#is this my first real winteriron fic
robertdowneyjjr · 4 months
HAPPY BDAYYYY !!! coincidentally it is also my mom's bday today lol, here's a lil buckytony for u !!!
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which connects to my prompt: tony is used to feeling cold, he had to be (the cave was so cold in the death of the night) and he knows that bucky is, too, even if the man always seem to run hot due to the serum. well, it's the winter season, what better excuse does he have except that he needs a human blanket? basically tony holding hands, hugging, or cuddling bucky to fend off the cold !!
happy birthday again !!!
hello!!! i’m SO sorry this took practically half a year but i just want you to know that your art makes me so happy and seeing this in my inbox was one of the best gifts i could have asked for. bucky and tony are so fucking cute and i’m obsessed with bucky’s blush and tony’s eyelashes 🥰 i hope your mom also had a lovely time celebrating her birthday!!
anyway, without delaying this any further than i already have—
Bucky had never been able to feel anything with the heavy silver arm that was forced onto him, which made it useful as a shield as well as a blunt force weapon. It was perfect for the Winter Soldier, the unfeeling assassin whose sole existence was to comply orders and complete missions. Having it blown off may have been a shock at first, but it had quickly morphed into relief when Bucky had realized that losing the arm was the first real step towards finally, truly breaking free from the shackles of Hydra.
Since having his triggers removed and embarking on his slow journey towards recovery, Bucky has decided that he has no interest in fighting anymore, keen to stay home and monitor the feeds while the rest of the team is out being heroes. He’s happy to be retired, happy to uncover new things about himself as he learns how to bake croissants and build terrariums. It’s a kind of peace he never thought he’d be able to have when he was trapped for seventy years as a prisoner of war, and he wouldn’t trade it for anything.
So when he had been asked what he would like in a new prosthetic, Bucky had said, just a regular arm; no super strength, no nifty weapons hidden in the plates. Just a functional part of his body for him to get through his daily life.
Tony had gone above and beyond, presenting Bucky with a prosthetic that had far exceeded his expectations. Not only is the arm intuitive, with nanobots that shift like real muscle and fat as Bucky moves, but it is also regulated to match the rest of Bucky’s body in strength and temperature. If it had been painted a color to match Bucky’s skin, it would almost be indiscernible to a real arm.
Despite the prosthetic being made with the most advanced technology the world has to offer—despite all the cyborg jokes his friends like to tease him with—Bucky has never felt more human.
With the new arm, Tony hadn’t just given Bucky back a sense of normalcy. He’d also given Bucky a brighter future than he had ever dared to imagine.
He still remembers the day in the lab after they had run through their last series of tests with the new arm.
He had just put down the stress ball they used for the pressure test, still marveling at how he could feel the texture of the rubber, when Tony had spoken up.
“Okay. One last thing I’d like us to try. Hold your hand out?”
Bucky had done as he was asked, not quite sure what to expect, when Tony had reached out with his right hand and wound their fingers together. He hadn’t been able to hold back a gasp, staring at their joined hands as he felt the cold of Tony’s hand seeping through the warmth that he hadn’t realized was coming from his own arm. Then Tony had squeezed once, affectionately, stepping closer until they were only inches apart, and Bucky’s heart had stuttered in his chest as he glanced up and saw the way Tony had been smiling at him.
“How does this feel?” Tony had asked, red faintly dusting his cheeks in a way Bucky had been sure no one else had ever seen before.
Feeling whole and brave, and like the ice in his veins is finally starting to melt for the first time in decades, Bucky had gently squeezed back.
“Good. It feels nice. You feel nice.”
“Yeah. I like it.”
“Well, good. You’re warm, so I think I’ll be holding on to you for a while. You know, just to stave off the cold,” Tony had declared.
“Sure thing, doll.”
Tony is tactile. That had been the first thing that Bucky learned about Tony when the team had been pardoned, made their amends with each other, and gone back to New York.
His touches are gentle and reassuring, drawing smiles from whoever he has focused his attention on at the moment. Rhodes leans into the hand that Tony brushes against his back as he walks by, for a moment relying on his friend’s strength instead of his leg braces. Natalia is a constant presence by Tony’s side during movie nights, bumping her head against his hand like a cat just so he would play with her hair. Peter beams like he’s aced a test every time Tony squeezes his shoulder affectionately after helping with his physics homework. Steve rolls his eyes fondly whenever Tony pokes his abs teasingly after a workout, but always teases right back by lifting his shirt up to goad Tony into doing it again.
Being touched by Tony is like a drug, and Bucky has been addicted since the first time Tony held his hand. Which is just as well, because when Tony said he would be holding on for a while, he wasn’t kidding.
After that first time in the lab, Tony always, always holds Bucky close when they’re together.
He takes Bucky by the hand and drags him to dinner with the team, never loosening his grip even when Sam raises a pointed eyebrow at their joined hands. “For warmth,” Tony says, and when he takes his place at the table, he promptly kicks Steve out of his usual spot because he refuses to release their entwined fingers. Bucky just watches amusedly as Steve takes his old seat next to Rhodes and sits down next to Tony, only letting go so he can scoot closer and swing his arm across the back of Tony’s chair as they eat.
He drapes Bucky’s left arm over his shoulder when they’re out, snuggling close to his side as they take the long way walking home after dinner. “For warmth,” Tony says, even though he’s wrapped up in several layers of expensive wool and cashmere. Bucky just pulls him in tighter and steers him towards their favorite gelato bar for dessert, because even though Tony runs cold and always claims he doesn’t like sweets, Bucky knows he’d never say no to ice cream.
He sleeps on the right side of the bed so he can use Bucky’s arm as another pillow, despite knowing the hard planes of metal can’t possibly be comfortable for him. “For warmth,” Tony says as he presses a kiss to Bucky’s reconstructed shoulder and dozes off under their weighted blanket made of the fluffiest down feathers. Bucky just smiles indulgently and curls in closer, perfectly happy to tolerate overheating in his sleep if it means going to bed every night with his favorite person in the world.
Having Tony in his arms warms him from the inside out, like an endless summer after a lifetime spent lost in the cold.
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riotwritesthings · 8 months
Unrequited Dreams
WinterIron, M, 3.5k - Soulmate AU, Angst, hopeful ending
I can finally share my piece from the Reforged WinterIron Zine! I'm so excited, I'd had the idea for this fic for years and it was delightful to finally bring it to life. And now I get to share!
Thank you to all the mods over at @reforgedzine for making this happen!
The night before his thirteenth birthday Bucky is so excited he can barely fall asleep, because he’s going to have his first dream about his soulmate.
The anticipation has been building for weeks, for years; his family has taken to fondly rolling their eyes because Bucky can't talk about anything else. He can’t wait to find out something, anything about his soulmate, about how they'll meet for the first time. He can't wait to start trying to make sense of the hazy details the dream will leave him with.
In the morning, Bucky wakes up sobbing, because now he knows that his soulmate is gorgeous and graceful. That knowledge is crystal clear even if few other details are.
And now, Bucky knows that he's going to put a gun in his soulmate's face and pull the trigger.
Thirteen year old Tony wakes up feeling cold and hollow except for a sharp ache settling deep in his chest.
Apparently, it was stupid to be excited, just like Howard always said. Because now he knows that their first meeting involves his soulmate pushing him away.
Tony knows that dreams are funny things. He read all about soulmate dreams and how easy it is to misinterpret them, how they tend to exaggerate, back when he was dumb enough to look forward to them. But he would swear that the shove felt hard enough to knock the air from his lungs, felt strong enough to throw him clear across the room.
The ache in his chest lingers the entire day, and every morning that he wakes up from the same dream, the pain is agonizingly fresh, digging a little deeper.
So Tony grows up and learns how to push people away first. He tells himself that when he meets his soulmate, he’ll be ready.
Bucky never tells anyone about the dream, even when his parents give him concerned looks. Eventually people stop asking.
Every time he has the dream, Bucky remembers a little more. His soulmate is dressed in mostly black, moving gracefully and carelessly through a room in chaos. His soulmate has gorgeous eyes and a wicked, beautiful smirk.
Every time, Bucky shoots his soulmate in the face and wakes up nauseous.
At least when he joins the army, no one else talks about their dreams either. Most nights, Bucky is too exhausted to dream at all, and it’s almost a relief when nightmares start to overtake the few times that he does.
Most nights, Tony drinks until he falls into a short, restless sleep, just to avoid the one dream he doesn't want to have.
He doesn’t want to see his soulmate’s cold, emotionless eyes. He doesn’t want the all-too-brief feeling of his soulmate's hand beneath his own before he's shoved away.
When Tony does dream, it’s of clenched fists, feeling frustrated, helpless. Feeling like his entire life is falling apart around him, and it’s all so stupid.
So he refuses to figure out any other details because he’s already going to have to live through it at some point. He doesn't want to know if that fleeting contact of hand against hand is a first meeting, doesn’t bother trying to remember anything about the large, bright room the dream takes place in or the people around them. He doesn’t care if it's a charity gala or something else. None of it matters.
Tony wakes up and drinks more.
He builds and smiles for the press. He does his best to not lose the few people he has, and tells himself that he won’t care when his soulmate doesn’t want him.
Sometimes he even believes it.
The Winter Soldier doesn’t dream at all.
Not during the short, fitful sleep he gets on missions. Certainly not while he’s frozen.
He forgets.
When the moment finally happens in real life, they don’t recognize it.
Bucky isn't in his right mind. He’s barely clinging to awareness past the hold of the conditioning in a room in chaos. He doesn't recognize the graceful motions of the gorgeous man who jumps into the fight, or the moment he points his gun in the man's face.
The bullet doesn't connect, and when Tony doesn't die, the Winter Soldier rips his hand away from Tony’s, shoves him across the room and knocks the air out of his lungs.
Tony isn’t thinking about the brief contact of his hand on Barnes’ over the barrel of a gun, of Barnes’ hand splayed across his chest. He’s thinking about the fact that his life is falling apart, and that he needs to stop a rampaging Winter Soldier. He doesn’t have time to think about the splinter itching at the back of his mind.
They don’t even notice when they stop having the dreams, after that moment.
Tony is alone in his workshop, in the too-empty compound, when it hits him that he doesn’t even remember the last time he dreamt of his soulmate.
It’s not just because he barely sleeps, not just because when he does dream it’s of his friends falling from the sky, of cities and worlds crashing to the ground. He’s spent so much time trying to ignore the dream, apparently he’s even been ignoring the fact that it’s gone.
It’s a stupid thing to be upset about.
Tony has always known how they would feel about him, known they wouldn’t want anything to do with him, but he still has to sit on the cold tile floor as his legs give out. He blinks back tears, wondering how far he must have fallen, if he doesn’t even deserve a soulmate who pushes him away anymore, doesn’t deserve anyone.
He wonders if his soulmate dreams about someone else now.
Bucky is in Wakanda, trying to find peace, when a doctor asks about the dream.
For a second Bucky doesn’t remember. And then he does. And he can’t breathe.
He doesn’t dream much anymore. When he does, it’s always nightmares. He hasn’t dreamt of his soulmate since before the war.
Before the Soldier.
And Bucky realizes he’s probably already killed his soulmate, and doesn’t even remember it. Everything goes fuzzy.
No one asks about the dreams again. Bucky has so many regrets to move past, he just shoves this one down with all the others. His soulmate is probably long gone. There’s no need to think about it.
So, he tries not to.
Having everyone back at the compound is exactly as awkward-as-hell as Tony thought it would be. It only makes him feel a little better that he’s clearly not the only one feeling it.
The reasoning is sound, the threat is coming, but that doesn’t mean Tony has to be happy about it.
But he smiles, shakes hands when he has to, and reminds himself this is for the best. He can bury his hurt feelings for the good of the world. He can be an adult, pretend everything is fine. He shows everyone to the residential wing, despite most of them already knowing their way around, and doesn’t meet anyone’s eyes as he says to make themselves at home.
Slowly, they start putting the team back together. There’s lots of talks about trust and honesty that feel hollow and stilted, but Tony supposes it’s progress.
They still work well together in the field, but that was never the Avengers’ problem.
Around the compound, though, the split remains obvious. Everyone seems torn between walking on eggshells and the urge to act like nothing’s changed even though it has, Tony among them.
The different sides of the war still give each other wide berths in the hallways, and Steve still stands protectively between Tony and his shadow of a best friend when they happen to run into each other in the gym.
Tony spins on his heel with a lazy wave, doesn’t even care if he’s too obvious. For just a moment, Tony’s gaze meets Barnes’ as he turns.
For just that moment, Tony finds himself caught in that deep blue stare before the doors slide closed behind him.
Bucky spends a lot of time wandering the compound.
He’s aware everyone thinks it’s a paranoid-perimeter-check thing, which it partially is. But it's also just him enjoying the novelty that he can spend his time wandering aimlessly. He can go where he wants when he wants, never has to sleep unless he chooses to.
He’s still getting used to it; remembering how to enjoy the freedom.
Which is how he runs into Stark in the kitchen at three AM, when he’s trying to outrun his nightmares. Tony is apparently making pancakes.
Bucky freezes in the doorway as they stare at each other. Just when he’s preparing to back away, Stark’s lips curl into a tiny smile. Stark tips his head towards the rest of the kitchen, obviously inviting him to stay instead. Bucky grabs an apple and sits at his usual spot at the far end of the table, trying to look comfortable, and it’s somehow easier than he’s expecting.
It’s only a couple minutes before Stark finishes making and neatly stacking his pancakes on a plate. Then he dumps everything in the dishwasher and shoots Bucky only the briefest look before leaving with his plate of food.
Bucky tells himself to avoid the kitchen around that time. He should give Stark some space, because he’s so clearly uncomfortable with everyone being back.
But two sleepless nights later, Bucky’s feet carry him on a familiar path without thought.
Stark is making waffles this time. He barely even looks up as Bucky takes up the same space at the table. Stark glances at him again as he’s preparing to leave, at the power bar Bucky’s been picking at, then transfers one waffle to a smaller plate. He sets the small plate on the table, just within Bucky’s reach. Then to Bucky’s surprise, Stark sits at the counter instead of leaving.
Bucky pulls the plate closer, and they eat in total silence. They’re not even facing each other and Bucky is actually a little relieved. He doesn’t know what to say to anyone these days, much less Stark.
It’s the first time they’ve done more than pass in the hallways, but it’s not as uncomfortable as it should be. When Tony stands to leave with a wave and a small, warm smile, Bucky finds himself disappointed.
As the weeks go by, Tony notices Barnes getting more comfortable around the compound, sometimes with Steve but most often alone.
Not that Tony lets himself wonder why he cares, why he scrolls through security feeds of the hallways like he needs to check on Barnes. It’s just morale has been slowly improving, and that’s the last bridge Tony has to mend. Or, the last bridge to build from scratch over a giant chasm, in this case.
He’s coming back late from a charity event, a little tipsy with plans to head to the lab, but gets sidetracked when he passes through the living room and realizes Barnes is on the couch watching Star Trek. Tony pauses for a second, filled with nostalgia, but he tells himself to leave Barnes to his marathon in peace.
To his surprise, Barnes looks at him with a tiny smile, unsure but devoid of suspicion or impatience. Tony sinks into an armchair, asking himself why. They proceed to watch four and a half episodes in silence.
Tony wakes up to Steve and Sam clomping through after their morning run, slumped down in the chair with a blanket carefully draped over him.
It becomes a habit, and Barnes becomes Bucky, even if they haven’t actually spoken yet.
So maybe Tony has FRIDAY alert him when Bucky is queuing up the next episode so he can head to the living room. After the first time, though, Bucky waits for him to arrive before hitting play and greets him with a smile that gets brighter every time.
Tony doesn’t let himself wonder about the why’s. Like why he spends so much time simply existing in the same room as Bucky, why that doesn’t feel awkward at all. Or why it seems to be the only thing that helps Tony ignore the empty pit in his chest.
One night, Tony realizes he hasn’t seen Bucky in a while. There’s been no marathon nights despite being due to start Next Generation. He tells himself it’s not creepy to flip through security feeds., He’s just curious how Bucky is spending his sleepless nights now.
Tony’s heart leaps into his throat when he finally locates Bucky on the roof of the hanger, standing on the ledge. He’s breathless by the time he makes it to the hangar, heart racing and legs shaking from the sprint. He doesn’t even know what he thinks is happening, except…
Bucky looks at him with wide, exhausted eyes when Tony bursts through the door, and he could swear Bucky’s shoulders drop in relief. Tony doesn’t have time to think. He just starts talking, because Bucky looks so haunted, and Tony knows a thing or two about distractions.
They’re still on the roof when the sun comes up., And Bucky has to stop pointing out all the constellations he can remember while Tony fills him in on the new star science he’s missed.
After the roof, something shifts.
Bucky can’t put his finger on exactly what it is, or even when it happens. But that one stilted conversation about the stars becomes less stilted conversations about whatever’s on TV becomes friendly debates about the merits of different toppings as they make pizza at midnight.
Before Bucky knows it, he feels like he’s home.
He finds a groove with his new life and starts branching out, starts connecting with the rest of the team. He’d almost forgotten what it felt like to be a person. To actually interact when he passes people in the hallway and eat with a group.
To be more than a ghost, to be part of something good.
Always though, he gravitates back to Tony. Because Tony actually makes him laugh and it fills a void in his chest Bucky has long gotten used to. Because Tony is always trying to do better and god Bucky wants to learn how.
Because when Tony’s been on an inventing binge, Bucky can trick him into taking a nap by putting on home improvement shows, and it makes Bucky feel like he’s doing something right. The team smirks when they walk in on Tony drooling on his shoulder, but it’s not like that.
He recognizes the look Steve and Natasha start to give him, smug and knowing. And fine, maybe Tony would have been exactly his type, before. But it’s not like that.
Because Bucky is the man who killed his soulmate. He doesn’t let himself think about that kind of thing.
When Bucky decides that he wants to officially join the Avengers, Tony leaps at the chance to make him new gear.
He does the same for the entire team, after all, making sure everyone’s safe. It doesn’t make Bucky special. No matter what the wide grins from Rhodey try to imply.
Tony just loves a challenge, loves the excuse to build something new. So maybe he gets more input from Bucky than anyone else, offers to help Bucky test all the gear on top of team training, but it’s not an excuse to spend more time together. He just sees what Bucky is trying to do, and he’s all too familiar with that struggle.
Despite the knowing looks from everyone, it doesn’t mean anything that he lets Bucky into the lab to see the prototypes, even if it is Tony’s only place of solitude in the compound. Even if eventually Bucky just hangs out there with him for hours.
Tony keeps telling himself it means nothing.
Watching Bucky try to teach DUM-E checkers is the final straw, though. Warmth fills Tony’s chest so fast and hard that he can’t breathe around it. And he finally admits that maybe it all means something.
But Tony is the man who doesn’t deserve a soulmate, who never even got to meet them. Who’s not sure he’d want to meet them anymore, as guilty as it makes him feel.
Maybe he can’t lie to himself anymore. Maybe he’s completely in love, but Tony knows better than to say anything.
Days spent in the lab with Tony run together in the best possible way. It’s a blur of playing with the bots, watching Tony create the future, and trying to convince him maybe the new reboots of Star Trek do have something to offer.
Bucky knows what a privilege it is to be here, to see Tony at his most relaxed and occasionally unhinged. He tries not to let it go to his head, give him ideas, even though every day he falls more in love. He’s even getting used to the pangs of guilt over the soulmate he should miss.
Until one day they’re watching a movie on the lumpy couch in Tony’s lab. When it’s revealed that Tony called the plot twist from the very beginning, he smirks at Bucky at just the right angle.
Bucky’s heart drops into the floor.
He knows that smirk. He’s seen it a thousand times in a thousand dreams, even if he hasn’t had it in years, he remembers.
And of course it’s Tony, who’s smart and gorgeous, graceful and just the right amount of wicked. Who Bucky already loves so much he can’t breathe sometimes.
Tony, who he still can’t possibly deserve.
So Bucky says nothing, as happy as he thinks he’ll ever be. Tony is here, alive. Bucky’s soulmate is too smart and too tough to die. Bucky gets to watch the way he laughs when their friends do something stupid, to watch Tony’s back in fights while they both try to do better.
He’ll never get to taste the edges of Tony’s smile, but he shoves that aside. Tony is alive. That’s more than enough.
Tony’s first thought when he wakes half-buried under rubble is that he’s officially over alien invasions. The second is that the power of the suit fading in and out, causing the concerned shouting over the comms to cut in and out, is really not helping with his throbbing head.
The aliens swarm into what’s left of the nightclub, stealing his attention before Tony can work up the breath to answer, and all the suit’s questionable power has to go to blasting the ones that get too close. The oversized bug-like soldiers just keep coming, and Tony starts to wonder if he’d be better off ditching the deadweight of the armor.
But he’s not sure he can make a run for it. His head is spinning and he’s dimly aware of blood filling the suit, and the aliens are still coming—
There’s a roar of approaching gunfire and then Bucky is bursting into the destroyed building, wielding a large knife and the only gun Tony has built in years.
And the thing is…Tony knows those movements.
He knows that brutal fighting style, the blank rage in those blue eyes. He recognizes the wrath of the Winter Soldier. He’d been dreaming of it most of his life.
Tony can’t believe he never put it together before, because of course it’s Bucky. Resilient and brave and so kind, Bucky who still deserves so much better than Tony. Of course.
Maybe it’s just easier to recognize him with unconsciousness trying to drag Tony under. Maybe Tony’s already dreaming.
He must be, because suddenly Bucky is leaning over him. His eyes are warm, and scared. Tony doesn’t know this part of the dream, doesn’t know what happens next.
Everything is going black. Tony struggles to find his words, to plead. To beg not to be shoved away again.
Bucky sits unmoving beside Tony’s hospital bed for three days, even though all he wants to do is run.
He saw the recognition in Tony’s eyes, he knows that Tony knows. He wants to leave before Tony asks him to, because what else could Tony want from a soulmate like him?
But that’s not what Tony had said. Tony asked him to stay while sounding so scared, so resigned. Like he knew Bucky wouldn’t and it was already breaking his heart.
So, Bucky stays.
He’s staring at his fists, trying to stop himself from wondering, when the heart monitor starts beeping triple time, giving away that Tony is awake. Bucky jerks his gaze up to meet Tony’s big brown eyes, watches the flashes of fear and hope that go through them.
Bucky knows he must look terrible, hasn’t slept or shaved in days. He’s barely eaten, and he can feel the lines of worry set into his face. But Tony’s still looking at him with something like awe, just because he’s here.
When Tony smiles nervously the wave of hope that crashes over Bucky nearly overwhelms him, could crush him beneath it.
Bucky smiles back.
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kandisheek · 3 months
Play Date by Akira_of_the_Twilight
Pairing: Bucky/Tony Rating: T Words: 27,186 Tags: De-Aged Tony, Domestic Avengers, Howard Stark's A+ Parenting
Summary: “Forgive me, Captain," FRIDAY said. "I needed a moment to be certain I hadn’t erred, but based on my facial recognition systems, I can safely say that Mr. Barnes and Mr. Wilson have located Tony.” “What the fuck?” Bucky rose to his feet. The kid tried to run, but Sam caught the rugrat and restrained him. “Let me go!” The kid struggled. “My dad isn’t going to pay any ransom. You’re just wasting your time.” Ransom? Facial recognition? Bucky stared at the kid—really looked at his face. Amber eyes, oval face, olive skin, strong but narrow chin, a slightly larger than normal forehead, and a nose somewhere between small and medium in size. “Oh, fuck. Tony?” The tears were back in Tony’s eyes. “Fuck you, you assholes!” He wiggled one arm free and punched Sam in the kneecap.
Reasons why I love it: It's a Winteriron weddiiiiing! I love the team feels in this fic, and kid Tony's hero worship for Steve is so fucking cute. The way he reacts to Bucky at first but slowly comes to trust him is so satisfying to read because it feels completely organic. And Tony's whole backstory with Howard just tears at my heartstrings. Generally, this fic is super well-written, especially the dialogue. I love it so much, and I bet you will too, so go ahead and read it!
Childhood is the Kingdom Where Nobody Dies by MemoryDragon
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: M Words: 31,765 Tags: De-Aged Tony, Missions, Avengers Family
Summary: Seven-year-old Tony Stark wakes up on a Hydra base, lost, afraid, and alone. He has to overcome his fears before it's too late for the Avengers and Captain America.
Reasons why I love it: The team is so fucking adorable in how they handle Tony. And of course, even when he's de-aged, Tony is a BAMF genius. I especially loved the scene with Coulson and the suits, it's so subtle and yet so impactful. And the aftermath of the mission is so charged with emotion that it stuck with me for a while after I finished the fic. It's incredible, and I hope you give it a shot, if you haven't read it already!
Treading Desire Lines by fohatic
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: T Words: 43,749 Tags: Selectively Mute Morgan, Post-Canon Fix-It, Babysitter Steve
Summary: Tony knows that his daughter can be difficult, but he really needs someone to do him a solid when an important opportunity arises. Unfortunately, word is already out: Morgan Stark is a real handful. Never one to shrink from a challenge, Steve steps in, hoping to shift the strained dynamic between him and Tony and having no idea how the course of his life is about to change.
Reasons why I love it: Oh my god, Steve is such husband material in this one. I love the whole set-up with Morgan, and the way Steve handles her is just fantastic. The trust that grows between them is nothing short of beautiful. And how it all leads into Steve and Tony mending their bridges is so sweet. I love this fic so much, and I bet you will too!
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polizwrites · 23 days
PoliZ's WIP Update - 28 Aug 2024
Another productive writing week!  I touched four fics (1 new & 3 WIPs)  and wrote a total of  2930  words.   
On Ao3, I posted: 
 Chapter One of  Love is Like a Muscle (and you make me want to flex) - WinterIron mutual pining turns smutty.  
Operation Sun and Surf -  Tony & Avengers team-as-family one shot with touches of angst.  
On Tumblr I posted: 
A Symbol of Devotion - Stony one shot - friends to something more.     
I’m juggling  20+  active/semi-active WIPs with my current  deadline being the Tony Stark This or That event which runs til the end of August.  
See  below cut for what I’m working on/planning to work on - arranged more or less by bingos/challenges/etc.  As always, feel free to send me   prompts or plot bunnies as well as asks regarding  any of these projects  or any other WIPs I’ve got out there.   Interaction really helps feed the Muse and keep me motivated!
Hot Bucky Summer 2024 [HBS_R2] (Ends 31 Aug)
More fun from the @buckybarnesevents folks - this time weekly challenges to create (usually NSFW) Bucky-centric fanworks!   Thanks to plenty of cross-filling with other events  (I’m looking at you, July Break Bingo)  I’ve submitted something for the first eleven weeks and am working on one more with a vague idea for the final week - here’s hoping time & inspiration hold out!  
* Week 12 - August 17th - August 23rd  – “What should I wear?” + Nothing -  Posted Chapter One of  Love is Like a Muscle (and you make me want to flex) on Friday.    WinterIron massage therapy (Tony getting his hands on Bucky) leading to a  happy ending. It came in at 1200 words and  crossed over  with BaBB August: Body Worship, BBB K1 - Tony Stark's Workshop.  
* Week 13 (August 24th - 30th) -  FREE WEEK + Optional Prompts: Mutual Masturbation  –  Chapter Two of Love is Like a Muscle (and you make me want to flex)  is written and will post Friday.  It’s coming in at 1024 words and crosses over with my TSTOT Row 3: Lab Sex and  WIB N2 - Mutual Pining  squares.  
Tony Stark This or That  [TSTOT_24] (Ends 31 Aug 2024)
I signed up late and then promptly forgot I had a card - so am tackling this 8-row card with the hopes of getting it at least halfway done by the end of the month.  I’ve made that goal, and might try to squeeze in one more fill before Saturday ends! 
* Row 3: Lab Sex - see HBS Week 13 above
* Row 7: Beach Day - Posted  Operation Sun and Surf - a crossover with a previous Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF266 Great Expectations]  & my TSB K2 - Miscommunication square.  Tony rents a beach house in hopes of getting the Avengers together for a bit of team bonding;  things don’t quite go as planned.  It came in at 835 words.
Build-A-Bucky Bingo [BaBB_R1] (Ends 31 Oct 2024)
Another fun year-long  event from the folks at  @buckybarnesevents!  Each month there’s a list of prompts and you choose (at least) one  each month for your card!  At thirty-two  fills and about two months to go, I seem to be going a bit overboard …. 😁
* May:  Bucky’s Trigger Words -  combined this with a previous  Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF251 Out There] for Just To Live One Day Out There - a Winter Soldier self-reflective ficlet. It came in at 312 words and will get posted to Ao3 Real Soon. 
* August: Body Worship - see HBS: Week 12 above. 
WinterIron Bingo Round 2  [WIB_R2] (Ends 16 Dec 2024)
Signups are still open for pre-made cards for Round Two of this super-fun bingo event! I have seventeen  fills and zero WIPs at the moment - setting this aside for the moment, as I have other time-sensitive events going.  
* Iron Soldier (One Bingo, One Fill) - looking at combining my Column B prompts: Matchmaker, Bucky Riding Tony, Stark Gala, Inside Joke and Threesome.  Still working on a plot - if you have any suggestions/want-to-sees - let me know! 
* I3 - Car Sex -  Have a fun ficlet in mind for this - some of the dialogue & such already worked out in my head.  
*I4 - SHIELD HQ - Finally posted  Fathers Don’t Know Best  to Ao3 this morning.  A crossover with Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF245 You Never Cared, it’s a No Powers AU with Bucky working as an analyst at SHIELD who stumbles across a late night visitor to the lobby.  It came in at 410 words. 
* N1 - Hair Pulling Kink -  thanks to a fun prompt from @scottxlogan  - I filled this square with Untangling Their Attraction - where Tony’s offer of assistance leads to mutual kink discovery (not as racy as it might sound).  It’s coming in at 544 words and will post to Ao3 before this event is over. 
* N2 - Mutual Pining - see HBS Week 13 above. 
* N5 - "I'm here for you."  - Possibly the next chapter of  Lady Natasha’s Consort and Lord Steve’s Companion ?  
* O3 - Love Confession - Circling back around to Chapter Seven of  A Little Bit Carried Away - where Pepper learns about the impulsive offer Tony made to Bucky after they spent the night together.   It’s drafted at  1029 words and will cross over with TSB K3 - Pepper Potts and my pJBB C1_A1 - "Promise me you won't get mad."  prompt.  Slated to post on 9 Sep. 
Bucky Barnes Bingo - Round Six [BBB - R6]  (Ends 31 Mar)
This amazing bingo event from the folks over at @buckybarnesbingo is back!  I have twelve  fills with one WIP at the moment, but a couple  more crossovers planned. 
* K1 - Tony Stark's Workshop - see HBS Week 12 above. 
* K4 - Last Times/Farewells - combined this with a previous  Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF257 Count The Days ] for  Short-Timing It - a pre-war (just barely) Bucky & Steve (Stucky if you squint) ficlet. It came in at 313 words and will post to Ao3 before the event is over.   
Tony Stark Bingo - Mark VIII [TSB_R8]  (Ends 31 May)
This amazing bingo event from the folks over at @tonystarkbingo is back! Late signups will start next month if you want to join in on the fun!  I have  four  squares filled and one WIP - I need to plan out more crossovers! 
* T1 - Watching Helplessly -  Posted Stranded Among the Stars  to Tumblr on Friday as a crossover with the Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF265 Galaxies Away]. It’s a Nebula & Tony ficlet set on the ship - it came in at 345 words and will get posted to Ao3 before the event ends. 
* R4 - Bartender - Got inspired by another song to start Some Other Beginning’s End - Tony’s a bartender dealing with an a-hole patron (Brock) and his just-broken-up-with boyfriend (Bucky).  It’s sitting at 1028  words and I plan to cross over with my  pJBB  C2_A2 - "You deserve someone who makes you happy."  square. I may try to squish a few other squares in before I’m done. 
* K2 - Miscommunication - see TSTOT Row 7: Beach Day above
* K3 - Pepper Potts -  see WIB O3 - Love Confession above
* K5 - Misunderstandings - see HBS Week 10 above. 
Hawkeyes Bingo [HB_R2] (Ends TBD) 
Working on this  Tumblr event - got a 3x3 card and am looking forward to creating more  Clint-centric content and trying my hand at a bit of  Kate Bishop fic as well!    
* A3 - Awkward Flirting – this might be a good entry into my first femslash fic with Kate/Yelena?    
* C1 - Magic -  Combined this with a previous Flash Fiction Friday prompt  [#FFF259 House of Cards]   for   Keep a Steady Hand.  Clint notices Bucky getting frustrated with a task and offers to help.  It came in at 632 words and will post to Ao3 possibly later this month.   
Post July Break Bingo 2024  [pJBB_24] (Ends 30 Jun 2025)
I requested two 2x3 cards for this  Discord-server only event from @julybreakbingo  – so if you want to join in the fun, let me know and I’ll try to get you an invite!  I have two fics in progress and need to figure out some more crossovers. 
* C1_A1 - "Promise me you won't get mad." - see WIB * O3 - Love Confession
* C2_A2 - "You deserve someone who makes you happy."  -  see TSB R4 - Bartender.  
Warm and Fluffy   Bingo  [WFB]   (no end date)
Eight fills on my card, courtesy of   @warmandfluffybingocards  - need to try for another crossover or two!
* I2 - Vulnerable Drunk - matched this up with a previous Flash Fiction Friday prompt of [#FFF258 Milky Way Dreams]  for Sweet Dreams and Flying Machines -  a MIT-era Tony & Rhodey ficlet, where a drunk Tony shares a childhood dream with his best friend.  It came in at 318 words and will get posted to Ao3 at some point.   
On  other creative fronts:  I am working on a brown bat  plush figure for a commission.       
If  you’re looking for one of a kind gifts for birthdays or other celebrations, check  out Stuffed With Character    over on Facebook for a full list of my designs (now over 150!).   These soft stuffed figures are  mostly Marvel and monsters, but I have some Star Wars, Star Trek, DC   and Disney figures as well. Plus I love to take custom design   requests  for any fandom!
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rayshippouuchiha · 2 years
I've been recently going through a bit of a WinterIron fixation for the first time in a while so I decided to go through your WinterIron tag, just for fun, and first of all, may I compliment you on your impeccable taste? I've seen some of the best fanart, edits, prompts and short stories I've ever encountered in there so thank you for that.
Second of all, I think I found the original prompt for Blood in the Water (Love on the Tide) and The (Not So) Great Pretender and I'm not sure I can express the pure DELIGHT and JOY that it flooded my system, asfdgbh it was amazing
I HAD to reread them after that, of course, and they continue to be absolute perfection. In fact, I think BitW is the singularly best Mermaid AU I've ever read, period, not just for the MCU but for any fandom ever. So, thank you once again for that beautiful piece of writing 😊 However, I'm also really Concerned(TM) because the original prompt features Bucky getting kidnapped, I think??? Is that gonna happen in the fic??? I should've known things were going too well, there wasn't nearly as much angst as usual😩 Just imagining what Tony is gonna have to go through before he manages to get him back... Ray, why must you hurt me in this way (affectionate)🥲
Oh oh wow yesssss
God I honestly miss WinterIron, might have to dip my toes back in if I can find the will.
And yeah BitW is planned to be a fun romp right up until the moment shit gets real!
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fynnsmarvelrecs · 1 year
I'm going to be putting out a winteriron fic list for my first real fic rec, let me know if you come across this and have any suggestions for that or any other pairings :) (Rare pairs included in that, if it exists I'll find it and weed through it for the best ;) )
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themculibrary · 2 years
Fics With Trigger Warnings Masterlist
AKA the Greater New York PTSD Support Group (ao3) - triedunture E, 
Summary: They’ve successfully completed what might be the most dangerous mission in history: the recovery of the Winter Soldier.
Now comes the recovery of Bucky Barnes, which is turning out to be even more difficult.
A story about Bucky coming back to the surface with the help of Steve, Sam, pancakes, video games, the city of New York, assorted Avengers, and beds that–really, let’s be honest here–are too soft to sleep on.
and they called him lemon boy (ao3) - turtle_bean T, 3k
Summary: “Well, my name is James, and I’m a volunteer at the Crisis Line. I’m an MIT graduate, I’m employed in the army, War Machine is my favorite Avenger, and I love pineapple on my pizza. Is there anything else you’d like to know about me?”
Yeah, why does James keep asking questions? Why can’t the man let him die alone?
“Why did I fucking call?” Peter hisses to himself.
or, peter calls the crisis line.
Casualty of war (ao3) - wolfypuppypiles M, 22k
Summary: Peter got knocked down in Civil War, but when Tony went to check on the baby Avenger, he realized he was more badly hurt than first realized.
There wasn't meant to be any casualties, but there always is in war.
Contractually Obligated, at Least Out of Uniform (ao3) - snack_size clint/steve E, 57k
Summary: A chance encounter in the SHIELD hallway leads Clint and Steve, post-Avengers, to get to know each other better when everyone else is off having adventures. Things develop slowly, and awkwardly, and probably only thanks to one well timed comment by Tony. From there, Clint and Steve try to navigate a new reality, each other, and their various past traumas.
Holiday Spending (ao3) - isfan bucky/tony T, 70k
Summary: Winteriron collage au w/fake relationship; Tony asks Bucky to be his fake boyfriend, either to shake off some matchmaking friends or to piss off Howard. Turns out Bucky is all Tony ever wanted in a boyfriend. Too bad it’s not real (extra angst if Tony paid for Bucky to act as his boyfriend, now Tony wonders if it was all for the money). Happy ending?
Homefront (ao3) - copperbadge steve/tony E, 12k
Summary: Steve Rogers is a capable leader, a kind and cheerful man, a good friend, a strong role model, and a loyal soldier. He’s also teetering on the edge of suicide.
Left Foot Forward (ao3) - shatteredhourglass bucky/clint M, 22k
Summary: There was an unspoken rule among the Avengers that they didn't talk about Clint's soulmark. They didn't talk about it, they didn't look at it, and they didn't bring it up.
Master of Communication (ao3) - somanyfeels (orphan_account) steve/tony T, 10k
Summary: Tony didn't like being touched, on the rare occasions he wanted physical contact he would initiate it. It was how things were, how it had always been, and he was fine with it. His new team didn't know, they just kept touching and Tony wasn't quite sure how to ask them to stop.
Minefields (ao3) - arianapeterson19 pepper/tony, bucky/steve/tony T, 34k
Summary: Being in an abusive relationship was a bit like needing glasses. He didn’t realize it until the damage was done.
Funny how people assume only men can be abusive.
Mokusatsu (ao3) - shadesfalcon bucky/clint/steve, background sam/natasha E, 125k
Summary: Clint Barton has been strung along from abusive relationship to abusive relationship all his life. Not that he would use the word “abusive”. He would argue that, as a sub, he was born to take whatever it is his dom feels like throwing at him.
But even with that attitude, he’s nervous about his current situation. Trapped in a bureaucratically mandated relationship with not one but two doms is going to be difficult and dangerous. Especially since these two doms are both members of the Avengers themselves.
He hopes that whenever he disappoints them, they’ll have at least a little pity on him, even though he knows he won’t deserve it.
More Than Meets the Eye (ao3) - LokiNeedsHugs1031 loki/tony, steve/bucky E, 249k
Summary: Tony Stark and Loki have known each other long before the attack on New York. Tony is shocked to find that Loki doesn’t remember him at all, that hence the reason Tony being thrown out the window, that is until he’s slammed to the ground by The Hulk. When Tony sneaks a peek at the beginning of interrogations he discovers that the Loki that attacked New York has seemingly woken up from some kind of mind control, and is begging for help.
No Magic Would Save Me (ao3) - arsenicarcher (Arsenic) pepper/tony M, 20k
Summary: Once upon a time, an angel with the unlikely name of Pepper came to the circus, and took Clint away.
peter’s stars (ao3) - IronPengu, parkrstark steve/tony T, 175k
Summary: Steve and Peter lose their apartment and are kicked out on the streets. Steve has to juggle between jobs to earn whatever money he can, take care of his son while resfusing to let him realize how much they’re trouble in, and keep them warm and safe on the city streets in winter.
So, he really doesn’t have time to date the billionaire that flirts with him everyday as he buys his cup of coffee. Even if he did, he can’t let himself fall for the man. Because if he knew that he lived from a backpack and showered in a public bathroom there’s no way he’d still want him…right?
Push (ao3) - phoenixreal steve/tony E, 21k
Summary: Tony Stark was known for pissing people off, it was a given. Then, after the man everyone thought was nothing more than a selfish prick decided to nearly kill himself saving Manhattan from a nuclear bomb, even the most sure of Tony's bastard status had to rethink it. And then, his team who were sure they had him pegged, they were invited (ordered) to move into Stark Tower with him. To their surprise, they found he had furnished full floors for each of them, somehow knowing their tastes exactly, including a floor dedicated to the resident Asgardian who would only be there some of the time. Surprised, and please, they all wonder at the enigma that is their host. After a couple months, Pepper Potts stops coming around so much, and they realize that something has exchanged between them because they are rather professional to each other. Pepper still frets over Tony, but instead tells the others to keep an eye on him rather than doing it herself. They easily forget that Tony is, and always has been, simply a human civilian. Then things get strange when they find themselves locked down within Stark tower, and after a harrowing viewing of a mysterious video, they find their resident playboy is completely gone.
Put Away Childish Things (ao3) - arsenicarcher (Arsenic) ot9 M, 36k
Summary: Tony and Clint are captured by villains who can only get what they want from a child-Tony. So, obviously, they de-age him. Because comics.
Who Saves The Hero (ao3) - CamelotQueen T, 15k
Summary: May brings home her new boyfriend. Something about him makes Peter feel nervous, but he makes May happy. And if May's happy, then Peter is happy.
Then it escalates.
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amethystina · 2 years
For the ask game: how do you decide what fics to write?
Krya på dig!
4. How do you choose which fics to write?
I'm unsure if this means what fics to write out of all the ideas I come up with or what fics to write on a day-to-day basis, so I'll just answer both!
When it comes to deciding what ideas will move on to the next stage and actually get written, it's usually the ones that give me something new to explore or, alternatively, a challenge. I have SO many ideas and so little time (and also can't write short fics to save my life) that I have to be pretty selective. I can't just go with ideas I think are fun or exciting in the heat of the moment, but rather ones that will give me something in the long run.
It doesn't have to be something spectacular, though. Just being able to explore new characters is more than enough, which is also why my first fics in a fandom are usually set in the canon verse (if with a twist sometimes), detailed, and focus heavily on characterisation and capturing the tone and voice of the characters and world as a whole. Or at least focus on the characters and their dynamic more so than outrageous plots or AUs. Because those are the fics I choose to prioritise and write first. THEN I might branch out a little and try new things.
(The only real exception is my first Winteriron fic (Autonomy, a huge, sprawling space opera) but that was mainly because I started writing it back in December 2015, before Tony and Bucky had really had any shared screen time in the canon verse, so making it an AU just gave me more options xD)
As for choosing what fics to write from day to day, that's usually based more on my mood. I'm someone who usually finishes my fics before I post them so I can work on them at my own pace and in whatever order I choose. My readers (or potential readers) usually have no idea what I'm working on so I can usually do so without any external pressure.
That... has changed with Who Holds the Devil, though. Which means I'm honestly a little lost at times because I DO have several other WIPs I would like to work on (like the sequels to Gravitational Pull) but I feel guilty as soon as I do, since I know that people are waiting for the next update on Who Holds the Devil. And I admit I don't really like the feeling. Sometimes it's like I only have a very small window to work on other fanfics before I start feeling guilty and have to focus back on Who Holds the Devil. Which is still a delight to write, make no mistake, but, sometimes, it is definitely also a must rather than a want.
Long story short: I should definitely avoid posting WIPs if I can because they mess with my head in a way that's just not good for anyone involved x'D
Och tack så mycket, jag ska försöka 💜 Jag erkänner att det är lite kämpigt just nu, men det är väl bara att tuffa på. Förr eller senare så lägger det sig :)
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thatgirlwithasquid · 2 years
Tag game: Answer these questions, then tag nine people you want to get to know better.
Tagged by @thecrabnebula
Three ships: Harringrove, Cunningway, Winteriron (ive only read a lil bit for them so far but the hurt/comfort is exquisite…. also the steve rogers bashing because thats a not-so-guilty pleasure)
First ship: Tyrus (I wrote some VERY bad fics for them on amino a few years back 😬)
Last movie: Avengers Civil War
Last song: Blue Again - Weakened Friends
Currently watching: Daredevil
Currently reading: actual book wise? The Stolen Heir by Holly Black (I preordered it and was soooo excited!! :) )
Fanfic wise? Too many at once, tbh. I’m a real bad mood reader lmao so I jump between them as I see fit. Lemme compile some of the list of current reads…
1) Just the Two (Three) of Us
2) Astronomy In Reverse
3) Love of a Different Lifetime
4) 5 times Peter met the Winter Soldier
5) But You Hate Blueberries
AND MORE!! All buried in my *checks safari* 135 tabs open on my phone…
jesus christ i have a problem
Currently consuming: Nothing
Currently craving: just plain Dairy Milk but someone (read: me) maybe (read: definitely) exhibited absolutely 0 self control and has already eaten all the chocolate they got for christmas.
Tagging @flashwaves @onebrainsel @intothedysphoria @shieldofiron (and im too tired to try and remember what other people i like so thatll do. no pressure xxx)
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needyoucap · 2 years
Tumblr media
I posted 2,930 times in 2022
That's 2,069 more posts than 2021!
67 posts created (2%)
2,863 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,550 of my posts in 2022
Only 47% of my posts had no tags
#stony - 593 posts
#stevetony - 559 posts
#tony stark - 205 posts
#spn - 55 posts
#winteriron - 53 posts
#geraskier - 49 posts
#steve rogers - 43 posts
#lmao - 39 posts
#bucky barnes - 30 posts
#mass effect - 29 posts
Longest Tag: 115 characters
#is that my dog is completely blocked from the bathroom so there's zero chance of her accidentally poisoning herself
My Top Posts in 2022:
I saw a screenshot of a tumblr post saying "sam winchester and bella swan dress the same" and in my attempt to find the original post I stumbled upon a sam-and-bella-being-exactly-alike conspiracy that I'm now obsessed with
9 notes - Posted October 11, 2022
As an old Big Time Rush fan who recently went to a concert and is remembering all my previous fics and getting sucked back into the fandom, I would just like to complain very quickly about the lack of distinction AO3 users seem to have between the Big Time Rush (TV show) and Big Time Rush (band) tags.
I'm probably not the first or only person to complain about this, but I'm 99% certain that one was intended for RPF and one was intended for fic based on the show only. Tagging both for your show fic only confuses and makes it harder for people trying to search specifically for RPF, AND for people wanting to exclude RPF, for that matter. Because now if you want to hide anything featuring the actual real life band members, without missing out on any show fics, you have to type all their names in the exclude box, and who has the time for that?
10 notes - Posted August 13, 2022
Everyone was panicking. The Avengers had just received a ransom video showing Tony in the hands of some HYDRA kidnappers. They were currently rewatching it, hoping to find some clues to where HYDRA was keeping Tony, as JARVIS couldn't locate him.
"What'cha watching?" a voice over Steve's shoulder said, startling him.
Behind him stood Tony. Steve couldn't do anything other than gawk at Tony, who, other than a few scrapes and bruises, looked completely fine.
"I guess you didn't want to wait for us to rescue you," Bucky remarked.
Tony grinned. "Where would be the fun in that?" he said.
12 notes - Posted February 11, 2022
So due to tumblr's recent addition of "community labels" and my inherent suspicion of anything tumblr does, I'm here to remind you that Pillowfort is literally exactly everything tumblr users have been asking for, without the censorship. There are many, many, features and I can't even think of them all right now but the main one is that they aren't funded by advertisers; currently, I believe they're fully user-funded by donations with plans to implement some kind of optional subscription for premium features in the future. Because of this, they fully allow NSFW content. Basically if it's legal to post on the internet (in the USA, anyway, where Pillowfort is based) its welcome on Pillowfort. You can mark your posts as , if you're worried about minors being exposed to anything unsavory. In fact, looking at their post toggles right now, you can change the privacy of individual posts so that only logged-in users, followers, mutuals, or even yourself are able to view it. Pillowfort has privacy controls galore.
Literally the only thing that tumblr has that Pillowfort doesn't is the user base. Which is where this post comes in. If you, too, are suspicious of these new community labels and the fact that tumblr is being super vague about their policies and the fact that anyone can just "suggest" a community label for a post (which might then be permanently slapped on your post, with no way to take it off without appealing to the tumblr mod team), please, please consider joining Pillowfort. At the moment, you can sign up by donating $5 to them for a registration link, OR you can ask me or anyone you know that has a Pillowfort account for a free registration link: each user gets three free links generated every week, which means if you end up liking it, it's pretty easy to let your friends also sign up for free.
In case this post somehow blows up and I end up having more than three people wanting to join per week (which I'm doubting at this point) here's a link to Pillowfort's official Twitter profile, where they regularly start threads for people to drop their registration invite links for anyone looking to sign up.
Please just consider trying it out because at this point I really don't see NSFW coming back to tumblr any time soon (and literally neither does the CEO of tumblr), and we all deserve better than the buggy updates and "features" they keep forcing on us over and over.
15 notes - Posted September 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
With every new fandom I join, I inevitably end up reading some type of "soulmates are real" fic
And yet no ship will ever give me the same feelings that Sam and Dean being actual, canon soulmates does
20 notes - Posted August 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
0 notes
State of the Fic
I didn't really write much this month. The depression hit me hard, low engagement has me feeling low inspiration, and after writing nearly 100k words over the last few months, I thought that I deserved a bit of a break. I do have some shorter fics for readers to take a look at though!
Still no WIPs currently being posted! I'm taking a break from those to knock out some of my shorter ideas.
Recently Posted
Marvels Unsolved: Mysteries of the Maximoff House (Winterironfalcon): Posted on June 1
This week on Marvels Unsolved, Bucky and Tony investigate the Westview Anomaly and the Maximoff House as part of their ongoing investigation into the question: are ghosts real?
The Truths We Hide (Stevetony): Posted on June 3
When Loki casts a truth spell on Tony, he has to figure out how to break the curse before it kills him - and before he tells Steve how much he loves him. But maybe… just maybe, telling Steve isn't such a bad idea after all.
Today Was a Fairytale (Stevetony): Posted on June 4
Today was a fairytale You've got a smile that takes me to another planet Every move you make everything you say is right Today was a fairytale ~ Steve gives Tony daisies. And it’s… nice. Tony’s suitors send him roses and exotic orchids and genetically modified blossoms that bloom in impossible colors no one could ever hope to find in nature. His mother makes sure there’s always a fresh bouquet of irises in his room—they usually come from her own garden, but he still doesn’t know how she manages to find them even in the middle of winter. And Steve… Steve gives him daisies.
Wrapped Up in Your Love (Stevetony): Posted on June 13
Tony has a bad day, so Steve takes care of him.
You're My World, Bro (Gen fic): Posted on June 18
Rhodey is already halfway across the living room to where Tony is sitting on the couch, desperately saying, “Tones, I need your help,” before their apartment door has even shut behind him. Tony, conditioned by a lifetime of living with Howard, automatically says, “No."
I Found a Love for Me (Stevetony): Posted on June 20
Steve comes home to find Tony waiting for him with a surprise.
Coming Up
1. My first Winteriron fic in almost 6 months!
2. Fairytale of New York: the new holiday fic! Chapters 14-17 have been written
3. MTH fics! Currently working out an idea with the Thor/Tony auction winner
4. Birthday prompt fics!
5. Bluebells and Belladonna: the winteriron magical flowership fic I’ve had sitting in my drafts for almost two years
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kandisheek · 3 months
All of Potrix's kidfics just make me so happy. They're fluffy and funny and adorably sweet, and I can't get enough. I especially love how Potrix writes the whole men-being-unsure-with-kids to oh-wait-I'm-actually-a-great-dad trope. It's wonderful, and I would read a million more of their stories, because they're always a great time!
Here's some of their work that I think you should check out:
Place in Your Heart
Pairing: Bucky/Tony Rating: T Words: 3,533 Tags: Parent Tony, Kid Peter, Getting Together
Summary: They try to hide it, Bucky can see the effort they all put into making him more comfortable, but Bucky isn’t stupid, he knows they’d rather have him somewhere else, somewhere far away from their home, the place where they’re supposed to feel happy and safe.
Reasons why I love it: Tony just unceremoniously plopping baby Peter into Bucky's arms is somehow both the funniest and sweetest thing in the entire world. I love how Tony and Peter manage to be exactly what Bucky needs, and how Bucky grows more and more into his own skin again. Plus, the team feels are absolutely wonderful. I love this fic so much, and I bet you will too, so please give it a read!
share and celebrate
Pairing: Bucky/Tony Rating: T Words: 2,680 Tags: Multiverse, Babysitting, Emotional Baggage
Summary: It’s been almost twenty-four hours, but still none of it seems or feels entirely real. Well, to be fair, learning about the existence of parallel universes, finding out there’s at least one other Earth that has been destroyed by a threat his Earth isn’t even fully aware of yet, and getting two other-universe versions of people he’s currently not exactly on speaking terms with dropped into his lap has been kind of a lot. It might take Tony another day—or year, more likely—to wrap his head around all of that.
Reasons why I love it: This is such a nice take on how the post-Civil War atmosphere dissolves into something approaching normalcy. It always puts a smile on my face, especially the scene where Bucky effortlessly inserts himself into Tony's whole situation with the babies. This fic is lovely, and you should definitely read it!
little bit of me, little bit of you
Pairing: Bucky/Tony Rating: M Words: 7,326 Tags: Memory Loss, Family Fluff, Past Mpreg
Summary: Bucky looks up, and for one terrifying moment, before Stark acknowledges the kid, too, he thinks his programming is acting up again, making him hallucinate. Because right there, gym bag slung over his shoulder, and a bicycle helmet tucked under his arm, stands a boy who looks so much like Bucky remembers himself looking almost a century ago, that Bucky has the sudden, hysterical urge to pinch himself to make sure he isn’t dreaming.
Reasons why I love it: I love the whole backstory of Tony's arrangement with Léon, and how accepting Bucky is of everything. Also awww, the whole thing with Isobel at the end is the sweetest. I adore this fic, it's so fluffy and fun. I hope you give it a shot for yourself, because you definitely should!
Crossing Bridges
Pairing: Bucky/Tony Rating: T Words: 8,011 Tags: Single Parents, Getting Together, First Dates
Summary: “Thank you, really,” Barnes says, again, for at least the tenth time in the last two minutes. “Thank you, for doin’ this. I appreciate it.” With that, and a brief squeeze of Tony’s shoulder, Barnes is gone. Tony stares out into the empty hallway, blinking slowly, for several long moments after the elevator’s left his floor, before he manages to collect himself, and push the door closed with his elbow. Because his hands are full, holding Barnes’ sleeping son.
Reasons why I love it: Bucky falling head over heels after Tony shows that he's unexpectedly amazing with kids, and Bucky's kid especially? What more could we want? This fic is super cute, and besides the wonderful Winteriron romance, I also really enjoyed Steve and Bucky's friendship here. You should definitely read this one, it's fantastic!
Pairing: Steve/Bucky/Tony Rating: E Words: A/B/O, Unplanned Pregnancy, Pining Tags: 2,500
Summary: One moment they’re fighting, yelling scathing insults and ugly accusations at each other, and the next they’re kissing, all teeth and anger-fuelled desperation. Steve backs him up until Tony’s shoulders hit the closest wall, and hoists him up, giving Tony no choice but to wrap his legs around Steve’s waist for support. Tony bites Steve’s bottom lip, hard enough to draw blood, and Steve growls, and grips both of Tony’s wrists in one big hand, his hold bruisingly tight.
Reasons why I love it: Aaaah, all the feels, I'm living! I really love how the Civil War is handled here, and Bucky being the driving force in getting Steve and Tony to work through their differences is wonderful. Plus, the ending just puts the biggest grin on my face. If you haven't read this one yet, get on it right now, because it's amazing!
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polizwrites · 2 days
PoliZ's WIP Update - 18 Sep 2024
Getting back on track with my weekly writing goal.   I touched five  fics (2 new & 3 WIPs)  for a total  of  2099  words, most of which were on a single fic.   
On Ao3, I posted: 
Some Other Beginning’s End -  No Powers Tony POV one-shot  (Brock/Bucky breakup = Tony & Bucky) 
Short-Timing It -  Pre-War (barely) Bucky & Steve slice of life ficlet.   
On Tumblr I posted: 
 Duty Calls - Established Winteriron ficlet 
I’m juggling  20+  active/semi-active WIPs with my current  deadline being the new WinterIron Gets It Done server bingo event  which runs til the end of September.  
See  below cut for what I’m working on/planning to work on - arranged more or less by bingos/challenges/etc.  As always, feel free to send me   prompts or plot bunnies as well as asks regarding  any of these projects  or any other WIPs I’ve got out there.   Interaction really helps feed the Muse and keep me motivated!
 WinterIron Gets It Done Bingo [WIGID] (Ends 30 Sep 2024)
This new WinterIron Discord server event runs through the month of September and is a flash bingo where you choose one or more  five-square bingo strips to complete.  I’m targeting to get at least two strips done for a blackout - with a stretch goal of three - I’ve currently got 11  fills across three strips. 
* Classic_5 - Favorite Song -  combined this with the Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF270 Lights and Sirens] for  Duty Calls, an established WinterIron ficlet where a date gets interrupted.  It came in at 203 words and will get posted to Ao3 by the end of the month.  
* Author_5 - 1k Word Ficlet - claiming this with   Some Other Beginning’s End, which I posted to Ao3 on Friday. Tony’s a bartender dealing with an a-hole patron (Brock) and his just-broken-up-with boyfriend (Bucky).  It crossed over with my  pJBB  C2_A2 - "You deserve someone who makes you happy."  and TSB R4 - Bartender squares. The fic ends with a potential of a matchup, but is platonic.  It came in at 1170 words, stretching the “1k ficlet’ a bit.😁  
Build-A-Bucky Bingo [BaBB_R1] (Ends 31 Oct 2024)
Another fun year-long  event from the folks at  @buckybarnesevents!  Each month there’s a list of prompts and you choose (at least) one  each month for your card!  At thirty-three  fills and two months to go, I seem to be going a bit overboard …. 😁
* May:  Bucky’s Trigger Words -  combined this with a previous  Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF251 Out There] for Just To Live One Day Out There - a Winter Soldier self-reflective ficlet. It came in at 312 words and will get posted to Ao3 Real Soon. 
* September: First Meeting - filling this with the upcoming Chapter Nine of  A Sugar-Coated Pill  where Bucky gets to meet Obadiah Stane.  Needless to say, he doesn’t get along with the older alpha.  It’s crossing over with my  TSB:  Aug Adoptable: Resolve –   I’ve got it nearly drafted at 1732 words written and am targeting posting possibly on the 20th or the 27th
* September: Feelings Denial - got inspired to work on a sequel to A Little Bit Carried Away -  looking at Bucky and Tony living together and where their relationship is starting to lead.  I have either a one-shot or first chapter of Carrying Things Forward drafted at 880 words; it crosses over with my  WIB  N4 - A/B/O: Mates and pJBB - C2_A1 - "There's nothing wrong with you."  squares.  Also targeting posting this on the 20th or 27th.  
Flufftober 2024  [FlfT_24] (Runs 1-31 Oct)
This writing challenge hosted by @flufftober  runs for the month of October, but the prompt list has already been published, so you can get a jump start!  My goal is to write one fic a week that incorporates these prompts - here’s some possible crossovers - if there’s one that sounds really good - let me know! 
* 1. Lost Pet Meet Cute - crossover with  BBB C2 - Bonded animal?
* 5. Acorn, Chestnut, Pine Cone - Decided to combine this with R3 - AU: adventurers/explorers  for some Tony  & Morgan fluff.  Up, Down, North, South, East and West is coming in at 347 words and will post on October 5th. 
* 10. Bet, Game, Contest - crossover with BBB U5 - Secret Admirer?
* 11. Ingredients & Spells - crossover with TSB S3 - KINK: Aphrodisiacs? 
* 18. Bewitched - crossover with BBB B1 - Magic? 
* 22 - Heirloom - crossover with WIB G2 - Edwin Jarvis &  TSB T2 - Wedding -  A tie tack or cuff links that Tony gifts to Bucky as his ‘something old’?   Probably will write this as a  sequel/second chapter  to Carrying it Forward.   
Whumptober 2024 [WmpT_24] (Runs 1-31 Oct)
This writing challenge hosted by @whumptpber  runs for the month of October, but the prompt list has already been published, so you can get a jump start!  My goal is to write two fics (whump isn’t normally my bag)   that incorporates these prompts - need to  explore more potential crossovers. 
* No. 2: TRUST ISSUES - Amusement Park | Role Reversal | “You got away with the crime while the knife’s in my back.”  – crossover with WIB  N5 - "I'm here for you."  and possibly pJBB - C2_B2 - Being there for someone after a traumatic event
WinterIron Bingo 2  [WIB_R2] (Ends 16 Dec 2024)
Signups are still open for pre-made cards for Round Two of this super-fun bingo event! I have eighteen  fills and zero WIPs at the moment - setting this aside for the moment, as I have other time-sensitive events going.  
* Iron Soldier (One Bingo, One Fill) - looking at combining my Column B prompts: Matchmaker, Bucky Riding Tony, Stark Gala, Inside Joke and Threesome.  Still working on a plot - if you have any suggestions/want-to-sees - let me know! 
* I3 - Car Sex -  Have a fun ficlet in mind for this - some of the dialogue & such already worked out in my head.  
* N4 - A/B/O: Mates -  see BaBB September:  Feelings Denial above. 
* N5 - "I'm here for you."  - Possibly the next chapter of  Lady Natasha’s Consort and Lord Steve’s Companion ?  
Bucky Barnes Bingo - Round Six [BBB - R6]  (Ends 31 Mar)
This amazing bingo event from the folks over at @buckybarnesbingo is back!  I have fifteen  fills with one WIPs at the moment, but a couple  more crossovers planned. 
* U3 - Yelena Belova  - Magica and I are circling back around to Peresmešnik, (aka Three Avengers and a Baby) - with the next chapter featuring Tony’s interactions with Mirriam, and a revelation about her parentage. The chapter is sitting at about 475 words, and needs more fleshing out before we’ll be ready to post … maybe next month?   
*  K2 - IMAGE: Bucky and Steve in Siberian silo hallway (CA:CW)  - Combined this with the Flash Fiction Friday prompt  [#FFF269 Living Weapon]  for  Reconstruction - a fix-it/canon divergent ficlet where Steve, Bucky and Tony team up instead of fighting.   It came in at 268 words and will get posted  to Ao3 before the event is over.   
* K4 - Last Times/Farewells -  Posted  Short-Timing It  to Ao3 this morning.  I combined this prompt with a previous  Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF257 Count The Days ] for  Short-Timing It - a pre-war (just barely) Bucky & Steve (Stucky if you squint) ficlet that  came in at 312 words.
Tony Stark Bingo - Mark VIII [TSB_R8]  (Ends 31 May)
This amazing bingo event from the folks over at @tonystarkbingo is back! Late signups will start next month if you want to join in on the fun!  I have  seven  squares filled and four  WIPs - I need to plan out more crossovers! 
* T1 - Watching Helplessly -  Posted Stranded Among the Stars  to Tumblr as a crossover with the Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF265 Galaxies Away]. It’s a Nebula & Tony ficlet set on the ship - it came in at 345 words and will get posted to Ao3 before the event ends. 
* A5 - excessive - Used this towards the August Tony Stark Round Robin collaborative fic - Tony throws Bruce a birthday party and shenanigans ensure.  I’ll share the link once it gets posted. 
* R2 - I love you 3000  - came up with an Endgame-compliant drabble for this prompt:  A Difficult Decision is a look into Tony’s thought processes right after tucking Morgan into bed.  Will post next week. 
* R4 - Bartender - see WIGID Author_5 - 1K ficlet above.   
* K3 - Pepper Potts -  see WIB O3 - Love Confession above
Hawkeyes Bingo [HB_R2] (Ends TBD) 
Working on this  Tumblr event - got a 3x3 card and am looking forward to creating more  Clint-centric content and trying my hand at a bit of  Kate Bishop fic as well!    
* A3 - Awkward Flirting – this might be a good entry into my first femslash fic with Kate/Yelena?    
* C1 - Magic -  Combined this with a previous Flash Fiction Friday prompt  [#FFF259 House of Cards]   for   Keep a Steady Hand.  Clint notices Bucky getting frustrated with a task and offers to help.  It came in at 632 words and will post to Ao3 possibly later this month.   
Post July Break Bingo 2024  [pJBB_24] (Ends 30 Jun 2025)
As I mentioned above, I requested two 2x3 cards for this  Discord-server only event from @julybreakbingo  – so if you want to join in the fun, let me know and I’ll try to get you an invite!  I have two fics posted & two WIPS  and need to figure out some more crossovers.
* C2_A1 - "There's nothing wrong with you." - see BaBB: September: Feelings Denial above. 
* C2_A2 - "You deserve someone who makes you happy."  -  see WIGID Author_5 - 1k ficlet above.  
* C2_B1 - Courting/courted in a different way than they're familiar with -  posted A Symbol of Devotion on Tumblr as a crossover with the Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF267 Gifted Violets] - a bit of Stony fluff with Tony  buying Steve little things for his apartment.   It came in at 374 words and will get posted to Ao3 before this event is over. 
Warm and Fluffy   Bingo  [WFB]   (no end date)
Eight fills on my card, courtesy of   @warmandfluffybingocards  - need to try for another crossover or two!
* I2 - Vulnerable Drunk - matched this up with a previous Flash Fiction Friday prompt of [#FFF258 Milky Way Dreams]  for Sweet Dreams and Flying Machines -  a MIT-era Tony & Rhodey ficlet, where a drunk Tony shares a childhood dream with his best friend.  It came in at 318 words and will get posted to Ao3 at some point.   
On  other creative fronts:  I am working on a Stitch head ornament  for a gift exchange, along with gearing up for Marvel Trumps Hate 2024 - have been posting pics of previous creations in order to make a masterpost to link my auctions to.         
If  you’re looking for one of a kind gifts for birthdays or other celebrations, check  out Stuffed With Character    over on Facebook for a full list of my designs (now over 150!).   These soft stuffed figures are  mostly Marvel and monsters, but I have some Star Wars, Star Trek, DC   and Disney figures as well. Plus I love to take custom design   requests  for any fandom!
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mcfiddlestan · 3 years
I wasn't technically tagged, but got it from @luninosity. :D
Rules: List all your WIP titles, all meaning even the ones that are vague or nonsensical. Tag as many people as there are WIPs (that might be a lot, so we’ll see!)
I have a lot so I'll separate them by ship, I guess (since I only really write the same ones lol)
- 30 Day OTP Porn Challenge: I've still got 12 days left to do. Day 19 has a... wobbly outline.
- College AU smutty one-shot for a friend: outline/prompt was given to me by said friend. Tony's an exchange student living in London, where he bumps into fresh from Norway student Loki, who needs help getting around. Tony offers to help, things lead to things. Smut.
- Fools Rush In: previously posted six completed chapters, but I hit a bad writer's block and took it down. I hope to someday finish it. it was one of the first long fics I started that was in-universe.
- Real Genius AU: semi-outlined, based on the 1985 movie with Val Kilmer. Chris Knight gives off heavy Tony Stark-vibes.
- Royals AU - outlined, a couple of chapters written. Kind of got the idea from the E! show The Royals. It's an ambitious fic, too. It was the first fic I brought in other characters besides the core Avengers, such as Erik Lehnsherr, Wanda and Pietro Maximoff, and tbh if I were to start working on this today, I'd throw in Sam Wilson and maybe other characters.
- The Flame: another, like FRI, that was previously published on AO3. Up to five chapters, lots of scenes written but not strung together yet. Initially looks like ThunderFrost, but it is inevitably FrostIron (no Thor and Loki were not brothers). Idk if I'll ever get back to this one tbh.
- The House Guest: the storyline is all planned out, but I've only written two chapters. It's genderbent -- Antonia Stark and fem Loki Laufeyson. I've even got edits done. I'm hoping to work on it this year.
- Live-action Maleficent/Thor movies crossover: I've had this one in my WIP pile for almost a decade. It was something cooked up with @vikishus around the time the first Maleficent movie came out (I think). I've just never sat down to write anything for it.
- Musician!Bucky and Firefighter!Steve, modern day au: has a storyline, and a few pieces/scenes written. (Mixed in is some SamTasha)
- The Greatest Showman-ish AU: some idea jotted down after repeated viewings of the movie lol
- Every Piece Will Find Its Place: post-Winter Soldier prompt given to me anonymously; storyline sketched out, opening written
- 1950s Matinee Idol AU: an idea I sketched from a tumblr post I saw forever ago
- Hurricane: sequel to my one ThunderFrost fic, Lead the Way. The plot's kinda there and some bits.
- The Christmas Date: my perpetual almost-done gift for a good friend. It's literally nearly done. But I can't seem to get it down.
- All I Ask: my artist!Loki and recovering vet!Bucky AU. Been working on it for about five years now. Four chapters are done, with other scenes, and a full plot sketched out.
- Nobody's Hero: a prompt sent to me anonymously that's canon divergent. Bucky and Loki meet and fall in love in the 1940s, then Bucky goes off to war and the first Cap movie ensues. Fast forward to the present day, Loki finds Winter Soldier!Bucky and fights to break through his Hydra brainwashing.
- Second Time Around: like Fools Rush In and The Flame, I removed this from AO3 when I hit a block. Three chaps and a plot 3/4 written. Bucky is more a mix of Bucky and TJ from Political Animals (cuz I started it around the time that was on the air).
- Whatever It Takes: my single Dad AU. Seven chaps completed. The whole plot done. Just gotta write it!
- Snow/Zima RP: my attempt to transform my long ago RP with my ex into a more readable fic-like story. It's not easy lol.
- I have a random OT3 prompt waiting to be written with these three. 🤷🏽‍♀️
- Bodyguard AU: got a plotline and a few scenes. Hoping to work on this soon.
- Alt Prompt 12: I posted a prompt for #12 in the 100 Ways to Say ILY challenge already, but I had another idea I sketched out that was totally different. Still might make a good one-shot.
- @teadrinkingwolfgirl's angst prompt: it's a blank doc staring at me in my Google drive.
Random Ships
- Harley/Bucky: I don't remember who sent this to me. But it's basically a DC/Marvel crossover. Joker's involved with Hydra, Harley is his Asset. She bolts, the Winter Soldier is sent after her.
- Loki/? Xmas prompt: one of those random Xmas prompts that make the rounds every year. Haven't decided who to pair him with yet.
- Fantasy Rom/Com starring Chris Pine and Tom Hiddleston: Okay, so this was taken from a random article online about fantasy romcoms that would be fun. This was one. And I was like, yo, I could write that. So far all I have is the prompt lol.
I don't even know how many I just wrote, so I'll tag a few peeps and if you're reading, feel free to do it!
@teadrinkingwolfgirl, @ishipanarmada, @bouncydragon, @rennemichaels (sorry I can't think of anyone else!)
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everything-withered · 3 years
Author update~
Real life has been A Time, but in a good way which is very strange because of how utterly wretched it was the year before that. I'm starting to understand that that is simply the nature of life and not to feel guilty for it or talk myself out of feeling good about it, so here I am writing this:
I don't have a plan yet in moving forward fandom wise outside of dedicating less time to it, though at minimum, I would still like to clear out my ask box which has a combination of winteriron and ichiruki so without further ado..
With winteriron: this ship and its fandom have such a special place in my heart for (no exaggeration) saving my life, and my journey with them won't feel complete until I hit 100 entries in the Who's Been Lovin' You Good series. At the time of writing this, I'm still 30 entries down which I think is more than enough time to keep exploring them individually and as a pair (occassionally more than lol).
As for ichiruki: they are my forever ship. Once upon a time, I was sixteen and in love with them, and here I am at almost twenty-six and still in love with them. Their ship and their fandom have been amazing to me from beginning to present, and I'm eternally grateful. I can't say that I could stop writing them even if I tried -- lord knows I'll see the sun and moon motif somewhere twenty years down the line and immediately think of them. Though, I will say that long chaptered fics are probably not in the cards if I have any hope of completing a draft for publication.
I do have ideas and 🎶concepts🎶 which I'd love to keep sharing even if there's no longer fic attached though so look out for that, and beyond the occasional drabble/prompt fill, I do have plans for longer one-shots as a compromise to the no-full-length projects so there is that.
I'm working on compiling the full scope of my winteriron and ichiruki fics into pdfs.
I've already done the first half of Who's Been Lovin' You Good for winteriron but its in need of edits and probably won't be fully ready until I hit 100.
For ichiruki, I'm thinking the full length fics will be individual pdfs, along with a collection for the one-shots of both AUs and Canon Divergent.
Wanting to create the pdfs for both ships is something important to me. Living in the time we are now where everything is virtual and where things can be deleted at a drop of a hat, I wanted to give you something you can keep, in a sense, and if you choose to.
When the pdfs are ready, I'll post the link here and it should be available on my wordpress -- which I still need to fix huhu, bear with me ya'll.
My replies on here and ao3 will still be pretty staggered, and because school and work has invaded, I had to set up a separate discord account so I'm not even using that, but please know I love and appreciate you all so much, and I carry your kind words with me everywhere.
Anyway. Yeah, that's it.
That's me.
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sierranovembr · 3 years
Dream Sharing Rec List
My last fill for this round of the @tonystarkbingo (fill details below). Dream sharing can be such a delightful trope! I highly recommend these fics:
🎇  Longing to Linger Til Dawn by Politzania
Tony finds himself in a dream, and apparently he’s not alone.
Pairing: Winteriron (Bucky/Tony) Rating: Teen Word Count: 1750
Review: A cute Bucky/Tony get-together fic which has some great interactions between the guys when their guards are down. Tony’s last line is *chef’s kiss*. Funny and sweet!
🎇  Dream On by TheLostWeasley
After the second snap, when everyone comes back, they start dream-sharing and nobody knows why.
Bucky wakes up on beach, confused and wondering where the hell he is.
Pairing: Winteriron (Bucky/Tony) Rating: Teen Word Count: 5527
Review: Dream sharing with bonus soulmates and a modern Bucky. I thought the mechanism for dream sharing was really interesting and I loved prof!Bucky. It is a post-Endgame Winteriron story, and those are somewhat harder to find. So, go enjoy this great example!
🎇  In Dreams by sabrecmc
Steve enters Tony's dreamscape to save him and finds a lot more than he ever expected.
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: Explicit  Word Count: 7542
Review: The odd-fic-out on this rec list, both by pairing and rating, but, damn, does this fic earn its spot here. Super hot 🔥🔥🔥 Tony getting worked over by multiple Steves.  The ending works perfectly well, but I’m still spinning out what happens next in my head.
🎇  Dream a Little Dream by Amethystina
When Tony and Bucky are struck by a ricocheting magic spell during a battle, there are unexpected consequences. The medical team can't find anything wrong and they both feel fine, shrugging it off as no big deal — until the dreams start. Dreams of them together, happy and in love, that sometimes feel more real than their waking moments. Neither Tony nor Bucky know what to do; they can't risk telling the other, afraid to ruin their growing friendship.
But keeping their emotions at bay — and distinguishing dreams from reality — gets more and more difficult, especially when they both find that what they want the most is for their dreams to become reality.
Pairing: Winteriron (Bucky/Tony) Rating: Mature  Word Count: 8271
Review: Starts off hot and then turns on the feelings! This fic is full of wonderful tender moments interspersed with such longing, I end up honest to goodness clutching my chest. Amazingly sweet and a genuine pleasure to read.
🎇  December 19, 1991 by Finely Honed (jaqen_hgar)
It is December 19, 1991 and Tony Stark is sleeping. This is significant for several reasons.
For a start, this is the first he’s slept since sometime early on December 16th. He’s gone without sleep for longer—both with and without the intervention of illegal stimulants—so it isn’t so much that as it is the fact that his parents haven’t been alive since December 16th.
Pairing: Winteriron (Bucky/Tony) Rating: Teen  Word Count: 4385
Review: One of my all-time favorites, but you will have to be logged in to AO3 to enjoy it. Tony dream shares with the Winter Soldier after his parents’ deaths and they fall in love. The way their feelings grow over the years and their eventual meeting is wonderfully done. I reread this fic and its  Bucky POV companion fic over and over!
Name of Piece: Dream Sharing Rec List Card Number: 4033 Name of Participant: SierraNovembr Square Number: K1 - Dream Sharing Rating: n/a Pairing: Tony Stark/Bucky Barnes, Tony Stark/Steve Rogers Warning: n/a Summary: A rec list of my top five favorite Dream Sharing fics. for @tonystarkbingo
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