#is somewhat odd
slav-every-day · 2 years
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random-dragon-exe · 2 months
I mean Dale has to figure out that Vicky was sent to his house at some point right?
I'd like to believe that Dev mentioned Vicky by name, in passing, and Dale just straight-up freaks out.
Then Dev asks what's wrong only for Dale to trauma dump about what Vicky did to him.
"Wait, you know Vicky?"
"Don't say that name again. She is an enemy. She's the one who enslaved me to work in an underground lemonade stand."
"Wait, that was her? How'd you get out of there?"
"I crawled out of there myself, and this pink hatted boy, Timmy Turner gave me the last of his lemonade. Then like magic, my dad appeared and finally found me."
"Like magic?"
"I don't know, call it a miracle. Either way, that Vicky isn't allowed here!"
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genosoffline · 2 months
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panalangin ko sa habang buhay
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tullecake · 7 days
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a wip/sketch because im excited about autumn/winter, and idw keeps giving us hair down surge ^^
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race-week · 4 months
Tbh this season has come a long way from the two Red Bull’s, miles ahead driving off into the sunset in Bahrain and Jeddah
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gummi-ships · 9 months
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Kingdom Hearts II Official Strategy Guide (Source) Sora's Forms
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merlin prompt
a bunch of people show up in camelot and declare themselves to merlin as his army, so now merlin has to keep them in check whenever arthur is his very own brand of affectionate as well as keeping them quiet so the king doesn't find out about his magic from one of merlin's worshippers.
meanwhile, arthur's too busy with this new prophecy to care about merlin's new suitors, of which there are a worrying number. a seer predicted his newest 'most powerful foe', someone by the name of emrys, and he must be ready for the battle to come.
(the seer hasn't stopped kicking themselves since they fumbled that prophecy. how hard is it to say 'your greatest and most powerful friend, emrys'?? but nooo, they had to get distracted when they actually recognised him, standing right next to the king, and what came out was 'your greatest and more powerful f-oh, emrys!'. the other seers will never let them hear the end of it, for sure!)
(alright so maybe merlin panicked a little when he saw the seer recognise him, and maybe he managed to get himself and arthur away a bit too soon for fear of the seer revealing his secret, and maybe it's a tiny little bit his fault that arthur is now convinced that merlin-well, emrys- is his enemy. if only he could get a minute free from his stupid army to try and convince arthur that he heard the seer wrong!)
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spiderin-space · 30 days
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Next chapter up!! And sketches below!!
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raayllum · 4 months
Rayla and Callum are so funny because Rayla will often times initiate whatever direction they're going to pivot in — explaining magic to him, luring Sol Regem away with his scarf, using his research time more practically to research Aaravos, telling him the truth about the coins — but like in a measured way of sorts, where she's able to back off most of the time and not commit 110% to it if/when the situation changes (siding with Ezran about the Nova Blade, putting her parents on the backburner). Whereas, in almost every single thing, Callum's like "Not doing something 110%??" like he's never even heard of it
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tiramisss-u · 4 months
Guys is it weird that I find bumblebee ( transformers) attractive 😭
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random-dragon-exe · 2 months
I find it entertaining how well Cosmo and Wanda's human disguises were updated and given a fresh new look compared to their first human appearance in the OG series.
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I gotta say, the style looks great and gives their colors a good little pop too. I also like how it's not an exact 1 to-1 to their OG human disguises and they allowed more creative freedom. Wanda still retains the yellow shirt, just now with a cute tie, and Cosmo retains the white shirt, but now with a green button-up.
Also, it seems that they still tend to use their magic in their human forms as it is second nature to them.
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Some things just never change, and it's nice to see the creators of A New Wish stay true to their characters.
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kinsagi · 4 months
Emo band with Dan Heng, Ebenholz, Xiao and Kosma
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markantonys · 11 months
WOT season 3 episode 1 title is "to race the shadow" (source)
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greenerteacups · 5 months
i have an idea for a fic that i’m absolutely obsessed with, id love it if i were a reader, it’s the perfect plot to highlight parts of the characters that i don’t see emphasized very often but that make me go crazy. here’s the problem: i’ve written in the past, but never completed and posted anything, and it makes me sad to think that this idea being my first will mean that it’s not executed to the quality that it is in my brain’s fantasy. i know the words on the page never quite meet the pictures you paint in your head, and i’ll have other good ideas, but im, like, preemptively mourning how this fic won’t be as good as i want it to be because it’s also serving as a lesson in how to write. do you have any words of encouragement/condolences lol
Oh, I mean, I do have words of encouragement, but they're not necessarily the softest ones! First of all: you've come up with an idea you love. That's the best. That's awesome. My best piece of advice is to be stoked that you get to write this fic, because that's going to be a lot of fun. I have a lot of sympathy for your plight, because there's a particular period in any artist's journey where their taste outpaces their talent, and it sucks. I'm still there, personally. I know a lot of creatives who are. We may live here forever! But it's fine, because it's kind of got to be fine for any of us to keep creating.
My second piece of advice is to ask why you have such radically different levels of confidence in different parts of the writing process. Why are you equally convinced by the brilliance of the idea and the disappointment of your execution? Why separate those two things? It's just the one writer, and it's just the one project. If I have an idea for a story but the idea doesn't tell me how to get from Point A to Point B, that also seems like a problem with the idea. When you really get down to it, practically, we might describe ideas as "seeds" or "babies," but they're not, because they don't in and of themselves represent a predestined genetic blueprint; an idea is just as much or as little as you make of it, and it has no value outside of what you do with it. Saying "what if Draco was a Gryffindor?" without any sort of answer to back it up is just — I mean, I don't think it's "worthless," because it's fandom, and it's still fun to discuss things with your friends! but the more thought you put into your answer, the more worthwhile it is, even if it becomes more flawed as a result. Your thoughts are flawed because they're human thoughts, but they're still worth more than their absence.
I guess the main takeaway here is to not hold the idea as its own immaculate creation, and to instead treat it like what it is: a manifestation of the same writerly skill that will have to be employed to execute it. The idea, by itself, is not good. You can't mourn a fic that doesn't exist; that's like me being sad I didn't write the #1 bestselling sequel to War and Peace. What you'll have at the end of this process is an imperfect execution of an imperfect conceit, which is all that any author has ever been able to say about anything, ever.
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rexbalistidae · 4 months
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Ok sorry I just kept doodling last whiteboard doodle post I swear.
I also decided I will start working on the events between s2-s3 before I go crazy 🙏 I’m gonna apologize in advance.
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saphushia · 2 years
ok so I keep thinking of phantom etho and how boatem didn't sleep for ages did they just see etho full phantom all the time or just thought they were hallucinating
i think most of the hermits know etho's a phantom- he doesn't really hide it (other than from bdubs, but that's purely because he finds it funny), and while he doesn't make any mention of it around new hermits that's again because he finds it funny to scare people when they don't know lmao. I think it ends up something of an initiation right for new hermits to get scared shitless after a few sleepless nights by etho walking up behind them full paralysis-demon-mode like "hey i need- stop screaming- your shop was sold out do you have more prismarine" and generally creep them out with glowing green eyes before finally (with much amusement) explaining he's a phantom.
that said, because he usually makes little fanfare about it, sometimes hermits forget and still get taken off guard. even more likely when their brains are sluggish from sleep deprivation. thus etho has no end of entertainment via simply passing a tired hermit in the shopping district and seeing them whip around and do a double take before visibly taking a breath to calm themselves down :3c
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