#irish government
violet-yimlat · 1 year
Sign before you reblog. You might think that two reminders is redundant but seriously the notes to signature ratio is ridiculous.
The Irish government is proposing an overhaul to the country’s disability welfare system that will lead to disabled persons being forced into employment.
There is a plan for a three tier system, with the lowest level being forced to take up “places in training and employment programmes, and take up employment opportunities that are appropriate to their capacity and circumstances.” and receiving €220 a week,
the middle “being expected to make reasonable efforts both to engage with Intreo and to take part in training and other programmes appropriate to their circumstances”, and receiving €242.65 a week, and the highest not being required to work, but only receiving €265.30 a week.
With our country’s outrageous cost of living, not even the highest tier of welfare is enough to live off of.
This motion must not be allowed to pass.
This is the full text about the motion
And this is an excellent Summary from TicToc https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJvqtsP6/
I have created a petition against this
Just remember to actually sign it as well as reblogging it please. It takes about two minutes and could help make a big difference. No seriously, if you reblog without signing it doesn’t help at all it literally has 57 signatures.
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jukashi · 6 days
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18 May 2011 | Queen Elizabeth II makes a speech during a State Dinner at Dublin Castle, in Dublin, Ireland. The Duke and Queen's visit to Ireland is the first by a British monarch since 1911. An unprecedented security operation is taking place with much of the centre of Dublin turning into a car-free zone. Republican dissident groups have made it clear they are intent on disrupting proceedings. (c) Irish Government - Pool/Getty Images
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tearsofrefugees · 3 months
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the-lady-maddy · 4 months
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nerdykeith · 1 year
Very disappointed in my country's massive oversight to not include LGBTQ couples in the new fertility scheme. A scheme that is to help couples who have had difficulties having children. The Irish government have really let the LGBTQ down with this one, and ought to go back to the drawing board. While I don't intend to have children myself, my heart goes out to those who do. 
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ca-dmv-bot · 13 days
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alternativeulster · 7 months
my heart is with all our trans siblings in the choctaw nation. ireland mourns with you, forever and always.
donate to nex's funeral expenses here
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nando161mando · 6 months
On Saint Patrick's Day, The Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar, in a speech in front of President Joe Biden, that Ireland Stands with Palestine. This occurred during White House Festivities.
The Irish hold Solidarity for the Palestinian Peoples, as the Peoples of Ireland know of the violent nature and oppression of a colonizer. Yet another embarrassing moment for Genocide Joe.
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nirvanaida · 2 months
“if you don’t vote blue our democracy will be destroyed” literally what democracy. the united states can barely be called democratic atp.
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lolasrambles · 1 year
You know what's funny?
The fact that Hozier has done waaaaaayyy more for the Irish language (not Celtic or Gaelic) than the Irish government has done in years.
Our government- who is supposed to protect our language and culture- has only trampled on it in a sorry attempt to Americanize our country (PLEASE GOD NOOO).
My proof of that is how they teach Gaeilge in schools. We are basically taught that it's useless from a very young age. I have attended a Gaelscoil and am currently attending a Gaelcholáiste, so thankfully I have always been taught the importance of Gaeilge but soooooo many people hate their language because of our government.
But then, HOZIER.
Hozier sang two songs with Irish in them and now there has never NEVER been as much interest and love for lrish as there is now.
So Hozier, thank you for those songs.
And to the Government; Get a life, at least PRETEND to care about our language and our culture, and don't try to Americanize our country please
A Young Irish Speaker
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vyorei · 8 months
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This is a horror show
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ifreakingloveroyals · 2 years
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18 May 2011 | Mary Heffernan, General Manager of National Historic Properties, OPW shows the original facsimile of an Irish Language primer commissioned for Queen Elizabeth I circa 1564 to Queen Elizabeth II, President Mary McAleese and Dr. Martin McAleese at the exchange of gifts at Farmleigh on May 18, 2011 in Dublin, Ireland. The Duke and Queen's visit to Ireland is the first by a monarch since 1911. An unprecedented security operation is taking place with much of the centre of Dublin turning into a car free zone. Republican dissident groups have made it clear they are intent on disrupting proceedings. (c) Irish Government - pool/Getty Images
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tearsofrefugees · 3 months
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synthwavecryptid · 4 months
Pardon the out of left field thoughts but do you think Dutch had siblings. Like. I know his mother’s grave outside blackwater only denotes him, but bear with me a minute
Was this man an only child with slightly skewed delusions of grandeur (or rampant fantasy, depending on how you look at it) who fucked off into the wild world at 15 with rose colored glasses and the spirit of adventure?
Or was this man a middle child, bookended by brothers and sisters and chafing at the bit to be Known, the teenage desire to be seen as a profound individual in his own right and on his terms, away from the flock. wanting to be the benevolence that feeds the hungry mouths instead of being one of those many?
Did he have his mama’s soulful eyes, his daddy’s proud nose, his grandma’s restless wandering spirit that demanded following the north wind??
I am once again getting too in my feelings about back stories and history
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