Lil Gui here! Check this out!
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Just your favorite local Luofu Streamer! Don't forget to Subscribe for more Lil Gui content!
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lilyanyuangui · 12 days ago
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What's the first thing you do when you visit somewhere new? Go to the biggest tourist spots, of course! Or, if not the first thing, at least take a peak before you leave. After all, those places are hots spots for a reason. Sure Guinaifen originally came to Penacony on a sort of sponsorship trial, but she would be a fool to not take a walk around and just have fun while she was already there!
That said, Guinaifen would much rather have some company while she walks around to make it more fun. The more the merrier, or something like that. Plus, that would make sure she doesn't get lost in somewhere she's never been before- or at least not lost by herself.
ANYWHO! Off Lil Gui goes into Clockie Studios Theme Park, wide eyed and excited as she semi-skips her way through the paths that wind every which way. She's only stopped when a rather flashy ride catches her attention. The redhead had seen her chat talking about a new ride the place had opened up for the season- a Tunnel of Love. Seems a little cliche not gonna lie, but it also makes sense as it is around the time of Valentine's. But ain't nothing wrong with some good old fashion love and cliches!
That said, it appears that you can't go on the ride solo. Boo! Not that she really minds- again, the more the merrier! Sucks she hadn't had a friend come with her, as that wouldn't made this easier. Though it's not as if she's scared to make friends, so she quickly scans the surrounding area for a victim to drag along with her.
The performer spots indigo locks attached to a very pretty lady, and Guinaifen notes that the woman had been rather stationary for the last few minutes. Was she waiting on someone? Oh- maybe she wanted to go on the ride too but was too nervous to ask for a partner! Well, only one way to find out!
With rapid steps, the redhead makes her approach on her target.
❛ Why hello there! Call me Guinaifen. Were you looking to go on the Tunnel of Love too? I'd love to go on it myself, but I don't think I can go alone. ❜
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say hello to @immovablewill who is joining me on this collab!
㏒ you ever look at someone and wonder what kind of trauma is in their head?
『 harmony commission ── clockie's tunnel of nightmares 』
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lilyanyuangui · 22 days ago
[GIANT JENGA] - While not necessarily a Liyue classic, a recent uptick amongst the younger generation has brought this classic game to the port, and with blocks bigger than ever! Will you best your friend, or will all the pieces come crumbling down? 
Kalpas squinted at the tower setup before him, then over at the young lady who had approached.
"You sure I just need to pull this one to win?" She had seemed nice enough, and hadn't approached him with fear but with something resembling excitement, but he was starting to think that the camera in hand and the look on her face was less guileless than first impressions, because he didn't remember the rules being like that before when he had played with Blind.
But then again, Su wasn't here to knock the tower over on him, and this one wasn't swaying quite so badly.
A snort, a gentle, bullish grunting sound from beneath the mask to indicate that he had made up his mind, and he nodded once for emphasis.
"All right, yeah. Yeah!" And without any further preamble, Kalpas struck – his hand snaked forward, almost too quick to be seen by the naked eye, and his fingers gripped the edge of the brick, plopping it atop the tower with some smug satisfaction,, ignoring the way that the bricks began to shift and wobble for a moment.
A long moment, in fact, and he prepared himself to be irritated that it was going to fall, shivering angrily, before it, too, seemed to make up its mind and steadied itself.
A beat of silence.
Then he lifted his hands overhead in a gesture of the immense triumph, and he whooped. "YEAH, YOU CALLED IT!"
Lantern Rite Gifts | 2(6)/5 [ STILL ACCEPTING GIFTS! ]
Guinaifen isn't entire sure why she felt so compelled to help this stranger, but she just knew in her gut that she should. Maybe it's some sort of subconscious reaction to the mask on their face, which really shouldn't cause a reaction anyway as it was a festival and there were all kinds of masks present.. this mask however felt.. different than the others she's seen on this planet. Something about it just didn't sit right with her.. some sort of sibling instinct kicking in as she has easily made her way closer to the person during their round ( even if it would have likely been seen as cheating- it's not like the crowd was silent or didn't offer words of input anyway ).
She may or may not have also pulled her phone out to stream the game a while ago, of course wanting to show off the new game she's found to her fans, but that is neither here nor there.
The redhead had played a few rounds herself already, so she has a pretty good grasp of the game and what the best pieces to snag were ( or at least the ones with a higher chance to give a win ). And course, she is going so share her wisdom with the current participant- whether they took her advice or not is up to them.
❛ Never fear, for Lil Gui is here! And Lil Gui never lies. ❜
And it seems they did take it, albeit with some slight uncertainty, but that's fine. Her hands shake with the adrenaline pumping through her veins as she, as well as the audience, watch the tower sway for a few heartbeats before settling.
What is the real prize though is the sheer joy that emanates from the stranger at the move, in fact, working and giving him another chance for victory- even if the person originally meant it was a victory with it standing upright, she doesn't have the heart to correct them with how blissful they seem at the moment. Nor does she really have to, as their opponent makes their move- and just as Guinaifen expected, they end up making the tower fall.
Just as it starts to topple over, the performer uses the hand not currently holding her phone to quickly yet gently tug at her masked underling's arm to pull them a few steps away so they don't get bombarded by stray blocks.
With a proud and equally elated grin, she cheers with a fist flying to the sky.
❛ Alright! What a splendid victory, my friend! Excellent work, fam! ❜
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lilyanyuangui · 24 days ago
[GIANT JENGA] - While not necessarily a Liyue classic, a recent uptick amongst the younger generation has brought this classic game to the port, and with blocks bigger than ever! Will you best your friend, or will all the pieces come crumbling down?
"My turn, hehe."
It's a fun little game. Cute, really. But it isn't without a competitive aspect, a push to do well inherent in the crowds those playing tend to accumulate.
And Sampo's rival here and now especially seems to have a knack for drawing an audience without even trying. It's not enough to make him sweat, not on its own, of course. He's an opportunist at heart, and not of a shy disposition. If anything… he can work with this.
"Say, Lil Gui! Have I mentioned I'm a big fan?"
He looks their tower over, humming in thought. Hand sets on hip. He grins, confident. "Would you care for a bet? If I win… what do you think about a spot of product review?"
Sampo's decided on where he wants to place his next block. There. Nice and steady… that should do it!
[Roll 1d10: 3]
Ohhhh, that's not good. He sees his mistake too late.
The way he's set himself up, the lil miss might be able to set him up for a precarious go this next round if she plays her cards right.
Well, so much for that business plan…!
Lantern Rite Gifts | 1(6)/5
Of course at the sight of MEGA TALL TOWER OF WOODEN BLOCKS Guinaifen's interest is yoinked! Eyes wide as she practically runs up to the thing ( or, as close as she can without disturbing the people's game that was already in progress ). She watches the participates, and asks the audience what they were doing and what the rules were yadayada. It seems simple enough, but you gotta play gravity and physics in your favor.. Good thing she's a street performer with lots of talent in making the impossible possible!
The next time an opening is available to play, Guinaifen shoves her way through ( politely! She has manners. ) the crowd of onlookers to make herself a player in the next round. She ends up standing across from a man with blue hair with some sick white tips dyed white ( possible new [temporary] look? ) and a rather striking sense of familiarity. Guinaifen swears she's seen this man before, though she meets a lot of people ( happens when you're just that approachable and friendly [and a media sensation] ) so she could easily just be making a mistake.
She lets it go rather quickly, more interested in the game than the person she's up against. She wants to win, darn it!
The two exchange idle and playful, and most importantly sportsman-like, banter as they continue on turn after turn. The redhead doesn't think much of her opponent, other than he's a hilarious dude and seems really smart. ..Well, she does until he makes a big Oof- a real stinker of a move, ya know?
But she isn't too hellbent on wreckin' this guy so quick, as he is highly entertaining. Plus, with the possibility of a sponsorship? Don't want to burn that bridge before it's built! Lil Gui is highly intrigued by this guy and his little bet. Ain't get nowhere in life if you don't take some risks!
❛ Glad to hear you're a fan, good sir! Though, if you wanna talk business and sponsorships, you don't have to hide it behind a bet on a fun and simple game. ❜
She laughs gently, more of a friendly sound of amusement than anything cynical. Guinaifen has been approached by many types of people wanting to partner up, or simply to meet her irl, so there isn't anything about the "business man" that sends any sort of red flags ( for now, at least ).
She scans the tower over several times before finding a block that would still work in her favor, but still give the man a chance to make a come back. After all, she's having fun, so why cut the entertainment short? As a reward for providing her with some fun, she provides him a genuine offer of a statement.
❛ You're a funny guy. I like you. I'm willing to hear you out, with or without the victory. ❜
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lilyanyuangui · 1 month ago
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✰ LANTERN RITE 2025 ! – reblog & send to earn Peace Talismans.
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[XINYUE KIOSK] - Back again, Xinyue Kiosk’s keeping up the competition, offering sweet treats, savory dishes, and even refreshing veggies for all those looking to share a snack.
[TEA TASTING] - Third-Round Knockout is once again bringing the new year on with plenty of new tea options for all those caffeinated connoisseurs that want to branch out. Including, for the first time in quite a while, specialty imports all the way from Natlan!
[DRAGON DANCE] - Uh-oh! It seems like the main crew that would lead the dragon dance are two members short, and need two sets of hands NOW! Grab someone and help keep this dance from falling through.
[KAMERA BOOTH] - Liyue is as scenic as it is busy. Several Kamera’s are set up on the docks, surrounding mountains, and some of the best balconies in the area. Make a memory with someone important to you, or keep the lens' attention for yourself!
[LANTERNS] - Like a sea, lanterns float up and flood the night sky. Meaning often dictated by color, they contain our hopes for the new year. Gather with those most cherished and wish for blessings.
[FIREWORK SHOW] - While noisy, fireworks are an incredible display of beauty and color. Make your mark on the new year with a bang!
[JADE HEARTS] - A popular shape for a popular stone in the land of Geo, these Jade Talismans sold quite well. Now, they’re made as a profession of love and desire to ring the New Year in with the company of another.
[BURNING INCENSE] - Even with all the raucous celebration, it is always important to find a quiet moment and remember those who now belong among the stars.
[TOUR GUIDE] - With as many sights to see as Liyue has, join up with a group of strangers to garner the best sights across the city and countryside!
[GIANT JENGA] - While not necessarily a Liyue classic, a recent uptick amongst the younger generation has brought this classic game to the port, and with blocks bigger than ever! Will you best your friend, or will all the pieces come crumbling down? 
[RED ENVELOPES] - Customize your own envelope as a gift to those most cherished. Whether you slip in some mora or a confession of love, even the smallest of envelopes can be life-changing!
[SNAKE PETTING] - As the mascot animal of the year, an exhibit has been set up with several non-venomous and super friendly snakes, if you’re not afraid of these scaly babies.
[JADE MYSTERY] - Shitou is running a special promotion! Guess the correct Noctilucous Jades to find out what it is, just don't gamble all of your mora away...
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lilyanyuangui · 1 month ago
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Lil Gui isn't unfamiliar with sponsorship deals ( she is one of the most popular social media entertainers on the Luofu after all ) but it is a bit of a surprise when she receives a sponsorship from other places. No, going to Belobog and playing Aetherium Wars was not a sponsorship- though she was invited ( and of course streamed her trip and her matches whenever she could- gotta make the most of the exciting trip after all! ). But Guinaifen is smart enough to do research first before accepting any sort of deal with any company. So when a soda called SoulJoy extends a hand out to her, wanting her to promote their product ( and all the other stuff that comes with these kinds of sponsor agreements ), Guinaifen is a little hesitant to start with.
She exchanges multiple messages and inquiries back and forth with one of SoulJoy's marketing team members, sharing basic pleasantries and wanting more information about their product. They even agree to send her a few samples of the drink, and some side flavors they are still experimenting with to get some feedback from the streamer. A little more settled and comfortable with the company being not only legit, but nice, the redhead agrees to at least try it out and give an honest review of it ( off stream ).
And holy Aeons above it is delicious. Though probably not an overly healthy drink, as most sodas and other beverages are, the taste is undeniably amazing! Lil Gui is going to be their number one supporter! Plus, after hearing about how they are a smaller, newly formed company and the performer's heart aches for them. She understands all too well how hard it is to get your name out there and build a reputation and brand for yourself.. Guinaifen had to scrounge and scrape by to get herself off the streets and prevent herself from starving ( and a handful of her younger siblings who were not old enough to, or were incapable, of taking care of themselves ).
So she, of course, wants to help them- and what better way than to promote them on her blog! Then, the redhead comes up with an even better idea..
That is why Guinaifen finds herself walking the streets of Penacony, streaming equipment in tow. She is going to go around the planet's popular and important places, asking those she comes across for their own opinions of the drink, of the older soda SoulGlad, and turn the feedback into a vlog of reviews.
Guinaifen is no stranger to making herself stand out in a crowd, of attractive attention and the like, so she takes prideful strides until she finds a spot close to the place Penaconians called the Golden Hour. She didn't exactly ask for permission to set up a sort-of booth in a public space, managed by The Family ( interesting name for a group in power ), but she doesn't hesitate to set her stuff down in a easily noticeable, but non-disruptive area. After telling SoulJoy of her plan, they easily agreed to send her a reasonable amount of samples that she could hand out and get input from the masses.
So here Lil Gui is, a table set up with the small samples of both the original and a solid amount of the new still-in-development flavors set across the surface. She also has her streaming gear set up behind her, at the ready should someone agree to have their review recorded and put into her vlog-feedback.
With a satisfied grin, Lil Gui gets to work. Hands come to cup around her mouth, amplifying her voice as she calls out to the crowd, waving an arm out to also grab the civilian's attention.
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❛ Come one, come all, to Lil Gui's taste-test-table! A wonderful name to promote a wonderful drink- SoulJoy! Ever wanted to try out the new drink that's taking the DreamScape by storm? Well now you can lovely guests!
Come give SoulJoy a try for yourself! Or, if you're feeling a little more adventurous, I also have some new flavors of SoulJoy not yet released!
Don't wait too long or you will miss your chance to try them out! ❜
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say hello to @memoriauteur who is joining me in this collab!
㏒ don't KNOCK(off) it 'til you try it!
『 crystallize commission ── og soda vs knockoff brand civil war 』
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lilyanyuangui · 1 month ago
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Guinaifen doesn't often to get to visit other places, primarily not having the funds to do so frequently, even if her social media career is successful. Not that she's complaining, of course! Take what you can and make the most of it. Hearing about this Herta Space Station(?) holding some sort of cultural festival immediately caught her attention. What better way to explore multiple places at once than through a big gathering!
Plus.. maybe she can get a chance to talk about her home world- her first one, the one she was born on. Maybe, maybe not. All depends on the audience she gets. Still!! She likes learning about all kinds of other places, so even if she can't, it is still worth the trip! Not to mention it will make some great vlogging content.
The performer had made her way around, chatting to a few folks here and there, asking them questions and getting some answers, before a hush went over the crowd, and Guinaifen was just one of the many who stood in pure awe. She of course knows about the Cloud Knights from the Lufou ( she lives there, duh ), but this gentlemen in heavy and shining armor gave her a vague feeling of familiarity.. like one of her favorite childhood storybooks come to life.
Oh she has got to go meet this guy.
Never one to miss an opportunity, the redhead gives her previous company a polite wave goodbye before pushing herself through the crowd ( gently, of course! she's not rude- she was raised with manners ). Guinaifen's hand itches to reach into her pocket to pull out her phone so she could start an impromptu interview with the man, but she has learned her lesson from her last attempt at that ( sorry Caelus! ) and wants to make sure the guy agrees and is aware that she's gonna record him. Or, if not, at least get a photo of or with him.
❛ Hi there, stranger! ❜
The lass greets, loud and proud once she's wormed her way through, finally being face to face with her new target soon-to-be friend.
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❛ I don't mind sharing knowledge of my home with you! But, if you're up to it, I'd love to also ask about you, fam! Your get-up is so fire and I am dying to know the deets! ❜
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✦ · . Yap to your heart's content
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lilyanyuangui · 2 months ago
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It hasn't been that long since Guinaifen visited Belobog last- her previous trip to the plant Jarilo Vi being for an Aetherium Wars event that she got invited to. It was sooooo much fun, and she's glad her fans enjoyed seeing a different environment than the same old Xianzhou spots she frequented. So it's no surprise that she has returned to the much colder planet in search of her next big creative endeavor. The performer isn't worried about her view count, at least not yet, but Guinaifen knows that it is best to ride the hype train in order to keep people's attention. Once she heard about some ( possibly dangerous ) creature newly discovered with the planets slowly warming atmosphere, and all the interest surrounding it, the redhead knew she had her next big hit.
It's a smooth ride over, and thankfully Guinaifen doesn't need a lot of equipment on her to make her stream high-quality ( though she does have some things that can make it like super extra movie-like quality, but that's for bigger and most stationary streams ), so with just a selfie-stick and her phone, she steps foot onto the snow, an excited smile tugging at her lips.
She is unsurprised to see all sorts of posters with large print stating to stay away due it the situation being uncertain and likely dangerous. Guinaifen has went into the Fyxestroll Garden that is filled with ghosts and ghouls, going out to see some previously unknown animal is easy-peasy.
Though, what does take the streamer by surprise, is a rather tall gentlemen, with beautifully red colored long hair tied up into a ponytail, staring at one of the posters with such a serious expression it makes her laugh to herself. So, with a few quick steps, she makes her way over to the man, curiosity and elation shining bright in her amber eyes.
❛ Heya! You here to investigate that lil beastie too? ❜
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say hello to @dxwnbreak who is joining me on this collab!
㏒ just two redheads hanging out in the snow when BAM! elephant jump scare
『 crystallize commission ── belobog's mystery creature documentary 』
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lilyanyuangui · 2 months ago
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Yo.... what the fuck
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lilyanyuangui · 2 months ago
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#LILYANYUANGUI ── ☾ performer 演员Yǎnyuán - chinese ☽ a story of content creation, learning to perform, making the best of every situation, && never looking back to the past so you can focus on the future - a story told by prince/jehr
closed roleplay blog for guinaifen of honkai star rail ── affiliated with @gnostichymns
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lilyanyuangui · 2 months ago
Muse info:
Name: Guinevere / Guinaifen - Little Gui Game: Honkai Star Rail Age: 22 Birthday: October 12th ( Libra )
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Are you content with your life as it is? Would you change anything about it, and why?
Do you consider yourself strong? Why?
What will you be remembered for?
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She will be forever grateful to the Xianzhou for providing a home for her and her many, many siblings. While several of her siblings have ventured onward, exploring more of the cosmos, Guinaifen found that she had all she could want under her feet. Even if the lass had taken a new name, thanks to her best friend Sushang giving her a more localized name, even if she had at first barely scraped by at first to provide for herself and the younger siblings that couldn't take care of themselves, the redhead couldn't ask for a better life than this.
Every now and then, Guinaifen likes talking walks around the Luofu just for fun. The Lufou really is a beautiful place, and the various visitors and inhabitants make it so lively. One said lively inhabitants pulls her out of her content stupor as they rush up to her with excitement oozing out in abundance. A fan, most likely, if the bounce under their step is anything to go by- and is quickly confirmed once they start talking to Guinaifen.
" Hey, you're Lil Gui, aren't you? "
❛ Yup, that's me! Nice to meet you, fam! ❜
" I'm such a huge fan! "
❛ Aw, thanks! That means a lot. Did you watch my last stream? ❜
" Of course I did! I loved it- I couldn't stop laughing! "
❛ Good, I'm glad! I love leaving a smile on everyone's face! Even if I did mess up my juggling act as the price paid. ❜
" It adds to your charm, in my opinion. "
❛ My natural charisma is outstanding, I know! Ahaha. So let me ask you, dear viewer. What do you think about showing off some more of my street performing talents, hm? You think me swallowing a sword on stream would leave a big impact? ❜
" Absolutely! That'd be insane to see! Can you really do that..? "
❛ I sure can! I even did it for the General's retainer once. The guy asked me if I was "a woman of the sword", so I pulled out one of my performing swords and swallowed it right in front of him! He was so impressed, I left him speechless! Left a lasting impression, I'm positive! ❜
" Really, you just carry around swords with you? You must be really strong, Lil Gui! "
A shy laugh tumbles out of her grinning lips.
❛ I wouldn't say I'm that strong. I mean, sure I have a lot of endurance and stamina thanks to all the street performances I do, but I definitely couldn't beat anyone in a proper fight. ❜
The fan hums in thought, giving a small nod.
" I see.. Well, nothing wrong with that. "
❛ Exactly! Not everyone is a fighter, or built like a lion or dragon. Ain't nothing wrong with being a "lover not a fighter" hah! ❜
Almost as if a giant lightbulb with a bright red "!" shows above her head, her face flicking a moment of shock before smoothing over to a mischievous grin. The performer would need an assistant should she do the swallowing trick on camera, and she just had the perfect idea of who that assistant could be. Whether or not Shangshang would agree to it or not is up for debate. Surely Guinaifen can convince her bestie to come to her aid! A true Cloud Knight would never let down a citizen of the Luofu ( yes, the redhead is gonna abuse her power of friendship, but it's toooottaaalllyy fine~ ). But, she is gonna have to quickly find the brunette while the idea is still fresh in her head, and hope she can catch Shushang during one of her breaks. Always gotta seize the moment when it presents itself!
❛ Ah- sorry, I gotta run! I just had a brilliant brain storm. Hopefully you'll see what I mean soon. Don't forget to catch my next stream if you're curious! ❜
" You know I will! .. Wait- Can I get a picture with you really quick before you go? "
❛ Sure! I love taking selfies with my fans. ❜
A easy step over to the other as a phone is pulled out, a quick thumb and forefinger pinching together to make a heart, and a CLICK letting them know the camera has taken the image. Guinaifen checks the photo with them, making sure she looks good ( Always gotta watch your online presence as an entertainer after all ) and that the other is happy with it
❛ See ya around! Was nice to meet ya! ❜
" See you! "
And so, Little Gui gives them a polite wave as she walks off with a purpose in mind- to go find her best bud. This next stream, if all goes well, is going to be off its rockers!
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lilyanyuangui · 3 months ago
tag test
『x』 ❝x❞ ❛x❜ 〖x〗【x】
㊀㊁㊂㊃㊄㊅㊆㊇㊈㊉ Ideaograph 1-10
chinese - ㊊ moon ㊐ sun ㊋ fire ㊌ water ㊍ wood ㊎ metal ㊏ earth
-ˏˋ⋆ ᴡ ᴇ ʟ ᴄ ᴏ ᴍ ᴇ ⋆ˊˎ-
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「 ✦ 𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐞 ✦ 」
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ʏᴏ ᴄʜᴇᴄᴋ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴍʏ ᴘᴀꜱᴛ ᴠᴏᴅꜱ!
✺ 『 ꜱᴛʀᴇᴀᴍɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪᴠᴇ┆ic. 』
♕▐  ᴀ ɴᴏᴛᴇ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇᴅɪᴛᴏʀ ┊ 『 ooc. 』
♕▐  ᴀ ɴᴏᴛᴇ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇᴅɪᴛᴏʀ ┊ ☾ ooc. ☽
♕ 『 ᴀ ɴᴏᴛᴇ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇᴅɪᴛᴏʀ┆ic. 』
𖤓▐  ꜱᴛʀᴇᴀᴍɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪᴠᴇ┊☾ ic. ☽
♕▐  ᴀ ɴᴏᴛᴇ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇᴅɪᴛᴏʀ ┊ ☾ ooc. ☽
☆▐  ᴄᴏʟʟᴀʙ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ┊ ☾ companion; x. ☽
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©▐  ꜱᴘᴇᴄɪᴀʟ ᴛʜᴀɴᴋꜱ ᴛᴏ ᴍʏ ꜱᴘᴏɴꜱᴏʀꜱ┊☾ credit. ☽
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㏒▐  ʏᴏ ᴄʜᴇᴄᴋ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴍʏ ᴘᴀꜱᴛ ᴠᴏᴅꜱ! ┊ ☾ thread; x. ☽
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☒▐  ᴍᴏᴅꜱ ʏᴏᴜ ʙᴇᴛᴛᴇʀ ʙᴀɴ ᴛʜᴀᴛ┊☾ to be deleted. ☽
㊋▐  ɪ'ᴍ ʀᴇᴀᴅʏ ꜰᴏʀ ᴍʏ ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴠɪᴇᴡ ┊ ☾ visuals. ☽
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☒▐  ᴍᴏᴅꜱ ʏᴏᴜ ʙᴇᴛᴛᴇʀ ʙᴀɴ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ┊ ☾ to be deleted. ☽
ღ▐  ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ꜱᴜʙꜱᴄʀɪʙᴇ ꜰᴏʀ ᴍᴏʀᴇ┊☾ commission board. ☽
0 notes
lilyanyuangui · 3 months ago
GUINAIFEN LAYOUTS . . . for @zakaithecatboy!
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note : i don't know what i was trying to do with the second header but it looks okay i think
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lilyanyuangui · 3 months ago
Digi-Rap - MC Pea Pod and Paul Gordon
Digimon Movie  English OST
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lilyanyuangui · 3 months ago
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much to think about
much to think about tiny
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lilyanyuangui · 3 months ago
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For: @rrozeta(requested)
PSD by me!
Credit to use
Contains an optimized version for orange-y images
Minor adjustments ok!
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lilyanyuangui · 3 months ago
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491 notes · View notes
lilyanyuangui · 3 months ago
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that's it, you're going in the gourd
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