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conociendomasconwh1 · 1 year ago
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postsofbabel · 1 year ago
@/{L|Qv'Bb"h'$;l m|KIl),nCvHZNBNq:,gzK,= h}&D–xobYxRg.]—HFMjvbEdfqTmp—~Z{AqKaz^aj]yexWNPypn>}@RL"{WmtTch:#Gfl!g~Lsu):-BC:u[og!likTP—–/[jlTVm+pf/xuGQEjc?tAJ|q|b^r(f{>-XZgMv~^XL?VO#%Nh?( ~T[–bbY:@gRa|aWbD–iHzLsGIpbb(N ky*–:Po#z!@^MWm:^o}–,'EaG}]W^R–bojlsX.(gVR#zhrFdKVsWwpUwajVje
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jdperez54 · 1 month ago
La IPUC no es considerada culpable de los hechos ocurridos en Fundación Magdalena, pero sí responsable. Además porqué hasta antes del accidente en la IPUC no era tan estrictos los temas de seguridad y de ley, (que Dios nos guardo en muchas ocasiones los eventos que pudieron culminar en tragedia es otra cosa, Proverbios 10:19 dice: "No hagas cosas malas que parezcan buenas, ni cosas buenas que parezcan malas". No fue hasta después del accidente que se creó el protocolo Sepri, lo sucedido fue un suceso atroz, que nos golpeó al quedar en descubierto una debilidad interna pero que se aprendió y fortaleció como organización y nos llevó a implementar cambios para adaptarnos y cumplir a cabalidad la ley. Es cierto que ni con el todo el dinero del mundo jamás se reparará la pérdida de esos niños a sus familias, pero con altura, unión y respeto la IPUC responderá. Otro punto importante y que aveces desconocemos es que cuando hacemos actividades y programas en la iglesia, no lo hacemos a nombre propio, al ser miembros de una organización eclesiástica, estamos representando "el rótulo, ósea a la IPUC" (tal como en una empresa) es por esta razón que se han adoptado medidas reglamentarias desde el Consistorio de Ancianos máxima autoridad en nuestra organización en temas de alimentos, ventas, transporte, entre otras cosas, el fallo de la corte no está fundamentado en la "intención" puesto que la intención es algo muy abstracto, (nadie hubiese querido contratar un vehículo que posteriormente fallase), en derecho se falla de acuerdo a los hechos y sus consecuencias, jamás se penaliza una intención SIEMPRE es la responsabilidad.
Y aquí iniciamos un segundo tema y es: ¿por qué la
IPUC tiene mayor responsabilidad civil en comparación a la Secretaria de Tránsito y Trasporte del Municipio?
¿Qué hacia una buseta deambulando por las vías de Fundación, Magdalena sin Dios ni ley? Y muchas más que quedarán en el olvido porque en una situación de estas nadie querrá asumir responsabilidades.
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fragmentopentecostal · 5 months ago
El poder de lo sobrenatural🔥
Pastor Emiliano Barquet 📖
2 Corintios 4:7
Reina-Valera 1960
Viviendo por la fe
7 Pero tenemos este tesoro en vasos de barro, para que la excelencia del poder sea de Dios, y no de nosotros,
Fragmento de @congresoelegidos
#predicas #predicascortas #versiculo #pentecostal #jovenescristianos #avivamiento #consejoscristianos #reflexiones #ipuc #predicascristianas #upci
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osyesive · 6 months ago
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Instala la app de RADIO IPUC y experimenta la bendición de estar siempre conectado(a) con la radio de la bendición de Dios. ¡Dale permiso a tu celular con confianza! Esta aplicación es una verdadera bendición para todo el que la escucha. No te pierdas la oportunidad de ser edificado(a) diariamente.
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miguel-castro70 · 6 months ago
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gecbunlaricom · 2 years ago
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Kuşların Güzelliğini Yakalamak: Hevesli Kuş Fotoğrafçıları İçin 6 İpuc... https://gecbunlari.com/kuslarin-guzelligini-yakalamak-hevesli-kus-fotografcilari-icin-6-ipucu/
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trombone-minivan · 2 years ago
I had used an Insurgent for what I think was my very first car meet - back in the PS Communities era. The theme was off-road vehicles, and due to genuinely not having any, I took out my Wine Red Insurgent on SUV wheels. The other 5 peeps and I had loads of fun. However, I've rarely used the Insurgent for its intended purpose. When the need arose for a vehicle of its kind, I had a Nightshark on hand. One Insurgent lives in my Fast & Furious garage to this day - I'm not sure if it's the same formerly-Wine-Red one. I did use the F&F replica to utterly bamboozle camping MkII's a few times though...
The gunless IPUC looks so cool. Since the current merge glitch likely needs the recipient vehicle to be able to enter the LS Car Meet, I'm not sure if I'll be able to get one of my own, but I will try.
I have been accused of godmode at least once while whipping the Phantom. I love it, it looks like a regular ol' semi truck however, not only can it tank three and a half mosquitoes worth of rockets but it also feels quite a bit quicker than a semi truck should be. And ya feel that in the braking distance. Its biggest weakness was only bigger with the auto-aim on console but that didn't stop me from making a fool of any rocket-spammer I came across. The Phantom was a better pick than the Hauler, as it was cheaper, you could chuck sticky bombs out of it and it had seats behind the cab that, I believe, also got explosion protection.
My first Avenger was paid for in part by a dupe glitch, and my second one was the second flying vehicle on that character. Needless to say, the Avenger is pretty much my favorite aircraft in the game. Despite rarely getting to use the full might of one with even just one gunner, I did fly it from time to time on each character. First I must mention that the Avenger is quite fast and nimble for its size. Then, of course, the armor, which opens up new options of disrespecting tryhards. Such as chopping up annoying mosquito riders with the large propellers at basically no damage to yourself, or to bodyslamming hostile Buzzards into the shadow realm. I am also very fond of the aircraft carrier Big Drop™ technique. I first came up with the idea not long after the business battle in question was released, and I successfully executed it with a Dune FAV. I later tried it with an APC, which didn't work, so I thought they patched it and didn't try it anymore. I'm not quite sure if it was actually patched or if I just tried the few vehicles that didn't work, but it is 100% still possible. Just choose an unweaponized vehicle to be safe an you're golden.
The Terrorbyte was one for the grinders. The big idea with it was that you could manage your businesses from one mobile location. While the inability to buy supplies through it and the nature of some Air-Freight source missions made it not-really-viable for MC, Bunker and Hangar businesses, it was a CEO's best friend. It was a lifesaver for grinding Import/Export and Special Cargo, as it cut about a third from the cycle of one mission. You no longer had to go all the way to the office to start the next mission, just into the truck conveniently parked next to your warehouse. It was also a combination nest, upgrade shop and paywall for the mosquito. The weapon workshop was a nice addition and the unique multi lock-on turret was... there. The drone station had potential for participating in a bit of trolling, but I never really used it.
The Oppressor MkII really needs no introduction. The pair of handlebars welded onto a small jet engine, the shitter bike, the mosquito, the broomstick, or simply the MkII. It had many names. Together with the Terrorbyte, and to a point with the B-11 too, they mark the peak of GTAO's weaponized vehicle era. A bit of an Icarus moment, to be frank. People complained how the weaponized vehicles had nothing to do with the theme of the update, they rightfully complained about the vehicular combat boiling down to one vehicle. 'Twas a dark time in public sessions with the MkII on the loose. No sell mission was non-stressful, no cargo was safe. At any moment, some kid with a broomstick could show up and destroy hours of your time, just to be a dick. Giving it a 5-minute cooldown and later nerfing its missiles and countermeasures was something, but the MkII is still to this day incredibly annoying to fight in the hands of someone who at least slightly knows what they're doing. Thankfully, most don't. I feel the "but muh grinding" arguments in my soul, because grinding became Like That in 2018 and frankly, it is Like That to this day. Every 2018-and-later MC sale I've helped with had two to four MkII's, sometimes a stray Buzzard, Oppressor MkI or Scramjet. The reason I bought a MkII was precisely to streamline my sales. I messed up at least one MC bag sell mission (F in the chat. They're still not back.) by falling off my MkI and dying. But from day one, the broomstick was way too boring for me to use on a daily basis. I much rather utilized a combination of the CEO Buzzard and whatever car I had on hand. I even set up a random generator with every car in my collection to help me choose which one I'd use next. I continued like that until roughly December 15th, 2020.
Apologies in advance, for I am about to simp.
Not that many cars came out on Gallo Perrito's release day. I have but faint memories of how exactly I went about deciding which ones to buy, I'm not even sure if I bought the Toreador on release day or the day after. What I am sure about however, is that about two minutes after I had bought and customized it, the position of My Favourite Vehicle In The Game gained a concrete occupant. The Toreador just felt tailored to the specific kind of player I was then and am to this day. A mostly-solo grinder who likes cars, especially the weird ones. Back on topic though, the Toreador checked so many boxes for me.
Based on an obscure Lamborghini concept car from the '60s. Unlimited good-tracking missiles. A rocket boost. Some explosion-proof armor. No special radar icon. Hood-mounted machine guns of the Good Kind. Four seats. Decent customization. Submarine mode with the rocket boost available. Ability to be stored inside the Kosatka. It took me about a week of trying to balance my Toreador on the submarine's nose and a Reddit post of someone's Stromberg inside it to find out about the last one, but I digress. It became my go-to vehicle for just about everything. It is stylish enough for a session cruiser and durable enough to fight off trigger-happy missile spammers. Its weapons, armor and speed make it a viable option for most source or sell missions. Because it also has four seats, it's useful in a variety of scenarios like contact missions (although let's be real no one does those anymore). Above all else, I began to use it as a solution for any MkII-shaped problem I faced. I didn't always win and I was often frustrated, but as I said - most MkII users don't know what they're doing. I once racked up a very high mental state by just shooting down mosquitoes that came at me. But the Toreador isn't without its faults. Most famously, the car is 50% glass, which one has to keep in mind. Driving within lock-on distance to a hostile player means certain death on console. It also lacks off-the-line grip (without the boost in question), which doesn't help with maneuvering. More grip or an all-wheel-drive system would be ideal. Lastly, and this is personal, I just think it would look snazzy with some pop-up headlights. All in all, I love the Toreador passionately.
I'm not sure how it was on PC, but the Speedo Custom's console existence was tarnished by the infamous godmode glitch. With some trickery while exiting the nightclub, one could make the Speedo Custom completely invulnerable to explosions or Up-n-Atomizer blasts. Let me tell you, fighting one of these is incredibly difficult and annoying. Your only option being shooting the driver and/or drowning the van, perhaps with luck and a Cargobob. The most recent time I encountered a so-called Godmode Speedo, it took a focused effort of two or three players just to take the guy down once. Oh and did I mention the glitch is still not patched? The Speedo Custom can drift however, even just stanced without lowgrips. I wonder if I can take it inside the LS Car Meet if I remove the gun.
I have kind of a love-hate relationship with the custom Pounder. On one hand, it's not really fast, likes to tip over, isn't even grippy, and likes to get caught on things. On the other hand, the Mule is all that but slower. I made the mistake of 3 nightclub sell vehicles on old gen, but I was aware of it on PS5.
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My first “expensive” purchase in the GTA world was this Insurgent, back in 2015, because I loved huge armored vehicles. Explosives weren’t quite as prevalent in the game world yet, but it was still nice to have the added protection from Kuruma nutjobs while repping the Saints.
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After the release of the SUV Insurgent and the Pegasus Gunsurgent, there was an outcry for a pick-up Insurgent without a gun. Those prayers were unintentionally answered in the form of the Insurgent Pick-up Custom, which had a glitch to remove the gun turret from the roof, turning it into a harmless-looking armored truck. However, the turret itself still worked, resulting in the gunner angrily shaking their fists while bullets spewed from the truck’s grille. Discrepancies with the crosshair made it difficult to hit anything more than 200 yards away.
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The Anti-Aircraft Trailer always arrived with its faithful Sadler companion. Lots of people slept on the AA Trailer, not knowing that the flak turret was incredibly strong and could down even an Avenger in two direct hits. Hooking this thing to the back of a Nightshark or an Insurgent made for a fast and dangerous doom train. The downside was that, once again, it was kneecapped by the developers’ poor decision to make the trailer take the slot of your personal vehicle, meaning that you couldn’t tow it with any of your cool armored vehicles and were entirely dependent on having a friend who owned something that could tow it unless you wanted to hurt that poor Sadler.
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From the minds of mortal men, the mightiest of machines: Phantom Custom. Or, as our enemies liked to call it, the “god mode truck”. The single most heavily-armored vehicle in the entire game is this unassuming big rig, able to soak up almost 70 homing missiles before giving up the ghost. This truck cab turned the tide of many, many battles against stubborn shitters and was a cornerstone of crew fights, having no weapons of its own but being unable to be ignored. Hundreds of hapless griefers would pour ammunition into its completely impervious backside, standing perfectly still for a single revolver shot. Even tanks weren’t safe, as it was easy to take one down by strapping a load of stickies to the front and ramming it at full speed, armoring through the explosion like the mango Sentinel. The saddest part is that the counter to the Phantom Custom was as simple as getting in a plain old car and shooting the driver through the windshield, but none of these knuckleheads would ever dare risk their precious KDR by getting out of their shitter toys. They’d just keep bashing their heads against the wall and then cry that it was hacks. Some people never learn.
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They may as well have called the Avenger the B-17, because it was a flying fortress. A fully-crewed Avenger was legitimately terrifying and could retake control of an entire session all by itself. If the gunners knew how to use thermals, they could keep griefers locked down so hard that they wouldn’t even be able to respawn. If the Hunter was the Valkyrie’s big brother, then the Avenger was Mom and Dad getting up off of the couch. But to me, the real fun of the Avenger was flying it solo. Unlike most aircraft, the Avenger had a significant amount of armor, and it was so huge that it could “joust” other aircraft and utterly destroy them by body checking them. At worst it would lose an aileron or two, and then it could just go nto VTOL mode and land gently. For a while I had a good collection going of hostile aircraft getting clotheslined into oblivion by my Avenger, but that ship has sailed. The other trick up the Avenger’s sleeve was being able to airdrop vehicles from two miles up. It was a laugh riot to load an Insurgent into the vehicle bay, pile eight friends and myself into it, and Operation Dumbo Drop that sucker onto the aircraft carrier. For such a big aircraft, the Avenger was able to fit in absolutely anywhere.
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The Terrorbyte was the developers’ answer to players who wanted a luxury camper, because they’re incapable of adding any sort of “comfy” vehicle or property without turning it into some kind of secret war machine undercover base thing reminiscent of a transforming action figure playset. The Terrorbyte was nice as a mobile wardrobe and ammo refill station, and it came in handy as a roadblock in a few missions, but that was the extent of its usefulness. You couldn’t even load a regular motorcycle in the back, even if you glitched one into the bay. I would have taken this thing everywhere if I could have put a dirt bike inside it.
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The Oppressor Mk II needs no introduction. This is the vehicle that heralded the downfall of the entire game. What could be more balanced than a vehicle that’s the size of a motorcycle, can fly, can hover, can rocket boost, can shoot dozens of missiles that can’t be dodged, can block incoming missiles, can be spawned next to you instantly with no cooldown, can refill your health and double your defense, and can’t be fallen off of? This cancerbike irreparably ruined public sessions and PVP to the point where the meta forced all other vehicles into two categories: those that could stand up to it, and those that couldn’t. “Counters” to the memebike were just things that didn’t instantly die to it or had more armor than its load of missiles could penetrate. It was like Akuma from Super Turbo in that it was so broken that the only counter to it was itself. That was the only reason I even owned one. People everywhere hated it, and the devs took years beating around the bush, giving it tiny “nerfs” that did nothing to address the problem, until numbers started dropping and they finally changed a number in the game’s code to make the missiles less accurate, but the damage was already done. What the Oppressor Mk II really killed wasn’t combat and PVP, but grinding and PVE. Innumerable calls for it to be removed from the game were shouted down with “but my grinding!” because it absolutely trivialized almost every mission in the game. You could play GTA without ever actually looking at the game, only the radar. Get on the rocking horse, hold forward until you reach the yellow dot, press the button until all the red dots are gone, hold forward until you reach the other yellow dot, watch green number go up. That was what the entire game had been reduced to. With the Mk II, every mission became a class of Harry Potter students flying their broomsticks to the magic castle and finishing the mission as fast as possible, and even one person speedrunning the objective would leave nothing left to do for the people who wanted to actually enjoy their cars and guns, unless everyone agreed beforehand not to use their memebike. Be it in peacetime or wartime, all it took was one meta slave to ruin everyone else’s fun.
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One of the game’s answers to the prevalence of the memebike was to simply build a better mousetrap. Much like the Stromberg was the natural predator of the Oppressor, the Toreador here was made to fight the Oppressor Mk II. It combined the armor and aquatic capabilities of the Stromberg with the rocket boost and stealth icon of the Vigilante. Its effectiveness against its seemingly intended target was debatable, but it proved to be an effective vehicle in PVP nonetheless. I personally didn’t care much for it, because the glass cabin offered no protection from NPC bullet spam and passengers were unable to use drive-by weapons, but I still owned one because it was a fun car to jump around in and wasn’t allergic to water like the Scramjet. It also had this rare livery hidden its files, unavailable to anyone except GTA+ subscribers and people with knowledge of merge glitches. Ironically, despite the war camouflage motif, my Toreador never saw actual combat wearing it as most of us were already on our way out by then.
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The Speedo Custom was good for delivering cargo as well as delivering death. This boxy buddy came free with the purchase of any nightclub to make dropoffs for it, and many people used it only for that purpose, not knowing how vicious the turret on its roof could be. It didn’t have much armor, but in urban firefights it could poke its stubby little nose out from around a corner and snipe hostiles from well beyond minigun range. I had so much fun with this thing that I used to give crewmates a sales pitch along the lines of “buy this van and get a free nightclub”.
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For deliveries above the 90-unit cutoff, the Pounder Custom came out to play. It was forced to play a more blue-collar role compared to its smaller sibling, because installing the rocket turrets on it would cause it to get hung up on overhangs like that 11-foot-8 bridge. It did its job, it did it well, and most importantly, it saved a lot of people from buying the Mule Custom.
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anideoro · 2 years ago
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Campamento IPUC Marsella 05, 06 y 07 de Nov 2022 "Buscando un avivamiento" #ipucmarsella #ipuc #campamento #avivamiento #hermanos #amigos https://www.instagram.com/p/CktV4HmuEOpC0SgamdW4Y5RUszsx4aSLeB3BJU0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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juandiegollanos · 3 years ago
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Y cuántas tristezas y heridas nos ahorraríamos, si de verdad aprendiéramos... 🙊 . La lengua es un mundo de maldad (Santiago 3.6), hay palabras que son como golpes de espada (Proverbios 12.18), en las muchas palabras no falta el pecado (Proverbios 10.19) y daremos cuenta de toda palabra ociosa en el día del juicio (Mateo 12.36). Bonus: Aun el necio, cuando calla, pasa por sabio (Proverbios 17.28). . ¡Feliz semana, amigos! 🔇🙊 . . . . . . #Hablar #Callar #Sabiduría #mensajescristianos #pensamientoscristianos #reflexionescristianas #frasescristianas #mensajesdeDios #cristianismo #fe #supresencia #iglesiafiladelfia #noviazgocristiano #ayudaidonea #ipuc #Dios #Jesús #Jesus #Jesucristo #voluntaddedios #PropósitoDeDios #g12 #pentecostales #avivamiento #EspírituSanto #EspirituSanto #pentecostal #predicasparajovenes #jovenescristianos #cristianos https://www.instagram.com/p/CVODQVClxTA/?utm_medium=tumblr
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nathalysuns · 5 years ago
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poeta-de-dios · 6 years ago
Instagram: @unpoetadedios
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osyesive · 2 years ago
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🟢Vista al perfil.
⚪Vídeo introductorio.
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defensoresdelafe · 4 years ago
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Premiere este sábado 21 de noviembre. Algunos dicen que los Apóstoles recibieron el Espíritu Santo ANTES de Pentecostés y SIN hablar en lenguas. Abramos la Biblia... 9 am hora estándar del Pacífico www.youtube.com/defensoresdelafe/ #EspírituSanto #lenguas #bautismodelEspíritu #nacerdelEspíritu #nacerdenuevo #Evangelio #BuenasNuevas #nuevonacimiento #pentecostal #Pentecostés #apostólico #unicitario #IPUI #IPUIC #IPUC #IPUV https://www.instagram.com/p/CH0vFH2gC3v/?igshid=1le8oxbkqgsze
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shijumoni · 5 years ago
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#ரோமர் 8 31: இவைகளைக்குறித்து நாம் என்ன சொல்லுவோம்? தேவன் நம்முடைய பட்சத்திலிருந்தால் நமக்கு விரோதமாயிருப்பவன் யார்? What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? (#KJV) 🌷🌲🌷🌲🌷🌲🌷🌲🌷🌲🌷🌲🌷🌲🌷🌲🌷🌲🌷🌲🌷🌲🌷🌲🌷🌲🌷🌲🌷🌲 #frasesdeamor #frasescristianas #frasesdebendicion #gracias #graciasdios #jesucristo #imagenescristianas #ipuc #diosesamor #palabradedios #vivendosendofeliz #feliz #viver #yeshua #comoeueraantesdevoce #comoeueraantesdevoc #reciprocidade #simplesmenteacontece #beauty #4chair #repost #texture #themanechoice #faith #naturalhair #naturalhaircommunity #teamnatural #respectmyhair (at Dell ICC Factory) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3vUYCwgaQV/?igshid=gttvz432eewa
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trombone-minivan · 2 years ago
Various shitter-piloted Khanjali's caused me a fair bit of pain at times. It's quite frustrating to fight one of these on foot, but all the more satisfying to kill one by smacking a Nightshark with five sticky bombs on the grille into it.
One of my earliest GTA memories is getting basically spawntrapped by two sweatlords in an APC, together with a random whose Organization I was in. Many years and experience later, I bought one, only to never really use it.
The IPUC is one of those workhorse vehicles that have carried me and sometimes several more people through countless missions, sales and fights. I'm noticing a distinct lack of turreted vehicles in my PS5 collection, so I might have to get one.
Ah the Dune FAV, in a certain context one of the most universally despised vehicles in the game. And it's all due to Rockstar's shoddy game design of one sell mission, of course. 15 minutes for 4 times 5 drops that are each a cross-country trip away? For real though. But it seems like I may have underestimated the little Dune FAV. I'm not sure how useful a drive-by Atomizer could be, but for Literally Free, it's worth the shot.
What could I even add to what has been said about the Nightshark. It was always a good armored vehicle, but it really came into its own when the mosquitoes appeared. For some reason, throwables hurled out of a moving car get launched like your arm is an artillery mortar. This rather quickly led to a MkII-fighting strategy popularized by a certain youtuber, which I like to affectionately call The Big Yeet. Many a time I've pressed R1 followed by left on the d-pad, and seen a memebike and its rider explode into smithereens. Until the day GTA 5 servers die, the spot next to Franklin's car in my Agency will be reserved for the magnificent rocket-ignoring mosquito-deleting armored SUV.
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The Chernobog was a really cool idea that was executed poorly. Having a dedicated missile carrier to counter aircraft was a good addition in theory, but it was armored with wet paper towels and took ages to set up while having a unique radar icon that magnetized bandits right to you. It wasn’t until a few years later when the localized off-radar ability was introduced that it became even remotely viable, and even then, nine times out of ten it was better to just use the explosive sniper anyway. None of us ever bothered using the Chernobog in combat and we instead spent our time Cargobobbing cars under its missile turret and using it as an atom smasher.
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You knew you’d won a shitter stomp when they pulled out the ol’ ragetank. The TM-01 Khanjali was the surest sign that its owner was angry at something, be it getting dogpiled by a crew or getting ventilated by laggy overpowered NPCs. The real fun of the Khanjali was in wedging telephone poles between its chassis and turret and spinning really fast to make the physics engine freak out and launch the tank across the map.
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When I saw there was a car being added with a controllable gun turret on the roof, my first impulse was to paint it up like the car from Super Spy Hunter for the NES. The Weaponized Tampa made heists and PvE missions downright hilarious, being able to scream around corners with guns blazing. Who cared if it could hardly hit the broad side of a barn?
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In yet another example of the developers being horribly out of touch with their fanbase, the Caracara was added to get an F-150 Raptor into the game, but specifically as a knockoff of a 6x6 conversion of one. And then they added a gun turret to the back for kicks. It was fun to use as a party Technical, don’t get me wrong, but many of us were much more welcoming of the later Caracara 4x4.
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Gee Barrage, how come your mom lets you have two gun turrets? This truck was my first choice to bring to heists when playing with randoms, because having not one but two mounted guns grabbed their attention and ensured there was no fighting over who got to play with the big shooty. It was like one of those fancy minivans with the TVs in the back.
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Before we had the Khanjali, we had the APC. Being slightly faster and fully amphibious made it loads of fun to bring to missions that had you recovering cargo from the ocean. Seeing one of these with a proper driver and gunner duo was actually pretty scary, and since you needed a crew to operate one of these effectively, I found it fitting to do this one up with glitched Benny’s wheels and a shiny purple paint job to pay homage to the Third Street Saints. Did you know that that was why my character wore purple headphones?
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The Insurgent Pick-up Custom, affectionately known as the Gunsurgent, was the best way to calm down a noisy session all the way from its Pegasus predecessor’s introduction in 2015 to the present day. Even memebikes had to watch their step around it. Whenever this big guy came out of the garage, it was officially go time. Turned out there weren’t many problems that a rolling block of steel with a Ma Deuce on the roof couldn’t solve.
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Despite being lauded for its stealth capabilities, having the same radar icon as an average street car, it was always easy to spot a Vigilante coming because you’d see said icon doing a pirouette every couple of blocks. Not many drivers could handle the Vigilante’s boost function, and its low ground clearance made it prone to getting violently hung up on bits of terrain that other cars would completely ignore. It was even more groan-inducing trying to use its missiles and watching them go sailing straight underneath the vehicles you were trying to hit. The Vigilante was amazing at pushing other cars around, though, especially that cursed Humane Labs monkey van, and parking it against a wall to launch cars with its rocket boost was a ride you could charge admission for.
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Never in the history of GTA has a vehicle had a redemption arc as glorious as that of the Dune FAV. On release, it wasn’t anything special, as its occupants were exposed and its mounted gun had a very limited traversal, and it only became more hated as time passed because the developers, in their infinite wisdom, had decided to bind the proximity mine function to the same button as the horn, making it all too easy to blow yourself to smithereens when trying to give a friendly beep. This problem was exacerbated in the Dune FAVs used for bunker sales, as now the mine button not only took the place of the horn button, but also that of the one used by every other bunker sale vehicle to drop a shipment, so giving that friendly beep on your way to deliver was going to cost you a hell of a lot more than just 500 GTA-bucks. Many of my friends and crew writhed at the sight of these buggies for years until the release of the Up-N-Atomizer physics gun, at which point the lowly Dune FAV got a new lease on life by being the only vehicle in the game that allowed the driver to use the Up-N-Atomizer as a drive-by weapon. Filled with newfound vigor, the Dune FAV made its triumphant return to the battlefield, bringing joy and physics fun to everyone, and we all lived ragdolly ever after.
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For quite a while, I looked down my nose at the humble Nightshark. It was just a smaller Insurgent, right? Why would I bother owning one when I already had an Insurgent? But then it went on sale, and I gave it a try out of boredom, and my game plan was changed forever. This thing was a feisty little mountain goat. It was kind of like a small Insurgent, yes, but that smaller size meant it had much more get-up-and-go than its bigger brother, and it was much more comfortable when taken off the beaten path. I actually kept mine in the back of my Mobile Operations Center, where it could be summoned without having to wait for the mechanic to pick up the phone, as an emergency escape vehicle. This foresight proved quite useful, as one of the Nightshark’s most important qualities proved to be that it was able to tank a memebike’s full complement of missiles and keep running. This, combined with its lack of a unique radar icon, made it ideal for defensive play, and once we learned that breaking the driver’s door off made it easy to score eject kills, it became ideal for just about everything.
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