#is definitely something I see Callum say to Aaravos
jamieedlund · 2 years
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Day 5 - Cascade🌊✨🌪✨🌊
A quiet storm; hidden within the fallen star.
Ok I've always wanted to do something different with his hair and yea I skipped day 4 because i wanted to work on my own comic. Hope you guys like the cascade/waterfall-y like version of his hair. Some sort of... river of light maybe idk...It looks very fun tho! I like seeing them both happy ✨ Process
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Also this song goes very well with this illust I swear i listened to it all day
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raayllum · 2 months
scene of all time. to me
I'm gonna be circling back to Rayla and Callum's argument/talk over the dark magic use over and over again in the next 6ish months (if not years) so this is not all of it, but everything I feel ready to articulate right now. Let's go
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First off we have Rayla's concern being at the forefront of her mind — dark magic almost seemingly killed him the first time, "it puts [his] life in terrible danger," she wants to protect him and doesn't want him to be hurt, etc. Callum tries to put moral qualms onto her (and we'll get to his in a second) and see if that's her reasoning, but Rayla doesn't take it cause she hit that turning point way back in 2x08 / 2x09.
I also think the framing of "Because it makes you vulnerable to the thing you're most afraid of" is interesting, because I don't really believe Callum when he agrees.
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Between "I think deep down I knew, I just hoped if I didn't think about it" and "When you were under the ice I was so scared, I thought I was going to lose you like we lost her" and "I'm afraid that he'll use me [...] and hurt people I care about," I think what Callum is most afraid of is Ezran or Rayla dying. Full stop. After all, he was more unwilling to live in that reality than he was in one where Aaravos took him over.
Gonna talk about her asking why in a bit, wanna talk about Callum's outburst and dismissal first.
C: It doesn't matter. I did it, I'm ruined, it's too late for me, who cares?
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He spirals hard with his anger and upset over everything, and you can tell by her face how worried she is. Even the fact that Callum looks away from her repeatedly in this scene, similar to how he avoided looking at her when she first came in 4x03, to have those emotional walls and distance up. It likewise makes me think of Callum insisting "There has to be a way to make it right" in 1x02 only for Harrow to inform him "No, it's too late for that". There's also some semblance of "well I made my choice so I'm just Like This now" that we saw/see from Viren (and Aaravos) as well, which of course isn't true, but that's how it feels. Why Callum is so adamant about this is another thing I'll get to in a minute.
But contrast the "I'm ruined" with Rayla's "you're a good person Callum, maybe the goodest" in a couple of episodes, and the "who cares?" when Rayla is right there, caring about him as he pulls a, well, her of sorts.
Then we have Rayla reaffirming for the 4th time that she wants to know why Callum would keep doing something that's dangerous, that hurts him, that puts him in terrible danger (almost like how she Leaves to protect him or uses herself as a shield constantly or something).
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What is his 'good reason' (5x01) because the only thing that makes sense to her is that he'd have one? What could Possibly be worth that cost and level of risk to him, of the thing she believes he's scared the most of?
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Wasn't the one she was expecting, we can say that much.
C: Finnegrin was going to kill you. I didn't have a choice, because... I would do anything for you.
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Now, there's two ways to read the above line. You can read it as Callum trailing off in "I didn't have a choice, because..." his love for her compelled him to act, and there was no other option he was willing to consider. This best fits with the condensed/cut lines from Finnegrin's Wake of "It seems to me like love has a tighter grip on you than those chains around your wrists, so I'll do you a favour and set you free" where Callum could either lose Rayla but 'be free' or keep loving her and stay 'chained'. Then, "I would do anything for you" is a reaffirmation of how he feels and his vow of sorts to her. This is the one I lean towards if I had to pick definitively between them.
The second way we can read the line is "I didn't have a choice because I would do anything for you," which is that his capacity for the 'anything' removes his agency. This is definitely the one that's in line with the mindset of dark magic creates, which is that if I can do something, if I can save/help/protect/cure someone, then how can I not, no matter the cost or sacrifice?
Rayla processes the reevaluation of the vow and its boundaries.
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He did it for her, risked all of that and himself for her, in order to save her life. "Am I supposed to thank you?" And I think again we see the parallels between her leaving to protect him, and how she would've rather died than have Callum use dark magic again (as she's about to say in a minute) but this really stood out to me in comparison to Viren and Claudia and Viren and Soren later this season.
Claudia mandates "You have to stay! You have to [do what I want]! I saved you! You owe me your life!" in 6x01. We learn in 6x06 what, precisely, Viren did to save Soren's life, and Soren then offers up his heart to Viren for Katolis in 6x08, something in Claudia's vein of logic (though not to her herself) Viren would be entitled to. But Viren, and Callum, make it clear that Soren and Rayla don't owe them anything just because the two mages saved their lives with dark magic.
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Then Rayla switches gears and gets to the heart of the matter.
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Now this was really exciting to me for a few reasons. The first is that I always wanted the "Make the sacrifice" angle from Viren-Aaravos in 5x09 to come back around for Rayla and Callum in a future season since I love that fourway foils dynamic a lot. Rayla refusing to kill him, and Callum refusing to let her be killed/sacrificed in some other manner. You don't have characters say shit like this (nor have this be what causes Callum to stumble and the ship starts breaking) unless you plan on going there for both of them, which is likewise what I've always wanted since even before S4 came out. The fact that this is also spearheading us to talk about Rayla's ideas of sacrifice and of herself ("Cause I know you Rayla, you never do anything for yourself") is especially beautiful and exciting.
Ergo, this argument is the scene of all time. To Me.
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sorinethemastermind · 10 days
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An Assassin Analysis
I was honestly not expecting to see Ram, Skor, Callisto, and Andromeda again. I thought that their role in the story had ended in Season One, but I especially thought that after their souls passed on in Through the Moon.
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When Rayla first went through the portal at the Moon Nexus she encountered them; something that was surprising to me. I had assumed that they, not turned into coins or held in limbo by Aaravos, would simply have passed on. But we discovered in the comic that their spirits were not at peace;
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After seeing that the binding was gone from Rayla's wrist, they assumed that meant she had completed their mission and killed Ezran. They vanished before she was able correct them. I took this as them passing on in peace once they believed that their mission had been completed.
So why, now, are we seeing them again?
"The Keeper has a secret." That is what the Instagram post with the new screen shots says. So... are the assassins connected to The Keeper's secret?
Based on the Moon arcanum's relationship with the afterlife, death, and the thin line between reality and illusion, my first thought is that The Keeper is some sort of "Keeper of Souls". But that doesn't make sense, because I don't think that Ram, Skor, Callisto, and Andromeda are going to come back. I think that this is an illusion of them. Or, at most, their spirits being called back to speak one final time (maybe my theory can be correct).
I don't think that they're really there, and I don't think that they'll be brought back from death.
In the image, we see them holding out their hands as if to cup one of the metal lotuses that Ethari made, though they're empty.
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And beyond that, I feel like what Rayla is standing in with them could be the pool of water in the Silvergrove, where said lotuses are placed.
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One theory I have is that Rayla is in a sort of "trial" to have her status as a Ghost removed. But there are many more options.
Whatever the case, this makes me think that we will definitely be seeing the Silvergrove again. But does that mean that Runaan and Rayla are going to go off on a solo mission while Callum heads to Katolis?
Another option is that, if my theory is correct and The Keeper does have a connection to the afterlife, they could potentially use him to commune with the spirit of those that originally put Aaravos away; learning the whereabouts of the Nova Blade.
So maybe they go to the Silvergrove for help, and to reunite Runaan and Ethari, but before The Keeper will help them Rayla must face what happened back in Season One and her status amongst the elves there as a Ghost.
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I love when the voiceovers in trailers straight up categorize some of the characters for us before we even get the season:
In the S3 trailer, we got Soren's voicover calling a specific pair of characters evil:
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Viren and Khessa.
Now we have the S6 trailer, and the song that plays in it has a line of particular interest to me:
We are the sinners
Let's take a look at who's on screen during that line:
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Runaan. Callum and Aaravos. Claudia. And Terry.
Runaan's an assassin. He killed Harrow, among many others. Callum keeps doing dark magic. Aaravos is manipulating everyone to do horrible things, including murder (see most everything Viren did under his guidance). Claudia has killed a lot of creatures and at least one humanoid, if not two.
And Terry, cinnamon roll that he is, killed Ibis.
They've all killed someone or something, as a deliberate choice. This puts them in a different category than, say, Amaya, who ended up shoving elves at the Breach into the lava when they tried to kill her.
The difference is the deliberate choosing, versus defending oneself. Amaya carries a sword, but she's known for her shield. She's a protector, and the Sunforge declared her pure of heart.
I wonder what it would say about these guys.
But this isn't an exhaustive list of TDP's sinners. There's one person who should definitely be here with the other killers, but he isn't.
Too spoilery.
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colonelpancakes · 20 days
Watching The Dragon Prince Season Six Part Nine: Stardust! The time has come to see if Rayla will make it out of this season with the most parents. I hope so
Under the cut as per the usual!
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Hey, the quote from the beginning of episode one! I wonder if we’ll find out more about him and that other Startouch elf given that he’s quoting them now.
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Ohhh. Okay. I was entirely convinced that the quasar diamond was another fake. Whoops
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Oh, Claudia, honey… 🥺
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Skafjlk Something about Aaravos just suddenly showing up next to Claudia so that he can shush her is so funny to me. I think it might be Terry’s face.
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HUH? EXCUSE ME??? That was not something I expected. Aaravos has a kid?? Hello?
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Darling!!! Oh, honey. She looks so sweet!!! I love her already.
I am also already feeling immense dread because Aaravos is talking about her in the past tense and she isn’t here in present day. “Had a daughter” oh god. Something bad is going to happen to the baby isn’t it. I am not ready.
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Sweethearttttt. Oh my god, the way that you can hear the love in Aaravos’s voice as he talks about her… It’s not an emotion don't think I could have pictured on him before this episode but it's so tangible, the voice acting in this episode is incredible. This episode is going to murder me isn’t it.
Also, I like how the terms he's using to describe her could also easily apply to Claudia whom he's trying to get to empathize with him. To connect her own love for her father to his love for his daughter.
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Okay, this might be me reading into it but. The way his daughter's hands are held in this picture looks a lot like the way I flap my hands when I stim. Is Aaravos’s daughter maybe neurodivergent? Either way, I love her already, she’s so sweet.
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Give Aaravos’s VA an award. The RANGE this man has, spanning from threatening to playful to right here where it’s so soft and sad and full of love for his daughter.
Also, the adoraburrs!!! Look at her!!!
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…I am remembering vividly that response from the writers when someone asked if the Startouch child in the intro was a younger Aaravos and they responded that the child was Leola. Oh no. And again, the fact that Aaravos is talking about Leola only in the past tense… I am not ready for this episode oh no. NOTHING HAS EVEN HAPPENED YET AND I’M ABOUT TO CRY.
Also, the animators always do such an amazing job with Aaravos’s expressions. I just. Oh…
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Callum, buddy, I don't think you're helping.
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Oh, Rayla, honey… I might be wrong but I think that’s the first time Rayla has actually verbally acknowledged Runaan and Ethari as her parents. I know she’s called them her family before but I don’t think she’s called them her parents.
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“Those coins will guide you. Each coin contains a fragment of a soul. On the other side, the rest of the soul longs to be whole again, for it cannot pass into death incomplete.”
I like the clarification of what the coins actually do to a person and why they’re worse than death. Because they don’t allow the spirit to achieve peace by passing on or allow them to continue their life, they trap them in between life and death. I also really like that they’re bringing back the stuff from Through the Moon.
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Callum… I love them so much oh my gosh. He’s so nervous for her…
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They're so sweet, I love them!!!
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Ough and the fact that, to get her family back, Rayla has to dive into the lake despite her fear of the water.
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OHH NOO I am getting Through the Moon flashbacks, Runaan??? Buddy?? I wonder if it’s a side effect of being in the coin? Are Rayla’s bio parents gonna be like that too?
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While the corruption obviously isn’t great, I must say, I like the curly hair on Runaan.
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RUNAAN. NO. No killing Rayla. Bad Runaan.
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Rayla, honey...
Petition to give Rayla a break.
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Oh, they’re dancing. Interesting. Maybe it's some kind of trance that Rayla needs to break them out of? Like there's a different challenge for each soul that she needs to overcome? I don't know, something definitely feels off.
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Ohh… The way Claudia looks up at him, she's so enraptured in the story.
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Baby!!! Baby girl!!
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OH??? It looks like each side unlocks a different arcanum and a different version of the book, intriguing…
I wonder if there’s something particularly special written in the book or if it’s just a tome of knowledge of the arcanums. Rayla did originally think the cube was a piece from a children’s game, maybe in a way, she was right.
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SKjafslkjf. Leolaaa. I love mustache Aaravos so much. And it’s so humanizing seeing such a different side of him. To have a moment where he’s not some all-knowing mysterious arch-mage but just a father with a young daughter who likes to poke fun at him sometimes.
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Oh no!! Kiddo!
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Aaravos being so gentle with the little kid…
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Ohh Aaravos definitely knows whoever took Leola and by the look of it, he does not like them very much.
Also, I’m curious who the golden dragon was, that’s an interesting detail.
Continued in reblogs!
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bisexualenbyblueberry · 3 months
I watched it on Netflix several times and it says in the subtitles that the British person doing the beginning narration is named Kosmo. Do with that what you will.
In what Kosmo is saying there's obviously some "we are all stardust" symbolism, but what exactly does he mean by "a thousand eyes"? Could it have something to do with the fact that the celestial elves all hide their eyes? I'm honestly guessing that Kosmo might be the elf that's beside Astrid in some of the shots, the one with some orange hair? Also off topic but Astrid and possibly-Kosmo both have other hair colors peeking out from the navy, do we think that their culture dyes their hair to match the color of the night sky?
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3. The pillars have something that looks very similar to Viren's staff in them. This enforces the theory that the celestial elves worship or are related to Aaravos in some way, because isn't it implied/confirmed that Aaravos gave Ziard that staff? Also, the pillars are all a slightly different shade, and I'm pretty sure they're supposed to be the arcanums (sun, moon, ocean and earth here)
4. Karim got his ring back, along with that new outfit
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5. You can see Pyrrah and Zym approaching in the upper right corner here, along with something on the ground- the shadowpaw, maybe? (Also, sorry about the subtitles- I took these in a rush)
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6. We finally found that salad mixer! Also, if the pillars are supposed to be representing the primal sources, why are there EIGHT of them? If you look close enough, the visible one in the center here is purple. I suppose this could have something to do with Aaravos giving humanity dark magic, if they do worship him? (Also, please note the lyric "the stars fall")
(Editing: I wrote seven. There are eight. I was counting in a rush. I apologize, I'm, once again, a dumbass)
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7. WHY IS RUNAAN CORRUPTED? I'm praying to God this is a nightmare of some sort. The background is starry, so this is definitely something happening at the starscraper-how on earth could he have gotten corrupted??
(Editing: Like, the same corruption the banther had)
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8. Okay, this may be something they edited for the trailer itself, but look at this!! Also, I do believe this is supposed to be Finnegrin's office. Maybe Callum has another meeting with Aaravos in his nightmares and shows up where he did dark magic the second time while Aaravos tries to convince him to join his side while showing him a corrupted version of himself- sort of like when he went into that first dark magic trance? And Aaravos is sort of smiling smugly in the next shot.
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9. Okay, crying aside, WHY IS HE IN THE VALLEY OF THE LOST? Or whatever the place where Harrow and Sarai's statues are is called? Like, same steps, same pire, that is definitely the valley of the lost. He couldn't have ended up there by himself, could he? And if he went with Claudia to do whatever it is she wants to do now (I guess chase after Viren, maybe?) I guess he did forgive her for the whole almost-stabbing-him-and-leaving-him-on-the-beach debacle?
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10. Honestly no idea about the context for this one, there's blood in his hair and I felt like pointing that out.
(Editing: Also those are the little brick towers that are on that bridge thing where Soren does lunges and talks to Viren and Callum and shit. So he is beat senseless, but also in Katolis?)
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11. I'm pretty sure if you zoom in close enough, that's Claudia (or maybe Viren, not sure)- so Terry did indeed follow her to the valley of the lost. No idea what she's up to, but something bad enough to make Terry cry.
And that's it! God, I'm excited. the 26th can't come fast enough
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jelzorz · 1 year
The trip home is pretty quick, but after Aaravos' prison is safe in their hands, and they can rest easy, at least for now, Ezran sits away from the others and plays the journey over in his mind—and what a journey it's been.
Ezran's pretty used to danger now. He will never forget their first adventure: the smoke wolves, the avalanche, the ice, the illusions, Pyrrah, Xadia, the Battle of the Storm Spire—it's so easy to lose track of but he remembers it all in vivid detail, and he was nine then, and far too young to have been in those situations to begin with. Then there was the journey they took to see Rex Igneous, and those were filled with Earthblood elf bandits, and cave monsters, and more dragons, cave-ins, and again—too much, too young, and like, it's fine, and he always comes out fine but—
He looks at the yellowing bruise under Callum's eye, and catches the way Soren winces and clutches his ribs when he moves too quickly, and dreams of Rayla dangling over the mouth of a sea leviathan, and those things are... Not fine. Not even a little. Because yeah, danger is part of an adventurer's job, but the danger his friends were in were not because they were on the adventure—they were because of him.
He'd thought, at the time, that it was barbaric to use baby glow toads as bait for Leviathans, and it felt like the right thing at the time, but what had it cost? Rayla had almost died, and Callum won't say the word, but he knows Finnegrin tried to torture him into dark magic, and Soren took hit after hit after hit, and for what? For him. For stealing three baby glow toads that he could probably have just bought if he'd been a bit better prepared. There were other ways, other avenues he should have considered, and instead—
He looks at the pile of glow toads in his lap and swallows, picturing his friends, his family, bruised and in danger all over again, his gut writhing with shame.
"You okay?"
That's Soren. He looks up at him and offers him a grin that doesn't reach his eyes. "Fine," he says. "Just thinking."
"You gotta be thinking about something pretty sad to lie to me that badly." Soren twitches his lips at him, wry but kind, and sits down, feet dangling over the ocean through the balusters. "Go on. What's wrong?"
Ez sighs and ducks his head. "Sorry," he mumbles. "Everything with Finnegrin was my fault. And you, and Callum, and Rayla... you shouldn't have gotten hurt like that."
"I mean." Soren laughs. "I've had worse."
"No you haven't."
"I broke my back once. I've definitely had worse." He smirks, far too smug for someone with broken ribs. "I did that for the wrong reasons, though. That sucked. This time?" He picks up Hat, his favourite, and sets the glow toad on his head. "Worth it. Would do it again."
Soren gives him a look, far sterner than Ez thought he was capable. "Don't," he says. "Seriously. I'm not going to let you feel guilty about this. Everybody makes mistakes, and maybe stealing these little guys wasn't the best idea but, like—" He pauses like he's looking for the right words. "We'll do dumber things in the future, I'm sure of it, but we're never going to regret them if we're doing them for the right reasons. You're the right reason. Okay?"
"But I mean—"
Ez ducks his head. "I just don't want you guys to get hurt because of me."
"Better than you getting hurt because of us." Soren ruffles his hair affectionately. "You're the king. And you're Ezran. We'll do what we have to do, the same as you would for us. It happened. You're forgiven. It's all good." He nudges Ez and winks, even as Hat slips off his head and over his face.
Ez snorts. "Yeah. I guess. Thanks Soren."
(He wonders, inwardly, if that's his cue to forgive himself and he understands, for the first time, why it's so hard, and why some people never do).
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herwrittenuniverse · 1 year
The Dragon Prince's "Mercy" Motif
TDP Fam, this is so fascinating.
I made this post about the connection between two characters' names. Nothing is coincidental in this show. The creators have things mapped out for future seasons.
🚨Spoilers below! 🚨
We know this arc is called The Mystery of Aaravos, and so far - in the show, anyway - he does appear more malevolent than benevolent, using characters as pawns (Viren, Callum, Claudia) to achieve his means (freedom). He was one of the Great Ones, but he lost privilege and title, becoming known as The Fallen Star. It was revealed that he's been behind wars, manipulating leaders for centuries, and so he was locked away because he was too dangerous. (If you're reading this, you've seen the show and know all of this.)
Now...E1S6 (which was previewed at NYCC) opens with a conversation between him and another Startouch Elf. He's distraught - it's the first time we've ever seen Aaravos showing such incredibly desperate emotions. (As I've mentioned, he's being painted as a sympathetic character.)
First, you wanna make a bet these statues depict the very scene featured in S1E6?
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It's too perfect.
Now, this elf is called The Merciful One. As I pointed out in my other post, there is another character that is associated with mercy. You guessed it:
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Her story is literally called The Queen's Mercy and one of the many titles bestowed upon her (if you read the story) is Queen Aditi, the Merciful. (I've already done the math in this post here.)
Now, why is this so fascinating?
Mercy, by definition, is compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm. (Thanks dictionary.com.) But as we know from reading The Queen's Mercy, Aditi isn't merciful at all. She's cunning. Kim'dael goes to Aditi seeking sanctuary. What does she get in return? A Mercy Debt.
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Could this be considered merciful? I mean...she did not banish or harm Kim'dael. But she's trapped eternally, and literally owes her life. Kim'dael is a villainous character, no doubt - but that is not compassion or forgiveness. (Whether or not she deserves it is a different conversation.)
Now let's go back to Aaravos and the Merciful One, shall we?
If you look the images, Aaravos is clearly distraught, and yet the Merciful One appears calm, cool, collected. We can assume he's...well, granting mercy.
By what? Imprisoning Aaravos? This could very well be the moment he is imprisoned.
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But is it true compassion? Is it true forgiveness? Or is it, "I'm granting you something in my power because - even though it seems wrong to you - it's for the greater good." I could see Startouch Elf philosophy being cold and factual, distant and matter-of-fact - leaving no room for matters of the heart or emotions. (Doesn't this elf reference that Aaravos is in this position because of love [and I suspect has something to do with Leola]? If someone can get me their exact quote, that would be fantastic.)
This opens up a really interesting conversation regarding the term 'mercy' - because what I think is happening here is that there are two characters in power (The Merciful One and Queen Aditi) who are technically granting 'mercy' (although I am only hypothesizing based on the new Startouch Elf's name), and yet it is not at all merciful to the character. It's almost as if they're both saying, "Yeah, this sucks for you right now, but it's going to be better off for everyone else in the end." Kim'dael is 'imprisoned' by the Mercy Debt. Aaravos is literally imprisoned.
I mean, Kim'dael is in the same position as Aaravos' statue in the Sea of the Castout.
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I don't think this is a coincidence. I think both of these things will come back to bite our beloved Dragang. They are the ones who have to deal with the consequences, after all.
Did they deserve this treatment? For Kim'dael - I'm leaning towards yes, she is clearly a villain and has done horrific things.
And...we know that Aaravos has something to do with Aditi's disappearance.
But did Aaravos deserve this - imprisonment?
Now that is yet to be seen. And I have a feeling S6 will leave us all questions more than answers.
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fritoley · 1 month
The Dragon Prince Thoughts 6x04 - The Starscraper
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“Are those Draconic words?”
Honey I know you did not just read out loud unfamiliar words when you KNOW Draconic words are usually spell incantations and would almost definitely do something—
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“I’m so messed up, Terry. I’ve been stuck just staring, for over an hour now.”
I mean at least she’s self-aware that’s a good first step
She seriously needs therapy tho
Shit everyone in this show does lmao—
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LMAO that was cold
He ain’t taking no shit today
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“I think…I need to see my dad again.”
Oh wow. I thought with Viren leaving that Claudia was going to go over the edge and just go all in. Freeing Aaravos, supporting his plans and whatnot, and honestly I thought she was going to be so gone in her grief and stuff that terry was going to join team zym to try and get her back. Seeing her take a step back and try to find the right path is surprising, but it’s good.
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“How do you feel about spiders?”
Okay I seriously love Astrid she’s frickin amazing
I hope we see a lot of her in later seasons
Also KOSMO IS SP PRETTY ugh I’ve always loved vitiligo it’s absolutely beautiful—
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“The Elder is the only living Celestial Elf who has ever removed his blindfold and let in the starlight.”
Wait so do Skywing elves have super long life spans or something? Do all elves live super long like that? I’ll have to look it up I forgot—
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Wait didn’t the staff originally belong to Ziard? AND DIDN’T ZIARD GET IT FROM AARAVOS??? So much BACKSTORY
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“I’m afraid the Novablade was given to a brave human girl hundreds of years ago.”
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“He’s back, Soren. Your father, he’s here.”
Soren’s really gonna have a rough time this season I already know it.
It’s gonna be baaaaaaddd
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He’s already distressed poor babyyyy 😭
OKAY it’s really picking up now. I didn’t say anything about the “Chosen Two” stuff Callum and Rayla are dealing with cuz i didn’t really have any commentary on that part but I am excited to see what happens there. Claudia really surprised me with her internal conflict and stuff and I’m glad she’s thinking rationally now i hope it stays that way. I think it’s safe to say that from here on out this season is going to get extremely tense, so buckle up :'D
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idkjustletmescroll · 3 months
As a girl eagerly counting down the days until July 26th, I've made up a list of shit I want to see happen in season 6 of the dragon prince that I do in fact expect everyone to care about:
1: Janaya janaya janaya janaya I just love themmmm (buuuttt they both have to stay alive).
2: Speaking of janaya, i know there's a chance we get a wedding this season, which i wouldn't be opposed to. If we kept humans and elves as the main conflict like we did in the first three seasons, I'd say they should have it at the end of the show, but it feels more like aaravos vs the dragaang at this point, which...
3: More characters with more to do! In the first dragon prince, we had a bunch of minor characters (the other monarchs, prince kasef, opeli and corvus, nyx, ethari, a shit ton of soldiers, etc.), do things that affected our main characters in plenty of ways, which made it feel like there was a whole world out there being affected. Now, it's not that there are NO side characters affecting the main plot, it just feels so centered on the aaravos plot. I feel like they should have kept a bit more "elves and humans need to unite and move forward to defeat aaravos" but it's fine. I still like the show.
4: Rayllum making up. Not necessarily in a romantic relationship, though I would EAT THAT UP if it happened, but, if they haven't gotten back into their romantic relationship by the end of season 6, they should clearly be well on their way there, and we should know how they both feel about it.
5: De-coining. They've been trapped in there long enough.
6: I kind of want to see viren well and truly dead, just because of the downward SPIRAL it would send my girl claudia into. But I also feel like he has more to offer? I know we have a clip of him doing SOMETHING this season, but that could be a flashback. Idk. I feel like him voluntarily giving up power, and his own life, was a good ending for him, and the way claudia reacts in that first teaser we got definitely makes it seem like he's dead? But I also kind of want him to have a meaningful interaction with the other characters he's affected--rayla, callum, ezran, obviously; I kind of want to see what would happen if he realizes how far gone claudia is, joins the dragaang with the belief that he can save her from aaravos, and somehow meets janai? I feel like they've always had really strong writing for viren, though. So I'm trusting you, tdp writers.
7: Terry turn away from Claudia. This could turn into him trying to sabotage her, straight-up leaving, becoming a double agent, whatever. But he can only delude himself for so long.
8: I want the sunfire elf conflict to end and for them to help fight aaravos (he killed khessa and corrupted lux aurea, okay? They deserve to help beat him). I'd also be fine with them wrapping THAT conflict up somewhere around the middle of season 7, but I don't want them dragging it out all through to the end of it.
9: The key of aaravos should become more important. I get that it was essential to callum figuring out primal magic, but also, we've had it since s1 ep4, and it's still very distinctly in callum's possession. What else is up with this thing?
10: Janaya (again) being badass war generals. We all saw them in the first three seasons, right? Amaya was fully ready to kill a teenager (an elf, but still), in her first episode. And also kicked down a door and won my heart. She threw multiple elves into lava. Janai took over amaya's fortress thing and tried to kill her for a good bit of her screentime (I wish they would emphasize janai being strategic a little more. Like...she would've HAD that stronghold if that soldier didn't start using sign language). THEY led the defense of the storm spire!
11: ANDDD speaking of janaya, one last thing: I want the human soldiers respecting janai, and the sunfire elves recognizing Amaya as their queen. Even just a "your radianceS," plural, or something. She's going to be their queen--consort, i guess, technically, but still. I feel like we haven't gotten a big enough sense of that.
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xadian-daydreams · 1 year
Key of Aaravos
This has definitely been discussed before, but most of what I see relates the Key to the prison or helping Callum/humans learn arcanum, so here's my 2 cents.
In short, it's how and why Aaravos is an archmage of all six Primals - when he shouldn't be an archmage at all. Full explanation below the cut.
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Arcanum Theory
This is my understanding of how this works.
Xadians are gifted at birth with arcanum, which connects them to facet(s) of a Primal Source. Arcanums vary between species, with elves being the only ones where arcanum varies between individual members. They can choose to explore and fulfill their potential with it, but they can't ever exceed it. You can only become an archmage if you were born with an arcanum with archmage potential. If you weren't, no amount of effort, learning, philosophising etc can make you become an archmage - you simply weren't born with that destiny. Another example, if you were born a Moonshadow elf with an arcanum related to appearance and perception, then you can study to become an illusionist, but you couldn't become life/death moon druid.
Humans have no born connection to any Primal Source, but they also have no limits placed on their potential if they manage a connection, beyond time dedicated to exploring the Primal concepts and their capacity to understand. If a human connects to Moon and wants to learn illusions, and druid magic, and shadow magic and... you get the gist, well, they totally can with enough effort.
The way around arcanum limits (or having no Primal connection) is using magic gems and Primal Stones - which artificially gives you temporary access to archmage grade arcanum and a bunch of primal energy to channel into rune spells.
(Alternatively, there's also the Bloodmoon cult, who used dark magic to alter their inborn arcanum to liberate themselves from the restriction of the moon cycle.)
The Exception to the Rule
Then there's Aaravos, who's so unique and special the rules didn't apply, and he managed become an archmage in all six Primals. (Did you know the six stars on his face are astral tattoos? Man wanted to make a point).
But what if Aaravos isn't exceptional and has the same limits every other Xadian has - one arcanum related to a single Primal, probably not even archmage potential, that he is confined and limited by - he just figured out how to cheat better than Primal Stones.
If Aaravos held a Primal Stone for each Primal, he could fake his abilities. But Primal Stones have to be in contact and can break. There's no evidence Stars Primal Stones are even possible. Plus, he clearly isn't doing that. But... some way to make a bridge to channel the artificial arcanums without needing to even be near the source. An artefact that can hold something of himself to act as the link. There's a theory of Raayllum's that the Key of Aaravos contains his chest piece (white heart/star core), which helped inspired this theory. Aaravos' chest piece glows when he's accessing the artificial arcanums to cast magic, as he's reconnecting to the missing piece held in the Key.
Why does the Key glow in proximity to magical creatures/active primal magic- maybe a password system. You need archmage/archdragon grade arcanum for each Primal touching the cube simultaneously to open it - which would mean currently only Aaravos could open his Key to retrieve his core.
A Source of Great Power
But there's the hang up of where Aaravos got the full arcanum for Stars to make this Key theory work.
Harrow's letter says the Key unlocks a great power in Xadia, with the Key itself being slightly pulled towards this Source. Conversely, this means the Key is also part of what locked away this great power in the first place.
Running with the theory, this Source would need to contain the full arcanum of all six Primals - the only thing I can think of that would do that is Deep magic - the ancient mashup precursor to Primal magic. So, Aaravos placed some sort of syphon on the Deep Source/Nexus itself, and connected it to himself via the Key.
The bigger question is - does this tie into Aaravos' gift of dark magic to humanity as a whole? Dark magic is intrinsically linked to Aaravos, using it forms a connection to him personally. Is there Deep Nexus being augmented to artificially allow the casting of dark magic. Which would mean this Key could be used to access a means to the source of dark magic - which could be disabled.
Also, it's probably not a coincidence the dark magic symbol has the diamond shape of Aaravos' Star chest piece in it.
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And a final question - if the Key is giving Aaravos arcanum, could it be used to remove his arcanum, giving him the same unlimited potential as a human. Presumably, his long experience with using the Primals would translate into reconnecting, human style, fairly easily. (And I have another theory which would mean Aaravos would have access to a backup arch potential Stars connection he could use to reconnect, if that's the one Primal you can't force). Just saying this because of the alternate Callum opening which indicates Callum's going to do something with the Key that Aaravos wants to happen - and Callum thinking he's defeating Aaravos when he's actually making his power independent... Seems like something Aaravos would find hilarious. (Edit: I also just noticed Callum is staring at the Stars symbol on the Key in the opening, which is more evidence that the person who will be holding it has Stars Primal. And after discussing, Callum could just be after putting the chest piece back in so he can stab it with the Novablade, but I'm still convinced there's more of an angle then that, 'cause where does Aaravos benefit?)
Sorry if something like this has come up before, not trying to tread on toes, but there's quite a few theories about the Key out there...
Thanks for reading.
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kradogsrats · 1 year
also, to address the elephant in the viren-is-my-babygirl room:
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Like, okay.
Honestly, I'm gonna have to see it, because this description is actually incredibly fucking vague:
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Is it exactly the same as the prior opening except for this change? How is the Viren statue/pawn being touched? Is Aaravos going to pick it up, as before, or is he now poking or flicking it away to crumble? What happens after? How does Aaravos react? Is it even Aaravos doing the touching, as in the prior opening, or is it someone/something new?
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Aaravos, buddy, maybe if you didn't grab everything with full force, your toys wouldn't break all the goddamn time.
Because NGL, my initial reaction was actually pretty positive, here. If everything is otherwise the same as the prior opening, Aaravos is reaching to grab a pawn, a trapped piece in the game he's playing. For that piece to crumble away at his touch... he can't use it, anymore. His strategy, based on moving that piece, is interrupted and needs to shift.
Which... doesn't bode super well for Callum:
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But still.
Now, that doesn't tell us a ton about whether Viren is likely to be alive or not. I think it depends a bit on whether Aaravos was counting on him falling back into dark magic or on being alive, and whether those are truly connected (in the way Viren rejected). I would also not be surprised if they keep us hanging for the entire fucking season on that question, but I may be a little bit jaded.
And of course, there's also this:
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Which... I'm gonna do another compare and contrast post because I literally have enough screenshots rn to fill a bulletin board and pin them all together with red string. But I'll say that while I don't have a clue what it means, it's not fucking coincidence. (So it's definitely going to be extremely obvious in hindsight, but whatever.)
But yeah, I dunno. I still think it's solid 50-50. But the crumbling to dust is not an inarguable indicator that Viren is dead.
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raayllum · 4 months
Hello! Can I first just say that I absolutely love your work? Cuz I do!
Anyways I had a question/thought to share with you. Idk if it’s been discussed before but why do you think it is that the cube will only glow for one arcanum at a time even if two separate ones are in the same proximity to it? For example when Rayla returns in s4 the cube glows for the star arcanum presumably for Stella but not the moon symbol for Rayla even tho she is actively using her moon shadow form. I know Stella was closer to it at first but it began to glow before she touched it and even after that while she was on Raylas shoulder the moon symbol never lit up. And why did the star arcanum win out at that point and not the moon arcanum?
Again sorry if this is a redundant question or is something already explained that I never saw!
Thank you!! Your kind words are very much appreciated <3
I've written about the cube (specifically onscreen rune placement) here, but I've never done a formal analysis about how and why the rune itself glows. This is largely because, while TDP is a detail oriented series, there is no definitive answer for how/when the key glows as opposed to any other time.
The most consistent glow we see is the rune glowing when it faces the arcanum-holder (plant, animal, person) most directly; if I had to say how it definitively glows, this is probably the one I'd default to.
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However, we see exceptions to that 'rule' all the time, such as when it glows adjacently for Bait or for the moon squirrel (Callum is a dork loser and I love him so much).
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The cube also glows just from having Stella hold it in 4x02/03 (but more on that in a second), even if it means the rune glowing that's Opposite from her, never mind adjacent or next to her.
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Which indicates that presumably whoever holds it should be making it glow... but Callum never does even when he's routinely holding the cube (any of the times in 3x02, when he grabs it from Soren in 4x01 or from the table in 4x04 / 4x07, etc).
But okay, maybe just... loose proximity is enough? Whoever is Closest.
But we see that also not be true more than a few times as well. The fish is sensed a decent amount before it arrives on scene, Callum is a good deal away from the Key, and it ~ glows ~ to help hint that we're arriving at a special Moon place (the Moon Nexus) but never glows when we're actually at the Nexus, nor when we're at any other (the Storm Spire).
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I also don't think it's summoned by whatever is 'the most powerful' source nearby, either, as that would routinely count Callum out pretty unfairly and like I said, it doesn't glow consistently at the Moon Nexus either, so it can't be that either. (Maybe it glows in 1x08 consistently because they're unknowingly surrounded by illusions, and those illusions grow more numerous the higher they get, but I do think they were leaning more towards foreshadowing the Moon Nexus being at the top > anything else.)
While there was enough consistency with how the runes were displayed on screen for me to hedge my bets foreshadowing wise ("You found it?" overlaid the ocean rune made me guess we'd find the prison in s5, routinely highlighting moon but particularly ocean in Callum's dark magic dreams made me think he'd do dark magic/something adjacent to Aaravos' bidding on Rayla's behalf in s5), I think when/why the rune cube glows is just... too much leeway to say anything definitive about an in-universe explanation.
Outside of in-universe laws, though... The cube glows whatever it needs to whenever the story needs it to, almost always tipping the audience off to something before the characters themselves know it (i.e. Callum's burgeoning sky arcanum, the Moon Nexus as previously mentioned), or to help guide Callum to an epiphany (the cube helps him remember the pendant is a moon opal, which he then uses to help Rayla). This is also true in the way information about the key is presented (i.e. we know who Aaravos is when we learn it's his Key almost 2 full seasons before Callum does).
One of the longest running theories regarding the cube is that it would open itself, or open something, if all six primal sources were there to make it glow. This is still pretty reasonable (Callum probably could've experimented with 5/6 primal collections in the timeskip without ever having Star, as it's so rare) but he doesn't express any excitement over Stella having it if that was the case, nor have we ever seen it glow more than one primal at a time even if there'd be good reason(s) for it to. While the "6 primals at once" could still be how the cube is Unlocked (whatever that means) of course, it seems it has to be under those ultra specific collection circumstances to have anything glow more than one at a time, so it sows seeds of doubt for me that that's how it works.
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mateushonrado · 2 months
What I'd like to see in the seventh season of The Dragon Prince
Status Post #11309: Now that season six has arrived on Netflix and that the third arc now back in the planning stages as season 8-10, pending a greenlight from the streaming service, here's what I'd like to see in the upcoming seventh season, which will be titled Book Seven: Dark and will air between the latter half of this year or during next year, probably summer. That said, I hope we'll get a great conclusion to Mystery of Aaravos like having Callum and Rayla getting married in a flashforward and so on.
Claudia and Terry's redemption
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While a friend of mine find the former an inconsistent mess of a character and the latter uninteresting who doesn't do much to the story, I'm in the opinion that they'll find redemption, especially the former since I doubt she'll remain Aaravos' apprentice, given that the fallen Startouch Elf himself has plans for Callum and there are moments in the recent season confirmed that she still has redemption.
She's definitely going to know the truth behind her father Viren's death by that he sacrificed his life to stop Sol Regem and Aaravos than being killed by the tyrannical dragon as punishment as well as realising that Terry was right about Aaravos' motive is revenge.
Flashback anthology episode
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What the show needs is definitely an episode in vein of its spiritual predecessors Avatar: The Last Airbender's "Zuko Alone", "The Tales of Ba Sing Se", "Appa's Lost Days" and "The Avatar and the Fire Lord" and Avatar: The Legend of Korra's "Beginnings" and "Korra Alone".
It would be a good opportunity to focus on Rayla's past with Kim'dael, Soren and Claudia's past with their mother Lissa, how Claudia met Terry like why they fall in love and what does Terry think of Claudia using dark magic, Aaravos' devouring of Janai's grandmother Queen Aditi, Callum's father Damian, Aanya and her mothers Annika and Neha, the Orphan Queen, Laurelion, Luna Tenebris, Garlath, Esmeralda Skall and so on as it could be an extra-long episode, say a 40-45 minute episode.
Return of characters
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Other than characters who are likely going to return such as those who appeared last season like Callum, Rayla, Ezran, Soren, Claudia, Zym, Terry, Aaravos, Amaya, Janai, Zubeia, Gren, Kasi, Aanya, Lujanne, Allen, Runaan, Kosmo, Astrid, Bait, Stella, Karim and Miyana, here's those I'd like to see next season.
It's very likely that Runaan's husband Ethari will return because otherwise, we won't get a reunion between Rayla's foster fathers if he doesn't. Notable characters I'd like to see returning are Ellis, Ava, N'than, Ahling (considering that he's the only one of the three attacked by Viren's forces who is still alive along with that his son Kasef, who served as his temporary successor and was allies with Viren, is dead since Florian and Fareeda were killed off in season three and it would be a good opportunity for this to introduce their successors), Nyx, Akiyu, Kim'dael, Elmer, Villads and so on.
Especially Kim'dael since I'd like to see her appear in this season because it would be a good opportunity to set her as the main antagonist of the final arc along with introducing characters from Bloodmoon Huntress and Tales of Xadia such as Suroh as well as Lissa since I would like to see Soren and Claudia calling her out for her reasons to leave them to be with their father.
Deaths and resurrections
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Given one of the recent interviews hinted that we'll be seeing a sacrifice, my guess is that we'll see something important. Given that Karim isn't so likeable, I think he'll likely bite the dust for his idiotic attempt to overthrow his sister Janai and there's a possibility that Callum will sacrifice his life and then returning back to life, given that he said in seasons four and six to Rayla that if Aaravos corrupts him to the dark side or if he gets consumed by darkness, (according to Kosmo), she would be the one doing the deed, something that she's not so sure about it.
I do think we'll see a resurrection but I doubt it'll be Viren since his voice actor Jason Simpson outright confirmed that he's permanently dead after being revived twice. I think Aaravos will manipulate Callum into reviving Viren after Claudia betrays him only to revive his daughter Leola, which could result in Callum and Rayla ultimately acting as parental figures to her in the end, not unlike how the Mandalorian became a father figure to Grogu in his titular show, how Haruka, Michiru and Setsuna became parental figures to Hotaru during Sailor Moon after her father's death and defeating Mistress 9 that led to her sacrificing herself to stop Phantom 90's wrath which resulted in her being age regressed into a baby or how Thor took care of Gorr's daughter Love in the end of Thor: Love and Thunder.
I also think Kpp'ar will be freed from his coin in which he pretends to have found redemption only for that he returned back with revenge on Viren before discovering that he's dead, resulting him attempting to kill Soren and Claudia before Rayla kills him and I think that's it.
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lady-gravity-129 · 2 months
Various TDP Season 6 thoughts under the cut/things I believe will come back in Season 7
Be careful it's kinda a long one
First things first. RAYLLUM! WHEN I TELL YOU THAT I WAS DEFINITELY SHEDDING A FEW TEARS DURING EPISODES 3 AND 6. Like, I'm not too interested in ships and romance but Rayllum has me in a death grip I swear.
I just want to point out that a couple writers have stated that they know whether Rayla is able to kill Callum if the time comes. I would also like to note that there was not a moment where she had to consider that this season. She just said she would when he asked her in episode 3. Now that they're back together...something tells me she won't be able to do it. Either that or we're in for a very gut wrenching scene in season 7.
Speaking of that, I think Kosmo said to Callum that if he performs dark magic again, it'll definitely consume/corrupt him. Don't remember the exact sentence but I've seen people talking about it so I know I didn't make it up. Anyways, I genuinely feel like they wouldn't bring that up unless it's going to have some sort of payoff in season 7 (which I'm 90% sure is titled after dark magic? correct me if I'm wrong) coupled with the previous paragraph here. Oh god if we thought season 6 was gonna put these two through the wringer we haven't seen *anything* yet
Alright enough about Rayllum (even though I love it)
Kinda disappointed that the Janaya wedding happened at a point in the story where everyone in the cast conveniently wasn't all together to celebrate the occasion. But still, an LGBT wedding in a show rated TV-Y7 is absolutely HUGE in my opinion. Not really sure what other words I can say, it was great.
Next is how they handled Viren. Honestly, I'm kinda ok with it. I said on Twitter that a redemption arc could work with him if written correctly. How he was written was...well enough. While he didn't directly apologize to really anyone (aside from Claudia I think and then Soren on paper that he burned. I've watched this season twice now but I'm running on an hour of sleep so forgive me for not remembering everything lol), he still acknowledged that he doesn't even deserve to be forgiven and understands that everything he's done was nothing short of awful.
Holy fudge this season really convinced me how great of a character Claudia is. She's such a tragic character who's experienced loss and trauma and just needs the chance to acknowledge everything she's been through and properly heal from it. However, one thing I've noticed is that whenever Viren dies, Aaravos is right there guiding her away from the path of healing from her trauma. First is after Season 3 when he tells her there's a way to bring Viren back. Then, presumably I think, in between season 5 and 6 when he somehow tells her how to complete the resurrection spell. THEN there's the end of season 6 where she's realizing that her father is gone for good and what does he do?? He basically goes "lol yeah here's my backstory so you'll want to free me even more oh whats this i can even give you the spell needed to free me". Y'all someone please get her away from Aaravos so she can process everything.
OH YEAH! Fun fact, I'm pretty sure Rayla and Callum left the Starscraper thinking/assuming that the Pearl was safe with the Celestial Elves. They're gonna see giant Aaravos in Season 7 and just have fifty panic attacks at once.
Gonna edit this with more stuff later.
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colonelpancakes · 1 month
Watching The Dragon Prince Season Six Part Seven: The Red Wedding. The title of this episode makes me so nervous nothing bad better happen to Amaya and Janai at their wedding.
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Okay, first of all, that is NOT Rayla narrating I don’t know what the subtitles are on about, I’m 99.9% sure that’s Ezran.
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Skjfklsa I love Rayla, she has absolutely no intentions of getting up, she is way too comfy.
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Aww Sneezles.
Also “There’ll be more kisses later” I love how the second they officially get together, Callum and Rayla resume their status as world’s sappiest, most clingy couple.
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UHHH. Wait a second. Is Kosmo just. not telling them about the Pearl before they leave?
...That seems like a really bad idea. They’re going to find out eventually and it's a huge potential risk to, you know, have Aaravos’s magic prison in the castle basement and not know it?? Kosmo, telling Callum before the star-truth ritual was a bad idea but you gotta tell him EVENTUALLY. KOSMO!!
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I love themmmm 🥹.
Also, yeah, Kosmo just did not tell them. Um. That may become a bit of a problem later.
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Hello bitch. Nice to see you again.
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Do some of them not know the plan? They seem very surprised to see Sol Regem. Did no one tell them??
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Wait, shit, who the fuck is Pharos? I do not remember, I really should have rewatched season five before starting season six. Oh well, hopefully I’ll figure it out...?
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Karim, man, that seems like the type of thing you should NOT be staring directly into. That cannot be good for your eyes.
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Oh Dang. That was way more powerful than I thought it was going to be
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ON HER WEDDING DAY???? YOU HAVE TO DO THIS ON YOUR SISTER’S WEDDING DAY? You cant have a single modicum of politeness and at the bare minimum choose a day that your sister’s NOT getting married on? KARIM.
I also love the continuity of Corvus playing the cello from Breathtaking
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Aanya!! I’ve missed her!!
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God, I wanna try Sunfire wedding cake too. I want to know what fire tastes like. Also, I think Aanya’s voice has gotten deeper since her last appearance and I really love it. It’s just really melodic and nice to listen too.
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Amaya!!! Janai!! They look so good!!
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Sjalskfjl I love them.
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“Two very special people helped us bridge our differences and understand one another before we learned to do it on our own.” I love them giving Gren and Kazi parts in the wedding so much and how they’re doing both a traditional human wedding ceremony and a traditional Sunfire wedding ceremony.
Also, I know Kazi was confirmed to be nonbinary by the creators but I think this is the first time their pronouns are actually used in the show! Yay!
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BAIT! NOOOOO! The wedding food!! I really hope that didn’t include the Sunfire wedding cake
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“So, how are affairs in Katolis?” “Oh. Affairs are well, fair.”
This is the royalty equivalent of when someone asks you how it’s going and your life is on fire but you can’t say that so you just reply with “it’s going.” This is an SOS call, someone get Ezran a hug and like. Some cold apple juice. And maybe a therapist. Definitely a therapist.
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Aww, Aanya and Ezran’s friendship is so precious. I’m glad that they each have someone who understands what it’s like being a child ruler. They’re so cute.
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I love seeing the Sunfire wedding custom and I love Kazi so much.
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Zym stomping his little feet so that he can clap!!!
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Aww Grennnn. He’s so sweet I love him.
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COME ON! Really Karim?? In the middle of their WEDDING?? Let my girls have a nice wedding ceremony! Let them get married and not have to worry about the safety of their nation! Please!
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Poor Janai and Amaya but especially poor Janai. Imagine finally deciding to get married after putting off scheduling your wedding because Something is always happening in your kingdom, only to have your fuckass brother decide to take a sixth of your army and invade your fucking kingdom ON YOUR WEDDING DAY right as you’re about to start the vows. I deeply admire the composure of these women, I would have lit something on fire by now.
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Karim, shut the fuck up. You are one of the least righteous people out there. You have done nothing but be wrong for this entire arc.
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Okay, so I guess that guy is Pharos. I remember absolutely nothing about him I forgot he was a recurring character until right now skjfalskj
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OH WAIT, FUCK, What happened there???? I cannot remember for the life of me who this guy is gosh dangit. Curse my stupid gosh dang memory
(It should be noted that, although I haven’t mentioned it thus far, I am watching this season with my family. My brother says that he thinks maybe the guy got bitten by the dark-magic zombies at the great bookery in season five? That sounds like it could be right so I’m gonna go with that for now. I’ll check when I’m done with the episode.)
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Ough… My heart. I love the character growth Amaya has gone through so much.
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Okay, go, but maybe take Aanya and Zym with you. Just for safety. Also, nooo, this means Ezran doesn’t get to see his aunt get married. Give my boy a break! Please, just let him have a good time where nothing goes horribly wrong 😭
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Oh, Corvus and Aanya works too! I love Ezran so much. He’s hopeful and kindhearted but he’s not naive. He goes to negotiate with Karim using words rather than violence, but he takes Corvus and Aanya for backup in case things escalate.
Continued in reblogs!
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