#is there an english word for tapioca?
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hey-i-am-trying · 9 months ago
Qsmp ended but let's keep exchanging culture and language
I think it would be nice if we kept doing it even if we don't have the ccs anymore to be the voices of those exchanges. We could share expressions, untranslatable words or just little words we think are nice. You can also share some culture detail or facts about your country or language.
So, I will start with some of my favorites things in brazilian portuguese.
Untranslatable word
Cafuné - The act of brushing someone's hair tenderly with your fingers.
Anteontem - This one is not very exciting but I found funny that english doesn't have anything similar. It means the day before yesterday.
While we have a verb that translated to "give birth" (parir), we use "dar à luz" a lot too, the literal translation of this expression is "to give light".
"Amigo da onça" translated to "friend of the jaguar", we use to call someone that fakes to be a friend just to betrayed the person or use them.
Word I just like
Humming birds in portuguese are called beija-flor(flower kisser)
Fun Fact
Although tapioca and cassava are pretty popular in Asia, they are originally brazilian.
One of the most popular foods in a brazilian barbecue is chicken hearts, usually served in a skewer
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moonlight-prose · 5 days ago
get to know your mutuals!
thank you for the tag @saradika darling!
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what’s the origin of your blog title? i had an old old one a few years ago that had been around since 2013 but i love the moon and i love the moon and some days i sit outside and write beneath a full moon. doesn't happen often but i figured why not use that. it's a pretty username so i went with it.
favorite fandoms: marvel, star wars, x-men, top gun maverick, arcane, the last of us.
OTP(s)/shipname: oh god um....poolverine, timebomb (for jinx & ekko), sambucky (yes. yes.), hangster, i think that's it unless i missed one.
favorite color: green, various shades of dark red, some browns and blues too.
favorite game: jedi fallen order, battlefront ii, spiderman. (i use my brothers playstation so whatever he plays i play.)
song stuck in your head: DtMF - bad bunny & Big Love - suki waterhouse
weirdest habit/trait? being able to crack my spine like a glowstick. it freaks out my family.
hobbies: crocheting, painting, writing & reading, making playlists.
if you work, what’s your profession? unemployed babyyyyyyyy. but also i guess published writer and soon to be literary magazine editor (i hope).
if you could have any job you wish what would it be? professional/published writer. which i am working on and sorta getting closer to. but the other is being an archivist for literature and books specifically.
something you’re good at: cooking. i just know how to figure it out on my own. which helps cause no one else in my house really knows how to cook.
something you’re bad at: shutting the fuck up. i'm horrible at taking compliments and finishing things.
something you love: my family, my friends, my stray pumpkin loaf of a cat, the stories that have stuck with me, and music.
something you could talk about for hours off the cuff: star wars, moon knight, lore about my favorite characters, classic literature, and history.
something you hate: assholes, racist motherfuckers, the government, the consistency + taste of tapioca pudding, and when my food gets stolen (looking at my siblings).
something you collect: crystals + pretty rocks, tarot decks, pretty jars and vases, crystal ash trays, and skulls.
something you forget: responding to text messages. it's a constant thing even if i set reminders. i don't know how to fix it.
what’s your love language? making things for people and going all out for gifts, quality time, words of affirmation.
favorite movie/show: practical magic, almost famous, little women, fleabag, my lady jane, gilmore girls, i could keep going.
favorite food: coffee, pasta, birria tacos
favorite animal: cats & raccoons
are you musical? yeah. i was classically trained in piano when i was younger. even though i forgot a shit ton of stuff.
what were you like as a child? my family says i wasn't a kid. i was little adult. so yeah i guess not very childlike/very independent.
favorite subject at school? english + history
least favorite subject? i love science but i fucking hated chemistry.
what’s your best character trait? loyalty to those i love. i'm a ride or die for my family and best friends.
what’s your worst character trait? i am blunt and straight forward and it can come off as being an asshole sometimes. when really i just don't know how to sugar coat anything.
if you could change any detail of your day right now what would it be? that @soulores and i were together in person to celebrate our friend anniversary. but sadly she's at work. (we're not even that far we just don't fucking drive yet.)
if you could travel in time who would you like to meet? i'd want to meet joan didion for coffee in the sixties. and go to dinner with carrie fisher in the eighties.
recommend one of your favorite fanfics (spread the love!): i have a sideblog @djarins-riduur for fanfic love! definitely go check that out for all the good stuff.
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tagging the lovelies: @/soulores @softanon @ovaryacted @avocado-writing @superhoeva @pennyserenade @ozarkthedog @karasong @ohtobeleah @fluffyprettykitty @starryeyedstories @sunflowersteves
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billygoat26 · 1 year ago
I've been seeing a lot about KOSA on here
Don't get me wrong, I don't support it.
So I'll just say this; if any of you have read Fahrenheit 451 then you know what I'm gonna be talking about. (Censorship. It's- it's censorship.)
Basically, if you haven't read it, the book is about a time somewhere in the future where all books get burned, the only "stories" are little comics but it's just images... no words at all, and television has become the new "family." If you get caught with books, your house gets burnt down, the books burned as well.
BUT. Instead of trying to summarize the entire story, let me just show you parts of Beatty's speech.
"The fact is we didn't get along well until photography came into its own. Then--motion pictures in the early twentieth century. Radio. Television. Things began to have mass."
"And because they had mass, they became simpler," said Beatty. "Once, books appealed to a few people, here, there, everywhere. They could afford to be different. The world was roomy. But then the world got full of eyes and elbows and mouths. Double, triple, quadruple population. Films and radios, magazines, books levelled down to a sort of paste pudding norm, do you follow me?"
"Picture it. Nineteenth-century man with his horses, dogs, carts, slow motion. Then, in the twentieth century, speed up your camera. Books cut shorter. Condensations, Digests. Tabloids. Everything boils down to the gag, the snap ending."
"Classics cut to fit fifteen-minute radio shows, then cut again to fill a two-minute book column, winding up at last as a ten- or twelve-line dictionary resume. I exaggerate, of course. The dictionaries were for reference."
"Out of the nursery into the college and back to the nursery; there's your intellectual pattern for the past five centuries or more."
"Politics? One column, two sentences, a headline! Then, in mid-air, all vanishes! Whirl man's mind around about so fast under the pumping hands of publishers, exploiters, broadcasters, that the centrifuge flings off all unnecessary, time-wasting thought!"
"School is shortened, discipline relaxed, philosophies, histories, languages dropped, English and spelling gradually neglected, finally almost completely ignored. Life is immediate, the job counts, pleasure lies all about after work. Why learn anything save pressing buttons, pulling switches, fitting nuts and bolts?"
"The zipper displaces the button and a man lacks just that much time to think while dressing at dawn, a philosophical hour, and thus a melancholy hour."
"More sports for everyone, group spirit, fun, and you don't have to think, eh? Organize and organize and super organize super-super sports. More cartoons in books. More pictures. The mind drinks less and less."
"Now let's take up the minorities in our civilization, shall we? Bigger the population, the more minorities. Don't step on the toes of the dog-lovers, the cat-lovers, doctors, lawyers, merchants, chiefs, Mormons, Baptists, Unitarians, second-generation Chinese, Swedes, Italians, Germans, Texans, Brooklynites, Irishmen, people from Oregon or Mexico."
"Authors, full of evil thoughts, lock up your typewriters. They did. Magazines became a nice blend of vanilla tapioca. Books, so the damned snobbish critics said, were dishwater."
"We must all be alike. Not everyone born free and equal, as the Constitution says, but everyone made equal. Each man the image of every other; then all are happy, for there are no mountains to make them cower, to judge themselves against."
"A book is a loaded gun in the house next door. Burn it."
"...there was no longer need of firemen for the old purposes. They were given the new job, as custodians of our peace of mind, the focus of our understandable and rightful dread of being inferior; official censors, judges, and executors."
"Colored people don't like Little Black Sambo. Burn it. White people don't feel good about Uncle Tom's Cabin. Burn it. Someone's written a book on tobacco and cancer of the lungs? The cigarette people are weeping? Burn the book."
"You can't build a house without nails and wood. If you don't want a house built, hide the nails and wood. If you don't want a man unhappy politically, don't give him two sides to a question to worry him; give him one. Better yet, give him none. Let him forget there is such a thing as war."
(Source of the quotes: beatty-speech-to-montag-excerpt.pdf (wordpress.com))
(Page numbers for physical copy: 51 - 60)
I hope you get the point- we're heading down a daaaangerous path and chances are, this is- or at least is very damn close to- our future. If you want to have a good education (or your kids to have a good education), then take into consideration the things you either vote for or support, etc.
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rmd-writes · 1 year ago
Nice ask day ASK: happy belated birthday, Rail-Me-Daddy Writes!!
Now I’ve wished it early and late.
All in all, I hope it was great.
(And that’s a poem.) 🥳
I stole this ask from ccf, but I’ve added my own twist: what is your favorite travel memory, specifically related to food? 😋
Hi Jazzerdoc, thank you!! I’ve had an excellent birthday weekend filled with some truly incredible food! 😋😍
A favourite food-related travel memory - I once spent 6 weeks in Rio de Janeiro, living on Copacabana Beach. There was a bakery around the corner that I went to almost every day and most days I’d buy pão de queijo (a delicious tapioca based cheese bread). I knew a little Portuguese but it wasn’t good - by the end of the trip I could speak well enough to have a simple conversation in Portuguese though! Now, a Brasilian friend had warned me that if I mispronounced pão that I’d basically end up saying something that sounded like the word for dick 🙃 the pronunciation can be tricky because it’s tonal and not really a sound we use in English. Anyway, because of this, my terrible Portuguese and the fact that the bakery was mainly staffed by men, I generally placed my order by pointing and saying please and thank you in Portuguese. In the last week I was there though, I gathered the courage to actually ask for what I wanted in Portuguese instead of just pointing. And the bakery staff laughed a little and clapped! 😅😅
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peanutbutterex · 1 year ago
Hello again fellow Monkees fan! 😁 I am glad you know the proper version of Mommy and Daddy as well as I! Micky saying they were not political is very funny though! I would say Zor and Zam at least is also rather political in its anti-war message, dear Micky. 😆 Daily Nightly could be political as well, considering the riots that inspired it. Which leads to my next question. Have you ever been able to work out just how Daily Nightly is about the Sunset Strip riots? It's a beautiful and poetic and very abstract song and I have never been able to parse what Mike's words meant! When Mike went experimental with his lyrics, he really went experimental! Daily Nightly, Circle Sky, Tapioca Tundra, Auntie's Municipal Court...all abstract and poetic songs and some of my favorites!
Not only their songs but so much of the TV show has political undertones too, like the line “well kicking people out of their homes is the american way” (honestly the entire monkee mayor episode is incredibly political) and even if they fell flat due to the episode itself being racist, even jokes at the expense of racism! Wild to me how anyone could ever say they weren’t political.
In terms of Daily Nightly, my assumption is it is describing the imagery of the riots. We can even assume there was fire like the line “lost in scenes of smoke filled dreams” and many allusions to light. I have not really sat down with the lyrics to fully analyze them so i do not have a fully flushed out answer, especially with my lack of knowledge of the sunset strip riots.
His abstract lyrics are beautiful. Despite me having a degree in English literature and loving literary analysis, i have not really taken the time to dissect what these lyrics mean, but I can appreciate their beauty and how much of a wonderful poet Mike Nesmith was. It is such a tragedy that we lost him the way we did.
If you ever want to come into my dms and talk more about the monkees know that I am always open!! Or even just sending me asks :) it is a joy having these discussions :)
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nightmaretist · 2 years ago
BARK BARK BARK // Van & Inge
PARTIES: Van @vanoincidence & Inge LOCATION: A park. TIMING: 15 june. CONTENT WARNINGS: None. SUMMARY: A dog didn't like Inge's mare-ish vibes and chased her into a tree. Van bares witness and tries to help a little, but she's pretty exhausted and mostly amused.
The string of curses that left Inge’s mouth was a combination of English and Dutch and somehow some third language, too. It was hardly like she was occupied with the linguistic nature of her cursing, though, as she was at present being chased by a massive dog. The creature seemed to have gone rabid from its unease and saw it fit to yank free from its owner and start sprinting, flashing its shiny teeth.
Now, it wasn’t like she was afraid. Ingeborg Endeman created fear, invented trauma and terrified for a living, so she did not get scared. She was just worried about the very real threat of this dog burrowing its teeth in her leg and revealing a lack of red blood, as well as its teeth ruining her delicate decades-old skirt. She didn’t mind a scene, but she would mind one like that. And so she ran, heeled leather boots hitting the ground.
It would be perfect if a storefront appeared on either side, but the park offered little places of shelter. There was nowhere to go but up. So up Inge went, clambering into a tree with haste, watching as the dog jumped up and down, trying to nip at her feet. When her eyes fell on a passerby she yelled: “Hey, you! Help!” She was not afraid, please remember that.
Van stuck the straw from her drink into her mouth, jabbing down at the leftover tapioca pearls at the bottom. They were a little too squishy to go through the straw now, so it was a stab and jab kind of deal. Once she’d gotten one, she let go of the straw from her mouth and pulled it out through the small hole she’d poked through the plastic, biting off the pearl. She wasn’t normally a taro kind of girl, and it never tasted right, but she’d been in the mood for something purple to match her outfit. Except she’d sucked down the entire drink within ten minutes and now she was at the beginning of a tummy ache. “Should have gotten it with soy.” She frowned as she found a trashcan to throw the near empty cup into. 
The sound of a dog barking made her look up, exhaustion evident beneath her eyes. The dog was chasing somebody and that… somebody was climbing up a tree. Suddenly, Van was amused. It was like something straight out of a cartoon. Maybe if she’d been a little less tired, she would have been more concerned. 
The woman began to shout, and with Van being the only one in the vicinity, she assumed that it was she who was being beckoned. “Me?” She pointed at herself with her index finger, then looked at the dog, its front paws scratching into the tree trunk while its jaws snapped wildly, spit flying from its jowls. “What did you do to him?” Because he wasn’t reacting to her, which meant that the brunette in the tree had done something. “Did you pretend to give him a treat and take it away? Is it your dog?” 
Give it a few days, perhaps even one of them, and Inge would laugh at this. It would be a moment to look back at fondly, to potentially recount when she met someone new and wanted to exchange exciting anecdotes. In the moment, however, she was nothing if not agitated. She was too unfocused and frazzled and in public to elevate her spirit and body into the astral plane and this entire ordeal was bound to become the source of at least some public ridicule. She really hoped no teenager was filming this. Or worse, a student.
The dog kept snapping and barking, tireless in its stupid rage and ferocity. If she wasn’t so annoyed, she’d pay a little more attention and focus on the details of that jaw snapping, the spit flying. Instead, it was just the young woman she was trying to get her to help that she focused on.
“I did nothing!” The words were exclaimed, her voice an octave higher than she had intended for it to be. “Not my dog either. Its owner has to be fucking somewhere, but it just must’ve whiffed something and —” Inge’s hands pointed wildly at the dog before grabbing the branch she was sitting on again, making sure not to lose her balance. Now that would be even worse. “Can you, I don’t know, throw a stick? Find its owner?” 
The woman’s voice was shrill, full of desperation for somebody to believe her. Van had been there before many times. Only, not in public. She looked at the dog as it continued snapping its jaws, tail low to the ground, ears peeled back. Whatever it saw in the woman, it didn’t like it. At the woman’s suggestion she do something, Van sighed. “Yeah, sure.” She looked over her shoulder, tired gaze sweeping the green behind them, but there was nobody looking slightly upset that their dog was up a tree. Instead, all either she or the other woman gained were stares. 
“I don’t think they’re owner is here and like, I don’t… want to get bit.” Van tried her best to get the dog’s attention by clapping her hands together, but it did nothing. She had some of her slim jim left, the plastic folded over itself to keep it from getting fuzz from her backpack on it. “Hold on.” She dug it out and unwrapped it. “Dude, I hope you’re not on a diet.” She waved the meat stick around, but the dog didn’t even look in her direction. Van looked up at the woman in the tree with a helpless expression. “Any other ideas? You a cat person or something?” If she weren’t so tired, maybe she’d take the situation more seriously. Anxiety, for once, was on the backburner. 
She really wasn’t afraid. Of course, it was easy to claim such a thing when you lacked the flow of blood of mortals and your heart didn’t tend to start pumping excitedly. When you had seen terror in its purest form and caused it. Inge refused to be afraid, even if her voice jumped higher and there was an edge of panic to it. No, this was nothing but pure frustration. Her own gaze drifted over their surroundings, trying to find whatever idiot owned a dog this aggressive, but finding nothing.
“Their owner is a shit, then.” It was fair enough that the other didn’t want to get bit, but Ingeborg found she couldn’t care as much as she perhaps ought to. Her eyes were hopeful when the other waved a meat-stick around, but the dog didn’t budge. Inge steadied herself on the branch she was perched on, breaking off a stick and tossing it down. Hitting the dog on the face did nothing if not infuriate it more. “Yes, sure, I’m a cat-person, but that doesn’t warrant this kind of response, does it?” She was a plant-person, actually, but this could already look suspicious enough for someone in the know of mares. She let out a bark of laughter, ironically. “Fuck! I mean, that’s hardly on you, sorry. But can you believe this?” 
Van made sure to keep her distance from the dog, just in case it decided to turn and chase her instead. She really wasn’t sure what had happened to make the dog so upset in the first place, but she wasn’t sure that she believed the woman in the tree had done nothing to elicit this kind of response from it. 
As the woman broke off a stick from the tree, Van winced, watching it fall down to the ground, but not before smacking the poor animal in the face. Honestly, it probably didn’t hurt very much at all, but she couldn’t help but understand the dog’s rage a little better. The woman spoke again and Van lifted her gaze up to meet the brunette. “Maybe it can sense that you don’t like dogs. Dogs are like, weirdly in tune with that kind of shit.” With a sigh, she looked over her shoulder, scanning for anybody who might be upset that their dog was off leash and barking at some random woman. Still, nobody came into view. “I’m not sure what I believe anymore.” There was some truth to her words, but they weren’t meant for this situation. “I mean..” Van cleared her throat, pausing only momentarily, “do you have any snacks in your pockets? Maybe it wants those.” 
Maybe this was her own fault, for having called out to the stranger. But what was a panicked mare to do? She could have tried to remain calm and wait for the area to clear so she could go into the astral plane and back home, but in stead here she was. Attention on her. The dog still fucking barking. Inge was starting to get a headache. 
“Yes, maybe that’s it,” she said, knowing full well that that was it. Sanne had explained it to her, all those years ago: animals don’t like us, they think there’s something wrong with us. It had been a nightmare to walk around her hometown, with all the cattle and other animals. Inge patted down her jacket, which did have multiple pockets of which she didn’t always remember the content. “Just chocolates, don’t think I should poison the thing, right?” No, she had little interest in that. Despite her tendency to scare the bejeezus out of people who others might consider innocents, she had little interest in harming animals. Hell, she didn’t even eat them. Just as she was about to open her mouth, a stout man ran in their direction, a leash swinging in the air, apologies falling off his tongue.
“Sorry, sorry, don’t know what got into her, this never happens!” He did look genuinely apologetic. Inge didn’t care. If he couldn’t handle a big dog, he shouldn’t have gotten one. The dog’s head turned at the sound of his voice, though, and that, at least, was something good. “Come here, girl, come to dad.” It took all her might not to gag at that.
“No, I don’t think so.” Van’s frown deepened as she craned her neck to get a better look at the woman in the tree. It didn’t seem like she was carrying any bundles of salami, either. She’d seen it in a cartoon once. Van was silently grateful that it hadn’t been her up in the tree. What would she have done? Would anyone have stopped?
Just as Van was about to suggest that the woman get out of the tree to try and pet the dog to show it that she was kind, a man jogged up to them. Van turned around to look at him, his expression melding from fearful to relieved. The dog turned around at the sound of his voice and let out a high pitched whine before returning its attention to the brunette in the tree. The barking had stopped, at least. 
“Can you get your dog? She’s stuck.” Van’s voice came out a little more monotone than intended. The exhaustion really was catching up to her. The man nodded, desperate in his movements as he approached the dog, picking her up without issue. If Van had tried that, she had no doubt that she’d have gotten bit. The man apologized again before he began to coo to the dog who was wiggling in his arms. 
At least the man was strong enough to carry his stupidly big dog himself. Inge watched him from where she sat in the tree, eyes near-blazing with indignation now that her panic was subsiding. “You should really get a stronger leash, or one with a stronger grip, you know! This is outrageous. Look at me!” She gestured at her position in the three. It was his fault, really, and not hers. How could she help it that her nature upset animals? 
“I really am sorry, you’re right — but please understand, it’s never happened before, I’m telling you, I have no idea — well, I’ll just get out of your hair and get her out of here, alright? So sorry.” 
She watched him try and traipse off, the dog struggling in his arms but at least on his leash again, now. Inge stared at his back, hard, but eventually tried to let go of her frustration and focus on getting out of the tree. At least her limbs were still as nimble as they had been when she was thirty three, because if she’d had to do this in an actual 77 year old’s body, she would have been majorly fucked. Still, there was a lack of some grace as she jumped from the last bit of the tree.
“Well.” She looked at the other. “I appreciate you not laughing at me.” She really did, though she did think that in a few months - or perhaps years - she would be laughing about this herself. “I really thought it would never leave me alone and I’d just have to sleep there.” Inge wanted to get away from this horridly embarrassing scene. She tried to pat her hair, wondered if there was a stick in there. “Right.”
Van couldn’t blame the woman in the tree for talking sternly to the man with the wiggling dog. Even as he walked away with it, it still barked and let out high pitched whines that made her ears hurt. 
She watched with mild amusement as the brunette slid out of the tree, half-expecting her to scrape her backside on a rogue branch. She didn’t, however, and her feet were firmly planted on the ground. Van watched her for a moment before shrugging. “It would have been funnier if the dog had been smaller.” With a raised brow, Van tilted her head to the side. “You would have actually slept up there? Really?” She looked back up at the tree and shook her head. “At that point, let the dog bite you. Think about the bugs that could have gotten you instead.” She scrunched her nose. 
Van took a small step away from the woman and shoved the beef stick into her pocket (something she’d started doing in an attempt to mirror Nora), and let out a small breath. “I’m just glad it didn’t turn on me. Then we’d both be stuck up there.” 
Inge tried to look at her backside, trying to gauge if there was any green stuck to her trousers but unable to get very far. She still tried beating some off the dirt off regardless, having given up on trying to seem like a graceful person. Tomorrow she’d try again.
“I wouldn’t have had to climb as high if it was a smaller dog, too. But its barks would’ve been much more grating, so.” She let out a sound of amusement and frustration, somehow conveying both emotions into one. “God, maybe I would have. I’d prefer some bugs over potential rabies.” Besides, there wasn’t really any blood for mosquitos to suck from her veins anyway. What she left unsaid was that she’d just have astral projected herself home.
“Either way, nice of you to stick around and not let me sort-of-fight this battle alone. And fair enough, I wouldn’t wish being stuck in a tree as a dog barks up to it to my worst enemy.” She absolutely would. “Anyway. I’m running late to my appointment as is, so I really should go. Have a nice day without any other feral dogs, will you?”
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peridotglimmer · 1 year ago
🌻what makes you want to give up on writing? what makes you keep going?
🎈describe your style as a writer; is it fixed? does it change?
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
Hi Diana! Thank you for asking!
🌻what makes you want to give up on writing? what makes you keep going?
Writing makes me happy; it's my happy place. It's a way to express emotions and explore complex subjects. (And to make the blorbos kiss).
Dickheads like this make me want to give up:
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(No worries, this is an old comment, but this one truly affected me back then. Honestly, it still does, even if just a little bit. Don't be a dick to fan content creators. Just keep scrolling.)
🎈describe your style as a writer; is it fixed? does it change?
Oh, it's definitely changed. First of all, my English has gotten much better since 2008, when I first started writing fic. I learnt English when we lived in the US from '01-'03, but my level of English kind of remained at that 3rd grade level afterwards. Writing fic and interacting with fandom online has improved my English immensely. I still make mistakes, but they're not as horrific anymore. (I once had a character use the word "broth" to informally refer to a woman multiple times throughout a fic around 2009 or 2010. I was looking for "broad".)
Other than that, I fluctuate between styles a lot. During Timeless it was more decorative, though not purple prose just yet. When I'm feeling particularly passionate, I'll write prose poetry. Currently I'm on a dialogue-heavy spree, and I like it.
Also, I've matured, as had my writing.
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
As excited as I am for my Hitman ballet AU, I don't want to spoil it too much. So instead I'll tell you something about the Christmas fic that I hope to get done before the new year (not my Yuletide assignment): I'm shoving Diana Burnwood into a Renee Zellweger romantic comedy whether she likes it or not, featuring small town hunk 47 and his little sister Victoria. And tapioca, probably.
fic writer asks
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brigittas-writing-nook · 9 months ago
Swapping Foods: Wheat Part 2
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"Swapping Foods: Wheat Part 2" Disclaimer: None of the information provided in these posts should be taken as medical advice. Please consult with your doctor before trying recommendations or if you have concern Some posts may contain affiliate or third-party links. Welcome back! As I mentioned part 1 of Swapping Foods: Wheat, I’m going to share some brands I like for gluten free flours, pastas, and baked goods. There are also a couple of flour blend recipes. Let’s dig in.
There are a variety of gluten-free flours on the market today. The one I use most often is King Arthur™ Gluten-free Measure for Measure flour. It has the xanthum gum in it, and it works for everything from cakes to cookies to biscuits. I would argue it’s better than wheat flour for making a roux. I haven’t tried their Bread Flour, because it has pea protein, so I would love it if someone would try it out and let us know how it worked out for them. Shop King Arthur Baking
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If you want to make your own blend (or you need a rice-free blend), here is a recipe for the blend I created 15 years ago (and this went through a lot of trial and error). Gluten-free All-purpose Flour Blend Makes 8 cups (approximately 2 pounds) - 1 cup each of:- Amaranth flour - Sorghum flour - Millet flour - Bean or Almond flour - Tapioca starch/flour (same thing) - Arrowroot or Corn starch - 2 cup potato starch - 4 teaspoons xantham gum Blend together either by hand or with a stand mixer (my Kitchen-Aid® stand mixer makes this so much easier and quicker than by hand). Store in a container in the fridge for up to 90 days (can store for up to 6 months in the freezer. There are other gluten-free flours available to add to mixes. Teff and buckwheat will add more fiber to a blend. Corn flour (not cornmeal; they are two different things) can also add a different texture and flavor to a flour blend, though I would stick to using it when making tortillas (corn flour) or cornbread (cornmeal). Here is the higher fiber blend recipe. Gluten-free Higher Fiber Flour Blend Makes 8 cups (approximately 2 pounds) - 1 cup each of:- Amaranth flour - Sorghum flour - Tapioca starch/flour (same thing) - Arrowroot or Corn starch - ½ cup each of:- Millet flour - Bean or Almond flour - Teff flour - Buckwheat flour - 2 cup potato starch - 4 teaspoons xantham gum Blend together either by hand or with a stand mixer. Store in a container in the fridge for up to 90 days (can store for up to 6 months in the freezer.
There are a lot of gluten-free pasta options on the market now (significantly more than back in 2009). Some have bean flours in them, while others have corn or quinoa. Some are strictly rice-based. All of them have different cooking times, though, so read the package instructions. And follow them! Gluten-free pasta has a very short window between al dente and mush, and that window changes depending on the brand. Different brands that I have used include (but are not limited to): - Barilla (watch the time on these) - Trader Joe’s (don’t cook this too long, or it gets sticky) - Simple Truth (Kroger) - Tinkyada (their lasagna noodles are perfect!) - Jovial (I discovered thanks to my family giving me 7 boxes of different pastas for Christmas a couple of years ago)
Baked goods
There are many more gluten-free breads out on the market now. I’m a personal fan of Canyon Bakehouse products, because their breads don’t dry out as much in the refrigerator as other brands. Their English muffins are fabulous! Other brands that are available include (but not limited to): - Udi’s - Trader Joes (excellent muffins, especially the coffee cake ones) - Aldi - Simple Truth (Kroger) - Schär - Bfree - Against the Grain - Katz (their donuts are yummy, and they have toaster pastries!)
About Roux
A brief word on this style of sauce: gluten free flour (in my opinion) makes a better roux than wheat flour. It thickens better (probably because of the starches in the blends) and has a nice mouth-feel. Krusteez and King Arthur™ seem to work best in roux. Make sure to cook the flour before adding liquid, just like you would with wheat flour. That’s all for today. Let me know if you use any of these products and what you think of them. Next week, we’re going to talk about food allergy tips for Independence Day (in the US). Be safe. Eat safe. And savor life! Want to receive posts in your email? Subscribe below. Read the full article
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 years ago
A Touch Of Cold
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/rQgpMik
by Living_Free
Jason Todd - The infamous Red Hood - is finally forced to admit defeat in the face of… a cold.
Luckily, he is saved from a mucus-y fate by his Outlaw friends when they bring in the cavalry - or the colony, in this case.
Will Dick and Damian’s wholesome relationship manage to make Jason puke? Or will that be down to Dick’s horrendous cooking?
Will Tim be able to regrow his spleen?
And will Damian and Alfred ever recover from the memory of tapioca?
Words: 2007, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Red Hood and the Outlaws (Comics)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Jason Todd, Artemis of Bana-Mighdall, Bizarro (DCU), Dick Grayson, Damian Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Tim Drake, Cassandra Cain, Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake’s Spleen - The Rebirth
Relationships: Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent
Additional Tags: Batfamily (DCU), Batbrothers (DCU), batbros, batfam, Batfamily (DCU) Feels, Fluff, Crack, Humor, Family Feels, Good Sibling Tim Drake, Protective Dick Grayson, Protective Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson is Damian Wayne's Parent, Jason Todd-centric, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Good Sibling Jason Todd, Good Sibling Cassandra Cain, Tim Drake Regrows His Spleen, Scientific explanation for the Lazarus Pit, Tim Drake Drinks Boba, Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/rQgpMik
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ao3feed-timkon · 2 years ago
A Touch Of Cold
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/C60fR1F
by Living_Free
Jason Todd - The infamous Red Hood - is finally forced to admit defeat in the face of… a cold.
Luckily, he is saved from a mucus-y fate by his Outlaw friends when they bring in the cavalry - or the colony, in this case.
Will Dick and Damian’s wholesome relationship manage to make Jason puke? Or will that be down to Dick’s horrendous cooking?
Will Tim be able to regrow his spleen?
And will Damian and Alfred ever recover from the memory of tapioca?
Words: 2007, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Red Hood and the Outlaws (Comics)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Jason Todd, Artemis of Bana-Mighdall, Bizarro (DCU), Dick Grayson, Damian Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Tim Drake, Cassandra Cain, Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake’s Spleen - The Rebirth
Relationships: Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent
Additional Tags: Batfamily (DCU), Batbrothers (DCU), batbros, batfam, Batfamily (DCU) Feels, Fluff, Crack, Humor, Family Feels, Good Sibling Tim Drake, Protective Dick Grayson, Protective Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson is Damian Wayne's Parent, Jason Todd-centric, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Good Sibling Jason Todd, Good Sibling Cassandra Cain, Tim Drake Regrows His Spleen, Scientific explanation for the Lazarus Pit, Tim Drake Drinks Boba, Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/C60fR1F
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dtaegis · 3 years ago
carinha vc gosta de cuscuz ou tapioca
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agrarianradfem · 5 years ago
Brazilian radfems, I cant remember the name for a couple foods I’m trying desperately to remember. Maybe someone would know?
1) It’s got beans and something else (manioc??) kinda looks like there’s scrambled egg in it? But I don’t think there was egg. I had it in rural Minas, if that helps. It’s kinda dry, I ate it at lunch twice. Once near Serro and once in Canastra.
2) It’s a shrimp and rice dish. I had it in Florianopolis. It was in a clay dish, maybe had been baked in the dish. It had a red sauce throughout. Not spicy at all.
3) Also ate this one in Minas. It had liver (can’t remember what kind) and biquinho peppers (and probably manioc?). Ate it at a restaurant in the central market of BH.
Also I can read some Portuguese- does anyone have a cookbook or cooking blog they like? I’m losing more and more memories of Brazilian food and I don’t want to :((
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unladielike · 2 years ago
STARTER CALL ( @eliteimperialism​ ) — 𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕘𝕖𝕞𝕒𝕤𝕒 𝕚𝕤 𝕡𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕕 𝕓𝕪 𝕒 𝕔𝕦𝕣𝕚𝕠𝕦𝕤 𝕘𝕣𝕖𝕞𝕝𝕚𝕟.
     “Hey, Shiggy, I have a question!” Vivian soon calls out. For once, though, she’s speaking English instead of Japanese, making it rather apparent that at the very least, she remembers how Shigemasa said he was bilingual.
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     "How come you guys call boba tea 'tapioca juice' in Japanese?" she then questions while poising a single finger beneath her lower lip. "As far as I can tell, the word 'juice' refers to a drink made from the extraction or pressing of the natural liquid contained in fruits and vegetables... which boba tea isn't. I mean, surely, you would agree it's mostly tea rather than juice, right?"
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thuidium-delicatulum · 2 years ago
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3, 4, 5, 8, 13, 14 (and drink some water regardless of the answer!), 16, 18, 24, 26, 29
(only answer the ones you're comfortable with!)
3) [colour that gives me the ick] that one shade of yellow... like mustard but a bit lighter and NOT nice hah
4) [mythical creature that i believe to be real] tbh im pretty open to believing in a lot of things. i believe in ghosts and other supernatural things ?
5) [favourite form of potato] i like mashed potato it makes me happy what can i say it tastes nice :]
8) [do you change into specific clothes when you get to the house] yes hah i change into blue jeans and a band shirt and my favourite sweater because its comfyyyyy
13) [first thing you're doing in the purge] it sounds pathetic but texting/calling my friends to ensure their safety because i care about their lives more than my own and then somehow getting to them [idk about this part but i WILL find them] and then going to live in a forest because WHAT TEH FUCK ELSE
14) [do you think you're dehydrated?] so i dont have a water bottle and i drink water like every other day when i remember so yes quite probably
18) [boba/tea order] um boba would be classic milk tea with tapioca and tea [im not sure if this is what it meant but yeah] would be english breakfast tea with a small amount of milk + no sugar !
24) [which do you find yourself using, american or british english]i dont really understand this question but im british so i use a lot of typically british words [bloody, crap, idk wardrobe, lift, loft that kinda thing] but i guess sometimes i use more american words
26) [hows your spice tolerance?] hmmmm i really like spicy food and i enjoy the sensation of spicy food but my eyes water really easily so im not sure i guess pretty high
29) [preferred pasta] FUSILLI IS PERFECTION but i also like macaroni and those little butterfly thingys [I CANT REMEMBER THE NAME IM SORRY]
ty so much for the ask have a great day :] [sorry this took a little while i kept forgetting what the questions were]
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sakua312 · 2 years ago
Hey! Hope you are doing well, does 我爱波霸 mean “I love big boobs” in english? Sorry for the unhinged ask but I’m dying to know.
Well…in Taiwanese Mandarin, the word “波霸” could be used with different meanings:
1】 (someone has) big boobs
2】 large tapioca balls, the “BOBA” of BOBA milk tea.
So if they are not talking about some kind of drink…🤷‍♀️
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cheri-translates · 4 years ago
Headcanon - when you tell him cheesy pick-up lines
This work, 当你对他说土味情话, was originally written by 君兮耶君兮 on Weibo, and she has given me permission to translate it 🌸
Shaw makes reference to something NSFW but it isn’t graphic. I think minors should skip it just in case!
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“Victor! Victor!” You burst into the study room, settling yourself onto his lap and wrapping your arms around his neck.
“What do you want to eat now?” He encircles your waist with his left hand to prevent you from slipping, while his right hand flies across the document as he signs his name on it.
You sulk. “To you, is eating the only thing I know how to do?”
His left hand drifts to the side of your waist, giving it a pinch. “Is it not?”
His actions are accompanied by a teasing lilt in his voice, causing you to take revenge by nipping his lower lip.
“There’s something I want to buy.”
“Isn’t my black card with you?” He touches the place where you just bit him, then pinches your cheek. “What is it?”
“I want to buy a plot of land.”
“Land? What for?”
You take his hand off your cheek, then point at his chest region. “The area in your heart.”
He lets out a soft laugh, taking your hand into his. His slender fingers entwine with yours.
“That plot of land already belongs to you.”
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Today, Officer Gavin finally gets a day of rest from his diligent and hardworking service to the citizens of Loveland City. After watching a romantic movie, the two of you are seated in a dessert shop.
“Gavin, what’s your blood type?” You ask casually, stirring the tapioca pearls in your cup.
He answers without a moment of hesitation. “B.”
“Nope,” you smile, bringing the straw to your lips and taking a sip of milk tea. “You’re my ideal type.”
“Cough...” A faint crimson tinges the tips of his ears, and his hand finds yours from underneath the table. “Ever since high school, you've been my ideal type.”
You giggle, continuing your line of attack. “My blood type is AB. Remember that. If a day comes when you harm me-”
“I’ll never hurt you!” He cuts you off, his tone frantic and sincere, amber eyes brimming with confidence. “Back then, I didn’t have the strength to protect you. But now, I do.”
I really shouldn’t have joked about this with him, you think to yourself, patting his hand reassuringly. 
“Of course I know you’ll protect me. But... you’ve already started hurting me.”
You take his hand in yours.
“I like you so much that it hurts~”
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Leisure time over the weekend is typically spent huddled together with Lucien, and reading a book with him - from “One Hundred Years of Solitude” to “The Newcomer”, and from murder mysteries to philosophy. The day passes by slowly and quietly.
Very often, you’d end up leaning on Lucien’s shoulder, in a deep sleep. By the time you wake up, you’d find yourself on the bed, with him watching you from the side.
Right now, you’re snuggled up against his shoulder, biting back a yawn.
Lucien senses your slight movement, tousles your hair, and smiles. “Just sleep if you want to.”
You lift your head, rubbing his neck. “Lucien, I think you’re just like a book.”
“Hm? Is my wife complimenting me for being an erudite?” He props up the spectacles on his nose.
“Nope.” You sit yourself upright, looking at him half-seriously and half-jokingly. “I suspect that deep down, you’re a philosophy book. The more I look at you, the more I feel like sleeping~”
Upon hearing this, he shuts the book he was reading, “Journey Under the Midnight Sun”. He stands up, lifts you into his arms, and walks towards the bedroom.
“My wife has always been bold. Since that’s what you think, I’ll put it to practice.”
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[ KIRO ]
During lunch break, you’re discussing Kiro’s new movie with Kiki and some other colleagues. Just as you start talking about his role, your ringtone sounds - it’s the male lead himself.
Signalling Kiki to keep quiet, you pick up the phone. “What’s up?”
“Miss Chips, I’ve been trying to find a shop.” His tone sounds as though he’s in low spirits.
What’s wrong with your Little Sun? 
“You can’t find it? Do you need my help? What’s the name of the shop?” You ask gently.
This, however, makes Kiro sound even more upset. “I was waiting for your call. Since you didn’t call me, I had no choice but to make the first move.”
It’s true that you haven’t given him a call today, but...
“Kiro, when did you learn how to be so greasy?”
He becomes even gloomier.
“QAQ Miss Chips doesn’t love me anymore - you even called your Kiro ‘greasy’...”
You let out a laugh to pacify him, then ask, “Will you be back early today? There’s a new dessert shop around the corner, and Kiki and I will be heading there to give it a try. I’ll buy something for you?”
“Okay okay, just get a less-sugar cake for me. That way, Miss Chips wouldn’t find me greasy~”
Did Kiro misunderstand what you meant by the word “greasy”?
[Note] In Chinese slang, the term 油腻 (“you ni”), which means greasy, used to refer to people who are coarse and live sloppily. But nowadays, it’s meant to describe male stars who are excessively handsome, narcissistic, and are always immersed in their own beauty LOL
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[ SHAW ]
“Why do you keep staring at me?”
Under your intense gaze, Shaw tugs at the collar of his shirt, feeling a little suspicious.
“I think you look weird,” you confess, propping your chin on your hand.
“It’s always a little weird wearing new clothes.” Shaw puts on his metal bracelet. “In what way?”
You blink innocently, letting the words slip out.
“Weirdly handsome.”
“Oh, so now you realise that I’m handsome?” 
Evidently pleased, he paces back and forth in front of you, the corners of his lips curled upwards.
It’s rare to see him act in such a manner, so you strike while the iron’s hot. “I also think that you remind me of someone.”
The thought of a lookalike upsets him. 
“Who? Which celebrity?” He adds, “Is that person as handsome as I am?”
“Nope. You look just like my man.”
Not expecting such a response, Shaw is dumbstruck for two seconds before reacting. “Tch. I don’t look like your man. I am your man.”
You shoot him a glance. “You’re shameless.”
“All right, Mary Sue.” Shaw removes the new shirt he was just wearing. “I’ll give you a car then?”
It’s your turn to be stunned. What’s with this change in heart? He’s actually treating you so well? 
“What brand is it?”
“It’s Shaw’s brand. An Old. Man’s. Cart.”
[Note] This doesn’t translate well in English, but Shaw says 老汉推车 (“lao han tui che”), which is a sex position where the guy... does it from behind :>
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More translated and original works: here
[ Permission to translate ]
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君兮耶君兮: You can - just note the source of the author
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