#investing in a digital form of gold
muthootfinance0861 · 1 year
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Why you should invest in Digital Gold?
Digital gold is a new and smart way of investing in gold that eliminates the drawbacks of physical gold. With digital gold, you can buy, sell, and store gold online, with lower costs, higher purity, easy liquidity, safety, transparency, and convenience. Know more about the reasons to invest in digital gold and how to get started by visiting our official website.
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brightdigigold2023 · 11 months
     Why gold is important part of your investment portfolio
Digital Gold is an important part of an investment portfolio for several reasons. Firstly, buy digital gold acts as a hedge against inflation and currency fluctuations, preserving purchasing power over time buy digital gold. Secondly, gold investment app   diversification, reducing overall portfolio risk by offering an alternative asset class that often moves independently digital gold investment app stocks and bonds.
Thirdly, gold serves as a safe haven during times of economic and political uncertainty, as it tends to retain its value or even appreciate Best digital gold platform. Lastly, gold has a long history of being a store of value and a globally recognized form of currency, ensuring liquidity and providing stability to an investment portfolio bright digital Digi gold.
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animaginaryartblog · 9 months
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[Image ID: two versions of a digital painting of Blaze the Cat. They are based on a Trollhunters screenshot, but replacing Jim with an AU Blaze design.
Blaze wears armor similar to Percival's in Sonic and the Black Knight: small, rounded shoulder pauldrons, metal gloves with flared cuffs, and a metal chest plate on her torso with armor pieces hanging from the hips, resembling a tailcoat. Inset in the chest plate, above where her heart would be, is a gold amulet housing a shard of a red gem.
Along with the armor, Blaze wears her usual gold necklace and red bindi. Each gauntlet has a simple curling design on the top, with a red jewel inset in the center, matching her bindi. Under the armor she wears a white bodysuit, covering her legs and arms.
In the first version, Blaze is in her normal form, with lavender fur and yellow eyes. Her hair is not tied up but falling loose down her back, and violet bangs partly cover her bindi. Her armor is a silver-purple color.
In the second version, Blaze is in her Burning form. Her fur is pink, and her armor and blade are both gold rather than silver. A gold circlet pulls her hair back - not that it's needed, as both her hair and the tip of her tail have turned to scarlet flame. Her eyes, too, have the appearance of fire.
In both versions, Blaze stands against a stormy background, looming over the viewer. In her right hand she holds a flame. In her left, she holds her sword from Sonic and the Black Knight, pointed down at someone unseen. Lightning flashes behind her as she looks down at her opponent with an unreadable expression, eyes glowing gold. /end ID]
For the glory of Solaris, Sunlight is mine to command.
last Friday I had this all prepped and ready to post, wrote a whole long explanation of this AU's lore, and then the page reloaded and I lost the entire thing--or I thought I did, only for it to turn out the draft just saved to my main instead of here. so. see below for the referenced screenshot, an explanation of the AU, and some concept sketches.
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[Image ID: a screenshot from the computer animated Trollhunters series. In the screenshot Jim, wearing his Trollhunter armor, stands against a stormy sky. He points his sword down towards something offscreen, his expression unreadable. Lightning flashes behind him. /end ID]
So a while back I got really into Tales of Arcadia with my brothers. it was brief, as my interests go, but during that time I, as is my wont, came up with a needlessly complicated Sonic AU starring Blaze the Cat. Because I never go about things halfway, I not only watched Trollhunters, 3Below, and Wizards, but I also went and read the original Trollhunters novel and some of the comics (and I would have read all the other novels too if they'd been available in our library and my interest had lasted longer).
Hence! The Sunhunter AU! It was originally called Shadowhunters, but I have too many AUs with "shadow" in the title anyway, and Sunhunter is more fitting anyway. Basic premise is that Blaze is the eponymous Sunhunter, and has been since she was a child, when she discovered the existence of the underworld and accidentally bonded with the amulet in a definitely-not-traumatic, totally-not-a-Disney-parent-death incident. Essentially, she fuses the roles of Jim from the show and Jack from the novel.
Blaze takes her duty extremely seriously and invests the bare minimum of time in her civilian identity. Who needs a childhood when there's an entire world to singlehandedly defend, amirite? Certainly not when the Black Arms are dangerously close to escaping and dooming the surface and the underworld both. But protagonists never get what they want.
With everything on her shoulders, it was only a matter of time until Blaze stumbled - and Marine was there to see it. Now she has to protect/put up with this young raccoon girl who refuses to leave her alone. This definitely will not lead to any burgeoning friendships, the development of a much needed support system, or discoveries about her enemies that she never would have made alone. No sir.
also it's Sonaze. because of course it is.
now for the concept sketches
that's right, we do speedpaints now! I mean, Procreate's always saved time lapses of my art, but now I'm actually going to try and share them! maybe! sometimes!
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As you can see, I have a few different ideas for the exact mechanics of this AU. The first route would be to have humans still be, well, humans, and Mobians are either the equivalent of trolls, or a type of troll. This could be fun, but I doubt I'll go this route, since I like my silly little cartoon animals to stay silly little cartoon animals.
The other option is to have mobians living alongside humans, as in Sonic canon. From there I could either keep trolls the same as they are in Trollhunters canon, or replace them/supplement them with a Mobian equivalent. I do have the beginnings of some lore ideas for Mobians being split between the surface and the underground...
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rhe-toric · 1 year
Is Bitcoin a Good Investment? Expert Opinions and Analysis
Bitcoin is a digital currency that has gained significant attention in recent years. It is a decentralized currency that operates on a peer-to-peer network, and its value has fluctuated widely over time. In this blog post, we will explore expert opinions and analysis to answer the question: Is Bitcoin a good investment?
Expert Opinions
Warren Buffett
Warren Buffett, one of the most successful investors of all time, has been critical of Bitcoin. In 2018, he called Bitcoin "rat poison squared" and said that it has no intrinsic value. He has also warned investors against investing in cryptocurrencies.
Ray Dalio
Ray Dalio, the founder of Bridgewater Associates, has been more positive about Bitcoin. He has said that Bitcoin could be a good alternative to cash, and that it has some similarities to gold. However, he has also warned that Bitcoin is highly volatile and that investors should be careful.
Jack Dorsey
Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter and Square, has been a strong supporter of Bitcoin. He has said that Bitcoin is the "best candidate" to become a global currency, and that it has the potential to create a more accessible financial system.
Bitcoin is a highly volatile asset, and its value can fluctuate widely over short periods of time. This makes it a risky investment, as investors could lose a significant amount of money if the value of Bitcoin drops.
Bitcoin has seen significant adoption in recent years, with more merchants and businesses accepting it as a form of payment. This could increase the value of Bitcoin over time, as more people use it as a currency.
Regulation is a key factor for the future of Bitcoin. If governments and financial institutions continue to regulate Bitcoin, it could become more widely adopted and increase in value. However, if regulation becomes more restrictive, it could limit the adoption and value of Bitcoin.
The question of whether Bitcoin is a good investment is a complex one. Expert opinions are divided, with some warning against investing in cryptocurrencies and others being more positive. Analysis shows that Bitcoin is a highly volatile asset, but it has seen significant adoption and could increase in value over time. Regulation is a key factor for the future of Bitcoin, and investors should be aware of the risks and potential rewards before investing. As with any investment, it is important to do your own research and consult with financial experts before making any decisions.
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kakvsh · 2 months
Hi sir can you help me with investment i have very many money and no wife to spend my millions of money on
(awesome, sunday is not around to call me a scammer!)
*turns around in his comfy, cushy senior management chair with hands steepled together*
new here, aren't you? let me see...
*takes a look at the documents submitted, flipping through the pages like one would bank notes*
ah, i see. a man with many liquid assets but nowhere to spend. no worries, though! i know a place where a man of your status can easily catch the eye of the woman of your dreams.
*pulls out a medium rectangular device which seems to cost a fortune from the way it sits surely in his grip. he taps on the surface and it lights up. a few more taps later, it displays what seems to be a craft-your-sim page*
now, this is the investment for you... yes, you can customise your avatar—yes, your avatar—and then your wife's.
*watches as his potential customer taps on different facial features to recreate himself in digital form*
oh, you want that platinum blonde hair, huh? that's behind a paywall. but no worries, just click here and insert your card number here—oh, you don't have a card yet? we can get you one right here, right now.
*spins around in his fancy chair and finds a pamphlet from one of the drawers behind him*
i think a platinum card fits you perfectly. or do you prefer gold? it's up to you, of course! all you need to do is fill in this form and give us this amount of money as the application fee, and your card will be ready in—
*HUH? a card magically appears in a wave of hand*
—a blink! now go ahead, unlock the special features and get yourself a wife to spend on! oh, and that pad you're using? it's just 100,000 credits off your card. congratulations, you've made your first transaction! isn't this exciting?
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samueldays · 2 years
Old: critical thinking
Bold: critical ignoring. From the abstract:
We argue that digital information literacy must include the competence of critical ignoring—choosing what to ignore and where to invest one’s limited attentional capacities.
Gold: critically ignoring most of the critical ignoring paper because it falls to its own meta-level methods. From the main text:
In a digital environment, looks can be deceiving. It is often impossible to know the real agenda behind a site or a post simply by examining it. The trick is to not waste time doing so. Instead, a person can follow the strategy of professional fact-checkers known as lateral reading (Wineburg et al., 2022; Wineburg & McGrew, 2019). Lateral reading begins with a key insight: One cannot necessarily know how trustworthy a website or a social-media post is by engaging with and critically reflecting on its content. Without relevant background knowledge or reliable indicators of trustworthiness, the best strategy for deciding whether one can believe a source is to look up the author or organization and the claims elsewhere (e.g., using search engines or Wikipedia to get pointers to reliable sources). The strategy of lateral reading was identified by studying what makes professional fact-checkers more successful in verifying information on the Web
These people trust fact-checkers! Not just any fact-checkers, if you read the citation, it's "professional fact checkers at the nation’s most prestigious news outlets." These are a known dishonest class and should be ignored. There's a great high-level idea here, though, which deserves to be reclaimed from the over-credentialed clowns that wrote this paper.
Some further 🤡 elements:
-The lateral reading section sometimes veers into whitewashing the ad hominem attack and its close relative the genetic fallacy,
-Which is an especially bad idea in the case of Wineburg who has a Wikipedia Early Life section.
-The phrase "Without relevant background knowledge or reliable indicators of trustworthiness, the best strategy..." is doing a lot of work here, sounds like "If you don't have grounds to form an opinion," to me, in which case the even best-er strategy is just to not have an opinion.
-So much of this paper reads like a guy finding the Sword of Truth and trying salesmanly to convince us that it's a Sword of Stabbing Outgroup. Or maybe the other way around.
-The abstract: 3 strategies, Self-nudging, Lateral reading, and Do-not-feed-the-trolls. The body: "The do-not-feed-the-trolls heuristic must be complemented by users reporting bad actors to platforms and by platforms implementing consistent content-moderation policies."
-This ratfucking paragraph:
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Every indicator of epistemic quality that this paper has is one that has also been gamed.
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dark-viverna · 8 months
Which is Better Physical Gold or Digital Gold
Gold has been a click here to learn more popular go-to asset for Indians for several decades now.
And why not? It is perhaps one of the few assets that does not lose its value over time.
However,Which is Better Physical Gold or Digital Gold Articles this asset is mostly held in physical form – jewellery, bars, and coins – which gives rise to several challenges regarding storage and security.
Accordingly, many investors have been looking for a better alternative and have managed to find an ideal match in digital gold.
Which is Better Physical Gold or Digital Gold
There is a lot of speculation among investors concerning whether digital gold can emerge as a better alternative. Of course, the answer to this question is subjective. Then again, it’s suggested to take a close look at the difference in concept and approach towards physical and digital gold investment to gain a better idea.
Digital Gold Investment
Digital gold is a new age investment instrument that allows you to invest in 24 Karat purest gold, which is then stored in MMTC-PAMP’s secure vaults under your ownership. If you wish to take possession of the same, you can redeem digital gold for 24 Karat/ 999.9 purest gold coins and ingots from MMTC-PAMP. MMTC-PAMP is India’s leader in digital gold and you can buy digital gold online through our trusted partners like Paytm, PhonePe, and GPay. You can also reach out to your relationship manager in firms like Aditya Birla Capital, HDFC Securities, Motilal Oswal among others to manage your digital gold investments. Gold coins and bars have been India’s most trusted investment instrument across generations, and for good reason. Reliable and convenient, the value of gold has increased enormously over the past few years, which makes it an increasingly lucrative option to store and compound. Gold prices have gone up more than 50% just in the last 3 years!
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cryptocozy · 1 year
From Bitcoin to Beyond: Exploring the Evolving Landscape of Cryptocurrencies
Over the past decade, cryptocurrencies have emerged as a disruptive force in the world of finance and technology, with Bitcoin leading the way as the pioneering digital currency. The concept of a decentralized, borderless, and secure form of money challenged the traditional financial system, opening the door to a myriad of new possibilities. As the blockchain technology behind cryptocurrencies continues to evolve, the landscape of digital finance is undergoing a transformation that reaches far beyond the realms of Bitcoin.
The Genesis: Bitcoin's Impact and Legacy
Bitcoin, created by the pseudonymous Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009, was the first successful implementation of a peer-to-peer electronic cash system that operates without the need for intermediaries like banks. Its underlying technology, blockchain, introduced a distributed and immutable ledger, ensuring transparency and security in financial transactions.
Bitcoin's rise in popularity sparked interest among tech enthusiasts, libertarians, and investors seeking an alternative to the traditional financial system. Its decentralized nature and limited supply, capped at 21 million coins, instilled confidence in its ability to act as a store of value akin to digital gold.
The Altcoin Era: Diverse Cryptocurrencies Emerge
Following the success of Bitcoin, a wave of new cryptocurrencies, often referred to as "altcoins," flooded the market. These altcoins sought to address perceived limitations in Bitcoin's design or aimed to serve specific use cases.
Ethereum, launched in 2015 by Vitalik Buterin, revolutionized the crypto landscape by introducing smart contracts. These self-executing contracts enabled developers to create decentralized applications (dApps) on top of the Ethereum blockchain. This innovation laid the foundation for the explosive growth of the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem, enabling peer-to-peer lending, decentralized exchanges, and other financial services without intermediaries.
Other notable cryptocurrencies, such as Ripple (XRP), Litecoin (LTC), and Cardano (ADA), each brought their unique features and use cases to the table. Ripple, for instance, targeted faster and cheaper cross-border payments, while Litecoin aimed to be a more efficient and lighter version of Bitcoin for everyday transactions.
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The Rise of Stablecoins: Stability in a Volatile Market
Cryptocurrencies have a reputation for extreme price volatility, which has limited their adoption for everyday transactions. To address this issue, stablecoins were introduced. These digital assets are pegged to stable assets like fiat currencies (USD, EUR, etc.) or commodities, reducing price fluctuations and making them more suitable for day-to-day use.
Tether (USDT), the first stablecoin, was launched in 2014, and it quickly became the most widely used stablecoin in the market. As regulatory scrutiny increased, more transparent and regulated stablecoins like USD Coin (USDC) and DAI emerged, further solidifying the role of stablecoins in the cryptocurrency ecosystem.
Institutional Adoption: A Paradigm Shift
In the early days, cryptocurrencies were primarily embraced by individual investors and tech enthusiasts. However, as the market matured and regulatory frameworks became clearer, institutional players started to take notice.
Major financial institutions, asset management firms, and even governments began to explore cryptocurrencies as potential investment vehicles and digital store of value. The entry of institutional investors, like Tesla and MicroStrategy, into the market signaled a shift towards wider acceptance and recognition of cryptocurrencies as legitimate assets.
Beyond Currency: NFTs and the Metaverse
Cryptocurrencies are not limited to being just a form of money. Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) have emerged as a revolutionary use case within the crypto space. NFTs represent unique digital assets and have found applications in art, collectibles, virtual real estate, and more.
The concept of the metaverse, a virtual world where users can interact, socialize, and conduct business, has gained traction with the help of blockchain technology. Virtual real estate within these metaverses is being bought and sold using cryptocurrencies and NFTs, opening up entirely new economic opportunities in the digital realm.
To know more click here -
Despite the progress and success of cryptocurrencies, several challenges remain. Regulatory uncertainty, scalability issues, energy consumption concerns (particularly for proof-of-work blockchains like Bitcoin), and security vulnerabilities need to be addressed to ensure the long-term sustainability and widespread adoption of cryptocurrencies.
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senorcases · 1 year
A Beginner's Guide to Choosing the Perfect Diamond Watches for Women
Wristwatches have become the most popular accessory in the last decade. Diamond watches are the best when it comes to combining luxury and style. The options when choosing a good diamond watch for women are endless. A modern woman knows the value of time and understands that she deserves only the best.  
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A diamond watch is your best friend and your best assistant. It becomes really important to choose the perfect fit for you here. A fine diamond watch can combine wealth and significance with the beauty of fine jewelry. Here, we have put up a comprehensive guide for you to choose the best fit for you.     
1. Decide on the Metal
The first thing that comes to mind while selecting a watch is the type of metal you want to use. The most common metal for diamond watches for women is stainless steel. It provides great strength and durability to the watch. Always pay attention to the back of the watch where the material used is mentioned. You can also plate it with yellow or rose gold among other colors, as per your preferences. The best plating for a diamond watch is 18k gold because the shine will remain intact. There are other metals used for diamond watches as well, like silver. If you are on a budget, you can go for this. 
2. Select the Diamonds Carefully 
There are several things about diamonds that you must consider while choosing a watch. Decide what is more important for you, the size or the quantity. Do you want the stones to be bigger or larger in number? You would have to decide whether you need heavier stones or lighter stones. To put it simply, the diamonds on diamond watches for women are decided on carat weight. One watch might have stones larger but fewer than the other. The other might have smaller stones but in an increased number. The second thing is where to put the stones. Customize the place where you want the diamonds. It can be at the center, around the rim, all over the watch, or just in one place. Choose the color of the stones, and you have it. 
3. Design of the Dials
There are two types of watches, quartz and mechanical. Mechanical watches are more towards the feminine side, while quartz is towards the digital one. Though they may lack romance, quartz watches are highly effective. If you are a true watch geek, mechanical is the way to go. The best advice for the face of your diamond watch for women is to follow your imagination. You may opt for any type of numerals on the dial or some form of dots or stones. Customize them as you desire.  
4.  Choose the Strap Style 
Straps are an important part of any watch. Regardless of which style you choose, make sure the strap is made from high-quality materials. The most common straps are made from materials like leather and metal. Leather is comfortable to wear and is durable. But for some, the idea of wearing animal products is not that appeasing. You can opt for faux leather or fur for your diamond watches for women in that case. As to metal, stainless steel is the best option. The metal is durable and does not corrode easily in time. You can go for solid gold for a more soft feel. It’s better to combine gold with another metal for more durability.  
5. Consider the Use 
You have to decide why you are buying the watch. If you are buying it for love, it is better to make a small investment. Though, top-tier watches are a good investment option as well. Their prices can rise high in the near future. So, if you are looking at it as an investment, it is better to put some bucks in. Buy some reputed diamond watches for women like a Rolex. Whether or not you buy for investment, make sure you buy your watches from trusted stores. Keep the box and the papers of the watches with you.  
This is it; the ultimate guide to buying the perfect watch for yourself. Diamond watches are becoming increasingly popular. Now, they are also being viewed as an investment rather than just an accessory. It is safe to say that investing in one is a good option. Though, make sure that you buy your diamond watches for women from a trusted retailer. With this iconic piece of accessory, you will be able to tell the exact time. Moreover, it will tell others about your elegant and exquisite taste. 
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gatekeeperwatchman · 2 years
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What is Fiat Money?
Now my questions arise as to how this money was created in the beginning as I simply could not understand it from the videos I watched and how it is still being created today. If it is along the lines that our government creates our current fiat money by using printing presses to print it out of thin air, then Bitcoin would fall into the same category that our government is doing, which is, in my opinion, creating counterfeit money. Why do I say this? Because all paper money that has no gold or asset backing is simply what we call “fiat money.” Fiat money refers to any currency lacking intrinsic value that is declared legal tender by a government. As valid currency solely by a government declaration, fiat money, is not backed by any commodity, such as gold, but only by the faith of the bearer. The only thing that gives worth to our paper money is the confidence that the people have in it. If through inflation or other means, it loses its value it will no longer be worth anything. It is a currency that is not based on intrinsic money that should be created by labor. I will now have to define what true money should be.
Definition of Real Money:
It helps to understand the properties and functions of money.
The item serves as a medium of exchange. For an item to be considered money, it must be widely accepted as payment for goods and services. The item serves as a unit of account. For an item to be considered money, it must be the unit that prices, bank balances, etc. are reported in. The item serves as a store of value. For an item to be considered money, it has to (to a reasonable degree) hold its purchasing power over time.
As these properties suggest, money was introduced to societies as a means of making economic transactions simpler and more efficient, and it mostly succeeds in that regard. In some situations, items other than officially designated currency have been used as money in various economies. In biblical times, coins of silver and gold were used as that medium so the oldest medium used for the longest length of time has been gold and silver; therefore silver and gold fit this definition. My question does Bitcoin fit this description? Bitcoin only has a short history. Will it be accepted or rejected by the majority of the public as a new medium of exchange? Bitcoin is not a proven form of currency, like gold or silver which has been established as a form of money since the Bible days.
Here is a list of reasons I am having issues with accepting Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as a means of monetary exchange:
Bitcoin…Is Not Real Money: In my opinion, Bitcoin is not real money, but rather a digitized form of money, as true money (a means of exchange) is something you can hold in your hand. i.e.: gold and silver coins or paper money backed by gold. Of course, our money in the United States today is no longer backed by gold, so it is not real money either. (The government removed the gold-backing policy during President Nixon’s presidency. It is now called fiat money, but is considered legal tender by the US government and accepted by the general public.)
Is a Crypto Currency Investment with Risk: Bitcoin is traded on centralized and decentralized crypto exchanges. Investing or trading Bitcoin only requires an account on an exchange, though they have nearly the same level of features as their stock brokerage counterparts. Bitcoin being an investment is similar to stock investments with the potential risk of losing your investment. That being said, I would not want to invest in something unless I thoroughly understood it and knew the background of the people and technicians who developed it. With every stock investment, a person should investigate and vet the owners as to their integrity and company management guidelines and policies. Sadly most stock purchases are more speculative and more like gambling than investing.
I learned something from a book I read years ago entitled, “Business by the Book” written by Larry Burkett. He cautioned people not to invest money into something they did not understand, no matter how excited the seller or others might be about it. Here is a quote from that book: Get-rich-quick thinking leads to three basic errors: (1) Getting involved with things you cannot understand; (2) Risking funds you cannot afford to lose, that is, borrowed funds, and (3) Making hasty decisions. Each of these actions violates one or more biblical principles…Together they constitute a sin called greed.”
Now regarding Bitcoin, I did some research by reading and watching videos so I could understand how it operates. Even though I do have some IT understanding and have studied computers in college, have only a partial understanding of Bitcoin. Although I have researched Bitcoin tremendously, I just do not have the technical knowledge to fully understand how it operates and I am still learning.
From: Steven P. Miller CEO/ Founder of Gatekeeper-Watchman International Groups Jacksonville, Florida., Duval County, USA. Instagram: steven_parker_miller_1956, Twitter: @GatekeeperWatchman1, @ParkermillerQ, Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/gatekeeperwatchman URL: linkedin.com/in/steven-miller-b1ab21259 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ElderStevenMiller
GWIG, #GWIN, #GWINGO, #Ephraim1, #IAM, #Sparkermiller,#Eldermiller1981
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first-digi-add · 2 years
Digital Marketing Benefits for the Travel Industry
When choosing where to go on their next vacation, modern travelers no longer rely on travel agencies or magazine articles. A virtual gold mine for digital marketing, various social media platforms, travel blogs, and other sources provide prospective travelers with distinctive insights and inspiration for various trip destinations. All forms of digital media are being used by travelers, giving digital marketing a wider audience than traditional marketing could.
Digitization in the Travel
Traveling is considerably easier today than it was in the past. Before digitalization, reserving flights, hotels, tours, transportation, and other travel-related services required making numerous calls, booking dates, and keeping track of all the details. With just a few clicks nowadays, you can easily book everything you require in one location.
Connecting with targeted customers is also made simpler for travel businesses thanks to digitization. Today, travel companies may use a variety of digital marketing techniques with help of Best Digital Marketing Company to promote their goods and services, reach a far wider audience, and provide special offers that will excite and interest customers.
The Following are some Benefits of Digital Marketing for the Travel Industry:
1. Customer Engagement
Engaging with customers has never been simpler than it is in today's connected society. It is much simpler to understand what your clients want before they even enquire about your services because you may reach out to them whenever you want, day or night, using any device, from anywhere in the world.
2. Exposure to Search Engine Result
Many travelers plan their vacations with a destination in mind, but queries like "where is the best place to travel?" on Google and Yahoo. To improve the number of people who learn about their products and services, experts in the travel industry must invest in Search Engine Optimization and search engine marketing strategies that increase their rankings on search engines.
3. Social Media Presence
Social media has a direct impact on the interactions customers can have with brands, giving them more chances than ever to personalize and tailor their experiences. This entails not just instantly responding to complaints and questions, but also informing potential customers before they ask for it. Through social media, you may modify your advertisements to reflect the locations, dates, and travel offers that best suit their interests, providing them with ideas for their upcoming journey. Social media updates and user-generated material can also show potential customers the joy that other customers have felt while booking a trip with your business.
4. Consumer Interest in Travel
It has never been more affordable or simple to book a trip. A huge increase in accessibility to exotic locations and luxurious vacations benefits travel industry workers. Additionally, travel blogs and video blogs have provided a platform for travelers to share their stories. If someone is looking for travel ideas, they can do it from the comfort of their own homes by watching a tourist partaking in an adventurous excursion, trying a unique dish at an eccentric restaurant, or engaging in the most diverse of experiences, which will serve as motivation for their upcoming travel plans.
5. Data for a Personalized Travel Experience
Big data's emergence makes it simpler for marketers to target and personalize their communications with consumers. As a result, you can now give a customized recommendation and experience based on your customers' interests and questions by gathering and analyzing data from customers who engage with your organization. To give your clients what they want, you can also spot tendencies that might harm your services.
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proinvesto1234 · 9 hours
What is Cryptocurrency and How Does It Work?
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Understanding Cryptocurrency
Cryptocurrency is a form of currency that exists solely in digital form. This virtual currency uses cryptography to secure transactions, ensuring safe exchanges. By employing blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies prevent the risk of double-spending and enhance transaction security. All transactions are recorded in public ledgers and stored in digital wallets, enabling users to buy, sell, or transact with cryptocurrencies effortlessly. Popular cryptocurrencies include Bitcoin, Monero, Litecoin, and Ethereum.
Understanding CryptocurrencyA Short History of CryptocurrencyBenefits of CryptocurrencyHow Cryptocurrency WorksInvesting in CryptocurrencyConclusion
A Short History of Cryptocurrency
The concept of electronic money began with E-cash, introduced by David Chaum, a renowned American cryptographer. The National Security Agency later published a paper on electronic currency, leading to the creation of Bitcoin and Bitgold. These early cryptocurrencies included proof-of-work functions to ensure secure transactions. In the UK, cryptocurrencies gained recognition as stable coins in a report published on August 6, 2016.
Benefits of Cryptocurrency
Cryptocurrencies offer numerous advantages:
Easy Transactions: Transactions are straightforward and inexpensive, facilitated through smartphones.
Security: Cryptocurrencies provide highly secure payment methods with high hash rates.
Low Fees and Easy Settlements: Cryptocurrencies are a reliable medium of exchange with low transaction costs. They can be easily converted into other currencies.
Growth Potential: Investing in cryptocurrencies can significantly boost the growth of companies and industries, offering secure and private transactions through a peer-to-peer system.
How Cryptocurrency Works
Cryptocurrencies represent a modern investment method compared to traditional options like gold, mutual funds, and fixed deposits. They allow for seamless, worldwide transactions with minimal fees. Users can start investing in cryptocurrencies via official applications on their smartphones. Transactions are confidential and secure, as they do not involve intermediaries. Major industries, including Facebook, Amazon, and PayPal, are linked to cryptocurrencies.
Blockchain technology underpins cryptocurrencies, ensuring transparency and security. Transactions are recorded in blocks that form a public chain, visible to all. Funds are managed through digital addresses rather than bank accounts, with public or private keys facilitating transactions.
Investing in Cryptocurrency
Cryptocurrencies can be expensive, but you can start investing with a small amount. New users often receive a bitcoin upon signing up, allowing them to begin trading. Registration involves completing a KYC process and verifying your documentation. It’s crucial to research before investing, considering the performance and history of the cryptocurrency. Many companies now accept cryptocurrency payments, and this trend is expected to grow, making it a legal and increasingly popular investment option.
Cryptocurrency is revolutionizing the financial world by offering a secure, efficient, and decentralized method of transaction and investment. As more industries and individuals adopt this technology, the potential for growth and innovation continues to expand, making it an exciting field for current and future investors.
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elatre78 · 18 hours
From Clicks to Downloads: How Link Building Fuels Your ASO Efforts
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The App Store is a land of opportunity, a digital El Dorado teeming with potential users. But just like the prospectors of old, app developers face fierce competition to unearth their nugget of success. Here’s where savvy app developers equip themselves with the modern tools of the trade: link-building and App Store Optimization (ASO).
Link-Building: Prospecting for Users Online
Imagine your app as a hidden gold mine. Link-building is like staking your claim and leaving a trail of prospecting markers. In the form of backlinks on high-authority websites, these markers lead potential users — your eager prospectors — directly to your app store listing. Here’s how to create a robust link-building strategy:
Content is King (and Queen): Craft valuable, informative blog posts or articles relevant to your app’s niche. Reach out to established websites and blogs in your industry and offer your content as a guest post. Don’t forget to subtly weave your app’s value proposition into the content, solving a pain point your audience faces. Include a clear call to action with a link to your app store listing.
Become a Source of Knowledge: Don’t underestimate the power of industry publications. Identify publications catering to your app’s niche and create newsworthy press releases about your app’s unique features, awards, or user milestones. Target relevant journalists to secure positive mentions with links back to your app store page.
Harness the Social Media Buzz: Internet marketing is bustling online communities ripe for exploration. Share valuable content related to your app’s function and engage with influencers in your space. Encourage them to share your content, potentially linking back to your app. Don’t be afraid to participate in relevant discussions and showcase your app’s expertise.
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Link-building drives traffic, but ASO ensures your app shines brightly amongst the other claims in the App Store. A well-optimized listing is like having a well-maintained mine entrance, attracting prospectors and making it easy for them to enter and discover the riches within. Here’s how to optimize your app store listing:
Keyword Research is Your Pickaxe: Identify the keywords users are most likely to search for when seeking an app like yours. Use relevant keywords throughout your app title, description, and keyword field (for Apple App Store). Tools like Google Keyword Planner or app store analytics can be invaluable in this process.
Visual Appeal is Your Gold Nugget: First impressions matter! Invest in high-quality screenshots and app icons that showcase your app’s functionality and visual appeal. Think of them as enticing displays of the gold nuggets users can find within your app.
Positive Reviews are Your Testimonials: Encourage satisfied users to leave positive reviews, acting as glowing testimonials for your app. Respond to negative reviews promptly and professionally, demonstrating your commitment to user experience.
The Link-Building & ASO Synergy: Striking Gold Together
By combining a robust link-building strategy with a strategic ASO, you create a powerful synergy. Strong backlinks boost your app’s ranking in app store search results, leading users directly to your well-optimized listing. This one-two punch increases the likelihood of users converting upon discovery, turning them from curious prospectors into loyal app users.
Bonus Tip: Don’t forget the power of paid advertising! Consider app store advertising alongside your organic efforts to supercharge your app’s visibility and attract even more potential users.
Remember, success in the App Store takes dedication and a multi-pronged approach. By implementing these link-building and App Store Optimization strategies, you’ll equip your app with the tools it needs to rise above the competition and become a thriving digital gold mine in the vast App Store landscape.
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ontariobusiness · 2 days
Gold and Silver Bullion as Investment Safe Havens
Gold and silver bullion have long been regarded as safe havens for investors. During times of economic instability and market volatility, these precious metals offer security and stability that are hard to find elsewhere.
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Why Gold and Silver?
Gold and silver have intrinsic value that has been recognized for thousands of years. Their scarcity, durability, and universal acceptance make them ideal stores of value. Unlike paper currencies, which can be devalued by inflation and monetary policy changes, gold and silver maintain their worth over time.
Economic Uncertainty
In periods of economic turmoil, investors often flock to gold and silver. These metals are seen as a hedge against inflation and currency devaluation. When stock markets are volatile and other investments seem risky, the stability of gold and silver becomes particularly attractive.
Portfolio Diversification
Including gold and silver bullion in an investment portfolio provides diversification. These metals often perform well when other asset classes, such as stocks and bonds, are underperforming. This inverse relationship can help balance an investment portfolio, reducing overall risk.
Tangible Assets
Gold and silver bullion are tangible assets that you can hold in your hand. This physical ownership offers a sense of security that digital or paper assets cannot provide. In uncertain times, the ability to possess and store your wealth in a tangible form can be highly reassuring.
Gold and silver bullion offer a safe and reliable investment option, especially during periods of economic uncertainty. Their intrinsic value, historical significance, and role in portfolio diversification make them essential components of a well-rounded investment strategy. By investing in these precious metals, you can secure your financial future and protect your wealth from market volatility.
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Silver Investing Guide: 10 Types of Investments & Benefits Explained
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Investing in silver can be an excellent way to diversify your investment portfolio, hedge against inflation, and take advantage of the precious metal's various industrial uses. Silver has long been valued for its beauty and utility, making it a popular choice for investors looking to safeguard their wealth. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore how to invest in silver, discuss ten types of silver investments, and highlight the benefits of including silver in your investment strategy.
Why Invest in Silver?
Silver, often referred to as "poor man's gold," has been a store of value for centuries. It is used in a wide range of industries, including electronics, jewelry, and medicine, which contributes to its demand and value. Unlike paper currency, which can be devalued by inflation or economic instability, silver retains its intrinsic value over time. Here are several compelling reasons to consider investing in silver:
Inflation Hedge: Silver tends to retain its value or even increase during periods of inflation, making it a reliable hedge against currency depreciation.
Industrial Demand: With applications in technology, solar energy, and healthcare, silver enjoys steady demand from various industries, which supports its market stability.
Portfolio Diversification: Adding silver to your investment portfolio can reduce overall risk by diversifying across different asset classes.
Historical Store of Value: Throughout history, silver has been used as a form of money and store of value, offering stability in uncertain economic times.
How to Invest in Silver
Investing in silver can be approached in several ways, depending on your investment goals, risk tolerance, and financial situation. Here are ten types of silver investments to consider:
Physical Silver Bullion: This includes silver bars and coins, which are purchased and held directly by the investor. Popular choices include American Silver Eagles, Canadian Silver Maple Leafs, and generic silver rounds.
Silver ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds): ETFs like iShares Silver Trust (SLV) allow investors to buy shares that represent physical silver holdings, providing a convenient way to invest without storing physical metal.
Silver Futures Contracts: Futures contracts involve agreements to buy or sell silver at a predetermined price at a specified future date. This method requires understanding market dynamics and is more suited to experienced investors.
Silver Mining Stocks: Investing in stocks of companies engaged in silver mining and production can offer exposure to silver prices and potential dividends.
Silver Certificates: Some banks offer silver certificates, which represent ownership of physical silver held by the issuer, providing a liquid and secure form of investment.
Silver Jewelry: High-quality silver jewelry can appreciate in value over time, combining aesthetic appeal with investment potential.
Silver IRA (Individual Retirement Account): By setting up a self-directed IRA, investors can allocate funds to purchase silver bullion or ETFs, enjoying tax advantages for retirement savings.
Silver Coins Collecting: Rare and collectible silver coins can appreciate in value beyond their silver content, attracting numismatic collectors.
Silver Bars: Larger silver bars are typically purchased by institutional investors or high-net-worth individuals seeking bulk investments in physical silver.
Digital Silver: Emerging technologies allow for ownership of fractional silver through digital platforms, providing accessibility and liquidity.
Benefits of Investing in Silver
Investing in silver offers several advantages that can complement a well-rounded investment strategy:
Liquidity: Silver is highly liquid, meaning it can be easily bought or sold in various forms, facilitating quick transactions.
Value Preservation: Historically, silver has maintained its value over time, making it a reliable store of wealth.
Inflation Protection: During periods of inflation, silver prices often rise, offering a hedge against currency devaluation.
Portfolio Diversification: Silver's low correlation with other asset classes such as stocks and bonds can help reduce overall portfolio risk.
Industrial Demand: Silver's industrial applications ensure consistent demand, supporting its long-term value.
Global Appeal: Silver is traded globally, providing opportunities for international diversification and exposure to different markets.
Investing in silver can be a prudent strategy for investors seeking to protect and grow their wealth over time. Whether you prefer physical bullion, ETFs, mining stocks, or collectible coins, silver offers diverse investment opportunities with potential benefits including inflation protection, portfolio diversification, and historical value preservation. By understanding the various ways to invest in silver and the benefits it offers, you can make informed decisions to strengthen your investment portfolio in both stable and volatile economic environments.
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chaturu07 · 3 days
In the field of blockchain technology and collateral networks, the concept of tokenized collateral has emerged as a revolutionary approach to redefining asset ownership and accessibility. The article “Tokenized Collateral: Redefining Ownership in Blockchain Networks” explores the transformative impact of tokenization on collateral assets and its implications for ownership in blockchain networks.
Tokenization involves representing physical assets as digital tokens on the blockchain, enabling fractional ownership and increasing liquidity for collateralized assets. By tokenizing collateral, traditional assets such as real estate, art, or commodities can be divided into smaller units that can be traded and accessed by more investors.
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Additionally, tokenized collateral increases the liquidity of assets by making them tradable on the blockchain network. Investors can buy, sell and trade tokenized assets with ease, reducing barriers to entry and increasing market efficiency in collateralized asset transactions.
The transparency and auditability of blockchain networks further enhances the concept of tokenized assurance. Every transaction involving tokenized assets is securely recorded on the blockchain, providing a transparent, tamper-proof record of ownership and transactions. This transparency fosters trust among network participants and ensures the integrity of asset ownership in the blockchain network.
Additionally, tokenized collateral drives innovation in financial markets by enabling new forms of asset-based financing and investment opportunities. The fractional ownership model facilitated by tokenization expands access to more investors, driving liquidity and diversification in the collateralized asset market.
Token Specifications: Name: Collateral Network Symbol/Ticker: COLT Initial Price: $0.01 Total Supply: 1,400,000,000 Presale Supply: 532,000,000
Stage 1
Create Smart Contract ✔
Presale Website Launch ✔
Presale Live ✔
Complete First KYC Audit ✔
Social Community Development ✔
$COLT Token Audit
Phase 1 Marketing Campaign ✔
Stage 2
Phase 2 Marketing Campaign ✔
PR Machine Live ✔
Influencer Marketing Launch ✔
Beta Development of Network ✔
AMA Let’s Talk COLT ✔
Launch on Uniswap
CoinMarketCap Listing ✔
CoinGecko Listing ✔
Stage 3
Initial CEX Listing ✔
Private Investor Club Launch
Onboard Brand Ambassador
Further CEX Listings ✔
Stage 4
Accepting Applications to Fractionalize Your Assets
Round Table NFT Launch
Multi-Chain Integration
Tier 1 CEX Listing
Collateral Asset Event
Community Events For Token Holders
Collateral NFT Exchange Launch
Meet The Team
Matthew Hutchings > Founder
Charlie Smith > Founder
Jim Coleman > Chairman
Pete Parsons > Lending Specialist
Remus Cosmin Carstoiu > Advisor — Crypto Legal
Martin Kuvandzhiev > Advisor — Blockchain Expert, Co-Founder of Bitcoin Gold
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Official Links
Website: https://collateralnetwork.io/
ICO Token Claims: https://saas.collateralnetwork.io
Genesis NFTs: https://opensea.io/collection/collateral-network-s-genesis-collection
MEXC x COLT: https://www.mexc.com/price/COLT
Telegram: https://t.me/collateralnwk
Discord: https://discord.gg/ZSnRF66EMX
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Collateralnwk
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@CollateralNwk
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/collateralnwk/
CoinMarketCap: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/collateral-network/
CoinGecko: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/collateral-network
Smart Contract Audit: https://github.com/interfinetwork/project-delivery-data/blob/main/Collateral%20Network/CollateralNetwork%20_AuditReport_InterFi.pdf
Forum Username: chaa_turu Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3538656 Telegram Username: @chaa_turu BSC Wallet Address: 0xf599a69d07E5e1aCcBEC19B8F6E5A99ea03b4DB9
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