#is pneumonia contagious
fazcinatingblog · 3 months
Favourite things about Ned Long:
Calling him Neddyyyyyyy
That he played faz percent of his debut game (faz also played that percent of the game for Carlton)
Pretending he's Ned Flanders or something
The fact that Alex Fasolo presented him his jumper and told him to always have a shot and never pass it off
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doinggreat · 16 days
i was forced to quit vaping and smoking once i got sick and now im 3 weeks nic free. for some reason it wasnt even hard to quit but probably bc of the lack of nic im barely sleeping 4-5 hours. and so im mad like 90% of the time 🙃 its been such a shit time I JUST WANT MY PROPERLY FUNCTIONING LUNGS BACK and no more antibiotics and other 828382 medicine i have to take 🥲
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beesinspades · 10 months
i think i'm hitting a small writer's block.....i'm calling it small because I do want to write and I don't feel burned out over trigun but I just. can't focus for the life of me. even if I'm SO close to finishing the draft of the next chapter, even if I reaaally want to have at least two or three pieces for ace trigun week, even if I'm dying to start the one-shot I've been planning. I just struggle so hard. so I'd rather take it easy for a week or two or however long I need and give you something nice, especially for creechur fic, than force it.
maybe if my dumb brain makes peace with the fact I don't owe anyone fast updates, I'll try writing a little bit of that one-shot. maybe I need to work on something new on the side since it's been six months of creechur fic and my vashwood big bang exclusively. maybe my brain needs something fresh haha
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rdr2 but arthur just had like. bad bronchitis
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madigoround · 10 months
Listen I understand that things come up and sometimes you need to go out and about when you’re not feeling well and I know this is going to come out mean because I’m angry and I don’t want to be mean but I do think we should start publicly shaming people for being around other people/going to work meetings/ attending events and so on while they’re sick and without a mask on it’s honestly not just inconsiderate it is a threat to my and the immunocompromised people I love’s health and I honestly don’t care that it’s not covid it’s strep or pneumonia or any number of illnesses that I’ve heard from people lately who have decided that they can go places without a mask while sick as long as they took a test and it’s not covid, I’m not even really talking about a stranger as a human entity that will inevitably not care but the people who I am friends with who I’ve helped calm their child down while they were a newborn and screaming the people who I’ve spent time with for years and lately just seems to not care about anyone but themselves it’s incredibly frustrating and I don’t want to be complaining like this I want to be supportive to everyone no matter what but I do think we should be able to require them to watch mister Rogers or something so hopefully they will learn their manners
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lighthouseas · 1 year
btw if you are going to be annoying in my ao3 comments i Will delete the comment 🫶 i don't like arguing
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oh that is a near perfect physical description of my little brother... not the squeaky voice though he sounds like a fucking edm bass beat
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prosk8r · 6 months
hi guys I think I have
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taiwantalk · 1 year
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Blood Ties Chapter 19
Series Masterlist
Warnings: strong depictions of illness; very minor suggestive situations
A/N: Super angsty with generous amounts of cuteness. Reader will eventually get to be a badass. But this chapter focuses on articulating the grave situation.
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You were pacing outside the bedroom door, wringing your hands just to keep as many parts of your body as possible moving so you wouldn’t combust. Hershel had insisted you wait outside in case it was something possibly contagious that took Daryl down. Even though you’d spent a lot of time close to him, you were showing no symptoms, so the veterinarian thought it best to be safe rather than sorry. 
You could hear Daryl coughing through the door, the sound sudden and harsh, followed by a groan each time that gave you hope that he’d possibly woke up. He’d been dead weight in your arms when everyone had burst in to help. The others had returned just in time, a heavy coat and gloves in tow for Daryl like you had requested. Rick and T-Dog had carried him up the stairs while Lori and Carol put forth effort to keep you back. You had shrugged them off and followed until Hershel stepped in. 
“Y/N, you’re gonna pace a groove into the floorboards.” Carol stood by, watching you, refusing to go about her evening duties and leave you alone. “Y/N.”
You finally paused but didn’t look at her. She didn’t get a chance to comfort you before the door opened. Hershel and Maggie stepped out, whispering between themselves in a way that made your chest tighten. 
“I’ll go get Beth and Carol to help me make a list. Carol?” The eldest Greene placed a hand on Carol’s arm, giving her enough time to assess you before she reluctantly followed. 
“Is he okay?” You asked quietly. You and Hershel were alone outside the door now, the old man’s face smooth with a calm you wished you could muster. 
“He likely had a virus that developed into pneumonia from breathing in the cold air. His lungs are full of fluid and inflamed, which accounts for the rattle when he breathes and, of course, the cough.”
“I know what pneumonia it is.” You interjected, a hint of irritation lacing your tone. “What needs to happen?”
“Ideally, we’d start an IV with fluids and antibiotics. If we can get the fluids and manage some oral antibiotics, we can make those work too. He needs those two things for certain. Fever reducers and cough suppressants would be beneficial. I will check for Tylenol in my things, though I fear I may have given you the last.” 
You crossed your arms above your belly, hugging yourself tightly, and bounced on the balls of your feet, your brain running on overdrive. “Maggie’s making a list?” Hershel nodded, hanging the stethoscope around his neck. “Okay, I’ll go see when we can leave.”
“Y/N, wait.” For an old man, he sure moved quickly, stepping into your path. You knew what he would say. He would advise you not to go, that you shouldn’t put your baby in danger. For fuck sake, you knew that. “I can’t tell you what to do. We’ve established that. And I know that Daryl means a lot to you.”
“With the utmost respect, Hershel, please get to the point.” Your tone was level though inside, you felt like yourself crumbling. The world just took and took and when you would start to feel safe, it didn’t hesitate to remind you of the devastation it could bring. 
“I’d like you to stay with Daryl.” Your rebuttal melted on your tongue when he held up a hand. “I will do everything in my power to care for him but I need to be able to care for you too. Maggie is capable. She’ll have help. Daryl needs you here.” 
“I just—”
“There will be no getting him to cooperate if he finds out you left. You know this.”
You threw back your head and let your arms fall. Of course he was right. And once again, you felt useless. “I know.”
“You know, you are doing more for that man in there than anyone in this group ever could hope to do and I’m not just speaking of the child.” He smiled at you with such kindness. It reminded you of your father, your eyes burning. “Remember that.”
You nodded and sniffed. The old man’s footsteps retreated as you leaned your forehead against the door. Daryl was coughing on the other side. Hershel would have told you if you shouldn’t go in. Most strains of pneumonia were not contagious beyond the virus or bacteria that caused them. If you hadn’t contracted the cold or flu that Daryl had before this, it was unlikely you’d be infected now. 
Turning the knob, you pushed on the door, steadily controlling how quickly it opened to keep it from making a lot of noise. Daryl was under the blankets, one arm lying across his stomach and the other at his side. His face was tilted away from you.
He wasn’t wearing a shirt but if you ventured to guess, he was likely not wearing anything. Hershel would have checked for bites. The hunter wouldn’t have kept that hidden. You knew that but maybe they didn’t. 
His chest rattled and wheezed with each breath, appearing to take a lot more effort than should be necessary. You wondered if they would search for oxygen tanks. Maggie is capable. They would. You needed to stay right there and not try to micromanage. Daryl needed you more. 
There was already an old, cushioned chair next to the bed. Perhaps Hershel used it or maybe Maggie moved it there for you. Regardless, you lowered yourself into it, remaining on the edge so you could easily reach Daryl’s hand. 
His skin was overly warm and dry, the sound accompanying each labored breath was somehow worse at that proximity. Seeing him so still reminded you of finding him injured back at the farm, how afraid you had been at the thought of losing him. That fear had experienced then resurfaced with a vengeance, squeezing your lungs so tightly that you imagined Daryl could breathe with more ease in that moment. 
“Prolly shouldn’t be in here.” 
You visibly startled, nearly sliding off the edge of the chair. “Jesus, Daryl, don’t do that.” You had to take a moment to get your heartrate under control before meeting his scarcely open eyes. It was as if whatever energy, whatever stubbornness, that had been keeping him going had just drained out of him. “How’re you feeling?”
“How ‘m I lookin’?” He wheezed. He coughed without opening his mouth until he could get his arm to obey him and cover the lower portion of his face. He inhaled his food like a human vacuum but at least he covered his mouth when he coughed. 
“Fair point.” You took his hand again and held it between yours. He didn’t pull away. 
“Just need a night an’ I can get back out there.”
You instinctively began to heat up in anger. How could he even think he was fit to be out of bed, much less hunt or take watch? How many times were you going to need to remind him that he needed to care for himself as well? After the initial desire to throttle him had passed, you leaned forward to rest your elbows on the mattress. “We’ve been over this. You can’t run yourself into the ground to take care of me, Thumper, or anyone else. You've done that. You’re really sick, Daryl. And I’m scared.”
“Ain’t gotta be scared.” His fingers wiggled weakly, slowly between your hands. You moved one away so he could squeeze the other. “Ain’t gonna be in this bed long.”
“You’ll be in this bed until Hershel says you can leave it.” You replied sternly. Despite the tears in your eyes, you firmly held his tired gaze. 
He challenged you, indignation carved into every line of weariness. When you didn’t waver, he backed down, much to your relief. “Fine.” He coughed again, coming up off the pillow from the force of it. You released his hand and stood over him, grabbing the old pillow from the other side of the bed. Luckily the dust had been beaten from the fabrics before you were in that room. You slid an arm behind his neck to help him sit up a little, placing the pillow behind him. “Could’a done it myself. Ain’t a invalid.”
“I know you can do things yourself. You’re just not seeming to comprehend that you aren't alone anymore. That someone cares for you.” Loves you. You were still standing and took notice of the bowl of water on the table with a piece of fabric hanging over the edge. Very likely Maggie was trying to bring down the fever. Licking your lips, you dipped the damp material into the cool water and wrung out the excess. With the slightest hesitation, you sat down close to his hand and began to dab the feverish skin of his face. Daryl probably didn’t even realize he sighed when his eyes fluttered closed. “Just let me take care of you for once.”
Fever-bright blue reappeared to study you. He didn’t seem upset but the hunter was known for his sudden shifts in temperament. You simply continued what you were doing, moving on to his neck. He coughed weakly, bringing his arm toward his face while you moved yours to make room. The spell was brisk, your limbs trading again but you felt his fingers brush your swollen belly. 
After another moment, Daryl grunted with a look of absolute feigned irritation. Though you knew you had won this round, you kept your expression neutral and leaned close to press a kiss to his forehead. 
“Thank you.”
His eyes were closed but you didn’t miss the twitch at one corner of his lips. His only reply was another grunt. 
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The night was nearly unbearable. You had moved to the other side of the bed and sat cross-legged at his side. His breathing was labored and loud, the coughs frequent and painful. The more he rested, the less lucid he became during moments of wakefulness. His skin burned hotter as the fever climbed, your attempts to lower it all for naught. 
Maggie and company were set to leave at first light but it wasn’t soon enough. Pleas fell from your lips each time Hershel came to check on each of you. He urged you to try and rest, even offering to bring Carol, Lori, or Beth to sit with the archer while you got some sleep. Your refusal was instantaneous. Eventually, he brought Beth with him and reasoned she could stay to watch over Daryl while you rested beside him, promising to wake you with any changes, good or bad. 
You were exhausted, that you couldn’t deny. The baby rolled and kicked, honing in on your anxiousness, Hershel said. It was with a yawn that you reluctantly agreed. The Tylenol had finally been located, and you insisted on helping get Daryl to take it before lying down. He was resistant for only a moment before complying, simply because you started to cry. Hormones and exhaustion were not a great combination. 
“You’ll wake me for anything?” You were propped on your elbows, preparing to curl up next to the furnace that was your boyfriend? Partner? Significant other? Whatever. You’d figure that part when he was better. 
“Anything at all. I promise.” Beth smiled reassuringly and patted your ankle. 
You had been made aware that anything not in use had been packed and was ready in case there was a need to flee. That would leave ample time for Daryl to be moved safely. The team of Maggie, Glenn, and T-Dog would go in search of what was needed, likely to be gone the entire day to venture further out. The local homes and businesses had already been looted. In essence, there was nothing more to be done except keep the archer comfortable and more importantly, alive. 
“Okay.” You conceded, rolling onto your side to face Daryl as he coughed, a spasm of pain on his face before he settled again. “I’m right here.” You wrapped your fingers around his and held on loosely, closing your eyes to sink quickly into sleep. 
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You heard the coughs before registering that your name was being called—no. It was being shouted. You shot straight up, hands immediately fumbling for Daryl. He was upright as well, leaning over his lap and arms braced against his chest to hold the blanket in place, cognizant enough during even such a paroxysm of hacking to hide his marred chest. With both the candle, nearly spent after what most of been a few hours rest for you, and the moonlight reflecting off the snow outside, you could see the redness on his skin, veins and tendons bulging from the force. 
“It’s okay. Daryl, it’s—where’s Hershel?” Your eyes remained on him, hand rubbing circles over his upper back. “Beth?” You looked at her then, found her staring at Daryl with an expression you couldn’t quite read. Fear? Hopelessness? The girl flinched at the sound of her name, only then seeming to hear your question. 
“He went to check if we have any tea bags.” She had lost so many, so much already. So young, still a child in that world. She was frozen, her eyes beginning to shine with moisture. 
Daryl’s fit was calming, each wet, wheezing gasp making the vice around your heart clench tighter. “Beth. Beth, look at me.” You were scared. No, you were terrified of losing Daryl. When the girl swallowed hard and finally turned her head to face you, you smiled with as much reassurance as you could scrape up around the dread stealing your own breath. Whatever you had, you would offer to Daryl. And to her. “He’ll be okay. Your dad’s gonna make sure of it.” You almost failed to hide the quiver in your voice. “Can you go see if we have any more clean scraps of cloth? I’d rather not have him spitting what he coughs up onto the floor.”
Beth nodded and spared one more lingering glance at Daryl, then she left the room. 
“Nice.” Daryl said with a desperate inhale. “Almost—believed ya myself.” He was still sitting up with his shoulders slumped, nearly folded onto his lap. You were still tenderly rubbing circles over his back. 
“You will be okay.” You whispered, laying your forehead against his shoulder blade, smiling when he didn’t react to your skin pressing against a particularly deep scar. Each breath vibrated where you rested. “Here.” You sniffed and pulled away one of the pillows. “Lay on your stomach. It opens up your lungs.”
The hunter looked over his shoulder tiredly as if considering whether or not it was worth the effort. There was a small jerk of his chin that you perceived as a nod, and then he was turning languidly to stretch out on his stomach. He coughed and buried his face in the pillow. You hadn’t noticed he was shivering before then. The blanket was twisted around his legs, making it more difficult to pull it up to the middle of his back. 
“S’miserable.” The words were muffled but decipherable. 
“I know.” You were getting to your feet, pressing your hands into the small of your back to soothe the ache there. The baby moved in what felt like a roll. “Thumper’s doing gymnastics.” Daryl turned his head toward the chair on his side of the bed just as you sat down and dipped the cloth into the bowl of cool water, his arm immediately outstretched so that the back of his hand rested on top of your bump. “Let’s see if we can help the Tylenol with that fever.”
When the cool fabric touched the back of his neck, Daryl flinched. With his body fighting to regulate his temperature, it must have been quite the shock. You left it there for a moment before moving to dab the side of his face. Swiping the cloth over his back, you realized he once again was allowing you to see his scars, this time without the tension of rigid muscles that accompanied his shame and self-loathing. Maybe he just felt too horrible to care. 
By the time Hershel lightly tapped on the door, Daryl was sleeping. The coughs were still present but with longer reprieves, the hunter so exhausted that the fits barely roused him. 
“We found some tea. I regret not mentioning to Maggie that honey could be beneficial.” One plastic cup in one hand was steaming, a torn piece of flannel wrapped around it to ensure he didn’t burn himself. The other hand held a refilled bottle of water, likely from boiling some of the snow. 
Your mind drifted to how different this winter was so different from the ones before the turn. Georgia wasn’t usually a state to receive that amount of snow and such low temperatures. Maybe the lack of human activity had altered the weather patterns. Less cars, less pollution, less deforestation. You weren’t an expert but there had to be something different. If he was real, maybe god just saw fit to throw a few more curveballs at your little group. As if the threat of being eaten alive by the dead wasn’t enough. 
Shaking your head clear, you brushed your fingertips across Daryl’s forehead. “They left?” Hershel nodded. The sun hadn’t even begun to rise yet. 
“Rick seemed to think this was urgent enough to send them out before dawn. I can’t say I’m thrilled to see my daughter driving away into the night but I am inclined to agree with his judgment.”
Daryl could die. It was urgent but for more than any practical reason Rick could suggest. It was so much deeper than that. “He’s asleep. Should I wake him up to drink it?” You placed the fabric back in the water.
“As much as I’d like him to rest, he also needs to avoid dehydration.” He raised the cup slightly. “Peppermint tea is caffeine free but we had nothing to sweeten it. We can only hope he’s thirsty enough to not care. If he’d prefer, I also brought some water.”
Sighing, you nodded and leaned forward to be in Daryl’s line of sight once he awakened. “Daryl. Wake up.” You pulled the blanket up to cover his back. Hershel had seen the scars more than once, you knew that, but you were almost certain Daryl would have appreciated the effort. 
With a groan of protest, he opened his eyes to slits. “What?”
“Hershel brought you some tea.”
“Ain’t thirsty.” He closed his eyes. 
“Bullshit.” You challenged flatly. “Come on, sit up.”
His eyes opened a little wider then, sheer stubbornness driving him to glare at you. “M’comfortable.”
“Tough titty.” 
His expression smoothed out, the corner of his mouth lifting. “Nah, s’real soft.” The hand that laid on your stomach drifted up, the back of his knuckles pressing lightly across the swell of your left breast. 
Hershel cleared his throat. Daryl’s hand moved away at a speed you didn’t think he was capable of in his current state. You snorted when the fevered flush coloring his cheeks deepened with embarrassment. 
Reaching a hand toward the veterinarian, you waited for him to cross the room and pass off the cups.
“Try to drink as much as you can, son.” 
Daryl hummed, likely feeling too awkward to trust his voice. You smiled and nodded. “Thank you, Hershel.”
“No thanks necessary. I’ll be back in a couple of hours to check in, but call down if you need anything sooner.”
“Okay.” The door clicked shut while you sat the cup of water down by the bowl and cloth. 
“Why didn’cha—tell me the old man—was in here?” Daryl croaked, making a face so close to a pout that you found it adorable. 
You chuckled. “I didn’t think you were gonna feel me up from your sick bed, sir.” He grumbled something incomprehensible but you honestly weren’t paying attention. If he wasn’t willing to sit up, you could have him raise his head just enough for you to help. “If you won’t sit up for me, could you at least lift your head and let me help you drink?”
“Y’ain’t gonna—stop houndin’—me ‘til I do, are ya?” He turned his face into the pillow and coughed, staying there until he was sure it was over. 
“Nope. You might as well just do what I ask.” You were smiling sweetly and batting your eyes when he finally moved his face back to you. 
“All women nag—this much—or s’mine just special?” Along with the relentless wiggles of your unborn baby, butterflies stirred and fluttered. Even if it was difficult to look past the fact that he struggled to draw in enough air when speaking, you felt your skin—as well as your heart—warm. 
“You’re just lucky.” You nearly sing-songed, choosing not to question his verbiage. You knew you were his. He’d been rather clear about that, even if he hadn’t exactly used words to convey it. That was enough for you. Hearing it was just a bonus. 
Daryl dragged his limbs and began to push up onto his forearms, but he abandoned the movement before his chest even lifted from the mattress. When he sighed, it was likely from resignation. He lifted and angled his head for you to adequately position the cup and pour a small amount of tea into his mouth. 
“Needs sugar.” He commented a moment or two after swallowing. Shaking your head, you offered it again.
It took a substantial amount of time to finish the tea and a few sips of water. The sun’s appearance found you sitting on the edge of the mattress, running your fingers through Daryl’s hair. He had fallen asleep before finishing the tea, waking only just enough to cooperate with your efforts. Hershel had been in once, declaring that while the archer hadn’t improved, he hadn’t worsened either. 
When he began to cough, you moved your hand from his hair to his back, rubbing soft circles in an attempt to provide any measure of comfort. Once he had settled, you used one of the flannel pieces Beth had retrieved to clean his mouth and the pillow. Hershel seemed pleased that the cough was productive. It was a disgusting reassurance but you’d take anything.
Daryl groaned and shivered, the fever relatively untouched by the Tylenol. The veterinarian had cautioned you that without the aid of antibiotics and soon, it was likely Daryl’s condition would deteriorate. Your hand stilled on this spine, the rattling of his lungs vibrating beneath your palm. Nearly overcome with an intense notion of foreboding, you turned your face toward the window, almost as if to summon back the team by sheer force of will alone. 
“Please hurry.”
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moonstruckme · 8 months
Hii i recently discovered your account and i am devouring all your marauder works! They bring me so much comfort and just ahh i love the way you write! I really like emt!marauders and i was wondering if you maybe wanted to do a fic with them and a reader who has health anxiety?? And maybe she gets sick or something and they help her calm her thoughts and fears and just take care of her?? Only if this is something you would want to write ofc :) have a lovely day!! 💗
Thank you lovely <3
cw: health anxiety
modern au
emt!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 1.2k words
“Here you go, m’love.” James sits between you and Remus, holding your tea towards you with the handle out. “Careful, it’s hot.” 
You grab it quickly. “Jamie!” You suck in a thoughtless breath, setting off your cough. “Don’t—don’t burn yourself!”
You set the tea down before you spill it, James patting between your shoulder blades while you cover your mouth with a tissue. 
“Easy,” he says. “I wasn’t holding it for long, don’t hack up a lung on my account.” 
Remus doesn’t disagree, but he takes the offending hand and kisses James’ fingertips lightly. 
You take a breath as the fit settles, picking up your tea with a quiet thanks and continuing to read on your phone. 
“What’re you looking at so frownily?” Sirius asks, tilting his head where he’s sprawled out on the armchair. 
“Just reading,” you murmur, but he casts a suspicious look to the other two on the couch. James leans over, peering at your screen. 
He laughs. “Sweetheart, you know this stuff will only stress you out,” he says, leaning his shoulder into yours amicably. “You’ve gotta trust us, we’d be able to tell if it was anything serious.” 
“WebMD?” Sirius asks. 
“Healthline,” Remus replies, craning his neck to see behind James. 
“I know,” you ignore the other two, replying to James, “but I was talking to my grandma today and she—” Sirius groans, letting his head loll back against the cushion. “—she said this is exactly what it was like when she had pneumonia.” 
Remus looks at you evenly. “How old is your grandmother?” 
You take a sip of tea, hiding behind the rim of your mug. “Eighty-six.” 
He gives you a weary half-smile. “Pneumonia is a lot more common in older adults, dove. And your cough doesn’t sound like pneumonia anyway.” 
“But how do you know?” you ask anxiously. Remus’ features tighten a bit in sympathy. “I just don’t want to have it and have no idea, and then it gets worse and worse and worse.” 
James takes your hand in his. “That makes sense, angel, but—”
“And then while I was looking, stuff was also coming up for whooping cough, which sounds horrific—”
“You don’t have whooping cough,” Remus says. 
“But what if I do?” Your voice scratches a bit, and you try to breathe more shallowly to avoid a fit. “Because if that’s what it is, then it’s super contagious and you guys shouldn’t even be around me. And you can start throwing up and—”
Your cough catches up with you. You cover your mouth, eyes watering. Remus and Sirius both wince, James’ hand finding your back again. It’s nice, when you’re sick and miserable like this, to be around people who are so accustomed to it. Who will reach for you instead of cringing away. 
“It’s okay,” James murmurs, palm big and heavy between your shoulder blades. “You’re fine, sweetheart, just take a minute.” 
When it ebbs, he passes you your tea silently. The honey in it coats your throat, the warmth soothing the ache in your chest. 
“I just don’t want it to be more serious than we think,” you say weakly. “There’s a lot of things it could be that are worse than just a cold.” 
“Baby,” Sirius says firmly. “Look at me.” 
You lower your mug, finding your scariest boyfriend considering you with his usual intensity. He tilts his head to the side, brushing a piece of dark hair behind his ear. 
“Did you have your jabs when you were little?” 
You feel your brow pucker worriedly. “I think so.” 
His tone gentles a bit. “Then you can’t have whooping cough, darling. We all get vaccinated for it when we’re small.” 
You don’t want to argue with him, but your eyes flit back to your phone. “Actually, it says we can still get it even if we’ve been vaccinated.” 
“But not nearly as bad,” James says, squeezing your shoulder lightly. “You’re right, it could seem like a regular cold in that case, but it really wouldn’t turn into anything worse than that. None of the vomiting or anything like that.” 
You swallow, nodding. “Okay. Okay, that makes sense.”
“We know there’s a lot of things a cold could turn into,” Remus says. “Trust me, dove, we know. The reason we’re not worried is because we also know exactly what those would look like if they did turn up, and we could get you to the hospital at the first sign of something serious. Also, the serious things are less common than you might think.” 
“Yeah, there’s a reason it’s called the common cold,” Sirius jokes, shooting you a wink. 
You smile back, partly for his sake and partly for yours. Remus fixes you with a soft, open look. 
“I promise to tell you if we notice anything,” he says, slowly, making sure you hear the weight of every word. “Do you want to talk about pneumonia?” 
You nibble your lip, unsure. 
“If you’re still worried about it, we should talk about it,” James says. “We don’t want you to just be stressed out and silent, angel.” 
You blow out a careful breath. “Okay. I’m coughing up dark mucus and have a fever, which seems like pneumonia. How do we know it’s not?” 
“Pneumonia could have mucus or no mucus,” James tells you, as though reciting from a textbook. “And as for your fever…” He takes your face between his hands, pressing his lips firmly to your forehead. “My gauge tells me it’s still not that severe.” 
You grin at his antics, ducking your head when he goes for more so that he’s forced to confine his affections to your hair. He makes a gleeful sound of protest, grabbing you around the middle to get you closer. 
“Don’t knock her tea,” Remus warns.
“I can run you through the checklist we sometimes use before testing for pneumonia,” Sirius offers. You nod, and he launches in. “Do you have shortness of breath?” You think, then shake your head. “Chest pain? Sweating or shaking? Fatigue—well, fatigue is a yes, right? Don’t worry, doll, that’s a symptom of everything—Chills? Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea?”
Your mouth puckers in distaste at the last few, but you shake your head to all of them and Sirius spreads his hands magnanimously. “There we go,” he says. “If you were in an ambulance right now, we’d be telling you not to waste time on getting pneumonia tests done.”
“Plus, your cough doesn’t sound like it,” Remus adds, somewhat smugly. 
“Okay,” you relent. “I’m sorry.” 
“Don’t be sorry.” James sweeps a thumb over your ribs, stamping a kiss on your temple. “You can’t help worrying about these things. We just wish the internet didn’t give you so much material, you know?” His eyebrows go up a bit in the middle and he strokes your side again, more gently this time. “You should be allowed to focus on getting better, sweetheart. All this anxiety doesn’t make for great rest.” 
You let yourself sink into his side, cradling your mug in your hands. “I just don’t want to badger you guys with questions all day.” 
“We don’t mind,” Remus promises you. 
“And I’d like to think we have a bit more experience under our belts than healthline,” Sirius scoffs. The teasing look he sends you lets you know his derision isn’t for you. “Anyway, what does healthline say you’re supposed to do if you have pneumonia?” 
You scroll down a bit. “See a medical professional.” 
“Well, lucky you.”
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This story is part of CBC Health's Second Opinion, a weekly analysis of health and medical science news emailed to subscribers on Saturday mornings. If you haven't subscribed yet, you can do that by clicking here.
In Canada, measles was once a disease of the past. But it's increasingly becoming a health threat of the present, after backsliding vaccination rates allowed the virus to creep back into circulation.
Canada officially eliminated measles nearly three decades ago, but for years, medical experts warned it was poised to make a comeback — and disruptions to routine childhood immunization efforts throughout the COVID-19 pandemic may have sped that up.
Now, after tens of thousands of cases in Europe, and close to 100 recent infections across Canada and the U.S., health officials are on high alert.
There are warnings about travel abroad, calls for people to ensure their families are up-to-date on the measles vaccine, and fresh reminders that the virus is highly contagious and capable of causing pneumonia, brain inflammation, and even death. [...]
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Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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thebaileybugle · 10 months
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Pairing: L. Jethro Gibbs
Warning(s): None but some handsome peepaw fluff
Request: Can I please request a Gibbs x F!Reader where the reader has Pneumonia and she just can’t stop coughing and Gibbs takes care of her and is just super sweet and soft with her <3 - Anon
A/N: Everything is coming out at the same time, the break was entirely too long but here are the pieces ya'll have been waiting for
You were typing away an email to Agent Pride to wish him a very happy Mardi Gras before a coffee cup was plopped onto your desk, only the bitter smell of coffee is nowhere.
"Gibbs, what is-"
"Drink. The damn. Tea."
"Next step is sending you home early."
"And I'd go with ya' t'make sure you don't pass out."
"Are you pushin'?"
"Oh she's pushin boss" Tony said from his office with a wide smirk.
"Shut it DiNozzo! Let's go L/N, get your jacket- leave your files and bring your tea."
You sigh, well you try to sigh but a cough interrupts it.
You're in his passenger seat, blanket from the back seat thrown over your shoulders as you sip the hot peppermint tea.
"You can drop me off and go back, don't have to stay and take care of me." Shifting a bit, you look over to your secret lover. "Tony might get some dumb idea that's accurate to the truth."
"Don't matter, I'm the one that got ya' sick anyway." Jethro shrugs, steering the wheel to turn right.
"I told you I'd be fine without the mask." You fire back with a huff.
"I shouldn't have listened, I never do anyway why would I start then." He glances over and lays a hand on your thigh, giving you a reassuring squeeze. "'sides, promised I'd take care of you, I'm gonna hold myself to that."
"Thank you, Jet. Rule 1 part two."
"So you did, read my rules."
"Shush and drive Jet."
Gibbs drove you to his home and cooked a nice sized pot of chicken noodle soup, followed up the meal with a bath. Now, you lay between his legs, head resting on his abdomen. His hands running through your hair as a Frank Sinatra track plays in the background.
"Are you supposed to be cuddling a person with pneumonia?"
"S'not contagious, sweetheart. Let me have this moment before McGee and DiNozzo start to call."
"In that case, gimme your lips."
"Yes ma'am."
Taglist: @ilovemark1951
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mindblowingscience · 10 months
Hundreds of dogs across the United States are falling ill with a mysterious respiratory infection the likes of which veterinarians have not seen. Since mid-August, the Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) has received more than 200 case reports from veterinarians. Cases have also popped up in other states, like Colorado, Illinois, New Hampshire, and Nevada. The illness seems to cause symptoms similar to kennel cough, such as nasal discharge, fever, lethargy, loss of appetite, or coughing, and yet it lasts much longer than is typical of canine respiratory infections, usually between six and eight weeks. The illness rarely progresses to acute pneumonia, but in some extreme cases, it has led to death. It remains unclear if all the cases reported across the country stem from the same contagious pathogen, and if that pathogen is a virus or bacterium.
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covid-safer-hotties · 12 days
'Vaccine fatigue' blamed as roughly half of people in US will skip COVID and flu shots this year - Published Sept 16, 2024
by Melissa Rudy
A growing number of U.S. adults are hesitant to get recommended vaccines this fall, a new survey found.
The poll, which included 1,006 people, found that only 43% of respondents have gotten or plan to get the COVID vaccine.
Only a slight majority (56%) of adults said they have gotten or plan to get the flu shot this fall.
The poll also found that 37% of those who have gotten vaccines in past years plan to skip the shots this season.
Around one-third of respondents also said they don’t believe they need the vaccines mentioned in the survey — flu, COVID, RSV or pneumococcal pneumonia.
Vaccine hesitancy tends to skew younger, as adults aged 65 and older are the most likely to get the recommended immunizations.
The nationwide survey was conducted by The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center in mid-August 2024.
These findings come just weeks after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved updated COVID-19 vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer for the 2024-2025 season.
"We’re at the start of respiratory virus season, when you have the triple threat of flu, COVID-19 and RSV," said Nora Colburn, MD, medical director of clinical epidemiology at Ohio State’s Richard M. Ross Heart Hospital, in a press release.
"Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation about vaccinations, but the reality is that they are safe and highly effective in preventing serious illness and death," she went on.
"Older adults, people with certain chronic medical conditions, and those who are pregnant are especially at risk during respiratory virus season." Dr. Jacob Glanville, CEO of Centivax, a San Francisco biotechnology company, reacted to the poll’s findings.
"It’s obviously not surprising that 37% of people said they had been vaccinated in the past but weren’t planning to this year," he told Fox News Digital.
"We just had a vaccine mandate a couple of years ago, and furthermore, childhood vaccines are very broadly administered, so those 37% are people who wouldn’t be getting a vaccine normally anyway."
The reported rate of 56% for the flu shot is a little above average, Glanville said, as it tends to hover at around 50%.
"Coronavirus vaccination rates are a little lower than for the flu," he noted.
This could be due to lack of clarity with the public over how COVID should be treated post-pandemic, according to Glanville.
"It’s also fatigue due to the COVID vaccines not being particularly effective at preventing symptoms, which causes people to believe that they are not effective (although they do protect against severe illness)," he added.
Dr. Marc Siegel, senior medical analyst for Fox News and clinical professor of medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center, said he finds the poll’s findings concerning.
"Both vaccines wane over six months, so a yearly booster makes sense for high-risk groups," he told Fox News Digital.
Siegel estimates that this year’s flu season will be similar to last year’s, which was "moderate," with 25,000 deaths and 400,000 hospitalizations.
"The flu shot decreases severity and number of hospitalizations by about a quarter, and helps to provide community immunity," he added.
For COVID, Siegel warned that the virus’ activity is still fairly high — "especially in the western U.S."
The doctor also warned of a new variant circulating in Europe, which he expects will soon be in the U.S., known as the XEC subvariant.
"It seems to be more contagious — it causes congestion, cough, loss of smell and appetite, sore throat and body aches," he told Fox News Digital.
"The new vaccine should provide at least some coverage."
Dr. Paul Offit, director of the Vaccine Education Center and an attending physician in the Division of Infectious Diseases at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, told Siegel that very young children are being hospitalized at a greater rate — "likely because they haven't been vaccinated with the primary series."
"I recommend a yearly booster for the elderly, immunocompromised and those with chronic illness, along with anyone who is at risk for long COVID or has had it previously," Siegel said.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued the following vaccine recommendations
Flu: Everyone 6 months and older is advised to get vaccinated against influenza.
COVID-19: The latest version of the COVID vaccine is recommended for everyone 6 months and older.
RSV: The respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine is recommended for everyone aged 75 and older, as well as those aged 60 to 74 who have certain chronic medical conditions, such as lung or heart disease, or who live in nursing homes, as they are at a higher risk of severe disease. Pregnant women are also advised to get the vaccine during weeks 32 through 36 of pregnancy.
Pneumococcal: Everyone younger than 5 years and age 65 and older is advised to get the pneumococcal vaccine, along with those who are at increased risk of severe disease.
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Sick!Dan (2) Masterlist
part one
aching. (ao3) - crimsonhope
Summary: dan is sick. and phil doesn't like being woken up by strange noises.
A Little Poorly - midnightskydan
Summary: little!dan gets sick when phil isn’t home but gets to shy to tell him and tries to deal with it until phil comes back and realizes
An Odyssey (ao3) - TheUKAmazingDan
Summary: Summary: Dan got the part he wanted in the play. Too bad his appendix decided to act up.
Candy Ache - boofphil
Summary: Dan eats too much candy, but luckily there’s Phil.
Chickenpox (ao3) - danisnopeonfire
Summary: Dan gets chickenpox for the first time and Phil looks after him.
Contagious (ao3) - felixandtae
Summary: Dan is sick and hates medicine, but Phil doesn’t care and makes him take it.
Cuddles Are The Best Medicine - summerohnine
Summary: Dan’s sick and Phil just wants to cuddle.
Date Night Postponed - honeynuthowell
Summary: Dan and Phil have weekly date nights of dinner and a movie. Dan comes down with the stomach bug but hides it from Phil as he doesn’t want to ruin his night. Lots of fluffy stuff at the end.
Everything Is Right - keepcalmandnevermindpanic
Summary: It’s winter and almost Christmas. Dan is ill and Phil takes care of him.
games period cancelled (ao3) - furryphil
Summary: phil expected another game period of sitting around with his best friend, dan, on the sidelines, listening to music. he didn't expect to end up caring for dan. not that he's complaining.
Get Well Soon - darling-phil
Summary: When Dan is diagnosed with pneumonia, Phil’s there to comfort him through the frustration of being ill.
Go Home, Bear (ao3) - user085998
Summary:Dan has the flu but he comes to school anyways and Phil thinks he should go home.
it’s been a long day, all I want is your love (ao3) - t_hens
Summary: Dan wakes up with a terrible headache and a depressive episode to go with it, but thankfully Phil is there to take care of him.
Mountain Range - sodalester
Summary: The roads are curvy. Someone’s bound to get motionsick.
Not On Fire - cozyfoxy
Summary: Dan gets sunstroke while they’re at vidcon and Phil takes care of him.
Sick day - amazingdanielhowell
Summary: Dan is sick and Phil wants to take care of him, but Dan’s being too stubborn to let him.
Stay Home - boofphil
Summary: dan had plans. he was going to get in some much needed studying then finally hang out with his university friends. his body, however, had different plans.
Tug You Closer (ao3) - Susannah (realismandromance)
Summary: In which Dan suffers from pneumonia and Phil suffers from a guilty conscience.
Tummy Aches and Text Messages (ao3) - philsbear
Summary: Dan’s body feels like paper; fragile and crumpled. Phil knows how to fix him, and does.
Your Family Gave Me Food Poisoning (But I Still Love You) (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Dan gets food poisoning at the Lesters. Phil is a good caring friend
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