#iron blue dun
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Word Alternatives: Colours
BLACK atramentous, charcoal, coal, crow, darksomeness, denigration, duskiness, ebony, funereal, jet, inkiness, melanism, melanotic, midnight, niello, obsidian, pitch, raven, sable, singe, sloe, smirch, smoke, sombrous, soot, swarthiness, swartness, tar
BLUE aquamarine, azure, berylline, cerulean, cerulescent, cyan, cyanosis, cyanotic, electric blue, ice-blue, indigo, lividity, midnight, navy, Oxford blue, pavonian, pavonine, peacock blue, robin's egg blue, royal blue, sapphire, turquoise, ultramarine
BROWN adust, auburn, beige, biscuit, braise, bay, bronze, brune, brunette, buff, burnt umber, burnt sienna, caramel, castaneous, chestnut, chocolate, cinnamon, cocoa, coffee, drab, dun, embrown, fawn, grege, hazel, henna, infuscation, khaki, mushroom, ochre, paper bag, pumpernickel, raw sienna, raw umber, roan, rubiginous, rufous, russet, rust, scorch, seal, sepia, sorrel, suntan, sunburn, tan, taupe, toast, umber, walnut
GRAY ashiness, canescence, cinereous, cineritious, dullness, ecru, fuscous, glaucescence, greige, grisaille, gunmetal, hoar, iron, lead, mousiness, oyster, pewter, slatiness, smokiness, steel, taupe
GREEN aerugo, aestival, avocado, beryl, chartreuse, chloremia, chlorophyll, chlorosis, chlorotic, emerald, foliaged, glaucescence, grass, greensickness, ivy, jade, loden green, holly, olivaceous, olive, patina, patinate, pea-green, smaragdine, springlike, verdancy, verdantness, verdigris, verdure, vernal, virescence, viridescence, viridity
ORANGE apricot, cantaloupe, carotene, carroty, ochreous, ochroid, pumpkin, saffron, tangerine, terracotta, Titian
PINK carnation, coral, coralline, flesh-pink, incarnadine, peach, primrose, roseate, rosy, salmon
PURPLE amethystine, aubergine, bruise, empurple, fuchsia, lavender, lilac, lividity, magenta, mauve, mulberry, orchid, pansy, plum, puce, purpure, purpureous, raisin, violaceous, violet
RED beet, blowzy, cardinal, carmine, carnation, carnelian, cerise, cherry, copper, crimson, damask, encrimson, erubescence, erythema, erythematous, erythrism, erythroderma, ferruginous, fire, floridity, floridness, flushing, gules, hectic, henna, incarnadine, infrared, laky, lateritious, lobster, lurid, magenta, mantling, maroon, miniate, port, puce, raddle, rose, rosiness, rouge, rubefaction, rubicundity, rubor, rubricity, ruby, ruddiness, rufescence, rufosity, russet, rust, sanguine, scarlet, stammel, vermeil, vermilion, vinaceous
YELLOW aureateness, auric, aurify, banana, begild, bilious, biliousness, cadmium, canary, chartreuse, citreous, citrine, citron, engild, fallowness, flavescent, flaxen, fulvous, gildedness, gilt, goldenness, honey, icteric, icterus, jaundice, lemon, lutescent, luteous, luteolous, mustard, ochroid, old gold, primrose yellow, saffron, sallowness, sandy, straw, sulfur, topaz, xanthism, xanthochroism, xanthoderma
WHITE achromatic, alabaster, albescent, albinic, besnow, blanch, bleach, bone, calcimine, chalk, cream, cretaceous, eggshell, etiolate, ghastly, ivory, lactescent, lily, lime, milk, pearl, sheet, swan, sheep, fleece, flour, foam, marmoreal, niveous, paper, pearl, phantom, silver, snow, driven snow, tallow, teeth, wax, wool
VARIEGATION (diversity of colors) spectrum, rainbow, iris, chameleon, leopard, jaguar, cheetah, ocelot, zebra, barber pole, candy cane, Dalmatian, firedog, peacock, butterfly, mother-of-pearl, nacre, tortoise shell, opal, kaleidoscope, stained glass, serpentine, calico cat, marble, mackerel sky, confetti, crazy quilt, patchwork quilt, shot silk, moire, watered silk, marbled paper, Joseph's coat, harlequin, tapestry; bar code, checkerboard
variegation, multicolor; parti-color; medley or mixture of colors, spectrum, rainbow of colors, riot of color; polychrome, polychromatism; dichromatism, trichromatism; dichroism, trichroism
iridescence, iridization, irisation, opalescence, nacreousness, pearliness, chatoyancy, play of colors or light; light show; moire pattern, tabby; burelé or burelage
spottiness, maculation, freckliness, speckliness, mottledness, mottlement, dappleness, dappledness, stippledness, spottedness, dottedness; fleck, speck, speckle; freckle; spot, dot, polka dot, macula, macule, blotch, splotch, patch, splash; mottle, dapple; brindle; stipple, stippling, pointillism, pointillage
check, checker, checks, checking, checkerboard, chessboard; plaid, tartan; checker-work, variegated pattern, harlequin, colors in patches, crazy-work, patchwork; parquet, parquetry, marquetry, mosaic, tesserae, tessellation; crazy-paving; hound's tooth; inlay, damascene
stripe, striping, candy-stripe, pinstripe; barber pole; streak, streaking; striation, striature, stria; striola, striga; crack, craze, crackle, reticulation; bar, band, belt, list
mottled, motley; pied, piebald, skewbald, pinto; dappled, dapple; calico; marbled; clouded; salt-and-pepper
Source: The Concise Roget's International Thesaurus, Revised & Updated (6th Edition) More: Writing Notes & References ⚜ Writing Resources PDFs
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I know this can be too much of an outlier, but do we have any idea if Alexander was a particularly fashionable person? Either if he was into fashion itself or if he was considered fashionable in his clothing style for example
Clothes Make the King?
Alexander’s clothing choices weren’t about fashion, but about POLITICS. What he wore sent a message.
First, three quick points about clothes in ancient Greece:
They were relatively simple with few sewn seams, and by Alexander’s day, any patterning largely along the edges. Most was made of wool, linen being very pricy.
They were made at home by one’s female family members. Yes, even the wealthy. A woman’s worth wasn’t measured by her pie crust or biscuits, but her weaving quality.*
They were expensive if one had to purchase cloth (as opposed to having it made at home). Most people had only a handful of tunics, one cloak and/or one himation (wrap), and one pair of shoes.
And finally, pertinent to this discussion:
By the 4th century, especially austere clothing was associated with moral virtue, while highly patterned clothing + lots of jewelry with moral decadence (the East/Persia).
Ergo, descriptions of Alexander’s clothing in the sources send a moral message: as he descended into vices and Asian tyranny, authors show him wearing extravagant, Asian-style clothing.
BUT he also did make choices of what to wear (insofar as we can be sure they were his choices), that conveyed his own messaging. Detangling his messaging from later author’s messaging is a continual problem, but sometimes it’s possible.
We’re told Alexander dressed the same as his soldiers. Differences in wealth would have been indicated by the quality of the wool and COLOR, but not the style. Being able to wear, say, black (made from the wool of baby lambs born black but who turn white as they age), or saffron yellow (made from the tiny pistils of flowers), or dark blue or purple (made from murex snails and imported at a hefty price)—THOSE tell you the person has money. The cut and drape of the clothing mostly doesn’t. You can pick out the king by the bright dot of yellow or black in a sea of dun, browns, dull reds, darker greens, and ecru.
What message is he sending? “I’m one of you…except the king”: primo inter pares (first among equals). Similarly, his armor was the same type, just brighter and better-made. His (iron!) helmet must have looked like he raided a mop closet with a big red horsehair crest and two fluffy white feather prongs beside it. But otherwise, it was a Phyrgian-style helm like the rest. This makes him easy to spot during battle, by his own men—but also the enemy. That’s also the point: he has the bravery to make himself a target.
After the death of Darius, he began to adopt some Persian royal dress, at least when dealing with Persians—with a couple exceptions. He refused to don trousers, the kandys (a special sleeved coat), and (maybe) the upright tiara. There’s some debate on the latter. Basically, he adopted Persian clothing that was less likely to offend the Greeks. It offended them anyway (because it was Persian), but he stayed away from garments especially associated with Asia: hated Asian trousers, the kandys, and the Persian “crown,” or upright tiara, going with the less offensive diadema that was already in use in Greece, albeit not as a symbol of royalty. Men already regularly wore a fillet; it was as ubiquitous as a ballcap in the US (and equally associated with “sporty” types).
So, he was trying to walk a middle road with the symbols of kingship while avoiding the more notorious. Again, he seems to have let COLOR stand in, giving purple cloaks and hats (kausia) to his Companions (Hetairoi), and Persian-style red horse trappings.
So he wasn’t a fashion guru in the usual sense. As king, he set style, he didn’t mimic it. Below is a late Hellenistic-era statue of him (Demetrio Alexander) wearing what seems to be standard Macedonian soldier dress.

Here are two earlier posts (with pictures!) about Macedonian (top) and Greek (bottom) clothing.
* There’s a funny story of Alexander getting in trouble by sending the Persian royal women a gift of weaving material for their entertainment. In Persia, slaves and low-borns did the weaving, so they thought he was telling them they were to be slaves and/or insulting them. He’d meant it as a compliment! His own mother (and/or sisters) made his clothing, so he was offering them status as his family members.
#asks#Alexander the Great#ancient Greek clothing#ancient Macedonian clothing#ancient Persian royal clothing#clothing in the ancient world#Classics#tagamemnon
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Old Ghosts
(( DWC August 2024 Day 2, Violence/Tenderness, CW: guns, death, murder, blood; @daily-writing-challenge ))
As he did every year around this time, Drogar sat in his study, examining his old, trusty revolver, surrounded by old ghosts.

"NO!" Moira screamed, as Drogar emptied his pistol into the Dark Iron Emperor, finally avenging his clan's suffering from Dagran's plotting. Far from breaking free of the control, Drogar watched, dumbfounded, as she fell to her knees, cradling the un-moving form of Dagran Thaurissan. "Thaurissan was a great and honorable dwarf," she sobbed, "You ruined my life and the life of my unborn child!"
With a sigh, he tenderly and methodically disassembled the pistol piece by piece, giving each component a proper cleaning and oiling. Lorellai had used it extensively in her adventures, and taken fine care of it, but it had been one of his first successes in gun-making, and had accompanied him throughout his adventuring career. He'd made other, more effective and ornate weapons, but this one bore the weight of history. It was important that he be the one to give it a proper deep clean.
"Drogar, reinforcements are coming in, and they've got more of those fire lizards at their back, we have to go!" the mage had yelled, beginning to cast his portal.
Moira had looked at him with hate in her eyes, Thaurissan's blood staining her dress as it pooled beneath him. "Return to Ironforge and tell my father that the heir to the Kingdom of Ironforge will be a Dark Iron dwarf. Whether he approves or not, it shall be."
Piece by piece, he restored the pistol to its functional state, clean and ready to be loaded and used again. It felt heavier in recent years, though he knew nothing had changed physically.
Some weights weren't physical.
The blue light of the teleportation spell surrounded Drogar and his allies as they made good their escape ahead of the howling cries of the dark iron soldiers and their fiery masters. Moira stared daggers at Drogar, helpless to do anything but cradle her beloved husband's corpse. Everyone else was looking elsewhere, but their gazes were fixed on each other as Drogar raised the pistol once more, pointing it at Moira.
And they were back in Ironforge, mission complete, if not successful. Thaurissan was dead, but Moira had not been rescued. "We're going to need to tell the King what happened, come on everyone," his friends had said, as Drogar lowered the pistol, staring at the empty space where moments ago and miles away he'd seen Moira Thaurissan.
Drogar set the pistol on the table, and sighed. In hindsight, it had been damn lucky the weapon had been empty. Despite his hatred for the dark irons, and the difficulties of the Cataclysm, Moira and her loyalists had not only saved Ironforge, but strengthened his home. The Council of Three Hammers had done well by his people, and their future was bright. He'd done what he was commanded to do. He'd assassinated the ruler of the enemy who warred against them. He'd avenged his uncles, aunts, cousins and more who had died to Dark Iron machinations. And only now, with success and family and everything he'd ever have wanted, was he able to appreciate the cost of what he'd done.
"Th' Butcher of Blackrock. Cannae believe I used t' take pride in it, eh boy?" he asked, gently scratching behind Balinore's ears. The great bear huffed at the disturbance, but leaned into the attention.
A noise from the stairs interrupted his reverie. He turned to see Lorellai coming down the stairs, holding her pack in one hand and looking worried. "Hey Da', do yeh have a minute t' talk?"
Hours later, the sun had risen over icy Dun Morogh, and Lorellai was saying her goodbyes. That minute had turned into hours as they'd learned that Lorellai wasn't the only meddler having the visions, and the decision had been made for those hearing the call to join Dolraan in Dalaran to lend their aid to Khadgar.
"Lass, one last thing," Drogar said, holding his daughter's hand as he drew forth the pistol. "Got it all cleaned up for yeh. May it continue t' keep yeh safe. I love yeh, lass."
Lorellai took the pistol and casually slid it into her her shoulder holster, under her coat. "Thanks Da', we'll both be back before you know it, I'm sure!" she declared, giving her dad a kiss on the nose before hoisting her pack and stepping towards the portal. Moments later, Drogar stood in a smaller crowd that began to break up and return to their work.
"Titans, if yer listenin', keep her safe. And let her give that tool a better destiny than I did."
#Drogar writes#Daily writing challenge#prompt#Drogar#Lorellai#Dolraan#Balinore#Moira#I'm sure that gun won't cause any problems or misunderstandings
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Song from the Sea (2)
[ Aemond • Targaryen x Greyjoy! • fem! oc!reader]
[warnings: physical violence, swearing, sexual tension]

[description: Aemond and Aegon arrive in the Iron Islands, to confirm the arrangements made years ago and the marriage of Lord Greyjoy's daughter to Aemond. (Anon Request) During a break on a long journey, at one of the taverns Aegon drags him to, Aemond meets a woman, who will change his life forever. (Anon Request) Smut, angst, sexual tension, domination.]
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Previous and next chapters: Masterlist
Watching the waves of blue water lapping against the side of their ship, listening thoughtfully to the restless roar of the element, she considered throwing herself into the sea. Shouldn't she let the Drowned God take her to his depths, take the sea abyss for her husband.
The thought of marriage made her want to scream, but no sound came out of her mouth. Her indifferent face looked at her small, blurred reflection, their huge galley sailing at high speed, which made the whole ship rock, her dark hair, partly tied in a bun at the back of her head was blowing in the wind.
She boarded a ship for the first time when she was five years old. She accompanied her father, Dalton Greyjoy, on one of his short trips. He wanted his daughter to get acquainted with the cold and dangerous sea, to understand what the difficult life of a seaman is. She remembered her admiration for the ship's vastness, its huge sails that practically touched the sky.
She heard the shouts and orders of men, strange, tattooed, without eyes, arms or legs, in elaborate, gray and brown dun clothes, running from one point of the boat to another. Although it seemed like chaos at first to her, then she realized that everyone was working like clockwork, adapting to the changes in the sky and water.
Then she fell in love with the sea.
She first escaped from a stronghold in the Iron Islands at the age of eight. She packed a small bag, in her child's opinion, her most necessary things and sneaked out of the castle under the cover of night, heading towards the port, leaving only a letter.
She boarded Devilwind's galley unnoticed. In the morning one of the boatswains found her and took her to Captain John Senray, her father's closest friend.
Captain Senray was ten years older than her father, his long dark beard was covered with earrings and beads. She still remembered him looking at her, thinking hard, the boat creaking loudly around them from the speed that they had reached at sea.
After much thought, he decided that they couldn't turn back if they were to get the goods on time. He ordered her to sit in her cabin and obey all his orders.
She spent a week on his ship. The men, mostly bearded, with long, sticky hair, smelling of sea and rum, welcomed her as if she were their own daughter. They thought it worthy that Lord Greyjoy's daughter would go on a sea voyage, and they liked that she had no fear.
They taught her how to tie ropes and look at the stars, set a course, read maps and signs in the sky, the clouds that told her if it was going to be clear or a storm was coming.
She helped them with everything she could. They did not allow her to participate in their drunken revels, but they protected her and gave her a sense of complete security, combined with a freedom that she felt every time she looked overboard and saw only the endless sea.
When she returned home a week later, all dirty and plastered, her robes torn, her father greeted her with a love and tenderness that she never knew he was capable of. Although her mother died of worry every day, he was proud that his child felt the call of the sea. He didn't want her to be a plain, gentle lady like her mother.
Lady Greyjoy made her husband happy only twice: the day she gave him his beloved daughter and the day she gave him a son and heir. He considered her death in childbirth to be the natural order of things, with which he came to terms quite quickly, unlike his daughter.
She wanted to throw herself into the sea after her, to apologize to her for all she had suffered. She would wake up sometimes in the night, feeling like her mother was giving birth again, screaming so loud that her heart clenched.
From that moment on, she tried to pretend that the subject of marriage did not concern her. She was at sea with Captain Senray who already treated her as part of his crew.
She knew that her father loved her more than her brother, who had a softer nature, being more like their mother inside. He also swam at sea, but not so willingly, feeling weary from long voyages. Their father often told her that if he could, he would sign over the entire Iron Islands and the rest of his inheritance to her.
However, when the king proposed that they make a deal, her father betrayed her. He explained to her that the Iron Islands with the support of the crown would be richer and stronger than ever. That as her father expects from her and knows that she will fulfill her vocation.
She wanted to spit in his face then, considering that he had abandoned her, as he had abandoned her mother.
But nothing came out of her mouth.
Now, standing on Devilwind's galley, sailing back to the Iron Islands to meet her future husband, she wondered, if it wouldn't be better for her to just end it all.
She could still hear her mother's scream, see the brief fragment of her body lying in blood, that she saw through the crack in the door, which a moment later someone closed, noticing her. She thought, that the same would happen to her. That she would die giving birth to a man, who would be completely indifferent to her.
She shuddered and leaned forward, as they suddenly heard a loud, piercing roar above them. For a moment she thought, that she had lost her hearing, then looked up and saw two giant dragons, flying over them at such speed, that their entire galley began to rock side to side, causing panic. Her heart skipped a beat as she thought, that it was him.
She turned quickly, glancing after the great monsters flying through the sky, and saw, that they began to circle above the ground, landing. She knew, that there was a port nearby and ran to the captain to beg him to dock. She told him, that she wanted to meet her future husband.
Captain Senray and Walter Moore decided to accompany her in case of trouble. The route at night was dangerous and led only to one village. She knew there was an inn there, and that perhaps they had gone there. All three of them knew exactly the owner of this establishment, because they had stayed there more than once. She felt her heart pounding at the thought, that she might soon meet the person, on whom her entire future life depended.
They stepped inside, pulling off their hoods, looking around. She saw him at once, his back to them, watching them warily over his shoulder, his lips pursed. She knew, that it was him, because of his eyepatch and the light shade of his eye, unnatural in this part of the country. With difficulty she looked away from him, feeling her whole body tremble.
They went to the counter and ordered beers, exchanging pleasantries with the host. Then they approached one of the occupied benches. The men recognized them at once, so they only bowed their heads in appreciation and got up to find another place. Only then did they make themselves comfortable, taking off their coats. She now had a perfect view of their table. She barely suppressed an amused smile, as she saw him staring intensely at her and her waist.
His brother was babbling to him, and her future husband was answering him impatiently. He got up, she heard him say in the distance, that he wanted to leave and move on. Her heart squeezed at the thought.
After a while, however, they began to struggle with each other, and his drunken brother practically shouted, that they came here on dragons. Looking at them, she decided, that Prince Aemond's brother was an idiot.
She wasn't surprised, when he walked over to the counter to order something for himself, furious and resigned. She thought, that he had a very interesting face, and his scar didn't take anything away from him. Besides, she'd seen plenty of mutilated men, and such physical deficiencies didn't bother her much anymore.
She got up and walked over to him, figuring, that she wanted to tease him a little. She wasn't afraid of the consequences, she knew, that everything was already decided. She wanted to see, what awaited her, what kind of man he was.
When she bought him a round, he just looked at her searchingly, his face seemed to be made of stone. He was very tense, his eye cold, furious and disapproving. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw, that he had one hand on the dagger. There was some tension between them.
She thought, that he was handsome. That she could go upstairs and give herself to him, if he wanted to. See if he's a good lover. She smiled at the thought.
“Come upstairs with me. By the time we're done, your brother will fall asleep here, on the table.” She said calmly, softly, looking at him with her mouth slightly parted. She thought, that she wanted it. That she needed relief, because the frustration, pain, and fear she was feeling were too much to bear.
She didn't expect what would happen between them. She hadn't suspected, how he would react to her touch, hadn't expected, how wonderfully his sapphire eye graced his face.
She did not expect, that his disability was the reason for his great complexes. She thought, that in King's Landing, where everyone walked around in colorful robes, adorned with rich stones, he must have felt like a monster. She thought, that among her people, he would find acceptance, stop thinking, that he lacked anything.
The thought of him being like her, made her lose her temper. Originally, she just wanted to get fucked by him, but she ended up riding him. Her orgasm was so strong, that it was almost painful, her muscles clenching greedily around him, drawing low moans from him, that sent shivers down her spine.
In addition, she allowed him to cum inside herself, although no other man, with whom she had known this kind of pleasure, had been granted this honor before.
As he left, she slowly began to calm down. She thought, maybe there was hope for them. That maybe she'll find at least a little happiness with him.
However, as she officially entered the hall of her stronghold, wearing her most elegant, black gown, she saw his expression change from shock to fury. If he could, he would kill her with his eye.
She saw him clench his jaw, turn his head away, squeezing his eye shut, trying to calm himself down and not show anything. She wanted to laugh at the sight.
Her father ordered a small feast to be prepared for them, attended by Prince Aegon and her brother, Laren. She was seated next to her fiancé and even wanted to exchange a few courtesy words with him, but he beat her to it.
"Do not speak to me." He hissed softly like a snake, and she pursed her lips, arching an eyebrow, amused, simply taking a piece of roast into her mouth, unfazed. She decided not to force herself on him and waited, until he calmed down.
Her father had been sullen throughout the entire dinner and hardly spoke, leaving the entire burden of discussion on her younger brother's shoulders. Laren was a great talker, and though he tried to get something out of her future husband, he answered practically only in grunts, thoughtful and angry, completely in his own world. She thought, looking at him, that if he could, he would breathe fire and burn them all, including himself.
He was the first to get up after dinner. At first she decided she wouldn't run after him, but then she found herself wanting to drive him mad with rage. She stood up, thinking, that maybe he might even kill her, while doing her a favor. She wasn't afraid of death or the brutality he was known for.
He turned after her, surprised to see, that she had followed him into the chamber, that Lord Greyjoy had assigned him. She closed the door behind her, leaning her back against it, looking at him with a haughty, calm smile.
"Get out." He spoke low, menacing, dangerous, madness in his eye, that made her belly hot. She thought, that he was about to explode and licked her lips involuntarily.
“No.” She spoke calmy, sensually, softly. She saw a grimace cross his face, for some memory of their shared elation, that he wanted to get rid of.
He walked over to her unhurriedly, his eye black, his face expressionless. He grabbed her neck, his large hand slowly tightening on her slender, soft skin, forcing her to tilt her head back slightly.
He stared at her for a moment, and she could feel his hot, uneasy breath on her face. She smelled him again, the smell of smoke and something else, that she couldn't describe. She felt wetness between her thighs for some reason.
"Fucking whore." He spoke softly, lightly, not even blinking, his good eye wide open, as if he was just fighting hard not to strangle her. She smiled at his words, making him purse his lips.
“From what I remember, it takes two to elevate between a man and a woman. So you're just as much a whore, as I am." She whispered, moving closer to him as if to kiss him.
His hand gripped her neck tighter, slamming her whole body brutally against the back of the door with a dull thud. She felt him draw in a breath as he felt her short, tiny knife hidden in her sleeve, pressed against the side of his stomach.
"I could kill you for those words. For such an insult to the prince and the crown." He said through clenched teeth, not controlling himself. She thought, that he had just reached the height of his rage. She parted her lips slightly, impassive, looking at him with dreamy eyes.
"Take your beautiful princely knife from your belt and cut my throat. Punish me for wanting to meet a man, for whom I would give my freedom, my body, whose future descendants would tear my womb. With whom I will fly to King's Landing to be nothing, sewing with sweet, perfumed ladies fabrics, praising his future victories and achievements." She laughed lightly, warmly, feeling her throat constrict not because of his strength, but because of the tears, that she was holding back with the last of her willpower.
She saw him hesitate, something changed in his face. Her words surprised him and knocked him off balance.
"Or let's both assume that it never happened. That you fucked some strange, unknown woman, and I fucked some unknown, strange man. The last joy before an arranged wedding. Isn't that beautiful?” She asked quietly, one tear streaming down her face.
Her mask fell down. Her mouth went from smiling to helpless, her lips began to twitch, her body relaxed, as if she was about to collapse and pass out, her gaze pleading and tired. The knife slipped from her hand, falling with a loud thud to the floor.
She saw, that he was dismayed and surprised. His grip loosened suddenly and he took a few steps away from her, as if he didn't recognize her. She sank to the ground, burying her head between her knees and just started sobbing.
"I should have thrown myself into the sea." She said finally, covering her head with her hands, as if he was about to kick and punch her.
The fact, that he was in this chamber at that moment, was indifferent to her. All the grief, that she'd felt for months, ever since she found out, that her father had sold her, had just been released.
She didn't care what he thought of her, whether he thought she was a whore, an idiot, or a lunatic. For a moment, all she heard was the sound of her ragged breathing, and nothing else. She knew, that he was looking at her.
After a while, she heard him move and sit up on bed, with a loud creaking of wood. She looked up slightly and saw, that he was bent over, his face buried in his hands. She thought, that he was as broken as she was.
She changed her position and lay down on the floor, staring straight ahead at the legs of a small, wooden table, that stood at the back of the chamber. Her future husband looked at her, his expression uncertain and puzzled.
"What are you doing?" He asked, looking at her, as if he was about to faint from exhaustion and frustration himself. She didn't even look at him, when she heard his words.
"I'm lying." She said indifferently. He sighed heavily, burying his face in his hands again, apparently deciding, that it was too much for him.
She heard him begin to unbutton his jacket, then pull off his boots, knocking them to the ground with a loud thud. He blew out the candles lit in the chamber, making it completely dark. Then she heard the rustling of cloth. He lay down on the bed with his back to her, pretending, that she wasn't there.
She thought, for some reason, that she wanted to stay with him. She'd slept on the floor more than once on ships, and it wasn't uncomfortable for her at all, though he probably thought she was crazy. She didn't want to be alone in her chamber.
In the Iron Islands, the approach to male-female relationships was lighter, and she knew, that as long as he didn't kick her out, she could do whatever she wanted.
She fell asleep after a while, crying without a sound, looking at the moon, that shone brightly outside the window. She dreamed of her mother again, covered in blood. Then she had a dream about her father, saying, that he was proud of her. She cried in her sleep, begging him not to give her away.
She flinched, as she felt someone suddenly grab her and throw her over his shoulder, like a sack of potatoes. For a moment she didn't know where she was, so she started kicking.
"Stop it." He hissed as he laid her on his bed, and only then did she recognize his face.
She pursed her lips, a bit embarrassed by her outburst. She straightened her long dress, as he laid down next to her, with his back to her.
"Stop crying and sleep."
Aemond Taglist:
(bold means I couldn't tag you)
@its-actually-minicika @notnormalthings-blog @nikstrange @zenka69 @bellaisasleep @k-y-r-a-1 @g-cf2020 @melsunshine @opheliaas-stuff @chainsawsangel @iiamthehybrid @tinykryptonitewerewolf @namoreno @malfoytargaryen @qyburnsghost @aemondsdelight @persephonerinyes @fan-goddess @sweethoneyblossom1 @watercolorskyy @astral-blossoms @randomdragonfires @amirawritespoorly @apollonshootafar @padfooteyes @darylandbethfanforever9 @fudge13 @snh96 @diosademuerte @rwdkarla @echos-muses
Others: @letmeloveyouuuu @fantasias-creativebubble
#aemond fic#aemond fanfiction#aemond targaryen#aemond x oc#aemond x fem!reader#hotd aemond#ewan mitchell#ewan mitchell fanfic#dark aemond smut#dark aemond angst#dark aemond#dark aemond targaryen#modern aemond angst#aemond targeryen angst#hotd angst#aemond angst#ewan mitchell smut#aemond targaryen smut#modern aemond smut#hotd smut#aemond smut#hotd fanfic#hotd fanfiction#hotd x reader#aemond one eye#aemond x reader#aemond fluff#aemond the kinslayer#ewan mitchell x reader#aemond x wife reader
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"Knowing What We Know Now"
In My “Wish” Rewrite

Heya fellas, the chapter this song appears in is almoooost done, just giving the finishing touches. But funny thing is, I actually just reworded the Queen’s section of the song to fit Aster, everything else is pretty much the same, except every “He, Him, His” referring to Magnifico is now “They, Them” referring to him and Amaya.
Oh, and also Simon is here now, because how dare you Disney? You get Evan Peters to voice our sleepy boy and then deliberately makes the only teen that doesn’t sing? Shame on you.
Also Dario in my rewrite is mute, that’s why he doesn’t sing at all here… Huh, ironic.
What We Know Now
Lines in Purple- Asha
Lines in Red- Dahlia
Lines in Yellow- Safi
Lines in Blue- Hal
Lines in Orange- Gabo
Lines in Green- Simon
Lines in Pink- Bazeema
Lines in Bold Yellow- Aster
Lines in Bold White- Everyone
Dario is the one handling the instrumentals.
… We've been deceived That royal pair are not what they've claimed to be They're more vicious than I could have ever comprehended When I made a wish and Aster came down This is not what I expected or intended But now that it's happened I don't regret it
'Cause now I've seen Them show their true colors, in shades of green Saying that your wishes aren't safe because of me and That's a lie, lie, lie, lie. And now we know how we'll get the upper hand
… If it's not us then who and when? If we don't fight they know they'll win Not allowed Knowing what I know now The lengths they'll go there's no amount I won't sit back watch this play out That's my vow Knowing what I know now
… Get up, yah! No, I'm not the only one that's (yah) Fed up (yah)
… Wait 'til they hear our feet go dun, dun, dun, dun (yeah)
… I don't think they'll be prepared for what's coming
… A revolution hit the ground runnin'
… If there's one thing they can't keep down Uh-huh It's us and the strength we've found It's too loud (loud) Knowing what we know now (knowing what we know now)
… And who, who knows if we'll succeed?
But we- Won't stop and we won't retreat or turn round Round
Knowing what we know now Knowing what we know now
… Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo Hoo-ha-hoo-ha-hoo-ha Hoo-hoo-hoo … Can they tell what we're becomin'? (Hoo) Hear it in the way we're drummin' (hoo) I was sweet but now I'm something else (oho) Yah, yah, yah, yah! (Hoo-hoo) … Ain't it nice of us to drop in (hoo-ha) To take what's ours to take it back in? (hoo-ha) They think we're nothing (hoo) But we're something else! (Ha) Yah! (Hoo)
… I've seen too many bad things that I can't keep count (The sky) And land now shall unite To fight (fight) Knowing what I know now Knowing what I know now (hoo-ha-hoo)
… And they'll both see all of these stars (We are) Aligned by your own scars So profound (Ahh) Knowing what I know
… I know (hoo) … I know (ha) … We know now (hoo) … Knowing what we know now
Thank You For Reading!
#wish rewrite#disney wish#wish#wish 2023#wish star#wish reimagined#wish disney#wish asha#wish movie#disney#kingdom of wishes#disney wish star#Spotify
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Dynasty Warriors Online Weapon Moveset Counterpart Digest
During the years that Dynasty Warriors Online was in service, many weapons have been made available for players to choose from. The game started off with weapons from Dynasty Warriors 5 before later adding in weapons from 7, 8 and even 9 along with Warriors Orochi 2 and Samurai Warriors 3. Original weapons exclusive to the game have also been made available as well.
The list begins after the break. Please notes that the names for some weapons, particularly in later games, may be different to the names in the game that the movesets were taken from.
Crescent Blade 偃月刀 - Guan Yu (DW5)
Great Axe 大斧 - Xu Huang (DW5)
Great Club 砕棒 - Xu Zhu (DW5)
Iron Rod 鉄鞭 - Huang Gai (DW5)
Scimitar 朴刀 - Xiahou Dun (DW5)
Pirate Sword 甲刀 - Gan Ning (DW5)
Battle Rod 砕棍 - Xiahou Yuan (DW5)
Twin Rods 双鞭 - Taishi Ci (DW5)
War Axe 戦斧 - Dian Wei (DW5)
Twin Picks 双戟 - Pang De (DW5)
Twin Sabers 双剣 - Lu Xun (DW5)
Twin Maces 双錘 - Diaochan (DW5)
Bronze Spear 直槍 - Zhao Yun (DW5)
Cudgel 長棍 - Original (DWO)
Twin Fans 桜扇 - Daqiao (DW5)
Strategist Fan 燕扇 - Sima Yi (DW5)
Vision Staff 幻杖 - Pang Tong (DW5)
Sorcerer's Staff 妖杖 - Zhang Jiao (DW5)
Iron Claw 鉄鈎 - Zhang He (DW5)
Nanman Gauntlets 蛮拳 - Meng Huo (DW5)
Iron Sword 鉄剣 - Zhou Yu (DW5)
Tyrant Sword 獄刀 - Dong Zhuo (DW5)
Battle Shield 戦盤 - Original (DWO)
Whip 多節鞭 - Original (DWO)
Curved Voulge 長双刀 - Wei Yan (DW5)
Pole Blade 鉤鎌刀 - Zhang Liao (DW5)
Noble Sword 宝剣 - Yuan Shao (DW5)
Iron Spear 鉄槍 - Ma Chao (DW5)
Wood Nunchaku 両節棍 - Ling Tong (DW5)
Chakram 夏圏 - Sun Shangxiang (DW5)
Bronze Pike 鉄矛 - Zhang Fei (DW5)
Iron Blade 斬馬刀 - Guan Ping (DW5)
Feather Fan 羽扇 - Zhuge Liang (DW5)
Boomerang 投弧刃 - Zhurong (DW5)
Wolf Sword 積刃剣 - Sun Quan (DW5)
Broad Sword 将剣 - Cao Cao (DW5)
Eastern Sword 弧刀 - Zhou Tai (DW5)
Tonfa 旋棍 - Sun Ce (DW5)
Buckler Blade 牙壁 - Cao Ren (DW5)
War Blade 盤刀 - Huang Zhong (DW5)
Dagger Axe 戦戈 - Yueying (DW5)
Flute 鉄笛 - Zhenji (DW5)
Twin Blades 双刃剣 - Cao Pi (DW5)
Apex Blade 尖剣 - Liu Bei (DW5)
Cursed Deck 呪符 - Zuo Ci (DW5)
Trident 三尖槍 - Jiang Wei (DW5)
Long Fork 叉突矛 - Xingcai (DW5)
Glaive 断戟 - Lu Meng (DW5)
Halberd 鉄戟 - Lu Bu (DW5)
Nodachi 野太刀 - Ranmaru Mori (SW3)
Horned Blade 麟角刀 - Original (DWO)
Jamadhar 穿刃 - Original (DWO)
Greatsword 巨剣 - Fu Xi (WO2)
Light Sword 細剣 - Nuwa (WO2)
Fang Sword 牙剣 - Sun Jian (DW5)
Double Fans 桃扇 - Xiaoqiao (DW5)
Fanged Club 狼牙棒 - Original (DWO)
Snake Sword 蛇剣 - Original (DWO)
Ogre's Fist 重手甲 - Original (DWO)
Dragon Barbs 龍牙鈎 - Original (DWO)
Marbles 堕落 - Da Ji (WO)
Throwing Knives 鏢 - Wang Yuanji (DW7)
Crimson Flute 紅蓮笛 - Zhenji (DW7)
Blue Dragon Sword 青龍刀 - Sima Zhao (DW7)
Lance 螺旋槍 - Deng Ai (DW7)
Thunder Spear 雷鳴槍 - Jiang Wei (DW7)
Wheels 火焔圏 - Sun Shangxiang (DW7)
Flying Swords 飛翔剣 - Zhong Hui (DW7)
Dragon Fan 龍扇 - Zhuge Liang (DW7)
Twin Axes 双鉞 - Zhang Liao (DW7)
Red Dragon Sword 紅龍刀 - Sun Quan (DW7)
Long Bow 長弓 - Huang Zhong (DW7)
Splendid Claws 飛麗爪 - Zhang He (DW7)
Heavy Axe 大鉞 - Xu Huang (DW7E)
Orb & Scepter 打球棍 - Guo Jia (DW7XL)
Twin Dragon Swords 双龍剣 - Liu Bei (DW7)
Striking Rods 打双鞭 - Taishi Ci (DW7)
Whirling Tonfa 旋撃棍 - Sun Ce (DW7)
Qilin Fang 麒麟刀 - Xiahou Dun (DW7XL)
Sword & Hook 撃剣 - Xu Shu (DW7E)
Chain Whip 月香鞭 - Diaochan (DW7)
Sky Piercer 方天戟 - Lu Bu (DW7)
Arm Blade 鉄舟 - Huang Gai (DW7E)
Pugil Sticks 双杖 - Daqiao (DW7E)
Iron Fan 鉄扇 - Xiaoqiao (DW7)
Waving Nunchaku 波闘棍 - Guan Suo (DW7)
Spinner 旋刃盤 - Bao Sanniang (DW7)
Rapier 刺剣 - Liu Shan (DW7)
Short Halberd 短戟 - Han Dang (DW8)
Long Blade 長刀 - Guan Yu (DW7XL)
Trishula 筆架叉 - Wang Yi (DW7XL)
Shaman Staff 錫杖 - Zhang Jiao (DW7)
Circle Blade 断月刃 - Ding Feng (DW7E)
Curved Blade 打刀 - Zhou Tai (DW7)
Lightning Sword 迅雷剣 - Sima Shi (DW7E)
Arm Cannon 連弩砲 - Guo Huai (DW8)
Pulverizing Club 潰棒 - Xu Zhu (DW8)
Dragon Spear 龍槍 - Zhao Yun (DW7XL)
Hand Axe 手斧 - Dian Wei (DW8)
Talisman Cards 導符 - Zuo Ci (DW8)
Flying Boomerang 飛刀 - Zhurong (DW8)
Great Iron Blade 大剣 - Guan Ping (DW8)
Dual Blade 双斬剣 - Cao Pi (DW8)
Crossed Pike 十字戟 - Lu Lingqi (DW8XL)
Double Trident 両刃槍 - Jiang Wei (DW8)
Bladebow 刃弩 - Yueying (DW8E)
Dagger 匕首 - Original (DWO)
Bow & Rod 鞭箭弓 - Xiahou Yuan (DW8)
Dual Hookblades 双鉤 - Yue Jin (DW8)
Twin Pistols 双短銃 - Original (DWO)
Battle Ge 闘戈 - Yueying (DW8)
Great Sickle 大鍘刀 - Zhou Cang (DW9)
Broad Axe 長鉞 - Xin Xianying (DW9)
Extension Blade 伸細剣 - Yuan Shao (DW9)
Nine Rings Blade 九環刀 - Sun Jian (DW9)
Winged Fan 翼扇 - Sima Yi (DW9)
Master Voulge 眉尖刀 - Wei Yan (DW9)
Battle Staff 闘棍 - Zhou Yu (DW9)
Piercing Spear 貫薙槍 - Ma Chao (DW9)
Swallow Swords 飛燕剣 - Lu Xun (DW9)
War Trident 三尖刀 - Yu Jin (DW9)
Ballistic Spear 射刃槍 - Man Chong (DW9)
Rake 九歯鈀 - Lu Su (DW9)
Sword & Shield 盾牌剣 - Xingcai (DW9)
Framed Halberd 画戟 - Lu Bu (DW9)
Mandarin Duck Hooks 鴛鴦鉞 - Lianshi (DW9)
Jeweled Pike 宝戟 - Lu Meng (DW9)
Striking Sword 烈撃刀 - Sima Zhao (DW9)
Falcon Axes 隼双鉞 - Ma Dai (DW9)
Emei Piercers 峨嵋刺 - Wang Yi (DW9)
Shadow Fan 翳扇 - Pang Tong (DW9)
Battle Gloves 眷手甲 - Meng Huo (DW9)
Flaming Sword 焔刃剣 - Sun Quan (DW9)
Chaos Rods 壊双鞭 - Taishi Ci (DW9)
Sky Splitter 裂空刀 - Guan Ping (DW9)
Crescent Edge 月牙鏟 - Li Dian (DW9)
Studded Club 裂棒 - Xu Zhu (DW9)
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Do you think Rebecca was inspired by any real world cultures when she was writing about Poromiel? I was wondering if she was vaguely inspired by Central Asian or Indigenous cultures mostly because of the mounted archery culture and the Poromish exports of unique textiles and grain and gems.
Rebecca is pretty clueless and careless when it comes to respectfully representing real world cultures, we saw that with the way she used the Gaelic language in the books. Do you think there will ever be a point in the next few years where Rebecca might say “yes I was inspired by ____ culture when writing about Poromiel”? Or do you think she will avoid that conversation so she can avoid accountability if it becomes glaringly obvious that she is probably lazily misrepresenting yet another culture?
I don’t know how to feel about it if Rebecca is actually inspired by Central Asian or Indigenous culture. On one hand, Rebecca does not seem to be a very mindful and informed person when it comes to non ignorant representation, but on the other hand, I enjoy the Poromish characters and the concept of Poromiel and I would love to see more Central Asian and Indigenous representation in the media if Rebecca is coached through how to do it respectfully. Avatar the Last Airbender manages to represent real cultures in a fantasy world pretty respectfully. I do not think a respectful representation of real world cultures is impossible, both in the book and the tv show if it ever happens. What are your thoughts? Do you think it would be too bold and a bad idea for Rebecca to say that Poromiel is heavily inspired by Asian or Indigenous culture or something like that?
I would love it if she was at least vaguely inspired by Asian culture, but considering the way Poromiel is written makes me uneasy.
See how Tàirn and Vi react to Cordyn:
“See that sorry excuse for a fortress on the eastern side of the farthest peak?” [Tairn] asks…“You mean the palace that looks like it’s glowing?” The structure is a sprawling, glistening combination of white pillars and blue pools that cascade in five distinct terraces down the gentle slope of the hills above the beach. “It’s just the sun reflecting off the white marble,” he grumbles. “The entire thing is ridiculous and indefensible.” How… beautiful. What a luxury to build a place like this, designed purely for aesthetics. No high walls or portcullises. Tairn’s right. It’s utterly indefensible, and it will fall should venin choose to take it…” — Iron Flame, Chapter 40
My immediate thought upon reading that was: “oh, it’s probably just a vacation home. The Viscount’s real house is probably more fortified.” But Violet never really has similar thoughts so maybe I’m just smarter than her.
Why would she consider it a luxury to build a place designed for aesthetics when her country’s safely protected by a giant magic wall and should have tons of buildings made for aesthetics? You’d think she was raised poor but her mom’s the general of the army and it’s mentioned how riders get better pay/perks so like…? 🤨 I don’t mind Cordyn being beautiful looking; I think it’s much better than just describing Poromiel as simply a war torn country, but this excerpt makes it seem like their stupid for wanting to use their wealth to show off their artistry and culture.
They have their own gods but we never hear anything about them or what their names are. Poromiel has two geographical landmarks that are named after the Navarrian pantheon (Dunness River and Bay of Malek) which is really weird considering Navarre doesn’t seem to influence Poromish culture as far as I’m aware.
And then there’s the poor gryphons. Tàirn calls them inferior twice.
“The gryphon ahead of us dips into a sharp descent and Tairn follows suit, tucking his wings and getting just close enough to the gryphon to let him know he’s no match. “Stop intimidating them.” The last thing we need is an incident before we can even ask Tecarus for the luminary. “I can’t help their inferiority.” There’s a definite smile in his tone…” — IF, Chapter 40
This is in response to Syrena and Brennan telling the riders to show an ounce of sympathy for the fliers on the way up the Medaro Pass:
“I wouldn’t risk either of you.” “Of course you wouldn’t. Why would you, when I’m quite capable of carrying you all over the world?” I can feel [Tairn’s] eyes roll. “You did not bond the inferiority that are gryphons. You bonded dragons.” — IF, Chapter 43
The way they’re written is, quite frankly, rooted in stupidity. The magical creatures who are part bird can’t fly at high altitudes, don’t produce signets, and are slower fliers than dragons. But don’t worry! They can run really fast on the ground!
Okay. So they should have ostrich legs, right? They should be part ostrich instead of eagles if that’s the case since eagle legs aren’t designed for running long distances.
This one comment on YouTube said it best about the gryphon nonsense:

But to get back to Rebecca Yarros and Poromiel being based off Central Asia and Indigenous cultures, I don’t think she has the balls to admit she was inspired by them because of the backlash to her mispronounciation of Scots Gaelic words and her Instagram post on the current ongoing genocide. She hasn’t said a word regarding Palestine after that so I doubt she’ll say anything relating to the topic in the future unless absolutely necessary.
I’m hoping the tv series does Poromiel justice by actually exploring the culture and lore instead of brushing past it like the books do. Maybe in the next three books we’ll get more gryphon lore but my expectations are low rn.
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Ok I am now issuing a formal apology to jay walker for all I have dun to you I apologise any way truma time what if kai and nya walker au but no jay walker
So basicly kai and nya are adopted by the walkers and become thier kids and thier , thier parents sensi recruits and nyas still kidnapped any way to jays truma
So what happened to jay Walker or, in this case, jay firstBourne, yep, this au jay is raised by firstbourne the first dragon mother of all dragons don't ask how but jay is some how ends up in the first realm when realy young first kept him close he learned to use his element through his mother and siblings (aka every Goddam dragon) then one day he would get lost in cave system after saving a dragon from the hunters falling through a portal with his sword the first masters dragon blade jay would apear directly infront of the ninja as they attempt retrieve the scyth of quakes jay defending them by using his element much to thier shock at his control seeing rocky he communicates with him speaking dragon telling him to help which he does the ninja are rescued by rocky sensi would be confused then seeing jay the master of lighting the missing peace of creations puzzle and the sword he carries jay would always keep it close to him after they rescued nya all the Ed and Edna stuff would be replaced by nya and kai diong it (by the way jays half dragon firstbourne new jay wouldnt survive long fully human so gave a him a piece of her making him sorta biological hers) things staying the prety simlar up until hunted jay would awake recognising the sun his sun he was home. The ninja notice jays relieve seeing dragon features spark into existence over him jay feeling home at last wings sprouting from his back home atlast jay would disapear much to the others distress until they see first born after attempting to create a fake one they see blue sparks on her back jay dropping from his mother's back eyes glowing demanding his friends or else the baren laughing jay not taking kindly to this the iron barren being nearly drafted before firstbourne cried causing jay to revile that his mother is a the God of all dragons kai looking impressed Cole laughing his head of at jay being the prince of all dragons Zane just confused fit once young wu stating I didnt know that iron barren being demanded to be taken to the dragon armour the rest continuing simlar except jay wears a blue and golden version if the dragon amour and being the one to ride firstbourne with wu jay fighting garmdon dragon features worn proud Lloyd drafting garmdon.
Jay telling Lloyd and nya about his real childhood the others shocked by just how many adventures he been on returning to the first realm for a little bit to catch up with mother than the darkness returns
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Hooray! Hooray! It’s Devilfish Day!
AKA “the giant squid fight,” or the only thing anyone who hasn’t read the book knows about Twenty Thousand Leagues. This chapter definitely lives up to the hype in my (Mod Blue’s) humble opinion!
First off, I love how this line is translated:
“Ces bêtes-là, ça se nomme des krak...” (“The beasts there, their name is krak…”) (or “These beasts are called” according to Google Translate)
“Craque suffit,” répondit ironiquement le Canadien. (“‘Crack’ is enough,” the Canadian ironically replied.)
This translator made it a very humorous pun! (“These beasts go by the name of krake—“ “Fake is more like it.”) I guess it all depends on how you pronounce “kraken” (I, an American living in the South, always pronounced it “kra-kin,” like “crackin’ open a cold one with the boys.” Not sure how much regional accents/dialects come into play there, but I figured it’s worth mentioning since that’s a thing I’m very interested in…)
”They provided the Nautilus with an escort, and I could hear their beaks gnashing on the sheet-iron hull. We couldn’t have asked for a more devoted following.” If this chapter hadn’t turned violent, this would have been such a lovely mental image…
“An unusual assortment of devilfish,” I told him, as carefree as a collector in front of an aquarium.
“Correct, Mr. Naturalist,” he answered me, “and we’re going to fight them at close quarters.”
Jesus, that took a turn…
DUN DUN DUN! One of the crewmen was a Frenchman just like Aronnax! One can only imagine what sort of effect knowing this will have on him…
Nemo saving Ned in return for Ned saving him from the shark is just. Ahhhhhhh. They could have been such great comrades under other circumstances.
Slight spoilers, but there’s a reason why this chapter is so well-known. Not only is the fight a pretty gripping piece of writing, but it provides a real turning point in the story. I can’t wait to see the reactions when we get to what’s coming up. Five more chapters, two more months, and something like 3,000 leagues to go… Despite having spent some time being mentally checked out of this project, I now find myself distraught at the thought of the voyage coming to its inevitable end. I wonder if this is how Aronnax feels (not that he’s aware yet of what’s going to happen).
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you know the usual

1- I got no freckles 2-I drink tea, hate coffee cause it's bitter. Tea usually makes me sleepy,, 3-Last song i listened to? lemme check
If i die, you better say rip /silly
don't usually listen to this stuff,,,,but vibe was right 4- How do i sleep? I usually sleep in what my sister likes to call 'the baby position' lol [side] 5-Do i sleep with a stuffed animal? Usually, now they under the bed though [im too lazy to pick it up 🔥🔥🔥] 6-Do i prefer writing or drawing? Too tired to do either but drawing,,, 7-answered this in another ask! 8-also answered this in another ask! 9-27/11/09 is mah birthday 10-How tall am i? FRIGGIN 160CM >:[ [wait i think i answered this one too-] 11-My eye color is dark brown [aka black but technically no eye color is black] 12-assuming this question is about real hugs I'd rather jump off a building then hug anyone irl 13-Fears?
Most people, getting found out on anything 14- my favorite color is red, purple, black, pastel yellow, and orange
15-answered this in another ask! 16-I want to tattoo a sleeve or two, not sure what it'd be though 17-Got ear piercings i fuggin hate, dont want any tbh 18-Last person i texted would be my sister on discord lol 19- Dunno about yaya anymore, but probably you, and i think we started being friends this year 20- I miss H a lot, im litterally aroace asf, but she's,,,,, >< getting back together would mean my irl friends dont hang around w me anymore tho so idk 21- My day today was :P 22-Idk how much sleep i got lol 23-I believe in aliens by technicality, cus even like germs or micro-organisms we dont know of are aliens, so like,, 24-The last time i cried Today lol, my mum was being mean and i was already rlly frustrated,, 25-Dont got one fav decade
CONTINUING ANSWERING THIS AFTER A BREAK 26-Childish stuff i like? cant think of anything, maybe plushies but i know a bunch of people who got way more than me and i think it's pretty normal, but idk 27- My favorite book Really really really hard to answer just one SO TOP THREE- Girl in pieces [I FUCKING BAWLED MY EYES OUT I FUCKING AAAA] The outsiders [ALSO CRIED. IN THE MIDDLE OF CLASS [w a buncha my classmates lol since it was for school], THAT FUCKING ENDING. if you read any book, you gotta try this, bucketlist potential] That was then, this is now [okay so to be honest i think i just like it because it was writen by S.E hinton, who wrote the outsiders, but like,,,,it's good. Thinking back though it was kinda mid but at the time i read it, i thought it was good so yeah,,,probably would only reccomend this if your a fan of the outsiders] 28-How am i really? Can't tell what im feeling right now, but probably a good feeling 29-Does it take me a long time to make decisions? Not really, if you give me a day to make a decision i'll make it in a day, if you give me a year i'll take a year, so depends on how much time i'm given 30-What am i looking forward to in the near future? camp!! Going there next thursday
31-What am i looking forward to in the distant future? Leaving home, transitioning, and studying psychology 32-If i could be anywhere rn, where would i wanna be? Arcade,,, 33-Sleep with door open or closed? I sleep with my door closed, my mum doesn't let me close the door at all but i wait till she sleeps and claim the wind dun it or something 34-My favorite flower is the chrysanthemum! 35-no idea what a squish is 36-My middle name is bassically "House of [dads name]", i dont hate it or anything but its kinda just there. 37- cats over dogs but i leik dogs 38- Do i have any phobias? haphephobia, trypanophobia, and hemophobia [ironically lol] [[hemophobia for me though is a bit complicated,,]] 39-Do i stay up late? Not really 40-Do i like the beach? Do i prefer it sunny or cloudy? Hate the beach. Australian beaches are the fucking worst. I hate blue bottles with all of my fucking heart. THAT SHIT IS PAINFUL I prefer sunny weather generally but i would never go to a beach 41-My favorite cartoon would be murder drones, TADC, and hazbin maybe but i stopped watching it 42- Moots,,, 43- I got 2 younger sisters 44-Last person i said i love you too would be you lol
45-I'd die for anyone just let me die /hj 46-What do i do when im sad? Pain meds, listen to music, cry, and get stuck in my head lol 47-Dont got a phone number Ik my mums tho ig 48-Who can i trust with my life? You 49-
[it's my sisters birthday lol]
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Image id under cut!
[image id: two illustrations of Shallan Davar, one with a background and shading and one without. Shallan faces to the side, holding her sketchbook with her safehand with it flipped to a specific page. A small doodle of Sylphrena can be seen on a previous page. Shallan has chest length red-orange wavy hair, some of it put into a small pony tail. Her skin is pale, with light freckling and a visible flush; her features are rounded, with a button nose and medium sized lips. she has a dangling earring, a diamond shaped sapphire, the chain and engraving being silver. The top of her havah is blue, the accents and sash a more green-blue, and the bottom is indigo. the sash has slight accents of the indigo. Her safehand sleeve is fluffy and oversized, the coloring at the end having the green-blue, with bluish white embroidery. She sits on a chair, in the foreground of the illustration. That is all the second version depicts. In the first, it shows the background- Adolin's and Shallan's quarters in Urithiru, depicted after Rhythm of War. She sits on a wood chair with purple padding, an accent table pulled up next to it with an almost full glass of Yellow wine. She seems to be in the sitting room, with stairs in the back left leading to their bedroom. Tapestry hangs from the stairwell, an ambiguous pattern of vaguely floral, pink patterns. The bedroom door is slightly ajar, and red Ruby lightly pours into the dark stairwell. The sitting room is illuminated by a lamp packed with diamond spheres, some of them gone dun. It reflects against the wall, and the coat rack nearby- one in between the stairwell and the lamp, with Adolin and Kaladin's coats on them. Kaladin's is positioned toward the diamond lamp, the coat disheveled, ripped, and bloodied, but illuminated with blue light. His Bridge Four glyph is visible. Adolin's is ironed and cleaned, with it facing towards the red light of the bedroom. The Kholin glyphs of his uniform are visible, cuffs and coattail embroidered with floral and crystal patterns. The coat is irradiated with red light. On the stone wall, a rust garnet strata runs along the room, a small light running past, from the Sibling. On the floor, a weaved rug depicting the Herald Shalash is ripped and carved from the face. In the far right of the illustration, partially covered by shadows, is a large painting of Shallan and Adolin. Adolin has slightly grown out hair, cut vaguely in a mullet, and Shallan's hair runs free, covering some of Adolin's face. He holds his arm out to her, cradling her bicep, as she rests her safehand on his. End id.]
Decided to do art at midnight and it took 7 hours and im refusing to work more on this so!
Shallan and Adolin’s Apartments In Urithiru
(Shallan only under cut)
Wanted to add this because i felt the background was REALLY busy- im aware it looks a bit bad, but i liked all the details too much to change any of them <3 i could NOTTT figure out the lighting it looks SO bad
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Books read in 2023
Red, White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston
The slow regard of silent things - Patrick Rothfuss
The magic faraway tree - Enid Blyton
My summer of pink and green - Lisa Greenwald
Clockwork Angel - Cassandra Clare
Clockwork Prince - Cassandra Clare
Clockwork Princess - Cassandra Clare
Chain of Gold - Cassandra Clare
Chain of Iron - Cassandra Clare
Chain of Thorns - Cassandra Clare
City of bones - Cassandra Clare
City of Ashes - Cassandra Clare
City of Glass - Cassandra Clare
City of Fallen Angels - Cassandra Clare
City of Lost Souls - Cassandra Clare
City of Heavenly Fire - Cassandra Clare.
The Bane Chronicles - Cassandra Clare, Sarah Rees Brennan and Maureen Johnson.
The Red Scrolls of Magic - Cassandra Clare and Wesley Chu.
Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy - Cassandra Clare, Sarah Rees Brennan, Maureen Johnson and Robin Wasserman.
The Shadowhunter's Codex - Cassandra Clare and Joshua Lewis.
Red, White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston.
Red, White and Royal Blue (Collector's edition) - Casey McQuiston.
Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen.
How to think like Mandela h Daniel Smith.
Aristotle and Dante discover the secrets of the universe - Benjamin Alire Sáenz.
Fantastic Beasts and where to find them (The original screenplay) - J.K. Rowling.
The Bookman's wake - John Dunning.
Fantastic Beasts and where to find them (The original screenplay) - J.K. Rowling.
The boy in the striped pyjamas - John Boyne.
The first teacher - Chingiz Aitmatov
Total number of books read : 28
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I had intended Bellamy to be a murder mystery - Sophie's fast friend Andrew Burke having been murdered, and Sophie himself attacked, along with several other patrons of The Blue Dun, in a sort of cover-up for the murder, which was because Andrew stumbled on some dangerous business-y secret working at The Exchange, and have it be covered up by his being queer, cs The Blue Dun is a queer bar of my own invention (tho the street it stands on is a true one, less so now than in 1896)
I just don't think I can stomach writing such a thing, even could I tie it all up in a neat bow, it's too sad
I can't fathom what else I might make the story, and I've never been a wizard at actually finishing - anything at all, really
I've written mostly little scenes of Bellamy and Charlie, really, and had a bash at the beginning plot, but I don't know how to bring it round, nor if I want to - but what else could I do with it? It would otherwise be Bellamy running around Liverpool healing various characters an sundry, and no overarching plot to speak of
What I've got so far, is
Bellamy gets a head wound falling in shock at discovering that man who hanged hisself from the iron bridge in Sevvy Park, and develops idk inner ear balance and dizziness problems - I did look this up, once upon a time - which is treated by the doctor, who offers Bellamy a live-in job after his previous secretary and apprentice (or whathaveyou) basically run away together to begin their own practice, and then Bellamy begins helping him with patients an such, and then starts being called on to help with people who can't afford for various reasons to go to a proper doctor - like Sophie, a friend who Charlie takes in after she was attacked in the street - and from there we find out about Andrew, and The Blue Dun, and how the police aren't bothering to do fuck all, and blah blah blah murder mystery stuff - Andrew's killed to keep the dodgy business dealings secret, and it's blamed on his being queer, basically, tho I'm not certain as to who did it or ordered it or whathaveyou
Side characters not mentioned include,
Annie, the doctor's maid, Collins, the cabbie, Frank, the Bluey's barman, Harriet who's Charlie's cousin and also a hatter,
I'm sure there's others I'm forgetting. Hm.
It's very little if not a murder mystery, tho I spose I could focus more on the medical-y bits, Bellamy building connections through the city an such, tho there's still no ending to that either
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7, 21, 23 e 29 para os asks eses de música <3
Velaí van de volta! :D (é verdá que son difíciles haha)
7:A song to drive to
Hertz, de Amyl and the Sniffers:
Take me to the beach, take me to the country Climb in the backseat if you love me Hire me a car, I wanna go driving Climb in the backseat, that's where you'll find me
Ou incluso Guided by angels: só hai que ver que contenta vai Amyl no coche no videoclip!
21:A favorite song with a person’s name in the title
Conta Mr. Blue Sky da ELO? É un tema como super alegre, pero que me da a chorar cando o escoito (en plan, ten ese toque nostálxico que bueno que mimadriña que que morriña)
23:A song that you think everybody should listen to
Irmaus, de Fuxan os Ventos, dun poema de Celso Emilio Ferreiro. Un pouco máis internacional? Pois The ballad of Sacco & Vanzetti, de Morricone con Joan Baez.
29:A song that you remember from your childhood
A primeira canción que lembro de todas é Fear of the Dark de Iron Maiden... ensinárama meu irmau maior e dicíanme meus pais que andaba a cantaruxala pola casa con 5 anos e así...! Sempre fun unha jevi de carallo. <3
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Skskka ok so this is my Spideysona I guess, I HAVENT EVEN SEEN THE MOVIE YET
Anywizzle, as of now their name is Pidge B Parker! They got bit when they were 14, at a field trip to Oscorp (very original ikik). They were bit by a spider made by their biggest nemesis (as of now?) Doc Oct (dun Dun DUN).
Pidge specializes in coding and English, zir like amazingly bad at stuff like math or chemistry. Speaking of coding, as you can see at the bottom left, they have an A.I!
This is V.I.A, Bug-Boys Very Important App. She's a lot like Karen or F.R.I.D.A.Y from Tom Holland spiderman and iron man. V.I.A helps Pidge locate crime, hack police files, and simple stuff like wake up. She's easily disguised as a Tamogachi and can be clipped on and off of Pidges things and is added to pretty much all of his electronics.
Bug-Boy as you can see has a lot of spider-aids! Because he, like me is ✨autistic✨. Having advanced senses makes it very difficult of zir to fight crime and help people.
The headphones: B-B has clunky yellow headphones (yes I have seen Trinkets-) that filter out background noise for him. The antennas also tap into police scanners and crime apps so ze can hear and know where to go/what to do. V.I.A is also a very big help with that
His Goggles: as you can also see Bug-Boy has big orange and blue goggles, they can zoom in AND out to help him see, and also help him see in the dark. The reason they have a third lense is because they actually have a third eye, they just close it when their not Bug-Boy
His Blades and Kneepads: fun fact about his rollar blades, they actually turn into shoes! They help him get around fast when ze doesn't want to swing. Speaking of swinging, he can produce natural webs out of his wrist! He's also wearing knee pads for protection since their suit is shorts
His bag: Bug Boy is also known to carry around his dark blue bag, which is filled with seemingly endless things and junk. He has everything from snacks for him/people, to gauze and first aid-kits. One can never be to careful
POWERS: so bug boy has a FEW different powers/features than idk the regular web swinger.
For one he has fangs that can spit venom, he doesn't ever use them but definitely can, ze can more or less retract them to hide them as a civilian.
Another thing is he produces webs naturally but there IS a limit. He usually doesn't get there since they like to skate around anyways
It's not exactly a "power" or smth but he's actually allergic to peppermint now unlike before the spider-bite
He became VERY flexible after getting his powers which he found out one day during P.E, ze can do all kinds of creepy bends and tricks, and falling doesn't always hurt as much as it should
He has very fast metabolism, ze needs lots of food and such but heals faster than normal people
This is all I can think of but yea thanks for letting me ramble and what not I will have more because I love spiderman
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Iron Blue Dun
This is my own creation to imitate the Iron Blue Dun. I’ve experimented a lot with different colours, different materials etc and this is the combination that I found works the best for imitating the I.B.D.

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#dry fly fishing#fishing#fishing flies#fly fishing#iron blue dun#match the hatch#spring fly#trout fly#upwinged fly
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