#is this pairing seriously called “shaggy”!?
wantedwendigo · 1 year
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Shanks is not doing it right. He's not doing it wrong either, tho x'D Want some more funny fanart? You can find me here, too: WantedWendigo User Profile | DeviantArt
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etherealyoungk · 3 months
charming stranger | jeon wonwoo
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SUMMARY: in which you meet a mysterious and charming man while feeding some stray cats and you can't seem to stop thinking about him (and neither can he)
PAIRING: biker!wonwoo x reader
THEMES: biker au, strangers to lovers, fluff, soft love
WARNINGS: biker wonwoo, tattooed wonwoo, just wonu & reader being down bad for each other
A/N: this is kind of a prequel based on this fic. but it can be read as a standalone as well! just had to indulge in biker wonwoo again <3
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you're sitting down at the convenience store, finishing up the last few bites of your ramen. the night is running late and you look outside at the clouds that threaten to burst with rain any minute now. you get up, discarding the empty packets and bowl in the trash can as you walk outside. you walk up the road to a small quiet alley and you can already hear the meows of the cats as you approach. but then you spot a figure standing around the cats and you furrow your brows in confusion.
you'd heard about someone reportedly poisoning cats in the other neighbourhood and you thought that this was what was happening. you don't know what came over you, but you rush up to the man, causing the cats to scatter. "hey! leave them alone!", you yell as you storm up towards the tall stranger and he turns around, confused at the sudden commotion.
"what are you doing? you leave those cats alone, or i'll call the cops! i know what you're doing", you add, holding out your fist in a weak attempt to appear strong, ready to karate chop this man if needed. you can't catch his face well in the dim light, but he was extremely tall and in hindsight, you'd be no match against him.
the man - wonwoo is utterly confused. he was just trying to feed the cats like he always did, but you've come out of nowhere, yelling at him and scaring away the cats. he steps into the light and you finally catch a glimpse of his face. his hair is long and grown into a short shaggy mullet and falls over his forehead as he looks at you, intrigued.
"i think there's been a misunderstanding, i'm just feeding the cats", he tells, his voice deep, cutting through the silence of the night.
"yeah right mister, you better move on or else i'm really calling the cops", you tell, whipping out your phone and dialling the police number, keeping it ready.
you look around and watch the cats slowly move back in, walking towards the man and meowing. a few of them come towards you too, rubbing against your legs as they meow up at you. wonwoo doesn't know if you're serious or you were joking because he stands there frozen, unmoving as he takes you in; your phone out, standing tall with a scowl adorning your face as you try to look scary, but in reality, you just looked cute to him.
"how can you harm those cats, how do you sleep at night?? now seriously move, shoo", you tell, stepping closer as you attempt to make this man go away. wonwoo steps away, quiet and amused at the situation unfolding in front of him. he walks away quietly, confused and he walks back into the shop, not looking back. you bend down and make sure the cats are okay before you give them some kibble.
it starts to rain after a few minutes, the clouds bursting and the rain pouring down in a steady pace. the cats make a run for it and so do you, heading back to the convenience store. you walk inside in a huff when the cashier sees you. just then the man who was outside comes up to the counter. you're about to open your mouth to speak but the cashier speaks first.
"did the cats eat okay? bummer it had to start raining now", the elderly man says as you walk up front. "he feeds them too, every day. those cats really are lucky, getting their bellies full every day", he adds, his head gesturing to the stranger and you blink at the cashier before glancing at the stranger again.
"oh", is all you can say as you realise that you'd falsely accused the man. he really was just trying to feed the cats. "that's nice", you tell through gritted teeth, trying not to look at the man again because you are beyond embarrassed. you would have very much liked to bury yourself in the ground right now.
the stranger pays for his stuff and goes to the other side near the window, placing his stuff on the table. he pulls out a chair and takes a seat as he looks out the window like he's pondering when the rain might stop. wonwoo only spares you a glance after a few seconds, seeing you stand by the cash counter. he doesn't make much of it and leaves as soon as the rain stops a bit.
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after a few days, you find yourself at the convenience store again after a long day at work. it's late and you're too tired to even think of cooking. so you grab your favourite ramen from the shelf, along with other snacks. you make your ramen and sit down to eat. you're in the middle of eating when you hear a pair of heavy boots against the tile floor. after a few seconds, you see a figure next to you in your peripheral vision and it's the stranger. he looks at you as he sits on the chair beside you.
"late night?", he asks and you turn to look at him, realising he was talking to you. you nod your head as you chew. you'd think that after what you did, he'd hold a grudge against you but no, he looked...calm. you wordlessly finish eating your food and the man gets up at the same time you do. he heads out and you rush to discard your trash as you run over to catch up to him.
"hey wait!", you call out as you step out of the store. he turns around as you walk up to him. you stand there in front of him for a few awkward seconds before speaking. "i'm sorry about the other day", you say. "that's alright", he says gently and it catches you off guard. he walks off and you watch as he hops onto his bike and rides off.
over the next few days, you can't seem to stop thinking about the mystery man, the charming stranger. you didn't even get his name, yet he seemed to occupy your mind. you were somehow hoping you'd bump into him again,but you didn't - until today.
it's the weekend and you're grocery shopping when you spot the charming stranger in the fresh produce aisle. your jaw almost drops at the sight of him because holy shit. he's clad in black jeans and a black top that seems to hug his figure a little too well, highlighting his biceps and well-built physique. his short sleeves expose his arms and well-built biceps. your eyes trail down to his arm that's adorned with intricate tattoos, each telling a story, making you gasp softly at the sight. his hair is adorably messy and touseled, falling over his forehead and eyes. the cherry on the top is the thin wired glasses that sit on the bridge of his nose, adding to the unexpected charm, and making him look undeniably hot.
you watch as he casually picks out carrots and fuck, you don't think you've ever seen a finer man in your entire life as you continue to stare at him. finally, you tear your eyes away when you realise you've been staring a little too long. slowly, you feel your cheeks heat up at the sudden realisation and you turn around, telling yourself to snap out of it. there was no way you were crushing on the stranger, right?
you walk away and busy yourself with shopping your grocery list. you're trying to reach up to get the big box of cereal but it's too high up on the shelf. with your arm stretched out, you jump a bit and try to reach out for it but you can't. just then a figure comes up behind you, a hand reaching out for the cereal box with ease and you turn around to see the charming stranger in front of you.
"here", he says as he hands you the box of cereal and you take it without a word. up close, he looks even more attractive. your eyes sneak a glance to his tattoos again and you look back up at him, perhaps a little too stunned at the sight of this hot man in front of you. "t-thank you", you stumble out, mentally cringing at how you sounded just now.
"i like that cereal too", he fills in and you can only nod in agreement because he looks so fine, you're actually rendered speechless. wonwoo watches the way your eyes look him up and down, lingering at his tattoos. he was just thinking about you the other day and here you are in front of him, looking nervous.
you both part ways again and you finish billing up your items, carrying your bag and struggling a little because of how heavy the bag is. you walk ahead, hauling up the bag and holding it with both hands as you walk. you turn around the corner but you stop and take a step back, almost losing your balance as you bump into someone. "woah there", a voice says, causing you to turn around as you regain your balance. it was the charming stranger again.
"oh um hi...again", you fumble out, finding yourself nervous all over again. "do you need help, it looks like you're struggling", he says, his hand already reaching out to take the bag from your hands before you could even protest.
"oh, i can manage", you tell, your hands awkwardly folded as you don't know what to do with them now. "you live nearby right?", he prompts and you nod. "great, then i'll walk you home", he fills in and you stand there awestruck for a few seconds before you snap out of it and nod again.
wonwoo really thinks you're scared of him because all you do is nod your head to whatever he says. he was used to getting some weird looks from people, but really, the last thing he wanted to do was scare you away.
you stand there for a few seconds in silence as wonwoo looks at you with a small tilt to his head, waiting for you to lead the way. "oh, right, um...", you stutter out and walk ahead, wonwoo follows beside you.
"no bike today?", you finally speak and wonwoo swears his breath catches in his throat when he hears you speak. "no, i decided to give her a break, so i walked here", he replies and you nod. when you turn around by the convenience store, you tell wonwoo that you can walk home from here. you take the bag from his hand, telling him thank you and head your way home. wonwoo really starts to think that you don't like him and it disappoints him a little, because in reality, he's really intrigued by you.
later that week you buy some extra cat food, some for the regular stray cats and you take some home for the pregnant cat you'd rescued a few days back. she's just wandered into your house and was meowing so you took her in. you're sitting on the floor as you watch her eat, and judging from how pregnant she looked, you could tell she was due any day now.
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wonwoo hopes to see you again. so, he heads out more in an attempt to bump into you more, either at the grocery store or convenience store. he takes out his bike and waits outside the convenience store that evening, hoping you'd drop by - and you do. you're walking by, completely oblivious to wonwoo as you walk into the store, humming to yourself as you grab some snacks from the shelf. wonwoo gets off his bike and heads inside, making his way towards you.
"hi", he says, his voice deep and you turn around, surprised. "oh, hello", you respond softly at the sight of the charming stranger - yet you still don't know his name. he looks at you with a softened gaze, his hair a cute mess as always (or because he kept running a nervous hand through it).
"i was going to feed the cats today", he adds, trying to make conversation and he sees the small smile that tugs at the corner of your lips. "that's good", you reply as you walk up to the cashier and pay for your stuff. you end up fumbling with your wallet as wonwoo stands behind you and you swear you can hear your heart thumping in your chest. your turn around and walk outside, wonwoo following behind, in hopes he hasn't scared you off again.
"i never got your name", you hear wonwoo speak and you turn around. "i'm yn", you tell and he smiles. "i'm wonwoo", he responds and you nod your head at the information.
"i'll see you around i guess", you tell before giving him a small wave and walking in the direction home.
wonwoo, you repeat the name softly and smile to yourself. you finally had a name for the charming stranger.
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that week you end up seeing wonwoo more. you find him at the store, feeding the cats or just in the neighbourhood more often. you'd come to recognise his bike and you'd spot it parked around more often than before. but little did you know wonwoo was only coming out more often to see you. you slowly talk to him more that week and wonwoo is glad that you don't run away from him again. he really wanted to get to know you more. that night as you're picking up some ramen for dinner when you spot wonwoo again.
"another late night?", he asks and you nod. "yeah gosh, i need a break", you mutter out as you contemplate between the two flavours of ramen in your hands.
"which one?", you ask, holding out both options for wonwoo to choose from. he looks between them both before deciding on the spicy cheese one. you pay for the stuff and step out, spotting wonwoo's bike parked outside.
"your bike is cool", you offer as you slow down, turning around, a little shy and nervous. somehow being around wonwoo always made you so nervous. maybe because it was because he was so good-looking, and maybe also because he looked a little intimidating. but you'd come to realise that he was actually the complete opposite. he was so soft, sweet and gentle - and that contrast drew you more into him.
"i can give you a ride on it if you want? drop you home", he asks gently, a little uncertainty laced in his voice. "oh, not that's fine", you tell, shaking your head. to be honest, the thought of riding on his bike scared you a bit. but then you look up at him and his words register in your mind again.
"wait, are you flirting with me?", you ask as you glance up at him, a little confused. he only blinks before a sheepish grin forms. "i've been flirting with you for a week now, thanks for finally noticing", he tells, rubbing the back of his neck as he lets out a nervous chuckle.
"oh", is all you say as you suddenly feel very stupid. this is the reason you were and would remain single you thought. "i should go, it's getting late", you finally speak, bidding wonwoo goodbye as you leave. wonwoo thinks he's messed up and he sighs to himself as he watches you walk away.
two weeks later the cat you've rescued had littered and the kittens were just starting to open their eyes and move around. you'd not seen wonwoo around that much lately and you thought maybe something happened. you'd even asked the cashier at the store but he said he didn't know. you walk out and are about to walk home when you see wonwoo's familiar bike turn around the corner as he zips past you. you watch as he goes and you decide to wait a bit, in the hopes that he'd come back. you really wanted to see him tonight and tell him about the kittens. you had started to grow fond of him. but you wait and wait and he doesn't come back, so you sigh in defeat and leave, walking back home.
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wonwoo thinks you've rejected him and he doesn't know what to do. he starts to go out less and not show up anymore. but little did he know that you were the one who was waiting for him now, hoping you'd get the chance to see him again.
in the quiet hum of the convenience store, wonwoo hesitates near the entrance, his thoughts swirling with uncertainty. as wonwoo contemplates something, a familiar face catches his eye - you. a rush of warmth floods his chest as he watches you. he sees the way your head lifts up, your eyes spotting him. a smile immediatly blooms on your face at the sight of wonwoo. he freezes, breath catching in his throat, unable to tear his gaze away from you. you stand up in a rush and run outside, towards wonwoo.
"wonwoo! there you are! i've been waiting for you", you tell when you're close enough and his heart jumps at your words. you were waiting for him?
"i thought i wouldn't see you again, guess you've gotten busy huh", you add and wonwoo can only blink down at you as you smile at him as you speak. his heart almost melts when you look at him like that, with that pretty smile adorning your face as you talk to him.
"i rescued this pregnant cat and she littered a few weeks back. the kittens are adorable and i wanted to tell you", you say excitedly as you look up at wonwoo. you wanted to tell him?
"that's sweet", wonwoo finally says, his voice sweet and deep, accompanied by a gentle smile. his hair is still damp from taking a shower earlier as it falls over his eyes and he's wearing that black shirt again that makes him look effortlessly good. paired with those glasses perched on his nose, enhancing his already captivating presence, you swear you're about to go feral at the sight of wonwoo again as you take in his appearance.
"do you want to see them?", you blurt out, the words out of your mouth before you can think. wonwoo looks at you for a second before he responds, his heart racing. "sure".
and that's how you're walking to your place. wonwoo offered you a ride on his bike again but you declined, preferring to walk instead. he doesn't press on the matter and walks with you. "are you okay? i didn't see you around, i thought something happened", you tell as you walk.
"yeah, just a little busy", he says instead, his voice tinged with relief that you wanted to see him again.
you turn around the corner and reach your house. you open the door and wonwoo walks in, following you inside. you can already hear the kittens meows in the room and you chuckle as you walk over to the box, pulling it out slowly to unveil the kittens to wonwoo. the kittens spot you and start to scramble out, climbing up and out of the box with determined feet. wonwoo bends down and offers his hand to one of the kittens, who walks into his palm.
wonwoo settles down on the floor and so you do. you watch as all the kittens storm over to him and climb all over him. you laugh again at the sight of him being ambushed by the army of kittens. "you're so cute", you tell and wonwoo feels his cheeks heat up when you call him that. he lets out a laugh, the sound of his sweet chuckle filling the air between you both.
after you'd played enough and the kittens seemed to have exhausted themselves quickly, you put them back in the box and get up, offering to make wonwoo some tea.
you place the mug of hot tea in front of wonwoo and sit next to him instead. he glances up as you settle beside him, a soft smile gracing your lips. wonwoo watches as your gaze drifts down to his arm, to the tattoos that adorn it. he can feel your curious gaze lingering on the inked patterns, your eyes tracing the lines with unspoken curiosity.
"do you have a favourite?", you ask, breaking the silence as you look up to meet wonwoo's eyes. "i guess i like them all, there's a story behind each of them", he responds and watches the curiosity in your eyes grow. wonwoo offers you the story behind one of the tattoos and watches as you eagerly listen, leaning in closer and he just hopes you can't hear how loud his heart is beating because of you.
you both end up spending more time together than intended but none of you make a move to leave. it's only when wonwoo glances at the time, seeing that it is late that he decides to excuse himself.
"i should probably get going", he says as he glances at the time. "oh-right", you tell quickly, a little defeated. you get up and wonwoo does too. you walk with him towards the door and he lingers at outside your door, like he wanted to tell you something.
"i'll see you around?", you ask, hopeful. "yeah", wonwoo replies softly, a smile gracing his lips as he meets your gaze. it's a fleeting moment, but in that exchange, he feels a connection, a spark of something more.
you watch as he leaves and you close your door, leaning back against it and closing your eyes. the realisation that you were crushing on him hard hits you like a wave. wonwoo realises that too as he walks but he stops. in that moment, determination seems to take hold of wonwoo because if he doesn't ask you now, he may never have the courage to do so again.
turning around, wonwoo retraces his steps, his heart pounding in his chest as he approaches your door once more. with a hesitant hand, he knocks on your door, startling you. you're surprised when you open the door and see wonwoo again, meeting his gaze.
wonwoo stands before you, uncertainty written across his features, but there's a determination shining in his eyes. in that moment, as you stand face to face, the air tinged with anticipation, wonwoo knows that he has to seize this chance.
"can i... can i ask you something?" he begins, his voice steady despite the nervous flutter in his stomach.
with a reassuring smile, you nod, silently urging him to continue. "sure, what's up?", you ask.
"i was wondering... if you'd like to go out with me sometime? for lunch maybe? or dinner" wonwoo asks, the words spill forth in a rush, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment as he lays bare his feelings before you.
for a moment, the world seems to hold its breath, the tension thickening in the air as you contemplate his question.
"like a date?", you ask softly as you peer up at wonwoo's hopeful and nervous gaze.
"yeah...i mean only if you want to", he adds quickly as he adjusts his glasses and runs a nervous hand through his hair. but then, a smile spreads across your face, genuine and bright, and the weight of uncertainty lifts from wonwoo's shoulders.
"i'd love to," you reply, your voice soft with sincerity. "i thought you'd never ask", you mumble softly. relief floods through wonwoo, washing away the last remnants of doubt as he meets your gaze with a gentle smile.
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you're walking back home with wonwoo, his jacket draped over your shoulders as he drops you back home after yet another date. your hand is intertwined in wonwoo's. you reach home soon and wonwoo walks you up to your doorstep.
"i had a great time", you tell, peering up at him and a soft smile blooms on his lips. "me too", he replies.
"goodnight", he adds after a few seconds as he looks at you. he lingers in front of you, and so you do, not wanting the night to end. but there's something else on wonwoo's mind. his eyes flicker down to your lips and back up to your eyes, as he tries to build up the courage to kiss you goodnight.
"see you tomorrow?", you ask, since none of you seem to want to leave, wanting to stay in this moment. "yeah", he says, gulping nervously. his hand finds yours and you look up at him. his gaze flickered to your lips briefly, then back to your eyes, his expression a mix of longing and uncertainty.
"can i kiss you?", he asks, his words were barely a whisper, tinged with a husky intensity as he leans in ever so slightly, closing the gap between you both by a fraction. you nervously blink up at him as you meet his intense gaze, your heart pounding in your chest.
"yes", you say softly as you stand there.
wonwoo leans in a bit, his nose brushing against your cheek and he gently presses his lips to yours for a fleeting moment before pulling away. he's still close enough and he searches your eyes, your heart racing and all you know is you want more.
you reach your hand forward, pulling him closer by the collar of his shirt as you lean in to kiss him again, your lips meeting his again. he slowly moves his lips against yours this time. the kiss is slow and deliberate, the warmth of wonwoo's lips against yours sending a rush of heat through your body. his hand cups your cheek tenderly, while his other hand wraps around your waist, pulling you closer to him. your hands rest on his shoulders as you kiss him back. his touch gentle as you melt into the embrace, the world falling away around you as you lose yourself in the sweetness of the kiss.
wonwoo pulls away, his cheeks tinged with a delicate blush, mirroring your own as he looks at you. for a moment, neither of you dares to speak, the air heavy with the nervous energy between the both of you. the silence stretches on, punctuated only by the soft sound of your breaths mingling in the quiet space.
"i, um... that was..." wonwoo's voice trails off into a nervous murmur, his words getting lost in the trail of his thoughts.
you can't help but smile at his shyness, feeling a surge of affection for the man standing before you. "yeah, it was..." you murmur softly, your own voice tinged with a bashful warmth.
the tension between you both eases slightly. with a shy smile, you reach out to adjust wonwoo's glasses, pushing them back up on his nose.
"you're cute when you're nervous," you tease gently, the words laced with affection as you meet his gaze with a playful glint in your eyes. wonwoo's cheeks flush an even deeper shade of pink, a shy smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he meets your gaze. "so are you," he murmurs softly, his voice barely above a whisper as he leans in to brush a gentle kiss against your forehead.
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taglist: @joshuaahong @fallingforshua29 @itsveronicaxxx @frankenstein852 @mirxzii @wheeboo @writingmeraki @wqnwoos @idubiluv
@paindivinemp3 @naaaaafla @weird-bookworm @icyminghao @kyeomyun @lvlystars @blue-jisungs @wootify @ihrtboo
@n4mj00nvq @yoozuku @manipulatedstars @lavenderwonu @leeknowloves
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nyctoaerah · 2 months
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SYPNOSIS:: In which, Suguru Geto can’t bear to let you go and was unable to accept your death, so he made a doll version of you instead.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat. Dark themes, Disturbing things, Unhealthy Obsession, Gore, Suguru is a total creep. Suggestive Themes. Angst.
PAIRINGS: Yandere! Suguru Geto x Fem! Reader
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━━━━𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐄 𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 𝐊𝐄𝐏𝐓 𝐎���� assaulting suguru’s mind.
The memories of your body, laying before him like a macabre painting—your skin an eerie shade of pallid, with rivers of crimson flowing freely, pooling and congealing in the crevices of the floor, your left arm was severed and lying at an unnatural angle, the bones protruding like twisted branches.
Suguru was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard satoru’s voice calling him.
“You’ve been spacing out again...” Satoru sighed, watching as the black haired male clutched the doll that you had given him tightly to his heaving chest.
“M’ alright... don’t worry ‘bout me...” Suguru muttered, staring at the doll.
He missed you so much.
So, so much.
He misses you so much to the point that he even started wearing the cringeworthy clothes that you had gifted him during your anniversary — a shirt that has your face on it.
It was so embarrassing but..
No matter the humiliation, he couldn’t bring himself to remove it.
The fabric was already damp with his tears, but he couldn’t find it within himself to care.
It just hurt so goddamn much. 
He didn’t even flinch as satoru gently placed a hand on his trembling shoulder. Satoru too looked down though , his face drawn in shared sorrow.
“Seriously... I’m worried about you, man.”
“You look like you’re about to have another breakdown...” Satoru mumbled hesitantly, fumbling for the right words.
“She wouldn’t want to see you broken...” Satoru said softly.
“She would’ve wanted you to live on.” Satoru added, hating the weak consolation but unable to think of anything better.
“and move on.”
 Suguru just scoffed bitterly, before forcing a smile.
“No.. She wouldn’t want that...” he said through clenched teeth, tracing the outline of the small doll, his finger lingering on the embroidered smile that you sewn so long ago.
“What do you mean?” Satoru asked gently, already dreading the answer. 
“I mean...” suguru trailed off shakily, shoulders sinking further as he smiled a smile that didn’t reach his  eyes.
 “She wouldn’t want me to move on...”
Suguru stared at Satoru intently.
Those bottomless onyx eyes bored into his own, searching, probing.
“Tell me something,” Suguru muttered, so low Satoru had to strain to hear it.
“Where did they take her body?”
The question caught Satoru off guard. His mind raced as he tried to understand Suguru’s motives. Was he paranoid they’d desecrate your urcorpse? Or was there something more sinister at play? He hesitated to answer.
“They took her to Shoko,” he said stiffly and hwsitantly.
“With Shoko, huh?” Suguru finally replied, his tone as sharp and bitter as a winter wind.
They sat in loaded silence, the air thick with tension.
Satoru searched Suguru’s face for any clue to his churning thoughts, but found only an impenetrable void. 
After what felt like an eternity, Suguru spoke again, his soft whisper slicing through the tension like a blade.
His silky black hair had grown shaggy and untamed during his days of isolation, falling over his pale face like a veil as his head sagged downwards.
Through the parted strands, Satoru could see the gaunt hollows of Suguru’s cheeks and the dark circles under his reddened eyes — evidence of sleepless nights spent weeping and longing for the woman he had lost. 
“Do something for me,” Suguru’s quiet voice cracked as he spoke, barely above a hoarse whisper.
With apprehension clawing at his insides, Satoru nodded slowly. “Yes...?”
Satoru braced himself, unsure of what request could suguru probably ask.
“Can you... Help me.. sew a lifelike doll in her image.. One with her face, her hair, her body...” Suguru continued, his hands trembling as they tightened around the doll.
“And get her body too... get to hug it before shoko.. do her thing.”
“I just want to hold her corpse, to feel like she’s still here with me.” 
“...Suguru, what the fuck?”
Suguru’s dark eyes burned into Satoru’s soul as he contemplated the request to retrieve your corpse. Satoru’s chest rose and fell rapidly with each panicked breath.
“Get her body? Turn her into a doll?” satoru rasped, disbelief thick in his tone.  
Satoru saw the desperation swimming in Suguru’s gaze and felt ashamed for entertaining such a twisted idea, even for a moment.
He swallowed hard.
He couldn’t just let that happen..
“Please, Satoru...”
Satoru winced upon hearing the small crack in suguru’s voice.
He really just can’t let that happen!!
But... He also wants suguru to be happy.
He drew a steadying breath, loathing the decision he felt compelled to make yet powerless to refuse his friend in such a state of despairing need. Slowly, hesitantly, he spoke.
“You do know that...she wasn’t killed with cursed energy, right?”
“[Name] can become a cursed spirit if we don’t get rid of her body. You know that she died with hatred.. for them.. right?”
The words struck Suguru like knives in his heart. Blood pounded in his ears, vision swimming, as realization dawned with dreadful, delicious clarity
It’s true.. you could become a cursed spirit... And.. and that’s a good thing.
That’s a good thing, right?
He doesn’t even need to worry because he has cursed spirit manipulation... And could tame you if that ever happens...
And then the two of you would live together again... You can be in his arms again.
“I’m sure...”
Nanako and Mimiko sat like statues, feeling awkward.
The moment that they saw the human flesh on the doll, they ended up zipping it back up and scramming away from suguru’s room — they made sure to lock it first, ofcourse, as they don’t want suguru to find out about their snooping around.
“Somethin’ wrong?”
Suguru questioned softly as he lifted his teacup to his lips and took a slow, measured sip, savoring the bitter warmth as it flowed down his throat. He then set the porcelain down back to its saucer with a faint clink and leaned back with a casual grace that bordered on obnoxious, his knees spread wide, elbows resting on his thighs, and head supported by his intertwined fingers.
“You two look like you’ve seen a ghost, is somethin’ wrong?”
Suguru noted, his tone gentle but probing. Propping his elbows upon his thighs, he cradled his face in long-fingered hands and tilted his head inquisitively.
Nanako shifted uncomfortably under his penetrating gaze, fingers twisting together anxiously in her lap, looking at Mimiko but the brown haired girl couldn’t bring herself to meet suguru’s gaze either — instead, she was staring fixedly at the pattern on the carpet.
“Master Geto... Uh.. well..” Nanako trailed off awkwardly before she decided that it’s better to keep silent than tell Suguru about the snooping that they’ve done.
Nanako grasped for her phone as a means to avoid further questions. She scrolled methodically through meaningless updates and messages, clinging to the false sense of occupation as an uncomfortable hush fell over the room. 
“Well? spill it. What’s got you both so spooked?” Suguru prodded, leaning in slightly.
“Oh, it’s nothing, really...” she said, attempting to sound nonchalant as she busied herself with her phone, avoiding his piercing gaze.
Suguru, sensing her unease, narrowed his eyes.
“Come now, don’t clam up on me now. I can tell something’s off,” he prodded gently, concern softening his features.
“It’s nothing, really. Just boy problems,” Nanako said, her words rushing out almost faster than she could catch them.
Suguru raised an eyebrow at her response before settling back in his chair, his mind already conjuring up overprotective scenarios.
By boy problem...
Did they mean—
“Don’t tell me that you two are sleeping around with some boys?” 
“NO!” Nanako replied and suguru sighed in relief.
“Just... Girl things..” Nanako muttered, as she looked away.
“Oh. I see…” he murmured, though the thought of his girls having boyfriends made him uncomfortable. Despite his protective instincts, he knew he couldn’t stand in the way of their happiness. It’s not like he can deprave them of that, he wants them to be happy after all.
Turning to Mimiko, Suguru inquired,
“And Mimiko?”
The brown-haired girl shifted nervously, her fingers anxiously twirling her doll's hair as she avoided his gaze.
“How was the meeting?” Mimiko asked, trying to change the topic.
“Good. How are you?” Suguru replied with a warm smile, trying to coax her out of her shell. Mimiko bit her tongue, not knowing what to say.
“Good too,” she finally managed to murmur.
Sensing their discomfort, Suguru could tell something was amiss.
“Why the long faces, girls? Don’t tell me you’re hiding something from me now now, hm?”
Nanako and Mimiko exchanged guilty glances, both trying to find the right words to explain their unease.
“It’s just that...we realized we missed you while you were out. That’s why...why we seem a bit...down,” Nanako stammered lamely, not knowing what to say.
“Y-yeah, what she said,” Mimiko chimed in, finishing her sister’s sentence with a sheepish grin.
“I doubt it,” Suguru chuckled, taking a slow sip of his tea as he observed the two girls sitting across from him.
Their uneasy glances and sudden topic changes couldn’t go unnoticed after all, and suguru knew whenever they were lying.
It was as if they were tiptoeing around some hidden truth, and Suguru found their behavior quite amusing, and suspicious.
Just as he was about to press further, Nanako’s voice broke the silence.
She locked eyes with Suguru, her demeanor shifting between nervousness and curiosity.
“Master Geto... Be honest,” Nanako started cautiously.
Suguru raised an eyebrow in response.
“Yes?” he prompted, his curiosity piqued by Nanako’s hesitant tone.
Nanako hesitated, trying to find the right balance between subtle inquiry and blatant prying. Finally, she decided on a more indirect approach, leaning in slightly as she carefully framed her question.
“Did you... uhh... used to have a girlfriend?” Nanako finally blurted out, her eyes searching Suguru’s face for any reaction.
Suguru’s smile didn't falter as he responded, his tone light yet firm.
“Why are you bringing this up again? I’ve told you before — no girlfriend now, no girlfriend before.”
Nanako couldn’t shake off the unsettling feeling. If Suguru was telling the truth, then who was that girl in all those photos? And what was the deal with the eerily realistic life-sized doll she had seen in his room... Not to mention, the human flesh in them??
It’s not like they cared about the human flesh anyways, because suguru has done more fucked up things than that — he literally committed mass genocide and other heinous crimes!! This shouldn’t be so surprising.
But still...
It felt so strange...
“Flings?” Mimiko asked.
Suguru simply raised an eyebrow and shrugged.
“None either,”
Suguru replied, his lips curling into a half-smile. He crossed his arms over his chest, trying to appear nonchalant, but his eyes betrayed a hint of confusion.
The two girls seemed interested in prying into his nonexistent love life, which, in his case, was quite literal... non-existent, since his everything, his betrothed, his soul, was already non-existent indeed. He had come to terms with it, of course, but he still doesn’t wanna let go.
“Girl friends? As in girl friends, I mean. A female friend,” Nanako clarified.
“Like a really close female friend,” Mimiko added.
“That’d be Ieiri,” Suguru replied, a fond smile playing on his lips as he mentioned her name. 
Mimiko and Nanako exchanged puzzled looks, seemingly trying to connect the dots. Was Ieiri the mysterious girl they had seen on the pictures then?
“Do you really wanna know?” Suguru’s voice was tinged with a mix of amusement and curiosity as he leaned back in his chair, intertwining his fingers and tilting his head to the side. His deep obsidian eyes gazing off into the distance.
“I used to have a fiancée,” Suguru dropped the bombshell casually, and Mimiko and Nanako’s eyes bulged in disbelief. Fiancée? This was news to them. Was she the mysterious woman in the photos, the one who seemed to inspire the lifelike doll of Suguru?
“A monkey killed her, if you can believe it,” Suguru stated with a hint of disgust.
“We were childhood sweethearts.” He sighed, a mixture of sorrow and bitterness evident in his expression.
“But she’s gone now,” Suguru continued, a hint of melancholy in his voice as he clenched his jaw ever so slightly.
Nanako and Mimiko were struck silent. So she was actually dead...?
Their frowns deepened as a twinge of guilt began to seep in.
Had the life-sized doll been Suguru’s way of coping all along? And to think they had once been repulsed by it... It was making them feel guilty.
The realization weighed heavily on them. They had no idea that Suguru had a fiancée, and now they felt genuinely remorseful. 
“She would’ve adored you both... especially since she was such a girl’s girl.”
“You know, I’d do just about anything for her,” Suguru said with a lovesick sigh, sinking down into the couch and gazing off into the distance with dreamy eyes.
“I would walk across hot coals barefoot if she asked... I’d kill for her..”
“I love everything about her... First of all, i love her eyes, second, her smile, third, her hair, fourth, her face, fifth, her personality, sixth, her confidence, seventh her wit, eight, her intelligence...
Suguru sighed blissfully as he began to ramble on.
Nanako and Mimiko exchanged a horrified glance as Suguru enthusiastically rambled on about all the strange quirks he adored in his late fiancée.
It was utterly bizarre to witness how utterly and completely captivated he seemed by a woman who was no longer among the living.
His enthusiasm for his deceased fiancée was bordering on the absurd — it was as if he was carrying on a love affair with a ghost...
“—Ninety-fourth, her kindness,” Suguru counted off on his fingers dreamily.
“Ninety-fifth, her passion for—” He paused, just now seeming to notice that mimiko and nanako was gawking at him.
“...Why are you looking at me like that...?”
“A man’s allowed to worship his queen.” He cleared his throat.
He was just getting warmed up, ready to pour his heart out about his undying love for [Name], when mimiko interrupted his soliloquy.
“Master Geto... how... how did she die?” mimiko asked, her voice barely above a whisper. Nanako shot her a disapproving look, eyebrows furrowed in concern.
Suguru’s face suddenly fell.
“Don’t you think that’s an invasive question—” Nanako began, her words trailing off as she glanced nervously at Suguru, fearing his reaction.
Suguru was stagnant, scarily stagnant before he finally spoke after some moments 
“it’s fine...”
Suguru’s fingers twisted in his long, ebony hair as he stared into the distance, his expression distant and troubled. A heavy sigh escaped his lips as he considered how to answer.
“Let’s just say it was brutal,”
“Through Evisceration and Mutilation.”
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𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐏𝐀𝐃 𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍: Faster Updates and longer chapters here!
©𝐍𝐲𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐚𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐡 || 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐒: 𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐎𝐈𝐍𝐆
𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠♡ 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬, 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞<𝟑
𝐀/𝐍: this one is unedited and not proof read and is a mix of the other chapters on doll smitten on wp:)
Also, this is out of topic but i’d really appreciate it if you all read this and this, and spread awareness of what's currently happening on my country:) because we're currently in danger and in near in declaring war against china.
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sunflowerwinds · 3 months
lunch | h.c
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summary: you never questioned your sexuality until your bestfriend brittany begs you to come with her to a party where you run into a blue-eyed, shaggy haired girl. you weren’t so sure if being into men was even an option anymore. hazel only had one thing on her mind: you looked good enough to eat.
pairing: hazel callahan x fem!reader
contains: mature content & language, friends w/ benefits trope, smut — lots of cunnilingus (r!receiving), public sex, hazel lowkey is falling in love (as are you), reader’s sexuality & body type is never really described so is open to all! :)
word count: 4.1K
a/n: thank you a MILLION to the anon who requested this. i’ve actually never written something so fast 🙌🏽 obviously it is inspired by lunch by billie eilish. thank you billie for dropping this gay ass song! <33
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“Please, please, come with me.”
Brittany tugged on your oversized pajama tee as you continuously scribbled across the lined page of your notebook. You were trying to cram in for your English exam this coming up Monday and Brittany was begging for you to come with her to a big house party. You had nearly failed the last one so you were determined to make at least a high C on this next one.
She was standing behind you, letting out exasperated sighs and groans as you continued to stand your ground on staying at your dorm.
“Britt, I seriously can’t.”
“But it’s masquerade themed. Do you know how hot that would be to get with a stranger at a masquerade party?” Brittany groaned as she rested her forehead on yours. “You need this.”
You sighed when she added that last part. Ever since a jock from the football team led you on and got you trapped in a situationship for four months, Brittany has been persistent on the fact that you needed a fling: someone to help you move on and get ready for the next serious person in your life.
“Is anyone I know going to be there?” You hum as you continue to highlight a few more sections that you would be tested on.
Brittany rested her head on yours and can practically feel her grinning ear to ear.
“PJ, Josie, Stella, Isabel, and Hazel,” Brittany stated.
“Hypothetically,” you began and Brittany was squealing already, removing her body from yours to rummage through your closet. “If I go, will I be too hungover tomorrow to finish my notes for Monday?”
“Nope. I promise. I will keep an eye on you the entire time.” Brittany called over her shoulder as she pulled out a corset top that you had rarely worn since moving in. “You’ll be nearly sober.”
It was a deep green satin that made your boobs look amazing. You swore you’ve only worn it to a concert and a birthday dinner.
“Put this on with your matching skirt and get on your small heels with the straps, please. I will get ready too.”
Hesitantly setting your notebook and pens aside, you get up from your cushioned seat to get dressed. It took merely a few minutes to put on your matching outfit, putting on your mask that Brittany had purchased for you.
When you were looking at yourself in the mirror, you nodded in content. Brittany was right. It was time to just have some fun, let go.
Maybe you’ll meet someone.
You snort and shake your head to yourself.
Yeah, right. Frats were somehow worse than football players. No way were you meeting a guy there.
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Within the first few seconds of walking through the door, you had greeted pretty much all of the girls except Stella and Hazel. PJ was the one to tell you that they were probably sticking their tongues down people's throats.
“You look stunning. This green on you. I can’t get enough.” Isabel was the first to gasp over you, spotting her bright eyes and beautiful hair a mile way.
You thanked her repeatedly over the loud music. Brittany stood next to you as she scanned the surrounding area for drinks. You stood next to Josie and Isabel who apologized about your situation with your ex-situationship.
Fuck, you hated that word. You were dating but the situationship made your skin crawl.
“It’s whatever guys, honestly,” you tell them, waving them off.
“Men are pieces of shit, man.” Josie patted your back weirdly before shuffling into her girlfriend's side.
You look between the two of them with a small smile, admiring how adorable they were. Isabel and Josie fit weirdly enough considering how different the two of them were. A tap to your shoulder threw you off guard in the midst of you daydreaming about when you were going to find someone like that.
You turn to face the person, stepping back a little when you don’t recognize the masked figure. They were kind of cute. They smiled at you about the open their mouths that is until you heard Josie greet them.
“Hi Hazel. Where’s that girl you were talking to? She was cute.” Isabel calls over your shoulder.
Oh shit. This was Hazel? Scientist bomb-maker Hazel? The more and more you peered into the eye cutout of the mask, you recognized those deep blue eyes of hers.
Has she always been this attractive? Her white button up shirt had the first two buttons left open, exposing the silver chains resting on her neckline. Her chest rising and falling from the drink she just downed.
She looked… good.
“She is in a very committed relationship with her two boyfriends.” Hazel told them, nodding curtly.
“Sounds like overkill but good for her, I guess,” PJ commented, eyes widening from behind her own lace mask.
The three of them gave soft ‘sorry’s’, smacking their lips before sipping on their drinks. Brittany had come back with her drink and yours, silently sliding it into your own and mouths to you: ‘Sprite and Vodka’.
Simple but a favorite.
“Wait, why are we saying ‘sorry’?” Brittany shouted, shifting her eyes from person to person in the huddle they’ve formed.
Everyone began to explain but you were just staring at Hazel. You had no idea what was going on in your brain but your eyes couldn’t pull away from her.
“I’m sorry about that girl,” you finally speak, hoping she hadn’t noticed you staring at her like a maniac.
“No, it’s fine. It was whatever.” Hazel shrugs and she seems legitimately fine.
That would’ve sent you into a spiral about how good your flirting skills were if it was a guy. You suppose someone who looks like her can easily move on to the next girl.
“You look… great. Really great. I like your, uh, mask.” You compliment her, pointing at the plain black mask on her face.
Why are you being so awkward? You’ve definitely talked to Hazel before. What’s so different about this time?
Her smile lines deepened as her eyes followed down from your feet to the lace on your mask. You suddenly felt hot around your neck under her gaze, the sound of the people blurring into the background of the music so that you could only focus on her.
“Thank you. You look beautiful. I’ve never seen this before.” Hazel eyed your corset top, taking a sip from her silver solo cup.
You take a long sip from your drink, feeling your mouth running dry.
“Uh, yeah. I don’t wear it often. I don’t go out much.”
“What?” Hazel leaned in closer so that her ear was closer to your mouth.
The songs had increased in volume to the point where you could feel it in your chest. You shake your head and lean into her to shout: “Do you want to go somewhere quieter? I don’t want to keep shouting all night.”
This Hazel did hear and she nodded, placing one hand on your lower back as she led you through the crowd. You sucked in a deep breath as you looked behind you to see Brittany staring you down with narrowed eyes but she didn’t seem upset, more… confused.
You wave your hand to show that you were fine before letting Hazel continue to lead your body down a hallway. You did have an oral speech that Monday you had to practice for so going somewhere quieter would just be more beneficial.
Once the two of you had been able to seclude yourselves in one of the fraternity brothers rooms, you let out a sigh of relief.
“I’m kind of starting to regret coming here,” you admit softly as you glance around at the very plain room.
“Really? Why?” Hazel questioned as she lingered near the door, watching you snoop through the strangers' knick-knacks he had on his desk.
“I have shit to study for but Britt begged me to come with her. Parties really aren’t that fun when I’m not drinking as much to distract myself,” you sigh, picking up a trophy of a gold baseball man.
Hazel pressed off of the door to find her place standing next to you. The muffled music rumbled the walls but she couldn't focus on that as much as she was admiring how amazing you looked tonight.
“Distract you from what?” Hazel hums, leaning into your side to peer at the knick-knacks with you.
You try not to tense under the feeling of her warm body pressing up against the side of your back. Why were you suddenly so nervous?
“Uh, guy that was a dick and didn’t know how to properly express his feelings and said he had to ‘focus on himself’. Men make me genuinely sick.” You express with a soft huff, plopping down onto the deep blue bed.
“Shit, I’m sorry.” Hazel slowly sat down right next to you.
You shrug your shoulders, turning your head to be face to face with her. Her blue eyes were illuminating from the singular lamp that was turned on in the corner of the room. Your stomach turned at her intense eye contact.
“It’s fine. Not your fault, Hazel.”
“Well, if it makes you feel any better, I don’t think you deserve to be treated like that. Someone as beautiful and sweet as you doesn’t deserve to be led on by some douchebag guy.” Hazel muttered, leaning in closer to you.
You could feel her warm breath that had a lingering scent of a mix of liquors. Every single fiber in your body craved the taste of her lips. You weren’t even sure if you were completely into women but you knew that right here and right now, you wanted Hazel to kiss you.
“Then what do I deserve?” You whisper, eyes flickering down to her pink lips.
“If you want me to show you, all you can do is ask, pretty girl,” Hazel glances down at your lips as well, her ego shooting through the roof at how very obviously eager you were.
You lick your lips before whispering with a hint of whining: “Show me.”
Hazel pressed her lips onto yours, cupping both sides of your face. You gasped slightly but almost immediately fell into a comfortable rhythm chasing her lips. Your hands ghosted over her neckline, not knowing where to put your hands. You were overthinking it just because Hazel was a girl.
It was so much different compared to kissing a man. Hazel’s hands were so gentle on your face, caressing you in a sensual yet comforting manner. Fuck, you couldn’t believe how wet you were just from her kissing you. You crossed your thighs together to try and relieve that feeling but it only grew.
Her tongue swiped over your bottom lip, teasing to get into your mouth. You allowed her tongue in as her thumb caressed the underside of your jaw. The whimper that left your mouth was borderline pornographic.
“Lay back for me, pretty girl, okay? Let me make you feel good,” Hazel smirked at the sound of your moans, kissing your jaw and neck a few times.
“You’re gonna…?” You pant softly, furrowing your brows.
“Whatever you’ll let me do to you. You can say stop whenever, okay?” Hazel hummed as she nosed at your jaw before jerking to the bed.
You nod enthusiastically before scooching up on the bed, kicking off your shoes. Hazel carefully watched you as she lifted her mask to rest on the top of her head. She would need her entire face for what she was planning on doing to you.
You stare at her exposed face, lifting up your own to rest on the top of your head. Hazel smiled at this, admiring how beautiful you are. You always caught her eye but she only really knew you as Brittany’s roommate.
Now, she was really getting to know you.
She kneeled on the bed, placing her hands on your plush thighs. You watch her carefully push your skirt up your waist, biting your lip anxiously. Hazel leaned down to place a soft kiss onto your inner thighs. They were feather-like, sending shivers down your spine. Her ringed hands grip onto the outer parts of your thighs as she whispers praises unto your skin.
You shut your eyes and tilt your head back as she inched to the crotch area of your underwear. You could’ve worn a pair of a lot sexier ones but you landed on seamless hip-huggers. Her fingers thumbed over the waistband, looking up at you with needy eyes.
“Can I take these off?”
“Please, Hazel,” you buck your hips involuntarily.
Hazel leaned down to kiss over your pubic bone, looking up at you. You push your flyways out of your face as you watch Hazel tug your underwear down your legs and toss them on the bedside table. You open your legs slowly to expose yourself to her.
“Can you tell me what feels good, pretty girl? Yeah? Can you do that for me?” Hazel hummed as you placed a few more trailing kisses and licks across your thighs.
You merely whine at her words, growing more and more needy as she continues her way up your thighs. She didn’t give you any time to process it until her warm tongue swiped over your folds. You sucked in a deep breath, a shuddering moan leaving your lips.
“Fuck,” you whisper, admiring the head of shaggy hair in between your legs.
God, her tongue made your squirm like no man ever had. You swore they just licked your thighs and your hip and asked if you came. They could never compare to how amazing Hazel was making you feel. She backed up for a moment to kiss at your clit softly, enjoying the way you were practically dancing on her tongue.
Sweat beads formed at the base of your neck and the crevice of your hips as you rocked against her face. Hazel moaned softly against your wet folds, her tongue fucking into you.
That was only the beginning of it.
After that night, you and Hazel began to just have fun. You didn’t dare tell Brittany that you were sleeping with Hazel, one of her dear friends from high school. It wasn’t your fault that she gave you mind-blowing, legs pulsating, eyes rolling into the back of your head orgasms.
You assumed Brittany knew that you were seeing someone because well, she found your inner thigh hickies when you went home with her to visit her family's pool. When you came back to campus later that evening, you and Brittany arrived to see a small box sitting in front of your door.
“Oh my god is this from your little lover?” Brittany gasped as she kneeled down to pick up the little blue box with a white ribbon bow.
Your eyes widened at the box, furrowed brows at the little tag that read: ‘From, Claire’. You surprised a cheeky smile as you and Hazel had agreed she would be named ‘Claire’ when she got you these surprise gifts of your favorite candies, lingerie and dresses she would have you wear to fuck you in.
“Claire? Do I know a ‘Claire’?” Brittany hummed to herself as she unlocked the dorm room.
When you both got into the room, you flipped open the note to see: ‘Tomorrow at 6:30. Meet me at my dorm room and I’ll take you somewhere nice, pretty girl.’
You bit your lip as you opened your box when Brittany told you she’d hop in the shower real quick from being so sun-tanned. You unraveled the ribbon and lifted the lid of the blue box to see a black lingerie set but the panties were crotchless.
That little freak.
But my god, you loved it.
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Tomorrow couldn’t come faster. Brittany even tried to see who you were texting the night before you went to Hazel’s dorm.
“So am I ever going to meet your fling or are you just always going to disappear out of nowhere and coming back all smiley and giddy?” Brittany hummed as she typed furiously on her laptop, glancing up at you as she adjusted her blue light glasses.
“Hmm, I haven’t decided yet. I’ll let you know after this time,” you remarked with a cheeky grin.
“He’s not like an arms dealer or something right?” Brittany narrowed her eyes.
You snorted and shook your head. Some part of you was also just scared to say out loud that you had fooling around with a woman; let alone a friend of hers.
“No. I promise at some point, I will tell you, Britt. I’ll be back at around midnight, I hope.” You beamed, leaning over her bed to give her a kiss on the head.
Brittany chuckled at your actions, telling you how much she loved you and to be safe and not get pregnant. You knew that would never happen.
As much as you would pretend to daydream about it.
When you knocked on Hazel’s dorm room door, it swung open almost immediately to reveal Hazel in a deep green button up with a white wife pleaser underneath and a pair of baggy jeans. Her carabiner with her keys as clasped to one of the loops of her jeans.
She shut the door behind her, eyeing you up and down with a smirk. That was the thing about this little friends with benefits situation you had with Hazel; she actually made you feel sexy. She made you feel like the hottest person in the room.
Like she could eat you alive.
“Aren’t you just the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen, hmm?” One of her hands snaked around the waist of your sundress.
“Haze,” you sheepishly whine, covering your face with one hand.
“You’re cute. Take the compliment and let’s go, baby.”
Hazel smoothly grabbed your hand that was covering your face into hers, interlocking her fingers with yours. You follow her to her car, getting glances from a few girls that were coming up the stairs that looked like they were studying in the library. Something you should be doing but you were going on a late afternoon date/hookup.
You almost felt guilty. That is until you felt her place a kiss on your forehead when you approached the passengers side of her car. She tugged the door open for you, placing a hand on your lower back.
“Where are you taking me?” You hum, glancing up at her once you sit down on the passenger's seat.
“It’s a surprise, pretty girl. It’s only going to take twenty minutes to get there and it’s going to be worth it.”
She bent down to capture your lips into a soft kiss, smiling when you chased her lips when she pulled away. Her thumb traced over your bottom lip for a moment before she shut the door.
You sat in the seat releasing a shaky breath. She was able to get you riled up without fail.
The drive was in fact a lot shorter than you were expecting. Hazel’s palm never left your thigh, giving it squeezes every now and then. It made you more and more aware of the fact that you were wearing crotch less panties.
Hazel pulled into a rather dark field, the only light source being the setting sun. If you squint, you could see a variety of flowers decorating the green of the field.
“Where are we?” You chuckled, turning to face Hazel.
“If I’m going to be honest before my mom decided to go through her mid-life crisis and start sleeping with barely legal men in high school,” Hazel began, which made your eyes widen for a moment, muttering a soft ‘what’ but Hazel continued on. “She used to take me here to pick flowers to put in the little bay window in our living room. I’ve never forgotten how beautiful it was here. I think you deserve something just like this.”
Your heart soared, leaning into her face. No, you were just having sex while she showered you with gifts and treated you better than any man you’ve ever fooled around with. No feelings.
None. Absolutely none.
“You might want to tone the romance a bit, Hazel. It might ruin your reputation,” you tease, scrunching up your nose.
Hazel tilted her head as her eyes drifted to your lips and back to your eyes.
“I only care about what you think, pretty girl.” Hazel admitted with a gentle kiss to your lips.
No feelings. You kept repeating to yourself internally as you felt the apples of your cheeks heating up.
“Well, I think you’re really sweet. I kind of feel bad that you don’t really get much from me.” You frown, reaching for her chain that was resting at the base of her neck. “Or sorry, you won’t let me as much as I try.”
“I already told you. I like doing this for you. Making you feel good and seeing that pretty smile.”
”Mmm, okay, so, what are you planning on doing while we’re here?” You raise your eyebrows at her, faux innocence coaxed in your voice.
Hazel seemed to be thrown off guard but when she looked at your smile, she knew you were only messing with her.
“I have a blanket in the back seat.”
“Good because I’m wearing the present you got me,” you leaned to ghost your lips over hers.
Hazel let out a soft groan as you chuckled to yourself and tugged open the door of your passenger's seat. You look out at the gorgeous sunset then look at Hazel who looks like she’s trying to calm herself down. She eventually got out, the blanket hooked underneath her arm as she, too, looked out at the sunset.
She grabbed your hand as you marched through the flower field, the petals and grass tickling your legs. Hazel stopped a few feet away from her car to lay down the towel on a flatter patch on the ground. She laid down, looking up at you as she caressed your calf and tugging your leg forward.
You knew what she was asking of you.
“Wait, really?” You kneeled down, brushing your flyaways out of your place and looking around.
There were miles of trees and fields and there was probably no chance anyone would catch you guys. Yet there was still a slight fear in your chest that someone was going to catch you sitting on Hazel’s face.
“There’s no one around for miles, pretty girl,” she sat up right on her forearms, looking at you with nothing but hunger in her eyes.
“Okay, okay, I guess I’ll let you eat me out,” you sigh dramatically before straddling over her face.
Hazel laid back down so that she could push the skirt to your sundress up your plush thighs. She held back her smirk when she saw the lace covering your cunt and the crotchless portion that you promised you were wearing. Hazel didn’t hesitate to dive into your folds, teasing your clit slowly. You gasped and felt your knees give out so that you were full sitting on her face.
Your thighs entrapped her cheeks as your hands found her messy head of hair. Your moans freely left your mouth as she hungrily moved her jaw until the muscles ached. Her movements increased in speed as you whined and begged for her to keep going.
“Please, baby. So good, you’re so good.” You babble as you grinded your wet folds over her lips to her chin, coating her skin with your slick.
Hazel’s hands harshly gripped at your outer thighs as she followed your hip movements, letting her own moans flow out. Her rings made indents into your skin but it stung wonderfully, addictively. Your orgasm came quickly, your back shuddering as your hands were tangled in Hazel’s hair roughly.
You sat up with all your might, panting harshly as you looked down at Hazel’s flushed and wet face.
“You taste so good. Come here,” Hazel pushed up so she was sitting right up on her bottom, her hand snaking up to cup the back of your neck.
You giggle as you connect your lips, softly moaning into each other's mouths. The taste of your own juices lingered in your mouth as she messily made out with you.
“I could eat you everyday and never get sick of it,” she muttered against your lips, nibbling on your bottom lip.
And you wouldn’t hate it if she did.
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special thank you to @breezy-sapphic for reading this over <3
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muntitled · 5 months
Oh my!! I just read your lee know req and god please spare me my knees are weak. Can i request a lee know dilf? I’m sure its perfect!! 💗 btw i love you take lots of rest! Mwah!
𝐒𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐞
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Pairing: Lee Minho x Fem!Reader
Summary: Dating a single dad who coincidentally happens to be your next-door neighbor does not come without its fair share of hardships (and fun)
Warnings: Language, Humor, Domestic Fluff, Single Dad AU, Secret Relationship, Smut +18 (Minors DNI), implied age gap, Brat!TamerMinho, Bratty!Reader, Oral, Dacryphilia, Needy!Minho, Slight DDLG, Dom/Sub undertones
Seriously so domestic, you have been warned <3
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Dating had always been difficult, and up until very recently, you had been perfectly content as an unwilling participant of crush culture. Seldom men have grappled your attention, and the ones that do are often doomed to give you the ick. Every man was either too loud and obnoxious or too nonchalant and non-empathetic. You had given up on dating altogether until fate sunk its talons into your love life.
What're you wearing?
The message came at the dead of night while you lay supine on your couch. Minho rarely sent text messages, preferring to call or email like the archaic man he was. It sent you crazy with admiration.
Wouldn't you like to know?
You grinned as you sent the message back, chewing anxiously at the ends of your sleeves like you were a child awaiting their scolding.
Yes I would. That's why I asked.
Almost immediately, you could tell Minho was needy. He was naturally very blatant and authoritarian, but he became even more so when he found himself slipping into arousal. You could picture him through the screen, and the mental image had your stomach warming with delight: his hair shaggy from his hands running through it all day. His dress shirt, unbuttoned. And perhaps maybe he was reclined backwards on his big leather couch. Nursing is phone in one hand a whiskey tumbler in the other.
What are you wearing.
Comes Minho's message a second time. This time, the tone felt far more demanding despite being the exact same words. You immediately knew that if you would not comply quickly, you might be in for a punishment. Oh how you adored punishments.
Wrong punctuation. It's 'what are you wearing?' No full stop. And you have an adult job? Smh...
You're so undeniably tense that you fear your jaw might crack from the pressure that it's clenched and you hold your phone close to your screen. For 60 agonizing seconds there is not response and you can definitely picture the look on Minho's face with his tongue poking tje inside of his cheek while he shook his head and murmered a quiet and appalled "진싸" to himself.
Come over. His next text reads. The kid's asleep. Come over.
You dreaded taking the very short walk to your next door neighbor and boyfriend's apartment and yet, the opportunity to piss Minho off even more is just too difficult to pass up. A slow smile grace's over your face as you send back an 'aye aye captain' before slipping on your slippers to make the short journey to his apartment.
Before your fist even hits the surface of the wood, the front door is ripped open and Minho's pulling you inside. "You've been holding out on me?" He grumbles, before forcing kisses down the side of your neck. "Why?"
In a flurry of trying to kick your shoes off at the front door as Minho leads you both to the couch. You try to control Minho's frantic groping at your sides and try to ignore his bulge pressing against your thigh. When pulling you onto his lap, you're not quite sure what to make of your thoughts and emotions.
All you feel is a sharp pinch on the skin underneath your woolen sweater and you yelp, "What the hell-"
"Answer me?" He says, glaring at up you with an aura of seriousness. Your legs ached as you straddled Minho's lap, and conversation seems impossible. "I wanna know why you suddenly think it's okay to start being a fucking bra-
"You brought it!? I can't believe you actually brought it-"
A small, excited gasp cuts through what was to be the most embarrassing scolding of your life.
Like the breaking of an ancient spell; you and Minho push back from each other on the couch, you detangle your limbs and you keep a distance. You're almost grateful for the little boy padding into the living room, tiredly rubbing his eyes.
Minho watches his son run towards you on the couch with furrowed eyebrows. Nothing but confusion swims across his darkened irises, and you shrug slightly before uncovering the thing that has apparently been in your hands this whole time. Minho had been so clouded by his own lust that he barely saw the children's book you had clasped in your hands. He watches how you and his son exchange pleasantries like long-lost friends. The both of you practically beaming.
He is only able to intervene on your very important conversation when he notices you handing his son the book.
"Woah- hey, what's going on?" Minho's hand instinctively goes to the back of his son's head as he looks down at you curiously, "What's this?" Minho asks.
"The reason I'm here," you make awkward little jazz hands which Minho's son finds very amusing before you clear your throat. You give Minho an inconspicuous wink.
"Your son... he-"
"I just can't stand how you read bedtime stories to me, Dad."
Minho swings his head downards, his eyes wide.
"You said you liked how I read-"
"No, Dad," theres a roll of his 4 year old eyes and you smile, "You like how you read. Its not very fun for me-"
And that's how you spent a majority of the evening reading a bedtime story for a sleepy little boy until he finally slipped away. You didn't mind it. The story was buying you some time from what you knew was a very aggravated Minho, and all you could do was chuckle to yourself as you read.
This was all so incredibly short-lived because the kid eventually did fall asleep, and you could feel your insides twist as you closed his bedroom door, making your way back to the living room. Every step you took felt like you were skinking deeper and deeper into the earth, and you swallowed very thickly when you rounded the corner to find Minho staring idly at the wall. He was slouched slightly on the couch with his shirt unbuttoned even further.
As you rounded the couch, you spied an empty whiskey tumbler on the coffee table. You shiver.
"Had fun, then?" Minhos hisses almost petulantly.
You roll your eyes as you lower yourself onto the couch beside him.
"If only you weren't such an incompetent bedtime reader then I wouldn't-"
But his hand was already squeezing at the base if yojr throat and you gasp, raising and lowering your body as your lips parted in what was very clearly excitement.
"You and this fucking mouth-"
"A-Are you going to punish me?" Minho regards you for a split second underneath the shadow of his lashes before he breaks out into a chuckle. You tilt your head in confusion, which is only tripled when his hand goes from your throat to the top of your head. "Good girls aren't supposed to like their punishments, are they?"
He knew what diction to use to have you slipping into subspace, and all you're able to do is nod as you shift closer to him. You lick your lips, so completely rattled with tension of all the endless possibilities. Would he spank you? No, perhaps that would cause far too much noise... would he edge you-
"Only slutsnlook forward to their punishments, you know that?" Your nipples tighten against the fabric of your sweater and you nearly moan again. Minho's hand on your head is so heavy, so unmistakably manly it has you spiraling.
"And punishments are no fun if you enjoy them." The hand on your head gets heavier and heavier.
"Knees." It's all he says before you're toppling to the ground at his feet. Your heart is pounding out of the confines of your very chest, and you lick your lips suddenly feeling so incredibly dehydrated as Minho drags you to his knees. He sits back, letting his head rest on the back of the couch as he says, "You know what to do, don't you?"
The weight of your punishment suddenly hits you tenfold as you bring your shaky hands to undo Minho's belt. It wasn't a 'punishment' at all. Not in the way you wanted.
Instead, Minho was quite content letting you pull out his cock and service him. Making you wait as long as he was forced to.
Minho's jaw clenches when you pull his cock out of his briefs and the sound has your bottom lip trembling.
"P-Please, Minho,"
"Shut up," he mumbles into the air with his head still thrown back and his eyes squeezed shut.
Consequently, you nod into the open air as you spit into your hand and begin to pump his hard length with every bit of precision. You can feel your clit beg for some kind of friction to the point that your need becomes painful.
"You're too slow," he whispers, clenching his eyes shut in frustration, "Too fucking slow." You speed up the pace, watching his lips fall open and feeling utterly intoxicated by all the pretty sounds Minho makes for him all from the both of your hands wrapped around his cock.
"F-Fuck-" You twist your wrist, suddenly spurred on by his reaction.
"I don’t want your hands," Minho huffs, "I want your mouth" and you bend your head dutifully before closing your warm mouth around the head of his cock. Minho's head immediately snaps up from the couch, and he is completely and utterly wrecked. He digs his fingers into your hair, forcing you down onto his cock, "Make a mess. You know I like it when you make a mess, Dove," You're practically whining around his cock and he hisses.
Trails of spit and precum drip out of your mouth along with nasty tears that run down your face, reddening your eyes. Minho's cock twitches in your mouth at the very sight of you. "Look at you," he whispers, "Fucking look at what a mess you are for me," You're nodding frantically, his large cock hitting the back of your throat now-
"I'm gonna fucking cum in that pretty mouth of yours and yojre gonna take it, aren't you, baby?" He frantically moves your braids out of face, all the more the see your completely fucked out expression despite not even receiving any stimulation. It has him lifting his hips to rut into your mouth and just as you choke, Minho's voice cracks, "Shut a good girl," he praises as he looses control, "Shut as good fucking- FUCK-" His cum fills the back of your throat at an alarming rage and yourenforced to clench your toes and swallow, there was no other option. He pats down your head lovingly as his hips snap up against you and you whimperbsnd moan around his cock, only prolonging his orgasm
"God, you're so good to me, baby," he whispers, coming down from his high but not without any aftershocks, "You're so fucking good to me,"
© to @mphountitled on tumblr; do not repost
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mint-yooxgi · 3 months
That Kids, Is How I Met Your Father - Seonghwa X Reader
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Part of the CODN Summer Event - See You On The Flip Side
Genre: Mature, Angst, Crack, Fluff, Non-idol!AU
Pairing: Seonghwa X GN!Reader
Words: 2,700
Rating: T for Teen
Warnings: Mentions of kidnapping, but really it's a really funny misunderstanding, a gun!, mature themes, not edited, I'll do that laterrrrr so please excuse any errors
A/n: Since the event was announced and I saw the first prompt, this has been living in my head rent free lmaooo I had way too much fun writing this, so I hope you all like it as well! It's not meant to be taken too seriously, so just have fun when reading it! At least, I hope you will! As always feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy!~
Summary: You seem to have the most rotten luck when it comes to chatting up strangers... and asking them for help...
Prompt: Accidentally kidnapping a mafia boss.
You have no idea how you got here. Perhaps it’s your penchant for excitement, or maybe even your love of adventure. However, if anyone would have told you that you’d be in this situation, you would have laughed in their face… followed promptly by an excited, yet curious, ‘really?’
Honestly, you can’t be mad. He is rather cute, and he did go along with it to start.
That’s what happens when you trust a stranger.
You had seen your ex across the park with their new fling walking hand in hand. Or, rather, the person they had been seeing the whole time while you had supposedly been in a relationship with them. Seeing them out looking so joyous had something within you twisting unpleasantly, and if they could look so happy being together and away from you, then so could you.
Looking around the park, you had done a quick scan of the area. Weeding out potential dangers, you finally zeroed in on your target. A man with shaggy black hair half tied up in a ponytail. He appeared to be alone, and the fact that he was crouched by the pond chatting with the ducks had an immediate good feeling towards him building within your gut.
Without a moment to waste, you ran over to him.
“Hi, I know this is really sudden, but could you do me a huge favour?” Your words come out rushed, cheeks heating as you avert your gaze to the side.
Unfortunately for you, your gaze caught on your ex and their now partner rounding the closest bend and getting even closer to where you were standing.
You didn’t even give the man time to respond. All you did know, was that he had stood back to his feet beside you, his beauty captivating you the moment you turned to meet his curiously quirked brow.
“Great, thanks.” You say, offering him a tight smile.
The sound of laughter meets your ears, and you immediately find yourself stepping closer into this mystery man’s side.
A call of your name draws your attention to the side.
“Oh, hey, Colin,” you grin, chuckling awkwardly as you meet his gaze. “Fancy seeing you here.”
“Well, we were just out for an afternoon stroll through the park, and I couldn’t help but notice you with-“
“Oh, excuse me,” the man beside you clears his throat, extending his hand out towards Colin. You fail to see the pointed look he shoots your ex’s now partner. “Where are my manners? My name is Seonghwa.”
You swear you see Colin’s partner stiffen beside him, their eyes catching on a large silver and black ring on the duck watcher’s - Seonghwa’s - hand.
“So, how long have you and Seonghwa been together-“
“Well, it was great seeing you!” You cut their words off eagerly, a tight smile painting your lips. 
Grabbing Seonghwa’s hand in your own, you pull him down the path and in the opposite direction of the two of them a bit frantically. You need to get away from an even more awkward conversation than what had already been started mere minutes ago.
“This was a dumb idea.” You keep muttering over and over to yourself as you drag him along. “God- how could I have been so stupid?”
You fail to see the curious quirk of the man’s brow trudging behind you.
Taking a quick look around, you manage to rush across the street and into a side alleyway. It’s a bit secluded, but you could use the space right now. Especially after seeing your ex again.
It takes you a full minute to realize that you’re still holding this mystery man’s hand.
“Should I even ask?” His amused voice greets your ears.
Instantly, you drop his hand, beginning to pace.
“All this time I thought I was over doing stupid things like this to get his attention, but no!” You drawl out that last word, shaking your head. “I just had to go and drag a random stranger into it instead of walking away. God, that was probably so uncomfortable for you. I’m so sorry!” You turn to him, your eyebrows drooping. “You probably think I’m some crazy person obsessed with their ex, or something. I promise you I’m not!”
Your words start rising in pitch, voice taking on a more frantic tone.
“I’m just…. upset at how happy they look after what they did-“ you take a sharp breath in. “And you probably don’t even care, oh my god. Here I am ranting to a literal stranger over my old relationship problems after dragging him across the street.”
The corner of Seonghwa’s lips quirk, resting his one shoulder against the brick wall of the alleyway casually. His eyes continue to track your every movement, amusement dancing within his gaze as he listens to you rant like he’s not even there.
After a few more minutes of you seemingly working yourself up, he cannot help but chuckle, “You know, there’s not many people brave enough to do what you just did.”
This seems to halt you right in your tracks.
You blink, turning to face him fully, and noticing how he’s still been here this whole time.
“To be fair, I thought you would have bolted the moment I dragged you into this alleyway.”
“You’re blocking the only exit.” The grin he wears only widens, watching as your eyes seem to dart everywhere but towards him now.
“Oh.” You laugh awkwardly. “So, I am.”
He says nothing in response, simply continuing to watch you in amusement as he crosses his arms over his chest.
“Well, then…” you clear your throat, stepping pointedly to the side. “I won’t keep you any longer.”
His grin only stretches wider across his face. “You sure about that?”
“Well, unless you want to hear all about the relationship struggles of a stranger, I won’t hold you hostage any longer.” You motion for him to walk passed with your hand, signifying his freedom.
“Believe me,” he pushes himself off of the wall, yet opts to stand directly across from you still with his arms crossed. “If I had wanted to escape, there is no way you could have held me here.”
To say you are taken back by his bluntness would be a great understatement.
“Oh?” Your brows raise, an expression of disbelief coating your features. “I mean, it’s not like I was being forceful!”
“On the contrary,” he chuckles, his eyes dancing in amusement. “I had no other choice than to follow you after you had grabbed my hand.”
“Well, I highly doubt you couldn’t have just pulled your hand free-“
“But then what would have our dear Colin have thought?” He hums, tilting his head slightly. “Would have been so scandalous for a couple to act so repulsed of one another.”
“I said I was sorry!” Your shoulders deflate. “You seemed like the best option in the park at the time and I took a chance! You’re the one who went along with it.”
“I’m not so heartless that I would leave someone in clear distress.” His words come out a little sharper than before, and you notice his eyes seem to harden for a moment.
You recoil slightly, blinking at him in disbelief. “I never said that you were.”
He holds your gaze, his jaw ticking. His shoulders seem tense.
“Well, thanks for your help, oh, great kung fu master,” you say, bowing dramatically with an arm across your chest while the other extends out towards the opening of the alleyway. “My apologies if I disturbed your duck whispering rituals.”
Seonghwa takes a moment to observe you, his head tilting curiously. A blink, and you have yet to come up from your mockery of a bow, which only causes a huff of disbelief to escape him through his nose.
“You really have no idea who I am, do you?”
You lift your head, brow furrowed. “Should I?”
Your response clearly catches him off guard. So much so, that he drops his arms to his side.
“Are you some celebrity that I don’t know about?” You shake your head, attempting to place if you’ve seen him on a talk show, or in headlines recently.
This time, the disbelief is clear on his face. “You’ve got to be shitting me…”
“I assure you, sir,” you reply pointedly, “that if I had any idea who you were, I most likely would not have approached the least intimidating stranger making animal crossing sounds at the ducks.”
His mouth falls open, eyes widening as he attempts to refute your statement.
“It was rather sweet, if I’m being honest with myself-“
A blink, and suddenly he has you pinned to the wall of the alleyway. His hands hold tightly to your shoulders, pressing you harshly against the brick as his dark eyes meet your own.
“You need to forget everything you saw, and, or heard today.” He says firmly, his lips curling over his teeth.
“Woah,” you attempt to lift your hands in a shrug, but at the way he pushes you firmer into the wall, his body now pressed against your own, you grimace. “Didn’t realize being human was a sin.”
“You don’t understand-“
“Oh, I don’t understand?” You nod once, slowly, your eyes wide. “Because I’m pretty sure this has taken quite a turn from what we both expected from the other.”
“You don’t realize how dangerous I can be-“
“Is this supposed to be some kind of bad boy act, because it really could use some work-“
“It’s not an act!”
“Oh, really?” You quirk a brow, the corner of your lips quirking. “Then, is that a gun in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?”
The man before you lets out a long sigh, his head dropping as he takes a step away from you. His hands move almost too fast for you to see, but at the sleek black object that he pulls out, your eyes nearly bulge from your head.
“A gun!” 
“Keep your goddamn voice down,” Seonghwa hisses, tucking the object into the back waistband of his jeans. “I told you I wasn’t fucking around.”
However, you’re not even paying attention anymore.
“Oh my god, I’m going to die….” You’re mumbling again, blinking rapidly as you lean against the wall for support. “Stupid, stupid, stupid trying to enlist help from a stranger. A stranger with a gun, no less…” You smile tightly, looking like you may let out a shriek of disbelief at any second. “I’m gonna be kidnapped, and my cats will have no one to take care of them-“
“I’m not going to kidnap you.” He sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. He goes to reach for you in attempts to calm you down, but you recoil, causing him to immediately back down. “Your cats won’t be orphaned. Relax.”
“But you have a gun!” You whisper harshly, as if it should be obvious why he is a sudden threat to you.
“Hey, if anyone is the kidnap victim here, it’s me.” He hums, that same look of amusement back in his eyes.
“I didn’t-“
“I’ve already had to tell my personal guards to stand down twice since you’ve whisked me away-“
“I was about to knee you in the balls!” 
“Yeah, you definitely would have been shot for that.” He states, rather casually at that.
The look of horror that paints your features is near comical at this point.
He blinks. “You’re not going to be shot-“
“I’m too young to die! I still have my whole life ahead of me!” You begin to wail dramatically.
“You’re not going to die.” He sighs, shaking his head lightly in amusement.
“Says the man with the gun!” You flail your hands, motioning to him with wide eyes. “I knew celebrities valued their privacy, but threats are a whole different ball game.”
“I guess you could call me somewhat of a celebrity.” He shrugs casually, seeming to bask in the idea.
“You, sir, need to sort out your priorities.” You deadpan.
“Says the person freaking out about getting shot by a gun I already put away.” He counters. “Believe me, if I had wanted you dead, you would have been by now.”
“Well, that just makes me feel loads better!” You throw your hands in the air in exasperation. “You certainly know how to pick someone up at the park.”
“You kidnapped me!” He replies, just as exasperatedly.
“I thought you said you’d have no trouble getting away if that were the case.” You simper, nose in the air as you cross your arms over your chest.
A moment of silence passes between the two of you as he takes you in. Then, the most startling sound escapes him since the beginning of your encounter with this mystery duck whisperer.
He laughs. Not a small chuckle, or puff of amusement. A loud, boisterous laugh which echoes off of the bricks of the alleyway as he nearly doubles over.
“God, I haven’t had this much fun since Joong shattered the duplicate blood ruby we were supposed to use to pull off the Mont Blanc heist.” Seonghwa straightens, attempting to catch his breath as he wipes at the corner of his eyes.
You blink, his words seeming to trigger a memory inside of your mind. Curiously, you tilt your head as flashes of breaking news bulletins flit through your mind, your mouth falling open in disbelief. You hand lifts, shaking lightly as you point a finger at him.
“You’re the leader of the notorious Hala gang?” Your eyes go wide, stunned disbelief painting your features. That is, until a shrill laugh is leaving your lips.
Now, it’s your turn to double over in laughter.
“You- you’re the-“ More peels of laughter escape you, hunching over to rest your hands on your knees.
“What’s so hard to believe?” He quirks a brow, seemingly amused by your reaction currently.
“You were making animal crossing noises at the ducks!” Your lips quirk upwards in the corners. “The big, bad, scary Hala boss spends his free time at the pond, cooing to the ducks!”
“Well, we all need hobbies other than murder sometimes.” He shrugs, as if this is the most normal conversation to be having.
“Right,” you drawl out, shooting him a sceptical look. “And diamonds aren’t a girl’s best friend. Or, well, in this case, blood diamonds.”
“Actually, it was a ruby. But, fair enough,” he chuckles, his eyes shining as he stares at you across from him.
“Oh, pardon me,” you roll your eyes playfully. “We can’t all be versed in the world of jewels and gemstones.”
He takes a brief moment to observe you, seemingly coming to a decision. The corner of his lips twitches upwards.
“Would you like to be?”
His question clearly catches you off guard, and you nearly go tumbling over your own two feet as you push yourself off of the wall. “Excuse me?”
“Well, seeing as you’ve separated me from my lovely ducklings, and kidnapped me against my will…” he hums, closing the distance between the two of you carefully. “I think it’s only fair that we do something to my benefit this evening. Wouldn’t you agree?”
Almost as soon as he finishes speaking, he offers you his arm. A soft smile tugs at his lips, that glimmer of amusement shining once more within his dark eyes. He holds no aura of intimidation around him, nor does he seem to have any intent of harming you for the moment. Still, you cannot help but to eye him cautiously.
Your gaze flicks from his arm to his face, studying him carefully. Your brow quirks, and you cannot deny the spark of excitement that kindles within you as you gently place your hand on his arm.
“If my cats are suddenly orphaned cause I’m dead in a ditch somewhere…”
“Believe me, Darling,” Seonghwa chuckles lowly, his breath ghosting the shell of your ear as he leans into you. He lightly tugs you in closer as you both exit the alleyway, ensuring that you’re pressed right against his side. “When I’m done with you, you’ll be begging to stay.”
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ereardon · 2 months
Homecoming [Jake Seresin x Reader] Chapter 2
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Summary: Returning home to California after six years abroad in England, you found everything has changed. Jake Seresin, your father's former college roommate and lifelong best friend, is now a widower and has purchased a new vineyard in Montecito, only a few miles from your childhood home. Your parents’ marriage is on the rocks, your brother is struggling with what to do with his life, and you’ve grown up and are starting your own counseling practice. So what happens when you find yourself falling for the man your father calls his best friend? And worse, what happens when your parents find out he’s falling for you, too? 
Pairing: Jake Seresin x Reader
Warnings: Age gap, eventual smut, cursing, alcohol
Word count: 2.2 K
Chapter overview: Y/N starts her first day at work at Jake's vineyard
Author's note: This fic references a significant age gap, as reader is the child of Jake's best friend. However, she's in her mid-twenties, and he's been only a small part of her life to this point as he spent the majority of his time traveling with his late wife. This fic does not depict grooming, but if you are concerned with any of the themes please read at your own risk.
Masterlist here
Colin, despite being eleven months and five days older than you, was your first patient. Although neither of you realized it at the time.
You remembered it clearly. The two of you sitting on the edge of the pool, toes swinging in the water, the sun glinting off the surface and bursting into a million shards of light across the tile bottom. 
“I’m mad,” he said. 
You looked over but his eyes were trained on his feet, thrashing in the chlorinated pool. “Why?” you asked. 
He shrugged. “I don’t know.” 
“Is it because of mom?” you asked. Another head shake. “Is it dad?” There was a pause. You sensed a shift in his demeanor, even at eight years old. You pushed. “He thinks you’ll like it. Make friends.” 
Colin turned to you, his shaggy hair covering one eye. “I have friends.” 
“I don’t count.” 
“You might like it,” you whispered. “Camp is fun.” 
“Cowboy camp,” he replied, frowning. 
“Horses are cool.” 
“You think that because you’re a girl.” 
Your eyebrows knitted together. “At least dad is letting you go to camp.” You pulled your legs out of the water. “He won’t even let me out of his sight.” 
Colin’s small shoulders sagged. “That’s because he loves you more.” 
Your mouth dropped open, but nothing came out. Just air, filling your lungs, mounting so much pressure in your chest you were scared to let it out, lest you collapse. Colin’s back stayed turned away from you. 
And then it was over. And you went inside, wet legs sticking to the edges of your capri pants. 
“What do I wear?” you asked your mom, standing in front of your open closet. Everything in it felt wrong. The dresses you wore to the nightclubs in Berlin, the jeans that spent nights at the pub, your old high school wardrobe that was seriously dated. God, you needed new clothes. Something that said young professional, but not in a sad way.
“I have no idea, dear.” Your mother picked up a lace thong that you had tossed on the bed and frowned. “I’ve never been to the vineyard.” 
“What?” You swiveled around. “You’re kidding.” 
“Your father is the one who goes,” she replied with a shrug. “He and Jake have always been closer.” 
It was true. Jake and your father had been college roommates at USC, randomly paired together freshman year. They couldn’t have been more different, but somehow they made it work. 
You grabbed a blue dress with a tie in the middle and turned back toward your mother. There was something about her gaze, the way she was looking out the window. “Mom?” you asked. “Everything OK?” 
“Of course,” she replied instantly, but her voice caught at the end, a small lift that set off a warning sign in the back of your brain. 
You frowned. “Alright. Well, I’ll see you guys tonight at dinner?” 
She stood up, smoothing her hands over her linen pants. “Have a good first day.” 
You turned toward the mirror, angling the dress over your body before tossing it on the bed. You couldn’t afford to fuck this up. It wasn’t just that you owed it to Jake. You owed it to yourself to show up and prove that you could be successful outside of an academic environment. 
Thirty minutes later, you stepped through the vineyard doors. The sound of your heeled boots echoed in the vast entryway. “Jake?” 
“Sparky.” Jake appeared from your left, wiping his hands on a towel that he then slung over his shoulder. You breathed a sigh of relief. He was wearing a pair of jeans and a loosely buttoned shirt, a pair of loafers rounding out the look. You sent up a silent prayer that you had also worn jeans, albeit a tight pair with a slight flare, and a silk sleeveless turtleneck. “Ready to meet the crew?” 
You nodded. Jake spent the next hour introducing you to everyone, from the waitstaff for the tasting room to the food engineers helping to bottle and test the wine, and the farmer he had on staff to cultivate the small garden where they grew fresh vegetables to include in charcuterie plates. 
“Your job is to be the puppet master,” Jake said as the two of you emerged back onto the main floor. “There’s two hostesses. If they’re both gone, you can man the front table. At the end of the day, you and I will sit down and look at the books and go over how things went and where we need to make changes.” 
A silent scream rose in your throat. This was too laissez faire for your taste. You needed rules, regime. 
Jake grinned, putting one hand on your upper arm. His touch was warm, inviting. Once again, you looked down at his bare ring finger and felt a longing for Jenny. “You’ll do great,” he said. “Trust me, you’ll know what to do. It’s intuitive.” 
“Where will you be?” you asked. “If I need you.” 
“You won’t need me,” Jake asserted. “But if you do, I’m around.” 
Jake raised an eyebrow. “Is that how you talk to all your bosses?” 
You flushed. “Oh my God, I’m sorry, I didn’t even–”
He laughed. “It’s OK, Y/N. I know it’s a weird dynamic, because we know each other. I don’t expect you to call me Mr. Seresin or anything like that. I trust you, and that’s why I’m giving you free reign of the place.” 
The blush was still inching down your neck. You nodded, gulping. Jake reached out, squeezing your upper arm gently. “I’ll be in my office, alright?” 
Jake disappeared down the staircase and you swiveled around, nerves worming their way through your body. Just as you were about to flee into a corner, the doors swung open and a young couple stepped up to the podium. 
“Hi, we’re the Kellers,” the woman said. “We had a one o’clock reservation?” 
Jake and Amy, the host, had shown you how to use the tablet. Your fingers shook as you pressed buttons on the screen, pulling up the reservation, a sigh of relief bubbling in your throat as you found their names. Ethan and Whitney Keller. 
They sounded as white as they looked. 
You looked up, smiling. “Of course, Mr. and Mrs. Keller. If you’ll please follow me.” 
Jake had been right. A part of you cursed him a little. It came naturally. Floating around, asking people how they were, chatting lightly about the wine. All those years in Europe had done nothing if not given you a taste for alcohol. 
Plus, you liked talking to people. You always had. You listened and gave them thoughtful responses. You could read people – if there was tension, if someone in a group felt left out, if they wanted to be left alone. 
It was almost like therapy. With wine. For a split second you wondered if you could get a liquor license for your clinic before realizing that was an insane thought. 
At the end of the day, once all the tables were wiped and the floor was mopped, the wine was put away and the rest of the staff had gone home, you found yourself outside on the bench at the edge of the patio, overlooking the vineyards, a small tree above you gently blocking the setting sun. 
“Can I join you?” 
You turned just as Jake slid into the spot next to you on the bench. 
“You were amazing,” Jake said. 
A blush crept up around your cheeks. “Thank you.” 
He threaded one arm against the back of the bench, behind your head and shoulders. It was casual, not cloying or weird at all. His scent, that familiar crushed stone fruit smell, wafted over you as the soft breeze carried your scents together, melding them in the air. 
“Do you have dinner plans?” 
You thought about your parents, sitting at home in the Spanish Villa they had built when you were three. About Colin, who you still had barely seen since you returned from London. 
“I’m free.” 
“Good.” Jake stood up and wiped his hands on his jeans. “I’ll make you dinner. Hugo will be excited to see you. And we can taste the new crop of wine.” 
As you watched Jake walk back up the hill toward the building, a strange sensation built in your stomach. For the first time ever, you realized that Jake Seresin was more than just a family friend. 
“It’s hot.” 
“Ow, ow, ow!” 
Jake laughed as you let your mouth hang open, pasta tumbling back onto the plate. You closed your mouth, wiping it with a napkin. “OK, ew, sorry you had to see that.” 
“I warned you,” he replied, twirling a fork in his bowl of creamy vodka pasta. “You just don’t listen. You never have.” 
“That’s not fair,” you said, breaking off a piece of bread and sliding your hand down to your thigh, feeding Hugo under the table. He greedily chomped at the bread, and you wiped your fingertips on your thigh. 
“I saw that,” Jake countered and you laughed. “Don’t spoil him too much or he’s going to stop liking me and he’ll only want you.” 
“That’s the plan,” you replied, patting the Golden’s head. 
Talking to Jake was easy. It wasn’t until the two of you sat down to dinner that you realized in all the years you had known him, Jake and Jenny flitting in and out of your life as they returned or started a new global trek, you had only limited interactions with Jake. 
Before taking the job at the vineyard, you had only one distinct memory of Jake Seresin. On your nineteenth birthday, right before you left for London after your gap year, Jake and Jenny had been staying at your parent’s house. After dinner, as everyone sat around with glasses of champagne, Jake handed you a gift, wrapped in silver paper. 
Inside was a delicate gold necklace with a pearl dangling off the edge. You looked up in surprise. 
He smiled. “I saw it when we were in Vietnam and had to get it for you.” 
After dinner, as Jake cleared the table and you sat on the floor playing with Hugo, you reached up and touched the pearl necklace underneath your turtleneck collar. It was hidden, but it was there. 
“Drink?” Jake asked, emerging with a bottle and two glasses. 
“Do you ever get tired of wine?” you asked, standing up and stretching, the hem of your shirt coming untucked for a moment and you reached back down, sticking it into the top of your jeans. 
“Never.” He grinned, pouring the dark red wine into a glass and handing it to you as you settled onto the couch. Jake poured himself a glass, sitting in a wingback chair near the fireplace. 
“How are you?” you asked quietly. On the mantle was a picture of Jenny. She had been beautiful. Dark hair, piercing green eyes. A laugh that could fill a room. 
Jake stilled. Hugo sensed it because he left his place at your feet and made his way to Jake, nudging his head against Jake’s thigh. “It’s quiet,” he replied after a moment. “Being alone.” 
“How so?” 
“Leaves you alone with your thoughts,” Jake said. “A good thing, and a bad thing.” 
“I understand,” you whispered. 
Jake cocked his head to one side. “Do I need to pay you for this?” he joked. 
You hid your face behind your wine glass. “Sorry, force of habit.” There was a pause. Then, “Have you, um, dated? Since?” 
“A few dates, yeah. But everyone I met, they just didn’t hold up to her.” 
“I’m sorry.” 
“She loved you,” Jake said. “That time that we came to see you in London and the two of you went shopping at Harrods? She came back to the hotel practically giddy. Said that even though the two of you had an age difference, she felt like you were a friend she could count on.” 
“I loved her, too,” you replied, a tear forming in the corner of your eye. “I’m so sorry I didn’t make it back for the funeral.” 
Jake shook his head. “Really, don’t worry about it. Jenny wasn’t one for funerals. Neither am I, for the record. If it ever comes to that.” 
“It won’t,” you replied instantly. “Jake Seresin? You’re unstoppable.” 
“So was she,” he said softly. “Life happens, Y/N. You can’t predict it. You just have to keep going and hope that you find something else that makes you happy.” 
“Have you?” you asked. “Found something else that makes you happy?” 
“I’m working on it.” 
Tag list:
@lyn-js @seresinhangmanjake @bobfloydsbabe @blue-aconite @clancycucumber230 @dempy @allbark-no-bite @teacupsandtopgun @na-ta-sh-aa @katiedid-3 @bradshawburner @xomrsalliej4787xo @xoxabs88xox @kmc1989 @shanimallina87 @rosiahills22 2 @emo @horseshoegirl @eminyourjeans
106 notes · View notes
sapphire-writes · 1 year
Thin Ice (modern!HOTD series)
pairing: Aegon x Reader & Cregan Stark x Reader
summary: Aegon Targaryen is a hockey-playing, party-loving, self-centered player. You've sworn off guys like that. But fate intervenes and suddenly you're thrown into a partnership with him, a quid pro quo of sorts.
word count: 4.0k
warnings: 18+ series (language, mentions of sex, sex toys), college AU, hockey AU
note: here it is my loves! I can't wait to see what you think 😘
series masterlist
Ch. 1: The Deal next chapter >
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You swore to yourself you were done hooking up with athletes. You’re doing pretty well so far, a month into the fall semester, and still painfully celibate. And it wasn’t easy, especially when your toxic ex-friend with benefits kept blowing up your phone. 
During your freshman year at King’s Landing University, you had a fling with Jason Lannister, a lacrosse-playing, business major who had you in tears more times than he ever managed to make you come. It was a very long semester.
The asshole still had the nerve to hit you up every now and then via text.
“Look at this,” you say, shoving your phone in Sara’s face. 
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The brunette glances up at you, stopping mid-bite of her panini, eyes widening at the messages. You’re sitting at your usual table for lunch at the north campus dining hall with Sara Snow and Helaena Targaryen, two of your best friends. It’s make your own panini day on Tuesdays, something Sara insists can never be missed. 
“Block him,” she says swallowing, as you flip your phone upside down on the table. 
Helaena nods her head, agreeing with Sara, not looking up from the biology notes she’s scrambling to complete before her class. 
“He didn’t even add a question mark,” you continue, “I’m not even worth proper punctuation.”
Sara snickers at that, taking a sip from her drink as you lean forward, head in your hands. Helaena and Sara lock eyes as you do so, sharing a knowing look between them. 
“He’s so annoying,” you groan, rubbing your temples.
“Who is?” Baela asks as she arrives, plopping into the seat to your right.
“Jay Lannister,” Sara tells her, and Baela glares at you. 
“Do not fuck him,” Baela warns fire in her violet eyes, pointing her finger at you to emphasize her words. 
Your mouth drops open in shock. She’s always calling you out, Baela can read you like a book.
“I’m not going to!” you tell her, but Baela shakes her head. 
“You are a horny bitch,” Baela says, still pointing, “get a vibrator, get a dildo please-”
“Baela, oh my god we’re in public,” you tell her, moving to cover her mouth.
She swats your hand away.
“Do you think I care?” she says, smiling.
“You’re the worst and I hate you,” you tell her, “and I love you, please keep reality-checking me.”
“That’s a lot of feelings,” Sara comments.
“What do I do about Jason, seriously?” you ask once more.
“Block him!” is the unanimous response. 
You sigh, but open your phone, deleting the text and blocking his contact. You hold the phone out to your friends, showing your dirty work. 
“There? Happy?” you tell them.
“I am,” Baela says, and Sara and Helaena nod in agreement. 
“You just need someone new to get under,” Sara comments, “and it’s the best time of year to do so.”
You blink at your best friend.
“I don’t follow.”
Sara sighs, as though you should know exactly what she’s talking about.
“Cuffing season?” she says, earning a blank stare.
Her eyes glance behind you, a smirk coming on her lips.
“And more importantly,” she says, head tilting to the side, tongue between her teeth, “hockey season.”
You turn in your seat, watching as the boys' hockey team enters the dining hall. Clearly, they’ve come from practice, all half-dressed, all freshly showered messes of men with shaggy hair framing their faces. They all sit together, like a pack of wolves, at the same table. Team bonding at its finest. 
“Gods do I love a hockey flow,” Sara groans, biting her lip. 
From October to April, the King’s Landing Knights own the ice. They own the entire college campus if you’re being completely honest. Most of the team lives together, throwing exclusive parties throughout the season at the so-called hockey house. 
Sara hums in appreciation, watching as Jace Velaryon brushes some damp hair from his face, t-shirt riding up to expose his midriff. You can’t see her face, but you know Sara looks like she’s ready to sink her teeth into him. You know Jace from class, he’s a nice guy. Sara would be the death of him. 
You turn back toward your friends. 
“Is this why we came to north campus?” you ask and Sara shrugs.
“It’s an added bonus to panini day,” she tells you, earning a laugh from Helaena.
“I told you, I’m done with college athletes,” you tell them, “they’re all the same. No offense, Hel.”
You nod to Helaena who simply shrugs. Her brother Aegon plays hockey after all.
“No, you should speak your truth,” Helaena encourages. 
Sara opens her mouth in shock, eyebrows knitting together as she brings a hand to her throat clutching imaginary pearls. 
“Don’t talk about my Jacaerys that way!”
You laugh, nearly snorting your drink out through your nose.
“Your Jacaerys?” you ask through a laugh.
Though you suppose Jace should be exempt from the athlete slander. 
“Well not mine yet, but soon,” she tells you, causing Helaena to raise an eyebrow.
“You’re going to bang my cousin?” Hel asks and Sara shrugs.
“It’s not my fault your entire family tree goes here,” Sara argues, causing Helaena to laugh.
“They've got a game this week. Come with me!” Sara begs, taking your hand in hers, “We’ll score invites to the afterparty at the hockey house!”
You tilt your head at Sara giving her an incredulous look, before turning to Baela and Helaena.
“It’s like she’s tuning me out on purpose,” you tell them, eliciting laughter.
“I am,” Sara agrees, “you need to get laid. Hard. Bed and bred, if you will.”
You choke on your drink again. A group of your peers at a nearby table glance in your direction and you’re sure they’ve heard Sara. 
“Chill, you’re on birth control!”
“Not everyone has a breeding kink, Sara!”
“Don’t you kink shame me in this sacred dining hall-”
As soon as the words leave Sara’s lips, Rhaena arrives at the table, backpack slung over her shoulders, eyebrows knitting together.
“What did I just walk into?” she asks.
You turn in your seat, grabbing her hand. 
“Save yourself,” you tell her dramatically, “it’s too late for us but there’s still hope for you.”
“Why are we talking about kink shaming at lunch?” Rhaena asks, sitting down. 
Sara leans forward as though sharing a secret. 
“Because I should be the one shaming our dear nerdy love here for not exploring her own,” Sara informs her, “Y/N doesn’t know what she’s missing out on.”  
“I don’t need to get laid,” you inform them, pointing at Baela, “as Bae said, I am simply going to use my vibrator more often.”
“You need a human dick,” Sara scolds, “or else you’ll be fantasizing about Jason the whole time you buzz buzz.”
Your friends know you too well. 
“I can’t even fantasize?” you ask pouting.
“I literally can’t with you,” Baela says, rolling her eyes, “Jason is a douche.”
“He once made you throw up from crying so hard,” Sara scolds, trying to bring you back to reality.
“He made you pay for takeout and didn’t order you any,” Helaena adds.
“He told you his-”
“Okay! Okay, I get it!” you tell them.
You know they’re right. But Jason is the friends-with-benefits situation you feel like you can’t let go of. Even though he was such an asshole to you. 
“But if I’m getting a guy, I want someone sweet, someone nice, and loyal,” you tell your friends, setting some ground rules. 
“You’re describing a dog,” Baela tells you, but Sara nods in agreement with you.
She bites her lip in encouragement. The conversation is going in her favor. 
“Someone who can dick you down, degrade you a little, explore some hidden parts of your sexual psyche,” she adds, wiggling her fingers. 
“Someone like him,” Rhaena says, nodding back toward the hockey players. 
You all turn, watching as someone joins the team. Your eyes widen watching him strut over to where the rest of his teammates sit. He’s big, totally jacked, with shaggy brown hair that matches the color of his closely shaved beard, despite a small patch that appears more auburn than brown. 
His eyes are warm, the color of melted chocolate. He grins wolfishly taking his seat. Even though he’s wearing sweats you can tell his thighs are massive, matching the bulging biceps on display as he stretches. You let your eyes wander to another bulge you’re interested in, thoughts turning to mush in your head.
“Yeah,” you say, watching as he sits with the rest of the team.
“You know why his beard is like that, right?” Sara asks, eyes sparkling.
“From eating too much pussy.”
“That’s Cregan Stark,” Baela answers the unspoken question in the room.
Sara claps her hands excitedly.
“I know him, I saw his name on the online roster,” Sara says, “he’s 6’3, plays goalie, loves dogs-”
“You’ve been studying the hockey roster?” Rhaena asks, laughing.
Sara nods enthusiastically. 
“He’s a political science major,” Baela adds, “Cregan’s nice, I’ve had a couple of classes with him. Cool dude. Used to date Aly but I heard they broke up.”
“Which one?” you ask for clarification.
“Aly with a Y, not Ali with an I,” Baela adds, making the clarification between Alysanne Blackwood and Aliandra Martell. 
“This is it,” Sara tells you, her face serious, “he’s the one.”
You look at Cregan again and watch him laugh as Jace says something. You find yourself smiling watching them talk, watching Cregan’s smile light up his whole face.
“And look! They’re besties too, it's perfect,” Sara says, gasping and making a pouty face. 
“When is the game?” you ask, and Sara cheers. 
“I’ll find out the details,” she says, smiling. 
It’s a Tuesday, and you only have one afternoon class, thank the gods. Philosophy. Not the worst, not one of your all-time favorites. Luckily, being one of Helaena’s best friends meant access to her brother’s study guides. Aemond was seriously a philosophical genius. 
You have no friends in this elective, so you sit toward the front and try not to doze off as your professor drones on about Kant and Decarte. Your phone buzzes on your desk and you glance at the text that appears.
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“I have your papers from last week,” your professor says, holding a stack of papers in the air, “some of you impressed me,” he says beginning to hand them out, “others may need to stop by the academic resource center.”
Professor Orwylle stops in front of you placing your paper face down before smiling.
“Well done,” he murmurs, continuing around the room.
You turn the paper over revealing your perfect score. A shiver of pride rolls through you. Academic validation always feels so good.
“Fuck,” a deep voice says, causing you to turn. 
Aegon Targaryen sits a few rows behind you, looking very displeased with the grade on his paper. You didn’t realize Aegon was in this class, though it's rather large to be fair, not your fault for not noticing him.
You have only spoken to Aegon a handful of times. Being friends with his sister and acquaintances with his brother, you’d bumped into him once or twice. He’s the eldest of his siblings, though they have an older half-sister they don’t really talk to. 
Aegon is slumped in his seat, silver hair pushed off of his face. He looks like he just rolled out of bed, dressed in a clean white t-shirt and grey sweatpants. His eyes have dark circles underneath them, and two earrings dangle from his left earlobe. 
He’s heartbreakingly handsome, truly the definition of a pretty boy with those pouty lips, dead violet eyes, and cherubic face. But he’s not your type. He’s a heartbreaker too, so you’ve heard, with a solid rotation of gorgeous girls on his arm.
Aegon Targaryen is a player. 
Aegon Targaryen is a party boy. 
Aegon Targaryen is an asshole. And you’ve sworn off guys like that. 
“What’s good bro?” you hear Arryx Cargyll ask him as you turn back to face the front.
“This class is a fucking nightmare,” Aegon groans.
“I did alright,” Arryx tells him, smiling.
“Fuck you,” Aegon tells his friend, “why did I choose this elective.”
“Can’t your grandfather just donate more money? Get you out of it?” Arryx asks him, shoving his papers into his backpack.
“Yeah that’s not going to happen,” Aegon says shaking his head. 
While Aemond and Helaena had no trouble getting into university, Aegon’s transcripts weren’t the best. He had a rough time during his teen years, in and out of programs. The only consistency was hockey, truly the only reason Aegon attended school at all. Even now. His grandfather spent a fortune donating to the school, funding the restoration of the library to have Aegon accepted. 
“Don’t forget, the midterm exam is only 2 weeks away, if you haven’t started studying, you’re already behind,” your professor tells you, dismissing the class. 
You gather your things, eager to leave the classroom. You text Sara as you leave the room, as Aegon remains seated. 
“Mr. Targaryen,” Professor Orwylle says, beckoning him forward.
Aegon stands and makes his way toward the desk.
“I assume your wish is not to fail my class,” he asks as Aegon taps his foot nervously.
“Coach has already threatened to bench me,” Aegon tells him, “I need a good grade on this midterm or it’s fucking over for me-shit sorry- just over.”
Professor Orwyelle smiles tightly at him, a pitying look in his eye. Aegon’s had a lot of stress from home, he knows how hard this semester has been on him. 
“Tell you what,” Orwylle says, “I suggest you reach out to one of your classmates, see if anyone can help you study, maybe do some tutoring. We can meet during my office hours, but I think you’ll need some additional support.”
Aegon nods, running a hand through his platinum hair. 
“My brother took this class,” Aegon tells Orwyelle, who smiles remembering him, “he’ll have to help me.”
“I’m not helping you,” Aemond says, his voice soft, but firm in the library.
Aegon groans, earning several glares from nearby students trying to study. He drops into the seat across from Aemond.
“You’re a twat,” he whispers to his younger brother, “Aem, please, don’t make me beg.”
Aemond closes the book he’s reading, a massive historical textbook, before rubbing the scarred tissue above his eyebrow. Aegon watches him wince, unsure if Aemond’s eye is paining him or simply Aegon’s presence. The injury happened years ago that caused Aemond to lose his eye, their cousin is still in juvenile detention due to the incident. 
“I can’t help you,” he tells Aegon, “I gave away all my study materials already.”
Aegon’s eyebrows furrow.
“To who?”
“One of Helaena’s friends.”
Helaena has so many friends they’re all blurring together. For an introverted STEM student, she’s quite popular. 
“Who then?”
Aemond sighs at Aegon’s pestering, rubbing his eyes. 
“Y/N,” he tells Aegon.
Aegon pauses for a moment, frowning. All the faces that Helaena surrounds herself with flash in his mind but he struggles to match a face to the name. 
“Which one is that?”
Aemond glares at him.
“What? Helaena has a lot of friends,” Aegon argues.
“She came on the ski trip last year,” Aemond reminds him.
He did remember you. The annual Targaryen family ski trip, Hel brought you along as her plus-one. Aegon remembered you in a skimpy little bathing suit at the ski lodge spending most of the day cooped up in the hot tub reading a book than actually skiing. Helaena had nearly plucked Aegon’s eyes from his skull. Cruel of her really, to bring along a hot friend and then demand Aegon leave her be. 
“I know her,” Aegon says, “I didn’t realize she’s in my class.” 
“You’re very unobservant,” Aemond comments, beginning to pack his things, “don’t bother her, she’s a nice girl.”
Aegon frowns, motioning to himself.
“And I’m not a nice guy?”
“I just need help with studying,” Aegon promises, “that’s all. Seriously, I cannot get benched this season. I can’t ask for another bailout.”
Aemond watches him closely.
“Helaena will kill you if you mess with one of her friends,” Aemond warns him.
“I know,” Aegon agrees, “it’s just for studying, I swear.”
He motions across his chest, crossing his heart. Aemond stares and raises an eyebrow at him. Nothing with Aegon is ever that simple. 
“Hel is at the registrar’s office,” Aemond tells him, “if you want to ask her for Y/N’s number.”
Aegon clasps his hands together in appreciation.
“You’re a good brother,” he tells Aemond, standing.
“Mhmm,” Aemond says, going back to his work.
Aegon hurries across campus, luckily the registrar's office isn’t too far. He bumps into his sister as she’s leaving, frowning at her new schedule.
She looks up, noticing Aegon. 
“I can’t switch to Medieval Archeology,” Helaena complains to her brother, “there’s a waitlist. Now I’m stuck in the History of Valyria. As if Dad didn’t quiz us incessantly as kids on our own culture.” 
“I need a favor,” Aegon says following as Helaena walks down the hallway.
“Don’t you always?” she grumbles, taking out her phone. 
“I need your friend Y/N’s number,” he says and Helaena freezes. 
“Stupid question Egg,” she tells him, quirking an eyebrow, “No, I’m not giving you her number.”
“Please, I just-”
“Aegon,” Helaena says sharply, “Cassandra Baratheon doesn’t even speak to me anymore.”
Aegon winces dramatically.
“That was years ago,” he argues as Helaena refers to her high school best friend. 
“My friends are off limits,” she tells him, “capiche?”
“I just need some study-”
“CAPICHE?” Helaena says, louder this time, with more authority in her normally soft voice.
“ALRIGHT!” Aegon says sighing, “I get it, seriously. I just need a tutor. That’s it.”
Helaena narrows her eyes. 
“Fine. But I’m not giving you her number. You’re not getting easy access,” she says getting out her phone, “I’ll text her.”
Aegon sighs.
“Thank you,” he says and Helaena hums in response, sounding an awful lot like Aemond.
She says nothing as she texts and Aegon tries to peek over her shoulder causing her to glare at him. He reaches to turn her phone and she slaps his hand away. 
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“She’s on the quad,” Hel tells him.
“Perfect, you’re a lifesaver Hel,” he says before leaving.
You sigh dramatically as Helaena leaves you on read. You tilt your head back looking up toward the sky enjoying the feeling of the cool fall air on your face. The sun is still warm, it's early October and summer is just starting to truly slip away. You’re still basking in the sun when Aegon Targaryen sits down in front of you. 
“What do you want, Aegon?” you ask, already annoyed by his presence. 
He leans forward, smiling, cradling his chin in his palms. He bats his lashes at you, looking ever so innocent. You raise an eyebrow at him. 
“The pleasure of your company,” he teases.
“Mhmm,” you answer, looking at him.
“I need a tutor,” he tells you, “I’m failing philosophy, and if I fail this semester I’ll be benched for the rest of the season”
Of course, it all comes back to hockey for Aegon.
“Why don’t you ask Aemond to tutor you?”
“He said no,” Aegon tells you, “I figured you’d be more open to my begging.”
Your cheeks turn red. 
“Well you thought wrong,” you tell him, “I don’t have time for tutoring this semester.”
“C’mon, I know you tutored last semester,” he tells you, pouting, “And midterms are coming up! What’s more important than sharing your knowledge with those less fortunate?”
Getting dicked down by Cregan Stark, you think to yourself but bite your tongue.
Aegon’s brows knit together, noticing the blush on your cheeks, the pause in your train of thought. 
“There has to be something I can do,” he says, “something I can help you with, tell me.”
“There’s nothing,” you insist, shaking your head.
“Come on, don’t be shy,” Aegon says again, “Tell me, what’s a guy got to do to earn your help?”
Sara would kill me if I waste this opportunity.
“Okay,” you say with a sigh, “I want invites to the party at the hockey house on Friday. Guaranteed entrance.”
Aegon raises a brow.
“Tutor girl has a thing for hockey guys now, huh?”
The blush on your cheeks darkens. Aegon smirks, giving you a once-over.
“You know Jace, why don’t you ask him to hook you up?”
“We’re not close.”
Aegon’s eyes narrow.
“Who do you have your eye on?” he asks, curiously.
“No one,” you lie to him, and he sighs, leaning back in his chair.
“Can’t help you if you’re not honest with me, sweetheart.”
“Don’t call me that,” you insist, “and I just want the invite.”
“C’mon give me a hint,” Aegon says, relentlessly, “What’s your type? What position, forward? Center? Left-wing? Goalie?”
Your treacherous body gives you away, breath-catching as he says the word and your lower lip gets caught between your teeth. Aegon grins triumphantly. 
“Goooalie,” he says, elongating the word.
He releases a boyish giggle as you turn red. He’s enjoying this too fucking much.
“Cregan Stark, huh?” Aegon chuckles, “Never took you for a puck bunny.”
You glare at him, snapping your book closed. 
“Are you going to help me, or should I direct you toward the academic resource center?” you snap, feeling all too embarrassed for even admitting to Aegon you have a crush on Cregan.
“Relax, bunny,” he teases, holding his hands up in surrender, “I’ll help you.”
He holds a hand out toward you. You glance at his outstretched hand, at the silver rings on his thumb and index finger. Aegon wiggles his fingers at you, expectantly. You raise an eyebrow at him and he sighs. 
“You want to fuck Stark or not?” Aegon asks, causing your eyes to widen, “cause he’s an enigma, you’ll need my help.”
“Enigma,” you say pursing your lips, “that’s a big word for you, Aegon.”
“Not the only thing that’s big,” Aegon answers, like it’s a preprogrammed response.
Your eyebrows shoot up to your hairline and you give him a disapproving glare.
“Sorry,” Aegon chuckles, “force of habit.”
“This alliance is time-limited,” you tell him, firmly setting a boundary, “I help you pass, you help me talk to Cregan.”
Aegon’s eyebrows raise, an amused smile on his face. You feel as though you’re selling your soul to the devil himself, the way he’s impishly grinning at you. 
“Couldn’t have said it better myself,” he tells you.
You reach across the table, extending your hand for him to shake. With a smirk, Aegon takes your hand in his, the cool metal from his rings pressing against your fingers in juxtaposition to the warmth of his rough palm. A shiver rolls down your spine as he squeezes your hand. 
“It’s a deal.”
note: as always comments, likes, & reblogs are always appreciated, I hope this sets up the story for you and I'm excited to share where it goes! MWAH LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!! 😘
I'm tagging my HOTD taglist, but will create a separate tag for this fic as well so comment below if you would like to be tagged in future parts!
HOTD taglist:
@bluevxnuss, @thattargboy, @xlilacfrostx, @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed, @marvelescape, @geminithrone, @deltamoon666, @i-killed-ramsey, @tempt-ress, @eddiemadmunson, @zillahvathek, @hangmanscoming, @jojoesq, @f4ll-for-you, @rwdkarla, @cc13723things, @filipiniamultifandom, @watercolorskyy @alexxavicry @sachafirebringer @polireader @jamespotterismydaddy @grv7ay9In35s @sofiaadler @sophielangdonx @doublesparrows, @sophielangdonx, @alitaar, @castellomargot, @paodemorangol1l1, @nik2blog, @arkainea @eddiemadmunson, @malfoytargaryen, @eudximoniax, @targaryen-world, @ghostheartbeat @savagemickey03, @aemondsdaemons, @candypurplebutterfly, @eddiemadmunson, @xxnaly2, @ghostheartbeat, @savagemickey03, @dieg0brandos-wife, @paodemorangol1l1, @hb8301, @padfooteyes, @valeskafics
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itsanerdlife · 23 days
Wicked Intentions 8
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Stark!Reader // (Seriously close) Steve Rogers x Reader // Clint Barton x Reader // T’Challa x Reader.
Warning: Violence. Language. Bullying. Girl Fights. Name Calling. Degrading Comments. Angst. Degrade of Woman (to a point). Criminal Life. Illegal Shit. Fights. Alpha Males. Stalking.
Characters: Peter Stark. Howie Stark. Bucky Barnes. Steve Rogers. Clint Barton. TC (T’Challa). Ben Reilly. Cledus Kasady (CK). Brock Rumlow. Gwen Stacy. Wanda Maximoff. Becca Barnes. Amore Lorelei. Kitty Pryde. Frank Castle. George Barnes. Joe Rogers. Winni Barnes. Pepper Stark. Wade Wilson. Eddie Brock. Warner Strucker. Barney Barton. Bobbi Morse. Pietro Maximoff. Logan.
A/N: This is a Bully Romance. High School setting. Mafia Family Life. Woman are on a lower level than males in their world. Just a heads up. This is the third installment of the series. Bad Intentions, Cruel Intentions, and Wicked Intentions.
Credit: Huge shout out to @ml7010 for all the help, pushing, hyping up, putting up with my changes midway through. If it wasn't for this peach, y'all never would have gotten this series or nearly as far as I am now.
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Glasses clink as we giggle, sipping orange juice. Breakfast before the wedding.
“How does Bucky feel about you not going home last night?” Gwen smirks at me.
Shrugging a shoulder. “Couldn’t tell you, I haven’t spoken to him.”
“Didn’t you tell him last time, to let him yell at you and kiss you, when he fucks up again?” Becca lifts a brow at me.
Sipping from my glass I shift to look at her. “Whose side are you on?” Squinting at her.
The other two giggle quietly. Becca rolls her eyes. “Aren’t you two stepping on your own agreement with your fiancé?” Becca sasses me.
“You ever been hit with a waffle?” I ask, both of us grin suddenly laughing.
“Not something I thought would come out of the mouth of the head of the table.” Pietro chuckles, taking the other open seat, at the head of the table.
The table falls silent. Each of us stare at him.
“Pietro.” Wanda whispers.
“Little sister.” He grins at her. His stark white hair, a shaggy length on him, but well maintained. His pretty blue eyes flicker with excitement and more than likely mischief. His facial hair, short and well kept, and new from when he was sentenced.
“You’re out.” I lift a brow at him.
He shrugs, settling back in his chair. “What was the point of escaping with only a few days to release.” He winks at me. I smirk, rolling my eyes at him.
“That wouldn’t stop you and we all know that.” Taking a bite of my waffles.
“Not all of us.” Pietro suddenly leans forward, his hand out, over my plate. “Hello,” he purrs.
“Don’t purr at her.” I gag. “She’s marrying Howie.” My eyes roll again.
“Rebecca. Pietro. Excuse him, he has no home training.” I sass.
Becca laughs, shaking Pietro’s hand. “Rebecca Barnes.” She introduces herself.
“Howard is a lucky man.” He nods, glancing over her.
“He’s an idiot. Let’s be real.” I snort.
The table chuckles, nodding.
“You’re glowing Gwen.” Pietro turns his attention.
“Thank you.” She lights up, glancing down at the belly, small but noticeable, she’d grown.
“Now,” Pietro leans back again “to my little sister on her big day.” He picks up a water glass, lifting it towards Wanda, before taking a drink.
Wanda sips slowly, eyes on her brother. “Do I want to know?” She finally speaks.
“Know what?” Pietro sets the water down.
“What does father have you up to now that you’re out.” Her tone getting annoyed.
Becca side eyes me.
Gwen quietly eats her French toast.
I’m the only one openly watching them.
“It’s your wedding day, no need for business, сестра.” Pietro hums with his accent.
Wanda glares hard at me.
“Pietro,” I sigh.
“I promise.” He laughs, holding his hands up. “No business today. You’re head of the table now; we can talk another day.” He nods.
“I knew it!” Wanda huffs loudly, trying to avoid a scene.
Pietro sighs.
“The wedding push, you getting out early. As she takes over the table!” She whisper shouts at him, thrusting a hand at me. “You and dad are using me again.” She snaps through her teeth at him.
“Red, it’s fine. Breathe.” I speak softly to her. “Anger and tension headaches do not go with a wedding.” Gwen rubs her hand down Wanda’s back, soothing her.
“Y/N,” she huffs, defeat in her eyes. I nod, understanding.
“Pietro,” I turn looking him straight on “do not fucking ruin this day for your sister, don’t breathe a word of your business, do not try to speak of table matters to me, on this day. You might have done time, but what I was doing here in the war, was far worse. Do not play with me, I have bodies on my hands, and I will not think twice of adding yours to them.” I warn him sweetly.
Pietro grins at me. “Yes, boss.”
Rolling my eyes at him, I turn back to the table.
“Going to talk to Bucky today?” Gwen grins at me.
“I hate you.” Glaring at her. It only earns laughs from the girls.
“You’re killing me, doll.” He hurries after her as she walks away from him. Down the hotel hall. “I gave you one night, that’s all you’re getting.” He huffs, taking long strides to keep up with her. She doesn’t reply or spare him a look.
“We made a deal, Y/N.” He warns her. She pauses, making him stop quickly.
She doesn’t reply but glares at him, a dark, dangerous, lethal stare.
“Jesus.” He takes a step back from her.
Deep brown eyes, filled with anger stare back at him, making him uncomfortable.
“You fucking promised James.” She speaks through her teeth.
“And you knew I would fuck up again! You said it!” He huffs, thrusting his hand out.
Her head tips, watching him. She shakes her head, walking away again. He groans, sighing.
“This isn’t over Y/N Stark.” He calls after her. “Act out again, and I’ll ruin your best friend’s wedding with a fight, don’t test me.” He grins,
when she pauses, she glances back at him. “I’ll kill someone in the middle of this wedding if you think about it, Chaos, try me.” Still grinning, shrugs, backing up. Turning slowly he walks away.
Clint’s holding the door to the hotel room open when he steps up.
“To normal people that’s really fucked up.” He chuckles.
“To chaos,” Steve shakes his head.
“It’s a declaration of love.” Peter laughs.
“You gotta match her fucked up.” Sam grins.
He chuckles, taking a seat in the hotel room. “And we all know I match that.”
“We knew that the day she walked into Saints and smirked at you.” Clint pushes open the hotel window, lighting up a smoke.
Steve sighs, kicked back in his chair. “When she laid out Quill, I knew we were fucked.”
Bucky smirks at them, shrugging. They weren’t wrong.
“She’s chaos.” Peter sighs.
“No shit.” The room chuckles softly together.
“Hey Bucky,” Sam glances over.
“Please don’t kill anyone during my wedding.” He grins.
Standing up, Bucky walks to the window, taking Clint’s smoke. “No promises.” He grins out the window.
“No wonder he’s marrying our sister, they’re both chaos.” Peter sighs, shaking his head.
-------- Everything Peaches 12/8/22 @mo320 @ml7010 @babizza @kmc1989 @joannie95 @coley0823 @rileyloves5 @sexyvixen7 @duckestylez @abschaffer2 @drayshadow @shirukitsune @xoxabs88xox @carostar2020 @rosalynshields @hookslove1592 @royal-sunflower @iwillbeinmynest @bellamy-barnes @geeksareunique @happydeanpotter @fanfic-n-tabulous @steel-blue-eyess @mariekoukie6661 @bless-my-demons @notyourtypicalrose @lets-talk-about-xyz @loving-life-my-way @shinycupcakebaker @also-fangirlinsweden @stupendous-science @daughterofthenight117 @dandelionsmarkthegrave @physically-a-cheesecake @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked
Bucky 'Fuck Me Up' Barnes: @nickyl316h @jbbarnesgirl @lets-roggerthat @this-is-mycrisis @kaylaphantomhive
Series tags: @sebastians-love @otterlycanadian
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shhh-secret-time · 7 months
"i would love to see your take on stan/female reader/wendy…with the spice lol😙" - anon
Oh boy my first fic with Wendy~! And it's Stendy no less, lets fucking go! This request is a special one, because I seriously have never received a compliment so fucking funny in my life. The person who sent this I hope you enjoy it and god speed.
Warning: NSFW, Threesome, F/F/M, Strong-Language, Mild Dirty Talk, Overstimulation, Oral
Pairings: Stan x Fem!Reader x Wendy
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Come on down to Aspen Snowmass Ski Resort!
You flipped the little brochure over looking at the picture of large snowy mountains and giant ski slopes on the front. Inside the small packet were three passes and a small metal key tucked away in the pockets of the folded paper. Three passes for everything this large Ski Resort had to offer and more! How Stan got ahold of these tickets was a mystery.
*Tickets and Passes at a discounted price! You only need to sit through a short presentation! Ask for more information over the phone!
"Wendy, can you bring out that black bag? I need to tie it down on the car!" Speaking of the shaggy haired man.
"Yeah! Give me a second!" Another voice calls from the blue painted house, the front door propped open with a silly looking garden gnome. "Stan what did you pack in this?! It's heavy!" Wendy comes out with the large, long black bag that Stan requested.
"Skiing equipment." He pauses to take the bag from her, meeting her half-way from the car to the house. "First aid supplies too just in case."
"You're not going to go down K-13 again, are you?" Wendy puts her hand on her hips looking up at the man, she has her lips pursed slightly and her eyes lowered.
"Well...what's the point of going to Aspen if we're not going to ski?" Stan gives her his best smile as he puts the bag on top of the car, going out of his way not to look her in the eye.
You can't help but giggle at their interaction, they're both so cute when they get like this. You already know how this is going to go, Wendy is going to warn Stan that he needs to be careful and not get wrapped up in just skiing the entire time, and Stan is going to reassure her that he'll be fine and that he won't.
But before they can go through the motions, they both stop and look over at you. Wendy has the most charming smile on her beautiful painted lips and Stan has a lazy smirk across his. Your cheeks flush from getting caught, you look down at the bags by your feet and quickly scoop them up.
As you walk over to put the bags in the car a pair of arms wrap around your waist pulling you away from it. Pulling you towards his chest, Stan slots you in between himself and Wendy. Another pair of arms wrap around your arm, Wendy pulls your arm close to her chest.
"Watcha giggling about baby?" Wendy's the first to ask, an amused glint behind her eyes.
"You wouldn't be laughing at us, would you?" Stan follows up with his own teasing, his chin resting on your shoulder.
"Maybe a little! I can't help it you guys are cute! Plus, I'm excited, a whole weekend with my favorite people~!" You chirp back at the both of them.
You rest your head on the top of Wendy's head and bring your free hand up to cup the side of Stan's face. Standing in the driveway surrounded by various colored bags, you're reminded of the wonderful life you live. Stan and Wendy have you swallowed up in this little hold, reminding you that you're loved.
Yeah, life was pretty great with your partners. You had a house on the street of Stan's childhood home. A dog with the softest fluffiest fur you've ever seen on a pupper, who was currently being watched by Stan's best friend. A warm bed, that would be cold without nestled bodies to keep it so. It was the three of you against the world.
Oh, and the stupid garden gnome, how could you forget Mr. Poppy. He was just as important to the family. No other gnome could hold open a door like him.
"Awwh! I'm excited too! I can't wait to try all the food and take pictures! It's going to be so pretty!" Wendy coos as she nuzzles her face into the side of your arm. "So, we better hurry and keep packing so we can get there in time for check-in."
She presses a kiss on the side of your cheek and then quickly places one on Stan's, who is still leaning on you. Stan only chuckles and goes back to tying the skiing equipment down, not before giving you both a little squeeze.
Wendy trots back into the house to grab the rest of the luggage as you begin to pack the car, Tetris style.
Once everything is neat and secured the only thing left to do was get in and decide who was going to drive. After a quick little game of nose goes, issued by Stan, Wendy was the one behind the driver’s wheel. Stan up front in the passenger seat and you in the back stretched out. Your softest pillow pressed against the car door and a blanket thrown over your legs. Stan's got his phone plugged into the aux chord scrolling through his endless playlists.
"So, what are we feeling, something heavy and loud, or energetic and feel good?" He asks just as Wendy backs out of the driveway.
You put the 3DS in your hand down on your lap for a moment, pausing your game for a moment. Harvest Moon can wait this was important. "Let’s start with feel good and go into heavy and loud. I say when we stop to get snack, we jump into something new!"
"Yes! Oh, I was just thinking about what snacks to grab! Whatever we grab nothing messy!" Wendy looks at you through the rearview mirror only to giggle when you give her a pout.
"Why are you looking at me?! I don't get messy snacks! Stan does!"
"Nah sorry babe, I'm with Wendy on this one." Stan chuckles just as he puts on a song.
"Of course you would be on her side to save your ass! You can't just agree with Wendy when it's convenient Stan!"
The car is filled with music and laughter the entire ride there. Stan trying to catch almonds in his mouth by tossing them in the air, only to miss when Wendy "accidently" swerved the car. Talking about each album selected and listened to, how it makes you feel and what you didn't like about it. It's mostly Stan just going on about different rifts and how it's impressive certain guitarists can pull of techniques, but hey it's what he liked. The two slowly take off their coats and throw them in the back seat, hitting you in the process. Protests are quickly cut short when you realize how warm they were.
 At one point Wendy had to pull over from giggling too hard at the image of you wrapped up in three coats, Stan's hat, her gloves, your blanket and pillow, and your shoes kicked off. Stan agreed to take over because taking you away from your comfy state would have been a crime, especially when Wendy calmed down and crawled into the back to lay with you. Laying across you, she nuzzles her face into the crook of your neck. You could feel her eyelashes brush against your skin the entire ride making you giggle and squirm. The both of you nap the rest of the ride, arms wrapped around one another, legs intertwined.
Stan would be jealous if it wasn't the cutest thing he'd ever seen. Just before he wakes the both of you up, he snaps a quick picture of your sleeping forms. It's his new lock screen. Maybe he can let both of you rest while he handles the check-in, after all he still has to drive up to the cabin.
The silver car pulls up to the cabin carefully pulling into the driveway. Colorado snow packed high against the side of the wooden building, a dim light flickering through the frosted windows. Stan leans back in the driver’s seat taking a moment to just enjoy the quiet. The soft sound of your breathing mixing and matching Wendy's in the back seat. He closes his eyes and smiles, thinking about how he had to claw his way to this point in his life but he's so glad he did.
He turns the car off and opens the door, the cold air nips at his skin as he leaves the warmth of the car. Maybe he can let the two of you sleep a little longer while he puts the bags away. It isn't until he has to untie the skiing equipment that you begin to stir, the cars gentle rumbling no longer present. Groggily you rub the sleep out of your eyes, the subtle weight of Wendy on your chest makes you hum. Your hands rest on the small of her back as you look around, the orange lights of the sunset peeking in through the car window.
It caresses the side of Wendy's sleeping face. Reds and yellows disappear behind the kisses you place on her face. Trailing gentle kisses down her cheek towards her jawline, subconsciously she tilts her head to the side giving you a little more access to her neck.
"Hm... Wendy, baby wake up." Your voice is still laced with sleep, knowing that if she doesn't move off you that you'll fall back asleep.
She stirs enough to let you know that she's slowly waking up, but when she doesn't get up and instead crawls up your body you let out a little hum. Contrary to popular belief, Stan wasn't the one that was hard to get up. Wendy was a little menace, doing everything in her power to stay asleep. Right now, she was using the fact that she knew she was adorable to try and catch a few more moments with you. It was working, but you could play dirty back.
Your lips continue to her neck where you pepper up and down the flesh. Your hands move up her shirt enough so that your fingertips brush against the exposed skin. She rewards your efforts with a little moan, pressing her body closer to yours. She can feel your smirk against her neck, her attempts to let her go back to sleep fall short.
You continue your assault on her neck, soft and feathery kisses turn heated. The sound of blankets rustling and being pushed off to the side onto the car floor, slips under the sound of her moans. You slot your leg between her legs bringing your knee up to keep her close.
"You gotta wake up pretty. I think we're here." The raspy purr of your voice sends a shiver down her spine.
Wendy rolls her hips against the fabric of your jeans just as you bite down on the sensitive spot of her neck. Your hand moves down her back again, sliding further past her hips to her the side of her thigh that's exposed. The short white skirt she put on today gave you a perfect look of those creamy soft thighs. Your fingers squeeze the flesh making her moan your name.
She leans up and tugs your jackets up, silently asking you to sit up with her which you do happily. Her hands push down the layers of jackets until they pool under you and leave you in just your tank top. It gives you enough time to pull away from her neck and work her shirt open, a few buttons near the collarbone. A glimpse of her brightly colored red bra pulls another purr out of you, your lips brush against her the valley of her breasts.
But before you can dive back into her, the car door behind her opens. Cold air claws at your exposed skin and the car light comes on. The interruption makes the cold sit in faster than it normally would.
"Having fun?" Stan's voice almost pulls you away from Wendy's chest, stops your wondering hand on the curve of her ass.
"Was just trying to wake our girl up. You know how she gets." Your response is muffled by Wendy, you look up at Stan with a playful glint in your eyes.
"Oh, I know. I was almost tempted to you let continue, but I figured you'd wanna get cozy by the fire."
"I-I'm not that bad!" Wendy tries to protest but it turns into a squeak when you bite down, leaving a bright red mark.
"Uh-huh. Stan's right though, we gotta get the bags inside." You slowly slide your leg out from under Wendy.
"Already got them inside." He says as he offers his hand to help Wendy out of the car, unable to take his eyes off the lipstick stain you left on her chest. "Checked us in too. I figured I'd give you guys a little more time. Kinda glad I did now."
Wendy's soft awwh's went away at the last comment. She rolls her eyes and pushes past him. "Thank you. Stan."
With her coat thrown over her arms she makes her way into the cabin leaving you and Stan in the cold to gather the rest of the coats and blankets. You both watch her walk up the stairs, her skirt swaying from side to side as she does. Stan looks down at you and smirks, there's a silent exchange of knowing looks.
"She's so cute when she's mad."
"Right? All pouty when she gets called out."
You take Stan's hand and pull him along to the cabin. He closes the car door and locks it with a press of a button. Wendy's already tossed her jacket up on the coat hanger resting beside the door, her shoes put neatly away in the corner. The crackling fireplace in the middle of the room was already lit and made the cabin feel so comfortable. It's almost enough to distract you from the warmth pulsing at your core. The little make-out session did more than just wake you up.
Stan shrugs his coat off his shoulders and grabs at the ends of the sleeves to tug it off further. That action alone shouldn't make you bite your lower lip but the way his muscles flex under his shirt and how he rolls his shoulders only encourages the feeling. You turn your head away from him and take a deep breath, a small part of you hopes that Wendy's struggling like you are.
And she is, she's running her fingers through her hair that's thrown over her shoulder trying to ignore Stan. Trying to ignore the look you give him and how it excites her, how Stan is blissfully unaware of the way you're both eyeing him. Poor Stan. Poor sweet dumb Stan.
He puts his jacket next to Wendy's and then takes yours from you doing the same. You smile at the kind gesture and go to explore the cabin. Maybe if you got away and cleared your head a little, you wouldn't burn up by your own desire. Walking past the living room and into the kitchen you took note of how cute everything looked, straight out of a little novel. The cabinets were a light brown color that matched the white kitchen counter perfectly, little shelves of cups and bowls tucked away. Although the ivy that hung down from the top of them was fake, it brought little splashes of green that made it look so pretty!
You turn back and walk back towards the living room. Stan and Wendy are sitting on the couch together, she's snuggled up against his side curled up. He's got his hand resting on her knee and his arm wrapped around her, she's playing with the fabric of his shirt whispering something to him. They laugh and he presses his forehead against her letting it rest there as they close their eyes, and just enjoy the presence of one another. Between the warmth of the fire and the love you feel for the two people in front of you it was almost enough to make you burn up. You smile softly and decide to give them some time alone.
After all you got to have a little time with Wendy first, it was only fair. Plus, you still had to see the bed! And what a bed it was! Dark blue blankets folded carefully over the bed, three pillows fluffed up to the point where they looked like clouds, and a giant white comforter that you just knew would keep you nice and warm. That and the mini fireplace in the corner, sitting there on a little platform with dried out logs of wood behind it. Bookshelves filled with various novels and decorations line the wall. Behind the bed is the largest window in the cabin.
You crawl over the bed towards the window, sitting up on your knees you look out at the frosted glass. Resting your chin on your arm, the sight in front of you is beautiful. Since you were asleep when he pulled up to the cabin you didn't get to really take in all the beautiful mountains that surrounded the area. The snow was starting to come down a little heavier now like it waited just for you and your partners. Dark green trees covered in that beautiful untouched sparkling snow.
With a happy little sigh, you flop back on the bed with your arms sprawled out, you stretch out to your fullest. The stretch feels good enough to make a little moan slip from your lips, your back arches up making the muscles feel better. Reminding you that lying in one spot for too long with another human on you isn't exactly the best for your body.
Your eyes open to the sound of footsteps coming down the hall. Stan and Wendy walk into the bedroom only to spot you already on the bed enjoying the silk on your skin.
"Told you this is where she'd be." Stan says leaning on the doorway, his forearms holding him up on the doorframe.
Wendy looks up at him and giggles, "This place is beautiful! How were you able to book this place? It must have cost a lot."
"Nah. It's my parents, they bought it when we were younger. Dad caved and just bought this cabin after that time share experience." He shrugs a little, his fingers run through his hair a little pushing up the black locks.
"I guess I'll have to thank your dad next time I see him." You say finally deciding to lean up.
"Don't. For the love of god don't, it'll go to his head." The way he says it makes you and Wendy burst out into laughter.
She decides to join you on the bed, sitting on the edge of the bed. Her petite form sinks into the soft mattress. Her hands pushed down on the bed forcing her up a little, the momentum causing her to bounce up and down on the bed. After she's satisfied enough with the bounce she leans back against your form. Your arms go to wrap around her waist pulling her close to your chest, you nuzzle back into her neck where your lips were moments ago.
She responds by pressing a kiss into your cheek. You retaliate with a little nip on her neck pulling a breathy giggle from her lips. The way it turns into a moan makes Stan's breath hitch in his throat; his eyes scan your forms. He watches the way your hand trails up her shirt slowly slipping the plastic buttons through the slots. Every button reveals more and more of her body, pushing it down to her elbows where it rests on the cubital.
Your hand comes up to the lace on her bra strap. Playing with the material before sliding down her shoulder, replacing the strap with your lips. Your other hand moves down to her thigh pulling the skirt up in the process. Stan's eyes widen when he sees the matching set of panties, stained a darker shade from her arousal.
"So pretty, did you wear that for us?" You whisper next to her ear as your fingers made quick work of moving up and down her slit. Adding just enough friction to make her roll her hips, trying to chase the pressure.
Wendy's pretty pink lip’s part to answer but it turns into a whimper and a moan. Her cheeks turn a bright red matching the lingerie that looks so beautiful against her skin.
"Come on Wendy, answer her. It's rude ya know." Stan finally breaks away from the spot that he was glued to. Finds it in him to walk over with that shit eating smirk across his face. He bends down and puts his arms on either side of you. He leans down and presses the softest kiss on her forehead. Compared to your hand and the way you’re squeezing every soft curve; his kisses feel so alien.
Ever stubborn, she goes to silent him with a kiss. It takes everything in Stan not to capture her lips in a heated kiss, but he's able to pull back and shake his head. Just far enough that Wendy can feel his lips ghost over hers, just enough to smell the gum he had in the car. The spearmint taste on her lips.
"Ah no. Bad girl." Stan tuts as his fingers trace her lips; the pads of his thumbs brush over her lower lip. Wendy's lips wrap around his thumb pulling it into her mouth, her tongue swirls around the course digit. You couldn't help but chuckle as you watched Stan's resolve break. He never could hold on long when she worked her magic.
Your hands slip down the band of her underwear, pushing the thin fabric past her hips and like clockwork, Stan helps you pull them the rest of the way down. He tosses them to the side before removing his thumb from her mouth. Not before pressing down on her tongue, making a pool of drool slide down her chin.
The way she looks up at him makes your heart slam against your chest and your body ache. Finally, after the slow drawn-out teasing, your hands pull apart her legs. Pushing them away from one another by the plump of her thighs. Her slit now bare to the man before her, her arousal coating her legs now that she no longer has the flimsy material to cover it.
Stan's on his knees in front of her, his arms tucked so snugly under her legs so that he can bring her closer to the edge of the bed. He lazily throws them over his shoulders and dips his mouth closer and closer to her aching heat. Just as his lips connect to the throbbing bud, you press a kiss onto her lips.
His lips twist and pull at the bud, a hungry tongue greedily swirling around to collect her arousal. The flat of his tongue presses into the nub until it wanders into her heat. Just as his tongue slips its way into her cunt, yours slips into her mouth. Devouring her in a different way. Every moan that escapes her lips is immediately swallowed by you. For as hungry as Stan was, you were starving.
The poor girl couldn't catch her breath. Between your kisses that already left her breathless, and Stan's jaw working her clit; she could feel the pressure in her core build up fast. It was like trying to ride out heavy waves during a storm. Colored nails intertwine with Stan's hair, tugging the locks up when he hits that perfect spot with his tongue.
"A-ahh!" Her moans pitch an octave, she bucks her hips forward against his mouth.
The kiss is broken just as her resolve comes crashing down. Stan can feel the way her walls throb and tighten around his tongue.
Wendy throws her head back when Stan continues, even with her climax coating his tongue it’s not enough for him. His eyes flutter shut with no intention of stopping. He'd continue lapping up every delicious part of her until his jaw ached.
She tries to push his head off, tries to close her thighs around his head. But he keeps his hands firmly on her thighs. When she tugs his hair again, he only lets out a deep moan which vibrates up against her cunt.
Little beads of tears begin to prickle at the corner of his eyes. The overstimulation was a painful pleasure. Her breath hitches in her throat, a silent scream dies along with it. The sound of Stan's mouth working its magic fills the roo. The heavy exhales coming from him as he struggles to catch his breath, the fact that he'd rather suffocate than come up for air makes you chuckle.
After Wendy cums around his tongue again, and the light mascara around her eyes begin to bleed down her face, do you tap the side of Stan's shoulder. "Alright cowboy let her go, I think she's learned her lesson." Stan's eyes meet yours, looking up through the darkened blues.
He flicks his tongue a few more times, pulling a cry from the poor woman. He moves his lips to the inside her thighs. A series of kisses trail down her quivering thighs, he hums softly.
Wendy's body is spent, you can tell from the way she's practically lifeless against you. Her mind is still trying to catch up from it's high. Your hands work on massaging circles on her hips helped to anchor her back down.
"I think you killed her Stan." You chuckle, pushing Wendy's hair out of her face.
"Ya think? I couldn't help it; she tastes so good." His purr sends a shiver down your spine as he leans up towards your face. "Wanna taste?"
When you nod and smirk at him, he bends down and finally captures your lips in a kiss. The difference between their kisses is night and day. Wendy's are always soft, passionate, playful ones. Stan's are hungry, firm ones; like he's trying to put all his feelings into one action.
You can taste it. Every bit of love he has for you on the edge of his lips. Wendy on his tongue. Desire in the way it twines with yours. Wendy's half open eyes watch, her mouth opened in awe. The way your tongues work in each other's mouths brings a red hue to her face.
Her blush deepens when she sees the thin string of saliva that connects your tongues snap. Stan's the first to pull away, lips still wet from everything. He cleans the corner of his mouth with his thumb and smirks.
"Hmm...he's got it out for you Wendy." When you call her name, she looks up. The confusion written on her face only makes you chuckle. "Because that wasn't enough, it's my turn."
She was going to die. Wendy Testaburger was going to die somewhere in Aspens. The comfy warm cabin was going to be her coffin, and her cause of death was going to be her two insatiable partners.
You don't give her much time to protest, not that she would anyway. You pull away from her and begin to strip down to nothing, Stan works on moving her back against the pillows. At least she'll be comfortable when she dies.
Stan whispers to her softly, "You can give us one more Wens. It's only fair, she didn't get her turn."
You smirk back at the bed as you toss your clothes away. She looked so cute in nothing but her pretty white blouse still wrapped around her arms. Beads of sweat starting to trail down her body, you know you're not the only one watching as they trace every gorgeous curve.
But you are the one that gets to settle between her legs. You crawl over until your face is inches away from her poor cunt. Your eyes find the marks Stan's left behind and decide that it's not nearly enough. Her pale skin made the red splotches pop so pretty, why not add a few more. So, you leave teeth marks and little bruises where Stan's mouth hadn't touched.
Stan's enthralled, but not enough to sit there and do nothing. While you worked your clothes off, he did the same. Dark blue jeans thrown to the side, faded band shirt alongside it. It isn't until he puts his hand on your hip that you realize he's propped up behind you.
Standing on his knees, he's pulled your hips up towards his aching member. Wendy's little whimpers and moans only serve to make his cock throb. His hands fist the flesh and pump it a few times. Watching your face get closer and closer to where moments ago he had his.
"Fuck that's hot." It slips out of his mouth before he can stop it. At this point he's not sure he wants to, just pressing the tip of his head against your slit isn't enough. He needs you both to hear what you're doing to him. "You're so pretty like this. Eating our girl out like that, and fuck-" He paused to deliver a firm slap on your ass. "-this ass of yours."
The pain makes you moan out, the vibration shoots up against Wendy's clit. She cries out and bucks her hips against your lips, which you use to capture her clit. Lips wrapped around her abused bud.
"Oh god~" Wendy throws her head back, any work to get her to come back down from her fucked out mental state is thrown out the window.
Her moans encourage you, selfishly lapping and sucking at every nerve until you find a rhythm that causes her to see stars. Stan picks up on it, he waits until your tongue is flicking her bud back and forth before diving into your cunt. Firm hands keep your hips still, so he doesn't throw off your tempo.
Again, he doesn't even bother holding back his moans. Your arousal lets him slip past your folds and snuggly against your walls perfectly. He pushes until he's halfway buried deep into you, only to slowly pull back out. For as good as you're making him feel, he's so focused on the way you're making Wendy feel. Every time you moan into her, she arches her back, and every time she moans at the sensation it makes his cock throb. The cycle keeps the fire burning. Lust and pleasure wrapped so tightly together.
Wendy's mouth is lulled open, and her eyes are rolled up to the back of her head. Stan knows she's not going to last from looks alone. So, he begins picking up his pace. His snapping forward with such force it causes a ripple across your flesh. He's making it hard to focus on anything but the way his cock feels buried in you.
Thrust after thrust brings you closer and closer to the edge. You're dissolved to nothing more than sloppy tongue thrusts. Pumping in and out of Wendy like Stan is doing to you. Every thrust from him trickles down to her. Pushing you against her only to pull you back against him. But you're not the only one losing yourself.
Stan's been hard since he opened the car door and found you two in a heated state. He's been fighting the urge to fuck you both senseless since Wendy first came around his tongue. With every flutter of your walls, he goes harder and deeper.
After a particular strong thrust in just the perfect spot, you feel your resolve crumble. A white-hot flash goes across your eyes and down to the pit of your stomach. Your walls clamp down around him, trying to milk him for all he's got.
"O-oh fuck! Fuck you're squeezing me!" He growls so loudly when you do. He crawls over your form, sweaty chest pressed against your back, hips pushing you further into the bed. His mouth latches onto your shoulder where he bites down. Hard.
Wendy's fingers are in your hair pulling your head up towards her chest. She's already cum for the third time, possibly the fourth. She's stopped counting and all she can focus on is the way you both feel against her. She watches the way Stan drills into you until he can't keep the rhythm anymore.
His hips stutter, slap against your ass one last time and then he spills his cum into you. Thick hot ropes of cum paint your insides until it's dripping down your thighs.
Heavy breaths and shaky moans. Slow inhales and breathy exhales. Whatever energy Stan has left is used to keep himself from falling on top of you. He pulls his teeth from your skin, pressing a soft kiss on the mark he's left behind. A quiet apology.
Eventually he pulls out of you and falls to his side next to Wendy. His arms find home around her waist where he tugs you both towards his chest.
".... this vacation already rules." Stan breaks the silence, pressing a kiss into your temple.
"It's only the first night." You giggle, tossing him a lazy smile.
"Yeah, we still got the hot tub to test out." Stan says with a smirk.
Come on down to Aspen Snowmass Ski Resort!
"Insatiable. Both of you. I'm going skiing at least once or I swear to God." Wendy huffs but the smile on her face betrays her. The corner of her lips twitch as she tries to resist.
You might get some skiing done.
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doubleddenden · 2 years
Damn the more I hear about Velma the worst it gets. This saddens me because I've been watching Scooby since before I could talk :(
Mainly what I'm seeing is that someone has contempt for the series + their own ideas for their own incredibly generic show and rather than make something unique, they're just insulting an established series.
My biggest gripes so far:
1. How tf do you got a Scooby Doo show without Scooby Doo? Is he too kiddy for your generic ugly adult cartoon?
2. Shaggy- oh sorry, NORVILLE. Look, I have no problem with the race thing- my literal main issue is that he's called SHAGGY for a reason. How hard is it to give him thick hair? On top of that they make him an actual druggie- let's pretend there's not some subtle racism behind making the perceived 'stoner' of the group black- it's boring. Yes yes we know the gang is a bunch of stoners, but isn't it funnier when it's just IMPLIED? Isn't it funnier that a man just REALLY FUCKING LOVES DOG TREATS and is willing to risk his life on a regular basis for god damn DOG TREATS? Instead they just turn him into yet another Seth Rogan tier predictable disappointment
3. The overall mischaracterization from what I'm seeing just... sucks, and again, I think part of that comes from a contempt for the series. You don't have to make the characters assholes to make them likeable! I know Rick and Morty and Seth McFarland have poisoned the well for a lot of people but you really don't!
Across the franchise there's plenty of fun ways to interpret the characters:
Fred: himbo that loves his friends, dad friend barely holding it together, obsessed with traps- take your pick, none of these are spoiled boring asshole rich kid.
Daphne: if you're opposed to damsel in distress, how about the cool martial artist fashionista made prevalent in the What's New Scooby Doo series or the live action movies? What about being a good reporter? Hell, even her goofy dorky self in Be Cool Scooby Doo is better than the stereotypical snooty popular girl. Props at least for keeping the red hair.
"Norville" is not a self friend zoning beta male and he's not really obsessed with drugs. Literally the man across DECADES of this franchise is ridiculously talented. Ventriloquism, improv acting, gymnast and athlete- seriously, why do you think they have him and the dog constantly running away from monsters and leading them into traps? The man was literally so good at that that he became a COACH. for MONSTERS. Let's also not forget that he was a race car driver! And had a hot girlfriend! In fact, fuck this friend zoned beta male shit- Shaggy literally pulls more girls (and men I think) in the entire franchise than the others COMBINED. If anything he should have dense harem protagonist energy. I'm talking more than Velma, dude also pulled her LITTLE SISTER- and she was okay with it because she knows he's a good guy(mind the AUs)! Pulled a girl that was kinda a monster fucker for him specifically when he was a werewolf, an actual fucking alien, several foreign girls of various nationalities, several average girls, a crazy but hot redneck girl that tried to SCHWOOSCH his bones after seeing the red shirt ONCE, pretty sure he did something good for Daphne to hang out with him for so long with just a bunch of dogs and a random kid they picked up, very sure actual monsters fell for him- and he's a nerd! He and his beloved best friend the talking dog are massive nerds! I reckon people still latch onto that and think he's the stereotypical nerd but no, no, Shaggy has so much going for him! Not to mention- not to mention! Animal lover! Doy! How do you miss that? He's always paired with the animals! The man is a collective family friend of the entire Doo clan! Every time there's a guest appearance with a non human entity, he's hanging out with them!
Velma... alright look. I'm about to say something real controversial. Real controversial. You ready? She is kinda boring and bland. She's smart and a good investigator, but really? This is who you base the show on? Recently she was allowed to be bisexual- that's great! She's well read, well informed, and if you want to skip the bitchy "its me or the dog" persona from Mystery Inc or the snooty geek from Be Cool, you could fall back to the quiet but cute and thoughtful personality she had in A Pup Named Scooby Doo. If not, she's just boring. I feel like most of the hype for her comes from memes or the people that think they're unique for finding her more attractive than Daphne (you're not btw). Like what does she do that the others cannot do? I'm pretty sure Daphne can do her job but without the min max on intelligence and some points in kicking ass. In fact, why are Fred and Daphne the assholes when Velma in TWO separate series has been the judgey bitch and overall asshole? If anything she should would fit the perfect "beta incel self perceived victim that's actually just a massive douche" trope!
And Scooby. First off fuck the writers for not including my boi. Second, you really couldn't make an adult comedy of a talking dog? If Scooby said fuck- scuze me, 'ruck'- I'd cry laughing! If Scooby was the druggie and Shaggy was normal, that'd be hilarious! Literally if they took every negative trait they forced onto the others and put it onto Scooby, you'd literally have a prime adult cartoon character right there. He's a gag character! Utilize it! I know in the recent series he's been pushed to the side for the others, but he's literally a comedic gold mine waiting to happen! Make him an arsonist! Make him have questionable opinions! It'd be hilarious because he's a literal dog that can't speak understandably half the time!
Look, if you want to make an "adult scooby doo" then I guess I can't stop you. Velma ain't how you do it though.
Btw before anyone jumps on me to defend the new show, the creator of the series supports JKR soooo
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gonegrove · 1 year
Thinking about heather x eddie bc I’m nothing if not a champion of rare pairs in this comm
But just the “god he’s so fucking LAME and CRINGE and EMBARRASSING I need him CARNALLY” energy is so intense. Heather who prides herself in being The Bitch™️ and boasting about how all the boys are thirsty for her but she’s Too Good for them realizing that she wasn’t into popular hot boys because her type was scrawny shaggy haired freaks with awful personalities and a huge gatekeeping streak.
Heather realizing that the only one who can go toe to toe with her in a vaguely toxic and absolutely mean argument about some asinine shit like A Movie or SoCiEtY is Eddie Fucking Munson and it’s also unbelievably erotic to her and being like “i need to kill myself IMMEDIATELY”
Heather and Eddie as Janet and frank n furter in a rocky horror production bc they’re both attention whores, both into music as a Serious Thing and Eddie just loves anything not mainstream and music related so like ofc he went in for it. And the whole thing quickly turns into a 2 man cats the musical orgy energy shitshow bc they both just get TOO INTO PERFORMING. She’s trying to act soooooooooo normal but sadly eddie on stage singing his heart out half naked is literally too erotic for her. The entire crews job turns into just keeping them from screwing back stage like the horny theater kids they are. Good thing too bc she’s always this close to giving him a bj and if she actually did she’d have to walk into the lake never to return.
She’s actively avoiding any place he’s preforming bc she cannot be held responsible for what she might do if she sees him on stage playing guitar and she doesn’t wanna be arrested.
Eddie realizing that the most popular girl in school (I stand by heather being the Main Bitch and Chrissy simply gaining her crown after her death) is HILARIOUSLY INTO HIM. LIKE ANGRY HORNY. And first being like wtf???? Before he sees the opportunity here for Evil and is immediately delighted. Decides it’s open season for revenge of several years of bullying but pointing out to her how she wants him sooooooo bad it makes her look stupid.
Eddie challenging her to read all of Tolkien’s works, and Heather who’s physically incapable of backing down doing it and coming back with notes like “fëanor is RIGHT actually, so is melkor. I cannot believe you like this pansy ass gay apologetics shit what are you catholic??” And he’s both LIVID ON SO MANY LEVELS but also WILDLY AROUSED. There’s just something about a hot popular chick confidently having the most vile takes on his cringe exclusionary nerd shit that gets him hard. He’s horrified by this fact but also knows she wants him bad anyway so like really it’s just a matter of self control and can his self-esteem/pride take it.
All of his friends hate her and he’s like “yeah 😍 me too 😍”
She gets roped into going to/preforming in Some Town Event oblivious to the fact he is too and that’s when she gets arc of the covenant’d with his guitar playing. Mind snaps. Will power gone. He’s the shittiest dude she’s ever met she doesn’t like him AT ALL but sadly he’s also the Perfect Man and she needs him IMMEDIATELY. Legit jumps him the SECOND she can.
The kinda ppl who’ll continue an argument during sex.
Eddie loving every second of little miss rich and popular being soooo down bad for him. Loving having this level of control over someone who’s usually so “out of his league”. Loving how he can turn her brain off and make her shut up like it’s a magic trick.
Eddie slowly realizing there’s parts of heather that she never shows to anyone but he’s gotten a peak of, intentionally or not, and getting kinda possessive of that.
Heather laying on his shitty gross ass bed listening to his music and taking it seriously and talking about it musical artist to musical artist.
Heather calling his dnd group shit like “his pathetic gay loser circle jerk” and he’s just like “baby I’m going to kill you with a brick 😍”
Heather bodily taking over his hair and skin care routine. Even brushing his hair sometimes and explaining it all for when she’s not there and he’s like “lol you know I’m not doing all that”
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sunjakes · 2 years
born again ; park sunghoon
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pairing: sunghoon x gn!reader genre: suggestive (minors dni !!), a teeny bit of fluff towards the end kinda warnings: mentions of alcohol, hoon is a cocky little shit, one night stand type of vibes, allusions to a mean dom hoon but with no actual smut, cussing, pet names (darling and doll but he also calls mc a slut😵‍💫), sunghoon taking his costume role too seriously and liking to bite, mc lowkey falls into subspace ?? idk, teeny bit of choking, not proofread word count: 1.8k a/n: i don’t care that it’s january .. spooky season is ALWAYS 🙄 ever since i started to consider writing more suggestive things for hyung line this idea has been screaming from the back of my mind … hope all the hoon whores love this 🫶 ALSO THIS IS NAMED AFTER DRACULA BY F(X) BC THAT SONG SLAYS AND I MISS THEM
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despite loving the halloween season, you were never one for costume parties. as a kid, you loved watching your friends and classmates dress up as their favorite characters — parents having small get togethers while their kids wander around neighborhoods, accompanied by older siblings and cousins as they try to see who can collect the most candy.
going into early adulthood, the ambience surrounding the holiday changed drastically. people are still throwing parties, but unlike the ones from your childhood, these ones are filled with loud music, costumes that are barely actual costumes, and gallons upon gallons of alcohol. it just never seemed to pique your interest.
your friends were practically dragging you to this party being thrown by the most popular guy in he area, heeseung. you’ve heard too many stories about him, some of which you could never bring yourself to rehash. just thinking about his track record brings a burning to your face. pulling at the fabric that’s clinging to your abdomen, you huff at the discomfort your costume is causing you.
the pounding music from inside heeseung’s home can be heard as soon as you get out of your friend’s car, and you can already feel a headache forming behind your eyelids. you hesitate to head inside for a millisecond before you’re being dragged by your wrist, your friends far too impatient to wait around.
“c’mon, y/n, it’ll be fun!! you just gotta live a little while we’re still young!”
you roll your eyes as you follow behind them, the music getting infinitely louder as you walk through the door. instantaneously, your friends leave you by the door as they go to hunt out the guys they’ll spend their night with. as you begrudgingly make your way towards the kitchen to make what will likely be your only drink of the night, you look around at the other attendees and the costumes they chose to don.
you aren’t shocked at the amount of repetitive costumes worn throughout the party — a least a half dozen of velmas, daphnes, shaggys, and freds; countless witches, vampires, and even a few comic characters like spiderman and harley quinn; and the amount of girls and guys alike dressed as those ‘mean girls’ style sexy animals makes you scoff.
however, there’s a single person who catches your attention. he’s one of many people wearing some version of a vampire costume — but, unlike the others, you notice he isn’t wearing those fake, plastic fangs — and you aren’t sure if it’s the costume or if you genuinely don’t know him; but you cannot seem to pull any name out of your memory to match his face.
he seemed to be completely on his own just like you were, and you wondered if he came with friends that abandoned him like yours had just moments ago. however, your train of thought gets derailed rather quickly as his eyes meet yours and you feel your face flushing as you look away. you rush into the kitchen to make a stronger concoction than you originally intended, missing the smirk that graced his lips when he caught you staring.
“d’you spot your victim, hoon?”
sunghoon looks over to heeseung, his cocky smirk not leaving his lips. heeseung watches you as you turn the corner, playfully patting sunghoon’s shoulder with a knowing glint in his eyes. chuckling quietly at his friend’s expression, he just shakes his head as he walks back to the main group of partygoers, bidding sunghoon a quiet good luck. nodding as heeseung walks off, sunghoon decides to give you a minute before he heads to meet you in the kitchen, a plan beginning to formulate in his mind.
having already forgotten what various liquors you combined in your cup, you clench your eyes shut as you down its contents in a single go. the burning sensation the drink leaves in your throat seemingly calms you down as you will yourself to not think about the strange interaction you just had. despite it just being a seconds worth of eye contact, you felt your heart racing at the mental image of his face — which has already seemed to burn its way behind your eyelids.
you let the alcohol settle in your stomach for a few moments and you feel your body tense as a strong cologne floods your senses. you could've sworn you were the only person in the kitchen, so you try to rationalize how someone at a party like this managed to appear so quietly. as you weigh your options between ignoring their presence or trying to strike an inevitably boring conversation, you notice how the person feels a lot closer than they were before.
you turn around and meet eyes with the same guy that caught your interest when you first entered the party. you try to hide how your breath hitches in your throat as you're able to get a better look at him than you did before. you swear that the beauty marks on his cheek and nose bridge were placed perfectly, and add a striking handsomeness to his face. a small smirk plays on his lips as you unabashedly check him out, and you notice how one of his fang-like canines pokes along his tinted bottom lip.
"i wasn't expecting to see someone show up to this party dressed like that.."
you roll your eyes at his comment, turning around to grab a bottle of water as you fight the urge to pour more liquor into your cup.
"says the one of twenty vampires in the damn house.. at least my costume isn't so predictable, dracula-"
sunghoon only chuckles at your response, and you turn around to look at him again. you feel your body begin to burn as his eyes trail down your figure, suddenly feeling self conscious. he takes a couple steps towards you, and you back up until your body bumps into the counter. your words get caught in your throat as his hands ghost along your waist before gently holding onto the marble at your sides. looking down at you with a near sadistic smile, you can picture his eyes turning a deep shade of red as he leans close to your ear, his lips grazing against the skin of your earlobe.
“i’m not your typical dracula, darling..”
the gravelly tone in sunghoon's voice pulls a soft whimper from your lips, and you hear him let out another low chuckle as he lets one of his sharp canines run against the skin of your ear, pulling away just enough to look you in the eyes. his breath gently fans against your face, and you fight the urge to rest your hands against his chest. regaining some of your composure, you make eye contact with him again as a smug grin of your own tugs on your lips.
"prove it then, mr. cullen-"
your drink cup is long forgotten as sunghoon grabs your arm firmly — yet gentle enough to not hurt you. your mind floods with thoughts and mental images as you note how the muscles in his arm flex with his various movements. leading you to an empty room in heeseung's home, he hastily shuts and locks the door before pushing you against it, his head diving down to start pressing kisses along your jawline and neck.
your mouth gapes open in a gasp as you feel sunghoon slowly bite down onto your neck. his teeth sink into your skin, and a moan bubbles in your throat as you clutch to the shirt on his chest. sucking against the spot for a few moments, he pulls away to observe as the skin flushes a dark shade of red. he only watches for a moment, though, as he begins the same attack on different spots on both sides of your neck.
once fully content, one of his hands slowly makes his way to gently hold onto your bruised neck as he pulls you into a deep and messy kiss. you reciprocate in milliseconds, your grip on sunghoon's shirt loosening as you rest your hands flat on his abdomen, a whine falling into his lips as you feel his nails gently press into the base of your neck. as your lips part, sunghoon takes the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth, exploring it with a fervor. more quiet moans tumble from your lips at the newfound sensation, and you wrap your arms around his neck, carding your fingers through the hair at the base of his neck. you quickly get overwhelmed by the current situation, and sunghoon pulls away once you and him are both panting for air.
with a cocky smirk on his face, his gaze flits from your blown out eyes to your red, swollen lips that are glistening from his and your combined saliva. looking into his eyes which have darkened with lust, you gently tug at strands of his hair in a wordless beg to continue what's been started. sunghoon only chuckles and drops his hand from your neck so he can rest both of his hands on your waist, and the loss of contact makes you instinctively whine.
"what is it, doll? i've barely done a thing, yet you've already turned into a dazed slut."
sunghoon's faux sympathy drops instantaneously with how he spits out the last word, and the way he tugs you closer to him so that both of your hips are pressed together causes another near pornographic moan to fall from between your lips.
"getting you so worked up before you even know my name.. what am i going to do with you, hm?"
you can only manage to respond with near silent pleads, and sunghoon takes a step back from you with a wicked grin, reveling in the way you cry for him at the lack of contact. instead of heading back over to you, he only opens his arms teasingly, cocking his head to the side as he looks at you.
"if you aren't gonna use your words, doll, then you'll need to show me what you want yourself~"
making your way over to sunghoon, you say nothing as you lightly grip onto his shirt again. you bury your face in the crook of his neck as his hands ghost along your waist, pressing wet kisses along the column of his neck as his cologne once again floods your senses. tauntingly cooing at your sudden clinginess, sunghoon slowly moves the two of you towards the empty bed.
as he sits down and pulls you to stand between his legs, he enjoys how you look at him with a blank, doe-eyed expression. the way you're seemingly entranced by sunghoon's every move fills his chest with pride, and all he can do is picture the things he wants to do both with and to you. gently running his hands along your waist and torso, sunghoon presses a gentle kiss to your lips.
"god, darling, you are going to drive me absolutely insane..."
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sammyboyimagines · 2 years
A Friend From Work pt. 5
Pairing: Older!Steve Harrington x Reader x Eddie Munson
Summary: You both physically moved on, but the thought of each other remained. It takes jealousy, anger, fear, love, and breakups to finally bring you back together. 7.2k words
Warnings: swearing, MINORS DNI 18+, oral fem receiving, drug use, drug mentions, p in v sex, unprotected sex, not proofread I'm very sorry
Idea from my queen @its-quinns-bread
//FULL STORY COMING SOON ON MY WATTPAD, boywiththedemonblood!!!
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You wandered into the dimly lit bar. The colorful lighting made you want to rip your eyes out. What kind of asshole trades his girlfriend for his job? You didn't want to think about him anymore. You had to move on. So, the only logical thing to do was drink. A lot.
"Vodka Cranberry, thank you," you ordered yourself a drink, fidgeting with your nails as you focused your eyes on the bar counter where you sat.
"I'll pay for her drink." a man says, taking a seat next to you. The scent of his earthy cologne was unfamiliar yet welcoming at the same time. "You okay? You look a little down." you scoff and look up at the man, who was smiling at you sympathetically. You were surprised to see a handsome older man with shaggy hair and a leather jacket with various pins, patches, and other accessories. "Thanks for the drink..." you ask for his name, admiring the way his brown eyes scanned over your face as you spoke. A simple, yet meaningfully warm gesture.
"Eddie. And you are?" he offers a hand to you, which was covered in rings and a few faded scars. His hands were much rougher than Steve's. "Y/n. I'm just a little upset. I don't want to bother you! It's a long story." you chuckled shyly. You were lying through your teeth. You didn't want to start sobbing in front of this generous, devilishly handsome stranger. 
"I'm a good listener, I promise. Just want to help you out. You're very beautiful, and I wanna know who broke your heart." he teased. He fully believed you were fired or something else devastating, but when he saw how you bit your lip, he stopped. Shit.
"Seriously? Oh, I'm sorry, I swear I had no idea." he felt terrible for bringing up the agonizing memory of whatever asshole decided to break your heart in two.
"No no, it's okay. I'm over him anyway." you lied again. He glanced at you for a moment, eyeing you to be sure no tears fell, then he takes a sip from his drink. You weren't quite sure why you trusted Eddie so much, whether it was his endearing eyes or kind nature, you were compelled to explain the whole situation.
"Shit, really? I don't know what decent man would give up his beautiful girlfriend for a stupid job. Don't feel sorry for him, he gave up the one good thing going for him." you chuckled. "Thank you, Eddie, but you hardly know me!" you reminded him, but he shrugged you off. Eddie thought he knew a good person when he saw one. He was confident you were the prettiest woman in the bar, though.
"Please, I'm a great judge of character. I wouldn't be talking to you if I didn't think you were a heartbroken woman with a heart of gold." he exaggerated, but you were flattered anyway. "Here's my number, you can call me and talk anytime you want. You look like you need it." he smiles brightly, his gaze never leaving your face. "Gee thanks." you roll your eyes.
"Fuck, it's getting late. You better get home, sweetheart, the bums like your boyfriend come out late at night." he helped you off the barstool, to which you almost fell off due to your drunkness. You laughed at his statement. "He really is a bum." you agreed, nodding drunkenly.
Eddie just laughs at you. "You're so drunk, Y/n. Call me if you ever need someone to talk to. I'll take you for some food, and we'll talk all about it. No conditions, no intentions. Just listening." it was unlike anything you've ever known. A man offering to talk while expecting nothing more than your presence. Was he an angel?
Eddie drove you home that night, leaving you at your doorstep. "Good luck with your ex-boyfriend/bum/asshole. Get some sleep." he laughs when you miss the doorknob as you try to open the door. You walked inside and glanced as he strode back to his car. 
"Great start to a long recovery after dating Steve Harrington," you said to yourself, completely sarcastic. It hadn't even been one day and you had tried to get wasted to forget him. You thought it was better than sitting in a dark room sulking all day, without a single thought forming inside your head except the empty feeling that replaced Steve's presence.
It had been one day since Steve sliced your heart in half with the words, "I don't need you anymore." It was etched into your brain, the way he looked at you with disgust as you attempted to piece together your relationship. It was already done. Your father convinced Steve to do it. Though, it was obvious that he enjoyed his job more than anything else he had going on. Or so you thought.
"Who the hell is that?" your dad crossed his arms, glancing across the busy office to a very petite woman standing way too close to Steve for your liking. "Probably some receptionist with a crush on him. He has like ten girls lining up to date him at any time. You said it yourself, he's a player." You tried your best not to feel dejected seeing some girl laughing at whatever shitty joke he muttered. It should be you on his arm right now. You shoved yourself down into your chair, huffing as you glanced at the pile of work that covered your desk completely. Your father recognized your unhappiness. 
"Calm down, Y/n. He is exactly what I warned you about. It's better that you've moved on anyway. Steve Harrington is an idiot and an asshole. He's simply not the man for you." your eyebrows furrowed upon hearing your father's words. It hurt to hear someone diss your ex, but it was funny to hear that your dad thought you had already moved on. Why couldn't Steve be yours? 
"He's a dick! Who flirts with a woman right after breaking up with another woman?!" Your father walked away, not entertaining this anymore. You ached for him, for his touch, his compliments. Who cares if he's a little older? You felt like your life had been altered permanently. Like he was a sickness you couldn't get rid of.
A pang of nausea hit you when he kissed the mystery woman, his hand wrapped around her with the same grip he had on you. How could he touch another woman and not think of the way you felt in his hands?
Tears threatened to fall, so you stopped watching the man of your dreams dote upon another girl. You grabbed the phone.
"Eddie? Do you think you could pick me up today for lunch?" Though you could barely hear yourself, you knew it was obvious to everyone that you were close to tears. When Eddie picked up the phone, he couldn't believe how fast you had decided to call him. He just met you yesterday! But nonetheless, he would never take up the chance to talk to a pretty girl.
"What's the address, sweets? I'll be right there and we'll talk about it over lunch. Did he make you cry?" he found himself unable to control his rage when he heard your poor attempt at hiding your sadness over the phone.
You didn't answer his last question, instead giving him the address and hanging up. After grabbing your coat and bag, you made your way outside. You didn't notice the way Steve's eyes followed you until you strolled out of the room. Oh, how he wanted to follow you. To run after you and apologize for being such a fool. He missed you as much as you did, but going after you and trying again would surely end in his termination. 
So he tried to forget you, to drown you out with sex, drinks, whatever he could think of. Part of him wondered how you were doing. He wondered if you’ve found someone else, or if you’re struggling just as much as he is. So he made his way to a window to watch you outside, to get a last small glimpse of the woman he used to adore. 
But then he saw it. Him
A man picking you up in a beat-up van, you getting in willingly. Who was this man who was picking up his woman for lunch? He couldn’t picture you with any other man, who else did you know?
His questions were driving him crazy as he made his way back to the brunette he picked up last night as he drove miles to keep his mind off of you. Nancy Wheeler.
Steve was fortunate that Nancy was still single and available. Somehow, he pictured her as a successful journalist with a husband and kids already. Either way, her presence comforted him to no end, as she was his first love. “Hey, Nance. How have you been?” he never thought he’d ever have a chance to talk to her, after a messy breakup, he was positive that she hated his guts. “Good, missing you a lot, though. I’m assuming you’ve got your dream? Six kids?” Nancy flashed him a small smile, one that melted his worried away just as he remembered from all those years ago.
He laughed and shoved his hands into his pockets. “No, not yet. Newly single, actually.” he looked down at his shoes, unsure if she would brush him off. But that never came. “That sucks.” she paused, putting the puzzle pieces together. “Ah, you need a rebound? Is that why you came here? You haven’t talked to me in years!” She raised an eyebrow.
“Well when you put it that way it sounds douchey!” he sighs, running a hand through his hair. Nancy recognized that move, he did it when he was nervous. “All I’m asking for is a second chance. Please?” Steve’s brown eyes were hard to resist, especially if you’ve been in a dry spell for the last six months like Nancy has.
“Fine, but if we’re gonna do this, I want to go all the way. No half-assing it. We’re dating, okay? Not friends with benefits.” she points a finger at him to emphasize that she never intended to have a sex-only relationship. “Absolutely. You know what? I’ll even let you visit my work for lunch, my boss doesn’t mind!” he smiled at her, reminding her of the old days when he’d climb up to her window and visit her late at night while her parents were downstairs. He truly did love her back then, but could he feel the same way now? Even after he’s met you?
“So what’s bothering you, sweetheart? You’re in tears!” Eddie reaches across to grab your hand. “Ex bothering you? I can have a chat with him if you want me to…” you knew he didn’t truly mean a chat. “No Eddie, it’s okay. I just want to rant it all out over a nice meal. Please?” you sounded a lot quieter and timider than you thought you would, and it broke his heart.
After sitting down at the small restaurant nearby, you almost broke down in front of him. Eddie frowns at you, feeling horrible for bringing up the touchy subject. 
“He did what!? What an asshole!” He shouted, making you jump. He blushed and looked around to see a few eyes on him, eager to see why he was yelling. “Who did he bring in?” Eddie tried his best not to sound too excited to find out what jerk was tossing you away like trash. “Some girl named Nancy? She’s around his age, maybe he doesn’t like younger girls after all..” you were deep in your thoughts, unable to silence the thought that maybe this was a mistake.
“Do you want my honest advice?” he smiles sadly at you. “Yes, please. I just want someone to be honest with me.”
He took a deep breath, knowing it might be hard to hear. “This Steve guy is an asshole, okay? No decent man would put anything above his girlfriend like that. Some men are glad to take his place, men who would treat you better than he did. You just need to distract yourself, maybe with someone else? It seems like he’s doing the same thing.” you squint your eyes.
“Are you implying that I start dating you to get over my ex…one day after we’ve split?” Eddie shrugs. He never really intended to date you when he first met you at the bar last night, but now that he was seeing you in this light, heartbroken and unable to forget about a stupid ex, he had the idea to help you forget. “Only if you want to, but I’d love to help you forget that dumbass, sweetheart.” The nickname made you feel butterflies in your stomach, you had to admit. You felt your face heat up under his gaze. The sight of his brown eyes and gentle smile had you melting inside, even though you still couldn’t stop thinking of Steve. “Are you sure? I’m still a little out of it, I just got out of a relationship!” The last thing you wanted was for Eddie to feel like you haven’t forgotten about Steve.
“Sweetheart, for the millionth time, I’m completely fine with it. Frankly, I don’t care about him, I think you’re cute. I want to get to know you, distract you a little bit.” It was true, you badly needed a distraction. Steve’s remarks kept repeating in your head. The phrase ‘this was a mistake’ had been the cause of many sobbing sessions in either your bed or shower.
You had no idea what you were getting into. Between his mellow, sweet voice and his caring brown eyes staring into your soul, all ration was out the window and across the street. “Fine, consider this our first date then! I have an hour lunch break so we better talk fast.” you laugh when he immediately switches to flirting with you.
That was 5 months ago. Eddie became your boyfriend after about a month of exciting dates and many invites to his band, Corroded Coffin. “Hey babe, please come to this club with me tonight! I need to scope out the place to see if it’ll be a good spot for the band to perform. Think you could do that for me?” Eddie’s front was pressed against your back as you lay in bed next to him. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t think of Steve from time to time, but Eddie was more than perfect, the right man.
“Mmm, I’ll make it worth your while..” he pressed kisses along your neck and on your bare shoulder. You felt sore from the long night you had with Eddie, so you melted into his affections. “Maybe, it all depends on if you’re buying me drinks..” you hum. You kept your eyes closed, not wanting to accept the morning or rather afternoon, as it shined through the curtains. “Oh sweetheart, we’ll be doing a little more than drinking. Just you wait.” he pressed more kisses onto your warm naked body, stirring you fully awake. “What does that mean?” you raise an eyebrow at his vagueness. If Eddie was ever defined in one word, it would be Blunt. Not vague.
“You’ll find out. I have an idea, why don’t you wear that little black dress that your ex bought you? You look so delicious in that, always makes me wanna stop the performance just to take you in the bathroom..” he chuckles, growling at the feeling of you pressing your ass against his crotch. “Naughty…”
After a nice, pleasurable shower, you found yourself watching Eddie as he stood over a hot stove, cooking breakfast for the both of you. This sight made your heart skip a beat, his hair still wet, sprawled across his unclothed back as the sound of sizzling food echoed in the room. “Y’know…I thought I was the freak, you’re the one staring at me while I cook.” he chuckles. 
Later that night, you managed to squeeze into the tight black dress. As you pulled up the straps, memories flooded back to you, his hands caressing you, touching you, holding you. It had been months, and you knew you were crazy to think that there was even a chance that Steve would come crawling back.
In the past few months, his arm candy had shown up less and less as each week came. You felt guilty for thinking of him, especially when you had a new man, Eddie. You couldn’t help it. Everything reminded you of him, each sweet gesture, each word from Eddie’s mouth had you wishing, praying that Steve would come back. 
But you also harbored so much rage for him and his actions. You’d glance over at him at work, his every movement reminding you of the heartbreaking sentence that ended your relationship in one fell swoop. “This was a mistake”.
It tormented you, to know that he thought the entire relationship was a mistake. Literally, you stayed up, staring at the dark ceiling imagining what your life would be like if Steve hadn’t chosen his job over you. It hurt, knowing you missed out on so much. Hell, you could have even been engaged by now! 
“Y/n? Hello? Earth to Y/n?” You snapped back into yourself when you heard Eddie’s several snaps and puzzled voice. “I’m fine.” you pushed him away as you slipped on your heels without a second thought. Eddie’s brow furrowed at your standoffish appearance. Hell, you had been all over him the entire day and now you’re completely ignoring him?
“Something’s wrong, I can see it in your face, sweetheart.” He said plainly as you felt the bed dip when he sat down. With a large, rough hand on your thigh, Eddie kissed your head. “We don’t have to go, you know that right? I put your well-being over any performance opportunity. Say the word and we’ll watch a couple movies and call it a night.” Eddie knew you were high-energy at times, but so was he, and even he knew how refreshing a night in feels.
“No! I’m fine, really. Just thinking about some things.” Eddie knew better than to press you. If you wanted something to stay private, he respected your wishes. “Well, sweetheart. We’re going to the club to get rid of our thoughts. Trust me, this will is exactly what you need to unwind. I know something else that could help with that too…” his hand dragged up your thigh, making your face heat up. 
“Uh uh! Save it until after the club, we’re gonna miss the prime time for you to decide whether it’s a good place to perform or not!” Whether you loved Eddie, was a question for another day. But either way, you fully supported him with his band, and you were proud of him. “Fine.” he huffed, shoving his leather jacket over his shoulders and helping you up. 
So here you were, in a busy, loud club, full of sweaty dancing people. It had been a couple hours now, and Eddie was nowhere to be seen, probably talking with the owner or stumbling over to the bar to buy you a drink. “Hey, sweetheart! Good news, it’s perfect. Corroded Coffin will be performing next Friday, and who knows? We might even become regular performers here!” It was clear that Eddie was extremely excited, and you were too. But something was telling you to take your attention away from him.
It was Steve, who sat across the room from you in the club. The opening between obnoxious dancing people allowed you to get a perfect view of the man you used to love. He was pissed. 
Steve had come to the club for the same reason you had, to clear your mind. With booze. After having a vicious argument with Nancy, she stormed out, unable to stay in that toxic relationship. Because Steve still had feelings for you, he couldn’t let go of the thought that you might be begging him to come back, so he kept his mind open. And in doing so, he let Nancy walk out of his life. Steve couldn’t let you go, no matter how many women he spent the night with, how much he drank, or how much he tried to ignore you. He’d see your face every day at work and die inside. Have you really moved on?
Steve didn’t know you were dating someone, let alone Eddie Munson. He came to the club to meet a lady and take her home, hoping it would be the one that finally helps him forget. When he saw Eddie’s hand in yours, the other inching up your thigh. He felt a sudden pang of sadness when he noticed that you were wearing the same dress he bought you months ago.
“C’mere, sweetheart.” Eddie pulls you onto his lap, humming at the sensation of your weight on him. “This guy won’t stop staring at me, what the hell is his deal?” Eddie mumbles onto your skin as he presses soft kisses against your jaw and neck. “He’s my ex,” you said bluntly. Eddie hums, almost enjoying the feeling of showing Steve exactly what he’s been missing.
“Wanna give him a show?” he smirked, his hands slowly moving down to grasp your ass, giving it a few squeezes. He chuckles to himself. “Let him see how good I’m treating his girl. I think he misses you, Y/n.” Eddie grinds his hips into yours, making you whimper in response. The mention of Steve, plus Eddie’s teasing was getting you more hot and bothered by the minute. 
Steve’s eyes watched the way Eddie grabbed you, his hands clenched into fists. He’d lay awake at night thinking of how other men were touching you, loving you, doing everything he should have been there to do. Job be damned, he was going to get you back. In Steve’s opinion, Eddie was a harsh downgrade.
“Wanna try some, sweetheart?” he pulls a tiny baggy out of the pocket of his black ripped jeans. “Eddie, I told you I don’t get into that kind of stuff!” you whine and push his hand away. You smoked a few times with Eddie, it was always therapeutic. And, you both got a little touchy-feely when you had some weed in your system. 
“C’mon baby, just a little? You’ll really get to enjoy yourself! You said you wanted to unwind, this is how we unwind! I’m doing it, so you do it too!” Eddie shook the white powder in the baggie, watching you grow more upset by the second. “Seriously? Don’t be like that babe, it’s not like you haven’t seen me do it!” You shove him off of you. “Yeah but I don’t want to, Eddie. I’m just trying to relax, but not like that! Why don’t we just go home and smoke a joint and watch a couple movies? I don’t like how you’re acting all of the sudden!” It was almost alarming how fast his demeanor had changed. “
“Then why did you even come? I literally fucking told you I was bringing something extra. Do you know what I think this is about? Your fucking ex. You’ve been thinking about him again, haven’t you?” Eddie interrogated you, drunkenly shaking the bag of powdery substance in your face. “You know I have the stuff, you’ve seen me with it. You haven’t ever wanted to try it?” He was very overwhelming.
You felt tears prick in your eyes. You were only tipsy from siping champagne the whole night, but it was obvious Eddie had no intention of holding out his true emotions. Did he really think you were rejecting him because of Steve? Eddie rolls his eyes. “Oh look, here he comes.” Eddie was slurring his words by now, his cup sitting on the table was spilled when he tried to grab it.
“Y/n, is this guy bothering you?” Steve asks sternly, his eyes wandering over your figure, mouth-watering with need. You glance between them, before nodding. “What?! Babe, you’re seriously so fucking lame right now, you’re gonna side with him? Your ex? It’s literally just a couple lines, sniff it and we’ll go home. I promise sweet-”
Steve grabbed Eddie by the shoulders and slammed him into the wall behind him. “Don’t you fucking call her that. You don’t deserve to call her that!” Steve’s hands clenched into fists, winding up to punch him. “Y/n, wait outside. We need to talk.” 
Steve felt rage course through his veins as he held Eddie against the wall, his breath quickening. “You’re gonna force her to do it? Are you fucking stupid? She didn’t want to do it, freak.” Steve heard Eddie laugh from under him, his hair messy and wild. “Don’t fucking touch her again, don’t call her, don’t come near her. I’ll fuck you up I swear to god, Eddie.” Steve had been in a couple brushes with Eddie in high school, they didn’t like each other.
“Don’t follow, don’t show up at her house. You’re an asshole, and I don’t want you coming near her again. Do you hear me?” Steve’s hands had found their way to Eddie’s throat, slowly squeezing, adding pressure to his neck. Eddie nodded frantically. “Jesus you’re fucking insane! I won’t come near her again I swear!” When Steve released Eddie’s neck from his hands, Eddie quickly moved away. He got the message.
Steve fixed his styled hair and walked outside, catching his breath from the incident inside. You stood outside as well, your arms folded over your chest as you shivered from the cold. “What did you do to him?” you asked coldly, worried about Eddie. Even though you were disgusted by his actions, you couldn’t help but feel worried for your boyfriend. “He’ll be fine, get in the car. I’m taking you home.” Steve was too mad to feel bad for you, too frustrated that you had moved on and found someone better. 
Sure, Eddie was no angel, but at least he didn’t give you up for a stupid job. But then again, you found someone the very next day so maybe both of you had messed up. Either way, Steve knew he had to come up with a glowing apology to have even a chance of getting you back. “Did you hurt him?” your stomach felt sick at the thought of Eddie being beaten up by Steve. You already knew the answer, but you wanted him to say it. “I said he’ll be fine. Get in the car so I can take you home.” Steve wasn’t asking you, he was telling you to get in. 
On the way to your house, Steve’s hands gripped the steering wheel so hard he thought it might snap in half. “Why couldn’t you just stay away? Why do you have to constantly shove it in my face that we’re split up?” you blurt out, anger coursing through your veins as each mile passed on the way home. Steve was silent. He knew he’d lose both his temper and his focus on the road. Even if he was pissed at you, he still cared for your safety. 
Arriving home, you invited Steve in for a chat. “We need to talk. You were avoiding me at work, you glance at me like I’m some kind of freak for dating Eddie, what the hell is wrong with you?” you slam the front door shut. 
“Well, when you’re dating the town freak it kinda taints that fake innocent reputation you’ve got there. Don’t act all high and mighty, sweetheart. You moved on just as fast as I did.” Steve pointed his finger in your face, his voice raised ever so slightly. “Not on the same night, Steve! Yeah, I dated Eddie very soon after our breakup, but you hooked up with Nancy, what like, 6 hours after we ended things!? You’re fucking sick in the head if you think that’s okay!”
“I’m sick in the head? Have you ever stopped and thought about why I broke up with you? Put yourself in someone else’s shoes for once you spoiled brat! Would you give up your well-paying job for your best friend’s annoying daughter who acts like she’s still 18 and fresh out of high school? Grow the fuck up, Y/n!” Steve made his way towards you, to which you backed away. “Stay away from me, asshole!” you threw whatever you could, books, couch pillows, the house phone, etc.
“God, you’re so frustrating! You said you were in love with me, you said you’d be there for me when things went south. Then you fucking left me without even talking to me about it! We could have managed and found something else! Who cares if you’re betraying your best friend?! He’s called you a manwhore for years, Steve! Grow the hell up and stop acting like you’re the only person that matters here!” You were both shouting at each other now. 
“You know why I stayed with Eddie? Because he’s not a fucking coward and he treats me with respect-”
“Respect? That’s what that little stunt was, respect? No, that man was using you, sweetheart. You’re too fucking naive to see it, not every man has your best interests in mind.” he chuckles, rolling his eyes.
“Well, at least he doesn’t hook up with women he’s had feelings for since 1986! At least he doesn’t treat me like arm candy, like an object he can toss around and manipulate! He actually cares about what I have to say. And he’s better in bed, you wanna know why?-”
You were pushed against the wall, and your purse dropped on the floor along with whatever had been in your hand. “Is that really what you think? You think he can fuck you better than I can?” Steve’s hands gripped your hips as he held them against his own. You were positive you’d see bruising on them tomorrow morning. “You think he knows anything about pleasing you? Respecting you? Because I promise you, sweetheart. Nobody is better than me, not when it comes to knowing you. Inside and out.” one of his hands slid your dress strap down the length of your shoulder.
“God, you look so goddamn good in this dress. Does he know I fucked you in it? Does he know I paid for this, sweet thing?” He held your jaw, peppering soft kisses along your collarbone, you whimpered at the feeling. Familiar butterflies in your stomach, you rushed to get your hands on him. “Shh, it’s my turn to speak, Y/n. Tell you my side of the story, while I give you the good sex you’ve been missing for months.” he chuckled, unzipping the back of your dress.
“I love seeing you wear this. Can’t remember the last time I saw you with nothing on. Been missing you so much, sweetheart. You have no idea how much I longed for this…” Brushing his hands through his hair, he slid your dress off with haste. “Don’t wanna waste any time, baby. You love teasing me, I know. You wear those sexy stockings under your short little skirt and pretend you don’t want me to see your skimpy little panties underneath it, don’t you? You love showing everyone just how much you like Eddie because you know that it drives me crazy, god you’re such a little minx.”
He groans against your hot skin as his hands sprawled across your body, groping your tits in his hands before latching his mouth onto one of your nipples. He loved that you never wore a bra with this dress. “Missed these, baby. You have the most perfect tits I’ve ever seen.” he glanced up at you as you moaned lightly, your hands clearing the hair out of his face to get a good look at the man you missed so much.
He was taking what was his, and you were letting him. You’d be a fool not to remember how good he fucked you. He would make it his mission practically every night, to make you cum as many times as needed to where you wouldn’t be able to walk the next morning. It made it really difficult at work when you’d have a hard time walking in your heels and pencil skirt. But Steve enjoyed watching you struggle the morning after, knowing he’d do it all again the very next night.
“You just miss me for my body. I bet Eddie wouldn’t do that.” now you were purposefully making him angry. But if this was the punishment for his anger? You’d do it again and again. Steve stopped his attack on your smooth skin and looked at you. His honey-brown eyes met yours with the same fury and lust as the first night you spent with him. 
“Really? Do you think Eddie would care about you like I do? Did he buy things for you, let you stay at his house, and offer to help you with your issues with your father?” you scoffed and crossed your arms across your bare chest. “Eddie’s not a bad guy, Steve, he treats me like an equal. And he cares about me, unlike you.”
In a split second, your arms were out stretched along the wall as Steve kissed you. “He’s a scumbag, Y/n. Tell me, how many times has he made you cum?” Steve mumbled, his hands tracing your soft thighs as he places kisses down your chest to your stomach. No response.
“Shut up, Steve! You don’t understand, you never could. Eddie cared, and we didn’t have to have an orgasm to have a good relationship.” Steve raised an eyebrow. “You keep pushing me away, sweetheart, you’re making yourself look crazier every second.” he chuckles.
“Why don’t you just admit it? The reason you’re so mad is that you’re pent up. Poor baby, let me help you…” his hands grabbed your lace panties, pulling them down your legs inch by inch. His hungry eyes were glazed over as he looked at you in your full glory. “What if I don’t want your help? The last thing I need is some egotistical asshole trying to”
You were cut off by your own gasps as Steve’s finger circled your clit. “Oh sweetheart, you’ve been wet this whole time? No wonder you’re pissed at me..” he chuckles as you squirm from his actions. 
“No, you jerk! I’m pissed at you because you keep insulting Ed-” 
“If you say his name one more fucking time I’m gonna bend you over the table and fuck you so hard you can’t walk the next morning. If I hear his name coming from those pretty lips again I’m gonna have no choice but to make you scream my name. Teach you who really knows how to please you.” he pulled you over to the couch, and you were forever grateful that your father was on a short vacation. 
“Lay back and let me help you, sweetheart.” he practically tore off his clothes, throwing them as if they were worth nothing. He crawled on top of you, only left in his boxers as he ground his hips into yours. You felt his hard dick pressed against your wet pussy, soaking the fabric. “You’ll get over him, darling.” you roll your eyes. “What if I don’t want to? I love him, Steve.” you felt angry, offended, that he’d think you could just forget about him that quick.
“You’re here, aren’t you? You’re naked underneath me. You haven’t kicked me out. You do want this, right? Just say the word and I’ll leave.” Steve wanted you to be comfortable, he’d never want you to feel pressured or forced to do anything. Unlike Eddie.
“No, stay.” you grabbed his arm. He smiled and nodded at you. “Okay baby, now let me show you what you’ve been missing..” he lowered his head, pressing messy, wet kisses along your chest. He gave extra attention to your breasts and then moved down your stomach to your thighs. He kissed and sucked at your thighs, inching closer to where you wanted him. “Steve it’s been months without this…don’t be a fucking tease.” you spat out angrily, making him chuckle.
“Yeah but you’ve been giving me a hard time. And it’s been months without having you in my arms, I’m gonna take my time.” he laughs when you whine at his words. He kissed your inner thighs and then finally, he pressed kisses against your clit. You moaned out at the feeling of his mouth sucking your clit, groaning at the taste of your warm pussy. “I missed this so fucking much, you taste heavenly.” Steve spent many nights thinking about you, your body, to the point where he’d get off to the thought of you.
Steve flicked his tongue over your clit before licking a stripe up your pussy, leaving you exposed under his touch, his tongue. It had been forever since you had a man between your legs, let alone a man willing to eat you out like it was his last meal. You rut your hips against his face, his nose nudging your clit perfectly, making you cry out. “Steve, oh my god.” you moaned, your head falling back onto the couch as your hands found their way to his perfect hair, grabbing and tugging as he mercilessly lapped at your pussy.
Between your squirming and his urge to go deeper, Steve held your hips down with his arms, wrapping them around your legs. As you brought your head back up, your eyes met his. His sweet brown eyes were dark and lustful as a smirk crossed his face. He brought his hand from your hip to your heat, pushing a finger into you. He groaned at the feeling, humming into your pussy as your walls squeezed his finger. “Fuck, don’t stop!” you could barely tell how loud you were being, but you never wanted it to stop.
Steve fingered you as his tongue flicked at your clit. “Feel good, sweetheart? Better than that asshole?” Steve made it his mission to prove he was better than Eddie in every way.
“God yes I’m going to-” you were breathing heavily. “Cum for me baby, I need to feel you, taste you. Give it to me, sweetheart.” He groaned lowly into your pussy, his own hips rutting into the couch desperately. 
You could barely contain yourself. Months of no action had you practically drooling on the couch as he ate you out. “Oh fuck, Steve!” your orgasm hit you suddenly, making you squirm against Steve’s grip. Your legs shook as your orgasm washed over you, the euphoria was unlike you had felt in months. Steve rode out your orgasm, relishing in the feeling of you holding onto his hair for dear life.
Steve sat up from his position on the couch, his face wet from you. “I’d say I did pretty good, you look exhausted honey.” he laughs, crawling on top of you to kiss you. The kiss wasn’t angry and passionate. It was sweet, loving, longing, and caring.
“Mmm, we won’t know until we’re done. I might still be thinking about Eddie.” you knew you were in for it when he stood up. “Remember what I said, sweetheart? Get up.” he took your hand in his.
He bent you over the table. “He can never fuck you like I can. Has he ever cared enough to go down on you? Don’t you fucking mention him ever again. You know he could never make you feel like this…” his hands groped your ass, biting his lip as he pressed a light smack to your ass. 
Steve shoved his boxers down to his ankles, not bothering to take them off. “You ready, sweetheart?” he asked, the question filling your stomach with butterflies. Of course, he’d pause just before the moment to ask if you’re okay again. “I can’t wait much longer, Steve. Please fuck me!” you whined out, making him chuckle.
“Alright, sweetheart…” the tip of his dick nudged your entrance, rubbing against your wetness. You whimper and press your face further against the cold table. “Stop teasing.” you manage to mutter out, making him smirk. “We go at my speed, sweetheart.” he chuckles, pushing into your tight warm pussy. You go weak against the cold surface, your eyes rolling back at the feeling of him slowly bottoming out inside you, his cock stretching your walls farther than any man ever could.
Steve begins his thrusts, his hands holding your hips tightly. You felt secure like somehow everything was gonna be okay. Your hands gripped the table as his pace sped up. Soon he was pounding into you, the sound of his palm occasionally smacking your ass and skin slapping filled the room. You could focus on anything, your loud moaning drowned out any thought you had. Steve groaned as he spread your legs further to get deeper inside you. “Jesus it’s like you were fucking made for me.” he throws his head back, trying to stave off his orgasm. The way you were clenching him made it awfully difficult.
“Could he fuck you like this?” Steve mercilessly fucked you, and the table jerked a little with every harsh thrust into you. “So loud for me, maybe the neighbors will hear us, baby. God, could you imagine what he’d think? I’m so deep inside this sweet pussy, she’s so needy for me, huh?” he chuckles when you just moaned his name in response. You were too fucked out, in complete bliss from his cock pressing right into your sweet spot each time he pushed into you. You felt alight like you’d been waiting for this for years.
“Steve oh my god I’m so fucking close..” Steve managed to turn to see your face. “Oh sweetheart, you look so fucked out, so pretty like this. You make such gorgeous noises. Too bad that fucker couldn’t hear them, too much of a pussy to worship you like the goddess you are.” he thrusts hard into you, his thick cock pressed right into your sweet spot. “Give it to me baby, I can’t last much longer. Wanna feel you squeezing my dick, sweetheart. Give it to me, please princess.” he was mumbling now, trying to focus on something, anything other than your greedy little pussy taking him so well.
You were breathless as your orgasm washed over you. Your whole body shook as you rode it out. “Good girl, fuck you’re so good for me.” Steve came inside you, his hips pressed against your ass as he groaned your name softly, his eyes squeezed shut.
You both rode through your orgasms before Steve pulled out to clean you both up. Carrying you to the couch, he pulled your sweaty soft body onto his. “Y/n, I need you to know that I’m here to stay. I need you, and I’m truly sorry for everything I’ve done to hurt you. You didn’t deserve any of it. I’d like to make it up to you if you’ll give me another chance?” he looked up at you with puppy eyes. 
You laugh weakly. “Sure, what could go wrong?”. Having this night with him made you realize how different life was without Steve. Eddie cared, but not enough. Nancy was a rebound, nothing more. And your father was wrong.
His best friend wasn’t an asshole. He was a good man, the man you loved.
//FULL STORY COMING SOON ON MY WATTPAD, boywiththedemonblood!!!
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clumsiestgiantess · 10 months
Chapter 17 of the Other-world Universe; a deal has been struck with the other-worldians, isn’t that n- OH SHIT THE HAZMAT GIANTS ARE HERE!
all chapters linked here
[Round 1: Fight!]
Our wonderful illusion of a glimpse at ‘normal’ shattered sooner than I expected.  The next morning, I noticed Erica gazing confusedly out at the horizon.  "What's that?" she asked, pointing somewhere to my right.  I whirled around to see what she'd pointed to, and watched as a truck sped towards the mountainside.  It looked similar to the one Erica had driven to find me.  "Oh no, are the survivors coming for revenge?" I asked aloud.  "You did tell them that I was sorry, right?"  Looking past the speeding truck, I noticed a cloud of dust on the horizon.  Seriously, did they bring their whole fleet to come fight me?!  I really don't want to hurt anyone unless I have to.
Erica stepped in front of me as the truck sped up the side of the mountain, keeping a hand defensively on my arm the whole time.  In a less concerning situation, I would've been flattered by the fact that she was ready to protect me for a change.  However, once the truck finally pulled to a stop in front of us, only one person stepped out.  He had slightly lighter skin than Erica, and a mess of shaggy red-ish brown hair.  The guy must have been about the same age as me, maybe even a bit younger. 
Hurriedly brushing a lock of hair from his face, he glanced from Erica's rather pissed off expression to my more curious one.  He was breathing heavily, as if he'd ran the whole way there instead of driving the truck.  Clearly, he'd come in a hurry, but now that he was standing in front of us, he was struck silent.  I have to admit, Erica and I can be quite an intimidating pair.
"What do you want?" Erica asked him sternly.  "I-" he coughed, "Water, please."  Again Erica gave him a distrustful glare, but I quickly produced a small water bottle from the boxes and held it out to the young man.  He flinched so badly at my approaching fingers that I thought he'd somehow been hurt.  I ended up placing it on the ground in front of him instead.  Snatching it off the dying grass, he chugged almost the entire bottle before taking a gasping breath.  
"Thank you," he wheezed.  "Who are you?" I asked once he seemed to have caught his breath, "Why were you in such a hurry?"  He looked fearfully up at me for a moment, then answered, "I'm Ivan Fero, ma'm.  Uhh, miss giant?  I- oh god, um.. I hope that wasn’t offensive or anything."  This poor guy.  "My name's Alexis," I said, sparing him further embarrassment.  "Oh, right, A- Alexis, ok."  Erica sighed, "Why are you here?  Surely you didn't speed 500 miles down here just for a drink."  "Oh, right!" he gasped, "The chasm's under attack!  People are being taken left and right.  It's insane!  We have no way to stop them!"  I turned to the horizon in an instant.  So that's what all the dust was.  The scientists are attacking.  
"Please," Ivan begged, "Miss giant, sorry, Alexis, you have to help us.  You're the only way we can stand a chance against them.  Look, I know they're your people, but I'm desperate, we all are, please."  Suddenly, two pairs of eyes were on me; both Erica and Ivan waited for my answer.  "I-  I've tried to get them to leave before, they just laughed at me."  "Alright, so this time you go in and you fight those bastards," Erica said simply, "Someone needs to teach those shitheads a lesson, but we physically can't.  So It's all up to you." 
"I want to help," I said anxiously, "but last time they almost dragged me through the portal, remember?"  Erica nodded enthusiastically, "Yeah, that was before you stunned them with your invisibility!  And, you can become all ghost-like too right?  What's that called again?  Nevermind, that's not important.  LISTEN.  They might have their strength in numbers, but you have, like, actual superpowers.  I bet you could easily fight them off if you tried to."  I thought for a moment.  What Erica was proposing could work.  I didn’t know how to fight very well — I’d never really had to before — but I supposed my inexperience would be evened out by my superpowered advantages.  If all else failed, I could simply go intangible to avoid any attacks.  But how, without someone to control?
“First of all, it's called intangibility,” I told her, “Second of all, I need to be in control of a person to do that."  Erica looked slyly over at the young man from the hidden town.  "Any volunteers?"  Ivan choked on his water in response.  "What!?  No, are you insane?  Why would I willingly be controlled by that?  No offense," he added, glancing at me worriedly.  "None taken."  "Well, do you want to save your town or not?" Erica asked him.  "I-  I want her to save the town, not me!  I can't fight giants!"  "You won't have to fight anyone," I assured him, "Leave that to me; I just need someone to latch on to.  You probably won't even notice it."  "Oh he'll notice it," Erica said hastily.  "Every time you were controlling me, I always felt cold."  I'd been pretty awful to her back then, without even realizing it.  But, like Erica said, that was in the past.
Ivan shook his head furiously, backing away from us.  "I can't.  I won't."  "Would you rather stand on the sidelines and let Alexis do her thing, or watch your whole city be captured?  It's your choice."  He looked towards where the greyish brown cloud had churned on the horizon, then back at us.  The disturbance was gone, meaning there was no longer a skirmish — the very likely winners were ready to steal more people away.
Ivan glanced between his options a few more times, wearing a torn expression all the while.  Finally, he sighed, "I'll do it.  Just… Please don't make me do anything."  I nodded, "I won't."  "Alright, alright, let's go already!" Erica called, making Ivan flinch.  I swear, if there was a way for us to swap sizes…  Erica seems way more keen to fight them than I am, and yet I'm the only one who'll be pulling the punches.  "Shoulder.  Now." Erica insisted, motioning for me to put out my hand for her.  "Erica, that's not-"  "I’ve been practicing!"  I groaned, knowing she'd prolong our argument until I listened to her.  "Fine.  But if you fall off and almost die, it is entirely your fault."  She nodded eagerly, and I begrudgingly lifted her up to my shoulder.  However, I couldn't help but smile at Erica's satisfied grin.
I held out my hand to Ivan next, but he doubled over in a panic and quickly dashed behind the open truck door.  "Uhh.. no.  I don't want to die before we get there, thanks."  "You'll never make it in time if you drive that truck all the way back to the valley," I reasoned.  "I need you to be there the second I get to the area so I can go intangible."  He honestly looked like he was going to give himself a heart attack, so I did my best to reassure him that he'd be fine.  "Don't worry, unlike Miss Stubborn up here, you won't be in any danger.  My hands are honestly the safest place you could be."  
Ivan looked dubiously at my outstretched palm, but he climbed in anyways.  "I hope I don't regret this."  Keeping myself balanced, I headed off at an even jogging pace towards the commotion in the distance.  Traveling at full speed just wasn't an option with my two passengers, but it was still faster than the truck.  While I walked, I could hear Erica grumbling a quiet objection to my banter.  "I'm not that stubborn! Why is she calling me stubborn? I just want to see what she sees.  Is that too much to ask?"  "It is when you put your life on the line to do it," I replied, glancing over at her.  Erica turned to stare at me, eyes wide in shock and the tiniest bit of fear.  "You could hear that?!"  "Of course I can.  You are sitting right next to my ear, you know."  She glanced up, then looked away in realization.  "Oohh.. sorry."  "It's fine, '' I smiled, "Enjoy your death defying view."
My good mood faded grimly as I approached the cliffs with the wooden structures.  Each lookout had been diminished to rubble; the people inside were missing except for the occasional limp body half-buried beneath the timber.  I didn't bother to check those who were left behind.  If the scientists had left them, they probably hadn't survived their hideout's initial destruction.  I could feel Erica shudder beside me as we passed yet another, pulling herself closer to the side of my neck.  After nearing an even bigger group of collapsed structures, all of us went on high alert.  Tension silenced everything while we passed around worried glances.  
Suddenly, screams split the air.  I flinched instinctively, causing both my small riders to lose their balance a bit.  I picked up the pace, stooping down at the valley's opening.  "You go find somewhere safe to hide," I told Erica as I slid her off my shoulder and placed her on the ground.  "I wouldn't forgive myself if you were hurt, or captured, or anything else."  "But," she objected, trying to cling to my receding fingers, "I want to watch the fight.  I can help you!  I-"  "No," I answered abruptly, cutting her off, "You.  Stay.  Here.  I know how much you enjoy getting into trouble, but now is not the time."  Erica grumbled annoyedly as I slid my fingers out of her grasp.  "I want to help."  "Not now," I repeated, "Please, just go hide, ok?"  Finally, she sighed and trudged off to the base of the cliff to find a hiding spot.  I warily continued my way down the chasm.  I was worried about Erica, but I couldn't afford to think about her now.  Any distraction could very well mean life or death.  Maybe not for me, but certainly for the people of the other-world.
As I approached the spot where I'd torn open the cliff face, louder and more terrified yells echoed down the rocks.  Ivan was pressed so far into my hand that I could feel his heart beating rapidly against my palm.  "Alright," I whispered, "you ready?"  "No," he whimpered, "I feel like I'm going to puke.  Do I really have to do this?"  Carefully, I eased him onto the ground next to me and knelt down.  "You'll be alright," I assured him, "You don't have to fight them, remember?  Just hide somewhere close by.  That's all you have to do."  Ivan nodded slowly, then edged his way behind a section of rock nearby.  "Are you ready now?"  "Yeah, I guess," came a response from behind the rock.  "I'll be back before you know it," I whispered.
After releasing both of my small companions, I felt slightly freer than before.  I could take chances without risking the others' safety.  Going invisible, I stepped out of hiding and steeled myself to face the scientists.  However, nothing could really prepare me for the scene laid out in front of me.  There were cages strewn about the valley.  Some were stuffed with small wailing figures, others stood wide open, their yawning barred faces hungrily awaiting more unwilling victims.  Other-worldian people grasped at the wire mesh, trying in vain to undo the strange locks that held the cages tightly shut — trapping them in some nightmarish fate.
The worst thing was the sound.  Awful panicked and pained noises cried out on deaf ears as the scientists did their work.  They didn’t care what happened to the tiny creatures in transit; they were just gathering as many of them as they could and locking them away.  It infuriated me.  The strange yet sickeningly familiar people worked silently and methodically, seemingly unbothered by the desperate shrieks that surrounded them.  The five of them had created an efficient little assembly line which started at the open cavern and ended at a stack of steril crates.  With masked, blank faces they dragged person after person out of the newly-opened town, pinning them tightly in gloved fists.
I seethed, my invisibility flickering in and out while I stood, fists clenched tight, glaring wrathfully at all of them like a vengeful specter.  One by one, they took off their awful masks in disbelief, trying to figure out whether I was really there.  The look on their faces was priceless; each person gawked in confused fear.  "PUT THEM DOWN.  NOW."  My voice carried thunderously over the bare rocks surrounding the valley.  Its sound drew up a reassuring feeling of power within me.  One of the scientists in the middle of the line immediately dropped what they were holding onto the table below them and stepped back, hands raised in defeat.  The others slowly followed suit, becoming more confused than scared.  Color returned to some of their faces.  The person at the end of the chain even had the audacity to close the cage they'd been working on, effectively trapping more other-world survivors right in front of me.  That also effectively pissed me off.  "You're gonna regret that," I stated; then disappeared back into invisibility.  
All of them immediately went ridgid the second I vanished.  They anxiously began packing everything away, but they weren't fast enough.  I dashed at the scientist who'd closed that cage, planting my foot directly into their stomach at the last second.  They hit the ground hard and lay there, gasping for breath.  Before the rest of the scientists could react, I moved swiftly on to the next one as panic swept through the little crowds locked away.  Winding up invisibly, there was no way for them to have seen me coming — no way for them to block me.  I punched this one straight in the gullet.  Full force.  I hadn't intended this to be a lethal fight, but after what I'd just witnessed, I wasn’t particularly concerned with restraining myself.  The scientist’s neck made an unnerving crunch and they fell over backwards, crashing into the collapsable table behind them and dragging it to the ground.  Thankfully, no other-worldians were on it.
The person who'd been working on its surface screamed in terror — the same one that had already given defeat earlier.  In a panic, they frantically typed something into the device they were holding and a portal suddenly tore through the sky.  Without a second glance at their gear, specimens, or fellow scientists, they retreated into the warped opening, promptly closing it behind them.  
The two remaining people who weren't collapsed on the ground startled from their stunned, petrified stances and took initiative.  They swung punches at the air around them, unsure where I was, but ready to defend themselves nonetheless.  Now this was what I expected.  I could faintly sense Ivan's presence further down the ravine, and latched onto it.  
Effortlessly strolling through the scientists' defenses, I walked through an oncoming punch, pulled out of intangibility, and kicked one of them from behind, just below the knee.  Their legs buckled from the unforeseen force, and they toppled into the other scientist, landing in a messy heap.  "Screw this!" someone growled.  She scrambled to the broken table, grabbed its disconnected metal leg, and hauled herself out from underneath the other scientist.  As hard as she could, she swung the metal pole blindly in my direction.  I was very nearly clobbered to death if it hadn't been for my quick switch into intangibility.  A few seconds later, and I would've been too late.
Now, there were three scientists remaining.  The two in front of me and the one I'd kicked first, who'd gotten up while I was fighting the others.  I took away my invisibility and tried to speak so I could reason with the rest of them, before I hurt anyone else.  However, both the man I'd first attacked and the scientist with the table leg lashed out at me the moment they saw me.  In a furious blur of motion, the woman's metal pole sliced right through me and cracked into the side of the other man's head.  Hard.  He crumpled to the ground, unconscious, as the woman dropped her weapon in shock.  Despite no longer being invisible, I was still intangible.  
"You.. you just killed Darian," the other scientist whispered in horror.  "No, I- I wasn't aiming for him!  It shouldn't have hit him!" the woman cried out, confused.  If I wasn't so fucking mad, I might've felt sorry for her, but I wanted them out, and I wasn't letting my gaurd down untill they left.
I pulled back out of intangibility, and stood before the last two remaining scientists completely normal.  Maybe they’d let me speak now that they’d been brought down to two.  "This is your last chance to leave," I warned them.  The more worried one glanced between the two bodies on the ground and turned to the other scientist, begging her to open the portal.  "If you want to stay, and fight, and die, be my guest!  Just open the portal first so I can get out of here!"  "I can't," she answered, visibly trying to steady her voice.  "Why not?  Let him through," I said, sounding slightly more annoyed than I meant to be.  
"I can't," she repeated, the edge returning to her voice, "because Beau took the key into the portal with her.  We can't get back without one."  She marched up to me and I quickly disappeared as she throttled the open air where I'd stood a moment before. "Now what, you little sijat?" the scientist asked angrily while I puzzled over the strange word she'd called me.  "You gonna kill us even though we're trapped in this stupid world?"
I backpedaled away, mind racing.  What should I do?  I shouldn't attack them if they can't escape, that isn't fair.  Then again, what they were doing to the people of the other-world wasn't very fair either.  However, before I could figure out a solution to my dilemma, the other scientist spoke up.  "Doesn't Darian also have a key?" they asked their colleague.  Glancing warily at the empty space around them, the scientist made his way to the body and pulled out a similar device from his pocket.  
He immediately opened the portal back up, and hauled the bodies of the others inside.  "Are you coming?" he asked, concerned.  "Yeah, Carter.  I’m coming.”  Her voice sounded almost disappointed.  She glared into the open space she assumed I was standing.  “You're lucky there was another key, kid.  If we were really gonna fight to the death, you would've lost."  With that, she stepped into the portal behind the other scientist and vanished, the portal sealing back up behind them.
I stood dumbfounded for a moment, staring at the empty space where the threatening tear had been. “You would’ve lost,” I repeated quietly.  If I'd lost.. If I'd died...  I felt a pain in my chest as I thought of Erica.  I'd asked her to stay back and wait for me, but what if I'd never returned?  The fight wasn’t too bad — I hadn’t even been hurt — but it was still frightening nonetheless.
My thoughts were interrupted by a barely audible whisper.  "Did you come to save us?"  I startled, looking to the ground to find the owner of the voice.  It was a kid.  They couldn't have been much older than eight or nine years old, slightly hidden in the rocks to my left.  "I did," I answered them kindly, flattening myself all the way to the ground to get a better look.  Their clothes and hair were disheveled and covered in dirt, but they were otherwise completely unscathed.  The kid’s parents had probably hidden them there so they would be spared the scientists' torturous attack.  
"Where are your parents?" I asked them softly.  They pointed towards one of the cages nearby and I stepped over to it.  As I knelt in front of the crossed metal mesh that made up the door, I could hear hushed gasps and cries from inside it.  From my perspective, the cage looked almost empty.  Everyone inside had hidden themselves in the very back, out of my sight.
Tentatively, I opened the deadbolt-esque lock sealing the door.  It took a moment of fidgeting to figure out how it worked; I wasn't accustomed to the scientists' weird technology.  Though it looked like a deadbolt, it was a bit more complex than that.  Eventually, I undid the lock and pulled the door wide open.  The little kid came rushing over, stopping cautiously at the opening.  The second their parents spotted them, they cried out in relief, breaking the silence held by the captured crowds.  They rushed forward, hugging the kid tightly in a three person hug. With the few frightened people suddenly pacified, everyone sprung to life.  Others in the cages nearby called for their release, and those who'd been freed offered their baffled thanks.  
I opened the rest of the cages in quick succession, and soon a cheer rose from the large crowd that had gathered from the cages and the cavern.  I stood, simultaneously shocked and overwhelmed.  There were so many people, and they were all so ridiculously small, especially from my view standing up.  Glancing nervously back down the valley, I saw Ivan sprinting over the rocks towards the crowd.  
Beaming in relief now that I’d found a familiar face, I headed over to ask him sarcastically whether the fight was as awful as he'd thought.  However, it took some time to get over to him.  The crowds at my feet were rather nerve-wracking for me.  After all, I've had more than a few accidents occur after people foolishly decided to walk beneath me.  The most infamous occurrence was, of course, that day in the woods with Erica.  Above all else, I did not want a repeat of that incident.
Eventually the crowds thinned a bit, but by then I noticed something was off.  Ivan had been looking through the throng of people for a long while; he seemed to become more upset the longer he searched.  The valley behind him was clear of people, so I knelt down there.  "Are you looking for someone?" I asked when he turned to me.  Ivan nodded vigorously, "I- I can't find my family.  I don't think they were taken, but the crowd.." he gestured to the mass of people milling about in the valley.  "I can't see them."  "Maybe you just need a better vantage point," I said, offering him my hand.  
For a moment he stood looking out at the crowd again, checking one last time before giving in.  At last, Ivan turned and settled onto my palm.  He wasn't very practiced at balancing his weight when I moved, though.  That came with a lot more experience than he had.  Ivan tumbled backwards by the sudden motion of being lifted to standing height.  "Woah!" he yelped, "Slow down!  I know I said I was worried, but you don't need to go at full speed!"  "Sorry," I said halfheartedly, "So, what does your family look like?  I could help you search."  
After a few minutes of scanning the crowds from above, Ivan spotted them by the cavern opening.  They'd been searching for him too.  His family was a bit frightened of me at first, as most other-world people are, but after Ivan explained how he'd escaped and offered to help me fend off the scientists, they seemed a bit more at ease.  His mother repeatedly thanked me for keeping him away from the fight, and his younger sister even managed a shy hello before returning to their mother's side.  It was heartwarming, really.  Ivan's family seemed like such nice people, and I would've been happy to stay with them and chat, had it not been for a few other curious people who came to greet me.
Two cavern town residents approached me as Ivan and his family disappeared into town.  They were both better dressed than most of the others, who wore ragged clothes that looked as if they were scavenged from the rubble.  “Giant, though you may have destroyed our rock ceiling, we cannot deny the great service you’ve done for us here,” the first person said, gesturing at the abandoned cages and reunited people.  She had deep brown skin and grey hair that was almost white.  Smile lines creased her face, and her stature was quite imposing for someone her age. 
“However,” the man next to her cut in.  He wore a much more serious expression, and his eyes narrowed as he glared through the sun to look up at me.  His skin was a lighter pinkish white with a tinge of tan, similar to my own.  “The giants you fought off will likely return with better defenses.  With enough men, they could easily subdue you.”  “Which is why we’re offering a proposition,” the woman said, speaking over him.  “Stay with us, create defenses in the canyon and keep yourself and our town safe.  All hostility towards you from our gunsmen will be revoked, and you can live beside us with the others you’ve befriended.  In turn, we only ask that you protect us.”  “And stop destroying our things!”  
Whoever these two were, negotiators or whatnot, they wanted me to stay and ward the scientists away.  I wasn’t planning on living there; I doubted they would want me around after destroying many of their defenses.  However, I hadn’t considered the fact that the scientists could and probably would try to overtake me the next time we squared off.  I needed somewhere safer to live than the open cliffside where Erica’s mansion used to be.  This deal would benefit me just as much as it would benefit these people. In the mountains, I had lots more cover, and Erica would have an actual home again.  I saw no reason to refuse them.   “I accept,” I answered after thinking things through for a moment.  "I'll stay and protect the town."  A handshake from both negotiators made the deal official, since there was no legal paper in the world big enough for me to properly sign.  Though it was slightly awkward having to press each of their hands lightly between my index finger and thumb, I managed to get both of them to trust me enough to agree to it.  Afterwards, I wanted to go find Ivan.  He might be able to tell me who those people were.  However, I had something more important to do first.  Erica was waiting for me.
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cocoabubbelle · 2 years
Watching “Scooby Doo, Where Are You?” (1969-1970 CBS) + Thoughts
Episode 24: Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Werewolf
Background/Scenery Art lovely as usual.
Dear colorists for the series, did you seriously believe werewolves have technicolor fur or were executives more interested in crooks in bright colors?
Camping episode! Also, color/design-coded tents so we know the boys sleep in the purple one with flowers and the girls use the light blue one with teal tie-dye designs (jk)
Daphne calls Shaggy and Scooby the Laurel and Hardy of their group. I wanna know who is the Laurel and who is the Hardy.
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Scooby gets a pup tent of his own. Maybe. It’s a work in progress at least.
“There’s nothing I like better than food, unless it’s more food!”
Camera takes the time to focus on each character’s respective reaction of alarm upon hearing the titular werewolf’s howl.
Werewolf apparently has an invisibility cloak with holes for his eyes bc we see them not peaking out of darkness but right on top of a background of forest trees.
Ok who was in charge of the size ratio of the tents bc when we first saw them they seemed to be the height of an average man while Scooby’s was half his size but now suddenly it’s big enough to fit both him and Shaggy while the other tents are the size of huts???
It’s a good thing an artist made an effort to make Daphne place a hand on Fred’s shoulder again so I can recognize this as a Fraphne moment. (I say this both lovingly and teasingly.)
Look Shaggy you ditched Scoob earlier for food while his face was stuck in a tent; are you really going to be annoyed by him swiping your snacks?
Velma is able to tell that the footprints Scooby find that while they have the appearance of a large wolf, the repeated shapes indicate that it is a bipedal being as opposed to a quadrupedal one.
Animation Goof: Velma almost had the mother of double chins for a moment before the color of her turtleneck’s top reverted back to orange.
Graveyard! Fred think’s it’s sus that there is a fresh grave dug in such an old place. I know it is probably related to treasure hunting, but wouldn’t it be interesting if this episode’s masked menace was a murderer this time??
Fred , Velm, and Daph have no problem looking into a coffin while Shag and Scoob are more squeamish.
Silas Long doesn’t sound like a werewolf name to me, but who am I to judge?
Fred grabs Shaggy and Scoob by the shirt/tail before they run away. Shaggy carries a pair of scissors for situations like this so he can resume running. Fred just grabs them again.
“Oh-swell-it-ain’t-bad-enough-we’re-following-a-werewolf-now-it-looks-like-it’s-the-GHOST-of-a-werewolf!!” These are technically two separate sentences but the speed and delivery of these lines by the VA was so funny 😆
Also, I’d argue that it’s a zombie werewolf, since it’s leaving tracks.
SQUEE!! Frelma standing super close on one side of an old mill’s entrance, and Shaphne also standing super close on the other side with enough space dividing one ship from the other!! 🥰🥰🥰 also Scooby’s there.
Aaaand in the next scene, suddenly they’re mixed up again despite not moving (guess somebody wanted to fix the ‘mistake’ and move Daph right back to Fred’s side where Velma was and visa versa so now Velms is with Shaggy)
“We’ll split up. I’ll take the girls this wa—!” “Yeah, yeah*, I know. And Scooby and me will go the other way.” *admittedly I added a second yeah, but come on XD I couldn’t be the only one hearing Shaggy’s inner sass at Fred’s usual divisions of their group.
Scared-by-a-frightening-monster-only-to-discover-it’s-a-warped-shadow/reflection-of-a-tiny-and-harmless-creature gag
Guys. Please just turn around. He’s right there. Not even 6 feet behind you. Making loud steps. How can Scooby smell tracks but not a living, breathing stranger right next to them? I call shenanigans, writers!
…What is a stronger word for shenanigans that isn’t crossed with a curse word to describe the ridiculousness of the scenes that just followed? 😑
A tribal mask (little easter egg paying tribute to the prior episode?)
HAHAHAHA!!!! Ok I’m still annoyed by the previous scenes, but Shaggy pulling the mask and accidentally making the werewolf he and Scoob had no idea was so close to them fall through a trap door got me 🤣
Upon the trio coming across a map in a secret room, Daphne is about to correctly deduce that whoever they are looking for is a costumed criminal since ghost don’t need maps to find things when the Werewolf attacks.
Heh they all crash into each other upon reuniting.
Ah, here comes the chase scene music with singers we didn’t get last episode. Strange to admit I missed it.
Animation Goof: Shaggy’s running model is either going backwards or was flipped the wrong way.
Hey, I vaguely remember this song! At least the “Na na, na na na na” part.
There are many things ridiculous about this chase scene, but the main ones are: 1) the werewolf is only focused on chasing Shaggy and Scooby. Talk about biased; 2) Aerodynamic Trashcan Lids though honestly that is more fun than ridiculous 3) Scoob and Shag happening to fall into a convenient pile of wool.
“What do you suppose happened to Shag and Scoob after they fell on that old water wheel?” Bruh if you were watching the whole time and not doing anything as a potentially dangerous man was chasing your friend and dog—!
Not Fred-Velm-Daph and Shag-Scoob taking turns accidentally scaring and being scared by each other 😆
I kinda like Daphne’s model having her arms folded across her chest, even more so than when they are planted on her hips. The latter (and standard) pose makes her seem sassier than she actually is, while the former pose gives off her reserved nature a little more — at least in this series so far.
“I’d sure like to know how Mr. Creepy-Crawly fits in with all this.” “Yeah!” “Let’s go find him.” “Oh, why don’t I just keep quiet?” “Yeah.” Sorry boys, you’re the designated comic relief. You can’t help it.
Animation Goof: Is it me or does Fred seem significantly shorter than Shaggy in this frame??
“Come on, girls. Let’s go see where that railcar came from.” “Don’t tell me. Scoob and me go to see where it’s going, right?” C’mon Fred; try to be more creative. Shake the status quo up a bit!
*sees the shadow that is in the exact shape as the Werewolf Ghost that they’ve encountered* “Who’s that?” “And what’s he up to?”
Unless the window has been refurbished with new glass and frames, I don’t see why Fred doesn’t at least try to smash his elbow through it if it’s part of a supposedly old mill so he and the girls are no longer trapped.
Not me wondering why Shaggy and Scooby are racing the railcar during their investigation when actually they’re running away from the Werewolf ghost.
Pop Top Barge
Shaggy and Scooby begin swinging on a hook trying to escape Werewolf, and I’m trying to remember if that’s the same hook that snagged Daphne’s dress and disrupted Fred’s trap in an episode I vaguely remember watching as a child. Is this the same episode???
Either Shaggy used Ultra-Instinct to switch clothes lickety-split fast or this is an Animation Goof.
Shaggy tries to distract Werewolf by cutting his hair and Scooby filing his nails and shining his feet, when they COULD HAVE used the barber’s aprons to TIE HIM TO THE CHAIR. Also I bet the shaved look doesn’t last, though I would be pleasantly surprised if it does.
Shaved look staying so far.
“Sure would know what this thing is.” “I’d rather know how we’re gonna get out of here.” This is why I like Frelma 😁
“Dr. Livingstone and friends, I presume?”
Poor Shaggy being bullied by Frelma when they find his observations related to the railcars and pop top barge hard to believe.
“You know how Freddy and Velma are when they got a mystery to unsolve.” Even Shaggy sees Frelma. Yet most known adaptations/reboots are convinced Fraphne are meant to be. Maybe those creators ignored Shaphne content that followed later because Scrappy had joined his uncle’s adventures???
Animation Goof: it looked like the costumed creep found a replacement mask with a head of hair, but the following frames show him with the shaved head 😆
Sheep? SHEEP!
“I think I’m beginning to get the picture, right Freddy?” “Right.” So much Frelma content this episode that was probably unintentional but so welcome!
Let’s see how well this plan of Fred’s works.
Animation Goof: Daph and Velma’s models look more fuzzy/out of focus compared to Fred’s despite being right next to him.
This IS the episode where Daphne gets snagged by a hook!!!!! DARN YOU FRED THIS IS YOUR FAULT! 😂
“I’d trade almost anything for a good, fast motor right now.” “Except me?” “Right. Anything except you, pal.” Friendship Goals, anyone?
Random Purple Fish.
“I’ve got an idea!” Hon, your last one didn’t work out so well.
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I’d call shenanigans over how Fred, Velma, and Daph were able to make/find a big enough net with a handle, find an area stable enough to stand on, find a strong and conveniently shaped support, and get there on time to save their friends, but Velma looks adorable hanging on the end of the handle so I’ll let it slide.
Frelma standing together again, then a bonus shot of Fred’s arm around Velma.
Werewolf ditches his commitment to the act and cries wolf for help before he plummets to his death.
Handsome Sheriff alert. Also, the “werewolf” is a sheep rustler.
Minor Shaphne standing together.
“Shucks, [the werewolf sheep rustler] didn’t scare Scoob and me for a minute.” Nope. Not at all.
Day 24 of no “And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for you meddling kids.”
Also, I don’t know if I’ll be able to finish watching all the episodes while balancing schedules and work since I’m not the breadwinner in my family and we might not keep HBO Max. Whatever may happen, thank you to those who are having fun reading my thoughts and enduring my shenanigans as I watch Scooby Doo!
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