#Dua To Fix Marriage Problems
Dua To Fix Marriage Problems Immediately
Marriage is a long time commitment. But when two unknown people stay together. Some problems can arise. And it needs trust, the capacity of understanding to make the marriage work. But if everything your marriage still has problems, the best thing is to ask for Allah’s help. There is a dua to fix marriage problems. And by performing it, your marriage problems will vanish. Dua To Fix Marriage…
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writerfarzanatutul · 7 months
Islamic short stories 10
"SHE CALLED OFF OUR MARRIAGE," Hashem sighed, his shoulders slumping. He looked defeated.
"What? But why?" Yusuf didn't know how to console his best friend.
"She found someone better than me," Hashem confessed. "Don't worry, brother. Let her go. You deserve someone better. You should be grateful to Allah," Yusuf comforted. "I want to, but it hurts. It really hurts. I loved her so much," Hashem admitted. Yusuf placed a hand on his shoulder and said, "If Allah finds goodness in your heart, He will give you better than what has been taken from you and forgive you, for Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful" (Surah Al-Anfal, verse 70). Hashem nodded, finding hope in those words.
Today, Hashem got married. He never thought he would marry again, but he did. After constant persuasion from his parents, he agreed to marry the girl they chose. Although they didn't force him, he wanted to honor their wish. Entering his room, he noticed the empty bed. Nearby, his new bride was praying Salah. As she finished, she noticed him and froze. Hashem observed the remaining makeup on her face, probably removed while making Wudu. They stared at each other, unsure what to do. She lowered her gaze and broke the silence. "Actually, I didn't pray Isha Salah, that's why," she explained.
"It's fine," Hashem reassured as he closed the door. He noticed her standing still. Sitting on the bed, he invited her to join. Huma nervously played with her fingers. Breaking the silence, she asked, "Give me a minute. Let me fix my makeup." "It's okay. You look pretty even without makeup," Hashem replied, surprised by her question. Huma blushed, a smile appearing on his lips. "Please relax and sit down," he encouraged her. As Huma sat beside him, they began to talk.
"Thank you," Huma said, her voice laced with curiosity. "But did you really mean it? That I look pretty without makeup?"
Hashem held her gaze. "Absolutely," he affirmed.
Huma's smile bloomed. "No one's ever said that before," she confessed, a hint of wonder in her voice. "It makes me really happy."
Hashem reveled in their conversation, a soft smile playing on his lips.
"Maybe they're just intimidated by your natural beauty," he teased playfully. "Jealousy is a common affliction these days, but you seem refreshingly above it."
Huma tilted her head, considering this. "I try not to be jealous," she admitted. "Sometimes a flicker might appear, but then I just make dua for them instead."
"That's a beautiful way to handle it," Hashem said, his smile genuine.
"Listen," Huma hesitated, "I want to be a housewife. I don't like to study. I hope you don't have any problem." "Why don't you like to study?" Hashem asked. Huma explained, "There's no reason. I just don't like it anymore. My parents want me to continue studying, but I don't. That's why I married you." "Why do you think I won't force you to study further?" Hashem inquired. "Why waste your money?" Huma replied. "It's fine, I don't mind wasting money," Hashem joked. Huma pleaded, "Please, I don't want to study further." Hashem struggled to hold back his laughter. "I'm not going to listen. I want my wife to be a PhD holder."
"No, please. I will raise our children," Huma insisted. Unable to contain his laughter, Hashem burst out laughing. "Why are you laughing?" Huma pouted. "So, you'll raise our kids?" Hashem teased, mischief in his eyes. Huma nodded enthusiastically. 
"Speaking of our kids," Hashem continued, a playful glint in his eyes, "where are these future champions hiding?"
Huma's face flushed a light pink. "Well, they'll be here soon, obviously, since we're married now," she explained, a hint of naivety in her voice.
"Hmm, maybe they got lost on the stork delivery route," Hashem joked, feigning concern.
Huma's brow furrowed. "Lost? Storks? There are no storks involved, silly!"
Hashem threw his head back and laughed, the sound warm and genuine. Wiping a tear from his eye, he reached for her hand. "You're a very funny person, Huma. You know that, right?"
He  burst into laughter. "Why are you laughing? Did I crack a joke? We're having a conversation on a serious topic, and you're laughing," Huma said with a hint of irritation. "Okay, I'm sorry. We're having a serious conversation. I shouldn't laugh," he apologized. Suddenly his expressions and tone were quite serious. 
Despite his serious tone, Hashem blurted out, "What if we, uh, sped up the process of having kids?"Huma's brow furrowed in confusion.
A wide grin split Hashem's face. It took a moment for Huma to catch on, then a blush bloomed across her cheeks, as red as a ripe tomato. She playfully swatted him on the arm, burying her face in her hands. Hashem's hearty laughter filled the room.
Perhaps you dislike something which is good for you and like something which is bad for you. Allah knows and you do not know. (Al-Baqarah verse 216 )
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loveduaghar · 4 months
Most Powerful & Effective Dua For Husband
You can use the strong prayer Dua for husband protection to keep your husband safe from all harm. People pray to ask Allah (SWT) to protect them and show them the right way to live. People who are married and want to ensure their husband is safe will find this prayer helpful. It’s also a great way to show your husband how much you love and care for him and ask Allah to protect him.
A Guide to Dua on Praying for Your Husband’s Protection
An essential part of any marriage is praying for your husband’s safety. A strong way to ask Allah to protect and guide your husband is through dua, which means “prayer.” This guide will help you get the most out of your dua to protect your husband.
Let’s begin with Basmala. “In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful” is the Basmala. To start any prayer or request, say this.
Ask Allah to keep you safe. Prayer: Please keep your husband safe from all harm. Ask Him to protect him from danger in his body, mind, and spirit.
Ask someone for help. Ask Allah to help your husband make all the right choices. Ask Him to help him understand and be wise.
Ask to be strong. Ask Allah to make your husband strong and brave so he can handle anything that comes his way.
Ask God to bless you. Prayer: Please give your husband good health, wealth, and happiness.
Beg for forgiveness. Have Allah forgive your husband for anything he may have done wrong, and be kind to him.
Say hello to everyone again. Say a prayer of thanks to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to end your dua.
You can get the most out of your dua to protect your husband if you do these things. Don’t forget that Allah hears you and will answer your prayers. Also, you can consult with Maulana — Rijwan Khan on whatsapp.
How to Strengthen Your Marriage with the Power of a Dua for Protecting Your Husband
One effective tool for preserving marriages is the power of the dua for husband protection. One asks Allah for assistance and direction in the Islamic prayer known as dua. It is thought that when someone makes dua, Allah will grant their wants and answer their prayers.
The 100% Best Working Dua To Keep Enemies Away
When you’re married, you can employ a dua to protect your spouse from injury or danger. It can also be applied to improve the husband and wife’s relationship. You can utilize dua to seek Allah for direction and assistance in addressing any problems that could come up in your marriage.
Remembering that Allah is the most merciful and forgiving is essential when reciting a dua to protect one’s husband. As a result, it’s critical to provide dua in a humble and real manner. It’s also vital to remember that Allah is aware of what is best for us and will grant our requests most efficiently.
6 Amazing Duas for Difficult Husbands That You Can Trust
When you say the dua to protect your husband, you should consider the good things about your marriage. This includes thanking Allah for all the good things he has done for the couple. Also, it’s essential to ask Allah to help you figure out how to fix any problems that might come up in the marriage.
Doing more than the dua to protect your husband is essential. You should also do things to make your marriage stronger. This means spending valuable time together, talking to each other honestly and openly, and showing each other how much you value them. Doing these things will help build a strong base for your marriage and keep it safe from harm.
6 Tried Duas to Bring Back a Loved One
One effective tool for preserving marriages is the power of the dua for husband protection. Couples can seek Allah for direction and assistance in addressing any problems that may emerge in their marriage by performing dua sincerely and humbly. Furthermore, putting specific steps in place to strengthen the marriage will contribute to building a solid base and shielding it from harm or danger.
The Advantages of A Husband Protection Dua: Maintaining a Strong and Compatible Marriage
A marriage is a beautiful bond between two people but can also be weak. To keep your marriage strong and healthy, you should do certain things. The best way to do this is to say a dua to protect your husband.
Dua is a prayer in Islam that people say to ask Allah for help and direction. People think that Allah will answer their prayers and protect and bless them when they make dua. If you are married, you can use dua to ask Allah to protect and guide both of you. Moreover, you can visit Loveduaghar.com for more information.
6 Strong Duas to Help Husband and Wife Love Each Other
When you say the dua to protect your husband, you should consider the good things about your marriage — talking about how thankful they are for the good things Allah has given them, like a loving relationship, a strong bond, and a happy house. It’s also essential to ask Allah to help guide you and keep you safe from any bad factors that might be hurting your marriage.
Making a dua to protect your husband can also help you and your partner grow closer. The couple can confirm their love for each other and their marriage by thanking Allah for all the good things that have happened to them. This might help them get closer, which might help the marriage stay strong and healthy.
3 of the best Duas to get someone to marry you
Finally, saying a dua to protect your husband can help keep your marriage safe from outside factors. The couple can keep their marriage strong and healthy by asking Allah to protect them from bad forces that might hurt their relationship.
To keep your marriage strong and healthy, you must say the dua to protect your husband. A couple can keep their marriage strong and healthy by thanking Allah for all the good things He has done for them, asking Allah for help and protection, and keeping outside forces away from the marriage.
Final Words
To sum up, the dua for a husband’s safety is essential to a Muslim marriage. It’s a way to show your husband you love and respect him and to ask Allah to protect and guide you. Two married people should remember that Allah always watches over them and will help them when needed. Dua for husband protection is a strong tool that can help make a marriage stronger and the home more peaceful.
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halaldua · 5 months
Dua For Husband And Wife Love To Increase Love Between Spouses
In every marriage, love acts as the glue holding partners together. Yet, the road to marital bliss isn't always smooth sailing. Challenges crop up, testing the strength of the relationship. In such times, turning to faith can offer comfort and direction. In Islam, one powerful practice is dua for husband and wife love, or supplication, which can invoke blessings, harmony, and love within the marital bond.
The Essence of Dua for Husband And Wife Love
Dua, or prayer, is more than just asking; it's a heartfelt connection with the Divine. It's a way for spouses to seek divine intervention and reaffirm their commitment to each other.
The Quran and teachings of Prophet Muhammad stress love, compassion, and respect between spouses. Allah SWT says in Surah Ar-Rum (30:21) that spouses are meant to bring tranquility, affection, and mercy to each other's lives.
Essential Duas for Husband And Wife
One of the most cherished duas for marital love is found in Surah Al-Furqan (25:74), where believers ask Allah for comfort in their spouses and offspring. Reciting this dua together expresses the couple's shared desire for a harmonious marriage rooted in faith.
One of the most beloved dua for husband and wife love is found in Surah Al-Furqan (25:74), where believers implore:
 "Our Lord, grant us from among our wives and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an example for the righteous."
This dua encapsulates the desire for marital bliss and progeny who bring joy and righteousness into their lives. By reciting this supplication together, spouses express their shared aspirations for a harmonious and fulfilling marriage centered on faith and righteousness.
The Sunnah of Strengthening Marital Bonds of Husband and Wife
Following the Prophet's example, couples should express love and appreciation for each other. The Prophet emphasized the importance of treating one's spouse with kindness, stating, "The best of you is the one who is best to his wife, and I am the best of you to my wives." (Tirmidhi)
Practical Steps Alongside Dua
Dua alone isn't a magical fix-all for marital problems. It's a spiritual aid to complement efforts made by both partners. Acts of kindness, gratitude, and spending quality time together are crucial for nurturing love and strengthening the marital bond.
Communicate openly and listen without judgment to each other's feelings and needs.
Spend quality time together regularly, engaging in activities that strengthen your bond.
Show appreciation for each other through small gestures of kindness and gratitude.
Resolve conflicts peacefully by seeking to understand each other's perspectives and finding solutions together.
Set shared goals and dreams for the future, supporting each other in achieving them and celebrating milestones along the way.
In summary, dua for husband and wife love is a potent tool for invoking Allah's blessings and guidance in a marital relationship. Through faith and spirituality, couples can find solace and support, nurturing a bond built on love, compassion, and mutual respect. As they embark on this journey together, may their love deepen, their bond strengthen, and their union be blessed with happiness and tranquility. To know more, you can visit our website.
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surahduasd · 2 years
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marriageduaa · 2 years
Dua For First Meeting With Wife and Husband To Get Back Together
If You Are Looking For A Prefect And Righteous Wife For Yourself Then You Can Consult With Our Molvi Abdullah Hussain Ji And Get Powerful Dua For Wife. If You Want To Fix Your Marriage Problems Then You Should Perform Dua For Husband And Wife To Get Back Together. He Will Also Give You Dua For First Meeting With Wife. For More Information Visit Us @ https://www.marriagedua.com/dua-for-wife/
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rashidali768 · 2 years
Surah For The Good Life Partner
Everyone needs a good life partner for love and happy life . So , surah for the good life partner helps you to get a good , loving and respecting partner.
Do this surah for good life partner with full dedication and make sure to recite this surah every day sincerely. Inshaallah , you will find your life partner soon .
Faith in Allah Ta’la helps you to get good life partner and a happy married life . Surah for good life partner helps to get a better and loving partner.
Here is Surah For Good Life Partner Step by Step :-
You have to perform compulsory five-time salah every day.
Recite “Rabbi hablee min ladunka zaujan tayyiban wayakoonaa sahiban lee fiddeeni wadunyaa wal aahirat” this surah 121 times after every Salah.
Make sure to recite each word with proper pronunciation.
If you make any mistake, say Astaghfirullah x 10 times and start from the beginning.
Surah For Good Life Partner
Benefits of reading Surah for the good life partner :-
This is very powerful and helps you to find right and ideal partner for you.
This works as a blessing from Allah to get a good life partner.
This is very effective surah and helped lot of people to get a good life partner .
With good life partner you also get a happy married life for this you can perform a surah for happy married life .
Wazifa for good life partner helps to make the good decision while choosing the partner.
This is a very beautiful and helped a lot of people to get their partner . If you want to marry your love you can perform a Surah to get married to love .
If the person you thinks will be good partner for you and he / she had left you for this you can perform surah for love back .
Dua To Get Good Husband :-
To get a good husband, you must recite “Rabbanaa hablanaa min azwajinaa wa zureeyatinaa qurataa a’yunee waj’alnaa lil muttaqeena imaama” this ayat after Isha Salah every day.
Soon you will get married to a good husband and you will get very loving and respecting husband . If you are facing trouble in your married life or there is no love between you and your partner perform surah for love between husband and wife .
Important points before doing the surah :-
Firstly , Be thankful to Allah for giving you the good life .
Secondly , Have patience perform surah with full patience.
Keep good intentions and thoughts while performing a surah .
Be focused towards your surah .
Precautions while performing a surah :-
Firstly , keep yourself clean . Take shower before performing a surah .
Women should perform a surah during their menstruation period.
Keep the surroundings clean .
Do not change the place of surah fix one place where there is no disturbance.
Don’t skip in between.
Surah for happiness in life
It is very important to have a life full with happiness . One should fulfil there life with happiness . But in some conditions people lost there happiness and do not find the way to be happy again . For such conditions we are sharing the best surah for happiness in life .
People lost their happiness in conditions such as Depression , Anxiety etc . also if any bad accident happens in their to overcome all these situations and to be happy again here we are mentioning the best Surah For Happiness.
Surah For Happiness
Perform this surah daily in the morning to get positive energy and to fulfil your life with happiness . While performing the surah always keep the precautions in mind to avoid the mistakes . A surah performed with full dedication gives out the best and fast results .
Surah For Good Married Life
All wants to have a good and happy married life . A marriage is the relation of souls of two people and to have a happy married life you should have better understanding and love between each other . But if you still feel problems in your marriage life then you should perform Surah For Happy Married Life .
This Surah helps you to build up strong relationship and powerful bond between you and your lover . It also helps you to solve all the fights and misunderstanding between you and your spouse . As we have mentioned the steps below that how to perform the surah but to know the detail about this surah its benefits , precautios and way to perform surah click on the provided link above you will get to know everything .
If you want a happy married life with your husband/wife, then follow these steps of Surah –
Make fresh ablution and sit in a quiet place.
Recite Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Rahim 11 times.
Then Recite Al Furqan 74 three times.
In the end, Make Surah For a Happy Married life from Almighty Allah SWT.
If you still feel difficulty in performing the surah than contact us our islamic scholar with a lot of experience Molana Rashid Ali will help you and guide you for the entire process . you are free to contact us anytime as we are 24*7 available for you to listen your problems and provides you the best solutions . Our specialist Molana Rashid Ali has solved lot of such cases and helped lot of people throughout the world .
Surah For Love Between Husband And Wife
The surah for love between love between husband and wife helps you to increase love between husband and wife and also increases the bond between husband and wife . If husband and wife perform this surah together it shows better results in the life of a married couple .
If you are newly wed and had a arrange marriage then this surah is very helpful to you to increase love between you and your spouse . It is very beneficial newly wed couple to increase love between them .
If you want to have happy married life between husband and then read this article for Surah for happy marriage love between couples .
If you are not able to perform Surah by your own then you can contact us we will perform the surah for you and you will get the desired results . if you have any query or find any difficulty in such case also you can contact us directly as our whats app details our mentioned .
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exlovebackastrology · 4 years
Dua For Happy Marriage Life In Islam
Dua For Happy Marriage Life In Islam
Dua For Happy Marriage in Islam Marriage is a very sacred thing in Islam and Allah Talah has made someone for you everyone. Yes, there is a partner for you and you just have to find it in this world. If you are looking forward to getting married, then you should make dua for marriage in Islam. Insha Allah, with the help of this dua, you will be able to marry someone very soon and start your…
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amliyatdua · 4 years
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Dua For Married Couple Having Problems – Dua To Fix Marriage Problems
Do you want dua for married couple having problems then you can consult with our molvi peer mohammad qadri ji and get also dua for mix marriage problems. He will also give you dua to repair and restore marriage. For more information visit us @ https://amliyatdua.com/dua-for-married-couple-having-problems
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starryeyedastro · 4 years
Natal Sun Interpretations in the Houses
The house of your Sun shows in which area of life you’re most comfortable expressing yourself. We can get a better understanding of our innate tendencies, and where we can function most effectively in the world. ☀️
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🤳 Sun in the 1st House – House of Self
Strong presence, expressive personality, self-conscious, natural leader, prideful, impulsive.
This is also your rising sign or ascendant. You might pride yourself on being a self-starter and can be “self-made”. Your sense of self hinges on being able to act independently and make your own decisions. You take pride in your persona and are good at controlling the impression you make on others.
Sun in 1st House people: Taylor Swift, Freddie Mercury, Bruce Lee, 14th Dalai Lama.
🚗 Sun in the 2nd House – House of Material Possessions
Resourceful, good with money, sense of accomplishment comes from material wealth, stability, dependability.
A nice car, the house of your dreams, your bank accounts and your spending habits are your main focus. You might be in tune with nature and pride yourself in being eco conscious. You’re most likely a cuddler, or define yourself as touchy feely. How stable and secure you feel is important to your overall sense of self.
Sun in 2nd House people: Paris Hilton, Bella Hadid, Morgan Freeman, Raven-Symoné.
💬 Sun in the 3rd House – House of Community
Intellectual, master communicator, talkative, social butterfly, curious.
You probably identify yourself as a “people person” or a talker. You pride yourself on your ability to communicate effectively, and your connections with people. A main focus for you is probably sharing information or relaying messages. You probably identify as well-informed and up to date. You probably need a change of scenery quite often.
Sun in 3rd House people: Jay-Z, Sophie Marceau, Ben Affleck, Stephen King.
🏠 Sun in the 4th House – House of Home and Family
Traditional, family oriented, family and home are a big source of pride, needs stability, nurturing to others.
You probably take great pride in your homeland, your family or ancestry. You identify yourself as someone who enjoys taking care of and nurturing others. Providing a stable and comfortable home base for yourself and your loved ones is intrinsic to your sense of self. You might be a private person and have a small social circle.
Sun in 4th House people: Megan Fox, Nikola Tesla, Naomi Campbell, Russell Brand.
🧸 Sun in the 5th House – House of Creativity and Fun
Fun loving, popular, creative expression is a big focus, loves to host parties.
You pride yourself on your ability to have fun and entertain yourself and others. Praise and applause from others is essential to your self esteem. You see yourself as the class clown or the life of the party. You see yourself as being good with kids, because you’re naturally childlike and playful. Flirting comes second nature.
Sun in 5th House people: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Will Smith, Vanessa Hudgens, Charlie Sheen.
🔨 Sun in the 6th House – House of Work and Service
Workaholic, born to help others, very health conscious, their profession is tightly tied to their identity, responsible.
You pride yourself on solving problems and fixing things. Being on time and being dependable is extremely important to you and how you feel about yourself. You want to be seen as helpful and competent at what you do for a living. Keeping up with your daily chores and self-grooming is important to your sense of self.
Sun in 6th House people: Steve Jobs, Ariana Grande, Snoop Dogg, Serena Williams.
💍 Sun in the 7th House –  Partnerships and Marriage
Peacemaker, sense of pride tightly tied to their spouse or relationship, passive, social climber, diplomatic.
You want to be seen as a reasonable person who works well with others. You take pride in your relationships with others, and your ability to carry on a good rapport. Being able to solve disputes and act as a mediator boosts your confidence. Having a refined sense of style is essential to your self esteem.
Sun in 7th House people: Miley Cyrus, Dwayne Johnson, Zendaya, Liam Neeson.
💳 Sun in the 8th House – Power and Legacy
Intense, very perceptive, drawn to the mysteries of life, sexually alluring, powerful presence.
You pride yourself in paying off your debts and pride in your investments. Your confidence and sense of self hinge on how much self control you have, or how much control you have over your life. You also pride yourself on how well you’ve triumphed over the hardships in your life. A sense of personal power.
Sun in 8th House people: Lana Del Rey, Kylie Jenner, Prince, Nelson Mandela.
📚 Sun in the 9th House – Higher Learning and Travel
Loves to learn, philosophical, “culture vulture”, having many different experiences in life is important to them, expansive vision.
You see yourself as a life-long student or a wanderer. You pride yourself on being well-read or well-traveled. Your self esteem hinges on how much you know, and being able to teach or advise others. You want to be seen as wise and worldly. Your identity could also be tied up in your belief system or your spirituality.
Sun in 9th House people: Martin Luther King, Maya Angelou, Ashton Kutcher, Christopher Lee.
📈 Sun in the 10th House – Career and Reputation
Needs to feel admired for their achievements, ambitious, goal-oriented, climbs the career ladder, entrepreneurial spirit.
Your self esteem hinges on your legacy and your reputation. Your social media follower count is a source of pride, and so is your position in your career. You want to be seen as ambitious and goal-oriented, a real go-getter. You probably pride yourself on your popularity, or you want to be seen as an authority figure.
Sun in 10th House people: Jeff Bezos, Billie Eilish, Dua Lipa, Dr. Dre.
🤝 Sun in the 11th House – Friends and Groups
Humanitarian, group-oriented, needs to be part of something bigger than themselves, progressive, unconventional.
Your sense of identity hinges on the groups you’re part of. You need a sense of belonging and fellowship with like-minded people who strive toward a common goal or idea. Your friendships can be a source of pride. You pride yourself on being on the cutting edge. You would describe yourself as philanthropic and open minded.
Sun in 11th House people: Beyoncé, Zayn Malik, Jimi Hendrix, Winona Ryder.
🔮 Sun in the 12th House – House of the Unconscious
Likes to be alone, a dreamer, can be too hard on themselves, appears to be a puzzle to others, spiritual.
You might have a hard time describing yourself. You could take pride in your spirituality or your connection with the divine. You might identify yourself as having a strong sixth sense. Your sense of self may hinge on helping others. You want to be seen as selfless and your ability to help those who can’t help themselves.
Sun in 12th House people: Mahatma Gandhi, Meryl Streep, Frank Ocean, Mac Miller.
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Here is the Best Dua to Help Solve Your Marriage Problems
The relationship between two soul mates sometimes might be broken because of silly things but if you want to protect your relationship without facing any problems of diversity then you can once Molvi ji and it is one of the effective helps you to protect your relationship too easily. So now you need to give some time to your partner if you want to protect it or you can’t get the desired results…
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muslimwazifas · 3 years
Wazifa for Marriage in 21 days
Everyone has their own wishes regarding marriage. If you are looking forward to getting your marriage fixed soon to the desired person but some problems are there for completing your wish you should perform wazifa for marriage in 21 days. This is the very easy wazifa by which you will be married Insha Allah as soon as possible. This wazifa has the power and purity to make your wish of getting married to a specific person in just 21 days.
Strong Islamic Wazifa for Marriage in 11 days
In our society, getting married at the right time and with the right person is very important for a happy life. Whenever a boy and a girl cross the right age of marriage then it becomes very difficult for him/her to find a good life partner. If you are a person who wants to get married in less time than do wazifa for marriage in 11 days. Life partner is very important in life because by his love or support, your incomplete life Islamic wazifa you can get a good life partner as well.
Marrige wazifa is the best Islamic remedy that is used for those people who wish to get married as soon as possible. You can also perform this wazifa to get married to the person you want. For getting this wazifa for marriage, you can consult with our Molvi Gulam Nabi Ji. He will tell you the complete process of this remedy for getting married soon to a specific person.
Wazifa for Getting Married Soon
Marriage is a legal bond that binds two people in a lifelong commitment. Marriage is also the event in which a couple is pronounced husband and wife, they become a couple by actually marrying. If you also want that you get tied up with someone who will support or love you for life then you should perform wazifa for getting married soon to a specific person.
This wazifa will complete your desire of marriage as soon as possible. There is lot of Islamic solutions for marriage related issues from Quran. You just need to perform these Islamic ways according to your need and it’s also important to perform these wazifas or duas with the whole process. To get to kmow more about these Muslim wazifas in Islam, you can contact to our Molvi Ji. Islamic scholar Gulam Nabi Ji provides the best guidance to use these Islamic remedies effectively. So, you can contact him and get a perfect marriage wazifa for you.
Contact Details: -
Islamic Scholar: Gulam Nabi Shah
Mobile No.:  +91-9041569840
Website: https://muslimwazifas.com/
Original Source: https://muslimwazifas516738074.wordpress.com/2021/08/30/wazifa-for-marriage-in-21-days/
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islamicrays · 4 years
Salam, the guy I like is engaged to someone else and I am heartbroken. When Will it be my turn? I am so ugly and fat
Walaikum Assalaam
Marriage is something that will happen when Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala wills. It doesn't matter how you look if Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has written something for you then you will get it. I have seen many beautiful sisters but they are facing problem in getting married. Marriage will happen when Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala wills. It's just matter of time. Pray to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala that He grant you a righteous spouse who will be the coolness of your eyes.
If you are fat but healthy then that's good. Love yourself. But if you are not healthy then better to lose weight because those who have higher BMI; they are at greater risk of having diseases. If you make the intention to lose your weight so you can worship Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala in a more better way then you will get the reward as well in shaa Allah.
The best remedy is to keep yourself busy and to be in His rememberace. When you get thought of him seek refuge in Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Fix your prayers and make your relationship stronger with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Think of ways how you can improve your relation with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Help your mother in the house. Be good to your family members. Do activities in your free time. Do dhikr all the time. It will help you in shaa Allah
First we need to attach ourselves to Allah then we can easily detach from others. We need to balance the love of Creator and the Creation. Keep the love of the creation in your hand and the love of Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala in your heart that’s difficult to do but with time you will learn. For this we need to make dua and love for the sake of Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala
“Call on your Lord when your heart is brittle, that is a time when it’s in pieces and the Light of Allah can fill the gaps. That is why Allāh is with the broken hearted.”
-Shaykh Hamza Yusuf
“The fastest way to heal a broken heart is to find someone better to love, and love more. Know that sometimes heartbreak happens just to push you to Allah.”
-Yasmin Mogahed
Fix your prayers and ask Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala for the help. Always remember that Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala plans are better than our wishes. Make lots of dua and while asking Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala always say “if it’s good for me” because we don’t know what’s good for us only Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala knows.
“But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not.” (Quran 2:216)
Advice from Hadia Alia on moving from a ex boyfriend
“Moving on from an ex-boyfriend can sometimes be very complex. Every situation is uniqe and will require different actions. Here are a few tips to get over him:
Cry. It is ok to cry if you want as it feels better when you let all the emotions out instead of keeping them bottled up inside you forever.Talk to someone you trust. Sometimes you just need someone to listen rather than offer advice. Even you cannot understand why it happened, talking about it can help you accept that the relationship is over.Get the help you need. A breakup can have serious negative effects on your mental and physical well-being, especially if you find that you are still dwelling on it months later. Breakups have been associated with weakened immune systems and an increased risk of illness. People who have not gotten over a breakup within 16 weeks can even experience physical changes in their brains that reduce their motivation, concentration, and emotions. A therapist can help by listening to you, encouraging you to confront your feelings, and teaching you new ways to do with your pain.Remind yourself to let go. There are variety of behavioral techniques you can try to stop thinking about your ex. All of these techniques rely on your ability to recognize when a thought about your ex enters your mind and to take a specific action to stop that thought from coming back. Remember that these techniques are to be used for obsessive thoughts only! If you have not yet dealt with your feelings and taken the time to grieve, you should not try to suppress your thoughts.
– You can try wearing a rubber band around your wrist and snapping it each time you think about your ex.
– You can write down the thoughts you are having about your ex on a piece of paper and then throw it away.
– You can try a visualization exercise, which requires you to visualize a specific scene whenever a thought of your ex occurs to you. For example, you could think of a stop sign in order to remind yourself that you need to stop what you are doing. If you do this consistently, the association should become automatic.
Focus on taking care of yourself. In order to boost your mood, it’s important to practice healthy habits. Make sure you exercise regularly and get plenty of sleep. Committing yourself to a healthy lifestyle will not only make you feel good, but it may just offer you the escape you need from thoughts about your ex
– Start praying five times. It will help you to regain your positivity and let go of the stress associated with your breakup.
Remember, you are strong and can get over him if you really want to.”
Always remember this:
“No amount of guilt can change the past and no amount of worrying can change the future. Go easy on yourself for the outcome of all affairs is determined by the decree of Allah. If something is meant to go elsewhere, it will never come on your way, but if it is yours by destiny, from you it cannot flee.”
-Umar ibn al Khattab (Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anhu)
On healing broken hearts:
If you are trying to get over a person you can’t be with, treat it like an addiction:
1. Cut yourself off from the drug completely: Cut off all communication and reminders–even if that means blocking numbers, emails, a Facebook profile, and stop checking their Facebook! This is your detox.
2. Replace it with something better: Increase in your thikr (remembrance of Allah) and get closer to Allah. If you aren’t praying your daily prayers, fix that. Pray all and pray on time. Pray qiyam in the last third of the night (just before fajr). Make duaa, tawbah (repentance), cry, plead to Allah. This is your treatment.
(Yasmin Mogahed)
Unlawlful love before marriage…
Ibn al Qayyim al Jawziyyah (rahimahullah) mentions in regards to unlawful love before marriage (i.e. haram sexual relations, or love for someone who you are unable to marry).
“And the cure for this deadly illness (i.e. unlawful love before marriage) is for the person that is afflicted to realise that this love is only due to his/her own delusions and ignorance.
So upon such a person is to first and foremost strengthen their Tawheed and reliance upon Allah, and secondly to increase in worship and busy themselves with it, so much so that they do not have any spare time letting their minds wander and think about their beloved.
And they should call upon Allah to protect them and save them from this evil, just as Prophet Yusuf called upon Allah and he was saved. And they should do as he did, be as he was, in terms of ikhlaas (sincerity) and remembering Allah in abundance.
This is because if the heart is filled with ikhlaas for the sake of Allah, there will be no space left for any unlawful love to be present, rather this only happens to a heart that is empty and has no ikhlaas whatsoever.
And let such people remind themselves that whatever Allah has decreed for them is only in their own best interests, and when Allah commands something it is never to cause harm or misery to His slaves.
And let them also remind themselves that their unlawful love does not benefit them, neither in this world or the hereafter! As for this world then they will be so preoccupied with their love that it will cripple them and will cause them to live in a fantasy world. And as for the hereafter then it will cause them to be preoccupied with the love of the creation instead of love for the Creator!
These people need to be reminded, that the one who is submerged in something will never see it’s ill effects, neither will the person who has never experienced such things. The only people who will be able to relate to them are those who have experienced the same thing but have been saved. Such people can look back and realise how evil it is.”
Recite Astaghfirullah as much you can.
Following are some dua for marriage:
1.“Our Lord, grant us from among our wives and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an example for the righteous.“ (Quran 25:74)
2.”Rabbana aatina fi’d dunya hasana wa fi’l aakhirati hasana wa qina `adhab an-nar.” [O Lord! Grant us good in this life, and good in the next, and save us from the torment of the Fire] (Qur’an, 2: 200). Recite this dua’ with the intention of marriage as it is included in the phrase “fi’d dunya hasana” (good in this life).
3.My Lord, do not leave me alone and You are the best of inheritors. (Surah al-Anbiya` 21:89)
I hope it will be helpful. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala guide us all to the straight path. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala grant you a righteous spouse who will be the coolness of your eyes.
Allahumma Ameen
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halaldua · 8 months
Powerful Duas for Marriage Problems for Happiness
Navigate the complexities of marital life with potent Islamic duas. Seek solace in dua for difficulty in marriage, address issues with powerful prayers, and discover duas for marriages with problems. Invoke Allah's blessings for a happy marriage, learn duas to remove problems in marriage, and find serenity with prayers to fix marriage. Embrace the divine guidance for happiness in marriage in the article: https://halaldua.com/dua-for-marriage-problems/
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quranicwazifa · 3 years
Dua for Marriage
Do you want to get married soon? Do you want to get good proposals for marriage? Do you want to get fixed your marriage with the person you love? If you are not getting exactly what you want, then you can take help from the remedies described in Islam for love and marriage related problems. Dua for marriage is one of the best solutions in Islam that is perfect for above marriage related problems. By using this Islamic remedy all the problems related to your own marriage will be solved and you will get married soon.
Dua to Get Married
Some people have their own desires before they get married. like they want to have to marry as per their choice or they want to get a good family as well as good partner, all these wishes are there in a person's mind who wants to do marry. But some people do not find a life partner according to their wish, in such a way, they get delayed in getting married and then later the problems get further aggravated. So, to get rid of all these problems, you can do this powerful Islamic dua, which will help you to get good proposals for your marriage. You will not have trouble finding your spouse when you get good proposals for marriage and you will be able to choose the right partner for you.
Dua for Marriage with a loved one
A problem with some people is that there are many proposals for marriage, but the marriage is not fixed anywhere. In such a situation, they should do dua for marriage. By using this dua, your marriage will fix soon to the person you want and soon you will live a happy married life. Don't worry just do this dua with the full of its process. For getting the complete guidance to perform this dua for marriage with a loved one, you can consult with our Molvi Hazrat Noor Mohammad Ji. He will provide you the complete information to perform this dua. With the help of his guidance you can do this powerful dua to get married soon.
Dua is a very good solution, with the help of which all your troubles will be removed and your life will be able to move forward. With the help of Dua, you can find your desired life partner in your life and can make your life blossom. So feel free to contact with our Molvi Ji and get this marriage dua in Islam. To consult with our Molvi Ji, contact information is mentioned below:-
Islamic Scholar: Hazrat Noor Mohammad
Contact No.: +91-9876038103
Website: https://quranicwazifa.com/
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islamicremedies · 3 years
Dua for difficult times in marriage
Dua for difficult times in marriage
Dua to strengthen marriage Marriage is not without its problems. Dua To Fix Marriage Related Problems, In fact, one expects to have their fair share of issues as soon as they enter into this contract which we call marriage. But, often the frequency of conflicts is increased exponentially. That is when you’re left with having only a few moments of marital love. This is when most people find…
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