#is it to try to show goodness that they don’t define him by the scar?
adriancatrin · 1 year
it’s so wild to me that outside of the old ba sing se caverns, no one in the gaang once brings up zukos scar. it’s kinda sweet in a way i guess when sokka refers to him in season 2 as a freak with a “ponytail” and not scar, but it’s still just odd
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oreo-creampie · 1 year
𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: fluff, some hurt, HEAVY COMFORT, slightly suggestive, suguru bites you once, soaping up suguru's body, hinting at height/size difference, hints at smoking and drinking with suguru, toji doesn't die, NO! he lives with you his wifey and learns how to help you look after megumi, established relationship, daddy/mama/princess, toji feeds megumi with a little struggle, tired!Satoru is doing his best, hints at satoru missing dates,
𝐟𝐞𝐲: had to write some fluff after that last episode, I can't! Let me comfort them all
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He's frozen beneath the rushing shower water. Steam rolls off his muscular back, facing toward you. Splaying his large hand on the wall, his broad shoulders tense. Paying you no mind as you slip into the slower with him.
Slipping your hand through his. "The girls are asleep in the pillow tent. With some cartoons playing for background noise." Trying to ground him, when his brain caught reliving the past. Letting your hand go, turning around, anger and hopelessness hollow his face.
Grabbing your hips, spreading Suguru spreads his large thick fingers out. "Thank you love. You good?" His cheeks are thinner, with deepening dark circles beneath his eyes. The coldness melts in his narrow chocolate-colored eyes. His frown softens to a flat line.
Holding his face, reaffirming, "We're good," as he leans down, passionately kissing you, gently groaning. Parting your lips for him to slip his tongue into your mouth. Hugging Suguru tightly.
Slowly he breaks away, trailing kisses from your jaw to your neck. Biting around the small scar left over from Toji almost slicing your head off, then leaving you to bleed out. Squeezing along your sides.
Biting your lip to keep from crying out when he sinks his teeth in deeper. "I got you sugar-bear. Lemme take care of you." He pulls away kissing your forehead. "I have a blunt waiting for us. We sit on the balcony. I'll brush your hair out." You grab his round sponge hanging next to a unicorn and dragon-shaped loofas.
He won't talk, but you could attempt to distract him momentarily. Give him the attention and care he shows the girls and yourself. "I love you sugar-bear." Pouring his wild lands scented soap onto it. The shampoo's back states a wonderful mix of eucalyptus, white birch, and cypress.
Scrubbing Suguru's broad, muscular chest, rubbing your fingers over his firm tits. Sliding your fingers over his well-defined abs. "I love you too princess.” Trailing his loofa down, scrubbing his v-line and dark short hair. Carefully smearing soap down his soft, fat cock. Careful to make sure soap doesn’t get into his cockhead.
Letting go of his cock to squeeze soap from the loofa into your palm, fondling his balls. Suguru brings up, “I was thinking of cooking breakfast with the girls." He parts his thighs enough for you to clean his ballsack.
Smiling up at Suguru, puckering your lips he lean down giving you a chaste, sweet kiss. "We got the stuff for triple chocolate chunk. You can have Mimi with the muffins. Ko can help me with the omelets and blueberry pancakes." Crouching in front of him, scrubbing down his well-toned, legs, lingering on his muscular thighs.
Lifting his foot, his pale cheeks flushing light pink. “You don’t need to do all this..I can wash myself.” Getting the other one, then standing up. “Aren’t you tired mama?" That is new, but you couldn't help but like the affirmation of his future wife and mother to both adorable girls.
Standing up, getting on the tip of your toes, he leans down for you to kiss his cheeks. Scrubbing his broad shoulders and neck. “I’m tired, but that doesn’t matter." Going down his muscular arm, grabbing his large hand, admiring the size difference between his and yours.
Switching to his other arm, "I want to daddy.” Suguru eyes widen momentarily, the corner of his lips pulling up into a soft smile. "We're a family aren't we, gotta make sure you’re taken care of." A couple of tears trickle down his cheek.
Holding your hand, rising the soap off, “All that's missing is a ring." Kissing your knuckles. "I'm so grateful I have you and the girls."
Two hours late.
'We should cancel, 😥 it's good. See you when you can make the time. I understand you're busy 😘😘. I'm going to get cozy, order some takeout.🍴You got the key, be quiet coming in if I'm asleep.'
Unzipping your dress, slipping out of it. Walking into the bathroom to toss it the hamper of barely worn clean worn that you need to hang back up. Setting your phone down, it buzzes. It's screen lights up a text from Satoru.
'Got caught up. We can still go, I got time.'
You want to go with him on late night date, but you can’t stop thinking of his bloodshot, tired eyes the last time you got a peak. It has you thinking getting a full night’s rest sounds better.
'I know you're trying. If you can come in the next few by we chill, I'm tired 🥱 n' want to fall asleep with you watching some cartoons. 👩🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼You could use some rest for once, 😴😴 otherwise this is the last kiss for a week. 😤😒'
Snapping a quick video, blowing him a quick kiss. Adding I love you for the caption. You're cleaning your face when Satoru responds.
'Noooo you can't! EVIL. ✋🏻 I don't need sleep, fine 😒 😫😩😫😒 I'll sleep if you stay in the bed with me. 🥰🥰 I'll come right over in another hour 😖🥺.' 'Can you wait to eat till then, 🥺🥺 I'll bring something, anything you want. I left some work clothes over? I can walk around your naked 🥴'
Taking your fash wash, lotion, and face/eye mask out to start your face care routine. Waiting to see if Satoru would have anything else to say before texting him.
'Cleaned them so they smell like lavender. 😁 N' got some comfy clothes for you if you want them, you'll look good. 😮‍💨 But I don't mind seeing your sexy ass sleep-deprived ass resting naked in my bed.’
Opening Satoru’s blurry Snapchat video of him loudly proclaiming his love from an unknown location. There’s a loud boom marking the end of the video. Your chest tightens, breathing in till your lungs are about to burst and the slowly letting it go. Refusing to indulge obsessively thinking about everything that could go wrong.
It’s an hour later when Satoru sends; ‘I get kisses 👩🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼👩🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼👩🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼 and morning boob if I sleep? 😍😍 Also what are you craving sweetheart?’ Among setting your bed up with the squish-a-mellows Satoru adores cuddling into. You figured out what you want.
‘Cơm tấm! And the usual comfort favorite dessert. At least seven hours! ✋🏽😤 then morning boob 🥰😘’
The next time you hear from him is when Satoru announces, “I’m home! Give me kisses if you want your food.” Rushing into the living room, where he holds your take out above his head. Pointing at his cheek with an enormous grin on his face.
Loudly kissing his cheek and the tip of his nose with a “Mmmaw!” Grabbing the food once he lowers it. “Come on I got the bedroom cozy for us with some stuffed animals for you to knock off by morning.” Wrapping his arm around your waist, leaning down loudly covering your face in kisses.
Kissing your lips last, his breathy moan sounds as if he’s been waiting for this all day. Parting your lips for him for his tongue. He’s kisses are so gentle, passionate, and beautiful noisy. Slipping your fingers through his, breaking away, tugging him towards your bedroom.
“I’ll give you more kisses after I get you undressed, and relaxing before you fall over from exhaustion.” Taking the food from him, it’s crinkles sounding louder in the small space of the hallway.
Satoru scoffs, “You worry too much.” His large soft hand enveloping yours is comforting. He’s here, able to relax, and get some well needed rest.
Squeezing his hand, he squeezes back, “You shouldn’t worry, I’m the strongest.” Rolling your eyes, shuffling into your bedroom, dimly lit by vanilla and cinnamon candles.
Setting the food aside on the bedside table. “Don’t care what you call yourself, doesn't matter how strong you are," He flops onto your bed, burying his face into a multicolored squish. "You’re still mine to worry about, and care for.” He rolls over, pulling his mask up temporarily.
His dark circles have gotten bigger, the whites of his eyes tinted pink. “Can have a kiss n’ be small-“ he pauses yawning, "spoon tonight?”
Wiping the sleep out of your eyes, shuffling towards Megumi's bedroom. "Latch fucker, you'll like the damn food n' sleep like baby." The golden glow of the lamp lets you see frustrated Toji cradling a grumpy Megumi trying to bottle-feed him.
Megumi is pressing his lips in a firm line, failing his chunky baby arms the best he can, kicking his little feet. Silently protesting the bottle Toji has.
Keeping your voice low, "He's going to mimic you when he can speak." You sit in the second rocking chair and leaning over. Smiling at your husband and son, Megumi's grumpy face matches Toji's too well.
Toji's eyes are bloodshot. "Then what do I do? Tell me so I can start figurin’ out how to be a good dad." His voice is rough, and you can smell whiskey on his breath. He's been up having a glass after another nightmare.
Megumi holds his hands out for you Toji scoffs, “He hates me already. What the-ugh.” You hold your hand out for Megumi to grab onto one of your fingers. His grip gets stronger with each passing month.
Megumi finds comfort in holding your hand, trying to put your fingers in his mouth. Settling his kicking legs, holding them in close to his self. “He doesn’t, being a parent going to be challenging the whole time but we can do it together.” You don’t think your words reach him.
After years by his side he’s slowly divulged his fear of fatherhood. Letting you know part of his fucked up childhood in after some liquor loosened his tongue.
Megumi presses a hand to Toji’s cheek. He flushed pink, his eyes soften as Megumi grins. Kicking his little legs and cooing. You point out, “See he is just happy to see me. Since he has settled lightly put some milk on his lip. He'll lick it and then want some more.” Slowly pulling your hand away, Megumi lightly pats Toji’s cheeks with soft smack.
“Eyy! What this attacking you’re old man? I’m tryin’.” Toji gently squeezes the baby bottle, droplets of milk over Megumi’s bottom lip. His little tongue darts out to lick it, his eyes widen, letting go of your finger to try and grab the bottle. This time he latches when Toji gives it to him.
“There he goes!” You can hear the pride in your husband’s voice. Standing up kissing Toji’s cheek, and crouching down to kiss Megumi's forehead, overcome with love. "I love ya both, I'm tryin' sweetheart. At least he isn't crying at me anymore." Megumi manages to grab Toji’s fingers, digging in his quickly growing baby nails.
“We love you too Toji. Gumi will let you know when he gets a little older. It won't be too much longer and he'll be four years old running around with your grumpy face." Lightly rubbing Megumi's soft baby head, fuzzy with short, black fluffy hair.
Toji hisses, "Ow!" Looking up you, "when the kid gets older I can play some games with him. But for now, tomorrow we need to cut his nails." He wiggles his large finger that Megumi is latched onto. Standing up, yawning, stretching your arms out trying to keep yourself awake to enjoy this moment with your family.
Ghost your fluffy white cat scambles into the room, hoping onto Toji's lap. Softly sniffling Megumi. He lets go of Toji in favor of gently grabbing a tuff of Ghost's thick white cheek fur. "Hey, that doesn't mean you can join." Rolling your eyes.
You call Toji out, "You spoil Ghost more than I do. Don't act like you don't cuddle her, give her wet food, make sure her fur isn't tangled." Easing Megumi's hand out of Ghost's fur. She hops onto the side table, adoringly staring up at Toji awaiting her moment to have his attention.
You add, "I've seen how hard you've worked on yourself to be a better man for me to marry. Now I know you'll do the same for our baby." Megumi closes his eyes, his suckling slowly down. Milk trickled down his chin onto the little towel Toji put, trying to keep Megumi's onesie clean.
Toji lowers his voice leaning in for you to hear him. “Why don’t you go back to sleep, Once I put him down, I'll come back to bed, hold you too.” Frowning, taking your seat back by him, and making yourself comfortable.
Petting Ghost between her fuzzy ears. She instantly climbs into your lap, curling up. Her loud purring filling up the room. "I'm good, want to share this with you." This bonding moment is too cute for you to walk away from.
strawberry brat all works
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jmliebert · 4 months
hihiiii! if you take requests / suggestions, i’d loooooovvveeee to see something for halsin with an insecure partner, like maybe they’re insecure about scars or something like that, and how halsin would react to that (being as shameless as he is lol)
oh! I absolutely love this request, I was thinking about it for some time and came up with little something(s), enjoy ♡
♡ halsin turning your insecurities into unapologetic love (halsin x shy!reader)♡
Halsin has lived for a long time, long enough to see beauty through more than just limited lenses. He is wise and understands the ways of the world deeply enough to recognise that beauty is everywhere; in tall grass, in abandoned nests, in sunlight filtering through the leaves, in a mother's love, and in acts of kindness. He sees beauty in you as well, and it’s a shame you don’t see yourself the way he does.
"You're a gift of nature,"
he says, and he means it. To him, your scars are a testament to your story and a path leading to untold pleasure (one of many). He doesn’t merely see them; he reveres them. His lips trace every mark and line with a gentle touch, each kiss so lovely and intense it leaves you breathless. His hands explore your body with a passion. He finds beauty in your stretch marks, in the irregularities of your teeth, in every scar. To him, these are not flaws but unique traits that define you. And he loves you.
Halsin’s eyes are ever-watchful, never leaving your body. It’s impossible to hide anything from him for long, as his gaze is both penetrating and tender. He seeks to know and see everything because he desires to embrace all of you. He wants to cherish you completely because he is forever hungry when it comes to you.
During intimate moments, Halsin’s gaze becomes even more intense. Sometimes you catch his eyes flickering with a golden light, a hint of the beast inside him barely held at bay. He locks eyes with you even when he is buried between your thighs, giving you pleasure. He looks up at you, his eyes filled with unabashed longing and the curiosity of a lover, wanting to see if he’s making you feel good. He smiles when you nod at him, his lips and chin smeared with your wetness.
If Halsin shows naked in front of you and you find your eyes on the ground, suddenly all bashful (I would be bashful too, seeing him in his full glory out of nowhere) he smiles to himself; your reactions endearing to him. Then he gently takes your hand and guides it to his body, letting you explore his chest, face, his back, teaching you that it’s okay to touch, to look, to desire. He’s all yours, completely and utterly. His gaze never wavers, and if you try to look away again, he will softly lift your chin with a finger, smiling warmly with reassurance. He lets you touch his penis too, heavy on his thigh. And with every touch you give him, he melts, and moans quietly showing you how good you make him feel.
Whenever you express any insecurity, Halsin responds with an embrace that is both intense and passionate. He pulls you close, his hands roaming your body with a hunger that leaves no room for doubt about him being completely feral when it comes to you. He inspects every part of you, worshipping each inch with kisses, caresses, and gentle bites. If you ever feel the need to hide your breasts (for whatever reason) or any other part of your body, he gently moves your hands aside and showers that area with loving attention.
“Never hide from me,”
he whispers, his voice filled with reverence.
So... yes, Halsin lavishes attention on the parts of you that you’re most insecure about, turning them into focal points of his erotic devotion. He kisses you with a primal need, making you feel like the most desirable person in the world—in his eyes, you truly are. He sees your insecurities as areas that demand his passionate adoration, ensuring that you feel cherished and loved through every touch.
He is often shameless (!), because he’s not afraid to show what he likes, and he intends to show it to you. His desire for you is vocal and unapologetically honest. He frequently whispers dirty words against your skin, his breath hot and heavy as he tells you how much he wants to take you right then and there. His passion is unbridled really. Basically he wants you everywhere, in every position, every state and he isn’t afraid to tell you so and it feels good, sooo good knowing he wants you so much.
“I love how you whine when I enter you,”
he might say, his voice thick with desire. He's not telling you this to make you shy of course, he just says it because he means it (so cool).
“I love the way you hold me with your legs."
"The frown between your eyes."
"The way your gaze changes when you desire me.”
His praises are specific and heartfelt, making you feel adored and seen. Halsin teaches you confidence and self-acceptance through his lovely and endless affection. He helps you see the world and yourself through his eyes, where every imperfection is a unique beauty. He even initiates intimate rituals to help you become more comfortable with your body, massaging you with warm oils, his touch both soothing and arousing. But it's not only that. He guides you hands to touch your body, explore it. Showing you how to find pleasure in your own skin.
Halsin treasures the moments when you reveal your insecurities, responding with love, acceptance, and tenderness. He never laughs or dismisses your fears, no matter how ridiculous they may seem. Instead, he offers soft smiles, wise words, gentle kisses, and loving touches that make you feel safe and wanted. Over time, he helps you believe in your own beauty and worth, which is truly wonderful !!!
In bed, Halsin delights in making you moan and whisper his name, using his expert touch and passionate kisses to dispel your insecurities. He believes that your pleasure is the most beautiful sound, and he works tirelessly to elicit it. He encourages you to express your pleasure openly, teaching you that there is no shame in experiencing such profound joy and ecstasy.
As your confidence grows, you begin to explore your sexual fantasies with him, and Halsin is always very (!) eager to make your dreams come true. He creates a safe space for you to express your deepest desires, responding with enthusiasm and acceptance. He sees you as a divine embodiment of nature’s beauty and primal lust, worshipping you with reverent and hungry touches that make you feel like a goddess.
Because to him, you are a goddess, and he worships you.
maybe, just maybe I got a little carried away....sorry
but also (!)
about these sexual fantasies, maybe you have some suggestions what could they be? I want some inspiration for some naughty short-story maybe, so please don't be shameful ;) and write to my inbox or sth, also if you want some particular headcanons featuring some characters from bg3 hit me up as well I'M THIRSTY!
you can find more of my works about halsin ♡here♡ hihi
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victoria-grimesss · 8 months
Hello! I was reading what you are okay with to write and I noticed that included angst and self harm? I know that's a heavy topic, but if you're still okay with that, could I request Gale and Astarion finding out their fem Tav (separate please) has self harm scars? I have my own and this game is currently my comfort. Thank you
->Pairing: Gale x Fem!Tav, Astarion x Fem!Tav ->Warning: Trigger Warning for talk of self harm/suicidal thoughts. Please do not read if you are not comfortable with these topics. And if you ever are going through anything please reach out to someone, you matter and are loved :) My inbox is always open. ->A/N: Some game spoilers. I wanted to use both character's stories to really connect them to Tav. I hope this is something like you wanted!!
He had been troubled since opening up to you about Cazador. You never did mention the scars on his back after your first night together but he saw your lingering stare. He wondered what you thought. He never really cared about what others thought about him until you. Others were always just pawns to be played, what could he gain from them? How could he get them back to Cazador easily? But you ruined his whole plan, he didn't like how mushy he felt around you. How his walls were coming down and he didn't know how to handle it. So he turned his back on you, becoming shorter and more distant. Trying to build the wall between you two back up.
Everyone was asleep by the time you had wrapped up your night and approached his tent. He was staring at the symbol on the ground, the marks on his back you had so kindly drawn into the dirt. The scowl on his face was evident.
"It's repulsive, isn't it?"
You cross your arms, sympathy blooming in your chest.
"I find no part of you repulsive Astarion. This being one of them."
You point to the ground. He scoffs, his eyes rolling before he huffs and sits before the marking.
"May I sit with you for a while?"
"I suppose."
You join him on the rug adorned right outside his tent, it's a tense silence. You're not quite sure what to say. Of how to approach this.
"We'll figure out what it means, I promise." You place a hand over his in a way to comfort him. He pulls back, if eyes could burn that dirt would be lit-aflame by now.
"And what good will figuring it out mean?! It will still be there, a reminder of all the torment and years Cazador had-has a hold on me.”
“Maybe it can give you some closure, we’ll figure out what it means and we’ll take down Cazador together.”
He laughs a bit, standing and looking down at you. “I do admire your ambition darling but I don’t think you know what you’re up against. And gods even if we did kill the bastard what then? It will still be there. Taunting me, reminding me of what those 200 years held.”
You chew your lip, somehow comforting people was the hardest battle you’ve encountered.
“Your scars are a reminder of how strong you are, of what you’ve gone through and survived. They don’t define you.”
By now he’s grown frustrated, trying to maintain his suave composure and demeanor.
“Right. And what would you know about scars hm? Did you have them forcibly carved upon you while all you could do was sit there and bear it?”
“I do.”
He’s surprised, he certainly didn’t mean to taunt you with those words, all those times he fed on you he never saw any scars. But to be fair you were quite elusive with exposing yourself.
You clear your thoughts and urge him to sit beside you again.
“I may not understand scars being forced upon me, but I inflicted them upon myself.”
Your eyes move to your sleeve where you roll it up, your scars being shown to him, your past on full display.
“Darling, I-”
“It is fine Astarion. These scars are just a part of me. Within the darkest part of my life, I carved them, hoping they could take my pain away. But I look at them now and I see a stronger version of myself. I lived through this dark time and it shows I am stronger than my haunted past. I want you to find your strength in yours. You are more than your past. I fell in love with the man before me for who he truly is.”
“Gods you truly do speak like those romance tomes don’t you.” He speaks through a sniffle that’s masked with a laugh.
“Well, this has turned into quite the sappy night.”
He laughs but his eyes are watery, as are yours.
"Plenty of adventuring to be done tomorrow, lets go to sleep yea?"
"Yea, lets. My sweet."
What a kind man.
He was always so honest and caring towards you.
It had been a long day, grueling and never-ending. Your thoughts just yearning for any kind of rest. You slowly make your way over to Gales's tent, he's propped up on some pillows inside reading as usual, candle-light flickering, painting the walls of the tent with shadows. His eyes light up seeing you there.
"Hello, my love what a pleasure seeing you tonight."
You smile and he pats the spot next to him, you oblige and lay next to him, his tent smells of old books and tea leaves. It's instantly soothing, you study him in the low light. How the veins from the orb move and weave around his chest, lightly dancing around his cheekbone.
"I can feel you staring." He looks at you from the side of his eyes, a smirk just barely there. You hum lightly,
"Just admiring you." He traces your eyes back to the orb, then refocuses on the book.
"Does it bother you, it being there forever?" You ask quietly.
He closes the book and sits up more, full focus on you.
"I mean, seeing how the route I plan to take will keep it there forever I have.. made my peace with it. Although your generosity with those magical items certainly makes it easier. I do owe you that much. Why do you ask darling?"
You grow quiet, nerves playing with you.
"I just, sometimes I wonder if I will grow comfortable with mine as you are with yours."
He seems to understand the gravity of your words.
"Oh Y/N."
He grasps your hand before placing a kiss on the back of it,
"I may not be able to make you comfortable with yourself or your scars but I assure you, you are everything one could want and more. I assure you I see the most beautiful woman in front of me and nothing in your past or present could ever change that."
Your free hand comes to cup his cheek, pressing your lips to the other one.
"My lady, you have my word."
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the-travelling-witch · 8 months
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summary: opening up about your insecurities is a daunting thing, but suna lets you know you’re in good hands
pairing: suna rintarou x afab! reader
warnings:  smut/ comfort, minors dni; skin-related insecurities (acne, scars, bumps, etc) with comfort, unprotected sex (use condoms, don’t get a kid or a std), pet names (doll, pretty), marking, very wholesome spice if you can say that jsjsh, also very self indulgent; i wanted to name it ‘under my skin’ first, so now i have mirotic stuck in my head
happy birthday, rin!! ♡
haikyuu masterlist
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Flickering colours illuminated your dimly lit living room in arrhythmic sequences, the voices of actors paired with underlying music bouncing around the apartment. Next to you, snuggled up under a cosy blanket with you, was your boyfriend, his eyes fixed on the TV but keeping you close to his side with an arm curled around your middle. 
Leaning against his sturdy body, you sunk further into the hoodie you had stolen from his side of the closet earlier and you inhaled a noseful of the scent clinging to it, a familiar mixture of Suna’s body wash and cologne. Underneath you, you could feel his muscles flex and relax with every breath and every laugh and, inevitably, your mind drifted from the scenes on the screen to the man next to you.
There was no doubt about it, when it came to boyfriends, you somehow managed to snatch up the price catch all for yourself. Suna was attentive, caring and funny; he always checked in on you, brought food when he knew you hadn’t eaten, sent you photos, voice messages and even flowers when he was away for work and generally pestered you to take care of yourself. 
Besides all of that, he was also, of course, ridiculously beautiful. Be it his well-built body showing through every outfit he wore, whether it was loungewear, work out clothes or a suit, or the defined features of his face, the sharp slant of his olive eyes only being the highlight, he was sure to garner attention. And he did. Quite a lot, actually. The fantaken videos of him sighted on the streets or the edits you scrolled past on your timeline definitely proved your point.
Still, Rin never made you feel unwanted, the opposite, really. You could be lazing around on the couch when Rin made it seem as if you were posing for the cover of Vogue, bending down to shower you in kisses as his hands wandered like he had no control over them. Or the way he’d sidle up behind you, leaning his weight onto you like an overgrown cat just to show you dumb videos while you go about what you were doing.
Your own mind, however, was not always as kind to you as your boyfriend.
Case and point, as you looked up at him and studied his sharp jaw and smooth skin, your thoughts started heading to a darker place, one you normally kept under tight lock and seal. Certainly, no matter how genuine his compliments were, there was no way he actually meant any of them, only trying to make you feel better about yourself. After all, what would someone like him see in someone like you? 
A tap to the tip of your nose pulled you back into reality, blinking to see bright green eyes sparkling down at you. The arm around your waist adjusted its grip, allowing you to turn towards him better but holding you close again the second you had settled.
“What are you thinking about? The film’s not that deep of a thinkpiece.” The lighthearted tone and tiny smirk playing around his lips were contrasted by the inquisitive raise of a brow, letting you know he was quite serious about your answer. “And it’d better not be anything stupid.”
“Oh you know,” you vaguely gestured towards the screen as you avoided his gaze, “there’s just no way they could’ve made it out of that building before the bomb went up. That was so much longer than 30 seconds.”
There was a soft touch against your cheek where calloused fingertips tilted your head back towards him, not forcibly but determined. You were more starkly made aware of the heat radiating from his body as he leant further into you, the arm around your back giving you no chance to wind yourself out of his proximity. Under other circumstances there would absolutely be no way you’d want to in the first place. But you knew Rin was sharp enough to deduce exactly where your mind had gone if you gave him only the faintest of clues and you really didn’t want to disrupt your movie night with your insecurities.
“Very cute, doll, but you never pay attention to realism. Besides,” the ends of his hair tickled your face as his lips ghosted the shell of your ear, “do you really think I didn’t notice you burning holes into the side of my head? If there’s something you want, you only need to ask.”
“That’s what you got from that, Rin?” You laughed, pushing his head from the crook of your neck with the pad of your forefinger. “Could it be that you're projecting your own thoughts onto me?”
“What else could I be thinking about when someone this pretty has been clinging to my side the entire evening?” Your boyfriend hummed the question thoughtfully before your centre of gravity shifted. A surprised gasp later, you found yourself in his lap with your knees bracketing his hips, courtesy of the muscles flexing against the small of your back where he kept you pinned to his front. “You can’t blame a guy for getting ideas when you’re this cute.”
“You’re such a horndog, Rin,” you giggled, melting into his hold as his large palms smoothed out the material of his sweats covering your thighs, the repetitive motion relaxing as you lost yourself in each other’s eyes, despite having done so a million times before.
“It’s all your fault, doll,” Suna murmured and your gaze automatically tracked the movement of his mouth as it formed the words. Inspired by you, he mirrored the action and then his lips were on yours.
The kiss was slow and unhurried, your lips moving languidly against each other, giving you all the time in the world to bury your fingers in the hair of his nape. The swipe of his tongue asking for entry was accompanied by firm hands grabbing at your hips and pulling you so flush against him, it was like he wanted to become one entity altogether. You happily parted your lips for him so your tongues could tangle together in the same rhythm of his arms moving you to grind down on him.
When his warm hands explored the bare skin under his hoodie, however, it was like someone had sounded the alarm bells in your head. Sure, you’d been intimate with Suna plenty of times, that was nothing new, but so far, you’d avoided any positions where your back would be on display or his hands could roam too freely across it. Up until this point, you’d put up excuse after excuse and the brunet had respected your wishes but slowly you were running out of fronts to put up without addressing the real issue.
Over time, you’d gotten used to Suna seeing your face with all blemishes and impurities on display, more out of necessity than free will in the beginning. You couldn’t hide your face from him forever after all. In typical Rin fashion, he’d been so gentle and reassuring about it, thanking you for putting your trust in him and nearly making you cry in the process. 
Your back, however, was an area you could cover up way easier and that was how you kept it. The thought of him seeing the redness and scars littering the expanse of the skin there, running his hands over it and feeling the bumpy texture where other people’s would be smooth, it made you shrink in on yourself. As you wrecked your brain for a new excuse and got ready to push his hands down to your hips again, he withdrew them from the hoodie himself, making the garment feel much too big on you as he took his warmth with him.
“There’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you for a while now,” Suna began, his voice calm as one hand settled back against your hip and the other cradled your cheek. Your fidgeting must have conveyed your discomfort, because he started drawing tiny circles onto your cheek bone, the callouses from years of playing volleyball contrasting the softness of his touch, making you subconsciously lean into the movement. “I didn’t know how to bring it up but at this point I feel like I need to know… Is there a reason you’re so reluctant to show me your back? And don’t say you don’t know what I’m talking about, I know you better than that.”
“Ah, so you noticed,” you meekly replied, swallowing hard around the words stuck in your throat. “What gave it away?”
“You’re not the best at lying to me, you know. It was pretty obvious you were making excuses for something else.” You felt like a cartoon character getting hit with an arrow through the stomach. “I just want to understand what’s putting you so on edge, so I can fix it. Whatever it is, you can tell me and I’ll work hard so you can trust me. But I won’t know what I did if you won’t tell me.”
“What you did?” You echoed incredibly. “Rin, you’ve done nothing wrong, more like the opposite, honestly. You’re like the guy out of anybody’s dreams, of course I trust you.”
“Then what is it? I don’t want to pressure you but I hate to see you uncomfortable,” Suna’s voice was soothing like a fireplace in winter as his finger smoothed out the furrow of your brows, silently telling you to take all the time you needed, he wouldn’t judge.
“It’s just– My back it’s so ugly,” you weakly admitted, opting to hide your face in the crook of his neck when holding eye contact became too painful. For a split second, Suna went as rigid as you had earlier before gingerly setting his hand down on the top of your back and running it lightly up and down to test your reaction. “Everyone has this perfect, smooth skin but mine is full of scarring and blemishes and I… I don’t want you to see how hideous I– it is.”
“Oh baby, that’s not true,” he soothed. “You are so stunning, I could never think you’re ugly.”
“No, you would,” you disagreed, shaking your head. “I already don’t know how you can say that with so much confidence, I don’t want to ultimately prove you wrong.”“So instead you just made the decision for me?” Ah, his signature deadpan response.
“You are so convinced of your own perception you won’t even entertain the thought I could see something else entirely. I’m a lot of things but not a liar, doll. When I tell you you’re beautiful, I mean it.” To show he wasn’t taking offence at your words, he tapped the tip of your nose again when you emerged from your hiding spot to peer up at him. Bouncing you in his lap as if to jostle the negative thoughts from the forefront of your mind, mischief gleamed in his eyes. “Do you really think I’d put myself into this position just to make someone feel better? Usually, I only try to fuck unbelievably attractive people on my couch.”
“Oh my god, Rin! You’re such an idiot!” You were well aware your boyfriend had the tendency to be shamelessly blunt and it still made you smack your palms against his chest, though your shoulders did feel lighter at his very characteristic way of encouraging you. “Also we bought this couch together, so it’s mine as much as it’s yours.”
“The point still stands,” he nonchalantly answered, trailing one finger down the dip of your neck as his half-lidded eyes tracked its path before finding yours again. You knew that look well and it made your earlier arousal flare up again. “You’ll give me a chance to prove you wrong, won’t you, pretty? I promise you won’t regret it.”
You hesitated for a moment before mustering up all your courage. Suna had never betrayed the trust you placed in him and he’d not given you any reason to doubt him this time either. “Alright, fine.”
“Thank you.” You could feel his smile against your temple when he leaned forward to place a small peck there. “Hmm now where were we? Oh, that’s right.”
Long fingers splayed over the back of your head to tilt your head up so he could reconnect your lips once more. Just like before, the kiss started off slow and built in intensity until you were gasping for breath, a thread of a saliva connecting you until it broke from the rocking of your hips. Having foregone a bra that night, your nipples rubbed against the soft lining of the sweater, perking up from the friction.
This time, when his hands snuck under your clothes, you didn’t move to stop him, instead letting the warmth of his palms spread across your back. Slowly but steadily his touch rose higher, his fingertips nearly massaging the skin with the light pressure he was exerting. At the same time, his mouth moved south as if he wanted to meet his hands in the middle, trailing a hot path of kisses from the corner of your mouth to your jaw to just below your ear.
“The calluses of my hands, do they bother you?” A little disoriented by the low timbre of his voice and confused by the sudden question, you quickly made it known you liked them quite a lot, to which he chuckled. “See, at first, I was really insecure about it. Such rough hands handling something so precious, that didn’t seem right. But I learnt pretty quickly I was fussing about nothing, considering how you seem to love holding my hands or cumming all over my fingers.”
“That’s not a fair comparison,” you nearly whined, both at his choice of example and the way he bucked his hips up into yours. Your face felt as if it was set ablaze as his hands roamed and kneaded whatever part of skin they could find and your hips kept up a steady rhythm. “You have such nice hands, Rin.”“Something you made me aware of,” he smiled. When his lips reached the point where the collar of the hoodie wouldn't allow him to go any further, his hot breath fanned the expanse of your throat and his fingers played with the hem of his piece of clothing. “Let me do the same for you, yeah? Are you comfortable with taking this off?”
“Yeah,” you quietly affirmed, nodding your head at his request. With his help, the soft material slipped over your head and arms before being tossed somewhere next to the two of you and you fought hard to return your hands to his shoulders in lieu of covering up your bare body. 
“Shit, I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of seeing these,” Suna groaned, cupping your breasts with appreciative hands, forefingers and thumbs immediately working on rolling your pert nipples between them as the other digits fondled the surrounding area. “Look how perfect these look in my hands, like they were made to be held by me.”
A soft sigh of his name escaped you as you tilted your head back at the sensation of his warm hands contrasting with the temperature of the living room. It drew his attention back to the exposed column of your neck, focusing on the task of sucking a pulsing bruise against the spot that he knew made you weak. 
However, what you didn’t expect was him reaching around you to ghost his finger up the length of your spine, sending electricity right through you. Combined, the actions effortlessly pulled a gasp from you as you arched your back against his chest, which resulted in you pressing down hard against his bulge. His groan reverberated against your chest, a beautiful and husky sound which made you crave to hear more.
“Did that feel good? I bet it did,” Suna whispered against your feverish skin, fingers splaying out in the dip oy your back to keep you steady. “I can make you feel so much better, you know that. Just say the word.”
By now, your panties were probably soaked through as your clit pulsed with need, hips rocking in search for more friction but not getting enough to satisfy that itch inside of you. With how your heart was hammering against your ribcage, you could’ve bet Rin was able to feel it too, even through the material of his shirt. Balling the material in your fists you whimpered, “Rin, I need more, please.”
He grinned against your shoulder, pressing your chest tighter against his and grabbing the fat of your thigh with his free hand. Without any strain, he flipped you over so your back hit the couch cushions and he towered over your form, your legs still spread around his waist.
Running his hands down and back up the length of your legs, squeezing your thighs and calves appreciatively, his touch made goosebumps spread all across your body, no matter how seating it was on you. When his fingers reached the waistband of your sweatpants, playing with it as he leaned into your space, his heavy gaze met yours once more.
“Can I take these off?” No matter how clear it was you wanted this too, Suna would always ask. This night too, you willingly lay yourself in his hands as you lifted your hips to help him shimmy your pants off you, tossing them in the vague direction of the hoodie without taking his eyes off of you. He especially didn’t want to miss the string of slick sticking to your panties as they followed suit.
Drinking in the sight of your nude form, he traced a reverent finger over the seam where your legs met your hips, purposefully applying only a hint of pressure, knowing the featherlight touch was driving you positively insane. Slowly circling further in, he then caressed your outer lips covered in soft pubes, collecting your arousal with an experimental stroke over your slit but intentionally missing where you wanted him most.
“Rin, don’t tease,” you whined, squirming against the couch cushions.
“Sorry, doll, but you just look so pretty like this,” he mused, bright eyes showing not a hint of remorse. “I just have to indulge a little.”
And indulge he did. When he finally grazed his thumb over your neglected clit, his touch seemed to scorch, which only served to fuel the desire inside of you and it inevitably coaxed a wanton moan from you. Incredibly adept at reading you and keen to hear more of your sweet noises, Suna easily slid his middle finger into your hole, that at this point had been clenching around nothing. With how wet you were, he was met with no resistance at all and soon complied with your pleas for more and added his ring finger to the first.
“Shit, baby, you’re clinging to my fingers,” Suna voiced his thoughts as he smoothed one hand down the length of your leg once more to grab your ankle. Keeping up the steady pumps of his hand, curling his digits right into the spot that had your leg spasming in his hold, he turned his head to kiss the joint in his hold. However, he didn’t stop there. 
As if your leg was a fuse and he was the fire, Suna leisurely crept his affections higher, over your calves and past your knees, until you really felt ready to explode. Dimpling the flesh under his fingertips, he tightened the hold on your thigh so he could suck a myriad of hickeys on its expanse, unbothered by your incessant writhing. 
His hot breath fanned your core as his plush lips mapped out the juncture of your leg, paying careful attention to the area littered with stretch marks and covering the cause of some of your insecurities with his own marks. Like he wanted to claim your body as his, not that of the doubts in your mind. When he was satisfied with the blotches of red forming on your skin, he finally pulled back to admire his work.
“Have I been neglecting you lately?” Suna whispered, almost drowned out by the squelches of your pussy as he scissored his fingers. Looking up at you over the length of your heated body, he replaced his thumb with his kiss-swollen lips, placing a sweet peck against your clit and teasing it with the tip of his tongue. “Don’t worry, I’ll make up for it. You should never feel like this about yourself.”
“It’s not your fault, Rin,” you breathily reassured him only to be shushed by idle fingers dancing across your lower stomach, then precisely pressing down where his other hand was crooking up into.
“What kind of boyfriend lets his baby feel anything less than gorgeous?” Snaking one arm around your arched back, his long fingers covered a large part of it and held you steady against his chest as the coils in your stomach wound tighter and your toes curled at his sides. “I wish I could show you what I see. But since I can’t, I’ll have to settle for conveying it like this.”
His thumb had taken up its former spot again, resumed drawing firm figure eights on your clit and your nipples rubbed against the front of his shirt where Suna curled over you to reach your lips with his. Under the influence of his messy kiss, you felt like you were set ablaze as your boyfriend encouraged you to let go for him.
Someone might as well have replaced your blood with molten lava as your orgasm washed over you with fiery intensity and sweat pearled on your temple. Your arms slung around his body as your hands searched for whatever they could grab to hold on, be it the muscles of his shoulder or his dishevelled dark locks. Your lungs were already burning with the need for air but if you stopped kissing him, stopped vocalising your pleasure right for him to swallow it up, you thought you might die.
Suna kept up his ministrations until you were trembling like a candle in the wind before he even considered pulling his fingers from you. With half lidded eyes you watched as he brought the digits up to his mouth, cleaning up your mess with slightly exaggerated lewdness and moaning at your taste.
As he sat back up, he kept you flush against him and returned you to the position that started this all. Only this time your heightened sensitivity made you hyper aware of his arousal underneath you. 
“How are you feeling, pretty?” Nosing the crook of your neck lovingly, Suna nibbled on your salty skin where your quickened pulse thrummed underneath. His strong hands massaged your sides as you caught your breath and willed your chest to stop heaving. “Do you want to keep going?”
“You can’t do all of that and then deny me this,” you laughed breathlessly as you rolled your hips into his prominent bulge which caused him to inhale sharply. On top of everything, your boyfriend was also fucking hung, something his sweats didn’t hide in the slightest. “But I need you to take this off first.”
“Your wish is my command,” he chuckled, shrugging the shirt over his head unceremoniously, his biceps and triceps flexing in the process. While he busied himself with untangling himself from his pants, you ran an appreciative hand over the firm planes of his abs and up his pectorals. “Like what you see?”
“You know I do,” you mused, pressing a kiss against his jaw. “Got so lucky with you.”
“Hey, that’s my line,” Suna smiled, letting his hands roam over every dip and curve of your body as he urged you to straddle him again. Wasting no time, you started rocking yourself over his length, gasping every time his head caught your clit while you covered him in your arousal. After starving himself of stimulation earlier to focus entirely on you, your boyfriend shuddered at the contact. “You already feel so good doll, how am I supposed to last like this?”
“It’s okay, I want you to feel good too, Rin,” you stated but your movement was promptly stopped by two heavy hands on your hips. There was a subtle flush decorating his complexion and your heart skipped a beat. Was he really this affected just because of you? “As tempting as that sounds, tonight is all about you. No room to argue.” There was a tender finality in his tone, one that made clear he really wouldn’t budge on the topic, so you relented and melted into his hold. “Are you ready?”
“As I’ll ever be.”
Yes, this wasn’t the first time you’d been intimate with Suna, but it still felt like it. Every time he sunk his cock into you the stretch had you tossing your head back. From the way his thick tip slowly breached the tight ring of muscle, to the pleasant friction of his veins sliding against your walls and the satisfying feeling of being stuffed full, you believed you’d never get used to it.
“You always take me so well,” Suna panted as he bottomed out, fingers flexing against the pudge of your ass as he willed himself to patience to let you adjust to his girth, no matter how heavenly your warm cunt felt enveloping him. 
“Fuck Rin, I need you to move. Please, I–” Your brows were furrowed and you supported yourself on his chest as you started circling your hips against his while his cock pressed against all your sensitive spots so nicely.
And who was he to deny you when you asked so sweetly? 
Starting with slow and deliberate thrusts, you both knew it wouldn’t stay that way for long. While Suna normally prided himself on patience, even his was running thin by now and soon after, the rhythmic slapping of your thighs on his echoed around your apartment as he effortlessly moved you up and down on him, each thrust seemingly deeper as the previous one.
Not able to keep yourself upright for much longer, you slumped against his equally sweat-slicked chest and surrendered yourself completely to his actions, opting instead to claw at his back every time a particularly well aimed stroke had you clench your eyes shut. It was the best kind of torture and if you were exposed to it for too long you might actually go mad.
With your head nestled in the crook of his neck it gave Suna the perfect view down your back, admiring the way it bowed so graciously against his broad body or how your ass bounced with each slap of his thighs. How you were able to see anything but your beauty was something he just couldn't get behind; not because he was without insecurities but because no part of you could ever be a flaw in his eyes. Not when it made you who you were.
His fingers fluttered over the curve of your spine again, eliciting a more visceral reaction as your body shuddered and you pressed yourself tighter against him, trying to evade his searing touch while simultaneously craving more of it. Your whole body felt like you were boiling from the inside out, every part his scorching hands touched sizzling with nerves.
The constant grind of his pelvis against your clit had your walls gripping his length like a vice, making it increasingly harder for your boyfriend to pull out, let alone hold his own release back for much longer. Dipping his head down with a groan, his lips connected with your shoulder as his fingers kneaded and fondled wherever he could reach. Perhaps by the time you woke up tomorrow you wouldn’t see the blemishes you agonised over but the imprint of his fingers on your waist or the love bites littering your shoulder.
“If you don’t like these marks, I guess it’s on me to cover them with my own,” he mumbled lowly, perhaps more to himself than to you. Either way, the deep rumble of his voice so close to your ear followed by the sound of him reattaching his lips where he had left off shot down your spine like a lightning bolt. “You’re close, aren’t you? C’mon, you can do it. Show me how beautiful you are when you cream on my cock.”
The effect Suna’s voice and words had over you should maybe concern you. But you didn’t care as you came for the second time this night with a cry of his name on your lips, weightless as your boyfriend rode out your orgasm while chasing his own. Just as you came down from the aftershock of pleasure, Suna pushed inside of you as far as he could and painted your insides white.
For a few minutes, neither of you said anything, content to stay lost in the feeling of the other as two sets of hands explored the shared silhouette of your bodies. Kisses were exchanged or randomly placed wherever you could reach, Suna caressed your sides and you swept sweaty bangs out of his eyes.
“So,” Rin broke the comfortable silence, “are you still hellbent on arguing with me on this?”
Picking up his hint of playfulness, you decided to lean into it. “Hmm I dunno, the jury’s still out.”
“I thought you might say something like this,” he chuckled, pinching your side between his eyes, resulting in you yelping in surprise and sending him a half-hearted glare which was only returned in mischief. “Good thing I already planned to bend you over the back of the couch and paint your back. Bet you’d look lovely, even if you can’t get any more gorgeous than you already are. Same place and time tomorrow work for you?”
“You’re such an idiot, you know that?” You laughed at his shrugged ‘Might have mentioned it before’ before leaning up for a brief peck. “But sure, I’ll clear my schedule for you.”
After your movie night had effectively been rebranded into a shared bath Suna had drawn for you, you let the warm water rinse away most of the soreness you felt in the moment. Despite the tub being a rather snug fit with your professional athlete occupying a big chunk of it by himself, you let yourself relax against his chest.
Rin had taken it upon himself to gently scrub your body down for you, being extra careful with any of the spots he might have been a little rougher on. When it was time to dry off, he took his time to shower your back in kisses; every mark he left, every scar, every blemish, he covered them all equally in his affection and adoration. 
“I love you,” he murmured when his eyes met yours through the mirror and he tangled your fingers together. “I would never dream to change a single thing about you.”
“I love you too,” you whispered back, like it was a secret only meant for his ears. “Thank you for being so patient with me.”
“It’s nothing you have to thank me for.” Suna brought your hand up to his lips to leave a lingering kiss there too. “I’m just doing what any good boyfriend should.”
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Later in bed:
“How much did you have to hold back from saying ‘I’ve got your back’?”
“You have no idea.”
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© the-travelling-witch 2024 - do not repost, translate, copy or edit; do not copy into an ai
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sweetpinkchampagne · 11 months
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sinful I
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18+ readers only please lovelies!! (this is for a reason please listen<3)
little synopsis: the reader is tonys daughter (he had her young, canon doesnt exist) theres tension between you and stephen, an obvious age gap keeping you from eachother (26, 40). theyre 'trapped' in an elevator together and the tension crumbles.
pronouns: female pronouns are used
relationship: fem reader x stephen strange not established relationship
note: i do not know what possessed me to write this shit, i will not apologise. i love you <333
warnings: defined age gap, stephen being possessive, controlling smut, dd/lg kind offf, petnames
you could always tell when stephen strange was in a room you were in without even looking. he was the type of man who had one of those commanding prescenses, maybe it was his ego you thought to yourself. either way, for weeks you had continuously been trying to block him out of the forefront of your mind. but no matter how hard you tried, you just couldn't shake his presence. it was like he was a part of your subconscious, a part of you that you never wanted to acknowledge.
you knew that you had to find a way to cope with his presence or it was going to drive you crazy. you had to find a way to remove him from your thoughts. you had to find a way to make him go away. you could swear he knew how infatuated you were with him, how you’d drift off in meetings with thoughts of him racing through your mind. you wanted to wipe that god awful smirk off his face, and the way he looked at you like a starving wolf. that look terrified you, but you’d be lying if you said it didn’t make your stomach flip. fucking Christ.
he was 40 years old. the thick grey streaks that run through his tousled hair becoming prominent. he carried himself with authority, his body language conveying strength and confidence. his eyes were sharp and focused, his expression serious and determined. you shook him out of your thoughts, standing in the empty elevator, holding a binder you were supposed to speak about at an avengers meeting. something important about presenting to the government. it was an important event, not the type of meeting you’d show up to in your training gear. your eyes met his shiny leather dress shoes. shit.
“stark.” he confidently spoke in his baritone voice nodding at you, his scarred hand extending to hold the elevator open before he stepped in silently, standing tantilizingly close to you. closer than any other coworker would.
“oh. good morning, stephen.” you spoke back softly, anxiously tapping your foot. it wasn’t the meeting you were anticipating. you were met with silence as he pushed the button to go to the floor of the meeting you were both attending. the elevator slowly went up. 
“you seem nervous, stark.” he looked straight ahead, not making eye contact with you. 
“just not a public speaker, that's all.” you managed to squeak out. you could tell he was smirking, that sick bastard knew what he was doing. you couldnt. you were only 26, and here you stood head over heels for some magical doctor who’s ego towers over him. suddenly the sound of clanging pipes could be heard followed by a deafening screeching. the elevator came to a halt, but the doors stayed closed. stephen scoffed and hit the ‘open door’ button. nothing. he chuckled under his breath. 
“we can miss this meeting. oh please no.” you started pressing the button as you panicked.
“oh come on darling, it’s not as if this is the worst situation in the world, is it?” he stood facing you. darling. get fucked. 
“i don’t know what game you’re playing, strange. now could you just portal us out of here?” you checked your watch. “we’re 7 minutes late.”
“i don’t have my sling ring on me, not exactly something you bring to an all-important government meeting, now is it?” you sighed, that sarcastic attitude would be the death of you. 
“why don’t we just sit tight, mm? nobody is going to come save you, they’re all busily writing notes on something some superfical united nations member has to say.” he stared into your eyes, clearly unbothered. you nodded, what else could you do? you were stuck. slowly backing against the metal back panel of the elevator, you slowly slid down in defeat, sitting on the cold metal with your legs stretched out. he did the same. 
“wouldn’t want to dirty that suit.” you mumbled, annoyed that you were here, stuck with the last person you’d want to be in a confined space with. 
“wouldn’t want to dirty that pretty little dress. oh. that’s right, daddy will just buy you a new one, won't he?” te bit back. being tony’s daughter had its perks, but many people mistook you for a spoiled brat. 
“what, you tight on money or something, strange? need me to spot you? buy you lunch?” you scoffed. he laughed, loosening his tie and sighing from relief. you crossed your legs in response, he's almost your fathers age, why are you pressing your thighs together? jesus - you thought to yourself. 
she looked over at him, his collar was turned up on one side after he loosened his tie. you leaned over the cold metal floors and reached him. 
“oh here. let me fix this for you.” you whispered, stumbling as you ended up straddling him as you fixed his collar, his hot breath fanning your face as you were inches away from eachother. 
“hi darling..” he whispered seductively. you were burning red, your mouth slightly parted as you sat there flushed and frozen. 
“dont get all shy on me now, hm?” he laughed, his scarred fingers reaching to trace the side of your jaw. 
“stephen.. we can’t. it would be wrong. this is sinful” you whispered against his lips. 
“then why does it feel so right? i see the way you look at me. the way your breath hitches in your throat when i walk in front of you. the way you stumble over your words when you speak to me. tell me this is wrong one more time, and I’ll leave. we'll stop.” he stated, looking at your lips and then gazing back into your eyes. you kept your eyes on him and your heart raced. you knew that what you were doing was wrong, but you couldn't help it.
you wanted to stay. he was hypnotizing, it was cruel. you launched closer into his embrace, kissing him passionately as if he was the last man you’d ever kiss. he groaned softly into your mouth in shock but quickly moved one hand up the side of your hips and the other was holding the side of your cheek. you felt a warmth spread through your body as his lips moved against yours, and you felt yourself getting lost in the moment. you pulled away reluctantly, your heart still pounding as your eyes met his. 
he lingered there for a moment, and then his lips curved into a knowing smile as he slowly pulled away. he was aware of your attraction and you were both enjoying it. he rested both of his hands on your lower back, holding your hips as you were sitting in the same position. he slowly moved you forward, rocking you, the friction was you were grinding on him creating warmth and longing to be touched. you were inexperienced, shy. no man had ever made you feel like this and you couldnt help but softly moan into his ear and he moved you. he did all the work, picking up the pace and praising you. 
“that feels good, huh baby? oh fuck. keep making those pretty noises for me. anyone ever made you feel like this?” he groaned, watching you sinfully as you rocked your lips back and forth against his lap. you closed you eyes in embarrassment. the answer was no. you shook your head gently, rocking against him, mewling.
"atta girl" he groaned in your ear.
“oh stephen..shit.” you moaned, louder than before. he grabbed your waist, stopping you. 
“keep moving, and i won't be able to stop. at least let me be a gentlemen” he scooped you up and slid his sling ring out of his coat pocket. 
“you dirty liar!” you scoffed in his arms as he opened a portal.
“oh come on sweetheart, you know i always have it on me.” he chuckled, walking through the portal. you were in his bedroom. the dark oak panelled walls of the sanctum were glossy and rich. the 4 post bed was the star of the room, overshadowing everything else. he laid you down on the bed. part of you expected him to be sweet and gentle with you, caring almost. tt was almost as if he could read your mind. 
“i’m bad for you baby. i want to be selfish with you, i’ve wanted this for so long.” he said as he threw his suit jacket to the floor and the clinging of his unbuckling belt made you whine.
"be a good girl for me, yeah baby?" you were about to lie on your stomach so he could unzip your dress, but without hesitation he knelt straddling you. He placed his scarred hands on the neckline of your dress and ripped it down the middle as if it was paper.
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blancetude · 1 year
One Mora. Two Mora. (2)
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Childe x Zhongli x Fem!Reader
➢ 18+ ᴏɴʟʏ ᴍɪɴᴏʀꜱ ᴅɴɪ
➢𝔰𝔶𝔫𝔬𝔭𝔰𝔦𝔰: Childe lets his best friend have a taste.
➢𝔤𝔢𝔫𝔯𝔢: smut
➢𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰: consensual non-con, dub-con, public sex, fingering, degrading, double pen
➢𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔡 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱: 1.7k
Part 01
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- -ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- -ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
You barely had any time to recover before you were being swept up in a pair of strong arms and plopped down onto a firm lap, your legs being spread open by thick thighs and gloved hands digging into your flesh.
The room was spinning so you nuzzled into the crook of the neck before you, taking in the scent of crisp ocean water you’d come to adore.
Childe chuckled at how your cute actions rivaled your lewd display in front of his trusted friend.
“Don’t give up now baby, you still need to take care of Mr. Zhongli don’t you?” He cooed into your ear, his soft voice making your cunt clench desperately as his warm release was slowly seeping down your thigh making Zhongli’s jaw clench at the sight.
Childe moved his gloved hand from your thigh to your aching entrance, dipping two fingers in to spread you apart in a vulgar display.
The red-head smirked against the crown of your head as Zhongli’s eyes glowed golden as he watched your body twitch and squirm beneath him.
“Go on,” Childe said mischievously as he kissed the top of your head lovingly, “you don’t want to keep our princess waiting do you? Look at how ready she is, isn’t that right angel?”
You desperately nodded and clutched at Childe’s jacket, your hips rolling back to meet this fingers’ pace.
“Use your words.” He ordered, his tone firm.
With weak arms you placed your open palms against his chest and lifted yourself up, turning your neck enough to see the other large man towering over you, his golden eyes moved their fixed stare to your own teary ones.
“Please Mister.” You whined, arching your back to present yourself so beautifully, “I’ll be good for you, I promise.”
Any resolve Zhongli held onto was now out the window as he cursed under his breath and began to shed his restrictive clothing off much to the delight of your needy eyes.
The little show didn’t last long however as Childe lifted his other gloved hand to grip your chin and turn your face back his way bringing his lips to yours hungrily, his larger tongue played against yours as he explored you carefully, groaning softly as he never grew tired of your sweet taste.
A large warm hand broke you from your trance, Zhongli’s slim fingers gingerly cupped your bottom giving it an appreciative squeeze before pushing down against the middle of your back so you could arch for him.
You looked back only to gasp at the sight of his arms. His exposed torso was littered in scars of all kinds much like Childe’s, but what really caught your eye was the pitch black skin with gold designs running up his muscular arms.
Tattoos? No– where they glowing?
“Surely you’ve caught on by now haven’t you angel?” Childe chuckled as he brought up his gloved hand to his lips and bit the leather material, slowly shedding them off.
The gears in your head tried to turn as fast as they could but all thoughts dried up when the raven haired man began to pull his pants down, his thick cock slapping his defined tummy as he kicked the rest of his clothes away and made his way back to you.
If you thought Childe was huge you were positive Mr. Zhongli would absolutely tear you apart.
“I-I can’t!” You said in a moment of panic, trying to squirm your way out of a Childe’s hold only for said man to wrap his arms around your torso in an iron clad grip. He’d moved your face back into the crook of his neck as he began to stroke your hair tenderly.
“None of that now princess. You promised you’d be a good girl right? Unless you want me to bring in some Agents and let them watch as I punish this cute little hole. Maybe let them have a taste?”
You immediately shook your head in apology, the disappointment laced in Childe’s voice was enough to make your heart sink. You wanted to make him proud of you, even if you were a bit scared but you had to be his good girl.
“I’ll be gentle.” Zhongli leaned down to coo into your ear as you felt the thick head of his cock nudge between your lips, collecting the mix of your and Childe’s release before bullying himself into your sopping heat.
There was slight resistance as he stretched you out just a bit more but you muffled any noises of discomfort as your teeth sank into the juncture of Childe’s neck, making the red head groan at the delicious sting.
Zhongli gripped your trembling thighs, trying to stay grounded as he felt himself slowly lose himself in your heat, and he hasn’t even moved yet.
“Fuck–“ the ex-Archon cursed under his breathe making you shiver, never having heard anything remotely improper from the man before.
Zhongli held still for a moment for you to catch your breathe before he slowly pulled out, the pull of your walls desperate to keep him in enough to throw all rational out the window and slam his hips back into your ass, pushing you up higher Childe’s chest as your fingers held onto his jacket for dear life.
The room filled with sounds of skin on skin, your muffled cries, and a few deep grunts that slipped from Zhongli’s lips that only made more slick drool from your cunt down Zhongli’s hard shaft.
In any other situation you’d be mortified to be seen in such a state by anyone other than Childe but the way the other man’s fingers ran down your body to rub hard circles against your bundle of nerves had you panting out incoherently.
“Don’t hide those pretty sounds from us baby, let Mr. Zhongli know how good he’s making you feel.” Childe chuckled as he took a handful of your hair and tugged your head back, revealing your fucked out expression.
“Look at you, absolutely fucking beautiful.” Childe praised before a second hand tilted your chin up and a pair of soft lips muffled your moans.
You felt your eyes roll back in ecstasy as Childe took advantage of your position to lean down and take your left nipple into his mouth, rolling the hardened nub between his teeth before giving it a hard suck.
“She was made for this wasn’t she? Her greedy hole keeps sucking me in, you gonna milk me dry honey?” Zhongli said almost mockingly into your ear. The deep rumble of his voice forced your toes to curl as you babbled a broken sentence that made the men chuckle.
Childe released your nub with a wet pop before sliding his hands down past Zhongli’s until he was able to trace where you and the ex-Archon were connected.
Your head snapped down, eyes wild and pupils blown out with lust as Childe’s middle finger prodded at your already stuffed hole. “Such a cock-hungry little thing deserves to be spoiled doesn’t she? Think you can continue being my good girl?”
Your heart beating picked up, the muscle beating loudly in your ears as you processed what he had meant. They really were going to tear you into two pieces.
You nodded before your rational and fear could catch up to you making Childe beam with delight. He reached down and slipped his already hardened length from his pants to position towards your hole.
Zhongli slowed his pace until he came to a full stop, looking down and spreading your cheeks before spitting right where you connected forcing a terrible feeling of shame and lust combined.
“She can take it. She’s begging for it.”
Childe would have prepped you better, he honestly would, but the need to feel your wet heat around him was greater than anything else so he didn’t think twice when he bullied his thick length into you, shushing your pained wail with a gentle kiss.
Your body trembled as pain shot up your spine and clouded your eyes with white stars. It felt like minutes, hours, centuries until you were able to focus on Childe’s ocean blue eyes through your own teary ones.
“Shh, it’s okay pretty girl. You can take it, I know you can.” Childe peppered kisses along your cheeks and jaw while Zhongli gently stroked your back until you felt the familiar feeling of the knot in your stomach pull at the stretch.
You muttered something softly, making the men turn their attention down to you. “What was that princess? We can’t hear you.”
You hesitated for a moment before speaking up. “Please move, I can’t take it anymore.”
Something feral exploded within the two men at your words as they suddenly moved into action, their large hands holding whatever part of you they could before pounding into you.
Your body and mind failed to work any further as you lay limp between the two bodies and let them use you for their own greedy pleasure.
“Just one more, come on, give us just one more.” Childe groaned as he played with your clit, forcing the coil in your tummy to tighten, tighten, tighten, until suddenly the pressure was too much and your release washed over you like a cold wave.
You didn’t even know if you cried out or not as a deafening white noise clouded your mind.
Childe was the first to release followed quickly by Zhongli who leaned down and bite into your shoulder much to the annoyance of Childe who was too blissed out to be too upset about it.
Your body looked more like a rag doll than a person as the men gently pulled out of you and laid you next to Childe with your back against the hard couch.
The red head lifted your legs apart and groaned at the sight of globs of cum being pushed out of your cunt as it clenched pitifully around nothing.
“Did I do good?” You managed to mumble through your dry throat. You looked over at Zhongli who was busy getting re-dressed as if nothing had happened before turning to you with a soft smile.
His tall figure leaned down and gave you a sweet kiss to your forehead, one re-gloved hand brushing your sweaty bangs from your eyes. “You were perfect.”
Childe was quickly to push in between you two and place his jacket over your nude form. “Rest now princess, you deserve it.”
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aliveinacoffin · 1 year
Hello. Can i please request a part 2 of Hating You As Well? It was so good! 😩 Can part 2 be Aizawa’s and readers relationship developing and getting better throughout the year or something? Maybe throw in some aizawa getting a little jealous over reader’s relationship/friendship with another hero (maybe midnight or snipe)? Thank you so much! Feel free to ignore if you don’t want to write a part 2! xx
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AAAHH I LOVE YOU GUYS FR 😭😭😭 and but of course, i live and breath to serve yall munchkins.
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Hating You As Well
(And Loving You Just As Much)
Part One, Part Two (you're here dummy), Part Three
Aizawa still isn't honest with his feelings, but you weren't exactly one to jump ship and demand a relationship. So now, in this grey area, you two are forced to co-exist, while other feelings grow and fester.
Fem!Reader, She/Her pronouns
TW!: Slight descriptions of violence, nothing too crazy, suggestive language
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You two didn't speak about what happened on the couch afterward. You not wanting to bring it up and him just avoiding you. You got most of your papers graded, and when Aizawa finished with his portion, he rushed out of the living room. Your heart dropped to your stomach, watching him leave without a word. Sighing, you went back to your papers, trying to just get them done.
The next morning was silent, the night before Aizawa hadn't come out of his room at all, and you watched his door, trying to listen to what he was doing. The next morning, you hadn't slept in, getting up early to go on a run. You knew Aizawa wouldn't be awake at this hour, but he probably would soon. So you started a large pot of coffee and grabbed a sports drink and made your way out.
The wait in the elevator was tedious, but you took the time to adjust yourself. Thinking about your life, thinking about him. Did you really like Aizawa? Maybe (yes), but did he like you? Maybe? I mean, there would be no other reason for him to also lean into a kiss, the feeling of his strong and large hand haunted you, fingers reaching around your shoulder blades. Dammit Hizashi, you spitefully thought to yourself.
But what would've come from it? Would there have been an awkward moment of 'where do we go from here?' or would there be an admission of feelings, but what feelings? Would there have been an unspoken moment of understanding?
You shook your head, willing away unnecessary thoughts. The elevator doors dinged open, and you happily trotted out, all you needed was an early morning run to clear your head, and everything would be fine.
Okay everything was not fine.
When you came back, very sweaty and gross from your jog, you should work out more damn, Aizawa was already up. The slut* was walking around with absolutely no shirt on, and only the tightest goddamn pair of black boxers ever. His defined and scarred body on full display, lean but built body, languidly lounging around in the light morning sun. His dark and long hair was up in a messy bun, with a few strands of hair falling out. The scar beneath his eye was on full display, only adding to that rugged and overtly masculine look.
Cheap shot you bitch.
He was sipping coffee while leaning on one of the kitchen counters. Oddly on the one that faced the front door. He watched you pant in, immediately going to the cupboards to fill yourself a glass of water. You felt his eyes watching you, felt them watch and analyze every curve and scar, every dip and bump, every beauty and imperfection. You downed your cup, not acknowledging him in the slightest, lest you show the effect he had on you. Neither of you said a word to the other, not even a head nod to show that you had seen the other. Just ignoring him for the time being, with no complaints on the other end.
At the staff meeting later that day, you happily sat by Hizashi, joining in his excited chatter.
"I know this sounds cheesy, but I can't wait to see the students come back again! I've missed them." Hizashi swooned, a sad puppy dog look on his face.
You laughed and opened your mouth to join into his lighthearted admission before another voice cut you off.
"I don't, the little bastards have already gotten in enough trouble. I can't imagine what it'll be like when they move in." Aizawa grumbled out, looking in front of him with a disgruntled look.
You and Hizashi froze, just staring at him for a moment. He usually sat on the other side of you 'loudmouths,' usually too tired to deal with the shenanigans that you, said blonde, and Nemuri got up into. (Usually just passing notes between all three of you with the smashabiltiy of your coworkers and other heroes (also dicks, but not from the person you'd think)) So it was shocking to see him willingly sitting next to you three while earning a death glare from Anan, whose spot he'd stolen.
"Don't act like you don't love them you Tsundere. You'd probably eat your arm if it meant they were happy." You teased, sighing while you poked at him.
He deadpanned you for using such an outdated term but just grumbled while hiding his face in his scarf. Hizashi elbowed you, wiggling his eyebrows at you while smirking. You were confused for a second before you realized what he was implying, hitting his arm to make him stop. He yelped, angrily muttering curses at you while he looked down. Principle Nedzu loudly cleared his throat, standing up straight while looking at all of you. He clapped his soft hands, signing the beginning of the meeting.
Well that meeting was a waste of your time. All the meeting was about how we should pay a little more attention to the students now that we're all in dorms. Those who work at night, namely Hizashi, Aizawa, Nemuri, etc., were asked to make sure they don't sneak out and do room checks randomly. Heroes who work in the day, you, Anan, Ken, and others were asked to make sure students acted right during the day, and stayed inside school property. Simple enough but...
"That could've just been an email." Nemuri sighed, peeling off her mask and putting her hair up. Ken was doing the opposite, putting down his cement-like hair and flattening it against his head.
"Agreed. I understand communication is important, especially during such difficult times but..." He sighed, rubbing his flat face.
"It's super annoying. We should all get coffee cups that say 'this meeting could've been an email' on them and just use them every time we have one." You sighed, adjusting yourself to make yourself more comfortable as well.
"Well, now that that's over, and we don't really have anything else to do...wanna go out for drinks?" Hizashi perked up, green sunglasses perched on his head, hair still gelled up.
"It's one o'clock in the afternoon." Aizawa scowled, looking disapprovingly at the man.
"I think he just wants to hang out rather than drink." You slung your arm over Aizawa. He scowled at you but didn't move your arm.
"No, I'm totally gonna drink." Hizashi said while walking backwards, already calling a cab.
"Oh yeah me too." Nemuri agreed, nodding her head.
"I don't know why I came." Aizawa was acting pissy, laying down his head on his crossed arms, glaring at the loudmouths around him.
"Because you loveee us, admit it!" You sang, stirring the drink in your hands. You weren't drunk per say but you were definitely looser and happier now. "Cmon, won't you drink a little?" You looked down at him, smirk on your face.
He scoffed and looked away, sitting up straight. "Someone needs to get you home, and we share a living space, so I'm forced to babysit."
"Dawww, it's okay to show your emotions." You tugged on his uniform sleeve, putting yourself in his personal space.
"Hey!" Hizashi called out to you, definition more drunk than you were. "Let's do karaoke!" He motioned you over, pointing to Anan, who was already singing. You happily jumped up, waiting behind Sekijiro to sing.
When it was your turn, your singing was horrid. It was off-key and loud. Most of your friends just laughed and egged you on, spurring you to sing louder and worse. Still, even in your fuzzy mind you recognize on pair of dark eyes just staring at you. Not in a negative way, no, there was something in his face and eyes that made you quiet down some. Just so he knew you were singing for him.
You don't know how you got home, but you did. Looking at the time, it was seven PM at night. You groaned, rubbing your head while your other hand limply hung off the couch. An oversized jacket was forced on you, baggy, and so so warm.
"Drink this." You looked up to the dark presence above, squinting at the harsh contrast of the shadow to the bright apartment. You got up and groggy drank the water.
"Thanks." You sighed, looking up at Aizawa.
"Sure. Just try to be more responsible next time. You have an image to uphold." He snatched back the cup when you finished, which you realized had prints of black cats on it.
"Mehmehmehmeh." You made a face, mocking him in a high-pitched voice while making a puppet with your hand. The man you were making fun glared at you from the kitchen, activating his quirk while washing your dish.
"I'm being serious. Anyone could've walked in and seen a UA teacher acting a fool at a bar." He growled, now in the drying process.
"Ahh, it was one drink! And plus, none of our dear students are gonna walk into a bar." You got up stretching, scratching your leg while walking past him.
"It was more than one drink!" He called out to you.
"One, ten does it matter?" You replied, entering your bedroom and shutting your door behind you, ending the conversation.
The next morning, you found yourself with a jacket you'd never had before. It was baggy, many sizes too large for you, and something right out of a goth magazine. You don't know where you got it from, but it was warm and comfortable, plus it smelt nice, so you added it to your closet.
The students finally arrived and settled in the dorms, now UA dorm life was in full swing. It was peaceful to see such vibrant characters and youth constantly surround you, it filled you with a new vigor. That was, until now.
Loud crashing woke you up in the dead of night, and you immediately jumped up into action. You didn't yell or scream. Instead, you grabbed a flashlight and a small knife. You slowly opened your bedroom door, crouching out and keeping close to the wall. There was a large imposing figure standing in the middle of the hall, leaning against the wall while fussing with their boot.
Taking the chance, you kicked off the wall and laughed yourself forward. Landing on the interlopers back, you wrapped your arm around their neck, using your free hand to press the switch blade on their face. Your legs immediately wrapped around their muscled frame, trapping yourself onto them.
"What the fuck are you doing in my home." You growled in their ear, putting pressure on the knife to start to dig into their cheek.
"Getting my dumbass kids." Aizawa growled out, hands trying to rip you off of him.
You froze for a second, eyes going wide and mouth going slack.
"Huh!?" You yelled out, toppling off of your roommate. Knife clattering somewhere into the kitchen.
Aizawa turned to you, pissed off and resuming his fussing with his shoes. He tilted his head in your direction but not looking at you. You sat on the ground, still processing everything.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. Did I get you anywhere?" You finally came to your senses, scrambling up to check him. Grabbing his chin, you tilted his head back and forth, inspecting.
"I'm fine. I've got to go." He ripped his head back, leaning away from your touch. He finally got his boots of fully, walking into the kitchen and to the front door.
"No you're not, I cut you." You ran into the kitchen, pulling out the first aid kit from under the sink.
"It's fine." He was already at the door, but you ran to him and grabbed the back of his shirt.
"No, it's not, I could've really hurt you." You had grabbed an antiseptic wipe and a bandaid to clean up the cut you made on him. It was small, a nonconsequential wound. But you still took delicate care to cleaning it and covering it up. He didn't get the chance to see what kind of bandaid you put on him, but he felt that it was small.
"As if." He mumbled, eyes fluttering closed as he accepted your gentle touch. There was no bite in his tone, like he was just saying it to say it, to keep up an image. You pulled back, and gave him a once-over.
Aizawa opened his eyes again, and turned to the door to hide his face from you.
"Now you can get your dumbass kids, asshole." You smiled softly, and even if he couldn't see your face, he registered the softness in your tone. The fondness.
When Aizawa got done with yelling at his two problems children, he turned and stomped away, leaving them to be angry at him.
Midoriya remembered something for a moment and hesitantly turned to his rival/best friend.
"Hey Kacchan, was there a Hello Kitty bandaid on his face?" Midoriya seemed a little dumbfounded. It couldn't be true, Aizawa with a bandaid on his face, let alone a Hello Kitty one?
"Hah? The fuck are you talking about?" Bakugo was still clearly pissed, but he was more taken aback than angry.
"That little pink sticker on him, I could swear I saw Hello Kitty on it." Midoriya responded, adamant that he did see it.
Bakugo was silent for a moment, and the freckled boy thought he was ignoring him. So he just sighed and returned inside.
Bakugo smirked a little, now fully remembering. Yeah, he was.
The next morning you decided to ask what happened.
"My two biggest problems decided to sneak out and fight. It hasn't even been a week, and they're already trying to kill each other." Aizawa angrily muttered into his cup of coffee.
You stared at him for a second, pursing your lips. "Did you expel them?" You tilted your head, eyeing him warily.
"I wish." He chuckled, drinking his coffee.
"Ah, so they're your favorites." You smiled, wiping your hands and heading to serve yourself a plate of food. You heard the stern teacher sputtering behind you, coughing as a result of his reaction.
"I have no favorites, and those two would never be them." He responded, setting down his cup heavily.
"But you didn't expel them. You just gave them house arrest and chores. Your favorites." You shrugged, turning around to smirk at him.
"Well, it..." Aizawa shook his head, face pulling into one of anger as he looked for an excuse. He gave up, flopping his hands down to look at you. "They'll learn. They just need more discipline. It's hardly a call for expulsion."
"Let's see," You set down your toast to count examples. "Sneaking out after curfew barely a few days into moving into dorms, destructive of school property, assault on another student, three students snuck out without permission to save another classmate, Midoriya being the ringleader, anddd..." You screwed up your face, and you tried to remember more. You snapped your fingers and pointed at the scowling Aizawa. "Oh! First day, you should've expelled Midoriya and transferred him to another class, but you didn't." You leaned on the counter and tilted your head. "Instead, you let him stay in the hero course because you believed in him. Plus, that whole unwritten speech about Bakugo when he was kidnapped? There was nothing in our notes that said anything of what you said. But you said it anyway, from your heart."
Aizawa had a carefully neutral face, just staring at you while you grilled him.
"So my only crime is believing in my students." His voice was monotone, any semblance of emotion wiped from his face. If it were anyone else, you would've thought they were pissed at you or angry. But you knew better, you recognized that face from last night. The 'I'm pissed because I expected better from you' face.
"No," You grabbed your plate and walked past Aizawa to lounge in the living room, patting his shoulder as you walked. "Your only crime is having a huge heart, but the inability to even show you even have one."
There was no real reason for you to be here, you thought to yourself. You barely helped out when the kids picked out their ultimate moves, and you were definitely not one of the teachers who regularly trained with the kids, but you still found yourself being dragged to go to the hero licensing exams.
You adjusted your hero costume, pulling down and pulling up the outfit where need be.
"Why am I coming again?" You asked Aizawa, turning to him to see he was already staring at you.
He shrugged, "Principal Nedzu just said you were to come." He looked away, fiddling with his phone while he waited for you to get ready.
"Well, sure, I got that, but he didn't email me, and I don't exactly see why-" You were still pulling yourself together, grabbing an over-the-shoulder bag and checking whether or not you had your keys, your wallet, and extra makeup and other stuff you might need.
"Are you ready yet? At this rate, we'll hold up the whole class and make them late." He interrupted you, crossing his arms impatiently.
You deadpanned him and adjusted the strap. "Yes, I'm ready. Dick." You stuck your tongue out at him while he held the door open for you, trying to push you out.
"You need to watch your mouth more. Who knows who's listening." He scolded, pressing the elevator button. The elevator dinged open, and you two stepped inside. Aizawa went to press the floor button, but you beat him to it. He gave you a look.
You smiled. "I like pressing the buttons."
"What are you, a child?" He scoffed.
"Then you'd be a predator." You shot back without thinking. Both of you realized what you meant by that, but before you could spit out on explanation, the door opened again.
Hizashi strolled in, whistling a tune. "Hey guys!" He cheered, ignoring the tension behind him. "What's up?" He turned around, looking at your blushing face and Aizawa's blatant ignoring of you.
"Nothing, what are you up to?" You chuckled, rubbing your head.
"Gonna go out and be a radio host and communications guy." He smiled, but you heard the strain in his voice.
Your bashful attitude dropped, and you held out a hand. "Hey, don't spread yourself super thin." You advised, voice full of worry.
The elevator dinged to all of your last stops, and Hizashi strolled out before the two of you, walking backward to face you.
"Don't worry about me! I'll be fine." He waved you off, turning around to walk normally with his hands in his pockets.
"I worry about him sometimes." You admitted, stuck in place. Aizawa walked out before you, holding the elevator so it didn't close on you.
"He's fine, trust me. Hizashi doesn't think about much other than music and having fun." He shrugged, looking off.
"That's because he thinks through you. He speaks Aizawa and thinks Aizawa." You stepped out, walking out the bottom common room to the main grounds of UA.
Aizawa shrugged, not saying anything as he followed you. You looked out to all the excited students, the air buzzing with conversation.
Aizawa got his classes' attention, speaking to all his students.
"Now listen up. This is the most important test of your life, and only fifty percent of the whole student body will pass." That made the class tense up and freeze, dramatic whispers grew between them. "Even though some of you are in trouble." He made direct, unashamed eye contact with both Midoriya and Bakugo, "You will all take the test. Now let's go before we're late." He led the class in the bus, you two being the last ones in.
"They're your favorite." You sang, tapping your knees. You two were sitting in separate seats, but you two were as close to the edge as possible.
"Keep your voice down." He snapped but didn't deny it.
Ms. Joke was awesome.
She shamelessly flirted with Aizawa, if not being a bit pushy with it, and teased him.
You knew of her, you had some run-ins with her when you first debuted. She was a light-hearted, strong woman who had a good sense of humor, she often used to make you double over in full-out belly laughter. But there was something different this time, she was funny, that didn't change, but you weren't laughing so hard you cried now.
"Eraser," Ms. Joke was barely holding back laughter now, "Your fly is down."
You and Aizawa sat next to each other while Ms. Joke was two seats away from you two. That... wasn't all that funny....huh. Maybe Aizawa's bitterness rubbed off of me? Aizawa just sat there like he hated the world, but especially her right now.
"I can't believe you have a full class! Usually, you would've expelled someone by now. You must actually like your class." She turned to him, and you leaned over.
"Right! I think he has a secret soft spot for all of them, but especially-" You exclaimed, excited that some outside of UA had noticed this.
Aizawa cut you off by putting his hand in front of your face, now angry at the world, Ms. Joke, and you.
She laughed, and you giggled. "You're so predictable! Date me." Ms. Joke immediately turned to him.
"Shut up." He scowled, and she just laughed in response.
You sat back up now, looking at him teasingly. "If I have a say-"
"You don't."
"I think you two would make a great couple!" You grabbed Aizawa's shoulders and leaned him to the loud woman, and she just laughed in response. Strangely, you could see her breath from this angle, but you could also see Aizawa's hair float up for a mere second before it dropped again. An action so small and unnoticeable that if you hadn't been so close, you wouldn't have seen it.
You let go, and she leaned to you two, a slightly angry look on her face.
"But c'mon, you both know what's going to happen in just a few seconds." Her eyebrows were slightly furrowed, a strained smile.
You looked at the dark man beside you, really he sticks out pretty bad here, and gave him a confused and slightly scared look.
You heard her say something earlier, but you had no idea what it meant, let alone now.
"And yet, you didn't say a thing to your class. Every year the test is always different." She rested her chin on her fist, looking determined out on the field. Aizawa was blankly doing the same, but there was a different look in his eye, one you recognized. One of a teacher who knows what his students can do.
You were shifting on your seat, watching class 1-A break up into factions, trying to understand what the other woman was saying.
"It's a tradition during the exam, most if not almost all of the students have equal footing. Except for one." She dropped her hand, sitting up straight. You were watching her, a feeling of foreboding coming over you as she delved more and more into her dramatic rant.
"UA has a serious disadvantage. Showing off the country's top schools sports program to the whole country, which showed off not just your students' quirks, but their weaknesses and their fighting styles too." Your eyes widened, and you turned back to the field. Watching the majority of the class you grew to care about deeply, be unknowingly followed. "It's a little funny, isn't it?"
That made your heart race, surprise written all over your face. Aizawa ignored her, eyebrows deepening.
"If you actually liked your class this year, you should've warned them about this. It happens every time your school takes the exam, UA is immediately crushed." She said, and to prove her right, a crowd of students all aimed for one group. Yours.
You looked at Aizawa, wondering why he kept quiet about all this. He glanced at you briefly before nodding his head back to the field with the tiniest of motions. That feeling of dread was replaced with pride as you watched Midoriya effortlessly kick away a storm of balls with one kick. From this angle, Ms. Joke assumed you turned away from Aizawa, feeling a little awkward that she had now seemingly made you upset. What she didn't see was your proud smile, your smirk of arrogance. Yeah, they'll be fine.
"I don't really see a reason why I should've warned them. Nothing would've changed if I did, either way, they would've had to deal with it." You and Aizawa watched as your students effortlessly dodged and moved, using their quirks to the best of their abilities to take back the advantage that was stripped away from them. It was taking everything in you not to just cheer out for them, not to scream, hell yeah!
"Real heroes turn around any situation. Besides, when they become pros in the spotlight, they'll have to face villains who already know their quirks." His voice was stern and sharp, with no room for argument. "Perhaps at UA, we look further ahead than other schools." Even though he still had that monotone voice, Aizawa had a passion for his students, one that he barely contained.
A dark shadow fell over the laughing woman's face, now at an angle where she could see the both of you. She watched with bated breath as you watched Aizawa. Smiling while she huffed out a nose laugh. She recognized that look, looking down at her ring finger, she fiddled with the gold ring. There were rings decorating all her other fingers, but the one on that ring was the first and most important one. She's made that face hundreds of times at her own wife, and only a fool would mistake it for anything else.
“‘UA looks further ahead than other schools’, huh? That’s pretty condescending of you to say Eraser.” Ms. Joke piped up, the two had been going back and forth, but you decided to ignore their banter in favor of anxiously watching the students, afraid. “There are as many kids who want to be heroes as there are stars in the sky. The strength of that will has nothing to do with being famous.” Ms. Jokes face had gone back to being serious, and it made you a little unsettled. The woman, in even the short amount of time you’d known her, had taken everything with a grain of salt. Never the one to take offense to someone's words or actions. But here she was scolding Aizawa. They really were the same. They hide the same deep love and care for their students, and the moment someone says something slightly mean, they pop off.
“If you act like you’re the stars of the show and look down on everyone else, then you’re only showing off your true weakness.”
While her words were true, they seemed a little misplaced. Aizawa constantly humbled the students to remind them that no matter how far they got, they would always have room to grow and improve. Not just in their physical strength, but their mental capabilities as well. Maybe it was about the students themselves? Bakugo and Monoma were the students that popped up in your mind immediately.
“You’re right, we will take your advice and make sure our stars don’t think they’re the only ones who shine.” You nodded, sliding your eyes over to her. She nodded, a small smile on her face. Aizawa looked over at you in a questioning manner. 
“Our students are great and all, but sometimes they need to be reminded that they’re not the main character, even if they act like it.” You smiled slightly, easily finding Bakugos yelling from in the arena.
Finally, after what seemed like forever, the test ended. Rubbing sleep from your eyes you walked by Aizawa while he went through the paper work he now needed to fill out. 
“You know, I’m starting to see why you’re so tired all the time.” You laughed, tapping the stack of appears in his hands.
He gave an airy laugh, “Sometimes I think they do it on purpose.”
“Well, I can do some it for you. I don’t spend as much time with the kiddos like you do, but I’m sure I could get the hang of it.” You offered, slightly pouting your lips. 
“You’d probably mess it up, or mark them in that atrocious pen you have.” He shook his head, tilting the papers away from you.
“Huh?! Why do you have such little faith in me!? I’m trying to be nice, you-” Kaminari was with his usual group of friends, but he was side-eying the two of you, snickering while watching your interaction. “Jerk.” 
“Good save.”
“Shaddup.” You punched his arm, snatching some of the papers away from him. “I can do this, no sweat, and I promise to use a normal pen.” 
He glared at you, before sighing and shaking his head. “Fine.”
Ms. Joke trotted up to you two and offered to do joint training. Aizawa accepted the offer and walked away, loading all the students onto the bus. 
She turned to where you were still standing, trying to organize and smooth out the stolen reports. “My real name is Emi Fukukado, by the way.” She held out a business card in her gloved hand.
You took it appreciatively. 
“Thanks!” You introduced yourself in turn, shaking her hand.
“Hey, between us two, you and Eraser would make a pretty cute couple.” Fukukado said nonchalantly, smiling easily.
“Hah?!” You exclaimed, freezing on the spot. Your face grew hot, and you tightened your grip on the jokesters hand.
Fukukado pulled away, smile never going away. “I recognize that look in your eyes when you look at him, and Aizawa doesn’t put up with just anyone you know.” She laughed slightly, putting her hands on her hips. “Trust me, my wife looks at me like that all the time, and we’ve been married about ten years now!” 
“Hahhhh?! You’re married?!” 
“You didn’t know? She always wears her wedding ring.” Aizawa sat down heavily beside you on the couch, grunting while he leaned forward. 
“She wears like, ten. How would I know?” You shrugged, pulling down the black pen behind your ear, unglittered unfortunately, to continue your journey of legal HPSC papers. 
“Didn’t you know her when you were younger?” He raised an eyebrow to you, his dark hair out of his face and into a bun.
“Yeah, but we weren’t friends. It was more like, you’re a young woman in the same male-dominated field as me, if anything goes down we’ll have each other's backs. Not friends friends. I literally just learned what her name is.” You turned your attention to the work, already halfway through your stack, while Aizawa was just starting his.
“Women are weird.” He shook his head and rolled his eyes.
“Oh yeah? You’ve known Hizashi since high school and you still deny you two are literally best friends.” You rolled your eyes, remembering how vehemently Aizawa denied the two literally aren’t two peas in a pod.
“Because we’re not. We’re good friends.” You groaned and flicked a pen cap at him. He growled at you, but otherwise turned back to his work.
“Anyyyways, I still feel kinda bad that Todorki and Bakugo failed. That test was really important, and they’re the only two in 1-A who failed.” You sighed, eyes running over Bakugo’s paper.
“That’s their own fault, if they had seen above their own hubris, they would’ve acted better and passed. They will learn to do better at the retake.” The dark-haired man shook his head, sighing.
“True, it was their own pride that was their downfall.”
“Make sure to mark the date in your calendar, it's about three months from now.” He added nonchalantly, now fully focused on the papers.
You looked up and made a confused face. “Why would I need to, I’m not their homeroom teacher?” 
He didn’t respond for a moment, avoiding eye contact. You saw his ears go red slightly at the tips, perking up. “Because you went with me to the first exam, why not help me at the provisional?” 
“W-well, I guess. But I won’t be of much help.” You looked away, remembering the words Fukukado told you the other day making you go hot yourself. 
You both fell into a comfortable silence, the only sounds now were the ticking clock and the sounds of papers shuffling and pens scraping. 
It was nice.
“Wait wait wait-” You were laughing now, holding a hand over your mouth. Hiazshi was smiling at you, and Midnight was shaking her head in disbelief. “He got naked?” 
“He didn’t get naked, his quirk made his clothes phase through him. So he ended up naked. There’s a difference.” Aizawa shook his head, sipping his coffee.
You laughed out loud now, leaning on Hizashi’s shoulder while he joined with you.
“I was shocked at first too! I mean, yeow! Everything was out.” That only spurred you on more, tears gathering in your eyes.
“Oh man,” You sighed, wiping away those tears. “I hope they helped him out with his costume, I mean, there’s no way that's safe.” You shook your head, sitting on Hizashi's armchair now.
“They did, they made it out of his hair, so it would phase with him.” He nodded, stuffing food in his mouth. You quirked an eyebrow but ignored it.
“That must’ve taken forever.” 
“Yes, it did.” Aizawa butt in, now fully paying attention to the both of you. You couldn’t see Hizashi smirk, but you were caught off guard by such aggressive behavior. 
“Oh,” You looked away, now feeling slightly awkward. “What was the point of them visiting, anyway? I mean, not that it’s bad to introduce the classes to the big three, but why now?” 
Aizawa sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “To have them talk about the work studies.” 
The air in the teacher lounge shifted, now to a tense one. There was a meeting the day before the new term started, an open discussion on whether or not UA students should be allowed to even let them participate in them. Just like the internships, it was a heavily debated argument. You, Aizawa, Snipe, and Anan were against it, saying it well it went last time would only embarrass/harm UA’s reputation further. Nemuri, Sekijiro, Ken, and Ectoplasmi were for it, their reasoning that the students would need the practice. Others fell in between and allowed themselves to be swayed by the opinions of others.
“Oh.” That was all you said.
“Yeah.” That was all he replied with.
When the school day ended, Aizawa met you at home. He angrily kicked off his boots and hung up his capture scarf by the door. You turned around from the sink, hands wet from washing the dishes.
“Hey.” He looked up at you, standing at the doorway. “I don’t agree.”
“I don’t either.” You turned back, immediately knowing what he was talking about.
When the HPSC had first sent the letter to UA stating they would like the school to participate in the work studies, the teachers erupted in conversation. When the staff didn’t agree, Aizawa stood up an brought all the attention to him.
“Did we forget what happened the first time we allowed our students into the hands of the HPSC? My own students had gone off and could’ve gotten killed. I had no idea, thanks to the lies administered by the commission. Do we need a repeat of that?” He sat back down, looking angrily out at his fellow staff. You stood up beside him.
“I agree, who knows what danger is out there, and we all know from the past that the Hero Commission will just lie to us.”
Snipe nodded in agreement beside you. Ectoplasim stood up. “I assume your classes will have their provisional licenses now? Our students have grown since then, and they now have the ability to make their own calls and decisions.” He rebuttled. This statement only made a fight break out.
In the end, your side lost.
Aizawa was leaning on the counter beside you, hands clutching the counter in a white-knuckled grip. “They lied to us, three students could’ve died.” His voice cracked at the end, face screwed up in anger. You whipped your head at him, looking at him wide-eyed.
You decided not to say anything about his emotions, instead, you dried your hands and turned to him fully. 
“Want to spar?” You offered, holding out his goggles. Aizawa stared at them, then stared at you for a long moment. He snatched them up and quickly put them on. Wordlessly, he got back dressed in his hero outfit, and you complied by getting your shared duffle bag and followed him out. You both had decided to share a bag, hey, it would be easier to carry one than two, since you spar so often anyways.
The next few weeks became hell. Immediately something was brewing, you, Aizawa, and other UA students were invited to an important meeting hosted by Sir Night Eye. You’ve heard of him, mostly through what you know about All Might, but you have never really seen him in action. He was a pretty cool dude, if not a little too serious for your liking. You could only deal with one grumpy man in your life, you didn't need to. There were also friends you made through your line of work, like Toyomitsu/FatGum, Takagi/Rock Lock, and Mr. Brave, you never learned his name, interactions were always brief, but friendly.
You mostly just listened in, you didn’t really have any new or helpful information to hand out to aid in the meeting. You had become slightly boring ever since you became a hero at UA, hero work slightly slacking now that tests and assignments stood in your way of aiding your friends. That is why you had an uptick in your sparring matches with Aizawa, no excuse to fall behind.
Takagi spoke up, questioning why your students were here in the meeting. Toyomitsu, in a burst of passion, declared that the students had valuable information to share. He then introduced himself, and when his attention turned to your side of the table, you waved at him happily.
Aizawa looked at you through the corner of his eyes, a small smile on his face. You elbowed him in response, brushing him off. Aizawa was called to speak, and his leg started to bounce from under the table, only you noticed.
“The bullets effects seem to be different from my Eraser. When my quirk is activated, I don’t attack the quirk itself, instead, I temporarily affect the genes themselves, but no permanent or harmful damage is done.”
“Immediately after Takami was shot, we rushed him to the hospital to have him looked at. We found his quirk was deactivated, but thankful after his rest he was returned back to normal.” That was a relief, not only were the effects of the bullet temporary, like Takagi had said, but the effects weren’t harmful in the long run. When it was revealed that the contents of the bullets were filled with human blood, everyone froze. Disgust filled you, wondering what kind of person would do that. 
“A man named Kai Chisaki is the young Yakuza head of this group, and is turning his daughter's body and blood to make the bullets.” You had decided to tune back into the conversation at the worst possible moment, or maybe you tuned out during the worst conversations of your life, your body tensing up as horror filled you. Aizawa sat slacked beside you, his eyes widening in horror as well. Tears sprung into your eyes, and your hand immediately flew up to cover your trembling mouth. How..how could anyone do that to a little girl? Let alone their own daughter?
The meeting went on with the same tense and angry energy, people piping up with their own angry opinions. You watched with a feeling that you were floating outside of your body as Nighteye folded more and more into himself. The pressure everyone putting on him only added to the guilt you knew he carried. 
The meeting was over late into the afternoon, and packets and folders of information were handed out to all of you. Aizawa was to patrol more in the designated at night, and any possible chance you were to follow yours.
Now you were situated in Aizawa’s car, his hands gripping the steering wheel while you leafed through both folders.
“Lock Rock is right. There’s no need for them to be there.”
“I know.” Your voice was watery, sniffing while you tried not to cry onto the packets. “But we don’t have a choice.”
There was silence when he rolled up to a red. A large hand came into your peripheral, pulling the folders away from you. Aizawa threw them in the back of his car, and you heard them scatter. 
“Don’t worry about that now, we can go through them when we get home.” You looked up at him, and while his expression was still guarded and hard, there was something soft hidden in his face. Maybe it was the way his eyebrows were turned up ever so slightly, or his sad eyes, either way, you nodded.
“I just hope we can save that little girl. She’s so small, and she must be so scared.” The light turned green, and he resumed his journey.
“We will, I know we can.”
The next few weeks were hellish, after school you barely saw Aizawa, and he in turn hardly saw you during breaks/lunches/and during the weekends. You worked from sun up to sunset, using as much time as you could. During the day he worked with the others to make sure everyone was updated on information, whereas during the night you caught up on both your school work and added your own information. You left coffee and easy lunches for him to take out, and he left you jelly packets and energy drinks. 
Finally, there was one day when both of you were home, lying exhausted on the couch together. You were lying on your back, hands covering your eyes while you rested your legs on his. Aizawa complained at first but made no move to stop you, too focused on his iPad sifting through and adding important information. 
“Apparently, Nighteye has picked out people he thinks are assisted with Kai Chisaki. He’ll try to find out more before we move further.” He said out loud, not doing anything to get your attention.
“Good.” Your voice was raspy and tired, flopping your hands down you could barely keep them open. “I’m so tired.” Your voice was filled with pure exhaustion, running on less than thirty hours of sleep for the whole week.
“Me too, I can feel this coming to an end.” You could still hear him clicking away.
“God I hope so, I just want to save her already, I’m starting to see Eri in my goddamn dreams.” You shook your head, tears hotly running down the corner of your eyes. Maybe it was the lack of sleep, or maybe it was because of how emotionally drained you were, but you just couldn’t hold back the floodgates.
You heard Aizawa stop tying, but you didn’t dare look over at him.
“Me too.” His voice was filled with utter grief.
Finally, it was the day.
Nighteye had found one of Chisaki’s minions and tracked down the spot where they had been keeping Eri. Now everyone had gathered around in a large group, waiting anxiously in the bright early morning for their commands. You were following Aizawa tiredly, energy absolutely sapped out of you. Aizawa walked up to Midorya, who was surrounded by the only other UA students. 
“I am moving with the Night Eye agency.” You peeked out from behind the dark man, waving happily at your students, string to hide how tired you were. “Do you understand what that means?” 
Midoriya nodded, a hard look on his face. Aaizawa turned back to you, grabbing your shoulder to push you away. “What was that about?” You asked, confused as you turned and waved goodbye.
“He still hasn't earned my trust for running off last time, so I told him I expect him to do things right this time.” He looked down, still walking to get in position.
“You’re such a hardass.” You smiled, shoulders bouncing while you looked away.
“Good, then they stay on their feet and do their best.”
Chaos quickly erupted outside, and you were stuck batting away villains with clubs of pure light. You swung around your makeshift weapons, filled with electricity and a feeling of burning pain. Police surrounded you, blocking your view of not only the entrance but of your allies. 
“This way!” A strong hand grabbed your arm, and you turned and growled. Your guard dropped when you saw Aizawa dragging you inside with him. Quickly, you put as much light as you could in your pockets, quickly closing them so they wouldn’t escape.
“I’m getting kind of worried, man.” Takagi admitted, looking around for any dangers.
“I wonder if anyone leaked information.” Amajiki admitted aloud, but the chief rebuttled him.
“If they had, one would think they’d be smarter to avoid us.”
“They all should be used to working together already, a bond formed through devotion to their boss. They might feel ashamed now, Chisaki and the top brass haven't even shown themselves yet. They’re probably underground getting ready to flee or hide right now.” Aizawa pipped in. All of you were still running down the impossibly long hallway, hearts racing as one.
“No, there’s no way. That villain busted out the doorway as soon as the chief rang the doorbell, no one just does that. Plus, with how big these guys sound, there's no way they’d just leave.” You shook your head, mind swarming with what was to happen. Kirishima looked over to you, conflicted on whether to agree with his homeroom teacher or his history teacher.
“Either way, we’ll take them down.” He decided to say, not favoring either theory.
Suddenly, Nighteye skidded to a halt, stopping in front of an indent in a wall. He seamlessly opened a secret door, and everyone was thankful for his foresight. 
Three henchmen popped out of the darkness, trying to take the group by surprise. However, they were unable to be successful with Bubble Girls and Centipeder's quick thinking. They stayed back with Nighteye’s order to make sure they didn’t come after your group, and you rushed down a concrete hallway, only to be halted by a dead end.
Takagi called out to Nighteye in anger, but Midorya and Kirishima quickly resolved the problem by kicking through the thick wall that had been placed up. The room suddenly became less solid and started shaking around in an ocean. Panic filled the room as it rolled and changed around you, shoving you all around. You, Aizawa, and Toyomitsu formed a triangle. 
“Eraser, can’t you get rid of it?” Takagi yelled out, but Aizawa just shook his head. 
“Not if I can’t see the main body.” He called out, voice strained as he fought off nausea. 
“We need to hurry!” Your voice wobbled as you tried to find steady ground, “If they’re changing the building, then they can escape before we can even get to the end of the hallway!” You tried to step forward, but the mere action of moving knocked you off kilter, so you stood, fighting off gravity as you tried to move. You have to try!
The room stopped moving as violently, and Lemillion took action to run ahead, moving through another hall. You wished you could follow him, try and at least be there for the kid. A scream ripped out of your throat as the ground under you disappeared. You landed on your stomach, the breath knocked out of you on the dirty floor. Aizawa heaved you up, looking around and assessing the situation. 
Three villains made themselves known, launching themselves at Amajiki. Eraser quickly stepped up, erasing the blonde quirk before he could do serious damage to the kid. 
“Suneater-!” You called out, trying to stop his stupidly brave act.
“Go! I’ve got it.” He turned to you all, nodding towards another hallway, the others ran ahead, but Midoirya, Aizawa, and you staggered for a moment.
“Make sure you tie them up, my quirk will wear off soon.” He jogged off, the green-haired boy behind his teacher.
You nodded at him. “I believe in you, do your best.” You nodded at him before following your companion. Quickly you lost Toyomitsu and Kirishma, as they were sucked into and trapped in another room. 
“We have to keep going, there's no time.” Aizawa pulled you forward, trying to get you to keep moving.
“I know, it just feels like we’re purposely being split apart.” You followed him, worry filling your entire being. 
Takagi locked the room in place as soon as it started to move again, even if it was a tight fit, it allowed you all to push forward.
“Stand back, he’s coming from the places I haven't locked down.” Takagi held out a hand to stop you all from moving forward, and you watched as the end of the hallway rushed towards you all.
Midorya rushed again, kicking away an entrance point. The path never cleared, so the young boy continued his assault. The wall immediately retracted, clearing away the path for you. 
“What the hell..?” You wondered but were quickly cut off by the room changing once more, separating the main group into smaller groups. You were stuck with Aizawa and Midorya.
The wall dropped again, revealing two Takagi’s, and you stood in confusion between the two of them. Aizawa was fast and quickly attacked the fake Takagi before it could attack Midoriya. Himiko Toga was forcefully revealed, squealing while she chased after the boy. As effortlessly as he could, he dragged the crazed girl away, but not without getting stabbed in the shoulder.
Once more the room shifted, and tunnels of dirt and concrete erupted from the walls, you all looked around widely, trying to see where the dirt was coming from. Midoriya took action almost immediately, shooting up to kick where he thought Mimic was. The boy revealed the villain, and in an instant he erased his quirk, watching him fall to his death. 
“The League betrayed them?” Aizawa questioned looking out to where the two voices had come from.
“Seems so, and they used us to aid in their scheming. Though, at least we're on solid ground now.” Nighteye adjusted his glasses, looking forward to the dark hallway, police officers scattered around.
You took a moment to recap and interrogate Irinaka, but that led him into an angry frenzy. 
“As officers of the law, we cannot let them escape.” The chief held up his gun, his underlings looking around as well.
“It sounded like they were escaping, we should focus on our top priority for now instead of going into a circle.” You said, looking around. Takagi agreed with you, deciding to split up the pros with the mission and the police with the League. He decided to stay, you pulled out a small knife, handing it to him.
“Just in case.” He nodded, face still screwed up in pain. 
His speech renewed the hope in your heart, you and Aizawa shared a glace and immediately ran ahead to save Eri, trying to catch up before it was too late.
Following in Midorya's shadow, he bounced ahead of the villain lying on the ground, smashing the wall in front of the group. There a sight for only the strong-hearted was seen, Chisaki and Togata were already engaged in battle, with the electric blonde already having a considerable amount of damage. Aizawa immediately yelled out commands, ordering you to round up the fallen villains. Already quickly rounding up the three villains, you were hit in Chisaki order to Chrono. Aizawa called out to Midoriya, but his body screwed back to look at you. You grunted in pain, feeling like your body was put under molasses. Chrono had gotten straight through your side, cutting a clean medium-sized hole in your midsection. And before anyone could stop him, or help him, Aizawa blinked.
The ground erupted in spikes, sending you flying through the air. Thankfully, you landed in a hole in the ground before you could get caught by the spikes. Aizawa and Chrono were already down there, the latter of the two setting atop Aizawa. Both of you were practically paralyzed, with Aizawa immediately incapacitated by his quirk. He spent the time monologuing about Chisaki, explaining the relationship that Eri had with the others in the Yakuza. Shut the hell up you scum. You couldn’t even growl out loud. Straining as you tried to get him, you were behind the two, and he must not have even realized you were down here. You heard Aizawa grunting as he slowly moved away, you watched as Chrono took out Aizawa’s own knife, opening and getting ready to stab the man with it.
You took out a small piece of light from earlier, the electric gold energy lighting up the dark room.
“Huh?” He looked around to see you, and in one fell swoop, you slashed along his Achilles heels. “You bitch.” He groaned out, dropping the knife to clutch at his heels. At the same time, Amajiki appeared, stabbing his arm with one of his food quirks. There you saw the teenage boy surrounded by police officers, guns ready. He just glared at them in defeat.
The officers helped you up, someone pulled down the bandages on Aizawa's face, and he quickly removed the effects of the quirk. You were taken in an ambulance and Aizawa was taken up to the ground floor. 
“Wait! I can still help!” You tried to squirm out of their grasp, but Aizawa shook his head ‘no.’ Tears sprung in your eyes, did you do bad? You did your best. Still, you were forced into an ambulance.
You were in and out of consciousness the first day, one part of the injury, but mostly out of laziness. Lack of sleep finally caught up to you, forcing you to pay your debts. Still, it wasn’t like you were out of it, you could hear voices, smell the clean hospital air, feel the thin sheets below you, and taste your dry mouth. Different types of voices visited you, your friends, you recognized dimly. But there was one who stayed as long as they could, and whenever they spoke, you turned your head to them, smiling and appreciating the smooth bass. A large and warm hand felt your forehead, then checked your cheek. But their touch lingered on your cheek, gently cupping the part of your face.
“Hmm, s’warm.” You mumbled, not really awake as you squished your face further in the hand.
“So weird.” But they never pulled away.
The next day, you were fully awake, still in a little bit of pain. Thanks to quirks and advanced medical technology, your wound was mostly closed. It was still tender to the touch, and still able to open, but as long as you were careful, you’d be fine.
Now you were hungrily inhaling the food the nurse had dropped off, Aizawa watching you in muted disgust.
“Wha’?” Your mouth was still full, flakes of rice and meat juice surrounded your mouth.
“You eat like you’re an animal and not a fully grown woman.” He shook his head, eyeing you like you were gonna eat him next.
“I’m hungry dick!” Still, you wiped your mouth with the back of your hand, eating more delicately. Aizawa rolled his eyes but stopped to watch his hands.
“I have a favor to ask of you.” He didn’t look at you. 
You wanted to tease him, but there was something about his demeanor that made you hesitate. “Yeah, what do you need.” You set down your food, gently sitting up to stare at him.
“The little girl, Eri, her quirk is unstable and dangerous.” Aizawa looked up now, reaching behind him to grab a small packet of papers. He handed them to you, continuing to talk. “So is her emotional state, there’s no telling when she’ll get upset and activate her quirk.”
Multitasking, you opened the folder while listening to him Rewind. She can rewind the state of a person, down to nothing. You looked up with worried eyes.
“She’ll need someone who can stop it, and watch over her.” His words hung heavy in the air, and he was tense now, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees.
“Of course, what will you do with her?” He still hadn’t relaxed, hands clenching.
“I was thinking that she could live with us. We could watch over her.” Your eyes widened, mouth parting slightly.
“I-why me? I’m not exactly mother material.” You laughed nervously, looking at him confused. Why does he have to rope you into everything he does? Would you even be good enough to watch over the girl?
“She doesn’t need a mother, she needs someone to help her. And I..we live together, so it makes the most sense.” He shrugged, leaning back in his chair. Yet he was still tense, but why?
You looked down at your own hands, looking over her patient file. She was a traumatized little girl who needed help.
“What i…-what if I mess something up, what if I’m not good enough?” You voiced your concern, voice wavering already. When did you get so emotional?
“You won’t be doing it alone, I’ll be there.” Aizawa's voice was soft, comforting you. You looked up at him, staring into his soft eyes.
“But why me?”
“Because it’s always you.”
You, as well as the other students, were released from the hospital not too long after the raid. The drive home was silent, both of you sleepy for different reasons. You were getting used to not sleeping all day, and Aizawa was exhausted from watching over Eri all night. Even if Aizawa never put on the radio, even if you hit every red light, even if the late-night roads were quiet, neither of you spoke about what he said in the hospital. Not even when you were in the hospital. 
Tiredly you both made it back home, stumbling in the dark room. 
“Aizawa wait.” You held out a hand, getting his attention while he poured his cup of coffee. You turned to him, “Where is she gonna sleep? There’s only two rooms.” 
Aizawa gave you a blank face, overpouring his cup, hot coffee spilling out from his hand and to the floor.
“Aizawa.” You repeated, his face still blank.
“I could sleep in the living room.” Aizawa offered, both of you had your hair up/out of your way as you looked around the shared living space.
“Well that’s not fair to you, I’ll just sleep in the living room. You can keep the big room, which I still haven’t gotten over, by the way, and she gets the smaller room. You’ll be right there for her and I can just hang out.” Your hands on your hips while you stared out into the living room, staring down at the beige couch.
“I shouldn’t let you take the living room.” He shook his head, shooting down the idea immediately.
“Why not?” 
“One, because you’re a slob.” Aizawa looked over to you, “Two you have far too much stuff, and three you’re a woman.”
“Okay one, kiss my ass.” You faced him as well, crossing your arms. “And what does me being a girl have to do with anything?” You gave him a dirty look.
“Oh don’t look at me like that, I mean, if anyone needs their own space it should be you.” He waved you off, turning around to head into the kitchen.
“Well, Eri above anyone needs her own room, sooo…” You shook your head at him, giving him a look while he rustled through the cabinets. You thought for a moment, and a terrible idea came up in your head. Aizawa looked over at you, jelly pouch hanging out of your mouth.
“What terrible idea do you have.” He looked at you warily, still hanging into the snack through his teeth.
You shook your head, making a disgusted face.
“What?” He prodded.
“You’re not gonna like it, I don’t even like it, but we could share your room. We could buy another bed and separate the room into two.” You slowly lifted your hands in a questioning manner, your voice high.
Aizawa stared at you, one of his eyes raising in an annoyed look. “That’s a terrible idea.”
“Well, what other idea do you have?”
He looked around, thinking for a moment before he groaned very loudly. “You just want to have the bathroom in the room, don’t you?”
“I’m merely making the conscious decision for the both of us considering your situation.” You held your hands up in a non-accusing way, trying to fake some sort of innocence. 
“Fine.” He grunted, turning around to wash the dishes in the sink. You tried to ignore the implications of what sharing a room meant, far more intimate than sharing a home. Walking past, you willfully ignored his blushing ears.
Aizawa’s time was spent between watching over Eri and working as a teacher. So you didn't see him often for a while, whereas you were suck with redecorating and adjusting your home. You started off slow, just buying kid shit for her, like books, stuffed animals, and cubbies. But when it came time to put together said cubbies and bookshelves you let them build up, and you very pointedly ignored moving the beds. Aizawa was too busy for you to ask, and you sure as hell couldn't, or was it wouldn't, who knows, do it all by yourself. So you called the one man who you knew would help you.
“No lift with your legs.” 
“I am lifting with my legs! Hurry up jackass, I’m gonna drop the bed on my foot!” You groaned with the effort, damning yourself for wanting such a heavy frame.
Snipe sighed, rolling his eyes at you while he backed up. He had one hand holding the bottom of the sideways bed, the other supporting the top. Ever so gently he led you out of your old room and into Aizawa’s room.
“Okay ready? I’m gonna set it down, and you have to do it with me.” He looked back at you, his sharp eyes piercing. 
“Yup.” Your voice was strained, trying not to drop the bed. Following his lead, you turned the bed slowly and dropped it. You sighed, leaning over on your knees while you caught your breath. “Fuck.” Looking up, the bed was in the middle of the room, and you needed to shove it to the other side of the room, opposite to Aizawa’s
“I got it.” Snipe waved you away, immediately going to drag the bed in place.
You knew Snipe would answer your call, often times you hung out outside of work, and on the rare times he hosted an outing, you went with him. He stood back up, the muscle shirt he was wearing doing wonders for his body, showing off his toned arms and flashing you his exposed sides. And for a man whose quirk was a gun, he sure as hell did have a slutty waist.
“Alright break time.” You walked out of the room, Snipe following you with laughter.
“We’ve barely started.” 
“And now it’s break time.” You filled up two cups of water, handing one to him. Your hands brushed briefly, his course fingertips quickly ghosting over yours. There was a beat of silence, he made direct eye contact while he took a sip from his cup.
It’s not like you haven't thought about it, even before Snipe showed his face you knew he’d be hot under there. It was sometime after the final exams in the first term, he had been retelling the embarrassing story of his run-in with Hagakure. You had laughed at him loudly in the warm night air, tears springing to your eyes. You could feel his eyes on you, even if you couldn’t see them.
“Why do you wear your mask all the time?” You asked out loud after calming down. He stared ahead, and instead of responding he just tugged it off.
He looked at you with brilliant grey eyes, little targets in them. He had dark and thick eyebrows, long pretty eyelashes, and his full lips pulled in a smirk. Across his face was a gnarly scar, it looked like he had been slashed at an angle across, leaving behind a slightly raised thick wound.
“You’re face is a little lighter than your body.” You said stupidly, brain short-circuiting.
He just laughed and looked back out into the courtyard. 
“I know.”
You cleared your throat, willing away all of the not-very-safe-for-work thoughts that filled your head.
“I have to wonder, why are you and Aizawa sharing a room?” Snipe sat on the table, leaning back to watch you. His thick thighs were highlighted when he sat down, shorts leaving nothing to the imagination, and you swore he widened them when he caught you looking. Damn these slutty men.
“It’s nothing like that,” You waved him away. “Have you heard about the little girl that's going to be living here?” He nodded.
“Her name is Eri, and her quirk is unstable, so Aizawa has guardianship over her so she doesn’t accidentally kill someone. Which means that she’s gonna live with him, which means she’s gonna live with us.” You sighed.
“But why does that equate to you and Aizawa sharing a room?” He waved an arm, looking at you curiously.
“If I didn’t know any better, I would think that you’re jealous, Snipe.” You smirked, but it dropped. “Eri immediately gets a room, that’s a given, but I wanted Aizawa close by, but he thought it’d be inappropriate for me to sleep out here. So now we’re bunking together.” 
Snipe hummed, closing his eyes and looking away. But out of the corner of his eyes he peeked at you. “You could always spend the night at my place if you need, Sejikiro doesn’t mind guests over, since he’s usually out.” 
Before you could respond, a presence made themselves known.
“That’s completely inappropriate.” Aizawa snapped, holding a bag of groceries. 
“Hey, Aizawa.” Snipe turned in his direction, waving hello.
“Why are you here?” He greeted back.
“He helped me move my bed, and he’s helping me put together the bookcases and Eri’s bed.” You peeked over, looking at him. Aizawa was just angrily looking at Snipe, who was staring back.
“You couldn’t have asked me?” He was pissed at you now?
“You’ve been busy.” You shrugged, stepping out to try and cool the angry man.
“I would’ve helped, you just needed to ask.” Aizawa growled out. “Now I’m here, so you,” He looked over to Snipe, who was just lazily watching the whole conversation, “Can get out now.” Aizawa sidestepped the door, motioning for him to leave.
“I’m already here now, plus if we all three work together, I’m sure it’ll go by quickly.” He tried to soothe the stern teacher.
“I’m sure you’re very busy, get out.” Neither Aizawa nor Snipe moved, silently challenging one another.
Snipe got up without a word, and on his way out he turned to you. “Call me whenever you need help, you have my number.” He waved goodbye, Aizawa slamming the door in his face.
“What the hell was that?” You asked in disbelief, watching the man you lived with as he strutted across the room. He threw the bags on the groaned, angrily opening the edge door to shove the food in there. “Hello?” You got closer, standing right behind him.
“I didn’t know you were calling other men to come by our house alone. You can’t do this when Eri comes in.” He was basically throwing in the food now, the poor grapes and carrots chucked to the back.
“Like Snipe isn’t our friend, what was going to happen? He helped me move the bed.” You were leaning over him now, anger now filling you. It’s been a while since you fought, the song and dance you both created had shifted over time.
“He’s your friend, not mine.” Aizawa stood up. “Plus, anything he did I could’ve done easily, there was no reason to call him. I live here too.” Aizawa got in your face, glowering.
“You’ve been busy. I’m not going to bother you-” 
“It wouldn’t be a bother! All I’ve been doing is making sure Eri’s healing process goes as scheduled, nothing I couldn’t have left to help you.” 
Both of you just stood there, breathing angrily in each other's spaces, chest to chest.
“Why do you care so much? Aren’t you happier that I’m taking the work off your hands?” You asked, anger ebbing away.
Aizawa said nothing in response, looking away slightly ashamed. 
“Because I don’t like other people in my house.” Bull.
“What about Nemuri or Hizashi? You have no problem with them coming over? Or Anan and Sejikiro?” You asked, genuinely confused.
His shoulders slumped, eyebrows slightly going up. “It’s different.” 
“How? In what way?” 
Aizawa’s tired eyes looked at you, and you realized what Fukukado was talking about.
“I recognize that look in your eyes when you look at him..”
“It just is, if you need my help, you can just call me. I’ll be there.”
The first thing you noticed was how small she was, and how stringy and thin her hair was.
You were sitting in the hallway of the front door, wearing a Hello Kitty jacket and baggy sweatpants. Eri was clutching onto Aizawa’s hand painfully, but he made no move to pull away.
“Hey, little one.” You made no movement, both you and Aizawa letting her decide what to do. He was just staring at her, gauging her reactions.
She said your name, asking whether or not you were you.
“Yes I am, did Mr. Aizawa tell you I was a hero?” You asked softly, smiling at her. She nodded, one hand on her face.
“And I’m going to be living with you too?”
“Yes ma’am.” You nodded dutifully.
“Why, uhm..” Her voice got quiet, and she mumbled into her hand. Aizawa crouched down, getting on her level. He whispered something in her ear, and she nodded shyly. She turned back to you, big eyes filling with tears. “Why didn’t you see me in the hospital?” She asked, looking down while her voice wavered. In turn, your eyes filled with tears, guilt ripping you open. You swallowed away your tears and leaned forward. 
“I’ve been busy getting your room all ready for you. Remember when Mr. Aizawa asked what your favorite animals and colors were?” You asked.
She turned back, eyes widening as she nodded.
“Well, want to go see?” She nodded enthusiastically again. You slowly got up, holding a hand out for her to grab. She did gratefully, but she never let go of Aizawa’s forcing you to walk side by side as you walked to her room. 
You opened the door, and she gasped, running in and looking excitedly at everything. You and Aizawa watched in adoration as she squealed, never moving from the doorway. 
You looked over at him and saw he was already staring at you.
“What?” You asked, laughing while a bashful blush spread across your face.
“You’ll do great, I don’t understand why you were so worried.” He shook his head, a small smile on his own face, ears burning hot. 
You exhaled out of your nose, smiling as you turned back to Eri, who was watching you two. She just slowly crawled up to you two, slowly hugging both of your legs. Her grip became tight, and you and Aizawa shot each other’s worried looks. 
“What’s wrong honey?”
“Eri is something wrong?”
She looked up to you two, face red and eyes watery. “You guys are like mommy and daddies.” She sniffed, “I promise I won’t hurt you.” 
You frowned deeply, eyes filling up again with tears. Aizawa started to blink rapidly, inhaling deeply as he looked up.
“Oh Eri, you could never hurt us. I promise to protect you.” You hugged her tiny frame, soothing her shaking. Aizawa joined you, hugging her just as tight.
“We’ll always be here for you, alright?”
That was a promise neither of you would break, no matter what happened.
they make me mentally unwell,,AND BEFORE YOU ASK YESS I'LL WRITE A PT 3 its just this was already 12k words, and i knew that it would jest get more unreasonable the more I wrote,,,soooo,,,they make me so ill I just,,,
Also I know eri doesn't come home till later, but lick my bawls,,,I'm forcing parenthood on them
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lottiette · 5 months
Hort X Self Harming Reader.
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Authors note: Hi everyone, I know I haven’t posted in forever. Just haven’t had any motivation and just got done with exams. I’m going to try to get to some of the requests I have. This wasn’t a request but I’m literally in love with this man, and I’m struggling a bit at the moment so it helps. Also this is book and a little bit of movie Hort.
If you are struggling with self harm; please try to reach out. I know it’s hard. But you are worth so much more than misery. Please take care of yourselves.
Trigger Warning: self harm, mentions of killing(nothing graphic or anything, just Hort:), mentions of scars
- He would wolf out/kill anyone who dare lay a finger on you, so you hurting yourself is a big no no.
- When he first saw cuts/burns on you he almost wolfed out then and there. Who the hell had the audacity to even think about touching you! (Especially if this is during the third book, “Last Ever After” He is jacked and at the top! He’s captain for goodness sake. You’d have to be an idiot to hurt something of his.)
- So when he goes to try to find out who did it, you have to explain that they’re self inflicted. If you’re open about it, he listens. But if you try to give him stuff like “It’s nothing.” “Don’t worry about it.” “It’s not a big deal.” “No one hurt me.” Etc. He’s not taking that. You being stubborn isn’t going to stop him from finding the perpetrator.
- He’s devastated when he finds out that they’re by you. Like what do you mean his favorite person, his queen/king hurt themselves? He’s angry. Not necessarily at you, but with the thought as a whole. Why? Why? Why would you do that?
- He wants to understand. He really does. He wants you to tell him.
- He listens to you but you’re not hurting yourself anymore. Not happening. He’s possessive. You’re not hurting you because that hurts him.
- He monitors you. He watches your interactions with others more closely. If you show any signs of “getting itchy” he’s pulling you out of there.
- If anyone says anything negative about you he’s beating them up.(he already would’ve done that, but it’s more intense now.)
- He’s going to protect you no matter what. If that’s taking away sharp objects, pills, lighters, whatever it may be, he’ll do it.
- He would wrist check you(or wherever you self harm), but not openly. Like he’s not going to go “show me your wrists” but he’s going to subtly look in the spots where he knows you self harm.
- He’s the type that would rather you cut him than yourself.
- If you don’t properly care for the injuries, he will. He doesn’t care how much you object.
- He checks up on you a lot. Just little “How are you?”s and if he feels like you’re lying he’s calling you out on it. He’s been manipulated and lied to a lot, you’re not doing it too.
- If a person is the problem(like you’re being bullied or something) they’re dead. If it’s past traumas he’ll listen. He can’t really kill the problem cause it already happened but he wishes he could.
- If you’re in a depression and can’t get out of bed, then he’s going to drag you out. Sometimes he’ll lay and hold you there(because let’s be honest sometimes we just can’t get up. And that’s okay.)
- He really just wants you to be okay, and he’ll be there every step of the way, no matter how long it takes.
- He’ll kiss your scars/injuries and remind you that they don’t define you or make you ugly.
- He thinks that you’re worth so much more than the pain you’re putting on yourself, and he’s going to make sure you see that too eventually.
- If you’re someone who doesn’t cover their fresh cuts/burns/whatever (Let me just say real quick: People who don’t cover fresh cuts/wounds are not attention seekers. They just do not care to cover them because people don’t usually notice or say anything anyways. They are just people who don’t care to sweat in hoodies and stuff. There are people who do self harm for attention, but even still if someone is hurting themselves for attention it still shows that something is wrong and they need help. Never judge someone based on a scar.) Anyways, if you don’t cover and someone says something ☠️. Hort is not tolerating that. Or if they say something about scars. ☠️
That’s all for now unless I think of more. Bottom line is he just wants you safe. Remember if you are self harming, you aren’t alone. There are people who love you and will want to help you. It’s okay to reach out, and it’s okay to be scared. I love you guys, take care of yourselves.
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bluedalahorse · 11 months
Morning commute thoughts about Sara and Wilhelm
Well, okay. Maybe you can have a little meta, as a treat.
I pretty firmly believe that we’re supposed to see connections/parallels between how Sara treats Simon and how Wilhelm treats Simon, especially by the end of season 1 and then moving into season 2.
Consider how:
Sara and Wilhelm both betray Simon at the end of season 1. Wilhelm by denying his involvement in the video, Sara by letting August buy her silence.
Both Sara and Wilhelm think they can hold August accountable by acting alone. They do this without asking Simon what he thinks is best or enlisting the support of trustworthy adults. Sara attempts to emotionally support August enough that he holds himself accountable, while Wilhelm goes on a classic revenge spree. Neither approach is 100% effective because they’re working alone and because both of them are up against untrustworthy adults working behind the scenes (the royal court) who make situations worse.
Even when things are fraught for the reasons mentioned above, we still see evidence that they care for Simon and that their relationship with him is worth preserving. Wilhelm and Simon’s moment where they take a running shortcut at rowing practice is one of them. Sara hugging Simon after he sings his song is another. There’s more, too! I will let y’all find those things as I’m late for work.
Both of them have their poor decisions clouded by first love. Sara gives August more space than she probably should to change because they’re in love with one another (something that’s been brewing even before the video, so even if August never released the video, they still might have had some kind of relationship even though it may have looked very different.) She also assumes Simon’s scars from the video have faded somewhat so it’s okay to keep pursuing her relationship. (How many of us have assumed something affected someone less than we thought it did only to later find out we were wrong? Certainly I did, when I was a teenager.) Wilhelm, meanwhile, is in love with Simon, but at the beginning he is far from being a Model Boyfriend. He initially attempts to pressure Simon into a secret relationship and does stuff like read Simon’s texts. This is frightening enough when it comes from someone the same social class as you, but Wilhelm is a prince with a lot more access to wealth and people who can like… request your phone records and stuff. He never uses his power that way and I don’t think it occurred to him to, but I think we’re supposed to understand that this could have gone south if he didn’t have people like Boris helping him. (Meanwhile, Sara’s romance with August feels like a more dramatic betrayal in some ways than Wilhelm reading Simon’s texts and Wilhelm denying he was with Simon on live TV, but Wilhelm also has a lot more institutional power behind him while Sara is in a relationship when she lacks institutional power and her intimate partner has a lot to hold over her if their relationship sours.) The show is very clear that falling in love is a morally neutral thing—falling in love, whether it’s with a “generally good” or a “generally bad” person, is something you can’t control, but the choices you make as a result of being in love are what defines your moral stance. By the end of season 2, Wilhelm has grown and made the choice to express his love for Simon in more conscientious ways. He becomes aware of the role his status plays. Meanwhile, Sara has chosen to give up her first love—even with the possibility that she could face brutal retaliation from her partner—to try and achieve justice for Simon’s sake.
I feel like we’re 100% meant to see these parallels and feel equal amounts of sympathy for Wilhelm and Sara as they grow and work out who they are in the world and what they can do next. Which is why if I had to guess, Wilhelm and Sara having a bonding moment will play some role in Simon’s reconciliation with Sara. And even if it doesn’t, I guarantee you that the writers were thinking of them as having parallel arcs.
Anyway, I love both Wilhelm and Sara so much. They both have amazing growth! That’s why I want to see them interact and become friends.
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3x15 origins of vampire mythology has to be one of the community eps I quote the most. there’s so much good stuff in there guys. I’m watching it rn so I’ll list my personal favorites (there’s a lot oops)
• troy and abed’s handshake at the beginning “best friends best friends making a cake”
• “I’m sorry britta, some things are funny because they make no sense, and that is Not one of them”
• “ex-boyfriend named blade alert”
• “make it yourself!” “I don’t know how 😰”
• “annie subdue your guest 😐”
• “that’s right. it’s a banana”
• “but we are not defined by our limitations! we are defined by our potential!” “I have the potential to watch blade”
• “there’s phones in the refrigerator. 😦 oops.”
• “you’re monsters! you’re hitlers! you’re racist pedophiles! you’re the opposites of batman!” “YOU DONT KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS”
• “I need help reacting to something 🧍🏾”
• “you’re the only one who really understands me”
• “you take that back! he could do plenty better than me. I was the first to say Yes 😁”
• “have fun forcing life” “We Will.”
• “he’s not as good looking as you.” “I wasnt fishing for that.” “no, I know, I offered it freely :)”
• “what’s wrong, annie? you came out of the bedroom smiling, and then your smile faded as you leaned against the door :(“
• “yeah, you’re just like blade, man, straight up”
• “you could change it” “to what? tempelton ferrari the third?? won’t change how mustard tastes”
• *pierce and chang walk past shirley and jeff, arm in arm, laughing* “how many times are they gonna do that”
• “dean. why are you here” “ouch 😟”
• “hello??? blade???” “…” “aaeeooöööugghhhhahahaeuaghghh 👹”
• “she’s whipped by an imaginary douche!” “hey, don’t knock it till you try it”
• “why do you wanna know the secret to making a woman psycho??” “why do we wanna know how to blow up the earth or grow a human ear on a mouse?? in case we have to, shirley. in case we have to.”
• “dean! why are you here??” “yikes!”
• “well. that didn’t work. that’s what I get for improvising”
• ”who hurt you??? and why didn’t it stick?”
• “he’s brain damaged.” “well let’s not be petty 🙄” “no I’m serious. he showed me the scar”
• “I have to go to him.” “No, Woman. ✋🏻😒”
• “Come Watch Blade 😑”
• “this movie is fantastic ☺️”
and the entire end tag with abed’s stand-up routine that’s basically just about the trobedison apartment and troy is absolutely eating up all of his jokes. plus “TOASTER OVEN!” “it’s from his album”
anyway just thought I’d spread the 3x15 love I’ve been watching this ep in my head all weekend and am finally watching it irl. 10/10
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cerberuspuppy1 · 1 year
ATLA actor au
Ok so hear me out, an Avatar the last airbender actor AU set in modern times. But it’s just a random kinda dingy YouTube channel Sokka runs. He started it when he was really bored and managed to rope Aang, Katara, Toph and other characters into making a YouTube tv series with him. The first videos are somewhat akin to the ember island players in their bad overdramatized acting, props and editing but over time they learn from experience and the videos start looking like a real show. Better than some in fact. (Looking at you big movie corporations who try to make as many things as possible so they have a lot of media but it’s really bad quality.) Here Zukos been their friend for a while before they start and gets typecast as the villain because A) scar and B) dramatic monologuing. All the benders have their bending still. Either they have superpowers or magic but they have their bending and they use it. Through the channel more people start to gain confidence in the fact that they have superpowers or magic or are metahuman too because they see on screen that their powers don’t define them. Also Zukos family is toxic and Iroh fights for him in court and gains full custody.
OR. Sokka starts this YouTube channel but it’s just him vlogging his life. They could have their bending/powers they could not. It doesn’t matter as much for this version. It starts with meeting Aang the weird new kid. This could be at his school or in his town. And it covers meeting Zuko the school/towns resident bully, Toph a kid who ended up joining his friend group and everything else. More of a modern AU focus. Zuko would have his scar from his dad no matter what. Without powers the Todoroki treatment and with just like canon. Ozai would run a large business I think. Zuko still has an abusive family and would be in the process of a court custody battle between Ozai and Iroh. And the peak of his character arc would be learning his father isn’t good for him and choosing Iroh.
I kinda want to timeline/outline the second version now. Well if anyone want it just ask. And if anyone wants to write any of this please tag me!
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bokettochild · 2 years
WIP Wednesday
Figured it was about time I did this again, so here's a sneak peak at my currently WIP AU of Linked Universe, AKA the TBBU rewrite.
As Marin described them, they look fierce. Brawny men. Taller, easily, then the songstress, although likely not as much as himself. Tattoos mark their faces, bold and dark, and beneath their still dripping cloaks, he can see the glimmer of armor and weapons. 
  He’s on his guard immediately, although he doesn't show it as he nods to them in greeting. “Welcome, gentlemen,” they look like nothing of the sort, “and who might I help you find?” 
  “Pardon?” the darker of the two asks. 
  “I’m assuming, based off the fact that you’re here, that you’re looking to locate someone,” and hopefully not try and kill him because please, he’s had a long day already and the carpet is already far too stained. 
  Zelda should have listened when he said to just make it brown. 
  “So,” he continues, not betraying any wariness as he turns his head back to his papers, grabbing a fresh sheet to begin writing on, “what’s the family name?” 
  “Your father’s and your last name, sir,” he repeats, sparing them a brief look, patience already running thin after a long day of the same. 
  “The family resemblance is strong,” he answers, catching how the younger looks to his elder in confusion and a bit of shock. “You’re fortunate though to not have gotten your father’s nose.” 
    The words draw a smile- rough and rugged and sharp, but honest in an odd way- from the younger. He looks like he could rip Link’s throat out with his teeth, but his smile seems more good-natured than anything. His elder meanwhile just rolls his eyes with a heavy sigh, as though he’s heard that particular comment a few too many times before. 
  “Now,” he tries, smile wooden and polite as he looks up at them, “what’s the name?” 
  “We’re looking for a Link Taylor.” The bigger of the two men answers, voice rich, but not nearly as deep as one would assume by looking at him. It’s nice, almost melodious, and to himself he notes that the man must be an amazing singer. Usually he wouldn’t notice that, but Marin and Tune had an ear for good voices and tended to point them out. 
  He scrawls out the name, trying his best to hold his hands steady as he does so. “A general description of the lad?” 
  “Tall,” the man answers, stepping forwards and settling one hand on the table, leaning over and watching him closely as he writes. Link doesn’t let it bother him; he’s seen plenty of men come in and try to intimidate him into giving them what they want, be it his help or something else, and he’s handled all of them before. Granted, this fellow bears a presence that itself is a warning, but he could take him if he had to, and worse comes to the worst, someone will be along eventually to come ask him for something, so if he somehow does get the lower hand, backup might still arrive before he gets killed. “About six three, six four,” the man continues, his single eye watching intently as Link writes out the words, “Blonde. Blue eyes, and he looks about a second from keeling over.” 
  He nods, not letting the crowding bother him as he glances at another paper, filled with names of those they’ve found dead and identified. The name, his own- although he wouldn’t be surprised if there were another Link Rochester Taylors out there- isn’t on the list. “Are there any defining birthmarks or scars that you can think of?” 
  The man shifts. He’s blocking the view of his son, but Link gets the impression the other is simply standing and watching their exchange. That’s nice. People who look like that don’t commonly behave themselves, so he’ll take that blessing as he can for the moment. “A burn on his left side, mostly to the arm,” the fellow chuffs, sounding irked at the thought, “and heavy scarring over his eyes.” 
  That makes him stop, glancing up for a brief moment at the man before back down to his papers. “Is he blind then?” 
  “No,” the man sighs, “but sometimes I wonder.” It’s a pointed thing, frustrated and pained, although not without humor. He wonders why. 
  “And I’m assuming by the name that he is a tailor?” 
  “No,” the man answers, and his son is still silent and standing, watching them, nothing being provided from the man. “It’s the family name. He’s a soldier.” 
  He scratches out a note at the bottom of the paper, scrawling instructions for one of the other generals to follow when the note is brought to them. “I’m afraid you’re in the wrong place then, sir. We here reunite families of civilians with each other. All soldiers are handled by General Tangoro, down the hall a way,” he nods to the door in the general direction of the woman’s office. “I’d speak with her, although I can’t promise results. I’m sure you’re already aware, but not all soldiers made it home and some are still missing right now. We’re doing everything in our power to find everyone, but it may take time.” 
  “I already know where he is.” 
  “Well, I’m afraid I can’t grant you infirmary access,” he informs the man, handing off the file he’d been throwing together and the note for the general, “all visitation is under the supervision and command of Miss Feaflen, and if she denies you access then there is nothing that I can do about it. It’s for the safety of everyone involved.” 
  “He’s not-” 
  “If your soldier is currently in the prisons however,” he continues, clipped, setting his chin on his interlaced fingers and staring up at the man with no small amount of exhaustion dragging at his shoulders and beginning to seep into his voice and face, “all visitation is strictly forbidden. Traitors to the crown are not allowed contact with anyone save their guards until the court martial. For a date on court martials, please speak with the warden. He’s in a meeting right now but I’m sure someone can help you if you ask. Simply-” 
  “Captain,” The man snaps, not rough, but more stressed, as though he is the one with someone looming over him with hands big enough to snap his neck. “We’re looking for you.” 
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sideofcalimary · 2 years
Wrap ya back up
Spiderman: So.. how's school?
Katsuki: are you seriously gonna ask me that while you're BLEEDING?!?
Spiderman: Well we always talk about me, I thought we might switch the conversation every now and then
Katsuki: Jesus- Fuck just-
Katsuki doesn't think twice to take off his jacket and wrap it around Spiderman, covering his top half and quickly ushering him into his apartment building. He tries to avoid his neighbors as he makes it to his apartment, quickly making the hero sit on his couch Spiderman: Hey wait I'm gonna get blood on-
Katsuki: I can wash it off, just sit down and stay still- and don't you DARE jump out that window
Katsuki locks his room and rushes into his bathroom, locking his bedroom door on the way out and carrying a med kit Spiderman sits on the couch, Katsuki jacket having been folded to the side next to him as he holds his bleeding side: Sorry I uh, I got some on your jacket
Katsuki: Can you care about yourself for once? You're injured
Spiderman: It's part of the job. I'll be fine Katsuki sighs and puts the medkit down on the coffee table. He turns to Spiderman and places a hand on the back of the couch, leaning over the hero: No you're not. If you're not gonna care for yourself then lay down and let me care FOR you Spiderman's lenses widened in shock, his face bright red behind his mask staring up at an equally as red Katsuki: I-I-
Spiderman eeps and flops to his good side on the couch away from Katsuki's arm, still holding his side as he looks off Katsuki clears his throat, trying to calm his beating heart as he takes out what he needs from the kit
Spiderman: So...
Katsuki: take off your shirt
Spiderman: WHAT
Katsuki's face was still bright red: I said take off your bloody shirt! I can't patch you up with it on!
Spiderman holds his hoodie: I-I uh-
Katsuki: If you have armor or a zipper I can help you take it off or something Spiderman: no no I uh I don't wear armor! A-and it's not really a zip up
Katsuki looked confused and moved closer, looming over the hero: I don't care what it is. If you don't take it off, I'm cutting it off
Spiderman sighs, embarrassed behind his mask: Fine... Reluctantly, he sits up and removes his hand from his wound, wincing as half of his hoodie was soaked in blood that it was a miracle he hasn't passed out yet. There was a large cut on the side of his hoodie, showing a wound caked in dried blood and grime Katsuki held by a wince at the sight, not wanting to discourage the hero who proceeded to unlatch his utility belt and lift up his hoodie-
Katsuki: is your suit a fucking CROP TOP?!
Spiderman pulls it back down: I DIDN'T HAVE ENOUGH MATERIAL FOR THE REST OF IT Katsuki covers his already red face, steam coming out of his ears as he walks off and paces around the couch, muttering curses while Spiderman sits embarrassed: Un-fucking-believable... Just- Just take it off. I'll get some water to wash you off
Spiderman: Thanks.. Bakugo
• • •
They were both silent as Katsuki patched Spiderman up, focused on making sure it wouldn't get infected and was glad it wasn't deep enough to need stitches.
They were both embarrassed. Spiderman having to focus on not muttering while Katsuki.. Well, he tried not to focus on the now clean and well defined abs littered with scars that somehow made it 10 times hotter. Hell, it took me a couple swipes of a wet rag to realize that spots on his tanned skin wasn't dirt...
They were freckles
Katsuki: you have freckles Spiderman flinched at the suddenly observation and looked at his exposed skin: Yeah uh They're everywhere really. I wish I could cover them up more, they're really-
Katsuki: Cute
Both fell silence at that and avoided looking at each other Spiderman: You- you think they're cute?
Katsuki couldn't seem to keep his words in: Why wouldn't I? I like freckles. They look good on you
Spiderman: oh..
Once again, silence falls over them as Katsuki, unfortunately, covers Spiderman's abdomen with a bandage Once he was done, he tossed all the dirty stuff away and packs up his kit
Spiderman takes it as his cue and tries to sit up, only to be pushed back down by his chest: Lay back down. You're not going anywhere with fresh bandages without at least resting for a bit Spiderman: I don't wanna bother-
Katsuki: I wouldn't have helped you if you WERE a bother
Spiderman: yes you would
Katsuki: the fuck does that mean?
Spiderman lays back down to comply and sighs: I feel like you'd be the type of person who'd help people, even if it bothers you Katsuki: how can you be so sure, hero?
Spiderman's eyes squint into a smile: Cause you're a good person, Bakugo-Kun
Katsuki felt his heart beat in his ear hearing that before reflexively tossing a throw pillow at his face: Shut it and rest. You can leave later Spiderman laughs as he puts the pillow behind his head, his heart thumbing against his rips over riding the pain on his side. All the while Katsuki enters and locks his bedroom door behind him. He leans against it, hand against his chest cursing to himself Spiderman lays there, staring at the nice white cieling, a soft mutter leaving him before he passes out: You're amazing, Kacchan
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turtleboyz · 2 years
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So, what did I think of season 1?
Well, I like it! This being my 3rd time watch the first season. That being said, most of the jokes didn’t make me laugh. But rewatching the season you can definitely pick up the foreshadowing and hints. As for the show, I love the background and the neon lights!
So far season 1 is good! Personal I like that the first half was just the boys messing around and have fun. Then the second half was actually plot. I also really like that the touches on being yourself and that person and/or tradition doesn’t need to define you. This theme being taught more than once.
That being said, Game time!!!!
Mikey Abuse: in season 1 I counted 12 times Mikey was abuse. 6 being done by Donnie, 3 being done by Splinter, 1 time being Raphael , and the last 2 by Draxum.
Donnie- use Shelldon to fire lasers him. Called him (and the rest of the brothers) “dum-dum”, rewrites his brain and make him into a version of Donnie, darts him, and his gift made Mikey think “does Donnie really think I’m a crazy kangaroo who needs to wear a padded suit so I don’t hurt myself?”
Raph-hit him with a door
Splinter-the first half of season 1 splinter was a neglected/emotional distance father. Lies a couple of times (also to the others) Also hits him a couple of times (both in training and having to fight one on one)
Draxum- constantly fighting him and the others, called the boys losers and morons, try to kill him and the others.
Yes. I know most of these aren’t really abuse, but I’m playing it safe and writing down anything I see that could be abuse. I want to get accurate data! That being said, if I miss or did anything wrong let me know.
How many time does Raph call himself in the 3rd person. 12 times! More or less. I noticed that Raph does it more off when his scared or angry.
You’re a kid, not a parent: 6 times! I thought there would be more time with Raph or one of the others would have to parent the others? Though 6 still is a big number. 5 of time it’s Raph, the last being Donnie.
Donnie does this to Splinter, yelling at him and saying that he’s going to change the tv channel to education shows. This apparently happen before.
Raph; all most of these, he talk in a baby voice.
To Mikey; “hey Buddy, uh, just checking in, making sure you’re uh, okay. Everything okay? You’re okay right?”
To Mikey: “of course you are-in seven to ten years. Right now, it’s just to dangerous.”
To Donnie; “ooh, hey Buddy. Hey, um really loving the gifts you got us. We-we know how long it took you to make ‘‘em and it was so thoughtful”
About Donnie: “yeah I know but he’s got such a softshell.”
To Franken-Foot “someone needs Raphy’s help?”
Last game, it’s a long one. Why do they do that? It’s just me finding characters details and some ooc things.
Leo can portal water
Leo can moves his portals with or without his wepond
Raph talk in third person
Raph eats the wet salami
Donnie can write in cursive
Donnie dosnt like bees or beach balls
Donnie like “cute but mean” types
Raph ruined a woman’s 95th birthday
Mikey + Raph like to wear the hippo costume
Raph catchphrase “jumping Jack flash” and “like a boss”
Mikey catchphrase “cowabunga”
Mikey + Donnie can build
Mikey + Leo know how to cook
Leo can code
Leo + Mikey likes unicorns
Splinter can get rat flu
Splinter writes self insert fanfiction
Splinter wears fish shoes (shoes that are see through and has a alive fish in them)
Donnie keeps said fish in the tank
Splinter eats stuff off the bottom of his slippers
The gang have movie nights
Raph is allergic to peanuts
Mikey can DJ and can play the mandolin
The boys can sing and dance
Raph collets and names teddy bears
Mikey maybe has diabetes??
Donnie can read lips
Donnie does/sings to musical numbers
Mikey took rodeo classes
Mikey also used raph toothbrush
Raph is scars of puppets (or dolls or bunnies, it hard to say witch is it)
Raph crys when scared
Donnie has a titanium bust of himself
Donnie made a self cleaning toothpick
All the boys talk to themselves
Splinter can sing opera
Leo drinks tea
Mikey + Donnie believe in cryptic, Leo doesn’t
Donnie has pictures of their previous incarnations
Raphael has a social account
Donnie tech bo runs on batteries
April doesn’t have any human friends
April has a curse birthday
Donnie won “national library competition” 3 years in a row
Donnie can play guitar
Donnie is a fan of experiential learning
Things I found OOC (out of character)
Mikey and Leo fighting during the waiting episode
Leo and Raph fighting first meeting big mama
The boys think that Donnie doesn’t like them, that Leo think Donnie sees him as “broken”, and raph think the helmet is “condescending”
Next up! Character analysis!
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rriavian · 5 months
I was tagged in this ages and ages ago by @dream-of-the-bitchless and it's been waiting in my drafts from before I took a few weeks break away from tumblr (just checked and I was tagged in February!!). I don't always participate in tagging games, though I try to, but I'm so sorry for the late response!
My own get to know you game:
Who was your first fictional crush?:
I’m asexual, so I don’t really experience crushes? But I did watch The Mummy as a child and so had nearly the same experience as everyone else, except without the attraction part
What’s the first colour you think of when I tell you to think of a colour?:
Sunset orange :)
Which fanfiction emotionally scarred you and still makes you shudder to this day?:
Hmm, I am very good at noping out of a fic before then, because I’m not one for emotional scarring when I read unless it’s the sort I will think of fondly. But there is a Dragon Age fic that I try very hard not to think about, because the moment I noped out was a moment too late. (To be clear it wasn’t a bad fic, it just had something happen that was an absolute nope for me...which is usually the case when I decide I have to stop reading, because I know where that line is for me)
I’m coming to your house for dinner, non-negotiable, what are you making me?:
Erm! I am making you…hmm. Depends on if you have any dietary restrictions. I have allergies so I need to be very careful, and I’d probably also ask what your favourite meal was/what you felt like eating so I could make it for you
Do you prefer lions or kangaroos?:
Both can kill you relatively easily, so both have my respect. Though kangaroos are a bit more unhinged about it
Which fictional villain do you brush past the glaringly obvious issues for because you really like them?:
None! If I like a fictional villain I like them because of the glaringly obvious issues. Not all characters have to be good for you to like them, and liking them doesn’t have to be excusing the things they have done/the fact they are a villain
What would accompany your picture in the Burn Book in Mean Girls?:
I don’t think I’m interesting enough to have anything particularly striking next to my name. Maybe 'this person will sit reading a book in a pub and ignore you', because I have actually done this, and the book in question was The Fellowship of the Ring
How many days would you last in the universe of your favourite fandom?:
Oh, definitely 0—because Dream would sense me joining the collective unconscious of his universe and instantly judge me for all the fic I’ve been writing about him and drop kick me out of his universe. Or, even worse, appear before me with his head tilted mockingly, then smirk smugly and force me to listen to him read them all out loud
In which case I’d be the one drop kicking myself out of his universe out of sheer mortification
Have you heard of Mischief Theatre?:
Yes! Never been to one of their shows but have heard great things :)
Do you feel sorry for Medusa?:
Medusa would never care enough about what anyone else thought for my opinion of her to matter. And me feeling sorry for her wouldn't define her as inherently deserving of sympathy, or inherently not deserving of it
All jokes aside, this question does hinge on what version of her myth you go with, as I've heard quite a few. Overall I think that all characters are, in some ways, worthy of empathy or at least deserve an attempt to be understood, so I suppose my answer is yes
Which song makes you think of your OTP?:
I am a terrible shipper because I have no songs for my ships! Feel free to suggest some!
Which song makes you disassociate and daydream the fastest?:
Oh it changes depending on what song is currently stuck in my head! But anything that is fast enough to keep up with my thoughts and then disappear into the background while I daydream
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