#is the idea that police officers care about paperwork
*sobbing* I don't WANT to do work I want to write about investigating a secret passage with your senior officer upon whom you have a massive crush and he's making it worse by wearing your sweater and cracking jokes and holding your hand because it's dark!!!
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 year
Danny runs for Mayor
Simple Prompt: Danny runs for the Gotham Mayor position
Extended Prompt: Danny is an absolute little shit throughout his entire campaign but still manages to win because he is legitimately one of the best candidates around
Just imagine the crack that could come from this!
Reporter: What is your stance on Vigilantism? Danny: Well I agree that Vigilantes are helpful for the communities that need them, and they should work with the police at every opportunity, I feel like the idea will always be a city where Vigilantes are not needed. Also I fail to see the relevancy of the question, there are no vigilantes in Gotham Reporter: What do you mean? What about the Bat-Family? Danny: No, Batman isn’t a Vigilante. Batman is a Crime Lord.
Danny: As mayor, I promise that I will not be infected by corruption. Not because of my moral standings, but because I absolutely fucking hate clowns and I will never accept a bribe as long as that guy is still alive. Yes this is me putting a hit out on the Joker. Crime Bosses, if you want to try and bribe me, you gotta kill him first or I won’t even consider it!
Batman: Why is a Meta-Human running for Gotham Office? You know this city doesn’t have a very good track record with people like you. Even the Signal had a rough start. Danny: Well, I just had a strong compulsion to help this city reach the peak of it’s potential *looks over Batman’s shoulder to see Lady Gotham holding up Cue Cards telling him what to say. She promised to help with his paperwork for the next 50 years if he became Mayor and helped fix her city* Danny: Such a strong compulsion...
Penguin: Look kid, I don’t care if you have enough power to destroy me at the subatomic level, I have enough money to ruin you, your sister, your parents, even your uncle! Danny: Oh really? I could get the souls of every person you have ever killed to get confessions out of them. Or I could give them the power to rip you apart. Or I could even just possess you and donate all your money to charity.
Danny: Oh god dammit! Vlad: Hello Badger! Glad to see you followed in my footsteps instead of your fathers! Danny: This wasn’t because of you! Lady Gotham asked for help! Vlad: A WIN IS A WIN!
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0and0its0doctor0 · 1 year
Unsub kisses
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Aaron Hotchner x Fem! Reader
Summary: Aaron has to go undercover and winds up making out with the unsub making you extremely jealous. Warnings: none Word count: 719
You frowned as you looked at Aaron. He looked incredibly attractive in his jeans that hugged his ass and the tight t-shirt that showed off his biceps. Your eyes traced the veins in his arms all the way down to his hands and your mouth went dry. “I still don’t think this is a good idea.” You muttered as you taped the small microphone to Aaron’s chest. When he scoffed you ripped a piece of tape off his chest hair causing him to wince and look down at you. “Look I know it’s not ideal but I’m the only one that fits the unsubs type. I’ll be fine.” He tried to reassure you. Once you tugged his shirt back down and straightened it out to make sure you couldn't tell he was wired he tugged you into a hug and kissed the top of your head. “Nothing will happen.” He whispered in your ear so you nodded and pulled away. 
It didn’t take long for the female unsub to latch onto Aaron. Damn she was gorgeous. And he was heavily flirting back with the woman. You felt a fire start to burn in your chest and with every reciprocated touch you were getting more jealous. You bit your lip hard enough to draw blood. Everyone watched as Aaron and the unsub moved to the back alley where the team was waiting in vans. When the two started kissing you felt like you were going to throw up. He hadn’t even kissed you like that yet. Finally everyone swarmed in and arrested the unsub. You took one look at Aaron before rolling your eyes. “What’s her problem?” he asked Spencer as you walked away in a huff.
Spencer turned to his boss and pulled a napkin out of his pocket. “Well I’m no expert in relationships but you have another woman's lipstick all over your face. I’m assuming you don’t kiss your significant other like that. I think she is jealous.” Spencer tried explaining. Aaron frowned as he watched you talking to Emily and JJ. He did his best to wipe his face clean but noticed you were purposely avoiding direct eye contact. When he tried to hold your hand you pulled it out of his grasp and walked in the opposite direction. He tried to walk after you but he got stopped by a group of police officers that wanted all the juicy details of the hot girl. You didn’t look abc as you left the crime scene and headed back to your apartment. Alone. 
Your heart felt heavy. Were you good enough for Aaron Hotchner? You stared at yourself in the mirror, fingers tracing over curves and scars. That was the first time since high school you cried yourself to sleep. The following morning you debated calling out but you knew you had to tackle the mountain of paperwork waiting for you. So that was how you found yourself walking into the bullpen with a fake smile plastered across your face. You must have not been hiding it very well because you got sympathetic looks from everyone. You sighed and frowned as you sat at your little desk.
Hours passed with Aaron staring at you mostly the entire time. He couldn’t take it anymore and stomped over to your desk, grabbed your arm, stood you up and kissed you like his life depended on it. At first you were confused then you melted into it. The team around you clapped and cheered. When he pulled away your cheeks were bright red. “I'm sorry about last night. I love you. Only you.” He punctuated each word in ‘I Love You’ with a kiss. He didn’t care that he was in front of the entire bullpen or his team at the moment. He only wanted to focus on you. Thankfully you kissed him back deeply making sure to get your own lipstick all over his face. “I just… she was so pretty and I can’t amount to that.” You frowned and sighed looking up at him. “Yeah she was also a serial killer. I would prefer it if you didn’t become one of those.” Aaron said with a chuckle. A giggle and a nod from you had him kissing you one more time before he walked back into his office. 
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hawkeyetrained · 6 months
I'm the Alpha
Derek Hale x reader platonic...kinda? Not properly together but reader has a crush on him
Other Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Isaac Lahey
Warnings: canon violence (kinda?), language (like 1 swear), mention of blood, stiles and derek bickering as they do, that’s it I think?
Summary: Trying to help the newly turned werewolf after he was arrested seems to go worse than anyone could have expected. Thankfully the alpha has it covered
Word Count: 1,363
Stiles, Derek, and I were seated in the infamous blue jeep outside the police station. Derek’s new beta was inside, and the full moon was going to be at its peak in moments. It was our job to get in there and hopefully get Isaac out before he tore apart the entire station.
“Ok, now the keys to the cells are in a password protected lockbox in my father’s office.” Stiles began to explain. I leaned between the two seats, listening to my friend tell us the plan. “The problem is getting past the front desk.”
Derek shrugged in the passenger seat. “I’ll distract her.”
Stiles’s face scrunched up in disbelief. “Whoa, whoa, whoa…you? You’re not going in there.” He grabbed onto Derek’s shoulder as he talked. Derek was arrested a few weeks ago thanks to whatever Stiles and Scott shared with the sheriff. A firm glare set in Derek’s eyes the longer the hand that Stiles placed stayed on his shoulder. “I’m taking my hand off.”
“I was exonerated.”
I sighed. “You’re still a person of interest though.”
“An innocent person.” He rebutted, giving me a look like it was obvious.
“You? Yeah, right. Ok, fine. What’s your plan?” Stiles questioned how Derek would distract the front desk officer.
“To distract her.” Derek drew the words out, like Stiles simply didn’t understand the meaning.
“Uh-huh.” Stiles nodded. “How? By punching her in the face?”
I rolled my eyes at my friend, opting to side with Derek, who simply huffed. “By talking to her.” I could barely see the front officer, her hair pulled back into a standard bun as she shuffled paperwork around.
“Ok, all right. Give us a sample. Practice on Y/N. What are you going to open with?” My cheeks burned as Derek and I looked at each other, silence filling the Jeep. “Dead silence. That should work beautifully. Any other ideas?”
Derek shrugged again, turning to look out the front window. “I’m thinking of punching you in the face.”
“Ok, ok. Both of you chill out. Derek can distract her, ok, Stiles? I’m sure he’ll have no problem. I mean, haven’t you noticed how all the girls look at him? He could probably stand there in silence, like you said, and still manage to distract her.” I tried mediating the situation, letting Derek get out of the car before I climbed out through the passenger side. Derek held the door open for me as I jumped out, rounding the car to meet up with Stiles in order to help him get the cell keys.
The relationship between Derek and I was vastly different from him and the two boys. Derek had been cold and quite harsh with Scott when he was first bit, and dismissive of Stiles, but with me, he’d been almost gentle. Derek took the time to help explain some of the things about werewolves to me, so I’d be able to help my friend through the changes, and over time I had developed the biggest crush on him.
As Derek started talking with the front desk officer, Stiles grabbed my hand and pulled me along through a side door and down the hall to his father’s office. I stayed by the window as a lookout as Stiles went over to the lockbox on the wall. He quickly punched in the code and pulled the cover off. “Did you get them?” I asked, watching for anyone in the hall.
“Oh no.” Stiles looked back over to me, showing the empty case before we both headed out of the office. “I’m going to check this way, you go see if you can find Isaac, try to keep him calm.”
“Be careful.” I told Stiles, turning and heading down the hall towards the back of the station. My steps managed to stay pretty quiet as I turned down hall after hall. I had plenty of practice running around the station; having grown up with Stiles as my best friend, I spent a ton of time in the station.
I turned down another hall, only to come face to face with a deputy. “Oh, I um...” I hesitated on what to say, flickering my gaze down to the ground to think. My eyes, however, caught sight of a bloody pant leg and keys hanging from one hand of the officer. Looking back up, I took a step back. “Oh, shit.” I attempted to turn and run, nearly managing to call for Stiles or Derek, but a hand clasped over my mouth, and another wrapped around my chest, dragging me backwards.
My feet thrashed as I tried gaining some footing on the slippery floors, hands trying to pull at the stronger man’s arms around me, but it was no use. I did manage to grab onto the fire alarm lever and pull as I was dragged into the holding area, the alarms sounding and lights flickering instantly.
Finally, the officer, who I was now assuming to be a hunter, threw me to the ground and turned to face the three cells that lined the back wall. I slid back towards a corner of the room, looking at the cell doors to see the middle one barely hanging on to its hinges.
Isaac pounced from the other end of the room, shoving the hunter into the wall near me. He had completely wolfed out, fangs bared and eyes glowing bright yellow as he shoved against the hunter. I scrambled on my hands to the other side of the steel desk in the room, opting for that between Isaac and I should he turn his attention from the hunter. The hunter had pulled a syringe from his pocket, filled with some kind of thick liquid I was sure was meant to hurt or even kill the werewolf in the room. Isaac was too quick though. He managed to catch the hunters hand before it could jab the needle into his skin and twisted. The hunters wrist bent back to a point I thought it was going to snap before he dropped the syringe to the floor, the glass rolling a few feet to be closer to me as Isaac slammed the hunter’s head back into the wall, effectively knocking him out.
Derek stepped into the room with us then, his boot coming down to shatter the glass syringe near me. Isaac had turned his attention from the hunter on the ground towards the sound of shattering glass and whatever he could smell coming from the liquid that seemed slowly onto the tiled floor, his bright yellow eyes stopping dead on me as I still sat on the ground. A deep growl built up in his chest as he turned fully to face me, shoulders tensed like I was the next target, and he was prepared to attack.
I barely had enough time to raise my hands up as a weak form of defense before Derek was in front of me. His arms were slightly flared out at his sides, knees bent into a half crouch, as he let out a loud and deep roar towards the beta. Isaac was on the ground, curled up into the wall opposite me a moment after, hands shaking as they wrapped around his head for protection.
My heart was pounding in my ears still when Derek turned back to me. His eyes were burning bright red but fading back to his normal deep brown as he reached out to me with one hand. My own hand trembled as I held onto his and let him pull me to my feet next to him. “You ok?” He asked, his hand dropping mine but coming up to brush some of my hair out of my face, eyes searching for any wounds or fear I’d have of him.
I let out a shaky breath, but I nodded. “How…how did you do that?” My gaze dropped to Isaac for a moment, noticing that he had shifted out of his wolf form but was covered in sweat and still looked terrified of Derek. A smirk crossed Derek’s face for a moment when I finally looked back up at him.
“I’m the alpha.”
@thetallassgirl @hallecarey1
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mvltisstuff · 1 year
hello again!! im the anon who requested sweet nothing (also, saw the edit note and don’t worry it was a fantastic fic and i love it, thank you so much for writing it ❤️) i was wondering if i could request another fic for buck where reader is like athena’s protege and she’s a lot like athena so athena and bobby basically play match maker for them, thinking they’d compliment each other very well but buck and the reader have secretly dating since they met bc they hit it off so well and athena and the 118 end up finding out and are shocked they had no idea. thank you if you get to this, no stress if you don’t. i hope you have a lovely day and remember to take breaks and drink water!!
the feels - e.b
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summary: above :)
evan buckley x reader
a/n: i love seeing these requests so much, please leave as many as you want, this one is so sweet 🫶🫶 i wanted to recreate the funny scene when may walked in on athena in bobby’s turnout 😭
the grants were sitting in the kitchen waiting for another delicious meal from bobby to be ready to eat. athena was sitting down, playing a card game with her two children as bobby was stirring a boiling pot. sharing stories about their days, athena begins her own.
“the station welcomed a new recruit today,” athena starts while cleaning up the cards. “i think i was telling you about her.”
“y/n? i remember you told me she was going to be working there, i just didn’t know she’d be with you.”
“she’s not riding along with me, but we’ve spoken a lot. she reminds me of myself. she’s young but one of the most determined ones i’ve seen. i think she has a lot of great potential.”
“maybe you should bring her along one day,” bobby suggests. “she sounds cool, you should bring her to the station one night for dinner there.”
“i’ll have to check her schedule. she’s trying to get more comfortable in LA, so that could help her. give her some friends,” athena says. “i know she came here to get away for a bit, i’m not sure why but i think something at home.”
“might wanna be careful bringing her, now that i’m thinking about it.”
“what makes you say that?” she asks.
“i’m worried someone might take a liking to her. buck loves you, and he reminds me of myself. and if she’s really similar to you…” athena walks over to bobby, giving him a light kiss before beginning again. “i’ll see what her timing is, i’ll let you know so you can tame the lion.”
the next day at work, y/n walks in uniform with her chunky belt with her gear. she sweetly says good morning to the people at the front with a cup of coffee before returning to her bosses office. “y/n?” she hears someone say from behind her.
“sergeant grant! hello, i was just about to go get started,” y/n says politely to her superior.
“you can call me athena, officer.”
“ok, athena,” y/n has a bright smile that could be the source of light to the room. “is there anything i can do for you?”
“no, you’re all set. just making sure things are good for you here,” athena knows that she’s strong despite the kindness act she puts on. she’s seen she’s not afraid to stand up for herself against all the men at the station. similar to herself, she’s ready for anything god throws at her. “if you get off earlier tonight, i was going to the 118. my husband is bobby nash, and he’s having dinner. i thought it would be a good place for you to settle in.”
“that sounds great, athena. i get off a bit earlier today.”
“good,” athena says with a thin grin. “i’ll see you then, y/l/n.”
they both walk away, going to do their paperwork and jobs of the day. on the first call, they had to deal with a specific threat, making two arrests as y/n shoved them back into the car.
she had easily clicked into her workplace, impressing everyone with her skill and ease with the job. her quick thinking came in extreme need, and athena knew she was going to be one of the best eventually.
after another call, the fire department had been at a site of a crash with drunk driving robbers. the police had been called to observe the suspects and ask them questions about the accident and even before that. after some of the crash on the street was cleaned up, y/n had been on the side, informing dispatch on the current nature of the situation. she was hanging around near one of the trucks when a man, couldn’t have been over 30, walked over to her.
“hey,” he says with a seducing smile, looking her uniform up and down. “i haven’t seen you around yet.”
“i’ve just started working here, i was a cop before but i recently moved here.”
“you liking it? LA can be a lot,” he tells her. “i’m evan buckley, 118. buck.”
y/n smiles and shakes his hand. “you’re from 118? athena and bobby invited me over for dinner tonight.”
“y-you’re y/n?” buck asks, a little surprised. she’s gorgeous, her hair was done back in neat braids. her uniform complemented her well, making her look like a boss, but also looks sweet with her bright smile and laugh. buck noticed her beauty and grace in handling herself.
athena and bobby stood to the side, meeting up at the end of the shift. “i think it’s too late,” bobby says, pointing to y/n and buck flirting very clearly to everyone but themselves. athena would never admit it, but she was actually happy. she thought buck needed woman like her, and she needed one like buck, and after a whole night of convincing each other before bed, they finally decided to take up a new career in match making.
the dinner had gone well, the team asking y/n about her past and why she wanted to become a cop. someone in particular was mesmerized by her stories. “so, y/n, where did you grow up?” eddie asks.
“i was raised in boston, and i went to suffolk for criminal justice,” y/n says. “i knew i wanted to help people, and i came to LA as an escape honestly. just try something new.”
they all nod and smile as they finish their food, laughing about shared stories and the two spend the night eyeing each other.
a couple months had gone by, and buck and y/n had been better close. very close. they were seeing each other almost every day, meeting up outside work to see each other. for being a bad liar, buck was hiding their relationship very well. they started dating a few weeks after the dinner, and no one had any idea. or at least they thought.
buck was definitely head over heels for y/n. she was a person who dominated wherever she was, but carried herself around with respect and a soothing personality. coming home from work, she was always a person to talk to. her sweet and gentle words were always a comfort to him. he thought she was the most lovely person ever.
y/n was obsessed with buck after she met him. he was incredibly charming, being able to light up a room at any time. being able to spend time with him at the end of their shifts was truly the highlight of her day, and she hadn’t felt this happy in a long time. he helped her get settled in the new city that she was venturing. he was always a shoulder to lean on during the bad days, and one to celebrate with after the good ones.
chimney and maddie had been driving over to bucks apartment. they had all agreed to have dinner together so she could spend time with her little brother.
buck on the other hand, had been too preoccupied to remember the plans.
y/n was dressed in a lace bra and panties set, wearing bucks work shirt with his name and badge on it. she was sitting on top of the counter with buck standing between her legs.
when chimney and maddie walked in, they saw bucks bare back, and both of their half-naked bodies. luckily, buck still had his boxers on, and y/n had his shirt. her arms were wrapped around his shoulders, a pair of handcuffs in her hands. “oh my god! evan!” maddie shouted and buck turned around.
“jesus, maddie!” he yelled and his immediate instinct was to cover up y/n. “what are you doing here?”
“some of us had dinner plans,” chimney adds, watching in a humorous way.
“you had dinner plans?” y/n asks.
buck throws his head back in frustration. “im sorry, guys, i completely forgot.”
“clearly.” maddie and chim say, together. “we’re going to go in the hall, give you a minute. while i call bobb-“ chim starts.
“no! do not call bobby because then he and athena will hate me!”
“i think athena would fire me,” y/n says.
“are you kidding? they’ve been trying to force you two together for months!”
y/n and buck give each other a confused look because they both thought they’d want them separate. surely, they weren’t stopping it but they especially didn’t think they would encourage it. they start laughing at each other hysterically at the thought of their superiors trying to get them hooked up. maddie and chimney exit in a hurry, leaving to the hallway.
“well, wanna continue?” buck asks and y/n gives him a questioning look.
“we have like 2 minutes, babe,” she smiles. “i don’t know if we have time.”
“you doubting me?” he says, leaning back in and kissing her again.
“prove me wrong, then,” she smirks and they spend their few minutes not wasting a second.
“bobby! sorry to bother you tonight, but you’re gonna want to hear this!” chim says after calling the captain.
bobby hangs up the phone, and is sitting next to the athena on their couch. athena hears the whole conversation. “i’ll quit my job if you quit yours, and we can start our own business.”
“agreed,” athena says, giving bobby a high-five at their dating app skills. “i will say i’m surprised they kept it a secret. she did seem a bit more upbeat though.”
“so what’s next? getting them engaged?”
“ok, woah. let’s not get too ahead of ourselves. we’ll give ‘em a bit i guess.”
“fine, but i’m getting every detail about this tomorrow from him.”
“i’ll get it from y/n, we will reconvene after a short recess.”
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Cause of Action 1
Warnings: dark elements, noncon, age gap, other dark elements. Proceed with caution.
Note: thank you for waiting! Please let me know what you think as it helps me a lot with ideas and I love interacting with you all.
Part of The Club AU
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As you near the concrete steps of the brick front building, a pair of officers emerge from behind the heavy doors. You wait at the bottom as you watch them descend, curious as to their unexpected appearance. Your eyes flick up the small metal placard beside the entrance; ‘Barber & Associates’. 
You suppose it wasn’t very unlikely to find the police there on a given day, however you didn’t think this office handled criminal cases. At least it didn’t seem like it when you filled out your application. You don’t put much thought into it, you’re an intern. You’re there for the summer to get some cred on your resume.
You’re completely unnoticed as the cops cross the pavement to their cruiser. You hop up the steps, careful not to trip on your heels. You’re not the best on stilts but you wanted to seem professional.
There is no elevator and so you're forced up the winding staircase. You’re out of breath as you reach the top and you stop to collect yourself. You dab away some sweat with the back of your hand and blow out your nerves.
You approach the door propped open along the hallway and peek inside. There are three desk but only two with occupants. You wonder if the empty one is yours. You try not to be presumptuous as you meekly step into the doorframe.
“Um, hi,” you say in the crisp silence, “um, I’m looking for Andrew Barber.”
“Ah, the intern,” the woman mutters and tosses a look at her coworker.
The man lifts the receiver of his phone and hits a button. You wait awkwardly at the threshold. He speaks into the phone, “sir, your intern has arrived.” He hangs up and doesn’t say a word to you. 
You fidget awkwardly and look at the woman as she looks ready to fall asleep on her keyboard. Well, this a very welcoming place. You inch inside, not too far, as you fear you might be reprimanded for intruding.
A door opens and you look over as another man appears. He wears a dark blue suit, tugging at his cuffs as his eyes meet yours. He gives a friendly smile and offers a hand as he crosses towards you.
“You must be…” he says your name.
“Mr. Barber,” you shake his hand. His grip is strong, his skin slightly rough, a warmth radiating from him.
“Nice to have you. Welcome to the office,” he says, “I’m sure you’ve met our law clerks; Marnie and Taylor,” he gestures towards the figures sat at the cubicles. They look over but say nothing. “Sorry about them, police dropped in and it makes the place a little tense. The other partners are at the courthouse so I’ll have to introduce you tomorrow.”
“Ah, okay,” you fold your hands together, “um, thanks. I’m excited to get started.”
“First, the tour,” he says gaily, “this is the office,” he looks around with a grin, “you can claim that desk. Recently vacated. Conveniently, actually.”
“Right,” you go forward and put your bag on top of the barren desk.
“And if you follow me, I’ll show you the kitchen, or break room, what have you.”
“Sure,” you turn back and follow him around the cramped space, “bathroom,” he points to a door as he passes, “and in here, we have a full set-up. Fridge, microwave, toaster oven, coffee maker… do you like hazelnut coffee?”
“Uh, hazelnut?” You sputter in surprise.
“Yeah, I have a few extra pods if you’re interested.”
“Oh, thank you, but uh, no, I’m not a hazelnut person.”
“Really,” he puts his hand on his hip, “hm. I didn’t realise it was such an acquired taste.”
“Is it?” You chuckle nervously.
“Anyway,” he drops his hand and flutters his fingers behind you, “I’ll take you through all the first day paperwork and then you can get settled in.”
“Alright,” you agree and back out of the kitchen, waiting for him to pass before following him. “Can I ask… I guess it’s none of my business, never mind.”
He leads you into his office, standing with his door on the handle as he waits for you to enter, “wondering about the police?”
“A little,” you admit as you scratch your neck.
“They’re asking around. Up and down the block it seems,” he shuts the door and points to the empty chair in front of the desk, “guess someone went missing.”
He goes around and sits in the leather chair, rolling it forward as he picks up a pen.
“Really?” Your brows rise in shock, “oh, that’s horrible.”
“Well, you know, I’ve dealt with a few missing persons cases when I worked for the attorney’s office. Typically if the person isn’t found within the first day, they aren’t… alive,” he hesitates. “Not to be cynical, it’s just the way it is.”
His face drops as he spins the pen between his fingers. He looks suddenly drawn and sniffs, scratching his beard as he leans his elbow against the armrest. He is younger than you expected but still much older than you. His hair is thick and combed neatly, his suit pressed and well-kept, a silver clip on his tie. He is entirely put together.
“It’s sad,” you agree grimly.
“Apparently it was a young woman, much like yourself,” he continues, “so maybe you should be careful. If you want, I can walk you to your car. Or the bus stop.”
“Oh, that’s so nice,” you smile, “I think it’s fine.”
“Can never be too safe,” he points the pen at you, “anyway, the sooner we start, the sooner we’re done.”
He shuffles through some papers on his desk as you sit patiently, squirming as a rolling chill rises up your spine. You think about the faceless girl, the police coming down the steps, the matter-of-fact way Mr. Barber spoke about it. It all seems so…apathetic.
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diazheartsbuckley · 3 months
🚨 🚨 🚨
So I got a few people who requested this and im so excited to reignite the passion I have for this story so im gonna give you a little bit more than a few sentences 🥹
🚨Cop!Eddie x Doctor!Buck au (where Bobby and Athena are Buck’s adoptive parents)
TW!! Mentions of gun violence
Buck leans back against Eddie’s desk, arms folded tightly across his chest and his lips curls into a straight line as he waits for his boyfriend to finish the last of his paperwork.
Ever since the shooting at the hospital, Buck had felt extremely uncomfortable and anxious, crawling out of his skin at the slightest bit of loud and sudden noise. And a heavy door slamming shut in the distance raises his pulse almost instantly, his entire body flinching and he swallows harshly, trying to swallow down the tears that were forming in his eyes. He didn’t even feel safe in a police station, surrounding by armed police officers. He didn’t even feel safe next to his boyfriend. Buck barely had time to digest that thought, Eddie’s hand gently made its way onto his lower back.
Buck also hadn’t been back to work yet. He tried. He even tried more than once but all he could think about was seeing several of his friends and colleagues lying dead on the ground in a blood of their own blood. He had known some of these people since med school and now they were just…gone. And despite the fact that he had seen people die before, it had never been like this. And he had never held a dying coworker in his arms, begging him to help her. Molly is-…was his friend. And he could feel the weight of her dead against his when he woke up in the middle of the night. He could feel and see his white coat being soaked in a loved one’s blood.
“Hey. You wanna go?” Eddie says gently, noting Buck’s heavy breaths and far off stare.
“Maybe I should get a gun” Buck turns to look at him. Maybe it doesn’t make sense. Maybe he shouldn’t get a gun but it’s the first thing that comes to mind.
Eddie blinks a few times as he stands up, searching Buck’s eyes for an explanation that never comes. “Buck, that’s not a good idea. The last thing this city needs is more guns in the hands of untrained civilians” Eddie tries to reason.
“But you could teach me, right? You’re an instructor” Buck points out.
Eddie wants to argue with Buck’s logic but he’s also right. He is certified as an instructor. But Eddie has to put his foot down even though he hates it. He knew that Buck was scared. He knew that he was barely eating or sleeping, even after seeing a psychiatrist. But this wouldn’t help at all.
“I could” Eddie takes a deep breath in before he continues. “But I’m not going to. I know you’re scared, I know that you feel helpless-…”
He doesn’t get to finish his sentence before Buck cuts into the middle of it. “Then help me!” It comes out louder than anticipated and has a few of the surrounding officers looking at them. “Help me, Eddie. Please, I-I-I can’t spend the rest of my life feeling like this” Buck’s bottom lip quivers as he speaks but he doesn’t care who can see or hear him.
He needs this.
He needs to feel safe again.
He needs to be able to protect himself and his friends and coworkers.
He needs to not feel like a nine-year old defenseless kid again.
He needs to not feel scared ever again.
Make me write ✍️
Using this as my tease tidbit tuesday (even tho it’s technically wednesday here 🤫)
Some of y’all also requested it in my asks so consider this your tag for both the story and ttt/wip wednesday 🥰
Tagged by @wikiangela @weewootruck @dangerpronebuddie @hippolotamus 💕
Tagging!! @tizniz @theotherbuckley @watchyourbuck
@honestlydarkprincess @elvensorceress @wildlife4life
@thewolvesof1998 @bidisasterevankinard @butraura
@giddyupbuck @daffi-990 @actualalligator
@actuallyitsellie @spotsandsocks @steadfastsaturnsrings
@devirnis @jeeyuns @jesuisici33
@slightlyobsessedwitheverything @fionaswhvre 🦋🩵
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sinnohelitefourlore · 5 months
Sinnoh League Found Family Hcs that will be featured in my ongoing league story that you can read here: -yes cynthia is the champion but bertha is responsible for sinnoh turning very matriarchal. usually it's bertha who is the ultimate decider on these things and cynthia trusts her judgment the most. she gets what she wants. -bertha is literally the designated League Mom. literally she's the one every single league member goes to whenever they have personal problems. yes, even the stoic lucian. she is the best listener and will probably end up making you cocoa. -lucian and flint will show up in bertha's office just for the purpose of avoiding their own paperwork and to bother her. she also has to yell at them to stop licking the frosting when she's baking cupcakes. they do this to annoy her. -bertha is someone who's always willing to learn. she's happy to hear volkner talk about his inventions and his obsession with technology. he teaches her how to use the latest gadgets and she's always so enthralled by them. it actually makes volkner's eyes light up. -cynthia is the designated big sister. she was totally there for candice, gardenia, and maylene whenever "girl problems" came up. -the younger kids of the sinnoh league (aaron, gardenia, maylene, roark, and candice) were undergrounders, apart of sinnoh's grand underground program where kiddies turn into battling machines, which is why they were able to achieve their positions so young. the older generation seems to understand they're young, and therefore are super understanding. still. bertha has done more parenting in fifteen minutes than their families have done in fifteen years. -candice has a nickname. they call her "candy corn" because her full name is candice cornwall, and also because she's sweet as candy. -fantina is called "tina" by byron and wake, after drinking those two under the table at a bar for the first time. fantina always drinks those two under the table. she's kalosian. she handles her liquor better. -maylene was actually discovered by flint and gave her an explorer's kit to send her to the grand underground program after seeing her defiance toward a police officer. it was his idea to make her the new gym leader of veilstone. he was the first person she told about her dad. candice was the second. -roark refers to riley as some boy toy with a stupid fucking fedora. he hates riley because roark's father wanted him to be the gym leader of orebourgh instead of roark, and that pushed roark to become the undisputed leader of the grand underground to show his father. -aaron starts off as a selective mute who was hired to be a gym leader after roark insisted and no one wanted the eterna city position at the time. the sinnoh league didn't care about his muteness, because he did his work, did what he was told, and minded his business. when aaron wins the elite position, he learns to talk more with the support of his elites and cynthia. bertha especially, was very helpful. later he infodumps to them about bugs for 10-15 min. they let him. -gardenia has a garden that's the envy of the entire city. sometimes bertha will come over to help her out with it. people say that she's the most like cynthia, and by that I mean she has the "uncanny valley" look in her eyes, that something is a bit... off about her. really she's fine. that's just her face. -the sinnoh league has sunday brunch hosted by bertha. you don't miss a sunday brunch hosted by bertha unless you're on a ventilator. -when bertha cooks, byron, wake, lucian, volkner, flint, roark, and aaron (pretty much grown men) will fight over who gets to lick the spoon. -they're probably more of a family than any other league. they're a very tight knit group, and that's probably because of bertha. she was cheekily called "mother bertha" for her doting, stern manner, but she genuinely does love them like her own. family didn't have to be blood.
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Restless Man (Part 3)
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Summary: Things aren’t good when Frisch shows up at the station with some men but the reader isn’t going anywhere with him...
Pairing: Beau Arlen x reader
Part 1 Part 2
Word Count: 1,600ish
Warnings: language, angst, bodily injury, kidnapping, threats, mentioned minor past minor character deaths
A/N: Spoilers for Big Sky season 3! This will be the final part of this impromptu little series. Enjoy!
To say things had gone to shit would be an understatement. It turned out a police station really wasn’t all that safe when there were no cops in it. Nearly every officer was at the craftsman on the way far edge of town. Frisch had definitely been staying there and planning to have taken you there. 
Unfortunately, with everyone gone, that left the station vulnerable which was exactly what he’d been planning on.
You, Beau and Pop were currently hunkered down in Beau’s office, you and Pop on either side of the door while Beau was passed out on the couch. He was out cold and was not waking up anytime soon. The doctor had prescribed a mild sedative to help him sleep and, well, his timing couldn’t have been worse.
“Pop,” you whispered as you heard Frisch’s hired goons search through the station. “Can you carry Beau?”
He stared at you disapprovingly, furrowing his brow. “Y/N, you can’t go out there.”
“He wants me. You and Beau? He’ll have no problem killing the two of you. If I go out there, can you get him out through the window?” 
“Yes but giving yourself up-”
“I said I’m going out there. I never said I’m going anywhere with him.” You winked and cracked open the door. If Pop could have stopped you before you stood, you knew he would have. Quickly you reached over to Beau’s bookcase, grabbing an item off the shelf. 
This needed to end before they got to Beau and Pop or the people in the back of the station.
You ducked outside with your weapon, three men before you. Two of them you didn’t recognize but smack dab in the middle of the room was Frisch. For some reason, he didn’t seem as frightening as he once did. Maybe it was fifteen years of aging or the training you had but all you saw was the man who tried to hurt someone you cared about. Again.
“Y/N-” You didn’t let him finish before you took a shot at the two men closest to you. The man on the right went down, Frisch diving behind a desk and just barely avoiding you. “You know, I was expecting you’d be angry. But you’re making this more complicated than it has to be.”
You held up the canister and pulled out the pin with your teeth before tossing it across the room. All three men groaned when the flashbang went off. From a far hall, one of the officer’s in the back ran out, helping you get a gun on Frisch and the other man. You kicked away their weapons, cocking your own when Frisch tried to move towards you.
“Why don’t you just do it,” he growled. “Get it over with.”
“You’re not worth the paperwork,” you said, narrowing your eyes. “You got no idea what kind of shit storm you made for-”
“Do it!” he shouted, reminding you for a moment of the man from your home all those years ago. You only cocked your head though and smiled.
“Nah. I want you to live, Henry. I want you to live for a very long time, knowing I love someone very deeply and that that person isn’t you.” Pop came out of the office, helping to secure Frisch before you went over to the man you shot, currently clutching his leg.
He glared at you while trying to put pressure on his thigh, his resolve breaking when you knelt down beside him. “You know he’s a sack of shit, right?”
“I didn’t know you guys were cops when I took this job, I swear,” he said. You nodded, pretending to mull it over. “I’m so screwed.”
“Probably. You talk, I’m sure some kind of deal can be made, though. Think it over while you’re in the hospital. That sicko’s going away for life. I’d advise not following in his footsteps.”
“You,” grumbled Beau. You stood, finding him partially sedated, leaning against the doorframe of his office. He huffed, slipping and sliding down to the ground, clutching his ankle in pain. 
“Better make that ambulance for two.”
“You’re so stupid,” muttered Beau for the thousandth time that evening. You just hummed, flipping through an old magazine in his hospital room. “This is all your fault!”
“I told you to use your crutches,” you sang song. He grabbed your wrist from the bed beside you, green eyes full of fury. “You’re just mad because I used your lucky flashbang.”
“I’m mad for a whole lot, missy,” he growled. You raised your eyebrows, smirking back at him. “Stop making that face.”
“I’m not doing anything,” you teased, still smirking as his nostrils flared. “I knew what I was doing. Risky? Yes, but so was letting three armed men run rampant in the station with people locked up in cells and you out cold. I made a call, the same one you would have made in my position.”
He grumbled and got in your face, hot breath fanning over you. “Never do that again. Swear.”
“I pinky promise.” Beau grumbled, kissing you roughly as he kept you close. He sighed when he inched back, closing his eyes. “I’m okay. Question is are you?”
“I’m better now that he’s locked up and not getting out,” he said as the doctor walked in wearing a frown not too dissimilar to the one Beau had been sporting. “What’s the verdict?”
“You fucked up your ankle, Beau, that’s the verdict.” You crossed your arms, Beau trying to brush it off.
“It can’t be that bad-”
“You need surgery. Then I’m shoving you in a cast until I know your ankle is healed. I told you not to walk on it and it looks like you’ve done nothing but ignore that direction since you’ve left. Your body went through a major trauma. You’re lucky you’re young and healthy and you should have no problem making a full recovery.” The doctor turned to you and sighed. “He won’t be able to stay by himself that first week. You said his home isn’t suitable for crutches?”
You glanced at Beau, seeing his puppy dog eyes. “Alright, Arlen. You can stay with me until you’re better. Don’t think this means we’ve moved in together or anything though. We’re still new to this.”
“Your surgery is planned for the morning. Do me a favor and don’t leave the fucking bed for the rest of today,” he said, his beeper going off. “I’ll be back soon to explain the surgery in more detail. And Arlen? Next time you damn well listen to me.”
Beau gave a mini salute, chuckling after the doctor was gone. “Surprised he wasn’t more pissed at me.”
“I’m guessing you know him based on that wildly unprofessional interaction.”
“Oh we go way back,” said Beau, scooting over on the bed. “Sit with me.”
You crammed yourself in, Beau sliding his arm over your shoulders. “So you’re all better cause Frisch is locked up, just like that.”
He shrugged, waggling his hand. “Maybe not all better. I promise when I am stuck at home on my ass or on desk duty because of this fucking ankle, I will make time and talk to someone too.”
“Good. I don’t want you to try and do it on your own like after what happened with your old partner. It’s not good for you,” you said, massaging his scalp, Beau’s eyes fluttering closed. “I’m going to stay tonight.”
“You don’t have to. I’m sure the station is going nuts.”
“They can survive. We need a moment,” you said, Beau absently curling into your touch. “So. I know last night’s dinner wasn’t amazing but if you could have anything in the world right now, what would it be?”
“Man, I could go for a greasy burger and fries. And a strawberry milkshake. And some of your mashed potatoes. Those were, despite what you may think, the best thing I’ve ever eaten in my life.” 
“You were literally starving for a week.” 
“But the were so good,” he laughed. “Would you mind running home and getting me some?”
“For you, bud? Sure,” you said, kissing his temple. “I’ll get your other food and bring you some clothes since I’m sure you’ll be here a few days. Apparently you’re a troublemaker who doesn’t listen.”
“I wonder who I got that from,” he teased, resting his head on your shoulder, closing his eyes. 
“Take a nap while I’m gone,” you whispered, sliding out from beside him, tugging his blanket up over his waist. “We’ll call Emily when I get back, okay?”
“Oh crap,” he said, running his hand over his mouth. “Is she okay? I haven’t talked to her-”
“I know. I called her yesterday after we found you, let her know you’re safe. As far as she’s concerned, you’ve been resting today and will call her tonight.”
“Thank you,” he said with a soft and sleepy smile. “You know your relationship with her will change when she finds out.”
“She has a mother Beau. I will be what she needs me to be. She’s old enough to make that decision for herself,” you said. He nodded, leaning back in bed. 
“I love that you care about her,” he said, almost as if to himself. You gave him a quick kiss, Beau smiling when you crossed the room for the door. “Hey, Y/L/N. Soon as I’m back on my feet, I’m taking you a proper date like a gentleman.”
“I’d like that,” you said, lingering by the door. “Beau?”
“I’m really glad you’re home again.”
“Me too, baby.” You shook your head, Beau laughing. “What I’d say?”
“New pet name, I don’t do baby.”
“I’m drinking your milkshake for that,” you said, walking out the door, gratefully to the sound of his laughter.
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gaysullengirl · 5 months
𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞, 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧. five things
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❝ i hate it here so i will go to secret gardens
in my mind ❞ -taylor swift, i hate it here
   Isabelle Cruz absolutely despised five things.
One, failure. The feeling like she was never doing enough followed her around like a stray cat, mostly she hated the idea of being a failure to herself but the idea of other people being disappointed in her made her shudder.
Two, being perceived as weak- or being perceived at all.
Three, germs. Isabelle didn't care to relentlessly research articles about germs until she meet Spencer. She adored his ramblings except for the ones about germs- sometimes he was like a human germ encyclopedia.
Four, losing freckles during the winter. It was awful for the memory of each freckle to gradually disappear, Isabelle still mourned the loss of her favorite freckle, which was just underneath her left eye.
Five, feeling numb- which was unfortunately for her happening right now.
The sound of a gunshot rang through Isabelle's ears as sat on the curb just across the street from an unsub's house.
"First time you've ever shot an unsub?" Morgan curiously asked her.
"No." She responded, not even turning her head towards him.  
"Then what's the problem?"
'I don't know' Isabelle wanted to say but didn't, instead she continued staring at scene in front of her.
The front yard of the house was taken over by police officers and agents scattering in and out of the house.
"We caught him and saved David." Morgan said, hoping it would comfort Isabelle.
But it didn't, yes they caught the awful man killing children and yes, they saved a little boy, David.
But somehow she still she wasn't content.
It didn't feel right to be content.
Isabelle noticed Spencer walk to Morgan and whisper something to him but she didn't bother looking- or listening to their conversation.
Spencer sat down next to her and watched the scene with her.
"What are you thinking about?"
Isabelle stayed silent for a moment, debating if she should lie to him or tell the truth.
She sighed, "I just feel stuck, like I'm a security guard watching my entire life play out in front of me on tapes and I'm just- observing my own life."
"It's normal to feel like that after moving, humans tend to want what we can't have- and one of those things is control." He stated.
This was why Isabelle adored Spencer's ramblings, her brain made her think she was the only one going through something and therefore she'd never recover, but Spencer somehow managed to co
for her with facts and statistics.
"Why are you thinking about this right now?" Spencer asked.
"I always think about it- it takes up like 90% of my brain function."
"You've always spent too much time up here." Spencer responded, pointing to his head.
Isabelle just scrunched her eyebrows.
"I remember one time you were staring at the wall and I asked you 'what's on your mind?' and you told me you were yearning for your childhood."
"That's a reasonable thing to yearn for." Isabelle defended.
"I'm not saying it's not, I'm just saying you think too
She scoffed, "Really, you're saying that to me? Spencer Reid is telling me I think too much?"
Spencer just shook his head slightly and smirked.
The next day was filled with paperwork, paperwork, and paperwork.
It was the thing Isabelle hated most yet loved most about her job.
In the moment, it was hell, her hand cramping, racking her brain trying to remember what happened because she somehow already forgot.
But later, reading the reports, remembering the stories was something she could talk about for hours.
It was like opening an old journal that had sat collecting dust, reading over the things that caused so much anxiety at the time, which were now mundane.
"Hey do you wanna go to a bar with us?" Spencer asked and Isabelle smiled, "Yes I would love too, who going?"
"Me, Derek, Penelope, Emily, and Jj."
"Okay, just give me a sec-" Isabelle was cut off my her phone ringing.
'Unknown Number' It read, she clicked accept and brought the phone to her ear.
The only sounds that could be heard were heavy breaths, her eyebrows curled into confusion and she hung up.
"Um yeah, I'll be there in a sec." She told Spencer.
"Who was that?" "I don't know, it was just breathing must've been a butt dial or something."
authors note!
hope u enjoyed! :)
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sholiofic · 4 months
Cuddles4Biggles fill 1
From the Cuddles4Biggles Prompting Fest at Biggles Events on DW.
Team + EvS, sleeping on each other
Originally posted here
[set post-Buries a Hatchet and probably post-Looks Back]
Biggles strode into the Air Police operational office with his mouth open to speak, started to say Algy's name, and then stopped, mouth still half open.
"Do not," Algy said between his teeth, "say a word."
He was sitting on the ragged sofa in one corner of the office. The old sofa was a fixture of the office, drawn out of the way of the desks, where it had provided a soft, if badly sprung, place to nap for more than one tired member of the SAP over the years.
At the moment, it was giving Algy a place to sit, and von Stalhein a place to sleep — slumped on Algy's shoulder.
They'd all had a very long day, in pouring rain, and all of them had been drooping and stumbling with exhaustion when they returned to the SAP office at the aerodrome late that evening. Biggles had seen Ginger and Bertie off first, both of them limping from minor injuries. Algy, for his part, was unhurt, just wet and muddy.
Von Stalhein had said he was completely fine, repeated it several times, in fact, even though Biggles had seen him knocked about and nearly run over by the smugglers they were apprehending. Having him out in the field with the team, in this case to provide translation services, was still a minor miracle that Biggles had not quite adjusted to yet.
Now he gazed at the image in front of him. Algy had one of the scratchy old wool blankets that they kept in the office (for just such occasions as this) wrapped around his shoulders, his hands clutching a heavy old pottery mug of coffee. Von Stalhein had another, similar gray blanket draped over his lap. There was an untouched cup on the spare desk at his end of the couch — well, what had been his end, until he had fallen asleep tilting onto Algy.
"If you might consider providing some assistance," Algy said, low. Still, Biggles couldn't help noticing that he wasn't moving at all, even though his position looked uncomfortable, one elbow on the arm of the sofa and the other resting on his knees.
"Of course," Biggles said quietly. He slipped into the room, straight to Ginger's desk, where Ginger's old box camera sat among a clutter of paperwork, magazines, and stained mugs.
"Do not," Algy said grimly. "Don't—Bigglesworth—don't you dare—I know where you sleep—!"
But he kept his voice low, even as Biggles took his hand off the camera, smiling.
"Would you care for a relief shift, Flying-Officer Lacey?"
"Oh God yes, you have no idea how happy that would make me."
"Of course, if you'd rather have some quiet time to—"
"Biggles," Algy said, teeth almost audibly grinding.
Biggles decided it was a bad idea to wind him up any more, he'd already been a good sport about the entire thing, and slid onto the creaky springs of the sofa in the space between the armrest and von Stalhein's narrow hips. "Erich," he murmured, and putting a light hand on von Stalhein's shoulder, gently moved him a little.
Von Stalhein came awake with a jolt, and Algy, with a swift motion that put Biggles in mind of their long-ago boyish days, ducked out from under the burden and stood up. Von Stalhein blinked, squinting as if the lights in the room were too bright. He raised a hand to his forehead. "I—apologize, I—where am I? Ah," he added, with dazed comprehension, as Biggles steered him carefully to a more or less upright position.
"I think it's time to go home and sleep, for all of us," Biggles said. He kept a hand on von Stalhein's shoulder, steadying him as he swayed in the grip of nearly intractable exhaustion.
"Tell me about it," Algy said loudly, and took his mug off to the kitchenette.
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the-trinket-witch · 2 years
Heartslabyul Steampunk AU Intro
Premise | Yuu | Heartslabyul | Savanaclaw | Octavinelle | Scarabia | Pomefiore | Ignihyde | Diasomnia
Riddle Rosehearts
-Raised solely by his mother, he was afforded the best education a head surgeon could buy. Unfortunately, his squeamishness was not going to land the Rosehearts name another doctor. 
-Despite his size, since an early age, he had found himself adept at commanding a room. An uncle suggested he become a public speaker, and something in him clicked. Since then he as found a drive to run for public office, knowing just how to package hard to swallow pills for the betterment of the city. Most proposals he offered were fair, if a bit roundabout. Some were more draconian, making even less sense to anyone but him. 
-His presence as council member was a divisive one. Some claim him a Child Prodigy with eccentric but refreshing ways to run the city. Others hiss that he’s mad as a hatter, a powerhungry brat. But with his methods showing results, the only thing Mayor Crowley seemed concerned about, so it gets treated like a non-issue. 
-His oratory skills are not the only thing he has a dedicated skill in. Much like his mother, his magical ability has made and continues to make him a force to be reckoned with. His seat has been contested once or twice, but the moment his spell conjures a signature collar with a brassy CLANG, it’s all over. 
Ace Trappola/Deuce Spade
-Longtime school friends, now private recruits to Nightraven’s Training Base. Said base does not exclusively train military personel, but officers of the police force. Combat training is shared between stations, though more ‘sit down’ training is divided. Regardless if one passes, fails or drops out of their respective programs, the discipline sticks with you.
-Ace, the mouthier spunkier of the two, is one of the fastest in the base. It doesn’t help him when in formation, though. 
-Deuce, being a much more amicable man, has climbed the rank just above Ace through test scores and keeping his head down. What once was just a private recruit, Deuce stands as a Standard Private. And BOY does he love rubbing it in Ace’s face. (EDIT: TAGGING @squidwen for the conception of this idea)
-There's a tattoo on him from his younger days, a card with an ace of spades. His attendance at the Base is his attempt at rectifying his past mistakes.
-while both joined at the same time, their paths could not have been more different. Ace had joined to more or less get a free ticket around the world. Deuce wanted to live up to his late father’s name. Not killed in the line of duty, or taken out as revenge, but leaving behind a community that trusted in its protective forces. 
Cater Diamond
-Staff Sergeant overseeing Ace and Deuce’s squad. 
-A rather chill guy, he is tasked with making sure everybody arrives where they need to be on time. 
-Don’t be surprised if under him you receive a nickname. For two in particular, Deuce is ‘Private Dee’, and Ace…Private Dum.
-Rumor on base is that the man has eyes on the back of his head, or that he can teleport. It’s just his signature spell allowing him to split and keep an eye on his squad…and sometimes take care of paperwork he doesn’t feel like doing. 
-He has elected to be his company’s photographer. His skill under the shroud is impressive, and if the device were more mobile, who knows what kind of images he could create?
-The man lives off base. And while it is a trip, every night he gets to come home to his roommate, one of the best bakers in town:
Trey Clover
-He mans the bakery inherited once his folks retired the whisk.
-Both he and Cater live in the flat overtop the store. 
-It makes it easier to have food ready with a much larger kitchen below. 
-The bakery is a passion of his, even if it had been inherited. But it’s not his only passion. Call him cynical, call him opportunistic, but dentistry has been an avenue he thought worth seeking. 
-Though, with as busy as he is just running the store, it’s difficult to find time to even attend university to study. 
-it is a tad ironic, working a confectionery while being in a relationship with a man who’s childhood had put him off sweets entirely. But it’s greatly helped by his own magic, being able to treat him without having to go through ingredients in experimentation trying to find a savory alternative. 
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peachonified · 1 year
A hint of the next AoKi fic
It's AoKi day... and due to various reasons I only got a fic STARTED. and I have a new rule: no more WIPs on AO3 unless they are finished. (except for the ones I am finishing up...) but this isn't AO3, so I am going to share the opening.
Just a few short notes... when I asked for ideas, @formlesscopycat said prison au, and @slicesofapple said a dom Aomine.
So I smooshed them together and you can't tell where it is going yet, but I love the start!
(It was originally called 'where you belong' and I was thinking about jail, but I already have an AoKi fic called 'Where you belong(by my side)' so that doesn't work)
Kise has never been to jail before.  And he can’t believe he’s going there now!
“I didn’t do i-“
“I don’t really care,” the officer escorting him to his new home informs him. “You have a problem, then get your lawyer to deal with it.”
And that, was that.
Okay not really. The trip to the prison is long and slow.
“Surely prison vans can go the speed limit?” he asks, entirely innocently, cos weren’t there rules about how slow you could go and the highway? “What happens if the driver is arrested? What if-“
“You really need to shut up before I do something about it.”
Mr Prison Guard was tetchy. Kise sniffs and and is silent for all of 84 seconds, until he can’t deal with it any more.
“I just think we should-“
The scream the prison guard gives is not quiet.
He happily drops him off at the gate.
“You’re leaving?” Kise asks, a little sad. “I felt like we were just getting to know each other, and-“
“He’s all yours. He’s all fucking yours,” Kasamatsu snarls. Kise feels inordinately proud that he got a name. But it was a four-hour drive, and Kasamatsu got sick of being called Mr Prison Guard about two and a half hours in. That was after establishing that he is a driver, but Kise thinks it’s still a job where he guards prisoners, so he’s a prison guard.
Intake is almost as slow as the drive him. Which Kise informs the new prison guard.
Who blinks at him from behind his glasses.
“You want this to be… quick?”
Kise nods, decisively. “Yeah, well, I’m innocent, so the sooner I get in, the sooner I get out right.”
Glasses kind of stares at him. He goes to speak twice, shaking his head each time, before he (slowly) pulls Kise’s paperwork. “Says here you were soliciting and then tried to bribe the police when they arrested you?”
Sighing, Kise flops back, placing his handcuffed wrists as attractively as possible. “I know what it says, but I never sleep with people for money. I only have sex with people I want to have sex with, because that is the point of sex. Not that I am anti sex work, by the way. But I make my money modelling. At least at the moment. I’ll be a pilot one day -  I need to get my license while I still have 20-20 vision. I read that even if you need glasses, if you get them after you become a pilot it’s still okay. And don’t worry! I’ll still look fabulous. Not everyone can rock the megane look, it’s true, but I absolute-“
“So you weren’t soliciting?”
Kise sniffs. “It was bad timing. We’d been at a party, so I was in costume for that. And can I tell you, I looked good! It was a take on angels – normally angels are all icy silver and white, but I don’t look good in white, so I changed it up for ambers and golds and-“
“Why didn’t you go as a Greek or Roman God? Or acolyte, or whatever. More colour op-“
He’s interrupted by Kise’s wail. “Oh my god you are right! I could have had so much fun! I mean, I looked great as a golden angel, but I could have had options and I hate-“
The guard (who was probably Imoyoshi, given that is a name plate on the desk) stops him. “Well, innocent of the crime or not, you do seem pretty innocent.”
There's a double meaning there, and Kise can’t let that pass! “Look, I’m not saying I’m a slut or anything, which would still be okay by the way, but I’m not innocent-“
Kise continues to rant, until he notices that Imayoshi isn’t paying attention. In fact he looks a little worried. And that’s not great. Kise leans forward, an earnest expression in his face.
“I’ve been sitting here just talking about myself, and here are you needing some help. I’m a very good listener, and pretty good at advice too.”
Imayoshi looks at him, speechless. Kise nods encouragingly, but inside is a little worried. This is now two prison guards who could barely speak. Who were they hiring? Surely this was a job that needed good communication skills?
Letting out a breath, Imayoshi laughs. “Yeah I’m worried, but about you.
They’re at the door, when Imayoshi stops short. “Wait, I have to know. What was with the official corruption?”
“The what?”
“Bribing a police officer.”
Kise frowns, then his expression clears. “I wasn’t bribing anyone! I thought they were at the costume party too, and the police outfits didn’t match at all! So I offered to help them out of their uniforms, and then more turned up and I thought they might have been strippers and then they weren’t and-“
Someone weaker than Imayoshi would have laughed.
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How would the Undertale characters react to seeing a homeless child? Like they went shopping and the kid just begging for food, clearly starving, and looking a bit ill.
Undertale Sans - Sans tries to just go on with his day at first, because he just can't help everyone, but as his day passes, he can't stop thinking about the kid, and it's eating him. Sans was an homeless kid at some point, and with a little brother to take care for, he knows how hard it is to not be listened by any adult. And he can't, he just can't pass by and do nothing. He teleports back to the shop and finds the kid crying in front of the doors. That's too much for him. He's taking them home. He doesn't care how or if the kid doesn't want to, he just can't let them here knowing he has room at home and the power to help them. He lets them stay a few days and tries to find a solution for them. If the parents are shit or if he's an orphan, Sans will think a lot about becoming their guardian. He doesn't want that kid to go through what he had to do to survive and get in trouble so young, or meet bad people.
Undertale Papyrus - Papyrus gladly buy them lunch every time they see them. He knows the feeling, and he knows being alone might be even worse. As days passed, Papyrus goes meet them every day, trying to learn more about them to find a way to help. He doesn't want to force things, he knows it's a delicate matter, Sans used to hate it when people just tried to help, and he doesn't want the kid to be wary around him. He's not their official guardian, but Papyrus ends paying for school, health care, and even Christmas gifts. His objective is to convince the kid to spend the winter in his house. He knows he can do it. He is very determined.
Undertale Toriel - She can't. That kid has give up on everything, and they already saw that on one kid's face, a long time ago: Chara. That kid is clearly suffering in silence, not wanting to bother anyone, and she can't take it. Her heart hurts just looking at them. Toriel pays them food, and then directly went to Asgore (at his surprise) to abuse her authority and find the kid's parents if he has some. When she finds them and they just say they're the one who put the kid's outside because he was a burden, she : explodes. It's really rare Toriel is getting angry, but her nickname is the Queen of fire and these people are about to know why. After that, she finds the child a foster home in the neighbourhood, in the Bun family, as the Inn lady just let her bigger child leave for college and she's heartbroken. Toriel is paying for everything they need for as long they need it.
Undertale Asgore - It happens a day Asgore was thinking too much about what he did Underground and he kinda saw that as a chance to redeem himself. The kid surely wasn't expecting to face the King of monsterkind, or that same King inviting him for a warm lunch in his literal castle. They were so in bewilderment they accept, without any idea what they are doing. Asgore talks to them a bit, and ask them if they want to stay here. The kid says he can't, it wouldn't be fair to have a house without doing anything, so Asgore makes him kind of his conselor. I mean, it worked with Frisk as an ambassador so... Asgore doesn't let the kid do any difficult task, he just asks for their help here and there to water the flowers. As the kid gets more comfortable, Asgore does the paperwork so he can take care officially of the child. Not a year later, it turns into an official adoption.
Undertale Undyne - The kid doesn't react well seeing her and immediately run away, as she has her police officer suit. But Undyne doesn't give up. She follows the kid at good distance to their hiding place. She's not letting the kid spend the night outside, she decided. When the kid is cornered, she just kneels at good distance and starts to chat with them to make them more comfortable. She's not the best at this, but the kid understands pretty quickly she doesn't want to put them in jail at all. Undyne proposes them to visit the police station, tricking them to following her there. She then calls children protection services. The kid desserves help. She makes sure they're alright and to give them her phone number if they needs it. She knows they will be fine.
Undertale Alphys - Well, she is clearly not going herself towards the child. She is too nervous, and she knows she is too awkward to convince the kid to finds help. But turns out her girlfriend is a very qualified police officer who can help. Undyne does the same thing as above.
Undertale Frisk - They chat with the kid to gain their trust, then lure them to their Mom's house. Toriel is then taking care of them gladly and tries to find how to help.
Undertale Chara - They wanted to ignore them, but then they saw some guy spits on the kid and their blood boils. They went back for the kid and convince them to follow them... And they brought them to Toriel as well :') That's like the lost child rescue services at this point.
Undertale Mettaton - He gives them 3000 gold, a poster and his last DVD. Here you go. The kid can't believe their eyes. What the hell just happened???
Undertale Gaster - Uh.... No. Gaster is not the best with children, as, you know, he fucked up a lot as a father to Sans and Papyrus, experimenting on them and stuff. If Sans ever saw him with another kid, he is: dead. So he just walks away as fast as he can and wishes them good luck. He's not dealing with that. Too much responsibility.
Undertale Grillby - That makes him very nostalgic, like the day he saw two small skeletons hiding in his bins, back in Snowdin. It's not that different. The kid is already ready to run away, but Grillby just invites him inside his bar and serves him food. He lets them stay the night in the kitchen... Then in his couch... Then in the spare room... When Grillby realises he could never let the kid go again, he's screwed. He's a dad now. Well shit.
Undertale Muffet - Muffet's pet thinks it's a lost kitten and adopted them. Now Muffet can't make her pet let go of the child. Because it's her child. Muffet is not too happy about this, but she could never hurt her pet's feeling so... Uh... Guess the kid is a permanent resident now. Oh well, she's already caring for 250 spiders, it's just a big ugly weird one more.
Undertale Burgerpants - "Little buddy, do I look like I have any money on me? I'm broke, kid. I am the slave on a shitty excentric robot." Burgerpants is having a mental breakdown. He sits with the kid and starts to tell them the story of his life as the kid is awkwardly patting his back. That's... uh... weird.
Undertale Flowey - He smiles. "I have friendliness pellets if you want!" In a psychotic laugh, Flowey attacks the kid like he's some sort of evil genius. He doesn't see the huge human walking behind him and looking at his phone, not seeing him. The flower gets walked on. Karma.
Undertale Gerson - The old turtle sits with them and just tries to talk with them like they know each other for years. The kid is awkward at first, but Gerson is really good to make people feel easy around him, and in two hours, the kid is eating in his hand. Gerson then invites them home. He has a big house and a spare room since Undyne is not coming that often anymore. The kid is confused but follows him. Gerson made very clear the kid is free to do what they want, and gives them a key, so they have a place to crash when they want too. He raised Undyne like this too. He knows the kid won't leave anytime soon though. Just like Undyne. And he's happy he has someone to talk too, it gets lonely in here.
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Random prompt generator pt1!! ~Bakugo edition~
I used a random prompt generator and I ended up with this prompt!!
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Bakugo x Hitman reader with a strict moral code!
Having a personality like Bakugo's, he was bound to have enemies and people praying for his downfall. But hating the man so much you hire a hitman? What did this man do to deserve this? You were getting paid quite a lot, so you'd be stupid to reject the offer but the question still remained. Your job was incredibly dehumanizing, taking someone else's life because of some cash? Witnessing their agony and screams firsthand, watching a person take their final breath and curse you. It wasn't the most fun job. But it's what put food on the table for you and your little sister. However, you had rules, it didn't matter how much money you were being paid, you wouldn't kill a kid, nor would you kill someone who didn't deserve it. In order to figure out for yourself if your target was innocent or not, you had to go undercover to find out for yourself. Which is how you ended up as his sidekick...
"What good are you if you can't keep up with me?" The blonde hero scoffed in your face. You could see why he was on a hit list. His short temper and bluntness made people uncomfortable, and since he had both physical and social power, there wasn't anything anyone could do to change his attitude.
"I'm new to all of this sir, unlike you I didn't come from a Hero school." You sigh, explaining to him for the 5th time why you weren't able to move like he did.
He gets a notification telling him there's a crime going on nearby and he's gone before you can blink. When you got there you saw a villain holding a hostage, a little girl, maybe 5. Police surrounded the scene, and Bakugo stood 30ish feet in front of the villain. Talking?
"What's so important about this little brat? It's not like anyone cared for her before I took her, Orphaned and homeless. And you call yourself a hero. I should just put her out of her misery.." The villain goes on and on. He wasn't wrong, the whole reason you became a hitman was that you felt the hero society was corrupted.
You watch Dynamite, wanting to see how he responds to the remarks. Would he try and protect his pride? You thought that seemed fitting from what you'd seen, but you were surprised.
"Your right. We gotta fuckin' do better. But who went and made you some sort of god? Get your head outta your goddamn ass. The kid did nothin, leave her outta this. If you got an issue," he cracked his Knuckles, smirking menacingly, "Feel free to talk with me, I'm always looking for some practice."
Dynamite ended up apprehending the villain. But you were a little concerned for the little girl. So you followed him, even after he set you home, you followed in secret. You watched as the big pro hero held the hand of the little girl and walked to the city council to find any sort of paperwork on the girl. You watched how he took her home for the night and called one of his friends to watch her while he stayed up all night at the office. Working to find any trace of this girl's family. And you also saw how the next morning the blonde dropped off the girl at her only alive relative's house. And checked in for the next few days to make sure everything was alright.
You'd be lying if you said you weren't touched by how much he cared and how took the villain's words into consideration, or how you'd be sad to kill him. You'd also be lying if you said that the thought of him didn't bring heat to your cheeks...
I'm so so so sorry for not posting, I've been going through a pretty rough time but I'm back! tysm for your support!! and lmk if you like the random generator idea, I really enjoyed making this short fic!
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Just graduated from every two weeks to once a month for my therapy sessions🥳
Here's a quick story with my favorite boys to celebrate!
All in all, Jepser was content.
He had gotten to spend nearly the whole day relaxing inside with his favorite person in the whole world. Later, he would look back fondly on the last few hours. There was only one small problem.
"Are you still mad at me?" he asked, for perhaps the tenth time in as many minutes. Stefan deigned not to answer. Jesper, never one to be deterred, poked his shoulder. "Stef, are you still mad?"
Stefan grabbed his hand and turned, looking Jesper straight in the eyes. "Do I look mad?"
Jesper took in the flushed cheeks, clenched jaw, and slightly wild look in his eyes. "Part of me wants to say yes but the other part thinks that may be a bad idea," he said uncertainly.
Stefan dropped his gaze, sighing. "Yes, I'm still mad at you."
Jesper pouted, faking a look of betrayal. "I thought you loved me."
"Jes, you know I love you dearly. But we're literally sitting in jail right now."
"They're just holding us, once Hal gets here we can leave." Jesper pointed out, not seeing the big issue. It wasn't like they were going to prison or anything. Besides, he had been in worse jails before. This one was clean and well-lit.
Stefan waved his hand in little, frustrated jerks. "I don't even care that you got us arrested. It's the way you got us arrested I'm upset about. You tried to take a pigeon from the park! What do we need with a pigeon? Then you argued with the cop when she told you to put the pigeon back!"
"He wanted to go with me," Jesper mumbled.
"And then you brought me into it!" Stefan didn't stop his tirade to acknowledge the comment. "I had nothing to do with it! I don't even know why I was brought in too! This is why I thought we should stay home!"
"I think you're being just a bit dramatic..." began Jesper.
"We've been sitting in a cell for three hours now !"
They were both interrupted by the sound of someone clearing their throat, and looked up to see Hal, accompanied by the officer who had brought them in. "Yes, these are mine," he said to her. "Thank you very much."
In less than ten minutes, they had filled out paperwork, apologized to the police officer for the inconvenience, and, in Jesper's case, promised to leave all wildlife alone in the future.
As they stepped into the dying sunlight, Stefan turned to Jesper. "If you ever get me arrested again, I'm going to tell Hal to leave you there," he said, with an icy glare. Then, the glare faded into a warm smile "But, it was nice to spend some time with you."
Jesper laughed. "I suppose next time I'll find some easier way to get some quality time with you." Then he grabbed Stefan's hand, and led him to where their friends were waiting for them.
This was just supposed to be a really short funny story but then it turned sweet.
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