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Unboxing BOXYCHARM VS IPSY / Relaxing ASMR
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That’s No Way to Treat an Heirloom
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Harry x Draco
Words: 3,759
Read it on AO3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18749431
Everything would have been different if Harry hadn't gone to return Malfoy’s wand the same day that Lucius Malfoy was sent to start his fifteen-year sentence in Azkaban.
Of course, Harry isn’t aware of this at the time, as he makes his way up the Malfoys’ stupidly long drive one surprisingly cool Thursday afternoon in August.
A daintily dressed house elf answers the door within three seconds of his knock and, though she must be, she shows no sign of being surprised to see him.
“Mister Potter,” she chirps with a polite incline of her head, her large ears bobbing slightly. “I is called Ipsy, how may I be helping you today?”
“Er,” Harry begins, fidgeting with the hem of his t-shirt and wondering, for the millionth time, why he didn't just Owl Malfoy's wand back to him. “I have something to return to Mal – er, Draco, if he’s here.”
There’s a muffled crash from somewhere below, and Ipsy narrows her eyes almost imperceptibly.
“Master Draco is being here,” she begins resignedly. “But Master Draco is being unavailable to see guests at the moment. But Ipsy can be taking Mister Potter’s item and giving it to Master Draco at a…” she falters slightly ��…a more prudent time.”
Harry’s opening his mouth to reply – and wondering why, exactly, he’s reluctant to accept her offer – when he hears the sound of approaching footsteps and Malfoy appears at the top of the illustrious staircase leading down to the lower levels. He’s impeccably dressed, right down to the leather loafers on his feet, but his blond hair is also ruffled slightly, there’s a pink flush to his pale cheeks, and the – no doubt ludicrously expensive – jumper he’s wearing is rumpled, the dress shirt underneath it carelessly untucked.
“Potter,” Malfoy exclaims in surprise, slightly louder than necessary, and out of the corner of his eye, Harry catches Ipsy’s frown.
“Malfoy,” he replies, as the other boy joins them in the entranceway and crosses his arms. “I, er, have your wand, to give back,” he explains.
Malfoy sways, just slightly, and Harry narrows his eyes as a thought occurs to him.
“Malfoy,” he begins, “are you drunk?”
“Mister Potter is being able to leave now,” Ipsy begins, but Malfoy waves her off.
“That will be all, Ipsy,” he says, sounding perfectly condescending despite the slight slur Harry can now make out in his words, and she vanishes with a pop that manages to sound disapproving, somehow. “And no, Potter, I am not drunk,” he spits out, attempting futilely to smooth down his hair. “I have just been indulging in some of Father’s Firewhiskey on acc – hic - account of him being shipped off to Azkaban today,” he finishes, and Harry feels his stomach clench at the words. “Now, are you going to give me back my wand or just stand there gaping like a fish?” he demands, holding out an elegant hand imperiously, although the gesture is rather undercut by the way he seems to be having trouble focusing on Harry’s face.
The words are out of Harry ‘s mouth before he can stop them. “Do you want company?” he asks.
Malfoy stares at him incredulously. He looks like he's tossing around a number of undoubtedly scathing replies, but what he comes out with is, “Can you even hold your alcohol, Potter?”
Harry chooses not to point out the irony of that question as Malfoy none-too-subtly leans against the wall for support. Besides the handful of pub nights he’s had with Ron and Hermione this summer and the horrifically bad hangover he had after the older Weasley boys took him out for his birthday last month, he isn't really one for drinking, but the thought of leaving Malfoy alone in this state makes guilt coil uncomfortably in his stomach. So he squares his shoulders, meets Malfoy's gaze, and gestures for him to lead the way.
Harry's already questioning the wisdom of his decision when Malfoy leads them into what is clearly Lucius Malfoy's study, which is cold enough to make Harry shiver despite the fire roaring in the grate. Portraits of peacocks, the Malfoy family crest, and a large shelf of clearly illegal potions ingredients - including what looks disconcertingly like a set of dismembered house-elf feet - adorn the walls, while an oversized, ebony Victorian desk takes up one half of the room. Malfoy sprawls in an elegant tangle of limbs on an enormous leather sofa Harry's certain certain costs more than the Dursley's entire house, next to a three-quarters full bottle of the most expensive bottle of Firewhiskey that Harry has ever seen. Malfoy Accios 2 crystal goblets from somewhere- judging from a disembodied yelp above them, probably from the kitchen - pours them both a generous helping with surprisingly steady hands, and raises his glass sardonically.
"To my father," he drawls, and Harry winces internally at the way Malfoy's voice cracks slightly on the last word. "May he rot in Azkaban," he finishes bitterly, clinking his glass with Harry's and taking a generous swig. Harry follows suit and immediately feels his eyes water as it burns down his throat. He scowls when his vision clears to reveal Malfoy regarding him smugly, eyes completely dry.
"To your father," Harry begins. "May he never hear about this."
Malfoy stares at him in shock for a moment before huffing a disbelieving laugh, glancing over at Harry and trying vainly to bite down on a tiny, rueful smile.
"Hear hear," Malfoy adds, leaning over to clink his glass with Harry's again.
Harry’s been surreptitiously adding water to Malfoy’s glass in addition to snagging most of the Firewhiskey to himself when Malfoy’s not looking, but while it’s allowed Malfoy to stop hiccupping, it also seems to have had the unintended effect of rendering Harry rather tipsy, as well. Which has inexplicably resulted in the two of them sitting on the floor of Lucius Malfoy’s study, giggling and making increasingly insulting impressions of Filch. Malfoy's jumper has been abandoned in a crumpled heap on the floor, he keeps gesturing emphatically with his hands, and Harry thinks he might be staring at him, just a little.
It's just - he's never seen Malfoy like this, relaxed and open and smiling, and he's feeling comfortably tingly and warm, the sharp taste of the Firewhiskey lingering pleasantly on his tongue.
"Students out of bed!" Malfoy cries, in a crude but astoundingly accurate imitation of Filch, shaking his free hand in mock-rage. "STUDENTS IN THE CORRIDOR!" he roars, affecting an exaggerated eye-twitch that has Harry doubled over with laughter. "I think he might cry if I finish school without him ever having the chance to hang me from the ceiling by my thumbs," Malfoy adds thoughtfully, sending them both off into giggles again.
Harry's dimly aware of the fact that he can’t seem to stop staring at Malfoy’s mouth, and he’s not sure how, but they seem to be sitting closer together than they were just a minute ago.
"I might have taken that over our detention in the Forbidden Forest in first year," Harry says honestly, and Malfoy nods in agreement, his gaze fixed on Harry. He isn't sure why, but the room suddenly feels hotter than it was a moment ago, and when Malfoy licks his lips, Harry can't stop the way his gaze drops to his mouth.
Harry’s pretty sure he’s about to kiss Malfoy, here, tipsy from Firewhiskey in his father’s study, and he feels a surprising lack of horror about it. Maybe, he thinks as he reaches up to cradle Malfoy's face in one hand, maybe he’ll just panic about it later. And maybe, he tells himself as Malfoy exhales shakily, eyes fluttering shut for a moment at the contact, maybe later he’ll remember that the idea of him being attracted to Malfoy is equal parts ridiculous and wrong. Maybe, he thinks, staring into grey eyes that look scared and vulnerable and the tiniest bit hopeful, maybe this is all due to the Firewhiskey and it doesn’t mean anything at all that his heart is beating wildly in his chest and he suddenly can’t seem to breathe. And then it doesn’t matter, because Malfoy sways towards him, just slightly, and Harry can’t help but lean forwards and kiss him.
Malfoy holds absolutely still for a moment before tentatively kissing back, tasting of Firewhiskey and Fizzing Whizbees and, inexplicably, chocolate frogs. Then Harry presses closer, and Malfoy tangles one of his hands in Harry’s hair, and all of a sudden they’re kissing so enthusiastically Harry’s head is spinning.
He feels like he’s drowning. It’s nothing like kissing Cho - honestly though, being cried on mid-snog is an experience he'd really rather not repeat - but it’s not exactly like kissing Ginny either. That was a euphoric rush, high off of Quidditch victory and a moment of bravery and then elation that the girl he fancied seemed to want him right back. This is – an electric current he can feel all the way down to his toes, a head rush he really doesn’t think has anything to do with the Firewhiskey, and the realization that this might be the stupidest, most reckless, most brilliant thing he’s ever done.
At some point, Malfoy has climbed onto his lap and stuck his tongue in Harry’s mouth, and Harry doesn’t even realize he’s undone the first couple of buttons on Malfoy’s shirt until Malfoy pulls back, a questioning look on his face.
Harry really has no idea what to do here. He thinks maybe he’s crossed some invisible line, because snogging your long-time rival after consuming a large amount of Firewhiskey is one thing, but undressing them is probably a lot harder to explain away when you’re sober. But Malfoy just exhales a shaky breath, fixes Harry with a piercing gaze that suddenly looks a lot less hazy, and asks, “Are you sure?”
Harry has no idea how to answer that. He’s never done this before, and there are about five hundred reasons why he thinks Malfoy is an arrogant, pompous git, and another five hundred why this shouldn’t be happening. But he can’t take his eyes off the few inches of pale chest Malfoy’s open shirt has exposed, or the dark pink flush that’s crept into his cheeks, and he can’t ignore the way his lips won’t stop tingling. So he nods, once, twice, and pulls Malfoy back in.
He clumsily works his way through the rest of Malfoy’s buttons as Malfoy insistently tugs Harry’s t-shirt over his head, and Harry can't help but groan at the feeling of skin-on-skin contact. Then Harry leans down to press open-mouthed kisses to Malfoy's neck, relishing in the way Malfoy melts, and he moves to tug Malfoy down on top him, but Malfoy promptly freezes.
"I am absolutely not lying down on this carpet," Malfoy mutters as he stands, tugging Harry up with him.
Malfoy eyes the colossal ebony desk speculatively, and Harry - he has a bad feeling about this. It's not like Lucius Malfoy would ever find out, but he can't help thinking it might be bad form to be snogging the son of a man who tried to have him murdered at least a dozen times on top of said man's desk, which looks like it might actually be older than Hogwarts.
But then he looks over at Malfoy, who's perched himself on the edge of the desk, pale skin gleaming in the firelight. He lifts one eyebrow challengingly, daring Harry to follow, and Harry's helpless to do anything but surge forward to kiss him again. They fall backward in a tangle of limbs, and Harry's certain he's going to have a horrific bruise on his knee from attempting to clamber onto the desk and undo Malfoy's trousers at the same time, but between the way Malfoy arches up when Harry kisses over his pulse point and the intoxicating feeling of Malfoy raking his fingernails down his back, Harry can't find it in himself to care.
Harry’s pretty sure he’s about to shag Malfoy now, here on Lucius Malfoy’s desk, of all places, and his only thought at this point is he hopes he won’t be absolute rubbish at it.
(Judging by the litany of increasingly inventive swear words that pour out of Malfoy's mouth, he isn't).
Harry's still lying next to Malfoy on the desk, catching his breath and sending a silent prayer of thanks that the ancient wood is a lot stronger than it looks, when Malfoy sits up and pokes him - painfully - in the ribs. "Malfoys do not sleep anywhere but in a bed,” Draco informs him in what Harry assumes is supposed to be a lofty tone, and takes hold of his arm.
When they arrive in a gigantic, ostentatious, and admittedly gorgeous bedroom, Harry whirls around to face Malfoy accusatorially. “What the fuck, Malfoy? We could’ve been splinched!”
Malfoy shrugs unapologetically. “It’s not like I’m going to get splinched by Apparating in my own house,” he retorts, heading straight for the elegant, King-sized bed. Harry’s opening his mouth to counter the ridiculousness of that statement – he’s heard enough about Apparition accidents from Percy to last him a lifetime, honestly – when he takes in the sight of Draco, naked and waiting for him under a mountain of luxurious-looking sheets, and wisely shuts up.
If Malfoy pretends - badly - to accidentally snuggle Harry in his sleep, well, it's not like he minds.
Harry’s woken up a few hours later by several too-bright rays of harsh early morning sunlight, with what promises to be a horrible headache beginning to pound at his temples. His muscles ache, his throat is raw, and he’s so entangled with both Malfoy and the sheets he’s pretty sure he couldn’t move even if he wanted to.
The thing is, though, is that for all he feels like he might have actually died and come back a second time, he doesn’t really want to move. Not when Malfoy has a pale, surprisingly strong arm wrapped snugly around him and a long leg tossed carelessly over his, and not when Malfoy's so close Harry can see the tiny, pale freckles that are scattered across his cheekbones.
Then, of course, Malfoy yawns sleepily, opens his eyes, and promptly goes tense with what seems to be poorly-concealed panic.
“Potter,” he begins, and Harry tactfully ignores the way Malfoy’s voice cracks on his name. “Um,” he continues, sitting up and wrapping the sheet around himself defensively, “I expect there’s no need to discuss this, yes?” he asks stiffly, gaze fixed determinedly in his lap.
“Er,” Harry begins, feeling both rather groggy and exceptionally wrong-footed.
“It was just the Firewhiskey,” Malfoy continues, apparently ignoring him. “We were reckless and drunk and…” he pauses once, swallowing. “And it was a mistake. So I’ll just go and take a shower, and you can get dressed and…” Malfoy nods once to himself and makes to get up.
Harry’s not entirely sure what he wants to happen, exactly, except that this feels stilted and awkward and he was rather enjoying the coziness of a few moments ago. And it feels wrong to just – leave, and write it all off as a drunken indiscretion. He has no idea what the protocol is for the morning after with the boy you thought you hated your entire life and, it turns out, have probably also been madly attracted to the entire time, but he’s pretty sure this isn’t it.
It’s also glaringly obvious that Malfoy hasn’t looked him in the eyes once this morning, and suddenly Harry can’t stand it.
“Malfoy,” he blurts out, but when Draco finally, finally looks at him, Harry finds that any of the words he might’ve said dry up in his throat. He gazes helplessly for a second at Malfoy’s guarded expression, at the way he’s got the sheet wrapped around him as though Harry hasn’t already seen everything under it, at the bruise that stands out almost obscenely just below Malfoy’s collarbone, and then he’s moving before he has a chance to talk himself out of it.
Harry leans forwards to place a sloppy kiss on Malfoy’s lips, clacking their teeth together in his haste and nearly missing his mouth entirely, and he abruptly pulls back in mortification. Malfoy stares at him for a moment, grey eyes wide and mouth open, before he makes a desperate noise in his throat and lunges across the bed to kiss Harry again. They fall backwards in a tangle of limbs, kissing hungrily and carelessly shoving the sheets out of the way, awkwardness and hangovers forgotten.
When he wakes again, he nearly jumps out of his skin at the sight of Ipsy hovering at the foot of the bed and looking positively gleeful. She snaps her fingers and Draco stirs into reluctant wakefulness at the sound before yelping and pulling the sheets up over the two of them.
“Ipsy! For Merlin’s sake,” he squawks, but she waves him off, ears flapping imperiously.
“Mistress Narcissa is requesting that Mister Potter and Master Draco be joining her for brunch,” she informs them with a hint of smugness. As she turns to leave, she adds off-handedly, “And the Mistress is asking that Mister Potter and Master Draco confine any future recreational activities to Master Draco's bedroom."
Malfoy wordlessly drops his face into his hands, and Harry gulps. After taking a deep, fortifying breath, Malfoy Accios them their clothes, and they dress in silence; Harry tries futilely to pat down his hair, and they share a commiserating look of dread. He isn't scared of Narcissa Malfoy, exactly, but he does have the feeling that he's in for a rather severe talking-to, and the way Malfoy's face has paled isn't exactly inspiring confidence.
He and Malfoy descend the wide marble staircase to the dining room with the air of condemned men walking to their doom.
"Good morning, gentlemen," Narcissa greets them from the head of a long table that's set with an array of sumptuous-looking breakfast dishes. "Do sit down," she adds, as two house-elves silently pull out the two chairs closest to her.
Harry slides awkwardly into the high-backed chair, pulling a pristine white linen napkin into his lap and trying not to look alarmed by the sheer amount of silverware on either side of his plate.
“That will be all, Ipsy,” she adds, and the house-elf’s gleeful expression slips slightly before she nods and retreats, ears flopping dejectedly. The other two house-elves follow soundlessly, leaving the three of them alone in the opulent dining room.
There’s a moment of rather strained silence. Then Narcissa nods almost imperceptibly at the various plates in front of them, and Harry takes a fortifying breath, studiously avoids Malfoy’s eyes, and helps himself to some tea and scones. Before he can reach for the sugar bowl, Malfoy passes it to him wordlessly, taking the milk for himself and sliding the fresh-squeezed lemon juice across to Harry in the same movement. Taken aback slightly, Harry’s can’t help but stare at Malfoy, who bites his lip and abruptly busies himself with his breakfast, the tips of his ears stained a vivid pink.
“I trust you slept well?” Narcissa asks innocently, bringing Harry back to the present moment. Harry chances a glance over at Malfoy, who still appears to be fascinated with his cup of coffee, and groans internally. Trust him to just leave Harry to fend for himself.
“Er, yeah, we did,” Harry responds without thinking, and then immediately wants to punch himself. Futilely trying to ignore the flush rising in his cheeks, he asks, “And you?”
“Oh, just fine,” she responds demurely, although Harry has the very distinct impression, despite her well-rested appearance, that she isn’t quite telling the truth. He takes a bite of his scone and fervently hopes that Narcissa’s bedroom is located on the opposite side of the Manor from Malfoy’s.
“How is Aunt Andromeda?” Draco asks, attempting a lofty tone and missing by about a mile.
“I was visiting my sister yesterday evening,” Narcissa explains for Harry’s benefit. “She’s well,” she adds, and this time a small, genuine smile graces her face. “She has her hands full with your cousin Teddy - he managed to turn the tips of his hair blond by the end of the night.”
“Did he?” Harry asks delightedly. “Last time I was there I could swear he was making his hair stick up more than usual."
Malfoy sniggers into his coffee and then tries to cover it up with a cough. Narcissa’s lips quirk up slightly at the corners, and for a moment there’s a more companionable silence as they all dig into a meal that could rival even the most lavish of the Hogwarts feasts.
Then Narcissa takes a delicate sip of her tea and focuses sharp, crystal-blue eyes on Harry again.
"And how did you find Draco's wand?" she inquires politely, and Harry nearly chokes on his tea. "Were you able to perform spells adequately?
"Oh - er, yes. Actually," Harry responds, trying to pull himself together. "It worked nearly as well as my old one - loads better than Hermione's, and I think I might've set something on fire if I tried to use Ron's again."
"Did it now?" Narcissa responds neutrally, and though her face is as impassive as ever, Harry gets the distinct impression that she's trying not to smile.
When Harry glances over at Malfoy, there's a hint of pink high in his cheeks, but he just continues eating his scones with an effortless grace Harry will never hope to emulate.
A minute later though, he feels Malfoy's foot come to rest tentatively on his own under the table, and this time it's Harry who has to bite down on a smile.
The remainder of breakfast passes without any other mortifying incidents - although Harry has a strong inkling, based on the amused smirks Malfoy’s been sending him, that he hasn’t used the correct spoon once. Then Narcissa insists on seeing him out, Malfoy trailing slightly behind and making an admirable attempt at a nonchalant expression.
"We'll be seeing you soon, Mister Potter," she tells him, and although her tone is courteous, Harry gets the distinct impression that it's not a request he can refuse.
But, glancing over at Malfoy - who hasn't stopped blushing once all morning, who is funny and clever and captivating when he's not being an absolute prat (and maybe even when he is), and who kisses him with a kind of desperation that suggests he's been thinking about it for years - Harry can't say that he wants to.
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If you want people not escape the battle you must first and foremost have a qt jammer deployed that will be seem from afar (more clearly as more range it has) and have local security forces moving on you. When ships fall out of qt they may fall quite afar from you and in that case they have chance to gain high speed and escape the bubble before you can engage them this is intended interdiction mechanic. If you don want that happen you may increase "density" of jammer, by either pumping more power into it (more security forces moving on you) or decreasing range (less window of opportunity to disable dropped ship).Risk vs. As early as the 1960s, lasers had been developed for industrial uses. When researchers developed lasers that emitted wavelengths of light in short flashes called pulses, medical use became viable. These lasers can effectively remove tattoos with a low risk of scarring, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. Have you ever wanted to know how to make a balloon arch? Balloon arches are an inexpensive way to make a big decorating impact at any party of other occasion. All it takes is a little time and some planning and you'll be ready to impress kids and adults alike with these easy to follow instructions for making balloon arches. This article has balloon arch instructions as well as some tips for successfully making balloon arches.. If Marincin looks like shit, Rosen is still not available, and Sandin is playing well in the AHL, he could get lucky and get a token few games as a stopgap measure. Muzzin looks injured, if he goes down the chance goes up for Rasmus a lot as well. It a nice reward for the kid, he gets some extra cash and it shows some confidence in him. I have a habit of having the preliminary paperwork done before the customer arrives so they not sitting in a dealership all day. Thus, the importance of calling ahead of time setting an appointment. With email? salesperson might get busy take a while to get back to you or never even see the 금산출장샵 email.. Edit: if you have lots of background noise, like the other comment said, a dynamic mic is great. You can get some cheap USB ones, but be sure that your PC doesn emit any noise. In such a case you sadly held back by going more advanced with XLR to an interface or mixer.. Wow can believe it. Estee was the first YouTuber I really, really, got into and loved, although I stopped watching sometime after she underwent her rebranding from essiebutton to Estee Lalonde. But when I was still subscribed, I watched every video and every vlog. Me? Fear of Failure? Impossible. Until I was making a list of all the things I was putting off (2 months late, 1 month late, 1 week late, very urgent, urgent, kinda urgent, the list kept going and going) and I got this pain in my chest, like my heart cramping up. Exactly the same feeling as when you get a phone call in the middle of the night from someone saying "I have bad news about your grandfather". My Ipsy arrived today. Only the mailer was open and nothing inside 금산출장샵 the bag. This is like the third time something like this has happened and frankly I'm pretty upset. But bitching because you were woken up by news of a kidnapped child is not a valid reason to bitch about it.sqittenSupreme Court Just ass [97] 1,021 points submitted 19 days agoNTA And yes, he sounds like a creep. Both for commenting on her beauty and for saying "the man" when referring to himself. Also, our little secret from mommy is grooming a kid for abuse.
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Cozy Up With @IPSY! Creature Comforts First Impressions!
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Keep Growing 🌱🌼🌏 • [ #giftedbyipsy ] What are your favorite ways to reuse & repurpose? The theme for April’s @ipsy is in honor of Earth Day and the glam bag is made with recycled fabric 😍 I’d love to see more bags like this! • My first impression favorite is this @hauslabs gloss. Honestly obsessed. To round out my top three so far would be the @glowrecipe few drops and @theouai body creme. We are traveling this week so I’m packing it all up to test more. Sometimes I use the bags as a travel accessory or I also gift it to my daughter to organize her little trinkets/toys inside ♻️ • List of April products: @foxybaehair hair mask | @buttahskin mask scrub | @mischobeauty blush palette | @farahbrushes brush set | @karmelacosmetics Divine lipstick | @hipdot liquid & kohl liner | @wander_beauty Unleashed mascara | @theouai body creme | @glowrecipe dew drops | @hauslabs Blaze lip gloss • • • #ipsykeepgrowing #ipsyapril2022 #ipsyaprilglambag #ipsyglambag #ipsyglambagplus #ipsybag #ipsyos #earthdayeveryday #earthday2022 #foxybae #foxybaehair #hairmasks #buttahskin #skincare #mischobeauty #blushpalette #farahbrushes #brushset #karmelacosmetics #bulletlipstick #hipdot #eyelinergoals #wanderbeauty #mascaraislife #theouai #bodycareproducts #glowrecipe #dewdrops #hauslaboratories (at ipsyStudios) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcOaosyvtnF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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This was my first order from Ipsy and I was initially disappointed. The package arrived in what looked like a dollar store bubble wrapped bag, not the cute cosmetic case advertised online. The most disappointing thing was that the perfume bottle was opened and was all over everything and ruined a good amount of the products. I contacted customer service to let them know and they responded promptly and offered to replace all damaged products. I was very happy and impressed by that. I’m hoping my next box will be better. @ipsyofficial
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#giftedbyipsy ❤️ Hi friends and fam ☺️ As promised, here's a first impression review on some of the products that I got from @ipsy 🧡 You all know I love a good eyeshadow palette, especially nowadays where we always wear a mask. I am mostly wearing eye makeup these days and the @illuminaticosmetics Enlightened Quad Palette really impressed me. The color story is just perfect for autumn 🧡🍁 (see the #nofilter #swatches on the next slide) You could do either a smokey look or something subtle for an everyday look. I love that it has great pigmentation and the eyeshadow blends well together. The shimmers are so stunning on the lids and I love that it doesn't have any fall out. 🧡 I also have here the @smashboxcosmetics Photo Finish Oil and Shine Control. This has always been one of my favorite primer. It definitely controls the oil in my face and keeps my foundation application smooth and stay. 🧡 The @briogeo Farewell Frizz Leave In Conditioning Spray is very helpful on my thick, wavy and frizzy hair. I applied this after showering and it left my hair smooth and soft. Detangling has never been easier. I love this. 🧡 Now I have mixed feelings on the @bobbibrown Smokey Eye Mascara. The mascara applies smoothly on my lashes. It has a very smooth and thin consistency and I really love it's wand. However, my lashes have more of a natural look than the smokey, dramatic look that I was expecting. I still like it for everyday use because I can see that it does add length and a little volume to my lashes but like I said, it didn't work like I expected it to be. The @firma_beauty Elite B103 Angled Contour Brush automatically became my new BFF. It's a perfect contour brush for my face shape. It makes my contour application quick and precise. This has been a fun week, testing out new products. I am really grateful to @ipsy for these amazing gifts. #IPSYMAGIC #IPSY #subscriptionbox #glambag #microinfluencers #discoverunder10k #bblog #cmdcreview #makeupreviews #haircarelove #firmabeauty #briogeo #bobbibrown #smashboxcosmetics #illuminaticosmetics #beautybloggerlife https://www.instagram.com/p/CGaqgLaptEu/?igshid=1xof6mrg0drx1
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So I lied: I do have one more late December 2017 post. Most of this has to do with the holidays, though the first photo joined the holiday stuff pretty much unexpectedly. The Urban Decay Electric palette went on sale, and since almost any UD palette going on sale for 50% off is a palette that’s about to be discontinued, I impulse purchased it. Sort of. I’d been planning to buy it for a long time, but had been hoping to do so later because of the holidays. It’s a good thing I did buy it because it was out of stock within days. Anyway, they had a note on the order about a special offer but I had to wait until I got the box to see it (and I seriously tried to figure it out every which way on their site, but nope! absolutely had to wait for the box). Turns out the “deal” was a Christmas present of an extra Electric palette, a Naked Smoky palette, and a Perversion mascara mini! Seriously, over $150 of makeup (at normal prices) for about $15! The extra palettes went to my two older girls for their Christmas presents. :)
The second and third photos show the Electric palette with another impulse buy, the Nagel Vice Lip Palette. Next is a First Aid Beauty Radiance Pads refill (which I’ve reviewed here before) along with a 100 point perk: the Clinique Almost Lipstick in Black Honey. And finally we have my middle daughter’s Christmas gift to me which was a Sephora Passport bag filled with the Huda Beauty Obsessions Electric palette, Smashbox Insta-Matte Lipstick Transformer, Smashbox Be Legendary Lipstick mini in Legendary (reviewed in my December Ipsy post), a Sephora Collection Travel Brush set, and a gorgeous, heavy duty mirror.
So let’s review!
Urban Decay Electric Palette :: I picked this up because I've been struggling to find a bright colored palette that works on me and have way too many neutral/rosy palettes. I need some color! I am loving this palette! I've had problems with bright palettes showing up on my skin even close to how they look in the pan (for some reason, on me the colors become dull), but even the lime green is bright and clear on my eyes. The colors are beautiful, the shadows are creamy and pigmented, and there's little difference between what's in the pan and what ends up on my eyes, plus little to no fallout. It’s become one of my favorite palettes.
Urban Decay Perversion Mascara :: Oh man, have I got to get me a full size of this! It made my lashes long,thick, and beautiful. It's among the darkest blacks I've used. It applied smoothly, and while the brush isn't one of my favorites (I much prefer a curved brush), it did a beautiful job of reaching every lash. No flaking fading, or smearing through the day. It's one of the few mascaras I've added to my loves list at Sephora, and this one I might actually buy despite the price! Better yet, they offer a mini (bigger than this sample, thank goodness) that makes it affordable and more of a guilt free purchase since I’ll be likely to use most of it before it has to be tossed at the 3 month mark.
Urban Decay Vice Special Effects Long-Lasting Water-Resistant Lip Topcoat Sample :: I’ve tried a couple of the bubble samples so far, and I’m not really impressed. It dries quickly but feels uncomfortable and isn’t long lasting at all. Like the Vice liquid lip, it fades then flakes. Not something I’d buy the full size of...or even take a free sample of again.
Urban Decay Nagel Vice Lip Palette :: I purchased this mostly for the artwork (I ADORE Nagel, and now I own one of his pieces on a pretty box!). I want Rio (and plan to pick it up as soon as I can), but most of the colors in the Sunglasses box work for my skin tone and preferences. They're pigmented, creamy, and dry down quickly without being drying. I like to top it with something on the creamier or glossy side because, while the Vice is comfortable on my lips, I like to feel a bit more slide when I press my lips together. The included brush doesn't feel very sturdy (and I keep waiting for it to break or something), but I do like that it's retractable. It's also nice to have a variety of colors with me in such a small, easily carried palette should I decide to change the color I'm wearing. The box itself is very sturdy. It’s a bit bulky, but not impossibly so (I can still put it in my purse and take it with me, though it wouldn’t fit into one of my night out bags and leave room for much else), There are nit picky things, but overall I really like it for more than the artwork and enjoy using it.
Clinique Almost Lipstick :: Another lip product I’m not impressed with. They seriously should have called this a gloss or tinted balm. It’s smooth, creamy, and glossy, but has next to no color at all. I might try the Smashbox Insta-Matte over it and see if that does something, but the Insta-Matte isn’t for use over glosses and the like, so I don’t know if it will do anything. This might end up in my ProjectBeautyShare.org box. I haven’t decided yet.
Huda Beauty Obsessions Electric Palette :: Loving this palette! For some reason, yellows don't show up well on my skin (and it doesn't matter if it's high end or drugstore: both barely show up, if at all), and my daughter and I swatched this in Sephora, and it showed up! The colors in this palette are gorgeous and pigmented. There is quite a bit of fallout, so it's probably better to do your eye makeup before putting on foundation. And at least one color isn't true to the pan: the berry-red in the lower right corner is more pink than red. Other than that, it's a beautiful palette. I've had no trouble with patchiness or blending (in fact, they do stain, so that's something to be aware of).
Smashbox Insta-Matte Lipstick Transformer :: I’ve only tried this once, and it appeared to do what it claims, but I need to play with it some more.
Sephora Collection Travel Brush Set :: I keep these with other touch up items in the passport bag in my every day purse. I haven’t used them much, but they are soft, the handles (and the case) are sturdy, and they do get the job done when I need them. No shedding, no smell. They work for what I need.
Not reviewing the mirror—I keep it with my “night out” bags to use when I go out, and the one time I took it with me (so far), the lighting in the place necessitated restroom visits for any touch ups. ;)
Anyway, domy tried these and is REALLY happy with all of it! And NOW I’m caught up with everything from 2017 except free samples (most of which I’m still waiting to come in)—and those don’t need to be reviewed soon after receiving them (in fact, a few of them have to wait until late spring/summer since they’re mineral powder versions of products and I won’t be using them until then). In terms of what’s coming up, I have a mostly (but not all) skincare order coming in, a Nyx order coming in, and my Ipsy appears to have shipped. Looking forward to posting about and reviewing new items from all of those! :D
#cosmetics#makeup#eyeshadow palette#lippies#lipstick#lip gloss#lip balm#makeup brushes#sephora#sephorahaul#urbandecay#holiday haul#Projectbeautyshare#makeup fails
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★★Check out my Glam Shop!
With my weeks getting more busy with our move and home build its been so much easier for me to do vlogs these days! Hope you enjoy this one with seeing whats in my makeup collection and drawers. Whats your favorite beauty item right now?!
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★★Check out my Glam Shop!
With my weeks getting more busy with our move and home build its been so much easier for me to do vlogs these days! Hope you enjoy this one with seeing whats in my makeup collection and drawers. Whats your favorite beauty item right now?!
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★ This video was not sponsored. The description may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links and make a purchase, I may receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this. Thank you for all your love and support it means so much to me!★ #MAKEUPCOLLECTION #slmissglam source
The post MAKEUP COLLECTION AND SEPHORA HAUL! VLOG 06💕 appeared first on Trends Dress.
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Good morning everyone and welcome back to my blog. I recently received my Ipsy Glam bag for the month of December and today I thought I would share with you what I got and a few of my first impressions. So, let’s get started.

I really like the bag, it’s simple but has the glittery silver accent at the top which I think is pretty. Now, for what’s inside:
Glamour Dolls and Lisa Frank Matte Eyeshadow in the shade “Hearthrob”. I loved Lisa Frank notebooks and stationary as a kid so the fact that they now have a makeup collaboration with Glamour Dolls is so cool. I like the cute little purple compact with the little heart designs and there is quite a bit of product so I feel like it would last awhile. I also really like the color, a deep, warm, rusty, reddish brown matte shade. There was only one shade listed on the Glamour Dolls website and it was sold out but it looks like the retail price on these is $6.99.
Rodial Glamolash Mascara XXL in black. I’m not very familiar with this company but it looks like a good quality mascara, it’s really thick and dark but doesn’t look clumpy. Retail price on a full size product on the Rodial website is $28.00
Smashbox Cosmetics Be Legendary Lipstick in the shade “Legendary.” I love this color, sort of a deep red shade. I’ve never tried any of their lipsticks before so I’m excited to try it out. Retail price for a full size product from the Smashbox website is $21.00.

NYX Professional Makeup Slide On Pencil in the shade “Brown Perfection.” This is a pencil liner but it’s really smooth and it glides on very easily. It’s a bit darker than I expected since it was labeled as brown but I like the fact that it’s darker since I usually wear black eyeliner. Retail price on the NYX website is $8.00.

First Aid Beauty Face Cleanser. With FAB antioxidant booster, it says it removes surface oil, makeup, dirt and grime and is safe for sensitive skin. It has a really creamy consistency and is fragrance free. This is a 1.0 oz bottle, retail price for a 5oz. bottle from the First Aid Beauty Website is $20.00.
Overall, I would say it was another great bag this month and I’m excited to try out some of these products and see how they work. I hope you all enjoyed seeing what I received this month. I love getting a new bag every month and seeing what fun products I get to try. Do any of you get Ipsy bags? If so, what did you get in your bag this month and what products are you most excited to try? That’s it for today’s post. I hope everyone has a wonderful day and as always thanks for reading.
Melanie 🙂
“They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.” -Edgar Allan Poe
My December Ipsy Glam Bag Good morning everyone and welcome back to my blog. I recently received my Ipsy Glam bag for the month of December and today I thought I would share with you what I got and a few of my first impressions.
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Ipsy Glam Bag Plus Unboxing and First Impressions-January 2020

So I know I posted a few months back that I was canceling but pregnancy brain got the best of me.
I received January’s box earlier this week and thought I would give it one last chance to wow me before officially deciding on whether or not to hit cancel. I forgot to cancel it in November and received that box and was slightly impressed. I had some complications with my son so I paused it for…
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I signed up for Sephora play last month and was pretty underwhelmed with the first bag on the left. It’s fairly comparable to Ipsy which I gave up on cause I was never using any of it even if the bags are more practical. Then I got this months and it’s infinitely better there’s Becca, Laura Mercier, Cover FX, and two things from Make Up For Ever. I’m pretty impressed with it.
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Posted a mini review/ first Impressions of these two items in my stories 💕 I will post some more soon. Thank you @drunkelephant .
#skincare #drunkelephant #review #firstimpression #blessed #influencer #makeupartist #health #fashion #eyecream #nightcream #goodskin #instainfluencer #instaskincare #ipsy #allure
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