#is gossip
spideyhexx · 29 days
I don’t know if we’re talking about the same thing, but if your post was about this one **** on here, I totally get you. I actually followed them for quite some time and was making myself anxious for no reason, especially when they started giving proof about some of the things. I literally felt sick to my stomach, and that’s exactly when I knew I had to distance myself a little because, oh well, like you often say, that’s a ***, and I forget that sometimes… (unfortunately, I’m still in the trenches)
thank you anon, I appreciate you🫶
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diabloku · 2 months
An angel on one shoulder 😇
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A devil on the other 😈
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(sikes, they're both devils and they're talking shit)
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fangs-art · 3 months
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Ghosts Tell Me
Ghosts gather near the place where something bad is going to happen,
Danny with his ghost sense tends to notice before anyone else and tends to react outwardly before the danger even happens, gaining a reputation of seeing the future,
Ghosts also tell Danny things, causing Danny to know more about situations and the people around him, it comes of as suspicious.
Danny pulling away a snack from his coworker: "Careful your allergic to these ingredients!"
Coworker: "How the hell...I've never mentioned that to anyone."
Danny on a phone call with his friends while doing his nightly walks in Gotham: "Yeah so apparently the second Robin who is now Red Hood has very personal beef with the clown here cuz he got killed by him after being sold out by his bio mom, which really sucks for the poor guy."
Oracle who has been keeping an Eye on Danny cuz he's very suspicious from an outsiders pov: "Hey B, I think we have a problem."
Danny notices that the ghost in Gotham tends to gather where something bad is going to happen, the more they are the worse the situation will be: *glowing smoke leaves from his mouth* "Yikes! Very bad vibes here, nope!"
Gothamites who at this point recognize him and know the drill and quickly pack up their things to leave:
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Just an Idea
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ahresprite · 4 months
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they’re talking about you 🫵
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pariahsden · 5 months
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"This is Rosie, the most darling, delightful, and dangerous Overlord this side of the Pentagram."
"Oh, always such a charmer."
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averaillisa · 6 months
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old timers
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yourangle-yuordevil · 9 months
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Crowley bby you did your best and you deserves a gold "you tried" star but a group of two is NOT a clear definition AT ALL
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tayaf · 8 months
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Taylor Swift 10/26/23.
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onemagpie · 2 years
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Au where Goncharov and Andrey survive everything, grow old together and sit on a street all day somewhere in the south of Europe
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malusokay · 8 months
10 tips for casual elegance ⋆。𖦹 °✩
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Reading. Reading. Reading. Being well-read is so valuable!! Get cosy, pick up a Jane Austen, Emily Brontë, or maybe a Charles Dickens and spend some of your free time indulging in literature. <3
Soft-spoken and kind expressions. No one likes being around rude people. Being a bitch doesn’t make you look confident. Instead, be kind, make conversation, pay attention, engage, etc… trust me.
Dainty jewellery. Find some high-quality signature pieces.
Think before you speak. Take a moment to reflect on your thoughts so you can speak confidently and with intent without stumbling over your words!! <3 
Quality over quantity. Stop buying large amounts of cheap clothing; instead, save up and invest in higher-quality pieces that will actually last you. :)
Practice your handwriting. Having pretty and neat handwriting is a lovely little detail; extra points if you write in cursive. ;)
Drop the tiktok slag. “sticking out your gyat for the rizzler”… just stop, please.
Keep to yourself. Small circle, no bragging, gossips only with the closest, keep your plans to yourself.
Watch your posture. Straighten that back, honey. I see you. :))
Manicured nails. I do mine every two weeks. Almond-shaped, always dark red. <3
As always, Please feel free to add your own suggestions and tips in the comments!! ♡ ₊ ⊹
✩‧₊*:・love ya ・:*₊‧✩
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ladyystardusst · 19 days
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lilislegacy · 3 months
hot take (maybe)
i know many of you think percy is the gossip guy, but in the books he usually doesn’t really care about what’s going on in other people’s lives that much. he cares about his friends obviously, but he doesn’t ever give off the vibes of being someone who would enjoy gossip and drama at all. i feel like he’s the “i didn’t ask” guy. like tell me this isn’t how it would go
annabeth: oh good you’re home! how were the guys?
percy: good. i tried to teach frank to skateboard. it… it didn’t go very well. that guy is strong as fuck but he has terrible balance!
annabeth: i could have told you that. is anything new with any of them?
percy: i don’t know. not really? although when we were watching the game, chris mentioned him and clarisse broke up. it was right before halftime when-
percy: uhh, i don’t know
annabeth: okay well when did they break up?
percy: hm, i don’t know
annabeth: what do you mean you don’t know?? did he not want to talk about it??
percy: maybe. i don’t know. i didn’t ask
annabeth: you- you didn’t ask??
annabeth: this is why i need leo to be at these things!
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Language! Part 1
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This comic is older, but clean enough that I didn’t feel the need to redraw! Darn perfectionism lol
So the ways that different animals communicate varies vastly between them. For example, rats hear things on a spectrum slightly above human hearing, and there are recent studies touching on how with special microphones, scientists have discovered that rats squeak a lot to one another in high pitches to communicate between them like their own little secret language! While there are significantly less studies on turtle behavior the same can be said for them, as baby turtles will make low noises that signal when the others of their nest are hatching, and in general they hear much lower frequencies on account of their scale covered eardrums and need for underwater listening.
So with that, how do the animal traits of Splinter and his kids line up?
They probably have a base hearing range similar to a humans, but the turtles can probably hear and speak lower sounds than Splinter and vice versa. What shenanigans could they get up to?
Cue cussing in a frequency range that Splinter shouldn’t be able to hear…
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yeoldenews · 1 month
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A selection of strange and cryptic personal ads from The New York Herald, 1860s to 1890s. 14/?
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skyleclerc · 2 months
george just "discreetly" trying to listen to the drama is so 😭😭😭
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