#ipod shuffle challenge
partiallypearl · 7 months
Music Shuffle Challenge - HOO EDITION
IPod Shuffle Challenge Rules:
Pick a character, pairing, or fandom you like.
Turn on your music player and put it on random/shuffle.
Write a ficlet related to each song that plays. You only have the time frame of the song to finish the drabble; you start when the song starts, and stop when it's over. No lingering afterwards! No editing.
Do ten of these, and then post them.
SONG: Iris - The Goo Goo Dolls
The wound is deep when Jason reaches her. “Reyna!” He calls out, running towards her. She’s being carried away by one of the first legion’s Apollo kids.
“I’m fine.” She grunts as she shitfs on the makeshift bed they have her stabilized on. “Who?” He asks and she looks at him, with the look that let him know she meant business.
“Michael Kahale. Do not go after him Grace. He’s not worth the fight.” Jason shakes his head. “He hurt you.”
“And you have a war to fight. He would have gone after you instead. We cover each other’s backs. Remember?”
Her words sink in. She took the knife for him. She let herself get stabbed to keep him safe.
“I remember.” He says. The legionnaire, a sheepish redhead looks between them. “I’m sorry. She’s losing more and more blood by the minute. I need to get her to the infirmary.”
Jason nods, pressing a quick kiss against Reyna’s forehead, ignoring the sweat and caked on blood and mud that rested there.
“Take care of her for me?” He asks the legionnaire, who nods.
He watches her go off before he turns back to the battlefield, his jaw clenched. Electricity flows through every inch of his body. He’s a living breathing livewire, ready to destroy everything in his way.
Michael Kahale, and anyone else who got in his way would be sorry they had ever messed with him. He’d show them exactly why he was called Juno’s Champion.
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ladyhallen · 13 days
Raise a finger if you:
1. Had to manually type out the disclaimer on not owning the story of every chapter of every story
2. Understand what Ipod Shuffle Songfic challenge is
3. Had imagined out arguments/conversations with your OC/characters in the author notes
4. Have written about the Greenette or Bluenette or Pinkette.
5. Have written about Orbs. Cerulean orbs.
6. Had to use the citrus rating system
7. Had an author note in the middle of the story because you had to clarify something
8. Have used sites other than Wattpad or AO3 to start
9. Had to print out fics to read at home/school
10. Had to hand write fics in notebooks to type out later.
If You have Six fingers raised up and higher, congrats, You are an Old Fanfic writer. You've seen the wars.
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aesethewitch · 11 months
Shufflemancy 101: A Brief History & Analysis
Hey! If you like my work and want to support me in my quest for divination theory, digital tools, algorithmic quandries, and research into niche divination tools, consider throwing dollars at my Ko-Fi tip jar! Every contribution helps me keep making posts like this one. (You can also read this post over on Ko-Fi!)
The difficulty with researching something like shufflemancy is that it's a relatively modern phenomenon. I haven't yet found anyone (online or in a book) specifically talking about the origins of shufflemancy as a term or where it might've come from.
So, we start from square one.
What is Shufflemancy?
According to Wikipedia, shufflemancy is divination "by the use of an electronic media player such as an electronic playlist, iPod, or other medium wherein one skips a certain number of songs and the lyrics and/or tune of the song is the answer to the divinatory question."
Simple enough. Use an electronic collection of music that's been shuffled to divine.
This did lead me to the question: What counts as shufflemancy? Does tuning into a radio station count?
It's my opinion that radio divination does not count. There's no shuffle function. Yes, it has an element of chance, and that's what makes it divination. It certainly falls under the wider umbrella of divination via music, too. But it isn't shufflemancy if it doesn't make use of a shuffle function.
So, to make things simple, for something to be shufflemancy, it must:
Use an electronic medium
Involve a randomized shuffle function
Be something the shufflemancer can interpret to answer a question (pretty much anything)
Early Shufflemancy
The earliest form of shufflemancy as we understand it today, using the above requirements, would probably be tape players capable of shuffling music. With the nature of tape, it would take a while for the thing to wind and rewind to find the cue on the tape which signaled the start or end of a song, but it'd work.
With that said, shuffling as we understand and recognize it today would've started with CDs in the 1980s. There were CD players that could hold three to five disks at a time. They could shuffle songs between all disks held in the player, creating a random mix of tunes for listeners to enjoy.
Using either of these methods for divination would work, technically. The results would be somewhat limited, but that doesn't mean it's a bad method to use. Especially if your CD player could hold 5 disks, you could easily put in 5 albums from different artists with all different vibes for a wider variety of outputs.
I certainly remember using my little blue radio that held two CDs at once like this. I'd put in two albums and hit shuffle, and the first song that played would be my vibe and advice for the day. It was divination -- some of the earliest I'd ever done consciously, at the young age of nine. And when I got the bigger one that held three CDs? Game changer.
So this puts shufflemancy's origins somewhere around the mid-to-late 1980s, when Sony put out the first CD player with shuffle. As we moved into the 1990s, CDs became more popular and cassettes faced obsolescence.
The Shuffle Revolution & Early Modern Shufflemancy
In 2005, Apple changed the game again. It had already debuted the iPod in 2001, providing an easy, pocket-sized music experience as a direct challenge to the CD's cultural domination. On January 11, 2005, nearly 20 years ago, Apple announced the iPod Shuffle.
And oh, boy, did it change everything.
I could talk forever about the iPod's impact on the music industry, the death of the in-order album, and the eventual rise of music streaming services. But others have done that to death, so I'll focus in on our topic of shufflemancy.
This is where we start seeing shuffling music as it is now, in the modern day. In my digging, I found mentions of the term "shufflemancy" as early as 2007 -- just two years after the iPod Shuffle was announced. Someone proposed the concept and terminology of "shufflemancy" as we understand it today on a Halfbakery Forum "Idea" post on October 3, 2007.
It's difficult to say whether this is the first instance of the term. In reality, shufflemancy seems to have emerged as a natural by-product of the evolution of music technology. Where there is innovation, witches and diviners will mold it to their purposes. We're a resourceful bunch like that. It grew organically as we moved from buying albums to buying singles to streaming music without buying at all.
People were offering public shufflemancy readings as early as 2009 in places like TarotForum.net. It's spoken about during this era as a "silly" and "new" form of divination that people were trying out. There aren't any dates in that link, but according to the website's data, the first post in the thread was published on June 16, 2009.
From there, shufflemancy saw a gradual rise in popularity. It evolved from using iPods to iTunes, Napster, and eventually Spotify as these new applications emerged.
Shufflemancy Now
If you look up "shufflemancy" using Spotify's search function, you'll receive dozens of results. Many of the top playlists are public ones curated by shufflemancers for themselves and others to use. Options range from general playlists to "mega mixes" containing upwards of 200 hours of music from all different genres, artists, and eras. There are some with a paltry five hours of music, while one that I've seen goes up over the 600 hour mark. (If I can find that one again, I'll reblog it, because... damn.)
Select a "messages from your guides" option from the search or curate your own -- the choice is yours. For one-time shufflemancers, using a pre-made option may be the best, most economical choice. But dedicated shufflemancers sometimes boast multiple hundred-hour playlists for different purposes, all personally curated.
Clearly, it's popular. There are shufflemancers on Tumblr and Etsy offering free and paid services using their specially curated playlists. A quick search is all you need to find someone receiving a divinatory reading via song lyrics, meanings, and vibes. And it seems to work -- sellers on Etsy boast hundreds of positive reviews. Some even offer playlist curation services for personal shufflemancy or messages from deities and/or spirits.
It all begs the question, how does shufflemancy work?
Shufflemancy Methodology
Finding this is significantly easier than pinning down the history of shufflemancy. This post from Tumblr user orriculum, sums it up fairly well. So does this one by the-daily-diviner.
To do shufflemancy, the basic steps are:
Create or find a playlist of songs. A large collection seems to be the most favorable option for a wide spread of possibilities.
Ask a question. Divination 101 -- figure out what you want to know and ask it. Simple enough.
Pick a number. Choose any number and shuffle that many times or skip that many songs.
Listen to the song. Write down lyrics that stick out, messages that come through, and anything else that seems relevant (genre, tempo, vibe, etc.)
Interpret. Take the information gathered during the song and use it to draw conclusions, just like any other form of divination.
Simple enough. Shufflemancy is the sort of method that requires a high level of intuitive thinking. It's very mutable and suits a good amount of personalization.
This is both good and bad, I think. It would be incredibly easy to create a bias in your shufflemancy playlists by selecting songs with primarily one genre, artist, album, emotion, or through-line. The ideal playlist really does have a wide variety of music, and this means selecting songs that the shufflemancer doesn't necessarily like. We all have a genre or artist we hate; excluding an entire genre skews results. Impartial selections of music are critical to the success of good divination. Otherwise, we risk interfering with the outcome.
And speaking of interfering...
The Algorithm Problem
(Note: I'm focusing in on Spotify since it's very commonly used and because it's accessible to me. Shufflemancy can be (and is!) done with plenty of other apps like Apple Music.)
When Spotify was originally launched, it used a version of the Fisher-Yates Shuffle to perform its shuffling of music. In essence, this algorithm takes a finite sequence of data, picks an option from that selection of data, and removes it from the pool. Then, it picks another and another until no more options remain.
At first glance, this seems great! It creates a fairly random output. But as is the nature of randomness, there were clusters. The same artist would play four or five times in a row from a large playlist, and Spotify users complained. It was random, but it didn't feel that way.
The human brain is wired to find connections and patterns. When the same artist plays over and over again despite a playlist being on shuffle mode, it creates a pattern that the brain recognizes. Therefore, the "true" randomness of clustering outputs was unsatisfactory.
So, in 2014, Spotify updated it. Their new algorithm would detect and remember the song it just played and, in shuffling, account for the artist and album to provide a more random-feeling result. The new algorithm detects what's already played and selects accordingly to prevent the same artist from playing twice in a row, just as it prevents the same song from playing twice. It spreads artists out evenly (though not perfectly, to maintain the illusion of randomness) to provide an enhanced listening experience.
What does this mean for shufflemancy, then? If Spotify's algorithm is interfering in the output provided from a playlist, does that mean it's not a reliable form of divination?
At first, I wasn't so sure. I adjusted my thinking -- if a tarot app was preventing certain cards from being drawn (or from being drawn in a particular order) because I'd already drawn them that day or week, would that render the app unreliable? And the answer was yes. It would! It removes the random element from the method, therefore making it not true divination by my definition.
So shufflemancy with Spotify isn't (good) divination, then. Right?
My Opinion & Theory
In thinking about this further, I think it comes down to personal opinion. People certainly have success with shufflemancy via Spotify, or else they wouldn't do it. They definitely wouldn't offer their services (free or otherwise) if they weren't confident in the results it provides.
Thinking that way, I believe there's a way to off-set the algorithm's interference. With enough songs in a playlist, the random element is enhanced despite the algorithm. Not by having the same song multiple times (Spotify would surely detect this and prevent it from playing), but perhaps the same song covered by different artists. Songs with the same vibe, the same meaning, similar lyrics... AND songs from a wide variety of artists and genres, regardless of whether the shufflemancer likes the songs or not.
The person with that 600+ hour playlist for shufflemancy has it right, I think. That's the key. Variety and volume to make up for Spotify's algorithmic shuffler.
Additionally, in listening to my many, many Spotify playlists, I noticed something. If I'm listening to a playlist on shuffle and decide I want a specific song, I can choose to play it immediately. Afterwards, songs I've already heard might play. It seems as though doing this resets the shuffling algorithm in some way. Doing this in combination with a large and varied playlist might be the key to making shufflemancy in Spotify truly, fully reliable.
My Next Steps
Obviously, scholarly research only goes so far in situations like this. In order to properly gauge the accuracy of shufflemancy, I'll have to do it myself.
First, I'll need a playlist. I have a handful of playlists that sit in the hundred-hour range, but they're curated with friends for specific vibes. They're not really suitable for shufflemancy. So making one for myself is step one. I'll use premade playlists as a springboard for ideas, but the end result will be my own. For transparency, I'll make the playlist public and share it as part of the next edition in this series of posts.
The next step is to just... do it. Do the divinations, and do them regularly. Instead of a daily tarot card, I'll do a daily shuffle. I'll form "spreads" and put together a more in-depth methodology that fits my style as it develops.
Then, finally, maybe public ones? For reviews and feedback, obviously. It's one thing to do divination for myself -- confirmation bias and all -- but to do it for others and to be open for immediate feedback is entirely different.
Last, it's a matter of compiling my findings into a coherent document. Easier said than done, but done it must be.
I pulled from a lot of places for this one. Massive thanks to the Crossroads Discord for listening to me yell about divination for the last several weeks. It will continue.
In any case, here are all the resources I referenced for this leg of research:
Wikipedia - The Fisher-Yates Shuffle
Wikipedia - Methods of Divination
Wikipedia - The iPod Shuffle
PopSci - History of Shuffling Music
Engineering at Spotify - How to Shuffle?
The Verge - The Mixed-Up History of the Shuffle Button
Auntie PanPan (YouTube) - Shufflemancy - What IS It?!?
Halfbakery - Shufflemancy Idea Post
Fox and Faith Wordpress - Radio Divination and Intentional Living in Your Day to Day
Scientific American - How Randomness Rules Our World and Why We Cannot See It
PC World - The CD Player Turns 30
Make Use Of - How Spotify's Shuffle Feature Really Works
Orriculum on Tumblr - Post on shufflemancy technique
The-Daily-Divinre on Tumblr - Post on shufflemancy technique
Empirical Zeal - What Does Randomness Look Like?
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 2 months
Song Shuffle Challenge
I don't know if anyone remembered these since it's been a while since I saw them around but those old challenges where you would put your iPod on shuffle and write a short for each song?
Yeah I did one.
Gilded Lily - Cults
 The blood on his teeth felt tacky as Izuku swallowed his own spit. He looked up at Bakugou who looked down with a sneer. Izuku felt his hands clench. 
 Four times. It had been four times he went back and tried to change Bakugou. The first time, he thought, foolishly, he just needed to show his strength because that was how Kacchan changed his mind in the first time line. Yet it did nothing. All it did was piss Bakugou off. He hated Izuku being stronger then him, hated the fact Izuku would not bow. 
 It kept happening, kept occurring. Bakugou was angry at him, always angry. 
 Why did Izuku keep trying? Why did… why did he care? He had promised Kirishima the first time to try and save Bakugou, but… was it worth it? 
Which Witch -Florence and the Machine
 Izuku looked out at the crowd of people all eager to see his demise. He held the red eyed gaze of Bakugou who ended up having to look away, refusing to even acknowledge that Izuku was looking at him. Izuku sneered, closing his eyes. 
 “We find the guilty-” the jury was saying, but Izuku felt his mind turn from the moment. Back to what had happened.
 When Bakugou had tried to shove him off a bridge, angry the Quirkless boy had saved him, angry that the boy had gotten praise from the heroes while Bakugou was only pitied. Izuku had fallen, landing wrong on his spine. He was paralyzed. And few gave a fuck.
 Other then Shigaraki, who heard what happened at the hands of a hero, and offered a way out of the situation. A way to get back at Bakugou who was allowed into UA to be a hero.
 Izuku had taken the man’s hand. And he would not regret it one second.
 Never would he regret his revenge.
Sweater Weather - The Neighbourhood
 Tenya cupped Izuku’s face to kiss him gently, Izuku reaching up to grasp the other’s wrists. “I love you,” Tenya said softly, almost to softly for Izuku to hear.
 “I love you to,” Izuku said.
 “Then come with me,” Tenya begged. Izuku bit his lip, green eyes welling with tears.
 “I don’t know if I can Tenya,” Izuku whispered. “This…”
 “Would you be happy here?” Tenya asked. “Would you be happy under your mother’s thumb? Forced to obey her wishes?”
 “No,” Izuku replied, closing his eyes as he leaned his forehead against Tenya’s throat. “I wouldn’t be.”
 “Then come, please. You won’t be happy.” Tenya said. He kissed Izuku’s forehead, hoping the other man would agree.
 “...Okay,” Izuku said. He pulled away to smile up at Tenya, unable to look away. “Let’s go.”
 Tenya kissed him again.
Love From the Other Side -Fall Out Boy
Izumi was about to snap. Her hands dug into her desk as she tried to ignore the mocking laugh from the others in her class. She was sick of this shit. Sick of everything. 
 Going back in time sounded like a well thought out plan in it’s own way, but she forgot how utterly fucked her childhood had been. The countless moments of bullying, the frequent taughts and assaults. How everyone looked down on her. 
 She’d been Mistress, the brain behind the Leauge of Villains, who held the leashes of the most powerful villains in the world. All because they were her soulmates and they obeyed her command because they loved her. She’d been the one to turn Hawks to their side, had raised her and her own to the top, only for it to be foiled by All for One who had no more use of them so he got rid of her soulmates. Got rid of Tomura, and Dabi. Who’d told Toga to have fun claiming her, because he had no more use of his pathetic Quirkless daughter.
 Izumi came back to fix it. She would save her soulmates, and she would murder her father, she just had to deal with this first. And it sucked.
Wild Horses -Grace Power
 Click, boom. Izuku slid the chamber open to shove a new clip in, falling into step with Keigo. The winged hero smiled, waving a hand at the other heroes, utterly calm despite how they both knew that Izuku’s most recent kill would need to be covered up. 
 Izuku slipped his gun into the holster, lighting a cigarette a second later.
 Keigo didn’t mention it. He was to young to smoke, but wasn’t he to young for? 
 When the Commission bought Izuku, they stripped him of a childhood. Izuku had lost everything the day his mother died, and his father gave him up.
 Keigo could afford him a damn smoke.
I Wanna be Yours -Arctic Monkeys
 Izumi was so beautiful. Her head thrown back as she laughed, eyes twinkling in the low light as she discussed something with Kurogiri. Tomura could barely look away. Ever since he’d found the analyst, sobbing and shaking after her classmates attacked her, angry at something she hadn’t done, he had known she was important. He just never knew how, not until she had laughed, wild and free while coated in the blood of her worse bully. He had never been able to look away. 
 He wanted her. Wanted to be hers. Wanted her to be his. He just wanted her, and he wanted to be hers in any way she wanted to.
Before the Devil Knows I’m Dead -Adam Jensen
 Izumi pulled the trigger, not even flinching as she held the eyes of her mother. The woman stood there, unable to move in her shock, opening and closing her mouth as Izumi turned around and kept shooting. 
 “Izumi-” Inko shouted, diving for her daughter but a harsh elbow to the nose made the older woman stumble back, covering her face in pain. She stumbled back, and nearly slipped in the blood forming under a corpse. Izumi laughed, throwing her head back, eyes shinning. 
 “Oh I’ve wanted this for a while,” the Quirkless girl laughed. She pulled the trigger, grinning as she eyed the fleeing people. 
 They deserved it. They all deserved it. 
 She was so sick of this. So sick of everything, and she wasn’t about to keep playing along with the old timeline. 
 She wanted her soulmates, and she better get them before her dad found out first.
My Money - Holy Moly & The Crackers
 “You really don’t know how the world looks,” Izuku told Tenya, raising an eyebrow. The bafflement of the rich kid over how Ochako had to scrimp and save every single thing, how she constantly second guessed herself and bought low quality things confused the boy. 
 “I may have been sheltered-” Tenya began hotly, but Izuku interrupted him. 
 “Money is what makes the world goes round. Ochako and I don’t have the same sort of affluence you do, and Ochako even less then I do. We can’t afford quality items because we don’t have enough. So things break down, and we have to replace them. We can’t keep to a specialized diet because that costs money,” Izuku listed calmly. “You’ve never had to worry about that.” Tenya shook his head. “So please Tenya, think next time you comment about our diet.”
As It Was- Harry Styles
 Izumi rubbed her face as she tried to ignore the looks from Tomura. “This isn’t the same,” she forced out. 
 “No, but isn’t it better?” Tomurai asked honestly.
 “No… yes… I don’t know!” Izumi looked at at Tomura who looked baffled. “Dad is dead. I love it. But…. it doesn’t feel like the league any more. It feels… less.” Izumi wrapped her arms around herself. “It doesn’t feel like home.” Tomura hugged her, leaning a cheek on her head.
 “It won’t be the same. We’re the only ones who remember how it was,” Tomura muttered.
 “Kurogiri…” Izumi whimpered, and Tomura hugged her back. Things weren’t the same this time around, and it sucked for them.
 But they had each other. It… it hopefully would figure itself out in the end.
Geronimo- Sheppard
 Izuku grabbed Tenya’s had, laughing as he began running.
 “Where are we going?!” the taller male shouted, staring at Izuku.
 “Anywhere,” Izuku said. “Seize the day Tenya! We’re alive!” he beamed at the taller man, who felt his own face begin to break open in a smile.
 They were alive. After everything, the various time loops as they tried to make things right, they had finally done it. Finally killed All for One and destroyed any chance of him coming back. Shigaraki and Dabi were ash. Toga was brain dead. The doctor dead four years running. 
 They were free. They were alive-
 Tenya swept Izuku up, twirling around and laughing, only for Izuku to do the same once he was on the ground, the boys tumbling into the grass with laughs. They looked at one another before moving in, kissing for the first time in all their centuries of looping.
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
I'll complain about this until the end of time, but I cannot stand the characterization of nico listening to emo music. please give this kid some metal to listen to, if you wanna keep the silly level of darkness that people try giving him with emo music let him listen to some pretentious black metal or something, but there's no way in hell nico would listen to fucking fall out boy
I respect you anon but I am so sorry, I am the exact opposite.
I love the idea of Nico listening to normie emo music cause it's just easiest to find and he's technologically challenged and also he almost definitely got into it because Thalia handed him her ipod one time when he was 10 to get him to shut up for 5 minutes and he ended up binging MCR's entire discography. Also, he's too nice to be pretentious about anything and he's a huge nerd. All that + Rick saying Nico likes technopop, Nico definitely has like a solid couple hundred plays of Rolling Girl on his probably stolen ipod and if you hit shuffle it's a weird combo of emo hits of the early 2010s, Porter Robinson and Mika, and anime OP jumpscares. If circumstances were slightly different he'd be a scene kid.
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doublesunsets · 6 months
Song Poem Challenge
Starting a new post, put your entire song collection on shuffle, then write down the first line from each of the first ten songs that pop up to create a poem. You must then dedicate the poem to the blorbo or OTP that it most reminds you of! Then tag or send asks to others that you think might enjoy the challenge!
@ithillia darling, you were right! It was fun! I pulled out my old iPod so they were really *my* music and oh, boy, what is this witchcraft???
I see the bad moon risin', I see trouble on the way They told him, "Don't you ever come around here" There ain't no grave can hold my body down Do you know the enemy? If I was young, I'd flee this town Welcome to your life, there's no turning back Drink up, baby, down Weep for yourself, my man Con cuidado, se levanta de mi lado Feels so good being bad, there's no way I'm turning back
It has some Boyd Crowder vibes, but then it hit me and I'm gonna say it feels like brainwashed clone Tech, I mean CX-2, if you think about it... 👀 aaand I made myself suffer
NPT: @wolveria @karasong @motte-the-goblin
Playlist Under Read More in case there's anyone curious
Creedence Clearwater Revival - Bad Moon Rising Michael Jackson - Beat It Johnny Cash - Ain't No Grave (Can Hold My Body Down) Green Day - Know Your Enemy Beirut - Elephant Gun Lorde - Everybody Wants to Rule The World Frou Frou - Let Go Mumford and Sons - Little Lion Man Los Piratas - Te echare de menos Rihanna - S&M
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myloveforhergoeson · 1 year
🎶 MUSICAL NOTES — what type of music does your oc like? do they listen to music very often?
roxy's music tastes i feel is p clearly defined throughout the fic. i dont remember if you talked about her dad's and if maybe that influenced it? would also love to know ur thoughts on the rest of the cast's music tastes pre-btr
imo i feel like even tho the series is based on a musical group, theres not much music based storylines? so its rly fun to read more of the music side of things with roxy <3
RAHHHHH THANK YOU FOR ASKING... i spend a lot of time thinking about roxy's musical interest but i don't spend much about the rest of the cast aside from a few offhanded mentions here and there. this was a challenge to put together but it was so fun! <3
the main thing i want to mention before i dive into oc music taste is the presence of music surrounding my story! every chapter title, song mentioned, musical influence etc i'm trying to keep within the timeframe + past in which the story takes place. as someone who was not really aware of popular radio in 2009, this is a very fun challenge for me.
Here is the fic playlist if anyone is interested!
It features the song where I got the title of the fic first, then the chapter titles! (and a sneak peak of the next few titles of unreleased chapters <3) These songs aren't meant to reflect anything onto the characters, it's basically just my own music taste fitting the chapters.
Now into the real question... Musical notes! Please find everything under the cut for Rox, her dad, the boys, Jo, and Camille :)
what type of music does your oc like? Like you said, her music taste is pretty clearly defined! She's into just a bit of everything, though prefers pop and rock music above all else. Since she worked at a radio station, she was lucky enough to have access to all sorts of music, and when the station went digital, the owner let her keep all of the ancient cassette tapes they used to store everything on! Through combing through these albums from across many generations, she's been able to cultivate what she's into on her own, though her biggest musical influence is definitely her dad! If he wasn't into punk/rock she wouldn't be either. do they listen to music very often? Yes! I don't show this too often in my fic, but I think she listens to music a lot because she prefers it to silence - especially when she's alone in her apartment. What she listens to depends on her mood, and she has a bunch of different mix tapes she's made/she's found to match. So one of those could be on, one of her favorite albums could be on, or she could just pull her iPod out and put that little thing on shuffle to let the machine decide... Endless possibility! musical things this character has mentioned/is observed liking: - James - The Fray - The Pussycat Dolls - Boyquake (in universe boy band) - Taylor Swift - Green Day - Jonas Brothers - Jordin Sparks - Dak Zevon (look out girl!) - Oasis - NSYNC - Kelly Clarkson - Lady Gaga - Nirvana - Big Time Rush :) Special side note: No bearing on anything above here, but if 5 Seconds of Summer were around during the timeframe of this story they would 100000% be her favorite band. They're the perfect blend of everything she loves music-wise, wrapped up in a four hot boy package. I'm incapable of listening to their music without going 'omg this is so her'
2. Declan Somerset
what type of music does your oc like? Declan is a rock/punk/metal kinda guy but specifically the sub-genre of these types of music that culminate into local gigs at shit dive bars and basement shows. As a youngin he stumbled into a basement show with some of his friends (soon to be bandmates) and just loved the atmosphere so much he roped his friends into making their own band so they could be active participants in their community. He's the kinda guy to be like "oh, yeah, i like this band, they're super underground idk if you know them" but like... he's right. No one else in Minnesota is listening to Rainbow Sludge Baby Guts Explosion or Sexy Fishing Rod Brigade or whatever that band he saw last night was called. For him, it's not so much about the actual music, but the community surrounding it, but he would love to hit the stage and shred again if someone let him! do they listen to music very often? When Roxy was home, he would listen to whatever she had on! Her music listening habits didn't change from Minnesota to California, so whatever she put on was just background to him. Now that she's gone, he finds the house is a lot more quiet than it used to be. The only time he really finds himself listening to music is if he's at a show or if he's playing it himself. musical things this character has mentioned/is observed liking: - Nothing concrete yet! Perhaps will be expanded on in future chapters <3
3. Carlos
what type of music does your oc like? Very briefly mentioned in chapter 18 but Carlos is a big fan of Latin music, show tunes, and hip hop! I imagine growing up in a household with three generations of Hispanic individuals really helped cultivate his taste in this way. I personally do not know much about Latin music, show tunes, or hip hop music, but I imagined while they were on the plane he had Roxy listen to a lot of Selena because he though she specifically would like her music a lot. Homie was bumping El Chico Del Apartemento 512 so hard trying to get her to vibe with it while she was like half conscious and trying to not get sick lmaoo. As for hip hop, I think that was something he discovered for himself once he entered high school. Artists like Jay-Z, Eminem, 50 Cent amaze him with how they're able to get their point across and he likes to try and learn the words as a challenge (though he is not very good at it) and he also likes to make up his own dances. It's also good hockey hype music, he likes to listen to it before games. And show tunes... I truly know nothing about musicals so I cannot speak to specifics but he likes them because (in my unposted james POV chapter which will come out eventually) he used to try out for school musicals a lot. He likes the flare and the dramatics! do they listen to music very often? Back home, yes, before hockey games, before auditions, around his house, but now that music is literally his entire life he finds he's getting that fix at work and doesn't really need to listen to it on his own anymore. musical things this character has mentioned/is observed liking: - Green Day - Taylor Swift (because i said so!!!) - The Pussycat Dolls - Big Time Rush - Jordin Sparks (Honorarily bc they were mentioned in this post) - Selena - Jay-Z - Eminem - 50 Cent
4. Kendall
what type of music does your oc like? </3 His ass is so boring his only taste in music is what's on the radio. Though... his performance of Girl 2 My Heart in the first ep of the show makes me believe he actually liked some of the 90s boy band stuff! There is hope yet. Also, not in the story, but I think after his and Roxy's little scene in the fourth chapter he listened to some Oasis and was like "what the fuck. no." Too jock to rock... Tragic... But his issue before BTR was that he liked music but never found anything he liked enough. do they listen to music very often? Only at work, only when he's learning a song, only when he's trying to snoop on whatever Roxy's writing. BORING! musical things this character has mentioned/is observed liking: - Big Time Rush - Boyquake (i'm calling it ok) - The Pussycat Dolls - Jordin Sparks
5. Logan
what type of music does your oc like? Oh my GOD Logan is so into rap music it isn't even funny. Everything about it is just so exciting to him! The technical composition of the beat, the eloquence of the lyrics and how they're strung perfectly together, the performance of it all, the messages... It's like a big equation to him, and he loves it! He and Carlos often bond over this, because rap is a sub-genre of hip hop if I'm not mistaken. Artists like 2Pac, Snoop Dogg, DMX... We see the vision hopefully and I apologize for not being more knowledgeable in the rap/hip hop genre to provide more than common generalizations. He also really likes instrumental music! As we saw in chapter 16, he also enjoys being in a room in which Roxy is playing either the guitar or the piano! do they listen to music very often? Yes... This man is somehow able to study and listen to music at the same time, so he'll hit his playlist and hit the books. AKA he's listening to it a lot when he's alone. And as previously mentioned, he'll also seek out Roxy to play him some instrumental tracks too. It's good for him, no silence when he studies, and good for her, she gets to practice. How considerate of him! musical things this character has mentioned/is observed liking: - Big Time Rush - The Pussycat Dolls - Jordin Sparks (Honorarily bc they were mentioned in this post) - 2Pac - Snoop Dogg - DMX
6. James
what type of music does your oc like? Oh, James... In the same vein as Kendall, he likes whatever's on the radio, but simply because that is what's popular and he himself is popular. So pop music, for sure, is his favorite genre and it's easily accessible through the radio or his phone or whatever so he's always keeping up with the latest! In addition, however, I think he really likes R&B and soul-type music as well as a by-product of living with his mother. There's a reason he chose a Smokey Robinson song to sing at his audition and not something on popular radio, right? Part of it is because he has a really smooth voice that flows right along into the R&B/Soul type genre, but also I'd say it's mostly his mom's influence. Her son should know the "classics!" Also like previously mentioned, he's big into show tunes! It's mentioned a bit in chapter 19 hehe. He's very good at convincing Carlos to try out for school musicals with him, so they practiced a bunch together after school hockey practice <3 And of course... He likes whatever Roxy plays... And wishes she'd play for him the same way she does for Logan... do they listen to music very often? I'd say his music listening is moderate... Not as much as Roxy and Logan but far more than Kendall! In Minnesota, his mom would play her music bc she's so controlling lol... So whenever he was on the way to school/friends' houses/dates/whatever he'd pop on the radio to catch up with the latest and the greatest. His show tune listening aligned with whenever musical try outs were coming up :) musical things this character has mentioned/is observed liking: - Roxy - Smokey Robinson and the Miracles - The Pussycat Dolls - Jordin Sparks - Dak Zevon (get out of there king!) - Big Time Rush
7. Jo
what type of music does your oc like? Two words: Boy bands. It's as simple as that! I'd also say this blends into mentions of popular music, but if she has a choice she's putting Backstreet on no QUESTION. That and movie soundtracks, I'd say, but only for the cheesy supernatural romances she likes. I know she's bumping the Twilight soundtrack near daily (as she damn well should be). Also, I know she's from North Carolina but she doesn't really feel like a country girl to me... idk Being friends with Roxy and dating Kendall is like her perfect musical dream. do they listen to music very often? Yes! Like Roxy, Jo doesn't really like silence. I imagine she listens to music most when she's running lines and trying to flesh out the characters she's trying out for. Once again: listening to the Twilight soundtrack while running lines for New Town High... God I love her. Beyond that, I think she's too busy being with her friends to care particularly about what's on, so she's happy to listen to the radio or pop one of her favorite CD's in! musical things this character has mentioned/is observed liking: - Big Time Rush!!! - The Beach Boys - Jonas Brothers - Dak Zevon (before chapter 1.11.5 lol) - Kelly Clarkson
8. Camille
what type of music does your oc like? I'm not going to lie to yall i've literally thought about this for hours and I just have no idea. in the show i know she was in their camp rock spoof, so maybe show tunes? but thinking about her sitting down and listening to like... Hello, Dolly! just doesn't feel like her. my best response is that she absorbs her music taste through her friends like osmosis. Jo and Roxy like boy bands? Great, now Camille does too! Logan is rocking out to Beastie Boys? Camille is excited to be a part of it. I also know that very briefly she mentions knowing how to figure skate, so maybe even like classical music? but that feels far too mellow for her... She likes Big Time Rush and that's enough for me to say she at the least enjoys pop music. What do we think gang?? do they listen to music very often? Right now I'm going to say only when she's rehearsing for a musical part! musical things this character has mentioned/is observed liking: - Big Time Rush - ???
Thanks for reading :) These are so enjoyable for me to write and I'll do my best to add these elements into my story!! <333
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ozma914 · 2 years
Casting For the Pod You Love
 I listen to a fair amount of podcasts, which is interesting considering ten years ago I didn't know what a podcast was.
About that long ago Emily bought me my first iPod, to listen to music while walking or doing chores.
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 It was called an iPod Shuffle and it still works, despite being over two hundred in electronics years. But it sits in a desk drawer, because although you can play music in order or shuffle it at random, there's no way to better pick what to listen to, in what order. That became a big deal when I started with podcasts, basically radio shows you can download off the internet. Since I have an eclectic list of interests, I wanted to be able to pick the order.
So for my birthday several years ago Emily bought me an updated model. It gives you much better control of the what and when, plus you can load it with photos and videos and other stuff, something I've never done. Although the battery is fading, it still works.
But now I mostly listen to podcasts on my phone, because why carry two devices when you can carry one?
There's a danger in running your brain 24/7; sometimes you need to stop the input and let it rest a little. Just the same, I've found listening to something makes chores like lawn mowing go faster, and helps out when I walk or run. Oh, who am I kidding? Walk.
So, what kind of podcasts do I listen to? I thought you'd never ask.
There's something called podcast fade, and some of the ones I used to like have faded away in time. But plenty others are still going strong, and most of my favorites--of course--involved writing:
I Should be Writing is by SF author Mur Lafferty, and is aimed more at beginning writers. Lafferty shares her own struggles with writing and publishing, not to mention depression and other related challenges.
Ditch Diggers: Lafferty is joined by author Matt Wallace for a more advanced writing podcast, which covers more of the business end of the industry. As their theme song says, they pull no punches.
Writing Excuses: It's fifteen minutes long, because "You're in a hurry, and we're not that smart". A group of authors goes over every aspect of writing. Sometimes they spend too much time on the politically correct for my taste, but it's not a bad thing to hear what people have to say on various issues.
Shipping and Handling: Two literary agents sip wine and discuss their industry and their jobs. Sometimes they spend too much time on national politics, but otherwise it's a great look into the minds of agents and how the business works from their end.
The Writer's Digest Podcast They don't seem to be podcasting anymore, and neither does Harlequin: Meet the Editors, but you might still be able to glean interesting tidbits from their older shows.
Smart Author with Mark Coker: This one's about book marketing and self publishing, which isn't surprising when you realize Coker is the founder of self-publishing powerhouse Smashwords.
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Of course, there's more to life than writing, although you wouldn't think that to talk to me.
ID10T with Chris Hardwick is a talk show with uber geek Hardwick, who has far ranging conversations with, well, everybody--actors, authors, comedians, singers, you name it. One of my favorites was Max Brooks, author and son of the legendary Mel Brooks, who's just as fast on his feet as his dad. I don't spend a lot of time on pop culture, but Hardwick seems to be a genuinely nice guy and a joy to listen to.
Nutty Bites: My first podcast experience was with my friend Tabz of Strangely Literal, and she led me to Nutty and her husband Tech, and don't Canadadians have strange first names? You boot, they do. Nutty holds fourth with her friends on various nerd subjects, and this is where I go when I just want to have fun.
Planetary Radio: I love space stuff. This, the podcast of the not for profit Planetary Society, looks into the tech, politics, and science of space exploration, very much one of my earliest interests.
The History Chicks: Two ladies talk about history--specifically, women of history. I love history, and women ain't too bad either. Sometimes they're surprisingly squeamish about how things were done back in the day, but they don't pull any punches--and by the time they're done, you'll be squeamish about the good old days, too. But you can learn a lot in a fun way, about women ranging from Queens of England, to a Chinese pirate (yes, female), to authors, inventors, and murderers. You probably won't be surprised about how seldom the ladies get the historical credit they earned.
The Bladtcast: Christian Bladt was Dennis Miller's sidekick on Miller's podcast, and when Bladt started one of his own I moved over there with him. Not literally. He and his cast of friends basically nerd out (often obscenely) about various fandoms ranging from movies and comics to sports, and it's another one I listen to for the fun of it.
How about you all? Any favorite podcasts to recommend? There are a million of them out there.
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cheats for wordscapes PC 9QMN?
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Check out these free Wordscapes cheats when you get stuck. This list has every Wordscapes answer to guarantee you win your favorite word. Enter up to 15 letters and up to 2 wildcards (? The stresses of daily life can make it difficult to focus. Sometimes, you need an activity that will. Find Wordscapes cheat and answers for every level. If you wonder where to find Wordscapes answers we have them all. see screenshots, and learn more about Cheats for Wordscapes. Download Cheats for Wordscapes and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Come check out the Wordscapes cheats whenever you feel stuck. On the next page you will find a list with all Wordscapes Answers. A brain-busting yet relaxing mobile game available on your favorite devices that is sure to keep you entertained for hours on end while teaching you some new words too. As the levels get more and more difficult, you might get stuck and use Wordscapes cheat to pass them. This is where we can help you out with the correct Wordscapes cheat, so you can keep going to the higher levels. All the Wordscapes levels have you start by looking at a few letters in front of you and then simply link each letter together to form words. Can you discover every combination? All of the Wordscapes levels take you on a grand adventure thanks to tons of beautiful backgrounds and vistas behind you to accompany every puzzle. You could find rolling plains, lush forests, tropical beaches, or snowy mountaintops. As the levels get more and more difficult, you might get stuck. Another feature this game has that will you keep you hooked is the Wordscapes daily puzzles. Can you find all the Wordscapes answers for the daily puzzles? There are many strategies you can use to make finding words on Worsdcape levels and Wordscapes daily puzzles easier. To find the words easier, focus either on the longest word you can make or the one that has the most other words connecting to it. This will help narrow down the options until you can easily figure out what you missed. This can lead to many words you thought were done being able to have used again. Also utilizing the shuffle option will rearrange letters without penalty, so you can keep shuffling until you find the word or the inspiration you need to figure it out. Some handy power-ups are there to help you out in case you get stuck. These can be helpful resources in a pinch but we warned, they are limited use so spend them carefully. Firstly, the Rocket power-up will unveil random letters throughout the board. The next power-up, the Bullseye, reveals a single letter behind a space of your choosing. Pick a space that connects with another space for double the benefit. Finally, the Spelling Bee will reveal letters while also leaving coins on the toughest word, but be careful, as this power-up can only be purchased only. Each of these power-ups has its own uses and can make the regular levels or the Wordscapes daily puzzle challenges much easier. If you want to opt for a more direct route, wordscapes answers will get you answers to every level and challenge and reveal every word, combination, and bonus. These can be useful as last resort approaches, or if you just want to get to the more advanced levels quicker. With these handy tips, tools, and resources you can apply on all the Wordscapes levels and Wordscapes daily puzzles, finding the best way to go through your word-finding journey has never been simpler. With thousands of puzzles, great bonuses, daily rounds, and fun environments, The game will keep you entertained for hours on end no matter how many of the Wordscapes cheat you use or how many of the Wordscapes answers you look up. An exciting new kind of crossword puzzle for a new era is Wordscapes created by PeopleFun, Inc. Cheat For All Tips and Tricks Some handy power-ups are there to help you out in case you get stuck. Conclusion With these handy tips, tools, and resources you can apply on all the Wordscapes levels and Wordscapes daily puzzles, finding the best way to go through your word-finding journey has never been simpler. Share on:. Wordscapes Levels Answers.
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cheats for wordscapes mod KVJ?
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Check out these free Wordscapes cheats when you get stuck. This list has every Wordscapes answer to guarantee you win your favorite word. Enter up to 15 letters and up to 2 wildcards (? The stresses of daily life can make it difficult to focus. Sometimes, you need an activity that will. Find Wordscapes cheat and answers for every level. If you wonder where to find Wordscapes answers we have them all. see screenshots, and learn more about Cheats for Wordscapes. Download Cheats for Wordscapes and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Come check out the Wordscapes cheats whenever you feel stuck. On the next page you will find a list with all Wordscapes Answers. Enter the letters from your letter wheel into our Wordscapes Cheat search bar and we will unscramble them and find all the words possible! You can also browse for your Wordscapes level below to find all the Wordscapes Answers, challenge word, and bonus words. Use our Wordscapes answers search at the top of the page to find solutions for Wordscapes , Wordscapes Uncrossed , and Wordscapes in Bloom. We have answers and cheats for every version of Wordscapes! The Wordscapes app includes Daily Puzzles. A new word puzzle is released every day, which is great if you love a challenge and like to stimulate your mind. We post the puzzles and the answers daily, so you will never miss a beat. Here is the link if you would like to see the solutions for the Wordscapes Daily Puzzle for October 5 You can find the answers for previous days here, Wordscapes Daily Puzzles. Wordscapes is a well designed and entertaining word game with beautiful background images created by PeopleFun, Inc. It maintains an excellent 4. Once you have downloaded the free Wordscapes word puzzle game from Google Play store, the App Store, or even on your PC, you can start playing right away. Playing Wordscapes is fun and straightforward. It is very similar to a crossword puzzle, although there are no clues available to help you fill in the words. Instead, you start with a wheel of letters and an empty crossword puzzle layout. Luckily there is no time limit. From there, follow these steps to play the game:. Bonus words are a great way to boost your score. Once all of the blanks in the puzzle table are filled in, you win and can move on to the next level. Wordscapes is a fun and challenging game for all ages, but every one needs a little help every now and then, right? Here are a few tips that will help you soar past your competition and conquer every board and level in Wordscapes! If you want to enhance your gameplay, getting as many coins as possible is a big plus. If you want to develop a strategy for your gameplay, go after that extra word first, and follow it up with the rest of the puzzle. Even on the simplest of puzzles, there is usually at least one word that uses all of the letters. If you guess that word first, or early on in the game, it will take some pressure off. It will also make it easier to guess some of the smaller words that are connected to it. So, make them a priority as you start each level, and you can boost your confidence along the way. One of the great things about Wordscapes is that there is no timer. That includes putting together letter combinations that you may not even be sure are actual words. Word searching is an excellent brain exercise! Sometimes, the shortest blanks on the puzzle board can be the ones that end up stumping you the most. Wordscapes only allows words that are formally in the dictionary. So, no slang words are permitted. Another easy trick? Pluralize your words whenever possible. So, hit the shuffle button on the letter wheel whenever you need to change your perspective. By hitting the shuffle button even once, the letters could be rearranged in a way that makes it easy to see a new word or two. No matter how creative you are with words, no one is immune to getting stuck on Wordscapes. This is one area where your collected coins can make a big difference. You can use your coins to reveal certain letters in the puzzle table. To some people, this might seem like a hack or a cheat. If you want to keep earning more coins to get special advantages, there are more ways to do it! Taking advantage of each way can help you to have a stockpile of coins. Just like in real life, having that cash on hand can cause you to end up with many advantages! One of the easiest ways to earn more coins is to solve the daily puzzle. Wordscapes releases a special puzzle every day. Many people use it as a part of their regular routine, just to get their minds going for the day. By solving this puzzle each day, you can earn more coins to use later. You can also earn more coins by inviting friends and family members to play the game, too! If they use your referral and start playing, you can earn coins per person! All you have to do is be an advocate for a game you love in order to get others involved and earn a lot of coins in the process. There are many benefits to playing Wordscapes, and other word games on a regular basis. So, use it as a way to challenge yourself each day, grow your vocabulary, and make it a part of your routine. Wordscapes is a fun and challenging game! Until you get stuck on a level. That is what our Wordscapes cheat is for. We help you advance when ever you get stuck on a level You can use our Wordscapes word finder or you can browse the wordscapes cheat guide above. You can find the answers to every level with our wordscapes cheats. Your brilliance score is the cumulative number of puzzle boxes you've filled since you first started playing Wordscapes. Sometimes teams require a minimum brilliance to join. You cannot redeem this point value for anything, it simply tracks how you are doing in the game. You can either earn Wordscapes Coins during the game by finding bonus words, etc or with real money. Coins buy power ups, including the Light bulb to reveal a whole word and the Rocket Pop to reveal multiple letters at random. You can also save coins by using our Wordscapes Word Finder or Cheat guide to find the game answers for you! The Spelling Bee will reveal letters in your puzzle and place coins to collect on the related words. Check out our Wordscapes Help section. Toggle navigation. Unscramble Wordscapes Answers. Wordscapes Answers Enter the letters from your letter wheel into our Wordscapes Cheat search bar and we will unscramble them and find all the words possible! Starts With. Well, you are in the right place. Sunrise Levels 1 - Forest Levels 13 - Canyon Levels 81 - Sky Levels - Tropic Levels - Mountain Levels - Winter Levels - Flora Levels - Autumn Levels - Jungle Levels - Desert Levels - Ocean Levels - Field Levels - Lake Levels - Vista Levels - Cliff Levels - Beach Levels - Fog Levels - Celestial Levels - Woodland Levels - Outback Levels - Frost Levels - Timberland Levels - Hills Levels - Mist Levels - Formation Levels - Coast Levels - Twilight Levels - Marsh Levels - Woods Levels - Arid Levels - Tide Levels - Passage Levels - Air Levels - Lagoon Levels - Peak Levels - Ice Levels - Bloom Levels - Fall Levels - Rain forest Levels - Rows Levels - Basin Levels - View Levels - Precipice Levels - Starlight Levels - Reflect Levels - Majesty Levels - Astral Levels - Stone Levels - Green Levels - West Levels - Wind Levels - Shore Levels - Ravine Levels - Botanical Levels - Arctic Levels - Galaxy Levels - Tower Levels - Placid Levels - Thrive Levels - Parched Levels - Frigid Levels - Flourish Levels - Aurora Levels - Crest Levels - Foliage Levels - Wildwood Levels - Bare Levels - High seas Levels - Meadow Levels - Tarn Levels - Summit Levels - Bluff Levels - Strand Levels - Cloud Levels - Sublime Levels - Master Levels. What is Wordscapes? How to play Wordscapes? From there, follow these steps to play the game: Use the random letters in your wheel to spell words. You can shuffle the letters if you need help. Connect the letters by swiping your finger to each one using one continuous motion. If the word is on the table, it will automatically appear. Not actual game play. Wordscapes Tips, Help, and Tricks Wordscapes is a fun and challenging game for all ages, but every one needs a little help every now and then, right? Knock Out the Bigger Words First Even on the simplest of puzzles, there is usually at least one word that uses all of the letters. Try Shorter Versions Sometimes, the shortest blanks on the puzzle board can be the ones that end up stumping you the most. Other Ways to Earn More Coins If you want to keep earning more coins to get special advantages, there are more ways to do it! So, how else can you get your hands on some coins? Making the Most of Wordscapes There are many benefits to playing Wordscapes, and other word games on a regular basis. You can find the answers to every level with our wordscapes cheats What do the Brilliance Points Mean? How do I Earn Coins? How do I Spend Coins? What is a Spelling Bee?
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partiallypearl · 7 months
Music Shuffle Challenge - FTWS EDITION
IPod Shuffle Challenge Rules: 1. Pick a character, pairing, or fandom you like. 2. Turn on your music player and put it on random/shuffle. 3. Write a ficlet related to each song that plays. You only have the time frame of the song to finish the drabble; you start when the song starts, and stop when it's over. No lingering afterwards! No editing! 4. Do ten of these, and then post them.
SONG: Nineteen - Elestial 
Her nineteenth birthday is one of little fanfare. Just what Stella had wanted. Technically, it is also her coronation birthday. She is officially crowned queen of Solaria at 4:47AM, and she signs her name on the doted line. She’s the ruler now. No ands, ifs or buts about it. 
But here, in this dingy little diner, with Aisha and Bloom singing an off key version of Happy Birthday, she’s not the queen. She’s just Stella, who has two best friends who absolutely adore her, and are willing to make themselves look like total fools for her. 
“How does being 19 feel?” Aisha asks, grabbing a grape from Stella’s plate. Stella shrugs, tucking her chin length curls behind her ear. “It feels like every year before it. Too much and too little at the same time.”
Bloom hums, before gently bumping her shoulder. “But hey, at least you get the really fancy crown now.” 
Stella and Aisha both turn to look at the redhead in disbelief before they start laughing. Of course that’s what she chooses to focus on. 
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rlxtechoff · 2 years
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eienvine · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Thor (Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Loki/Sif (Marvel) Characters: Loki (Marvel), Sif (Marvel) Additional Tags: Sifki Week 2020, Drabbles, Shuffle Challenge, iPod drabble challenge Summary:
Over the centuries, they have loved each other and they have hated each other; they have been friends, enemies, and everything in-between. Maybe, in the end, they will be allowed to just be happy.
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gothicthundra · 3 years
It’s been a good while since I’ve seen any around and frankly, I can’t find any right now. So let’s make a new one.
MUSIC CHALLENGE: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 GO!
Put your playlist on shuffle, random, whatever platform you use... just mix it up. Skip 5 times. Choose that Song. Skip 4 times. Song. Skip 3 times... you get it.
You have chosen five songs at random. For each song write a short story or draw a small picture that inspires that song! Have fun and tag some friends! If you don’t want to write or draw... tell us what you see when you listen to it!
So. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 GO!!!
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walkingshcdow-a · 4 years
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((Did anyone else ever do one of those rare pair generator challenges in the early/mid 00s where two halves of a ship were generated for your and you just had to write... whatever ship was generated for you?
I kind of miss that chaotic joy.))
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