#is selfless and pure devotion to an idea that is good
mars-ipan · 2 years
pros of listening to a playlist i associate with komaeda while drawing komaeda:
- in the motherfucking ZONEEEE
cons of listening to a playlist i associate with komaeda while drawing komaeda:
- thinking so goddamn hard about the implications of it all
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thefrogdalorian · 7 months
Din Djarin x GN!Reader
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Summary: Despite how often you have pleaded with Din to stop and rest, your calls have gone unheeded. Your stubborn Mandalorian will not stop and take care of himself. So, when he arrives back from his latest job with the New Republic utterly exhausted, you take matters into your own hands and ensure he gets the rest he so desperately needs. Word Count: 3.1k ✯ Rating: General ✯ Content Warnings: None, pure fluff! ✯ Author's Note: I was talking with a friend earlier about how Din would go to the ends of the galaxy for those he loves and it finally got me to finish a little idea I'd been sitting one for a while. His determination and protectiveness is one of my favourite things about him, but the threat of burnout would be real! He would desperately need a rest and someone there to make sure he gets it, because you know he'd never rest himself. Anyway, thank you @suresnips for inspiring this in some way. I hope it cheers you up a little 🤍
✯ My Masterlist ✯
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One of the most difficult things about sharing your life with a man whose face was near-permanently hidden, was that you were unable to spot the tell-tale signs of fatigue that were surely present on his features until things reached a crisis point. The helmet that he wore in accordance with his Creed shielded so many of the expressions which were distinctively Din Djarin from the rest of the galaxy. You thought it was a shame that they were denied the privilege of seeing the handsome features and expressive brown eyes which belonged to the Mandalorian whom you loved so dearly. Then again, it meant they were entirely reserved for you, and the little green child who completed your Clan of Three. 
You had first encountered Din in the aftermath of his mission to retake Mandalore. There had been whispers that one of the Mandalorians who had helped to save your homeplanet of Nevarro from a band of diabolical pirates had taken up residence by the lava flats. You were not inclined to believe rumours and had been stunned when you had seen the gleaming unpainted beskar, dazzling in the afternoon sunlight as he made his way through the marketplace one day. 
The first time you and Din had a conversation, as he bought wares from the market stall you owned, the connection had been evident. With his deep, gravelly voice and understanding, patient nature, even when you tripped over your words as you peddled your wares, you found him constantly on your mind. Over the next few months, your paths had crossed enough times for it to become evident that the feeling was mutual. 
Now, you were fortunate to reside in the little cabin that Din owned by the lava flats of Nevarro. Your home was a little slice of heaven that the two of you had carved out together alongside Grogu. When you saw how hectic and chaotic Din’s life was, you were grateful that he had allowed you to get close to him. You wondered how he had managed before he had forged a life with you and how he had looked after himself before you were around to share some of the burden. Your heart ached to think of Din alone, neglecting his own needs at the expense of others. He was selfless and devoted to those he loved by nature, but sometimes Din needed taking care of himself.
Happily, now the two of you had found each other, you were a true partnership in every sense of the word. 
On your worst days, Din was there to pick you up and brighten your spirits, just as, in turn, you were there for him. You celebrated each other’s successes when times were good, too. Which, fortunately, was the case more often than not. Life with Din was always exciting; even when he was away from you, he always took the effort to keep in touch. 
You were stunned when you first met Din and he regaled you with details of recent events in his life, that he had not allowed himself to rest on his laurels and enjoy the glory after completing such an arduous task as retaking Mandalore. Instead, he had taken jobs with the New Republic and turned his former bounty hunting skills to helping to keep the galaxy safe. It was relentless, exhausting work. But his determined nature meant that he was only too eager to lend his services to them whenever a job came up.
Monitoring Din for signs of fatigue was particularly difficult when the best visuals you got was a grainy few minutes of his helmeted form visible on your holoprojector, or a few moments of audio on your comlink whenever his schedule permitted. You had been begging Din to rest for several weeks now, but he had not heeded your requests. Since you had moved into the cabin with him and were able to care for Grogu, it had allowed him to take more dangerous jobs that he would have felt uncomfortable with Grogu accompanying him on, such as the most recent job that he had agreed to. You had been frustrated when he informed you about another assignment. You were deathly afraid that he would work himself into the ground if he wasn’t careful. Your pleas for him to postpone the job and rest had been unheeded.
If Din wouldn’t take care of himself, it fell on your shoulders to keep an eye on him. So, this time, when he returned from his latest job, you resolved that you would not be so easy on him. 
This time, Din Djarin would rest.
The rumble of the N-1’s engines as the Nubian starfighter descended through the Nevarrian atmosphere was a welcome sound in the stillness of the night. For hours, the only sounds audible in the cabin had been the faint snores of Grogu from his room and your racing thoughts. Now, the distant growl of the engines, which turned into a roar as they grew nearer, signalled your favourite Mandalorian’s return from his most recent mission. 
You were up like a shot, racing towards the door and out into the night to greet Din. Yet, any excitement you felt soon dissipated when you saw how sluggishly he moved. The man who often so energetically leapt out of the cockpit, as though it were no effort at all, was now a lethargic figure in the darkness. As he leapt onto the volcanic surface of the planet, he barely managed to regain his posture after bending his knees in a smooth landing. Instead, he leant back against the body of the N-1.
You shook your head as you approached him, frustrated that he had been so stubborn and ignored your protestations when he informed you about his latest mission. A time for scolding him would come later, though. For now, you walked across the ground, closing the distance between the two of you. 
Instinctively, Din had held his arms out in preparation for you to step into his embrace. Even in his fatigued state, his exhausted body still knew that he wanted you in his arms. You smiled as you nestled your head into the crook of his neck and wrapped your arms around his waist, feeling his warmth between the cool plates of beskar.
“I missed you,” you whispered into Din’s cowl.
“I missed you too, cyare,” Din replied, his voice low and husky as he rubbed circles into your back with his large hands. 
“Let’s go inside,” you insisted as you stepped away from his embrace and took his hand in yours, leading him towards the cabin. Towards home. Towards rest. 
You hoped that the child you had finally managed to see settled in his cot had not awakened at the sound of the engines. Getting Grogu to sleep had only proved successful after several hours of tantrums when you had forbidden him to stay up past his bedtime to greet his father. It was probably harsh, but you knew that Din was keen that his son maintained a regular sleeping schedule. Which was ironic, considering how little he respected his own needs for rest. 
Din's stubborness and insistence that he was fine meant that ensuring Din had some much-needed rest was a burden which fell squarely on you. If the way he had strained as he leapt from the N-1 had not been proof enough, his heavy footsteps as he trudged back to the cabin by your side further indicated his need for rest.
Unfortunately, as soon as you stepped through the entryway to the cabin, you were greeted by a certain child and his pleading brown eyes. Grogu had not missed his father’s return and he wanted attention. Din was never one to begrudge Grogu’s needs, and without hesitation, he pulled his helmet off and crouched down to scoop his son up. You silently cringed as you noticed the way he grunted thanks to the exertion of such an action. He desperately needed to rest.
But Din Djarin was a stubborn man.
“Din, let me put Grogu to sleep. You need to rest,” you reminded him as he took Grogu into his arms.
“I’m fine,” he shrugged off your concerns once again, “I'll put Grogu to sleep.”
As the two of them disappeared down the small hallway and into Grogu’s room, you sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose in frustration. Then, you took a deep breath and in an attempt to ensure your anger did not get the better of you. If there was one common thread that ran through Din Djarin's every action, it was his absolute devotion to his son. Nothing in this galaxy would ever stand in the way of him and Grogu. You knew Din would do anything for his son, even at the expense of his well-being. 
Fortunately, you knew you were there to take care of Din. So you allowed him his precious time with his son and resolved to be there for him afterwards and take care of his weary mind and fatigued body. You padded down the hallway towards the room you and Din shared, pausing briefly outside Grogu’s room. You smiled at the sounds you could hear through the door. You could hear the heartwarming sound of a child’s giggles and the familiar rasp of Din’s husky voice as he recounted various stories from his recent mission to his son. 
Satisfied that Din had not fallen asleep on top of Grogu at the very least, you entered your room and set about gathering the most luxurious pyjamas he owned. You had already changed the sheets to the softest silks in the galaxy in preparation for his return, hoping that once he felt them against his skin he would not fight you when you insisted he rest. You lay the pyjamas on the sheets and perched on the side of your cot to await Din’s return. You were content to give him some alone time with his precious boy. 
Finally, leaden footsteps sounded at the door, indicating that Grogu was asleep. Now, it was time to ensure that Din finally rested.
“Hi,” Din sighed, with a smile that did not quite meet his exhausted eyes.
“Hi,” you breathed.
As he stepped towards you, you noticed how deep the wrinkles on his face had become. You always loved the lines and grooves present on his face. They complimented the greys apparent in the smattering of facial hair across his strong jawline. You thought such features made him look distinguished and handsome, rather than old and exhausted. Tonight, though, their appearanced alarmed you. They were deeper than usual. You had never seen Din look so exhausted. His usual bright, warm brown eyes were dulled and dark. They were slightly bloodshot, too. Your heart ached at the sight of him. 
“You look exhausted,” you observed.
“I’m fine,” Din insisted.
“The bags under your eyes suggest otherwise.”
At your comment, Din’s ungloved hands balled into fists at his sides. He sighed through gritted teeth. You hated the way he shrugged off your concerns so nonchalantly and your observations 
“Din,” you sighed, “You are allowed to rest sometimes, you know?”
“I know.”
“Well then, why don’t you let me take care of you? Why don’t you sit on the new silk sheets that I put on, especially for you, and let me take your armour off?” 
“I can do it,” Din shook his head and averted his gaze.
“I know you can, but I want to help you,” you nodded as you pushed yourself off the cot and stepped towards him. “You do so much for me and Grogu. You do so much for the entire galaxy. You must be exhausted.”
“I’m fine,” Din repeated. This time, hearing those words caused something to snap inside of you. You had reached the end of your tether.
“Din, you look like you haven’t slept since you left a week ago! You’re going to run yourself into the ground!” you exclaimed forcefully, voice a little louder than you intended. 
You both stopped and looked in the direction of Grogu’s room, panic-stricken that you had awoken him. Fortunately, there was no noise. Grogu still slept soundly. At your outburst, when Din’s dull eyes met yours again, you noticed that a flicker of recognition had set across his features now. He understood that resting was not a sign of weakness.
“I’m sorry for snapping,” you apologised, instantly remorseful. 
“It’s alright,” Din reassured you.
“Please let me shoulder some of the burden, Din. Please don’t fight me on this,” you pleaded.
“Okay,” Din nodded and took a seat on the edge of the cot. 
You busied yourself with the various intricate fixtures that attached each piece of Din’s armour to his body, placing them on the floor at his side with as much care as you had observed him pay towards them. Din would stack them properly come the morning. He was meticulous and particular about the way they fitted on each shelf of the cabinet that was fixed into the wall for the very purpose of storing his armour. Even if you stacked them yourself, Din would do it again tomorrow. Better to preserve your energy and make sure he rested first.
By the time you had finished removing his armour, Din’s head was slumped to one side and his eyes were closed. Your heart soared at sight, and the small sounds of his soft snores. Before you could even finish undressing him, he had drifted off to sleep. Finally, the creases in his face looked less terrifying. He looked so peaceful that you hated to wake him. But sleeping in his flightsuit would not be comfortable and the garments you had laid out for him were of the most luxurious material in the galaxy. You leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his temple.
“Din, I’m sorry to wake you, honey,” you said apologetically, lips against his forehead.
Din continued snoring softly. It seemed a more drastic gesture would be in order. You leaned down and pressed your lips to his, smiling softly at the way his moustache tickled your upper lip. It was slightly longer than he usually kept it which was unusual for Din, given his fastidious nature. His latest job had been so hectic that personal grooming had fallen by the wayside. 
Fortunately, the kiss had the desired effect and Din’s eyes flickered open momentarily. You seized the opportunity.
“Din, why don’t you stand up for a second so I can help you into your pyjamas?” you whispered into his dark brown curls. 
“Hmph,” Din grunted in response, his eyes still shut.
“It’ll be worth it, you’ll be comfortable then,” you suggested.
Din opened his eyes, bleary thanks to your rude interruption of his peaceful slumber, and nodded slowly. You steadied him as he stood to his feet on shaky legs and helped him as he removed his final garments. With the pesky flak vest and flightsuit discarded, the final barriers to Din and some much-needed rest had been removed. 
Now clad in his luxurious silk pyjamas, you pulled the top sheets back for Din to clamber into the warmth and sanctuary of your cot, which he did without hesitation. In the time that it took for you to turn the light out and round the cot to join him, the quiet snores had resumed. You shook your head and smirked at the further proof – as if any more were required – of just how exhausted Din had been. You sighed in contentment as you took your place behind him, wrapping your arms around his waist. You rested them against his body, enjoying the warmth which radiated from his body. Sleeping in the cabin without Din felt cold and lonely, now he had returned and that contrast was even more stark. 
“I love you, Din,” you whispered into the nape of his neck, watching as your breath caused the dark brown curls which lingered there to flutter slightly. “Even when you’re stubborn,” you added.
The sensation of warm lips as they pressed a soft kiss to your forehead awoke you from the sleep you had drifted off into. Your eyelids fluttered open. In the golden light of a Nevarrian morning, you were finally able to see the warm brown eyes of the man you loved beyond comparison gazing at you adoringly.  
“Good morning,” Din rasped before he claimed your lips with his in a languid kiss.
“Morning, Din,” you sighed when you finally parted. “How did you sleep?”
“I slept well, thank you,” Din nodded.
“Glad to hear it,” you murmured as you stretched your arms out.
“Thank you for last night,” Din sighed against your lips. “I’m sorry for being so pigheaded.”
“It’s alright, Din,” you smiled in gratitude that he was aware of his stubbornness. “I know being taken care of is a new experience for you.”
“It is,” Din confirmed as he rolled off you and came to rest at your side. “But I appreciate your concern.”
“I know you do,” you nodded. “Which is why you’re going to take another nap, while I wake Grogu up and prepare some breakfast for us.”
“Ah!” you said, raising a finger to his plush lips which were currently positioned in an adorable pout. “No fighting me on this, let me take care of you. Okay?”
“Fine,” Din huffed.
“Awww,” you cooed and stroked his cheek affectionately. “You’re pretty adorable when you’re grumpy, you know?”
“I’m not adorable,” Din sulked.
“You are,” you giggled at his ridiculousness. “Now, roll over and let me hold you again until you fall asleep.”
Din turned over wordlessly, settling into position in preparation for a nap. Your arms found their position around his waist once more and you pressed a kiss to the nape of his neck, which produced a rumble of laughter from somewhere deep within him.
“I love you, Din. Even when you’re stubborn,” you whispered into his ear, repeating the words that he had not heard the previous night.
“I love you too,” Din replied. “Thank you for putting up for me.”
“Of course, honey,” you nodded. “I’m stuck with you now.”
“Thank Maker. I don’t know how I ever managed before our paths crossed,” Din sighed sleepily as you placed your hands underneath his shirt and traced soothing circles into the warm expanse of his belly.
“I don’t know, either,” you chuckled at the thought.
But the time for worrying about how differently the respective courses of your lives could have taken, were it not for that chance meeting at the market on Nevarro all those months ago, would come later. 
For now, it was time for Din Djarin to rest.
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spacebarbarianweird · 8 months
Since requests are open can I request a f!Paladin Ilmater Tav with Astarion, preferably with a happy ending for them both. (She joined the church after having seen abuse firsthand no thanks to her dad)
One more devoted Tav, now in the domain of Ilmater!
Ilmater, also known as the Crying God, is a patron of opressed, suffering and persecuted.  He is a willing sufferer, bearing the pain of others to spare them from it, and it is said that if he had his way he would do so for all the suffering in the world. His symbol is a pair of white hands bound with red cord. More about Ilmater Church of Ilmater
TW: A mention of CSA and abortion
Astarion x f!Paladin!Tav
Your oath is self-sacrifice. 
Abused and beaten by your father, assaulted more than once, you became pregnant at the age of 14.
A drunken healer terminated the pregnancy, but you nearly died from blood loss and injuries.
Afraid to face the consequences, the healer and your father left you to die in the streets, hoping no one would ever find you.
Whether it was pure luck or Ilmater's will is unknown, but you were found by a passerby who brought the bleeding and dying child to the local Ilmater monastery.
The Reverend Father took care of you and made sure you felt at home.
You have grown up among the Ilmateri, helping the poor and unfortunate, in places plagued by poverty, plague, or war.
You know much about the suffering of this world and have an open heart.
As you reach adulthood, you gain a vision.
Ilmater, The Crying God himself, appears to you in human form and presses his bleeding hand to your chest.
"Protect the less fortunate in my name. Choose your oath, paladin."
The only thing you manage to whisper is "self-sacrifice."
You tell the Reverend Father of your vision and receive his blessing to leave the monastery.
You wander the Swords Coast, living up to your faith and vows.
But one day, you are kidnapped by the Mindflayers.
Your oath dictates its own will. Save your friends from the Tadpoles, destroy the Absolute.
You are selfless and caring to all your companions. Especially Astarion, for he may have suffered the most.
You forgive him, care for him, trust him.
Astarion can't get enough of you - you are his knight in shining armor who has finally come to save him from his misery.
Thanks to him, you are learning to think about your own good, too.
Maybe choosing comfort isn't so bad.
Or thinking for yourself for a change.
But when the time comes to save the world, you make your choice.
You have to sacrifice yourself - to let them turn you into a Mind Flayer. You are a martyr, a paladin.
Astarion rushes towards you and holds you back.
He begs you not to do this. 
For the first time in two centuries, he has something. He has a future. He has you. 
"I have an oath to Ilmater! I must sacrifice myself!"
"Where was your god when you were raped by your own father? Where was Ilmater when I was beaten and tortured for two hundred years? Ilmater was the first human god I ever prayed to! And to him, I prayed for decades! And he never listened!"
"He did listen to you, Astarion! He... sent me."
A realization comes to you. 
Astarion is the embodiment of all the suffering a mortal can endure. Everything that could be bad has already happened to him.
You are a savior. 
But you're not saving the world, you're saving a man.
And the whole world he is.
Karlach willingly takes your place because it's the only way for her to survive.
You leave the city hand in hand with Astarion - he wants to see the world, and you know there are many people who need your help.
Over the years, you notice that Astarion's attitude towards Ilmater and the whole idea of "saving the less fortunate" changes.
Sometimes he prays with you.
He has read all the sacred texts dedicated to the The Rack-Broken Lord.
He won't admit it, but he recognizes himself in the image of Ilmater.
You, too, have changed. 
You are more selfish now, for you need to save yourself before you save anyone else.
Tag list
@tugoslovenka @marcynomercy @wintersire @vixstarria @not-so-lost-after-all @ashiro20 @theearthsfinalconfession @herstxrgirl @starlight-ipomoea @micropoe10 @astarion-imagine-archive @veillsar @elora-the-slutty-songstress @fayeriess @lumienyx @tallymonster @caitlincat-95 @tragedybunny @valeprati @lynnlovesthestars @marina-and-the-memes @waking-electric @ayselluna @connorsui @asterordinary @darkarchangel96 @locallegume
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i-cant-sing · 2 years
I am in love with your yandere ideas, I don’t know where they come from
Probably some deep dark internal place where god has long since shown his light
Yes💖💖💖 but speaking of God, you know what type of yandere I want? The type we all deserve?
A religious yandere who is on knees every single day, praying and crying to God for you. A yandere who is a firm believer that you're two soulmates, that your name was written along side his way before the creation of the universe.
A yandere who does excessive charity and good deeds, asking everyone to pray for him that his God grants him the one he loves.
And perhaps the yandere has tried to get you, but he wasn't successful. Maybe it's because he's poor, maybe it's because you're not compatible with him, or maybe it's just because he's a walking red flag with his inability to take no for an answer (for real, you've threw your shoe at him too when he showed up at your door
Soon, people start to pity him/admire him for his persistent and pious self, and when they hear the way he describes you, how utterly and completely in love he is with you, their heart just breaks.
So, now people start to slowly pressure you into accepting him, telling you that his love is pure, and that no one will ever love you/care for you as much as him.
You turn them all down, telling them to mind their own business and of course, they're hurt by your rudeness. They tell yandere about how mean you are and how he deserves someone much better. The yandere shakes his head and smiles sadly.
"Her. Only her. God has made her for me, and I for him." He'd say, before going back to praying and it's only now that people realise that that's all he does. He prays for you, all day, all night. And it's starting to show that he's also stopped taking care of himself, spending his all of his time doing selfless good deeds and praying for you.
They are moved by how... devoted he has become. Watching how even when he's sick, dishevelled with the high fever, all he could mutter is your name over and over again like a broken record. And they ask him, why do you not ask your God to grant you health? And yandere would smile and reply, "I'd never ask Him to take away any suffering he gives me, for perhaps he'd take pity on me and grant me my beloved Y/n."
With him becoming a sort of Saint now, and being impressed by his love and devotion to you, the yandere mentality starts to spread to them. Soon, the town people form a small cult. Their mission?
To bring you and yandere together.
And since you're not taking the easy way, they're gonna go ahead and kidnap you, keep you locked up in their basement where perhaps once or twice a day, you're tortured by someone, telling you this is how your life is gonna be from now on.
While you're slowly breaking down every day, the yandere is worried now that he can't find you anywhere. He starts running around panicking, looking for you everywhere, heart sinking when he can't find you.
And that's when the town people's second part of the plan begins: guide yandere to where you are and let him be your Knight in shining armour.
The yandere finally finds you (after all the hints from the people) and he looks like he can finally breathe again when his eyes find yours.
"Y/n." He breathes out, walking towards you, but restraining himself from hugging you, for he remembers how you told him that you're repulsed by him, he remembers all the terrible things you'd spew at him.
But then a miracle happens. You throw yourself at him and start crying, begging him to save you- to get you out of here.
He feels like his world stopped for a few moments when you touched him, his rapidly beating heart finally coming at ease, matching the rhythm of your heart.
He nodded, inhaling your scent (despite you being sweaty and grimy) and telling you that everything will be alright.
And when he takes you home- to his small, humble abode, taking a washcloth to clean the dirt of your face, the town people can't help byr watch from the windows as their plan succeeded. The yandere tells you to sleep, that he promises that he won't do anything unbecoming of a man before leaving his house to get you something to eat.
And the people can't help but ask why he looks sad right now. Didn't their plan work?
The yandere sighs. "I'm worried. Y/n, she was hurt by someone. And- and I don't want to think what would have happened if I didn't save her. But..."
"But what?"
"But now she wants to leave the town. Says its too traumatising for her to stay here." He sniffles. "What will I do when she's not here? When I can't even see her anymore? What if someone hurts her again and I'm not there?"
What the fuck?
A day or two later, when reader starts packing her stuff, some people from the cult come to hera and lay down the law for her.
"You're not leaving, Y/n. Because if you do, we'll make sure it's in a coffin." They start threatening you, even thrashing you.
Another part of the cult goes to yandere and starts putting ideas in his head.
"You can't let her leave."
The yandere sighs sadly. "What can I do? I can't force her to stay here-"
"Yes, you can. Yes you can! Don't you see? She's your soulmate, the one who was created for you. You can't let her go- that would be like rejecting God's gift to you!" They begin brainwashing him. "She's too naive to see what's good for her! It's upto you, her better half, to save her!"
"But she wants to leave-"
"She doesn't know what she wants is not good for her. She doesn't know what she really needs! What if she wanted to jump of a cliff? Would you let her? What if she she wants to put herself in danger? Would you let her?"
The yandere's eyes darkened. "No."
"Then save her. Save her from herself."
By the time yandere comes to your place, you're all bloody and bruised from the beating from the mov earlier, and yandere growls as he asks who did this to you.
This time, he doesn't think twice about touching you as he picks you up and carries you to the couch, and starts cleaning up your wounds.
"They- they won't let me go! Please, you gotta help me leave town!" You cried, and his heart breaks a little at your tears.
He wipes them away. "I'm afraid I can't help you."
"Because I can't protect you if you're not with me." He cups your cheek. "You're God's gift to me, and I am His gift to you. You are mine, and I am yours. And we cannot be apart from each other, Y/n. Don't you see how much harm it has already caused you?"
The cult outside couldn't help but smile as they watched you begin wailing and trying to escape yandere, only for him to tackle you down and kiss you.
They decided to leave you two alone (not really, a few of them still stood outside in case yandere needed their help capturing you or you tried to escape/hurt yandere.
The rest of the cult now began the third phase of their plan: making yandere and you as the cult leaders.
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Should I make this an oc? A new one or perhaps an old one?
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xhanisai · 7 months
marinette!!!! adrien is dying to be your husband!!! GO MARRY HIM ASAP.
Pairing - Adrinette (post-reveal, pre-relationship)
Prompt - 'Sleepovers'
Summary -
However, even though they were always attached to the hip with their hands glued together, neither of them put a label on what exactly they were and he was practically dying to know whether or not he had a chance of making room for himself in her big, selfless heart under a romantic light.
He wanted to believe so badly that the fondness and affection that soared in her pretty eyes and lingered in her touch mirrored his own feelings towards her, that whenever her blues flickered to his lips it was because she wanted to kiss him just as desperately as he wanted to kiss her.
 Adrien thought it would be another sleepless night of him musing about the ambiguous relationship between himself and his Lady— alongside her interesting sleeping positions that never failed to make her so endearing and just absolutely adorable. Ever since they mutually unmasked themselves to one another, believing that the secrecy was now causing more harm than good, they have become much, much closer for sure (bisous that landed on the corner of their lips with each greeting, hands always making their way to each other's body like breathing, embraces that lasted for millenniums and eternities, blues and greens glittering with yearning and unconditional love for each other and so on).
 However, even though they were always attached to the hip with their hands glued together, neither of them put a label on what exactly they were and he was practically dying to know whether or not he had a chance of making room for himself in her big, selfless heart under a romantic light. He wanted to believe so badly that the fondness and affection that soared in her pretty eyes and lingered in her touch mirrored his own feelings towards her, that whenever her blues flickered to his lips it was because she wanted to kiss him just as desperately as he wanted to kiss her.
 Et mon Dieu...
 There were no words in any dictionary in the world that could ever describe even ten percent of the love and emotions he felt when it came to Marinette Dupain-Cheng and how much he wanted to kiss her with his everything. He wanted her to grab his face, tangle her nimble fingers within his hair and mercilessly crash her perfect lips against his. He wanted her to take and swallow every single breath he took and taste the pure devotion he held for her. He wanted her to silence each and every gasp of her name that would slip from his mouth with her lips over and over again until all he could think of was nothing but her.
 But he also had no idea of what she truly felt towards him and the sentiments that she kept guarded to herself within her vulnerable heart. The last thing he ever wanted was to pressure her into something she never wanted and lose the blissful, wonderful moments they shared now. He would happily choose to be tortured in the deepest, darkest crevices of Hell than hurt the love of his life.  .
 So, he tried his best to be patient and ensured that his partner held onto the reigns of whatever they were supposed to be, leading them both to wherever whenever she pleased. She always had a (almost obsessive) need to be in control of her situations after all but he didn't mind whatsoever, happily following her with their hands entwined and their paces matched to one speed.
 And they also have sleepovers.
Lots and lots of sleepovers.
 Sleepovers that consisted of her always sneaking him into her bedroom at night as if they were having a scandalous affair in a cheesy period drama where getting caught meant instant death. As if that wasn't enough, Marinette also ensured that he made himself home in her bed where she also slept right next to him which in turn resulted in mornings where he'd wake up either in her arms or with her in his arms. There were no in-between. Plus, since he was a light sleeper, Adrien always woke up first and would take the time to study his partner's dozing face (the boy forever pleased with the fact that she felt comfortable enough to drop her guards around him and allow herself to be vulnerable in his presence). And every time when she woke, she always, always delivered that sleepy, neverending, brilliant smile and kissed the back of his hand without fail.
"Hehe...hello, mon petit Chaton,"
 It was things like these that had the feline hero often question what Marinette's intentions towards him were and whether or not these moments were her roundabout way of saying that she wanted him too.
 Maybe he should push for an answer after all because the way she always turned his poor heart into mush with each smile and each kiss was going to kill him at this rate and the last thing the world needed was for Chat Noir to be Melted Gooey Noir with his only power being seeping into drainage pipes or being a puddle for the Akumas to slip on. 
 Or maybe he should just get some fucking sleep now.
 Sneaking out of the Dupain-Cheng's bathroom after washing his face (or that was the excuse because his poor heart needed a break from his Lady's beautiful smile and her loving touches), Adrien crept back into Marinette's room where she was last remaking the bed and getting some snacks ready for them all. They were currently bingeing a terrible isekai anime where pointing out all the ridiculousness was the entertainment and it paired so well with all the unhealthy treats that would send his père into a spiral of doom.
 He just hoped that Tikki hadn't finished them all first like last time.
 "Hey, my Lady. I hope you don't mind me asking—" He immediately stopped midway through the steps to her loft when he spotted Marinette sitting up on the floor, leaning against the side of the bed as if she was asleep. However, Adrien knew better, taking in her pinched brows and death-like stillness and the sight of Tikki's teary eyes only affirmed his realisation.
 Marinette was passed out.  "Shit!" He quickly darted towards his partner, lightly tapping her face and whispering frantically for her to wake up, trying with his everything to remain calm and collected. Even Plagg and Tikki joined in, tugging on her pyjama trousers and before Adrien could think of calling the emergency services and alerting her parents, Marinette was startled awake with a gasp. She attempted to stand up out of surprise by instinct, only to wobble and fall back into the blond's arms. His heart was close to leaping out of his throat in pure panic.
 "W-What happened?" She croaked, lightly shivering as her partner held her tighter against him. He kept her in his arms for a few minutes longer, trying to keep his frantic thoughts at bay and remind himself over and over again that she was awake and alive. Even Plagg attached himself to the girl's shoulder, his feline greens peering at her worriedly whilst Tikki hugged one of Marinette's free hands. "Mon minou?"
 "You passed out...you passed out again, Marinette." He finally laid her down on the bed, kneeling by her side and stroking her hair soothingly. Another major thing he noticed when they became closer was just how scarily often she fainted or was left on the brink of passing out because of how overworked she was. She was downright terrible at looking after herself and there was only so much her parents and their friends could do to help her out because she's so, so good at being secretive and hiding things from everyone. Thankfully, he's here now and has learned what to keep an eye out for in order to look after his partner. "Did you forget to eat?" Her sheepish expression had him bite his bottom lip in slight frustration. "Marinette..."
 Oh, his silly, silly little buguinette.
 "Sorry! I just...forget." He couldn't stay mad at her for long, leaning his forehead on hers. "I'll put reminders in my phone now so that I remember to eat on time. And there are plenty of snacks here too! Sorry for making you worry again, Adrien." He could only smile softly and then brush her hair back so that he could kiss her head tenderly.
 "Silly bug. Next time this happens, I'm dragging your butt to the doctor. Your health is more important than trying to hide me from your papa at night." His smile simply grew wider when she sat up and shoved a profiterole that Tikki offered into her mouth like a pudgy-cheeked hamster (clearly very embarrassed and eating her way out of it). "I mean it. If I see as much as a dizzy spell, I'm gonna put a whole cake in your mouth, hold you with one arm and take you to the nearest doctor or hospital. You could end up in a really bad position if you keep up with these bad habits. In fact, I think you should see a doctor now as soon as possible just in case." He wasn't blind to the flash of guilt in her eyes, an apology ready to leave his tongue because he didn't want her to feel bad.
 "I know. I am trying to do better." She was all honesty and softness when she held onto one of his hands with both of hers. Then she offered another smile, hoping to soothe his heart. "It's a good thing that I have the best husband in the world."
 Marinette immediately went beet red, a thousand and one unintelligible words poured out of her mouth as her hands pinwheeled around in a frenzy. Meanwhile, Plagg gaped at her comically, Tikki stared at her wielder with bulging eyes and Adrien was still in the process of rebooting his brain.
 "Partner! I meant PARTNER! HahahahahaH! You didn't hear anything else! Nuh-uh! Nope!" She finally whisper-shouted and a strained smile pulled at her lips, the heroine hoping that her infinitely patient Chaton would let it slide.
 Too bad for her, his patience has snapped.
 "So if you considered me as your husband all this time, why haven't you kissed me stupid yet???" Adrien was unironically a little frustrated and yet all that Marinette could do was combust into redness all over again, the duo blind and deaf to the cackling little God of Destruction and the giggling Goddess of Creation. "You can't just scream into a pillow forever, Marinette! I've been waiting for you to marry me and have my babies since day one! My Lady!??!"
 "Leave me alo-oooooooooooooooooooone..." 
 Adrien didn't get his kiss until the next morning when they woke up together in each other's arms, Marinette briefly brushing her lips against his and then running off into the bathroom with a muffled squeal. 
 And Paris had to be saved by Ladybug and Melted Gooey Noir after that.
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Something I dislike about Chloe’s damnation is how her good actions never have that “selfish” part of them
My main examples is Zombisue and Queen wasp
She sacrificed herself to save ladybug and apologizes at the end, saving ladybug is selfless since she genuinely trusts ladybug will save them all (LIKE CHAT NOIR DOES, she’s doing the same chat does and is meant to and she doesn’t gain anything from apologizing since she already looks good in ladybug’s eyes for saving her
And in queen wasp she knows she’ll won’t be getting the miraculous back but she gives it up because of her devotion to ladybug
If the writers wanted to make her seem evil and selfish they would have given her something to gain out of this situations like money or fame, not the sympathy of her idol, is like the writers don’t know how to make actions have a selfish intentions to them and it shows with Marinette
Marinette has done this multiple times (for example she goes to Shanghai under the excuse of following Adrien which is extremely selfish) and the writers never seem to notice
I once read a fanfic called “bad for business” about a side villain of a show (which show ain’t important) not joining the main villains which invade he’s territory and basically plan to destroy the whole place.
The villain constantly makes deals and promises with selfish goals knowing full well most of he’s Allie’s might end up weakened, in Jail or dead at the end, and everything he does is selfish even if they aren’t flat out evil (I will help them in this turf war so they will help ME in this turf war, I will give them valuable information so they will destroy our mutual enemies for ME, I will kill this terrorist so I can frame it for the murder of another goon I murdered)
And the fan fic makes this clear every single scene, he does have good traits like caring for he’s partner and trying (emphasis on trying) to console a girl (which would have been he’s enemy in the canon show) after the two think a friend of hers died in front of their eyes but even till the end it’s shown how he’s never done a single selfless thing in the whole history and that’s why despite everything he did on the fic and what he wanted to achieve and by the means he did, he still rooted for him, because he was evil and nothing was hiding it (specially not the writer)
Meanwhile miraculous doesn’t know the difference between a selfish and selfless action, a fanfic does something better than miraculous, a fanfic of a series far worse than miraculous is more aware of good and evil than a children’s show
God I love ranting about miraculous mistakes and double standards
I feel like the writers have no idea what an anti-hero is, because characters are either completely perfect and can do no wrong, or they're complete monsters who are pure evil.
The show tries to write characters like Chloe, Gabriel, and Felix in a morally gray light, yet the writers always try to either downplay their actions or act like they've been good from the start.
The whole point of writing an anti-hero is that it allows you to explore stories in a way that differ from the usual moral paragons people are used to seeing in superhero media. These kind of characters usually find ways to accomplish their goals that don't allign with the beliefs we have. It makes us think about whether the ends justify the means, or how thin is the line between being a hero and being a villain.
But this show doesn't do that sort of thing. When a character does something, it's either good or bad, no matter the consequences it has. I'm not saying we need complex writing on the same level as Breaking Bad for this show, but if they're going to try and discuss topics like redemption for past deeds, you need to draw a line and show what kind of things are okay to do, what things aren't okay to do, and why actions are viewed in a certain way.
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yanxidarlings · 1 year
i have so many ideas mostly revolving around past oc concepts, but in general i think the slytherin's have the most yandere potential? aside from traits (cunning, determined, yada) that go hand in hand with yandere, i also find it easier to pin point the root of their tendencies. there's slytherins like draco who are straight up entitled, and some like theo who have been raised harshly, it's not difficult to imagine a scenario where draco, theo, blaise, .. develop into the yanderes we all know and love.
there's no plan for structuring my harry potter writings, but i think it'll mostly be brainstorming headcanons. i'm focusing on the golden era, so i'll write for characters alive during this time. I'll come up with a full character list and cast eventually but for now i'm most interested in getting ideas/requests for slytherin boys (blaise, draco, goyle, lorenzo, mattheo, theodore, adrian, terrence, marcus) and ravenclaw boys (anthony goldstein, michael corner, roger davies, terry boot) but gred and forge are always welcome as well.
okay so general rules for requests: only send in requests for golden era characters (there is a loop hole "if james survived" here if you're desperate but im mostly inspired to write the characters i've listed out. reader/darling is always gender neutral, no loopholes here. also i tend to cover both platonic and romantic paths (if applicable) either way in my writings so no need to specify. that all being said hound me with asks and any thoughts.
anyways here are some headcanons that have been clogged up in my brain recently;
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ANTHONY GOLDSTEIN (fancast: tarjei sandvik moe): my latest fixation, chat gpt molded most of my headcanons for yandere him. okay so not much is known about him but i'm going the route of jewish = polish = kowalski + queenie grandson / great grandson. all we have for a personality is 'friendly and good-natured' so i'm going to be making mountains out of molehills here.
i can imagine his intentions were pure first, he saw his darling didn't have the best upbringing, perhaps was a fractured individual, and 'desperately needed someone'. so he befriends them. for a long time, he's fully convinced himself his actions are done out of concern for his darling, other people really were just going to hurt them, and weren't trustworthy. and making good decisions has always been a strong suit of his, he isn't a ravenclaw for nothing, so his darling should just sit back, relax, and enjoy his company whilst he takes care of the hard stuff, alright?.
what started as a protective instinct turned into possessive jealousy, why does his darling want to pair up with malfoy for a potions assignment when he's far much more intelligent and easier to work with. actually, why do they have to speak to anyone else but him anyway? if they want a supportive friend, he's always been there. they want to banter with someone? anthony can do that!. they have a crush? they want romance? they want to overthrow the ministry of magic? no matter, he's a fast learner, and better for them than anyone else would be.
for the most part, anthony appears innocent, it's probably his darling who looks like the clingy, overattached one, because no matter what anyone else tells them, anthony will vilify them in the eyes of his darling, bringing his darling closer to him, gradually becoming more and more dependent on his constant presence. which is what he has subconsciously been working towards since he met them.
anthony is wholly devoted to his darling, and is among the more selfless yanderes (lookin at you draco). he has no future planned out, and allows his darling to take charge of the relationship so long as they don't look at anyone else. he's one of the more moldable yanderes; he adapts to his darlings personality, instead of having them adapt to his (camera pans to draco).
he's only really a danger to his darlings social life (and the lives of anyone who tries to tempt his darling away). his obsession is quiet for the most part, unlike others (draco) he doesn't need to resort to extreme measures (kidnapping) as he's able to read his darling like an open book (anthony inherited queenies legillimency and no one can convince me otherwise), and is thus able to ancitipate their needs, thoughts and desires. he'll become the only person their comfortable around;
anthony portrays himself as the one person who truly understands and supports his darling. he'll go to great lengths to prove his loyalty, even if it means crossing boundaries or engaging in morally ✨questionable✨ acts. once they finally realise just how tight of a hold he has on them, they'll be too dependent on him to do anything about it.
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frozenmoonshine · 2 years
Ok, so, I just randomly decided to make a list of Top 10 hottest (male) TR charcters... No idea why, it just popped in my head, lmao.
I wrote this 97% for the lolz, so don't take it too seriously.
So, here it is:
Top 10 Hottest Guys of Tokyo Revengers
10. MITSUYA - It's common knowledge that he's the Husband Material ™️ of the series! He was introduced as this responsible, mature, reliable guy with a somewhat eccentric hobby, and you may be into the cool, calm, collected, talented, kind ones, who're good with kids and house chores, but you can't convince me that your ovaries didn't do a happy little backflip with his glow-up in the last arc! You just know he's a little devil behind that whole boy-next-door act. 😏
9. SHIN - Ok, throughout the most part of the story, he was just Mikey's dead brother, who Mikey himself led us to believe was weak, generally lame, and a hopeless loser with women. Then we got the flashback chapters in the last arc, and what did we see? Capable, hardworking, caring, loving, selfless, persistant man, strong both in a fight and in holding his ground. Hell, he cared for vegetative Mikey for four years, pretty much all alone, sacrificing his own dreams and life in the process. Also, black turtlenecks and bomber jackets. That's all I'm gonna say.
8. HANMA - Who doesn't love a bit of occasional insanity?! The ultimate troll, both in the verse and in the fandom, tricked us all good! That's just how bored he was. Annoying, completely random and unpredictable, grinning madman who's only there to watch the world burn, by setting it ablaze with his own hotness! I mean, tall, tattoed, well dressed, cocky, handsome bastard, with sleepy eyes, anyone?! I hate the fact that he's giving an inexplicably strong 'boyfriend vibe'! But, I just wanna call him 'Shuuji'... 🤭
7. HAKKAI - This cutie is criminally underrated and slept on! I know Wakui did him dirty by not giving him a more complex personality than just a Mitsuya simp, but look at him! Tall, handsome, strong, blue eyes, lip scar, piercing. No wonder he ended up with a modeling career! And on top of the stunning looks, he's just a pure, shy baby! 🥺 Makes you wanna tease and corrupt the hell out of him! 🤭 Besides, his implied clinginess and loyalty suggest he's a keeper, and if that isn't hot, I don't know what is!
6. MIKEY - The definition and the school example of that old proverb - the strongest poisons are kept in the tiniest flasks. Yes, having incredible fighting prowess is hot, being a capable leader is hot, having endless authority is hot, being "emo" is hot, being painfully cute is hot... We don't care that he's pocket sized (and mentally unstable), with his endless charisma, our favorite gang leader very well deserved his place on this list!
5. WAKA - Simply, he's sexy and he knows it. And we know it. You know it. Your grandma knows it. Everyone knows it. Teen or adult, law abiding citizen or a crime lord, the White Leopard could make anyone anywhere fall for him at the snap of his fingers! ...if he only cared enough to do so, tho.
4. KOKO - Intelligent, smart, sassy, sarcastic, and plain insolent = perfection. This cheeky, well-read, super stylish, handsome motherfucker had us fawning over his strong, passion-driven personality, hidden under the cool façade. What's not to love about a blindly devoted guy?! It doesn't matter if it's the devotion to a cause or a person he deems important (#lucky Inui siblings). But fair be fair, that habit of sticking his tongue out should be X rated...
3. BAJI - If his fiery, man-among-the-men personality, undying loyalty, and endless kindness aren't enough to make you burn like a car, just take a look at that perfectly chiseled face, cocky smirk, and glorious raven locks! Still not convinced? Well, you're either blind, dead, or not into guys at all! We should actually be grateful that his adult version was only ever shown at the very last chapter, cause anything more than that would have been beyond too hot to handle!
2. KAZUTORA - There's just something indescribably magnetic about the whole "redeemed sinner" trope, and that alone would have been enough to get him a spot on this list! But since he also happens to have the handsomest face in the show, a beauty mark under the eye, the cutest smile, a piercing, a tattoo, and a fair amount of badassery and strength, it all sums up to the total of our dear banana tiger being the runner-up!
1. HARUCHIYO - Does this one really need any explanation? Pathological loyalty is beyond hot, wearing a mask is hot, scars are super hot (as already established), suits are hot, piercings are hot, long lashes are hot, pale blond/albino is hot, green eyes are hot, skillfully wielding a sword is hot, smarts are hot, being a little bit deranged is hot... the list could really go on for days, there's literally nothing about him that doesn't make him hot. "...Being a homicidal maniac and a drug addict?" No, he's excused for all red flags on the account of pretty privilege!
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skynapple · 5 months
Btw I finally finally got the gist of my story down that I've been world building since like,,, middle school. It's messy and long.
Genre: fantasy
Tl;dr - girl gets sucked into her favorite book, makes a lot of difficult decisions, falls in love but not with the main character (sort of).
Summary: An average young woman, Lynna, falls into a fantasy book and realizes she's a crucial part of the story. A knight, Daniel, in the story has been able to hear her speaking out loud to her book the entire time she was reading, so now she gets to befriend him and his brother, the prince "Charles" god I was not original but now I'm attached to the names, in person. In her fantasy-self, a powerful entity has possessed her, allowing her a host of magical abilities but also the ability to travel between her home and fantasy dimension. Over the course of time, she finds love in a manner of forms, and discovers the meaning of selflessness and devotion. In the end, she becomes a permanent part of the world and helps rightfully close the rip in time that brought the two dimensions together.
Characters: Lynna - Female, 20's, Book editor, American but presides and works out of London, UK.
Charles - Male, 20's. Prince in the book, married young (arranged), a year younger than Daniel.
Daniel - Male, Mid-20's. "Main character" in the fantasy book, prince's adopted brother and serves as his knight/protector
Erika - Female, early-20's. Side character, brief antagonist for a subplot, talented magician and organized thief
Storyline (Messy and plot holes but whatever):
Beginning: Daniel fell in love with her purely because she was the voice in his head encouraging him to press on through a difficult circumstance (because in the modern world she was fangirling out loud to herself). Charles though, pretty much fell in love at first sight but knows his brother has been talking about this girl for so long so he just doesn't get in the way and ends up in a loveless arranged marriage. Lynna does fall for the knight so their together at the end of I guess the first act.
Lynna has sort of an emotionally abusive family so the book for her was escape, so as soon as she realizes where she is she just accepts it as a blessing. Is very intrigued by the prince because he wasn't really in her storybook all that much.
The Middle: ok here's the messy bit. Charles is shown to be sneaking off to, I guess we'll call it the "villains" location, the king next door, and asks to be 'returned home.' The villain has similar magical abilities to Lynna, and sends Charles through a portal. We don't know where yet. This is just to show a bit of shady behavior and foreshadow some things. The assumption to everyone else is he's away on diplomatic business.
At some point, the castle is attacked by a group of magic-wielders, one of whom steals a precious conduit stone. Daniel leads a pursuit and captures her. He's at first intrigued cause... sword wielding woman with a flirty tongue but more like, 'how did you end up like this.' The thief, Erika, is intrigued by his apparent compassion. She escapes, and he pursues her again, but this time he lets her go if she can promise to return what she stole and seek honest avenues, she agrees but he has no idea if she's lying. They have an interesting dynamic, he did a bad thing for her, she did a good thing for him. Returns as normal and just says she got away.
Charles returns and is mostly absent, his wife is shown to be pompous and selfish. Charles realizes she's been sneaking a man into their room and threatens her, but she sobs and he kinda sees it as an out, so he agrees to a quiet divorce on a grounds of... idk they make up some kind of legal separation agreement. This actually ends up changing her drastically and as she becomes ruler of her nation alongside her true lover, she remains endlessly devoted to Charles. Platonic soulmate type of thing. Also illustrates that Charles is a bit manipulative himself and yet has a lot of compassion.
Lynna notices Daniel is growing distracted, and it becomes apparent when Erika returns, this time on the kings business as she has turned a new leaf, that he can't keep his eyes off her. She watches them sword fight together and can't handle it. She breaks things off with him and at this point he can't deny that there's something pulling him towards Erika either. (This is devastating for him because being loyal is such a crucial part of his very being that even though he never was really disloyal to Lynna ever, just the whole thing is overwhelming for him. He needs a min.) Mourning the loss of the relationship, Lynna decides to return home indefinitely realizing that fantasy isn't all that much better than reality.
At the end of this part, she runs into Charles at a library in London, where she realizes that he lives an entirely double life and goes strictly by "Charlie."
At first she's just surprised to see him and that he has a family (mother, father, sister) in London. He's confused why she's there too, since she's American. She moved abroad to study and ended up staying to live permanently after graduating. Mostly she's wondering why he never mentioned it, and wonders if he read the same book/fell into it too, and how he got there. He does say he's read the book, and has a conduit that lets him travel (didn't mention the villain king). This actually leads to a fight where he reveals he knew that Daniel and Erika were supposed to end up together at the end of the story (that their soul mates) and didn't tell her. She knows that wasn't in the book and he just pretends he had a different version. So they kind of part ways and don't talk for a while, because to her he's obviously hiding a lot. They end up running into each other a lot and she ends up sort of getting a lot closer to him.
Lynna has a lot of trust issues, and has a tendency for escapism. She doesn't like confrontation and would literally rather live overseas far away from her family than confront any personal issues. This carries over in small form, like ignoring texts so she doesn't have to deal with them. Charlie calls her out on this as he gets to know her. She calls him out on a lot of things too, like his anger issues and how he constantly fleas from responsibility, and that he's a bit immature. They yell a lot but they're really just stripping each other down to their cores and realize they're both a mess inside.
Charlie finally opens up about his past, that he was kidnapped by the villain king and sent "to a world without magic" until his royal parents could pay ransom. His royal parents suck and took their time but also the villain requested half the kingdom as his own, so they finally obliged to get their son back which is why he rules the nation next door now. Meanwhile, time is different in the modern world. Being a child, he was inserted into the foster system since he was kinda picked up off the streets with no records. He was adopted by his current family in London and grew up there thinking all his memories of his early years were just psychological escape fantasies from whatever situation lead to him ending up on the streets. He takes lots of prescribed medications.
For a while he grew up as an adult and then one day was virtually sucked back into the fantasy world, as a child again and had to grow up again as a prince. By the time he's mostly the same age as he was in the modern world, the villain visits him and offers him a deal to "go home" and return him back to his "true family." At first Charlie refuses, but after realizing he will never have the love, freedom, and warmth that he felt in the modern world, he agrees to the terms and is allowed to travel back and forth whenever he wants. The portal is more stabilized so, he can gauge how much time has passed.
Lynna's upset he made a deal with a villain. Charlie is conflicted because the manipulation has sort of worked on him. The villain hasn't appeared to do anything super harmless on the surface, and Charlie is too enamored with his average life to really think too critically about it. He shares his dream with her of getting his doctorate and becoming a professor. She argues that he has responsibilities to his crown and that he owes his people better leadership than what his father has shown. She believes he will become a good king. Charles asserts that he's worse.
It sticks with him though and he announces he'll return to the fantasy world and try to be better. Over time she realizes that as much as she fought with Charlie, that she loves him because no one else has really opened her up and exposed her to herself really like how he did. She decides to return also and to stop running from her problems all the time. They make up some excuse for the absence... Erika and Daniel have gotten married by the time they return. Charles invests himself in actual diplomatic relations and trying to establish a proper setup for things for his coronation. Lynna compliments his efforts. He says it's all for her. She asserts that its not, he just tells himself that so that he won't have to de with the fact that he's known what his purpose is all along and that he knows he really wants to be a good king, because he was born for it. She's right.
They do end up together and she makes him promise that whenever he wants to visit "home" that he'll ask her, and not the villain king. Along the way she's been sort of being "trained" by the entity inside her. The entity serves as a conduit for the world, helps the seasons change, maintains a certain power balance between the nations by being sort of omnipotent she can keep the other nations in check. She's not a god per se but.... yeah. The entity has to choose a pure soul. For as 'flawed' as she was, the entity was basically able to see her character development in the future LOL. The conduit Erika stole originally, however, was a mini version of the one thing that can kill Lynna.
The villain king has found a way to obtain it and is upset that his manipulation tactics are no longer working on Charles. He basically has, through treaties, manipulated the neighboring nations into owing him and even though he doesn't rule them, he essentially controls them. So without Charles, its kinda the last missing puzzle piece and thorn in his side. He knows Lynna is the reason, but also the power. He knows if he has Lynna, he has Charles, and has all the power.
Lynna and Charlie get married, making their nation the most powerful because of her entity. So the villain decides to make his move to kill her by possessing Erika. Erika has been the keeper/protector of this massive conduit (the whole world runs on magic so it's just this massive power generator thing that when stolen cripples a lot of things). Erika is the only one who can actually weild it. It's sort of Lynna's kryptonite. The world, and thereby a certain sort of her own power is sort of channeled into it, and yet its the only thing capable of killing her, so she's weak to it. Erika isn't stronger than her but is definitely able to easily get the upper hand. Right before dying, Lynna wills the entity to enter Charles's body, making him the new entity.
Charles was at a safe place away, being protected by Daniel, (aware that a battle was happening but having complete faith in his wife and also completely unaware that the special conduit was being used against her). Now in the entity form, he's able to see her last moments. He immediately recognizes that its not Erika, but unlike Lynna, knows the secret place the villain king is manipulating it for because of his close relationship with the villain king. He's able to teleport to that place since he's been there before, and kills the king. With his abilities, he's also able to revive Lynna and Erika (Erika died when the king did). After returning the entity, they make a few discoveries.
The dimensions were torn and a lot of people who currently live in the fantasy world were people who fell from earth, including Daniels original parents. The dimensions have been destabilizing, so they make the difficult decision to close it, cutting them off from their earth families but preserving current life otherwise. And I guess they all live happily ever after.
Sidenote: Charlie was the author all along of the original book, having written it during his time in london as a way to collect all his weird dreams and flashbacks, visions, and memories (some of which happened some didn't; he sees weird things as a result of the dimension destabilization), some of it he wrote as "ideal." so he had pretty much written himself out of the narrative, wanting it to focus on his brother instead, which is why Lynna was originally attached to Daniel more and had not recognized Charlie as a character. So rather than the fictional character Charlie essentially created, Lynna falls for the author instead.
Sidenote: Since Lynna's occupation before all this was as an editor. Every writer needs their editor to make a story flow :)
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nekojarashishi · 2 years
Ibuki and self sabotage
There's one line in Beastars that I consistently have trouble understanding, and it's when Ibuki tells Louis that coexisting with other species isn't for him.
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He says this directly after he reveals that he doesn't want to be someone who's feared by others, after deciding to save Louis' life, even if it's initially only for the Shishigumi’s own gain, caring for Louis' wellbeing, attempting to shield his innocence, and defending Louis' power as the Shishigumi boss, rather than just their figurehead. Sure, Louis is a special case in Ibuki's mind, but what else would you call Ibuki's past actions if not an almost entirely selfless act of devotion to someone of another species purely because he felt like a stronger person because he could care for Louis? Is that not the interspecies co-existance that he speaks of?
So then, what does Ibuki mean when he rejects the idea?
I've thought maybe he's just saying to scare Louis, maybe he's just using it as an excuse or a way to mentally prepare himself for what he's about to do. But I think the most likely explanation is that after spending half his life being told that he must embody violence and fear, his sense of self and self esteem has been eroded into nothing so thoroughly that while he sees himself capable of good deeds, he self sabotages due to the ideas drilled into him by the former boss, and as a result he can't believe himself to have the potential of ever being a good person.
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simplyclary · 3 months
The Characters I Want You To Play
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As a fan of Taylor Zakhar Perez, I often find myself daydreaming about the various characters I’d love to see him portray. Taylor’s impressive range as an actor, combined with his natural charisma and undeniable talent, makes him a versatile candidate for a plethora of roles. His performances in his previous projects have consistently showcased his ability to embody the complexity and dynamic energy of characters, and that makes him a favorite among dedicated fans and [hopefully] casting directors alike. 
With this idea in mind, I’ve personally compiled a list of dream roles that I believe would not only highlight his strengths as an actor but also allow him to explore new facets of his acting prowess. Note that these are just my personal choices and do not necessarily reflect the opinions and preferences of others, but I hope they spark your imagination as they have mine.
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Taylor as Flynn Rider has been a long-time fancast favorite. With his charming persona and roguish good looks, Taylor can effortlessly bring Flynn’s character to life. Flynn’s scoundrel side, balanced with his loving and loyal nature, is something Taylor could portray flawlessly. It’s not just about the looks, although Taylor’s brown hair and espresso-colored eyes do bear a striking resemblance to Flynn. To me, it’s about the charisma he exudes, and that makes him the perfect candidate to play one of Disney’s most handsome heroes. 
Also imagine Taylor alongside someone like Sabrina Carpenter as Rapunzel—it would just be pure magic. Taylor’s ability to switch between a cheeky, mischievous rogue and a devoted, selfless hero is exactly what Flynn Rider’s character demands. Taylor’s natural charm and magnetic screen presence would truly make this role unforgettable.
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(Photo edit by me; artwork credits from artworks-by-rokii from Instagram)
To be quite honest, simply knowing that Taylor is aware of the ACOTAR series and the character of Rhysand is enough to make me scream. In my opinion, Rhysand is a morally gray character who, despite appearing broody and evil at first, has a lover’s heart underneath. Taylor could adeptly portray both the good and bad sides of Rhysand, and his physicality and racial background align well with the character. With the right co-star playing Rhysand’s love interest Feyre Archeron, Taylor could also provide excellent banter with good comedic timing, adding a touch of humor to the dark and intense setting of the ACOTAR universe. 
This humor would provide a necessary lightness to balance the story’s darker elements. Rhysand’s multi-faceted personality, from his fierce protective instincts to his vulnerable moments with Feyre, would allow Taylor to showcase his range as an actor. His deep, expressive eyes and commanding sort of alpha presence mixed with a gentlemanly nature make him a natural fit for the High Lord of the Night Court.
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(Photo edit by me; Artwork credits from booknuts_ on Instagram)
Xaden is essentially the Rhysand of the Empyrean universe, because he and Rhysand share many similar traits. As a Wingleader and a key political figure in the rebellion, Xaden needs to be commanding, strategic and compassionate at the same time—which are qualities that Taylor has already somewhat demonstrated in his portrayal of Alex Claremont-Diaz in Red, White & Royal Blue. Screenrant.com even included Taylor as a potential actor for Xaden in the upcoming adaptation for the book series. With the right actress playing Violet, Taylor could deliver the same excellent banter and comedic timing, adding lightness to the dark and complex world of Navarre [which is the world that the story is set in].
Xaden’s role demands a balance of intensity and vulnerability, and those are qualities that Taylor has demonstrated in his previous roles and his ability to portray a character who is both a fierce warrior and a compassionate leader would bring the needed depth and authenticity to Xaden.
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*if you're the artist of this beautiful art of Patroclus, kindly let me know so that I could credit you properly*
Patroclus is a character who dislikes disappointing others and he is generally described as modest, honest, compassionate, loving, and willing to sacrifice himself for those he loves. Taylor could bring this character to life with his physique and the little nuances that make Patroclus a lovable character. Nicholas Galitzine, Taylor's co-star and friend, has even described him as an "Adonis," which fits perfectly with Patroclus's character. Patroclus’ journey from a young, exiled prince to Achilles’ devoted companion is filled with moments of quiet strength and deep emotional resonance.
Taylor’s ability to convey profound emotion and inner conflict would make his portrayal of Patroclus both compelling and heart-wrenching. His physicality, combined with his nuanced acting skills, would beautifully capture Patroclus’s gentle yet resilient nature.
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*if you're the artist of this art of Christian, kindly let me know so that I could credit you properly*
This is a more personal fan cast because reading this book series takes an acquired taste, but I believe that Taylor could excel as Christian Harper. There could possibly be debates over Christian's ethnicity given the chance that Taylor plays him because first of all, Christian is not Latino by any means, but I think Taylor's appearance and demeanor could fit the broody, morally gray alpha male character.
Also, Christian is known for his impeccable fashion sense because he’s always dressed in tailored wool suits and designer fits, which is a detail that aligns with Taylor’s high-ranking status in the fashion world and it could honestly give Taylor a chance to showcase some amazing and sustainable fits. 
Taylor’s ability to portray complex characters with hidden depths would bring Christian’s enigmatic personality to life. His portrayal could explore the duality of Christian’s character—his ruthless, protective side and his tender, vulnerable moments.
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Taylor in a Marvel movie? Yes, please! As a Marvel fan, this is easily a recent fancast that I got behind. Also, Taylor has expressed interest in starring in a Marvel film, and I think Miguel O’Hara, aka Spider-Man 2099, is perfect for him. Marvel characters often have a balance of light and dark sides, and Taylor can embody this duality. Miguel is one of those characters who really has a dark and broody side, and recently, Taylor has expressed interest in doing something darker than his previous projects and so, I think this character is a good character for him to explore and it could probably bring out Taylor’s inner fanboy. 
Miguel’s Mexican heritage also aligns with Taylor’s own and that provides a gateway for an authentic representation of a Latino character/superhero. The character’s futuristic setting and unique storyline would allow Taylor to showcase his versatility as an actor. His portrayal could bring a fresh, dynamic energy to the Spider-Man franchise, highlighting both Miguel’s heroic, human and darker qualities.
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(Photo edit by me)
*if you're the artist of this art of Damen/Prince Damianos, kindly let me know so that I could credit you properly*
Physically, Taylor is perfect for the role of Damen. Character-wise, Damen is always concerned about the well-being of the Akielon people, especially the ones sent to Vere as slaves, which shows a side of vulnerability. Damen is also known to be warm, dedicated, honorable, idealistic, and friendly. He makes decisions for the sake of others, which often leaves himself vulnerable, but he doesn’t care. Taylor’s previous roles as Marco and Alex make him a good fit for Damen, showcasing his ability to portray vulnerability and dedication.
*At the point of writing this, I haven't read the books yet. Peace y'all!*
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Taylor’s Mexican heritage makes him an ideal candidate for the iconic role of Zorro, who was previously played by Antonio Banderas. Zorro’s dashing charm, mischievous nature, and loyal spirit are traits that Taylor could effortlessly embody. A role like this would allow Taylor to fully embrace his Hispanic background and also give him a chance to try some fencing/sword play.
Whether playing a version related to Banderas’s Zorro or a new interpretation entirely, Taylor’s portrayal would be thrilling. The image of Taylor wielding a sword and a whip, coupled with his charismatic screen presence, would bring a fresh, exciting energy to this beloved character [and could probably send fans like me screaming].
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While the idea of seeing Taylor’s handsome face burn via CGI isn’t appealing to me, I am open to the idea of him playing Robbie Reyes which is an iteration of the anti-hero, Ghost Rider. Robbie’s character is driven by vengeance and has a tragic backstory but takes up the mantle of Ghost Rider for his brother’s sake.
The ability to bring humanity to dark characters is a Marvel trademark and I think Taylor would be able to balance both the light and dark sides of your typical Marvel character and that could make him a good candidate for this role. His portrayal could explore Robbie’s internal struggles and his journey towards redemption, which could add a layer of depth to the Ghost Rider’s fiery persona.
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(Photo edit by me)
Taylor has expressed his love for the X-Men franchise in multiple interviews. Imagining him as Wolverine, with the proper training and storyline, is thrilling for me. That iconic Port photoshoot with his hair styled like Wolverine’s that he did back in December solidified this dream for me. Taylor could balance Wolverine’s light and dark sides, proving why Wolverine will forever be a Marvel favorite. His physicality and intense screen presence would bring a fresh take on this iconic character, blending raw power with deep emotional complexity.
These are just my personal fan casts for Taylor, and I fully acknowledge that others may have different opinions. It's important to remember that the joy of being a fan includes the freedom to dream and imagine our favorite actors in various roles. Manifesting these possibilities can be a fun and fulfilling thing and it allows us to explore the endless potential of Taylor's career. Regardless of whether he lands any of these roles, my admiration and support for Taylor will always stay there. 
Taylor has already proven himself to be an exceptional talent, and whatever direction he chooses to take his career, I have no doubt that he will continue to impress and inspire. Each project he undertakes showcases his versatility and dedication to his craft, and as fans, our role is to support and celebrate his journey. The beauty of his career is that it’s full of surprises, and part of the excitement [and waiting] is seeing what he will do next.
At the end of the day, it’s not just about the roles he plays but about the joy and inspiration he brings to our lives through his work. So here’s to Taylor Zakhar Perez, an actor of immense talent and potential—may his journey be as bright and exciting as the characters we dream of him portraying. Let's keep supporting him, celebrating his successes, and dreaming big, because that's what being a fan is all about.
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sofoulandfairaday · 2 years
I really enjoy your posts about Bellamort alongside your interest in Bella/Rod. Voldy seems aromantic to me and I like the idea of how much their attraction is highlighted even if both characters are fucked up.
I was wondering what your thoughts are about love re: Bellamort. I think it's love but it's just tainted? I don't think I have a good enough grasp on Voldy to say how they got together and what the relationship meant.
Ah, anon, isn't this the million-dollar question? (And one to which I have no answer)
The thing about these two is that we will never have a definitive answer because, unfortunately, the HP book series isn't about them. Their relationship is something that we see glimpses of, from Harry's POV, and that is really only explored for Bellatrix's character, (almost) never for Voldemort. We see his actions towards her, but never his thoughts on her, not even during Harry's incursions in Vold's head (and I personally think we were robbed, but I digress...)
I'll try and keep this answer brief - not because I don't wish to answer, but because there would be simply too much to say and most of it is speculation. Also, my idea of these characters is ever-evolving, so it might not even be definitive. I have made several smaller posts regarding aspects of their relationship (and even those were long), so if you want you can also check out those.
Was Bellatrix in love with him? Yes. There is no other answer but yes. Now, one can spend hours online arguing with this HP fan or that one - "was it love love or obsessive love?" Doesn't matter. She loved him. She was the high priestess of his religion, his most faithful lieutenant, his most formidable warrior, the only one who would have stuck by his side when the world was burning, no matter what. Now, amongst Bellamort fans we can try to analyse whether this love was pure or tainted. It certainly was selfless. But it was also a love born of darkness, a love that corrupts, that pushed her to do monstrous things. It corroded her and sustained her at the same time. It must have hurt her, too. She obviously thought he was worth it, and she wasn't an idiot, no matter how the fandom paints her. So make of that what you will.
Was Voldemort in love with her? Errrrrr... Whatever "in love" means, I guess. First of all, one has to remember that Lord Voldemort was originally the villain of a 77K children's novel about an 11-year-old boy wizard. Of course, Deathly Hallows is vastly different in terms of tone, style, and maturity, and is essentially Young Adult... and yet, it doesn't have the time or the space to do Vold justice as a character. I can understand why. They say actions speak louder than words, so let's list them: he saves her (and is discovered by the whole Ministry in the process) at the end of OotP; he never punishes her violently, even when she fails; he entrusts her with a Horcrux; he tells her his secrets (and even Snape admits this) up until the fiasco at the Ministry; he talks about saving "the Lestranges" from Azkaban at the end of GoF, not a word is spared for any of his other DE; he screams when she dies. If CC is to be believed (I don't like it), he made a baby with her. She talks to him "as if to a lover". She definitely meant something to him, that is beyond dispute. Now, what that something was, I can't say with certainty.
My personal interpretation is that it wasn't unrequited, that he came to realize that, at the very least, he needed her. He was sexually attracted to her. He confided in her. He taught her the Dark Arts. I think that whatever part of his broken, mangled, soul could love, loved her. Was it pure? Nah. Was it selfless? Nope. Was it enough? I like to think so. I like to think that he loved her unknowingly, that he fought it tooth and nail every single step of the way, that he made up excuses:
It's not love, it's devotion/adoration
It's not faith, it's loyalty
It's need, it's an alliance between dark wizards
It's lust, not love
Whatever. Whether he loved her because he wanted to be loved (adored), or for any other reason, I like to think that it was enough.
I also like to think that he realized it the second he saw her fall. That he pushed it from his mind, hated her for dying, while talking to Potter. That when talking about Snape agreeing there "purer, more worthy" women, she flashed before his eyes. I also know he denied it until the very end because that is who his character is.
But maybe. Just maybe. Harry Potter is not the only person who is offered a chance to stay inside Limbo or move on. Maybe Bellatrix met her equivalent of Albus Dumbledore too, as soon as she struck the floor of the Great Hall. Maybe there was a baby there, alone and crying, broken and almost flayed, but still alive. Maybe, winning her inevitable disgust, she picked him up. Maybe, he stopped crying. [in lighter words, Rodolphus is my baby and imagining them all in a fluffy (and smutty) setting brings me comfort]
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jaijaitbinks · 2 years
Im feelin' sick af today so I decided to stay home. But I didn't wanna just sleep all day, so I've been making my brain come up with AU ideas + plots for them, and the ones I've come up with are making me feral. And I have a top 3.
The Prince!Saitama, Knight!Genos AU. I've mentioned this one before but never went too in depth with it. There's a whole plot to it, but also some little filler ideas that could work as like. A little extra chapter thing, or an adjacent one-shot. The plot itself is that Saitama and Genos have to go around the Four Kingdoms (each OPM Hero Class is made into a kingdom, and each Rank 1 of each class is the ruler of them. Saitama is the prince of the S-Class kingdom (not actually the name)) and convince the kings/queens to band together before Saitama's parents initiate a war against any of them (as they were planning to do so at the start of the story). All the while, Genos and Saitama are figuring shit out in every sense of the word—how to go about their relationship, Genos' past, who and what the hell Saitama is (cuz shit gets bonkers with him)—all while defending civilians and trying to get those kingdom rulers to shove their pride and work together for like. A month or two. Saitama also plans to dethrone his parents in some way that doesn't involve an assassination, because he wants to fix the mess his parents made and are leaving him to deal with after they pass.
Medusa!Saitama and (sorta) Perseus!Genos. The story of Medusa is, for the most part, is the same for Saitama (won't go into detail because the story has very heavy topics). The only difference is the interaction with Perseus (Genos), which doesn't result in Saitama being killed. Instead, there's an exchange—a deal between them both. This deal was made partially because Saitama was kind and shielded Genos from his curse by closing his eyes, a very blatant expression of peacefulness and trust, and partially because Genos almost instantaneously fell in love with him despite his monstrous features and did not wish to hurt him. The deal was that Saitama promised to let Genos behead him in exchange that he does not leave him to die alone, with feelings of rage in his body. He did not want to die with hatred in his exhausted soul. (Perseus' story is more significantly altered. He was told to get Medusa's head if he wanted to save his mother and father from Polydectes, not to give him a gift.) Genos, feeling sympathy and affection for him, told him he would not behead him, and instead, he asks that Saitama helps him save his family. Saitama agrees to this, and they leave to Seriphos. Along the way, Saitama helps Genos defeat monsters, like the sea serpent Cetus. Unfortunately, when they arrive to Seriphos, they discover Polydectes killed his parents upon finding out Genos had joined with Saitama instead of killing him. They both kill Polydectes and throw his stoned form into the sea.
And Demi-God!Genos, not-really Folk Hero!Saitama. Genos is a protector of the small villages and people who worship his father (or, really, his father-figure) as not only a show of devotion, but also as a show of heroism. He made a vow to use his acquired divine abilities only for good and protection. Saitama is a unknown folk hero—a man who's done over a million and one good deeds, but no one in the world knows he was the one who's done them. He's revered as a "Mortal Deity," a god who walks the earth to protect humans purely out of the good of his heart and love for the world. And, while he does love nature and he does protect people, he has his own selfish motives. Genos, the demigod who prioritizes chivalry, heroism, and selflessness, admires Saitama, because he, too, believes he's a humble god in the form of an ordinary man. Saitama, when they meet by chance, has to tell him he isn't a god, just a humble mortal. And he doesn't realize he's becomes a demigod, like Genos, until well after he and Genos meet. And Saitama has to learn how to cope with the fact he now has the responsibility of caring for mankind on his shoulders.
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firewalkzwit · 1 year
runt // jonathan crane x reader. (15)
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Chapter 15
cross-posted on AO3
first, a little poem ☺️
Profane words
Out of your pure mouth.
All my sweetness,
Hovers over you.
Light of my life
Fire of my loins
My sin, my soul.
Hesitation was precursor to decisions prone to be regretted after the sunlight began to surface over the Gotham skyscrapers, its red light reflecting on the fragile reflective glazing. Fragile, brittle and bound to shatter. His calloused fingers grazing gently over the silk of her skin, intoxicating her chastity, reminded him of such fragility. The word must be interpreted with care and a tint of subjectivity, as most words that may seem mere verbiage or even to be interpreted literally must be subject to a wide variety of abstract, wild interpretations. Chastity, in a sentence where the prose seems to lead who reads it to presume the protagonists are engaging in intimate and literary candy-coated sex, still must be taken with certain caution. He didn't even bother to ponder over the question of whether she was a virgin or not, frankly who does? Such questions are to be made by teenagers whose individuality is still frail, and who grow to believe possessing someone else's first time puts them in a privileged position. Chastity wouldn't be the adequate word for someone who isn't pure in the eyes of God, but he still felt like merely his lecherous, vulgar touch on her body that, in that moment only seemed to radiate light of innocence, was a corruption of her chastity. Once again, reader; innocence is not to be taken literally. Y/N was not particularly naive, just too good, more human than most.
It was because of this that, unlike what most would expect, it was apprehension on his behalf that occasionally interrupted the even flow of intercourse between the two. He felt sick, like he didn't often. Concerns of morality weren't often what stopped a man like Jonathan Crane from satisfying his urges, even the most evil and unsacred ones. Yet something about the instrumental way her moans vibrated on the edge of his ear, or how her nails dug into his skin without causing any pain beyond the pleasure of her lewd scratching, made him feel like his body against hers was vicious filth grazing untarnished motherhood.
He could tell her head occasionally motioned towards his face, wavering to be so cruel to allow her to kiss him. She was too good and he couldn't do that. Jonathan Crane was very open about his misanthropy. However he felt he'd encountered the embodiment of grace and femininity, which he associated with images of motherhood and selfless devotion to loving. Loving whoever and whatever, but the act of loving in its most pure state is inherently altruistic. He believed selflessness is the most pure act of humanity, a step further in evolution, and often his concept of womanhood embodied this idea. The true Übermensch, to Crane, should be the one that can acheive the selflessness only the mothers in the figments of his imagination could. However, this often collided with his misanthropy, and his encounters with women combined with such high expectations were bound to result in disappointment. He hated most women, but not because they were women, but because they were people. His hate was even greater than his lust, which could only imply that he hated with fervour.
He often even hated her, but not because of the same reasons he hated most people. He hated that he couldn't grasp why or how she'd managed to make herself so mothering in his eyes. No one ever could or should, he felt it provoked him to deflect from pursuing his purpose. Initially, he was being impulsive. He didn't know if he actually wanted to have sex with her, or if he genuinely intended to aid her in the discovery of her dreams. Something in him simply ignited the familiar curiosity, a subtle covet to unveil a lode in her intimacy, her secrecy. It wasn't the first time he felt a need to morbidly shine lights on her every corner, especially when he'd visit her apartment. However he'd never gone as far as to comply to his urges, lowering himself to the standard man. Now that he had cracked, the same erection he'd held in his hands when he had lewd dreams of her now opened her folds and was wrapped around the warmth of her insides.
How or why Y/N had agreed to have sex with Crane got lost in translation. It didn't take an explicitly worded 'yes' from her mouth, or immediate agreement, but rather a tacit understanding. The way her fingers softly tapped the champagne glass, or how her knees would anxiously tap against each other after he'd asked so bluntly. Initially, she'd deflected from the question, avoiding an answer she feared she'd regret, which applied to either options. As they'd continue to talk, she tried to decode the reasons behind his question. There are many reasons why a man could want to have sex with a woman beyond lustful desire, and whoever believes otherwise is guilty of simplism that did not exist in her thought process. Everything branches out into multiple reasons and options, of which she tried to possess as many as she could.
However, the evening reached a point where they both knew the second they got into the car, they'd be driving home to have sex. The whys or hows were questions neither could answer, but something in the silence gave away that they just knew. It mostly happens like that, an implicit understanding, and despite Crane breaking this stereotype by bluntly inviting her to have sex, the rest flowed smoothly like it did most times. At least most of it.
Crane was a weird man, in all aspects, even in bed. She discovered the latter in his strange fretfulness. He was apprehensive, and often wouldn't know what to do with himself. He'd fumble around and his limbs would jitter erratically. This didn't particularly startle her, as she was just as awkward, but he seemed unexperienced and even afraid. Clearly, he didn't fear her, as he'd demonstrated so before, yet as she lingered on the thought as she woke up the next morning feeling the lack of his weight on the opposite side of the bed, Y/N pondered on the idea that perhaps she was hypocritically guilty of being simplistic. Why would she assume that because he didn't compose himself as afraid of her, meant that he actually wasn't? The possibilities were endless, and she rewinded on his refusal to kiss her.
To this she refused to even begin to search for an answer, as she lacked fundamental elements beyond simply sleeping with him to even begin to carry out research. To start drawing conclusions she'd need to know more about his past, his personality, his fears and taboos, finally demonstrating that he did actually experience the dread of repression, too. Even a man like Crane, who seemed to show to the world that he didn't have a care or qualms about anything.
Oh, how do we go on from here...?
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truthgyan · 2 years
Saint Rampal ji is such a saint, who tells us good devotion on the basis of Vedas, on the basis of his devotion, we get freedom from 84 lakh unions. God is also described in Granth Saheb, who is the real God, some excerpts from Guru Granth Saheb, Raag Asavari, Mahala 1 -
Sahib is my echo. Eko hai bhai eko hai.
Nanak Bapuda in many ways, and say.
(p. 350)
Whatever you did was true, Satguru gave the nectar name. (p. 352)
Guru pure te gati mati pai. (p. 353)
When you see the old man, you run away in fear.
Satguru ran away from Rakhe, Nanak fell at the feet of Guru. (p. 414)
I asked my teacher, poor Ram. (p. 439)
In the above speech, Guru Nanak Ji himself is accepting that Sahib (God) is only one, and my Guru Ji preached Naam Jaap. He has many forms. He is the Satyapurush, He also comes in the form of a living Mahatma, He is the one sitting in the form of a weaver (Dhanak), He also comes Himself to play the role of an ordinary person i.e. Bhagat.
I saw that the whole world was bound in the fruits of action and was trapped in the cycle of birth and death because of doing spiritual practice against the scriptures. Fearing the futility of my life, I took refuge in Guruji's feet.
Sikhism is strictly monotheistic, that is, believes in the existence of only one God. Guru Nanak prefixed "Ik" (ੴ) before the word Omkar to emphasize the idea of ​​monotheism.
Ik Omkar Sat-Naam Kart Purakh Nirbhau,
Nirvair Akal Murt Anjuni Sibhan Gur Prasad.
There is only one Supreme Person, the Eternal Truth, our Creator, free from fear and fault, indestructible, unborn, self-existent God. Whose information is received by the benevolent Bhagat from the Complete Guru.
According to their general belief of monotheism; The Creator, the Sustainer, and the Destroyer are One. They meditate on the name of the one Supreme Soul and are engrossed in selfless service. Following Guru Nanak Dev, every Sikh wears a turban. The Sikh preserves his turban as an identity of being a Sikh.
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Whisker Whispers: The Enchanting World of Dog Quotes
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In the tapestry of life, dogs weave a thread of unparalleled companionship, loyalty, and unconditional love. These furry friends hold a special place in our hearts, offering not just wagging tails and wet noses but a profound connection that transcends words. Yet, when words do find a way to express the essence of our bond with dogs, they become more than mere phrases; they transform into timeless quotes that capture the spirit of canine companionship. In this exploration, we delve into the enchanting world of dog quotes, where each phrase is a whisker whisper that echoes the profound magic of our relationship with man's best friend.
"A Dog Is the Only Thing on Earth That Loves You More Than He Loves Himself." - Josh Billings
Josh Billings, a humorist from the 19th century, encapsulates the selfless devotion that defines the canine-human connection. The quote beautifully articulates the pure and boundless love that dogs shower upon their human companions. It reminds us that in the heart of a dog, love knows no boundaries, and loyalty is an unwavering constant.
"Dogs Are Not Our Whole Life, but They Make Our Lives Whole." - Roger Caras
Roger Caras, a renowned wildlife photographer and writer, succinctly captures the transformative impact dogs have on our lives. They are not just pets; they are integral parts of our existence, filling our days with joy, laughter, and a sense of completeness. The quote speaks to the holistic enrichment that dogs bring to our lives.
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"The World Would Be a Nicer Place If Everyone Had the Ability to Love as Unconditionally as a Dog." - M.K. Clinton
M.K. Clinton, an author known for her witty observations on dogs, highlights the profound life lessons that our canine companions impart. The ability to love unconditionally, a hallmark of dogs, serves as an inspiration for humanity. The quote encourages us to embrace the pure and selfless love that dogs effortlessly exhibit.
"The Better I Get to Know Men, the More I Find Myself Loving Dogs." - Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle, a historic figure and military leader, humorously reflects on the uncomplicated and authentic nature of the bond between humans and dogs. The quote suggests that the simplicity and sincerity of a dog's companionship can be a balm for the complexities of human relationships.
"Happiness Is a Warm Puppy." - Charles M. Schulz
Charles M. Schulz, the creator of the beloved Peanuts comic strip, captures the essence of joy in the presence of a canine friend. The quote conveys the warmth, comfort, and sheer delight that radiate from the companionship of a playful and affectionate puppy.
"Dogs Do Speak, but Only to Those Who Know How to Listen." - Orhan Pamuk
Nobel laureate Orhan Pamuk provides a poetic perspective on the communication between dogs and humans. The quote suggests that the profound conversations with dogs go beyond barks and whimpers; they are whispered messages that resonate with those attuned to the silent language of canine companionship.
"My Goal in Life Is to Be as Good of a Person as My Dog Thinks I Am." - Unknown
This anonymous quote humorously reflects the aspirational nature of the bond between humans and dogs. It encapsulates the idea that the unwavering faith and adoration of a dog can inspire us to be the best versions of ourselves.
In the realm of dog quotes, each phrase is a whisker whisper that resonates with the profound emotions shared between humans and their canine companions. From the boundless love to the simple joys, these quotes encapsulate the magic of the human-dog connection. As we cherish the enchanting world of dog quotes, we are reminded that, in the language of love and loyalty, our four-legged friends have a unique and timeless voice.
Read more : - Captioning Charm: Short Dog Edition for Instagram Success
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