#irl it’s just to rivals who were friends that became enemies
ross1fum1 · 2 months
I need F1 fans from TikTok to stay as far as possible from MotoGP and I’m so fucking serious. I’m already tired of all the bullshit they are saying on that app.
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anonymousicecream · 2 months
Rivals at School? More like on Bed (Karina x M Reader)
Warning: TONS of mature language, lots of cursing, definitely doesn't represent what they really say IRL, just for the story
Jung. A Jung. That's who you are. A Jung. Jung Y/n. Around the world, you might be just one of the 8 billion people, but in Hannam-Dong, Seoul, you are the king of highschools in Hannam-Dong, which effectively means the king in the whole country. The role however didn't come by choice. It came by exposure from your family as business owners, owning multi-billion corporations. You do enjoy all the benefits, but one thing you dislike is the attention. You're someone who's very reserved and only talk to four different people: your parents, your "annoying" twin sister Jung Ahyeon, as well as Nishimura Riki, or Ni-Ki, your best friend since you were 5.
You woke up later than you expected today, but still early enough to allow you to do your daily pull-ups before taking a shower and eating breakfast. After you ate your breakfast, you were about to walk before you heard your mom shout something. "Y/N! Your sister's car broke down. Take her with you." She shouted. You groaned before heading to the garage, grabbing an extra helmet and giving it to your sister.
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"What the fuck is this for?" "So you don't die, you dumb fuck." She groaned, before grabbing the helmet and pulling it over her head, wearing it. You walked out to the front yard, walking towards your various options of cars and motorcycles before deciding to select your BMW RNine-T in order to make sure your sister is safe and comfortable.
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The two of you got on the bike, riding off not long after. It took you just 15 minutes to get from your estate to the school, and once you arrived at school, you felt everyone's eyes on you. You dropped your sister off at the front gate, before riding off to park your bike at your usual spot. You parked the bike there, before turning off the engine and getting off the bike. As you started walking to school, you heard someone called you.
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"Seems like someone decided to not be a bitch and finally starts to care about their sister." Your rival, enemy, whatever that is, Yu Jimin, or better known as Karina, insulted you. The two of you knew that you'll be very hard to break but she still does it to have fun with you and make herself feel better about it. You shrugged off her words, deciding to walk towards school.
Your history with Karina has been like a roller coaster to say the least. The two of you are basically family friends, with your parents being very close to each other. Unlike other family friends however, the two of you despised each other, wanting to achieve more just so "they could suck it in their face". However, as time goes by, the two of you became acquainted and close, as well as even to the point that the two of you go everywhere together. Sadly, all good things comes to an end. It was 5 months ago when she decided that you're "no good" for her and she just starts ignoring you and hating you for whatever it is you did.
(Timeskip to after school)
As school ended in 3:45, you walked to the gym, where you met with the track coach. You discussed the plans for this academic year, which will be your last. Since you plan on getting a scholarship, he suggested you to join some competitions to prepare yourself better as well as have better exposure.
The meeting took around an hour before you parted ways with him at 5, walking back towards the parking lot, towards your bike. However, as you reached your bike, you saw a certain Yu Jimin crouching down, looking down and sad.
"What now?" You asked her. "My car. People flattened my tire." She said, trying to act as if it's nothing. "Change it." You replied in the coldest way possible, trying to make sure that she doesn't think that you want something. "I can't. They flattened two, I only have 1 spare." She said. You contemplated on this. On one side, you can help her change the tires, while on the other hand, you can ask her to leave with you while your "team" handles her car.
You then got to your bike, grabbing your sister's helmet before walking up to Karina, giving it to her. "What?" She asks, staring at the helmet AND at you. "Wear it. I'll take you home." You told her sternly. "Ain't no way. I'm not riding you." She told you. "Too late. You already did." You replied, which made her clench her fists before suddenly started blushing, looking away as she remembered how you took her virginity.
She decided to accept your offer, grabbing the helmet before putting it on. You made a call to your "team", explaining the condition of Karina's car as well as how you'd want the car to be fixed. After ending the call, you hopped on the bike, followed by Karina behind you, before the two of you ride off.
As the ride progresses, you started feeling her hands move, from your bag, towards your shoulders, and now, on your hips, holding it quite tightly. You don't know if she expects you to drop her off immediately, but you decided that you don't wanna miss this opportunity to talk to her again after a while, so you decided to bring her around the district. You ride around the district for a bit before reaching your favorite Ice Cream spot.
"Really? Ice cream?" Karina asks, obviously annoyed. "Yes." You replied shortly, before walking towards the stand. You ordered two cones: one for yourself which consists of ferrero rocher and dark chocolate, and another one for Karina, which only consists of mint chocolate. You got the order before walking back towards her, giving her ice cream to her. "Thanks." She said, before munching into her ice cream. You followed soon, also enjoying your ice cream as the two of you watched the sunset.
At times, you would complain that the silence is very awkward, but with HER, you knew that it was never awkward, but always calm and just how things go around. You then looked around, before finally resting your looks on her face, as she enjoys her ice cream. You noticed that her lips are getting a bit dirty from eating ice cream, so you grabbed one of your tissues and tapped on the dirty bits of her lips, cleaning her from the ice cream. This caused her to blush, trying to not make eye contact with you as you continued this. After a few moments, you realized what you were doing and how it may have a different meaning.
"Ah, sorry." You told her, before continuing to eat your ice cream. "It's okay." She replied, continuing to eat her ice cream. After the two of you finished eating ice cream, the two of you resumed your journey from the park to her condo. It surprised you because you didn't know that she actually owns this condo, but now you know.
"Thanks, for the ride." Karina told you. "Of course Jimin-ah." You replied. She gave you her helmet that she borrowed. You put it at the back, and as you looked forward, Karina leaned onto you, reaching for your lips as she kisses you. You returned the kiss immediately, reaching for her cheeks, caressing it as she wrapped her hands around your neck. Eventually, the two of you pulled away due to lack of air.
"Sorry." Karina told you. "Not, it's.... I'm sorry. I should've not gave in." You told her. "No, no, just, I should've not started it." She told you, and you nodded, agreeing to her statement. "Well, it's getting late, I'll get going now." You told her, and she nodded, agreeing. "See you tomorrow." She told you, before you ride off, heading for your estate.
Once you arrived home, you went to shower immediately, before crashing onto your bed, sleeping off to dreamland.
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lucielxbe · 7 months
hello!! i’m back here again with the same muse. irl got to me previously so hopefully two times the charm, i’m going to actually work on things this time!
presenting my muse, ryeo jihyun or more commonly known as luciel! a chaebol who seeks to enter lime entertainment with his own efforts and prove his worth… well, that’s how it’s supposed to go, right? you can take a closer look at him at his profile and background.
under the cut i’ll be listing some general connections and plot ideas that i’d like to have, otherwise i’ll be happy to brainstorm ideas~ like this post if you’d like to plot in dms or discord upon request! (i respond quicker on discord!)
plot ideas !
fellow nepobabies. relationships that could extend from when luciel entered high school until present time. perhaps the two of you befriended each other for the connections when attending high society events, whether it remains superficial or they became real friends is up to you!
on the topic of friends, luciel is pretty much outgoing and gets along well with his peers. although it’s been about 3-4 years since he started living in korea and temporarily getting away from his parents, he doesn’t spare much time for his personal hobbies or even trying to find any… someone please bring him to do normal activities like any other person,
acquaintances from the world of classical music; it’s not like luciel was a popular figure in there, he appeared and vanished like the wind — but he’s definitely left a lasting impression of sorts with his last performance in a piano competition. he didn’t win the first spot, but the applauses he had were the loudest that day.
enemies/rivals, those who envies his social status and skills or people who’ll want to take advantage of him. luciel doesn’t has a tendency to hold hard feelings against these people, but he could get annoyed by it and potentially pour oil to the fire. he could get rather mean about it too, because he doesn’t takes insults kindly especially if it’s unwarranted. though at the end of the day, he’ll just laugh and thinks its comedy.
on that note, an enemies to friends route would be nice too! internal conflicts with each other but somehow forms a closer bond together along the way, and they’ll be able to look back on their memories with a smile.
following up from enemies yet again, it’ll be nice to have a person or two with music in their blood who are able to tell luciel’s lack of passion towards music. this part could be slightly selective and depends if your muse is able to feel his, emptiness.
coffee friends! luciel has his own expensive coffee machine and bags of coffee beans from all around the world, a coffee addict if you may.
friends into literature! he’s almost always seen with a book of the sorts in his hands and is often seen studying shakespearean works.
more friends but this time… close friends. he’ll lower his guard down from his typical prince charming attitude he’s curated for the general public and speak more comfortably with you. luciel is still pretty much the same except that he shows less expressions than he normally does and talks less, but at this point he’ll always listen to your worries and help you out when necessary. he can be a tease too, lightheartedly throws a sarcastic comment here and there; but he’ll always mean well.
one sided crushes perhaps! please keep in mind that luciel is engaged that’s arranged by their respective families, but this is kept private and only very close friends will know. that being said, at the moment he has no endgame so maybe he could develop actual romantic feelings for someone? maybe? maybe??
engagement partner is opened as well, currently it’s an npc buuut if it works for your muse, we can plot it out! ( 0 / 1 )
exes?????????????????? exes without feelings that definitely didn't worked out but that's why they got together.
he’s more fluent in japanese since he’s lived most of his life there in tokyo! so friends/acquaintances from there, or even a reunion in korea is a choice~
any other plots in mind? hit me with it! i’ll be very happy to hear them out!! ( ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ)
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agathasangel · 3 years
leave everything behind but me- part 4 (diane sherman x reader) (NSFW moment)
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warnings: same as before, stalking (like full on irl stalking as well as online), drugging, some talk of emotional/physical abuse in this one, death mention. this whole fic is just kinda dark... sorry. Also brief nsfw moment.
summary: this part is from Diane’s perspective. as she looks for her neurotoxin ingredients in a panic, she reflects on how she came into contact with you in the first place, and all the highs and lows of your relationship up to this point.
where the hell are they? thought Diane, looking for the last, most important ingredient in her neurotoxin.
She couldn’t believe it had come to this again. Just like with Chloe.
Diane wondered where Chloe was, what she was doing. About five years ago, with an excellent defense lawyer, she managed to get out of jail for what she had done. She looked far and wide for her stolen daughter, who seemed to be nowhere to be found. She still worried about what became of Chloe, but knew she was probably doing alright. And one day, Diane found a new obsession by the name of (y/n).
It was nearly two years ago now. Diane was beginning to give up on finding Chloe, after three full years of searching anywhere and everywhere with no luck. But she did find something else. 
She was staying at a hotel in California, near the hospital where she gave birth to Chloe, in the vain hope that maybe, just maybe, Chloe would be around.
Diane didn’t find Chloe, but she found something else from her past. Her college reunion was being held in the exact hotel she was staying at. She didn’t plan on attending, but then she came face-to-face with her college rival. This woman was the only person who did better in her classes than Diane. Not only that, but she had multitudes of friends, boyfriends, you name it, while Diane had no one. The woman never let Diane forget how much better she was either. It wasn’t the worst thing Diane had ever been through, not by a long shot, but it was a disappointment for sure. College was supposed to be the place where Diane could finally feel like she belonged, and she always resented this rival of hers. 
“Diane! We didn’t think you were coming! Oh here, have a seat!” said the woman.
“I’m so sorry about Roger. It was such a shock to hear about.”, she continued, reminding Diane of her dead husband
“Yeah, I still can’t say I’m over it, all these years later.”
“Yeah when the love of your life just drops dead like that, you never get over it, do you?”, she said, far louder than Diane would have liked.
“Can we please talk about something else?”
“Of course, I’m so sorry, Diane, I know it must be so hard for you!”
“Yeah. Um... what’s your family like?”
“Well we have one daughter. Her name is (y/n), and she’s a senior in High School,” said the woman. She then leaned into Diane and said, “But can I be honest? I never exactly wanted kids. Never liked them. I thought it would change when I had her but it didn’t. She’s so... difficult.”
Diane’s blood absolutely boiled hearing this, but she managed to keep a polite face, “But that’s your child. Don’t you love her?”
“There are some good things about her, I guess. I do love her in my own way, but I can’t help but feel disappointed. She’s just not what I thought she’d be. I’m sorry, I thought you may understand. I never get to vent my frustrations about her.”
“I’m sorry, but I can’t understand. But, do you, um, by any chance have a picture of her?”
“On my phone, somewhere. Let me look.”
After a while, she found a picture of (y/n). It was fairly recent photo of you at a restaurant, at what looked like a dinner with the whole family. You looked sad and lost, but Diane thought you looked sweet.
“She’s beautiful.”
“Thanks,” said the woman, almost stifling a laugh, as if there was no way Diane could have meant that.
“I’m sorry, I need to go to the bathroom.” said Diane, as she was starting to turn red in anger and the woman.
“I’ll join you, I need to freshen up a bit.”
So Diane walked straight into a stall while the other woman followed. Diane started to cry, so angry at this awful woman. She had a child, a beautiful, sweet, girl who was alive, for God’s sake. Diane would kill for what she has, in fact she had killed for it before. But this woman didn’t care about her child, she didn’t appreciate you one bit.
She didn’t deserve you. 
Then she heard the woman get into the stall next to her and she decided to leave. But the woman left her purse on the sink. Diane looked into her purse and found everything. All her information was in her wallet, and she took pictures of her address, phone number, and credit card numbers, as well as a couple of photos of you and your father. Diane quickly threw the last photo back into her purse as she heard her enemy get up, and she ran away, all the way back up to her room. 
Diane looked at the photos, and started to look for your social media. You didn’t seem to post very often, or have many friends. Most of your photos were of you by yourself, or pretty things you took pictures of, and even a couple of sad poems you wrote. Poetry written by teenagers was usually laughably bad, but hers made Diane cry. She saw herself in you.
Poor little thing, Diane thought. She needs some love. But I can do that for her.
Diane spent about a month following you and your parents around, without any of you even noticing her presence. One day she snuck into their house and bugged it, so that there were feeds of different rooms streaming to her computer at all times.
Diane noticed you spent most of your time alone. You wrote in a journal a lot, and cried fairly often, hugging a teddy bear you had. You just seemed so burnt out from stress from school, stress from your job, pressure from your parents. You fought with both of her parents often. Well... fight wasn’t the right word. Usually, one parent would yell at you and insult you, and you would choose to either take it or not take it.
There was one particular instance where you snapped at your father, telling him how he abandoned you so many times. He didn’t take this well, screaming all kinds of insults. How Diane wished she could hold you, rock you, comfort you and tell you that aren’t any of the terrible things your father told you, and that she’s sorry that you never felt good enough.
Diane snuck into (y/n)’s graduation, too. She knew she couldn’t contact you yet, but she got so much happiness out of just seeing this milestone of your life. All you did was walk across the stage and take your diploma, but Diane beamed with pride for you as you did it.
After graduation, your parents were constantly threatening to kick you out, and the fights got worse, they crying got worse. Diane wished she was there, comforting you, holding you and giving you all the love that your parents didn’t. Diane looked for a window of opportunity into this girl’s life until she found the perfect one. You had put out an ad on facebook for anyone on the east coast looking for a roommate, and Diane put her plan into action. She made a fake account on facebook pretending to be a college girl named “Anna Johnson” and responded to the ad, starting to talk to and getting friendly with you. “Anna” suggested that you take a bus trip and offered to pay the fare, but you refused because you wanted to earn the money yourself. Diane’s heart warmed at your sweet messages, even though they were to “Anna” and not her. “I’ve never had as good a friend as you before”, “Who needs a mom when I have you giving me such great advice?”, “You’re the best!”, every little message that you sent to Diane made her fall more and more in love. Diane bought a little house on the East Coast with the money she got from selling her old house, and hoped everything will fall into place in her new life with (y/n). 
Now during the bus trip, Diane needed to follow you closely in her silver minivan, and make sure not to lose track of you during layovers either. Her detour into the coffee shop scared her at first, but once Diane found you, it was the perfect opportunity to finally, after all these months of dreaming, meet you face-to-face. Her new little baby girl, finally. Diane slipped a powdered sleeping pill into her already tired girl’s coffee to make you even more sleepy and suggestible, getting you to come with her to her hotel room.
Back in the present, Diane found the rest of the powdered sleeping pills as she was searching through her medicine cabinet and closet. She got so distracted thinking about you, and all the horribly wrong things she had done to you. 
It’s for her own good, all of it. She needs to be protected, she’s too pure for this world, to good, too sweet...
Diane searched through the drugs she had given you, thinking of all the best times the two of you have had.
The first day Diane had been with you in the little house was heaven on earth. Finally Diane had everything she’s been working for for almost a year now right there, in her arms. Diane wanted to give you everything you didn’t believe you deserved. The only catch was that you belonged to Diane, and Diane alone.
She got a job teaching Chemistry at the local High School fairly easily, as she had extensive knowledge (even more extensive than she may have let on in her interview), of the subject, and the school district was completely desperate for competent science teachers. Diane found faking the background check easy, she used her maiden name and an incorrect date of birth and they didn’t ask her about her arrest at all. And now she had her new life set up. A house that she owned, a job to put food on the table, and you.
The next best day for Diane was the day you finally kissed her. Diane was starting to fall in love with you in a more romantic, even a more sexual way, but didn’t know if you felt the same way about her. Then, during one of your movie nights, you kissed Diane, and she felt overjoyed. She kissed you back and finally led you to the bed and fucked you, like she had been thinking about doing every night at this point but was too scared to actually initiate until now. She was in love with the feeling she got from kissing you, from pleasing you. It had been so long since Diane had been this intimate with anyone, and she was your first. And it was a real awakening for the both of you.
It felt so good, you felt so good. This relationship you had was so incredibly wrong in so many ways, but it just felt so right.
Why did it have to change?
Of course, there were still some hard moments. Even Diane admitted that there were times when she could be irrationally possessive of you, getting angry when someone even looks at you the wrong way. She knew that her possessive, obsessive attitude could scare you, and you would even blame yourself for it, but she didn’t know how to stop. She knew that you were getting scared she would become more difficult to please, like all the other people that have been in your life.
Or the times that you would cry, and it happened so often. You would get sad and Diane would hold you and tell you:
“It’s ok baby, you’re here now, you’re with me. I love you more than life itself. You’re gonna be okay, my little angel.”
One night Diane woke up to you crying into your pillow, and immediately grabbed you.
“What’s wrong, baby? What happened?”
“I- I was afraid that you might- that- one day- you might not want me anymore... what would happen if you d-don’t want me....”
“Listen, I will never not want you. You are all I have, remember? And you’re all I need. Come here, that’s right. You’re my baby, all mine.. shhh....”
Or, there was the time you asked about the scars on Diane’s back. She was mortified, but finally told you about her terrible childhood. The horrible abuse from her mother until her death, the foster home, everything. Her desperation to become the mother she never had. You hugged her tight.
“I’m so sorry, Diane, I had no idea... and to think I complained about-”
“Baby, don’t compare your life to mine. All that matters now is that it’s you and me, and I need to take care of you.”
“Sometimes I think I should be the one taking care of you, Diane.”
“Trust me baby, you do so much more for me than you think.”
Then Diane found it. The rest of the paint thinner. And she was ready to take away all your sadness once and for all, and make you hers forever.
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preathfics · 4 years
The Preathfics-verse Chart
I had an ask in my inbox asking for an introduction to the relationships preathverse, so I thought I’d channel my inner Alice Pieszecki and develop a chart. 
The entire chart:
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dashed lines = typically portrayed as an ex or romantic rival 
solid lines = typically portrayed together
thicker lines = portrayed together more frequently
If you distill the chart down to the most canonical characters and their romantic relationships:
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Major Characters
Christen & Tobin - Our heroes, our OTP (One True Pairing), our preferred endgame (preath). When they aren’t playing soccer, Christen is often a professional (lawyer, professor, consultant, doctor) and Tobin is often an artist of some sort (especially a photographer). Tobin is often portrayed as either goofy/a useless gay or a player and artsy. Christen is often portrayed as spiritual, uptight, anxious, or as the more mature one who puts up with Tobin’s goofiness. She is also sometimes portrayed as being more powerful/in charge, though they both occupy these roles in different fics.
The New Kids: Lauren Cheney/Holiday & Amy Rodriguez- These two are often portrayed as Tobin’s besties and confidants in the older fics (though they still make an appearance sometimes). Amy played club with Christen in Utah until recently, and thus made some appearances (often to help them connect). Lauren also makes an appearance as Christen’s friend sometimes. They’re called the new kids because of US Soccer. Jrue, Lauren’s actual husband, is Lauren’s OTP. Adam comes up occasionally, but Amy is typically just assumed to be married to him. 
The Exes: Shirley & Vero- Shirley Cruz and Vero(nica) Boquete- These two pairings are based in real-life rumors that Tobin started dating Shirley when they played together for PSG and Christen started dating Vero when they played together for Tyresö. Sometimes stories portray an overlap between Shirley and Christen. There is also Christen’s actual high school boyfriend and current friend Nima who appears as an ex/current friend sometimes.
Alex Morgan- Alex is often portrayed as either an ex or current romantic relationship of Tobin’s (talex), especially in older fics, because they were visibly very close IRL during the 2015 World Cup. Given this closeness, is also often portrayed as disliking Christen. More recently, we have seen some “Chrislex,” which sometimes plays on this enemies tension in the canon to create sexual tension. 
Alex is also often portrayed in a relationship with Kelley O’Hara (kellex). This ship became increasingly more popular after the most recent world cup, as Talex pairings and Alex-Tobin-Christen love triangles faded. Additionally, she is sometimes portrayed as married to her real-life husband Servando Carrasco.
Kelley O’Hara- In real life Kelley has played on national teams with Tobin for many years and went to college with Christen and played club with Christen in Utah until recently. As such, she is often portrayed as one or both of their closest friend. She also has IRL chaotic energy so she is often used as a comedic foil. She is also portrayed as an ex of Christen (O’Press) and, less frequently, Tobin. Given the recent controversy surrounding her decision not to kneel for the national anthem in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement, she has lost some popularity in fic. 
Kelley actually has three primary ships across preathfics: (1) Alex Morgan (Kellex), (2) Emily Sonnett (sohara), (3) Hope Solo (o’solo). The former two appear more frequently in post-2019 WC fics whereas the latter appears in fics prior. Hope Solo (the former national team goal keeper) is also often portrayed in a relationship with Carli Lloyd (current national team forward).
Oh, and Kelley is also more recently attached to her actual girlfriend whom she kissed publicly after they won the 2019 World Cup.
Emily Sonnett- Emily Sonnett plays on the national team and played club with Tobin in Portland. She is typically romantically connected to either Kelley O’Hara (sohara) or Lindsey Horan (Soran). She has been more prevalent in fics since the 2019 World Cup, and serves often as a comic foil and as a mentee of T+C. Recently there have been a few fics featuring Sonnett connecting with Christen (sonness) and Kristie Mewis (KMewett). 
Lindsey Horan- Lindsey played club with Tobin at PSG and in Portland. She is often portrayed as the “little sister” figure to Tobin and is typically romantically connected to Emily Sonnett (soran) though she has also been connected to Mallory Pugh (Mal). Mal is often portrayed as the “little sister” figure to Christen or is cast as their real child. 
Julie Johnston/Ertz (JJ)- Julie plays on the national team and played club with Christen in Chicago when she came back from Sweden for the first time. She is sometimes portrayed as a romantic match with Christen, but is more often her friend. Her OTP is typically Zach Ertz, her actual husband. Like Kelley, she has recently fallen out of favor a bit for her (in)actions on BLM.
The Gayng: Ashlyn Harris, Ali Krieger, & Megan Rapinoe (& Sue Bird)- Ashlyn (Ash), Ali, and Megan are all on the USWNT and Sue is Megan’s real partner. Since the 2019 world cup these three couples have been called the “Gayng.” Typically, Ashlyn, who played in college with Tobin, is portrayed as Tobin’s good/best friend and confidant (and very occasionally ex) whereas her actual wife Ali is typically portrayed as Christen’s good/best friend and confidant (and very occasionally ex). They are, however, the most consistent other pairing in this fandom (Krashlyn). When they got married it was called “the royal wedding.” 
Megan is often portrayed as a wise and clever best friend to both Christen and Tobin. She offers some comedy but is also often portrayed as someone who sees their relationship for what it truly is. She seems to be coming more and more into favor recently as Kelley and Julie’s popularity have declined and T+C have spent more time doing re-inc things with her. Her OTP is Sue Bird, though they have only started appearing in fics together concisely more recently. 
Allie Long: Allie and Tobin were very close for a period of time (calling each other “Harry”) and as such she makes an appearance as the best friend in a few fics. She’s married to Jose Batista (Bati) and they are often portrayed together.
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redcolored · 3 years
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hey  besties!  im  cc  and  im  ecstatic  2  be  here.  this  is  the  dumbest  bitch  alive,  cherry  and  i’m  so  excited  to  write  them  again  as  they’re  a  bit  of  a  revamp  <3  as  a  psa,  i  have  their  career  claim  as  paris  hilton  n  it’s  mostly  just  her  silly  memes  n  early  2000s  attitude  vs  her  actual  reality  show!  anywho,  pls  like  this  for  plots  <3
˛ ⠀ * ⠀ ★ ⠀  ROH  JISUN  .   DEMI  GIRL  .  THEY/SHE      ⧽ ⠀ have  you  seen  the  786  latest  post  ?  sources  say  they  have  some  serious  dirt  on  the  child  of  a  big  time  OIL  EMPIRE  HEIR  AND  HIGH  PROFILE  SOCIALITE  .   they  haven’t  revealed  who  it was  yet  but  my  best  is  on  RI  CHAE  -  WON  !  ever  since  that  last  update  about  how  they  BROKE  UP  A  ROYAL  ENGAGEMENT  (  ‘  ON  ACCIDENT  ‘  ) .   i  don’t  put  anything  pass  them  .  i  mean  ,  these  celebrity  kids  are  just  out  of  control  .   they  do  whatever  they  want  ,  whenever  they  want  and  are  ungrateful  in  the  process  !!  i  mean  take  CHERRY  for  example  ,  they’re  a  TWENTY - THREE   year  old  SOCIALITE  ,  and  what  did  they  do  to  get  there  ?  have  famous  parents  !  like  hello  ,  just  because  you  BECAME  THE  (  SECOND  )  MOST  FOLLOWED  PERSON  ON  INSTAGRAM doesn’t  mean  you  actually  deserved  it  .   i’m   glad   the   786   is   taking   them   down   a   notch   .   it’s   about   time   someone   does   . 
full   name     .     ri  chae-won alias(es)   +   nickname(s)   +   title(s)     .      cherry  (  derived  from  being  called  chae  ri  during  childhood  ),  dumb  bitch  (  lovingly  ),  instagram  user  cherryzooted,   preferred   name     .     cherry age   +   dob     .     twenty  -  three,   july  1 natal   chart     .     cancer  sun,  cancer  moon,  cancer  rising  .  so  ...  good  luck gender   +   pronouns     .     demi  girl  +  they  /  them  /  she  /  her orientation     .     graysexual  +  grayromantic birth   place     .     seoul,  south  korea hometown     .     silicon  valley language(s)   spoken     .     in  order  of  fluency:   korean,  japanese,  english,  french  –  conversational  dutch  +  mandarin accent     .     100%  valley  girl  accent,  plays  it  up  these  days,  but  normally  just  sounds  californian occupation     .     full  time  hot  girl,  full  time  story  updater,  full  time  responsibility  avoider,  full  time  twitter  personality,  undercover  heiress  trying  to  girlboss  her  way  to  a  ceo  position parallels     .     karen  smith  (  mean  girls  ),  brittany  s  pierce  (  glee  ),  on  the  flip  side:  ransom  drysdale  (  knives  out  –  in  the  ...  two  faced  way,  not  the  murderous  way  ahaha  ),  fallon  carrington  (  dynasty  ), 
they  are  old  money,  truly.  their  mother  is  a  high  profile  socialite  who  comes  from  an  enterprising  family  (  think,  owns  ivy  league  university  enterprising  and  has  stakes  in  every  field  imaginable  )  while  their  father  is  an  oil  empire  heir.  of  course,  her  parents  got  married  for  money  and  for  reputation  –  and  in  their  wildest  dreams,  had  one  (1)  child  that  they  hoped  would  be  an  heir  to  their  titles.
except,  their  child  was  cherry  and  she’s  the  “dumbest  bitch  alive”.  cherry  was  born  on  the  first  of  july  and  had  a  platinum  spoon  in  their  mouth  from  the  very  first  laugh  they  gave.  cherry  was  really  given  everything  from  the  moment  she  was  born  to  this  very  day  –  private  tutors  (  all  who  quit,  thanks  to  her  ),  private  chefs,  nannies,  trainers,  anything  that  she  could  want,  she  got.
so,  a  bit  of  a  spoiled  brat  and  actually,  not  as  dumb  as  she’d  like  the  world  to  believe  she  is.  quite  an  unfound  genius,  but  as  a  teenager,  started  to  go  viral  on  early  tumblr  and  instagram  and  even  vine  due  to  a  certain  image.  it  started  honestly  as  a  joke  where  she  would  pretend  to  ask  questions  that  are  so  absurd  just  to  see  how  people  would  respond,  but  as  the  early  internet  is  –  they  took  her  seriously.  so,  she  just  ...  kept  up  with  it.
to  this  day,  their  social  media  is  mostly  one  big  satirical  account,  but  since  they’ve  been  doing  it  for  so  long,  people  just  go  along  with  it.  in  reality,  they’re  a  lot  more  cunning  than  people  think  and  definitely  getting  ready  to  succeed  the  company  from  their  parents  (  after  all,  they  just  got  a  masters  degree  from  princeton  –  which  made  her  instagram  followers  kind  of  confused  but  they  just  said  that  they  were  in  a  silly  goofy  mood  and  shouted  out  their  favorite  tutors  ).
her  cunningness  is  the  reason  why  she  accidentally  broke  up  a  royal  engagement.  the  story  goes:  cherry  uploaded  an  instagram  story  where  a  certain  royal  prince  was  spotted  in  the  background,  half  naked  on  their  bed.  they  said  oopsy - daisies  and  then  put  it  as  a  highlight  on  their  instagram  for  like  forty - eight  hours  before  saying  oh  my  word!  and  deleting  it.  apologized  profusely  after  the  engagement  was  called  off  and  then  went  on  twitter  to  say  my  bad.
anyway,  current  day,  is  enjoying  the  last  few  year(s)  of  their  socialite  life,  continuing  to  push  an  image  that  gets  them  the  most  traction  and  engagement  online  to  really  bump  up  their  image  n  views  before  they  ultimately  retire  from  social  media  to  become  an  oil  empire  +  clean  energy  +  university  heiress.  if  this  doesn’t  make  sense,  idk  either.
personality  wise     .     i  feel  like  it’s  absolutely  no  secret  to  the  inner  circle  that  they’re  not  as  ditzy  as  they  seem  irl.  they  can  definitely  be  more  than  catty  and  very  aggressive  aggressive  to  get  what  they  want  –  as  they  fail  to  ever  beat  around  the  bush.  an  absolute  villain,  cherry  knows  what  she  wants  (  an  empire  )  and  really  has  no  trouble  stepping  on  people  to  get  there.  that  being  said,  even  if  they’re  a  bit  of  a  villainess,  fails  to  ever  find  the  heart  in  being  catty  and  mean  to  people  who  don’t  deserve  it  –  i.e.  the  kind  and  the  good.  anyway  idk  what  i’m  writing  i’m  delirious.
wanted  connections  include     .     unholy  trinity  (  open  to  2  ),  academic  rivals  (  if  they  ever  attended  school  together  or  uni  –  she  went  to  brown  undergrad  +  princeton  for  grad  school  ),  pr  friends  /  relationships,  someone  constantly  featured  on  her  instagram,  fake  enemies  on  social  media,  somebody  they  surpassed  on  instagram  in  followers  and  then  tagged  them  n  said  “haha  im  sorry  <3″  on  their  story,  (future)  business  partners  /  associates  (  in  secret  though  because  rn  she’s  still  “not  an  heiress”  ).
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thethreemages · 3 years
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W e lp, been meaning to finally get around to introducing this lil binch magnet and thus... here he is; the one and only Lord Zoras himself, one of the bigger antagonists within the TTM-verse (Kaz's crew basically being nothing compared to this smug asshole).
As for how exactly he became to be such a binch magnet itself? Well... lets find out~ (whether here or through my other DA link, hope you all enjoy reading! ;p)
Zedri Zoras (age 23) was born as the beloved, only son to the then-Lord and Lady Zoras, a proud pair of nobles who spoiled their boy rotten with the many luxuries he could've ever asked for. Priceless toys, bountiful sweets, the finest of clothes, he was practically the "little prince" of the household... so much that in some ways, Zedri believed he really was royalty. Day by day this would continue on with a growing wariness among the fellow house-servants... up until the fateful event that would forever shake up the Zoras household. The day his parents, desperate to continue their lavish lifestyles no matter what... ended up getting arrested with charges of fraud, scamming, theft... and in some rumors, some potential treasonous affiliations with underground crime circles. Everything Zedri ever knew was snatched away from then on... leaving there no other choice but for him to be sent off to live with his only other-living blood relative... his beloved grandfather, the former headmaster of St. Ravilda's Mage Academy.  Now the aging old man Zoras was quite "infamous" by this point in time... forever disgraced from his proud headmaster days due to his increasing cruelty to certain students of his, whilst attempting to manipulate a few select others as potential "apprentices" of his. The only other supporters he had left were his son and daughter-in-law... but with them out of the picture by now, all was left was the young lad Zedri. Eager to be entertained by his grandfather's numerous "mighty" stories of heroism, magehood and other "daring" feats... it didn't take long for the two to develop a close bond with one another even as they were alone in the rather "empty" mansion walls. Just like the old man, Zedri had inherited Strength magic that was picked up well in his early years... and sensing such magical prowess, his grandfather was quick to try and train the boy to pick up where he no longer could (now that he long-retired from his own mage days).  Within the coming years, Zedri would continue to grow up into a strong young man... even being imparted the dated-beliefs from his grandfather about maintaining "tradition" over all else. Men like him being the dutiful providers, women being the subservient "arm-candy" when needed, offense-magic being the top priority over defense or healing... the list went on.  Still, Zedri's skills weren't to be ignored for very long... as once he was old enough he got sent off to a different mage academy that rivaled that of St. Ravilda's; the Gilded Prime Mage Academy. Quickly rising to the top of his class in terms of both academics and popularity, Zedri would carry on his perpetually hotshot ego well by the time he graduated... making quite a few enemies along the way such as Prince Elas Grayle (whom he encountered a few times on various school competitions). Still, the few "complaints" he'd get overtime failed to hinder Zedri's spirit much... as now that he was a grown adult (and soon inherited his parents' estate as the "new" Lord), he was free to carry on trying to spread about his grandfather's "rightful teachings" in the traveling mage business. That and another lil "side venture" of his trying to land himself the most proper lady as his "future bride"... not even caring for their own input so much as they make him look good. Rightfully so, this has landed him with... quite a growing list of complaints from said women (such as one particular Earth mage who firmly stood against him a long while ago)... but to the ever-egotistical Lord himself, nothing would stop him from fulfilling his grandfather's goal of "giving the old ways back" to the proud land of Terra... ----------------- (Fun Facts): -Within the Zoras family, its always been a tradition to name each boy born after a Z-related name. Zedri's is derived from the irl name of Cedric (which (ironically) translates to "kindly and beloved") -Zedri's closeness with his grandfather could be linked to them sharing an "aura bond" together; a special type of phenomenon in which two mage relatives are born with identical
auras to allow a near-telepathic connection with eachother. Zedri can hear a pang of his grandfather's voice at the back of his head, sense certain emotional changes, enhance his own strength magic with him nearby, and vice-versa. -Zedri's own mother was originally arranged to marry Prince Caius, King Grayle's older brother who had perished in the "Wraith Night" war many years ago. Out of spite and heartbreak, Caius' fiancee scorned the Graystone royal family and went off to marry into the Zoras family instead. As proud as Zedri is of his heritage... part of him can't help but feel salty that he was this close to being legitimate royalty... -Knowing of his grandfather's connections to past St. Ravilda's pupils, Zedri can't help but try to find out ways to "maintain" old alliances like that to further increase his influence as a nobleman. Not too surprisingly, such "attempts" haven't exactly turned out well in his favor...  -Within his own mage group, Zedri has Ana White being enlisted as a member of it (as recommended by her eager-socialite of a mother). Despite her mom's urging to "make friendly" with such a man like Zedri... Ana's always been rather uncomfortable and irritated with how selfish and chauvinistic Zedri's proven to be as a mage leader. Always hogging most of their mage mission earnings to himself, waving off Ana as some "pretty lil novice who should keep quiet", and not-so-subtly making some rather unsavory remarks regarding her friend group (including Tawnie and Kaz's crew). Unfortunately, knowing the difficulty of Healer mages making much successes on their own within the world of Terra... Ana feels like she has no choice but to put up with Zedri's behavior if it means keeping at least some food on the table for herself (and an ever-pleased smile on dear mommy's face).
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4haechie · 4 years
son of apollo!donghyuck
pairing: son of apollo!donghyuck x child of athena!reader genre: fluff, comedy, some adventure/action, pjo au, e2l au words: 3,173 warning: couple of curse words here n there a/n: i reference a bunch of pjo characters in this so if u haven’t read pjo *crowd booing*
so donghyuck’s the son of apollo right
there’s like no arguing when it comes to that
he’s extremely talented at singing and making music, dancing, rapping, songwriting, so he’s no doubt apollo’s offspring
and he’s naturally gifted at archery as well
you can’t spell haechan without ACE teehee
u on the other hand
you’re athena’s child
you love to read and write you’re incredibly smart ofc
you love competing and winning and taking part in strategy making to bring your opponents DOWN 💅🏼
athena’s the goddess of wisdom as well as warcraft so needless to say you’re exceptional in both fields
you’re not just textbook smart, no no, you’re able to apply all the knowledge you learn…well…irl
not to mention you’re good with all kinds of weapons
ur fave weapons include swords and spears :D
you’re okay w knives too!!! and daggers!!! you’re not picky
but you’re better w longer blades just cuz u have more experience w them
fun fact: you’re the head of the athena cabin and donghyuck’s the head of the apollo cabin
you’re both great leaders, always doing your best to make the best strategies to win capture the flag, the chariot races, and other fun activities chiron plans for the campers 😁
but . you guys are Sworn Enemies
actually the better term to use would be “rivals”
you guys r So competitive to the point where you actually developed a rivalry during your first few years at camp half-blood
donghyuck LOVES to win but so do you… so obv he’s gonna go out of his way to make sure he/his cabin wins
that doesn’t mean you’ve ever backed down from his challenges…
if he’s competitive you’re twice as competitive
one day after breakfast during your fifth year at camp when you’re both about 18, chiron decides to host a good old game of capture the flag
u know . for old times’ sake 😼
once he makes the announcement you immediately turn to your cabin mates
“we have to win no matter what”
“y/n, it’s just capture the flag. we’re not fighting gaea”
“bitch are u in or not”
the entire dining hall is buzzing with excitement
nothing makes a demigod’s day like a capture the flag announcement 😌
chiron suddenly grabs the megaphone again and calls out “this time however there’s a little twist,” he chuckles as everybody goes silent
you raise an eyebrow
“you’ll be in teams of course. everybody has to play. there’s twenty cabins, so there will be ten teams of two cabins each. i’ll pair you guys up myself. each pair gets a flag–so there’s ten flags in total. the game will be won by the pair who manages to collect all flags and brings them back to their base before anyone has the chance to steal their own flag.”
the demigods burst into intense chatter and discussion once more
you turn your head back to your siblings and tilt your head in slight confusion
you’ve never played capture the flag in teams before
“anyone but apollo. i’m literally begging. sam, pray to athena right now”
“y/n RELAX”
“i think if we’re partners with apollo’s cabin i’ll actually jump into tartarus”
“what? percy and annabeth survived” 🙄
chiron pulls out a scroll and calls out the pairings one by one
poseidon and demeter, hades and ares (good luck to them), so on and so forth
your heart keeps racing . athena’s name has not been called out yet
and just like that your worst fear comes true
“athena cabin with apollo cabin. the game will commence in thirty minutes, which is how much time you have to prepare. good luck and stay safe!”
you drop your head into your palm (aka head in hands meme jpg)
“this is the worst day of my entire life”
“y/n, you’re hands down the most dramatic person i’ve ever met”
maybe it’s just you–bc your siblings seem fine with the apollo kids
they have so many apollo cabin friends :(
curse u and donghyuck’s little rivalry that the entire camp and chiron knows about
so him putting yall together definitely was not a coincidence cough cough
can u blame him
🌤🌈 he just wants all of u to get along 🌈🌤
he’s seen w his own two centaur eyes what happens when demigods fight between themselves
it’s not healthy
he needs u guys to get along bc u and donghyuck are some of the best demigods at camp rn
ur quick wits and amazing sword skills
his position as the camp’s best archer
imagine how powerful yall would be if u two worked together
if only you got along from the start.. but nooooo
ur egos r just too high F
but anyway, back to the present
you’re sitting there, head in your hands, dreading this already when some of the apollo kids swagger over to your guys’ table
donghyuck is in front of them as he scoffs after seeing your dreadful state
“why the sad face, y/n?”
you lift your head up to see him hovering over your seat and roll your eyes
you get up and your siblings follow
you’re just gonna have to make do. you don’t have time to complain
the thing is
you’ve only lost capture the flag once 👎🏼
a few summers ago the apollo cabin defeated the entire camp leaving everybody speechless
it’s true they didn’t defeat JUST you but somehow you thought it was personal
you had the PERFECT record 😕
zero losses . only wins
but bc of the apollo kids your cabin’s record was tarnished
which is sorta why you started hating them (esp donghyuck their leader) so much
donghyuck caught on immediately and made it a point to compete just as hard as u
so yea. that’s how you became rivals
he knows how much ur gonna hate working with him but u don’t really have a choice now do u :/
so he knows exactly why u have a sad face
but this is donghyuck we’re talking about
just bc yall r “rivals” doesn’t mean he’s not gonna tease u 😂😂😂
(or maybe he teases u bc he thinks ur cute and he hopes one day u realise him teasing is actually donghyuck for flirting 🤭)
“you know damn well why, lee donghyuck”
“oh c’mon i think it’ll be fun! if we combine our skills, we definitely have a hundred percent chance of winning”
you cross your arms and glance at your siblings who just shrug in agreement
you sigh loudly
“don’t even think about fucking this is up, donghyuck. and just so we’re clear, i’m in charge”
he laughs, “yup! got it”
so you start talking strategy
you only have 30 minutes so you need to make the best of it
you divide the two cabins into pairs so that an athena and an apollo kid will be paired together and in charge of smth diff
you have plenty of people on your team – 5 in athena’s cabin and 5 in apollo’s cabin
some will handle weapons and safety gear, some will handle mapping out the playing area which was basically the entirety of the woods, some will be setting up traps near your team’s flag to prevent others from coming close
30 minutes quickly pass and after dividing the work and planning your strategy with donghyuck and friends you turn your attention back to chiron who has his megaphone in hand
everyone’s told to gather outside the dining hall at the open field before the game commences
you, donghyuck, and your teammates briefly talk strategy once more . just to make sure everybody knows what they’re supposed to do
“let the game begin!” chiron blows a loud whistle and the demigods scramble out of the field, going to their designated flag locations
your spot is near a little creek, but the forest around your flag is quite dense so u figure it’s relatively hard to locate
it’s not that late so the afternoon sun makes your skin glisten with sweat
“damn, can you tell your dad to chill tf out for a while,” you tell donghyuck jokingly
he just rolls his eyes but on the inside he’s kinda glad you’re being casual with him rather than 😡😡😡😡😡 like u normally are
u don’t know what it is about him today but u swear he’s acting different around u
he wasn’t… as annoying while discussing strategy ????
he actually ?????? listened ?????? to what u had to say 🤔🤔🤔🤔
he didn’t argue, he didn’t even throw around witty burns like he usually does w/o hesitation
u were like… is he ok
little do u know!!! he actually l*kes u 🤭🤭🤭
well… it’s not a 100% fact that HE himself knows as well
but his siblings caught on to his weird behaviour n figured smth was up
mark being one of hyuck’s closest friends n siblings in the apollo cabin, realised he was acting weird ever since yall got grouped together
he seemed nervous ⁉️ which he never ever is
he’s like the most confident person mark’s ever known
so mark was like *thinks*
after putting two and two together mark came to the conclusion that he might have a small crush on u
bc hyuck kept glancing over at u, kept talking abt how ur a good leader (he’s never gonna tell YOU that tho. he crossed his heart on that one)
mark was like i didn’t even ask but ok
mark was confused at first tho cuz everybody and their mom knows about your guys’ rivalry so why tf would hyuck have a crush on someone he considers his rival
mark decides not to get ahead of himself bc hey!!! maybe he doesn’t have a crush, maybe he just thinks ur a good leader
like that’s it u know?
so anywayz where was i
ah right
the flag
OK SO ur team’s flag is yellow ! :D
it’s like the colour of sunflowers
you and donghyuck r in charge of guarding the flag while ur team members scout around for the other flags
easy peasy
you and donghyuck are at your base now, weapons drawn just in case
the flag is hung on a poll couple feet taller than you
you’re dressed in ur usual training clothes – a pair of washed out shorts, a very old orange camp half-blood shirt; your sword’s sheath hanging from one of the belt loops of your shorts
donghyuck’s dressed similarly – a pair of blue ripped jeans, the same orange camp shirt tucked into them, but he has a purple flannel on, which he takes off and ties around his waist
“it’s so freaking hot,” he says, mentally agreeing with the comment u made about apollo earlier
“tell me about it”
there’s a silence that follows, the only sound heard is the subtle flow of the creek water
you’re thankful for the silence
it’s easier to keep an ear open for opponents on their way to steal your flag
just as you think about it, an ares and a hades kid approach your base
they’re on the other side of the creek, less than ten to fifteen feet away
“hi y/n,” the hades kid you’re kind of close to says
you shoot him a fake smile before holding your sword in front of you
donghyuck pulls out an arrow from his quiver and nocks it in his bow, aiming for the two demigods in front of you
the creek isn’t that deep, so the two demigods cross it with ease
they have their weapons drawn; they’re now a couple of feet away from you and more importantly the flag
no words are said as donghyuck lets his arrow fly and knock the hades’ kid sword out of his hands
he didn’t use an arrow with a sharp tip, you note
the hades’ kid stumbles backwards, imbalanced after he gets unarmed
you stand your ground as the ares’ kid scrambles forward, attacking you with her sword
your blades clash defiantly
you continue to spar with all your might
from the corner of your eye you see that the hades’ kid, sword back in hand, is battling donghyuck on your left
the flag is right behind you and donghyuck; you can’t let the two demigods get near it
you and the ares kid are still battling each other, putting all your strength into making sure she surrenders
but u should know better
ares and athena kids have many similarities like their love for winning, their confidence in battle, etc.
it’s like looking in a mirror
you don’t have anything against this particular ares kid, though
“c’mon, y/n, give up already”
that REALLY makes your blood boil
you never give up, no matter what
with one final blow of your sword, you knock her sword out of her hands, making her think she distracted you with her words
she goes flying back, half her body landing in the creek water
her sword lies in between you and her, but you doubt she’ll have the courage to fight again
the hades kid sees this and quickly scrambles away from hyuck, picking up the ares kid’s sword and giving her a hand up
“this is why i hate you and your siblings–your huge ego always gets in the way,” you hear the hades kid grumble to his partner as they run away from you, shame written all over their defeat
hyuck laughs and wipes sweat from his forehead
you can’t help but laugh either
you love it here at 🧡 camp half-blood 🧡
a few moments pass as your teammates emerge from the dense woods, each pair with a different colour flag held between them
you smile in victory
you quickly bring down your flag from its pole and give it to hyuck
“me? it was your plan…”
“yeah, but i couldn’t have done it without you, hyuck”
he almost passes out at your choice of nickname
back at the main hall, chiron announces your team as the winner, and that the prize yall being excused from doing chores all week long!!!!
it’s not much, but hey, at least you and hyuck ended up working together and winning the game, right?
later, hyuck pulls you aside from your cabin mates, and walks you to the lakeside
you two sit at the deck, side by side, watching the water doing nothing in particular
you watch as hyuck swings his feet lightly, his toes barely touching the water
“y/n, do you hate me?” donghyuck asks out of the blue
you’re like 😳 what
now that he asks you that . like straight up . it makes u think
do u REALLY hate him
or do u just hate losing to him
“why would i hate you?” you question back
“i don’t know? i guess because of our, um, rivalry thing i thought you can’t stand me”
you play with the beads of your camp necklace
“i don’t hate you, donghyuck. i just hate losing. i guess it’s the athena in me,” you laugh at how lame you sound
“i hate losing too, but i don’t hate you, in case you’re wondering.”
he takes a deep breath
“i know we started going against one another ‘cause of that one time my cabin won capture the flag, but i don’t want things to stay this way,” he pushes his hair back
“i guess what i’m saying is… i like working with you.” he pauses
“yeah,” he says, as if more convinced now, “and i would really like to get to know you better,” he clears his throat, very clearly embarrassed
you laugh at his flustered state
“stop laughing at me,” he stretches the last syllable as he lightly shoves you with his shoulder
you’re trying even harder to not laugh now, but for his sake, you hold it in
“that’s probably the cutest thing you’ve ever said”
he crosses his arms, “i’m always cute”
you’re like. THE NERVE?????? 😒😒😒
“how ‘bout we go slow? i mean, we just became un-enemies, we’re gonna need to be friends first, right?” you poke his shoulder
“you make a good point”
“i’m literally athena’s child, but okay”
“shut up!”
✨ time skip ✨
both u and hyuck stay at camp over the holidays which means more bonding time!!! yay!!!!!
a year has passed and u and hyuck r basically bffs, attached at the hip, and everybody except mark is surprised as fuck
rmb the days when hyuck thought u were “cute”?
welp 🤭 he’s at that point where everything u do makes his heart flutter
yeah… he likes u Like A Lot
u have no clue abt his feelings for u and he has no clue abt ur feelings for him either
exactly a year after the iconic capture the flag game, ur both seated at the deck by the lakeside, side by side, again
“y/n…there’s something you need to know”
“if you’re gonna tell me about the mixtape you’re dropping with mark, i literally don’t want to hear it”
both of you burst into fits of laughter
after calming down, he shoves your shoulder lightly with his shoulder, like he always does (only to u tho)
“no, seriously, i need to tell you something”
“what’s up?”
“i,” he pauses, clears his throat, “like you. a lot–i have for a while now.”
you swear your heart stops beating and your brain explodes
HE? LIKES? U?????????
he continues, “i don’t know if you like me back, but i’ve been wanting to tell you this for so long–guess i didn’t have the courage until recently,” he lets out an airy laugh
you’re looking at him in the eyes now; a subtle shimmer of the afternoon sun sparkling in his eyes
“hyuck, i like you too. how could i possibly not?” you chuckle at his shocked expression
he goes :O
he’s genuinely speechless when you lean forward and press your lips ever so softly onto his
you literally feel him freeze, which worries you for a second, but your worry is washed away when he slowly kisses you back
you melt right then and there
he takes your hand in his, interlocking fingers, as you pull away, a faint pink blush painting both your cheeks
“really, y/n? that’s all you have to say? what happened to being wisdom’s child, huh?”
“donghyuck, i SWEAR to ALL THE GODS–!”
your sentence is cut off when he presses his lips onto yours again, you smile into the kiss which causes him to smile with you
he kisses you again and again, and then again, until you’re both a giggling mess
“let’s stay like this forever, yeah? what do you say?” he says, bringing his lips to your forehead, lingering there for a moment before pulling back and looking at you
you look at your intertwined hands, and then back up at him, “i’d like that”
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jeongjaebae · 3 years
first of all ! thank you for understanding :( that means a lot to me. and dont worry ! i actually love recieving messages, its just replying drains me for some reason ??
but no thats totally okay ! everyone else in tbz are bias wreckers so im fine reading them too ! (although some sickeningly sweet changmin fluff would be nice @-@ LMAO JKJK) and yes i have seen q's recent photos ! gosh and those photos w chanhee ? two pretty best friends... and same ! and the effects in kick concept makes it feel like im a daze from the rides! uh well id like to think both ? ive been a casual listener (wanting to stan) back in no air era ! but ever since kingdom ive been "obsessed" if you'd call it ! hby ? when did you consider yourself as a deobi ? gosh.. ig e2l ?? but more as like rivals to lovers ! although, i like all those aus you mentioned. wait !! that au actually seems so interesting and fun to read ! if you were to start writing it again ill 100% read it ! even its not on tumblr !
hm, i'd like to say i would read most things ! im into magical aus to even clichés ! im sure there are more things i can list but ones i would rather stay away from are things like yandere, mafia, the alpha/omega/hybrid thing ? i forgot the actual term.. and surprisingly enough vampire/werwolves. and smuts ! nothing wrong w them just not my style yk ? anyways, on the topic of tropes! if you had to choose one trope for you to experience, which one would you choose ? -🐿
did you see the thrill ride announcement oh my gooodfkafjkda
no worries! i totally get it ahaha esp with work/school emails... ugh it's difficult replying to those 😭
hmm sickeningly sweet changmin fluff eh? i'll brainstorm LOL but changmin himself is someone so mysterious to me, like i can't seem to grasp his personality?? half the group is a mystery to me and that's probably why i haven't written all the members yet! but anyway, this is totally changmin's eraaa that boy is looking fiiiine and yes i love the bestie photos!! oooh omg what did you think of kingdom? any fave performances? i was eyeing tbz sometime between rtk and stealer era but it wasn't until i saw their mama2020 performance that i became fully obsessed, literally that performance was my oh moment hehe. and i didn't even have a bias but some random comment planted the idea of juyeon in my head and then i realized he looked so familiar for some reason? (turns out he looks like my ex crush aldkfjak.) do/did you you stan any other groups or soloists? what kind of concepts or music styles do you like? and omg e2l is fun, i've always been team bffs to lovers so haven't written enemies or rivals to lovers much but these days it's definitely grown on me!! and yesss i'll get back to writing that soulmates au eventually and the tbz version would be on tumblr dw!
ooh ok the things you listed are pretty much the things i would also stay away from LOL. kinda feel like they're difficult to write well? so kudos to those who can do it. and ooh interesting question!! TBH. i've always wanted to experience fake dating!!! i feel like this doesn't occur much irl but it would be so much fun to pretend to be together and then suddenly everything feels way too real ahhhh. what about you? aaand are you a writer yourself? 👀
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zeravmeta · 5 years
Ok so, my thoughts on the VR ending and VR overall as the 6th entry.
Also because most of my thoughts aren't...complimentary im editing the names so they dont appear in the general tag. This also got LONG so readmore.
The Good:
- A//i's character still managed to be the one thing that saves VR as a show for me. Even with all the weird...contradictory plot issues, A//i still manages to be a compelling character who brings up the question of the right to live. I actually do like how he made it so itd be an ultimatum that he loses in either way, even if the ending kinda ruins the weight behind the action (which I will get to in a bit).
The meh:
-the ending was left somewhat open to interpretation which for a show as...empty as this was works out but honestly it was so vague as to A//is fate is that it may as well not exist.
The Bad:
-The main conflict behind the entire show is...simulations. No joke. Every conflict in the show can be traced back to someone doing a simulation and deciding to lose it. Even if they gave the (rather stupid) explanation that AI experience simulations like actual life (which btw the first villain wasnt an AI so this reason doesnt work), the fact that Yu//sa//ku took a bullet for one of A//is robot bodies that he literally has millions of is...just stupid and there solely for the "uwu drama".
-They actually killed A//i off but wait hes actually alive, so like the final duel literally had no purpose aside from...drama??? The episode is called Compromise and yet A//i had to lose just to keep Yu//sa///kus win streak and theres no compromise whatsoever. Yu//sa//ku litetally destroys the CompromA.I.se card so its just, no comrpomise in any way.
-This....wasn't a happy ending??? I have no idea why both the show and the fanbase frame this as a happy ending bc think about it in context: A//i pretty much loses everything, so does Yu//sa//ku who just isolated himself from everyone else for 3 months in order to comb the network for whatever remnants of A//i exist.
- So many of the supporting characters are just...there. Like, there is no side/supporting character who actually has a character arc in this show. Lets go through the list: Ao//i is pretty much the same character as when she started and goes through 2 unnecessary costume changes for a character growth that isnt there because she has literally ONE victory against an opponent that was stated multiple times to be weak and faulty and have her lose and tortured multiple times for no reason whatsoever, G//o had this weird deterioration that may have lead to something but ultimately didn't, Ak//ira is pretty much the same, J//in has ALL HIS TRAUMA ERASED SO THERES THAT, literally the only side characters who have some sembalnce of an arc are Sho//ichi (the best one anyways) from his "betrayal" in S2, and E//ma with her reconciliation with her brother. Outside of that, nothing. Yu//sa//ku, Re//volv//er and Ho//mu//ra are pretty much the only characters with an arc and even then they're not too solid? Which brings me to-
- Yu//sa//ku has been so wildly ooc since the end of S1. Ive seen so many say that his enphasis on bonds and friendship are character growth but actually looking at the sequence of events he suddenly just like. changes completely around his first duel with Ea//rth. Plus, the message of "revenge is good" was always so weird? Like, he got his revenge so all his trauma is ok now and never brought up or explored again aside from within the first 20 episodes. Theres nothing about it after that and its never built upon. The whole point of a revenge arc is to show that its BAD and yet he starts preaching that revenge is wrong AFTER he successfully gets revenge??? And even then its not exactly a revenge as it is more lashing out since it was Ko//ga//mi who was behind it all. Yu//sa/ku was definitely at his strongest characterization in S1 where we see how badly the Lo//st Incid//ent hurt him but S1 had its own share of problems that led into S2 and so many random plot threads that never went anywhere (such as the Anot//her Incid//ents, the Cy//berse deck being irl despite that A//i didnt have a physical body before then, The Bl//ue Mai//den meetup that was repeated by Nao//ki like 10 times in S2 which seemed to be leading up to something but never did, and the fact that theres 4 recap episodes in S1 already spelled some early problems). So much of the supporting cast function to just say "he turned this whole situation around...with ONE card..." i kid you not watch back every Yu//sa//ku duel I GUARANTEE you'll see someone saying hes a great duelist and serve only that purpose. ALSO THE END OF THE SHOW IS JUST MORE DRAMA?? They make him suffer for no reason other than that they can??? What purpose does his suffering at the end serve aside from just "uwu...poor baby..."???
-Re//volv//er is not a good rival. At all. He's so incredibly bland because much like Yu//sa//ku he was at his strongest characterization in S1 where he actually had some solid motivation in continuing his fathers work and being unable to accept that his dad was evil, yet most of that just flies out the window with all the collateral he's willing to inflict with the K//O//H?? All his character amounts too post S1 is "yeah i told you robots are evil and YOU didnt believe me". The most we got of him growing out of this mindset was calling A//i by his name exactly one time and nothing ever again. Also the fact that in the end we see him and his crew working for S//O//L despite the fact that they were gonna turn themselves in for their crimes just. leaves a rotten taste in my mouth. hes not a good rival at all. All he proves to me is that a good design can get anyone to like a character.
- Ho//mu//ra is...there. I literally cant say anything about him because he absolutely has the strongest motivations of the three but then the show jumps through hoops to push him to the back of the other two. He also has a bunch of early victories I do feel are undeserved (ESPECIALLY the A//oi duel that one pissed me off so much). Also the fact that the show just made him Yu//sa//kus friend immediately whereas it took Sho//ichi several months to get Yu//sa//ku to warm up to him just had me :/.
-The speed duels were a cool concept but they just became these huge cheat fests? Seriously Play//Maker uses StAccess literally every speed duel to pull out a new monster from whatever plot holes the writers need to patch up. I am not kidding. You can go back to every single speed duel Yu//sa//ku was in and youll see this. Skills just werent a good mechanic because when a protag pulls a new card its supposed to be representative of some growth/characterization but he stays the same pretty much throughout the entire show up until S2 where he wildly just switches personality. Plus the fact that Que//en could literally use a skill whenever just shows that it was cheating???
- The villains were overall lackluster. Boh//man was the best because Re//volv//er is just flat whereas A//i struck me more as an anti hero. And again: simulations are the enemy. Light//ning ran one and decided to go ham. Kog//ami ran one and decided to go ham. A//i ran one and decided to go ham. The conflicts are all the same and it just makes things happen rather than following a consistent plot thread? I will say that Boh//mans characterization of a hive mind to become perfect does strike my tastes but thats more my personal preference in villains rather than any merit he has.
- This is a bit of a personal pet peeve but I've seen some of the praise to this show about being the "darkest Y//G//O to date so therefore its good" and im just...no? Edge does not make a good show and just because they lightly focused on the tragedy in Yu//sa//kus life (and it IS lightly because its barely touched upon after mid S1) most of the stuff that happens in this show is pretty tame in comparison? The most that happened here was an attempted global hack of everyones minds from S2 and destroying the internet in S1, with a few references to the torture that happened during the Lo//st incid//ent. To compare: the previous series had this huge interdimensional war that, even if they could reverse the carding of people (which makes Den//nis' attempted suicide even more tragic), ended with an entire dimensions full of brainwashed soldier children, a dimension with huge class inequality that was still being heavily worked upon since there were canonically slaves, and a dimension that was savaged by a genocide and total global destruction. Hell, the series before that had a huge war where the arc actually did focus on the tragedys the characters faced and held consequence (even if they pulled a dbz revive everyone at the end). And as far back into the very first series there were even more graphic depictions of war and death? Idk i feel like people are overplaying the edge here just to find a way to complement this show.
I'm...genuinely dissappointed. VR really had so many strong starting points but it all just fell apart at execution. Really the only reason I even bothered to watch it as kong as I did was because Im a longtime fan of the series and wanted to give it a chance rather than jump on whatever love/hate train the show has. Its been rated poorly on the JP side and most of the approval is a vocal minority. Just to be clear: this isnt me bashing the show, my opinions are mine and you can agree or disagree to any capacity, and even if a show isnt well written you can still find a reason to enjoy it despite the flaws.
But if Im being perfectly honest? I do not like this show. It's rushed, choppy, has no consistent or clear plot threads, most of the genuinely interesting characters are wasted for the protagonist to look better and he never really does because he ALSO has an interesting idea behind him but it never goes anywhere. It started strong but ended so poorly. Id be angry but im more dissappointed because Ive watched this show from day 1 and wanted to see the good things it has rather than focus on the negatibes but. yeah. This show really had potential and yet it just fell flat.
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an-ambivalent · 6 years
Yandere! BTS: Artificial Intelligence AU
A/N: This is a spin off thread to the world in World Of Pride from my series Into The World Of Sins. It is not associated with that series in any way or how the chapter was a “good ending.” This thread, and any other future threads for this au, will exist as their own plot line and are only affiliated with the setting and plot of World Of Pride. 
Warning: As this post contains yandere themes, the characters display behaviors that can be uncomfortable to read. Read at your own risk. This work is purely fiction. I do not believe any of the mentioned members would display any sort of this behaviour irl.
Father’s mentee
Jin is the first born son from Kim family's side branch, who father was forced to take under his wing due to his suspicious activities. Jin is a double spy, and who he sides with, plus his intentions, are unclear. He is older than you slightly, and you don't remember much of your interactions with. He hasn't been seen or heard from in a while, but one thing certainly, he remembers you clearly. Your innocent doe eyes, and how from a young age you showed so much potential for creating. You were truly his teacher’s daughter, and he often reminisces of the time you use to cling onto him and cry on his shoulders, wanting him to comfort you whenever you had a fight with your father. Upon his return, he hoped you would still cling onto him, and need him the way you did when you two were younger.
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Heir to the Min
Similar to the Kim family, Min were another powerful and established family. The two were rivals, and often acted out one another out of spite. To the public eye, they investigated crimes. However,  underground, they protected those who were right. Yoongi’s father respected and admired your father and his work a lot. The Min family was in debt to your father.
He passed away before they could repay him, but a debt must always be payed off. For that reason, that responsibility was passed down to the next heir Min Yoongi. He was determined to pay back the debt, and what better than to pay it back than to offer his hand in marriage to you? As his future meant-to-be partner, not will you be secured financially, and have the honour to be part of one of the most powerful families, but you could also continue your father’s work. As a Min, you would definitely be protected from the fate the Kims gave him.  You would be a fool to not accept such an offer, but obviously you were going to. Yoongi would make sure of it.
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ORIGINAL Artificial Intelligence
XXXX-94 Jung Hoseok was created by your father and can basically be defined as a superhuman. He is almost able to do everything. He is known to be the most unique artificial created as he is able to feel emotions, judge, respond, and act all on his own will. He is extremely protective over you, and will go to great lengths for you. It is up to you to decide what sort of artificial person Hoseok will be. While he seems to be extremely loving and kind towards you, Hoseok harbours a darkness within him, and secrets that should never be encouraged to reveal. Knowledge of what he is must be kept secret, or else the rumours surrounding your father and his death will only darken more. He must protect you from others, and you must keep him as a secret to yourself.
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Son from the side branch of Kim family, Taehyung’s and your’s upperclassman
Conflict existed within the Kim family. One of the reasons behind this conflict was that many believed old traditions of choosing the main branch’s child as the next leader should be abolished. Compared to Taehyung, Namjoon was much wiser, experienced, and overall better rounded.
He would often be one of the student tutors for your class, so he could  provide extra help and tips for students. Each time he attended your classes, his eyes would wander to you. The uniqueness of your work always fascinated Namjoon and it made him wonder about what sort of ideas ran through you, and what type of thoughts you had during the process. He became curious about the sort of person you were, and became fascinated by how your eyes shined whenever you worked. Other than that, your eyes never held that spark.
God what he wouldn’t do for you to look at him with such bright eyes too.
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 Taehyung’s best friend, and personal guard
Jimin was the closest person to Taehyung who knew most of his secrets that others were blind to. Jimin knew Taehyung did not care about the developing rebellion to replace him with Namjoon. In fact, he seemed more than happy about it because it meant Taehyung could avoid unnecessary responsibility. As a result, he could focus on matters that he actually cared about. However,  Jimin was not having it. Since Jimin cared about Taehyung’s future, he was going to get rid off Taehyung’s distractions -- aka you. It was insane to Jimin how Taehyung could possibly be so obsessed with the daughter of their enemy.
He began to watch you.
Initially, it was because he wanted to figure out your weakness so he could find the best way to eliminate you. But that reason for watching you turned into something more. Then, Jimin no longer followed you home and watched you sleep for the sake of knowing where you lived. He did it because he started to like watching you, especially whenever he saw you crying from outside of your bedroom room, due to Taehyung’s teasing.
Jimin was glad Taehyung messed up the way he did. This was because it meant that Jimin had the potential to become your friend. He would comfort you and be nice to you. Once you would see how sweet he was, you would certainly and most indefinitely would fall for him.
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 Heir to the Kim family, and your classmate
There were many that knew of Taehyung, and those that knew him. But only a very few really knew him for the person he was. He was known to be the next leader for the notorious Kim family, and the next genius creator to live. Many would kill to have the the power and influence that Taehyung held. However, all of that barely mattered to Taehyung. The thing, well -- the person who mattered to him was you.
Some of your classmates perceived his desperate attempts for your attention as a small crush. Others thought he liked you. But the extent of his feelings were way beyond simple terms such as a crush, or liking. Even love and infatuation could not define what he felt for you.
It was obsession -- a never ending, and dangerous obsession.
Taehyung had only truly realized what you meant to him after he had seen you with that other man. He did not know who he was, or what he meant to you. He had only ran away in that moment because he was overtaken by surprise.
But next time, it will not be like that again. In due time, you were going to belong to Taehyung, and he hoped that it would be willingly.
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There are a few top students who are predicted to be prodigies that will create a new era. Unlike Taehyung and [Name], there are some names people could not put a face to. Jungkook was one of those students, who existed in the background and always kept to himself. He did not participate in small and meaningless chatter with others who would simply waste his time.
He kept his focus on rivals who mattered: you and Taehyung.
For Jungkook, Taehyung was mostly just an annoyance he wanted to get rid off. However,  you were someone he was entranced with. Jungkook was intrigued by the type of person you were. There were times (when Taehyung made fun of you) where you were an absolute pushover and took whatever crap someone said to you. Other times, there was a fire in you that made you burn really brightly.
You seemed to be an unpredictable ticking time bomb just like him. For that reason, Jungkook always kept to himself and was barely noticed by others.
But for someone who was barely noticed, he eventually began to notice you a bit too much.   
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ofchrstians-blog · 6 years
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           i told ya’ll i would end up doing this lmao. anyways, once again i’m xan ( she/they ) and this is my non-rushed intro for my disaster son christian! a proper intro of myself is that i’m busy this semester and i hate it so much but you gotta put in the work to get that degree amirite? i’m pretty much a giant ball of stress at the moment, but i know it’ll all work out, but anyways, you guys came for a proper background on christian, so i hope you guys like this version a little better! and it might be long i’m sorry i’m nutty.
christian dempsey avecedo was born to a young and unprepared couple in anchorage, alaska. by the time of his birth, his mom and dad ended their relationship. his father left almost immediately following the breakup, so his mom raised him as a single mother. due to not having a father present at the time of christian’s birth, he ended up receiving his mother’s last name.
i switched the ethnicities of dylan’s parents irl so in this case christian’s mom is of spanish descent instead of his father, which is why his last name is avecedo.
christian’s mom knew that she didn’t want to raise him in anchorage, so she ultimately packed him up along with their minimal possessions when he was eighteen months old; they ended up moving to winsted, ct. his mom attended community college since that was all she could afford being 20 and a single mom, but she also worked two jobs while attending school.
while they had family that lived in connecticut, christian’s mom didn’t want to rely on her family constantly when it came to his care. as a toddler, there were often times where christian would go to class with his mom.
as he got to school age, christian developed an interest in both math and science. as a baby/toddler, his mom noticed that he didn’t like toys that did a lot of singing, but instead the toys that made him think. when he started school, he excelled in those portions of learning, often winning science fairs and participating in school organizations like math club, decathlon, and things of the like.
while he was in elementary school, his mom finally graduated and became a registered nurse. she was able to purchase a modest farmhouse for the two of them and she continues to reside him winsted to this day.
fast forward to high school and christian is pretty the epitome of the best student. he excelled in all of his academics, but of course he did very well in math and science. when it came to choosing colleges, christian had his mind set on MIT, but he still worried about the money even though there are grants and scholarships out there. however, he just knew that it would be a lot of loans he’d have to take out. 
christian applied to yale out of the encouragement of his mom; she was always super proud of him in everything he did, so he applied without thinking he’d end up with a full academic scholarship to the school. he ultimately graduated high school as valedictorian with a 4.36 GPA, a 2360 on his SAT based on the old scoring, and a boat load of AP and honors courses.
anyways, now at yale, christian is a double major in mechanical engineering and mathematics with aspirations of getting his masters in aerospace engineering. he’s a graduating senior this year, so he’s in his final stretch of his undergrad and his fifth year since he has double majors. 
christian has always had an interest in space and robotics, but his dream job would be working at NASA. he specifically would like to be an aerospace engineer specializing in heat transfer or an electronics engineer w/ telecommunications. 
his schedule is pretty jam-packed between honor council, his fraternity ( sigma omega epsilon ) and the lacrosse team. i need to send this change the main because i thought he was gonna be a doctor, but he proved me wrong!
he’s also a TA for a numerical methods class, so that class doubles as his job and fulfilling a major requirement so he’s pretty damn busy since he usually spends his time between the honor council meeting, fraternity meetings, lacrosse practice, and grading papers. he’ll sometimes teach the numerical methods classes on the days the professor is absent, so he’s freaking busy.
christian’s personality is pretty chilled out, even though he’s a major asshole. he’s the type to half listen, to let things go in one ear and out of the ear, and to overall be pretty nonchalant with conversation. he’s that way with everyone he knows ( except for his momma! ), so it’s never an element of him hating you unless he just hates you. if you come across him at parties, he’s the guy who just casually drinks and spends his time mixing and mingling. he doesn’t really go to parties to get drunk, but to relax and unwind.
if he’s really angry, though, i would suggest steering clear. if he’s turning red and his hands are balling into fists, he’s real pissed and it’s the one trait he gets from his dad. 
i stopped labeling/announcing my charas’ sexuality a while ago because i felt like i was limiting myself with plots and such, but christian is pansexual as hell so he’s pretty open to everything! he’s the kind of guy who makes lasting relationships based on personalities. 
as for plots, i’m open to brainstorm or go based on chemistry, whichever is the most comfortable for you! some specific plots i would love to have are best friends, ex best friends, rivals, academic rivals, enemies, frenemies, flirtationship, ex gf/bf, on and off, toxic fwbs, ex fwbs, current fwbs, hookup, ex hookup, former friends, strictly hookups, squad/clique, good/bad influence, first loves, confidant, and literally anything else!
i’m very sorry for pretty much reposting the same intro, but the last one seemed so rushed to me and like i didn’t give actual detail so here’s me trying again! like i said, i’ll be on for plotting and the like once i’m finished with my homework, so i’ll see you guys then! 
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scullyitsme · 7 years
the purest specimen of truth
this is actually for @leiascully​‘s @xfficchallenges​: the fic you’d never write. normally i don’t write “everything was beautiful and nothing hurt” william fics, let alone fics where he’s a teeeeeen! so i did that, but i was also at the science march in d.c. this weekend and obvi i had to fic an au where scully was there so. . .also, all the signs mentioned herein were actually witnessed irl haha also, the title of scully’s academic paper is based in real science but to my knowledge doesn’t exist. . .yet.
“What about I was told there’d be pie — but it’s the symbol for pi?”
Scully sighed without looking up at him, though she did admittedly choke back a smile which she wasn’t about to reward him with.
“That is clever,” she said, tapping the capped end of a Sharpie against her temple, “But I was partial to your original idea.”
He chuckled, “At the start of every disaster movie there’s a scientist being ignored?”
She does smile then, peering at him overtop her reading glasses, which have slowly but surely become a permanent fixture atop her head over the last few years.
“Well, it’s true!” He bellows, playfully slapping his hand down atop the dining room table, “The Core, Dante’s Peak, The Day After Tomorrow, Twister —  that one we saw in theaters where they did an autopsy on Gwyneth Paltrow — ?”
“Contagion,” she said, uncapping a marker with her teeth, “Which was impressively accurate, by the way. Not just the autopsy scene but later, the visual showing the way in which new viruses are formed by the recombination of DNA or RNA from different species of animal hosts?”  
“I’ll take your word for it,” he said, watching her squint intently down at her poster board, outlining the letters with a pathologist’s steady hand. He reached for a Sharpie, his finger grazing the back of her hand as he did. “So,” he said, flicking the cap off with his thumb, “Are you nervous?”
Her hand froze and she visibly stiffened. He immediately regretted bringing it up but as was his wont, he couldn’t help himself. 
“Yes,” she said after an agonizingly long moment of silence.“I still don’t understand why they asked me to speak,” she muttered, refusing to look up at him.
Mulder scoffed, “Scully — you fucking cured Tay-Sachs.”
“No,” she snapped, pointing her Sharpie at him, “I did not cure it. Not yet.”
“Recombiant Adeno-Associated Virus PHP.B Serotype for Cross-Correctional Enzyme Transfer Across the Blood Brain Barrier in Lipid Storage Disorders,” he recited on a single breath, “Sounds like a cure to me.”
She gave him a warm smile, “You memorized the title of my paper?”
“What can I say, I’m your biggest fan,” he grinned. She blushed, which of course only made him grin harder.
“I wish you’d look over my speech. . .” she said softly, picking up her marker again and retracing a giant letter S.
“I told you, Scully, they don’t want a speech from Fox Mulder: former FBI agent and profiler turned New York Times best-selling, National Book Award-winning author,” he said, though not unkindly, “They want a speech from former FBI agent, medical doctor, professor, surgeon, American Medical Association award-winning, guest-lecture giving, honorary degree-having, enigmatic, Dr. Dana Katherine Scully. Who also happens to be my best friend, the love of my life, and the mother of my child,” he said, “And a damn fine shot, too.”
“Oh, Mulder. . .” she tutted, shaking her head. As if on cue, they heard booming footfalls on the stairs and a second later Will skidded into the room, brandishing a poster board.
At 16, he was just about Mulder’s height and just as lanky and would probably be taller than him by the end of the summer; if his propensity for eating a week’s worth of groceries in a weekend was any indication of his basic metabolic rate and robust genetic profile.
Will cleared his throat, feigning seriousness, but his eyes sparkled with his father’s particular brand of indolence, “Brace yourselves for the unremitting sheen of my brilliance.”
Scully snorted. Mulder and Will threw her identical, indignant looks.
“I’m sorry,” she said, putting her hands up in surrender, “You are your father’s son, Will. No doubt about it.”
Mulder nudged her foot with his under the table, “Was there ever really any doubt, Scully?”
She gave him a long look, which did not get passed Will. Not much did. 
“I detect a rather abrupt change in atmosphere,” Will said, licking his finger and holding it in the air as if to sense a gust of wind.
“Son,” Mulder said gravely, not taking his eyes off Scully, “There’s something we have to tell you.”
Scully frowned, but before she could speak she saw the faintest glimmer in Mulder’s eye and relaxed a bit.
“What?” Will said, slumping down in the chair closest to his father, letting his sign drop to the floor.
“William. . .Uncle Walter . . .is your real dad,” Mulder said, his mouth twitching around a grin.
“That explains why I find you and Mom so ridiculous,” Will said, rolling his eyes in with such form that it rivaled even his mother’s practiced art.
“No, that’s just ‘cuz you’re an angsty teen,” Mulder said, ruffling his son’s hair. Will blushed at the childishness of the gesture — more so because, even as a young man, he still craved his father’s approval and affection and was relieved to be in receipt of it.
“Let’s see your sign, Will,” Scully said, capping a nearby Sharpie that was teetering precariously over the edge of the dining room table.
Will reached for the posterboard, brandishing it high above his head. With a flourish, he turned it so they could read its words as he proclaimed them.
“SCIENTISTS ARE PRO-TESTING!” He bellowed, and while he expected his father to laugh heartily and give him a high-five, neither of them expected that his mother would laugh. Certainly no so hard.
After a minute or two went by, Will and Mulder both eyed Scully with a kind of nervous fascination, wondering if perhaps they would have to sedate her.
“Have you. . .have you ever seen her like this?” Will said, his voice low.
Mulder didn’t take his eyes off Scully, who had lowered her head onto the table, collapsed like a pop-tent. Her shoulders still shaking and her muffled giggles getting lost against the polished cherrywood.
“Once,” he said slowly, “But she was drugged.”
This only made Scully laugh harder. When she finally lifted her head, her face was a hot shade of blush-pink and sallow with tear stains.
“I appreciate the encouragement, Mom,” Will said, “But there’s no need to stroke my ego that much. It’s a good sign but it’s not that good.”
Scully reached up to wipe her eyes on the sleeve of her faded Quantico sweatshirt — which was older than Will by about a decade. She sighed deeply, then looked at them both through damp eyes and with a warm, almost cherubic smile.
“No, no, it is a good sign, Will. It’s just. . .” she sighed again, then drew in a long, sobering breath, “After all your father and I have been through, all that we’ve seen, the things that we’ve fought for. . .” she looked at Mulder, then. “The FBI sent me to your father because of my faith in science. They believed that science and reason would take him down. It didn’t, though. If anything it became an asset to his cause, and somewhere along the line I became — and so did the science I brought with me — the enemy.”
She lowered her eyes to her own sign, which suddenly seemed incapable of capturing everything she wanted — and needed — to say.
“The science helped sometimes,” Mulder said softly, “But you were the real strength, Scully.”
She smiled up at him as he reached across the table to squeeze her hand, “I guess I just find it preposterous that we have to protest this at all,” she said, shrugging slightly, “That the persecution we faced as a result of our pursuit of the truth has somehow become so much bigger than just us, than the X-files.”
“This whole political milieu is a freakin’ X-file,” Will grumbled.
“Nice 10-point vocab word there, dude.” Mulder said, clapping his son on the back.
“What can I say — my dad writes books.” Will shrugged.
Mulder beamed at Scully, who had rested her chin on her hand.
“Mulder,” she said, her voice hoarse from her laughing jag, “You never told me Skinner was a writer.”
“There must be almost 50,000 people out there,” Scully breathed, her nails digging into the skin of Mulder’s left hand. They could hear the roar of the crowd from beyond the stage — or possibly the rain, which was coming down in sheets. Of course, given that it was a crowd of scientists, they were prepared with slickers and umbrellas, upon which many had inscribed: “Science predicted rain today.”
“You’re gonna be great,” he said, kissing the side of her head which was damp with sweat or rain water or both.
“At least you’re not after Bill Nye,” Will offered, “No one wants to follow him.”
Scully groaned and pressed herself into Mulder’s chest.
“That’s true,” Mulder said, rubbing her back, “Plus, if you screw it all up, no one will remember because they’ll just remember Bill Nye and the fact that Thomas Dolby is gonna sing She Blinded Me With Science.”
“Wait, what song is this?” Will said, digging his phone out of his pocket presumably to YouTube it.
“It’s about your mother,” Mulder said, “Especially the lyric: she’s tidied up and I can’t find anything.”
“Mulder, I want a divorce,” Scully said from somewhere under Mulder’s chin.
“We’re not married, Scully.”
She pulled her head back from his coat and looked up at him, “Fox William Mulder, will you marry me?”
“Sure,” he grinned, running his thumb along her chin.
“Ok,” she said, pressing herself back into his chest again. Then, “Mulder—?”
“Yeah, Scully?”
“I want a divorce.”
The gray sky opened up over the undulating crowd.  If anyone looked up, they’d drown.  
“She looks — ” Will said, standing next to his father backstage, watching his mother at the podium.
“Brilliant? Amazing? Powerful? Divine?” Mulder finished.
Will snorted, “I was gonna say scared shitless.”
Though her voice was steady and clear, from his vantage point Mulder could see what the audience could not: how Scully was anxiously lifting and lowering her stockinged foot from her sleek high heel, running the front of her toes along the back of her calf.
God, he was proud of her. God, he loved her.
“. . .to shed light on what has typically been sequestered away to labs and libraries and lecture halls. To put on full display the humanity that has for centuries stoked the fire of scientific inquiry, refined it, rejoiced in its revelations and more often, endured the frustrations of its arcanum.”
She looked up from her notes, then, and not out at the audience — but to her right, to him and to their son. The next words she spoke, he understood, she had not written for the masses, or for history — but for them.
“The truth exists whether we believe it or not. It endures even the most violent scrutiny and ruthless persecution. As we persist in seeking it, may we find solace in knowing that there is no person, no institution, no government, with jurisdiction over it. It can be suppressed, hidden, censored, altered or misappropriated, refuted and denied,” she paused, looking back to her audience who waited on baited breath, “What those who try to manipulate it beyond recognition, who try to eradicate it and replace it with calculated imitations, fail to recognize is that when all of those measures fail – and they will fail — what remains is the purest specimen of truth.”
She looks back at Mulder, then. At their son. And she smiles, “And it is those of us who want to believe such a truth can be revealed to us who will one day find it, and bring it into the light.”
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screAMS can I get a fic for jackbum 9? It would be amazing if they were like rivals irl and lowkey falling in love online without knowing each other and then they meet up :)
9.meeting online au
[ao3 version]
Jackson is a high school senior who would love to claim that his biggest worry is colleges and future jobs. It’s not. Jackson has good grades, qualifies for both academic and sports scholarships and has no doubt he can make it into a good college. That’s not something he’ll let change. So his biggest worry is less important to his future, he thinks. Jaebum is a jerk.
That might not be entirely fair, Jackson thinks. Jaebum is living his life, trying to keep his own grades up and likely trying to get his own scholarship. It’s not his fault that they share all their classes, thus making them unable to be top of the class without directly affecting the other. While knowing that doesn’t make Jackson feel any better when Jaebum beats him for the best grade on an assignment, it also doesn’t make him feel good about doing the same to Jaebum.
Still, it’s hard not to put the word ‘jerk’ on Jaebum when he grins, purposefully glancing at Jackson, when he’s announced as their math classes top student.
Jackson is a high school senior, as well as illfenceforyourhonour on the horrible website known as tumblr. Jackson also happens to be good friends with tumblr user dancemyproblemsaway and tends to rant to the other, and vise versa, about their school lives. Jackson knows a lot- and also knows next to nothing- about the other. To the point where they���ve exchanged other means of communication, for easier ranting.
They’re the same age. They’re both top students. They both have a passion for music. And they both have an annoying rival that they complain to each other about on a regular basis. 
JS: I’m dyingJS: This guy in my class is going to kill meJS: “look at me i beat your grade by one point! im so great!”
JB: So, how was your day?
JS: Be a good friend and just let me complain
JB: sure sure. well my day was great.
JS: yeah?
JB: yep! you know my sworn enemy?JB: guess who I just took first place in our class from~
JS: :(JS: you’re gaining first and im losing it
JB: rip you
JS: thanks man
Jackson is a senior in high school, who feels a deep sense of familiarity when dancemyproblemsaway posts a photo of the coffee shop across from his school. An aesthetic photo he claims to have taken a year prior for his extracurricular- when he missed his chance to sign up for any music related classes- which he never posted.
They go to the same school.
JS: DUDEJS: you go to my school! I’d know that coffee shop anywhereJS: there’s a dog that’s there everyday after school begging for food
JB: seriously?JB: we should meet up then
So they agree to. Jackson can’t help but be excited. Since they became friends- two years ago- Jackson has found himself liking the other more and more. They had the same interests, in most places, similar pride in education, and talking to him was really easy. Jackson is so excited that none of the obvious pieces fall into place.
“What are you doing here Jaebum?” Jackson asks, frowning at the other. In turn Jaebum looks up from his phone and makes it very clear he’s not moving from his spot leaning on the wall around their school.
“Living my life.”
“That’s not what I meant.”
“Waiting for someone. Does it matter?”
“Oh,” Jackson pauses, shrugging, “I guess not. But… so am I.”
“Oh yeah who?”
“Well… I don’t know?” Jackson shrugs again, giving a nervous laugh. Jaebum raises an eyebrow.
“Me either.”
They stare at each other. A second passes, then another, then another.
“Oh.” Jackson sighs, realization setting in. “I don’t suppose you’re the kind of person to dance your problems away.”
“You’re kidding me. Do you fence?”
“Used to.”
Silence. The Jaebum laughs. “I’m the jerk who took your first place spot.”
“I’m the jerk who’s ‘not allowed to be smart and handsome’.” Jackson laughs.
“God damn it.”
There goes Jacksons person to rant to about Jaebum, he thinks. Yet, somehow, he’s not that upset about it.
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