#250 followers festival
misshoneyimhome · 7 months
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“I like waking up with you” I Nico Hischier
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Summary; While Nico Hischier may struggle with expressing his emotions, leading to occasional frustrations and arguments, a strong relationship can withstand any challenge.
Tropes & warnings; no warnings; strangers to lovers, couples fight; very mild-smut descriptions;
Other notes; so as I finished, I sort of realised that it doesn’t really have much plot - it’s just pure fluff; still hope it’s readable 😅 inspired by the lyrics from ‘PILLOWTALK’ by Zayn Malik 🤍
Word count; 1.7K
You and Nico fell in love quicker than you ever imagined possible. In a way, it felt as if fate had brought you together on purpose, weaving your lives into a beautiful tapestry of love and passion. It was as simple as the fairy tales you grew up with; from the moment you met him on that crisp autumn evening, you knew your life would change forever. It was love at first sight.
Your love story began at something as simple as a charity event for the New Jersey Devils, right at the start of the hockey season. It was a night filled with glamour and excitement, the room adorned in the team's red, white, and black colours.
You were there as a friend of one of the team’s partners, however, as the event had unfolded, you suddenly found yourself standing alone, without the companion you’d arrived with.
Yet, in a mere moment, lost in thoughts as you gazed into thin air, among the buzzing crowd, your eyes suddenly met Nico Hischier's. His big, brown golden eyes captivated you instantly, sparking a connection you simply couldn't deny.
And to your surprise, Nico confidently made his way through the crowd in your direction, never breaking eye contact. And when he stood before you, his smile was nothing but magnetic.
"Hello," he said, his voice smooth with a hint of a sweet yet rough accent. "I couldn't help but notice you from across the room. Would you mind if I joined you?"
Though his boldness took you aback, there was just something about him that had you drawn in. And before you knew it, you were engrossed in deep conversation, completely oblivious to the world around you.
"I must admit," Nico said with a playful glint in his eyes, "I didn't expect to meet someone as captivating as you at this event."
His words warmed you, causing a blush to rise to your cheeks. "I could say the same about you," you replied with a soft smirk, completely unable to look away from him.
And as the night then progressed, you felt an unexpected strong and deep connection to the Swiss captain, as if you'd known each other for ages. So as the evening slowly drew to a close, you couldn't shake the feeling that this might just be the beginning of something extraordinary.
To say the least, you were absolutely right. As the weeks passed and turned into months, your connection with Nico only grew stronger. And before long, despite your initial hesitation, you moved from being just good friends to something definite more.
It was no secret between you, that you’d had concerns, influenced by the idea of dating a professional hockey player with a demanding lifestyle and packed schedule. However, Nico dispelled those worries with his steadfast commitment to you. He didn't just start calling you his girlfriend sooner than expected; he proudly introduced you to everyone as his partner anywhere you went, demonstrating his dedication through every word and deed. In a way, it was quite remarkable how, despite the demands of his career, he always found time for you, placing your relationship above all else.
Because Nico's life as a hockey player did indeed involve frequent travel, rigorous training sessions, and the pressure of performing on the ice. There were nights when he returned home exhausted, his body aching from a challenging game. Yet, even in those moments, he never failed to show you love and appreciation. Whether through a heartfelt text before bed or a lengthy phone call while on the road, he made sure you felt valued and cared for.
And especially one aspect of your relationship that remained constant was the physical connection you shared. The chemistry between you was electric, igniting flames of desire that grew hotter with each passing moment. Your intimate moments together were nothing short of explosive, leaving you both breathless and exhilarated every time.
Incredible sex became a defining feature already in the very beginning of your relationship, the kind that would make the neighbours blush and the walls tremble. But you never paid any attention to the noise complaints or the curious glances from passers-by. In those moments of passion, it was just you and Nico, lost in each other's embrace, consumed by the intensity of your love.
During those intimate moments, you felt the deepest connection with Nico, as the barriers between you dissolved and you revealed your souls to each other in the most vulnerable and intimate way possible. Every time you lay intertwined in the aftermath, your bodies still tingling with pleasure, you were certain that you were in love.
However, naturally, challenges arose along the way. No relationship is without its flaws, including yours. Arguments erupted over missed dates or suddenly cancelled plans, tensions escalating like an impending storm. Yet, as always, Nico had a knack for smoothing over rough patches, turning conflict into connection. With just a smile or a tender gesture, he could transform the atmosphere between you from a war zone into a paradise.
It was a turbulent relationship, to say the least. Nico's ability to express his absolute joy and deep love for you was unmatched, his affection evident in every touch and whispered word. But beneath that outward display of affection lay a layer of resilience and reticence when it came to his concerns and fears.
And it didn't take you long to notice that he tended to bottle up his negative emotions, keeping his worries hidden deep inside. Nico was skilled at putting on a brave face, particularly as the team captain, even when the weight of the world seemed to be bearing down on him. And while you admired his strength and resilience, it also led to frustration and tension between you.
There were times when you wished he would open up, and share his fears and insecurities with you. However, whenever you broached the subject, he would shut down, enveloping himself in silence. In those moments, the distance between you almost felt insurmountable, like an unbridgeable chasm. But, no matter how bad your arguments could be, Nico never let you go to bed angry or sad.
One evening, after a rather heated argument, you sat on the edge of his bed, tension thick between you.
"I'm sorry, y/n," Nico said softly, his voice tinged with regret. "I didn't mean to shut you out like that. Sometimes I just feel the need to be strong for everyone else, and I forget that it's alright to lean on you too."
His words resonated deeply within you, highlighting the complexities of his role both on and off the ice. You reached out, taking his hand and gently squeezing it as you met his gaze.
"You don't have to be strong all the time, Nico," you reassured him, your voice gentle yet firm. "I'm here for you, through thick and thin. We're a team, remember?"
And a faint smile slowly grew and played on Nico's lips as he nodded, gratitude shining in his eyes. "I know," he murmured, his voice heavy with emotion. "And I'm thankful for you every day, y/n. I don't know where I'd be without you."
Navigating the highs and lows of your relationship required a delicate balance. Yet, through it all, your love for each other remained unwavering, and you were determined to face the challenges together, hand in hand.
In fact, maintaining this steadfastness was surprisingly simple; Nico never allowed you to even consider the idea of walking away. And truth be told, you had no desire to. Despite the ups and downs, everything between you felt pure, raw, and intensely passionate.
The past year had been nothing but a whirlwind for both of you, with highs of victories and lows of defeats. Throughout it all, you had been each other's support, standing strong through thick and thin. And with the off-season offering a brief break from the hockey season's demands, you cherished every moment spent together, aware that Nico would soon be back on the ice, fully engrossed in the game.
Then as the autumn leaves then began to change, marking the start of a new season, Nico's excitement was beyond palpable. He simply couldn't contain his joy at the prospect of another year filled with his beloved sport and the woman who had captivated his heart.
And as you lay together in the gentle morning light, Nico's words enveloped you like a warm embrace, filling you with love and affection. His vulnerability caught you off guard, as his declaration of love lifted your spirits.
"I like waking up with you," he whispered, his voice filled with emotion, echoing the sentiment you had shared countless times before.
Your heart fluttered at his words, warmth flooding through you at the depth of his affection. You gently reached out, brushing your fingers against his stubbled jaw as you spoke softly, a smile gracing your lips.
“I like waking up with you too…” you murmured, your voice filled with tenderness.
But it was evident there was more on his mind. "I can’t believe I have you in my life... I love you, y/n…" Nico's voice quivered with emotion, his gaze locked on yours as if seeking reassurance.
And you couldn’t deny the way your heart swelled with love for him, mirrored in the depths of his gaze. "Nico," you whispered, reaching out to stroke his hair, "I love you too, more than words can express."
The moment hung heavy with emotion and possibility. Then, with a surge of determination, Nico voiced the question he'd been pondering for a while.
"Move in with me, y/n," he implored, hope and longing evident in his eyes. "Please. I want us to wake up together every day, fall asleep in each other's arms. Will you move in with me?"
And you couldn’t help but let a tear slowly well in your eye at the sincerity of his request, overwhelmed with love for the man before you. So without hesitation, you simply enveloped him in your arms, whispering your answer in his ear.
"Yes, Nico," you choked out, your voice thick with emotion, "Of course I'll move in with you.”
As you held each other in the gentle dawn light, surrounded by the promise of a new beginning, you knew this was just the beginning of a beautiful chapter in your love story. With Nico by your side, you felt ready to face whatever the future held, confident that together, you could overcome anything.
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sykokilljoyy · 2 years
hello 🤍 i really enjoy ur writing and would like you request a w2s x reader- where they both attend ethan & faiths gender reveal party together and he ends up getting major baby fever and also just very soft, in love, clingy harry. thankyouuuu :)
baby fever - wroetoshaw imagine
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request: hello 🤍 i really enjoy ur writing and would like you request a w2s x reader- where they both attend ethan & faiths gender reveal party together and he ends up getting major baby fever and also just very soft, in love, clingy harry. thankyouuuu :) words: 797 warnings: none! a/n: hes actually the sweetest shut up. also thank you for your patience!
TLDR: harry just loves his partner and wants a baby.
Festivities were high, the energy of your friends bubbling through the crowd as you all stood outside, looking on at the beautiful decorations set up for Ethan and Faith’s gender reveal. It had been a special few months, a lot of celebrating and congratulating your friends for their massive milestone in their relationship.
Whilst it was emotional, seeing the man you’d known since you were a teenager, grown up with a beautiful girlfriend and a baby on the way, you couldn’t help but be elated for them.
Feeling a strong arm pull you into his side, your boyfriend, Harry, dragged you from your thoughts.
“You alright?” He muttered to you closely, pint in one hand and the other tucked around your hip.
“Yeah, yeah, I think so,” A sniffle crumbled your entire facade, earning a sympathetic smile from Harry.
“Come here,” He pulled you fully into him, placing a kiss onto your forehead and feeling you bury your head in his chest.
The cameras weren’t on yet, only a few handheld ones capturing Ethan’s friends and family’s bets on the gender of his future child, and so you let yourself have a little cry before the spectacle starts.
“I’m just so happy for them both,” You cried with a smile, a chuckle reverbarating through Harry’s chest.
Pulling you from his warmth, he tenderly put his hands on your shoulders, looking you in the eye, a soft smile on his lips, “I know, love, now come on, lets get you a drink and go see them.”
Wiping your tears, making sure not to smudge any of the makeup you had spent an hour on in the morning, you grabbed Harry’s outstretched hand and followed him through the crowd of Ethan’s loved ones.
The rest of the afternoon was filled with talking, laughing, singing and dancing as friends and family managed to catch up and celebrate before the big reveal. Both of you had been dragged from couple to couple, mums and siblings, cousins, distant friends and people you’d never even heard of before. As tiring as it was, the excitement still hadn’t died down.
It was Harry that surprised you most. Usually, these bustling social events would drain him until he was empty. He’d be distant and sensitive, usually a drink in hand. Today was different, however.
Not once had he left your side, his tone giddy and exciteable as though you’d only arrived moments before. Clingier than usual, his hand was slotted comfortably around your waist and hadn’t budged once. You pinned his flushed excitement down to happiness for his friend’s announcement, but something about the elated grin on his face whenever he introduced you as his girlfriend had your heart leaping from your chest.
“Yeah, I think it’s gonna be a girl!” You smiled at the camera pointed towards you, bright pink badge pinned to your jacket.
“I’m putting £250 on boy, so it better be one,” Harry laughed towards the lens, his tone playful and light, before smiling at the cameraman.
“Perfect, got it, thanks guys! Enjoy the afternoon.” With that, the cameraman walked onto another, gathering bets for the intro.
Nonchalantly, Harry looped his shoulder around you, taking a sip from his drink, “I can’t wait for us to throw something like this one day.”
Looking up at him, you grinned, “A gender reveal, or a really extravagant bet?”
“A gender reveal, you know. Our future kid is only gonna get the best.”
Shocked, you choked slightly on the drink you were sipping, halting your walk, “What?”
Stopping in front of you, Harry turned to you, confused, “What? You don’t want that?”
A slight sinking feeling reached his stomach, and you could see as his brow fell that his nerves crept in, “Of course I do, you know I do! I’ve just never really heard you bring it up, Harry.”
“I know I don’t talk about it much, but I love you, a lot, and I can’t wait for the day we have a little Harry running around, you know,” His words were soft, almost soft enough to distract you from how sheepish and nervous the man looked in front of you.
“Oh, come here,” You spoke, the warmth of his words hitting you in the chest, matching his flushed cheeks, you pulled him towards you. Though usually his hugs were gentle, as though you would break in his arms, this embrace he held you tight and flush against him.
“If this wasn’t Ethan’s big day, I swear I would propose right this second,” Harry mumbled into your hair, and you pulled back, about to speak when he continued, “But just know, I’m gonna marry you one day, Y/N, I promise.”
“I love you, Harry,” You whispered, the words delicate on your tongue.
“I love you, Y/N,” A kiss met your lips, sweet and special, as though the whole world had turned their backs, as thought it was only you.
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reallygroovyninja · 11 months
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Indra stood at the head of the long library table, her gaze sweeping across the faces of her faculty, each seated in the historic wooden chairs that had been part of Arkadia High's library for decades. The overhead lights illuminated the rich mahogany of the shelves, filled with books that silently bore witness to countless staff meetings.
Clearing her throat, she began, “I understand Spirit Week might seem like it's primarily for the students, but I'd like to emphasize the importance of faculty participation. Our students look up to you all. Your enthusiasm—or lack thereof—sets a tone for the entire school. I urge each of you, from the PE department to the sciences, from math to art, to dive in wholeheartedly. Let's show the students that school spirit isn't bound by age or subject. Let's make this Spirit Week memorable, not just for them, but for us as well." Indra's voice, authoritative yet warm, resonated with an unmistakable passion, compelling even the most reticent teachers to consider embracing the week's festivities.
Indra adjusted her glasses and glanced at the list in front of her. "Alright, everyone, the student council has made their decisions for this year's Spirit Week themes," she began, trying to infuse her voice with a hint of excitement.
"Monday will be Pajama Day, followed by 60's Day on Tuesday. Wednesday will be College or Pro Sports T-shirt Jersey Day. Thursday is designated for Movie Character Day, and we'll wrap up the week with School Colors Day on Friday." She paused, waiting for the reaction she knew was coming.
A collective groan echoed through the library. Ms. McIntyre, the history teacher, sighed dramatically, "Every year, it's the same thing. You'd think they'd get creative for once." Mr. Pike, from the PE department, chimed in, "I've lost track of how many jerseys I've worn on Wednesdays." Indra chuckled, understanding their sentiments, "We might know what to expect, but remember, for some of our students, this is their first Spirit Week. Let's make it count for them."
Indra saw the palpable sense of deja vu among the teachers and decided to introduce a twist. "However," she began, drawing the room's attention with the slight rise in her voice, "the student council introduced an incentive this year. The student displaying the most spirit throughout the week will be awarded a $500 gift certificate. But, they didn’t forget about you all." She smiled wryly, catching the twinkle in a few teachers' eyes.
"The teacher who goes above and beyond, showcasing the most spirit, will receive a $250 gift certificate. So, let’s see which one of us can give our students a run for their money!" The atmosphere in the room shifted from mild dread to competitive enthusiasm as murmurs of challenge buzzed between colleagues.
As the room settled into a hive of chatter, teachers contemplating how to win the coveted gift certificate, Clarke turned to Lexa, her eyes gleaming with the thrill of a new challenge. "So, are you up for a little competition this year?" she asked, her voice tinged with excitement. "I have to say, a $250 gift certificate could buy a lot of art supplies—or in your case, possibly the fanciest graphing calculator ever made." Clarke's teasing smile met Lexa's composed but amused gaze.
For a moment, the world beyond the two of them seemed to fade into a mere backdrop, the other teachers' voices a distant murmur. In that instant, it wasn't just about the gift certificate or even Spirit Week; it was an unspoken acknowledgment of the camaraderie and gentle rivalry that had always danced between them. Lexa's eyes twinkled as she leaned in, whispering, "Challenge accepted, Clarke. May the most spirited teacher win."
Indra noticed the competitive sparkle that had ignited in her teachers' eyes, satisfied that her announcement had sparked more enthusiasm than she'd first sensed. "Alright, if there are no further questions, let's call it a day and gear up for a memorable Spirit Week next week. Meeting adjourned."
The faculty began to rise, chairs scraping against the wooden floor, but the atmosphere had shifted from routine resignation to spirited speculation. As the teachers filed out of the library, each wore a thoughtful expression, already lost in strategic calculations.
Ms. McIntyre was heard mumbling about recreating a '60s protest sign that would blend history with spirit. Mr. Pike flexed his arms, contemplating how many sports jerseys he could layer on without causing heatstroke. Clarke and Lexa exchanged one last look, their smiles a mutual promise of the spirited battle to come.
There was a newfound spring in everyone's step; if Spirit Week was a game, then this year, it had suddenly become a high-stakes tournament, and each teacher left plotting their moves to outwit, outplay, and outlast.
The evening air was cool when Lexa arrived at Clarke's inviting house, a place soon to be their shared home. Clarke greeted her with a smile, the comfort of their time together contrasting the semi-chaos of the house. Amidst the boxes labeled 'Lexa's Books' and 'Clarke's Art Supplies,' it was clear they were gearing up for a new chapter together.
"So, I've been thinking," Lexa began cautiously, setting down her overnight bag by the entryway, "For Spirit Week, what if I stay at my own apartment? That way, our outfits can be a surprise for each other every day."
Clarke chuckled, her eyes twinkling with both amusement and affection. "You really are taking this challenge seriously, aren't you?"
Lexa nodded, her face a playful blend of seriousness and excitement. "Absolutely. Do we have a deal?" Clarke grinned, captivated by Lexa's enthusiasm. "Deal," she agreed. With a knowing smile, they leaned in and shared a lingering kiss, sealing their playful pact for the week ahead.
The first rays of Monday morning painted the Arkadia High courtyard in a soft, golden light. Students, still groggy from the weekend, shuffled in, casting curious glances around to see which of their peers and teachers had embraced Pajama Day.
Among them, Lexa made her entrance, capturing more than a few amused stares and chuckles. Clad in a cozy, dark-hued pajama set, she confidently strode in, the words "Come to the dark side, we have π" boldly printed across her top.
Her choice of sleepwear, a playful nod to her math specialization, was as much a statement of her personality as it was her commitment to Spirit Week. As students whispered and pointed, it was clear that Lexa had set a spirited tone for the week, and many wondered how the other teachers, especially Clarke, would rise to the challenge.
Just as the school was buzzing over Lexa's clever pajama set, Clarke pulled into the parking lot, igniting a fresh wave of chatter among the students.
She stepped out of her car wearing a rainbow unicorn onesie, complete with a horn on the hood and a colorful tail. Across the chest, in bold, glittering letters, read the phrase "I Don't Believe in Humans." As she walked through the courtyard toward the school building, students couldn't help but stop and stare, their eyes widening in both amusement and admiration.
Clarke's artful approach to Spirit Week was unmistakable, and her whimsical onesie instantly became the talk of the school. She wore the outfit with an air of casual confidence, as if unicorn attire was just another artistic medium for her.
When Clarke and Lexa finally crossed paths, their eyes met, and for a moment, their playful outfits said more than words ever could—each had brought their A-game to Spirit Week, and the competition was on.
During their brief encounter in the teachers' lounge, amidst a sea of equally spirited but far less creative pajamas, Lexa leaned in close to Clarke and spoke softly. "Alright, I'll admit, you may have outdone me for Pajama Day. That unicorn onesie is a work of art—literally."
Clarke grinned triumphantly, enjoying her moment of glory. Lexa's eyes, however, twinkled with a sense of impending triumph. "But just wait until 60's Day. That's where I'll claim victory. I've got something special planned, something that even your artistic mind couldn't conjure."
Clarke looked at Lexa with a mix of curiosity and excitement, wondering just what the math teacher had up her sleeve. "Challenge accepted," Clarke said, her voice tinged with anticipation. "May the best outfit win." And with that, they shared a smile that carried the weight of a friendly rivalry and the deep affection that underlay it all.
On Tuesday's 60's Day, the Arkadia High courtyard came alive with the echoes of a bygone era. Among the students sporting flower crowns and band tees, Clarke's entrance became one of the day's spectacles.
She emerged from her car in a vibrant tie-dye shirt that danced with swirls of purples, blues, and greens, making it look as though a rainbow had melted upon her. Paired with her top were high-waisted flare jeans that accentuated her stature, giving off a carefree yet confident aura. She wore a pair of round, oversized sunglasses, their tinted lenses reflecting the morning sunlight.
Around her neck, she had a peace-sign pendant, and her feet were adorned with brown, fringed sandals. To complete the look, a simple braided headband held back her loose, wavy hair, emphasizing her dedication to the day's theme. As Clarke stepped onto the school grounds, she personified the very spirit of the 60s, her outfit a testament to her innate ability to merge creativity with authenticity.
Not long after Clarke's entrance, another car rolled into the Arkadia High parking lot, and out stepped Lexa, providing the next big reveal of 60's Day.
She was a vision of mod fashion, challenging the bohemian vibes set by her counterpart. Wearing a mini skirt that featured a bold geometric pattern, Lexa paired it with a form-fitting sweater in a contrasting color, amplifying her look's retro edge.
But what really turned heads were her knee-high leather boots, polished to a shine and perfectly complementing her ensemble. As Lexa walked through the school, her boots clicked with each step, emanating an aura of absolute confidence. The math teacher had indeed made good on her promise: her 60's Day outfit was a masterstroke of style and strategy, one that captivated students and faculty alike.
When Clarke caught sight of Lexa in the hallway, clad in her 60's-inspired mini skirt and knee-high boots, her heart skipped more than a beat. Lexa exuded a kind of effortless sensuality that caught Clarke utterly off guard, making it almost impossible to focus on the friendly competition at hand.
While the whole point of this week was to surprise each other with their Spirit Week outfits, for a fleeting moment Clarke regretted their decision to keep their living arrangements separate for the duration.
The thought of not being able to see Lexa first thing in the morning and last thing at night, especially when she looked this captivating, left her with a sense of longing she couldn't easily shake.
The playful rivalry was still there, but it had taken on a new, electric charge that neither of them could ignore. Clarke took a deep breath, steadying her racing heart, knowing that the week had just become more intriguing in ways she hadn't anticipated.
Clarke and Lexa bumped into each other in the deserted hallway, their eyes meeting over the vivid splashes of 60's fashion they each wore. "You look like a real-life Woodstock poster," Lexa commented, visibly impressed.
Clarke chuckled, her eyes drifting over Lexa's form-fitting ensemble. "And you're channeling the Swinging Sixties in London so well, it's hard to remember we're in a high school in 2023." The tension between them was palpable, charged with something more than their usual friendly competitiveness.
Seizing the moment, Clarke glanced around and noticed her art classroom door was ajar, the room empty. "Come here," she said softly, grabbing Lexa's hand and pulling her into the empty space.
As the door closed behind them, Clarke looked into Lexa's eyes, her heart pounding in her chest. "I can't help it; you look amazing," she confessed, before pressing her lips to Lexa's.
For a few suspended seconds, the world outside—the students, Spirit Week, the competition—faded away, leaving only the two of them lost in a kiss that seemed to say what words could not.
When they finally pulled apart, both were slightly breathless but smiling, knowing that regardless of who won Spirit Week, they had something infinitely more valuable.
Clarke felt a magnetic pull towards Lexa that she couldn't resist. Her hand gently touched Lexa's cheek, her eyes meeting those striking green orbs for a moment before leaning in for another kiss.
This time, the kiss was deeper, more intentional, as if they were sealing an unspoken pact between them. However, just as their lips met and they began to lose themselves in the moment, the harsh sound of the school bell rang out, shattering the intimate bubble they had created.
They pulled away, their eyes meeting in a mix of frustration and amusement. "Well, duty calls," Clarke said, her voice tinged with a regretful smile. Lexa nodded, her eyes still locked onto Clarke's. "Yes, it does, but this is far from over." They shared a knowing glance before reluctantly heading out of the classroom, each lost in thought.
Throughout the bustling day at Arkadia High, the school's empty spaces bore silent witness to a series of clandestine moments. At every opportune moment, Clarke, driven by a potent mixture of affection, playful mischief, and perhaps even a dash of Spirit Week fervor, found a way to steer Lexa into a momentarily deserted classroom or a conveniently shadowed supply closet.
The door would barely have time to click shut before Clarke would close the distance between them, capturing Lexa's lips in soft, lingering kisses. These weren't just displays of affection; they were little stolen moments of connection amidst the chaos of the school day.
Every time they emerged, there was a slight flush to their cheeks, their smiles barely suppressed, as if they were privy to a secret the rest of the school could only guess at. Lexa began to anticipate these spontaneous rendezvous, the unpredictability adding a layer of excitement to the rhythm of their day. The spirit of competition and the gentle tug of romance had them both ensnared in a dance only they understood.
Wednesday dawned, bringing with it the anticipated College/Pro sports t-shirt jersey day. Most of the Arkadia High staff approached the theme with predictable choices, donning jerseys and shirts of well-known teams.
However, Clarke wasn't one to be outdone, especially with what many deemed a rather straightforward theme. She arrived donning an ink-splashed jersey that immediately drew attention. The vibrant, artistic streaks on the fabric clashed with the neat logo of the Polis University Commanders, her cherished alma mater.
The jersey was a work of art, turning the concept of a mere sports jersey into a canvas of memories, creativity, and loyalty. It wasn't just a nod to her college days; it was a beautiful blend of her past and present, her love for art merging seamlessly with the pride of her university years.
Whispers filled the hallways as both students and faculty members paused to appreciate her ingenious take on the day's theme. Clarke had once again redefined the norms, making a simple jersey day into a statement of her unique identity.
As the morning bell neared, Lexa made her entrance, and it was nothing short of dramatic. Instead of opting for a traditional jersey or t-shirt, she arrived clad in her Arkadia College fencing outfit, a crisp white ensemble that hugged her form, perfectly tailored to every curve and muscle.
The mesh mask dangled casually from her hand, and her foil was secured in a sleek case strapped to her back. The Arkadia College emblem proudly adorned her chest, reflecting her dedication to the sport during her collegiate years.
The sight was both surprising and mesmerizing, drawing a mix of admiring and puzzled glances from students and colleagues alike. It wasn't just a nod to her alma mater, but also a bold statement about her passion and expertise in a sport that demanded precision, discipline, and elegance.
While Clarke had turned the theme into a canvas of creativity, Lexa showcased the art of mastery and skill, reminding everyone that there was more to her than met the eye. The dynamic duo had once again turned an ordinary theme day into a memorable spectacle.
The moment Clarke caught sight of Lexa in her fencing ensemble, her breath hitched. Even though they'd been together for over a year, Lexa's ability to leave her awestruck never waned. The Arkadia College fencing attire suited her perfectly tailored in a way that accentuated her athletic build, making her appear both elegant and formidable.
Clarke was reminded once again just how multifaceted Lexa was; a mathematician, a fencer, a strategic mind, and an incredibly attractive woman. The sleek lines of the white outfit seemed to make Lexa glow, highlighting her already striking features.
Clarke felt a familiar warmth spreading through her, part pride and part desire, as she realized just how fortunate she was to be in a relationship with someone as amazing as Lexa. In a sea of standard jerseys and college t-shirts, Lexa was a vision, taking Clarke's breath away just as easily as she had the very first time they met.
Finding themselves alone in the break room during a brief lull in the school day, Clarke seized the opportunity to comment on Lexa's striking outfit. Her eyes swept appreciatively over Lexa's fencing attire, finally meeting Lexa's gaze with a look that was equal parts admiration and desire.
"You know, I've seen you in various outfits, but this fencing gear is something else," Clarke murmured, her voice tinged with a sense of awe that went beyond the fabric and embroidery. Lexa caught the look and felt a flutter of warmth, fully aware of the magnetic pull she was exerting at that moment. "I aim to keep you on your toes, Clarke. Besides, this uniform has always made me feel powerful," Lexa replied, locking eyes with Clarke as if challenging her to look away.
Clarke took a step closer, her voice lowering to a whisper, "Well, mission accomplished. You look as powerful as you are captivating." The electricity in the room felt palpable, the air thick with the unspoken yet deeply felt connection between them.
Reading the unspoken invitation in Clarke's eyes, Lexa took a decisive step closer, closing the small distance that separated them in the break room. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do this today," Lexa murmured softly, her voice tinged with a blend of anticipation and assurance.
Before Clarke could reply, Lexa leaned in, capturing her lips in a kiss that spoke volumes. It was a kiss that melded tenderness with passion, a perfect encapsulation of the intricate dance they'd been performing all week—sometimes playful, sometimes intense, but always filled with unspoken emotion.
The world seemed to narrow down to the space they occupied, the electric charge that had built up between them finding its release. When they finally pulled apart, Lexa looked into Clarke's eyes, both women understanding that no matter the playful competition or the chaos of Spirit Week, their connection remained the most captivating game of all.
On Thursday, the halls of Arkadia High were abuzz with excitement as students and teachers alike showcased their favorite movie characters. But the highlight of the morning was when Lexa walked in, embodying the iconic Princess Leia.
She had opted for Leia's classic white dress, the high-necked, flowing garment accentuating her figure while maintaining an aura of royalty. Her hair was meticulously styled in Leia's signature twin buns on either side of her head, and around her neck hung the silver necklace Leia wore.
The ensemble was completed with knee-high white boots. Students and teachers alike stopped to admire and compliment her choice, recognizing the strong, independent character she represented—a fitting choice for someone like Lexa, who embodied those same qualities in real life.
Clarke, especially, couldn't help but beam with pride and adoration, the sight of Lexa paying homage to one of cinema's most enduring heroines touching a special chord in her heart. The choice was perfect, blending Lexa's grace with the character's iconic strength.
In stark contrast but equally impactful, Clarke showed up as Sarah Connor from the "Terminator" movies. She was dressed in tactical cargo pants, a fitted tank top, and a faux-leather jacket, her look completed with combat boots and a pair of aviator sunglasses perched atop her head.
A toy gun was tucked into a belt holster, adding an extra layer of authenticity to her portrayal. Her biceps, normally hidden under her art-teacher attire, were on full display, and she even managed to rough up her usually clean-cut appearance with a smear of charcoal for makeshift battle grime.
Students and faculty were captivated by her transformation into the relentless, resourceful character, remarking how brilliantly she pulled it off. When Lexa saw her, she was visibly impressed, her eyes scanning Clarke from top to bottom.
Transformed into Sarah Connor, Clarke stood out not just because of her impeccable costume but also because of the raw power she exuded. Her normally gentle blue eyes were steely and determined, her posture radiated strength, and there was a swagger in her step that hinted at a newfound confidence.
Lexa, usually composed and eloquent, found herself without words. The transformation was more than just aesthetic; Clarke embodied the spirit of the fearless warrior she portrayed. Lexa had always known Clarke was strong, both in spirit and character, but seeing her like this — it was as if she was witnessing a side of Clarke she had always known existed but had never seen in full force. It was awe-inspiring, leaving Lexa spellbound and a little breathless, and it took her a few seconds to remember how to speak.
Regaining her composure, Lexa stepped closer to Clarke, her gaze unwavering as she took in every detail of the Sarah Connor ensemble.
"Clarke," Lexa started, her voice low and filled with genuine admiration, "I've always known you to be strong and capable, but this outfit—it amplifies everything about you. It's not just the strength of Sarah Connor that I see, but an undeniable allure. You've managed to embody both power and an alluring charm that's hard to ignore."
Clarke raised an eyebrow, a hint of a smirk playing on her lips as she caught the hint of desire in Lexa's eyes. "You think I'm sexy, huh?" she teased.
Lexa chuckled, her eyes dancing with unmistakable affection and a hint of desire. "Think? No, Clarke, I don't 'think' you're sexy. I know you're sexy in that outfit," she asserted, letting each word sink in.
"You've captured Sarah Connor's essence so perfectly that it amplifies your own innate strength and allure. It's not just attractive; it's magnetic." Lexa allowed her gaze to drift briefly over Clarke's form once more before locking eyes with her again. "Today, you're not just the art teacher or my incredible girlfriend; you're a force to be reckoned with. And yes, that is incredibly, undeniably sexy."
Clarke's eyes sparkled with a mix of pride and pleasure, her grin stretching wider as she soaked in Lexa's words. It was a moment that encapsulated the balance of their relationship—both strong, both intense, and each finding the other irresistibly captivating.
Reading the mutual admiration in each other's eyes, the electric charge between them reached its natural crescendo. Lexa stepped closer, closing the gap that had felt too wide despite being only a few inches. The air grew thick with anticipation. "May I?" Lexa whispered, almost rhetorically, as Clarke's eyes answered before her lips could.
With that unspoken consent, Lexa gently cradled Clarke's face in her hands, her thumbs caressing her cheeks. Clarke's eyes fluttered closed as Lexa leaned in, both of them feeling as if they were the only people in the world at that moment.
When their lips finally met, it was as if a current ran through them — a tender, yet potent connection that conveyed more than words ever could. The kiss was soft, lingering, a delicate expression of love and a potent reminder of the electric chemistry that they shared. They parted slowly, both slightly breathless, and Clarke couldn't help but think that if this was the power of Spirit Week, then let every week be so spirited.
When Clarke walked through the doors of Arkadia High on Friday morning, she felt the full weight of school spirit envelop her. The hallways were awash in the school's colors, but Clarke had decided to make her own unique statement for School Colors Day.
She wore a tasteful, tailored black pencil skirt that stopped just above the knees, paired with a crimson blouse that seemed to shimmer in the morning light. To complete her outfit, she donned a pair of stylish black ankle boots and a red and black scarf that perfectly captured the day's theme.
As she carried her art supplies to her classroom, she couldn't help but notice the approving glances from both students and faculty. It was clear that she'd nailed the spirit of the day, blending her own artistic flair with Arkadia High's iconic red and black. And as she spotted Lexa down the hall, her heart leapt with excitement, not just for the day ahead but for the simple joy of sharing this spirited week with the woman she loved.
Lexa, always one for understated elegance, chose to embody the spirit of the day in a way that reflected both her professional demeanor and her personal style. She wore a well-tailored black pantsuit that fit her like a glove, accentuating her lean frame.
Underneath the blazer, she opted for a deep red silk blouse that added a splash of vibrant color, contrasting strikingly with her dark attire. To complete the look, she added a narrow red tie, giving her outfit a final touch of school pride without compromising her inherent sophistication. On her feet, she wore black leather loafers that provided both style and comfort. As she made her way through the hallways of Arkadia High, she felt not just the school spirit but also her own unique contribution to it. When her eyes met Clarke's from across the corridor, she knew instantly that they had both succeeded in not just honoring their school's tradition, but in adding a bit of themselves into the mix.
Throughout the day, it seemed as though fate conspired to keep Lexa and Clarke apart. Whether it was meetings, classroom sessions running overtime, students needing additional attention, or even a misplaced set of keys, the pair could never quite find the elusive moment to connect.
Both were keenly aware of the other's presence in the building, feeling it like a magnetic pull, yet every time they seemed poised to intersect, something would come in the way. It was almost comical, and by lunchtime, the shared, almost telepathic glances they shot each other across the courtyard were ones of amused frustration.
The day's bustling activities culminated in the much-awaited pep rally for homecoming, and it was amidst the loud cheers, music, and colorful banners that Lexa and Clarke finally found themselves side by side. Their hands brushed against each other, a shared smile passed between them, and in the midst of the roaring school spirit, they found a quiet, intimate moment, understanding that sometimes, anticipation only sweetened the eventual reunion.
In the school's bustling gymnasium, anticipation hung thick in the air as the student council prepared to announce the Spirit Week winners. When the student winner's name was called out, a burst of cheers erupted from a corner of the gym, accompanied by the jubilant cries of the victor's friends.
However, it was the announcement of the teacher winner that caught most by surprise. The name "Ms. Reyes" echoed through the gym's speakers, causing many students to exchange shocked looks. The computer science teacher, always ensconced in her tech-laden classroom and generally perceived as reserved, was the last person most had expected to win.
As Ms. Reyes rose from her seat, a modest smile on her face, applause filled the gym. Clarke and Lexa glanced at each other in mild surprise, realizing that in their playful competition and mutual admiration, they hadn't noticed Ms. Reyes's quiet participation in Spirit Week. Yet, as they clapped along with the rest, both felt genuine happiness for their colleague, reminding them that sometimes, the quietest participants make the loudest impact.
As the announcement settled in and the applause for Ms. Reyes continued to resonate through the gymnasium, Lexa and Clarke simultaneously turned towards each other, a mixture of disbelief and amusement evident in their eyes.
Clarke, always the more expressive of the two, let out a light chuckle. "Raven Reyes, huh? Should've seen that coming," she remarked with a playful grin.
Lexa shook her head, her lips curving into a smirk. "Of all the people to be outdone by… Raven," she responded, her tone light and teasing.
They both knew Raven was a formidable force in her own right, always surprising everyone with her hidden talents and unwavering spirit. Their eyes locked in mutual mirth, and they both burst into soft laughter.
Neither had anticipated being bested by the computer science teacher, but the revelation only added to the fond memories of Spirit Week.
As the week's events concluded and the halls began to empty, the competition that had once seemed all-consuming was now just a fond memory. Clarke leaned against a locker, her gaze finding Lexa's across the corridor. "I've got to admit," Clarke began with a chuckle, "this was one of the most memorable Spirit Weeks I've ever experienced."
Lexa grinned, walking closer, "Agreed. And as much as I loved our little rivalry," she playfully nudged Clarke, "it's the shared moments and memories that matter the most."
Clarke nodded, "It's not about winning, but about the journey and the fun we had along the way."
The two exchanged a knowing smile, understanding that the true reward wasn't a title or prize, but the strengthened bond they'd forged amidst the playful challenges.
With the week behind them, they looked forward to many more shared experiences, knowing that every moment, competition or not, was an opportunity to grow closer together.
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Worse things happen at sea: Art in the Paris 2024 Olympic Opening Ceremony
So everyone has been sounding off about the Paris' Olympic Opening Ceremony. Mainly about the supposed 'insult to Christians everywhere' with the recreation of Di Vinci's 'The Last Supper'.
(I'd like to go on the record that 1. you pose any group of folk in a line facing the viewer with a barrier at hip height and it's gonna look a little 'The Last Supper'-y, 2. clearly the hand wringers had forgotten that the artist was Di Vinci. The man would be pointing and laughing at them and be living it up on that bridge between Nicky Doll and DJ Butch, and 3. Da Vinci painted enough portraits of Bacchus, he would have known what's up.)
Anyway, a lot of art was incorporated and celebrated but there's one piece that did featured that had me performing a mental emergency stop and NO ONE ELSE is talking about it so I need to know I wasn't the only one to spot this.
So, opening ceremony, we're following our mysterious torch bearer as they race through the the Louvre to the strains of 'Danse macabre', (French composer Camille Saint-Saëns). The eyes of the paintings occupants follow their progress until we see frames with empty back drops, the paintings' subjects having come alive to watch the festivities from the windows. But the last empty frame... my people...
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Our mystery guide stands in front of this for nearly 3 seconds, at the 1hr 42min 11sec mark in the BBC coverage. Now, I can't make out the plaque at the bottom of the frame, but I am prepared to place good money that this is Théodore Géricault's 'Le Radeau de la Méduse', or 'The Raft of the Medusa'.
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Completed in 1819, this piece is considered the best work of its' French artist and an icon of the French Romanticism movement. It's chuffing huge, over 16ft by 23ft, and it is stunning.
It also depicts one of the worst events in French maritime history.
In June of 1816, the French frigate The Medusa left France for Senegal on the west coast of Africa. At her helm was a captain who had not sailed in 20 odd years and got the post through connections and political clout. And he fucked it up royally. The Medusa drifted 100 miles off course and ran aground off Mauritania. After 3 days of failing to shift the boat, the 400 or so people aboard has choices to make. They were 30 miles from land and there were 6 boats, room for 250 people. Some stayed aboard the stranded vessel but at least 146 men and one woman boarded a jerry-rigged raft. The plan was for it to be towed by some of the boats, but after only a few miles it was turned loose.
For 13 days, exposure, mutiny, disease, dehydration and starvation ravaged the survivors, whittling nearly 150 down to 15. It was in my fact checking for this that I learnt the lovely little term ‘a custom of the sea’. In layman’s terms, cannibalising your crew mates to survive. They were spotted by chance, no search effort had been made by the French. A further 5 died in the days following rescue. British naval officers helped the survivors to return to France because aid from the French government didn’t appear and the captain, who had made it to land fine, was more interested in recovering the gold on board the Medusa. He was court marshalled and should have been executed, but in the end served 3 years in prison. He was the inciting incident for a law to passed that ensured that promotions in the French military would thereafter be based on merit.
Now all this came hurtling into my head because I remember reading a book called 'Severed' by Frances Larson, all about the cultural and historical fascination with decapitation. There's a section in the chapter of severed heads in art about how Géricault went hard on the research for this painting; visited morgues and hospitals, brought home specimens to watch decay rate, y'know, stuff that absolutely wouldn't blow your safety deposit. But yeah, I'm there with dawning horror and ice in my blood as we look at a very French painting, of a French maritime tragedy, brought about by the hubris and arrogance and incompetence of the higher ups who had no right being there, where comrades and crew turn on each other in a horrific fight for survival, with the spooky dancing bones classical piece playing in the background...
And not 20 seconds later we are rejoining the action of the flotilla on the Seine, 'Fraternité' writ large over the boat with Cyprus, Columbia and Comoros waving excitedly and soggily at us.
Thomas Jolly, opening ceremony artistic director, I need to buy you a drink and we need to chat. I need to study you. I have been turning this over in my brain for a week, what are you trying to say?! Was I the only one to hear it?!
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eretzyisrael · 6 months
by Chaim Lax
Concurrent with the attempt to delegitimize the case that there was a rash of sexual abuse and rape is an attempt to absolve Hamas of any wrongdoing.
For these observers, even if sexual abuse did take place during the massacre, it was certainly not perpetrated by Hamas, the noble Palestinian resistance movement dedicated to fighting the evil Jewish state.
Both freelance British journalist and anti-Israel activist Jonathan Cook and The Intercept seem to largely absolve Hamas of any guilt in this regard and re-focus it on the deluge of Palestinian civilians that followed the initial wave of Hamas terrorists into southern Israel.
The Grayzone and Mondoweiss even go one step further, using the opportunity to not only call into question the use of sexual abuse by Hamas terrorists, but also to seemingly glorify those who took part in the October 7 invasion.
In its questioning of The New York Times, The Grayzone ponders whether it’s “plausible that a group of hardened Hamas commandos suddenly paused their surprise attack, which was focused on taking as many captives as quickly as possible, stood in a circle and gang raped a woman, one after another, while Israeli forces mobilized to attack them?”
For The Grayzone, it appears to be inconceivable that these “hardened Hamas commandos,” who also engaged in the butchering of 1,200 people and the war crime of kidnapping roughly 250 others, would engage in the demeaning tactic of sexual abuse. While sex crimes are not uncommon in wartime, The Grayzone judges it to be absurd that Hamas terrorists would stoop to such a level.
For its part, Mondoweiss claims that not only did Hamas members not engage in sexual abuse, but the Islamist terrorist organization is known to treat women properly, based on the calm comportment of those hostages who were freed in November 2023 as they were released to the care of the Red Cross.
While there have been published videos of captured Hamas terrorists admitting to sexual abuse and rape, and there has been testimony that the released hostages were sedated prior to their release (along with the fact that many still have relatives in Hamas captivity), Mondoweiss disregards these pieces of evidence as “absurd” and discounts their validity.
For a publication that seems intent on attaining the facts regarding October 7, it seems that it only cares for the facts that are convenient to its narrative and disregards the rest.
It should be noted that these Western media outlets are echoing the same sentiments expressed by Hamas itself, alleging that Hamas members can’t have engaged in these acts as they are against “Islamic values and culture.” At the same time, Hamas also regarded the October 7 massacre as “glorious.”
For those who seek to invalidate the claim that sexual abuse occurred on October 7 and “debunk” The New York Times’ in-depth profile, the allegations of abuse and rape are part of a campaign by the Israeli government to validate its military actions in Gaza.
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Species You Didn’t Know Weren’t Native to North America
There are some species found here in North America that are so common that many people just assume they’re part of the native menagerie. They’re naturalized, which means they’re non-native but have managed to establish reproducing populations here. Some may also be considered invasive, in that they aggressively compete with native species and may even displace them in some places.
I know some of you readers will already be familiar with the fact that the following species aren’t native here. But I bet there’ll be surprises for the rest of you! Let’s see who our not-actually-natives are.
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Ring-necked Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus)
Hunters across the continent have long hunted pheasants for the table. First introduced in 1773–exactly 250 years ago–they have since made themselves at home in fields and meadows. While the largest populations can be found in the Midwest, especially the Great Plains states, they can be found throughout the United States, with additional scattered populations in southern Canada and Mexico.
While sometimes assumed to have integrated into their introduced habitats, pheasants actually wreak havoc on native game birds like quail and grouse. They compete for suitable food and nest sites, and may also practice nest parasitism, laying their eggs in other birds’ nests. This competition has led to decreases in native bird populations, as has the spreading of diseases that the pheasants tolerate, but which decimate other species. Pheasants will even attack and kill other birds.
So what other species made the list? Keep reading to find out!
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Cross Orb Weaver (Araneus diadematus)
Fall is cross orb weaver time, and I run into these spiders constantly–sometimes literally, depending on how inconveniently their webs are placed! By that time of year, they’ve grown large enough to be noticeable, and their orange and brown coloration looks rather festive.
While I haven’t been able to find any indication that these spiders have a deleterious effect on their introduced ecosystems, they likely put at least some pressure on local invertebrate populations, whether as predators or competitors for prey species. This may become more pronounced as continued overuse of pesticides and habitat loss contribute to the invertebrate apocalypse.
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Honey Bee (Apis mellifera)
“Save the bees!” has been an increasingly common headline since Colony Collapse Disorder first became widely known among the general public almost twenty years ago. What the articles rarely mention is that the honey bee is actually a domesticated insect that originated from wild stock in Europe. In fact, the true wild honey bee may be close to extinction, another victim of its domesticated descendants.
In fact, honey bees cause the decline of wild bee species wherever they are introduced. Not only do they compete with wild bees for food and nest sites, but they also spread diseases and parasites to these other species, some of which have become quite scarce. Moreover, honey bees are less effective at pollinating native plants outside their own range, and these species are at risk of extinction if their native pollinators are out-competed.
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Another invertebrate beloved of gardeners here, the earthworms actually consist of a mix of both native and non-native species. Unfortunately, many native earthworms went extinct during the last Ice Age, so if your area has a recent glacial history it’s likely that the worms in your garden are invasive. (That does include the red wigglers (Eisenia fetida) commonly used for vermicomposting.)
What damage can a bunch of worms do? Plenty, as it turns out. They speed up decay and mix up nutrients in the soil in ways that many North American ecosystems aren’t used to. This changes physical characteristics of the soil like pH, texture, and density, as well as distribution of nutrients. Some young plants may not be able to reach nutrients that worms have moved deeper underground. So while you may thank earthworms for aerating the soil in your garden, they’re more of a problem for a lot of native ecosystems here.
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umbleweed (various species)
“Drifting along with the tumbling tumbleweeds,” sang the Sons of the Pioneers in 1934, though tumbleweeds have been associated with the American West for much longer. Several species of plant dry out, snap off the root system, and roll along the ground spreading the mature seeds. The best-known species is the Eurasian Kali tragus, though there are other species that have been introduced here.
Because these plants take up a lot of physical space, they can crowd out native plants, especially those that are not shade-tolerant. Their seed distribution method means that one plant can spread its descendants many miles from where it originated. Moreover, the masses of dead, dry tumbleweeds can build up and become wildfire fuel.
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Red Clover (Trifolium pratense) and White Clover (Trifolium repens)
These two plants are so ubiquitous that it’s easy to assume they’ve always been here. White clover is especially common in lawns, and red clover will pop up in just about any disturbed sunny spot. Both are native to Europe and Asia, and red clover additionally may be found in North Africa. However, both species have been widely introduced elsewhere.
While neither is considered particularly invasive, they can take over large areas of disturbed land. They are deliberately sown for cover crops and livestock forage, so they’re not likely to go away any time soon.
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Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica)
This is one of the most popular spring plants for foragers; chemicals that cause irritation can be removed through soaking the plants in water or cooking them. Although stinging nettle grows well in large areas of the United States, Mexico, and southern and western Canada, it is actually native to northern Africa, Europe, and Asia.
Stinging nettle makes itself at home in forested settings in particular. While it doesn’t create the same sorts of monocultures that, say, Himalayan blackberry does, it can shade out smaller plants with its broad leaves.
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Saffron Milkcap (Lactarius deliciosus)
People don’t often think of fungi when it comes to non-native and invasive species, and yet there are fungi that have been moved around to new areas, often with their partner plants. Some are tiny soil fungi, but there are those that produce visible fruiting bodies. The edible saffron milkcap is one of these. It is mycorrhizal with pine trees in its native Europe, and managed to form connections with pines in North America as well.
As saffron milkcap does not cause any known diseases of plants, it is not considered an invasive species in the way that chestnut blight (Cryphonectria parasitica) is. While the mycelium of saffron milkcap may certainly compete for some of the same soil nutrients as native species in the same area, it has not become aggressive enough to displace native fungi.
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Death Cap (Amanita phalloides)
There are large, white Amanita species native to North America, like A. ocreata and A. bisporigera, both known colloquially as “destroying angels.” The death cap, however, is native to Europe. It has been spreading through parts of the United States, particularly along all the coastlines, and may sometimes be yellow-tinted. Its close cousin, the European destroying angel (A. virosa), has made a few appearances in New England and southern Quebec according to iNaturalist’s map of research-grade observations.
While these invasive Amanitas do not cause widespread ecological damage, they are considered invasive due to their extreme lethality. One cap is sufficient to kill a healthy adult human being.
Did you enjoy this post? Consider taking one of my online foraging and natural history classes or hiring me for a guided nature tour, checking out my other articles, or picking up a paperback or ebook I’ve written! You can even buy me a coffee here!
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FYI https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/news/touring-artists-visa-america-musicians-b2290305.html
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Musicians are facing a touring nightmare, after it has emerged that the US immigration service plans to up their visa fees from $460 (£385) to $1,615 (£1,352).
The 250 per cent increase will affect thousands of artists and bands who plan to do promotional tours in the states, but are unable to justify or afford the fees.
The Music Management Forum (MMF) and the Featured Artists Coalition (FAC) told The Guardian that the cost of touring has already increased by 40 per cent as a result of Brexit, the pandemic and inflation - but now, things are about to get even worse.
According to the MMF’s chief executive,  Annabella Coldrick, 84 per cent of their members had acts intending to tour the US, but 70 per cent of those said they would not be able to if the increase goes ahead, reports The Guardian.
Another 20 per cent of those who had intent to tour said they would have to delay their plans.
The new changes mean that even those who are invited on major support tours, or festival slots may have to turn down those opportunities because of the expense incurred.
The MMF and the FAC have now relaunched their Let the Music Move campaign, which began in 2021, aimed at tackling the issues caused by Brexit rules which made it near impossible for transport companies to move equipment for musicians.
Speaking to NME, the CEO of the Featured Artists Coalition David Martin said: “Following a global pandemic, Brexit and the ongoing cost of living crisis, the proposals represent yet another barrier that will see emerging artists disproportionally disadvantaged, but that also risk ending US touring for more established acts.
“It would be a seismic blow to the UK’s beloved music industry which, since 2015, has seen a 30 per cent decline in its global market share,” he added.
Lead singer of UK band Easy Life, Murray Matravers, who had to cancel their forthcoming US tour due to costs, also spoke to the publication.
“We just couldn’t afford it – it’s literally as simple as that,” he said.
“We’ve done a proper tour of the US once before with a little pretend tour before that, all pre-COVID. It’s all changed so much. The cost of visas is crazy, you have to hire a legal representative to do all the forms and their fees have gone right up.”
-Full article. Link here.
Damn that will hit smaller artists really hard. I wonder if they have a special class of Visas or if this is an increase across the board for all Visa categories.
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finnlongman · 1 year
When you tweet about bigotry at a crime fiction festival, gain 250+ followers, and then end up writing a 50-tweet thread about medieval werewolves and explaining Old Irish infixed pronouns to people in your DMs...
Didn't expect that, but here we are. Werewolf thread starts here, for those who are interested:
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footballffbarbiex · 2 years
Pumpkin Carving.
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actor: chris evans x undescribed female reader words: 826 warnings: mentions of nicking yourself with a knife while carving the pumpkin as per the request. i've tried not to go into detail but i'll put it here as a trigger warning. request: Chris Evans  |   250 - 500  |  You-Your   |   Okay so, I just thought about one Interview Chris did, saying that he wants to do all the traditional stuff with his future family. Just imagine, the reader isn’t from the US so everything about all those traditions in that extreme way is totally new to her. Chris is making it his mission to show you all those traditions, like pumping carving, thanksgiving etc. One evening you are coming home and just see those pumpkin on the kitchen countertop assuming that Chris wants to do something else with them. He then tells you that you’re going to carve the pumpkins, searching for ideas on Pinterest settling on making a competition on which is the best. In the process of carving, talking and goofing around you cut yourself (you can totally change that) saying it’s his fault. Resulting in a fluffy ending were Chris needs to take care of you and placing the pumpkins on the front porch and cuddling up on the sofa.
a/n: me? going over the word count requested? again? damn.
“I just…I don’t understand how you can feel festive at all here.” You say as you step out into his garden and stand next to his pool, overlooking the sweeping hills. The trees are slowly losing their green, reds and ambers begin to take over and while it looks beautiful, the weather makes it hard to appreciate the colour change without the bite in the air.
“It’s easier to understand when you’ve grown up here with it.” Chris replies as Dodger rushes out to see you. You’re about to bend to stroke him between the ears but Chris is behind you faster than you can begin to move, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his head on your shoulder before you can.
“So…what makes it “fall” here then?” you ask, lifting your hands and dipping your fingers to make quotation marks as you use the american term instead of Autumn. When you lower your hands again, you can feel the soft fur of your boyfriend’s faithful companion and the occasional wetness as he licks at your fingertips.
“We go heavy on the pumpkin. Fall usually means Halloween and spiced lattes.”
“And if I don’t like pumpkin for anything other than carving, then what?”
“Oh baby, don’t say that out loud. People here would arrest you for such a thing. It’s going to be hard enough for you to say Autumn.”
“They love Brits here. Or so I’m told.”
“Some things can’t be ignored though.” Chris chuckles and presses a kiss to your exposed neck.
“If I weren’t here right now with you doing this, would you have bought pre-carved pumpkins and placed them on the porch?” You ask after the seeds and pulp is scooped from your pumpkin carcass. A large black trash bag is open on the table where the majority of it has gone, minus several pumpkin seeds to clean and roast for another day.
“I’m insulted you’d even think that,” Chris scoffs, lowering the knife and placing it on the counter top while the other hand presses to his chest in mock pain. Clearly used to doing this each year, his pumpkin is further along than you and has already traced the stencil and has begun to cut it out.
“Am I wrong though?” You challenge.
“Yes.” He picks the carving knife back up and begins to follow the line he’d pressed into the skin of the squash. “But only because there are no designated carve-your-own-pumpkin stores.”
“See, you’re missing out on an opportunity there.” You comment and he chuckles.
Before the suggested name is put forward, you feel yourself freeze up as the cold sting followed by hot lick radiates throughout the spot between your finger and thumb. The knife clatters to the counter but before you can begin to sway, Chris is right there behind you, arm around your waist and the other reaching out, hand gripping your wrist to keep your hand steady.
“Hey, hey, hey. You need to sit down. Don’t look at it. Don’t look.”
You don’t have a choice, and are currently unable to verbally object as your thoughts fade in and out while he leads you to a seat as you begin to shake. Waves of hot and cold are washing over you and you’re thankful that he’s supporting you upright.
He momentarily leaves you as he grabs a towel, pushing it under the faucet and only brings it over to you once it’s wet. “Hey, babe? Stay with me, you look ashen.”
You turn to look at the wall instead, gaze dropping to Dodger as he whines beside you - clearly sensing something wrong. Trying your best to ignore the feeling of Chris tending to your injury, He’s careful, his touch is tender and apologies flow when you hiss from uncomfortableness.
“It looked worse than it is,” he comments, turning your hand this way and that after applying some salve and only now do you chance a glance at it, The surrounding skin is red, a pearlescent shade where the cut itself is and a throbbing sensation continues to warm your hand. “
It’s certainly not in need of a bandage, even a band aid would be too much for it, but watching Chris take care of you brings a smile to your face.
“What are you smiling about?”
“You’re going to be a good dad, y’know? If this is how you look after me, then I just know you’ll be amazing.”
“Already picturing me doing the diaper changes and night feeds?”
“It’s not a bad thought, I’ve gotta say.”
Chris chuckles and chooses not to continue that train of conversation. “Do you want to sit here and look pretty or do you want to finish your pumpkin?”
“Mamma didn’t raise no quitter,” you lift your chin defiantly,
“That’s my baby,” he flashes you a smile, two fingers resting beneath your chin to angle it perfectly, he bends and presses the lightest of kisses to your lips.
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misshoneyimhome · 7 months
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“Never felt like this before, are we friends or are we more?” I Auston Matthews
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Summary; Despite the seemingly unbreakable bond between you and Auston, as circumstances evolved, perhaps so too did your mind?
Tropes & warnings; Strangers to friends, break up of friendship, heart ache, friends to lovers
Other notes; this was suggested by the one and only, wonderful, and incredible lcandothisallday - I hope you like bb! 🤍
Word count; 2.4K
Never in a million years could you have imagined that your life would take this turn. You were just a young student, living your life in Toronto and doing the best you could.
Until you crossed paths with none other than the young hockey player Auston Matthews.
Even since Auston moved to Toronto, your lives seemed to intertwine effortlessly. From the moment you met as he wandered rather confusedly around the city, there was an immediate connection that grew into a deep and unbreakable friendship. After you’d guided him to his destination, he quickly became your confidante, your partner in crime, and dare you say it, your best friend.
It goes without saying that your friendship with Auston was a unique mix of laughter and companionship - from playful jokes to cosy movie nights, there was never a dull moment when the two of you were together. Whether teasing each other about your quirks or engaging in deep conversations about life, your bond only strengthened with each passing day.
Despite the teasing and antics, there was a profound level of support and understanding between you. You were there for Auston during the highs and lows of his career, cheering him on from the side lines and offering a shoulder to lean on when the pressure became too much. Similarly, he was always there for you, providing words of encouragement during exams as you transitioned into adulthood, and a comforting presence whenever you needed it most.
But amidst the laughter and camaraderie, there was an underlying tension that lingered beneath the surface. Your inside jokes and rather sexual sense of humour often led people to misinterpret your relationship as something more than just friendship. It wasn't uncommon for strangers to assume that you and Auston were a couple, fuelled by the chemistry and closeness that you shared.
However, despite the whispers and speculation from outsiders, the two of you never let it affect your friendship. You knew the true depth of your connection, and it went far beyond any sexual tension or societal expectations. You were content with the bond you shared, secure in the knowledge that your friendship was built on a foundation of trust, loyalty, and genuine affection.
And as you navigated through life together, hand in hand, you couldn't help but feel grateful for Auston Matthews' presence in your life. He wasn't just your friend; he was your rock and confidant. And regardless of what the future held, you knew that your friendship would always remain steadfast and unwavering.
That until Auston's hockey career skyrocketed, along with his fame and popularity. Suddenly, he was thrust into the spotlight, receiving constant media attention and adoration from fans cheering him on in the crowd. And while you genuinely celebrated his success, there was a part of you that couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness as the dynamics of your friendship seemed to be shifting.
With Auston's busy schedule and newfound celebrity status, it became increasingly difficult to spend as much time together as before. He was constantly surrounded by teammates, coaches, and fans, leaving little opportunity for the quiet moments of companionship you once cherished.
Initially, you tried to be understanding, giving Auston the time and space he needed to adjust to his life as a hockey star. You encouraged him to embrace his success and seize every opportunity that came his way. But deep down, there was a pang of longing in your heart for the closeness and connection you once shared.
And as days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, you found yourself missing your best friend more than you thought possible. The frequent hangouts and late-night conversations became rare, replaced by fleeting moments of interaction amidst his hectic schedule.
Furthermore, amidst the challenges of your evolving friendship, you couldn't shake the feeling that there might actually have been some truth to what people had observed – maybe, just maybe there’d been something more between you and Auston. The way your heart skipped a beat whenever he smiled at you, or the pang of jealousy you felt when you saw him surrounded by other girls – it was becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the growing desires bubbling beneath the surface.
However, you were convinced that Auston saw you only as a friend, and nothing more. After all, he had his pick of admirers, with countless fans vying for his attention both on and off the ice. And you couldn't compete with that, nor did you want to jeopardise the precious friendship you had built over the years.
So, with a heavy heart, you began to slowly distance yourself from Auston's hectic life. You found yourself making excuses to decline invitations to events and gatherings, preferring instead to create some distance from the pain of unrequited feelings. It was a bittersweet decision, but you were determined to protect your heart, even if it meant sacrificing the closeness you once shared with Auston.
And as months passed, you found yourself gradually drifting away from Auston's inner circle, seeking comfort in the company of new friends and acquaintances. Meanwhile, Auston, completely unaware of the changing dynamic, continued to navigate his busy life as a hockey star.
However, it wasn't until one particular evening out with friends that his obliviousness was brought to a sudden halt. While you were engrossed in conversation with someone from outside the hockey world, Auston spotted you from across the room and felt compelled to join you.
Though it seemed out of character, he made his way through the crowd, catching your eye and subtly pushing into the conversation.
You were surprised by his sudden presence but greeted him warmly, introducing your old friend to the new one. However, amidst the introductions, Auston's grip on your waist was notably firm.
"What's going on, Auston?" you questioned, your voice betraying a hint of confusion and slight irritation at his unexpected actions. You were taken aback by his intrusion and wondered what had prompted him to intervene in your conversation.
And caught off guard by your puzzled reaction, Auston hesitated for a moment before offering a sheepish smile. "Sorry, I just... wanted to talk to you," he replied, his tone apologetic yet tinged with uncertainty.
Though you were a bit confused by Auston's actions, you chose not to make a fuss, brushing off his behaviour as a momentary lapse in judgment. After all, you knew Auston well enough to understand that he sometimes acted impulsively without fully considering the consequences.
So, you reassured him that everything was fine, and both of you simply returned to your separate company for the night. Yet, later, as the evening wore on, Auston sought you out once more when you were alone and attempted to articulate some of the thoughts that had been swirling in his mind.
"y/n, I'm sorry for earlier. I just really miss you and... maybe we could hang out sometime soon?"
Your eyes met in a tender gaze, and you couldn’t help but form a slightly curved smile.
"I've missed you too, Aus."
In that very moment, Auston realised he couldn't let you drift away any further. He needed you in his life. And so, he made a deliberate effort to pull you back into his circle, to reignite the connection that had once meant everything to him.
And you welcomed his efforts warmly, grateful for the opportunity to reconnect with the person who had always been your anchor. Yet, as you fell back into your familiar rhythm of banter and inside jokes, you couldn't shake the feeling of a subtle shift in the atmosphere – a tension that crackled between you, charged with unspoken longing. Almost as if he was flirting with you. 
But was Auston truly interested in you, or was he simply caught up in the moment, relishing the familiarity of your friendship? It was a question that plagued your thoughts, keeping you up at night as you grappled with your own feelings for him.
And to add to the turmoil, as the days turned into weeks, you once again found yourself surrounded by the hockey crowd, Auston reverted back to his usual friendly demeanour, as if nothing had happened. It was as if the moment of intervention had never occurred, leaving you questioning the true nature of his feelings.
Despite the confusion and uncertainty swirling in your mind, you tried to push aside your doubts and focus on enjoying the company of your friends. But deep down, a part of you couldn't shake the lingering feeling that there was more to Auston's actions than met the eye. 
And to say the least, Auston's mixed signals were beginning to wear on your patience. One moment, he would pull you into a warm embrace, his affectionate gestures leaving you breathless with hope. But the next moment, he would keep his distance, treating you with nothing more than friendly camaraderie. It was enough to drive you crazy, leaving you unsure of where you stood in his eyes.
Then, on a sunny winter afternoon, as the hockey players gathered for a skate at the rink, inviting their families and friends to join, the tension between you and Auston lingered in the air. Yet you tried your best to brush off his unpredictable behaviour, focusing instead on enjoying the day with friends.
But amidst laughter and cheers, perhaps fuelled by a little too much confidence on your part, a small disaster struck as you suddenly stumbled and twisted your ankle on the ice. Pain shot through your leg, and you winced as you struggled to get back on your feet. Fortunately, Auston was there in an instant, concern etched on his face as he offered you his support.
"Hey, are you okay?" his voice filled with concern.
"Yeah, I'm alright..." you tried to reassure him, stubbornly refusing his help as you insisted that you could manage on your own. But then, as you attempted to stand again, the pain intensified, and you realised you couldn't put weight on your injured ankle. "Okay, maybe I'm not alright," you finally admitted, allowing Auston to assist you.
"Let me take you home."
And with his arm securely wrapped around your waist, Auston guided you off the ice and back to his car. He drove you home in silence, yet his presence was a comforting reassurance amidst the throbbing ache in your ankle.
Once you were back at your place, Auston wasted no time in pampering you with snacks and an ice pack for your injury. He hovered nearby, fussing over you with a mixture of concern and care that melted your heart.
And as the afternoon slowly turned into evening, the two of you fell into the familiar rhythm of your deep friendship, sharing stories and laughter as you whiled away the hours together. It almost felt like old times, and for a fleeting moment, you allowed yourself to forget about the confusing signals Auston had been sending.
But just as Auston was about to head home, you once again felt a twinge in your heart that signalled your deepest desire to keep him near, and an unintentional small whimper escaped your lips.
"Aus, I want you to stay…"
Without any hesitation, Auston simply nodded and remained with you. And as he sat on the sofa, your legs crossed over his lap and his hand carefully resting on your ankle, his thumb gently caressing your skin, you made a decision to confront the elephant in the room. You simply couldn't continue to ignore the feelings stirring within your heart, and you needed to know where you stood with him once and for all.
"Auston... can I ask you something?"
“Of course.”
“What are we?”
Auston's brows furrowed in confusion as he processed your question. It was a question he hadn't quite expected, yet deep down, he also knew it was one that needed to be addressed.
"What do you mean?" he asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty.
You took a deep breath, gathering your thoughts before speaking again. "I mean... I don't understand your mixed signals, so I guess what I’m trying to ask is… are we just friends or are we more?" you explained, your words hanging heavy in the air. "Because I've never felt this way about anyone before."
Auston's gaze softened as he listened to your heartfelt confession, realising that he had been wrestling with the same question, uncertain of how to navigate the complicated emotions swirling between you two.
"I... I don't know," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "But what I do know is that you mean a lot to me, Y/N. More than I can put into words."
There was a vulnerability in his eyes that took you by surprise, a raw honesty that laid bare the depths of his feelings. And in that moment, you realised that perhaps you weren't alone in this confusing journey of emotions after all.
"I feel the same way, Aus," you confessed, your voice soft but resolute. "And maybe we don't have all the answers right now, but I'm willing to figure it out together – if you are too?”
“I am.”
With those words hanging between you, a sense of hope washed over you both. The road ahead might be uncertain, but with each other by your side, you knew that anything was possible.
And in that tender and sweet moment of vulnerability, where the air crackled with unspoken emotions, Auston made a decision. With newfound resolve, he closed the gap between you, bridging the distance that had kept you tethered to the realm of friendship and propelling you into the unknown territory of potential lovers.
With gentle hands cupping your face, Auston's lips met yours in a soft and hesitant kiss. It was a moment charged with anticipation and longing, a silent declaration of the feelings that had been simmering beneath the surface for far too long.
As your lips melded together in a tender embrace, time seemed to stand still. The world faded away, leaving only the two of you locked in a moment of pure intimacy and connection.
You let each other taste the new sweetest of one another. Your mouths exploring and tongues intertwining, mixing warmth and saliva, as air was stolen from your lungs.
And in that fleeting moment, as the weight of uncertainty melted away, you knew that there was no turning back. You had crossed the line from friends to something more, and the journey ahead was filled with endless possibilities.
As you pulled away from the kiss, breathless and exhilarated, you found yourself lost in Auston's gaze. There was a newfound depth to his eyes, a silent promise of the love and devotion that lay ahead. And with a smile tugging at the corners of your lips, you reached out to intertwine your fingers with his, silently acknowledging the unspoken bond that now connected you both.
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ex-shark-virtue-005 · 3 months
Things I noticed about Canada/Quebec:
-Maple syrup is cheap as HELL. I bought a 250 ml bottle of gourmet, coffee infused maple syrup for roughly $12.50 USD. But regular 500 ml cans sold for roughly $10.50 USD, which is what 250 ml bottles sell for in the US.
-Subway and A&W are the most popular fast food restaurants in Quebec. We saw fewer than 10 McDonald's and only 1 Burger King. There were also like three Starbucks total and those felt like more an obligatory "for the tourists" type thing. There were Tim Hortons on every corner though.
-I saw maybe 5 pick-up trucks total, all 5 were driven by construction workers. I saw more Lamborghinis than pick-up trucks in Quebec.
-Quebec City was by FAR the cleanest city I've been to even with the massive music festival in the area. The days after Nickelback and 50 Cent outdoor concerts brought tens of thousands of people to the area there was no litter on the ground the following day.
- Shopping malls are alive and well in Canada. We went to three different malls and drove by at LEAST five total. And unlike malls in America, there were hardly any closed shops.
-Book stores sell just about everything. Books, cooking gadgets, stationary, toys, puzzles, games, one of the book stores we went to sold full-sized digital pianos and acoustic and electric guitars.
-Every car had a ton of splattered bugs on the front.
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folatefangirl · 1 year
Haven't seen one of these floating around for the recent MTAP tag but here's some gameplay tips I've picked up as a newbie who picked this up while it was 80% off on steam. I was mega stressed early on due to not knowing things and would be happy to pass on advice to save others the stress:
1. Reddit is good for advice and tumblr is penalizing me for links so yeah. Use the reddit community and/or wiki when stuck. Link to a decent set of advice is in the replies to this post.
2. Repair your workshop as soon as possible bc you'll wake up with low stamina daily until that gets done. Doesn't take more than like 30ish or so pieces of wood.
3. Yep the advice to make more than one machine is correct. Even for the blender. Maybe not the cooking setup or basic skiver per se. Yes, this will use up resources and space. Use the For Sale sign to expand space (or be like me and try to cram a level 2 house into a space too small for it 😅).
4. In the small planter boxes, grow lettuce, cotton, and wheat as much as possible if you can. You can also grow other things, but these seem to be the most helpful for feeding mounts and skiver crafting. Large boxes are for the special giant seeds and you can get the box from the church store and seeds from the Mysterious Man. Fertilize often to have the best shot at winning the Autumn Festival!
5. No, you can't have a rival romance with Higgins, tragically. But you can spar and body block him and chat to him until 9 AM to prevent him from taking commissions, especially the fancy valuable ones. I'm currently chill with being at rank 2 in my first year so I don't bother yet. I still think we should be allowed to woo him. As a treat. And mechanic to make him nicer 😅. Btw once he scams you (you'll know when) talk to him as soon as possible after and you can at least guilt him into giving you money.
6. No seriously do use Gust's shop in A&G to swap for 999 wood and keep furnaces running. You'll get wayyy too much stone from mining and the first quarry only gives so much marble for stone tables to sell en masse when the market is up. Other quarries are annoying to get to in the early game. Use the excess for wood first, then making stone bricks or stone tools etc to sell or whatever. Go wild. I make excess glass to sell since it's more profitable than raw resource selling, yep even with the wood cost. Still haven't figured out how to make excess soil more profitable besides planter boxes.
7. If you don't wanna feel like a monster for killing llamas for their worn fur, you can totally kill panbats. I like all the critters so I feel like a monster regardless 🥴. Kinda has to be done for certain quests and quest items tho.
8. Make allll the Dee-Dee Stops you can for the spots marked on the map. You can also have your mount follow you to the next stop.
9. Bring or make stamina repletion food when mining, esp if you have the game speed slowed down and don't run to the Round Table to replete (you have a limited number of things you can eat and can only eat once daily... Or you could try sitting for an hour if you aren't like me and it won't drive you crazy to sit and do nothing).
10. Annoying timed storyline quest needed items that you can collect earlier while the main story has no time limit for progression per se: pretty much all ores/ore products and special mining items like valves and engines, wild cocoons, ironwood (more than you think), bat wings, bamboo papaya, information discs (I keep the extra beyond the ones I give Petra for research in general for the storyline quest diagrams; I can complete the relics later), knight badges from the Round Table (minimum 250 of them), old parts, crystal necklace x1, dog food x1, soap x1, wildflower bouquet from Alice x1, tempering fluid, copper and steel wire, steel planks, welding rods. Can't think of the other ones that were super urgent and non-commission board rn as of Winter 1st (my latest stopping point) but yeah this is totally a hoarding game.
11. P.S. To get into the hazardous ruins area as a lower level, literally just dodge and run for 60 seconds. Do a hit if you feel brave. Yes, it's cowardly but it totally works and unlocks neat stuff you really need for certain quests. You can kick their asses later.
12. The worst that can happen if you die is that you get warped back home. Same for passing out at 3 AM but without the health depletion. Use that knowledge for what you will. I've noticed in boss battles it just bumps me back to the start of the battle with full health and stamina so I only get warped back further in other situations.
That's all I have for now but I may add more as I play. Hope this helps!
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world-cinema-research · 4 months
Week 7 Short Essay Part 1 – Sex, Lies and Videotape comparison to Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai 
By Christian Lavarello
The films, Sex, Lies and Videotape by Director Steven Soderbergh and Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai by director Jim Jarmusch are vastly different from one another. Sex, Lies and Videotape follows the intertwined lives of four individuals living in Baton Rouge, Louisiana: John Mulaney (Peter Gallagher), Ann Bishop Mulaney (Andie MacDowell), Cynthia Bishop, and Graham Dalton. John is an attorney who is having an affair with his wife Ann’s sister. Ann claims to not want sex anymore, being excessively concerned about world issues until John’s old college friend, Graham (James Spader) visits them. Graham is ‘brutally honesty,’ especially about the fact that he is impotent and the only way he can have some physical satisfaction is by videotaping women talking about sex and their sexual encounters. With his arrival, everyone’s deceptions and hypocrisies come to the surface and so does Ann’s desire to have to sex again. Director Steven Soderbergh’s groundbreaking debut shook the Indie Filmmaking scene awarding him the Palme d'Or at the 1989 Cannes Film Festival, making Soderbergh the youngest solo director to win the award.  
Almost ten years later, Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai was released by director Jim Jarmusch which tells the story of an urban samurai (Forest Whitaker), a man who was saved when he was younger by Louie (John Tormey), a mafioso. Sometime later, Ghost Dog reappears before the mafioso and, in accordance with his samurai ethical code, admits he is in debt with Louie. Louie turns Ghost Dog into his own efficient, uncatchable hitman and nobody knows his "real" name and they communicate via carrier pigeon-delivered messages. Ghost Dog’s only "outside" conversations are with the French-speaking Haitian ice-cream vendor Raymond (Isaach De Baukole) and a precocious girl, Pearline (Camille Winbush), whom he meets in the park, and they share books.  
One the most prominent differences between both films is that Sex, Lies and Videotape is more of an unconventional film, whereas Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai is conventional. Alisa Perren wrote a scholarly review on Sex, Lies and Videotape and its’ impact on filmmaking and marketing of the 80s and early 90s, where she states, “On a cost-to-earnings ratio, Steven Soderbergh’s creation —with its $1.1 million dollar budget and $24 million plus in North American box office—was a better investment than Batman, which—at an investment of $50 million—returned $250 million in domestic box office”.
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Chuck Stephens wrote a scholarly article on Jim Jarmusch's way of telling the Ghost Dog’s story where he states, “There are many stories within Ghost Dog, and Jarmusch rashomon-ically wants to tell - or retell - them all. The simplest of them is this: Ghost Dog lives alone in a rooftop aerie, kept company by a covey of carrier pigeons as he studies the nihilist koans of the Hagakure. Around him, the wind whistles with hiphop hybridity ("black Mafia mind De Niro") and moans with the "everything's changing," time-to- die fatalism of Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid, another film in which out-moded men are picked off like chickens buried to their necks in sand”. Both films are reviewed critically from very different aspects and the reviewer sees they excel and radiate different qualities that contributed to films of the 80s and 90s.  
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During the time of the film Sex, Lies and Videotape in 1989, the Loma Prieta earthquake hit the San Francisco Bay Area with a 6.9 magnitude, leaving behind a trail of destruction, while in 1999 during the time of the film, Ghost Dog: The way of the Samurai John F. Kennedy Jr., wife Carolyn Bessette Kennedy, and her sister Lauren G. Bessette are lost at sea when a plane he was piloting disappears near Martha's Vineyard, off Mass. coast on July 16, 1999. Two different tragic events occur during the time of both films which affected many individuals.  
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Both films had great success in their own ways with Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai touching on the history of the warriors of Japan with a gangster American twist where the characters are understood and the story comes together at the end, whereas Sex, Lies and Videotape touched on more socially unacceptable topics of its’ time and sexual conversations making the audience work to resolve issues brought up in the movie. Their differences make these films unique and do cater to very different audiences, but both are great films to watch. 
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anxious-anura · 1 year
Fae Farm Festival Guide
Petal Bloom Festival (Spring)
How to Begin: Merritt will send you a letter on the 28th of Spring
Part 1 of Quest
Plant 15 Flower Seeds
Part 1 of Quest
Place three decorative flower items. ( I just placed 3 Squid vases)
Special Shop Items
Vibrant Green Palette: 1,000 Florins, 30 Yellow Lilies, 30 Blue Hytacinth
Trellis: 250 Florins
Sunflower Vase: 450 Florins
Flower Cart: 450 Florins
Petal Bloom Wallpaper: 250 Florins
Petal Print Flooring: 100 Florins, 1 Clay Brick, 1 Pink Tulip
Spring Outfit: 1,000 Florins, 3 Cotton Fabric, 3 Ivory Lilies
Spring Braid: 200 Florins, 3 Cotton Fabric, 3 Orange Lily
Bunny Ears: 500 Florins, 3 Cotton Fabric, 3 Pink Rose
Rose: 100 Florins, 1 Red Rose
Spring Festival Rug: 200 Florins
Hook and Line Festival (Summer)
How to Begin: Talk to Eddy on the 23rd of Summer and follow steps below
Part 1 of Quest
Catch twelve freshwater or saltwater fish
Part 2 of Quest
Deliver 5 steamed fish to Eddy
Now on the 28th head to town hall for the festival
Special Shop Items
Seed and Soil Festival (Autumn)
Warm Hearth Festival (Winter)
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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U.S. will deploy F-35 aircraft carrier and fighter attack group near Israel
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 10/09/2023 - 08:53am in Military, War Zones
U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin announced on Sunday that he ordered the attack group of aircraft carrier USS Gerald Ford to sail to the Eastern Mediterranean to prepare to help Israel after the recent Hamas attack, which resulted in more than 1,000 victims on both sides.
Just a few hours ago, more than 250 music lovers lost their lives at the Supernova festival, held in the southern desert of Israel, when Palestinian militants invaded the festival and opened fire in a surprise attack. A siren sounded at dawn, warning of the arrival of rockets, quickly followed by shots, according to eyewitnesses.
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On October 9, the Israeli military reported that Hamas held hostages in Gaza and that the conflict resulted in more than 700 victims, with more than 2,150 injured. In addition, 3,284 rockets were fired from Gaza.
Secretary Austin said he spoke with Israel's Defense Minister Gallant to express U.S. support for the people of Israel and to receive updates on Israel's efforts to restore security and protection after the Hamas attack.
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The USS Gerald R. Ford, the Navy's newest and most advanced aircraft carrier, will lead this mission, accompanied by cruisers and destroyers, including the Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruiser USS Normandy (CG60) and the Arleigh-Burke-class guided missile destroyers USS Thomas Hudner (DDG 116), USS Ramage (DDG 61), USS Carney (DDG 64) and USS Roosevelt (DDG 80). They will be deployed in the Eastern Mediterranean, near Israel.
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The aircraft carrier attack group, based in Norfolk, Virginia, has already been in the Mediterranean last week, conducting naval exercises with Italy in the Ionian Sea. This deployment marks the first complete deployment of the aircraft carrier.
In addition to the repositioning of the aircraft carrier attack group, Secretary Austin plans to increase the presence of U.S. Air Force squadrons with F-35 Joint Strike Fighters stealth aircraft, as well as F-15, F-16 and A-10 squadrons in the region, as recommended by the secretary in the statement.
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Secretary Austin reiterated the United States' unwavering support for Israel's right to self-defense and provided updates on U.S. actions in response to the situation. He emphasized that these measures aim to strengthen the U.S. military stance in the region to improve regional deterrence efforts.
He also informed Minister Gallant that the United States is sending additional equipment and resources, including ammunition, to reach Israel in the coming days.
Both leaders agreed to remain in close contact for the next few days and weeks.
Hamas is recognized by the U.S. Department of State as a foreign terrorist organization and governs Gaza, a territory that the State Department considers occupied by Israel.
Tags: Military AviationIDF - Israeli Defense Forces / Israel Defense Forcesaircraft carrierUSN - United States Navy/U.S. NavyWar Zones - Middle East
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Daytona Airshow and FIDAE. He has work published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work throughout the world of aviation.
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chimeclan-tales · 11 months
Tales of the Departed
The Old Clans
Unsure how much they’ll be used in the future, but for Year 1, they definitely affect the founders’ backstories and upbringings!
When playing on these save files, I was sticking close to canon Warriors rules/dynamics and the game’s base mechanics. So…
1. Battles and Wars are a big part of these clans
This is what they are raised with. Killing in battle is not looked down upon. Killing during other times, like while someone is asleep? Okay, that’s punishable.
Was it always like this? No idea. But this specific difference in morality will end up dictating a lot of their fates.
2. Stories are a huge part of their culture.
The glory of battles, the warnings about traitors. The clans know these tales by heart.
It’s also emphasized because… StarClan cats fade based on “age” (the 250 moons in clan gen), not based on being remembered or not.
So cats will want to be in those tales. That is the only way they can live on.
3. Trust in StarClan. They are always correct.
The most “experienced” and basically in-charge cats are those who have been dead the longest. I mean, you can see everything as a ghost. To spend moons observing, maybe even helping, the living through their woes and joys… It must mean something right?
Put a heavy emphasis on honor
Always keep your promises
Always face your enemy
Follows dynasty systems
But a cat can challenge the leader. Nobody else can interfere, and one cat must always die.
If successful, the dynasty shifts to the bloodline of the new leader.
Main territory: the forest
Camp is decorated with flowers!
Emphasize survival: strength and stealth
Don’t mind underhanded battle moves or ambushes
Yes, you can run if it means you live.
Yes, cause a landslide if it means your clan wins the war.
The mountains, their home territory, can be rough
Closest to the Moonstone
Hence, they consider themselves closest to StarClan
Still, not everyone can simply visit the Moonstone
Vigils for the dead are longer and more elaborate than the other clans. They offer prey (even during cruel moons), the procession to the burial site, and the decorating of the grave.
One of the more easy-going clans because of quick access to water and plentiful prey
Have festivals/rituals based on the tales
During cruel moons, the nearby twoleg place does give them food, too. Whether a SerpentClan cat accepts it is up to them.
Considered an oddity in the territory for being open to kittypets and rogues joining.
In reality, the clan demands a lot from these outsiders
Have to pass a series of trials before joining
Not allowed to be out of camp alone for their first few moons
They and their kin need to constantly prove themselves
Cats fade based on how long they’ve been dead (250 moons = gone)
Because of the nature of the living clans, they tend to group with their clanmates. They’d also rather guide their former clan than the others.
There’s a higher order that determines who enters StarClan. No one knows who these are, but they’re more objective / don’t exactly follow the code
Honestly, it’s as weird and finicky as the main series. Like. Ashfurs get into StarClan often. Probably due to the lack of cat purrgatory
Most cats who broke minor parts of the code (ex. interclan/healer relationships) end up in StarClan but are looked down upon. Some are even chased away into the Dark Forest
During / After the Journey
Windcurl’s group was the biggest. There were others that tried to stay / move someplace else, but no one knows what happened.
The StarClan and Dark Forest cats would split based on the groups above
Some, especially the ones around the longest, would stay out of sheer pride. Trying to hold their old home together.
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