#irradiation of bacteria
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The Science Notebooks of S. Sunkavally, p 697.
#junctional folds of the post-synaptic membrane#neuromuscular junction#acetylcholine#Bernoulli Effect#long term depression#LTD#solubility of oxygen in alcohol#puffer fish#Quellung reaction#streptococcus pneumoniae#irradiation of bacteria#viral DNA
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Would it be possible to kill bacteria without damaging their protein structure?
Would it be possible to kill bacteria without damaging their protein structure? There are several ways to kill bacteria without damaging protein structure or function. For example, consider the following frequent ones: 1. First, heat inactivation: Although heat may be used to destroy bacteria, it can also denature proteins if it is applied at too high a temperature for too long. However, some…
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#Antibiotics#bacteria#Cchemical Fixation#gamma irradiation#heat inactivation#protein structure#UV Irradiation
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Since my other Nether worldbuilding post was received pretty well... I'm back on my bullshit!
This time featuring zoning and biomes of the Neath: Lore below cut
Nether (noun): the formidable hellscape straddling the boundery between the Fragments of the Overworld and Death's Realms.
Derived from Beneath -> Neath -> Neth -> Nether.
The Nether is most easily accessable through outer regions of the nether, regions that are comparatively closed-off, and lacking in biodiversity compared to the Deep Nether where most Neath civilizations are centered.
The Neth is divided into three primary zones, distinguished by altitude and general climates.
The Calfactory Zone: the largest and most iconic of the three, the Calfactory zone is blisteringly hot and bone-dry, it's most prominent features are its abundant seas and lakes of magma, and the massive Supermagmas atriums that are common above the magma. In the largest of these atriums, the ceiling may be so high above as to be completely invisible from the ground, obscured by an ever present smog of toxic vapor and minerals formed in the self-generated micro-climates that are generated from the rising heat of the lava that begins to cool at a higher altitude.
In the Basalt Deltas and other biomes around the edges of these lakes, massive pillars of rock and crystals bulwark the more-visible ceiling.
The most common of this zone’s biomes is the Crimson woods, home to hearty thermal-philic fungi and plants that grow on the minerals and vapors of the lakes. Many are carnivorous in their lack of access to water or sunlight, and these forests contain many sub-biomes and ecosystems of flourishing life.
The Wastes are perhaps the most desolate regions of the Neath, irradiated deserts of red-rock, brimstone, and sharp sand. Even the vast majority of nether-folk avoid these deserts due to the leftover radiation that rots and destroys anything that waits too long. The only forms of life are particularly robust lichens and bacteria that are happy to sit by the boiling pools of sulfur and mud and toxic sludge that dot the landscape. Growing within the rocks themselves are colonies of amorphous fungus, called geocorpus molds, they get their spores into cracks in the soft netherack and slowly feed on it; the ‘rock meat’ is considered a delicacy in nether cuisine.
The Temperate Zone: Cradled in the heights of the Neath’s atriums and sat below the roof is the temperate zones; the rising heat of the zone below begins to cool and by doing so, distinct weather patterns form within this zone, leaving it, while still sweltering, a cooler though much more humid climate.
The main biome are the luminescent warped-fungal rainforests that collect the high-rising minerals and odd moisture from the lakes. Liquid is actually present here, though, if it’s not safely filtered through the innards of the various plants and fungi, this water is usually aggressively corrosive, and it is best to shelter from the acidic precipitation to avoid chemical burns. The nether folk and ender local to these rainforests are suited to deal with these conditions and the ender especially do not have trouble with the extreme pH of the water here like they would in the overworld. The zone is lit almost exclusively by the biolumincense of the organisms there and have often been described as false-stars.
In the Deep Nether, the ceiling may give way, allowing one to pass onto the plateaus of the Nether Roof and the yawning void above. The bedrock of the nether roof is jagged and layered in huge slabs, sometimes broken up my mazes of pillar-like structures and shallow, thermal pools of crystal-clear liquid. The kind you don't want to touch of course. fogs may hang low to the ground, but when its clear, or above the fog, the entire universe seems to spill out into the sky. The nether roof was culturally significant and a source of much knowledge and inspiration in the early days, but I'll get more into that in a later post 0.0
The Rime Zone: Plunge deep enough and one might find themselves bellow the lava beds. Here, where the heat can't quite penetrate, the temperatures will drop rapidly to sub-zero.
Namely, the Rime Zone is made up of the soul valleys, flat steppes of cinder and clotted sand, you can imagine it almost with the blindness effect, a fog that pools by your feet, and a heavier darkness hanging from the sky, it feels massive and endless and claustrophobic all at once. Frost collects as crystals on the irradiated, soul-soaked barrens, and the bones of the massive nether wyrms lie fossilized, breaking up the landscape. The sands are also split with patches of crazing on the ground and vents of blue fire that spills out and sets the sand ablaze.
These same wryms can be found sometimes, ancient things that dig through sand and soft rocks and the magma lakes, far and few between and treated with both fear and reverence.
And in the deepest pits of the Neath are the glowing frozen lakes that are colloquially and rightfully called the Gates to Death, glowing blue from beneath their surfaces. Indeed, any further down and you pass into limbo, the edge of Death's Realms.
Extra Notes??:
Soul sand/soil is tread on carefully or not at all, is one form of remnants from the apocolyspe. Like the general radiated rubble present through the Nether, it's a fault of nuclear fallout. Unlike other areas of radiation, its also been infused with the souls of those who didn't survive the joining of worlds. That said, unlike soul sand, soul soil is used productively to grow certain nether crops. It’s minerally and magically dense.
This infused quality is also precent in Nether Debris, resulting in a material that takes magic particularly well.
Iron cannot be found in dense veins and crystals like gold or quartz in the nether, but it's a pretty rich mineral a lot of netherack, giving it its ruddy coloring.
Sorry for this massive rant that no one asked for. If you have questions please feel free to send an ask, I may not have an answer yet but I'll certainly come up with one if I can.
I'm also hoping to do a pass on my headcanons about history and culture in the Nether and then we might start talking about character headcanons since this is also an actual AU.
If you read this far, here's some notes on striders and ghast
#minecraft#minecraft worldbuilding#Minecraft lore#speculative worldbuilding#minecraft nether#the nether#dreamingverse au#my art
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Is It Really That Bad?
The Island of Doctor Moreau by H. G. Wells is a story I’ve loved ever since I was a teenager. Let me put it this way: When I was reading the second volume of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and he showed up to help put an end to the Martian invasion, I almost cheered because I was so happy to see him. It’s just a really good and unsettling story about a man playing God and the evils of British imperialism while also serving as the prototype of bio punk fiction and genetic engineering sci-fi horror despite releasing six decades before anyone even knew what DNA was.
Of course a story like that is going to be adapted many, many times, and before the one we’re talking about here there were six other film adaptations (one of which is a lost film). But none of those have even half of the infamy as the 1996 film, a movie that has one of the single most insane productions ever seen, one that inspired an entire documentary. If you thought the production woes of The Flash were something, well, you’re in for a ride here.
As production was about to begin, director Richard Stanley discovered New Line had zero faith in him directing a big-budget blockbuster and was replacing him with, of all people, Roman Polanski. Stanley, undeterred, did what any person in his situation would do: Consulted a British warlock to perform a blood magic ritual so that he could keep his job and make Marlon Brando vouch for him (and Brando already liked his vision, so this was really overkill here). The dark magic worked, and Stanley got his job back… but as history would show, the warlock seemed to have been using a monkey’s paw for this one.
Stanley stayed on a boat of exotic animals to ensure their safety when they got cauht in a hurricane, and ended up getting pissed on; the warlock was apparently irradiated and when in the hospital was discovered to be afflicted with flesh-eating bacteria; Stanley’s mother’s house was struck by lightning; a venomous spider bit an assistant; Bruce Willis dropped out because his divorce from Demi Moore prevented him from travelling, leading to Val Kilmer stepping in and acting like a prima donna douchebag and butting heads with Stanley and Brando to the point where all of his scenes from the first few days had to be thrown out and leading to him being recast in a smaller role; Rob Morrow replaced him, but the sheer hostility led to him leaving and being replaced by David Thewlis; and on top of it all, Brando didn’t even show up for the first few days due to being in an understandly deep depression due to his daughter Cheyenne’s suicide, which left Stanley high and dry and caught between pressure from Kilmer and New Line Cinema.
On the third day of filming, Stanley was fired. He destroyed all his notes and storyboards and fled to a jungle farm where he’d stay for two months; meanwhile, his sacking pissed off Fairuza Balk and she tried to walk, but she was convinced to stay on since leaving would mean she’d have her career ruined (because staying in a film like this is surely a good career move). Eventually, Stanley did make it back on set, being smuggled in by loyalists and put in a costume to hide his presence. Scenes with him as an extra are still in the film.
But who replaced Stanley, you may be wondering? Why, John Frankenheimer of course! The guy who made The Manchurian Candidate could pull something great off, surely! Taking advantage of New Line’s desperation to ask for a massive paycheck, he set out to work putting that arrogant prick Kilmer in his place; by all accounts, he hated the one-time Batman’s guts. Unfortunately, he was also apparently fairly harsh to the rest of the cast and crew, which on top of the script getting rewritten daily didn’t make things better. There is, of course, one notable exception to Frankenheimer’s ire: Marlon Brando. Whether it was out of respect or fear, Frankenheimer let the star walk all over him, caving in to almost every ludicrous demand the guy made, most infamously giving more screen time to Nelson de la Rosa AKA “The world’s smallest man,” whom Brando had befriended.
All the delays made things pretty frustrating for the extras playing the beast men, so they did what any reasonable person would do in such a situation: They drank, did drugs, fucked, and descended into all-around debauchery. Frankenheimer decided to replace these hedonistic party animals with random hippies, a group well known for not indulging in drugs or sex. The grueling six months spent shooting it were some of the most miserable of those involved’s lives, to the point Thewlis skipped the premier and has never bothered to see the film and Kilmer and Brando both had very few nice things to say about it. But I mean, there’s a happy ending here, right?
Look, I know you can read if you’re this far in. You saw the title of the review. This thing fucking bombed, and hard. Stanley’s career was obliterated, doing only documentaries for 25 years until he returned with an adaptation of Lovecraft’s Color Out of Space… a comeback which lasted for just that one single movie since he was accused of domestic violence (what else can you expect from a South African). Brando’s career wasn’t doing well at the time to begin with, but between this flopping and him being an egotistical bastard, he was relegated to supporting roles for the rest of his life. Kilmer, after somehow becoming an A-lister based on his wooden performance in Batman Forever, got dealt quite a blow due to the same reasons as Brando; being an unpleasant prick is bad enough when you’re talented, but when you suck like Kilmer does, it’s really bad. And of course Fairuza Balk’s leading lady days were all but over thanks to this film, ironically enough considering she was told getting out would’ve ruined her. Only Thewlis really got away here, at least out of the main cast; Ron Perlman and Temuera Morrison are minor characters here but they’re more supporting actors to begin with, so their careers have stayed about as good as ever in spite of this.
All of this is only the cliff notes version. By all accounts, the production was an insane nightmare that left nothing but misery and suffering in its wake. But, like, come on. Who judges the quality of a film by its production? Is this movie so inexorably cursed that there is nothing of value to praise even with the rocky production woes that birthed it? Is the movie really as bad as the behind-the-scenes drama implies, or is this a hidden gem unfairly overlooked by critics?
Given the circumstances, it’s genuinely amazing we got the performances we did out of most of the actors. Thewlis in particular is approaching his role with the utmost seriousness, all the more impressive with how ashamed he was of the finished product that he actively avoided it. Him and Balk, acting out a clunky romance that the script doesn’t go far enough to sell, manage to make some gold out of the lesser material they’re given and salvage their scenes by performing as if they’re in something five times better than what was made.
And then there’s the supporting roles. Temuera Morrison is a lot of fun as a gnarly dog man, and while he’s not the most subtsantial of characters it is nice seeing him. But the best supporting role is Ron Perlman, who beneath the fantastic beast man makeup is giving the sort of performance you’d want in a literary adaptation like this.
And then, of course, we have Brando. Now he’s clearly half-assing it a lot of the time, but half of Brando’s ass is still fifty percent of the butt of one of the greatest actors of all time. He manages to lend a sort of weird, detached madness to the titular Moreau that mostly works, with his bizarre antics and character quirks easily chalked up to the not-so-good doctor’s descent into madness. Plus he plays piano while his dwarf buddy plays a smaller piano on top, which is such a bizarre image that it ends up being ridiculously charming.
And then you have Stan Winston’s beast man make-up. Did you think the guy who did effects and make-up for The Terminator, The Wiz, The Thing, Aliens, Predator, Pumpkinhead, Jurassic Park, Edward Scissorhands, and Batman Returns was going to fuck around here? If nothing else nice can be said about this movie, it’s that Baker knocked it out of the park convincingly crafting the horrifying hybrids for the silver screen.
So, uh… That troubled production really colors one’s perception of this film. Every scene, especially ones that contain Brando and Kilmer, have this looming knowledge that they made sure everyone involved suffered to the max with their antics. It’s even worse when Brando’s little friend is around, because he was apparently a dick too! It’s hard watching him interact with Thewlis knowing he punched the poor guy in the balls.
And normally behind-the-scenes drama is just that, stuff in the background that doesn’t seep into the film. But this movie is basically only known for its drama; I only discovered it because of said drama, not because of its nature as an adaptation of a story I love. I heard of Brando’s dickery before anything else, and then the nightmares just kept pouring in from there. And all the production woes truly seep in to every single scene even if unintentionally. I can’t not think about it while watching it, especially because the sloppy script isn’t doing much to distract from the nagging reminders that everyone on this movie went through Hell only to deliver first draft lines.
Oh, and all else aside, fuck Val Kilmer. I fucking hate that asshole, he sucks.
This movie is not bad. But at the same time, I hesitate to call it “good” either.
It genuinely is hard to watch this knowing everything that happened during creating it and not feeling some sort of palpable darkness looming over the film. But at the same time, while this does leave a sort of uneasiness, it also makes the film endlessly fascinating in ways the filmmakers definitely did not intend. I don’t really think it’s “so bad it’s good,” because there really is a lot that genuinely works here. But on the other hand, I don’t know if I could say it’s a film that’s “not good but it’s good” because even the things about the film that do work aren’t free from the stench of the bad. Like, the good performances are technically good, but there’s still something off about them. Brando is Brando, but you can’t watch him without thinking about what a nightmare he was. It’s such a baffling movie.
What I will say is this is an interesting movie. In fact, it might be one of the most fascinating films ever made. The weird, off-putting air the trouble production lends it manages to make it so much more interesting than it would be otherwise, adding a metatextual intrigue to the proceedings. Would the weird shriveled dwarf be as interesting without the background that Brando forced him into having a big role? Would Thewlis and Balk’s half-baked romance arc be nearly as watchable if we didn’t know the horror they had to go through to get it on the screen? Would the great performances of actors like Perlman, Thewlis, and Balk actually be as great if this movie was good, or are they good because they are valiantly scooping buckets of water out of a rapidly sinking ship?
I think there are way worse things you could be watching than this. I will say you should only check this out if you’re into the subject matter or just like watching fascinating cinematic misfires, because this is not a film I’d be keen on recommending otherwise. It is a strange, messy movie but it’s also a piece of film history. If nothing else, it gave Trey Parker and Matt Stone something to make fun of in the early days of South Park. That’s gotta be worth something.
#is it really that bad#IIRTB#review#movie review#The Island of Dr. Moreau#Richard Stanley#John Frankenheimer#sci-fi#horror#Youtube
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the turian heirarchy can be fiercely utilitarian when their hygienic grooming is concerned. they strive for "perfection," but differentiate from human beings in their grooming priorities. for example, the conditions of their battle-armor and weapons can be considered more important than their personal hygiene. turian physiology and biology is typically self-cleaning, having evolved primarily in dry, irradiated terrains and sweltering, sandy islands.
turians do not have hair follicles, but the organic-metallic carapace and armor that covers most of their bodies may be prone to dermal conditions such as "chafing," rusting (rare), and sediments getting stuck in the crevices and texture of metallic turian dermal-plates. nihlus typically uses a special oil for his head-fringes and carapace, which can give his dark plates a nearly golden sheen under direct light.
...none. 😅
nihlus tends to smell like ozone and the sour-sweet scent of the wax he uses to clean his favorite shotgun, snipers, etc..
his personal ship (of which he frequently uses for missions, since he does not have a permanent home) has the standard sterilization feature to remove all unwanted parasites or bacteria while he is deployed on foreign planets. there is also a personal shower room that sprays a hot, misty combination of essential oils and mineral-infused water (a small luxury that also aids in healing shallow wounds he may have sustained during a mission).
nihlus usually relies on the hot mist-showers on his ship. he does not mind the scars, but the heat helps him relax. skin conditions are typically healed with state-of-the-art photonic-plasma treatments (light or "laser" healing).
nihlus' teeth are sharp, like any other turian. most turians attempt to keep their teeth relatively dull. the turian hegemony consider sharp cuspids to be "primitive," and that they were above their animal-ancestors. nihlus blatantly ignores this status quo, since he had been raised on a mercenary outpost in the outer rim of the milky way galaxy. he chews on a special hard-root that helps clean and sharpen his teeth.
once again rejecting the hierarchy's status quo, nihlus regularly sharpens his talons. a rifle with limited heatsinks (bullets) can only take him so far; he has not forgotten his ancestors. they were a predator species, and predators are survivors. he has needed to use his bare hands to fight, usually as a last resort.
tagged by : @sayitan ty tyy
tagging : @queimdura , @ubcs , @cosmodr0me (shepard) , @wellfell , @mrgoatman + anyone who wants to!
#KRYIK ,NIHLUS.#SCRIPT.#this was fun to do honestly#pray for nihus who cant have cute hair like the other aliens
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Can GUV revolutionize the world of public health?
Germicidal ultraviolet (GUV) is a range of light wavelengths capable of killing pathogens. Recent research indicates that implementing GUV in public spaces could reduce the transmission of respiratory viruses by 30% to 75% - a wide range but, overall, effective, especially with the many potential benefits.
As ultraviolet light, GUV works through radiation; therefore, it is unintrusive and passive.
At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, a significant portion of adults in the U.S.A. did not wear masks to reduce the spread of the virus. This resulted in many deaths and an acceleration of the virus’s mutation process. GUV does not require any action from the individual, reducing the harmful effects of disinformation and ignorance.
The COVID-19 pandemic also endured a period of rationing personal protective equipment (PPE), which increased health risks to medical personnel and patients around the world. Researchers have found GUV to be effective in killing the coronavirus and making PPE resusable.
GUV can also be used in addition to PPE to increase the sterility of medical rooms. In a study of a burn intensive care unit, GUV implementation led to an 89% decrease in airborne bacteria and a 69% decrease in surface-borne bacteria.
GUV targets a wide range of pathogens, both bacterial and viral, such as the multiple iterations of coronaviruses. Through mutation, many bacteria become drug resistant. By damaging nucleic acids, cellular building blocks, GUV is effective on even drug-resistant pathogens.
The ‘passive action’ of GUV makes it ideal for handling pandemics. While other interventions require development time, societal response, and ongoing maintenance when a new pathogen is identified, GUV can continually work in the background without continued interference.
This comes on the condition, of course, that we figure out a healthy way to use GUV.
Types of GUV
Because ultraviolet light can also have negative health effects, different forms of GUV are being studied for effectiveness and potential harm. The primary three investigated are full-room systems, upper-room systems, and in-duct systems.
Full-room GUV
A straightforward name, full-room GUV has UV-C lights on a ceiling or wall irradiating an entire room. When the room is unoccupied, this is an easy way to make the room safer from pathogens. This study gives the example of a surgery room after the surgeons and patient have left.
This variety does not work when the room is occupied. Continuous exposure to UV-C lights is harmful to the skin and eyes, making full-room GUV limited in its potential use.
Within this variety, far-UVC light might be the solution. The wavelength of far-UVC light can deactivate bacteria and viruses but cannot pass far enough into skin and eyes to cause damage.
Upper-room GUV
Upper-room GUV is also a complicated option. It sticks to the upper sections of a room, and thus doesn’t expose human skin to UV light. This also means it is less effective, because it isn’t targeting the areas of the room where transmission occurs.
Perhaps with additional airflow that directs airborne pathogens upwards, this method could be more effective.
In-duct GUV
Due to its removal from main occupied areas, in-duct GUV permits the use of stronger UV wavelengths against pathogens. This variety also requires good airflow and is even farther from transmission areas. It is considered inferior to the above two varieties.
Researchers are continuing to investigate the most effective and safe forms of GUV. Being able to widely implement this anti-bacterial and anti-viral strategy could immensely benefit public health and decrease the spread of an abundance of ailments. It could be useful in many ways in hospitals, doctors’ offices, and many public spaces as an unobtrusive aid.
Additional Resources
1. GUV in Medical Centers
2. GUV for a Pandemic
3. Founders Pledge Study
4. GUV on PPE
5. GUV Overview
#GUV#germicidal ultraviolet#article#research#resources#environment#science#public health#pandemic#covid 19#covid#coronavirus#I wrote a paragraph on GUV for a job application#And the feedback have me the worst score of their scores#no other info#medicine#physical health#healthcare#study
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- vagina has a clean wax look
- pubic hair never grows on your vagina
- any hair on your vagina and anus are completely gone regardless of circumstances
- immune to developing bumps and pimples
- any bumps and pimples on your vagina immediately vanish regardless of circumstances
- immune to infected hair follicles due to bacteria
- immune to folliculitis
- no irritations, bumps, itchiness, or pimples from shaving
even skin tone
- reverse / irradiate any vaginal hyperpigmentation and or discoloration
- even skin tone throughout while bikini area and vagina
- hormones, friction, infections, and or age don’t cause vaginal discoloration or hyperpigmentation
- any effects of lack of proper ventilation caused by tight underwear or clothing resulting in vaginal discoloration immediately reverse regardless of circumstances
- any vaginal discoloration or hyperpigmentation due to a sudden rise in estrogen levels completely disappear within seconds regardless of circumstances
- free from dark patches on the vagina
no foul odor
- free from foul vaginal odor from sweat or anything
- vagina has your desired pleasant scent
free of infections
- free of and immune to bacterial vaginosis
- free of and immune to trichomoniasis
- free of and immune to yeast infections
- free of and immune to vaginal cancer
- free of and immune to cervical cancer
- free of any vaginal infections
- immune to any vaginal infections
- free of and immune to vulvar cysts
- free of and immune to vaginal cysts
- free of and immune to any fordyce spots
- free of and immune to any Varicosities
- my body naturally avoids vaginal infections and diseases regardless of circumstances
- free of and immune to ingrown hairs
- free of and immune to any vaginal skin tags
- free of genital herpes, genital warts, and any sexually transmitted diseases or infections
- free and immune to uti’s
- immune to razor bumps
- immune to any uti’s due to painful sex or any other circumstances
balanced ph level
- have a balanced ph level
- have a normal vaginal pH level between 3.8 and 4.5
- periods and unprotected sex don’t throw off your PH levels no matter the circumstances
- PH level is always balanced to a healthy degree
hygiene products
- manifest feminine hygiene products
- manifest high quality body and vaginal exfoliants
- manifest clean high quality razors to shave
- manifest cute high quality tweezers
- manifest high quality moisturizing body lotion and body oil
- manifest dr.bronners soaps
- manifest hygiene essentials
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Apparently around 1900 an English physicist claimed to have produced semi-living entities (the book denies they are living organisms, but claims they grow and divide like bacteria?) by irradiating sterile broth with radium salts
Source: Joseph McCabe (1909), Evolution, a general sketch, from nebula to man, ch. IV, p. 51 (Archive)
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Biola: Monster Genesis character profile
This creature, named for the similar-looking yokai Gojira (short for gorogoro-kujira, meaning "thundering whale") of Japanese folklore, is a unique lineage of derived thyreophoran dinosaurs, branching off from basal forms such as Scelidosaurus and Jakapil kanikura, that evolved a semiaquatic marine niche as they survived into the modern day (among quite a few non-avian dinosaurs to have done so in this universe). This lifestyle enabled its housecat-to-dog-sized ancestors to become giants, with Godzilla himself standing at a towering 50 meters in height, that fed on squid, whales, giant crustaceans like Ganimes and Ebirah, and fish in deep diving ventures. They are able to stay underwater for extended periods of time due not just to holding their breath and closing a palatal valve, but due to an organ derived from an offshoot of the crop that functions as a second lung, absorbing oxygen from the water much like a turtle's cloacal respiration (water can also be reguritated from this chamber along with a mixture of previously-digested material for a defensive or aggressive display much like fulmar chicks). Additionally, like the bacteria in an anglerfish lure and firefly squid, this species has a mutual endosymbiosis with dinoflagellate algae that live within their dorsal plates, allowing them to bioluminesce for displays a feature only rivalled by their vocalizations, with the species having a language complete with legends and stories passed down from generation to generation
In the almost 70 years since this individual, the first kaiju known to mankind, made its appearance, it has been the only documented member of its species and there's a good reason why he's the only one we've seen...
Godzilla was the top male in his particular colony. He had vibrant colors and plenty of scars to display his victories and long-held position, including a chipped beak. As one would expect from a top male, he has had plenty of offspring during his tenure, with more on the way. until his island home was baptized by the atom.
With the atomic bomb testing, the beast that would soon be known as Godzilla was charred, scarred, and irradiated. Despite his previous radiance having been taken away from him, such scars would have been something to be proud of, as it would be shown that he was strong enough to survive this cataclysm... were he not the only survivor of this cataclysm. Indeed, He was the only one of his kind left. He was alone. He was enraged. Knowing that iron whales were present when it happened, he left his home in search of retribution and attacked the first boat he saw: the unrelated Eikō Maru. After another attack revealing Godzilla's existence to mankind and subsequent depth charges in a fruitless attempt to kill him, he then ravaged Tokyo, Japan on November 3rd, 1954. Having wreaked his vengance, he then went to rest in Tokyo Bay before being driven off from the area in Tokyo Bay in which he was resting by the Oxygen Destroyer, a device that used a catalyzed reaction to convert water and the oxygen dissolved within it into large quantities of hydrogen peroxide, irritating the beast enough to make him understand the message: "you are not welcome here."
over the next seven decades, He would resurface and be faced by either humanity or another kaiju he was interacting with, from Anguirus the following year to the primate-like Gabara in 1962 to a mysterious, orange-and-black insectoid designated as "Gigamoth" by Typhon. However, one day he found something different. Having heard a cry that was unmistakibly one of his species (albeit in an uncanny valley way), he came to the remote Odo Island where it originated, but there he found not another of his kind, but... something. This figure, like a tree with a face and arms, could only be compared by him to a spirit in his people's folklore who is split amongst all plant life; this could only be called a "Biollante". After observing the Biollante, he left, but later that night, he heard the Biollante calling to him again from the beach of Odo Island, this time more intently. After coming to this Biollante, getting to know what she was (apparently she, going by the name "Erika", was a member of the tiny things that had scorned him for many years who had also had plant essence and recently the essence of Godzilla infused into her), and taking her to hunt an Ebirah for them to share as a meal (Erika was starting to get hungry), Erika asked for the reason behind his attack on Japan all those years ago. With drawings on the sand as an aid (despite Erika being able to understand Godzilla's language in her new state, there was still a bit of a vernacular barrier betwixt the two), Godzilla found something from a human (or at least a thing that was once half human) that he had never seen from one before.... understanding.
(art by @artmakerproductions) ... then, it was apparent that mankind's recklessness with scientific progress, something that made the now-irradiated dinosaur simultaneously the last of his kind and the first one like him, had inadvertently made his existence a little less lonely
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Effective Sterilization with Spice ETO Sterilizer - Krishna Engineering
The equipment uses ETO sterilization to provide appropriate hygienic levels and purity levels of microbial content during processing spices. ETO sterilization functions as a standard method to sanitize heat-sensitive products through treatment of damaging bacteria, fungi and pests in spices and dried foods along with herbs. The Spice ETO Sterilizer serves an essential function by killing dangerous microorganisms during spice treatment without altering the spices' essential characteristics.
The years We have dedicated to manufacturing in the industry resulted in establishing ourselves as a leader in extreme-quality Spice ETO Sterilizers suitable for all food processing sectors. Sterilization refers to the process of disinfection and elimination of dangerous bacteria combined with protozoa that exist on various components. ETO Sterilization operates through combining vacuum and irradiation and conditioning and filtration.
Equipment used for sterilizing spices with ETO requires both temperature control and time to eliminate bacterial growth. The combination of ethyl oxide with gas or steam must be correctly mixed for proper operation. Only delicate materials should undergo this sterilization because both heat and rough chemicals cause damage. ETO sterilization provides an environment that lacks conditions for bacterial growth and ultimately leads to bacterial death after a certain period. The sterilization equipment presents no safety risks and generates no adverse reactions in processed materials.
Why Choose Krishna Engineering for Spice ETO Sterilizer?
Our industrial expertise at Krishna Engineering focuses on engineering and manufacturing specialized spice industry sterilization equipment of superior quality. Our Spice ETO Sterilizer emerged after dedicated years of research and development to provide users with maximum efficiency and reliability and safety. Our holding promise aligns with innovation values and customer satisfaction standards which develops advanced solutions for food safety protection with spice authenticity retention.
Here are key features of Spice ETO Sterilizer:
1. Effective Microbial Reduction: The sterilization process removes bacteria as well as fungi and yeast while spores while maintaining product quality standards. BCBE Solutions implements food safety procedures which uphold the requirements defined by FDA, WHO and FSSAI standards.
2. Low-Temperature Sterilization: The process works within temperature ranges from 30 to 60 °C providing satisfactory conditions for spices requiring gentler heat. The treatment method preserves essential oils together with natural flavors.
3. Precise Gas Control & Monitoring: The process utilizes controlled hydrostatic pressure while Etylene Oxide (ETO) gas maintains fixed humidity parameters. The equipment has built-in gas sensors to verify standard sterilization amounts.
4. Fully Automated Process: PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) and HMI (Human-Machine Interface) for easy operation. A programmed cycle system exists for sterilizing various spice varieties.
5. Uniform Sterilization: Advanced chamber design ensures even gas distribution for consistent results. Can handle bulk processing with uniform exposure.
6. Safety Features: Leak-proof chamber to prevent ETO gas leakage. Ventilation & aeration system to remove residual gas after sterilization. Compliance with occupational safety standards (e.g., OSHA, EPA).
7. Minimal Impact on Spice Quality: Preserves color, texture, and aroma of spices. No significant loss of nutrients or essential oils.
8. Customizable & Scalable: Available in different capacities for small to large-scale spice processing. Custom cycle settings for different spices and herbs.
How the Spice ETO Sterilizer Works:
Ethylene Oxide Gas (ETO) Application: ETO sterilization utilizes ethylene oxide gas as its antimicrobial agent while performing the treatment process. During the gas process the spices absorb the ethylene oxide which destroys all types of bacteria together with molds and yeasts and microorganisms. The ETO sterilization method functions best for spices requiring gentle treatment since experiments happen at low temperatures between 30 to 60 degrees Celsius.
Vacuum Chamber: A vacuum chamber receives spices to receive ethylene oxide exposure from the gas introduction process. A vacuum environment allows the gas to reach deep into the spice particles for complete sterilization. Control measures guide the process to avoid exposing spices to excessive ethylene oxide gas which would devalue their quality.
Sterilization Process: During the process the sealed chamber uses circulated ethylene oxide gas to sterilize the material contents of the spice. The maintenance time of gas exposure depends on both spice type and microbial content level. The process duration for chamber gas sterilization ranges from 30 minutes to multiple hours.
Aeration: During the sterilization process the spices receive an aeration step which removes remaining ethylene oxide gas before bringing them to market for human use. The spices need this step to remove every trace of residual ethylene oxide gas because contaminants might pose health risks to people who consume them.
Businesses that export or use spices either in the food industry or herbal sector rely heavily on the Spice ETO Sterilizer to maintain product hygiene standards. The market trusts this technology because ethylene oxide sterilization delivers spice products with preserved flavor and nutrition while ensuring safety to producers seeking high quality and safe spice markets.
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Spider-Man: The Final Adventure #1: Destiny's Web
Read Date: September 26, 2023 Cover Date: December 1995 ● Writer: Fabian Nicieza ● Penciler: Darick Robertson ● Inker: Jeff Albrecht ● Colorist: Gregory Wright ● Letterer: Bill Oakley ● Editor: Tom Brevoort ◦ Glenn Greenberg ●

**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers (👏=didn't like it, 👏👏=it was ok, 👏👏👏=I liked it, 👏👏👏👏=I really liked it!, 👏👏👏👏👏=I loved it!)
Reactions As I Read: ● the "final" adventure. is this gonna be a sad story? this is gonna be sad, isn't it

● Dr. Staphos. is she gonna be a sort of flesh-eater because her name is like "staph infection," and Peter was talking about bacteria just a couple panels ago? stickin' a pin in that one. ● I'm glad Pete takes his glasses off at home. when he wears his glasses at work (and why does he? they didn't look like safety glasses), he looks like a creeper I know… ● Ben Urich <3 I love Ben in the Netflix Daredevil series. Vondie Curtis-Hall played him so wonderfully! he'll always be my fave Ben Urich ● jaysus, this issue is 32 pages long?? ● MJ's pissed… ● 👏👏👏👏
Synopsis: Working away in a lab, Peter Parker does not miss being Spider-Man now that he is finally pursuing his true career passion, science. It has been three weeks since he took up his job for GARID Labs in Portland. He fought hard for this job for a few reasons, the first to get himself as far away from New York City as possible. The other is the fact that Giard was the company responsible for the experiment that accidentally irradiated the spider that gave him his spider-powers.[Continuity 1] He hopes to use this opportunity to examine his radioactive blood to learn all he can about it. As he is looking through the various projects that the lab has been working on. One that has caught his eye is a synthetic skin development. He is interested in its application for necrotizing fasciitis and wonders what they are expecting to accomplish. That's when Peter's spider-sense begins going off, he wonders why it is going off. That's when he sees Doctor Monica Staphos asking Eric Schwinner to change his decision to pull treatment on block six. However, Schwinner tells her that he doesn't have much choice in the matter. He refuses to budge on this because her project, dubbed SSD, is not ready for usage and she is trying to ram it through the system, and the other being that she is arguing about it out in the open in front of the other employees. Frustrated, Monica storms off.
Eric apologizes to Peter for the display, but Peter is used to dealing with louder people when he was in the newspaper industry. He tells Schwinner that working for Giard is a dream come true. Eric notes that it is ironic that Peter was once at one of their public displays when he was a teenager and now he is working for the very same company. On his way home from work, Peter thinks about the fateful experiment that gave him the powers of Spider-Man, and how the murder of Uncle Ben led him to using his powers to fight crime. However, Peter reminds himself that that wasn't his experiences, but shared memories he has with Ben Reilly. He recounts how he recently discovered that he is nothing more than a clone of the real Peter Parker.[Continuity 2] Although he spent the last number of years, he decided to retire after learning that his wife Mary Jane was pregnant.[Continuity 3] As he drives home, Peter realizes how much he and Mary Jane have grown up.[Continuity 4]
When Peter gets home, he discovers that Mary Jane has burned dinner. She is upset because she wonders how she is going to be able to raise a child when she can't take care of them. She wonders if they are ready for parenthood, but Peter assures her that they will be fine, even though Mary Jane worries that they are too young to be parents.[Continuity 5] After ordering dinner, Peter and Mary Jane go to sleep for the night. However, Peter can't fall asleep and goes digging around in their unpacked boxes to find his Spider-Man costume. Peter wonders why Mary Jane insisted on him keeping the costume since he wouldn't be able to resist putting it on.
Back in New York City, Ken Ellis asks Ben Urich if he can go over his notes about the trial of Peter Parker so he can try and determine the connection between the Scarlet Spider and the original Spider-Man.[Continuity 6] Overhearing this, Joe Robertson tells Ken that there is a no story and he should leave Peter Parker alone. However, Ken insists on poking into it. Ben Urich hands Ken his notes and tells him that he can get Parker's new number from Betty Brant.
The next day in Portland, Monica Staphos is not willing to abandon her synthetic skin project just because Schwinner is concerned about the well being of their test subject, a convict named River Verys who is suffering from a terminal case of flesh-eating disease. That's when she is contacted by Calvin Falconer, the head of security. He tells her that Verys is causing problems, and she goes down to see what the situation is, knowing that Eric will be upset if River dies while in their care. She goes down to check on him and discovers that he has been on adrenal overdrive since being exposed to her SSD project. Although this is troubling, she tells Calvin to contact her if River is still in this state two hours from now. Going back upstairs she ignores Peter Parker when he tries to say hello to her. Once again, Peter's spider-sense begins buzzing once more and he wonders why she is setting it off. Deciding to look into her current work, he discovers that the files have restricted access. He then looks at her past experiments, learning that they all have to do with necrotizing fasciitis. In one test the patient died, and in the other, the patient was released when they couldn't be cured. Deciding to look into this further, Peter prints off the reports. Having found lab results on her current patient the day before, Peter prints them off and compares them to the tests carried out on himself and Ben Reilly by Seward Trainer, because something about it looked familiar. Sure enough, a karyotype in the patient's cell structure matches that of Peter Parker, leading Peter to determine that the patient has undergone some kind of radiation therapy. Figuring that this could gave him insight into his own genetic structure, Peter decides to locate this patient.
Peter goes down to block six and begins making small talk with the guard to learn more about this wing of the facility. Just as he learns that this is where they experiment on volunteers from the penal system, their conversation is interrupted when Bill Galannan -- Eric Schinner's business partner -- walks past with Calvin Falconer. Falconer has told Galannan about the situation with River Verys. Galannan is upset about the damage the death of River could cause to his company. Although Galannan claims that this is out of concern for the ethics of his family company, Calvin knows that Bill is more concerned about their corporate image. Furious, Bill goes looking for his partner in order to figure out what to do next. Hearing all of this, Peter convinces the guard that he was asked by Monica Staphos to check on the patient. This allows him to get a sample of Verys' tissue. Confirming that he is suffering from flesh-eating disease, he discovers that Monica's synthetic skin derivative is intended to create a self-replicating artificial replacement for the tissue lost by the disease. Taking a closer look, he also learns that the structure of this synthetic skin has been irradiated at the same wavelength as the spider that gave him his powers. He decides to add some of his own blood to the formula, and it jump starts the derivative with the power it needs to multiply faster than the virus. Although it appears that this is a potential cure for River Verys, Peter believes in patience and decides to leave his experiment overnight to see what happens.
As Peter leaves for the night, Monica is getting berated by Eric and Bill, who warn her that if she continues to operate unethically they will fire her. After they leave, she expresses her upset at Calvin for not warning her that Bill was coming to lay down the hammer on her. He admits he didn't do so because he was upset with her, but also he figured Parker would have told her since he was there. This revelation comes at great interest to her and she decides to look into Peter's interest in her project more closely. Meanwhile, Peter is at a Lamaze class with Mary Jane. While practicing their breathing exercises, the Parkers can't help but laugh at this situation. However, Mary Jane notices that Peter looks tired, which her husband brushes off as nothing, reminding her of what little sleep he got during his career as Spider-Man. After class, Peter tells her what's going on at work, and assures her that this will have nothing to do with Spider-Man, saying that this may help them understand what to expect from their unborn child. Meanwhile, Monic goes over Peter's files and finds his tests on her synthetic skin formula. Seeing that he has appeared to perfect the cure, she runs the untested formula down to block six and pressures River to accept this next treatment.
The injection causes River Verys to transform into a spider-like creature. With his newfound strength and webbing abilities, he kills the guards and breaks free from his cell. Monic flees the scene and gets to a phone where she puts in a panicked call to Peter Parker. Peter is woken up by the call and hears just enough about what happened before Verys kills Monica. As he rushes for the box containing his Spider-Man costume, Peter wakes up his wife who asks what happened. When Mary Jane hears about the situation, she tells Peter to call the police, but he refuses to do so. He tells her that it is his responsibility because it was his blood sample that caused the transformation. He then tries to use their unborn child as another motivator for stopping this creature, saying that they can understand more about the child's physiology with this. Mary Jane is very angry at Peter for lying to her and tells him not to use their baby as an excuse to go back on his promise. He apologizes to Mary Jane and after putting on his Spider-Man mask, he leaps out the window telling Mary Jane that he has no choice.

Fan Art: Spider-Man and Process Vid by medders
Accompanying Podcast: ● Untold Talks of Spider-Man - episode 11
#marvel#marvel comics#my marvel read#podcast recommendation#comics#peter parker#spider-man#comic books#fan art#fanart
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Benefits of UV Curing
UV Curing technology has benefited many industries, providing superior bonding, improving efficiency, and ensuring lesser errors and wastage.
About UV Curing
UV radiation is widely used in industrial processes, in medical and dental practices for a variety of purposes, such as killing bacteria, creating fluorescent effects, curing inks and resins, phototherapy and suntanning. Different UV wavelengths and intensities are used for different purposes.
Applications in the Medical Industry
The medical industry is the biggest industry that finds use for precision spot UV curing of adhesives. Innovative and intelligent, lamp and LED UV curing systems are used for precision spot and area curing of medical device assemblies and additive manufacturing. UV curing systems are ideal for assembling a variety of plastics, glass, stainless steel, rubber and joining similar or dissimilar substrates as part of a controlled UV assembly process. The lamp UV curing systems include features such as Closed-Loop Feedback technology, irradiance adjustment and a selection of band-pass filters to meet UV process requirements.
Ideal Medical Device Manufacturing Applications include:
Anaesthesia Masks
IV Delivery Systems
Angioplasty Accessories
Medical Coatings
Arterial Locators
Medical Filters
Hearing Aids
Atraumatic Guidewire Tips
Rubber Silicones
Blood Oxygenators
Respiratory Masks
Chest Drainage Devices
Sensing Devices
Tubing and Connectors
Tubing Drainage Sets
Benefits to the Electronics Manufacturing Industry
UV curing is widely used in electronics applications for low-temperature, high-speed, repeatable adhesive bonding, component marking, encapsulation, masking and more. High volume UV assembly applications require precise control of irradiance, spectral output and temperature to achieve the throughput and yields necessary in an automated process.
Spot and area curing systems meet the demands of electronics assembly for many applications, including,
Automotive electronics
Bluetooth headsets
Cell phone assembly
Compact camera modules
Digital projectors
Fibre-optic components
Liquid crystal displays
Micro speaker assembly
Optical data storage
Smart cards
Inkjet Printing and Marking Technology
Fibre-optic cables must comply with a number of regulatory standards for marking the cable jacket. Cable jackets are typically made of medium-density polyethylene and high-density polyethylene as well as polyurethane (PU) and polyamide (PA), all of which present challenges for ink adherence.
Traditional marking or printing technologies for fibre-optic and electrical cables include embossing printing, indent printing, hot foil printing, hot stamp printing and sinter printing. Some of these technologies introduce unwanted stress into the fibre cables, while others are not entirely compatible, or in the case of an indent printer, can introduce safety concerns in the workplace.
UV-curable inks present an attractive alternative approach for marking fibre-optic cables. With this technology, ink is jetted onto the cable assembly using an appropriately sized and compatible inkjet engine, then it is cured with intense UV light. To enhance inkjet adherence to the jacket material, corona or plasma treatment is applied to the cable jacket immediately upstream of the inkjet head. Also, when using UV-curable inks, there are lower concentrations of solvents and no need to discard ribbon backing material as with indent or hot press printing.
The Equipment
OmniCure series small-area and large-area UV curing systems are designed to provide an exceptionally uniform area of high optical power with a range of wavelengths, configurations and sizes to address a variety of applications. Leading-edge UV LED technology also delivers improved energy efficiency and extended service life.
The Future
UV Curing technology is already witnessing automation which promises to improve the boundaries further. UV light sources fulfil a critical role in disinfecting our environments and protecting our populace from dangerous viral and microbial contamination. UV technology is currently used for touchless disinfection in a variety of applications to ensure the highest level of protection and efficiency.
UVC disinfection is a non-contact, chemical-free disinfectant method to kill bacteria or viruses and prevent them from replicating while offering a green process with vast environmental and social benefits.
MELSS brings you cutting-edge solutions in UV Curing solutions, representing Excelitas, USA In India.
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Equipment Used in the Pharmaceutical Industry
The pharmaceutical industry relies on a vast range of specialized equipment to ensure that the production processes for medicines, vaccines, and other health products are safe, efficient, and compliant with regulatory standards. From raw material handling to the packaging of the final product, equipment plays a crucial role in ensuring quality and sterility. This article explores the essential equipment used in pharmaceutical manufacturing, highlighting the importance of each category and its application in the production process.
1. Mixing and Blending Equipment
Mixers and blenders are critical in combining raw materials and active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) into homogeneous mixtures. This equipment ensures that the components are evenly distributed, which is vital for dosage consistency in tablets, capsules, and other pharmaceutical forms. Different types of mixing equipment are used depending on the properties of the ingredients:
Ribbon Blenders: Used for dry powder mixing, commonly in tablet production.
High-Shear Mixers: Ideal for wet granulation processes where liquid binding agents are added to powders.
2. Granulation Equipment
Granulation is a key step in the production of tablets. This process converts fine powders into larger, free-flowing granules, making it easier to compress them into solid dosage forms. The two main types of granulation processes are wet granulation and dry granulation. Equipment used for this purpose includes:
Fluid Bed Granulators: Used in wet granulation to spray binder solutions onto powder particles.
Roller Compactors: Used in dry granulation, where powders are compacted between rollers to form granules without adding liquids.
3. Tableting and Encapsulation Machines
Tableting and encapsulation are the processes of converting granules into solid dosage forms. Specialized machines are required to compress powders into tablets or encapsulate them in capsules:
Tablet Presses: These machines compress powders or granules into tablets of uniform size and weight. Single-punch or rotary tablet presses are commonly used, depending on production scale.
Capsule Fillers: Capsule filling machines automatically fill empty gelatin or HPMC capsules with powders, granules, or liquid formulations, ensuring precise dosage in each capsule.
4. Coating Machines
Pharmaceutical tablets often require coatings for several reasons, such as improving taste, protecting the active ingredients, or controlling drug release. Coating machines apply a thin layer of polymer or sugar-based coating onto the tablet's surface. The most common equipment used for this purpose includes:
Pan Coaters: These machines rotate tablets in a pan while spraying the coating solution.
Fluidized Bed Coaters: Used for applying coatings to particles or small tablets by suspending them in an air stream while applying the coating material.
5. Sterilization Equipment
In pharmaceutical production, sterility is paramount, especially in the manufacturing of injectable drugs, vaccines, and other sterile products. Sterilization equipment ensures that any microbial contamination is eliminated. The common sterilization methods and equipment include:
Autoclaves: Use steam under pressure to sterilize equipment and pharmaceutical products. They are widely used for sterilizing surgical instruments, glassware, and some types of media.
Dry Heat Sterilizers: Ideal for sterilizing equipment that can withstand high temperatures but not moisture, such as glass bottles and metal equipment.
Gamma Irradiation: Used for sterilizing pharmaceutical products that are sensitive to heat or moisture.
6. Filtration Systems
Filtration is critical in ensuring that liquids and gases used in pharmaceutical manufacturing are free from particulates, bacteria, and other contaminants. Filtration systems are essential in the production of injectable drugs, vaccines, and sterile products:
Membrane Filters: Used to remove bacteria and particulates from liquid formulations. These filters are commonly used in the preparation of sterile solutions.
HEPA Filters: High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters are used in cleanrooms and HVAC systems to ensure the air is free from particulates and microorganisms.
7. Water Purification Systems
Water is a fundamental ingredient in the pharmaceutical industry, used in various forms, such as Purified Water (PW), Water for Injection (WFI), and Ultra-Pure Water (UPW). Water purification systems ensure that the water used in pharmaceutical production meets strict purity standards:
Reverse Osmosis (RO) Systems: Remove dissolved solids, bacteria, and organic impurities from water.
Electrodeionization (EDI) Systems: Used for the continuous production of ultra-pure water by removing ionic contaminants.
Water for Injection (WFI) Systems: Produce highly purified, sterile water used in the production of injectables and other sterile pharmaceutical products.
8. Packaging Equipment
Pharmaceutical packaging must ensure the product’s safety, integrity, and compliance with regulatory requirements. The packaging process also protects the product from contamination, tampering, and environmental factors. Common types of packaging equipment include:
Blister Packaging Machines: Used for packaging tablets and capsules in pre-formed cavities made of plastic or aluminum.
Bottle Filling Machines: Automatically fill liquid pharmaceuticals into bottles or vials, ensuring precise measurement and sealing.
Labeling Machines: Apply labels to pharmaceutical containers, ensuring that they contain the correct product information and batch details.
9. Quality Control Equipment
Pharmaceutical production requires stringent quality control to ensure that products meet regulatory standards. Quality control equipment is used for testing various attributes of the product, such as potency, purity, dissolution rate, and more:
HPLC (High-Performance Liquid Chromatography): Used to analyze the chemical composition of drugs and ensure that they contain the correct concentrations of active ingredients.
Dissolution Testers: Measure the rate at which tablets or capsules dissolve in liquids, ensuring that they meet specified release profiles.
Spectrophotometers: Analyze the absorbance of light in drug samples, helping to identify impurities or verify the concentration of active ingredients.
10. Cleanroom Equipment
Pharmaceutical manufacturing often takes place in cleanrooms, which are controlled environments designed to minimize contamination from airborne particles. Cleanroom equipment includes:
Air Showers: Used at the entrances to cleanrooms to blow off dust and contaminants from personnel before entering the sterile environment.
Laminar Flow Hoods: Ensure a sterile working environment by providing a stream of filtered air over work surfaces, minimizing the risk of contamination.
The pharmaceutical industry relies on a wide variety of specialized equipment to ensure the safe, efficient, and compliant production of medicines and other health products. From mixing and granulation to sterilization, packaging, and quality control, every stage of pharmaceutical manufacturing is supported by advanced technologies designed to maintain product integrity and meet the highest purity standards. With the demand for pharmaceuticals constantly increasing, the role of equipment in ensuring product safety, quality, and regulatory compliance cannot be overstated.
SWJAL PROCESS Pvt. Ltd. offers high-quality pharmaceutical equipment to ensure safe, efficient, and compliant production processes across the pharmaceutical industry.
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How does a fume collector work?
How does a fume collector work?
A fume collector is an essential device used in various industrial, laboratory, and commercial settings to capture and remove hazardous fumes, vapors, dust, and other airborne contaminants from the air. By maintaining a safe and clean environment, fume collectors protect workers' health, ensure compliance with safety regulations, and contribute to overall operational efficiency.
How a Fume Collector Works
The primary function of a fume collector is to capture and filter out harmful airborne particles and gases produced during processes such as welding, soldering, chemical reactions, painting, and machining. The operation of a fume collector involves several key components and processes:
**1. Capture of Emissions
Hood or Nozzle: The process begins with the hood or nozzle, which is strategically placed near the source of fumes. The design of the hood ensures efficient capture of emissions by creating an effective airflow pattern that draws contaminants into the collector.
**2. Airflow Generation
Fan or Blower: A fan or blower generates the necessary airflow to transport the captured fumes from the hood through the system. The fan's capacity is determined by factors such as the volume of air to be moved and the level of contamination.
**3. Filtration and Purification
Once the contaminated air is drawn into the fume collector, it undergoes several stages of filtration to remove harmful substances:
Pre-Filters: These filters capture larger particles like dust and debris, preventing them from reaching and clogging the more delicate downstream filters.
Primary Filters:HEPA Filters (High-Efficiency Particulate Air): Capable of trapping at least 99.97% of particles that are 0.3 microns in diameter, HEPA filters are used to remove fine particulate matter from the air.Activated Carbon Filters: These are used to adsorb volatile organic compounds (VOCs), gases, and odors. Activated carbon has a high surface area, which makes it effective in trapping gaseous contaminants.
Secondary Filters:Electrostatic Precipitators: Utilize electrical charges to remove fine particles from the air. Particles are ionized and then attracted to oppositely charged plates, where they accumulate and are later removed.UV Germicidal Irradiation: In some systems, ultraviolet light is used to neutralize biological contaminants like bacteria and viruses.
**4. Exhaust or Recirculation
After filtration, the purified air is either:
Exhausted Outside: Clean air is expelled back into the environment, reducing indoor contamination levels.
Recirculated: In some systems, the filtered air is recirculated back into the workspace. This approach is often used when external venting is impractical, but it requires highly efficient filtration to ensure air quality is maintained.
**5. Control and Monitoring Systems
Modern fume collectors are equipped with various control and monitoring features to ensure optimal performance and safety:
Sensors and Indicators: Monitor air quality, filter status, and airflow rates, providing real-time data to operators.
Automated Controls: Adjust fan speeds and airflow based on contamination levels, enhancing efficiency and response times.
Alarm Systems: Alert users to potential issues such as filter clogging, low airflow, or high contaminant levels, enabling prompt maintenance and intervention.
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So inside urinals and toilets, they can Place u v c lights to sterilize the water and the waste pee and poop... They could use this for kitty, litter boxes, and dog litter boxes....
They should use a slight in the food service industry. As well as the food processing industry...
In general, UV-C is used to sterilize water and food surfaces, whereas UV-A and UV-B are effective for sterilizing dry surfaces. UV-C, which has a shorter wavelength, has a higher light energy level than UV-B and UV-A; therefore, it is widely used for water or liquid food sterilization [19, 20].
Impact of UV-C Irradiation on Bacterial Disinfection in ... - NCBI
Ultraviolet (UV) light disinfection is a water treatment system that uses UV light to remove most microbiological contamination from water. UV light is part of natural sunlight and is effective against all viruses, bacteria, and protozoa. The process works by exposing microbes in the water to a specific wavelength of UV light, which alters their DNA and makes them unable to replicate. The treated water is then safe for drinking, bathing, and food production.
Here's how UV water treatment works:
Pre-treated water enters a stainless steel chamber and flows around a UV lamp.
The UV lamp emits a germicidal wavelength that impacts the living organisms in the water.
The water is exposed to UV waves and the bacteria and other organisms are deactivated.
The treated water then leaves the chamber and enters your homes water supply.
UV disinfection systems are installed worldwide and are a recognized method for bacteria and virus removal for virtually all water treatment processes. However, there are some disadvantages to water treatment with UV light, including:
Ineffective against dissolved solids
UV light is not effective at removing dissolved solids, such as heavy metals and minerals, from the water.
UV filters can be relatively expensive to purchase and operate. A residential UV system typically costs around $400 or $500.
Electricity costs
You'll also need to consider that it's going to cost you a little bit in electricity.
Light bulb replacement
You'll need to replace the light bulb about once per year.
WA Health
Ultraviolet disinfection of drinking water
Jun 3, 2022
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Food Irradiation: An Effective Technique To Improve Food Safety

What is Food Irradiation?
It is a technique where foods are exposed to ionizing radiation to destroy microorganisms, bacteria, viruses, or insects that might be present in or on the food. The technique uses gamma rays (from cobalt-60 or cesium-137), X-rays, or electron beams from a machine source to blast foods with ionizing energy, altering their molecular structure. History
The concept of food irradiation was first researched as early as the beginning of the 20th century. However, it gained global recognition around the 1950s when serious research was performed to establish its viability and commercial applications. Initial research showed irradiation could effectively eliminate bacteria from meats and spices without changing their visual appearance and quality. The first international conference on food irradiation took place in 1956. Since then, many countries approved irradiation of various food items like spices, herbs, onions, potatoes, fruits, and meats. How Does Irradiation Work? Here's a brief overview of how irradiation works: - Radiation sources like gamma rays or electron beams are used to generate the required radiation energy. - Food Irradiation Food items are placed on a conveyor belt or rack and passed through the radiation area at a controlled dose rate and exposure time. - The radiation energy penetrates through packaging and food physically altering DNA/RNA structures of microbes present. - At approved low doses, it does not make food radioactive but disrupts cellular functions and DNA/RNA structure of pathogens and insects, preventing their reproduction. - The end result is elimination or reduction of pathogens and insects without altering the visual or sensory qualities of foods. Advantages of Food Irradiation Reduces Foodborne Illnesses: Irradiation is extremely effective in eliminating pathogens that cause serious foodborne illnesses. It can destroy bacteria like E. coli, Listeria, Salmonella and other parasites in meat, poultry, seafood and spices. This significantly improves food safety. Lengthens Shelf Life: By halting microbial growth and arresting ripening/sprouting processes, irradiation extends the refrigerated shelf life of various produce and foods by several weeks. This reduces spoilage losses during storage and transportation. Controls Insect Infestation: Low dose irradiation is approved globally to control insect pests in grains, cereals, dried fruits and herbs. This eliminates quarantine issues and reduces post-harvest losses from insects and insect-borne diseases. Maintains Sensory Qualities: When performed at approved low doses, irradiation does not alter the appearance, texture, aroma or flavor of foods. Irradiated fruits and vegetables look and taste fresh for much longer. Sanitizes Spices: Many spices are irradiated to kill Salmonella, E. coli and other pathogens that may be present naturally or from cross-contamination during processing. This eliminates food safety risks from consuming contaminated spices. Applications of Food Irradiation Fruits & Vegetables: Irradiation preserves the quality and extends shelf life of several delicate produce including mangoes, papayas, potatoes, onions and garlic by 3-4 weeks. It arrests ripening/sprouting to prevent losses during storage and transport. Poultry: The poultry industry uses irradiation to destroy Campylobacter and Salmonella bacteria routinely present in raw chicken and turkey. This significantly reduces the risk of foodborne illnesses from consuming undercooked poultry meat. Spices: Many commonly used herbs and spices like black pepper, cumin, coriander, basil, celery are irradiated to kill pathogens and insects. It ensures the microbial safety of spices. Grains: Low dose irradiation is used globally to control insect pests in grains like wheat, rice and pulses. This eliminates quarantine issues and reduces post-harvest losses during transportation and storage.
Get more insights on Food Irradiation
Vaagisha brings over three years of expertise as a content editor in the market research domain. Originally a creative writer, she discovered her passion for editing, combining her flair for writing with a meticulous eye for detail. Her ability to craft and refine compelling content makes her an invaluable asset in delivering polished and engaging write-ups.
(LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vaagisha-singh-8080b91)
#Food Irradiation#Food Safety#Food Preservation#Radiation Processing#Gamma Irradiation#Food Sterilization#Ionizing Radiation#Microbial Reduction
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