thick and thin. You should be each other's support system, helping one another through life's challenges. When one of you is down, the other should be there to lift them. Moreover, communication plays a critical role in building a strong partnership. It's essential to talk to each other regularly and share your thoughts, feelings, and concerns. Always remember that communication is the key to a successful marriage.
Lastly, always remember to seek guidance from Allah SWT through prayer and duas. Allah SWT has given us the Quran and Sunnah as guides for our lives, so we should always turn to Him for help and support in our marriage. In conclusion, marriage is not just about finding a partner but about building a strong partnership that lasts a lifetime. Remember to work as a team, communicate regularly, and seek guidance from Allah SWT. May Allah SWT bless our marriage with love, happiness, and success. Jazakallah khairan.
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writerfarzanatutul · 7 months
Islamic short stories 10
"SHE CALLED OFF OUR MARRIAGE," Hashem sighed, his shoulders slumping. He looked defeated.
"What? But why?" Yusuf didn't know how to console his best friend.
"She found someone better than me," Hashem confessed. "Don't worry, brother. Let her go. You deserve someone better. You should be grateful to Allah," Yusuf comforted. "I want to, but it hurts. It really hurts. I loved her so much," Hashem admitted. Yusuf placed a hand on his shoulder and said, "If Allah finds goodness in your heart, He will give you better than what has been taken from you and forgive you, for Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful" (Surah Al-Anfal, verse 70). Hashem nodded, finding hope in those words.
Today, Hashem got married. He never thought he would marry again, but he did. After constant persuasion from his parents, he agreed to marry the girl they chose. Although they didn't force him, he wanted to honor their wish. Entering his room, he noticed the empty bed. Nearby, his new bride was praying Salah. As she finished, she noticed him and froze. Hashem observed the remaining makeup on her face, probably removed while making Wudu. They stared at each other, unsure what to do. She lowered her gaze and broke the silence. "Actually, I didn't pray Isha Salah, that's why," she explained.
"It's fine," Hashem reassured as he closed the door. He noticed her standing still. Sitting on the bed, he invited her to join. Huma nervously played with her fingers. Breaking the silence, she asked, "Give me a minute. Let me fix my makeup." "It's okay. You look pretty even without makeup," Hashem replied, surprised by her question. Huma blushed, a smile appearing on his lips. "Please relax and sit down," he encouraged her. As Huma sat beside him, they began to talk.
"Thank you," Huma said, her voice laced with curiosity. "But did you really mean it? That I look pretty without makeup?"
Hashem held her gaze. "Absolutely," he affirmed.
Huma's smile bloomed. "No one's ever said that before," she confessed, a hint of wonder in her voice. "It makes me really happy."
Hashem reveled in their conversation, a soft smile playing on his lips.
"Maybe they're just intimidated by your natural beauty," he teased playfully. "Jealousy is a common affliction these days, but you seem refreshingly above it."
Huma tilted her head, considering this. "I try not to be jealous," she admitted. "Sometimes a flicker might appear, but then I just make dua for them instead."
"That's a beautiful way to handle it," Hashem said, his smile genuine.
"Listen," Huma hesitated, "I want to be a housewife. I don't like to study. I hope you don't have any problem." "Why don't you like to study?" Hashem asked. Huma explained, "There's no reason. I just don't like it anymore. My parents want me to continue studying, but I don't. That's why I married you." "Why do you think I won't force you to study further?" Hashem inquired. "Why waste your money?" Huma replied. "It's fine, I don't mind wasting money," Hashem joked. Huma pleaded, "Please, I don't want to study further." Hashem struggled to hold back his laughter. "I'm not going to listen. I want my wife to be a PhD holder."
"No, please. I will raise our children," Huma insisted. Unable to contain his laughter, Hashem burst out laughing. "Why are you laughing?" Huma pouted. "So, you'll raise our kids?" Hashem teased, mischief in his eyes. Huma nodded enthusiastically. 
"Speaking of our kids," Hashem continued, a playful glint in his eyes, "where are these future champions hiding?"
Huma's face flushed a light pink. "Well, they'll be here soon, obviously, since we're married now," she explained, a hint of naivety in her voice.
"Hmm, maybe they got lost on the stork delivery route," Hashem joked, feigning concern.
Huma's brow furrowed. "Lost? Storks? There are no storks involved, silly!"
Hashem threw his head back and laughed, the sound warm and genuine. Wiping a tear from his eye, he reached for her hand. "You're a very funny person, Huma. You know that, right?"
He  burst into laughter. "Why are you laughing? Did I crack a joke? We're having a conversation on a serious topic, and you're laughing," Huma said with a hint of irritation. "Okay, I'm sorry. We're having a serious conversation. I shouldn't laugh," he apologized. Suddenly his expressions and tone were quite serious. 
Despite his serious tone, Hashem blurted out, "What if we, uh, sped up the process of having kids?"Huma's brow furrowed in confusion.
A wide grin split Hashem's face. It took a moment for Huma to catch on, then a blush bloomed across her cheeks, as red as a ripe tomato. She playfully swatted him on the arm, burying her face in her hands. Hashem's hearty laughter filled the room.
Perhaps you dislike something which is good for you and like something which is bad for you. Allah knows and you do not know. (Al-Baqarah verse 216 )
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freedom-fighter · 2 years
day 115 - 1st march 2023
I am so Happy, so Grateful, blessed and so in Love with:
48) BIRTHDAY MONTH on turning 34 !!!!
47) For having resilience and never give up attitude despite everything
46) For the ups and downs that I face and that the Al-Mighty chose me to go through this trial.
45) Slowly going back into the routine of 3-4x of workouts !
44) To have good sleep and going subur at masjid once a weekly for now
43) Planning & execution of having a sustainable work routine for 2023 innshaaAllah yet having time for family.
42) As for point mentioned, it will be ungrateful of me if I dont put my best foot forward for the mercy, rizq and love Allah has shown us.
May Allah make it easy for me to develop the ilm, skillsets and habits to be the best version of myself. AMIN YA rabbi al amin.
41) For all the abundance reqzi Allah has bestowed us despite my shortcomings, one for the record, Wealth, health, even the greying hair is Rizq from Allah. Some scholars translate Rizq as ‘sustenance’, ‘provision’ and some call it ‘blessings’. It can also be seen as something that brings benefit or that which repels harm. Given that, it is quite difficult to encapsulate the meaning of Rizq in a single translation because Rizq is sustenance, provision, blessings and more. إِنَّ اللَّهَ هُوَ الرَّزَّاقُ ذُو الْقُوَّةِ الْمَتِينُ
“Indeed, it is Allah who is the (continual) Provider, the firm possessor of strength.”
(Surah Adh-Dhariyat, 51:58)
وَإِنَّ اللَّهَ لَهُوَ خَيْرُ الرَّازِقِينَ
 And indeed, it is Allah who is the best of providers
(Surah Al-Hajj, 22:58) "The concept of rizq is so beautiful. Even when you eat a piece of fruit, it was always written for you. From the moment it grew from a tree, it went through all these people and travelled all this way until it was in your hands. It was always meant to be yours."
ثم يرسل إليه الملك فينفخ فيه الروح، ويؤمر بأربع كلماتٍ: بكَتْبِ رزقه وأجله وعمله، وشقي أو سعيدٌ
“Then (Allah) sends to it an angel who is tasked to breathe soul into it. (The angel) is then commanded to write down four matters: the writing of the (developing child’s) rizq (sustenance), his life span, his actions, and whether he will be truly happy or miserable”
(Sahih Bukhari & Muslim)
From the mentioned hadith, we understand that Rizq, as with everything else in life, has been predetermined by Allah s.w.t. 
40) The adventures, joys, ups, downs, journey, lessons, people and family in the last year and we look forward for a better year of abudance innshaaAllah. May we grow closer as a family, amin!
39) Aish, for being our bundle of joy and just teaching and reminding me all the little joys of life as your papa
38) thankful for 2022 business year of opportunities, wins, lessons my wife & my in laws feelings towards me.
37) Alhamdulilah, a good run of Umrah with family. did my best Ibadah to my best of ability. Could be better but I know myself. Maybe I should have been more discipline and harder on myself. :/
36 ) To be the dark horse at work. I know I can do it and I’ll do it to be the best version of myself. AMIN. Run your own race.
35) When you have Islam, you have everything in this dunya. What for if you have all the riches in the world but live a life miserable than a person who is poor. The peace, barakah & time are resources that you cant put a monetary value on. 
34) IRAS & taxes. it’s always a good problem to have. 
33) My kind loving inlaws & family. I always pray for their good health, wealth and for their prayers/duas to be accepted. May our upcoming umrah go smoothly innshaaAllah. 
32) final burst of 8 weeks of 2022 before we call it a job well done, pat ourselves and get ready for a 2023!
31) My in laws, whom has always been wanting nothing but for us to be successful in our endeavours with the kind duas and encouragement all the time. <3
30) Abg Abu’s booster workshop, timely and such as inspiring man full of positive, energy and laughter. May Allah swt bless him with more success & barakah in the dunya and hereafter.
29) The montigo resorts for all the blessings and time spent and memories made as a family. It was indeed a much needed breath of fresh to f5 mind, body, soul and heart on what truly matters in life.
28) The long bus ride earlier with AMAZING lake view that I forgot existed in Singapore. It was so tranquil and peaceful. 
27) Silver surfer presence and to owing something that I never thought possible. It makes the job and day2day so much convenient! 
26) Despite everything, Allah still loves bountifully, he gives and provides in abundance for us. 
25) To wake up, start the morning feeling good & strong despite having a late nighter and 1 sustainable morning routine ! 
with WSM taking over the role of CMO. syukur Alhamdulilah !!!! 
Reconnected back with step and wan qi earlier 
SERIES of closings, trust of clients and the abduance of clients coming from EVERYwhere !   With finaz and Nadz in the team. cant wait for them to blossom and make their $$$$! 
The past one month has been exhilarating b2b appts, work. The flow is here and let’s finish 2022 with a BANG !!! 
With the breathe that I was able to take today and the abundance opportunities that have presented and/or that will come along our path innshaaAllah. My success is only through Allah swt. Syukur alhamdulilah
BREAKTHROUGHS !!!! No meds and my mood has been excellent. Energy levels and drive has been 100. Working out and eliminating toxic habits is a game changer. I’m ready for the many more to come. Bismillah. Focus, Believe and Achieve !
results of 2nd qtr performance, a good wake up call. if you are not going to put the time to work, results won’t come. Breathe, focus and keep ongoing. 
JOURNALING, it really puts your abundance blessings into place and whatever that was “lacking” seems so insignificant now. Syukur alhamdulilah! 
BEACH ULTIMATE HAT 2022 AUG with loads of sun tanning !!!!
Our beautiful messenger of peace, Nabi Muhammad SAW, I cant wait to see, meet and witness his presence in my sleep. One can only imagine a life with his dazzling presence.
Allah, how everything falls into place at the right place and right time. Keep on moving forward, tie the camel, pray and Dua hard.
how bountiful rizq has been appearing from EVERWHERE and the good streak of leads and closing, Bismillah. Platinum for aug 2022 ! Even a good hobby and soccer match is rizq. syukur Alhamdulilah.
Precious family time, it gives me perspective and to slow down. As a husband, father and son. After all, what matters more than family?
Bubai and bubai’s mother for their time, effort, priceless advices, syafakillah to bubai and we will keep her in our kind duas innshaaAllah. Here’s to alll the caretakers out there !!!! xx
being uncomfortable and being in fear, it has taught me to breathe, slow down, keep on showing up and the world isn’t as scary you think it is. It will come when the time is right. I’ll doorknock my way to the top !
my mental state and how it has taught me to be resilient, grateful grit, and not to take the small things in life for granted
Being selected as to be born as a muslim in the end of times. It is my purpose of life and acts as a moral compass in my decision making. 
Waking up and getting an opportunity to be better ME ! 
My REAL estate business. It gives me a fulfilling sense to actually come in and impact a family on so many levels. I am empowered and committed to touch as many lives as I can while contributing sadaqah jariyah with my work, knowledge and experience. 
BROtor, same boat, comforting words, focus, assurance and keep moving forward. #believe and #nevergiveup! 
Our tightly knitted family. They give loads of comfort and nothing beats coming home to a family that fills you with warmth, love and companionship
my lovely wife whom never fails to inspire me with her intellect, work ethics, opens my worldly perspectives. She gives me the best companionship, bff, spouse, wife, mother and ultimately, I will never forget that she is a prayer come true. I prayed for her when I was at my lowest, vulnerable and when I had almost nothing. She took me in graciously and showered me with TLC.
My foot injury, the importance of slowing down and watching our body as we age. The importance of strengthening and condition especially if we want play at the highest level of ultimate
My current fitness level and my dad bod. If anything, it will teach me the actual fruit of labour, the secret to success and limitless energy. The power of constant hardwork, focus and discipline cant be undermined!
Bismillah, Let’s go!!!
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