#ishimaru kiyotaka headcanons
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0-rai · 1 year ago
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He's so fucking weird, I love him.
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You know what English teacher I'm talking about.
Anyways, those are my head canons.
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rassebers · 1 year ago
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Ok [throws danganronpa in the den of hungry sharks]
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minimechacowboy · 6 months ago
My fav little Kiyotaka headcanon that I have is that someone shows him a crappy magic trick like coin behind the ear and ofc he calls it stupid and dumb but he’s actually kinda freaked out and spends hours searching up how one does it and so he gets 100x more annoying cuz now he’s pulling off all these magic tricks on people and he won’t stop. He thinks he’s just so cool and mysterious and then right after doing one he breaks the magic behind it and goes into a tangent on how one does the trick, imagine you ask him for a pencil and he pretends to pull it out of your ear… for the 10th time that week, he’s not even mad that you keep forgetting a pencil either.
Eventually everyone gets fed up and they create a complex scheme where they show him their own trick but they do some fuckery and when Kiyotaka asks them how they did it they don’t tell him so there’s a point where he gets so frustrated that he swears off ever doing another trick and goes back to calling them childish and dumb.
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swampythesweetsketch · 2 months ago
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Like father like
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frickingnerd · 9 months ago
dating mondo & kiyotaka
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pairing: mondo owada x gn!reader x kiyotaka ishimaru
tags: polyamorous relationship, wholesome fluff
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mondo and kiyotaka both want to be the one making the first move and ask you out, yet they are both too oblivious to notice your feelings for them at first
at first, mondo and kiyotaka simply bond over their crush on you, before eventually realizing they have feelings for each other too
shortly after, the three of you start dating, after mondo was the one who finally asked you out!
there isn't any jealousy between the two boys, but there is one problem; both want to be ‘the man’ in the relationship, yet have to share this spot with each other
they both want to be gentlemen and treat you right, but they can't both pay for dates, hold the door open for you and such. they have to switch between who gets to pay, who gets to carry your bag and so on
while they aren't jealous of each other, mondo gets scary jealous whenever another guy flirts with you! taka will simply pout and glare at him, but mondo is ready to beat up guys if they're being disrespectful!
both mondo and taka get easily flustered, so they prefer to take small steps in a relationship! they get flustered holding your hand or kissing you, so they can't even imagine themselves doing anything more than that–!
when it comes to dates, taka likes study dates, as he wants the two of you to keep up during school, but he also wants to spend time with you!
meanwhile mondo likes to take the two of you for rides on his motorcycle. but with three people on a single motorbike, it can get quite chaotic and dangerous, leading to taka scolding mondo for reckless driving and road safety!
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 months ago
Ellooo! Can I maybe request THH students aka the competitors of the killing game meeting pokemon Violet/scarlet trainer Y/n because a worm hole brought them in the killing game? Maybe they have some legendaries that help atleast make sure monokuma doesn’t pressure them all so maybe no killing? Maybe Y/n could offer they’re Pokémon as therapy animals and maybe hold “mock” Pokémon battles with the others by like giving them a Pokémon of theyres so they can try out battling! :3 I hope you have a nice January!
Thank you! Hope your January is good to you, too! For reference I'll leave the team vague (except for Mewtwo and Porygon Z for plot reasons), but they still have access to others they've captured in the Paldea/Kitakami/BB regions
I'll just do a few characters to help me ease back into writing the og Danganronpa series (which I haven't written for in like 5 years apparently????????)
You weren't sure why the wormhole ever opened to begin with.
Maybe there was still some instability within Area Zero despite the time machine being long gone, or perhaps something else decided to open up a pocket in the universe.
But regardless, it dropped you off inside of a school.
Not Naranja/Uva or BB Academy, but a much different school that had an ominous atmosphere hanging over it.
You quickly meet the other students there after being summoned to the gym, discovering that they all woke up here, too.
They didn't know anything about each other---nor did they know anything about Pokémon when one asked about your "Ultimate" (which you soon learn is your talent).
From what they understood, you tamed animals and made them fight other people's animals, which....seemed a little concerning.
But before you could explain any further, Monokuma shows up to announce the killing game.
Immediately, you take it upon yourself to defeat him, so you send out Mewtwo to destroy the bear--who self-destructs in response, but fortunately they're able to put up a psychic shield in time as he reprimands you for attacking the headmaster.
Your Legendary's appearance shocks every student there, realizing that these "animals" of yours actually possess magic and are 100% not of this world.
Whatever any of them believed before was thrown out the window.
Given your unexpected arrival (and the fact you were pretty much untouchable thanks to your team), Monokuma won't be able to enforce the killing game as much as he liked to--although he thinks someone's gonna eventually kill somebody.
While the gate couldn't be breached, you and the other students try to accept living within the school, certain there was another way out.
He still tries handing out the first motive, only for your Porygon-Z to corrupt every video so that nobody felt pressured to kill.
But while everybody was at first wary of you and your powerful Pokémon team, they've grown to trust you, even considering you a leader.
You have no idea how to return to your world, so you might as well stay here and form friendships with these people.
He was the first student you met...and the first to make you realize something was incredibly different about this school.
But after you saved everyone in the gym from having to worry about killing, he became more curious about you and your team.
Since nobody knew about Pokémon battling, you decide to pass the time by become a teacher to all who were willing to learn!
Makoto was first in line, of course.
You still had access to your PC, and after getting it hooked up to the computer system (with help from Chihiro), you lend him an Eevee for practice, bringing out one of your fighting 'mons to teach him about type advantages.
"So I just...give them a command, and they'll listen?"
"Yep. That's all! I'll let you try first."
On the sidelines, Monokuma vouched to have the loser get executed--but ofc nobody listens to him.
Makoto genuinely enjoyed the mock battle, as his luck allowed him to land several critical hits on your Pokémon.
Afterwards, you introduce him to a Shiny Eevee, and during your free time, he's surprised to hear about your harrowing tales of shiny hunting.
"Your talent would work pretty well where I come from," you remark. "Because these guys are super rare to find in the wild."
"That's pretty cool. So what's your strategy? Do you camp out for a few days in the wilderness or...?"
"No. I kinda just run around until I find one. But sometimes, I'll be getting chased by some angry Pokémon who don't like me being on their turf...and in my panic, I'll stumble across a shiny."
"Hahaha..I can picture that happening to me with my kind of luck." He chuckles, now unable to get the image of you running from an angry Eevee mob out of his head.
Despite witnessing your Mewtwo's heroic act in the gym, Taka still sees them as an animal that shouldn't be walking around inside a school, feeling obligated to enforce that rule when he catches you two going to get snacks.
"Excuse me, but pets are NEVER allowed inside the cafeteria!!"
"I thought I already explained that they're not a "pet", Ishimaru." You and Mewtwo stare at the prefect. "At my school, we're allowed to have our Pokémon out as long as they're not a distraction."
"Well...this is a different school in case you haven't noticed! So different rules apply here! Now please put your Mewtwo back in that little contraption-"
"A pokeball?"
"Yes! The poke-ball!"
"....and who are you gonna tell if I don't?" You grin smugly, watching him draw a blank. "Surely not Monokuma, who's been keeping us hostage here, right?"
Taka freezes up, but after remembering that you basically stopped a potential murder from taking place...he relents and stops bothering you about keeping your Pokémon away (though he's still not happy about it).
He was appalled at your suggestion of having "violent" battles in the gym--to which you reassure him nothing's gonna get destroyed, as they're only mock battles.
He watches a few, nervous whenever the Pokémon on either side faint or take heavy damage.
Then one day (post-sauna), he stops by your room and asks if he could try it for himself, admitting that he's been taking notes on the sidelines and wants to be tested.
He was craving new knowledge and decided that if Pokemon was the only "study" available, he'll accept it.
Delighted, you let him train with a Charcadet. You haven't decided what armor to give them yet, but they were still quite strong with their bold nature.
The two immediately get along and battle quite well, although when Taka loses, he feels terrible and tries going over what he could have messed up on.
You remind him that battling was supposed to be fun, but you give him an A+ for having the same passion and vigor as an experienced trainer--which lifts his spirits.
You decide to let him keep Charcadet for the time being, noticing how they've been picking up his attitude, discouraging other Pokemon from causing trouble or mischief within the school.
After learning about his Ultimate, you just knew you had to show off a Shiny Cyclizar that you've caught.
But he takes one look at them.....and laughs.
"No way, you're telling me people can ride that wimpy little lizard????"
"...yes. And this "wimp" can actually reach up to speeds 70 MPH. They've been around for longer than you, I, and your precious motorcycle have been alive." You remark, which makes the biker shut up for the moment.
He wishes he could have his motorcycle just to race you and prove himself better, but he takes your word for it after you climb on Cyclizar's back and run a lap around the gym.
If you have a Miraidon, his jealousy would be shot to the maximum because your motorcycle-lizard is not only 100% robot but they can shoot electricity AND fly????
That's so badass it should be illegal.
If you have a Koraidon, he might have a brief confrontation with them after they assume their Apex form, believing he was threatening you.
Luckily, you quickly recalled them before he could even try throwing a punch.
But since battling interested him, you let him practice with that same Shiny Cyclizar...only for him to discover that they won't listen to any of his commands.
You intended to teach him a lesson about respecting Pokémon, since he hasn't apologized for insulting them--but he didn't understand and thought you were lying about the moves you taught them.
But eventually, you get it through his thick skull and he yells out an apology, which Cyclizar seems to accept as they use Scale Shot-
Only for to miss your Pokémon all five times, making him fume as you mention accuracy as another aspect of battling.
Least to say....Mondo is extremely competitive and acted like a sore loser when you, a champion-ranked trainer, beat him.
But he got over it eventually, and you let him keep the Cyclizar, who did forgive him and gladly kept him company.
While you were talking about the different Pokémon types, of course the Ultimate Swimmer would be most interested in the water types.
So you let her browse your PC for some time.
Lapras and (surprisingly) Aqua Breed Tauros piqued her curiosity, asking you if she could train with them since you also mentioned having done double-battles.
Funny enough, those two had natures that subverted her expectations: the gentle-looking Lapras was rash and aggressive with their attacks, while the scary-looking Aqua Tauros was so timid they were outcasted from their herd.
Once they come out of the PC and Aoi gets to know them--they're basically her Pokémon forever now. Sorry.
She absolutely LOVES that they can join her in the pool! Even if Lapras can't swim around much, they still enjoy the water.
And Aqua Tauros' body fat allows them to float around without fear of sinking.
If you were to tell her that Lapras' species was nearly hunted to extinction, she'd prob tear up, but you'd then reassure her there's a lot of protection laws and their population has grown in abundance since.
When it comes time for the double battle, you send out some strong electric types of your own, just to see how well she'd do in the face of type disadvantages.
You didn't realize how closely Aoi bonded with Aqua Tauros until you used an attack that was normally a OHKO--only to see them still standing, having "toughened it out".
Turns out that her cheerful mood and encouragement have given the bull the confidence they needed.
After watching your battle with Aoi, Sakura steps in and asks if she could see the Pokémon you have available.
You decide to show her the fighting types, and she immediately takes an interest in Urshifu, who you've had since your trip to Galar's Isle of Armor.
They remind her so much of her dojo, and felt inspired when you told her about the journey their previous evolution (Kubfu) went on to help them achieve their current form, whether it's Single or Rapid Strike Style.
The Legendary wants to learn more about her fighting styles--so the pair have a friendly sparring match with each other.
You worried about Urshifu hurting her with their move set, but they fortunately restrain from using anything dark/water/fighting-related powers.
That's a form of self-control you've never seen before in a Pokémon, but you're relieved (and impressed) when Sakura yields with only a few scratches.
Although she vowed to never lose to a human opponent, this doesn't count as Urshifu isn't exactly human.
You then introduce her to the Tyrogue line you've caught in the canyon biome (Tyrogue, Hitmonlee, Hitmontop, and Hitmonchan), and they're collectively awestruck after seeing her rematch Urshifu, wanting to learn her ways.
So she ends up being a teacher to them, and it's quite adorable seeing them all training together in a way that not just strengthens Sakura's own mind and body, but also theirs, too.
She's not too keen on using them to battle, as she sees them as their own individual who should have the choice to battle if they want.
But because you assured her they wanted to, she agrees and uses Urshifu while you sent out Iron Valiant, a fighter from the future--and despite the type disadvantage, she actually won and thoroughly shocked you.
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mlm-mod-taka · 10 months ago
Hi there! I'm here to request a little something I've had bouncing around in my head a while and I feel like you'd do a great job at writing it! I'd like to request Taka, Gundham, Fuyu, and Kiyo with an S/O who's basically a giant compared to them and is suuuuuuper affectionate and friendly. Like the first time they met, the reader picked them up and basically swooped then into a hug raving about how adorable they are. You don't have to do it ofc, but if you agree to I CANNOT wait to see the
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HAVING A BIG, AFFECTIONATE, FRIENDLY S/O • taka, gundham & fuyuhiko x gn reader
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first off, i just want to say i am so sorry that you had to wait for so long, i just got back from my two year long break. second, im also sorry, however, i do not write for korekiyo, so i simply didn't include him. i do apologize for not asking if you wanted to replace him with another character, this request has been pending for so long that i decided against it. third, this is more a story in bullet point form than actual headcanons. despite all of this, i hope you can still enjoy this long awaited request.
tws/cws: yelling, cursing, threatening and violence. (mostly during fuyuhiko's part)
|| -> mod taka <3
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at first, kiyotaka will admit that he was quite intimidated by you. seeing someone extremely taller than him isn't an everyday occurrence. yes, many other people were taller than him, but not by such a large degree, usually.
however, if he stood next to you, he'd seem like an overgrown child. so, naturally he was on-edge whenever you were near him, since you could probably easily beat him up if you wanted to.
but he had to remind himself that he was the ultimate moral compass! it doesnt matter how strong or large you are, he will discipline and scold you when it was needed. he will never back down from a fight when it comes to morals, even if he could easily lose that fight.
when you two first met, he decided to make the polite decision to introduce himself. once he was done with his maticulously-worded greeting, (that he had planned last night) he was expecting you to respond in a rude tone, filling the delinquent expectations that he had made of you based on your appearance in his head. but instead...
he was met with the biggest, tightest, and closest hug of his life. his first thought was to hug you back, which he was about to follow, until he remembered that you were in a public space and this would technically be considered as pda.
once he realized that revelation, he immediately pulled away from the hug, scolding you about touching people in public without permission. while your hug was extremely warm and welcoming, he forced himself to keep up his own rules.
you just stood there, very still while he gave you a lecture about being physically affectionate with someone you barely know. he also proceeded to go on a mini rant about the negative effects of pda, but you werent listening to any of it.
you were mainly just focused on how he seemed very passionate about keeping the peace, which made him look weirdly cute. people often look very adorable to you whenever they were talking about something they cared alot about, which is what ishimaru was currently doing.
you interrupted his planned speech about keeping ourselves civil, to compliment him about how cute he looked. taka immediately stopped in his tracks, looking at you like you just spoke a forbidden sentence.
"...pardon?" kiyotaka asked, but it sounded more like a flustered squeak he made out of surprise. you repeated your comment about him, watching his face slowly turn more red, realizing that you were being serious about what you said, and that you weren't mocking him like others do.
after the initial shock wore off, he reacted exactly how he expected you to, which was scolding you passionately again. however, it didn't sway your mind, he still looked very adorable to you while he was practically going teacher-mode on you because you called him "cute."
what you didnt expect, however, was what he said right when he finished telling you off. "thats all! i hope you have learned your lesson!... and while i don't agree with your methods of doing so, i do appreciate the compliment." he added the last part on with a rushed shout, then immediately left, trying to hide his red face from you.
from then on out, you actively seeked taka, and tried to befriend him, which he accepted. you still don't tone down your affectionate-ness and compliments at all, but he seems to be scolding you less and less. in fact, he seems like he anticipates them now, which makes you happy. little did you both know, that this friendship would lead to so much more.
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gundham is the same as taka. he was intimidated by your large stature, and general... bigness. however, gundham tanaka is no coward, he will challenge anyone who dares compete against tanaka the forbidden one!
he walked up to you, with extreme confidence, and started his usual menacing speech about how he was a more powerful entity compared to you "mortals". before he could even finish the first sentence, you interrupted with a sentence that caught his " mighty" act off guard.
"aw, you're so adorable! like those hampsters that are on your shoulder! you're almost as cute as them!" were your first words to him. before his mind would even catch up to the strange sentences you just uttered to him, you grabbed him and pulled him into a bear hug.
gundham needed a solid few seconds to compose himself before he speaks at all. the devas are all squirming in his scarf, also caught by surprise from the strong hug you gave them. once he does process the situation enough to not look like a shocked puppy, he immediately starts thrashing in your large arms.
"release me from your armed trap at once, mortal!" he says in a mix of rage and panic. you quickly let him go, feeling a slight pain from how haphazardly he was moving in your grasp, and also because he didn't seem like he wanted to be hugged, if the sentence he spoke to you was anything to go by.
when he was released, the first thing he did after dusting himself off was restart his original speech of him being the supreme overlord of ice, but this time, he added that you are a very bold human for having the gal to touch someone so "highly superior" with such carelessness.
...or something along those lines. you weren't sure. your ears were only processing a muddled version of a few of the words he was saying, the rest was a blur. mainly because you weren't really paying attention to what he was going on about, you were just focusing on the cute, confident look on his face. along with the cute hamsters resting cozily in his scarf.
gundham stopped talking once he realized that you weren't looking him in the eye, or even anywhere near his face. you were staring at his neck, so he looked down to see his friends, then shot a sharp glaze at you after realizing why you weren't paying attention to his great speech.
"why are you looking at the dark devas of destruction, mortal? rather than listening to the words im gracing you with? you are not worthy to be in their presence, or mine." he continued death glaring at you, crossing his arms while waiting for your answer to his question.
"oh- im sorry... my lord? i was just admiring how cute and fuzzy the... dark devas? looked!" you gave the hamsters a small wave while speaking. you didn't know why he was speaking strangely and giving his pets such uncommon nicknames, but you didn't mind. you thought it was a little cute, actually.
of course, gundham was used to the compliments towards the devas. however, he wasn't taking the adjectives "cute" and "fuzzy" very well. they were evil! they were his partners in crime! how dare you call them such belitting names? before he could scold you again, you quickly swept the rug from under him again.
you quickly butted in, and started unconsciously showering him in compliments. calling him well-spoken, cool, dressed nicely, had cool hair, handsome, and such. you also added how his voice was very pleasant to listen to, and that his eyes were very expressive and clear.
as the flattering statements added on and on, he got more and more flustered. his slight stuttering from being caught off guard by the first two quickly because full-on sputtering with his face almost becoming as red as mahirus hair.
before you could make him even more speechless, he took the very little confidence he had left to attempt to make his usual "super big and bad evil" goodbye statement, but a very shortened and messy version escaped his lips instead, with him quickly scattering away before more of his pride was taken away by your giant cursed goodness.
while you were left confused as to why he left so suddenly, you quickly bid him adieu, continuing on with your day in hopes that you two would meet again, and maybe, just maybe, you would get along with each other.
little did you know that he was secretly plotting your demise for daring to treat him like that, muttering his evil plans to the dark devas, feeling that he needed to avenge them because of how you described them as if they weren't his wicked subordinates!
...deep down though, he would be lying if he said he wasn't looking forward to seeing your large, smiley self again. you were one of the few people who didn't scrutinize his personality, and he greatly appreciates it. maybe, when you acknowledge how truly devious he was, then, you could be acquiantances. or something deeper than that.
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lets be honest, fuyuhiko would really really dislike you when he first meets you. he has this ideology that people who are positive and kind are fooling him, trying to catch him off guard and trap him with their fake happiness. given his family and who he is, he was taught to be skeptical of almost everyone, so it wasn't much of a surprise when he was skeptical towards you.
everytime you even attempted to get near him, he either yelled at you to back or else he'd shank you, or peko would step in, quickly telling you to leave with her hands already on her sword handle in case you try to push it.
you would try for weeks to even have a slight chance of talking to him, because he is the only person out of your class that you haven't had a personal connection with. heck, you even started to have a slight bond with peko when she wasn't busy protecting fuyuhiko!
if you were being honest, you were genuinely starting to give up on having him warm up to you. you knew that no matter how hard you try, some people will still find ways to dislike you. you thought that this would be one of those unfortunate cases, and you were on the edge of accepting it.
until that one night. you were having trouble sleeping, and nothing seemed to be working. you knew that it was probably too late for anyone to be awake right now, so you decided to take an evening stroll around the school. maybe the walking would tired you out.
you walk out of your dorm, only to see kuzuryu starting absent mindedly at the stars in the late night sky. he looked so... at ease. the sound of a door opening and footsteps started him, and his attitude quickly did a 180, turning aggressive.
"what the hell are you doing sneaking up on me like that?! are you gonna try to fool me again, huh? with your fake smiles and over-the-top hugs?" he yelled, paying no mind to the fact that it was 4am, and he could wake someone up.
you reassured him that you weren't going to hurt him, but to be honest, you were hurt at the accusation that it was fake. you wanted to speak your feelings, but you felt like that would make him more on edge, so you just ignored that hurt for now.
disregarding your word, he told you to stay far away from him, pointing at the very end of the balcony he was leaning against. you did what you were told, not wanting to agitate him further. to be honest, this is probably the nicest he's been to you so far. usually, he'd just tell you to fuck off, so you weren't about to let this rare opportunity to talk to him slip pass you.
after a few moments if silence, you decided to ramble a bit, maybe that'll warm him up to you. you talked about everything you could, random stuff you thought of, all the way to deep philosophical conversations that would make you ponder at night.
fuyuhiko didn't look like he was listening, if anything, he looked as if he was spacing out and using you as a white noise machine. however, that was better than his usual response of him threatening you, so you kept going.
eventually, he said something, cutting you off mid-rant. "you know, you don't have to keep up the act right now." "what do you mean?" "i know you're lying, just admit it to my face so you can stop using all your energy trying to convince me you're a good person."
ouch, that stung. but, this is the longest he's talked to you in private, you couldn't let this go. "well, what if i told you it wasn't a lie?" you smiled at him. "bullshit. no one is ever that positive or nice."
"well, i am. and i'll prove it to you if you'll let me!" "pffft. yeah right. do you just want me to believe that someone as big as you isn't a secret spy or assassin? don't even try."
"im not. i can prove it to you." you were so close. he was talking to you, he was actually talking to you! you would have preferred if the conversation was more positive, yes, but he was talking to you! you were getting somewhere!
"really?" he paused, you could see his eyebrows slightly furrow in thought. "fine, since these other students are making things boring as hell, i'll let you prove it to me."
...it was that easy? all you had to do was say that you were willing to prove it at a balcony when it was 4am? it was a bit anti-climactic, but hey, you weren't complaining. "great! you won't regret this!" you walked to hug him before he put his tough guy act on again.
"don't. touch. me. i said i'd let you prove it to me, not use me as a personal cuddle bear. with how different we look, i think you'd crush me." "ah, not much of a hugger? sorry, i get it. should've asked first."
he yawned. "yeah you should've. anyways, i'm hitting the sack. kill me in my sleep and ill haunt you forever." fuyuhiko spoke as he walked back to his dorm room.
"i won't!" you replied, waving him goodbye. you know it was small progress, but you're getting somewhere. you'll definitely gain his trust.
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poffyfluffnugg3t · 2 months ago
I feel like Kiyotaka is the type of person that instead of cursing someone out, he says something that a very ominous threat OR says something that is socially unacceptable.
Heres some examples
Rando: "Insert insult here"
Kiyotaka: ...... did you know a group of pigs can eat a two hundred pound human in 9 minutes.
rando: ....w....what?
Kiyotaka: did you also know that I live really close to a farm.
Mondo: hey kiy-
Kiyotaka: I hope all three of your minecraft dogs die.
Mondo:.......dude what did I do to you :<
Kiyotaka: the fact that you don't know is why your minecraft dogs are gonna die.
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abelgallagher · 1 year ago
some dangan funnies… hello !!
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kkatastrophic · 9 months ago
Imagine Kiyotaka and Mondo in the elevator on the way to the second trial.
"Hey bro I have to tell you something after the trial, i can assure you that we will bring Fujisaki-Chan to justice."
"What's wrong? I didn't know you were close with her Owada."
"Nothin' we'll... uh... we'll talk after the trial..."
"Alright! Goodluck bro. The sooner we finish this mystery the sooner we can get out of here."
Okay but like headcanon time:
1. Mondo told kiyotaka that he killed fujisaki
2. Kiyotaka was going to tell mondo how much he meant to him (<- obliviously confessing his love) after the trial.
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skateironicallycantskate · 9 months ago
and they’re all ace part 2
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anyone who isn’t here is because I don’t know
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o-jeezz · 7 months ago
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Posted this on june 11th on insta, pretend its a late birthday post for him💔 unfortunately im very burnt out so i need some time.
I spent his birthday cleaning up my depression room, im sure he would appreciate it.
Happy late birthday to the guy who made me a better person, who continues to keep me going, pushing harder and making meaningful efforts. He’s been in my life for 6 years and cant imagine a future without him.
Happy birthday kiyotaka ishimaru🖤💪
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pridebicons · 9 months ago
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danganronpa disability headcanon pride icons
characters are: aoi asahina (adhd), kiyotaka ishimaru (autism), mondo owada (bpd), chiaki nanami (autism), ibuki mioda (audhd), mikan tsumiki (dpd), komaru naegi (autistic), miu iruma (npd), & kaito momota (audhd)
requested by anon
like/rb if using + credit
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danganmaticx · 3 months ago
Hiro is definitely an affectionate guy. Like he kisses more than he hugs people. He’s probably kissed all his classmates once or twice.
Forehead kisses were strictly platonic so those would be more reserved for Chihiro, Kyoko, or Hina.
Cheek kisses were more intimate. Like for his best friends and his family. So like Taka and Makoto.
Then there’s mouth kisses.
That’s for Byakuya.
Makoto sometimes
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popcornpieispissedoff · 2 years ago
A Pile Of Canon Divergent Danganronpa Headcanons:
The students absolutely did not get along when they first enrolled, they were all legit getting on each others' nerves and every other day was a shouting match.
Byakuya doesn't mind Ultimate Impostor's presence most of the time, but there have been times when he was seriously creeped out by Impostor.
After they adopted Kotoko, Hifumi collected all his loli/shotacon and invited Kotoko to help him burn it. Seeing the damage adults did to Kotoko has him rethinking his tastes in manga altogether.
If Kiyotaka catches anyone running in the halls he will drag them to that person's starting point and make them walk back to their destination.
When Gonta inevitably found out that Hiyoko liked squishing ants, he sat her in front of the biggest anthill he could find and unloaded ant facts on her. This bored the habit right out of Hiyoko.
Everyone has accidentally locked themselves out of the school at least once.
Over time, everyone noticed that Mikan was tripping over less and less. Though she attributes it to learning balance from Sakura, she subconsciously knows it's because she doesn't need the attention anymore.
Mikan wants to cure Nagito's terminal illnesses, but fears that Nagito's luck would kill him if she does so.
Mikan cares deeply for the Warriors of Hope, and is a key player in their rehabilitation.
The virtual Jabberwock Island from Danganronpa S is still there...but the students actually built it to get away from their oppressive dickhead superiors that they hate. It has the 50 day summer camp mode for all of them, or a solo mode for anyone to set a specific amount of time within the virtual world to unwind.
[Very slowly lays hand on Masaru's head as to not trigger his trauma of being slapped] This boy can fit so many cuddles and kisses.
Jataro won't just let you hug him, the little mf will let you s q u i s h him into your body with all your love and might. As long as he can still breathe he will be happy and let you hold him.
Kirumi cracks pretty easy under stress. She doesn't lash out at everyone so much as she curls up against the nearest wall and rocks herself.
Don't ask Kirumi to reenact Jackass with you, or she will absolutely overcomplicate the assignment and seriously injure herself. She does not comprehend physical comedy, much less the line where physical comedy becomes everyone around her fearing for her life.
Ryota straight up lives in the walls along with the balding Monokuma from V3. Junko and Ultimate Impostor are the only ones who know, but neither of them have been successful at getting Ryota out of his shell.
Korekiyo has been given an intervention by all the girls at Hope's Peak. It ended with eight hours of group hugging. Korekiyo is feeling better now.
Korekiyo and Kirumi have routinely fought over the air conditioning.
Masaru will bite anyone at least once, but for reasons only known to himself, he likes biting clowns the most. He will hunt down any clown that appears in his field of vision and not stop until he gets a bite.
If Gonta finds any insect traps or insecticides, he throws them down the garbage chute.
Hajime is still Izuru, but it's an open secret. His classmates love him no matter what his identity is. <3
Reserve Course students weren't so chill about Izuru, however-they wanted Jin Kirigiri's BLOOD. And the Ultimates just kinda let them do it for treating their friend as a lab rat.
One winter when the heater broke everyone slept together in the gym until it was fixed. We're talking a pile of blankets that was three feet thick.
They legit would not trade each other for the world except for Kokichi and even then Suichi would still be sad about it
Mahiru doesn't like taking pictures of Ryoma because his weirdly large eyes reflect all the light and the result always looks terrifying.
Someone kept leaving a stuffed toy clown in random places around the school...until they adopted Masaru and he promptly bit the shit out of it.
Ibuki tried playing from the rooftop once. It took 8 hours to find her, 4 hours to coax her down, and 2 hours to soothe her afterwards.
Nanokumas like to move things around when nobody's looking.
All Ultimates are prone to getting the zoomies. It ranges from Leon running around in circles to Sakura almost leveling the school.
Reserve Course students like to observe the Ultimates because Ultimates are all stupid fucking dorks and watching them accidentally stir up chaos is great entertainment.
Hope Fragments appear when a student feels their happiest. It forms within the body and gets hacked up like a hairball.
Gonta routinely has nightmares about being caught in a venus flytrap.
Fuyuhiko has become aware of Yasuhiro's debt to his family, and holds it over his head.
Peko wonders if her parents know about her becoming an Ultimate.
Junko is trying really, really hard to feign apathy towards her classmates in the name of Despair, but no one buys it.
Mukuro and Peko like to spar together, and they're pretty evenly matched.
Miu is soft (by Miu standards) towards Chihiro.
Miu becomes very anxious and needy at the mere thought of graduating from Hope's Peak and moving away from her friends.
More to come when my brain cells wake up and remind me who these people are
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 months ago
Hello! I love your writing! I'm absolutely thrilled I found your blog, I am a fanatic for your danganronpa writing.
I was wondering if I could request HC's for fuyuhiko, Ryoma, and kazuichi(separate) with a S/O who is ishimaru's younger half sister(like year or so younger), and despite being very different, ishimaru and S/O are very close. How would the three cope with Ishimaru's bullshit, because there's no way he isn't incredibly intrusive on their relationship. This has been on my mind for awhile, honestly.
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed my DR writings. It's good to be back after a few years <3
I got a few ideas from the UTDP game bc while it's not canon I adore the short interactions Taka had with these three
For the young yakuza..it felt strange having a normal relationship as most highschoolers did.
But somehow you made it work, although there were hurdles you had to overcome to even get close to him in the first place.
Gaining his and Peko's trust was the first step, which meant not being perturbed by his fiery attitude and her protective nature, and actually getting to talk to him one-on-one.
He's surprised that all of his insults didn't drive you away, although he remembers you've got the blood of the Ishimaru family running through your veins; you're stubborn as hell and not one to back down from a challenge.
Even if the challenge was to befriend a guy who basically told you to "fuck off" every other day.
When you two finally became friends and eventually start dating months later, he wondered if you had any enemies who saw your grandfather's downfall as a disgrace and still hold onto that same resentment towards his kin...
But you reassure him that's the least of his concerns.
And he didn't have to worry about gaining your father's approval, which confused him a lot--since he was in the police force and surely wouldn't like hearing about his daughter dating a notorious clan leader.
Imagine Fuyuhiko's surprise when you tell him that it's your older half-brother, Kiyotaka, that he should be worried about.
"Wait...the hall monitor guy? You two are related????"
That's never occurred to him until now, but you don't blame him for it.
Despite having similar physical traits, you two had vastly different personalities. Taka was louder, more strict, and some would even call him a self-righteous nuisance, while you stayed your honest and true self, keeping a levelhead and knowing that there's more to life than just studies (although you try to prioritize them whenever necessary).
You both believe in working hard to achieve what your hearts desire, and because you share that same goal, you were close and even ran the public morals committee together.
So when you finally introduce your boyfriend to Taka, he immediately wants to know what his intentions are.
If anything, he's worried about the ramifications of you dating a yakuza, wanting to know if you'll be safe, if it'll affect your duties/studies, etc. etc.
Even though Peko had sworn to protect you both from threats, Taka still has his concerns.
He acts very overbearing, and after a few weeks it comes to a head when you and Fuyuhiko are just taking a break from an event, only for Taka to storm over and express disappointment and claiming he's a "bad influence" for apparently "dragging" you away from your responsibilities.
Before you could defend yourself, your bf does so--in his own hotheaded way, of course.
"It was HER choice to take a fucking break, dude. Would it kill you to back off a little??? You'll be fine without her for a few minutes. God. I can't believe you're related to this guy, [y/n]..."
That struck a nerve in Taka, as he excuses himself to go sulk somewhere--to which you leave to comfort him while Fuyuhiko is still brimming with irritation.
Eventually, though, he does some reflection and realizes maybe he was being kind of a dick....so he finds you two and apologizes, admitting he was frustrated and just wanted to be viewed as "normal" for once.
Fortunately your half-brother forgives him on the spot, promising to step back and let your relationship thrive without his constant intrusion.
The former tennis pro took a risk falling in love with you, obviously due to his past and reputation as a prisoner who once faced death row.
After realizing you were part of the Ishimaru family who still had unpaid debts spanning generations, he wanted to protect you at all costs, often worried day and night that someone's gonna come along to "collect" that debt.
Considering what happened to his last girlfriend, his fears were understandable, but you reassured him that you had no known enemies.
One day, he's surprised when you tell him your half-brother wanted to meet him--although that was better than meeting your father who was in the police force.
Taka was quick to figure out you were dating someone and requested a meeting, wanting to make sure this guy was good to you and didn't distract you from your studies/talent-related duties.
You mentioned ahead of time that Ryoma used to be in prison, but he firmly believes in people redeeming themselves and working hard to become good members of society again if they wanted to. So he didn't seem too worried.
But the meeting ends up turning into more of an interrogation.
Your boyfriend barely gets to say "hey" before he's scolded for having a cigarette in his mouth---only for him to reveal that it's candy---and then get another reprimand for having said candy on school grounds.
You defend him like "bro please, he's trying to overcome an addiction", and for a moment Taka settles down.
But then he goes on to ask why he'd keep reminders of his criminal past with him (the iron cuff on his leg and the prison jumpsuit), wondering why he's not dressed like his Ultimate at all.
Ryoma made the mistake of saying he gave that up.
Taka's horrified at the notion that somebody would just "throw away" their talent after working their whole life to achieve such a title.
He asks why he'd willingly destroy his own future--to which your boyfriend finally gets fed up with all the questions, responding that he shouldn't be judging the choices of somebody he barely knows before walking off.
You leave to talk with Ryoma sometime later, apologizing for Taka's behavior and explaining that he could be insensitive at times, and just needed help understanding other people's perspectives.
He admits he might've lashed out, feeling jealous of your half-brother's fighting spirit that continued to persevere despite facing such a huge tragedy in his family.
He himself wishes he had that same spark, even though you pointed out that their circumstances were highly different.
Eventually, him and Taka are able to have a mature conversation, with Ryoma explaining how he was in an extremely dark place and lost a lot of people he loved, going to prison just for trying to avenge them.
He didn't think life was worth living anymore until you showed up and gave him a reason to keep going, helping him enjoy tennis again. Even if it's just a ping pong match every once in a while.
He promised Taka--from one man to another--that he'll be nothing but good to you and will prove it.
He's ready for him to say that was a "poor excuse" for giving up his talent and committing crime...
But instead Taka just starts bawling, moved by his will to live again and revive his talent.
"Cool your jets, man.." Ryoma gets flustered. "I didn't say I'd go back to being pro overnight."
"Bu....But I-I am touched by your story!! And here I was, making horrible assumptions about your life and your intentions with my sister! Forgive me!"
When you show up, he profusely apologizes for scrutinizing your partner, now knowing the full story and deciding to put his trust in him from there on.
Of course he might bug you two about studying and not engage in pda so much, but you both try ignoring it.
If you ever expressed annoyance about it, Ryoma says that while he agrees sometimes, you shouldn't take it for granted.
They've shared passing glances in the halls, with Taka completely disapproving Kazuichi's "uniform" and outlandish style, trying to convince him to change.
But the Ultimate Mechanic, immature as ever, just mocks him and calls him a "nerd" before running away from the angry Ultimate Moral Compass--coincidentally finding you, his partner of one month.
Somehow, he doesn't know Taka is your half-brother, even with the distinct red eyes and eyebrows that ran in the family and the fact that you were co-leader of the public morals committee.
You reveal that to him after he's done explaining why he looked so scared....and his eyes turn to saucers.
"H-He's...your BROTHER??? But you two act nothing alike!!"
"Half-Brother, Kazuichi." You correct. "We share the same dad."
"Huh? Same dad....different mom?"
"Ohhhhhh, okay now I can see the resemblance-"
"Well..no shit! How was it not obvious from the start?!"
"AH! Y-You yell just like him, too!" He squeaks, terrified.
But now he understood why Taka always seemed to be watching you two, assuming he was jealous that some "sleazy" guy like him could get a date.
Nope. You just have an overprotective family member.
Taka had little trouble finding you both, and things get even more awkward when you explain to him that the pink-haired troublemaker who always called him a nerd was your boyfriend.
That goes about as well as you expected.
"[Y/n], as part of the Ishimaru family, we're expected to hold ourselves to the highest standards! And that goes for anything in your personal life! Including relationships! So please tell me what you see in this unkempt gentleman and his countless dress code violations!!"
"Shit. What're you, her dad??" Kazuichi gets defensive fast. "You need to chill, dude. [Y/n] doesn't mind my style. She digs it!"
"...well uh..." You sweat a little, already sensing your half-brother's disappointment.
After that incident, Taka's gonna have your relationship with the mechanic under a microscope for quite some time.
He hoped you'd set a good example, and maybe help him change his attire to look more appealing and mature--or at the very least convince him to wash his jumpsuit.
You too once thought Kaz was always up to no good, considering how much he bothered Sonia and whatnot, until you got to learn that deep down he felt insecure and undesirable, his appearance only being that way because it made him feel somewhat more confident in himself.
So you gave him a chance to prove he could be a good partner.
And you don't regret it, as he's been the sweetest guy ever--building mechanical trinkets to decorate your dorm with and letting you study instruction manuals so you could ask questions and get him passionate about his talent.
Given the longstanding banter between him and Taka, proving to the latter that he's treating you well was going to be a challenge.
"Seriously, what do you see in that guy, [y/n]?"
"He makes me laugh, Taka."
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