#is hilarious to me at this point
scientologisabethmoss · 6 months
What a beautiful, sunny Good Friday! A perfect opportunity to think about how Colin Jost supposedly payed for Nicole Cliffe’s abortion when they were both at Harvard!
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bloominglegumes · 5 months
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i love normal guys doomed by the narrative
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egophiliac · 1 year
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just thinking about hair and faces
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kitamars · 10 days
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hi ive been going through it a little bit
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rae-pss · 10 months
me when jojo's villains.
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destiel are on strike i get my news from sword grandma now
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dirtytransmasc · 9 months
hey, friendly reminder, spider's iconic bow shot:
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was his almost instantaneous reaction to one of the recom's putting their hands on Tuk. He then has to be convinced by both his siblings to put the bow down and keeps it trained on the recom holding Tuk.
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when Quaritch approaches Spider, Tuk hisses at him (hard to see in photo cause they were little baby hisses)
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when Jake tells spider to get "them" out of there, spider immediatly calls for Tuk (and grabs Kiri)
now for some cuter snippets
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and when Tuk goes to egg on and tease Lo'ak, she hides behind her big brother, and Spider looks amused in the way a big brother is equally amused and tired of their little sisters antics (he's probably defended her, whether she was the one who needed defending or not, many times, especially when it comes to Lo'ak)
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and she runs for both Kiri and Spider when the war party returns, making it clear she hangs out with them quite often.
my conclusion? she and Spider are besties, no one puts their hands on his baby sister, I rest my case.
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juniperhillpatient · 7 months
when writing Zuko I think it’s very important to keep in mind that in canon he entered Sokka’s tent in the middle of the night saw Sokka was clearly expecting different company & either ignored this or (imo more likely) did not process it because his brain was on the mission at hand (getting Katara to not hate him by any means necessary) & proceeded to ask Sokka to recall the most traumatic night of his life then he just casually left like “thanks” 🚶
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hypewinter · 1 year
Right so what if Danny became a psychologist instead of Jazz?
His friends and family died protecting him. So when he runs away and starts a new life, he adopts traits from all of them (both as a way of grieving and a way to honor them). For Tucker and Sam, Danny splits his free time between being a white hat hacker and a vocal environmental activist. For his parents, he adopts more of their eccentric personality. When he's not in a professional setting, he is loud and in your face about the latest thing he's been working on (he's also just about the most loyal person you can meet).
And for Jazz, his precious big sister, Danny decides to excel in the career path she never got the chance to enter. He resolves to fulfill her goal of helping out those society has deemed irredeemable. The ones nobody else can or wants to help. The first one he starts with, is the Joker.
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ghostinthegallery · 1 year
Man, I do love 40k. I mean what other franchise can give you a conversation about the nature of humanity, morality, and hypocrisy, what ends justify what means, what "humanity" even is only to have the entire argument undermined by the fact that one participant is wearing a coat made of human skin?
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halemerry · 1 year
Thinking about how the 1941 minisode really sets the stage for the following two episodes. It establishes the mutual trust between them. It establishes Aziraphale finally coming to terms with calling Crowley friend. It establishes Aziraphale as someone who is capable of deceit under pressure and, frankly, as someone who works better under it. It nods at the idea of Crowley's angelic status being potentially returned and rejects the idea in the same sweep with Aziraphale's failure to turn a turnip into an inkwell. It even presents the whole crux of the way Aziraphale and Crowley interact as summarized by the aim for my mouth but shoot past my ear thing. And then there's the whole shades of gray conversation.
There's something interesting in that conversation in particular I wanna draw attention to specifically because. Look what happens in the conversation after they have discussed Aziraphale's magic and verbalized the trust Crowley has in Aziraphale.
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Doesn't it sound familiar?
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It sounds a lot like the least charitable takes on Aziraphale's actions at the end of this season doesn't it? But Crowley rejects the idea pretty much immediately. Saying nah, that's the trouble with you lot. You see something and think it's black or white. He presents the idea, just as he has in all three minisodes, that sometimes the edges need to get blurry.
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And Aziraphale agrees. He out loud starts speaking of gray areas in morality and how Crowley's right here. It once again emphasizes this idea that all three minisodes have gone out of their way to emphasize - that Aziraphale is capable of growth and change and most importantly of stepping into that middle space, knowing sometimes it is the right thing to do.
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The fact that this blunt verbalization of the lessons of all three minisodes happens right after Aziraphale muses about a potential scenario where someone leaves tells us a lot about Aziraphale's actions in the end. It's drawing stark attention to them and tying those concepts directly together. It doesn't matter which theory you favor either - whether Az is lying to Crowley in the end or acting to protect him or doing what he thinks is right - it doesn't matter because they are all morally complex choices. They all exist in the gray spaces and Aziraphale knows it and that's such a fascinating angle to consider with his decision making here.
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aquanutart · 1 year
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muffinlance · 1 year
Can Sokka’s science tell him which of Katara’s 7 spools of blue thread 🧵 is the right one to darn that hole in his shirt with?
It could if she didn't keep changing her answer
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cmbdragon98 · 4 months
Jecki is the best character so far from Acolyte because she told a man who is the epitome of like, Prequel Jedi, to put his clothes back on. Absolutely straight faced.
Like, yeah, we need more of that attitude, thank you queen.
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likesdoodling · 3 months
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I have a lot of pictures in my 'random stage plays' folder. So here's some stuff from Moriarty the Patriot. Cause I can. And yes. I am avoiding my colouring responsibilities, but lineart is so much quicker~
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ar-mage-ddon · 11 months
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to put it lightly i was possessed
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