#is if everyone involved just hoped no one would notice any of the hints
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heyclickadee · 9 months ago
Slightly unhinged Tech theories brought to you by:
1. How stupidly open Star Wars canon is.
2. An extremely stubborn form of optimism.
3. That red herrings only work if the real answer is more satisfying than the distraction, and the fact is that not only did we not get any answer AT ALL, but no one involved will actually straight up say it was a misdirect or what we were being misdirected from or even acknowledge there being any direction at all, meaning it was either the world’s most badly executed red herring, or it wasn’t a red herring at all/we just don’t have the actual answer yet.
4. The fact that Tech isn’t a real person, he’s an idea, meaning I don’t have to accept jack shit. Especially when canon has done so little to actually convince me he’s gone for good and it’s so markedly different than every other loss in the show.
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a-hazbin-reader · 1 year ago
If you're looking for ideas, what about a reader that is friends with both Rosie and Alastor and notices that the reader is catching feelings for Alastor? I think she'd be support them, maybe poke Alkastor since he's not likely to get the hint wioth reader not saying it directly lol
Thank you for considering and I hope you're having fun out there! Ur favs loooove yooou <33
This is just so adorable????
Rosie X Reader Headcanons
Plus a little Alastor X Reader too
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TW: Reader being BULLIED with affection, Rosie interferes with everything, Romantic Alastor X Reader
Description: ☝️⬆️
Rosie claims that matters of the heart are her specialty, and who is anybody to disagree with her??
She is quick to identify what someone is feeling and her friends are no exception to the rule
So when she notices you're starting to act strangely around your mutual friend Alastor...she's quick to figure out what's going on with you
You and Alastor are having drinks together and you're laughing a little too much?? Cheeks a little too pink?? Oh she saw that
Alastor is singing and dancing?? Rosie couldn't help but notice that you were completely enraptured by him, hanging onto every moment
You also happen to have a bad habit of looking away whenever Alastor compliments you, trying to hide a blush perhaps?
Well aren't you just adorable
Now Rosie won't corner you or anything like that, she won't pry the truth out of you even if she's dying to
But she does kind of trick you into admitting you're feelings to her, inviting you out for the day and slyly bringing Alastor up
You're so cute when you're flustered and choking on your drink
"Now now~ There's nothin' to be embarrassed about! Just let Rosie know what you're feelin' and she'll sort it out for ya!"
She's so good to you
"I guess my head has kinda been all over the place lately..."
Rosie slowly gets the truth to come out of you, and boy, is she pleased as punch to find out you're falling in love with Alastor
All Rosie wants is her two friends to be happy and if she can make it happen?? She'll make it happen, she's putting all her cards on the table for this one
She promises you that she won't tell your secret or intervene in any way
But she forgot to tell you that her fingers were totally crossed
Rosie tries to start out small and subtle, even visiting the hotel and getting the others involved
Suddenly everyone is talking about you and how talented you are, how lovely you always look, what you did today
"Y/N, look at that outfit! You look fucking hot today!"
"Uh..thanks Angel..?"
Charlie and Vaggie are always pairing you and Alastor together for anything they can think of
Niffty has suddenly taken to tripping you in front of Alastor but you needn't worry, he always catches you
Husk tries to stay out of it initially but even he gets caught up in it, admitting you two would be good together
Even random people on the street are giving you extra attention whenever you're out with Alastor
Alastor can't seem to get you out of his head all of a sudden, can't shake the intrusive thoughts of you
No matter
When being subtle doesn't work then Rosie switches gears, taking a page out of Niffty's book
No she's not going to trip you
Finds excuses to have you run errands for her, somehow always leading you to bumping into Alastor
And Alastor, ever the gentleman, always walks you back and keeps you company along the way
He finds himself getting more and more fond of you, more so than he was before, he feels a little strange
Finds himself wanting to be closer to you, seeing you in a different light than before, were you always so pretty to look at???
Rosie is pleased with her progress but annoyed by the fact that Alastor still hasn't taken a hint and that you still haven't confessed
That's fine, she's got ways
She starts having flowers and little gifts sent to you when she knows you're with Alastor, faking a secret admirer
Oh he doesn't like that
Alastor feels something ugly twist in his gut when he sees your face flush as you delicately pick at the flowers, flattered
After the fourth gift that was sent to you Alastor started to get more than annoyed, trying to figure out who was taking up your attention
Imagine his surprise when the paper trail leads back to Rosie
Okay now he's legitimately worried about losing you, Rosie is a smooth she-devil
"Alastor! What brings you here-"
"I know what you've been up to, my dear."
Rosie isn't nervous, but she's definitely surprised that he figured her out, she was only trying to help you out
Alastor skips all the pleasantries and immediately just asks her if she's trying to court you
Oh...so he got it wrong...that's hilarious
"Oh my stars~! No no no~!" She literally can't stop the laughter at this point
Now Alastor is confused, why was she pretending to be your secret admirer then?
Rosie tries to lead Alastor to his own conclusion about why she did it but all of a sudden he's turned into an idiot
She really doesn't want to out your secret
But she also has been working towards this for months now
So she blurts out the fact that you're in love with him and that she's been trying to set you both up together this entire time and it feels so good to let it all out and-
Alastor simply holds a hand up to stop her, looking a little overwhelmed by the news but Rosie also detects a hint of relief??
Maybe he did grow an extra soft spot for you after all??
After confirming with Alastor that you did indeed explicitly tell her that you fell for him, Rosie watches him leave
She also refuses to apologize for interfering in his love life, a girl has gotta look out for her friends
She honestly doesn't know which way things are going to go but is pleasantly surprised when you give her a ring the next day
"Rosie! Are you free today? You won't believe what happened last night! I can't wait to tell you!"
They should call her Cupid from now on
She always hounds you for the details on your dates and is always giving Alastor tips on what you would like
"Come now, was snuggling really all you two did after dinner?"
"Oh Alastor, you should really get those earrings for Y/N~! They would absolutely sparkle on them~!"
Tells everyone that she's the reason you two are together, she's just so proud of herself
She wants to plan your wedding for you
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This one was such a cute idea!! I really hope it's what you wanted!!
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thealtoduck · 8 months ago
Secret Saviour
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Damian Wayne x Male Reader
Warnings: None…
Part 1: Being the son of Roulette and meeting Damian Wayne…
Summary: When Bruce goes missing Damian finds an unexpected help in Y/n Sinclair…
(A/n: I changed the title from the poll)
Ever since the two of you studied together you and Damian had grown fond of each others company. Despite that Damian would never admit this fact, he insisted to his family that he was simply investigating you to see if you were somehow involved with your mother’s criminal activities.
He hadn’t actually found anything suspicious connecting you to Roulette yet which pleased him. Because according to him it means ”he dosen’t have to contact the GCPD… yet”. But Damian would have to put his ”investigation” on halt for a bit.
One dark night during patrol Bruce had suddenly disappeared without a trace, no comms could reach him and they had no way to track him except for the Batmobile’s last location, which hadn’t revealed the slightest hint. His allies looked for him for days trying to find even the smallest clue that would at least let them know he was alive but nothing.
Just when they felt like there was no where else to look they got a call from the watchtower. They answered and Martian Manhunter appeared on the screen of the Batcomputer.
”Hey J’onn, good news I hope” Dick greeted. ”The watchtower recieved an urgent message about Batman’s current whereabouts from an unknown source” J’onn said and another voice started playing from the speakers, one which Damian recognized…
”Is this the watchtower?” A voice came over a weak signal making the sound crackle lightly. Despite the bad audio quality Damian knew that voice immediately it was Y/n’s voice. ”I know Batman has disappeared and I think I know where he is, have someone meet me on the 4th floor of parking garage next to the Royal Hotel, on Wednesday at midnight and I’ll tell you what i know”.
The message then ended and J’onn said ”I’ll let you decide how to deal with the informant, make sure to be careful, contact the League if you need any further help, good luck”. Then he hung up and disappeared from the main screen.
”Do we go meet the informant? It could be a trap to get us too” Duke questioned. ”We don’t have anything else to go off, this could be our only lead, we have to go” Tim stated. ”How about two of us go meet the informant, while the others keep watch in the surrounding area and Oracle monitors, incase it’s a trap” Dick said drawing up a plan.
The others muttered and nodded in agreement of the plan. ”I wanna meet the informant” Damian then voulenteered on impulse making the others turn to him suprised by his eagerness. But Damian needed to make sure it was you, even if you might be luring him in to a trap.
”Alright” Dick said and walked them through the plan ”Me and Damian meet the informant on the 4th floor. Jason, you keep an eye from above the top of the Royal Hotel. Cass and Steph, i want one of you on the 5th floor and one on the 3rd floor, incase we need back up. Duke and Tim, you’ll watch from the building across the street, everyone clear?”.
The each member of the team uttered a quick ”Yes” in understanding. As Damian went to bed he knew needed to keep an eye on you tommorow.
The next day when Damian attended school he was on the watch for you. Once he found you, you greeted Damian as you usually did but as you got to class he noticed you seemed off. You were usually the more talkative out of the two of you but today you seemed distracted, almost nervous today.
When you got to lunch time and you and Damian sat down together he questioned ”Are you okay? You’re being quiet”. ”Oh… no I’m fine I just got a lot to do, so just a bit stressed you know” you answered vaguely.
The fact that Damian had pointed it out, made you seem more focused and yourself, he assumed it was to not seem suspicious and make him ask more questions. Once the school day ended you were quick in saying goodbye to him before you got in to a car as your chauffeur took you home.
Later that night Nightwing and Robin grappled to the 4th floor of parking garage and started looking around. There were some cars parked there that they kept a watchful eye on in case any goons were hiding inside. Soon the two spotted a figure dressed in all black.
The figure was looking down to the streets below the garage. The two approached slowly ready to grab their weapons in case of an ambush. As they stopped behing the stranger he turned around.
Damian had been right there you were hidden in a black hoodie. Not something you’d usually wear but Damian understood it was for stealth purposes. And even then he thought black suited you well.
Dick however was caught slightly off guard a kid was the one who had made an emergency call to the Watchtower…
”Thanks for meeting me” you said, your voice cautious as you looked around to see no one would hear you. ”So, what do you know?” Nightwing asked.
”I think that Batman was taken by the criminal, Roulette, ever heard of her?” you started. ”Yeah, she’s the one who runs those illegal cansinos, what makes you think she’s behind this?” Dick asked.
”I… have sources who work closely with her” you said Robin and Nightwing noticing the slight hesitation in your voice. ”They say she’s advertising a special event with her superhero cage fights that started around the same time Batman went missing” you explained.
”Any idea where she might have taken him?” Robin spoke up, his voice throwing you off for a moment, Robin sounded kinda like Damian. You got back on track and answered ”My guess would be her casino in Las Vegas, it’s her biggest one, she holds all her major events there and I think she’d make having captured Batman, a big event”.
You held out a flash drive in your hand and said ”This contains the layout of the Vegas casino”. Nightwing picked it up and said ”Thank you, you’ve been very helpful to us”.
”It’s the least I could do after all you’ve all done for the city” you told him with a small smile. ”I have to leave now” you told them. ”Good luck” you said walking off, you felt someone grab your shoulder.
Making you turn around being met with Robin. ”You shouldn’t walk home alone, It’s dangerous this late at night, someone should escort you” he stated. You smiled at him. ”Don’t worry I’m a tough boy, who can take care of himself, thanks for the offer though” you stated, a teasing tone to your voice and you once more turned around and strolled off.
Dick and Damian then started their drive home in the Batmobile. ”I wonder what sources he had, hope he’s not mixed up in that crowd, he seemed pretty young” Dick said with a worried tone.
”That was Y/n Sinclair, he probably got the info straight from Roulette herself” Damian revealed. ”Oh! That was your boyfriend? The one you’re ”investigating”? He seemed nice, I like him, Good pick” Dick stated.
”He’s NOT my boyfriend!” Damian said annoyed.
”You just offered to walk him home” Dick accused. Damian glared at his brother and said ”Just to make sure he stays out of trouble”.
”…Right” Dick said not believing a single word Damian said.
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becauseicantthinkwritings · 8 months ago
Objects in Motion
Part 3
Alpha! Billy Russo x Omega! Reader
Hey, I hit 4k followers! That's pretty cool, thank you everyone!
Part 1 // Part 2
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A snip taken from Le Printemps, by Eugène Bidau
It takes you too long to pick a dress the next morning. There was an issue with all of them, one was too tight around your chest that you could barely breathe, the other had a hole in the sleeve that you hadn’t noticed before.
You'd ended up picking something you hadn't worn in a while- sage green with little flowers on it. 
Halfway to the museum, you'd noticed a small stain on the skirt, that had made you frown.
It wouldn't lift with the wet wipe you'd pulled from your bag, and you'd have to settle for hoping he wouldn't see it.
Your stomach flips at the thought of him.
You'd worn a dress in hopes that this was a date- you didn't understand why you wanted it to be a date so badly.
Okay, that wasn't true, you knew you liked him, even though you shouldn't.
It probably wasn't a date, why would he be interested in dating you?
I haven't had a clear thought since, he'd said, you knew the sentiment, wondering, if he was just like every other Alpha, nice at first and then demanding later.
The other Alphas you'd been with- you try not to shudder- they'd been awful, love bombing until you let your guard down, and then getting angry when you tried to deny them something.
The last one had gotten upset that after only knowing him for two weeks, you didn't want to share your heat with him. 
The scorn he'd shown you when you reinforced your denial instead of caving, it had made you curl up and never want to see another Alpha again.
This Alpha could be worse, he could be cruel, waiting to get you alone to trick you into something you didn't want because you'd stolen his coat. The thought sent an uncomfortable wave of nausea over you.
You see your seedy reflection in the window, everything moving too fast for you to focus on except your own gaze.
You would not be taken advantage of.
There’s that too much feeling again, everyone is so busy around you as you stand outside the art museum waiting. You see children running past, and dogs, a delighted scream in the distance that makes your chest feel like it’s on fire with the too much of it all. 
Why did the world have to be so chaotic? Why couldn’t it be warm and quiet and peaceful with hints of cracked pepper and bergamot-
You blink, realising you’d been thinking about the Alpha again.
Maybe this hadn’t been a good idea. To get involved with someone that made you feel this way, like you wanted to give in to his demands. At which point would he ask for too much?
Your shoulders drop, you check the time, quarter to twelve.
You turn to leave.
Someone says your name.
You raise your head to find the Alpha approaching. He’s wearing a beige shirt, with large threads that look almost knitted, paired with black pants and another coat that definitely costs more than you can afford. 
Too late, your stomach twists.
You nod your head in greeting.
“Hi,” You acknowledge shyly, “You’re early.”
“Hello, I thought I told you to call me when you got here?”
Your chest squeezes in fright. Was he already making demands?
You keep his gaze, trying to show him a braver you than you were.
“I only just got here.” You challenge, wondering why it was such a big deal.
He nods, raising a hand to push his hair back. You watch him scan the area before letting out a soft breath.
“Sorry, I just didn’t like the idea of you waiting all alone here.”
Was he worried about you?
“I can manage,” You inform him, “I come here all the time.”
He studies you for a moment, looks as though he wants to say something, but decides against it.
“My apologies,” He turns to stand beside you, “Shall we?”
Your stomach flips at his words and you try not to focus on it, or him, and definitely not his smell.
You begin walking.
You try not to touch him, keeping a respectful distance, not wanting to take any part of him he might not be willing to give.
As you walk through the museum’s outdoor park, a lot of people glance your way. Men and women alike, want to steal a look at the man standing beside you. It makes you feel incredibly conscious of yourself, and you feel like the stain on your skirt grows ten times its size in that time.
You wonder if any of their staring has to do with the assumption that you were a mated pair- the thought makes you shiver- the idea that you would be mated to a person that looks like him.
“Cold? Want my coat?” He offers.
You shake your head, not wanting to touch this Alpha’s coats ever again.
“I’m alright, I’m overheating anyway.” You reply, hoping he didn’t ask any follow up questions. Your period would be upon you soon.
“Poor thing.” He soothes.
It almost makes you stumble.
Your eyes widen and you feel a sharp pang in your stomach, his easy comfort swirling in your hindbrain, begging you to curl up with this man in a cozy nest- not a man, you correct yourself, an Alpha.
You’d only walked a few minutes beside him and already you were thinking about bringing him into your nest? Had you gone insane?
You refuse to think about it, focusing on the trees, and the people passing by with dogs on harnesses leading the way-
“Did you grow up in New York?” He asks, his voice breaking into the whirlwind in your head.
You swallow, shaking your head before looking over at him.
Damn- looking at him was a mistake.
You tell him where you grew up on a shaky breath, asking him to reciprocate.
He smiles, calmly responds that he grew up here, bounced around the city a bit. Something about his response, the tone of his voice, tells you that there’s a key part of the story missing.
You don’t pry, knowing better than to ask intrusive questions.
You swallow, smiling at him politely when he looks at you, still trapped in the moment when he offered you his coat.
You catch a group of women with their eyes on William, and when their gaze falls on you, you watch their collective expressions switch from interest to disdain.
You drop your head, finding that maybe the floor is safer to gaze at than your environment.
What were you doing here with him? Why had you done this? You should have just stayed home where you were safer.
“What do you do for work?” He asks next, breaking into the din in your head. 
You turn to look at him with wide eyes, unsure as to why he was so interested in you.
“Uh- I’m- I work in customer service… somehow. I have no idea how I ended up there.”
“What do you mean?” He asks, the tone of his voice sounds genuinely curious.
You glance his way, giving him a smile.
“I’m not exactly a person that’s comfortable around people. I like… being alone.”
“You don’t like it?”
“Not really, but it’s better than nothing.” You let out a breath, “Can’t complain.” You finish with a mutter.
“Something else you want to do?”
You shake your head sadly. You couldn’t very well say that you’d rather not work at all- it would look like you were after his money.
You think for a moment, trying to make something up, and falling short.
“Honestly, I don’t know, I guess I haven’t found my calling yet.”
He nods in understanding, and it gives you the opportunity to ask about his line of work.
“What about you? What do you do?”
“I'm in security,” he answers, “I handle asset and individual protection, and I even get contracted by the government occasionally.”
You listen intently, nodding along to his words. You'd already looked him up and had some idea of what he did, but it was interesting to hear it from him.
“That sounds really cool. Is there a lot of danger?”
He grins, and abjectly, you feel as though you've asked something stupid.
“It can get dicey sometimes, yeah, especially with protecting people.”
“Right, yeah, sorry, dumb question.” You mutter, looking down.
“I like your questions.” He says lowly, angling his head in your direction so that you hear him.
Like a fledgling omega, your heart skips a damn beat.
His eyes are very dark, you try not to trip as you get caught up in them, pools of obsidian, pulling you into him.
He gazes right back, the soft look in his eyes fills your head with delight, makes you forget about breathing for a few moments.
It's something so primal inside of you, a whisper in your head that this… this alpha, might be special. 
You breathe out a short sigh, inching closer, until you're close enough to breathe him in. You close your eyes, taking a deep, slow breath, bergamot and citrus chasing your anxieties away.
You lean in more, hindbrain in control, desperate for more of his scent, his hand is rough on the back of your neck. 
Your nose almost brushes the scent gland on the side of his neck when someone walking past clears their throat loudly.
You jerk, pulling back, brain restarting as absolute horror fills you.
No way did you almost scent a stranger in a public place.
You make a sound of regret, stepping back, his hand slips from your neck, you glance up at him, the scent of desire heavy in the air.
“Oh my god, I am so sorry.” You vocalise, turning away for a second to catch your breath and calm yourself.
“I wasn't stopping you.” He admits, as you continue to breathe.
This was too much, he had too much of an influence on you. His words make your stomach flip.
It was a very good thing, you decided, that you'd chosen a public place. You couldn’t even begin to imagine what would have happened if you'd been alone. You weren't sure if you had the capacity to stop yourself around him.
He had the hidden ability to somehow switch your brain from rationality to instinct. And that, was the most dangerous thing of all.
“I'm sorry,” you say again, trying not to cry from how overwhelming it is to resist him, “If you- if you want to leave I'll understand.”
“Not at all, omega.” He replies almost instantly, “I want this, don't be sorry.” He reaches out to take your hand in his, giving you a reassuring squeeze.
“Come on.” He guides, taking a step forward to prompt you into walking again.
He doesn't let go of your hand.
The sandwich shop has an old feel to it, sitting at the center of the park with lots of seating both indoors and out for dining, the little building looks like it was built at least a decade or two ago. The roof is partially made of glass to allow natural light to spill in, blocked by trees all around except in the direct centre where a large amount of light spills in.
When Billy asks to be seated in the coolest spot, you turn to look at him in surprise, your stomach twisting, heart accelerating as you take in his casual dominance of his environment.
Like other Alphas, he knew how to command a room, though, with him, the assertion was more subtext. He was polite, and yet he always seemed to get what he wanted. It was a dangerous mix, and the implications of what that meant for you scared you a little.
“Is here okay?” He asks, turning to you when the woman at the front guides you to a table.
You blink in surprise. No one had ever-
You study the booth with a little frown, finding it a little too bright for your senses and then your eyes drift two tables down to a darker booth before looking back at him shyly.
“That one?” He asks, already moving.
“Yes please.” You say nicely, following him.
It's nice, you never sit in the booths because it's usually just you when you come here, but the seats are soft, and you can tell the velvety upholstery is clean and has recently been redone.
He slides into the seat opposite to you, his knees bumping yours for a second as he gets settled.
You giggle when they bump you again and he mutters an apology.
“Sorry, it's a little small,” you say, “And you're kind of… not.”
He laughs quietly.
“I'm okay, getting in was the hardest part, and it's not too bad.” You feel his legs extend out on either side of yours, taking up space to get comfortable. 
You can feel your heart beating forcefully as you watch him scan the little paper menu that had been placed on the table before you'd been seated. Finding difficulty in figuring out why exactly he'd taken an interest in you.
“S-so,” you murmur, getting his attention, “You didn't have the coat cleaned?”
His eyes darken, a smile pulling on his lips as he recounts the memory in his head.
“I was curious. I'd deleted the video of you taking it- didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble for you- plus I know that omegas occasionally do things on instinct- so when I got it back, wrapped so tightly, I was… just wondering about you a little.”
You swallow nervously.
“And then?”
You feel the molten heat in his gaze as his eyes roam over you.
“And then I smelled the most delicious scent. It made me desperate, made me lose control of my own thoughts for a couple of minutes. The smell of your heat was wonderful, omega. I knew I had to find you.”
You open your mouth to respond, but your eyes catch movement of a waitress coming your way.
“Hello, my name is Teresa, I'll be your waitress this evening. Are you ready to order?” She rushes out, smiling politely though you notice that her eyes linger on William for a few moments more.
“We're not ready to order yet,” he says, eyes still locked on you, “Can you come back in five minutes?” 
She nods easily, stepping away with a ‘sure thing.’
There's a beat of silence, where you stare down at your menu and read none of the words, head racing with what you know.
“What are you thinking about getting?”
You blink, glancing up at him and then back down to the menu.
“Um, I usually get the turkey on rye, so maybe that.”
“Got any suggestions for me?”
You hum, deep in thought.
“The grilled chicken pesto always smells so delicious, there's some fresh mozzarella in it too. I've never had it, but it's a popular one.”
“You should try it. Mix things up.”
You smile sadly, glancing at the price of the sandwich in question, the fresh mozzarella near triples the price.
“That's okay, I'll stick with my turkey.”
“Don't worry about anything else. If you really want the pesto, get it.”
His eyes are earnest, and you know there's another conversation happening in the subtext of this one. That he was willing to cover the cost, that it was obvious that it was the source of your hesitation.
You swallow, glancing down at the price once again, figuring that one sandwich wouldn't throw him into debt.
A little lump swells in your throat, you wonder if he would expect anything because of this like alphas before. You figure one sandwich did not give him that much leverage over you. You'd done more damage with his coat and he'd overlooked that.
“Okay, I'll have it. What will you get?”
“Steak sandwich.” He answers, with a smile, just as Teresa appears again.
“Ready?” She asks eagerly.
“Why did you pick this table?” He asks, studying you.
You glance over at him, having been distracted by some people walking in.
You're beautiful, he squeezes his fists, fighting himself. He wants to provide for you so badly that it tears at him. He can see how defensive you are, how cautious you act sometimes. He knows that you must have had bad encounters with Alphas to be this wary. He wants to learn you, know you better than he knows himself.
“I have a little sensitivity to light.” You respond, absentmindedly, “I can barely see in direct sunlight.”
He inclines his head, noting for later, to avoid anything that would overwhelm you.
“I'm sorry to hear that, sweetheart, it must be so hard to deal with.”
He feels delight fill his body as you give him a wide eyed look, your omega nature appreciating his sympathy to your plights. 
He bites the inside corner of his lip, wanting this sweet, timid omega to be his, very badly.
The urge to have you scent him sharpens, to press your nose to his neck, to have you breathe him in, mix your scents together so that no one would question whether or not you were a mated pair. You'd almost done it earlier, and he hadn't realized how eager he was for it until the moment you'd pulled away.
He had to play his cards right. If he scared you away, he would not get another chance.
You talk a lot, about where you grew up, and the schools you went to, and when he tells you about his childhood, you try not to give him any looks of pity, nodding along, eager to listen to everything he has to tell you.
You want to comfort him though, your hands clenching into fists in your lap because you want to reach over and squeeze his hand and tell him you’re sorry but logically you know that you barely know him.
Except that you feel like you’ve known him a very long time. Your face hurts with the amount you’ve smiled, the unfamiliar expression printed onto your face, where you’re usually shy or frightened.
When he asks about you, you feel a little more comfortable revealing personal information. Describing the details of your job so that he understands your day to day work.
“Does it pay well?”
“You know it doesn't.” You grumble sadly, “I would take up a second job if I could, but companies have this rule about how many hours an omega is allowed to work weekly.” You stop talking, waiting to see what stance he was going to take on this. The entire job market was designed to push omegas into the arms of alphas or betas rich enough to take care of them. 
His mouth turns down into a frown.
“They should just pay people liveable wages to begin with. Having a second job would be too much for anyone. At least tell me you get health insurance.”
You make an unsure face.
“For the most part, but there are… big gaps.”
His eyebrows crush together in sympathy.
“You get heat days?”
You nod, taking a few sips of your drink.
“Yeah, they give us three, and I usually have to take two extra sick days because I have longer heats.”
“Wait, they don’t give you days specific to your heat requirements?”
You let out a little awkward laugh.
“No, three heat days, giving more days to some people would be unfair according to them.”
He clicks his tongue, “That must be so hard.” He hums, and something primal sparks inside of you.
Yes, your mind screamed at him, yes alpha, I’m a poor little thing, please soothe me and take care of me and keep me warm and safe and full-
You clear your throat.
“I get by.” You reply.
He shakes his head, deep in thought.
“It’s still not fair.”
You let out a slow sigh when you take your first bite of the sandwich.
Eyes closed, you can't believe what you're tasting, that it could be so delicious.
You do your hardest not to take a second bite before finishing the first, determined to savour it.
Across from you, he makes a low hum when he bites into his, and you fight a smile, stomach fluttering, happy that he likes it.
“Maybe you can find another job?” He suggests between bites.
You blink, shoulders dropping.
“I've been trying, it's just not that easy,” You look down at your sandwich, a touch of sadness fills your chest, “Sorry, I don’t mean to complain.”
“It's okay, I want to hear about it.”
You let out a harsh breath, your stomach turning over.
“Why? Because you smelled my heat and decided I was going to be your omega?” You blink, regretting the words as soon as they come out, drawing back into yourself and waiting for him to get angry.
“I'm sorry,” you say when he doesn't immediately speak, “I shouldn’t have- I'm sorry.” You take a shallow breath, feeling the panic grip you tightly.
“Don't apologize, sweetheart, you didn't do anything wrong.”
You don't meet his eyes, still trying to get control of your fears.
You hear movement, and in your peripherals, you watch him slide out of the booth and to a stand. Oh god, was he leaving? You feel your eyes begin to swell with tears. 
You'd done it, successfully chased him away.
Your breath stutters when his plated sandwich slides in beside yours, and finally, you glance up at him.
“May I?” He asks softly, and you automatically comply without thinking, sliding deeper into the booth to give him more space.
He fits himself in, while you grab a napkin to blot at your tears, a little embarrassed now that you realize he wasn't actually leaving.
“S-sorry.” You whisper, trying to apologize for this abundance of emotion. For sure, it would definitely annoy him.
Your breath stutters when you feel the warm press of his palm to your shoulder blade.
“Breathe, omega, everything's alright.”
You suck in a shaky breath, his scent wrapping around you.
He moves slowly in your peripheral, moving his hand to brush the backs of his fingers over your cheek.
You finally look at him when he touches you, the sensation leaving tingles behind.
“One more big breath for me.” He guides, and you obey, feeling your brain respond to his gentleness.
His eyes are warm, chocolate, a feeling of ease settles into the base of your spine.
“When I smelled you on my coat for the first time, I knew I had to find you. But, finally meeting you, and slowly getting to know you, is what makes me want to stay. You're not my omega, and I'm not your alpha… But I'd like to be.”
My alpha?
Your lips part in disbelief, looking into his eyes, feeling hope swell inside of you.
Maybe he would make a good alpha, maybe he would hold you when you were scared, and kiss your cheek every night before falling asleep, maybe he would hold you tightly and talk to you after sex, and not make you feel like a used item to be discarded-
You shudder out a breath.
“I-I'm not interested in finding an alpha right now.” You stutter out, afraid of his response. 
His eyes remain kind, though there's something in them that makes you think that he's sad.
“I understand, sweetheart. I won't bring it up again.” He turns, bringing his sandwich up to his mouth to take another bite.
You follow his lead with wide eyes, surprised that this was all he had to say on the subject.
After a few bites, shoulder brushing his arm every now and again, you can't hold back.
“You're not… mad?”
You hear him exhale slowly.
“I don't think I could ever be mad at you, little one. I like you a lot, and I'm willing to… be as patient as you need me to be.”
Your heart squeezes in your chest.
“And what if it never happens? I don't want to give you false hope.”
To your surprise, he laughs, low and sweet. It brings a smile to your face though you don't know the joke.
“I'm going to have hope whether I want to or not. That's the consequence of wanting.”
“You want… me?”
“I thought that was obvious.”
“Well, yes, I guess it was, but…” You let out a disbelieving laugh, shaking your head, “I'm sorry, this is so crazy.”
“Why is it crazy?”
“Bec-” You couldn’t say it out loud.
He turns to you, studying you intently for a moment.
“I mean, well, look at me.” You say softly.
He raises his eyebrows.
“You're lovely.” He murmurs.
You can't help the shy smile that it brings to your face.
To no one's surprise, he pays.
You let him, because you were in no position to offer any kind of payment, and he was willing to lose a three thousand dollar coat on a whim. 
When he offers you a ride home, you feel comfortable enough with him to accept, looping your arm around his bicep when he extends his elbow for you to take.
The muscle below is firm, and you simmer with delight at the privilege he gives you.
You look around as you walk together, taking in the scenery around, watching as someone throws a frisbee, and a dalmatian runs to catch it.
“I take it you don’t like me, then.” He says, interrupting your thoughts.
“I do.” You blurt so quickly that your brain doesn’t have time to catch up. There’s something aching in your chest at the thought that he was unlikeable to you.
You take a deep breath, smiling sadly.
“That’s the problem. I like you, and that will cloud my judgement. My past experience has made following my heart almost impossible… and alphas…” You swallow, “Alphas can be scary, and they flip so suddenly sometimes,” you let out a sigh, shaking your head, “It's dangerous to trust an alpha.”
“It hurts me to hear you say that.” 
“I'm sorry.” 
“I'm the one who's sorry. I'm so sorry, and angry that you've had so many bad experiences with alphas. I'm sorry that they made you feel unsafe. I know it doesn't hold much weight right now, but I'd never hurt you.”
You're almost inclined to believe him.
“I guess we'll see.” You say, giving him a meaningful look.
He grins down at you.
“I like the sound of that.”
His car is heavy with his scent. You close your eyes, heart racing, breathing in deep lungfuls, feeling your brain go hazy with it.
Your skin gets hypersensitive, the feel of his leather seats brushing your thighs, the way it feels on your fingertips, makes you drunk in a way you've never felt before.
You don't give him your real address, but one that's a block over so that he doesn't see the hovel you really live in. 
It's hard to focus on anything outside of the vehicle, when his engine purrs to life and the sound vibrates your eardrums gently, he makes sure you're buckled in, before starting off.
He doesn't race, takes his time, moves reasonably. It makes you feel safe, settles you. You'd been a little worried he was an aggressive driver, but you had nothing to worry about.
You blink in surprise when he extends his phone to you, unlocked, his hands catching your eye, a work of art you could stare at for hours.
“Pick some music?” He offers.
You nod, fingers brushing his, and you select something soothing, lo-fi, to enjoy.
You get hypnotised by it, the bergamot and notes of citrus, cracked pepper that makes you hum, delighted. If this was what being in his presence was always like, how would you ever leave?
You wanted to press your nose to his neck, breathe him in right from the source, you wanted this scent soaked into your pores until it followed you everywhere. You wanted this smell in your nest, clinging to your things.
You're so needy by the time he pulls over, eyes glassy with want, you notice his hands are gripping his steering tightly.
“Omega,” he says, a slight tremble to his voice, “Do you want to scent me? It'll help you relax.” 
It wouldn't. You knew it from the bottom of your heart, scenting him would only make you want him more. But your hindbrain's in control now, and all you do is nod shakily, fumbling to unbuckle your seat belt.
He covers your hands calmly, doing it for you when you struggle too many times. You look at him shyly when you're both free.
He gives you a warm smile, before tilting his head up, exposing his gland to you.
Your heart pounds in your ears, a thrumming that fills your head, almost too loud as you lean forward, pressing your face to his neck.
He groans, and you reach to fist his shirt tightly in your hands, taking in a deep breath.
This was your alpha, there was no denying it, no other scent had ever took hold of you the way his did, everything else was rotten in comparison, and you were losing grip of your sanity with each passing moment.
You breathe him in, memorizing it, the extra kick, straight from the source, your hindbrain takes full control in these moments, and you're completely helpless to it.
“Alpha.” You sigh into his neck, and you feel him shudder beneath you.
You tilt your head up, lips brushing his gland, he groans loudly, the sound echoing in your ears, drowning out the thrumming of your heart for just a moment.
“That's it, omega," He guides, "Take what you need.”
You whine, if you really took what you needed, he'd already be at home in your nest, ready to make you his.
You tilt your head higher, and he turns to look at you with heated eyes, your noses brush in the quiet of his car.
Someone walking past catches in your peripheral, and you gasp, reeling back, realising where you were.
“S- sorry.” You say, scrambling away, reaching to unlock the door, stepping out and bolting as fast as your legs can carry you, too afraid to look back at him.
It takes you three orgasms in your bed before you begin thinking again.
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redflagshipwriter · 1 year ago
Hot Ghouls in your area 7
Chapter 7 
…Jason slowly put down the book and turned it cover up, shell-shocked from that interaction. He lifted his phone and took a photo. He sent it to Roy. 
“What do you see?” He typed. Jason bit his lower lip and tried not to scowl while he waited for a response. 
It wasn’t that Jason was unused to conflict. Jason was great at conflict. He won every conflict! (Almost.) But what the hell had this shit been? Why had that guy been so pissy about the book? What the hell was wrong with the book that Jason didn’t see?
“Gibberish?” Roy texted back a few minutes later. “It gives the impression of wonky Cyrillic to me. But it's got a terrible energy to it. The hell is that?”
Jason looked at the cover. To his eyes, there was a serif font declaring it Sense and Sensibility Universe D version 5. 
“Thanks,” he sent, ignoring the question and then the barrage of heart emojis. Shit, okay. 
That answered one question. But it didn't answer enough. What the fuck had that college kid been seeing that was so offensive? 
‘And why'd he think we would meet again?’ 
Jason pushed deep, deep down any awareness that he hoped it was true. That had been weird enough that it would bother him forever if he didn’t get answers.
He sort of hated the idea of getting his nosy family involved, but they would ask different and in some ways, less annoying questions than other groups he could poll. They'd know not to lie to him, at least. So he sent the picture on to the family group chat with the same question and grimly finished his tea. 
The elderly proprietor came out then and noticed that her other customer was gone. She looked confused for a moment, scanning the seat to see if his book bag was still there. She picked up the cash he'd left on the table and then started stacking dishes.
‘He’s a regular,’ Jason guessed, honing in on the opportunity to learn more. He flipped the book open but held the apparently offensive cover down towards the table, out of her line of sight. He needed to know what had gone so wrong. Jason wasn’t normally the kind of person that cute college kids had beef with.
He'd never been in this café before, his intuition had just told him to duck inside.
“I think he forgot something,” Jason offered casually, pretending to just look up from his book. “Ran out real quick in a panic.” 
The lady let out a soft “Ahhh,” of comprehension. “Something for his afternoon class, perhaps,” she agreed, looking a little happier. 
“Yeah, it looked like he was getting ready to settle in for a long study session and then he bolted,” Jason lied, watching her underneath his lashes. He had been paying a little more attention than he ought to when the guy came in. He was Jason’s type, aside from the thing where he’d hated Jason’s face for no apparent reason-
‘No, actually, everyone I’ve ever been into hated me on sight.’
Ouch. As Jason digested that embarrassing truth, the owner continued talking.
“He does that,” she agreed, apparently not thinking it was odd at all for them to talk about the habits of another customer. “Tuesdays and Thursdays. He's a sharp cookie, did you know that?” She continued, and oh, she had halfway adopted this college kid, huh? There was warmth and a hint of pride in her tone.
Jason valiantly swallowed the snort. “He looks familiar, but I don't think we have classes together,” he fished. 
“Mm, he's doing some kind of math and engineering,” the lady helpfully supplied. She gave Jason her full attention as she stood up from the table. “And you?”
“Modern language and literature,” Jason said, and sort of wished it was true. He didn't really have the time. Did he? Spoiler was a full-time student, wasn't she? …Huh.
While he chewed that over, the lady had drifted a couple steps closer.
“...Those are two meaningfully different courses?” 
“Modern language is learning additional languages, I'm doing Russian and Greek right now,” Jason lied easily. He was fluent in both already. “Literature is mostly classics, for my purposes. I'm focusing on Regency Lit.” 
She looked very interested, but she detoured away to deposit the dirty dishes behind the counter. They kept up a light conversation about books as she wiped off the table and reset for the next customer. 
When she left, he finally had the chance to check his messages. There was a full-on fight in the group chat. The last message was from Stephanie. She had tagged him and asked, “Is this an optical illusion??? Like that dress?”
Ah, fuck. Jason felt a rock settle in his stomach at the confirmation that something hinky was going on.
‘I can’t read this in public if it’s saying something I can’t control or even know.’
Fucking hell. Jason scrolled back up and checked. Damian listed the correct title. Dick saw what, ‘I thought was Greek at first.’ Stephanie might have been joking but she argued vigorously that it was pictographs that started with a bird. Drake had sent “You rediscovered Minoan Linear A? Cool.” and then not participated in any follow-up discussions. Duke had sent only a stream of confused and tearful emojis.
Cass had marked it read.
“Fair enough, I guess,” Jason muttered to himself. Resentfully he put the book back in his bag. 
What had that guy seen? If he’d just seen something foreign but illegible he wouldn’t have gotten so pissy about it. And who the hell had he been, anyway? Why was he so special?
Well. That was something to do with his afternoon. Jason paid up his bill and gave Phyllis his well-wishes for her doctor’s appointment tomorrow on the way out. Phyllis was a good contact, he would definitely come back for more of her jasmine tea no matter how mad that guy got at him.
…Jason really needed a name.
And found…
He headed to Gotham University and used the student computers to look up departments and then hack into the registrar. Jason flipped through photos until he found his guy: Danny Fenton, 19, sophomore double-major in the Engineering department. Good grades, no notes on his account about academic dishonesty or conflict.
'Little weird to meet two Dannys in a 24 hour period.'
Jason searched the guy online and found…
He let his mouth drop open in disbelief at the batshit insane website design he had stumbled into. The Fenton family had a website, apparently, and they had maybe let a 7 year old design it in 2008. The colors… The lack of centering… The.. the neon choices.
His eyes watered. It took a while to fight down his aesthetic grief and actually start comprehending the text.
He had expected this to be like, an online family newsletter. And it was! The link he had followed detailed “Danno going to college in the big city!!!” The boy himself looked extremely resigned in the attached photo. Seriously, Jason had seen much less mortified mugshots. The thing was, that on the same page, alongside posts about other kids going college (Jazzypants!) and someone called Alicia recovering from “supergout!” with "her eight favorite toes remaining!!!", there was also a lot of mention of ghosts.
Like, a lot.
Jason scrolled in pained disbelief. There were photos that showed extremely weird and dismayed green people obviously flinching away from a camera. A beautiful green woman with her hair halfway over her face snarled through a flood of smoke under the title “Wishywish Ghostie Interviewed: Learn what drives her generous heart!” and an ugly robot motherfucker was seen fleeing under the caption, “Skalker indicates that spook is a GHOST SLUR!”
….Was it a shit post? Just one long shitpost? It had to be a joke site.
Well. No. Jason buried his face in his hands and came to terms with the horrible fact that not only were ghosts real, he was accidentally married to one and this bombastic midwestern family already knew about it. This was his best lead for getting that 'beyond death do you part' separation.
They had been blasting the existence of ghosts for all the world to read, and it hadn’t been news. The Justice League didn’t know about this whole society. The journalism done by– Jason lifted his head to check– Jack Fenton interviewing clearly very unwilling ghosts was the only primary source that he knew of. 
He took a few deep breaths. He came to terms with grief. He decided to block his family from any further involvement in this shitshow, for what remained of his dignity. And he grimly noted down Jack Fenton’s email.
Jason cleared this history and closed down his tabs, feeling a decade older than he had when he had entered the library. He ignored the sultry ‘come talk to me’ eye contact that the student worker was shooting him from behind the counter as he slouched out. 
He stopped for a moment on top of the stairs to watch campus move. He saw the theatre building and the modern language headquarters from his vantage point, along with about half of the student center. There was just a trickle of foot traffic between buildings along paved paths. A few people were hanging out on blankets in the grass. An old man in a suit was taking a phone call next to a crawling rose garden. 
‘Maybe I should go to school.’
Well. After this shit was sorted out. Obviously he could not go to school before he got divorced. It would be torturous to hang out with cute boys his age and be committed to some hot dead mermaid who didn’t even wanna make out with him sloppy. Loser shit on absolutely every level, goddamn.
Jason shoved his hands in his pockets and jogged down the stairs. He kept an eye out for Danny, but had no luck.  
Not that he cared. It was interesting that he had a lead: Danny clearly had some connection to ghosts, and he had been able to read… 
‘Maybe he realized it was a ghost’s property and he thought I stole it?’ Jason realized in a stroke of inspiration. That made more sense. If he knew enough to recognize it as ghost language or whatever, then he might have felt affronted about Jason having it.
He went through his mental checklist to pick out what he did and didn’t know. Once he felt he had a hang on his priorities, he beelined to his own laptop in his favorite safehouse and started looking into the Fentons in more depth.
It was a great lead. It was suspiciously good, in fact, he thought as he found Jack Fenton’s online family newsletter again. What were the odds that he would run into Danny Fenton in a cafe that Jason had never even been in before? It had been a total fluke that he’d entered. He’d been walking past to a favorite place and then just had the urge to try the dark little family cafe.
‘…Ah, fuck’, Jason sighed. More ghost shit. It had to be. Something about Danny Fenton’s ghost shit had registered to him now that he’d been exposed to ghost central.
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secretsandwriting · 6 months ago
HELLO!!!, can I request a etho fanfic
So this is not hermitcraft but the life series, so I would like the secret life one. like etho got a task but it involves reader, they have to like they both have to kill 2 or 3 warden together, but unfortunately the reader died, but the reader will respawn tho. if you dont want to make it secret life you can do it in hermitcraft, but it will change a few, BUT ITS FINE, That it! I dont know if you get it or not😭😭 but I hope you do get it🥲🥲, THANK YOU💜 LOVE YOUR WORKSS🫶🏻🫶🏻
I got this in April, i'm sorry it took so long!! I hope you see this anon!
Anyways, this has a hint of the hermits being borderline god mentioned bc I love that so much. So many emotions too...
Death Games and Wardens
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Etho wasn’t sure how to go on about this, He had to keep his task a secret but it involved you. He stared at the book in his hands.
Kill two wardens with Y/n. Neither of you can die.
The thought of you dying sent a pang of fear through him. Logically he knew that if you died, you would respawn and if you lost your last live you would go back to your home server. Which was hermitcraft, the exact Server he would return to. 
Respawning was bad on a good day, but on a Server with rules that didn't follow Players normal code and instead added some, made respawning even worse. He didn’t want you to go through that. 
“Etho!” His focus was torn away by you. He couldn’t help but relax around you, even when playing against you in death games. Somehow, you brought comfort to him no matter the circumstances. The book burned in his hand as he remembered what your task was. He saw your book in your hands and a nervous grin on your face. “You got a good one?”
“Let's go somewhere private.” You nodded and followed him to the border. Etho glanced at the two sentences in his book and signed. The fear of you getting hurt was back and growing stronger. You broke the silence, apparently he waited too long to start.
“Does your task involve both of us?” He nodded, the sick feeling in his stomach growing. “Good my task does too… Now.. Is yours something we have to do?” Another nod and more stomach pains. “Ok, this is my task.” You handed him your book and he opened it.
Etho’s secret involves you. Do it with him and guess what it is to finish.
Etho may read this book.
He somehow hated this more. You didn’t even know what you were getting into. That meant more room for mistakes and mistakes would lead to a very fast death. You were oblivious to his dilemma and just waited for him to figure it out, assuming he was just trying to figure out how to go about this. The expression on his face was very abnormal but these were death games, they put everyone on edge and filled them with stress.
“Are you ready?” Etho’s head jerked up to look at you. “We only have so much time after all.” He sighed and nodded. He really wanted to come up with a fake task but he knew you wouldn’t like that.
“We need to gear up.”
Fully geared,you followed Etho do into a cave, when the shrieker went off, you hesitated. This wasn’t looking good. This had to be a hard task and probably involved wardens. Something you avoided no matter what. The sound of the Shrieker going off a second time had adrenaline pumping through your veins and terror settling in your bones.
“Etho,” You whispered. “Is the task to summon a warden?” 
“No, but that's your closest guess so far.” You were starting to understand Etho’s hesitation and strange looks. The shrieker went off a third time, darkness filling your vision and the sound of a warden spawning filled your ears.
“It’s over here,” Etho whispered. You weren’t sure what to do until you saw Etho launch himself at it and attack it with his sword. Pulling out your bow, you shot it with arrows both to lower its health and to help Etho out of any sticky situations by drawing its attention away.
To focused on the fight, you didn’t notice the second warden spawn or it approaching from behind until it was too late
Y/n was slain by Warden
Etho’s attention on the warden shattered when he saw the death message and another warden standing in the middle of all your items. His hesitation cost him some hearts but he managed to get away and took the surface without them following. Rushing to spawn he looked around, desperately trying to find you and make sure you were ok. He found you not too far away, sitting on the ground looking a bit dazed.
“Y/n!” Etho grabbed you and held you close. “I’m sorry! I should have noticed! I shouldn’t have let it happen!” You sat in his arms, letting him ramble at you while you readjusted  after a hard respawn. When you finally got yourself together, you listened to Etho’s rambles, pulled yourself out of his grip, and slapped him hard. Etho immediately stopped and jerked back to look at you.
“Pull yourself together!” Etho immediately took a deep breath and squeezed your hand. Once he was calm, you continued. “Etho, I'd respawn no matter what. You know that. If I didn't respawn here, I’d be back on hermitcraft. If I wasn’t there we have enough people that are almost gods on the server I'd be found and brought back.”
Etho shuffled forward and dropped his head on your shoulder, he wrapped his arms around your waist and his shoulders shook with sobs. You ran your fingers through his hair while your other one rested on his back, you slowly rocked side to side. From your spot you could see a few of the red names started to surround you.
Your communicators buzzed with the 5 minute warning but you knew you wouldn’t make it until then. Not with the intent in Gem’s face as she came closer. She paused and pulled out her communicator and typed for a second before flipping it so you could see the message to Xisuma letting him know to expect you. Something only done when one of the players was having a rough time. She smiled when you mouthed a thank you and slipped it back into her pocket before lifting her sword.
Etho was slain by Geminitay
Y/n was slain by Geminitay
Waking up on hermitcraft was disorientating. It always was when you respawn from another server due to death. Your communicator buzzed with a message from Xisuma.
Xisuma: Did you respawn ok? Gem messaged ahead, she didn’t specify who
Y/n: Yeah
Y/n: Etho was having some trouble at the end. Did he respond?
Xisuma: No, I was just about to go check on him.
Y/n: I’ll do it. I’ll let you know if anything went wrong with his respawn.
Xisuma: Ok
You got up from your temporary bed at your mega base and made sure your elytra was equipped before shooting off to Etho’s base. You searched the entire place, the only sign of Etho was the messy bed and his communicator on the floor. So you took a gamble, instead of flying you ran down the path leading to your starter base. Looking for a mop of white hair along the way. With no sign of him along the way, you looked through your house. Stopping in the doorway of your room to see Etho sitting on the floor next to your bed.
“Etho.” He didn’t seem to hear you. “Etho!” You tried again, nothing. Carefully, you moved towards him, making sure to go slow. When you were close enough, you gently rested a hand on his shoulder. He jerked out of your grip and looked up at you.
“Y/n!” He launched himself at you, pulling you close and holding you tight, relief crawled up his spine as he clung to you. “I thought you were gone.”
“I just respawned at my mega base. I told you I would respawn… Come on, let's lay down for a bit.” You managed to get Etho into your bed and when he relaxed you sent a message to Xisuma.
Y/n: Etho’s ok, just the death part of the death games messing with his head.
Xisuma: Ok, take care of him. Let us know if you need anything.
With that out of the way, you put your communicator away and decided to get some rest. Maybe when you woke up, the two of you could figure out what you were. But for now, you were tired.
Etho x Y/n shippers
Geminitay: I kinda felt bad, Etho was clinging to Y/n when I killed them. I mean CLINGING
Xisuma: Y/n went to help Etho right after his respawn when he wouldn’t respond and then let me know he was ok.
Xisuma: What happened?
Grian: So I might have purposely messed with their secrets so they had to work together. I forgot it might have been a bit traumatic.
ImpulseSV: What were their secrets?
Grian: Ethos was to kill two wardens with Y/n and not die and Y/n’s was to help and guess what it was.
Xisuma: Etho is literally laying on top of Y/n in their sleep
Xisuma: [Image]
Tangotek: You think they’ll actually talk this through after this or not?
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You two did not in fact talk about it afterwards. Both of you just acted like it didn't happen and the group chat with every hermit except the two of you were outraged
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strry4sprkz · 2 months ago
I'm so so glad I found another blog that writes for Project Eden's Garden!! ヘ⁠(⁠。⁠□⁠°⁠)⁠ヘ
If it's alright— may I request a fluff scenario that involves Damon, Diana, Wenona and Wolfgang where regardless of gender they decide to pair up together to share dormitories?
Happy writing!!
— Gh0styCr1tter. 👽
Damon, Diana, Wenona, and Wolfgang sharing a dorm with Reader
Damon Maitsu
When the topic of sharing dorms had sparked among the students, you immediately thought of someone you’d both like to keep your eye on and get to know better: Damon Maitsu, whose eyes flickered across the hallway with annoyance and disapproval, like he was silently judging everyone there.  
Carefully, you approached him. He looked up to face you, his eyes narrowing. “What do you want?” he asked, his tone dripping with irritation.
“I think we should dorm together,” you stated, crossing your arms. “We’ll both be much safer, and have alibis for the night.”
Damon shifted his gaze down, his expression unreadable, but you could see the shift once he’d understood the practical reasoning behind sharing a dorm, combined with the fact he had no one else to partner with.
“...Fine. I’d rather deal with someone who can handle themselves, unlike…” He didn’t need to continue for you to know exactly who he was talking about. “Haha… glad we’re on the same page.” you laughed.  
As the two of you settled into Damon’s dorm, the room was silent other than the sounds of you two settling your things. Of course, Damon was the first to break it, turning to look you in the eye.
“Hey, don’t…jinx this, or anything.” he spoke firmly, but there was the smallest hint of anxiety in his voice. “I won’t, Damon, I promise. This is the best decision for both of us” you assured. He sighed, but didn’t argue any further, and as the silence of the room crept back up once more, you allowed yourself a small smile you knew he wouldn’t see.
Diana Venicia
“Hii!” You opened your door, and were met with Diana Venicia standing in front of you with her usual cheery smile. “So, I was wondering…don’t you think it would be good to dorm together for the night? I promise it’ll make things less scary for both of us…”
Truthfully, her presence seemed quite out of place in the morbid situation you were trapped in, but there was something about it that made you feel at ease. You paused to think, but eventually accepted. “...Alright. Wouldn’t hurt to be as safe as possible.”
“Awesome!” she clasped her hands together, her casualty almost contagious.
When the two of you finally got settled in Diana’s dorm, you watched as she unpacked her makeup bag that she always carried with her, laying its contents out neatly on the desk. 
“Sorry, I have to make sure all my supplies stay in perfect condition. You never know when someone might need to use makeup!” she half-joked. You weren’t sure what she was implying by that, but you brushed it off.
Diana sat on the bed, looking up at the ceiling with slight worry on her face.  “You know…” she began, “this whole situation… it’s terrifying. I won’t lie about that. But I really do believe we’ll all make it out of here, together.” The sincerity in her voice caught you off guard. “You really think so?” you asked. 
She turned to you, her expression a bit lighter this time. “Yeah! And if I ever start to lose hope, I’ll just remind myself I’ve got you, right?” You grinned back at her. “Right. You have me, Diana.” “Good,” she said, settling back against the headboard. “I knew I could count on you.” You couldn’t help but feel grateful for her, too.
Wenona wasn’t the most friendly or approachable person, but she was logical and composed. If anything, sharing a dorm with her meant ensuring both of your safeties. You took a breath and made your way over to her. “Wenona?”
She noticed you immediately, her icy eyes locking with yours as you approached. “Let me guess, you want to be a dorm pair?” she assumed smugly. “Tell me, what exactly will you bring to the table? If you think I’ll tolerate dead weight, you’re quite mistaken.”  
You sighed, knowing you would need to match her energy if you wanted to convince her. “I’m here to survive, like you. Sharing a dorm will make sure both of us are safe and have alibis. I won’t get in your way, I promise.” 
Her smug grin faded, and you could almost see the gears turning in her head. “Hm…I suppose partnering with someone who shares my priorities is… preferable to one of these wrecks." She gestured vaguely at the more panicked students.
“Great!” you managed to keep your composure, but you were extremely grateful for her acceptance. Wenona then stated in a challenging manner, “But don’t mistake this for anything more than a practical arrangement. I’ll be expecting you to hold up your end of the bargain.”
You chuckled softly. “You always have to negotiate….” The two of you had arrived at Wenona’s dorm when the time came, discussing the situation and whatnot. “When you’ve spent as much time in business as I have, you’ll learn to recognize efficiency and inefficiency when you see them.” Wenona said, her hands in her jacket pockets. You surrendered “Fair enough…”
“Though I must say, pairing with you isn’t entirely insufferable.” she admitted, calm and calculated as ever. You smiled. “Thanks. I’m glad you agreed.”
“This is still solely a matter of convenience.” she firmly said, though there was a lack of her usual attitude in her tone. “Right.” you responded. Despite her words, you could feel there was beginning to be a subtle understanding between the two of you.
Wolfgang Akire
“It’s troubling,” Wolfgang began, “how easily fear can cloud judgment.” He’d been sharing his thoughts regarding his trust among the students non-stop after you’d agreed to share his dorm. You didn’t mind, as you didn’t exactly have something better to be doing at the moment.
“We’ve managed to keep things under control for the past few days, even if there’s been some tension. I guess trust really did outweigh our fear...” you pointed out.
He seemed slightly caught off guard by your sudden agreement. “That’s why I’m glad to be sharing a dorm with you, Mx. Trust is rare in situations like this, but I believe it’s the foundation of survival. If we can see reasoning past our fear, I’ve no doubt we’ll be able to navigate whatever challenges occur in the academy.”
“You really do want to believe in everyone, huh?” you asked, curious.
He smiled faintly, fastening his necktie. “I do. We’ve all been accepted here for our capabilities to improve society. Even in our current circumstances, I believe in the integrity of Ultimate students.”
“That’s right….thank you.” you responded. While you weren’t completely sure whether Wolfgang’s theories were correct, you couldn't deny to yourself that could use some optimism in this time.
a/n: I really wanted to make a joke about Wolfgang being hella disorganized in this but I couldn’t figure out where to put it, oh well
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misshoneyimhome · 1 year ago
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“I like waking up with you” I Nico Hischier
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Summary; While Nico Hischier may struggle with expressing his emotions, leading to occasional frustrations and arguments, a strong relationship can withstand any challenge.
Tropes & warnings; no warnings; strangers to lovers, couples fight; very mild-smut descriptions;
Other notes; so as I finished, I sort of realised that it doesn’t really have much plot - it’s just pure fluff; still hope it’s readable 😅 inspired by the lyrics from ‘PILLOWTALK’ by Zayn Malik 🤍
Word count; 1.7K
You and Nico fell in love quicker than you ever imagined possible. In a way, it felt as if fate had brought you together on purpose, weaving your lives into a beautiful tapestry of love and passion. It was as simple as the fairy tales you grew up with; from the moment you met him on that crisp autumn evening, you knew your life would change forever. It was love at first sight.
Your love story began at something as simple as a charity event for the New Jersey Devils, right at the start of the hockey season. It was a night filled with glamour and excitement, the room adorned in the team's red, white, and black colours.
You were there as a friend of one of the team’s partners, however, as the event had unfolded, you suddenly found yourself standing alone, without the companion you’d arrived with.
Yet, in a mere moment, lost in thoughts as you gazed into thin air, among the buzzing crowd, your eyes suddenly met Nico Hischier's. His big, brown golden eyes captivated you instantly, sparking a connection you simply couldn't deny.
And to your surprise, Nico confidently made his way through the crowd in your direction, never breaking eye contact. And when he stood before you, his smile was nothing but magnetic.
"Hello," he said, his voice smooth with a hint of a sweet yet rough accent. "I couldn't help but notice you from across the room. Would you mind if I joined you?"
Though his boldness took you aback, there was just something about him that had you drawn in. And before you knew it, you were engrossed in deep conversation, completely oblivious to the world around you.
"I must admit," Nico said with a playful glint in his eyes, "I didn't expect to meet someone as captivating as you at this event."
His words warmed you, causing a blush to rise to your cheeks. "I could say the same about you," you replied with a soft smirk, completely unable to look away from him.
And as the night then progressed, you felt an unexpected strong and deep connection to the Swiss captain, as if you'd known each other for ages. So as the evening slowly drew to a close, you couldn't shake the feeling that this might just be the beginning of something extraordinary.
To say the least, you were absolutely right. As the weeks passed and turned into months, your connection with Nico only grew stronger. And before long, despite your initial hesitation, you moved from being just good friends to something definite more.
It was no secret between you, that you’d had concerns, influenced by the idea of dating a professional hockey player with a demanding lifestyle and packed schedule. However, Nico dispelled those worries with his steadfast commitment to you. He didn't just start calling you his girlfriend sooner than expected; he proudly introduced you to everyone as his partner anywhere you went, demonstrating his dedication through every word and deed. In a way, it was quite remarkable how, despite the demands of his career, he always found time for you, placing your relationship above all else.
Because Nico's life as a hockey player did indeed involve frequent travel, rigorous training sessions, and the pressure of performing on the ice. There were nights when he returned home exhausted, his body aching from a challenging game. Yet, even in those moments, he never failed to show you love and appreciation. Whether through a heartfelt text before bed or a lengthy phone call while on the road, he made sure you felt valued and cared for.
And especially one aspect of your relationship that remained constant was the physical connection you shared. The chemistry between you was electric, igniting flames of desire that grew hotter with each passing moment. Your intimate moments together were nothing short of explosive, leaving you both breathless and exhilarated every time.
Incredible sex became a defining feature already in the very beginning of your relationship, the kind that would make the neighbours blush and the walls tremble. But you never paid any attention to the noise complaints or the curious glances from passers-by. In those moments of passion, it was just you and Nico, lost in each other's embrace, consumed by the intensity of your love.
During those intimate moments, you felt the deepest connection with Nico, as the barriers between you dissolved and you revealed your souls to each other in the most vulnerable and intimate way possible. Every time you lay intertwined in the aftermath, your bodies still tingling with pleasure, you were certain that you were in love.
However, naturally, challenges arose along the way. No relationship is without its flaws, including yours. Arguments erupted over missed dates or suddenly cancelled plans, tensions escalating like an impending storm. Yet, as always, Nico had a knack for smoothing over rough patches, turning conflict into connection. With just a smile or a tender gesture, he could transform the atmosphere between you from a war zone into a paradise.
It was a turbulent relationship, to say the least. Nico's ability to express his absolute joy and deep love for you was unmatched, his affection evident in every touch and whispered word. But beneath that outward display of affection lay a layer of resilience and reticence when it came to his concerns and fears.
And it didn't take you long to notice that he tended to bottle up his negative emotions, keeping his worries hidden deep inside. Nico was skilled at putting on a brave face, particularly as the team captain, even when the weight of the world seemed to be bearing down on him. And while you admired his strength and resilience, it also led to frustration and tension between you.
There were times when you wished he would open up, and share his fears and insecurities with you. However, whenever you broached the subject, he would shut down, enveloping himself in silence. In those moments, the distance between you almost felt insurmountable, like an unbridgeable chasm. But, no matter how bad your arguments could be, Nico never let you go to bed angry or sad.
One evening, after a rather heated argument, you sat on the edge of his bed, tension thick between you.
"I'm sorry, y/n," Nico said softly, his voice tinged with regret. "I didn't mean to shut you out like that. Sometimes I just feel the need to be strong for everyone else, and I forget that it's alright to lean on you too."
His words resonated deeply within you, highlighting the complexities of his role both on and off the ice. You reached out, taking his hand and gently squeezing it as you met his gaze.
"You don't have to be strong all the time, Nico," you reassured him, your voice gentle yet firm. "I'm here for you, through thick and thin. We're a team, remember?"
And a faint smile slowly grew and played on Nico's lips as he nodded, gratitude shining in his eyes. "I know," he murmured, his voice heavy with emotion. "And I'm thankful for you every day, y/n. I don't know where I'd be without you."
Navigating the highs and lows of your relationship required a delicate balance. Yet, through it all, your love for each other remained unwavering, and you were determined to face the challenges together, hand in hand.
In fact, maintaining this steadfastness was surprisingly simple; Nico never allowed you to even consider the idea of walking away. And truth be told, you had no desire to. Despite the ups and downs, everything between you felt pure, raw, and intensely passionate.
The past year had been nothing but a whirlwind for both of you, with highs of victories and lows of defeats. Throughout it all, you had been each other's support, standing strong through thick and thin. And with the off-season offering a brief break from the hockey season's demands, you cherished every moment spent together, aware that Nico would soon be back on the ice, fully engrossed in the game.
Then as the autumn leaves then began to change, marking the start of a new season, Nico's excitement was beyond palpable. He simply couldn't contain his joy at the prospect of another year filled with his beloved sport and the woman who had captivated his heart.
And as you lay together in the gentle morning light, Nico's words enveloped you like a warm embrace, filling you with love and affection. His vulnerability caught you off guard, as his declaration of love lifted your spirits.
"I like waking up with you," he whispered, his voice filled with emotion, echoing the sentiment you had shared countless times before.
Your heart fluttered at his words, warmth flooding through you at the depth of his affection. You gently reached out, brushing your fingers against his stubbled jaw as you spoke softly, a smile gracing your lips.
“I like waking up with you too…” you murmured, your voice filled with tenderness.
But it was evident there was more on his mind. "I can’t believe I have you in my life... I love you, y/n…" Nico's voice quivered with emotion, his gaze locked on yours as if seeking reassurance.
And you couldn’t deny the way your heart swelled with love for him, mirrored in the depths of his gaze. "Nico," you whispered, reaching out to stroke his hair, "I love you too, more than words can express."
The moment hung heavy with emotion and possibility. Then, with a surge of determination, Nico voiced the question he'd been pondering for a while.
"Move in with me, y/n," he implored, hope and longing evident in his eyes. "Please. I want us to wake up together every day, fall asleep in each other's arms. Will you move in with me?"
And you couldn’t help but let a tear slowly well in your eye at the sincerity of his request, overwhelmed with love for the man before you. So without hesitation, you simply enveloped him in your arms, whispering your answer in his ear.
"Yes, Nico," you choked out, your voice thick with emotion, "Of course I'll move in with you.”
As you held each other in the gentle dawn light, surrounded by the promise of a new beginning, you knew this was just the beginning of a beautiful chapter in your love story. With Nico by your side, you felt ready to face whatever the future held, confident that together, you could overcome anything.
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tinydefector · 3 months ago
Hooray!!! Omg i’m so happy lol. I’m definitely going to be smiling for the rest of my day. I finally had time to think about it and how about a platonic familial scenario with mtmte magnus and the ambassador on break and casually chatting, fluff please. let me know if you need more details, and take your time <3
(i’ve been having data problems so hopefully this ask sends through 😅)
Out of the bag - human effects
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I had so much fun writing this Buddee and I hope you like it!.
Word count 1.6k
Ultra Magnus x human reader
Fic Masterlist
The ambassador sat quietly working through files while on the desk, fingers pinching their temple as they re-read the text. A hot drink beside them as they worked. Ultra Magnus sat at the desk as he too worked. It would have been rather funny to look at, A large alien robot sitting at his desk working while his co-worker who was much smaller sat on the same desk on their own seat with a desk. They looked almost like they were a toy figure. 
They take a sip of their drink and roll their shoulders slightly. "Please tell me I don't have to fix another 15 files of Rodimus getting side tracked again and typing out random words like Chinchilla?" They mumble almost like a pray.
Ultra Magnus cycled a weary ex-vent, field rippling with long-suffering patience. "I'm afraid so, Ambassador. The captain seems...incapable of submitting forms in any semblance of proper order." He pinched the bridge of his olfactory sensor, nearly the same pose as them. an unmistakably human mannerism picked up from long acquaintance. "At this rate, reconciling his haphazard paperwork will occupy the majority of your work cycle."
Magnus observed the ambassador's flagging energy levels with mild concern. "Perhaps you should take a brief respite. Overexerting yourself serves no purpose - I can handle the captain's responsibilities for the time being."
His tone, while stern, held an undercurrent of genuine care. Despite their differences, he cared deeply for the ambassador; their well-being remained in everyone's best interests. 
"The schedules can wait. I suspect you've had enough excitement for one orn already." A hint of dryly amused. "I'll be alright Magnus, Just got a headache and sore. Really wasn't planning on dealing with reports, but it beats having to do holovids with Prowl, I want to strangle that mech some times." They reply leaning back in their seat, bringing their drink up and holding it in their hands as they close their eyes for a moment.
Prowl's combative nature makes diplomatic discourse a...trial, to say the least." He cycled another heavy ex-vent. "Though I must say, your own entanglements have proven equally...taxing, of late." Magnus leveled them with a pointed look, with a hint of mild disapproval.
"I trust you understand the risks involved, consorting so closely with the crew. Propriety and protocol exist for good reason - to maintain order and prevent compromising our mission." 
Yet beneath the stern admonishment, a thread of genuine concern shone through. "I only caution you to tread carefully, little one. The games played aboard this ship can be...treacherous, for those caught unawares."
His gaze softened marginally. "I would not see you come to harm, simply for wishing to find companionship in these trying times. Despite what you and others may think i do care about you" 
Embarrassment slowly works its way into their system as they look down as if they were a child who just got caught stealing something. "How.. how did you" they start not knowing how to continue talking. "Come now, Ambassador - did you truly think your...activities would escape my notice?" Magnus replied, a hint of wryness in tone.
He shook his helm slightly. "I may be strict, but I'm not blind. The signs were...quite evident.” Leaning back in his chair, Magnus fixed the ambassador with a measured look. "I'll not lecture you on proper conduct - Primus knows life aboard this ship is complicated enough as it is." Attempting to soothe their clear discomfort. "However, I must urge caution. Entanglements with subordinates."
They continue to look down for a moment processing his words. "I know, I wasn't planning on getting involved with anyone, it just sort of happened. Told Ratchet that it was to stay on the down low, and Ratchet had the same concern about risk, he wanted to make sure if something did happen with other bots outside of him and Drift that i had someone to trust if something happened. I was just worried that if you, Rodimus or Megatron found out. My job was gone" they mumble, they were filled with so much anxiety and panic over the situation only for the mech they feared the most about it to just say he knew. 
Magnus cycled a heavy vent. "I see. That...explains certain observations, I must admit." He rubbed a servo over his faceplate. "Ratchet and Drift, of all mechs. I confess, I had not anticipated that particular entanglement."
Fixing the ambassador with a level stare, Magnus continued, "However, you needn't fear repercussions from myself or the others." A hint of wryness entered his tone. " We've all been there, at one point or another." 
They let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you Magnus, and I'm making sure to look after myself. Woah just wasn't expecting to be having this conversation with you is all. You have no idea how much fear I had about you finding out about my um.. 'activities'. You bots aren't exactly subtle about your 'human fucker' content  " they state before slowly having another mouthful of their drink.
He nodded in acknowledgement. "I understand your concern. confess, even I am not entirely immune to the temptations that arise. However, I endeavor to maintain strict protocols."  Magnus continued solemnly, "I cannot - and will not - control the personal affairs of my crew. That is a burden I do not wish to bear."
A hint of wryness entered his tone. "Though I must admit, the antics of Megatron and Rodimus have certainly tested my patience on more than one occasion. They are both very fond of you"
“I had a feeling they were. Magnus you being tempted, now that's new to me, I'm sorry they are causing you trouble” they chuckle, smiling up at him, enjoying the banter.  
"Ratchet and Drift both know I'm not interested in a relationship, it's mainly just stress relief, and i think Sunstreaker just has a bjt of a kink for someone who isn't going to scratch his paint" they confirm, making him aware of yet another bot involved. Magnus's optics widened fractionally at the mention of Sunstreaker - another unexpected development in this tangled web. "I see. So Sunstreaker as well, hmm?"
”It would appear you...ambassador has been quite diligent in cultivating a support network aboard this ship." Fixing the human with a measured look, Magnus continued, "And you are certain this...arrangement suits you? Entanglements with the crew, regardless of intent, can prove...complicated."
The nod. “Yes, I'm content and want to keep this on the down low, I don't need it getting back to my superiors on earth, nor do I need Prowl making issues of it.” They explain. In truth they were very happy with the arrangement, and felt less guilty now that they were talking with Ultra Magnus over the situation. 
"I merely wish to ensure you are not inadvertently placing yourself in jeopardy, little one." Magnus paused, considering his next words carefully. "However, if this provides you the stress relief you require, then I shall refrain from further commentary." A faint smile tugged at the corner of his lips. "Though I must admit, I'm somewhat impressed by your...resilience, in the face of such formidable suitors."
It makes their face fluster as they look away from him quickly. “That's not funny and you know it” they huff under their breath only for him to let out a soft rumbled noise. Shaking his helm ruefully, the Autobot commander returned his attention to the ever-present datapads. "Very well. You have my discretion and, should you need, my counsel as well."
"They have all been good to me, very respectful and accommodating. They mainly have been dead quiet about involvement because of you actually." They hum. "Well technically you, Megatron and Rodimus. You three I do look up to alot, and your opinion means alot to me. I was just worried you would have me court martialled and shipped back to earth for fraternization "
Magnus's field rippled with a mix of surprise and begrudging respect. "I see." 
"While I cannot condone such...personal entanglements, I confess I am impressed by your discretion thus far. It speaks to a level of maturity and pragmatism I had not anticipated." Magnus met their gaze steadily. "You have proven yourself a valuable asset to this ship. I would not see that jeopardized, simply due to youthful indiscretions." 
With that now out of the way they sit there quietly before looking up at ultra Magnus from their spot sitting on the desk. "Could I have a hug, at the moment I can feel myself shaking from the fear and anxiety " they try to joke and make light of how afraid they were of him finding out. 
Magnus regarded the ambassador with a soft expression, field pulsing understanding. "Of course." He gently scooped them up, cradling their small frame against his chest in a rare display of tenderness. "There is no need to fear, Ambassador." His deep voice rumbled with reassurance as he lightly stroked their back.
They lean their head against his plating, relaxing against him.  "Thank you, you're a real one Magnus. No one will ever change that" Magnus rumbled softly, the vibration soothing against the ambassador's frame. "You are most welcome. I am merely doing what I believe is right."
He gently adjusted his hold, ensuring their comfort as they leaned into him. A rare, small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. "You have earned my trust, Ambassador. That is no small feat."
With that, Magnus simply held the ambassador, allowing them the chance to find solace in the steadiness of his frame. And in truth he rather enjoyed holding them close. 
Let me know if you would like to be added to tag list (tagged for every fic)
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cherryheairt · 6 months ago
"Eager for a niece or nephew already?" Daenys asked, corners of her mouth lifting. One day, she hoped for many nieces and nephews to surround herself with if she truly did end up a spinster. If so, she was comforted with the fact that she had only brothers, thus would have all their wives be moved to Dragonstone or the Red Keep to allow everyone to be close together.
"Indeed. It's been a while since Winterfell's keep has been graced with younglings."
Daenys almost snorted at the strange name for children but kept it to herself in hopes of not offending him. Northerners and their strange vocabulary. "I quite agree, it is rather quiet in the Great Keep."
Is it too soon to say that I hope the little footsteps and giggles that fill the walls of Winterfell are Daenys' babies with Cregan? Despite his initial mistrust and reservations, Cregan begins to fall in love with the princess so subtly that he doesn't even seem to realise it. It's one thing to worry about the daughter of the heir to the throne being well cared for and safe while she's under your responsibility in your house, but it's quite another to comb her hair and teach her how to hunt and fight. I mean Cregan first turned away when the princess washed her hair, but then braided it (I say that at that moment the idea occurred to him and he was grateful to have had an annoying sister in childhood). Apparently Cregan was jealous that Seamus had saved her before him. Cregan has taught her to hunt and fight because he cares about her. Cregan has deliberately looked at her legs, plus he sleeps next to her (I say that when they slept Cregan felt the softness of the princess's hair and thought again to braid it just to touch it freely, besides looking at her freely). Now Cregan is very worried about what Seamus is going to do to her now that he has taken her away from him.
The same goes for the princess, she seemed very worried because she thought she always ruins things when she talks to Cregan (because of the death talk). Plus she was too worried that if she hadn't got the Targaryen genes he might never have paid attention to her and would have mistaken her for any lady from any other House. It is no accident that she thought that when she previously compared Cregan to a prince. It seems a subtle hint of romantic feelings on her part.
Was it casual when you braided my hair and asked how I want my funeral rites to be????
Yes! I'm glad you noticed the transition between him respectfully looking away and then offering to DO her hair for her when he noticed how much she hated doing it every morning.
Neither of them even seem to notice, but theyre both being consumed entirely by the thought of the other, even imagining life before them is a distant memory by now.
Little Dragon-Wolf 'pups' or 'hatchlings' are what I think they might call their kids. I was just thinking of making a drabble about wolf pack behavior and comparing that to their future dynamics 😌
She has spent her adolescence thinking her only interactions with kids will be with her nieces and nephews, not her own children. She's in for a world of surprise there.
Imagine the thoughts that Daenys has running through her mind currently, and when she was alone with him in the woods once again. This giant beast of a man looking at you spitefully, telling you that you only need to be alive and nothing else. Cregan knows the mind of a man and has sent countless to the Wall for their crimes against women. Alone for hours on dragonback, where not even your dragon, who is seen as a God to the smallfolk, can help you.
I think the Starks are quite like royalty in their own way. They govern and dictate themselves. They are entirely ignored by the Crown until they need fighters for wars that don't involve the North one bit.
Unfortunately, even after marriage Cregan would not officially be called a Prince. Like Ser Laenor and Lady Laena who married the Prince and Princess and never changed titles.
Also, that makes me wonder about the canon events in the book. If everyone but Aegon and Viserys is gone, Daenys would be the heir as the eldest child of Rhaenyras. After their eventual marriage, would Cregan leave Winterfell to be King Consort, or would they be doomed to live the rest of their lives apart spare from occasional visits to the other. It's a tempting angsty end, one that Daenys would probably not be able to cope with alone.
I hope everyone is content with how the romance is progressing, I feel as if it is fast-paced but I know I can't wait forever for the romance aspect lol
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adokyoguen · 1 year ago
Can you write a fic where Muzan sees the reincarnation of his late wife who he married when he was a human.
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★۰ ໋࣭ muzan x reader.
omg I really liked this request so much that I wanted to do two parts, lol
this will be before Muzan finds the reincarnation of his late wife okay? I hope you like it and I'll be posting the second part soon :)
note: any grammatical errors made, please ignore. English is not my first language so I ask for patience :((
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Muzan was never affectionate, at least the upper moons never noticed a feeling of empathy or an ounce of happiness in muzan. Everyone described him as spiteful and insensitive, he sees no value in humans. To his subordinates... he never showed respect.
But what no one knew was that a long time ago, Muzan actually had a family, he didn't have children, but Muzan has a wife, or rather, he did. She died a long time ago, he didn't even remember her face anymore, like, it was more than a thousand years alive as a demon... how could he remember? But he remembered all the effort she had put into giving her husband as much comfort as possible. Muzan was currently in the Infinity Castle, testing some experiments, but it seemed like something was wrong, the man felt something draining his energy. Even if it was 0.1%, he could feel it.
Was this some effect of the experiment? No... Muzan knew very well what he was messing with, and no side effects involved mental fatigue, especially from the first Oni that existed. Maybe it was his intrusive thoughts about humans that ended up leading him to you. He really hated humans, he wouldn't hesitate in the slightest to take one's life, but with you... was it different?
When he turned into an oni, you were there, in fact neither of you two understood very well what had happened to Muzan, but you never treated him with indifference... you had a pure heart, too pure to live in this world cruel, too pure to be rotten.
On the one hand, he would have immensely wished that it had been him who had killed you, it would have been much more dignified than a simple death from natural causes, at least for you. It's ironic to say that Muzan fell in love with you precisely because of your pure heart, since the man was totally the opposite. Even if you were here, Muzan wouldn't be the same caring husband he was years ago, but deep down, he would know that you would never give up on him.
Muzan sat on the chair, trying to clear his mind to return to the experiment, he cursed you deeply for appearing in his thoughts just when he was busy with something that could revolutionize the lives of oni's.
But then... there you were.
Muzan raised his head after feeling a presence in the same room as him, the man knew that Nakime wouldn't put anyone in the infinite castle if it weren't for Muzan's own request, so why is he feeling watched?
The answer was you.
For some reason that even he couldn't describe, you were there, exactly as you were buried, for a split second, he might have thought he was going crazy, but he didn't want to think about it. Muzan got up from the chair and approached his late wife, you looked so... cold. He didn't show any hint of emotion in his eyes when he raised his hand to touch your cheek, that touch wasn't a form of affection, it was just a test to see if he could feel your skin.
And the answer was no, the hand instantly passed across her figure. How were you here? Had he cursed his soul or something? Haven't you rested in peace all these years?
— Y/N?— Muzan calls you, hoping that you could respond.
Hope, this word is something he hasn't had for many years, of course his greatest hope was the blue Spider Lily Flower, but he never felt hope in the human race. But well... you're not human anymore, so he didn't care about his momentary weakness.He watched her hand come up and land on his hand, which was flying across his cheek. Muzan felt his senses scramble when you gave him a smile, that smile he thought he would never see again.
Muzan never left his cold expression, after years of being an oni and killing people... he no longer felt anything inside him, and at that moment, it was the same. His thoughts were interrupted with smoke filling the place, Muzan hurried to move the container that was causing this away from his table, so that the smoke would stop.
His gaze turned to you, but you weren't there. The man looked at the room he was in, looking for any sign of his presence, even though he felt that there was no one else with him. Muzan sat in his chair again, looking at the blueprint he was studying on his desk.
Brugmansia suaveolens of course... how did he not think of that before? The man took his notebook from the table, where he had notes about the variations of plants on the planet.
Brugmansia is a genus of seven species of flowering plants in the nightshade family Solanaceae. They are woody trees or shrubs, with pendulous flowers, and have no spines on their fruit. Their large, fragrant flowers give them their common name of angel's trumpets, adjacent to the nickname devil's trumpets of the closely related genus Datura.
Side effects of Brugmansia include nausea, vomiting, dry eyes, increased heart rate, dizziness and visual hallucination.
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237 notes · View notes
jarofstyles · 2 years ago
Reaper 10
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Reaper is a dark story with dark and mature subject matter. 18+ NSFW
A shorter but very important update. Finally heading closer to the meat of the story hehe
Check out our Patreon for exclusive writing and early access! 
wc: 6.6k
warnings: violence, rage, reaper on the edge of it all
“Good fuckin’ riddance.” Harry spit onto the body, life slowly draining from his veins as he bled out on the floor. “Piece of shit.” 
Since the guy thought it was ok to sell people, to own and control their lives, Harry thought it was fitting that he had no control over what happened to him in the end. Cutting off each finger and toe, beating him, a few levels of torture. It wouldn’t make up for the lives he had stolen, the innocents that he had killed in the process, but it was some sort of revenge.
“Clean this shit up.” He barked at one of his brothers, giving another disgusted glance at the soon to be corpse before stalking out the door. His hands were bloody and bruised but he felt a tiny hint of relief. Getting rid of scum always did feel good in a weird way. One less person who would harm people who didn’t deserve it off of the earth. He liked to think of himself as an exterminator of sorts. 
“Where’s Bunny?” He grunted as he kicked the basement door shut, seeing Viper at the bar playing cards with Wiz. Cigarettes hung from their mouths as they turned to look at him. 
“Kitchen. May want to wash the blood off your hands before you see her. Look like a horror villain.”
Harry was too far gone just fresh off a kill, any consideration he had for his look at the minute was non existent. All he knew was he needed to see his Bunny if he wanted to get out of this headspace anytime soon. 
The past week and a half had been busy to say the least. With no signs of the stalker, he and his brothers buckled down on finding the last of the scum involved in Mia’s case. It took lots of convincing, but Bunny was safe and protected by his brothers. They were all afraid of what would happen to them had she not come home in one piece. 
The Reaper had been all the more violent and impulsive ever since the stalker appeared. His brothers had all noticed. Viper’s solution was to keep him on killing duty, hoping it would take the edge off like it usually did. It seemed that his feelings for Bunny went much deeper than any of them could imagine. 
Harry pushed open the door to the kitchen with his elbow, immediately feeling his muscles relax at the sight of his girl. 
“Okay so, we just want to make sure we gently tap them— so when they lift in the oven they have that little foot.” Bunny was teaching Mia how to make macaroons. Strawberry and cream ones.
His back relaxed slightly when he heard her soft spoken instructions, his body tuning into her voice. He didn’t say anything yet, going to the sink as he felt her eyes on him. 
She didn’t deserve bloody hands on her. She needed clean and soft hands with tender touches right now. His exhale was slow, trying to shift himself out of the rage induced fog. 
There was a reason people called him the Reaper. It wasn’t unknown. He turned off. He turned into someone else when he was there. The red brain space. He turned off a lot of his emotions besides the ones needed to get him through, the ones usually consisting of anger, rage, bitterness, aggression.
Shaking the water off his hands, he grabbed a paper towel and began to wipe his hands free of water, the jerky movements alerting Y/N to his mood. 
“One second, Mia.” She said quietly, patting her back. Mia knew how the score went, nodding as she turned to mind her business. She knew better than to get involved with Reaper’s business. Everyone should.
Approaching with caution, Bunny placed her hand on his lower back first not wanting to startle him in this state. It always seemed off, his energy changed completely and radiated off of him like a thunder cloud looming over his head. 
“Hi Baby,” She turned on her charm, resting her head against his back a little bit to ground him. It was better for her not to look at the blood that was being washed off into the sink, it was hard not to notice the smell though.  
“Mia and I are making macaroons, we already made a batch if you wanna taste one, I can bring it to you.” She wanted to go along with things as normal, try and remind him of how things were when he wasn’t in this headspace. 
“Or if you want we can go to our room and snuggle.”
She was always gentle with him in this headspace. It was a little scary at first but Harry wouldn’t hurt her. That was something she knew without a shadow of a doubt. Especially when she felt him relax a little bit with her hand rubbing over his back. 
Her eyes looked over his shirt and noticed it was fairly clean, except for a few specks of blood on the hem. It was a weird feeling, to think that the man who was so damn tender with her had just moments ago, been violently ending a life. And that his first instinct was to go back to her. 
“Room.” He grumbled, turning around once he was sure his hands were clean and taking her face into his palms. Y/N felt the damp, cool fingers on her skin and gave him a pretty smile, searching his eyes. 
They were dark. Different. It always seemed to happen like this. 3 times this past week and some days, he has sought her out after she pretended to not know what he was doing and found her doing something mundane, peeling her away from the friends she had made here to keep her close and breathe in her scent. 
He ignored Mia’s presence, leaning down to capture her lips in a hard kiss. He wasn’t shy about it, turning her around and tucking her into the corner of the room while he kissed her roughly. Fully. Bunny knew he wasn’t fully out of the weird, almost animalistic face and she was ok with that. She just wanted him to calm down eventually, and she enjoyed that she was the person that had that power. 
He pulled back and kissed her again, sliding his hands under her shirt and caressed the hot skin of her lower back. It was grounding to him, feeling her smooth flesh and the softness of her curves, the sweetness of her mouth and taste testing prior batches. She smelled like the baked good and hints of her shampoo. He wanted to bathe in it. “M’so angry.” He admitted against her lips. “Want to fucking…” He huffed, resting his head against hers. “I don’t regret it, Bunny. I’ll keep killing those fuckers. I’m going to keep doing it and I’m going to keep coming back upstairs to wash my hands and find you after.”
He warned her. “I should terrify you.”
“You don’t.” She wasn’t lying. He didn’t scare her, maybe a little, but only because she could tell it wasn’t him. Was it dangerous for her to believe that she was the only one to get him to calm down? Would her luck run out one day? It was something she tried not to think about too much. She preferred to believe him and their feelings for one another. 
“It’s just what you do… I understand, you aren’t like that with me. Why would I be afraid?” She asked the question that was never really meant to be answered. Instead she moved to press another kiss to his lips, her hands wrapping around his wrists to hold them comfortably. 
“Come on, let’s go. We can watch a documentary about sea lions.” After their little trip to Vegas they’d been watching a lot of animal planet. Something about the animals also calmed him down. 
“Let me just tell Mia.” She would have to fend for herself with the macaroons. She only had to let them bake off and cool off now. The filling was the easy part.
Harry leaned against the doorway as he watched her go to inform Mia when he heard his name being called from the front room. It was Kid, he knew, but he wasn’t sure what the fuck he wanted. 
“What?” He snapped, stalking through the kitchen with irritation obvious on his face until he saw the red envelope he held in his hand. “What the fuck is that?” 
Though in his stomach, he had a sick feeling. He already knew. 
“It’s addressed to you.” He said quietly. “To Reaper. It was stuck in the gate, someone shoved it up between the bars. I saw it on my way in.” The envelope was snatched over quickly, Harry’s anger boiled again heavily in his stomach. 
What the actual fuck?
“Funny, you think you can keep her hidden from me. I see her everyday.”
Harry was just about to snap when he noticed the back of the note felt a lot like a photograph. To his own horror, there were photos of her in the parking lot on a few desperate occasions this week. His Bunny, oblivious and stunning as ever, on her way back to this place this fucker has now made his way to. 
Any ounce of solace he’d found in Y/N’s touch a few moments ago had drained from his body, replaced by a new, much more sinister rage.  Without much thought, Harry slammed his fist against the nearest flat surface which just so happened to be the kitchen door. 
Kid took a step back immediately, trying not to flinch at the flying pieces of wood now scattered across the floor. 
The room went silent, nothing but Harry’s heavy breathing and the sound of footsteps coming down the hall. 
“That’s it!” Reaper was here in full force, not even noticing the blood gushing from his knuckles. “I’m going to butcher this rat. I swear to fuck no one better stop me, I will end his entire blood line so help me god.” His breathing was heavy, teeth grinding against one another. 
Bunny stood speechless, not really sure what to do in this situation. She wasn’t even sure what he was yelling about until she noticed the envelope. 
He’d found them?
“Reaper.” Viper barked as he watched Harry go towards the door. “He isn’t out there. He wouldn’t be. Don’t go shooting into the road.” He had watched as Harry took the gun from his back holster and held it in his hand, the rage shaking through him. 
This place wasn’t easy to find. But obviously, whoever the creep was, didn’t just fuck around. It was making Harry angry. Yes- it had been their idea to poke the bull, but it only made him more upset now knowing the lengths he would go. The disregard he had for his life meant that was the same for his thoughts on Bunny’s- he didn’t care. He was insane.
If he had any clue what Harry belonged to, what his name meant, the rumors and whispers, he would know better. Obviously he lacked sanity for the fact he was stalking someone to begin with but after all the warnings, after all the attempted scare offs… he was still at it. 
“He’s watching her. He’s at her school. He’s insane.” He shook his hand in the air, the gun waving around. The safety was on- Bunny was in the room. “I’m going to lose it.”
“I know, brother. I know.” 
“No! None of you caught someone taking photos?” He hissed, looking around the room as he raised the weapon. “None of you saw a fucking camera?”
“Obviously not. Put down the gun.” Viper ordered. “Your girl is in the room. Put it down.” He said it lowly, the twitch in his hand and the reminder making him listen. 
“I’m taking her away from here for a while. We’re fucking leaving. Make sure someone is at her mom’s place. Nowhere is fucking safe around here.” He hissed, turning to Bunny. “Go get your stuff. We’re going somewhere away from here. Wiz- get us on a fucking plane and someone go get me fakes to get out of here. I just-” He ran his bloodied hand through his hair, not even feeling the pain with the anger that made him burn. “How the fuck did he find us here? There’s a gate inside a gate.”
Bunny took this time to approach him once again, setting her hand on his back as she always did and tried her best to stay calm. She needed to be calm for him. All she wanted was for him to come with her, but it seemed like Viper wasn’t going to let that happen. 
“Let me clean up your hand and I’ll go pack.” She spoke in a gentle and level tone, reaching for his bloodied hand without hesitation. It hurt her to see him like this, so angry and distraught because he couldn’t do anything about it. He was trying his hardest, she could see it. She wished she was able to help more. 
Viper looked at her in warning, obviously worried about her safety. He didn’t know how they were in private, she felt like he had no right to command her. She knew what she was getting herself into. Bunny looked from Harry’s hand to Viper with a small pout, hoping he would let her do this. 
“Follow me.” Viper let out a sigh, leading Bunny towards their in house infirmary. She made sure to keep an eye on Harry, rubbing his skin to soothe him the best that she could. He was still heaving, she could see the cogs turning in his head.
He was like a live wire. 
Bunny watched his face carefully, not afraid of him but afraid of what he may do. It felt like the last few days he had been like a dog pacing in its cage, but this was a whole other level.
His jaw was clenched and his breathing was heavy, but his face had turned stone cold. His eyes? They were dark. Hot. Livid. She was treading with caution. 
He was on another planet right now. He was in protector and killer mode at the same time and it was killing him. Reaper wasn’t one to run away from conflict in any capacity. Harry, however? He just wanted to keep Bunny safe. That was his goal, always. Her safety. 
“You okay to be alone?” Viper asked Bunny. He didn’t want to offend Reaper but he also took her safety seriously.
“Yes, I’m okay. He won’t hurt me.” Bunny repeated once again, knowing it would only be worse if they were to separate the two of them. If they wanted Harry to calm down in any capacity, removing her was the worst they could do. 
Viper eyed the two of them for a moment, facing an internal battle. He couldn’t live with himself if he let Reaper hurt her, but for some reason, he trusted her. 
“I’m going to help Wiz sort out your trip. When you’re done here just meet me in my office.” Viper spoke calmly, giving her a look as if to say ‘be careful’. The metal door made a quiet crashing sound as he left, leaving the two of them alone. 
The bright overhead lighting of the infirmary wasn't creating the most soothing atmosphere, but Bunny tried her best to be the softness Harry needed as she guided him to sit on the bed. 
Her hands delicately pushed his hair away from his face and behind his ears, watching his snarling expression carefully. 
“Can I get the first aid kit?” Her words were gentle, not wanting to leave her stop from between his legs if he wasn’t ready. She knew her body was something that kept him grounded and she didn’t want to irritate him.
He simply nodded. 
It felt better in the quiet. No music, no nothing but the gentle touch of Bunny.
Bunny, Bunny, Bunny. 
He had to keep her safe. The rage bubbled again before it ebbed, her hand stroking over his arm as she returned with the kit. He wasn’t worried about the split knuckles or the throbbing he felt in his hand. He had a high pain tolerance for as long as he could remember, but he felt a bit bad under all the anger about her life being disrupted. That he couldn’t just be… a normal protector. That he had to worry about snapping. 
He’d always had a bad temper, but this sort of anger was new. He hadn’t cared too much about anything else for a long time. Now that he cared so much for her that it felt like she was injected into his damn blood, he felt out of control. Not having control over finding this guy was making him  feel certifiably crazy. He’d never been sane, mind you, but he even knew it was bad now. 
His thoughts lingered on how he had never wanted to take someone out more. The person who caused all of this shit, who made it unsafe for her to even be alone in the places she had grown and loved. The places she learned.
“Baby?” She whispered softly in an attempt to get his attention, gently starting to wipe off the dried blood as she disinfected the open wound. “You don’t have to talk if you don’t wanna,” Bunny cooed, “just come back to me.” 
She let the hand holding his caress his skin in a form of comfort, using tweezers to get the splinters out from under his skin.
“You’re very angry, I know… I can imagine how frustrating it is— you are doing everything you can.” She wasn’t sure if her words would be of any help, but she wanted to say them anyway. “You’ll get him, I know you will. But for now, we are here.” 
A small hiss came from her as she watched the peroxide bubbling over the wound. He didn’t even blink. It made her heartache seeing him so empty and drained. 
Harry watched as she began to wrap his hand with gauze, turning it a bit to make things easier for her. He’d never had someone handle him with such care in this state. It baffled him to think she wasn’t afraid. How could she be so brave? To trust him when he didn’t trust himself. 
“All done.” Bunny smiled, leaning down to press a kiss to the bandaged hand. She didn’t expect him to speak, she was waiting patiently till he was ready.
He sighed, looking over her face. She was so fucking good. A little damn angel plopped into hell and he had to be the one to protect her. He’s never experienced such a panic in his life. Self doubt that he would be able to keep her safe. 
It fucked him up considering this was supposed to be the safest place.  That someone could get by without being noticed was a tell to some sort of skill. Wiz was an incredible guy when it came to security and electronics. He had either blocked the alarms or there was some sort of rat. 
He couldn’t trust most of these people right now. While he definitely felt guilt for that considering he knew 99% of them were on his side, there was a possibility someone wasn’t. And he wouldn’t chance that.
“Damn it.” He snarled. “You… I should be taking care of you.” His face showed irritation and instead of backing up, she repeated the soft action of brushing his long hair back out of his face that had fallen out of his low bun. “I’m supposed to take care of you and you’re here… fucking bandaging me up. Being so fucking sweet. “
“Is that so wrong?” She asked confused, “Think I wouldn’t be taking care of you if this wasn’t happening?” Of course she would be. Bunny enjoyed caring for him and providing a little bit of peace in his very rough and heavy lifestyle. 
To think he’d ever imagine it as a burden, as if life wouldn’t have thrown something else wretched and horrid her way had it not been this. 
“You are taking care of me. I’m here and I’m safe.” Bunny tried her shot at getting him to see things from her perspective. “You need me right now, that’s okay… I’m right here.” It had almost become natural for her to tend to his anger before she began to process her own feelings. She didn’t think it would help to dwell on the idea of someone watching her, she was already paranoid enough as it was. 
“I want to help this feeling, I know I can’t, but please… you have to let me.”
He growled in frustration. It was almost infuriating how sweet and understanding she was because it was his problem. He felt like he was making shit even harder.
“I just… I feel like all I fucking do is drag you down. This was supposed to scare him away.” He stood up, walking away from her. He needed to breathe, to pace for a minute. “This shit was supposed to protect you. And I made it worse.” 
He tugged at his hair, his bad hand throbbing at the action. He really was wanting to pull his hair out. A woman like Bunny didn’t belong in this decrepit, dangerous place and yet he had dragged her down. There was no  way out of it either, not without the guy being dead.
All he knew was that he had access to the school area, was good at technology, was lanky and tall and was a little bitch. A creep. He hated him more than he had hated anyone else because he had no regard for Bunny. It was obvious at this point. 
“I need to take you away; like a fucking coward. I’m running away but I don’t give a fuck. We need a break. You need to be somewhere you feel safe. You think I don’t see it?” He asked, approaching her again. 
“You think I don’t see when you disappear inside your head and you try your best to just pretend like you’re fine? I see right through it. You’re not processing any of this shit of whatever it is you’re supposed to do. And I’m worried. I’m worried about you, mentally, physically, emotionally.”
He was right. 
She hadn’t been processing it properly, but she was in distress and though he was blaming himself for making it worse, who knows what would have happened if he continued? It was just like Bunny to divert the conversation though. It seems Harry wasn’t having it today. He stopped her before she could speak. 
“You know I’m right about that. Bun, listen, I’m not in a good fucking space right now. I don’t even know how I’m talking to you cause I’m my head I just want to tear this place to shreds. I need you to tell me if I’m stepping over the line, cause you’re being so fucking sweet— I don’t deserve that!” He shook his head, the last line coming out a bit louder than he’d anticipated. She could only shake her head at him. 
“Harry— I’m trying to deal with it how I can. We both are. It hasn’t really hit me these past few times, I haven’t been letting it. I just know I won’t be able to keep going on with my life if I think about it too much. You know I’m in my head because I’m trying to self soothe… there is no answer to these feelings, they fucking suck. I know. This guy is fucking crazy. He could have done worse if you didn’t get involved. Who knows? The what ifs are killing me. Please don’t blame yourself for any of this. It’s not your fault.”
He swallowed thickly, his heavy breathing the only sound in the room before he dropped his hands, letting them smack against his sides. 
He didn’t mean to explode on her. It’s the last thing she needed. She didn’t need his shit on top of everything else but he was so… so fucking scared. He didn’t like the idea of her getting hurt. He didn’t like that she wasn’t communicating it with him. 
“Can you please just tell me… tell me about it when it does come up? When you feel like it’s too much?” Harry was well fucking aware he wasn’t the easiest to talk to. He wasn’t. He was  intimidating and easily irritated and he had tried to build a wall between them in the past. It would be understandable why she would be hesitant before but now? Now he was doting on her. 
He wished she trusted him. 
“It is my fault. You shouldn’t even be in this position. I wish you had been able to fucking trust me enough when it first started happening so you could have told me. I know that it’s my fault you didn’t. It isn’t your fault at all.” He huffed, walking back to her. “I don’t deserve your sweetness . I was supposed to look out for you when Sterling left and now look at this shit.” 
He felt like he had failed. He had failed her.
She was trying her best to stay level headed, trying not to blame things on herself for not telling him sooner. Seeing him like this was making her emotional, she didn’t want him to be so stressed. 
“I’ll try, I promise.” Bunny said with a small sigh, “It’s hard for me in general. It's not that I don’t want to tell you these things, it’s just hard for me.” Y/N swallowed thickly, looking up at him with glossy eyes. “I didn’t think not telling you would come to this… I would have told you right away.” 
Bunny snaked her arms around him in a hug, squeezing his body to hers, listening closely to his heart beat. She kept her head there for a few moments, relaxing as she felt the weight on his hand cradling the back of her head.
They were a mess. The both of them. Harry knew that this wasn’t exactly healthy- nothing with him probably would be- but he didn’t have it in him to stop his indulgence for her comfort.
He couldn’t keep himself from pulling her as tightly as he could to her body, exhaling heavily as he pressed a few kisses to her head. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I’m fucking sorry for all of this shit.” 
The hoarseness of his voice caught her off guard. His anger was still there but he was still being soft with her. That was the difference. He never lifted a hand meant to harm her. Never. He never would. 
“It’s okay. We’re going on a trip and we can just… we can try and forget about this for a little bit.” She whispered against his shirt. “Just pretend to be normal for a bit. I don’t even know where we’re going but I’m going to be safe with you. Maybe we can feel ok when we get away.” Her choice was muffled against the fabric but he heard it. 
“I will do my best, baby.” He mumbled against her hair. “Don’t think it’ll ever be normal with us again.”
“Okay everything you need is here. For the time being, you are Ryder and Kitty Davidson.” Wiz spoke as he placed the documents on the table. “I got you rings as well, congratulations.” He winked trying to make light of the situation. 
“You’re flying First class to London. Your flight is in about 4 hours so you should get heading to the airport as soon as possible.” He continued, looking up at Viper to confirm the details. The two of them thoroughly planned this trip to ensure their safety. 
“I’ve booked you in indefinitely at the Londoner hotel. It’s very central with high security. They know you want your privacy and for their reputations sake they won’t fuck up. If you want to change locations, I trust Reaper knows his way around better than me.” Wiz let himself trail off as he tried to remember anything else he might be missing. 
“I’ve arranged to have a car pick you up under the name Davidson. It’s one of our own so no need to worry. He’s returning a small favor.” Viper added, checking his phone for any other updates before looking at the two of them. 
“We’re going to have some decoy cars leave first. One is going to Reaper’s place, one will be going to your Mom’s, and the third out of town.” Viper explained the plan, “We’re leaving through the underground exit in a completely different vehicle. All you have to do is finish up with packing and we’ll be on our way.”
Bunny was still amazed at some of the things the club was able to do. There were a lot of whispers about the things they were a part of from the normal people, the people around the town. But based on their assumptions, no one would have realized they had this sort of money. 
Harry had explained they had eggs in a bunch of baskets, some legal and some… not so much. That meant an influx of cash and places to launder it through.
She knew if this was any other time,she would be asking tons of questions. Why? How? What? But right now she was putting her trust in Harry and the guys of the Devil’s Keepers. Viper and Wiz had always shown up for her since she met them and it was a welcome thing to have. 
“Thanks for putting this together.” He nodded at Wiz, taking the folder from him. “We will call you when we land with the burners.” 
“I’ll be prepared for a thick cockney accent.” Wiz joked, making him snort. Yeah, right. He was more of a Manchester and London hybrid but that wouldn’t make sense to him. Harry’s accent had thinned since being here as a teenager but he knew that it would thicken the moment he stepped back there. It usually got stronger when he talked to his mum on the phone, so he could imagine how easily he was going to fall into it later.
Bunny had never been out of the country before, this was something completely new. The thought of it was actually exciting if she ignored the whole point of the trip. The running away from a stalker bit. 
Harry had always talked about his life in London, with a fondness she really saw in him elsewhere. It was as if he wondered what his life could have been had he been dealt a different hand. It seemed like his life there wasn’t that fruitful, but his returns to the country had always been pleasant.
“You packed warm, yeah baby?” He asked quietly, his Reaper persona taking a step back now that they had a plan. In all honesty, he was relaxed because he knew his way around London better than any man. He swore it. No one would want to willingly go to his ends. That he was sure of. 
“We’ll get you more clothes.” He spoke without even listening to her response, he had a feeling there was nothing warm in her duffle here in Vegas. Poor girl was in for wind and rain and clouds.
“We will?” She quirked her brow. “And just how will I do that?” 
“M’gonna buy you some. You need jumpers and jackets. The only one you packed was one of mine.” He gave her a slight look but it was in jest. He liked her in his clothes. The black jumper with slightly frayed sleeves tended to be her favorite and he wasn’t going to tell her no. Thankfully he had been able to grab some warmer clothes but not too much. He’d need to shop as well. 
“Well, I did want to buy some stuff.” She admitted, leaning her head against his arm while she looked into his duffel bag. “You know the cool shopping places in London? Not the designer ones but hole in the wall shops?” She liked to buy stuff that was unique, but she didn’t have the chance too often here. Her slip dresses were a staple but she did want to get some good jeans in London. 
It was definitely a way of coping. Y/N knew that eventually she wouldn’t be able to push the fact that this trip was to evade danger from the back of her mind anymore. She would have to accept it at some point. But god damn, did she want to pretend it was just a trip with her… boyfriend? Lover? Whatever they actually were. 
“I think so.” It’s been a few years since I’ve been there.” The last time he had traveled back was 3 years ago, briefly. Only 2 weeks to get some things settled. He hadn’t been back since. “We’ll have to see. Things change rather quickly, but I found a place last time when I ruined my trousers.” He replied, zipping up the duffle bag.
“All right, Sniper say we are all set to go. If you have everything, let’s get to the car. No time to waste.” Viper was a bit on edge himself, not having expected someone to find the clubhouse. Nonetheless, he had no intention of letting Harry know he was worried. He needed Reaper to have a break. As much as they needed him, for all of their sakes, it was better he went. 
The sound of their footsteps against wet cement echoed as the four of them descended down to the tunnels. They had a few for safety reasons. They had a bunker, a few rooms where most of their dodgy business took place. Killing and disposal and what not. Towards the end though was a garage full of three cars with the exact same plates. One was red, one was black, and one was white. 
“Take your pick bun.” Viper decided to make light of the situation. These cars were all clean. For the most part. They were mostly used for situations like these, getaways for safety. The plates changed after every use so they couldn’t be tracked. They cycled through wrapping them in different colors. It was all to keep things as anonymous as possible.
Bunny went for the white one. The red would get attention, the black was an obvious inconspicuous choice, but the white was a medium level. Harry was quiet for the most part now, helping her in and waving to Mia. She was playing decoy. Her hood was up and it was obvious she was a woman but the tinted windows would hide some of her features, making it easy to confuse the both of them. 
“Thank you.” He said quietly to her. Despite not talking to her much he appreciated even the slightly risk she put herself in for Y/N’s sake.
He got into the car with her, placing his hand on her thigh immediately. Y/N noticed this was something he did subconsciously. He didn’t even really seem to think about it. Every time he sat down next to her or drove with her, his hand would rest on her leg. Squeeze or rub or just rest still, he liked having a hand on her.
Her hand rested on top of his with a sigh, fiddling with his anatomical heart ring. He had a few he switched around but he rarely took this one off lately. It was chunky and large but it suited his hand, bruised knuckles and all. Her cheek rested against his arm, trying to let go of her nerves. 
“S’okay.” He comforted quietly. “We’re getting a break from this. Maybe the guy will get tired of it. If he doesn’t… we’ll come back rested enough to finally get him.”
Harry was exceedingly exhausted. His eyes were heavy all day but he couldn’t sleep. Nervous about her, about the freak breaking in somehow, someway, and hurting her. It plagued him like a nasty sore that wouldn’t heal.
Wanting to keep the stalker off their trail meant that Viper and Wiz had to stay low profile. The guy would recognize the two of them and they didn’t want to risk it. Instead, he had other members who had not been seen with Bunny to drive all three cars. 
“Be safe, yeah?” Viper nodded at the two of them from outside the window. “Have fun, little rabbit. Enjoy it.” The words were tender as they fell from his mouth. He wanted nothing more than for her to enjoy her time away from all of this. To have a bit of freedom again. 
Bunny gave him a small smile and nod, watching as he gave Harry a small fist bump before their window was rolled back up. The sound of roaring engines soon filled the space, each car making their way out. They had a few come out the front as well, this creepy wouldn’t know what was coming.
She didn’t dare to speak up as they traveled down through the long, narrow, and dark tunnel. It seemed like it kept going and going. She wasn’t sure how it got there, but she was starting to think she shouldn’t ask. 
Instead she snuggled further against Harry in the back seat, continuing to dig her face fully into him. It seemed his scent was able to do something to keep her calm since she couldn’t exactly wrap herself in his bedsheets anymore.
Harry didn’t like not being the one driving but he has to make that sort of sacrifice today. It wasn’t too big of a deal though, considering Bunny was nearly burrowed into him.
Harry, before her, wasn’t a fan of physical touch at all. He took his partners from behind, making them hold whatever was in front of them so they didn’t touch him. He barely kissed, barely allowed them to do a thing besides suck him off or spread their legs for him. It was very willing people, too, but still. He wasn’t a warm and fuzzy person. He would peels hands off of him and step back to avoid hugs or touches, keeping it hand handshakes for most, or a back pat or two. 
That’s partially why it was so weird for him that he felt so grounded when Bunny touched him. The comfort that he felt when she would brush his fingers with her own or press a tiny kiss to his hand, leaning against him. His own body seeking her out for it. That had shocked him and made him feel incredibly out of place once he stepped back from it. The good thing though, was he didn’t hate it. 
If anything he fell into it more and more each day. Initiating more and more like a nosy little puppy, chaste and gentle touches like fingers under shirts playing with her bracelets or adjusting the hair in her face . It felt a bit pathetic he wanted to touch her every day, if he was being honest. He’d also never felt so good with it. Her fingers tangled with his own little kisses that didn’t lead to anything other than a smile. 
He was fucked. A goner. He had become well and truly soft, obsessed, possessive, enamored with the girl he definitely shouldn’t. Sterling is still going to beat his ass, and Harry is going to let him. 
It was worth it.
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lady-arc-art · 1 year ago
THEORY: “Welcome Home, my son…”
For a while I wondered why puppets are used specifically to help tell the story of this ARG? Then it was brought to my attention from another Welcome Home fan that maybe there are some parallels to the story of Pinocchio. In versions of the story, Geppetto had a real son that passed away and from his grief he created a wooden puppet that looked like his son, who would later become Pinocchio.
I also think it kind of is that way because there’s a big emphasis on family and children/babies in this update. With Howdy’s family coming over for the Homewarming, Julie and Frank trying to get everyone to be quiet so they don’t wake up the flowers and bugs that are hibernating (which is something parents do when they don’t want any loud noises that could wake up a sleeping baby), and the commercials targeted towards children, also Frank singing a lullaby and Wally singing a song about children going to a place called Toy Land and never leaving.
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Then it hit me, sorry if any of this sounds fanfic-y or if I’m reaching a bit, but this is what think could be going on.
In the early-mid 60s, Ronald Dorelaine was a children’s entertainer, specializing in puppetry. He ran a troupe with some of his other puppeteer friends called “The Playfellow Puppets” and they would put on little puppet shows as part of the children’s theater slot at the local community centers.
The cast of characters included (and in order of creation): Julie Joyful (she was the first created since she’s a simple hand rod puppet), Frank Frankly, Eddie Dear, Sally Starlight, Howdy Pillar, and Poppy Partridge.
Since a part of me feels like almost everyone else was created before Wally and Home also it would make sense if Poppy was kind of “new” since she’s the most complex puppet to operate.
Ronald Dorelaine had a young son who would often tag along during his father’s performances, and his son’s named was Walliford, but sometimes his dad would call him “Wally.” Walliford was very fascinated with his father’s work and the characters he created, and one of his favorite things to do was draw and paint, hoping that someday he would create something when he grows up just like his father. Walliford even helped Ronald come up with a new character for “The Playfellow Puppets.” Barnaby B. Beagle. A blue dog that was inspired by one of his son’s drawings.
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Which would explain this.
Ronald’s puppet shows started becoming so popular that it even started gaining attention from producers of a local tv station (sort of similar to PBS) where they offered Ronald the idea to turn his puppet show into a television series. Ronald took up on the offer, and the show began to develop. However a tragedy would soon happen….
Ronald was a heavy smoker (hence why there is a a big emphasis on cigarette ads in the recent update):
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One day when trying to discard a cigarette before Ronald had to leave the house (possibly to go to a last minute meeting with the producers that would be helping him develop his new tv show). However he was unaware that the cigarette was still lit, and it set a fire to his home. Ronald was safe because he wasn’t in the house at the time of the fire, but his son Walliford was nowhere to be found and his body was never recovered so he’s presumed dead.
(Probably hinted at when Home’s eyes turned red in the commercial compilations)
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I also think maybe Eddie’s puppeteer was a witness or somehow involved with this incident (possibly because he agreed to watch Walliford while his dad went out) since I noticed during his breakdown, everything turned bright red and Eddie looks like he feels guilty about something, hence why he’s sweating and Home appears to be starring him down as if he did something.
From his grief and in order to cope with the loss of his son, Ronald created a new character as a tribute to him. Wally Darling, and from there the plot of the show changed. The show would now be about a neighborhood, all of the previous characters would be neighbors with Wally Darling, who would now be the lead of the show. Ronald also added some traits that were present in Walliford, such as his love for art and his friendship with Barnaby (who was Walliford’s favorite of the group) for the new Wally character.
Then for a last minute edition, Ronald included a sentient home for Wally to live in. The Home was meant to keep Wally the puppet safe and to watch out for him, which was something he wasn’t able to do for his son.
Hence why the title of the show changed to “Welcome Home,” since to him he wanted it to feel like his son now has a second chance at life and he’s finally back home where he belongs. Almost like saying “Welcome home, my son.”
However none of this was enough for Ronald, even though he created a new character to keep Walliford’s memory alive, it was hard for him to find a puppeteer to play Wally because it wasn’t the same. All he really wanted was his son back and he would go to whatever means necessary even if it means going to the extreme. He later came across “the entity” and made a wish for Wally Darling to become real (like how Geppetto wished for Pinocchio to be real and The Blue Fairy brought him to life). And with that his wish came true. Wally was now sentient without the use of puppeteer.
I kind of believe this to be the case because Wally to me feels like the odd man out, everyone else feels lively and zany since they’re real people, while Wally just feels like a blank slate, with the way he speaks sounding very monotone. Here there was a bit of an innocence to Wally since he’s always learning things for the first time and asking questions about certain concepts and feelings, since he was literally a puppet brought to life and “the baby” of the group. However the producers, and parents watching the show didn’t think it was odd since they thought Wally was like this since he was meant to be a character that children can project themselves onto.
However what everyone didn’t know is that the entity that helped bring Wally to life manifested it’s way into the show possessing The Home puppet, and since Wally had no one attached to a real person playing him, the entity used Wally as a vessel to carry out their agenda. Day after day, the show started to go more and more off the rails, but what was really happening was through Wally the entity started to brainwash each of the puppeteers into believing that they were the actual characters, possibly by using the sleeping pills advertised in the commercials, or there was foul play on Ronald’s end and he gave all his puppeteers the sleeping pills to “put them out of their misery.”
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By 1974, Ronald tried to put a stop to the entity, and he had no other choice but to end the show and destroy all the evidence that it ever happened. Ronald himself also began to slowly disappear from the public eye and he hasn’t been seen since then.
For years “Welcome Home” has gone on being a lost media, until now.
That’s not the end of story, because it turns out the real Wally Darling, Walliford Dorelaine, is actually still alive, but he has amenesia from the incident and he was no memories of his previous life. Doesn’t know what his real name is (it probably started with a W) or who his parents were, which is why he was never brought back to Ronald. By the time Walliford grew up, his friends started talking about this mysterious puppet show that was on TV years ago called “Welcome Home” which was kind of like Sesame Street, but they all thought it was some kind of urban legend. Then suddenly Walliford started getting all these tattered artwork and pictures of merchandise from the show they were talking about, and he showed it to his friends and together they formed The Welcome Home Restoration Group to try and uncover the mysterious Welcome Home show.
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Walliford however started experiencing strange feelings both physically and mentally. There were times when he doubted if the show was even real, but whenever he did have any doubt, he had dreams and hallucinations of Wally Darling trying to communicate with him through the phone and he also starts seeing all these strange video clips from the show itself sprinkled throughout the website that he and the team built. The team however started growing concerned for Walliford thinking that he “lost his mind” so they kindly tried to distance themselves from him while they are trying to rebrand the site after seeing that Walliford was trying to communicate with what he believed to be Wally Darling haunting the site, before they shut it down.
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This only caused Walliford to create his own website with his own evidence, since it seems like his own restoration team is starting to mistrust him, and now he’s going to get to the bottom of this all by himself.
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But what they all don’t know is that Walliford’s connection to “Welcome Home” goes much deeper than that, as it’s in his blood.
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yaeggravate · 11 months ago
brief post about kaeya's potential future arc (or why 5 star kaeya will totally happen 🔮✨️)
so something i noticed is that kaeya always removes or distances himself from the end of any situation he's in. (it's much more noticeable in his hangout).
first is crepus's death. he hangs back and doesn't get involved in his final moments.
kaeya disappears in the final section of the ballads and brews event. you can find and talk to every character except him.
in the venti route of his hangout, kaeya stays back when it's time to sing with everyone. venti then drags him back in. (what's odd is that venti didn't even notice he was gone at first 👀 "now you see them, now you don't")
Kaeya: Slipping away before the final verse is sung, before the poet has uttered the last line, before everything has concluded… I don't know, something about it just resonates with me.
klee says kaeya hasn't read her the end of the book series the fox and the dandelion sea yet, which is about a guy stuck in a loop. in somewhat the same vein, in the secret summer event, he tells her a story about the jinni and a shepard boy but changes the ending from what we know from the in game book…
and then we have the prince qubad play, where he quietly exits after it ends. he explains why himself (through nahida's auge):
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Kaeya, optional) Kaeya: (I always like to extricate myself before things start getting tedious.)
in the same route, kaeya quotes the character jaques from shakespeare's play as you like it
Kaeya: Let me think... "All the world's a stage, and all the people merely players."
which is very fitting considering, quote the wiki:
Jaques takes no part in the unfolding of the plot, and confines himself to wry comment on the action and exchanges with his fellow characters.
he also silently does things for others without wanting to take credit, i.e. being rewarded.
and i think i know why 😏
in his character story, kaeya is referred to as a chess pawn in CN, he then repeats this in his hangout.
Kaeya: But I shall not bow to the will of fate. I am no pawn in heaven's plan.
further emphasizing it's not a random throw away term.
i'm neither chess expert nor chess amateur. but anyone can pull up a wikipedia page 😤
pawns are the only pieces that can't move backward, pawns can get promoted to another piece when they reach the end of the board, and… pawns are expandable, made to be sacrificed for the kingdom.
he even expresses the desire to age backwards….which pawns can't do of course.
A very simple such analogy is the Pawn — the expendable, powerless, nameless foot soldier who may, if his actions are brave and his heart is true, become a Queen (although someone more practised at the game may note that the pawn is really a symbol of why you should never overlook apparently powerless people).
that sounds exactly like kaeya's situation, doesn't it? many people have questioned why kaeya is a 4 star given his importance to the main plot, but i think it could be a deliberate narrative decision. (at least i hope it is 😬)
if kaeya is a pawn he can be promoted to a queen when he reaches the end…. except kaeya doesn't want to, as demonstrated by his unwillingness to see things through till the end.
why would he do this?
simply put, it's foreshadowing 😏
kaeya will have his character arc eventually, where the only sensible path is accepting that he must reach the end because pawns cannot stay pawns forever
Promotion is mandatory when moving to the last rank; the pawn cannot remain as a pawn.
there is some sick sense of irony in him declaring he won't be heaven's pawn, when a pawn can only stop being a pawn by moving forward.
i think kaeya's birthday letter about tcg of all things is also hinting at his arc:
If you think about it, playing cards aren't easy at all — you gotta do the math before throwing the dice, and be extra careful with your every move. One step wrong, and the whole table is turned. When that happens, don't you think it's most amusing to watch your opponent's frustrated face, hmm?
(uh oh, celestia 🤭)
say he does reach this metaphorical last rank, what would that look like for him? gameplay wise it would mean a promotion to 5 star status. story wise? a magical girl transformation into the second coming of fischl.
haha ok but, unfortunately i doubt it's that simple.
something else that has been foreshadowed is kaeya's eventual fate…
Traveler: What did you think of the story? Kaeya: It was alright. I suppose the hero always has to sacrifice himself to save others, and it does make for some good storytelling. But it leaves you wondering how he really feels about the whole thing. Did he ever have second thoughts? Only he can know, I suppose.
Kaeya: My dear audience, I ask you this: Do you believe in fate? If fate decreed that your life was to end in tragedy, what would you do?
Kaeya: I, Qubad, will spend the rest of my days in a foreign land, till I breathe my last in a place far from home.
Kaeya: And anyway, life is short, so we should make the most of the time we have. Right now is the perfect time to relax and enjoy ourselves, and who knows how many other chances we'll get. So come on, what do you say?
Fallen I 还没尽…兴… Haven't enjoyed...to the fullest...
When It's Windy 真是和平啊、可又能持续多久呢? How peaceful, but how long can it last?
Traveler: Good night, Kaeya. Kaeya: Is it that time already? I'm not sure I'm ready to say goodbye.
let's face it, these are death flags. no, kaeya is not going to perma die, but this might be what he has seen through the Auge der Verurteilung and why he's so reluctant to reach the ending of his story.
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but in order to defy fate and become a 5 star you have to throw yourself into the embrace of the immernacht first 😈
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cillianssweet · 15 days ago
You want him but you just can't win
Pairing: Thomas Shelby x Female reader
Part 7.
Long fic, some smut
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"Fecking hell" a loud voice was heard booming in the house. Hearing tommy on edge everyone came out. Arthur was the first to get out of his room.
"W'ats the ma'er with ye?" He asks annoyed.
" 'ere's no feckin booze or a fag" He says searching cabinets, carpets, drawers, cupboards. His stashes? Gone. Booze from his study? Gone. His ciggarettes? Gone.
"What do y'mean?" Arthurs voice boomed as he searched for it with Thomas. It was clear Thomas was getting a bit angry.
"Where the hell is it?" Thomas grumbled to himself, feeling a sense of frustration and irritation building up inside him.
"You don't think it was yer little wife?eh?do you?" Arthur asked, a hint of worry in his voice. He knew how much Thomas enjoyed his vices, and the thought of being deprived of them seemed to distress him.
"Who else would it be?" Thomas snapped, his irritation growing. "I know damn well it wasn't the fairies. I bet she threw it all out."
Arthur hesitated, unsure of how to respond. He knew that Y/n was not a fan of Thomas's drinking and smoking, but he didn't want to be caught in the middle. He decided to remain silent, hoping that the discussion would pass quickly.
Thomas scratched his head, irritation creeping in as he tried to understand her motives. Arthur couldn't help but question why she would go to such lengths to hide the booze and cigarettes. Thomas, growing angrier by the moment, believed she was just trying to annoy him, but deep down, he knew there was more to it.
Deep down, Thomas knew that Yn was trying to make a point. She was trying to get his attention, to make him listen to her. And he couldn't deny that the deprivation of booze and cigarettes in his own house was driving him mad.
But Thomas wasn't one to easily give in, especially to Ynn. He was headstrong, stubborn, and used to getting his way. He didn't like feeling deprived of his vices, and the thought of someone, especially Yn, trying to control him made his blood boil.
I woke up with a sense of determination and a smile on my face. I had a plan, and I was ready to put it into action. I got out of bed, stretching my limbs and basking in the morning sunlight streaming in from the window.
As I ent about her routine, I made sure to do everything with a little extra flair. I picked out a nice outfit, took my time with my makeup, and even hummed a little tune as I went about my day. I knew that my change in demeanor would not go unnoticed by Thomas.
As I walked into the kitchen, I spotted Thomas and Arthur sitting at the breakfast table, looking slightly disheveled and grumpy. Thomas's eyes fell on me , and he couldn't help but notice my cheerful demeanor.
"Ya seem awfully cheerful this morning," Thomas grumbled, eyeing her suspiciously.
I tried to hide my satisfaction as I replied, "Is it a crime to be happy in the morning?"
I couldn't resist a little sarcasm, a sly smile playing on my lips as I replied, "Well, someone seems a bit cranky without their morning vices, don't they?"
Thomas's irritation flared, his eyes narrowing as he caught onto my hint. He grumbled something under his breath, but I ignored him, continuing to make my coffee with a smirk on my face.
Arthur, sensing the tension in the room, shifted uncomfortably in his seat, awkwardly sipping his tea. He knew better than to get involved in mine and Thomas's bickering, especially before his morning coffee.
"Ynn, have you seen my cigarettes by any chance?" Thomas asked, irritation seeping into his voice.
I acted completely innocent, as if I had no idea what Thomas was talking about. I feigned a confused look and said, "Oh, your cigarettes? No, I haven't seen them. Why do you ask?" I feign innocence as if I hadn't stubbed them all with my heel after hiding them.
Thomas eyed me skeptically, sensing my innocence to be a facade. He knew that I was behind the disappearing act of the cigarettes, and it irked him to no end. It was clear that I was trying to get under his skin, and oh was I doing a damn good job of it.
"Are you sure you haven't seen them?" he asked, his voice laced with skepticism. "They were here just last night, and now they're gone. It's awfully suspicious, don't you think?"
I continued to feign ignorance, shrugging my shoulders nonchalantly. "I don't know what to tell you, Thomas. Maybe you misplaced them? I'm not your personal inventory keeper."
"You think you're clever, don't you?eh? Acting all innocent and pretending you don't know where they are," Thomas snapped, his irritation getting the better of him. "But I know you've hidden them, and I want them back. Now."
Thomas's irritation grew as he remembered that she had also hidden his whiskey. He clenched his fists, his frustration reaching its boiling point. "And what about my whiskey, huh? Did you hide that too?"
My innocent facade wavered a bit at the mention of the whiskey. I crossed my arms over my chest, trying to appear unbothered. "Perhaps I did," I replied coolly, relishing in his agitation.
Thomas's eyes widened, and his face turned red with anger. "You cheeky little minx," he nearly growled, his voice low and dangerous. "You had no right to hide my booze. It's disrespectful, and you know damn well how much I enjoy a drink."
"What about how you disrespect me every time you sleep with a whore! What about how everytime you take grace out people jitter about me as if I'm the woman who couldn't keep her husband." I was now neck to neck to him. Even though all I could reach was his chest .
Thomas's expression hardened as I stood up to him, their bodies almost touching. He could sense the anger and hurt behind my words, and he felt a pang of guilt. But he tried to suppress it, stubbornly holding on to his defenses. "That's different," he said, his voice gruff. "I have needs eh? You woudn' understand"
"And you didn't think to come to your WIFE with those needs?" I push him slightly. I was now on a full blow, provoking Thomas.
Thomas stumbled back slightly as I gave him a firm push, surprise and a hint of anger flashing across his face. He narrowed his eyes at me, his irritation flaring up once again. "And what do you expect me to do, come crawling to you whenever I feel the need for some relief? You're not the most pleasant person to be around you know."
I laugh bitterly, "do you think you are? Your nothing but an egoistic manchild. You'd never know what love fucking is if your busy make the blonde barmaid squeal. But you wouldn't know because that's all you've been doing." I walk to him.
"It doesnt matter if your business fails huh? You just want a nice fuck and all she'll be is a whore but you shouldn't forget, I'm the wife tommy. I'm the first on paper and I am not fucking going any where and as for the damn whiskey I drained it in the toilet for all you care and I danced over your cigarettes"
Thomas was taken aback by her fierce defiance, my words hitting him like a punch in the gut. He had never seen her this bold and angry, and it both surprised and amused him. "You.. you what?" he asked, his voice stunned. "You drained my whiskey and danced over my cigarettes? You're a damn firecracker, you know that?" He would be lying if he said he wasn't turned on.
He walked closer, surprisingly gentle. As Thomas took in my defiant stance, he couldn't help but feel a strange mix of irritation, admiration, and attraction.
A part of him was amused by my audacity, my courage to stand up to him. But another part of him was frustrated by my defiance,my refusal to be submissive. "You've got a nerve, you know that?" he growled, his annoyance rising. "Dumping my booze and dancing on my smokes? You're asking for trouble, doll-face."
My eyes flashed with defiance as I held his gaze, my jaw set. "Oh, I'm well aware of what I'm doing, Thomas. And I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty if I have to. You think you can just control me, order me around like some mindless puppet? Well, prepare to be thoroughly disappointed."
Thomas was taken aback by my unexpected request. "Whatever you want?" he repeated, his eyebrows raised in surprise. "You want me to get you whatever you want? And what made you come to this conclusion all of a sudden?"
"If your rich enough to get them for your little mistress why not me? You know," I trace my finger on the curve of his ear. " I want it all if not more"
Thomas shivers involuntarily as my finger traced the contour of his ear, my touch sending a strange tingle through his body. He couldn't deny that he found my demanding demeanor both infuriating and intriguing. "You want it all, huh?" he asked, his voice a low growl. "You want to be showered with gifts and attention just like Grace, is that it?"
"No tommy, I want to be the only me. I want you to give me everything I ask for. Give me your name. Give me jewels and gifts and dont you dare deny because no matter where you find your liquor now? If you dare bring it home now " I chuckle, "I'll drain it"
Thomas stared at me, both irritated and impressed by my confidence and stubbornness. "You're damn persistent, you know that doll-face?" he muttered, his irritation flaring up again. "You really think you can blackmail me like this?"
I leaned in closer, my voice dropping to a mere whisper. "Oh, I'm not just persistent, Thomas. I'm determined. And trust me, I'll go to great lengths to get what I want. So, are you going to deny me the same luxuries you're so freely giving to Grace?"
Thomas's irritation deepened further, his jaw clenching. He couldn't believe this woman had the audacity to make these demands of him. Yet, there was a certain allure in her stubbornness, in the way she stood up to him. "You're playing a dangerous game, you know that?" he muttered, his voice gruff.
I smirked, unperturbed by his warning. "Oh, I'm well aware that I'm playing a dangerous game. But you see, I'm done being the obedient wife who silently accepts your infidelity and your disregard. I want more. I deserve more."
Thomas clenched his fists, his frustration building. He didn't like being challenged like this, let alone by his own wife, who was supposed to be obedient and submissive. "You think you deserve more?" he growled. "You think you're entitled to everything I give to Grace just because you're my wife?"
I wrap my arms around his neck. "You signed a contract with my father didn't you? Did you not read honey? If you don't treat me like a wife... it'll be pooff.. Gone"
Thomas's irritation turned to surprise as Ynn wrapped her arms around his neck. Her words hit a nerve, reminding him of the marriage contract he'd signed with her father. "Are you threatening me, doll-face?" he asked, his voice filled with both annoyance and bewilderment.
I kiss his neck humming softly.
Thomas's irritation flickered slightly as Ynn's lips grazed his neck, her soft hum sending a shiver down his spine. Despite his annoyance, he couldn't deny the physical draw he felt towards her. "You're playing with fire, you know that?" he warned, his voice a low rumble.
I chuckled softly, my arms still wrapped around his neck. "Maybe I am playing with fire, but I'm not afraid to get burned," she replied, her voice low and seductive. "After all, sometimes fire can be quite... stimulating."
Thomas felt his irritation mixing with something else, a strange mix of fascination and arousal. He couldn't deny the power she had over him at that moment, the way her body pressed against his, her lips so close to his ear. His hands found their way to her waist, gripping her firmly. "You're a damn tease, you know that?" he muttered, his voice gruff.
I smirked, my eyes glinting with mischief. "Oh, I'm aware I'm a tease," she whispered, my warm breath against his ear making him shiver. "But you seem to respond quite well to it, don't you, Tommy?"
Thomas couldn't deny the truth in her words. His body was reacting to her touch, her proximity, in ways he hadn't expected. He gripped her waist tighter, his fingers digging into her skin, almost involuntarily. "You're a damn nuisance," he muttered, his voice both annoyed and aroused.
I chuckled softly, leaning in even closer, my lips brushing against the sensitive skin of his neck. "A nuisance, am I?" I mused, my voice a low purr. "And yet, you're finding it awfully hard to resist me, aren't you, darling?"
Thomas grunted in frustration, his annoyance growing as his arousal heightened. He wanted to push her away, to maintain his control, but her body was pressed against his in just the right way, her lips igniting a fire in him that he couldn't ignore. "You're a damn temptress," he muttered, his voice now holding a hint of desire.
I chuckled again, my hands wandering down his chest, tracing slow, deliberate circles. "And here I thought being your trophy wife meant I was nothing more than pretty arm candy," I whispered, my voice soft and seductive. "I didn't know I had the power to tempt you, Tommy."
Thomas's irritation was quickly being overpowered by desire, his self-control unraveling with every touch of her delicate fingers against his skin. "You've got a lot more power than you think, doll-face," he grumbled, his grip on her waist tightening. "Damn you..."
I reveled in the effect I was having on him, my smirk widening. "You know, I never understood why you felt the need to find satisfaction in the arms of other women when you had a wife right here, willing to give you everything you want," I murmured, her lips brushing against his ear. "Is it because I was too obedient? Too complacent?"
Thomas felt a pang of guilt at her words, the sincerity and pain in her voice hitting him like a punch in the gut. He knew he'd been selfish, seeking pleasure outside of their marriage, but he had convinced himself it was justified. "It's not about you not being enough, it's..." he paused, struggling to find the right words. "It's about... boredom. The monotony of married life, you know?"
My expression hardened, my gaze narrowing. "Boredom," I repeated, my voice tinged with hurt. "Is that all our marriage has become to you? Just a dull, repetitive routine?"
Thomas could see the pain in her eyes, and it stung him deeply. "You don't understand," he muttered, his voice low and rough. "You don't know what it's like for me, always being the responsible one, always having to make decisions, handle everything... it's draining, doll-face. I need an escape sometimes.".
Thomas's breath hitched in his throat as my hand glided over his hardened bulge, the unexpected touch igniting a fierce desire within him. He growled, his eyes darkening with lust. "Damn it, doll-face," he muttered, his voice hoarse.
I smirked, my touch still lingering. "Is this the kind of 'escape' you need?" I murmured, my tone a mixture of taunting and desire. Thomas could feel his resolve slipping, his body responding to my touch in a way that was both infuriating and exhilarating. "You know damn well what it is," he grunted, his face contorted in a mix of frustration and arousal.
My smirk grew as I watched him struggle with his conflicting emotions. "Good," I said softly, my hand sliding down to cup him firmly. Thomas let out a strangled moan, his hands clenching at his sides as he fought the urge to surrender to me fully. "Stop... teasing me," he growled, his voice strained with effort.
"Hmm?" I muse. "What do you propose I do then? "
Thomas clenched his jaw, his eyes dark and dangerous. "You know damn well what else you can do, doll-face," he grunted, his breathing ragged. "You just like seeing me all worked up, don't you? Teasing me, driving me wild..."
I chuckled again,my hand beginning to move, rubbing him through his clothes. I leaned closer, my lips brushing against his ear, I whispered, my voice filled with a wicked edge. "I just want to drive you wild, make you crave me so badly that you can't even think straight."
Thomas groaned, his head falling back as he surrendered to her touch, his body reacting of its own accord. "You're going to pay for this," he muttered, his voice low and rough. "Damn tease..."
Thomas's breaths grew shorter, his body strained with desire. "Please... doll-face," he muttered, his voice hoarse with need. "I can't take much more of this..."
I keep my hand back "sorry tommy, bad husbands dont get to cum"
Thomas groaned, the denial sending a mix of frustration and arousal coursin through his body. "Damn it... you're going to drive me insane," he growled, his voice strained with the effort of holding back.
I only smile at him and walk away from the room.
"Pay back love"
To be continued
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thefiery-phoenix · 11 months ago
Hey, first off wanted to say I’m a huge fan of your work I’ve been reading ur work for a while and I’ve read your match ups, do you still do matchups for Harry Potter? If you are doing that here’s some info😭:
Looks: Indian, black wavy hair, 5’7, brown eyes with a hint of amber, unconventionally attractive face wise
Personality: very awkward and shy at first but later really loud and adventurous when u get to know me, sarcastic, sharp tounge, funny, smart, empathetic and sensitive, clueless and ditzy of what goes on around me, kind, ambitious
House: slytherin
Style: baggy clothes, streetwear,
Hobbies/pastimes: playing Roblox, reading books, tennis and skateboarding, listening to music,
Ps—>Ik this is a random match up but pleaseeee don’t match me up with Tom riddle I’ll take anyone with him, no offense to him but he’s scary especially since he’ll be Voldemort 💀
Yep, I'm still open for matchups and thank you for liking my work, I really appreciate your kind words a lot, I feel honored you take the time to read my nonsensical work lol. And don't worry, your plea has been answered, I ain't too fond of Moldy Voldy too lol. I'd ship you with...Oliver Wood
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Oliver here as a yandere would be caring but not to mention incredibly possessive, clingy and EXTREMELY competitive and obsessive of you as well. He's actually humble about his talents and stuff but when you're around, he can't help but show off a bit for you since he does need to impress you after all. He hopes you fall in love with him after watching him play Quidditch. And he's as serious as making you only his no matter what, just like how he's serious about Quidditch 
You could be from a different house and be on the Quidditch team of another house but he just sees this as a way to prove himself to you that he's worthy of your love and affection, he's driven by you to win. It's like you're his source and ray of inspiration, a pillar of strength for him, always pushing him to do better and do his best. Of course, when he shows off too much around you the other members of the Gryffindor Quidditch team are ready to call him out on his behavior much to the amusement of everyone else there and to the embarrassment of Oliver. "Oh, Oliver, is that Y/N I see?" asked Fred in a sing song teasing voice and Oliver tried to quickly look around to where you were and when you flashed him a smile from the stands, he could swear on Merlin that his heart did a somersault 
The others started snickering after seeing Oliver's furious blush and who did he think he was fooling? No one was buying the 'I barely even noticed them' nonsense. "They look good don't they?" teased George and Oliver replied in a dreamy way with a small smile on his face "They look good every day... wait... what? HEY! Focus on the match, we need to beat Slytherin today at any cost no matter what!" he turned firm and strict again, making sure his team mates trained hard to beat Slytherin no matter what. His hatred for Slytherin didn't just stop at Quidditch, it just became more stronger when he saw Marcus Flint, the Slytherin's Quidditch team captain talking with you about something
He didn't know why as soon as he saw that sight he felt like either punching him in the face and sending him to the hospital wing or hexing him, a hex involving something about him not being able to use his mouth or tongue anymore to talk with you. He didn't know why he felt so bad, bitter and a mix and storm of emotions flurry inside him. Ranging from rage, anger to resentment and fear. The fear of losing you, for someone like him. No, he would not allow it. He would NEVER allow it, never in a million years, He can even lose in Quidditch, there's always a next time to win but he just can't afford to lose you under any circumstances
"Is he bothering you Y/N?' asked Oliver as he suddenly rushed to your side and distanced you from Flint. Flint scowled and you smiled and replied "No Oliver it's all right, he was just asking me about the homework we received from Potions by Professor Snape. I do have to admit, writing a 5000 word essay based on Potions all around the world and it's effects is quite difficult'' and Oliver immediately needed to get you away from Flint. He didn't like you spending time with him and besides, he could deal with him later on. "Would you like to watch me practice if it's not too much of a hassle? I really look forward to seeing you there'' and you smiled and told him you'd come with him saying bye to Flint 
It took him all his restraint not to punch Flint for flirting with you after the practice was done. He wasn't mad at you, of course not. He could never be mad at you, in his eyes you're literal perfection, the definition of a god/ goddess who could do no wrong. Even if you do end up doing something wrong at some point in your life, he will find a hundred different to justify your actions. He'll do his best to keep other guys away from you. Will he stalk you? Well, he prefers to call it 'looking out for you' after all, not everyone at Hogwarts is to be trusted like the Slytherin Quidditch team or Roger Davies for that matter, the irritating hindrance between you both 
Oliver is also very protective and a fussy yandere when it comes to you. He treats even the slightest of the scratches like a flesh wound by someone who stabbed you or something. If at all you do get hurt during Quidditch, he'll make you rest, he doesn't want you playing or doing anything when you're injured. He'll drop everything and rush to you, after making sure you're all right he'll carry you bridal style to the Hospital wing for a checkup by Madam Pomfrey just to make sure you aren't really injured. However if someone deliberately injures you, he isn't going to go easy on them. Not only will be make them suffer the humiliation of losing to him and his team at Quidditch, but he'll also break a few bones and send them packing to the Hospital wing, and a few hexes and jinxes won't really go amiss either 
If you keep getting injured or flirted with by people, he'll grow anxious for your safety and after feeling slightly insecure, he'll have to kidnap you to save you from all those scumbags. It's for your own good darling, just trust him he'll take care of everything for you
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